stringlengths 1
| path
stringlengths 24
| code
stringlengths 39
shuttle | shuttle//providers/bytom/utils.pyfile:/providers/bytom/ | def contract_arguments(amount, address):
Get contract arguments.
:param amount: bytom amount.
:type amount: int
:param address: bytom address.
:type address: str
:returns: list -- bytom contract arguments.
>>> from shuttle.providers.bytom.utils import contract_arguments
>>> contract_arguments(bytom_amount, bytom_address)
return [dict(type=str('integer'), value=amount), dict(type=str(
'address'), value=address), dict(type=str('data'), value=str())]
jcs-dss-sdk-1.0.4 | jcs-dss-sdk-1.0.4//src/jcsclient/utils.pyfile:/src/jcsclient/ | def push_indexed_params(params, key, vals):
"""Populate the params dict for list of vals
Here the key would be changed from plural to
singular, dropping the last 's'.
So --image-ids jmi-xxx jmi-yyy would be treated
as ImageId.1=jmi-xxx&ImageId.2=jmi-yyy
param params: dictionary to populate
param key: key to be used in the dictionary
param vals: list of values to be saved in the dict
return: Nothing
if key[-1] == 's':
key = key[:-1]
idx = 0
for val in vals:
idx += 1
elements = val
key_index = key + '.' + str(idx)
elements = val.split(',')
if len(elements) == 1 and val.find('=') == -1:
params[key_index] = val
for element in elements:
if element.find('=') != -1:
parts = element.split('=')
if len(parts) != 2:
msg = 'Unsupported value ' + element + 'given in request.'
raise ValueError(msg)
element_key, element_val = parts[0], parts[1]
if element_key == 'Values':
element_key = element_key[:-1] + '.' + str(idx)
updated_key = key_index + '.' + element_key
params[updated_key] = element_val
msg = 'Bad request syntax. Please see help for valid request.'
raise ValueError(msg)
pagebot | pagebot//toolbox/transformer.pyfile:/toolbox/ | def pyAttrName2XmlAttrName(key):
The @pyAttrName2XmlAttrName@ converts the Python XML attribute name @key@ to an
appropriate XML attribute identifier.
If the *key* is 'cssClass' then it is translated into 'class'.
If there is an HTML5 attribute *data_xxxx* used, then change that to *data-xxxx*.
if key == 'cssClass':
key = 'class'
elif key == 'cssId':
key = 'id'
elif key.startswith('data'):
key = key.replace('_', '-')
return key
metano-1.3.0 | metano-1.3.0//src/to_check_constraints.pyfile:/src/ | def checkBoundsByModel(solution, model):
""" check if the flux distribution 'solution' violates any flux bounds
defined for the reactions in the given model
Returns: lbViolations, ubViolations - {reaction : flux, bound} dicts
lbViolations, ubViolations = {}, {}
for rea in solution:
if rea not in model.reactionDict:
rea_index = model.reactionDict[rea]
flux = solution[rea]
lb, ub = model.reactions[rea_index].lb, model.reactions[rea_index].ub
if flux < lb:
lbViolations[rea] = flux, lb
elif flux > ub:
ubViolations[rea] = flux, ub
return lbViolations, ubViolations
mymcplus-3.0.2 | mymcplus-3.0.2//mymcplus/gui/utils.pyfile:/mymcplus/gui/ | def single_title(title):
"""Convert the two parts of an icon.sys title into one string."""
title = title[0] + ' ' + title[1]
return ' '.join(title.split())
dropbox | dropbox//team_log.pyclass:EventType/shared_link_download | @classmethod
def shared_link_download(cls, val):
Create an instance of this class set to the ``shared_link_download`` tag
with value ``val``.
:param SharedLinkDownloadType val:
:rtype: EventType
return cls('shared_link_download', val)
simplegmail-2.0.0 | simplegmail-2.0.0//simplegmail/query.pyfile:/simplegmail/ | def _google_sheets():
Returns a query item matching messages that have Google Sheets attachments.
return f'has:spreadsheet'
colander-1.7.0 | colander-1.7.0//colander/compat.pyfile:/colander/ | def text_(s, encoding='latin-1', errors='strict'):
""" If ``s`` is an instance of ``bytes``, return ``s.decode(encoding,
errors)``, otherwise return ``s``"""
if isinstance(s, bytes):
return s.decode(encoding, errors)
return s
OpenTEA-3.2.0 | OpenTEA-3.2.0//src/opentea/noob/asciigraph.pyfile:/src/opentea/noob/ | def _nob_print_params(tab_length=2, line_length=40):
"""Defining parameters and special characters
for nested object printing
tab_length : Number of spaces describing a tab
line_length : the maximum allowed number of characters in a line
Returns :
chars : a dictionnary gathering special characters and max line length
chars = dict()
chars['vertical_bar'] = u'┃'
chars['horizontal_bar'] = u'━'
chars['child_bar'] = u'┓'
chars['standard_child'] = u'┣'
chars['last_child'] = u'┗'
chars['tab'] = ' ' * tab_length
chars['max_length'] = line_length
return chars
hdx | hdx//utilities/dictandlist.pyfile:/utilities/ | def args_to_dict(args):
"""Convert command line arguments in a comma separated string to a dictionary
args (str): Command line arguments
DictUpperBound[str,str]: Dictionary of arguments
arguments = dict()
for arg in args.split(','):
key, value = arg.split('=')
arguments[key] = value
return arguments
m01.i18n-3.1.0 | m01.i18n-3.1.0//src/m01/i18n/interfaces.pyclass:II18nRead/queryAttribute | def queryAttribute(name, lang=None, default=None):
"""Get name attribute of the language specific translation or default.
name -- Attribute name.
language -- Language code for example 'de'. If None the default language
is returned.
default -- Any object.
Return Value:
object -- Evaluate of the language specific data object or return default
if not found.
