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(5) The secretary must establish, maintain and manage a Secretariat to provide for the efficient and professional administrative services to the Board. Division 4 Provincial Education Boards 69 (1) Establishment and membership of the Provincial Education Boards A Provincial Education Board is established for each Province and Municipality within that Province. Education Act No.
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Education Act No. 9 of 2014 49 NATIONAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL, NATIONAL CURRICULUM PART 7 AND ASSESSMENT BOARD, NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP AND TRAINING BOARD AND PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARDS (2) The following persons are members of the Board: (a) a representative of the Provincial Government Council; and (b) the Provincial Education Officer. (3) (4) In addition to subsection (2), the Minister is to appoint 4 other members of the Board on the advice of the Director General.
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A person is not qualified to be appointed as a member of the Provincial Education Board if he or she is: (a) a member of Parliament; or (b) exercises any position of responsibility in a political party.
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(5) In making an appointment under subsection (3), the Minister must ensure that the Board has: (a) a fair representation of: (i) (ii) the teachers and the parents of the students at the schools and kindergartens in the Province; and organisations and individuals interested in education in the Province; and (b) an equitable and balanced gender representation. For the purpose of this section, municipality means a municipality established under the Municipalities Act [CAP 126].
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Functions of the Provincial Education Boards Each Provincial Education Board has the following functions: (6) 70 (1) (a) to operate and manage the government schools in the Province; and (b) (c) to plan, promote, develop and coordinate early childhood and care, primary and secondary educational activities in the Province; and to advise the Director General on the need for new schools in the province; and Education Act No.
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9 of 2014 50 NATIONAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL, NATIONAL CURRICULUM PART 7 AND ASSESSMENT BOARD, NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP AND TRAINING BOARD AND PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARDS (d) (e) (f) to assist the Ministry in planning for sufficient schools to meet the needs of the province, and to apply for the registration of new schools and prescribed changes to existing schools in the approved form; and to present to the Director General, an annual report and any other reports required by the Director General relating to schools and kindergartens in the Province; and whenever requested by the Minister or the Director General, to provide information or advice to him or her on any matter affecting schools and kindergartens in the Province; and (g) such other functions as may be imposed on the Board under this Act.
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71 (1) Secretary and Accounts of Provincial Education Boards The Provincial Education Officer is the secretary of the Board. (2) The secretary has the following functions: (a) (b) to ensure that all decisions of the Board are being implemented; and to report activities of the Board to the Director General through quarterly and annual reports.
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(3) A Provincial Education Board must: (a) keep proper accounting records in relation to its financial affairs (including receipt and expenditure of government grants under section 40); and (b) prepare annual statements of account for each financial year. (4) 72 (1) A Provincial Education Board’s accounts for each financial year must be audited within 6 months after the end of that financial year by the Auditor- General.
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Reports A Provincial Education Board must, within 2 months after the end of each year, provide the Director General with a report relating to the administration of its schools and kindergartens for that year. Education Act No.
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Education Act No. 9 of 2014 51 NATIONAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL, NATIONAL CURRICULUM PART 7 AND ASSESSMENT BOARD, NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP AND TRAINING BOARD AND PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARDS (2) (3) (4) 73 (1) The Provincial Education Board must provide the Director General with any additional information he or she requires about a matter contained in a report.
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A Provincial Education Officer must advise the Director General of all major activities of his or her Provincial Education Board in regular quarterly reports. The Director General may determine the form and content of the reports referred to in subsection (1) and (3).
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Government schools – transitional arrangements On and after the commencement of this Act, each of the Provincial Education Boards listed in the table in the Schedule is responsible for the operation of the government schools listed in that table, and each of those schools is taken to be registered. (2) The Director General must, as soon as practicable after commencement of this Act: (a) enter in the Register, each school listed in the Schedule ; and (b) issue each school with a certificate of registration.
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(3) The Minister may by Order amend the Schedule if the Minister is satisfied that the amendment is necessary to correct a mistake. Division 5 Administrative provisions Administrative provisions 74 The Minister may by Order, prescribe administrative provisions relating to the National Education Advisory Council, the National Curriculum and Assessment Board, the National Scholarship and Training Board and the Provincial Education Boards. Education Act No.
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Education Act No. 9 of 2014 52 PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS 75 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) School Registration Appeal Board The School Registration Appeal Board is established.
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The Board consists of the following members who are to be appointed by the Minister: (a) a representative of the Department of Education; and (b) a representative of the Department of Local Authorities; and (c) a representative of the Provincial Education Boards; and (d) a representative of the Assisted Education Authorities; and (e) a representative of the Vanuatu Law Commission. The Minister is to appoint from amongst the members of the Board, the Chairperson of the Board.
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To be eligible for appointment as the Chairperson, a person must have a legal or educational background. A member of the Board is to hold office for a period of 3 years and is eligible for re-appointment.
