TEXT: (Opens seeing Meredith through a rain covered window into her bedroom) MVO: Intimacy is a four-syllable word for, "Here are my heart and soul. (Meredith is writing check to Roseridge home for extended care) MVO: Please grind them into hamburger and enjoy." (Meredith licks envelope) MVO: It's both desired and feared, (Izzie walks into bathroom, George is in the shower) MVO: difficult to live with... George: Uh, excuse me! Excuse me! (Izzie is brushing teeth and walks out) MVO:...and impossible to live without. (George peeks out shower) George: Is that my toothbrush?! (Meredith is flipping through pictures and stops on one of little girl in wagon, with man and woman standing around it) MVO: Intimacy also comes attached to life's three R's: Relatives, romance and roommates. (Izzie walks in wearing her underwear and t-shirt and brushing her teeth) Izzie: Coffee? MVO: There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know. Meredith (to Izzie): Hello, kitty. (Seattle scenes) (Screen flashes 4:30 am and siren wails in the background) (Seattle Grace parking lot, everyone getting out of Meredith's jeep) George: You don't understand. Me gonads, you ovaries. Izzie: Oh, that reminds me. We are out of tampons. George: You're parading through the bathroom in your underwear when I'm naked in the shower. Izzie: Can you add it to your list, please? George: What?! Izzie: Tampons Meredith: To the list, it's your turn. George (yelling): I am a man! I don't buy girl products! I don't want you walking in while I'm in the shower, and I don't want to see you in your underwear. Izzie: It doesn't bother me SUMMARY:
Cristina's encounter with a former nurse, now a patient at Seattle Grace, changes her forever; Derek and Meredith treat a construction worker who has miraculously survived an injury but is now faced with tough decisions about his future; and a patient recognizes Izzie from a lingerie ad, which makes her the subject of hospital gossip.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS GOLF COURSE (STOCK) -- DAY] Camera zooms through the following different scenes and views. [EXT. LAS VEGAS - HOUSES ON GOLF COURSE (STOCK) -- DAY] [EXT. LAS VEGAS - CLOSED COMMUNITY (STOCK) -- DAY] [EXT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE -- DAY] [INT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE - KITCHEN - DAY] (LAUREL TRENT stands at the kitchen sink washing the coffee cup, wiping it and putting it aside as MIKE TRENT walks into the kitchen, puts his arm on her shoulder and kisses her on her cheek.) Mike Trent: Ready to go? I'll get the paper, you get the car. Laurel Trent: (smiles in agreement) Okay. (She turns and heads out of the kitchen.) [EXT. TRENT'S RESIDENCE - FRONT DRIVEWAY - DAY -- CONTINUOUS] (The front door opens and MIKE TRENT steps outside. He picks up the paper on the front walk and heads for the garage. He crosses the lawn and absently opens the paper to read the headlines.) (Cut to: [INT. CAR (PARKED)] LAUREL fiddles with the radio controls in the car. It's 6:40 a.m. She shifts the car into gear.) (Cut to: MIKE reaches the bottom of the drive and waits for the car as it reverses down the driveway. He looks back down at the paper.) (LAUREL smiles as she reverses the car. In the rear view mirror, she sees her husband. Suddenly from the side, a man dressed completely in black grabs MIKE from behind and puts a taser up to his neck, zapping him.) (As she sits there in shock, a second man opens the driver's door and pulls LAUREL out of the car. She grabs the steering wheel and screams. SUMMARY:
The whole team investigates the execution -style murder of a husband and his porn star wife in a gated community . Catherine gets involved with one of the suspects, even after Grissom questioned her ethics when she told him she accepted Sam Braun's check.
TEXT: EXT - HEARST COLLEGE - DAY. Under a grey sky, Veronica makes her way across the campus. A large banner is set up: "Rally Against Violence Towards Women - Take Back the Night - 4pm at Johnson Lawn - All are welcome to attend - Let's Stand United!" Veronica passes under it. VERONICA VOICEOVER: Here it is. First day of college. What do you say, Veronica? New school, fresh start. Veronica glances over at three girls, securing one end of the banner. VERONICA VOICEOVER: How 'bout you try not to piss anyone off this time around. Veronica heads for the entrance in the main building. DR. LANDRY: [offscreen] Welcome to college... INT - HEARST COLLEGE - DAY. On a screen at the front of a lecture theatre are the words "Intro to Criminology." A man walks forward from the lectern next to it. DR. LANDRY:...where it's okay to skip class. Just not mine. The students titter appreciatively. A girl sitting behind Veronica leans forward, gazing dreamily at the professor. CATHY: Skip class? I'm gonna staple myself to the floor. Veronica growls in agreement. DR. LANDRY: Before we dive in, I've been asked to plug the Criminology Department's mentoring program. We work with at risk kids here in Neptune. Our philosophy is that it's better to prevent crimes through intervention than be forced to solve them later. My teaching assistant... Landry extends his arm in the direction of a young man sitting at the front of the room, facing the students. The young man, the spitting image of Lucky from Season Two, but in a shaggy wig, stands. DR. LANDRY:...Timothy Foyle, will take the names of those who would like to volunteer. Timothy gives a small bow. Landry quickly moves on, pointing a remote over his shoulder at the screen behind him. DR. LANDRY: SUMMARY:
The fall term at Hearst College starts and Veronica and Logan are dating. Veronica is still living at home, and Mac and Wallace each have roommates. Wallace's roommate Piz asks Veronica to recover his stolen possessions. Veronica sneaks into Parker and Mac's darkened room to retrieve an item, and successfully avoids disturbing what she thinks is consensual sex. Parker later awakens from her drugged stupor to find her head shaved, and Veronica is horrified to realize she unintentionally allowed Parker to be raped.
TEXT: Opening scene - Summers bedroom - the first thing we see is a close up of Summer, she has a thoughtful/contemplative expression. we then hear Summers voice only she isn't actually talking Summer (voice over): some might say as a teenage girl growing up in Orange County everything is ours for the taking (raises eyebrows) but sooner or later we have'ta choose (we see 2 swim suits lying out on Summers bed, she looks down at them. we then hear a knock at the door and Summer looks over, Marissa is standing there) Marissa: hey (Summer holds her finger up to Marissa as if to say hold on. we hear the voice over again) Summer (v.o): you don't choose ta choose, choosing chooses you Marissa: (frowns) ok what's that (points) Summer: (v.o): and when we choose we're left with our choi- (Summer runs over and stops her stereo. we now realise it's a recording that Summer was actually playing to herself of her own voice/thoughts) Marissa: (points) oh my god you're listening to your own voice Summer: you see all the TV shows I watch, all these women have voiceovers they even gave one to April on the Valley (Marissa looks at her) now where most'a these voiceovers (squints) they don't make much sense (points) they do make your life seem more (raises eyebrows) dramatic an meaningful Marissa: so you think our lives need ta be (raises eyebrows, emphasises with finger) more - dramatic Summer: (points) no not yours (shakes head) but it's our senior year second semester an I think things should be more poignant, an we don't have much time Marissa: yeah well your right about that last part we don't have much time, cause we're late so come on (leaves) Seth an Ryan are waiting for us Summer: (calls) ill be right there (Summer goes back over to her stereo and pushes a button. the voiceover SUMMARY:
Ryan road-trips with Sadie. Strip poker, anyone? Summer learns - ew! - about her dad and Julie. Kirsten worries that The Newport Group is corrupting Sandy. And Marissa is a suspect in Johnny's death.
TEXT: Rotunda [SCENE_BREAK] SECRETARY: Good evening, Ms. Bristow. Sydney's putting an awful lot of stuff in trash cans and on ledges as she down the hall. She fakes a breath DNA scan. She's putting cell phones everywhere. [SCENE_BREAK] Dixon's office Where do we stand with Rambaldi's equation? How close are we to solving it? MARSHALL: I only recovered about 92%. I designed a program to extrapolate the rest, but these permutations are like vast. It seems to be written in some sort of pre-Galilean algebra, which makes you wonder what these guys were... (fakes smoking a joint)... should be about 8 hours. DIXON: Let me know the moment it's done. MARSHALL: Absolutely. Sir, do you mind if I ask... what exactly are we looking for? DIXON: Our only intel came from the interrogation of Dr. Lee in Havana. Crazy as it sounds, he says we're looking for Rambaldi. MARSHALL: Rambaldi, as in... Mr. R... from the... You know, I don't even want to know. I've got too much on my (mind), with the baby. He's not (really a baby), he's like a toddler. And Carey's constantly (talking), even when I.., DIXON: I understand. MARSHALL: I'm going to (go). [SCENE_BREAK] Rotunda From the voice, Sydney is really Lauren in disguise. LAUREN: (comm) I'm in. Patching into the feed now. The voice is Lauren's. SARK: (comm) I must say, your disguise, it addresses a certain proclivity of mine. LAUREN: (comm) If this works, I'll happily make your sick little fantasy come true. LAUREN: (comm) Uploading Rambaldi's equation now. MARSHALL: Oh, hey Syd. Uh, listen, have you seen a USB key with a Speed Racer logo on it? Any SUMMARY:
Lauren stages a stunning betrayal to steal classified materials from the CIA. Meanwhile, Vaughn comes face to face with his darkest demons in pursuit of his wife; Nadia must decide whether or not she can trust her father, Sloane, in the pursuit of Rambaldi's most priceless artifact; and Sydney receives a shattering revelation that will make her question everything - and everyone - she thought she could trust.
TEXT: INT. - WEST HOLLYWOOD DINER - BATHROOM - NIGHT [title card: West Hollywood, California 1976] [Muffled traffic and police sirens are heard outside, in addition to music coming from the diner. Two men, Stephen Green and Sammy Craff, are in the bathroom. Sammy pushes Stephen to the wall. Stephen tries to kiss him. Sammy pushes him against the wall again, then backs up against the opposite wall. He unzips his jeans.] Sammy: You ready? (unbelts pants) I'll bet you are. [Sammy puts his foot up on the nearby toilet. Stephen stares at him.] Sammy: You just gonna stand there, or are you going to do something with this? [Stephen approaches. He tries to kiss Sammy again. Sammy pushes him down by the head.] Sammy: Go on. Take that meat. [Stephen starts to give Sammy head. Sammy sighs and groans.] INT. - WEST HOLLYWOOD DINER - NIGHT [Outside, the diner is busy. The patrons are all men. Most of them are dressed up for partying. A few red, white and blue balloons float around, and there are some red, white and blue streamers hanging up. A couple of decorative signs on the wall read "1776" and "1976" (1976 was the Bicentennial celebration of America's independence). A couple of workers stand behind the counter, helping patrons. Music plays - Connie Francis - "Everybody's Somebody's Fool"] [The order bell rings. One of the workers behind the counter goes to the kitchen window and picks up a bag.] Worker: Twenty-four. Number twenty-four? [One of the guys sitting at the counter looks at his receipt.] Guy: God. [He gets up and heads to the back, toward the restroom. Just before he gets there, the door flies open. Sammy emerges, holding out a police badge for everyone to see, with Stephen in handcuffs.] Sammy: Stephen Green, you f*ckin' SUMMARY:
Tim finally finds out about Jenny and Marina when he walks in on them. In a desperate attempt to hold on to him, Jenny tries making up with Tim; he tells her to prove her love by traveling to Lake Tahoe and marrying him immediately. Meanwhile, Dana is invited to a Subaru dinner party to sponsor her tennis career. She ends up hurting Lara when she takes Harrison, her (male) doubles tennis partner as a cover date. Bette and Tina have dinner with Bette's conservative father ( Ossie Davis ) where they announce Tina's pregnancy. Shane runs into an old friend, Clive, who is the personal assistant to Harry Sandchuk, a Hollywood bigwig who has come to see Shane's hairstyling work. Alice finally tells her irresponsible mother to move out of her apartment.
TEXT: [OPENING CREDITS] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. SERVANTS' HALL - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [Mr Carson sorts the post and hands it out.] Thomas Barrow: Well, she [?] Mrs Hughes: Oh, that's a shame. [Anna waits, but doesn't receive any letters.] Anna Bates: Nothing for me, Mr Carson? Mr Carson: No, Anna. Once again, I'm afraid there's nothing for you. [Carson and Mrs Hughes both look sad for Anna.] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. PRISON - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [The prisoners walk around the catwalks. Bates steps up to the guard, but the guard looks at the post he has left and shakes his head. Bates pauses in disappointment. A second guard gets impatient and pulls him forward.] Turner: Come on. [Bates walks sadly back to his cell.] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. MARY AND MATTHEW'S BEDROOM - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [Anna helps Mary finish dressing while Matthew sits on the bed already dressed.] Matthew Crawley: I've got enough on my plate without going into every detail. Lady Mary Crawley: You're co-owner of this estate. You have to get into the detail. Matthew: (exhale) Not to challenge Robert, surely? Mary: You won't have any reason to, but you have to pull your weight. That's all I'm saying. Matthew (to Anna): How is Bates? Anna: I've not seen him for a while, sir. Matthew: Oh? Why is that? Anna: I'm not quite sure, sir. They've stopped all his visitors. Matthew: Has he given you a reason? Anna: Well, he's not written in quite some time now. Matthew: And you don't know why? [the conversation is becoming increasingly difficult for Anna.] Anna: No, but I'm certain I will before too long. [Anna finishes tying Mary's shoes.] [SCENE_ SUMMARY:
Branson's political views land him in trouble and Sybil's loyalty is tested to the limit, while Ethel makes a difficult decision about her son's future. Anna wonders what is causing Bates' silence, and Carson begins recruiting a footman, with promising candidate Jimmy (Ed Speleers, Eragon) sparking immediate interest below stairs.
TEXT: [Scene: The Hallway, Phoebe walks up to and knocks on Chandler and Monica's door.] Monica: (opens the door wearing a robe, but leaves the chain on) Hey, what's up? Phoebe: Well, I left my guitar here again. Monica: Oh, okay. No problem. Phoebe: Okay. (Monica closes the door, gets the guitar, and then hands it out.) Monica: Okay. Phoebe: Oh. Monica: Here you go. Phoebe: Okay. Monica: Okay. Phoebe: Great! Umm...(Monica closes the door again and Phoebe knocks again.) Monica: What?! Phoebe: So do you want to hang out or something? Monica: Phoebe! You kinda caught me at a bad time. Phoebe: Oh are you and Chandler... Monica: Yes! Exactly. Phoebe: Okay. Do you guys want me to play for you? Monica: (laughs) No. (Closes the door as Chandler walks up.) Chandler: Hey Pheebs, what's up? Phoebe: You ask an intriguing question Chandler Bing. (Chandler lets her into the apartment and reveals that Monica is getting a massage from another woman.) Phoebe: Oh my God! You're getting a massage! You never let me massage you!! Monica: Phoebe, I can explain! Phoebe: You told me you hate massages! Chandler: Buy stamps, pick up dry cleaning...Don't let Phoebe in. Phoebe: I can't believe this! How long as this been going on? Monica: Well umm, Alexandra has been... Phoebe: Oh, it has a name? Monica: Phoebe, don't get upset! Phoebe: Okay-Oop! Too late! I'm leaving! Come on Chandler let's go! (She storms out.) Chandler: Well, Phoebe I thought I'd-(Off Phoebe's look)-Yeah, what the hell. (Ex SUMMARY:
Chandler becomes obsessed with finding out what is inside Monica's locked closet. Phoebe feels betrayed when she discovers Monica has been using a different massage therapist. Ross feels left out after missing their baby's first kick especially when Joey is mistaken for the father. Joey, feeling bad about the situation, suggests that Rachel should move in with Ross even though he wants Rachel to live with him.
TEXT: Ted and Karen arrive at McClaren's where Marshall, Robin, Lily and Barney are already installed. Ted (2030): In March 2009, I went out a few weeks with my high school girlfriend, Karen. My friends were not really happy. Karen: Hi all. All: Hi. Ted: Sorry, can not stay. Barney: It's unfortunate! Robin: Disgusted! Karen: They are real diamonds? Robin: Yes. Yes, absolutely. Thank you. Karen: I did not say that I loved. Robin: I got a great deal... Karen: I'm sure that minors exploited in Sierra Leone you would type in five if they still had their fingers. But it's nice.Meet me at the top. Karen part. Robin: They need a finger to do what I think. Marshall: Ted, Karen is an idiot. Ted: Nice set of forms. Marshall: I put the forms there. Ted: Believe it or not, my friends do not have a say on which I frequent. This is my life. I decide. Karen: Now! Ted: I arrive. Following the call from Karen, he left. Barney: I do not know what it is, this shrew. Okay, she has boobs, but... In fact, I see. Lily: That's because he met her in high school. This is his first girlfriend. Marshall: For us, Karen is an idiot. For him, this is the first to have touched his pen1s in hand himself, his mother and pediatrician. Robin: It's almost 2am. I must work. Lily: How can they call it a "daily"? 4h, it's still the middle of the night. You impressed me. Robin: It's been almost a month. I'm used to. And then the show is not bad, right? Marshall: That is clear. Barney: I've never seen. Robin: You've ever watched? Marshall: Sure! Barney: I've never seen. Robin: Your favorite item? Marshall: Weather. Barney: I've never seen. Robin: Have you ever looked. Marshall: Sorry. Barney: I just said. Robin: I know, this is basic and bland, SUMMARY:
When Karen comes across another woman's earring in Ted's bed, he learns that Lily put it there on purpose. Ted discovers this isn't the first time she's covertly meddled in his relationships.
TEXT: Scene One [Title: The Year 2030] Narrator: Okay, where was I? Daughter: You were telling us how you met mom. Son: In excruciating detail... Narrator: Right, so (While Flashbacks take place) back in 2005 when I was twenty-seven, my two best friends got engaged. And it got me thinking, "Maybe I should get married." Then I saw... Robin. She was incredible. I just knew I had to meet her. That's where your Uncle Barney came in. Barney: I suggest we play a little game I like to call, "Have you Met Ted?" Ted: No, no, no-we're not playing "Have you Met Ted!" Barney: (Taps Robin's shoulder) Hi! Have you met Ted? (Leaves) Narrator: So I asked her out, and I know this sounds crazy... but after just one date, I was in love with her, which made me say something stupid Ted: I think I'm in love with you. Robin: What? [Cut to Year 2030] Daughter: Oh, Dad. Son: So then what happened? Narrator: Nothing. I mean, I made a complete fool of myself. So... a week went by and I decided not to call her. [Cut to Entering the Bar] (As Marshell, Barney and Ted enter) Marshall: So you're not goanna call her? You went from, "I think I'm in love with you" to "I'm not gonna call her?" Ted: I wasn't in love with her, okay? I was briefly in love with the abstract idea of getting married! That had absolutely nothing to do with Robin. (Finds Lily and Robin chatting at a table.) Robin! Robin: Hey! Lily: Look who I ran into! Ted: Since when do you guys know each other? Robin: Uh... since about (points to glass) here. Lily recognized me from the news and-(Lily and Marshall kiss) Hello, Sailor! Ted: They just got engaged. Robin: Well, I should get back to the station. See you guys. (Marshall raises a hand while still kissing Li SUMMARY:
In an attempt to repair his situation with Robin, Ted instead pursues a "casual" relationship with her by inviting her to a series of parties. Marshall tries to write an important 25-page law paper, but Ted's parties and Lily's post-engagement desire distracts him. Meanwhile, Barney tries to end a relationship he unknowingly started.
TEXT: DAY OF THE DALEKS BY: LOUIS MARKS 5:50pm - 6:15pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. AUDERLY HOUSE. HALLWAY (NIGHT) (A grandfather clocks ticks in the darkened tapestry covered hallway of a country house. A UNIT soldier stands guard on a set of double doors. From them emerges a smartly dressed fair-haired woman in her forties. She speaks to the soldier.) MISS PAGET: You will be sure that nobody disturbs him, won't you? (The soldier nods and the woman - MISS PAGET - ascends a staircase.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. AUDERLY HOUSE. STUDY (NIGHT) (Through the doorway is a study and within it a distinguished man sits at a table writing. He blots the paper and, tired, takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. Suddenly, the curtains at a french window blow as if disturbed by a wind. The man - SIR REGINALD STYLES - gets up from behind the desk and goes to the curtains. He parts them and stands back in shock as he sees a figure behind the curtains. It is a man dressed in combat fatigues and carrying a futuristic weapon.) SIR REGINALD STYLES: What the...? (SIR REGINALD steps back but the man grabs him by his jacket and pushes him down onto a table. SIR REGINALD lies on his back looking at the man as he aims the gun at him.) SIR REGINALD STYLES:! No! (Suddenly, the man stiffens. A pattern of lights surround him and seem to extend from him and an electronic warbling fills the air. Within the pattern, the man disappears. SIR REGINALD looks up in shock and clambers to his feet. The door opens and MISS PAGET enters, alerted by the noise.) MISS PAGET: Sir Reginald? (She sees SIR SUMMARY:
When someone tries to assassinate diplomat Sir Reginald Styles, UNIT investigate the possibility his attacker came from the future.
TEXT: Teleplay by: Brad Kern, Zack Estrin and Chris Levinson Story by: Brad Kern [SCENE_BREAK] [Scene: The Council. It is dark and foggy. There are five hooded men standing in a circle and a dragon warlock standing in the middle. There is a genie bottle on the ground next to him.] Council #1: Council will remind you of the heavy losses emanating from this San Francisco. From what we have learned all of the witches there have been turned. Dragon Warlock: I descend from a long line of Dragon Warlocks. When my father died, he left me two things. The power of flight and the passion and hatred of those who killed him <unk> witches. And I will not rest until I put all witches to rest. Council #2: The council is intrigued. However, all who have used force of these witches before have failed. Council #3: There is another way. (The man clicks his fingers and smoke blows out of the bottle. A male genie appears.) Dragon Warlock: A genie? You can't be serious. Council #3: Tell them what you told me. Genie: Well, actually that was kind of a just between you and me kind of thing. Council #3: Tell it! Genie: Right. Well, personally I think that the best way to destroy witches is not to treat them like witches at all. You treat them like humans. Most of your evil doers, naughty types, think it's best to deprive humans of what they desire. No. You wanna get them, you give them exactly what they desire. You grant them their wishes, it'll lead to their undoing. Council #2: We don't know that. He's a genie. Council #3: If council agrees how do we proceed? Genie: Just make sure that the bottle cross paths with the witches and let el Genie grande, take it from there. Dragon Warlock: With all due respect, Genie's only work for themselves. If he grants them three wishes, he goes free. How do you know that he won't betray you? Councillor#1: Remember, getting your SUMMARY:
Tiring of always losing to the Charmed Ones, the Infernal Council decide to send a Genie to destroy them by granting them each a wish. As a result, the sisters soon discover that their wishes come with consequences that could be deadly. It is only after the Genie agrees to undo the wishes do things return to normal that Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are able to vanquish the dragon warlock. To thank the Genie, the sisters agree to grant him a final wish. Piper goes with Leo to meet the Elders.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] MAN: What? You got a problem? JULIAN: Yeah. I do. DOCTOR: You have what's called a dissociative fugue disorder. You temporarily become someone else. CLAY: Why is there a kid here? DOCTOR: That's Logan. He lost his parents. NATHAN: Bye, Lydia. WOMAN: Okay, it looks Nathan Scott was on flight 2326 last night. HALEY: You said you lost everything in the fire, so why do you have this? HALEY: What else are you lying about, Dan? Where is Nathan? What did you do to him? WOMAN: 911. What's your emergency? HALEY: I need your help. There's a murderer in my house. MORNING SHOW Millie and Mouth are showing. MOUTH: And so we've heard from a guy who collects records and lives in his parents' basement. Millie, what else is happening locally? MILLICENT: Let's see. Well, Allegedly, Tree Hill cafe was vandalized last night, and, supposedly, it was Karen's cafe owner Brooke Davis. Tree Hill cafe owner Tara Richards is not pressing charges, but would simply like everybody to know that Brooke Davis did it. Allegedly. Okay, not allegedly. Witnesses confirmed it. BRULIAN'S HOUSE Brooke watches the show. MOUTH(at TV): Of course, not all witnesses are reliable. MILLICENT(at TV): Exactly. BROOKE: Unbelievable. That Tara is such a bi... MOUTH(at TV): Okay! Let's move on. What's going on in the world of entertainment these days? BROOKE: Bad person. Hey, you know that mommy was just protecting daddy, right? Right? You guys believe me, don't you? Of course you do. Brooke joins Julian in the kitchen. BROOKE: Hey. JULIAN: Hey. BROOKE: Oh, my God. What happened? JULIAN: It's okay. It's just a bar fight. SUMMARY:
Dan enlists Julian to help in his search for Nathan. Mouth fills Clay in about Nathan, as Haley explains Nathan's disappearance to Jamie. Brooke gets an idea of how to bring patrons to an empty Karen's Cafe, and Chris Keller confronts Chase about Tara. This episode is named after a song by the band Explosions in the Sky .
