Very, Very Good, But.... ....I have a CD version of the original release on CBS Associated and it kicked in three previously unreleased tracks. These were two original tracks by Eumir Deodato "Latin Flute" and "Venus" and Deodato's fabuloso rendition of Steely Dan's "Do It Again"... but heck, at least "Deodato II" it has been rereleased somewhere in all it's Creed Taylor/Rudy Van Gelder splendor. Deodato's jazzy versions of "Rhapsody in Blue" and "Nights in White Satin" were noted to be two of the best fusion performances ever done when this one came out. Listen for licks by Billy Cobham, Stanley Clarke, Tropea on guitar, and Hubert Laws on flute...
Works Great This stand works great for my euphonium, only issue is that the bottom pad adhesive doesn't work well and I have to continually find and retack the pad in place prior to using.
The spinning sound is getting louder I have the 8 MB cache version of this hard drive. The speed of this hard drive is ok. Ease of installation is average. It runs quietly until recently the spinning sound is getting louder. Also once in a while it makes some kind of clicking noise followed by a beep. I used to own Seagate, Quantum, and Maxtor hard drives and none of them have this kind of noise.So far there is no data loss or any kind of damage. But this is very annoying because I am afraid that something is going to happen.
Nothing but action See story summary above.No doubt an action packed story that'll take you from spots in England to spots in the Mideast. Pure action all the way. If that's all your looking for, look no further. As far as details and dialogue are concerned, there is very little to sink your teeth into, which is typical for a Higgins novel. Though short and to the point, I do enjoy his books. I would match super hero Sean Dillon against any fictitious villian. Good escapist fiction and quick reading make this book enjoyable.Recommended.
WARNING: This is the worst book ever written As most people readers know, Jack Higgins has written many fine action-packed books. However, this book reads like a twelve-year-old wrote it. The characters are so transparent they could be ghosts.The author and his publishing house must really need the money to rip of the public in this manner. This is the last book I read by this author. One can only rest on his laurels for so long. I'm glad this book was handed down to me or I would have written a really nasty review.
Disappointing and too simplistic This minimalism style of writing exposes too much reliance on characters and events from previous books with little descriptive detail of some promising locations. The action is thin as well, characters die frequently and quickly with little build up or detail. Character motivation is weak at times and contributes to an arid experience with a predictable climax.
HIGGINS IS ON A HIGH WITH THIS ONE Taut and tense, an explosion of sequential thrill packed events - these are hallmarks of the popular novels springing from the pen of the seemingly inexhaustible Jack Higgins. "Edge Of Danger," his 32nd suspense laden powerhouse is no exception.The Belfast born author now brings us a harrowing tale with former IRA member, Sean Dillon, confronted by the Rashid's, an English/Arab family sworn to avenge the killing of one of their own by a Russian diplomat who was driving drunk. When the diplomat is provided immunity by Russia and America, vengeance is sought with the life of the American president.Action swerves throughout the world until a terrifying finale takes place in a remote castle.
A fast fun read Sean Dillon again impishly dances the Irish Jig through England, Ireland, and parts of Saudi Arabia, while efficiently wounding and killing every bad guy in or out of sight and drinking a Bushmill's while doing it all. Saying that, Higgins can put out a story that keeps the pages turning, your mind working and suddenly reaching the end you are thinking of his next offering. Heres hoping the next is as good. God bless all here.
Worst of theYear...or, maybe the decade Where did the real Jack Higgins go? This is not only Higgin's worst effort to date, it is probably the worst book I've read in the past 5 years. (Can you say 'lazy', Jack?)I can't believe I actually finished it, and one star is a generous rating. Unbelievable chapter after unbelievable chapter, no character or plot development, written like a 5th grader.The end of the book foretells a sequel...a book that I will immediately pass on. Probably my last Higgins book without reading the reviews first.Don't buy it -- don't borrow it -- don't read it.
Sophomoric at Best Having read only one other Higgins book before (Cold Harbor), I hesitate, somewhat, to comment on the author's general talent. However, this book has to be one of the worst I've read in some time. I think the thing that got me the most was the dialog; unbelievably simplistic and totally formulaic. "Damn, he said to Kate, "It's the Hazar Scouts, " Puhleeze! Not even an exclamation mark. Many other examples could be given. Now, assuming for the moment that the dialog was, say, written at greater than a 7th grade level, the plot is almost as bad. The protagonists' reactions to their fellows getting knocked off one-by-one is almost comic. There's no depth here; just one simple vignette after another. I wouldn't even want to compare this to Ludlum or Clancy (although Clancy's gotten a bit rough of late).A terrific waste of a good
A Waste of Time This book is not well written and leaves nothing to the imagination. If I hadn't bought it in hard cover and spent the money I would not even have finished reading it.
