8 values
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the meat is fresh , the sauces are great , you get kimchi and a salad free with your meal and service is good too .
(['meat'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['fresh']); (['sauces'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great']); (['kimchi'], FOOD#PRICES, positive, ['free']); (['salad'], FOOD#PRICES, positive, ['free']); (['meal'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, None); (['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
dokebi gives williamsburg the right one - two punch of classic korean food and fusion twists like pork belly tacos .
(['korean', 'food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['classic']); (['fusion', 'twists'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, None); (['pork', 'belly', 'tacos'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the hot dogs are good , yes , but the reason to get over here is the fantastic pork croquette sandwich , perfect on its supermarket squishy bun .
(['hot', 'dogs'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good']); (['pork', 'croquette', 'sandwich'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['fantastic']); (['bun'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['perfect'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
restaurant with a view
(['view'], LOCATION#GENERAL, neutral, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food tasted very good .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the main entree was also very good .
(['main', 'entree'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
price is high but the food is good , so i would come back again .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good']); (['food'], FOOD#PRICES, negative, ['high']); (None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this place does n ' t make any sense
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
just want to warn you all - do n ' t waste your time and money .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this place has totally weird decor , stairs going up with mirrored walls - i am surprised how no one yet broke their head or fall off the stairs - mirrored walls make you dizzy and delusional . . .
(['decor'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['weird']); (['mirrored', 'walls'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['dizzy']); (['mirrored', 'walls'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['delusional'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this place is not inviting and the food is totally weird .
(['place'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['not', 'inviting']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['weird'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the concept of japanese tapas is newly created and clearly does n ' t work .
(['japanese', 'tapas'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, negative, ['does', 'n', "'", 't', 'work'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
good food
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food was great and tasty , but the sitting space was too small , i do n ' t like being cramp in a corner .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great']); (['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['tasty']); (['sitting', 'space'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, ['too', 'small'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
over all it was a very nice romantic place .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['nice']); (['place'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['romantic'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
loved it
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['loved'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
a coworker and i tried pacifico after work a few fridays and loved it .
(['pacifico'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['loved'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the atmosphere was great .
(['atmosphere'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food we ordered was excellent , although i would n ' t say the margaritas were anything to write home about .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['excellent']); (['margaritas'], DRINKS#QUALITY, neutral, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
our waitress was n ' t mean , but not especially warm or attentive either .
(['waitress'], SERVICE#GENERAL, neutral, ['n', "'", 't', 'mean']); (['waitress'], SERVICE#GENERAL, neutral, ['not', 'especially', 'warm', 'or', 'attentive'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i must say i am surprised by the bad reviews of the restaurant earlier in the year , though .
(['restaurant'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['bad'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
regardless , we ' ll be back and ca n ' t wait to visit in the summer to take advantage of the patio .
(['patio'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, None); (None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
dumbfoundingly poor
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['poor'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this was , from start to finish , a mind - bogglingly uncomfortable experience .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['uncomfortable'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
lexicographers take note : a new and fascinating definition of rudeness is alive and flourishing right here in brooklyn .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['rudeness'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the servers at flatbush farm appear to have perfected that ghastly technique of making you feel guilty and ashamed for deigning to attract their attention .
(['servers'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['perfected'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
polite acknowledgement is out ;
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
and how many times can you pick up the same perfectly aligned set of napkins , inspect them vapidly and plonk them down in exactly the same place instead of venturing a glance at people who are there to help you make the rent ?
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
a different server enhanced the fun , dumping our entrees in front of us halfway through our appetizer ( which was delicious ) .
(['server'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['enhanced']); (['appetizer'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['delicious'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
overall the food quality was pretty good , though i hear the salmon is much better when it has n ' t sat cooling in front of the guest .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good']); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the place has a nice fit - out , some attractive furnishings and , from what i could tell , a reasonable wine list ( i was given the food menu when i asked for the carte des vins )
(['fit', '-', 'out'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['nice']); (['furnishings'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['attractive']); (['wine', 'list'], DRINKS#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['reasonable']); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
at $ 120 for two people , however , this in no way represents value , unless you ' re looking to pay by the hour for passive - aggressive torture .
(None, RESTAURANT#PRICES, negative, None); (None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['passive', '-', 'aggressive'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
on that scale , it ' s a world - beater .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
how is this palce still open ?
