def compute_total_length(hyp): """Compute total length of a hypothesis/reference. Args: hyp: a list of tuples, where each tuple is (speaker, start, end) of type (string, float, float) Returns: a float number for the total length """ total_length = 0.0 for element in hyp: total_length += element[2] - element[1] return total_length
@classmethod def parse(cls, name, default_owner=None, default_activity_group=None): """ This parses the standard, extended format for naming statistics. It is one to three fields, separated by ':'. These are one of 'name', 'owner:name', or 'owner:name:activity_group'. Currently this is used only by reftuple which itself is used only in the power pipeline configuration. """ parts, owner, activity_group = name.split(':'), None, None if len(parts) == 1: name = parts[0] elif len(parts) == 2: owner, name = parts else: owner, name, activity_group = parts if not owner: owner = default_owner if not owner: raise Exception(f'Missing owner for {name}') if not activity_group: activity_group = default_activity_group if activity_group == 'None': activity_group = None return owner, name, activity_group
def julday2mjd(*args): """ julian day to modified julian day Args: julday (int) : julian day hour (int) : hour, optional minute (int) : minute, optional seconds (float) : seconds, optional Returns: float : modified julian day """ julday = args[0] mjd = julday - 2400001.0 hms = [24, 1440, 86400] for i, v in enumerate(args[1:]): mjd += v / hms[i] return mjd
def _keysview_isdisjoint(view, other): """Return True if two sets have a null intersection.""" for k in other: if k in view: return False return True
@classmethod def from_operator_name(cls, name: str, **kwargs) ->'DiffusionMaps': """Instantiate new model to approximate operator (to be selected by name). Parameters ---------- name "laplace_beltrami", "fokker_plank", "graph_laplacian" or "rbf". **kwargs All parameters in :py:class:`DiffusionMaps` but ``alpha``. Returns ------- DiffusionMaps self """ if name == 'laplace_beltrami': eigfunc_interp = cls.laplace_beltrami(**kwargs) elif name == 'fokker_planck': eigfunc_interp = cls.fokker_planck(**kwargs) elif name == 'graph_laplacian': eigfunc_interp = cls.graph_laplacian(**kwargs) elif name == 'rbf': eigfunc_interp = cls.rbf_kernel(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError( f"name='{name}' not known. Choose from {cls._cls_valid_operator_names}" ) if name not in cls._cls_valid_operator_names: raise NotImplementedError( f'This is a bug. name={name} each name has to be listed in VALID_OPERATOR_NAMES' ) return eigfunc_interp
def process(proc_data): """ Final processing to conform to the schema. Parameters: proc_data: (dictionary) raw structured data to process Returns: List of dictionaries. Structured data with the following schema: [ { "group_name": string, "password": string, "administrators": [ string ], "members": [ string ] } ] """ for entry in proc_data: if entry['administrators'] == ['']: entry['administrators'] = [] if entry['members'] == ['']: entry['members'] = [] return proc_data
def on_solved(response, **kwargs): """Callback; set this attribute in the parent class.""" raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def _clear_resolvers(cls) ->None: """Remove all resolvers. This method is EXCLUSIVELY for use in tests. """ cls._resolver_by_type.clear()
def ident(v): """a identity function used by default converter""" return v
def concatfunc(func, lst): """ Concatenate returned list of `func(elem)` for `elem` in `lst` """ ret = [] for elem in lst: ret += func(elem) return ret
def valid_port(port): """ Returns True if `port` is a valid port. **Example usage** >>> assert(not valid_port(-1)) >>> assert(not valid_port('something not a port')) >>> assert(valid_port('80')) >>> valid_port(65535) True """ try: return 0 <= int(port) < 2 ** 16 except: return False
def utf8_decoder(s): """ Decode the unicode as UTF-8 """ if s is None: return None return s.decode('utf-8')
def psi_MgOH_Na_HSO4_HMW84(T, P): """c-c'-a: magnesium-hydroxide sodium bisulfate [HMW84].""" psi = 0.0 valid = T == 298.15 return psi, valid
@classmethod def default_chunk_size(cls): """ Returns the default chunk size for this source. """ return 256
def _is_dunder(name): """Returns True if a __dunder__ name, False otherwise.""" return name[:2] == name[-2:] == '__' and name[2:3] != '_' and name[-3:-2 ] != '_' and len(name) > 4
def report_copy(): """Copy selected reports to Clipboard """ pass
