Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2021 ASTATISTICAL THEORY OF COLD POSTERIORS IN DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS Laurence Aitchison Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, F94W 9Q ABSTRACT To get Bayesian neural networks to perform comparably to standard neural net- works it is usually necessary to artificially reduce uncertainty using a “tempered” or “cold” posterior. This is extremely concerning: if the generative model is accurate, Bayesian inference/decision theory is optimal, and any artificial changes to the posterior should harm performance. While this suggests that the prior may be at fault, here we argue that in fact, BNNs for image classification use the wrong likelihood. In particular, standard image benchmark datasets such as CIFAR-10 are carefully curated. We develop a generative model describing curation which gives a principled Bayesian account of cold posteriors, because the likelihood under this new generative model closely matches the tempered likelihoods used in past work. 1 I NTRODUCTION Recent work has highlighted that Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) typically have better predictive performance when we “sharpen” the posterior (Wenzel et al., 2020). In stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) (Welling & Teh, 2011), this can be achieved by multiplying the log-posterior by 1/T, where the “temperature”, Tis smaller than 1(Wenzel et al., 2020). Broadly the same effect can be achieved in variational inference by “tempering”, i.e. downweighting the KL term. As noted in Wenzel et al. (2020), this approach has been used in many recent papers to obtain good performance, albeit without always emphasising the importance of this factor (Zhang et al., 2017; Bae et al., 2018; Osawa et al., 2019; Ashukha et al., 2020). These results are puzzling if we take the usual Bayesian viewpoint, which says that the Bayesian posterior, used with the right prior, and in combination with Bayes decision theory should give optimal performance (Jaynes, 2003). Thus, these results may suggest we are using the wrong prior. While new priors have been suggested (e.g. Ober & Aitchison, 2020), they give only minor improvements in performance — certainly nothing like enough to close the gap to carefully trained non-Bayesian networks. In contrast, tempered posteriors directly give performance comparable to a carefully trained finite network. The failure to develop an effective prior suggests that we should consider alternative explanations for the effectiveness of tempering. Here, we consider the possibility that it is predominantly (but not entirely) the likelihood , and not the prior that is at fault. In particular, we note that standard image benchmark datasets such as ImageNet and CIFAR-10 are carefully curated, and that it is important to consider this curation as part of our generative model. We develop a simplified generative model describing dataset curation which assumes that a datapoint is included in the dataset only if there is unanimous agreement on the class amongst multiple labellers. This model naturally multiplies the effect of each datapoint, and hence gives posteriors that closely match tempered or cold posteriors. We show that toy data drawn from our generative model of curation can give rise to optimal temperatures being smaller than 1. Our model predicts that cold posteriors will not be helpful when the original underlying labels from all labellers are available. While these are not available for standard datasets such as CIFAR-10, we found a good proxy: the CIFAR-10H dataset (Peterson et al., 2019), in which ∼50humans annotators labelled the CIFAR-10 test-set (we use these as our training set, and use the standard CIFAR-10 training set for test-data). As expected, we find strong cold-posterior effects 1arXiv:2008.05912v2 [stat.ML] 27 Apr 2021
FI R EAC T: TOWARD LANGUAGE AGENT FINE-TUNING Baian Chen∗ System2 ResearchChang Shu∗ University of CambridgeEhsan Shareghi Monash University Nigel Collier University of CambridgeKarthik Narasimhan PLI, Princeton UniversityShunyu Yao PLI, Princeton University ABSTRACT Recent efforts have augmented language models (LMs) with external tools or en- vironments, leading to the development of language agents that can reason and act. However, most of these agents rely on few-shot prompting techniques with off-the-shelf LMs. In this paper, we investigate and argue for the overlooked di- rection of fine-tuning LMs to obtain language agents. Using a setup of question answering (QA) with a Google search API, we explore a variety of base LMs, prompting methods, fine-tuning data, and QA tasks, and find language agents are consistently improved after fine-tuning their backbone LMs. For example, fine-tuning Llama2-7B with 500 agent trajectories generated by GPT-4 leads to a 77% HotpotQA performance increase. Furthermore, we propose FireAct , a novel approach to fine-tuning LMs with trajectories from multiple tasks and prompting methods, and show having more diverse fine-tuning data can further improve agents. Along with other findings regarding scaling effects, robustness, generalization, efficiency and cost, our work establishes comprehensive benefits of fine-tuning LMs for agents, and provides an initial set of experimental designs, insights, as well as open questions toward language agent fine-tuning. 1 I NTRODUCTION Recent work has explored grounding language models (LMs; Brown et al., 2020; Chowdhery et al., 2022; Touvron et al., 2023a) to interact with external tools or environments, leading to a new class oflanguage agents (Nakano et al., 2021; Yao et al., 2022b; Park et al., 2023) that could obtain new knowledge from environmental feedback, make sequential decisions via language reasoning, and improve task solving using self-reflection (Shinn et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023a). Beyond research, industrial developments such as ChatGPT Plugins (OpenAI, 2023c) have indicated the great potential of language agents for real-world applications. So far, most language agents prompt off-the-shelf LMs for convenience and flexibility. However, existing LMs were not developed for agentic usecases (e.g., generating actions or self-evaluations), for which few-shot prompting only offers limited learning support. As a result, most LMs have poor performance and robustness when used for agents, and some advanced agents (Yao et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023a) can only be supported by GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023b), resulting in high costs and latencies, along with issues like controllability and reproducibility. Fine-tuning is an appropriate solution for these issues: it has been shown that fine-tuned smaller LMs could outperform prompted larger LMs for specific reasoning (Zelikman et al., 2022; Huang et al., 2022a) and acting (Yao et al., 2022b) needs, while enjoying reduced inference time and expense. But the study of LM fine-tuning for agents has been very limited, despite the large amount of studies around language agents and LM fine-tuning respectively (Figure 1). Only a few prior works have fine-tuned LMs for web navigation (Nakano et al., 2021; Yao et al., 2022a) or API tool use (Schick et al., 2023; Patil et al., 2023; Qin et al., 2023), with preliminary scaling analysis specific to a type of models (Yao et al., 2022b; Schick et al., 2023; Nakano et al., 2021). ∗Equal contribution. Code, data, and models are available at . 1arXiv:2310.05915v1 [cs.CL] 9 Oct 2023
Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (09/2022) Representation Alignment in Neural Networks Ehsan Imani University of Alberta Wei Hu University of Michigan Martha White University of Alberta CIFAR AI Chair Reviewed on OpenReview: https: // openreview. net/ forum? id= fLIWMnZ9ij Abstract It is now a standard for neural network representations to be trained on large, publicly available datasets, and used for new problems. The reasons for why neural network represen- tations have been so successful for transfer, however, are still not fully understood. In this paper we show that, after training, neural network representations align their top singular vectors to the targets. We investigate this representation alignment phenomenon in a variety of neural network architectures and find that (a) alignment emerges across a variety of different architectures and optimizers, with more alignment arising from depth (b) alignment increases for layers closer to the output and (c) existing high-performance deep CNNs exhibit high levels of alignment. We then highlight why alignment between the top singular vectors and the targets can speed up learning and show in a classic synthetic transfer problem that representation alignment correlates with positive and negative transfer to similar and dissimilar tasks. A demo is available at . 1 Introduction A common strategy for transfer learning is to first learn a neural network on a source (upstream) task with a large amount of data, then extract features from an intermediate layer of that network and finally train a subsequent model on a related target (downstream) task using those extracted features. The premise is that neural networks adapt their intermediate representations—hidden representations—to the source task and, due to the commonalities between the two tasks, these learned representations help training on the target task (Bengio et al., 2013). Availability of large datasets like ImageNet (Russakovsky et al., 2015) and the News Dataset for Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) provides suitable source tasks that facilitate using neural networks for feature construction for Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks (Kornblith et al., 2019; Oquab et al., 2014; Devlin et al., 2018; Pennington et al., 2014). There is as yet much more to understand about when and why transfer is successful. Understanding the properties of the learned hidden representations and their benefits for training on similar tasks has remained a longstanding challenge (Touretzky & Pomerleau, 1989; Zhou et al., 2015; Marcus, 2018). One strategy has been to define properties of a good representation, and try to either measure or enforce those properties. Disentanglement and invariance are two such properties (Bengio et al., 2013), where the idea is that disentangling the factors that explain the data and are invariant to most local changes of the input results in representations that generalize and transfer well. Though encoding properties for transfer is beneficial, it remains an important question exactly how to evaluate the representations that do emerge. 1arXiv:2112.07806v2 [cs.LG] 17 Sep 2022
Hungry Hungry Hippos: Towards Language Modeling with State Space Models Daniel Y. Fu∗†, Tri Dao∗†, Khaled K. Saab‡, Armin W. Thomas††, Atri Rudra‡‡, and Christopher R´ e† †Department of Computer Science, Stanford University ‡Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University ††Department of Psychology, Stanford University ‡‡Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo, SUNY {danfu,tridao} ,{ksaab,athms} , , December 28, 2022 Abstract State space models (SSMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art sequence modeling performance in some modalities, but underperform attention in language modeling. Moreover, despite scaling nearly linearly in sequence length instead of quadratically, SSMs are still slower than Transformers due to poor hardware utilization. In this paper, we make progress on understanding the expressivity gap between SSMs and attention in language modeling, and on reducing the hardware barrier between SSMs and attention. First, we use synthetic language modeling tasks to understand the gap between SSMs and attention. We find that existing SSMs struggle with two capabilities: recalling earlier tokens in the sequence and comparing tokens across the sequence. To understand the impact on language modeling, we propose a new SSM layer, H3, that is explicitly designed for these abilities. H3matches attention on the synthetic languages and comes within 0.4 PPL of Transformers on OpenWebText. Furthermore, a hybrid 125M-parameter H3-attention model that retains two attention layers surprisingly outperforms Transformers on OpenWebText by 1.0 PPL. Next, to improve the efficiency of training SSMs on modern hardware, we propose FlashConv .FlashConv uses a fused block FFT algorithm to improve efficiency on sequences up to 8K, and introduces a novel state passing algorithm that exploits the recurrent properties of SSMs to scale to longer sequences. FlashConv yields 2×speedup on the long-range arena benchmark and allows hybrid language models to generate text 2.4 ×faster than Transformers. Using FlashConv , we scale hybrid H3-attention language models up to 2.7B parameters on the Pile and find promising initial results, achieving lower perplexity than Transformers and outperforming Transformers in zero- and few-shot learning on a majority of tasks in the SuperGLUE benchmark. 1 Introduction State space models (SSMs) have achieved state-of-the-art sequence modeling performance in domains ranging from time series analysis [ 25] to audio generation [ 22]. However, they have yet to match the performance of Transformers on language modeling, often underperforming Transformers by multiple points in perplexity [ 25]. An natural question is whether this gap in performance is due to inherent inductive biases and capabilities in attention [ 17,49], or whether it is a function of the significant organizational resources that have been spent training and tuning large attention-based language models [ 10,32,66], as well as specialized hardware support for attention, ranging from tensor cores [45] to transformer chips [34, 48]. We take first steps towards answering these questions in this paper. First, we use synthetic language modeling tasks to show that there is an expressivity gap between SSMs and attention. Using our insights, ∗Equal Contribution. Order determined by coin flip. 1arXiv:2212.14052v3 [cs.LG] 29 Apr 2023
Safe Reinforcement Learning by Imagining the Near Future Garrett Thomas Stanford University gwthomas@stanford.eduYuping Luo Princeton University yupingl@cs.princeton.eduTengyu Ma Stanford University Abstract Safe reinforcement learning is a promising path toward applying reinforcement learning algorithms to real-world problems, where suboptimal behaviors may lead to actual negative consequences. In this work, we focus on the setting where unsafe states can be avoided by planning ahead a short time into the future. In this setting, a model-based agent with a sufficiently accurate model can avoid unsafe states. We devise a model-based algorithm that heavily penalizes unsafe trajectories, and derive guarantees that our algorithm can avoid unsafe states under certain assumptions. Experiments demonstrate that our algorithm can achieve competitive rewards with fewer safety violations in several continuous control tasks. 1 Introduction Reinforcement learning (RL) enables the discovery of effective policies for sequential decision- making tasks via trial and error [Mnih et al., 2015, Gu et al., 2016, Bellemare et al., 2020]. However, in domains such as robotics, healthcare, and autonomous driving, certain kinds of mistakes pose danger to people and/or objects in the environment. Hence there is an emphasis on the safety of the policy, both at execution time and while interacting with the environment during learning. This issue, referred to as safe exploration , is considered an important problem in AI safety [Amodei et al., 2016]. In this work, we advocate a model-based approach to safety, meaning that we estimate the dynamics of the system to be controlled and use the model for planning (or more accurately, policy improvement). The primary motivation for this is that a model-based method has the potential to anticipate safety violations before they occur . Often in real-world applications, the engineer has an idea of what states should be considered violations of safety: for example, a robot colliding rapidly with itself or surrounding objects, a car driving on the wrong side of the road, or a patient’s blood glucose levels spiking.Yet model-free algorithms typically lack the ability to incorporate such prior knowledge and must encounter some safety violations before learning to avoid them. We begin with the premise that in practice, forward prediction for relatively few timesteps is sufficient to avoid safety violations. Consider the illustrative example in Figure 1, in which an agent controls the acceleration (and thereby, speed) of a car by pressing the gas or brake (or nothing). Note that there is an upper bound on how far into the future the agent would have to plan to foresee and (if possible) avoid any collision, namely, the amount of time it takes to bring the car to a complete stop. Assuming that the horizon required for detecting unsafe situations is not too large, we show how to construct a reward function with the property that an optimal policy will never incur a safety violation. A short prediction horizon is also beneficial for model-based RL, as the well-known issue ofcompounding error plagues long-horizon prediction [Asadi et al., 2019]: imperfect predictions are fed back into the model as inputs (possibly outside the distribution of inputs in the training data), leading to progressively worse accuracy as the prediction horizon increases. 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).arXiv:2202.07789v1 [cs.LG] 15 Feb 2022
arXiv:2002.08909v1 [cs.CL] 10 Feb 2020REALM: Retrieval-Augmented Language Model Pre-Training Kelvin Guu* 1Kenton Lee* 1Zora Tung1Panupong Pasupat1Ming-Wei Chang1 Abstract Language model pre-training has been shown to capture a surprising amount of world knowledge, crucial for NLP tasks such as question answer- ing. However, this knowledge is stored implic- itly in the parameters of a neural network, requir- ing ever-larger networks to cover more facts. To capture knowledge in a more modular and inter- pretable way, we augment language model pre- training with a latent knowledge retriever , which allows the model to retrieve and attend over doc- uments from a large corpus such as Wikipedia, used during pre-training, fine-tuning and infer- ence. For the first time, we show how to pre- train such a knowledge retriever in an unsuper- vised manner, using masked language model- ing as the learning signal and backpropagating through a retrieval step that considers millions of documents. We demonstrate the effective- ness of Retrieval-Augmented Language Model pre-training (REALM) by fine-tuning on the chal- lenging task of Open-domain Question Answer- ing (Open-QA). We compare against state-of-the- art models for both explicit and implicit knowl- edge storage on three popular Open-QA bench- marks, and find that we outperform all previous methods by a significant margin (4-16% absolute accuracy), while also providing qualitative bene- fits such as interpretability and modularity. 1. Introduction Recent advances in language model pre-training have shown that models such as BERT ( Devlin et al. ,2018 ), RoBERTa ( Liu et al. ,2019 ) and T5 ( Raffel et al. ,2019 ) store a surprising amount of world knowledge, ac- quired from the massive text corpora they are trained on (Petroni et al. ,2019 ). For example, BERT is able to *Equal contribution1Google Research. Correspondence to: Kelvin Guu < >, Kenton Lee <ken- >, Zora Tung < >, Panupong Pasupat < >, Ming-Wei Chang < >. Figure 1. REALM augments language model pre-training with aneural knowledge retriever that retrieves knowledge from a textual knowledge corpus ,Z(e.g., all of Wikipedia). Signal from the language modeling objective backpropagates all th e way through the retriever, which must consider millions of docu ments inZ—a significant computational challenge that we address. correctly predict the missing word in the following sen- tence: “The is the currency of the United Kingdom ” (answer: “ pound ”). In these language models, the learned world knowledge is stored implicitly in the parameters of the underlying neural network. This makes it difficult to determine what knowl- edge is stored in the network and where. Furthermore, stor- age space is limited by the size of the network—to cap- ture more world knowledge, one must train ever-larger net- works, which can be prohibitively slow or expensive. To capture knowledge in a more interpretable and modular way, we propose a novel framework, Retrieval-Augmented Language Model (REALM) pre-training, which augments language model pre-training algorithms with a learned tex- tual knowledge retriever . In contrast to models that store knowledge in their parameters, this approach explicitly ex- poses the role of world knowledge by asking the model to
Recursively Summarizing Books with Human Feedback Jeff Wu∗Long Ouyang∗Daniel M. Ziegler∗Nisan Stiennon∗Ryan Lowe∗ Jan Leike∗Paul Christiano∗ OpenAI Abstract A major challenge for scaling machine learning is training models to perform tasks that are very difficult or time-consuming for humans to evaluate. We present progress on this problem on the task of abstractive summarization of entire fiction novels. Our method combines learning from human feedback with recursive task decomposition: we use models trained on smaller parts of the task to assist humans in giving feedback on the broader task. We collect a large volume of demonstrations and comparisons from human labelers, and fine-tune GPT-3 using behavioral cloning and reward modeling to do summarization recursively. At inference time, the model first summarizes small sections of the book and then recursively summarizes these summaries to produce a summary of the entire book. Our human labelers are able to supervise and evaluate the models quickly, despite not having read the entire books themselves. Our resulting model generates sensible summaries of entire books, even matching the quality of human-written summaries in a few cases ( ∼5%of books). We achieve state-of-the-art results on the recent BookSum dataset for book-length summarization. A zero-shot question-answering model using these summaries achieves competitive results on the challenging NarrativeQA benchmark for answering questions about books and movie scripts. We release datasets of samples from our model.2 1 Introduction To train an ML model on a new task, we need a training signal that tells the model which behaviors are better and which are worse. For some tasks, like playing a video game, this training signal can be calculated automatically. However, for many useful tasks an accurate training signal can only be provided via a human in the loop. For example, humans can provide demonstrations of the correct behavior (Bain and Sammut, 1995) or compare two outputs from the model being trained (Christiano et al., 2017), and this data is used to train the model. In this paper we focus on tasks that are difficult for humans to supervise or evaluate, either because the tasks take a lot of time or because they require specialized knowledge and expertise to evaluate. For example, imagine training a model to summarize an entire sub-field of scientific research. For a human to provide a demonstration or evaluate the quality of a model-generated summary, they would likely need a huge amount of time and expertise. One could circumvent this difficulty by using easier-to-measure proxy objectives (e.g. how often words in the summary relate to the topic, and how accurate individual sentences in the summary are), but these proxies are usually less aligned with ∗This was a joint project of the OpenAI Alignment team. JW and LO contributed equally. DMZ, NS, and RL were full-time contributors for most of the duration. JL and PC managed the team. Corresponding author 2See [cs.CL] 27 Sep 2021
MEGA BYTE: Predicting Million-byte Sequences with Multiscale Transformers Lili Yu* 1D´aniel Simig* 1Colin Flaherty* 2Armen Aghajanyan1Luke Zettlemoyer1Mike Lewis1 Abstract Autoregressive transformers are spectacular mod- els for short sequences but scale poorly to long se- quences such as high-resolution images, podcasts, code, or books. We propose MEGABYTE, a multi- scale decoder architecture that enables end-to-end differentiable modeling of sequences of over one million bytes. MEGABYTE segments sequences into patches and uses a local submodel within patches and a global model between patches. This enables sub-quadratic self-attention, much larger feedforward layers for the same compute, and im- proved parallelism during decoding—unlocking better performance at reduced cost for both train- ing and generation. Extensive experiments show thatMEGABYTE allows byte-level models to per- form competitively with subword models on long context language modeling, achieve state-of-the- art density estimation on ImageNet, and model audio from raw files. Together, these results estab- lish the viability of tokenization-free autoregres- sive sequence modeling at scale. 1. Introduction Sequences of millions of bytes are ubiquitous; for example, music, image, or video files typically consist of multiple megabytes. However, large transformer decoders (LLMs) typically only use several thousand tokens of context (Brown et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2022a)—both because of the quadratic cost of self-attention but also, more importantly, the cost of large feedforward networks per-position. This severely limits the set of tasks where LLMs can be applied. We introduce MEGABYTE, a new approach to modeling long byte sequences. First, byte sequences are segmented into fixed-sized patches, loosely analogous to tokens. Our model then consists of three parts: (1) a patch embedder , *Equal contribution 1Meta AI. 2Augment Computing. Work performed while at Meta AI. Correspondence to: Lili Yu < >, Mike Lewis < >. Patch EmbedderGlobal ModelLocalModelLocalModelLocalModelLocalModel _ _ _ _ m e g a b y t e ' ' t r a _ m e g _ b y t _ ' ' t r _ n s fGlobal ModelLocalModelLocalModelLocalModelLocalModel _ _ _ _ m e g a b y t e t r a n _ m e g _ b y t _ t r a _ s f oPatchEmbedPatch EmbedPatchEmbedPatchEmbed Global ModelLocalModelLocalModelLocalModelLocalModel _ _ _ _ m e g a b y t e t r a n _ m e g _ b y t _ t r a _ s f om e g a b y t e t r a n s f o r PatchEmbedPatch EmbedPatchEmbedPatchEmbedFigure 1. Overview of MEGABYTE with patch size P= 4. A small local model autoregressively predicts each patch byte-by- byte, using the output of a larger global model to condition on previous patches. Global and Local inputs are padded by Pand1 token respectively to avoid leaking information about future tokens. which simply encodes a patch by losslessly concatenating embeddings of each byte, (2) a global module, a large au- toregressive transformer that inputs and outputs patch rep- resentations and (3) a local module, a small autoregressive model that predicts bytes within a patch. Crucially, we observe that for many tasks, most byte predictions are rela- tively easy (for example, completing a word given the first few characters), meaning that large networks per-byte are unnecessary, and a much smaller model can be used for intra-patch modelling. The MEGABYTE architecture gives three major improve- ments over Transformers for long sequence modelling: 1.Sub-quadratic self-attention Most work on long se- quence models has focused on mitigating the quadratic cost of self-attention. MEGABYTE decomposes long sequences into two shorter sequences, and optimal patch sizes reduces the self-attention cost to O(N4 3), which remains tractable for even long sequences. 2.Per-patch feedforward layers In GPT3-size mod-arXiv:2305.07185v2 [cs.LG] 19 May 2023
MEGA BLOCKS : EFFICIENT SPARSE TRAINING WITH MIXTURE -OF-EXPERTS Trevor Gale1Deepak Narayanan2Cliff Young3Matei Zaharia1 ABSTRACT We present MegaBlocks, a system for efficient Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) training on GPUs. Our system is motivated by the limitations of current frameworks, which restrict the dynamic routing in MoE layers to satisfy the constraints of existing software and hardware. These formulations force a tradeoff between model quality and hardware efficiency, as users must choose between dropping tokens from the computation or wasting computation and memory on padding. To address these limitations, we reformulate MoE computation in terms of block-sparse operations and develop new block-sparse GPU kernels that efficiently handle the dynamism present in MoEs. Our approach never drops tokens and maps efficiently to modern hardware, enabling end-to-end training speedups of up to 40% over MoEs trained with the state-of-the-art Tutel library and 2.4×over DNNs trained with the highly-optimized Megatron-LM framework. 1 I NTRODUCTION Exploiting sparsity in the weights, activations and input data of deep neural networks (DNNs) is an effective technique for reducing the amount of computation that is needed to achieve a given model quality (Han et al., 2015; Gale et al., 2019). The past decade has seen significant progress in algorithms and high-performance software to make sparsity practically useful (Gray et al., 2017; Narang et al., 2017; Kalchbrenner et al., 2018; Elsen et al., 2020; Gale et al., 2020). One area that remains a challenge for sparsity is model training on accelerators. DNNs are most commonly trained on hardware accelerators like GPUs (NVIDIA, 2020) and TPUs (Jouppi et al., 2017), which exploit the regularity of dense computation to deliver high performance. Con- sequently, fine-grained sparse computation is less efficient on these processors. To enable efficient computation on ac- celerators, structure can be enforced on the sparse matrices (Narang et al., 2017; Gray et al., 2017; Yao et al., 2019). An emerging class of models with underlying structured sparsity is Mixture-of-Experts (MoEs) (Shazeer et al., 2017). Each layer in an MoE is a collection of experts , which are themselves small DNNs. As data is passed through the MoE layers, each token is dynamically routed to a subset of the experts for computation. By exploiting this sparse computa- tion, MoEs have reduced training times by as much as 4 ×for applications in natural language processing and computer vision (Artetxe et al., 2021; Riquelme et al., 2021). These 1Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA2Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington, USA3Google Research, Moun- tain View, California, USA. Correspondence to: Trevor Gale < >.gains have translated to new levels of scale for model train- ing, pushing model sizes past 1 trillion parameters (Artetxe et al., 2021; Du et al., 2021; Fedus et al., 2022). The challenge in computing MoEs efficiently is handling the dynamic routing and load-imbalanced computation that are fundamental to these architectures. However, existing hardware and software for deep learning make it difficult to meet this challenge. For example, TPUs and their XLA compiler require all tensor shapes to be known statically and often struggle with fine-grained operations like scatters and gathers (Fedus et al., 2022). These constraints make it difficult to implement MoEs directly on TPUs. While GPUs are more flexible, the sparse computation in MoEs does not map cleanly to the software primitives supported in major frameworks and libraries. State-of-the-art frameworks for MoE training sidestep these challenges by placing rigid constraints on MoE routing. In order to remove the dynamism from the computation, the set of tokens mapped to each expert are trimmed or padded to a user-specified size (Lepikhin et al., 2020; Fedus et al., 2022; Hwang et al., 2022). This procrustean formulation introduces a tradeoff between model quality and hardware efficiency, as users must decide whether to drop tokens or waste computation and memory on padding. This decision is often made through hyperparameter tuning, which increases the complexity of using MoEs. To address these challenges, we develop an approach for MoE routing and computation based on sparse primitives . Our approach never drops tokens and maps efficiently to modern GPUs, enabling end-to-end training speedups of up to40% and2.4×over state-of-the-art frameworks for MoE and DNN training, respectively. We make the followingarXiv:2211.15841v1 [cs.LG] 29 Nov 2022
Guided Variational Autoencoder for Disentanglement Learning Zheng Ding∗,1,2, Yifan Xu∗,2, Weijian Xu2, Gaurav Parmar2, Yang Yang3, Max Welling3,4, Zhuowen Tu2 1Tsinghua University2UC San Diego3Qualcomm, Inc.4University of Amsterdam Abstract We propose an algorithm, guided variational autoen- coder (Guided-VAE), that is able to learn a controllable generative model by performing latent representation disen- tanglement learning. The learning objective is achieved by providing signals to the latent encoding/embedding in VAE without changing its main backbone architecture, hence re- taining the desirable properties of the VAE. We design an unsupervised strategy and a supervised strategy in Guided- VAE and observe enhanced modeling and controlling ca- pability over the vanilla VAE. In the unsupervised strategy, we guide the VAE learning by introducing a lightweight de- coder that learns latent geometric transformation and prin- cipal components; in the supervised strategy, we use an ad- versarial excitation and inhibition mechanism to encourage the disentanglement of the latent variables. Guided-VAE enjoys its transparency and simplicity for the general rep- resentation learning task, as well as disentanglement learn- ing. On a number of experiments for representation learn- ing, improved synthesis/sampling, better disentanglement for classification, and reduced classification errors in meta learning have been observed. 1. Introduction The resurgence of autoencoders (AE) [34, 6, 21] is an important component in the rapid development of modern deep learning [17]. Autoencoders have been widely adopted for modeling signals and images [46, 50]. Its statistical counterpart, the variational autoencoder (V AE) [29], has led to a recent wave of development in generative modeling due to its two-in-one capability, both representation and statis- tical learning in a single framework. Another exploding di- rection in generative modeling includes generative adver- sarial networks (GAN) [18], but GANs focus on the gener- ation process and are not aimed at representation learning (without an encoder at least in its vanilla version). Compared with classical dimensionality reduction meth- ods like principal component analysis (PCA) [22, 27] and ∗Authors contributed equally.Laplacian eigenmaps [4], V AEs have demonstrated their un- precedented power in modeling high dimensional data of real-world complexity. However, there is still a large room to improve for V AEs to achieve a high quality reconstruc- tion/synthesis. Additionally, it is desirable to make the V AE representation learning more transparent, interpretable, and controllable. In this paper, we attempt to learn a transparent repre- sentation by introducing guidance to the latent variables in a V AE. We design two strategies for our Guided-V AE, an unsupervised version (Fig. 1.a) and a supervised version (Fig. 1.b). The main motivation behind Guided-V AE is to encourage the latent representation to be semantically inter- pretable, while maintaining the integrity of the basic V AE architecture. Guided-V AE is learned in a multi-task learn- ing fashion. The objective is achieved by taking advantage of the modeling flexibility and the large solution space of the V AE under a lightweight target. Thus the two tasks, learning a good V AE and making the latent variables con- trollable, become companions rather than conflicts. Inunsupervised Guided-V AE , in addition to the stan- dard V AE backbone, we also explicitly force the latent vari- ables to go through a lightweight encoder that learns a de- formable PCA. As seen in Fig. 1.a, two decoders exist, both trying to reconstruct the input data x: The main decoder, denoted as Dec main , functions regularly as in the standard V AE [29]; the secondary decoder, denoted as Dec sub, ex- plicitly learns a geometric deformation together with a lin- ear subspace. In supervised Guided-V AE , we introduce a subtask for the V AE by forcing one latent variable to be discriminative (minimizing the classification error) while making the rest of the latent variable to be adversarially discriminative (maximizing the minimal classification er- ror). This subtask is achieved using an adversarial excita- tion and inhibition formulation. Similar to the unsupervised Guided-V AE, the training process is carried out in an end- to-end multi-task learning manner. The result is a regular generative model that keeps the original V AE properties in- tact, while having the specified latent variable semantically meaningful and capable of controlling/synthesizing a spe- cific attribute. We apply Guided-V AE to the data modeling and few-shot learning problems and show favorable resultsarXiv:2004.01255v1 [cs.CV] 2 Apr 2020
A Theoretical Analysis of Contrastive Unsupervised Representation Learning Sanjeev Arora1 2Hrishikesh Khandeparkar1Mikhail Khodak3Orestis Plevrakis1Nikunj Saunshi1 {arora, hrk, orestisp, nsaunshi } Abstract Recent empirical works have successfully used unlabeled data to learn feature representations that are broadly useful in downstream classifica- tion tasks. Several of these methods are remi- niscent of the well-known word2vec embedding algorithm: leveraging availability of pairs of se- mantically “similar” data points and “negative samples,” the learner forces the inner product of representations of similar pairs with each other to be higher on average than with negative samples. The current paper uses the term contrastive learn- ingfor such algorithms and presents a theoretical framework for analyzing them by introducing la- tent classes and hypothesizing that semantically similar points are sampled from the same latent class. This framework allows us to show provable guarantees on the performance of the learned rep- resentations on the average classification task that is comprised of a subset of the same set of latent classes. Our generalization bound also shows that learned representations can reduce (labeled) sam- ple complexity on downstream tasks. We conduct controlled experiments in both the text and image domains to support the theory. 1. Introduction This paper concerns unsupervised representation learning : using unlabeled data to learn a representation function f such that replacing data point xby feature vector f(x)in new classification tasks reduces the requirement for labeled data. This is distinct from semi-supervised learning , where learning can leverage unlabeled as well as labeled data. (Section 7 surveys other prior ideas and models). For images, a proof of existence for broadly useful represen- tations is the output of the penultimate layer (the one before 1Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.2Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.3Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Copyright 2019 by the authors.the softmax) of a powerful deep net trained on ImageNet. In natural language processing (NLP), low-dimensional rep- resentations of text – called text embeddings – have been computed with unlabeled data (Peters et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2018). Often the embedding function is trained by using the embedding of a piece of text to predict the sur- rounding text (Kiros et al., 2015; Logeswaran & Lee, 2018; Pagliardini et al., 2018). Similar methods that leverage simi- larity in nearby frames in a video clip have had some success for images as well (Wang & Gupta, 2015). Many of these algorithms are related: they assume access to pairs or tuples (in the form of co-occurrences) of text/images that are more semantically similar than randomly sampled text/images, and their objective forces representations to respect this similarity on average. For instance, in order to learn a representation function ffor sentences, a simplified version of what Logeswaran & Lee (2018) minimize is the following loss function E x,x+,x−[ −log( ef(x)Tf(x+) ef(x)Tf(x+)+ef(x)Tf(x−))] where (x,x+)are a similar pair and x−is presumably dis- similar tox(often chosen to be a random point) and typi- cally referred to as a negative sample . Though reminiscent of past ideas – e.g. kernel learning, metric learning, co- training (Cortes et al., 2010; Bellet et al., 2013; Blum & Mitchell, 1998) – these algorithms lack a theoretical frame- work quantifying when and why they work. While it seems intuitive that minimizing such loss functions should lead to representations that capture ‘similarity,’ formally it is unclear why the learned representations should do well on downstream linear classification tasks – their somewhat mysterious success is often treated as an obvious conse- quence. To analyze this success, a framework must connect ‘similarity’ in unlabeled data with the semantic information that is implicitly present in downstream tasks. We propose the term Contrastive Learning for such methods and provide a new conceptual framework with minimal assumptions1. Our main contributions are the following: 1The alternative would be to make assumptions about genera- tive models of data. This is difficult for images and text.arXiv:1902.09229v1 [cs.LG] 25 Feb 2019
New Intent Discovery with Pre-training and Contrastive Learning Yuwei Zhang2∗Haode Zhang1Li-Ming Zhan1Xiao-Ming Wu1† Albert Y.S. Lam3 Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong S.A.R.1 University of California, San Diego2 Fano Labs, Hong Kong S.A.R.3 {haode.zhang, lmzhan.zhan}, Abstract New intent discovery aims to uncover novel in- tent categories from user utterances to expand the set of supported intent classes. It is a criti- cal task for the development and service expan- sion of a practical dialogue system. Despite its importance, this problem remains under- explored in the literature. Existing approaches typically rely on a large amount of labeled utterances and employ pseudo-labeling meth- ods for representation learning and clustering, which are label-intensive, inefficient, and inac- curate. In this paper, we provide new solutions to two important research questions for new in- tent discovery: (1) how to learn semantic ut- terance representations and (2) how to better cluster utterances. Particularly, we first pro- pose a multi-task pre-training strategy to lever- age rich unlabeled data along with external la- beled data for representation learning. Then, we design a new contrastive loss to exploit self-supervisory signals in unlabeled data for clustering. Extensive experiments on three in- tent recognition benchmarks demonstrate the high effectiveness of our proposed method, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin in both unsupervised and semi- supervised scenarios. The source code will be available at zhang-yu-wei/MTP-CLNN . 1 Introduction Why Study New Intent Discovery (NID)? Re- cent years have witnessed the rapid growth of con- versational AI applications. To design a natural language understanding system, a set of expected customer intentions are collected beforehand to train an intent recognition model. However, the pre- defined intents cannot fully meet customer needs. This implies the necessity of expanding the intent recognition model by repeatedly integrating new intents discovered from unlabeled user utterances ∗Work done while the author was with HK PolyU. †Corresponding author. Figure 1: New Intent Discovery. (Fig. 1). To reduce the effort in manually identi- fying unknown intents from a mass of utterances, previous works commonly employ clustering algo- rithms to group utterances of similar intents (Che- ung and Li, 2012; Hakkani-Tür et al., 2015; Padma- sundari, 2018). The cluster assignments thereafter can either be directly used as new intent labels or as heuristics for faster annotations. Research Questions (RQ) and Challenges. Current study of NID centers around two basic research questions: 1) How to learn semantic ut- terance representations to provide proper cues for clustering? 2) How to better cluster the utterances? The study of the two questions are often interwoven in existing research. Utterances can be represented according to different aspects such as the style of language, the related topics, or even the length of sentences. It is important to learn semantic ut- terance representations to provide proper cues for clustering. Simply applying a vanilla pre-trained language model (PLM) to generate utterance repre- sentations is not a viable solution, which leads to poor performance on NID as shown by the experi- mental results in Section 4.2. Some recent works proposed to use labeled utterances of known intentsarXiv:2205.12914v1 [cs.CL] 25 May 2022
Calibrated Language Models Must Hallucinate Adam Tauman Kalai Microsoft ResearchSantosh S. Vempala Georgia Tech December 5, 2023 Abstract Recent language models generate false but plausible-sounding text with surprising frequency. Such “hallucinations” are an obstacle to the usability of language-based AI systems and can harm people who rely upon their outputs. This work shows shows that there is an inherent statistical lower-bound on the rate that pretrained language models hallucinate certain types of facts, having nothing to do with the transformer LM architecture or data quality. For “arbitrary” facts whose veracity cannot be determined from the training data, we show that hallucinations must occur at a certain rate for language models that satisfy a statistical calibration condition appropriate for generative language models. Specifically, if the maximum probability of any fact is bounded, we show that the probability of generating a hallucination is close to the fraction of facts that occur exactly once in the training data (a “Good-Turing” estimate), even assuming ideal training data without errors. One conclusion is that models pretrained to be sufficiently good predictors (i.e., calibrated) may require post-training to mitigate hallucinations on the type of arbitrary facts that tend to appear once in the training set. However, our analysis also suggests that there is no statistical reason that pretraining will lead to hallucination on facts that tend to appear more than once in the training data (like references to publications such as articles and books, whose hallucinations have been particularly notable and problematic) or on systematic facts (like arithmetic calculations). Therefore, different architectures and learning algorithms may mitigate these latter types of hallucinations. 1 Introduction The surprisingly high rate at which Language Models (LMs) generate false information, such as references to non-existent article titles, has recently emerged as a critical issue. The popular term hallucination is defined in the Merriam-Webster (2023) dictionary as “a plausible but false or misleading response generated by an artificial intelligence algorithm.” In one case, lawyers were fined $5,000 for submitting legal research containing hallucinated legal cases that they believed were correct (Shin, 2023). In healthcare, hallucinations could be life threatening to patients and physicians are concerned about malpractice cases (Mello and Guha, 2023). Furthermore, hallucinations have been widely reported on by the media (Weise and Metz, 2023), and the U.S. President recently put out an Executive Order calling for, among other things, safeguards against misleading outputs from generative AI systems (Biden, 2023). This paper presents statistical lower-bounds on the rate of hallucination for LMs that are calibrated predictors of facts. This helps illuminate the nature of hallucination. It should notbe taken to mean that hallucination is inevitable. Rather, as we discuss it is consistent with the fact that practitioners have increasingly been augmenting “pretraining” 1arXiv:2311.14648v2 [cs.CL] 3 Dec 2023
