you know.
journalistically jaded but it is kind of an amazing thing.
last friday president trump started a trade war with china or maybe it started months ago or maybe we are not even in one yet.
but regardless he put tariffs on $50000000000 worth of chinese stuff because we have to because we have been treated very unfairly china responded by saying we are going to slap $50000000000 worth of tariffs on you too now president trump gave a reason for this.
he said that china steals from the u s that china steals our ideas and our technology and as proof.
trump mentioned this big report that was put together by the u s trade representative is office.
and it has this insanely long name findings of the investigation into china is acts policies and practices related to technology transfer.
but the thing in the report that i was really interested in is appendix c because in appendix c there is a list of all the companies that have something to say about china.
including companies that are complaining about china.
but if you look at it carefully what you see is that instead of individual companies.
there is mostly a lot of trade organizations 0 yeah the american foundry society the biotechnology innovation organization.
and i said can you put me in touch with one company that can explain what it looks like when china steals or demands its intellectual property or its technology yeah and they said sure just hang on i waited a couple days.
and then they mostly got back to me and said sorry but we can not find a company that is willing to talk to you which makes sense because probably a lot of these companies are doing business in china.
and they have a lot to lose but while i was combing through appendix c i came across this little company that testified for the report.
and it actually used its name.
hello and welcome to planet money i am noel king and i am nick fountain today on the show.
is china really stealing from the u s we read this brick of a report that the president is using to justify his trade war and buried inside we found this strange complicated and very personal story.
2 men a businessman and a scientist together they got hold of an invention that they thought might change the world.
and together they hoped to make a lot of money instead they descended into suspicion accusations and lawsuits how do you feel right now about the professor.
well i mean.
i do not hate him.
i do not trust him and eventually they ended up in the pages of the trump administration is report.
so i called them up and i got the ceo ed rogers.
and i said to him you know a lot of the companies in this report did not want to use their names i mean you always keep in the back of your mind that when you stand up or raise your hand that.
you know somebody is going to probably shoot at you but in my opinion.
to hide behind anonymity is cowardly so i went down to virginia to meet this guy ed rogers.
ed rogers looks so much like mitt romney that he was once mistaken for mitt romney at a mitt romney event.
here is the story that ed told the u s trade representative for the report and the story he told me it is also the subject of a criminal investigation and a couple of lawsuits.
the owner of the company was a scientist ed was the business guy so ed was not in the lab that morning but the scientist his boss.
sent him this email at 1037 a m we think it is going to work this is just amazing what a beautiful idea this beautiful idea was a new process to make a rare sugar called tagatose tagatose is a sugar with like magical properties.
it is very low calorie it tastes like actual sugar which is miraculous enough.
but also you eat it and it stops your blood sugar from rising also according to a scientist that we talked to.
and that was ed is job he was hired to market what was being invented in that lab the scientist ed was working for was a guy named percival zhang he was also a professor at virginia tech.
and ed told me that he really admired percival well he was very smart there was a bit of a language barrier because he is originally from china ed says they emailed a lot seemed to have a good relationship so everything is chugging along.
i think he probably still has family over there.
but he had speaking engagements so there did not seem to be anything unusual about that percival also seemed to have a relationship with a lab in china i started hearing about a satellite lab that there is another lab being set up somewhere in china by the way percival is lawyer denies that there were satellite labs did you ever just pull the professor into an office and say.
hey pal.
it is making me uncomfortable that i am hearing about a satellite lab set up in china.
did you ever just confront him and say what what are you doing.
well not exactly like that.
i wanted to be respectful of the professor because very smart guy.
he started the company it was his company.
you know and i i did not want to try to order him around but also ed owns stock in percival is company.
so whatever happens to the company also happens to him so ed says he is just kind of leery.
and then in december of 20156 months after the discovery in the lab percival is out of the office he is traveling and ed says he gets another email from percival that worries him.
it is about their amazing breakthrough.
the tagatose technology ed told me that in this email percival mentions a research institute in china.
it is called the tianjin institute of industrial biotechnology what is the tianjin institute of biotechnology it is an arm of the chinese academy of sciences as i understand it so it is owned by the government and and the professor tells you hey we have got an opportunity to sell our technology to them.
yes ah the number was between 5 and $20000000 to sell 60% of the technology.
and i was like and and ok now we have got a real problem here that is ed is version percival denies it.
ed says he was like i do not know anything about this institute in china why would we agree to do this yeah if the technology was successful you could get it in major soda brands.
it could be in candy bars i actually tried a spoonful it was so good get the runs and.
i was thinking like little packets of tagatose for your coffee.
he and percival sat across from each other at a long conference table it was not a very long meeting and it was not a very friendly meeting.
and it involved some shouting.
you know what are you doing here and why is this happening and this is not appropriate.
and that is when i was told that my contract would not be extended past december 15 point ed has been fired ed says he tried asking percival what was going on in china was percival taking their technologies there.
but he says he was not getting clear answers now ed does know that the company is getting its funding from grants to work on tagatose and these other technologies.
some of those grants are from the national science foundation.
so he sits down and he does something that i do not know.
he starts reading through grant applications looking into whether there had been grant fraud and i realize ok well the grant applications say that the company owns these technologies.
and that is a contradiction.
and if what the professor is saying is true.
then that makes the statements in the grant applications untrue.
0 that is not a small deal i am not going to say the professor has been lying.
so the part on page 3 says.
i am not a scientist however in my understanding of the grant applications.
the proposed he was telling on the man who hired him a guy he says he admired a respected professor so there is a thing i have seen at my son is school that says choose the ah hard hard right not the easy wrong and.
this was i would not say this was an easy decision to let the and nsf know but it was a decision that i felt like i had to make within a few weeks the national science foundation froze the company is grant money while it investigated.
but interestingly despite all of this.
ed and percival did not immediately cut ties.
which seems weird because there is a lot of mistrust here but remember.
they kind of need each other too they both own shares in percival is company at this and ed has also started another company called bonumose.
the 2 men negotiate a deal.
ed give shares in his company to percival is company.
and the tagatose technology is transferred over to ed is new company then.
did you have chance to see this patent.
so that is a ah what.
to be clear.
it is a patent application.
but 2 of them are anonymous.
and this is what sets ed on his path.
he wonders.
is one of those anonymous inventors percival zhang.
that was the spring of 2017.
a couple months later president trump orders this investigation into china is alleged theft of u s ah ip and technology and that is when ed rogers decided to stick his head up right to the trump administration and get himself involved in this big trade war.
i can tell you what he looks like because there are pictures online.
he looks so much like a scientist that he is practically a stock photo scientist.
there he is holding a beaker there he is in a lab coat there he is accepting an award for his research in this one picture weirdly he is wearing a pink button down shirt and he is holding up a loaf of bread toward the camera.
so i clicked on that one and it is a news story about percival trying to turn plant waste into food i really wish i could meet percival but his lawyer told me that is not an option.
so i talked to the lawyer and what you are going to hear is what percival is alleging in a counterclaim against ed my name is james hopenfeld and i am an intellectual property lawyer can you tell me a little bit about your client what kind of guy is.
yeah i professor zhang is a professor.
and he specializes in.
industrial chemistry would be one way to put it ok that was a good answer that was a very lawyer y answer but i actually more meant.
ah what kind of guy is he.
percival is a very passionate person and he believes very strongly in what he does that is he he really wants to create and develop technical innovations that benefit people.
he is exceptionally intelligent and like i said very passionate but also a guy who knows his limits so that is why he hires ed to run the business end of things to talk up his inventions to potential investors and when he does that when he hires ed.