Unnamed: 0
2 values
Unnamed: 6
total no.: 7987
"Abortion is murder ."
"Yes , according to JimmyJ . God , the laws regarding murder from all over the world , have absolutely no impact upon the holy proclamations emanating from JimmyJ ."
"Abortion is murder ."
"Yes , according to JimmyJ . God , the laws regarding murder from all over the world , have absolutely no impact upon the holy proclamations emanating from JimmyJ ."
"Our local school district rents out school buses to groups and rents building facilities out for events all the time . It is smart .... they have the resources on hand and it provides a little extra money for the district . Granted that explanation does not fit your agenda , and it would be much easier for you to make your point if we all ignored the most LIKELY solution and instead accepted your EXTREMELY UNLIKELY solution at face value , but you cant actually expect people with any intelligence at all to do that ."
"What 's that ? Campaigning and use of taxpayer funded facilities like transportation for political purposes ? I suppose they paid the cops for going out of their jurisdiction too ?"
"Our local school district rents out school buses to groups and rents building facilities out for events all the time . It is smart"
"Campaigning and use of taxpayer funded facilities like transportation for political purposes ? I suppose they paid the cops for going out of their jurisdiction too ?"
"Our local school district rents out school buses to groups and rents building facilities out for events all the time . It is smart .... they have the resources on hand and it provides a little extra money for the district . Granted that explanation does not fit your agenda , and it would be much easier for you to make your point if we all ignored the most LIKELY solution and instead accepted your EXTREMELY UNLIKELY solution at face value , but you cant actually expect people with any intelligence at all to do that ."
"What 's that ? Campaigning and use of taxpayer funded facilities like transportation for political purposes ? I suppose they paid the cops for going out of their jurisdiction too ?"
"Our local school district rents out school buses to groups and rents building"
"Campaigning and use of taxpayer funded facilities like transportation for political purposes"
"Our local school district rents out school buses to groups and rents building facilities out for events all the time . It is smart .... they have the resources on hand and it provides a little extra money for the district . Granted that explanation does not fit your agenda , and it would be much easier for you to make your point if we all ignored the most LIKELY solution and instead accepted your EXTREMELY UNLIKELY solution at face value , but you cant actually expect people with any intelligence at all to do that ."
"What 's that ? Campaigning and use of taxpayer funded facilities like transportation for political purposes ? I suppose they paid the cops for going out of their jurisdiction too ?"
"Our local school district rents out school buses to groups and rents building facilities out for events all the time . It is smart .... they have the resources on hand and it provides a little extra money for the district"
"Campaigning and use of taxpayer funded facilities like transportation for political purposes ?"
"If the primary source of evolutionary innovation must be sought in the occasional luck of fortuitous saltations , then internal forces of variation become the creative agents of change , and natural selection can only help to eliminate the unfit after the fit arise by some other process . ( Gould 2002 : 143-142 )"
"I think he agrees with the `` then `` part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection . Who knows about the `` if `` part . Could you provide a link ? Also , what is `` 143-142 `` supposed to mean ? Do we read the pages backwards ? I suppose that would explain why you are so confused ..."
"the primary source of evolutionary innovation must be sought in the"
"part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection"
"If the primary source of evolutionary innovation must be sought in the occasional luck of fortuitous saltations , then internal forces of variation become the creative agents of change , and natural selection can only help to eliminate the unfit after the fit arise by some other process . ( Gould 2002 : 143-142 )"
"I think he agrees with the `` then `` part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection . Who knows about the `` if `` part . Could you provide a link ? Also , what is `` 143-142 `` supposed to mean ? Do we read the pages backwards ? I suppose that would explain why you are so confused ..."
"If the primary source of evolutionary innovation must be sought in the occasional luck of fortuitous saltations , then internal forces of variation become the creative agents of change , and natural selection can only help to eliminate the unfit after the fit arise by some other process ."
"I think he agrees with the `` then `` part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection . Who knows about the `` if ``"
"If the primary source of evolutionary innovation must be sought in the occasional luck of fortuitous saltations , then internal forces of variation become the creative agents of change , and natural selection can only help to eliminate the unfit after the fit arise by some other process . ( Gould 2002 : 143-142 )"
"I think he agrees with the `` then `` part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection . Who knows about the `` if `` part . Could you provide a link ? Also , what is `` 143-142 `` supposed to mean ? Do we read the pages backwards ? I suppose that would explain why you are so confused ..."
"If the primary source of evolutionary innovation must be sought in the occasional luck of fortuitous saltations"
"I think he agrees with the `` then `` part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection ."
"If the primary source of evolutionary innovation must be sought in the occasional luck of fortuitous saltations , then internal forces of variation become the creative agents of change , and natural selection can only help to eliminate the unfit after the fit arise by some other process . ( Gould 2002 : 143-142 )"
"I think he agrees with the `` then `` part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection . Who knows about the `` if `` part . Could you provide a link ? Also , what is `` 143-142 `` supposed to mean ? Do we read the pages backwards ? I suppose that would explain why you are so confused ..."
"then internal forces of variation become the creative agents of change , and natural selection"
"he agrees with the `` then `` part because it is a somewhat good description of natural selection ."
"So far there is no mechanism for an organism to grow wings when it previously had none ."
"Well , actually there is . Bat wings for example are one of the easier problems for evolution to solve ( we can even see potential transitional stages in other animals like the flying squirrel ) . The co-option of existing structures is the bread and butter of evolution . Now , if bats and birds had four legs and wings , that would be more of a head-scratcher ."
"mechanism for an organism to grow wings when it previously had none ."
"The co-option of existing structures is the bread and butter of evolution ."
"So far there is no mechanism for an organism to grow wings when it previously had none ."
"Well , actually there is . Bat wings for example are one of the easier problems for evolution to solve ( we can even see potential transitional stages in other animals like the flying squirrel ) . The co-option of existing structures is the bread and butter of evolution . Now , if bats and birds had four legs and wings , that would be more of a head-scratcher ."
"So far there is no mechanism for an organism to grow wings when it previously had none ."
"Well , actually there is . Bat wings for example are one of the easier problems for evolution to solve"
"So taking peoples rights away is an american value ? I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal . After all cancer cells are human life too and with modern medical tech they could become a human being also ."
"yet cancer cells are not a human being ... good fallacy though . A unique group of cells with a unique DNA would be a human being though ( assuming human DNA ) .... such as the embryo . You also have it backwards ... giving people the right to live is an american value .... taking away the want to kill someone is an american value ."
"I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal ."
"the right to live is an american value"
"So taking peoples rights away is an american value ? I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal . After all cancer cells are human life too and with modern medical tech they could become a human being also ."
"yet cancer cells are not a human being ... good fallacy though . A unique group of cells with a unique DNA would be a human being though ( assuming human DNA ) .... such as the embryo . You also have it backwards ... giving people the right to live is an american value .... taking away the want to kill someone is an american value ."
"So taking peoples rights away is an american value ?"
"people the right to live is an american value .... taking away the want to kill someone is an american value ."
"So taking peoples rights away is an american value ? I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal . After all cancer cells are human life too and with modern medical tech they could become a human being also ."
"yet cancer cells are not a human being ... good fallacy though . A unique group of cells with a unique DNA would be a human being though ( assuming human DNA ) .... such as the embryo . You also have it backwards ... giving people the right to live is an american value .... taking away the want to kill someone is an american value ."
"taking peoples rights away is an american value ? I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal ."