DateTime | DateTime//interfaces.pyclass:IDateTime/strftime | def strftime(format):
"""Format the date/time using the *current timezone representation*."""
ftw.tabbedview-4.2.0 | ftw.tabbedview-4.2.0//ftw/tabbedview/interfaces.pyclass:ITabbedViewEndpoints/reorder | def reorder():
"""Called when the items in the grid are reordered"""
enablebanking | enablebanking//models/account_links.pyclass:AccountLinks/__ne__ | def __ne__(A, other):
"""Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
return not A == other
printdevDAG-0.1 | printdevDAG-0.1//src/printdevDAG/_depth.pyclass:GraphXformLines/xform | @classmethod
def xform(cls, column_headers, lines):
Transform column values and yield just the line info.
:param column_headers: the column headers
:type column_headers: list of str
:param lines: information about each line
:type lines: dict of str * str
key = column_headers[0]
for line in lines:
line_info = line['node']
line_info[key] = cls.calculate_prefix(line) + line_info[key]
yield line_info
reveal-user-annotation-0.2.2 | reveal-user-annotation-0.2.2//reveal_user_annotation/text/text_util.pyfile:/reveal_user_annotation/text/ | def reduce_list_of_bags_of_words(list_of_keyword_sets):
Reduces a number of keyword sets to a bag-of-words.
Input: - list_of_keyword_sets: This is a python list of sets of strings.
Output: - bag_of_words: This is the corresponding multi-set or bag-of-words, in the form of a python dictionary.
bag_of_words = dict()
get_bag_of_words_keys = bag_of_words.keys
for keyword_set in list_of_keyword_sets:
for keyword in keyword_set:
if keyword in get_bag_of_words_keys():
bag_of_words[keyword] += 1
bag_of_words[keyword] = 1
return bag_of_words
OttoDiff-2.0.7 | OttoDiff-2.0.7//OttoDiff/reverse.pyfile:/OttoDiff/ | def find_df_dx(f, x):
"""Find the partial derivative of f with respect to given x
>>> x = VariableNode(3)
>>> f = 2 * x
>>> print(find_df_dx(f=v, x=x))
f._grad = 1
return x.grad
hickle | hickle//loaders/load_astropy.pyfile:/loaders/ | def create_astropy_constant(py_obj, h_group, call_id=0, **kwargs):
""" dumps an astropy constant
py_obj: python object to dump; should be a python type (int, float, bool etc)
h_group ( group to dump data into.
call_id (int): index to identify object's relative location in the iterable.
d = h_group.create_dataset('data_%i' % call_id, data=py_obj.value,
d.attrs['type'] = [b'astropy_constant']
d.attrs['unit'] = [str(py_obj.unit)]
d.attrs['abbrev'] = [str(py_obj.abbrev)]
d.attrs['name'] = [str(]
d.attrs['reference'] = [str(py_obj.reference)]
d.attrs['uncertainty'] = [py_obj.uncertainty]
if py_obj.system:
d.attrs['system'] = [py_obj.system]
pynusmv-tools-1.0rc10 | pynusmv-tools-1.0rc10//pynusmv_tools/arctl/cmd/trace.pyfile:/pynusmv_tools/arctl/cmd/ | def print_bdd(bdd):
"""Print bdd at stdout."""
for var, val in bdd.get_str_values().items():
print(var, '=', val)
hera-py-1.0.2 | hera-py-1.0.2//hera/data.pyclass:Token/Sym | @classmethod
def Sym(cls, s, location=None):
"""Construct a symbol token."""
return cls(cls.SYMBOL, s, location)
openmdao-3.1.0 | openmdao-3.1.0//openmdao/solvers/linear/petsc_ksp.pyfile:/openmdao/solvers/linear/ | def _get_petsc_vec_array_new(vec):
Get the array of values for the given PETSc vector.
Helper function to handle a petsc backwards incompatibility.
vec : petsc vector
Vector whose data is being requested.
A readonly copy of the array of values from vec.
return vec.getArray(readonly=True)
TelethonGoblenusTest-0.15.5 | TelethonGoblenusTest-0.15.5//telethon/crypto/factorization.pyclass:Factorization/gcd | @staticmethod
def gcd(a, b):
Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor.
:param a: the first number.
:param b: the second number.
:return: GCD(a, b)
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
wflow | wflow//wflow_fit.pyfile:/ | def configget(config, section, var, default):
gets parameter from config file and returns a default value
if the parameter is not found
ret = config.get(section, var)
print('returning default (' + default + ') for ' + section + ':' + var)
ret = default
return ret
khnum | khnum//khnum.pyfile:/ | def hnum(num, units='decimal'):
returns rounded human readable str with units suffix
>>> khnum.hnum(123456789) # decimal
'123.5M' # million
>>> khnum.hnum(123456789, 'b') # bytes
'123.5MB' # megabytes
>>> khnum.hnum(123456789, 's') # SI
'117.7MiB' # mebibytes
>>> khnum.hnum(123456789e24, 'si')
'102121062.3YiB' # yobibytes
raises ValueError for un-supported units
Power Decimal Bytes SI (binary)
10^3 Kilo (K) Kilo (KB) 1024^1 Kibi (KiB)
10^6 Mill (M) Mega (MB) 1024^2 Mebi (MiB)
10^9 Bill (B) Giga (GB) 1024^3 Gibi (GiB)
10^12 Tril (T) Tera (TB) 1024^4 Tebi (TiB)
10^15 Quad (Q) Peta (PB) 1024^5 Pebi (PiB)
10^18 Quin (Qn) Exa- (EB) 1024^6 Exbi (EiB)
10^21 Sext (S) Zeta (ZB) 1024^7 Zebi (ZiB)
10^24 Sept (Sp) Yota (YB) 1024^8 Yobi (YiB)
if units.lower().startswith('d'):
units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T', 'Q', 'Qn', 'S']
boundary = 1000.0
last_unit = 'Sp'
suffix = ''
elif units.lower().startswith('b'):
units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']
boundary = 1000.0
last_unit = 'Y'
suffix = 'B'
elif units.lower().startswith('s'):
units = ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']
boundary = 1024.0
last_unit = 'Yi'
suffix = 'B'
raise ValueError('unsupported units: %s' % units)
for unit in units:
if abs(num) < boundary:
return '%3.1f%s%s' % (num, unit, suffix)
num /= boundary
return '%.1f%s%s' % (num, last_unit, suffix)
pyretis | pyretis//visualization/common.pyfile:/visualization/ | def get_min_max(mydata, min_max, mini, maxi, acc):
"""Find minimum and maximum indeces.