def parse_storm_version(version_string): """ Parses the version of storm. :param version_string: String containing version information. :return: Tuple (version, commit) """ split = version_string.split('-') version = split[0] commit = '' if len(split) > 1: commit = split[1] return version, commit
def rxfilter(rx, select, cursor): """Utility function to convert a sequence `cursor` to a generator, but applying a filtering predicate to select which rows to return. The assumption is that `cursor` yields uniform sequence objects ("rows"), and the `select` operator can be invoked with ``select(row)`` for each retrieved row to return a string. If the value returned matches the regular expression `rx`, the original row is included in the generator output, otherwise it's skipped. :arg re.RegexObject rx: Regular expression to match against, or at least any object which supports ``rx.match(value)`` on the value returned by the ``select(row)`` operator. :arg callable select: An operator which returns the item to filter on, given a row of values, typically an :func:`operator.itemgetter`. :arg sequence cursor: Input sequence.""" for row in cursor: if rx.match(select(row)): yield row
def count_str(text, sub, start=None, end=None): """ Computes the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring ``sub`` in ``text[start:end]``. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. :param text: The string to search :type text: ``str`` :param sub: The substring to count :type sub: ``str`` :param start: The start of the search range :type start: ``int`` :param end: The end of the search range :type end: ``int`` :return: The number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring ``sub`` in ``text[start:end]``. :rtype: ``int`` """ assert isinstance(text, str), '%s is not a string' % text return text.count(sub, start, end)
def c2min(f, c1, c2): """Take the minimum value between two columns in a dataframe. Parameters ---------- f : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the two columns ``c1`` and ``c2``. c1 : str Name of the first column in the dataframe ``f``. c2 : str Name of the second column in the dataframe ``f``. Returns ------- min_val : float The minimum value of the two columns. """ min_val = min(f[c1], f[c2]) return min_val
@staticmethod def pre_run_report(**kwarg): """ This runs in the context of __main__ """ pass
@classmethod def find(cls, channel, start, end, frametype=None, pad=None, scaled=None, dtype=None, nproc=1, verbose=False, **readargs): """Find and read data from frames for a channel Parameters ---------- channel : `str`, `~gwpy.detector.Channel` the name of the channel to read, or a `Channel` object. start : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str` GPS start time of required data, any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine end : `~gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS`, `float`, `str` GPS end time of required data, any input parseable by `~gwpy.time.to_gps` is fine frametype : `str`, optional name of frametype in which this channel is stored, will search for containing frame types if necessary nproc : `int`, optional, default: `1` number of parallel processes to use, serial process by default. pad : `float`, optional value with which to fill gaps in the source data, by default gaps will result in a `ValueError`. dtype : `numpy.dtype`, `str`, `type`, or `dict` numeric data type for returned data, e.g. `numpy.float`, or `dict` of (`channel`, `dtype`) pairs allow_tape : `bool`, optional, default: `True` allow reading from frame files on (slow) magnetic tape verbose : `bool`, optional print verbose output about read progress, if ``verbose`` is specified as a string, this defines the prefix for the progress meter **readargs any other keyword arguments to be passed to `.read()` """ return cls.DictClass.find([channel], start, end, frametype=frametype, verbose=verbose, pad=pad, scaled=scaled, dtype=dtype, nproc=nproc, **readargs)[str(channel)]
def total_seconds(delta): """Determines total seconds with python < 2.7 compat.""" return (delta.microseconds + (delta.seconds + delta.days * 24 * 3600) * 1000000.0) / 1000000.0
def eval_expr(code, local_dict, global_dict): """ Evaluate Python code generated by ``stringify_expr``. Generally, ``parse_expr`` should be used. """ expr = eval(code, global_dict, local_dict) return expr
def is_reorderable(): """ Return true if the folder can be reordered, false otherwise."""
@classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class."""