Plenty of action This is my second Higgins novel and I am reall getting into this world that has been created by the author. I have learned a lot of the IRA in ways that I find pretty entertaining if at times a little fantastic.The story once again centers around Dillon the bad boy of the IRA that is now working for the British. His mission is to stop this family of half British and half Arab bilionaires.The action is non-stop and pretty interestng. It's a quick read sometime that is to the point and nothing really deep.The only compaint that I have is that I want to know more of Dillon but little by little we are seeing more of the character and some character growth.
Good story- Poor writing Very simplistic writing style- he said, she said, then he said, then she said. This reads like a first attempt, not like a book written by a seasoned author of over 30 books.
Disappointment on every page I'm so glad that this was not my first Jack Higgins novel. If it were, it would also be my last.Normally, I can forgive Higgins his cliche's and his obsessive attention to his characters' drinking habits, because his characters are fun and interesting. He puts them in great plots and pulls the reader happily through them, and you can't wait to find the next book especially if it's got Sean Dillon.But not this one. All the characters are wooden. The action is colorless and completely unbelievable. A president guarded only by one secret service agent and a dog? A professional assassin who whacks his target on the head and then shoots someone else?There is no sense of timing or place, only the thinnest of motivations for most characters, and no justification for many of the decisions made by characters.This book is amateur hour. Don't bother. Read some of Higgins's earlier works instead.
Tired formula Jack Higgins may not be running out of his fascination with modern weapons, fine dining, glamorous women or the IRA but he appears to be slipping on plot and character development. Sean Dillon makes Doc Savage and Dirk Pitt look like pikers. And this curious extension of gentlemanly methods for attempting to kill one another -- sending a crazed assassin and then both sides meeting later at the Savoy to exchange notes -- strains credulity.Higgins has done some first-rate work. Had this been published twenty-five years ago, this might have made a difference. It wasn't and it doesn't.
This is not the Jack Higgins I know This is by far his worst effort that I've read. He's not my favorite spy author,anyway. This book feels like it had been written to fulfill a publisher's contract or obligation that Mr. Higgins had assumed and needed to finish in a hurry. The characters are not at all fleshed out, and the story line is too contrived. I would advise not wasting time by reading this book.
Cartoon Arab-Scottish Villain I had the rare experience of giving up on a novel after only a couple of chapters when trying to read Edge of Danger recently, but Higgins managed to pen a book so lame that I refused to go any further. His bad guy is supposedly a Scottish-Arabian aristocrat but comes off as just another cartoon Arab terrorist with an implausible, pointless heritage. But, what do you expect from a middle-aged author who poses in bomber jacket and aviator glasses on the dust jacket.... depth?
Can't believe I read the whole thing Given the lack of character development, or rather, simplistic and at times contradictory character development; the lack of any plot whatsoever; and poor visualizations; I can't believe I read the whole book. I guess I kept waiting for the action to start. It never did.
I'd rate it 0 stars if I could have... Very few books contain their own review. This one does:"Stone said, 'It really is like a bad movie, Harry.'"'You can bleeding well say that again. . . .'"This book reads like a 7th grade reading-level condensation of an outline of a screenplay: The paragraphs are no more than a few lines long; very few words greater than two syllables are used. No complex thoughts, no character development, no suspense, and little description. Pure formulaic twaddle.
A bad book, poorly written. The plot is not believable, there is not a shred of character development, and there isn't even any descriptive atmosphere. It shocks me that Jack Higgins and the publishers actually make money off of this puerile drivel. I shall not buy any more of his efforts.
Poorly Written The style of writing leads me to believe that Higgins was under pressure to churn out a book to meet some editor's deadline. There was no character development. Critical turns in the plot and action were blown through without the slightest bit of suspense. I've never read Higgins before and likely will never read him again.
