Non spoiler title just batman( zero point comic 4) So here are all the members who have escaped the loop are suspects Batman Cat woman Deathstroke Fishstick Bonehead Magnus Eternal Voyager Bandolette Renegade Raider so first of all we can first eliminate Batman(he's batman) and Fishstick(he died) as they are the obvious ones. Next we go through the means, motive and opportunity for all the characters Catwoman She has been known in other dc works to betray batman however she has no recognition of her old memories and also doesn't have the abilities to burn fishstick as well as finding the body and being with batman the whole time. Deathstroke Deathstroke was already known as a villain and has the capacity to set the trap that killed fishstick . However a flame thrower is not in his usual set of weopons. Fishstick also would have been able to convince batman and not have said there is no point. Bonehead He was especially violent and has flames coming out of his face meaning he could have burned fishstick .We know very little about him but he is easily talked down by magnus. He has the means , the motive and also the opportunity making him a candidate for the traitor. Magnus Seems righteous and trusting, not really a suspect Eternal Voyager We know little about him and his pickaxe had fire coming of it. Also he was given the opportunity to do an aerial sweep meaning he could have given false info, He was shown to be bickering with fishstick giving a reason to kill him. Also we saw him in s10 when reality was unstable meaning he may have been able strike a deal with the IO during a weak time. He is a legitimate suspect. Bandolette was an escaped looper but still has an npc however little else is shown. Renegade Raider Having being outside the longest she is a suspect as she could have tried this strategy out multiple times as well as having the longest time to strike a deal. We aren't told how she got out meaning she could have had some help. She has the motive of personal gain as well as in her blaze form a mean to kill fishstick. Also assuming that the teams of two go in roughly the same tunnels as they walk she would have been quite close to where batman and cat woman found fishstick. Also her being one of the first skin very little people have her tying into her she escaped first meaning no more snapshots. Also fishstick would have had the hardest time convincing batman and the others it was her. This leaves us with three Eternal Voyager, Bonehead and Renegade Raider I think it is renegade raider because she has the most evidence stacked against her
I'm just in my room waiting....then POP! it hits me... ya know, i just realized, if the comic is being released, and the comic will also be canon to batman, and ALSO not only canon to game, but it'll also be showing off the events in comic. but not only is a primal war starting in fortnite, it looks like they'll be brought in after the whole aftermath, so I'm just wondering, how shall it be fit in?
Pls rescue me from frustration of this game Hi there as u read the title im very frustrated that the game doesnt even work i have a slow download speed And it took so long to install this and now it doesnt even work my specs rtx 2060 6gb i5 9400 16gb ram 3tb of drives the game only shows this shitty error saying The game crashed and will now close we are sorry for the Inconvenience Tze reason im so frustrated is not only that ut took so long the other part is that they dont even have setup error codes like who even does that??? Note that all of my games except for this work Anyway help us appreciated edit i edited my gameusersettings and before i came back to this game i had rtx enabled which appearently caused some issues and threw up errors now why idk so anyway what i did was i pressed win r typed in appdata went to local fortnite game then saved then config then to crash report client or where it was for me windows client folder inside there there should be a file called gameusersettings so what i did i disabled read only so i can change it and changed bPreferD3D12InGame True bUseD3D12InGame True bPreferFeatureLevelES31 True to bPreferD3D12InGame True bUseD3D12InGame False bPreferFeatureLevelES31 False and r.RayTracing.EnableInGame True to r.RayTracing.EnableInGame False note that u have to change it back to read only again cuz if a new update comes up it will ruin it again
Epic Games Launcher Setup Invalid Drive E Error amp x200B In the very beginning I had both Epic Games and Fortnite downloaded on an external SSD drive for faster load times however I began to experience delay issues due to the connection of the hard drive via USB I then went to go directly download epic games onto my regular Hard Disk Drive however I am receiving this error Epic Games Launcher Setup Invalid Drive E Error the external SSD is not connected to my laptop. E is the name of the external Hard drive my laptops hard drive is named C will give hugz reward
Ever going to fix the Banners and Emote bugs? 2 Annoying bugs which have been in the game for many seasons, First one is the banner bug, all the banners in the menu selection are in the wrong tabs and out of order, this has been an issue since like V14.20 or .30? Whats got it so broken that it takes nearly a year to get it fixed? Next issue is the emote wheel, literally been broken in many ways since V13.00, first issue is that its a mess, its no longer in alphabetical order when scrolling and the emotes are randomly all over the place in the main emote wheel, why does it go 1 5 2 3 6 4 (Not sure if thats even correct) instead of, oh i dont know, 1 2 3 4 5 6 like it did for 3 years? (And why does scrolling up now take you through emoticons first? but in STW its still emotes first) Also maybe add an enlightened tab in the locker and a reactive tab for wraps considering you've got every other feature listed.
Question about fortnite crew Let's say I were to buy crew right now and got the 1000 vbucks plus 950 for already owning the battle pass. Would I also receive next season's battle pass for free, or have to buy that one as well?
Fortnite needs a Trading System I have been playing fortnite for a very long time now and I strongly believe that fortnite needs a trading system, where players can trade skins and other cosmetics for Prices of their own choice . I started to play rocket league about a month ago, the game its self is great but what really added to the fun in the game was trading. There are various apps and communities where you can find people that want to trade. The perfect example of a trading system is in rocket league. I think that Fortnite needs a trading system exactly like Rocket league's with the necessary changes, but the main over all algorithm.