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A person is not qualified to be appointed as a member of the Board if he or she is: (a) a member of Parliament; or (b) (c) (d) a member of an Education Authority or a Provincial Education Board; or a person who exercises any position of responsibility in a political party; or a member of a Provincial Government Council or Municipal Council. (6) The Board may regulate its own procedures. (7) The Board has the following functions: Education Act No.
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9 of 2014 53 PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) to consider appeals being made to it relating to school registration; and where necessary, undertake further investigation and assessment relating to the decision of the Director General to cancel the registration of a school or an educational institution; and to confirm, reverse or modify the decision of the Director General to cancel the registration of a school or an educational institution; and to refer the matter back to the Director General to reconsider in relation to the Board’s opinion and directions; and to develop and implement the School Registration Appeal policies, guidelines, procedures, processes and systems; and to monitor and report to the Minister and Director General on the implementation of the School Registration Appeal policies, guidelines, procedures, processes and systems.
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(8) The Chairperson or a member of the Board must declare his or her conflict of interest on any matter being appealed to the Board and must not take part in any discussions or decisions to be made on such matter. 76 (1) General Appeal Board The General Appeal Board is established.
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(2) The General Appeal Board consists of the following persons: (a) a nominee of the National Education Advisory Council; and (b) a nominee of the Law Commission; and (c) a nominee of the Vanuatu Christian Council; and (d) a nominee of the Ministry of Education; and (e) a nominee of the Vanuatu Education Policy Advocacy Coalition. (3) The secretary of the National Education Advisory Council is the secretary of the Board. Education Act No.
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Education Act No. 9 of 2014 54 PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS (4) (5) (6) (7) The Minister is to appoint from amongst the members of the Board, the Chairperson of the Board. To be eligible for appointment as the Chairperson, a person must have a legal or educational background. A member of the Board is to hold office for a period of 3 years and is eligible for re-appointment. To be eligible for appointment as the Chairperson, a person must have a legal or educational background.
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A person is not qualified to be appointed as a member of the Board if he or she is: (a) a member of Parliament; or (b) (c) (d) a member of an Education Authority or a Provincial Education Board; or a person who exercises any position of responsibility in a political party; or a member of a Provincial Government Council or Municipal Council.
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(8) The Board has the following functions: (a) (b) (c) to consider appeals being made to it relating to decisions being made under sections 28, 29 and 32 and paragraph 65(1)(h); and to develop and implement the Appeal policies, guidelines, procedures, processes and systems for appeals that are being made to it; and to monitor and report to the Minister and Director General on the implementation of the Appeal policies, guidelines, procedures, processes and systems for appeals being made to it.
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The Chairperson or a member of the Board must declare his or her conflict of interest on any matter being appealed to the Board and must not take part in any discussions or decisions to be made on such matter. Provisions in relation to proceedings of an Appeal Board This section applies to proceedings of the School Registration Appeal Board and the General Appeal Board. (9) 77 (1) Education Act No.
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(9) 77 (1) Education Act No. 9 of 2014 55 PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS (2) (3) (4) A Board may summon a person before it to give evidence and to produce documents. A Board may require a person giving evidence before it to take an oath or affirmation that he or she will tell the truth and may administer that oath or affirmation. A summons to a witness under this section may be served personally or by sending it by prepaid post to the last known address of the person concerned.
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(5) A person being summoned to attend a hearing of an Appeal Board as a witness, must not without reasonable excuse: (a) refuses or fails to attend; or (b) refuses or fails to produce documents in accordance with the summons; or (c) refuses to take an oath or affirmation to tell the truth; or (d) refuses to answer a question the Board determines must be answered unless the person reasonably believes the answer to the question will incriminate him or her.
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A person who commits any of the acts in subsection (5) is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding VT250,000. The hearing of an appeal before a Board is open to the public unless the Board determines that the appeal be heard in private. The Board may give directions prohibiting or restricting the publication or other disclosure of evidence given or tendered before the Board.
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A Board may confirm, vary or set aside a determination or decision being appealed against and may refer the matter back to the relevant authority to reconsider in relation to the Board’s opinion and directions. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The decision of an Appeal Board is final. 78 (1) Representation at Appeal Board Hearings A party to an appeal under section 75 or 76 may be represented by a lawyer. Education Act No.
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Education Act No. 9 of 2014 56 PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS (2) 79 (1) (2) A person may be represented by a person who is not a lawyer, with the prior written approval of the relevant Appeal Board. Attempt to influence Board A person must not attempt to unduly influence a Board, any person appointed to the Board in relation to any educational administrative matters or such other matter.
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A person who contravenes this section is guilty of an offence punishable on conviction by a fine not exceeding VT500,000 or a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year or both. (3) This section does not prohibit a person from: (a) making submissions or representations in any educational administrative matters at the request or invitation of an Appeal Board; or (b) giving evidence as a witness or in some other capacity to the Board.
