{ "en": "Behold , therefore I will bring strangers upon thee , the terrible of the nations : and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom , and they shall defile thy brightness .", "kha": "ngan wanrah ki nongshun kiba sniew ban tur ïaleh ïa me . Kin pynjot ïa kiei kiei kiba itynnat baroh kiba me la pynïoh da ka jingtbit bad jingstad jong me ." }
{ "en": "Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week , he appeared first to Mary Magdalene , out of whom he had cast seven devils .", "kha": "Hadien ba U Jisu u la mihpat na ka jingïap dang step phyrngab ha ka Sngi U Trai , u la mihpaw nyngkong ha ka Mari ka nong Magdala , na kaba u la pynmih noh ïa ki hynñiew tylli ki ksuid ." }
{ "en": "If men strive , and hurt a woman with child , so that her fruit depart from her , and yet no mischief follow : he shall be surely punished , according as the woman s husband will lay upon him ; and he shall pay as the judges determine .", "kha": "Lada ki rangbah kiba ïashoh ki pynmynsaw ïa ka kynthei kaba punkhun , bad kata ka briew ka hap khun , hynrei kam shym mong shym mynsaw da kumwei pat , uta uba pynmynsaw ïa ka un shah shaiñ kuna kat kumba u tnga jong kata ka briew u dawa , bad u dei ban siew kumba la buh dor ki nongbishar ." }
{ "en": "On the eighth day he sent the people away : and they blessed the king , and went unto their tents joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the Lord had done for David his servant , and for Israel his people . ", "kha": "Ha ka sngi kaba phra u Solomon u phah noh sha ïing ïa u paidlang . Baroh ki la ïaroh ïa u bad ki leit suk sha ïing namar ki jingkyrkhu baroh ba U Trai u la ai ha u Dabid u shakri jong u bad ha ki briew jong u ki Israel ." }
{ "en": "And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man , and their heart shall rejoice as through wine : yea , their children shall see it , and be glad ; their heart shall rejoice in the Lord .", "kha": "Ki paid Israel kin long kiba khlaiñ kum ki shipai , kiba kmen kum ki rangbah kiba la dih waiñ . Ki khun ki ksiew jong ki kin kynmaw ïa kane ka jingjop bad kin kmen namar kaei kaba U Trai u la leh ." }
{ "en": "My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart : and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly .", "kha": "Baroh ki ktien jong nga ki long kiba beit bad nga kren ïa ka jingshisha ." }
{ "en": "That seeing they may see , and not perceive ; and hearing they may hear , and not understand ; lest at any time they should be converted , and their sins should be forgiven them .", "kha": "khnang ba , ‘ Kin khmih bad ïai khmih , pynban kin ym ïohi ; Kin sngap bad ïai sngap , pynban kin ym sngewthuh . Namar lada ki ïohi lane sngewthuh , kin phai sha U Blei , bad un map ïa ki .’" }
{ "en": "Wherefore , my beloved brethren , let every man be swift to hear , slow to speak , slow to wrath :", "kha": "To kynmaw ïa kane , ko parabangeit ba-ieit jong nga ! Uwei pa uwei u dei ban long uba kloi ban shahshkor , hynrei uba suki ban kren bad uba suki ban bitar ." }
{ "en": "And they buried Abner in Hebron : and the king lifted up his voice , and wept at the grave of Abner ; and all the people wept .", "kha": "La tep ïa u Abner ha Hebron , bad u syiem u ïam da kaba kyang jam ha ka jaka tep , bad ki briew baroh ki leh kumjuh ." }
{ "en": "Woe unto you , scribes and Pharisees , hypocrites ! because ye build the tombs of the prophets , and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous ,", "kha": "A katno ka long kaba shyrkhei ïa phi , ki nonghikai ka Hukum bad ki Pharisi ! Phi kiba arsap ! Phi shna ki lum jingtep ba-itynnat na ka bynta ki nongïathuhlypa bad phi pynitynnat ïa ki mot sahkynmaw jong kito kiba im ka jingim kaba bha ;" }
{ "en": "And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together ; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places .", "kha": "Ka sahit bneng ka la jah noh kum ka kot kli ba la kli , bad ïa ki lum bad ki dewlynnong baroh la pynkynriah na ka jaka ba ki don ." }
