stringclasses 1
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You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Demanding rent is infuriating! (9) | ### Answer: MADDENING
### Explanation: Anagram (indicated by "rent") of DEMANDING. Defn: Infuriating. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Get the best of wily creature getting away first (6) | ### Answer: OUTFOX
### Explanation: OUT ("getting away") before ("first") + FOX ("wily creature"). Defn: Get the best of. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Agreeable company's unfortunate leaning (9) | ### Answer: CONGENIAL
### Explanation: CO ("company") + Anagram ("unfortunate") of LEANING. Defn: Agreeable |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Stick to edited header (6) | ### Answer: ADHERE
### Explanation: Anagram ("edited") of HEADER. Defn: Stick |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Entail alteration to stern of oriental ship — that's vital (9) | ### Answer: ESSENTIAL
### Explanation: Anagram ("alteration") of ENTAIL = ENTIAL added to back ("stern") of E ("eastern") + SS ("ship"). Defn: Vital. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Keep previously cancelled hold on former musical group (6) | ### Answer: SEXTET
### Explanation: STET (instruction by editors to printers not to change, ie. "keep" the original wordings, etc. of text) placed around ("hold on") EX ("former"). Defn. Musical group of 6 players. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Bounder involved in decadence (3) | ### Answer: CAD
### Explanation: Hidden in ("involved in") "deCADence". Defn: Bounder. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Hit back at goddess, no small upstart (7) | ### Answer: PARVENU
### Explanation: Reverse ("back") of RAP ("hit") = PAR + VENU(s) ("goddess, no small", ie. without S). Defn: Upstart. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Retain right new way to learn a different skill (7) | ### Answer: RETRAIN
### Explanation: Anagram ("new") of RETAIN and R ("right"). Defn: Way to learn a different skill. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Tree in alcove (3) | ### Answer: BAY
### Explanation: Double definition meaning "Tree" and "Alcove" respectively. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Rogue artist's state (6) | ### Answer: RASCAL
### Explanation: RAS (usual crossword abbrev. for "artist" + 's) + CAL ("state" of California). Defn: Rogue. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Aspect to assess for apparent worth (4,5) | ### Answer: FACE VALUE
### Explanation: FACE ("aspect") and VALUE ("to assess"). Defn: Apparent worth. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Asinine sound man uttered initially had a whine (3-3) | ### Answer: HEE-HAW
### Explanation: HEE (sounds like ("uttered") HE ("man")) + H A W (first letters ("initially") of "had a whine"). Defn: Sound made by donkey/ass ("asinine") |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Perhaps adult in another room is a pitch adjuster (9) | ### Answer: MODULATOR
### Explanation: Anagram ("Perhaps") of ADULT = DULAT within ("in") anagram ("another") of ROOM = MO OR. Defn: Pitch adjuster. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Goad the French want first (6) | ### Answer: NEEDLE
### Explanation: NEED ("want") in front ("first") of LE ("the" in "French"). Defn: Goad. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Split seed apart, perhaps (9) | ### Answer: SEPARATED
### Explanation: Anagram ("perhaps") of SEED APART. Defn. Split |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Alert the USA maybe by importing ore intermittently (6) | ### Answer: AROUSE
### Explanation: Anagram of USA ("maybe") and ORE ("importing intermittently"). Defn: Alert |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Honour rank (6) | ### Answer: DEGREE
### Explanation: Double definition. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Ten in unknown novel of great age (6) | ### Answer: NINETY
### Explanation: Anagram of TEN IN + Y ("unknown" variable in algebra). Defn: Great age. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: City falls (7) | ### Answer: NIAGARA
### Explanation: Double definition. There are actually two Niagara Falls cities, one in Canada and other in USA. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Empty head with thunder rolling in one of a large number of equal parts (9) | ### Answer: HUNDREDTH
### Explanation: Anagram ("rolling") of HD ("empty head", ie. without internal letters) and THUNDER. Defn: One of a large number (100) of equal parts. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Face left, turn and run! That's working well (9) | ### Answer: EFFECTUAL
### Explanation: Anagram ("and run") of FACE and LEFT and U (U-"turn"). Defn: Working well. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Anticipate worker, excited about what's coming (9) | ### Answer: EXPECTANT
### Explanation: EXPECT ("anticipate") + ANT ("worker"). Defn: Excited about what's coming….baby perhaps? |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Understand and put under arrest (9) | ### Answer: APPREHEND
### Explanation: Double definition. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: New energy, one third depleted, gets a top up (9) | ### Answer: FRESHENER
### Explanation: FRESH ("new", not the usual N) + ENER(gy) ("energy, one third depleted", ie. last 2 out of 6 letters ignored). Defn: a top up. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Questionable change to a bed on board (9) | ### Answer: DEBATABLE
### Explanation: Anagram ("change") of A BED = DEBA "on" TABLE ("board"). Defn: Questionable. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: About university's second-class youngster? (3) | ### Answer: CUB
### Explanation: C ("about") + U ("university") + B ("second-class", compared to A). Defn: Youngster. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: A farm is lost when farmyard lacks irrigation (3) | ### Answer: DRY
### Explanation: Defn: Lacks irrigation. "when FARMYARD" is DRY ("lacks irrigation") the letters FARMA or its anagram "A farm" are deleted ("lost"). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Mariner's sole seafood? (7) | ### Answer: ABALONE
### Explanation: AB ("Mariner", able-bodied seaman) + ALONE ("sole", not the fish). Defn: Seafood, a prized shellfish. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Whale with a bulge, perhaps (6) | ### Answer: BELUGA
### Explanation: Anagram ("perhaps") of A BULGE. Defn: Whale, a species of white. Not to be confused with the sturgeon of the same name which provides beluga caviar. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Bad French ruler in Spanish town (6) | ### Answer: MALAGA
### Explanation: MAL ("Bad" in "French") + AGA (a Turkish "ruler"). Defn: Name of Spanish town. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Warning call outside old city creates a rumpus (6) | ### Answer: FURORE
### Explanation: FORE ("warning call" used by golfers for others to watch out for their balls) around ("outside") UR ("old city"). Defn: A rumpus. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Female country is a dangerous place (2,4,4) | ### Answer: NO MAN’S LAND
### Explanation: NO MAN'S ("Female", adjectival) + LAND ("country"). Dangerous because it's under dispute, or unclaimed because it's hazardous. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Empty question (4) | ### Answer: PUMP
### Explanation: Double defn. What they do to your stomach if you've ingested poison, and what they do to you to find out how it happened. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Heads back to station (4) | ### Answer: SPOT
### Explanation: Reverse ("back") of TOPS ("heads"). Defn. "Station": Where you should stand eg. when on duty. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Result of embarrassed Queen winning hand? (5,5) | ### Answer: ROYAL FLUSH
### Explanation: What an "embarrassed Queen" shows (I'm afraid ROYAL BLUSH, though more accurate, wouldn't work). Defn: Unbeatable hand in 5-card stud poker. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Hot in Centigrade, despite shadowed surroundings (6) | ### Answer: SPICED
### Explanation: C[entigrade] in ("surroundings") SPIED ("shadowed", as in being followed by a spy) |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Approach public by river (8) | ### Answer: OVERTURE
### Explanation: OVERT ("public", in the open) + ("by") URE (the "river" in Yorkshire). Defn: "Approach", pre-foreplay, you might say. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Ward of court in pursuit of restless prince (8) | ### Answer: PRECINCT
### Explanation: Anagram ("restless") of PRINCE with CT ("court") at the end ("in pursuit"). Defn: "Ward", a division of city or county for policing or electoral purposes. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Article of clothing sock or tie (4) | ### Answer: BELT
### Explanation: Triple defn. "sock" as in punch, and "tie" as in belt up. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Card shows English letter inside Greek letter (4) | ### Answer: MENU
### Explanation: E ("E[nglish]") + N(" letter") in MU ("Greek letter"). Defn: "Card", bill of fare. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Adapt male noun to describe objects that can't be seen (8) | ### Answer: NOUMENAL
### Explanation: Anagram ("Adapt") of MALE NOUN. Defn: Collins gives "an object that is of purely intellectual intuition" plus another meaning which is too philosophical for me to explain. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Could be pitfalls in giving sacred chant extra note (8) | ### Answer: MANTRAPS
### Explanation: MANTRA (from Sanskrit sacred message, usage as special word for meditation came later) + PS ("extra note", postscript). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Gangster has time for new cloak (6) | ### Answer: CAPOTE
### Explanation: CAPONE ("Gangster", Al) with N(ew) substituted by T(ime). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Makes red wine for bullfighting, perhaps (5,5) | ### Answer: BLOOD SPORT
### Explanation: BLOODS ("makes red", stains with blood) + PORT ("wine"). Defn: Example ("perhaps") of a blood sport. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Report money raised (4) | ### Answer: BRED
### Explanation: Homophone ("report") of BREAD ("money"). Defn: "raised", past tense of breed |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: King returned knight's dagger (4) | ### Answer: KRIS
### Explanation: K[ing] + reversed ("returned") of SIR ("knight"). Defn: A mean-looking weapon. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Face cryptic compiler continually (10) | ### Answer: COMPLEXION
### Explanation: COMPLEX ("cryptic") + I ("compiler") + ON ("continually"). Defn. Colour and general appearance of a person's skin, especially of the "face". |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Propane combusts, theoretically (2,5) | ### Answer: ON PAPER
### Explanation: Anagram ("combusts") of PROPANE. Defn: As opposed to "in the real world". |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Top level network has no limits (5) | ### Answer: ATTIC
### Explanation: LATTICE ("network") with first and last letters removed ("has no limits"). Defn: The room at the top. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Walk over nearest empty grating (8) | ### Answer: STRIDENT
### Explanation: STRIDE ("Walk") on top ("over") of N[eares]T ("empty"). Defn: "Grating", getting on your nerves. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Pray not for the solution to this clue, but accept help when in difficulty (3,4,2,1,5) | ### Answer: ANY PORT IN A STORM
### Explanation: A reverse anagram, or a clue as an answer: An anagram ("in a storm") of ANY PORT gives "Pray not". Defn: Accept any sort of help when in trouble. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Sweet hallucinations about fantastic clue (6) | ### Answer: DULCET
### Explanation: DT (Delirium Tremens: withdrawal symptoms, including "hallucinations" in alcoholics) around ("about") anagram ("fantastic") of CLUE. Defn. Pleasant to the ears, "sweet" sounding |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Give friend a buffet that's delicious (9) | ### Answer: PALATABLE
### Explanation: PAL ("friend") + A TABLE ("a buffet", table fare). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: A harsh blow for one excluded from abortive hearing (7) | ### Answer: MISTRAL
### Explanation: I ("one") excluded from MISTRIAL ("abortive hearing", is there a difference in using "abortive" vs "aborted"?). Defn: A strong cold dry wind in Europe, "a harsh blow". |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: It's polite to outsource production (9) | ### Answer: COURTEOUS
### Explanation: Anagram ("production") of OUTSOURCE. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Wine cuts meal into pieces (8) | ### Answer: MUSCATEL
### Explanation: Anagram ("into pieces") of CUTS MEAL. Defn: A sweet "wine" from Muscat grapes. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: I enter link up in internet business (1-6) | ### Answer: E-TAILER
### Explanation: I in ("enter") reverse ("up") of RELATE ("link", as in to relate one thing to/with another). Defn: an E(lectronic) (Re)tailer |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Redcoat battling in modern style (3,4) | ### Answer: ART DECO
### Explanation: Anagram ("battling") of REDCOAT. Defn: Art movement of the 20's and 30's, including architecture. The Empire State and Chrysler Buildings in New York are examples. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Enormous distance needed to analyse speed of light (6) | ### Answer: PARSEC
### Explanation: PARSE ("analyse" as sentence eg. crossword clues) + C ("speed of light", as in E=MC2). Defn: A "distance" in space, much farther than a light-year. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Address hygiene problem in infectious disease (2,3) | ### Answer: P.O. BOX
### Explanation: B.O. ("hygiene problem", one that requires deodorants, at least) in POX (a general term for "infectious disease"s incl. small*, chicken*, cow*, and an informal term for syphilis). Defn: "Address" eg. for those who don't want to be reveal their true addresses. Shouldn't the enumeration be (1,1,3)? |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Going out to Chile in old age (9) | ### Answer: NEOLITHIC
### Explanation: Anagram(*Going out*) of TO CHILE IN. Defn: In particular, descriptive of the last phase ("neo-" or new, later) of the Stone ("-lithic) Age, or, in general, of an outdated era. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Fruit with large stone (5) | ### Answer: PEARL
### Explanation: PEAR(*Fruit*) + L(abbreviation for *large*). Defn: Not strictly a *stone*, but still a gem. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: In Minnesota citizenship is implied (5) | ### Answer: TACIT
### Explanation: Hidden(*In*) *Minneso*TA CIT*izenship. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Easily managed vehicle reversing on flat surface (9) | ### Answer: TRACTABLE
### Explanation: Reversing* CART(*vehicle*) *on* TABLE(*flat surface*). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Delivery made by down-to-earth supplier (7) | ### Answer: AIRDROP
### Explanation: Cryptic defn: Getting supplies to otherwise inaccessible areas by dropping from aircraft. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Very young cat I lost in the old city (7) | ### Answer: BABYLON
### Explanation: BABY(*Very young*) + LiON(*cat*) minus(*lost*) *I.* Defn: *old city *of Biblical times. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Plants in front of Criterion before start of play (5) | ### Answer: CACTI
### Explanation: First letter(*front*) of C*riterion*, *before *ACTI(Act 1, *start of play*). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Condensation, so we hear, that's expected (3) | ### Answer: DUE
### Explanation: Homophone(*so we hear*) of Dew(*Condensation*). Defn: As in "the flight is due to arrive in an hour" |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Long period ending in autumn (5) | ### Answer: YEARN
### Explanation: YEAR(*period*) + last letter of(*ending in*) *autum*N. Defn: *Long* for. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Stories involving National Trust gifts (7) | ### Answer: TALENTS
### Explanation: TALES(*Stories*) around(*involving*) NT(abbreviation for *National Trust*). Defn: *G**ifts* you naturally have, which make you talented. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Essay about one mathematical function in three volumes? (7) | ### Answer: TRILOGY
### Explanation: TRY(*Essay*) around(*about*) I(*one*) LOG(*mathematical function*, used to simplify multiplications & divisions). Defn: Literary work in *three volumes* eg. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Warner is resolute, seizing genuine article (4,5) | ### Answer: FIRE ALARM
### Explanation: FIRM(*resolute*) around(*seizing*) REAL(*genuine*) A(*article*). Defn: Something that warns, a *warner*. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Cheese is found by female barrister (5) | ### Answer: BRIEF
### Explanation: BRIE(*Cheese*) *by *F(*female*). Defn: A *barrister *(don't be misled, could be male as well), who presents your case in court according to the brief he or she's been given. Slang has it as "brief" rather than "briefer", someone who briefs, cf "warner". |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Going astray dooms wicked old city (5) | ### Answer: SODOM
### Explanation: Anagram(*Going astray*) of DOOMS. Defn: Another *old city* of Biblical times, this one even more wicked, with goings-on that are outlawed still (in parts of the world). Ultimately destroyed for its wickedness. Favourite clue today for its excellent surface: the place was doomed for going astray. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Tom Cruise is cast as an outfitter (9) | ### Answer: COSTUMIER
### Explanation: Anagram(*cast*) of TOM CRUISE. Defn: One who fits you out sartorially. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Speed required in tying this? (4) | ### Answer: KNOT
### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: *Speed* at sea = 1 sea mile per hour, and 2nd: what's required for *tying*. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Fool and knave see eye to eye (6) | ### Answer: CONCUR
### Explanation: CON(*Fool*) CUR(*knave*). Defn: Agree with one another. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Monk withdrawing just so rite can change (10) | ### Answer: CISTERCIAN
### Explanation: Reverse(*withdrawing*) SIC(inserted in text to indicate a word or phrase is quoted verbatim,*just so*, misteaks (sic) and all) + anagram(*change*) of RITE CAN. Defn: *Monk* of the said French order. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Keep mum confined (4,2) | ### Answer: SHUT UP
### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: *Keep mum*, as in Quiet! or… and 2nd: … you'll be *confined* to your room. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Special constable starts to take country walks and do some climbing (8) | ### Answer: SCRAMBLE