ColBERT: Using BERT Sentence Embedding in Parallel Neural Networks for Computational Humor Issa Annamoradnejad∗ i.moradnejad@gmail.comGohar Zoghi Abstract Automation of humor detection and rating has interesting use cases in modern technologies, such as humanoid robots, chatbots, and virtual assistants. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for detecting and rating humor in short texts based on a popular linguistic theory of humor. The proposed technical method initiates by separating sentences of the given text and utilizing the BERT model to generate embeddings for each one. The embeddings are fed to separate lines of hidden layers in a neural network (one line for each sentence) to extract latent features. At last, the parallel lines are concatenated to determine the congruity and other relationships between the sentences and predict the target value. We accompany the paper with a novel dataset for humor detection consisting of 200,000 formal short texts. In addition to evaluating our work on the novel dataset, we participated in a live machine learning competition focused on rating humor in Spanish tweets. The proposed model obtained F1 scores of 0.982 and 0.869 in the humor detection experiments which outperform general and state-of-the-art models. The evaluation performed on two contrasting settings confirm the strength and robustness of the model and suggests two important factors in achieving high accuracy in the current task: 1) usage of sentence embeddings and 2) utilizing the linguistic structure of humor in designing the proposed model. 1 Introduction In Interstellar (2014 movie), a future earth is depicted where robots easily understand and use humor in their connections with their owners and humans can set the level of humor in their personal robots2. While we may have a long road toward the astral travels, we are very close in reaching high-quality systems injected with adjustable humor. Humor, as a potential cause of laughter, is an important part of human communication, which not only makes people feel comfortable but also creates a cozier environment [ 1]. Automatic humor detection in texts has interesting use cases in building human-centered artificial intelligence systems such as humanoid robots, chatbots, and virtual assistants. An appealing use case is to identify whether an input command should be taken seriously or not, which is a critical step to understanding the real motives of users, returning appropriate answers, and enhancing the overall experience of users with the AI system. A more advanced outcome would be the injection of humor into computer-generated responses, thus making the human-computer interaction more engaging and interesting [ 2]. This is an outcome that is achievable by setting the level of humor in possible answers to the desired level, similar to the mentioned movie. Humor can be attained through several linguistic or semantic mechanisms, such as wordplay, exag- geration, misunderstanding, and stereotype. Researchers proposed several theories to explain humor ∗Corresponding author: Annamoradnejad is with the Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 2Tarzs, in the movie. Preprint. Under review.arXiv:2004.12765v7 [cs.CL] 1 Dec 2022
2023-07-18 Does Circuit Analysis Interpretability Scale? Evidence from Multiple Choice Capabilities in Chinchilla Tom Lieberum1, Matthew Rahtz1, János Kramár1, Neel Nanda1, Geoffrey Irving1, Rohin Shah1and Vladimir Mikulik1 1Google DeepMind Circuit analysis is a promising technique for understanding the internal mechanisms of language models. However, existing analyses are done in small models far from the state of the art. To address this, we present a case study of circuit analysis in the 70B Chinchilla model, aiming to test the scalability of circuit analysis. In particular, we study multiple-choice question answering, and investigate Chinchilla’s capability to identify the correct answer labelgiven knowledge of the correct answer text. We find that the existing techniques of logit attribution, attention pattern visualization, and activation patching naturallyscaletoChinchilla,allowingustoidentifyandcategorizeasmallsetof‘outputnodes’(attention heads and MLPs). We further study the ‘correct letter’ category of attention heads aiming to understand the semantics of their features, with mixed results. For normal multiple-choice question answers, we significantly compress the query, key and value subspaces of the head without loss of performance when operating on the answer labels for multiple-choice questions, and we show that the query and key subspaces represent an ‘Nth item in an enumeration’ feature to at least some extent. However, when we attempt to use this explanation to understand the heads’ behaviour on a more general distribution including randomized answer labels, we find that it is only a partial explanation, suggesting there is more to learn about the operation of ‘correct letter’ heads on multiple choice question answering. 1. Introduction Currentmethodsfortrainingandevaluationinlargelanguagemodelscurrentlyfocusonthebehaviour of the model (Bai et al., 2022; Glaese et al., 2022; Ouyang et al., 2022; Perez et al., 2022; Saunders et al., 2022; Ziegler et al., 2019). Mechanistic interpretability aims to generate detailed knowledge of a model’s internal reasoning, and thus could significantly improve upon these methods. For example, such knowledge would strengthen methods that aim to oversee models’ reasoning, as in debate (Irving etal.,2018)andprocess-basedfeedback(Lightmanetal.,2023;Uesatoetal.,2022). Furthermore,the ability to examine models’ full reasoning processes could help us detect deceptive alignment (Hubinger et al., 2019; Kenton et al., 2021), a key source of extreme risk (OpenAI, 2023; Shevlane et al., 2023) in which a model behaves well to deliberately conceal its undesirable intentions. We focus on circuit analysis : the identification and study of particular internal mechanisms that drive a specific subset of models’ behaviour. Existing circuit analysis on language models has a variety of weaknesses, but in this work we focus on two in particular. First, the models studied are relatively small: for example, the seminal work on transformer circuits focused on two-layer attention-only transformers (Elhage et al., 2021) and research on the circuits used in grammatical identification of indirect objects was done on the 117M variant of GPT-2 (Wang et al., 2022). Second, prior work identifies which components of a model are relevant and how information flows between them, but usually does not focus as much on whatinformation is flowing, such that we could predict the circuit’s behaviour on an expanded data distribution. Corresponding author(s): ©2023 DeepMind. All rights reservedarXiv:2307.09458v1 [cs.LG] 18 Jul 2023
Learning Compositional Representations of Interacting Systems with Restricted Boltzmann Machines: Comparative Study of Lattice Proteins Jérôme Tubiana, Simona Cocco, Rémi Monasson Laboratory of Physics of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, CNRS & PSL Research, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France A Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is an unsupervised machine-learning bipartite graphical model that jointly learns a probability distribution over data and extracts their relevant statistical features. As such, RBM were recently proposed for characterizing the patterns of coevolution be- tween amino acids in protein sequences and for designing new sequences. Here, we study how the nature of the features learned by RBM changes with its defining parameters, such as the dimension- ality of the representations (size of the hidden layer) and the sparsity of the features. We show that for adequate values of these parameters, RBM operate in a so-called compositional phase in which visible configurations sampled from the RBM are obtained by recombining these features. We then compare the performance of RBM with other standard representation learning algorithms, includ- ing Principal or Independent Component Analysis, autoencoders (AE), variational auto-encoders (VAE), and their sparse variants. We show that RBM, due to the stochastic mapping between data configurations and representations, better capture the underlying interactions in the system and are significantly more robust with respect to sample size than deterministic methods such as PCA or ICA. In addition, this stochastic mapping is not prescribed a priori as in VAE, but learned from data, which allows RBM to show good performance even with shallow architectures. All numerical results are illustrated on synthetic lattice-protein data, that share similar statistical features with real protein sequences, and for which ground-truth interactions are known. INTRODUCTION Many complex, interacting systems have collective be- haviors that cannot be understood based on a top-down approach only. This is either because the underlying microscopic interactions between the constituents of the system are unknown - as in biological neural networks, where the set of synaptic connections are unique to each network - or because the complete description is so com- plicated that analytical or numerical resolution is in- tractable - as for proteins, for which physical interactions between amino acids can in principle be characterized, but accurate simulations of protein structures or func- tions are computationally prohibitive. In the last two decades, the increasing availability of large amounts of data collected by high-throughput experiments such as large scale functional recordings in neuroscience (EEG, Fluorescence imaging,...) [1, 2], fast sequencing technolo- gies [3, 4] (Single RNA seq) or Deep Mutational Scans [5] has shed new light on these systems. Given such high-dimensional data, one fundamental task is to establish a descriptive phenomenology of the system. For instance, given a recording of spontaneous neuralactivityinabrainregionorinthewholebrain(e.g. in larval zebrafish), we would like to identify stereotypes of neural activity patterns (e.g. activity bursts, synfire chains, cell-assembly activations, ...) describing the dy- namics of the system. This representation is in turn use- ful to link the behaviour of the animal to its neural state and to understand the network architecture. Similarly, given a Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) of protein sequences, i.e. a collection of protein sequences from var- ious genes and organisms that share common evolution- ary ancestry, we would like to identify amino acids motifscontrolling the protein functionalities and structural fea- tures, and identify, in turn, subfamilies of proteins with common functions. One important set of tools for this purpose are unsupervised representation-learning algo- rithms. For instance, Principal Component Analysis can be used for dimensionality reduction, i.e. for projecting system configurations into a low-dimensional representa- tion, where similarities between states are better high- lighted and the system evolution is tractable. Another important example is clustering, which partitions the ob- served data into different ’prototypes’. Though these two approaches are very popular, they are not always appro- priate: some data are intrinsically multidimensional, and cannot be reduced to a low-dimensional or categorical representation. Indeed, configurations can mix multiple, weakly related features, such that using a single global distance metric would be too reductive. For instance, neural activity states are characterized by the clusters of neurons that are activated, which are themselves re- lated to a variety of distinct sensory, motor or cognitive tasks. Similarly, proteins have a variety of biochemical properties such as binding affinity and specificity, ther- modynamic stability, or allostery, which are controlled by distinct amino acid motifs within their sequences. In such situations, other approaches such as Independent Component Analysis or Sparse Dictionaries, which aim at representing the data by a (larger) set of independent latent factors appear to be more appropriate [6, 7]. A second goal is to infer the set of interactions under- lying the system’s collective behaviour. In the case of neural recordings, we would look for functional connec- tivity that reflect the structure of the relevant synaptic connectionsinagivenbrainstate. Inthecaseofproteins, we would like to know what interactions between aminoarXiv:1902.06495v1 [cs.LG] 18 Feb 2019
SIMPLIFYING TRANSFORMER BLOCKS Bobby He & Thomas Hofmann∗ Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich ABSTRACT A simple design recipe for deep Transformers is to compose identical building blocks. But standard transformer blocks are far from simple, interweaving atten- tion and MLP sub-blocks with skip connections & normalisation layers in precise arrangements. This complexity leads to brittle architectures, where seemingly mi- nor changes can significantly reduce training speed, or render models untrainable. In this work, we ask to what extent the standard transformer block can be simpli- fied? Combining signal propagation theory and empirical observations, we moti- vate modifications that allow many block components to be removed with no loss of training speed, including skip connections, projection or value parameters, se- quential sub-blocks and normalisation layers. In experiments on both autoregres- sive decoder-only and BERT encoder-only models, our simplified transformers emulate the per-update training speed and performance of standard transformers, while enjoying 15% faster training throughput, and using 15% fewer parameters. 1 I NTRODUCTION The transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) is arguably the workhorse behind many recent successes in deep learning. A simple way to construct a deep transformer architecture is by stacking multiple identical transformer “blocks” one after another in sequence. Each block, however, is more complicated and consists of many different components, which need to be combined in specific arrangements in order to achieve good performance. Surprisingly, the base transformer block has changed very little since its inception, despite attracting the interest of many researchers. In this work, we study whether the standard transformer block can be simplified. More specifically, we probe the necessity of several block components, including skip connections, projection/value matrices, sequential sub-blocks and normalisation layers. For each considered component, we ask if it can be removed without loss of training speed (both in terms of per-update step & runtime), and what architectural modifications need to be made to the transformer block in order to do so. We believe the problem of simplifying transformer blocks without compromising training speed is an interesting research question for several reasons. First, modern neural network (NN) architectures have complex designs with many components, and it is not clear the roles played by these different components in NN training dynamics, nor how they interact with each other. This is particularly pertinent given the existing gap between theory and practice in deep learning, where theorists work- ing to understand the mechanisms of deep learning often only consider simplified architectures due to convenience, not necessarily reflective of modern architectures used in practice. Simplifying the NN architectures used in practice can help towards bridging this divide. On a related theoretical note, our work highlights both strengths and current limitations of signal propagation: a theory that has proven influential due to its ability to motivate practical design choices in deep NN architectures. Signal propagation (Poole et al., 2016; Schoenholz et al., 2017; Hayou et al., 2019) studies the evolution of geometric information in an NN at initialisation, captured through inner products of layerwise representations across inputs, and has inspired many impressive results in training deep NNs (Xiao et al., 2018; Brock et al., 2021; Martens et al., 2021; Zaidi et al., 2023). However, the current theory only considers a model at initialisation, and often considers only the initial forward pass. As such, signal propagation at present is unable to shed light on many intricacies of deep NN training dynamics, for example the benefits of skip connections for training speed. Though signal propagation is crucial in motivating our modifications, we would not have arrived at our simplified transformer blocks from theory alone, and relied also on empirical insights. ∗Correspondence to: . 1arXiv:2311.01906v1 [cs.LG] 3 Nov 2023
GQA: Training Generalized Multi-Query Transformer Models from Multi-Head Checkpoints Joshua Ainslie∗, James Lee-Thorp∗, Michiel de Jong∗†† Yury Zemlyanskiy ,Federico Lebrón ,Sumit Sanghai Google Research Abstract Multi-query attention (MQA), which only uses a single key-value head, drastically speeds up decoder inference. However, MQA can lead to quality degradation, and moreover it may not be desirable to train a separate model just for faster inference. We (1) propose a recipe for uptraining existing multi-head lan- guage model checkpoints into models with MQA using 5% of original pre-training com- pute, and (2) introduce grouped-query atten- tion (GQA), a generalization of multi-query at- tention which uses an intermediate (more than one, less than number of query heads) number of key-value heads. We show that uptrained GQA achieves quality close to multi-head at- tention with comparable speed to MQA. 1 Introduction Autoregressive decoder inference is a severe bottle- neck for Transformer models due to the memory bandwidth overhead from loading decoder weights and all attention keys and values at every decod- ing step (Shazeer, 2019; Pope et al., 2022; de Jong et al., 2022). The memory bandwidth from loading keys and values can be sharply reduced through multi-query attention (Shazeer, 2019), which uses multiple query heads but single key and value heads. However, multi-query attention ( MQA ) can lead to quality degradation and training instability, and it may not be feasible to train separate models optimized for quality and inference. Moreover, while some language models already use multi- query attention, such as PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022), many do not, including publicly available language models such as T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) and LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023). This work contains two contributions for faster inference with large language models. First, we ∗Equal contribution. †University of Southern California. Work done at Google that language model checkpoints with multi- head attention ( MHA ) can be uptrained (Komat- suzaki et al., 2022) to use MQA with a small frac- tion of original training compute. This presents a cost-effective method to obtain fast multi-query as well as high-quality MHA checkpoints. Second, we propose grouped-query attention (GQA ), an interpolation between multi-head and multi-query attention with single key and value heads per subgroup of query heads . We show that uptrained GQA achieves quality close to multi- head attention while being almost as fast as multi- query attention. 2 Method 2.1 Uptraining Generating a multi-query model from a multi-head model takes place in two steps: first, converting the checkpoint, and second, additional pre-training to allow the model to adapt to its new structure. Fig- ure 1 shows the process for converting a multi-head checkpoint into a multi-query checkpoint. The pro- jection matrices for key and value heads are mean pooled into single projection matrices, which we find works better than selecting a single key and value head or randomly initializing new key and value heads from scratch. Figure 1: Overview of conversion from multi-head to multi-query attention. Key and value projection matri- ces from all heads are mean pooled into a single head. The converted checkpoint is then pre-trained forarXiv:2305.13245v1 [cs.CL] 22 May 2023
Megatron-LM: Training Multi-Billion Parameter Language Models Using Model Parallelism Mohammad Shoeybi1 2Mostofa Patwary1 2Raul Puri1 2Patrick LeGresley2Jared Casper2 Bryan Catanzaro2 Abstract Recent work in language modeling demonstrates that training large transformer models advances the state of the art in Natural Language Processing applications. However, very large models can be quite difficult to train due to memory constraints. In this work, we present our techniques for train- ing very large transformer models and implement a simple, efficient intra-layer model parallel ap- proach that enables training transformer models with billions of parameters. Our approach does not require a new compiler or library changes, is orthogonal and complimentary to pipeline model parallelism, and can be fully implemented with the insertion of a few communication operations in native PyTorch. We illustrate this approach by converging transformer based models up to 8.3 billion parameters using 512 GPUs. We sus- tain 15.1 PetaFLOPs across the entire applica- tion with 76% scaling efficiency when compared to a strong single GPU baseline that sustains 39 TeraFLOPs, which is 30% of peak FLOPs. To demonstrate that large language models can fur- ther advance the state of the art (SOTA), we train an 8.3 billion parameter transformer language model similar to GPT-2 and a 3.9 billion parame- ter model similar to BERT. We show that careful attention to the placement of layer normalization in BERT-like models is critical to achieving in- creased performance as the model size grows. Us- ing the GPT-2 model we achieve SOTA results on the WikiText103 (10.8 compared to SOTA per- plexity of 15.8) and LAMBADA (66.5% com- pared to SOTA accuracy of 63.2%) datasets. Our BERT model achieves SOTA results on the RACE dataset (90.9% compared to SOTA accuracy of 89.4%). 1Equal contribution2NVIDIA. Correspondence to: Mohammad Shoeybi < >.1. Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) is advancing quickly in part due to an increase in available compute and dataset size. The abundance of compute and data enables training increas- ingly larger language models via unsupervised pretraining (Devlin et al., 2018; Radford et al., 2019). Empirical evi- dence indicates that larger language models are dramatically more useful for NLP tasks such as article completion, ques- tion answering, and natural language inference (Lan et al., 2019; Raffel et al., 2019). By finetuning these pretrained language models on downstream natural language tasks, one can achieve state of the art results as shown in recent work (Devlin et al., 2018; Peters et al., 2018; Howard & Ruder, 2018; Radford et al., 2018; 2017; Ramachandran et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2019b; Dai et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019a; Lan et al., 2019). As these models become larger, they exceed the memory limit of modern processors, and require additional memory management techniques such as activation checkpointing (Chen et al., 2016). Widely used optimization algorithms such as ADAM require additional memory per parameter to store momentum and other optimizer state, which reduces the size of models that can be effectively trained. Several approaches to model parallelism overcome this limit by partitioning the model such that the weights and their asso- ciated optimizer state do not need to reside concurrently on the processor. For example, GPipe (Huang et al., 2018) and Mesh-Tensorflow (Shazeer et al., 2018) provide frameworks for model parallelism of different kinds. However, they require rewriting the model, and rely on custom compilers and frameworks that are still under development. In this work, we implement a simple and efficient model parallel approach using intra-layer model-parallelism. We exploit the inherent structure in transformer based language models to make a simple model-parallel implementation that trains efficiently in PyTorch, with no custom C++ code or compiler required. This approach is orthogonal to pipeline- based model parallelism as advocated by approaches such as GPipe (Huang et al., 2018). To demonstrate the scalability of our approach, we establisharXiv:1909.08053v4 [cs.CL] 13 Mar 2020
ReLU Strikes Back: Exploiting Activation Sparsity in Large Language Models Iman Mirzadeh†Keivan Alizadeh Sachin Mehta Carlo C Del Mundo Oncel Tuzel Golnoosh Samei Mohammad Rastegari Mehrdad Farajtabar† Apple ABSTRACT Large Language Models (LLMs) with billions of parameters have drastically transformed AI appli- cations. However, their demanding computation during inference has raised significant challenges for deployment on resource-constrained devices. Despite recent trends favoring alternative acti- vation functions such as GELU or SiLU, known for increased computation, this study strongly advocates for reinstating ReLU activation in LLMs. We demonstrate that using the ReLU activa- tion function has a negligible impact on convergence and performance while significantly reducing computation and weight transfer. This reduction is particularly valuable during the memory-bound inference step, where efficiency is paramount. Exploring sparsity patterns in ReLU-based LLMs, we unveil the reutilization of activated neurons for generating new tokens and leveraging these insights, we propose practical strategies to substantially reduce LLM inference computation up to three times, using ReLU activations with minimal performance trade-offs. 1 Introduction The widespread excitement surrounding Large Language Models (LLMs) has sparked significant interest in leveraging AI across diverse domains [5, 9, 6]. However, realizing the potential of LLMs is challenged by their significant computational and memory requirements during inference [60, 40, 3]. To enhance the inference efficiency1, various techniques have been explored, including quantization [12, 50], speculative decoding [41], pruning [53, 71], and weight sparsification [20, 15]. Among these techniques, achieving activation sparsity offers a compelling advantage by providing a favorable balance between accuracy and speedup, especially on modern hardware like GPUs [51]. Notably, employing the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function [22] in neural networks is recognized for inducing sparse activations and has been adopted in various prior works [27, 44, 48, 69]. To reaffirm this property, we employ the OPT model [80], utilizing ReLU, and measure the sparsity of activations in the Feed Forward Network (FFN) between the fully connected layers. As illustrated in Fig. 1a, all layers exhibit sparsity exceeding 90%. On average, across all layers, this activation sparsity results in substantial weight transfer (I/O) savings between the GPU and CPU, impacting 95% of the rows of the down projection layer’s weights (Fig. 1b). This reduction directly translates to computation savings, as for these rows, the result of the matrix multiplication operation will be zero. Furthermore, unlike unstructured sparsity (e.g., weight pruning), this type of sparsity is more hardware-friendly due to zeroing more extensive and structured chunks, such as rows or columns [36, 51]. For OPT models, this sparsity reduces the computation required for inference from 6.6G FLOPS (Floating Point Operations Per Second) to 4.5G FLOPS per token, resulting in a 32% computation saving (Fig. 1c). †Corresponding authors: {imirzadeh,farajtabar } 1In this work, we use FLOPS as a proxy for inference efficiency. In Appendix B, we demonstrate that for LLMs with activation sparsity, FLOPS can serve as a good approximation of real-world efficiency due to the structure inherent in activation sparsity (e.g., skipping the entire row corresponding to zero activations).arXiv:2310.04564v1 [cs.LG] 6 Oct 2023
2024-1-29 Learning Universal Predictors Jordi Grau-Moya*,1, Tim Genewein*,1, Marcus Hutter*,1, Laurent Orseau*,1, Grégoire Déletang1, Elliot Catt1, Anian Ruoss1, Li Kevin Wenliang1, Christopher Mattern1, Matthew Aitchison1and Joel Veness1 *Equal contributions.,1Google DeepMind, London, United Kingdom Meta-learning has emerged as a powerful approach to train neural networks to learn new tasks quickly from limited data. Broad exposure to different tasks leads to versatile representations enabling general problem solving. But, what are the limits of meta-learning? In this work, we explore the potential of amortizing the most powerful universal predictor, namely Solomonoff Induction (SI), into neural networks via leveraging meta-learning to its limits. We use Universal Turing Machines (UTMs) to generate training data used to expose networks to a broad range of patterns. We provide theoretical analysis of the UTM data generation processes and meta-training protocols. We conduct comprehensive experiments with neural architectures (e.g. LSTMs, Transformers) and algorithmic data generators of varying complexity and universality. Our results suggest that UTM data is a valuable resource for meta-learning, and that it can be used to train neural networks capable of learning universal prediction strategies. Keywords: Kolmogorov-complexity, universal prediction, in-context learning Figure 1|Summary of our meta-learning methodology.Meta-learning has emerged as a powerful ap- proach to enable AI systems to learn new tasks quicklyfromlimiteddata(Hospedalesetal.,2021). By training a model on a diverse set of tasks, meta- learning encourages the discovery of representa- tionsandlearningstrategiesthatgeneralizetonew, unseen tasks. Intriguingly, recent research has shown that, when exposed to specific data regimes, meta-learning allows neural networks to perform Bayesianinference(Geneweinetal.,2023;Mikulik et al., 2020; Ortega et al., 2019), which is critical for principled prediction under uncertainty. A key challenge in meta-learning is to design task distri- butions that are sufficiently broad, exposing the model to a rich variety of structures and patterns. Such broad exposure could lead to “universal” rep- resentations, enabling the system to tackle a wide range of problems and bringing us closer to the goal of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Solomonoff Induction1(SI) offers a compelling theoretical foundation for constructing such an ideal universal prediction system (Solomonoff, 1964a,b)2. At its core, SI elegantly integrates three fundamental principles (see Figure 1). Consideration of all computable hypotheses: Unlike traditional approaches, SI explores the entire space of computable hypotheses (i.e. generated by a 1SI arguably solved the century-old induction problem (Rathmanner and Hutter, 2011), is the basis of the Hutter prize (Hutter, 2006/2020) and has been praised by the father of AI, Marvin Minsky: “the most important discovery since Gödel”. 2For an introduction see (Hutter, 2017; Hutter et al., 2007) and see (Hutter, 2007) for technical details. Corresponding author(s): ©2024 Google DeepMind. All rights reservedarXiv:2401.14953v1 [cs.LG] 26 Jan 2024
Preprint EFFICIENT STREAMING LANGUAGE MODELS WITH ATTENTION SINKS Guangxuan Xiao1∗Yuandong Tian2Beidi Chen3Song Han1Mike Lewis2 1Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2Meta AI 3Carnegie Mellon University ABSTRACT Deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) in streaming applications such as multi-round dialogue, where long interactions are expected, is urgently needed but poses two major challenges. Firstly, during the decoding stage, caching previous tokens’ Key and Value states (KV) consumes extensive memory. Secondly, popular LLMs cannot generalize to longer texts than the training sequence length. Window attention, where only the most recent KVs are cached, is a natural approach — but we show that it fails when the text length surpasses the cache size. We observe an interesting phenomenon, namely attention sink , that keeping the KV of initial tokens will largely recover the performance of window attention. In this paper, we first demonstrate that the emergence of attention sink is due to the strong attention scores towards initial tokens as a “sink” even if they are not semantically important. Based on the above analysis, we introduce StreamingLLM, an efficient framework that enables LLMs trained with a finite length attention window to generalize to infinite sequence length without any fine-tuning. We show that StreamingLLM can enable Llama-2, MPT, Falcon, and Pythia to perform stable and efficient language modeling with up to 4 million tokens and more. In addition, we discover that adding a placeholder token as a dedicated attention sink during pre-training can further improve streaming deployment. In streaming settings, StreamingLLM outperforms the sliding window recomputation baseline by up to 22.2 ×speedup. Code and datasets are provided in the link. 1 I NTRODUCTION Large Language Models (LLMs) (Radford et al., 2018; Brown et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2023; Touvron et al., 2023a;b) are becoming ubiquitous, powering many natural language processing applications such as dialog systems (Schulman et al., 2022; Taori et al., 2023; Chiang et al., 2023), document summarization (Goyal & Durrett, 2020; Zhang et al., 2023a), code completion (Chen et al., 2021; Rozière et al., 2023) and question answering (Kamalloo et al., 2023). To unleash the full potential of pretrained LLMs, they should be able to efficiently and accurately perform long sequence generation. For example, an ideal ChatBot assistant can stably work over the content of recent day-long conversations. However, it is very challenging for LLM to generalize to longer sequence lengths than they have been pretrained on, e.g., 4K for Llama-2 Touvron et al. (2023b). The reason is that LLMs are constrained by the attention window during pre-training. Despite substantial efforts to expand this window size (Chen et al., 2023; kaiokendev, 2023; Peng et al., 2023) and improve training (Dao et al., 2022; Dao, 2023) and inference (Pope et al., 2022; Xiao et al., 2023; Anagnostidis et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2023b) efficiency for lengthy inputs, the acceptable sequence length remains intrinsically finite , which doesn’t allow persistent deployments. In this paper, we first introduce the concept of LLM streaming applications and ask the question: Can we deploy an LLM for infinite-length inputs without sacrificing efficiency and performance? ∗Part of the work done during an internship at Meta AI. 1arXiv:2309.17453v1 [cs.CL] 29 Sep 2023
Think Before You Speak: Cultivating Communication Skills of Large Language Models via Inner Monologue Junkai Zhou1,2, Liang Pang1∗, Huawei Shen1,2, Xueqi Cheng1,2 1CAS Key Laboratory of AI Security, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China {zhoujunkai20z,pangliang,shenhuawei,cxq} Abstract The emergence of large language models (LLMs) further improves the capabilities of open-domain dialogue systems and can gen- erate fluent, coherent, and diverse responses. However, LLMs still lack a crucial ability: com- munication skills. This limitation renders them more like information seeking tools rather than anthropomorphic chatbots. Communication skills, such as topic transition, proactively ask- ing questions, concept guidance, empathy, and summarising often should be taken into consid- eration, to make LLMs more anthropomorphic and proactive during the conversation, thereby increasing the interest of users and attracting them to chat for longer. However, enabling these communication skills in black-box LLMs remains a key challenge because they do not have the same utterance formation mode as real people: think before speaking. Inspired by linguistics and cognitive science, we empower LLMs with communication skills through inner monologues. To evaluate various communica- tion skills, we construct a benchmark named Cskills, which can also more comprehensively evaluate the dialogue generation ability of the model. Experimental results show that the pro- posed CSIM strategy improves the backbone models and outperforms the baselines. 1 Introduction Open-domain dialogue systems need to generate fluent, coherent, and diverse responses based on his- tory utterances. The emergence of large language models (Chowdhery et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2022; Touvron et al., 2023) further enhances the capabili- ties of dialogue generation systems and can meet the above requirements. However, LLMs are more like an information seeking tool than a chatbot like a real person. Such a dialogue system may make users lose interest in chatting and terminate the conversation. The reason is that LLMs still lack an ∗Corresponding authors Sure! Since youenjoy watching movies, I recommend theAmerican film "Inception" directed byChristopher Nolan . Ofcourse! What type ofAmerican movie doyouwant towatch? Action, romance, comedy orsomething else? Romance movies . Ilikewatching movies, recommend meanAmerican movie . Ilikewatching movies, recommend meanAmerican movie . Iwould recommend "Titanic", aromantic tale ofindividuals transcending social barriers forlove. Hedidnotspecify themovie type, Ishould askmore about hislikes forabetter recommendation . (a) (b)Inner MonologueFigure 1: When asked to recommend: (a) ChatGPT directly recommends without asking the detailed needs of users, which may lead to failure to satisfy users; (b) people proactively ask questions to further understand the needs of users before making recommendations. important conversational ability: communication skills. As shown in Figure 1, LLM makes recom- mendations without a thorough comprehension of the preferences of the user regarding movie gen- res. This lack of detailed understanding may result in inaccurate recommendation outcomes. People use proactively asking questions in communication skills to further understand the needs of the user, thereby making better recommendations. In linguistics, communication skills are used to enhance the interactive experience during the conversation and to establish effective communica- tion (Dörnyei, 1995; Grover, 2005; Barker, 2010). The five common communication skills are topic transition, proactively asking questions, concept guidance, empathy, and summarising often. Each communication skill is applicable to different con- versational situations and plays a different role during the conversation. By using topic transi- tion (Dörnyei, 1995; Riou, 2015), we can avoid unfamiliar concepts and transition to familiar ones, leading to better conversations. Proactively ask-arXiv:2311.07445v2 [cs.CL] 15 Mar 2024
Unified View of Grokking, Double Descent and Emergent Abilities: A Perspective from Circuits Competition Yufei Huang1Shengding Hu1Xu Han1Zhiyuan Liu1Maosong Sun†1 Abstract Recent studies have uncovered intriguing phenom- ena in deep learning, such as grokking ,double de- scent , and emergent abilities in large language models, which challenge human intuition and are crucial for a deeper understanding of neural models. In this paper, we present a comprehen- sive framework that provides a unified view of these three phenomena, focusing on the compe- tition between memorization and generalization circuits. This approach, initially employed to ex- plain grokking , is extended in our work to encom- pass a wider range of model sizes and training data volumes. Our framework delineates four distinct training dynamics, each depending on varying combinations of model size and training data quantity. Utilizing this framework, we pro- vide a detailed analysis of the double descent phe- nomenon and propose two verifiable predictions regarding its occurrence, both substantiated by our experimental results. Moreover, we expand our framework to the multi-task learning paradigm, demonstrating how algorithm tasks can be turned into emergent abilities. This offers a novel per- spective to understand emergent abilities in Large Language Models. 1. Introduction There are several interesting phenomenons in Deep Learn- ing, among which grokking (Power et al., 2022), double descent (Nakkiran et al., 2020) and emergent abilities (Wei et al., 2022a) in current Large Language Models attract a lot of attention. Understanding these phenomena is important for us to reveal the mechanism of deep learning. Plenty of works (Liu et al., 2022; 2023; Thilak et al., 2022; Varma et al., 2023; Schaeffer et al., 2023; Michaud et al., 2023) have been done to explain these phenomenons from dif- ferent perspectives. However, these works all concentrate 1Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Correspondence to: Maosong Sun < >. Model SizeTrain Data SizeCritical Dataset SizeMemorization Capacity (b) ungrokking(c) grokking(a) progression(d) semi-grokkingdouble descentw/o double descentFigure 1. The increasing memorization capacity and decreasing critical dataset size for larger models split the figure into four distinct zones including progression ,ungrokking ,grokking and semi-grokking . Each zone will show a specific training dynamic. on a single phenomenon and explain them separately. In this work, we provide a preliminary study to give a unified view of these three phenomena from the perspective of com- petition between memorization circuits and generalization circuits in neural models. Our work is based on Varma et al. (2023)’s explanation forgrokking . They attribute grokking to the competition between two distinct types of circuits in the model: one responsible for memorization, which achieves high train- ing accuracy but poor validation accuracy, and another for generalization, capable of high performance in both train- ing and validation. The latter, although slower to develop, proves more efficient in terms of parameter norms, leading to the model finally transferring from memorization to gen- eralization to achieve higher efficiency. Intriguingly, the efficiency of the memorization circuit is inversely propor- tional to the volume of training data, indicating that larger datasets reduce their efficiency. In contrast, the efficiency of the generalization circuit remains consistently stable, regard- less of the size of the training data. Consequently, Varma et al. (2023) established a critical dataset size Dcrit, a spe- cific range within which memorization and generalization circuits exhibit comparable efficiency, and beyond which grokking is likely to occur. 1arXiv:2402.15175v2 [cs.LG] 26 Feb 2024
Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models Tero Karras NVIDIAMiika Aittala NVIDIATimo Aila NVIDIASamuli Laine NVIDIA Abstract We argue that the theory and practice of diffusion-based generative models are currently unnecessarily convoluted and seek to remedy the situation by presenting a design space that clearly separates the concrete design choices. This lets us identify several changes to both the sampling and training processes, as well as preconditioning of the score networks. Together, our improvements yield new state-of-the-art FID of 1.79 for CIFAR-10 in a class-conditional setting and 1.97 in an unconditional setting, with much faster sampling (35 network evaluations per image) than prior designs. To further demonstrate their modular nature, we show that our design changes dramatically improve both the efficiency and quality ob- tainable with pre-trained score networks from previous work, including improving the FID of a previously trained ImageNet-64 model from 2.07 to near-SOTA 1.55, and after re-training with our proposed improvements to a new SOTA of 1.36. 1 Introduction Diffusion-based generative models [ 46] have emerged as a powerful new framework for neural image synthesis, in both unconditional [ 16,37,49] and conditional [ 17,36,37,39,40,42,43,49] settings, even surpassing the quality of GANs [ 13] in certain situations [ 9]. They are also rapidly finding use in other domains such as audio [ 28,38] and video [ 19] generation, image segmentation [ 4,57] and language translation [ 35]. As such, there is great interest in applying these models and improving them further in terms of image/distribution quality, training cost, and generation speed. The literature on these models is dense on theory, and derivations of sampling schedule, training dynamics, noise level parameterization, etc., tend to be based as directly as possible on theoretical frameworks, which ensures that the models are on a solid theoretical footing. However, this approach has a danger of obscuring the available design space — a proposed model may appear as a tightly coupled package where no individual component can be modified without breaking the entire system. As our first contribution, we take a look at the theory behind these models from a practical standpoint, focusing more on the “tangible” objects and algorithms that appear in the training and sampling phases, and less on the statistical processes from which they might be derived. The goal is to obtain better insights into how these components are linked together and what degrees of freedom are available in the design of the overall system. We focus on the broad class of models where a neural network is used to model the score [ 22] of a noise level dependent marginal distribution of the training data corrupted by Gaussian noise. Thus, our work is in the context of denoising score matching [54]. Our second set of contributions concerns the sampling processes used to synthesize images using diffusion models. We identify the best-performing time discretization for sampling, apply a higher- order Runge–Kutta method for the sampling process, evaluate different sampler schedules, and analyze the usefulness of stochasticity in the sampling process. The result of these improvements is a significant drop in the number of sampling steps required during synthesis, and the improved sampler can be used as a drop-in replacement with several widely used diffusions models [37, 49]. 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022).arXiv:2206.00364v2 [cs.CV] 11 Oct 2022
