<s>[INST]Do you mean a weighted undergrip if there is such a thing? I don't want to just layer grips on because as well as making the grip too big you'll also lose feel of the ridges. Also are there alternative ways to add weight to the lower grip area? And thanks for the tip, will try choking up on the racquet when I next play.[/INST] you know, at first I thought all these videos were spam then I tried watching one and honestly pretty great. Informative, well demonstrated, not trying to sell me any garbage. Just a dude who likes tennis giving tips to other people who like tennis ��</s>
<s>[INST]Racquet flex gets some pretty major points wrong. Wrist has more impact than he describes. Controlling the horizontal angular velocity of the racquet is integral to ensuring you hit the ball at the correct part of the racquet to create massive spin. I'm in the middle of making a long video to describe this as it's a very complex yet nuanced discussion. It also appears on a lot of his shots he reaches too far in front to hit the ball, which just gives up free racquet head speed. Where as top players reach outwards to the side more than they reach in front. He is doing these ball strikes with a practice feed so you have to imagine he's using what he finds most comfortable. It can be tricky to tell from the side sometimes just how far in front someone is hitting because you are supposed to hit in front. But it appears to me on most of the shots he hits he's going too far in front. Which changes the angular velocity of the racquet through the wrist too. https://imgur.com/a/pD5c08I vs https://tennis.newssurge.com/tennis-pics/v/rafael-nadal/Rafael+Nadal+jumping+forehand+at+contact.JPG.html https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/tg-cF6q6GBBD8nKa72hejT0AU20=/1280x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/nadal_485066345-56a943f85f9b58b7d0f9ccc0.jpg Much better channel than many others out there but still. Not right on some very important ideas. The wrist video just re-iterated points that have been well established for a long time. And the wrist relaxed thing is very much more complexed than "don't tense your wrist" as there are a multitude of factors deciding the angular velocity before impact like grip style/size and racquet mass distribution. And what angular velocity you need depends greatly on the ball you want to hit; low ball vs high ball, heavy top spin ball vs slower top spin vs flat ball, vs flat with some spin. Each has a different area of the racquet you need to use too. Top Tennis training (one of the guys on there was ranked 250 in the world) and Florian Mier have great stuff, as well as rick macci. The guy who did tennis oxygen also has a bunch of great stuff too. Ultimately no-one will ever get everything right. We're all human, but when you go into detail and don't get it right... That's a problem. There are several other channels that get it really wrong too. [/INST] ^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image) **https://i.imgur.com/WW4UFdy.png** ^^[Source](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot) ^^| ^^[Why?](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md) ^^| ^^[Creator](https://np.reddit.com/user/AUTplayed/) ^^| ^^[ignoreme](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&amp;subject=ignoreme&amp;message=ignoreme) ^^| ^^[deletthis](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&amp;subject=delet%20this&amp;message=delet%20this%20ee6aohe) </s>
<s>[INST]I would suggest looking at relatively younger 1hbh players like Tsitsipas and Shapovolov as well. Follow whatever the newest trend is![/INST] I took a closer look at some of their backhands, and it looks like [Shapovalov](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/denis-shapovalov-of-team-world-plays-a-backhand-during-a-practice-picture-id1175680481)'s hitting arm is relatively straight on the backswing. [Tsitsipas](https://www.tornosnews.gr/en/files/800px_Stefanos_Tsitsipas__2___43079345114__Tennis.com_Tsitsipas_and_Sakkari_are_transforming_the_sport_in_Greece_836308261.jpg)' looks more bent. I guess you can't go wrong with either?</s>
<s>[INST]Never, I don't break things because of playing a game badly.[/INST] So awesome and stoic bro tell us more</s>
<s>[INST]I took a closer look at some of their backhands, and it looks like [Shapovalov](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/denis-shapovalov-of-team-world-plays-a-backhand-during-a-practice-picture-id1175680481)'s hitting arm is relatively straight on the backswing. [Tsitsipas](https://www.tornosnews.gr/en/files/800px_Stefanos_Tsitsipas__2___43079345114__Tennis.com_Tsitsipas_and_Sakkari_are_transforming_the_sport_in_Greece_836308261.jpg)' looks more bent. I guess you can't go wrong with either?[/INST] Your tossing arm doesn’t look like it even goes above shoulder level. It should be extended all the way up and even slightly past that for some hip bend (I think?).</s>
<s>[INST]Why don’t you go as well?[/INST] 98 sq. inch volkl, my baby.</s>
<s>[INST]I forgot about my other favorite guy, Stan the Man!!! I love his play style and pattern my game after him to an extent. What a win, maybe he can get no. 4 over this fortnight!!!![/INST] You'll need a better video than that. Can't really tell you what you're doing well / wrong if all we can see is the clay.</s>
<s>[INST]Sorry about the shoulder. I’m on week 4 of a calf tear myself. The real pain is still being in the “GroupMe” chat and seeing every time a match is arranged that I can’t play in. It’s been torture. Heal well, my friend. We’ll be back on the courts someday.[/INST] These are the issues I’ve come across: -Not enough confidence, which resulted in my stroke not having enough followthrough, therefore, the ball goes high and long. -Late on the footwork, and there’s no way I’m getting that ball in. -Poor shot selection. Those are the three most common errors I - and the vast majority of OHBHers I’ve come across - have.</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah nerves can be tackled mentally I think I posted an anxiety thing in here a while ago. That's a start then from there it's just exposure therapy; gotta just play more matches Some level of nerves will never go away though. For practice just do games/sets. Drills that are starting points. If you're practicing or doing a lot of rallies that's very different than point structure. So play a lot of point structure. Ad Side to Deuce Side, starting out with either hitting or returning a serve.[/INST] Submitted</s>
<s>[INST]Makes sense - I tried it last night and it felt much more fluid and consistent. Thank you for the video![/INST] Thank you for watching,happy to help you</s>
<s>[INST]It's hard to do, but it worked for me, reduce inflammation in your entire body by changing your diet. Eliminate all simple carbohydrates.[/INST] Thanks will do!</s>
<s>[INST]which non-tennis workouts do you think translates well into improved tennis footwork?[/INST] Are you playing with more than one person? You need to do some drills with coaches, play with a wide variety of people and play more than once or twice a week.</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah I had no confidence in my serve and at that point, I pretty much wanted to start under hitting it just to get it in. I was going for really conservative serves because in my head I was thinking that the game actually mattered when in reality it doesn't. I know that I should be playing to improve not to win but when I'm on the court, that goes out the window. It's a mental problem I have that I haven't found a solution too yet but I'm working on it. Thanks for your feedback and time![/INST] Lessons always make sense. I would say that the most important thing is to learn the serve and how to put topspin on the ball for ground strokes (both back and forehanded). For the sake of fun I would probably work on spin, but, if you are looking to win / compete against each other I would work on my serve. A good serve can help end games quickly.</s>
