Protoss COMPLETELY Broken?? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck?
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2
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What's up guys, welcome back to a new episode of Isremba, or the Asak. Today we have a replay. It's sent to me by the Great Bolt. Let's have a look at it. Hello, Harsom, I'm a friend from China. We all enjoy your I owe this series so much. Here I want to share you a replay, where I had lost to a Protoss on Korean server. I was in a good position through all their game. I got better economy, larger army, and higher level in weapons slash armor attack before the final battle. But still I'd lost the game. I thought I have done everything I could and got defensive. feed it just because Toss is Inba. Could you please look into the replay and decide whether it is ProDos to Imba or I suck? Regards. 4.7k on the Korean server. That's very close to gym. I think that's Masters 2 maybe. So we're getting some high-level players from the Chinese community, the Great Bolt, who wasn't so sure, you know. A lot of the time we get people that are very sure that the opponent is Inba, but Great Ball was more... It was a question. It felt like I'd done everything, but maybe I'm missing something. So he isn't quite sure about himself. He's lacking some confidence in its claims, which... No, I don't like. I like when people have confidence in their claims. The more confidence they have in their claims, the nicer it is to shut them down. But let's have a look to see if Great Ball is actually that's great, or if he's just a bit bald. He starts with an SV-Skullage. Always nice at any level, of course. course, making sure your opponent is doing what your opponent should be doing. And what does he see? He sees a nexus before a core. And he sees a wall that... I don't think this is actually a wall. I've seen some walls in my time, but I'm pretty sure the reber can just jump up here. The reaper might even be able to jump up here and just walk through here. This is an absolutely terrible wall. I hope the great bull realizes that. Opening just looking standard. Solid standard, nothing wrong with it. Tristan his Mew, gets his reaper, is Marine, plays barracks before gas. Yes, absolutely fantastic, great bolt. So far this is indeed the perfect game. And we might be looking at an imbalanced replayer, my friends. We might just be, this might be the first one. So far, people keep asking me in the comments, hey, has there any time been anything in balancing? Yes, in the third episode, I got sent a replay by Nimzobu. Nimsovu thought that Protoss air was in balance. But when we watched the replay, we actually realized not only the Nimsobu sucked, but also the unit composition that he was playing was in balance. So he was playing Swarmos Nidus. So not only was his unit composition in balance, he also sucked. So we pulled a quick reverse on him. So that happened one time. Now we're going to see if today is going to be the second time, and hopefully without the reverse, maybe Protoss is actually too powerful. Now we're seeing a factory being built on the other side and it's getting very close to this barrack, so I think he might swap them. I'm not a massive fan of this build for the simple reason that it's going to hit really late, right? If you play Helium builds, most of the time I prefer playing them either from a gas first or playing them from a barracks before gas with a marine. because then your Helions finish at like the three minute mark. Right now they're going to finish at 327, 328. Well, they should finish a bit faster, so I think you mess something up, but they're going to be finishing rather late, and your whole push is going to be very delayed. You see, the opponent is building a wall, which is doing a good job at that. Well, this is this dirt gas. Why is this so early? This smells a bit like Mac to me, which is, it's possible. We've seen TyWi do it a couple of times. It's just not as popular. Okay, we're going to be going into Cloak Benchy. Now, keep a look at this gas. A hundred gas has been mined so far. Let's see when this gas actually becomes useful. It's always important to see in your build order, like, hey, did I actually need to take a gas that already? Or would it have been better of spending the minerals somewhere else? Now, moving across the map with four Hallions and a Reaper, the trick you can do is you bounce the reapers out of the wall, or you bounce the adepts out of the wall with your Reaper, and then you run by. Just throw a grenade, they move out of the way, and there you go. The ProDos opponent is building a robotics facility and Phoenixes, so we'll be able to most likely pick up all of these halions. So halions completely useless at this point. We see our Terran player floating 400 gas. 200 gas comes out of this one. He still hasn't dipped below the amount of gas. That was mined from this refinery. So so far it hasn't been useful. all he's following up with an eBay keeps his banshee at home and gets a cyclone it's a very old early game his builder is of the Terran seems extremely bad honestly okay here we go now we're going into Mac the eBay was I guess just for turrets so he must have spotted that there is a Stargate here observer making its way across the map. Banshees should move across the map. Like usually what you do with Banshees in PVT is you send them in the moment you have cloak. You don't actually wait for two. I think that's usually bad and a mistake. Like the real power of Banshees send in one over here. And then once that one is fighting already, the second one comes in over here, you know? Because if TOS has detection, like if they're ready, they're ready for it most of the time. They're going to be ready for one. They're going to be ready for two. So actually waiting for two is something you do against Cirque. That's something you do against. What is he doing? Double eBay before extra barracks. Okay. All right, all right. Let me just pass this real fast here. Let's just have a look at this situation. So he builds two ebays before the extra barracks, meaning his stim and combat shield, are going to be extremely delayed. On top of that he's getting MacField Accelerator, which is an upgrade you get when you're doing Mac, or a very dedicated push on to the third. Sometimes you can still follow up into BIO, and most of the time this indicates you're going into Mac. Then he builds three banshees, which also makes no sense. It makes sense with this because it's barracks are so they might as well build a third bench, with two banshee, then you usually swap with the barracks. Third CC I like, but the two eBay before barracks is insanely greedy. This build, the only reason, if he's going to get ahead after this, is because he was extremely greedy. Like, it's not normal to play like this. You should not normalize this kind of behavior. Now, he's going to be able to get some damage in with these banshees, which is a big deal, actually. Observer gets recalled. I see extra observers being built. Now, good start for the Taron, honestly. Good start for the Terran, except he's floating, well, he was floating 700 minerals. He decided to add a couple of extra banser. I had a couple of extra barracks. This is the... Six wrecks is not a thing, right? It's going to be five racks, and then seven racks after. Six racks, he is building because he, you know, he forgot the macro for a bit. In general, he's been forgetting to macro a fair amount. We've seen him flowed a lot of money all the time. There's only one guy in gas here. Third gas has been absolutely useless, by the way. That could have been taken way later. Like, together with the extra gases, would have given you more minerals and does faster production. The harass going back into the same area, you know for sure there's going to be an observer here. I'm not a big fan of it. It is going to work out, but that is more because of the proto's incompetence than because of the Terence during harassment. Actually it does got a lot of damage. It's going to be so far ahead now because this 1-1 is done already. His opponent doesn't have a single upgrade, so I'm not saying this game is over, but if both of these players were of equal skill level, then yeah, this game should be pretty over. The cyclones are going to be doing absolutely nothing in this unit composition, so just wasted like 450 or something like 800, 900 resources, including the Macfield accelerator on these two cyclones that actually won't contribute whatsoever to this army composition. But I don't mind getting a cyclone or two if you know you're playing against air, but the way that the great bolt went about it, I'm gonna be real. I am not actually a fan. I don't, I don't think it's good. Now, we see no turrets yet, one turret here, no turret on the third base, so it's gonna be losing, absolutely nothing, which is nice. The Proz also has some interesting ideas about Micro, but he didn't send in the replay, so we'll let him go. I'm actually surprised that the Terran is going to be losing this game in the end, because, I have no clue how that's gonna happen. His 2-2 is starting before the first forge of his opponent is even done. There's two factories on the way. What? Coast Academy, 6 racks, two factories. Not producing out of 3 of the racks, 4 of the wrecks are not producing. This factory isn't producing. You don't actually need more production structures, my friend. What you need is to use them. Coast Academy. mean, I'm extremely confused as to what's happening. The proper way to play here for the Terran would be to just get Vikings from two starports, five barracks, then do a push with 2-2, plus one air, like 10 Vikings and maybe 3 goes. You're gonna be maxed when you hit 2-2 if you do it properly. Off of 5-rex double starport, you're gonna absolutely destroy your opponent. Like it's not even gonna be close. If you did the same amount of harass, the same amount of damage as he did in this game, imagine hitting at 2-2 with just 10, 12 Vikings and a maxed army against a guy that's 0-0 or maybe, perhaps he has 1-1. But you get three ghosts, you get 12 Vikings, you just kind of destroy him. You go just walk over him. Toss is getting four robles in total. Toss also isn't really playing the same game as I am. Fort base is a little late, slight oversaturation on this third, but I mean he's macroing well at this point. To be fair, absolutely nothing is happening. He literally has zero map vision. I doubt he even knows what his opponent's army composition is. Doesn't know there's extra gases yet. All he knows is that there's a couple of adepts on the map. It's not a single marine on the map. No sensor towers, no map vision, no harassment, no attacks. Even though he's been ahead all game long already, look at the timing. A 2-2 timing is here right now. See 2-2. But he's not going to take it instead. Just waits at home. Just chilling about. We have six MataVX. We have nothing to deal with Colossus really. 41 Marines. Now, I think that this army, if they would be clashing right now, would still be able to win, just purely because he has so much money. and he has ghost or so much money, so many units and so many ghosts, and he's still up to two upgrades. Like, he's going to need to seriously botch a fight here, I think, in order to, for this game to get even slightly close. Let's have also a look at how he controls army. We see everything is in the same control group. So ghost, tanks, everything basically is absolutely the same control group. So decent start of the fight. Now, you want to keep fighting near your tanks, most. most of the time and split your marines a little push them more into a line but yet usually you want to just siege up your tanks and then keep fighting near your tanks while still producing stuff we see some big floating going on right now and not a massive fan of continuing to fight at this point there's one tank still in the back I think the initial fight on the ramp wasn't too bad, but then afterwards you should keep getting your tanks there with your main arms. Because honestly if you're just fighting marines and six marauders, even against just two Colosai, you're going to be having such a difficult time killing your opponent. If you don't have any EMPs, you don't have any anti-air, like Marines just die. Colossi are the hard counter to Marines, then there's a bunch of immortals. This is actually a really saturated guy. Let's also note 3-3 hasn't continued building, so it was actually going to be a 2-2-2, but just a pure 2-2-2-2, nothing else behind it. Now, if you're fighting against just pure Stalker Immortal, you can pull the SEVs. Basically the moment, you realize there's no more zealots around, because SEVs actually tank a lot of damage from both stalkers and immortals, so you can actually survive it. If you pull SEVs from both bases, you let the Mules do the mining for a bit, I actually think he would have been able to steal hold on here. Now it's going to be a little bit harder, right? This opponent has a prism here. His two two upgrades are done, so somehow the Protols went from being down four upgrades to being even in the, basically within four minutes. I think the Theron might still be able to stabilize here. If he does this well, it's still a possibility, honestly. There is four colossi on the way, though, so it might be a little bit of an issue. And now the triple tank action might actually come a little bit in handy. I love that his reaction to losing 25 workers in the past 45 seconds is throwing down two more barracks. Because the thing that he really needs at the moment is extra production. The thing you really need right now is to be producing from all of your structures at all time. If you don't need more production, you just need to be using your production more. Tanks on the way, okay. Another big micro error is fighting the Colossi while your tanks aren't seized yet and not shooting. So the way you want to do it is you just run back with your bio. So you, they kind of just kite back. So you get chased. Pimba? Oh no. Great bolt. Imagine playing a tank base style and fighting without your tanks. Every single fight, just consistently forgets to Gigi. as well. Great vault, great vault, great bolt. Oh, oh, oh, oh, great bolt. All right. Great bolt. Let me talk to you, my friend. P in by you said. You weren't sure if it was P in by or not, but your words in the game, don't leave a lot to the imagination. Let's put it like this. The early game was fantastic, even though your build sucked. The way you executed was terrible. your third gas was too early. Helions didn't do anything. Your Banshees kind of got damaged sheerly by luck, not so much because you controlled them in such an amazing way. Double eBay, before extra barracks, triple gas, Macfield Accelerator. I don't think so, my friend. That's not the way you're supposed to play. As a follow-up, you were up like literally 40 supply, four upgrades. you decided to do absolutely nothing with your advantage, not a single drop. Even though you were doing nothing on the map, you were consistently floating somewhere between 600 and 1,000 minerals. Your production was way too big for how much money you were making, and still you managed to float. Your composition, you can play three-tank stuff. But the important thing is a very odd concept, and I want you to pay very close attention here, is that If you make an army that consists of tanks, it's really important that you also fight within the range of these tanks. Now, I understand this might be a little difficult for you to grasp, but imagine it like this. Imagine you have some pain in your knees, right? So paining your knees and you go to a shop to buy better shoes, and you test new shoes and you, you know, a long time of research into the shoes. and after, you know, three, four hours, you find a perfect pair of shoes. You take those shoes home. And then for your next run, you just use your old shoes again. That's what you're doing. You're building a tank army, and you're not using them. Like, why build the tanks then? Just, if you only want to use bio units, just get bio units. Probably would have been better this game. Just go ghost Viking, Marine, Marauder. That's completely fine. But you wanted to get tanks, you wanted to get fancy. At least, the least you can do is fight in tank range. You get that great ball? Just write it down. Write down in your little notebook. Good advice. It's by harsh. Write it down under. Don't take a third gas. Before I build extra barracks, don't get double eBay. Don't get Mcfield Accelerator. Three banshees. I don't think so, my friend. We'll stick to the two. So overall, honestly, you didn't play too poor. You know, well, actually, the only thing you really did was you killed a lot of work with the banshees. That's really what got this game so far at. Wait, what the hell? I'm seeing something that I completely missed during the game. You forgot Combat Shield. No wonder your fights were going so poor as well. All right, mate, you're out. You suck. You suck a massive amount. I suck a little for missing that you didn't have Combat Shield. But you really suck. I can't really dare to complain about this game without having Combat Shield for 14 minutes, forgetting 3-3, the worst bill order opener in the world's most terrible micro, and not fighting in tank rage. Get out of here. All right. See you always next time. Thank you very much for sending in the replay great board. This gave me great pleasure. And see you tomorrow for a new YouTube place. Bye-bye.
Roaches And Hydras BROKEN ? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck?
I am not quite sure what we have here today, I was confused and I doubt you guys will be able to make much more of it.... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2
{ "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/m9SNTC1_mBs/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 }
Hello everyone, welcome back to a new episode of Isidimba Dura Suck. Today we're going to be have a look at a PVZ game. Let me read the email that I got. Hello, Kevin, I want to be your next I-o-this. I'm currently a 3.7k MMR toss and I'm very aware I do mistakes. I do a few F2 and I'm still on my way to completely remove it. Today I faced the 3.5k Zerg having a very poor macro. The drone count was smaller than his IQ and my probe count. That guy kept sending his army, Roach Hydra and 1. We're supposed to be at a very close level to you. very close level to each other, at least for a macro. I ended up being very pouring gas, so be on charge slots, blah, blah, blah. I do think that Rose Hydra is a bit overpowered in that kind of scenario for a race that is supposed to build up a bank and have good macro to constantly remax with a minor micro, unlike Terran and Toss. Let me know if I'm at least a bit right or I do suck. Well, let's find that out now, shall we? We're going to be following Detective Care. But the real detective is us of course. Not only me but also the community. We look at this game, we have a look. Is there a lot of big mistakes or is perhaps the Zerg race indeed just too good? It is possible. Now MMR's between 3.5 and 37. Proto's 3.7K MMR and the Zerg 3.5. I'm not sure what league that is, maybe platinum or something. I don't know. somewhere around there I guess somewhere between gold and diamond one of the three now we have actually a standard opening here for detective Kerr who is playing a proper one-gate expand you know the the cybercore on time the gases on time the pile and everything on time the other hand we have uh ilu I assume at least the first one is a capital i Ilu is playing just a standard hatch first into speed should be taking a third base soon with this drone. So yeah, the game actually looks good. Looks like these guys so far know what they're doing. Stargate opener here for Detective Kerr as well. I'm a happy man. Whenever I get these kind of replays, I'm always afraid we're going to have like a 5Gate opener or something and then losing. But now this is a proper game, you know. We can actually get to the bottom of this. this, me and Detective Kerr and the rest of you guys watching. So you see four lings being sent across the map. Now in this kind of case you kind of want to cancel the adapt so you can keep chasing these lings and you just kind of want to kite them in a way, right? So you shoot once you run away, you shoot once you run away and then very easily you'll be able to kill four lings and the Zerg also wouldn't have minded as he tried to attack the adapt which definitely is a mistake. So there's no real scout now because of this. Detective Kerr doesn't know if there's a third base instead we'll be sending this adept back across the map not a massive fan of it but usually what you do is if you can't get any info then you know you kind of accept it but sending an adapt across the map at this time means that if he gets a lot of lings and his speed finishes you're just gonna be losing your adapt for free and that's something none of us of course want that's exactly what's gonna happen now like you hardly get any information here and most of the time he lost the adapt at least that's the most important thing yeah that's the you know the punchline of this story basically is that don't do that after three minutes you don't want to be moving out on the map anymore with any kind of this is bad so stasis wars cost 50 energy and can be triggered by a single link it's just better like and they don't even kill them it just delays your problems So that's why you always defensively, you always want to be using your stasis, no not stasis ward, your pulsar beam, better than stasis ward, it's just not good. You're also not putting on any pressure to your opponent if you put a stasis ward at home. Like all of these mineral lines are completely empty. Actually, Detective Kerr did a good job keeping his oracle a secret and there's almost no anti-air. There's three queens, now a fourth queen. So if you would have gone to the other side of the map, he probably would have been able to kill a lot of workers but the Stasis ward at home actually gives away that there is oracles and if this Zirq was a little bit competent he would now be building drones instead we see a layer in a road farm so the build so he's going into forgate Robo for its Twilight now in this match shop what you need to do is you need to actually get a third base at some point for a lot of or for some lower level This might come as a surprise, but you can't actually two base all the way. Or you can try it. It doesn't work quite as well. So what you want to do is once you get two gates and a robo, then you get the third base and then you add the forge and the twilight. You don't first get the forged twilight, the gateways, the immortal, like all of this, just the leisure you're gonna be by so much. Like you could be killing five, seven workers as well at this way more. There's only a single queen here. Like we have seen absolutely no Oracle control. Like Detective Curris practically sleeping. at this point with his oracles. Now he comes in and all you need to do is you right-click the drone and then you move forward. You right-click the drone and you move forward. I actually think he would have been able, if he migrated this semi-well to get at least eight to nine workers. With a single or a single oracle usually you can get six if there's only a single queen in Ospre or five. Six is pushing it a bit. Now I also like to make everyone aware that Detective Kerr has done zero scouting whatsoever. Just now he got aware that there is a third base. He doesn't know if there's a third base. He doesn't know if there's a layer, doesn't know if there's extra gases, doesn't know if there's roaches on the way. Now he's building more immortals, which is nice. His opponent has no workers, which is also good, but it always helps to know what your opponent is doing, of course. This is absolutely not going to be working, this roachsh push. Detective Kerr once again is, I'm not quite sure what he's doing. Like, he should be either using the oracles to defend or using the oracle calls aggressively, but he's not really doing anything right now with him. not scouting, he's not doing any damage, just staying out. Now this push is gonna do absolutely nothing. It's just not a big push. You know, it's too little roaches, there's too many immortals. Pretty decent micro here by Detective Kerr. And here come the Oracle's now. At this point he's up 11 workers. Another problem is though that he has no clue that he's up 11 workers. Like what you want to be doing is you want to be scouting your opponent. You want to be counting gases. That's one of my many hobbies. It's just counting gases of the Zurb player and going, alright, he's on four gas. Probably means he doesn't have enough drones because Imzurg has enough drones and enough income. Usually they're going to go up to six gas, they want to get a fourth base as soon as possible. So the moment you've been counting these gases and you see, hey, wait a second, there's only four gases. Probably means he is doing something aggressive to me. You want to get a lot of units out. You want to add gateways. Right now, Detective Kerr is flowing 1100 minerals. These roaches somehow manage to get in here. I'm not sure why there's only two immortal. He's floating 1,400 minerals. He has 4 gates available. Like he could also throw down like a cannon and a battery, you know? Like if you have 1,800 minerals, you can literally do anything that you want. Decides to not chase with the rest of the army. It's a very strange game, honestly. One guy doesn't build any drones. The other one just doesn't build anything in general. Two oracles are still alive. A bit out of energy, it makes sense. Now the moment you have a lot of money, there's two things you can do. You can pretend that you don't have a lot of money, or you can make a plan to start spending it. The majority of the time I'd say it's better to actually start spending it. So at four or five gateways. And people always say, well, I see professional players, you know, they only use like six gateways at this point. It's cool, but if you were a professional player, you wouldn't be floating 3K resources at the 8 minute mark. Like if you're floating 3K resources, perhaps, you know, copying the start of professional players, but the rest just add more gateways, you know? If you don't have macro, then you just add more gateways. I mean, it's a little late, nine minutes in, I think six gateways, but better late than never is what I always say. So actually, Kerr is, you know, except for the bad macro, losing the immortals in a weird way. and no static defense for a very long time on his third. He's not doing that bad of a job. He's also not really scouting. So in his mind, his opponent is still on a single gas. And only on roaches. No clue that there is double evo either, even though by clicking on the units, he would be able to figure that out. Now, the way you want to play as Protoss in general is you want to get immortals, you want to get Storm. And you want to get Archons as well. But especially against Roach Hydra, Immortal Storm, It's absolutely beautiful. Archons aren't as beautiful, but still a little bit beautiful. So you can build them as well. But majority of the time, Storm Immortals is what's going to win you the game. Now, we see what happens as a ProDos when you have zero map vision whatsoever, and you keep your complete army in a ball. You have no clue when your opponent's going to attack you. I mean, this army is absolutely tiny, right? It's what? 16 roaches and five Hyras. Now, there's five immortals, and there's a bunch of sentries. Like, that's definitely going to be enough. The problem is, look at this, Detective Kerr last saw him here and he moves over here. Now, he's like, well, I hope he's going to come over here because I have absolutely zero vision. Does spot his opponent's army. And also sees that there's tunneling claws. Don't forget, you can see when tunneling claws has been researched by the claws popping up on the back. Now, Detective Kerr sees his opponent's army move to the bottom side, and he's like, this sounds like the perfect time to move on the map. Of course, no knowledge whatsoever of the position he is. in because the last time he scouted his opponent was at the two minute mark. It's like literally anything could be happening right now. His opponent could have 85 workers, hive on the way, greater spire basically done, you know? This could be an actual realistic scenario. Another scenario is that his opponent has 63 workers and is practically all in. If you know your opponent is practically all in, all you need to do is defend. You just build like 12 stasis wards here. You sit, you sit and you do absolutely. nothing like if there's no hive and your opponent is on road hybra and you have Arcon immortal storm why the hell would you move out all you need to do is sit on your pretty butt and make sure that nothing happens you know just kill the game basically until you see him start tacking into something else or until you hit max supply with plus two or three upgrades and can be like okay now it's time for me to attack instead he moves out roach counter attack actually doesn't do that much damage So once again this is honestly looks pretty good. His opponent is now going for Hive. Now of course our friend Detective Kerr is completely unaware of that. We haven't seen any pressure from him, not a single zealot run by. No prism in the main. There hasn't been any defense in the main. There hasn't been any defense at the third base. Really the only map vision he gets is if he accidentally builds two pylons too far forward. Or if he a moves across the map with F2. Now how do I know it's F2? It's because the oracles are in the group as well. Oh no, it's not F2. There's a unit in the wall. Maybe he just warped it in. We'll see how long this bad boy will remain. So it means he just has everything in one control group. This is going to be a hell of a lot of fun to control. Now, this fight should be the absolute easiest fight in the world. He has Storm Immortal Arconn against Roach Hydra. I actually think if he would have aimed at that engagement, he would have just straight up won that fight. Now I'm not super sure anymore because he lost a little bit of supply. Once again floating 4K minerals though. So it adds five gateways. I don't actually mind him adding extra gateways. I think that isn't even bad. Like, no people always make fun, oh, you have so much money. Could you be using your actual gateways. But if you're bad at macro, adding gateways isn't that bad. Like it's a completely fine thing to do. Now, here we go. Once again, Detective Kerr with the ultimate blindman plays. This doesn't scout whatsoever, moves forward on the map. No spells are being used, no force fields. There is no storms available currently so that can be used. No force field is really painful against Roach Hydra obviously, because Roach Hydra is an army that can't do much against forfeel. If there was raveragers or Baines, you know, Bains usually still be able to slip through, but Roach and Hydrus, if you just cast three force fields, like you split the army, not even in half or in a third, just anything really. You're just going to be able to kind of win. Now 3-3 is on the way for Ilu, plus 3 is already done. for Detective Kerr who isn't continuing upgrades. I mean, he has a nice army. He does have a couple of storms right now. One storm, two storm. These are fine storms and Ilu will need to go back home. A couple of stargates are being built right now. Probably will need the gases here saturated. Another thing you can do, by the way, is just adding more cannons and batteries if you're floating a lot of minerals. I don't understand. The one thing I don't understand this. How it's possible to play in a way where you actually have zero information. This has to be so scary. This is the kind of guy that complains about Mutealiska as well. I was just walking, you know, playing StarCraft, and my opponent Roachshin Hyrus, and all of a sudden, 35 Muda showed up. And I had no clue. Like, I had a cannon at one of my bases, but yeah, I just wasn't ready. for you. But yeah, well, like maybe a scout every now and then, you know, just even harassment is fine because harassment also scouts. Now this fight on Creep with no reinforcements with only two storms in your army was, I actually think this fight was more difficult to lose than to win. I could simulate like a hundred different scenarios and I think there would be maybe four scenarios where you lose and two of those scenarios are you move commanding into the opponent, one of the scenarios is accidentally attacking all of your own Etympra before the fight starts and the fourth scenario is what Detective Kerges did over here. I absolutely know clue how it's possible to fight in such a way where you make immortals look weak against Roaches. That takes a very special kind of skill which Detective Kerr seems to have in abundance. Because fight after fight he just manages to absolutely get the worst out of his units like his army has honestly been looking good even though his macro sucks he has no clue what his opponent is doing like like I actually feel like just aim moving a lot of the time would just be better than what he's doing he's doing the negative micro which is where you do an action of controlling your units and it turns out worse than what it would have been if you would have just done nothing you know just having his army on hold position I think majority of the time would just be better than the stuff he's doing like any of the commands the stop command the a move command or the hold position command would be better than what he's been doing which i still am not quite sure what we're seeing here now this game you could be like well he's lost like every single fight he's ever fought how is he still in the game detective career yeah that's a good question because his opponent is on 60 workers he's just maxing roach hydra with sick upgrades i gotta get desert this 3-3 All you need to do is pro players. Just wait till your max, get storming working. You can have carriers all you want, but you probably are going to need upgrades on your carriers. Like this is a mistake people make as well. They'll be like, ah, carrier is a tier 3 unit, Roach is a tier 1 unit. So carriers kill Roach's fast, right? That's how it's supposed to work. No, you have zero upgrades on your carriers. And the other guy has three armor upgrades. Like, carriers are going to do like two damage per shot on the road. Like, the majority of your damage needs to come from immortals and your, uh, and your storms. I can't believe he's actually losing to Ultras without any melee upgrade. This, I'm actually a bit upset. Like, the thoughts by Detective Kerr here weren't too bad, you know? Like, honestly, like the, the army composition, the countering, the... the early game was nice you know he did a good job there he built his buildings he he built just mainly his buildings not when he was floating a bit but you know he built buildings in almost the correct order majority of the time at least sort of okay let me put like the first three and a half minutes were almost flawless if you don't count forgetting to build the So, the problem was just really the point from three and a half minutes on to the end of the game is where everything he did made very little sense, happened very slowly and completely blind. This is what I mean. Like carriers don't do a lot of damage to trust people. How can you handle that as doors? No, why would you complain in the game? I don't know though. Zerg Bank is Remax your opponent was broke, he had 57 workers. Yeah, this guy actually won because of upgrades. Look, look at the units lost. You had a way bigger bank, you find way more. He lost 15K more in an 18 minute game. Upgrades aren't the issue. No, the carriers with plus zero against the plus three armor hydras. Upgrades weren't the issue. In one way, detective couriers, right? Upgrades weren't the issue. It was just one of the many issues in this game, but it wasn't the issue, you know? Like, actually getting the issue in this game is impossible because there were so many mistakes. Now, the question was, is Roach Hydra remax in balance? I have no clue because we haven't seen Roach Hydra Remax. This guy never remixed. He was on 57 workers majority of the game. He had zero eco. You mind like 20K more, maybe 30K more. maybe 30k more this game. You spent it all, you lost it. Your army control was so bad. You didn't use a single force field, guardian shield was never used. You almost never used storms. Your immortals were always at the front of an engagement, which by default they moved to the back. So you must have microed them to the front somehow. I'm not even sure how this is possible. The way you took engagement just hurts my soul. Your scouting was absolutely often. You actually didn't even know if he had a layer. The only reason you knew he had a layer was because you saw hydras. The only reason you knew he had a hive was because you saw ultras. It's like that's not how you scout what your opponent is doing. Like you want to anticipate what their units are going to be. You don't want to be like, oh hydras, oh, that's nice. No, you see the layer, you see the hydra, and it's like, oh, it's HydroLisk. How many drums is this? How many guests does he have? Like many questions that you can answer by checking his base. base but no you F2 or I don't think you F2 you just put every this the worst part if you have to it's kind of like okay you know F2s like I can see why everything is in one control rule but you make the conscious decision of putting your Oracle and your Phoenix in the same control group as your Templar and your sentry like what do you want me to say to this oh my rubeidero is very broken no my friend Roche Hydra is not very broken. Your micro sucked. Your first three minutes were fantastic. I've tried to put in a compliment every now and again. People are saying I've been mean, but first three minutes, yeah, we're good. That's nice. After that, scouting sucked, fighting sucked. Macrored was absolutely atrocious. Map vision. You didn't have any, so I can't even comment on it. If this was one of those forms, I would have to write not applicable. You just didn't have map vision. Roach Hydra. three three upgrades. I believe it can be difficult to deal with. If you're, you know, if there's lots of multitask going on, we have a ZERC with 80, 85 workers, it can be difficult. This guy was on 16 workers. He didn't once multitask were run by. He did straight up engagements. This is absolutely the worst style that there is by ZERC. And you just, you just sucked. You just sucked. He did nothing correct. You were a bad, bad. player. I don't send me no more emails. All right. Thanks everyone for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode. If you did, don't forget to subscribe to this channel. It does help me a lot. Watch some of my other in-Bower, do I suck if you liked it. I had a sick video yesterday where I hallucinate my entire army, well not my entire army, big part of my army, beating grandmasters with stupid stuff, I think the series is called. So I'll link that in some here as well at the end so you can have a look at that. I thought it was cool. Thanks everyone for watching. next time for a new episode of whatever day it is bye-bye
Marauders Are BROKEN?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck?
