Source code for datasets.features.translation

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, ClassVar, List, Optional

import pyarrow as pa

[docs]@dataclass class Translation: """`FeatureConnector` for translations with fixed languages per example. Here for compatiblity with tfds. Input: The Translate feature accepts a dictionary for each example mapping string language codes to string translations. Output: A dictionary mapping string language codes to translations as `Text` features. Example:: # At construction time: datasets.features.Translation(languages=['en', 'fr', 'de']) # During data generation: yield { 'en': 'the cat', 'fr': 'le chat', 'de': 'die katze' } """ languages: List[str] id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed dtype: ClassVar[str] = "dict" pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None _type: str = field(default="Translation", init=False, repr=False) def __call__(self): return pa.struct({lang: pa.string() for lang in sorted(self.languages)})
[docs]@dataclass class TranslationVariableLanguages: """`FeatureConnector` for translations with variable languages per example. Here for compatiblity with tfds. Input: The TranslationVariableLanguages feature accepts a dictionary for each example mapping string language codes to one or more string translations. The languages present may vary from example to example. Output: language: variable-length 1D tf.Tensor of tf.string language codes, sorted in ascending order. translation: variable-length 1D tf.Tensor of tf.string plain text translations, sorted to align with language codes. Example:: # At construction time: datasets.features.Translation(languages=['en', 'fr', 'de']) # During data generation: yield { 'en': 'the cat', 'fr': ['le chat', 'la chatte,'] 'de': 'die katze' } # Tensor returned : { 'language': ['en', 'de', 'fr', 'fr'], 'translation': ['the cat', 'die katze', 'la chatte', 'le chat'], } """ languages: Optional[List] = None num_languages: Optional[int] = None id: Optional[str] = None # Automatically constructed dtype: ClassVar[str] = "dict" pa_type: ClassVar[Any] = None _type: str = field(default="TranslationVariableLanguages", init=False, repr=False) def __post_init__(self): self.languages = list(sorted(list(set(self.languages)))) if self.languages else None self.num_languages = len(self.languages) if self.languages else None def __call__(self): return pa.struct({"language": pa.list_(pa.string()), "translation": pa.list_(pa.string())}) def encode_example(self, translation_dict): lang_set = set(self.languages) if self.languages and set(translation_dict) - lang_set: raise ValueError( f'Some languages in example ({", ".join(sorted(set(translation_dict) - lang_set))}) are not in valid set ({", ".join(lang_set)}).' ) # Convert dictionary into tuples, splitting out cases where there are # multiple translations for a single language. translation_tuples = [] for lang, text in translation_dict.items(): if isinstance(text, str): translation_tuples.append((lang, text)) else: translation_tuples.extend([(lang, el) for el in text]) # Ensure translations are in ascending order by language code. languages, translations = zip(*sorted(translation_tuples)) return {"language": languages, "translation": translations}