Load a Dataset in Streaming mode¶

When a dataset is in streaming mode, you can iterate over it directly without having to download the entire dataset. The data are downloaded progressively as you iterate over the dataset. You can enable dataset streaming by passing streaming=True in the load_dataset() function to get an iterable dataset.

This is useful if you don’t have enough space on your disk to download the dataset, or if you don’t want to wait for your dataset to be downloaded before using it.

Here is a demonstration:

>>> from datasets import load_dataset
>>> dataset = load_dataset('oscar', "unshuffled_deduplicated_en", split='train', streaming=True)
>>> print(next(iter(dataset)))
{'text': 'Mtendere Village was inspired by the vision of Chief Napoleon Dzombe, which he shared with John Blanchard during his first visit to Malawi. Chief Napoleon conveyed the desperate need for a program to intervene and care for the orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Malawi, and John committed to help...

Even though the dataset is 1.2 terabytes of data, you can start using it right away. Under the hood, it downloaded only the first examples of the dataset for buffering, and returned the first example.


The dataset that is returned is a datasets.IterableDataset, not the classic map-style datasets.Dataset. To get examples from an iterable dataset, you have to iterate over it using a for loop for example. To get the very last example of the dataset, you first have to iterate on all the previous examples. Therefore iterable datasets are mostly useful for iterative jobs like training a model, but not for jobs that require random access of examples.

Shuffling the dataset: shuffle¶

Shuffle the dataset¶

To shuffle your dataset, the datasets.IterableDataset.shuffle() method fills a buffer of size buffer_size and randomly samples examples from this buffer. The selected examples in the buffer are replaced by new examples.

For instance, if your dataset contains 1,000,000 examples but buffer_size is set to 1,000, then shuffle will initially select a random examples from only the first 1,000 examples in the buffer. Once an example is selected, its space in the buffer is replaced by the next (i.e. 1,001-st) example, maintaining the 1,000 example buffer.


For perfect shuffling, you need to set buffer_size to be greater than the size of your dataset. But in this case it will download the full dataset in the buffer.

Moreover, for larger datasets that are sharded into multiple files, datasets.IterableDataset.shuffle() also shuffles the order of the shards.

>>> shuffled_dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=10_000, seed=42)
>>> print(next(iter(shuffled_dataset)))
{text': 'In this role, she oversees the day-to-day operations of the agency’s motoring services divisions (Vehicle Titles & Registration, Motor Vehicles, Motor Carrier, Enforcement, Consumer Relations and the Automobile Burglary & Theft Prevention Authority) to ensure they are constantly improving and identifying opportunities to become more efficient and effective in service delivery...
>>> print(dataset.n_shards)

In this example, the shuffle buffer contains 10,000 examples that were downloaded from one random shard of the dataset (here it actually comes from the 480-th shard out of 670). The example was selected randomly from this buffer, and replaced by the 10,001-st example of the dataset shard.

Note that if the order of the shards has been fixed by using datasets.IterableDataset.skip() or datasets.IterableDataset.take() then the order of the shards is kept unchanged.

Reshuffle the dataset at each epoch¶

The seed used to shuffle the dataset is the one you specify in datasets.IterableDataset.shuffle(). But often we want to use another seed after each epoch to reshuffle the dataset. Therefore between epochs you can simply tell the dataset at what epoch you’re at, and the data will be shuffled using an effective seed of seed + epoch.

For example your training loop can look like this:

>>> for epoch in range(epochs):
...     shuffled_dataset.set_epoch(epoch)
...     for example in shuffled_dataset:
...         ...

In this case in the first epoch, the dataset is shuffled with seed + 0 and in the second epoch it is shuffled with seed + 1, making your dataset reshuffled at each epoch. It randomizes both the shuffle buffer and the shards order.

Processing data with map¶

As for datasets.Dataset objects, you can process your data using map. This is useful if you want to transform the data or rename/remove columns. Since the examples of an datasets.IterableDataset are downloaded progressively, the datasets.IterableDataset.map() method processes the examples on-the-fly when you are iterating over the dataset (contrary to datasets.Dataset.map() which processes all the examples directly).

