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alegro | allegro. |
aleksander | topaz. |
alem | spoiled, pampered. |
alergi | allergy, allergic. |
alesduk | scarf. |
alfabet | alphabet. |
alfabetis | alphabetical. |
alfatihah | (Islam) first chapter of Qur'an recited every prayer time and before praying for dead (esp. at burial), etc. |
algojo | 1 executioner, hangman. 2 bully. 3 butcher, murderer. |
algoritme | algorithm. |
alhamdu | (Islam) 1 first word of the alfatihah. 2 the alfatihah. |
alhamdulillah | (Islam) Praise be to God (us. said in thanksgiving). |
alhasil | 1 eventually, in the end. 2 consequently, in sum, the result. |
ali-ali | man's ring. |
ali-baba | Ali-Baba |
aliansi | alliance. |
alias | 1 i.e., namely, in other words. 2 otherwise called. |
alibi | alibi. |
alif | first letter of the Arabic alphabet. |
alih | shift, change position. |
alihbahasa | /alihbasa/ translation. |
alik | see ULANG. |
alim | 1 learned. 2 pious, religious, devout. |
alimentasi | alimony. |
aliminium | see ALUMINIUM. |
alinea | paragraph. |
aling | 1 aling-aling shelter, protective cover. 2 mechanical bearing. |
alir | 1. ideology. 2. smooth. 3. a line with live bait (to catch crocodiles). |
aliran | 1 current. 2 current, trend, ideology. 3 political grouping, religious sect. 4 school of learning, scholarly tradition. 5 pipeline. 6 conduit, wiring. |
alis | eyebrow. |
alit | see TALI. |
aliterasi | alliteration. |
aliyah | (Islam) senior high school. |
aljabar | algebra. |
aljasair | /Aljazair/ Algeria. |
aljir | Algiers. |
alkali | (Chem.) alkali. |
alkisah | /alkissah/ 1 the story. 2 once upon a time. |
alkitab | the Bible. |
alkitabiah | biblical. |
alkohol | alcohol. |
alku | (Coll.) pimp, procurer. |
alkuran | see AL-QUR'AN. |
alkus | (Zod.) Sagittarius. |
all round | (Coll.) diverse capabilities, versatile. |
all-in | (Coll.) everything included, complete. |
allah | God. |
allahumma | (Islam) O God (in prayers and Koranic recitations). |
allamah | (Lit.) very learned. |
alm. | (almarhum) the late, the deceased. |
almahdi | (Islam) the Messiah (of the Last Judgment). |
almaktub | (Rel.) Holy Book. |
almalun | (Lit.) the damned. |
almanak | 1 almanac. 2 calendar. |
almarhum | 1 the late, the deceased. 2 pass away. |
almarhumah | the late, the deceased (of women). |
almari | see LEMARI. |
alofon | (Ling.) allophone. |
alokasi | allocation. |
alokir | allocate. |
alomorf | (Ling.) allomorph. |
alon-alon | 1. (Java) slow, slowly. 2. see ALUN-ALUN. |
alot | 1 tought (of meat). difficult. |
alpa | neglectful, inattentive. |
alpabet | see ALFABET. |
alpaka | k.o. alloy. |
alpukat | see ADVOKAT2. |
alri | (Angkatan Laut Republik Indonesia) Indonesian Navy. |
altar | altar. |
alternasi | alternation. |
alternatif | alternative. |
alto | alto. |
altruis | altruist. |
altruisme | altruism. |
altruistis | altruistic. |
altur | (Zod.) Taurus. |
alu | rice pestle. |
alum | faded, wilted, withered. |
aluminium | aluminum. |
alumni | alumnus, alumna. |
alun | wave, swell. |
alun-alun | town square. |
alunan | alunan |
alur | 1. 1) gully, channel 2) plot (of a story). 3) slot, groove. 4) space. 2. hold a discussion. |
alus | see HALUS. |
aluwung | (Java) preferable. |
alveolar | alveolar. |
am | 1 general, ordinary, common. 2 universal. |
ama | 1 see HAMA. 2. (Jakarta) see SAMA. |
amah | (in some regions only) female Ch servant. |
amal | 1 deed, work. 2 good deed, charity. |
amaliah | charitable. |
aman | 1 peaceful, calm. 2 safe, secure. |
amanah | /amanat/ 1 trusteeship, mandate. 2 intruction, mandate, commission. 3 (Mil.) order of the day. 4 speech, message. |
amandel | 1 almond. 2 tonsil. |
amandemen | amendment. |
amandir | amend. |
amang | threat. |
amar | (Lit.) injunction, command (esp. of God). amar-an order, charge, injunction. |
amarah | (Lit.) anger. |
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