Pretending to be a big time streamer rising trend? Multiple times recently I've had my squad auto filled with kids talking out loud to nobody, pretending to field questions from an imaginary Twitch chat. I just leave them alone bc clearly they're fishing for someone in the squad to ask "omg are you a streamer??". To be clear I realize this isn't something new, but why the sudden uptick?
PSA Loot box compensation for Save The World players There is compensation available for certain Save The World players. This is due to a class action settlement over the game's use of loot boxes. Compensation is in the form of dollar refunds or V bucks, and must be manually claimed by filling out a form. You need to meet the following criteria to claim You live in the U.S. You played Fortnite s Save The World game mode before February 2019 You used V bucks to purchase a Loot Llama in Save The World You won t be able to claim if any of the following is true You do not live in the U.S. You have only ever played Battle Royale or Creative You have only ever purchased X Ray Llamas in Save The World Think you qualify? Visit the website link at the end of this epicgames.com news post to make your claim Warning Do not reply to or click on links sent to you by email as they can be fake. Only provide your details to the website link at the end of the above epicgames.com news post. No one will ever email you asking for your Fortnite password or other personal information You need to have purchased a Loot Llama with Vbucks on this screen to be eligible Note that Free Llamas, Event Llamas and X Ray Llamas do not count
10 Very Good Reasons Why Railguns and UFOs Should Be In Tournaments 1. I am bad at the game and need them to win 2. I cannot beat better players without them 3. They are not OP 4. Sweats need to just adapt to them 5. Competitive is boring and I have never played it, this would make it fun 6. Competitive wouldn t change that much with them 7. The competitive meta needs to change from the stale OP pump 8. I hate the pump because I cannot use it to beat better players than me 9. Comp modes cater too much to sweats 10. Casuals deserve free skins these are my reasons Epic please consider them
A friend got removed from my friendlist and i cant add them. (PS4) I tried adding them again through PSN it said that theres no users with this name. I tried through Fortnite and it still said that theres none with this username Neither can they find me the same for them. Did this happen to you if yes, how did you fix it If not should i contact epic via email
Just read all the Batman Zero comics, they were EPIC I can t explain how fast my respect for this season has risen in one night, it s insane! All the art and pages in the books are great, and really look exactly what a Fortnite comic should look like. They re very well written, and explain so many huge questions we ve had for so long. I really loved all of them and can t wait for issue 5! Another thing I wanna mention is that this is a collab. Normally making something in Fortnite a collab dumbs it down and drains all the creativity. But here, it s the opposite. The way the two universes connect feels like something that could actually happen, instead of a skin being forced down your throat. It doesn t harm the game, but if you put the time into it, it greatly improves it, and seeing characters I love from two different universe actually meet and talk to each other, like Fiskstick and Batman is incredible. This is a collab done right! Keep it up Epic, because this is quality!
Why do my builds look like this? So I recently turned on the Performance rendering mode, but for some reason my builds look really bad, I know that they're supposed to look like mobile builds, but they look very different from the builds pros and content creators have. For example, ItsJerian's video. Does anyone know how I can make the builds like his? Edit Forgot to add the images lol
Did anyone else gold get reset So I started to play today because you know new update and yesterday I had 4,482 gold and now it reset to 394
Is Kyra Skin usable on both Battle Royale and Save the World? Topic. I heard a few things that some skins are usable in both modes. Is this one of the skins that is usable in both modes?
(If they add marching accounts back) Can I merch my linked account? I used to play fortnite on PS4 but when I got a pc (long time ago) I didn t login to play station network instead and now I have two accounts, I also linked my PS4 details to my epic games account. Can I merch the two accounts still?
Keep gettin stuck in build mode why? I thought it was creative thing where when I start building, I get stuck in build mode and I have to tap b like a ton of times. However I was just in a solo match and it did the same thing. Anyone know why it s doing this? How to fix? I m on xbox
help back after 2 years and massively confused So, ive played Fortnite from when it came out in 2017 till about the end of 2018 (winter themed season, pre new map is when i left) Now after more than 2 years im back in the mood for some fortnitebr. I just played a bunch of matches and it just feels nothing like what i remember, there are to many new mechanics, weapons, places, everthing now apart from the whole new map which ill probably just gonna have to discover for myself. my question to anyone who sees this can you give me a quick rundown of everthing new i need to understand? or maybe recommend posts videos which sum everthing new up for "old" players whats the whole crafting system? why are there random npcs standing around? are there still some of the old weapons im used to? have any other mechanics, like building or combat related stuff, changed? Thank you so much
Fortnite is plain (shocker) I started playing fortnite around mid season 4 when I got the hang into it and new guns were being introduced every week and doing the challenges was fun to do played every season up to 7 and stopped a month ago a friend got me back to the game and come back to more story and confused about it but caught up to the lore as for the current meta, It's so plain and boring the crafting isnt the problem it's the small selection of guns (makeshift primal assault pump) and the battle pass is mediocre at best playing unvaulted made me miss the old fortnite meta where there was multiple strategies and vararity to it not just shoot down and camp the game is not horrible it's just plain and I would like for it to be more fun in the game aspect
Are you still able to get badges for Winter Trials? I read that it ends at 12 00 PST and the website is still up and says you can earn badges by playing games. I need only one more badge, can I still earn it before then?