This example shows how to tokenize your dataset:

>>> from transformers import AutoTokenizer
>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
>>> tokenized_dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: tokenizer(x["text"]))
>>> print(next(iter(tokenized_dataset)))
{'input_ids': [101, 11047, 10497, 7869, 2352...], 'token_type_ids': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0...], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1...]}

Tokenizers are written in Rust and use parallelism to speed up tokenization. To leverage parallelism, you can process the examples batch by batch. Note that the output examples are still returned one by one.

>>> tokenized_dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: tokenizer(x["text"]), batched=True)  # default batch_size is 1000 but you can specify another batch_size if needed
>>> print(next(iter(tokenized_dataset)))
{'input_ids': [101, 11047, 10497, 7869, 2352...], 'token_type_ids': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0...], 'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1...]}

Split your dataset with take and skip¶

You can split your dataset by taking or skipping the first n examples.

You can create a new dataset with the first n examples by using datasets.IterableDataset.take(), or you can create a dataset with the rest of the examples by skipping the first n examples with datasets.IterableDataset.skip():

>>> dataset = load_dataset('oscar', "unshuffled_deduplicated_en", split='train', streaming=True)
>>> dataset_head = dataset.take(2)
>>> list(dataset_head)
[{'id': 0, 'text': 'Mtendere Village was...'}, '{id': 1, 'text': 'Lily James cannot fight the music...'}]
>>> # You can also create splits from a shuffled dataset
>>> train_dataset = shuffled_dataset.skip(1000)
>>> eval_dataset = shuffled_dataset.take(1000)

Some things to keep in mind:

  • When you apply skip to a dataset, iterating on the new dataset will take some time to start. This is because under the hood it has to iterate over the skipped examples first.

  • Using take (or skip) prevents future calls to shuffle from shuffling the dataset shards order, otherwise the taken examples could come from other shards. In this case it only uses the shuffle buffer. Therefore it is advised to shuffle the dataset before splitting using take or skip. See more details in the Shuffling the dataset: shuffle section.

Mix several iterable datasets together with interleave_datasets¶

It is common to use several datasets to use a model. For example BERT was trained on a mix of Wikipedia and BookCorpus. You can mix several iterable datasets together using datasets.interleave_datasets().

By default, the resulting dataset alternates between the original datasets, but can also define sampling probabilities to sample randomly from the different datasets.

For example if you want a dataset in several languages:

>>> from datasets import interleave_datasets
>>> from itertools import islice
>>> en_dataset = load_dataset('oscar', "unshuffled_deduplicated_en", split='train', streaming=True)
>>> fr_dataset = load_dataset('oscar', "unshuffled_deduplicated_fr", split='train', streaming=True)
>>> multilingual_dataset = interleave_datasets([en_dataset, fr_dataset])
>>> print(list(islice(multilingual_dataset, 2)))
[{'text': 'Mtendere Village was inspired by the vision...}, {'text': "Média de débat d'idées, de culture et de littérature....}]
>>> multilingual_dataset_with_oversampling = interleave_datasets([en_dataset, fr_dataset], probabilities=[0.8, 0.2], seed=42)
>>> print(list(islice(multilingual_dataset_with_oversampling, 2)))
[{'text': 'Mtendere Village was inspired by the vision...}, {'text': 'Lily James cannot fight the music...}]

Working with NumPy, pandas, PyTorch and TensorFlow¶

This part is still experimental and breaking changes may happen in the near future.

It is possible to get a torch.utils.data.IterableDataset from a datasets.IterableDataset by setting the dataset format to “torch”, as for a datasets.Dataset:

>>> import torch
>>> tokenized_dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: tokenizer(x["text"], return_tensors="pt"))
>>> torch_tokenized_dataset = tokenized_dataset.with_format("torch")
>>> assert isinstance(torch_tokenized_dataset, torch.utils.data.IterableDataset)
>>> print(next(iter(torch_tokenized_dataset)))
{'input_ids': tensor([[101, 11047, 10497, 7869, 2352...]]), 'token_type_ids': tensor([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0...]]), 'attention_mask': tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1...]])}

For now, only the PyTorch format is supported but support for TensorFlow and others will be added soon.