mydata : list
List of cycle numbers to be checked for index of given min/max
min_max : list
List of min/max values to search for
mini : dict
Dictionary of found min cycle number of lists acc/rej
maxi : dict
Dictionary of found max cycle number of lists acc/rej
acc : string
'a' or 'r' for acc/rej lists, respectively
mini, maxi : dict
Stores values for min/max in acc and rej lists to the correct dicts.
for i, item in enumerate(mydata):
if item == min_max[0]:
mini[acc] = i
elif item > min_max[0]:
mini[acc] = i - 1 if i > 0 else 0
for i, item in enumerate(mydata[mini[acc]:]):
if item > min_max[1]:
if i == 0:
maxi[acc] = 0
maxi[acc] = mini[acc] + i - 1
elif i == len(mydata) - 1:
maxi[acc] = len(mydata) - 1
zc | zc//intid/interfaces.pyclass:IIntIdsManage/__len__ | def __len__():
"""Return the number of objects indexed."""
pyboto3-1.4.4 | pyboto3-1.4.4//pyboto3/cognitoidentityprovider.pyfile:/pyboto3/ | def can_paginate(operation_name=None):
Check if an operation can be paginated.
:type operation_name: string
:param operation_name: The operation name. This is the same name
as the method name on the client. For example, if the
method name is create_foo, and you'd normally invoke the
operation as client.create_foo(**kwargs), if the
create_foo operation can be paginated, you can use the
call client.get_paginator('create_foo').
arat-0.0 | arat-0.0//server/annotator.pyfile:/server/ | def _offsets_equal(o1, o2):
Given two lists of (start, end) integer offset sets, returns
whether they identify the same sets of characters.
if o1 == o2:
return True
return sorted(o1) == sorted(o2)
django-viewpack-0.1.4 | django-viewpack-0.1.4//src/viewpack/utils.pyfile:/src/viewpack/ | def get_app_name(cls):
"""Return the app_name associated with the given ViewPack class."""
app_name = getattr(cls, 'app_name', None)
if app_name is not None:
return app_name
return cls.__module__.partition('.')[0]
numsys | numsys//nonstandard.pyfile:/ | def n1_to(n, sgn='-', sep='.'):
"""converts a base negative one value to base ten"""
l = len(n)
if not l % 2:
return -l // 2
return l // 2 + 1
fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428 | fake-bpy-module-2.78-20200428//bpy/ops/ptcache.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def free_bake_all():
"""Free all baked caches of all objects in the current scene
thapbi_pict-0.7.0 | thapbi_pict-0.7.0//thapbi_pict/utils.pyfile:/thapbi_pict/ | def sample_sort(sample_names):
"""Sort sample names like a human.
Our samples have occasionally used underscores and minus signs inconsistently
in sample names as field separators or space substitutions. Therefore simple
ASCII sorting can give surprises such as not grouping by prefix (since the
underscore is sorted after the digits and letter):
>>> sorted(["N01-a", "N01_b", "N01 c", "N011-a"])
['N01 c', 'N01-a', 'N011-a', 'N01_b']
We specifically want "_" (ASCII , after the letters) to sort like " "
or "-" (ASCII 32 or 45, both before the digits and letters). In case
any samples are using plus/minus, will map underscore and space to
the minus sign for sorting.
>>> sample_sort(["N01-a", "N01_b", "N01 c", "N011-d"])
['N01-a', 'N01_b', 'N01 c', 'N011-a']
return sorted(sample_names, key=lambda _: _.replace('_', '-').replace(
' ', '-'))
gitdb-4.0.5 | gitdb-4.0.5//gitdb/fun.pyfile:/gitdb/ | def delta_chunk_apply(dc, bbuf, write):
"""Apply own data to the target buffer
:param bbuf: buffer providing source bytes for copy operations
:param write: write method to call with data to write"""
if is None:
write(bbuf[ + dc.ts])
elif dc.ts < len(
pytzer | pytzer//parameters.pyfile:/ | def psi_Mg_CO3_SO4_HMW84(T, P):
"""c-a-a': magnesium carbonate sulfate [HMW84]."""
psi = 0.0
valid = T == 298.15
return psi, valid
set_algebra | set_algebra//set_.pyclass:Set/__and | @staticmethod
def __and(A, B):
"""Return a new Set that is an intersection of A and B."""
return A - ~B
wiki-0.5 | wiki-0.5//src/wiki/core/version.pyfile:/src/wiki/core/ | def get_complete_version(version=None):
"""Returns a tuple of the version. If version argument is non-empty,
then checks for correctness of the tuple provided.
if version is None:
from wiki import VERSION as version
assert len(version) == 5
assert version[3] in ('alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'final')
return version
latex2edx | latex2edx//main.pyclass:latex2edx/fix_table | @staticmethod
def fix_table(tree):
Force tables to have table-layout: auto, no borders on table data
for table in tree.findall('.//table'):
table.set('style', 'table-layout:auto')
for td in table.findall('.//td'):
newstyle = td.get('style', '')
if newstyle:
newstyle += '; '
newstyle += 'border:none'
td.set('style', newstyle)
nuxeo | nuxeo//compat.pyfile:/ | def get_bytes(data):
If data is not bytes, encode it.