<s>[INST]Just practice sets if I am being honest. I don’t sign up for that many tournaments.[/INST] How often and do you treat those as seriously as a tournament?</s>
<s>[INST]Lift a few for me, grandpa is too old for that. I'd just hurt myself.[/INST] I started really light to get all my form right, 55 on bench, squat and OHP, 135 on deadlift</s>
<s>[INST]What? I only play with pros and ex-pros. :)[/INST] Ok. ��</s>
<s>[INST]According to my coach friend(s), I'm closer to 5.0. They just said I'd be closer to 6.0 if I was more in shape and fit, so I don't think that hypothetical means much in the present. 1. Yeah, that's what I mean. I couldn't think of a better way to describe it. With my 2hbh, my buttcap almost never faces the ball, it's usually pointing to the side-ish before contact. I tried to mimic that with the 1hbh, but it turns out very awkward and produces weak shots. 2. My elbow naturally points more downward while pulling the racquet back by the throat, so I guess I'll stick with it then. 3. Yeah, I think this is what I lean towards as well. Keeping it straight from the start feels a bit awkward for me. 4. Ok cool, I thought I was the odd one for doing this. 5. Sounds simple enough. Why didn't I think of this lol 6. I guess I'll still slice at my usual ratio, which is usually for defensive shots on the run/stretch, and super low balls. I notice that some 1hbh players like Shapovalov also use the BH slice very sparingly. Thank you so much for the advice! I'm still a newbie at the 1hbh, so I'll take any advice I can get.[/INST] &gt; faces the ball, it's usually pointing to the side-ish before contact Is that because you're breaking the plane (racket pointing along the plane of your back) on your takeback, so the buttcap faces toward the fence in the way that your bellybutton would? If that's what you mean, I think at the peak of my takeback my racket tip probably faces close to along the plane of my back, with the tip almost pointing back towards my dominant shoulder. I think this is sort of essential with the 1hbh, since your relying entirely on that uncoiling to generate power - it's much harder to muscle the ball with only one hand on the racket. &gt; Sounds simple enough. Why didn't I think of this lol When I was a kid, my coach would have my watch tournaments and adjust my grip how I thought I should along with one of the players to get the timing down, perhaps you could do that so it's a bit more entertaining. &gt; I guess I'll still slice at my usual ratio, which is usually for defensive shots on the run/stretch, and super low balls. I notice that some 1hbh players like Shapovalov also use the BH slice very sparingly. I think Shapovalov is unique in how comfortable he is with that jumping backhand. I tend to slice if I'm on the defensive - I'm pressed for time on a high ball, or if the ball is too low to hit a reliable 1h drive. I'd guess maybe 25% of the time overall? I like to hit an offensive slice though if I'm able to come into the court and attack a high backhand, a lot of players only see defensive floating slices hit for time, and it can be a real weapon if you like to try to skid one down the line.</s>
<s>[INST]Sorry, Grandpa has no extra left. I should start a go fund me page to pay for some young guy plasma / blood transfusions. That might help.[/INST] Andy Murray will be available soon ��</s>
<s>[INST]False equivalency right here. Taking the baking example. Let's say you're an excellent baker and you start a bakery. All of a sudden you close up shop, take the money and start a furniture store. It's not doing well. You're losing money. People are telling you to go back into the baking business. You're calling them assholes. That's the right comparison.[/INST] Definitely not, he's an asshole for trying to hit you. Aiming at someone is a legitimate strategy, but you have to be a real prick to purposely try to hit someone when there's other ways to win. There are only two situations when I think it's acceptable to aim at someone: during a match and it's the only good option for you to win the point, or during practice with people of a similar level so they can learn how to respond. (Also, if a 5.0 dude hits an overhead at my 3.5 partner, my next serve is right at his head)</s>
<s>[INST]Further around sideways (still on the arm) or further back upwards towards the top of the shoulder?[/INST] Further around sideways. If there was a tendon running down starting at the point where they marked 'infraspanatus' on the diagram that would probably be it. So I'm not 100% convinced it's not the long bicep tendon yet. &amp;#x200B;</s>
<s>[INST]Man that looks awesome. I’ll leave it up to the proper coaches I honestly can’t see much wrong. [/INST] It's brutal here in the valley now that it's monsoon season...... In the 100s with high humidity.</s>
<s>[INST]Can't beat feel tennis.[/INST] forgot to include that one, thomas is great</s>
<s>[INST]I have switched from aero pro to pure aero now to the 2014 head prestige pro and wow. Yeah I lost spin, but I got exactly that - plow through. I love my racquet NOT because things come easy, I love it because it rewards me when I’m hitting well, timing well, moving my feet well, whipping the racquet well. It gives me feedback on how I’m playing. I would recommend trying it out. 11.7 oz unstrung, 16x19 pattern.[/INST] Yonex PTP 120. I use an 18x20, with tensions in the mid 40s on one frame, mid 50s on another. I like it because I get the ridiculous spin that full poly provides, but it's thin and poppy enough that it feels sort of like a multi or syn gut at high tension. After 5 or 10 hours I cut it out, depending on how paranoid I am feeling. It is also quite cheap if you buy a reel from overseas. </s>
<s>[INST]I don't really know how. That wind-up helps me find my rhythm on the shot. Any idea how I can make it work?[/INST] Pretty good form, I think if you keep your tossing arm up just a little longer, it would allow your hitting elbow to drop a little more. This should, in theory, translate to more upward momentum which would give you a more solid contact. Right now it looks like there is the slightest bit of slicing action. 8/10 overall</s>
<s>[INST]Yes my friend this is a big mistake for kick serve and generally for second serves.i have a video about kick serve https://youtu.be/FnGXK-QynYY and never toss the ball behind you [/INST] Weird situation all around. I guess it’s an open event, and signing up as 3.5s for that sounds like a terrible idea. In evenly matched play, If someone doesn’t move off the net, my strategy is to move them back by going at them early and often in the match. On the other hand, I’ve literally never aimed at people when I had them completely overmatched. I was a 5.0 for quite awhile when I was younger, and I go at people, but I would never have done this to 3.5 level players. Total dick move. It’s just not right.</s>
<s>[INST]Absolutely! I know some people might consider junk ball to be "not real tennis" but it wins games and who's to judge! Adding pace to a slow ball is so much easier when practicing, but in a high pressure match setting where I need to piece together multiple shots in a row off those balls... completely different story. [/INST] Stay at the net. Going backwards rarely wins the point. If you constantly hit a drop shot in response, he'll start coming in to the net too, so once in a while push his drop shot deep.</s>