def three_digit(number): """ Add 0s to inputs that their length is less than 3. :param number: The number to convert :type number: int :returns: String """ number = str(number) if len(number) == 1: return u'00%s' % number elif len(number) == 2: return u'0%s' % number else: return number
def select_less(): """Deselect objects at the boundaries of parent/child relationships """ pass
@classmethod def getDescription(cls, str_): """Get description.""" if not str_ or str_[0] != '$': return '' value = int(str_[1:]) if value == 1: ret = 'Sum Li Active power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 2: ret = 'Sum Li Active power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 3: ret = 'Sum Li Reactive power+ (QI+QII)' elif value == 4: ret = 'Sum Li Reactive power- (QIII+QIV)' elif value == 5: ret = 'Sum Li Reactive power QI' elif value == 6: ret = 'Sum Li Reactive power QII' elif value == 7: ret = 'Sum Li Reactive power QIII' elif value == 8: ret = 'Sum Li Reactive power QIV' elif value == 9: ret = 'Sum Li Apparent power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 10: ret = 'Sum Li Apparent power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 11: ret = 'Current: any phase' elif value == 12: ret = 'Voltage: any phase' elif value == 13: ret = 'Sum Li Power factor' elif value == 14: ret = 'Supply frequency' elif value == 15: ret = 'Sum Li Active power (abs(QI+QIV)+abs(QII+QIII))' elif value == 16: ret = 'Sum Li Active power (abs(QI+QIV)-abs(QII+QIII))' elif value == 17: ret = 'Sum Li Active power QI' elif value == 18: ret = 'Sum Li Active power QII' elif value == 19: ret = 'Sum Li Active power QIII' elif value == 20: ret = 'Sum Li Active power QIV' elif value == 21: ret = 'L1 Active power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 22: ret = 'L1 Active power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 23: ret = 'L1 Reactive power+ (QI+QII)' elif value == 24: ret = 'L1 Reactive power- (QIII+QIV)' elif value == 25: ret = 'L1 Reactive power QI' elif value == 26: ret = 'L1 Reactive power QII' elif value == 27: ret = 'L1 Reactive power QIII' elif value == 28: ret = 'L1 Reactive power QIV' elif value == 29: ret = 'L1 Apparent power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 30: ret = 'L1 Apparent power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 31: ret = 'L1 Current' elif value == 32: ret = 'L1 Voltage' elif value == 33: ret = 'L1 Power factor' elif value == 34: ret = 'L1 Supply frequency' elif value == 35: ret = 'L1 Active power (abs(QI+QIV)+abs(QII+QIII))' elif value == 36: ret = 'L1 Active power (abs(QI+QIV)-abs(QII+QIII))' elif value == 37: ret = 'L1 Active power QI' elif value == 38: ret = 'L1 Active power QII' elif value == 39: ret = 'L1 Active power QIII' elif value == 40: ret = 'L1 Active power QIV' elif value == 41: ret = 'L2 Active power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 42: ret = 'L2 Active power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 43: ret = 'L2 Reactive power+ (QI+QII)' elif value == 44: ret = 'L2 Reactive power- (QIII+QIV)' elif value == 45: ret = 'L2 Reactive power QI' elif value == 46: ret = 'L2 Reactive power QII' elif value == 47: ret = 'L2 Reactive power QIII' elif value == 48: ret = 'L2 Reactive power QIV' elif value == 49: ret = 'L2 Apparent power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 50: ret = 'L2 Apparent power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 51: ret = 'L2 Current' elif value == 52: ret = 'L2 Voltage' elif value == 53: ret = 'L2 Power factor' elif value == 54: ret = 'L2 Supply frequency' elif value == 55: ret = 'L2 Active power (abs(QI+QIV)+abs(QII+QIII))' elif value == 56: ret = 'L2 Active power (abs(QI+QIV)-abs(QI+QIII))' elif value == 57: ret = 'L2 Active power QI' elif value == 58: ret = 'L2 Active power QII' elif value == 59: ret = 'L2 Active power QIII' elif value == 60: ret = 'L2 Active power QIV' elif value == 61: ret = 'L3 Active power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 62: ret = 'L3 Active power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 63: ret = 'L3 Reactive power+ (QI+QII)' elif value == 64: ret = 'L3 Reactive power- (QIII+QIV)' elif value == 65: ret = 'L3 Reactive power QI' elif value == 66: ret = 'L3 Reactive power QII' elif value == 67: ret = 'L3 Reactive power QIII' elif value == 68: ret = 'L3 Reactive power QIV' elif value == 69: ret = 'L3 Apparent power+ (QI+QIV)' elif value == 70: ret = 'L3 Apparent power- (QII+QIII)' elif value == 71: ret = 'L3 Current' elif value == 72: ret = 'L3 Voltage' elif value == 73: ret = 'L3 Power factor' elif value == 74: ret = 'L3 Supply frequency' elif value == 75: ret = 'L3 Active power (abs(QI+QIV)+abs(QII+QIII))' elif value == 76: ret = 'L3 Active power (abs(QI+QIV)-abs(QI+QIII))' elif value == 77: ret = 'L3 Active power QI' elif value == 78: ret = 'L3 Active power QII' elif value == 79: ret = 'L3 Active power QIII' elif value == 80: ret = 'L3 Active power QIV' elif value == 82: ret = 'Unitless quantities (pulses or pieces)' elif value == 84: ret = 'Sum Li Power factor-' elif value == 85: ret = 'L1 Power factor-' elif value == 86: ret = 'L2 Power factor-' elif value == 87: ret = 'L3 Power factor-' elif value == 88: ret = 'Sum Li A2h QI+QII+QIII+QIV' elif value == 89: ret = 'Sum Li V2h QI+QII+QIII+QIV' elif value == 90: ret = ( 'SLi current (algebraic sum of the unsigned value of the currents in all phases)' ) elif value == 91: ret = 'Lo Current (neutral)' elif value == 92: ret = 'Lo Voltage (neutral)' else: ret = '' return ret
