An extremely moving read This book took me inside what the McAndrews are coping with. I found it extremely moving and, while I do not have any first-hand experience with autism, felt that it illuminates the joys as well as the challenges of living with autism. Although McAndrew needs to find a good editor, the personal "journaling" style of his writing is accessible and heartfelt.
TERRIBLE DONT BOTHER neither artist are together on this cd u get five tracks of stanley anf the rest gloria all badly re issued on cd ...please dont waste your money as i did
TERRIBLY BAD RECORDING I Love Gloria and thought this was an album featuring both artists together instead u get six tracks of staney then six of Gloria not together at all and all very badly re issued on cd please dont waste your money as I did
Polished but cheesy It's difficult to understand all the 5-star reviews this album has gotten. The production is excellent and the performances immaculate, but the music is cheesy and lacks soul. Honestly, the album screams "sell out", and it was sad to watch the great Wilson sisters come to this. Though it was a commercial success, and I'm glad for their good fortune because of it (being from Seattle, I have a soft spot for this great band), it is among the least of their albums. Only worth picking up for completists. Everyone else should stick to Heart's very strong earlier catalog.
Some Memorable Singles This release made a big impact for the Wilson Sisters and company. The four singles are all quite good and even some of the album tracks, Nobody Home, in particular are fairly ear catching. Will Heart be as memorable as the Beatles, Stones, Eagles, or Fleetwood Mac, I doubt it. However, they did make some noteworthy contributions to the world of rock n roll and a good portion of that is on this album.
They couldn't leave well enough alone. I'm not a rock snob; I just think Ann Wilson is sexy. I always liked this album; my favorite song is "Nothin at All." Until I got the CD, I listened to the cassette edition. I was disappointed to hear that at least two of the tracks, "Never" and my favorite, had been replaced with different takes. In the case of "Never," I don't really care, since the replacement sounds essentially the same as the original. But the original track for "Nothin at All" is definitely preferable to its replacement. First, it's not as clean: Ann and Nancy add some extra vocal stuff that just gets in the way. Second, and worse, Ann sounds out of breath. One of the reasons I loved the song so much was because of the grateful confidence it exuded. That is diminished in the replacement track.
Heart Becomes a Hair Band To me this was the beginning of the end for the Wilson sisters. Sure, there are some okay songs on here, or so I thought until I recently replaced my vinyl LP with the CD. These songs sound so dated that I can't believe I used to like them. To put it mildly, this album was Heart's contribution to the 1980s "hair band" movement. Synthesizers and drum machines have taken over for Nancy and Howard's guitar playing. Dreamboat Anne and Little Queen still sound as good today as they did when they were released. This CD does not.
Awesome CD and great value! Couldn't ask for a better transaction. Shipped super fast and item was as described!
The Best Heart Album Ever This is the best Heart album ever made in my opinion. I grew up listening to Heart and I still listen to them. I saw Ann and Nancy in concert last year they were awsome as usual. My favorite song is "These Dreams". Another good song is "What About Love". Heart has had numerous #1 hits and it's amazing people still love to listen to them.
Pure 80s At the time this was originally released, I worked in a retail store in a department adjoining the music section. They used to play these tracks all the time. After a while, I was kind of brainwashed. It got good to me, so I bought the tape.The tape always annoyed me, because it was so... linear. Couldn't skip the nasty tracks for the good ones easily. This CD release helps a lot with that. On the other hand, I only just bought the CD, and I stopped listening to the tape 10 years ago. It took me that long to remember to buy the CD version.My favorite tracks for "These Dreams", "What About Love", and "Never". This CD is about as pure 1980s rock as anything I can think of. Buy it if that's what you're looking for.
Low class effort by High Class Band This material represents why the 80's died, the music is bland and poppy, the Wilson sister's garnered their wigs and corsets and the the music became something of an inside joke to those mentioning real bands. Looking back at the cd the music is very dated and is caught in an era best left forgotten.
Heavy synth, hairspray and Heart One of my favorite things from the 1980's was the synth-heavy pop-rock of Heart. Wow, how I love this album. Chock full of that classic 80's lite rock sound, with fantastic Ann and Nancy Wilson vocals. All around great stuff.