:param data: the input data
:return: the bytes of data
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
data = data.encode('utf-8')
return data
dragonlib-0.1.7 | dragonlib-0.1.7//dragonlib/utils/byte_word_values.pyfile:/dragonlib/utils/ | def word2bytes(value):
>>> word2bytes(0xff09)
(255, 9)
>>> [hex(i) for i in word2bytes(0xffab)]
['0xff', '0xab']
>>> word2bytes(0xffff +1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
assert 0 <= value <= 65535
return value >> 8, value & 255
autonomie_oidc_provider-4.2.1 | autonomie_oidc_provider-4.2.1//autonomie_oidc_provider/models.pyfile:/autonomie_oidc_provider/ | def includeme(config):
void function used to ensure the models are added to the metadatas
funhandler | funhandler//base.pyfile:/ | def set_file_storage(source='local', **kwargs):
""" Creates file storage depending
source: str
Default is 'local' which will create
file storage in the local environment
kwargs: dict
Contains data to setup S3 storage
RutishauserLabtoNWB-1.0.5 | RutishauserLabtoNWB-1.0.5//RutishauserLabtoNWB/events/newolddelay/python/analysis/.ipynb_checkpoints/helper-checkpoint.pyfile:/RutishauserLabtoNWB/events/newolddelay/python/analysis/.ipynb_checkpoints/ | def adjustHF(H, F, n_new, n_old):
adjust hit/false alarm rate for ceiling effects
according to Macmillan&Creelman, pp8
if H == 1:
H = 1 - 1 / (2 * n_old)
if F == 1:
F = 1 - 1 / (2 * n_new)
if H == 0:
H = 1 / (2 * n_old)
if F == 0:
F = 1 / (2 * n_new)
return H, F
chicksexer | chicksexer//util.pyfile:/ | def set_log_level(logger, log_level: int):
"""Set log level for the given logger."""
for handler in logger.handlers:
taskflow | taskflow//listeners/base.pyfile:/listeners/ | def _bulk_deregister(notifier, registered, details_filter=None):
"""Bulk deregisters callbacks associated with many states."""
while registered:
state, cb = registered.pop()
notifier.deregister(state, cb, details_filter=details_filter)
wright | wright//util.pyfile:/ | def camel_case(name):
"""Convert words into CamelCase."""
return ''.join(name.capitalize().split())
planet | planet//api/filters.pyfile:/api/ | def is_filter_like(filter_like):
"""Check if the provided dict looks like a search request or filter."""
if 'item_types' in filter_like or 'filter' in filter_like:
filter_like = filter_like.get('filter', {})
return 'type' in filter_like and 'config' in filter_like
xthematic | xthematic//themes.pyfile:/ | def _read_text(file):
""" Read a file in utf-8 encoding."""
with open(file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
django-comments-dab-1.4.0 | django-comments-dab-1.4.0//comment/templatetags/comment_tags.pyfile:/comment/templatetags/ | def include_static_jquery():
""" include static files """
return None
snipskit-0.6.0 | snipskit-0.6.0//src/snipskit/hermes/decorators.pyfile:/src/snipskit/hermes/ | def session_queued(method):
"""Apply this decorator to a method of class :class:`.HermesSnipsComponent`
to register it as a callback to be triggered when the dialogue manager
queues the current session.
method.subscribe_method = 'subscribe_session_queued'
return method
graphql-example-0.4.4 | graphql-example-0.4.4//vendor/pip/_vendor/requests/packages/urllib3/packages/six.pyfile:/vendor/pip/_vendor/requests/packages/urllib3/packages/ | def _add_doc(func, doc):
"""Add documentation to a function."""
func.__doc__ = doc
Beamr-0.3.5 | Beamr-0.3.5//beamr/parsers/image.pyfile:/beamr/parsers/ | def p_main(t):
"""main : files shape dims"""
t[0] = t[1], t[2], t[3]
samsum | samsum//alignment_utils.pyfile:/ | def calculate_normalization_metrics(genome_dict: dict) ->None:
Calculates the normalized abundance values for each header's RefSeq instance in genome_dict
1. Reads per kilobase (RPK) is calculated using the reference sequence's length and number of reads (provided
by the user via CLI)
2. Fragments per kilobase per million mappable reads (FPKM) is calculated from the number of fragments
(this is different from reads by, in a paired-end library, forward and reverse pair makes up one fragment)
normalized by the reference sequence length and the number of reads mapped.
2. Transcripts per million (TPM) is calculated similarly to FPKM but the order of operations is different.
:param genome_dict: A dictionary of RefSeq instances indexed by headers (sequence names)
:return: None
rpk_sum = 0
for header in sorted(genome_dict.keys()):
ref_seq = genome_dict[header]
rpk_sum += ref_seq.rpk
for header in sorted(genome_dict.keys()):
ref_seq = genome_dict[header]
if ref_seq.weight_total == 0:
denominator = rpk_sum / 1000000.0
for header in genome_dict.keys():
ref_seq = genome_dict[header]
Cohen3-0.9.3 | Cohen3-0.9.3//coherence/base.pyclass:Coherence/check_louie | @staticmethod
def check_louie(receiver, signal, method='connect'):
Check if the connect or disconnect method's arguments are valid in
order to automatically convert to EventDispatcher's bind
The old valid signals are:
- Coherence.UPnP.Device.detection_completed
- Coherence.UPnP.RootDevice.detection_completed
- Coherence.UPnP.Device.removed
- Coherence.UPnP.RootDevice.removed
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
if not callable(receiver):
raise Exception(
'The receiver should be callable in order to use the method {method}'
if not signal:
raise Exception(f'We need a signal in order to use method {method}')
if not (signal.startswith('Coherence.UPnP.Device.') or signal.
raise Exception(
'We need a signal an old signal starting with: "Coherence.UPnP.Device." or "Coherence.UPnP.RootDevice."'
nmrglue | nmrglue//fileio/pipe.pyfile:/fileio/ | def unshape_data(data):
Return 1D version of data.
return data.flatten()
intergalactic | intergalactic//functions.pyfile:/ | def total_energy_ejected(t):
Thermal and kinetic energy released by each type of SN up to the time t after the explosion
where tc is the characteristic cooling time of the shell sorrounding the remnant (53000 yrs)
from Ferrini & Poggiantti, 1993, ApJ, 410, 44F
if t <= 0:
return 0.0
tc = 5.3e-05
if t > tc:
rt = (tc / t) ** 0.4
return 1 - 0.44 * rt ** 2 * (1 - 0.41 * rt) - 0.22 * rt ** 2
return 9811.32 * t
tooz | tooz//utils.pyfile:/ | def convert_blocking(blocking):
"""Converts a multi-type blocking variable into its derivatives."""
