BACKGROUND Tracheal intubation in the lateral position is difficult because the laryngeal view is compromised during direct laryngoscopy .
BACKGROUND The Airway Scope facilitates intubation even when laryngeal views are poor with direct laryngoscopy , as they often are in the lateral position .
BACKGROUND We thus compared the efficacy of the Airway Scope in supine patients with those in the left - and right-lateral positions .
METHODS Anesthetized adults were randomly assigned to supine , left-lateral , or right-lateral position ( n = 43 for each group ) .
METHODS Laryngeal views were obtained in the designated position with a Macintosh laryngoscope , and patients ' tracheas were subsequently intubated with the Airway Scope .
METHODS Specifically , we tested the hypothesis that the time required for intubation in the left - and right-lateral positions is not increased by > 10 seconds compared with tracheal intubation in the supine position .
RESULTS Overall intubation success was 100 % in the 2 lateral positions , and 98 % in the supine position .
RESULTS Intubation times were similar in the left-lateral ( 24 [ 5 ] seconds , mean [ SD ] ) , right-lateral ( 24 [ 6 ] seconds ) , and supine ( 22 [ 7 ] seconds ) positions .
RESULTS The numbers of required intubation attempts were similar in the 2 lateral positions and in the supine and left-lateral positions .
RESULTS However , more intubation attempts were required in the supine position than in the right-lateral position ( P = 0.004 ) .
RESULTS The incidences of airway complications were similar in each position ; no hypoxia , dental injury , or esophageal intubation was observed .
RESULTS Modified Cormack-Lehane and the percentage of glottic opening scores obtained with the Macintosh laryngoscope did not differ between the 2 lateral positions , but the modified Cormack-Lehane and percentage of glottic opening scores were superior in the supine position ( all P < 0.001 ) compared with either of the lateral positions .
CONCLUSIONS Despite worse laryngoscopic views in either lateral position than when patients were supine , intubation with the Airway Scope offered high success rates .
CONCLUSIONS Furthermore , intubation time using the Airway Scope in either lateral position was not longer by > 10 seconds than in the supine position .
CONCLUSIONS The Airway Scope thus seems to be a useful tool when tracheal intubation is required in a laterally positioned patient .
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of veno-venous continuous renal replacement therapy ( CRRT ) on the plasma levels of endotoxin and cytokines in severely burned patients with sepsis .
METHODS Twenty adult severely burned patients with sepsis were studied .
METHODS For the diagnosis of sepsis , patients were randomly divided into CRRT ( n = 10 ) and Control ( n = 10 ) .
METHODS Both groups received conventional therapy after admission .
METHODS Veno-venous CRRT was administered to 10 patients in the CRRT group whenever patients were determined to be septic .
METHODS The plasma level of endotoxin , TNF-alpha , IL-1 beta , IL-6 and IL-8 were measured at 0 , 1 , 2 , 6 , 12 , 36 and 60 h after CRRT initiation , and at 0 , 12 , 36 and 60 h after the patients were diagnosed as having sepsis in the Control group .
RESULTS Plasma level of endotoxin and all the cytokines after CRRT initiation were significantly lower than those before the treatment ( P < 0.01 ) .
RESULTS The serial change of endotoxin , IL-1 beta , IL-6 and IL-8 was significantly lower at 12 , 36 and 60 h after treatment compared with Control groups ( P < 0.01 ) .
RESULTS A significant decrease in plasma TNF-alpha levels was seen at 36 and 60 h after treatment compared with Control groups ( P < 0.01 ) .
CONCLUSIONS Plasma endotoxin and cytokines ( TNF-alpha , IL-1 beta , IL-6 and IL-8 ) can be removed effectively with CRRT in severely burned patients with sepsis .
OBJECTIVE To study the effect of Shenqi Fuzheng Injection ( SFI ) on cellular immune in patients with mammary cancer ( MC ) after chemotherapy .
METHODS One hundred and ten patients with MC were randomly assigned to two groups .
