<s>[INST]If you are looking for sticks around 11 oz, right out of the box, the Pro Staff 97 autograph will be to heavy. And it will most likely feel to beefy, as it is quite a lot of racket to swing. The Babolat sticks are more in the weight range you are looking for. They are however a little stiff for my liking (personal preference) &amp;#x200B; Angell makes very good rackets. Personally I really enjoy Head Radical and Prestige. &amp;#x200B; Rackets can be customized and adapted in many ways, so I would recommend getting a stick that is lighter and add weight if you prefer this. It is harder to reduce weithg of a racket.[/INST] Well, if it’s 70 where you are now I don’t want to be there in summer. Over here in based soon-to-be-former Europeland, we’ve just had some rain (normal), and about 40 degree-ish temperatures. Shame my patellar tendonopathy is stopping me playing.</s>
<s>[INST]From what I heard sports like baseball and volleyball carry over well into tennis since the shoulder swinging motion (throwing, spiking ---&gt; serve) is well ingrained in their muscle memory?[/INST] It's hard to do, but it worked for me, reduce inflammation in your entire body by changing your diet. Eliminate all simple carbohydrates.</s>
<s>[INST]At one point this year I had enough and stopped caring about the rain. Needless to say I haven't managed to find a hitting partner who feels the same way, but that doesn't stop me. I just go to the courts and practice solo drills like serving and whatnot. At least the courts are always free when it's raining![/INST] I haven't tried them yet but pressureless balls are usually great to fill up practice hoppers. I'll give them a shot when I get the chance!</s>
<s>[INST]My advice assumes that you are beginner to intermediate player and play for fun. If you are advanced or play competitively, please ignore and restring your rackets as soon as possible. The general guideline is that if you play twice a week you need to change the stings at least twice a year. Why would you want to restring more often? 1) If your string freys. This reduces their playing qualities. It also increases the risk of breaking a string. If you only have 1 racket and you play matches, you have to restring. You do not want to firfeit a match because of this. If you have backup, you can play with freyed strings as long as you do not find them unplayable. Freyed strings move around more and result in more erratic shots. When thr string is really freyed even the sound of hitting the ball will change. The sound hitting the sweet spot will be similar to hitting the edge of the racket - it will not pop but will sound dead and weak. 2) if you use polyester strings. You probably do not, but these strings lose tension quickly and become clearly dead after a month or two. 3) if you kept your racket in very hot or cild place, you have probably affected the playability of the string. What to do to restring less often: 1) do not buy polyester or multifilament string. Buy monofilament nylon srting instead. First they are cheaper, second they keep tension reasonably well. Polyester lose tension quickly, abd multi filaments frey quickly. They are both typically for more advanced players anyway. 2) use thicker string. Strings have different gauges and thicker strings are more durable. Unless you are really advanced, you would not notice. 3) Use slightly higher tension. This will restrict the movement of thr string when you hit, thus reduce freying. Also as you lose tension over time it will not affect your game as much. Always stay within the recommended tension for your frame. Also, note that higher tension reduces power and spin of your shots. Many stringers allow you to bring your own string and charge you for labor only. Definitely ask your stringer fir advice before buying strings. [/INST] Thanks for taking the time to give such a thorough response! A few questions: &gt; When thr string is really freyed even the sound of hitting the ball will change. The sound hitting the sweet spot will be similar to hitting the edge of the racket - it will not pop but will sound dead and weak. Yeah, totally. I noticed in the hours after I originally posted that the racquet felt dead and I was popping most my hits. &gt; 1) do not buy polyester or multifilament string. Buy monofilament nylon srting instead. First they are cheaper, second they keep tension reasonably well. I use a super light racquet, and I like to have a "feel" of where the shot's landing on the stringbed. Everything I've read says that I'll need a multi to "balance" out the impact and help give additional power? &gt; They are both typically for more advanced players anyway. What's for more advanced players?</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah I had no confidence in my serve and at that point, I pretty much wanted to start under hitting it just to get it in. I was going for really conservative serves because in my head I was thinking that the game actually mattered when in reality it doesn't. I know that I should be playing to improve not to win but when I'm on the court, that goes out the window. It's a mental problem I have that I haven't found a solution too yet but I'm working on it. Thanks for your feedback and time![/INST] Why not learn an overhand serve and push to master the shots you dont know properly? It seems to me that this style of play is not that fun for you, or the other player. I would not be satisfied with the win, if the other player does not want to play a third set. Just my two cents. Seems that you do not want to get better at all.</s>
<s>[INST]I believe the recommendation is because newer players are still learning a lot of technique and fundamental aspects of the game so a lighter racket is not only is easier for untrained players to swing, but if they are swinging wrong there is a lot less risk for injury.[/INST] Do you feel like your wrist is loose or tense when hitting your forehand?</s>
<s>[INST]I love poaching, and would do it every time at the net, I just feel like I'm being a ball hog if I go for it on every other shot. I wish we could afford a coach :)[/INST] You have a good serve. At this level you should really look for a coach. You're not going to get really solid tips that you can really hit the ground running with at this level.</s>
<s>[INST]I do want to get equipment to record myself. Was thinking GoPro or similar, but still need to look into a mount.[/INST] Just put your phone in mirror/selfie mode, set it against a fence. It's probably not a flexibility issue, just you not knowing technically how to hit a groundstroke. For one, check to see how your feet are positioned. Like how far apart, where your toes are pointed, etc.</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah I feel you. I hate when you push someone wide and instead of just klobbering them with a put away, or making them run to the opposite corner, you give them a lofty slow deep slice. Not like a half ass high slice, but like a borderline lob. Back in the same corner so you can reset the point. And they just slap at the ball as hard as they can, either hitting a winner or worse miss entirely. I really wonder if they think I messed up and were punishing me or thought they were still in the rally. A lot of people don't know how to rally. I'm not the best person to rally with but I try to not just mindlessly bash winners and keep rallies going[/INST] Right on, yes. I love a good rally, it's almost like a whole other activity (vs competitive tennis). Is it just me, or is there an underlying sexual nature to rallying? Maybe that's the wrong word. A good rally keeps the players mind full of compassion and reciprocation. It's a cooperative activity, and the full joy of it can only be reached together. When I'm rallying with someone, especially if they're beginner/intermediate level, I am constantly focused on how they're doing, how to hit them the best ball possible, trying here and there to stretch them out or crank up the pace, see if can they handle some topsin here, what if I go 90% on a flat forehand, can they level with it and enjoy getting it back? How can I get them in the zone so they're playing their best? My attention is constantly on providing my partner with the best hitting experience possible, all while watching myself for proper form, and selfishly hoping to sneak in some pace and aggression if the other player is up for it. I dunno, it is a strange form of intimacy. </s>
