4 values
I need some advice on having someone ride pillion with me on my 750 Ninja. This will be the the first time I've taken anyone for an extended ride (read: farther than around the block :-). We'll be riding some twisty, fairly bumpy roads (the Mines Road-Mt.Hamilton Loop for you SF Bay Areans). I'd say this is a very bad idea - you should start out with something much mellower so that neither one of you get in over your head. That particular road requires full concentration - not the sort of thing you want to take a passenger on for the first time. Once you both decide that you like riding together, and want to do something longer and more challenging, *then* go for a hard core road like Mines-Mt. Hamilton. In any case, it's *your* (moral) responsibility to make sure that she has proper gear that fits - especially if you're going sport riding.
Makes sense, since the new Mercedes Benz engines go from 2.2L-4 to a 2.8L-6. Nothing in between. BTW, I beleive the numbers on those MB engines are 156 and 225 hp respectively. The one-upmanship in hp might induce BMW to create a larger six. Also, the 2.6 190E has lagged behind the 3-er 2.5 for some time wrt hp. I am sure the Bavarians wouldn't want to be "shown-up" by the Schwabians. PS- those MB engines haven't been released over here yet.
from Dean: Yes, you're right. After going home and reading the paper, I got the full details. That's what I get for making a post based on WDUQ's news. I should know by now they get just about every sports related item wrong.
The r.s.h FAQ sheet never fails to crash my newsreader. The only way I can avoid crashing (and restarting the machine) is to look at the headers and avoid reading the FAQ. Does anyone else have problems reading the FAQ?
I won't argue too much about anything. I am probably one of those that think that we can't have enough safety on the roads. I would gladly sacrifice distractions (as you call it), than someone having trouble seeing danger earlier. One saved life justifies more than my lifetime of "distractions" for me. Problem is that, I may just kill the guy. I agree that I would be at fault, and I will have my license revoked, why, I might even go to the gas chamber. But the fact still remains that the guy is dead. Someone died because I was too stingy to put on my lights. The ratio of the probability of fallen trees/rocks on the roads to oncoming traffic is too low to even be considered. The difference is also working on what we *know* could happen, to what *might* happen. Compared to the number of gallons of gas consumed by those 200 million cars, it is miniscule! Whatever..... 'tis a pity I have to share the same roads with a person not concerned with safety. -S ssave@ole.cdac.com
Anyone who really believes that the Caps can beat the Pens are kidding themselves. The Pens may not loose one game in the playoffs.
I think you can add former A's first baseman Mike Epstein (no relation) to the list.
Since someone brought up sports radio, howabout sportswriting??? (Anyone give an opinion) Which city do you think has the best sports coverage in terms of print media? (these are general questions) Is the Washington Post better than the Philadelphia Inquier or the NY Times? Howabout the Philadelphia Daily News compared to the New York Daily News?
I think the three-headed GM's guiding principle was to keep veterans in favor of youngsters only if they offered a "significant" advantage. At the end of last season, the contracts of several veterans with somewhat maginal contributions (Fenton, Bozek, Anderson, and a couple others I can't remember) were bought out. The idea was that youngsters could play almost as well, and had the potential to improve where these older guys did not. And they traded Mullen, because he wanted to go, not because he wasn't good enough, but I think they were a bit too optimistic in thinking they could make up for his contributions. An example from this season, Skriko was brought in on a trial basis but not kept, because of his age. I thought he was a decent contributor worth keeping around. The youth movement has its advantages; look at Gaudreau who might still be in KC if more veterans had been kept around. But you have to find the right balance.
This is a despicable LIE! It was sunny on 3rd July 1958 from 11.23am to 11 37am. I made a note of it. Diaries are never wrong. Do you, by any chance ride a Harley? (just a feeling...) How is your neck? Calamine lotion is good, I'm told. I am getting bored with winding up Americans. Its like bombing fish in a barrel. Haaaaaaaaaaave a Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
% % Request for opinions: % % Which is better - a one-piece Aerostitch or a two-piece Aerostitch? % Like most everyone else, I ended up getting two different sizes for the top and bottom. My top is a 46L and the bottom is a 48L. For the bottom, the waist is far too large, but the thighs fit just right (the 46 had a better waist, but cut off the circulation in my legs, I have large, muscular thighs, and no, I didn't use the thighmaster to get them :-). The jacket fits me ok in the chest, slightly snug at the waist, and too small in the arms. I can't imagine finding a one-piece size that would have fit correctly, as even the 2 piece has it's problems (strange, since my V-Pilot jacket fits great all over, and when I tried the matching pants, they fit like a glove as well). I can only assume the models Aero Design uses to design its suits are in some way different from us real folks. Also, even though it's related to convienience, you look pretty damn wierd walking around with the tops and bottoms while running errands. I've gotten some really suspicious looks, and sweated a lot while in a store wearing the whole suit, since you can't fit the top and bottom in any motorcycle storage device yet devised (except the trunk in my sidecar rig :-). With the two piece, I unzip the pants (I generally leave the two pieces zipped together, primarily because the pants fall down unless I pull the cheesy elastic belt-type band real tight), stuff them in one of my spacious BMW saddlebags (the pants just fit), and run errands just wearing the jacket. Actually, if I know I'll be running errands, I just wear my V-Pilot jacket, but that's just me... As far as crash protection, I'd say that both suits are probably equal. It seems that for weather protection, if anything the 2 piece provides a little more because of the jacket overlapping the pants by 3 inches. The 2 piece is probably a little less comfortable around the waist, just because of the extra layer of stuff, but maybe not. So I'd have to vote for the two piece. Despite the slightly odd fit, I still find the suit the most versatile piece of riding clothing I own. Wouldn't go long distance without it. Ken Wallich <wallich@ncd.com> ken@wallich.com ~ kmw@al.org ~ [...]decwrl!vixie!amber!ken
Well, since you mentioned it... No question here. Chip in the Masterson as well... Yep. If you asked me 30 days ago, I'd agree with you. I now give the nod to Raymond Bourque; his play took off the same time the B's did. Chelios gets a close second... Barrasso finally gets his due, in a close one over Eddie the Eagle... In *your* case, that bias is acceptable :-)... Mine shows with the Norris pick, so we're even... I'm impressed with what all the coaches you mentioned did, but my pick would be Al Arbour. Not too many folks thought the Isles would be in the playoffs, let alone contend for 3rd in their division... Granted that they *did* have a little help from their cousins on Broadway... :-) And I like the Islanders about as much as I like mowing my lawn...
^^^^^^ No argument at all with Murphy. He scared the hell out of me when he came in last year. On the other hand, the club though enough of Boever to put him into an awful lot of games (he may have led the league in appearances - he did at least at some point). He seemed to be a very viable setup guy - but I guess that's not considered that crucial by the club. I can just remember two years ago so well, though... ... I'm not that concerned. Those guys have been relatively consistent over the years and they have no good reasons to decline (no injuries, not old, ...). I expect them to come through just fine. It's those guys that have not been consistently good that are the worrisome part, even if they are coming through right now. This sounds like their old road unis. Pretty dull. Buttons or pullovers? I'll check through my uniform book to see if they've always had some orange. Well, we'll see. I've got a Astros pullover shirt with the "Astros stripes" across the shoulders and I have trouble making myself wear it in public. i can see why they might want that to change. Gee, if they eliminate the orange, will they reupholster the seats in the Astros stripes section (what used to be the gold and yellow levels - I don't know those numbers they use now). I saw a pinstripe version of an Astros cap and I actually thought it looked good!
The FAN is an okay Sports Radio station, but doesn't come close to the ULTIMATE in Sports Radio, 610 WIP in Philadelphia. The signal might not be as powerful, but then again only stations in New York feel "obligated" to pollute everyone else's airwaves with a bunch of hoodlum Mets fans complaining 24 hours a day. WIP took two of your best sports jockeys too, Jody MacDonald and Steve Fredericks. 610 WIP is rockin with sports talk from 5:30 AM till midnight, check it out anytime your within a few hours of Philadelphia. If I'm not mistaken, WIP has the highest sports talk ratings in the nation? -Rob
A "fuel injector cleaning" at the dealer is probably little more than them opening your gas tank, dumping in a bottle of fuel injector cleaner, and sending you on your merry way $59 poorer. Go to KMart and buy the cleaner yourself for $1.29. Just because you dealer sez you need it, don't mean it's necessarily so. Be suspicious.
Today, Frank Viola and rest of pitcher staff of Boston Red Sox shutout Chicago White Sox 4-0. It is Red Sox 9th win of this season.
Ok, I'll bite. How is this supposed to work?
The FLYERS team that can beat any team on any night showed up at the Spectrum Sunday night, and dominated the Maple Leafs thoroughly en route to a 4-0 shutout. Tommy Soderstrom will get credit for the shutout, but he barely broke a sweat until the third period as the FLYERS defense kept the Leafs from mounting any serious attack. Injuries: Pelle Eklund is day-to-day with a bruised thigh. Roster Moves: Jason Bowen was added to the lineup for his first NHL game. Jason was the FLYERS second pick in the first round (15th overall) of the 1992 entry draft. 19 years old, 6'4", 210 lbs. In 62 games with the tri-city Americans he had 10 goals, 12 assists and 219 PIM. He plays left wing and defense, he played defense in this game although Bobby Taylor said that Bill Dineen was planning to use him up front as well. Andre Faust was returned to Hershey. He actually left after the second period of the Kings game, flew to Albany, got the game tying goal in a Bears OT win, and played again for Hershey Sunday night. Lines: Fedyk-Lindros-Recchi Beranek-Brind'Amour-Dineen Lomakin-Butsayev-Conroy Acton-Brown Galley-McGill Yushkevich-Cronin Carkner-Hawgood Bowen Tommy Soderstrom in goal. Acton replaced Lomakin in the 3rd period. Game Summary: If the FLYERS played like this every night, they'd be in the playoffs this year. The FLYERS hit everything that moved. They created scoring chance after scoring chance. They snuffed out everything that the Leafs tried to do. Jason Bowen made a good play on his first NHL shift that almost created a goal. He had the puck in the top of the left offensive circle all alone, but instead of taking the shot he found Brind'Amour crashing the net on the other side. A perfect pass and a good shot across Daren Puppa's body should have been a goal, but Puppa made a great save reading the play. Garry Galley gave the Maple Leafs 7th ranked power play the first chance when he hooked Doug Gilmour at 4:25. The FLYERS lowly 21st ranked penalty killing unit was almost flawless the entire game, and set the tone on this kill. The Maple Leafs got almost nothing but long unscreened shots, and the defense swept away every rebound. After the power play, the FLYERS got a goal on an ugly play. Rod Brind'Amour gave the puck to Greg Hawgood at the right point, and he sent a drive at the net. Puppa made the save and kicked the rebound right into the feet of Josef Beranek and Bob Rouse, who were wrestling in the slot. Beranek was able to get his stick on the puck and push it out to Dineen who was skating into the slot from the right circle, and he lifted a backhander over Puppa for a 1-0 FLYERS lead at 8:10. The FLYERS kept the pressure on, and Puppa was the only Leaf keeping the FLYERS from building on their lead for a while. Eventually things settled down and defense prevailed. Each team got an occasional scoring chance, but the goalies were strong. Bowen started giving some Lindros-like checks in his own corners. Then Lindros, who was looking to avenge a hit Foligno gave him, thought he had a chance to even the score. He had Foligno lined up at center ice, leaned into him, and rode him into the center ice boards. The only problem was that Foligno was a little far from the boards, and Mike "Mister" McGeough felt that it warranted a boarding call at 15:38 The Leafs couldn't get anything going on the power play as the FLYERS were very aggressive (for a change) on the kill. With time running out in the period, Recchi carried through the