Today we have a lad thinking marauders are broken.. Are they??? Find out here... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2
{ "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/P5lrg943Awg/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 }
Hello everyone, welcome back to a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Today we have Mr. P in Pants who sent me an email. You might be wondering what did he say? That's a good question. Let's have a look. He said, Hi Harstem, the title says it all. Marauders are freaking O.P. A.F. Expensive AF stalkers just tickle them. Expensive AF Colossus just tickle them. Sellets do okay until they micro and get boomed by mines. there is no solution to this as marauders are freaking O P.V.T. Please review IMP in Pants versus 4.6k Terran. Now, up into the game, we see he's playing against Fibb, with, of course, the famous creator of the Bronze 2 Grand Master series. I'm not sure he's the creator, but he does a lot of them. It's a pretty decent content. Mr. P. in Pants, just opening up with that standard Nexus before Core. Not quite a standard anymore. these days, Corby for Nexus is all the hype, but I'm going to forgive him that it's all doable. Now, this wall is pretty terrible. I'll explain exactly why. This wall only is here to block your own units. Reaper can jump up here. If you're chasing him with your stalk, you're going to need to run all the way around here. He can jump down. You're going to need to run all the way around here. So not that great of a wall, honestly. If you want a wall on this area, you build a pylon here, cybernetic score over here. What would be even better is to build your first pylon. somewhere over in this area and then build the gateway right next to it so you can wall this area with a pylon and a gateway or you can build a for example a pylon here then a gateway over here and a cybernetics core here so your gateway is a little closer to your mineral line that way you wall this part of immediately you only need a pylon and a three by three building so either a cybernetics core or a gateway will do now we see our boy vibe coming in with his reaper Here we see how useless this wall really is. There's absolutely nothing and oh, you need to run around. Amazing. And oh, now you're gonna get... Oh, jumped on again. Guess what, Chief? Kind of warns you for this. That's just amazing, isn't it? I'm so happy that when I say something is bad, and then it immediately in the game shows why it sucks so much. It's way better than when I say something and nothing happens with it. happens with it but another thing by the way is the reason why a lot of the time you want to already wall this at the start is that you want to use your second pylon on the low ground to deal with any kind of halions now okay we're seeing a factory with a reactor even though this is from a barracks first it can still be hallions it's actually gonna go aliens it's a little bit of a weird build order by five but it's okay like some people do play this it's just not very common like the two helen follow-up is kind of okay now against this This is why you want the second pylon on the low ground. This is in order to wall this area. With then two buildings and the pylon, you leave a stalker in the wall and just like that. Boom. Helions are pretty much useless. You just need a single unit in the wall and you're going to be fine. Unless he has like six helions, but they can just wall behind it or pull a couple of more units. Now we see P&Pants is scouting. Oh, there's heliants. There's still, well, I'm not sure what's happening here, but there's still a reactor on this factory. So something seems to be happening. to be happening, probably halions, right? So what do you start preparing for for aliens? Now, the thing I do like is that he starts building violence around the map. I think the battery is almost completely useless. Usually when people play halions, they're going to get enough helions to one-shot probes or one volley probes with, so at least three helions. And indeed we see if I get a matter-of-fact, four helions, and p.m. P. And P. P.m. is heading into a third base at some point in the future. Now, I have to admit his base is his base. His build is pretty bad, honestly. I'm not quite sure what he's been doing, but he should already have a fork on the way and the same unit count as he has right now. So I'm not quite sure what happened there exactly now. I think this pylon barely missed this drop. Maybe it barely saw it. And five goes in with the MEDAVAC. There's no units whatsoever in natural. I like this weapon. There's a well-timed warpin. So this drop gets attacked. attacked, Hallions going to the main, but I actually think our friend team fans has everything ready. Pull away the probes the moment you see them coming and Okay, well the probe was a little bit slow, but I mean you get forward four Hallions for seven workers still an okayish trade for Terran because the Metafax got away as well now This is the point where where you can say all right now it's time for the probals to have a little fun right four Helions died and I mean it's still 400 minerals that's a lot of of time on the factory that there wasn't a tank building. So this could really indicate that something big is happening here. Something might be able, we might be able to get some damage on. So what you want to do is you want to get your, do you still have energy for hallucination? No, I think he just used it. Okay, so you want to kind of sync up this hallucination with your stalker move out so you can blink into the main base. If you look at what Vipe currently has, he has three marauders, one marine, and two mines. If you would be able to blink seven stalkers into his main, into his main base. Pretty fat chance. You're just going to be able to win this game, honestly. Forgot the blink micro there as well. When you do this kind of push, you obviously want to be doing individual stalker blink micro. But yeah, seven stalkers against three units that were even going to be out of position, he probably would have been able to snipe both the tech labs, maybe even go for some SEVs. It's hard to say. Probably kill a bunch of units as well. Somehow Vibe managed to push away these seven stalkers with just three marauders. I have no clue how that happened. You're really not supposed to lose two stalkers. What you're supposed to do is you're probably supposed to kill absolutely everything and keep everything alive. But instead, we now lost three stalkers and only a single marauder has gone down. So not the whole display. On top of that, the pro production of Pee and Pants has been a little bit sloppy. The gateways are late, usually against this kind of play. on this case it's pretty fast five racks but it started with the three wrecks you want to cut probes at around 48 47 probes built go up to either six or to eight gateways actually he does have six gateways okay this is kind of fine then six gateways is fine I much of the time prefer eight but six is also fine and whenever you open blink into charge the natural follow-up is always going to be Templar archives because when you work in a lot of Zealots you're going to be floating a lot of gas and in order to stop initial pushes one or two Archons are going to do absolute wonders for your army so always try to get Templar archives increase the Zellat count increase the Arcon count that's really how you want to be playing I don't mind adding in immortals here and there like sprinkling them in especially if you only have six gateways I think that's good but you should be careful with the stalker count four is a good stalker count some usually what you do is the amount of stalkers you need initially to defend is the amount of stalkers you're going to keep for a very long time because you don't want to be spending gas on stalkers. Now like I said, the robot bear here is not actually that great. Much would have preferred Templar archives, two more gateways. At this point he probably would have had two Archons on the way and a couple of extra salads as well. Now this fight still is very doable, of course. I'm not a big fan of the stalker weapon. I also not like that there's six Sentries. That's a little bit too much. Sacrifice. half of his zealots straight into the widow mines, then decides to use the allusionations afterward. I mean, this is not really how you want to engage the Terran whatsoever. Like, you want to use force fields to catch small parts of the Terran force, and then you jump on top of him. So not this small part, but I mean, this was already better than what he did before, right? Like, you use like two, three force fields, and you get two, three units. Like, this is completely fine to do. Now the mines have reset again, so actually not the hottest player here by P. Pee and Pants who had a pretty terrible start of the fight but he still has slightly better economy he is an okayish army if he micro this well he should still be fine but Zealots are stuck behind this army which is not quite how you want to be fighting this the way you want to be fighting this is with the zealots in front like I said you catch your opponent with force fields and then you micro your stalkers back individually once they start getting cargo instead what P.m. P.m. P. P.m. P. P. P. P. P. P.m. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. is doing is walking is walking into every single mine which it's actually kind of difficult to do if your army consists of mostly range units and your zealots are stuck behind the rest of your army walking into mines continuously getting shot at is it's probably harder to do them not getting shot at and he will even manage to clean this up because marauders actually do kind of suck against big char-plot counts so as P.m. P.m.p. what do you want to do at this point? Well first of all actually you should be getting with Well, with this style maybe plus one is better, but a lot of the time when you're playing charge, plus one armor is actually better. Unless you're playing a very counter-attack-based style, but P.M. Vance is not really playing a counter-attack base style. In that case, I much prefer playing armor if you are opening with charge slots. Now, he's getting Colossus, which I mentioned before isn't that great. So then the attack upgrade is kind of normal, but he shouldn't have been doing this, right? But for what he has been doing, I guess the attack upgrade is okay. Now, another thing you want to be doing here is you want to be setting up some of that vision around the map. So we have a couple of pylent. We lack some vision in the middle. We lack some vision on the bottom side. We lack some vision over here. This area is rather blind as well. And I also wouldn't mind seeing a couple more pros being sprinkled. And 60 workers is rather low. Now I understand the main has run out, but Fort Bay should be on the way already. This push out, I'm not completely opposed against. Usually you go with three kolozai, but you can perfectly fine, just go with two kolozai, warp in a couple of arpoms and try to make a push on your opponent's third base. I mean he has good vision of exactly what his opponent is doing, which isn't a whole lot, so he should be able to do that. Now, another kind of rule that you have in pvt is that majority of the time you want to be attacking two areas at the same time. So he sent like three zealots around or you attack this, area with your main armies and three zealots in here, send the prism in the main while you're attacking this part and actually this is good, yeah. We do have a prism in the main. I'm very happy with this PMP's. You've been doing a good job with the, with the more advanced stuff, but he's been kind of skipping the basics of things like micro and sensible unicorn positions, but you can't win them all. Now, if you force field this ramp, you target the command center and just go back home, you're actually going to be in a very good. position here I think being P and Pants. If you have the the Zealots in the main as well doing damage all you really need to do is go back home and defend at this point but instead we see P.M. P. and Pants, I'm not very sure what he was attacking down there with the Coloside. He's gonna keep fighting against Vib's army and it looks like he's going to be losing absolutely everything. This is the problem a lot of people have is that they take fights that you absolutely shouldn't be taking right. You just kill the base, you've been doing damage with a drop, you killed some workers, just go home. You achieved your goal. Now it's for him to make a play. You have a fort base on the way. You're getting your extra upgrades. Why the hell would you be attacking? Like you're just ahead if you just run back. A lot of the time, you just need to think of what your goal is with a push. And in this case, P.M. Pencer's goal should have been. I killed a third, or I kill a bunch of workers with a drop or kill a bunch of workers with my main army. but killing his opponent's army wasn't really a realistic goal. So trying to go for that goal, after already achieving a very big goal in killing that third base, was a massive mistake. Something you definitely don't want to do. P and P and P and P.M.P.M. Pants. More colossi being built. Still no extra probes. Rich gas not being taken. Obviously a massive error. Rich gas basically is two gas in one and it's, well, you need three less probes as well. Map vision is still okayish. Problem with no vision on opponent's army, lacking vision in key area still, this key area. This is probably the most common attack path combined with this, like this pylon covers this general area, but not this area. So any kind of move out that's going to be heading towards your fort base, most likely will be missed by P&Pens, which means positioning army will be very close to impossible. Now, Templar in general is not bad to get. I wouldn't have minded seeing some disruptors here as well. If you're playing against a mainly ground-based army, disruptors can be very helpful. But at this point, it might just be very hard for P&Pence to get anything done. Like, his work account has been so low. His fourth base was so late that he's just very far behind in supply at the moment. Like he took a couple of bad fights. 3k in units lost. Now I believe he might just not have enough. He can still what he can do here is try to zone out his opponent with tamplar. Well, you can't do that anymore, but usually what you do is you split up your templar and then you storm your opponent's army one by one. Or you zone out your opponent while you're trying to get something bigger. And with storm you actually can win a lot of time. Instead what our boy P and Pans did was he got EMPed by absolutely everything and also lost all the energy of his templars and thus lost the game. So, So the question here was very simple, my friends. The question was, are Marauders freaking O.P? I don't know. Maybe Marauders are freaking O. But if Marauders are freaking O.P. This game definitely didn't show it. We've seen fights that, well, my brother, I think at the moment is platinum. His fights usually are better. Walking sentries into mines, walking zealots into mines, just basically walking your entire army into mines and then going, well, just lost all my army to mines. Now Marauders can kill me well. Yeah, no crap. Of course Marrothers can kill you now. You don't have any units left. If you only have stalkers against Marauders, you're going to have a hard time. Like, Marauders are the hard counter to the stalker. Like, that's just how the game works, you know? If his mines kill all the units that you have that manage, that can actually fight against marauders, yeah, you're going to lose the game. That's why usually the way you engage is by force-fielding in the Terran army and then fighting rather than force-filling out the Terran army. So the Terran army is safe from your zealot, then running your zealots into the force-field wall, tanking for mine shields, then not even being able to clear the mines, and then repeating the same move again, 25 seconds later when the mines have regained their shot. That's not quite how engagements work, my friend. On top of that, your initial strategy was kind of bad. Your build order seemed poor, third base was really late too many weapons before that a robotic facility was relatively late but it was okay because of what you scouted what else did we have here ah right you went colossi instead of just going charge arc on map vision was poor do I really need to go on the fight at the third like why would you take that and if you do take that please have your colossus engaged from the start rather than coming in after the fight is half over already yeah honestly you really didn't do that much right he did a lot of things wrong Marauders OP no you suck yeah yeah you suck all right boys thanks much for watching we enjoyed this episode if you did don't forget to like this video subscribe to my YouTube channel and slap the like button comment down below all the good stuff Don't forget to check out my second channel also down in the description below where I cast a game every day. Almost every day. Sometimes I forget. I love you all. See you all next time. Bye bye.
The Worst Player Ever Thinks BattleCruisers Are Imba| Is It Imba Or Do I suck?
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2
{ "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rolARDfYnJw/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 }
Hello, welcome back to a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Sack? And today we got a little email from a guy called Deceit. Now, let's read it. Arstam, I'm your Chinese fans. You have to watch this game I played in Hanbock recently. The opponent was building his air force from the beginning. I defended and interfered throughout the game. However, he could defend and counterattack me with waves of air force until I can't stop Yamato's power, creating waves of air force with a bunch of turrets. I cannot attack at all. After I dried my minerals in army, he still has a bunch of BC, or Terran happy ship in Chinese. I have no way but to surrender. In Vati, has one hell of a new one, my friend. Thank you very much for that. What's your nickname again? The Seed. Now let's have a look at the see if Taron actually is completely broken because he does make a good point. The Air Force of Terran is too strong. Humans of course, very good at making air forces. Good old Terrans, all the same. Now, usually if you think about the Air Force from a ZERC perspective, what are the things that counter them? The Air Force, you know, you get your investors, you get your early game, well, midgame, you get your corruptors, perhaps into vipers, some investors. These are the units we want to be building against the Terran Air Force, right, to break them. Perhaps we want some stuff on the ground as well to be able to kill, I don't know, tanks and cyclone Hellion that comes there as support. Let's have a look exactly what our friend the Seed is doing. So our friend the Seed is just a solid Zerg player, you know. She's going about his day, building his hatcheries, building his queens, building his lynx, building his roaches, or drones, roaches. So we see, I'm sure how you pronounce this. I can't read. Um, our Terran friend, just swapping into Halleons, double gas, probably Tridonon Starport at some point, started building up his air force. I wouldn't be surprised that they can either be done through BCs or through Benchie or, I guess in some weird way also with a Liberator or two and then going into something afterwards, but that's kind of unlikely, honestly. A lot of the time when you see Mass Air, it's gonna come either from a Benji or a Battle Cruiser opener. Meanwhile we have our friend Deceit who is not really playing a build order that I've ever seen before. So he gets the second queen, or the third queen he gets in the main base, which is kind of bad. You always want to get it in your natural so you can throw one tumor here, then, you know, get two queens at your natural and your queen can inject the natural. His third base should have already started a long time ago. He's completely supply locked at 4D4 supply and he's building 10 lings. I guess for for Helly and Rhumbys that makes some sense I like the ten things none don't hate it too much problem really is third base is too late Queen was being built in wrong position so we got two minor errors already and the supply block still goes on happily floating six 700 minerals into two quick overlords nice this is the kind of stuff I see a lot you know people complaining about the unit composition and then being supplyable for the first five minutes in the game It's not a unit composition, my friend. It's your mechanical skill. Which the seed is lacking a bit. You see a solid thousand mineral float at the 4 minute mark. Didn't even know you mined that many minerals already at this point. You get a lot of money in this game. You really know how much money you're getting in a game if you see someone float like 1K at 4 minute 30. And he still actually has some stuff as well. I mean, he is a natural saturated. There's another queen on the way, bailing nests. I don't know what this is. If it's for macro hatch in the main base. I mean, it makes sense if it's loading this much money. I don't mind that too much. Gets a couple of spores now. How's his scouting bin? So this is the first time he scouts. A quick tip for all the Zerkes out there. Usually the buildings are going to be built around the initial barracks because that barracks will also be building either the tech labs or the reactor for the next building. So the seed being out here, you know, it's not, not really helping. You want to be moving to the right, my friend. This area of the base has been spotted by now. You can leave and try to find something else to see it. Hello? Over here, there's two starports with banshees. I don't want to figure that out. No, all right. That's fine. That's okay. That's completely fine. Just stay over here. I do like that he's adding a couple of extra queens a lot of the time in ZVT you will see ZERC's actually going up to I don't know like seven eight queens sometimes even nine queens so yeah I don't mind it high queen count is pretty good defense a lot of stuff Hallie and Helbert stuff now the Roach Warren is one that I honestly don't even mind the only problem I have is that A his work account is extremely low for no real reason So the seat lost only 16 lynx, no drones whatsoever. He just hasn't really been producing drones, randomly building things. Now the reason I don't mind the road farm is because you're going to need some anti-ground at some point as well. A lot of the time the air stuff comes with ground stuff. Well, at this point the seat really isn't quite aware of what's happening as it's overlord right now. He's been building a new home in this general area. Like he started the construction of his house, that's how long he's been here. It's gonna get a permanent residence card soon in the Terran base. Been applied for that, the five minute mark. The process takes about a minute as well. And now soon he will get his permanent... Oh! Oh no. He's moving. I'm glad I got to witness that. It's one of those things. You only get the witness once in a lifetime is the Seed's Overlord actually scouting. It's like when the moon blocks the sun, you know? Or like a meteor shower, something like that. one of those rare events in a lifetime where the seat actually decides to scout. Now he's like, oh, crap, triple starport, how could I have known? It's so difficult to scout Terran. They're so good at denying it. And now there's already five banshees out. So, I mean, in theory, this should still be fine, right? Our boy, the seat built six queens. There is a layer, so this sounds like you build one overshear. You cool all your queens to your main base. And we're gonna be in one hell of a spot, no? Spire on the way. I wouldn't mind seeing some of this money spent into drones as well. There's some of the 70 larva. I was gonna complain about this injects. The issue is just that he doesn't even use his larvae. Hello? Can you use the queens to defend, perhaps, my friend? Hello? Boys? The siege units really don't like leaving their house. They're all afraid of the real world. These two queens are having to control with Benchoon. Well, let them do. That's fine. I mean, this guy's like, well, I guess if you're not gonna fight, that's fine. No overseer. Sporgat positioned out of the mineral line into this general area. It can help for that better. But there is a link run by here, which, I guess, these two liberators will be able to clean up eventually. I mean, this is just really sad because the units to defend are here, you know? There's plenty of units. Wait, what happened with this spire? I guess it got cancelled. Maybe it was building the main. I knew there was a spire on the way already. I mean, this Ling run by is doing a lot of damage because there's literally not a single ground unit out for the Terran player. This is the most opportunistic, Bainling morphing that I've seen in a moment. my life. I'm getting drilled to death by one of those bad boys. I can't believe he's actually going to lose this base with four benches. Well, he's had the queens available all the time. Like at this point, he still has a layer as well so he can still build the cover here. Instead, it's a form just to build more drones and wait for the spire to finish. The good old sack my base against the four bench here around because I don't want to use tools to be in a way that's pretty nice by this. make the game a bit more talent by not giving one of the not-low communities in the game with me. He's like, you know what, I think I can win this game without the two defense. Eventually, after the layer finishes, or after the layer dies, he comes through a sense. I guess I really do need to send my crew there. He's not really paying attention to his game. He's trying to go for the spire, it doesn't quite work. Now, you might be thinking, well, this game is completely over. like you know the supplies are awful work account is basically even which is not good for Zurich Zyrk's only on two bases well you know you can't really count this you know but he take a look at the bank that my boy deceit has been acquiring over the past nine minutes and 45 seconds in this game 3,000 minerals are here he has eight larvae still you could just be double expanding at this point getting an eco like I think if you give this to a good Zerg player he'd be able to be in an to a decent situation within something like a minute and a half. I love that the Terran's way of dealing with that overlord was to initially build a turret here, chase the overlord to this area and then build a second turret rather than sending one liberator to click the overlord. I think that is a real dedication to the least effective use of your units. That's as powerful to see and I'm glad I got to witness this. Meanwhile we have the seat is relaxing. You know, he's taking things slow. Doesn't want to hurry things. He's one of those guys that if you ever get into a relationship with the seat, he's still going to, you know, doesn't want to be moving in with you after 10 years. He's one of the slow ones, you know. Marriage after 25 years. Then perhaps after 30 or 35 years of being together, he can start thinking about kids. By that time you're 85 and life is practically like, don't get into a relationship with a guy like this. He doesn't inject. He's slow. And he does have lots of money, so I guess that makes some sense, eh? What's the cash in the night? He's spending his cash. He's a very frugal person, doesn't like to spend. He's just not doing anything. I wonder what he looks at. If he would look at this replay, if he just sit there and say, yeah, this looks alright. Maybe just like zooms in or something. Like, see the graphics. I used to do this when I was younger. I changed the graphics in the game and then see how the units change. They have extra bubbles on their head. It's also fun, but it's a different kind of thing. Perhaps something like the Sims or Animal Crossing would be more suited to your needs than the seat. We finally have a 4th base out. It's only been 12 minutes and a money bank constantly over 3K to be able to achieve that 4th base. I like that he's spreading creep as well. I think that's big. Actually, we have a NIDIS on the way. It is a very vital location for the Terra. So if this Nydis goes up, this could spell Doom for the Terra to attack this. So... ...this. No, awesome, no base there. It's to secure this general area, this NIDIS is going to be really useful. He could use it to do a run by in here, but he also could have just ran the lings there. Probably would have been a faster process. I'm so happy I got this replay. Because one Nidus wasn't good enough yet, he's gonna wait for this Nidus to pull. No, he's gonna send out all of the roaches and then the second Nidus pulled. This guy's like, hey, why is no one using me? Oh no, the corruptors flying over, realizing, oh no, they're invisible. And we don't have detection. Detection coming in a little too late. Benji's fly away with the speed of light, of course. Here comes the run by boys. 12 turrets in case these lings suddenly start to fly. I mean, this is a good run back. It definitely is. Or utenitis. This is what we need. Don't use this one that we already have. Build a new one. I like them. Still no work account. I mean, this was... This was good fight. You see that a good run. We're proud of you to see. I'm not going to be sarcastic about this one. It's a really good run by. Like you kill like 15 hundred million worth of turret, 12 SDVs. The only problem I have is that we're building roaches and lids. against a guy that literally is producing air. Like you said, this is an Air Force, my friend. And right now, you're supplying your army with swords and... Your swords and sticks, sticks and stones. And they realize now that... This is absolutely one of the best knights I've seen in my life. Yeah, instead, he finally starts to to realize that you can actually hit air with lings. So as a result we're getting into an infestation pit. How many 25 larva why aren't you using them? I have a feeling this seat doesn't actually hotkey as hatcheries. Because if he just hotkeyed his hatcheries, like producing units with Zerg is so easy. Like it's actually the easiest way to produce like once you once you have the larva like that's the hard part, you know, the injecting is Like he's injecting. It's so sick to me how... Like 3011, you could have so many drones, so many units. 8 more corruptor on the way, 11 are out already. I do like that there's corrupted here. I have some issues with the upgrades on this corruptive, though, I see. There is not. And we see plus three air weapons. plus three air weapons, plus two arm or for the tower. Yeah, obviously with your 20 corrupted or your 11 corruptor, you're not going to be able to win that. I also wouldn't mind seeing some spellcasters, some investors, some vipers, some scouting on this base, this top base, this island base. Actually what are we seeing? I guess the only points that we have right now are these two Niduses. A fifth base is up, 16 minutes in game. Not quite connected with creep, but... 12 spores. Yes, sir. Keep him coming. Does spend a big chunk of his money though, which is... I mean, it's also kind of nice to do that. Well, it's not nice to build sports, but it's nice that... Just getting drones now! How about we done that about 10 minutes ago? Look at that. Sports everywhere. Clean this up, how many sports is this? 23 sports. Nice. This is the first time he's actually at a healthy drone count. I don't understand why it had to take so long. I really don't know. Oh my god. This guy managed to find the only sport without a war, because I think it's quite impressive as well. How many corruptors are still on the map? There's the wrong buttons. 24 corruptors. No upgrades against 3-3 upgrades. 11 Vikings, 6 battle cruisers, 9 Liberators. This is going to be a rough game for the seat, my friends. It's going to be a very rough game. The sickest thing is if we would just send the corruptors here and just pee on this command center. You'd probably get it anyway. I like the Vipers, I don't mind it. I wouldn't have mind it seeing a second. I didn't have mind at seeing a second spire for double upgrades. This is one of those things where... I've seen this before, where Zerg players are not Zerg players, just lower level players, they're like, ah, I'm too far behind in upgrades already, no use trying to catch up. That's not actually how this game works though. It's a good. It's not how this works, but you need to... You need to try catching them. It's still better to have only one upgrade than to have zero upgrades all game long. Trust me on that like that. I've done the mathematics on that. Jesus. The Tudorring. The ring of fire. I bet this is what the seed is doing as well. I'm just trying to copy his behavior. Because really nothing is happening in the thing, just looking at animations and in human. In unit graphics, who did a drone move? Like it's floating. Is you doing a little dance? I never actually watched that. Very rhythmic unit the drone. Or is it like his wings flapping in the air? That's crazy. It's like they're swimming. Like some weird fish. Well, honestly, I don't think this seat can really do anything here. I like the attempt. I like this. I like this. I think this is big. After being at home and looking at his corruptor, like animation in the wind, getting all of his vipers to full energy. After four minutes of doing nothing, he decides it's time for another Nidus in this location. Because that worked out really well before, remember. He had these four Niduses here, really being able to cover a lot of ground. This is, this is really how I imagine. the gold leaks and the bronze leads to me. These like things are happening and no one really knows what is happening. Just F2 is back home for three lings with this entire arm. This is quality. I want more of these replays. Four queens. They've been working on the creeps rat, for real. The last time that this guy, the Terran, decided to do some some creep denial was probably at the 14 minute mark and back then the creep was over here so in the past six minutes I think we at least got one extra ring of tumors now maybe two extra rings of tumors we managed to connect the four or this was the no sort of the third the third base with the fifth that's an upgrade that's an upgrade that's the second spires like he's listening Terran meanwhile completely content with just staying at home not doing anything. I feel like both of them like just accidentally went into the multiplayer game. Just wanted to play single player without an opponent, just build stuff up and take pictures. These are the guys that create the box art, I'm telling you. You know the art on the box where you see like an epic scene, like that's just what both of them are doing. They're setting it up. Like you zoom in, like I can I zoom in, change the camera a bit, and then you put like one battle cruiser over here, a Viking and Liberator here, and take a screenshot. And just like that, you got box art. On the other hand, same thing. Oh, this doesn't look quite as pretty. I think you need broodlords for box art and an investor or something. 4K, 4K in the bank for our good friend, The Seat, who is, getting a second layer in case his first layer, well in case his hive dies. Maybe he isn't aware that, you know, some buildings they say the requirement is a layer. So maybe he thinks if you have a hive, you need to rebuild the layer again. That would be fantastic. I wouldn't mind that. I think that would be a good way to go about things, an improvement to the game. I don't speed this up a bit because, I'm not sure what I'm marching honestly. Like neither of them really are playing the game. They're just... He's playing SimCity at this point and... I don't know if the Cid is still playing, honestly. Like he hasn't really done very much in the past. I don't know. Just this whole game, basically. Oh, here comes the base. Right with the back there. Base falls. Bio upgrades on the way for the Terran. Nice. The sickest thing is that this Terran isn't actually moving out either. Meaning that the seat might actually have a chance. Okay, I lied. He's moving out now. Now. This is the moment everyone has been waiting for the epic fight. 