timeout = None
if not isinstance(blocking, bool):
timeout = float(blocking)
blocking = True
return blocking, timeout
mercurial-5.4 | mercurial-5.4//mercurial/interfaces/repository.pyclass:ilocalrepositorymain/tagtype | def tagtype(tagname):
"""Return the type of a given tag."""
python-powerdns-0.2.1 | python-powerdns-0.2.1//powerdns/client.pyclass:PDNSApiClient/_get_error | @staticmethod
def _get_error(response):
"""Get error message from API response
:param dict response: API response
:return: Error message as :func:`str`
if 'error' in response:
err = response.get('error')
elif 'errors' in response:
err = response.get('errors')
err = 'No error message found'
return err
iapws-1.4.1 | iapws-1.4.1//iapws/_iapws.pyfile:/iapws/ | def _Refractive(rho, T, l=0.5893):
"""Equation for the refractive index
rho : float
Density, [kg/m³]
T : float
Temperature, [K]
l : float, optional
Light Wavelength, [μm]
n : float
Refractive index, [-]
Raise :class:`NotImplementedError` if input isn't in limit:
* 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1060
* 261.15 ≤ T ≤ 773.15
* 0.2 ≤ λ ≤ 1.1
>>> _Refractive(997.047435, 298.15, 0.2265)
>>> _Refractive(30.4758534, 773.15, 0.5893)
IAPWS, Release on the Refractive Index of Ordinary Water Substance as a
Function of Wavelength, Temperature and Pressure,
if rho < 0 or rho > 1060 or T < 261.15 or T > 773.15 or l < 0.2 or l > 1.1:
raise NotImplementedError('Incoming out of bound')
Lir = 5.432937
Luv = 0.229202
d = rho / 1000.0
Tr = T / 273.15
L = l / 0.589
a = [0.244257733, 0.00974634476, -0.00373234996, 0.000268678472,
0.0015892057, 0.00245934259, 0.90070492, -0.0166626219]
A = d * (a[0] + a[1] * d + a[2] * Tr + a[3] * L ** 2 * Tr + a[4] / L **
2 + a[5] / (L ** 2 - Luv ** 2) + a[6] / (L ** 2 - Lir ** 2) + a[7] *
d ** 2)
return ((2 * A + 1) / (1 - A)) ** 0.5
bambu-blog-3.3.1 | bambu-blog-3.3.1//bambu_blog/helpers.pyfile:/bambu_blog/ | def view_filter(**kwargs):
Filters blog posts by year/month/day, category, tag or author
from bambu_blog.models import Post, Category
posts = Post.objects.select_related().live()
if 'year' in kwargs:
posts = posts.filter(date__year=int(kwargs['year']))
if 'month' in kwargs:
posts = posts.filter(date__month=int(kwargs['month']))
if 'day' in kwargs:
posts = posts.filter(date__day=int(kwargs['day']))
if 'category' in kwargs:
posts = posts.filter(categories__slug=kwargs['category'])
elif 'tag' in kwargs:
posts = posts.filter(tags__slug=kwargs['tag'])
elif 'username' in kwargs:
posts = posts.filter(author__username=kwargs['username'])
return posts
node-0.9.25 | node-0.9.25//src/node/interfaces.pyclass:IAsAttrAccess/as_attribute_access | def as_attribute_access():
"""Return this node as IAttributeAccess implementing object.
dvha-0.7.9 | dvha-0.7.9//dvha/models/import_dicom.pyfile:/dvha/models/ | def get_study_uid_dict(checked_uids, parsed_dicom_data, multi_plan_only=False):
This thread iterates through self.checked_uids which contains plan uids, but we need to iterate through
study instance uids so that plans on the same study are imported adjacently.
:return: a dictionary with study uids for the keys and a list of associated plan uids for values
:rtype: dict
study_uids = {}
for plan_uid in checked_uids:
study_uid = parsed_dicom_data[plan_uid
if study_uid not in list(study_uids):
study_uids[study_uid] = []
if multi_plan_only:
for study_uid in list(study_uids):
if len(study_uids[study_uid]) < 2:
return study_uids
audiotools | audiotools//flac.pyfile:/ | def sizes_to_offsets(sizes):
"""takes list of (frame_size, frame_frames) tuples
and converts it to a list of (cumulative_size, frame_frames)
current_position = 0
offsets = []
for frame_size, frame_frames in sizes:
offsets.append((current_position, frame_frames))
current_position += frame_size
return offsets
dynetx | dynetx//classes/function.pyfile:/classes/ | def add_path(G, nodes, t, **attr):
"""Add a path at time t.
G : graph
A DyNetx graph
nodes : iterable container
A container of nodes.
t : snapshot id (default=None)
snapshot id
See Also
add_path, add_cycle
>>> G = dn.DynGraph()
>>> dn.add_path(G, [0,1,2,3], t=0)
nlist = list(nodes)
edges = list(zip(nlist[:-1], nlist[1:]))
G.add_interactions_from(edges, t, **attr)
git_pep8_commit_hook | git_pep8_commit_hook//commit_hook.pyfile:/ | def _is_python_file(filename):
"""Check if the input file looks like a Python script
Returns True if the filename ends in ".py" or if the first line
contains "python" and "#!", returns False otherwise.
if filename.endswith('.py'):
return True
with open(filename, 'r') as file_handle:
first_line = file_handle.readline()
return 'python' in first_line and '#!' in first_line
awscfncli-0.5.2 | awscfncli-0.5.2//awscfncli/commands/utils.pyfile:/awscfncli/commands/ | def custom_paginator(f, l, **kwargs):
"""Simple custom paginator for those can_pageniate() returns false
:param f: API function
:param l: name of the list object to paginate
:param kwargs: Args passes to the API function
:return: iterator of result object
next_token = None
while True:
if next_token is None:
r = f(**kwargs)
r = f(NextToken=next_token, **kwargs)
for i in r[l]:
yield i
next_token = r['NextToken']
except KeyError:
abdbeam | abdbeam//core.pyfile:/ | def _no_overlap(y, z, y1, z1, y2, z2, pt_id, pt_1_id, pt_2_id):
Checks if a point (y,z) is inside a line given by (y1,z1) and
(y2,z2). Also check if the point id matches with the ids from the line.