TEXT: SOOKIE AND JACKSON'S HOUSE - EXTERIOR JACKSON: [OS] Is she still asleep? [Cut to inside, close shoot of Lorelai just waking up on the couch, the action goes on behind her, Jackson remains of screen for the whole scene.] SOOKIE: [OS]Yeah, so let's be super-quiet. Super-quiet, Davey! JACKSON: Super-quiet, son! SOOKIE: Like we're playing a game called "let's be super-quiet," and you win a prize if you're super-quiet! JACKSON: A prize! Let's get him out the door! Let's get him out the door! SOOKIE: Lunches! Come on, Davey. [runs into a chair] Ohh! Come on. Let's get your lunch. JACKSON: This is fun. SOOKIE: Here you go. Go give it to daddy. Okay. JACKSON: Come to daddy, son. SOOKIE: Shh! We're still playing the "super-quiet" game! JACKSON: So, did she say anything else after I went to bed? SOOKIE: Not a word. We sat and we had tea, but she was somewhere else the whole time. JACKSON: Don't open the door, Davey. The door's loud. SOOKIE: Let daddy open the door! I'm worried about her. JACKSON: If she wanted to talk about what ever it is, she would have talked. SOOKIE: I know what it is. It's Luke. I just, I don't know the specifics. Okay let's go. JACKSON: Be very quiet going out the door, Davey. SOOKIE: Super-quiet! JACKSON: You're gonna win the prize. SOOKIE: It's gonna be a super-fun prize! JACKSON: Close the door for me? SOOKIE: Got it. JACKSON: Great job, son! High five! OPENING CREDITS STAR SUMMARY:
The town troubadour departs Stars Hollow for his Neil Young gig, creating a stampede of would-be troubadours to town, including the bands Sparks , Sonic Youth , and Yo La Tengo . Logan graduates and leaves for London. Emily and Richard try to set Christopher up with Carolyn Bates ( Melora Hardin ). The Lorelai-Luke love affair may be over.
TEXT: THE ENEMY OF THE WORLD by DAVID WHITAKER first broadcast - 27th January 1968 running time - 21mins 41secs [SCENE_BREAK] 1. FIELD, JUST OUTSIDE THE TUNNEL ENTRANCE (ASTRID has escaped from the caravan, and is hiding behind some bushes. Nearby, a wounded SWANN is staggering out of the tunnel. ASTRID crawls through the bushes, and notices SWANN.) SWANN: (Calling out.) Help! Somebody help me. ASTRID: Ohhh... who did this to you? SWANN: A man named... Salamander. ASTRID: Salamander? SWANN: (Pointing towards the tunnel.) He did it... down there... ASTRID: Down there? [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INTERROGATION ROOM BRUCE: Now wait a moment! Are you seriously trying to tell me without a shred of evidence that Salamander is attacking the world with natural disasters? JAMIE: He must be. DOCTOR: That's what I believe! BRUCE: But it's beyond belief! How could he possibly... DOCTOR: I'm sure we'll find proof in the Records Room. BRUCE: Maybe. But that's where Salamander is. DOCTOR: Ahhh... well we shall have to wait until he comes out, won't we? (Suddenly, BENIK strides into the room.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3. OUTSIDE THE TUNNEL (SWANN starts mumbling.) ASTRID: What? SWANN: Water... ASTRID: (Looking towards the tunnel.) Yes. SWANN: No no, Salamander's place... Danger... ASTRID: Right. Be careful. I'll get you some water. SWANN: (Weakly.) Salamander... [SCENE_BREAK] 4. RESEARCH CENTRE SALAMANDER: Really Benik, I'm beginning to wondering why I pay you such a monstrously high salary. Worrying me over trifles. Make your own decision! I SUMMARY:
The Doctor discovers the true link between Salamander and Kent while Astrid tries to convince the shelter inhabitants they have been lied to.
TEXT: Originally written by Alexa Junge. Transcribed by Mikael Hedberg [] or []. [Scene: Central Perk. Everyone is there.] MONICA: Tell him. RACHEL: No. PHOEBE: Tell him, tell him. MONICA: Just...please tell him. RACHEL: Shut up! CHANDLER: Tell me what? MONICA: Look at you, you won't even look at him. CHANDLER: [sarcastically] Oh, come on tell me. I could use another reason why women won<unk> t look at me. RACHEL: All right, all right, all right. Last night, I had a dream that, uh, you and I, were... PHOEBE: Doing it on this table. [points at the table] CHANDLER: Wow! JOEY: Exellent dream score. ROSS: Why, why, why would you dream that? CHANDLER: More importantly, was I any good? RACHEL: Well, you were pretty damnedy good. CHANDLER: Interesting, cause in my dreams, I<unk> m allways surprisingly inadequate. [Monica pats him on his lap] RACHEL: Well, last night you seemed to know your way around the table. ROSS: I love it, when we share. [Ross goes over to the counter. Chandler follows him.] CHANDLER: You<unk> re okay there? ROSS: I can<unk> t belive you two had s*x in her dream. CHANDLER: I<unk> m sorry, it was a one-time-thing. I was very drunk and i was somebody else<unk> s subconscious. OPENING CREDITS [Time lapse. Chandler is sitting on the table.] CHANDLER: Hi Rachel. RACHEL: Get off. PHOEBE: [points at Joey<unk> s pen] Uh, uh, gimme. Can you see me operating SUMMARY:
After losing his virginity to Monica, young Ethan reveals that he is not a college student as she believed, but is a high school senior. Rachel has erotic dreams about Joey and Chandler, making Ross jealous. Phoebe temps as Chandler's secretary and discovers that no one at work likes him anymore now that he is the boss.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Lydia : I have cancer. Haley : Oh, no, no, no. Lydia : It's pancreatic. Brooke : Julian? Mouth : We don't know what tomorrow will bring. I want to go out with you... On a date. Clay : Excuse me. Are you Katie Ryan? OUTSIDE ON THE SET Paul : What's his problem? Alex : Costume malfunction. Josh : I'm not coming out! Paul : This isn't funny, josh! Josh : No, it's not! Julian : What's his deal? Paul : Maybe he wants to know why his director Is an hour late to set. Julian : No sleep. Don't ask. Josh?! Get out here before I tell everybody who you went home with last Saturday. Josh : This is bull... Julian : Someone find... Brooke! What the hell is this? Brooke : It's the jogging scene. Is there a problem? Julian : The problem, Brooke, is that my romantic lead looks like the love child of Richard Simmons and a village person. Brooke : Well... I guess I made a huge, stupid, unforgivable mistake. Imagine that. Julian : Brooke, this is not the costume we agreed on. Brooke : Well, then, I guess I'm also a dirty, no-good liar. Good morning, Paul. Paul : So that's it! Josh : No special effects, baby. If you like what you see, that's exactly what I'm working with. Alex : Um, barf. AT SCOTT'S HOUSE Lydia : Hey, Tay, it's your mother. Again. Call me, honey. Haley : It smells suspiciously like birthday chicken-dumpling soup in here. Lydia : Well, I was feeling particularly energetic this morning, and it's the least I can do for having missed your birthday. Haley : Well, you didn't miss my birthday, mom. I just didn't get your message because I was at that fundraiser. Lydia : Same difference. We didn' SUMMARY:
As Brooke angrily deals with Alex's tryst with Julian, Lydia's condition worsens, prompting Quinn and Haley to try to reconnect with Taylor. Clay is forced to deal with Katie's unsettling advances, and Nathan helps Jamie come to terms with Lydia's impending death. This episode is named after a song by Sinéad O'Connor .
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] [ Growls ] [ Screams ] Arnold's a furry. He gonna press charges? Ava: He's the Judge Executive. What's he gonna do? Ellen May. What are you doing here? Girl looked me in the face, talking about she knows things. I never should've left a witness, what we done. Boyd: It'll be quick, Ava. Colton: I saw a sheriff's car on the security tape. One of my deputies was there last night. Colton: Which way did they go? That, I don't know. Boyd and Ava intended that man to kill you. You must know something that could hurt him real bad. Raylan: You and your boyfriend went into Arlo's. Who told you the bag would be there? Josiah sent us. All right, fine. I'll tell you where he's at. Raylan: The hills, huh? If ol' drew's still alive, that's where you'll find him. Only time I seen him since he left was near 10 years ago at the bluegrass festival, rubbing shoulders with the mayor, Judge Executive... all them rich Clover Hill folks. Boyd: I expect I have your man drew within the week. Wynn: That's impressive work, Mr. Crowder. Boyd: The new price for drew is, I get half the heroin business in the state of Kentucky. Wynn: You have a deal. Johnny: I thought we had a deal. Wynn: Once he brings me drew, he and I are done... And you're free to kill him. Raylan: Josiah! It's Raylan Givens. Well, my goodness. [ Note playing ] P-please. My son's asleep upstairs. Then we should talk quietly. Boyd: Where's your wife, Dale? Uh... on vacation. [ Scoffs ] No, she moved out. Just [Sighs] going through a rough patch. Boyd: Oh, you mean to tell me that all rich people don' SUMMARY:
Raylan is in Cairn's yard and it's daytime, marking the end of Raylan's 24-hour opportunity to find Drew Thompson and ruin Raylan's dad's plan to get out of prison. Raylan's boss, Art, tells Raylan that the deal for Arlo is on hold for some reason. This gives Raylan more time to track down Drew Thompson and remove his dad's leverage. There's also a severed foot to deal with. Raylan finds a bloody footprint in the yard that is unmistakably from Cairn's stepdaughter's cast boot (earlier in the season Raylan saw the stepdaughter get stabbed in the foot by a constable). Raylan doesn't know where she may have run off to, so he starts with her boyfriend's trailer. Raylan finds the boyfriend target shooting at a picture of a Native American. Sheriff Shelby turns up, and deduces from the picture where the stepdaughter is. After they find her, she tells them some guys in a beat-up van took her stepdad and called him "Drew Thompson." Raylan and Shelby don't have anything to go on, so the sheriff brings in Boyd for questioning. Boyd's lawyer shows up to get Boyd, and deflects Raylan's questions about why she's stalling Arlo's pardon. Raylan and the sheriff follow the lawyer to a house with a beat-up van and find Cairn. Cairn says the former Harlan county sheriff Hunter somehow knows where Drew Thompson is.
TEXT: INTRODUCTION JACK HARKNESS : (v.o.) Torchwood. Outside the Government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st century is when everything changes... and Torchwood is ready. INT. THE HUB - AUTOPSY AREA - NIGHT Martha pulls back the sheet covering Owen on the autopsy table. He's naked and cleaned up, ready to be autopsied. Martha adjusts the mike hanging from above. MARTHA : The time is 21.30. This is Doctor Martha Jones. Gwen, Toshiko and Ianto are up on the deck in the background. MARTHA: Autopsy on Owen Harper, Caucasian, age 27. Torchwood Officer 565. Time of death witnessed at approximately 20.30. Autopsy begins. Martha puts her mask on. She picks up the biggest knife she can find on the instrument tray and prepares to make the first cut. Ianto closes his eyes. Martha brings the knife down, the curtains in the back open. Jack steps into view. JACK : Stop! Nobody touches him till I get back, is that clear? Jack runs out. Everyone is surprised. Martha is left holding the knife. EXT. STREET - NIGHT The Torchwood SUV screeches to a stop in front of a large iron gate. Jack rushes out of the vehicle. INT. STAIRS - NIGHT Jack hurries down the stairs. He pounds his fist on the door. INT. BAR - NIGHT Jack hurries through the hazy room. He's bumps into a man as he moves through the room looking for someone. A large burly bodyguard dressed in back stops him in his tracks with a hand on his chest. SECURITY GUARD : Whoa. Jack stops in frustration. The little girl sitting in the booth turns around and sees Jack. LITTLE GIRL : It's all right. CLOSE-UP of a tarot card with a knight with a sword on it. The Knight looks suspiciously like Jack. LITTLE GIRL : I SUMMARY:
Deep in shock, the Torchwood team face their darkest hour. Attempting to put things right, Captain Jack unleashes a primal force that uses Torchwood as a conduit to wreak havoc across Earth.
TEXT: Credit & Thanks to <unk> Vibrant Fields <unk> Views of natural beauty, a stream, animals. Bailey Voice Over: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. At least, that's what they say. He created the birds of the air and the beasts of the fields and he looked at his creation and he saw that it was good. And then God created man. And it's been downhill ever since. (See Sloan and Derek walking along a country path) Sloan: The woman loves me. Derek: Erica Hahn? Sloan: I'm telling you. We went out last night, had a couple drinks. Derek: You and Erica? Sloan: Just me and Hahn. (pause) And Callie. All right, so it wasn't a date. (pause) You're gonna tell me where we're going? Derek: Why does it always have to be about the destination? Why can't it be about the journey? Sloan: 'Cause I'm wearing $300 shoes. Derek: Meredith told me she doesn't want me seeing other people. Sloan: She found out about you and Rose? Derek: No. There's nothing to find out. It was just a kiss. Sloan: Yeah, but you're not the kind of guy who makes out with nurses in scrub rooMs. Not that there's anything wrong with that. ( they come out into a clearing) Derek: What do you think? Sloan: It was more than just a kiss. Derek: The view. ( It is a hilltop with an amazing view overlooking the surrounding valley.) Sloan: Well, what am I looking at? Derek: The view from my new house. [SCENE_BREAK] Meredith's kitchen: Derek is smoothing out house blue prints on the table. Meredith is cracking eggs. Bailey Voice Over: The story goes on to say that God created man in his own image, but there's not much proof of that. After all, God made the sun and the moon and the stars, and all man makes is trouble... Derek: It's a classic Victorian design with an open floor plan. What are you doing? SUMMARY:
When Bailey's son, Tuck, is at Seattle Grace following a bookshelf falling on him, she starts to feel that she might be a bad mother. Tucker and Bailey separate. The return of George's mother brings Callie and George together once more, and his relationship with Izzie has failed. Izzie and Cristina continue their rivalry, and Izzie later admits to Alex that it is based on jealousy. A healer with "powers" at Seattle Grace makes the doctors question science and faith. Meredith discovers Rose and Derek have kissed, which leads to them breaking up. Lexie suffers an allergic reaction after Meredith makes her breakfast.
TEXT: Skyline: Lights come on in various buildings. ACT I [Scene 1 - A small specialty foods store. Frasier and Niles walk in.] Niles: Oh, uh, get a cart. Frasier: Oh, could you get it, Niles, please? They're so small they make me feel like I'm some sort of fairy tale giant. [Niles gets a cart. It looks like a child's toy.] Niles: Hey, any thoughts about what to serve? Frasier: Well, I thought we might serve a house-cured gravlax with crème fraiche and a sprig of dill. Niles: Oh, in other words the usual. Frasier: For your information, Niles, people happen to like it. Niles: Yes, people like animated musicals. [NB: I can't let this pass. I love animated musicals. And both Kelsey and David have done voice parts in animated musicals. So there! - Kelly Dean Hansen] Frasier: Oh, honestly. Niles: Frasier, look! Caviar. Frasier: They haven't had any in ages. This is just what we need to make our soiree soignée. [chuckles and examines the caviar] Whoa. Good heavens. It's $100 an ounce. Niles: Well, it must be mis-marked. [to the owner] Excuse me! Is the Beluga really $100 an ounce? Robert: [heavy French accent] Yes. Frasier: Well, isn't that rather a lot to pay? Robert: To you, yes. To the fish who gave up her life so that you could spread her unborn children on a cracker, it's not so much. [N.B. Francois Giroday reprises his role as Robert from [5.17], "The Perfect Guy".] [A man in black, with a leather jacket, approaches them.] Petyr: [heavy Russian accent] You know, the reason for such high prices is the Russian mafia. They control this market. Niles: [stupidly] The SUMMARY:
While shopping for ingredients for an at-home soirée , Frasier and Niles are outraged by the price of Beluga caviar . Their protests are overheard by a rather shady-looking individual, who claims to them that the Russian Mafia control the market and keep the prices up. He also says he can supply high-quality caviar at more reasonable prices, and after tasting one sample the brothers are more than convinced. The guests at their party are also very impressed, and all sorts of social opportunities start opening up for Frasier and Niles in return for supplying the caviar. Roz helps with the transactions in return for a share, and becomes gradually fixated to the point of addiction . However, their supplier becomes worried that too many orders draw attention, and stops making deliveries. Determined not to lose their social advantages, the Cranes decide to track down The Caspian Queen , the Russian ship which brought the caviar to the USA. Unfortunately, Customs are on the same trail. Meanwhile, Martin has been overpaid by a cash machine , and Daphne insists that he return the extra money to the bank and clear his conscience, but they find the process surprisingly complicated.
TEXT: Ashildr: I do as they tell me and the street is safe. The Doctor: Who are they? Ashildr: I never meant for anyone to get hurt. Clara: Let me be brave. The Doctor: Is it a trap? Is it a torture chamber? If you want any part of killing her and you're not afraid, then you understand nothing at all. ( Ice cracks ) The Doctor (O.C.): Go to the city. The Doctor: Tell them I'm back. Tell them...I know what they did. [SCENE_BREAK] [ EXT. Nevada, USA. Day ] [SCENE_BREAK] <unk> Don't stop me now <unk> <unk> I'm having such a good time <unk> <unk> I'm having a ball... <unk> [SCENE_BREAK] [ INT. Diner. Day ] [SCENE_BREAK] ( There is a waitress behind the counter in a sky blue uniform; it is Clara. ) Waitress: Hi. What can I get you? The Doctor: I don't have any money. But I play. Waitress: OK. Don't you need to plug that thing in? The Doctor: Yeah. ( Whirring sound ) The Doctor: You're English. Waitress: You're not. The Doctor: How did you get out here? Waitress: Magic. Or... maybe I went to an airport and caught a plane. The Doctor: Ah. Waitress: You? The Doctor: Magic. ( Radio crackles ) Waitress: I believe you. You been travelling? The Doctor: Yeah, from time to time. ( He plays Clara's song ) Waitress: Is it a sad song? The Doctor: Nothing's sad till it's over. Then everything is. Waitress: What's it called? The Doctor: I think that it's called... Clara. Waitress: Tell me about her. [SCENE_BREAK] [ EXT. Planet Surface. Day ] [SCENE_BREAK] ( Wind rustles. The Doctor is walking through the desert and he spots a barn. ) [SCENE_BREAK] [ SUMMARY:
Aided by the Gallifreyan military, the Doctor usurps and exiles Lord President Rassilon . Now the new President, the Doctor learns that Rassilon imprisoned him in the dial to force him to confess about the Hybrid, which is prophesied by the Time Lords to stand in Gallifrey's ruins and unravel the Web of Time. The Doctor has the Time Lords retrieve Clara from her timeline at the instant of her death, ostensibly so the Doctor can consult her about the Hybrid. The Doctor escapes Gallifrey with Clara with a TARDIS stolen from the workshops under the Capitol, attempting to take her far away enough that she will return to life, despite this potentially damaging time. At the end of the universe, the Doctor encounters Ashildr [N 2] in Gallifrey's ruins; the two conclude the Hybrid is the Doctor and Clara together. The Doctor decides to remove Clara's memories of him to prevent the Time Lords from finding her, but Clara alters the device so it will affect the Doctor. The Doctor wakes in the Nevada desert where his own TARDIS has been moved. Clara, travelling with Ashildr, begins her trip to Gallifrey in the TARDIS stolen from Gallifrey to return to her death.
TEXT: Ted (V.O.): Kids, you remember my first day with Robin. Flashaback. Ted and Robin are at Robin's apartment. Ted: I think I'm in love with you. Robin: What?! End of flashback. Ted (voix off): Well, here's the thing, normal people, you know, people who aren't your dad, usually take longer to say "I love you." Robin went through the usual stages. Flashback. Ted, Robin and Barney are at the apartment. Robin: Spider! Spider! Barney: I left something in the hallway. Ted: Where? Robin: Right there. Ted: Got it. Ted kisses Robin. Barney comes back to the apartment. Ted (voix off): First there's the moment when you think you think it. Ted: Whoa, still alive. Barney leaves the apartment. Ted (voix off): There's the moment you think you know it. Robin is sick and in bed: Robin: Oh, you don't want to kiss me, you'll get sick. Ted still kisses her. Two days later he's the one who's sick. Ted: Totally worth it. Ted (voix off): There's the moment where you know you know it, but you can't yet say it. Ted: All right, it's getting to be that time. I'll talk to you tomorrow? Robin: Good night. Ted: Good night. Robin: Wait, Ted? Ted: Yeah? Robin: Good night. The next morning, Ted walks into Robin's apartment. Robin's on the phone. Robin: Well, great, I'll see you then. Bye, sweetie. (To Ted) Hey. Guess what? My sister Katie is coming to visit next weekend. She gets in on Thursday. Ted: That's awesome. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to take off work Friday. We're gonna take her to the Empire State Building. Robin: Really? You'd do that? Ted: Of course. Everyone should see the Empire State Building. Ted (voix off): And then there's the moment where you know you know it, and you can't keep it in any longer. Flashback. SUMMARY:
Robin wants to tell Ted she loves him, but she can't make the leap. Meanwhile, her sister visits and brings her boyfriend, and Robin doesn't react well when her sister says she's ready to lose her virginity.
TEXT: Redwood Point, in the forest Sheriff Nelson: The girls were last seen leaving Sullivan's tavern, 1:00 in the morning. A truck driver spotted the car around 5:30 and called it in. Look, I only have four deputies. Only a couple of them have ever seen a body killed in anger. If what we have here is a homicide, I'm gonna need some help. Lisbon: Just to be clear, except in special circumstances, We don't help out. We take over. You need to be okay with that. Sheriff Nelson: Okay. I guess. Jane (To Sheriff): She's not really a morning person. She'll improve. Lisbon: Names of the missing women? Sheriff Nelson: Nicole Gilbert and Kara Palmer. Local girls, both 21. Work together at hunting store in town. Last night was Nicole's engagement party. Lisbon: The car was found exactly like this? Sheriff Nelson: Yep. Well, no. Uh, the door was open just like that. We popped the runk. Ah, yep. Dead as a dodo. Jane looks at the car. Lisbon tries to start it Sheriff Nelson: No gas either. They must have left it running. Cho: Hey, there's a different set of tire tracks here that pulled off the road. A truck or big S.U.V., looks like. Lisbon: They're still fresh. Must be from the trucker who called in the car. Make sure forensics gets a mold. Cho: Yep. Jane: What's going on with your dog? Parker: Oh, he's confused somehow. This behavior? He's saying, "hey,look! Here they are!" Give me my slim jim already. Sheriff Nelson: Parker, do you have a better dog close by somewhere? Parker: Sir, this is the best dog in the county. Come on, Dexter. People are waiting on us. Jane: Did you look under the car? Sheriff Nelson: Under the car? Jane: Yeah. Sheriff Nelson: Of course we looked under the car. Oh, crap. Cho and Sheriff look under the car Jane: One or two? Cho: One. Sheriff Nelson: It's Kara Palmer. Jane: So... Where's SUMMARY:
When a bloodstained car connected to two missing girls (Nicole Gilbert and her best friend Kara Palmer) is found abandoned off a local interstate along an isolated lumber town, CBI is called in to help. Upon arrival, Jane locates Kara stabbed to death under the car, but Nicole is nowhere to be found. After searching for her, Nicole turns up at a gas station, covered in blood and holding the murder weapon but has no recollection of what happened. Could she have killed her best friend? Jane, seemingly convinced Nicole is innocent and her memory is just blocked, engineers a situation in which Nicole must relive the terrifying evening. As her memories return and as she helps Jane identify the killer, Lisbon finds herself unintentionally facing him as well, alone.
TEXT: MUSIC IN: EXT. WOODS - NIGHT GRANT: It's called "Shroomsville" because some of the guys think these reeds look like little mushrooms. MINA: Or they were on mushrooms. (MARINES WALK INTO CLEARING) GRANT: Hey! BROOKS: You're not supposed to be lighting fires out here. It's against base rules. Let's go, kids. Let's go home. You too, miss. Let's go! Last one out has to douse the fire. (BROOKS PULLS ON LEG/ STUMBLES) (MUSIC UP AND OUT) (THEME MUSIC UP OVER OPENING TITLE/SCENES/ CREDITS AND OUT) MUSIC IN: INT. SQUAD ROOM - DAY TONY: Ooh, yeah, baby! Come on. Oooh. Come on, come on. Oh, yikes. ZIVA: I'm trying to concentrate. TONY: That makes two of us, then, doesn't it, Ziva? ZIVA: Is it work-related? TONY: Of course it's work-related, Ziva. MCGEE: (READS) Judge My Tush-dot-Com? TONY: Hey, a little privacy here, Probie! ZIVA: I give it a four. MCGEE: Are you kidding? Four?! ZIVA: Out of five, I think that's good. Isn't it? MCGEE: Out of five. TONY: What do you think about this one? Come on. Come on. ZIVA: (OVERLAP) No. I will not get involved with this any further. Gibbs always seems to be just around the corner. No. No! No! TONY: (OVERLAP) Come on. Give me a little here. Give me a little something. Come on! What do you think? Rate it. ZIVA: Fine. A two. TONY: A two?? MCGEE: Ha ha!<unk> TONY: A two? GIBBS: What's SUMMARY:
A pair of legs are found on a Marine base, and the team is dumbfounded and shellshocked when every piece of evidence in a murder points towards Tony as the prime suspect. In an effort to help their colleague, the team compiles a list of people who may have grudges against Tony, providing them with a long list of suspects. Abby is upset that she may have incriminated Tony through the forensic evidence she provided and refuses to give up until she's proved his innocence.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] LUCAS : This is Peyton's brother, Derek. SKILLS : Who'd have guessed that Peyton's brother... was a brother. NICK : I'm your new english teacher... Mr. Chavez. BROOKE : Nick? BROOKE : Well, I don't know who I hate more, Mr. Chavez... you for being a lying b*st*rd or me for believing your crap. GIGI : I'm gonna ask you out. MOUTH : Like on a date? GIGI : Just wanted to let you know. LUCAS : There's nothing going on between me and Peyton. BROOKE : And there's nothing going on between us, either, so why are you still here? LUCAS : Give me your hand. I'm gonna get her back. You can't help who you love, Peyton. HALEY : I want to go to Duke with you. NATHAN : Oh, Haley. NATHAN : Daunte, I don't have your money yet. DAUNTE : I could forget the amount. The Ravens are favored to win by 10 points tonight. NATHAN : We're a lock to win by a lot more than that. DAUNTE : Well, not if you want your debt to go away. MOUTH : The Ravens have won by 9! They're heading to the state championship! NATHAN : I wanted to say thanks. I know how hard it was for you to throw those points away. LUCAS : You know I'll always be there for you... but never again. RIVERCOURT Nathan is playing alone when he receives a visit from Daunte and Bear NATHAN : There's no reason you guys should be here anymore. We're done. DAUNTE : Hear that, Bear? The kid says we're done. Maybe we should leave. NATHAN : I made sure that we won by less than 10 points. That was the deal. DAUNTE : SUMMARY:
Derek convinces Peyton to take a chance with Lucas at the same time that Brooke approaches him about getting back together. Daunte's latest demand leads Nathan to seek help from an unlikely source - Dan. When Rachel learns of a failing grade, she turns to Haley for tutoring. Nathan is named MVP of the Ravens at the annual sports banquet.