35-carrasper, 5-5-5-3. Plus one upgrades against 3-3 air. The seat flying forward with his fibers and his corruptors. The Terran slowly sharking around the map. Turing, to get that unsuspecting server. But he goes back instead. Back to the shark hole. Oh man, oh, nukes. Three nukes at the same time. Is this a mean? Did he actually have three nukes in store? Yes, five hundred thousand three nukes at once. But, look at this. This is why he built a layer here, because in that case, it will survive three nukes. There of course is more HP. This is brilliant. Here I was complaining, but actually it was brilliant. Now, there is 2-1 upgrades done right now for the seat. Who could have been slightly more active on the map perhaps, or just doing things in general? I'm just gonna speed this up again. I can't believe what I'm watching. I'm really sad there was no MMR written down because I am very very curious what kind of love of this is. Now, oh, you've seen some action? No, the side's against it. Don't want to get too close with our opponent. Maybe he's a pacifist, like the people that don't like war. He just wants to happily coexist. A bit like switch for them, you know, they declare himself neutral that we're not joining. That's what the sea is trying to do as well. When he gets attacked, he defends his border. His borders are the crew. Which he doesn't even like expanding his borders very much, you know, with the speed of his crew spread. And then after he defends his borders, he's like, all right, like, this is it. Like, I'm not gonna attack you. I'm good. No. It's insane. I don't actually believe that this is a game that two people played. Another gaming run down into a base that still has 500 mm. That's 10. 800, 800. I'm killing us to Mendecairang. It had no gas mining anymore. Nice. Moving bad. Two new news raining down from the sky. Two newts are raining down from the sky. Oh, no. Wait, will it land? Suicide by nuke. That's gotta be a first. Oh, we have a push forward. Not an open for here by the seat to decide it's time to go in. What are the outbreak, right? 3-2. Okay, so we have the time now. And we have our big push. Seed dropping the solid 164 supply, was still floating 7KKK-5K, 79 larvae around the down. But he's not next. Oh. Parasitic bomb is a good bomb, yes, fly away while your parasitic bomb does the work. Maybe try to do an abduct when they fly away, but why would you be engaging when your paracetic bomb is doing the world? You can throw another parasitic bomb, by the way. It doesn't have to be limited to one of the down. You can go two or three more. Hop and keep taking energy from your scores, I guess, not from this place, it's a problem of that. 45 corruptors in the right i see you're using these guys hello even longer. I think this is what torture looks like. I think I could withstand a lot of things, you know? I think it would withstand a lot. I've seen once a thing where they put a drop of water on your head like every minute or so, like every 30 seconds. Like you can't move and then a drop of water hits her back. Every 30, so there's a little bit of it. And after four hours, the guy was like, okay, I can't take it anymore. Like, it's actually driving me like, I think I could last longer than four hours with that. But if you'd show me this game, on repeat, which I'm not even sure if this game is ever going to end, right? I guess if you just show this game to me, I think I would immediately confess to all the secrets. Like I'd give them my government information, whatever they want. Because you're starting to doubt reality when you watch a game like this. At this point I doubt anyone is still watching as well, it's just me talking to myself about a game that you know, 20 battlegroup of California to deal with 15 rings. Right now, let's do some counting. 43 corruptors, 7 vipers. Now, you can throw parasitic bombs, you can use neurals. There's a lot of things you can do. But you gotta use some spellcast, so just going straight corruptor usually doesn't work. Just attack, man. Imagine, this is what it looks like when two people that just don't want to fight, they find each kind. Oh, and as I say that the sea decides to run into the phone and go out, 23 Yamasters, so all at the same time. He killed six battlec losers, seven battlefors it was funny. He can throw eight battlefors and he lost 43. Look at his name. Now my favorite thing of all time would be if he just straight rallies his corruptors back in again because that would mean this misery will come to an end. But I have a feeling he's not going to be doing that. I have a feeling we're going to be here for at least another ten minutes looking like at the mules mining out this base. Then the mules mining out this base. And there's there are, actually, 32 minutes in boys. Look at this. This is where we were with the creepsbrat after I think, well let I say, 16 minutes or so. Then this was 23 minutes. 25, 28, 33. So every three minutes he puts down one ring of crepe chumers. You know, he pushes all the creep chumers forward. Nice, expanding the borders. We have more ghosts, nuking a base that isn't mining anymore. Oh, no, no, I don't want to be moving out until we repaired every single better cruiser back to full helm. But let's not use more than one SDV, shall we boys. Single SCV will do the kill. I can see it. I feel like they're going up in hell, but... Not many no. 90 workers right now for the seat. Yes, a couple more turrets is what we needed. I was getting worried that 12 turrets was enough. I don't even know anymore. You know, I always thought becoming a professional gamer was a good career, but I'm trying to really rethink my priorities in life right now. Thinking of joining like the monks, you know, the monastery. Doing some deep meditation or something. Get big into mindfulness. I just study philosophy. Find the meaning of life and see if it includes watching 36 minutes in the sea. In a Terran name, I still don't know what it means. I don't think any philosopher has got the conclusion, but this is true. You know how no one really knows the meaning of life? but I think we can rule out some options. I think this would be one of the options that we could definitely rule out. It's watching this game. 37 minutes in. I'm still alive. My vital organs are still working, but it can be for much longer. If you run one more baling run by into a planetarium actually underhanded. I'll just be done. I'm not even sure if I want to see the final fight. I just... Okay, there's investors here. There's neural. You can neural stuff. You can use parasitic bones. Yeah, neural. Parasitic bones. Look at this, he's interested doing big work. Imagine he had more than that. I imagine if he used this viper. I imagine he used this cat though. I think this is it. I think this is it. This is how suffering is. back home because he's afraid of the productively man. I'm gonna find his name and I'm playing so hard on Battlenet. I will spend the rest of my life searching for this battle and sending an angry battle. He was going up there. Yes, and don't understand. Yes, a new range to the affair. I can't believe this game is actually this close. Like, if he actually would use his infers or his investor, if he uses his fipers, his corruptors, he actually would be in a pretty decent role. Oh no, this game is going to go on. Wait, does the Zerg win? I can't believe I've been bamboozled by this seat sending me this replay, saying that Battlecruiser is impossible to beat, and now it's up 60s a plus. The game is gonna go on. I'm actually starting to doubt if this game ever ends. The Seed and this guy are actually still playing. They just cut up the game in two parts so they can send me the first part. While they're playing the second part at home right now. This replay got sent to me two weeks ago, but they're still there in-game on purity and industry. This is something else. I wonder after they're done with a session like this, but they didn't think to themselves. Oh, that was a fool day. I can't believe. Here come the ass, the investors. Okay, he's running out of money though. He almost mined everything. This base still has some minerals. No more gas. This base still has some gas and minerals, so... He says he killed a creature and he's gonna be caking this base. I'm a fan, honestly. Just use the... Why do we have 90s? There's a fantastic. Here come the Vipers. I say, go to pass, I go to defense. Maybe take two more? No, there's two? There's three. Always pick high help one. I think I'm suffering at home. I think our suffering event. There's no more diving event for the siege. There's seven corrupted interruption. There's still a lower sport. Maybe it's a draw. Maybe the terrorism will fly all of his battle crews in his porch. Neither of them nor a attacking unit left. That would be the actual dream. The I don't know. There's 2K minerals in the bank. I just was drifting up to a better place in my life. The good time man. This is the dark time here. I'm forced to watch this game. So, alright. I'm just gonna feed it up a bit. It happened. Teralphus chasing games by teleporting behind them. Marines with finally the defeat the upgrade coming into play. I like that. That was some good looking into the future by the Terran. Realizing exactly what was going to happen. Now we have lots of scans going down, making sure he knows everything so forth. Beautiful muse. Yeah, and he's getting some good gas count as well. Oh, rebuilding turrets. More Marines here. Marines will actually kind of help against the cool up there. This base goes on. This is going to be the last mining base. Unit lost that. 88K against 68K. There's bio now. There is nothing that really deals with bio. except the bailings I guess. Bailing investor does be decent against, but yeah. You actually send me a 50 minute game. The first thing I'm gonna do when I get really, on real, is message is something about to this game. It feels very similar. It also lasts for like prison center. The Zerg is really good. One pick up, no, I don't get up. The Zerg is actually broke now. There's no more minerals. 39 workers here, so I can still long distance mine this, or long distance mine this. I live I'm just the point of being in this world How many Just ending, come on 2K minerals in a bank, just use your barracks How many barracks do you have made? Five. Seven. Seven barracks, okay? Just produce. use only marines. The other guy has no money. Only investors. This is... This is insane. They actually... Like he could just be trading away 10 lings. 10 Marines and that's still be an okay trade because there's like so much money in the bank. He's still going to be able to take this base with one of his 25 orbital commands. Still defending this planetary with four liberators. Unidas! Is he joking? He has 300 minerals left in the bank. It's long distance mining from this base and you decide to spend 20% of your 14% onto a NIDES, on a base that is mined out, has 35 turrets and a planetary. He builds another turret. Because he might be afraid that the 25 turrets that are here already wouldn't quite cover it. If anyone is still watching at this point, please, say hi. Type something in the YouTube comments. make sure I didn't do this for nothing. There was a reason to all of this, to this endless, absolutely endless, son-free. And for my leaves. It's slow. He has attacked into anything. He could be yamato and lynx for all I care. Just jemato lings and then telepath. go lings and then teleport out. Probably still be faster than... ...oh my god. I can't believe he actually sent me a 50 minutes and it's kind of last for 10 minutes. They're actually going to be able to get at this. This is it. You should leave now to see it if you don't move out. I'm not, oh my god. My life was going to be fine out. All right. All right. to do this over again. The seat. I... at a loss for words. I'm at a loss for words. You played so bad this game. I completely forgot about the early game where four Banshees killed every building in your main because you refused to send your queens there. This was, I thought, the dumbest thing I was gonna see today. I couldn't have been more wrong because for the next 54 minutes, you've been showcasing feats I didn't think were possible by humans. I thought we'd evolved too far to showcase a level this low. It was painful. torture you made all of us dumber by just watching this depression rate skyrocketing worldwide because of this game you my sir are something else not just I can't even leave you there you have the audacity to complain about balance with the way you played you should be glad that I don't even know you should be happy just be thankful for the things you have my friend because it must be really difficult living with this low scale I I mean it's obvious that you suck but you extremely suck it's not a regular suck I almost feel like just saying you suck isn't quite hard enough and it devalues the meaning of the word suckabids like other the other people that I said you suck like they sucked you were awful it wasn't just regular sucking this was worse I want you to realize that this was not a regular game this is not what everyday life should be like for you or for anyone for that matter I think we got it over. Don't ever send me a replay again, ever. I will have you on the ban list. Don't use other email accounts. I will figure it out. I will realize after watching for three minutes that it's you. You can't hide. I'm not going to get tricked by you again. You've wasted more time in my life than anyone ever else has. Because not only is this the time watched, but the time that I don't need to process this game is going to be so long. Like years of therapy after watching a game like this. This was insane. Yeah, that's it. If you like this, hit the like button. If you hated it, also hit the like button. If you want to see more of the seeds replays. replace. Say so in the comment. And perhaps, no, just kidding, I'm never going to watch this again. Don't forget subscribe to my YouTube channel as of a Patreon. Patreon. Check that out. Also down in description below. If you're still here and you're watching, you're a true warrior. You know what it's like to be tortured and you survived it. Congratulations for that. Welcome aboard my friends. We're in it together. We're gonna stick here and I'll see everyone tomorrow. If I can get the wheel to get up in the morning again tomorrow. I will be here for a new video. Until then, bye-bye.
Zealot Runbys Are OVERPOWERED! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck?
In todays episode we have a silly Zerg complaining about zealot runbys. I wonder what the verdict will be (: Don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel here. My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2
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Hello everyone, welcome back to a new episode of Is it Inba or Do I Suck? Today we're going to be having a look at a replay I got sent to me by Neko Chan. And it says, they're harsh them. I'm a 4.8 cam-mrador player and struggle a lot with closing the game out once I get Brutelords. Every game that I manage to get Brutlords, I still die. It seems like ZVP is nearly unwinnable for Zerg. Due to the lacking mobility of Brutelorch, you can't get across the map without losing at least two bases to sword ninjas. How am I supposed to win the game in this way? Please, I need your help. Prud Lords need a movement speed buff. Otherwise, this matchup is just straight and playable without all an end. Sword ninjas make it impossible to play it. And that was sent to me by Mr. Necco-chan. All right, let's have a look. At this game, then, if it is so unbeatable indeed, ProDol's wing zero. It's opening up with a standard one gate expand. This is around a 5K MMR replay. Like he said, he was 4.8, I think the process was 5K. So relatively high level. I think it means they're maybe Masters 1 or on the border from Masters 2 to Masters 1. Let's speed this up this beginning part a bit. This all seems pretty standard, honestly. honestly you know the prolos most likely will just be going either into some Stargate or some Twilight action and you see the Zerg just opening up with well what looks to be a standard two into three base after the initial two quills here goes our drone takes a third base so so far looks pretty standard looks pretty powerful a little move you can do as a Zerg is that well in the case of a stalker first not so much but otherwise you could try to run by two lings into the main base. Again, Stalker first can be a little tricky. Hello, pay attention, there we go. So yeah, it's gonna be... The thing you can still do is you can always leave like a Ling here and a Ling here and then if he starts moving out like this with a stalker, you can perhaps sneak by into the main base, try to get vision. I also don't mind the overlord speed, honestly. I think it's a safe call. You will always get the information that you need. And yeah, we see Necco Chan is going to... to probably be able to scout the star gate. Might lose an overlord for it, but that's just the way of the world. Only a wing, actually he should be able to just go to this general area and be safe. No, doesn't do that, we'll lose the overlord instead. Does scout Oracle first has no real lings on the map, that's good, as there's no real adapt count on the map either, so Oracle's going to be the only form of pressure here. The way to beat that is spores and good queen movement. Spores are here, let's have a look at the queen movement. In general, this is an important area to defend, and this is a general area that you want to be defending with your queens, because those are the drone transfers, which isn't defended by spores. So far, Neko Chen is doing all of that. Completely fine. Prodose players getting a fast robotics facility and fast gases, and then we'll be going into a third basis, from what it looks like. So pretty standard build order, slightly faster robo than maybe we're used to, but both players seem to know their stuff. You know, they have build orders that make sense. They're doing moves that make sense. Yeah, so far, honestly, a pretty normal game. Rojoin timing is perfect. 4.30 is a good road warrant timing if it is two oracles. If it is a single oracle, we'll get it slightly earlier, maybe around 420. And we see Wing Zero trying to do some damage. Now, this is where we can see the scale of the circle. pulls away the drones. I was going to say you need to pull away the drones from where the Oracle comes in and Necco Chan actually managed to do that. So so far we're having a pretty clean game by both players. You know, no major errors. Perhaps the map vision that we have from Wing Zero is a little small. I wouldn't mind seeing one ling over here, one Ling over here and then a patrolling link in this area. That way you get a lot of vision. You create a lot of vision for yourself on the map, which is important. Yeah, basically that vision. Good stuff. Now this is a late drone pool. Another thing I don't like that Nico Chen isn't doing is that there's no overlord in this area. This is a very common spot for oracles to come from. So one of your overlord should be there. You basically want everything covered. This is a good overlord. This is a good overlord. If you also want an overlord here, so you can see this happening. The rest should be covered by creep. a creep, don't forget, gives vision. Now this is a rupee mistake. Never want to lose your queen just like that. Obviously out in the open, single queen chasing three oracles. Even this is dumb because now you're exposing your own mineral light. So very bad queen movement here in the past 15 seconds and it could have cost him a bit more. The wing zero would have committed there, maybe microde away his weak oracle. Would have been able to kill like five, six workers extra. Now I think he got maybe six in total and he got a queen. So still pretty decent here for wing zero by some messed up queen micro by Nekochan who's going into what looks like to be Ravager Ling Bane with a I'm sure this is a macro hatch in the main base I guess not a big fan of that but I'll accept it whenever you take a fourth base this early you always are going to need a sport because otherwise it's just going to get abused by oracles luckily for Niko Chan this isn't working yet or this isn't happening yet. But the Oracle still are active so perhaps later it might happen. What is the scouting info? Scouting info is absolutely zero. So at this point you could say wow look at his work account that's so nice. It's 74. It's pretty high. He's getting infestation pit but he did all of that without having any information. He didn't know if the gases were there. You're allowed to go up to like 75 76 drones and get an infestation pit if you see that there are gases there otherwise you probably want to be building a couple more units like 75 drones is fine but the infestation pit is truly pushing it now um the one thing that i do see that is lacking is creeps red we really haven't been pushing creeps red at all and the thing that creeps red gives us of course is vision as well gives us vision improved army movement still no spore here at this base and now the three oracles are just going to kill i guess all three queens and we'll be able to be able to to take out a bunch of drones as well. Drones should probably have been pulled away already as well. If Wing Zero was paying attention here, all of these would have fallen. Might still actually go for a couple. Yeah, this is very, very poor defending here by by Necco Chan who loses three queens or two queens and also loses another five, six drones, another five drones. So I'm kind of liking Wing Zero's position here. He's going into storm, me. He's going into blink, which I think is a mistake. Should have obviously be charged. He does have charge already. I'm not sure why he's getting blink. It's not as great. Yeah, I could say there's not a lot that, like not a lot of big things that Nikodan is doing wrong. It's more that he isn't doing a lot of things. Like he's not spreading creep. There's no pressure whatsoever on the Prodos base. Like the last time he was on the map with any kind of lings was, well, never. really. Like he hasn't been trying to clear probe lines with banling run by, there hasn't been a single bainling drop. So the question really is what has he been doing because he hasn't been defending his base properly, hasn't been spreading creed, and he hasn't been harassing. So I really wonder what he's been spending his time with. His injects seem to be okay, but I mean that's only every 20 seconds. He also has, I mean, his MMR is pretty high, right? 340 MMR, but maybe just moving his army back and forth in a really intense way. Because it just seems like he hasn't been doing anything at all. Like this is the first thing that he's actually done, where he splits up part of his army. He does get a bunch of zealots for his effort, so that's nice. He does have a big Beinling Raverger Roach Force as well, which is kind of sitting here, not doing anything. managed to find this part of his opponent's army. I just love to see like a bailing run by being started or just a baling problem just anything to put some pressure on the opponent. The way you want to be playing with Ravarderling Bane is you kind of want to be doing constant bailing run-bys and constant baining attacks on different bases while you're attacking into brute doors as the safety measure. So after you kill 30 workers and your opponent attacks you, you're going to be surviving on Brutelords. That's really the big plan here, but it seems like Nico Chan, he kind of wants to fight with his army, he builds 12 more roaches, which also isn't really the way. The main way to deal damage with a Bainling army, or with a Bainling Roe Ravager Army, or Bainling army, is to get Bainlings, like, the rest of your army is kind of garbage. Bainlings are the driving force behind your army, basically. Now, um, Like I said, we haven't really been seeing any harassment whatsoever. Once plus two finishes, this is going to count twofold, basically, or tenfold. Like, banling run by has become so much more powerful because a single bainling will be able to one shot a probe and one shot probe clumps. So, yeah, bailing run bys like these are extremely important. And basically the reason why you'd play a style with this many bainlings is to kill workers a lot. A good trick is to come from two sides. So some bainlings from the front, some banlings from the other side because otherwise they'll just be able to escape like not quite an escape so this was actually a good run by still the execution could be better but the result was perfect so I'm not going to complain about that too much now the way you want to be playing broodlord against this style once again is you want to be continuously doing Reverager Ling bane pokes at outside basis to contain your opponent on a low base count. And then the broodlords, they really just are there as a safety mechanism so you can't die. It's basically so the other guy can be all right. I'm going to move across the map, A move you with Storm and Archons. That's what the Brutlords are for. And you're just constantly doing run bys with your painlings, with part of your Roach army. And then as a third group, you're going to fly around with a group of corruptors, like 12, 13 corruptors and two, three vipers. And whenever you're attacking a base, imagine The Zerg attacks this base with his roachling bane force, or mainly bains, and the protols moves into that direction, and the corruptor viper comes from the right side over here. Poop, you abduct with the vipers, and then you try to get air units like that. And then if he attacks you, you obviously have the broodlords. A mistake a lot of people makes that they attack with the brute lords, and then they lose them because brudlords are slow, they're not that great of creep. They need a lot of support to be able to do something. Now we see small zirgling runbys, but not really the bane run bys that we need. It really feels like Nechok Chan isn't doing anything. Like he's in the game, but he's there physically, you know, but mentally he's not really there. Stuff is happening and he's watching it happen. It's a bit like his life in a way where, you know, it just seems to be going by without any real improvement. That's kind of what's happening here as well. I was like, yeah, this is nice, this is good. You know, this is the stuff I want to see, but I want to see this consistently. I want to see this army doing stuff as well. I guess if you're being attacked, it's okay, to stay home, but yeah, this is, these are the run bites you should have been seeing basically consistently for the past five, six minutes. Now the toss is too far on creep, doesn't have an Oracle with him so this honestly shouldn't be too successful for Wing Zero here. As a Prolos player quick tip always get an Oracle so you can tag the Brutlord, you can see the position of the Corruptor. It helps a lot against this kind of stuff. Trust me on that voice. Yeah this is this was a good fight for Necco Chan honestly who is also up in workers now and now you might think oh he just won a big fight you know what time it is it's time to move across the map with Bruton But let me tell you something, boys, it's never time to move across the map with broodlords. The time, the way you move across the map with broodlords is by pushing creep forward and getting ten spores in this area, then you move forward with broodlords. But in order to be forward with broodlords on the map, you're going to need more static defense at your different bases, so zealot runbys can do too much. You're going to need some kind of momentum on your side so that your opponent can't really be attacking your broodlords as they're moving with. his tempest. Like you want to be basically very safe and then you can move in. And then with a sport or investor support, you should be able to win fights. But never just randomly fly across the map with your brute lords. This is kind of how you want to be using them. Just staying at home, doing run bys. It seems like Nikotan is doing a way better job than before. The only problem is that he doesn't really have any static defense. So he's also quite vulnerable to run bys himself. He isn't the quickest to respond. He took him a couple of seconds here and he lost, well, 57 workers already, and I think he lost like 35 in the last minute and a half, or the last half a minute. These four zealids clear the whole mineral line. There's a five zealids over here that clear the whole mineral line. So this is a little bit dangerous and this is why I always say, just get some spines or just be very active with your units on the map, trying to catch your opponent's units. Creep helps a lot of course. Creep and Overlord is basically free map. map hack, it gives you complete vision of the map and always try to get the spines up before it happens. Preventing is better than curing in this case where you can't really start building spines while you're being run by it. That's not how it works. Yeah, he's just, right now Nekochan is just being completely pulled apart, almost. Doesn't pull his workers away, can't defend his fifth base, loses his next row as well, queen's going down, I mean, there's greater spire, it shouldn't go down, but, With the speed that Neko-chan is operating at, it might accidentally. Yeah, there we go. Great Aspire will also fall. The thing is that in order to win this kind of game, you've really got to play consistently well as both sides. So you can't be taking bad fights on the other side of the map. What you want to be doing is you kind of want to be controlling the middle of the map with a main army. and then the rest of the game is just run-bys, run-bys, while you're pushing your advantage forward. So, Prodos is trying to deny creep, which is what this Protoss is doing, while doing run-bys. Zerg is trying to establish creep while doing run-bys. Now, the problem for Zerg here is that he isn't doing run-bys, and he isn't establishing creep. So that's a zero out of two of the things he should be doing. He needs more workers as well at this point. I mean, 47 workers is simply not enough. Now his army composition is also awful. Somehow he managed to get back into well basically 32 roaches, 26 roaches, six Reveagers, which is absolutely the worst unit to have into the late game. The roach is a two-supply unit that if you have 25 of them might barely be able to kill a single immortal. So it's not the unit you really want to have in your late-game army. They also stack up naturally, they're terrible against base defense, they're kind of slow, they're kind of stupid. No one really likes them. And in common, they don't really do too much with Brutelord either. I mean, they don't synergize well with Brutlord. Unlike the investor, for example, the corruptor synergizes relatively well. Now, this is the kind of desperate attack that you would expect from a man who is down 30 workers and forgot that run by exist in this game. And it's kind of what we're seeing, you know? Like Roach, Bane, Corruptor, Brutelord. gets across the map get shut down by tempus. This is a very common scenario where the ProDolz loses a base and kills basically every single air unit and every single brute lark. And if you don't lose the workers as the ProDls, that's honestly completely fine because you can just rebuild the base. You lose your income for a minute, so there's like 800 minerals and maybe 300 gas. But you're killing so much more with your Tempus that it's completely irrelevant then. I mean, the problem really started with the zealots running by and there being no adequate response. And on top of that the complete lack of grief threat also isn't helping. The army composition is terrible. And the decision making with what to do with the main army has honestly also been a bit lackluster. So we're just making this massive list of mistakes and we have this list of things that went well and I'm not even quite sure what they're right on. The first five minutes were relatively good, you know. Didn't lose too many workers to the Oracle's, only lost a single queen. It could be considered okay. Now, at this point, I could go on and on about what Nico Chen is doing wrong, but the the thing here is that nothing, he's pretty dead, right? He is a roach corruptor army at 19 minutes in game against 11 Tempest. It's like, I'm not quite sure what I say. I'm not quite sure I'm never seen this before. This is a composition you play against Terran Mac, if you're al-inning the Terran Mac who opened battle cruiser. But this is not a composition you play against Protoss. Like roaches are really, really bad the longer the game goes on. Corruptors are okay, but you need something with them, you know? The problem with this army is that roaches can only attack ground and they're really bad at it, and corruptors can only attack air. And they're okay at attacking air, but you don't. actually care too much about the tempest you know they're there are to ground damage isn't that great if you don't have brute lords you just kind of ignore them Corruptors almost get a shot in very exciting fight here as Nico Chen realizes that voters actually can shoot up there's a dang stupid tempest yeah this is one of the sadder fights and at this point Nico Chen is not only wasting wing zero's time he's also wasting his own time but more importantly is wasting my time and all of course time as well. It's like, mate, the game is over. It's time to leave. Do yourself a favor. And just quit. It's over. Five revereters. The other guy has nine tempest. It's time to go, my friend. Gigi. Perfect. All right. Well, my tonal voice perhaps reveals a little bit already. What's going to be happening here, but Nico, Nico, Nico, Nico, you were talking about short ninjas and being all funny but to be real with you this was very sad you play a race that is known for having fantastic vision creep overlord circling spread all across the map very easy to get a lot of vision high-speed army yet none of it no vision you had no creep no good overlord spread you had no circlings on the map started doing run-bys at the nine-minute mark you you didn't consistently do them Didn't ever use corruptor viper. You attacked with broodlords. In the late game you built 32 roaches. That's the one that hurt the most. Roaches don't shoot up. They only shoot the ground. Against the airmen show something different. No spores, no spines, no steady. You were floating 3K at one point, still no spines. Didn't respond at all to run bys. You can pull away your drones if you're being run by it, by the way. That's a good move. You want to save them. It's okay if you lose an extractor and a hatchery. But 30 drones, that's a lot of drones. It's difficult to replace. Yeah, to me it's obvious. To the viewers is obvious. The only one that just doesn't believe it yet is you. Let me tell you. You really do suck, my friend. You really do suck. You suck. All right. That was great. Thanks everyone for watching. I hope you did enjoy it. If you did, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Don't forget to smack the like button and leave a comment down below what you thought about Nico Chan's play as well. Was it a thumbs up or was it a thumbs down? Yeah, it's interesting questions. And I'll see everyone next time for a new episode of, is it in my... No, wait, a new episode of something else, which I can't think of... Ah, YouTube play Starcraft. There we go. Tomorrow. That's great. Bye-bye. Thank you.
MECH Terran TOO STRONG for PROTOSS??! | Is It Imba Or Do I SUCK?