def setup_root(newroot): """ Sets up the root component, so the logger knows where to send logging signals. :param newroot: """ global root root = newroot
def provides_facts(): """ Returns a dictionary keyed on the facts provided by this module. The value of each key is the doc string describing the fact. """ return {'junos_info': "A two-level dictionary providing Junos software version information for each RE in the system. The first-level key is the name of the RE. The second level key is 'text' for the version as a string and 'object' for the version as a version_info object." , 'hostname': 'A string containing the hostname of the current Routing Engine.', 'hostname_info': 'A dictionary keyed on Routing Engine name. The value of each key is the hostname of the Routing Engine.' , 'model': 'An uppercase string containing the model of the chassis in which the current Routing Engine resides.' , 'model_info': 'A dictionary keyed on Routing Engine name. The value of each key is an uppercase string containing the model of the chassis in which the Routing Engine resides.' , 'version': 'A string containing the Junos version of the current Routing Engine.', 'version_info': 'The Junos version of the current Routing Engine as a version_info object.' , 'version_RE0': 'A string containing the Junos version of the RE in slot 0. (Assuming the system contains an RE0.)' , 'version_RE1': 'A string containing the Junos version of the RE in slot 1. (Assuming the system contains an RE1)' }
@classmethod def merge(cls, a, b): """Merges two FrozeDict. Similar to update(), but returns new instance""" x = {} x.update(a) x.update(b) return cls(x)
def extrude_edges_indiv(mirror: bool=False): """Extrude individual edges only :param mirror: Mirror Editing :type mirror: bool """ pass
def render_git_describe_long(pieces): """TAG-DISTANCE-gHEX[-dirty]. Like 'git describe --tags --dirty --always -long'. The distance/hash is unconditional. Exceptions: 1: no tags. HEX[-dirty] (note: no 'g' prefix) """ if pieces['closest-tag']: rendered = pieces['closest-tag'] rendered += '-%d-g%s' % (pieces['distance'], pieces['short']) else: rendered = pieces['short'] if pieces['dirty']: rendered += '-dirty' return rendered
def read_file_str(file_path): """ Read the target file string. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path of target file. Returns ------- file_str : str The target string read. """ with open(file_path, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: file_str = return file_str
def pairs_to_dict(response): """Create a dict given a list of key/value pairs""" it = iter(response) return dict(zip(it, it))
def _make_function(name, code, globals_=None): """Return a function created by executing a code string in a new namespace. This is not much more than a wrapper around :func:`exec`. Args: name: The name of the function to create. Must match the function name in ``code``. code: A String containing the function definition code. The name of the function must match ``name``. globals_: A dict of globals to mix into the new function's namespace. ``__builtins__`` must be provided explicitly if required. .. warning: All pitfalls of using :func:`exec` apply to this function as well. """ namespace = dict(__builtins__={}) if globals_: namespace.update(globals_) exec(code, namespace) return namespace[name]
def viz_tree(tree_object): """Takes a Sklearn Decision Tree and returns a png image using graph_viz and pydotplus.""" from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO from IPython.display import Image from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz import pydotplus dot_data = StringIO() export_graphviz(tree_object, out_file=dot_data, filled=True, rounded= True, special_characters=True) graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) tree_viz = Image(graph.create_png()) return tree_viz
def start_servers(): """Checks if servers are running, if not starts them.""" import os try: os.system("gnome-terminal -e 'qvm -S'") os.system("gnome-terminal -e 'quilc -S'") except: try: os.system("terminal -e 'qvm -S'") os.system("terminal -e 'quilc -S'") except: exit()
def bounding_box_half_values(bbox_min, bbox_max): """ Returns the values half way between max and min XYZ given tuples :param bbox_min: tuple, contains the minimum X,Y,Z values of the mesh bounding box :param bbox_max: tuple, contains the maximum X,Y,Z values of the mesh bounding box :return: tuple(int, int, int) """ min_x, min_y, min_z = bbox_min max_x, max_y, max_z = bbox_max half_x = (min_x + max_x) * 0.5 half_y = (min_y + max_y) * 0.5 half_z = (min_z + max_z) * 0.5 return half_x, half_y, half_z
@staticmethod def p_pa_data(p): """pa_data : generic_parameter_list""" p[0] = p[1]
@staticmethod def countline(fpath): """Return the number of line in a file" """ with open(fpath, 'r') as f: return sum(1 for nbline in f)
def text(theWhere, theX, theY, theText, theFontScale=0.4, theColor=13553358): """ Display a piece of text. Parameters ---------- theWhere: np.ndarray image/frame where the component should be rendered. theX: int position X where the component should be placed. theY: int position Y where the component should be placed. theText: str the text content. theFontScale: float size of the text. theColor: uint color of the text in the format `0xRRGGBB`, e.g. `0xff0000` for red. See Also ---------- printf() """ print('This is wrapper function to help code autocompletion.')