For those of you struggling with the "get a headshot with a bow" challenge All ypu have to do is down a person with any weapon. Then, once they are downed you shoot them in the head with a bow. It will still count towards the challenge.
Some Weapon ideas I had termite grenade, frost thrower, and arc thrower. I had a few ideas for weapons that could be interesting additions to fortnite. Here they are Stormite grenade its a grenade full of storm themed termites. Does not deal damage. When it detonates, any wood tile or object in its blast is infected. Infected wood turns purple and will spread the infection to any wood it touches after a second. Then after a short time the wood price is destroyed. One of these can easily destroy a massive wood structure of players don t destroy the connecting wood fast enough. Purpose this is to counter wood towers that are easy to build fast and encourage use of other materials. Limit cheese. Frost thrower like a flamethrower but can chill players or create an ice path on water. Player can slide across like frozone from incredibles. Purpose who doesn t want to skate across a like like frozone or freeze their enemy? shock grenades or arc blast this grenade shocks its victims and any metal it touches gets electrified to do the same. If a player is shocked they take some damage and will drop their weapon in hand. Alternatively could be a better grenade launcher or rocket variant Purpose firstly if you are having trouble with ammo this can force your enemy to drop their weapon(s), assuming you hit them. It s Mainly to counter players who turtle in metal structures too long, and have a boat load of metal for building. This weapon fill flush them out. Does not deal much damage nor can it bust walls. Very niche use.
Does using aloy and your partner using Lara croft guarantee you'll be those roles in the ltm? I've been playing the team up ltm with my friend, and I've been aloy and he's been Lara croft for every round except the first round. I've been playing for 2 hours and only had the dual pistols one round the one where my friend was baseball Jonesy instead of Lara croft. Does choosing these characters before hand guarantee you'll be them in game?
Fortnite Mobile not playable on Samsung Galaxy S8... Hi. This game lagging alot and not playable at all. Here is my recording while i am playing Fortnite Mobile with my Samsung Galaxy S8. I am still wondering how Fortnite Mobile supports Samsung Galaxy S7 and S8? This phones not enough to run this game... Also i can't imagine the Samsung Galaxy S7 on Fortnite Mobile... Note My phone was too hot while i am playing Fortnite Mobile after 10 15 minutes... And then i saw some graphical glitches because my phone get probably thermal limits around 80c... And then my phone restarts itself for protection from overheating... What's your opinions? Here is the video
They should have done predator, the same way they did Mandalorian. Where you complete challenges and unlock an addition to the skin. It makes more sense for Predator than it does for Mandalorian, since all you're doing is turning the skin from brown to silver. With predator, they could have made a shoulder cannon, a better backbling, a spaceship glider that turns invisible (without the player going invisible), a spear, the hand gauntlets we have now but with bigger blades, maybe a different mask, the whip, the 1715 pistol. The ideas are almost endless. Obviously all these would be cosmetics and wouldn't be usable in the game but it would at least make it less empty.
Which team are you on the believers or IO? I personally think that I am on IO's side but I want to know what you guys think.
What is your favorite drop spot? I absolutely love Lockes light house. I miss the days Epic would make a short video showing your favorite drop spot and which weapon you used the most.
How long will the romantic items stay in the store? Asking bc i want certain dance but I need 200vbucks and I ll try to get them from the battle pass, so how much time I have to do that? Until feb 14th? Until next month s first day?
Midas's golden touch bugged Midas's golden touch doesn't work properly on vehicles. If you get in a vehicle, it doesn't turn immediately gold. It only turns gold if you switch place or get off the vehicle.
UFO s in fortnite are too OP UFO is to OP I hate getting spammed by them fortnite you need to nerf them or add a 30 second cool down for the weapon
Battle pass and crew member ship I have my crew member ship until march 25th ,so will i get my batllepass tomorrow or will I have to pay like i would to get my 1000 vbucks?
My Fortnite uninstaleds it self every time i lunch my Pc I installed Fortnite yesterday and today I had to install it again cause in uninstalled it slef i instaled it again and shut of my Pc and it did it again pls help and that happends only to Fortnite
So what are they going to end up doing for the Yautja Predator? I Imagine it's going to share the roar emote or animations with Cattus The Devourer there with a different sound of course but it appears to have a wrap? What kind of wrap would they even have? The back bling is likely to be a bag of skulls or trophies or something though they could surprise us and make it Alien Xeno related, and the Harvesting tool is obviously arm blades.
Here s help for anybody needing to complete bio war zone war challenges Just get a friend or bot account, load up into creative, then change a portal to bio zone war trios (make sure it s correct code, there s a few) start the game with other account and go onto different teams, you could get the challenges done in 5 matches. The assist teammates one will count even if your the only one in the team
Join the Crew or Join the Crew... So how am I supposed to use my v bucks to purchase this season's battle pass...