In today's episode we have Mr.Sehyo who sends me a replay where I had a hard time discovering any mistakes in the first 6-7 minutes. Heading into the midgame however, lets just say Mr.Sehyo still has a lot to learn... Don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel here. My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2
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What's up everyone? You know what time it is. It is time for a new episode of Is it Inba? Or do I suck? And today we got a replay sent to us by Mr. Sayy-Yo. I harsed him in this game. Terran went Cyclone tank against me. I had really good map vision, but I could still could not stop his Formula 1 cyclones from sniping my necks. When I try to save the Nexai from his cyclone, his tanks has blasted me because cyclones have Inba range. So they can attack my Nex Eye from far away and I have to go into my Nex Eye from my Nex Eye. and I have to go into tank range to fight them. Terran Mac is totally broken. Thanks harsh them. SIO. P.S. the Terran is 4.8k MMR and I'm about 4.6K MMR on the Korean server. So there's a Korean replay. I guess 4.6 would be about Masters 3 Masters 2 level. Not quite sure how that stuff works, but I haven't loved Grandmaster in the past eight years, boys. Everything below that all looks the same to me. Terran Mac is obviously a topic that is heavily debated. Sometimes we see it pop up. Other times the Terrans say it's too weak to play against Prodos. A lot of people struggle with it. Let's have a look at how Sio does. Now we're going to be paying attention to a couple of things. He mentions his map vision, which is one of the main things we're going to be paying attention to. And second, we're going to be paying attention to his army composition and army usage. Now, army composition against Mac can be a little bit tricky. Because against Helion Cyclone, you want to be playing either Colossus or Stalker or Disruptor base. But then once tanks enter the fray, you want to be heading more into the direction of immortal, charge, Archon. So you can really collapse and jump on top of that Terran army. So it can be tricky, but these are the main things we're going to be looking for. Another thing we're going to be looking for is you guys at home to subscribe to my new YouTube channel. link will be in the description and in the comments where I'll be only casting games. Please subscribe to that. It would help me a lot. Thumbs up as well on this video. Let's get straight into it. I'm getting better at this. All right, we have the standard command center opening here by Schlaflosh. It sounds like a very German name. Not sure what it would mean, but very, very German indeed. And a good wall here by Sayo. It's like a semi wall, you know. It doesn't quite wall of any area, but will wall of the Reaper. Second pylon on the low ground is all looking very, very steady. Our opponent's clavlos will be playing a barracks into Reaper. Prop is, I'm sure what this probe is doing, probably just hiding away from any potential reapers. And you might go into Robo here, yeah. Straight into robotics facility. So most likely this will be followed up by a stalker as well. Now you're always got to be careful with rallying your probe down. Oh, Saio's doing a good job. This is good to watch. This really is good to watch. He has a very solid start. He's doing good movement with his adept, lacking a little bit of probe time on his natural nexus, but in general he's actually doing quite a good job here. I'm proud of him for it. Our 4.6K player on the Korean server. Shades down to the natural as his stalker pops. This is perfect, completely denying the Scout of the Reaper so far. This is actually exactly how you're supposed to play. This early game could have been one of my replays. Building positioning is perfect. Not quite sure on the second or the third kronobo boost on this gateway, as it's not really necessary. You're already denying the Terran. Now with this build order, I know this build order because this is my build order. You get a second gateway and then you get a third base. pre-per gets the night. This has been really good. This has been very, very good by Sayo. If he keeps playing like this for the rest of the game, oh boys, we might have a Terran imba, a Mac is imba, but it's also possible, of course, that he will start messing things up. I'm not a massive fan of where this pilot is positioned. This pylon pretty much does the same as this pylon. Could have been a spotter pylon over here, could have been an early impiler, earlier pylon here or even a pylon here to give some extra vision. So not the biggest offense of that pylon. It is such a minor thing that, you know, I shouldn't really be complaining about that. Now, observer arrives on the other side of the map. Pompidon, what's he going to see and how's he going to respond? So he sees a mine dropper, sees a drop moving out, he sees a factory floating away from the reactor. So either this is going to be a... a helion drop or it's going to be a mine drop and if he sees the cyclone based on timings he could figure out it's only going to be two because the factory won't have time to produce four in the time that it had now he has stalkers in production what he where was the scan i heard a scan okay probably to get an observer nice not sure if he got it or not now we see good vision here by sayo gets his stalkers in position because of this and Hello. Slavlos won't be able to really do anything. And I mean, Sayo really is playing a good game. Has good probe count, has all the timings are correct. Like, honestly, this is, it's almost like watching myself play. It's very, it's really quite creepy. Charge, armor. I would have preferred seeing a Colossus build first, but if he figures out at the Mac, you don't actually want Colossi. Like if I'd see this, I'd keep my row away, I wouldn't cancel it, because it's nice in case you need disruptors. And then what you can do is you can get something like prism speed. And with prism speed, the nice thing with that is that you can, you know, you can easily pop into the opponent's main base with salads and stuff like that. But Colossus would not be the answer here. Now the problem that SIO has is that he hasn't actually scouted that it's Mac yet. So that's really the first mistake. You want to confirm, hey, is this bio or not? Now there's two ways to do that. Either you send one of these observers. I understand he lost an observer, so it may be difficult. Then what you can do is you can warp in a sentry, and you always want to scout with a hallucination. Like, hey, what is my opponent doing? Because right now he's building towards an army composition that is simply incorrect. Another thing I'm not a massive fan of is the stalker positioning here. Should, of course, be on the edge. In combination with either their cannon here, or even having a cannon here, as this Madovac is threatening two bases. Now we have one, two tanks, a couple of tanks. Once again, Sayo's still relatively blind. Actually it does get good map vision now. He wasn't lying, puts a Zellet in front of his opponent's base, sends the observer towards his opponent's dirt. And now he sees a lot of Marines. This might trick him into thinking. It's actually still bio. At this point he should know though. He sees the halions, be like, hey, wait a second, what is this? He's very slow to understand though. Should have been taking these gases as well already. The moment you know it's triple-cc, you want to be going to up to as many gases as possible. Did I miss any damage being done? I might have. But he didn't. Two worker kills. Pretty powerful game so far, honestly. Not a lot has happened, so not a lot of room for mistakes. But in general, this has been... The play has been good, you know? been enjoying watching this. I think this is the first one where in the first seven minutes nothing noteworthy happens. And honestly, I'm not too sad about it. It's nice. It's a change of taste, you know. Just having to relax, not having to think of new inventive insults. Now, as I say that, we see our good friend, Sayo actually has 25 of 16 on one base, 74 workers on three base, of course, is way too much. you should have already taken a fourth base or he should have stopped producing probes and focus more on worker production I'm sure what this proffer is doing probably going for some vision yeah the beautiful thing about having too many probes is that if you lose them you still have enough so this actually is pretty poor microvolvelling loses way too many workers he had stalkers in position loses seven workers not the biggest of deals because he has 76 but still something to take care of now once again his army position is it's completely wrong here. You don't want to be going into Colossi storm. You want to be going into if anything a couple of Colossi maybe one or two if you build them accidentally and then start pumping out Immortals, getting Archons and getting charge lots because you're playing against someone who's playing well basically pure Tank Hallion. The most important thing you can do is push out Immortals. Now he is getting observer speed. He's getting a second robotics facility as well. Maybe this is prism speed. I never know the different symbol of it. They look so alike in my head. In that case, if it's prism speed is good, if it's observer speed, it's also fine. Like, it's kind of irrelevant. What upgrades you get from there. I'm just not a fan of the colossi. I'm a big fan of the second forge. Continuing to get armor upgrades at this point isn't quite as useful. I also don't like how passive he is. If you're playing against a Mac player, usually you're the one in charge of the pace of the game. want to be kind of skirting around the edges of his tank range and trying to pick off stuff. Like you can go here, try to kill some depots, send in four or five zealots over hill while flying in with a prism in, well, not this area, two turrets, but perhaps if there's not enough Antiae, you can even fly your war prism like this into the main base and then try to do some damage there. Like you really have a lot of opportunity to do stuff because your opponent has such a weak army to move out with, so you should always be careful with that. We do see the prism here. And oh, he's having a blasters, warping in, warping out. No cannons at any of the bases. There's one cannon here. There's no stalkers here, so recall needs to get used. And he does use it properly. He managed to kill all of those halions. So it's okay. His map vision is actually pretty good. He didn't lie. He has stuff set up. It was warp prism speed, so I was wrong. He isn't continuing upgrades, which, you know, armor upgrades are not. the best is not completely necessary now this is obviously a mistake right if you're playing against Mac this kind of zealot run by should really never do anything and as I say that he's gonna kill eight workers life this set up is is fantastic though he's setting zealots everywhere prison barely doesn't make it into the main but the thought was good the only thing I don't like is that his main army is so small now and the way he's playing is a fine way to play against Bio because Bio usually is moving around a bit more and has more trouble dealing with this kind of stuff but against Mac your tanks are going to be able to defend one base basically for free and then this base I thought would do a little more damage and walking into the planetary was a mistake so even though I usually always say hey Zella drumbys are good he just lost what 21 Zellas and really didn't kill anything On top of that he lost map control with it. His army composition is still kind of crap. Like the storm, like I mentioned before, isn't useful. He's warping in stalkers, which also isn't quite as useful. Like you really want to be getting Archons. They tank a lot of tank shots. They're very good against hellbats. They're basically just the way to go. Now, if you can catch this army while it's still unseached, it might still be okay for Sayo here, but it is going to be difficult. some whiffed storms as well completely missing. Like I mean he has good map vision but if you're out of position if you get attacked, even with map vision it's kind of irrelevant. He does not have an observer with this army either and I think he's focusing a bit too much on trying to jump on top of this army instead of just trying to find good positions to fight this army. Like you don't need to if you don't if you can't fight an army don't just run into 17 widow mines is not necessary this is really really painful to watch like he should just really save up a big force he needs the tax and come on sayo you can do it you have an observer here like this observer is not serving any purpose anymore it sees exactly the same as the Nexus plus a little like just use the observer virtual army clear these widow mines I like the addition of the might be able to buy some time for, oh my god, I thought it's going to be harassing DTs, it's going to be used for Archons, more stalkers being worked in. Stalker is actually absolutely the worst unit you can build in this case because like now that it's more of a cyclone, actually more cyclone-based army, it's getting a bit better, like the opponent is kind of helping Sayo here get the right army composition. It's like, ah, you don't know what to do against tanks. You know what? I'll build some Helium cyclone. Maybe, you know, you already have to right army for that and as a response sayo somehow thinks you know what helen cyclone or mine cyclone i'll just build more more zealots against it while the way would actually be to get a couple more stalkers if it's this army the problem is sayo has no vision on his opponent's army he just knows that it's meck but he doesn't know quite what the composition is now he's going to figure out hey this is this is a lot of cyclones this is a lot of mines he sees it on the map reacts to it now we do have Disruptors, disruptors should be used for zoning. What you don't want to do is jump on top of this army. You want to use your disruptor shots to clear the mines first. Don't use your zealots for that, because they will just take damage. Still no observer with this army. Oh, here we go. Observer gets made as well as observer speed. That's a good play, but it took a while, it took a while. As we see more rotations coming in, and even though SEO has very good map vision, if you're lacking map vision in one area, such a major area as this one, you're going to be caught out of position a fair amount. So now completely caught out of position. We'll most likely need to recall. Actually, he just uses the recall. He doesn't have a recall available. Doesn't get the recall off. I guess this were the Formula One cyclones with a quick rotation. Loses his nexus for free. Once again, mine's trying to get some kills, but keep switching targets. poor guy. Just needs an observer or something in the middle over here to get full vision. Now once again this position actually isn't bad at all for Siyyo. Like with the two disruptors, if it just shoots right now, just shoot, just kind of from a distance. Do something with your army up. Which one accidentally gets a cyclone with the other. Like what you want to be doing here is you want to be using your range advantage against the cyclone. So, You want to use your colossi and maybe keep a prism above your colossi to pick them up every time a cyclone locks on. That's what you're going to be using. And then you still want to be collapsing on top of this army. So you send half your zealads through this side. Of course, you need to clean up these boys. Well, actually, if you send them here, you don't have to. And then you come with a big flank from the back. The problem with a lot of people is that they always attack from only a single angle. And against Mac, you need to come from two angles, especially against tanks. So this feels very broken because he has a long, range but actually what you need to be doing is you need to be coming from two sides and we're having a little uh this is the one a syndrome basically where proto players just think that they can only have a single control group and they always need to use it in one position so while he's busy moving back and forth no stop moving forward he just keeps moving back and forward into tank fire just lost like 25 supply just being in tank fire here to blink forward gets a cyclone loses six stalkers. Oh, that's a worthy trade. Looks like SIO didn't finish elementary school because this elementary map isn't quite as good. Here we go again. Gets no cyclone loses... Oh, gets one cyclone now, gets hit by another 30 times. In the end, you will lose this anyway. So completely indecisive played by Sayo. A lack of understanding of basic math trading six stalkers for one cyclone is not actually very useful. This battery is. That's great. Glad you built a battery. Down is really going to be a game changer. Instead of that, he should have been setting up, like clearing these mines. He should have been setting up flanks. Hell, he could have even maybe tried some kind of run by to this base again through this area over here. Prism could have been entering the main base. Usually when you're under pressure, it's actually the best time to start to encounter. especially against a maxed terror because it's there's no reinforcements basically if your opponent is maxed and in the case of sajo he actually isn't killing anything of his opponent's army so you know it's really good to do to run by just there's nothing at home most likely enough here we go once again the indecisiveness he sees two minds he's a hold that they're dangerous and loses another 15 supply loses another nexus as well in his retreat loses another three four zealots and every single time they engage he damages his size of clone and loses like six seven units so the trades have been going absolutely awful 24k lost against 12k lost and that's with the Terran also having like seven bases while Sayo has been struggling to keep five once again this area no vision here right so just guessing where he's going loses a Nexus these two minds so how many kills do you have six kills two kills one kill two kills one kill two kill two kill Just keeps walking through mines, no detection whatsoever. I was so happy with this game, but I was so proud. Someone doing my build properly. And then... Just not knowing how to fight, not having detection with him. Not being capable of doing stuff. Oh my god, these mines are triggering me so much. If he's gonna walk into this one, I'll actually. actually, that will be it. Please no. Come on side. No, no. No, no. I was going to hit the... Hit the High Templar. It's fantastic. It's the clean of the mines. They've only been there for five minutes, so very swift reactions. Leave this one as well. Forgets about the three over here. Still no detection here, by the way, or no detection, no vision of this general area, which is definitely the most important area there is. Start rebuilding bases, which that is good, that is good, you know, his army isn't quite what he needs to be. Tempest are definitely not the answer to the cyclone tank. Like you just get immortals and archons, mate. Just immortals and archons. Get some disruptors to deal with the cyclones. Against tanks, like tank cyclone. In this case, like there's not enough cyclones really to do so. much damage that you actually need Stalker Crabble Ceremony Disruptor. All you need really is a good engagement to kill all the tanks and you should be found not. No attention really being paid here by Sijio he's gonna lose this complete arm. I can't believe it. The perfect build order, my build order. Executed at near perfection, the first seven minutes were so sweet. So sweet, it was beautiful, it really was beautiful. It was like watching myself play. I was loving it. this is this is gonna be it boys we're gonna be calling in my own this replay Terran Mac is broken everyone was wrong Maru is an idiot but no sadly it isn't the case good map vision I'll give him that it was good map vision except the most important area you had no map vision in the middle how can you say you have good map vision if you're you're missing the basics this is like saying you've built a great house and then realizing you forgot the roof. It's like look at this house and people look at it from the outside of it. That's a good house you built our, Sioux. Like that's great, you know, like can you see it from the inside? And Seidu's like, ah, just look it from the outside of it. And it's like, wow, that looks beautiful man, you're, you're a great house builder, Saijo. Like, please can we see inside and side of it? Okay, come inside, you know, don't mind the mess. And they come inside, the house is clean, but it's a little cold, you know, they're wondering why. They look up. There's no roof. Saito, you forgot to build the roof. What is this? Right, I forgot to build the roof, but listen to this. The house is very pretty, right? Like, it looks good, just look around you. We ignore the roof. Like, yeah, but that's not how it works. Like, if you're getting map vision, you need to cover all the main areas. Like, I'd rather have a house with full walls and the roof than to have a beautiful house without a roof, you know? Like, better have a simple house that covers the basics, Then a very complex house that doesn't cover the basis. That's what happened with your house. Your house had no roof. You missed the middle part of the map, the main area of attack. You didn't know if it was going to attack you. You didn't have the proper vision, and thus you really had no vision. Even though you covered 80% of the map, you missed the most important area. Your mistake. Second mistake, your army composition. Charge lot, Colossus, Arcon. Now, charge lot, Arcon is completely fine. except against the tank count that he had, you're going to need immortals. You really are going to need immortals. They're powerful. They kill them fast. They're pretty decent in flank. They can tank a fair amount. Colossi don't do anything. They don't do anything. They are good for splash damage. They're good against units where there's a lot of them, basically. And that wasn't the case here. So Colossus, no, no. Your fights, which was the other thing we were going to pay attention to, don't even get me started. I'm going to be sending you with this. With this YouTube video in the comments maybe I'll leave some basic math for you six stalkers for one cyclone That's a no-no side Joe. It's not good. I don't want to see that anymore Six stalkers is worth more than one cyclone a good trick is to also use supply so Cyclone is three and stalkers are two supply now if you get six stalkers that is 12 supply That's a lot more than a cyclone so you just got to think of those numbers a bit. I know it's been a well since you've probably done anything using your brain, but perhaps you should try it. Finally, I mean, altogether, yeah, you tried hard, you had a good build order. This is the most painful thing is you use such a good build order and you executed the early game so well. Then seeing you throw it all away in the mid game, you only leave me one option, my friend. One option. And that's that you suck. and you suck hard all right boys that was it for today i hope you enjoyed this episode of is it in my order so if you did feel free to subscribe to my channel leave a comment down below and throw up a like that helps me a lot it really does so please do that slap the like button and also don't forget subscribe to my second youtube channel as there will be a video there today as well as well as every day so hope you enjoyed it see you all next time and bye bye
MECH is BROKEN | Is It Imba Or Do I suck?
New chinese replay, new Is it Imba or Do I suck episode. Fantastic one with a bit of a twist as we are helping a viewer settle a debate with his friend.
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Waza boys and girls welcome back to a new episode of is it imba or do I suck as I got sent a replay by another Chinese viewer these two people are friends both in Team Gaga let me actually read the email because this is a very special one again Chinese people keep sending me special emails hello I'm your Chinese fan this game between me and my friend but after I win this game my friend said I win just because T imba The Mac are so unstoppable and operate is easy. Zerg just the opposite. I win this game, but lost debate. So I want to ask you to help me to see if he is suck or Mac is Inba. Please, your fan, King Doom. So I said I wasn't going to do this. I wasn't going to judge other people's replays, like if they didn't sit with them themselves. But I think this story is so good that I can. So we're going to be helping our friend Gaga-Mexam. master proving either oh no wait we're gonna help you have gaga master either prove that Terran is imba so mech is imba or that gaga master sucks so we're gonna be mainly watching from his perspective let's get straight into it boys I've been getting a lot of a lot of Chinese replays by the way and I keep every message starts the same is your videos are very popular in China and it makes me glad to hear I would also like the that's uploading my videos if you could shoot me a quick email that would be helpful because I have a couple of questions you know my email address obviously that's head into it now though into the replay as we have just a standard gas first opener in against the hatch first so a very standard opener to overlords being built 18 workers and with these two workers this one will be ready to the extractor should be rally to the extractor and then this one can build a pool. That's how it usually works. He does it the other way around. I mean, it's not that big of a deal, right? Who really cares? Let's speed this up a bit. The start never is the most interesting part. I'm not quite aware what the level is of these two players, by the way. They didn't tell me what the level is. But they both have the same portrait, so they should be around a similar level. We see some good scouting coming out of Gaga Master here. It's got it all around the map with his overlord. And I was like, you know what? I'm going to figure out if there's a command center on the other side. First Reaper makes its way across the map as well. What will this Reaper be able to see? Well, not much. Won't be able to block this hatchery either. So good start for Gagamaster gets his third hatchery up without any real trouble. A couple of lings will be able to deal with this Reaper. And then once the queen pops, this Reaper, I mean, is practically useless, right? Meanwhile, what did he scouted? He scouted the factory, scouted the barracks, so he knows it's most likely, going to be Hallions. I mean in theory it could still be like some marine tank stuff, but you can poke in a little bit later again and make sure that they swapped 90% of the, well 99% of the time it's going to be Helians first. Then we see King Doom flowed his barracks away immediately. Not even gonna use it to build a tech lab for the star port or something like that. It will be straight just using it as a spoiler I guess somewhere on the map. Now, this is something that as Gagamaster, if you are aware of this, if you scout this, it would be really sick to know this, because this immediately 100% tells you, hey, this is Mac. And you can start preparing for that, right? Instead, now he gets Overlord speed, which wouldn't have been necessary if he just would have spotted this swap. Because Starport also is a lot less likely, because for a Starport, usually you need a Tech Lab. and it's great if you, you know, the barracks needs to build attack lab for the Starport most of the time. So, a little bit of a scouting error, but not the biggest of deuce, you know. He's still getting overlord speed. He's getting his link speed. He's going to be in a good spot. This isn't what's going to lose him in the game. I mean, eventually he will see this barracks start floating. Okay, actually he's going in now as his overlord speed is about to finish. Let's follow his vision, see what he's seeing. And he sees no barracks. of course it kind of floated here but now he sees the barracks on the map so right now this is the timing where uh gaga master should be like okay this is a hundred percent mac i should start preparing for that right so get your roach warren get your evo chamber continue getting drones continue getting queens basically and then you scout with this overlord which you have overlord speed with whether it's uh triple cc or how many factor easter is you know because it could be um fast cyclone Helion could be Blue Flame Helion a quick build for that as well. I'll remove this thing. It's annoying me. But instead, we don't see a big cell. We see that the Gaga Master managed to figure out that there's a second factory, but he isn't aware if there's a third base or not. Now, he's lacking some drone production. I'm not sure why. It has a lot of larva, plenty of money as well. I mean, really should start building a bunch more drones. He has plenty of supply as well. Oh, maybe he's a bit of bit like E-Laser, who just keeps building Overlord, even though he doesn't really need them. Yeah, right now he has a lot of larvae already that should just be turning into drones as soon as possible. It's that he's building some roaches. I don't mind a couple of roaches. In this case, of course, there is Helion Cyclone on the way, but it's very, very important that you also drone up sufficiently. And it's not normal that Zerg has this lower drone count, if nothing really happened in the early game. I mean, he should be at 60 workers at this point already. We see a lot of money being floated for both players, but they're only paying attention to the zerge, because he claimed that Terran was imba. And here comes the annoying part, right? You have these cyclones, these helions, and the cyclones lock onto the roaches, and the helions deal perfectly with the lynx. Now, the roach cow is way too little. There's loads of money in the bank, 13 larva as well, so he could easily build a lot more units. Instead, he's just completely busy microing these roaches, which it's good to micro units. Don't get me wrong, but most of the time it's a lot more important to actually be producing at the same time as well. Like, micro only gives you marginal gains, having good macro gives you way bigger gains. We see 2.5K floatage at 6.30. That's really early to start floating stuff. Funny thing is, this injects have been pretty good. And a Zerg is really easy to macro because you don't even need to look at what you're building. You can just press your Hatchery Hotkey, press the larva button, and then just hold down the drone key or hold down the Roach key. So this should definitely be possible. I mean, if he wasn't injecting, I'd understand it. But he is injecting. He just wasn't spending his larva at all. Now, Fort Base is very late. We see still floating a lot of money. Evo chambers are also rather late. Once again, lots of money being floated. But now, there's a couple of ways you can deal with Helian Cyclone. You can either try to get, you know, try to kind of keep him at home with run by that kind of stuff. And then once he transitions into tanks, perhaps, you can get swarm host. Or what you can do is you can get like two, three investors as well to make life a little bit easier or you can play Hydrabane against this and then go into Vipers later on. I've seen that a lot as well. But staying on pure roach while floating 1,900 minerals is not something that I necessarily recommend. Once again, I've mentioned this many times before and is it imbar do I suck, but you can't take this money when you lose the game, it doesn't save up into the next game. I know in a lot of games, you know, you... It's not like an RPG where it matters what your gear looks like in this current games. Definitely not important here. Just need to spend all your money as good. quickly as possible and then you get to start the next game again. Gaga Master doesn't seem to be aware of that as he's finally getting to producing some new overlords, three initially and then nine more so he's going to have plenty of supply for the next 25 minutes. That's glad to see that. He completely stopped his creep spread as well. He still has seven queens but they're just kind of idling over here making sure to protect this very important ramp. Now they're going on a little mission probably was this oh just injecting okay fort base finally is up but hasn't been injected yet either drone count is still insanely low finally there's an infestation pit as well which it's about time and he will use it to go straight to hive now he has plenty of money to build just a couple of investors two three investors would help so much in this army fighting those cyclones is so difficult if you can never catch them so investors really help with that you don't even need to get pathogen plans instead we see a lurker then And Hydra starting. As his queens are being destroyed, without any real reaction from the master here. This is just a bit painful to watch, honestly. He's floating still 12 on Reynolds. I don't think he's been below 1k since the 6 minute mark. We see King Doom starts rallying Thor's across the map. There's not the brightest of place. And Master actually we should be able to clean this up, I believe. I mean, Thor's can't really kite away. It's mess road. So tanks usually are a better call for the turn. But let's continue in our game. Still only on 60 workers, 10 minutes in the game. Ideally, Zerg would be around 80, 82 workers at like the 7 minute mark. So he's about three minutes late with, well, more like five minutes late with his worker count, actually. Four minutes. And here we see a bunch of overseers transforming because. Maybe he's afraid of not being able to see widow mines or not being able to see banshees. So actually check what he, when's the last time he scouted? So he has scouted a little bit. He isn't quite aware of the armories. He does see there's a fort base on the way. Now he's getting lurkers with the seismic spines, which... Look, it's not bad to get lurkers necessarily, but you're going to need vipers as well. Vipers are the real key in this army. Whenever you're building a Roach Hydra-based or a Hydra-based army against Mac, like you can't just run into your opponent with Hydras. Hydras are glass cannons. They're bad at fighting. Lurkers aren't quite glass cannons, but it's nice if they can be in position, and then something gets pulled into it. So Vipers, there we go, are always the answer. And our friend Master has been having a rough time getting to Vipers. He finally is there. He's getting to a healthy drone count as well, up to 72. Still has a lot of money floating. And he still needs a couple of extra workers. His creep threat definitely needs to be improved as well. His map vision is practically non-existent. He actually has absolutely no map vision whatsoever except for the creep. So it's very difficult for him to see harassment coming, knowing where his opponent is going to move his army, etc., etc. I don't mind the adaptive tailands. I wouldn't mind seeing something like a spire, either for brute lords, well, actually just for brute lords. against this army might be useful to get, especially in combination with vipers, broodlords, even though they've been nerfed can still be very useful. Did King Doom, is this the same barracks at first? Or did he rebuild the barracks? So he could build more factories. Sometimes they lose their first barracks and they're like, oh crap, we need to rebuild that. So that's something that could have happened. There's a cool logo on the barracks. It sounds like a dragon. It's pretty neat. So what do we have? How many vipers is there? Now, also notice that how absolutely nothing is happening this game. Master is not really scouting, not putting on any pressure, not really trying to poke holes in his opponent's defense. Even though it's pretty nice, especially if you have vipers, to just be a little bit aggressive, and then when you're being chased away to pull a couple of units or if tanks are sieged up, to pull some tanks into your Hydra Lurker Army, I guess in this case. Like you do need to do something as the Zerg because if you just let the Terran macro up, the longer the game takes, the better it becomes for the Terran simply because he's going to be able to get so many orbital commands and after a while, start sacrificing his SUVs. So right now we see 72 SUVs for the Terran and he might go up to like 75 or 80 even. But in the end, if he gets like seven, eight orbital commands, he might be able to just throw away 40 SUVs, which means his army will become absolutely massive And it's also Terran that has usually the better maxed army, especially if there's still roaches in place. So you want to be trading out in an effective way. Right-clicking a planetary is not really an effective way. Like it's not the way you should be doing it. You can just repair the planetary and you lost 20 roaches for nothing. Like try to, even though you need, like you do need to get rid of the roaches. I agree with that. But like the way that master is getting rid of the roaches, he might have all just killed the and himself, you know, just a click on top of the roaches. But because they're not, they're not really doing any damage. Like, this is already better where you're sending in a run by into one location. He might actually get a tour for his effort here. And here he, you know, he gets a cancel. And he does lose the roaches in the end, which is fine, but it's still better than right-clicking a planetary. And of course, he wants to lose the roaches to get a more worthwhile army. In his opinion, that's Hydras. He might be right. We'll see. If he uses them correctly, this army could definitely. The problem is the complete lack of creep spread. Don't forget we actually haven't seen anything happen on the map in the past four minutes since a nine minute mark. And I think Master might have been, might have gone from here to here, so he managed to add two creep tumors. That's not ideal. Oh, we have more action. Master found this barracks. It's like, alright, I'm getting you again. I believe this is some big F2 syndrome as well. F2 syndrome as well. We do have a couple of good pools. Yeah, he's absolutely F2. Because you can see his groups. He has a separate group for the Vipers and a separate group for eight Lurkers. But every time his army moves, his whole army moves. Now, that's not the way you want to be fighting with a Viper army. You want to be controlling the Vipers individually. This is a good fight, by the way, good blinding clouds, some good pools as well. And Lurkers going absolutely ham. Like, this was an absolutely masterful fight. This is exactly. how you want to be doing it. Now you just go back as the Zerg with your vipers while you move in to capitalize on your lead. You just killed an entire Terran army and still have your lurkers. Go attack this base. Go attack this base. But do it quickly. While you're getting back to get energy, you can already start moving with this army. Don't let your opponent set up once again. As usually, that is not the way you want to go about it. You want to capitalize on your lead as fast as possible. Even if it's just taking down a base, I'm not saying, hey, run up the ramp, kill your opponent, because that usually doesn't work. But just taking out this base definitely would have been possible. And then afterwards, after your vipers have gotten their energy back, you can join with the vipers with your main army. You're going to be completely fine. What? I feel like master has a very interesting way of seeing things. Like so far, there hasn't even been a starport done yet. This is the first starport finishing. And he already had three overseers in case of Benchy, Cloak Banshee, now he has five spores in the middle of the map. I feel like his priorities are kind of incorrect. Still, look at this. I think, is this the same as two minutes ago? Or did he add one more? I can't remember. It moves so quick that it's hard to remember where it was before. you know it's unbelievable the speed at which master manages to spread his creep i'm a big fan of watching formula one cars but this is a different level i think i know what to do these days if there's no formula one holy crap this is going fast have a couple of lurkers now now master's thinking all right i killed half his army earlier i probably should be able to kill this and i agree if he did this about two minutes ago after he actually won the fight but now it's just a little bit too late he loses all of his vipers for basically free managed to get one thor also lost like 15 or 20 hydras against tank fire tanks moving forward he's not even attack he's just moving in tank fire like he wants to lose his hydra force so the way you want to engage is you throw your blinding clouds or you do your and then you make sure your hydras stay out of tank fire. Now, if that's not possible because there's too many tanks, then you try to go into a different angle. You rotate, as we call it, so you could take down these rocks and then quickly move to this area and hope that you're faster than the Terran, which is very possible because siege tanks are really, really slow. The thing that bothers me about Master is that, first of all, he doesn't use blinding cloud properly, and his hydra micro is awful. Like, if there is 35 tanks or well, in this case, if there's 15 tanks and you can only get nine tanks, which are blinding clouds, that means that six tanks will still be shooting onto your hydras. That's a fight you can't take. Hydras have no HP whatsoever. Like, 90 HP on a hydra, like tanks practically one shot them. So if there's six siege tanks, you've got to be really careful with your hydra movement. You can't just walk into the opponent and be like, well, but I disabled half his army. Yeah, I mean, it's a good job, but there's still the other half that has like seven more range than you and that has splash damage and is basically the hard counter to your unit. Like, you can't just walk into that. Like, that's not how this game works, you know. Like you need to find a better spot. This army is really slow. Just attack a different area. But the problem is that Gagamaster has no, once again, no map vision. He doesn't quite understand what's rotating or army movement is. He is getting his vipers back, which is good to see. You see five vipers. And now he's like, oh, this is the scouting hatchery, you know? Gaga Master has figured out a new way to know when he's being attacked. Instead of sending like a circling on the map or just spreading creep slightly faster, he just builds hatcheries on random bases. And if they get attacked, he knows, ah, that's where the army is. It's an interesting way to go about it. So is this fight. You see the lurkers completely in the back, not really participating in the fight so far. No blinding clouds being used as of yet, as there's once again eight siege tanks, just shelling away on those hydras. Not the greatest fight for King Doom, as there was some abducts early on. Now again, here, just abduct. Pull it into your units. Every single time he uses an abduct, because he's using F2 for his army movement, he also sends in 10 hydras. So he gets a Thor, loses not. nine hydras and then he's like oh I thought I used abduct properly but well he did use abduct properly the problem is just that he wasn't using his hydras properly now he still is in an okay spot right like he has a lot of money he has a pretty decent army as long as he just takes a decent like a fight like he did earlier in the middle he actually could be in an okay position the problem is I'm kind of starting to lose hope that master can actually take fights like he did earlier. I'm not sure who was playing for him at that point, but it seems like that person is gone. Here he is. Look at that. Patient, very patient play, uses the parasitic bomb on the liberators, just using the vipers, pulls one in, goes again. Even though this is slow, this is the way you're supposed to play. And if you do it with like eight vipers at the same time, it's completely fine. Instead of keeping up the patient play, we see him just rushing in again with hydras, lurkers completely out of range. Full blinding clouds, move forward your lurkers. Move forward the lurkers. They're not attacking anything. All right, just let them sit there. I feel like Master might be slightly... What's this? The Overseer Army? Hello boys. What are we seeing today? What is this? Madness. Tanking some fire from the torshots. What I was going to say is that I feel like Master overestimates the range of the lurkers a little bit. This really makes no sense. The way that he's been using them is like a defensive tool, how he used them against Prolost. The problem is that Terran has tanks. Tanks kind of outrange lurkers. It would be like if Immortals at 4. If Immortals at 14 range, then you would be using Lurker slightly different as well, or perhaps you shouldn't be using Lurkers at all in that case. Against tanks, of course, still playable. Now, is there new Vipers? Yes, here we go. Five, six new Vipers, good Vipers count. We still have a good bank. Once again, all it really takes is one good fight. Patience and one good fight. So what I'd love to see is if Master actually just stops using his hydras, because every time he starts moving his hydras, stuff goes wrong. If you just hold positions as Hydras just in the back and then uses his vipers. That's the, there's a sweet spot, you know, just abduct these guys into your lurker hydra stuff. Hell, at this point, if you don't think you can fight the army, you can even base trade, you know? Leave a couple of lurkers behind to slow down the pushing and base trade. What is not the way to fight is, is to keep walking into Mac again and again and again and again while flying 20 over. overseers into Tor vision range. Forgets to DG as well. Oye, yo, yoy, yoy, yu, yu, y. Gaga master. You have been floating over 1K. Let's do it properly. We'll make myself big. Wow, what a nice turtleneck sweater. I know. You've been floating over 1K for the entirety of the game, Gagamaster, the entirety of the game. Your unit composition is playable. It's playable. The problem is the way that you play it is not playable. This is a unit composition that is playable if you micro your units, which this game you haven't really been doing at all. At certain points, it looked like you were going to for a bit, but then you lost patience immediately. Let me think, what else was there? You complete lack of map vision. The Formula 1 level creep spread. No good. Needs to be a little faster there, my friend. Maybe a counterattack every now and then. the way you threw away the initial roaches into the planetary general viper usage i think that's it i uh you know i just i i don't know what to tell you i i don't think oh i'm getting called what is this yeah hello hmm all right master master yeah yeah all right i'll tell him just got the call master you suck and it isn't Terran that's Inba no no no alright thank you very much for watching if you did enjoy this replay is it imba or do I suck feel free to subscribe to my YouTube leave a comment down below and do the thumbs up as that helps me a lot thanks for all the Chinese viewers as well for sending me all the replays it's been an absolute pleasure reading all your emails some guy even sent me the translation of all the unit names in Chinese to English which I had a good laugh reading as well. I put it on the screen now. So thanks for that and I'll see you boys tomorrow with a new episode of YouTube Play StarCraft. So see you boys then. Bye bye.