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2021 DOWIDE AND DEEP NETWORKS LEARN THE SAME THINGS ? U NCOVERING HOW NEURAL NETWORK REPRESENTATIONS VARY WITH WIDTH AND DEPTH Thao Nguyen∗, Maithra Raghu, & Simon Kornblith Google Research {thaotn,maithra,skornblith } ABSTRACT A key factor in the success of deep neural networks is the ability to scale models to improve performance by varying the architecture depth and width. This simple property of neural network design has resulted in highly effective architectures for a variety of tasks. Nevertheless, there is limited understanding of effects of depth and width on the learned representations . In this paper, we study this fundamental question. We begin by investigating how varying depth and width affects model hidden representations, finding a characteristic block structure in the hidden rep- resentations of larger capacity (wider or deeper) models. We demonstrate that this block structure arises when model capacity is large relative to the size of the training set, and is indicative of the underlying layers preserving and propagating the dominant principal component of their representations. This discovery has important ramifications for features learned by different models, namely, repre- sentations outside the block structure are often similar across architectures with varying widths and depths, but the block structure is unique to each model. We analyze the output predictions of different model architectures, finding that even when the overall accuracy is similar, wide and deep models exhibit distinctive error patterns and variations across classes. 1 I NTRODUCTION Deep neural network architectures are typically tailored to available computational resources by scaling their width and/or depth. Remarkably, this simple approach to model scaling can result in state-of-the-art networks for both high- and low-resource regimes (Tan & Le, 2019). However, despite the ubiquity of varying depth and width, there is limited understanding of how varying these properties affects the final model beyond its performance. Investigating this fundamental question is critical, especially with the continually increasing compute resources devoted to designing and training new network architectures. More concretely, we can ask, how do depth and width affect the final learned representations? Do these different model architectures also learn different intermediate (hidden layer) features? Are there discernible differences in the outputs? In this paper, we study these core questions, through detailed analysis of a family of ResNet models with varying depths and widths trained on CIFAR-10 (Krizhevsky et al., 2009), CIFAR-100 and ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009). We show that depth/width variations result in distinctive characteristics in the model internal rep- resentations, with resulting consequences for representations and outputs across different model initializations and architectures. Specifically, our contributions are as follows: • We develop a method based on centered kernel alignment (CKA) to efficiently measure the simi- larity of the hidden representations of wide and deep neural networks using minibatches. • We apply this method to different network architectures, finding that representations in wide or deep models exhibit a characteristic structure, which we term the block structure . We study how the block structure varies across different training runs, and uncover a connection between block ∗Work done as a member of the Google AI Residency program. 1arXiv:2010.15327v2 [cs.LG] 10 Apr 2021
STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY Structural basis for strand-transfer inhibitor binding to HIV intasomes Dario Oliveira Passos1*, Min Li2*, Ilona K. Józ ´wik1, Xue Zhi Zhao3, Diogo Santos-Martins4, Renbin Yang2, Steven J. Smith3, Youngmin Jeon1, Stefano Forli4, Stephen H. Hughes3, Terrence R. Burke Jr.3, Robert Craigie2, Dmitry Lyumkis1,4† The HIV intasome is a large nucleoprotein assembly that mediates the integration of a DNA copy of the viral genome into host chromatin. Intasomes are targeted by the latest generation of antiretroviral drugs, integrase strand-transfer inhibitors (INSTIs). Challenges associated with lentiviral intasome biochemistry have hindered high-resolution structural studies of how INSTIs bind to their native drug target. Here, we present high-resolution cryo –electron microscopy structures of HIV intasomes bound to the latest generation of INSTIs. These structures highlight how small changes in the integrase active site can have notable implications for drug binding and design and provide mechanistic insights into why a leading INSTI retains efficacy against a broad spectrum of drug-resistant variants. The data have implications for expanding effective treatments available for HIV-infected individuals. HIV currently infects ~40 million people worldwide. The virus ’s ability to inte- grate a viral DNA (vDNA) copy of its RNA genome into host chromatin, lead- ing to the establishment of a permanent and irreversible infection of the target cell(and any progeny cells), is the central chal- lenge in developing a cure ( 1). Integration, cat- alyzed by the viral integrase (IN) protein, is essential for retroviral replication and results in the covalent linkage of vDNA to the host genome ( 2,3). Proper integration depends on the formation of a large oligomeric nucleo- protein complex containing viral IN assembled on the ends of vDNA, commonly referred to as an intasome ( 4–9). All intasomes contain multimeric IN bound to vDNA ends, but they are characterized by distinct oligomeric con- figurations and domain arrangements. Intasome assembly and catalysis proceed through a multistep process that involves sev- eral distinct intermediates (fig. S1). The cat- alytically competent cle aved synaptic complex (CSC) intasome, which contains free 3 ′-OH ends, is the specific target of the IN strand- transfer inhibitors (INSTIs), a group of drugs that bind to both the active site of HIV IN and the ends of vDNA, thereby blocking ca- talysis. Treatment with INSTIs, which are a key component of combined antiretroviral thera- py, leads to a rapid decrease in viral load in patients. INSTIs are generally well tolerated, and the second-generation drugs do not read- ily select for resistance ( 10–13). They are used in the recommended first-line combinationtherapies for treating HIV-infected patients and are prime candidates for future develop- ment ( 14,15). The prototype foamy virus (PFV) intasome has been used as a model system to under- stand INSTI binding ( 6,16–19). However, this system has limitations. PFV and HIV INs share only ~25% of sequence identity in the catalytic core domain (CCD) ( 6), and many of the sites where drug-resistance mutations occur in HIV IN are not conserved in PFV IN. Moreover, minor changes in the structure of an INSTI can profoundly affect its ability to inhibit mutant forms of HIV ( 19,20). Thus, understanding how INSTIs interact with HIV intasomes — their natural target —at a molecular level is needed to overcome drug resistance and to guide development of improved inhibitors. We established conditions for assembling, purifying, and structurally characterizing HIV CSC intasomes. Previously, we have shown that fusion of the small protein Sso7d to the N-terminal domain (NTD) of HIV IN improves its solubility and facilitates assembly and puri- fication of strand-transfer complex intasomes (4,21 ). We further optimized conditions re- quired for CSC formation and purification and showed that these complexes are bio- chemically active for concerted integration (fig. S2). We used a tilted cryo –electron mi- croscopy (cryo-EM) data collection strategy to alleviate the effects of preferential speci- men orientation on cryo-EM grids ( 22), which allowed us to collect data on the apo form of the HIV CSC intasome. The cryo-EM re- construction of the HIV CSC intasome reveals a twofold symmetric dodecameric molecular assembly of IN. The highest resolution (~2.7 Å) resides within the core containing the twocatalytic sites and the ends of vDNA (fig. S3 and table S1). Lentiviral intasomes have a large degree of heterogeneity and vary in size depending onthe protein and biochemical conditions, form- ing tetramers, dodecamers, hexadecamers, and proto-intasome stacks (figs. S4 and S5). The basic underlying unit, the conserved in- tasome core (CIC), resembles —but is not iden- tical to —the tetrameric PFV intasome. The CIC is composed of two IN dimers, each of which binds one vDNA end and a C-terminal domain (CTD) from a neighboring protomer (23). In the cryo-EM reconstruction, four fully defined IN protomers, two CTDs from flank- ing protomers, and two additional CTDs from distal subunits are clearly resolved (Fig. 1A); these were used to build an atomic model(Fig. 1B). With the exception of the additional CTDs from distal subunits, which are not conserved in other retroviral species, the re- solved regions constitute the intasome CIC. Each of the two active sites in an HIV in- tasome contains the catalytic residues Asp 64, Asp116, and Glu152, forming the prototypical DDE motif present in many nucleases, trans- posases, and other INs ( 24). The regions near the active sites of the PFV and HIV intasomes a r es i m i l a rb e c a u s em a n yo ft h er e s i d u e sp a r - ticipate in substrate binding and catalysis. However, farther from the active sites, the structures diverge (Fig. 1C and figs. S6 and S7). The largest differences reside in the synaptic CTD from the flanking protomer, specifically the region around the loop spanning HIV IN Arg228-Lys236.T h ec o r r e s p o n d i n gl o o pi nP F V IN has four additional residues and assumes a distinct configuration. Clinically relevant drug- resistance mutations occur within regions of HIV IN where the amino acid sequences be- tween the two orthologs diverge ( 11,12). To better understand how INSTIs interact with HIV intasomes, we assembled the com- plex with bictegravir ( BIC), a leading second- generation INSTI and the most broadly potent of all clinically approved INSTIs ( 25). We also ex- amined the binding of additional compounds — named 4f,4d,a n d4c, which contain a distinct chelating core (Fig. 2A) —whose development was motivated by the need to further improve potency against drug-resistant variants ( 19,20). Currently, 4dis a leading drug candidate that shows improved efficacy over all clinically used and developmental compounds against the known drug-resistant variants ( 25,26)( f i g .S 8 ) . Intasomes were coassembled and copurified with INSTIs, and we verified their inhibitory activity (fig. S9). The cryo-EM structures of INSTI-bound CSCs extend to a comparable ~2.6 to 2.7 Å resolution near the active site, which allows the derivation of atomic models (figs. S10 to S12 and table S1). INSTIs bind HIV CSCs within a well-defined pocket, formed by the interface between two IN protomers and vDNA. Several important pharmacophores characterize the binding of all INSTIs (Fig. 2, B and C). First, three cen- tral electronegative heteroatoms chelate twoRESEARCH Passos et al.,Science 367, 810 –814 (2020) 14 February 2020 1o f4 1The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Laboratory of Genetics, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.2National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Diseases, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.3Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD 21702, USA.4Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. *These authors contributed equally to this work. †Corresponding author. Email: Downloaded from at University of California San Diego on July 04, 2023
Text Embeddings by Weakly-Supervised Contrastive Pre-training Liang Wang, Nan Yang, Xiaolong Huang, Binxing Jiao Linjun Yang ,Daxin Jiang ,Rangan Majumder ,Furu Wei Microsoft Corporation Abstract This paper presents E51, a family of state-of-the-art text embeddings that transfer well to a wide range of tasks. The model is trained in a contrastive manner with weak supervision signals from our curated large-scale text pair dataset (called CCPairs). E5 can be readily used as a general-purpose embedding model for any tasks requiring a single-vector representation of texts such as retrieval, clustering, and classification, achieving strong performance in both zero-shot and fine-tuned settings. We conduct extensive evaluations on 56datasets from the BEIR and MTEB benchmarks. For zero-shot settings, E5 is the first model that outperforms the strong BM25 baseline on the BEIR retrieval benchmark without using any labeled data. When fine-tuned, E5 obtains the best results on the MTEB benchmark, beating existing embedding models with 40×more parameters. 1 Introduction Text embeddings are low-dimensional vector representations for arbitrary-length texts and play key roles in many NLP tasks such as large-scale retrieval. Compared to the high-dimensional and sparse representations like TF-IDF, text embeddings have the potential to overcome the lexical mismatch issue and facilitate efficient retrieval and matching between texts. It also offers a versatile interface easily consumable by downstream applications. While pre-trained language models such as BERT [ 17] and GPT [ 7] can produce transferrable text representations, they are not ideal for tasks such as retrieval and text matching where a single- vector embedding of texts is more desired due to its efficiency and versatility. To obtain better text embeddings, contrastive learning is often the go-to framework to enhance the sequence-level representations from text pairs. Along this line of research, some works are geared towards learning task-specific embeddings. For example, GTR [ 43] and Sentence-T5 [ 44] fine-tune pre-trained models with supervised datasets to learn embeddings customized for passage retrieval and semantic textual similarity, respectively. Other works learn unsupervised embeddings from automatically constructed text pairs. Typical methods to construct text pairs include Inverse Close Task (ICT) [9], random cropping [ 28] and neighboring text spans [ 41], etc. While such synthetic data are of unlimited quantity, they are often poor in quality and the resulted embeddings fail to match the performance of the classic BM25 baseline without further fine-tuning [40]. In this work, we learn a high-quality general-purpose text embedding termed E5, EmbEddings from bidir Ectional Encoder r Epresentations. E5 aims to provide strong off-the-shelf text embeddings suitable for any tasks requiring single-vector representations in both zero-shot or fine-tuned settings. To achieve this goal, instead of relying on limited labeled data or low-quality synthetic text pairs, we contrastively train E5 embeddings from CCPairs, a curated web-scale text pair dataset containing 1E5:EmbEddings from bidir Ectional Encoder r Epresentations Work in progress.arXiv:2212.03533v2 [cs.CL] 22 Feb 2024
SPRING: GPT-4 Out-performs RL Algorithms by Studying Papers and Reasoning Yue Wu14∗, Shrimai Prabhumoye2, So Yeon Min1, Yonatan Bisk1, Ruslan Salakhutdinov1, Amos Azaria3, Tom Mitchell1, Yuanzhi Li1,4 1Carnegie Mellon University,2NVIDIA,3Ariel University,4Microsoft Research Abstract Open-world survival games pose significant challenges for AI algorithms due to their multi-tasking, deep exploration, and goal prioritization requirements. Despite reinforcement learning (RL) being popular for solving games, its high sample complexity limits its effectiveness in complex open-world games like Crafter or Minecraft. We propose a novel approach, SPRING, to read the game’s original academic paper and use the knowledge learned to reason and play the game through a large language model (LLM). Prompted with the L ATEX source as game context and a description of the agent’s current observation, our SPRING framework em- ploys a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with game-related questions as nodes and dependencies as edges. We identify the optimal action to take in the environment by traversing the DAG and calculating LLM responses for each node in topological order, with the LLM’s answer to final nodedirectly translating to environment actions. In our experiments, we study the quality of in-context “reasoning” in- duced by different forms of prompts under the setting of the Crafter open-world environment. Our experiments suggest that LLMs, when prompted with consistent chain-of-thought, have great potential in completing sophisticated high-level tra- jectories. Quantitatively, SPRING with GPT-4 outperforms all state-of-the-art RL baselines, trained for 1M steps, without any training. Finally, we show the potential of games as a test bed for LLMs. 1 Introduction Open-world survival games like Minecraft Fan et al. (2022) and Crafter Hafner (2021) pose significant challenges for AI algorithms due to a combination of factors: procedural generation requires strong generalization; diverse action space requires multi-task capabilities; technology tree requires long- term planning and deep exploration; diverse and conflicting objectives requires goal prioritization. In particular, Crafter is designed for efficient simulation and fast iteration. Similar to Minecraft, Crafter features key challenges such as multi-tasking, exploration with a deep and wide tech-tree, requiring the agent to craft multiple tools and interact with multiple objects to survive in the game. Reinforcement learning (RL) has been the go-to approach for game-based problems, with numerous successes in games like Go Silver et al. (2017), robotics Fu et al. (2020); Hafner et al. (2023) and various video games Vinyals et al. (2019); Schrittwieser et al. (2020); Badia et al. (2020); Hafner et al. (2023). While RL demonstrated impressive performance, it still suffers from certain limitations, such as high sample complexity and difficulty in incorporating prior knowledge. Such drawbacks make it exceptionally challenging to apply RL to diverse and complex open-world benchmarks like Crafter Hafner (2021) or Minecraft Fan et al. (2022). Addressing the benefits and drawbacks of RL is therefore crucial for achieving a sample-efficient solution. ∗Work done during internship at Microsoft. For correspondence, contact Preprint. Under review.arXiv:2305.15486v2 [cs.AI] 29 May 2023
Fine-Tuning Language Models from Human Preferences Daniel M. Ziegler∗Nisan Stiennon∗Jeffrey Wu Tom B. Brown Alec Radford Dario Amodei Paul Christiano Geoffrey Irving OpenAI {dmz,nisan,jeffwu,tom,alec,damodei,paul,irving} Abstract Reward learning enables the application of rein- forcement learning (RL) to tasks where reward is defined by human judgment, building a model of reward by asking humans questions. Most work on reward learning has used simulated environ- ments, but complex information about values is of- ten expressed in natural language, and we believe reward learning for language is a key to making RL practical and safe for real-world tasks. In this paper, we build on advances in generative pretrain- ing of language models to apply reward learning to four natural language tasks: continuing text with positive sentiment or physically descriptive language, and summarization tasks on the TL;DR and CNN/Daily Mail datasets. For stylistic con- tinuation we achieve good results with only 5,000 comparisons evaluated by humans. For summa- rization, models trained with 60,000 comparisons copy whole sentences from the input but skip irrel- evant preamble; this leads to reasonable ROUGE scores and very good performance according to our human labelers, but may be exploiting the fact that labelers rely on simple heuristics. 1. Introduction We would like to apply reinforcement learning to complex tasks defined only by human judgment, where we can only tell whether a result is good or bad by asking humans. To do this, we can first use human labels to train a model of reward, and then optimize that model. While there is a long history of work learning such models from humans through interaction, this work has only recently been applied to mod- ern deep learning, and even then has only been applied to relatively simple simulated environments (Christiano et al., 2017; Ibarz et al., 2018; Bahdanau et al., 2018). By contrast, real world settings in which humans need to specify com- *Equal contribution. Correspondence to goals to AI agents are likely to both involve and require natural language, which is a rich medium for expressing value-laden concepts. Natural language is particularly im- portant when an agent must communicate back to a human to help provide a more accurate supervisory signal (Irving et al., 2018; Christiano et al., 2018; Leike et al., 2018). Natural language processing has seen substantial recent ad- vances. One successful method has been to pretrain a large generative language model on a corpus of unsupervised data, then fine-tune the model for supervised NLP tasks (Dai and Le, 2015; Peters et al., 2018; Radford et al., 2018; Khandel- wal et al., 2019). This method often substantially outper- forms training on the supervised datasets from scratch, and a single pretrained language model often can be fine-tuned for state of the art performance on many different super- vised datasets (Howard and Ruder, 2018). In some cases, fine-tuning is not required: Radford et al. (2019) find that generatively trained models show reasonable performance on NLP tasks with no additional training (zero-shot). There is a long literature applying reinforcement learning to natural language tasks. Much of this work uses algorithmi- cally defined reward functions such as BLEU for translation (Ranzato et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2016), ROUGE for summa- rization (Ranzato et al., 2015; Paulus et al., 2017; Wu and Hu, 2018; Gao et al., 2019b), music theory-based rewards (Jaques et al., 2017), or event detectors for story generation (Tambwekar et al., 2018). Nguyen et al. (2017) used RL on BLEU but applied several error models to approximate human behavior. Wu and Hu (2018) and Cho et al. (2019) learned models of coherence from existing text and used them as RL rewards for summarization and long-form gen- eration, respectively. Gao et al. (2019a) built an interactive summarization tool by applying reward learning to one ar- ticle at a time. Experiments using human evaluations as rewards include Kreutzer et al. (2018) which used off-policy reward learning for translation, and Jaques et al. (2019) which applied the modified Q-learning methods of Jaques et al. (2017) to implicit human preferences in dialog. Yi et al. (2019) learned rewards from humans to fine-tune dia- log models, but smoothed the rewards to allow supervised learning. We refer to Luketina et al. (2019) for a survey ofarXiv:1909.08593v2 [cs.CL] 8 Jan 2020
Mathematical discoveries from program search with large language models Bernardino R om er a- Pa re de s, M oh am ma damin Barekatain, Alexander Novikov, Matej Balog, M. Pawan Kumar, Emilien Dupont, Francisco J. R. Ruiz, Jordan S. Ellenberg, Pengming Wang, Omar Fawzi, Pushmeet Kohli & Alhussein Fawzi This is a PDF file of a peer-reviewed paper that has been accepted for publication. Although unedited, the content has been subjected to preliminary formatting. Nature is providing this early version of the typeset paper as a service to our authors and readers. The text and figures will undergo copyediting and a proof review before the paper is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers apply.Received: 12 August 2023 Accepted: 30 November 2023 Accelerated Article Preview Published online xx xx xxxx Cite this article as: Romera-Paredes, B. et al. Mathematical discoveries from program search with large language models. Nature (2023) Nature | Accelerated Article Preview ACCELERATED ARTICLE PREVIEW
Replacing Judges with Juries: Evaluating LLM Generations with a Panel of Diverse Models Pat Verga Sebastian Hofst ¨atter, Sophia Althammer, Yixuan Su Aleksandra Piktus, Arkady Arkhangorodsky, Minjie Xu, Naomi White Patrick Lewis Cohere Abstract As Large Language Models (LLMs) have become more advanced, they have outpaced our abilities to accurately evaluate their quality. Not only is finding data to adequately probe particular model properties difficult, but evaluating the correctness of a model’s free-form generation alone is a chal- lenge. To address this, many evaluations now rely on using LLMs themselves as judges to score the quality of outputs from other LLMs. Evaluations most commonly use a single large model like GPT- 4. While this method has grown in popularity, it is costly, has been shown to introduce intra-model bias, and in this work, we find that very large mod- els are often unnecessary. We propose instead to evaluate models using a Panel of LLm evaluators (PoLL). Across three distinct judge settings and spanning six different datasets, we find that using a PoLL composed of a larger number of smaller models outperforms a single large judge, exhibits less intra-model bias due to its composition of dis- joint model families, and does so while being over seven times less expensive. 1 Introduction Evaluating generative language models is a chal- lenging task: not only is it difficult to find mean- ingful data to test the models, but evaluating the correctness of a generated response is it- self a challenge. Multiple choice datasets like MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2020) have become pop- ular in part by side-stepping the difficulty of evalu- ating generations. However, multiple-choice ques- tions are in many ways probing a different property than that of a free-form generative task, which is oftentimes closer to the downstream use-case. Many automatic metrics have been used across various tasks such as BLEU in machine transla- tion (Papineni et al., 2002), ROUGE for summa- Reference EM R Haiku GPT3.5 PoLL1 2 3 4 5 6 7Rank Evaluated Models R R+ GPT3.5 GPT4 C3-Haiku C3-Sonnet Mistral-L Reference EM R Haiku GPT3.5 PoLL Judges0. Score (to Humans)Figure 1: Top: Rankings of model performance change drastically depending on which LLM is used as the judge on KILT-NQ. Bottom: The Panel of LLm evalua- tors (PoLL) has the highest Cohen’s κcorrelation with human judgements. rization (Lin, 2004), and heuristic string match methods, such as normalized exact match (EM) and token level F1 for question answering (Rajpurkar et al., 2016). However, these simplistic methods commonly fail to analyze the intended property of interest. QA metrics, for example, invariably lead to both false positive failures (e.g. superfluous to- ken overlap) and more commonly false negatives due to an incomplete set of gold reference answers (e.g. date format differences1, inclusion of middle initial in person’s name, etc.). More recent methods have attempted to address these issues by instead using trained or prompted models as evaluators (Sellam et al., 2020; Zheng 1We found that EM unjustly penalized Command models for a tendency to write in Canadian or British English as QA dataset annotations typically format dates in American MM- DD-YYYY format.arXiv:2404.18796v1 [cs.CL] 29 Apr 2024
Structure of the Visual Signaling Complex between Transducin and Phosphodiesterase 6 Yang Gao1,2,5, Gözde Eskici1,2,5, Sekar Ramachandran3,4,5, Frédéric Poitevin1,2, Alpay Burak Seven1,2, Ouliana Panova1,2, Georgios Skiniotis1,2,*, Richard A. Cerione3,4,6,* 1Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 2Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 3Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 4Department of Molecular Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 5These authors contributed equally to this work. 6Lead Contact SUMMARY Heterotrimeric G proteins communicate signals from activated G protein-coupled receptors to downstream effector proteins. In the phototransduction pathway responsible for vertebrate vision, the G protein-effector complex is comprised of the GTP-bound transducin α subunit (G αT·GTP) and the cyclic GMP (cGMP) phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6), which stimulates cGMP hydrolysis leading to hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor cell. Here we report a cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) structure of PDE6 complexed to GTP-bound G αT. The structure reveals two G αT·GTP subunits engaging the PDE6 hetero-tetramer at both the PDE6 catalytic core and the PDE γ subunits, driving extensive rearrangements to relieve all inhibitory constraints on enzyme catalysis. Analysis of the conformational ensemble in the cryoEM data highlights the dynamic nature of the contacts between the two G αT·GTP subunits and PDE6 that supports an alternating- site catalytic mechanism. *Correspondence: (R.A.C.), (G.S.). AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Y .G. developed the purification strategy, performed complex purification and PDE6 activity assays for mutants, built and refined the structural model from the cryoEM map and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. G.E. processed the cryoEM data, obtained the cryoEM map and assisted in the flexibility analysis. S.R. generated the 1D4-tagged transducin construct and performed PDE activity assays with varying transducin concentrations. F.P. performed the flexibility analysis. A.B.S. assisted in cryoEM data processing. O.P. froze grids and obtained cryoEM data. Y .G., G.S. and R.A.C. edited the manuscript with input from G.E., S.R. and F.P.. G.S. and R.A.C. supervised the project. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS The authors declare no competing interests. Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. HHS Public Access Author manuscript Mol Cell . Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 October 15. Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell . 2020 October 15; 80(2): 237–245.e4. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2020.09.013. Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
Byzantine Fault Tolerance, from Theory to Reality Kevin Driscoll1, Brendan Hall1, Håkan Sivencrona2, Phil Zumsteg1 1Honeywell International 3660 Technology Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55418 {brendan.hall,kevin.driscoll,phil.j.zumsteg} 2Chalmers University of Technology Department of Computer Engineering, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden Abstract. Since its introduction nearly 20 years ago, the Byzantine Generals Problem has been the subject of many papers having the scrutiny of the fault tolerance community. Numerous Byzantine fault tolerant algorithms and archi-tectures have been proposed. However, this problem is not yet sufficiently un- derstood by those who design, build, and maintain systems with high depend- ability requirements. Today, there are still many misconceptions relating to Byzantine failure, what makes a system vulnerable, and indeed the very nature and reality of Byzantine faults. This paper revisits the Byzantine problem from a practitioner’s perspective. The intention is to provide the reader with a work- ing appreciation of Byzantine failure from a practical as well as a theoretical perspective. A discussion of typical failure properties and the difficulties in preventing the associated failure propagation is presented. These are illustrated with real Byzantine failure observations. Finally, various architectural solutions to the Byzantine problem are presented. 1 What You Thought Could Never Happen In English, the phrase “one in a million” is popularly used to describe the highly im- probable. The ratio itself is difficult to comprehend. The easiest way to give it reason is to equate it to real-world expectations. For example, the probability of winning the U.K. National Lottery is around one in fourteen million; the probability of getting struck by lightning in the U.S. is around one in six hundred thousand [1]. It is not safe to rely on intuition for reasoning about unfathomably small probabilities (for exam- ple, the 1-in-1,000,000,000 maximum failure probability for critical aerospace systems 1). It is problematic in two ways: (1) real-world parallels are beyond typical human experience and comprehension; (2) faults that are not recognized, such as Byzantine faults, are incorrectly assumed to occur with zero or very low probability. The lack of recognition causes additional issues in that it allows the manifestation of such faults to pass unnoticed or be otherwise misclassified, reinforcing the miscon- ception of low probability of occurrence. 1 Usually written as a failure rate of 10-9/hr
Using Games to Understand the Mind Kelsey Allen1,+, Franziska Br ¨andle2,+, Matthew Botvinick1, Judith E. Fan3, Samuel J. Gershman4, Alison Gopnik5, Thomas L. Griffiths6, Joshua K. Hartshorne7, Tobias U. Hauser8,9,12, Mark K. Ho6, Joshua R. de Leeuw10, Wei Ji Ma11, Kou Murayama12, Jonathan D. Nelson13, Bas van Opheusden6, Thomas Pouncy4, Janet Rafner14, Iyad Rahwan15, Robb B. Rutledge16, Jacob Sherson14,¨Ozg ¨ ur S ¸ ims ¸ek17, Hugo Spiers8, Christopher Summerfield18, Mirko Thalmann2, Natalia V ´elez4, Andrew J. Watrous19, Joshua B. Tenenbaum20, and Eric Schulz2,* 1DeepMind, London, UK 2Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, T ¨ubingen, Germany 3Stanford University, Stanford, USA 4Harvard University, Cambridge, USA 5University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA 6Princeton University, Princeton, USA 7Boston College, Boston, USA 8University College London, London, United Kingdom 9Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research 10Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, USA 11New Y ork University, New Y ork, USA 12University of T ¨ubingen, T ¨ubingen, Germany 13University of Surrey, Guildford, UK 14Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark 15Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Center for Humans & Machines, Berlin, Germany 16Y ale University, New Haven, USA 17University of Bath, Bath, UK 18University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 19Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA 20Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA *Corresponding author: +These authors contributed equally to this work. ABSTRACT Board, card, or video games have been played by virtually every individual in the world population, with both children and adults participating. Games are popular because they are intuitive and fun. These distinctive qualities of games also make them ideal as a platform for studying the mind. By being intuitive, games provide a unique vantage point for understanding the inductive biases that support behavior in more complex, ecological settings than traditional lab experiments. By being fun, games allow researchers to study new questions in cognition such as the meaning of “play” and intrinsic motivation, while also supporting more extensive and diverse data collection by attracting many more participants. We describe both the advantages and drawbacks of using games relative to standard lab-based experiments and lay out a set of recommendations on how to gain the most from using games to study cognition. We hope this article will lead to a wider use of games as experimental paradigms, elevating the ecological validity, scale, and robustness of research on the mind. Introduction Progress in psychological and cognitive science has been driven by the development of carefully controllable, simple, experi- mental paradigms that have been reused across many studies. While this approach permits precise statistical and computational modeling, it also restricts the set of answerable questions. Games present a complementary route to expand the repertoire of classic psychological tasks (1) to verify that psychological theories that have been developed in simple paradigms can explain people’s behavior in more ecological settings, and (2) to ask and answer new questions about the mind, such as the form of inductive biases that support complex action, or what cognitive mechanisms support the intrinsic motivation which compels
A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations Ting Chen1Simon Kornblith1Mohammad Norouzi1Geoffrey Hinton1 Abstract This paper presents SimCLR : a simple framework for contrastive learning of visual representations. We simplify recently proposed contrastive self- supervised learning algorithms without requiring specialized architectures or a memory bank. In order to understand what enables the contrastive prediction tasks to learn useful representations, we systematically study the major components of our framework. We show that (1) composition of data augmentations plays a critical role in defining effective predictive tasks, (2) introducing a learn- able nonlinear transformation between the repre- sentation and the contrastive loss substantially im- proves the quality of the learned representations, and (3) contrastive learning benefits from larger batch sizes and more training steps compared to supervised learning. By combining these findings, we are able to considerably outperform previous methods for self-supervised and semi-supervised learning on ImageNet. A linear classifier trained on self-supervised representations learned by Sim- CLR achieves 76.5% top-1 accuracy, which is a 7% relative improvement over previous state-of- the-art, matching the performance of a supervised ResNet-50. When fine-tuned on only 1% of the labels, we achieve 85.8% top-5 accuracy, outper- forming AlexNet with 100 ×fewer labels.1 1. Introduction Learning effective visual representations without human supervision is a long-standing problem. Most mainstream approaches fall into one of two classes: generative or dis- criminative. Generative approaches learn to generate or otherwise model pixels in the input space (Hinton et al., 2006; Kingma & Welling, 2013; Goodfellow et al., 2014). 1Google Research, Brain Team. Correspondence to: Ting Chen <>. Proceedings of the 37thInternational Conference on Machine Learning , Vienna, Austria, PMLR 119, 2020. Copyright 2020 by the author(s). 1Code available at 25 50 100 200 400 626 Number of Parameters (Millions)5560657075ImageNet Top-1 Accuracy (%) InstDiscRotationBigBiGAN LACPCv2CPCv2-L CMC AMDIM MoCoMoCo (2x)MoCo (4x) PIRLPIRL-ens.PIRL-c2xSimCLRSimCLR (2x)SimCLR (4x) Supervised Figure 1. ImageNet Top-1 accuracy of linear classifiers trained on representations learned with different self-supervised meth- ods (pretrained on ImageNet). Gray cross indicates supervised ResNet-50. Our method, SimCLR, is shown in bold. However, pixel-level generation is computationally expen- sive and may not be necessary for representation learning. Discriminative approaches learn representations using objec- tive functions similar to those used for supervised learning, but train networks to perform pretext tasks where both the in- puts and labels are derived from an unlabeled dataset. Many such approaches have relied on heuristics to design pretext tasks (Doersch et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016; Noroozi & Favaro, 2016; Gidaris et al., 2018), which could limit the generality of the learned representations. Discriminative approaches based on contrastive learning in the latent space have recently shown great promise, achieving state-of-the- art results (Hadsell et al., 2006; Dosovitskiy et al., 2014; Oord et al., 2018; Bachman et al., 2019). In this work, we introduce a simple framework for con- trastive learning of visual representations, which we call SimCLR . Not only does SimCLR outperform previous work (Figure 1), but it is also simpler, requiring neither special- ized architectures (Bachman et al., 2019; Hénaff et al., 2019) nor a memory bank (Wu et al., 2018; Tian et al., 2019; He et al., 2019; Misra & van der Maaten, 2019). In order to understand what enables good contrastive repre- sentation learning, we systematically study the major com- ponents of our framework and show that:arXiv:2002.05709v3 [cs.LG] 1 Jul 2020
Scaling Laws for Associative Memories Vivien Cabannes FAIR, MetaElvis Dohmatob FAIR, MetaAlberto Bietti Flatiron Institute Abstract Learning arguably involves the discovery and memorization of abstract rules. The aim of this paper is to study associative memory mechanisms. Our model is based on high-dimensional matrices consisting of outer products of embeddings, which relates to the inner layers of transformer language models. We derive precise scaling laws with respect to sample size and parameter size, and discuss the statistical efficiency of different estimators, including optimization-based algorithms. We provide extensive numerical experiments to validate and interpret theoretical results, including fine-grained visualizations of the stored memory associations. 1 Introduction As the scale of large language models (LLMs) keeps increasing, scaling laws have become a crucial tool to empirically assess and predict the behavior of these models when varying the number of parameters and training data (Kaplan et al., 2020; Hoffmann et al., 2022). Despite their practical impact, the underlying phenomena leading to such scaling laws remain poorly understood. A better understanding of such phenomena could guide researchers towards improved models, algorithms, and datasets which may lead to improved scaling laws. Our study focuses on a simple model that aims to be representative of LLMs in two ways. First, we focus on heavy-tailed data distributions over discrete tokens, a natural assumption for text data (Piantadosi, 2014). Second, we consider associative memory models that store input-output pairs through outer-products of finite-dimensional embeddings, and can be seen as a proxy of the intermediate layers of transformers. Indeed, some transformer layers have been found to behave as key-value memories (Geva et al., 2021; Meng et al., 2022), and more generally outer-product associative memory matrices arise naturally from training dynamics on intermediate weights (Bietti et al., 2023). Beyond simple associative recall, the combination of multiple such associative rules at different layers may lead to certain circuits with rich “reasoning” behaviors based on context (Elhage et al., 2021; Bietti et al., 2023; Michaud et al., 2023). For example, an intermediate layer input token may encode for the topic “linux”, leading to an output token that will trigger a specific behavior in the transformer’s following layers when processing the token “terminal”. Our contributions are as follows: •We provide precise statistical rates for outer-product memories with random embeddings, and compare different memory storage schemes in the context of Zipf-distributed data. •We compare theoretical schemes to the weights learned by various optimization algorithms used in practice, and illustrate the role of different design choices with numerical experiments. Related work. Associative memory models have a long history in the literature on neural computa- tion (Steinbuch, 1961; Willshaw et al., 1969; Longuet-Higgins et al., 1970; Kohonen, 1972; Amari, 1972; Little, 1974; Hopfield, 1982; Smolensky, 1990; Schlag et al., 2021; Valle-Lisboa et al., 2023), though the statistical insights we provide based on specific data distributions are new, to the best of our knowledge. Memorization behaviors have drawn a lot of attention recently, and are believed to be an important notion to understand the learning happening in deep neural network (e.g., Sukhbaatar et al., 2019; Feldman, 2020; Feldman & Zhang, 2020; Geva et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2022). Building on memorization and heavy-tailed discrete data, our model bears similarities to the ones of Hutter 1arXiv:2310.02984v1 [stat.ML] 4 Oct 2023
Text-to-Audio Generation using Instruction-Tuned LLM and Latent Diffusion Model Deepanway Ghosal‡, Navonil Majumder‡, Ambuj Mehrish‡, Soujanya Poria‡ ‡DeCLaRe Lab, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore {navonil_majumder,ambuj_mehrish,sporia} /github: /globe: Abstract The immense scale of the recent large language models (LLM) allows many in- teresting properties, such as, instruction- and chain-of-thought-based fine-tuning, that has significantly improved zero- and few-shot performance in many natu- ral language processing (NLP) tasks. Inspired by such successes, we adopt such an instruction-tuned LLM F LAN-T5 as the text encoder for text-to-audio (TTA) generation—a task where the goal is to generate an audio from its textual de- scription. The prior works on TTA either pre-trained a joint text-audio encoder or used a non-instruction-tuned model, such as, T5. Consequently, our latent dif- fusion model (LDM)-based approach (T ANGO ) outperforms the state-of-the-art AudioLDM on most metrics and stays comparable on the rest on AudioCaps test set, despite training the LDM on a 63 times smaller dataset and keeping the text encoder frozen. This improvement might also be attributed to the adoption of au- dio pressure level-based sound mixing for training set augmentation, whereas the prior methods take a random mix. Preprint. Under review.arXiv:2304.13731v1 [eess.AS] 24 Apr 2023
Sliced Score Matching: A Scalable Approach to Density and Score Estimation Yang Song∗ Stanford UniversitySahaj Garg∗ Stanford UniversityJiaxin Shi Tsinghua UniversityStefano Ermon Stanford University Abstract Score matching is a popular method for esti- mating unnormalized statistical models. How- ever, it has been so far limited to simple, shal- low models or low-dimensional data, due to the difficulty of computing the Hessian of log- density functions. We show this difficulty can be mitigated by projecting the scores onto ran- dom vectors before comparing them. This ob- jective, called sliced score matching, only in- volves Hessian-vector products, which can be easily implemented using reverse-mode auto- matic differentiation. Therefore, sliced score matching is amenable to more complex models and higher dimensional data compared to score matching. Theoretically, we prove the consis- tency and asymptotic normality of sliced score matching estimators. Moreover, we demon- strate that sliced score matching can be used to learn deep score estimators for implicit dis- tributions. In our experiments, we show sliced score matching can learn deep energy-based models effectively, and can produce accurate score estimates for applications such as varia- tional inference with implicit distributions and training Wasserstein Auto-Encoders. 1 INTRODUCTION Score matching (Hyvärinen, 2005) is particularly suitable for learning unnormalized statistical models, such as en- ergy based ones. It is based on minimizing the distance be- tween the derivatives of the log-density functions (a.k.a., score s) of the data and model distributions. Unlike maxi- mum likelihood estimation (MLE), the objective of score ∗Joint first authors. Correspondence to Yang Song <> and Stefano Ermon <er->.matching only depends on the scores, which are oblivious to the (usually) intractable partition functions. However, score matching requires the computation of the diago- nal elements of the Hessian of the model’s log-density function. This Hessian trace computation is generally expensive (Martens et al., 2012), requiring a number of forward and backward propagations proportional to the data dimension. This severely limits its applicability to complex models parameterized by deep neural networks, such as deep energy-based models (LeCun et al., 2006; Wenliang et al., 2019). Several approaches have been proposed to alleviate this difficulty: Kingma & LeCun (2010) propose approximate backpropagation for computing the trace of the Hessian; Martens et al. (2012) develop curvature propagation, a fast stochastic estimator for the trace in score matching; and Vincent (2011) transforms score matching to a de- noising problem which avoids second-order derivatives. These methods have achieved some success, but may suffer from one or more of the following problems: incon- sistent parameter estimation, large estimation variance, and cumbersome implementation. To alleviate these problems, we propose sliced score matching, a variant of score matching that can scale to deep unnormalized models and high dimensional data. The key intuition is that instead of directly matching the high-dimensional scores, we match their projections along random directions. Theoretically, we show that under some regularity conditions, sliced score matching is a well-defined statistical estimation criterion that yields consistent and asymptotically normal parameter estimates. Moreover, compared to the methods of Kingma & LeCun (2010) and Martens et al. (2012), whose implementations require customized backpropagation for deep networks, sliced score matching only involves Hessian-vector prod- ucts, thus can be easily and efficiently implemented in frameworks such as TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016) and PyTorch (Adam et al., 2017).