def lenUVARI(v): """Returns the length of a UVARI value when represented in bytes.""" if v > 127: if v > 16383: return 4 else: return 2 return 1
def contains(a, b): """Same as b in a (note reversed operands).""" return b in a
def get_example_client_pull(): """dummy client with pull method""" example = """ from bubble import Bubble class MyFancyHelloPuller(Bubble): def say_hello(self,i=0): return 'Hello, ' + str(i) # alias for the bubble client to be found by the bubble machinery class BubbleClient(Bubble): def __init__(self,cfg={}): self.CFG=cfg self.client=MyFancyHelloPuller() class BubbleClient(Bubble): def __init__(self,cfg={}): self.CFG=cfg self.client=MyFancyHelloPuller() def pull(self, amount=42+1, index=0): self.say('BC: %d,%d'%(amount,index)) for i in range(amount): hello_pull=self.client.say_hello('Pulling in Hello:' + str(i)); yield {'in': hello_pull} if __name__ == '__main__': from bubble.util.cfg import get_config BCFG = get_config() HELLO = BCFG.CFG.DEV.SOURCE puller = BubbleClient(HELLO) print(puller) print(puller.pull()) """ return example
def yggtime_py(): """Plot timing statistics comparing the different versions of Python.""" from yggdrasil import timing timing.plot_scalings(compare='python')
def postInstall(context): """called as at the end of the setup process and the right place for your code"""
@classmethod def select(cls, for_class, since=None): """ Select data from this data source and yield each record as an instance of the fact class provided. """ raise NotImplementedError('No select method defined for this source')
def setup_rdfview(ax, system): """Builds the radial distribution function visualisation pane. Parameters ---------- ax: Axes object The axes position that the pane should be placed in. system: System The whole system information. """ ax.plot([0], color='#34a5daff') ax.set_xlim([0, system.box_length / 2]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_ylabel('RDF', fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel('r/m', fontsize=16)
def get_distribution_language(section): """derive language of a given distribution construct""" try: return section.split('_')[1] except IndexError: return 'en'
def get_elasticsearch_version(default=(2, 0, 0)): """Get Elasticsearch version. :param default: Default value. Mainly added for building the docs when Elasticsearch is not running. :type default: tuple :return: :rtype: list """ try: from elasticsearch_dsl import __version__ return __version__ except ImportError: return default
def __init__(field, context, request): """Adapts field, context and request. """
def parse_objective_coefficient(entry): """Return objective value for reaction entry. Detect objectives that are specified using the non-standardized kinetic law parameters which are used by many pre-FBC SBML models. The objective coefficient is returned for the given reaction, or None if undefined. Args: entry: :class:`SBMLReactionEntry`. """ for parameter in entry.kinetic_law_reaction_parameters: pid, name, value, units = parameter if pid == 'OBJECTIVE_COEFFICIENT' or name == 'OBJECTIVE_COEFFICIENT': return value return None
def listDirectory(): """Lists the contents of this directory. Raises OSError if the directory cannot be read. """
def lambd_NH3_Ba_CB89(T, P): """n-c: ammonia barium [CB89].""" lambd = -0.021 valid = T == 298.15 return lambd, valid
def scale_size(scalar: float=1.0): """Change brush size by a scalar :param scalar: Scalar, Factor to scale brush size by :type scalar: float """ pass
@staticmethod def _negotiate(client: int, server: int) ->int: """Return the negotiated value between what the client has requested and the server has requested for how the two will communicate. """ return min(client, server) or (client or server)
def convert_post_to_VERB(request, verb): """ Force Django to process the VERB. """ if request.method == verb: if not hasattr(request, '_read_started'): request._read_started = False if hasattr(request, '_post'): del request._post del request._files try: request.method = 'POST' request._load_post_and_files() request.method = verb except AttributeError: request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST' request._load_post_and_files() request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = verb setattr(request, verb, request.POST) return request
def column_fullname(column, prefix=None): """Get a fully qualified name for a column Parameters ---------- column : SQLAlchemy column A SQLAlchemy column object to get the full name for prefix : str, optional If specified, a manual prefix to prepend to the output string. This will automatically be separted with a ".". Returns ------- str A fully qualified column name. The exact format will vary depending on your SQLAlchemy metadata, but an example would be: schema.table.column """ name = '%s.%s' % (column.table.fullname, if prefix: name = prefix + '.' + name return name