{ "en": "And of some , that Elias had appeared ; and of others , that one of the old prophets was risen again .", "kha": "Kiwei pat ki la ong ba u Elijah u la mihpaw , bad sa kiwei pat ki ong ba uwei na ki nongïathuhlypa na mynbarim u la mihpat ." }
{ "en": "And when she is departed out of his house , she may go and be another man s wife .", "kha": "bad lada ka ïapoi shongkurim bad uwei pat u briew ," }
{ "en": "Now gather thyself in troops , O daughter of troops : he hath laid siege against us : they shall smite the judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek .", "kha": "Ko ki briew ka Jerusalem , lumlang ïa la u paid ! Ngi lah shah kerkut ! Ki ïatur ïaleh ïa u nongïalam ki Israel !" }
{ "en": "And the woman said unto him , Behold , thou knowest what Saul hath done , how he hath cut off those that have familiar spirits , and the wizards , out of the land : wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life , to cause me to die ?", "kha": "Kata ka kynthei ka jubab , Da shisha , phi tip aïu u syiem Saul u la leh , kumno u la beh ïa ki nongai ksuid bad ki nongkren byrtong na Israel . Te balei phi riam ïa nga bad ba ngan shah pynïap ?" }
{ "en": "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people , and the veil that is spread over all nations .", "kha": "Hangne un sa weng kynsan ïa u lyoh jong ka jingsngewsih uba ju tap halor ki jaitbynriew baroh ." }
{ "en": "Come , my people , enter thou into thy chambers , and shut thy doors about thee : hide thyself as it were for a little moment , until the indignation be overpast .", "kha": "To rung shapoh ki ïing jong phi , ko ki briew jong nga , bad to khang ïa ka jingkhang shadien jong phi . To buhrieh ïa lade katto katne por haduh ba ka jingbitar U Blei kan kut ." }
{ "en": "And there was one named Barabbas , which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him , who had committed murder in the insurrection .", "kha": "Ha kata ka por u briew uba kyrteng u Barabbas u don ha ka byndi bad ki nongïaleh pyrshah kiba la pynïap briew ha ki por jingïakhih paidbah ." }
{ "en": "There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water : Jesus saith unto her , Give me to drink .", "kha": "Ka nong Samaria ka la wan ban tong um , bad U Jisu u la ong ha ka , To ai um ba ngan dih ." }
{ "en": "Neither shalt thou steal .", "kha": "‘ Wat tuh ." }
{ "en": "And there came one that had escaped , and told Abram the Hebrew ; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite , brother of Eshcol , and brother of Aner : and these were confederate with Abram .", "kha": "Te uwei uba la ïohlait u wan ïathuh ïa kane baroh ha u Abram , u Hebru , uba la shong la sah hajan ki dieng kyntang jong u Mamre u kynja Amor . U Mamre bad ki para shynrang jong u , u Eshkol bad u Aber , ki dei ki paralok u Abram ." }
{ "en": "He that walketh righteously , and speaketh uprightly ; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions , that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes , that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood , and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil ;", "kha": "Phi lah ban lait im lada phi ong bad phi leh ïa kaba dei . Wat pyndonkam ïa ka bor jong phi ban shukor ïa kiba duk bad wat pdiang ïa ka pisa bashukor . Wat ïasnohkti bad kito kiba thmu ban pynïap briew lane ban leh ïa kiwei ki kam sniew ." }
{ "en": "Assemble yourselves , and come , all ye heathen , and gather yourselves together round about : thither cause thy mighty ones to come down , O Lord .", "kha": "To pynkloi bad to wan , phi baroh ki jaitbynriew ba don sawdong , bad ïalumlang ha ka them .’ To phah , A Trai , ïa ka kynhun shipai ban tur ïaleh ïa ki ." }
{ "en": "I have sinned ; what shall I do unto thee , O thou preserver of men ? why hast thou set me as a mark against thee , so that I am a burden to myself ?", "kha": "Hato la pynmynsaw ïa phi da ka pop jong nga , ko phi u nongap byndi ? Balei me pyndonkam ïa nga na ka bynta ka sohpdung-jinghikai jong me ? Hato nga long ka jingkit kaba khia eh ïa me ?" }