A Touchstone 80's Album There really isn't any reason I can rationalize it, but this is a landmark 80's album in the same mode the recording "Boston" is to 70's albums. It just sounds huge, a Phil Spectorish "wall of sound": Great melody combined with some grit tacked on to saccharine sweet hooks. This massive aural assault has bunches of decent, though big-time AOR, songs that help it, for the most part, hold up way past it's prime. Sure it sounds dated, but infectious, so if the mood is right, it still works. Unlike Boston's "Boston" (undeniably their best), it certainly isn't the best thing the Wilson sisters have ever done, however it stands on it's own as a unique sonic place in time which remains highly listenable. A guilty pleasure.
Good Memories If one word could describe "the 80's" it would have to be HEART. this cd brings back memories of when I was growing up and I would hear songs like "These Dreams" on the radio. Today when I that song it I con't get enough of it, I will never forget this song. If you love 80's music then I highly reccomend that you get this cd
Corporate Heart Being a huge Heart fan since the release of "Dreamboat Annie" in 1976, I was not sure what to make of this 1985 self-titled album. While I was thrilled that the "Heart" album was such a huge success, I wondered what happend to my favorite band. They were no longer the folky, blusey, rockin band I grew up with - - now they were a huge hit machine with lots of pop/rock hits and huge hair. This album is, however, expertly executed. It accomplished its goal in spades - - turn Heart into a pop/rock hit making machine. All the songs here are good and Ann and Nancy and the band are in top form. Again proving they could play anything. However, the soul is gone.
HD ready I bought this TV a few years ago. When I hooked up this TV to cable the TV started turning itself off. The color wasn't as good as I'd hope nor was the picture.
Finished it in one sitting! Keep them coming! Bantum is an appealing hero and his adventures are exciting and entertaining as he fights for his freedom and his maiden. The middle ages come alive before your eyes.
poor durability, hard to find replacement parts I purchased this product 3 weeks ago. I purchased this because the ball is soft and doesn't hurt the little guys.I have 4 children that LOVE the game however after use the ball started to rip. It is now ripped from the pole and I have been unable to locate a replacement.
okay for younger kids I bought and set up this tetherball system yesterday so I can't attest to its long term durability. As far as installation goes, the directions have an error in identifying parts so that made things a little confusing. However, it's something you can still figure out. You are supposed to pound the base into the ground; not an easy task but doable with some serious pounding from a small sledgehammer. The ball comes with a pump to fill it; a nice touch but ours wasn't getting the job done, even slowly. An electric air compressor did the trick. Once assembled, the pole has a considerable amount of wobble. When my kids take a good hard whack at the ball the pole just bounces around. But when adults play together the pole jerks around so much the base has loosened (making it all the more wobblier). I really like the big soft ball but the overall construction and design of the pole are serious faults to this toy.
this is the one! This is the Groove Holmes disc to get! The entire disc is loaded with great music; "I Love Your Smile" alone is worth the price, but there's much more. Get this; you'll be glad you did.
Elementary My Dear Watson I searched out this film because the writer and director more recently made Kolya, which is a great film. The Elementary School is only available on VHS and I've had to blow the dust off my player to watch it. But it was worth it to know that the humanity, good humor and intelligence of Kolya have a predecessor in The Elementary School.It's set in the aftermath of World War II, but before the Russians took over, in the troubled eastern Europe, in what became, for a time, Czecheslovakia (sp?). For people who don't mind movies in which nobody is murdered, there are no car chases and nothing blows up, movies, that is, for adults, you'll like this one.
Didn't like the toning segment I have three small children so I exercise at home. I enjoyed the aerobic segment. This part was fun and not too difficult. The toning segment was too easy and BORING! Although Franchesca is pretty, she appears uncoordinated and makes the video "pretty" cheesy! I do the first part, then turn it off.
Technically and Musically Progressive I have to say I'm as impressed with the packaging as I am with the music inside it. For roughly the price of a single CD you get both a CD and a DVD. The full hour and a half mix on DVD is in 5.1 surround, and there are visual cues on screen that show you which tracks are being mixed in and out, so you get a glimpse of Hawtin's editing processes. There are also two videos, a long excerpt from from one of Hawtin's shows, and an interview in which Hawtin discusses how he made the mix. Finally, a high quality MP3 (without DRM) of the entire release is included for mobile listening. I think this release really shows the way to avoid/discourage piracy--not by threatening and using onerous software protections, but by being generous and giving music fans a real value for their money.