<s>[INST]1. The forehand that you hit after 1:37. Your racquet is back pretty much when it hits the ground at your feet. That's why you had no time to properly prepare to hit it. Even if it looks like it's going long, have your body set up to hit it. 2. For the return thing, I see what you mean about Nishikori, but watch [his return here](https://youtu.be/Z_xo_Q6B7UA?t=57). He likes to start with his body angled but when he actually is about to hit it, his feet are parallel to the baseline. Watch how he moves and squares up to return. I think by having your feet angled to the baseline when hitting your return you are "counting" it as a shoulder turn for the hit when in reality you haven't turned them at all. Also I want to emphasize /u/jk147's comments - REALLY watch the ball and try to make clean contact. I have a problem with shanking in streaks too and that's only fixed when I make an effort to concentrate on that shot and nothing else. His other points are spot on too. Edit: are you wearing airpods while playing? [/INST] You’ve probably got some time before they break. Those strings have probably gone dead though. You’ll have a more consistent feel and better control if you restring every 2 months at least. </s>
<s>[INST]Nice job! Your movement is better and you're staying lively and aggressive at the net. Watched some of your video and I have a couple of really easy suggestions, especially for your level of doubles. 1. Don't overhit. I noticed you really cranked a few of your forehands with a low margin for error. Even if they worked out, give yourself a little bit of cushion on those shots. 2. Aim your volleys around the T or at or behind the other net persons feet. Again, margins are important and going for really sharp angles across the front of the person at the net or in the alley for the baseline guy are harder angles to hit. I promise the net guy won't be able to scoop anything up that's hit around his feet or behind him and the baseline guy will have to run just as far to get that ball in the middle as he does out wide. 3. When in doubt, hit a low shot in the middle when the other team is two up. This was more for your partner, who was going for lobs a lot. Lobs are great and keep the other team honest, but the low middle ball should be your bread and butter when the other team is at the net. This is good for a lot of reasons. First, the net is lowest there. Second, there's a good chance of a communication mistake from the other team. Third, if they do hit it back, it's going to be really tough to get a sharp angle on it. 4. Talk to your partner between every point you are serving. Signs are fine, but nothing beats a quick check in before each serve. The pieces of information you need to communicate: net guy says where he's going (poach, fake poach, stay home). server says where he's putting his first and second serve (middle (T), wide, to the body). Generally, if the net guy is poaching, the server should serve middle. If the net guy poaches on a wide serve, he has to commit fully to the poach and the server has to move over extra fast after serving. Overall great job. You should also encourage your partner to do these things as well. Communication is key, especially if it's your first time playing together, you can give advice and simple coaching on the spot between points or games. Your guy was standing way too far back on your serve. You can tell him that. Even if he's not a great volleyer, he's already there, he may as well be in the right position. You can tell him, "hey, i like to check in before each serve. here's what we need to tell each other". "if they both come in, just hit a low ball towards the middle". "aim your volleys at their feet". etc. You can communicate a lot of information in a very short amount of time and also increase your chance of winning. Good luck![/INST] Thank you! Very much appreciate the details! The tips on what to talk about between points are exactly what I needed. Since most of the people I end up playing doubles with are also inexperienced doubles players, we just kinda end up staring at each other, or I'll usually say "I'm going wide/down T/body." Or tell them to try one of those, but almost never on every point. Thanks again!</s>
<s>[INST]I use a friend with an ipad. He roams around the court and records from different angles.[/INST] What if one doesn’t have an iPad .. or a friend</s>
<s>[INST]Is it a pain towards the middle of the back right under the scapula? [/INST] Nope, not on my back, still basically the side of the shoulder, fairly close to the long bicep tendon, but definitely a couple of inches further back. Kind of where teres minor or infraspanatus is marked on that diagram.</s>
<s>[INST]Nice, which prestige pro is that one? I picked up a Youtek Prestige Pro a few weeks ago and have been loving it. Seems to be the perfect fit for me, some other rackets were too light, too heavy. Loving it so far. &amp;#x200B; Also, what strings are you putting in there?[/INST] Mine is the 2014 version. Graphene prestige pro. I use full poly because I can generate my own power. I used kirshbaum max power 16 gauge at 52 lbs on the mains and 55 lbs on the crosses. The string is like alu power, but better imho (comes pre stretched so has great tension maintenance)</s>
<s>[INST]Sliding the foot back would kill your momentum. I'd be willing to bet once you master bringing the back foot forward you'll be generating more pace.[/INST] I dont think even tour players use anything below 95.</s>
<s>[INST]Do you play with the same guy as me? The guy I play with literally feeds the ball as hard as he can, effectively shooting it long. I run down all his balls, and when he hits long I give an easy shot to reset the rally and he slaps a fucking winner thinking he’s roger. Then when I hit a long ball (I’m not infallible lol) he will literally not hit the ball and raise his index finger. He also says things like “roger couldn’t have hit that backhand” and he truly believes it. I HATE playing him but tennis is better than none[/INST] You do not split step. You have to split even if you know where the ball will go.</s>
<s>[INST]Bravo my friend,keep going and you will see great impact on your game[/INST] Hopefully. Now that it’s becoming warmer I hope I can start to play at least once a week so I can maybe see some progress in my game. </s>
<s>[INST]Would that be poly in mains, and multi in crosses?[/INST] Yeah, that’s what most players do. You still get some of the feel having multi in the crosses, but more durability and spin having poly in the mains.</s>
<s>[INST]Wasn't the question I was asking, there isn't anyone around here that coaches and I was just gonna learn from youtube and other internet recourses. I was simply asking about new racquets and new strings. [/INST] Again, no. Just keep the racquet and strings.</s>
<s>[INST]At one point this year I had enough and stopped caring about the rain. Needless to say I haven't managed to find a hitting partner who feels the same way, but that doesn't stop me. I just go to the courts and practice solo drills like serving and whatnot. At least the courts are always free when it's raining![/INST] I wish I could do the same. But I'm adding pace to my serve and I play a pretty dynamic game. So I'm worried I'll break an ankle out there. Hope you find a partner!</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah, that’s what most players do. You still get some of the feel having multi in the crosses, but more durability and spin having poly in the mains.[/INST] I'd say the opposite. With multi crosses and poly mains, the stringbed locks up. Since spin is created by the mains sliding across the crosses and snapping back into position, the combo you suggested would lose a lot of spin. It's a flat hitter's setup and isn't that much better than a full bed of a stiffer multi (those coated ones). The de facto spin + power setup is natural gut x poly crosses (eg Champion's Choice, or VS Team x RPM Blast). I'm using RPM Rough mains x RPM Blast crosses at 55-58 lbs. It's a durable setup too, lasting me 4-8 hours of play.</s>
