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---|---|---|---| | FaiREE: fair classification with finite-sample and distribution-free guarantee | Algorithmic fairness plays an increasingly critical role in machine learning research. Several group fairness notions and algorithms have been proposed. However, the fairness guarantee of existing fair classification methods mainly depend on specific data distributional assumptions, often requiring large sample sizes, and fairness could be violated when there is a modest number of samples, which is often the case in practice. In this paper, we propose FaiREE, a fair classification algorithm which can satisfy group fairness constraints with finite-sample and distribution-free theoretical guarantees. FaiREE can be adapted to satisfying various group fairness notions (e.g., Equality of Opportunity, Equalized Odds, Demographic Parity, etc.) and achieve the optimal accuracy. These theoretical guarantees are further supported by experiments on both synthetic and real data. FaiREE is shown to have favorable performance over state-of-the-art algorithms. | Accept: poster | | Mini-batch $k$-means terminates within $O(d/\epsilon)$ iterations | We answer the question: "Does \emph{local} progress (on batches) imply \emph{global} progress (on the entire dataset) for mini-batch $k$-means?". Specifically, we consider mini-batch $k$-means which terminates only when the improvement in the quality of the clustering on the sampled batch is below some threshold.
Although at first glance it appears that this algorithm might execute forever, we answer the above question in the affirmative and show that if the batch is of size $\tilde{\Omega}((d/\epsilon)^2)$, it must terminate within $O(d/\epsilon)$ iterations with high probability, where $d$ is the dimension of the input, and $\epsilon$ is a threshold parameter for termination. This is true \emph{regardless} of how the centers are initialized. When the algorithm is initialized with the $k$-means++ initialization scheme, it achieves an approximation ratio of $O(\log k)$ (the same as the full-batch version).
Finally, we show the applicability of our results to the mini-batch $k$-means algorithm implemented in the scikit-learn (sklearn) python library. | Accept: poster | | Ask Your Humans: Using Human Instructions to Improve Generalization in Reinforcement Learning | Complex, multi-task problems have proven to be difficult to solve efficiently in a sparse-reward reinforcement learning setting. In order to be sample efficient, multi-task learning requires reuse and sharing of low-level policies. To facilitate the automatic decomposition of hierarchical tasks, we propose the use of step-by-step human demonstrations in the form of natural language instructions and action trajectories. We introduce a dataset of such demonstrations in a crafting-based grid world. Our model consists of a high-level language generator and low-level policy, conditioned on language. We find that human demonstrations help solve the most complex tasks. We also find that incorporating natural language allows the model to generalize to unseen tasks in a zero-shot setting and to learn quickly from a few demonstrations. Generalization is not only reflected in the actions of the agent, but also in the generated natural language instructions in unseen tasks. Our approach also gives our trained agent interpretable behaviors because it is able to generate a sequence of high-level descriptions of its actions. | Accept (Poster) | | MetaMorph: Learning Universal Controllers with Transformers | Multiple domains like vision, natural language, and audio are witnessing tremendous progress by leveraging Transformers for large scale pre-training followed by task specific fine tuning. In contrast, in robotics we primarily train a single robot for a single task. However, modular robot systems now allow for the flexible combination of general-purpose building blocks into task optimized morphologies. However, given the exponentially large number of possible robot morphologies, training a controller for each new design is impractical. In this work, we propose MetaMorph, a Transformer based approach to learn a universal controller over a modular robot design space. MetaMorph is based on the insight that robot morphology is just another modality on which we can condition the output of a Transformer. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate that large scale pre-training on a variety of robot morphologies results in policies with combinatorial generalization capabilities, including zero shot generalization to unseen robot morphologies. We further demonstrate that our pre-trained policy can be used for sample-efficient transfer to completely new robot morphologies and tasks. | Accept (Poster) | | Online black-box adaptation to label-shift in the presence of conditional-shift | We consider an out-of-distribution setting where trained predictive models are deployed online in new locations (inducing conditional-shift), such that these locations are also associated with differently skewed target distributions (label-shift). While approaches for online adaptation to label-shift have recently been discussed by Wu et al. (2021), the potential presence of concurrent conditional-shift has not been considered in the literature, although one might anticipate such distributional shifts in realistic deployments. In this paper, we empirically explore the effectiveness of online adaptation methods in such situations on three synthetic and two realistic datasets, comprising both classification and regression problems. We show that it is possible to improve performance in these settings by learning additional hyper-parameters to account for the presence of conditional-shift by using appropriate validation sets. | Reject | | The Principle of Logit Separation | We consider neural network training, in applications in which there are many possible classes, but at test-time, the task is to identify only whether the given example belongs to a specific class, which can be different in different applications of the classifier. For instance, this is the case in an image search engine. We consider the Single Logit Classification (SLC) task: training the network so that at test-time, it would be possible to accurately identify if the example belongs to a given class, based only on the output logit for this class.
We propose a natural principle, the Principle of Logit Separation, as a guideline for choosing and designing losses suitable for the SLC.
We show that the cross-entropy loss function is not aligned with the Principle of Logit Separation. In contrast, there are known loss functions, as well as novel batch loss functions that we propose, which are aligned with this principle. In total, we study seven loss functions.
Our experiments show that indeed in almost all cases, losses that are aligned with Principle of Logit Separation obtain a 20%-35% relative performance improvement in the SLC task, compared to losses that are not aligned with it. We therefore conclude that the Principle of Logit Separation sheds light on an important property of the most common loss functions used by neural network classifiers. | Reject | | Symbolic Physics Learner: Discovering governing equations via Monte Carlo tree search | Nonlinear dynamics is ubiquitous in nature and commonly seen in various science and engineering disciplines. Distilling analytical expressions that govern nonlinear dynamics from limited data remains vital but challenging. To tackle this fundamental issue, we propose a novel Symbolic Physics Learner (SPL) machine to discover the mathematical structure of nonlinear dynamics. The key concept is to interpret mathematical operations and system state variables by computational rules and symbols, establish symbolic reasoning of mathematical formulas via expression trees, and employ a Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) agent to explore optimal expression trees based on measurement data. The MCTS agent obtains an optimistic selection policy through the traversal of expression trees, featuring the one that maps to the arithmetic expression of underlying physics. Salient features of the proposed framework include search flexibility and enforcement of parsimony for discovered equations. The efficacy and superiority of the SPL machine are demonstrated by numerical examples, compared with state-of-the-art baselines. | Accept: notable-top-5% | | Robust Universal Adversarial Perturbations | Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) are imperceptible, image-agnostic vectors that cause deep neural networks (DNNs) to misclassify inputs from a data distribution with high probability. In practical attack scenarios, adversarial perturbations may undergo transformations such as changes in pixel intensity, rotation, etc. while being added to DNN inputs. Existing methods do not create UAPs robust to these real-world transformations, thereby limiting their applicability in attack scenarios. In this work, we introduce and formulate robust UAPs. We build an iterative algorithm using probabilistic robustness bounds and transformations generated by composing arbitrary sub-differentiable transformation functions to construct such robust UAPs. We perform an extensive evaluation on the popular CIFAR-10 and ILSVRC 2012 datasets measuring our UAPs' robustness under a wide range common, real-world transformations such as rotation, contrast changes, etc. Our results show that our method can generate UAPs up to 23% more robust than existing state-of-the-art baselines. | Reject | | Leveraging inductive bias of neural networks for learning without explicit human annotations | Classification problems today are typically solved by first collecting examples along with candidate labels, second obtaining clean labels from workers,
and third training a large, overparameterized deep neural network on the clean examples. The second, labeling step is often the most expensive one as it requires manually going through all examples.
In this paper we skip the labeling step entirely and propose to directly train the deep neural network on the noisy raw labels and early stop the training to avoid overfitting.
With this procedure we exploit an intriguing property of large overparameterized neural networks: While they are capable of perfectly fitting the noisy data, gradient descent fits clean labels much faster than the noisy ones, thus early stopping resembles training on the clean labels.
Our results show that early stopping the training of standard deep networks such as ResNet-18 on part of the Tiny Images dataset, which does not involve any human labeled data, and of which only about half of the labels are correct, gives a significantly higher test performance than when trained on the clean CIFAR-10 training dataset, which is a labeled version of the Tiny Images dataset, for the same classification problem.
In addition, our results show that the noise generated through the label collection process is not nearly as adversarial for learning as the noise generated by randomly flipping labels, which is the noise most prevalent in works demonstrating noise robustness of neural networks. | Reject | | Graph MLP-Mixer | Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown great potential in the field of graph representation learning. Standard GNNs define a local message-passing mechanism which propagates information over the whole graph domain by stacking multiple layers. This paradigm suffers from two major limitations, over-squashing and poor long-range dependencies, that can be solved using global attention but significantly increases the computational cost to quadratic complexity. In this work, we consider an alternative approach to overcome these structural limitations while keeping a low complexity cost. Motivated by the recent MLP-Mixer architecture introduced in computer vision, we propose to generalize this network to graphs. This GNN model, namely Graph MLP-Mixer, can make long-range connections without over-squashing or high complexity due to the mixer layer applied to the graph patches extracted from the original graph. As a result, this architecture exhibits promising results when comparing standard GNNs vs. Graph MLP-Mixers on benchmark graph datasets. | Reject | | An Adversarial Learning Framework for a Persona-based Multi-turn Dialogue Model | In this paper, we extend the persona-based sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) neural network conversation model to a multi-turn dialogue scenario by modifying the state-of-the-art hredGAN architecture to simultaneously capture utterance attributes such as speaker identity, dialogue topic, speaker sentiments and so on. The proposed system, phredGAN has a persona-based HRED generator (PHRED) and a conditional discriminator. We also explore two approaches to accomplish the conditional discriminator: (1) $phredGAN_a$, a system that passes the attribute representation as an additional input into a traditional adversarial discriminator, and (2) $phredGAN_d$, a dual discriminator system which in addition to the adversarial discriminator, collaboratively predicts the attribute(s) that generated the input utterance. To demonstrate the superior performance of phredGAN over the persona SeqSeq model, we experiment with two conversational datasets, the Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus (UDC) and TV series transcripts from the Big Bang Theory and Friends. Performance comparison is made with respect to a variety of quantitative measures as well as crowd-sourced human evaluation. We also explore the trade-offs from using either variant of $phredGAN$ on datasets with many but weak attribute modalities (such as with Big Bang Theory and Friends) and ones with few but strong attribute modalities (customer-agent interactions in Ubuntu dataset). | Reject | | PriorGrad: Improving Conditional Denoising Diffusion Models with Data-Dependent Adaptive Prior | Denoising diffusion probabilistic models have been recently proposed to generate high-quality samples by estimating the gradient of the data density. The framework assumes the prior noise as a standard Gaussian distribution, whereas the corresponding data distribution may be more complicated than the standard Gaussian distribution, which potentially introduces inefficiency in denoising the prior noise into the data sample because of the discrepancy between the data and the prior. In this paper, we propose PriorGrad to improve the efficiency of the conditional diffusion model (for example, a vocoder using a mel-spectrogram as the condition) by applying an adaptive prior derived from the data statistics based on the conditional information. We formulate the training and sampling procedures of PriorGrad and demonstrate the advantages of an adaptive prior through a theoretical analysis. Focusing on the audio domain, we consider the recently proposed diffusion-based audio generative models based on both the spectral and time domains and show that PriorGrad achieves faster convergence and superior performance, leading to an improved perceptual quality and tolerance to a smaller network capacity, and thereby demonstrating the efficiency of a data-dependent adaptive prior. | Accept (Poster) | | Count-Based Exploration with the Successor Representation | The problem of exploration in reinforcement learning is well-understood in the tabular case and many sample-efficient algorithms are known. Nevertheless, it is often unclear how the algorithms in the tabular setting can be extended to tasks with large state-spaces where generalization is required. Recent promising developments generally depend on problem-specific density models or handcrafted features. In this paper we introduce a simple approach for exploration that allows us to develop theoretically justified