(['palce'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i honestly do n ' t even know where to begin .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
we arrived and were seated immediately , which made us both happy .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['happy'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
everything was going good until we got our meals .
(['meals'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, None); (None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i took one look at the chicken and i was appalled .
(['chicken'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, negative, ['appalled'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
it was served with skin , over a bed of extremely undercooked spinach and mashed potatoes .
(['spinach'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['undercooked']); (None, FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i took one bite from the $ 24 salmon , and i have never , in the 17 years i have been going to restaurants tasted salmon as fishy , as dry , and as bland as the one in flatbush farms .
(['salmon'], FOOD#PRICES, negative, None); (['salmon'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['fishy']); (['salmon'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['dry']); (['salmon'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['bland'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
at this point , the waitress comes over and asks us if everything was okay , i was literally so shocked that i was speechless and did n ' t say anything , and guess what , the waitress walked away .
(['waitress'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
so , i switch with my boyfriend again to see if maybe i could stomach the meat and spinach again , but the spinach was so undercooked that i just could not bite through it .
(['spinach'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['undercooked'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i could n ' t even enjoy the mashed potatoes because it was hidden completely under the chicken and spinach .
(None, FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
so i decide to report back to the waitress because it was completely inedible .
(None, FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['inedible'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
guess what , i waited for twenty minutes before she came over and when she finally did , she says , ` ` oh well , i wish you would have said something earlier ' ' no apology , nothing .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['nothing'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
after that she simply took our plates , walked away , came back another twenty minutes later with the bill and the chicken on it ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
no desert menu , no apology , nothing ! ! ! ! ! !
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['nothing'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this is where it really really gets bad : the manager said , there is absolutely nothing we can do , it ' s a matter of taste that she did n ' t like it , and i can not comp it .
(['manager'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['bad'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
again , no apology , no is there anything else i can get you , no can i get you a drink to make up for it , nothing ! ! ! !
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['nothing'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the level of rudeness was preposterous .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['preposterous'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the manager came to the table and said we can do what we want , so we paid for what we did enjoy , the drinks and appetizers , and walked out .
(['manager'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None); (['drinks'], DRINKS#QUALITY, positive, ['enjoy']); (['appetizers'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['enjoy'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i have never ever had such an unpleasant experience .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['unpleasant'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this staff should be fired .
(['staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['fired'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
cirspy crust margherita pizza
(['margherita', 'pizza'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['cirspy']); (['margherita', 'pizza'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['crust'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
it was really good pizza .
(['pizza'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the crust was imazingly cooked well and pizza was fully loaded : ) : ) : )
(['crust'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['cooked', 'well']); (['pizza'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['fully', 'loaded'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
you know what i mean all the positives things happening there made mw write this review .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['positives'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i ' ll being with a couple of positives : cool decor , good pita and hummus , and grilled octopus that was actually pretty tasty .
(['decor'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['cool']); (['pita'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good']); (['hummus'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good']); (['grilled', 'octopus'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['tasty'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
if i could give 0 stars i would do so for this place .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the reason there are 4 different results on citysearch for the same place is because they keep trying to start a new thread so they can stock it with positive reviews .
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
well . . . they can run but they ca n ' t hide .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this place . . . god where do i begin .
(['place'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the decor however seems to be the distraction so you wo n ' t notice that you just payed 300 bucks for some cold eggplant that took 2 frickin hours to come ! ! ! !
(['decor'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, neutral, ['distraction']); (['eggplant'], FOOD#QUALITY, negative, ['cold']); (['eggplant'], FOOD#PRICES, negative, None); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
great hot dogs !
(['hot', 'dogs'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the hot dogs are top notch , and they ' re slamwich is amazing !
(['hot', 'dogs'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['top', 'notch']); (['slamwich'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['amazing'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
going to bark is always worth the train ride , and will make your tongue and belly very happy !
(['bark'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['worth']); (None, FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['happy'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
only complaint is the pricing - - i believe it would be more reasonable to pay a dollar less on each item listed on the menu .
(['menu'], FOOD#PRICES, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
fabulous food - if the front of house staff do n ' t put you off –
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['fabulous']); (['front', 'of', 'house', 'staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
it ' s a little out of our price range for dining there except on special occasions , but we ' ve eaten there 6 times in the last 2 years .