Clickbaited u guys real good didnt I. No new Zerg unit, but a high level Chinese made replay. This is the quality we need in Is it Imba or Do I suck. You non chinese pricks better step up your game when sending in the replay. Love you all and dont forget to subscribe or Jesse James will rob your train.
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What's up and welcome back to a new episode of Is it Inba or Do I Suck? And today we have a very special replay as it's the first replay that got sent to me by a Chinese fan. Let me read the email. I'm your fan from China and I love your I owe this very much. I'm a master about 4,600 in Chinese rank. However, when I played with an Inba Z, who is about 3,800, he made me sick with flying dragons. Even though I beat him in the end, I didn't think it was the right performance as a Protoss. Perhaps I am suck, but Zerg is really I'mba. After that game, I didn't even want to play PVZ anymore. So big words. I can't read Chinese characters, so I don't know this person's name. But our first Chinese fan is very serious about Zerg being overpowered, and especially the Flying Dragons. So we're on a discovery journey here. A, we're figuring out whether Mr. Derivative is sucking or if Zerg is in balance. And we're also going to find out what unit the flying dragon is. I'm going to guess it's the mutalisk, but it could also be Brutlors, of course. Let's head straight into the game. As we see a 12 who starting out of Waterblue, who is the Flying Dragon player, the Zerg, the imbazee. We have derivative, starting with a standard 1-Kat, expand on the other side of the map. Quick scout. So, derivative will be able to see it. Let's see what his response will be to everything here. Oh, he scouts, sees the spawning pool, sees the lings about the pop. What do we do, derivative? We build a cybercore, a zealot, a pylon and a second gate. Oh. Oh, second pilot already had started. That's very nice. Perhaps a chrono boost on the zealot. Second zealot. No, no second zealot. Just a single zadet into two gates. Shouldn't have let this finish. It's not useful to let it finish. Like you can just cancel it and rebuild it if you really need to, but most of the time you don't even need to. And now you could just build adapt-adapt-adapt, or you go nexus into a... adapt-adap. Getting a second gas just to laser natural, which usually is quite bad for ProDels. Ideally, you want to be expanding as fast as possible, especially because the Zerg only built four lings, or maybe six lings. Like, this is a very low link count, and you want to get your ego up as quick as possible as well against this. I like the double adapt. That's good. You can do some counter damage with that. As long as there's no speedlings out, two adepts will be able to do a lot of damage usually. So that should be good. Now we have this salad still trying to do something, but that honestly doesn't look too scary here for derivative. Once the two adepts pop out, yeah, there we go, things will be pushed back. Now this pylon is annoying me and it's probably also annoying derivative. He should have already built some kind of tech, as we see he's flowing a lot of money right now. He also hasn't been continuously building workers, which is always a mistake. You always want to continuously be building workers. As we see the two adeps making their way across the map to the other side. Shade finishes, get both of those lings. So early defense hasn't been super good, but I think it has been good enough that derivative is in an okay position, right? He's up five workers, there's no third base yet, speed isn't on the way yet. Circus playing double gas, which is a poor response. He's banking a lot of money. And once his nexus finishes and this piling gets killed eventually for an easy, your time for units to move out, or especially probes, drift will be in a good location. Now this is a mistake. You never shade into a natural when you see three queens and lings and there's no drones because your goal is to trade with drones, not with lings. Don't forget every time you shoot a link, that's 25 minerals, every time you shoot a drone, that's 50 minerals. You never want to be fighting queens. If he would have shaded into the main base, he probably also shouldn't have let it finish. Usually if there's more than six lings plus a queen or six and a queen, or there's three queens and two three lings, you never ever go in with your adeptas, it's just going to be a bad trade, unless of course the lings are out of position and you can get like three, four workers. Now, meanwhile, we have an oracle transition coming out of derivative. It's also going into a Twilight Council, and he will be going up against a two base layer off of two guests so far. This oracle will be able to kill a single worker. Some bad target fire. Just shift click two drones and then fly away. And if that doesn't work, just fly away immediately, honestly. Like no use getting this much damage on your Oracle. It's not worth your time and effort. And also the health of the Oracle, honestly. So charge lot as a follow-up. Now, what has derivative really seen? He is not aware of the gas count. He doesn't know if there's any gases here. what tech is he aware of all he sees a spore here he's not aware of the spire here so he doesn't quite know exactly what's happening if you're playing against the two-base jerk it's always wise to scout for their you know if they have a third base and check their gases if you see four gas perhaps it's muta also it's nice and kind of easy the scout tech if you're playing against a two-base serg and it's very important that you do do that Derivative, however, isn't really scouting anything. He's going for a charge-old attack. He most likely will be facing mudas. You should have taken down this pylon before and taken a third as well already, probably at this point. That's usually a wise decision to play. Now we see these three oracles. These are the guys that need to get the information here for derivative. And as long as they don't have any information, it becomes really difficult to respond, right? You can just blindly start building phoenixes, which would be the correct response. But you can't just do that. I wouldn't mind him building a single phoenix just to clear, overlords around the map in general. That's nasty. The way you want to microliss is you poke in and you move away. You poke in, move away every time you pick off a drone. But you don't just want to fly in and start targeting drones like he did and then lose an oracle. You need to be able to micro away. Now, what kind of info did the derivative get here? We see he got the info of two extra gases. He isn't aware of there's a third base or not. He hasn't scouted any tech yet. He knows there is a layer. So right now the only real options are either road speed. That's why the layer would be there. Swarm host, spire for muta, or perhaps hydralisks. Now, he needs some kind of information. He needs to know how to respond. I also don't like that he's not expanding because you don't actually want to attack into a two-way serve. You want to defend while taking a third base, while getting your better upgrades. You want to do that with proper information. Now, going for a blind R control. is probably a bad call. Like even if he would be getting al-inned by roaches or if he would be getting Nidus swarm host, you don't want to be on the other side of the map with this arc. Same against Muteus, you don't want that. Now, Mutalists barely miss this prism. No, they don't miss this prism. Some Chinese voices. Now we see this prism is going to get caught, which is bad, obviously, and this is also one of the reasons why you don't just want to blindly move across the map. Now, the good response for this is going to be called. derivative here would be to start building Phoenixes immediately. But derivative is a bit slow. He still hasn't killed this pylon yet. Decided to rebuild five pylons. There's not a single battery here. There's nothing to defend the mineral line. Battery starts way too late. Phoenix starts way too late. These stalkers won't be able to get in because he just recall this oracle instead of recalling all these stalkers, which actually can shoot up. And now water blue is just in his mineral line. And I'm starting to assume the flying dragons, indeed are the mutalis, and the mutalists are going pretty ham. Going to be able to kill a lot of the workers here, but this is not the response you want against two-based mutalists. Like, you want to defend against two-based mutilists, get your own third base, then you just max out or you get a better army and then you kill your opponent. But if you start a base trade scenario, it always becomes very difficult to play against mutalist, completely forgetting the Michaelis Phoenix. Happens to the best, of course, just forgetting to control your units. Probably way more important things on the other side of that. probably was right-clicking this for a couple of times. Big plays here out of derivative. I mean, this base trade is going quite well, but only because the Zerg is not actually base trading. The Zerg is like, oh, crap, let me just go back with everything, I guess. If the Zerg was actually building spines and killing all the workers with his Muda Lys count, derivative would be in so much trouble right now, and he probably would have lost already. Like, he's only really alive because the Zerg doesn't really have a clue how to base trade, and also because the Zurg is too afraid to attack eight stalkers with 16 Muratisls. Like these Muratisls, they have plus one as well. They would definitely be able to kill these eight stalkers. And then the game just kind of ends. Now, even now, the Zurich is still very far ahead, right? He's up 18 workers. All he needs to do is build like 10 spines over here. And then just keep killing workers, keep base trading basically, and make sure that he can't die. So here come the Muratislis again. Now, at this point, there's not that much derivative can be. do as his workers are basically all lost. I wouldn't mind if he continues Phoenix production, though, just a couple to make sure that he can defend these mineral lines. We get like two, three phoenixes with a battery that's really quite powerful. Now, this army is absolutely awful in base rate, but it's actually kind of good in a direct engagement. So I think the rivet might be barely able to win a fight like this or barely get cleaned up. It's going to be quite close. Actually, I think Waterloo will be able to clean this up. Then all of a sudden there's no anti-air anymore. Third base will be built here for derivative. So it's actually going to go into a macro game. And I guess he will be able to trade out some zealots for workers, which would be quite nice. He's still downing workers, of course. Now, during all of this, he actually hasn't produced a single worker. He is getting a third base. He's oversaturated in the main base. He's under-saturated in the natural. There's an easy fix for that. He sent a couple of workers from your main to the natural or saturate your gases for all i care you should have continuously been building phoenixes like he's completely that if this zirx spends even just 25% of this money there's no way in hell that derivative is going to be able to win this a couple more stocks are being warped and still no phoenixes my friend phoenixes are a good counter to muta list the only problem is that you need the microland which is something that derivative hasn't been doing all game as instead of microin it's just been either a moving or I guess move commanding into armies. Once again, no proper defense of these probes just keeps rallying them in. While the natural is still completely under-saturated, why would you rally into a vulnerable base when you have a base with a cannon and a battery that still requires eight more workers to mine at full capacity? A lot of the time, these kind of games, they're very difficult to win, but there's still so many things you can be doing way better. Finally, we restart Phoenix production, which is important. Stalkers trying to get into position, but only one Phoenix at a time. It's just kind of painful to watch. Another thing that derivative could be doing is just sending one or two zealots around to try and kill some workers on the other side or either at the third base when that finishes or at the natural. It also pushes the Muda's back and gives you some breathing room. Zillard run bys always work like that, like in every situation, even against Muda's. Even if your zealots get caught over here, Imagine losing two Zellas over here. That's still better than Muta's continually harassing your mineral line. It gives you a lot of time. It gives you some space to move around, maybe set up another run by. But derivative isn't doing any of that. He just keeps building more and more units and just defending the only area that actually doesn't need any kind of defense. And that is this area right now, which is completely useless. Still, no saturation in the natural. We still see so many good patches here, derivative. What's happening? as the flying dragons keep flying around, you know, doing what the dragons do best. Now once again, if the Zerg throws down a Roachwaran at this point or just any tech structure or just spends like part of his money, this game is completely over. And derivative would have a solid loss at his hands. We do see him with three phoenixes. However, he's not really tracking the mutas with this. He's just using the phoenixes as an extension of his army, which doesn't make much sense. The power of the phoenix is that they slightly outranged the mutalisk, and in combination with batteries, they're very easy to keep alive. So they're very good defensively, and you can kind of follow mutalisk with them, right? You don't actually meet them with your army. They don't do great against ground units. They don't kill lings very well. They're not even great against queens, but against air units, they're pretty cool. So that's why you always want to be chasing mutas with them and micro in them. Like, this army doesn't need much micro anyway, this ground army. So we see Waterloo just continuously expanding across the map instead of actually trying to spend a bit of his money. Still no real defense here for derivative, who is engaging in the base rate of a lifetime in his mind. Waterblue is moving out with the majority of his drones now, and we see a recall into the base. I mean, this is actually what you're kind of supposed to do with the phoenixes is you just go to the mutas, you poke them, you go back, you poke them, you go back, you poke them, you go back, that's all you keep doing again and again. And as long as you keep doing that, like, you're also wasting the time of the muta list. You know, they won't be able to kill stuff while they're busy chasing your phoenixes. That's very important that you don't lose your phoenixes because the bigger your phoenix count, the better they get, really. If you get like eight, nine phoenixes out, all of a sudden these mutas become not completely useless, but they become a lot more useless. Like just chasing becomes a lot easier to see and picking up units here. And this is what he should have been doing all game already. He should have been using three, four phoenixes and then getting up to five, six phoenixes and just chasing the mutas again, again and again. Hell, he could have been doing this while expanding. We see two Archons stuck. I mean, who really needs Archons anyway, right? It's just a base trade. Two Archons is, what, 8 supply out of 63 supply. That's only like 10, 12% of his army right now. It's way better to be defending this little ridge than have them in your army against Beinens and Yuras. Hell, you probably would have actually completely destroyed this fight, but I'm sure the rivetive is very glad that these Archons were gazing into the future. Oh, what do you see? Forgovoire. Great. Quality play here. derivative somehow manages to keep four stalkers alive because water blue forgets that four stalkers don't actually beat seven mutas and six lings he also water blue has some of the weirdest expanding habits like this base actually never got attacked he just ran away from it was like this this is too dangerous at this point you know this I might accidentally lose that as we still have the the two Archons still quite haven't figured out how to get through past this hole be attacking this gate finally gets it down only took in three minutes so very quick reactions here by derivative and here come the flying dragons again we'll be taking out a pylon rather quickly and the drones after having expanded on the other side of map decide to go back to this basis is this is this is peak starcraft here boys I mean we have a Zerg who consistently have been floating loading 2.5k minerals, actually getting close to running out of money because he's long-distance mining gas across the map. I've never seen this before. Like derivative should not be in this game anymore, but somehow he still is. So you see more flying dragons coming. Now 11 flying dragons against four Archons and four stalkers. Now this stalker force should never ever be able to move out. This is good, by the way. This run by is good. I would love if it's just one or two zealots and he's scouts around a bit with them. But in general, like this is not a bad play, I think. It's actually a pretty good play. And if you can pull the mutas away and then take out another base at the same time, that would be pretty big. I think at this point also we're going to need to see more Phoenixes being built because you need something to track this army with. Like you need to know where this flying army is at all times. And that's very easy to do with Phoenixes. And sometimes you can even do some damage. At this point, I also wouldn't mind the split of army, right? you leave two Archons at home. Archons trade extremely well against Mutalisk and against lings, which is everything that WaterBlue has here. So if you just leave two Archons, one zealot at home, at these batteries, that's basically safe. And then the rest of your army can just roam around the map and kill every single base it meets. As long as there's no roaches out, this should absolutely be a winning strategy. Instead, we see derivative. It's just moving out with everything. It just gives up his base instead of leaving two Archons behind. I mean, he's not going to get much. of a fight from anything that Waterblue has, right? Like Muteolids are so bad at fighting. Now he warps in two stalkers, moves them straight away, away from the battery, of course. Wouldn't want them to be safe. As Waterblue takes out every single cannon and this is where the full base rate, I guess, kind of starts. And our boy Waterblue has been preparing for this for the past seven minutes. Like this base hadn't even been attacked yet, but it already was evacuated. These drones were long gone. The only thing that Waterloo hasn't thought of yet is building production instructions at other bases, so it's most likely just not going to be able to produce anything. Now once again, of course, this army could have been split in half and this game would be completely over, but now this game is getting a lot more exciting, so it's always good to see the players think about the audience as well, you know? We always want to create good games for your fans. And our boy derivative definitely is creating a good game for the fans here. You could have won about a million times already just by building phoenixes or splitting his army semi-competently. Scouting for any hidden bases, you know? Just anything really would have done the trick. So we see a full recall now. Actually accidentally leaves two Archons behind. And it's fine to leave two Archons at home where there's battery. and cannons, but if you just leave two Archons randomly on the map, and there's 19 mudas and 16 lings, you're just going to lose these two Archons if the Zerg is paying attention. And just like that, you threw away, well, about 600 gas for free for absolutely no reason if the Zerg was paying attention. Luckily, for derivative, the Zerg decided to not pay attention, continues building flying dragons and a spawning pool. Oh, these two archons. At least one of the millfall, I think. Yeah, one of them will fall. Second Archon is making the way to the top right side. Now, at this point, I actually don't think there's very much that derivative can do, except build units. I mean, he does have 1,200 minerals, and it's not like there's that much going on in this game that he doesn't have the time to spend his money, right? Like, mate, you're... It's very difficult for me to believe that this amount of money, takes about two minutes to come in, right? So this just means that he hasn't been producing anything for the past two minutes, which is just rather impressive for me. He's just been looking at his army. Fort Templar get warped in. The moment the mutas fly into the main base, and if Waterblue was paying attention, these two could have died now. We're just going to see. No, not a single one. Not going to die either. All right, no micro, that's fine. Waterblue, once again, with a second spawning pool, on the other side of the map. And derivative finally realized I wait a second. I think if I split my army somewhat well, maybe he can't fight, or maybe if I spent some of my 1600 minerals, maybe I can split my army and just be completely fine. He rebuilt the spire, Waterblum. It's just fantastic to watch this, isn't it? Because Muravs are really what he needs. needs right now, not anything to counter the Archons. Just more mutal is. Actually, he's flowing 1600 gas as well and 2K minerals. Its derivative just keeps trying to expand on 15 workers, trying to play the late game, half the worker supplies of his opponent, absolutely no clue how many bases there is on the map, like no real vision. Instead of just splitting his army and going for, you know, hoping for the best. I think that's really the best call at this point. Zealots being warped in, finally some of that money being spent. Now he is aware there's a base here. He saw creep here, but for some reason, derivative isn't too fond of denying bases. You know there's a layer here. It's like this is where I want to go. Run bys might be a little bit too difficult to execute, so this base will remain mining till the end of time, I guess. Double gas is being taken at this base, as well as here. Yeah. And the flying dragons come back into the main base. If this is what all games look like on the Chinese server, I want more of those replaced boys. Like, this is exciting stuff. This is a world I've been denied so far. And, you know, sometimes you figure something out in life and you're really sad that you didn't figure it out earlier in life. I'm having one of those moments right now. Like, I wish I was aware of how much superior the Chinese server was to the European server replaced for, is it in bar, do I suck? Holy crap. These guys are really making a game out of it. More long distance mining. Instead of just mining from this base, we have water blue long distance mining from two bases at the same time. It's high level stuff right here. More flying dragons. There's 23 right now. And he's running into the supply block of a lifetime as well. I don't think Water Blue actually has injected anything in the past 20 minutes or so. It's completely supply blocked. They actually is getting very close to taking out all the next side right now. There's more lings on the map. There's still some drones roaming around. I love that he's just, you know, the one thing I really need right now is what WaterBlue thinks is more extractors. We have derivative just continuously moving around the map. going to be able to finally find the base with the spire. This is actually turning into quite an exciting base rate right now. Like nexus in random locations, random extractors, more random extractors, another nexus. Because derivative, don't forget, have been saving up for his retirement, or perhaps for the next game. Now, all of these buildings are going down, half of the mutas are not fighting. There's 23 mudas, there's six Archons and 10 stalkers. I think it's still possible to do a 50-50 split of this army. defend your structures and roam around with another part of your army. Oh! Oh! Jesus. Okay, he only lost five miras there. That could have been a lot worse. Oh, is our friend Waterblue aware of everything? I'm not quite sure. I just love that derivatives plan is like, you know what I'm going to do? I'm just going to defend this base. This is some I don't know what this means He's probably complaining about flying dragons 2,000 flying dragons is what he's saying I took Chinese in elementary school Zerg is broken Chinese dragons No wait flying dragons are broken I'm supposed to win this game I love it skewing up probes instead of building pilots He has a single worker This guy is gonna have the job of a lifetime really. As finally we actually have an army split. It took him 15 minutes of base trading to realize that splitting his army might be good. I'm so happy right now. I actually couldn't be happier. This is what, except he should really defend this base. You have a single probe. If you can't build pilots with this anymore, you just lose the game. No, don't let it die. Hello, derivative. derivative come do-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-do-do-d-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do. Oh, look at this. Micro! Nexus dies. New Nexus on the way. Single probe still remaining. This army just idling because, I mean, are we really in a hurry? No, we still have one pilot left and a Nexus at 10 HP. Not too much of a hurry. What's still on the map here, boys? There's no drones left. That's for sure. There's a single base. He could actually just build two overlords and continue building drones, but Waterblue hasn't been making the hottest decisions this game either, so I can't really complain too much. And all derivative needs to do right now is just find the bases and not lose this. And he's going to be completely fine. Trust me, he's going to be in a wonderful position. But it is, of course, kind of scary. Oh, does find one of the extractors. Knows there's an extractor here, went into the base with the zealids as well, then decided it's not worth it. then decided it is worth it after all. Three overlords being produced. So Waterblue realizing, he's like, all right, he knows what to do. He knows what to do. So we have Waterblue scouting around for the Nexus, not quite finding it. And this is a good play by Derivative. So it really only took him 15, 16 minutes to realize that splitting his army probably would win in the game. Oh, Mr. Derivative. Oh, get spotted by the Muras. This base still not found. two drones instead of mining moving it across the map. Come on, just mine a little, my friend. Just a little bit. I just, yeah. Another hatchery. Please build an extractor with this. This would make my day. See some nice muta-micro. But I mean, there's too much stuff right now, right? I don't think there's a lot of the zergin do. Why would he recall? You're seeing it, mate. You're seeing it. It's here. Yes. Yes. It's here. Get it. There's another base here. This is never going to end. I'm going to be stuck in this replay for the rest of my life. With you guys. This has to be some. kind of meme. Oh, this base falls. And now we have the remaining forces of derivative chasing the mutalisk. Zealots first, of course, because the zealots ever catch up with the mutalists, they might be able to dance underneath them or punch the sky. I think this is it, boys, no? This has to be it. Derivative actually is playing this out well, you know? He except I'm not quite sure where's probes here's the probe. Might want to send it back to mining or something do something useful with it But yeah, this is the play. You know you send around Zellet you send around a second army and then you're gonna be completely fine But it took him a while didn't it Seven mutas remaining against six Archons No Gigi Wow, well Wow, Mr. Derivative, Mr. Derivative. Yeah, first of all, let me state that I'm extremely happy. I've been getting a few more Chinese replays, and this was the first of, I can only do many Chinese replays that were going to be watching, and is it Inbo or do I suck, as this was an absolute blast. So thank you very much for that derivative. But holy cow, the pylon wall. at the start. The complete lack of scouting, the losing the prism to 10 mutas, without even dropping the archons in time initially, the, what else did we have? The two Archons that stayed at home looking into the fog of war instead of joining your army to win the game, building the lack of phoenixes whatsoever, the unsaturated natural. I don't think I'm going to have enough hands for this. What else was there? Unsaturated natural. Just the rallying of probes into the unsecured third, the complete want of, the complete, well, whatever it was, lack of splitting army for the first 25 minutes of this game, like eight things, my friend. MUTALISC can be hard to deal with, I agree. But Muthalisk aren't the issue, or the flying dragon, was not the issue, my friend. You were the issue. And the issue with you is, is that you, you're suck. That's just the way it is, my friend. That's just the way it is. All right, boys. If you enjoyed this video, feel free to subscribe, Tomb Zoop, slap the like button and put a comment down below. If you also think that flying dragons are too powerful, all right? Love you all. And I think we had a bit of a first, you know, first Chinese replay and the first time someone sucked and actually won at the same. time so absolutely fantastic see boys next time for a new video bye bye
LURKERS completely BROKEN versus Terran
Back from a small break. Coming right at you with a new Is it Imba Or Do I suck. Today we have a look at heromarauder's game. Heromarauder was very sure he lost this game due to imbalance, but is that really the case? I realise the in-game sound is a bit crappy, not sure how that happened? It will be fixed for the next videos. Love you all.