{ "en": "And he said unto me , Son of man , the place of my throne , and the place of the soles of my feet , where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever , and my holy name , shall the house of Israel no more defile , neither they , nor their kings , by their whoredom , nor by the carcases of their kings in their high places .", "kha": "Ko khun u briew , hangne ka dei ka khet jong nga . Ngan shong hangne hapdeng ki paid Israel bad synshar halor jong ki junom . Ki paid Israel lymne ki syiem jong ki , kin ym pynjahburom shuh ïa kyrteng bakhuid jong nga da kaba mane ïa kiwei pat ki blei lane da kaba tep ïa ki metïap jong ki syiem jong ki ha kane ka jaka ." }
{ "en": "For there stood by me this night the angel of God , whose I am , and whom I serve ,", "kha": "Namar mynhynne ka miet u angel jong U Blei ha uba nga long bad ïa uba nga mane u la wan sha nga bad u la ong ," }
{ "en": "But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it ; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it : and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion , and the stones of emptiness .", "kha": "Ki dkhoh bad ki tyngab kin shimti ïa ka ri . U Trai un ym pynseisoh shuh ïa ka , kumba ka la long ha shuwa ka jingpynlong ïa ka pyrthei ." }
{ "en": "He shall put on the holy linen coat , and he shall have the linen breeches upon his flesh , and shall be girded with a linen girdle , and with the linen mitre shall he be attired : these are holy garments ; therefore shall he wash his flesh in water , and so put them on .", "kha": "Te U Trai u la ai ïa kine ki jinghikai shuwa ba u Aaron un rung sha ka Jaka Kaba Khuid Tam , u dei ban da sum , bad nangta un kup ïa ki jaiñkup lyngdoh ; ka sopti linen , ka patlun lyngkot , ka jingpanpoh , bad ka jaiñspong ." }
{ "en": "Now the rest of the acts of Jotham , and all that he did , are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah ?", "kha": "Baroh kiei kiei kiba u Jotham u la leh la buh jingthoh ha Ka Histori Jong Ki Syiem Ka Judah ." }
{ "en": "Why did God not destroy Adam and Eve and start over with another human pair ?", "kha": "Balei U Blei ym shym la pynjot noh ia u Adam bad ka Im bad sdang biang ban thaw da kiwei pat ki shijur ?" }
{ "en": "And it shall come to pass , that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King , the Lord of hosts , and to keep the feast of tabernacles .", "kha": "Nangta baroh na kiba lait im na ki jaitbynriew kiba la tur ïaleh ïa ka Jerusalem kin leit shata man la ka snem ban mane ïa U Trai Badonbor Baroh kum u syiem bad ban rakhe ïa ka Jingkhawai Niam Ki Ïingtrep ." }
{ "en": "The range of the mountains is his pasture , and he searcheth after every green thing .", "kha": "Ki lumbah ki long ki jaka phlang ha kaba la bsa ïa ki , ha kaba ki wad ïa kano kano kaba jyrngam ban bam ." }
{ "en": "But Jesus called them unto him , and said , Suffer little children to come unto me , and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of God .", "kha": "hynrei , U Jisu u la khot ïa ki khynnah sha u bad u la ong , Shah ïa ki khynnah ban wan sha nga bad wat khang ïa ki , namar ka Hima U Blei ka long ïa kiba kum kine ." }
{ "en": "Our necks are under persecution : we labour , and have no rest .", "kha": "Ngi la shah banbeiñ kum ki kada lane ki ut , ngi la thait , hynrei ym shym la ai jingjahthait ." }
{ "en": "By his knowledge the depths are broken up , and the clouds drop down the dew .", "kha": "Ka jingstad jong u , ka pynlah ïa ki wah ban tuid bad ïa ki lyoh ba kin pynhap slap ha ka khyndew ." }
{ "en": "And they called unto Lot , and said unto him , Where are the men which came in to thee this night ? bring them out unto us , that we may know them .", "kha": "Ki pyrta ïa u Lot bad kylli ïa u , Hangno kito ki rangbah kiba wan sah bad me ha kane ka miet ? Pynmih ïa ki shabar ! Ki shynrang jong ka Sodom ki kwah ban ïathiah shongkha bad ki ." }