algorithms in the tabular case but that also give us intuitions for new algorithms applicable to settings where function approximation is required. Our approach and its underlying theory is based on the substochastic successor representation, a concept we develop here. While the traditional successor representation is a representation that defines state generalization by the similarity of successor states, the substochastic successor representation is also able to implicitly count the number of times each state (or feature) has been observed. This extension connects two until now disjoint areas of research. We show in traditional tabular domains (RiverSwim and SixArms) that our algorithm empirically performs as well as other sample-efficient algorithms. We then describe a deep reinforcement learning algorithm inspired by these ideas and show that it matches the performance of recent pseudo-count-based methods in hard exploration Atari 2600 games. | Reject | | DIFFormer: Scalable (Graph) Transformers Induced by Energy Constrained Diffusion | Real-world data generation often involves complex inter-dependencies among instances, violating the IID-data hypothesis of standard learning paradigms and posing a challenge for uncovering the geometric structures for learning desired instance representations. To this end, we introduce an energy constrained diffusion model which encodes a batch of instances from a dataset into evolutionary states that progressively incorporate other instances' information by their interactions. The diffusion process is constrained by descent criteria w.r.t. a principled energy function that characterizes the global consistency of instance representations over latent structures. We provide rigorous theory that implies closed-form optimal estimates for the pairwise diffusion strength among arbitrary instance pairs, which gives rise to a new class of neural encoders, dubbed as DIFFormer (diffusion-based Transformers), with two instantiations: a simple version with linear complexity for prohibitive instance numbers, and an advanced version for learning complex structures. Experiments highlight the wide applicability of our model as a general-purpose encoder backbone with superior performance in various tasks, such as node classification on large graphs, semi-supervised image/text classification, and spatial-temporal dynamics prediction. The codes are available at | Accept: notable-top-25% | | Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Latent Graph Inference | This paper introduces a new architecture for multivariate time series forecasting that simultaneously infers and leverages relations among time series. We cast our method as a modular extension to univariate architectures where relations among individual time series are dynamically inferred in the latent space obtained after encoding the whole input signal. Our approach is flexible enough to scale gracefully according to the needs of the forecasting task under consideration. In its most straight-forward and general version, we infer a potentially fully connected graph to model the interactions between time series, which allows us to obtain competitive forecast accuracy compared with the state-of-the-art in graph neural networks for forecasting. In addition, whereas previous latent graph inference methods scale O(N^2) w.r.t. the number of nodes N (representing the time series), we show how to configure our approach to cater for the scale of modern time series panels. By assuming the inferred graph to be bipartite where one partition consists of the original N nodes and we introduce K nodes (taking inspiration from low-rank-decompositions) we reduce the time complexity of our procedure to O(NK). This allows us to leverage the dependency structure with a small trade-off in forecasting accuracy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for a variety of datasets where it performs better or very competitively to previous methods under both the fully connected and bipartite assumptions. | Reject | | Federated Neural Bandits | Recent works on neural contextual bandits have achieved compelling performances due to their ability to leverage the strong representation power of neural networks (NNs) for reward prediction. Many applications of contextual bandits involve multiple agents who collaborate without sharing raw observations, thus giving rise to the setting of federated contextual bandits}. Existing works on federated contextual bandits rely on linear or kernelized bandits, which may fall short when modeling complex real-world reward functions. So, this paper introduces the federated neural-upper confidence bound (FN-UCB) algorithm. To better exploit the federated setting, FN-UCB adopts a weighted combination of two UCBs: $\text{UCB}^{a}$ allows every agent to additionally use the observations from the other agents to accelerate exploration (without sharing raw observations), while $\text{UCB}^{b}$ uses an NN with aggregated parameters for reward prediction in a similar way to federated averaging for supervised learning. Notably, the weight between the two UCBs required by our theoretical analysis is amenable to an interesting interpretation, which emphasizes $\text{UCB}^{a}$ initially for accelerated exploration and relies more on $\text{UCB}^{b}$ later after enough observations have been collected to train the NNs for accurate reward prediction (i.e., reliable exploitation). We prove sub-linear upper bounds on both the cumulative regret and the number of communication rounds of FN-UCB, and empirically demonstrate its competitive performance. | Accept: poster | | Asynchronous Distributed Bilevel Optimization | Bilevel optimization plays an essential role in many machine learning tasks, ranging from hyperparameter optimization to meta-learning. Existing studies on bilevel optimization, however, focus on either centralized or synchronous distributed setting. The centralized bilevel optimization approaches require collecting massive amount of data to a single server, which inevitably incur significant communication expenses and may give rise to data privacy risks. Synchronous distributed bilevel optimization algorithms, on the other hand, often face the straggler problem and will immediately stop working if a few workers fail to respond. As a remedy, we propose Asynchronous Distributed Bilevel Optimization (ADBO) algorithm. The proposed ADBO can tackle bilevel optimization problems with both nonconvex upper-level and lower-level objective functions, and its convergence is theoretically guaranteed. Furthermore, it is revealed through theoretic analysis that the iteration complexity of ADBO to obtain the $\epsilon$-stationary point is upper bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{{{\epsilon ^2}}})$. Thorough empirical studies on public datasets have been conducted to elucidate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed ADBO. | Accept: poster | | Fourier networks for uncertainty estimates and out-of-distribution detection | A simple method for obtaining uncertainty estimates for Neural Network classifiers (e.g. for out-of-distribution detection) is to use an ensemble of independently trained networks and average the softmax outputs. While this method works, its results are still very far from human performance on standard data sets. We investigate how this method works and observe three fundamental limitations: "Unreasonable" extrapolation, "unreasonable" agreement between the networks in an ensemble, and the filtering out of features that distinguish the training distribution from some out-of-distribution inputs, but do not contribute to the classification. To mitigate these problems we suggest "large" initializations in the first layers and changing the activation function to sin(x) in the last hidden layer. We show that this combines the out-of-distribution behavior from nearest neighbor methods with the generalization capabilities of neural networks, and achieves greatly improved out-of-
distribution detection on standard data sets (MNIST/fashionMNIST/notMNIST, SVHN/CIFAR10). | Reject | | Towards the Generalization of Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning | Recently, self-supervised learning has attracted great attention, since it only requires unlabeled data for model training. Contrastive learning is one popular method for self-supervised learning and has achieved promising empirical performance. However, the theoretical understanding of its generalization ability is still limited. To this end, we define a kind of $(\sigma,\delta)$-measure to mathematically quantify the data augmentation, and then provide an upper bound of the downstream classification error rate based on the measure. It reveals that the generalization ability of contrastive self-supervised learning is related to three key factors: alignment of positive samples, divergence of class centers, and concentration of augmented data. The first two factors are properties of learned representations, while the third one is determined by pre-defined data augmentation. We further investigate two canonical contrastive losses, InfoNCE and cross-correlation, to show how they provably achieve the first two factors. Moreover, we conduct experiments to study the third factor, and observe a strong correlation between downstream performance and the concentration of augmented data.
| Accept: poster | | MixUp as Directional Adversarial Training | MixUp is a data augmentation scheme in which pairs of training samples and their corresponding labels are mixed using linear coefficients. Without label mixing, MixUp becomes a more conventional scheme: input samples are moved but their original labels are retained. Because samples are preferentially moved in the direction of other classes \iffalse -- which are typically clustered in input space -- \fi we refer to this method as directional adversarial training, or DAT. We show that under two mild conditions, MixUp asymptotically convergences to a subset of DAT. We define untied MixUp (UMixUp), a superset of MixUp wherein training labels are mixed with different linear coefficients to those of their corresponding samples. We show that under the same mild conditions, untied MixUp converges to the entire class of DAT schemes. Motivated by the understanding that UMixUp is both a generalization of MixUp and a form of adversarial training, we experiment with different datasets and loss functions to show that UMixUp provides improved performance over MixUp. In short, we present a novel interpretation of MixUp as belonging to a class highly analogous to adversarial training, and on this basis we introduce a simple generalization which outperforms MixUp. | Reject | | Auxiliary Guided Autoregressive Variational Autoencoders | Generative modeling of high-dimensional data is a key problem in machine learning. Successful approaches include latent variable models and autoregressive models. The complementary strengths of these approaches, to model global and local image statistics respectively, suggest hybrid models combining the strengths of both models. Our contribution is to train such hybrid models using an auxiliary loss function that controls which information is captured by the latent variables and what is left to the autoregressive decoder. In contrast, prior work on such hybrid models needed to limit the capacity of the autoregressive decoder to prevent degenerate models that ignore the latent variables and only rely on autoregressive modeling. Our approach results in models with meaningful latent variable representations, and which rely on powerful autoregressive decoders to model image details. Our model generates qualitatively convincing samples, and yields state-of-the-art quantitative results. | Reject | | Few-Shot Incremental Learning Using HyperTransformers | Incremental few-shot learning methods make it possible to learn without forgetting from multiple few-shot tasks arriving sequentially. In this work we approach this problem using the recently published HyperTransformer (HT): a hypernetwork that generates task-specific CNN weights directly from the support set. We propose to re-use these generated weights as an input to the HT for the next task of the continual-learning sequence. Thus, the HT uses the weights themselves as the representation of the previously learned tasks. This approach is different from most continual learning algorithms that typically rely on using replay buffers, weight regularization or task-dependent architectural changes. Instead, we show that the HT works akin to a recurrent model, relying on the weights from the previous task and a support set from a new task. We demonstrate that a single HT equipped with a prototypical loss is capable of learning and retaining knowledge about past tasks for two continual learning scenarios: incremental-task learning and incremental-class learning. | Reject | | Self-Tuning Networks: Bilevel Optimization of Hyperparameters using Structured Best-Response Functions | Hyperparameter optimization can be formulated as a bilevel optimization problem, where the optimal parameters on the training set depend on the hyperparameters. We aim to adapt regularization hyperparameters for neural networks by fitting compact approximations to the best-response function, which maps hyperparameters to optimal weights and biases. We show how to construct scalable best-response approximations for neural networks by modeling the best-response as a single network whose hidden units are gated conditionally on the regularizer. We justify this approximation by showing the exact best-response for a shallow linear network with L2-regularized Jacobian can be represented by a similar gating mechanism. We fit this model using a gradient-based hyperparameter optimization algorithm which alternates between approximating the best-response around the current hyperparameters and optimizing the hyperparameters using the approximate best-response function. Unlike other gradient-based approaches, we do not require differentiating the training loss with respect to the hyperparameters, allowing us to tune discrete hyperparameters, data augmentation hyperparameters, and dropout probabilities. Because the hyperparameters are adapted online, our approach discovers hyperparameter schedules that can outperform fixed hyperparameter values. Empirically, our approach outperforms competing hyperparameter optimization methods on large-scale deep learning problems. We call our networks, which update their own hyperparameters online during training, Self-Tuning Networks (STNs). | Accept (Poster) | | GraphSAINT: Graph Sampling Based Inductive Learning Method | Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are powerful models for learning representations of attributed graphs. To scale GCNs to large graphs, state-of-the-art methods use various layer sampling techniques to alleviate the "neighbor explosion" problem during minibatch training. We propose GraphSAINT, a graph sampling based inductive learning method that improves training efficiency and accuracy in a fundamentally different way. By changing perspective, GraphSAINT constructs minibatches by sampling the training graph, rather than the nodes or edges across GCN layers. Each iteration, a complete GCN is built from the properly sampled subgraph. Thus, we ensure fixed number of well-connected nodes in all layers. We further propose normalization technique to eliminate bias, and sampling algorithms for variance reduction. Importantly, we can decouple the sampling from the forward and backward propagation, and extend GraphSAINT with many architecture variants (e.g., graph attention, jumping connection). GraphSAINT demonstrates superior performance in both accuracy and training time on five large graphs, and achieves new state-of-the-art F1 scores for PPI (0.995) and Reddit (0.970). | Accept (Poster) | | Robust Reinforcement Learning using Adversarial Populations | Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an effective tool for controller design but can struggle with issues of robustness, failing catastrophically when the underlying system dynamics are perturbed. The Robust RL formulation tackles this by adding worst-case adversarial noise to the dynamics and constructing the noise distribution as the solution to a zero-sum minimax game. However, existing work on learning solutions to the Robust RL formulation has primarily focused on training a single RL agent against a single adversary. In this work, we demonstrate that using a single adversary does not consistently yield robustness to dynamics variations under standard parametrizations of the adversary; the resulting policy is highly exploitable by new adversaries. We propose a population-based augmentation to the Robust RL formulation in which we randomly initialize a population of adversaries and sample from the population uniformly during training. We empirically validate across a variety of benchmarks that the use of an adversarial population results in a less exploitable, more robust policy. Finally, we demonstrate that this approach provides comparable robustness and generalization as domain randomization on these benchmarks while avoiding a ubiquitous domain randomization failure mode. | Reject | | FairBatch: Batch Selection for Model Fairness | Training a fair machine learning model is essential to prevent demographic disparity. Existing techniques for improving model fairness require broad changes in either data preprocessing or model training, rendering themselves difficult-to-adopt for potentially already complex machine learning systems. We address this problem via the lens of bilevel optimization. While keeping the standard training algorithm as an inner optimizer, we incorporate an outer optimizer so as to equip the inner problem with an additional functionality: Adaptively selecting minibatch sizes for the purpose of improving model fairness. Our batch selection algorithm, which we call FairBatch, implements this optimization and supports prominent fairness measures: equal opportunity, equalized odds, and demographic parity. FairBatch comes with a significant implementation benefit -- it does not require any modification to data preprocessing or model training. For instance, a single-line change of PyTorch code for replacing batch selection part of model training suffices to employ FairBatch. Our experiments conducted both on synthetic and benchmark real data demonstrate that FairBatch can provide such functionalities while achieving comparable (or even greater) performances against the state of the arts. Furthermore, FairBatch can readily improve fairness of any pre-trained model simply via fine-tuning. It is also compatible with existing batch selection techniques intended for different purposes, such as faster convergence, thus gracefully achieving multiple purposes. | Accept (Poster) | | GNN is a Counter? Revisiting GNN for Question Answering | Question Answering (QA) has been a long-standing research topic in AI and NLP fields, and a wealth of studies has been conducted to attempt to equip QA systems with human-level reasoning capability. To approximate the complicated human reasoning process, state-of-the-art QA systems commonly use pre-trained language models (LMs) to access knowledge encoded in LMs together with elaborately designed modules based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to perform reasoning over knowledge graphs (KGs). However, many problems remain open regarding the reasoning functionality of these GNN-based modules. Can these GNN-based modules really perform a complex reasoning process? Are they under- or over-complicated for QA? To open the black box of GNN and investigate these problems, we dissect state-of-the-art GNN modules for QA and analyze their reasoning capability. We discover that even a very simple graph neural counter can outperform all the existing GNN modules on CommonsenseQA and OpenBookQA, two popular QA benchmark datasets which heavily rely on knowledge-aware reasoning. Our work reveals that existing knowledge-aware GNN modules may only carry out some simple reasoning such as counting. It remains a challenging open problem to build comprehensive reasoning modules for knowledge-powered QA. | Accept (Poster) | | Kanerva++: Extending the Kanerva Machine With Differentiable, Locally Block Allocated Latent Memory | Episodic and semantic memory are critical components of the human memory model. The theory of complementary learning systems (McClelland et al., 1995) suggests that the compressed representation produced by a serial event (episodic memory) is later restructured to build a more generalized form of reusable knowledge (semantic memory). In this work, we develop a new principled Bayesian memory allocation scheme that bridges the gap between episodic and semantic memory via a hierarchical latent variable model. We take inspiration from traditional heap allocation and extend the idea of locally contiguous memory to the Kanerva Machine, enabling a novel differentiable block allocated latent memory. In contrast to the Kanerva Machine, we simplify the process of memory writing by treating it as a fully feed forward deterministic process, relying on the stochasticity of the read key distribution to disperse information within the memory. We demonstrate that this allocation scheme improves performance in memory conditional image generation, resulting in new state-of-the-art conditional likelihood values on binarized MNIST (≤41.58 nats/image) , binarized Omniglot (≤66.24 nats/image), as well as presenting competitive performance on CIFAR10, DMLab Mazes, Celeb-A and ImageNet32×32. | Accept (Poster) | | On the Usefulness of Embeddings, Clusters and Strings for Text Generation Evaluation | A good automatic evaluation metric for language generation ideally correlates highly with human judgements of text quality. Yet, there is a dearth of such metrics, which inhibits the rapid and efficient progress of language generators. One exception is the recently proposed Mauve. In theory, Mauve measures an information-theoretic divergence between two probability distributions over strings: one representing the language generator under evaluation; the other representing the true natural language distribution. Mauve's authors argue that its success comes from the qualitative properties of their proposed divergence. Yet in practice, as this divergence is uncomputable, Mauve approximates it by measuring the divergence between multinomial distributions over clusters instead, where cluster assignments are attained by grouping strings based on a pretrained language model's embeddings. As we show, however, this is not a tight approximation---in either theory or practice. This begs the question: why does Mauve work so well? In this work, we show that \mauve was right for the wrong reasons, and that its newly proposed divergence is not necessary for its high performance. In fact, classical divergences paired with its proposed cluster-based approximation may actually serve as better evaluation metrics. We finish the paper with a probing analysis; this analysis leads us to conclude that---by encoding syntactic- and coherence-level features of text, while ignoring surface-level features---such cluster-based approximations to string distributions may simply be better for evaluating state-of-the-art language generators. | Accept: notable-top-25% | | Meta-learning Adaptive Deep Kernel Gaussian Processes for Molecular Property Prediction | We propose Adaptive Deep Kernel Fitting with Implicit Function Theorem (ADKF-IFT), a novel framework for learning deep kernel Gaussian processes (GPs) by interpolating between meta-learning and conventional deep kernel learning. Our approach employs a bilevel optimization objective where we meta-learn generally useful feature representations across tasks, in the sense that task-specific GP models estimated on top of such features achieve the lowest possible predictive loss on average. We solve the resulting nested optimization problem using the implicit function theorem (IFT). We show that our ADKF-IFT framework contains previously proposed Deep Kernel Learning (DKL) and Deep Kernel Transfer (DKT) as special cases. Although ADKF-IFT is a completely general method, we argue that it is especially well-suited for drug discovery problems and demonstrate that it significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on a variety of real-world few-shot molecular property prediction tasks and out-of-domain molecular property prediction and optimization tasks. | Accept: poster | | Variational Imbalanced Regression | Existing regression models tend to fall short in both accuracy and uncertainty estimation when the label distribution is imbalanced. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic deep learning model, dubbed variational imbalanced regression (VIR), which not only performs well in imbalanced regression but naturally produces reasonable uncertainty estimation as a byproduct. Different from typical variational autoencoders assuming I.I.D. representation (a data point's representation is not directly affected by other data points), our VIR borrows data with similar regression labels to compute the latent representation's variational distribution; furthermore, different from deterministic regression models producing point estimates, VIR predicts the entire normal-inverse-gamma distributions and modulates the associated conjugate distributions to impose probabilistic reweighting on the imbalanced data, thereby providing better uncertainty estimation. Experiments in several real-world datasets show that our VIR can outperform state-of-the-art imbalanced regression models in terms of both accuracy and uncertainty estimation. | Reject | | Object Tracking by Hierarchical Part-Whole Attention | We present in this paper that hierarchical representations of objects can provide an informative and low-noisy proxy to associate objects of interest in multi-object tracking. This is aligned with our intuition that we usually only need to compare a little region of the body of target objects to distinguish them from other objects. We build the hierarchical representation in levels of (1) target body parts, (2) the whole target body, and (3) the union area of the target and other objects of overlap. Furthermore, with the spatio-temporal attention mechanism by transformer, we can solve the tracking in a global fashion and keeps the process online. We design our method by combining the representation with the transformer and name it Hierarchical Part-Whole Attention, or HiPWA for short. The experiments on multiple datasets suggest its good effectiveness. Moreover, previous methods mostly focus on leveraging transformers to exploit long temporal context during association which requires heavy computation resources. But HiPWA focuses on a more informative representation of objects on every single frame instead. So it is more robust with the length of temporal context and more computationally economic. | Reject | | FEW-SHOT LEARNING ON GRAPHS VIA SUPER-CLASSES BASED ON GRAPH SPECTRAL MEASURES | We propose to study the problem of few-shot graph classification in graph neural networks (GNNs) to recognize unseen classes, given limited labeled graph examples. Despite several interesting GNN variants being proposed recently for node and graph classification tasks, when faced with scarce labeled examples in the few-shot setting, these GNNs exhibit significant loss in classification performance. Here, we present an approach where a probability measure is assigned to each graph based on the spectrum of the graph’s normalized Laplacian. This enables us to accordingly cluster the graph base-labels associated with each graph into super-classes, where the L^p Wasserstein distance serves as our underlying distance metric. Subsequently, a super-graph constructed based on the super-classes is then fed to our proposed GNN framework which exploits the latent inter-class relationships made explicit by the super-graph to achieve better class label separation among the graphs. We conduct exhaustive empirical evaluations of our proposed method and show that it outperforms both the adaptation of state-of-the-art graph classification methods to few-shot scenario and our naive baseline GNNs. Additionally, we also extend and study the behavior of our method to semi-supervised and active learning scenarios. | Accept (Poster) | | The Surprising Effectiveness of Equivariant Models in Domains with Latent Symmetry | Extensive work has demonstrated that equivariant neural networks can significantly improve sample efficiency and generalization by enforcing an inductive bias in the network architecture. These applications typically assume that the domain symmetry is fully described by explicit transformations of the model inputs and outputs. However, many real-life applications contain only latent or partial symmetries which cannot be easily described by simple transformations of the input. In these cases, it is necessary to learn symmetry in the environment instead of imposing it mathematically on the network architecture. We discover, surprisingly, that imposing equivariance constraints that do not exactly match the domain symmetry is very helpful in learning the true symmetry in the environment. We differentiate between extrinsic and incorrect symmetry constraints and show that while imposing incorrect symmetry can impede the model's performance, imposing extrinsic symmetry can actually improve performance. We demonstrate that an equivariant model can significantly outperform non-equivariant methods on domains with latent symmetries both in supervised learning and in reinforcement learning for robotic manipulation and control problems. | Accept: notable-top-25% | | Personalized Federated Learning with Feature Alignment and Classifier Collaboration | Data heterogeneity is one of the most challenging issues in federated learning, which motivates a variety of approaches to learn personalized models for participating clients. One such approach in deep neural networks based tasks is employing a shared feature representation and learning a customized classifier head for each client. However, previous works do not utilize the global knowledge during local representation learning and also neglect the fine-grained collaboration between local classifier heads, which limits the model generalization ability. In this work, we conduct explicit local-global feature alignment by leveraging global semantic knowledge for learning a better representation. Moreover, we quantify the benefit of classifier combination for each client as a function of the combining weights and derive an optimization problem for estimating optimal weights. Finally, extensive evaluation results on benchmark datasets with various heterogeneous data scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. | Accept: notable-top-5% | | Compressing multidimensional weather and climate data into neural networks | Weather and climate simulations produce petabytes of high-resolution data that are later analyzed by researchers in order to understand climate change or severe weather. We propose a new method of compressing this multidimensional weather and climate data: a coordinate-based neural network is trained to overfit the data, and the resulting parameters are taken as a compact representation of the original grid-based data. While compression ratios range from 300x to more than 3,000x, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art compressor SZ3 in terms of weighted RMSE, MAE. It can faithfully preserve important large scale atmosphere structures and does not introduce significant artifacts.