An Album Minimalist in Genre AND Enjoyment As a fan of minimalist electronica, I had to check this album out. I much prefer this end of electronica's spectrum versus sets or albums containing tracks which solely attempt to squeeze in as many beats per minute possible.However it is much more difficult to make an entire set of minimalist electronica work. As planned, 28 tracks, one transitioning into the next so that there seems to be no beginning or end. Just one long 75 minute track. Sounds great, but the result is very unimpressive. Hawtin's track selection is just plain terrible, and is the predominant reason that this album is so poor.2.5/5 stars.
Poor Quality Products by Rooster LLC This cell phone holder is one of the poorest in quality I have ever seen. The Velcro or Hook and loop come un-sewn leaving your cell phone free to fall to the ground. I wouldn't recommend McGuire-Nicholas products to anyone. Their products are some of the poorest made products on the market.
A great family Christmas movie Christmas may be a time for joy and laughter, but Charlie Brown has the Blues. To get in the holiday spirit, he takes Lucy's advice and directs a Christmas play. And what's a Christmas play w/o a tree? Everyone makes fun of the short sparse "nevergreen tree" that he comes up with, until Christmas works it's true magic.This is a classic family holiday film. It has all the characters that we have known and loved our whole lives. This DVD also contains the "It's Christmastime Again Charlie Brown" story. It has English, Spanish, Japanese and Portuguese audio tracks. This is a great way to enjoy Christmas with the whole family or with friends.
The best Christmas movie, ever. When I was a freshman in college, I stopped typing my term paper (due the next day) so I could watch it on TV. The next year my roommate gave me the video for my birthday so I could watch it whenever I want. There are only three things that I need for the Christmas season: A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and the Muppets album with John Denver. And then, even though I am a college student and have to spend most of December studying for finals 600 miles from home, somehow everything seems right again.
Very Good Transfer to DVD Commenting on what a wonderful Christmas special this is would be superfluous: I would only be echoing the comments of all the reviews of the VHS edition. As for the DVD edition, it's a good transfer, clean, no artifacts, good sound. Skip the second feature, "It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown." It just doesn't compare. My only gripe about the DVD: they fixed the one moment in the original master that captured my attention and my heart. Every year, I watched for the moment when the Peanuts gang gathered around the newly decorated little tree and began singing "Loo loo loo, loo loo loo loo loo" to the tune of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." As the camera pulls in on the left side of the group and pans right, Pig Pen's head disappears for one frame when they all take a breath. You can see Patty's orange dress suddenly appear where his head was. I was really sorry to see them fix that. I don't know why, but it makes the cartoon even more endearing to me.
It's Charlie Brown... It's the movie you grew up with plus a bunch of other stuff. I teach kids who had never seen it before, they like it.
Charlie Brown Christmas I bought this movie for myself because it is a classic Christmas movie. Also it came in Blu Ray was a factor.
Great TV, Fair DVD This DVD contains two Charlie Brown television specials, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" - which is wonderful, and "It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown" - which is not. The DVD contains no other bonuses. But then again, it's inexpensive, and you get to own the hands-down best Christmas special ever.
Classic I bought this for my husband for Christmas. It is his favorite Christmas movie from his childhood. I can't wait to share this with our kids.
Wonderful This Charlie Brown movie is the best, most masterful work ever made by the late great artist. This movie is part of the Christmas tradition - no less than the apple cider, the carols, and the tree - and truely captures the sentiment of Christmas.
Great memories but disapointing graphics thought it would be better I purchased last Christmas Charlie Brown Chritsmas dvd, and thought to purchased this year the blu ray dvd to see the difference in the graphics/images. Well there is no difference at all. Since my blu ray dvd converts regular dvd movie to hd movie, the regular dvd is nearly same clarity as the blu ray dvd. I don't think they can make it better, however it is a big improvement on the color and images, that I can say. But I don't think it's worth to spend of the blu ray dvd thinking it might be better than the regular dvd.
5 stars for Paramount version; 1 star for Warner Bros version I write this assuming you already know the story A Charlie Brown Christmas. Be warned that the audio on the Warner Bros version is a half second ahead of the video. It is more noticeable on the sounds (tapping of the aluminum tree, tossing of the directors horn) than on the dialog. This seems to only apply to the Warner Bros DVD, and not the Blu Ray.I am not sure if I like the video on the Warner Bros either. It is a sharper image; but it also seems to be a negative quality.This is a Christmas special that people watch every year. If I knew then what I know now, I'd have purchased the Paramount version from http://www.amazon.com/Charlie-Brown-Christmas-Ann-Altieri/dp/B00004W5UM/ref=sr_1_3?s=dvd&ie;=UTF8&qid;=1291690784&sr;=1-3 .One more comment: The 'making of the Christmas special' is a nice feature that is included on the Warner Bros version.