What tips you got to improve on controller? I have been looking for ways to improve as a non claw player, im already godly but just feel like i could get a lil better just looking for more tips
Who do you guys think the final hunter is? i m really excited to see who French Fry is. What are your guys predictions
Why is there a desert and many other zero point question Why d the surrounding area of the zero point get turned into a desert? Did the zero point reconstruct the area like it did to make a new island. Did the zero point sap the life out of the area. Why are there trees that look like a zero point material but other things arnt like the car wreckage near the sandy depot or a bunch of other things. If the zero point crystals are from the zero point then why is it not damaged, is it healing itself constantly. If the zero point rocks arnt from the zero point itself but just zero point afied rocks then why don t the trees drop the crystals. I have so many more questions
Will fortnite crew members first get v bucks at the renewal? So I signed up for the fortnite crew yesterday, and today we got the new skin. I need some confirmation on this, the monthly v bucks will first arrive at the date of renewal right? Will the skin pack be removed if you unsub meanwhile? Also, I bought the crew sub on pc, does that mean when I bought it on pc I will get the bucks on pc, or does it mean it potentially can get on my ps account instead when logging in?
Is this game just build above then jump down and shotgun? Getting old really fast as a new player..... might as well just make all guns shotguns because I rarely get killed by anything but a shotgun.
Hey, what are all of the exotic weapons? I want to try every exotic weapon in the game but idk hoe many weapons there are and what they are called? And za internet dont help me
anyone else's AA feel non existent after todays update? (console) after todays update, the stickiness when aiming on players feels very weak even tho i'm on 100 strength, every fight when the players are moving i get barely any tracking either. wondering if anybody else noticed the same thing?
Unvault amp Buff the Scoped Assault Rifle I believe that the Scoped Assault Rifle, during the times it was unvaulted, was a very fun and niche weapon. Unfortunately Epic did not see the weapon the same way and it's currently in the vault. Perhaps the weapon could stand to use a buff to become appealing again to players, as well as the introduction of a Common variant. Here I present a list of proposed buffs and a few nerfs . Remove damage falloff. If my memory serves me correctly, the Scoped Assault Rifle used to not have damage falloff. Currently though that's not the case, and it's one of the main reasons why I believe that this weapon has fallen from grace. Nerf the damage. Without damage falloff, the Scoped Assault Rifle may become too overpowered, and I want the weapon to be useable but not the 100 meta. Below are the damage values I'd like to present Common 28 Uncommon 29 Rare 30 Epic 32 Legendary 33 Give all variants the same magazine clip size. A 20 magazine size across the board. This is to compensate for one of the other buffs I'll propose in this post. Buff the fire rate. Now this is an interesting buff that I thought up of one day. This was also the buff I was talking about in the magazine size buff section. You know how some Epic Legendary weapons have advantages over their lower rarity counterparts? I believe that the Epic Legendary Scoped Assault Rifle should have a higher fire rate over the lower rarities. Common, Uncommon, Rare 2.5 Fire Rate Epic and Legendary 3 Fire Rate The Primal Assault Rifle was the main thought process behind this buff idea. The Primal was a good idea on paper, but the "buff" it got wasn't good enough to keep up with the normal Assault Rifle. If we compact this idea into a singular weapon make it more impactful, it'll make getting the higher rarities of said weapon more rewarding and impactful than just "muh extra damage and faster reload", you know? Maybe add a Mythic Exotic variant? This isn't really a part of the whole buff unvault suggestion, but adding a Mythic Exotic variant that had 35 damage a thermal scope like the Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle could be pretty fun. In conclusion... I want to make the Scoped Assault Rifle a viable weapon that can combat sniper rifles at longer ranges, and to also reintroduce a longer ranged weapon into the mix that isn't just a sniper rifle. Any thoughts on my proposed changes are extremely welcomed!
Week 7 s legendary quest doesn t work? We need to deal damage to people inside vehicules. I did some Ar damage and my friend even landed a snipe headshot in a guy in a car. But we are still at 0 500. I guess it isn t normal or when they say vehicules its just boats? This quest sucks.
The Predator crossover is great so far but I feel they could probably keep him around a while and do more with it and there's likely a great deal of things we could discuss and come up with. The Predator has had a lot of crossovers with other media and has a lot of neat gear too Plus the crossover makes too much sense The BR Island is practically a dream come true for younger Yautja Wish they used the Scientist Kyle Rippley Etc. Bodytype though Yautja are typically noticeably larger in the skeleton department than the average man.
Advice for a switch player So I've been a switch player for about 11 seasons now and I've always wanted to get better but could never really do well is there anything im missing? If you guys have some training maps advice or good settings all help would be greatly appreciated! Please don't say "just get a pc"
I m a subscriber to Fortnite crew and I did not get my 1000 vbucks this month I got it last month, and it s the first and I haven t gotten my vbucks yet... does anyone else have this issue? What do I do...? Thank you Ps. Automod sucks. Removed my thread twice. Screw off stupid automod. Piece of crap Edit Thanks everyone!
Season 7 live event theory Hi guys I just wanted to share what I think will happen in the season seven live event I think that the IO will shut down the loop to get agent jones out of the loop to bring him to justice. while the loop is shut down The Foundation will command Jones to throw his over charged rift gun at the re exposed zero point this breaks his rift gun but then 6 rockets fly out of a rift followed by the chapter 1 meteor this crashes into the spire to create a dusty divot type area the theme of this season is The Loop War
Concept WandaVision set. Every time you get a kill it changes the era. For example in the 50s the skin is black and white and then when you get a kill it changes into colour (just like the show)and their 60s outfit. You can get 5 kills and then get their real outfits. You can also just choose the styles if you want.
Is there an easy way to complete 1st of cosmic summer quests? I can't build to save my life XD Is there an easy way to complete the first part of the cosmic summer quests?