neutral zone and handed to Lindros as they approached the Leaf's blue line. They were in a crowd with Wendell Clark and Jamie Macoun, Lindros tried a backhand pass to Recchi through the feet of Macoun that connected to Recchi, but then Clark checked Recchi off the puck. Macoun then tried to clear, but it was weak and went right to McGill who had manned the point. He drove it from just inside the blue line. Macoun got his stick on it and deflected it past his own goalie at 19:55.1. Shots were 13-8 FLYERS in the period. The FLYERS finally got their first chance on the power play when Dave Andreychuk tripped up Rod Brind'Amour in his offensive zone. During the power play, the FLYERS got cheated a little when the puck popped up into the air and Eric gloved it down, but McGeough thought it hit his stick above his head. We could see from our seats at the other end of the ice that it only hit his glove and the replay confirmed, but the faceoff went to the other end. As time was running out in the advantage, Lindros found Galley with a pass across the goal mouth but Puppa made the save. The rebound kicked back to the right corner where Recchi picked it up, passed it out to Eric crashing through the right circle, and Eric one-timed past Puppa at 7:55. With the assist, Recchi moves past Bobby Clarke's 74-75 season, the second best one season total for a FLYER at 117. Eric moves up to 4th all time in FLYERS rookie scoring with 67 points. Mike Eastwood took down Al Conroy at 8:30 to give the FLYERS another chance on the power play. Not much pressure before Garry Galley ended the power play with a slash at 9:19. Not much happened on the 4 on 4, although the Leafs had most of the possession. The FLYERS smothered the Leafs short power play. Tempers flared a little at 13:14. Bowen and Pearson got roughing minors, Keith Acton got a bloody face. Dave McLlwain then took a dive and got Greg Hawgood a hooking minor at 13:46 to set up a 4 on 3. The replay showed that Hawgood's stick stopped making contact with McLlwain long before he spun around and fell. Again the FLYERS smothered the Leafs power play, led by Dimitri Yushkevich. Bowen made a thundering hit when he came out of the box on Pearson. Berehowski tried to perplex everybody with his sloooowball. He had the puck at the point, and just trickled a pass down the slot. He made all the FLYERS look silly as nobody could get a stick on it, and it got to Gilmour at the side of the net, but Soderstrom stoned him. The FLYERS picked things up offensively after the kill was over, but didn't get anything home. Shots were 13-10 FLYERS. The FLYERS were content with the 3 goal lead in the third period, and they decided that if Tommy wanted a shutout, he was going to have to work for it a little. The FLYERS got most of the scoring chances in the first 7 or so minutes of the period, but couldn't get past Puppa. Then the Leafs got tired of Lindros making road kill out of them, and tempers flared. 2 each for Doug Gilmour and Lindros (unsportsmanlike conduct) and 2 each for Glenn Anderson and McGill (roughing) all at 7:02. Terry Carkner then took a kneeing penalty at 7:51 on Gilmour. Again the FLYERS smothered the Leafs power play. At about the 12 minute mark, Dave Andreychuk got a shot away from his left circle that got through Soderstrom. The puck was rolling on it's side, and as luck would have it it turned away from the net instead of turning towards it (think of how a rolling quarter inevitably starts to lean one way or the other). Seconds later Rod Brind'Amour tripped up Gilmour at 12:24 to give the Leafs another chance on the power play. On the advantage, after Soderstrom stoned Andreychuk while lying down, Andreychuk got the rebound through Soderstrom, but from behind the net and it went straight through and was swept away by one of his defensemen. They kept the pressure on, but Soderstrom was equal and preserved the shutout. Recchi cross checked Ken Baumgartner to get tempers hot and start a brawl at 16:01. No punches thrown, Recchi got the initial minor, Krushelnyski Baumgartner and Lindros each got roughing minors. At 17:02 Rouse and Beranek expressed their mutual dislike for each other and got 2 each for slashing to set up another 4 on 4. Mike Eastwood shoved down Ryan McGill in the FLYERS zone as they were battling for the puck, and while McGill was down he ran his stick across McGill's face. The FLYERS were not happy with that at all. 5-8 Al Conroy paired up with 6-1 Berehowski, and started throwing punches. Upward. Well, Al held his own, much to the delight of the crowd. Each got a couple punches in before going down in a head, and Al got a standing O! Penalties: Eastwood 5 (cross check) + game, Clark, Carkner 10 each. Berehowski and Conroy 5 each (fighting) at 17:49. So a major penalty for the rest of the game for the FLYERS. The had no interest in stting on the lead. Hawgood, Galley and Brind'Amour played catch until Hawgood found Dineen all alone in the left circle, he controlled the puck and blasted it past Puppa at 18:39. That was all the fireworks, Tommy Soderstrom would not face another shot. Puppa did, but kept the FLYERS off the board. 4-0 FLYERS, shots were 9-8 FLYERS in the 3rd. Probably the strongest game I've seen from the FLYERS since the All Star break. Shutout number 4 for Soderstrom, all since 1/10. Tied for 2nd most in the NHL, but he's played fewer games than Belfour (6) or the goalie I can't remember that he's tied with. Next up it's the Winnipeg Selannes Tuesday night in Winnipeg. The FLYERS cannot be eliminated if they win, but a loss coupled with an Islander win that night in Washington would be the official end. FLYERS up to 71 points on the season in 78 games. Last year they had 75 points in 80 games (5 under .500), so they need at least 8 points in their last 6 games to improve on that only by percentage points (5 under in 84 is better than 5 under in 80). Tragic number holds at 3 points with 6 games left. The tragic number for 5th is 5 points, I watched the Rangers blow a 4-2 third period lead at home to lose 5-4 before I finished this up. Why 5 points instead of 4? Well, the FLYERS will win the tie-breaker if they catch them, whereas the Islanders win tie breakers against the FLYERS and so need only a tie. The Rangers could crumble down the stretch as they play the Devils, the Pens twice, the FLYERS, and finish up with 2 games against the Caps. So I guess 5th place could be the goal for the team to focus on. FLYERS team record watch: Eric Lindros: 38 goals, 29 assists, 67 points (rookie records) club record goals: club record points: Eric Lindros 38 1992-93 Dave Poulin 76 1983-84 Brian Propp 34 1979-80 Brian Propp 75 1979-80 Ron Flockhart 33 1981-82 Ron Flockhart 72 1981-82 Dave Poulin 31 1983-84 Eric Lindros 67 1992-93 Bill Barber 30 1972-73 Pelle Eklund 66 1985-86 Mark Recchi: 51 goals, 66 assists, 117 points. club record goals: club record points: Reggie Leach 61 1975-76 Bobby Clarke 119 1975-76 Tim Kerr 58 1985-86,86-87 Mark Recchi 117 1992-93 Tim Kerr 54 1983-84,84-85 Bobby Clarke 116 1974-75 Mark Recchi 51 1992-93 Bill Barber 112 1975-76 Rick Macliesh 50 1972-73 Bobby Clarke 104 1972-73 Bill Barber 50 1975-76 Rick Macliesh 100 1972-73 Reggie Leach 50 1979-80 FLYERS career years: Player Points Best Prior Season Mark Recchi 117 113 (90-91 Penguins) Rod Brind'Amour 79 77 (91-92 FLYERS) Garry Galley 58 38 (84-85 Kings) Brent Fedyk 58 35 (90-91 Red Wings) That's all for now...
No, no no. The Ack man is apparently an alien life-form, much like the pod people from planet Mars, who can take on any form (the ability remains the same, however). The Ack-people have been spotted on many teams to date, but it appears that the Orioles staff (mentioned above) and the Expos bullpen (Barnes, Walton, Fassero, Gardiner and Rojas) have been the prime target. Apparently John Wetteland was roughed up by the Ack-people during spring training due to the fact that his system rejected the takeover, and has been on the DL ever since. Contact the authorities! This evil plot must be stopped! (the Ack-people can keep Jack Morris and Juan Guzman, though. I enjoy watching Toronto fans suffer too much to want these guys returned to normal ;-) Scot. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scot Hughes | Department of Chemical Engineering | Expos in '93! falcon@cs.mcgill.ca| McGill University, Montreal, Quebec| {witty saying here}
The Red Sox usually have 2 catchers. I don't think they have a backup now, but they used to use Randy Kutcher as a backup catcher, as well as a middle infielder and outfielder. You don't need a good 3rd catcher, just a competent one, so you can afford to lose a little catching ability and pick a player who can be of use elsewhere on the field.
kevinh, on the Tue, 20 Apr 1993 13:23:01 GMT wibbled: : |> >>Rolls-Royce owned by a non-British firm? : |> >> : |> >>Ye Gods, that would be the end of civilization as we know it. : |> > : |> > Why not? Ford owns Aston-Martin and Jaguar, General Motors owns Lotus : |> >and Vauxhall. Rover is only owned 20% by Honda. : |> : |> Yes, it's a minor blasphemy that U.S. companies would ?? on the likes of A.M., : |> Jaguar, or (sob) Lotus. It's outright sacrilege for RR to have non-British : |> ownership. It's a fundamental thing : I think there is a legal clause in the RR name, regardless of who owns it : it must be a British company/owner - i.e. BA can sell the company but not : the name. : kevinh@hasler.ascom.ch I don't believe that BA have anything to do with RR. It's a seperate company from the RR Aero-Engine company. I think that the government own a stake. Unfortunately they owned a stake of Jaguar too, until they decided to make a quick buck and sold it to Ford. Bastards. This is definitely the ultimate Arthur-Daley government. -- Nick (the Cynical Biker) DoD 1069 Concise Oxford Leaky Gearbox M'Lud.
The best thing to do is to get a full face, even if it is a cheap brain bucket. I didn't think a full face was important until I took a gnarly spill and ended up sliding 20 feet on my face. Plus with the visor down, you also have no worries about your contacts.
Way back in the early years (~50's) it took 8 wins to garner the Stanley Cup. Soooooo, a couple of local fish mongers (local to the Joe Louis Arena, that is) started the tradition of throwing an octopi onto the ice with every win. After each victory, one leg would be severed before the octopus found its way to the ice. (They are dead by the way.) It was a brilliant marketing strategy to shore up the demand for one of their least popular products. Hope this helps.
Geez wharfie, do you have to be so difficult? Mine was built in December '88, which qualifies as pretty dang early, and it most certainly grinds away.
I'm looking for software (hopefully free and runs on Unix box) which will keep track of statistics for my company softball team (batting avg. etc.). If you know of any please post or respond to me by e-mail. Many thanks.
How do you take off the driver side door panel from the inside on an '87 Honda Prelude? The speaker went scratchy, and I want to access its pins. I see only one press button and the rest is snug fit.
Damn right. I was late for a climbing meet one morning, so I got out of bed without bothering that my right foot was still asleep. It reminded me by folding underneath with a crunching of Metatarsals. Lucky the brake's on the right, but i got funny looks riding thru London with one leg held aloft.
Hmm, it seems the Little Leaguers didn't do too badly against Hershiser, Strawberry, E. Davis, and the rest of the Dodgers yesterday ... :-)
Off and on over the last several months, threads about RBIs and related topics have gotten me to thinking about how well we can predict a player's RBIs using information about his overall performance and the number of runners in scoring position (RISP) that he bats with. In the Brock2 model, Bill James calculated predicted RBIs as RBI=.235*(Total Bases) + Home Runs. This completely ignores the context, which was all that Brock2 could do, since context was unknown to it. So I thought I'd take that idea as a starting point and look how good a fit to the data you get by comparing (RBI-Home Runs) to SLG*RISP. I've started with team data, using data from the Elias's that I've picked up over the years when a) I could afford them and b) I could stomach the thought of increasing Elias's profits. That gave me the years 1984-1986, 1988, and 1990. (I don't have team RBIs for '87 or I could add that year.) If you run a simple least squares fit to the data you get (RBI-Home Runs) = 0.81*SLG*RISP. The correlation between the LHS and the RHS is 0.86, which is significant at a ridiculously high level. So, I feel like the fit is good at the team level. I've no started to move on to the player level and have looked at 4 players (Will Clark, Ozzie Smith, Joe Carter, and Don Mattingly). I hope to add quite a few more during my copious free time this year. It doesn't do too badly, except the equation underpredicts the low HR hitter (Smith), which may be a fault of the model or it could just be Ozzie. The results: RBI-HR Years Actual Predicted Carter (84-88,90) 400 402.6 Clark (87,88,90,92) 269 269.6 Matt'ly (84-88,90) 471 460.8 Smith (84-88,90) 317 280.6 I think we can make a case (and I hope to make it stronger) that RBIs can be predicted simply from knowing how a player slugs overall and how many men are in scoring position when he comes up. More later, Harold
Could some kind soul tell me the advance timing/revs for a 1981 xs1100 special (bought in Canada).