Another Sean Dillon story This is a fast moving story, with lots of action and superficial details. It is not great literature, but provides some light brain candy. Lots of bodies are left lying around as people are killed by various means (shooting, drowning, incineration, torture, falling off a roof).An Arab fanatic, annoyed by U.S. and Russian oil interests exploiting his country, decides on a high profile assassination. Nothing seems to work out for the bad guys, but some of the British ended up wounded.The story has an interesting ending with a very rich woman with a grudge, biding her time, and planning to spend portions of her wealth to get revenge. It brings to mind Matilda of Flanders (wife of King William I) who, spurned by a Saxon nobleman when she was a teenager, waited 20 years until William conquered England, then tracked down the Saxon and had him thrown into a dungeon.
Only 2 stars? I've read a number of the reviews, and thought they were too hard. This is escapism - nothing more, and nothing less. The dialogue is trite and cliche, and the plot formulaic. But that is what makes Higgins so good. Its fun! And sure you have to suspend disbelief occassionally to make the plot work - but what's the harm with that? I enjoyed this book. It returns Higgins back to form after a number of less successful books in recent years. Even inspite of the cliches and plot formulas, there is a distinct 'grittiness' about the characters, which has been long over due.
Can't believe the publisher had nerve to issue this book A terrible, childishly written book with absolutely NO redeeming value as literature. Higgins loves to "speak Irish" but even that gambit fails in this trite, poorly plotted, worthless endeavour by a writer who should remain retired if he can't do any better than such trashy writing.
Disappointing and thin I purchased this book expecting very good things. I found the plot very thin and predictable. There was very little suspense. It almost seemed like an abridged version of a book where all the detail leading up was left out. Also there didn't seem to be any character building or background to explain why these individuals would have such singleminded, and on the surface stupid, behaviour.
Two Hacks I don't know who is worse- Higgins or Macnee. The plot is so tranparent you can guess what is coming next. Completely implausible. Macnee's narration is so overdone it is laughable. Most of the time the characters do little more than quaff enormous amounts of Bushmills Irish Whisky. A real stinker. Wayne Schwartz, Los Angeles, CA
Just skip it When you read a book you know that what are you reading is not 100% true, but when you start to read things that are completely wrong is another thing. For an example I have these questions:Q. How many times could a man pay another man to kill somebody, the killer fails and the boss gives him another chance?A. I don't know if the mob knows it but at least four times.Q. Why the target man, who knows who is trying to kill him and he saw him in a restaurant after he was in danger and just say hello to him?A. Because the target man likes to be in danger.Q. When the target man has the opportunity to kill the one whom wanted to kill him why doesn't he?A. Because something in his head didn't let him even if he had killed many men before.And as the energizer rabbit, I can keep going and going and going, my advise is to skip this book.
Time warp - we're back in 1981 Everything about this album has 1981 written all over it. Synth pop at its extreme, yet that's what was 'in' back then. Listening to it now takes some strength, but it's a classic all the same. 'Misplaced Love' is the best on this album, and is hard to find on CD - so worth getting for that song alone.
Stay with the studio recordings I like Robbie's material but the real test of a live album is this: Do I play it on a regular basis? For example, I listen to the Band's "Rock of Ages" alot but not this CD. Good but not great best describes this CD.
Worst "Live" recording I've ever bought! I bought this CD for one song only, "Steal Away". I knew it was going to be "live", but this isn't even close to the radio version. Try more like a "muzik, lounge" sound. It was recorded in a ballroom. Then, the only other song I recognized was "Hot Rod Hearts", again, done the Vegas lounge style. I wish I could get my $$ back. Why didn't he just put out the CD using the regular recordings? He was never a big star to begin with. I wrote this review just to warn people that it isn't like most "live" recordings. I was very dissapointed, and I still don't have a decent recording of "Steal Away"!
Wonderful! This book was just what I was looking for! HIGHLY informative information on each herb along with lore and magickal uses. It also explains deity correspondences and points out what sabbat you might use each herb for. I recommend this to anyone interested in magickal or medicinal uses of herbs.The product came early and the book was in excellent condition!
Good but I'm hesitant to use the remedies This is without mistake, among the better herbal magic books. However, I originally bought it thinking it was on herbal alchemy rather than use for spells. It has a few too many psychological cures and not very many practical ones. You have to infer about how magical cures might turn out as medical ones. And since I mentioned alchemy, most of these are turned into incense, rather than into potions or elixirs.Otherwise, it is a very good book, especially if you're a witch in need of how to use herbs for ceremony. Ceremony is this book's specialty. It does tell many herbs used for funerals, protection, or sexual prowess.