Cosmic chest as a solo squad? I've had the basics of comic chests explained to me and I've seen videos of them, but as someone who only plays solos, does anyone know if they still get pinged and if you can still open them if you do squads or duos on NO FILL? That way your "whole team" would just be you. Has anyone tested this? If not I'll test it myself tomorrow or the next day. Thanks.
Xbox One X Game crashes after jumping out of the bus In my home, we have two Xbox One X consoles. Both on the same network, both with their own Gold accounts. Network has Open NAT. One console has no problems. On the other, the game constantly crashes (freezes and closes to Dashboard) whenever playing Fortnite BR. 95 of the time it crashes just a few seconds after jumping out of the bus. Rarely, it will take about 5 min into match before crashing. I ve tried the following Uninstall and reinstall the game Hard restart the console Clear local game cache Factory reset the console Try different controllers Try different game profiles Restart the modem Try different BR modes (solo, duo, Rumble) Nothing has worked to fix the problem. Other games and apps work just fine on this console. I can play COD s battle royale just fine, for example. It s only Fortnite. Also, this started happening only after the start of this latest season.
Can we get an aim assist emote? Ok, I think we should have an uncommon emote, where a big switch labeled on off appears with text saying aim assist above it, then you flip the switch to on, and the emotes over. (Uncommon, 200 VBucks)
Achievement unlocked on its own The achievement to kill opponents with every weapon type as Lexa was unlocked on its own yesterday even though I haven't played as Lexa in the last week, is it a glitch where the achievements are shown late cuz I checked fortnite tracker and no games had been played by someone, So is my account safe and it's just a glitch or is my account hacked?
Quest 'Hit players with Harpoon Gun' bugged ? The Daily Quest to hit players with harpoon guns is bugged it seems. I Definitely DID hit another player, and even killed him (got the 'kill 1 player with harpoon gun' mission finished in that match) and yet the daily quest is still unfulfilled Edit . Ok, im pretty sure Epic is trolling mighty hard right now. I got the same quest again today and its STILL bugged. No matter how much i perforate my oponents with the harpoon it.. just... wont... trigger gt lt That'll be 44k xp i lost because of this BS already
Is there no seasonal bundle this season? Usually when a season begins there is a bundle that you can buy for 440 (not sure what it goes for in dollars) and it comes with a unique skin, pick axe, back bling and 600 v bucks, but there isn t a bundle in the Item Shop this season. Did Epic do away with this?
Theory Midas and Jules escaped the loop? If Jules is Midas daughter, then Jules and Midas are from outside the loop right? Because if when you enter the loop you create a snapshot then a snapshot can't have a daughter if the loop resets every 22minutes, so Midas had Jules outside the loop, Midas is from E.G.O Ghost, and we know that E.G.O is somehow connected to IO, Jules joined the Imagined Order(ScrapKnightJules) following her dad steps and one day they both had to enter the loop for some reason, the loop started erasing the memory of these two, and because of that Midas kept a picture of Jules so he wouldn't forget her, the loop doesn't erase feelings so somehow Jules and Midas knew they were daughter and father but that is the only thing they know, Midas has abilities of a spy, so he started thinking he is a criminal, Jules has the abilities of a Engineer, so she started acting like one, Jules thought that she don't wanted to be a "criminal" so she joined A.L.T.E.R that way she wouldn't be on "her father's shadow", Midas on the other side is a genius, he built the agency and brought together all the agents to work for him, that way he could be the criminal he thought he was, but Midas is intelligent, he knew something just wasn't right, he started to collect "Golden Trophies" so he could remember that the people on this island couldn't speak and just wanted to fight, so he did a plan to break this "force" that kept all the characters fighting, and put away the storm that always tried to kill them and re start the cicle, my theory is that Midas succeeded and he and Jules escaped the loop, leaving snapshots behind to take their place but finally coming back to the world that they came from, so when we see Midas being eaten by a shark is just one of his snapshots, and Jules too, and the tsunami that we see is just a consequence of the storm being put away and nothing more.
Just a quick question about Reboot a friend Can I get points for reboot a friend on team rumble because me and my friend prefer to play team rumble rather than duo's or squads In addition, I've been seeing that people have been having matchmaking issues, but that may have been resolved by now.
What do I use for fortography Because I went in a match just to take some pics and I got some cool ones so how to I upload them here now because anytime I try to take a picture with my phone it s blurry so how do I do it. Btw I m on PlayStation but I do not have the PlayStation app
Sooo my friend just kicked me out of the party Because he said he didnt like that i used aura because its a sweaty skin or whatever, and guess which skin he mains amp x200B He mains crystal, pretty much the same skin
Will we get a vehicle based LTM? Just to make the arguably god awful legendary quest for this week be a little easier?