### Explanation: SC(abbreviation for *Special constable*) + RAMBLE(*take country walks*). Defn: Use hands and feet *climbing* up an incline/hill. Good surface reading as country walks invariably include going up inclines and hills. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Sight site (4) | ### Answer: SPOT
### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: *Sight* as verb and 2nd: *Site* as noun. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Spoil girl in Spanish resort (8) | ### Answer: MARBELLA
### Explanation: MAR(*Spoil*) BELLA(girl, Italian origin). Defn: *Spanish resort* in the Costa del Sol |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Plant used first of all in astringent lotions or embrocations (4) | ### Answer: ALOE
### Explanation: ALOE(First letters of the words A*stringent *L*otions *O*r *Embrocations). An &lit clue: The plant is *used* as an ingredient in *astringent lotions or embrocations*. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Racecourse for a person from Kelso, say (5) | ### Answer: ASCOT
### Explanation: A SCOT(*a person from Kelso*, a town in Scotland). Defn: The *Racecourse* in England. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Police wrong to stop little nursery rhyme character (4,2,4) | ### Answer: BOYS IN BLUE
### Explanation: SIN(*wrong*) in(*stop*) BOY BLUE(*little character* in *nursery rhyme*, which goes "Little boy blue, come blow your horn….". Defn: *Police*, from the colour of their uniforms. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Silly Billy — name in case of necessity (5) | ### Answer: NINNY
### Explanation: N(*name*) IN NY(*case*,ie. first and last letters, *of* the word *necessity*). Defn: A clown, ie. a *Silly Billy*. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Pass over Oregon and notice nothing in state (8) | ### Answer: COLORADO
### Explanation: COL(*Pass*, depression between mountains) OR(abbreviation for American state of *Oregon*) AD[vertisement](*notice *as noun) O(*nothing*). Defn: Another American state. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Extent to which tides can flow? (8) | ### Answer: DISTANCE
### Explanation: Anagram(*flow*) of TIDES CAN. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Openers for Australia, maybe, in cricket match providing fewest thrills (6) | ### Answer: TAMEST
### Explanation: AM(first letters, *Openers for*, of the words *Australia, maybe*) *in *TEST(*cricket match*). Defn: If you're not a cricket fan, how you would describe some of the matches. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Girl with land in South America first off (6) | ### Answer: OLIVIA
### Explanation: [b]OLIVIA(state,*land in South America* with *first* letter deleted,*off*) |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Don't eat quickly (4) | ### Answer: FAST
### Explanation: Double defn: 1st: Starve and 2nd: *quickly |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Girl embracing first of regular soldiers (4) | ### Answer: ARMY
### Explanation: AMY(*Girl*) around(*embracing*) R(*first* letter of the word *regular*). Defn: Body of *soldiers*, could be regulars or irregulars. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Trees not entirely original (4) | ### Answer: FIRS
### Explanation: FIRS[t] (incomplete,*not entirely*, spelling of the word FIRST,*original*). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: How things went for winners at pool? (10) | ### Answer: SWIMMINGLY
### Explanation: Cryptic defn: Reply: *Things went* very well, in fact swimmingly, *for* the *winners at* the swimming *pool*. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: English study delightful place (4) | ### Answer: EDEN
### Explanation: E(English) DEN(*study*). Defn: *Delightful place*, a paradise. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Boast of rupees in sack (4) | ### Answer: BRAG
### Explanation: R(*rupees*) *in* BAG(*sack*). |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Enthrone with two kings fighting for Yorkshireman? (10) | ### Answer: NORTHERNER
### Explanation: Anagram(*fighting*) of {ENTHRONE +(*with*) RR(*two kings*)}. Defn: *Yorkshireman*, from Northern England. Allusion as well to the War of the Roses, perhaps? |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Wealthy hedonists' pet rhymes (3,3) | ### Answer: JET SET
### Explanation: Two words that *rhyme * with the word *pet*. Defn: People who travel extensively seeking pleasure. Originating in the 50's, when jet travel was THE thing. |
You are an expert level solver of cryptic crosswords. You are presented with a clue as input. Respond with the answer and explanation. | ### Clue: Former knight seen timelessly as model (8) | ### Answer: EXEMPLAR
### Explanation: Ex(*Former*) [t]EMPLAR(*knight* of the Middle Ages, who might have fought in the Crusades) minus T(*timelessly*, ie. less time). Defn: An &lit possibly: Legends abound about the Order, and they're held as *models* of knightly qualities. |
Subsets and Splits