Text: Project Manager: Okay, good morning. This is our first team meeting. User Interface: Good day. Marketing: Morning. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: I'll be your Project Manager for today, for this project. My name is Mark <unk>gap<unk> will be giving this presentation for you to kick the project off. <unk>vocalsound<unk> That's my uh that's the agenda for today. Well, of course we're new to each other, so I'd like to get acquainted first. So let's do that first, I mean <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's start with you, can you introduce yourself? You're our Marketing Expert. Marketing: Yes. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um my name is Dirk, Dirk Meinfeld. Um I will be uh <unk>gap<unk> Pr Project <unk>disfmarker<unk> the Marketing Expert. And I will see what the user wants and uh what we can do uh with the new produ project <unk>disfmarker<unk> product. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, excellent. And you are User Interface <unk>disfmarker<unk> User Interface: Nick Broer, Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: User Interface Designer. I'm going to uh look at the technical design from the uh user point of view. Project Manager: Excellent. Okay. Industrial Designer: My name is Xavier Juergens, I'm the Industrial Designer, and there are three main questions that I have to find an answer to today. First one is uh what happens inside the apparatus, second is what is uh the apparatus made of, Marketing: Hmm. Industrial Designer: and the third is what should it look like. Project Manager: What should it look like? Okay. Marketing: Hmm. Project Manager: Oh, let's kick it off. Oh, there we go. So, our new project is about <unk>disfmarker<unk> we need design a remote control for television set, so Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager asked the team members give personal introductions respectively to get acquainted with each other, and then introduced a new remote control project. Before discussing the product-related issues, the manager asked the members to get acquainted with the SMARTboards for further presentation and information sharing work by drawing in turns. After the drawing session, the manager reemphasized the program target and required the remote control to possess with a user-familiarized feature. Other group members voiced out additional design aspects, including usability and lightness. Finally, the team agreed on both the selling and the production price.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay Right <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um well this is the kick-off meeting for our our project. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and um this is just what we're gonna be doing over the next twenty five minutes. Um so first of all, just to kind of make sure that we all know each other, Marketing: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: I'm Laura and I'm the project manager. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Do you want to introduce yourself again? Marketing: Great. Industrial Designer: Hi, I'm David and I'm supposed to be an industrial designer. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm uh our marketing User Interface: Um I'm Craig and I'm User Interface. Marketing: expert. Project Manager: Great. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um so we're designing a new remote control and um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Oh I have to record who's here actually. So that's David, Andrew and Craig, isn't it? And you all arrived on time. Um yeah so des uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> design a new remote control. Um, as you can see it's supposed to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um so that's kind of our our brief, as it were. Um and so there are three different stages to the design. Um I'm not really sure what what you guys have already received um in your emails. What did you get? Industrial Designer: Um, I just got the project announcement about what the project is <unk>vocalsound<unk>. Project Manager: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: Designing a remote control. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: That's about it, didn't get anything else. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's that's it. Project Manager: Is that what everybody got? Industrial Designer: Did you get the same thing? User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Okay. Question: Summarize the groupmates' self-introduction and the project introduction. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> There were four people in the project team and each one introduced to each other on the team role. Project Manager introduced the project was about designing a remote control. After that, Project Manager explained the work division for each person and how they would present in the coming meetings.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay Right <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um well this is the kick-off meeting for our our project. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and um this is just what we're gonna be doing over the next twenty five minutes. Um so first of all, just to kind of make sure that we all know each other, Marketing: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: I'm Laura and I'm the project manager. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Do you want to introduce yourself again? Marketing: Great. Industrial Designer: Hi, I'm David and I'm supposed to be an industrial designer. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm uh our marketing User Interface: Um I'm Craig and I'm User Interface. Marketing: expert. Project Manager: Great. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um so we're designing a new remote control and um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Oh I have to record who's here actually. So that's David, Andrew and Craig, isn't it? And you all arrived on time. Um yeah so des uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> design a new remote control. Um, as you can see it's supposed to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um so that's kind of our our brief, as it were. Um and so there are three different stages to the design. Um I'm not really sure what what you guys have already received um in your emails. What did you get? Industrial Designer: Um, I just got the project announcement about what the project is <unk>vocalsound<unk>. Project Manager: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: Designing a remote control. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: That's about it, didn't get anything else. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's that's it. Project Manager: Is that what everybody got? Industrial Designer: Did you get the same thing? User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Yeah. Project Question: Summarize the job role for each groupmate. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The group was greeting each other at the first meeting. Laura was the Project Manager. David was Industrial Designer and Andrew was Marketing expert. And User Interface was named Craig.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay Right <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um well this is the kick-off meeting for our our project. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and um this is just what we're gonna be doing over the next twenty five minutes. Um so first of all, just to kind of make sure that we all know each other, Marketing: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: I'm Laura and I'm the project manager. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Do you want to introduce yourself again? Marketing: Great. Industrial Designer: Hi, I'm David and I'm supposed to be an industrial designer. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm uh our marketing User Interface: Um I'm Craig and I'm User Interface. Marketing: expert. Project Manager: Great. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um so we're designing a new remote control and um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Oh I have to record who's here actually. So that's David, Andrew and Craig, isn't it? And you all arrived on time. Um yeah so des uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> design a new remote control. Um, as you can see it's supposed to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um so that's kind of our our brief, as it were. Um and so there are three different stages to the design. Um I'm not really sure what what you guys have already received um in your emails. What did you get? Industrial Designer: Um, I just got the project announcement about what the project is <unk>vocalsound<unk>. Project Manager: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: Designing a remote control. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: That's about it, didn't get anything else. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's that's it. Project Manager: Is that what everybody got? Industrial Designer: Did you get the same thing? User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Question: What did the group discuss about the email they received on the project announcement? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Group mates all should have received an email introducing what was this project about and there would be three different stages to the design. The project was about designing a new remote control, which was supposed to be original, trendy, and user friendly.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay Right <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um well this is the kick-off meeting for our our project. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and um this is just what we're gonna be doing over the next twenty five minutes. Um so first of all, just to kind of make sure that we all know each other, Marketing: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: I'm Laura and I'm the project manager. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Do you want to introduce yourself again? Marketing: Great. Industrial Designer: Hi, I'm David and I'm supposed to be an industrial designer. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm uh our marketing User Interface: Um I'm Craig and I'm User Interface. Marketing: expert. Project Manager: Great. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um so we're designing a new remote control and um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Oh I have to record who's here actually. So that's David, Andrew and Craig, isn't it? And you all arrived on time. Um yeah so des uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> design a new remote control. Um, as you can see it's supposed to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um so that's kind of our our brief, as it were. Um and so there are three different stages to the design. Um I'm not really sure what what you guys have already received um in your emails. What did you get? Industrial Designer: Um, I just got the project announcement about what the project is <unk>vocalsound<unk>. Project Manager: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: Designing a remote control. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: That's about it, didn't get anything else. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's that's it. Project Manager: Is that what everybody got? Industrial Designer: Did you get the same thing? User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Yeah Question: Summarize the discussion about the favourite animal characteristics and the workflow. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Industrial Designer drew a whale because whales came in and went to eat everything in sight, and they were harmless, interesting, and mild. Project Manager drew a dog because the dogs were friendly and cheery. Next, about the finance and the workflow. The target revenue was fifty million Euros and the target was on an international scale. The cost was 25 Euros. Group mates would receive requirement emails and work on them individually.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay Right <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um well this is the kick-off meeting for our our project. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and um this is just what we're gonna be doing over the next twenty five minutes. Um so first of all, just to kind of make sure that we all know each other, Marketing: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: I'm Laura and I'm the project manager. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Do you want to introduce yourself again? Marketing: Great. Industrial Designer: Hi, I'm David and I'm supposed to be an industrial designer. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm uh our marketing User Interface: Um I'm Craig and I'm User Interface. Marketing: expert. Project Manager: Great. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um so we're designing a new remote control and um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Oh I have to record who's here actually. So that's David, Andrew and Craig, isn't it? And you all arrived on time. Um yeah so des uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> design a new remote control. Um, as you can see it's supposed to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um so that's kind of our our brief, as it were. Um and so there are three different stages to the design. Um I'm not really sure what what you guys have already received um in your emails. What did you get? Industrial Designer: Um, I just got the project announcement about what the project is <unk>vocalsound<unk>. Project Manager: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: Designing a remote control. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: That's about it, didn't get anything else. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's that's it. Project Manager: Is that what everybody got? Industrial Designer: Did you get the same thing? User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Yeah. Question: What did Project Manager recommend to do when discussing competitor information? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project manager mentioned that they had no background information on the competitor, however, they could analyze based on the product price. And Marketing supplemented that the remote control was something that people would not consciously assess in their purchasing habits.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay Right <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um well this is the kick-off meeting for our our project. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and um this is just what we're gonna be doing over the next twenty five minutes. Um so first of all, just to kind of make sure that we all know each other, Marketing: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: I'm Laura and I'm the project manager. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Do you want to introduce yourself again? Marketing: Great. Industrial Designer: Hi, I'm David and I'm supposed to be an industrial designer. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm uh our marketing User Interface: Um I'm Craig and I'm User Interface. Marketing: expert. Project Manager: Great. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um so we're designing a new remote control and um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Oh I have to record who's here actually. So that's David, Andrew and Craig, isn't it? And you all arrived on time. Um yeah so des uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> design a new remote control. Um, as you can see it's supposed to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um so that's kind of our our brief, as it were. Um and so there are three different stages to the design. Um I'm not really sure what what you guys have already received um in your emails. What did you get? Industrial Designer: Um, I just got the project announcement about what the project is <unk>vocalsound<unk>. Project Manager: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: Designing a remote control. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: That's about it, didn't get anything else. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's that's it. Project Manager: Is that what everybody got? Industrial Designer: Did you get the same thing? User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing Question: What did the group think of the importance of technology reasonable on the working design? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The group had a discussion about the first remote control with cable and huge buttons on it. So they would like to try new technology like a touch screen and nicer materials for the remote, which was important for technology improvement.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay Right <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um well this is the kick-off meeting for our our project. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and um this is just what we're gonna be doing over the next twenty five minutes. Um so first of all, just to kind of make sure that we all know each other, Marketing: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: I'm Laura and I'm the project manager. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Do you want to introduce yourself again? Marketing: Great. Industrial Designer: Hi, I'm David and I'm supposed to be an industrial designer. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: And I'm Andrew and I'm uh our marketing User Interface: Um I'm Craig and I'm User Interface. Marketing: expert. Project Manager: Great. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um so we're designing a new remote control and um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Oh I have to record who's here actually. So that's David, Andrew and Craig, isn't it? And you all arrived on time. Um yeah so des uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> design a new remote control. Um, as you can see it's supposed to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um so that's kind of our our brief, as it were. Um and so there are three different stages to the design. Um I'm not really sure what what you guys have already received um in your emails. What did you get? Industrial Designer: Um, I just got the project announcement about what the project is <unk>vocalsound<unk>. Project Manager: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: Designing a remote control. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer: That's about it, didn't get anything else. Marketing: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's that's it. Project Manager: Is that what everybody got? Industrial Designer: Did you get the same thing? User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Yeah. Project Manager: Um Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> This was the kick-off meeting for the project. First of all, Project Manager led each group member to know each other and introduced the project which was aiming to design remote control. Next, they discussed their favourite animal characteristics. Lastly, Project Manager mentioned how they worked on each part individually.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Je croix que c'est dommage de le <unk>disfmarker<unk> it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> It is a banana. Project Manager: It is a banana. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mm. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: S Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Mm-hmm. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: How is everyone? Project Manager: Hi. Industrial Designer: Hi. Project Manager: So we are here for the detailed design meeting. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> So <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: we will uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with <unk>disfmarker<unk> it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So Industrial Designer: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, <unk>vocalsound<unk> Question: Summarize the discussion about the cost and price of the remote control product. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> This was a product shaped like a banana, with a standard battery and a wheel. The materials to manufacture this product included a yellow banana shaped case and a rubber. All of these summed up to cost 10.7 Euros, which was within their budget. And they had a price gap of 12.5 Euros, so they set the price at 25 Euros, which was very reasonable and attractive.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Je croix que c'est dommage de le <unk>disfmarker<unk> it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> It is a banana. Project Manager: It is a banana. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mm. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: S Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Mm-hmm. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: How is everyone? Project Manager: Hi. Industrial Designer: Hi. Project Manager: So we are here for the detailed design meeting. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> So <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: we will uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with <unk>disfmarker<unk> it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So Industrial Designer: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, Question: What did User Interface think of the price of this prototype when comparing it with the same-shaped phone? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> User Interface mentioned the banana-shaped wireless phone that sold a hundred Euros and more, which was very high. Compared with this, the price of their product was very attractive for the customers which was just 25 Euros. Customers would be very willing to buy it.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Je croix que c'est dommage de le <unk>disfmarker<unk> it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> It is a banana. Project Manager: It is a banana. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mm. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: S Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Mm-hmm. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: How is everyone? Project Manager: Hi. Industrial Designer: Hi. Project Manager: So we are here for the detailed design meeting. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> So <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: we will uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with <unk>disfmarker<unk> it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So Industrial Designer: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, Question: What did Industrial Designer disagree with User Interface when discussing the price of the prototype compared with the phone? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> At the technological aspect, Industrial Designer thought the complexity of the phone was higher than the remote control, the price of these two cannot compare though they looked alike.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Je croix que c'est dommage de le <unk>disfmarker<unk> it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> It is a banana. Project Manager: It is a banana. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mm. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: S Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Mm-hmm. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: How is everyone? Project Manager: Hi. Industrial Designer: Hi. Project Manager: So we are here for the detailed design meeting. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> So <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: we will uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with <unk>disfmarker<unk> it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So Industrial Designer: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, <unk>vocalsound<unk> to have a yellow banana Question: Summarize the evaluation process on the prototype. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Every team member evaluated the prototype, and the evaluation criteria were user-oriented and market-indicated, which meant the product needed to meet the following standard such as fancy appearance, innovative technology, easy using, fashion in trend, being highly visible in a room, and robust quality. The marketing set up seven points in each criterion and let the team members to score the product from one to seven. It turned out every criterion of this prototype scored high, the evaluation results were quite satisfying.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Je croix que c'est dommage de le <unk>disfmarker<unk> it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> It is a banana. Project Manager: It is a banana. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mm. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: S Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Mm-hmm. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: How is everyone? Project Manager: Hi. Industrial Designer: Hi. Project Manager: So we are here for the detailed design meeting. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> So <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: we will uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with <unk>disfmarker<unk> it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So Industrial Designer: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, <unk>vocalsound<unk> to have a Question: Why did they give lower grades when discussing the technological aspect? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> For the technologically innovative part, the product was only added with a wheel and the rubber material. In terms of innovation, there still lacked some shining points. Therefore, everyone gave a lower grade compared to other aspects.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Je croix que c'est dommage de le <unk>disfmarker<unk> it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> It is a banana. Project Manager: It is a banana. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mm. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: S Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Mm-hmm. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: How is everyone? Project Manager: Hi. Industrial Designer: Hi. Project Manager: So we are here for the detailed design meeting. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> So <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: we will uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with <unk>disfmarker<unk> it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So Industrial Designer: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, Question: Why did they agree with each other when discussing the 'easy to use', 'fashion', 'easy to find' and 'robust' features? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Since this product didn't have much complex design, it was designed to be easy to use with a very simple structure. Hence, they all agreed that it was easy to use. As for the fancy part, the product was a banana shape, the fruit design was very up to date and fashionable. For the same reason that it resembled a banana, users would find it easily when they needed to use the remote control. What's more, it had lightning, making it more visible in daily life. The product was surrounded by rubber, enabling it under protection, so the robust feature can be ensured.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Je croix que c'est dommage de le <unk>disfmarker<unk> it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> It is a banana. Project Manager: It is a banana. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mm. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: S Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Mm-hmm. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: How is everyone? Project Manager: Hi. Industrial Designer: Hi. Project Manager: So we are here for the detailed design meeting. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> So <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: we will uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've <unk>disfmarker<unk> I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with <unk>disfmarker<unk> it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So Industrial Designer: Mm-hmm. Project Manager: d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, <unk>vocalsound<unk> to have a yellow banana shaped Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> In the development of the project, this meeting was at the basis where a prototype of the product had been designed and it mainly focused on discussion about the cost and pricing of the product based on the material it used and the profit they wanted to obtain through this product. It turned out that the cost was very reasonable and the price was also very attractive. Then, the team evaluated the product by scoring according to criteria based on the user's requirements and marketing trends. The meeting went very well and every team member agreed with each other on the evaluation results, which was promising to lead a success in this project.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Just put it on the deskt <unk>gap<unk> desktop. Project Manager: No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Marketing: Project documents, Project Manager: Yeah. That's it. Marketing: yeah. Project Manager: If you dump it in there. Marketing: What's your username? Project Manager: Your username. Marketing: What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Okay. There we go. Project Manager: Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the T_V_ a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the T_V_. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. User Interface: Mm. Project Manager: Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like to if possible hear from our Marketing Expert first, Question: What did the group discuss about user requirements of the new remote control? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing presented the user requirements. The market research results were from 100 people. It frustrated users most when they failed to find the lost remote control. The market research also revealed a necessity to simplify the remote control interface, for users would not take time mastering the remote control. Most buttons were thus unused, and teletext was outdated now. Besides, Marketing expressed a negative view on the incorporation of voice recognition.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Just put it on the deskt <unk>gap<unk> desktop. Project Manager: No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Marketing: Project documents, Project Manager: Yeah. That's it. Marketing: yeah. Project Manager: If you dump it in there. Marketing: What's your username? Project Manager: Your username. Marketing: What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Okay. There we go. Project Manager: Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the T_V_ a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the T_V_. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. User Interface: Mm. Project Manager: Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like to if possible hear Question: What did Marketing think of the incorporation of voice recognition when discussing user requirements of the new remote control? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The market research indicated that between the age of 15 and 25, most people would be willing to pay extra fees for voice recognition. However, Marketing pointed out that such a result barely implied users' expectation for a fancy and unique remote control. There were several problems with the existing voice recognition software, such as the limitation on word number and inaccurate recognition results due to regional accents. In conclusion, Marketing considered the incorporation of voice recognition to be unfeasible.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Just put it on the deskt <unk>gap<unk> desktop. Project Manager: No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Marketing: Project documents, Project Manager: Yeah. That's it. Marketing: yeah. Project Manager: If you dump it in there. Marketing: What's your username? Project Manager: Your username. Marketing: What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Okay. There we go. Project Manager: Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the T_V_ a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the T_V_. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. User Interface: Mm. Project Manager: Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like to if possible hear from our Marketing Expert first, Question: What did the group discuss about details of button design and location function? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> User Interface and Industrial Designer agreed on the intuitive interface design with menu navigation on an LCD screen. Meanwhile, the team would involve as few buttons in the remote control interface as possible. The new remote control would only be for basic functions such as volume adjusting and channel flipping. A separate joystick would be for additional functionality. The new remote control would be the integration of original remote controls for different devices. Voice recognition was unfeasible due to the budget limit. A speaker and a transmitter were desirable, however, for the location function.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Just put it on the deskt <unk>gap<unk> desktop. Project Manager: No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Marketing: Project documents, Project Manager: Yeah. That's it. Marketing: yeah. Project Manager: If you dump it in there. Marketing: What's your username? Project Manager: Your username. Marketing: What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Okay. There we go. Project Manager: Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the T_V_ a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the T_V_. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. User Interface: Mm. Project Manager: Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like to if possible Question: What did Project Manager think of the incorporation of voice recognition when discussing details of button design and location function? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager was concerned about the power required and the cost. The robust voice recognition service embedded on the computer was exemplified by Project Manager to indicate that such software would drag and dictate, but would also require a lot of memory. Moreover, Project Manager admitted that voice recognition was fancy yet unfeasible within the budget.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Just put it on the deskt <unk>gap<unk> desktop. Project Manager: No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Marketing: Project documents, Project Manager: Yeah. That's it. Marketing: yeah. Project Manager: If you dump it in there. Marketing: What's your username? Project Manager: Your username. Marketing: What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Okay. There we go. Project Manager: Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the T_V_ a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the T_V_. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. User Interface: Mm. Project Manager: Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like Question: Summarize Project Manager's opinions towards the idea of a joystick when discussing details of button design and location function. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager appreciated the idea of a joystick. An LCD menu screen on the joystick would consume quite low power. A fair amount of information could be read on the screen display. Other functionality would be associated inside the menu by traversing around. Project Manager agreed with User Interface that buttons could only be used for default functions such as volume adjusting and channel flipping once there was a functional joystick.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Just put it on the deskt <unk>gap<unk> desktop. Project Manager: No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Marketing: Project documents, Project Manager: Yeah. That's it. Marketing: yeah. Project Manager: If you dump it in there. Marketing: What's your username? Project Manager: Your username. Marketing: What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Okay. There we go. Project Manager: Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the T_V_ a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the T_V_. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. User Interface: Mm. Project Manager: Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like to if possible hear from our Question: Why did Marketing recommend to specify the target market when discussing details of button design and location function? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager thought that the interface design was still not intuitive and useful enough for now. Marketing agreed and pointed out that the present target group might be too large. Marketing suggested that the team should figure out specifically for whom they intended to design the interface in case the customers were confused about the remote control and got dissatisfied.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Just put it on the deskt <unk>gap<unk> desktop. Project Manager: No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Marketing: Project documents, Project Manager: Yeah. That's it. Marketing: yeah. Project Manager: If you dump it in there. Marketing: What's your username? Project Manager: Your username. Marketing: What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: Okay. There we go. Project Manager: Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the T_V_ a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the T_V_. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. User Interface: Mm. Project Manager: Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like to if possible hear from our Marketing Expert first, to help us gain an idea of Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> After Project Manager's brief review of the last meeting, Marketing began a presentation of the user requirements. It frustrated users most when they failed to find the lost remote control. The market research also revealed a necessity to simplify the remote control interface, for most buttons were not used. User Interface and Industrial Designer agreed on the intuitive interface design with menu navigation on an LCD screen and very few buttons involved. The new remote control would only be for basic functions such as volume adjusting and channel flipping. A separate joystick would be for additional functionality. The new remote control would be the integration of original remote controls for different devices. Voice recognition would not be feasible due to the budget limit. A speaker and a transmitter were desirable, however, for the location function.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh good afternoon. This is our third meeting already. Marketing: Good afternoon. Project Manager: I hope you enjoyed your lunch. <unk>vocalsound<unk> I did anyway. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um let's see. Presentation three. Okay this is um the second phase uh we're going to discuss today. It's the conceptual design meeting. And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components. Uh conceptual specification of design. And also trend-watching. Um these are hopefully the points you addressed in uh your pre uh presentations you're going to show me in a few minutes. Um but first I'll show you the agenda. Uh first the opening. Then we have three presentations. Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts. How we're going to make it. And then we're closing. We have about forty minutes. Uh so I suggest let's get started. Uh did someone encounter any problems during the preparation? No? User Interface: No. Project Manager: Everything fine? Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: That's nice. Then a little uh thing about the last meeting. Uh these are the points um we agreed on. The requirements and the target market. Uh requirements are uh teletext, docking station, audio signal, small screen, with some extras that uh button information. And we are going to use default materials. Um does somebody have any comments on these requirements? Maybe? No? These are just the the things we thought of, so maybe if you figured something else or thought of something else, just let me know. And maybe we can uh work it out. And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers. So now everybody knows what we're do we're doing, um I suggest let's get started with the presentations. So shall we keep the same u Question: Why did Marketing disagree with kinetic energy as a solution proposed by Industrial Designer? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> For one thing, Marketing argued that target customers as the elder generation tended not to shake their remote controls before using. For another, he believed that the docking station was in a position to load up the batteries, therefore, the basic normal battery would be sufficient for the charging need, which was confirmed by User Interface who pointed out that remote control with a minor display would in no way be power-consuming.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh good afternoon. This is our third meeting already. Marketing: Good afternoon. Project Manager: I hope you enjoyed your lunch. <unk>vocalsound<unk> I did anyway. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um let's see. Presentation three. Okay this is um the second phase uh we're going to discuss today. It's the conceptual design meeting. And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components. Uh conceptual specification of design. And also trend-watching. Um these are hopefully the points you addressed in uh your pre uh presentations you're going to show me in a few minutes. Um but first I'll show you the agenda. Uh first the opening. Then we have three presentations. Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts. How we're going to make it. And then we're closing. We have about forty minutes. Uh so I suggest let's get started. Uh did someone encounter any problems during the preparation? No? User Interface: No. Project Manager: Everything fine? Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: That's nice. Then a little uh thing about the last meeting. Uh these are the points um we agreed on. The requirements and the target market. Uh requirements are uh teletext, docking station, audio signal, small screen, with some extras that uh button information. And we are going to use default materials. Um does somebody have any comments on these requirements? Maybe? No? These are just the the things we thought of, so maybe if you figured something else or thought of something else, just let me know. And maybe we can uh work it out. And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers. So now everybody knows what we're do we're doing, um I suggest let's get started with the presentations. So shall we keep the same uh line-up as uh Question: Why did the group discard voice recognition function? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing first brought up price concern, implying that voice recognition could significantly drive up cost and price. Also, Marketing argued that unlike the LCD screen, the elderly would not fancy speech recognition because it would not make the remote control more user-friendly. Project Manager applauded Marketing's opinion and agreed that the LCD screen should be given priority over voice recognition.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh good afternoon. This is our third meeting already. Marketing: Good afternoon. Project Manager: I hope you enjoyed your lunch. <unk>vocalsound<unk> I did anyway. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um let's see. Presentation three. Okay this is um the second phase uh we're going to discuss today. It's the conceptual design meeting. And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components. Uh conceptual specification of design. And also trend-watching. Um these are hopefully the points you addressed in uh your pre uh presentations you're going to show me in a few minutes. Um but first I'll show you the agenda. Uh first the opening. Then we have three presentations. Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts. How we're going to make it. And then we're closing. We have about forty minutes. Uh so I suggest let's get started. Uh did someone encounter any problems during the preparation? No? User Interface: No. Project Manager: Everything fine? Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: That's nice. Then a little uh thing about the last meeting. Uh these are the points um we agreed on. The requirements and the target market. Uh requirements are uh teletext, docking station, audio signal, small screen, with some extras that uh button information. And we are going to use default materials. Um does somebody have any comments on these requirements? Maybe? No? These are just the the things we thought of, so maybe if you figured something else or thought of something else, just let me know. And maybe we can uh work it out. And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers. So now everybody knows what we're do we're doing, um I suggest let's get started with the presentations. So shall we keep the same uh line-up as u Question: Summarize the group discussion about case design. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Firstly, the group reached a consensus that material should be plastic with wooden colour as opposed to wood. Then, User Interface brought forward a changeable case as a solution and was unanimously accepted. After that, the group discussed the shape of the control and chose single-curved for the time being. Finally, they drew out a specific case design and roughly determined the position of each button while taking the convenience of left-handed users into account.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh good afternoon. This is our third meeting already. Marketing: Good afternoon. Project Manager: I hope you enjoyed your lunch. <unk>vocalsound<unk> I did anyway. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um let's see. Presentation three. Okay this is um the second phase uh we're going to discuss today. It's the conceptual design meeting. And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components. Uh conceptual specification of design. And also trend-watching. Um these are hopefully the points you addressed in uh your pre uh presentations you're going to show me in a few minutes. Um but first I'll show you the agenda. Uh first the opening. Then we have three presentations. Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts. How we're going to make it. And then we're closing. We have about forty minutes. Uh so I suggest let's get started. Uh did someone encounter any problems during the preparation? No? User Interface: No. Project Manager: Everything fine? Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: That's nice. Then a little uh thing about the last meeting. Uh these are the points um we agreed on. The requirements and the target market. Uh requirements are uh teletext, docking station, audio signal, small screen, with some extras that uh button information. And we are going to use default materials. Um does somebody have any comments on these requirements? Maybe? No? These are just the the things we thought of, so maybe if you figured something else or thought of something else, just let me know. And maybe we can uh work it out. And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers. So now everybody knows what we're do we're doing, um I suggest let's get started with the presentations. So shall we keep the same uh line Question: What decision did the group make on changeable cases when discussing case design? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> As Marketing explained, a single remote control would be designed to fit into an original wooden cover as well as a standard plastic one, in order to meet the differentiated needs of the customers. As a result, besides remote control, two types of cases would also be sold as extra products.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh good afternoon. This is our third meeting already. Marketing: Good afternoon. Project Manager: I hope you enjoyed your lunch. <unk>vocalsound<unk> I did anyway. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um let's see. Presentation three. Okay this is um the second phase uh we're going to discuss today. It's the conceptual design meeting. And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components. Uh conceptual specification of design. And also trend-watching. Um these are hopefully the points you addressed in uh your pre uh presentations you're going to show me in a few minutes. Um but first I'll show you the agenda. Uh first the opening. Then we have three presentations. Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts. How we're going to make it. And then we're closing. We have about forty minutes. Uh so I suggest let's get started. Uh did someone encounter any problems during the preparation? No? User Interface: No. Project Manager: Everything fine? Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: That's nice. Then a little uh thing about the last meeting. Uh these are the points um we agreed on. The requirements and the target market. Uh requirements are uh teletext, docking station, audio signal, small screen, with some extras that uh button information. And we are going to use default materials. Um does somebody have any comments on these requirements? Maybe? No? These are just the the things we thought of, so maybe if you figured something else or thought of something else, just let me know. And maybe we can uh work it out. And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers. So now everybody knows what we're do we're doing, um I suggest let's get started with the presentations. So shall we Question: Why did the group give up the idea of positioning symmetrical buttons on both the left and right side? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Firstly, despite the convenience of left-handed users, symmetrical button design would create extra buttons and hence inevitably confuse users. Also, Project Manager pointed out that left-handed users have no difficulty handling the remote control by either side of hands. User Interface added that a thumb was sufficient for this motion, so no difference should exist between left and right.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh good afternoon. This is our third meeting already. Marketing: Good afternoon. Project Manager: I hope you enjoyed your lunch. <unk>vocalsound<unk> I did anyway. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um let's see. Presentation three. Okay this is um the second phase uh we're going to discuss today. It's the conceptual design meeting. And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components. Uh conceptual specification of design. And also trend-watching. Um these are hopefully the points you addressed in uh your pre uh presentations you're going to show me in a few minutes. Um but first I'll show you the agenda. Uh first the opening. Then we have three presentations. Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts. How we're going to make it. And then we're closing. We have about forty minutes. Uh so I suggest let's get started. Uh did someone encounter any problems during the preparation? No? User Interface: No. Project Manager: Everything fine? Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: That's nice. Then a little uh thing about the last meeting. Uh these are the points um we agreed on. The requirements and the target market. Uh requirements are uh teletext, docking station, audio signal, small screen, with some extras that uh button information. And we are going to use default materials. Um does somebody have any comments on these requirements? Maybe? No? These are just the the things we thought of, so maybe if you figured something else or thought of something else, just let me know. And maybe we can uh work it out. And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers. So now everybody knows what we're do we're doing, um I suggest let's get started with the presentations. So shall we keep the same uh line-up as uh last time Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The whole meeting was focused on the conceptual design of the new remote control product. After Project Manager briefly reaffirmed the agreements reached in previous meetings, Marketing, User Interface, and Industrial Designer each gave a presentation about trend-watching, interface design, and components design respectively. Then, Project Manager started a group discussion about important points just covered, including energy source, voice recognition, LCD screen, as well as case design, on which more emphasis was paid in the last half of the meeting. Finally, the group roughly drew out a specific case design.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Yep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um and that they often lose the <unk>disfmarker<unk> it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna make it simple. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> And that it should look different than what's out there. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Kind of mixed mixed response on the speech recognition. The younger Question: What did the group discuss about merits of speech recognition inclusion? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The group decided that speech recognition appeals to mostly younger people. The team decided speech recognition is mostly just a gimmick and is not used unless it works very well.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Yep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um and that they often lose the <unk>disfmarker<unk> it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna make it simple. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> And that it should look different than what's out there. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Kind of mixed mixed response on the speech recognition. The younger Question: What did Marketing think about the merits of speech recognition inclusion? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing agreed that speech recognition gets old and is a gimmick. Marketing also thought that since younger people are not the consumers spending money on remotes their preference for speech recognition might not matter greatly.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Yep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um and that they often lose the <unk>disfmarker<unk> it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna make it simple. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> And that it should look different than what's out there. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Kind of mixed mixed response on the speech recognition. The younger people said they Question: What are the benefits of the speech recognition feature? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> According to Marketing's research, ninety one percent of the youngest age groups said they would spend more money to buy a remote with speech recognition.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Yep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um and that they often lose the <unk>disfmarker<unk> it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna make it simple. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> And that it should look different than what's out there. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Kind of mixed mixed response on the Question: Summarize the group's discussion of market research on remote control users' desired features. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing presented the results of interviews conducted with remote control users. Eighty percent of users indicated that they would be willing to pay more for a remote that looked fancier. Fifty percent of users indicated that they generally only use about ten percent of the buttons on their remote controls. User Interface then presented the difficulties of a universal remote and also mentioned that few buttons are needed frequently by users.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Yep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um and that they often lose the <unk>disfmarker<unk> it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna make it simple. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> And that it should look different than what's out there. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Kind of mixed mixed response on the speech recognition. The younger people Question: What features of the remote control did Marketing think were important? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing thought that making the remote look cool and modern was important. Marketing also thought that many buttons could be removed or combined. Marketing also thought a tracking device and speech recognition could be good ideas.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Yep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um and that they often lose the <unk>disfmarker<unk> it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna make it simple. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> And that it should look different than what's out there. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Kind of mixed mixed response on the speech recognition. The younger people said they Question: Did Marketing and User Interface agree on desired features? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing and User Interface agreed on the importance of fewer buttons for a user-centered remote. Marketing and User Interface also agreed on the importance of the appearance of a remote control.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Yep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um and that they often lose the <unk>disfmarker<unk> it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna make it simple. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> And that it should look different than what's out there. Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Kind of mixed mixed response on the speech recognition. The younger people said they wanted it Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The group met to decide which features were desired by users and to decide how to design the shape and appearance of the remote control. Marketing and User Interface presented on what features were desired by remote control users, and Industrial Designer presented on the required internal components of a remote control. They decided not to pursue speech recognition and settled on designing a rounded one-handed remote control with minimal buttons.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Good. Industrial Designer: Beep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh. Project Manager: So well uh User Interface: What? Project Manager: welcome everyone. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Um as you may have noticed I uh User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: created separate folders because it was uh tending to get a little busy in our uh shared project documents uh folder. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: I don't know if everybody uh put their own uh documents in the right folder, which is for now the detailed design meeting. Marketing: That's new one? Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: We didn't make any uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh, we should save that one. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Oh in <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Then I'll move this one. User Interface: Didn't we just do that? Industrial Designer: Yeah, save in the folder. Save as project. User Interface: Oh. Project Manager: Oh no, this is just one big document, so you can leave that wherever it is. Industrial Designer: Oh, okay. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And we have a evaluation left here. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Hmm hmm. Project Manager: Okay. Industrial Designer: Agenda. Project Manager: Well not main documents this time. Oh uh yes. User Interface: Hmm? Project Manager: I have it open myself I guess. Um well the detailed design meeting <unk>disfmarker<unk> Huh? We're finally getting somewhere hopefully. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um what are we going to do? I've opened it already. Um I'm still going to take some minutes, and if I'm right, you two are going Question: Summarize the discussion on evaluation criteria of remote control. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Based on the analysis of user requirements, the group evaluated remote control by answering questions on the questionnaire. The questions on the questionnaire were mainly about fancy design, innovation, simplicity, target people, shape, colour, material, function, logo, etc. The final average score for remote control design is two. Marketing thought it was a quite good score.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Good. Industrial Designer: Beep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh. Project Manager: So well uh User Interface: What? Project Manager: welcome everyone. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Um as you may have noticed I uh User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: created separate folders because it was uh tending to get a little busy in our uh shared project documents uh folder. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: I don't know if everybody uh put their own uh documents in the right folder, which is for now the detailed design meeting. Marketing: That's new one? Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: We didn't make any uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh, we should save that one. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Oh in <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Then I'll move this one. User Interface: Didn't we just do that? Industrial Designer: Yeah, save in the folder. Save as project. User Interface: Oh. Project Manager: Oh no, this is just one big document, so you can leave that wherever it is. Industrial Designer: Oh, okay. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And we have a evaluation left here. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Hmm hmm. Project Manager: Okay. Industrial Designer: Agenda. Project Manager: Well not main documents this time. Oh uh yes. User Interface: Hmm? Project Manager: I have it open myself I guess. Um well the detailed design meeting <unk>disfmarker<unk> Huh? We're finally getting somewhere hopefully. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um what are we going to do? I've opened it already. Um I'm still going to take some minutes, and if I'm right, you two are Question: Summarize the discussion on the usability of remote control. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing wondered if all the buttons were easy to find. User Interface thought most of the buttons were easy to find except options. Options were easy to find by touch. Meanwhile, Industrial Designer thought all the buttons were easier to find than a regular remote control. However, marketing insisted that options were not found that easy.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Good. Industrial Designer: Beep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh. Project Manager: So well uh User Interface: What? Project Manager: welcome everyone. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Um as you may have noticed I uh User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: created separate folders because it was uh tending to get a little busy in our uh shared project documents uh folder. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: I don't know if everybody uh put their own uh documents in the right folder, which is for now the detailed design meeting. Marketing: That's new one? Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: We didn't make any uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh, we should save that one. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Oh in <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Then I'll move this one. User Interface: Didn't we just do that? Industrial Designer: Yeah, save in the folder. Save as project. User Interface: Oh. Project Manager: Oh no, this is just one big document, so you can leave that wherever it is. Industrial Designer: Oh, okay. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And we have a evaluation left here. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Hmm hmm. Project Manager: Okay. Industrial Designer: Agenda. Project Manager: Well not main documents this time. Oh uh yes. User Interface: Hmm? Project Manager: I have it open myself I guess. Um well the detailed design meeting <unk>disfmarker<unk> Huh? We're finally getting somewhere hopefully. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um what are we going to do? I've opened it already. Um I'm still going to take some minutes, and if I'm right Question: Why did group think the remote control can be easily used for both young and old? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Industrial Designer thought this remote control was the most useful ever with regular and easy controls. In user Interface's opinion, old people can use speech functions after reading manuals. With speech recognition, channels would be changed easily and elder's questions would be answered. Project Manager agreed the speech function would make remote control easier to use, even for elders.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Good. Industrial Designer: Beep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh. Project Manager: So well uh User Interface: What? Project Manager: welcome everyone. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Um as you may have noticed I uh User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: created separate folders because it was uh tending to get a little busy in our uh shared project documents uh folder. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: I don't know if everybody uh put their own uh documents in the right folder, which is for now the detailed design meeting. Marketing: That's new one? Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: We didn't make any uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh, we should save that one. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Oh in <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Then I'll move this one. User Interface: Didn't we just do that? Industrial Designer: Yeah, save in the folder. Save as project. User Interface: Oh. Project Manager: Oh no, this is just one big document, so you can leave that wherever it is. Industrial Designer: Oh, okay. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And we have a evaluation left here. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Hmm hmm. Project Manager: Okay. Industrial Designer: Agenda. Project Manager: Well not main documents this time. Oh uh yes. User Interface: Hmm? Project Manager: I have it open myself I guess. Um well the detailed design meeting <unk>disfmarker<unk> Huh? We're finally getting somewhere hopefully. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um what are we going to do? I've opened it already. Um I'm still going to take some minutes, and if I'm right, you two are going to give Question: Summarize the discussion about production finance. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> At first, the cost of remote control was eighteen and a half which highly surpassed the company's budget. Group had to change the design and lose functions so that the budget could fill the company's standard. Under this circumstance, the new design changed shape and lost functions such as scroll and microphone until the cost was twelve fifty. In addition, remote control changed to a single curve shape and battery without a solar cell made of rubber material.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Good. Industrial Designer: Beep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh. Project Manager: So well uh User Interface: What? Project Manager: welcome everyone. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Um as you may have noticed I uh User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: created separate folders because it was uh tending to get a little busy in our uh shared project documents uh folder. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: I don't know if everybody uh put their own uh documents in the right folder, which is for now the detailed design meeting. Marketing: That's new one? Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: We didn't make any uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh, we should save that one. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Oh in <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Then I'll move this one. User Interface: Didn't we just do that? Industrial Designer: Yeah, save in the folder. Save as project. User Interface: Oh. Project Manager: Oh no, this is just one big document, so you can leave that wherever it is. Industrial Designer: Oh, okay. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And we have a evaluation left here. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Hmm hmm. Project Manager: Okay. Industrial Designer: Agenda. Project Manager: Well not main documents this time. Oh uh yes. User Interface: Hmm? Project Manager: I have it open myself I guess. Um well the detailed design meeting <unk>disfmarker<unk> Huh? We're finally getting somewhere hopefully. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um what are we going to do? I've opened it already. Um I'm still going to take some minutes, and if I'm right, you two are going to give Question: Summarize the discussion about budget control. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Industrial Designer thought scroll wheel should be changed and the curve was not needed. Project Manager suggested dropping speech recognition for four euros cut. After a discussion about material, function, colour, chip, LCD and shape, the group decided to lose function as scroll wheel and microphone, change colour to only green and shape to single curve so that cost could be twelve fifty.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Good. Industrial Designer: Beep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh. Project Manager: So well uh User Interface: What? Project Manager: welcome everyone. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Um as you may have noticed I uh User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: created separate folders because it was uh tending to get a little busy in our uh shared project documents uh folder. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: I don't know if everybody uh put their own uh documents in the right folder, which is for now the detailed design meeting. Marketing: That's new one? Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: We didn't make any uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh, we should save that one. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Oh in <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Then I'll move this one. User Interface: Didn't we just do that? Industrial Designer: Yeah, save in the folder. Save as project. User Interface: Oh. Project Manager: Oh no, this is just one big document, so you can leave that wherever it is. Industrial Designer: Oh, okay. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And we have a evaluation left here. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Hmm hmm. Project Manager: Okay. Industrial Designer: Agenda. Project Manager: Well not main documents this time. Oh uh yes. User Interface: Hmm? Project Manager: I have it open myself I guess. Um well the detailed design meeting <unk>disfmarker<unk> Huh? We're finally getting somewhere hopefully. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um what are we going to do? I've opened it already. Um I'm still going to take some minutes, and if I'm right, Question: Why did User Interface disagree with losing speech recognition in the discussion of production finance? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager suggested scrap speech recognition to cut four euros. User interface insisted that speech recognition was a special and new feature so it shouldn't be lost. However, compared to advanced chip and curve shape, the group decided to cut the speech recognition function.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Good. Industrial Designer: Beep. <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh. Project Manager: So well uh User Interface: What? Project Manager: welcome everyone. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: Um as you may have noticed I uh User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: created separate folders because it was uh tending to get a little busy in our uh shared project documents uh folder. User Interface: Yeah. Project Manager: I don't know if everybody uh put their own uh documents in the right folder, which is for now the detailed design meeting. Marketing: That's new one? Project Manager: Yeah. User Interface: We didn't make any uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh, we should save that one. <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: Oh in <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Then I'll move this one. User Interface: Didn't we just do that? Industrial Designer: Yeah, save in the folder. Save as project. User Interface: Oh. Project Manager: Oh no, this is just one big document, so you can leave that wherever it is. Industrial Designer: Oh, okay. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> And we have a evaluation left here. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Hmm hmm. Project Manager: Okay. Industrial Designer: Agenda. Project Manager: Well not main documents this time. Oh uh yes. User Interface: Hmm? Project Manager: I have it open myself I guess. Um well the detailed design meeting <unk>disfmarker<unk> Huh? We're finally getting somewhere hopefully. Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Um what are we going to do? I've opened it already. Um I'm still going to take some minutes, and if I'm right, you two are going to give a prototype Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> This is the fourth meeting. Project Manager began a detailed design meeting with Industrial Designer and User Interface's overall design presentation. Industrial Designer and User Interface introduced the remote control was green with a light-blue screen of LCD, scroll and microphone function and the RR logo. Marketing put up a questionnaire so group members discussed and evaluated remote design. The final average score was two. Then the group calculated production cost. After calculation, the production cost was eighteen fifty and surpassed the company's budget. So the design was changed and functions such as scroll and microphone were lost to satisfy the budget. The group evaluated the project and gave some suggestions about the whole process.<extra_id_1>
Text: Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, User Interface: Sorry. Project Manager: so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as <unk>disfmarker<unk> in addition to their existing remote controls. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. <unk>gap<unk> Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll <unk>disfmarker<unk> Question: Summarize the discussion about the reduction of buttons and application of speech recognition. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing summarized the market research results and revealed that fifty percent users only use ten percent of the buttons. So the team proposed to reduce buttons to a minimum. Marketing believed that speech recognition could also contribute to this regard. User Interface showed a user-centred remote control and an engineering-centred one and preferred the user-centred one as it had fewer buttons and was easier to hold.<extra_id_1>
Text: Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, User Interface: Sorry. Project Manager: so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as <unk>disfmarker<unk> in addition to their existing remote controls. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. <unk>gap<unk> Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll <unk>disfmarker Question: What did Marketing and Project Manager come up with when it came to reducing buttons? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing proposed to apply speech recognition and suggested that some of the buttons could be hidden from everyday use. Project Manager agreed and proposed to get the remote control with no buttons but later rejected the idea and supposed that dual functions could be used.<extra_id_1>
Text: Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, User Interface: Sorry. Project Manager: so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as <unk>disfmarker<unk> in addition to their existing remote controls. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. <unk>gap<unk> Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll <unk> Question: Why didn't the team believe that the remote control could fully depend on speech recognition and have no buttons? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Age group data for remote control use was not available; many people may not want to learn to use the new remote control; some buttons are still needed, such as channel control, volume settings and on/off.<extra_id_1>
Text: Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, User Interface: Sorry. Project Manager: so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as <unk>disfmarker<unk> in addition to their existing remote controls. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. <unk>gap<unk> Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll <unk>disfmarker<unk> as a result of that we Question: What did the group discuss about energy sources? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager expected to have a remote control permanently available. Industrial Designer proposed to have a rechargeable battery or a battery dock, while Project Manager preferred a disposable one. Then Industrial Designer came up with a combination of both solar and conventional batteries.<extra_id_1>
Text: Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, User Interface: Sorry. Project Manager: so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as <unk>disfmarker<unk> in addition to their existing remote controls. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. <unk>gap<unk> Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll <unk>disfmarker<unk> as a result of that we Question: What did Project Manager think about energy source? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager preferred to have disposable remote control of which battery life was predetermined and proposed to move parts more by not even having a battery compartment. The usage of permanent batteries was also proposed.<extra_id_1>
Text: Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, User Interface: Sorry. Project Manager: so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as <unk>disfmarker<unk> in addition to their existing remote controls. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. <unk>gap<unk> Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll <unk>disfmarker<unk> as a result of that Question: What did Industrial Designer propose when discussing energy sources? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Industrial Designer initially proposed to have rechargeable energy sources and then suggested a combination of both solar and conventional batteries. It means that if there's enough light, then it's using the light, but when it is dark, then the battery is used.<extra_id_1>
Text: Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, User Interface: Sorry. Project Manager: so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as <unk>disfmarker<unk> in addition to their existing remote controls. Um <unk>vocalsound<unk> and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. <unk>gap<unk> Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll <unk>disfmarker<unk> as a result of that we will then Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> This is the second meeting of the design group. Project Manager went through the notes of the last meeting and informed the team of the management's requirements. They expected the remote control to cover television only and asked the team to incorporate the company logo and colours. As the team is looking at extreme simplicity, the buttons should be reduced to the absolute minimum. Voice recognition can also be added to reach this point. In addition, the remote control can be powered by a rechargeable or permanent battery.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Right w welcome to the the first meeting of uh Real Reaction's uh um development meetings for our our new television remote control. Uh this follows our very successful entry into the the consumer market over the last year or so um which we want to to build on, taking advantage of the uh the the latest developments in in technology and the uh the latest uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> uh feelings in in consumer design and and demand and uh we want to make this the the very best product th that's possible for everybody, uh one that everybody wants, uh at a good price for the consumer and at a good price for the company. Uh and to that end we need all to work together uh to do that. Um and uh b in no particular order because ev everybody is uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> just as vital to this project Marketing: Mm. Project Manager: um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just go round th the table, Andrew, marketing, um m Kendra with the uh um <unk>disfmarker<unk> designing the the the User Interface uh uh and Kate with the the industrial design. Um. <unk>vocalsound<unk> What's uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the th th project is is here to do, is is to to get this this project up and moving, ev everybody is is free to uh say wh whatever they want, uh everybody has a contribution to make and uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> everybody feel free to interrupt me at any time to to say what you want to say. Um in in terms of the immediate meeting the uh um <unk>gap<unk> everybody knows everybody else, everybody's worked for the the company for a while, if if an anybody feels that they need to say more about themselves please do, if if if anybody wants to b briefly give their their background so that everybody's quite clear what everybody uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> uh everybody's Question: Summarize the discussion about remote control style. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing proposed to make a stylish remote control. User Interface preferred a remote control that was comfortable to hold. In order to make buttons easy to find, User Interface pointed out that they could be made concave. Project Manager agreed and supposed that the buttons could be made illuminated so that people could see them in dark rooms.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Right w welcome to the the first meeting of uh Real Reaction's uh um development meetings for our our new television remote control. Uh this follows our very successful entry into the the consumer market over the last year or so um which we want to to build on, taking advantage of the uh the the latest developments in in technology and the uh the latest uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> uh feelings in in consumer design and and demand and uh we want to make this the the very best product th that's possible for everybody, uh one that everybody wants, uh at a good price for the consumer and at a good price for the company. Uh and to that end we need all to work together uh to do that. Um and uh b in no particular order because ev everybody is uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> just as vital to this project Marketing: Mm. Project Manager: um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just go round th the table, Andrew, marketing, um m Kendra with the uh um <unk>disfmarker<unk> designing the the the User Interface uh uh and Kate with the the industrial design. Um. <unk>vocalsound<unk> What's uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the th th project is is here to do, is is to to get this this project up and moving, ev everybody is is free to uh say wh whatever they want, uh everybody has a contribution to make and uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> everybody feel free to interrupt me at any time to to say what you want to say. Um in in terms of the immediate meeting the uh um <unk>gap<unk> everybody knows everybody else, everybody's worked for the the company for a while, if if an anybody feels that they need to say more about themselves please do, if if if anybody wants to b briefly give their their background so that everybody's quite clear what everybody uh <unk>disfmark Question: What doubts does Project Manager have about Marketing's suggestion when discussing remote control style? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> As Marketing proposed to make a remote control that doesn't look like remote control, Project Manager was concerned that customers wouldn't recognize it and just pass it.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Right w welcome to the the first meeting of uh Real Reaction's uh um development meetings for our our new television remote control. Uh this follows our very successful entry into the the consumer market over the last year or so um which we want to to build on, taking advantage of the uh the the latest developments in in technology and the uh the latest uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> uh feelings in in consumer design and and demand and uh we want to make this the the very best product th that's possible for everybody, uh one that everybody wants, uh at a good price for the consumer and at a good price for the company. Uh and to that end we need all to work together uh to do that. Um and uh b in no particular order because ev everybody is uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> just as vital to this project Marketing: Mm. Project Manager: um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just go round th the table, Andrew, marketing, um m Kendra with the uh um <unk>disfmarker<unk> designing the the the User Interface uh uh and Kate with the the industrial design. Um. <unk>vocalsound<unk> What's uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the th th project is is here to do, is is to to get this this project up and moving, ev everybody is is free to uh say wh whatever they want, uh everybody has a contribution to make and uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> everybody feel free to interrupt me at any time to to say what you want to say. Um in in terms of the immediate meeting the uh um <unk>gap<unk> everybody knows everybody else, everybody's worked for the the company for a while, if if an anybody feels that they need to say more about themselves please do, if if if anybody wants to b briefly give their their background so that everybody's quite clear what everybody uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> uh everybody's Question: What did User Interface think about remote control style? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> User Interface suggested that remote controls should be comfortable to hold and the buttons could be made concave so that customers could feel them.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Right w welcome to the the first meeting of uh Real Reaction's uh um development meetings for our our new television remote control. Uh this follows our very successful entry into the the consumer market over the last year or so um which we want to to build on, taking advantage of the uh the the latest developments in in technology and the uh the latest uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> uh feelings in in consumer design and and demand and uh we want to make this the the very best product th that's possible for everybody, uh one that everybody wants, uh at a good price for the consumer and at a good price for the company. Uh and to that end we need all to work together uh to do that. Um and uh b in no particular order because ev everybody is uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> just as vital to this project Marketing: Mm. Project Manager: um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just go round th the table, Andrew, marketing, um m Kendra with the uh um <unk>disfmarker<unk> designing the the the User Interface uh uh and Kate with the the industrial design. Um. <unk>vocalsound<unk> What's uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the th th project is is here to do, is is to to get this this project up and moving, ev everybody is is free to uh say wh whatever they want, uh everybody has a contribution to make and uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> everybody feel free to interrupt me at any time to to say what you want to say. Um in in terms of the immediate meeting the uh um <unk>gap<unk> everybody knows everybody else, everybody's worked for the the company for a while, if if an anybody feels that they need to say more about themselves please do, if if if anybody wants to b briefly give their their background so that everybody's quite clear what everybody uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> uh everybody's Question: What did the group discuss about remote control design? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The remote control should be made dependable and of medium size. In terms of industrial design, the user interface can be made into face-plates, and the material should be plastic as it is the lightest.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Right w welcome to the the first meeting of uh Real Reaction's uh um development meetings for our our new television remote control. Uh this follows our very successful entry into the the consumer market over the last year or so um which we want to to build on, taking advantage of the uh the the latest developments in in technology and the uh the latest uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> uh feelings in in consumer design and and demand and uh we want to make this the the very best product th that's possible for everybody, uh one that everybody wants, uh at a good price for the consumer and at a good price for the company. Uh and to that end we need all to work together uh to do that. Um and uh b in no particular order because ev everybody is uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> just as vital to this project Marketing: Mm. Project Manager: um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just go round th the table, Andrew, marketing, um m Kendra with the uh um <unk>disfmarker<unk> designing the the the User Interface uh uh and Kate with the the industrial design. Um. <unk>vocalsound<unk> What's uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the th th project is is here to do, is is to to get this this project up and moving, ev everybody is is free to uh say wh whatever they want, uh everybody has a contribution to make and uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> everybody feel free to interrupt me at any time to to say what you want to say. Um in in terms of the immediate meeting the uh um <unk>gap<unk> everybody knows everybody else, everybody's worked for the the company for a while, if if an anybody feels that they need to say more about themselves please do, if if if anybody wants to b briefly give their their background so that everybody's quite clear what everybody uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> uh everybody Question: What did Industrial Designer propose in the discussion of industrial design? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Industrial Designer believed that remote controls should be made dependable and its size should be moderate since if it is too big, it can be awkward to hold, but if it is too small, it will be easy to get lost.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Right w welcome to the the first meeting of uh Real Reaction's uh um development meetings for our our new television remote control. Uh this follows our very successful entry into the the consumer market over the last year or so um which we want to to build on, taking advantage of the uh the the latest developments in in technology and the uh the latest uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> uh feelings in in consumer design and and demand and uh we want to make this the the very best product th that's possible for everybody, uh one that everybody wants, uh at a good price for the consumer and at a good price for the company. Uh and to that end we need all to work together uh to do that. Um and uh b in no particular order because ev everybody is uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> just as vital to this project Marketing: Mm. Project Manager: um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just go round th the table, Andrew, marketing, um m Kendra with the uh um <unk>disfmarker<unk> designing the the the User Interface uh uh and Kate with the the industrial design. Um. <unk>vocalsound<unk> What's uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the th th project is is here to do, is is to to get this this project up and moving, ev everybody is is free to uh say wh whatever they want, uh everybody has a contribution to make and uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> everybody feel free to interrupt me at any time to to say what you want to say. Um in in terms of the immediate meeting the uh um <unk>gap<unk> everybody knows everybody else, everybody's worked for the the company for a while, if if an anybody feels that they need to say more about themselves please do, if if if anybody wants to b briefly give their their background so that everybody's quite clear what everybody uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> uh everybody's Question: What did User Interface think about colours and materials? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> User Interface suggested that the remote control could be made of plastics because it was the lightest and proposed that they could make the remote control different, maybe with face-plates.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Right w welcome to the the first meeting of uh Real Reaction's uh um development meetings for our our new television remote control. Uh this follows our very successful entry into the the consumer market over the last year or so um which we want to to build on, taking advantage of the uh the the latest developments in in technology and the uh the latest uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> uh feelings in in consumer design and and demand and uh we want to make this the the very best product th that's possible for everybody, uh one that everybody wants, uh at a good price for the consumer and at a good price for the company. Uh and to that end we need all to work together uh to do that. Um and uh b in no particular order because ev everybody is uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> just as vital to this project Marketing: Mm. Project Manager: um <unk>vocalsound<unk> I'll just go round th the table, Andrew, marketing, um m Kendra with the uh um <unk>disfmarker<unk> designing the the the User Interface uh uh and Kate with the the industrial design. Um. <unk>vocalsound<unk> What's uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the the th th project is is here to do, is is to to get this this project up and moving, ev everybody is is free to uh say wh whatever they want, uh everybody has a contribution to make and uh <unk>vocalsound<unk> everybody feel free to interrupt me at any time to to say what you want to say. Um in in terms of the immediate meeting the uh um <unk>gap<unk> everybody knows everybody else, everybody's worked for the the company for a while, if if an anybody feels that they need to say more about themselves please do, if if if anybody wants to b briefly give their their background so that everybody's quite clear what everybody uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> uh everybody's experience is please Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> This is the first Real Reaction's development meeting for the new remote control. The team members got acquainted with each other and Project Manager introduced the financial target. Each product would be priced at 25 Euros and a 50% profit is made, aiming at making an overall profit of 50 million Euros. In terms of style and design, the remote control should be stylish to stay competitive. Also, it should be made dependable and of medium size and the user interface can be made into face-plates. The material should be plastic as it is the lightest. To market the remote control, the project team can launch parallel marketing schemes to fit both customers who value the remote control's appearance and those who value its practicability. To market interchangeable fronts, the team can either get control in a set of colours or with face-plates.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Good to see you all again. Let's see if that comes up. This is our functional design meeting. Um. Just a sec while my PowerPoint comes up. Et voila. Okay. Mm um we put the fashion in electronics. Let's start. Okay, our agenda today um <unk>disfmarker<unk> just check the time, it's twelve thirteen. Um. I'm gonna do an opening, talk about um <unk>disfmarker<unk> did you all get the minutes? I e-mailed them to you. I'm also putting 'em <unk>disfmarker<unk> them in the shared folder. User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: So um then I <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll talk about our general objectives Industrial Designer: Right. Project Manager: and have your three presentations. Um I'll talk about the new project requirements I've just received, and then we have to make a decision on our remote control functions. Finally we'll just close. We're starting this meeting at approximately twelve thirteen and we have forty minutes. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> First of all the functional design objectives. Uh we need to keep in mind the user requirement specification, what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, the <unk>gap<unk> functions design, what effects the apparatus should have, and the working design, how the apparatus actually works to fulfil its function. Okay, three presentations, um you can go in any order you choose um. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Mm shall we go in the order that you just did it? Project Manager: Sure, please do. Marketing: I dunno. How do I hook my screen up? Industrial Designer: I think, you might have to disconnect Rose. Project Manager: Yes I do. Yeah. User Interface: Well there's a wee a wee plug just just that one there Marketing: Where does it go? Mm-hmm. Hmm, I' Question: Summarize presentations on working design, technical functions and functional requirements. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The first presentation was about users' functional requirements. Marketing mentioned that 80% of people like fancy appeal remote and younger people prefer voice recognition. The second presentation was about technical functions. User Interface suggested that as a communication tool, the remote should be practical and ergonomically designed. The third presentation was about working design. Industrial Designer introduced four main components, like a battery to make it work, the chip to convert the data, the user that's controlling the chip, and the infra-red bulb that moves the data to the receiver.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Good to see you all again. Let's see if that comes up. This is our functional design meeting. Um. Just a sec while my PowerPoint comes up. Et voila. Okay. Mm um we put the fashion in electronics. Let's start. Okay, our agenda today um <unk>disfmarker<unk> just check the time, it's twelve thirteen. Um. I'm gonna do an opening, talk about um <unk>disfmarker<unk> did you all get the minutes? I e-mailed them to you. I'm also putting 'em <unk>disfmarker<unk> them in the shared folder. User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: So um then I <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll talk about our general objectives Industrial Designer: Right. Project Manager: and have your three presentations. Um I'll talk about the new project requirements I've just received, and then we have to make a decision on our remote control functions. Finally we'll just close. We're starting this meeting at approximately twelve thirteen and we have forty minutes. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> First of all the functional design objectives. Uh we need to keep in mind the user requirement specification, what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, the <unk>gap<unk> functions design, what effects the apparatus should have, and the working design, how the apparatus actually works to fulfil its function. Okay, three presentations, um you can go in any order you choose um. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Mm shall we go in the order that you just did it? Project Manager: Sure, please do. Marketing: I dunno. How do I hook my screen up? Industrial Designer: I think, you might have to disconnect Rose. Project Manager: Yes I do. Yeah. User Interface: Well there's a wee a wee plug just just that one there Marketing: Where does it go? Mm-hmm. Hmm, I'm Question: What did Marketing think of repetitive strain injury when discussing functional requirements? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing was asking what RSI was when mentioning the user needs to be easy to use. User Interface answered that it was repetitive strain injury. So Marketing denied this function because it did not match people's operating behaviour and users wanted a remote control with fewer buttons which would be easy to learn. Just like the audio setting was not given as much importance and visibility on the remote as something like channel changing that's used a lot more often.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Good to see you all again. Let's see if that comes up. This is our functional design meeting. Um. Just a sec while my PowerPoint comes up. Et voila. Okay. Mm um we put the fashion in electronics. Let's start. Okay, our agenda today um <unk>disfmarker<unk> just check the time, it's twelve thirteen. Um. I'm gonna do an opening, talk about um <unk>disfmarker<unk> did you all get the minutes? I e-mailed them to you. I'm also putting 'em <unk>disfmarker<unk> them in the shared folder. User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: So um then I <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll talk about our general objectives Industrial Designer: Right. Project Manager: and have your three presentations. Um I'll talk about the new project requirements I've just received, and then we have to make a decision on our remote control functions. Finally we'll just close. We're starting this meeting at approximately twelve thirteen and we have forty minutes. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> First of all the functional design objectives. Uh we need to keep in mind the user requirement specification, what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, the <unk>gap<unk> functions design, what effects the apparatus should have, and the working design, how the apparatus actually works to fulfil its function. Okay, three presentations, um you can go in any order you choose um. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Mm shall we go in the order that you just did it? Project Manager: Sure, please do. Marketing: I dunno. How do I hook my screen up? Industrial Designer: I think, you might have to disconnect Rose. Project Manager: Yes I do. Yeah. User Interface: Well there's a wee a wee plug just just that one there Marketing: Where does it go? Mm-hmm. Hmm Question: Why did Industrial Designer think of it could be their selling point when discussing technical functions design? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> When Industrial Designer demonstrated two different remote controls, Project Manager thought neither of them was pretty. Mentioning about the cool look about the functional design, Industrial Designer suggested taking consideration of the cool appeal into the selling point of fashion remote because there was a market for cool looking technology and ergonomic design.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Good to see you all again. Let's see if that comes up. This is our functional design meeting. Um. Just a sec while my PowerPoint comes up. Et voila. Okay. Mm um we put the fashion in electronics. Let's start. Okay, our agenda today um <unk>disfmarker<unk> just check the time, it's twelve thirteen. Um. I'm gonna do an opening, talk about um <unk>disfmarker<unk> did you all get the minutes? I e-mailed them to you. I'm also putting 'em <unk>disfmarker<unk> them in the shared folder. User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: So um then I <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll talk about our general objectives Industrial Designer: Right. Project Manager: and have your three presentations. Um I'll talk about the new project requirements I've just received, and then we have to make a decision on our remote control functions. Finally we'll just close. We're starting this meeting at approximately twelve thirteen and we have forty minutes. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> First of all the functional design objectives. Uh we need to keep in mind the user requirement specification, what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, the <unk>gap<unk> functions design, what effects the apparatus should have, and the working design, how the apparatus actually works to fulfil its function. Okay, three presentations, um you can go in any order you choose um. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Mm shall we go in the order that you just did it? Project Manager: Sure, please do. Marketing: I dunno. How do I hook my screen up? Industrial Designer: I think, you might have to disconnect Rose. Project Manager: Yes I do. Yeah. User Interface: Well there's a wee a wee plug just just that one there Marketing: Where does it go? Mm-hmm. Hmm, I'm not supposed Question: Summarize the group discussion about the general specification. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The group agreed to target 15 to 25 year olds. They decided to make the remote look simple, but have the key buttons to make it easy to use. Also, groupmates agreed to use one menu button and they would include voice recognition as one option.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Good to see you all again. Let's see if that comes up. This is our functional design meeting. Um. Just a sec while my PowerPoint comes up. Et voila. Okay. Mm um we put the fashion in electronics. Let's start. Okay, our agenda today um <unk>disfmarker<unk> just check the time, it's twelve thirteen. Um. I'm gonna do an opening, talk about um <unk>disfmarker<unk> did you all get the minutes? I e-mailed them to you. I'm also putting 'em <unk>disfmarker<unk> them in the shared folder. User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: So um then I <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll talk about our general objectives Industrial Designer: Right. Project Manager: and have your three presentations. Um I'll talk about the new project requirements I've just received, and then we have to make a decision on our remote control functions. Finally we'll just close. We're starting this meeting at approximately twelve thirteen and we have forty minutes. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> First of all the functional design objectives. Uh we need to keep in mind the user requirement specification, what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, the <unk>gap<unk> functions design, what effects the apparatus should have, and the working design, how the apparatus actually works to fulfil its function. Okay, three presentations, um you can go in any order you choose um. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Mm shall we go in the order that you just did it? Project Manager: Sure, please do. Marketing: I dunno. How do I hook my screen up? Industrial Designer: I think, you might have to disconnect Rose. Project Manager: Yes I do. Yeah. User Interface: Well there's a wee a wee plug just just that one there Marketing: Where does it go? Mm-hmm. H Question: What did the group think of the infra-red functionality when discussing general requirements? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager mentioned that they should emphasize on making the infra-red more functional. Industrial Designer thought the chip took the data and presented it without sort of scattering and the quality of all the components really mattered. Then Project Manager mentioned the target group and voice recognition was not necessary. Group mates agreed on it and mentioned that it was high-tech and expensive.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Good to see you all again. Let's see if that comes up. This is our functional design meeting. Um. Just a sec while my PowerPoint comes up. Et voila. Okay. Mm um we put the fashion in electronics. Let's start. Okay, our agenda today um <unk>disfmarker<unk> just check the time, it's twelve thirteen. Um. I'm gonna do an opening, talk about um <unk>disfmarker<unk> did you all get the minutes? I e-mailed them to you. I'm also putting 'em <unk>disfmarker<unk> them in the shared folder. User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: So um then I <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll talk about our general objectives Industrial Designer: Right. Project Manager: and have your three presentations. Um I'll talk about the new project requirements I've just received, and then we have to make a decision on our remote control functions. Finally we'll just close. We're starting this meeting at approximately twelve thirteen and we have forty minutes. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> First of all the functional design objectives. Uh we need to keep in mind the user requirement specification, what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, the <unk>gap<unk> functions design, what effects the apparatus should have, and the working design, how the apparatus actually works to fulfil its function. Okay, three presentations, um you can go in any order you choose um. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Mm shall we go in the order that you just did it? Project Manager: Sure, please do. Marketing: I dunno. How do I hook my screen up? Industrial Designer: I think, you might have to disconnect Rose. Project Manager: Yes I do. Yeah. User Interface: Well there's a wee a wee plug just just that one there Marketing: Where does it go? Mm-hmm. Hmm, I'm Question: What did Industrial Designer think of the battery when discussing general requirements? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Industrial Designer suggested a rechargeable station like a cradle for the iPod when discussing the battery for essential functions because it might contribute to fewer people losing it too if it stayed in one place. Project Manager agreed and suggested thinking about the space in the living room as well when designing this feature.