{ "en": "And by thy sword shalt thou live , and shalt serve thy brother ; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion , that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck .", "kha": "Men im da ka waitlam , Hynrei men long u mraw jong u para jong me . Pynban haba me ïeng ban ïaleh pyrshah , Men lait na ka jingsynshar jong u ." }
{ "en": "And when Joseph had taken the body , he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth ,", "kha": "Kumta u Joseph u la shim ïa ka , u la spaiñ da ka jaiñ linen kaba thymmai ," }
{ "en": "This means that in a personal , private prayer you tell him that you are giving yourself to him to do his will .—Matthew 16 :24 ; 22 :37 .", "kha": "Kane ka mut ban ïathuh ha u ha ka jingduwai ba jar jar marwei , ba phi aiti ïalade ha u ban leh ïa ka mon jong u .—Mathaios 16 :24 ; 22 :37 ." }
{ "en": "Woe to the land shadowing with wings , which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia :", "kha": "Sha lyndet ki wah jong ka Sudan don ka ri ha kaba la ïohsngew ïa ka jingsawa jong ki thapniang ." }
{ "en": "Their horses also are swifter than the leopards , and are more fierce than the evening wolves : and their horsemen shall spread themselves , and their horsemen shall come from far ; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat .", "kha": "Ki kulai jong ki , ki kham stet ban ïa ki labasa , kham shyrkhei ban ïa ki suri bathngan . Ki nongshong kulai jong ki , ki wan tur na ki jaka ba sha jngai ; ki kulai jong ki , ki trud ïa ka khyndew . Ki wan suh wia kum ki pukni kiba tur ha ka jingbam ." }
{ "en": "So he went back with him , and did eat bread in his house , and drank water .", "kha": "Kumta u nongïathuhlypa uba na Judah u leit sha ka ïing jong u nongïathuhlypa tymmen bad u bam u dih bad u ." }
{ "en": "The soul which hath touched any such shall be unclean until even , and shall not eat of the holy things , unless he wash his flesh with water .", "kha": "Uta u briew uba kylla long u bymkhuid un ïaisah u bymkhuid haduh janmiet , hynrei la katta ruh um lah ban bam ïa ki jingkñia ainguh kiba kyntang tad haduh ba u la dep sum ." }
{ "en": "And as Paul was to be led into the castle , he said unto the chief captain , May I speak unto thee ? Who said , Canst thou speak Greek ?", "kha": "Katba ki shipai ki la mut ban ïalam artat ïa u Paul sha ka kut shipai , u la kren ha u rangbah ai hukum : Nga lah mo ban ong ei ei ha me ? Me kren Grik , hato ym dei kumta ? u rangbah shipai u la kylli ." }
{ "en": "That the kingdom might be base , that it might not lift itself up , but that by keeping of his covenant it might stand .", "kha": "ban bat ïa ka ri na kaba ïeng biang bad ban pynthikna ba yn sumar ïa ka jingïateh lok ." }
{ "en": "And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded : and they let them go .", "kha": "Ki la jubab kumba U Jisu u la ïathuh ïa ki , bad kita ki briew ki la shah ïa ki ban leit ." }
{ "en": "Say ye not , A confederacy , to all them to whom this people shall say , A confederacy ; neither fear ye their fear , nor be afraid .", "kha": "Wat ïasoh ha ki jingïathmu basniew jong ki briew bad wat sheptieng ïa kiei kiei kiba ki sheptieng ." }
{ "en": "And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt ; and the frogs came up , and covered the land of Egypt .", "kha": "Kumta u Aaron u rah ïa la u diengduh halor kita ki um ; te ki jakoid ki ïamih bad ki tap lin ïa kata ka ri ." }
{ "en": "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament ; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever .", "kha": "Ki nongïalam kiba stad kin tyngshaiñ da ka jingphyrnai baroh jong ka suiñbneng . Bad kito kiba la hikai ïa kiba bun ki briew ban leh ïa kaei kaba dei kin tyngshaiñ kum ki khlur junom ." }