TEXT: [Connor's Trailer] (Connor enters and puts Nate's head on the table) [Whitmore College] (Connor and Shane are in his classroom) Connor: You have any idea what I've been through? I spent the last two days chained up by an original vampire Shane: So you met Klaus? I only know him by reputation. Apparently he's a real monster Connor: He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Do you know how hard it is to kill them? Shane: From what I gather, you have to... Remove their head, or their heart. That is, according to lore. I'm just speculating Connor: I had to figure out how to do it on my own. I could have used some of this occult Professor knowledge of yours. But then again, you've always been slow when it comes to providing answers. Shane: We had a deal. I'll give you answers about your hunter's mark when it's grown to completion Connor: In other words, kill as many vampires as possible Shane: Come on, Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls? There's no shortage of vampires. That town's practically infested. Listen, there's a witch mixed up in all this. She's important to what I have planned. I want her to be kept out of harm's way Connor: Anybody gets in my way... anybody... they're dead Shane: Ok... Sure, I'll occupy her myself. Just do what you do. And the less I know about it, the better [Mystic Grill] (Jeremy is in the storage room, cleaning. He hears a noise and turns his head. He goes toward the noise and when he turns himself, Connor's here. He puts a knife under his throat) Connor: Do I have your attention? Good. Then let's talk about vampires [Gilbert's House] (Elena is in her bed and sits down) Elena: Dear diary, I know it's been a while. A long while. I haven't needed... I haven't wanted to write this stuff SUMMARY:
After being told by Shane that the truth about his tattoo will be revealed, Connor returns to Mystic Falls, agreeing to kill humans if necessary. Stefan and Klaus team up once again to stop Connor, but Klaus leaves to find Alexander's sword. Connor takes Jeremy, Matt and April hostage. April who doesn't know of vampires yet, and so thinks Connor is delusional and is naturally scared of him. Stefan and Damon argue on the best course of action. Damon is knocked unconscious and the situation turns violent when one of Klaus's minions is sent to stand up to Connor. Meanwhile, Shane is trying to get Bonnie to get over her guilt via hypnosis, which at first appears not to work when he tries to get her to light a single candle, but when Bonnie opens her eyes she sees she lit every candle in the room. Jeremy tries to talk to Connor, who explains a friend of his was once turned into a vampire but he had to put that friend down, and then the tattoo began to appear. Elena breaks in and attacks Connor, but he is taken away by Stefan. Damon catches up to them and confronts Stefan on why he doesn't kill Connor and he explains Connor is the key to a cure. When Connor makes a run for it, the brothers witness him being killed by Elena, much to her guilt.
TEXT: The Space Pirates 5:25pm - 5:50pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1. TUNNEL (Screwing up his eyes, the DOCTOR sees that the light is a portable searchlight carried by two men. There seem to be other men behind them - men with guns. The little group instinctively backs away.) CAVEN: (Over the speakers.) Keep moving! (The DOCTOR stops and stands his ground.) DOCTOR: All right! There's no need for that! (A blaster chips a chunk or rock from the wall by his feet. The DOCTOR skips back. Another bit of rock splinters from the rock wall by JAMIE's head.) CAVEN: (OOV.) Back! Back! Back! (ZOE turns and sees a small round hole in the wall behind her.) ZOE: Quick! Down this passage! DOCTOR: Run! (All three start to run through the opening - and ZOE gives a yell of alarm. JAMIE runs after her and then teeters on the edge of the opening. Beyond it is a sheer drop into darkness. JAMIE tries to give a warning to the DOCTOR but it is too late. ZOE is going too fast to stop and with a scream, she dives into the pit. The DOCTOR is already on JAMIE's heels. He grabs JAMIE's hand just as the young Highlander loses his balance and falls yelling. The DOCTOR is dragged after him. Struggling furiously and screaming, they drop down into the darkness...) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. PRISON SHAFT (The DOCTOR, JAMIE and ZOE land one by one at the bottom of the shaft. ZOE instinctively rolls over as she hits the ground. JAMIE narrowly misses her, falling heavily close to one side. The DOCTOR, however, lands partly on top of JAMIE provoking a yell of protest. Gradually they sort themselves out.) ZOE: Oh Doctor, are you all right? DOCTOR: (Sadly.) No! JAM SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are held prisoner by the space pirates while Caven comes up with a plan to throw suspicion onto Clancey.
TEXT: ACT ONE Scene One - KACL Frasier is doing his show. Vinnie: [v.o.] Anyway, Doc, I got this thing. It's, uh, got to do with women. Frasier: Well, I sense you're having trouble finding Miss Right. Vinnie: What, are you nuts? I meet Miss Right most every night! Eager young college girls, tough career women hungry for a little R-and-R, if you know what I'm saying... Frasier: Well, you're leaving precious little room for misinterpretation. But I sense, despite these frequent dalliances, that you're still not truly happy. Vinnie: Well, sure I am. It's just that I lost a pinky ring in one of their houses - star sapphire, beautiful thing. I figured if I went public with it on your show, I had a pretty good chance of getting it back. Roz rolls her eyes. Noel Shempsky comes into her booth and shows her a piece of paper. Frasier: Well, Vinnie, it's obvious you know nothing about this show, or how to treat women. But even more appalling, you know even less about jewelry! A pinkie no more needs a ring than a neck needs a gold medallion! Vinnie: Just shoot me, why don't you? Frasier: I'd be delighted! [disconnects Vinnie] We'll be right back after this. He goes to commercial. Roz comes into his booth, and Noel sticks his head in after her. Noel: Hi, Dr. Crane. Roz shuts the door in his face. Roz: He's driving me crazy! Frasier: Well, Roz, we can't all choose our admirers. Roz: It's gone way beyond the admiring stage. Have you seen this petition he's got going around? Noel comes in through the other door. Noel: Hi, Dr. Crane. Could you sign this petition someone "anonymously" posted in the lunchroom? It's to the talented producers of "Star Trek," suggesting a new SUMMARY:
Maris has been missing without trace for three days. Frantic, Niles is convinced that she has been kidnapped, but Maris' recent credit card transactions are checked, indicating that she is merely indulging in a shopping expedition in New York City, and Niles is relieved. Frasier, on the other hand, is annoyed by Maris' lack of concern in going on a shopping spree without a word. He persuades Niles to stand up to his wife for a change and confront her about her selfishness, which he does. However, rather than apologising, Maris demands a divorce and throws Niles out. Frasier feels responsible, and gives Niles sanctuary at his place, but is unable to talk Maris round. Eventually Maris agrees to take Niles back on the condition that he apologize to her; he cannot decide whether to do so.
TEXT: "The Conman in the Meth Lab" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER (Open on a State Police training ground, an old quarry. A State Police Instructor stands facing a class of cadets) STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: Alright Cadets, listen up. What I am cradling, lovingly, in my arms is an M203 40mm canister launcher. (He holds it up to show the cadets). What's it for? Cadet Williams. CADET WILLIAMS: TEAR GAS. STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: That's right. That, (indicates a trailer nearby) is a meth lab, our boys took it three days ago. How do you think they did that? CADET WILLIAMS: TEAR GAS. STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: WRONG. And that is why we are here. I'm gonna demonstrate for you why we DON'T fire tear gas into a meth lab. (Aims weapon at trailer, fires shot through a window) (The trailer explodes in a fireball; something is flung from the trailer by the explosion and lands on the windshield of a vehicle in front of them. It is a charred body) STATE POLICE INSTRUCTOR: (hesitantly) We're gonna need a, er a fire extinguisher, then maybe some sort of... trauma counselor. [SCENE_BREAK] (Cut to: The Hoover building. Int. Sweets' Office. Sweets sits facing the door, waiting. Booth enters.) BOOTH: Hey'm sorry I'm late. (We see Brennan sitting opposite Sweets. Booth sits next to her.) BRENNAN: Well according to Sweets chronic lateness is a way of asserting control. SWEETS: That's right. BOOTH: So you believe that? DR BENNAN: No, I figured there was traffic or something kept you at work. BOOTH: Exactly, work. Work Bones okay. I was putting the final touches on SUMMARY:
Booth and Brennan investigate the scene where a body was uncovered during a police training exercise. The team identifies the body as a struggling inventor's father who had recently reunited with his son. But when a second body surfaces, the team is led on a trail of deception to find out who was the actual con-man in the inventor's life. Clark Edison returns to the lab, and he and Hodgins work on piecing together blueprints from one of the inventor's potentially valuable inventions. Meanwhile, Booth's younger brother Jared (guest star Brendan Fehr ) moves to D.C. to take a job at the Pentagon, and Brennan, smitten with Jared, agrees to go on a date with him to a White House function. Her date with Jared leads her to learn information about Booth's past and give her a far greater understanding into her partner's motives.
TEXT: [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) -- NIGHT] [EXT. LAS VEGAS CITY MGM (STOCK) -- NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. JUST OUTSIDE CASINO - NIGHT] (A man and a woman walking by sees a young man just outside a casino in distress. They look at each other and decide to try to help him.) Matthew Orton: You all right? Vincent Avery: I'm barred. I've got, like, ten thousand dollars in chips and I cannot cash it. Look, if I kept my eye on you two, could you please just go in there and claim my money? Cindy Orton: Sure, we can do that for you, but you don't have to keep your eye on us... Matthew Orton: We're honest people. Vincent Avery: I'm sure you are, but... come on. If I'm going to be giving you ten grand in chips, I've just got to know that you're coming back. Cindy Orton: We could give you a deposit. Matthew Orton: What kind of deposit? Vincent Avery: Two thousand dollars... would give me peace of mind. Tell you what, you two come back and I will give you back your deposit plus another thousand? [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. CASINO - NIGHT] (The hotel cashier holds up the $500 blue dummy chip and examines it.) Cashier: I'm sorry sir, I can't cash this for you. Matthew Orton: What? Why? Cashier: (he shakes his head) They're worthless. (The couple run out of the hotel to look for the young man.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. CASINO - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS] (The couple exit the hotel looking for the man, but he's long gone. They look up and down the strip. There's no sign of him.) (Sound of a gun shot coming from the parking structure followed by sounds of car tires screeching can be heard.) [SCENE SUMMARY:
With Grissom away, Warrick is in charge for the first time as the team investigates the murder of the con artist, who has run off with some tourists' money only to get shot and killed in the parking lot. The prime suspect in the case turns out to be Captain Brass' daughter, which causes Brass to take himself off the investigation professionally, but not personally.
TEXT: MEREDITH (VOIX OFF): In our own way, we shed our skin. Biologically, we're brand-new people. WOMAN: Are you visiting Seattle for the first time? MIRANDA: Oh, no, no. I live in Seattle. I- I just went home for a month. I took my son to see my parents. WOMAN: Oh. What do you do in Seattle? MIRANDA: Uh, I'm a surgeon. WOMAN: Uh, uh, did you know any of those doctors... (lowered voice) from that shooting? MERDEDITH (VOIX OFF): We may look the same. We probably do. The change isn't visible... At least not in most of us. But we're all changed... Completely... Forever. MEREDITH: But that's normal. I mean, it's a biological imperative-- change. So the shooting changed me. I'm changed. But I'm also ready to get back to work. I mean, as ready as any of us are. But I'm also ready sitting around the house, waiting... I just spend my time worrying. DR PERKINS: Your husband was shot. That's a lot to worry about. MEREDITH: I'm worried about Cristina. She's getting married, and that's just... Well, I had to cut her out of her last wedding dress with scissors, so... DR PERKINS: You watched your husband gets shot. MEREDITH: He's fine. He's coming back to work today, actually. (screams inaudibly)(shell casing clatters) (monitor emitting continuous tone) We're all fine. (monitor alarm blares) (pager beeps) Uh, ex-excuse me. DR PERKINS: Is everything okay, Dr. Grey? MEREDITH: Yes. Yes. Everything's fine. (cell door clatters) (bangs) MAN: Opening two. (buzzer sounds) DEREK: It doesn't look too bad. You just gotta keep an eye on SUMMARY:
A trauma counselor, Dr. Perkins, tries to help the hospital staff in the recovery and to assess each doctor's readiness to return to work. This episode includes flashback scenes, to events that happen between the shooting and the present time. Cristina and Owen plan their wedding, (his proposal is in this episode), while Meredith fails to get approved for surgery, as the counselor doubts her moving on. Derek quickly returns to work with adrenaline but worries Meredith when he continuously speeds while driving. This recklessness costs him a seat at Owen and Cristina's wedding at the end of the episode.
TEXT: •I do not own the characters or situations of BTVS, and I claim no credit for the content of this episode. I have merely transcribed what appeared on my screen, with help from the closed captions. •I prefer that you link to this transcript on the Psyche site rather than post it on your site, but you can post it on your site if you want, as long as you keep my name and email address on it. Please also keep my disclaimers intact. •You can use my transcripts in your fanfiction stories; you don't have to ask my permission. (However, if you use large portions of episode dialogue in your fanfic, I recommend you give credit to the person who wrote the episode.) •I apologize in advance for my lame transcription of the fight scenes. I don't know the names of different punches and kicks. Use your imagination. [SCENE_BREAK] Teaser GILES VOICEOVER: Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer... Monks running in fear. The dying monk talking to Buffy. MONK: We had to hide the key... made it human... Monks chanting. MONK:...and sent it to you. BUFFY VOICEOVER: Dawn. Glory smashing through the warehouse. BUFFY VOICEOVER: Tell me what kind of demon I'm fighting. QUENTIN TRAVERS VOICEOVER: Glory isn't a demon, she's a god. GLORY: Did you know your sister took my key, Dawnie, and she won't give it back. I bet you know where she put it, don't you? Spike and Dawn in the magic shop. SPIKE: (reading) They had to be certain the Slayer would protect it with her life, so they sent the key to her, in the form of a sister. BEN: You're the key. Go. Before she finds you, she's here! Ben morphing into Glory. Spike talking to Buffy in his underground cavern. SPIKE: I love you. BUFFY: The only chance you had with me was when I was unconscious SUMMARY:
Glory discovers the real Key, and Buffy and company must flee from her, and the Knights of Byzantium who are trying to destroy the Key. The gang race from Sunnydale in a caravan .
TEXT: PARADISE TOWERS PART TWO Run time: 24:39 [SCENE_BREAK] 1. EXT. PARADISE TOWERS [SCENE_BREAK] (An exterior view of the Towers, high up in the sky. The glass walls and windows of the Towers reflect the fluffy white clouds hanging in the sky.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INT. THE CARETAKER HEADQUARTERS [SCENE_BREAK] (The caretakers enter pulling the Doctor along with them. The Chief is at his desk and rises to meet them.) DEPUTY CHIEF CARETAKER: Chief! CHIEF CARETAKER: Later, Deputy. Release him. Greetings. I am the Chief Caretaker. THE DOCTOR: How d'you do. I am... CHIEF CARETAKER: No need to tell me. I know who you are. We have been waiting for this momentous visit for so many years. You are the man who brought Paradise Towers to life. The visionary who dreamed up its pools and lift and squares. And now you have returned to your creation. You will make all those dilapidated lifts rise and fall as they've never done before. All signs of wallscrawl will disappear from the corridors of Paradise Towers. The floor will gleam, the windows will shine and all will be made as new. Fellow Caretakers, d'you know who this is. This is the Great Architect returned to Paradise Towers. Bid him welcome. All Hail the Great Architect, all hail. CARETAKERS: All hail the great architect. DEPUTY CHIEF CARETAKER: What shall we do with him now then, Chief' CHIEF CARETAKER: Kill him. (The Chief moves away from the Doctor.) THE DOCTOR: Wait a minute! Listen. CHIEF CARETAKER: Why' THE DOCTOR: Well I'm not the great architect. I'm the Doctor. CHIEF CARETAKER: Oh the Doctor now is it' He always was an artful one the Great SUMMARY:
The Doctor meets with the Red Kangs again and asks them why no one questions all the strange deaths at Paradise Towers.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Derek: I know a little about this pack. Their Alpha is a woman named Satomi. They have a kind of secret meeting place in the woods. (GROANING) Deputy Parrish: Meredith's gone. They found her an hour ago in her room. Kira: Peter and Malia? Lydia: Father and daughter. Stiles: We should probably count it. (SNARLING) (SIGHS) (SNARLING CONTINUES) MAN ON TAPE: After entering the IP address, you will be connected through a Darknet portal to an untraceable bank. Once logged in, enter your account number to receive wire transfers. The IP address will deactivate with each transfer. You will be assigned a new IP address if you choose to continue down the list. Remember, visual confirmation is always required for payment. Stiles: You ever made a wire transfer? Scott: Never had enough money. Stiles: So you didn't understand a word of that either? Scott: I don't understand any of this. Why would someone use all this money just to kill us? Stiles: Someone wants you dead, dude. Badly. Whoa, whoa, what are you doing? Scott: It's late. We've got the PSATs in the morning. Stiles: No, I meant the money. $500,000. You know how much money that is? Scott: It's 500,000... Stiles: It's half a million dollars. Scott. What are you going to do, just slide it under your mattress? Scott: I have to talk to Derek. The money's his. Stiles: You mean his and Peter's. Scott: What does that mean? Stiles: It means maybe we should proceed with caution. Scott: You don't think we should tell Derek? Stiles: No. No. (SIGHS) No, of course we have to tell him. I'm just... I'm just saying, some of that money's Peter's, right? Scott: Yeah. Stiles: Right? Peter. Homicidal killer? Remember? You want to give $500,000 to him. SUMMARY:
Derek rushes an injured Braeden to the hospital. A virus designed to kill werewolves is released during the PSATs, and the school is quarantined. Deaton is confronted by Satomi at the animal clinic; she explains that most of her pack have been wiped out by the virus, and she was the only one who was immune. After conducting an autopsy on a werewolf, Deaton figures out that the virus is a version of canine distemper . With help from Satomi and Derek, they realize that Reishi tea leaves are the cure, and that there is a jar of them in the Hale vault. Scott, Malia and Kira are dying due to the virus, and hide in the vault to avoid the assassin. Stiles discovers that an assassin, a teacher overseeing the PSATs, is responsible for unleashing the virus. Agent McCall saves Stiles by shooting the teacher, who was about to kill Stiles. Using the last of his strength, Scott finds the tea leaves and breaks the jar, releasing the spores, which cures the virus. Malia walks away from the others after discovering that she is Peter's daughter.
TEXT: Ted (2030): The children in my stories, I'm a romantic idealist in search of true love. In it, I'm just stupid. Ted joined the band at McLaren's. Ted: Friends, tonight is the night. I invite Tiffany home to see my collection of vintage cameras. Barney: It's the lure of Ted. Lily: Bait? Barney: A true gentleman invents an excuse to bring home a respectable lady. Something interesting or beautiful that can claim to admire for 5 minutes before it starts on the track. Ted: As if she had to "borrow a book" or "listen to old vinyl." Marshall: Or see your new poster rap. Robin: Post rap? On which it would work? Lily: It was the first week of college. I was way into Wu-Tang Clan. Barney: It's tricky. It must be interesting enough that the girl up, but not too much not to spoil the evening. Flashback Barney is a girl with him and they play a slot machine. Barney: The slot machine is too much fun. And a trampoline... that's actually too dangerous. But I finally found the perfect bait... A mini pig. End flashback Ted: A mini pig? On which it would work? Lily: You got a mini pig? Robin: You can see the mini pig? Ted: I can borrow your mini pig? Barney: Yes, you can borrow. Tiffany is in the apartment with Ted. Tiffany: You have a mini pig? I can not believe it! You're too cute!You're the cutest little pig on Earth! What? Ted: You've always been so beautiful? You're going out on "In high school I was super shy and I in my skin"? Tiffany: I was shy and ill at ease. I'd like 50 more pounds and protruding teeth. Ted: Seriously? Tiffany: No. I was always canon. What can I do? You know who else would love this mini pig? (He goes to kiss) My boyfriend. GENERIC Ted: You got a boyfriend? Tiffany: I know... Boring, eh? Finally, it is... not really my boyfriend. Ted SUMMARY:
When a beautiful young woman "hooks" Ted (keeping Ted in reserve as backup while she pursues her own dream boyfriend), the gang discusses their own experiences both as the one who "hooks" and the one on the hook. Guest starring Carrie Underwood as "Tiffany".
TEXT: [Scene: Central Perk, Joey, Ross, Monica and Phoebe are there as Chandler enters] Chandler: (excited) Guys, guys, I've got great news! Guess what... Joey: Uh, ah, Monica's pregnant?! Monica: (shocked) Really? (She looks around, suddenly embarrassed) Let's get past the moment. Phoebe: What's your news? Chandler: Thank you. I got a job in advertising. (Everybody cheers) Monica: (hugging Chandler) Oh, honey, that's incredible! Phoebe: (inquisitive) Gosh, what's the pay like? (Everybody stares at her indignantly) Oh, come on people... (defending) come on, now, if I don't know who makes the most, how do I know who I like the most! (She looks at Joey) Hey Joey! (Joey winks at her) Chandler: Actually, it pays nothing. It's an internship. Joey: Oh, that's cool. We have interns at 'Days Of Our Lives'. Chandler: Right. So, it'll be the same except... less s*x with you. (Joey nods) Ross: So, uh, what kinda stuff do you think they'll have you do there? Chandler: Well, it's a training program, but at the end, they hire the people they like. Phoebe: (enthusiastic) That's great. Chandler: Yeah, I mean, there's probably gonna be some ground work which will probably stink, you know, grown man getting people coffee is a little humiliating (At the same time, Gunther puts down a cup of coffee in front of Chandler) Chandler: (grinning awkwardly) Humiliating and noble! (Gunther shoots a nasty look at him while leaving) Ross: You know, if I didn't already have a job, I think, I would have been really good in advertising. Monica: Ross, you did not come up with "got milk?" Ross: Yes, I did, I SUMMARY:
Phoebe and Ross get mugged by one of Phoebe's old friends from the street (Kyle Gass), then Ross finds out that Phoebe was the person who mugged him when he was a teenager. Meanwhile, Chandler lands an unpaid advertising internship, but feels out of place due to his age. Joey auditions for a play starring Leonard Hayes (Jeff Goldblum), but must go to painful extremes to get the part. Special guest: Phill Lewis
TEXT: Trevor Lockley: "Who's this?" Kate: "This is Angel. He's a friend. Angel, this is my father." Kate: "My daddy forgot how to be anything but a cop a long time ago. Maybe that's - that's why I became a cop, too." Angel: "Kate, do you trust me?" Kate: "You know I do." Angel dropping through the ceiling to fight Penn. Angel in vamp face looking down at Kate. Kate pulling a gun on Angel. Kate: "What are you?" Angel: "You already know the answer, Kate." Kate running Angel through the stomach with a 2x4 dusting Penn through him. Angel: "You missed." Kate: "No, I didn't." Sunrise in Galway, Ireland 1753. A maid servant is filling a pitcher with water at a well. Angel is leaning against the wall of the house in the shadow looking disheveled. Angel: "Anna." Anna: "Master Liam?" Angel: "Anna, come closer." Anna: "Master Liam, your father..." Angel: "Will be off to church by now, repenting of his sins, and well he should. Closer, Anna." Anna: "Why do you keep to the shadows, sir? Are you not well?" Angel: "The light. It bothers my eyes just now." Angel's dad: "And I know the reason why. (Pushes Angel out into the sunlight of the courtyard) Up again all night, is it? Drinking and whoring. I smell the stink of it on you." Angel picks himself up: "And a good morning to you, father." Dad: "You're a disgrace." Angel: "If you say so, father." Dad: "Oh, I do. I do say so. Have you not had enough debauchery for one night? Must you corrupt the servants as well?" Angel: "Servant, father. We have *one* servant. Anyway, - everyone gets corrupted, - but I find some forms of corruption - are more pleasant..." His Dad hits Angel hard across the face, making him spin around. Dad: "I am ashamed to call you my son. SUMMARY:
Kate's father, Trevor Lockley, gets involved in a demon drug smuggling operation and he's soon in over his head. When a demon high on drugs attacks the subway, Angel begins investigating and quickly discovers Trevor's shady dealings. He tries to warn Trevor, but it's too late. When Trevor is attacked, Kate blames Angel for not doing more. Meanwhile, through flash backs, Angel's own father is introduced, Angel's past as a human is shown and Angelus is born.