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Good to see you all again. Let's see if that comes up. This is our functional design meeting. Um. Just a sec while my PowerPoint comes up. Et voila. Okay. Mm um we put the fashion in electronics. Let's start. Okay, our agenda today um <unk>disfmarker<unk> just check the time, it's twelve thirteen. Um. I'm gonna do an opening, talk about um <unk>disfmarker<unk> did you all get the minutes? I e-mailed them to you. I'm also putting 'em <unk>disfmarker<unk> them in the shared folder. User Interface: Yep. Project Manager: So um then I <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll talk about our general objectives Industrial Designer: Right. Project Manager: and have your three presentations. Um I'll talk about the new project requirements I've just received, and then we have to make a decision on our remote control functions. Finally we'll just close. We're starting this meeting at approximately twelve thirteen and we have forty minutes. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> First of all the functional design objectives. Uh we need to keep in mind the user requirement specification, what needs and desires are to be fulfilled, the <unk>gap<unk> functions design, what effects the apparatus should have, and the working design, how the apparatus actually works to fulfil its function. Okay, three presentations, um you can go in any order you choose um. Marketing: <unk>gap<unk> Mm shall we go in the order that you just did it? Project Manager: Sure, please do. Marketing: I dunno. How do I hook my screen up? Industrial Designer: I think, you might have to disconnect Rose. Project Manager: Yes I do. Yeah. User Interface: Well there's a wee a wee plug just just that one there Marketing: Where does it go? Mm-hmm. Hmm, I'm not supposed to move this Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> This was the second meeting with functional design discussion purpose. Firstly, the group gave three individual presentations on working design, technical functions and functional requirements. They mentioned the importance of the fancy appeal, the practicality and the quality of components. Then, the group had a discussion about general requirements on the remote control. The group decided to market the remote as a separate product and focused on the user-friendly as well as simplicity, instead of too much technological advancement. Also, they agreed to target on income group and would add extra functionalities like keep lost and rechargeable stations for the remote control.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: So uh good morning. User Interface: Morning. Marketing: Morning. Project Manager: I see you all find your places. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: Is everybody sitting on the right place? Yeah? Marketing: Yep. Project Manager: I guess so. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's see. First I will introduce myself. I don't know if uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> if everybody knows me, so I'm Bart, Marketing: My name's Frank. Project Manager: hello. Hello. User Interface: I'm <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Bart. Hello. Hello. Bart. Industrial Designer: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: Welcome. Marketing: Thank you. Project Manager: Uh let's see. Uh let's start off um with a little presentation. Uh Now first I'll tell you a little bit about the setting. You can see there are a few cameras here. They'll record uh our actions and you'll have wires and microphones that will record your voice. Uh there are also some microphones there but th um you don't have to pay a lot of attention on those, because it will uh disappear when you don't attend to it. So is there a project documents folder? There are some notes in it already I see, some documents. Uh I'll start with the presentation kick off. Is being modified by the administrator. Uh okay <unk>vocalsound<unk>. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Hmm, that's interesting. Project Manager: Let's do it read only. Well I don't know if you've noticed, but uh we're working for Real Reaction. Uh it's a company in uh electronics. We put fashion in electronics, uh we make it work, uh we put a lot of effort in design and in Question: What did the group discuss about remote control use cases? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager proposed that apart from ordinary remote controls, innovative use cases could be explored. Then Marketing suggested that a multipurpose remote control should be made to operate different devices including TV, video recorder, DVD player, etc.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: So uh good morning. User Interface: Morning. Marketing: Morning. Project Manager: I see you all find your places. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: Is everybody sitting on the right place? Yeah? Marketing: Yep. Project Manager: I guess so. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's see. First I will introduce myself. I don't know if uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> if everybody knows me, so I'm Bart, Marketing: My name's Frank. Project Manager: hello. Hello. User Interface: I'm <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Bart. Hello. Hello. Bart. Industrial Designer: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: Welcome. Marketing: Thank you. Project Manager: Uh let's see. Uh let's start off um with a little presentation. Uh Now first I'll tell you a little bit about the setting. You can see there are a few cameras here. They'll record uh our actions and you'll have wires and microphones that will record your voice. Uh there are also some microphones there but th um you don't have to pay a lot of attention on those, because it will uh disappear when you don't attend to it. So is there a project documents folder? There are some notes in it already I see, some documents. Uh I'll start with the presentation kick off. Is being modified by the administrator. Uh okay <unk>vocalsound<unk>. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Hmm, that's interesting. Project Manager: Let's do it read only. Well I don't know if you've noticed, but uh we're working for Real Reaction. Uh it's a company in uh electronics. We put fashion in electronics, uh we make it work, uh we put a Question: What did Project Manager think of the feasibility of the multipurpose remote control mentioned by Marketing? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager confirmed the feasibility of Marketing's idea of the multipurpose remote control, and later he also brought up infra-red as an effective medium, over which cost-related doubt was expressed by himself, though.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: So uh good morning. User Interface: Morning. Marketing: Morning. Project Manager: I see you all find your places. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: Is everybody sitting on the right place? Yeah? Marketing: Yep. Project Manager: I guess so. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's see. First I will introduce myself. I don't know if uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> if everybody knows me, so I'm Bart, Marketing: My name's Frank. Project Manager: hello. Hello. User Interface: I'm <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Bart. Hello. Hello. Bart. Industrial Designer: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: Welcome. Marketing: Thank you. Project Manager: Uh let's see. Uh let's start off um with a little presentation. Uh Now first I'll tell you a little bit about the setting. You can see there are a few cameras here. They'll record uh our actions and you'll have wires and microphones that will record your voice. Uh there are also some microphones there but th um you don't have to pay a lot of attention on those, because it will uh disappear when you don't attend to it. So is there a project documents folder? There are some notes in it already I see, some documents. Uh I'll start with the presentation kick off. Is being modified by the administrator. Uh okay <unk>vocalsound<unk>. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Hmm, that's interesting. Project Manager: Let's do it read only. Well I don't know if you've noticed, but uh we're working for Real Reaction. Uh it's a company in uh electronics. We put fashion in electronics, uh we make it work, uh we put a Question: What did the group discuss about functions for the remote control other than the multipurpose function? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Infra-red was mentioned by Project Manager along with the multipurpose function. Marketing proposed shock proof. User Interface put forward waterproof. And then Marketing went on to offer battery status display as an optional choice, which he had no idea was a great production cost driver or just a tiny LED.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: So uh good morning. User Interface: Morning. Marketing: Morning. Project Manager: I see you all find your places. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: Is everybody sitting on the right place? Yeah? Marketing: Yep. Project Manager: I guess so. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's see. First I will introduce myself. I don't know if uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> if everybody knows me, so I'm Bart, Marketing: My name's Frank. Project Manager: hello. Hello. User Interface: I'm <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Bart. Hello. Hello. Bart. Industrial Designer: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: Welcome. Marketing: Thank you. Project Manager: Uh let's see. Uh let's start off um with a little presentation. Uh Now first I'll tell you a little bit about the setting. You can see there are a few cameras here. They'll record uh our actions and you'll have wires and microphones that will record your voice. Uh there are also some microphones there but th um you don't have to pay a lot of attention on those, because it will uh disappear when you don't attend to it. So is there a project documents folder? There are some notes in it already I see, some documents. Uh I'll start with the presentation kick off. Is being modified by the administrator. Uh okay <unk>vocalsound<unk>. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Hmm, that's interesting. Project Manager: Let's do it read only. Well I don't know if you've noticed, but uh we're working for Real Reaction. Uh it's a company in uh electronics. We put fashion in electronics, uh we make it work, uh we put Question: What attitude did Project Manager hold towards potential cost pressure with regard to infra-red? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> When Project Manager proposed the application of infra-red, he himself admitted the risk of exceeding target cost. The same concern over battery status display was expressed by Marketing. Hence, he agreed to find out a specific cost before decision-making, with Marketing implying that he wanted it to be applied if possible.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: So uh good morning. User Interface: Morning. Marketing: Morning. Project Manager: I see you all find your places. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: Is everybody sitting on the right place? Yeah? Marketing: Yep. Project Manager: I guess so. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's see. First I will introduce myself. I don't know if uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> if everybody knows me, so I'm Bart, Marketing: My name's Frank. Project Manager: hello. Hello. User Interface: I'm <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Bart. Hello. Hello. Bart. Industrial Designer: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: Welcome. Marketing: Thank you. Project Manager: Uh let's see. Uh let's start off um with a little presentation. Uh Now first I'll tell you a little bit about the setting. You can see there are a few cameras here. They'll record uh our actions and you'll have wires and microphones that will record your voice. Uh there are also some microphones there but th um you don't have to pay a lot of attention on those, because it will uh disappear when you don't attend to it. So is there a project documents folder? There are some notes in it already I see, some documents. Uh I'll start with the presentation kick off. Is being modified by the administrator. Uh okay <unk>vocalsound<unk>. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Hmm, that's interesting. Project Manager: Let's do it read only. Well I don't know if you've noticed, but uh we're working for Real Reaction. Uh it's a company in uh electronics. We put fashion in electronics, uh we make it work, uh we put a Question: What did Marketing think of potential cost pressure incurred by the application of battery status display? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> When Marketing mentioned the application battery status display, he added that it could possibly drag up the production cost and that further research would be carried out before decision-making. But still, he implied that he wanted it to be applied if possible.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: So uh good morning. User Interface: Morning. Marketing: Morning. Project Manager: I see you all find your places. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: Is everybody sitting on the right place? Yeah? Marketing: Yep. Project Manager: I guess so. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's see. First I will introduce myself. I don't know if uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> if everybody knows me, so I'm Bart, Marketing: My name's Frank. Project Manager: hello. Hello. User Interface: I'm <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Bart. Hello. Hello. Bart. Industrial Designer: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: Welcome. Marketing: Thank you. Project Manager: Uh let's see. Uh let's start off um with a little presentation. Uh Now first I'll tell you a little bit about the setting. You can see there are a few cameras here. They'll record uh our actions and you'll have wires and microphones that will record your voice. Uh there are also some microphones there but th um you don't have to pay a lot of attention on those, because it will uh disappear when you don't attend to it. So is there a project documents folder? There are some notes in it already I see, some documents. Uh I'll start with the presentation kick off. Is being modified by the administrator. Uh okay <unk>vocalsound<unk>. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Hmm, that's interesting. Project Manager: Let's do it read only. Well I don't know if you've noticed, but uh we're working for Real Reaction. Uh it's a company in uh electronics. We put fashion in electronics, uh we make it work, uh we put Question: Summarize the discussion about financial aims and target markets of the new remote control project. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Project Manager announced that the remote control would be priced at 25 Euros, produced at a maximum cost of 12.5 Euros to achieve a profit aim of 50 million euros. And Project Manager went on to emphasize that the target market would be international, covering different kinds of users, cultures, and trends. No dissent was raised by other team members.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: So uh good morning. User Interface: Morning. Marketing: Morning. Project Manager: I see you all find your places. Industrial Designer: Morning. Project Manager: Is everybody sitting on the right place? Yeah? Marketing: Yep. Project Manager: I guess so. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Let's see. First I will introduce myself. I don't know if uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> if everybody knows me, so I'm Bart, Marketing: My name's Frank. Project Manager: hello. Hello. User Interface: I'm <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Bart. Hello. Hello. Bart. Industrial Designer: <unk>gap<unk> Project Manager: Welcome. Marketing: Thank you. Project Manager: Uh let's see. Uh let's start off um with a little presentation. Uh Now first I'll tell you a little bit about the setting. You can see there are a few cameras here. They'll record uh our actions and you'll have wires and microphones that will record your voice. Uh there are also some microphones there but th um you don't have to pay a lot of attention on those, because it will uh disappear when you don't attend to it. So is there a project documents folder? There are some notes in it already I see, some documents. Uh I'll start with the presentation kick off. Is being modified by the administrator. Uh okay <unk>vocalsound<unk>. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Hmm, that's interesting. Project Manager: Let's do it read only. Well I don't know if you've noticed, but uh we're working for Real Reaction. Uh it's a company in uh electronics. We put fashion in electronics, uh we make it work, uh we put a lot of effort in design and in the product itself Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The whole meeting was the initial meeting of a new remote control project. Firstly, Project Manager introduced the scope and agenda of the project, and the team got acquainted with each other and technical devices. Then Project Manager made clear that remote control would be priced at 25 Euros and a production cost of 12.5 Euros, in order to achieve a profit aim of 50 million Euros. After an accident, Marketing suggested that remote control should be made multipurpose and the consensus was reached on this point. Finally, the group brainstormed some other functions for the remote control despite a potential increase in production cost.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: because that's going to influence our design. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh no. Marketing: Oh, <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you <unk>disfmarker<unk> Don't know if you al already had a look or not? User Interface: No n I I already did it. Industrial Designer: Did you do your questionnaire already? Marketing: No. User Interface: It's not much. It's just one question. Project Manager: Because we have a problem. Industrial Designer: Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Oh. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you look closely, you can see. User Interface: Yeah. Industrial Designer: It wants <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? User Interface: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah but everything is. Project Manager: Should we switch to a hand dynamo? User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Marketing: No. User Interface: Yeah, b but <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Yeah Question: Summarize the group's attempts to redesign the conceptual remote control because of the limited budget. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> According to the Project Manager, the group had gone far beyond the budget, so they had to cut down something on the current conceptual remote design. The first idea they came up with was to reduce the number of the buttons. The Industrial Design proposed to use an integrating button to replace the scattered ones, but inevitably, this also had some defects. The User Interface focused on the material and he put forward to choose a cheaper material like wood or plastics. Paying attention to the energy consumption, the Marketing suggested using a hand dynamo to save the cost of batteries.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: because that's going to influence our design. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh no. Marketing: Oh, <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you <unk>disfmarker<unk> Don't know if you al already had a look or not? User Interface: No n I I already did it. Industrial Designer: Did you do your questionnaire already? Marketing: No. User Interface: It's not much. It's just one question. Project Manager: Because we have a problem. Industrial Designer: Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Oh. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you look closely, you can see. User Interface: Yeah. Industrial Designer: It wants <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? User Interface: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah but everything is. Project Manager: Should we switch to a hand dynamo? User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Marketing: No. User Interface: Yeah, b but <unk>disf Question: Why did the User Interface disagree with the Industrial Design when discussing their attempts to redesign the conceptual remote control because of the limited budget? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> When discussing how to control their budget, the Industrial Design put forward to use an integrating joystick or a scroll-wheel push-button like the mouse to reduce the number of the buttons on the remote control. It did sound great for that it allowed users to function the remote control by manipulating only one button as well as saved the cost for the group. However, according to the User Interface, actually it could cost even five times to design and produce an integrating button than just produce several scattered buttons, so this might not be a feasible suggestion.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: because that's going to influence our design. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh no. Marketing: Oh, <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you <unk>disfmarker<unk> Don't know if you al already had a look or not? User Interface: No n I I already did it. Industrial Designer: Did you do your questionnaire already? Marketing: No. User Interface: It's not much. It's just one question. Project Manager: Because we have a problem. Industrial Designer: Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Oh. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you look closely, you can see. User Interface: Yeah. Industrial Designer: It wants <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? User Interface: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah but everything is. Project Manager: Should we switch to a hand dynamo? User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Marketing: No. User Interface: Yeah, b but <unk>disfmarker Question: What did the User Interface suggest to do when discussing their attempts to redesign the conceptual remote control because of the limited budget? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The User Interface suggested to use plastics as the material in order to reduce the cost. However, the Project Manager would like to use wood for fear that the color would not be bright enough. Fortunately, according to the User Interface, there were actually hard plastics with attractive color, that was also why he insisted on the plastics as the material.