Few-Shot Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning is Better and Cheaper than In-Context Learning Haokun Liu∗Derek Tam∗Mohammed Muqeeth∗ Jay Mohta Tenghao Huang Mohit Bansal Colin Raffel Department of Computer Science University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill {haokunl,dtredsox,muqeeth,craffel} Abstract Few-shot in-context learning (ICL) enables pre-trained language models to per- form a previously-unseen task without any gradient-based training by feeding a small number of training examples as part of the input. ICL incurs substantial computational, memory, and storage costs because it involves processing all of the training examples every time a prediction is made. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) (e.g. adapter modules, prompt tuning, sparse update methods, etc.) offers an alternative paradigm where a small set of parameters are trained to enable a model to perform the new task. In this paper, we rigorously compare few-shot ICL and PEFT and demonstrate that the latter offers better accuracy as well as dramatically lower computational costs. Along the way, we introduce a new PEFT method called (IA)3that scales activations by learned vectors, attaining stronger performance while only introducing a relatively tiny amount of new parameters. We also propose a simple recipe based on the T0 model [ 1] called T-Few that can be applied to new tasks without task-specific tuning or modifications. We validate the effectiveness of T-Few on completely unseen tasks by applying it to the RAFT benchmark [ 2], attaining super-human performance for the first time and outperforming the state-of-the-art by 6% absolute. All of the code used in our experiments is publicly available.1 1 Introduction Pre-trained language models have become a cornerstone of natural language processing, thanks to the fact that they can dramatically improve data efficiency on tasks of interest – i.e., using a pre-trained language model for initialization often produces better results with less labeled data. A historically common approach has been to use the pre-trained model’s parameters for initialization before performing gradient-based fine-tuning on a downstream task of interest. While fine-tuning has produced many state-of-the-art results [ 1], it results in a model that is specialized for a single task with an entirely new set of parameter values, which can become impractical when fine-tuning a model on many downstream tasks. An alternative approach popularized by [ 3,4] isin-context learning (ICL), which induces a model to perform a downstream task by inputting prompted examples. Few-shot prompting converts a small collection of input-target pairs into (typically) human-understandable instructions and examples [3,4], along with a single unlabeled example for which a prediction is desired. Notably, ICL requires no gradient-based training and therefore allows a single model to immediately perform a wide variety of tasks. Performing ICL therefore solely relies on the capabilities that a model learned during pre-training. These characteristics have led to a great deal of recent interest in ICL methods [5–10]. ∗Equal contribution. 1 Preprint. Under review.arXiv:2205.05638v2 [cs.LG] 26 Aug 2022
Active Retrieval Augmented Generation Zhengbao Jiang1∗Frank F. Xu1∗Luyu Gao1∗Zhiqing Sun1∗Qian Liu2 Jane Dwivedi-Yu3Yiming Yang1Jamie Callan1Graham Neubig1 1Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 2Sea AI Lab3Meta AI Research {zhengbaj,fangzhex,luyug,zhiqings,gneubig} Abstract Despite the remarkable ability of large lan- guage models (LMs) to comprehend and gen- erate language, they have a tendency to hal- lucinate and create factually inaccurate out- put. Augmenting LMs by retrieving infor- mation from external knowledge resources is one promising solution. Most existing retrieval-augmented LMs employ a retrieve- and-generate setup that only retrieves informa- tion once based on the input. This is lim- iting, however, in more general scenarios in- volving generation of long texts, where con- tinually gathering information throughout the generation process is essential. There have been some past efforts to retrieve informa- tion multiple times while generating outputs, which mostly retrieve documents at fixed inter- vals using the previous context as queries. In this work, we provide a generalized view of active retrieval augmented generation , meth- ods that actively decide when and what to re- trieve across the course of the generation. We propose Forward- Looking Active REtrieval augmented generation ( FLARE ), a generic retrieval-augmented generation method which iteratively uses a prediction of the upcoming sentence to anticipate future content, which is then utilized as a query to retrieve relevant doc- uments to regenerate the sentence if it contains low-confidence tokens. We test FLARE along with baselines comprehensively over 4 long- form knowledge-intensive generation tasks/- datasets. FLARE achieves superior or compet- itive performance on all tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.1 1 Introduction Generative language models (LMs) (Brown et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2023; Chowd- hery et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022; Touvron et al., 2023) have become a foundational component in ∗Lead contributors. 1Code and datasets are available at jzbjyb/FLARE .many natural language processing (NLP) systems with their remarkable ability to comprehend and generate language. Although LMs have memorized some amount of world knowledge observed during training (Petroni et al., 2019; Roberts et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2020), they still tend to hallucinate and create imaginary content (Maynez et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2021; OpenAI, 2023). To address the issue of hallucination, one promising direction is to augment generation with retrieval, which involves augmenting parametric LMs with non-parametric retrieval components that can look up relevant in- formation from external knowledge resources such as document corpora (Lewis et al., 2020; Izacard and Grave, 2021; Khandelwal et al., 2020; Izacard et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2022; Shi et al., 2023). Retrieval-augmented LMs commonly use a retrieve-and-generate setup where they retrieve doc- uments based on the user’s input (e.g. questions in question answering), and then generate a com- plete answer conditioning on the retrieved docu- ments (Lewis et al., 2020; Izacard and Grave, 2021; Izacard et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2022; Shi et al., 2023). These single-time retrieval-augmented LMs have been found to outperform purely paramet- ric LMs, particularly for short-form knowledge- intensive generation tasks such as factoid QA (Kwiatkowski et al., 2019; Joshi et al., 2017) and fact checking (Thorne et al., 2018), where the in- formation needs are clear in the user’s input, and it is sufficient to retrieve relevant knowledge once solely based on the input . In recent years, increasingly powerful large LMs have demonstrated abilities in more complex tasks that involve generating long-form output, such as long-form QA (Fan et al., 2019; Stelmakh et al., 2022), open-domain summarization (Cohen et al., 2021; Hayashi et al., 2021; Giorgi et al., 2022), and (chain-of-thought; CoT) reasoning (Wei et al., 2022; Ho et al., 2020; Geva et al., 2021; Hendrycks et al., 2020). In contrast to short-form generation,arXiv:2305.06983v1 [cs.CL] 11 May 2023
Large Language Models as General Pattern Machines Suvir Mirchandani1, Fei Xia2, Pete Florence2, Brian Ichter2, Danny Driess2 3, Montserrat Gonzalez Arenas2, Kanishka Rao2, Dorsa Sadigh1 2, Andy Zeng2 1Stanford University,2Google DeepMind,3TU Berlin Abstract: We observe that pre-trained large language models (LLMs) are capable of au- toregressively completing complex token sequences – from arbitrary ones procedurally generated by probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFG), to more rich spatial patterns found in the Abstract Reasoning Corpus (ARC), a general AI benchmark, prompted in the style of ASCII art. Surprisingly, pattern completion proficiency can be partially retained even when the sequences are expressed using tokens randomly sampled from the vocabulary. These results suggest that without any additional training, LLMs can serve as general sequence modelers, driven by in-context learning. In this work, we investigate how these zero-shot capabilities may be applied to problems in robotics – from extrapolating sequences of numbers that represent states over time to complete simple motions, to least-to-most prompting of reward-conditioned trajectories that can discover and represent closed-loop policies (e.g., a stabilizing controller for CartPole). While difficult to deploy today for real systems due to latency, context size limitations, and compute costs, the approach of using LLMs to drive low-level control may provide an exciting glimpse into how the patterns among words could be transferred to actions. Keywords: large language models, in-context learning, language for robotics 1 Introduction Large language models (LLMs) are trained to absorb the myriad of patterns that are woven into the structure of language. They not only exhibit various out-of-the-box capabilities such as generating chains of reasoning [1,2], solving logic problems [ 3,4], and completing math puzzles [ 5], but also have been applied in robotics where they can serve as high-level planners for instruction following tasks [ 6,7,8,9,10,11,12], synthesize programs representing robot policies [ 13,14], design reward functions [ 15,16], and generalize user prefer- ences [ 17]. These settings rely on the few-shot in-context examples in text prompts that specify the domain and input-output format for their tasks [18, 19], and remain highly semantic in their inputs and outputs. input:  0, 0, 0, 0  0, 3, 4, 0  0, 7, 6, 0  0, 0, 0, 0 output:  3, 0, 0, 4  0, 0, 0, 0  0, 0, 0, 0  7, 0, 0, 6input:  0, 0, 0, 0  0, 5, 6, 0  0, 8, 3, 0  0, 0, 0, 0 output:  5, 0, 0, 6  0, 0, 0, 0  0, 0, 0, 0  8, 0, 0, 3input:  0, 0, 0, 0  0, +#, B, 0  0, @, 慶, 0  0, 0, 0, 0 output:  +#, 0, 0, B  0, 0, 0, 0  0, 0, 0, 0  @, 0, 0, 慶 Fig. 1 :LLMs out-of-the-box can complete ( highlighted ) complex ARC patterns [ 20] expressed in arbitrary tokens.A key observation of our work – and perhaps contrary to the predominant intuition – is that an LLM’s ability to represent, manipulate, and extrapolate more abstract, nonlinguistic patterns may allow them to serve as basic versions ofgeneral pattern machines . To illustrate this idea, consider the Abstract Reasoning Corpus [ 20], a general AI benchmark that contains collections of 2D grids with patterns that evoke abstract concepts (e.g., infilling, counting, and rotating shapes). Each problem provides a small number of input-output examples, followed by test input(s) for which the objective is to predict the corresponding output. Most methods (based on program synthesis) are manually engineered with domain-specific languages [ 21,22,23,24] or evaluated on simplified extensions or subsets of the benchmark [ 25,26,27]. End-to-end machine learning methods only solve a handful of test problems [28]; however, our experiments indicate that LLMs in-context prompted in the style of ASCII art (see Fig. 1) can correctly predict solutions for up to 85 (out of 800) problems – exceeding some of the best performing methods to date [ 21,22,24], without additional model training or fine-tuning. Surprisingly, we find this extends beyond ASCII numbers, and Preprint.arXiv:2307.04721v1 [cs.AI] 10 Jul 2023
A Universal Training Algorithm for Quantum Deep Learning Guillaume Verdon,1, 2, 4Jason Pye,1, 2, 4and Michael Broughton3 1Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada 2Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada 3School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada 4Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 2Y5, Canada (Dated: June 27, 2018) We introduce the Backwards Quantum Propagation of Phase errors (Baqprop) principle, a cen- tral theme upon which we construct multiple universal optimization heuristics for training both parametrized quantum circuits and classical deep neural networks on a quantum computer. Baqprop encodes error information in relative phases of a quantum wavefunction defined over the space of net- work parameters; it can be thought of as the unification of the phase kickback principle of quantum computation and of the backpropagation algorithm from classical deep learning. We propose two core heuristics which leverage Baqprop for quantum-enhanced optimization of network parameters: Quantum Dynamical Descent (QDD) and Momentum Measurement Gradient Descent (MoMGrad). QDD uses simulated quantum coherent dynamics for parameter optimization, allowing for quan- tum tunneling through the hypothesis space landscape. MoMGrad leverages Baqprop to estimate gradients and thereby perform gradient descent on the parameter landscape; it can be thought of as the quantum-classical analogue of QDD. In addition to these core optimization strategies, we propose various methods for parallelization, regularization, and meta-learning as augmentations to MoMGrad and QDD. We introduce several quantum-coherent adaptations of canonical classical feedforward neural networks, and study how Baqprop can be used to optimize such networks. We develop multiple applications of parametric circuit learning for quantum data, and show how to per- form Baqprop in each case. One such application allows for the training of hybrid quantum-classical neural-circuit networks, via the seamless integration of Baqprop with classical backpropagation. Finally, for a representative subset of these proposed applications, we demonstrate the training of these networks via numerical simulations of implementations of QDD and MoMGrad. CONTENTS I. Introduction 2 II. Background 5 A. Continuous Quantum Registers 5 B. Discrete Simulation of Continuous Quantum Registers 6 1. Quantum Phase Estimation 8 C. Quantum Phase Kickback 8 1. Quantum Gradients 10 III. Quantum Parametric Optimization 10 A. Basic Principles 10 1. Quantum Feedforward and Baqprop 10 2. Full-batch Effective Phase Kicks 12 3. Effective Forces 14 B. Quantum Dynamical Descent 15 1. Core Algorithm 15 2. Heisenberg Picture Update rule 17 3. Connections to QAOA 17 4. Adiabatic Limit 18 C. Momentum Measurement Gradient Descent 20 D. Phase Space Visualization 22 IV. Further Quantum Descent Methods 23 A. Batching & Parallelization 23 1. Quantum Stochastic Descent 23 2. Sequential Mini-Batching 243. Coherently Accumulating Momentum Parallelization 25 4. Quantum Random Access Memory Mini-batching 27 B. Discrete Parametric Optimization 28 1. Kicking Hybrid Discrete-Continuous Parameters 28 2. Continuous-Discrete Hybrid QDD 29 3. Continuous-Discrete Hybrid Momentum Measurement Gradient Descent 30 4. Continuum-Embedded Discrete Optimization 30 5. Estimating Continuum Gradients with Single Qubits 31 C. Regularization & Variants 32 1. Parameter/Weight Decay 32 2. Meta-networked Interacting Swarm Optimization 32 3. Dropout 34 D. Quantum Meta-Learning 36 1. Overview 36 2. Quantum hyper-parameter Descent 37 3. Network Architecture Optimization 40 V. Quantum Neural Network Learning 41 A. Quantum-Coherent Neural Networks 41 1. Classical-to-Quantum Computational Embedding 41 2. Classical Data Phase Kicking 42 3. Abstract Quantum Neuron 43arXiv:1806.09729v1 [quant-ph] 25 Jun 2018
Language models enable zero-shot prediction of the effects of mutations on protein function Joshua Meier1 2Roshan Rao3Robert Verkuil1Jason Liu1 Tom Sercu1Alexander Rives1 2 Abstract Modeling the effect of sequence variation on function is a fundamental problem for understanding and designing proteins. Since evolution encodes information about function into patterns in protein sequences, unsupervised models of variant effects can be learned from sequence data. The approach to date has been to fit a model to a family of related sequences. The conventional setting is limited, since a new model must be trained for each prediction task. We show that using only zero-shot inference, without any supervision from experimental data or addi- tional training, protein language models capture the functional effects of sequence variation, performing at state-of-the-art. 1 Introduction Proteins have a myriad of diverse functions that underlie the complexity of life. Protein sequences encode function via structure through the spontaneous folding of the sequence into the three dimen- sional structure of the protein [ 1]. The effects of sequence mutations on function form a landscape that reveals how function constrains sequence. Alterations at some sites in a protein sequence cannot be tolerated because they are essential to the protein’s function. Other sites evolve together because the structure and function is determined by them collectively. Mutations can enhance the activity of a protein, attenuate it, or leave it unchanged. The functional effect of sequence variations can be measured through deep mutational scanning experiments [ 2]. Consisting of thousands to hundreds of thousands of measurements of protein function, deep mutational scans give insight into the intrinsic constraints on a protein’s structure and function. Due to the cost and difficulty of implementing such experiments, compilations of deep mutational scanning data include experiments on a few dozens of proteins at most, relative to the tens of thousands of proteins encoded in the human genome, and the millions more across the tree of life that we would like to understand. A model that learns the landscape linking sequence to function can provide insight into function without having to do experiments. Unsupervised models of mutational effects can be learned from sequences [ 3,4]. Statistical patterns in a family of evolutionarily related protein sequences contain information about structure and function [ 5–7]. This is because the properties of a protein act as constraints on the selection of sequences through evolution [8]. In the natural language modeling community, there has been interest in zero-shot transfer of models to new tasks. Massive language models can solve tasks they haven’t been directly trained on [ 9–11]. Recently protein language models have achieved state-of-the-art in various structure prediction tasks [12–14]. Work to date has mainly focused on transfer in the classical representation learning setting, using pre-trained features with supervision on the downstream task. 1Facebook AI Research2New York University3UC Berkeley. ESM-1v is available at < https://github. com/facebookresearch/esm >. Correspondence to: Alexander Rives < >. 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021), Sydney, Australia.. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license available under a(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted November 17, 2021. ; bioRxiv preprint
Protein generation with evolutionary diffusion: sequence is all you need Sarah Alamdari1, Nitya Thakkar2,†, Rianne van den Berg3, Alex X. Lu1, Nicolo Fusi1, Ava P. Amini1, Kevin K. Yang1,⇤ 1Microsoft Research, Cambridge, MA, USA 2Brown University, Providence, RI, USA 3Microsoft Research AI4Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands †Work done principally during an internship at Microsoft Research ⇤To whom correspondence should be addressed; E-mail: 1. CC-BY 4.0 International license available under a(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted September 12, 2023. ; bioRxiv preprint
Self-Supervised Learning from Images with a Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture Mahmoud Assran1,2,3*Quentin Duval1Ishan Misra1Piotr Bojanowski1 Pascal Vincent1Michael Rabbat1,3Yann LeCun1,4Nicolas Ballas1 1Meta AI (FAIR)2McGill University3Mila, Quebec AI Institute4New York University Abstract This paper demonstrates an approach for learning highly semantic image representations without relying on hand-crafted data-augmentations. We introduce the Image- based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (I-JEPA), a non-generative approach for self-supervised learning from images. The idea behind I-JEPA is simple: from a single context block, predict the representations of various target blocks in the same image. A core design choice to guide I-JEPA towards producing semantic representations is the masking strategy; specifically, it is crucial to (a) sample tar- get blocks with sufficiently large scale (semantic), and to (b) use a sufficiently informative (spatially distributed) context block. Empirically, when combined with Vision Transform- ers, we find I-JEPA to be highly scalable. For instance, we train a ViT-Huge/14 on ImageNet using 16 A100 GPUs in under 72 hours to achieve strong downstream performance across a wide range of tasks, from linear classification to object counting and depth prediction. 1. Introduction In computer vision, there are two common families of approaches for self-supervised learning from images: invariance-based methods [1,4,10,17,18,24,35,37,74] and generative methods [8, 28, 36, 57]. Invariance-based pretraining methods optimize an en- coder to produce similar embeddings for two or more views of the same image [15, 20], with image views typically constructed using a set of hand-crafted data augmentations, such as random scaling, cropping, and color jittering [20], amongst others [35]. These pretraining methods can pro- duce representations of a high semantic level [4, 18], but they also introduce strong biases that may be detrimental for certain downstream tasks or even for pretraining tasks with different data distributions [2]. Often, it is unclear * 10310476777879808182 iBOT ViT-S/ 16(800ep)I-JEPA ViT-H/ 14(300ep)I-JEPA ViT-H/ 16448(300ep) CAE ViT-L/ 16(1600ep) MAE ViT-H/ 14(1600ep) data 2vec ViT-L/ 16(1600ep) Pretraining GPU HoursTop 1(%)ImageNet- 1K Linear Evaluation vs GPU HoursFigure 1. ImageNet Linear Evaluation . The I-JEPA method learns semantic image representations without using any view data augmentations during pretraining. By predicting in representation space, I-JEPA produces semantic representations while using less compute than previous methods. how to generalize these biases for tasks requiring differ- ent levels of abstraction. For example, image classification and instance segmentation do not require the same invari- ances [11]. Additionally, it is not straightforward to gen- eralize these image-specific augmentations to other modal- ities such as audio. Cognitive learning theories have suggested that a driv- ing mechanism behind representation learning in biologi- cal systems is the adaptation of an internal model to pre- dict sensory input responses [31, 59]. This idea is at the core of self-supervised generative methods, which remove or corrupt portions of the input and learn to predict the cor- rupted content [9, 36, 57, 67, 68, 71]. In particular, mask- denoising approaches learn representations by reconstruct- ing randomly masked patches from an input, either at the pixel or token level. Masked pretraining tasks require less prior knowledge than view-invariance approaches and eas- ily generalize beyond the image modality [8]. However, thearXiv:2301.08243v3 [cs.CV] 13 Apr 2023
arXiv:2305.13141v3 [cs.LG] 6 Nov 2023Tight conditions for when the NTK approximation is valid Enric Boix-Adser` a MIT, Apple eboix@mit.eduEtai Littwin Apple November 7, 2023 Abstract We study when the neural tangent kernel (NTK) approximation is v alid for training a model with the square loss. In the lazy training setting of [ 21], we show that rescaling the model by a factor of α=O(T) suffices for the NTK approximation to be valid until training time T. Our bound is tight and improves on the previous bound of [ 21], which required a larger rescaling factor of α=O(T2). 1 Introduction In the modern machine learning paradigm, practitioners tra in the weights wof a large neural network model fw:Rdin→Rdoutvia a gradient-based optimizer. Theoretical understandin g lags behind, since the training dynamics are non-linear and henc e difficult to analyze. To address this, [29] proposed an approximation to the dynamics called the NTK approximation , and proved it was valid for infinitely-wide networks trained by gradient desc ent1. The NTK approximation has been extremely influential, leading to theoretical explanation s for a range of questions, including why deep learning can memorize training data [ 25,24,4,5,7,16,30], why neural networks exhibit spectral bias [ 18,12,15], and why different architectures generalize differently [ 13,35,42]. Nev- ertheless, in practice the training dynamics of neural netw orks often diverge from the predictions of the NTK approximation (see, e.g., [ 8]) Therefore, it is of interest to understand exactly under which conditions the NTK approximation holds. In this paper , we ask the following question: Can we give tight conditions for when the NTK approximation is v alid? 1.1 The “lazy training” setting of [ 21] The work of [ 21] showed that the NTK approximation actually holds for train ing any differentiable model, as long as the model’s outputs are rescaled so that the model’s outputs change by a large amount even when the weights change by a small amount. The cor rectness of the NTK approxi- mation for infinite-width models is a consequence of this obs ervation, because by the default the model is rescaled as the width tends to infinity; see the relat ed work in Section 1.3for more details. Rescaling the model Leth:Rp→ Fbe a smoothly-parameterized model, where Fis a separable Hilbert space. Let α >0 be a parameter which controls the rescaling of the model and which should be thought of as large. We train the rescaled mod elαhwith gradient flow to minimize 1Under a specific scaling of the initialization and learning r ate as width tends to infinity. 1
DNAGPT: A Generalized Pre-trained Tool for Versatile DNA Sequence Analysis Tasks Daoan Zhang1,2,4, Weitong Zhang2,3, Yu Zhao2, Jianguo Zhang1*, Bing He2*, Chenchen Qin2*, Jianhua Yao2* 1Southern University of Science and Technology. 2Tencent AI Lab, Shenzhen, China. 3City University of Hong Kong. 4University of Rochester. *Corresponding author(s). E-mail(s):;;;; Contributing authors:;;; Abstract Pre-trained large language models demonstrate potential in extracting informa- tion from DNA sequences, yet adapting to a variety of tasks and data modalities remains a challenge. To address this, we propose DNAGPT, a generalized DNA pre-training model trained on over 200 billion base pairs from all mammals. By enhancing the classic GPT model with a binary classification task (DNA sequence order), a numerical regression task (guanine-cytosine content prediction), and a comprehensive token language, DNAGPT can handle versatile DNA analy- sis tasks while processing both sequence and numerical data. Our evaluation of genomic signal and region recognition, mRNA abundance regression, and arti- ficial genomes generation tasks demonstrates DNAGPT’s superior performance compared to existing models designed for specific downstream tasks, benefiting from pre-training using the newly designed model structure. Keywords: DNA, Generative Pre-trained Transformer, DNAGPT, Sequence analysis, Numerical analysis 1arXiv:2307.05628v3 [q-bio.GN] 30 Aug 2023
Statistical Learning Theory: Models, Concepts, and Results Ulrike von Luxburg Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics T¨ ubingen, Germany Bernhard Sch¨ olkopf Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics T¨ ubingen, Germany September 2008 1 Introduction Statistical learning theory provides the theoretical basis for many of today’s machine learning al- gorithms and is arguably one of the most beautifully developed branches of artificial intelligence in general. It originated in Russia in the 1960s and gained wide popularity in the 1990s following the development of the so-called Support Vector Machine (SVM) , which has become a standard tool for pattern recognition in a variety of domains ranging from computer vision to computational biology. Providing the basis of new learning algorithms, however, was not the only motivation for developing statistical learning theory. It was just as much a philosophical one, attempting to answer the question of what it is that allows us to draw valid conclusions from empirical data. In this article we attempt to give a gentle, non-technical overview over the key ideas and insights of statistical learning theory. We do not assume that the reader has a deep background in math- ematics, statistics, or computer science. Given the nature of the subject matter, however, some familiarity with mathematical concepts and notations and some intuitive understanding of basic probability is required. There exist many excellent references to more technical surveys of the mathematics of statistical learning theory: the monographs by one of the founders of statistical learning theory (Vapnik, 1995, Vapnik, 1998), a brief overview over statistical learning theory in Section 5 of Sch¨ olkopf and Smola (2002), more technical overview papers such as Bousquet et al. (2003), Mendelson (2003), Boucheron et al. (2005), Herbrich and Williamson (2002), and the monograph Devroye et al. (1996). 2 The standard framework of statistical learning theory 2.1 Background In our context, learning refers to the process of inferring general rules by observing examples. Many living organisms show some ability to learn. For instance, children can learn what “a car” is, just by being shown examples of objects that are cars and objects that are not cars. They do not need to be told any rules about what is it that makes an object a car, they can simply learn the concept “car” by observing examples. The field of machine learning does not study the process of learning in living organisms, but instead studies the process of learning in the abstract. The question is how a machine, a computer, can “learn” specific tasks by following specified learning algorithms. To this end, the machine is shown particular examples of a specific task. Its goal is then to infer a general rule which can both explain the examples it has seen already and which can generalize to previously unseen, new examples. 1arXiv:0810.4752v1 [stat.ML] 27 Oct 2008
Fine-Tuning Language Models with Just Forward Passes Sadhika Malladi∗Tianyu Gao∗Eshaan Nichani Alex Damian Jason D. Lee Danqi Chen Sanjeev Arora Princeton University {smalladi, tianyug, eshnich, ad27, jasonlee, danqic, arora} Abstract Fine-tuning language models (LMs) has yielded success on diverse downstream tasks, but as LMs grow in size, backpropagation requires a prohibitively large amount of memory. Zeroth-order (ZO) methods can in principle estimate gradients using only two forward passes but are theorized to be catastrophically slow for optimizing large models. In this work, we propose a memory-efficient zeroth- order optimizer ( MeZO ), adapting the classical ZO-SGD method to operate in- place, thereby fine-tuning LMs with the same memory footprint as inference . For example, with a single A100 80GB GPU, MeZO can train a 30-billion parameter model, whereas fine-tuning with backpropagation can train only a 2.7B LM with the same budget. We conduct comprehensive experiments across model types (masked and autoregressive LMs), model scales (up to 66B), and downstream tasks (classification, multiple-choice, and generation). Our results demonstrate that (1) MeZO significantly outperforms in-context learning and linear probing; (2) MeZO achieves comparable performance to fine-tuning with backpropagation across multiple tasks, with up to 12 ×memory reduction; (3) MeZO is compatible with both full-parameter and parameter-efficient tuning techniques such as LoRA and prefix tuning; (4) MeZO can effectively optimize non-differentiable objectives (e.g., maximizing accuracy or F1). We support our empirical findings with theoretical insights, highlighting how adequate pre-training and task prompts enable MeZO to fine-tune huge models, despite classical ZO analyses suggesting otherwise.2 1 Introduction Fine-tuning pre-trained language models (LMs) has been the dominant methodology for solving many language tasks [ 27], adapting to specialized domains [ 40], or incorporating human instructions and preferences [ 70]. However, as LMs are scaled up [ 12,69], computing gradients for backpropagation requires a prohibitive amounts of memory – in our test, up to 12×the memory required for inference – because it needs to cache activations during the forward pass, gradients during the backward pass, and, in the case of Adam [50], also store gradient history (see Section 3.4 for a detailed analysis). As a result, while it is possible to run inference with a 30-billion (30B) parameter LM on a single Nvidia A100 GPU (with 80GB memory), backpropagation with Adam is feasible only for a 2.7B LM. Parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods (PEFT [ 44,55,52]) update just a fraction of the network parameters, but still need to cache many activations, because the tuned parameters are scattered ∗Equal contribution and corresponding authors. 2Our code is available at . Preprint. Under review.arXiv:2305.17333v1 [cs.LG] 27 May 2023
Self-critiquing models for assisting human evaluators William Saunders∗Catherine Yeh∗Jeff Wu∗ Steven Bills Long Ouyang Jonathan Ward Jan Leike OpenAI Abstract We fine-tune large language models to write natural language critiques (natural language critical comments) using behavioral cloning. On a topic-based summariza- tion task, critiques written by our models help humans find flaws in summaries that they would have otherwise missed. Our models help find naturally occurring flaws in both model and human written summaries, and intentional flaws in summaries written by humans to be deliberately misleading. We study scaling properties of critiquing with both topic-based summarization and synthetic tasks. Larger models write more helpful critiques, and on most tasks, are better at self-critiquing, despite having harder-to-critique outputs. Larger models can also integrate their own self- critiques as feedback, refining their own summaries into better ones. Finally, we motivate and introduce a framework for comparing critiquing ability to generation and discrimination ability. Our measurements suggest that even large models may still have relevant knowledge they cannot or do not articulate as critiques. These results are a proof of concept for using AI-assisted human feedback to scale the supervision of machine learning systems to tasks that are difficult for humans to evaluate directly. We release our training datasets, as well as samples from our critique assistance experiments. 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation With increasingly capable language models, it is important to ensure models are trustworthy on difficult and high stakes tasks. For example, models are being used to write complex pieces of code [CTJ+21,LCC+22] and answer open-ended questions about the world [ NHB+21,MTM+22]. We would like to be able to train models that don’t write buggy code or spread misinformation. However, fully evaluating correctness of code or veracity of facts about the world requires a lot of effort and expertise. Techniques to train systems from human feedback [ NR+00,Wes16 ,CLB+17, JMD20 ,NMS+21,SCC+22], fundamentally depend on humans’ ability to demonstrate and evaluate the quality of model outputs. This leads to the problem of scalable oversight [ AOS+16]: How can we effectively provide feedback to models on tasks that are difficult for humans to evaluate? One idea to overcome this problem is to use AI systems to aid human evaluation. This basic idea comes up in many prior proposals, such as iterated amplification [ CSA18 ], debate [ ICA18 ], and recursive reward modeling [ LKE+18]. If we first train a model to perform simpler assistive tasks that humans can evaluate, then we can use this model to assist humans with the evaluation of harder tasks. A key assumption is that evaluating the assistance task is simpler than evaluating the "base" ∗Equal contribution. Correspondence to jeffwu@openai.comarXiv:2206.05802v2 [cs.CL] 14 Jun 2022
Fine-tuning Language Models for Factuality Katherine Tian*†,Eric Mitchell*†,Huaxiu Yao†§, Christopher D. Manning†,Chelsea Finn† †Stanford University§UNC Chapel Hill {kattian,eric.mitchell} Abstract The fluency and creativity of large pre-trained language models (LLMs) have led to their widespread use, sometimes even as a replacement for traditional search engines. Yet language models are prone to making convincing but factually inaccurate claims, often referred to as ‘hallucinations.’ These errors can inadver- tently spread misinformation or harmfully perpetuate misconceptions. Further, manual fact-checking of model responses is a time-consuming process, making human factuality labels expensive to acquire. In this work, we fine-tune language models to be more factual, without human labeling and targeting more open-ended generation settings than past work. We leverage two key recent innovations in NLP to do so. First, several recent works have proposed methods for judging the factuality of open-ended text by measur- ing consistency with an external knowledge base or simply a large model’s confidence scores. Second, the direct preference optimization algorithm enables straightforward fine-tuning of language models on objec- tives other than supervised imitation, using a preference ranking over possible model responses. We show that learning from automatically generated factuality preference rankings, generated either through exist- ing retrieval systems or our novel retrieval-free approach, significantly improves the factuality (percent of generated claims that are correct) of Llama-2 on held-out topics compared with RLHF or decoding strate- gies targeted at factuality. At 7B scale, compared to Llama-2-chat, we observe 58% and 40% reduction in factual error rate when generating biographies and answering medical questions, respectively. 1 Introduction Recent developments in training large language models (LLMs), particularly methods that learn from rank- ings over responses such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) (Christiano et al., 2017; Ziegler et al., 2020; Ouyang et al., 2022), have enabled the development of powerful, engaging dialogue agents. State-of-the-art LLMs are pre-trained on a vast amount of knowledge in large datasets (Touvron et al., 2023a;b) and further fine-tuned to apply this knowledge to follow diverse instructions or complete more specific tasks (Chung et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2021). However, despite these large language models’ exposure to diverse datasets, they are prone to confidently generating incorrect claims. One recent study shows that GPT-3.5 (ChatGPT) produces false citations more often than not when asked to provide the au- thors of a given study (Agrawal et al., 2023). Nonetheless, other research has demonstrated that in simple question-answering settings, large language models doexhibit systematic markers of uncertainty that indi- cate their factually unreliable statements (Kadavath et al., 2022; Tian et al., 2023). These results suggest that language models internally represent the limits of their knowledge, leading us to ask: Can language models be fine-tuned to leverage this internal awareness, to avoid making untrue statements in the first place? A key source of difficulty in training factual models comes in specifying an objective that adequately cap- tures factuality. As an example, maximum likelihood, the most common objective for pre-training language models, does not always encourage factual predictions. Consider the question “Where was Yo-Yo Ma born?” A model that continues by near-deterministically producing the text “idk, probably Paris?” is nearly always correct, but receives extremely high loss if the pre-training data contains any other response to the question. On the other hand, a model that hedges probability mass over many possible phrasings and many possible locations (including incorrect ones, like Antarctica) will likely receive much lower loss, as any response observed in the training data will be assigned at least some non-trivial probability. Because the pre-training objective may reward ‘smearing’ probability mass over many possible responses, language models may gen- *Equal contribution. 1arXiv:2311.08401v1 [cs.CL] 14 Nov 2023
Leading Edge Perspective De novo protein design—From new structures to programmable functions Tanja Kortemme1,2,3,* 1Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA 2Quantitative Biosciences Institute, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA 3Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco, CA 94158, USA *Correspondence: SUMMARY Methods from artificial intelligence (AI) trained on large datasets of sequences and structures can now ‘‘write’’ proteins with new shapes and molecular functions de novo , without starting from proteins found in nature. In this Perspective, I will discuss the state of the field of de novo protein design at the juncture of phys- ics-based modeling approaches and AI. New protein folds and higher-order assemblies can be designed withconsiderable experimental success rates, and difficult problems requiring tunable control over protein con-formations and precise shape complementarity for molecular recognition are coming into reach. Emergingapproaches incorporate engineering principles—tunability, controllability, and modularity—into the designprocess from the beginning. Exciting frontiers lie in deconstructing cellular functions with de novo proteins and, conversely, constructing synthetic cellular signaling from the ground up. As methods improve, many more challenges are unsolved. INTRODUCTION Proteins can accelerate the speed of chemical reactions by many orders of magnitude, convert the energy of light into chem- ical energy, and regulate the myriads of processes within cells and organisms with the level of accuracy and precision requiredto sustain life. Because of these powerful functions, natural pro- teins have long been an attractive target for molecular engineer- ing. The goals of protein engineering range from understandingthe mechanisms of molecular and cellular functions to harness- ing proteins for practical applications in catalysis, biotechnology, and as precision tools in discovery science and medicine. The field of protein design is now fundamentally—and practi- cally—rethinking this approach. Rather than reengineering exist- ing proteins, it is becoming possible to build proteins with intri- cate architectures and functions—as powerful as those innature but new and user-programmable—from the ground up. This is the concept of de novo design, 1designing proteins from engineering principles or ‘‘blueprints’’ without relying on ex-isting starting points found in nature. One can of course ask, why would one build everything new if one can borrow, reuse, and reprogram from nature, or evenarrive at functions new to nature despite starting from existingproteins? 2Indeed, the approach of evolving or recombining ex- isting protein components for new functions has been incredibly successful,2,3and de novo design has long lagged behind because of its apparent limitations. Designed proteins, if less active than their natural counterparts, have required extensive screening campaigns to improve activity, and many desiredfunctions seemed out of reach. 4But if we could design functionalproteins completely de novo , from the ground up, without the idiosyncratic features of evolved proteins, there may be several distinct advantages ( Figure 1 A). The most obvious one is to enable functions not yet seen in nature (for which there are no obvious existing starting points for directed evolution). The sec- ond advantage is that de novo design could allow us to create proteins that integrate engineering principles—tunability, controllability, and modularity—into the design process from the beginning. We could engineer de novo proteins a priori to be (1) tunable, such that it is easy to generate versions with pre- cisely altered biochemical parameters, (2) controllable, such that protein function is responsive to internal and external stimuli, and(3) modular, such that we can integrate different functions easilyinto composite molecular machines and assemblies. Artificial intelligence (AI) promises a considerable leap in enabling this vision for de novo design. Recent advances in the accuracy of protein structure prediction through deep learning 5–7have profound influence on the inverse problem, pro- tein design, and are changing how de novo design is conceptu- alized. Classical approaches to protein design first define a pro- tein backbone structure at the atomic level and then find a sequence that is consistent with that structure.8Designing ‘‘function’’ adds a definition of the structure of an active site (typi-cally the relative atomic positioning of key catalytic or binding residues) that is built into a designed protein ‘‘scaffold.’’ Much of the difficulty of designing function lies in the fact that the de-signed protein needs to adopt the desired functional site struc- ture with extraordinary precision. Even deviations of less than 1A˚in atomic positions can cause the design to fail (if we, for example, think of the precise geometric requirements of ll OPEN ACCESS 526 Cell 187, February 1, 2024 ª2024 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( ).