<s>[INST]Precisely where you hit on the stringbed isn’t something you can control very well if at all. The sweet spot is not exactly in the middle of the racquet face in many if not most racquets so the only thing you should really fuss about is making sure you connect with the general area where the sweet spot is. You should only pay attention to it if you’re hitting well off the sweet spot. Because of lead tape placement and the way I hit my forehands, my contact point is a fair bit above the middle of the racquet face. On the backhand it’s a bit lower. On the slice it’s really difficult to tell because I cut down directly so I can’t control where exactly on the stringbed I make contact beyond a general intent to hit near the middle. I’m not sure whether pros deliberately aim anywhere beyond the middle of the stringbed; it could easily be that they’re aiming for a particular contact point and spacing between themselves and the ball that leads to where on the strings they make contact. At least that is the case for me. For eg if I hit too close to my body on my forehand my arm becomes a double bend forehand, and the contact point feels closer to the middle of the stringbed, which I don’t like. Much further away and in front of my body, and my arm straightens and the ball connects closer to the tip of my racquet, which is where all my lead tape is, and that feels great for me. For the most part I would suggest that you don’t pay too much attention to where exactly on the stringbed you make contact, and instead, when you hit your ideal drop shot, focus on where the ball is relative to your body when you make contact. Replicating your contact point and spacing is far easier to do than controlling exactly where on the stringbed you want the ball to hit.[/INST] When I do it, im definitely aiming for a general area. feedback from the shot on whether its a little high or a little low is pretty clear. That last bit sounds useful, videos I watched were saying to hit dropshots with a continental grip so relative to my body its closer than a regular groundstroke in my semi western grip right? Next time im hitting gonna try out some of these things, maybe take a basket of balls and get my hitting partner to feed me some shots to find a good contact point</s>
<s>[INST]No ad scoring makes games go by much faster. Make sure you give yourself ample time to warm up, since this game format is unforgiving on players that have a slow startup.[/INST] Great video, always appreciate your style of instruction. If possible in the future, I would love to see a video on how to hit a high bouncing ball!</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah I should say maybe middle age. I have the time and ability to change my body though, making good strides, setting high(er) goals for protein intake on your recommendation has certainly helped a great deal in terms of recovery and body composition. Down from 25% body fat to about 21% based on a tape measure algorithm, even lower based on my scale’s estimate but I don’t trust that thing. Either way, I’m slimmer, a bit faster, and I don’t hurt as bad anymore after workouts so I’m going to keep up this high protein regimen. Wife has been making me 5 gallons of chili on the weekends to eat during the week, and then Friday and Saturday I do a skillet steak basically searing it and then broiling it for 7 minutes and then finishing it in the pan by butter basting it, and then eating it with a bunch of roasted veggies. [/INST] Oh, good Lord, stop hitting off your back foot. Step into the shot of Christ's sake.</s>
<s>[INST]I forgot about my other favorite guy, Stan the Man!!! I love his play style and pattern my game after him to an extent. What a win, maybe he can get no. 4 over this fortnight!!!![/INST] Stanimal is great to watch but his return strategy of bunting / chipping the ball back really puts me off his game. Serve and volley would punish those returns yet not enough people do it I find. As a Nadal fan, it shouldn’t bother me that I find Stan too reliant on court conditions but even Nadal stands way back on returns for a specific reason and not out of necessity. Back when his knees worked, he saw plenty of success on grass and even now can still hit flat returns on serves from the baseline if needed. Wawrinka is a treat to watch once the rally begins but for Stanimal to show up I think the stars basically need to line up and they usually don’t.</s>
<s>[INST]False equivalency right here. Taking the baking example. Let's say you're an excellent baker and you start a bakery. All of a sudden you close up shop, take the money and start a furniture store. It's not doing well. You're losing money. People are telling you to go back into the baking business. You're calling them assholes. That's the right comparison.[/INST] Maybe, but I disagree that yours is better. I’m paying someone to teach me something, but he doesn’t want to, instead telling me to do something else. I don’t make money from it, my life doesn’t depend on it, I’m doing this for myself. I’m not calling him an asshole, but to me it seems like he can’t respect that this is my decision.</s>
<s>[INST]Oh man, I'll have to check Ebay for a cheap frame. I'm often drawn to my wife's pure aero because it's really fun to hit balls that just dive down into the court, but it's just feels less "solid" than my PS does at the net and on serve. Perhaps the 97S is exactly what I've been looking for. It sure would be nice if wilson's "custom shop" would let you pick up older models like this rather than just change the paint they throw on a frame.[/INST] I've hit briefly with both versions, and I definitely preferred the second Gen with the box beam construction. It was more solid on volleys than the APDs that I played with for 8 straight years before switching to the RF97. Gotta be wary of Wilson's quality control though, with the listed specs at around 3pts HL strung, you could easily end up with one that clocks in at 1pt HL or something. That would give you a beginning SW of over 330 for sure, and it's only going to go up if you want to add weight to the handle to make it more headlight, as it's impossible to lower SW without shaving off the bumper, etc.</s>
<s>[INST]Thanks! I'm going to get it restrung this weekend. Any tips for strings? Mono vs. multi, gauge, etc.[/INST] I have bicep tendinitis from my serves and now it's affecting my forehands as well. These two videos helped, but if anyone else can chime in I'd appreciate it: Explanation of bicep tendinitis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHPEzjF6Qnw Rotator cuff work outs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&amp;v=EY2tNBOmvGs</s>
<s>[INST]Not bad but could have been executed better if you got closer to the ball. Try to take it at the top of the bounce and you'll see much better results.[/INST] Yeah my contact point is too far infront (in many of my forehands actually) . Nice tip about top of the bounce I don't always keep that in mind.</s>