Proof that good things are built to last When Mr. Schulz and Bill Melendez decided to launch this half-hour special for TV there were many things against the odds: The music, subject treatment and Linus's Bible reading were unlike anything else tried on TV before. Work was done in just 4 months flat (considering the lot of work that goes into an animated feature) and a lot of money and resources were put at stake. Lucky for them - and a lot of us - "Sparky" hit the nail on the head. This film was the absolute winner of next year's Emmy awards for television for kids programming, along with more accolades and recognitions. I think the different treatment of the Christmas theme present on this film has captured interest across generations and, in true Peanuts' style, is something that makes you ponder beyond the obvious. One of those films that will never fade out and that are enjoyable beyond the season.
A Holiday Classic I love Snoopy. He is my favorite. And I love owning this classic and bringing it out every holiday season and watching it with family and friends. It never gets old. A timeless tradition!
Christmas Tradition- Schultz was a genius! Like "It's a Wonderful Life," this animated film has imprinted on the American psyche the meaning of the Christmas holiday season.
So so The Christmas show was a great blast to the past. The extra shows that were included left something to be desired. I wish they would just sell the twenty minute Christmas show for two or three bucks.
Extras a disappointment I purchased the streaming video version for $10. I only wanted Charlie Brown Christmas - 5 stars and worth the 10 bucks; it comes with two other shows - a 2nd version of Charlie Brown Christmas (3 stars) and something inane called "Flash Beagle"... (0 stars). If you're going for the original Charlie Brown Christmas... you'll get that. You'll have to decide for yourself what you think of the other two items.
A Charlie Brown Christmas Always loved watching A Charlie Brown Christmas on TV during the holiday season, now I can watch it any time.The extra features included were great, one I had never seen before. Thoroughly enjoyable speaking as a Charlie Brown fan.
Amazon Fan There was more to this disc than I expected. It has several additions that were good to watch. The cartoon itself is a good reminder of what Christmas is all about. Great for the kids or grandkids, or even the Scrooge sitting on the sofa.
A Timeless Classic! This video has been around longer than me and has earned a place in my heart. It is a must have for every one who collects Peanuts' videos. Though it was done in 1965 it still holds true today. It is full of wit and charm and is fun and entertaining for all ages. It has become a Christmas tradition in our home to watch it every year!
If you don't like this movie, you're just flat wrong!! Christmas is about more than santa and presents. It's more than just the biggest tree with the best decorations. It's about a babe in a manger, three wise men and eternal salvation. In an innocent way only Charles Shultz and the crew can do, Charlie Brown (And Linus, et al) deliver this message loud and clear. I say everyone needs to buy this DVD before everything related to God and Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas is removed from the world... It's sad when a cartoon such as this may very well be one of the last strongholds Christians have on our own identity.My own personal soapbox aside, this movie is great. It's timely, even today. It's meaningful and it's truth personified. It teaches about the things that really matter in life, not the superficial garbage most people tend to worry about during the holidays.God Bless Charlie Brown!
A Christmas Original from Charlie Brown My grandchildren and I enjoyed the gentle reminders in this classic movie of what Christmas is really about! Since the broadcasters frequently preempt this traditional Christmas program with political or other events, we are very glad to have our own copy now. Merry Christmas at all!
Love the Music The score by Vince Guaraldi is one of my favorites and the story is sweet as well. There's a second bonus episode included tht I hadn't expected.
Great family movie. This is my favorite Christmas cartoon. It's funny, cute and I LOVE the music. The one downfall is that my daughter likes to used words like stupid and blockhead after watching it.
"Digital Copy" not compatible with iPod or Macs ("Windows Media only") Classic TV special, but the promise of a "digital copy" is misleading. On the back of the cardboard slipcover, in tiny print, is listed this limitation: "Windows Media-compatible only." It is implausible that a consumer would come across this disclaimer when making a purchase decision based in part on the overtly advertised inclusion of a "digital copy," a term most consumers associate with the ability to view media on an iPod.
