1 value
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Slowly and not without struggle, America began to listen.
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I didn't own a Thesaurus until four years ago and I use a small Webster's dictionary that I'd bought at K-Mart for 89 cents.
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portlet 之后,您必须编写三个简短的部署描述符:web.xml、portlet.xml 和 geronimo-web.xml(这其中的一些文件可能已经由 IDE 生成)。
portlet, you must write three short deployment descriptors: web.xml, portlet.xml, and geronimo-web.xml. (Some of these may have been generated by your IDE.)
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Dithering is a technique that blends your colors together, making them look smoother, or just creating interesting textures.
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This paper discusses the petrologic characteristics of the coal-bearing strata under the geologic structural background of the Tertiary coal basin in Hunchun.
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Women over 55 are pickier about their partners than at any other time in their lives.
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Ruben: So, to heal (with capital letters) you need to have no predilections.
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The second encounter relates to my grandfather's treasure box.
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将 <ejb-link> 标记的值更改为 MyEJB,即在 ejb-jar.xml 文件中定义的 EJB 名称。
Change the value for the <ejb-link> tag to MyEJB, which is the name of the EJB as defined in the ejb-jar.xml file.
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One way to address these challenges would be to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission modeled on the experience of Muggle South Africa.
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Brain: If you don't mind, Jonathan, while you and Mr. Sun get acquainted, I'd like to check the arrangements for the meeting.
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Bailee Madison plays Sally, a young girl who goes to live with her father and his girlfriend.
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Reduce blood fat, prevent thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, apoplexy and heart disease. Improve memory, nourish the brain and improve the intelligence.
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Toomay 说到群体性不宽容的标志,其中包括保险杠贴纸里有反同性婚姻,这也让他觉得低落。 他在认真考虑过自杀后向一位学校咨询员寻求了指导。
Toomay said signs of community intolerance, including bumper stickers opposing same-sex marriage, also made him feel down, and he sought guidance from a school counselor after contemplating suicide.
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When you eat dinner out, reduce the temptation to clean your plate by setting aside one-third of your meal.
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Sang Lan is one of the best athletes in our country.
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They are able to show that active peroxiredoxin 1, Prx1, an enzyme that breaks down harmful hydrogen peroxide in the cells, is required for caloric restriction to work effectively.
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他到冰上去滑冰在冰还能支撑前; 接着他陷入水中直到膝盖, 可怜的西蒙睁大了眼。
He went to slide upon the ice Before the ice would bear; Then he plunged in above his knees, Which made poor Simon stare.
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Miaoxiang son know the devil tricks, white three quick deployment.
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“My daughter has been banned from watching the show, ” supermodel Cindy Crawford told ShowbizSpy.
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"The Chinese Super League starts in a couple of weeks and Sheffield United have asked me to go over and have a look at the coaching set-up, " said McKinna.
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这月十五日是向耶和华守的无酵节, 你们要吃无酵饼七日.
On the fifteenth day of that month the Lord 's Feast of Unleavened Bread begins; for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast.
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This paper consists of 3 parts:the monitorial system, the pupil-teacher system, and the historic role of the monitorial system & the pupil-teacher system.
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Further development of the central cell mainly involved changes in the orientation of the polar nuclei and the distribution of the cytoplasm.
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脚本的第一个参数被保存为一个名为 $IP 的变量。
The first parameter to the script is saved to a variable called $IP.
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Effective microbicides mean women can act independently to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS.
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She just gaped at me when I told her the news.
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KEY LARGO, Fla. - The newborn calf of a deaf bottlenose dolphin that was found stranded last fall off a Florida beach died Friday at a marine mammal rehabilitation center.
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Despite some real scandals at Fannie and Freddie, they played little role in causing the crisis: most of the really bad lending came from private loan originators.
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His time of 13 seconds is his best result since his injury four years ago.
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They walked in a stooped posture, the shoulders well forward, the head still farther forward, the eyes bent upon the ground.
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在东方, 摩尼教仍然保留着,直到十三世纪。
In the East, Manichaeism survived until the 13th century.
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I am clearly warning against that, because what you get is liable to be mediocrity.
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He could see I meant what I said. So he took his fur coat and left.
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But the main problem hasn't been solved which emphasizes on the system of curriculum and the integrity of the teaching content.
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布莱克先生: 这是我儿子蒂米。
Mr Blake:This is my son, Timmy.
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研究计量器领域理论的很少人需要确信' t 胡夫特的工作的重要性。
Few people studying Gauge Field Theory need to be convinced of the importance of the work of 't Hooft.
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Shanghai is a varicolored world.
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将它与 exec() 命令一起使用可以将结果保存到一个数组中,这允许您构建一个 HTML 表或表单,它们又进一步允许您运行其他命令。
Using this in concert with the exec() command and dumping the results to an array allows you to build an HTML table or form that then allows you to run other commands.
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As a result, the equivalent model of contactless smart card and the interrogator was accomplished, which was verified by the simulation of Hspice software.
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Because, by all accounts, that would be fostering a climate of lying and dishonesty.
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Therefore, laminoplasty with its ability to address multiple levels, and limited short- and long-term morbidity, despite neck pain, is the author's procedure of choice.
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It will actively foster volunteer teams.
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Frank Miller's dispiriting take on The Spirit a couple of years ago could easily have laid the subgenre to rest for a generation.
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E. g. Dalian is one of the most beautiful cities in China.
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Truth, good and beauty have always been considered as the three top pursuits of human beings.
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Li Shizhen own invention, he is the main drug observe, study and practical application of the new discovery, new experiences, thus greatly enriched and improved the knowledge of herbal medicine.