<s>[INST]Can't beat feel tennis.[/INST] I have switched from aero pro to pure aero now to the 2014 head prestige pro and wow. Yeah I lost spin, but I got exactly that - plow through. I love my racquet NOT because things come easy, I love it because it rewards me when I’m hitting well, timing well, moving my feet well, whipping the racquet well. It gives me feedback on how I’m playing. I would recommend trying it out. 11.7 oz unstrung, 16x19 pattern.</s>
<s>[INST]Try not to get anything bigger than 105 sq inch[/INST] This one’s 115. Btw is this thing legit?</s>
<s>[INST]1. The forehand that you hit after 1:37. Your racquet is back pretty much when it hits the ground at your feet. That's why you had no time to properly prepare to hit it. Even if it looks like it's going long, have your body set up to hit it. 2. For the return thing, I see what you mean about Nishikori, but watch [his return here](https://youtu.be/Z_xo_Q6B7UA?t=57). He likes to start with his body angled but when he actually is about to hit it, his feet are parallel to the baseline. Watch how he moves and squares up to return. I think by having your feet angled to the baseline when hitting your return you are "counting" it as a shoulder turn for the hit when in reality you haven't turned them at all. Also I want to emphasize /u/jk147's comments - REALLY watch the ball and try to make clean contact. I have a problem with shanking in streaks too and that's only fixed when I make an effort to concentrate on that shot and nothing else. His other points are spot on too. Edit: are you wearing airpods while playing? [/INST] &gt;Edit: are you wearing airpods while playing? lmao yeah but nothing was playing i didn’t realize i still had them in till after i was finished playing. yeah I really want to work on watching the ball. Looked up some drills to try next time i play. I honestly don’t play against real players enough so I experiment stuff but I don’t play often enough to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Hoping to change that soon so I can actually showcase real gameplay. I feel like my overall skill and knowledge is higher than what’s displayed in this clip but I just need to play more and find what’s really comfortable for me in a match setting. </s>
<s>[INST]Now that I re-watch the video, I notice the one guy that's been in a tennis academy back in the day plays almost in the center of the service box when he's at the net (guy in the red shirt), and I definitely hug the line too much. Thanks![/INST] The timing of the pronation is likely the cause. If you are pronating to early, you will be contacting the ball on the inside, instead of the back (for a flat serve). Practice bringing the leading edge of your racquet to the ball.</s>
<s>[INST]Let's be realistic. We're not going to win in the beginning. But we certainly can learn. When I play better players, I only try to get the basics right - watch the ball, get in position, preferably play a high rather than a low percentage shot, be more consistent, don't worry about match situation. When the focus is to improve technique &amp; patience rather than to win a match, you actually end up with more satisfying results, namely, by the end of the match you're probably doing 10 more things right than you did prior to start of match. I love to take the ego out of the game. It has helped me be a better player &amp; has also made me a lot of friends.[/INST] i hit my slice with a hammer grip. it allows me to hit through the ball for a nice penetrating slice (although i have to make sure to be very loose on this shot), or a little more under the ball for a slice lob lets say. just like anything this is assuming your set up to the ball is proper (coming around the ball, facing the side)</s>
<s>[INST]Has anyone tried this new Wilson trinity ball?[/INST] Yea they're almost stiff at first. They seem to warm up to be relatively normal IMO.</s>
<s>[INST]Awww man that sounds brutal, I’m in the Midwest and it’s pretty humid here but Arizona sounds unbearable in the summer.[/INST] I played with an old friend this morning at 6 am. Just as humid.</s>
<s>[INST]A few months( three maybe?). I can play both backhands. When I still used the two hander it was my best shot.[/INST] Welcome to tennis. You definitely have the hand-eye coordination to enjoy the sport. I recommend that you get some lessons with an official tennis pro. No one has mentioned your footwork which is really the foundation of the stroke. Getting your feet into the right position before each stroke is key to setting up consistency.</s>
<s>[INST]I'm about to head off for bed, so I'll just say a few quick things: 1. You "present" your backhand before you actually take the swing. This may lose you time when trying to return bigger shots to that wing. 2. Bend your knees, even if it's a practice rally. You don't need to bend it as much if it's a warmup and you're just trying to get a feel for your shots, but once you've finished your warmup you should keep your feet and knees active. 3. Avoid the two-bounce tennis. If you don't practice getting to balls that are out your reach or trying to hit back shots that are inconvenient, you won't magically be able to make those shots in a match situation. 4. Video is too short to really make accurate comments. Provide context too, if possible (eg, whether this was the first 5 minutes of your session, or half an hour in).[/INST] Honestly it’s the most frustrating thing. I adore tennis, but after 5-6 years of playing on average like 8 hours+ a week the time commitment is starting to annoy me. Let me be a clear, the time commitment wouldn’t annoy me if I could take a month off and get back to where I was with a 15 min introduction rally - takes like another week of TIME COMMITMENT to get back to maybe baseline.</s>
<s>[INST]You're talking about the Prince 93p, right? I've been experimenting with this racket lately. I love the feeling of control + the hefty weight. The frame is pretty flexy so I think a stiffer or crisper string would feel good. For me personally, whenever excess launch angle creeps in (low tension in the cross), the balls jump off the stringbed and I lose my sense of control. So I've settled on 1.20mm poly, strung high enough to minimize string movement. I need to try gut/poly in this frame. I saw you mentioned 342 SW. Just wondering - how much weight did you add to get there? Mine feels pretty high on the SW already (stock). [/INST] Yup! Full poly on my 93P worked best for me around 45lbs when I used it at stock and at 340SW. It seems like a lot of the people who use that frame prefer low tension thin poly to provide the combination of pocketing and feel with the spin you get from it. Rarely heard anyone go higher than mid 40's with poly for this racquet. I had 340's swingweight and my racquets came in pretty headlight, so i think all I did was add a few grams at the tip at that time. But now I've gone all out on my customization to a 360 swingweight, replaced the leather grip with synthetic to make it a bit more head heavy, and added some weight at the buttcap to get the balance to around 32.5cm, but I don't know if I would recommend something this drastic to anyone since this customization was made with my particular stroke mechanics in mind. I still stuck with 56/48 on gut/poly with the increased swingweight, but at 340 or stock it felt a little tight, so if I did it again I probably would have gone with around low 50's gut mains and mid 40's poly. Also confirmed that in a couple weeks there will be a 14x18 version of the 93P coming out and I'm super excited about it because the Prince Original Graphite Mid was the racquet I used in high school and I'm really excited about trying it out. And I imagine that will play super differently than the 18x20!</s>