"yet cancer cells are not a human being ... good fallacy"
"So taking peoples rights away is an american value ? I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal . After all cancer cells are human life too and with modern medical tech they could become a human being also ."
"yet cancer cells are not a human being ... good fallacy though . A unique group of cells with a unique DNA would be a human being though ( assuming human DNA ) .... such as the embryo . You also have it backwards ... giving people the right to live is an american value .... taking away the want to kill someone is an american value ."
"So taking peoples rights away is an american value ? I think I will push for legislation to make cancer surgery illegal . After all cancer cells are human life too and with modern medical tech they could become a human being also"
"yet cancer cells are not a human being ... good fallacy though ."
"You missed the point ! Later in Life , Freud condicted himself and saluted the Theologian AND God ! Now , look , we all evolve , and grow our childish beliefs ( e.g . atheism ) I will go further , NO one is an Atheist on their Death bed ."
"Crappola ! I say `` bless you `` when someone sneezes and often identify myself as Catholic as I am from a Catholic family and am in fact `` confirmed `` . That do n't me I actually buy any of it . Do n't try to make Freud out to be a member of `` the flock `` later in life . That 's pure nonsense . Do you know what a figure of speech is ?"
"You missed the point ! Later in Life , Freud condicted himself and saluted the Theologian AND God ! Now , look , we all evolve , and grow our childish beliefs ( e.g . atheism ) I will go further , NO one is an Atheist on their Death bed ."
"Crappola ! I say `` bless you `` when someone sneezes and often identify myself as Catholic as I am from a Catholic family and am in fact `` confirmed `` ."
"You missed the point ! Later in Life , Freud condicted himself and saluted the Theologian AND God ! Now , look , we all evolve , and grow our childish beliefs ( e.g . atheism ) I will go further , NO one is an Atheist on their Death bed ."
"Crappola ! I say `` bless you `` when someone sneezes and often identify myself as Catholic as I am from a Catholic family and am in fact `` confirmed `` . That do n't me I actually buy any of it . Do n't try to make Freud out to be a member of `` the flock `` later in life . That 's pure nonsense . Do you know what a figure of speech is ?"
"Now , look , we all evolve , and grow our childish beliefs ( e.g . atheism )"
"often identify myself as Catholic as I am from a Catholic family and am in fact `` confirmed `` . That do n't me I actually buy any of it ."
"You missed the point ! Later in Life , Freud condicted himself and saluted the Theologian AND God ! Now , look , we all evolve , and grow our childish beliefs ( e.g . atheism ) I will go further , NO one is an Atheist on their Death bed ."
"Crappola ! I say `` bless you `` when someone sneezes and often identify myself as Catholic as I am from a Catholic family and am in fact `` confirmed `` . That do n't me I actually buy any of it . Do n't try to make Freud out to be a member of `` the flock `` later in life . That 's pure nonsense . Do you know what a figure of speech is ?"
"the point ! Later in Life , Freud condicted himself and saluted"
"That 's pure nonsense . Do you know what a figure of speech"
"Any two adults can run the household , one can make the decision if the other is incapacitated , one inherits when the other dies , etc etc . That parallel does not carry over to group marriages . When one dies , who inherits ? If one is incapacitied , who decides what the treatment should be ? Basically , pretty much none of the marriage benefit laws that are on the book make any sense for groups of more than two , so recongnising group marriages is a huge legal task , and one for which the outcomes are far from obvious . If we 're talking about legal recognition , and we are ( right ? ) , then the cases are wildly different . Our marriage laws , for better or worse , are set up on the assumption of two adults running a household . They also assume man and wife , true , but do n't actually depend on that . But the dependence on there being two people is embedded in the laws ; changing that is a huge project ."
"Yes , but gays would also want laws changed to accomodate THEIR form of marriage as well . The fact that one requires less change than the other should n't matter , should it ? Should having to do more reworking of laws and more paperwork hinder the pursuit of equality ? It seems to me your argument boils down to `` polygamy requires more work to make the laws accomodate it. `` Yeah -- such is the price for marriage equality . Let 's face it -- if society really wanted to make marriage an open-ended institution of equality rather than for opposite-sex couples which comprise most relationships , they could pull it off -- polygamy , gays , letting 17 year olds marry , etc . All those civil servants are there and can do it as directed as legislation is changed . Means could be set up to determine inheritance , for example . Laws can be worded to do it ."
"Any two adults can run the household , one can make the decision if the other is incapacitated , one inherits when the other dies , etc etc . That parallel does not carry over to group marriages . When one dies , who inherits ? If one is incapacitied , who decides what the treatment should be ?"
"Yes , but gays would also want laws changed to accomodate THEIR form of marriage as ``"
"Any two adults can run the household , one can make the decision if the other is incapacitated , one inherits when the other dies , etc etc . That parallel does not carry over to group marriages . When one dies , who inherits ? If one is incapacitied , who decides what the treatment should be ? Basically , pretty much none of the marriage benefit laws that are on the book make any sense for groups of more than two , so recongnising group marriages is a huge legal task , and one for which the outcomes are far from obvious . If we 're talking about legal recognition , and we are ( right ? ) , then the cases are wildly different . Our marriage laws , for better or worse , are set up on the assumption of two adults running a household . They also assume man and wife , true , but do n't actually depend on that . But the dependence on there being two people is embedded in the laws ; changing that is a huge project ."
"Yes , but gays would also want laws changed to accomodate THEIR form of marriage as well . The fact that one requires less change than the other should n't matter , should it ? Should having to do more reworking of laws and more paperwork hinder the pursuit of equality ? It seems to me your argument boils down to `` polygamy requires more work to make the laws accomodate it. `` Yeah -- such is the price for marriage equality . Let 's face it -- if society really wanted to make marriage an open-ended institution of equality rather than for opposite-sex couples which comprise most relationships , they could pull it off -- polygamy , gays , letting 17 year olds marry , etc . All those civil servants are there and can do it as directed as legislation is changed . Means could be set up to determine inheritance , for example . Laws can be worded to do it ."
"Any two adults can run the household , one can make the decision if the other is incapacitated , one inherits when the other dies"
"Yes , but gays would also want laws changed to accomodate THEIR form of marriage as well ."
"Any two adults can run the household , one can make the decision if the other is incapacitated , one inherits when the other dies , etc etc . That parallel does not carry over to group marriages . When one dies , who inherits ? If one is incapacitied , who decides what the treatment should be ? Basically , pretty much none of the marriage benefit laws that are on the book make any sense for groups of more than two , so recongnising group marriages is a huge legal task , and one for which the outcomes are far from obvious . If we 're talking about legal recognition , and we are ( right ? ) , then the cases are wildly different . Our marriage laws , for better or worse , are set up on the assumption of two adults running a household . They also assume man and wife , true , but do n't actually depend on that . But the dependence on there being two people is embedded in the laws ; changing that is a huge project ."
"Yes , but gays would also want laws changed to accomodate THEIR form of marriage as well . The fact that one requires less change than the other should n't matter , should it ? Should having to do more reworking of laws and more paperwork hinder the pursuit of equality ? It seems to me your argument boils down to `` polygamy requires more work to make the laws accomodate it. `` Yeah -- such is the price for marriage equality . Let 's face it -- if society really wanted to make marriage an open-ended institution of equality rather than for opposite-sex couples which comprise most relationships , they could pull it off -- polygamy , gays , letting 17 year olds marry , etc . All those civil servants are there and can do it as directed as legislation is changed . Means could be set up to determine inheritance , for example . Laws can be worded to do it ."