def join_rows(rows, sep='\n'): """Given a list of rows (a list of lists) this function returns a flattened list where each the individual columns of all rows are joined together using the line separator. """ output = [] for row in rows: if len(output) <= len(row): for i in range(len(row) - len(output)): output.extend([[]]) for i, field in enumerate(row): field_text = field.strip() if field_text: output[i].append(field_text) return list(map(lambda lines: sep.join(lines), output))
def extract_job_ids(condor_submit_text): """Extract Job Ids from Condor Submit Text.""" _, _, count, *_, cluster = condor_submit_text.strip().split() for process in map(str, range(int(count))): yield cluster + process
def Mg2SiO4(mw_atmos, mh=1): """Defines properties for Mg2SiO4 as condensible""" if mh != 1: raise Exception( 'Alert: No M/H Dependence in Mg2SiO4 Routine. Consult your local theorist to determine next steps.' ) gas_mw = 140.7 gas_mmr = 7.1625e-05 / 2 * (gas_mw / mw_atmos) rho_p = 3.214 return gas_mw, gas_mmr, rho_p
@staticmethod def _split_markdown(text_url, tld_pos): """ Split markdown URL. There is an issue wen Markdown URL is found. Parsing of the URL does not stop on right place so wrongly found URL has to be split. :param str text_url: URL that we want to extract from enclosure :param int tld_pos: position of TLD :return: URL that has removed enclosure :rtype: str """ left_bracket_pos = text_url.find('[') if left_bracket_pos > tld_pos - 3: return text_url right_bracket_pos = text_url.find(')') if right_bracket_pos < tld_pos: return text_url middle_pos = text_url.rfind('](') if middle_pos > tld_pos: return text_url[left_bracket_pos + 1:middle_pos] return text_url
def select_border(gesture_mode: int=0, xmin: int=0, xmax: int=0, ymin: int= 0, ymax: int=0, extend: bool=True, axis_range: bool=False): """Select all keyframes within the specified region :param gesture_mode: Gesture Mode :type gesture_mode: int :param xmin: X Min :type xmin: int :param xmax: X Max :type xmax: int :param ymin: Y Min :type ymin: int :param ymax: Y Max :type ymax: int :param extend: Extend, Extend selection instead of deselecting everything first :type extend: bool :param axis_range: Axis Range :type axis_range: bool """ pass
def find_common_url(repo_a, repo_b): """ Find Common Url """ for url_a in repo_a.urls: for url_b in repo_b.urls: if url_a == url_b: return url_b return None
def _can_change_or_view(model, user): """ Return True iff `user` has either change or view permission for `model`. """ model_name = model._meta.model_name app_label = model._meta.app_label can_change = user.has_perm(app_label + '.change_' + model_name) can_view = user.has_perm(app_label + '.view_' + model_name) return can_change or can_view
def toFieldValue(element): """ Convert the ElementTree element to a value which can be legally assigned to the field. """
@classmethod def static_init(): """init collection copy""" pass
def isQuark(pid): """Determine if the PID is that of a quark (incl 4th gen)""" return pid != 0 and abs(pid) <= 8
def mse(output, target): """ Returns mean squared error cost of the output. """ return 0.5 * (output - target) ** 2
def theta_none(T, P): """i-i': no interaction effect.""" theta = 0 valid = T > 0 return theta, valid
@classmethod def from_grid(cls, base_structure, grid, expansions=0): """Generate a gamma surface from a base structure and a grid specification at a given expansion. Parameters ---------- base_structure : Bicrystal grid : list of length two Number of relative shifts in each boundary vector direction. expansions : number or (list or ndarray) of numbers, optional Expansion(s) for all shifts in the grid. By default, 0, meaning a single grid is added. If a list or ndarray is supplied, multiple grids are added, one for each expansion value. """ gamma_surface = cls(base_structure, None, None) gamma_surface.add_grid(grid, expansions) return gamma_surface
def space_solar_power(x): """Return the radiant power density (W/m²) where x is the distance from the sun (m)""" return 2.8942e+25 / x ** 2