When using the resulting neural network as a 790x compressed dataloader to train the WeatherBench forecasting model, its RMSE increases by less than 2%. The three orders of magnitude compression democratizes access to high-resolution climate data and enables numerous new research directions. | Accept: notable-top-5% | | Anti-Concentrated Confidence Bonuses For Scalable Exploration | Intrinsic rewards play a central role in handling the exploration-exploitation tradeoff when designing sequential decision-making algorithms, in both foundational theory and state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning. The LinUCB algorithm, a centerpiece of the stochastic linear bandits literature, prescribes an elliptical bonus which addresses the challenge of leveraging shared information in large action spaces. This bonus scheme cannot be directly transferred to high-dimensional exploration problems, however, due to the computational cost of maintaining the inverse covariance matrix of action features. We introduce anti-concentrated confidence bounds for efficiently approximating the elliptical bonus, using an ensemble of regressors trained to predict random noise from policy network-derived features. Using this approximation, we obtain stochastic linear bandit algorithms which obtain $\tilde O(d \sqrt{T})$ regret bounds for $\mathsf{poly}(d)$ fixed actions. We develop a practical variant that is competitive with contemporary intrinsic reward heuristics on Atari benchmarks. | Accept (Poster) | | Filter redistribution templates for iteration-lessconvolutional model reduction | Automatic neural network discovery methods face an enormous challenge caused for the size of the search space. A common practice is to split this space at different levels and to explore only a part of it. Neural architecture search methods look for how to combine a subset of layers, which are the most promising, to create an architecture while keeping a predefined number of filters in each layer. On the other hand, pruning techniques take a well known architecture and look for the appropriate number of filters per layer. In both cases the exploration is made iteratively, training models several times during the search. Inspired by the advantages of the two previous approaches, we proposed a fast option to find models with improved characteristics. We apply a small set of templates, which are considered promising, for make a redistribution of the number of filters in an already existing neural network. When compared to the initial base models, we found that the resulting architectures, trained from scratch, surpass the original accuracy even after been reduced to fit the same amount of resources. | Reject | | Boosting One-Point Derivative-Free Online Optimization via Residual Feedback | Zeroth-order optimization (ZO) typically relies on two-point feedback to estimate the unknown gradient of the objective function, which queries the objective function value twice at each time instant. However, if the objective function is time-varying, as in online optimization, two-point feedback can not be used. In this case, the gradient can be estimated using one-point feedback that queries a single function value at each time instant, although at the expense of producing gradient estimates with large variance. In this work, we propose a new one-point feedback method for online optimization that estimates the objective function gradient using the residual between two feedback points at consecutive time instants. We study the regret bound of ZO with residual feedback for both convex and nonconvex online optimization problems. Specifically, for both Lipschitz and smooth functions, we show that using residual feedback produces gradient estimates with much smaller variance compared to conventional one-point feedback methods, which improves the learning rate. Our regret bound for ZO with residual feedback is tighter than the existing regret bound for ZO with conventional one-point feedback and relies on weaker assumptions, which suggests that ZO with our proposed residual feedback can better track the optimizer of online optimization problems. We provide numerical experiments that demonstrate that ZO with residual feedback significantly outperforms existing one-point feedback methods in practice. | Reject | | AdamP: Slowing Down the Slowdown for Momentum Optimizers on Scale-invariant Weights | Normalization techniques, such as batch normalization (BN), are a boon for modern deep learning. They let weights converge more quickly with often better generalization performances. It has been argued that the normalization-induced scale invariance among the weights provides an advantageous ground for gradient descent (GD) optimizers: the effective step sizes are automatically reduced over time, stabilizing the overall training procedure. It is often overlooked, however, that the additional introduction of momentum in GD optimizers results in a far more rapid reduction in effective step sizes for scale-invariant weights, a phenomenon that has not yet been studied and may have caused unwanted side effects in the current practice. This is a crucial issue because arguably the vast majority of modern deep neural networks consist of (1) momentum-based GD (e.g. SGD or Adam) and (2) scale-invariant parameters (e.g. more than 90% of the weights in ResNet are scale-invariant due to BN). In this paper, we verify that the widely-adopted combination of the two ingredients lead to the premature decay of effective step sizes and sub-optimal model performances. We propose a simple and effective remedy, SGDP and AdamP: get rid of the radial component, or the norm-increasing direction, at each optimizer step. Because of the scale invariance, this modification only alters the effective step sizes without changing the effective update directions, thus enjoying the original convergence properties of GD optimizers. Given the ubiquity of momentum GD and scale invariance in machine learning, we have evaluated our methods against the baselines on 13 benchmarks. They range from vision tasks like classification (e.g. ImageNet), retrieval (e.g. CUB and SOP), and detection (e.g. COCO) to language modelling (e.g. WikiText) and audio classification (e.g. DCASE) tasks. We verify that our solution brings about uniform gains in performances in those benchmarks. Source code is available at | Accept (Poster) | | DQSGD: DYNAMIC QUANTIZED STOCHASTIC GRADIENT DESCENT FOR COMMUNICATION-EFFICIENT DISTRIBUTED LEARNING | Gradient quantization is widely adopted to mitigate communication costs in distributed learning systems. Existing gradient quantization algorithms often rely on design heuristics and/or empirical evidence to tune the quantization strategy for different learning problems. To the best of our knowledge, there is no theoretical framework characterizing the trade-off between communication cost and model accuracy under dynamic gradient quantization strategies. This paper addresses this issue by proposing a novel dynamic quantized SGD (DQSGD) framework, which enables us to optimize the quantization strategy for each gradient descent step by exploring the trade-off between communication cost and modeling error. In particular, we derive an upper bound, tight in some cases, of the modeling error for arbitrary dynamic quantization strategy. By minimizing this upper bound, we obtain an enhanced quantization algorithm with significantly improved modeling error under given communication overhead constraints. Besides, we show that our quantization scheme achieves a strengthened communication cost and model accuracy trade-off in a wide range of optimization models. Finally, through extensive experiments on large-scale computer vision and natural language processing tasks on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and AG-News datasets, respectively. we demonstrate that our quantization scheme significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art gradient quantization methods in terms of communication costs. | Reject | | Approximating CNNs with Bag-of-local-Features models works surprisingly well on ImageNet | Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) excel on many complex perceptual tasks but it has proven notoriously difficult to understand how they reach their decisions. We here introduce a high-performance DNN architecture on ImageNet whose decisions are considerably easier to explain. Our model, a simple variant of the ResNet-50 architecture called BagNet, classifies an image based on the occurrences of small local image features without taking into account their spatial ordering. This strategy is closely related to the bag-of-feature (BoF) models popular before the onset of deep learning and reaches a surprisingly high accuracy on ImageNet (87.6% top-5 for 32 x 32 px features and Alexnet performance for 16 x16 px features). The constraint on local features makes it straight-forward to analyse how exactly each part of the image influences the classification. Furthermore, the BagNets behave similar to state-of-the art deep neural networks such as VGG-16, ResNet-152 or DenseNet-169 in terms of feature sensitivity, error distribution and interactions between image parts. This suggests that the improvements of DNNs over previous bag-of-feature classifiers in the last few years is mostly achieved by better fine-tuning rather than by qualitatively different decision strategies. | Accept (Poster) | | Adversarially Robust Models may not Transfer Better: Sufficient Conditions for Domain Transferability from the View of Regularization | Machine learning (ML) robustness and generalization are fundamentally correlated: they essentially concern about data distribution shift under adversarial and natural settings, respectively. Thus, it is critical to uncover their underlying connections to tackle one based on the other. On the one hand, recent studies show that more robust (adversarially trained) models are more generalizable to other domains. On the other hand, there lacks of theoretical understanding of such phenomenon and it is not clear whether there are counterexamples. In this paper, we aim to provide sufficient conditions for this phenomenon considering different factors that could affect both, such as the norm of last layer norm, Jacobian norm, and data augmentations (DA). In particular, we propose a general theoretical framework indicating factors that can be reformed as a function class regularization process, which could lead to the improvement of domain generalization. Our analysis, for the first time, shows that ``robustness" is actually not the causation for domain generalization; rather, robustness induced by adversarial training is a by-product of such function class regularization. We then discuss in details about different properties of DA and we prove that under certain conditions, DA can be viewed as regularization and therefore improve generalization. We conduct extensive experiments to verify our theoretical findings, and show several counterexamples where robustness and generalization are negatively correlated when the sufficient conditions are not satisfied. | Reject | | Deep Gradient Compression: Reducing the Communication Bandwidth for Distributed Training | Large-scale distributed training requires significant communication bandwidth for gradient exchange that limits the scalability of multi-node training, and requires expensive high-bandwidth network infrastructure. The situation gets even worse with distributed training on mobile devices (federated learning), which suffers from higher latency, lower throughput, and intermittent poor connections. In this paper, we find 99.9% of the gradient exchange in distributed SGD is redundant, and propose Deep Gradient Compression (DGC) to greatly reduce the communication bandwidth. To preserve accuracy during compression, DGC employs four methods: momentum correction, local gradient clipping, momentum factor masking, and warm-up training. We have applied Deep Gradient Compression to image classification, speech recognition, and language modeling with multiple datasets including Cifar10, ImageNet, Penn Treebank, and Librispeech Corpus. On these scenarios, Deep Gradient Compression achieves a gradient compression ratio from 270x to 600x without losing accuracy, cutting the gradient size of ResNet-50 from 97MB to 0.35MB, and for DeepSpeech from 488MB to 0.74MB. Deep gradient compression enables large-scale distributed training on inexpensive commodity 1Gbps Ethernet and facilitates distributed training on mobile. | Accept (Poster) | | Dependent Bidirectional RNN with Extended-long Short-term Memory | In this work, we first conduct mathematical analysis on the memory, which is
defined as a function that maps an element in a sequence to the current output,
of three RNN cells; namely, the simple recurrent neural network (SRN), the long
short-term memory (LSTM) and the gated recurrent unit (GRU). Based on the
analysis, we propose a new design, called the extended-long short-term memory
(ELSTM), to extend the memory length of a cell. Next, we present a multi-task
RNN model that is robust to previous erroneous predictions, called the dependent
bidirectional recurrent neural network (DBRNN), for the sequence-in-sequenceout
(SISO) problem. Finally, the performance of the DBRNN model with the
ELSTM cell is demonstrated by experimental results. | Reject | | Conditional Object-Centric Learning from Video | Object-centric representations are a promising path toward more systematic generalization by providing flexible abstractions upon which compositional world models can be built. Recent work on simple 2D and 3D datasets has shown that models with object-centric inductive biases can learn to segment and represent meaningful objects from the statistical structure of the data alone without the need for any supervision. However, such fully-unsupervised methods still fail to scale to diverse realistic data, despite the use of increasingly complex inductive biases such as priors for the size of objects or the 3D geometry of the scene. In this paper, we instead take a weakly-supervised approach and focus on how 1) using the temporal dynamics of video data in the form of optical flow and 2) conditioning the model on simple object location cues can be used to enable segmenting and tracking objects in significantly more realistic synthetic data. We introduce a sequential extension to Slot Attention which we train to predict optical flow for realistic looking synthetic scenes and show that conditioning the initial state of this model on a small set of hints, such as center of mass of objects in the first frame, is sufficient to significantly improve instance segmentation. These benefits generalize beyond the training distribution to novel objects, novel backgrounds, and to longer video sequences. We also find that such initial-state-conditioning can be used during inference as a flexible interface to query the model for specific objects or parts of objects, which could pave the way for a range of weakly-supervised approaches and allow more effective interaction with trained models. | Accept (Poster) | | Flashlight: Enabling Innovation in Tools for Machine Learning | As the computational requirements for machine learning systems and the size and complexity of machine learning frameworks increases, essential framework innovation has become challenging. While computational needs have driven recent compiler, networking, and hardware advancements, utilization of those advancements by machine learning tools is occurring at a slower pace. This is in part due to the difficulties involved in prototyping new computational paradigms with existing frameworks. Large frameworks prioritize machine learning researchers and practitioners as end users and pay comparatively little attention to systems researchers who can push frameworks forward --- we argue that both are equally-important stakeholders. We introduce Flashlight, an open source library built to spur innovation in machine learning tools and systems by prioritizing open, modular, customizable internals and state-of-the-art, research-ready models and training setups across a variety of domains. Flashlight enables systems researchers to rapidly prototype and experiment with novel ideas in machine learning computation and has low overhead, competing with and often outperforming other popular machine learning frameworks. We see Flashlight as a tool enabling research that can benefit widely-used libraries downstream and bring machine learning and systems researchers closer together. | Reject | | How Important is the Train-Validation Split in Meta-Learning? | Meta-learning aims to perform fast adaptation on a new task through learning a "prior" from multiple existing tasks. A common practice in meta-learning is to perform a train-validation split where the prior adapts to the task on one split of the data, and the resulting predictor is evaluated on another split. Despite its prevalence, the importance of the train-validation split is not well understood either in theory or in practice, particularly in comparison to the more direct non-splitting method, which uses all the per-task data for both training and evaluation.