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80 (1) Delegation of functions and powers The Director General, a Director and a Provincial Education Officer may, by instrument in writing, delegate all or any of his or her functions and powers under this Act to another officer within the Ministry with appropriate qualifications and expertise, except this power of delegation.
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(2) The delegation: (a) (b) may be made either generally or as otherwise provided by the instrument of delegation; and does not prevent the performance or exercise of the function or power so delegated by the Director General, the Director or the Provincial Education Officer, as the case requires.
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81 (1) Regulations The Minister may, by Order, make Regulations prescribing all matters: (a) required or permitted by this Act to be prescribed; or (b) necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act. Education Act No. 9 of 2014 57 PART 8 MISCELLANEOUS (2) 82 (1) (2) The Regulations may prescribe penalties for offences against the Regulations. A penalty prescribed must not exceed VT 50,000.
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A penalty prescribed must not exceed VT 50,000. Repeal of the Education Act and savings provision Subject to subsection (2), the Education Act [CAP 272] is repealed. Unless inconsistent with this Act, any Regulations, Orders and Notices made or given under the Education Act [CAP 272], remain in force as if they were made or given under this Act. Commencement 83 This Act commences on the day on which it is published in the Gazette. Education Act No.
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Education Act No. 9 of 2014 58 SCHEDULE SCHEDULE (Section 73) Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY TORBA PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARD Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R 010106 010106 Losolava R 010113 010113 Sarantar R 010121 010121 R 010112 010112 Silver Memorial (Vales) Santa Maria R 011407 011407 Martin R 010308 010308 Nergar R 010316 010316 Tasvare R 010305 010305 Vaes (Lequel) R 010517 010517 Telvet R 010523 010523 Wongyeskei R 011003 011003 Bagavegug R 010914 010914 Shelil R 010915 010915 Shem Rolley R0104095 0104095 R 010401 010401 Arep Arep R0104115 0104115 Gneretuvuro R 010422 010422 Nelson (Vatop) R 010424 010424 Wosok 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA Gaua Gaua Gaua Gaua Hiu Merelava Merelava Merelava TORBA PEB TORBA PEB TORBA PEB TORBA PEB TORBA PEB TORBA PEB TORBA PEB TORBA PEB Mota Lava TORBA PEB Mota Lava TORBA PEB Toga TORBA PEB Ureparapara TORBA PEB Ureparapara TORBA PEB Vanua Lava TORBA PEB Vanua Lava TORBA PEB Vanua Lava TORBA PEB Vanua Lava TORBA PEB Vanua Lava TORBA PEB E E E F E F E E F F E E E F E F F F Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R 010119 010119 Vaget 01 TORBA Gaua TORBA PEB E Education Act No. 9 of 2014 59 SCHEDULE R 011110 011110 Robin R 010609 010609 Pasalele R 010517 010517 Telhei R 010411 010411 Sanlang 01 01 01 01 TORBA TORBA TORBA TORBA Loh Mota TORBA PEB TORBA PEB Mota Lava TORBA PEB Vanua Lava TORBA PEB E E E E Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0104106 0104106 Arep R0101123 0101123 Santa Maria 01 01 TORBA TORBA Vanua Lava TORBA PEB Gaua TORBA PEB F F Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 12) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R 010490 010490 Arep 01 TORBA Vanua Lava TORBA PEB E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY SANMA PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARD Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R022007 022007 Bernier Bay R022421 022421 Lehilehina R022101 022101 Alowaru R0221501 0221501 Ambakura R022103 022103 Avunatari R022106 022106 Banaviti R022114 022114 Jinaure R022120 022120 Kitacu R0221500 0221500 Najaraiwelu R022138 022138 Nandiutu 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA Aore Araki Malo Malo Malo Malo Malo Malo Malo Malo Education Act No.
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9 of 2014 E E E F E E E E F F SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB 60 SCHEDULE R022139 022139 Nanuhu (Randasi) R022143 022143 Naviaru R022163 022163 Taharo R021711 021711 Dambulu R022204 022204 Balon R022288 022288 Belmol R022209 022209 Butmas R0222325 0222325 Day Spring R0222502 0222502 Ebenezer R022215 022215 Hog Harbour R022216 022216 Ian Livo R022217 022217 Iethvekar R022247 022247 R022219 022219 John Noble Mackenzie Jordan Valley R022222 022222 Lath-Hi R0222497 0222497 Lemesie (Lape Paparama) R022224 022224 Lorethiakarkar R022226 022226 Malao R022234 022234 Menevula R022282 022282 Merap St Augustin R022235 022235 Mwast R022240 022240 Nasalanvunmoli R022246 022246 Notre Dame de Lourde (Vilvil) R022252 022252 Piamatsina R020110 020110 Santo East R022258 022258 Sara R022260 022260 Selusia R022262 022262 Sulemauri R022266 022266 Tata R022268 022268 Tiasia R022274 022274 Vovlei R022275 022275 Vunabulu R022278 022278 Winsao 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA Malo Malo Malo Mavea Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB E F E E E E F E F E E E E E E E F E E F E E F F E E E E E E E E E Education Act No.