<s>[INST]I'm in the same boat as you - I've switched from a strong 2HBH to a OHBH recently (albeit because my left wrist got injured). What I've found is that if my hitting arm is not straight on contact, it usually means that I didn't drop the racket head low enough before accelerating it forward. Oftentimes, this happened because I let go of the throat of the racket with my left hand too early, which resulted in a more linear swing path vs low to high. Going even deeper into this, it's likely that all of this happens as a result of poor footwork/positioning, thus rushing my swing, as the contact point for a OHBH is more in front compared to a 2hbh. In comparing Wawrinka and Thiem, I would say that Thiem generates a lot of his power by turning his entire body along with his swing. It looks like he kind of uses his right shoulder as a pivot point, and the rest of his arm is stiff throughout the entire motion. While Wawrinka does also open up his body on occasion when injecting pace, his BH looks a lot more relaxed than Thiem's. I think an easy way to describe it is that people like Federer/Wawrinka/Gasquet/Robredo etc. have more classic one handers, while guys like Thiem and Shapovalov have more modern versions of it, as it allows them to hit harder, and with more spin. However, I do think that if an average player were to try and imitate Thiem's BH, they would be at a higher risk of injury, as the motion looks like it would put more stress on the tendons in the arm. I personally prefer keeping my hitting arm slightly bent on the takeback, as it feels more relaxed to me. I also find it easier to hit those quick "Wrist flick" short angles with this form, as well as any shots that come hard and fast at my feet.[/INST] &gt; What I've found is that if my hitting arm is not straight on contact, it usually means that I didn't drop the racket head low enough before accelerating it forward. Oftentimes, this happened because I let go of the throat of the racket with my left hand too early, which resulted in a more linear swing path vs low to high. Going even deeper into this, it's likely that all of this happens as a result of poor footwork/positioning, thus rushing my swing, as the contact point for a OHBH is more in front compared to a 2hbh. LOL are you me? I feel like I'm having these same issues. One of the difficult things about switching to a 1hbh is that it's a lot of stuff to remember. I'll remember to straighten out before contact, but the shot's still bad because of bad positioning. I'll position myself correctly the next shot, only for it to go bad because I forget to straighten my arm or let go of the racquet too early. If it's not one thing, it's another haha. I guess it'll eventually sort itself out through repetition and more hitting. &gt; However, I do think that if an average player were to try and imitate Thiem's BH, they would be at a higher risk of injury, as the motion looks like it would put more stress on the tendons in the arm. It certainly feels that way lol. It feels very stiff and forced, but I hit more consistently with it. &gt; I personally prefer keeping my hitting arm slightly bent on the takeback, as it feels more relaxed to me. I also find it easier to hit those quick "Wrist flick" short angles with this form, as well as any shots that come hard and fast at my feet. Same. The bent arm feels more natural to me, since it's also what I use for my BH slice, those wrist flick short angles, pickup volleys, and foot shots. I'll definitely give it some more time, and keep your tips in mind. Thanks! And good luck with your 1hbh</s>
<s>[INST]Never heard of that...who plays with that rule?[/INST] My thoughts exactly ��</s>
<s>[INST]VS touch 16g/Hurricane Pro 17g comes as a prepackaged hybrid and may be cheaper than buying half sets. At my shop it's 10$ cheaper. Put the gut in the mains a few lbs higher.[/INST] I cannnot afford another one so I make sure that I don't smack my racquet by mistake while playing.</s>
<s>[INST]It was 66° on central Indiana yesterday. Insanely warm. Practiced a little for my upcoming tournament (that is today)[/INST] Crazy. The high in Phoenix today is only 53 degs. AND IT'S STILL RAINING.</s>
<s>[INST]VS touch 16g/Hurricane Pro 17g comes as a prepackaged hybrid and may be cheaper than buying half sets. At my shop it's 10$ cheaper. Put the gut in the mains a few lbs higher.[/INST] Can we see a video or pictures of your forehand? This is tough to evaluate with just words.</s>
<s>[INST]“I’d like to serve it in her box” if there’s some hot chicks playing near by, or maybe “I’d let her ‘toss my balls’” “I’d like to go down the middle and solve her riddle” Maybe that’s just me and my friends haha. [/INST] Down the middle solves the riddle! </s>
<s>[INST]think it was about $120 all up - so $60 each. Not something we make a habit of doing - but we might play there twice a year[/INST] is that american or australian rupies?</s>
<s>[INST]Yes very important part of 1hbh. I try to move into the court as I am planting. Stepping into the shot ends with the plant for me.[/INST] If you’re anywhere near a 6.0 player you’re miles ahead of most people here, that’s national tournament level, so take me with a grain of salt here because I was 4.5 at my best. 1. I’m confused with what you mean by lead? I definitely feel like my buttcap is facing the ball when I initiate the swing toward the ball, I’m confused how your racket tip even could though. 2. Imo no. My elbow is up, but I’ve been told my take back is a bit elaborate. 3. For me, immediately after initiating the swing toward the ball. 4. Pistol 90% of the time, i drift towards a hammer grip on higher drive shots though. 5. Just practice it around the house. 6. Probably? 1hbh chips are weaker than a 2hbh, so I tend to slice lower balls that are a stretch more than 2 ganders.</s>
<s>[INST]I prefer the traditional wheat remedy; several pints of it with beef proteins.[/INST] I think we can all agree on the beef proteins! Man I need to get some roughage in today though. Yesterday my meals were chili for breakfast, burger patties for lunch, burger patty in this weird fiber tortilla thing for dinner, and a bunch of milk. </s>
<s>[INST]Thank you ��[/INST] Here seems less toxic. We talk more about what's wrong with your game more than how loud Sharapova grunts. Although if I may add my two cents, WTF was Serena thinking with that outfit? Just say no to camel toe.</s>
<s>[INST]Finally decent weather out here in Austin. Been raining for two days straight. You guessed it, drove down to give my pops his monthly whooping. He did beat me at Hungry Hippos yesterday, and will not stop gloating. [/INST] Well, you did lose. Give the old man his due.</s>
<s>[INST]How would syn gut as cross differ from multi? I bought a reel of Prince syn gut and am planning to string one racquet with full bed syn gut, and another with poly main. Also, what would you recommend as a poly main? I was looking at Luxilon 4G or Rough for the durability.[/INST] Resistance bands + internal and external rotation exercises.</s>
<s>[INST][deleted][/INST] Funny you brought this up, as I played my first night-time tennis only a few days ago. As a day time player all my life, I didn't really like playing at night. Visibility wasn't an issue for me, but I did feel night to be less energetic, perhaps even gloomy. I think I'll stick to day, even with the 35C+ sultry weather where I live.</s>
<s>[INST]Where do you buy it? There are so many sites but I'm always looking for who is reputable[/INST] 'these are not pressurised' ... yeah that's gonna be a hard pass from me</s>
<s>[INST]The most important thing I’ve learned when choosing a racquet is to make sure the grip size is right. Too small and your elbow will get worn out quickly. Regardless of the amount you spend, just make sure that the grip fits you. I was getting tennis elbow and learned that my grip was too small. Bumped that up and the elbow pain quit so fast it was obviously related.[/INST] Tried them- lots of cushioning and Breathable toe area. Great shoe if you even if u have a slightly wide forefoot. But ended up returning them because I have an exceptionally wide forefoot and they felt a bit tight for me. However, should be a good shoe for most people.</s>