Good book! As some reviewers already stated, P. Beyerl's magical corespondences (some of them) seem arbitrary. On the other hand most of them are in accord with the tradition and seems ok. But if you put these 'errors' aside, 'Compendium of Herbal Magick' is still a very good (and very nicely illustrated) book with plenty of true informations and interesting stories regarding a lot of herbs. So I think that despise some errors (here and there) in the correspondences, (more than 80% of the attributions seems ok), it is nevertheless a very pleasant and respectable lecture. Buy it for its informations, for its interesting stories and for its nice illustrations but sometimes look elsewhere for the herb's correspondences. I give it four stars.
Super, thorough diagnostics tool Yes, you need the software to stream data to your computer, but it's well worth it. Buy others ($$$$$$) and see what you think. This real-time machine is superb. Data input all depends on your car's computer and what data it supplies. Seems like the most data is provided by the Corvette's computer. Hondas, for instance, provide minimal information.
not very well written This book was well reviewed and I was very disappointed. Even if it's written for poor readers, does it have to read like Dick and Jane? Children are young, not simple-minded. Give kids real literature or they won't keep reading, they'll plug in to the media.
A welcomed change from the frozen plains of Europe A refreshing, sunwarmed, beautifull change from the frozen steeps and plains of Ice Age Europe. A delightful story of a woman who must face and overcome immense odds to survive. The plot line moves in different ways from other "Woman against the odds" novels so it is a fresh and not predictable. A very good read and a much better choice over Jean Auel's "Shelters of Stone".
A thorn in the side of literature. Hawthorne's use of symbolism throughout the book is undeniable, yet his obvious alcoholism takes over as the underlying factor present at all points. He relies on ambiguity far too often without the build up to a climax. The climax(es) happened before the book started and only happened to a select few who read this book. Read Atlas Shrugged, Anthem, or virtually anything by Aldous Huxley if you want some entertainment.
Excellent Book I read this book for my 11th grade Lit class and I must admit the book was quite a shock. Many of the books I have read have been nothing more than an attempt at delving into the inner parts of the human soul. This book does much more than that. It depicts the struggle of a man with himself and an outside enemy. He commits one of the most unspeakable acts of the time and punishes himself constantly. He lacks the courage to confess his crime and goes through a period of mental and physical torture. He also faces the wrath a cruel and vicious enemy who lives for nothing more than to torture his victim. All in all I believe it was an excellent book and I would reccomend it to anyone.
A book about revenge, remorse and love. When Hester Prynne commited adultury with Aurthor Dimmesdale she was condemned to where the Scarlet Letter A on her bosom as a reminder to herself and o other around her about her harsh deed, mean while Roger Chillinworth, her husband, vowed that he would find out with whom Hester commited the sin. This was a great book because it is full of suspense and continuous sinning. The only problem with it is that it is fairly hard to read so much time and patience must be put into it.
technical problems with cassettes This product requires a stereo player in which the balance is turned totally to the left. Most auto systems have that capability. However if you have Dolby or SurroundSound, it can be difficult (and maybe impossible) to play the cassette without hearing two recordings at the same time. Unfortunately neither the packaging nor the website will warn you of the problem. You therefore should think before buying. Once you have opened the packaging you may be unable to return the product.
Absolute Waste of Time My 11th grade English teacher tortured me with this morbid book and I can't say if I'll ever forgive her. Not only was this this book boring but Hawthorne unnecesary uses all sorts of complex language to convey one simple thought. The only reason that I didn't give this book 1 star was because there was some art in the book and symbolism. WAY OVERRATED.
A Tedious Read I hate Hawthorne's style of writing. It's over-bloated and self-indulgent. I wish he'd just get to the point and stop blabbering on and on. The plot of the book seems like a modern melodramatic soap opera. All of the characters are one-dimensional. I'm not going to say the book is poorly written, but it's written in a style that makes the book kind of boring and tedious to read. Overall, a disappointment.
NOT AS GOOD AS OTHER BOOKS This book is not as good as some other books, but it is much better than some books. That is why I gave it three stars and not no stars or five stars. Democracy prevails. Buy me a drink. Now, take off your clothers. Yes, just like that. I think we are beginning to understand each other...