"Any two adults can run the household , one can make the decision if the other is incapacitated"
"they could pull it off -- polygamy , gays , letting 17 year olds marry , etc . All those civil servants"
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they are . You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda ... that they used school facilities without paying for them ."
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval and any Constitutional evidence that you are correct . The fact is , as stated by CNN , Fox and other media is that 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation . I suppose that would make the school liable if anyone was injured also ? Seems like you are the one with baseless claims ? There is n't anything LIKELY but your desire to support thugs ."
"You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda"
"Seems like you are the one with baseless claims ? There is n't anything LIKELY but your desire to support thugs ."
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they are . You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda ... that they used school facilities without paying for them ."
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval and any Constitutional evidence that you are correct . The fact is , as stated by CNN , Fox and other media is that 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation . I suppose that would make the school liable if anyone was injured also ? Seems like you are the one with baseless claims ? There is n't anything LIKELY but your desire to support thugs ."
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you"
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices"
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they are . You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda ... that they used school facilities without paying for them ."
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval and any Constitutional evidence that you are correct . The fact is , as stated by CNN , Fox and other media is that 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation . I suppose that would make the school liable if anyone was injured also ? Seems like you are the one with baseless claims ? There is n't anything LIKELY but your desire to support thugs ."
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they are . they used school facilities without paying for them ."
"backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation"
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they are . You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda ... that they used school facilities without paying for them ."
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval and any Constitutional evidence that you are correct . The fact is , as stated by CNN , Fox and other media is that 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation . I suppose that would make the school liable if anyone was injured also ? Seems like you are the one with baseless claims ? There is n't anything LIKELY but your desire to support thugs ."
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they"
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval and any Constitutional evidence that you are correct ."
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they are . You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda ... that they used school facilities without paying for them ."
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval and any Constitutional evidence that you are correct . The fact is , as stated by CNN , Fox and other media is that 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation . I suppose that would make the school liable if anyone was injured also ? Seems like you are the one with baseless claims ? There is n't anything LIKELY but your desire to support thugs ."
"You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda"
"The fact is , as stated by CNN , Fox and other media is that 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation ."
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you , and you have presented no evidence whatsoever that they are . You ignore the LIKELY scenarios and immediately jump to an extremely UNLIKELY one that fits your agenda ... that they used school facilities without paying for them ."
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices , requests and approval and any Constitutional evidence that you are correct . The fact is , as stated by CNN , Fox and other media is that 14 SCHOOL BUSES were used for transportation . I suppose that would make the school liable if anyone was injured also ? Seems like you are the one with baseless claims ? There is n't anything LIKELY but your desire to support thugs ."
"Nobody but you has suggested that the schools are out any money except for you ,"
"Then you should n't have any problem backing up your claims with some invoices ,"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008 , while Washington , D.C. was more than 30 that year ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ? Same as L.A. and less than D.C. ? Amid Drug War , Mexico Less Deadly Than Decade Ago"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ?"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008 , while Washington , D.C. was more than 30 that year ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ? Same as L.A. and less than D.C. ? Amid Drug War , Mexico Less Deadly Than Decade Ago"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington"
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ?"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008 , while Washington , D.C. was more than 30 that year ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ? Same as L.A. and less than D.C. ? Amid Drug War , Mexico Less Deadly Than Decade Ago"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles"
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ?"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008 , while Washington , D.C. was more than 30 that year ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ? Same as L.A. and less than D.C. ? Amid Drug War , Mexico Less Deadly Than Decade Ago"
"Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008"
"Same as L.A. and less than D.C. ? Amid Drug War , Mexico Less Deadly Than Decade Ago"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008 , while Washington , D.C. was more than 30 that year ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ? Same as L.A. and less than D.C. ? Amid Drug War , Mexico Less Deadly Than Decade Ago"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008 , while Washington , D.C. was more than 30 that year ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ?"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington , D.C. Mexico City 's rate was about 9 per 100,000 in 2008 , while Washington , D.C. was more than 30 that year ."
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ? Same as L.A. and less than D.C. ? Amid Drug War , Mexico Less Deadly Than Decade Ago"
"Mexico City 's homicide rate today is about on par with Los Angeles and is less than a third of that for Washington ,"
"But I thought it was the easy gun laws in the U.S. that made Mexico 's cities a shooting gallery ?"
"Perhaps so . But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works . Did you know , for example , that clindamycin , an antibiotic , can be used to safely kill certain non-bacterial parasites ? Do you know why ? Check out Carl Zimmer 's excellent Parasite Rex for the answer ."
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ? The ToE is supposed to be defined as changes in alleles , not changes in anything someone wishes to assign it to . It seems that in addition to the term evolution being broadened to mean just about any change , it is also substituted for the word  “ science ” at will . Notice how it was done in post # 2 above . The word  “ evolution ” was dropped , and the word  “ science ” replaced it . What are the possibilities that evolution is  “ brought in as a narrative gloss ” after a discovery , rather than being a cornerstone of all of biology , or all of science ? CSC - Why Do We Invoke Darwin ?"
"Perhaps so . But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works . Did you know , for example , that clindamycin , an antibiotic , can be used to safely kill certain non-bacterial parasites ? Do you know why ? Check out Carl Zimmer 's excellent Parasite Rex for the answer ."
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ?"
"Perhaps so . But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works . Did you know , for example , that clindamycin , an antibiotic , can be used to safely kill certain non-bacterial parasites ? Do you know why ? Check out Carl Zimmer 's excellent Parasite Rex for the answer ."
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ? The ToE is supposed to be defined as changes in alleles , not changes in anything someone wishes to assign it to . It seems that in addition to the term evolution being broadened to mean just about any change , it is also substituted for the word  “ science ” at will . Notice how it was done in post # 2 above . The word  “ evolution ” was dropped , and the word  “ science ” replaced it . What are the possibilities that evolution is  “ brought in as a narrative gloss ” after a discovery , rather than being a cornerstone of all of biology , or all of science ? CSC - Why Do We Invoke Darwin ?"
"But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works . Did you know , for example , that clindamycin , an antibiotic"
"you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ? The ToE is supposed to be defined as changes in alleles"
"Perhaps so . But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works . Did you know , for example , that clindamycin , an antibiotic , can be used to safely kill certain non-bacterial parasites ? Do you know why ? Check out Carl Zimmer 's excellent Parasite Rex for the answer ."
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ? The ToE is supposed to be defined as changes in alleles , not changes in anything someone wishes to assign it to . It seems that in addition to the term evolution being broadened to mean just about any change , it is also substituted for the word  “ science ” at will . Notice how it was done in post # 2 above . The word  “ evolution ” was dropped , and the word  “ science ” replaced it . What are the possibilities that evolution is  “ brought in as a narrative gloss ” after a discovery , rather than being a cornerstone of all of biology , or all of science ? CSC - Why Do We Invoke Darwin ?"
"you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works"
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ?"
"Perhaps so . But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works . Did you know , for example , that clindamycin , an antibiotic , can be used to safely kill certain non-bacterial parasites ? Do you know why ? Check out Carl Zimmer 's excellent Parasite Rex for the answer ."
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ? The ToE is supposed to be defined as changes in alleles , not changes in anything someone wishes to assign it to . It seems that in addition to the term evolution being broadened to mean just about any change , it is also substituted for the word  “ science ” at will . Notice how it was done in post # 2 above . The word  “ evolution ” was dropped , and the word  “ science ” replaced it . What are the possibilities that evolution is  “ brought in as a narrative gloss ” after a discovery , rather than being a cornerstone of all of biology , or all of science ? CSC - Why Do We Invoke Darwin ?"