TEXT: [A house in Tennessee] (A girl comes out, looking for her dog) Girl: Rudy. Rudy! Come on. It's too hot to make me come looking for you (She turns herself. Klaus' here) Klaus: I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you Girl: Can I help you? Klaus: Yeah, my, uh, my car ran out of gas a couple miles back. I feel like I've been walking forever. Yours is the first house I'd come to, so I was just hoping I could use your phone Girl: Don't you have a cell phone? Klaus: Heh. Yeah. Battery died. Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer. I just want to use your phone Girl: Sure Klaus: So...I can come in? Girl: No. I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you Klaus: I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting Girl: I'm from Florida Klaus: Well, that explains it (He comes closer and strangles her. He compels her) Klaus: Now show me a little Southern hospitality... Sweet pea (Inside the houe. A girl is in the kitchen) Girl 2: I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning (The other girl comes in with Klaus) Girl 2: What's going on? Klaus: Please don't be alarmed. I'm told Ray Sutton lives here Girl 2: He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly Klaus: But I expect he makes it home... Once a month (She doesn't answer) Klaus: That's what I thought. Where is he now? (She doesn't answer) Klaus: If I have to make you tell me, it's going to be infinitely more painful for you (He smiles. The girl run and tries to leave but Stefan is at the front door. Klaus and the othr girl rejoin them) Klaus: I love it when they run Girl 2: He's in Tulley. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's off Highway 41 Klaus: Thank you, my love. Now... (He looks at the other SUMMARY:
On the morning of Elena's 18th birthday, Caroline is busy planning a party, but Elena is focused on searching for any clues that might help her discover where Stefan is. Damon is also searching for Stefan, while trying to protect Elena and keep her from doing anything that would draw Klaus' attention. Meanwhile, Klaus and Stefan are busy trailing a werewolf named Ray Sutton. Now working at the Mystic Grill along with Matt, Jeremy is struggling to understand why he keeps seeing the ghosts of Vicki and Anna since he was brought back to life by Bonnie's magic. Meanwhile, Alaric does his best to watch over Elena and Jeremy, while dealing with his grief over Jenna's death. Finally, Caroline and Tyler face a new and unexpected challenge.
TEXT: The Sensorites By Peter R. Newman 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1, INT: LABORATORY RICHMOND: I think I'll go over to the Palace of the Elders and try and hurry them up. SUSAN: Oh, would you Carol? Thank you. JOHN: Tell them I'm starving. RICHMOND: Alright. (Carol walks out of the door and Susan closes it behind her.) SUSAN: John I... I'm so happy that you're better now, so's Carol. Well you can see that for yourself. JOHN: Mm, she's had a bad time. You know, I've a feeling that we'll both give up space travelling when we get back to Earth. SUSAN: Oh and get married? JOHN: Mm, she's all I really care about. Come on, let's eat. I'm tired of waiting. (They tuck into the fruits.) [SCENE_BREAK] 2, EXT: ROOF TERRACE (Carol walks along the terrace. She pauses momentarily beside the fountain. Looks around and frowning, she begins to move off again when a hand clamps over her mouth and she is dragged away.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3, INT: DISINTEGRATOR ROOM (Carol is pushed through the door and thrust roughly to the ground.) RICHMOND: Why are you doing this? EX-ADMINISTRATOR: Pay attention to me! You will write a letter to the man John. RICHMOND: I certainly will not! EX-ADMINISTRATOR: Argument is a waste of time! Two of your friends have gone up into the spaceship they cannot help you; two of the others have gone down into the aqueduct. RICHMOND: The Doctor and Ian? EX-ADMINISTRATOR: Yes. They cannot help you. The other two, the man John and the girl Susan are waiting innocently in the laboratory for you. Your party is divided. RICHMOND: What do you want me to do? SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan arrive in the TARDIS on board aspaceship. Their initial concern is for the ship's human crew, who are suffering from telepathic interference from the Sensorites, but Susan communicates with the Sensorites and finds the aliens fear an attack by the humans and are just defending themselves. Travelling to the Sense Sphere (the Sensorites' planet) the Doctor seeks to cure an illness to which the Sensorites and Ian have succumbed, but finds it has been caused by deliberate poisoning. The political manoeuvring of the Sensorite City Administrator poses another threat to the TARDIS crew as he seeks to discredit and implicate them.
TEXT: [OPENING CREDITS] [SCENE_BREAK] Amiens, 1918 [INT. BATTLEFRONT TRENCHES - MORNING] [William finishes helping Matthew dress.] Matthew Crawley: Am I ready? William: Only you can answer that, sir. Matthew Crawley: They're going to chuck everything they've got at us. William: Then we shall have to chuck it back, won't we, sir? Matthew Crawley: Quite right. [Matthew grabs his helmet and they head out. The men in the trenches read letters from home, smoke, and pray.] Matthew Crawley: Now, there's no point pretending this is going to be easy! [Matthew turns to a soldier standing next to him.] Matthew Crawley: How are you, Thompson? You've shaken that cold? Thompson: I'm all right, sir, thank you. Matthew Crawley: Good man. We're nearly there, chaps! Just hold fast! Won't be long now. Wakefield: We're with you, sir. Matthew Crawley: I know you are, Wakefield. I can't tell you how much lighter that makes the task. [Matthew holds his watch, waiting as the seconds tick down.] Matthew Crawley: [?] Officer: Make bayonets! [The soldiers pull out the bayonets and fix them on their gun barrels. Matthew blows a whistle and the men climb out of the trenches yelling as they charge the enemy. Soldiers fall from gunshots and bombshells.] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. DOWNTON, KITCHENS - MORNING] [SCENE_BREAK] [Suddenly we're in the Downton kitchens. Daisy stands frozen for a moment at the stove.] Mrs Patmore: Daisy, what's ever the matter with you? Daisy: Someone walked over me grave. [Mrs Patmore rolls her eyes and walks off with a pot.] [SCENE_BREAK] [The battle continues on the front.] Matthew Crawley: Forward! SUMMARY:
August 1918. Matthew has suffered a serious spinal injury and is paralysed from the waist down. He is told that he will never walk again or father children. He wants Lavinia to forget him and sends her away, while Mary attempts to nurse him back to health. Mrs Hughes secretly helps Ethel and her baby since Ethel's lover, Major Bryant, has ignored her. William's injuries are fatal, prompting him to ask Daisy to marry him before he dies. Mrs Patmore persuades Daisy to go through with it; William dies a few hours later. Bates is taken aback when Vera promises to expose old secrets about Lady Mary and Pamuk's death, as he paid her to divorce him. When Mary discovers this, she confesses everything to Sir Richard Carlisle and asks him to help. He pays Vera to sign a contract with confidentiality obligations. Unknown to Mary, Sir Richard announces his engagement to her in his paper. On finding out she was tricked into silence, Vera warns Bates she will still ruin him.
TEXT: Opening scene - Cohen kitchen at night - Sandy comes in with dinner for everyone, Kirsten is sitting at the kitchen table with her back to him Sandy: alright dinner time (puts bag down) how d'ya feel about chicken parm Kirsten: that is simply UN acceptable Sandy: hey don't look at me, I'm the one who wanted Thai (gets plates out) Kirsten: uh Carter I am gonna have'ta call you back (pulls ear piece out of her ear) ok (hangs up) Sandy: you're off the phone, I barely recognise you without a wire comin outta your ear Kirsten: (walks over to Sandy) honey I'm sorry, its jus that we're unveiling the magazine to advertisers in exactly sixty seven hours, at which point I will have some semblance of a life back Sandy: ah well here's hopin (heard in the background) Seth: kickin your ass an every time I do that you pause it, ooh yes I thought I smelled (spelt as it sounds) elfordoes Ryan: (takes plate from Sandy) thankyou I am starving Seth: thanks (everyone gets their food and cutlery from the bench) Ryan: see you later (Seth, Kirsten and Ryan go to walk out of the kitchen and back to what they were doing) Sandy: whoa no no sorry (stands in front of them) this is a family dinner Seth: (makes a face) oooh ah the sneak attack family dinner (Ryan looks at him) dude we walked right into it Kirsten: I have to work Seth: uh yeah an Ryan an I are in the middle of a very crucial playstation game Ryan: (nods) it's kinda like your super bowl Sandy: I don't care, nobody here eats tonight unless we sit down an eat as a family, no excuses, tonight an together, now si'down everybody (points) c'mon Ryan: great (Kirsten and Ryan sit across from each other, Seth SUMMARY:
When Ryan's past comes for a visit, he is worried that nothing good can come of it. Meanwhile, the Cohen family has welcomed the visitor from Chino with open arms. Marissa and Ryan continue to explore their newfound friendship, while Seth and Summer face some unforeseen news. Meanwhile, Julie admits her mistake to Kirsten and looks to Caleb for help.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) - NIGHT] (Camera pulls back from the city.) [EXT. BOULDER HIGHWAY -- NIGHT] (Parked along the stretch of empty road, officer car lights flash. Brass and Grissom walk toward the abandoned car where Sofia Curtis is examining the possible crime scene.) Brass: (to Grissom) Bolo out on the vehicle. Missing persons: Lori Kyman. Husband said she went out with some girlfriends earlier this evening, and never came home. Sofia Curtis: F-O-S. Grissom: What's an F-O-S? Sofia Curtis: Friend of the sheriff. How else do you get listed as a missing person so quickly? (Grissom tries the door handle.) Grissom: Doors are locked. No key in the ignition. No sign of struggle or foul play. Sofia Curtis: Flat tire. Couple of smudges. Okay, pop it. (Sofia steps aside. The tech steps forward and pops the trunk open. It's empty.) Sofia Curtis: So, she gets a flat. There's no gas station around. It's a Lexus, so there's no On-Star. She must have had some kind of emergency roadside service. Brass: I ran her cell phone log. She made one call to her husband at 9:30. Said she was coming home at eleven; that's it. Sofia Curtis: Maybe some good samaritan offered her a lift. Grissom: Yeah, and evidently didn't take her where she wanted to go. FADE TO END OF TEASER ROLL TITLE CREDITS [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. LAS VEGAS COMMUNITY (STOCK) - DAY] [INT. KYMAN RESIDENCE - LIVING ROOM -- DAY] (Sara and Brass interview Mark Kyman. Lori Kyman's best friend, Amy Maynard, is there carrying the baby, Joey.) Mark SUMMARY:
Catherine and her team investigate when a hunter and a Kodiak bear are found dead in the mountains. Meanwhile Grissom's team look into the death of a young mother.
TEXT: Outside the Dot, Darcy is waiting in Spinner's car (Peter, Manny, Emma and Spinner walk out of the Dot.) Emma: Later skater. Manny: Thanks Spin. Emma: Hey there's Darcy. Manny: Hey you should have come in for coffee! Emma: What's up? Peter: Hey. Spinner: Come on! I thought you guys would never leave. Go, go, go. (They all leave and Spinner gets in the car.) Spinner: Work, exams, work, exams. I needs me some Darcy. (They start kissing.) Darcy: I have something to show you. Kim got me a job as a counsellor. Spinner: Darcy does summer camp. Sounds like my kind of movie. Sucks I'm gonna have to stay here in Toronto and miss it. Darcy: With lots and lots of other girls around. Spinner: Darcy I don't want to be with anyone else. You're everything to me. (They start kissing again and Darcy pulls back.) Darcy: Sorry Spinner. We can't. We took a vow. We have to remain virgins 'til marriage. Spinner: Virgins. Yeah totally. In the cafeteria Emma: You're chipper for someone who was on the phone with Craig until 3. Manny: It's you in the food line. Emma: Beats the hospital. Yay therapy. Although compared to the caf, hospital food gets a bad rap. Manny: Oh no. Food and drinks. We need refreshments for the variety show and I still don't have a tech crew. Peter: Manny you're the director, the lead actor... Emma: This is your show. Take charge. Spinner: I've been reading blogs by Christian teens on abstinence. It's all about prevention so we have to find ways to stay busy. Manny: Okay all you Degrassi-ites, the variety show needs volunteers so come on everyone, show some support! Danny: Take it off! (Derek cheers and they give each other a high 5.) Spinner: How perfect is this? Man when God answers prayers SUMMARY:
Spinner lies to Darcy about being a virgin, but when she finds out that he slept with Manny, her jealousy and anger over being deceived leads to their break up. Paige and Alex's relationship comes to an end when Paige becomes too controlling about Alex's future after graduation.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Heather: You know what I want for my birthday? To not be a 17-year-old virgin. Aah! Sheriff: All her friends say you're the last person who saw her. Derek: Wanna help? Find something real. Scott: Okay. They're on our side now. Derek: Then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night. Stiles: There's a dead body. It's Erica. Scott: Who's the other girl... the one locked in there with Boyd? Derek: She's my sister... my younger sister! Stiles: Scott, you gotta get out of there. They haven't felt the full moon in months. Derek: No, don't break the seal! Lydia: Aah! Billy: A! Got one! Breanne : What are you doing, dumbass? You're supposed to put holes in the lid. Otherwise you'll kill them. Billy: Do I have to let him go? Breanne : Do you want him to die? Billy? Run! Run! Billy: He's gonna get in. He's gonna get inside. Breanne : Shut up, shut up. Derek: You lost them? Scott: Yeah, I kind of had to. Derek: Wasn't exactly the plan. Scott: I know, which is why I think that we should stick together. Trust me, he's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've got to do this together. Derek: Look, I'm at the trails by the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me here? Scott: Yeah. Just got to drop something off first. Lydia: Mom, I'm going to the store. Mom, do you hear me? Of course you didn't. You would have heard me screaming like a lunatic. Lunatic. Scott: Is it them? Derek: We're not the only ones that decided to stick together. Scott: Is that gonna make it easier or harder to catch them? Derek: I don't know. Scott: Derek... I saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart. Are they gonna do that to everyone SUMMARY:
Scott reveals to Allison that her mother tried to kill him. Derek discovers Erica's body. Derek, Isaac, and Scott seek Argent's help to capture Boyd and Cora before they kill someone. Lydia finds a dead boy and calls Stiles for help. The guys trap Boyd and Cora in the high school's boiler room but realize a teacher, Jennifer, is inside; Derek saves her. Stiles comes face to face with Heather's body in the morgue, killed the same way the boy was. As the two were both virgins, Stiles concludes that someone is murdering them as sacrifices, just as Sheriff Stilinski discovers a third dead girl, killed the same way.
TEXT: THE TRIAL OF A TIME LORD PART TWO (THE MYSTERIOUS PLANET) Run time: 24:44 [SCENE_BREAK] Trial room [SCENE_BREAK] The Doctor: Oh! Why'd you stop it at the best bit? I was rather enjoying that. Valeyard: I'm sure you were. The Doctor: Clever, eh? That trick with the umbrella. Valeyard: Most ingenious, my dear Doctor. The Doctor: Oh, I always like to do the unexpected. Takes people by surprise. Valeyard: Hear how the Doctor takes pride in his interference. Hear how he boasts. This is not the reaction of a responsible Time Lord. Inquisitor: We are all aware of that, Valeyard. What is the point you are trying to make? Valeyard: These proceedings started as a mere enquiry into the Doctor's activities. I'm suggesting now that it becomes a trial. And if he is found guilty, I strongly suggest the termination of his life! The Doctor: So, you want me dead, eh? Inquisitor: What the Valeyard wants and what the court decides, are two entirely different things, Doctor. The Doctor: Thank you, my lady. Inquisitor: Proceed Valeyard. [SCENE_BREAK] Marb station [SCENE_BREAK] Balazar: Train guards! Computer: This station is a work unit over committed strength. There must be a cull. Balazar: It has been dealt with. Merdeen: See that he is dead, Grell. Where is he from? Balazar: I don't know. He told many lies, even that he had read our sacred books. Grell: He still breathes. Merdeen: Then kill him. [SCENE_BREAK] Drathro's castle [SCENE_BREAK] Drathro: Stop! [SCENE_BREAK] Marb station [SCENE_BREAK] Merdeen: Wait, the Immortal speaks. He now wishes to question the stranger. How near death is he? Grell: Merely stunned. Merdeen: Pick him up. SUMMARY:
The Doctor is saved from the stoning in the nick of time and taken to see the Immortal who wants to use the Doctors far greater knowledge to his advantage. Meanwhile, Peri is taken before Queen Katryca of the local tribe and told that she is to become part of the tribe and take many husbands because there is a shortage of women.
TEXT: Michael: Kahlua Sombrero, please. Waiter: All right, so just you tonight? Michael: Actually, I am meeting somebody, but I'm a little bit early. Leaving my company. After 19 years. Deangelo: I'll drink to that. I'm starting at a company this week. Michael: Oh, really? Deangelo: To begginings and endings. Michael: And to middles, the unsung heroes. And to moms. Deangelo: The moms and the troops. Michael: Do not tell my fiance I'm drinking on a Wednesday. Deangelo: [laughs] I won't... I don't know her. Michael: I'm moving out to the burbs... actually, I'm moving further than the burbs, I'm moving to Colorado. Deangelo: Colorado! The sunshine state. Michael: Yep. Don't mess with Colorado. Deangelo: Doing some skiing? Michael: No, no. I don't want to end up like Sunny Bobo. Deangelo: Well that's just good sense right there. Everyone I know who skis is dead. Michael: You know, I would like to try the luge, through. Deangelo: Try it once, you're hooked. That's my guess. Michael: That's what I've heard. Deangelo: I'm an olympics nut. Michael: Oh yeah? Me too. Summer or winter? Deangelo/Michael: [in unison] Summer! Deangelo: [holds out fist] Knuckles! Actually, I gotta come around and give you... [SCENE_BREAK] Deangelo: You know, it's funny, I tried to get an animal olympics going. Michael: Really? What happened? Deangelo: You know, life happened. What are you gonna miss most about Scranton? Michael: Oh... wow. The mountains. Where things are. Deangelo: That's the way it goes. Michael: Man, he is late. I'm gonna call him. Do you mind? I'm SUMMARY:
Michael's replacement appears in the office, to start receiving training from Michael. The new manager, Deangelo Vickers ( Will Ferrell ), has everyone hoping to make good first impressions: Andy finds himself awkwardly type cast as the funny guy, while Jim and Pam worry that they've come on too strong. Only Dwight is apathetic about the new leader. Michael tries to deal with his jealousy, and establish himself as the boss.
TEXT: [Brian's bed. Brian is in themiddle of a hot threesome. So, basically, these two guysare all over Brian, while he lounges on his bed, eyesclosed, breathing heavily. The phone's ringing. FinallyGuy One stops chewing on Brian's neck long enough to ask] Guy#1: Are you going to get that? Brian: What? [He listens, and then, closes his eyes.] Brian: When? Yeah, I'll be right there. Guy#2: Everything okay? Brian: Yes, somebody died. Guy#1: Oh, my god. Guy#2: Really sorry. Guy#1: You mean, we should go? Brian: Who told you to stop? [Liberty Diner. Ted, Emmett, andMike are having breakfast.] Emmett: Who would you sleep with? The Professor orGilligan? Ted: Easy, the Professor because of his crisp shirts. Emmett: How he suppose to kept them so crisp on a desertisland. I can't find one in Pittsburgh. Fred Flintstoneor Barney Rubble? Michael: Mmmh, is it for relationship or for s*x? Emmett: One night only. Michael: I would to go with Fred, because he's a totalbear. [Emmett and Ted snort in laughter] Michael: Okay, Mr. Roper or Mr. Furley? Emmett: I'm goona go with Mr.Roper, but only because Ihave an aversion to loud colors on anyone except me. [Brian saunters in, and reposes on the booth seat rightin front of them, closest to the camera. Justin walks upto The Boys' table] Brian: Leap coffee. Emmett: Well, someone was up f*cking until the wee hours. Justin: Was he cuter than me? [Brian checks his watch] Brian: What are you doin' here? Justin: I picked up an extra shift before first period.I'm saving up to go for the White Party. Emmett: Well, my, aren't you two raising him well. Ted: Oh SUMMARY:
In the throes of a hot session Brian gets upsetting news; Daphne asks Justin to be her first time; Ted wants Blake, despite his crystal meth addiction.
TEXT: Ted from 2030: Kids, in the fall of 2010, our friends Stuart and Claudia had a baby, and Marshall and Lily were the first to visit the happy new parents. Marshall's and Lily's friends' appartment Marshall: So, have you guys landed on a name yet? Stuart: We're trying, but it's tougher than you think. You see, I like "Tiffany." Claudia: And I don't want my daughter to have a whore's name. Stuart: That's my mother's name. Claudia: I know. Stuart: Oh, I got it. How 'bout we name the baby after you-- "Frigid Shrew." Claudia: Oh, that's good. No, no, no, no. Let's call her "Vodka." Then at least we know you'd hold her tight and never let her go! Stuart: Don't knock the vodka. Wouldn't have a kid without it. Marshall: Stuart, you are so... That's not gonna be us, right? I mean, how hard can it be to name a baby? Lily: Right? I mean, just look at her. Yeah. She's clearly a... Marshall: Emily. Lily: Lisa. Marshall: Lisa?! Lily: Emily?! [OPENING CREDITS] The Bar Marshall: Okay! I made a list of awesome baby names. Starting at the top: number one... Ted: I'm gonna stop you right here, Marshall. You name a chubby white kid "LeBron," and he's the one getting stuffed in the basketball hoop. Marshall: Then I'm also crossing off, um, "Shaquille"... Mm-hmm. "Hakeem," and "Dikembe." Hey, what about "Rob"? Lily: "Rob"? No. Marshall: Why not? [FLASHBACK] (Lily is in class) Lily: Hey, Rob. What are you gonna make? A turkey? (Rob puts his hand on Lily's breast) Rob: Honka, honka! [END OF FLASHBACK] Lily: Not " SUMMARY:
Marshall and Lily research how to conceive a baby with the gender of their choice. Meanwhile, Robin is growing more and more irritated by her perky new co-anchor, Becky.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Kate from "TSILA": "I'm glad we're not playing friends anymore." Shot of Angel morphing into vamp face from "Somnambulist." Angel from "TSILA": "I didn't kill your father (shot of Kate crying as she sees the bits marks on her father's body, from "The Prodigal") and I'm sick and tired of you blaming me for everything you can't handle." From "TSILA" Holland to Lindsey: "Senior partners were very impressed with your sacrifice. (shot of Angel severing Lindsey's hand to save the scroll) We'll even the score with him." From Judgement Darla: "He killed me." Lindsey: "He's taken from both of us. So when you feel ready (shot of Darla crawling all over Angel in his dream) we start thinking about giving a little back." From "FI" Angel: "Why are you so good to me after everything I did to you." Darla: "Because you and I are one." Shot of Angel sleeping. Wesley is behind the counter with a big, old book in front of him. Cordelia is looking at some papers. Angel comes in and plops down on the sofa. Wesley: "We made you some tea." Angel: "Great." Cordy: "It's on the table right there in front of you." Angel: "Table seems far." Cordy: "Ahhh, you must be all worn out from sleeping for the last three days. (To Wesley) It's like living with the world's oldest teenager - he can't be having a growth spurt at two hundred and forty-eight, could he?" Angel: "Two hundred and forty-seven." Cordy to Wesley: "According to my figures, if we are frugal and garner some paying clientele soon, we're financially sound through last Wednesday." Wesley: "What? Where's it all going?" Cordy: "Well, there's the fixed costs - the mortgage on the giant hotel, my salary - there's lots of other..." Wesley SUMMARY:
After spotting Darla walking around LA, Angel becomes convinced that his sire is alive. Wes and Cordy think that he's imagining things, but Angel is determined to find Darla and discover what she's up to. Little does he know that Darla is working with Wolfram and Hart. Angel tracks her down, and quickly falls into their trap.
TEXT: GLYN JONES 5:40pm - 6:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. TARDIS. CONSOLE ROOM (The travellers, motionless figures, are illuminated by the still bright column... ) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: EXT. XEROS (The planet is dry and arid. In front of some hills stand several space rockets of differing shape and design. Next to them is a squat, two-tiered building with geometrically shaped patterns on the outside and an elaborate radar device on the roof. There is one large entrance to the building. With a roar of its engines, the TARDIS materialises nearby.) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. TARDIS. CONSOLE ROOM (Inside the ship, the four travellers are still immobile, but one strange change has occurred. Instead of their clothes from the time of the crusades, they are now attired in their normal wear. They slowly come to and start to move, VICKI half-falling over the console. The DOCTOR passes a hand over his brow.) DOCTOR: Ah! Ahh! Oh, lights! (He activates a switch and the room is bathed in its normal bright light. IAN and BARBARA are the first to notice that their clothes have changed.) DOCTOR: Mmm. Oh, that's better. Ah, good! Well now, we seem to have materialised much quicker than I thought. (He laughs.) IAN: Doctor, we've got our clothes on! DOCTOR: Well, I should hope so, dear boy. I should hope so! BARBARA: No Doctor, our ordinary, everyday clothes. (He looks at his "normal" Edwardian attire.) DOCTOR: Well, upon my soul, yes! Yes! Now isn't that extraordinary? Ha ha! Yes, we were wearing those, er, cloaks and things, weren't we? Well, I must say, it's going to save us a lot of bother changing! Ye-es! Now, lets see where we are, shall we? (Neither IAN nor SUMMARY:
The TARDIS jumps a time track and the travellers arrive on the planet Xeros. There they discover their own future selves displayed as exhibits in a museum established as a monument to the galactic conquests of the warlike Morok invaders who now rule the planet. When time shifts back to normal, they realise that they must do everything they can to avert this potential future. Vicki helps the native Xerons obtain arms and revolt against the Moroks. The revolution succeeds and the travellers go on their way, confident that the future has been changed.