Classic? Really? I will never understand how "Classics" become Classics. So far for school i Have had to read far to many Classics. Dickens should be glad he is dead and does not have to read his books because they would probably kill him out of sheer boredom...Hawthorne creates an ok tale, but really? It gets dragged out and is suppose to be realistic. Then he throws Pearl in there, she is like some super-human and belongs in fantasy. I never really did believe in the whole 'they completely ostracized her but let her stitch everything.' That is just a bit hypocritical, either she was excepted as prat of the society *which she was not) or she wasn't (which she almost was. See that just doesn't make any sense. The story is suppose to show how unforgiving the society was, but it doesn't. It is better than Dickens, but then again everything is.
Oh I CAN wait I am fixing to have to read this book for English 3, in high school, of course. I am really dreading it. I could honestly care less about adultery in New England way back then, and the length of the book is definitely going to make that a lot worse. I am positive I am going to have to analyze every paragraph in this dam book, I'm fixing to live up my summer!
This book was OK............ The Scarlet Letter, for me was just a little boring. Sometimes the description was just too long and I just started to lose interest in it. Also sometimes it got confusing as to what the relationships the characters had to each other. I would only reccomend this book to other people who liked reading lots of description, a little dialouge, and a repetitive storyline.
I've read better. I'm a 13 year old kid and I just finished reading this book for an English class I am taking. Although it was a very interesting and provkitive novel. I did not like it very much. I think it maybe that I'm still too young to throughly understand this piece of literature.
The Scarlett Letter Overall ok. Not much going on here. A lot of internal dialogue, nothing like the movie. I prefer the movie to the book.
classic It had been a very long time since I read this book. It was well worth a re-read. We all know the meaning of the scarlett letter. We know that Hester commited adultry since her husband was away and she became pregnant. But do we remember the father of the baby? I didn't! Do we remember why she didn't tell who he was? I didn't.It is not only a good read but an important statement about where this country has come from! Knowing what happened when the religious were in charge of laws and punishment should give all of us a wake up call. Had I been alive in those days I would have probably been burned at the stake. Scary!
This edition is not complete This review refers to ISBN 978-1613823613. With no explanation or indication that it is doing so, this edition leaves out the author's introductory chapter, "The Custom-House." Admittedly, the chapter is long, tedious, and skipped by many. Still, it leaves the book useless for the classroom and, let's face it, who else is going to read it? This isn't exactly light summer reading.In addition, there is no bolding of SAT words, with definitions in the margins, that some reviewers mention, which was the main reason I chose this edition. In fact, other than the abbreviated text, there is absolutely nothing: no forward, no reader's guide, no author bio -- nothing. So, not the most helpful textbook.On the bright side, it is well-bound and the type is quite easy to read.I am returning the book, and looking for a more suitable edition.
review I was not really my type of read. I couldn't get into the root of the story, but some people probably would like it
The Scarlet Letter this book was really hard to understand. Then again, I've never really been a big fan of the classics. But I got bored way too easily, and I honestly thought the last thirty or forty pages were the best part.
Great Transaction! I placed an order for a book, the seller accepted payment quickly, the item shipped very fast, in fact I had item in hand in less than a week and it was exactly as described. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
An American Classic I first read The Scarlet Letter (TSL) back in high school. I thoroughly enjoyed the book then. Going back and rereading a second time still brought back the awe associated with the imagery painted by Hawthrowne. Perhaps the most striking image is that in the beginning, where Hester Prynne is about to come out of her jail cell and a single rose blossoming amidst the bleakness of her prison is used as a metaphor. Hawthrowne does a superb job describing the details and ways of life. I believe he captures 17th century Bostonian life accurately. In a way this book is a history book. I do admit that the plot is slow at times, but the book does appear to move much more quickly if you try to admire Hawthrownes writing style and descriptive language. Overall, I would say this book impressed me as much as War and Peace and some of Dickens' novels did.
Worth a read This book was not easy to get into with the old-style text but it was an interesting view into an era that is so very different from today. Set in 1850 the novel appeas to give a realistic picture of the times and was worth the read.
i love books The description was exactly as written. Fast shipping and great costumer service. I would recommend the product and the seller.
Sad Story I love it but it saddened me. . . I will read it again . . . but will wait a while. Life can appear to be unfair sometimes. . .
I'd like to thank my English Teacher Although the book is highly boring and very difficult to read I really appreciate the fact that my high school English teacher made us read this back in the day. Thanks to her I have impressed my friends when we play Jeopardy or any other quiz shows.
Typos The most irritating part about reading this book is the typos. The book is already difficult to read with Hawthorne's prolix writing. I had to check with a different edition of The Scarlet Letter just to confirm whether or not it was a typo. Also, it would have been nice to have some footnotes like other editions do.