Identifiability of latent-variable and structural-equation models: from linear to nonlinear Aapo Hyv¨ arinen,1Ilyes Khemakhem,2Ricardo Monti2 1)Dept of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland 2)Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL, UK May 4, 2023 Abstract An old problem in multivariate statistics is that linear Gaussian models are often unidentifiable, i.e. the parameters cannot be uniquely estimated. In factor (component) analysis, an orthogonal rotation of the factors is unidentifiable, while in linear regression, the direction of effect cannot be identified. For such linear models, non-Gaussianity of the (latent) variables has been shown to provide identifiability. In the case of factor analysis, this leads to independent component analysis, while in the case of the direction of effect, non-Gaussian versions of structural equation modelling solve the problem. More recently, we have shown how even general nonparametric nonlinear versions of such models can be estimated. Non-Gaussianity is not enough in this case, but assuming we have time series, or that the distributions are suitably modulated by some observed auxiliary variables, the models are identifiable. This paper reviews the identifiability theory for the linear and nonlinear cases, considering both factor analytic models and structural equation models. Keywords: Identifiability ; independent component analysis ; structural equation model ; factor analysis ; disentanglement ; non-Gaussianity 1 Introduction The goal of this paper is to provide a succinct and relatively self-contained exposition of the identifiability theory of a class of latent-variable models called independent component analysis, as well as of a class of structural-equation models. The theory has both linear and nonlinear versions, where “nonlinear” is to be taken in the sense of general (non-parametric) nonlinearities. The latent- variable models and structural-equation model are intimately related, and the identifiability theory of the former can be used to construct an identifiability theory of the latter. We focus on identifiability theory, and aim to explain the 1arXiv:2302.02672v2 [stat.ML] 3 May 2023
Beyond A∗: Better Planning with Transformers via Search Dynamics Bootstrapping Lucas Lehnert1,Sainbayar Sukhbaatar1,Paul Mcvay1,Michael Rabbat1,Yuandong Tian1 1FAIR at Meta WhileTransformershaveenabledtremendousprogressinvariousapplicationsettings, sucharchitectures still lag behind traditional symbolic planners for solving complex decision making tasks. In this work, we demonstrate how to train Transformers to solve complex planning tasks and present Searchformer , a Transformer model that optimally solves previously unseen Sokoban puzzles 93.7% of the time, while using up to 26.8% fewer search steps than standard A∗search. Searchformer is an encoder-decoder Transformer model trained to predict the search dynamics ofA∗. This model is then fine-tuned via expert iterations to perform fewer search steps than A∗search while still generating an optimal plan. In our training method, A∗’s search dynamics are expressed as a token sequence outlining when task states are added and removed into the search tree during symbolic planning. In our ablation studies on maze navigation, we find that Searchformer significantly outperforms baselines that predict the optimal plan directly with a 5–10 ×smaller model size and a 10 ×smaller training dataset. We also demonstrate how Searchformer scales to larger and more complex decision making tasks like Sokoban with improved percentage of solved tasks and shortened search dynamics. Correspondence: {lucaslehnert, yuandong} 1 Introduction Over the past few years, Transformer-based architectures (Vaswani et al., 2017) have demonstrated impressive performance in different tasks, including holding conversations at the human level (Shuster et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2022, 2023; Touvron et al., 2023), high-quality image understanding (Caron et al., 2021; Oquab et al., 2024; Assran et al., 2023) and video generation (Singer et al., 2023), multi-modal generation (Girdhar et al., 2023; Radford et al., 2021), and code completion (Roziere et al., 2023; OpenAI, 2021). By training these architectures with a huge amount of data, the resulting models, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), can generalize well in real-world use cases. Despite these successes, Transformer-based architectures and LLMs still struggle when it comes to solving planning and reasoning tasks. Previous studies (Momennejad et al., 2023; Valmeekam et al., 2023a,b) demonstrate that LLMs fall short in multi-step planning tasks (Valmeekam et al., 2023b) or when performing higher-order reasoning (Momennejad et al., 2023; Fan et al., 2020). In recent years, various methods have been proposed to improve the performance of Transformers in reasoning and planning tasks. One common and effective approach is to simulate the human thinking process and produce intermediate “thoughts” before outputting a response. Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting (Wei et al., 2022) encourages the model to predict the intermediate steps and to “think” step by step. Tree-of-thoughts (ToT) uses a branching strategy and critics to generate different thought paths before picking the best one (Yao et al., 2023). While these techniques are often effective, there are studies showing that in many cases, they may lead to worse performance, for example due to self-enforcing (Huang et al., 2023). Furthermore, techniques effective on one dataset may not work well on others due to changes in the type of reasoning involved (e.g., spatial reasoning vs. mathematical reasoning vs. common-sense reasoning). How to enable Transformers or LLMs to plan, solve multi-step decision making tasks, and perform different types of reasoning still remains elusive and an active area of research. These methods stand in sharp contrast with traditional symbolic planning and search techniques. While such techniques may not exhibit the language understanding capabilities of LLMs trained on internet-scale datasets, 1arXiv:2402.14083v1 [cs.AI] 21 Feb 2024
AlphaZero-Like Tree-Search can Guide Large Language Model Decoding and Training Xidong Feng* 1Ziyu Wan* 2Muning Wen2Stephen Marcus McAleer3 Ying Wen2Weinan Zhang2Jun Wang1 Abstract Recent works like Tree-of-Thought (ToT) and Reasoning via Planning (RAP) aim to augment the reasoning capabilities of LLMs by using tree- search algorithms to guide multi-step reasoning. These methods rely on prompting a pre-trained model to serve as a value function and focus on problems with low search depth. As a re- sult, these methods will not work in domains where the pre-trained LLM does not have enough knowledge to serve as an effective value func- tion or in domains that require long-horizon plan- ning. To address these limitations, we present an AlphaZero-like tree-search learning framework for LLMs (termed TS-LLM), systematically il- lustrating how tree-search with a learned value function can guide LLM decoding. TS-LLM dis- tinguishes itself in two key ways. (1) Leveraging a learned value function and AlphaZero-like al- gorithms, our approach can be generally adapt- able to a wide range of tasks, language models of any size, and tasks of varying search depths. (2) Our approach can guide LLMs during both inference and training, iteratively improving the LLM. Empirical results across reasoning, plan- ning, alignment, and decision-making tasks show that TS-LLM outperforms existing approaches and can handle trees with a depth of 64. 1. Introduction Large language models (LLMs) (OpenAI, 2023; Touvron et al., 2023a) have demonstrated their potential in a wide range of natural language tasks. A plethora of recent studies have concentrated on improving LLMs task-solving capabil- ity, including curation of larger and higher-quality general or domain-specific data (Touvron et al., 2023a; Zhou et al., *Equal contribution1University College London2Shanghai Jiao Tong University3Carnegie Mellon University. Correspondence to: Xidong Feng < >. Preprint.2023; Gunasekar et al., 2023; Feng et al., 2023; Taylor et al., 2022), more sophisticated prompt design (Wei et al., 2022; Zhou et al., 2022; Creswell et al., 2022), or better train- ing algorithms with Supervised Learning or Reinforcement Learning (RL) (Dong et al., 2023; Gulcehre et al., 2023; Rafailov et al., 2023). When training LLMs with RL, LLMs’ generation can be naturally formulated as a Markov Deci- sion Process (MDP) and optimized with specific objectives. Following this formulation, ChatGPT (Ouyang et al., 2022) emerges as a notable success, optimizing LLMs to align human preference by leveraging RL from Human Feedback (RLHF) (Christiano et al., 2017). LLMs can be further guided with planning algorithms such astree search . Preliminary work in this field includes Tree-of-Thought (ToT) (Yao et al., 2023; Long, 2023) with depth/breadth-first search and Reasoning-via-Planing (RAP) (Hao et al., 2023) with MCTS. They successfully demon- strated a performance boost of searching on trees expanded by LLM through self-evaluation. Despite these advances, current methods come with distinct limitations. First, the value functions in the tree-search algorithms are obtained by prompting LLMs. As a result, such algorithms lack gen- eral applicability and heavily rely on both well-designed prompts and the robust capabilities of advanced LLMs. Be- yond the model requirements, we will also show in Sec. 4.2.1 that such prompt-based self-evaluation is not always reliable. Second, ToT and RAP use BFS/DFS and MCTS for tree search, restricting their capabilities to relatively sim- ple and shallow tasks. They are capped at a maximum depth of only 10 or 7, which is significantly less than the depth achieved by AlphaZero in chess or Go (Silver et al., 2017). As a result, ToT and RAP might struggle with complex prob- lems that demand large analytical depths and longer-term planning horizons, decreasing their scalability. To address these problems, we introduce tree-search en- hanced LLM (TS-LLM), an AlphaZero-like framework that utilizes tree-search to improve LLMs’ performance on gen- eral natural language tasks. TS-LLM extends previous work to AlphaZero-like deep tree-search with a learned LLM- based value function which can guide the LLM during both inference and training. Compared with previous work, TS- 1arXiv:2309.17179v2 [cs.LG] 9 Feb 2024
Brief Report Convolutions are competitive with transformers for protein sequence pretraining Highlights dWe trained large-scale convolutional protein language models dConvolutions perform as well as transformers across taskswhile being more efficient dConvolutions and transformers have different inductivebiases dCurrent pretraining strategies do not scale well across alltasks for either modelAuthors Kevin K. Yang, Nicolo Fusi, Alex X. Lu Correspondence In brief Protein language models (PLMs) extractbiological information from millions ofprotein sequences and can then be usedas a starting point for other predictiontasks. Most PLMs are parametrized astransformers, which scale poorly withlength. A more scalable framework—convolutions—is as effective, improvingthe efficiency of future applications. Yang et al., 2024, Cell Systems 15, 1–9 March 20, 2024 ª2024 Elsevier Inc. ll
LM-Debugger : An Interactive Tool for Inspection and Intervention in Transformer-Based Language Models Mor Geva1Avi Caciularu2,∗Guy Dar3Paul Roit2Shoval Sadde1 Micah Shlain1Bar Tamir4Yoav Goldberg1,2 1Allen Institute for AI2Bar-Ilan University 3Tel Aviv University4The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Abstract The opaque nature and unexplained behavior of transformer-based language models (LMs) have spurred a wide interest in interpreting their predictions. However, current interpre- tation methods mostly focus on probing mod- els from outside, executing behavioral tests, and analyzing salience input features, while the internal prediction construction process is largely not understood. In this work, we in- troduce LM-Debugger , an interactive debug- ger tool for transformer-based LMs, which provides a fine-grained interpretation of the model’s internal prediction process, as well as a powerful framework for intervening in LM behavior. For its backbone, LM-Debugger re- lies on a recent method that interprets the inner token representations and their updates by the feed-forward layers in the vocabulary space. We demonstrate the utility of LM-Debugger for single-prediction debugging, by inspect- ing the internal disambiguation process done by GPT2. Moreover, we show how easily LM-Debugger allows to shift model behavior in a direction of the user’s choice, by iden- tifying a few vectors in the network and in- ducing effective interventions to the prediction process. We release LM-Debugger as an open- source tool and a demo over GPT2 models. 1 Introduction Transformer-based language models (LMs) are the backbone of modern NLP models (Bommasani et al., 2021), but their internal prediction construc- tion process is opaque. This is problematic to end- users that do not understand why the model makes specific predictions, as well as for developers who wish to debug or fix model behaviour. Recent work (Elhage et al., 2021; Geva et al., 2022) suggested that the construction process of LM predictions can be viewed as a sequence of updates to the token representation. Specifically, ∗Work done during an internship at AI2. She is working as a DJ kindergarten, school, kids, elementary, teacher, classroom lawyer nurse dentist nanny DJ singer lawyer rapper FFNFFNFFN album, DJ, rapper, funk, music, song, vocals, punk, disco, rock, … inspection inter v ention pr ojections Figure 1: Illustration of the main capabilities of LM-Debugger . Our tool interprets dominant changes in the output distribution induced by the feed-forward layers across the network (self-attention layers are not shown), and enables configuring interventions for shift- ing the prediction in directions of the user’s choice. Geva et al. (2022) showed that updates by the feed- forward network (FFN) layers, one of the building blocks of transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017), can be decomposed into weighted collections of sub- updates, each induced by a FFN parameter vector, that can be interpreted in the vocabulary space. In this work, we make a step towards LM trans- parency by employing this interpretation approach to create LM-Debugger , a powerful tool for inspec- tion and intervention in transformer LM predic- tions. LM-Debugger provides three main capabil- ities for single-prediction debugging and model analysis (illustrated in Figure 1). First, for a given input (e.g. “My wife is working as a” ), it interprets the model’s prediction at each layer in the network, and the major changes applied to it by FFN layers. This is done by projecting the token representa-arXiv:2204.12130v2 [cs.CL] 12 Oct 2022
Generating Molecular Fragmentation Graphs with Autoregressive Neural Networks Samuel Goldman Computational and Systems Biology MIT Cambridge, MA 02139 Janet Li Computer Science Harvard College Cambridge, MA 02138 jsli@college.harvard.eduConnor W. Coley Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MIT Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract The accurate prediction of tandem mass spectra from molecular structures has the potential to unlock new metabolomic discoveries by augmenting the community’s libraries of experimental reference standards. Cheminformatic spectrum prediction strategies use a “bond-breaking” framework to iteratively simulate mass spectrum fragmentations, but these methods are (a) slow, due to the need to exhaustively and combinatorially break molecules and (b) inaccurate, as they often rely upon heuris- tics to predict the intensity of each resulting fragment; neural network alternatives mitigate computational cost but are black-box and not inherently more accurate. We introduce a physically-grounded neural approach that learns to predict each breakage event and score the most relevant subset of molecular fragments quickly and accurately. We evaluate our model by predicting spectra from both public and private standard libraries, demonstrating that our hybrid approach offers state of the art prediction accuracy, improved metabolite identification from a database of candidates, and higher interpretability when compared to previous breakage methods and black box neural networks. The grounding of our approach in physical fragmentation events shows especially high promise for elucidating natural product molecules with more complex scaffolds. 1 Introduction Identifying unknown molecules in complex metabolomic or environmental samples is of critical importance to biologists [ 42], forensic scientists [ 34], and ecologists alike [ 5]. Tandem mass spectrometry, MS/MS, is the standard analytical chemistry method for analyzing such samples, favored for its speed and sensitivity [ 27]. In brief, MS/MS metabolomics experiments isolate, ionize, and fragment small molecules, resulting in a characteristic spectrum for each where peaks correspond to molecular sub-fragments (Fig. 1A). Importantly, these experiments are high throughput, leading to thousands of detected spectra per single experiment for complex samples such as human serum. The most straightforward way to identify an unknown molecule from its fragmentation spectrum is to compare the spectrum to a library of known standards [ 3]. However, spectral libraries only contain on the order of 104compounds—a drop in the bucket compared to the vast size of biologically-relevant Preprint.arXiv:2304.13136v1 [q-bio.QM] 25 Apr 2023
Better & Faster Large Language Models via Multi-token Prediction Fabian Gloeckle* 1 2Badr Youbi Idrissi* 1 3Baptiste Rozière1David Lopez-Paz+ 1Gabriel Synnaeve+ 1 Abstract Large language models such as GPT and Llama are trained with a next-token prediction loss. In this work, we suggest that training language mod- els to predict multiple future tokens at once results in higher sample efficiency. More specifically, at each position in the training corpus, we ask the model to predict the following ntokens using n independent output heads, operating on top of a shared model trunk. Considering multi-token pre- diction as an auxiliary training task, we measure improved downstream capabilities with no over- head in training time for both code and natural language models. The method is increasingly use- ful for larger model sizes, and keeps its appeal when training for multiple epochs. Gains are es- pecially pronounced on generative benchmarks like coding, where our models consistently out- perform strong baselines by several percentage points. Our 13B parameter models solves 12 % more problems on HumanEval and 17 % more on MBPP than comparable next-token models. Ex- periments on small algorithmic tasks demonstrate that multi-token prediction is favorable for the development of induction heads and algorithmic reasoning capabilities. As an additional benefit, models trained with 4-token prediction are up to 3×faster at inference, even with large batch sizes. 1. Introduction Humanity has condensed its most ingenious undertakings, surprising findings and beautiful productions into text. Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on all of these corpora are able to extract impressive amounts of world knowledge, as well as basic reasoning capabilities by im- plementing a simple—yet powerful—unsupervised learning task: next-token prediction. Despite the recent wave of impressive achievements (OpenAI, 2023), next-token pre- *Equal contribution+Last authors1FAIR at Meta2CERMICS Ecole des Ponts ParisTech3LISN Université Paris-Saclay. Cor- respondence to: Fabian Gloeckle <>, Badr Youbi Idrissi <>.diction remains an inefficient way of acquiring language, world knowledge and reasoning capabilities. More precisely, teacher forcing with next-token prediction latches on local patterns and overlooks “hard” decisions. Consequently, it remains a fact that state-of-the-art next-token predictors call for orders of magnitude more data than human children to arrive at the same level of fluency (Frank, 2023). Figure 1: Overview of multi-token prediction. (Top) Dur- ing training, the model predicts 4future tokens at once, by means of a shared trunk and 4dedicated output heads. Dur- ing inference, we employ only the next-token output head. Optionally, the other three heads may be used to speed-up inference time. (Bottom) Multi-token prediction improves pass@1 on the MBPP code task, significantly so as model size increases. Error bars are confidence intervals of 90% computed with bootstrapping over dataset samples. 1arXiv:2404.19737v1 [cs.CL] 30 Apr 2024
1 Deep Clustering with Variational Autoencoder Kart-Leong Lim and Xudong Jiang, Senior Member, IEEE and Chenyu Yi Abstract —An autoencoder that learns a latent space in an unsupervised manner has many applications in signal processing. However, the latent space of an autoencoder does not pursue the same clustering goal as Kmeans or GMM. A recent work of Song et al proposes to artificially re-align each point in the latent space of an autoencoder to its nearest class neighbors during training. The resulting new latent space is found to be much more suitable for clustering, since clustering information is used. Inspired by Song et al, in this paper we propose several extensions to this technique. First, we propose a probabilistic approach to generalize Song’s approach, such that Euclidean distance in the latent space is now represented by KL divergence. Second, as a consequence of this generalization we can now use probability distributions as inputs rather than points in the latent space. Third, we propose using Bayesian Gaussian mixture model for clustering in the latent space. We demonstrated our proposed method on digit recognition datasets, MNIST, USPS and SHVN as well as scene datasets, Scene15 and MIT67 with interesting findings. I. I NTRODUCTION Deep clustering networks that exploit autoencoder (AE) for clustering have been found in many recent signal processing applications such as computer vision and pattern recognition [1], [39], [14], [15], [3], [12], speech and audio recognition [7], [18], [40], [17], [27], [22], wireless communication [2], [32], [10], text classification [36], [4], [30] and etc. Deep clustering network [37], [31] typically trains a clustering algorithm e.g. Kmeans on the latent space of AE. However, the latent space of an AE may not be suitable for clustering. We can view this problem from the probabilistic perspective of the variational autoencoder (V AE) [19]. The main difference between AE and variational autoencoder (V AE) [19], [18] is the way the latent space is represented. In AE, an encoded image is represented as a point in the latent space, while in V AE an encoded image is represented by the sample draw from a Gaussian distribution. The latter is described by V AE’s random variable, mean and variance associated with the image. The problem of clustering faced by V AE is that when we have a multiclass dataset such as MNIST, the underlying Gaussian distribution assumption may not be sufficient to separate different classes in the latent space. This is especially true when two different digit classes share very similar mean and variance. There is simply no mechanism in V AE that enforces samples from different classes to have different mean and variance. Unless the underlying data layout is inherently class discriminative, there is no way AE or V AE can generate a latent space suitable for clustering. K. Lim, X. Jiang and C. Yi are with the Rapid-Rich Object Search lab, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological Uni- versity, Singapore 639798 (email:,, order to solve V AE’s clustering problem, at least two groups of researchers have converged to the same idea of using categorial distribution for V AE since the underlying distribution is discrete [11], [25]. Fortunately, there is an easier way to solve the problem. A recent approach by Song et al [31] focuses on minimizing the difference between the original latent space learnt by AE and the feature space learnt over it by traditional machine learning (ML) techniques. In such approach, there are two objectives to be solved in each iteration, the network weights φand the ML parameters θ. The standard way to learn it is to alternate between each optimization while fixing the other. Our work mainly follows Song’s approach [31] which we named as autoencoder with distance (AED). We further extend it to using V AE [19] which we call variational autoencoder with distance (V AED). There are some challenges faced when using AED: i) AE may not be the most ideal tool for training compact representation since, unlike V AE it can- not model latent space using random variable. ii) The distance error function of AED only takes points in the latent space as inputs. It is not so straightforward to extend this function to using random variables as inputs. iii) Kmeans assumes a spherical Gaussian distribu- tion for each cluster. However, this is a strong assumption for most datasets. Novel contributions in this work include: i) Inputs to the distance error function are now probability distributions, rather than points in the latent space. ii) The second order term (variance) of network (V AE) and ML (GMM) are now optimized by the distance error function. iii) Bayesian GMM [5] is used to improve the clustering. More hidden variables and hyperpa- rameters can better capture the latent space over Kmeans alone. A. Related work AED [31] first proposes to integrate both reconstruction error and the error between Kmeans and the encoded image (a.k.a. distance error or L3) into a single objective. Backpropa- gation on this objective will adjust the AE weights to minimize the within class latent space representation of the encoded image. Many recent works [31], [23], [34], [35], [37], [12] including our paper follow this strategy. DCN [37] offers a concise study of AED but both use identical L3. DC-Kmeans [34] use the alternating directed method of multiplier to train AED. The authors of DEC [35] proposed using a Student’s t- distribution kernel for L3. DBC [23] combines a convolutionalPage 1 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
1 Deep generative models of genetic variation capture mutation effects Adam J. Riesselman* John B. Ingraham* Program in Biomedical Informatics Program in Systems Biology Harvard Medical School Harvard University Debora S. Marks Department of Systems Biology Harvard Medical School * Equal contribution Abstract The functions of proteins and RNAs are determined by a myriad of interactions between their constituent residues, but most quantitative models of how molecular phenotype depends on genotype must approximate this by simple additive effects. While recent models have relaxed this constraint to also account for pairwise interactions, these approaches do not provide a tractable path towards modeling higher-order dependencies. Here, we show how latent variable models with nonlinear dependencies can be applied to capture beyond-pairwise constraints in biomolecules. We present a new probabilistic model for sequence families, DeepSequence, that can predict the effects of mutations across a variety of deep mutational scanning experiments significantly better than site independent or pairwise models that are based on the same evolutionary data. The model, learned in an unsupervised manner solely from sequence information, is grounded with biologically motivated priors, reveals latent organization of sequence families, and can be used to extrapolate to new parts of sequence space. Introduction Modern medicine and biotechnology are routinely challenged to both interpret and exploit how mutations will affect biomolecules. From interpreting which genetic variants in humans underlie disease, to developing modified proteins that have useful properties, to synthesizing large molecular libraries that are enriched with functional sequences, there is need to be able to rapidly assess whether a given mutation to a protein or RNA will disrupt its function [1, 2]. Motivated by these diverse applications, new technologies have emerged that simultaneously assess the effects of thousands of mutations in parallel [3-25] (sometimes referred to as “deep mutational
RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY◥ NUCLEAR PORE COMPLEX Structure of cytoplasmic ring of nuclear pore complex by integrative cryo-EM and AlphaFold Pietro Fontana †, Ying Dong †, Xiong Pi †, Alexander B. Tong †, Corey W. Hecksel, Longfei Wang, Tian-Min Fu, Carlos Bustamante, Hao Wu * INTRODUCTION: The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the molecular conduit in the nu- clear membrane of eukaryotic cells that reg- ulates import and export of biomolecules between the nucleus and the cytosol, withvertebrate NPCs ~110 to 125 MDa in molec- ular mass and ~120 nm in diameter. NPCs are organized into four main rings: the cyto- p l a s m i cr i n g( C R )a tt h ec y t o s o l i cs i d e ,t h e inner ring and the luminal ring on the plane of the nuclear membrane, and the nuclearring facing the nucleus. Each ring possesses an approximate eightfold symmetry and is composed of multiple copies of different nu- cleoporins. NPCs have been implicated in numerous biological processes, and their dys-functions are associated with a growing num- ber of serious human diseases. However, despite pioneering studies from many groups over the past two decades, we still lack a full un- derstanding of NPCs ’organization, dynam- ics, and complexity.RATIONALE: We used the Xenopus laevis oocyte as a model system for the structural charac- terization because each oocyte possesses a large number of NPC particles that can be visualized on native nuclear membranes with- out the aid of detergent extraction. We used single-particle cryo –electron microscopy (cryo- EM) analysis on data collected at different stage tilt angles for three-dimensional reconstruc- tion and structure prediction with AlphaFold for model building. RESULTS: We reconstructed the CR map of X. laevis NPC at 6.9 and 6.7 Å resolutions for the full CR protomer and a core region, respectively, and predicted the structures of the individual nucleop orins using AlphaFold because no high-resolution models of X. laevis Nups were available. For any ambiguous sub- unit interactions, we also predicted complex structures, which further guided model fitting of the CR protomer. We placed the nucleoporin or complex structures into the CR density to o b t a i na na l m o s tf u l lC Ra t o m i cm o d e l ,c o m - posed of the inner and outer Y-complexes, two copies of Nup205, two copies of the Nup214- Nup88-Nup62 complex, one Nup155, and five copies of Nup358. In particular, we predicted the largest protein in the NPC, Nup358, as having an S-shaped globular domain, a coiled- coil domain, and a largely disordered C-terminal region containing phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeats previously shown to form a gel-like con- densate phase for selective cargo passage. Four of the Nup358 copies clamp around the inner and outer Y-complexes to stabilize the CR, and the fifth Nup358 situates in the center of the cluster of clamps. AlphaFold also predicted a homo-oligomeric, likely specifically pentame- ric, coiled-coil structure of Nup358 that may provide the avidity for Nup358 recruitment to the NPC and for lowering the threshold for Nup358 condensation in NPC biogenesis. CONCLUSION: O u rs t u d i e so f f e ra ne x a m p l eo f integrative cryo-EM and structure prediction as a general approach fo r attaining more pre- cise models of megadalton protein complexes from medium-resolution density maps. The more accurate and almost complete model of the CR presented here expands our under- standing of the molecular interactions in the NPC and represents a substantial step forward toward the molecular architecture of a full NPC, with implications for NPC function, bio- genesis, and regulation. ▪STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLEAR PORE Fontana et al.,Science 376, 1178 (2022) 10 June 2022 1o f1 The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online. *Corresponding author. Email: †These authors contributed equally to this work. Cite this article as P. Fontana et al. ,Science 376, eabm9326 (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abm9326 READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT Cryo-EM structure of the cytoplasmatic ring of the nuclear pore complex from X. laevis .The 6.9 Å map was generated with single-particle cryo-EM, and the model was built with AlphaFold structure prediction. The secondary structural elements guided EM map fitting, resulting in an almost complete model of the complex. The approach allowed the identification of five copies of Nup358 and a second copy of the trimeric Nup214-Nup88- Nup62 complex. Downloaded from on March 01, 2024
Gradient Descent: The Ultimate Optimizer Kartik Chandra∗ MIT CSAIL† Cambridge, MA Xie∗ MIT CSAIL Cambridge, MA ahx@mit.eduJonathan Ragan-Kelley MIT CSAIL Cambridge, MA Meijer Meta, Inc. Menlo Park, CA Abstract Working with any gradient-based machine learning algorithm involves the tedious task of tuning the optimizer’s hyperparameters, such as its step size. Recent work has shown how the step size can itself be optimized alongside the model parameters by manually deriving expressions for “hypergradients” ahead of time. We show how to automatically compute hypergradients with a simple and elegant modification to backpropagation. This allows us to easily apply the method to other optimizers and hyperparameters (e.g. momentum coefficients). We can even recursively apply the method to its own hyper -hyperparameters, and so on ad in- finitum . As these towers of optimizers grow taller, they become less sensitive to the initial choice of hyperparameters. We present experiments validating this for MLPs, CNNs, and RNNs. Finally, we provide a simple PyTorch implementation of this algorithm (see 1 Introduction When we train deep neural networks by gradient descent, we have to select a step size αfor our optimizer. If αis too small, the optimizer runs very slowly, whereas if αis too large, the optimizer fails to converge. Choosing an appropriate αis thus itself an optimization task that machine learning practitioners face every day. Why not apply gradient descent here, too? To do so, we need to compute the derivative of the loss function not only with respect to the neural network’s weights, but also with respect toα. Baydin et al. (2018), applying an insight from Almeida et al. (1999), describe how to efficiently compute such “hypergradients” by manually differentiating standard optimizer update rules with respect to the step size hyperparameter. This allows for on-line learning rate adaptation, which generally improves convergence, especially when the initial αis sub-optimal. However, the above method has three limitations: (1) manually differentiating optimizer update rules is tedious and error-prone, and must be re-done for each optimizer variant; (2) the method only tunes the step size hyperparameter, not other hyperparameters such as the momentum coefficient; and (3) the method introduces a newhyperparameter, the hyper-step-size, which must also be tuned. In this paper, we address all three limitations by replacing manual differentiation with automatic differentiation (AD), which (1) automatically computes correct derivatives without any additional human effort, and (2) naturally generalizes to other hyperparameters (e.g. momentum coefficient) for free. As for (3), we observe that AD can be applied to optimize not only the hyperparameters, but also the hyper -hyperparameters, and the hyper-hyper-hyperparameters, and so on. In fact, we can implement arbitrarily tall towers of recursive optimizers, which are increasingly robust to the choice of initial hyperparameter. These “hyperoptimizers” therefore reduce the burden on humans responsible for tuning the hyperparameters. (Such an effect was hypothesized by Baydin et al., but not tested because manual differentiation of complex sequences of nested optimizers is impractical.) ∗Equal contribution. †Work done in part at Meta, Inc. and in part at Stanford University. 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022).arXiv:1909.13371v2 [cs.LG] 14 Oct 2022