All time favorites I just bought the DVD to this great Christmas Special dated back to 1965. Who cannot love the Peanuts gang and Snoopy. Also, the DVD has It's Christmas Time Again Charlie Brown which is a bonus feature. Great family entertainment!! Too bad they don't make them like this anymore.
An absolute holiday classic! I still watch it in my forties! Only I watch it with my daughter now.Great Charles Schulz cartoon classicbrought to film. And biblically ac-curate too! Nice job, Mr. Schulz!
Not worth an upgrade If you already have this on DVD, don't waste your money upgrading to blu. The picture quality is only slightly better, it's not widescreen and the biggest disappointment is that the sound is the same as on the DVD. I gave it 2 stars only because it's Charlie Brown (the show itself is worth more than 5 stars!), it's a shame they didn't take the time or spend a few dollars to make the disc worthy of the title.
Not a real Rammstein album. Bootleg collection of b-sides, remixes, and singles. Really, why even bother?
An "iffy" purchase.. As the previous user stated, this is obviously a bootleg album. You can tell by the artwork (most notably the pixelated image on the front cover) as well as the mis-spelled songs on the back cover.I rarely ever purchase these sorts of CDs, but in this case I did only to have something in the car when I don't have my Ipod with me.
Nice pillow for the first month I really liked this pillow at first. It was comfortable and just the right size. After a month, however, the pillow has lost a lot of its personality and has become pretty flat. Most pillows will crush down after time, so I can't really say I'm all that disappointed. However, for the price, I was hoping it was constructed out of more sturdy material.
Too firm for me I bought this for a lot more money at the Relax The Back store. Amazon has a much better price. I like the design of it but it has some flaws. The pillow case is hard to get onto the pillow and stretches taught right where I'd like to rest my head making it a bit uncomfortable. Also the lower "legs" of the product are much too firm to have between my knees. It raises my leg up too high and hurts my hip. I'm 5'7" so this isn't a problem of being too petite. A flat spot has formed within a few days where I have to lift it open to get in and out of bed. I still like it and haven't found anything comparable.
Love it! I originally purchased this for my pregnancy, as I was using 5+ pillows for support, and i was tired of chasing them as they fell off the bed all night long. I loved the support and have slept with it ever since. (i even take it with me on trips.) its great because of the refluff-able fill and because you can roll over and not have to move it. I have yet to wash it in the laundermat and see how it turns out.one con, because of its size, it can be difficult to fluff... do it in the morning while you have energy, not at night when you're ready to go to bed.
Exactly What I Wanted I looked at all the different types of body/pregnancy pillows on Amazon and finally settled on this one. I am pregnant and have recently gotten to the point that I just cannot get comfortable in bed. I have had this pillow a week now and I absolutely love it. It was worth every penny. It's like sleeping in a nest, it supports me beautifully and its very comfortable.
good, could be better good concept, offers some support and comfort. i am 5 months pregnant and bought this pillow since i'm supposed to sleep on my side, however the u-shape is wider than it looks in the photos, and doesn't keep me on my side. also, the filling is uneven - firmer in some parts more than others.
Helps . . . With reservations This pillow is incredibly helpful for people who have difficulty getting comfortable in bed because it affords a variety of positions to relieve painful areas. But getting in bed can require some simple gymnastic maneuvers because the pillow is so thick and cumbersome. And getting out of bed also requires some special moves, especially if you have a high mattress. Overall, not a simple process for a good nights sleep. The head area also compresses after a few nights of use and rearranging the filling is bothersome. Because it's a considerable investment, I end up using it only occasionally.
Not a great pregnancy pillow This pillow is the equivalent of having two body pillows. Its not quite firm enough for use as a pregnancy pillow-the support for your back is just not there. I would recommend it for someone looking to replace a couple of pillows.
comfort U pillow for total body support I have chronic problems w/my low back and ordered this pillow so I could lay on my side and also receive support for my back. It is much tooooooo soft and does not provide the back support or between the leg support I need. Upon deciding to return it I learned that shipping would be $40 and the company would deduct 15%. I would lose about $50. I will keep it.Disapointed!!Lynnita
Patricia Scanlan does it again! Another great read. You can really identify with the characters. Lots of ups and downs as in real life situations.I have read all of her books now and feel sad that I haven't another one to look forward to.I find she write in a nice easy manner and the connection between family members is so real. I would recommend this to any female looking for good story to curl up and read.