{ "en": "And Moses said unto the Lord , O my Lord , I am not eloquent , neither heretofore , nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant : but I am slow of speech , and of a slow tongue .", "kha": "Hynrei u Moses u ong , Em , ko Trai , wat phah ïa nga . Ngam ju long u nongkren ba-pnah , bad ngam shym long kum uwei na kita naduh ba me la sdang ban kren ïa nga . Nga long u bym pnah ban kren , uba suki bad uba thlun ." }
{ "en": "Ye shall know them by their fruits . Do men gather grapes of thorns , or figs of thistles ?", "kha": "Phin ithuh ïa ki da kaei kaba ki leh . Ki bniap shiah kim ju pynmih ki sohwaiñ , bad ki shiah buid kim ju pynmih ki soh Dumbur ." }
{ "en": "In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah ; We have a strong city ; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks .", "kha": "Ka sngi kan wan haba ki briew kin rwai ïa kane ka jingrwai ha ri Judah : Ka nongbah jong ngi ka long kaba skhem ! U Blei da lade hi u ïada ïa ki kynroh jong ka !" }
{ "en": "One shall say , I am the Lord s ; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob ; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the Lord , and surname himself by the name of Israel .", "kha": "Uwei hadien uwei , ki briew kin ong , ‘ nga long u jong U TRAI’ . Kin ïawan ban ïasnoh bad u paid Israel . Uwei pa uwei un shon ha ka ksang ti jong u ïa ka kyrteng jong U Trai bad un khot ïa lade uwei na ki briew U Blei ." }
{ "en": "Knowing this first , that there shall come in the last days scoffers , walking after their own lusts ,", "kha": "Nyngkong eh , phi dei ban sngewthuh ba ha kine ki sngi kiba khatduh yn don ki briew kaba ïa ka jingim jong ki la tyllep da ki jingkwah brai jong ki hi ." }
{ "en": "But ye believe not , because ye are not of my sheep , as I said unto you .", "kha": "hynrei phin ym ngeit , naba phim dei ki langbrot jong nga ." }
{ "en": "And David said to Joab , and to all the people that were with him , Rend your clothes , and gird you with sackcloth , and mourn before Abner . And king David himself followed the bier .", "kha": "Nangta u Dabid u hukum ïa u Joab bad ïa ki rangbah jong u ban kad ïa la ki jaiñ , ban phong ka jaiñ khain , bad ban ïambriew na ka bynta u Abner . Bad ha ka jingleit ontep , u syiem Dabid da lade hi u ïaid hadien ka synduk metïap ." }
{ "en": "And the sons of Naphtali ; Jahzeel , and Guni , and Jezer , and Shillem .", "kha": "U Naphtali bad ki khun shynrang jong u : u Jahsil , u Guni , u Jeser , bad u Shillem ." }
{ "en": "And Joram turned his hands , and fled , and said to Ahaziah , There is treachery , O Ahaziah .", "kha": "Ka dei ka jingshetkylla , ko Ahasaïah ! U Joram u kyang jam , katba u dang pynphai sawdong ïa ka kali ïapom jong u bad u phet ïap ." }
{ "en": "Who was there among all the gods of those nations that my fathers utterly destroyed , that could deliver his people out of mine hand , that your God should be able to deliver you out of mine hand ?", "kha": "Mynno napdeng ki blei jong kito ki ri baroh , kiba lah ban pyllait ïa la ka ri na ngi ? Te kaei kaba pynlong ïa phi ban pyrkhat ba U Blei jong phi un pynim ïa phi ?" }
{ "en": "Heaven and earth shall pass away : but my words shall not pass away .", "kha": "Ka bneng bad ka pyrthei kin leit noh , hynrei ki ktien jong nga kin ym leit noh satia ." }
{ "en": "According to all that the Lord commanded Moses , so the children of Israel made all the work .", "kha": "Ki Israel ki trei ïa kane ka kam baroh kumba U Trai u la hukum ïa u Moses ." }
{ "en": "And as he entered into a certain village , there met him ten men that were lepers , which stood afar off :", "kha": "U la leit lyngba ka shnong ha kaba la ïashem ïa u da ki shiphew ngut ki rangbah kiba pang ñiangthohlieh ." }
{ "en": "Surely he hath borne our griefs , and carried our sorrows : yet we did esteem him stricken , smitten of God , and afflicted .", "kha": "Hynrei u la shah ïa ka jingshitom kaba la dei hok ïa ngi , ka jingpang kaba ngi la dei ban shah . Baroh shi katta ngi la pyrkhat ba ki jingshitom jong u ki la long ki jingpynshitom ba la phah da U Blei ." }