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What's up boys and girls? Welcome back to a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? And today we will be looking at Mr. Hero Marauder over here, who sent me an email. Let's actually see what this email says. Hi Kev, I'm Hero Marauder, 4K MMR Diamond 1 Terran. Not sure if you do non-throtos replays. Yes I do. But I really am lost here. In this game I was super aggressive and did genocide on his mineral lines. Yet somehow he survived with 30-L3L3L3. drones that I had SCVs made some lurkers and won the game dot dot dot cheers thank you very much hero marauder so the issue seems to be lurkers in in CVT here so let's have a look at it showing off it's all looks solid and standard so far I have to admit I'm I'm not disappointed by any of this just standard one wrecks expand into uh well whatever it's going to be most likely a factory we see a second gas coming down but as he said he uh did a genocide on his opponent's mineral line so most of the time this kind of game it just comes down to some kind of army movement that kind of stuff we'll we'll exactly see what happens reaper into marine let's see how mr hero marauder controls his first reaper always curious to see of course That doesn't look half bad. So I'm sure good control on the Reaper. This opponent is not doing too much either. Just trying to get some creep going, I guess, after he deals with his Reaper. CC is getting close to being finished. Factory is on the way. All so far I'm a very happy man. This looks very solid from Hero Moro. honestly as long as he doesn't lose his first repair while trying to kill an extra worker or something like that I think it's gonna be completely fine switches his barracks and his factory which is at least slightly interesting I would say goes into Hellion tech lab so could either be benchy could also still be some kind of some kind of fusion core play, but it's always very, very difficult to say ahead of time, of course. He did get a very fast second guess. His opponent is getting overlord speed as well as circling speed, so he should be pretty okay. Yeah, okay. Third guess, this looks like battlecruiser. But his opponent most likely will scout it the moment his overlord speed finishes. So Starport finishes up here, and... Hello? Benchy, I guess. Well, I didn't expect that. No, Fusion Corps, right. So Fusion Corps, and then we'll go into Battlecruiser. So this is a very standard opener these days where you just go into Battle Cruiser, and from there you can either play Bio from one single battle cruiser or you can go into multiple Battle Cruisers and then Mac. Now, so far, honestly, I haven't really seen very many mistakes. He's very passive with his Helions, but that's okay. You don't want to die to any kind of Zurgling run-bys. You know, leaving a couple of Helions at home never is necessarily a bad decision. It's just a decision you can take. Now, here come the first four Helions. Well, he's actually running straight in. Doesn't really know if there's lings, of course, but just kind of gambles and that's also a gamble you can't take. It goes in. I guess this is the, where he goes in and kills all of the workers in the mineral mine. I already get Stan workers. Three Hallions still alive and we'll just get a bunch more. guess 16 workers go down against four helions that's a very good trait as you can see right now our Terran is doubling the worker count um which is obviously quite good on top of that he has a viking to the nice and scouting or at least to hunt down some overlords he still has some helions for map control and at this point i would like if he just starts saving up his halions and doesn't throw them away too much like it's nice to get more drone kills but at At this point you kill so many workers. All you really need to do is continuously build SCVs and make sure you have good macro basically. Get your production structures up, make sure you can't get all in. So I mean getting a couple more worker kills is always nice, but getting four, I think you got four extra drones, five extra drones and loses three halions for it. I'm not quite sure if that's worth it. Ideally you'd just be getting a bigger helium force, the Nysm creep. You know, maybe try to kill a couple more lings. That's a third CC as well on top of that, which is good. And we'll be going into Mac. So we're going to see continued battlecruiser production most likely. Now from the Zerg, on the other hand, what do we see here? Well, not much, just drones, honestly drones, a couple of queens, spores in the bases. Is the Zerg actually aware? Yes, he did scout the fusion corps, so Zerg does know it's a battle cruiser. The battlecruiser teleports to the other side of the map, and Bills start chasing these drones. That's two, three, four, just shift-picking drones. Interesting trade. So I think you got four worker kills here and lost a battle cruiser. Now, for people that aren't aware, a battle cruiser is 400 minerals and 300 gas. So ideally you do more damage than four drones. It also has a lot of HP and a lot of armor. so it's actually really difficult to lose it to pure queens. I'm going to go ahead and call that as a mistake. What you want to do is the moment too many queens arrive is you just fly away and you can fly it back and repair it. And then go again with two battle cruisers. And then if they're in danger, you can teleport them back. And then you go with three battle cruisers. You repair them. If they're in danger, you teleport them back. They kind of keep building up your battle cruiser count like that. That's the whole point of battle cruiser Mac. It's not a, like, it is a harassment unit. but it is a harassment unit that also shouldn't die. So he did a lot of damage to drones early on, but now he just throws away another six helions together with the battle cruiser. And he gets like, sure, he gets a couple of workers every time, but it's actually better to just, like, trading one helion for one drone is not actually a good trade. And this wasn't even worse trade. I think you got three drones here, lost five helions. So units lost is actually relatively even. So of course Terran is still ahead because he killed drones very early on in the game But you don't really He's just so focused on harassing that he kind of forgets to build an army This battle cruiser does a lot better He just jumps in kills a single drone and then it's like I can't actually fight these queens and he flies away or at least he should fly away I kind of like this move as well, you know the battle cruiser takes away the attention of the Zerg Then you go in with Helions and you kill a bunch of workers again. So he did get a lot of work here and I actually do appreciate this move a lot. It kills a lot of lings moving into Helbeth as well. Ideally the cyclone wouldn't be here because it's very expensive and it's not really great at harassing mineral lines. You know it's better at poking back and forth at an army. Battlecruiser goes back in. This is actually good play. So this is exactly what you're supposed to do. Ideally a second battlecruiser would be here and he would be focusing the drones. Ah please tell me he's not going to lose this one as well. The great thing about the battle cruiser is that it's so good at getting away. Like it has a lot of base armor, it has a lot of HP, and it can teleport, which are all very good abilities to have when you don't want to lose a unit. Now, I almost lost this one as well, but... Like, you can repair them. Just go home, man. You don't need to do this. A couple of more Helions, and let's take a look at what his main army starts consisting of. He's going for a Helion Cyclone, which I also like. I think it's a good play. And he could start moving out with his army and actually start trading either against queens or against roaches. While doing harassment with small helion forces. I got to admit, he killed a lot of workers. And even though not all of them have been successful, the last few have been again. You see, resource loss is still relatively even. But work account is very far ahead here for the Terran. Terran has better economy. Terran has better infrastructure. I mean he's on five factories against a three base jerk that's still on four gases. Like by all means this game is basically completely over, I would say. If he moves across the map at this point and he locks onto eight roaches with these eight cyclones, then he runs away. He might lose one cyclone and trade against eight roaches. Then you do that one more time and the game just ends. I think he's being a little bit too passive here with his main army. After he did a lot of damage, he could actually just push his lead, try to deny some extra creep. His opponent should never be able to get a fort base. And he could definitely, yeah, continue getting more factories, is what I was going to say. He's doing a fantastic job, honestly. He's doing very well. Of course, ideally, you also still have two battle cruisers alive. I'm not sure what happened with the other battlecruiser, but it died somewhere. So ideally you keep this one alive as well. Viking here, save the day. I actually think Hiramurrata has been playing not a fantastic game, but a pretty decent game so far. mistakes throwing away too many units but I kind of like the way he's been playing it and his opponent is in an awful position I mean there's 51 workers the hydra bane against pure hellion cyclone like this should never work especially with the complete lack of creep if if there's some kind of micro here from hero marauder yeah this just go back and forth and you should never even lose a single unit I believe if you play like this and you can just keep going back and forth back and forth and in the end I guess you just win so I'm very curious to see how Hero Marauder will be able to lose this game. It's a lot of the time in the Is It Inbar Do I Suck? It's not so much the other player winning as it's our protagonist losing the game in a very special way. It does look like Hero Marrother is completely aware that he can repair his units or actually I'm the trouble this guy's doing. Hello, Mr. SCV. This guy's having a blast. It's just going here for a spray maybe. Just relaxing. Oh, there's another one. Oh, I guess I'm a mis-relly of one of the... Okay, all of the cc's are rallied over here. That's real nice. Some extra gases going down. And once again, this army, the Hellion Cyclone Army, is an army that should always be trading and on the map. Like this is an army that's so mobile, it's so quick, and it's very difficult to catch. So basically always when you're trading with this army, especially against the Roach Army, you're going to be... in a good spot. You want to be denying creep and trading basically with this. And you can be transitioning into something else after, but a lot of the time it's completely fine to just kind of kill your opponent with that heli and cyclone while you still have three, four battle cruisers alive. Now, moving up this ramp, we see some clear indication of things that could go wrong. Like, there's a very bad retreat path, so a flank could be very painful. Now, luckily here, our barcode Zerg player decides not to do it, but because there's a retreat that is so small. The banlings do get a lot of splash damage on. You don't want to split with Cyclone Hellion either, which is what Hero Marauder did here. Instead, you just want to run away while your cyclones shoot. The reason why you usually split with your army is so that you can continue having DPS. Like you can continue doing damage basically while being split up so banings don't maximize their damage. With cyclones, they keep shooting. while they're running back so it's just better to run away you don't really care about the helene shooting unless there's a lot of lings so yeah this was a really poor trade and you actually see here on a rather falling behind right now in the units lost step as well he still has a way better economy of course he has way better upgrades as well you should continue getting more upgrades the moment he gets some extra money but in general he was still in a completely fine position a little bit of a weird trade here with the helen cyclone in top of the creep tries to get one One queen loses two cyclones and two three helions as well. And he's basically losing against purely abailing Roach Reveager army, which shouldn't really be possible with the army that he has. And he keeps moving out with way too small armies as well. Or well, his initial army was fine, but then after he lost it, he should have just stayed home like, I feel like. You have about 20 helions going to the other side of the map, while his third base is being ransacked. This might actually not be the worst trade, as he does get tanks. and eventually most likely will be able to stabilize. And might actually be able to get a lot of workers here and a couple of queens will go down. But, yikes. Basically, all the units die again to like seven, eight banlings. And every single time this happens, you see, the trades just keep getting worse and worse. So even though he killed 59 workers and his income is way better, he's still in a very good position, of course. It is starting to get a little scarier. I also don't like that this isn't a planetary, and this should also be a planetary. already. On top of that it's also completely out of position. So, yeah, it's just throwing away so many units right now. It's 83 workers, though. It's very good worker production, but you just keep throwing away army after army. It's fine to harass, but if you lose 12 helions to kill six banlings and four drones, that's not very successful harassment. And usually sending four helions does about as much as eight helions. Like, if they don't have enough to deal with four helions or they most likely don't have enough to deal with eight helions either and both of them they basically one-shot drone so it's not that big of the deal you know if you only have four that always suggest doing smaller runbys and in different places it's better to have two runbys of four helions and one run by of eight helen and instead we have hero marauder moving out with a pretty tiny army once again not max yet not sieged up we'll be moving into well basically Lurker, Roach Reveager with two tanks each that finally gets the scan in but that's at the end of the fight and only one tank is remaining. It feels like if he just sits back for like four minutes or not even like why do you say four like a minute and a half he's going to be completely fine but instead he keeps moving out with an army of like 70, 80 supply while his opponent has a bigger army supply but no workers whatsoever. He just keeps feeding his army into his opponent. On top of that, no planetaries and not a real good usage of the energy on the command centers either. We see almost 600 energy being saved up right now, and that's 12 mules. That's a lot of income. It could also be a lot of scans for the lurkers. I just absolutely love to see a bunch of tanks, some cyclones, some helions, and just sit back while you harass with helions. Like this kind of move out is really good. Even though this might not work now, like you can just run away. You see a big army? You run away. And you're like, okay, that's Let me just set up the rest of my defenses. And then you max out and you do a run-by and as you're doing a run-by, you push across the map. As it makes it easier, you want to always distract your opponent while you're pushing out. So you can't get in a good position to fight you. Instead, what we have is we have Hero Marauder with no map knowledge whatsoever. His complete army is out of position. And the Barcolder is just moving up a ramp right now, which honestly shouldn't. be this dangerous. It's like he has, I think Hiramurrather has probably a decent enough army to deal with this but he's completely cut out of position once again. And another thing is he needs to split his army too thinly because he has no planetaries anywhere. Like these four tanks could just be one tank if there was a planetary here. Instead we have, well, four tanks there, a couple of tanks here and I mean the Barco Xerk is trying his absolute best to throw away a bunch of his army into tanks as well but But ideally these tanks would be at home as well. A center tower or two could also completely help here. And these tanks, you know, you can also move them. Some Terrans believe that once you seize your tank you should never move it again, but I'm of the strong belief that it's nice to unseed them if your natural base is getting completely destroyed by four or whatever. There we go. That's a nice reaction speed there. I think I've seen slots climbing three faster than this. Lurker being underground and I mean there should be plenty of scans as well and yeah this is what I mean no planetary here you get killed by lings and hydras, tank not being seeded up, no sensor tower, no vision, one lurker destroying seven different tanks at the same time. This lurker has four kills and trust me those are not SEVs or marines, those are tanks and cyclones. and cyclones. It's just really sad because Hero Marauder was ahead so far all game long. And then he just keeps throwing smaller and smaller armies at his opponent, while being up like 40 in worker supply as well. So you actually just want to max out or just do a lot of harass and tech to a better army. There's basically two things you're going to just tack to a better army and have been through better tech. Or you just keep harassing and you just kind of sit tight while you expand more and more and you just kind of starve your opponent. Instead, Hero Marauder kept attacking, attacking, attacking, until he kind of killed himself into his opponent. Gigi well played and he lost the game. Aye, aye, aye. Now, of course, the real question here is, boys, the real question here is, is it Inbar or does it suck? Let's read the email one more time. Somehow he survived with 30 less drones than I had SDVs. He made some lurkers and won the game. Made some lurkers and won the game. All right. Your initial harass was good. I'll give you that. Your builder was good. Your initial harass was good. But losing the battle cruiser while playing Battle Cruiser Mac. Yeah. Not the brightest. Losing the second battle cruiser while playing Battle Cruiser Mac. Now you're really starting to lose the plot. Not continuing battle cruiser production in general is kind of bad. You always want to keep three, four battle cruisers around to force your opponent. to build some corruptors. What else was there? Yeah, never building planetaries. Of course, it's bad. It makes it very difficult. A complete lack of any kind of map vision. No sensor towers, no helion spread across the map. Your army was constantly out of position. You kept attacking into your opponent with a worse army, most of the time unseaged, without scans, even though you had 12, 13 scans available at all times. And honestly, the worst fight you had was at his ramp, at his third. base. That wasn't even against lurkers. That was against pure banling Ravager where you decided to split instead of moving back and then you lost 15 cyclones. So perhaps the lurker is a little bit too strong, but definitely not in this game. No, my friend. In this game, the real reason why you lost is because you suck. That's the reason and nothing else. Don't forget that. Alright guys if you like that video please feel free to comment down below hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe Only with your help can that number rise and you all know how important that is so hit that subscribe button and see you in the next video Bye bye
mass HYDRA is BROKEN?? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck?! #16
In todays Episode we have mr Destiny who is struggling hard in a game vs Mass Hydralisk. The real question ofcourse is: Is the Hydralisk broken or does he SUCK?? I wonder what the answer will be.
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What's up everyone, welcome back to a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Today we're following Destiny, who sent me an email. I heard some I like your videos. Nice, that's a good start. In these two replays, I always felt like I out macro my Zerg opponents, but sometimes still lose to their Hydra and then Lurker later on. I always scout everything and react and chrono my fortress whenever I can. I know first replay my Storm and Upgrade was late, but I played really cautious Bituki took forever to take his third and did not attack me. I even killed 12 workers. Then I lost a pure Hydra. All right. Well, we're going to be looking at that first repo, so that's the only part that is really important. He did say, it always seems like I cannot outproduce my income and always floated minerals. Thanks for the videos. And he also wonders how many gates he needs. So the problem here is Hydra OP, as it also says in the title. We're going to have a look at this one, Mr. Destiny who's playing against Shadow Water is missing a W so it's either Shadow Ater or Shadow without W water. Well just called him Shadow. So Destiny against Shadow. Destiny is just opening with a very standard looking one gate expand. and Shadow just opening with also kind of looking standard two base play. Should be going into a third base soon after the lings hit the field. Now we have a Stargate opener which is the most common one and probably the best opener in my opinion as well. And I adapt into a stalker who is this adapt up too. I decided to go back home. Maybe afraid of some kind of all in like, ah okay so he doesn't scout a third base and he's like, hey, that's weird. That's weird. You know, I'm just... What? Wait. Okay, so he scouts the lack of a third base. I thought his response was gonna be, I'm gonna go back home, finish my wall because it might be like a Lingflot or something like that. I did not expect an adept stalker move out into a third base at 315, into a void ray. If this was a Ling flood, this game would be completely over already. Usually if you don't scout a natural, what you want to do is just play very cautious or not a natural if you don't scout a third base from the Zerg you want to play very cautious like get your wall up as soon as possible and then with the first unit you get from your stargate preferably an oracle you scout across the map to see exactly what he's doing maybe try and get some damage done we do see a layer tackle here from shadow was also going into a road to our now honestly if destiny survives here it's going to be in a really good spot like he's basically up a base like his base started about a minute and a half faster than it usually does which thumbs up for that my friend i like it that's a big play um yeah shadows just going to be kind of far behind he's also playing two base so in a usual situation if destiny managed to survive with an opening like this he would be in a very good spot but now he's playing against a guy who's just you know basically down a full base from the the four minute mark on so So as long as he survives for the next minute and a half, I think he's going to be in a very good spot. Destiny, that is. He is, uh, his void ray did get a single overlord kill. His oracle's going to be able to get some information as well. These batteries, I kind of understand them, but the problem is he shouldn't have opened a void ray. So a void ray isn't quite as good at scouting what his opponent is doing. And if you're playing against someone that's on two base, you want to scout as fast as possible. Like, in the eyes of destiny, this could still be anything. Don't forget, he has no info, doesn't have a tower, no map vision. Like, for all he knows, his opponent could have been massing lings on 26 drones. You know, he hasn't seen any drone count. He hasn't seen a third base. And he's just floating around with this voiegey that isn't really doing anything at this point. Not even really in a good defensive position either. And the follow-up is double-forge once again. This is done completely blind. I'm still also could be a Nidus, two-based Nidus, a swarm host, or just two-based Rhoge, queen Nidus, anything like that, but there's no scouting whatsoever, which is really bad. Another nice supply block. I think it's the second or third one that I've seen so far already. Also, no scouting whatsoever with the adept. Now finally, we have two oracles going across the map. And even though Destiny hasn't scouted anything, he's been getting... extremely lucky, right? Like, he's playing against a Zerg player that decided to not take a third base until the five minute mark, and then just slowly drone up while getting double upgrades. Now, this is not a build order, and it's not very good. If you're a Zerg player, I would not recommend this. And Destiny would have died against every single Al-LIN that the Zerg possibly could have done, but instead this Zerg is just playing a weird macro variation. So as a result, in combination with the... what is this? unit kills, 13 worker kills that he got. He's just really far ahead right now. He's up 20 workers in a PVZ. He has double forges, which he can start researching from any moment now. He's getting a Templar archives against a hydra composition. Like, this is honestly as good as it's going to get. Like, I feel like at this point, destiny will have to work harder to lose this game than to actually win this game. Because if you just make any unit composition at this point, you just macro well and take a fight at a decent position i think it's going to be close to impossible to actually lose this game like you're you're playing against the Zerg that's just constantly down in income down in workers down in tech only thing he's slightly ahead in is in upgrades um because he's playing fast double evo he's playing double evo and destiny kind of forgot to start his own one one upgrades which i'm not a massive fan of getting two forges against Zerg like attack upgrades are way more important their armor upgrades against Zerg because most of the time they work with very hard hitting units whether that be a lurker or a bainling these units have very high damage so the percentage that you take off with every hit if you get armor upgrades is a lot less than it is for example in a in a PVT where Marines they shoot very fast and they have very low damage. So there you take off like 20% of the DPS, and here you might only take of like 3%. So not as big of a deal to get armor against CERC, which is why most of the time, you see TOS players just get a single forge and attack upgrades. Now, we have no storm, I believe, which at this point, our friend, our destiny, is completely aware of what it is, right? At least he knows it's roaches, not quite aware. of the hydras, but always try to get storm with this, well, basically in any kind of game. You always want to get storm. Storm is very good against Cirque. You need against banings. You need against hydras. You need against roaches. You need against swarm hoes. You always get storm. Storm is the best. If you don't get storm, then don't bother queuing up next game. Like, it's extremely powerful to get. Instead, what destiny does, which even this, I can kind of empathize with. He's like, you know what? I've been so far ahead for so long. I think I can just kind of aim move across the map and go kill him. Honestly, I don't even think I mind that too much. Like he has a big army. He has a decent army as well. Like this is Charcelot, Arcon. There's going to be one or two immortal. It's actually starting storm as well, starting 2-2. And he has just more stuff. You know, like he's up 30 supply. So unless he takes a fight like basically in this joke, or upper ramp or accidentally move commands into his opponent's army. I think he should be kind of fine. Now, there's two rules. Well, there's, okay, there's one rule that I would say. That is very important as a prolus. Whenever you fight, always have a prison with you in order to reinforce. Like we're the only race out of the three that can instantly reinforce in a fight. We should use that as well, because we need it. So always, whenever you attack, always take a prison. Destiny does not have that. He attacks into a Zerg whose Tutu just finishes on a ramp while Tutu is researching for him, while Storm is halfway done, against an army that's only gonna get worse. So this is the worst possible time to attack, at the worst angle possible to attack, without any kind of reinforcement because there's no prism, and yet he's still trading pretty well. No guardian shield being used either. Actually against Hydra armor upgrades are actually kind of nice, so guardian shield would have been good to use. So this was not only the worst anti-timing. This was except perhaps for this location where he could have attacked into a smaller choke. Absolutely the worst engagement to take. There was no reinforcement. Like this was, I actually think this was the only real way for him to lose except for a move command. Or at least two. The thing is, at this point, I think, destiny is still very far ahead. Now you might be thinking, wait, why is that? He's down 30 supply. He does have storm now and a lot of Templar, but his opponent is on a massive timer. Like the timer is not on destiny. Like, Shadowwater is messing hydras against the Prodos that has a way more sophisticated army with storm, immortals, salads, everything. There's no hive on the way. Prodos has like an absolute crap ton of gates. There's 12 gates. Like, the army that the Prodos has, way better in quality than what the Zerg has. So if you're just very patient, you don't even need to attack, but even this, like this is a pretty decent start of the fight. All you need is one more zealot warping here with your 1600 minerals, your 1200 gas. The problem is there is no prison. So once again, he gets pushed back. And even now, with all this money, I'd say if you just warp in straight four templars again, you get your zealots out, you continue immortal production. Look how much money he has. Look how much money there is. The key could basically be even in supply again. If he just use all that money either into immortals, you can start sending some zealous around as well if you truly want to. This gateway should be ready again. 11 Templar being warped in. That's very good. Gets a couple for storm. Now ideally, don't forget, whenever you had a fight, the first thing you want to do is warp in Templar, rather than first warped insolets because you want to start getting some energy. This is, I'm not sure why he keeps doing this. Every single time he's like, he's like waiting for, like basically for a better army than his opponent or he's waiting to max out. And he just walks straight across the map for whatever reason. Like I don't mind harassment, but this is not harassing. This is just straight up taking bad fights. He does have some storms here and, I mean, he probably might be able to kill a bunch of. of drones. The problem is it's just not necessary. He really just all he needs to do is defend. Like he's so far ahead economically, he's 93 workers as well. Like his army is getting better by every second. He just sacrifices absolutely everything into the Zerg. Again, for the fourth time, it's a proxy gate. Once again, just starting with the 12 zealots instead of anything else. Two Immortals Relative. It's like all he needs to do is wait until he has to. 200 supply and storm and you just sit there you can even start 3 3 he could be transitioning into carriers right now I don't care just no there's a small army here we're gonna have a look at this one again just the decision making of where to fight and how to fight this makes no sense whatsoever so here destiny sees three hydras with 12 cells it's oh there's a fight I might accidentally win Let me just run straight into the 35 hydras that I definitely can't beat. Yeah, here, three zealots over here. Kill as many hydras as the nine zealots that were over here in the end. Comes in with the... Safe location to morph some Archons. Brilliant play. Immortals being rallied in, like, just collect your army somewhere. and just wait until you have two storms available. Like, he just threw away another 60, 70 supply straight into the Zerg. Like, and at this point, yeah, you're probably losing. Well, Mazzairo's very powerful. Yeah, Masairo is very powerful if you keep warping Archons in his face. He even walked into him with the High Templar, A-moving Hydras. Realized that wasn't going to work. I was like, you know what? What happens is just morphed him into Arcon? six of them destiny destiny destiny destiny yeah interesting opening you should have lost to any all in in the early game we're doing the fingers again you lost to anything in the early game two you should have won all the fights you had every single fight you had I think there are people who would have been able to win that with their eyes closed. I think it might have been better in some cases, for you perhaps in the future to just kind of a move across the map because these fights, not the way, my friend, get a prison with that army, you need it. Three, if you are the one that's getting a better army, that's up in workers, that is better tech, and has the ability to get better upgrades, your opponent couldn't get three-treat in that hive, Don't don't attack into him with the same composition five, four times. Just giving away unit after unit. Just relax. Send some zealots to harass and kill four or five workers. That's also cool. Wait until you have 200 supply and just roll him. You had mess hydra. You had like, you had a 3K bank, 2K bank. Your army was massive. No more arquemorphing straight into his hydras. If you see a small army that you can kill, just kill it. Just do it, man. You can do it. but I believe in you. And for the question, are Hydros O.P? No. You just suck. It's the way of the world, man. Sucker! All right, boys, it's gonna be it. I hope you enjoyed this fantastic episode of Is It InBardu, Suck if you did, feel free to leave a like, comment down below. Also, I love everyone to subscribe, try and hit 25,000. by the end of the year. Yeah, if we make that, that would be sick. All right. Love you all. See you next time. And don't forget, don't walk into hydros with morphing Archons. Bye-bye.
GRANDMASTER says hydras are BROKEN?? | IODIS #14
In todays episode of "Is it Imba or do I suck?"we have a grandmaster/master 1 player send in his replay where he loses to a viper hydra lurker player. This can ofcourse be only due to 1 reason: Zerg IS BROKEN!! Or is there more than meets the eye? Find out right now! Please subscribe or Mr Skeltal will take away your bones while you sleep. doot doot
{ "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/50vUPiXkMWE/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 }
Well, it's our boys, welcome back to a new Is it Inba or do I suck? And today we'll be looking at Peacekeeper, who is a Master 1 slash Grandmaster player. We're playing against Rook Mackintech, who I do know. He's a bit of a streamer and he's a Grandmaster on the American server. Now, let's actually have a look of the email of Peacekeeper, of course, as we always shoot. 22 minutes of a PVZ, it's reddddickety-year, How good Hydra Lurker Vibre can trade versus literally everything, even Skytles, seriously, 10 range on Lurkers. You can't feed back the Vipers if your HD instantly dies to Lurkers. Master 1 GM. Fantastic. Alright. Let's get into it then. This is probably the highest level game we have done so far on Is It Inba or Do I Suck? There's some actual grandmasters involved. My sound is on. The graphics are all tuned up. I think we're ready to help solve this mystery is Hydra Lurker Vipar actually completely broken or this peacekeeper just suck a little bit. Now I do have to note that I believe Mac and Tech is about 150 MMR higher, but that might of course be because this race is simply better. It might have nothing to do with actual imbalance. The openings look very standard. I mean, these guys know exactly what they're doing, so we're not going to focus too much. on that just see some standard pylons going down some adepts being chrono boosted and all that mackintech is leaving his overlord over here checking what the first unit is might go in if he sees no chronobo boost on the second unit no probably should have but he doesn't and we see peacekeeper with a double adept most likely into a phoenix follow now let's take a quick look at the adept movement decides to attack the hatchery for a bit so ideally you want to scout the layer with one shade, that's exactly what he does, and then maybe go for the drones, the next shade, so you can see if he's actually building drones or lings or something like that. Now something that's a bit older is that he played double adapt into Oracle, it means that you don't have anything to deny the overlord. He will of course go Phoenix after. But this is just a slight variation, honestly nothing big here. And double gas is going down. He's playing a good game so far honestly. Very tight build order. Hitting his chronobo boost, hitting his timings. Let's see what his Oracle will do. I don't like his flying movement very much. Usually you just poke into one base, not into both. Took some real damage for that. Now he will be going here. We'll manage to get two workers. Yeah, Macintech doesn't respond. And the Oracle gets away. So this is a pretty good damage for the first Oracle. Now we have a forged twice. Twilight follow-up. Does he start with an observer? I assume? Observer, third base. Oh, this is kind of nasty. Yeah, this is why you always keep your Oracle with your first step. It's really important. So this is kind of the first mistake. This should have been way smoother. So ideally with this kind of opener, usually you get your base at around 420. If you get Fortune Twilight before, perhaps 4.30. So this base is already extremely late. Now, as a round of a very, responds to him losing his first rope, he threw down four gateways, but he immediately got scouted by an overlord. So I doubt this will do very much, honestly. We're also not seeing any immortal production, which is kind of unsafe against any early kind of roach bust. Let me do see immortal now. It's a little late. Centries are late, so our info is going to be delayed because we don't have any hallucination scout. But honestly, he's playing a fine game so far, you know? adepts, this is dicey, but he managed to get back into a good position together with the Oracle. This actually turned out pretty all right. So I think he's actually in a pretty fine spot. Now a couple of points is that he hasn't really been producing workers at all. Instead of producing workers, he's built four Sentries. I believe he went up to eight gates already, which is very early eight gate, but it simply means he has no workers. Now his opponent kind of realizes that and starts producing roaches as a response to this most likely. I think Macintech could have drawn up a bit harder, but I mean, this is looking a lot like a push to me as well. Like this is just an 8kate. It's going to hit most likely with plus one and charge and try to do some damage. Now, I'm not a massive fan of this. Of course, this is very aggressive. And if scouted well, the Zerg usually gets out ahead. I think the Zerg is doing a good job scouting and reacting to everything. Now, what I don't understand is that we're seeing a second robotics facility. Where are you? over here and a cannon and a phoenix because this is kind this makes no sense like he's been preparing for a big attack he's built what six sentries that's a lot of gas usually you only get two with this kind of army you need to attack if you're not attacking with sentries and you cut probes for like two minutes like that's really bad his gases compared to a regular build order are almost a minute late. That's really, really late. That's like 200 gas you just threw down the drain. This base should have been fully saturated if he wasn't going for an 8 gate. He cut so many workers to throw down these gateways and I was going into Storm and plus two. It's adding another robo. So he should have been light years ahead in eco count, but instead he decided to go for like these six sentries are completely useless at this point, right? Like sentries are really, really bad. They're good to have two or three of them, but not more than that in PVZ. Because either ravagers destroy them, lurkers destroy them, your own Archons destroy them. Losing that Oracle is extremely painful as well. You always want to be able to know where your opponent is. Now on top of that, if we take a look at what peacekeeper knows, he knows some stuff. He's aware of the tech. He's aware of how many base there are. He sees these two gases, so he knows it's going to be eight gas. The problem I have is that he has no map vision whatsoever. So if we take a look here, we see, well, basically no vision except where his army is. So that's an issue. Like this is good. This is exactly what they needed to do a bit earlier as well. Send out of Prism. These are all good moves, honestly. Colossus is not a good move. Colossers are awful if you build them. Yeah, it might as well just quit. Like it's no use, honestly. useless unit. You want to be getting immortal charge Arcon Storm. Colossus don't really contribute anything to any army that immortals don't. Like, storm beats everything that Colossus do. And immortals are just better than Colossus. Like they just better. It's easier to transition out of. Coloss are really expensive. They really delay any kind of follow-up tag. So yeah, I'm definitely not a fan of this. It's a good run by though. But it's army composition so far is pretty garbage. On top of that we haven't really been on the map yet. We have an army that's supposed to be on the map with many forest fields, maybe try to deny some creep. We don't even have an observer right now. Once again because we're lacking vision everywhere, actually we have pretty good vision. Then we were just completely, this guy, piecekeeper was completely out of positioning and let these roaches cancel this. Now, losing these roaches obviously isn't the best, but Zerg has a decent enough eco, that he can afford to lose roaches at this way. Roaches are not a unit you want to have in your army anyway as a Zyrk. A roach is kind of like a Colossus. It looks nice on paper, but in theory it's complete garbage. Now we want to be doing harassment with this prison. We want to be transitioning into Skytals, and we definitely don't want to keep producing Colossus as we're going up to four Colossus. Like the Colossus dies against every... It's such a bad unit. Like, don't build it again, Sirk. It's fine against Terran. Even against TOS, it has some uses. But again, Zerg, it's just not garbage unit. Please don't build it. The Zerg's getting his vipers out. Sirk doesn't have a lot of map vision either, that's okay. Protoss is not completely aware of where his opponent's army is. There's still an Oracle with this army, which is nice. And now we're going to get a push. All right, now, whenever you push as a Protoss, what you want to do is you want to set up harassment as well. So we see these two adepts. We should see a run. by here and the prism should be flying into the main because it's very difficult for Zerg to defend multiple areas especially with a prism like the prism is only to supply and can keep a lot of supply at bay like you'll need to put supply everywhere to deal with it and you need to run around and if you get one warpin in with the prism bam just like that whole game can end now is there any storms available yeah we have a four or five storms we have a bunch of Archons we have the six Sentries that don't forget haven't done anything at all this came it's a lot of gas in there and where's our immortals we have four immortals in here as well and we're attacking in one angle now this is the absolute specialty of the lurker is defending one spot they're great at keeping chokes um they're great in a stationary position as long as nothing else is happening on the map the look like this is what the lurker is built for right it's like defending a single position like it's absolutely great so as long as the toss keeps moving around his army as one massive ball, that is basically the dream scenario here for the Zerg. So even this, if the Zerg is out of position, that's completely fine because as long as the Toss has one big army, he can just F2 his complete army to this spot, burrow and be fine. Now the problem comes here when you're trying to poke in from one angle without anything else happening, is that the Vipers can perhaps start abducting one or two units into the lurkers, and that's when it becomes dangerous. Now we have a good setup here for the Zerg. Protoss should really be, A, should be looking to saturate this fourth base, 12 minute in game, no saturation, no cannons, and should definitely be transitioning into air. There we go. That's a good transition. But this fourth base should be fully saturated already. Fifth base should have started, maybe here's a better fifth base. Like natural, mind out, main mind out. Third base is still some minerals left, but also getting close. So you want two extra bases already. at the 12 minute mark, of course. Like, he's not minding up. Like, it's cool that you're doing a push, but this is, it looks funny because he's maxed and has a 2K bank. But this is pretty all in, actually. Like, he needs to do very well in this fight because he only has 500 gas. He doesn't have any extra gas income. Like, he needs to do a lot of damage. His opponent is getting way more income, has bigger worker supply as well. And once again, are Tozz is attacking in a single location. And even if he manages to kill this base, that's completely fine. because Zerg still has a fourth base. Like, the Toss is thinking, well, I'm not playing him so hard. You know, I'm killing hydras, doing damage, and we almost killed a fifth base. But, mate, your fourth base isn't even mining yet. Like, you have 16 workers mining four patches. Like, you're not doing that well at all, buddy. You're not doing that well. Now, finally, we have some multitasking going on. Well, a setup, at least, for a run by towards this base. says, the ProDos decides it's time to, oh my God, it just walks it in, I guess, never mind. Here's at least a prison, but, yeah, I mean, lurkers are there, should be able to deal with that. This is the problem. So I thought what he was going to do is he just want to leave these salads here, and I walk with the main army to this area. And that leaves a challenge for the Zerg, right? He needs to split armies. What if he doesn't leave enough lurkers? What if he doesn't send enough lurkers? Like, he could lose. Now instead, what the Prodos does is he send him. He sends in 12 zealets, loses them all the lurkers. Then after he loses all of those, he sends in the prism, loses those, kills like three drones, like, oh, he did some nice harassment there. And his main army is defending his main ramp, even though he's completely aware the full army is here. Should be pushing forward here, at least clearing this creep. Clear maybe some spines. Send three zealots over here while you're attacking this base. Like there's so many things you can do. This pro-os just isn't using them. Now, finally the fourth base gets down, but at this point, yeah. Look, third is running dry. We need a fifth up already at this point. Here we go with a prism. Will we see more multitask? No, no multitask. A single prism flies into a spore as the main army is guarding this area for whatever reason. Like prisms are not easy to deal with for Zerg. And this guy isn't using the time. Look at this. Just standing guarding the ramp. Pompi-dom pion. Oh, moving back and forth. Hey, ho. Oh, this is great. Save at home. Like these guys are made for war. Like this is like building an army and I'm not using it. I mean why are you building the army mate? This is StarCraft. We're not the world peacekeepers here bro. Like no mutually assured destruction in StarCraft like we just attack when we have an army. You want to destroy our opponent. We have some some more run by. It's like in his mind the ProDels is doing so many things. He's like oh, doing run bys all game long. I'm using my prison. but technically he's never actually or almost never doing multiproch he's almost always attacking with one thing and whether that is a prison with three zealots or his main army it's still only one thing that's happening like this is the first time he's actually putting some pressure onto his opponent while a run-by is happening and even though this didn't look great he did take out three spines killed a couple of roaches and he set himself up for a later run-by which honestly at this point i doubt will ever come now we see these colossus let's see if the investment paid off, hey. Colosses with two kills, one with 11 kills, probably lings. These colosses did absolutely nothing, well, he's the most useless unit in the game. Congratulations, I'm happy you build them. Lose an Oracle straight into his opponent. Decides once again, fly with his, walk with his entire army towards his opponent, loses two carriers, interlurker Hydra. This is probably what he thought was very imbellen. The Lurkers managed to kill my hydras, or my carriers. Now the Zerkis like, you you know what? I think I've waited long enough. That's your sacrifice half of my army into yours. Nice. And now the pros are like, this guy is fuming and you know it's like, oh man, this guy sucks so much, can't even control his army. I'm doing run by his whole game long and I just lost two carriers earlier for free. But I did all the feedbacks as well. And, you know, I'm putting a lot of effort into this game. My buddy, you're down like 7K, 4K. Like, you're going to need some absolutely the wonderful fights and I mean he's getting them like he's getting some really good fights at this point because his opponent doesn't have the supply right now but he's I mean the pros is still behind like he's just been doing nothing all game he's getting out mined for like the past 10 minutes like obviously he's going to be in a garbage position so he's finally taking a six base still on 65 workers by the way not the 74 that you actually need continues adding more stargates goes up to eight stargates even though he's on 65 workers and has 70 gas in the bank. It's not even mining from his fifth base. Instead starts mining from his sixth base. Starts building two colossus again as these have been working out so great. And yeah, the Zerg is like well, this basically looks pretty exposed. Not a single cannon there. It was like, oh my god, I'm out playing him so much. Meanwhile this base has been going, you know, nothing's been happening to this base, not a single run by. No prism in the main and the past eight minutes. Tos is pretty blind as to what's happening in general. As a single observer in the middle of the map, army could come from here at this point. Tos would have absolutely no idea. Army could come from here at this point. Tos would have no idea. Like there's so many things that could be happening right now and Toss just isn't aware of them. So you have a little weird, look at this. Zerg the Corruptor squad. This is math. It's playing pretty well honestly. It shows in the bank like he's doing well. know what these guys are going to do. Now the Toss is like basically F2ing back home to deal with six corruptors, recalls a part of his army. Like if there's one guy that's getting out play there, it's definitely the Prolos who just ran back home to deal with a corruptor squad. Now if the Zerg was slightly quicker, he could have killed this base in the process, but he realized a little bit too late. So a little bit of the, you know, paying attention to one thing syndrome as well, even at Grandmaster level, this happens a lot where they'll think they're multitasking but actually they're just doing one thing at the same time and he just get in a good position and probably would be able to abduct one or two of these carriers yep there we go and i mean the Zerg doesn't even need to trade properly like the pro dos thought that Zerg was trading very efficiently but it's actually not the case like the units lost tab is extremely even the problem is just that the toz isn't mining anything like he's practically been on four base like even though he has had six bases at some He's been mining from 4 for 20 minutes. The Zerg's work account isn't that high anymore and he's actually been losing fights a little bit as well. Like this army is extremely cost effective. The problem is just that he isn't mining at all, our ProDos player. And he's not really doing any harassment either, so... Yikes! As we continue on, we have our Zerg We have our Zerg player who is also running out of bank and we have our Protoss player who's starting to run dry as well but he's feeling at our prox player you can see it you know as a golf this went well the last few fights he killed some units here he goes with the salad run by into Brutlords there's a lot of carriers here it's like all right this is it boys how many corruptors can there really be well there's 20 corruptors you have 10 carriers In theory this sounds pretty alright, but in actuality, if there's no void rays or Archons, you're just going to lose a lot of your carriers because corruptors trade really well against pure carrier. And this is why you always need to get either some void rates or some Archons with your army. And this trade was pretty cost-efficient for the Zerg. And a cost-efficient trade for the Zerg, who still had a 2K-2K bank, against the Protles who didn't have a bank, is always going to be good, of course. So there's another remax coming with 12 corruptors. There's still broodlords alive. These corruptors will just be able to target down the carriers. And I'm honestly expecting an angry message from the ProDels at any point now. Like, what is going to happen here, you know? Like the mining isn't enough from the Proloss. His army isn't good enough. And once these 12 corruptors pop, I do believe all the carriers will go down. There's still Vipers. Like this, this Ergs has been micron pretty well, honestly. This guy is pretty cool. He does kill one of his own extractors. And then he's like, you know what? I think I've waited long enough. Just going to go in, snip your carriers. Not sure how great of a move that is, but once the new corruptors join, I'm looking for it. Oh, an actual DJ by Peacekeeper. Well, Peacekeeper. You didn't multitask once. You were basically on four base in a 21-minute game. Your force started mining at the 15-minute mark. Your army control is pretty decent, I'll give you that. But you built colossus, so your army sucks. There was no Archons, like army composition wasn't great. The multitasking was non-existent. What else was there? Yeah, and the mining. Just not sufficient mine. You just got outmined all game. I love to tell you that Hydro Lurker Viper is broken, but I think the reality of the case here, my friend, is that you suck. That will be it, boys. Please subscribe to me. leave a like and comment down below see you boys next time bye bye
Terran can't beat MASS CARRIER??!?!?! | IODIS Episode #13
Today we have a Terran who complained to me real good about how broken carriers were. We tested his theory in a scientific way and we got an answer you might not expect. Like this video or the FBI Will raid your house tonight.