Do you really have *that* much information on him? Really? I don't know. You tell me. What percentage of players reach or exceed their MLE's *in their rookie season*? We're talking about 1993, you know. If that were your purpose, maybe. Offerman spent 1992 getting acclimated, if you will. The Dodgers as a team paid a big price that season. Perhaps they will reap the benefits down the road. Do you really think they would have done what they did if they were competing for a pennant? For a stat-head, I'm amazed that you put any credence in spring training. Did you notice who he got those 10 (!) hits off of, or are you going to tell me that it doesn't make a difference? Wait a minute. I missed something here. First, forget Keith Mitchell. Are you saying that a kid who moves from AA to AAA and then does not improve would have been better off making a direct leap to the majors? If a player does well at AA and then does not improve at AAA, isn't that a sign that maybe he doesn't belong in the bigs? Now, Keith Mitchell. As I recall (no stat books handy - surprise!) he jumped from AA to Atlanta in 1991. He did so well that he was returned to the minors, where he didn't do very well at all. Now his career is in jeopardy. So how does he fit in with your point. Good MLE's in AA. Moved him right to the big club. Now he's one step away from being traded or moved out of baseball. Duh. Well, I've cast my lot. Certainly you may understand better how good Lopez is. And I may overvalue experience. But neither one of us runs a baseball team. -- The Beastmaster
Greetings baseballers, I have a choice of two more or less identical conferences to attend, one in Denver, and one in Dallas, both May 24-28. Could some kind Rockies or Rangers (they DO play in the Dallas area, right?) fans please let me know if there are home dates for that week. I'd love to catch a game.
Well, it's not that bad. But I am still pretty pissed of at the local ABC coverage. They cut off the first half hour of coverage by playing David Brinkley at 12:30 instead of an earlier time slot. I don't even understand their problem. If they didnt think enough people would not watch the game why would they decide to show most of the game? And if they showed the remaining 2.5 hours of the game, would it hurt to play David Brinkley at its regular time? They dont have any decent programming before noon anyway. I called the sports dept and blasted them on their machine. I called gain and someone picked it up. When I asked him why they premepted the first half hour of the Stanley Cup playoffs, he seemed a bit confused. When I explained a bit more in detail, he then said that's upto to our programming dept. call back on Monday. weel, I understand that the sports dept is not responsible for this preemption. BUt I can't understand how someone in the sports dept. can't even recognise the name of playoffs shown on the very same station he works for. Anyway, I am going to call them tomorrow and blast them on the phone again. I urge all Atlanta hockey fans to call WSB 2 and ask them not to do the same thing for the next 4 weeks.
I'm confused. How is it Hal McRae's fault that he can't win with a team whose best offensive player is Phil Hiatt? I mean, let's be real. Kansas City will have to get outstanding years from their entire staff just to end up near .500; they have less offense than any other team in baseball, even if you count the expansion teams.
Yeah, but what's your point? You still need the offense to score more runs than you allow, too. The Braves do have a fine pitching staff. But that's still only half the game.
Bo Bilinsky?
Sanjay Sinha, on the 12 Apr 93 00:23:19 GMT wibbled: : Thanks to everyone who posted in my previous quest for camping info.. : Another question. : Well, not strictly r.m. stuff : I am looking for a thermos/flask to keep coffee hot. I mean real : hot! Of course it must be the unbreakable type. So far, what ever : metal type I have wasted money on has not matched the vacuum/glass : type. : Any info appreciated. : Sanjay Back in my youth (ahem) the wiffy and moi purchased a gadget which heated up water from a 12V source. It was for car use but we thought we'd try it on my RD350B. It worked OK apart from one slight problem: we had to keep the revs above 7000. Any lower and the motor would die from lack of electron movement. It made for interesting cups of coffee, anyhow. We would plot routes that contained straights of over three miles so that we had sufficient time to get the water to boiling point. This is sometimes difficult in England. Good luck on your quest. -- Nick (the Biker) DoD 1069 Concise Oxford M'Lud.
Oh no! Say it isn't so! Yes, Yl|nen is a draft choice of the Jets. (Assuming, of course, this is the same Yl|nen that played for Kiekko-Espoo in 1990-91.) He was a 5th round, 91st overall pick of the Jets in the 1991 entry draft. I noticed in the summaries that Yl|nen had really begun to play well in the playoffs.
Including all the ones who think that they countersteer all the way through a corner?? Agreed! This is really the only thing we disagree on. Maybe we should agree to disagree?? I still think that telling newbies to steer left to turn to the right is unnecessarily confusing, when they'll do it anyway if they just get on the bike and ride the damn thing. Me too!! :-) Jeez, Ed, when you started talking about traction management policies I thought you were making some weird reference to looking after railway locomotives... The official line here (though I do have my doubts about it) is that the front brake is applied first, followed by the rear brake, the idea being that you avoid locking up the rear after weight transfer takes place. In practice I suspect most people do what you describe. If you don't slide the tyre, you have no way of knowing whether you've achieved maximum braking or not. I'm not suggesting that you should always aim to brake as hard as you possibly can - but if you want to find the limits of the machine, you have to go beyond them.
From Kay Honda's "Helpful HInts ABout Your Honda" infromation sheet (given to new owners of Honda vehicles). "A burning smell may be evident from your new car shortly after taking delivery." --I now own a fire extinguisher;>-- "On Prelude S mels at temperatures above 32 degrees push the accelerator pedal to the floor one time, release slowly, and with your foot off the accelerator, crank the engine until it starts. Moe than 5 seconds [!!!!!!! my note] of cranking may be required. In temperatures below 32 degrees the accelerator will have to be depressed 2-3 times." "Door panels and interior trim can be damaged if they are not buckled by getting caught when closing doors." "When shifting accord automatic transmissions from Park Neutral, or Reverse into Drive the transmission shifts into 3rd gear." "In case of towing: 1- Start the engine 2- Shift into drive from Park, then from Drive to neutral 3- Turn off engine" --what if you are getting towed b/c engine won't run?-- "IF ENGINE DOES NOT RUN DO NOT USE THIS PROCEDURE!" --Phew, I was worried!-- Insert smilies where appropriate, though this is REAL. Jonathan
While I don't read normally read this group, I was looking for Valentine radar information (sigh, maybe in the FAQ) and came across your posting.. I bought a '93 Probe GT with the PEP 263A last July (now at 9500 miles) after debating over the Sentra SE-R/NX2000, MX6, MR-2, Stealth, Prelude, and Celica. Check this month's Consumer Reports for previous Probe records. My criteria: a "fun" car with ABS, airbag, over 130hp, and less than $25K. I thought about a turbo, but checking with insurance people ruled that out. The Tri-Star cars (Eclipse/Talon/etc) were out since they don't have an air bag. Ditto for the Mustang(also no ABS). The SE-R/NX2000/M20 fell into the pocket-rocket category. A good used car buy. The MX-6 was almost there but rolled more than I liked. I didn't like the Prelude dash/instrumentation at all. Too weird for me. The MR2 has a much smaller non-passenger space than I needed, so out that went. The Celica was "ok" but underpowered when loaded with options (and somewhat overpriced too) in non-turbo form. I never considered the 240SX since it didn't have an airbag. I did look at it for its RWD virtues but that's it. The Corolla never entered my mind. I should have looked at the Mitsubishi VR4/Dodge Stealth more. Since my list was exhausted, I bought the Probe. :-) The car design is different than earlier years, so it's too early to see its reliability so far. For what it's worth, my comments: My dislikes: Shutting door with windows up from inside rarely makes good wind seal. Headlights have "stuck" up a few times (weather?) air conditioning broke ~4000 miles (pressure cycling switch) condensation around rear washer fluid container doesn't drain completely. crammed engine; little hope for do-it-yourselfers (typical) parts somewhat more expensive than normal Ford parts underside plastic doesn't like sharp driveways and speedbumps (typical). assembly gripes: tape on radiator, screw fell out of dash, seat seams not stitched properly. Hopefully just a fluke. Ford only gives 1 key with the car. C'mon Ford, spend an extra few pennies! Rear hatch has no padding on corners when up. I'm waiting for the day when I bash my head on the corner. horn buttons behind air bag in spokes and not in center (personal preference) Tires fling dirt/mud onto side of car My Likes: engine (design/valves/sounds/smoothness/power/mileage/torque) -- definitely #1 handling (very good for FWD; understeer only at limits) transmission (the 5 speed is a must) usable instrumentation (lovely readable analog everywhere) Very little torque steer at full power (much better than the '90 SHO I drive) stability at 100+mph (high gearing though) low cowl (good visibility in front) Heated outside mirrors (nice in fog, never tested in freezing weather) ABS/Air bag (see above) rear seats fold down (I have few rear seat passengers so a trunk not important) No shake/rattle noises when going over bumps/potholes (still!) Tires: 225/55VR16 Goodyear Eagles (70% left; hoping for 30K :-) As you can see, I'm primarily interested in the engine. While it doesn't have the uummmph of a big-liter car or the turbo rush, the big selling point for me was the all-aluminum 24 value 2.5 liter engine. The overall car is a good buy for the money. That market segment hasn't changed much since July (Prelude VTEC, Honda Del Sol??). I drive it to and from work each day on relatively smooth roads, and most noticable thing is that the Probe's suspension doesn't like potholes. When you test drive one, find a potholed road somewhere around town and see if the jarring you get is tolerable. If you have 3+ passengers, by all means bring them along too. They'll find that they have no room in the back and you'll find that the car rides differently (if that's "better" is up to you). Also, there's a lot of glass around you which I wasn't expecting; the temperature inside the car gets pretty hot in the summer. My back seat passengers (now very few) complain about the lack of ventilation; you may want to consider that when combined with the heat. I've heard that the exhaust system has trouble, but mine works fine. Leather and the keyless entry system weren't available when I got the car so I can't comment on them (I got the car before it was officially announced). I prefer cloth to leather anyway. I wouldn't want this car in the snow: The suspension is too rough for the inevitable surprise potholes, tires aren't meant for snow, and the seats assume that you're not wearing lots of thick clothing. Rain is much better: water generally beads off the windshield at freeway speed, the windshield wiper controls are easy and understandable, and I barely hydroplaned once with the Eagles (and I was really trying). There is also a definite lack of cup holder/small storage places. The GT has map holders below the speakers in the door, but they're rigid plastic that could fit two cassettes or CD's max. The center console/storage bin/arm rest has *1* cup holder and the back of the front seats have a cloth "pouch" but that's it. No change holders. Quite a let-down from the SHO. And the Probe is definitely not a people-mover car or an econo-box car! Lastly, don't store wet car covers in the back. The foam will soak the water up and the result will *not* smell pleasant :-(. Nathan nathan@sco.com
3. With Soderstrom and Roussel, why the hell would the Flyers want to pick up an older and slumping Roy? (BYW, I could come up with a group of players they'd trade for.... but they wouldn't be from the same team.)
Here's an easy question for someone who knows nothing about baseball... What city do the California Angels play out of? -- Richard J. Rauser "You have no idea what you're doing." rauser@sfu.ca "Oh, don't worry about that. We're professional WNI outlaws - we do this for a living."
Do any Honda gurus know if I can replace the the front sprocket on my 1979 Honda CB750K with a slightly larger one? (I see this as being preferable to reducing the size of the rear one) Just wanting ride at a more relaxed RPM.
Owen only has one error so far, I believe. That seriously underrepresents the harm he has done in the field. Owen will cleanly play any ball he reaches. He will have a fine fielding percentage, like always. The problem is that he doesn't reach anything that isn't hit straight at him! This wouldn't be quite as obvious a problem if he were playing next to Kelly Gruber or Robin Ventura. But the third baseman for the Yankees is Wade Boggs (who should have moved across the diamond *last* year)! I've only seen one game, Abbott's first start, but there were three balls hit to the left side which would have been stopped by quality defensive players. Instead they were charged as hits against Abbott.
It's not a cliche, and (unlike your comments below) it's not a tautology. It needn't have been true. If every pitcher in baseball were essentially the same in quality (i.e. if the variance of pitching ability were much smaller than the variance of batting ability), then scoring runs would be much more important than preventing them, simply because the *ability* to actively prevent runs would be much weaker. If that's your point, you should have said so. What you in fact said was "Pitching and defense win championships", and later "Pitching is the essence of baseball". Neither of which says what you are now claiming was "your point", and neither of which is true. And you accuse Sherri of mouthing cliches!? It's not clear to me at all that this is true. In high-scoring games, the team with the better offense wins a high percentage of the time. In low- scoring games, the split is essentially 50/50 regardless of team ability. I thought you said "pitching and defense win championships" and "pitching is the essence of baseball".