Nice book but.... The book is fine, very informative but it you buy the "Witches Bible" also written by the Farrars you can get "The Witches Way" and "Eight Sabbats" all in one book!
tougher and cheaper than Apple's This is the best replacement power supply I've seen for a Powerbook or iBook. It's solid and you won't have to worry about the cords pulling out or the connector breaking like on the $70 Apple units. The only downside is that it's a bit less sleek and ergonomic than the Apple.
Don't even consider the Apple replacement This product is much better than the Apple OEM charger in terms of durability. It has a blue light on the adapter that lets you know if it's plugged in, but there is no indication that your computer is being charged like the OEM one. That being said I am very pleased with it and you could almost buy two of these units for the price that apple wants for their flawed version.
Great item! The adaptor works really well on my ibook or powerbook. It has a really long extension cord. The only problem is that it is slightly more bulky than the apple one. So, for traveling around, unless you have a big computer case, it will not fit nicely. Other than that, it is great. Much cheaper than a new apple adapter and works just as nicely. It is also sturdier than the apple adaptor and does not have the annoying light.
DO NOT BUY FOR G4 12" POWERBOOK In a complaint to Macally regarding intermittent charging, their response was:Macally PS-AC4 AC Power Adapter for Apple G4Thank you for contacting us.Our PS-AC4 has problem with the 12" PowerBook G4. At this moment, we do not have any working one for your computer.
Not even a day... I bought this to replace the supposedly same power adapter that I purchased last year. This is NOT the same adapter as pictured for the item (I see that a customer has added two pictures of the true product). I was not concerned with this difference but would have preferred to have a light indicating the power is on. At first, it seemed to power my powerbook G4 fine, but later it started to cycle as charging and not charging, thus making the screen brighten and darken. When I shut the computer and let it charge, it did charge some, but I'm concerned about ruining my battery (which is also a replacement). It simply does not work when you are using the computer..and I'm ALWAYS using my computer! I will have to find an alternative to this product. I thought it was bad enough that the one I got last year quit working, but this is ridiculous.
works, at a fraction of others cost The wire connecting to my computer on my last macally charger just fried after 13 months (i'll take the blame i could have been wrapping it too tightly), anyways it worked well and costed a fraction of the original so I figured I'd buy again, so I've purchased another. This newer one is a different design, no longer has the light on the brick, and the wire that connects to the computer is no longer disconnect-able.
Not for iBook G4 Be careful. The box packing for this says it works with a PowerBook G4 or an iBook G3. It will not work for a iBook G4. The Amazon product page does not make that clear.
ibook ac adapter ok for the price but it doesn't leave the computer charged for more than 2 hours. The apple product leaves it charged for around 4. Otherwise a good product
works ok for adapter I've just had bad luck with Mac adapters.. this one is wonderfully long cord, much longer than apples' adapter.. However, the place it plugs in is not always secure.. wiggles out, or doesn't connect unless i push it in from time to time. i like the snap" of my daughters' new macbook magnet connection!
Definitely Better Than The Mac One. After going through two of Apple's poorly made power cords for my 12" PowerBook in a time span of three years, I knew it was time to get a third party power cord. The Macally power cord is simply awesome. It is is built sturdier than the Apple power cord, and best of all, it was less than half the price (Apple power cords cost you a hefty $80). The only minute problem I've noticed with this power cord is that from time to time (and it is not very often), my PowerBook will make a "charging" and "uncharging" noise. Usually I just have to fiddle with the part of the cord that plugs into the adapter, and it stops. Other than that, it's a fantastic purchase, and I recommend it to any one who is fed up with Apple's poorly made cords.
WHO NEEDS MAC ACCESSORIES Who needs Mac accessories when you can have an equally good (or better) product like Macally powerbook Ibook ac adapter? I purchased this item for my daughter when her Mac-made original AC adapter connection frayed and was not fixable. We tried to get a replacement at Mac retail stores and Mac on-line, but everyone was out of them and did not know when they would be available. This made me think that the original cords must have been somewhat defective since there was such a demand for them. We turned to Amazon to order the Macally AC adapter with some trepidation because the price was lower than the Mac-made product. That was several months ago and the Macally adapter has worked perfectly and we are very pleased with our purchase. I would recommend this product to anyone who needs a new adapter and because of the lower price, would advise it instead of the Mac.
macally powerbook adapter Good product. A lot cheaper than the apple version but does the exact same thing. Seems to be a little more durable as well.