<s>[INST]NXT is very soft, I found it almost mushy feeling on my Prostaff, it's a great string for people with elbow/arm issues. Maybe on a much lighter racket like the PSL it won't take away so much of the feel. Can't comment too much on the prince synth gut, I've used it once, as it's sort of the standard go to synthetic gut, it's got great durability, but that's about all I can say. As to whether you should try other strings, you'd have to tell us what you're looking for out of your strings. Natural gut strings are expensive, but if you don't break them, they hold tension better than anything so your racket will play the same longer, they have unparalleled feel, etc. Perhaps your coach is telling you to avoid them since moisture damages them and you don't have a backup racket? Polyester strings with a light racket is a recipe for disaster IMO, so you're definitely right to avoid that.[/INST] IMO 20g is a bit too extreme. I put 1.5g in the butt of mine to tremendous effect. Anyway, I know very little of this. Accio /u/turbospin!</s>
<s>[INST]I've had to up my game so to speak. No more breakfast. It's intermittent fasting now. No breakfast. As to your head case syndrome, I have no clue. My motto is, if you can't beat them, dazzle them with bullshit.[/INST] My dazzling bullshit is a kick serve that only hits the low 50s on the gun. I knew it was slow, no idea it was that freaking slow. We all took turns on the gun, I was pretty surprised I was able to pump some out at that speed though. But when one dude was hitting 90s we were pretty sure it was on and I just let myself warm up into some really big bombs. I didn’t know I still had it in me. And yeah, I have to stop eating breakfast or I’m going to put on weight. I have to IF.</s>
<s>[INST]Yup! Full poly on my 93P worked best for me around 45lbs when I used it at stock and at 340SW. It seems like a lot of the people who use that frame prefer low tension thin poly to provide the combination of pocketing and feel with the spin you get from it. Rarely heard anyone go higher than mid 40's with poly for this racquet. I had 340's swingweight and my racquets came in pretty headlight, so i think all I did was add a few grams at the tip at that time. But now I've gone all out on my customization to a 360 swingweight, replaced the leather grip with synthetic to make it a bit more head heavy, and added some weight at the buttcap to get the balance to around 32.5cm, but I don't know if I would recommend something this drastic to anyone since this customization was made with my particular stroke mechanics in mind. I still stuck with 56/48 on gut/poly with the increased swingweight, but at 340 or stock it felt a little tight, so if I did it again I probably would have gone with around low 50's gut mains and mid 40's poly. Also confirmed that in a couple weeks there will be a 14x18 version of the 93P coming out and I'm super excited about it because the Prince Original Graphite Mid was the racquet I used in high school and I'm really excited about trying it out. And I imagine that will play super differently than the 18x20![/INST] Great video man. I'm so glad you're out there doing things like this. Just wanted to chime in and add a thought. I've always seen that higher launch angle plays into higher spin. Back in the day I was hitting with my TC95 16x19 with gut mains and 4g crosses, after the mains were really old and losing tension. The launch angle was ridiculous. I had to swing through with a more-closed racket face just to tame it. But the spin was ridiculous as well. Heavy balls like no other. When I string up a racket all tight and boardy (results in very low launch angle), I am hitting flatter and getting less spin. I almost have to hit "under" the ball to get the flight path correct. Almost like I have to use a more eastern grip. I think your model of the racket twisting over the ball affecting spin explains this. Thank you, that is all. </s>
<s>[INST]This is one of the great myths of serving. Your left hip should lead, but it's a result of something else - if you just stick your bum out and get your left hip forward you'll totally miss the point. You actually want to load your legs more; rotate your upper body slightly more away from the court, then dip your knees. Imagine there's a ball at your right heel and you're trying to pick it up without moving your feet. As a result of this you'll notice your left hip automatically pushes ahead of you, and you'll be leading with the hip for the correct reason.[/INST] Pretty embarrassing for me to post, but I've played with this junkballer for about two years now, twice on weekends, and for this past year, most good weather weekdays. Out of all that time I've probably only won a handful of sets. It's like he's adapted his game to completely nullify mine. I started playing in junior year of high school, then in college just hit rallies with friends on weekends. This led to me completely neglecting learning to serve and return and overdeveloping my ground strokes until I moved to this area where I found people who actually play sets. For the first year that I'm learning to actually play the competitive side of tennis, my two main hitting partners were like 3.0 level, retrieve anything junk ballers to the highest degree. I'm talking about put your pride away bunt, lob, high slice, just put the ball in play any way possible type players. With my garbo serve and return and their lack of pace and variety of junk, I pissed away so many sets. It was a combination of double faulting (because I was making gradual improvements to my serve each time we'd play), having no rhythm because of frequency of double faulting and getting junk back, and their lack of errors that pissed me off so much every time we'd play. Every time I play with them it's exactly how you described. I was matching their pace and playing not to lose. Now, after another year of playing with eachother, my main hitting partner has improved so much. I can now hit pretty good 1st and 2nd serves and return at a decent clip. He's developed this BS shot that's like a backhand bunt. He says it's a mishit, but he will swing normally, and the ball will barely make it over the net and die about halfway to the baseline. It happens at least 5 times a set and just crushes my morale when I lose a point to it with no choice but to watch as it takes that dreadful double bounce. Honestly I'm on like a 9 set losing streak to him. Our closest scoreline was 7-6 7-6. I've never been able to put a match together against him. He just knows how to win. Just a couple of weeks ago I got to play with better players, 4.5's who used to play D2 / D3 in college. I was actually able to take a set from one of them. What I got from that was maybe I don't suck that much after all, but I do need to learn how to increase my focus and intensity, and adjust my game plan to my opponent. I have to learn how to grind out bad days without taking too much off my shots. Not all of us can play like Wawrinka against Djokovic every day. So moral of the story is you are not alone! There is a reason why junkballers dominate the 3.5 - 4.0 level.</s>
<s>[INST]What did you do differently ?[/INST] Update: I lost 1-6, 4-6. Played pretty good but could’ve been better. I have 2 more matches today. Hope they go better. Btw, the guy I played is a favorite to win the tournament. Was probably thinking he was gonna kill me.</s>
<s>[INST]How often should I be restringing? Is 2 months on the more frequent side? Restringing costs quite a bit here ($20 plus strings), so it adds up quickly.[/INST] There's no set rule for how often you string. Personally I think the gauge of "how often you play" is a bad one. What wears strings out is how hard you hit (a combination of how fast you swing, how much swing weight your racquet has, and how hard your opponent hits the ball at you), and then how you hit. If you and your opponent both hit hard, with a lot of topspin, you'll pop strings fast. A set of hybrid multifillament even when I was on stock racquets wouldn't last me 3 hours. With a high swing weight, even with a flat hitting partner I can get 30 minutes out of a set maybe. It sounds like you use multi-filament, or maybe natural gut. 2 months is not frequent at all. More frequent than some players out there, but I wouldn't say on the more frequent side. I used to restring 3 frames once a week or so when I was playing with all poly. They'd just turn to mush. I can string for myself though so I don't hesitate to refresh. Strings lose tension from playing, but a lot of tension is lost simply from spending time in the racquet. The longer after tension is first pulled on the machine for each string, the more tension is lost. Anyway, when should you restring? Whenever you feel the performance is compromised. If you don't feel the control you have lost is worth the cost of replacing the string, then don't. You can wait for the string to pop if you want. I probably wouldn't. When the frame has frayed strings, that string is actually stretching a lot. Meaning tension dropped big time. But how you play it might not make much difference. </s>