TEXT: [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Dickie: Hello, Ava. Ava: Oh! Raylan: You're pregnant? Winona: Mm-hmm. Raylan: It's like the best news I've heard in like... winona: Ever? Raylan: That's the word I was looking for. Winona: [ Laughs ] Raylan: Maybe we should... I don't know... start looking for a house or something. Winona: Oh, you know the baby's the size of a walnut right now, don't you? Raylan: Mm-hmm. You know it's gonna get bigger too, right? Mags' bank accounts have been seized along with her property, but there's still a sizeable amount of money missing. Boyd: How sizeable, Raylan? Raylan: Well over $10. Tell you what. I'll ask around, see if I can't get a line on that money for you. Raylan: Appreciate it. Boyd: In exchange for an apology. Raylan: I'm sorry. What? Boyd: By the time I got out of Wade Messer's house, Dickie Bennett was tuning you up like it was his birthday and you were his pi<unk>ata. Raylan: You're saying you saved my life. Boyd: Are you saying I didn't? Raylan: You think I'm gonna hand a man over to you to be murdered like he's, what, some pig I borrowed from you? Boyd: You gave me your word. Raylan: I got half a mind to kick... Boyd: [ Grunts ] Dewey: What the hell's he doing here? [ Birds chirping ] [ Door opens in distance ] And this is the one I think you both will really enjoy. Several amenities, including convenient shopping and some wonderful restaurants, as well as a number of top private schools. And you'll find... Mr. Hawkins. So glad to finally meet you. Raylan: I don't see why that's so funny. Right this way. Winona: I swear to God, I didn't SUMMARY:
When a Federal Marshal close to Lexington is killed on a witness protection job, Art takes a more hands-on approach in finding who's responsible. Raylan works a different angle on the case with the help of an outspoken Marshal from his past ( Carla Gugino ). In lockup, Boyd learns he is getting released because Raylan, who has uncovered Boyd's plot to exact revenge on Dickie, is recanting his statement about the assault. Running out of time, Boyd manages to get himself alone with Dickie, threatening to kill him unless he tells him the location of the money from the Bennett organization, a confession that is overheard by an eavesdropping prison guard. Dickie tells Boyd that Mags ran her money through Ellstin Limehouse, a crime-boss in Harlan County ( Mykelti Williamson ).
TEXT: Scene: On the roof of the apartment building. Leonard: Okay, we've got power to the laser. Sheldon: I should've brought an umbrella. Leonard: What for? It's not going to rain. Sheldon: I know that, but with skin as fair as mine, moon burn is a real possibility. Howard: That's a bazinga, right? Sheldon: One of my best, don't you think? Leonard: Howard, do you want to double-check the equatorial mount on the laser? We need it locked onto the Sea of Tranquility. Howard: You got it. Oh, Raj, no. Billions of dollars have gone into inventing the Internet and filling it with pictures of naked women, so we don't have to peep through windows. Raj: It's not like that, I'm watching someone's TV. The Good Wife is on. I tell you, this is my new Grey's Anatomy. Sheldon: Leonard, Leonard. What is that? What is that? Leonard: Relax, it's just a dirty sock. Sheldon: How on earth can you say dirty sock and relax in the same sentence? Leonard: Sheldon, the world is filled with dirty discarded socks. Sheldon: Not my world. Leonard: Hey, you know who'd really dig seeing this experiment? Penny. Sheldon: I wasn't aware that lunar ranging was her thing. Although, I suppose the retro-reflector left on the moon by Neil Armstrong does qualify as a shiny object. Raj: Why don't you ask her to come up? Leonard: I don't know, it's still a little weird since, you know... Howard: She dumped you? Leonard: She didn't dump me. We were just in different places in the relationship. Sheldon: I fail to see how a relationship can have the qualities of a geographic location. Howard: Oh, it's very simple. Leonard was living in a little town called please don't leave me, while Penny had just moved to the island of bye-bye. Leonard: Screw you guys. I'm gonna go see if she's SUMMARY:
Penny introduces her new boyfriend Zack to the other characters as they set up an experiment to bounce a laser off the moon using the laser reflector left by Apollo 11, but grows disappointed with him as she watches him interact with the group. She later breaks up with him and drunkenly rants at Leonard for ruining her ability to tolerate idiots before proceeding to engage in sex with him, leading Leonard to hypothesize that he too can initiate drunken sex, which he tests throughout the episode. Meanwhile, Raj and Howard create a profile for Sheldon on a dating website without his knowledge, which to their surprise matches him with a woman named Amy Farrah Fowler. The two force Sheldon to meet Amy, and are surprised when Sheldon and Amy have a lot in common, ranging from sock aversion to their overbearing mothers.
TEXT: Act One. Scene One - Café Nervosa. It's the afternoon when Niles is sipping his coffee reading the newspaper. Frasier enters and takes the seat next to him. Frasier: Hello, Niles. Niles: Oh, Frasier, listen to this: [reads from paper] "Michael Hawkins of Allentown, Pennsylvania, has agreed to donate his right lung to his younger brother Clovis. Says Hawkins, 'I got two lungs, but I only got one brother.'" Isn't that something? Frasier: It certainly is. Niles: The love one brother feels for the other. Frasier: [not surprised] Hmm, what do you want? Niles: I need you to come to a dog show with me. Frasier: I would rather give you a lung! [to passing waitress] Latte, please. Niles: Frasier, I beg you. It's at the Seattle Kennel Club tomorrow night and I can't go alone, Maris will be there. Frasier: And in what class will Maris be showing? Niles: She'll be showing no class! [they laugh] As she has ever since she hooked up with that reptile, Dr. Schenkman. This will be my first time seeing them since we filed for divorce. Frasier: You know, here's an idea, Niles: Don't go! Niles: I've never missed the kennel club show. If I don't go this year, people will think I've let Maris and Schenkman intimidate me! I want to prove that I'm strong and independent, and I can't do that alone. Frasier: Well, all right Niles, if it's moral support you need, I'll go with you. Niles: I'll pick you up around eight. Frasier: All right. Niles: [looks at watch] And, I have a patient. [packs things up] Thank you, thank you, I knew I could count on you for this, Frasier. It's nice to know that some things never change. Roz enters the cafe in SUMMARY:
Roz stays with Frasier while her apartment is being painted. She agrees to meet the Garrets, the parents of her baby's father Rick. Martin is off to San Francisco for the weekend with Duke, to relive a Korean War furlough they once shared, but cuts his trip short after finding the city completely changed. Martin, Frasier, Niles, and Daphne all are unable to maintain their composure upon seeing Steve and Paula Garrett's absurdly large noses. After learning that Rick was born with a similar nose, but had a nose job, Roz worries that her baby will inherit Rick's nose, as well as her own awkward features that she had cosmetically altered.
TEXT: Andy: Val, I need the space. Val: All right guys, clear out. Andy: Everybody out. Val: Promise me you're going to clean up. Andy: I can't promise what I'm going to do or not do. Val: Promise me that- Andy: Obviously I'm going to clean up. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Stress is like the uptight mayor or a town who's saying, "Hey, we're uptight, you can't dance," and then you have to be like, "Oh yeah, Mayor Stress? Well watch this!" And then... we dance. Oh how we dance. [dances to Kenny Loggin's Footloose] s*x also works. [SCENE_BREAK] Erin: Hey! Jim's back from jury duty. Andy: Hey! Tuna! He's back. Jim: Hey. Andy: Oh, look at this. [hugs Jim] Tuna wrap. Jim: Okay. Andy: [grabs Jim's wrist] Hand roll. Jim: Yeah. Phyllis: How was jury duty? Jim: It was pretty uneventful, actually. Dwight: Can't believe they let someone like you serve on a jury. Makes me question the whole judicial system. Erin: What was the case? Jim: Uh, hit and run. Erin: Ooh, "the case of the hit and run," that's exciting. Phyllis: Did you send him to the slammer? Jim: Nope. Not guilty. Dwight: Of course you found him not guilty. [mocking voice] "Oh, he apologized and I just really want him to like me, mm." Jim: We're best friends, actually. We're going wine-tasting next weekend, if you want to come. Dwight: Not coming, have plans. Jim: Okay. [SCENE_BREAK] Jim: I did get called in to jury duty. And they released me around noon, so, didn't think it was worth it to come back to work for a half day. And then the next morning Pam was a little overwhelmed with the kids so I took an SUMMARY:
After Jim fakes having jury duty to spend time with Pam and their newborn child, Dwight suspects something is awry and tries to trip Jim up with an investigation. Jim, worrying that he will get into trouble, confides in Andy, who understands and tries to help cover up the incident. Meanwhile, Angela gives birth to her son, whom Dwight believes is his son.
TEXT: Teaser Seth : The plan is undeniable. Ryan : I'm denying it. Seth : We have my mom's ranger, we have a perfect alibi as i go to this comic book convention every year and we also have my entire life never doing anything wrong. Which completely allows my parents to give a false sense of trust. Ryan : And you want to give that all away for Summer in a wet t-shirt doing body shots. Seth : (pause) Sorry, i thought that was a rhetorical question. Yes, Ryan, yes. On the last weekend before school, one goes to Tijuana, it is tradition, it is a right of passage, and you know what else? What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico. Ryan : What happens in Mexico? Seth : I don't know, because it stays there, that's why we must go. Ryan : ahh.. I don't know about lying to your parents. Seth : Okay, i can respect that. I will lie to them. Ryan : Why can't we just go to Comic-con? Seth : Okay, Comic-gon is just a bunch of pathetic virgins ogling some p0rn star dressed as Cat Woman. Ryan : I thought you went every year. Seth : (bites lip) Listen, Tijuana's a big town, i bet you won't even see Marissa. Ryan : I don't care about seeing Marissa or not seeing Marissa. Seth : Okay, therefore you should have no problem coming to Mexico. Ryan : Well, won't you be hanging out with Summer? Seth : No, because she'll probably be shacked up with Luke. (pause) Seth : Yeah, I'm sorry. That's probably a bit painful. (sandy enters kitchen) Sandy : Hey ya, fellas. You all excited about Comic-con? Seth's been going since he was ten. It's the highlight of his year. Seth : Thanks, highlight's a bit overstated. Check you out, big SUMMARY:
Marissa doesn't take her parents' divorce well, and when she finds Luke with Holly during an end of summer trip to Tijuana, she's found passed out in an alley due to a drug/alcohol overdose. Kirsten, upset that Sandy is considering the job, finds herself in a compromising position with Jimmy in his new apartment.
TEXT: Prologue: A large park. The camera pans along some flowery foliage until it reaches a pair of green scaly legs firmly planted to the ground and a pair of human legs dangling and kicking from someone pinned high against a tree. The monster makes gurgling noises and low-pitched roars. Cut to Buffy being held against the tree by her neck. The monster's face has tentacles coming off of the back of his head as well as the front in place of lips. His teeth are placed vertically between the two center tentacles. His scaly green skin glistens with slime. Buffy: (yells out desperately) Nnnrrf! Nnnrrf! Near a picnic table Xander is just coming to, apparently having been knocked around by the monster as well. At the table Willow frantically searches through their bag of demon-killing implements. Willow: Oh, God! Demon! Demon! What kills a demon?! Buffy struggles with the monster's hand at her neck, but can't get it to budge and has a hard time breathing. Buffy: Nnnrrf! Nnnrrf! Willow: (still searching) Oh, Nerf! Not Nerf. Knife! She finds a knife and runs with it to Buffy's aid. She tosses the knife to Buffy, who blindly grabs it from behind out of mid-air and stabs the monster in the chest. The monster immediately falls over dead, taking Buffy down with it. Willow and Xander help her up. Buffy: Okay. That was too close for comfort. Not that slaying is ever comfy, but... you know what I mean? (takes a deep breath) If you guys hadn't been here to help... Willow: But, we were, and we did, and, and we're all fine. (looks down at the monster) Isn't he gonna go poof? Buffy: Mm, I guess these guys don't. We'll have to bury him or something. Uhhf... They walk SUMMARY:
Cordelia's pain over Xander's betrayal summons Anyanka ( Emma Caulfield ), a vengeance demon who grants wishes to scorned women. Cordelia wishes that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale, and constructs an alternate reality where the Master ( Mark Metcalf ) rose from the dead and the Harvest took over Sunnydale. Giles discovers this in the alternate reality and realizes he is able to reverse the events.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars Keith then Veronica stand over Lilly's body (from 101 Pilot). VERONICA VOICEOVER: It's been a year since my best friend Lilly Kane was murdered. Keith interrogating Jake (pictures from 102 "Credit Where Credit's Due", sound new). VERONICA VOICEOVER: Dad told Jake Kane, the most powerful man in town that he was sure that he was somehow involved in his own daughter's death. Veronica and Duncan kissing as they walk up the hallway (from 101 Pilot). VERONICA VOICEOVER: Duncan Kane. He used to be my boyfriend. Logan taunting Veronica by sitting on Duncan's lap from the same episode. VERONICA VOICEOVER: And let's not forget Logan Echolls. His dad makes twenty million a picture. Aaron with arm around Logan (from 106 "Return of the Kane"). AARON: Smile, Logan. Don't forget, these folks pay for all of this, huh? Weevil and Logan facing off at Dog Beach (pictures and sound from 102 "Credit Where Credit's Due", except for Logan adding "Weevil" at the end of his first line). WEEVIL: What the hell do you think you're doing on our beach? LOGAN: Am I supposed to apologise? Am I supposed to shake in my boots, Weevil? WEEVIL: Maybe. LOGAN: Look around you, man. It ain't fifteen on four tonight. RANDOM 09ER: That's right. Veronica at Lianne's safety deposit box (from 105 "You Think You Know Somebody"). VERONICA VOICEOVER: All this time, I've been thinking Mom bolted because she couldn't handle losing everything. Maybe she just couldn't handle losing me. Cut to Wiedman leaving his house with Veronica following him to Kane Software. She watches from the car (from 109 "Drinking the Kool-Aid" except for last lines of both of Veronica's voiceovers which are new). VER SUMMARY:
When the money from a poker game between Logan, Weevil, and others disappears, Veronica is called in to investigate. Keith investigates a mysterious stalker whom Aaron fears will ruin his Christmas party. When Aaron is stabbed by his former lover, his wife Lynn learns of his infidelity.
TEXT: "The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House" [SCENE_BREAK] TEASER EXT. WASHINGTON DC - WOODED AREA - DAY [Helicopters fly overhead; camera pans down to a large group of varied law, military, and medical officers milling around and doing their jobs.] [DR. TEMPERANCE BRENNAN and SPECIAL AGENT SEELEY BOOTH have just arrived at the scene. As they walk, they are briefed by MAJOR.] BRENNAN: So no one touched the body. MAJOR: Hell no. But we're gonna need an ID ASAP. We could be dealing with a group that's acquired nuclear material. BOOTH: It's actually glowing? MAJOR: Oh, yes. BRENNAN: I'll need a video link with my lab. [A HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT approaches from behind. He is speaking on a cell phone, as he approaches he lowers it and addresses Major] HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT: Excuse me, Major? The reactor at Kensington is secure. All transports carrying radioactive material have been halted. MAJOR: Dr. Brennan's gonna need a... video link up to the Jeffersonian. HOMELAND SECURITY AGENT: As soon as possible. The rain's really slowed things up. [Homeland Security Agent raises his cell phone again, turns around, and returns up the path.] BOOTH: (To retreating Homeland Security Agent) Okay, thanks! (To Brennan and Major) See, uh, bodies, they don't usually glow. MAJOR: Yeah well, that's why we're taking all these precautions. [They arrive at the back of a van, in which there are radiation suits. Major pulls a pill bottle from his pocket and hands it to Brennan] MAJOR: (CONT'D) Alright, this is Potassium Iodide (He gestures to the radiation suits), these are your suits. [Major grabs a kit from the back of the van and leaves] BOOTH: Pills SUMMARY:
Brennan and Booth are called by Homeland Security to investigate the scene at an old stone house where some glowing bones have been found. Fearing the remains might be radioactive, the pair don protective hazmat suits and cautiously enter the house, where they find the glowing bones but no radioactivity. Back at the Jeffersonian, the team examines the bones and determines the identity of the victim, but there is no immediate explanation as to why the remains are emitting a green glow. With each of their specialties called upon, the whole Jeffersonian team joins Brennan and Booth in pursuing the murder mystery, which leads them to a group of friends who are shocked to discover one of their own is the victim. During the course of the investigation, the victim and their friends' MySpace pages, along with the photos, videos and blogs they contain, are a virtual tool for the Jeffersonian team's search for answers. Meanwhile, Hodgins professes his love for Angela in a very unusual way. In the end, Angela decides to propose to Hodgins and they agree to get married.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY LIGHTS (STOCK) -- NIGHT] (Camera pulls out and away from the city.) [EXT. COPELAND RESIDENCE (STOCK) - NIGHT] (A dog barks. The house is dark; the lights are off. The dog continues to bark and growl viciously at something.) [INT. RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT] (Mr and Mrs. Copeland are sleeping in bed. They get up.) Mr. Copeland: Tucker's barking. Mrs. Copeland: Probably another coyote. (Suddenly, they hear something clanging from downstairs. Mr. Copeland looks at the open bedroom door. The sounds continue.) (He opens the nightstand drawer and takes out a gun.) Mrs. Copeland: What are you doing? (He snaps the cartridge in the gun, loading it.) Mr. Copeland: Call the police. (He walks over to the door and looks out. He turns back.) Mr. Copeland: (whispers) Do it! Mrs. Copeland: (whispers) Okay! (She picks up the phone and makes the call.) (He heads downstairs. In the background, we hear the dog's low growl, then a whimper.) (He reaches the bottom of the stairs and finds someone in the kitchen taking food from the refrigerator. His arms are full of food and he's stuffing whatever he can in his mouth.) Mr. Copeland: Freeze! I said freeze! (The intruder drops the food and runs out of the house. He runs outside.) Mr. Copeland: I'm not afraid to use this. (The man chases him out of the house. He stops running when he finds a large group of people in his yard. He's stunned for a moment. They all are.) Mr. Copeland: Nobody move. (Suddenly, the group runs.) (The man starts to chase them, then trips over a dead body.) Mr. Copeland: Oh, my God. SHORT T SUMMARY:
The CSIs are called in when a homeowner finds a disheveled group of teenagers dumping a body in his yard. It is soon discovered that the group is a cult , but when Grissom and Catherine find the cult's headquarters, they find the members all dead from what appears to be a mass suicide. As the team investigates further, they find out that the mass suicide didn't go as the cult leader planned.
TEXT: (Meredith is sitting in the bathtub) MVO: Disappearances happen in science, disease can suddenly fade away. Tumors go missing. We open someone up to discover the cancer is gone. It's unexplained, it's rare, bit it happens. We call it misdiagnosis say we never saw it, any explanation but the truth. (Meredith sinks under that water in the tub) MVO: That life is full of vanishing acts. If something that we didn't know we had disappears, do we miss it? (Derek enters the bathroom) Derek: Meredith. (He pulls her out of the water) Meredith, what are you doing? (George's room is empty, Izzie is standing in the hall when Meredith and Derek walk out) Meredith: I was taking a bath. Derek: That's not a bath. I know what a bath looks like. Meredith: Drop it. Derek: Look, your mother Meredith: Drop it. Derek: Your mother...she was lucid and she said things and now she's... Meredith: Gone. Everything's back to normal, it's not a big deal. Derek: Yeah, except she's having heart surgery today. (Meredith sighs and Derek cups her face.) Derek: Hey, you want me to talk to the Chief? I know you have that triage thing today but he'll give you the day off. Meredith: Stop! I do not need rescuing. Derek: You would have drowned in the bathtub had I not been there. Meredith: I'm a surgeon. I do the rescuing. You are not my knight in shining...whatever. Derek: Oh, so we're gonna fight because I pulled you out of the tub. Meredith: You have a place. You could sleep at it. And then you don't have to pull me out of the bathtub. You're everywhere, all the time, saying things. Derek: This is the happy ever after part and in the happily ever after part the guy is there, all the time, saying things. And the girls love it. Mer SUMMARY:
A mass trauma situation, which turns out to be a ferryboat accident, challenges the whole staff of Seattle Grace Hospital. Webber finds difficulty in coping with his separation from his wife and dyes his hair "for the ladies", which becomes an internal joke between Mark, Burke, and Derek. Cristina tries to tell Meredith about her upcoming marriage, but doesn't have the strength to. George promises to find a woman's son, who has been separated from her at the accident. The woman refuses to go into surgery until she is assured that her son is alive. Izzie has to take care of a man who got stuck between two cars on the ferry, but nobody helps her due to the large number of injured people. Alex rescues a pregnant woman with severe wounds on her face, and promises to take care of her. Meredith looks after a girl who has been separated from her mother after the accident and cannot communicate, but while helping a patient, he accidentally pushes Meredith, and she falls into the water, with nobody but the silent little girl as a witness.
TEXT: ACT 3 Scene 1 - Lana's House. It is Kirby's graduation party. Kirby's father and Lana's ex, Bob, has just unexpectedly arrived and is speaking with Frasier, who recognizes him as the man from the baggage claim at the airport. Bob: So how do you know Kirby? Frasier: Well, I was his, uh, tutor. Bob: Yow, how much do I owe you for that? Frasier: It was a pleasure really. So you're Kirby's dad? Lana's ex who ran off with the dental hygienist. Bob: [unoffended] But you can call me Bob. I take it Lana filled you in about our divorce? Frasier: Yes, well, I was a shoulder for her briefly. You know, I think she's completely over you now. Bob: I hope not! I mean I really want her back. I'll do whatever it takes to show her I'm a changed man. Frasier: Listen, Bob, I-I don't think that's a very good idea. Bob: Well, but you said at the airport... Roz enters from the kitchen Frasier: Yes, I know, I... [seeing an opportunity to divert Bob's attention] Oh, Roz! Roz, listen, I'd like you to meet, uh, Bob. Bob, this is Roz Doyle, the brilliant producer of my radio show. Roz: Gee, thanks, Frasier. Frasier: Of course, beauty and brains, huh? Ha, ha. Who said God doesn't give with both hands, huh? [Encouragingly] And, Roz, I believe, if I'm not mistaken you're, uh, available right now? Roz: [Interested] Maybe. So what brings you to this little soirée? Bob: Well, I'm Kirby's dad and Lana's ex, although hopefully not for long. Thanks to this man, I've decided to follow my heart and come back to the woman I really love. Roz: [realizing Frasier's motivation] Oh, really? SUMMARY:
Shelley Long and Bebe Neuwirth reprise their "Cheers" roles, confronting a troubled Frasier in dreamlike sequences.
TEXT: [We open with some serious ass ramming. It appears that Brian is f*cking a guy. The guy is on his hands and knees, gasping. You can see other people. Brian looks up and leans over to his right. Justin leans in. They kiss. Justin's got his own dick toy as he and Brian make out. They break away and lean back to ride in unison. Pan down to the two guys getting f*cked. One wears a cross around his neck. As he reaches orgasm, the cross twinkles in the blue light.] [Babylon. Lots of feathers and boas and jungle prints. Emmett, Ted, and Michael stand on the catwalk, overlooking the scene.] Emmett: I haven't seen Brian. Michael: He's with Justin. It's date night. [Ted yawns audibly.] Emmett: I'm sorry we keeping you up. Ted: No, it's the business. Working day and all night it's not the same as punching in 9-5 at Workshafters. Emmett: But just think - you're a success. Ted: But I have not much time to enjoy it. Michael: You need something to make your eyelids open. Emmett: Yeah, like him. [Cut to a pretty blond boy in a tiny t-shirt standing off to the side] Ted: Yeah, right! Those Norse God isn't interested in me. Michael: You're never know unless you try. Ted: Sure, what the hell. I'm too tired to care. Emett: What a boy! [Ted walkes to the blond boy.] Ted: Hi, how's goin'? [The blond won't even look over in Ted's direction.] Ted: I'm Ted. Maybe you could use this as a paper or something. [he's giving his card] Man: Is that you? Ted: Right. I'm the president. Man: Thor. How's about hook SUMMARY:
Michael fights to get Ben back in his life - he has to prove he can handle the HIV positive situation. Brian is introduced to his mother's minister - but they've already met (not in church). Ted has a really hard time dealing with some performance enhancing drugs.
TEXT: "In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name...Merlin". LONGSTEAD, THE HOWDENS' HOUSE - NIGHT John stirs the fire while Mary folds a blanket. John Howden: There's a chill in the air tonight. Mary chuckles. John Howden: What? Mary Howden: You say that every night. John Howden: Do I now? Mary Howden: Only for the last thirty years. Stop your fussing and come to bed. There is a scream outside. John lights a torch and gets up. Mary grabs his arm. Mary Howden: John...don't go outside, I'm begging you. John Howden: It's my duty. I'm the elder of this village. Mary Howden: John, please! John Howden: Lock the door behind me. Let no one in. No one, do you hear? John searches outside. He enters a common building and sees a door opening and closing with the wind. He steps through the doorway and a man falls on him. John supports him and looks at his pale, staring face. John Howden: Aldref? Aldref is limp on his feet, eyes wide. John looks around him. John Howden: Hello? Is there anybody there? Nearby a figure slithers out of sight. [SCENE_BREAK] OPENING TITLES [SCENE_BREAK] LOWER TOWN, GWEN'S HOUSE - DAY Gwen is at home. Someone knocks at the door. She opens it. Mary Howden: Gwen? Gwen: Mary? Mary Howden: I was told I might find you here. Gwen: Mary! (pulls Mary into her house). What a wonderful surprise! Mary Howden: I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Gwen: No, no, not at all. What brings you to Camelot? Mary Howden: I don't want to trouble you, Gwen. John and I, I...I know we haven't seen you for SUMMARY:
When the menfolk of Guinevere's home village fall victim to a mysterious illness, Gaius sends Merlin, along with Guinevere and the Knights, to cure them, but they are side-tracked by a waif-like girl, Lamia. Only Merlin and Guinevere suspect, rightly, that she is responsible, and soon the Knights fall under her spell, fighting each other. As Arthur rides out with Gaius, who has realised the girl's secret, the Knights succumb, one by one, to the same sickness. Merlin's magic protects him while he and Gwen fight her, but it is Arthur's timely arrival which kills the creature and prevents Merlin from revealing his powers. Gaius heals the knights as well as the villagers.