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9 of 2014 61 SCHEDULE R0222504 0222504 Zion R021912 021912 Dombulu 02 02 SANMA SANMA Santo Tutuba SANMA PEB SANMA PEB E E Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R022205 022205 Ban Ban R022289 022289 R022210 022210 De Queros (Matantas) Ebenezer R020102 020102 Kamewa R020101 020101 Kamewa R022223 022223 Limarua R020103 020103 Luganville Est R022229 022229 Merei (Mamara) R022241 022241 Natawa R022286 022286 R022251 022251 Paireve (Nasulesule) Pialulup R022264 022264 Saletui R020111 020111 Sarakata R022208 022208 St. Jacques 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB E E E F E E F E E E E E E F Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School R0221344 0221344 Nandiutu R0221305 0221305 Nandiutu R0222352 0222352 Menevula R0222308 0222308 Tata Provincial Code 02 02 02 02 Province Island Administration Language SANMA SANMA SANMA SANMA Malo Malo Santo Santo SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB SANMA PEB E F E E Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 12) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language Education Act No.
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9 of 2014 62 SCHEDULE R0222302 0222302 Hog Harbour R0201102 0201102 Santo East 02 02 SANMA SANMA Santo Santo SANMA PEB SANMA PEB E E Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0201100 0201100 R0222303 0222303 Collège de Luganville Matevulu College 02 02 SANMA SANMA Santo Santo SANMA PEB SANMA PEB F E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY PENAMA PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARD Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R023629 023629 Ala Memorial (Makenzie) R032604 032604 Ambaebulu R032605 032605 Ambaebulu R032607 032607 Autabulu R032610 032610 Bangabulu R032614 032614 Gadue Garea R032617 032617 Herenhala R032625 032625 Lolovoli R032628 032628 Loquirutaro R032631 032631 Naleleo R032638 032638 Nduindui R032639 032639 Ngwalona R032642 032642 Qatuneala R032643 032643 Quatui R032647 032647 Reynold Memorial (Nagole) R032649 032649 Sarabulu 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae PENAMA Ambae PENAMA PEB E E F E E F E E E E E F E E E F Education Act No.
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9 of 2014 63 SCHEDULE R032650 032650 Simon R032652 032652 Talai Roroi Leleo R032858 032858 Vanue Mamara R032860 032860 Vilakalaka R032861 032861 Volovuhu R032862 032862 Vuingalato R032863 032863 Waisine R032864 032864 Walaha R032701 032701 Abanga R0327321 0327321 Baitora R032709 032709 Bakanao (Naviso) R032716 032716 Gambule R032735 032735 Naone R032737 032737 Nasawa R032802 032802 Abuanga R032803 032803 Aligu R032806 032806 Atavtabanga R032812 032812 Bwatnapni R032813 032813 Enkul R032815 032815 Gamalmaua R032818 032818 R032820 032820 Labultamata (Tamua) Lesasanemal R032821 032821 Lini Memorial R032836 032836 Naruah R032840 032840 Pangi R032811 032811 R032845 032845 Point Cross (Benmotri) Ranmawot R032846 032846 Ranwas R032823 032823 R032853 032853 Sori Mauri (Lolkasai) Tanbok R032854 032854 Torlie R032867 032867 Vanmamla 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Ambae Maewo Maewo Maewo Maewo Maewo Maewo PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Penticost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Penticost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Penticost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Penticost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Penticost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB E E E F E E E E E F E E E F F E E E E E E E E F E E E E E E E E Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Education Act No.