We provide a detailed theoretical study on the whether and when the train-validation split is helpful on the linear centroid meta-learning problem, in the asymptotic setting where the number of tasks goes to infinity. We show that the splitting method converges to the optimal prior as expected, whereas the non-splitting method does not in general without structural assumptions on the data. In contrast, if the data are generated from linear models (the realizable regime), we show that both the splitting and non-splitting methods converge to the optimal prior. Further, perhaps surprisingly, our main result shows that the non-splitting method achieves a strictly better asymptotic excess risk under this data distribution, even when the regularization parameter and split ratio are optimally tuned for both methods. Our results highlight that data splitting may not always be preferable, especially when the data is realizable by the model. We validate our theories by experimentally showing that the non-splitting method can indeed outperform the splitting method, on both simulations and real meta-learning tasks. | Reject | | GOOD: Exploring geometric cues for detecting objects in an open world | We address the task of open-world class-agnostic object detection, i.e., detecting every object in an image by learning from a limited number of base object classes. State-of-the-art RGB-based models suffer from overfitting the training classes and often fail at detecting novel-looking objects. This is because RGB-based models primarily rely on appearance similarity to detect novel objects and are also prone to overfitting short-cut cues such as textures and discriminative parts. To address these shortcomings of RGB-based object detectors, we propose incorporating geometric cues such as depth and normals, predicted by general-purpose monocular estimators. Specifically, we use the geometric cues to train an object proposal network for pseudo-labeling unannotated novel objects in the training set. Our resulting Geometry-guided Open-world Object Detector (GOOD) significantly improves detection recall for novel object categories and already performs well with only a few training classes. Using a single ``person'' class for training on the COCO dataset, GOOD surpasses SOTA methods by 5.0% AR@100, a relative improvement of 24%. The code has been made available at | Accept: poster | | MA2QL: A Minimalist Approach to Fully Decentralized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning | Decentralized learning has shown great promise for cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). However, non-stationarity remains a significant challenge in fully decentralized learning. In the paper, we tackle the non-stationarity problem in the simplest and fundamental way and propose multi-agent alternate Q-learning (MA2QL), where agents take turns to update their Q-functions by Q-learning. MA2QL is a minimalist approach to fully decentralized cooperative MARL but is theoretically grounded. We prove that when each agent guarantees $\varepsilon$-convergence at each turn, their joint policy converges to a Nash equilibrium. In practice, MA2QL only requires minimal changes to independent Q-learning (IQL). We empirically evaluate MA2QL on a variety of cooperative multi-agent tasks. Results show MA2QL consistently outperforms IQL, which verifies the effectiveness of MA2QL, despite such minimal changes. | Reject | | Transformers are Meta-Reinforcement Learners | The transformer architecture and variants presented a remarkable success across many machine learning tasks in recent years. This success is intrinsically related to the capability of handling long sequences and the presence of context-dependent weights from the attention mechanism. We argue that these capabilities suit the central role of a Meta-Reinforcement Learning algorithm. Indeed, a meta-RL agent needs to infer the task from a sequence of trajectories. Furthermore, it requires a fast adaptation strategy to adapt its policy for a new task - which can be achieved using the self-attention mechanism. In this work, we present TrMRL (Transformers for Meta-Reinforcement Learning), a meta-RL agent that mimics the memory reinstatement mechanism using the transformer architecture. It associates the recent past of working memories to build an episodic memory recursively through the transformer layers. This memory works as a proxy to the current task, and we condition a policy head on it. We conducted experiments in high-dimensional continuous control environments for locomotion and dexterous manipulation. Results show that TrMRL achieves or surpasses state-of-the-art performance, sample efficiency, and out-of-distribution generalization in these environments. | Reject | | Aligning AI With Shared Human Values | We show how to assess a language model's knowledge of basic concepts of morality. We introduce the ETHICS dataset, a new benchmark that spans concepts in justice, well-being, duties, virtues, and commonsense morality. Models predict widespread moral judgments about diverse text scenarios. This requires connecting physical and social world knowledge to value judgements, a capability that may enable us to steer chatbot outputs or eventually regularize open-ended reinforcement learning agents. With the ETHICS dataset, we find that current language models have a promising but incomplete ability to predict basic human ethical judgements. Our work shows that progress can be made on machine ethics today, and it provides a steppingstone toward AI that is aligned with human values. | Accept (Poster) | | Invertible generative models for inverse problems: mitigating representation error and dataset bias | Trained generative models have shown remarkable performance as priors for inverse problems in imaging. For example, Generative Adversarial Network priors permit recovery of test images from 5-10x fewer measurements than sparsity priors. Unfortunately, these models may be unable to represent any particular image because of architectural choices, mode collapse, and bias in the training dataset. In this paper, we demonstrate that invertible neural networks, which have zero representation error by design, can be effective natural signal priors at inverse problems such as denoising, compressive sensing, and inpainting. Our formulation is an empirical risk minimization that does not directly optimize the likelihood of images, as one would expect. Instead we optimize the likelihood of the latent representation of images as a proxy, as this is empirically easier.
For compressive sensing, our formulation can yield higher accuracy than sparsity priors across almost all undersampling ratios. For the same accuracy on test images, they can use 10-20x fewer measurements. We demonstrate that invertible priors can yield better reconstructions than sparsity priors for images that have rare features of variation within the biased training set, including out-of-distribution natural images. | Reject | | Example-based Planning via Dual Gradient Fields | Path planning is one of the key abilities of an intelligent agent. However, both the learning-based and sample-based planners remain to require explicitly defining the task by manually designing the reward function or optimisation objectives, which limits the scope of implementation. Formulating the path planning problem from a new perspective, Example-based planning is to find the most efficient path to increase the likelihood of the target distribution by giving a set of target examples. In this work, we introduce Dual Gradient Fields (DualGFs), an offline-learning example-based planning framework built upon score matching. There are two gradient fields in DualGFs: a target gradient field that guides task completion and a support gradient field that ensures moving with environmental constraints. In the learning process, instead of interacting with the environment, the agents are trained with two offline examples, i.e., the target gradients and support gradients are trained by target examples and support examples, respectively. The support examples are randomly sampled from free space, e.g., states without collisions. DualGF is a weighted mixture of the two fields, combining the merits of the two fields together. To update the mixing ratio adaptively, we further propose a fields-balancing mechanism based on Lagrangian-Relaxation. Experimental results across four tasks (navigation, tracking, particle rearrangement, and room rearrangement) demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of our method. | Reject | | DIME: AN INFORMATION-THEORETIC DIFFICULTY MEASURE FOR AI DATASETS | Evaluating the relative difficulty of widely-used benchmark datasets across time and across data modalities is important for accurately measuring progress in machine learning. To help tackle this problem, we proposeDIME, an information-theoretic DIfficulty MEasure for datasets, based on conditional entropy estimation of the sample-label distribution. Theoretically, we prove a model-agnostic and modality-agnostic lower bound on the 0-1 error by extending Fano’s inequality to the common supervised learning scenario where labels are discrete and features are continuous. Empirically, we estimate this lower bound using a neural network to compute DIME. DIME can be decomposed into components attributable to the data distribution and the number of samples. DIME can also compute per-class difficulty scores. Through extensive experiments on both vision and language datasets, we show that DIME is well-aligned with empirically observed performance of state-of-the-art machine learning models. We hope that DIME can aid future dataset design and model-training strategies. | Reject | | Systematic Evaluation of Causal Discovery in Visual Model Based Reinforcement Learning | Inducing causal relationships from observations is a classic problem in machine learning. Most work in causality starts from the premise that the causal variables themselves have known semantics or are observed. However, for AI agents such as robots trying to make sense of their environment, the only observables are low-level variables like pixels in images. To generalize well, an agent must induce high-level variables, particularly those which are causal or are affected by causal variables. A central goal for AI and causality is thus the joint discovery of abstract representations and causal structure. In this work, we systematically evaluate the agent's ability to learn underlying causal structure. We note that existing environments for studying causal induction are poorly suited for this objective because they have complicated task-specific causal graphs with many confounding factors. Hence, to facilitate research in learning the representation of high-level variables as well as causal structure among these variables, we present a suite of RL environments created to systematically probe the ability of methods to identify variables as well as causal structure among those variables. We evaluate various representation learning algorithms from literature and found that explicitly incorporating structure and modularity in the model can help causal induction in model-based reinforcement learning. | Reject | | Universal discriminative quantum neural networks | Quantum mechanics fundamentally forbids deterministic discrimination of quantum states and processes. However, the ability to optimally distinguish various classes of quantum data is an important primitive in quantum information science. In this work, we trained near-term quantum circuits to classify data represented by quantum states using the Adam stochastic optimization algorithm. This is achieved by iterative interactions of a classical device with a quantum processor to discover the parameters of an unknown non-unitary quantum circuit. This circuit learns to simulate the unknown structure of a generalized quantum measurement, or positive-operator valued measure (POVM), that is required to optimally distinguish possible distributions of quantum inputs. Notably we used universal circuit topologies, with a theoretically motivated circuit design which guaranteed that our circuits can perform arbitrary input-output mappings. Our numerical simulations showed that quantum circuits could be trained to discriminate among various pure and mixed quantum states, exhibiting a trade-off between minimizing erroneous and inconclusive outcomes with comparable performance to theoretically optimal POVMs. We trained the circuit on different classes of quantum data and evaluated the generalization error on unseen quantum data. This generalization power hence distinguishes our work from standard circuit optimization and provides an example of quantum machine learning for a task that has inherently no classical analogue. | Reject | | Training-Free Structured Diffusion Guidance for Compositional Text-to-Image Synthesis | Large-scale diffusion models have achieved state-of-the-art results on text-to-image synthesis (T2I) tasks. Despite their ability to generate high-quality yet creative images, we observe that attribution-binding and compositional capabilities are still considered major challenging issues, especially when involving multiple objects. Attribute-binding requires the model to associate objects with the correct attribute descriptions, and compositional skills require the model to combine and generate multiple concepts into a single image. In this work, we improve these two aspects of T2I models to achieve more accurate image compositions. To do this, we incorporate linguistic structures with the diffusion guidance process based on the controllable properties of manipulating cross-attention layers in diffusion-based T2I models. We observe that keys and values in cross-attention layers have strong semantic meanings associated with object layouts and content. Therefore, by manipulating the cross-attention representations based on linguistic insights, we can better preserve the compositional semantics in the generated image. Built upon Stable Diffusion, a SOTA T2I model, our structured cross-attention design is efficient that requires no additional training samples. We achieve better compositional skills in qualitative and quantitative results, leading to a significant 5-8\% advantage in head-to-head user comparison studies. Lastly, we conduct an in-depth analysis to reveal potential causes of incorrect image compositions and justify the properties of cross-attention layers in the generation process. | Accept: poster | | TransFool: An Adversarial Attack against Neural Machine Translation Models | Deep neural networks have been shown to be vulnerable to small perturbations of their inputs known as adversarial attacks. In this paper, we consider the particular task of Neural Machine Translation (NMT), where security is often critical. We investigate the vulnerability of NMT models to adversarial attacks and propose a new attack algorithm called TransFool. It builds on a multi-term optimization problem and a gradient projection step to compute adversarial examples that fool NMT models. By integrating the embedding representation of a language model in the proposed attack, we generate fluent adversarial examples in the source language that maintain a high level of semantic similarity with the clean samples and render the attack largely undetectable. Experimental results demonstrate that, for multiple translation tasks and different NMT architectures, our white-box attack can severely degrade the translation quality for more than 60% of the sentences while the semantic similarity between the original sentence and the adversarial example stays very high. Moreover, we show that the proposed attack is transferable to unknown target models and can fool those quite easily. Finally, our method leads to improvement in terms of success rate, semantic similarity, and fluency compared to the existing attack strategies both in white-box and black-box settings. Hence, TransFool permits to better characterize the vulnerability of NMT systems and outlines the necessity to design strong defense mechanisms and more robust NMT systems for real-life applications. | Reject | | Federated Learning: Strategies for Improving Communication Efficiency | Federated Learning is a machine learning setting where the goal is to train a high-quality centralized model while training data remains distributed over a large number of clients each with unreliable and relatively slow network connections. We consider learning algorithms for this setting where on each round, each client independently computes an update to the current model based on its local data, and communicates this update to a central server, where the client-side updates are aggregated to compute a new global model. The typical clients in this setting are mobile phones, and communication efficiency is of the utmost importance.