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Soderstrom plays with Philly, but he doesn't have a moulded mask. He's got the helmet and cage variety, in white. Or at least that's what he wore thirteen hours ago.
So, I begin my 6 week sabbatical in about 15 minutes. Six wonderful weeks of riding, and no phones or email. I won't have any way to check mail (or setup a vacation agent, no sh*t!), though I can dial in and get newsfeed, (dont ask), so if there are any outstanding CFC's or such things,please try my compuserve address: 72517.3356@compuserve.com Anybody wants to do some WEEKDAY rides around the BA, send me a mail to above or post here. I'll be thinking about all of you stuck if front of your terminals......"Sheeyaahhh, and monkeys might fly out of my butt..." ride safe, dave ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sense AIN'T common.... Dave Warner Opinions unlikely to be shared AMA 687955/HOG 0588773/DoD 870 by my employer or anyone else dwarner@sceng.ub.com _Signature on file_ dwarner@milo.ub.com 72517.3356@compuserve.com '93 FXSTS '71 T120 (Stolen)
Hi, maybe someone can help me here... I am looking to buy this 1990 Nissan Maxima GXE for CDN$14000 right now. The car has 96000 km (or about 60000 miles) on it. A typical mileage for 1990 cars seem to be about 70000 km (or about 43K mi). The seller just informed me that when he brought the car in for certification he was told that the front break pads and the exhausts had to be replaced to meet the legal standards. (He said he will replace the components before selling the car to me.) Being copmletely ignorant to the technical stuff on cars, I don't know what this could mean... Is 96K km about the time typical for replacing the above mentioned items? Or is this an indication that the car was abused? Would other things break down or have to be replaced soon? The seller told me that he used the car on the highway a lot, but, I don't know how to verify this... I've seen the paint chipped away in tiny dots in the front edge of the hood, though. Although the Maxima is an excellent car and the car is very clean and well kept, it's currently out of warranty (a similarly priced '90 Accord with 70K km will have 2 years or 30K km worth of warranty left) and I don't want to worry about paying for any repair bills... But, I also need a car for 5 people... When will the new Maxima come out, by the way? I would very much appreciate your input in this. Please reply by e-mail (preferred) or post in this newsgroup. Thanks! Ryan
Is anyone reading this message involved with the new BMW plant? (does BMW corporate even have a net-connection?)
This kind of behavior is what I was shocked by in my 'experience'. For crying out loud, how do these turkeys think they can talk to customers this way and still stay in business? Again, I don't expect sales people to bow, scrape, and grovel in my presence but I sure don't expect to be abused either. I was very surprised by the way the sales people talked to me and in other 'negotiating' sessions I overheard in neighboring sales cubicles. Evidently, their success rate is high enough that they continue to do business this way. There must be a lot of people out there who are easy to intimidate. On the other hand, I'm not sure about the 'one price, no haggling' approach that Saturn and other are starting to use. I guess if their fixed price is fair it's OK. Maybe the best approach is to do your homework before you go in. Find out the invoice prices of the car, add a reasonable profit for the dealer ($200-$300??), offer them that price and stick to it. If they get abusive, just leave. Then, don't let them try to screw you after the deal is agreed on.
Actually this stuff from Mogilny doesn't surprise me all that much. About 4 or 5 weeks ago I read in the Toronto Sun a quote from Alex; it went something like [sarcastically]: "Yep, Patty's the man. He's responsible for the team's success...I'm a nobody around here." I was going to post it at the time...I must have forgot since nobody else was talking about him being a problem. Yep, I'd beat the shit out of him too. LaFontaine really must be a team player...makes you wonder what the Islander management was thinking. My question is what the hell is Muckler doing? Whether he wishes to admit it or not, the team is his to coach, and if he can't do the job then maybe the job should be given to somebody who can. Gee, kinda like Alex's spot on the team, isn't it?
Well, the tentative rules, anyway. And, of course, since the season is not entirely over, tentative entry form. But who cares? The real hockey season is starting!!!!! Here's the deal: You email (preferably) or post your predictions, AND the number of games you think each series will go. Each round will be weighted, so that the Stanley Cup finals will be very important, but the early rounds will still be important. Here is the scoring: Pick 1st round winner, way off on games: 2 points Pick 1st round winner, within one game: 3 points Pick 1st round winner, pick # of games: 5 points Pick 2nd round winner, way off on games: 3 points Pick 2nd round winner, within one game: 4 points Pick 2nd round winner, pick # of games: 6 points Pick conference champ, way off on games: 5 points Pick conference champ, within one game: 6 points Pick conference champ, pick # of games: 9 points Pick Stanley Cup champ, way off on games: 8 points Pick Stanley Cup champ, within one game: 10 points Pick Stanley Cup champ, pick # of games: 14 points Pick loser in 7, series goes 7: 2 points Pick loser in 7, series decided in Game 7, OT: 4 points (these last two are sympathy points, probably won't happen anyway) Obviously, picking the Stanley Cup champion is important. I will do some tests to see if the format is fair, but probably I will be too lazy to modify it, so the scoring will probably be like this. As for entry forms, well, this post is getting too long, so see next post. -- Keith Keller LET'S GO RANGERS!!!!! LET'S GO QUAKERS!!!!! kkeller@mail.sas.upenn.edu IVY LEAGUE CHAMPS!!!!
Uh, Gerald, I think he was joking...
I've seen solar battery boosters, and they seem to come without any guarantee. On the other hand, I've heard that some people use them with success, although I have yet to communicate directly with such a person. Have you tried one? What was your experience? How did you use it (occasional charging, long-term leave-it-for-weeks, etc.)? -- Robert Kennedy
**************************************************** 12) Management: BIG BIG ZERO. Sauer has yet to make a forceful agreement in favor of revenue sharing. ****************************************************** I meant argument instead of agreement. Also, I think I should add a coouple of Ted's positive achievements - Smiley trade was good for the pirates. but I think Ted could have gotten someone better than Neagle. Cummings seems to be pretty good. - The Cole trade was excellent. BUt Simmons has botched it up now. -This year's draft seems to have gone well for the PIrates. BUt then they lost 2 high picks in the Bonds fiasco.
Yup. Unfortunately, as has been pointed out, the cost of insurance does NOT go down with No Fault. The crappiest drivers make out like bandits because they no longer have to bear the responsibility of paying for insurance that they have boosted in price for themselves by being crappy drivers. The good drivers now pay through the nose to spread the cost of the crappy drivers' actions, and that's not fair. Any plan that caps rates for crappy drivers is inherently a piece of shit, because the rest of us end up paying more. Any plan that uses speeding tickets as a basis for raising rates is also a piece of shit as it is based upon the lie that faster drivers are inherently less safe than slower drivers, and the NHTSA disproved that two years ago now. Later,
: > I loved the ABC coverage. The production was excellent. The appearance : >was excellent. It had a sleek modern look. This was the first time I heard : >Thorne & Clement & I thought they were great. My only request is to leave : >Al Micheals out of this. He annoys me. : : I was skeptical before the game but was pleasantly surprised at the : coverage. I was particularly impressed by the close range camera coverage : of work in the corners and behind the play without losing a beat getting : back to the puck. Boy - everyone has been ripping on ESPN's hockey coverage (or is it just Pittsburgher's who are thrilled with Lange & Steigy?) For all of you who are unaware -> ESPN bought the air time from ABC and did all the production, advertising sales, commentating, etc -> and even reaped any $ made...
I wanted to let people know that this motorcycle has been sold. Thanks for your inquiries.
For your information, Lankford is injured (I think it is his shoulder or rib cage), so he could not use him as a pinch hitter. I do believe that Whiten was a very good aquisition for the Cards. He does not have too much offensive capabilities, but he is an awesome defensively. Since when have the Cardnials actually thought of offense instead of defense?:) I forgot who St. Louis gave up for him, but it was not too much. As far as Gilkey is concerned, he is a leftfielder and so is Brian Jordan, who beat him out. I expect to see a Gilkey/Jordan platoon in LF. I agree with you on this one. As soon as Larkin threw that ball, I knew that Lankford was a dead bird. But how could Dent have known that Larkin would make a perfect throw? I strongly believe that Torre is one of the best managers in baseball. Don't forget the overachieving Cards of '91 that won all those close games and went from last place to second place (although they were oveshadowed by the Braves/ Twins last to first climb). He won a division title, and barely lost a pennant race when he was with the Braves (why Atlanta ever even considered firing him I will never understand). With Torre at the controls, the Cardinals are heading in the right direction. One more thing, one game does not make a season. Yes, they lost to the Reds, but with the second best pitching staff in the National League (first in the East), and a pretty good offense, the Redbirds will win a lot more than they lose. Maybe this is the year that they will go all the way. Charles, a very enthusiastic Cardnials fan ----------------------------------------------------------------- º Charles Rosen º THIRTY-FOUR TO THIRTEEN!!! º º University of Alabama º NATIONAL CHAMPS!!! ROLL TIDE!!! º º Tuscaloosa, AL º (Need I Say More?) º
On my 59 sporty I had some pinhole leaks open up on the back seam. I kreme it about a year ago and have had no problems at all. Be real careful as the cleaning part of the solution is hell on paint. -Jim
Ted Frank's list of underpaid players was this: What do all of these players have in common? They do not qualify for arbitration. They were never free agents. It's called the reserve clause. Look it up. And a year from now we will whine about how several of these guys are way overpaid and getting outrageous raises in arb. Humbug.