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9 of 2014 64 SCHEDULE Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R032751 032751 Sulua 03 PENAMA Maewo PENAMA PEB E Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0426300 0426300 Ambaebulu R0426302 0426302 Navutiriki R0426311 0426311 Navutiriki R0427305 0427305 Gambule R0428310 0428310 Bwatnapni R0428306 0428306 R0328352 0328352 Lini Memorial College Atavtabanga 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA PENAMA Ambae Ambae Ambae Maewo PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB Pentecost PENAMA PEB PENAMA Pentecost PENAMA PEB E E F E E E E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY MALAMPA PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARD Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
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VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R044043 044043 Luwoi R044313 044313 Bulemap R044320 044320 Fanla R044335 044335 Leleut R044340 044340 Lolibulo R044346 044346 Magam R044349 044349 Mbossung R044350 044350 Megamone R042956 0443336 Port Vato R044362 044362 Port Vato R044364 044364 Ranon R042993 042993 Roromai Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA Akhamb Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym Ambrym MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB 65 E E F E F E E E E F E E SCHEDULE R044391 044391 Wuro R043177 043177 Topaen R043953 043953 Namaru R042902 042902 Amelveth R042907 042907 Baie Caroline R042908 042908 Benbon R042917 042917 Daodobo R042918 042918 Daodobo R042921 042921 Faralao R042922 042922 Farun (Kalwai) R042926 042926 Kamai R042928 042928 Laindua R042927 042927 Lakatoro R0429317 0429317 Lalkoko (Mae Sirbulbul) R042931 042931 Lambubu R044497 044497 Lerawo R042936 042936 Leviamp R042938 042938 Lingarak R044347 044347 Matanvath R042951 042951 Melworbank R042955 042955 Neramb R042956 042956 Norsup R042961 042961 Pinapow R042973 042973 Rensarie (Tembibi) R042974 042974 Rensarie (Tembibi) R042965 042965 Sanesup R042971 042971 South West Bay R042972 042972 Tautu R042975 042975 Tisman R042979 042980 Vanruru R042903 042903 Velow R042983 042983 Vinmavis R042987 R042990 042987 042990 Wilak Wora R042912 042912 Brenwei 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA Ambrym MALAMPA PEB Atchin Avock MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 66 SCHEDULE R043867 043867 Sangalai R044433 044433 Lehili R044439 R044442 044439 044442 Liro Luvil R044468 044468 Selusa R044482 044482 Vauleli R044414 044414 Vutekai R042979 042979 Uripiv 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 MALAMPA Maskelynes MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA Paama Paama Paama Paama Paama Paama Uripiv MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB E F E E E E F E Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R044369 R042904 044369 042904 Senai Aulua 04 04 MALAMPA MALAMPA Ambrym MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB E E Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0343312 0343312 Olal (Tobol) R0343302 0343302 Ranon R0340311 0340311 Amelvet R0329301 0329301 Lakatoro R0340311 0340311 South Malekula (Lonvat) R0329308 0329308 South West Bay R0429377 0429377 Brenwei R0438378 0438378 Sangalai R0344310 0344310 Vaum R0344315 0344315 College de Lehili 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA MALAMPA Ambrym Ambrym MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA MALAMPA Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA Maskelynes MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA MALAMPA Paama Paama MALAMPA PEB MALAMPA PEB F E E E E E E E E F Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 67 SCHEDULE Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 12) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0329304 0329304 Norsup R0329307 0329307 Rensarie 04 04 MALAMPA MALAMPA Malekula MALAMPA PEB Malekula MALAMPA PEB F F Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0329306 0329306 Rensarie 04 MALAMPA Malekula MALAMPA PEB E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY SHEFA PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARD Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R055052 055052 Senecol R050202 050202 Central Primary R050203 050203 Centre Ville R055412 055412 Ekonak R055415 055415 Erakor R0554379 0554379 Esnnar R0554377 0554377 Green Hill 05 05 05 05 05 06 05 SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 Buninga SHEFA PEB Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB 68 E E F E F F E SCHEDULE R055433 055433 Malatia R055437 055437 Matarisu R055450 055450 Roau R055457 055457 Takara R055459 055459 Tanoliu R050218 050218 Vila North R055145 055145 Nofo R055162 055162 Worarana R055428 055428 Lausake R054608 054608 Burumba R054629 054629 Lokopue R054630 054630 Mabfilau R054631 054631 Maganua (Ngala) R054640 054640 Mobarawa (Moriu) R054603 054603 Nalema R054646 054646 Nulnessa R054651 054651 Sara R054653 054653 Sikembo R0546378 0546378 Votlo R056022 R056023 056022 056023 Ifira Ifira R054627 054627 Lamenu R055905 055905 Amoro R055232 055232 Makira R055338 055338 Mataso R055860 055860 Tasiriki R055743 055743 Noaiwia R055458 055458 Tangovawia R054909 054909 Coconak R054817 054817 Ere R054821 054821 Hiwelo R054825 054825 Katundaula R054834 054834 Malawia R054841 054841 Naworaone R054844 054844 Nottage 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Emae Emae Emao Epi Epi Epi Epi Epi Epi Epi Epi Epi Epi Ifira Ifira Laman Lelepa Makira Mataso Moso Nguna Pele SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB Tongariki SHEFA PEB Tongoa Tongoa Tongoa Tongoa Tongoa Tongoa SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB E F F E E E E