{ "en": "They did eat , they drank , they married wives , they were given in marriage , until the day that Noah entered into the ark , and the flood came , and destroyed them all .", "kha": "Uwei uwei baroh u ïai ïabam bad ïadih , bad ki shynrang bad ki kynthei ki ïashongkurim , haduh ka sngi kaba u Noah u la leit rung shapoh ka lieng bad ka jingshlei um ka la wan bad ka la pynïap ïa ki baroh ." }
{ "en": "For the law made nothing perfect , but the bringing in of a better hope did ; by the which we draw nigh unto God .", "kha": "Naba ka Hukum u Moses kam lah ban pynlong janai ïa kano kano . Bad mynta la ai ïa ka jingkyrmen kaba kham bha da kaba ngi lah ban wan sha jan U Blei ." }
{ "en": "Therefore said I , Look away from me ; I will weep bitterly , labour not to comfort me , because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people .", "kha": "Mynta to iehnoh ïa nga marwei ban ïamkthang halor kito na ki briew jong nga kiba la ïap . Wat pyrshang ban pyntngen ïa nga ." }
{ "en": "And whosoever shall not receive you , nor hear you , when ye depart thence , shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them . Verily I say unto you , It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment , than for that city .", "kha": "Lada phi wan poi ha ka shnong kaba ki briew kim khot sngewbha ïa phi lane kim sngap ïa phi , mihnoh na ka bad kynther noh ïa u pui pui na ki kjat jong phi . Kata kan long ka jingmaham ïa ki !" }
{ "en": "Neither do men put new wine into old bottles : else the bottles break , and the wine runneth out , and the bottles perish : but they put new wine into new bottles , and both are preserved .", "kha": "Lymne ym don uno uno u ban theh ïa ka waiñ bathymmai hapoh ki lwa snieh kiba la pyndonkam , namar ki snieh kin pdang bad ka waiñ kan tuid shabar , bad ïa ki lwa snieh yn pynsniew . Hynrei , ïa ka waiñ kaba thymmai la theh noh ha ki lwa snieh bym pat ju pyndonkam , bad baroh ar kin neh ." }
{ "en": "And the Lord said unto him , Arise , and go into the street which is called Straight , and enquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul , of Tarsus : for , behold , he prayeth ,", "kha": "U Trai u la ong ha u , Khreh bad leit sha ‘ Ka Lynti Ba-beit ,’ bad ha ka ïing jong u Judas kylli ïa u briew na Tarsos uba kyrteng u Saul ." }
{ "en": "So she discovered her whoredoms , and discovered her nakedness : then my mind was alienated from her , like as my mind was alienated from her sister .", "kha": "Ka thadrong ïa lade bad ka ailad ba baroh kin tip ba ka long ka nuti . Nga la sngewngiah ïa ka kumba nga la long ïa ka hynmen jong ka ." }
{ "en": "And he said also unto his disciples , There was a certain rich man , which had a steward ; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods .", "kha": "U Jisu u la ong ha la ki synran , La don shisien uwei u briew uba riewspah uba la don u shakri uba pynïaid ïa ka jingdon jingem jong u . La ïathuh ha une u briew bariewspah ba u sordar jong u , u la pynsep-ei ïa ka pisa u kynrad jong u ," }
{ "en": "Fear not ; for thou shalt not be ashamed : neither be thou confounded ; for thou shalt not be put to shame : for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth , and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more .", "kha": "Wat nym sheptieng — phan ym shah pynlehrain biang ; phan ym shah pynjahburom . Phan klet noh ïa ka jingbymlongkhuid kum ka tnga ba dang kham samla , bad ïa ka jinglong marwei ba shah ibeiñ kum ka riewkynthei ." }
{ "en": "I spake unto thee in thy prosperity ; but thou saidst , I will not hear . This hath been thy manner from thy youth , that thou obeyedst not my voice .", "kha": "U Trai u la kren ha phi mynba phi dang manbha , hynrei phi kyntait ban shahshkor . Kata ka long kaei kaba phi leh shi lynter ka jingim jong phi , phim ju treh ban kohnguh ïa U Trai ." }