<s>[INST]&gt; If that's what you mean, I think at the peak of my takeback my racket tip probably faces close to along the plane of my back, with the tip almost pointing back towards my dominant shoulder. I think this is sort of essential with the 1hbh, since your relying entirely on that uncoiling to generate power - it's much harder to muscle the ball with only one hand on the racket. This is some good info, thanks! &gt; When I was a kid, my coach would have my watch tournaments and adjust my grip how I thought I should along with one of the players to get the timing down, perhaps you could do that so it's a bit more entertaining. Not gonna lie, that's pretty genius. I've never had to struggle with grip changes before, since my hitting hand only had to "memorize" 2 grips: continental and eastern forehand. Now with the eastern backhand, that makes it 3. &gt; I like to hit an offensive slice though if I'm able to come into the court and attack a high backhand, a lot of players only see defensive floating slices hit for time, and it can be a real weapon if you like to try to skid one down the line. Yep, I also like to employ the old chip'n'charge. I'm a net rusher, so I actually do it quite a bit. I have another question. I'm assuming you use an eastern backhand grip, but does your index knuckle rest fully on the top bevel? For me, I find that it's situated a bit further back, like somewhere between the top bevel and the next one down. So like, bevel 1.5 or something if counting the bevels counter-clockwise (I'm a righty). Is this normal or viable?[/INST] &gt; I have another question. I'm assuming you use an eastern backhand grip, but does your index knuckle rest fully on the top bevel? For me, I find that it's situated a bit further back, like somewhere between the top bevel and the next one down. So like, bevel 1.5 or something if counting the bevels counter-clockwise (I'm a righty). Is this normal or viable? Yea, I tend to keep it on the edge of the 1 and 8, makes dealing high balls above the waist easier.</s>
<s>[INST]Good spot! Yes. The OS version ��[/INST] Overall, looks fine. Others had good suggestions about weight transfer. However, you di not pronate your arm. </s>
<s>[INST]A very large step above the division 2 college tournament I watched here in Phoenix last week. Ah, to be young and slim again. Lean as whippets.[/INST] From my experience with other sports, for me and a few others I have spoke to.. most people will perform 65-75% of their max (practice) during a match. I think it is important to practice the right things, and the only way to gain this is through experience. I suggest checking out "inner game of tennis." It has some interesting perspectives on this topic. </s>
<s>[INST]Maybe try changing the grip gradually? Rotate it every other day a little and get used to it and then do it again and again, until you are at continental.[/INST] Higher toss and bend your knees more</s>
<s>[INST]It's pretty good. I used to use cyclone religiously but I was having control problems in the 350sw and above range. Just felt a bit unpredictable. If you like cyclone maybe give Weiss cannon ultra cable a shot once. It's technically a bit softer. Feels different than the black I used, but it has by far the most bite on the ball I've ever tried. And I've tried a few gear shaped strings lol. Not going to be a huge bump in spin, but it's not that expensive (I think 12 or 13 dollars, can't remember), and sometimes it's fun to try new things.[/INST] Vokyl Cyclone 17 at 42lbs, racquet is 16x19 8 bucks for a set good spins n tough to break, at least for me Haven't found anything as good for the price, not that I've looked too hard though.</s>
<s>[INST]Thanks! So you would recommend using both Babolat brand for Gut and Poly? I appreciate your help sir, based on your username, I guess you're a Filipino. That's so nice.[/INST] Nice</s>
<s>[INST][deleted][/INST] For the toss I'd recommend to keep a straight arm as long as possible, it helps to keep it consistent. Looks ok in general, might wanna film from a different angle.</s>
<s>[INST]One of my coaches would have me focus on having my chin touch each shoulder throughout a stroke. If you're a righty then when you set for a forehand your chin should touch your left shoulder, and after follow through it should touch your right shoulder. Reverse it for backhands.[/INST] Point 2 is wrong. For returning quick serves the swing is almost nothing. Any real swing is going to be too slow so it doesn't make a difference, you have to use your split step and push your momentum into the serve instead of relying on your swing. Point three is pretty much the same answer as point 2. If you're using your wrist or arm to muscle your single handed backhand return then you're going to hurt yourself. Point 4, well I don't and I can pound back serves pretty well on both sides. If anything, I love playing big flat serves off my backhand because I generally get much more power from it with much less effort. To be fair I use a pretty extreme forehand grip and very heavy topspin but for the purposes of the return it actually means I have an advantage. One of the bonuses of a one handed backhand return is the ability to hide a drop shot or slice return, which is always good for a few free points. High kicking serves are harder though so that's a fair point.</s>
<s>[INST]Thanks. I was kind of looking to vent and I guess i didn’t clarify but it was more like my muscles just got stiffer and stiffer and the hole I dug with one error become a sinkhole.[/INST] Again, if the technique was that ingrained, you probably wouldn't have played that badly.</s>
<s>[INST]I really thought I'd like the blade, I used to play with a pro staff 90, I figured the 18x20 pattern would sort of mimic the feel I got out of the much smaller racket head, but for some reason it feels much stiffer than my current pro staff does (despite having a lower RA), particularly the hoop itself feels really stiff, almost as if flexion in the racket only happens in the throat.[/INST] Keep in mind that while the pro staff 90 has a 16x19 in a smaller headsize, it still only has 6 mains in the throat, compared to 8 in the blade (16x19 and 18x20). As a result, the sweetspot is going to be a bit denser. I find that the blade line is fairly sensitive to string choice and tension. I personally like either a thin gauge poly (17 or 18g) strung at 48lbs or so. If hybriding, I like gut mains and poly crosses around 52/50. Multi/poly gets like no spin from the blade. Did you playtest the new blade v7? I own a 16x19, and the RA is 59 strung. It feels very flexy, much more than my kfactor 90, and even moreso than my RF97s.</s>
<s>[INST]Brand yes but unless you're a senior (60+) I'd recommend finding a smaller size. There's a reason why it's $20 - nobody wants it. [/INST] Jammen ikke så værst til å være i Gjøvik ;-)</s>
<s>[INST]Your right foot should not move forward; only your torso should rotate. Look at Wawrinka’s FH for comparison.[/INST] Thank you :) I just finished watching this video&gt;&gt; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIo12LOZiY0&amp; and realised what you are pointing out </s>