(None, RESTAURANT#PRICES, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
each time we ' ve been , the front of house staff ( not the waiters - they ' re fantastic - but the people who greet and seat you ) has been so hideous to us that were it not for the exceptional fish dishes i would never return .
(['waiters'], SERVICE#GENERAL, positive, ['fantastic']); (['front', 'of', 'house', 'staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['hideous']); (['fish', 'dishes'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['exceptional'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
as bfc does n ' t take reservations you almost always have to wait by the bar - and be abused by the front of house staff until you are seated , which can be over an hour later !
(['bfc'], RESTAURANT#MISCELLANEOUS, negative, None); (['front', 'of', 'house', 'staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['abused']); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['abused'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the frizzy retro girl ( with winged / dame edna glasses ) will yell at you if you try to order a drink .
(['girl'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['frizzy'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i was almost amused by the fact that she was turning away customers at 9pm on a friday night because she ` ` had a bbq to go to ' ' that night - wtf ? ?
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i ' d be horrified if my staff were turning away customers so early and so rudely !
(['staff'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['horrified'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
there ' s another girl who i ca n ' t describe , she is about 5 ' 6 ' ' with brown hair , who eavesdrops on your conversation and chimes in - except she only hears the last part of what you said , so her uninvited opinions are often out of context and nothing to do with what you ' re * really * talking about .
(['girl'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i ' m a friendly person , so i would n ' t mind had she not been so nasty and gotten so personal .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['nasty'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
again , i ' d be super upset if that were my employee .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['upset'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
considering you will spend at least $ 60 a head , i expect better service .
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['expect', 'better']); (None, RESTAURANT#PRICES, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
so , if you ' re walking by and thinking about dining , you might want to see who ' s going to be seating you first . . .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
maitre - d - ' ' eat and get out ' '
(['maitre', '-', 'd'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
while finishing our meals which included a high - end bottle of wine , our son ' s fiance joined us for a glass of wine and dessert .
(['bottle', 'of', 'wine'], DRINKS#QUALITY, positive, ['high', '-', 'end'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
this guy refused to seat her and she left , followed shortly by the four of us , but not before i told him that in my 40 years of world travel , including paris , that i had never seen such a display of bad behavior by a frontman in a restaurant .
(['frontman'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['bad'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
his response was smug , arrogant , and condescending , totally consistent with his deportment on display all evening .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['smug']); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['arrogant']); (None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['condescending'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
if you go here , do it on his off - night .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
best meal in a long time !
(['meal'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['best'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
mussles and calamari were superb saturday evening .
(['mussles'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['superb']); (['calamari'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['superb'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
my father had the flank steak which was very good , and my mother had the swordfish .
(['flank', 'steak'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['good'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the four seasons restaurant is a great experience .
(['the', 'four', 'seasons', 'restaurant'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
the food is great and the environment is even better .
(['food'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['great']); (['environment'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['better'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
everyone must come here at least once .
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
highly recommend it !
(None, RESTAURANT#GENERAL, positive, ['recommend'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
taking hot dogs to the next level
(['hot', 'dogs'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
at first glance this place seems a bit pricey for a hot dog joint , but at bark you do n ' t just get your average hot dog .
(['hot', 'dog'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, None); (['bark'], RESTAURANT#PRICES, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
here the hot dog is elevated to the level of a real entree with numerous variations available .
(['hot', 'dog'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['elevated']); (['hot', 'dog'], FOOD#STYLE_OPTIONS, positive, ['numerous'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
great atmosphere
(['atmosphere'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['great'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
i highly recommend the fish tacos , everything else was ok .
(['fish', 'tacos'], FOOD#QUALITY, positive, ['recommend']); (None, FOOD#QUALITY, neutral, ['ok'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
cool atmosphere , the fire place in the back really ads to it but needs a bit more heat throughout on a cold night .
(['atmosphere'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, ['cool']); (['fire', 'place'], AMBIENCE#GENERAL, positive, None); (None, AMBIENCE#GENERAL, negative, None)
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
poor service and management
(['service'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['poor']); (['management'], SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, ['poor'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
had an awful experience at casa la femme on a saturday dinner .
(['casa', 'la', 'femme'], RESTAURANT#GENERAL, negative, ['awful'])
extract Aspect-Category-Opinion-Sentiment Quadruple from the sentence
appetizers took nearly an hour .
(None, SERVICE#GENERAL, negative, None)