"the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works ."
"we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ? changes in alleles being broadened to mean just about any change substituted for the word  science at"
"Perhaps so . But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works . Did you know , for example , that clindamycin , an antibiotic , can be used to safely kill certain non-bacterial parasites ? Do you know why ? Check out Carl Zimmer 's excellent Parasite Rex for the answer ."
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ? The ToE is supposed to be defined as changes in alleles , not changes in anything someone wishes to assign it to . It seems that in addition to the term evolution being broadened to mean just about any change , it is also substituted for the word  “ science ” at will . Notice how it was done in post # 2 above . The word  “ evolution ” was dropped , and the word  “ science ” replaced it . What are the possibilities that evolution is  “ brought in as a narrative gloss ” after a discovery , rather than being a cornerstone of all of biology , or all of science ? CSC - Why Do We Invoke Darwin ?"
"But you realize that the reason it gets used in medicine is because it works ."
"So you ’ re saying we would not have clindamycin without the ToE ?"
"Creationism is not something new , it was the prevailing view of scientists up until Darwin ."
"Oh . I know it 's not new . Being old does n't make it any more legitimate . Real science can tell the difference between valid and invalid ."
"Creationism is not something new , it was the prevailing view of scientists up until Darwin ."
"Oh . I know it 's not new . Being old does n't make it any more"
"Creationism is not something new , it was the prevailing view of scientists up until Darwin ."
"Oh . I know it 's not new . Being old does n't make it any more legitimate . Real science can tell the difference between valid and invalid ."
"Creationism is not something new , it was the prevailing view of scientists up until Darwin ."
"Oh . I know it 's not new . Being old does n't make it any more legitimate ."
"Creationism is not something new , it was the prevailing view of scientists up until Darwin ."
"Oh . I know it 's not new . Being old does n't make it any more legitimate . Real science can tell the difference between valid and invalid ."
"Creationism is not something new , it was the prevailing view of scientists up until Darwin ."
"I know it 's not new . Being old does n't make it any more legitimate . Real science can tell the difference between valid and invalid ."
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters . [ quote=gnojek ] If a child grew up never hearing the words religion , gods , spirits , etc . would this child still have faith of some sort ? Is faith some innate human tendency ? It could be seeing as how there is the `` god spot `` in the brain , but maybe the god spot would n't develop as fully in the child that was never exposed to religion or thoughts of the supernatural.QUOTE ] Look around . Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air . It is obviously part of our psyche . Every civilization throughout history has felt the need for some type of faith . Even on different sides of the planet . It 's as natural as the sun rising ."
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ?"
"Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air . It is obviously part of our psyche ."
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters . [ quote=gnojek ] If a child grew up never hearing the words religion , gods , spirits , etc . would this child still have faith of some sort ? Is faith some innate human tendency ? It could be seeing as how there is the `` god spot `` in the brain , but maybe the god spot would n't develop as fully in the child that was never exposed to religion or thoughts of the supernatural.QUOTE ] Look around . Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air . It is obviously part of our psyche . Every civilization throughout history has felt the need for some type of faith . Even on different sides of the planet . It 's as natural as the sun rising ."
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters"
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters . [ quote=gnojek ] If a child grew up never hearing the words religion , gods , spirits , etc . would this child still have faith of some sort ? Is faith some innate human tendency ? It could be seeing as how there is the `` god spot `` in the brain , but maybe the god spot would n't develop as fully in the child that was never exposed to religion or thoughts of the supernatural.QUOTE ] Look around . Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air . It is obviously part of our psyche . Every civilization throughout history has felt the need for some type of faith . Even on different sides of the planet . It 's as natural as the sun rising ."
"why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters ."
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters . [ quote=gnojek ] If a child grew up never hearing the words religion , gods , spirits , etc . would this child still have faith of some sort ? Is faith some innate human tendency ? It could be seeing as how there is the `` god spot `` in the brain , but maybe the god spot would n't develop as fully in the child that was never exposed to religion or thoughts of the supernatural.QUOTE ] Look around . Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air . It is obviously part of our psyche . Every civilization throughout history has felt the need for some type of faith . Even on different sides of the planet . It 's as natural as the sun rising ."
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters . [ quote=gnojek ] If a child grew up never hearing the words religion , gods , spirits , etc . would this child still have faith of some sort ? ``"
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . We all doubt . It is what you do with it that matters . [ quote=gnojek ] If a child grew up never hearing the words religion , gods , spirits , etc . would this child still have faith of some sort ? Is faith some innate human tendency ? It could be seeing as how there is the `` god spot `` in the brain , but maybe the god spot would n't develop as fully in the child that was never exposed to religion or thoughts of the supernatural.QUOTE ] Look around . Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air . It is obviously part of our psyche . Every civilization throughout history has felt the need for some type of faith . Even on different sides of the planet . It 's as natural as the sun rising ."
"But why do you think that doubt limits people 's ideas ? If anything it helps to expand them ."
"It can go both ways . Faith did not spontaneously generate out of thin air . It is obviously part of our psyche ."
"Next time you walk into your doctor 's office , please notice that there 's no literature about how to control inflammation naturally .... instead , his walls , magazine racks and end tables are littered with advertisements for expensive drugs . It 's all about the money ..... and it 's money that fuels corruption ."
"just is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care , yet those countries also have a large number of pharmaceutical companies that are based there ."
"Next time you walk into your doctor 's office , please notice that there 's no literature about how to control inflammation naturally . It 's all about the money ..... and it 's money that fuels corruption ."
"just is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care , yet those countries also have a large number of pharmaceutical companies"
"Next time you walk into your doctor 's office , please notice that there 's no literature about how to control inflammation naturally .... instead , his walls , magazine racks and end tables are littered with advertisements for expensive drugs . It 's all about the money ..... and it 's money that fuels corruption ."
"just is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care , yet those countries also have a large number of pharmaceutical companies that are based there ."
"Next time you walk into your doctor 's office , please notice that there 's no literature about how to control inflammation naturally"
"just is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care"
"Next time you walk into your doctor 's office , please notice that there 's no literature about how to control inflammation naturally .... instead , his walls , magazine racks and end tables are littered with advertisements for expensive drugs . It 's all about the money ..... and it 's money that fuels corruption ."
"just is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care , yet those countries also have a large number of pharmaceutical companies that are based there ."
"littered with advertisements for expensive drugs . It 's all about the money it 's money that fuels corruption"
"just is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care , yet those countries also have a large number of pharmaceutical companies that are based there ."
"Next time you walk into your doctor 's office , please notice that there 's no literature about how to control inflammation naturally .... instead , his walls , magazine racks and end tables are littered with advertisements for expensive drugs . It 's all about the money ..... and it 's money that fuels corruption ."
"just is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care , yet those countries also have a large number of pharmaceutical companies that are based there ."
"It 's all about the money ..... and it 's money that fuels corruption ."
"is n't the case in countries with nationalised health care , yet those countries also have a large number of pharmaceutical companies"
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground . For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ? You should stick to topics on which you know something ............... Oh , sorry , I see your problem ."
"For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked"
"You should stick to topics on which you know something"
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground . For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ? You should stick to topics on which you know something ............... Oh , sorry , I see your problem ."
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground"
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ? You should stick to topics on which you know something"
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground . For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ? You should stick to topics on which you know something ............... Oh , sorry , I see your problem ."
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground"
"You should stick to topics on which you know something Oh , sorry , I see your problem ."