F E F F E E E E E E E F F E E E E E E E E E E E F F E E Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 69 SCHEDULE R0554390 0554390 Nuakwanapu Primary School 05 SHEFA Efate SHEFA PEB E Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R050201 R055410 R055416 R055414 R055418 R050206 R050207 R050221 R055436 R055439 R055447 R055455 R050217 R055435 R054601 R054607 R054642 R054663 R055713 R054824 050201 055410 055416 055414 055418 050206 050207 050221 055436 055439 055447 055455 050217 055435 054601 054607 054642 054663 055713 054824 Anabrou Ekipe Erakor Eratap Eton Freshwota Freshwota Kawenu Manua Melemaat Pango Suango Vila East Mangarongo Akama Bonkovio Nikaura Yevali Eles Itakuma 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Efate Emau Epi Epi Epi Epi Nguna Tongoa SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB F E E E E E F E E E E F E E E F E E E F Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School R0502115 R0554303 R0502114 R0551311 0502115 0554303 0502114 0551311 Centre Ville Ulei Vila North Nofo Provincial Code 05 05 05 05 Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 Province Island Administration Language SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA Efate Efate Efate Emae SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB 70 F E E E SCHEDULE R0546305 R0502113 R0548308 0546305 0502113 0548308 Burumba Ifira Napangasale 05 05 05 SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA Epi Ifira SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB Tongoa SHEFA PEB F E E Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 12) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Municipality Administration Language R0546306 0546306 Epi 05 SHEFA Epi SHEFA PEB E Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer ( Years 7 - 14) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School R0502104 R0502105 R0502100 0502104 0502105 0502100 Lycée LAB Malapoa Central Provincial Code 05 05 05 Province Municipality Administration Language SHEFA SHEFA SHEFA Efate Efate Efate SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB SHEFA PEB F E E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY TAFEA PROVINCIAL EDUCATION BOARD Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R066701 R066423 R066304 R066405 R066373 R066374 R066379 R066382 R066529 066701 066423 066304 066405 066373 066374 066379 066382 066529 Analgauhat Irumori Dillon's Bay Dillon's Bay Port Melou Port Narvin Tapisi Umponielogi Ishia 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA Aneityum TAFEA PEB Aniwa TAFEA PEB Erromango TAFEA PEB Erromango TAFEA PEB Erromango TAFEA PEB Erromango TAFEA PEB Erromango TAFEA PEB Erromango TAFEA PEB Futuna TAFEA PEB E E E F F E E E E Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 71 SCHEDULE 066491 066406 066409 066412 066416 066421 066425 066426 066427 066428 066430 066487 066432 066435 066436 066438 066440 066415 066444 066445 066446 066447 066449 066450 066451 066455 066456 066457 066458 066459 066490 066461 066464 066465 Day Spring Dip Point Eniou Green Hill Ietap Imanaka Iquaramanu Isaka Isangel Isangel Isla Iwunmit Iwunmit King's Cross Kwamera Labongtaoua Lamanaruan Lamkail Lamnatou Lapkit Latun Launalang Lenakel Lenaken Lenaken Loukatai Lounabil Lounahunu Lounapayou Lounapkiko Lounialou (Kapalpal Christadelphi ans) Lousula Lowieru Manuapen R066491 R066406 R066409 R066412 R066416 R066421 R066425 R066426 R066427 R066428 R066430 R066487 R066432 R066435 R066436 R066438 R066440 R066415 R066444 R066445 R066446 R066447 R066449 R066450 R066451 R066455 R066456 R066457 R066458 R066459 R066460 R066461 R066464 R066465 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB E E F E E F E E F E E F E F E F F E F F E F E F E E E E F E E E F F Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 72 SCHEDULE 066472 066475 066476 066483 066485 066486 066480 066442 Petros Port Patrict Port Resolutaion Yapilmai Yenumakel Yevenkula Tuhu Lamapruan R066472 R066375 R066476 R066483 R066485 R066486 R066480 R066442 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB E E E F F E E F Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R066411 066411 Fetukai 06 TAFEA Tanna TAFEA PEB E Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0667300 R0663314 R0665453 R0664301 R0664495 R0664476 R0664506 R0664509 R0664508 0667300 0663314 0665453 0664301 0664495 0664476 0664506 0664509 0664508 Teruja Ipota Ishia Ienaula Kwamera Lowiepeng Nauluken Latan (Tuhu) Lamapruan 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA Aneityum TAFEA PEB Erromango TAFEA PEB Futuna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB E E E E E F E E F Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 12) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School R0664303 R0664305 R0664309 0664303 0664305 0664309 Isangel Lenakel TAFEA Education Act No. 9 of 2014 Provincial Code 06 06 06 Province Island Administration Language TAFEA TAFEA TAFEA Tanna Tanna Tanna TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB TAFEA PEB 73 F E F SCHEDULE (Lounakarian) Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Province Island Administration Language R0664308 0664308 TAFEA 06 TAFEA Tanna TAFEA PEB E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY APOSTOLIC CHURCH VANUATU EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0222326 0222326 Tavumae R022287 022287 Tovotovo R032659 032659 Nataluhangele 02 02 03 Prov ince SAN MA SAN MA PEN AMA Island Administration Language Santo Santo ACV EA ACV EA Ambae ACV EA E E E Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R032635 032635 Apostolic College 03 Prov ince PEN AMA Island Administration Language Ambae ACV EA E Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 74 