Small theory about Geno I wanted to share! What if Geno is the planet where the aliens from next season come from? They ve seem to have created the cube (glyphs on the promos) and Raz possibly worked, unknowingly, as a beacon for them. Going further, maybe Geno is that ringed planet we see in s6 opening cinematic and that could hint that the aliens are not only coming in spaceships, they re preparing a full overlay of planets. The wasteland we see could be a reality where the aliens remove the zero point from the island and in so, it becomes sterile (maybe the figures praising the sun are actually even praising the aliens as some kind of brainwashed cult). Anyways, that was it! Feel free to leave your own theories )
Pro 100 what was going on? Not the usual rant about Pro 100 (although I m relieved to have done the quests so I never have to play this awful map again ) I have been playing and trying to get people to reciprocate by knocking ourselves for the revives. In a recent game almost my entire team were holed up in the vault. They were all boosted and just guarding the door. I joined them and tried prompting a bit of mutual reviving but they weren t interested. They were just standing around. They weren t getting kills just sitting doing nothing. Any idea what they were doing? Maybe I was missing some obvious benefit to standing around whilst glowing purple
I just can't get into the new season Ok so the new environment is actually cool, the detail is really nice. There's such an abundance of NPC's and crafting and stuff to do... Epic have made a cool sandbox RPG. But I just feel like there's too much heat on because well, it's a battle royale shooter. I'm torn now. And I dunno if I'm even explaining myself well lol. I feel like the world could be expired and enjoyed more as a sort of..... Free roam . There's now too much pressure from a continuous storm limiting the map, and the other players with their insane trick shoot no scope headshot 920s or whatever the fuck my son calls it. I reeeeeally appreciate the crafting element though and I wanna just get to play the new shit more but like I say, the pressure is on to keep moving. I dunno if I'm ranting about being crap at the game, or suggesting a free roam mode? Honestly..... I think both?
What's the best way to use charge shotgun? Do you like charge it up all the way. Or just shoot it with no charge up prioritizing speed. I haven't played since season 5 so idk these new guns
The Zero Point has been contained! amp x200B Its ok Islanders! The Zero Point has been contained once more and we have made a peace treaty with the extra terrestrials, You can all go back to living how you were before the accident with no issues! Doctor Slone
A guide to winning Mando s Bounty as a mediocre player It s that time of the game when Epic adds a new Umbrella tied to an LTM and the community scrambles to get a win before it goes away possibly forever. This Update gave me major flashbacks to Wick s Bounty and the horrific grind it took for me as a mediocre average player to pull a win out of my ass. Fundamentally, Wick s Bounty and Mando s Bounty are alike at the core but this latter mode switches things up a little You re way easier found even if you re not in the top 3 players. Despite some differences, I was still able to apply the same strategy that allowed me the Wick s Bounty Win. Of course it s not the bEsT aNd MoSt OrIgInAl strat in the game, and however you wanna play and whatever works best is completely down to the player you are. This just worked best with me If you re shitty like me when it comes down to constant fighting and keeping level headed, the best thing to do is simply ignore the Bounties. Yes Keep an eye on whoever s hunting you and defend yourself when necessary but focus on preserving your lives before anything else. Only pay attention to the Bounty Markings when the bar above alerts you that somebody is extremely high in points and nearing a win. At that point, if you ve laid low, you should be in a closing circle with fewer people. Then, immediately go into full push mode. What I did was immediately engage with the Number 1 person, who despite being sweaty was clearly out of lives and low on health. With all the Mats and Ammo conserved it was hard but not impossible to get the kill. That, coupled with the Points from one guy who was on my back that I had to kill, got me the instant win. TL DR If you hate playing aggressively, lay as low as you possibly can. Conserve your Mats Healing Items Ammo and wait until the final circle when the Number 1 player is nearing the 50,000 Points needed to win. Then go thirsty mode, since you don t have anything to lose. How do you guys enjoy playing the new LTM? Minus the pressure to get the Umbrella it seems pretty fun.
Can we take a second and talk about Zero Point and what happened with it? So, In a teaser Zero Point got destroyed, doesn't it mean that reality should start collapsing ? Or did they destroyed just spire and took the zero point inside the ship? Like, I dont think they would just get rid of that zero point in a second, I think we might see it again, but maybe in some other shape? Maybe in Cube form D And that could lead into fortnitemares. Also, Im kinda curious where even Foundation landed. I firstly thought he fell into "The aftermath" POI, but in teaser it showed like he fell into ocean. Like did he get maybe into another reality? I just hope he is not dead and we get some progress and explanation into lore. And same goes for Jonesy. He just somehow disappeared. Every season I get more and more confused by this lore lmao.
I Will Not Stand For This Bannana Nonsense! This Is Clearly Oannes! amp x200B As you can see, the is indeed not peely, but Oannes. This is from the new audio spectogram BTW.
How do I fix drift on my controller? I've tried everything that might fix it, but nothing has worked. Any ideas? It's really annoying while playing with my son.
Does anyone know where an noch that gives purple challenges is? I really want cluck eggsplosive and heard a while ago there was an npc with a purple quests that counted towards complete epic quests and was wondering where that was and if it was patched. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Special Membership Badges for April 2021 Special Membership Badges for April 2021 Exclusive to r FortniteBR Reddit's art team have created the Special Membership Badges for April 2021. Use them right now by accessing the "Membership" tab in app, or by looking in the Sidebar on desktop. amp x200B r FortniteBR Special Membership Special Members receive subreddit perks Includes access to 350 Battle Royale themed username icons, exclusive subreddit emotes, and the ability to reply with animated GIFs Powers exclusive subreddit features Features available to everyone include custom Snoomoji, subreddit achievement icons, and participating in GIF trains Subscribe with subreddit Karma Earn upvotes in the subreddit to earn r FortniteBR Bricks, then use your Bricks to instantly unlock Special Membership amp x200B Community Badges are being accepted! Created by the subreddit, for the subreddit Earn Bricks for each accepted Community Badge Learn more from the r FortniteBR Sidebar on desktop
If we have a battle against Dr.Slone,what kind of boss music do you think it will play? Kinda strange to ask,but considering that we are 3 seasons away from C2 SX,i think that we could potentially have a Dr.Slone boss battle.But what should make her intimidating is the music.What kind of music do you think will play thru the battle?You can link a boss battle music if you think that would fit her.Mine would prolly sound like this.