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground . For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ? You should stick to topics on which you know something ............... Oh , sorry , I see your problem ."
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground . For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ?"
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground . For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ? You should stick to topics on which you know something ............... Oh , sorry , I see your problem ."
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation ,"
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ?"
"With all the debt Obama has generated for our nation , he deserves to be filibustered into the ground . For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ? You should stick to topics on which you know something ............... Oh , sorry , I see your problem ."
"For too long the democrats had absolute power and ran amok and unchecked , answering to absolutely nobody and ignoring the will and the voice of the people ."
"Which planet in your parallel universe did this happen on ?"
"Ah living room , bedroom all around the house , out front , outback ( backyard ) . Up and down the street , across the street , sometimes the yard next door . And after that its time to shower up with a good old bar of soap , so far not on the endangered items list ."
"Well since airsoft is COMPLETELY ILLEGAL over here i wanted to know of some of the best Urban and CQB fields over in America ."
"And after that its time to shower up with a good old bar of soap"
"i wanted to know of some of the best Urban and CQB fields over in America ."
"`` ( 18 . ) Despite the U.K. & # 8217 ; s strict gun laws , criminals still have easy access to any firearms they desire , which is why the vast majority of gun crimes in Britain are committed with air guns , blank-firing replicas , deactivated firearms , or even painted water pistols ."
"BBC NEWS | UK | England | Wear | Second Pc held in gun sale probe MoD has 'lost ' 165 pistols , rifles and machine guns ... and 27,000 rounds of ammunition | Mail Online LiveLeak.com - Buying an Uzi in the UK- No Problem !"
"which is why the vast majority of gun crimes in Britain are committed with air guns"
"Second Pc held in gun sale probe MoD has 'lost ' 165 pistols , rifles and machine guns"
"`` ( 18 . ) Despite the U.K. & # 8217 ; s strict gun laws , criminals still have easy access to any firearms they desire , which is why the vast majority of gun crimes in Britain are committed with air guns , blank-firing replicas , deactivated firearms , or even painted water pistols ."
"BBC NEWS | UK | England | Wear | Second Pc held in gun sale probe MoD has 'lost ' 165 pistols , rifles and machine guns ... and 27,000 rounds of ammunition | Mail Online LiveLeak.com - Buying an Uzi in the UK- No Problem !"
"U.K. s strict gun laws , criminals still have easy access to any firearms they desire"
"Second Pc held in gun sale probe MoD has 'lost ' 165 pistols , rifles and machine guns No Problem !"
"What do I have against abortion ? Hmmm , let me think . I guess there is that little fact that it is MURDER !"
"Abortion does not fit the definition of murder ."
"What do I have against abortion ? Hmmm , let me think ."
"Abortion does not fit the definition of murder ."
"What did Jesus have to say about the issue of abortion ?"
"Well I do n't believe Jesus said anything directly about abortion but I 'm pretty sure that Jesus would not support abortion since it is murder . To further support my point on this as proving that the child developing inside the mother is not part of the mother but an individual life please click here to read a very important article discussing this issue . -theo"
"Jesus issue of abortion ?"
"I do n't believe Jesus said anything directly about abortion but I 'm pretty sure that Jesus would not support abortion"
"Society 's willingness to impose on women alone the sacrifice required by laws restricting abortion , unique within the landscape of Anglo-American law , may well reflect a deeply held traditional view of the differences in character of the sexes . While we might not impose selflessness and virtuous behavior on a man .... some may find it less of a contradiction to impose such virtue on a woman because of the traditional view of her nature . But to impose virtue on ANY person demeans that person 's individual worth . It is no more acceptable when the person is a woman than a man . There should be no 'woman 's exception ' to our traditional regard for individualism and autonomy . As long as these values remain at the core of our legal system , there is thus a powerful case for the conclusion that laws prohibiting abortion -- even IF the fetus is regarded as a person -- deny women the equal protection of the laws guaranteed to all by the 14th amendment . And if this is so , then perhaps the Roe decision , by gratuitously insisting that the fetus can not be deemed a person , needlessly insulted and alienated those for whom the view that the fetus is a person represents a fundamental article of faith or a bedrock personal committment . Perhaps as Yale Law School Dean Guido Calabresi has suggested , the Roe opinion for no good reason said to a large and politically active group `` [ y ] our metaphysics are not part of our Constitution. `` The Court could have indeed have said : Even if the fetus is a person , our Constitution forbids compelling a woman to carry it for nine months and become a mother"
"Just an add-on and hopefully thought-provoking ."
"impose on women alone the sacrifice required by laws restricting abortion , by gratuitously insisting that the fetus can not be deemed a person"
"Just an add-on and hopefully"
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Nothing about guns there"
"And the UN seems to feel it 's necessary to spell out that you have the right to marry and have a family ."
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights Nothing about guns there"
"the UN seems to feel it 's necessary to spell out that you have the right to marry and have a family ."
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Nothing about guns there"
"And the UN seems to feel it 's necessary to spell out that you have the right to marry and have a family ."
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Nothing about guns there"
"And the UN seems to feel it 's necessary to spell out that you have the right"
"`` Looking into Hannah 's eyes , I weep for the roughly 188,000 frozen human embryos like her placed in frozen-embryo orphanages who could be adopted rather than terminated with my federal tax dollars. `` Marlene Strege , testifying at a congressional hearing in 2001 . She is the mother of Hannah who developed from an adopted embryo ."
"Maybe someday it will be possible to bridge the gap of time from embryo to the viability of the fetus outside the womb ."
"I weep for the roughly 188,000 frozen human embryos like her placed in frozen-embryo orphanages"
"someday it will be possible to bridge the gap of time from embryo to the viability of the fetus outside the womb ."
"`` Looking into Hannah 's eyes , I weep for the roughly 188,000 frozen human embryos like her placed in frozen-embryo orphanages who could be adopted rather than terminated with my federal tax dollars. `` Marlene Strege , testifying at a congressional hearing in 2001 . She is the mother of Hannah who developed from an adopted embryo ."
"Maybe someday it will be possible to bridge the gap of time from embryo to the viability of the fetus outside the womb ."
"I weep for the roughly 188,000 frozen human embryos like her placed in frozen-embryo orphanages"
"Maybe someday it will be possible to bridge the gap of time from embryo"
"The Christian Century ; 1/16/2002 Pope John Paul II has moved quietly to give the Vatican 's highest doctrinal authority direct control over the growing problem of pedophile priests , the official Vatican gazette has disclosed . The pope and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , have ordered bishops to inform the Vatican immediately of any accusations of pedophilia against priests and instructed them to swiftly investigate any suspicion of pedophilia within ..."
"And guess who cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is today . Pope Benedict XVI . He was known in the Vatican as `` The Enforcer `` . If you think that the Vatican is giving a free pass to wayward pedophile priests , you 're sadly mistaken ."
"The Christian Century highest doctrinal authority direct control"
"who cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is pedophile priests , you 're sadly mistaken"
"The Christian Century ; 1/16/2002 Pope John Paul II has moved quietly to give the Vatican 's highest doctrinal authority direct control over the growing problem of pedophile priests , the official Vatican gazette has disclosed . The pope and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , have ordered bishops to inform the Vatican immediately of any accusations of pedophilia against priests and instructed them to swiftly investigate any suspicion of pedophilia within ..."
"And guess who cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is today . Pope Benedict XVI . He was known in the Vatican as `` The Enforcer `` . If you think that the Vatican is giving a free pass to wayward pedophile priests , you 're sadly mistaken ."