Working now... but for how long? I've had this replacement adapter for nearly a month now with much hesitation at the beginning. Like many of the other reviews have stated, the power connection indicator at the top of my iBook G4 would alternate between power supply and battery supply, causing a very annoying flicker of the screen. That has since stopped and now when the adapter is plugged in, it charges as normal (i.e. allowing me to utilize my computer while it charges).When the initial flicker of the screen started at the beginning, the iBook would only charge if I put it in sleep mode and closed the screen. I'm not sure what I've done differently since the problem has stopped so I'm not sure where to give advice as far as recommending this product. Simply "Buyer Beware".
Consider this adapter First! I've been through two of the Apple adapters and they are terrible. This adapter works well with a G3 iBook. The laptop connecter is sturdier and other components appear to be adequate. A small blue led on the transformer indicates that the adapter is functional. I'm very pleased with this product which costs less than half the price of Apple's sexy but hopelessly flawed accessory.
Good replacement for old charger This is a good replacement for the Apple Charger. Only a couple of notes to make.1. The blue light doesn't indicate whether the notebook is charging or not, only if the cord is plugged into the outlet. This means that you can't really tell what is going on unless you open your laptop and make sure the indicator is showing that it is charging.2. If you drain your battery fully, so your laptop goes to sleep BE WARNED... You will not be able to plug it in and resume working right away. I had to plug it in and let it charge up for a good while before I could operate my Powerbook again, pulling power to operate the computer and charge the battery. This has been most annoying.Other than those weird gripes, it is a sufficient power adapter.
Not for 14" dual USB iBook This unit is only 48W. The original Apple part (A1021) is 65W. The result is that a full charge for my iBook is 7Hrs rather than 3-4. Check the wattage of your original adapter. Watts = DC Volts * DC Amps. Otherwise quality is good.
Does not work with ibook G4 This product does not work with my ibook G4. As stated by some earlier reviews by other customers, the charger toggles between charging and not charging. Occasionally, if it is left on, it will continuously charge. I thought about keeping it, but it is unreliable and there are other third party options for $10 more.This one is going back to Amazon.
It stopped working after a few weeks It worked well for a few weeks, but then the battery of my iBook G4 stopped being re-charged.
alright in my book My Apple charger broke (big surprise), and I obviously needed to replace it. Not for 80 bucks, though. I ended up with the Macally adapter since I've had friends recommend their stuff in the past. While this charger lacks the whole hip Apple design thing, it more than makes up for it with function and solid construction. It's also nice and compact so it's easy to take on the go.My one quibble is that the main photo shows a white brick with gray cords and what appears to be an indicator light to show the charger is connected to an outlet. When I got mine, the cords were white (a plus), but there was no indicator light (a minus). In fact, that's how it appears in the user photos.The lack of that indicator light is the only reason I'm giving this 4 stars instead of 5 (I know, I'm picky). All in all, it's still a great product. It charges my 15" Powerbook in 1-2 hours depending on my use, and it feels like it has a sturdy build.
Solid Replacement This is a solid, and affordable replacement for the apple AC Power Adapter. If you've got a late model iBook or PowerBook, you can't go wrong with this device. I've owned a number of Macally products, and while not as flashy as the genuine apple gear, their stuff always works flawlessly in my experience.
High Pitched Noise I read reviews of this product before I bought it that mentioned that it makes a high pitched sound. I figured these reviewers probably had defective adapters. However, mine also makes a high pitched sound. It doesn't do it all the time, but I worry that as it gets older, the sound will get worse. Although it charges my computer fine, if I could do it over again, I might pay the extra money and get a different brand...unless you don't mind high pitched noises.
Good for awhile I am about to buy my 3rd one of these. Each one has lasted about 6-9 months, while an apple charger lasts about 8-12 for the amount of use I put into it. So for my money, I like to buy one of these every 6 months for $30, rather then drop $80 on the apple brand.
Bad Product: Cycling on and OFF Nice form factor etc...but bad function. Product appears to charge my Powerbook G4 12" when it is off or asleep, but when working it cycles on and off and emits a faint buzzing sound from the brick. Try another product.
Fan problems anyone? Soon after I purchased and we bagan using the Macally Powerbook a/c adapter /charger for my wife's G3 iBook, the cooling fan started running at warp speed. The fan would turn off when the cover was closed. We have switch back to the old "mac" charger and the fan is still very loud! I e-mailed Macally and they suggested that we had a defective charger and to return it to the dealer.
research before you buy This adaptor does not work with the dual USB iBook. It looks like a good product, but the plug doesn't fit.