<s>[INST]My racquet has grown progressively heavier over the years. Lead tape is your friend, if you are adventurous you can also start injecting silicon into the handle, since you can only tape up the frame so much before it becomes too head heavy. I am at the point where now I just play with the same two sticks with one as backup. [/INST] How does UTR work?</s>
<s>[INST]I'm also using a tiny grip (4 1/8) because my hands are just small. Would going up a grip size help? The racquet I borrowed had a grip that was way too big for me, and it felt harder to move around.[/INST] I'm just 5 foot 9 inches and my hands are probably as average as anyone else. I'd experiment if you are able. Just wrap the grip to try different feels of the ball. I have a much harder time hitting with a small grip. I feel like I'm hitting the ball with my arm muscles instead of my wrist muscles. </s>
<s>[INST]You mean actively using my wrist in the shot?? My problem with this shot is when I get aggresive the ball lands long, so I think I could use more spin. I see a lot of the pros finish the racket above their head on this type of shot but I don't know how to achieve that. I agree with you about taking the ball closer.[/INST] Honestly, get a paid coach. It's the best way to improve. The racquet difference is not going to matter. I can play with other people's racquets and hit just as well. </s>
<s>[INST]Thank you my friend,always appreciate your feedback [/INST] I appreciate all of yours as well. Your students are lucky to have such a good coach!</s>
<s>[INST]Yes sir. He was the one drop shotting, just to clarify[/INST] :) I'm always yelling elder abuse when guys younger than me drop shot. Then I always hear, "that's the only shot I had," excuse.</s>
<s>[INST]The two hander has some real advantages over the one hander. For example, return of serve, and handling high balls. There are days where I wish I had a two hander.[/INST] Me, too. I can never really get the pop on my 1 handed backhand drive but I've lived with it since that's what I'm used to. I will fool around with hitting a 2 hander in warmups every once in awhile but hard to start from scratch.</s>
<s>[INST]The strings are probably what’s hurting you. I play against heavy hitters all the time and have a light racket. I find it’s easier on my shoulder and my volleys are better from the maneuverability. Try some new strings and use spin to neutralize those heavy balls. [/INST] Thanks! I'm going to get it restrung this weekend. Any tips for strings? Mono vs. multi, gauge, etc.</s>
<s>[INST]thanks for sharing this. out of curiosity. what would be your strategy for beating someone like yourself?[/INST] I find it difficult to play against players who have a good slice and volleys. Most good players I play against don't let me stay near the bassline for long. If you can slice serve and volley, you've got me. I also struggle against slow shots.</s>
<s>[INST]&gt;too much wrist The wrist is not the "problem" here. This might sound hars, but it is not ment like that in any way...my english is just not that good. "The problem" is that you only hit with your arm. By that I mean you only use your shoulder to make your arm swing. See how the pros use their feet to position them selvs and how they rotate the upper body to "power" the arm swing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLzaaln6Rf0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLzaaln6Rf0) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LetxCiRKSh8&amp;t=24s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LetxCiRKSh8&amp;t=24s) &amp;#x200B; See how the upper body moves, and how the movement starts with the rotation of the hip. And when you think about it, it makes sense from a biomechanical point of view. Use your big, core muscles to help propell your swinging motion :) &amp;#x200B; I can see that you are very fresh to tennis, and I really hope you enjoy playing. It is a fantastic sport in every way, and a sport that you can play your entire life :) I think you could benefit from a few lessons with a (good) pro, the get the basic techniques in place. If that is not an option, just look at youtube, find a pro of who you like the technique and copy him/her. That is actually an underrated way of learning tennis. Analyse someone with good and fluid motion and imitate/copy. &amp;#x200B; Best of luck to you :)[/INST] Very subtle but you’re first move on the take back is a lifting of the arm before you turn but you need to be turning your shoulder first not lifting your arms. Earlier preparation would also help.</s>
<s>[INST]I only have one racquet. I don't think I'm good enough a player to have multiple?[/INST] Having two rackets had little to do about skill and more to do about practicality </s>
<s>[INST]With the ball or the racket?![/INST] Yeah, right, it could have been either. Ball.</s>
<s>[INST]Honestly, it looks like all 4 players are dead on their feet. No tries to poach balls, no teamwork at all. just stand one in front and one in back. Both players should move either up and down the court to pressure their opponent. you can have two players at the net pressuring when one of you hits a great ball. If you're at the net, look to poach 24/7. Other than that, all 4 players honestly need to work on their technique overall. I'd recommend a coach.[/INST] I love poaching, and would do it every time at the net, I just feel like I'm being a ball hog if I go for it on every other shot. I wish we could afford a coach :)</s>
<s>[INST]I think most people who have that kind of reaction when losing fail to understand that they were "off" their game because *God forbid, gasp* the opponent forced them to hit uncomfortable shots all game and threw them off their game? Isn't that the whole point of winning tennis strategy, at all levels? On the flip side, if they lose to a guy who runs them off the court with "good looking" tennis shots, e.g., winners and aces, my guess is that in this case they will accuse those opponents of playing down their level and clearly should be 4.5-5.0 and not 4.0. It's kind of funny that Brad Gilbert's "winning ugly" is a universally respected and well-regarded concept among all rec tennis players, until they lose to someone in that fashion, then it's not "real" tennis. ;) [/INST] Man, it's really funny because I somehow get comments going both ways. Hey you're serve isn't fair, you should be a 4.5 but also.... "ugh, you don't play real tennis." The funniest part is that overall, I'm just not that good, you know what I mean? I'm pretty much an average 4.0 with my whole game considered. If you can hit through my garbage, and my serve isn't on point, I'm almost certainly going to lose the match. Pick one. lol. And Brad Gilbert is my tennis Jesus and his book is my bible, haha. </s>
<s>[INST]I keep wondering "what if" with other rackets, but I always come back to the pro staff, even between pro staff generations. No small part of it is the simple fact that the Wilson Grip contour is really the only one that feels "right" to me. Babolat is close, and I like the pure aero quite a bit, but it just isn't the same at the net or on serve. Not much matches the feeling of smacking a nice swinging volley, or blocking a passing shot at the net with the prostaff. It's just so wonderfully plush and the shock distribution is unmatched IMO.[/INST] I agree, the Wilson pallet shape is my favourite. It feels a bit more square, but not quite rectangular. Babolat and Yonex feel more round as opposed to square, and Head is trending towards being more round too. Their Prestige line is the only one with the classic Head rectangular pallet shape nowadays</s>