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Even though vitamin C-rich foods are probably the first thing you think of when you feel a cold coming, the illness-preventing power of the antioxidant is debatable.
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Further perfecting and developing shareholding system economy is still disrupted by the problem, that shareholding system belongs to capitalism or socialism, in people's ideology.
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At last, the design method of widened pavement was proposed with considering tension strength as a controlling index.
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Conclusion: MRA combined with MRI and enhanced multi-slice CT is an accurate modality in making the early diagnosis of vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis.
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Jane: You've been out every night for the last three weeks. Don't you know what's been happening?
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CallXML 是特定于 Voxeo 的一种平台。
CallXML is a platform specific to Voxeo.
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So i did this, and now i have 75.6 gigs free.
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Find out Staff's realty incenter requirement, to accelerate staff motivate by themselves, rein-force the inspirit function of human' s inherence factor.
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The lower-right corner of the source rectangle is mapped to the implicit fourth point in the parallelogram.
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The start of the season, everybody was just like, "They're not going to be in there."
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n 20th-century high schools, shop and home economics classes were considered easy As—or worse, one-way tickets to unexciting vocations.
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The influence of fin al pyrolysis temperature(FPT)on the pyrolytic yield of biomass has been studied.
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Ingredients : wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, corn starch, whey powder, milk powder, cheese powder, salt, leaving agent, food color.
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Hye-na Kang, the only successor of Kang-san Group, is the owner of the 'Lady Castle' and lives a 'princess-like' life with her servants.
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For example, up to 70% of women and a significant proportion of men with gonococcal and/or chlamydial infections may experience no symptoms at all.
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Over the years, Col Gaddafi had fallen out with both his neighbours and the West, although he had bankrolled many African leaders.
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Hope that help is what causes, and the other want to recommend a 1.6 the following handwriting input method. thanks.
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Why wait around hoping to be picked for the next season of The Bachelor when the land of virtual romance awaits?
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Department stores:Projected to lose 10.2 percent of the 1.56 million jobs they had in 2008.
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The measured value of particle, sheet resistance and film thickness have been respectively recorded in a table, please see table2.
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Last week a male student in Zhejiang streaked to protest his school's rule that all power be shut off by 11:30 pm.
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I am almost all white, although my fur may turn yellow in summer.
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He outperformed everyone on the test last week.
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Xiao li said no, can finish it in notepad.
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The fourth part analyze and explain for GMTC new products developed strategy, and analyze innovative method and process for special steel new products;
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However, when sailing by the lee or directly downwind, her leeward side is the side on which her mainsail lies. The other side is her windward side.
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Last year, the Chinese Eximbank pledged $20bn in development funds for African infrastructure and trade financing over the next three years, funds that outstripped all western donor pledges combined.
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最后,您可以试用 Scilab 的图形库并通过 XHTML 链接到一个已保存的图形。
Finally, you can experiment with Scilab's graph library and link to a saved graph through XHTML.
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巨额捐献 是指金额至少 10,000 美元,且系捐给年度计划基金或永久基金之捐献,或者是指定扶轮基金计划。
Major gifts are at least US$10,000 and can be made either to the Annual Programs Fund, Permanent Fund, or a restricted TRF program.
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The British Monarchy Website Flickr account streams both up-to-the-minute images of royal engagements and archive photographs from the royal collection.
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A large, gray building sat behind an energy wall. It was built of blocks of stone and looked like a prison.
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对于普林休斯顿大学的教授霍华德 坎特里尔(Howard Cantril)和他的同事们来说,这个事件为恐慌的剖析(坎特里尔,高德特及赫尔佐克,1940 )提供了绝佳的研究机会。
For Professor Howard Cantril of Princeton University and colleagues, this provided the perfect opportunity to investigate the anatomy of panic (Cantril, Gaudet & Herzog, 1940).
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A slight narrowing of the eyes is an instinctual, universal expression of anger across various species in the animal kingdom (think about the angry expressions of tigers, dogs, etc.).
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The participants carried out the positive discussion on the possible economic and trade cooperation with Luxemburg, and were more confident about Lu as the fast track to Europe markets.
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There is some dispute regarding the association of sildenafil with arrhythmias, where the available evidence is not clear.
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And scientists are focusing on the pathways for dopamine and similar neurotransmitters active in the circuits that pass information to and from the frontal lobes.
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This strong degree of metallic yarn , and traction ability.
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“这正是生命的一部分” 妮可缇娜写道。
“They are a part of life,” Nikitina writes.
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The influence of the suspension parameters on the dynamic performance of the articulated container flat car is studied and the suspension parameters are optimized.
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In this article, the application of industrial textiles in biomedical field is concluded, especially artificial skin, artificial blood vessel, artificial kidney, artificial pancreas, artificial bone.
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You worry a lot and you’re always easily upset.
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The scene is the crowning glory of this marvellously entertaining show.
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Close all blind flanges, inspection holes and manholes.
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There are cruises on Friday and Saturday February 13th and 14th.
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For its special structure and working circumstance, so far it is the unique transporting means.
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Then the media weighed in on Odom's regular-season effort with barely a shrug: Odom finished sixth in the voting for sixth man of the year after his numbers were slightly down in many categories.
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Today, Marcus is a short, thickset redhead with a lot of energy, just like his father.
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Once they're investigated, their stock prices and their bond prices are going to fall.
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But two years later, the Web-savvy coverage of Tuesday's election highlights the growing sophistication of interactive media, social media and mobile apps。
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Model principle: Excert the power of personality of a politics teacher.
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Despite doubts about the extent and novelty of these new resources, the fact remains that the IMF has more money available.
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DAT is the north channel for automobile shipping.
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The honor belongs to the Excellent teachers and directors of Young Pioneer of Guangzhou.