SCHEDULE Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY ANGLICAN CHURCH OF MELANESIA EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R022225 022225 Lorovuilko R022281 022281 Sakau R022271 022271 St Banabas (Turtle Bay) R022242 022242 St Paul R0222474 0222474 Vusvongo 02 02 02 02 02 Prov ince SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA Island Administration Language Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo ACOM EA ACOM EA ACOM EA ACOM EA ACOM EA E E E E E Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0101097 0101097 Losalava R0222513 0222513 Navele 01 02 Prov ince TOR BA SAN MA Island Administration Language Gaua Santo ACOM EA ACOM EA E E Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0426303 0426303 St. Patrick's College 03 Prov ince PEN AMA Island Administration Language Ambae ACOM EA E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 75 SCHEDULE SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY ASSEMBLIES OF GOD EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R020109 020109 Santo Christian R042925 042925 Jehovah Nissi 02 04 Island Administration Language Santo AOG EA Malekula AOG EA E E Prov ince SAN MA MAL AMP A Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0222310 0222310 Santo Christian R0329300 0329300 Jehovah Nissi 02 04 Island Administration Language Santo AOG EA Malekula AOG EA E E Prov ince SAN MA MAL AMP A Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY BA'HAI EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R 020108 020108 Rowhani 02 Prov ince SAN MA Island Administration Language Santo Ba'hai EA E Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0222309 0222309 Rowhani 02 Prov ince SAN MA Island Administration Language Santo Ba'hai EA E Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 76 SCHEDULE Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY CATHOLIC EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R 022213 022213 Fanafo R022270 022270 Notre Dame de Lourdes (Tolomako) R 022250 022250 St. Joseph (Pesena) R 022257 022257 St. Joseph (Rowok) R 020104 020104 St. Michel R022248 022248 St. Pierre (Okoro) R 022253 022253 Ste.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
Anne (Port Olry) R 022244 022244 Vusiroro R032624 032624 Lolopuepue R032627 032627 Loone R032633 032633 St.Jean-Baptiste (Nangire) R032808 032808 Baie-Barrier R032819 032819 Lalzadette R032822 032822 Latano (Loltong) R032826 032826 Londar (Baie-Martelli) R032830 032830 Melsisi R032832 032832 Namaram 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 Prov ince SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN Island Administration Language Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Ambae Catholic EA Ambae Catholic EA Ambae Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA F F F F F F F F F E F F F F F F F Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 77 SCHEDULE R032844 032844 Rangsuksuk R032848 032848 St Henri (Lonfis) R032855 032855 Tsimbwege R032856 032856 Ubiku R044316 044316 Craig Cove R044357 044357 Olal R044359 044359 Paamal R044370 044370 Sessivi R044376 044376 Tobol R043101 043101 St. Louis (Atchin) R042919 042919 Dixon R042985 042985 Notre Dame de Walarano R042960 042960 Pikayer R042930 042930 St. Pierre Chanel (Lamap) R042944 042944 Ste Therese de Mae R042978 042978 Unmet R043081 043081 Vao Ilot R0554320 0554320 St Jean-Maries Vianey (Lonest) 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 05 AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA PEN AMA MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A SHE FA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Ambrym Catholic EA Ambrym Catholic EA Ambrym Catholic EA Ambrym Catholic EA Ambrym Catholic EA Atchin Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Vao Catholic EA Efate Catholic EA F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 78 SCHEDULE R055426 055426 St. Joseph (Lagon II) R050214 050214 Ste Jeanne d'Arc R066781 066781 Umej R066410 066410 Enkatalei R066417 066417 Ikakahak R066418 066418 Ikiti R066419 066419 Imafen R066420 066420 Imaki R066422 066422 Imaru R066424 066424 Ipekel R066431 066431 Itaku R066441 066441 Lamenaura R066448 066448 Lautapunga R066453 066453 Loono R066462 066462 Lowanatom R066484 066484 Yenavateing 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 SHE FA SHE FA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA Efate Efate Catholic EA Catholic EA Aneityum Catholic EA Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA Catholic EA F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R 020105 020105 Ste. Therese R066453 066453 Lamlu 02 06 Prov ince SAN MA TAF EA Island Administration Language Santo Tanna Catholic EA Catholic EA F F Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0426304 0426304 Tagaga 03 Prov ince PEN Island Administration Language Ambae Catholic EA F Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 79 SCHEDULE R0343303 0343303 Sessivi R0429373 0429373 Walarano R0329309 0329309 Jean Vidil (Vao) R0329314 0329314 Lamap R0429379 0429379 Unmet R0554349 0554349 College de Montmarte R0664302 0664302 Imaki 04 04 04 04 04 05 06 AMA MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A SHE FA TAF EA Ambrym Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA Efate Catholic EA Tanna Catholic EA F F F F F F F Type: Junior, Senior Secondary and Technical School Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 12 Junior and Senior Secondary and Years 11 -12 Technical) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0222307 0222308 St. Michel 02 Prov ince SAN MA Island Administration Language Santo Catholic EA F Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 12) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R 