<s>[INST]Yup! Full poly on my 93P worked best for me around 45lbs when I used it at stock and at 340SW. It seems like a lot of the people who use that frame prefer low tension thin poly to provide the combination of pocketing and feel with the spin you get from it. Rarely heard anyone go higher than mid 40's with poly for this racquet. I had 340's swingweight and my racquets came in pretty headlight, so i think all I did was add a few grams at the tip at that time. But now I've gone all out on my customization to a 360 swingweight, replaced the leather grip with synthetic to make it a bit more head heavy, and added some weight at the buttcap to get the balance to around 32.5cm, but I don't know if I would recommend something this drastic to anyone since this customization was made with my particular stroke mechanics in mind. I still stuck with 56/48 on gut/poly with the increased swingweight, but at 340 or stock it felt a little tight, so if I did it again I probably would have gone with around low 50's gut mains and mid 40's poly. Also confirmed that in a couple weeks there will be a 14x18 version of the 93P coming out and I'm super excited about it because the Prince Original Graphite Mid was the racquet I used in high school and I'm really excited about trying it out. And I imagine that will play super differently than the 18x20![/INST] Give it a shot, you may love it. Best to get your own impression rather than reading online what advice is suitable for most people. You might not be most people, who knows? Some people love playing with mids.</s>
<s>[INST]Grip is what you put over the naked handle. They come in different flavours, eg leather, gel, synthetic, shaped, etc. Overgrip goes over that and is replaced every few hours of play depending on how sweaty you get.[/INST] I play with a guy who does this regularly. If he beats me it is only because i have problems holding serve but anything thats gets into rally usually leads me to get the points because my groundstrokes are much better than his (my opinion, but also others have expressed this to me). Anyway this guy is a lost cause - cant keep track of serve, points, games etc. Any time I have trouble hitting a ball he says things like "oh i hit that too hard for you" or asks things like "did i put too much spin on that for you?". Its very condescending and rude. He will also continually try to coach me every single time we get on the court even though his game is far below mine (again, this is what mutual players, much better than him continually tell me). I feel like every player will run across at least one of these guys. When i win its only because he isint doing x, y, or z well and not because you outplayed him. He constantly tries to take the win from me, and i have talked to him about losing graciously because that is absolutely unacceptable imo. doesnt care, still does it. &amp;#x200B; Also in rallies, first shot of the SESSION from his hand is full power, completely screwing up any ability to warm up first. its the most frustrating thing ever. What i do now is if i havent played for a while, i will play him, ignore his bs, and use him as training for my defensive tennis and also practise metal fortitude while playing.</s>
<s>[INST]If you had a tournament tomorrow, would you go gut/ploy or full poly? I've used both and love them for their own reasons. For now it's full poly cause I am playing with variables and cutting out the strings so often, it would kill me to do that with gut. [/INST] Yeah I feel you about cutting out gut. I cut out two sets of gut, both when they had too stiff of cross strings. And still bugs me. I would go for the hybrid. It's just my favorite for returning by far. 370sw and hybrid with a high twist weight... Always got me some stellar returning. One time I played someone and won every return game, only lost a few points with that setup. Serving was a different convo because I hadn't gotten my SLAP tear problem under control at the time, but it was a pretty awesome day to remember.</s>
<s>[INST]Might be because with open stance one tends to not coil as much as with close or neitral stance, and thus arming the ball a lot more?[/INST] I may be a strange case because on the open stance I really feel the “coil” and feel like I’m activating the kinetic chain and using the body a lot more than the neutral stance, where it feels like I’m arming the ball but having more accuracy with it.</s>
<s>[INST]“I’d like to serve it in her box” if there’s some hot chicks playing near by, or maybe “I’d let her ‘toss my balls’” “I’d like to go down the middle and solve her riddle” Maybe that’s just me and my friends haha. [/INST] I started training for running a marathon, and it has been really helpful! </s>
<s>[INST]I started doing that at one point, got up to a little over 10k distance and decided I hated running, lol. Also I was really fat at the time which made it doubly miserable. I mean I’m still pretty fat, but I was really fat even as recently as like last summer. [/INST] Great stuff, looking good. keep up the hard work</s>
<s>[INST]My racquet has grown progressively heavier over the years. Lead tape is your friend, if you are adventurous you can also start injecting silicon into the handle, since you can only tape up the frame so much before it becomes too head heavy. I am at the point where now I just play with the same two sticks with one as backup. [/INST] Your right foot should not move forward; only your torso should rotate. Look at Wawrinka’s FH for comparison.</s>
<s>[INST]No, before the improvements. You kind of "sit" in place instead of leanding back and moving your hips forward.[/INST] I think this is a quick way to lose (quickly) to a better player. Slow down. Play shots you are confident playing, and play within yourself. Aim for consistency and keeping a great, positive attitude from point one. Compete for every ball and every point, and when you leave the court (win or lose) you can hold your head high.</s>
<s>[INST]You mean actively using my wrist in the shot?? My problem with this shot is when I get aggresive the ball lands long, so I think I could use more spin. I see a lot of the pros finish the racket above their head on this type of shot but I don't know how to achieve that. I agree with you about taking the ball closer.[/INST] I mean actively using your wrist to create more topspin. I guess I should have been more specific. You get a clean strike, but your follow-through is very "pushy". I'd whip the racquet across the body to create more topspin.</s>
<s>[INST]Can you buy a 97s? I didn't even know they were in production, thought it was basically just a prostock racket.[/INST] Can someone explain the 9.0 , 4.5, rating thing?? Surely 9 would be like twice as good as 4.5...but then what counts as a pro??? I’m so confused.</s>
<s>[INST]Thanks! I'm going to get it restrung this weekend. Any tips for strings? Mono vs. multi, gauge, etc.[/INST] Depends on how often you break strings (and how much you're willing to spend on restringing). If you're currently using all poly, you could try stringing the crosses with a multi (or even natural gut, if you can afford it). This way you get the spin potential of poly (in the mains) with a more comfortable feel of the softer string in the crosses. But the multi will probably fray and break pretty quickly. Natural gut usually lasts longer, but, again, it depends on your strokes. Another option is to keep the all poly setup, but string the crosses at a lower tension. I recently tried that setup and feel in love with it on my (heavier) racquet. If you're not a string breaker, try going for a higher gauge (thinner) string, all else being equal, it should be more comfortable to hit with than a lower gauge. When switching to a different string/gauge, don't forget to look up (or ask your stringer) the stiffness rating so that you can estimate how much tension adjustment is needed to get similar power.</s>