So after I've flashed my lights at the chap in front and he doesn't 'pass it on' (and few if any do), what next? On major highways, 3 or more lanes in each direction, keeping to the extreme right blocks folks who are entering. Also, as someone posted in this thread, here in the D.C. area we have a few left lane exits (sounds like 66). If you wait until the last minute to get in the left lane you won't, cause these yoyos won't make room. We have a particularly bad strech here in Merryland just over the Cabin John bridge. There are two very long entry ramps which all the hurry-up yahoos dive into cause they want to get ahead. When we get to the point where these ramps merge, all hell breaks lose. The result is that traffic which was moving at 55 on the VA side of the bridge, stalls on t'other side. If these dingbats had stayed in lane, allowed the folks coming up the two ramps to merge, we would still be doing 55. Instead we do start- stop for 4 miles. Dave Barry's idea of a laser equipped car would be real useful here. Bob
Most of this discussion has been between Mark Singer and David Tate, with Valentine weighing in on the same side as Dave at various times. My opinion, FWIW, to all: Mark, age doesn't matter; ability does. I would rather have the untried rookie with great minor league numbers than the veteran who has proven himself to be average at best. I don't care if he is 15; if he plays better than what I have, I want him out there. Sandy Alomar had decent minor league numbers, grossly inflated by the PCL in general and Las Vegas in particular; he should have been projected as an average major league hitter (which is good for a catcher, I'll admit). Santiago's numbers would probably come out the same as Sandy's, but I don't have the league data from the mid-80s to check it out. That being said, I agree with sending Lopez to Richmond, at least to start the season. As the box below shows, he has *one* minor league season in which he hit well. He has two in which he hit very, very poorly. I want to see that the 92 Lopez is real. Olson and Berryhill are not complete mediocrities; for catchers, especially NL catchers, they are essentially average hitters, with equivalent averages around .220. If he had hit well at prior levels, I would say he belongs on the Braves; but there is a reasonable chance that Lopez last year was just as much a fluke as Alomar in 90 or Santiago in 87. One year at any level, at any age, doesn't satisfy MY standards of evidence. JAVIER LOPEZ 1971 1990 BUR 428 101 10 1 9 5 0 1 .179 33 .236 .245 .327 1991 DUR 389 84 8 1 9 14 7 2 .175 29 .216 .243 .311 1992 GRN 445 135 22 2 14 22 7 2 .271 71 .303 .336 .456 1992 ATL 16 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 .306 3 .375 .375 .500 MAJ 16 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 .306 3 .375 .375 .500 MIN 1262 320 40 4 32 41 14 5 .213 133 .254 .277 .368 TOT 1278 326 42 4 32 41 14 5 .214 136 .255 .278 .369 MAJ 650 244 81 0 0 0 0 0 MIN 630 160 20 2 16 20 7 2 TOT 630 161 21 2 16 20 7 2 On a similar note, I don't understand why more people are not supportive of Neon Deion. Granted, I thought his behavior with McCarver last year was completely bush. Last year was the first time he ever got 300 AB in one place, so his lines are hard to read. But he has a combined 720 OPS in minor league play; with his speed is more valuable than the OPS alone indicates; and at a still young age (24), had a monster year with an 868 OPS. He has a total, major and minor, EQA of .249; above major league average, and above average for CF (which was about .240 in the NL last year). He has shown at least the potential of going into the .290s, which would make him one of the 15 best hitters in the league. He has two full seasons before reaching his "prime" season of 27. He should be considered as a legitimate prospect, and not as a simple side-show attraction. DEION SANDERS 1968 1988 FLA 21 8 2 0 0 1 1 0 .325 4 .381 .409 .476 1988 INT 20 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 .086 0 .150 .190 .200 1989 EAS 123 35 1 2 2 9 15 4 .257 19 .285 .333 .374 1989 NYY 47 11 1 0 2 3 1 0 .222 6 .234 .280 .383 1989 INT 263 70 11 4 6 18 15 6 .246 37 .266 .313 .407 1990 NYY 133 21 2 2 3 13 8 2 .161 9 .158 .233 .271 1990 INT 85 26 7 1 1 14 8 1 .312 18 .306 .404 .447 1991 ATL 110 20 2 1 4 12 10 3 .201 12 .182 .262 .327 1991 RIC 129 30 5 2 4 7 11 3 .230 17 .233 .272 .395 1992 ATL 306 92 10 12 11 22 24 9 .295 60 .301 .348 .520 MAJ 596 144 15 15 20 50 43 14 .245 87 .242 .300 .418 MIN 641 172 27 9 13 50 51 15 .252 96 .268 .321 .399 TOT 1237 316 42 24 33 100 94 29 .249 182 .255 .311 .408 MAJ 600 145 15 15 20 50 43 14 MIN 603 162 25 8 12 47 48 14 TOT 601 154 20 12 16 49 46 14
Have a look at Ed Belfour. Belfour kicked Gerrard Gallant when the Wings played the 'Hawks a couple of weeks ago. No penalty. No review. No suspension. This was after he attacked Bob Probert in the previous period. He was penalized for that. Likewise Belfour. Too bad he goes down so much! :-)
Never was? Probably. Is not now? Debatable. What other valid test can you think of besides the final standings or divisional playoff winner? What do you propose, a worthless vote like they do in college football? What a joke! If I remember right, Brad Park was also involved in that trade. He wasn't all that bad a hockey player. But let's look at some of Sinden's trades over the years: ??? for Rick Middleton (Rangers). I don't know who Sinden gave up for Middle- ton, so I'll call this one a +. Barry Pederson for Cam Neely (Canucks). +++. Any questions? Greg Hawgood for Vladimir Ruzicka (Oilers). ++. Didja see that one Rosie roofed against Roy in last year's playoffs? Courtnall/Ranford for Andy Moog (Oilers). A wash. Moog is a good goaltender, Ranford burned Boston in the Finals in his first year, and Courtnall always seems to get his points. Anyone in Vancouver care to comment on Courtnall as a defensive liability? Ken Linseman for Dave Poulin (Flyers) ++. Any more questions? Janney/Quintal for Adam Oates (Blues). ++. Janney is an enormous talent and a personable guy, the the Bruins play in Adam's Division. Enough said? So,even if you count the Esposito/Vadnais/Ratelle/Park/I don't remember who else (Joe Zanussi?) trade as a double minus, Harry the Horse trader comes out on top. I submit that the Bruins are always good because of Harry, not in spite of him. BTW, do you really think the Habs will bounce back next season. I'll bet they finish fourth or fifth in the Conference, behind any of the following: Pittsburgh, Quebec, Boston, Washington, Islanders. Someone correct me if these five teams will not be in Montreal's conference. In summary, things look bleak for the Habs, at least in the near future. I suspect that the next team from La Belle Province to win the Cup will be that team that Lindros didn't want to play for. -- Dan Lyddy daniell@cory.berkeley.edu University of California at Berkeley
I'm not sure on the older bikes, but the Yamaha Virago 535 has spec'd seat height of 27.6 in. and the Honda Shadow 27.2 in.
This is very sad indeed. My condolences to the Minnesota fans who are losing their team. I fear that within the next decade or so the only professional sports team left in Pittsburgh will be the Steelers. We should always enjoy things when we can. You never know when they'll be taken away from us.
How do you figure that?? When Bryan Murray took over the Wings they were a pretty good team that was contending for the Stanley Cup but looked unlikely to win it. Now they are a pretty good team that is contending for the Stanley Cup but looks unlikely to win it. A truly great GM would have been able to make the moves to push the team to the upper echelon of the NHL and maybe win the Stanley Cup. A good GM (like Murray) can maintain the team's success but can't push them to the next level. In the history of hockey there have been several better GM's than Murray- way too many to name. Murray isn't even the best GM in the league today. He fails in comparison to Sinden, Sather, Savard, Caron, Fletcher and Quinn in my estimation. I can't imagine how Bryan Murray can be the best GM anyone has ever seen in hockey- unless they have seen VERY few GM's.
I just bought a 1962 T-BIRD and would like any info on a club in and around the the B.C. coast. Eric Thomas
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well that was pretty uncalled for. (No smile) Is our Harley manhood feeling challenged?
My vote goes for the ('75?) Indians with their all-red uniforms. Boog Powell once said he felt like a big red blood clot.
I bought a car with a defunct engine, to use for parts for my old but still running version of the same car. The car I bought has good tires. Is there anything in particular that I should do to store the defunct car long-term? I'd hate to have parts of it go bad. Someone has told me it's bad for the tires to not move the car once-in-a-while. Is this true? Do I need some props to take the weight of the tires? Best to reply by mail, I am getting spotty news delivery.
[...] [...] Oh, lord. This is where I came in. Obcountersteer: For some reason, I've discovered that pulling on the wrong side of the handlebars (rather than pushing on the other wrong side, if you get my meaning) provides a feeling of greater control. For example, rather than pushing on the right side to lean right to turn right (Hi, Lonny!), pulling on the left side at least until I get leaned over to the right feels more secure and less counter-intuitive. Maybe I need psychological help. Obcountersteer v2.0:Anyone else find it ironic that in the weekend-and-a- night MSF class, they don't mention countersteering until after the first day of riding? ----- Tommy McGuire, who's going to hit his head on door frames the rest of the evening, leaning into those tight turns.... mcguire@cs.utexas.edu mcguire@austin.ibm.com
;Revving the throttle requires either [dis]engaging the clutch, ;or accelerating. Not if it's a Harley.
hmmmm.. not sure, since no such beast exists.. i can tell you another though.. you won't catch me dead in a GMC Syclone or Typhoon either, 1000 bhp or not.. not even the fact that Clint Eastwood has one. just my taste, no rational reasons for it. CAR just tested the S4 wagon with 5 banger and 6 speed manual. Rave review except for Servotronic.. Audi is trying to recoup the development costs for the V8, and since the V8 is not selling well, they are sticking it into the 100 series cars.. Neat marketing trick, eh? yeah, a 100 V8-32v wouldn't be a bad idea as competition for the upcoming bimmer 530/540i would it? maybe they can use a 3.6 liter version to avoid conflicts with the v8 model.. then strip off all the luxo-garbage. let the S4 remain with the flared arches and fat tires to go fight with the M5.... maybe turn up the boost a wee bit to bump bhp up to say 450 or so.. :-) while keeping the 100 V8 with mercedes 500E style subtlety. blah blah blah....
Bad driving habits can damage a car in a couple of months, not 6 years. If that were not the case, everyone would be driving fleet rental re-solds... And while you are considering things (factors in stat terms), how about city vs. highway driving ratios, owner vs. dealer service, extreme weather or environment, adherence (sp?) to maintenance schedules, whether the car has ever been in an accident, number of different drivers of the same car in a family, whether the car is garaged, warmed up, ... Spiros
Why? I'm calling this Penguins ... in 6. Only that with the way things stand, the only radio game at that hour is from the Devils on WABC, 770 AM. It'd be nice to have a Sony Watchman, but ... No need to be paranoid, Robbie. Don't judge me by my geographic coordinates ... Jets over Nordiques in the final ... 7. gld
Anyone in Europe got any advice for a US citizen whose going to be living and working in Italy for a year and wants to buy a motorcycle there? An Italian friend just arrived here in Washington State to work for two years, and she's finding it very very difficult to obtain car insurance. So I thought I'd ask... I have a US license, with motorcycle endorsement (unlimited displacement), and have had for 30 years. I am also a Washington State Motorcycle Safety instructor, if that info might help. I will post a summary, even if it's just of my own personal experience in buying a bike and getting it insured after I get to Italy.
Hi, I just have a small question about my bike. Being a fairly experienced BMW and MZ-Mechanic, I just don't know what to think about my Honda. She was using too much oil for the last 5000 km (on my trip to Daytona bike week this spring), and all of a sudden, she trailed smoke like hell and was running only on one cylinder. I towed the bike home and took it apart, but everything looks in perfect working order. No cracks in the heads or pistons, the cylinder walls look very clean, and the wear of pistons and cylinders is not measurable. All still within factory specs. The only thing I could find, however, was a slightly bigger ring gap on the right cylinder (the one with the problem), but it is still way below the wear-limit given in the Clymer-manual for this bike. Any syggestions??? What else could cause my problem??? Do I have to hone the cylinder walls (make them a little rougher in a criss-cross-pattern) in order to get better breaking in of my new rings??? Won't that increase the wear of my pistons?? Please send comments to sruhl@mechanical.watstar.uwaterloo.ca Thanks in advance. Stef.
Well, if you want to pick on Morgan, why not attack its ash (wood) frame or its hand-bent metal skin (just try and get a replacement :-)). I thought the kingpost suspension was one of the Mog's better features.
Maybe...then again did you get rid of that H/D of yorn and buy a rice rocket of your own? That would certainly explain the friendliness...unless you maybe had a piece of toilet paper stuck on the bottom of your boot...8-). Rich
. . . Since I was born in the late Pleistocene, I too remember 1964. That year, the Dodgers were several games out of first and I think finished sixth in the league. This was kind of odd because they won the World Series both the previous year and the following year. -- Warren Usui
Well, it seems that the Habs have been much talked-about of late, so here's my $0.02. These guys have absolutely no concept of how to play in front of the damn net!!! Watch them in the offensive zone, especially on the powerplay. Damphousse or Lebeau will skate all over the bloody zone, maybe pass to the point, get it back, skate some more, pass it around....BUT WHERE'S THE SHOT??! Answer: the shot is totally useless because they lack a forward who stands in front of the net a la` Neely, Shanahan, Tocchet, etc etc. Too bad Demers won't put Dipietro or LeClair on the powerplay more often. Dammit, even Ewen would at least cause some disruptions. Montreal desperately needs a power forward with some talent, IMO. Then watch them in their own zone. Patrick Roy is screened on everything. Say what you want about his performance; IMNSHO he cannot stop what he cannot see. And Montreal's defence does a miserable job of clearing the front of the net. Last night against Washington Roy played a *great* game. The first goal came on the most ridiculous goalmouth scramble I've seen in a long time, and he didn't have a hope in hell of stopping the shot. The second goal came on a deflection of a shot he only partially saw anyway. Pathetic defence. The third goal was EN. No wonder he gets pissed off at his defencemen.
But good ones can collapse somewhat, then come back the next year. Burleigh Grimes went from 20+ wins and an ERA of 3 or so in '24 to 13-19 and an ERA around 4 in '25. He pitched well for several more years. Carlton won 13 and lost 20 the year after his 27-10 record. (Source: Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract.) And let's not forget John Tudor, who started 1-5 and finished 21-6 in 1985. He had a pretty bad ERA when you take Busch Stadium into account at the start of the season. If I recall, he had a 4.50 ERA in the 1st half and a 3.50 ERA in the 2nd half of last year. Hmmm, 21 runs in 11 innings. Suppose he starts 30 more games, and winds up w/200 innings pitched. If he allows 4 runs a game in the next 189 innings, he'll have a 4.75 ERA or so at the end of the year. (I think I have his totals right.) This is going to be hard to come back from. My 1st hunch is that Morris is very gutsy, and that he may be pitching through an injury and not telling anyone. My 2nd guess is that he will be banished to the bullpen the remainder of the season after a few more starts. (Perhaps when Stewart comes off the DL? Or will Danny Cox, who went 3 or 4 scoreless innings against the Tribe today, start for Morris? He looks like a really good one. Gaston is scrambling to find starters, I'd imagine. Luckily, the Jays have a very good offense.) I don't think they would dare release him before the end of the year. He'll just be replaced by Stewart or Cox.