Decent book, but definately not Hanry David Theraou It was a good book to read given that is a classical in American literature but I much rather like Theraou's book Walden.
Boring I tred to enjoy this novel. In fact I battled through to about halfway hoping it would get better but it seemed to me a silly pretentious novel. The history of life in that era was mildly enjoyable but I applaud anyone who had enough tenacity to stay the whole journey.
A cautionary tale. The Scarlet Letter is a catuionary tale set in a time with a very different moral code. This makes for fascinating reading at the start however, the writing style is so long-winded and introspective that it is not a particularly satisfying read. I wanted to fast forward through a lot of it to get to the action. The unusual characters in the story are well described and I liked the writers attempt to portray a "fallen woman" in a sympathetic light - and with unusual strength. I appreciated it for the insights, but won't be recommending it.
Great read Awesome plot I particularly liked the theme to be portray in such a way that you may be pushed over the top over false hood also the kindle edition was a fictional read
Review From One Book At A Time I hate giving classics bad reviews. This book was not for me. Nothing captured my attention and I found that I had to force myself to read it. If it had been any longer I would have stopped. It did catch my interest a little in the end, but not enough to redeem the book in any way.
Amazingly Good I came up to this book (a reading assignment for school) with a bit of dread, having heard that Hawthorne's writing could be hard to read. Actually, it was a delightful suprise to find it was a captivating plot, very well written, and very easy to read. I enjoyed it thoroughly. This book is about a woman who has an affair, choosing to bear the scarlet letter than reveal her lover's identity. Along side her is her ilegitamate daughter, a delightfully and hillariously strange character in the book. The scarlet letter is a good book having a melancholy but redeeming ending. A definate classic. Check it out... it'll be better than you expected.
Not my idea of a good read I've read worse. But it takes a lot of mental energy to wade through all the commas and figure out the point of each paragraph. It seems a lot longer than 240 pages. I wouldn't have read it if I hadn't been forced to by the school. And the introductory thing is torture.
Good book to read if you were bored to death! I read this book over the summer because I had no time to go to a library or a bookstore and I had gotten to book for my birthday from my aunt back in May. I usually read ALL the time. If it's a good book, I can read it in less than 1 day. Sometimes it even takes me 1-2 hours. But this book took me 3 weeks. I couldn't believe how long it took me! Then it turns out that I have to read it this year in school. (UGH!) Please don't read this book, only if you love very old books that are very hard to understand.
A well written book!! The Scarlet Letter was an great book in that it kept me reading. It was not boring. It had sense to it. It has alot of symbols in it that makes sense and has a purpose instead of just being there.
Duller than dirt I teach high school English, and was required to teach thisto my students. I don't know who suffered more, me or them.To be fair, as one of America's first novels, it has interestingelements and Hawthorne does a good job.On the other hand, it is excruciating to read. There is nosuspense, little to sympathize or empathize with, and evenless to enjoy. A better writer could have told the samestory in half the number of pages. Some have labelledthis book a tragedy; they are right only in the sense thatit is tragically bad.
A frustrating story, only for literary fanatics. This book has a nice plot, but it just isn't exciting. It's not riveting enough, maybe because it was written in the 19th century. Things that are exciting more than a 100 years ago just don't seem all that interesting to me. It's hard to read because most of the book is composed of metaphors and other examples of figurative language. If you had to read it, I'd say give yourself at least three weeks.
Scarlet Letter review I think that The "Scarlet Lettter" is a very well written book. One of the things that I would watch out for, is the vocabulary and how it is used in the context. The vocabulary is very confusing at times. However, it can lead you on to another world by wisking you off in the times where the"Scarlet Letter" took place. Other than that, I think this book is very good. I personally liked the characters and their roles in the story. The main character,"Hester Prynne", is written very carefully and it shows how she struggles to go on with her life. That is the only thing I can say about this book. You have to read the rest to find out what happens.....
A REALLY GOOD BOOK This book was very good i had to read it for school I didn't really understand it the first time but each time i read it, it gets better.
Excellent It is Hawthorne, of course it is excellent. Well written and worth a slow, methodical approach. Definitely a literary classic.