<s>[INST]Sort of. I prefer to go to a pro shop and actually get measured. Or use this site: http://protennistips.net/tennis-racquet-grip-size/ I think the “finger width” rule has too much variation and I’ve seen very different results. It’s a bit too loose as a rule of thumb. I’d rather measure tip to knuckle etc. it makes a difference.[/INST] This is great advice thank you!</s>
<s>[INST]Never heard of that...who plays with that rule?[/INST] Please keep this sub pro-free :)</s>
<s>[INST]I do. It’s not super loud or obnoxious but I do it pretty much on all shots. Mostly because my instructor figured out I was holding my breath during points and it forces me to breathe. I’m also undersized so it makes me feel like I get more into shots (but that’s probably just in my head). It does get louder in more intense points but I’ve never had anyone complain - although I’ve had to learn to make my “out” call distinctly different to avoid confusion.[/INST] Yeah this, I used to hold my breath too and I still do if I'm nervous. Years ago i met Djokovic randomly in Melbourne and I asked him what he thought his biggest weakness was and he said it was his breathing. That was the first year he won the Australian Open so that tells you how important it was for him to relax his breathing during his ground strokes. </s>
<s>[INST]Honestly, it looks like all 4 players are dead on their feet. No tries to poach balls, no teamwork at all. just stand one in front and one in back. Both players should move either up and down the court to pressure their opponent. you can have two players at the net pressuring when one of you hits a great ball. If you're at the net, look to poach 24/7. Other than that, all 4 players honestly need to work on their technique overall. I'd recommend a coach.[/INST] nice job!</s>
<s>[INST]Do you play with the same guy as me? The guy I play with literally feeds the ball as hard as he can, effectively shooting it long. I run down all his balls, and when he hits long I give an easy shot to reset the rally and he slaps a fucking winner thinking he’s roger. Then when I hit a long ball (I’m not infallible lol) he will literally not hit the ball and raise his index finger. He also says things like “roger couldn’t have hit that backhand” and he truly believes it. I HATE playing him but tennis is better than none[/INST] Amazing how this seems to be everywhere, players who give shit feeds that land near the baseline that you barely play back and when you give them a nice feed that lands near the service line they try to blast it back into the corner or hit it out. Thankfully I only know like 1 or 2 guys like this, but they come out the most.</s>
<s>[INST]Currently, it's not as important as in the past. Lots of pros are hitting more with their wrist than with a good shoulder turn. It's much easier to step into your forehand and get good weight transfer by turning your body and stepping into the shot. Easier on your body too.[/INST] \*ball hits the back fence on the full\* "Yeah I reckon that was juuuuuust out"</s>
<s>[INST]Ok i will find them[/INST] Thanks! If you just click to /r/10s they should be the first few videos I think </s>
<s>[INST]casual players, go to a local public court you will see it.[/INST] Great question. Having a little heft to the racquet can help smooth out your stroke and teach you to let the momentum of the racquet work for you in generating pace. I'd recommend against hyper-light racquets even for beginners.</s>
<s>[INST]That is very insightful. Moving forward, I will put more emphasis on footwork and preparation.[/INST] Point construction comes from after mastering direction and depth. For most rec players this is probably not doable unless you are 4.5 and up. Check out wardlaw directionals. It is the fundamental of tennis strategy. </s>
<s>[INST]I think that you are lifting your wrist too high which doesn't leave time for it to drop below the elbow when that leads into the ball. Compare your elbow/wrist with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvD9JgrcR1I These are good vids to help you think about how your elbow leads into the contact. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGWyLmyWzvc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZCw2crznhs[/INST] I've never owned an Alpha Revo, but with all of the machines I have owned, I would suggest you string with it for a while before worrying about upgrades. You will know after lots of frames what you will want to spend your money on to upgrade. I don't know what upgrades would even be available for a Revo. Invest in good tools like a starting clamp.</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah I don’t know if I wanna use a full bed of polys. I just ordered the racquet that I settled on (Yonex VCORE Pro 97 330) with NRG2 in the mains and Volkl Cyclone in the crosses, which I hear is relatively comfortable as far as polys go. If that doesn’t go well then I’ll just stick to full bed of multi or syn gut.[/INST] Same here! But after just two months of playing I think the muscles have strengthened or something, now I can hit a forehand with some degree of control, power and consistency. Just keep at it. It’s weird right? I used to think forehand should come easier than bh. Oh, also the racket. I added some lead tape on the sides of the head and it improved things a thousandfold. If you want to try it there are lots of tutorials on YouTube. Best of luck !!</s>
<s>[INST]I would simplify your movement on your serve. Strokes are decent.[/INST] Second this. Also your feet look heavy. Try more split steps and smaller adjustment steps to the ball. Keep your feet moving, don’t get sluggish</s>
<s>[INST]Yeah my local shops (shop actually, singular lol), definitely don't have a swing weight machine. I've had others suggest the regular pro staff 97, so went ahead and heeded y'alls advice and ordered a demo for that and the Prince suggested above and regular ps 97. I prefer a bigger grip, and typically use an 1/8th in sleeve, then decent grip plus Tournagrip, so mine are slightly more headlight than typical stock 10 points. I never knew the static or swing weight till recently, and couldn't believe my HPS's are actually heavier than the 97RF! Hoping the ps 97 or Phantom 93 can give me similar playability with a slightly less static weight.[/INST] I clicked Premier. I didn't think youtube would actually make it work 2x as slow</s>
<s>[INST]Can you elaborate on what the incentives are for the racquet manufacturers and retailers to be shady about pro specs and racquets etc.? Didn't really get that from this video, sorry if I missed it. [/INST] Yeah I feel you. I hate when you push someone wide and instead of just klobbering them with a put away, or making them run to the opposite corner, you give them a lofty slow deep slice. Not like a half ass high slice, but like a borderline lob. Back in the same corner so you can reset the point. And they just slap at the ball as hard as they can, either hitting a winner or worse miss entirely. I really wonder if they think I messed up and were punishing me or thought they were still in the rally. A lot of people don't know how to rally. I'm not the best person to rally with but I try to not just mindlessly bash winners and keep rallies going</s>
<s>[INST]think it was about $120 all up - so $60 each. Not something we make a habit of doing - but we might play there twice a year[/INST] Only on serve. Dont know why. But I really have to focus not to do it on serve. All other shots are grunt-less</s>
<s>[INST]Where do you buy it? There are so many sites but I'm always looking for who is reputable[/INST] Yep racquetdepot co uk is the place! Just gotta wait ~2 weeks and be home to sign for an international package. </s>