{ "en": "So he departed from Elisha , and came to his master ; who said to him , What said Elisha to thee ? And he answered , He told me that thou shouldest surely recover .", "kha": "U Hasael u leit phai sha u Benhadad , uba kylli ïa u , U Elisha u ong kumno ? U Hasael u jubab , U ong ha nga ba phin sa koit sa khiah bha pat ." }
{ "en": "Behold , I have refined thee , but not with silver ; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction .", "kha": "Nga la tynjuh ïa phi ha ka ding jong ka jingshah shitom , kum ka rupa ba saiñ ha ka lawar ding . Hynrei nga la shem ïa phi ba phi long ki bymdondor ." }
{ "en": "And it shall come to pass in that day , that the great trumpet shall be blown , and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria , and the outcasts in the land of Egypt , and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem .", "kha": "Haba kata ka sngi kan wan , ïa ka turoi yn put ban khot pat na Assyria bad Ijipt ïa baroh ki Israel kiba don ha ka jinglongmraw hangta . Kin wan bad mane ïa U Trai ha Jerusalem , ha u lum bakyntang jong u ." }
{ "en": "There were once a King and a Queen , and they had a son called Sigurd , who was very strong and active , and good-looking .", "kha": "Shisien ka por la don u syiem bad ka syiem , bad ki don u khun ba kyrteng u Sigurd uba khlain ba smat , bad ba bhabriew bha ." }
{ "en": "Are the consolations of God small with thee ? is there any secret thing with thee ?", "kha": "U Blei u tyrwa ha me ïa ka jingpyntngen ; balei ba me dang kyntait ïa ka ? Ngi la ïakren bad u ha ki ktien bajai jai ." }
{ "en": "And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron : and the whole congregation said unto them , Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt ! or would God we had died in this wilderness !", "kha": "Ki la khñium pyrshah ïa u Moses bad u Aaron , bad ki ong , Kan jin da la kham bha ban ïap ha Ijipt lane wat hangne ha ka ri khlaw !" }
{ "en": "Therefore shall her young men fall in the streets , and all her men of war shall be cut off in that day , saith the Lord .", "kha": "Te ïa ki samla shynrang jong ka yn pynïap ha ki surok bah jong ka nongbah , bad ki shipai jong ka baroh yn pynjot ha kata ka sngi . Ma nga , U Trai , nga la kren ." }
{ "en": "And they said , The God of the Hebrews hath met with us : let us go , we pray thee , three days journey into the desert , and sacrifice unto the Lord our God ; lest he fall upon us with pestilence , or with the sword .", "kha": "U Moses bad u Aaron ki la jubab , U Blei jong ki Hebru u la pynpaw ïa lade ha ngi . Shah ïa ngi ban leit lai sngi sha ka ri shyiap ban ai jingkñia ha U Trai uba U Blei jong ngi . Lada ngim leh kumta , un sa pynïap ïa ngi da ka jingpang lane da ka thma ." }
{ "en": "And the priest shall make an atonement for him as touching his sin that he hath sinned in one of these , and it shall be forgiven him : and the remnant shall be the priest s , as a meat offering .", "kha": "Ha kane ka rukom u lyngdoh un ai ïa ka jingkñia namar ka pop ba uta u briew u la leh , bad yn map ïa u . U purew uba dang sah un long jong u lyngdoh , kumba ka long ha ka jingkñia ainguh bam ." }
{ "en": "And David came to the two hundred men , which were so faint that they could not follow David , whom they had made also to abide at the brook Besor : and they went forth to meet David , and to meet the people that were with him : and when David came near to the people , he saluted them .", "kha": "Nangta u Dabid u leit phai sha kita ki arspah ngut ki rangbah kiba la thait eh ban leit ryngkat bad u bad kiba la sah shadien hangta ha ka wahduid Besor . Kita ki wan ban ïakynduh ïa u Dabid bad ki briew jong u , bad u Dabid u leit sha ki bad u khublei ïa ki ." }
{ "en": "Surely the Lord God will do nothing , but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets .", "kha": "U Trai Nongsynshar um ju leh ei ei khlem da pynpaw ïa ka jingthmu jong u ha la ki shakri , ki nongïathuhlypa ." }