METHODS The 58 patients in the tested group were treated with SFI in cooperation with chemotherapy of CAF protocol ( Cyclophosphamide , Doxorubicin and Fluorouracil ) , while the 52 patients in the control group were treated with chemotherapy of the same protocol alone .
METHODS Changes of the patients ' quality of life ( QOF ) , adverse reaction that occurred , peripheral lymphocyte count and killing activity of single karyocyte before and after treatment between the two groups were compared .
RESULTS Patients ' QOF elevating rate after treatment in the tested group and the control group was 34.5 % and 13.5 % respectively ; The lowering of peripheral blood cell count of WBC , platelet and lymphocyte as well as that of the killing activity of single peripheral karyocyte on various kinds of MC cells were all milder and recovery sooner than those in the control group .
CONCLUSIONS SFI in combination with chemotherapy in treating MC could reduce the occurrence of adverse reaction to chemotherapy , improve clinical symptoms , elevate QOF and enhance immunity in patients with MC .
BACKGROUND Probiotics are microbial supplements that have shown efficacy in a wide range of applications .
BACKGROUND To assess the safety and effects of enteral probiotics in critically ill neonates .
METHODS A double-blind , randomized controlled trial was conducted in 100 full-term infants with critical illness according to scores of neonatal acute physiology .
METHODS Fifty neonatal intensive care patients were randomly assigned to receive probiotics three times daily after birth for 8 days , and fifty patients were not given probiotics , but who received a placebo .
METHODS The incidence of sepsis , multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) , nosocomial pneumonia , and necrotizing enterocolitis were recorded .
METHODS The prognosis of probiotic treatment was determined based on the rate of recovery and hospital days .
METHODS Serum IgA , IgG , and IgM concentrations were measured on days 4 and 8 .
RESULTS Infants in the probiotics group showed a significantly reduced rate of nosocomial pneumonia ( 18 % versus 36 % ) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( 6 % versus 16 % ) compared with the placebo group ( p < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS Significant results were demonstrated in favour of the probiotics for days of hospital stay ( 13 3.5 d versus 15.8 5.3 d ) ( p < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS However , there were no significant differences in the occurrence of sepsis , necrotizing enterocolitis , and recovery rate .
RESULTS Patients given probiotics had significantly greater levels of IgA than those in the placebo group ( p < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS No serious adverse effects in the study population were noted .
CONCLUSIONS Supplements of probiotics to critically ill neonates could enhance immune activity , decrease occurrence of nosocomial pneumonia and MODS , and reduce days in hospital .
OBJECTIVE Decreases in prefrontal electroencephalogram ( EEG ) cordance that are detectable as early as 48 hours after the start of medication have been related to clinical outcome in treatment trials for major depressive disorder .
OBJECTIVE The relationship between brain changes during the placebo lead-in phase and medication treatment outcome is unknown .
OBJECTIVE The authors hypothesized that decreases in prefrontal cordance during the placebo lead-in phase would be associated with better clinical outcome in subjects treated with antidepressants .
METHODS Data were pooled examining 51 adults with major depressive disorder from two independent double-blind placebo-controlled trials .
METHODS A 1-week single-blind placebo lead-in phase preceded 8 weeks of randomized treatment with medication ( fluoxetine 20 mg or venlafaxine 150 mg ) or placebo .
METHODS The authors obtained quantitative EEG cordance measures at baseline and at the end of the placebo lead-in period .
METHODS Relationships between regional cordance changes at the end of the placebo lead-in period and clinical outcome ( the final 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression scores ) were examined using multiple linear regression analysis .
RESULTS As hypothesized , decreases in prefrontal cordance during the placebo lead-in period were associated with lower final Hamilton depression scale scores in subjects randomly assigned to medication .
RESULTS Prefrontal changes explained 19 % of the variance in final Hamilton depression scale scores .
CONCLUSIONS Neurophysiological changes during a placebo lead-in period may serve as nonpharmacodynamic biomarkers of eventual treatment outcomes in clinical trials for major depressive disorder .
BACKGROUND Late onset hypogonadism negatively impacts on men 's psychological well-being .