<s>[INST]Do you play with the same guy as me? The guy I play with literally feeds the ball as hard as he can, effectively shooting it long. I run down all his balls, and when he hits long I give an easy shot to reset the rally and he slaps a fucking winner thinking he’s roger. Then when I hit a long ball (I’m not infallible lol) he will literally not hit the ball and raise his index finger. He also says things like “roger couldn’t have hit that backhand” and he truly believes it. I HATE playing him but tennis is better than none[/INST] I can top that. I have a guy who I hate playing with, and only play in desperate times. From the first feed he hits every single ball as hard as he can. We will start hitting to warm up for a set and I can’t even loosen up because he’s hitting winners off the feed or slamming every single ball. It’s truly a miserable experience. </s>
<s>[INST]From what I heard sports like baseball and volleyball carry over well into tennis since the shoulder swinging motion (throwing, spiking ---&gt; serve) is well ingrained in their muscle memory?[/INST] I used to do a lot of biking to get aerobically in shape and spare my feet and knees the strain. Stretching and an easy warm up are the only things I do now.</s>
<s>[INST]Oh man I have struggled with this too. Here is a battle plan that helped me improve: First, reboot from a new mindset: Topspin is NOT optional. EVERY groundstroke should have topspin. When you hit you should be thinking about two things: striking it to give it topspin and with enough height to get it over the net. Hit with more topspin than you think you need. Do not be tempted to hit flat. Master this and only this until you have reliable control. Expect your level to drop for a few hitting sessions while you re-tool the technique. Then start to \*very gradually\* add power back. Think about "throwing" the racket through the topspin swing. Don't "muscle" the ball by intentionally "hitting hard"; instead, let the natural forces of swing path and angular momentum provide the power. (You still need to avoid hitting flat.) Focus on that feeling of letting the string friction lift the ball up and over the net. You should still be hitting with feels like a lot of topspin. After practicing this often, you will start to feel more confident and find yourself naturally adding more power with the topspin keeping it in the court.[/INST] I use RPM Rough mains with RPM Blast crosses strung at 55 lbs and both 17G, but I use a Pure Strike, not a Pure Aero.</s>
<s>[INST]I haven't tried them yet but pressureless balls are usually great to fill up practice hoppers. I'll give them a shot when I get the chance![/INST] Let us know your results.</s>
<s>[INST]Now you know how the 4.0 and 4.5 players feel when they lose to you. They are probably feeling like they are playing down to your pace and that they beat themselves. My experience with this is that I’m basically a junk baller, haha, except I also like to come to the net. I really enjoy watching my opponent just mentally fall apart, it’s my favorite part of tennis [/INST] I mean technically, a few coaches have seen me play and rated me 4.0-4.5. So I'm up there. Just not used to playing non-conventional players. But yeah, you're right!</s>
<s>[INST]which non-tennis workouts do you think translates well into improved tennis footwork?[/INST] Where do you live? Maybe someone will have local recommendations.</s>
<s>[INST]On days where you can't play, could you do some shadow swings/footwork drills/toss drills/etc. out in the yard/garage? I try to do 50 repetitions of a sort of "split step into shadow swing into recovery step" of each groundstroke a day, it takes me maybe 10-15m at most. It's easy to underestimate how much of an effect those sort of drills have, imagine if you could be to the ball a half second earlier everytime, you'd have so much more time to set up and hit a great shot back, even if you're less than thrilled with your power/spin/etc. I often find that what we think is an issue with a lack of control, is actually a movement issue.[/INST] [deleted]</s>
<s>[INST]Might be because with open stance one tends to not coil as much as with close or neitral stance, and thus arming the ball a lot more?[/INST] Having a set of plays to use and how you want to construct your points will help you focus on execution and prevent your focus from dwindling. Setting your strategic intentions before your match will also help. Best of luck!</s>
<s>[INST]I have never heard of this "ever present recommendation" but racket choice is a personal thing. Your wife should demo some rackets and pick one that suits her. Your preference doesn't much matter. The other night I added about 12 grams of lead tape on my Blade 98 just to see how it felt with more weight - it was awful and stressed my arm. I play a lot of tennis and am in good shape, but heavier is not better for me (I know the Blade 98 is not a lightweight racket - just making the point that racket weight is a personal preference.)[/INST] You're supposed to go up in increments of like 1 g when it comes to leading up your frame. Did you apply the lead tape at 12 o'clock?</s>
<s>[INST]I noticed your right leg kicks out to the right - at least way more to the right than back. [This is the frame I'm talking about](https://i.imgur.com/EaRpWnm.jpg). Your leg is kicking out to the right and your upper body is falling to the left. Taking a look at [Isner's serve at the same point from a similar angle](https://i.imgur.com/9FpjSHU.jpg), and again at [at a different angle](https://i.imgur.com/7x7yKvp.jpg). You can practically draw a line up his leg, to the shoulder, and to the ball. Ideally you should throw your body weight forwards more, extending your right shoulder leaning into the court counter-balanced by your right leg going back. [Here is Isner again demonstrating what I mean by that](https://i.imgur.com/1Kpfr1z.jpg). Ok, he's a bit of an extreme example, but you get the picture. I think your toss is a bit close. It looks like you're getting too jammed to fully extend forward, or the toss could be drifting too much to your left (hard to tell with the angle), but whatever it is it's causing you to fall to your left a bit and you could be squeezing a few extra mph out of your serve if your momentum was taking you more forwards. Besides that I don't have a lot to say. It looks solid overall. Your delivery feels a bit rushed, and that could just be you catching up to your low toss, bit if it works for you that's great. You do a good job pulling your right shoulder back and coiling your body [here](https://i.imgur.com/633LYZP.jpg) while [this](https://i.imgur.com/kq4M6hJ.jpg) with the dipped racquet, leading with the elbow, and eyes on the ball looks fairly proper.[/INST] I forgot about my other favorite guy, Stan the Man!!! I love his play style and pattern my game after him to an extent. What a win, maybe he can get no. 4 over this fortnight!!!!</s>
<s>[INST]It's just a catch-all term for recreational players, mainly adults. There is no "level" in my opinion as club players range from beginner to 4.5. Some 5.0s could be viewed as club players as well but the majority of "club players" are ones that are not technically proficient and are the bread and butter of your typical teaching pros across the country. It's a common term used in the teaching pro community as it designates an area of focus for pros, as some specialize in junior development, 10 and under, junior performance, etc.[/INST] I see! I thought it had a negative meaning, since I often hear it used with a critical undertone. So it's a catch-all phrase for all levels of recreational players then?</s>
