import requests import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import os from newsapi import NewsApiClient from datetime import date, timedelta from transformers import pipeline HF_TOKEN = os.environ["newsapi"] # Initialization newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key=HF_TOKEN) classifier = pipeline(model="cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment") today = str( - timedelta(days=1)) #end_date = #start_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=5) print("******** Outside Inference function ********") print(f"HF_TOKEN is - {HF_TOKEN}") #top-headlines all_top_headlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(country='in') sentiment_tophead = ['Negative' if classifier(entry['content'])[0]['label'] == 'LABEL_0' else 'Neutral' if classifier(entry['content'])[0]['label'] == 'LABEL_1' else 'Positive' for entry in all_top_headlines['articles']] print(f"sentiment_tophead length is {len(sentiment_tophead)}") print(f"all_top_headlines length is {len(all_top_headlines['articles'])}") print("************** sentiment start ****************") print(sentiment_tophead) print("************** sentiment end ****************") #times of india all_articles_toi = newsapi.get_everything(sources='the-times-of-india', domains= '', #'', from_param=today, to=today, language='en', sort_by='relevancy',) sentiment_toi = ['Negative' if classifier(entry['content'])[0]['label'] == 'LABEL_0' else 'Neutral' if classifier(entry['content'])[0]['label'] == 'LABEL_1' else 'Positive' for entry in all_articles_toi['articles']] print(f"sentiment_toi length is {len(sentiment_toi)}") print(f"all_articles_toi length is {len(all_articles_toi['articles'])}") #Driver positive def inference_pos(newssource): #, date): if newssource == "Times Of India": sentiment = sentiment_toi all_articles = all_articles_toi elif newssource == "Top Headlines": sentiment = sentiment_tophead all_articles = all_top_headlines #""link text description = [entry['description'] for entry in all_articles['articles']] content = [entry['content'] for entry in all_articles['articles']] url = ["Click here for the original news article' for entry in all_articles['articles']] urlToImage = ["" for entry in all_articles['articles']] print("********************* Positive News **************************") print(f"Newssource is - {newssource}") print(f"description length is - {len(description)}") print(f"content length is - {len(content)}") print(f"url length is - {len(url)}") print(f"urlToImage length is - {len(urlToImage)}") print(f"sentiment length is - {len(sentiment)}") dictnews = { 'description' : description, 'content' : content, 'url' : url, 'urlToImage' : urlToImage, 'sentiment' : sentiment} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictnews) df = df.loc[df['sentiment'] == 'Positive'] print(f"dataframe shape is :,{df.shape}") return df #Driver - negative def inference_neg(newssource): #, date): if newssource == "Times Of India": sentiment = sentiment_toi all_articles = all_articles_toi elif newssource == "Top Headlines": sentiment = sentiment_tophead all_articles = all_top_headlines description = [entry['description'] for entry in all_articles['articles']] content = [entry['content'] for entry in all_articles['articles']] url = ["Click here for the original news article' for entry in all_articles['articles']] urlToImage = ["" for entry in all_articles['articles']] print("********************* Negative News ***********************") print(f"Newssource is - {newssource}") print(f"description length is - {len(description)}") print(f"content length is - {len(content)}") print(f"url length is - {len(url)}") print(f"urlToImage length is - {len(urlToImage)}") print(f"sentiment length is - {len(sentiment)}") dictnews = { 'description' : description, 'content' : content, 'url' : url, 'urlToImage' : urlToImage, 'sentiment' : sentiment} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictnews) df = df.loc[df['sentiment'] == 'Negative'] print(f"dataframe shape is :,{df.shape}") return df #Driver - neutral def inference_neut(newssource): #, date): if newssource == "Times Of India": sentiment = sentiment_toi all_articles = all_articles_toi elif newssource == "Top Headlines": sentiment = sentiment_tophead all_articles = all_top_headlines description = [entry['description'] for entry in all_articles['articles']] content = [entry['content'] for entry in all_articles['articles']] url = ["Click here for the original news article' for entry in all_articles['articles']] urlToImage = ["" for entry in all_articles['articles']] print("********************* Neutral News ***********************") print(f"Newssource is - {newssource}") print(f"description length is - {len(description)}") print(f"content length is - {len(content)}") print(f"url length is - {len(url)}") print(f"urlToImage length is - {len(urlToImage)}") print(f"sentiment length is - {len(sentiment)}") dictnews = { 'description' : description, 'content' : content, 'url' : url, 'urlToImage' : urlToImage, 'sentiment' : sentiment} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dictnews) df = df.loc[df['sentiment'] == 'Neutral'] print(f"dataframe shape is :,{df.shape}") return df #Gradio Blocks with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("

Filter News for Social Wellbeing Using AI

") gr.Markdown("""
""") gr.Markdown( """
This AI Tool helps maintain Social-Wellbeing by filtering out Negative News. This is an artificially intelligent system that classifies news into negative, positive, and neutral news.
System Components : HuggingFace Hub, News API, HuggingFace Spaces, Python Programming Language, Pre-Trained AI Model, and Gradio for User-Interface

How to use:
- Firstly, select either Times Of India or Top Headlines from the Dropdown.
- Secondly, Press Get Positive News button, or Press Get Negative News button, or Press Get Neutral News button and wait for few seconds for all the news articles to load in a table.
- Click in the URL column for the respective news article to look into the details. This will open the news from the original website in a separate browser tab.
""") with gr.Row(): in_newssource = gr.Dropdown(["Times Of India", "Top Headlines"], label='Choose a News Outlet') #in_date = gr.Textbox(visible = False, value = today) with gr.Row(): b1 = gr.Button("Get Positive News") b2 = gr.Button("Get Negative News") b3 = gr.Button("Get Neutral News") with gr.Row(): #sample #out_news = gr.HTML(label="First News Link", show_label=True) out_dataframe = gr.Dataframe(wrap=True, datatype = ["str", "str", "markdown", "markdown", "str"]), inputs=in_newssource, outputs=out_dataframe) #, out_news]), inputs=in_newssource, outputs=out_dataframe) #, out_news]), inputs=in_newssource, outputs=out_dataframe) #, out_news]) demo.launch(debug=True, show_error=True)