<s>[INST]I'm about to head off for bed, so I'll just say a few quick things: 1. You "present" your backhand before you actually take the swing. This may lose you time when trying to return bigger shots to that wing. 2. Bend your knees, even if it's a practice rally. You don't need to bend it as much if it's a warmup and you're just trying to get a feel for your shots, but once you've finished your warmup you should keep your feet and knees active. 3. Avoid the two-bounce tennis. If you don't practice getting to balls that are out your reach or trying to hit back shots that are inconvenient, you won't magically be able to make those shots in a match situation. 4. Video is too short to really make accurate comments. Provide context too, if possible (eg, whether this was the first 5 minutes of your session, or half an hour in).[/INST] Complex carbs, proteins and vitamins. Plus Magnesium will help in muscle recovery and reduction in aches and pains. You can either get a topical oil spray, pills, in foods (scarce), or an Epsom salt bath for 30 mins (personally recommend the bath or pills)</s>
<s>[INST]The most important thing I’ve learned when choosing a racquet is to make sure the grip size is right. Too small and your elbow will get worn out quickly. Regardless of the amount you spend, just make sure that the grip fits you. I was getting tennis elbow and learned that my grip was too small. Bumped that up and the elbow pain quit so fast it was obviously related.[/INST] I regularly talk down to people who lose on purpose so they get to keep playing weak opponents, so it makes sense that people are talking down to you. They can sense it. It's *very* selfish, dickish behavior because you're shoving your own insecurities off on an innocent third party who, I might add, *paid* to play tennis against similarly-skilled opponents. "You wanted a good match? Too bad, you got me because I don't like to lose."</s>
<s>[INST]Tennis scores should be measured in the audible exclamations of our opponents. Glad you had a good day[/INST] As Arnold S. says, "to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women." Well, yeah!</s>
<s>[INST]I'm in the black shirt/blue shorts. After this match I started to feel deep sharp pain in my right shoulder joint - played competition the next day and since then (about 10 days ago) my shoulder has been a write-off! I can open doors, raise my arm straight upwards etc but things like washing my hair are complete torture.. making a throwing motion kills me!!! Looks like no tennis or much of anything for the next few weeks unfortunately..[/INST] Sucks to hear that mate. I have a bum rotator cuff too, which I injured in high school ten years ago that never got fully better. Every time I have a good kick serving day, my rotator cuff taps out the next morning although admittedly I hit some pretty aggressive but rather inconsistent second serves.</s>
<s>[INST]Awesome! I'd personally be interested in seeing a video on how to improve one's serve and volley skills. :) [/INST] Ok great ,I will try in the near future :)</s>
<s>[INST]Thank you! I will play around with the timing next time I get on the court.[/INST] You have to be a bit more specific lol.</s>
<s>[INST]Well, if it’s 70 where you are now I don’t want to be there in summer. Over here in based soon-to-be-former Europeland, we’ve just had some rain (normal), and about 40 degree-ish temperatures. Shame my patellar tendonopathy is stopping me playing.[/INST] Sorry to hear that. Staying healthy for any length of time is really hard.</s>
<s>[INST]IS THIS ABOUT SEX??????????!!!!!!!!![/INST] Not bad at all, better than mine. Very fluid. Let's see your backhand next!</s>
<s>[INST]What’s the secret? I’m constantly getting myself jammed up on the two hander or just slicing and accidentally floating it instead of cutting through the court. Can’t seem to get the footwork down I guess[/INST] Improve footwork to get to the ball, setup faster, weight transfer properly and follow through</s>
<s>[INST]I never realized how bizarre it was until recently. It works for me, though.[/INST] Bro what is that service motion</s>
<s>[INST]When you say weight - should I focus on static weight or swingweight? I hear that the swingweight is a better representation of the effective “heaviness” of a racquet whereas the static weight doesn’t mean much. Does this hold true with regards to comfort?[/INST] Honestly both matter when it comes to elbows, because it’s a function of both static weight and how it’s distributed on the frame. Best thing is really to do a good demo and make sure you play w the same frame 2-3 sessions in a row at full intensity and see how you feel. But look into the flexbar excercises bc that will make you stronger and more resilient to pain regardless of the frame.</s>
<s>[INST]Not much to roast about your forehand. However, i would like to roast your ball machine setting. Why are you setting it to feed so frequently? You do not have time to get into ready position, so you wwing like a windmill. Not sure what the purpose of that is. I find it si much better to set I at lower frequency and include more footwork. For instance, if i am practicing inside out forehands, i would move to the center of the court between shots, split and then move to the left to take the next shot as forehand. [/INST] Thanks. Regarding the ball machine this was literally the first time we used it :) just testing out different settings</s>
<s>[INST]Age 55 and 9.0 (two 4.5s in their cases)[/INST] nice. was it in surprise, arizona?</s>
<s>[INST]I have an old machine (read huge and heavy) on my neighbor's tennis court. It was good when I was returning to tennis after a 12 year layoff. But now that I'm back in form, I find it very boring. I haven't used it in a year. It's so much more fun hitting with another player. That being said, if you don't have a steady hitting partner, it really helps to have one to keep you sharp.[/INST] That is the scenario I don't want to get into (not using it or benefiting from it after a certain time) and go through the hassle of trying to sell it on ebay or something... the rentals at the facilities here also require me to reserve indoor time so that option doesn't seem all that practical either. </s>
<s>[INST]I forgot about my other favorite guy, Stan the Man!!! I love his play style and pattern my game after him to an extent. What a win, maybe he can get no. 4 over this fortnight!!!![/INST] Looks great. Maybe I’d consider losing the slight stop you put at the pat the dog position (because it interrupts the flow of your forehand) but most everything else looks great.</s>
<s>[INST]I'm in the black shirt/blue shorts. After this match I started to feel deep sharp pain in my right shoulder joint - played competition the next day and since then (about 10 days ago) my shoulder has been a write-off! I can open doors, raise my arm straight upwards etc but things like washing my hair are complete torture.. making a throwing motion kills me!!! Looks like no tennis or much of anything for the next few weeks unfortunately..[/INST] If you like the RF / PS97, then your best bet is to simply lead up the PS97 to something inbetween the two. Edit: Curious that you find the PAT to have insufficient stability; it’s one of its strengths...but anyway leading that at 3 &amp; 9 could be another option.</s>
<s>[INST]You mean big strokes as in an elaborate takeback/swing path, or in terms of power? If you want more power, weighting up your relatively light racket would probably be the easiest/cheapest thing to do. I am a big fan on Spiraltek for a lower priced spin friend synth gut. My wife plays with it on a pro aero at 56lbs, and it has respectable power at that tension, if you dropped it a bit more I think you'd find it pretty satisfying, and if not, hey it was only 5$. Do you break strings at all, or are you looking for more tension maintenance vs durability (string not breaking)? My wife gets ~4-5 weeks out of the spirateks playing ~10 hours a week.[/INST] College players can be good coaches and can be cheaper than the average coach.</s>