In this paper, we propose two ways to reduce the uplink communication costs: structured updates, where we directly learn an update from a restricted space parametrized using a smaller number of variables, e.g. either low-rank or a random mask; and sketched updates, where we learn a full model update and then compress it using a combination of quantization, random rotations, and subsampling before sending it to the server. Experiments on both convolutional and recurrent networks show that the proposed methods can reduce the communication cost by two orders of magnitude. | Reject | | Wasserstein Embedding for Graph Learning | We present Wasserstein Embedding for Graph Learning (WEGL), a novel and fast framework for embedding entire graphs in a vector space, in which various machine learning models are applicable for graph-level prediction tasks. We leverage new insights on defining similarity between graphs as a function of the similarity between their node embedding distributions. Specifically, we use the Wasserstein distance to measure the dissimilarity between node embeddings of different graphs. Unlike prior work, we avoid pairwise calculation of distances between graphs and reduce the computational complexity from quadratic to linear in the number of graphs. WEGL calculates Monge maps from a reference distribution to each node embedding and, based on these maps, creates a fixed-sized vector representation of the graph. We evaluate our new graph embedding approach on various benchmark graph-property prediction tasks, showing state-of-the-art classification performance while having superior computational efficiency. The code is available at | Accept (Poster) | | Energy Consumption-Aware Tabular Benchmarks for Neural Architecture Search | The demand for large-scale computational resources for Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has been lessened by tabular benchmarks for NAS. Evaluating NAS strategies is now possible on extensive search spaces and at a moderate computational cost. But so far, NAS has mainly focused on maximising performance on some hold-out validation/test set. However, energy consumption is a partially conflicting objective that should not be neglected. We hypothesise that constraining NAS to include the energy consumption of training the models could reveal a sub-space of undiscovered architectures that are more computationally efficient with a smaller carbon footprint. To support the hypothesis, an existing tabular benchmark for NAS is augmented with the energy consumption of each architecture. We then perform multi-objective optimisation that includes energy consumption as an additional objective. We demonstrate the usefulness of multi-objective NAS for uncovering the trade-off between performance and energy consumption as well as for finding more energy-efficient architectures. The updated tabular benchmark is open-sourced to encourage the further exploration of energy consumption-aware NAS. | Reject | | SlotFormer: Unsupervised Visual Dynamics Simulation with Object-Centric Models | Understanding dynamics from visual observations is a challenging problem that requires disentangling individual objects from the scene and learning their interactions. While recent object-centric models can successfully decompose a scene into objects, modeling their dynamics effectively still remains a challenge. We address this problem by introducing SlotFormer -- a Transformer-based autoregressive model operating on learned object-centric representations. Given a video clip, our approach reasons over object features to model spatio-temporal relationships and predicts accurate future object states. In this paper, we successfully apply SlotFormer to perform video prediction on datasets with complex object interactions. Moreover, the unsupervised SlotFormer's dynamics model can be used to improve the performance on supervised downstream tasks, such as Visual Question Answering (VQA), and goal-conditioned planning. Compared to past works on dynamics modeling, our method achieves significantly better long-term synthesis of object dynamics, while retaining high quality visual generation. Besides, SlotFormer enables VQA models to reason about the future without object-level labels, even outperforming counterparts that use ground-truth annotations. Finally, we show its ability to serve as a world model for model-based planning, which is competitive with methods designed specifically for such tasks. | Accept: poster | | MCM-aware Twin-least-square GAN for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection | Hyperspectral anomaly detection under high-dimensional data and interference of deteriorated bands without any prior information has been challenging and attracted close attention in the exploration of the unknown in real scenarios. However, some emerging methods based on generative adversarial network (GAN) suffer from the problems of gradient vanishing and training instability with struggling to strike a balance between performance and training sample limitations. In this work, aiming to remedy the drawbacks of existing methods, we present a novel multi-scale covariance map (MCM)-aware twin-least-square GAN (MTGAN). Instead of the widely used single-scale Gaussian hypothesis background estimation, in MTGAN, we introduce the MCM-aware strategy to construct multi-scale priors with precise second-order statistics, thereby implicitly bridging the spatial and spectral information. Thus, we reliably and adaptively represent the prior of HSI to change the priors-lack situation. Moreover, we impose the twin-least-square loss on GAN, which helps improve the generative ability and training stability in feature and image domains, overcoming the gradient vanishing problem. Finally, the network enforced with a new anomaly rejection loss establishes a pure and discriminative background estimation. Experiments demonstrate that the average detection accuracy of MTGAN reaches 0.99809, which is superior to the state-of-the-art algorithms. | Reject | | Learning Backpropagation-Free Deep Architectures with Kernels | One can substitute each neuron in any neural network with a kernel machine and obtain a counterpart powered by kernel machines. The new network inherits the expressive power and architecture of the original but works in a more intuitive way since each node enjoys the simple interpretation as a hyperplane (in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space). Further, using the kernel multilayer perceptron as an example, we prove that in classification, an optimal representation that minimizes the risk of the network can be characterized for each hidden layer. This result removes the need of backpropagation in learning the model and can be generalized to any feedforward kernel network. Moreover, unlike backpropagation, which turns models into black boxes, the optimal hidden representation enjoys an intuitive geometric interpretation, making the dynamics of learning in a deep kernel network simple to understand. Empirical results are provided to validate our theory. | Reject | | BDS-GCN: Efficient Full-Graph Training of Graph Convolutional Nets with Partition-Parallelism and Boundary Sampling | Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have emerged as the state-of-the-art model for graph-based learning tasks. However, it is still challenging to train GCNs at scale, limiting their applications to real-world large graphs and hindering the exploration of deeper and more sophisticated GCN architectures. While it can be natural to leverage graph partition and distributed training for tackling this challenge, this direction has only been slightly touched on previously due to the unique challenge posed by the GCN structures, especially the excessive amount of boundary nodes in each partitioned subgraph, which can easily explode the required memory and communications for distributed training of GCNs. To this end, we propose BDS-GCN, a method that adopts unbiased boundary sampling strategy to enable efficient and scalable distributed GCN training while maintaining the full-graph accuracy. Empirical evaluations and ablation studies validate the effectiveness of the proposed BDS-GCN, e.g., boosting the throughput by up-to 500% and reducing the memory usage by up-to 58% for distributed GCN training, while achieving the same accuracy, as compared with the state-of-the-art methods. We believe our BDS-GCN would open up a new paradigm for enabling GCN training at scale. All code will be released publicly upon acceptance. | Reject | | Achieving morphological agreement with Concorde | Neural conversational models are widely used in applications like personal assistants and chat bots. These models seem to give better performance when operating on word level. However, for fusion languages like French, Russian and Polish vocabulary size sometimes become infeasible since most of the words have lots of word forms. We propose a neural network architecture for transforming normalized text into a grammatically correct one. Our model efficiently employs correspondence between normalized and target words and significantly outperforms character-level models while being 2x faster in training and 20\% faster at evaluation. We also propose a new pipeline for building conversational models: first generate a normalized answer and then transform it into a grammatically correct one using our network. The proposed pipeline gives better performance than character-level conversational models according to assessor testing. | Reject | | Learning to Efficiently Sample from Diffusion Probabilistic Models | Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) have emerged as a powerful family of generative models that, yielding high-fidelity samples and competitive log-likelihoods across a range of domains, including image and speech synthesis. Key advantages of DDPMs include ease of training, in contrast to generative adversarial networks, and speed of generation, in contrast to autoregressive models. However, DDPMs typically require hundreds-to-thousands of steps to generate a high fidelity sample, making them prohibitively expensive for high dimensional problems. Fortunately, DDPMs allow trading generation speed for sample quality through adjusting the number of refinement steps during inference. Prior work has been successful in improving generation speed through handcrafting the time schedule through trial and error. In our work, we view the selection of the inference time schedules as an optimization problem, and introduce an exact dynamic programming algorithm that finds the log-likelihood-optimal discrete time schedules for any pre-trained DDPM. Our method exploits the fact that the evidence lower bound (ELBO) can be decomposed into separate KL divergence terms, and given any computation budget, we discover the time schedule that maximizes the training ELBO exactly. Our method is efficient, has no hyper-parameters of its own, and can be applied to any pre-trained DDPM with no retraining. We discover inference time schedules requiring as few as 32 refinement steps, while sacrificing less than 0.1 bits per dimension compared to the default 4,000 steps used on an ImageNet 64x64 model. | Reject | | Curriculum-based Co-design of Morphology and Control of Voxel-based Soft Robots | Co-design of morphology and control of a Voxel-based Soft Robot (VSR) is challenging due to the notorious bi-level optimization. In this paper, we present a Curriculum-based Co-design (CuCo) method for learning to design and control VSRs through an easy-to-difficult process. Specifically, we expand the design space from a small size to the target size gradually through a predefined curriculum. At each learning stage of the curriculum, we use reinforcement learning to simultaneously train the design policy and the control policy, which is enabled by incorporating the design process into the environment and using differentiable policy representations. The converged morphology and the learned policies from last stage are inherited and then serve as the starting point for the next stage. In empirical studies, we show that CuCo is more efficient in creating larger robots with better performance by reusing the practical design and control patterns learned within each stage, in comparison to prior approaches that learn from scratch in the space of target size. | Accept: poster | | Robust attributions require rethinking robustness metrics | For machine learning models to be reliable and trustworthy, their decisions must be interpretable. As these models find increasing use in safety-critical applications, it is important that not just the model predictions but also their explanations (as feature attributions) be robust to small human-imperceptible input perturbations. Recent works have shown that many attribution methods are fragile and have proposed improvements in either the attribution methods or the model training. Existing works measure attributional robustness by metrics such as top-$k$ intersection, Spearman's rank-order correlation (or Spearman's $\rho$) or Kendall's rank-order correlation (or Kendall's $\tau$) to quantify the change in feature attributions under input perturbation. However, we show that these metrics are fragile. That is, under such metrics, a simple random perturbation attack can seem to be as significant as more principled attributional attacks. We instead propose Locality-sENSitive (LENS) improvements of the above metrics, namely, LENS-top-$k$, LENS-Spearman and LENS-Kendall, that incorporate the locality of attributions along with their rank order. Our locality-sensitive metrics provide tighter bounds on attributional robustness and do not disproportionately penalize attribution methods for reasonable local changes. We show that the robust attribution methods proposed in recent works also reflect this premise of locality, thus highlighting the need for a locality-sensitive metric for progress in the field. Our empirical results on well-known benchmark datasets using well-known models and attribution methods support our observations and conclusions in this work. | Reject | | Fast topological clustering with Wasserstein distance | The topological patterns exhibited by many real-world networks motivate the development of topology-based methods for assessing the similarity of networks. However, extracting topological structure is difficult, especially for large and dense networks whose node degrees range over multiple orders of magnitude. In this paper, we propose a novel and computationally practical topological clustering method that clusters complex networks with intricate topology using principled theory from persistent homology and optimal transport. Such networks are aggregated into clusters through a centroid-based clustering strategy based on both their topological and geometric structure, preserving correspondence between nodes in different networks. The notions of topological proximity and centroid are characterized using a novel and efficient approach to computation of the Wasserstein distance and barycenter for persistence barcodes associated with connected components and cycles. The proposed method is demonstrated to be effective using both simulated networks and measured functional brain networks. | Accept (Poster) | | Unified Recurrence Modeling for Video Action Anticipation | Forecasting future events based on evidence of current conditions is an innate skill of human beings, and key for predicting the outcome of any decision making. In artificial vision for example, we would like to predict the next human action before it is actually performed, without observing the future video frames associated to it. Computer vision models for action anticipation are expected to collect the subtle evidence in the preamble of the target actions. In prior studies recurrence modeling often leads to better performance, and the strong temporal inference is assumed to be a key element for reasonable prediction. To this end, we propose a unified recurrence modeling for video action anticipation by generalizing the recurrence mechanism from sequence into graph representation via message passing. The information flow in space-time can be described by the interaction between vertices and edges, and the changes of vertices for each incoming frame reflects the underlying dynamics. Our model leverages self-attention for all building blocks in the graph modeling, and we introduce different edge learning strategies can be end-to-end optimized while updating the vertices. Our experimental results demonstrate that our modeling method is light-weight, efficient, and outperforms all previous works on the large-scale EPIC-Kitchen dataset. | Reject | | A Comprehensive Overhaul of Distilling Unconditional GANs | Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have achieved impressive results on various content generation tasks. Yet, their high demand on storage and computation impedes their deployment on resource-constrained devices. Though several GAN compression methods have been proposed to address the problem, most of them focus on conditional GANs. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overhaul of distilling unconditional GAN, especially for the popular StyleGAN2 architecture. Our key insight is that the main challenge of unconditional GAN distillation lies in the output discrepancy issue, where the teacher and student model yield different outputs given the same input latent code. Standard knowledge distillation losses typically fail under this heterogeneous distillation scenario. We conduct thorough analysis about the reasons and effects of this discrepancy issue, and identify that the style module plays a vital role in determining semantic information of generated images. Based on this finding, we propose a novel initialization strategy for the student model, which can ensure the output consistency to the maximum extent. To further enhance the semantic consistency between the teacher and student model, we present another latent-direction-based distillation loss that preserves the semantic relations in latent space. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art results in StyleGAN2 distillation, outperforming the existing GAN distillation methods by a large margin. | Reject | | Distributional Signals for Node Classification in Graph Neural Networks | In graph neural networks (GNNs), both node features and labels are examples of graph signals, a key notion in graph signal processing (GSP). While it is common in GSP to impose signal smoothness constraints in learning and estimation tasks, it is unclear how this can be done for discrete node labels. We bridge this gap by introducing the concept of distributional graph signals. In our framework, we work with the distributions of node labels instead of their values and propose notions of smoothness and non-uniformity of such distributional graph signals. We then propose a general regularization method for GNNs that allows us to encode distributional smoothness and non-uniformity of the model output in semi-supervised node classification tasks. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our method can significantly improve the performance of most base GNN models in different problem settings. | Reject | | Dynamic Early Terminating of Multiply Accumulate Operations for Saving Computation Cost in Convolutional Neural Networks | Deep learning has been attracting enormous attention from academia as well as industry due to its great success in many artificial intelligence applications. As more applications are developed, the need for implementing a complex neural network model on an energy-limited edge device becomes more critical. To this end, this paper proposes a new optimization method to reduce the computation efforts of convolutional neural networks. The method takes advantage of the fact that some convolutional operations are actually wasteful since their outputs are pruned by the following activation or pooling layers. Basically, a convolutional filter conducts a series of multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations. We propose to set a checkpoint in the MAC process to determine whether a filter could terminate early based on the intermediate result. Furthermore, a fine-tuning process is conducted to recover the accuracy drop due to the applied checkpoints. The experimental results show that the proposed method can save approximately 50% MAC operations with less than 1% accuracy drop for CIFAR-10 example model and Network in Network on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. Additionally, compared with the state-of- the-art method, the proposed method is more effective on the CIFAR-10 dataset and is competitive on the CIFAR-100 dataset. | Reject | | Meta-Learning with Implicit Processes | This paper presents a novel implicit process-based meta-learning (IPML) algorithm that, in contrast to existing works, explicitly represents each task as a continuous latent vector and models its probabilistic belief within the highly expressive IP framework. Unfortunately, meta-training in IPML is computationally challenging due to its need to perform intractable exact IP inference in task adaptation. To resolve this, we propose a novel expectation-maximization algorithm based on the stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling method to perform meta-training. Our delicate design of the neural network architecture for meta-training in IPML allows competitive meta-learning performance to be achieved. Unlike existing works, IPML offers the benefits of being amenable to the characterization of a principled distance measure between tasks using the maximum mean discrepancy, active task selection without needing the assumption of known task contexts, and synthetic task generation by modeling task-dependent input distributions. Empirical evaluation on benchmark datasets shows that IPML outperforms existing Bayesian meta-learning algorithms. We have also empirically demonstrated on an e-commerce company's real-world dataset that IPML outperforms the baselines and identifies outliers tasks which can potentially degrade meta-testing performance. | Reject | | Crowd-sourced Phrase-Based Tokenization for Low-Resourced Neural Machine Translation: The case of Fon Language | Building effective neural machine translation (NMT) models for very low-resourced and morphologically rich African indigenous languages is an open challenge. Besides the issue of finding available resources for them, a lot of work is put into preprocessing and tokenization. Recent studies have shown that standard tokenization methods do not always adequately deal with the grammatical, diacritical, and tonal properties of some African languages. That, coupled with the extremely low availability of training samples, hinders the production of reliable NMT models. In this paper, using Fon language as a case study, we revisit standard tokenization methods and introduce Word-Expressions-Based (WEB) tokenization, a human-involved super-words tokenization strategy to create a better representative vocabulary for training. | Reject | | SUG: Single-dataset Unified Generalization for 3D Point Cloud Classification | In recent years, research on zero-shot domain adaptation, namely Domain Generalization (DG), which aims to adapt a well-trained source domain model to unseen target domains without accessing any target sample, has been fast-growing in the 2D image tasks such as classification and object detection. However, its exploration on 3D point cloud data is still insufficient and challenged by more complex and uncertain cross-domain variances with irregular point data structures and uneven inter-class modality distribution. In this paper, different from previous 2D DG works, we focus on the 3D DG problem, and propose a Single-dataset Unified Generalization (SUG) framework that only leverages the source domain data to alleviate the unforeseen domain differences faced by the well-pretrained source model. Specifically, we first design a Multi-grained Sub-domain Alignment (MSA) method that can constrain the learned representations to be domain-agnostic and discriminative, by performing a multi-grained feature alignment process between the splitted sub-domains from the single source dataset. Then, a Sample-level Domain-aware Attention (SDA) strategy is presented, which can selectively enhance easy-to-adapt samples from different sub-domains according to the sample-level inter-domain distance, to avoid the negative transfer. Extensive experiments are conducted on three common 3D point cloud benchmarks. The experimental results demonstrate that SUG framework is effective to boost the model generalization ability for unseen target domains, even outperforming the existing unsupervised domain adaptation methods that have to access extensive target domain data, where we significantly improve classification accuracy by 7.7% on ModelNet-to-ScanNet setting and 2.3% on ShapeNet-to-ScanNet setting. Our code will be available. | Reject | | What Do Self-Supervised Vision Transformers Learn? | We present a comparative study on how and why contrastive learning (CL) and masked image modeling (MIM) differ in their representations and in their performance of downstream tasks. In particular, we demonstrate that self-supervised Vision Transformers (ViTs) have the following properties: (1) CL trains self-attentions to capture longer-range global patterns than MIM, such as the shape of an object, especially in the later layers of the ViT architecture. This CL property helps ViTs linearly separate images in their representation spaces. However, it also makes the self-attentions collapse into homogeneity for all query tokens and heads. Such homogeneity of self-attention reduces the diversity of representations, worsening scalability and dense prediction performance. (2) CL utilizes the low-frequency signals of the representations, but MIM utilizes high-frequencies. Since low- and high-frequency information respectively represent shapes and textures, CL is more shape-oriented and MIM more texture-oriented. (3) CL plays a crucial role in the later layers, while MIM mainly focuses on the early layers. Upon these analyses, we find that CL and MIM can complement each other and observe that even the simplest harmonization can help leverage the advantages of both methods. The code is available at
| Accept: poster | | Pretrained models are active learners | An important barrier to the safe deployment of machine learning systems is the risk of \emph{task ambiguity}, where multiple behaviors are consistent with the provided examples. We investigate whether pretrained models are better active learners, capable of asking for example labels that \textit{disambiguate} between the possible tasks a user may be trying to specify. Across a range of image and text datasets with spurious correlations, latent minority groups, or domain shifts, finetuning pretrained models with data acquired through simple uncertainty sampling achieves the same accuracy with \textbf{up to 6$\times$ fewer labels} compared to random sampling. Moreover, the examples chosen by these models are preferentially minority classes or informative examples where the spurious feature and class label are decorrelated. Notably, gains from active learning are not seen in unpretrained models, which do not select such examples, suggesting that the ability to actively learn is an emergent property of the pretraining process. | Reject | | Your Contrastive Learning Is Secretly Doing Stochastic Neighbor Embedding | Contrastive learning, especially self-supervised contrastive learning (SSCL), has achieved great success in extracting powerful features from unlabeled data. In this work, we contribute to the theoretical understanding of SSCL and uncover its connection to the classic data visualization method, stochastic neighbor embedding (SNE), whose goal is to preserve pairwise distances. From the perspective of preserving neighboring information, SSCL can be viewed as a special case of SNE with the input space pairwise similarities specified by data augmentation. The established correspondence facilitates deeper theoretical understanding of learned features of SSCL, as well as methodological guidelines for practical improvement. Specifically, through the lens of SNE, we provide novel analysis on domain-agnostic augmentations, implicit bias and robustness of learned features. To illustrate the practical advantage, we demonstrate that the modifications from SNE to $t$-SNE can also be adopted in the SSCL setting, achieving significant improvement in both in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization. | Accept: poster | | SALT : Sharing Attention between Linear layer and Transformer for tabular dataset | Handling tabular data with deep learning models is a challenging problem despite their remarkable success in vision and language processing applications. Therefore, many practitioners still rely on classical models such as gradient boosting decision trees (GBDTs) rather than deep networks due to their superior performance with tabular data. In this paper, we propose a novel hybrid deep network architecture for tabular data, dubbed SALT (Sharing Attention between Linear layer and Transformer). The proposed SALT consists of two blocks: Transformers and linear layers blocks that take advantage of shared attention matrices. The shared attention matrices enable transformers and linear layers to closely cooperate with each other, and it leads to improved performance and robustness. Our algorithm outperforms tree-based ensemble models and previous deep learning methods in multiple benchmark datasets. We further demonstrate the robustness of the proposed SALT with semi-supervised learning and pre-training with small dataset scenarios. | Reject | | Zero-Shot Policy Transfer with Disentangled Attention | Domain adaptation is an open problem in deep reinforcement learning (RL). Often, agents are asked to perform in environments where data is difficult to obtain. In such settings, agents are trained in similar environments, such as simulators, and are then transferred to the original environment. The gap between visual observations of the source and target environments often causes the agent to fail in the target environment. We present a new RL agent, SADALA (Soft Attention DisentAngled representation Learning Agent). SADALA first learns a compressed state representation. It then jointly learns to ignore distracting features and solve the task presented. SADALA's separation of important and unimportant visual features leads to robust domain transfer. SADALA outperforms both prior disentangled-representation based RL and domain randomization approaches across RL environments (Visual Cartpole and DeepMind Lab). | Reject | | Decompositional Generation Process for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning | Partial label learning (PLL) is a typical weakly supervised learning problem, where each training example is associated with a set of candidate labels among which only one is true. Most existing PLL approaches assume that the incorrect labels in each training example are randomly picked as the candidate labels and model the generation process of the candidate labels in a simple way. However, these approaches usually do not perform as well as expected due to the fact that the generation process of the candidate labels is always instance-dependent. Therefore, it deserves to be modeled in a refined way. In this paper, we consider instance-dependent PLL and assume that the generation process of the candidate labels could decompose into two sequential parts, where the correct label emerges first in the mind of the annotator but then the incorrect labels related to the feature are also selected with the correct label as candidate labels due to uncertainty of labeling. Motivated by this consideration, we propose a novel PLL method that performs Maximum A Posterior(MAP) based on an explicitly modeled generation process of candidate labels via decomposed probability distribution models. Extensive experiments on manually corrupted benchmark datasets and real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. | Accept: notable-top-25% | | Sparse Networks from Scratch: Faster Training without Losing Performance | We demonstrate the possibility of what we call sparse learning: accelerated training of deep neural networks that maintain sparse weights throughout training while achieving dense performance levels. We accomplish this by developing sparse momentum, an algorithm which uses exponentially smoothed gradients (momentum) to identify layers and weights which reduce the error efficiently. Sparse momentum redistributes pruned weights across layers according to the mean momentum magnitude of each layer. Within a layer, sparse momentum grows weights according to the momentum magnitude of zero-valued weights. We demonstrate state-of-the-art sparse performance on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet, decreasing the mean error by a relative 8%, 15%, and 6% compared to other sparse algorithms. Furthermore, we show that sparse momentum reliably reproduces dense performance levels while providing up to 5.61x faster training. In our analysis, ablations show that the benefits of momentum redistribution and growth increase with the depth and size of the network. | Reject | | A global convergence theory for deep ReLU implicit networks via over-parameterization | Implicit deep learning has received increasing attention recently due to the fact that it generalizes the recursive prediction rule of many commonly used neural network architectures. Its prediction rule is provided implicitly based on the solution of an equilibrium equation. Although a line of recent empirical studies has demonstrated its superior performances, the theoretical understanding of implicit neural networks is limited. In general, the equilibrium equation may not be well-posed during the training. As a result, there is no guarantee that a vanilla (stochastic) gradient descent (SGD) training nonlinear implicit neural networks can converge. This paper fills the gap by analyzing the gradient flow of Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activated implicit neural networks. For an $m$ width implicit neural network with ReLU activation and $n$ training samples, we show that a randomly initialized gradient descent converges to a global minimum at a linear rate for the square loss function if the implicit neural network is over-parameterized. It is worth noting that, unlike existing works on the convergence of (S)GD on finite-layer over-parameterized neural networks, our convergence results hold for implicit neural networks, where the number of layers is infinite. | Accept (Poster) | | Conditional generation of molecules from disentangled representations | Though machine learning approaches have shown great success in estimating properties of small molecules, the inverse problem of generating molecules with desired properties remains challenging. This difficulty is in part because the set of molecules which have a given property is structurally very diverse. Treating this inverse problem as a conditional distribution estimation task, we draw upon work in learning disentangled representations to learn a conditional distribution over molecules given a desired property, where the molecular structure is encoded in a continuous latent random variable. By including property information as an input factor independent from the structure representation, one can perform conditional molecule generation via a ``style transfer'' process, in which we explicitly set the property to a desired value at generation time. In contrast to existing approaches, we disentangle the latent factors from the property factors using a regularization term which constrains the generated molecules to have the property provided to the generation network, no matter how the latent factor changes. | Reject | | Open Loop Hyperparameter Optimization and Determinantal Point Processes | Driven by the need for parallelizable hyperparameter optimization methods, this paper studies open loop search methods: sequences that are predetermined and can be generated before a single configuration is evaluated. Examples include grid search, uniform random search, low discrepancy sequences, and other sampling distributions.