if y < min(y1, y2) or y > max(y1, y2) or z < min(z1, z2) or z > max(z1, z2
return True
elif pt_id == pt_1_id or pt_id == pt_2_id:
return True
return False
lifelib-0.0.14 | lifelib-0.0.14//lifelib/projects/ifrs17sim/projection.pyfile:/lifelib/projects/ifrs17sim/ | def PolsAccDeath(t):
"""Number of policies: Accidental death"""
return 0
mbdb-0.6 | mbdb-0.6//mbdb/sqlparser.pyfile:/mbdb/ | def p_statement_create_db(p):
"""statement : CREATE DATABASE identifier"""
p[0] = p[1:]
geosoup-0.1.21 | geosoup-0.1.21//geosoup/common.pyclass:Sublist/calc_parabola_param | @staticmethod
def calc_parabola_param(pt1, pt2, pt3):
define a parabola using three points
:param pt1: First point (x,y)
:param pt2: Second point (x,y)
:param pt3: Third point (x,y)
:return tuple of a, b, and c for parabola a(x^2) + b*x + c = 0
x1, y1 = pt1
x2, y2 = pt2
x3, y3 = pt3
_m_ = (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x3) * (x2 - x3)
a_param = (x3 * (y2 - y1) + x2 * (y1 - y3) + x1 * (y3 - y2)) / _m_
b_param = (x3 * x3 * (y1 - y2) + x2 * x2 * (y3 - y1) + x1 * x1 * (y2 - y3)
) / _m_
c_param = (x2 * x3 * (x2 - x3) * y1 + x3 * x1 * (x3 - x1) * y2 + x1 *
x2 * (x1 - x2) * y3) / _m_
return a_param, b_param, c_param
AnyBlok-0.22.5 | AnyBlok-0.22.5//anyblok/bloks/anyblok_core/system/relationship.pyclass:RelationShip/add_field | @classmethod
def add_field(cls, rname, relation, model, table, ftype):
""" Insert a relationship definition
:param rname: name of the relationship
:param relation: instance of the relationship
:param model: namespace of the model
:param table: name of the table of the model
:param ftype: type of the AnyBlok Field
local_column ='local_column')
remote_column ='remote_column')
remote_model ='remote_model')
remote_name ='remote_name')
label ='label')
nullable ='nullable', True)
vals = dict(code=table + '.' + rname, model=model, name=rname,
local_column=local_column, remote_model=remote_model, remote_name=
remote_name, remote_column=remote_column, label=label, nullable=
nullable, ftype=ftype)
if remote_name:
remote_type = 'Many2One'
if ftype == 'Many2One':
remote_type = 'One2Many'
elif ftype == 'Many2Many':
remote_type = 'Many2Many'
elif ftype == 'One2One':
remote_type = 'One2One'
m = cls.registry.get(remote_model)
vals = dict(code=m.__tablename__ + '.' + remote_name, model=
remote_model, name=remote_name, local_column=remote_column,
remote_model=model, remote_name=rname, remote_column=
local_column, label=remote_name.capitalize().replace('_', ' '),
nullable=True, ftype=remote_type, remote=True)
pvfactors | pvfactors//geometry/pvarray.pyclass:OrderedPVArray/init_from_dict | @classmethod
def init_from_dict(cls, pvarray_params, param_names=None):
"""Instantiate ordered PV array from dictionary of parameters
pvarray_params : dict
The parameters defining the PV array
param_names : list of str, optional
List of parameter names to pass to surfaces (Default = None)
Initialized Ordered PV Array
return cls(axis_azimuth=pvarray_params['axis_azimuth'], gcr=
pvarray_params['gcr'], pvrow_height=pvarray_params['pvrow_height'],
n_pvrows=pvarray_params['n_pvrows'], pvrow_width=pvarray_params[
'pvrow_width'], cut=pvarray_params.get('cut', {}), param_names=
pywinauto-0.6.8 | pywinauto-0.6.8//pywinauto/findbestmatch.pyfile:/pywinauto/ | def is_above_or_to_left(ref_control, other_ctrl):
"""Return true if the other_ctrl is above or to the left of ref_control"""
text_r = other_ctrl.rectangle()
ctrl_r = ref_control.rectangle()
if text_r.left >= ctrl_r.right:
return False
if >= ctrl_r.bottom:
return False
if >= and text_r.left >= ctrl_r.left:
return False
return True
agilent-lightwave-0.2 | agilent-lightwave-0.2//agilent-lightwave/laser.pyclass:Laser/dbm_to_watts | @staticmethod
def dbm_to_watts(power_dbm):
"""Converts [dBm] to [W].
power_dbm (int, float): Power in [dBm].
float: Power in [W].
power_W = 10.0 ** (power_dbm / 10.0) / 1000.0
return power_W
control-0.8.3 | control-0.8.3//control/lti.pyfile:/control/ | def dcgain(sys):
"""Return the zero-frequency (or DC) gain of the given system
gain : ndarray
The zero-frequency gain, or np.nan if the system has a pole
at the origin
return sys.dcgain()
spike_py-0.99.17 | spike_py-0.99.17//spike/File/HDF5File.pyfile:/spike/File/ | def determine_chunkshape(size1, size2):
returns optimum size for chuncks for a dataset of file size1, size2
and update cachesize for accomodating dataset
c1 = int(size1 / 64.0 + 1)
c2 = int(size2 / 64.0 + 1)
return c1, c2
ukbb_parser-1.0.0 | ukbb_parser-1.0.0//ukbb_parser/shared_utils/util.pyfile:/ukbb_parser/shared_utils/ | def get_job_and_subjob_indices(n_jobs, n_tasks, task_index):
For example, if there are 170 tasks for working on 50 jobs, than each job will be divided to 3-4 tasks.
Since 170 % 50 = 20, the 20 first jobs will receive 4 tasks and the last 30 jobs will receive only 3 tasks.