@staticmethod def display_time(seconds, precision=3): """ method to display time in human readable format :param seconds: Number of seconds :param precision: Decimal precision :return: String """ intervals = [('weeks', 604800), ('days', 86400), ('hours', 3600), ( 'minutes', 60), ('seconds', 1)] result = list() dtype = type(seconds).__name__ if dtype != 'int' or dtype != 'long' or dtype != 'float': try: seconds = float(seconds) except (TypeError, ValueError, NameError): print('Type not coercible to Float') for name, count in intervals: if name != 'seconds': value = seconds // count if value: seconds -= value * count if value == 1: name = name.rstrip('s') value = str(int(value)) result.append('{v} {n}'.format(v=value, n=name)) else: value = '{:.{p}f}'.format(seconds, p=precision) result.append('{v} {n}'.format(v=value, n=name)) return ' '.join(result)
def z2g(r_geoid, g0, z): """Calculate gravitational acceleration at elevation Derived from atmlabs equivalent function :param r: surface radius at point [m] :param g0: surface gravitational acceleration at point [m/s^2] :param z: elevation [m] :returns: gravitational acceleration at point [m/s^2] """ return g0 * (r_geoid / (r_geoid + z)) ** 2
def _load_defaults(config): """Set config defaults.""" config_defaults = config['Config'].get('Defaults', {}) defaults = {} defaults['type'] = config_defaults.get('Type', 'list') defaults['source'] = config_defaults.get('Source', None) defaults['source_loader'] = config_defaults.get('SourceLoader', None) defaults['source_type'] = config_defaults.get('SourceType', None) defaults['randomizer'] = config_defaults.get('Randomizer', None) defaults['use_name_skp'] = config_defaults.get('UseNameForSourceKeyPath', None) return defaults
@classmethod def fromFile(cls, filePath, *args, **kwargs): """ Load a BNBL from a filesystem file. """ with open(filePath, 'rb') as f: return cls(, *args, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def names(): """Return a tuple of all the names of the actions we support.""" return ('print', 'fit_width', 'fit_height', 'fit_both', 'zoom_natural', 'zoom_originalzoom_in', 'zoom_out', 'zoomer', 'rotate_left', 'rotate_right', 'layout_single', 'layout_double_right', 'layout_double_left', 'layout_raster', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'continuous', 'reload', 'previous_page', 'next_page', 'pager', 'magnifier')
def get_pt2262_cmd(device_id, data_bits): """Extract and return the data bits from a Lighting4/PT2262 packet.""" try: data = bytearray.fromhex(device_id) except ValueError: return None mask = 255 & (1 << data_bits) - 1 return hex(data[-1] & mask)
@classmethod def get_market_order_book(cls, pair): """return order book for the market""" return cls.api(cls.url + '/exchange/order_book?currencyPair=' + cls. format_pair(pair))
def q(s): """Quotes html string.""" return s.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;' ).replace('"', '&quot;')
@classmethod def as_attenuation(cls, vrms=1, **kwargs): """ Allows levels to be specified in dB attenuation """ return cls.from_spl(0, vrms, **kwargs)
def slice_process(slc): """Returns dictionaries for different slice syntaxes.""" if slc.step is None: if slc.start is not None and slc.stop is not None: return {slc.start: slc.stop} if slc.start is not None and slc.stop is None: return {slc.start: ''} if slc.start is None and slc.stop is None: return {None: None} raise ValueError('Unsupported slice syntax')
@classmethod def _from_dict(cls, _dict): """Initialize a DeleteModelResult object from a json dictionary.""" args = {} if 'status' in _dict: args['status'] = _dict.get('status') else: raise ValueError( "Required property 'status' not present in DeleteModelResult JSON") return cls(**args)
def reverse_bits(i, n): """Reverse the bits of the ``n``-bit decimal number ``i``. Examples: >>> reverse_bits(12, 7) 24 >>> reverse_bits(0, 1) 0 >>> reverse_bits(1, 2) 2 """ return int(bin(i)[2:].zfill(n)[::-1], 2)
def merge_noun_chunks(doc): """Merge noun chunks into a single token. doc (Doc): The Doc object. RETURNS (Doc): The Doc object with merged noun chunks. DOCS: """ if not doc.is_parsed: return doc with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer: for np in doc.noun_chunks: attrs = {'tag': np.root.tag, 'dep': np.root.dep} retokenizer.merge(np, attrs=attrs) return doc
def struct_encode(schema, obj, outstream, endianness='='): """ In the future, this function will be used to encode a structure into a stream. For the moment, it just raises :py:exc:`NotImplementedError`. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _zero_triband(a, lower=0): """ Explicitly zero out unused elements of a real symmetric banded matrix. INPUTS: a -- a real symmetric banded matrix (either upper or lower hald) lower -- if True, a is assumed to be the lower half """ nrow, ncol = a.shape if lower: for i in range(nrow): a[(i), ncol - i:] = 0.0 else: for i in range(nrow): a[(i), 0:i] = 0.0 return a