Wasted Time There is absolutely nothing captivating about this novel. Throughout the novel, only 3 major events occur: one in the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end. The characters are flat and difficult to relate to. Overall the book was decent at best and could have been completed in no more than 50 pages or so. Hawthorne's writing is totally ridiculous. He goes on and on stating irrelevant details and fills page after page with unnecessary imagery. These pages consist of long paragraphs, some which encompass multiple pages. If I didn't have to read this for class I definitely would not have read it on my own. I'm not saying that it is a difficult novel, but it is an unpleasant one. In the end, if you are looking to read great American novels, skip over this one and go read some Steinbeck or Twain.
Classic Book that I can read on my iPad Great book and it is nice to be able to read it on my iPad. Also, loved the price (FREE!) :)
The scarlet letter The book had a lot of fluff in it. It was hard to understand mostly because it had a lot of symbolism.
DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!!!! Please, I beg of you, if you have any respect for your own time whatsoever, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!!! Maybe if a couple of generations completey ignore it, it will cease to be a so-called classic. First of all, it is written in pretty difficult language. That is all fine and good if the book is worth the effort, but this one definitely is not. The author has no knowledge of subtlety and his message is both wrong, I believe, and poorly conveyed. The second star is given only because his use of language is sometimes impressive, but I would sooner read a taudry romance novel than re-read The Scarlet Letter.
Quite good I can't agree with people complaining that Hawthorne uses a difficult language. I am not english-speaking and yet I found it pretty easy to understand and follow. (By the way: at what age does the average American boy master his mother tongue and when is he able to read anything that comes within his reach without the support of a dictionary? it seemes impossible to me that a 16-year-old can't read a book written in the 19th century!! Come on, Hawthorne is no Chaucer!) On the whole, The Scarlet Letter is not my favourite book, but it is well written and well structured. Let us give it its due.
A book for those with time on their hands If this book is so great, then why are there so many people who give it only one or two stars? Should a great book not be able to be enjoyed on some level by everyone? To the best of my knowledge, only erudites and scholars enjoy this book. A good book, but one with a limited audience. Don't read it unless you don't mind wading waste deep through overly long sentences, antiquicated words and flowery prose. Personally I like an author who gets to the point.
Good Writing, Bad History This book was written in the 19th century to make a point about the 19th century. To do so, however, it caricatures the 17th-century Puritans pretty badly, a people who were generally cheerful, generous, and deeply suspicious of legalism. They even wore colorful clothing.I encourage you to read The Scarlet Letter as a classic novel that speaks to a number of universal human themes, just don't expect it to be historically accurate.
Who Chooses Classics? I don't see how this book gets so much attention as being "one of the best novels ever." It's very short, and very boring. It's written in old english, which adds to the difficulty, and even if you can understand it, you finish the book and say, "Ok, so what's the point?" There is absolutely no point to this novel. Entire chapters of the novel are void of dialogue and appears as a wall of text, and the description is so vague that you can't even tell what a character is doing half the time.
"Hallelujah!" is what I said when I finished this book This novel was the most boring book I have ever read. I would never put another person through the torture of reading this long-winded dull attempt at a scandalous and exciting romance. Even though there is much symbolism to be found, when is one supposed to find it, while they are sleeping? Another factor of my displeasure with this book is that I love to read and now hesitate to pick up another Hawthorne piece. How did this book become a "CLASSIC"?
Great story...difficult to understand. I purchased this book because I was told that in junior year it's required to read this novel. Instead my teacher showed us a movie version that follows the book exactally, but I decided to read the book for fun. If it wouldn't have been for the help of my English teacher I never would have understood this novel, but from what I did gather it had a great story and wonderful moral. If you are good at reading Hawthorne's style of writing, I suggest you read it because it is good, just hard to follow at times.
the letter I thought that the book was good as far as the issues in the book, but as far as me reading it for my own pleasure, I can't say that I would. I did enjoy the discussions that could arise from this book.
The Best Of Puritans This is a very interesting book. I started reading it in my 4th period English class. I think it is a good book because somehow it relates to what people do, when they feel superior to other people. I think you should read this book, because it is very interesting. Plus, it was written by the great Nathaniel Hawhthorne!
Girls just want to have fun The story may have had some merit however the writing style was so archaic and verbose that it took 50 words to complete a sentence. After trudging through about 100 pages he never came to any points or conclusions other that some people can remember what they ate 20 years ago in detail. This guy (Nathaniel Hawthorne) could have competed with Marry Shelly for most long-winded of the year. Some of it may not be his fault due to the writing style of the time but we surly do not have to put up with this.This is one time that just about any movie exceeds the book. If you insist on reading then it may be smart to find a child's version. Son one could get rich translating the book into today's English.