Good product... I got tired of packing and unpacking the charger for my PowerBook everyday, at home and work. This adapter is a great option. It works fine and is a much better buy.
good cheap alternative The only downside to this adapter vs. apple's is the lack of the light ring which tells you whether the computer is fully charged or not. Otherwise it's a great deal!
No instant juice For some reason if my powerbook completely runs down, attaching the power cord does not allow me to immediately turn back on the computer, unlike the apple cord. Do not know why this is, but this 3 - 5 minute lag time between plugging and "playing" is a real pain. Other than that, the cord seems to work fine.
NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IBOOK G4 I'm sure this product is great for G4 Powebooks and G3 iBooks, but nowhere in this product description does it say that this adapter is NOT for use with iBook G4s. I tried this on my iBook G4, and the computer kept switching back and forth between battery power and the power supply from the adapter. I'm returning this to Amazon tomorrow, but am upset that I wasted $20 overnighting this adapter because I absolutely need to use my computer this weekend. I wish they would update the product description to make it explicit that this is for Powerbook G4s and iBook G3s ONLY.
Does What It Supposed To Do You can read all the other reviews; I found them very helpful. I use this on my 12" Aluminum PowerBook G4, 1.5GHz, 1.25 mb RAM. My only comment has to do with the difference in wattage between the Apple 65W rating and this charger's 45W. The lower wattage results in a longer battery charge time. Plus, if you operate the laptop when the battery is dead (plugged in, of course), the computer continually searches for the best power source, switching back and forth between battery and plug-in. This causes the screen to flicker between high and low brightness. When this happens, I let the battery get fully charged before using the laptop.
note to self: read reviews before buying I'm now on my third charger for my Powerbook (my dad says I'm rough on equipment). Let me tell you, the Macally is NOT it. Like others, it fluctuates between charging and battery every 1-2 seconds and the brick makes weird squeaky noises. After not having a computer for a week and being so relived to finally get this charger, I was almost in tears to find that it is a piece of crap. It charges when the computer is off or in sleep mode, but that's not going to cut it. If you have a Powerbook G4, don't waste your money on this.
works when ur Powerbook G4 is turned off this charger does not have enough power to charge my Powerbook G4 while it is running. it will show the charger indicator back and forth from battery power to charging.But when I charge while it is off, it works perfect.I had requested a replacement once and the result was still the same.
Defective product, bad service I purchased this adapter to replace another PS-AC4 that worked for about 18 months before going belly up. This one lasted two weeks. I called MacAlly and quickly got an RMA number, then I overnighted the defective item to them. That was ten days ago, and I'm still waiting for the replacement to arrive.
Adapter For The People After my Apple adapter finally went to the big orchard in the sky, I was overwhelmed with grief coupled with the desire to not pay full price for its replacement. A quick trip to Amazon and some button mashing led me to an old ally (pun intended) Macally and the PS-AC4. Click. Purchase. Consumer joy. I would recommend this. True, it's not as aesthetically pleasing as Apple's OEM juicer, but hey, what is?
Amazon did not send a Macally adapter... Please be sure when you order this product from Amazon that you are sent a Macally charger... I had initially ordered one, but there was a problem with the address they mailed it to, so they sent a second one. I ended up getting both... Both of them turned out to be Macally knock offs and wouldn't plug properly into my computer. Thankfully, I had ordered a second one from Maczone for our other computer and I was able to see that mine was different from that one. I double checked the receipt and packing form to make sure I hadn't made a mistake, and it had my product listed as the Macally PS-AC4 AC adapter. I hope that Amazon will fix this screw up...The Macally AC Power adapter gets 4 starsThe Cheap knock off that doesn 't fit gets Zero stars...
Faulty Product - Horrible Support I plugged this item into my laptop and nothing happened. No power- nothing.When I unplugged this adapter the negative metal ring from the plug stayed lodged inside of my computer, I had to remove it with needle nose pliers.I had to call the company 5 times before getting a rep on the phone as I was continually placed in automated limbo for about 15 per call. The rep actually admitted to me that this happens alot because the rings are too small and fit to tight in the computers.I was really looking forward to saving some dough. But this adapter was surprisingly worse the the original that came with the computer.They are sending me return authorization.