0222324 0222324 Ste Anne (Port Olry) R0428307 0428307 Melsisi R0429373 0429373 Walarano 02 03 04 Island Administration Language Santo Catholic EA Pentecost Catholic EA Malekula Catholic EA F F F Prov ince SAN MA PEN AMA MAL AMP A Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code Prov ince Island Administration Language Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 80 SCHEDULE R0554300 0554300 Lycée de Montmartre R0664313 0664313 Lowanotom 05 06 SHE FA TAF EA Efate Catholic EA Tanna Catholic EA F F Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY CHURCHES OF CHRIST EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Junior Secondary School and Technical School Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10 Junior Secondary and Years 11 -12 Technical) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0426301 0426301 Londua 03 Prov ince PEN AMA Island Administration Language Ambae COC EA E Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0428308 0428308 Ranwadi High School 03 Prov ince PEN AMA Island Administration Language Pentecost COC EA E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY LA FEDERATION DE L' ENSEIGNEMENT LIBRE PROTESTANT EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R022218 022218 Ipayato R022227 022227 Malores R022230 022230 Marua R022236 022236 Namoru R022254 022254 Puama (Porema) Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 02 02 02 02 02 Prov ince SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA Island Administration Language Santo Santo Santo Santo Santo F F F F F FELP EA FELP EA FELP EA FELP EA FELP EA 81 SCHEDULE R022265 022265 Tasmalum R022267 022267 Tcharanavusvus R022272 022272 Valabei R022276 022276 Vunakarikara R043115 043115 Chenard R042909 042909 Benenaveth R042952 042952 Metune R042958 042958 Orap R042963 042963 Rambeck R042986 042986 Wiaru R042989 042989 Womul R022273 022273 Venie (Mataipevu) 02 02 02 02 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 02 SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA SAN MA MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A SAN MA Santo Santo Santo Santo FELP EA FELP EA FELP EA FELP EA Atchin FELP EA Malekula FELP EA Malekula FELP EA Malekula FELP EA Malekula FELP EA Malekula FELP EA Malekula FELP EA Santo FELP EA F F F F F F F F F F F E Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R022232 022232 Mataloi 02 Prov ince SAN MA Island Administration Language Santo FELP EA F Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 10) Reg No. VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0329305 0329305 Orap 04 Island Administration Language Malekula FELP EA F Prov ince MAL AMP A Education Act No. 9 of 2014 82 SCHEDULE Type: Junior Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0222304 0222304 Moli Valivu 02 Prov ince SAN MA Island Administration Language Santo FELP EA F Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY NEIL THOMAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R050209 050209 NTCU Port Vila 05 Prov ince SHE FA Island Administration Language Efate NTCU EA E Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0502106 0502106 NTCU Port Vila Christian College 05 Prov ince SHE FA Island Administration Language Efate NTCU EA E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY PRESBYTERIAN EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0222523 0222523 Ulua R0222524 0222524 Vasarei Levusai R0554328 0554328 Sea Side Community 02 02 05 Prov ince SAN MA SAN MA SHE FA Island Administration Language Santo Santo Efate PRESB EA PRESB EA PRESB EA E E E Education Act No. 9 of 2014 83 SCHEDULE Type: Junior & Senior Secondary School : Registered to Offer (Years 7 - 13) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R0554301 0554301 Onesua Presbyterian College 05 Prov ince SHE FA Island Administration Language Efate PRESB EA E Government of Vanuatu Ministry of Education SCHOOLS ADMINISTERED BY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST EDUCATION AUTHORITY Type: Primary Schools: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 6) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
VEMIS ID School Provincial Code R 022049 022049 Parker R 022279 022279 Sarakata SDA R044306 044306 Baiap R044323 044323 Fonteng R04329 044329 Lalinda R044337 044337 Linbul R044347 044347 Maranatha R044366 044366 Sanesup R042924 042924 Galilee R0429344 0429344 Lavalsal R042945 042945 Malua Bay 02 02 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 Island Administration Language Aore Santo SDA EA SDA EA Ambrym SDA EA Ambrym SDA EA Ambrym SDA EA Ambrym SDA EA Ambrym SDA EA Ambrym SDA EA Malekula SDA EA Malekula SDA EA Malekula SDA EA E E E E E E E E E E E Prov ince SAN MA SAN MA MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A MAL AMP A Education Act No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls
9 of 2014 84 SCHEDULE R042988 042988 Winn R0554331 0554331 Fokona R0551355 0551355 Maumau R050219 050219 Olwie SDA R050216 050216 Vila No 2 SDA R054656 054656 Susana Mate R054861 054861 Lakalaka (Tumaropa) R0664493 0664493 Enekis R0664474 0664474 Entan - Vui (Hebron) R0664494 0664494 Leauer R066454 066454 Loukaru (Lounalou) R0664480 0664480 Lowenata 04 05 05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 MAL AMP A SHE FA SHE FA SHE FA SHE FA SHE FA SHE FA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA TAF EA Malekula SDA EA Efate Efate Efate Efate Epi SDA EA SDA EA SDA EA SDA EA SDA EA Tongoa SDA EA Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna Tanna SDA EA SDA EA SDA EA SDA EA SDA EA E E E E E E E E E E E E Type: Primary School and Community Secondary School: Registered to Offer (Years 1 - 8) Reg No.
Financial inclusion
Education for women and girls