In particular, we propose the use of k-determinantal point processes in hyperparameter optimization via random search. Compared to conventional uniform random search where hyperparameter settings are sampled independently, a k-DPP promotes diversity. We describe an approach that transforms hyperparameter search spaces for efficient use with a k-DPP. In addition, we introduce a novel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm which can sample from k-DPPs defined over any space from which uniform samples can be drawn, including spaces with a mixture of discrete and continuous dimensions or tree structure. Our experiments show significant benefits in realistic scenarios with a limited budget for training supervised learners, whether in serial or parallel. | Reject | | A Fast, Well-Founded Approximation to the Empirical Neural Tangent Kernel | Empirical neural tangent kernels (eNTKs) can provide a good understanding of a given network's representation: they are often far less expensive to compute and applicable more broadly than infinite-width NTKs. For networks with $O$ output units (e.g. an $O$-class classifier), however, the eNTK on $N$ inputs is of size $NO \times NO$, taking $\mathcal{O}\big( (N O)^2\big)$ memory and up to $\mathcal{O}\big( (N O)^3 \big)$ computation. Most existing applications have therefore used one of a handful of approximations yielding $N \times N$ kernel matrices, saving orders of magnitude of computation, but with limited to no justification. We prove that one such approximation, which we call ``sum of logits,'' converges to the true eNTK at initialization. Our experiments demonstrate the quality of this approximation for various uses across a range of settings. | Reject | | Offline Q-learning on Diverse Multi-Task Data Both Scales And Generalizes | The potential of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is that high-capacity models trained on large, heterogeneous datasets can lead to agents that generalize broadly, analogously to similar advances in vision and NLP. However, recent works argue that offline RL methods encounter unique challenges to scaling up model capacity. Drawing on the learnings from these works, we re-examine previous design choices and find that with appropriate choices: ResNets, cross-entropy based distributional backups, and feature normalization, offline Q-learning algorithms exhibit strong performance that scales with model capacity. Using multi-task Atari as a testbed for scaling and generalization, we train a single policy on 40 games with near-human performance using up-to 80 million parameter networks, finding that model performance scales favorably with capacity. In contrast to prior work, we extrapolate beyond dataset performance even when trained entirely on a large (400M transitions) but highly suboptimal dataset (51% human-level performance). Compared to return-conditioned supervised approaches, offline Q-learning scales similarly with model capacity and has better performance, especially when the dataset is suboptimal. Finally, we show that offline Q-learning with a diverse dataset is sufficient to learn powerful representations that facilitate rapid transfer to novel games and fast online learning on new variations of a training game, improving over existing state-of-the-art representation learning approaches. | Accept: notable-top-5% | | Fast Model Editing at Scale | While large pre-trained models have enabled impressive results on a variety of downstream tasks, the largest existing models still make errors, and even accurate predictions may become outdated over time. Because detecting all such failures at training time is impossible, enabling both developers and end users of such models to correct inaccurate outputs while leaving the model otherwise intact is desirable. However, the distributed, black-box nature of the representations learned by large neural networks makes producing such targeted edits difficult. If presented with only a single problematic input and new desired output, fine-tuning approaches tend to overfit; other editing algorithms are either computationally infeasible or simply ineffective when applied to very large models. To enable easy post-hoc editing at scale, we propose Model Editor Networks using Gradient Decomposition (MEND), a collection of small auxiliary editing networks that use a single desired input-output pair to make fast, local edits to a pre-trained model's behavior. MEND learns to transform the gradient obtained by standard fine-tuning, using a low-rank decomposition of the gradient to make the parameterization of this transformation tractable. MEND can be trained on a single GPU in less than a day even for 10 billion+ parameter models; once trained MEND enables rapid application of new edits to the pre-trained model. Our experiments with T5, GPT, BERT, and BART models show that MEND is the only approach to model editing that effectively edits the behavior of models with more than 10 billion parameters. Code available at | Accept (Poster) | | Accidental exploration through value predictors | Infinite length of trajectories is an almost universal assumption in the theoretical foundations of reinforcement learning. In practice learning occurs on finite trajectories. In this paper we examine a specific result of this disparity, namely a strong bias of the time-bounded Every-visit Monte Carlo value estimator. This manifests as a vastly different learning dynamic for algorithms that use value predictors, including encouraging or discouraging exploration.
We investigate these claims theoretically for a one dimensional random walk, and empirically on a number of simple environments. We use GAE as an algorithm involving a value predictor and evolution strategies as a reference point. | Reject | | Improving the imputation of missing data with Markov Blanket discovery | The process of imputation of missing data typically relies on generative and regression models. These approaches often operate on the unrealistic assumption that all of the data features are directly related with one another, and use all of the available features to impute missing values. In this paper, we propose a novel Markov Blanket discovery approach to determine the optimal feature set for a given variable by considering both observed variables and missingness of partially observed variables to account for systematic missingness. We then incorporate this method to the learning process of the state-of-the-art MissForest imputation algorithm, such that it informs MissForest which features to consider to impute missing values, depending on the variable the missing value belongs to. Experiments across different case studies and multiple imputation algorithms show that the proposed solution improves imputation accuracy, both under random and systematic missingness. | Accept: poster | | Q-learning Decision Transformer: Leveraging Dynamic Programming for Conditional Sequence Modelling in Offline RL | Recent works have shown that tackling offline reinforcement learning (RL) with a conditional policy produces promising results. The Decision Transformer (DT) combines the conditional policy approach and a transformer architecture, showing competitive performance against several benchmarks. However, DT lacks stitching ability -- one of the critical abilities for offline RL to learn the optimal policy from sub-optimal trajectories. This issue becomes particularly significant when the offline dataset only contains sub-optimal trajectories.
On the other hand, the conventional RL approaches based on Dynamic Programming (such as Q-learning) do not have the same limitation; however, they suffer from unstable learning behaviours, especially when they rely on function approximation in an off-policy learning setting. In this paper, we propose the Q-learning Decision Transformer (QDT) to address the shortcomings of DT by leveraging the benefits of Dynamic Programming (Q-learning). It utilises the Dynamic Programming results to relabel the return-to-go in the training data to then train the DT with the relabelled data. Our approach efficiently exploits the benefits of these two approaches and compensates for each other's shortcomings to achieve better performance. We empirically show these in both simple toy environments and the more complex D4RL benchmark, showing competitive performance gains.
| Reject | | Query Embedding on Hyper-Relational Knowledge Graphs | Multi-hop logical reasoning is an established problem in the field of representation learning on knowledge graphs (KGs). It subsumes both one-hop link prediction as well as other more complex types of logical queries. Existing algorithms operate only on classical, triple-based graphs, whereas modern KGs often employ a hyper-relational modeling paradigm. In this paradigm, typed edges may have several key-value pairs known as qualifiers that provide fine-grained context for facts. In queries, this context modifies the meaning of relations, and usually reduces the answer set. Hyper-relational queries are often observed in real-world KG applications, and existing approaches for approximate query answering cannot make use of qualifier pairs. In this work, we bridge this gap and extend the multi-hop reasoning problem to hyper-relational KGs allowing to tackle this new type of complex queries. Building upon recent advancements in Graph Neural Networks and query embedding techniques, we study how to embed and answer hyper-relational conjunctive queries. Besides that, we propose a method to answer such queries and demonstrate in our experiments that qualifiers improve query answering on a diverse set of query patterns. | Accept (Poster) | | On the Evolution of Neuron Communities in a Deep Learning Architecture | Deep learning techniques are increasingly being adopted for classification tasks over the past decade, yet explaining how deep learning architectures can achieve state-of-the-art performance is still an elusive goal. While all the training information is embedded deeply in a trained model, we still do not understand much about its performance by only analyzing the model. This paper examines the neuron activation patterns of deep learning-based classification models and explores whether the models' performances can be explained through neurons' activation behavior. We propose two approaches: one that models neurons' activation behavior as a graph and examines whether the neurons form meaningful communities, and the other examines the predictability of neurons' behavior using entropy. Our comprehensive experimental study reveals that both the community quality and entropy can provide new insights into the deep learning models' performances, thus paves a novel way of explaining deep learning models directly from the neurons' activation pattern
. | Reject | | Sparse Transformer: Concentrated Attention Through Explicit Selection | Self-attention-based Transformer has demonstrated the state-of-the-art performances in a number of natural language processing tasks. Self attention is able to model long-term dependencies, but it may suffer from the extraction of irrelevant information in the context. To tackle the problem, we propose a novel model called Sparse Transformer. Sparse Transformer is able to improve the concentration of attention on the global context through an explicit selection of the most relevant segments. Extensive experimental results on a series of natural language processing tasks, including neural machine translation, image captioning, and language modeling, all demonstrate the advantages of Sparse Transformer in model performance.
Sparse Transformer reaches the state-of-the-art performances in the IWSLT 2015 English-to-Vietnamese translation and IWSLT 2014 German-to-English translation. In addition, we conduct qualitative analysis to account for Sparse Transformer's superior performance. | Reject | | Deep neuroethology of a virtual rodent | Parallel developments in neuroscience and deep learning have led to mutually productive exchanges, pushing our understanding of real and artificial neural networks in sensory and cognitive systems. However, this interaction between fields is less developed in the study of motor control. In this work, we develop a virtual rodent as a platform for the grounded study of motor activity in artificial models of embodied control. We then use this platform to study motor activity across contexts by training a model to solve four complex tasks. Using methods familiar to neuroscientists, we describe the behavioral representations and algorithms employed by different layers of the network using a neuroethological approach to characterize motor activity relative to the rodent's behavior and goals. We find that the model uses two classes of representations which respectively encode the task-specific behavioral strategies and task-invariant behavioral kinematics. These representations are reflected in the sequential activity and population dynamics of neural subpopulations. Overall, the virtual rodent facilitates grounded collaborations between deep reinforcement learning and motor neuroscience. | Accept (Spotlight) | | A Variance Principle Explains why Dropout Finds Flatter Minima | Although dropout has achieved great success in deep learning, little is known about how it helps the training find a good generalization solution in the high-dimensional parameter space. In this work, we show that the training with dropout finds the neural network with a flatter minimum compared with standard gradient descent training. We further study the underlying mechanism of why dropout finds flatter minima through experiments. We propose a Variance Principle that the variance of a noise is larger at the sharper direction of the loss landscape. Existing works show that SGD satisfies the variance principle, which leads the training to flatter minima. Our work show that the noise induced by the dropout also satisfies the variance principle that explains why dropout finds flatter minima. In general, our work points out that the variance principle is an important similarity between dropout and SGD that lead the training to find flatter minima and obtain good generalization. | Reject | | Active Feature Acquisition with Generative Surrogate Models | Many real-world situations allow for the acquisition of additional relevant information when making an assessment with limited or uncertain data. However, traditional ML approaches either require all features to be acquired beforehand or regard part of them as missing data that cannot be acquired. In this work, we propose models that perform active feature acquisition (AFA) to improve the prediction assessments at evaluation time. We formulate the AFA problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) and resolve it using reinforcement learning (RL). The AFA problem yields sparse rewards and contains a high-dimensional complicated action space. Thus, we propose learning a generative surrogate model that captures the complicated dependencies among input features to assess potential information gain from acquisitions. We also leverage the generative surrogate model to provide intermediate rewards and auxiliary information to the agent. Furthermore, we extend AFA in a task we coin active instance recognition (AIR) for the unsupervised case where the target variables are the unobserved features themselves and the goal is to collect information for a particular instance in a cost-efficient way. Empirical results demonstrate that our approach achieves considerably better performance than previous state of the art methods on both supervised and unsupervised tasks. | Reject |