TEXT: 1. THE ROAD TO KARAKORUM (IAN and PING-CHO have confronted KUIJU about the stolen TARDIS.) IAN: Tegana... (Suddenly, TEGANA appears in the clearing, clutching his sword. PING-CHO screams as TEGANA grabs hold of her. IAN moves the dagger further towards KUIJU's throat as TEGANA moves closer.) IAN: I'll kill him. (TEGANA waves his sword impassively.) TEGANA: Do so. He is of no importance. (IAN hesitates as he moves the dagger millimetres from KUIJU's throat...) TEGANA: Come... come... (TEGANA tightens his grip on PING-CHO.) IAN: Will the mighty Warlord kill a child as well? TEGANA: If in my way, as you are. IAN: And Kublai Khan? Is he in your way too? TEGANA: I serve Noghai. And with that, he will rule the world. (TEGANA indicates the TARDIS.) IAN: Only the Doctor can make that work. TEGANA: Noghai's sorcerers will reveal its secrets. Now, enough of this game. (TEGANA extends his sword, just as LING-TAU and a group of warriors burst into the clearing.) LING-TAU: Disarm them! (The warriors quickly move through the party, confiscating IAN's dagger and TEGANA's sword. KUIJU suddenly makes a run for freedom...) LING-TAU: Stop him! (One of the warriors quickly intercepts KUIJU, and delivers the bandit a fatal blow with a sword. Kuiju cries out in agony...) LING-TAU: (To the warrior.) You fool! I did not command his death. TEGANA: (To LING-TAU.) My name is Tegana - the Warlord. Get rid of these men. (TEGANA indicates the warriors surrounding him.) LING-TAU: I am Ling SUMMARY:
Missing episode Arriving in Central Asia in 1289, the Doctor and his companions join the caravan of the famous Venetian explorer Marco Polo as it makes its way from the snowy heights of the Pamir Plateau, across the treacherous Gobi Desert and through the heart of imperial Cathay. Having witnessed many incredible sights and survived a variety of dangers, they arrive at the mighty Kublai Khan's Summer Palace in Shang-tu, where the Doctor strikes up an extraordinary friendship with the now-aged ruler. They move on at last to the even more sumptuous Imperial Palace in Peking, where the travellers save the Khan from an assassination attempt by the Mongol warlord Tegana - supposedly on a peace mission - before departing once more in the TARDIS.
TEXT: [Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Rachel, Joey, and Monica are sitting on the couch as Ross is up getting some coffee.] Monica: Okay, guys, listen, don't forget that tomorrow is the day that Emily gets married again, so whatever we do, just try to really keep Ross's mind off of it. Joey: Oh, yeah, good idea. (Ross returns.) Chandler: Hey man, what's up? Ross: (sits down at the table) Oh, eh, just thinking about Emily getting married tomorrow. (Joey panics.) Joey: Ooh, Ross, look! Look! (Points behind Ross.) Ross: (turning and looking) What? Where? Joey: Right over there! Right there! Look-look-look! Ross: What am I looking at? Joey: (to the rest of the gang) Somebody help me out here! Phoebe: (entering, with Gary) Hey! Gary: Hello! Monica: Hey! Gary: How are you? Phoebe: Monica, I'm sorry I didn't come by last night. I was out with Gary; he let me ride around with him in his cop car. We saw and prevented crimes. Joey: You got to go on a ride along?! Phoebe: Uh-huh! Joey: I want to go on a ride along! Ross: Me too! Gary: Okay! Chandler: Yeah, yeah! Me too! Gary: Really?! You? Chandler: Yeah. Gary: Well, it's kinda dangerous. Chandler: Well, I like danger. Gary: Okay, you guys free tonight? Joey and Ross: Yeah!! Chandler: Tonight? You-you didn't say it was going to be at nighttime. Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is kneeling at the coffee table and has a bunch of pictures laid out in front of her as Rachel enters.] Rachel: Hey! Monica: Hey! Oh, I'm so glad you're home, I thought tonight we could finally organize these photos! Rachel: Ohh, thank God! Finally! Monica: Okay, I've broken them down into categories. Okay, we have SUMMARY:
Ross, Joey, and Chandler go on a ride-along with Phoebe's cop boyfriend, Gary. Believing there are gunshots (which is a car backfiring), Joey attempts to protect his meatball sandwich, though Ross believes he was trying to save him. Chandler then thinks Joey cares more about Ross than him. Meanwhile, while borrowing margarita ingredients from Ross' apartment, Rachel overhears Emily leaving a message saying she is having doubts about going through with her wedding and wants Ross to consider them getting back together. When Rachel accidentally deletes the message, she agonises over telling Ross.
TEXT: [Mystic Falls' Hospital] (Alaric is on an MRI. Meredith and Elena are in the other side looking at the results) Elena: What are you looking for? Meredith: I don't know. A tumor, vascular anomalies. Anything physical that might explain his behavior. If it's medical, I can treat it Elena: And if it's not? Meredith: Well... Then we'll deal with that, too Elena: When did you suspect him? That it was Alaric who was killing all of those people? Meredith: It was after he told me about his ring. I remembered a story my grandmother had told me about Samantha Gilbert and her secret journal. I don't know if you know this, but we Fells are notorious busybodies Elena: Then why did you protect him? Meredith: Because I'm a doctor. I don't like to see someone hurt by something they have no control over. And, because when he and I first met, I felt like, I don't know, I... I just kind of want to help him (Alaric is in the MRI. He's looking at himself in the mirror above him. His reflection is different, has an evil look. He moves but his reflection doesn't. He freaks out and pushes the button) Alaric: No! Meredith! Meredith... Meredith: Everything all right in there? (He looks at his reflection and calms himself) Alaric: Yeah. Yeah, everything's OK (Alaric and Elena are in his room) Elena: Well, everything is normal Alaric: Because there is nothing wrong with me. I didn't kill Brian Walters, I didn't kill bill Forbes, and I sure as hell didn't shove a hunting knife into my stomach. Or I did, and I've gone insane, just like your ancestor, who... Wore that ring (He looks at the ring, laying on the piece of furniture) Elena: Look, I'm going to call Bonnie. The rings were made by a Bennett witch. Maybe a witch can reverse the damage Alaric: Take it. I don't want it anymore (She takes SUMMARY:
Meredith cannot find anything wrong with Alaric and he believes he is going crazy because of the ring so he gives it back to Elena. Elena and Damon fight about how to teach Stefan to feed on human blood. Caroline brings Abby some blood, but Abby is not handling being a vampire well after losing her connection to the earth. Sage returns to Mystic Falls to find Finn, the love of her life. Stefan tells her that Samantha Gilbert went crazy and killed herself. Damon seduces Rebekah with Sage's help. Bonnie says she can reverse the damage done to Alaric with a spell. Damon and Sage find the way to kill the originals: the old Wickery Bridge was made of white oak tree. Alaric attacks Meredith, but luckily Stefan and Elena arrive in time to save Meredith and Stefan manages to control his blood lust. Sage finds out that the Originals are linked and that Finn will be killed as well, so she betrays Damon and Rebekah burns the wood. Bonnie heals Alaric and forgives Elena for her part in her mother's death. Bonnie's mother leaves after losing control and attacking her surrogate son, Jamie. Damon finds another way to kill the Originals.
TEXT: [Scene: A night shot over the ocean. The sun is setting. And a voice over by Joey.] Joey: Ever have one of those days you wish you could live all over again? [Scene: The docks. Andie, Jack, Jen, Doug and Buzz are sitting by <unk>True Love<unk> waiting for the rest of the group to get there to christen the boat. Dawson and Mitch one riding up in the car to Join them] Andie: Oh, hey, look. There's Dawson and his dad. Mitch: Got the champagne? Dawson: Right here. Oop! Whoa. That was almost a disaster. Hey, guys. Buzz: Hello. Dawson: Hey. Buzz. Andie: So, uh, where's Joey? I thought she was coming with us. Dawson: She, uh, wanted to stop at a library first and plow through that Watergate history assignment. [Scene: Inside the boathouse. Joey and Pacey are there kissing and hugging each other quite a bit.] Joey: Come on. Let's go, Pacey. It's your boat we're planning on christening. Pacey: I own a boat? Joey: Mmm. No, we have to stop doing this. It's wrong. Pacey: Yes. Dead wrong. Joey: Pacey. Look, we've been in denial all week. I mean, when we're around other people, we pretend like nothing's changed, and then the minute we're alone, it turns into this. Pacey: This what? Joey: Well, this... Embarrassing grope fest. Pacey: Yeah, I guess this is kind of embarrassing, huh? Especially for you, given how much you protested. Joey: I did not protest. Pacey: You did too. Joey: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What? Pacey: I gotta tell him, Jo. We do. We gotta tell him as soon as possible, because the longer we wait, Jo, the worse it gets. Joey: No, Pacey. SUMMARY:
In a story reminiscent of the film Go, the day Pacey and Joey's relationship goes public is played out four times, each time revealing a little more of what happened. Capeside's newest couple struggle to tell Dawson about their relationship, but end up not needing to say anything after Jen unknowingly lets the cat out of the bag. Dawson is not the only one hurt by the relationship, as Andie also gets upset and sours her first date with Will. Dawson gives Joey an ultimatum; if she continues her relationship with Pacey, she will be subsequently ending their friendship. Joey is brokenhearted at losing either Dawson or Pacey, but reluctantly ends things with Pacey out of guilt.
TEXT: 2.20 - Help Wanted OPEN IN STARS HOLLOW [Lorelai and Rory are walking past the gazebo toward Luke's] RORY: What? LORELAI: Nothing. Are you tilting? RORY: No. LORELAI: I think you're tilting. RORY: I'm not tilting. LORELAI: Do you wanna hold onto my purse? It might even you out. RORY: Stop anytime you like. What are you doing? LORELAI: Well, I'm gonna get a pen and put it on top of your head and see if it rolls off. RORY: Okay, see, this is not how you console the injured. LORELAI: You're right, I'm sorry. [pulls a book out of her purse] How about this? RORY: The Little Locksmith! LORELAI: And I got it at the bookstore, paid full price. RORY: Thank you! LORELAI: You're welcome <unk> feel better? RORY: I do. LORELAI: can I put a pen on top of your head? RORY: No. Mom? LORELAI: Oh good, hold still. RORY: Forget the pen. LORELAI: Drat! RORY: When are you gonna tell me what happened between you and Luke? Was it bad? I mean, I'm sure it was bad, but how bad is bad? LORELAI: It was nothing. RORY: Really? LORELAI: Look, I was upset, he was upset, we had a thing. It's over, we're fine. RORY: A thing? LORELAI: A tiny thing. RORY: A tiny thing? LORELAI: A thinglet, if you will. RORY: You and Luke don't have thinglets very often. LORELAI: Oh no, Rory, everybody has thinglets, it's part of being a grown up. RORY: Well, what did he say? What did you say? LORELAI: Rory, please. RORY: Well, okay, fine, just answer SUMMARY:
Richard opens a new office and hires a secretary,named Karen, with Lorelai's help. Dean comes home with Rory sitting on his porch.She writes a note to Dean explaining what happened with her arm and the car that he made for her.Meanwhile,Lane falls in love with a drum set at the Stars Hollow's new music shop and discovers that becoming a rock drummer is her new dream in life. Rory is dismayed to discover that everyone blames Jess for the accident despite her protestations. To the consternation of all in Stars Hollow, Luke closes the diner and goes fishing.
TEXT: THE MONSTER OF PELADON BY: BRIAN HAYLES PART SIX 5:30pm - 5:55pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. TUNNEL OUTSIDE REFINERY (SSKEL arrives at the refinery. He looks round and sees the fallen Ice Warrior on the floor. He then goes over to the door, aims his sonic gun and fires...) [SCENE_BREAK] 2: INT. REFINERY (The DOCTOR is still looking over the controls.) DOCTOR: Directional coordinates are here... (SARAH sniffs the air.) SARAH: Something's burning. (She looks round and sees a tiny pin-point of smoking red on the metal door.) SARAH: Doctor, look! [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. THRONE ROOM AZAXYR: It appears that the Doctor is indeed alive. But Sskel has him the refinery. (THALIRA lowers her eyes at the inevitability.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: INT. TUNNEL OUTSIDE REFINERY (Two more Ice Warriors join SSKEL as he continues to blast at the metal door.) SSKEL: Help me. (They line up opposite the door.) [SCENE_BREAK] 5: INT. REFINERY (Within the refinery, the DOCTOR frantically re-sets the controls.) [SCENE_BREAK] 6: INT. TUNNEL OUTSIDE REFINERY (As the three Ice Warriors blast at the door, more and more of the metal melts away. A larger and larger hole is being created...) [SCENE_BREAK] 7: INT. REFINERY (SARAH and GEBEK run back from the door as smoke pours through the gaping hole and over to the DOCTOR.) SARAH: (Shouts.) Hurry, Doctor! There's a whole crowd of them out there now! GEBEK: (Shouts.) They'll be through any minute, SUMMARY:
The Doctor turns the Aggedor spirit against the Ice Warriors to aid the Peladonians in their battle but Eckersley attacks him with the security system.
TEXT: [SCENE: Chandler and Monica's apartment] (Ross and Rachel enter) Rachel: Hi! Ross: Hey! So what's the big news you had us rush all the way over here for? Chandler: Okay, our news. My company has asked me to head up our office in Tulsa, so as of Monday I'm being officially relocated. Ross: Oh my God! Phoebe: What?! Rachel: What?! Ross: Monday?! Joey: How long do you have to go for? Chandler: They said it could be up to a year. Joey: A year?! Rachel: (To Monica) Do you have to go? Monica: I kind of have to don't I? Because of this stupid thing (Points to her wedding ring.) Chandler: There is nothing like the support of your loving wife, huh? Joey: Wait a minute, you can't go to Tulsa. Maybe you forgot, but we've got tickets to the Jets game next week. Chandler: I'm sorry buddy, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it. Joey: We were gonna go see the Jets! Ross: You can't go, I mean you're the glue that holds this group together! Chandler: Really? Ross: Not you. Joey: I can't believe you guys are moving. Phoebe: I call their apartment!!! Everyone: No!!! Ah!! Ahh!!! [INTRO] [SCENE: Central Perk] Joey: Here you are (Hands Rachel a cup of coffee) Rachel: Thank you Joey. You know what? I'm not even sure I can have caffeine. Ross: I went thru this with Ben and Carol. One cup of coffee won't affect your milk. Rachel: Yeah. Just to be sure I'm gonna call Dr. Wiener. Joey: (Laughs) Rachel: Every time? (She takes up her cell phone and starts dialing.) Joey: Uhuh. Ross: Rach, you don't have to call whenever you have a little question, okay? Trust me, I know this. Rachel: All right, I trust you. (Continues to dial) Ross: Rachel, I SUMMARY:
Monica is offered a great job in New York City and Chandler, unable to get out of moving to Tulsa, is forced to commute back and forth between the two cities. Phoebe and Joey set each other up on blind dates. Joey finds a complete stranger named Mike ( Paul Rudd ) for Phoebe's date. Rachel's pediatrician, Dr. Weiner, drops her due to her obsessive phone calls. She then takes Emma to Dr. Gettleman, Ross and Monica's pediatrician as children, but learns that Ross is still his patient.
TEXT: [Scene: Manor. Attic. Phoebe and Paige are there. Phoebe is laying on a couch and Paige is standing in front of a pin board with all bits and pieces pinned to it.] Paige: Come on, I know we can figure this out. Phoebe: You've been saying that for three weeks now. Paige: Lady, can I get a little help over here, please? Phoebe: Okay, but you don't have to yell at me, I feel bad enough as it is. Paige: Look, it's not your fault that the demon is one step ahead of us. Phoebe: Yeah, but if I hadn't lost my powers, we would have found him by now. Paige: Well, you did, so we just have to keep doing what we're doing. Phoebe: You mean what you've been doing, which is pretty much everything around here. You're like the last sister standing. I don't know how you're doing it. Paige: I've just been taking lots of naps. Phoebe: Yeah, I've noticed. (Phoebe stands up.) You know, part of me just thinks we should let him do his thing, you know. I mean, a demon killing other demons. Is that so bad? Paige: Well, it is when we don't know who it is or why they're doing it. You know, it could be some sort of power base coming along to take us on. Phoebe: Yeah. Should we get Piper out of magic school? Paige: No, she's safe there, she stays. Phoebe: There's just no rhyme or reason to his attacks, you know. They're just wacky. Paige: My gut says he's gonna go after the Smoker demons tonight. Phoebe: Why? Paige: Because Mercury is in retrograde and that is when they surface. Phoebe: That's an interesting theory. Paige: Yeah, well, all I know is that the sooner we nail this guy, the sooner I get back SUMMARY:
With Piper away at Magic School and Phoebe without her powers, an overworked Paige re-conjures "Mr. Right" for stress relief, but unknowingly releases his evil twin, a demon called Vincent who immediately hatches a plot to separate the sisters while sending assassins after witches. Appealing to Paige's dark side, Mr. Wrong / Vincent uses his pheromones to trick her into realizing that the only way to achieve her secret desire is to be free and use her magic without fear of consequence, eventually killing her sisters. Chris accidentally gets arrested for stealing a car to chase Vincent and Darryl will not cover. To prevent Paige from executing his plan, Phoebe goes undercover as one of Mr. Wrong's Demonatrix assassins. Paige and Phoebe try to keep Piper out of the situation, but that backfires when Paige, under Vincent's control, kidnaps her so that the Demonatrix assassins can kill her. Phoebe regains confidence in herself when she makes Mr. Right real to test a potion that will make Vincent real so he can be vanquished and infiltrates the Demonatrixes. As the Demonatrixes are about to kill a confused Piper, Phoebe saves her and together they vanquish them. They go after Vincent who is confident they cannot harm him as they do not have the potion to make him real, but Phoebe takes the chance that making Mr. Right real will turn him real too. She proves to be right and Vincent is easily vanquished which breaks his hold over Paige. Later, Leo erases the memory of the car dealership manager to save Chris from having to go to jail.
TEXT: THE TRIAL OF A TIME LORD PART FOURTEEN (THE ULTIMATE FOE) Run time: 29:30 [SCENE_BREAK] Beach [SCENE_BREAK] The Doctor: No! Glitz: Doctor! Hang on! Where are you? Oh, no. Don't give in! I'm coming! Glitz: Doctor. Glitz: What a way to go. All in all, he wasn't a bad old codger. Honest, of course. Still, nobody's perfect. The Doctor (O.C.): And that's the clue. Nobody is. Not even the Valeyard. Glitz: Oh, great cosmic protector of grafters and dissemblers, save me. Save me! A voice from the grave. The Doctor (O.C.): No, a grave voice. The Doctor: Bad joke. But everything round here is a bad joke. Glitz: No mud? But I saw. Your ankle armour. Glitz: I don't get it. The Doctor: Oh, do concentrate, Glitz. How often must I tell you? We're not dealing with reality. Valeyard: Why waste your breath on that simple minded oaf. Valeyard: You cannot speak as though reality is a one-dimensional concept. Valeyard: Fortunately, there is a reality that you and I can both agree on. The ultimate reality. The Doctor: Death? Valeyard: The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns. The Doctor: Puzzles the will. Hamlet, act three scene one. Valeyard: I really must curb these urges. I've no wish to be contaminated by your whims and idiosyncrasies. The Doctor: Quite so. But what I don't comprehend... Glitz: He's over here, Doc. Slippery customer, your other persona. The Doctor: What I don't comprehend is why you want me dead. No. No, let me rephrase that. It would satisfy my curiosity to know why you should go to such extraordinary lengths to kill me. Valeyard: Come now, Doctor. How else can I obtain my freedom, operate as SUMMARY:
The Doctor continues his quest to capture and stop the Valeyard, the Master assists him with the help of Glitz, leaving everyone to wonder if the Master may have plans of his own for the Doctor and the Time Lords. As things progress, in the strange world of the Valeyard the Doctor comes closer to either stopping the Valeyards evil plans or the end of his existence.
TEXT: VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars... Veronica follows Danny Boyd through the back door into the River Stix in 208 "Ahoy, Mateys!" VERONICA VOICEOVER: I've walked right in to the River Styx, home base for the Fighting Fitzpatricks. There are flashes of Danny, Liam Fitzpatrick, and Liam throwing Veronica onto the pool table. Cut to Griffith at the sheriff's department in 206 "Rat Saw God." GRIFFITH: I have information about that Mexican kid who got killed. Cut to Logan and Hannah in an empty classroom in 214 "Versatile Toppings." LOGAN: Your dad is in deep to the Fitzpatrick family. Cut to Veronica chastising Logan in 215 "The Quick and the Wed." VERONICA: Toying with a sweet little girl's heart just to screw with her dad. Cut to Veronica heading for and opening the metal cupboard in the hangar in 214 "Versatile Toppings." VERONICA: [offscreen] Jackie and I borrowed one of Terrence's cars tonight. I was digging around where he keeps them... Cut to Veronica telling Keith. VERONICA:...and I found some sort of explosive. Cut to Keith at the hangar in 215 "The Quick and the Wed." KEITH: Is that C-4? LAMB: You'll have to wait for the press conference. Cut to Troy approaching Veronica as she deals with her flat tyre in the car park at Neptune High in 102 "Credit Where Credit's Due." TROY: Flat? VERONICA: Just as god made me. TROY: I'm Troy, by the way. VERONICA: I'm Veronica. Cut to Troy and Veronica making out outside the door to the Mars' apartment in 104 "The Wrath of Con." Cut to Veronica and Troy at his locker in 105 "You Think You Know Somebody." VERONICA: I'm just glad we weren't dating when you were kicked out of those two schools for drug possession and trafficking SUMMARY:
On a visit to Hearst College , Veronica runs into ex-boyfriend and drug dealer Troy Vandergraff, who claims to have reformed from his old life. The very next day, Troy is charged with a brutal date-rape and asks Veronica to help prove his innocence. Despite achieving his goals through the relationship, Logan feels guilty for hurting Hannah.
TEXT: : The apartment. Raj: Knight to queen's bishop-five. Howard: Oh, very nice. What's Leonard going to do? Does he give up the pawn or does he give up the position? Raj: Let's find out. Leonard, ready? Leonard: Ready. Raj: Go. (Leonard sprays an aerosol which lights up laser beams. He tries to negotiate the beams as Howard and Raj sing dramatic music. Eventually he touches one of the beams and a buzzer sounds.) Leonard: Damn it. I slipped. Howard: Too bad. You know the rules of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chess. Uh, Leonard died again, Sheldon. You're up. Sheldon: Despite my deep love of chess, lasers and aerosol disinfectant, I must forfeit. Leonard: Why? Sheldon: - Because it's almost eleven o'clock. Leonard: So? Sheldon: So, Penny has a don't knock on my door before eleven o'clock or I punch you in the throat rule. All: Ah. Howard: Hey, you know what'd be a great idea? We get some girls over here and play Laser Obstacle Strip Chess. Leonard: Believe me, Howard, any girl who would be willing to play that, you don't want to see naked. Howard: You underestimate me. Scene: Outside Penny's door. Sheldon stands looking at his watch with his hand poised to knock. At the right moment he starts knocking. Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny, (knock, knock, knock) Penny, (knock, knock, knock) Penny. Penny: Hey, Sheldon. Sheldon: It's eleven am. Penny: I know. You're safe. Sheldon: This package came while you were at work. Penny: Oh, great, my rhinestones. Thank you. Sheldon: Excuse me. Penny: What? Sheldon: You have to sign this. Penny: What is it? Sheldon: When I signed for the package, I was deputized by the United Par SUMMARY:
Penny develops home-made hair barrettes she calls 'Penny Blossoms' and aims to turn them into a profitable homebased business. With Sheldon's help, Penny develops an efficient assembly line, and Howard, Raj and Leonard later join in. Leonard designs the sales website, and they immediately get an order for a thousand Penny Blossoms from the East Rutherford, New Jersey Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender Alliance. Despite their initial happiness, they realize Leonard accidentally included a one-day rush shipping option on the website, so the group has to work all night to fulfill the order. However, the next morning, they discover that the same group doubled their order, and the guys quit in exhaustion. Sheldon, drinking coffee to stay awake, races around the apartment dressed as The Flash while attempting to help Penny with the new order.