<s>[INST]Tan line photo? What's the discoloration on your ankle bone?[/INST] Childhood injury</s>
<s>[INST]Sorry about the shoulder. I’m on week 4 of a calf tear myself. The real pain is still being in the “GroupMe” chat and seeing every time a match is arranged that I can’t play in. It’s been torture. Heal well, my friend. We’ll be back on the courts someday.[/INST] Wow great compilation! Also, Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Can you tell us what happened so we can avoid also being sidelined? Are you doing any rehab yet? Thanks!</s>
<s>[INST]I don't really know how. That wind-up helps me find my rhythm on the shot. Any idea how I can make it work?[/INST] I am going to post a couple videos for you to check out. You need to replace your muscle memory through repetition - shadow swings are great for this. I would start with this exercise demonstrated by a ten year old. I am so jealous :) https://youtu.be/ukRMNLQPtTM Then I would move to this simple demonstration https://youtu.be/EEBxF80hhPM Here is Federer's serve in slow motion to model - which is what we ultimately want to have :) https://youtu.be/NSmPPsZVhLg</s>
<s>[INST]Childhood injury[/INST] I was taught your forehand should take you fence to fence. Once you're in the unit turn your chest should face one fence and by the end of your follow-through your chest should be facing the other fence. This is also for an open stance forehand. I imagine it would be pretty difficult to do this from a closed stance</s>
<s>[INST]Can't beat feel tennis.[/INST] Great service. The only thing I would recommend is become a righty :p</s>
<s>[INST]I used to store two rackets in the same bag with no partition in the middle and their cosmetics were destroyed within days which was when I realized them ‘rubbing together’ I guess does that. No harm on the frames but cosmetic destroyed.[/INST] IMO a racket isn’t truly yours until you’ve taken a chip out the paintwork. Up until then, you’re still trying it out. I came up with this theory after putting a nice scratch in one of my 2-week old Vcores about an hour ago.</s>
<s>[INST]Bigger nail clippers. Or have the nail surgically removed like Brad Gilbert did[/INST] The missing paint on the throat suggests the previous owner gripped the throat with his/her non-dominant hand when in the ready position.</s>
<s>[INST]A lot of people are talking about your arm but I honestly think you could just use more core and shoulder rotation, the motion with your arm looks great but it doesn't look as efficient as it could be. Nice forehand though :)[/INST] Same; I noticed he does a mini-jump most times he hits the ball (there's only like one time he has both feet planted). With the balls in the rally being this slow, he should have better footwork (and subsequently, rotation through the kinetic chain) to not need to jump.</s>
<s>[INST]Good work man. Just got to put in the reps. Think of it this way, would tennis be a high skill sport if you were playing at your level for 5 years, only to have someone come in and knock your clock out on their first go?! You did great to come back. Just have to work out those nerves, give it time. Get better with eliminating negative thoughts beforehand. Taking care of pushers will get easier as your form/technique becomes more en-grained. Better muscle memory will make it so you don't think about hitting like you are.[/INST] Thanks! I'm going to be doing a lot of hanging ball practice this week while I recover haha. </s>
<s>[INST]No ad scoring makes games go by much faster. Make sure you give yourself ample time to warm up, since this game format is unforgiving on players that have a slow startup.[/INST] Great, should be interesting - thanks!</s>
<s>[INST]I'm guessing I used to be 4.0, but I've only just started playing again after a 2 year break so I'm kind of all over the place. For strokes do you mean how long my swing is? In that case it's probably medium. I may be wrong though. I hit with as much topspin as I can. I basically never ever hit flat shots from the baseline. As for power I think I do okay considering how skinny I am. I use my whole body to swing and I can hit (relatively) hard for my muscle mass compared to those around me. I'm going to start working out soon so strength will increase. I will record some video tomorrow and get back to you. I wish I had better info for you. Edit: Oh and as for playstyle I LOVE running up to the net as soon as I get the chance. For backhand, I basically spam slice unless I'm 100% sure I can two-hand it. My two hand backhand is terribly inconsistent in the sense that sometimes it's way past the baseline and like 30% of the time it hits the net. Anything else in particular I should elaborate on? Edit: I compared my swing with others' swings and it turns out mine is actually a full swing, not abbreviated in any way. Idk if that affects the racquet choice though.[/INST] Old thread, but I just came across this sub, and wanted to offer some input. I switched the the RF97 6 months ago, and I tested it initially with my usual setup of Volkl Cyclone at 48lbs. I came from a weighted up APD, similar in weight to a stock pure aero tour. While that setup was amazing in my APD, it sucked in my RF97. It made the racket feel super stiff/dead, and felt like it was holding back the racket from reaching it's true potential. I decided to give the natural gut main/poly cross hybrid a try, and I haven't gone back since. Natural gut holds tension extremely well - with it in the mains, if you don't break your strings often, you can essentially play with the setup until it breaks, as the gut carries the poly crosses well after the poly has already died out. I haven't had to restring my rackets in 5 months, and this is with playing 2-3 times a week at a 4.5-5.0 level. The RF97 plays extremely well with a gut hybrid - it honestly feels like it has more spin than a full bed of poly, as the gut slides against the smooth poly cross really well. I'd recommend giving it a try and seeing what you think!</s>
<s>[INST]Bro what is that service motion[/INST] My coach just switched from the HPS to the new standard Pro Staff 97. I'd recommend it, and he seems to prefer it to the HPS.</s>
<s>[INST]Yonex PTP 120. I use an 18x20, with tensions in the mid 40s on one frame, mid 50s on another. I like it because I get the ridiculous spin that full poly provides, but it's thin and poppy enough that it feels sort of like a multi or syn gut at high tension. After 5 or 10 hours I cut it out, depending on how paranoid I am feeling. It is also quite cheap if you buy a reel from overseas. [/INST] I think it certainly does have a negative connotation, as when I \*\*Tried\*\* a club (just wasn't worth the cost or commute, courts weren't that great either), the majority of players were people more interested in the social activity of tennis rather than the sport its self. That's usually what I imagine. That doesn't mean that all people who are in clubs are this type of player. Nor do I think that it is all bad. I'm not the biggest fan of the flood of players who are just out there talking during doubles. In the past it has been annoying and distracting... moon ballers gossiping about \[xyz's\] problems. But at the same time, they're staying active so that's great.</s>
<s>[INST]You should treat winners as groundstrokes that your opponent can’t get to. That said, you could always try making your follow through more horizontal and lean forward and into your shot if you really insist on hitting winners out of nowhere.[/INST] [deleted]</s>
<s>[INST]I forgot about my other favorite guy, Stan the Man!!! I love his play style and pattern my game after him to an extent. What a win, maybe he can get no. 4 over this fortnight!!!![/INST] A somewhat eyeball indicator of speed is by seeing how far up the ball hits the back fence. I would say this is probably in the 70-80 range. 96 is fast, average college players will only serve in the 90-100 range.</s>