{ "en": "And he answered and said , Must I not take heed to speak that which the Lord hath put in my mouth ?", "kha": "U jubab , Nga lah ban kren tang ïa kaei kaba U Trai u ong ïa nga ban kren ." }
{ "en": "But the Lord hardened Pharaoh s heart , so that he would not let the children of Israel go .", "kha": "Hynrei U Trai u pynmutlop ïa u Pharaoh , bad kumta um shym pyllait ïa ki Israel ban leit ." }
{ "en": "And Judas and Silas , being prophets also themselves , exhorted the brethren with many words , and confirmed them .", "kha": "U Judas bad u Silas , kiba long hi ki nongïathuhlypa , ki la kren slem bad ki , da kaba ai ha ki ka jingpynshlur bad ka jingpynkhlaiñ ." }
{ "en": "He that saith unto the wicked , Thou art righteous ; him shall the people curse , nations shall abhor him :", "kha": "Lada u rai pynrem ïa u briew uba lui lui , un long uba la tim bad isih da baroh ." }
{ "en": "When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her , then she left speaking unto her .", "kha": "Haba ka Naomi ka ïohi ba ka Ruth ka la kut jingmut skhem ban leit bad ka , kam shym ong ei ei shuh ." }
{ "en": "The watchmen that went about the city found me , they smote me , they wounded me ; the keepers of the walls took away my veil from me .", "kha": "Katno phi long kaba bhabriew eh , ko ba-ieit jong nga ; katno phi long kaba janai !" }
{ "en": "But when the Jews saw the multitudes , they were filled with envy , and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul , contradicting and blaspheming .", "kha": "Haba ki Jiw ki la ïohi ïa ki paidbah , ki la dap da ka jingpihuiñ ; ki la ïania ïa kaei kaba u Paul u la kren bad ki la krenbeiñ ïa u ." }
{ "en": "And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day : for there shall be no night there .", "kha": "Ki khyrdop jong ka nongbah kin plie baroh shi sngi ; yn ym khang ïa ki da lei lei , namar yn ym don ka miet hangta ." }
{ "en": "He shall slay with the sword thy daughters in the field : and he shall make a fort against thee , and cast a mount against thee , and lift up the buckler against thee .", "kha": "Kito kiba shong basah ha ki shnong ha ka ri kin shah pynïap ha ka jingïaleh . Ki nongshun kin tih ïa ki kharai , kin tei ïa ki kynton khyndew , bad pynlong ki kynroh baskhem pyrshah ïa pha ." }
{ "en": "And Micaiah said , If thou certainly return in peace , then hath not the Lord spoken by me . And he said , Hearken , all ye people .", "kha": "Lada phi wan phai khlem shah pynïap , u Mikaïah u pyrta , te U Trai um shym la kren lyngba jong nga ! Bad u ong shuh , Sngap ïa nga phi baroh , ïa kaei kaba nga la ong !" }
{ "en": "“Satan” means an enemy or an opposer .", "kha": "“Soitan” ka mut u nongshun ne u nongïaleh pyrshah ." }
{ "en": "And , behold , the acts of Asa , first and last , lo , they are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel .", "kha": "Baroh ki jingjia ha ka jingsynshar u Asa naduh kaba nyngkong haduh kaba kut la buh jingthoh ha Ka Histori Jong Ki Syiem Ka Judah Bad Ka Israel ." }
{ "en": "And the children of the Kenite , Moses father in law , went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah , which lieth in the south of Arad ; and they went and dwelt among the people .", "kha": "Ki khun ki ksiew jong u kthaw kurim u Moses , na ka jait Ken , ki la leit ryngkat bad u paid Judah na Jerikho , ka nongbah ki dieng Tlai , sha ka ri shrah ha ka phang bashathie jong ka Arad ha Judah . Ki shongduh hangta hapdeng ki Amalek ." }
{ "en": "The dead praise not the Lord , neither any that go down into silence .", "kha": "Ïa U Trai yn ym ïaroh da kiba ïap , da kino kino kiba leit hiar sha ka ri ka jingsngap jar ." }
{ "en": "The likeness of any beast that is on the earth , the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air ,", "kha": "u mrad lane ka sim ," }
{ "en": "Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks , and look well to thy herds .", "kha": "To khmih bha ïa ki langbrot bad ïa ki masi jong phi katba phi lah ," }