<s>[INST]It's around 4.0-4.5 when players start to be able to use their serve as a weapon imo. In doubles even lower because there is much more net play and being tall is an advantage Btw being tall is an advantage, as long as it's not a medical condition or adversely affecting your health. Being 6'6 is better than being 6'. Being 6'10 is better than being 6'6. When you get to 7' and over ppl usually have health issues so you may be unlikely to find players that height (and there simply aren't many people that tall). The decrease in maneuverability is more than made up for with bigger reach, more net clearance on serve, greater power etc.[/INST] So you were using a 1hbh grip for slice? One guy at my court has that grip and he has a 1hbh slice and never drives. It's wrong technique and won't really work consistently compared to the bread and butter continental grip slice I also have a 2hbh and had trouble learning the slice. I'm getting there but [this video ](https://youtu.be/CU1M5FZ_7D8) helped my visualize and understand why my balls tend to pop up and float more </s>
<s>[INST]I am waiting for your video my friend!!it needs patience and practice and you will master the right way of pronation[/INST] Made 4 videos of my service at different angles! It is not too good :( </s>
<s>[INST]Well, I don't really have a list per se. Observation is critical. When you are warming up before the match, you need to hit a variety of shots to see what response he gives you. Hard shots, soft, deep and short shots. He's going to be wanting some volleys and overhead shots. But..... people will mess with your head sometimes by changing their style when the match starts. The best way to get an opponent off his game, is to make him change his normal style of play. If he's a baseline player, suck him into the net with short balls. As you get better at playing matches, it doesn't matter what your opponent is doing, you 'impose' your game on him, and basically say to him, "beat me, I'm not going to beat myself by making errors."[/INST] I like your style my man. I was terrible at the mental Game and had beautiful strokes as a kid, and now I’m the exact opposite, I suck but I just try to get balls back to people and in a manner they like least, seems to work out, lol. </s>
<s>[INST][deleted][/INST] Honestly man with the limited footage we've seen, you're playing as well as a lot of the self rated 3.0s I meet. Don't be nervous, you'll start to realize that (at least in my experience) players tend to significantly over or under rate themselves. Right now I'd say it seems like you're underrating yourself.</s>
<s>[INST]I'm sorry, I totally worded that last sentence wrong. I was referring to your opponent being an insecure little boy.[/INST] No, I understood what you meant. I do think the other guy was insecure. I didn't need my partner to defend me or say anything to the other guy, but I do wish he understood why I wasn't playing as aggressively as I normally do.</s>
<s>[INST]Oh I see! It's just that Tilapia's one of the most popular food we have hear haha. Alright I'll go for the Babolat Natural Gut mains/ Luxilion crosses then. Thanks a lot![/INST] Performance Plus Tennis. The guy on there is very informative and knows what he’s talking about</s>
<s>[INST]Hearing loss definitely doesn't help[/INST] Do you think you could take a pint off Serena?</s>
<s>[INST]Does anyone actually play with the rule for more than the first service point of the match for each player? I've only done this with friends after the winter season when none of us have played much but it's not the worst thing in the world for a whole 2 points of a match. [/INST] I have literally never seen anyone do it beyond the first two points and the only time I see that is when there’s no time to warm up serves and you ha e limited court time. </s>
<s>[INST]Shuffles instead of cross over steps[/INST] I normally shuffle for the short balls. But as you can see the ball was going to my left as first so I had to run around in order to hit a forehand.</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah, that was nice to see so many players back to back. Neat vid.[/INST] Thank you </s>
<s>[INST]I use poly string and restring every month or two depending on how much I’ve been playing. I’ve heard that you should restring at least as many times a year as you play per week so I guess some people go up to 3-4 months, but I can’t imagine the strings can hold tension for that long. You can also get more life out of them if you don’t leave your racket in your hot car in the summer etc.[/INST] Yeah that's TW rule of thumb. I think the better way to approach it is just restring once you can accurately gauge a drop in control/performance. Because a lot of players, with all types of poly realistically aren't getting very much out of a new set of poly by restringing. If anything, a lot of players are actually better off with old poly since it's at a very low tension. For example, while I worked at TW, I'd give some co workers (99% didn't play tennis at all), my APDC with some poly that was over a year old. And see if they thought the poly played well or badly. I didn't have a single person actually have any complaints. Mind you those people weren't play-testers, but they were pretty relate-able to a lot of new, or super casual tennis players. They also across the board didn't have a problem with "high swing weights", in fact most preferred "high swing weights." Having worked there, I think the replace strings xyz times for how many times you play, especially when it comes to poly strings in stock racquets (for most of the tennis community), is just a way to help out sales. Polys are quite cheap to produce and some have huge profit margins (either for manufacturer or for retailer).</s>
<s>[INST]I never realized how bizarre it was until recently. It works for me, though.[/INST] I’ve always had a very good mental game. I think part of it is being an awful but consistent player. Every single game I’m consistently outmatched in groundstrokes, volleys, and sometimes serve, yer I win more than I lose. I think losing a few games to a player like me really rattled people. Today for example, I came back 3-0 down 2 breaks and along the way to a victory I won down 0-40 twice in a row. Just fight for every point and being down 0-40 can turn in to some crazy momentum in your favor. Also, you always have to know you can win. Hope this helps :)</s>
<s>[INST]How often are you playing and what would you say your skill level is right now? What are your goals in regards to tennis? What do you hope to get out of it? [/INST] I play in the winter 1-3 maybe times a week. In the summer I play 3-7 times a week. Started in 2012. I’m about 4.0 - 4.5. I hope to be more fit mainly, but I want to improve and get as good as I possibly can. I know I only have so many youthful years now and I love the game so much I want to try and hit my peak. I want to start playing more tournaments as well</s>
<s>[INST]No reason for 30 minutes, I just figured if you were only playing 1-2 times per week that scheduling would be difficult.[/INST] [deleted]</s>
<s>[INST]"Every few hours" - look at mr. Moneybags over here[/INST] [deleted]</s>
<s>[INST]\&gt; I’m not calling him an asshole, but to me it seems like he can’t respect that this is my decision. You never told him that you made a firm decision to stick with the 1HBH, so I would hardly say this is about a lack of respect for your decision.[/INST] What overgrips are those?</s>
<s>[INST]IS THIS ABOUT SEX??????????!!!!!!!!![/INST] This is about tennis.</s>
<s>[INST]Ha! "What am I going to do with my matching shirt?"[/INST] Had a similar experience myself last night. League match at 9:00pm (so late) with icy rain in the forecast driving to the location, playing in a clay court (I never played on clay in my life before), and opponent was a lefty (it's been ages since I played against a lefty). Felt uncomfortable all around, finished the night feeling like I didn't play tennis at all, more like fumbling around with my brain lost in space. My heels and knees felt great afterwards though, no pain or soreness at all, I could see why people love playing on clay. </s>