BatmanxFortnite DC subscription question Hi guys I have a question. I live in India and haven't been able to find a way to get the codes or the comics, so my last resort is to use a VPN and buy the DC Infinite subscription. My question is will my subscription period start from the first day of the free trial or after the trial ends? Because I am planning to buy it in the middle of May, that way I only have to pay for 2 months. Any help is appreciated thanks! P.S. if anyone can get me the c des I will be more than happy to compensate you the full amount of the comic through P yP l )
My thoughts on 16.40 Update The removal of the Dub Exotic weapon was a good change since I don't really think anyone used that weapon. The Exotic Six Shooter is not the best Exotic that they have added, however if you somehow hit a headshot, it does 96 damage. The new location for the female Oro is cool, it is so crowded right now so it is hard to fully enjoy it, but I still think it is cool. The new summer items added to creative is a huge change. I also like how they added boats and fishing holes. I haven't tried out the mythic Primal Assault Rifle yet, I feel like it will be good though. Overall I like this update, it was a smaller one as far as content goes, but I still thought it was good. I will give this update a 7 10.
Anyone else have a bad feeling with these new anime skins coming out soon? You know how back when dual pickaxes came out, they were really cool, popular, and original, but are now made and sold way too often and aren t cool anymore? This is what I feel is going to happen with the anime skins seeing as they are already Immensely popular already and have seen massive amounts of success with skins like Lexa and Orin in such little time. I feel like history is going to repeat itself in this case with the anime skin genre potentially being overdone in the future. P.S I m not hating on the new skins, I would just like to know what you guys think.
Any last minute predictions on who the crossover skin will be this season? Personally, I predict Deathstroke. The Batman comics will be coming out pretty soon, and the blurb for one of the issues implies a "Hunter for hire" from the DC universe, and nobody fits that description more than Deathstroke. He has a sword for a harvesting tool, an obvious BB, style options, and he's the perfect counterpart to Deadpool. He just seems perfect
i need to get better ping (PC) so i live in canada ontario mono it is a rural area and there are not that many internet providers out there and i use xplornet sattelite internet and i average 700ms ping to1100ms ping WHILE USING ETHERNET and i came here to ask you guys what can i buy or do to make my ping better amp x200B thank you!
What skin are you planning to buy next? Whether it s a rare hasn t been out in 400 days or a 30 day rotation skin, what skin are you looking forward to buying? Personally, I m really excited for Rue to return to the shop. I m also holding out that the Slurp legends come back to the shop one day.
Do I have to buy the battle pass to get the predator skin? Read the title. I killed the predator twice but didn't get the skin so Idk. I also don't have the challenges and now I'm just adding a bunch of words so it doesn't get removed for having too little characters so yea how's your day going pls answer my question tho
Can Anyone Go Through This And Point Out The OG Skins For My Friend? Is the link! Would much appreciate it! Also if you want to go through the gliders that is also appreciated!
A story of pain and betrayal... (Impossible Escape) So I started the Impossible Escape! It went well at first, I found Raptors early and got to a Huntmaster. I then went and grabbed the Rotor Cap. I traveled to the Choppa, on the way finding a new friend! When we got there, we found that a part had already been installed and other people were on the way. We made peace with them, but their squad was too big. Nonetheless, we repaired the Choppa and were on the way out. BUT. 400 meters away from escape, one of the other squad was fooling around with a bow. Now, I didnt trust them 100 but I assured myself that they would be chill. So close to the exit and this one with the bow (accidentally?) HEADSHOT ME ONLY A COUPLE HUNDRED METER AWAY FROM ESCAPE!!! I died of fall damage and my TEAMMATE WON WITHOUT ME!!! This Ltm is exactly as the name says, IMpossible. If you dont die to the Ghosts by the second night, sweaty players will kill you instead. Friendship is key, yet some people dont get that. My username is Tridentsine8100, NA East. I ususally am Shadow Midas. If you see me and I dont attack, please dont kill me, I'll help you escape as long as you let me live.
I actually really enjoyed pro 100 I know I'm going to get lots of hate for this but I genuinely enjoyed the game mode and I managed to do the challenges within 30 mins. Me and my friend where on there for 2 hours just for fun.
Does anyone want to pair up and play the Teen Titans tournament with me? I m from UK but I m on Brazil servers as I missed out so I changed my region! Comment your epic ) sorry it s making me have to write more or it won t approve my post! Also I have no mic!
The shop should show you what animation a pickaxe is going to have. Devourers bane is a great looking pickaxe. But I bought it assuming that it would have a different animation. Not mjolnir. I think the mjolnir animation looks awful with this pickaxe. The katana animation would be much better imo, and that s what I thought it ould be like. And now I want to refund it, but I can t.
An idea to improve the bounty If you get a bounty it should be a bounty of the player team who has most kills on the match. On one hand it could be interesting for aggressive players who like to fight, they could find a hard enemy, and that player with most eliminations would have the chance to get more. On the other hand, that could be good for conservative players because they could know where is the dangerous enemy to avoid him in order to try on winning Edit Would be good for the health of the game because sweats and tryhard would fight leading to more chances for noobs or casual to win the game Shall you tell me what do you think? It was only a little idea, sorry about my broken english and have a good day !