BACKGROUND This study was conducted to examine the interrelationship among symptoms of testosterone deficiency , psychological well-being , and quality of life .
METHODS Eligible subjects were randomized into active treatment and control groups , and were asked to complete the following questionnaires at baseline and month 6 : aging male 's symptoms ( AMS ) rating scale , hospital anxiety and depression scale ( HADS ) , perceived stress scale ( PSS ) and the short form health survey-12 ( SF-12 ) .
METHODS In this study , men were treated and monitored for 6 months with oral testosterone undecanoate ( TU ) capsules or vitamin E/C capsules in a single-blinded fashion .
METHODS All in the active treatment group were administered a total of 120 - 160 mg TU orally on a daily basis .
METHODS Total and free T levels between baseline and month 6 were compared .
RESULTS One hundred and sixty eligible subjects were recruited and followed up .
RESULTS In the active treatment group , total serum testosterone concentrations before and after intervention were ( 7.98 0.73 ) nmol/L and ( 13.7 1.18 ) nmol/L .
RESULTS The mean HADS anxiety subscale scores for the subjects at baseline and at month 6 were 3.47 0.4 and 1.72 0.2 , respectively ( t = 1.526 , P < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS Additionally , the mean HADS depression subscale scores were 4.91 0.6 and 2.39 0.3 , respectively ( t = 3.466 , P < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS The mean scores on PSS for the subjects at baseline and at month 6 were 12.88 2.1 and 9.83 1.7 , respectively ( t = 4.009 , P < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS Significantly improved SF-12 could be observed ( t = 1.433 and 1.118 , respectively ; both P < 0.05 ) .
RESULTS No significant changes were observed in the control group at month 6 .
CONCLUSIONS Androgen replacement not only improves androgen deficiency associated symptoms , but also enhances comprehensive improvement in psychological issues .
BACKGROUND Methyl aminolaevulinate-photodynamic therapy ( MAL-PDT ) is an effective treatment in facial/scalp actinic keratosis ( AK ) .
OBJECTIVE The aims of this study were to compare efficacy , safety , cosmetic outcome and patient preference of MAL-PDT vs. cryotherapy in patients with AK at other locations .
METHODS A multicentre , controlled , randomized , open , intraindividual , right-left comparison was performed .
METHODS Patients with nonhyperkeratotic AK were treated once with MAL-PDT and cryotherapy on either side of the body .
METHODS At week 12 , lesions showing noncomplete response were retreated .
METHODS The primary efficacy variable was the lesion response at week 24 .
METHODS Investigator 's assessment of cosmetic outcome , patient 's preference in terms of cosmetic outcome and a patient preference questionnaire were also analysed at week 24 .
RESULTS In total , of 121 patients with 1343 lesions ( 98 % located on the extremities and the remainder on the trunk and neck ) were included .
RESULTS Both treatments provided a high mean percentage reduction in lesion count at week 24 with significantly higher efficacy for cryotherapy : 78 % for MAL-PDT and 88 % for cryotherapy ( P = 0.002 , per protocol population ) .
RESULTS Investigator 's assessment of cosmetic outcome was significantly better for MAL-PDT than cryotherapy ( P < 0.001 ) , 79 % of lesions having an excellent cosmetic outcome with MAL-PDT vs. 56 % with cryotherapy at week 24 .
RESULTS The cosmetic outcome achieved by MAL-PDT compared with cryotherapy was also preferred by patients ( 50 % vs. 22 % , respectively , P < 0.001 ) , and 59 % of patients would prefer to have any new lesions treated with MAL-PDT compared with 25 % with cryotherapy ( P < 0.001 ) .
RESULTS Both treatment regimens were safe and well tolerated .
CONCLUSIONS MAL-PDT showed inferior efficacy for treatment of non-face/scalp AK compared with cryotherapy .
CONCLUSIONS However , both treatments showed high efficacy , and MAL-PDT conveyed the advantages of better cosmesis and higher patient preference .
OBJECTIVE To determine whether patients with borderline semen should be treated with conventional IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) .
METHODS Randomized study .
METHODS A university medical center in The Netherlands .