TEXT: 5:40pm - 6:05pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1: INT. CONTROL ROOM (A DALEK glides up to a control panel and observes the readings. It turns to a communicator.) FIRST DALEK: Our greatest enemies have left the planet Xeros. They are once again in time and space. SECOND DALEK: (OOV: over tannoy.) They cannot escape! Our time machine will soon follow them. They will be exterminated! Exterminated! Exterminated! [SCENE_BREAK] 2: VORTEX (The TARDIS flies through the space and time vortex...) [SCENE_BREAK] 3: INT. TARDIS. CONSOLE ROOM (The DOCTOR fiddles with a huge machine on one side of the console room. Upright and circular in shape, it has a screen in its centre that is surrounded by a multitude of dials and switches. VICKI stands nearby, whistling horribly out of tune.) DOCTOR: Don't whistle, dear, please? Hmm? VICKI: Well, have you nearly finished Doctor? (The DOCTOR gesticulates and answers with a component from the machine clenched between his teeth, making the reply completely undecipherable. VICKI smiles. She holds another component - a vaguely rectangular metal plate. After a second she starts tunelessly whistling again.) DOCTOR: (Angrily, again with his mouth full.) Stop whistling! Hmm! VICKI: (Slamming the plate down.) Well, can I do anything to help?! DOCTOR: (Still with his mouth full.)... buzz off now, hmm! (VICKI storms out of the room, but stops to slam the metal plate down, again distracting the DOCTOR.) [SCENE_BREAK] 4: INT. TARDIS. LIVING AREA (IAN is reading a book called " Monsters from outer space." VICKI stands behind him.) VICKI: What are you reading? IAN: Hmm SUMMARY:
The travellers learn from the Time-Space Visualiser taken from theMoroks' museum that Daleks equipped with their own time machine are on their trail with orders to exterminate them. They flee in the TARDIS. The chase begins on the desert planet Aridius and takes in a number of stopping-off points, including a spooky haunted house which is actually a futuristic fun-fair attraction. Eventually both time machines arrive on the jungle planet Mechanus, where the Daleks try to infiltrate and kill the Doctor's party with a robotic double of him. The travellers are taken prisoner by the Mechonoids - robots sent some fifty years earlier to prepare landing sites for human colonists who never arrived - and meet Steven Taylor, a stranded astronaut who has been the Mechonoids' captive for the past two years. The Daleks and the Mechonoids engage in a fierce battle which ends in their mutual destruction. The Doctor's party seizes this opportunity to escape. The Doctor reluctantly helps Ian and Barbara to use the Daleks' time machine to return home.
TEXT: [OPENING CREDITS] [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DOWNTON ABBEY, GROUNDS - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [Bates walks out of the front gate.] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. POST OFFICE - DAY] Postmistress: There you are, Mr Bates, it's in. Came this morning. [The woman hands Bates a paper.] Mr Bates: I said it would, which isn't quite the same thing. [Gwen enters the shop and is surprised to run into Bates.] Mr Bates: Hello. I could've posted that for you. Gwen: Well, I prefer to do it myself. Mr Bates: I'll wait outside. [Gwen waits for Bates to pass, then approaches the counter and eagerly passes her parcel to the postmistress.] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. HOUSEMAIDS' BEDROOM - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [Anna stands on a chair trying to move a large case on top of the cupboard, but it won't budge. Gwen enters and Anna almost falls.] Gwen: What are you doing? Anna: If you must know, I'm trying to find some space on top of the cupboard to make life easier. [Gwen closes the door and Anna gets off the chair.] Anna: So, what's in it, then? Gwen: What? Anna: The bleeding great packing case that weighs a ton, that's what. Gwen: Can't you just leave it? Anna: No, I can't. And you'll tell me right now. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DOWNTON ABBEY, GROUNDS - DAY] [SCENE_BREAK] [Cora walks up to the bench where Mary is reading a letter.] Cora, Countess of Grantham: Anything interesting? Lady Mary: Not particularly. It's from Evelyn Napier. You met him at the Delta Fields last November at Doncaster races SUMMARY:
March 1913. Evelyn Napier, son of a peer visits the family with a dashing Turkish diplomat, Mr Kemal Pamuk, who is in London for the Albanian independence negotiations , and Mary is smitten. Thomas is also attracted to him. Mr Pamuk comes into Mary's room and seduces her, but he dies in her bed. To avert a scandal, Mary is forced to get Anna and her mother to move Pamuk's body back to his room. Cora is horrified by Mary's behaviour but promises not to tell Robert.
TEXT: Ted from 2030: Kids, in the fall of 2010, I was hosting my very first Thanksgiving. And I wanted it to be unforgettable. The Bar Ted: Instead of stuffing, I'm going to fill the turkey with... a slightly smaller turkey. It's called a Turturkeykey! Lily: A Turturkeykey? Robin: Yeah, I was there for the "insertion." He used shoehorns. I'll be having sides. Ted: Your loss. All right, it's dead in here. I'm gonna call it a little early. Barney: What? No! You can't go now. It's the night before Thanksgiving. College chicks are back in town. Their moms just made a snide comment about the weight they gained. They called her a bitch, but deep down, they know she's right. And they're about to walk through that door, where we will be waiting with some light beer and some rock hard approval. Wh-what u-up? Marshall: Yeah. You don't want to bail early, man. You could become The Blitz. Ted from 2030: Blitz was a guy we knew in college. Sadly, he was cursed. [FLASHBACK] Blitz: Well... I'm calling it a little early. Ted: Wh... you sure? We got big plans. Marshall: Yeah. Remember how last week we fired up a sandwich, and we listened to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon while watching The Wizard of Oz? Ted: Well, tonight, we're doing the same thing, only with "Weird Al" Yankovic's Greatest Hits and Apocalypse Now. Marshall: We'll see what happens. Blitz: Nah, it's Kraft/Croft night: mac and cheese and Tomb Raider. Biz-zow! Ted from 2030: You see, every time Blitz left a place, something amazing happened. (A woman enters the room with only a towel on her) Woman: Oh! I'm sorry. I thought this was my room. (The towel falls down. Later...) Ted: Completely naked! Marshall: Completely naked! Blitz: Aw SUMMARY:
When Ted leaves the bar early to prepare a Thanksgiving feast for his friends, the gang winds up partying all night with The Blitz, an old friend from college who has bad luck. As a result Ted is forced to spend Thanksgiving with Zoey.
TEXT: ARC OF INFINITY BY: JOHNNY BYRNE Part Four First Air Date: 12 January 1983 Running time: 24:28 [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: We know who you are. OMEGA (on monitor): That changes nothing. Transfer will take place as planned. BORUSA: But you are anti-matter. DOCTOR: You seriously believe you can reverse what happened? OMEGA (on monitor): Oh yes, Doctor. BORUSA: Not without Hedin's help. Your friend is dead. DOCTOR: Omega, listen! BORUSA: Omega must be found and stopped. DOCTOR: We know he's on Earth. NYSSA: He has a friend of ours captive. Tegan, an Earthwoman. BORUSA: Would she know their precise location? DOCTOR: Perhaps, but I would have to enter the Matrix to find out. NYSSA: No. Omega's mad. He'll kill her. DOCTOR: Please, Nyssa NYSSA: You know that DOCTOR: Wait in the TARDIS! Please. DOCTOR: Even if we know where Omega is, can the TARDIS leave Gallifrey? BORUSA: We will contrive a way for you to leave. [SCENE_BREAK] DOCTOR: Well, Omega, you've won. We can't stop you now. OMEGA: It cost Hedin's life to convince you. DOCTOR: That was an accident. Is Tegan safe? OMEGA: She is. DOCTOR: Prove it. Let me speak to her. TEGAN: Help us, Doctor. My cousin, he's sick. We're in an underground crypt behind a fountain OMEGA: Silence, girl! DOCTOR: I told you, you've won. Even if we know where you are, we can't leave Gallifrey. You know that. TEGAN: Holland, Doctor. Amsterdam. OMEGA: Tell him the precise location and you will die. TEGAN: JHC! OMEGA: Silence! DOCTOR: She's unharmed? OMEGA: Of course SUMMARY:
The Doctor having returned to Earth, finds Omega's Tardis and is not able to prevent Omega's transfer upon arrival. Omega being of anti-matter and unstable is on the verge of destroying the planet in his attempt to regain a body.
TEXT: Skyline: The light atop the space needle flashes. ACT 1 Scene 1 - Café Nervosa. Roz and Frasier are seated. Kenny brings them coffee. Roz: Oh, thank you for the coffee, Kenny. Kenny: Oh, you don't have to thank me. We're not keeping score. Life's too short to keep track of who owes who for this or that or whatnot. Let's just enjoy ourselves. Frasier: Whatever you want, Kenny, the answer is no. Kenny: [caught] Just hear me out. Look, I need a favor but before I tell you what it is, I want you to look at this. He hands Frasier a stack of papers. Frasier looks at it. Frasier: "KACL Psychographics." Kenny: We hired a firm to sift through the program data and give us a kind of profile on each show's average listener. Frasier: All right, let's see. [reading] Gil's average listener is a woman, mid-30's, well-educated, hmmm... What about my average listener. Who is she? Kenny: [taking the papers] Well, actually, uh, she's an older gentleman... [Frasier reacts unhappily] who likes to keep the radio on for company. Roz: Ouch. Frasier: Oh, and Roz, it seems a number of listeners think you're a man. Roz: What?! Frasier: [indicating the data] I'm sorry the-the station spent its money on this nonsense, but this research is patently absurd. Kenny: Regardless, you could really stand to increase your audience in the youth market. Frasier: Well, I thought we upped the advertising budget for that very reason. Kenny: I did, but I need some help. How would you like to be a guest on Teen Scene? Frasier: I'm sorry, Kenny. I've done that show before, I'm not doing it again. Kenny: Doc, you could SUMMARY:
Kenny announces to Frasier and Roz that some recent research into KACL listeners shows that Frasier's average listener is an older gentleman who keeps the radio on for company. He suggests Frasier reach out to the youth, by appearing on Teen Scene ; Frasier, who appeared once before on that show, refuses initially, but when approached for an autograph by a young woman working for a hospice, he reluctantly consents. The representative of the Teen Scene panel whom he meets first, Emily, seems very intelligent and pleasant. Things change drastically when the show starts, and the panel asks Frasier numerous probing questions about his personal life. Fortunately, Kirby Gardner, who went to the same school as the panel members, is on hand to help out by providing Frasier with embarrassing information about the trio. The next day, Frasier enacts his revenge against Teen Scene , embarrassing all three of them. Meanwhile, Niles decides to steal a street sign with Daphne's name on it as a romantic gesture. Daphne discovers that Martin kissed a woman named Peg at a work party, and although he insists that it was nothing special, he spends a few days waiting by the telephone in case she calls.
TEXT: SCENE: The Land Without Magic in the nineteenth-century. Past. Baelfire has just come out of the portal and takes a look at his new surroundings-London, England. [SCENE_BREAK] Baelfire: What is this place? [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Nineteenth-century London. Past. Six months have passed. Baelfire is now living on the streets, cold and hungry, when he eyes an open window to a wealthy family's house. The scene then shifts to Baelfire in the house, where he notices several loaves of bread and begins to eat when an enormous dog barks from under the table and a girl enters. [SCENE_BREAK] Girl: Stop! (Picks up a heavy object) Right. Who are you? What do you want? Baelfire: Please, I don't mean any harm. I was just... (Drops a loaf of bread) Girl: Oh. You're hungry. (She hands him the tray of bread.) Here. Take as much as you like. Baelfire: Reallly? Girl: (Laughs) Well, I'm not about to let you starve to death. What's your name? Baelfire: Bae. Girl: Bae? How unusual. I'm Wendy. Wendy Darling. [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. In one of the bed and breakfast rooms at six A.M., Neal is in bed when he is woken up by Tamara, who is getting ready to go for a run. [SCENE_BREAK] Neal: How about you sleep in just this once? Tamara: Marathon's in 3 weeks. I have to train. Neal: Come back to bed. I'll give you a workout. Tamara: I'll see you later. (She kisses him good-bye and runs off.) Neal: Okay. Bye. (He attempts to go back to sleep when he overhears his father outside.) [SCENE_BREAK] SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Outside the Rabbit Hole, Mr. Gold is holding Dr. Whale under his foot while Lacey looks SUMMARY:
Emma, Mary Margaret and David go in search of Regina when they discover that she - along with some magic beans - have gone missing. But against Neal's protests, Emma still believes that Tamara had something to do with Regina's disappearance; and Mr. Gold contemplates telling Lacey the truth about his ability to conjure magic. Meanwhile, after Rumplestiltskin abandons his son and lets him travel alone through a portal, young Bae finds himself back in 19th century London and is taken in by the Darling family -- befriending their daughter Wendy.
TEXT: [INT. VARIOUS DANCE CLUB - NIGHT] (People in a dance club party, the music blaring.) (Two girls and a guy hurry into one of the rooms.) (In one of the darkened private rooms, a man and a woman are in bed.) [INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - BEDROOM - NIGHT] (Bianca Desmond enters the bedroom. Chelsea Wannamaker is in bed sleeping. Bianca climbs into bed with Chelsea and lies down, staring at her. She brushes the hair from her face, waking her.) Chelsea Wannamaker: Hey, lady. Hey. Bianca Desmond: I can't sleep. Chelsea Wannamaker: You want to try to eat something? Bianca Desmond: Yeah. Chelsea Wannamaker: All right. I'll go get Ahren. You get dressed. (Chelsea climbs out of bed. She picks up her robe and puts it on.) Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren? (She heads out of the bedroom.) [INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - STAIRS / GARAGE - NIGHT -- CONTINUOUS] (Chelsea goes down the stairs.) Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren? (She walks through the house looking for Ahren.) Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren? (She heads for the garage. She opens the garage door and gasps.) Chelsea Wannamaker: Ahren... (She finds Ahren dead in the center of the floor in a large pool of blood. She goes down the garage steps.) Chelsea Wannamaker: (gasps) Ahren... Ahren... FLASH TO: [INT. DESMOND RESIDENCE - GARAGE - NIGHT] (David Phillips is in the garage with the body. Brass stands near the tape just outside the open garage door. He holds up the tape as Grissom and Warrick both duck into the garage.) Brass: Okay, Ahren Green, 29 years old, lives here with Bianca Desmond, that's the brunette. The blonde is Chelsea Wannamaker. She was just spending the night SUMMARY:
The CSIs investigate the stabbing of a motocross racer who was about to leave town with a woman he had been living with. Meanwhile, as Catherine and Nick investigate the death of an accountant hit by her own car, Nick comes closer to the truth about his kidnapping.
TEXT: Transcribed exclusively for INT. MEREDITH'S HOUSE (Meredith is lying in her bed.) MEREDITH (V.O.): Surgeons usually fantasize about wild and improbable surgeries. Someone collapses in a restaurant; we splice them open with a butter knife. Replace a valve with a hollowed-out stick of carrot. But every now and then, some other kind of fantasy slips in. (Meredith turns to her left, where Derek is lying in her bed, naked.) DEREK: Good morning. MEREDITH: Good morning. (Derek and Meredith kiss. Derek then looks over to Meredith's right, where we see Finn on the other side of the bed.) DEREK: Good morning. FINN: It is a good morning. (Meredith rolls over to face Finn.) Hi. MEREDITH: Hi. (They kiss.) FINN: Did you get any sleep last night? MEREDITH: Not really. DEREK: Do you want to get some now? MEREDITH: Not really. (Both Derek and Finn lean in towards Meredith, but a loud thump pulls her from her dream.) GEORGE: Ow! MEREDITH (V.O.): Most of our fantasies dissolve when we wake. Banished to the back of our mind. But sometimes we're sure, if we try hard enough, we can live the dream. (Meredith tries to go back to sleep. Another louder thump comes from the hallway. Meredith gets up from her bed and opens her door. In the hallway, George is wrestling with some cardboard boxes) GEORGE: Damn! Stupid! Ow! MEREDITH: I was having a really good dream and you ruined it. GEORGE: Sorry. These boxes... Oh there boxes! Callie said she was bringing her stuff over and... it's all here. MEREDITH: It's OK George, I don't mind. GEORGE: I don't mind either. SUMMARY:
Cristina is determined to help Burke overcome his hand tremor and get back into the operating room. Izzie attempts to return to the hospital for the first time since she left the program, but ends up standing in front of the hospital all day, unable to go in and confront Webber. Alex treats a young patient who has a long history of injuries, leading him to suspect abuse. It is discovered that she can't feel pain which makes her believe she is a super hero. Derek and Cristina treat a man who elects to have brain surgery so he is able to look after his child. George gets annoyed at Callie after she moves in with him, resulting in them arguing over a patient. Meredith gets annoyed as both Derek and Finn interrupt the other as they are dating her. Mark is determined to get back together with Addison, but she continuously refuses him.
TEXT: Opening scene - The Cohen's kitchen. Sandy, Kirsten, Seth & Ryan are in there, and there is food everywhere! Kirsten is looking at recipes which Seth isn't happy about, lol Seth: (to Kirsten) mom-mom no-no recipes, put them away! Kirsten: (ignoring him) this is Ryan's first thanksgiving in the house and we're gonna make this meal as a family Seth: (following her) ah-ha ok seriously where's Rosa Kirsten: no Rosa, just us. I for one-am ready-for this challenge Seth: dad the take out menus Kirsten: Sandy! Sandy: (sighs) you sure you wanna do this honey Seth: mom no (desperate) NO we're not ruining thanksgiving Kirsten: who said we are? Seth: I wait for this event every year mom, please thanksgiving is my favourite it's my favourite holiday, everyone knows this Ryan: was never really into the holidays Kirsten: all the more reason to make this special... (unsure) are there pans, are there any pans anywhere Sandy: not inspiring alotta confidence darling Seth: do you know what I dream about when I dream about thanksgiving which is-which is often (dramatic) I dream about eating SO much deliciousness that all the blood rushes to my stomach and I pass out at the table (hits the table) please don't deny me that! Ryan: (looks at him) that's just weird Kirsten: (with a pot in her hand) well I guess we should start with the (unsure) do I...uh (grabs the turkeys legs and lifts it) Sandy: (to Seth) aww that's just how she held you as a baby Kirsten: (looks at him) Sandy! um I guess we should just um start...basting? (Seth gives Sandy a 'do something' look) Sandy: I'll tell you what, I'll baste Seth: that's a good idea Kirsten: well, are you-are you sure Sandy: (pushing her SUMMARY:
Used to be Seth couldn't find a girl. Now he has two - Anna and Summer show up for Thanksgiving. Ryan also has double trouble, as he and Marissa visit his old neighborhood and encounter an ex-flame.
TEXT: Andy: [looking at Angela's costume] Approved! [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: [claps] Chef from South Park, it's genius! Stanley: Just some chef. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: I've decided to pre-screen all the Halloween costumes this year. I have three simple rules - don't be offensive, don't be cliche, and don't take the first two rules too seriously. [SCENE_BREAK] Kevin: The gorilla from Rise of the Planet of the Apes? Huh? The one who sacrifices his life. Andy: Whoa! Aw, spoiler alert. Kevin: It's been out for ages, man. Andy: Costume vetoed. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Ah, it's, uh... somebody's already called that. Phyllis: Who? Andy: Kevin has a gorilla suit you could borrow. [SCENE_BREAK] Kelly: This is ridiculous! Why can't there just be two Kate Middleton's? Andy: Guys, I know, I mean, I wish there could be, too. It's like, I can't choose. They're both amazing. It's just... Kelly: Look, I stayed up all night and I watched that gd wedding, and then I came to work and I made everyone else watch it all day. Meredith wasn't even here. Meredith: Because I was there. [shows Kelly her cell phone video] Your the people's princess! Diana was nothing! Andy: I thought you were at your sister's funeral. Meredith: What I said was, "My sister's funeral is this weekend." Didn't say I'd be there. [SCENE_BREAK] Meredith: Why is it such a shock that I follow the royal story? Warms my heart, thinking about them two kids, doing it. [SCENE_BREAK] Andy: Um, can I, maybe, squeeze through? Erin: Here you go. Andy: There you go. Thank you. [SCENE_BREAK] Erin: When they talk about all the nice things about dating a coworker, SUMMARY:
Erin tries to make the annual Halloween party spooky and non-childish, with help from Gabe Lewis ( Zach Woods ). Dwight becomes friends with Robert's son ( David Mazouz ), and Pam and Jim debate the existence of ghosts. Meanwhile, Robert tries to figure out everyone's deepest fears in order to culminate the party with a specially-tailored ghost story.
TEXT: Rotunda Prison SLOANE: I placed something powerful in that box. And now the Covenant has it, and that terrifies me. I secured that box so it could only be opened by keys that Rambaldi himself had hidden. Bomani and Sark found the keys, (beat) which means they have the heart. Di Regno heart is an engine designed to power Rambaldi's ultimate creation... Il Dire, which means The Telling. What they will witness is nothing short of resurrection, as if Rambaldi is reaching through the centuries to deliver a message. While he's talking, Sark and Bomani are shown activating Il Dire, and it's shown writing DIXON: The Covenant is after a weapon, the passenger. How will Il Dire help them obtain it? SLOANE: If I help, will you stay my execution? DIXON: No, I will not. DIXON: We're done here. SLOANE: I'll talk to Jack Bristow about the passenger. DIXON: There will be no deal. SLOANE: You make that quite clear. Dixon's just a little bit obsessed about seeing Sloane's execution go through. No shock there. [SCENE_BREAK] Rotunda WEISS: There's been some kind of cyber-attack, Dixon's ready to brief us. WEISS: You know, Syd, nobody would blame you for hating him for going back to her. SYDNEY: He's not the one I hate. How horrible does that sound? WEISS: Well I'm mad at her, and I don't even think he's that cute. SYDNEY: But it's not just about them being together. My dad thinks Lauren's leaking information to the Covenant. WEISS: I don't understand. Didn't Senator Reed confess to being the leak before he died? SYDNEY: Yes, and his confessions answered all the questions my father had raised. But I... I can't help it, I still have doubts. WEISS: Alright, let me ask you a question. Do you think she's the mole, or do you just want SUMMARY:
Sydney and Jack warn a disbelieving Vaughn about their suspicions of Lauren being the CIA mole. Meanwhile, Bomani and Sark take possession of the Rambaldi machine, Sydney and Vaughn must stop a Covenant computer virus that's crippling medical facilities around the world, Sloane's secret is revealed to Jack, and Bomani begins to lose faith in Lauren's ability to carry out her Covenant missions.
TEXT: Scene: The Apartment. Sheldon: Damn you, Leonard: Problem? Sheldon: The online description was completely misleading, they said eight slots plus removable ID, to any rational person that would mean room for nine cards, but they don't tell you the removable ID takes up one slot, it's a nightmare. Leonard: Okay, now, do you really need the honorary Justice League of America membership card? Sheldon: It's been in every wallet I've owned since I was five. Leonard: Why? Sheldon: It says keep this on your person at all times. (Knock on door) It's right here under Batman's signature. Leonard opens door. Raj and Howard are outside. Raj is holding a laptop which is open. His parents are on the screen. Raj: And this is Leonard and Sheldon's apartment. Howard: Guess whose parents just got broadband. Raj: May I present, live from New Delhi, Dr and Mrs V. M. Koothrappali. Leonard: Hi. Dr Koothrappali: Lift up the camera. I'm looking at his crotch. Raj: Sorry papa. Dr Koothrappali: Oh, there's much better. Hi. Leonard: Hi! Raj: And over here is Sheldon. Sheldon: Hi. Raj: He lives with Leonard. Mrs Koothrappali: Oh, that's nice. Like Haroun and Tanweer. Raj: No, no, not like Haroun and Tanweer. Mrs Koothrappali: Such sweet young men, they just adopted the cutest little Punjabi baby. Leonard: Yeah, we're not like Haroun and Tanweer! Dr Koothrappali: So are you boys academics like our son? Together: Yes. Dr Koothrappali: And your parents are comfortable with your limited earning potential? Together: Not at all. Raj: Papa, please don't start. Dr Koothrappali: God, it's just a question, he's so sensitive. Raj: Okay, that's my life, that's my friends, good to see you, say goodbye. Together: Bye! Dr Koothrappali: Wait, wait. SUMMARY:
Raj introduces his parents, Dr. V.M. Koothrappali and Mrs. Koothrappali, to his friends via webcam. However, Raj is overwhelmed when his parents try to arrange him a date with Lalita Gupta, a childhood friend and dental student, as he cannot talk to women. To Raj's annoyance, Howard, using a fake Indian accent to impersonate Raj, phones Lalita to set up a date for them. Meanwhile, Penny takes up bar tending for some extra money. She practices mixing drinks with the guys, and they discover Raj is able to speak to women after drinking alcohol. They decide his date should be at Penny's restaurant so she and the guys can keep an eye on Raj's behavior when drinking. On his date, Raj becomes an obnoxious drunk. After Sheldon flatters Lalita with compliments comparing her to Princess Panchali, an Indian fairy tale princess, she takes him away for a meal, to Raj's horror. When Raj tries to explain all this to his parents, they are angry about his drinking. Leonard asks Sheldon if he plans to see Lalita again, but he replies that he already has a dentist.
TEXT: [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the whole gang is there, the guys are watching football, the girls are cooking Thanksgiving dinner.] The Guys: (reacting to a play) Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Awww! Phoebe: Hey, it's your Thanksgiving too, y'know, instead of watching football, you could help. The Guys: We will. (they don't move) Monica: Okay, Rachel, you wanna put the marshmellows in concentric circles. Rachel: No Mon, you want to put them in concentric circles. I want to do this. (Rachel sticks a marshmellow into Monica's nose. Monica takes it out of her nose by closing one nostril, and blowing.) Monica: Every year. Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, continued from earlier.] Phoebe: Y'know, for once, I am going to sit down and try to watch one of these things. (just as she sits down). Ross: Halftime. Joey: Hey, who wants to ah, throw the ball around a little, maybe get a little three on three going? Rachel: Oh! That would be sooo much fun! Phoebe: Oh, can I play too? I've never played football, like ever. Joey: Great, you can cover Chandler. Chandler: No, no, no, I don't, I don't really wanna play. Joey: Come on man! You never want to do anything since you and Janice broke up. Chandler: That's not true! I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day. I wanted to start drinking in the morning. Don't say that I don't have goals! Joey: Chandler, you have to start getting over her. All right, if you play, you get some fresh air, maybe it'll take your mind off Janice, and if you don't play, everyone will be mad at you 'cause the teams won't be even. Come on. Chandler: Yeah, all right, I'll play. Phoebe: Yay!! Rachel: Let's do it! Ross? SUMMARY:
Emotions become the feast of the day when the gang plays touch football on Thanksgiving, unleashing Ross and Monica's competitive streaks. Joey and Chandler argue over who gets to date a Dutch model watching the game. Rachel, feeling continually sidelined, makes a play that seems to win the game, but when it falls short, Ross and Monica simultaneously dive for the ball, refusing to yield it.