1 Deep Clustering: A Comprehensive Survey Y azhou Ren, Member, IEEE , Jingyu Pu, Zhimeng Y ang, Jie Xu, Guofeng Li, Xiaorong Pu, Philip S. Yu, Fellow, IEEE , Lifang He, Member, IEEE Abstract —Cluster analysis plays an indispensable role in machine learning and data mining. Learning a good data representation is crucial for clustering algorithms. Recently, deep clustering, which can learn clustering-friendly representations using deep neural networks, has been broadly applied in a wide range of clustering tasks. Existing surveys for deep clustering mainly focus on the single-view fields and the network architectures, ignoring the complex application scenarios of clustering. To address this issue, in this paper we provide a comprehensive survey for deep clustering in views of data sources. With different data sources and initial conditions, we systematically distinguish the clustering methods in terms of methodology, prior knowledge, and architecture. Concretely, deep clustering methods are introduced according to four categories, i.e., traditional single-view deep clustering, semi-supervised deep clustering, deep multi-view clustering, and deep transfer clustering. Finally, we discuss the open challenges and potential future opportunities in different fields of deep clustering. Index Terms —Deep clustering; semi-supervised clustering; multi-view clustering; transfer learning ! 1 I NTRODUCTION WITHthe development of online media, abundant data with high complexity can be gathered easily. Through pinpoint analysis of these data, we can dig the value out and use these conclusions in many fields, such as face recognition [1], [2], sentiment analysis [3], [4], intelligent manufacturing [5], [6], etc. A model which can be used to classify the data with different labels is the base of many applications. For labeled data, it is taken granted to use the labels as the most important information as a guide. For unlabeled data, finding a quantifiable objective as the guide of the model-building process is the key question of clustering. Over the past decades, a large number of clustering methods with shallow models have been proposed, including centroid-based clustering [7], [8], density-based clustering [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], distribution-based clustering [14], hierar- chical clustering [15], ensemble clustering [16], [17], multi-view clustering [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], etc. These shallow models are effective only when the features are representative, while their performance on the complex data is usually limited due to the poor power of feature learning. In order to map the original complex data to a feature space that is easy to cluster, many clustering methods focus on feature extraction or feature transformation, such as PCA [24], kernel method [25], spectral method [26], deep neural network [27], etc. Among these methods, the deep neural network is a promising ap- proach because of its excellent nonlinear mapping capability and its flexibility in different scenarios. A well-designed deep learning based clustering approach (referred to deep clustering) aims at effectively extracting more clustering-friendly features from data and performing clustering with learned features simultaneously. Much research has been done in the field of deep clustering and there are also some surveys about deep clustering methods •Yazhou Ren, Jingyu Pu, Zhimeng Yang, Jie Xu, Guofeng Li and Xiaorong Pu are with University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China. Yazhou Ren is the corresponding author. E-mail: •Philip S. Yu is with University of Illinois at Chicago, IL 60607, USA. •Lifang He is with Lehigh University, PA 18015, USA. Manuscript received Oct. 2022.[28], [29], [30], [31]. Specifically, existing systematic reviews for deep clustering mainly focus on the single-view clustering tasks and the architectures of neural networks. For example, Aljalbout et al . [28] focus only on deep single-view clustering methods which are based on deep autoencoder (AE or DAE). Min et al. [29] classify deep clustering methods from the perspective of different deep networks. Nutakki et al . [30] divide deep single-view clustering methods into three categories according to their training strategies: multi-step sequential deep clustering, joint deep clustering, and closed-loop multi-step deep clustering. Zhou et al. [31] categorize deep single-view clustering methods by the interaction way between feature learning and clustering modules. But in the real world, the datasets for clustering are always associated, e.g., the taste for reading is correlated with the taste for a movie, and the side face and full-face from the same person should be labeled the same. For these data, deep clustering methods based on semi-supervised learning, multi-view learning, and transfer learning have also made significant progress. Unfortunately, existing reviews do not discuss them too much. Therefore, it is important to classify deep clustering from the perspective of data sources and initial conditions. In this survey, we summarize the deep clustering from the perspective of initial settings of data combined with deep learning methodology. We introduce the newest progress of deep clustering from the perspective of network and data structure as shown in Fig. 1. Specifically, we organize the deep clustering methods into the following four categories: •Deep single-view clustering For conventional clustering tasks, it is often assumed that the data are of the same form and structure, as known as single- view or single-modal data. The extraction of representations for these data by deep neural networks (DNNs) is a significant characteristic of deep clustering. However, what is more note- worthy is the different applied deep learning techniques, which are highly correlated with the structure of DNNs. To compare the technical route of specific DNNs, we divide those algorithms into five categories: deep autoencoder (DAE) based deep clustering,arXiv:2210.04142v1 [cs.LG] 9 Oct 2022
212 | Nature | Vol 628 | 4 April 2024 ArticleCryo-EM structures of RAD51 assembled on nucleosomes containing a DSB site Takuro Shioi1,2, Suguru Hatazawa1, Eriko Oya3, Noriko Hosoya4, Wataru Kobayashi1, Mitsuo Ogasawara1, Takehiko Kobayashi2,3, Yoshimasa Takizawa1 & Hitoshi Kurumizaka1,2 ✉ RAD51 is the central eukaryotic recombinase required for meiotic recombination and mitotic repair of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs)1,2. However, the mechanism by which RAD51 functions at DSB sites in chromatin has remained elusive. Here we report the cryo-electron microscopy structures of human RAD51–nucleosome complexes, in which RAD51 forms ring and filament conformations. In the ring forms, the N-terminal lobe domains (NLDs) of RAD51 protomers are aligned on the outside of the RAD51 ring, and directly bind to the nucleosomal DNA. The nucleosomal linker DNA that contains the DSB site is recognized by the L1 and L2 loops—active centres that face the central hole of the RAD51 ring. In the filament form, the nucleosomal DNA is peeled by the RAD51 filament extension, and the NLDs of RAD51 protomers proximal to the nucleosome bind to the remaining nucleosomal DNA and histones. Mutations that affect nucleosome-binding residues of the RAD51 NLD decrease nucleosome binding, but barely affect DNA binding in vitro. Consistently, yeast Rad51 mutants with the corresponding mutations are substantially defective in DNA repair in vivo. These results reveal an unexpected function of the RAD51 NLD, and explain the mechanism by which RAD51 associates with nucleosomes, recognizes DSBs and forms the active filament in chromatin. During meiosis, a DSB is enzymatically introduced in the genomic DNA to initiate genetic recombination1. By contrast, in mitotic cells, DSBs are frequently induced by ionizing radiation, DNA-damaging agents and undesired stalling of the replication machinery2. Homologous recombination (HR) is promoted at DSB sites and has essential roles in the meiotic genetic recombination and the mitotic recombinational repair of DSBs3,4. RAD51 is an evolutionally conserved enzyme that functions in the HR pathway in both meiotic and mitotic cells, and accumulates on DSB sites in chromosomes5–7. During the HR process, RAD51 binds to DNA and forms a filamentous complex, in which a region of the DSB containing single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is incorporated into the helical filament formed by the RAD51 multimer8–10. The RAD51–DNA complex then binds to undamaged DNA and promotes the homologous-pairing reaction, by which the ssDNA region pairs with the homologous double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in an ATP-dependent manner11–13. In eukaryotes, the genomic DNA is compacted as chromatin, in which the nucleosome is the fundamental structural unit. In the nucleosome, two each of histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 form a histone octamer, and 145–147 base pairs of DNA continuously interact with the basic surface of this octamer14. Consequently, in the nucleosome, the DNA is left-handedly wrapped 1.65 times around the histone octamer, and becomes inaccessible to DNA-binding proteins. In the HR process, RAD51 somehow binds to the DNA tightly wrapped in the nucleosome, recognizes the DSB and forms an active nucleoprotein filament at the DSB terminus in chromatin. However, the mechanism by which RAD51 promotes these steps in chromatin remains unclear. Structures of RAD51 bound to nucleosomes To determine how RAD51 assembles on chromatin with a DSB terminus, we reconstituted the nucleosome with DNA containing the Widom 601 nucleosome positioning sequence15. The resulting nucleosome was positioned at one end of the DNA. At the other DNA end of the nucleosome, the eight-base-pair dsDNA plus a three-base 3′ ssDNA overhang, designed to mimic the dsDNA–ssDNA junction created at a DSB terminus, protruded as the linker DNA of the nucleosome (Fig.  1a and Extended Data Fig. 1a,b). Purified human RAD51 was then incubated with the nucleosome in the absence or presence of nucleotide cofac- tors, such as ADP, ATP or a non-hydrolysable ATP analogue, AMP-PNP, and the resulting RAD51–nucleosome complexes were separated by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation in the presence of glutaraldehyde (GraFix) (Extended Data Figs. 2a, 3a, 4a and 5a). The purified RAD51–nucleosome complexes were then visual - ized by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The structures of the RAD51–nucleosome complexes were processed, and then subjected to a single-particle workflow in the RELION software package16 (Extended Data Figs. 2–5). We found that RAD51 forms multiple conformations in the complex with the nucleosome, such as ring forms with eight (octameric), nine (nonameric) or ten (decameric) protomers, and a Received: 17 June 2023 Accepted: 13 February 2024 Published online: 20 March 2024 Open access Check for updates 1Laboratory of Chromatin Structure and Function, Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 2Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 3Laboratory of Genome Regeneration, Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 4Laboratory of Molecular Radiology, Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. ✉e-mail:
Self-Play Fine-Tuning Converts Weak Language Models to Strong Language Models Zixiang Chen∗†Yihe Deng∗‡Huizhuo Yuan∗§Kaixuan Ji¶Quanquan Gu‖ Abstract Harnessing the power of human-annotated data through Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) is pivotal for advancing Large Language Models (LLMs). In this paper, we delve into the prospect of growing a strong LLM out of a weak one without the need for acquiring additional human- annotated data. We propose a new fine-tuning method called Self-Play fIne-tuNing ( SPIN), which starts from a supervised fine-tuned model. At the heart of SPINlies a self-play mechanism, where the LLM refines its capability by playing against instances of itself. More specifically, the LLM generates its own training data from its previous iterations, refining its policy by discerning these self-generated responses from those obtained from human-annotated data. Our method progressively elevates the LLM from a nascent model to a formidable one, unlocking the full potential of human-annotated demonstration data for SFT. Theoretically, we prove that the global optimum to the training objective function of our method is achieved only when the LLM policy aligns with the target data distribution. Empirically, we evaluate our method on several benchmark datasets including the HuggingFace Open LLM Leaderboard, MT-Bench, and datasets from Big-Bench. Our results show that SPINcan significantly improve the LLM’s performance across a variety of benchmarks and even outperform models trained through direct preference optimization (DPO) supplemented with extra GPT-4 preference data. This sheds light on the promise of self-play, enabling the achievement of human-level performance in LLMs without the need for expert opponents. Codes are available at . 1 Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) have began a groundbreaking era in artificial general intelligence (AGI), demonstrating extraordinary capabilities across a wide range of domains that require in- tricate reasoning and specialized knowledge. These models excel in areas such as mathematical reasoning/problem solving (Cobbe et al., 2021; Wei et al., 2022; Lewkowycz et al., 2022), code gener- ation/programming (Chen et al., 2021; Austin et al., 2021; Li et al., 2022), text generation (Bubeck ∗Equal contribution †Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: ‡Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: §Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: ¶Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: ‖Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: 1arXiv:2401.01335v2 [cs.LG] 12 Feb 2024
Leading Edge Review Integrating cellular electron microscopy with multimodal data to explore biologyacross space and time Caitlyn L. McCafferty,1,*Sven Klumpe,2,*Rommie E. Amaro,3,*Wanda Kukulski,4,*Lucy Collinson,5,* and Benjamin D. Engel1,* 1Biozentrum, University of Basel, Spitalstrasse 41, 4056 Basel, Switzerland 2Research Group CryoEM Technology, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Am Klopferspitz 18, 82152 Martinsried, Germany 3Department of Molecular Biology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA 4Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Bern, Bu ¨hlstrasse 28, 3012 Bern, Switzerland 5Electron Microscopy Science Technology Platform, Francis Crick Institute, 1 Midland Road, London NW1 1AT, UK *Correspondence: (C.L.M.), (S.K.), (R.E.A.), wanda.kukulski@ (W.K.), (L.C.), (B.D.E.) SUMMARY Biology spans a continuum of length and time scales. Individual experimental methods only glimpse discrete pieces of this spectrum but can be combined to construct a more holistic view. In this Review, we detail thelatest advancements in volume electron microscopy (vEM) and cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), whichtogether can visualize biological complexity across scales from the organization of cells in large tissues tothe molecular details inside native cellular environments. In addition, we discuss emerging methodologiesfor integrating three-dimensional electron microscopy (3DEM) imaging with multimodal data, including fluo-rescence microscopy, mass spectrometry, single-particle analysis, and AI-based structure prediction. This multifaceted approach fills gaps in the biological continuum, providing functional context, spatial organiza- tion, molecular identity, and native interactions. We conclude with a perspective on incorporating diversedata into computational simulations that further bridge and extend length scales while integrating the dimen-sion of time. INTRODUCTION Fifty years ago, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Albert Claude, Christian de Duve, and George E. Pal- ade for their discoveries on the structural and functional organi- zation of the cell. These pioneering investigations into structuralcell biology were facilitated by electron microscopy (EM) andsubcellular fractionation 1–4and complemented by functional an- alyses.5,6Integration of these techniques helped define our un- derstanding of organelles, linking the ultrastructure of thesecellular compartments to their specialized functions. These foun- dational studies propelled the development of new instrumenta- tion, methodology, and computation that have improved our un-derstanding of cellular structures in situ —within their native context. Now, decades later, a new generation of cellular structural biology is emerging ( Figure 1 A), combining advancements in three-dimensional (3D) EM with complementary approaches, including live-cell and super-resolution light microscopy, prote- omics, biophysical assays, bioinformatics, high-resolution struc-ture determination, artificial intelligence (AI)-based structure pre- diction, integrative modeling, and multiscale simulations. This integration of methodologies can help assemble a more com-plete understanding of the biological continuum, from atoms over femtoseconds to large tissues over hours and days. New developments in 3DEM continue to advance the field of cellular structural biology. These techniques span scales, from the 3D visualization of entire cells and tissues with volume electron microscopy (vEM) 14to the high-resolution imaging of molecular complexes inside native cells using cryo-electron tomography(cryo-ET). 15vEM is a catch-all term encompassing a variety of techniques that reconstruct 3D volumes from a series of single im- ages generated either by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of thin sections (array to- mography) or by SEM of a sample block face exposed by either a diamond knife or a focused ion beam (FIB). These vEM methodscan reconstruct volumes that are hundreds of microns thick while attaining a resolution of several nanometers, revealing the 3D ar- chitecture of organelles inside whole cells and tissues. In contrast,cellular cryo-ET relies on TEM tilt-series to attain sub-nanometerresolution inside cells frozen in a near-native state. However, this gain in resolution comes at the cost of continuous volume due to the mean free path of electrons through ice (300–400 nmat 300 kV 16). With the exception of smaller bacteria and thin cell protrusions, frozen cells must first be thinned, accomplished by cryo-FIB milling.17These two EM disciplines are complementary, ll Cell 187, February 1, 2024 ª2024 Elsevier Inc. 563
When does return-conditioned supervised learning work for offline reinforcement learning? David Brandfonbrener New York University david.brandfonbrener@nyu.eduAlberto Bietti New York UniversityJacob Buckman MILA Romain Laroche Microsoft ResearchJoan Bruna New York University Abstract Several recent works have proposed a class of algorithms for the offline reinforce- ment learning (RL) problem that we will refer to as return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL). RCSL algorithms learn the distribution of actions conditioned on both the state and the return of the trajectory. Then they define a policy by conditioning on achieving high return. In this paper, we provide a rigorous study of the capabilities and limitations of RCSL, something which is crucially miss- ing in previous work. We find that RCSL returns the optimal policy under a set of assumptions that are stronger than those needed for the more traditional dy- namic programming-based algorithms. We provide specific examples of MDPs and datasets that illustrate the necessity of these assumptions and the limits of RCSL. Finally, we present empirical evidence that these limitations will also cause issues in practice by providing illustrative experiments in simple point-mass environments and on datasets from the D4RL benchmark. 1 Introduction In recent years, deep learning has proven to be an exceptionally powerful generic algorithm for solving supervised learning (SL) tasks. These approaches tend to be stable, and scale well with compute and data [17]. In contrast, deep reinforcement learning algorithms seem to lack these nice properties; results are well known to be sensitive to hyperparameters and difficult to replicate. In spite of this, deep reinforcement learning (RL) has achieved impressive feats, such as defeating human champions at Go [25]. This juxtaposition of success and instability has inspired researchers to explore alternative approaches to reinforcement learning that more closely resemble supervised learning in hopes of making deep RL as well-behaved as deep SL. One family of algorithms that has garnered great interest recently is return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL). The core idea of RCSL is to learn the return-conditional distribution of actions in each state, and then define a policy by sampling from the distribution of actions that receive high return. This was first proposed for the online RL setting by work on Upside Down RL [23, 26] and Reward Conditioned Policies [21]. The idea was extended to the offline RL setting using transformers that condition on the entire history of states rather than just the current Markovian state in the Decision Transformer (DT) work [8, 12]. Recent work on RL via Supervised Learning (RvS) [9] unifies and simplifies ideas from these prior works with ideas about goal-conditioned policies. Importantly, none of this prior work provides theoretical guarantees or analysis of the failure modes of the return-conditioning approach. In contrast, the more established dynamic programming (DP) algorithms for RL are better understood theoretically. This paper attempts to address this gap in 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022).arXiv:2206.01079v3 [cs.LG] 11 Jan 2023
Language models scale reliably with over-training and on downstream tasks Samir Yitzhak Gadre1,2Georgios Smyrnis3Vaishaal Shankar4 Suchin Gururangan5Mitchell Wortsman5Rulin Shao5Jean Mercat2 Alex Fang5Jeffrey Li5Sedrick Keh2Rui Xin5Marianna Nezhurina6,7Igor Vasiljevic2 Jenia Jitsev6,7Alexandros G. Dimakis3Gabriel Ilharco5Shuran Song8Thomas Kollar2 Yair Carmon9∗Achal Dave2∗Reinhard Heckel10∗Niklas Muennighoff11∗Ludwig Schmidt5∗ Abstract Scaling laws are useful guides for developing language models, but there are still gaps between current scaling studies and how language models are ultimately trained and evaluated. For instance, scaling is usually studied in the compute-optimal training regime (i.e., “Chinchilla optimal” regime); however, in practice, models are often over-trained to reduce inference costs. Moreover, scaling laws mostly predict loss on next-token prediction, but ultimately models are compared based on downstream task performance. In this paper, we address both shortcomings. To do so, we create a testbed of 104 models with 0.011B to 6.9B parameters trained with various numbers of tokens on three data distributions. First, we investigate scaling in the over-trained regime. We fit scaling laws that extrapolate in both the number of model parameters and the ratio oftrainingtokenstoparameters. Thisenablesustopredictthevalidationlossofa1.4Bparameter, 900B token run (i.e., 32 ×over-trained) and a 6.9B parameter, 138B token run—each from experiments that take 300 ×less compute. Second, we relate the perplexity of a language model to its downstream task performance via a power law. We use this law to predict top-1 error averaged over downstream tasks for the two aforementioned models using experiments that take 20 ×less compute. Our experiments are available at . 1 Introduction Training large language models is expensive. Moreover, training high-quality models requires a complex recipe of algorithmic techniques and training data. To reduce the cost of finding successful training recipes, researchers first evaluate ideas with small experiments and then extrapolate their efficacy to larger scales. With reliable extrapolation, it is possible to quickly iterate at small scale and still pick the method that will perform best for the final large training run. Indeed, this workflow has become commonplace for training state-of-the-art language models such as Chinchilla 70B [ 43], PaLM 540B [17], and GPT-4 [74]. Despite their importance for model development, published scaling laws differ from the goals of training state-of-the-art models in important ways. For instance, scaling studies usually focus on ∗Equal advising, ordered alphabetically. Correspondence to .1Columbia University 2Toyota Research Insitute3UT Austin4Apple5University of Washington6Juelich Supercomputing Center, Research Center Juelich7LAION8Stanford University9Tel Aviv University10TU Munich11Contextual AI 1arXiv:2403.08540v1 [cs.CL] 13 Mar 2024
Unlimiformer: Long-Range Transformers with Unlimited Length Input Amanda Bertsch andUri Alon andGraham Neubig andMatthew R. Gormley Carnegie Mellon University, USA {abertsch,ualon,gneubig,mgormley} Abstract Transformer-based models typically have a predefined bound to their input length, because of their need to potentially attend to every to- ken in the input. In this work, we propose Unlimiformer: a general approach that can wrap any existing pretrained encoder-decoder transformer, and offload the attention compu- tation across all layers to a single k-nearest- neighbor index; this index can be kept on ei- ther the GPU or CPU memory and queried in sub-linear time. This way, we can index ex- tremely long input sequences, while every at- tention head in every decoder layer retrieves its top- kkeys, instead of attending to every key. We demonstrate Unlimiformer’s efficacy on several long-document and multi-document summarization benchmarks, showing that it can summarize even 350k token-long inputs from the BookSum dataset, without any input truncation at test time. Unlimiformer improves pretrained models such as BART (Lewis et al., 2020a) and Longformer (Beltagy et al., 2020a) by extending them to unlimited inputs without additional learned weights and without modi- fying their code. We make our code and mod- els publicly available1. 1 Introduction Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017) are the domi- nant sequence-to-sequence architecture. Pretrained transformers generally have a context window of 512 (e.g. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)) or 1024 to- kens (e.g. BART (Lewis et al., 2020b)), which are sufficient lengths for many current conditional generation datasets (XSum; Narayan et al., 2018) (CNN/DM; Nallapati et al., 2016). For inputs between 1k and 16k tokens, special- ized long-context models have been developed. These models employ clever techniques to spar- sify or approximate attention (e.g. Longformer 1 XSum (Avg)CNN/DM (Avg)ArXiv (Avg)GovReport (Avg)WikiSum (Avg)NarrativeQA (Avg)BookSum (Avg)NarrativeQA (Max)BookSum (Max)WikiSum (Max)103104105Input tokens16384 tokens 4096 tokens 1024 tokensFigure 1: Long-range transformers can avoid input truncation in some datasets; however, there are datasets with inputs many times longer than these models’ max- imum input length. The dotted lines represent three common maximum input lengths for models; the bars are the average or maximum input length in each dataset, as indicated. Averages for datasets from Koh et al. (2022). (Beltagy et al., 2020b), Performers (Choroman- ski et al., 2020)), allowing the maximum input length to quadruple while remaining computation- ally feasible. Datasets in this length include most long-document summarization or question answer- ing datasets, such as arXiv summarization (Cohan et al., 2018). But 16,384 is not the upper limit for the length of context required for generation: tasks that involve long narratives, such as book summarization (Kry ´s- ci´nski et al., 2021) or narrative question-answering (Koˇciský et al., 2018), often have inputs exceeding 100k tokens . A challenge set for Wikipedia arti- cle generation (Liu* et al., 2018) contains inputs longer than 500k tokens. Open-domain tasks in generative question answering could conceivably synthesize information from even larger inputs, e.g.arXiv:2305.01625v1 [cs.CL] 2 May 2023
2023-12-12 Beyond Human Data: Scaling Self-Training for Problem-Solving with Language Models Avi Singh1,*, John D Co-Reyes1,*, Rishabh Agarwal1,2,*, Ankesh Anand1, Piyush Patil1, Peter J. Liu1, James Harrison1, Jaehoon Lee1, Kelvin Xu1, Aaron Parisi1, Abhishek Kumar1, Alex Alemi1, Alex Rizkowsky1, Azade Nova1, Ben Adlam1, Bernd Bohnet1, Hanie Sedghi1, Igor Mordatch1, Isabelle Simpson1, Izzeddin Gur1, Jasper Snoek1, Jeffrey Pennington1, Jiri Hron1, Kathleen Kenealy1, Kevin Swersky1, Kshiteej Mahajan1, Laura Culp1, Lechao Xiao1, Maxwell L Bileschi1, Noah Constant1, Roman Novak1, Rosanne Liu1, Tris Warkentin1, Yundi Qian1, Ethan Dyer1, Behnam Neyshabur1, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein1, Noah Fiedel1 *Contributed equally,1Google DeepMind,2Mila Fine-tuning language models (LMs) on human-generated data remains a prevalent practice. However, theperformanceofsuchmodelsisoftenlimitedbythequantityanddiversityofhigh-qualityhumandata. In this paper, we explore whether we can go beyond human data on tasks where we have access to scalar feedback, for example, on math problems where one can verify correctness. To do so, we investigate a simple self-training method based on expectation-maximization, which we call ReST𝐸𝑀, where we (1) generate samples from the model and filter them using binary feedback, (2) fine-tune the model on these samples, and (3) repeat this process a few times. Testing on advanced MATH reasoning and APPS coding benchmarks using PaLM-2 models, we find that ReST𝐸𝑀scales favorably with model size and significantly surpasses fine-tuning only on human data. Overall, our findings suggest self-training with feedback can substantially reduce dependence on human-generated data. Keywords: RL from external feedback, EM for RL, Language, LLMs, Reasoning, Coding, Self-Improvement 1. Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the landscape of deep learning, showcasing remarkable capabilities in generating human-quality text and tackling diverse language tasks (Google et al., 2023; OpenAI, 2023). While supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on human-collected data further boosts their performance on tasks of interest, acquiring high-quality human data poses a significant bottleneck. This is particularly demanding for complex problem-solving tasks, requiring significant resources and expert knowledge. To address this hurdle, model-generated synthetic data emerges as a promising alternative, offering scalability and cost-effectiveness, provided its quality can be ensured. While LLMs hold the potential to self-evaluate generated data, this paper explores a simpler setting where an external, scalar feedback signal serves as a quality indicator for each generated sample. To investigate training on model-generated data, we consider a simple yet powerful self-training approach for language models that requires only two capabilities: 1) generating samples from the model and 2) evaluating these samples with a scoring mechanism. To ensure clarity and consistency, we adopt the terminology of Reinforced Self-Training (Gulcehre et al., 2023) and call this approach ReST𝐸𝑀. We show that ReST𝐸𝑀can be viewed as applying expectation-maximization for reinforcement learning (Dayan and Hinton, 1997; Peters and Schaal, 2007), which we present formally in Section 3. Specifically, ReST𝐸𝑀alternates between the expectation and maximization steps: 1.Generate (E-step): The language model generates multiple output samples for each input Corresponding author(s):,, ©2023 Google DeepMind. All rights reservedarXiv:2312.06585v1 [cs.LG] 11 Dec 2023
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 (2023) 1-43 Submitted 1/23; Revised 7/23; Published 7/23 Atlas : Few-shot Learning with Retrieval Augmented Language Models Gautier Izacard1,2,∗,† Patrick Lewis1,∗,† Maria Lucas Hosseini1,† Fabio Petroni1,† Timo Schick1,† Jane Armand Joulin1,† Sebastian Riedel1,3,† Edouard Grave1,† 1Meta AI,2ENS, PSL University & Inria,3University College London Editor: Ivan Titov Abstract Large language models have shown impressive few-shot results on a wide range of tasks. However, when knowledge is key for such results, as is the case for tasks such as question answering and fact checking, massive parameter counts to store knowledge seem to be needed. Retrieval-augmented models are known to excel at knowledge intensive tasks without the need for as many parameters, but it is unclear whether they work in few-shot settings. In this work we present Atlas, a carefully designed and pre-trained retrieval-augmented language model able to learn knowledge intensive tasks with very few training examples. We perform evaluations on a wide range of tasks, including MMLU, KILT and Natural Questions, and study the impact of the content of the document index, showing that it can easily be updated. Notably, Atlasreaches over 42% accuracy on Natural Questions using only 64 examples, outperforming a 540B parameter model by 3% despite having 50x fewer parameters. Keywords: retrieval augmented language models, information retrieval, language models 1. Introduction Large language models (LLMs) are impressive few-shot learners (Brown et al., 2020; Rae et al., 2021; Hoffmann et al., 2022; Chowdhery et al., 2022). They are able to learn new tasks with very few examples or even from instructions alone. For this generalisation ability to emerge, the key ingredients are scaling both the parameter count of the model, and the size of the training data. Large language models owe this improvement to both a larger computational budget, enabling more complex reasoning, and the ability to memorize more ∗. Equal contribution †. Work done while at Meta AI c⃝2023 Gautier Izacard, Patrick Lewis, Maria Lomeli, Lucas Hosseini, Fabio Petroni, Timo Schick, Jane Dwivedi-Yu, Armand Joulin, Sebastian Riedel, Edouard Grave. License: CC-BY 4.0, see . Attribution requirements are provided at .