>How about the thousands of kind teenagers who volunteer at local >agencies to help children, seniors, the homeless? Hear, hear! Thanks, Robbie. You also don't read that much about violence *against* teenagers, such as George Bush burying alive tens of thousands of unarmed Iraqi 17-year-olds, who were trying to surrender, with bulldozers. I didn't know George Bush could drive a bulldozer. Kee-ripe.
sorry about that last post, my server neglected to send the message:
This is a periodic posting intended to answer the Frequently Asked Question: What is the DoD? It is posted the first of each month, with an expiration time of over a month. Thus, unless your site's news software is ill-mannered, this posting should always be available. This WitDoDFAQ is crossposted to all four rec.motorcycles groups in an attempt to catch most new users, and followups are directed to rec.motorcycles. Last changed 9-Feb-93 to add a message from the KotL, and a bit of Halon. VERSION 1.1 This collection was originally assembled by Lissa Shoun, from the original postings. With Lissa's permission, I have usurped the title of KotWitDoDFAQ. Any corrections, additions, bribes, etc. should be aimed at blgardne@javelin.sim.es.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: How do I get a DoD number? by Blaine Gardner DoD #46 DoD "Road Rider" article by Bruce Tanner DoD #161 What is the DoD? by John Sloan DoD #11 The DoD Logo by Chuck Rogers DoD #3 The DoD (this started it all) by The Denizen of Doom DoD #1 The DoD Anthem by Jonathan Quist DoD #94 Why you have to be killed by Blaine Gardner DoD #46 The rec.moto.photo.archive courtesy of Bruce Tanner DoD #161 Patches? What patches? by Blaine Gardner DoD #46 Letter from the AMA museum by Jim Rogers, Director DoD #395 The DoD Rules by consensus Other rec.moto resources by various Keepers DoD #misc The rec.moto.reviews.archive courtesy of Loki Jorgenson DoD #1210 Updated stats & rides info by Ed Green (DoD #111) and others ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How do I get a DoD number? If the most Frequently Asked Question in rec.motorcycles is "What is the DoD?", then the second most Frequently Asked Question must be "How do I get a DoD number?" That is as simple as asking the Keeper of the List (KotL, accept no substitue Keepers) for a number. If you're feeling creative, and your favorite number hasn't been taken already, you can make a request, subject to KotL approval. (Warning, non-numeric, non- base-10 number requests are likely to earn a flame from the KotL. Not that you won't get it, but you _will_ pay for it.) Oh, and just one little, tiny suggestion. Ask the KotL in e-mail. You'll just be playing the lightning rod for flames if you post to the whole net, and you'll look like a clueless newbie too. By now you're probably asking "So who's the KotL already?". Well, as John Sloan notes below, that's about the only real "secret" left around here, but a few (un)subtle hints can be divulged. First, it is not myself, nor anyone mentioned by name in this posting (maybe :-), though John was the original KotL. Second, in keeping with the true spirit of Unix, the KotL's first name is only two letters long, and can be spelled entirely with hexadecimal characters. (2.5, the KotL shares his name with a line- oriented text utility.) Third, he has occasionally been seen posting messages bestowing new DoD numbers (mostly to boneheads with "weenie mailers"). Fourth, there is reason to suspect the KotL of being a Dead-Head. ***************** Newsflash: A message from the KotL ****************** Once you have surmounted this intellectual pinnacle and electronically groveled to the KotL, please keep in mind that the KotL does indeed work for a living, and occasionally must pacify its boss by getting something done. Your request may languish in mailer queue for (gasp!) days, perhaps even (horrors!) a week or two. During such times of economic activity on the part of the KotL's employers, sending yet another copy of your request will not speed processing of the queue (it just makes it longer, verification of this phenominon is left as an excersize for the reader). If you suspect mailer problems, at least annotate subsequent requests with an indication that a former request was submitted, lest you be assigned multiple numbers (what, you think the KotL *memorizes* the list?!?). *********************************************************************** One more thing, the KotL says that its telepathic powers aren't what they used to be. So provide some information for the list, will ya? The typical DoD List entry contains number, name, state/country, & e-mail address. For example: 0111:Ed Green:CA:ed.green@East.Sun.COM (PS: While John mentions below that net access and a bike are the only requirements for DoD membership, that's not strictly true these days, as there are a number of Denizens who lack one or both.) Blaine (Dances With Bikers) Gardner blgardne@javelin.sim.es.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Denizens of Doom", by Bruce Tanner (DoD 0161) [Road Rider, August 1991, reprinted with Bruce's permission] There is a group of motorcyclists that gets together and does all the normal things that a bunch of bikers do. They discuss motorcycles and motorcycling, beverages, cleaning fluids, baklavah, balaclava, caltrops, helmets, anti-fog shields, spine protectors, aerodynamics, three-angle valve seats, bird hits, deer whistles, good restaurants, racing philosophy, traffic laws, tickets, corrosion control, personalities, puns, double entendres, culture, absence of culture, first rides and friendship. They argue with each other and plan rides together. The difference between this group and your local motorcycle club is that, although they get together just about everyday, most have never seen each other face to face. The members of this group live all over the known world and communicate with each other electronically via computer. The computers range from laptops to multi-million dollar computer centers; the people range from college and university students to high-tech industry professionals to public-access electronic bulletin-board users. Currently, rec.motorcycles (pronounced "wreck-dot-motorcycles," it's the file name for the group's primary on-line "meeting place") carries about 2250 articles per month; it is read by an estimated 29,000 people. Most of the frequent posters belong to a motorcycle club, the Denizens of Doom, usually referred to as the DoD. The DoD started when motorcyclist John R. Nickerson wrote a couple of parodies designed to poke fun at motorcycle stereotypes. Fellow computer enthusiast Bruce Robinson posted these articles under the pen name, "Denizen of Doom." A while later Chuck Rogers signed off as DoD nr. 0003 Keeper of the Flame. Bruce was then designated DoD nr. 0002, retroactively and, of course, Nickerson, the originator of the parodies, was given DoD nr. 0001. The idea of a motorcycle club with no organization, no meetings and no rules appealed to many, so John Sloan -- DoD nr. 0011 -- became Keeper of the List, issuing DoD numbers to anyone who wanted one. To date there have been almost 400 memberships issued to people all over the United States and Canada, as well as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway and Finland. Keeper of the List Sloan eventually designed a club patch. The initial run of 300 patches sold out immediately. The profits from this went to the American Motorcycle Heritage Foundation. Another AMHF fund raiser -- selling Denizens of Doom pins to members -- was started by Arnie Skurow a few months later. Again, the project was successful and the profits were donated to the foundation. So far, the Denizens have contributed over $1500 to the AMA museum. A plaque in the name of the Denizens of Doom now hangs in the Motorcycle Heritage Museum. As often as possible, the DoD'ers crawl out from behind their CRTs and go riding together. It turns out that the two largest concentrations of DoD'ers are centered near Denver/Boulder, Colorado, and in California's "Silicon Valley." Consequently, two major events are the annual Assault on Rollins Pass in Colorado, and the Northern versus Southern California "Joust." The Ride-and-Feed is a bike trip over Rollins Pass, followed by a big barbecue dinner. The concept for the Joust is to have riders from Northern California ride south; riders from Southern California to ride north, meeting at a predesignated site somewhere in the middle. An additional plan for 1991 is to hold an official Denizens of Doom homecoming in conjunction with the AMA heritage homecoming in Columbus, Ohio, in July. Though it's a safe bet the the Denizens of Doom and their collective communications hub, rec.motorcycles, will not replace the more traditional motorcycle organizations, for those who prowl the electronic pathways in search of two-wheeled camaraderie, it's a great way for kindred spirits to get together. Long may they flame. "Live to Flame -- Flame to Live" [centerbar] This official motto of the Denizens of Doom refers to the ease with which you can gratuitously insult someone electronically, when you would not do anything like that face to face. These insults are known as "flames"; issuing them is called "flaming." Flames often start when a member disagrees with something another member has posted over the network. A typical, sophisticated, intelligent form of calm, reasoned rebuttal would be something like: "What an incredibly stupid statement, you Spandex-clad poseur!" This will guarantee that five other people will reply in defense of the original poster, describing just what they think of you, your riding ability and your cat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _The Denizens of Doom: The Saga Unfolds_ by John Sloan DoD #0011 Periodically the question "What is DoD?" is raised. This is one of those questions in the same class as "Why is the sky blue?", "If there is a God, why is there so much suffering in the world?" and "Why do women inevitably tell you that you're such a nice guy just before they dump you?", the kinds of questions steeped in mysticism, tradition, and philosophy, questions that have inspired research and discussion by philosophers in locker rooms, motorcycle service bays, and in the halls of academe for generations. A long, long time ago (in computer time, where anything over a few minutes is an eternity and the halting problem really is a problem) on a computer far, far away on the net (topologically speaking; two machines in the same room in Atlanta might route mail to one another via a system in Chicago), a chap who wished to remain anonymous (but who was eventually assigned the DoD membership #1) wrote a satire of the various personalities and flame wars of rec.motorcycles, and signed it "The Denizen of Doom". Not wishing to identify himself, he asked that stalwart individual who would in the fullness of time become DoD #2 to post it for him. DoD #2, not really giving a whit about what other people thought and generally being a right thinking individual, did so. Flaming and other amusements followed. He who would become the holder of DoD membership #3 thought this was the funniest thing he'd seen in a while (being the sort that is pretty easily amused), so he claimed membership in the Denizens of Doom Motorcycle Club, and started signing his postings with his membership number. Perhaps readers of rec.motorcycles were struck with the vision of a motorcycle club with no dues, no rules, no restrictions as to brand or make or model or national origin of motorcycle, a club organized electronically. It may well be that readers were yearning to become a part of something that would provide them with a greater identity, a gestalt personality, something in which the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. It could also be that we're all computer nerds who wear black socks and sneakers and pocket protectors, who just happen to also love taking risks on machines with awesome power to weight ratios, social outcasts who saw a clique that would finally be open minded enough to accept us as members. In a clear case of self fulfilling prophesy, The Denizens of Doom Motorcycle Club was born. A club in which the majority of members have never met one another face to face (and perhaps like it that way), yet feel that they know one another pretty well (or well enough given some of the electronic personalities in the newsgroup). A club organized and run (in the loosest sense of the word) by volunteers through the network via electronic news and mail, with a membership/mailing list (often used to organize group rides amongst members who live in the same region), a motto, a logo, a series of photo albums circulating around the country (organized by DoD #9), club patches (organized by #11), and even an MTV-style music video (produced by #47 and distributed on VHS by #18)! Where will it end? Who knows? Will the DoD start sanctioning races, placing limits on the memory and clock rate of the on-board engine management computers? Will the DoD organize poker runs where each participant collects a hand of hardware and software reference cards? Will the DoD have a rally in which the attendees demand a terminal room and at least a 386-sized UNIX system? Only time will tell. The DoD has no dues, no rules, and no requirements other than net access and a love for motorcycles. To become a member, one need only ask (although we will admit that who you must ask is one of the few really good club secrets). New members will receive via email a membership number and the latest copy of the membership list, which includes name, state, and email address. The Denizens of Doom Motorcycle Club will live forever (or at least until next year when we may decided to change the name). Live to Flame - Flame to Live ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The DoD daemon as seen on the patches, pins, etc. by