Hide myself in the shadow of a tree and look around.
I could see a man a little distance away.
He seems to be accompanied by a slime.
I'm curious if he's a 2-star tamer.
Slime is a monster that requires two stars and is used to process organic matter.
It is a critical job; it's called the garbage man.
Some slime may treat inorganic materials, but it seems rare.
What is he doing here?
Men take out trash from their magic bags and let the slime dispose of them.
He looks like an adventurer from afar.
I felt several at a distance when I checked for presence around me.
The presence was so thin that I didn't notice it.
It may be a team of high-ranking adventurers.
I quietly move away in the opposite direction from them.
When I return to the animal path, I breathe out.
I was so nervous.
In the depths of the forest, a little farther, there are signs of the adventurers.
That said, it could be thicker and easier to read.
I felt their presence and saw if they were coming in my direction.
It seems they didn't, so what a relief.
Perhaps they notice my presence.
But not interested.
It's my first time seeing an adventurer with such a thin presence.
It's a little scary.
Take a deep breath and walk towards the next village.
I stopped several times to check for presence around me.
There are various presences, but it's not hostile.
I can no longer feel the presence of the team of adventurers.
If they deliberately hide their presence, I wouldn't find them, but it's okay.
I walk while avoiding monsters and animals.
Since I have never seen an accurate map, I do not know the distance to the next village.
For now, I choose a path that stays within the village road.
Four days before arriving at the next village.
This is weird.
There's a garbage dump in front of me.
But there are no villages around.
I heard that a dump is always near a village.
I look at the things that have been thrown.
Discolored potion, a broken bottle.
A broken sword and possibly a broken magic bag.
I know there are more broken things than the dump in the village.
Perhaps it's been abandoned by adventurers?
I heard about it, but this is my first time seeing it.
Looking at the trash, there is nothing that can be taken.
I take out the trash I had planned to dispose of from my magic bags.
I have an unpleasant feeling; let's just not throw it away.
I can always throw it away in a village, so I won't do it here.
There is also a slime to process it in the village.
But, more than the number is needed.
Two stars tamers can tame up to five slimes per person.
Only a few do it; I heard that most people only tame two.
The amount that can be processed in one day varies depending on the slimes.
I heard that the capital and towns are hiring many tamers.
Villages can give money to a town to process it, but most villages need help to afford it.
Therefore, there's a garbage dump.
I understand, but I can't overlook it.
I heard that things in the forest are abandoned by adventurers.
Adventurer's team must always have a tamer with a slime in their team.
This is decided by law.
You can throw away things your slime can't handle in a dedicated place.
But the reality is the illegal dump in front of me.
Since the broken things become a burden, they will be left in the forest.
Few adventurer's teams have slime to handle inorganic matter.
At least the S-ranked team has one; the Fortune Teller said so.
It doesn't matter if I throw it away, but I stopped.
Somehow, it will only be in the way.
Is this the one called [Illegal Dumping]?
...Let's continue to the village.
Let's throw it away in the village garbage dump.
While moving along the animal path, I try to search for small animals, but they are hard to find.
I can only hunt small animals like rabbits and mice.
I wish I could hunt something more prominent, but if I get greedy, I'll get hurt.
I learned this from experience.
It's still impossible with my ability.
"…..There's none~…..what a shame."
There are no small animals around here.
I need help finding them even after searching for their presence.
I'm glad I picked the nuts I found on the way.
Otherwise, I will put my hand on the last piece of dried meat.
But, there are few small and large animals in this place.
Once again, I checked for presence around me but didn't catch anything.
That's strange...
I looked for a while and gave up.
Eat the nuts and find a place to sleep today.
There are no holes or caves that can be used as hiding places. Is it on a tree today?
Look around for trees and choose the one with a thick trunk.
Its branch was thick and more stable, so I decided to rest on a slightly higher branch.
A little early, but let's rest for today.
I'm somewhat tired.
The most inconvenient part of a journey is sleep; you can't sleep well.
You're likely to die if you sleep well.