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Source code for datasets.filesystems
import importlib
import fsspec
from . import compression
_has_s3fs = importlib.util.find_spec("s3fs") is not None
if _has_s3fs:
from .s3filesystem import S3FileSystem # noqa: F401
# Register custom filesystems
fsspec.register_implementation(compression.gzip.GZipFileSystem.protocol, compression.gzip.GZipFileSystem)
[docs]def is_remote_filesystem(fs: fsspec.spec.AbstractFileSystem) -> bool:
Validates if filesystem has remote protocol.
fs (``fsspec.spec.AbstractFileSystem``): An abstract super-class for pythonic file-systems, e.g. :code:`fsspec.filesystem(\'file\')` or :class:`datasets.filesystems.S3FileSystem`
if fs is not None and fs.protocol != "file":
return True
return False