"highest doctrinal authority direct control over the growing problem of pedophile priests"
"If you think that the Vatican is giving a free pass to wayward pedophile priests"
"The Christian Century ; 1/16/2002 Pope John Paul II has moved quietly to give the Vatican 's highest doctrinal authority direct control over the growing problem of pedophile priests , the official Vatican gazette has disclosed . The pope and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger , prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , have ordered bishops to inform the Vatican immediately of any accusations of pedophilia against priests and instructed them to swiftly investigate any suspicion of pedophilia within ..."
"And guess who cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is today . Pope Benedict XVI . He was known in the Vatican as `` The Enforcer `` . If you think that the Vatican is giving a free pass to wayward pedophile priests , you 're sadly mistaken ."
"Pope John Paul II has moved quietly to give the Vatican 's highest doctrinal authority direct control over the growing problem of pedophile priests ,"
"If you think that the Vatican is giving a free pass to wayward pedophile priests , you 're sadly mistaken ."
"Today , no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"Good . But seeing how this was proposed over a century and a half ago by Darwin , what took the creationists so long to catch up ?"
"Today , no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"But seeing how this was proposed over a century and a half ago"
"Today , no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"Good . But seeing how this was proposed over a century and a half ago by Darwin , what took the creationists so long to catch up ?"
"no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"proposed over a century and a half ago by Darwin , what took the creationists so long to catch up ?"
"Today , no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"Good . But seeing how this was proposed over a century and a half ago by Darwin , what took the creationists so long to catch up ?"
"Today , no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"Today , no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"Good . But seeing how this was proposed over a century and a half ago by Darwin , what took the creationists so long to catch up ?"
"no informed creationist would deny natural selection ."
"Good ."
"Earth 's turn is also slowing down and the calculations backwards on that also create a few problems . How does this jive with millions or maybe billions of years of evolutionary history ?"
"First , why do n't you do the calculations yourself and tell me the answer you get . The current rate of change of the earth 's rotation is about 2 milliseconds per day per century . US Naval Observatory Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current arrangement of the continents . Will get to the rest later"
"How does this jive with millions or maybe billions of years of evolutionary history ?"
"why do n't you do the calculations yourself and tell me the answer you get ."
"Earth 's turn is also slowing down and the calculations backwards on that also create a few problems . How does this jive with millions or maybe billions of years of evolutionary history ?"
"First , why do n't you do the calculations yourself and tell me the answer you get . The current rate of change of the earth 's rotation is about 2 milliseconds per day per century . US Naval Observatory Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current arrangement of the continents . Will get to the rest later"
"calculations backwards on that also create a few problems ."
"Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current arrangement"
"Earth 's turn is also slowing down and the calculations backwards on that also create a few problems . How does this jive with millions or maybe billions of years of evolutionary history ?"
"First , why do n't you do the calculations yourself and tell me the answer you get . The current rate of change of the earth 's rotation is about 2 milliseconds per day per century . US Naval Observatory Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current arrangement of the continents . Will get to the rest later"
"Earth 's turn is also slowing down and the calculations backwards on that also create a few problems"
"The current rate of change of the earth 's rotation is about 2 milliseconds per day per century . US Naval Observatory Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current arrangement of the continents . Will get to the rest later"
"Earth 's turn is also slowing down and the calculations backwards on that also create a few problems . How does this jive with millions or maybe billions of years of evolutionary history ?"
"First , why do n't you do the calculations yourself and tell me the answer you get . The current rate of change of the earth 's rotation is about 2 milliseconds per day per century . US Naval Observatory Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current arrangement of the continents . Will get to the rest later"
"calculations backwards on that also create a few problems . How does this jive with millions"
"Observatory Please note that this rate is high at the present time because of the current"
"It sure is funny how many times the `` pro-lifers `` claim a victory- and yet that victory is quickly overturned by the supreme authority in this country- which is not the senate , not the president , it is the COURT . I find it truly insulting that this great nation , which was founded upon the idea of religious freedom has allowed so many of its laws to be affected by the over-dominant christian right . If we put aside the bible , the commandments , and the intentionally biased commentaries of christian leaders , what argument is left ? The Christian right will say that all life is precious , but obviously there are tiers . An unborn , unwanted , and even sometimes malformed child is more precious than that of the mother . Who cares if she was raped ? Who cares if she was the victim of incest ? Who cares if the child she carries has tested positive for all sorts of defects- `` My preacher says it 's wrong ! `` Another disturbing all too common event is that of the woman who has taken her prescribed birth control , but it failed , so she finds herself carrying a child she never wanted , and even worse , as a result of the augmented hormone levels as a result of birth control , her child has little chance of being born normal and healthy . But if these `` pro-lifers `` have their way , she will be forced to have the child , and raise it . Another argument I often hear is the option of adoption . One must wonder , though , if adoptive families were so abundant , why so many group homes for unwanted children who are doomed to live out their childhoods at the knees of the state ? The gross majority of open-adoption agencies out there are christian-founded , which means of course , that unless you adhere to their strict guidelines , you will not recieve a child . Single parents ( no matter the income ) homosexuals , any person who does not subscribe to christianity is immediately disqualified ! What I really want to say is , If you have some moral objection to abortion , that 's just fine~ then never have one yourself . But please do not expect another person to conform to your ideas . Why should they ?"
"But did n't you know ? The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that . They do n't get it , they actally believe that they 're doing good and are also doing it for our own good as well . It is n't terrorists , or any other outside force which are a threat to American rights and freedoms , it is those like the Christian right who you truly have to fear . Those like Pat Robertson , or Jerry Falwel who have influence and many others as well like your President . How many other Judges feel and believe the same as Judge Moore in Alabama did ?"
"quickly overturned by the supreme authority in this country- which is not the senate , not the president"
"They do n't get it , they actally believe that they 're doing good"
"It sure is funny how many times the `` pro-lifers `` claim a victory- and yet that victory is quickly overturned by the supreme authority in this country- which is not the senate , not the president , it is the COURT . I find it truly insulting that this great nation , which was founded upon the idea of religious freedom has allowed so many of its laws to be affected by the over-dominant christian right . If we put aside the bible , the commandments , and the intentionally biased commentaries of christian leaders , what argument is left ? The Christian right will say that all life is precious , but obviously there are tiers . An unborn , unwanted , and even sometimes malformed child is more precious than that of the mother . Who cares if she was raped ? Who cares if she was the victim of incest ? Who cares if the child she carries has tested positive for all sorts of defects- `` My preacher says it 's wrong ! `` Another disturbing all too common event is that of the woman who has taken her prescribed birth control , but it failed , so she finds herself carrying a child she never wanted , and even worse , as a result of the augmented hormone levels as a result of birth control , her child has little chance of being born normal and healthy . But if these `` pro-lifers `` have their way , she will be forced to have the child , and raise it . Another argument I often hear is the option of adoption . One must wonder , though , if adoptive families were so abundant , why so many group homes for unwanted children who are doomed to live out their childhoods at the knees of the state ? The gross majority of open-adoption agencies out there are christian-founded , which means of course , that unless you adhere to their strict guidelines , you will not recieve a child . Single parents ( no matter the income ) homosexuals , any person who does not subscribe to christianity is immediately disqualified ! What I really want to say is , If you have some moral objection to abortion , that 's just fine~ then never have one yourself . But please do not expect another person to conform to your ideas . Why should they ?"