{ "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MLGAMvVWXJc/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 }
What's up friends and family and other creatures from the sea? Today we have another. Is it inba or do I suck? And today's email reads. There's nothing worse than losing to a sky toss. That is mainly because of this feeling of helplessness. I get each time I see a fleet of carriers flying across the map to annihilate me. It seems like no matter what army composition I have, there's practically no chances for me. Not that the carriers is the only protest unit that really makes me sad, but this game is a good example when it comes to them. I had a full limit of new patched Tors and Vikings, and he almost didn't notice my army. What other untis could I build? It is doubtful that perfect EMPs and armor missiles would help in any way. I was watching Hero Marine stream the other day, and he said that TVP almost makes him want to quit playing StarCraft. I know I shouldn't relate to him, that much since I'm only at 3,500 MMR, and he is like 6,500. But still, maybe in the end of the day, Protoss race is overpowered. It just feels that they always get it easier. No name. And then we open the replay. We take our positions. We see today's subject is called Coombrain. Well, Mr. Coombrain, let's investigate that claim, eh? So the main issue seems to you with Airtles. Now, I must admit I've heard every single complaint about Proloss in my time from Terence. Salad is too strong. Salad is too fast. Salad has too much HP. Salad is too cheap. Salad is not enough supply. A debt is too strong. It's too fast. Too much supply. with every single unit, except perhaps the carrier. So I'm curious to see how this Protoss managed to get, first of all, into carriers and then did anything. Now, this Protoss, I know I don't want to make it a habit to criticize the person who didn't send in the replay, but we open up with a forge first into Gateway. This is a build I've never seen before into a proxy pylon that immediately gets spotted as well. So I'm just extremely curious what's going to happen here. It's two cannons. No cybercore yet. Another response of our Terrant seems decently reasonable. In general against Cannon Rush, if he doesn't get the high ground, I'd always recommend a Reaper, right? You send a Reaper across the map. You have good chances to do some damage because the Cyber Corps is most likely delayed. Reaper usually arrives at 2.30. Well, the Reaper would have about 30 seconds without any unit there. No cannons being built here either. So that would have been a first word of advice I could give, but I don't mind the Marine as much either. I mean, it's a relatively okay choice. Now, double gas, no CC. I guess you get a tank against this in this case. can also get something else but yeah tank this is all extremely reasonable i i don't mind this there's a stalker at home a stargate at home now of course a scan once again the reaper could have done this but i don't even mind it all too much one of the many adventures that Terran has is they can build their cc on the high ground and be completely fine against this kind of play like he already could have had this one done earlier as well. Now the moment you get a tank you want to start shelling away at these cannons so it's important to get vision. Now you can get vision by for example sending a marine down or not too sure about floating the barracks especially not keeping it in range and then ideally you'd target the batteries first instead of the cannons but this is all very fine. You could also use the cyclone to lock on to one of the buildings to kill it faster. That also would be rather helpful. But I think just sending a Reaper as a start would have pretty much won him the game almost immediately filled like four or five workers probably. Now we're floating 600 minerals and we're moving out with our command center to this location as we're cleaning up this are just normal regular natural location. We don't really have any scouting information on our opponent. We know there's a Stargate but nothing else. It's been five minutes in game. We haven't seen anything. We are ready for our oracles. We have two Vikings at home. And this is a secondary star port. It's going to be a long day in the office today, boys. Yeah, two starports. 1,100 minerals in the bank. We could throw down two or three command centers, I guess. but for some reason, mass Viking is the way forward. I'm not entirely sure why. We still have no info. This could still be a one base all in. Like there could be six void rays waiting here. Could also already have four bases. I have absolutely no clue. Transferring workers to this base and going into double gas. The logic of this base still kind of, you know, if you're going to take a base, why not this one? as a more natural third base, straight into fusion core. And a tech lab, so I'm assuming battle cruisers. But then what is the second starport for? Maybe Arterran isn't aware that he can swap buildings so he could just lift this one up and build a tech lab and then get, instead of having to build a secondary starport, just gets a fusion core and starts a raven. Continuous cyclone production. Still floating 900 minerals. Our toss, meanwhile, his build didn't make any sense, but he's micro, like macron like a god, like constantly below 300 minerals. This build doesn't make a lot of sense, but for what he's doing, it kind of makes sense, you know, saving up carriers. Well, as our Terran scene. Terran spots the fleet beacon. The response is more starports. Now, usually the way to beat carriers is just to play regular bio, honestly if you just play a three wrecks build you get a couple of mines you can forever deny a third base then you just do a one one push with ghost or you go even go into two two you get ghost and you get double starport viking and at that point most of the time you just win as the moment carriers are out of interceptors which i very quickly against marines they are kind of useless honestly in low numbers carriers really freaking suck so you can deny a third base forever if you let toss get into carriers for free while you're I mean down a base and building an army composition without any upgrades whatsoever, then yeah, it's probably gonna get a little bit harder. Now I have to admit both players are doing a fantastic job denying themselves all information as so far our other ProDols really knows is that there is a barracks and a bunker. And all our Terran really knows, actually Terran does know there's a third base with the scans. He put three scans on the other side of the map, knows there's carriers on the way. He knows there's three bases. So he knows he's on equal footing with this Protoss. And he knows the army composition. Our TOS doesn't really care. He's like, you know what? I'm just building carriers. I'm upgrading. Just let me be me all right. First, more Vikings as well as Yamato cannon. So I'm very glad we got this fusion corps, so we can boost out more Vikings. A second factory is being built. This is way too many production structures. It's way too heavy in gas for three bases, right? Like all of these are just producing exclusively gas units. It's simply not possible. Now, we're lowering our mineral count extremely quickly. And also our gas count is going down very fast, because we have so many production structures. A tech lab on a factory gets put down again. And a tech lab on a barracks. Um, yeah, this is, I, it's very difficult for me to give, uh, any analysis of this game because I have never seen something like this before. It's, it's like, yeah, is like, yeah, is like a completely foreign concept, how both players are playing. We now see a move out with four cyclones and a lot of Vikings, which in my mind should be enough to clear these carriers, has to, uh, There's seven carriers now and the carriers do have plus one. Plus two is on the way. There's a couple of batteries. So perhaps our terrorists, our pros might be able to defend, but he doesn't seem to be too keen on that. Now, let's take a look at the focus fire. Whenever you have Vikings against carriers, you want to focus fire on the carriers and not the intercept. He's doing a good job. Didn't use a single missile from the Raven, which would have helped. But just kind of gets a move. I guess that's what you get if there's carriers in bed. batteries. I actually didn't know how this fight was going to go. I'm going to be real with you, boys. Like, this could have gone either way for me because this is a fight I actually never see in my life. Like pure Viking versus pure carrier. So, yeah, it's just really the unit composition that is lacking from the Terran here. And just the complete lack of upgrades. The plus one helps a lot, of course, for carriers. And armor upgrades are extremely useful in this case for the Vikings, or just any kind of upgrades would be useful for the Vikings at this point. Now we get two more factories. I assume that's going to be the Thor's. We have a single battle cruiser with a single Yamato. And once again, we're flooding 1,300 minerals for no real reason. Which is also quite impressive, given how many production structures we have. Like, with a single click of the button, like, if you just hold down the V button for one and a half second, like, you'll be spending all this money straight into Vikings, which probably isn't the unit you want, but at least you're spending your money. Meanwhile, our ProDos player is This guy is truly playing single player Both players are kind of playing single player But at least the Coombrain is He's responding a bit But he's responding rather poorly As we have a fort base on the way Which is interesting And probably a good call I wouldn't mind seeing like three extra bases With the money that we have Just expand all over the map Like this guy is definitely not planning on moving out Just going to build carriers and sit He is getting very good upgrades has double cybernetics core, has a forge, even build a Twilight so he can continue upgrades. So right now we're on 1-1 already and soon to be 2-1-2 against just a plus-1 armor upgrade. Now, that's of course very good for the ProDos player, who also is taking a fort. So they're expanding at a similar pace. The Tos won the first fight, but maybe the Tarrant can still win the second fight. Now, against Carriers, once again I said, I think Biles very good. I think with Mac it's also possible to beat. Just get a bunch of tors, like really a big Thor count, good upgrades. If you really want, eventually you can add EMPs. But if it's just pure carrier, you don't actually need it, I think. Maybe if they add in immortal charge or something like that, you will. But if you have well-upgraded Tours against mass carriers, I'm pretty sure you win. Like, I haven't played that too much, but I had it once or twice, and the Tours seem extremely powerful, especially if you have them in combination with ghosts. It makes it so much easier. We're not a massive fan of the Vikings, especially because he isn't really getting ship weapon upgrades whatsoever. And we have the two stalker sacrifice. So this is the first time I believe, yeah, our Prodos moved across the map. Still not aware of how many bases there is, but some good info on what kind of army our opponent has. And as a response, of course, the toss continues building carriers, as he's been doing for the past nine minutes now. We see our Terran is going up to six tours, built three more. TORs. The only thing really lacking here is the upgrades. Like I don't mind the army too much. It's just he's flowing so much money constantly and he started his upgrade so late that the TOS is just really far ahead upgrade wise. Like he's, I'm not great at counting, but this is up three upgrades at this point. And he's getting three upgrades at the time. Well, the Tarran forgets to start his plus two armor. I'm actually not quite sure what the Terran is doing. Currently nothing. He just had zero APM. Just scrubs. scratching his head. Yeah, it's just not doing anything at the moment. Neither is the TOS though. This is fantastic to watch. It's just mesmerizing to see the moves here. As we finally start the plus two and double Robo gets started. Okay, so TOS is like, you know what? I want to counter his unit composition and Immortal seemed like a reasonable choice. I agree with that. Now the Terran, I feel like, needs to realize that ghosts are very useful. Ghost basically cuts the HP of his opponent down 33% real fast, which is a powerful ability, of course. So if you have an ability like that, why would you not use it? Especially with the amount of cash that this guy is saving. This guy is preparing for the apocalypse or something. Like 5K, 1K in the bank. Slowly but surely getting some extra upgrades, the plus 2 has started. But once again, ProD is very far ahead. I can't believe how little things are happening in this game. So we see the good old scouting mothership. Is this real? I'm not sure what they follow. A scan on top of his own army in case there's an observer. It's a reasonable play. This is just... This has to be the best game I've seen so far, and is it inbar or do I suck? Confirms where the art. army is, the Terran scans again, making sure that it really was just a scouting mothership. Doesn't really continue any upgrades, like damn, I have a lot of money. Let me add three, four, five more factories, which is a wise call actually, I don't mind that, but I also wouldn't mind getting extra upgrades. That really is a big issue. Right now we have one one upgrades against three two two. So before this fight, let's just quickly say, He's up, one one, four upgrades right now, the ProDos. So usually if you're up for upgrades, you win the majority of the fight. Now we see the Taurus are putting in some works. The Vikings are not completely target firing on the carriage at all. Right now they're just following the interceptors, which is the incorrect call. And this fight is an absolute massacre. Massacre. I'm actually surprised how much the TOS lost here. Like basically the Terran was down four upgrades, didn't really focus fire at all. Still killed, I think, three or four carriers, maybe even more, maybe five. That's not bad. The Terran here, I mean, he's going to die very painful that very soon, I can only assume, no? Our TOTS is getting very close to being maxed out. After confirming with the mothership where his opponent's location was, he... Yeah, he just kind of A moved across the map and killed him. I can understand why this is very frustrating for the Tarran, but I think there were some small things he could have done better, like the upgrades, the constant floating of money, perhaps could have gotten some turret, improve the army composition, either with a raven or with some ghost. Like, carriers are difficult to fight if there's high templars underneath, but without high templars, just carrier, you can just kind of kill them, I think. especially if you focus fire on them. Now we're gonna have another try here, where our boy Coomb Brain is. So he moves forward, starts targeting some interceptors down. Ostos is very, very afraid of this. Oh, but the mothership is on its way back and I guess that will be the end for our boy Coombrain who has no production left. Once upon a time he did have eight factories, but that time is... And well behind us. As one more scan reveals that indeed the scouting mothership has returned. Yeah. A couple more carriers make their way across the map. And Coombrain's trying his hardest, producing more and more SUVs. No extra production facilities, because that would be foolish. Of course. It might actually get a chance to win in that case. If you use some of that money that he has in the bank. The armories. Sadly, most likely we'll get killed before 3-2 finishes. Meanwhile, our Tops on 3-33. For like the past few minutes. No G G gets called and Sargon R wins. I'm sorry, man. initially to stop the cannon rush didn't put any pressure on your opponent played an awful composition blindly double starport constantly floating money no upgrades bad micro in the fights bad army composition um no turrets they already mentioned slow at expanding eight things you can improve on you really suck this game buddy i'm i don't know i don't know i Yeah, I'm sorry. It's the way it is, boys. All right. If you didn't enjoy that, feel free to leave a like or subscribe to my YouTube channel. Otherwise, leave a comment down below. If you think you have a game where you definitely should have won and you only won because of imbalance, feel free to send it to the email address down in the description below as I'm accepting new IOTIS replays. I have a bunch ready already, but I can always use more. Thanks everyone for watching and see you boys next time for another is it Inba. do I suck?
New IODIS Episode. Today we have "HarstemsButt"playing vs a Terran. He absolutely smashes the early 3 rax build and still loses the game... But did he really smash the push?? Or did something else happen?? find out here. Pls sub or Jimmy Fallon will appear in your bathroom and make bad jokes.
{ "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FY4DSKvcQ5U/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 }
What's up, boys, welcome back to a new is it imba or do I suck. Today we have a replay from my boy, Harstom's Butt, against Demidar, who is it Terran? Let's turn on the sound as well. As, actually, let's read the email first. First, that's how we're supposed to start. What does it say? Despite some lessons learned from your amazing coaching session, Terran is clearly imbalanced. How else can you lose a game after you easily defend the three wrecks with a fast third, double forge, amazing harassment and even DT transition. It must be either the matchup that needs fixing or that stupid map, where your A move command force your army to split up and choose two routes. That makes it much too easy for Terrence to kill half your army. Either change the maps in favor of Prolost or remove ghosts from the game. I hope my high-level analysis qualifies me for IOTS. Also, my latter name in honor to you is Harshom Butt. Nice. Fantastic opening statement here by my boy Harstom's Butt. who apparently defends the three wrecks perfectly and it still goes on to lose the game. Now, if that is the case, that would of course be ridiculous because a three wrecks attack is something you invest heavily in as a Terran. If he actually holds with a third base, good probe count, one one on the way, like he says, his upgrades are on the way, then, I mean, there should be a walk in the park. It's most likely going to be in balance, right? Now, let's first start with this pylon. I'm not a massive fan of this. pylon position but if you're going to build a pylon here at least build your gateway in this location rather than over here you always want your adept to pop as close to the reaper as possible and in this case it's over here which means if the reaper attacks this bottom area your adept will need to walk all the way over here which take a very long time if you build your gate over here it's going to be slightly closer which can save you a probe and it doesn't matter if you wall with a cybercore or gateway i also actually don't believe this is a complete wall i think there's still one here so poor job with the wall there mr. Harsden's bot and we see our opponent is opening with a gasless expand now the moment our prolos player will scout this he should know the timing it's like hey wait this cc is way too fast this can only be a gasless expand and I think he does realize as he immediately goes back without even scouting the gases here now what can you do after you scout that there's no gas for your opponent It means that there will be no Reaper on your side of the map, which means your first unit should make its way straight across the map, to scout, to try and do some harassment, force out the bunker. You don't need to kronobo boost out your second gateway unit either, because still there won't be a Reaper, which means you can just chrono-one probes, be a little more economical, and put on some pressure with that first adept, that first stalker. Only the first unit will be chronoboose the second one won't be. So we open with a stalker this time around, which is fine as well. I don't mind that honestly. As long as he sends it straight across the map and does not Chrono boost the second unit, I'm going to be a happy camper. What is this? Puts the probe in it. This, first of all, is a pretty bad location for a Valtics facility, which is why I didn't really like this pylon. The reason for that is, if a drop would enter, were to enter this base, this pylon and this side is most exposed, which is why I would always build my buildings over here. I built my first pylon here. Like you're a lot less exposed if the drop comes in from this, area, which is most likely where the drop will come from, if all your buildings are over here, harder to unpower. So always keep in mind that you want to build your important tech structures away from your cliff's edge, always away from your cliff edge or away from the spot that is most likely to be dropped. Now, we do have a probe that won't be mining anymore for the rest of the game most likely, as it's locked up between a gate, a cybercore and a robotics facility. We're keeping our stalker at home, which is not too great. I see Harvestrom's Brut is actually opening up with a robo into Twilight. So this is just a blink play. And I'm kind of happy with that. I'm glad to see that. You get the quick robotics facility for scouting. You get the Twilight Council for the blink later on. You can harass a little bit with blink perhaps. These buildings aren't too great. They're not very useful. It's not a wall in the front. And they're not in a safe location either. And it kind of blocks your army movement as well, trying to go into your own natural. Not a massive fan of that, but so far, Harkstom's what is playing pretty all right. Build order is being executed tightly. See some Corona boost on top of that blink. Not necessary because, once again, we scouted the lack of gas early on, which means if it's going to be a factory, it's going to be a very delayed factory, which in turn means that any kind of harassment will be later. No need for this Corona Boost on top of the blink. For some reason, we have a probe cut here at 39. I'm not aware of this probe cut. I know this built very well, but your probe cut usually starts the moment you hit full mineral saturation onto your third base. I'm starting to suspect that Harstams-Bow did not read the signs correctly and thought he was playing against just a regular gas expanse, so a barracks gas perhaps. So he is very prepared for some kind of drop. Now, this just means that at this point, he's behind because he hasn't been producing workers. Terran is even in work account, and we see the income is about 300 ahead. or 200 a head for the Terran, which is actually kind of big. You want to be up five, six workers against Terran always. Not mining properly from this base is also very big. We have another war pin, even though we just scouted exactly what's going on. So we see three racks and we're like, hey, he's probably going to push at some point, but not yet. Because, you know, he doesn't have enough units for that. We should definitely be getting more workers. But instead, we stay on a very low worker count. And one scan in the bottom here, you can really see the difference in income because the moment you have even more. workers, the mules will just destroy you. Like, they just get more income for the Tarrang. He has two orbitals. Look at that. Four or 500 minerals more per minute. On top of that, we lose what? Two stalkers for three? Two stalkers and a probe are down for free already, which will make it harder for us to stop to harass. Imagine if we had six stalkers here, probably would be able to target down one or two Marines. I mean, he still managed to force out of stim, which is good, but then doesn't run away. So he will lose another stalker, doesn't get anything. Three stalkers lost, and all he really did was for a out the stim. On top of that, no forgers on the way yet, we're actually downing workers at this point. Charge hasn't started. There's plenty of army to deal with the three racks. I agree with that. Plenty of army to deal with that. But even if the Terran in this case will lose his complete army, it still is kind of okay for the Terran. He's been mining four or five hundred minerals more for the past minute and a half, two minutes. This whole army might be worth about 1,200 resources, maybe slightly more, maybe slightly less. So if you have two and a half, three minutes of mining 400 less, it's basically an even game. On top of that, ProDolz isn't getting any extra infrastructure, no extra forges, no extra gates. So Terram will get a lead in upgrades and still has a lead in economy and basically is even in the amount of resources they have compared with units. If you would lose absolutely everything without killing a single unit. But I mean, this is a sizable army. Terran would go back at this point, this game would be practically over. Prodos would be like 90% dead. No way you can win anymore. Because you need worker production. You just need more workers. So Guardian Shield is being used. Zealots in the back. Immortal will start tanking the Marina Marauder fire, and one immortal does go down. So even though in the end for the unit loss table, it might kind of even up after the Stalker losses. This whole trade that the Tarran had was a fantastic trade. I mean, unit lost actually is still in favor of Terran. Terran has been mining more. Third C.C. is done. He's up and upgrade. If I was a Terran player, I'd be pretty happy with this, honestly. And even though you can say, hey, wait a second, there's like way more supply for the ProDos here. Sure, that's true. But look at his infrastructure. He's building off of three gateways. He's adding two extra now, but he needs to be going up to six, seven, eight gateways at this point. 1-1 finally starts, which is nice. And he has some safety. so he can finally probe up. But I think in a minute or a minute and a half when Terran's infrastructure really gets online, he's going to just be able to even up the supply relatively easily or even pull ahead. So even though the Prolos believed that he was very far ahead after the start, he actually doesn't have much of an opportunity for anything at this point. And Terran is actually in a completely fine spot, I believe. Some good chasing here by the Terran. We'll be able to take out those stalters. still no extra gases for the proto. So, Prodels, once again, kind of high in supply, but the supply he has is kind of bad. It's consisting of mainly zealots, low worker count. Finally, gases are coming online. There's no Templar archives yet. Finally, Starz. There's no fort base, which means at the moment that Terran will get these extra gases. Tarran will be looking at a pretty sizable economy lead once again. As we see, this muse putting on some real work, pushing up the Taron income, to 35, 3,400, almost consistently. Prism does come out, once again. I think at this point, a fort base would be appropriate. Storm, a couple of Templars, 2-2 should be on the way, and then going into 7 to 8 gas as fast as possible, so you can afford a Colossus switch. Another thing that the Proloss isn't doing is that he isn't really using his army lead that he has been having for the past, well, four or five minutes, three, four minutes maybe, to gain some extra map control with his army. So this army could be on the map while a prism is here, and that could scare the Terran. You know, it could be maybe try to fight the main army, and then your prism will be able to do a lot of damage in the main base. However, we only see a prism starting now. And I feel like the ProDos is kind of not using the only lead he had, which is the army lead. I guess a little bit of a economy lead as well. We see second starport coming out of the Terran as well as 2-2 starting. So upgrades are completely equal. Terran doesn't really need to fight this army. He sees like 30 zealads or, well, 21 zealers. He's like, you know what? I think I'm just going to go home. Try again later on when I have a couple of ghosts. Maybe one, two-two upgrades, a couple of Vikings with my army as well. And I think Terran seeing this, an army quality that consists of mainly zealot-stalker and one immortal and not seeing a fort base, as a Terran you're going to be kind of happy. Like you're going to be like, oh, that's cool. You know, that's really cool. As long as I don't lose my army right now, as long as I don't take a bad trade, I'm going to be completely fine. So Terran just continues expanding. Should probably add a barracks or so and get two to started rather than just plus two attack. And this fight is very weird by the prolos player. He's just going in with the zealots for now. Then the rest of the army will join, but Terran can start kind of to the left side. And this was a very costly. engagement here for the ProDos. Unless he managed to get all of these Metafax and the whole bio army. I think this actually was a really bad trade. Terran, even though he's floating 1400 minerals, is actually pulling pretty far ahead in the supply count as well right now. Combined that with a fourth base being done, Prodol's fourth base just starting. I'm starting to like the Terran's position more and more. The moment he macroses up a little bit, just really gets everything going. He should be completely fine in this game, honestly. here we finally have that the double robo switch but we can't really support it with the gas count that we're on right now like we want to be getting templar we want to be getting upgrades soon as well i mean we're currently still on 1-1 we want to definitely get plus 2 attack started but we only have 200 gas in the bank we're still on 5 gas we haven't taken this this gas yet we haven't taken any of these gases and work account of 68 isn't too bad usually you're on 4 bases you want to go up to 75 76 workers to comfortably mine from eight gases. Now, the one thing I got to complement our ProDos for is his map vision is absolutely fantastic. He has pylon spread all over the map. He has unit spread all over the map. I would love to see an observer here, or an observer here, and I would love to see this tower being taken, and just a zealot at this tower as well. You can kind of battle for vision of this tower, but in general, a Prodo should be able to get that kind of vision that you, you know, if you want it, just send a Zellet there. just send a zealot there. Celts are stronger than Marines at one-on-one, so it should be fine. Now Dark Shrine gets added on top of that. I'm really not a fan of this because once again his gas is so low already. He can't... What he's building adepts? Why is he building six adepts? What? It's not even glaze. That makes absolutely not. This is just bad, honestly. This makes no sense. Yeah, he just doesn't have the gas. So you see he builds one colossus at a time right now. He can't even afford. thermal lens yet. Probably will start a second Colossus before that. Extra gas is being added was going so slow. You really need to be going up to eight gas. 76 workers is good, but you need to use those workers appropriately and you definitely should be pushing some workers into those extra gases. You see the Coloss switch is just going to be so slow. Usually as a ProDos player, what you want to be one tech ahead. So in this case, our opponent only has Ghost as a special tag. and the ProDos only has Templar as a special tag, which means in this case, those will be good fights for the Terran most of the time. If the Terran gets goats and Viking, and Prodels has only Templar and Colossus, once again that should be good for the Terran. Only when Tos is a tag ahead, so imagine you get Disruptor Templar and Colossus or Mes immortal Templar Colossus, then you should be able to fight a ghost Viking army. Or maybe you can get Fort Tempest and Templar and Colossus, just always be one tag ahead of your opponent. So when your opponent has two, you get a third, when your opponent has three, you get a fourth. That's kind of how you want to be fighting, but you never want to be fighting on equal tag if you also have equal or worse upgrades. And in this case also, kind of just a worse army supply because 77 workers is very good for the ProDos, but the Terran workers supply just means that his army is going to be absolutely mess combine that with the fact that these upgrades actually look a little healthier and his army just looks way scarier than what the proto says so the proto's because of that complete lack of gas these two extra gases we see what two three colossus without thermal lens by the way three three finally starting dark shrine which will probably never be used so i guess maybe this run by but shouldn't really do anything um this army isn't scary to fight against right like where are the temper There's four Templar over here. I mean, four Templar in theories enough. Maybe you want to get a couple more, but you really want to be more comfortable with gas. This is a bad fight to just straight up walk into. Your Templars aren't with your army. Your colossal don't have range. Your upgrades are still being researched. There's three upgrades on the way. And he already just bled out two colossus basically. So once these Templars join the fight, maybe he can try to push this back, but you should never try to engage into this. terrible storms being thrown as well. First good EMP gets hit, but once again, like he's down in tech, he's down in army, and he's down in upgrades as well as the Terran has plus three. There's so many Vikings to deal with the Colossus and goes just EMP absolutely everything. I mean, there's no way in hell you're going to win a fight like this. Scan to basically show the DTs and Demidar is in such a good position right now. It becomes so difficult as a ProDos to deal with that. And it's really just because that complete lack of gas, The lack of upgrades he had here and honestly kind of the poor decision making to walking into a fight as you're still researching three different upgrades. Your Templar ending position. Oh, we actually get a G-wall plate. It's rare in the Iodis that we see a GG, but today we have one. So, yeah, the verdict. The early game wasn't too hot, too little probes, forges too late, too late fourth base, gases are too late. transition into Colossus was way too slow. The timing of going in with the prism was kind of bad. No rule run by it into the third base, which is the most vulnerable base. No prisms into the main. Do I need to continue? I think we all know the answer. You suck. It's the way the world, my friend. It's the way of the world. All right, boys. Thanks everyone for watching this. Is Limba or do I suck? If you enjoyed it, feel free to. comment or like with a thumbs up. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you see all my videos. I post about five, six videos per week. So if you really like StarCraft, you can be spending all week watching me. Love you all and see you boys next time. Bye bye.