TEXT: DOCTOR WHO AND THE SILURIANS BY: MALCOLM HULKE 5:15pm - 5:40pm [SCENE_BREAK] 1. INT. SILURIAN BASE, AT THE CAGES (Major BAKER is questioning the wisdom of the DOCTOR's peace-making attempts, as the two of them are still contained in their separate parts of the cage.) BAKER: You had no right to tell them about the Brigadier's plans. DOCTOR: I was simply trying to prevent a massacre. BAKER: What guarantee have you got that these creatures aren't going to set an ambush? DOCTOR: I had to take that risk. At least there's a chance they won't start killing each other. (The YOUNG SILURIAN leader comes across to the cages.) DOCTOR: Have you seen the humans yet? Have you spoken to them? YOUNG SILURIAN: I have destroyed them - and now I shall destroy you. (The YOUNG SILURIAN's third eye glows crimson red as he attempts to kill the DOCTOR. The DOCTOR begins to collapse, when the OLD SILURIAN comes over to the cage.) OLD SILURIAN: Stop. Do not kill it. It may be useful. Why were you killing it? (The DOCTOR slumps as the YOUNG SILURIAN is prevented from finishing him off.) YOUNG SILURIAN: We have no need for it. Or those soldiers sent to attack us. I have dealt with them. (In the background, BAKER tries to assist the DOCTOR.) BAKER: Doctor! OLD SILURIAN: I gave you no orders to do this. YOUNG SILURIAN: But they were carrying weapons, like this one. They can no longer harm us. OLD SILURIAN: But now they will send others. You forget there are now millions of these men. YOUNG SILURIAN: Then we shall destroy them all. [SCENE_BREAK] 2. INT. CAVES (The BRIGADIER, HAWKINS, and UNIT troops are hopelessly trapped SUMMARY:
Worried about the Old Silurian's growing friendship with the Doctor, the Young Silurian has the scientist infect Baker with a virus and then release him.
TEXT: FURY FROM THE DEEP by VICTOR PEMBERTON first broadcast - 13thApril 1968 running time - 23mins 50secs [SCENE_BREAK] 1. CREWROOM (The two men burst into the room and stare in horror... The end of the room is filled with the foam and the heartbeat, and in the middle is a terrifying sight... the figure of ROBSON looking half-demented, his neck and hands sprouting frond-like weed formations. And out of the foam that has almost completely engulfed him, the tentacles of the giant Weed Creature is snaking about him.) JAMIE: (In almost total shock, half whispering.) It's Robson! (At his name, ROBSON started to move forward slowly towards the pair.) ROBSON: (Softly.) Come in, Doctor. I've been waiting for you. DOCTOR: What do you want with me? ROBSON: (Still slowly marching on the DOCTOR.) You are going to help our new masters. They need you. DOCTOR: They need me? VICTORIA: (Calling from another door in the corridor.) Jamie! Doctor! ROBSON: You are going to help... JAMIE: Victoria. (He rushes out to free VICTORIA.) ROBSON:...with the conquest of the human planet. (JAMIE opens the door and frees VICTORIA.) VICTORIA: (Hugging him.) Jamie! JAMIE: Victoria! DOCTOR: Don't you realise what they've done to you? They're trying to control your mind, man! ROBSON: The mind does not exist. It is tired. It is dead. It is obsolete. Only our new masters can offer us life. DOCTOR: Matter will never conquer mind! It's against the law of nature! ROBSON: The body does not exist. Soon we shall all be one. (ROBSON leans forward, opens his mouth and breathes gas onto the DOCTOR. The DOCTOR covers his nose with his handkerchief and fights to keep himself SUMMARY:
The Doctor and Jamie rescue Victoria from Robson and realise they can destroy the Weed Creature with sound waves.
TEXT: Title: "Four Aliens and a Baby" 60th Episode of Roswell Production Code: 3ADA17 [PREVIOUSLY_ON] Clip of Michael watching the crash. Clip of Michael looking into the base. Max: Is there a ship? Michael: There's a ship. Clip of Mr.Evans on the phone with Mrs. Evans. Mr. Evans: Did you do what I told you? Mrs. Evans: Yes. Clip of Isabel using her powers in her room and it being videotaped. Mrs.Evans: Are you all right honey? Clip of Mrs. Evans watching the video and Mr. Evans walking in. Mr. Evans: Honey? Are you ok? She inclines her head toward the tv screen. Mr.Evans: Oh my gosh. At Michael's apartment. Michael is sitting eating sunflower seeds staring at the piece of the ship he picked up from the base. Max: Michael you've been staring at that thing for hours. Michael: It's part of the crashed alien ship, Maxwell. Max: I don't think it makes it any more interesting to watch. Michael: It could be from our home planet. Max: Or not. Michael: Why aren't you taking this thing more seriously. A UFO lands Max: Crashed. And I am taking it seriously I'm just not obsessing over it like you. Michael: Obsession isn't always a bad thing. Maybe they're enemy aliens on that ship. Max: All the more reason to stay away. Michael: Have you been body snatched or something. Max: We have no reason to believe the ship was occupied. Even if it was the occupant probably died in the crash. Michael: We didn't die in our crash. (Max gives Michael a look) What should I do with this thing? Max: Keep watching. Make sure it doesn't hatch and release an army of enemy aliens. Michael: I liked you better when you were brooding and paranoid. Max smirks at him as he leaves and Michael continues to stare at the thing. Back at the base. A whole bunch of men are dressed in White suits. Scientist 1: (opens SUMMARY:
Max's quest to find his son ends with the return of Tess and the baby, and the gang find themselves in danger again while trying to protect the child. Meanwhile, Jesse encourages Isabel to reveal her true origins to her parents, and the elder Evans' provide a way to ensure their grandchild's safety.
TEXT: OPEN ON THE SIDEWALK [Lorelai and Rory are walking toward Luke's Diner] LORELAI: "Twenty-three is old. It's almost twenty-five, which is, like, almost mid-twenties." RORY: She did not say that. LORELAI: She did say that. RORY: It seems a little wrong that Jessica Simpson is alive and well and Roy got eaten by his tiger. LORELAI: Aw. Survival of the fittest, baby. [They walk into the diner] LORELAI: Oh, man, this place is packed. RORY: Damn that Zagat guide. LORELAI: Only the loser mini-table is open. RORY: What do we do? LORELAI: Time to hover. You take the old couple, I'll hit the cybergeek. RORY: Got it. [walks over to an older couple eating] Hello. LORELAI: [walks over to a guy working on a laptop] Hello. [A few minutes later, they slide two tables together and sit down] LORELAI: That was some of the best hovering I've ever seen you do. RORY: I was taught by the best. LORELAI: But the focus - you never blinked. And the sneeze - so tiny, so dainty, so terrifying to the old. RORY: Luke's gonna be mad. I mean, he hates it when we commandeer two tables during rush hour. LORELAI: Oh, he only hated it that one time. RORY: What time? LORELAI: The time when we did it and he was mad. RORY: He's hated it every time we've done it. LORELAI: No. RORY: Yeah. LORELAI: No, only the one time. RORY: Which time? LORELAI: The time we did it and he was mad. RORY: You're gonna do this to Luke, aren't you? LORELAI: 'Til he's so dizzy he throws up. RORY: SUMMARY:
Rory and Paris have lunch at Yale with Richard, who introduces them to his friend, Professor Asher Fleming; during Friday night dinner at the Gilmore residence, Lorelai asks for an invitation to the Yale-Harvard game even though Rory clearly gives her an out; Emily is irritated when Lorelai shows up for the game wearing Harvard colors; the Gilmores tailgate in style with flasks, an RV, a BBQ, and servants to wait on their guests; Emily is upset when Pennilyn Lott, Richard's first girlfriend, shows up and asks about the Inn, and Richard is forced to confess that he has continued to have an annual dinner with Pennilyn the entire time that he and Emily have been married; Lorelai takes Jason up on his earlier offer of a dinner date, but they end up leaving the stuffy restaurant and having a great time dining al fresco at a local grocery store; Rory walks back to the dorm after the game and discovers Paris kissing Asher Fleming.
TEXT: Lisbon is sitting on the couch in Dr Carmen's office, while he sits on a chair nearby. Neither of them says anything for a while. Lisbon: We do this too, you know. Dr. Carmen: What's that? Lisbon: Silence as a weapon. Make people uneasy. Make them talk. Dr. Carmen: I get paid whether you talk or not, Teresa. Lisbon: CBI's been paying you for 5 weeks now, doctor. This was supposed to be routine. Dr. Carmen: Routine like you have to see me after a shooting, sure. Not routine like I have to sign off on you. Lisbon: I didn't even pull the trigger on Tanner, Jane did. You signed off on him after one session. Dr. Carmen: He has good mental health. Lisbon: Now I want to see your licence to practise! Dr. Carmen: Ha ha Lisbon: Ha ha. I've got 6 open cases. I'm testifying in 2 more. I don't have time... Dr. Carmen: It's not as if you have anything to talk about. Your mom dead when you were 12; 3 younger brothers; abusive, alcoholic dad, now dead also. Lisbon: It doesn't say abusive. Dr. Carmen: But he was, yes? Lisbon: This coffee tastes like crap. Seriously. Are we done? Dr. Carmen: No. Let's talk about what you want to talk about. What do you do for fun? Lisbon: Fun? Dr. Carmen: That thing when you're not working. Lisbon: I...uh... what does this have to do with... (her phone rings and she answers) Lisbon. (listens) I'll be right there. (She hangs up.) Dr. Carmen: Duty calls. I get it. (She shrugs and gets up.) Lisbon: Dr Carmen, why won't you sign off on me? Dr. Carmen: Because there's something you want to tell me first. (She looks puzzled.) I'll see you next week. (She leaves.) Lisbon, Jane, Cho and Rigsby are walking down an alleyway. Van Pelt is already there waiting for them. Lisbon: How'd we catch this one? Cho: Switchboard got an anonymous call saying there SUMMARY:
Lisbon is still attending counselling sessions after five weeks and is upset that the psychiatrist, Dr Carmen, won't sign her off yet. The CBI receives an anonymous tip about a murder, and the team finds the dead body of a criminal from Lisbon's past -- a child molester named William Mcteer that Lisbon had arrested years ago while partnered with Sam Bosco. Lisbon is quickly named the prime suspect after her fingerprints are found on the murder weapon and she is unable to recall the night of the murder. When a lie detector test is performed, it is shown she has strong feelings of deception, and Minelli suspends her from duty just as she is about to enter court to testify against Milton Howard. She then becomes severely depressed because she cannot understand why she does not remember what happened that night. Patrick attempts to hypnotize her to help her remember, and soon realizes the reason she cannot recall any details of that night is because she has been drugged. Jane and Lisbon then put on a show in the office that makes Lisbon seem crazy. Minelli asks Dr Carmen to visit Lisbon at her home, concerned about her mental state. Whilst trying to calm Lisbon he walks her through McTeer's crime scene and accidentally reveals that he saw things only the murderer would have seen. Jane explains that Dr Carmen was paid to murder Mcteer by Milton Howard, to prevent Lisbon from testifying against him and for revenge by way of ruining her career; Dr Carmen had been gradually drugging Lisbon in her coffee at the psychiatry sessions, with extra drugs on the Tuesday so that she would not remember anything that evening.
TEXT: [Scene: Pacey's Boat Pacey and Dawson are sitting at the table talking to each other.] Pacey: so, how you been doing, man? Dawson: You know. For the most part, I'm fine. Pacey: For the most part, which I'm going to interpret as meaning that even though you're not going down in flames right now, you do have something on your mind, so why don't you just tell me what's on your mind? Dawson: [Sighs] Nothing. Really. Which--I don't know-- to tell you the truth, is kind of the problem. I can't figure out what the hell to do with myself. Pacey: And you're definitely not gonna go back to U.S.C., Huh? Dawson: No, and that I know is a right decision. But unfortunately, it's about all I know. [Both laugh] Pacey: I mean, come on, man. You gotta cut yourself a little bit of a break here. Life did just throw you one hell of a curve ball. All you really need is time, because before you know it, you're gonna be back in the saddle, full of confidence, up to your old tricks. And you have come to the right place. Dawson: Oh, yeah? Pacey: Well, yeah, man. You're talking to the king of directionless himself. What do you think I was doing with all those years of high school folly? I was perfecting the life without purpose. Dawson: You know, last year, you probably could have gotten away with a burst of self-deprecation like that. But this year, Pacey, you seem fairly driven. Pacey: Yeah, I know. It's terrible, isn't it? But what can I say? I love the kitchen life. I even love the crass kitchen attitude. Sandwich? Dawson: Sure. Pacey: But inevitably, along with the crass kitchen attitude comes the grillside drama. Dawson: Oh? Pacey: Yeah. It all started with me trying to help this girl out of her very self-destructive relationship. But SUMMARY:
After watching scary movies, Joey, Pacey and Jack talk about their creepiest experiences and urban legends. Joey shares her story of how she was almost attacked by the librarian on Halloween and saved by the creepy man she was running from. Jack tells the story of when he was helping clean the frat house basement and found a guy strapped, who later he found out to be a ghost. Pacey reveals that he was chased by a black car while giving Karen a ride home, but there was nobody driving the car. Grams arrives and says she has the scariest story: the time when Jen got locked out of the radio booth.
TEXT: Blake: Oh, man, you were great in there, Owen. Owen: Tell me something that I don't know. Blake: Okay. Uh...I play upright bass for the Barenaked Ladies. Owen: That's you? Blake: [ Laughing ] Yeah. Owen: Oh! Sal: Cut loose, footloose, both feet lose, in fact. Kick off your Sunday shoes and put on your Thursday shoes because the staff dance is tonight -- Thursday. Valerie: Yes! I love dancing. I mean give me a 6/8 time signature and my feet just start flying. Dori: Really? Valerie: Yeah. Dori: I'm more of 12/8 type, you know, doo-wop, jigs. Valerie: Really? Dori: Yeah. Valerie: What about a 3/4, boop-bah-bah, boop-bah-bah. Dori: Oh, yeah. Valerie: What about you, Lola? If you were a time signature, which one would you be? Lola: Zero-over-zero. I'm a terrible dancer. Valerie: You know, I once knew a girl in college who didn't know how to dance. Lola: Yeah? Valerie: She died of a skin disease. Was there a connection? I'd like to think so. Lola: Oh. Well, have a good time tonight, you guys, 'cause I'm not going. Valerie: What about you, chief? Chief: Oh, I can't go to the dance. It doesn't start until 7:00 and the rapture is happening at 6:00, so I'll be dancing, but in Christ's heavenly kingdom by then. Probably nude. Chet: Breaker, breaker. Childrens Hospital, this is the Bearded Clam. Sy: Uh, h-hello, Bearded Clam. Uh, this is Sy. How are you? Okay. Okay. Um... uh, Bearded Clam, 10-4. This is the Boston strangler. Chet: Wait. That's your handle? Sy: Well, it's a long story. Let's just say I lived SUMMARY:
Madonna visits the hospital, stunning Owen.
TEXT: SOUND STAGE Dan shows to Julian the body. JULIAN: Whoa! No, no. Is that... DAN: Our friend the drug dealer. At least it used to be. JULIAN: No. No, no, no. I didn't see that. I-I don't see that. DAN: You mean him? JULIAN: There's no "him." DAN: Sure there is... Well, what's left of him. He's right there. JULIAN: You can't... Okay, he's not... You can't kill people in a sound stage... My sound stage! DAN: You rented it to me. JULIAN: You said it wasn't illegal! I'm not a part of this. DAN: Julian. JULIAN: There's a dead guy in my sound stage! DAN: Julian, he's not dead. He's just...Well, I guess he could be dead by now. JULIAN: I can't go to prison, okay? You said it yourself. They'll like me there. DAN: You're not going to prison. JULIAN: I have a family, man! DAN: Nobody is going to prison. Will you just calm down?! Besides, we're the only two people that know about this. Chris joins them. CHRIS: Is that guy dead? DAN: Okay, three people know. Four, counting Haley. JULIAN: We're going to jail. LOCAL Dmitri says Nathan he is on front one. DMITRI: Rise and shine! Hey, look. Front page. Not your best photo, true, but still, front page is good, no? Before I get large cash, I have to show in good faith that you are still alive and somewhat well. Okay. Open your eyes, chin up. Say "the cheese." Would you like 8x10 or wallet size? No? Nathan Scott. The rest is silence. NATHAN: No. Please. Not the hood. DMITRI: Because you say "please." Etiquette counts, my friend. Look at this marmaduke. He... he crazy dog. NALEY'S SUMMARY:
Dan, Julian and Chris Keller attempt to rescue Nathan. During the rescue, Nathan is saved and Dan kills most of the attackers. When they are about to escape, Dan is shot by Demetri before he himself is shot by Nathan. Brooke's conflict with Xavier escalates when he attacks her in a parking garage, she is saved by the rival cafe owner Tara, who tasers him. Clay and Quinn revisit the past. Episode is named after an album by the band Mogwai .
TEXT: Ted from 2030: When you meet someone special, suddenly life is full of firsts. The first kiss. The first night together. The first weekend together. For me, all those firsts happened within 48 hours of meeting Victoria. The appartment Marshall: They have to come out soon, it's Monday. Lily: Do you think they've been in there the whole time? I don't know whether to be proud or concerned. Marshall: Maybe they're not even in there. (The door of Ted's room opens and Marshall Lily runs away from it) Victoria: Good morning. Ted: Hey, guys. Victoria: I'm just going to ignore that. Marshall: Thank you! Ted: I wish you could stay. Victoria: I know, me, too. But I have to go to work, and you have that meeting. Ted: Call you afterwards? Victoria: I'll inappropriately text you during. Bye. Ted: Bye. Marshall: Two days straight?! Lily: Wow, your room must smell like a monkey cage! Marshall: Come on, give us a number. Lily guessed eight, but I know my boy got to double digits. Ted: Zero. Marshall: What? Lily: What? Ted: Guys, we just met. And we both screwed up relationships in the past by jumping in too quick, so we talked about it, and we decided to take this one slow. Marshall: Her idea. Ted: Totally her idea! But, I don't know, I'm really into this girl, and if going slow is what it takes to make this happen, I say bring it on. [3 weeks later] The Bar Ted: I don't feel so good. t's like my testicles mixed pop rocks and soda. Marshall: I can't believe she's making you wait a whole month. I would never put up with that. Ted: You've only had s*x with one girl in your whole life. Lily: Burn! Barney: Ted, the only reason to wait a month for s*x is if the girl is 17 years, 11 months old. Robin: Good news: I don't have to cover the cat show tomorrow night. Who's up for hanging out? Ted: Oh, I SUMMARY:
After initially agreeing to take things slowly, Ted and Victoria abruptly change course when they discover that Victoria will be out of town for their one-month anniversary. As they experience a series of milestones, Marshall and Lily wonder if their long relationship is out of milestones. Meanwhile, Robin decides to be Barney's "bro" for a guy's night out together.
TEXT: O'Donnell: Did you see that spaceship in the hangar? Yeah, we found it on the lake bed. O'Donnell: In here! Clara: Wait, are they saying something? The Doctor: The dark, the sword, the forsaken, the temple. These words actually rewrite the synaptic connections in your brain. They're coordinates. Someone is deliberately getting people killed and turning them into transmitters. I can save you. Clara: A new ghost, oh, no, no, no, no... [SCENE_BREAK] [ TARDIS ] [SCENE_BREAK] The Doctor: So there's this man. He has a time machine. Up and down history he goes, zip zip zip zip zip, getting into scrapes. Another thing he has is a passion for the works of Ludwig van Beethoven. And one day he thinks, "What's the point of having a time machine if you don't get to meet your heroes?" So off he goes to 18th-century Germany. But he can't find Beethoven anywhere. No-one's heard of him, not even his family have any idea who the time traveller is talking about. Beethoven literally doesn't exist. This didn't happen, by the way. I've met Beethoven. Nice chap. Very intense. Loved an arm-wrestle. No, this is called "The Bootstrap Paradox". Google it. The time traveller panics, he can't bear the thought of a world without the music of Beethoven. Luckily he'd brought all his Beethoven sheet music for Ludwig to sign. So he copies out all the concertos and the symphonies... and he gets them published. He becomes Beethoven. And history continues with barely a feather ruffled. But my question is this. "Who put those notes and phrases together?" Who really composed Beethoven's 5th? (Plays the opening of Beethoven's 5th Symphony) [SCENE_BREAK] [ Train Station ] [SCENE_BREAK] The Doctor: Where's Bennett? We need to get going. O'Donnell: Oh, he's still throwing up. "One small step for man, SUMMARY:
The Doctor, Bennett, and O'Donnell land in 1980. They discover that the Tivolian, Prentis, is still alive, the writing has not yet been scratched into the wall, and Prentis landed on Earth to bury his former enslaver the Fisher King. The Doctor contacts Clara in 2119, who tells him the Doctor's ghost is mouthing their names. The ghost releases the others from the Faraday cage. In 1980, the Fisher King awakes, killing Prentis and writing the glyphs on the wall. O'Donnell is killed, confirming the suspicion that the Doctor's ghost is saying the order in which they will die. Attempting to save Clara, the Doctor confronts the Fisher King. He tells the Doctor the ghosts created by the glyphs will send a signal that will draw an armada. The Fisher King is drawn away from the chamber, and the Doctor destroys the dam wall, flooding the town. The stasis chamber opens in 2119 to reveal the Doctor inside; his "ghost" is a hologram, programmed by the Doctor. The hologram lures the ghosts back inside the Faraday cage. The plot is a bootstrap paradox -the Doctor programmed the ghost to say the names because that is what the ghost's message said.
TEXT: Jim: [to Pam] Hey. Jim: [Dwight hands Jim a piece of paper] Oh, what's this? Dwight: That is a demerit. Jim: [reads demerit] "Jim Halpert, tardiness." Ugh. I love it already. Dwight: You've gotta learn, Jim. You are second in command, but that does not put you above the law. Jim: Oh, I understand. And I also have lots of questions, like, what does a demerit mean? Dwight: [scoffs] Let's put it this way. You do not want to receive three of those. Jim: Lay it on me. Dwight: Three demerits and you'll receive a citation. Jim: Now that sounds serious. Dwight: Oh, it is serious. Five citations and you're looking at a violation. Four of those and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that'll land you in a world of hurt... in the form of a disciplinary review written up by me and placed on the desk of my immediate superior. Jim: Which would be me. Dwight: That is correct. Jim: OK, I want a copy on my desk by the end of the day or you will receive a full disadulation. Dwight: What's a dis... what's that? Jim: Oh, you don't want to know. [SCENE_BREAK] Pam: [door opens] Hey, Phyllis. You all right? Phyllis: I think I just got flashed. Pam: What? Really? Phyllis: In the parking lot. Pam: Oh, my God. Dwight: [jumps out of his chair and runs for the door] Move! Jim: OK, I'll call the real police. Andy: What happened? What can I do to help? Jim: [on the phone] OK. Andy: I'll check the web. Jim: [on the phone] Thank you. [hangs up the phone] The police are on it. They say they've already had SUMMARY:
After Phyllis is the victim of a flashing in the parking lot, Michael attempts to host a seminar on women's issues. When it doesn't go as expected, he takes the women of the office on a trip to the mall, while Dwight and Andy search for the flasher and distribute flyers. At the mall, Michael discusses his discomfort in his relationship with Jan, and the women advise him to break up with her. As Michael breaks up with Jan via voicemail, she suddenly arrives at the office.
TEXT: [EXT. VARIOUS LAS VEGAS CITY (STOCK) - NIGHT] [EXT. SHOPPING MALL (STOCK) -- NIGHT] [EXT SHOPPING MALL PARKING GARAGE (STOCK) - NIGHT] [SCENE_BREAK] [INT. CITRUS CANYON MALL - PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT] (In the parking garage, the security guards gather around the television set and watch the game.) (A woman walks up to the elevators and presses the button. The doors open and she walks inside.) (Cut to: The elevator takes the woman up to the floor. The elevators open and she walks out. She walks across the parking lot toward her car.) (She reaches for her keys and disables the car alarm. As she reaches the car to unlock the car door. Someone sticks a gun in her back. She screams.) (He pushes her against the car window and instructs her.) Male Voice: Give me your keys and get in the car. (She drops the keys and it falls to the floor.) [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DESERTED ROAD - NIGHT] (A car drives down the deserted roadway. Off to the side of the road lying on the dirt is the WOMAN from the shopping mall.) (Cut to: Inside the car, as they take the bend, the lights from the car fall upon the WOMAN on the side of the road.) Rosalyn Dudek: What is that? (It starts to rain. The car pulls over to check it out. HANK and ROSALYN DUDEK both step out of the car.) Hank Dudek: Is that a body? (They shut the car doors and step in for a closer look.) (The WOMAN moves.) Rosalyn Dudek: Oh, my god. She's alive. [SCENE_BREAK] [EXT. DESERTED ROAD - NIGHT - LATER] (POLICE CARS pull over. The CSI Tahoe also pulls over as they SUMMARY:
Sara gets emotionally involved when she, Grissom, and Nick investigate the case of a woman who is abducted from a parking garage and later turns up on a stretch of road, having been raped, shot and left for dead. Meanwhile Catherine and Warrick take over a case from one of the dayshift CSIs who has quit. The case involves a neighbor's dispute that led to murder. Not only has an important piece of evidence been lost, but the case goes to trial in four days.