In total, the first 80 tasks will be dedicated to jobs with 4 tasks each, and the 90 last tasks will be
dedicated to jobs with 3 tasks each. Hence, tasks 0-3 will go to job 0, tasks 4-7 will go to job 1, and so on;
tasks 80-82 will go to job 21, tasks 83-85 will job to job 22, and so on.
assert n_tasks >= n_jobs
n_tasks_in_unprivileged_jobs = n_tasks // n_jobs
n_tasks_in_privileged_jobs = n_tasks_in_unprivileged_jobs + 1
n_privileged_jobs = n_tasks % n_jobs
n_tasks_of_privileged_jobs = n_tasks_in_privileged_jobs * n_privileged_jobs
if task_index < n_tasks_of_privileged_jobs:
job_index = task_index // n_tasks_in_privileged_jobs
index_within_job = task_index % n_tasks_in_privileged_jobs
n_tasks_in_job = n_tasks_in_privileged_jobs
task_index_in_unprivileged_group = (task_index -
job_index = (n_privileged_jobs + task_index_in_unprivileged_group //
index_within_job = (task_index_in_unprivileged_group %
n_tasks_in_job = n_tasks_in_unprivileged_jobs
return job_index, index_within_job, n_tasks_in_job
BTrees-4.7.2 | BTrees-4.7.2//BTrees/Interfaces.pyclass:IMerge/union | def union(c1, c2):
"""Compute the Union of c1 and c2.
If c1 is None, then c2 is returned, otherwise, if c2 is None,
then c1 is returned.
The output is a Set containing keys from the input
txkube | txkube//_model.pyfile:/ | def required_unique(objects, key):
A pyrsistent invariant which requires all objects in the given iterable to
have a unique key.
:param objects: The objects to check.
:param key: A one-argument callable to compute the key of an object.
:return: An invariant failure if any two or more objects have the same key
computed. An invariant success otherwise.
keys = {}
duplicate = set()
for k in map(key, objects):
keys[k] = keys.get(k, 0) + 1
if keys[k] > 1:
if duplicate:
return False, u'Duplicate object keys: {}'.format(duplicate)
return True, u''
campaign-planning-tool-0.1.3 | campaign-planning-tool-0.1.3//campaign_planning_tool/_export.pyclass:Export/__generate_range_gate_file | @staticmethod
def __generate_range_gate_file(template_str, no_los, range_gates,
lidar_mode, fft_size, accumulation_time):
Range gate file generator.
template_str : str
A string containing the base range gate file template.
no_los : int
Number of line of sight.
range_gates : ndarray
nD array of type int containing range gate center positions.
lidar_mode : str
A string indicating the operational mode a scanning lidar.
fft_size : int
An integer indicating number of fft points used during
the spectral analysis of the backscattered signal.
accumulation_time : int
An integer indicating the accumulation time of the
Doppler spectra.
This method is only applicabe for long-range WindScanners!
range_gate_file = template_str
range_gate_file = range_gate_file.replace('insertMODE', str(lidar_mode))
range_gate_file = range_gate_file.replace('insertMaxRange', str(max(
range_gate_file = range_gate_file.replace('insertFFTSize', str(fft_size))
rows = ''
range_gate_row = '\t'.join(list(map(str, range_gates)))
for i in range(0, no_los):
row_temp = str(i + 1) + '\t' + str(accumulation_time) + '\t'
row_temp = row_temp + range_gate_row
if i < no_los - 1:
row_temp = row_temp + '\n'
rows = rows + row_temp
range_gate_file = range_gate_file.replace('insertRangeGates', rows)
return range_gate_file
nti | nti//i18n/locales/interfaces.pyclass:ICcTLDInformation/getLanguagesForTLD | def getLanguagesForTLD(tld):
Return the relevant languages for a top level domain as a sequence.
timo-zappa- | timo-zappa- | def merge_headers(event):
Merge the values of headers and multiValueHeaders into a single dict.
Opens up support for multivalue headers via API Gateway and ALB.
headers = event.get('headers') or {}
multi_headers = (event.get('multiValueHeaders') or {}).copy()
for h in set(headers.keys()):
if h not in multi_headers:
multi_headers[h] = [headers[h]]
for h in multi_headers.keys():
multi_headers[h] = ', '.join(multi_headers[h])
return multi_headers
aiida-core-1.2.1 | aiida-core-1.2.1//aiida/orm/users.pyclass:User/normalize_email | @staticmethod
def normalize_email(email):
"""Normalize the address by lowercasing the domain part of the email address (taken from Django)."""
email = email or ''
email_name, domain_part = email.strip().rsplit('@', 1)
except ValueError:
email = '@'.join([email_name, domain_part.lower()])
return email
owlrl | owlrl//DatatypeHandling.pyfile:/ | def _strToBase64Binary(v):
"""Rudimentary test for the base64Binary value. The problem is that the built-in b64 module functions ignore the
fact that only a certain family of characters are allowed to appear in the lexical value, so this is checked first.
@param v: the literal string defined as a base64encoded string
@return the decoded (binary) content
@raise ValueError: invalid base 64 binary value
import base64
if v.replace('=', 'x').replace('+', 'y').replace('/', 'z').isalnum():
return base64.standard_b64decode(v)
raise ValueError('Invalid Base64Binary %s' % v)
raise ValueError('Invalid Base64Binary %s' % v)
pynata-0.4.1 | pynata-0.4.1//pynata/logger/common.pyclass:LoggerCommon/set_log_format | @classmethod
def set_log_format(cls, format_str: str) ->None:
"""Sets the log record format that will be used with logging.Formatter instances"""
cls.log_format = format_str
fake-blender-api-2.79-0.3.1 | fake-blender-api-2.79-0.3.1//bpy/ops/outliner.pyfile:/bpy/ops/ | def drivers_delete_selected():
"""Delete drivers assigned to selected items
squint | squint//_vendor/predicate.pyfile:/_vendor/ | def _check_truthy(value):
"""Return true if *value* is truthy."""
return bool(value)
pyjoystick-1.1.2 | pyjoystick-1.1.2//pyjoystick/interface.pyclass:Key/to_keyname | @classmethod
def to_keyname(cls, key):
"""Return this key as a string keyname.