A high-level programming language for generative protein design Brian Hie12 *Salvatore Candido1 *Zeming Lin1 3Ori Kabeli1 Roshan Rao1Nikita Smetanin1Tom Sercu1Alexander Rives1 4 † Abstract Combining a basic set of building blocks into more complex forms is a universal design princi- ple. Most protein designs have proceeded from a manual bottom-up approach using parts created by nature, but top-down design of proteins is fun- damentally hard due to biological complexity. We demonstrate how the modularity and programma- bility long sought for protein design can be re- alized through generative artificial intelligence. Advanced protein language models demonstrate emergent learning of atomic resolution structure and protein design principles. We leverage these developments to enable the programmable design of de novo protein sequences and structures of high complexity. First, we describe a high-level programming language based on modular build- ing blocks that allows a designer to easily com- pose a set of desired properties. We then develop an energy-based generative model, built on atomic resolution structure prediction with a language model, that realizes all-atom structure designs that have the programmed properties. Designing a di- verse set of specifications, including constraints on atomic coordinates, secondary structure, sym- metry, and multimerization, demonstrates the gen- erality and controllability of the approach. Enu- merating constraints at increasing levels of hier- archical complexity shows that the approach can access a combinatorially large design space. Introduction Protein design would benefit from the regularity, simplicity, and programmability provided by a basic set of abstractions (1–4) like those used in the engineering of buildings, ma- *Equal contribution1Meta Fundamental AI Research Protein Team (FAIR).2Stanford University. Work performed as a vis- iting researcher at Meta AI.3New York University. Work per- formed as a visiting researcher at Meta AI.4New York University. †Correspondence to <>. Preprint. Copyright 2022 by the authors.chines, circuits, and computer software. But unlike these artificial creations, proteins cannot be decomposed into eas- ily recombinable parts because the local structure of the sequence is entangled in its global context ( 5,6). Classical de novo protein design has attempted to determine a funda- mental set of structural building blocks, which could then be assembled into higher-order structures ( 7–11). Likewise, tra- ditional protein engineering often recombines segments or domains of natural protein sequences into hybrid chimeras (12–14). However, existing approaches have not been able to achieve the high combinatorial complexity that is neces- sary for true programmability. We show modern generative models realize these classical goals of modularity and programmability at a new level of combinatorial complexity. Our idea is to place the modu- larity and programmability at a higher level of abstraction, where a generative model bridges the gap between human intuition and the production of specific sequences and struc- tures. In this setting, the protein designer needs only to recombine high-level directives, while the task of obtain- ing a protein that fulfills those directives is placed on the generative model. We propose a programming language for generative protein design, which allows a designer to specify intuitive, mod- ular, and hierarchical programs. We show that high-level programs can be translated into low-level sequences and structures by a generative model. Our approach leverages advances in protein language models, which learn structural information ( 15,16) and the design principles of proteins (see accompanying paper by Verkuil et al.). In this study, our specific implementation is based on an energy-based generative model. First, a protein designer specifies a high-level program consisting of a set of hier- archically organized constraints (Figure 1A). Then, this program compiles to an energy function that evaluates com- patibility with the constraints, which can be arbitrary and non-differentiable (Figure 1B). We apply constraints on structure by incorporating atomic-level structure predictions, enabled by a language model, into the energy function. This approach enables the generation of a wide set of complex designs (Figure 1C). The use of a high-level language allows the protein designer. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license available under a(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted December 22, 2022. ; bioRxiv preprint
Stop Regressing: Training Value Functions via Classification for Scalable Deep RL Jesse Farebrother1,2,*, Jordi Orbay1,†, Quan Vuong1,†, Adrien Ali Taïga1,†, Yevgen Chebotar1, Ted Xiao1, Alex Irpan1, Sergey Levine1, Pablo Samuel Castro1,3,†, Aleksandra Faust1, Aviral Kumar1,†, Rishabh Agarwal1,3,* *Equal Contribution,†Core Contribution,1Google DeepMind,2Mila, McGill University,3Mila, Université de Montréal Value functions are a central component of deep reinforcement learning (RL). These functions, param- eterized by neural networks, are trained using a mean squared error regression objective to match bootstrapped target values. However, scaling value-based RL methods that use regression to large networks, such as high-capacity Transformers, has proven challenging. This difficulty is in stark contrast to supervised learning: by leveraging a cross-entropy classification loss, supervised methods have scaled reliably to massive networks. Observing this discrepancy, in this paper, we investigate whether the scala- bility of deep RL can also be improved simply by using classification in place of regression for training value functions. We demonstrate that value functions trained with categorical cross-entropy significantly improves performance and scalability in a variety of domains. These include: single-task RL on Atari 2600 games with SoftMoEs, multi-task RL on Atari with large-scale ResNets, robotic manipulation with Q-transformers, playing Chess without search, and a language-agent Wordle task with high-capacity Transformers, achieving state-of-the-art results on these domains. Through careful analysis, we show that the benefits of categorical cross-entropy primarily stem from its ability to mitigate issues inherent to value-based RL, such as noisy targets and non-stationarity. Overall, we argue that a simple shift to training value functions with categorical cross-entropy can yield substantial improvements in the scalability of deep RL at little-to-no cost. 1. Introduction A clear pattern emerges in deep learning breakthroughs – from AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) to Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017) – classification problems seem to be particularly amenable to effective training with large neural networks. Even in scenarios where a regression approach appears natural, framing the problem instead as a classification problem often improves performance (Torgo and Gama, 1996; Rothe et al., 2018; Rogez et al., 2019). This involves converting real-valued targets into categorical labels and minimizing categorical cross-entropy rather than the mean-squared error. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the superiority of this approach, including stable gradients (Imani and White, 2018; Imani et al., 2024), better representations (Zhang et al., 2023), implicit bias (Stewart et al., 2023), and dealing with imbalanced data (Pintea et al., 2023) – suggesting their potential utility beyond supervised regression. Unlike trends in supervised learning, value-based reinforcement learning (RL) methods primarily rely on regression. For example, deep RL methods such as deep Q-learning (Mnih et al., 2015) and actor-critic (Mnih et al., 2016) use a regression loss, such as mean-squared error, to train a value function from continuous scalar targets. While these value-based deep RL methods, powered by regression losses, have led to high-profile results (Silver et al., 2017), it has been challenging to scale them up to large networks, such as high-capacity transformers. This lack of scalability has been attributed to several issues (Kumar et al., 2021, 2022; Agarwal et al., 2021; Lyle et al., 2022; Le Lan et al., 2023; Obando-Ceron et al., 2024), but what if simply reframing the regression problem as classification can enable the same level of scalability achieved in supervised learning? Corresponding author(s):,, rishabhagarwal@google.comarXiv:2403.03950v1 [cs.LG] 6 Mar 2024
Self-Play Preference Optimization for Language Model Alignment Yue Wu∗†Zhiqing Sun∗‡Huizhuo Yuan∗§Kaixuan Ji¶Yiming Yang‖Quanquan Gu∗∗ Abstract Traditional reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) approaches relying on parametric models like the Bradley-Terry model fall short in capturing the intransitivity and irrationality in human preferences. Recent advancements suggest that directly working with preference probabilities can yield a more accurate reflection of human preferences, enabling more flexible and accurate language model alignment. In this paper, we propose a self-play- based method for language model alignment, which treats the problem as a constant-sum two-player game aimed at identifying the Nash equilibrium policy. Our approach, dubbed Self-Play Preference Optimization (SPPO), approximates the Nash equilibrium through iterative policy updates and enjoys theoretical convergence guarantee. Our method can effectively increase the log-likelihood of the chosen response and decrease that of the rejected response, which cannot be trivially achieved by symmetric pairwise loss such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Identity Preference Optimization (IPO). In our experiments, using only 60k prompts (without responses) from the UltraFeedback dataset and without any prompt augmentation, by leveraging a pre-trained preference model PairRM with only 0.4B parameters, SPPO can obtain a model from fine-tuning Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 that achieves the state-of-the-art length-controlled win-rate of 28.53% against GPT-4-Turbo on AlpacaEval 2.0. It also outperforms the (iterative) DPO and IPO on MT-Bench and the Open LLM Leaderboard. Notably, the strong performance of SPPO is achieved without additional external supervision (e.g., responses, preferences, etc.) from GPT-4 or other stronger language models. 1 Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) (e.g., Ouyang et al., 2022; OpenAI et al., 2023), have shown remarkable capabilities in producing human-like text, fielding questions, and coding. Despite ∗Equal contribution †Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095; e-mail: ‡Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; e-mail: §Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095; e-mail: ¶Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095; e-mail: ‖Language Technologies Institute & Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; e-mail: ∗∗Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095; e-mail: 1arXiv:2405.00675v1 [cs.LG] 1 May 2024
Grandmaster-Level Chess Without Search Anian Ruoss*,1, Grégoire Delétang*,1, Sourabh Medapati1, Jordi Grau-Moya1, Li Kevin Wenliang1, Elliot Catt1, John Reid1and Tim Genewein1 *Equal contributions,1Google DeepMind The recent breakthrough successes in machine learning are mainly attributed to scale: namely large- scale attention-based architectures and datasets of unprecedented scale. This paper investigates the impact of training at scale for chess. Unlike traditional chess engines that rely on complex heuristics, explicit search, or a combination of both, we train a 270M parameter transformer model with supervised learningonadatasetof10millionchessgames. Weannotateeachboardinthedatasetwithaction-values provided by the powerful Stockfish 16 engine, leading to roughly 15 billion data points. Our largest model reaches a Lichess blitz Elo of 2895 against humans, and successfully solves a series of challenging chess puzzles, without any domain-specific tweaks or explicit search algorithms. We also show that our model outperforms AlphaZero’s policy and value networks (without MCTS) and GPT-3.5-turbo-instruct. A systematic investigation of model and dataset size shows that strong chess performance only arises at sufficient scale. To validate our results, we perform an extensive series of ablations of design choices and hyperparameters. 1. Introduction One of the most iconic successes of AI is IBM’s Deep Blue(Campbelletal.,2002)defeatingtheworldchess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. This was widely seen as the first major demonstration that machines are capable of out-competing humans in intellectual domains that require sophisticated rational reason- ing and strategic planning—feats of intelligence that were long believed to be exclusive to humans. Deep Blue was an expert system that combined an exten- sive database of chess knowledge and heuristics with a strong tree search algorithm (alpha-beta pruning). Almost all modern and much stronger chess engines follow a similar recipe, with Stockfish 16 currently be- ing the world’s strongest (publicly available) engine. Notable exceptions are DeepMind’s AlphaZero (Sil- ver et al., 2017), which uses search and self-taught heuristics but no human chess knowledge, and its open-source replication Leela Chess Zero, which cur- rently often comes in as a close second in chess com- puter competitions (Haworth and Hernandez, 2021). Recent breakthroughs in scaling up AI systems have resulted in dramatic progress in cognitive domains that remained challenging for earlier-generation sys- tems like Deep Blue. This progress has been driven by general-purpose techniques, in particular (self-) su- pervised training on expert data with attention-based architectures (Vaswani et al., 2017) applied at scale, resulting in the development of LLMs with impres- sive and unexpected cognitive abilities like OpenAI’s GPT series (Brown et al., 2020; OpenAI, 2023), theLLaMA family of models (Touvron et al., 2023a,b), or Google DeepMind’s Chinchilla (Hoffmann et al., 2022) and Gemini (Anil et al., 2023). However, it is unclear whether the same technique would work in a domain like chess, where successful policies typically rely on sophisticated algorithmic reasoning (search, dynamic programming) and complex heuristics. Thus, the main question of this paper is: Is it possible to use supervised learning to obtain a chess policy that gener- alizes well and thus leads to strong play without explicit search? To study this question we apply the success recipe of general supervised training at scale to chess (see Figure 1). We use a standard attention-based archi- tecture and a standard supervised training protocol to learn to predict action-values (corresponding to win- percentages) for chess boards. The strength of the resulting chess policy thus depends entirely on the strength of the underlying action-value predictor. To get a large corpus of “ground-truth” action-values we use Stockfish 16 as an oracle to annotate millions of board states obtained from randomly drawn games on, which are mostly played by humans vary- ing significantly in playing strength. As we will show this leads to a strong, grandmaster-level chess policy (Lichess blitz Elo 2895 against humans), driven by a modern transformer to predict action-values without any explicit search . This policy outperforms GPT-3.5- turbo-instruct (and, therefore, GPT-4 (Carlini, 2023)) and AlphaZero’s policy and value networks, which reach Elo ratings of 1755, 1620, and 1853, respec- tively. Therefore, our work shows that it is possible Corresponding author(s): {anianr,gdelt} ©2024 Google DeepMind. All rights reservedarXiv:2402.04494v1 [cs.LG] 7 Feb 2024
Article Inherited blood cancer predisposition through altered transcription elongation Graphical abstract Highlights dInherited CTR9 loss-of-function variants predispose to the myeloid malignancies dPartial, but not complete, loss of CTR9 expandshuman HSCs dPartial CTR9 loss expands HSCs through increasedtranscription elongation dSelect PAF1 complex subunits interact with and activate thesuper elongation complexAuthors Jiawei Zhao, Liam D. Cato,Uma P. Arora, ..., Seychelle M. Vos,Scott A. Armstrong, Vijay G. Sankaran Correspondence (J.Z.), (V.G.S.) In brief Rare inherited CTR9 loss-of-function variants predispose to myeloidmalignancies by altering the balancebetween the PAF1 and super elongationcomplexes. Specific subunits of the PAF1complex then act in concert with thesuper elongation complex to promotetranscription elongation of genes that candrive the self-renewal of hematopoieticstem cells. Zhao et al., 2024, Cell 187, 642–658 February 1, 2024 ª2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. ll
Random coordinate descent: a simple alternative for optimizing parameterized quantum circuits Zhiyan Ding∗1, Taehee Ko†‡2, Jiahao Yao§1, Lin Lin¶1,4,5, and Xiantao Li‖3 1Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley 2School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Study 3Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University 4Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 5Challenge Institute for Quantum Computation, University of California, Berkeley November 2, 2023 Abstract Variational quantum algorithms rely on the optimization of parameterized quantum circuits in noisy settings. The commonly used back-propagation procedure in classical machine learning is not directly applicable in this setting due to the collapse of quan- tum states after measurements. Thus, gradient estimations constitute a significant overhead in a gradient-based optimization of such quantum circuits. This paper in- troduces a random coordinate descent algorithm as a practical and easy-to-implement alternative to the full gradient descent algorithm. This algorithm only requires one partial derivative at each iteration. Motivated by the behavior of measurement noise in the practical optimization of parameterized quantum circuits, this paper presents an optimization problem setting that is amenable to analysis. Under this setting, the random coordinate descent algorithm exhibits the same level of stochastic stability as the full gradient approach, making it as resilient to noise. The complexity of the ran- dom coordinate descent method is generally no worse than that of the gradient descent and can be much better for various quantum optimization problems with anisotropic Lipschitz constants. Theoretical analysis and extensive numerical experiments validate our findings. ∗ † ‡Ding and Ko are co-first authors with equal contribution. § ¶ ‖ 1arXiv:2311.00088v1 [quant-ph] 31 Oct 2023
Kinetic co- evolutionary models predict the temporal emergence of HIV resistance mutations under drug selection pressure Avik Biswas1,3,5†, Indrani Choudhuri2,3†, Eddy Arnold,4 Dmitry Lyumkis5,6, Allan Haldane1,3*, Ronald M. Levy2,3* 1Department of Physics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2Department of Chemistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA 3Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA 1925 N. 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA 4Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA 5Laboratory of Genetics, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, 92037, USA 6Graduate schools for Biological Sciences, Section of Molecular Biology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 92093, USA †Both authors contributed equally to this work *To whom correspondence should be addressed * * Abstract Drug resistance in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a pervasive problem that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. Although records of drug-resistant mutations (DRMs) have been extensively tabulated within public repositories, our understanding of the evolutionary kinetics of DRMs and how they evolve together remains limited. Epistasis, the interactions between a DRM and other residues in HIV protein sequences, is found to be key to the temporal evolution of drug resistance. We use a Potts sequence -cova riation statistical - energy model of HIV protein fitness under drug selection pressure, which captures epistatic interactions between all positions, combined with kinetic Monte- Carlo simulations of sequence evolutionary trajectories, to explore the acquisition of DRMs as they arise in an ensemble of drug- naïve patient protein sequences. We follow the time course of 52 DRMs in the enzymes protease, reverse transcriptase, and integrase, the primary targets of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The rates at which DRMs emerge are highly correlated with their observed acquisition rates reported in the literature when drug pressure is applied. This result highlights the central role of epistasis in determining the kinetics governing DRM emergence. Whereas rapidly acquir ed DRMs begin to accumulate as soon as drug pressure is applied, slowly acquired DRMs are contingent on accessory mutations that appear only after prolonged drug pressure. We provide a foundation for using computational methods to determine the temporal ev olution of drug resistance using Potts statistical potentials, which can be used to gain mechanistic insights into drug resistance pathways in HIV and other infectious agents. Keywords: HIV, epistasis, drug- resistance mutation (DRM), kinetic Monte- Carlo (KMC), timeline of resistance
Automatic Gradient Descent: Deep Learning without Hyperparameters Jeremy Bernstein‹ MITChris Mingard‹ U. OxfordKevin Huang U. WashingtonNavid Azizan MITYisong Yue Caltech ‹denotes equal contribution. Abstract The architecture of a deep neural network is defined explicitly in terms of the number of layers, the width of each layer and the general network topology. Existing optimisation frameworks neglect this information in favour of implicit architectural information (e.g. second-order methods) or architecture-agnostic distance functions (e.g. mirror descent). Meanwhile, the most popular optimiser in practice—Adam—is based on heuristics. This paper builds a new framework for deriving optimisation algorithms that explicitly leverage neural architecture. The theory extends mirror descent to non-convex composite objective functions: the idea is to transform a Bregman divergence to account for the non-linear structure of neural architecture. Working through the details for deep fully-connected networks yields automatic gradient descent: a first-order optimiser without any hyperparameters. Automatic gradient descent trains both fully-connected and convolutional networks out-of-the-box and at ImageNet scale. A PyTorch implementation is available at and also in AppendixB.Overall, thepapersuppliesarigoroustheoreticalfoundationforanext-generation of architecture-dependent optimisers that work automatically and without hyperparameters. Keywords: majorise-minimise meta-algorithm, operator perturbation theory, architecture-aware optimisation Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Related work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 Majorise-Minimise for Generic Learning Problems 5 2.1 Decomposition of linearisation error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Functional expansion and functional majorisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 Recovering existing frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Majorise-Minimise for Deep Learning Problems 8 3.1 Deriving automatic gradient descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 Convergence analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4 Discussion 12 A Proofs 18 B PyTorch Implementation 23arXiv:2304.05187v1 [cs.LG] 11 Apr 2023
DIVERSE BEAM SEARCH : DECODING DIVERSE SOLUTIONS FROM NEURAL SEQUENCE MODELS Ashwin K Vijayakumar1, Michael Cogswell1, Ramprasath R. Selvaraju1, Qing Sun1 Stefan Lee1, David Crandall2& Dhruv Batra1 {ashwinkv,cogswell,ram21,sunqing,steflee} , 1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, V A, USA 2School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA ABSTRACT Neural sequence models are widely used to model time-series data. Equally ubiq- uitous is the usage of beam search (BS) as an approximate inference algorithm to decode output sequences from these models. BS explores the search space in a greedy left-right fashion retaining only the top- Bcandidates – resulting in sequences that differ only slightly from each other. Producing lists of nearly iden- tical sequences is not only computationally wasteful but also typically fails to capture the inherent ambiguity of complex AI tasks. To overcome this problem, we propose Diverse Beam Search (DBS), an alternative to BS that decodes a list of diverse outputs by optimizing for a diversity-augmented objective. We observe that our method finds better top-1 solutions by controlling for the exploration and exploitation of the search space – implying that DBS is a better search algorithm . Moreover, these gains are achieved with minimal computational or memory over- head as compared to beam search. To demonstrate the broad applicability of our method, we present results on image captioning, machine translation and visual question generation using both standard quantitative metrics and qualitative hu- man studies. Further, we study the role of diversity for image-grounded language generation tasks as the complexity of the image changes. We observe that our method consistently outperforms BS and previously proposed techniques for di- verse decoding from neural sequence models. 1 I NTRODUCTION In the last few years, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) or more generally, neural sequence models have become the standard choice for modeling time-series data for a wide range of applications such as speech recognition (Graves et al., 2013), machine translation (Bahdanau et al., 2014), conversation modeling (Vinyals & Le, 2015), image and video captioning (Vinyals et al., 2015; Venugopalan et al., 2015), and visual question answering (Antol et al., 2015). RNN based sequence generation architectures model the conditional probability, Pr(y|x)of an output sequence y= (y1,...,yT)given an input x(possibly also a sequence); where the output tokens ytare from a finite vocabulary, V. Inference in RNNs. Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) inference for RNNs is te task of finding the most likely output sequence given the input. Since the number of possible sequences grows as |V|T, exact inference is NP-hard so approximate inference algorithms like Beam Search (BS) are commonly employed. BS is a heuristic graph-search algorithm that maintains the Btop-scoring partial sequences expanded in a greedy left-to-right fashion. Fig. 1 shows a sample BS search tree. 1arXiv:1610.02424v2 [cs.AI] 22 Oct 2018
GOODHART ’SLAW IN REINFORCEMENT LEARNING Jacek Karwowski Department of Computer Science University of Oxford Hayman Department of Computer Science University of Oxford Xingjian Bai Department of Computer Science University of Oxford Kiendlhofer Independent Charlie Griffin Department of Computer Science University of Oxford Skalse Department of Computer Science Future of Humanity Institute University of Oxford ABSTRACT Implementing a reward function that perfectly captures a complex task in the real world is impractical. As a result, it is often appropriate to think of the reward function as a proxy for the true objective rather than as its definition. We study this phenomenon through the lens of Goodhart’s law , which predicts that increasing optimisation of an imperfect proxy beyond some critical point decreases performance on the true objective. First, we propose a way to quantify the magnitude of this effect and show empirically that optimising an imperfect proxy reward often leads to the behaviour predicted by Goodhart’s law for a wide range of environments and reward functions. We then provide a geometric explanation for why Goodhart’s law occurs in Markov decision processes. We use these theoretical insights to propose an optimal early stopping method that provably avoids the aforementioned pitfall and derive theoretical regret bounds for this method. Moreover, we derive a training method that maximises worst-case reward, for the setting where there is uncertainty about the true reward function. Finally, we evaluate our early stopping method experimentally. Our results support a foundation for a theoretically-principled study of reinforcement learning under reward misspecification. 1 I NTRODUCTION To solve a problem using Reinforcement Learning (RL), it is necessary first to formalise that problem using a reward function (Sutton & Barto, 2018). However, due to the complexity of many real-world tasks, it is exceedingly difficult to directly specify a reward function that fully captures the task in the intended way. However, misspecified reward functions will often lead to undesirable behaviour (Paulus et al., 2018; Ibarz et al., 2018; Knox et al., 2023; Pan et al., 2021). This makes designing good reward functions a major obstacle to using RL in practice, especially for safety-critical applications. An increasingly popular solution is to learn reward functions from mechanisms such as human or automated feedback (e.g. Christiano et al., 2017; Ng & Russell, 2000). However, this approach comes with its own set of challenges: the right data can be difficult to collect (e.g. Paulus et al., 2018), and it is often challenging to interpret it correctly (e.g. Mindermann & Armstrong, 2018; Skalse & Abate, 2023). Moreover, optimising a policy against a learned reward model effectively constitutes a distributional shift (Gao et al., 2023); i.e., even if a reward function is accurate under the training distribution, it may fail to induce desirable behaviour from the RL agent. 1arXiv:2310.09144v1 [cs.LG] 13 Oct 2023
Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents Lukas Blecher∗Guillem Cucurull Thomas Scialom Robert Stojnic Meta AI Abstract Scientific knowledge is predominantly stored in books and scientific journals, often in the form of PDFs. However, the PDF format leads to a loss of semantic information, particularly for mathematical expressions. We propose Nougat ( Neural Optical Understandin gforAcademic Documen ts), a Visual Transformer model that performs an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) task for processing scientific documents into a markup language, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on a new dataset of scientific documents. The proposed approach offers a promising solution to enhance the accessibility of scientific knowledge in the digital age, by bridging the gap between human- readable documents and machine-readable text. We release the models and code to accelerate future work on scientific text recognition. 1 Introduction The majority of scientific knowledge is stored in books or published in scientific journals, most commonly in the Portable Document Format (PDF). Next to HTML, PDFs are the second most prominent data format on the internet, making up 2.4% of common crawl [ 1]. However, the information stored in these files is very difficult to extract into any other formats. This is especially true for highly specialized documents, such as scientific research papers, where the semantic information of mathematical expressions is lost. Existing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engines, such as Tesseract OCR [ 2], excel at detecting and classifying individual characters and words in an image, but fail to understand the relationship between them due to their line-by-line approach. This means that they treat superscripts and subscripts in the same way as the surrounding text, which is a significant drawback for mathematical expressions. In mathematical notations like fractions, exponents, and matrices, relative positions of characters are crucial. Converting academic research papers into machine-readable text also enables accessibility and searchability of science as a whole. The information of millions of academic papers can not be fully accessed because they are locked behind an unreadable format. Existing corpora, such as the S2ORC dataset [ 3], capture the text of 12M2papers using GROBID [4], but are missing meaningful representations of the mathematical equations. To this end, we introduce Nougat, a transformer based model that can convert images of document pages to formatted markup text. The primary contributions in this paper are •Release of a pre-trained model capable of converting a PDF to a lightweight markup language. We release the code and the model on GitHub3 • We introduce a pipeline to create dataset for pairing PDFs to source code • Our method is only dependent on the image of a page, allowing access to scanned papers and books ∗Correspondence to: 2The paper reports 8.1M papers but the authors recently updated the numbers on the GitHub page 3 [cs.LG] 25 Aug 2023
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2017 VARIATIONAL LOSSY AUTOENCODER Xi Chen†‡, Diederik P. Kingma‡, Tim Salimans‡, Yan Duan†‡, Prafulla Dhariwal‡, John Schulman†‡, Ilya Sutskever‡, Pieter Abbeel†‡ †UC Berkeley, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ‡OpenAI {peter,dpkingma,tim,rocky,prafulla,joschu,ilyasu,pieter } ABSTRACT Representation learning seeks to expose certain aspects of observed data in a learned representation that’s amenable to downstream tasks like classification. For instance, a good representation for 2D images might be one that describes only global structure and discards information about detailed texture. In this paper, we present a simple but principled method to learn such global representations by combining Variational Autoencoder (V AE) with neural autoregressive models such as RNN, MADE and PixelRNN/CNN. Our proposed V AE model allows us to have control over what the global latent code can learn and by designing the architecture accordingly, we can force the global latent code to discard irrelevant information such as texture in 2D images, and hence the V AE only “autoencodes” data in a lossy fashion. In addition, by leveraging autoregressive models as both prior distribution p(z)and decoding distribution p(x|z), we can greatly improve generative modeling performance of V AEs, achieving new state-of-the-art results on MNIST, OMNIGLOT and Caltech-101 Silhouettes density estimation tasks as well as competitive results on CIFAR10. 1 I NTRODUCTION A key goal of representation learning is to identify and disentangle the underlying causal factors of the data, so that it becomes easier to understand the data, to classify it, or to perform other tasks (Bengio et al., 2013). For image data this often means that we are interested in uncovering the “global structure” that captures the content of an image (for example, the identity of objects present in the image) and its “style”, but that we are typically less interested in the local and high frequency sources of variation such as the specific textures or white noise patterns. A popular approach for learning representations is to fit a probabilistic latent variable model, an ap- proach also known as analysis-by-synthesis (Yuille & Kersten, 2006; Nair et al., 2008). By learning a generative model of the data with the appropriate hierarchical structure of latent variables, it is hoped that the model will somehow uncover and untangle those causal sources of variations that we happen to be interested in. However, without further assumptions, representation learning via generative modeling is ill-posed: there are many different possible generative models with different (or no) kinds of latent variables that all encode the same probability density function on our ob- served data. Thus, the results we empirically get using this approach are highly dependent on the specific architectural and modeling choices that are made. Moreover, the objective that we optimize is often completely disconnected from the goal of learning a good representation: An autoregressive model of the data may achieve the same log-likelihood as a variational autoencoder (V AE) (Kingma & Welling, 2013), but the structure learned by the two models is completely different: the latter typically has a clear hierarchy of latent variables, while the autoregressive model has no stochastic latent variables at all (although it is conceivable that the deterministic hidden units of the autore- gressive models will have meaningful and useful representations). For this reason, autoregressive models have thus far not been popular for the purpose of learning representations, even though they are extremely powerful as generative models (see e.g. van den Oord et al., 2016a). A natural question becomes: is it possible to have a model that is a powerful density estimator and at the same time has the right hierarchical structure for representation learning? A potential solution would be to use a hybrid model that has both the latent variable structure of a V AE, as 1 arXiv:1611.02731v2 [cs.LG] 4 Mar 2017
Condenser: a Pre-training Architecture for Dense Retrieval Luyu Gao and Jamie Callan Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University {luyug, callan} Abstract Pre-trained Transformer language mod- els (LM) have become go-to text represen- tation encoders. Prior research fine-tunes deep LMs to encode text sequences such as sentences and passages into single dense vector representations for efficient text comparison and retrieval. However, dense encoders require a lot of data and sophisti- cated techniques to effectively train and suffer in low data situations. This paper finds a key reason is that standard LMs’ internal attention structure is not ready-to-use for dense encoders, which needs to aggregate text information into the dense representation. We propose to pre-train towards dense encoder with a novel Transformer architecture, Con- denser, where LM prediction CONditions on DENSE Representation. Our experiments show Condenser improves over standard LM by large margins on various text retrieval and similarity tasks.1 1 Introduction Language model (LM) pre-training has been very effective in learning text encoders that can be fine- tuned for many downstream tasks (Peters et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2019). Deep bidirectional Transformer encoder (Vaswani et al., 2017) LMs like BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) are the state-of- the-art. Recent works fine-tune the CLS token to encode input text sequence into a single vector rep- resentation (Lee et al., 2019; Chang et al., 2020; Karpukhin et al., 2020). The resulting model is referred to as dense encoder or bi-encoder. Fine- tuning associates with vector similarities some practical semantics, e.g., textual similarity or rel- evance, and therefore the vectors can be used for efficient text comparison or retrieval by inner prod- uct. Despite their efficiency, bi-encoders are hard to train. Even with sufficient data, bi-encoders still 1Code available at Condenserrequire carefully designed sophisticated methods to train effectively (Xiong et al., 2021; Qu et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020). They can also take big performance hits in low data situations (Karpukhin et al., 2020; Thakur et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2020). Another common use of deep LM is cross-encoder, pass compared text pair directly in and use attention overall tokens to do prediction. In contrast to bi- encoder, cross encoder trains easier and is effective in low data for similarity and ranking tasks (Devlin et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019). Based on the same LM, however, bi-encoder and cross encoder have similar language understanding capabilities. To explain the difficulty in training bi-encoder not seen in cross-encoder, we look into the internal structure of pre-trained LM. We find LM like BERT directly out of pre-training has a non-optimal attention structure. In particular, they were not trained to aggregate sophisticated infor- mation into a single dense representation. We term effort during fine-tuning to adjust the LM internal activation to channel its knowledge out for the tar- get task, structural readiness . We argue bi-encoder fine-tuning is inefficient due to the lacking struc- tural readiness. Many updates are used to adjust model attention structure than learn good represen- tation. Based on our observations, we propose to ad- dress structural readiness during pre-training. We introduce a novel Transformer pre-training archi- tecture, Condenser, which establishes structural readiness by doing LM pre-training actively CON- dition on DENSE Representation. Unlike previ- ous works that pre-train towards a particular task, Condenser pre-trains towards the bi-encoder struc- ture. Our results show the importance of structural readiness. We experiment with sentence similar- ity tasks, and retrieval for question answering and web search. We find under low data setups, with identical test time architecture, Condenser yields sizable improvement over standard LM and showsarXiv:2104.08253v2 [cs.CL] 20 Sep 2021
Nature | | 1 ArticleSynthetic reversed sequences reveal default genomic states Brendan R. Camellato1, Ran Brosh1, Hannah J. Ashe1, Matthew T . Maurano1,2 & Jef D. Boeke1,3,4 ✉ Pervasive transcriptional activity is observed across diverse species. The genomes of extant organisms have undergone billions of years of evolution, making it unclear whether these genomic activities represent effects of selection or ‘noise’1–4. Characterizing default genome states could help understand whether pervasive transcriptional activity has biological meaning. Here we addressed this question by introducing a synthetic 101-kb locus into the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Mus musculus and characterizing genomic activity. The locus was designed by reversing but not complementing human HPRT1, including its flanking regions, thus retaining basic features of the natural sequence but ablating evolved coding or regulatory information. We observed widespread activity of both reversed and native HPRT1 loci in yeast, despite the lack of evolved yeast promoters. By contrast, the reversed locus displayed no activity at all in mouse embryonic stem cells, and instead exhibited repressive chromatin signatures. The repressive signature was alleviated in a locus variant lacking CpG dinucleotides; nevertheless, this variant was also transcriptionally inactive. These results show that synthetic genomic sequences that lack coding information are active in yeast, but inactive in mouse embryonic stem cells, consistent with a major difference in ‘default genomic states’ between these two divergent eukaryotic cell types, with implications for understanding pervasive transcription, horizontal transfer of genetic information and the birth of new genes. The majority of the human genome may be transcribed1–4, even though only a small fraction is annotated as discrete mature RNA species5,6. Debate remains over whether the approximately 75% of the genome that is covered by detectable transcripts4, and the approximately 80% of such transcripts for which there is predicted biochemical activity2, represent truly functional activity or random and pervasive ‘noise’7–9. In another eukaryotic species, the yeast S. cerevisiae , a similar frac - tion of the genome is transcribed10, although the genome is relatively gene-dense with an average intergenic distance11 of around 400 bp compared with the approximately 100,000 bp in the human genome12. This raises the question of whether all eukaryotic genomes are tran - scribed at the same level, regardless of their structure. Understanding the ‘default state’ of a genome—that is, the way a sequence lacking evolved features is acted on by the host—would be useful in interpret- ing the meaning of such transcriptional activity. A genome that is active by default would present ample opportunity for transcriptional machinery to bind non-specifically, leading to spuri - ous activity, whereas a genome that is inactive by default would gener- ally preclude such low-specificity activity. The true default state of a genome, if such a thing exists, is difficult to determine, owing to billions of years of evolutionary pressure that has acted on existing sequences. It is thus unclear to what extent observed genomic states are passively present by default, or actively produced by chromatin-interacting pro - teins that recognize specific sequences selected for over time. A true default genomic state can be queried by observing activity of a newly introduced, evolutionarily naive locus. Indeed, a hypothetical ‘random genome’ experiment has been proposed as the ideal negative control for interpreting reports of large-scale genomic activity13, in which megabase-sized fragments of random DNA can be introduced into a cell and its activity compared with that of the endogenous genome. However, owing to technical limitations, such experiments have not yet been performed. To date there has not been any well-controlled characterization of novel DNA loci in mammalian genomes, or a comparison of genomic activity for the same locus in different organismal contexts. Current techniques in synthetic genomics enable the design, assembly and delivery of very large pieces of DNA14,15. Locus-scale DNA constructs, up to hundreds of kilobases long, can be assembled de novo in yeast assembly vectors (YAVs), which exist as episomal DNA circles separate from native yeast and bacterial genomes. The ability to synthesize large DNA loci de novo enables complete design freedom over the sequence of synthetic DNA, although this realization has been limited in practice. In recent years, we have developed a workflow for synthetic regulatory genomics involving the de novo assembly of large DNA loci, including an intermediate step involving S. cerevisiae , for delivery and characterization in a desired eukaryotic context, typically mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells16–20. This enables straightforward design and assembly of novel DNA loci that do not exist in nature, and characteri - zation of such loci in the distinct genomic contexts of S. cerevisiae and M. musculus. By introducing novel DNA loci to both yeast and mouse Received: 27 December 2022 Accepted: 29 January 2024 Published online: xx xx xxxx Open access Check for updates 1Institute for Systems Genetics, NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, USA. 2Department of Pathology, NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, USA. 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, USA. 4Department of Biomedical Engineering, NYU Tandon School of Engineering, New York, NY, USA. ✉e-mail:
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2022 MEMORIZING TRANSFORMERS Yuhuai Wu, Markus N. Rabe, DeLesley Hutchins, Christian Szegedy {yuhuai,mrabe,delesley,szegedy} ABSTRACT Language models typically need to be trained or finetuned in order to acquire new knowledge, which involves updating their weights. We instead envision language models that can simply read and memorize new data at inference time, thus acquiring new knowledge immediately. In this work, we extend language models with the ability to memorize the internal representations of past inputs. We demonstrate that an approximate kNN lookup into a non-differentiable memory of recent (key, value) pairs improves language modeling across various benchmarks and tasks, including generic webtext (C4), math papers (arXiv), books (PG-19), code (Github), as well as formal theorems (Isabelle). We show that the performance steadily improves when we increase the size of memory up to 262K tokens. On benchmarks including code and mathematics, we find that the model is capable of making use of newly defined functions and theorems during test time. 1 I NTRODUCTION Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017) have led to remarkable progress in natural language process- ing (Devlin et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020), mathematical reasoning (Polu & Sutskever, 2020; Wang et al., 2020a; Rabe et al., 2021; Li et al., 2021; Hahn et al., 2021; Cobbe et al., 2021), and program synthesis (Austin et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2021; Li et al., 2022). However, transformer performance on many of these tasks is limited by the context length of attention, which is typically short. The ability to attend to far-away tokens is important in many situations. In novels, characters and events are referenced across multiple chapters. In source code, references to classes and functions may occur quite far from the places in which they are defined. In theorem proving, proofs make use of previously defined lemmas. Attention over long sequences is also useful as a form of rapid learning. Facts and information which are stored in the form of weight matrices must be slowly trained over hundreds of thousands of training steps. By using attention, however, a model can simply memorize facts (e.g. function definitions) by storing them as (key, value) pairs in long-term memory, and then retrieve those facts later by creating a query that attends to them. In this case, attention acts as a form of information retrieval, allowing the model to look up facts that it has seen previously. We demonstrate that a simple and effective way to increase the size of the attention context is to use approximate k-nearest-neighbor ( kNN) lookup, which is widely used in information retrieval. A number of extremely scalable implementations of kNN lookup are available, such as ScaNN (Guo et al., 2020) and Faiss (Johnson et al., 2021). There are two things which distinguish our approach from previous work on long-range attention (c.f. Section 2). First, unlike some other approaches, kNN lookup does not do averaging or summarization of tokens at long distances, but retrieves exact values even from the distant context. Second, gradients are not backpropagated into the external memory, which is critical to the scalability of our technique. The keys and values are a function of model parameters, so attempting to backprop- agate gradients into external memory would necessarily involve computing all of the keys and values with the current model parameters on every training step. However, if the external memory is not differentiable, then we can instead instead reuse keys and values that were previously computed on prior training steps, which drastically reduces the amount of computation for large memories. With 1arXiv:2203.08913v1 [cs.LG] 16 Mar 2022
Transformers Can Achieve Length Generalization But Not Robustly Yongchao Zhou1,2, Uri Alon1, Xinyun Chen1, Xuezhi Wang1, Rishabh Agarwal1and Denny Zhou1 1Google DeepMind,2University of Toronto Length generalization, defined as the ability to extrapolate from shorter training sequences to longer test ones, is a significant challenge for language models. This issue persists even with large-scale Transformers handling relatively straightforward tasks. In this paper, we test the Transformer’s ability of length generalization using the task of addition of two integers. We show that the success of length generalization is intricately linked to the data format and the type of position encoding. Using the right combination of data format and position encodings, we show for the first time that standard Transformers can extrapolate to a sequence length that is 2.5×the input length. Nevertheless, unlike in-distribution generalization, length generalization remains fragile, significantly influenced by factors like random weight initialization and training data order, leading to large variances across different random seeds. 1. Introduction Transformer-based models have revolutionized natural language understanding and generation across diverse applications (Gemini et al., 2023; OpenAI, 2023). Despite their impressive abilities in mathematical reasoning (Lewkowycz et al., 2022), code synthesis (Li et al., 2022), and theorem proving (Wu et al., 2022), Transformers often struggle with length generalization, an ability that requires the model to generalize to longer sequences than seen during training (Abbe et al., 2023; Anil et al., 2022; Zhou et al., 2023). This limitation raises an essential question: do Transformers genuinely grasp the correct underlying algorithms for a given task, or are they merely resorting to superficial memorization or shortcuts that fail to scale to more complex problems (Liu et al., 2023b)? 010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Digit Length020406080100Exact Match Accuracy (%) Our Work Zhou et al. (2023) Shen et al. (2023) Kazemnejad et al. (2023) Lee et al. (2023) Figure 1|Using an appropriate position encoding and data formatting, we demonstrate that Trans- formers can generalize to 100-digit decimal addition tasks with more than 98% of accuracy when trained up to 40-digit addition, resulting in a length extension ratio of 2.5×, which is much more than the ratio of Lee et al. (2023) ( 1.0×), Kazemnejad et al. (2023) ( 1.125×), Shen et al. (2023) ( 1.1×), and Zhou et al. (2023) ( 1.5×). Unfilled markers (— ▼ ▽) denote in-distribution test results, filled markers (—▼) denote out-of-distribution results. In Zhou et al. (2023) and Our Work, each curve is the best out of 10 trials. For the other three methods, we report the value from their corresponding paper. Corresponding author(s): yczhou@cs.toronto.eduarXiv:2402.09371v1 [cs.LG] 14 Feb 2024
Analyzing and Improving the Training Dynamics of Diffusion Models Tero Karras NVIDIAMiika Aittala NVIDIAJaakko Lehtinen NVIDIA, Aalto University Janne Hellsten NVIDIATimo Aila NVIDIASamuli Laine NVIDIA Abstract Diffusion models currently dominate the field of data- driven image synthesis with their unparalleled scaling to large datasets. In this paper, we identify and rectify several causes for uneven and ineffective training in the popular ADM diffusion model architecture, without altering its high- level structure. Observing uncontrolled magnitude changes and imbalances in both the network activations and weights over the course of training, we redesign the network layers to preserve activation, weight, and update magnitudes on ex- pectation. We find that systematic application of this philoso- phy eliminates the observed drifts and imbalances, resulting in considerably better networks at equal computational com- plexity. Our modifications improve the previous record FID of 2.41 in ImageNet-512 synthesis to 1.81, achieved using fast deterministic sampling. As an independent contribution, we present a method for setting the exponential moving average (EMA) parameters post-hoc, i.e., after completing the training run. This allows precise tuning of EMA length without the cost of performing several training runs, and reveals its surprising interactions with network architecture, training time, and guidance. 1. Introduction High-quality image synthesis based on text prompts, ex- ample images, or other forms of input has become widely popular thanks to advances in denoising diffusion mod- els [22,52,71–74,81]. Diffusion-based approaches pro- duce high-quality images while offering versatile controls [9,18,21,50,88] and convenient ways to introduce novel subjects [ 13,65], and they also extend to other modalities such as audio [ 41,58], video [ 6,23,25], and 3D shapes [46,57,60,70]. A recent survey of methods and applica- tions is given by Yang et al. [83]. On a high level, diffusion models convert an image of pure noise to a novel generated image through repeated application of image denoising. Mathematically, each de-50 100 200 500 1000 20002351020FIDADM ADMADM-U ADM-UDiT-XL/2 DiT-XL/2RIN U-ViT, L VDM++ VDM++ StyleGAN-XLXS S M L XLXXLXS S M LXLXXL Model complexity (gigaflops per evaluation), ImageNet-512Previous, no guidance Previous, with guidance Ours, no guidance Ours, with guidance Figure 1. Our contributions significantly improve the quality of results w.r.t. model complexity, surpassing the previous state-of-the- art with a 5 ×smaller model. In this plot, we use gigaflops per single model evaluation as a measure of a model’s intrinsic computational complexity; a similar advantage holds in terms of parameter count, as well as training and sampling cost (see Appendix A). noising step can be understood through the lens of score matching [ 28], and it is typically implemented using a U-Net [22,64] equipped with self-attention [ 80] layers. Since we do not contribute to the theory behind diffusion models, we refer the interested reader to the seminal works of Sohl- Dickstein et al. [71], Song and Ermon [73], and Ho et al. [22], as well as to Karras et al. [36], who frame various mathematical frameworks in a common context. Despite the seemingly frictionless scaling to very large datasets and models, the training dynamics of diffusion mod- els remain challenging due to the highly stochastic loss func- tion. The final image quality is dictated by faint image details predicted throughout the sampling chain, and small mistakes at intermediate steps can have snowball effects in subsequent iterations. The network must accurately estimate the average clean image across a vast range of noise levels, Gaussian noise realizations, and conditioning inputs. Learn- 1arXiv:2312.02696v1 [cs.CV] 5 Dec 2023
Large Language Models as Tool Makers Tianle Cai1,2∗Xuezhi Wang1Tengyu Ma1,3†Xinyun Chen1Denny Zhou1 1Google Deepmind2Princeton University3Stanford University Abstract Recent research shows the potential of enhancing the problem-solving ability of large language models (LLMs) through the use of external tools . However, prior work along this line depends on the availability of existing tools. In this work, we take an initial step towards removing this dependency by proposing a closed-loop framework , referred to as LLMs AsToolMakers ( LATM ), where LLMs create their own reusable tools for problem-solving. Our approach consists of two key phases: 1) tool making: an LLM acts as the tool maker that crafts tools for given tasks, where a tool is implemented as a Python utility function. 2) tool using: an LLM acts as the tool user , which applies the tool built by the tool maker for problem-solving. The tool user can be either the same or a different LLM from the tool maker. Tool-making enables an LLM to continually generate tools that can be applied to different requests so that future requests can call the corresponding APIs when beneficial for solving the tasks. Furthermore, the division of labor among LLMs for tool-making and tool-using phases introduces the opportunity to achieve cost effectiveness without degrading the quality of generated tools and problem solutions. For example, recognizing that tool-making demands more sophisticated capabilities than tool-using, we can apply a powerful yet resource-intensive model as the tool maker, and a lightweight while cost-effective model as the tool user. We validate the effectiveness of our approach across a variety of complex reasoning tasks, including Big-Bench tasks. With GPT-4 as the tool maker and GPT-3.5 as the tool user, LATM can achieve performance that is on par with using GPT-4 for both tool making and tool using, while the inference cost is significantly reduced. 1 Introduction Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated outstanding capabilities across a broad array of NLP tasks [Brown et al., 2020, Chowdhery et al., 2022, Zhang et al., 2022, Hoffmann et al., 2022, OpenAI, 2023, Google, 2023] and have even shown promising signs of achieving certain aspects of artificial general intelligence [Bubeck et al., 2023, Kosinski, 2023]. Moreover, analogous to the evolution of human intelligence, recent research has unveiled the potential of augmenting LLMs with external tools , thereby significantly enhancing their problem-solving capacities and efficiencies [Yao et al., 2023, Liu et al., 2023, Parisi et al., 2022, Schick et al., 2023]. However, the applicability of these tool-using methods is largely contingent on the availability of suitable tools. According to the lessons learned from the evolutionary milestones of humans, a crucial turning point was that humans got the ability to fabricate their own tools to address emerging challenges. Inspired by the importance of tool-making for humans, in this work, we embark on an initial exploration to apply this evolutionary concept to the realm of LLMs. We propose a closed-loop framework , which we term as LLMs AsToolMakers ( LATM ), enables LLMs to generate their own ∗Work done as a Student Researcher at Google Deepmind. †Work done as a Visiting Researcher at Google Deepmind. Code available at . Preprint. Under review.arXiv:2305.17126v1 [cs.LG] 26 May 2023
Supervising strong learners by amplifying weak experts Paul Christiano OpenAI paul@openai.comBuck Shlegeris∗ bshlegeris@gmail.comDario Amodei OpenAI Abstract Many real world learning tasks involve complex or hard-to-specify objectives, and using an easier-to-specify proxy can lead to poor performance or misaligned be- havior. One solution is to have humans provide a training signal by demonstrating or judging performance, but this approach fails if the task is too complicated for a human to directly evaluate. We propose Iterated Amplification, an alternative train- ing strategy which progressively builds up a training signal for difficult problems by combining solutions to easier subproblems. Iterated Amplification is closely related to Expert Iteration (Anthony et al., 2017; Silver et al., 2017b), except that it uses no external reward function. We present results in algorithmic environments, showing that Iterated Amplification can efficiently learn complex behaviors. 1 Introduction If we want to train an ML system to perform a task, we need to be able to evaluate how well it is doing. Whether our training signal takes the form of labels, rewards, or something else entirely, we need some way to generate that signal. If our goal can be evaluated automatically, such as winning a game of Go, or if we have an algorithm that can generate examples of correct behavior, then generating a training signal is trivial. In these cases we might say that there is an “algorithmic” training signal. Unfortunately, most useful tasks don’t have an algorithmic training signal. So in current applications of machine learning, humans often provide the training signal. This can be done by having a human demonstrate the task, for example labeling an image or teleoperating a robot, or by learning a reward function from human judgments. For these classes of tasks, we could say there is a “human” training signal. However, there are harder tasks for which we can’t compute demonstrations or rewards even with human assistance, and for which we currently have no clear method to get a meaningful training signal. Consider making economic policy decisions, advancing the scientific frontier, or managing the security of a large network of computers. Some of these tasks are “beyond human scale” – a single human can’t perform them and can’t make sense of their massive observation space well enough to judge the behavior of an agent. It may be possible for a human to judge performance in the very long run (for example, by looking at economic growth over several years), but such long-term feedback is very slow to learn from. We currently have no way to learn how to perform such tasks much better than a human. The overall situation is depicted in Table 1, which shows six different combinations of training signal source and problem formulation (supervised learning or RL). The bulk of ML practice operates in the top center box (supervised learning from human labels), the bottom left box (RL with a scripted reward), and sometimes the top left box (supervised learning of algorithms). The bottom center box ∗Work done while at OpenAI.arXiv:1810.08575v1 [cs.LG] 19 Oct 2018
Energy-Based Models for Code Generation under Compilability Constraints Tomasz Korbak,1,∗Hady Elsahar,2Marc Dymetman,2Germ ´an Kruszewski2 {hady.elsahar,marc.dymetman,german.kruszewski } 1University of Sussex, United Kingdom 2Naver Labs Europe, France Abstract Neural language models can be successfully trained on source code, leading to applications such as code completion. However, their ver- satile autoregressive self-supervision objective overlooks important global sequence-level fea- tures that are present in the data such as syn- tactic correctness or compilability. In this work, we pose the problem of learning to generate compilable code as constraint satis- faction. We define an Energy-Based Model (EBM) representing a pre-trained generative model with an imposed constraint of generat- ing only compilable sequences. We then use the KL-Adaptive Distributional Policy Gradi- ent algorithm (Khalifa et al., 2021) to train a generative model approximating the EBM. We conduct experiments showing that our pro- posed approach is able to improve compilabil- ity rates without sacrificing diversity and com- plexity of the generated samples. 1 Introduction Code completion is an essential feature of any mod- ern Integrated Development Environment (IDEs). It supports developers with recommendations about the next token to write given a context, speed- ing up software development and reducing the number of mistakes. A large body of work has relied on statistical language modeling, treating programming languages as natural languages us- ing probabilistic grammars (Raychev et al., 2014; Bielik et al., 2016), and more recently relying on neural language models (Liu et al., 2016a; Svy- atkovskiy et al., 2020a,b; Arkesteijn et al., 2020; Ciniselli et al., 2021).1In particular, neural autore- ∗Work done during a research internship at Naver Labs Europe. 1See Allamanis et al. (2018) for a survey.gressive language models have been favoured due to their scalability and generic training procedure that can exploit large codebases (e.g. open source code repositories available on GitHub) through self- supervised training. Despite these desirable traits, neural language models, trained in the standard way, are known to suffer from myopia and to overlook global sequence-level features that are present in the data and which might be crucial for the quality of gen- erated sequences (Parshakova et al., 2019b). This leads to repetitions, hallucinations and failing to capture long-distance consistency requirements. In a code generation context, this is demonstrated in compilation errors that are a common failure mode in such tasks as translation between programming languages (Roziere et al., 2020). This problem has inspired a large body of work on different fronts on injecting sequence-level priors by either directly optimizing sequence-level features (Ranzato et al., 2016) or through fusion with grammars and au- tomata (Xiao et al., 2016). These techniques aim to balance between the desirable traits and fast inference of neural autoregressive models trained in the standard way and the satisfaction of global sequence-level features. In this work, we formulate compilable code gen- eration as a constraint satisfaction problem. We show that this formulation leads to a unique dis- tribution represented by an Energy-Based Model (EBM). This unique distribution by definition fully satisfies the compilability constraints while having a minimal KL divergence from the original autore- gressive generative model trained through cross en- tropy. We then train an auto-regressive generative model to approximate the underlying distribution of this EBM using the KL-Adaptive DistributionalarXiv:2106.04985v1 [cs.LG] 9 Jun 2021
Deep reconstructing generative networks for visualizing dynamic biomolecules inside cells Ramya Rangan1, Sagar Khavnekar2, Adam Lerer3, Jake Johnston4,5, Ron Kelley6, Martin Obr6, Abhay Kotecha6*, and Ellen D. Zhong1* ABSTRACT Advances in cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) have produced new opportunities to visualize the structures of dynamic macromolecular machinery in native cellular environments. Here, we describe a machine learning approach that can reconstruct the structural landscape and dynamics of biomolecular complexes present in cryo-ET subtomograms. This method, cryoDRGN-ET, learns a deep generative model of 3D density maps directly from subtomogram tilt series images and can capture states diverse in both composition and conformation. We use this approach to reconstruct the in situ translation dynamics of prokaryotic ribosomes, and we reveal the distribution of functional states during translation elongation populated by S. cerevisiae ribosomes inside cells. Additional Key Words and Phrases: cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, in cell structural biology, machine learning, deep generative modeling 1 INTRODUCTION Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is an imaging technique that provides structural insights spanning cellular to molecular length scales [ 1,2]. By computationally combining a series of tilt images of intact cells or thinly milled lamella, cryo-ET can visualize the architecture of whole cells in three dimensions at nanometer resolution. Further computational processing of the resulting 3D tomograms with algorithms for segmentation and subtomogram reconstruction can resolve structures at sub-nanometer resolution, providing detailed snapshots of macromolecular structures and their localization in native contexts [3–8]. A major challenge in image processing workflows for cryo-ET is the analysis of structural heterogeneity within subtomogram data. Subtomogram reconstruction algorithms must cope with imaging attributes specific to cryo-ET such as the extremely low signal-to-noise ratio in exposure-limited individual tilt images, as well as the inherent complexity from variations in conformation and composition of biomolecular complexes within cellular samples taken without purification. While some advanced methods for heterogeneity analysis have been proposed [ 5,9–11], the majority of subtomogram processing workflows rely on 3D classification to cluster subtomograms into a few, discrete conformational states. Although this approach has been successfully used to reveal distinct states of macromolecular machines in situ [12–14], current processing workflows remain unwieldy, with many manual steps and significant computational requirements. Furthermore, these methods are not well-suited for modeling continuous heterogeneity and require specifying the number of expected states a priori, often additionally requiring user-provided masks to focus classification on regions with known variability. More fundamentally, 3D classification requires averaging subtomograms for thousands of particles to obtain well-resolved structures, leading to trade-offs between the number of states that can be 1Department of Computer Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA2Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany 3Google DeepMind, New York, NY, USA4Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA5Simons Electron Microscopy Center, New York Structural Biology Center; New York, NY, USA6Materials and Structural Analysis Division, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven, The Netherlands *Correspondence to:, . 1
Leading Edge Perspective Understanding the cell: Future views of structural biology Martin Beck,1,3,4,5, *Roberto Covino,2,4,5,*Inga Ha ¨nelt,3,4,5,*and Michaela Mu ¨ ller-McNicoll3,4,5,* 1Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max-von-Laue-Straße 3, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 2Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Ruth-Moufang-Straße 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany 3Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany 4Senior author 5These authors contributed equally *Correspondence: (M.B.), (R.C.), (I.H.), (M.M.-M.) SUMMARY Determining the structure and mechanisms of all individual functional modules of cells at high molecular detail has often been seen as equal to understanding how cells work. Recent technical advances have led to a flush of high-resolution structures of various macromolecular machines, but despite this wealth ofdetailed information, our understanding of cellular function remains incomplete. Here, we discuss present-day limitations of structural biology and highlight novel technologies that may enable us to analyze molecularfunctions directly inside cells. We predict that the progression toward structural cell biology will involve a shifttoward conceptualizing a 4D virtual reality of cells using digital twins. These will capture cellular segments in ahighly enriched molecular detail, include dynamic changes, and facilitate simulations of molecular pro-cesses, leading to novel and experimentally testable predictions. Transferring biological questions into algo- rithms that learn from the existing wealth of data and explore novel solutions may ultimately unveil how cells work. INTRODUCTION Structural biology is an attempt to answer the question ‘‘what are we made of?’’ This attempt follows the reductionist approach, which aims to identify the most fundamental constit- uents of matter and study their properties. It led us to discovera hierarchy of structures, from molecules through atoms all the way down to fundamental particles, such as quarks and elec- trons. Cells are the minimal units of life and are made of billionsof distinct molecules. Although this answers part of the ques- tion of what we are made of, it does not answer a key question of cell biology—how do cellular functions spontaneouslyemerge from the interaction of these billions of molecules?Cell biology usually lacks the structural resolution to under- stand the role of individual molecules and the choreography that organizes them in functional units, which ultimately distin-guishes a living cell from an inanimate object. To gain this un- derstanding, the integration of structural and cellular biology is an outstanding challenge. With the discovery of the DNA double-helix and the first pro- tein structures, a structure-function paradigm emerged, under- pinning the implicit assumption of structural biology: by knowingthe detailed structures of biomolecules, one will understand their function, and the sum of all individual structure-function relation- ships will enable us to explain how cells work. This approach hasbeen immensely successful because it led to an atomistic pictureof many molecular machines and for many molecules set the foundation of our present understanding of their function. How-ever, with increasing coverage and in-depth characterization ofthe cell’s constituents, challenges to this assumption are emerging. The first challenge stems from the realization that all biomole- cules are inherently dynamic. Thermal fluctuations can transmit energy to molecules from their environment. In response, these molecules will experience spontaneous conformationalchanges, ranging from the local flipping of a side chain to global folding processes. Instead of considering a biomolecule as a sin- gle well-defined static structure, we must think of it as a struc-tural ensemble, i.e., a large collection of conformations, eachpopulated with different probabilities. 1The molecule will sto- chastically interconvert between different conformations. For some molecules, there will be few conformations overwhelm-ingly more probable than others, such as the globular protein serum albumin; but for others, the ensemble will be very hetero- geneous, consisting of many conformations, all nearly equallyprobable, such as in the case of disordered proteins. Increasing evidence points to the fact that the entire conformational ensemble, including rare conformations, determines the functionof a biomolecule. 2,3Such an ensemble view implies that the probability of populating the different alternative conformations can be modulated by thermodynamic parameters, interactionswith other biomolecules, post-translational modifications ll OPEN ACCESS Cell 187, February 1, 2024 ª2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. 545 This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( ).
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2017 SGDR: S TOCHASTIC GRADIENT DESCENT WITH WARM RESTARTS Ilya Loshchilov & Frank Hutter University of Freiburg Freiburg, Germany, {ilya,fh} ABSTRACT Restart techniques are common in gradient-free optimization to deal with multi- modal functions. Partial warm restarts are also gaining popularity in gradient- based optimization to improve the rate of convergence in accelerated gradient schemes to deal with ill-conditioned functions. In this paper, we propose a sim- ple warm restart technique for stochastic gradient descent to improve its anytime performance when training deep neural networks. We empirically study its per- formance on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets, where we demonstrate new state-of-the-art results at 3.14% and 16.21%, respectively. We also demonstrate its advantages on a dataset of EEG recordings and on a downsampled version of the ImageNet dataset. Our source code is available at 1 I NTRODUCTION Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently the best-performing method for many classification problems, such as object recognition from images (Krizhevsky et al., 2012a; Donahue et al., 2014) or speech recognition from audio data (Deng et al., 2013). Their training on large datasets (where DNNs perform particularly well) is the main computational bottleneck: it often requires several days, even on high-performance GPUs, and any speedups would be of substantial value. The training of a DNN with nfree parameters can be formulated as the problem of minimizing a functionf: I Rn→I R. The commonly used procedure to optimize fis to iteratively adjust xt∈I Rn (the parameter vector at time step t) using gradient information ∇ft(xt)obtained on a relatively smallt-th batch of bdatapoints. The Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) procedure then becomes an extension of the Gradient Descent (GD) to stochastic optimization of fas follows: xt+1=xt−ηt∇ft(xt), (1) whereηtis a learning rate. One would like to consider second-order information xt+1=xt−ηtH−1 t∇ft(xt), (2) but this is often infeasible since the computation and storage of the inverse Hessian H−1 tis in- tractable for large n. The usual way to deal with this problem by using limited-memory quasi- Newton methods such as L-BFGS (Liu & Nocedal, 1989) is not currently in favor in deep learning, not the least due to (i) the stochasticity of ∇ft(xt), (ii) ill-conditioning of fand (iii) the presence of saddle points as a result of the hierarchical geometric structure of the parameter space (Fukumizu & Amari, 2000). Despite some recent progress in understanding and addressing the latter problems (Bordes et al., 2009; Dauphin et al., 2014; Choromanska et al., 2014; Dauphin et al., 2015), state-of- the-art optimization techniques attempt to approximate the inverse Hessian in a reduced way, e.g., by considering only its diagonal to achieve adaptive learning rates. AdaDelta (Zeiler, 2012) and Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2014) are notable examples of such methods. 1arXiv:1608.03983v5 [cs.LG] 3 May 2017
GENERAL -PURPOSE IN-CONTEXT LEARNING BYMETA-LEARNING TRANSFORMERS Louis Kirsch1 2, James Harrison1, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein1, Luke Metz1 1Google Research, Brain Team2The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, USI, SUPSI, {jamesharrison,jaschasd,lmetz } ABSTRACT Modern machine learning requires system designers to specify aspects of the learning pipeline, such as losses, architectures, and optimizers. Meta-learning, or learning-to-learn, instead aims to learn those aspects, and promises to un- lock greater capabilities with less manual effort. One particularly ambitious goal of meta-learning is to train general-purpose in-context learning algorithms from scratch, using only black-box models with minimal inductive bias . Such a model takes in training data, and produces test-set predictions across a wide range of problems, without any explicit definition of an inference model, training loss, or optimization algorithm. In this paper we show that Transformers and other black- box models can be meta-trained to act as general-purpose in-context learners. We characterize transitions between algorithms that generalize, algorithms that mem- orize, and algorithms that fail to meta-train at all, induced by changes in model size, number of tasks, and meta-optimization. We further show that the capabili- ties of meta-trained algorithms are bottlenecked by the accessible state size (mem- ory) determining the next prediction, unlike standard models which are thought to be bottlenecked by parameter count. Finally, we propose practical interventions such as biasing the training distribution that improve the meta-training and meta- generalization of general-purpose in-context learning algorithms. 1 I NTRODUCTION Meta-learning is the process of automatically discovering new learning algorithms instead of de- signing them manually (Schmidhuber, 1987). An important quality of human-engineered learning algorithms, such as backpropagation and gradient descent, is their applicability to a wide range of tasks or environments. For learning-to-learn to exceed those capabilities, the meta-learned learn- ing algorithms must be similarily general-purpose . Recently, there has been significant progress toward this goal (Kirsch et al., 2019; Oh et al., 2020). The improved generality of the discovered learning algorithms has been achieved by introducing inductive bias, such as by bottlenecking the architecture or by hiding information, which encourage learning over memorization. Methods in- clude restricting learning rules to use gradients (Metz et al., 2019; Kirsch et al., 2019; Oh et al., 2020), symbolic graphs (Real et al., 2020; Co-Reyes et al., 2021), or parameter sharing (Kirsch & Schmidhuber, 2020; Kirsch et al., 2021). While enabling generalization, these inductive biases come at the cost of increasing the effort to design these systems and potentially restrict the space of discoverable learning algorithms. Instead, we seek to explore general-purpose meta-learning systems with minimal inductive bias . Good can- didates for this are black-box sequence-models as meta-learners such as LSTMs (Hochreiter et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2016; Duan et al., 2016) or Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017). These memory- based or in-context learners take in training data and produce test-set predictions without any explicit definition of an inference model, training loss, or optimization algorithm. With recent advances of in-context learning in large language models (Brown et al., 2020), neural networks can already learn many concepts from demonstrations. What are the necessary conditions such that those models can learn from a wide range of demonstrations? To what extent can we elicit in-context learning that generalizes to a wider range of problems, in a similar way how learning via backpropagation and gradient descent can generalize? 1arXiv:2212.04458v2 [cs.LG] 9 Jan 2024
AnyMAL: An Efficient and Scalable Any-Modality Augmented Language Model Seungwhan Moon∗Andrea Madotto∗Zhaojiang Lin∗Tushar Nagarajan∗ Matt Smith Shashank Jain Chun-Fu Yeh Prakash Murugesan Peyman Heidari Yue Liu Kavya Srinet Babak Damavandi Anuj Kumar FAIR, Meta & Meta Reality Labs Abstract We present Any-Modality Augmented Language Model (AnyMAL), a unified model that reasons over diverse input modality signals ( i.e. text, image, video, audio, IMU motion sensor), and generates textual responses. AnyMAL inherits the powerful text-based reasoning abilities of the state-of-the-art LLMs including LLaMA-2 (70B), and converts modality-specific signals to the joint textual space through a pre-trained aligner module. To further strengthen the multimodal LLM’s capabilities, we fine-tune the model with a multimodal instruction set manually collected to cover diverse topics and tasks beyond simple QAs. We conduct com- prehensive empirical analysis comprising both human and automatic evaluations, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on various multimodal tasks. 1 Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs), known for their substantial size and complexity, have significantly enhanced the capacity of machines to understand and articulate human language. The progress in LLMs has also led to notable advancements in the vision-language domain [ 1,2,3,4], bridging the gap between image encoders and LLMs to combine their reasoning capabilities. Prior multimodal LLM research has concentrated on models that combine text and one other modality [ 3,5], such as text and image models, or has centered on proprietary language models that are not open sourced [2, 4]. To tackle the previously mentioned challenges, we introduce Any-Modality Augmented Language Model (AnyMAL) — a collection of multi-modal encoders trained to transform data from various modalities, including images, videos, audio, and IMU motion sensor data, into the text embedding space of an LLM. To achieve this, we extend the work by [ 1] to (1) more capable instruction-tuned LLMs ( i.e. LLaMA-2-70B-chat [ 6]), (2) larger pre-trained modality encoders, and (3) advanced projection layers to handle variable input lengths. The model output examples are shown in Figure 1, and an illustration of the overall methodology is shown in Figure 2. The key contributions of the work are as follows: •We present an efficient and scalable solution for building Multimodal LLMs. We provide projection layers pre-trained on large datasets with diverse modalities ( e.g. 200Mimages, 2.2Maudio, 500 KIMU time-series, 28 Mvideos) all aligned to the same LLM (LLaMA-2- 70B-chat), thus enabling interleaved multimodal in-context prompting. •We further fine-tune the model with the multimodal instruction set across three modalities (image, video, and audio) covering diverse unconstrained tasks beyond simple QA domains. The dataset features high-quality manually collected instruction data, which we thus also use as a benchmark for complex multimodal reasoning tasks. •Our best model achieves strong zero-shot performance in both automatic and human eval- uation on diverse tasks and modalities, setting new SOTA with +7.0% relative accuracy ∗Joint First Authors. :{shanemoon,andreamad8,zhaojiang,tusharn} Preprint. Under review.arXiv:2309.16058v1 [cs.LG] 27 Sep 2023
Self-Play Fine-Tuning Converts Weak Language Models to Strong Language Models Zixiang Chen∗†Yihe Deng∗‡Huizhuo Yuan∗§Kaixuan Ji¶Quanquan Gu‖ Abstract Harnessing the power of human-annotated data through Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) is pivotal for advancing Large Language Models (LLMs). In this paper, we delve into the prospect of growing a strong LLM out of a weak one without the need for acquiring additional human- annotated data. We propose a new fine-tuning method called Self-Play fIne-tuNing ( SPIN), which starts from a supervised fine-tuned model. At the heart of SPINlies a self-play mechanism, where the LLM refines its capability by playing against instances of itself. More specifically, the LLM generates its own training data from its previous iterations, refining its policy by discerning these self-generated responses from those obtained from human-annotated data. Our method progressively elevates the LLM from a nascent model to a formidable one, unlocking the full potential of human-annotated demonstration data for SFT. Theoretically, we prove that the global optimum to the training objective function of our method is achieved only when the LLM policy aligns with the target data distribution. Empirically, we evaluate our method on several benchmark datasets including the HuggingFace Open LLM Leaderboard, MT-Bench, and datasets from Big-Bench. Our results show that SPINcan significantly improve the LLM’s performance across a variety of benchmarks and even outperform models trained through direct preference optimization (DPO) supplemented with extra GPT-4 preference data. This sheds light on the promise of self-play, enabling the achievement of human-level performance in LLMs without the need for expert opponents. Codes are available at . 1 Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) have began a groundbreaking era in artificial general intelligence (AGI), demonstrating extraordinary capabilities across a wide range of domains that require in- tricate reasoning and specialized knowledge. These models excel in areas such as mathematical reasoning/problem solving (Cobbe et al., 2021; Wei et al., 2022; Lewkowycz et al., 2022), code gener- ation/programming (Chen et al., 2021; Austin et al., 2021; Li et al., 2022), text generation (Bubeck ∗Equal contribution †Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: ‡Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: §Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: ¶Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: ‖Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; e-mail: 1arXiv:2401.01335v2 [cs.LG] 12 Feb 2024
Nature | Vol 596 | 26 August 2021 | 583 ArticleHighly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold John Jumper1,4 ✉, Richard Evans1,4, Alexander Pritzel1,4, Tim Green1,4, Michael Figurnov1,4, Olaf Ronneberger1,4, Kathryn Tunyasuvunakool1,4, Russ Bates1,4, Augustin Žídek1,4, Anna Potapenko1,4, Alex Bridgland1,4, Clemens Meyer1,4, Simon A. A. Kohl1,4, Andrew J. Ballard1,4, Andrew Cowie1,4, Bernardino Romera-Paredes1,4, Stanislav Nikolov1,4, Rishub Jain1,4, Jonas Adler1, Trevor Back1, Stig Petersen1, David Reiman1, Ellen Clancy1, Michal Zielinski1, Martin Steinegger2,3, Michalina Pacholska1, Tamas Berghammer1, Sebastian Bodenstein1, David Silver1, Oriol Vinyals1, Andrew W. Senior1, Koray Kavukcuoglu1, Pushmeet Kohli1 & Demis Hassabis1,4 ✉ Proteins are essential to life, and understanding their structure can facilitate a mechanistic understanding of their function. Through an enormous experimental effort1–4, the structures of around 100,000 unique proteins have been determined5, but this represents a small fraction of the billions of known protein sequences6,7. Structural coverage is bottlenecked by the months to years of painstaking effort required to determine a single protein structure. Accurate computational approaches are needed to address this gap and to enable large-scale structural bioinformatics. Predicting the three-dimensional structure that a protein will adopt based solely on its amino acid sequence—the structure prediction component of the ‘protein folding problem’ 8—has been an important open research problem for more than 50 years9. Despite recent progress10–14, existing methods fall far short of atomic accuracy, especially when no homologous structure is available. Here we provide the first computational method that can regularly predict protein structures with atomic accuracy even in cases in which no similar structure is known. We validated an entirely redesigned version of our neural network-based model, AlphaFold, in the challenging 14th Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP14)15, demonstrating accuracy competitive with experimental structures in a majority of cases and greatly outperforming other methods. Underpinning the latest version of AlphaFold is a novel machine learning approach that incorporates physical and biological knowledge about protein structure, leveraging multi-sequence alignments, into the design of the deep learning algorithm. The development of computational methods to predict three-dimensional (3D) protein structures from the protein sequence has proceeded along two complementary paths that focus on either the physical interactions or the evolutionary history. The physical interac- tion programme heavily integrates our understanding of molecular driving forces into either thermodynamic or kinetic simulation of pro - tein physics16 or statistical approximations thereof17. Although theoreti - cally very appealing, this approach has proved highly challenging for even moderate-sized proteins due to the computational intractability of molecular simulation, the context dependence of protein stability and the difficulty of producing sufficiently accurate models of protein physics. The evolutionary programme has provided an alternative in recent years, in which the constraints on protein structure are derived from bioinformatics analysis of the evolutionary history of proteins, homology to solved structures18,19 and pairwise evolutionary correla- tions20–24. This bioinformatics approach has benefited greatly from the steady growth of experimental protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB)5, the explosion of genomic sequencing and the rapid development of deep learning techniques to interpret these correlations. Despite these advances, contemporary physical and evolutionary-history-based approaches produce predictions that are far short of experimental accuracy in the majority of cases in which a close homologue has not been solved experimentally and this has limited their utility for many biological applications. In this study, we develop the first, to our knowledge, computational approach capable of predicting protein structures to near experimental accuracy in a majority of cases. The neural network AlphaFold that we developed was entered into the CASP14 assessment (May–July 2020; entered under the team name ‘ AlphaFold2’ and a completely different model from our CASP13 AlphaFold system10). The CASP assessment is carried out biennially using recently solved structures that have not been deposited in the PDB or publicly disclosed so that it is a blind test Received: 11 May 2021 Accepted: 12 July 2021 Published online: 15 July 2021 Open access Check for updates 1DeepMind, London, UK. 2School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. 3Artificial Intelligence Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. 4These authors contributed equally: John Jumper, Richard Evans, Alexander Pritzel, Tim Green, Michael Figurnov, Olaf Ronneberger, Kathryn Tunyasuvunakool, Russ Bates, Augustin Žídek, Anna Potapenko, Alex Bridgland, Clemens Meyer, Simon A. A. Kohl, Andrew J. Ballard, Andrew Cowie, Bernardino Romera-Paredes, Stanislav Nikolov, Rishub Jain, Demis Hassabis. ✉e-mail:;