def normalize(arr): """This normalizes an array to values between 0 and 1. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Returns ------- ndarray of float normalized array """ ptp = arr.max() - arr.min() if ptp == 0: ptp = 1 scaled_arr = (arr - arr.min()) / ptp return scaled_arr
def is_correct(grading_results): """The grading protocol provides grading_results, a dictionary which provides the count of tests passed, failed or locked for a single question. Return True if all tests have passed. """ if grading_results['locked'] > 0: return False return sum(grading_results.values()) == grading_results['passed']
@classmethod def green(cls): """A factory method that returns a :class:`Colour` with a value of ``0x2ecc71``.""" return cls(3066993)
def write(response, file, chunk_size=8192): """ Load the data from the http request and save it to disk :param response: data returned from the server :param file: :param chunk_size: size chunk size of the data :return: """ bytes_written = 0 while 1: chunk = bytes_written += len(chunk) if not chunk: break file.write(chunk) return bytes_written
def detect_line_sep(content): """Parse line separator from content. >>> detect_line_sep('\\r\\n') '\\r\\n' >>> detect_line_sep('\\r') '\\r' >>> detect_line_sep('\\n') '\\n' >>> detect_line_sep('') '\\n' """ if '\r\n' in content: return '\r\n' elif '\r' in content: return '\r' else: return '\n'
def channels_fcurves_enable(): """Clears ‘disabled’ tag from all F-Curves to get broken F-Curves working again """ pass
def challenge(environ, status, app_headers, forget_headers): """ args -> WSGI application or None o 'environ' is the WSGI environment. o 'status' is the status written into start_response by the downstream application. o 'app_headers' is the headers list written into start_response by the downstream application. o 'forget_headers' is a list of headers which must be passed back in the response in order to perform credentials reset (logout). These come from the 'forget' method of IIdentifier plugin used to do the request's identification. Examine the values passed in and return a WSGI application (a callable which accepts environ and start_response as its two positional arguments, ala PEP 333) which causes a challenge to be performed. Return None to forego performing a challenge. """
def classinit_pic_quantizers(cls): """ Decorator that adds the PIC quantizer static tables to *cls*. """ cls._quantizer = [] cls._quantizer9 = [] cls._quantizer81 = [] for i in range(-255, -20): cls._quantizer.append(-4) for i in range(-20, -6): cls._quantizer.append(-3) for i in range(-6, -2): cls._quantizer.append(-2) for i in range(-2, 0): cls._quantizer.append(-1) cls._quantizer.append(0) for i in range(1, 3): cls._quantizer.append(1) for i in range(3, 7): cls._quantizer.append(2) for i in range(7, 21): cls._quantizer.append(3) for i in range(21, 256): cls._quantizer.append(4) for q in cls._quantizer: cls._quantizer9.append(9 * q) cls._quantizer81.append(81 * q) return cls
def get_referenced_errordata(err_id): """ get data for referenced errors """
@classmethod def from_name(cls, name): """Create an enum value from a name""" try: return cls[name.upper()] except KeyError: pass raise ValueError('%r is not a valid %s' % (name, cls.__name__))
def generate_template(filepath, for_level=0): """Generate a template file using the Minigame APIs. Arguments: filepath (str): The path to where the template file will be written. for_level (int): The corresponding level for the minigame. Defaults to 0. """ template = ( """# # This script corresponds to the Advanced Mode script for Level %s in the minigame. # It is recommended to keep the appropriate template code to start. Remember that the goal is to # collect all coins and reach the exit. # # To access the documentation for the minigame APIs, either go to Settings > Minigame and click # "Open Documentation", go to Help > Documentation, or visit the following link in your browser: # Go to # to view the limitations of using the official API as called here. # # If you want to use a third-party tool or framework instead of the official Fira API and want to # sideload in a virtual machine file, do not write any code in this file. More information can be # found at # # Import the level information APIs. from uvn_fira.api import get_level_information, CSPlayer, CSWorld # Get all of the information for this particular level. game_player, game_world = get_level_information(%s, fn_path=renpy.config.savedir + "/minigame/", exists=renpy.loadable, load=renpy.exports.file) # type: (CSPlayer, CSWorld) # WRITE CODE HERE """ % (for_level, for_level)) with open(filepath, 'w+') as file_obj: file_obj.write(template)