Boring, very This book may have been one of the best books of the 19th century but its language and themes don't relate to us very much any more. The Scarlet Letter is very boring and never seems to end. I really disliked the book.
Boring My english teacher assigned this book, one I would never read on my own. I am a 16 year old and I enjoy reading. But this book, while it does have a few good points and messages, is incredibly dull. The points are hard to get and I only understood the points after we had discussed them in class. While this book has a rather good story it`s concealed by endless symbols and references, I suggest the cliff notes version!!
Although it was hard to understand, I enjoyed the book. I thought that The Scarlet Letter was a very challenging book. In my opinion, it has been the hardest book that we have read this year. I am a big time daydreamer when I read, which is why I think it took me a long time to understand. If you can stay focused, go for it! It can be a really touching and interesting book, but if you daydream like me, get a few of your friends to read it, too. It may help you to understand it better. If my class did not have daily discussions on it, I would not have liked the book as much as I did!
Really Hard to Follow This is another classic out in the book world but I find it extremely hard to follow. Hawthorne had a lot of good points in the book but I didn't understand them until they were pointed out to me. If you don't get into that Puritan time period of literature then I suggest you don't read it. There is a lot of symbolism in this book, too.
It was a good novel... The story was great, but I read it in 11th grade and was unable to understand it very well.....it is very wordy and complicated but overall, it is a great book. It is a very profound tale of sin and public ignominy, it is definitely a classic for adults, but definitely not for teens... This but is not a masterpiece
Depends on what you like... I had to read this book for English class, and I did not enjoy it. My favorite genre is scifi-technthriller, and this clearly is not it. However, although I had to force myself to flip to the next page, when we analyzed it in class the book was amazing. Hawthorne can be considered nothing less than a pure genius in his writing. We could easily spend 30 minutes talking about a single page in our class of 17. The amount of detail and hidden information is astonishing. So, if you like love stories, (which I think this can be considered), this is the book for you. Otherwise, buy a Tom Clany novel.
I was fored to read it too The Scarlet Letter is a good but long and discriptive book. I wouldn't tell anybody to read it unless they classic books or a Hawthorne fan. This book and also The House of The Seven Gables are based on the one unlying rule of Hawthorne description. His books wouldn't be so long if he would have just gotton to the plot. Now don't get me wrong the plot to this book was good but the movie is even better. If you have to read it just deal with it. All I know is that is didn't hold my attenion very long and I fell asleep a couple of times.
I don't remember buying this. I did read the book in hs, so maybe that is when I bought it, but who knows. I just have to write words so that I can be done with reviewing this.
too had to read I find the old english wording too hard to understand and too hard to read...haven't got into it too far yet but it is taking me forever to get here
No Active Table of Contents My rating is only for the electronic formatting of this book. I really feel like I don't have any right to complain since the book was free but -you get what you pay for.The book starts with an introduction to the story which goes on for 18% of the book file. The actual text of the book doesn't start until location 604-10. Unfortunately the only way to find this is to page through from the beginning. It would have been nice to have a table of contents or at least a bookmaark for the start of the actual book.
If you get past the first thirty pages, you'll be all right... This slim book is like a three-course meal, where the appetizer is yak anus tartare, the entree is three-day-old caviar, and dessert is a Three Musketeers bar. That is to say, the first part, the Customs House prelude, is so floridly antiquated and negligible, that all but the sternest high-schoolers who've never had a bar or bat mitzvah will give up and read the Wikipedia plot summary for Monday's quiz. However, once past that interminable overture, the story actually picks up a bit, though it never really takes flight, and the ending is...pat. Hawthorne's idea of the scarlet letter is much more ingenious than his execution: the seed never sprouts as high as it should.
Ugh Forcing students to read novels such as this could be considered one of the primary obstacles to promoting reading as an independently pursued hobby. The story, I'll admit, was a good idea. However, the moody overromanticized method of telling it stifled what was a good idea. Hawthorne was a victim of the style of the times--not a victim of bad writing. In short, a great book to have read, but a miserable book to read.
Landscape book I guess I should have read the last review or even the fact that the description says Landscape. I didn't think it was necessary, it's just a book right?I guess it's supposed to be easier to read in bed. I just thought it would be cool to have the Scarlet Letter be a red book.If you buy this book you will be holding the book like a wall calendar and reading in two columns; first the two columns on the top page and then two columns on the bottom. This just seems really irritating to me.