"But did n't you know ? The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that . They do n't get it , they actally believe that they 're doing good and are also doing it for our own good as well . It is n't terrorists , or any other outside force which are a threat to American rights and freedoms , it is those like the Christian right who you truly have to fear . Those like Pat Robertson , or Jerry Falwel who have influence and many others as well like your President . How many other Judges feel and believe the same as Judge Moore in Alabama did ?"
"any person who does not subscribe to christianity is immediately disqualified !"
"The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that ."
"It sure is funny how many times the `` pro-lifers `` claim a victory- and yet that victory is quickly overturned by the supreme authority in this country- which is not the senate , not the president , it is the COURT . I find it truly insulting that this great nation , which was founded upon the idea of religious freedom has allowed so many of its laws to be affected by the over-dominant christian right . If we put aside the bible , the commandments , and the intentionally biased commentaries of christian leaders , what argument is left ? The Christian right will say that all life is precious , but obviously there are tiers . An unborn , unwanted , and even sometimes malformed child is more precious than that of the mother . Who cares if she was raped ? Who cares if she was the victim of incest ? Who cares if the child she carries has tested positive for all sorts of defects- `` My preacher says it 's wrong ! `` Another disturbing all too common event is that of the woman who has taken her prescribed birth control , but it failed , so she finds herself carrying a child she never wanted , and even worse , as a result of the augmented hormone levels as a result of birth control , her child has little chance of being born normal and healthy . But if these `` pro-lifers `` have their way , she will be forced to have the child , and raise it . Another argument I often hear is the option of adoption . One must wonder , though , if adoptive families were so abundant , why so many group homes for unwanted children who are doomed to live out their childhoods at the knees of the state ? The gross majority of open-adoption agencies out there are christian-founded , which means of course , that unless you adhere to their strict guidelines , you will not recieve a child . Single parents ( no matter the income ) homosexuals , any person who does not subscribe to christianity is immediately disqualified ! What I really want to say is , If you have some moral objection to abortion , that 's just fine~ then never have one yourself . But please do not expect another person to conform to your ideas . Why should they ?"
"But did n't you know ? The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that . They do n't get it , they actally believe that they 're doing good and are also doing it for our own good as well . It is n't terrorists , or any other outside force which are a threat to American rights and freedoms , it is those like the Christian right who you truly have to fear . Those like Pat Robertson , or Jerry Falwel who have influence and many others as well like your President . How many other Judges feel and believe the same as Judge Moore in Alabama did ?"
"The gross majority of open-adoption agencies out there are christian-founded , which means of course , that unless you adhere to their strict guidelines , you will not recieve a child . Single parents ( no matter the income ) homosexuals , any person who does not subscribe to christianity is immediately disqualified ! What I really want to say is , If you have some moral objection to abortion , that 's just fine~ then never have one yourself . But please do not expect another person to conform to your ideas . Why should they ?"
"But did n't you know ? The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that . They do n't get it , they actally believe that they 're doing good and are also doing it for our own good as well . It is n't terrorists , or any other outside force which are a threat to American rights and freedoms , it is those like the Christian right who you truly have to"
"It sure is funny how many times the `` pro-lifers `` claim a victory- and yet that victory is quickly overturned by the supreme authority in this country- which is not the senate , not the president , it is the COURT . I find it truly insulting that this great nation , which was founded upon the idea of religious freedom has allowed so many of its laws to be affected by the over-dominant christian right . If we put aside the bible , the commandments , and the intentionally biased commentaries of christian leaders , what argument is left ? The Christian right will say that all life is precious , but obviously there are tiers . An unborn , unwanted , and even sometimes malformed child is more precious than that of the mother . Who cares if she was raped ? Who cares if she was the victim of incest ? Who cares if the child she carries has tested positive for all sorts of defects- `` My preacher says it 's wrong ! `` Another disturbing all too common event is that of the woman who has taken her prescribed birth control , but it failed , so she finds herself carrying a child she never wanted , and even worse , as a result of the augmented hormone levels as a result of birth control , her child has little chance of being born normal and healthy . But if these `` pro-lifers `` have their way , she will be forced to have the child , and raise it . Another argument I often hear is the option of adoption . One must wonder , though , if adoptive families were so abundant , why so many group homes for unwanted children who are doomed to live out their childhoods at the knees of the state ? The gross majority of open-adoption agencies out there are christian-founded , which means of course , that unless you adhere to their strict guidelines , you will not recieve a child . Single parents ( no matter the income ) homosexuals , any person who does not subscribe to christianity is immediately disqualified ! What I really want to say is , If you have some moral objection to abortion , that 's just fine~ then never have one yourself . But please do not expect another person to conform to your ideas . Why should they ?"
"But did n't you know ? The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that . They do n't get it , they actally believe that they 're doing good and are also doing it for our own good as well . It is n't terrorists , or any other outside force which are a threat to American rights and freedoms , it is those like the Christian right who you truly have to fear . Those like Pat Robertson , or Jerry Falwel who have influence and many others as well like your President . How many other Judges feel and believe the same as Judge Moore in Alabama did ?"
"claim a victory- and yet that victory is quickly overturned"
"The USA is a CHRISTIAN NATION and all other beliefs are subservient to that"
"So will you be comparing gays to child molesters and priests in your same examples ? Or blacks with slinging drugs and hoochie mammas ? Or will you note the eerie similarities betweenn the wording of some of our gun laws to the Nazi gun laws ?"
"Let me try explaining this another way . According to the logic presented in the original article : Gun Owners : discrimination by gun control laws : : Serial Rapists : discrimination by anti-rape laws You see , it 's the RELATIONSHIP that I 'm comparing . That 's what an analogy is . I 'm NOT comparing the gun owners to the serial rapists , but rather the RELATIONSHIP between discrimination and gun owners as presented in the original article and the RELATIONSHIP between discimination and serial rapists ."
"comparing gays to child molesters and priests in your same examples ?"
"discrimination by gun control laws : : Serial Rapists : discrimination by anti-rape"
"So will you be comparing gays to child molesters and priests in your same examples ? Or blacks with slinging drugs and hoochie mammas ? Or will you note the eerie similarities betweenn the wording of some of our gun laws to the Nazi gun laws ?"
"Let me try explaining this another way . According to the logic presented in the original article : Gun Owners : discrimination by gun control laws : : Serial Rapists : discrimination by anti-rape laws You see , it 's the RELATIONSHIP that I 'm comparing . That 's what an analogy is . I 'm NOT comparing the gun owners to the serial rapists , but rather the RELATIONSHIP between discrimination and gun owners as presented in the original article and the RELATIONSHIP between discimination and serial rapists ."
"So will you be comparing gays to child molesters and priests in your same examples ?"
"That 's what an analogy is . I 'm NOT comparing the gun owners to the serial rapists , but rather the RELATIONSHIP between discrimination and gun owners"
"So will you be comparing gays to child molesters and priests in your same examples ? Or blacks with slinging drugs and hoochie mammas ? Or will you note the eerie similarities betweenn the wording of some of our gun laws to the Nazi gun laws ?"
"Let me try explaining this another way . According to the logic presented in the original article : Gun Owners : discrimination by gun control laws : : Serial Rapists : discrimination by anti-rape laws You see , it 's the RELATIONSHIP that I 'm comparing . That 's what an analogy is . I 'm NOT comparing the gun owners to the serial rapists , but rather the RELATIONSHIP between discrimination and gun owners as presented in the original article and the RELATIONSHIP between discimination and serial rapists ."
"So will you be comparing gays to child molesters and priests in your same examples ?"