Protoss A-move TOO STRONG?? | IODIS EP#10
In this episode of is it imba or do I suck we will be exploring whether an amoving protoss might be too strong. if you enjoy my StarCraft stuff feel free to subscribe and hit the like button. if you don't do that the song "Friday"by Rebecca Black will be stuck in your head till the end of time.
{ "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NWwVZd_mpuQ/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720 }
What's up boys? Welcome back to a new is it imba or do I suck today. We have the barcode tarrant taking up against Mr. Fair, the Prodos player, and we'll be looking at whether ProDos is imbalanced or if the barcode player sucks. Now, this is one of the more interesting emails I've received. Actually, let me read it out while I pass this real fast. Protoss lost their entire army because of excellent micro, then managed to remix of no basis and A move my army to death. I couldn't have done anything better, and the Prolis is beeping brain dead. You must watch this replay, Kevin. You must. Now, this was all fine, but this email came without a replay. Now, our superstar of the day sent me an email seven hours later. Oh, I forgot the replay. With the replay attached. So even before the game started, I feel like he's already shown his colors a little bit. I think he might be a bit of a moron. But let's hop straight into the game and figure it out ourselves. So, in the top left cornerspone against the Red Terran, it is our superstar of today. It is Mr. Barcode, who shall rename Nameless. And at bottom right, one against the Bluthels, it is Mitt Fair, who is not quite the hero, not the superstar of this replay, but he's the one whose race we shall be judging whether it's imbalanced, or if our barcode player just sucks. So you just have a standard Barracks first opener into what I can only assume to be a guess? No, all right. This is something that I've never seen before, not in a long time at least. This most likely will be a gasless expand, which isn't actually a build. So the reason why this isn't really a build is because it's really hard to scout any kind of tech. You basically need to build a blind bunker. It's difficult to see third timings if you don't have a Reaper. And if you're not putting on any kind of pressure with factory or star port units either, then it's just going to be hard to get any kind of information, stuff like DTs, Oracle, save-ups, rushing third bases. Basically anything is going to be hard to deal with because from a gases expand, Terran can't actually do that many different things. All they can really do is a two or a three racks, which doesn't really have dot match potential against people that play at a higher level. Because if you know it can only be a three racks, you can just go either straight into Colossus or you can attempt to DT drop into Colossus, DT's into fast three base. There's so many things you can do. The freedom you give the prolos is absolutely amazing. and I can tell you every prolus would love to play against the gasless command center expand. So let's move forward. We do see two more barracks on the way as that's no real surprise. Two extra refineries being added on top of this as well. Pick supply block for whatever reason by our superstar already. Got supply block at 23 which means he forgot his second depot for a little bit. Now his natural command center will finish up and go straight into an orbital. Now, our ProDos player actually knows what he's doing. He opens Robo. I like Robo against Gassus Expan once again, because you get the info with the observers. You can go into early Colossus, which is great. It's absolutely fantastic. And really, the Colossus are the backbone of your army against any kind of Tirex opener, which will mainly consist of Marines and Marauders. So with a couple of force fields, one, two Colossus, maybe even an immortal, if you're very afraid. you should be in a very good position as the ProDos player. I really like that he builds the Robo Bay this quick as well. Usually you'll see people go up to Threegate first, maybe even up to four gas. But once again, because he's not playing against any factory opener, that's completely unnecessary. So I'm a very big fan of this and the Observer being Coroner boosted. Not as big a fan of the Straight Immortal. I wouldn't have minded seeing at least one more observer, as well as because our ProDos player is a plighter, but so far our ProDos players looking a lot better than our Terra. When it comes to build order choices, this term seems a little bit clueless. We have an eBay on the way as well, a fast third gas. I'm, I have to admit, I'm not extremely familiar with how you're supposed to play it out. If you play triple wrecks, like what your gas timings are, this gas feels very fast, though, for a three-recks opener. I'll admit to that. The bunker is a safety play. a safety play, a couple of marauders. Most of the time as a Terran, you will be looking to hit a Stim Combat Shield timing with this kind of build order. So his plus one is a bit ill-timed, I believe. As you see, Stim and Combat is going to finish way before plus one will finish. Usually you want all your important upgrades to finish at the same time because right now he's investing a lot in this plus one upgrade, which probably won't matter in the fight unless he decides to wait for it but then why were you rushing the stim and combat shield? Probably better to get a faster eBay in that case. Imagine if a fight would happen now with this. I'm not saying that our Terran player has a big chance but he has a better chance right now than in 10 seconds because then the Colossus will be out. In general I'm not a massive fan of these weird mass barracks plays especially from Gasless. Yeah our Proz player moves into position big Stim forward and our Terran player kills exactly. Zero units and loses 625 resources. So far there's only one person losing their army in a brain that way and that's the Terran Get a second bunker as some kind of safety measure which makes sense. But once again It's just in a really bad spot and in my mind If the Prolos player just builds the second Colossi gets a prison, he can just kind of kill these bunkers from a distance with thermal lands and from that point on I don't really see a way for the Terran to come back but maybe the Prolos will make some mistakes maybe the terrible makes a magnificent place as he is getting an an e-blade e-bay block onto this third base denying the prolos from expanding here we see the pros moving forward with that big immortal power we'll be able to target down that bunker extremely quickly good force field coming out of him as well managed to get one or two marauders and it feels very tempting to move on here move in here and go for this bunker just right click it but there's no reinforcements there's a bunch of marauders here, how many is there exactly? There's eight and if you only have a single colossus, not a lot of zealots, it can't feel kind of scary. So you always got to be careful here as the Protost player. As a Terran, you're just praying that you are allowed to survive another day after your awful start. We do see finally at the 650 mark, we see some medevacs starting, which is extremely late, usually medevacs, even from a starport opener, or a one-one opener, a barracks factory starboard opener. We do see those meta-fax usually starting at what, maybe 5.30, 545 delay. So almost a full-minute delay onto those meta-fax for a push that did absolutely nothing early on. So not sure if this is the wisest play for our Terran player. Does have a third command center on the way as well, but there's also a third nexus already for a proxos. So in the base count they're relatively even. I don't favor anyone particularly in the base count. I do like the army of the Prodos a lot more right now. We'll be going up to three Colossus I believe, yes, there's the third one moving about. Usually after three Colossus is the time you start switching out of Colossus into a more Templar, Immortal-focused play. So with these three Colosses, what you want to do is you want to force out a lot of Vikings from the Terran and then go into Templar, into Immortals, which Vikings don't shoot very well on the ground. They're kind of bad on the ground, honestly, kind of slow, can't kite with them. So that's usually the play you want to go forever. We see more Colossus. So a more Colossus focus style. Now, what are we seeing from the Terran? Usually when you're behind as a Terran player, you want to do one of two things. Either you want to go for some kind of SCV ball in, or you want to actually either get very stable. So with tanks, that kind of stuff, and start making walls and bunkers and that kind of composition. Or you just want to start making plays. Now, our friend over here is doing nothing. He has nothing really to keep him extremely safe. It's getting a lot of Vikings. I guess it helps against Colossus, but there's no extra bunkers, no extra thanks. And with just two metaphics, it's very difficult to make place. Added to that is that this observer is seeing absolutely everything. As you can see, this Terran is capable of seeing it. You can always see the shimmering over here. But he's not noticing it. It would be great to scan that away, just to make the Prolis a little bit more scared. because in theory the product has complete map vision, complete map control. Now, as long as he sees your army, he knows where you are. He can move wherever he wants. He can set up run bys. He can patrol two zealots in rather random locations. He really can do what he want. I mean, there's no issue there. Now, we continue our Viking production as the Terran, which I like. 2-2 is also a good move. So, so far, if we don't take the early game into account, our Tarran hasn't been playing too poor. He hasn't really been doing anything. Can't really make mistakes if you don't do anything whatsoever. A little marine spotting that fort base knows it's time for his own fort now. And it would love to see a Ghost Academy go down relatively soon. And as I say it, he just on the Ghost Academy. So this Terran definitely does know how to play. He's no stranger to the game of StarCraft too. Let's just put it like that. This guy seems pretty all right. Prodos player is trying to shark around a little bit here. I wouldn't be surprised if he will be going in for a fourth base deny or something like that. Usually if you have a big supply lead, you have your Templar, you have a good Colossus count, you have your charge, get your upgrades going, it's good to make that kind of play, especially if you see that there's no ghost on the field and that you're completely free to move out wherever you want. Now this Viking count is rather healthy, right? 10 Vikings for four Colossus. Usually what I say is you want about two and a half to three Vikings for every Colossus there is. Maybe three and a half. and a half even. So for about four Colossus, about 10 to 15 Vikings, anywhere in between there depending on what the rest of your army looks like should be okayish, majority of the time. So we see a Liberator switch, once again, a good move by the Terran here realizes he doesn't need more Vikings than he has right now. It's like, you know what? I want units that do more for me that, you know, can really control an area. Liberators definitely are a very good choice there. Now, some of the things I would love to see from this Terran, um, a Marine over here for vision, marine over here for vision, marine over here for vision, perhaps a turret in this area, and I wouldn't mind the sensor tower over here, the sensor tower over here, to just get this vision of where the Prolos army is moving, especially if you're going into Liberators, it's very difficult to pre-seach your army in the correct locations if you don't know where the army is. And you can't just go around scanning all the time because you want to be using Mew. So this is why these sensor towers are so extremely, extremely cost-effective, even though it feels like a big investment. But if a little bit of a fight going on, a big scan on top of the army, and honestly, this fight, well, the planetary went down very quickly and some zoning storms from the pros, but I honestly think this army might be capable of taking on this army. Now, as this is going on, there is a run-by into the natural of the Terran. The Terran responds with a single liberator around his command center. So a lot of workers did get lost there, about 20-ish or so. A couple more got lost in this area. We were at 71, now we're at 49. So that was a bit of a bad move by the Terran, who now very desperately needs a good fight, right? He has a very big army, sure, his army supply is bigger. There's a couple of issues I have though. There's no 2-2 on the way yet, or no 3-3 on the way yet. and he doesn't have a fort base, and he doesn't even know where the Prolos army is. So the Proloss gives him the surprise of a lifetime. Even though I'm not sure if this is a good surprise for the Proloses, he doesn't really need the fight right now. This is an okay position, some decent storms coming out, but these EMPs are hitting absolutely everything. And once the Templars disappear, and your colossus start falling against the Vikings, I mean, Marine Marauder and equal upgrades against pure stalkers, just going to destroy a stalker, immortal army. This is why most people prefer lower stalker counts, bigger charge slot counts and just kind of keeping your Templar split because the moment this happens the game just kind of ends as we can see right now 121 army supply against 50 army supply and the Terran is definitely in the advantage there now if you're a Terran and you're wondering what to do is just go for the throat you can go for the throat while sending small groups of arrests to other bases perhaps so you can send like you go over here with your main army send eight marines to the third so you still kill that that that that eco over there. Instead, our Terran opts to go for the fourth base first, zones out his opponent with a couple of Liberators. Still has a bunch of ghosts as well. Still no 3-3 on the way. And he has a couple more command centers. This looks really, really good for the Tarran, right? I mean, he kills his base for free. He scans this army. He's like, all right, there's absolutely no way that I can lose this. As long as I keep Macrawing, that's what he keeps doing. Everything is producing. We're getting more liberators sent to our main army, but still no 3-3, which is bothering me a bit. There's another thing that I'm worried about for the Terran is I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of extra ghosts being at it, maybe going up to six, seven ghosts at this point, just in case you miss any kind of big EMPs. I also feel like he's a little bit too, too passive. Like he should be way more keen to fight. Like this big Arconcount against your ghost, if you just hit your EMPs, this army disappears just like this. There we go. Moving forward is the Terran right now. And now this actually looks a little bit of scary honestly this is starting to feel like a bigger army we get big warpin after big warp and as the pros was floating a lot of money but once again darren succeeds in this goal and we'll be able to basically just take out this third base for free now once again i feel like just moving on top of this army that you just damage so much probably would be better why would you give your opponent the time to remix or to get a lot more units especially because at this point you actually are running low on ghost energy there's maybe one two emps left in this army, dealing with Arcon is going to be extremely difficult. So after you kill the third base, I'd actually kind of advise going back home now as your army is looking very, very weak here, Mr. Terran. And let's have a look at how the EMPs land. Well, the EMPs don't land because there's no EMPs anymore. So right now the the Tarrin actually is being chased back home. He still has bigger army supply. The problem is his army supply doesn't have enough ghosts that can EMP. It's just really important that he hits his EMP. Meanwhile, the ProDos player, who had a bank of about 6K once he lost the third and the fourth, he actually didn't lose that many probes. He's equal worker count. He just built two more bases. If he starts reproducing workers right now, it's actually going to be in a pretty okayish spot. Now, Mr. Terran, who hasn't been playing too poor, I have to admit, he's been doing an okay job except for the early game. We need to take a good fight right now. We need to take a good fight. We're still up in Army Supply. We have five bases up, two planetaries, I mean these are these guys are hard to kill and this army is extremely poor against EMP All you need to do is hit the EMP and the EMP is a radius of about 500 meters at this point So let's see where the EMPs will be hitting first two EMPs completely managed to miss everything Third EMPs also just If there was a maybe a saw a bug over here or something but he surely managed to get that bug in that case and now once again there's no EMPs remaining against an army that I mean this army is completely shield and energy based if you just hit half an EMP on this army it's going to be impossible for the ProDos to win already a couple more ghosts are joining the fray right now and the pro is actually doing a rather good job microring this out some good army movement as well and here is once again why the sensor tower would be so extremely useful because our Taron is completely blind he has no knowledge of anything he's just prepared for an attack at this area and it's like, oh wait a second, you walk to my planetary on the 4th. And this is why I get the censor tower. I mean, you can always try to repair, but once there's a couple of immortals, a bunch of ark and some storms. Oh, first with EMP being hit, but another good storm hitting as well. So don't forget that at EMP with the enhanced shock wave is so easy to hit and also outranges anything the Templar can do. So as long as you have vision of the army, honestly, you should never really get stormed. And you should be able to hit some some goody and pieces, you know. Arterran has a very, very weak army. We also don't have a lot of harass going on. I mean, this base has been practically empty without anything. Like one liberator there would have been able to put in some work. Same over here. No cannons, no pilots. Wouldn't even be able to warp in any stalkers. These are just things where in a scrappy game like this, it's nice to send out a lip or something. Four lips at home were nice, but one lip on the other side of the map is probably a lot nicer. These are some goodie in peace from our Terran, who also is completely unaware of any kind of run-by happening. Like I said, no real vision anywhere on the map. I mean, this whole middle area is basically blind. This area is blind. And here come a couple of zealads, which will be going real hard on these two SUVs. Does the Depot lift at time? No, Depot does not lift in time. So these three zealots will be going Ham on to those six SUVs that are just idling. But this was a big distraction. Look at that. A complete F2 from our Terran to deal with six. sellets and here's the main army of the Prodos moving forward, snaking forward, absolutely going hard, very quick movement by this Proos player and even though it's in the censor tower he still managed to actually check if there was a fort in there would have been a fourth he definitely would have been able to have it and at this point as a Prodos player you're pretty happy your upper base your army is big but still very vulnerable to EMPs and here we go to EMPs and here we go to EMPs EMPs hitting absolutely nothing. One EMP hitting all the Templar, but half of the army is still not really being hit. Ah, this feels very good for the Terran. Very nice fight. If he just one or two more EMPs on top of this army and he should absolutely be able to win this. Yeah, there we go. Manish to just completely chase it back. At the same time though, a little bit of a zealot run-by here will be going hard on those turrets and the refineries. These kind of run-bys never do too much anymore. Once this base is mined out, you're going to get 3-4 S. but sending in 10 zealous for 3 SEVs really isn't the way. It also of course distracts the Terran, so that is nice and all. And some late EMPs coming in, but this army is so extremely weak. Good micro once again out of the Terrans, some nice splits. If you need more Metavax at this point. But I actually kind of start to dig the position of the Terran once again. If only he would be able to do something about these bases with either a Liberator, this one for example or a little bit of a drop just any kind of a rest to to pull his opponent apart because sure he's defending very well he's taking he's taking good fights even though 60 70% of the EMPs are being missed I still feel like it could be way way better for him if he just managed to to finally get some momentum on his side and fights where he wants to fight rather than wherever the Toss wants to fight so once again our Terran getting pulled kind of caught out of position this base will not fall I believe good EMPs but these storms will absolutely end the game I believe I mean there's not enough meta-vex to heal everything here all of these Templar are clumped so there's no real excuse if you have vision of the army to get completely stormed you can just put one EMP on I mean at this point at this point we there's no go so it becomes very difficult but I'm afraid I need to turn on my, what you call it? The swear words. I don't want to see the swear words here, but this is the children-friendly channel. Oh no. I mean these storms are just absolutely destructive. Yeah, I just... Ah, our turnerone is actually serious. Oh no. A couple war are templar falling now. And our Terran seems to have taken this game rather serious after dancing in the storms for a couple of minutes, dancing in the rain, sitting in the storm. The worst opener I've seen in my life. He did have a lot of nice moves, you know, some of the micro was nice, the unit compositions were good. And he did actually play well. He did play well, but so did the Prodos. The Produs did play well. And if the Terran was just a little less passive, really went for the throat when he was up, 80, 90 army supplies. There might have been some slight errors there, but it's actually it was kind of a high level game, which I enjoyed to watch. Prolus was good, Terran was good. However, if we just have a quick summary of the game. First of all, opener of the Terran complete garbage, put him really far behind. Second of all, there was no real way that he tried to come back, except just just, being kind of passive with Vikings. Three, his map vision was kind of poor. They have some good fights in the midgame. He had a very good fight in the mid game, but then he decided to not finish the game. Instead, just going for the outside basis, very slow movement with the army rather than pushing on top of the ProDos player, really pushing the advantage. And then finally just missing almost all of your EMPs. And that's not easy to hit your EMPs, but it actually is. with the enhanced shockwave. Like the radius is so big. You can click anywhere on the screen and it's probably harder to miss something than to hit something. So yeah, I'm sorry, Mr. Barcote. I know he won't like it. As you, I'm sure you truly believe that you played better and pros are very in balance with. You suck. You really just suck. Sorry, man. I don't like this either. All right, boys. That's going to be it for me today. If you enjoyed it, please click one of these buttons or one upstairs, wherever they will be. To subscribe, it helps me a lot. Also, leave a comment down below. Tell me what you thought about this Terran player. Tell me what you thought about the ProDos player. And of course, hit that like button as that feeds the YouTube algorithm into liking me. Which is very nice for me. And more people will enjoy my videos and I get more money. All right. Love everyone. See you all next time for a new. Is it imba or do I suck? Bye bye.
StarCraft 2: Are Hydras completely overpowered? | IODIS|
Honestly just watch the video. This guy takes the cake. Dont forget to subscribe or ill scream inyour ear next time I see you.
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What's up boys? Welcome back to another. Is it Inba or do I suck? Today we have a good friend of mine called Rep This who sent me an email, Hello, Kev. I am a 4.5K MMR Prolost struggling versus MASS early Hydras. I do not know what to do. Perhaps I am too slow on my response. But I think that this Zerg build is just too powerful and Proloss will get crushed no matter what they do. In this particular replay, I forgot to start my Zellet versus a link rush, but I didn't lose too many probes. And I think I could still be in a winnable position. But alas, I got Hydra. Thank you for reading this. Yours truly, Reptis. All right, Rep, this. Let's have a look at your replay. This sounds very interesting as you got Ling rushed. Now, in the top left, we have our boy Reptish, who is the star of this video. We'll be seeing whether he's right. Is Mas Hydra too imbalanced? That's the real question here, of course. We have our boy, JD, man, who's starting with a 12-pull, which is the fastest zergling Rush anyone can do. It is without speed. I have a beautiful guide on how to respond to this. Let's see how well Raptis does against 12 pool. It gets a pilot scout, so you should be able to notice rather quickly what will be going on. Now, the way you want to deal with a 12 pool, most of the time is you just get a gateway, you get a cybercore, you get a second gateway, and then you get a pylon, and then you're going to be completely fine. There's absolutely nothing that your opponent will be able to do. you're gonna bust out one or two zealads depending on how brave you're feeling and then you shouldn't lose any probes hell the zergling shouldn't even get past your wall if you truly need to you can always block with a pylon let's see how our boy raptish does so to start off with he almost loses his probe barely doesn't while trying to block the hatchery that is going to go down at around 117 usually from a pool uh 12 pool now at this point reptis figures it out. Let's see what his response is. One, two, puts a guy in gas, sends another probe down, I guess. Now, the way you want to build your second gateway is you want to build it either one forward on one over here, so that you can wall with a pylon easily over here or over here, however you want to build your wall. You don't want to build all your buildings in one line, because then in this case, you will never be able to wall up this little area, area just because if you build a pylon here, there's still a spot here for the Zerklings to go through. Now on top of that, as he mentioned in the email, he forgot to start a Zellet, which is extremely stupid, that's truly the only thing you need to be thinking about at this point. Lose the probe for free. Right now he realized, oh dang it, I need a Zillet. He won't be able to wall off properly because, like I said, he will need a pylon here and a pylon here. He doesn't have the money for that. Instead, he holds positions his probe, tries a wall, like 10th, that's not a cool wall, that's the lings in. The Zerg starts attacking the pylon. This is already a very difficult situation. If I was wrapped this now, I would start and adapt as soon as possible. Chrono boost that and I send my zealot into the main base while continuing probe production to try and deal with this. The moment you lose more than two probes, I think this game is pretty much over most of the time at the highest level. So far we've seen five workers gone down. Maybe one more will go down. I'm not sure what he's doing, I just leaves the adepts over here. It's a weird play. Okay, yeah, one more, two more workers go down. So seven workers die against... He killed six lings and seven workers die. That's an extremely bad trait. His opponent already has a hatchery. But perhaps it's still possible. I mean, this is about 4.4K MMR. Both players are Master 3, I believe. Let's see how they... they go into a longer game most of the time if you're not playing at the highest level you can always come back if you play a lot better than your opponent i'd be confident that i'd be able to make this game work so so far we've really only seen mistakes from raptist but i'm i'm sure we're going to see something really broken from the Zerg relatively soon who is uh adding some queens starting to spread some creep here comes the first adapt white clicks this chuma will be able to get it nowadays of course you can't cancel those tumum anymore since the latest patch. That's nice. I mean a free tumor is a free tumor. I would not let the shade finish. There we go. Good job. No third base. So good scout coming out of Raptis here. I wouldn't mind seeing a robo go down. Probably going into a DT drop, which actually is a pretty bad call. Usually if your Nexus gets delayed and you have very little money, DT drop is kind of difficult to pull off. You don't have enough gas, you don't have enough money. Stargate usually is a lot better. You get earlier damage out on the map and you can really still focus on corona boosting probes out so it's what I would recommend after a 12 course to build a Stargate but you know who might rank 6 GM that's who I am just making sure you guys know it's not a brag it's just the truth adept dies does scout that there's a drone at the third base which is annoying probably a third, but that's not good. You don't want to sacrifice and adapt for that, especially against slow lings. You have to be extremely slow in order to lose your depth against, what, 10 slow lings. Truly the reaction speed of a raccoon that had a few too many drinks. Don't we know them all? So we see a prism. Now, another mistake that our friend Reptis makes is that he builds the prism before the gates. You're supposed to build gateway, gateway, then prism, then take your gases. His probe count is also too low though, so this shouldn't even really be possible. He will continue worker production, I guess, relatively soon and then take two gases, but this seems like we're world's worst DT drop in the world. And this is another reason why you shouldn't be getting DT drop. Meanwhile, our Zerg player, nicely droning up, going up to 45, once these five drums finish, we'll be getting a layer and probably heading into high drought then, which is what Reptis was struck. struggling against. Now is he a stalker? Might be able to chase away his overlord. Don't think he should be able to get this. There's no speed yet on the map. And this prison might be able to do a little bit of damage with these DTs. There's no detection. There is a layer so he can start an overseer. Here we go. It's on the wrong side of the map though, my friend. You're going to need an overseer at home. HydraLisk 10 goes down as well as well as 10 more lings. A little bit of indecision where exactly to warp in. JD Man, our friendly neighborhood Zerg, is floating 1,200. minerals as well right now so it's definitely saving for the Brutlord switch 40Ts do get warped in and this should actually be a kill there is an oversher being built right now but i mean 40t is right clicking a base this should be completely fine right i kind of believe this should be going down this also will never be fine still up yeah and there goes a third base besides to not pick up does pick up and it looks very good actually well doesn't look very good but supply is pretty close, worker count is even, and there's no third base for the Zerg. I mean, this is pretty much the dream scenario after his awful start. So at this point on, what you wanna be getting is you wanna get charged, you don't wanna get a double forge. Double forge is always terrible, but especially if you're behind. Just play single forge and just get attack upgrades again, Zerg. You don't really need armor upgrades. Bainlings will kill you no matter how many armor upgrades you have. Bainlings don't care about armor. Well, they do, but they actually don't. Like, they do so much damage that, armor never really makes a difference. So we see some interesting arcand drop here not really getting anything done almost loses the prison. How much has he killed so far? Well hasn't killed a single worker killed a couple of extra units but I mean his army just looks so extremely small. He only has four gates his charge is very late. Does he not realize that he needs to build defenses rather than macro up like he just killed the third base but he should be doing at this point is just getting more and more units making sure you can't die now we see the zirg is he actually going to attack I'm not quite sure yeah I guess so he's going to attack with 44 workers this is a complete all-in he is rebuilding the layer in case he loses his overseer plural as there's two overseers um doesn't want to die to the t there's no charge there's no any no upgrades are done I mean what units Just wrapped this actually half. He has five salads without charge. There's a prism with two ARFonts flying around. But it's, oh my god, drops on top of the hydras and this should never work. Oye, yoy, yu, wrap this, wrap this, this. This has to be the saddest game I've watched in my life. You absolutely made zero correct cause. GG gets called and wrap this loses the game. Well, wrap this. how to tell you, but first of all, you completely respond incorrectly to 12 pool, do seven workers. Then instead of getting Stargate, you get DT drop. You kill the third, which is nice. Then you play double forge. You don't start charged until like a minute later. And you just keep producing workers, even though you know that the other guy is probably on 44 workers, because you just kill this third. I mean, hydras are good, but you know what? I'm not gonna be the one telling you hit it boys Hey bro you suck You suck You suck You suck bro All right boys that will be it for today I know this was a short episode but happens to do the best If you do want your replay featured in is it inba or do I suck. Feel free to send it to me. I will have my email down below. If you like this video and if you like my other content, feel free to subscribe on my YouTube and like and comment below, whatever you want. All right boys. See boys next time. Bye bye.