Please make shotguns more consistent I just won a solo match but the last shot I hit was 7 DAMAGE, 7 DAMAGE WITH A BLUE SHOTGUN, If you shot someone with a shotgun they would be completely gone
This Christmas update thoughts You know I don t think I ve seen anyone say this yet. This Christmas was a disappointment and a half. We barely got any snow and it didn t even cover the whole map on Christmas Day to not interfere with the sand, but the sand wasn t even enabled the whole update pretty much. We didn t get presents, however we did get challenges that people didn t like because we had to play with friends, and crossovers ruined the skins imo. The skins were nice, but we only got 10 in total and one pack. Not even a skin released Christmas Eve and lemme just say, I was mad. They can have like 10 encrypted crossover skins and emotes but not one encrypted Christmas skin? I m kinda mad. Tl dr this Christmas sucked
Up Top! Bouncing off the Walls is Fortnite Wild Week 3. r FortNiteBR, Although the Fish Fiesta Wild Week has ended, Wild Weeks continue with something a bit more off the wall Live in game now, Bouncing off the Walls defies the laws of physics for one full week. Weaken gravity s impact on you with the more frequent Hop Floppers, and send your opponents (or your team!) flying with the more numerous Shockwave Grenades and Shockwave Bows. Also, yes Bouncers are unvaulted! With the Hop Floppers and Shockwave Grenades all around, you ll have a jumping start in this week s Legendary Quest. And as a tip, Hop Floppers are so plentiful you can now find them in ice boxes. Bouncing off the Walls will stay above ground until 10 AM ET on May 27, 2021, when Wild Weeks will enter a brief intermission. Chapter 2 Season 6 s final Wild Week will go live on June 3. Bounce back to our blog, social channels, or Reddit that week for all the info! Blog post fn.gg Bouncing
Can I still get the final style's for the skins after the season ends? Like for the Rachel Roth skin, or Lara Croft Classic. Can I still get those even after the end of the season?
Is the creative XP method patched? Did it once today. Worked completely fine. tried again after reseting and it did nothing. Does it not work anymore or is there a new limit I should know of? And any good alternatives?
Easy way to get FREE XP by just playing normally (LIMITED TIME) Solid Gold is out right now as an ltm, in it there are only rare ammo boxes and rare chests. These give you a significant amount of xp and are easy to find. By just playing the game you get tons of XP.
Have they removed first shot accuracy? I started up Fortnite for the first time this morning and noticed first shot accuracy wasn t there, did they just remove it today?
How long for mmr to go up on new accounts? So started playing fortnite in October 2017 on ps4. Me and my friends stopped played mid way thru season 5. Mostly just live things made it hard at the time. And we never really got back into because the average player just got way too good. Any how im on pc now and my other friends recently started playing on ps4 with kbm in games like cod. Well we decided to try kbm on fortnite and with sbmm we stood no chance. We would be getting clapped in duo's on controller. It was bad. So I made an alt account and another friend join us (for some reason his account was completely reset) and the other stayed on his actual account and we ran trios. Since it was the first day any of us ever played the game on kbm we figured it would make the match making more fair. We played 6 games and won all 6 and none of us were eliminated once. The last game we collective erased 22 players and bots. Obviously that quickly lost its thrill so we were curious how long it would take until it would start matching us in more competitive lobbies. We're kind of stuck between no competition and me playing on my ps4 account where we're not competitive. Kids were doing weird build tricks with roofs and editing shots. Even on controller im out here like it's season 3 idk why were ranked so high lmao. I got like 2 career solo wins.
What's the deal with " ignite an opponent " ? I've been stuck on 49 50 now for over two weeks so only one to go, but nothing I do registers it. I've used Firefly Jars, the Dragon Shotty and the Dragon Sniper, both directly and indirectly on opponents, and nothing gets me that last burn. I've burned over 20 now but still I'm on 49 50. I've tried in Solos, TR and TR gold regular squads also. What gives?
Which was more harder to win Since I can't place a poll, what ltm do you think was the hardest to win and get the umbrella Wick's Bounty, Storm King, or Mando's Bounty
Is it just me, or were there a lot fewer Spire quests this week? Like, the first set of Spire Quests had a lot of quests, which wasn't a bad thing (apart from the "Complete 5 Rare or better rarity quests") But this week barely had any quests. Is it just me, or do you feel like there should have been more?
these updates just seem lazy Ever since the start of this season Minium effort into map changes. A few new exotics, and overall the same stale meta besides the Levers, with one being a paper towel. Winterfest, not even a snow map. Lazy unvaulting of storm wings. Another update, 2 exotics. 0 Major POi changes Lol I thought this was suppressed to be Choas. Bruh Season 5 ch 1 had 100 x the chaos. And It was less lazy. This is just lazy. Not even Orginal props for the Snowmando props. Just a slightly different shade of red. I've never felt robbed by a free game
Fortnite X Back to the Future I think Back to the future would be a great collab, so I made a lil concept. Doesnt look the best but I hope you guys like it. Hoverboard glider unequips from the back. Enjoy )
Cool fact about two contrails There is a contrails from Ch1 S7 called Fiber Optics the description says "fall at the speed of light" and this season there is the Light Streak contrails that says "slightly slower than the speed of light." I thought it was pretty interesting