"I 'm NOT comparing the gun owners to the serial rapists , but rather the RELATIONSHIP between discrimination and gun owners as presented in the original article and the RELATIONSHIP between discimination and serial rapists ."
"Maybe they did it on purpose ? They push through the amendment to quiet the RR while the issue is a hot botton topic , but make sure it 's unconstitutional so that it 'll get shot down . Just a thought ."
"They do it on purpose , alright . But not because it 'll be shot down -- in at least one state , the Supreme Court decided that similar legislation did not address more than one issue . The reason they put them together is that , in most states , a ban on civil unions would FAIL ."
"Maybe they did it on purpose ? They push through the amendment to quiet the RR while the issue is a hot botton topic , but make sure it 's unconstitutional so that it 'll get shot down ."
"They do it on purpose , alright . But not because it 'll be shot down -- in at least one state , the Supreme Court decided that similar legislation did not address more than one issue ."
"Maybe they did it on purpose ? They push through the amendment to quiet the RR while the issue is a hot botton topic , but make sure it 's unconstitutional so that it 'll get shot down . Just a thought ."
"They do it on purpose , alright . But not because it 'll be shot down -- in at least one state , the Supreme Court decided that similar legislation did not address more than one issue . The reason they put them together is that , in most states , a ban on civil unions would FAIL ."
"Maybe they did it on purpose ?"
"They do it on purpose , alright ."
"Maybe they did it on purpose ? They push through the amendment to quiet the RR while the issue is a hot botton topic , but make sure it 's unconstitutional so that it 'll get shot down . Just a thought ."
"They do it on purpose , alright . But not because it 'll be shot down -- in at least one state , the Supreme Court decided that similar legislation did not address more than one issue . The reason they put them together is that , in most states , a ban on civil unions would FAIL ."
"They push through the amendment to quiet the RR while the issue is a hot botton topic"
"The reason they put them together is that , in most states , a ban on civil unions would FAIL ."
"Maybe they did it on purpose ? They push through the amendment to quiet the RR while the issue is a hot botton topic , but make sure it 's unconstitutional so that it 'll get shot down . Just a thought ."
"They do it on purpose , alright . But not because it 'll be shot down -- in at least one state , the Supreme Court decided that similar legislation did not address more than one issue . The reason they put them together is that , in most states , a ban on civil unions would FAIL ."
"They push through the amendment to quiet the RR while the issue is a hot botton topic ,"
"Supreme Court decided that similar legislation civil unions would FAIL ."
"3 ) is the importance of rights greater than democracy ? Or is democracy a right ? If the latter , how does this work with ( 2 ) ?"
"I believe that a system of rights is superior to a system of democracy . The US by the way , was never intended to be a democracy , but a republic - the difference being that in a republic an individual has his rights respected , while in a democracy the will of majority is the law . The `` right to vote `` or `` right to democracy `` is perhaps the greatest offender in the drama of conflicting rights such made up rights create , because where the will of the majority is law , no other rights can possibly exist ."
"is the importance of rights greater than democracy ?"
"I believe that a system of rights is superior to a system of democracy ."
"3 ) is the importance of rights greater than democracy ? Or is democracy a right ? If the latter , how does this work with ( 2 ) ?"
"I believe that a system of rights is superior to a system of democracy . The US by the way , was never intended to be a democracy , but a republic - the difference being that in a republic an individual has his rights respected , while in a democracy the will of majority is the law . The `` right to vote `` or `` right to democracy `` is perhaps the greatest offender in the drama of conflicting rights such made up rights create , because where the will of the majority is law , no other rights can possibly exist ."
"the importance of rights greater than democracy ?"
"The US by the way , was never intended to be a democracy , but a republic"
"3 ) is the importance of rights greater than democracy ? Or is democracy a right ? If the latter , how does this work with ( 2 ) ?"
"I believe that a system of rights is superior to a system of democracy . The US by the way , was never intended to be a democracy , but a republic - the difference being that in a republic an individual has his rights respected , while in a democracy the will of majority is the law . The `` right to vote `` or `` right to democracy `` is perhaps the greatest offender in the drama of conflicting rights such made up rights create , because where the will of the majority is law , no other rights can possibly exist ."
"Or is democracy a right ? If the latter , how does this work with ( 2 ) ?"
"the difference being that in a republic an individual has his rights respected , while in a democracy"
"3 ) is the importance of rights greater than democracy ? Or is democracy a right ? If the latter , how does this work with ( 2 ) ?"
"I believe that a system of rights is superior to a system of democracy . The US by the way , was never intended to be a democracy , but a republic - the difference being that in a republic an individual has his rights respected , while in a democracy the will of majority is the law . The `` right to vote `` or `` right to democracy `` is perhaps the greatest offender in the drama of conflicting rights such made up rights create , because where the will of the majority is law , no other rights can possibly exist ."
"is the importance of rights greater than democracy ? Or is democracy a right ?"
"I believe that a system of rights is superior to a system of ``"
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence ."
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True ."
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence"
"There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree"
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"there are two ways to interpret it ."
"nothing you 've said has any empirical basis"
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"What is shown very clearly from all of these scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it ."
"True . There 's the interpretation that assumes the outcome and then looks for evidence disregarding all that does n't agree . And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence . You abide to assume the outcome , look for evidence . And you have constantly asserted with absolutely no evidence , that your religious interpretation is correct . Essentially you are soapboxing as nothing you 've said has any empirical basis whatsoever ."
"scientific interpretation of the same evidence is that there are two ways to interpret it"
"And then there is the interpretation that looks at the evidence and then makes conclusions based on that evidence"
"I don ’ t know about you , but if I take a step back , and look at this big picture , with all these beings debating over whether or not these arguments can philosophically or morally hold water , I can ’ t help but think of it as the grossest , darkest tease life can contain . Here we are , debating philosophy , which is a celebration of life and the blessings of existence , and all the while these  “ would-be beings ” are getting blotted out of existence by the very dance that is our celebration . We rejoice in our lives in these debates , and flaunt that merriment by using it as a means to keep others out of life . I think about it and I feel like reality is being raped in some abhorrent way – like their reality is being raped by ours . Thinking about it makes me nauseous ."
"I 'm confused by your rationale in your post as it is basically all over the place- perhaps you could clarify your position better . I disagree we are debating philosophy here but discussing far less abstract real world issues and how they relate to the matter of abortion ."
"Here we are , debating philosophy , which is a celebration of life and the blessings of existence , and all the while these  would-be beings are getting blotted out of existence by the very dance that is our celebration"
"I 'm confused by your rationale in your post as it is basically all over the place- perhaps you could clarify your position better ."
"I don ’ t know about you , but if I take a step back , and look at this big picture , with all these beings debating over whether or not these arguments can philosophically or morally hold water , I can ’ t help but think of it as the grossest , darkest tease life can contain . Here we are , debating philosophy , which is a celebration of life and the blessings of existence , and all the while these  “ would-be beings ” are getting blotted out of existence by the very dance that is our celebration . We rejoice in our lives in these debates , and flaunt that merriment by using it as a means to keep others out of life . I think about it and I feel like reality is being raped in some abhorrent way – like their reality is being raped by ours . Thinking about it makes me nauseous ."
"I 'm confused by your rationale in your post as it is basically all over the place- perhaps you could clarify your position better . I disagree we are debating philosophy here but discussing far less abstract real world issues and how they relate to the matter of abortion ."
"Here we are , debating philosophy , which is a celebration of life and the blessings of existence"
"I 'm confused by your rationale in your post as it is basically all over the place-"