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: because that's going to influence our design. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh no. Marketing: Oh, <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you <unk>disfmarker<unk> Don't know if you al already had a look or not? User Interface: No n I I already did it. Industrial Designer: Did you do your questionnaire already? Marketing: No. User Interface: It's not much. It's just one question. Project Manager: Because we have a problem. Industrial Designer: Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Oh. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you look closely, you can see. User Interface: Yeah. Industrial Designer: It wants <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? User Interface: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah but everything is. Project Manager: Should we switch to a hand dynamo? User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Marketing: No. User Interface: Yeah, b but <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Yeah but young people like Question: What did the group talk about the material and function issue and a questionnaire? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> As to have a clear idea about what they had already got, the Project Manager proposed to evaluate finished work first. Then through the review, they found the problem that the joystick might not function as well as they thought before. In addition, in order to keep it innovative, the group decided to add some unique things like fruit logos or make it in a three-D shape. According to the User Interface, they should put the electronics into fashions so the material also needed some discussion. Plastics and rubber were both fine to them for that they were not easy to be destroyed and favored by most youths. After all the discussions, the Marketing offered a questionnaire for them to check whether they made the right decisions.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: because that's going to influence our design. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh no. Marketing: Oh, <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you <unk>disfmarker<unk> Don't know if you al already had a look or not? User Interface: No n I I already did it. Industrial Designer: Did you do your questionnaire already? Marketing: No. User Interface: It's not much. It's just one question. Project Manager: Because we have a problem. Industrial Designer: Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Oh. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you look closely, you can see. User Interface: Yeah. Industrial Designer: It wants <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? User Interface: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah but everything is. Project Manager: Should we switch to a hand dynamo? User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Marketing: No. User Interface: Yeah, b but <unk>disfmarker<unk> Question: What did the Marketing think of the external design of the remote control when discussing the material and function issue of it? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> When the group was talking about the material and function issue, the Marketing laid stress on the innovation for that they already had to drop several advanced techniques to meet the budget limitation and it was necessary for them to find something unique.He pointed out that they could take the advantage of the fruit and vegetable logos on the remote control, as well as the primary colors of the button.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: because that's going to influence our design. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh no. Marketing: Oh, <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you <unk>disfmarker<unk> Don't know if you al already had a look or not? User Interface: No n I I already did it. Industrial Designer: Did you do your questionnaire already? Marketing: No. User Interface: It's not much. It's just one question. Project Manager: Because we have a problem. Industrial Designer: Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Oh. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you look closely, you can see. User Interface: Yeah. Industrial Designer: It wants <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? User Interface: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah but everything is. Project Manager: Should we switch to a hand dynamo? User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Marketing: No. User Interface: Yeah, b but <unk>disfmarker<unk> Question: What did the Project Manager think of the questionnaire when discussing it to ascertain whether they were on the right track? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> When discussing whether they were on the right track after so many changes in their design, the Marketing offered a questionnaire for the group to check if they did the right thing. The questionnaire included both positive issues and negative ones, and by ticking all the questions on it, the group received a mark to evaluate their work as well as compare themselves to their counterparts. To the Project Manager's satisfaction, the score eventually showed that they made the right decision and exceeded some others.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, Marketing: <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: because that's going to influence our design. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Oh no. Marketing: Oh, <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you <unk>disfmarker<unk> Don't know if you al already had a look or not? User Interface: No n I I already did it. Industrial Designer: Did you do your questionnaire already? Marketing: No. User Interface: It's not much. It's just one question. Project Manager: Because we have a problem. Industrial Designer: Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Oh. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: If you look closely, you can see. User Interface: Yeah. Industrial Designer: It wants <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>gap<unk>. <unk>vocalsound<unk> At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? User Interface: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Okay. Uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah but everything is. Project Manager: Should we switch to a hand dynamo? User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Marketing: No. User Interface: Yeah, b but <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Yeah but young people like that. Project Manager: Batteries Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The meeting began with the harsh budget problem that the group had to cut down something of the current conceptual remote control, otherwise they would be unable to handle the cost. They talked about reducing the buttons, integrating functions, or using cheaper materials. After the discussion, the Marketing offered a questionnaire for the group to check if they were on the right track. Through the questionnaire, they found that it would be better if they paid more attention to the external design so the Industrial Design embellished the current design on the color and logo. As the last thing left to the meeting, the group reviewed their cooperation and got a general plan of their coming group presentation.<extra_id_1>
Text: PhD A: Alright. We're on. Professor B: Test, um. Test, test, test. Guess that's me. Yeah. OK. Grad D: Ooh, Thursday. Professor B: So. There's two sheets of paper in front of us. PhD A: What are these? PhD E: Yeah. So. Professor B: This is the arm wrestling? PhD C: Uh. Yeah, we formed a coalition actually. PhD E: Yeah. Almost. PhD C: We already made it into one. Professor B: Oh, good. PhD C: Yeah. Professor B: Excellent. PhD E: Yeah. Professor B: That's the best thing. PhD E: Mm - hmm. Professor B: So, tell me about it. PhD E: So it's <unk>disfmarker<unk> well, it's <unk>pause<unk> spectral subtraction or Wiener filtering, um, depending on if we put <unk>disfmarker<unk> if we square the transfer function or not. Professor B: Right. PhD E: And then with over - estimation of the noise, depending on the, uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the SNR, with smoothing along time, um, smoothing along frequency. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: It's very simple, smoothing things. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And, um, <unk>vocalsound<unk> the best result is <unk>vocalsound<unk> when we apply this procedure on FFT bins, uh, with a Wiener filter. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And there is no noise addition after <unk>disfmarker<unk> after that. Professor B: OK. PhD E: So it's good because <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> it's difficult when we have to Question: Summarize the discussion about the state of the final model Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The team had started putting together the various techniques they had developed into a single software. Their score was 53.6 and it was working on spectral subtraction and noise addition after cleaning up mel bins. The professor did not think much had changed.<extra_id_1>
Text: PhD A: Alright. We're on. Professor B: Test, um. Test, test, test. Guess that's me. Yeah. OK. Grad D: Ooh, Thursday. Professor B: So. There's two sheets of paper in front of us. PhD A: What are these? PhD E: Yeah. So. Professor B: This is the arm wrestling? PhD C: Uh. Yeah, we formed a coalition actually. PhD E: Yeah. Almost. PhD C: We already made it into one. Professor B: Oh, good. PhD C: Yeah. Professor B: Excellent. PhD E: Yeah. Professor B: That's the best thing. PhD E: Mm - hmm. Professor B: So, tell me about it. PhD E: So it's <unk>disfmarker<unk> well, it's <unk>pause<unk> spectral subtraction or Wiener filtering, um, depending on if we put <unk>disfmarker<unk> if we square the transfer function or not. Professor B: Right. PhD E: And then with over - estimation of the noise, depending on the, uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the SNR, with smoothing along time, um, smoothing along frequency. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: It's very simple, smoothing things. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And, um, <unk>vocalsound<unk> the best result is <unk>vocalsound<unk> when we apply this procedure on FFT bins, uh, with a Wiener filter. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And there is no noise addition after <unk>disfmarker<unk> after that. Professor B: OK. PhD E: So it's good because <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> it's difficult when we have to add noise Question: What did PhD E say about the best result? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> PhD E explained that the best result was when FFT bins were applied with a Wiener filter and no noise was added. The results with noise addition were very close, but not as good.<extra_id_1>
Text: PhD A: Alright. We're on. Professor B: Test, um. Test, test, test. Guess that's me. Yeah. OK. Grad D: Ooh, Thursday. Professor B: So. There's two sheets of paper in front of us. PhD A: What are these? PhD E: Yeah. So. Professor B: This is the arm wrestling? PhD C: Uh. Yeah, we formed a coalition actually. PhD E: Yeah. Almost. PhD C: We already made it into one. Professor B: Oh, good. PhD C: Yeah. Professor B: Excellent. PhD E: Yeah. Professor B: That's the best thing. PhD E: Mm - hmm. Professor B: So, tell me about it. PhD E: So it's <unk>disfmarker<unk> well, it's <unk>pause<unk> spectral subtraction or Wiener filtering, um, depending on if we put <unk>disfmarker<unk> if we square the transfer function or not. Professor B: Right. PhD E: And then with over - estimation of the noise, depending on the, uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the SNR, with smoothing along time, um, smoothing along frequency. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: It's very simple, smoothing things. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And, um, <unk>vocalsound<unk> the best result is <unk>vocalsound<unk> when we apply this procedure on FFT bins, uh, with a Wiener filter. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And there is no noise addition after <unk>disfmarker<unk> after that. Professor B: OK. PhD E: So it's good because <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> it's difficult when we have to add noise Question: What did the professor say about the final model? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The professor was happy to hear that the team had already started putting together a final software. The professor also noted that Finnish and Spanish had the smallest overall number compared to Aurora.<extra_id_1>
Text: PhD A: Alright. We're on. Professor B: Test, um. Test, test, test. Guess that's me. Yeah. OK. Grad D: Ooh, Thursday. Professor B: So. There's two sheets of paper in front of us. PhD A: What are these? PhD E: Yeah. So. Professor B: This is the arm wrestling? PhD C: Uh. Yeah, we formed a coalition actually. PhD E: Yeah. Almost. PhD C: We already made it into one. Professor B: Oh, good. PhD C: Yeah. Professor B: Excellent. PhD E: Yeah. Professor B: That's the best thing. PhD E: Mm - hmm. Professor B: So, tell me about it. PhD E: So it's <unk>disfmarker<unk> well, it's <unk>pause<unk> spectral subtraction or Wiener filtering, um, depending on if we put <unk>disfmarker<unk> if we square the transfer function or not. Professor B: Right. PhD E: And then with over - estimation of the noise, depending on the, uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the SNR, with smoothing along time, um, smoothing along frequency. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: It's very simple, smoothing things. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And, um, <unk>vocalsound<unk> the best result is <unk>vocalsound<unk> when we apply this procedure on FFT bins, uh, with a Wiener filter. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And there is no noise addition after <unk>disfmarker<unk> after that. Professor B: OK. PhD E: So it's good because <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> it's difficult when we have to add Question: Summarize the discussion on frame dropping and noise estimation Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The team thought that the differences in performance between well-matched and high mismatch may have to do with the frame dropping problem. Tinkering around and changing a few small things was suggested as a way of improving performance. The team though it would also be nice to have the net on the server side where it would use less bandwidth. The team also discussed if averaging over the entire spectrum was a good idea.<extra_id_1>
Text: PhD A: Alright. We're on. Professor B: Test, um. Test, test, test. Guess that's me. Yeah. OK. Grad D: Ooh, Thursday. Professor B: So. There's two sheets of paper in front of us. PhD A: What are these? PhD E: Yeah. So. Professor B: This is the arm wrestling? PhD C: Uh. Yeah, we formed a coalition actually. PhD E: Yeah. Almost. PhD C: We already made it into one. Professor B: Oh, good. PhD C: Yeah. Professor B: Excellent. PhD E: Yeah. Professor B: That's the best thing. PhD E: Mm - hmm. Professor B: So, tell me about it. PhD E: So it's <unk>disfmarker<unk> well, it's <unk>pause<unk> spectral subtraction or Wiener filtering, um, depending on if we put <unk>disfmarker<unk> if we square the transfer function or not. Professor B: Right. PhD E: And then with over - estimation of the noise, depending on the, uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the SNR, with smoothing along time, um, smoothing along frequency. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: It's very simple, smoothing things. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And, um, <unk>vocalsound<unk> the best result is <unk>vocalsound<unk> when we apply this procedure on FFT bins, uh, with a Wiener filter. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And there is no noise addition after <unk>disfmarker<unk> after that. Professor B: OK. PhD E: So it's good because <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> it's difficult when we have to add noise Question: What did PhD E think about improving the model? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> PhD E thought that changing a few things could result in an improvement, but they had to be careful with the neural net. PhD also played around with noise estimation to improve the model but did not play around with it much.<extra_id_1>
Text: PhD A: Alright. We're on. Professor B: Test, um. Test, test, test. Guess that's me. Yeah. OK. Grad D: Ooh, Thursday. Professor B: So. There's two sheets of paper in front of us. PhD A: What are these? PhD E: Yeah. So. Professor B: This is the arm wrestling? PhD C: Uh. Yeah, we formed a coalition actually. PhD E: Yeah. Almost. PhD C: We already made it into one. Professor B: Oh, good. PhD C: Yeah. Professor B: Excellent. PhD E: Yeah. Professor B: That's the best thing. PhD E: Mm - hmm. Professor B: So, tell me about it. PhD E: So it's <unk>disfmarker<unk> well, it's <unk>pause<unk> spectral subtraction or Wiener filtering, um, depending on if we put <unk>disfmarker<unk> if we square the transfer function or not. Professor B: Right. PhD E: And then with over - estimation of the noise, depending on the, uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the SNR, with smoothing along time, um, smoothing along frequency. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: It's very simple, smoothing things. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And, um, <unk>vocalsound<unk> the best result is <unk>vocalsound<unk> when we apply this procedure on FFT bins, uh, with a Wiener filter. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And there is no noise addition after <unk>disfmarker<unk> after that. Professor B: OK. PhD E: So it's good because <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> it's difficult when we have to add noise Question: What did the professor think about improving the model? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The professor wanted to know how much the model improved due to frame dropping. He thought four or five changes would result in good improvements. The professor highlighted that improvements should not come at a higher bandwidth.<extra_id_1>
Text: PhD A: Alright. We're on. Professor B: Test, um. Test, test, test. Guess that's me. Yeah. OK. Grad D: Ooh, Thursday. Professor B: So. There's two sheets of paper in front of us. PhD A: What are these? PhD E: Yeah. So. Professor B: This is the arm wrestling? PhD C: Uh. Yeah, we formed a coalition actually. PhD E: Yeah. Almost. PhD C: We already made it into one. Professor B: Oh, good. PhD C: Yeah. Professor B: Excellent. PhD E: Yeah. Professor B: That's the best thing. PhD E: Mm - hmm. Professor B: So, tell me about it. PhD E: So it's <unk>disfmarker<unk> well, it's <unk>pause<unk> spectral subtraction or Wiener filtering, um, depending on if we put <unk>disfmarker<unk> if we square the transfer function or not. Professor B: Right. PhD E: And then with over - estimation of the noise, depending on the, uh <unk>disfmarker<unk> the SNR, with smoothing along time, um, smoothing along frequency. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: It's very simple, smoothing things. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And, um, <unk>vocalsound<unk> the best result is <unk>vocalsound<unk> when we apply this procedure on FFT bins, uh, with a Wiener filter. Professor B: Mm - hmm. PhD E: And there is no noise addition after <unk>disfmarker<unk> after that. Professor B: OK. PhD E: So it's good because <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>vocalsound<unk> it's difficult when we have to add noise to <unk>dis Question: Summarize the meeting Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The group discussed the current state of their work, which was coming close to a conclusion. They were putting together their final model, including the various techniques they had explored. Their performance on the Aurora tasks was second and very close to those in first place. The professor thought that further tweaking and incorporation of a neural network would improve their scores. The team discussed which method to use for noise suppression, which had not been decided yet. They also delved into a more detailed discussion of the VAD and latency. Their method for noise estimation would add a notable delay to the model. Finally, the team delved further into how to finish up the model.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go ahead. Marketing Question: Summarize the discussion about presentations about ideas on the remote control. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing gave a presentation in the first place based on research and came up with ideas like what their remote control should look like, buttons design, whether the new product should have LCD screens. Marketing also suggested that there could be any chances that remote control could know users' preference channels, and there would be a beep when they couldn't find control. Then User Interface delivered a speech mainly on the size of buttons and remote control, and agreed to find remote control easier and increase its durability. At last, Industrial Designer did an analysis on what Marketing and User Interface said before and claimed that there still needed a lot to know but integration of materials meant less cost for the production and they should make up a different Morse code when some button was pressed.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go ahead. Marketing: Question: What did the market feedback about common remote controls said by Marketing? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing found that seventy five percent of the users thought most remote controls ugly, and most people found it irritating when they couldn't find their remote control. And another thing Marketing found important was that users had a feeling for speech recognition so that they could choose channels by voice. And they wanted maybe an LCD screen to search what's on every channel.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go ahead. Question: Why did Industrial Designer not agree to what Marketing and User Interface said before? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> First Industrial Designer raised questions like whether their remote control would be universal and should it be programmable or not, because they needed something like a mode to send out a different signal so that the remote can work in this way. Then the size of the remote was also put by Industrial Designer since there were already plenty of technical parts in it and it was quite complex to deal with material problems. But at last Industrial Designer came up with the idea of integration of materials and in this way, the new product would cost less.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go Question: Summarize the discussion about the new requirements for the functional design of their new product. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> At first Project Manager limited remote control's appealing population to younger people less than 40 years, which meant their remote control should be trendy. And also corporate color and slogan should be recognizable on the remote control, which contributed to the idea of whether there should be a replaceable cover.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go ahead. Question: What did Project Manager and Industrial Designer discuss about making an universal remote control? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Their remote control could be purchased in a situation when users' old remote had broken, so a universal remote control could be a must. Project Manager put forward this idea but did not know if there would be any chance to accomplish it easily, and Industrial Designer it would be possible but still needed some research.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go ahead. Marketing: Question: What did the team talk about button design of the remote control? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Buttons design was all about volume, channel, power, and some other instant ideas. The team discussed their sizes, big or small, and places, up, center, or down, and also their arrangements, vertical or horizontal, and reached a conclusion that the power button could be on top. They came up with mute button as well but Project Manager didn't think it was important.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it Question: What did the team think of a rechargeable remote when discussing remote control's functional design and production cost? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Industrial Designer raised an idea of making a rechargeable remote control which could have a wire and could charge itself when it was put in the electricity. Project Manager also had some responsive sparkles but they could hardly be applied. But at least one thing the team all agreed to was that a rechargeable remote was a comfort and people could pay for comfort.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go ahead. Marketing: Um there Question: Summarize what their remote control would look like. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Except uncertain problems such as LCD screen and speech recognition thing influenced by financial information, there would be many chances to have important buttons on top and bigger, different functional menus to adjust TV things, and very important idea of have replaceable covers, which could be designed to different colors meeting younger generation's demands.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Wait for the marketing director actually, so. Anyways. Uh. See, shall we wait? I'm not sure if he's late or delayed or whatever, so I'm gonna start soon, we have now <unk>disfmarker<unk> don't have much time anyway. User Interface: Oh, there he is. Industrial Designer: Okay, Marketing: Yes. Project Manager: There you are, Industrial Designer: we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: Sorry, Project Manager: okay. Marketing: a little bit of pl little problem with computer. Project Manager: Uh no problem. We're about to start, so have a seat. Okay, welcome again. Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> <unk>gap<unk>. Project Manager: Today, functional design phase. I'll take you over the minutes of last last meeting. Okay, that was just to get to know each other, Marketing: Uh. Project Manager: have a little thoughts on what your vision is and <unk>disfmarker<unk> on this project, so <unk>disfmarker<unk> I put the minutes on the <unk>disfmarker<unk> I made on the on the p the the project share, so if you wanna review them, they're there. I will do so after every meeting, so if you have some information you wanna take back you can find it there. Anyways, um today three presentations, from every one of you. Um after that I got some new project requirements from project board, so we're gonna go af go after <unk>disfmarker<unk> over this later. But I wanna start with uh stuff you did first, so we can see what everybody came up with. And after that we can have the new requirements and share some thoughts, so. Who would like <unk>disfmarker<unk> wanna go first? Marketing: Yeah, sure, no problem. Project Manager: Take it. User Interface: Go ahead. Marketing: Um there was a little Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> In this meeting, the team first gave presentations about their ideas most about remote control's functional design based on research and knowledge they had already known. And then Project Manager delivered new requirements for the look, functions, and some others about the remote control. Later on the team brainstormed about many functional designs—where to put buttons and how much size they should be, the necessity of beep and flash, the design of covers, and the choice of LCD screen and rechargeable batteries—of the remote control based on new requirements, researches, current technology and production price. Finally they decided about the remote's button design and had an optimistic attitude towards rechargeable things but there still needed more market research when they gave a sketch of the new product.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Here we go. Alright, the agenda for thi oh. Alright. Um the agenda for this meeting <unk>vocalsound<unk> is um <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll initially have the prototype presentation by our two designers. And then we will evaluate it, given the criteria that um that we gave gave it. And um talk about our finances, whether we were under or over our budget. I have a um a spreadsheet where we can calculate um our prices for every aspect of of what we've made, given our options. And um evaluate the product, as a group. Industrial Designer: Okay. Project Manager: And um <unk>disfmarker<unk> So first we'll have the prototype presentation. Do you need the um PowerPoint for this? Industrial Designer: Um yeah. I just got a few slides, so show them. Project Manager: Alright. Industrial Designer: Thank you. Do you want to present it? <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah, here we are. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> This is what we came up with. It's a pretty simple design. It's um based on a mango? Yeah. And <unk>vocalsound<unk> we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: On? Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mango shape. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> A mango. Okay. User Interface: Yeah. And we have the company logo here and this will be the infrared here Industrial Designer: The L_E_D_. User Interface: and this'll be the power point, the on off button kind <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Oh. Okay. User Interface: yeah. Marketing: I'm sorry. Project Manager: Oops. Marketing: What was the <unk>disfmarker<unk> where's the L_E_D_? User Interface: It's in Question: How did User Interface introduce the prototype of the remote control? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The prototype was a pretty simple design in a mango shape with the company logo on it and an on-off button. The color of the prototype was vanilla and yellow like and the material was a combination of rubber and plastic with a company logo. Moreover, there was a circular design for the numbers so it could be palm-held, accessible from the user' thumb. Besides, a plus button was added on the device so the channels could be switched easily without any confusion.For instance, one plus two it could go to channel twelve. But this function was challenged by Industrial Designer who argued that it was not snappy since the five-second pause input time was enough for switching to the double-digit channel. After all, the team agreed that it was overall, a good design, well representing the company's identity.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Here we go. Alright, the agenda for thi oh. Alright. Um the agenda for this meeting <unk>vocalsound<unk> is um <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll initially have the prototype presentation by our two designers. And then we will evaluate it, given the criteria that um that we gave gave it. And um talk about our finances, whether we were under or over our budget. I have a um a spreadsheet where we can calculate um our prices for every aspect of of what we've made, given our options. And um evaluate the product, as a group. Industrial Designer: Okay. Project Manager: And um <unk>disfmarker<unk> So first we'll have the prototype presentation. Do you need the um PowerPoint for this? Industrial Designer: Um yeah. I just got a few slides, so show them. Project Manager: Alright. Industrial Designer: Thank you. Do you want to present it? <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah, here we are. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> This is what we came up with. It's a pretty simple design. It's um based on a mango? Yeah. And <unk>vocalsound<unk> we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: On? Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mango shape. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> A mango. Okay. User Interface: Yeah. And we have the company logo here and this will be the infrared here Industrial Designer: The L_E_D_. User Interface: and this'll be the power point, the on off button kind <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Oh. Okay. User Interface: yeah. Marketing: I'm sorry. Project Manager: Oops. Marketing: What was the <unk>disfmarker<unk> where's the L_E_D_? User Interface: It's in the middle of one Question: How did Marketing design the product evaluation? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Marketing recalled both the conceptual and functional meetings and made a list of what the original requirements and goals were based on kick-off meetings this morning. For the ten questions, Marketing asked the team to give one to seven points to each feature of the product and the lower the points the better the feature.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Here we go. Alright, the agenda for thi oh. Alright. Um the agenda for this meeting <unk>vocalsound<unk> is um <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll initially have the prototype presentation by our two designers. And then we will evaluate it, given the criteria that um that we gave gave it. And um talk about our finances, whether we were under or over our budget. I have a um a spreadsheet where we can calculate um our prices for every aspect of of what we've made, given our options. And um evaluate the product, as a group. Industrial Designer: Okay. Project Manager: And um <unk>disfmarker<unk> So first we'll have the prototype presentation. Do you need the um PowerPoint for this? Industrial Designer: Um yeah. I just got a few slides, so show them. Project Manager: Alright. Industrial Designer: Thank you. Do you want to present it? <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah, here we are. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> This is what we came up with. It's a pretty simple design. It's um based on a mango? Yeah. And <unk>vocalsound<unk> we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: On? Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mango shape. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> A mango. Okay. User Interface: Yeah. And we have the company logo here and this will be the infrared here Industrial Designer: The L_E_D_. User Interface: and this'll be the power point, the on off button kind <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Oh. Okay. User Interface: yeah. Marketing: I'm sorry. Project Manager: Oops. Marketing: What was the <unk>disfmarker<unk> where's the L_E_D_? User Interface: It's in the middle Question: What did the team discuss during the product evaluation? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The team agreed that the prototype had a fancy look-and-feels once they did not choose the traditional ugly black and grey color but incorporated the company's color. Although, there were only push buttons and no LED display, the incorporation of the kinetic energy, making the device more durable and rubber material made it technologically innovative. Moreover, the team thought the device was easy to use and good looking but Project Manager suggested that the company logo could be smaller. Besides, the device's simplistic made it stand out and customers were willing to pay a little more for that and its good appearance. Last but not least, the device could match the operating behavior of the average user and the alarming function, a light would vibrate, added value to the device.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Here we go. Alright, the agenda for thi oh. Alright. Um the agenda for this meeting <unk>vocalsound<unk> is um <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll initially have the prototype presentation by our two designers. And then we will evaluate it, given the criteria that um that we gave gave it. And um talk about our finances, whether we were under or over our budget. I have a um a spreadsheet where we can calculate um our prices for every aspect of of what we've made, given our options. And um evaluate the product, as a group. Industrial Designer: Okay. Project Manager: And um <unk>disfmarker<unk> So first we'll have the prototype presentation. Do you need the um PowerPoint for this? Industrial Designer: Um yeah. I just got a few slides, so show them. Project Manager: Alright. Industrial Designer: Thank you. Do you want to present it? <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah, here we are. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> This is what we came up with. It's a pretty simple design. It's um based on a mango? Yeah. And <unk>vocalsound<unk> we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: On? Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mango shape. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> A mango. Okay. User Interface: Yeah. And we have the company logo here and this will be the infrared here Industrial Designer: The L_E_D_. User Interface: and this'll be the power point, the on off button kind <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Oh. Okay. User Interface: yeah. Marketing: I'm sorry. Project Manager: Oops. Marketing: What was the <unk>disfmarker<unk> where's the L_E_D_? User Interface: It's in the middle Question: What did the team discuss about the product cost? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Firstly, using kinetic was quite a large expense at three Euros. Secondly, in terms of the material used on the device, the team decided to use a combination of rubber and plastic to cut costs with one color for the case and one color for the buttons. Moreover, the push button interface was inexpensive so the team agreed to add a special form for the case. Lastly, ssthe team did not choose joystick, LED display or advanced chips, they were able to make the budget under control.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Here we go. Alright, the agenda for thi oh. Alright. Um the agenda for this meeting <unk>vocalsound<unk> is um <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll initially have the prototype presentation by our two designers. And then we will evaluate it, given the criteria that um that we gave gave it. And um talk about our finances, whether we were under or over our budget. I have a um a spreadsheet where we can calculate um our prices for every aspect of of what we've made, given our options. And um evaluate the product, as a group. Industrial Designer: Okay. Project Manager: And um <unk>disfmarker<unk> So first we'll have the prototype presentation. Do you need the um PowerPoint for this? Industrial Designer: Um yeah. I just got a few slides, so show them. Project Manager: Alright. Industrial Designer: Thank you. Do you want to present it? <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah, here we are. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> This is what we came up with. It's a pretty simple design. It's um based on a mango? Yeah. And <unk>vocalsound<unk> we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: On? Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mango shape. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> A mango. Okay. User Interface: Yeah. And we have the company logo here and this will be the infrared here Industrial Designer: The L_E_D_. User Interface: and this'll be the power point, the on off button kind <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Oh. Okay. User Interface: yeah. Marketing: I'm sorry. Project Manager: Oops. Marketing: What was the <unk>disfmarker<unk> where's the L_E_D_? User Interface: It's in Question: What did the team say about the project and overall process? Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The team thought that the project manager showed good leadership and that was a must during the teamwork process. Besides, they had a really great project design experience and everyone had put efforts into the process and gave opinions to design a good remote control. After all, they have learned a lot from each other as well as the overall customers' tastes within the industry.<extra_id_1>
Text: Project Manager: Okay. Here we go. Alright, the agenda for thi oh. Alright. Um the agenda for this meeting <unk>vocalsound<unk> is um <unk>disfmarker<unk> we'll initially have the prototype presentation by our two designers. And then we will evaluate it, given the criteria that um that we gave gave it. And um talk about our finances, whether we were under or over our budget. I have a um a spreadsheet where we can calculate um our prices for every aspect of of what we've made, given our options. And um evaluate the product, as a group. Industrial Designer: Okay. Project Manager: And um <unk>disfmarker<unk> So first we'll have the prototype presentation. Do you need the um PowerPoint for this? Industrial Designer: Um yeah. I just got a few slides, so show them. Project Manager: Alright. Industrial Designer: Thank you. Do you want to present it? <unk>vocalsound<unk> User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Um <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Yeah, here we are. User Interface: <unk>vocalsound<unk> This is what we came up with. It's a pretty simple design. It's um based on a mango? Yeah. And <unk>vocalsound<unk> we <unk>disfmarker<unk> Marketing: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: On? Industrial Designer: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Mango shape. Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> A mango. Okay. User Interface: Yeah. And we have the company logo here and this will be the infrared here Industrial Designer: The L_E_D_. User Interface: and this'll be the power point, the on off button kind <unk>disfmarker<unk> Project Manager: Oh. Okay. User Interface: yeah. Marketing: I'm sorry. Project Manager: Oops. Marketing: What was the <unk>disfmarker<unk> where's the L_E_D_? User Interface: It's in the middle of one of Question: Summarize the whole meeting. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> Firstly, User Interface introduced the prototype of remote control based on the previous discussion of its function. The prototype was a pretty simple design in a mango shape with the company logo on it and innovative functions like the plus button. Secondly, Marketing designed an evaluation test under the guidance of both the conceptual as well as functional meetings and the team gave one to seven points to each feature of the product to see if the prototype would meet the original requirements and goals. Thirdly, the team calculated the cost of the prototype and found that the most expensive part was the use of kinetic. But the team decided to use regular chips and cheap materials, which made the budget under control. Lastly, the team gave positive feedback on the project and the process.<extra_id_1>
Text: Marketing: Is this okay? Project Manager: Uh yeah. Fine now. Oh, it's not liking us, it went that-a-way. Computer adjusting. Oh. Uh. Okay. <unk>vocalsound<unk> So. Right. You ready back there? <unk>vocalsound<unk> Uh okay. Welcome everyone. Um this is the kick-off meeting for the day. Um we're the new group uh to create a new remote control for Real Reaction. As you can see our agenda is to open up the meeting, um become acquainted with each other, um have a little training on tools, uh create a plan, discuss things and and we only have twenty minut twenty five minutes total. Okay. The new remote control is to be original, trendy and user-friendly. That, Steph, is your part, is the user-friendliness. The originality um is gonna take all of us. Um the trendiness we'll probably go look at <unk>disfmarker<unk> for some marketing research information from you, Sarah. Um and we'll get on with it. Okay, so we'll have a functional design individual work um with meeting and then conceptual design t and then detailed design. Okay? Right. Everybody's supposed to try out the whiteboard. Kate, why don't you try it first, if you can either bring your things with you, I guess <unk>disfmarker<unk> Industrial Designer: Uh yeah, if I can pick up with all these bits and pieces, hang on. Project Manager: And while you're doing that we'll try and figure out how to hook these things on as well, 'cause we're all gonna have to be able to walk around. Industrial Designer: Uh right, so you want an animal and the characteristics of that animal. <unk>vocalsound<unk> Project Manager: <unk>vocalsound<unk> Industrial Designer: Do you have to be able to recognise what animal it is? <unk>vocal Question: Summarize the discussion about the marketing target of the remote control. Answer:<extra_id_0>
<extra_id_0> The preliminary aim of the profit was fifty million Euros. The setting price was twenty-five Euros each remote control, and therefore the profit was twelve and a half Euros per item. To reach the profit goal of fifty million, Marketing set a sales figure of four million.<extra_id_1>