* Format is "{minus}{keytype} {number}".
* Hat format is "{keytype} {number} {hat_name}"
* "Axis 0" - For Axis 0 with a positive or 0 value.
* "-Axis 1" - For an Axis Key that has a negative value and needs to be inverted.
* "Button 0" - Buttons wont have negative values
* "Hat 0 [Left Up]" - Hat values also give the key value as a hat name.
prefix = ''
if key.value and key.value < 0:
prefix = '-'
if key.keytype == cls.HAT:
return '{}{} {} [{}]'.format(prefix, key.keytype, key.number, key.
return '{}{} {}'.format(prefix, key.keytype, key.number)
PICOS-2.0.8 | PICOS-2.0.8//picos/solvers/solver.pyclass:Solver/penalty | @classmethod
def penalty(cls, options):
"""Report solver penalty given an :class:`~picos.Options` object."""
return options['penalty_{}'.format(cls.names()[0])]
pyNastran | pyNastran//bdf/cards/elements/axisymmetric_shells.pyclass:CTRAX6/export_to_hdf5 | @classmethod
def export_to_hdf5(cls, h5_file, model, eids):
"""exports the elements in a vectorized way"""
pids = []
nodes = []
thetas = []
for eid in eids:
element = model.elements[eid]
h5_file.create_dataset('eid', data=eids)
h5_file.create_dataset('pid', data=pids)
h5_file.create_dataset('nodes', data=nodes)
h5_file.create_dataset('theta', data=thetas)
alignak_module_backend-1.4.3 | alignak_module_backend-1.4.3//alignak_module_backend/arbiter/module.pyclass:AlignakBackendArbiter/clean_unusable_keys | @classmethod
def clean_unusable_keys(cls, resource):
"""Delete keys of dictionary not used
:param resource: dictionary got from alignak-backend
:type resource: dict
fields = ['_links', '_updated', '_created', '_etag', '_id', 'name',
'ui', '_realm', '_sub_realm', '_users_read', '_users_update',
'_users_delete', '_parent', '_tree_parents', '_all_children',
'_level', 'customs', 'host', 'service', 'back_role_super_admin',
'token', '_templates', '_template_fields', 'note', '_is_template',
'_templates_with_services', '_templates_from_host_template',
'merge_host_users', 'hosts_critical_threshold',
'hosts_warning_threshold', 'services_critical_threshold',
'services_warning_threshold', 'global_critical_threshold',
'global_warning_threshold', '_children', 'hostgroups', 'hosts',
'dependent_hostgroups', 'dependent_hosts', 'servicegroups',
'services', 'dependent_servicegroups', 'dependent_services',
'usergroups', 'users', 'location', 'duplicate_foreach', 'tags',
'_overall_state_id', 'trigger', 'schema_version']
for field in resource:
if field.startswith('ls_'):
for field in fields:
if field in resource:
del resource[field]
verify | verify//core/builder.pyclass:BuilderBase/fix | @staticmethod
def fix(frame: 'Image.Image', char: 'Image.Image', position: 'tuple') ->None:
""" Fix char to the frame according to position. """
x, y = position
width, high = char.size
box = x, y, x + width, y + high
frame.paste(char, box=box, mask=char.split()[3])
mailman-3.3.1 | mailman-3.3.1//src/mailman/interfaces/mailinglist.pyclass:IMailingList/send_one_last_digest_to | def send_one_last_digest_to(address, delivery_mode):
"""Make sure to send one last digest to an address.
This is used when a person transitions from digest delivery to regular
delivery and wants to make sure they don't miss anything. By
indicating that they'd like to receive one last digest, they will
ensure continuity in receiving mailing lists posts.
:param address: The address of the person receiving one last digest.
:type address: `IAddress`
:param delivery_mode: The type of digest to receive.
:type delivery_mode: `DeliveryMode`
breezy-3.0.2 | breezy-3.0.2//breezy/merge3.pyfile:/breezy/ | def intersect(ra, rb):
"""Given two ranges return the range where they intersect or None.
>>> intersect((0, 10), (0, 6))
(0, 6)
>>> intersect((0, 10), (5, 15))
(5, 10)
>>> intersect((0, 10), (10, 15))
>>> intersect((0, 9), (10, 15))
>>> intersect((0, 9), (7, 15))
(7, 9)
sa = max(ra[0], rb[0])
sb = min(ra[1], rb[1])
if sa < sb:
return sa, sb
return None
seamm | seamm//parameters.pyfile:/ | def set_context(context):
"""Set the default root context for evaluating variables
and expressions in parameters."""
global root_context
root_context = context
dyndnsc | dyndnsc//plugins/manager.pyclass:PluginManager/plugin_name | @staticmethod
def plugin_name(plugin):
"""Discover the plugin name and return it."""
return plugin.__class__.__name__.lower()
exporters-0.7.0 | exporters-0.7.0//exporters/iterio.pyfile:/exporters/ | def iterate_chunks(file, chunk_size):
Iterate chunks of size chunk_size from a file-like object
chunk =
while chunk:
yield chunk
chunk =
numba-0.49.0 | numba-0.49.0//numba/core/types/containers.pyclass:ListType/refine | @classmethod
def refine(cls, itemty):
"""Refine to a precise list type
res = cls(itemty)
assert res.is_precise()
return res
dropbox | dropbox//team_log.pyclass:EventType/team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team | @classmethod
def team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team(cls, val):
Create an instance of this class set to the
``team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team`` tag with value
:param TeamMergeRequestCanceledShownToPrimaryTeamType val:
:rtype: EventType
return cls('team_merge_request_canceled_shown_to_primary_team', val)
colony | colony//base/util.pyfile:/base/ | def module_import(module_name):
Imports the module with the given name, this import
operation is recursive meaning that inner packages
are also going to be imported.
:type module_name: String
:param module_name: The name of the module to be imported,
this value may contain multiple "sub" packages.
:rtype: module
:return: The imported module as a variable reference.
module = __import__(module_name)
components = module_name.split('.')
for component in components[1:]:
module = getattr(module, component)
return module