Chuck Rogers, car377@druhi.att.com, DoD #0003 :-( DoD )-: :-( x __ __ x )-: :-( x / / \ \ x )-: :-( x / / -\-----/- \ \ x )-: :-( L | \/ \ / \/ | F )-: :-( I | / \ / \ | L )-: :-( V \/ __ / __ \/ A )-: :-( E / / \ / \ \ M )-: :-( | | \ / | | E )-: :-( T | | . | _ | . | | )-: :-( O | \___// \\___/ | T )-: :-( \ \_/ / O )-: :-( F \___ ___/ )-: :-( L \ \ / / L )-: :-( A \ vvvvv / I )-: :-( M | ( ) | V )-: :-( E | ^^^^^ | E )-: :-( x \_______/ x )-: :-( x x )-: :-( x rec.motorcycles x )-: :-( USENET )-: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The DoD by the Denizen of Doom DoD #1 Welcome one and all to the flamingest, most wonderfullest newsgroup of all time: wreck.mudder-disciples or is it reak.mudder-disciples? The Names have been changes to protect the Guilty (riders) and Innocent (the bikes) alike. If you think you recognize a contorted version of your name, you don't. It's just your guilt complex working against you. Read 'em and weep. We tune in on a conversation between some of our heros. Terrible Barbarian is extolling the virtues of his Hopalonga Puff-a-cane to Reverend Muck Mudgers and Stompin Fueling-Injection: Terrible: This Hopalonga is the greatest... Beats BMWs dead!! Muck: I don't mean to preach, Terrible, but lighten up on the BMW crowd eh? I mean like I like riding my Yuka-yuka Fudgeo-Jammer 11 but what the heck. Stompin: No way, the BMW is it, complete, that's all man. Terrible: Nahhhh, you're sounding like Heritick Ratatnack! Hey, at least he is selling his BMW and uses a Hopalonga Intercorruptor! Not as good as a Puff-a-cane, should have been called a Woosh-a-stream. Stompin: You mean Wee-Stream. Terrible: Waddya going to do? Call in reinforcements??? Stompin: Yehh man. Here comes Arlow Scarecrow and High Tech. Let's see what they say, eh? Muck: Now men, let's try to be civil about this. High Tech: Hi, I'm a 9 and the BMW is the greatest. Arlow: Other than my B.T. I love my BMW! Terrible: B.T.??? Arlow: Burley Thumpison, the greatest all American ride you can own. Muck: Ahhh, look, you're making Terrible gag. Terrible: What does BMW stand for anyway??? Muck, Arlow, High: Beats Me, Wilhelm. Terrible: Actually, my name is Terrible. Hmmm, I don't know either. Muck: Say, here comes Chunky Bear. Chunky: Hey, Hey, Hey! Smarter than your average bear! Terrible: Hey, didn't you drop your BMW??? Chunky: All right eh, a little BooBoo, but I left him behind. I mean even Villy Ogle flamed me for that! Muck: It's okay, we all makes mistakes. Out of the blue the West coasters arrive, led by Tread Orange with Dill Snorkssy, Heritick Ratatnack, Buck Garnish, Snob Rasseller and the perenial favorite: Hooter Boobin Brush! Heritick: Heya Terrible, how's yer front to back bias? Terrible: Not bad, sold yer BMW? Heritick: Nahhh. Hooter: Hoot, Hoot. Buck: Nice tree Hooter, how'd ya get up there? Hooter: Carbujectors from Hell!!! Muck: What's a carbujector? Hooter: Well, it ain't made of alumican!!! Made by Tilloslert!! Muck: Ahh, come on down, we aren't going to flame ya, honest!! Dill: Well, where do we race? Snob: You know, Chunky, we know about about your drop and well, don't ride! Muck: No! No! Quiet! Tread: BMW's are the greatest in my supreme level headed opinion. They even have luggage made by Sourkraut! High: My 9 too! Terrible, Heritick, Dill, Buck: Nahhhhh!!! Stompin, Tread, High, Chunky, Snob: Yesss Yessssss!!! Before this issue could be resolved the Hopalonga crew called up more cohorts from the local area including Polyanna Stirrup and the infamous Booster Robiksen on his Cavortin! Polyanna: Well, men, the real bikers use stirrups on their bikes like I use on my Hopalonga Evening-Bird Special. Helpful for getting it up on the ole ventral stand! Terrible: Hopalonga's are great like Polyanna says and Yuka-Yuka's and Sumarikis and Kersnapis are good too! Booster: I hate Cavortin. All: WE KNOW, WE KNOW. Booster: I love Cavortin. All: WE KNOW WE KNOW. Muck: Well, what about Mucho Guzlers and Lepurras? Snob, Tread: Nawwwwww. Muck: What about a Tridump? Terrible: Isn't that a chewing gum? Muck: Auggggg, Waddda about a Pluck-a-kity? Heritick: Heyya Muck, you tryin' to call up the demon rider himself? Muck: No, no. There is more to Mudder-Disciples than arguing about make. Two more riders zoom in, in the form of Pill Turret and Phalanx Lifter. Pill: Out with dorsal stands and ventral stands forever. Phalanx: Hey, I don't know about that. And Now even more west coasters pour in. Road O'Noblin: Hopalonga's are the greatest! Maulled Beerstein: May you sit on a bikejector! Suddenly more people arrived from the great dark nurth: Kite Lanolin: Hey, BMW's are great, men. Robo-Nickie: I prefer motorcycle to robot transformers, personally. More riders from the west coast come into the discussion: Aviator Sourgas: Get a Burley-Thumpison with a belted-rigged frame. Guess Gasket: Go with a BMW or Burley-Thumpison. With a roar and a screech the latest mudder-disciple thundered in. It was none other that Clean Bikata on her Hopalonga CaBammerXorn. Clean: Like look, Hopalonga are it but only CaBammerXorns. Muck: Why?? Clean: Well, like it's gotta be a 6-banger or nothin. Muck: But I only have a 4-banger. Clean: No GOOD! Chunky: Sob, some of us only have 2-bangers! Clean: Inferior! Stompin: Hey, look, here's proof BMW's are better. The Bimmer-Boys burst into song: (singing) Beemer Babe, Beemer Babe give me a thrill... Road, Terrible, Polyanna, Maulled, Dill etc.: Wadddoes BMW stand for? Heritick, Stompin, Snob, Chunky, Tread, Kite, High, Arlow: BEAT'S ME, WILHEM! Road, Terrible, Polyanna, Maulled, Dill etc.: Oh, don't you mean BMW? And so the ensuing argument goes until the skies clouded over and the thunder roared and the Greatest Mudder-Disciple (G.M.D.) of them all boomed out. G.M.D.: Enough of your bickering! You are doomed to riding Bigot & Suction powered mini-trikes for your childish actions. All: no, No, NO!!! Puhlease. Does this mean that all of the wreck.mudder-disciples will be riding mini-trikes? Are our arguing heros doomed? Tune in next week for the next gut wretching episode of "The Yearning and Riderless" with its ever increasing cast of characters. Where all technical problems will be flamed over until well done. Next week's episode will answer the question of: "To Helmet or Not to Helmet" will be aired, this is heady material and viewer discretion is advised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Script for the Denizens of Doom Anthem Video by Jonathan E. Quist DoD #94 [Scene: A sterile engineering office. A lone figure, whom we'll call Chuck, stands by a printer output bin, wearing a white CDC lab coat, with 5 mechanical pencils in a pocket protector.] (editor's note: For some reason a great deal of amusement was had at the First Annual DoD Uni-Coastal Ironhorse Ride & Joust by denizens referring to each other as "Chuck". I guess you had to be there. I wasn't.) Chuck: I didn't want to be a Software Systems Analyst, cow-towing to the whims of a machine, and saying yessir, nosir, may-I-have-another-sir. My mother made me do it. I wanted to live a man's life, [Music slowly builds in background] riding Nortons and Triumphs through the highest mountain passes and the deepest valleys, living the life of a Motorcyclist; doing donuts and evading the police; terrorizing old ladies and raping small children; eating small dogs for tea (and large dogs for dinner). In short, I Want to be A Denizen! [Chuck rips off his lab coat, revealing black leather jacket (with fringe), boots, and cap. Scene simultaneously changes to the top of an obviously assaulted Rollins Pass. A small throng of Hell's Angels sit on their Harleys in the near background, gunning their engines, showering lookers-on with nails as they turn donuts, and leaking oil on the tarmac. Chuck is standing in front of a heavily chromed Fat Boy.] Chuck [Sings to the tune of "The Lumberjack Song"]: I'm a Denizen and I'm okay, I flame all night and I ride all day. [Hell's Angels Echo Chorus, surprisingly heavy on tenors]: He's a Denizen and he's okay, He flames all night and he rides all day. I ride my bike; I eat my lunch; I go to the lavat'ry. On Wednesdays I ride Skyline, Running children down with glee. [Chorus]: He rides his bike; He eats his lunch; He goes to the lavat'ry. On Wednesdays he rides Skyline, Running children down with glee. [Chorus refrain]: 'Cause He's a Denizen... I ride real fast, My name is Chuck, It somehow seems to fit. I over-rate the worst bad f*ck, But like a real good sh*t. Oh, I'm a Denizen and I'm okay! I flame all night and I ride all day. [Chorus refrain]: Oh, He's a Denizen... I wear high heels And bright pink shorts, full leathers and a bra. I wish I rode a Harley, just like my dear mama. [Chorus refrain] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why you have to be killed. Well, the first thing you have to understand (just in case you managed to read this far, and still not figure it out) is that the DoD started as a joke. And in the words of one Denizen, it intends to remain one. Sometime in the far distant past, a hapless newbie asked: "What does DoD stand for? It's not the Department of Defense is it?" Naturally, a Denizen who had watched the movie "Top Gun" a few times too many rose to the occasion and replied: "That's classified, we could tell you, but then we'd have to kill you." And the rest is history. A variation on the "security" theme is to supply disinformation about what DoD stands for. Notable contributions (and contributers, where known) include: Daughters of Democracy (DoD 23) Doers of Donuts Dancers of Despair (DoD 9) Debasers of Daughters Dickweeds of Denver Driveway of Death Debauchers of Donuts Dumpers of Dirtbikes Note that this is not a comprehensive list, as variations appear to be limited only by the contents of one's imagination or dictionary file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The rec.moto.photo archive First a bit of history, this all started with Ilana Stern and Chuck Rogers organizing a rec.motorcycles photo album. Many copies were made, and several sets were sent on tours around the world, only to vanish in unknown locations. Then Bruce Tanner decided that it would be appropriate for an electronic medium to have an electronic photo album. Bruce has not only provided the disk space and ftp & e-mail access, but he has taken the time to scan most of the photos that are available from the archive. Not only can you see what all these folks look like, you can also gawk at their motorcycles. A few non-photo files are available from the server too, they include the DoD membership list, the DoD Yellow Pages, the general rec.motorcycles FAQ, and this FAQ posting. Here are a couple of excerpts from from messages Bruce posted about how to use the archive. ********************************************************** Via ftp: cerritos.edu [] Via e-mail: The address is server@cerritos.edu. The commands are given in the body of the message. The current commands are DIR and SEND, given one per line. The arguments to the commands are VMS style file specifications. For rec.moto.photo the file spec is [DOD]file. For example, you can send: dir [dod] send [dod]bruce_tanner.gif send [dod]dodframe.ps and you'll get back 5 mail messages; a directory listing, 3 uuencoded parts of bruce_tanner.gif, and the dodframe.ps file in ASCII. Oh, wildcards (*) are allowed, but a maximum of 20 mail messages (rounded up to the next whole file) are send. A 'send [dod]*.gif' would send 150 files of 50K each; not a good idea. -- Bruce Tanner (213) 860-2451 x 596 Tanner@Cerritos.EDU Cerritos College Norwalk, CA cerritos!tanner ********************************************************** A couple of comments: Bruce has put quite a bit of effort into this, so why not drop him a note if you find the rec.moto.photo archive useful? Second, since Bruce has provided the server as a favor, it would be kind of you to access it after normal working hours (California time). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patches? What patches? You may have heard mention of various DoD trinkets such as patches & pins. And your reaction was probably: "I want!", or "That's sick!", or perhaps "That's sick! I want!" Well, there's some good news and some bad news. The good news is that there's been an amazing variety of DoD-labeled widgets created. The bad news is that there isn't anywhere you can buy any of them. This isn't because of any "exclusivity" attempt, but simply because there is no "DoD store" that keeps a stock. All of the creations have been done by individual Denizens out of their own pockets. The typical procedure is someone says "I'm thinking of having a DoD frammitz made, they'll cost $xx.xx, with $xx.xx going to the AMA museum. Anyone want one?" Then orders are taken, and a batch of frammitzes large enough to cover the pre-paid orders is produced (and quickly consumed). So if you want a DoD doodad, act quickly the next time somebody decides to do one. Or produce one yourself if you see a void that needs filling, after all this is anarchy in action. Here's a possibly incomplete list of known DoD merchandise (and perpetrators). Patches (DoD#11), pins (DoD#99), stickers (DoD#99), motorcycle license plate frames (DoD#216), t-shirts (DoD#99), polo shirts (DoD#122), Zippo lighters (DoD#99) [LtF FtL], belt buckles (DoD#99), and patches (DoD#99) [a second batch was done (and rapidly consumed) by popular demand]. All "profits" have been donated to the American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Heritage Museum. As of June 1992, over $5500 dollars has been contributed to the museum fund by the DoD. If you visit the museum, you'll see a large plaque on the Founders' Wall in the name of "Denizens of Doom, USENET, The World", complete with a DoD pin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's a letter from the AMA to the DoD regarding our contributions. ~Newsgroups: rec.motorcycles ~From: Arnie Skurow <arnie@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> ~Subject: A letter from the Motorcycle Heritage Museum ~Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1992 11:04:58 GMT I received the following letter from Jim Rogers, director of the Museum, the other day. "Dear Arnie and all members of the Denizens of Doom: Congratulations and expressions of gratitude are in order for you and the Denizens of Doom! With your recent donation, the total amount donated is now $5,500. On behalf of the AMHF, please extend my heartfeld gratitude to all the membership of the Denizens. The club's new plaque is presently being prepared. Of course, everyone is invited to come to the museum to see the plaque that will be installed in our Founders Foyer. By the way, I will personally mount a Denizens club pin on the plaque. Again, thank you for all your support, which means so much to the foundation, the museum, and the fulfillment of its goals. Sincerely, Jim Rogers, D.O.D. #0395 Director P.S. Please post on your computer bulletin board." As you all know, even though the letter was addressed to me personally, it was meant for all of you who purchased DoD goodies that made this amount possible. Arnie ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Rules, Regulations, & Bylaws of the Denizens of Doom Motorcycle Club From time to time there is some mention, discussion, or flame about the rules of the DoD. In order to fan the flames, here is the complete text of the rules governing the DoD. Rule #1. There are no rules. Rule #0. Go ride. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other rec.motorcycles information resources. There are several general rec.motorcycles resources that may or may not have anything to do with the DoD. Most are posted on a regular basis, but they can also be obtained from the cerritos ftp/e-mail server (see the info on the photo archive above). A general rec.motorcycles FAQ is maintained by Dave Williams. Cerritos filenames are FAQn.TXT, where n is currently 1-5. The DoD Yellow Pages, a listing of motorcycle industry vendor phone numbers & addresses, is maintained by bob pakser. Cerritos filename is YELLOW_PAGES_Vnn, where n is the rev. number. The List of the DoD membership is maintained by The Keeper of the List. Cerritos filename is DOD.LIST. This WitDoD FAQ (surprise, surprise!) is maintained by yours truly. Cerritos filename is DOD_FAQ.TXT. Additions, corrections, etc. for any of the above should be aimed at the keepers of the respective texts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Loki Jorgenson loki@Physics.McGill.CA) has provided an archive site for motorcycle and accessory reviews, here's an excerpt from his periodic announcement. ********************************************************** The Rec.Motorcycles.Reviews Archives (and World Famous Llama Emporium) contains a Veritable Plethora (tm) of bike (and accessories) reviews, written by rec.moto readers based on their own experiences. These invaluable gems of opinion (highly valued for their potential to reduce noise on the list) can be accessed via anonymous FTP, Email server or by personal request: Anonymous FTP: ftp.physics.mcgill.ca ( under ~ftp/pub/DoD Email archive server: rm-reviews@ftp.physics.mcgill.ca Review submissions/questions: rm-reviews@physics.mcgill.ca NOTE: There is a difference in the addresses for review submission and using the Email archive server (ie. an "ftp."). To get started with the Email server, send an Email message with a line containing only "send help". NOTE: If your return address appears like domain!subdomain!host!username in your mail header, include a line like (or something similar) path username@host.subdomain.domain If you are interested in submitting a review of a bike that you already own(ed), PLEASE DO! There is a template of the format that the reviews are kept in (more or less) available at the archive site . For those who have Internet access but are unsure of how anonymous FTP works, an example script is available on request. ********************************************************** Reviews of any motorcycle related accessory or widget are welcome too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updated stats & rec.motorcycles rides info Some of the info cited above in various places tends to be a moving target. Rather than trying to catch every occurence, I'm just sticking the latest info down here. Estimated rec.motorcycles readership: 35K [news.groups] Approximate DoD Membership: 975 [KotL] DoD contributions to the American Motorcyclist Association Motorcycle Heritage Museum. Over $5500 [Arnie] Organized (?) Rides: Summer 1992 saw more organized rides, with the Joust in its third year, and the Ride & Feed going strong, but without the Rollins Pass trip due to the collapse of a tunnel. The East Coast Denizens got together for the Right Coast Ride (RCR), with bikers from as far north as NH, and as far south as FL meeting in the Blueridge Mountains of North Carolina. The Pacific Northwest crew organized the first Great Pacific Northwest Dryside Gather (GPNDG), another successful excuse for riding motorcycles, and seeing the faces behind the names we all have come to know so well. [Thanks to Ed Green for the above addition.] Also worth mentioning are: The first rec.moto.dirt ride, held in the Moab/Canyonlands area of southern Utah. Riders from 5 states showed up, riding everything from monster BMWs to itty-bitty XRs to almost-legal 2-strokes. And though it's not an "official" (as if anything could be official with this crowd) rec.moto event, the vintage motorcycle races in Steamboat Springs, Colorado always provides a good excuse for netters to gather. There's also been the occasional Labor Day gather in Utah. European Denizens have staged some gathers too. (Your ad here, reasonable rates!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Blaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland 580 Arapeen Drive, SLC, Utah 84108 blgardne@javelin.sim.es.com BIX: blaine_g@bix.com FJ1200 Half of my vehicles and all of my computers are Kickstarted. DoD#46
> > >>Jagr has a higher +/-, but Francis has had more points. And take it from >>an informed observer, Ronnie Francis has had a *much* better season than >>Jaromir Jagr. This is not to take anything away from Jaro, who had a >>decent year (although it didn't live up to the expectations of some). > >Bowman tended to overplay Francis at times because he is a Bowman-style >player. He plays hard at all times, doesn't disregard his defensive >responsibilities and is a good leader. Bowman rewarded him be increasing his >ice time. > >Jagr can be very arrogant and juvenile and display a "me first" attitude. >This rubbed Bowman the wrong way and caused him to lose some ice time. > >Throughout the year, Francis consistently recieved more ice time than >Jagr. Althouhg I have never seen stats on this subject, I am pretty >sure that Jagr had more points per minute played that Francis. When >you add to that Jagr's better +/- rating, I think it becomes evident >that Jagr had a better season- not that Francis had a bad one. > Actually, what I think has become more evident, is that you are determined to flaunt your ignorance at all cost. Jagr did not have a better season than Francis ... to suggest otherwise is an insult to those with a modicum of hockey knowledge. Save your almost maniacal devotion to the almighty plus/minus ... it is the most misleading hockey stat available. Until the NHL publishes a more useful quantifiable statistic including ice time per game and some measure of its "quality" (i.e., is the player put out in key situations like protecting a lead late in the game; is he matched up against the other team's top one or two lines; short-handed, etc), I would much rather see the +/- disappear altogether instead of having its dubious merits trumpeted by those with little understanding of its implications. Thank you for posting this. As the person who first brought up the fact that Jagr has a much higher +/- than Francis, I can assure you that I brought it up as an example of the absurdity of +/- comparisons, even on the same team. I never, ever thought that anyone would argue that Jagr's higher +/- actually reflected better two-way play. In my opinion, Francis's low +/- is purely a result of him being asked to play against opponents top scorers at all times; the fact that he can chip in 100 points while neutralizing the other team's top center is a testament to how valuable he is, even if his +/- suffers. On the other hand, Jagr, for how big, fast and skilled he is, can't even get 90 points, no matter how inflated his +/- is. (By the way, don't get me wrong -- I like Jagr. He may be a lazy floater, but he turns it on at exactly the right times -- like overtime of playoff games).
Several chemists already have come up with several substitutes for R12. You don't hear about them because the Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS), that is, the people who stand to rake in that $300 to $1000 per retrofit per automobile, have mounted an organized campaign to squash those R12 substitutes out of existence if not ban them altogether (on very shaky technical grounds, at best, on outright lies at worst). Does this piss you off? Yes? Write a letter to your congressman, to your senator, to the president, to the EPA, and to the DOT and complain. Later,
DALLAS HELPS HAWKS STAY IN MONCTON After announcing that they would pull their affiliation out of Moncton, the Winnipeg Jets changed their mind. The Jets announced the move when they said that they would be slashing their minor league roster from 20-something to around a dozen; and they wanted to share with an existing AHL or IHL franchise. Enter the Dallas Lone Stars. Dallas agreed to supply the remaining 6 or 8 players to the Moncton franchise. Thus keeping the Hawks in the New Brunswick city. The deal is for one year and will be extended to three years if the season ticket base increases to over 3000. The Hawks only sold 1400 for this year. SAINT JOHN FLAMES OFFICIAL The Calgary Flames have officially signed a deal with the city of Saint John, NB. The Saint John Blue Flames will play in the 6200 Exhibition Center. The Flames still have to apply for an expansion frnachise from the AHL but are expected to have no trouble. CAPS FOLLOW JACKS TO MAINE Despite rumors to the contrary, the Capitals will follow the Baltimore Skipjacks to Maine. The Caps' current farm team, the Baltimore Skipjacks, announced that they would move to Maine and become the Portland Pirates. There was much doubt as to if the Caps would follow but they announced a limited deal with Portland. They would supply a dozen or so players including 2 goalies. They become the third team to announce a limited farm team along with Moncton and the Capital District Islanders.
Roger Maynard shares his views, with the masses, on Bob Gainey and life in general: It was Bryan Trottier, not Denis Potvin. It was a vicious 'boarding' from behind...Trottier was given a major. But Roger, what the hell does this have to do with Gainey's skill as a hockey player? If Probert smashes Gilmour's head into the boards next week, will that diminish your assessment of Gilmour's skills? I would take Fuhr and Sanderson off of the latter. I think Gainey would be honoured to know that you've included him on this list. I also think you have a relatively naive view about what wins a hockey game...pluggers are an integral part of any team. The Selke is designed to acknowledge their contribution...I think that most people understand that it's not the Nobel Prize...so settle down. congenially, as always, jd -- James David david@student.business.uwo.ca
That I did not do; however, the sample bolt I took to the store fit rather well in the following: 1/2" open end wrench, 1/2" box end wrench, 1/2" 12-point normal socket. I take that as meaning it's a 1/2" bolt head. Yup. At $6 a socket, I want the @#$@# thing to FIT! Later,
Hear, hear! Thanks, Robbie. You also don't read that much about violence *against* teenagers, such as George Bush burying alive tens of thousands of unarmed Iraqi 17-year-olds, who were trying to surrender, with bulldozers.
Has David Wells landed with a team yet? I'd think the Tigers with their anemic pitching would grab this guy pronto!
Not too hard to remember, I bought a GS1000 new in '78. :-) It was 3rd place in the '78 speed wars (behind the CBX & XS Eleven) with a 11.8 @ 113 1/4 mile, and 75 horses. That wouldn't even make a good 600 these days. Then again, I paid $2800 for it, so technology isn't the only thing that's changed. Of course I'd still rather ride the old GS across three states than any of the 600's. I guess it's an indication of how much things have changed that a 12 second 400 didn't seem too far out of line.
Keith Hanlan, on the Wed, 14 Apr 1993 19:20:14 GMT wibbled: : >If I remember correctly, the reason that BMW's come with those expensive, : >and relatively worthless, short lived Varda batteries, is 'cause BMW owns : >a controling interest in that battery Manufacturer. : What's wrong with the BMW battery? I've never had problems and I know : numerous people that are still using the original battery in there : 8-10 year old beemers. Kay, my '86 K100RS still has her original battery in. She's OK -- Nick (the Sufficiently Well Charged Biker) DoD 1069 Concise Oxford M'Lud.
Me, too... RBI are a worthless stat. Of course, so is stolen bases because sometimes runners are in front of a player that would otherwise run. And of course pitchers pitch differently with different people on different bases, so batting average, slugging and obp out, too. Hmmm... i guess homers would not count then, either. My point? RBI might not be a perfect stat but nothing is. And no stat (or lack of) can tell me there are no clutch hitters. Maybe no stat CAN tell me, either, but some people are... I just know it!!! 8)