TM-TC - Issue on DROP4: 1) I have take DROp4 for testing2) Install RFS and CFS as per the procedure provided.3) Now I have to install DLM and TM-TC packages.4) I have copied DLM-SVC tar file to /opt/ncs/packages and /var/opt/ncs/packages with <ssh> <ssh> config in ncs.conf, as mentioned in the atatchment5) Now I have added TM-TC packages of Drop4 to /opt/ncs/packages and /var/opt/ncs/packages and sudo NCS_RELOAD_PACKAGES=force /etc/init.d/ncs restart6) Now when I add devices from CW with LSA - setting as round robin7) devices added in the RFS-1 and RFS-18) When sync the devices, in RFS, sync-from was successful.9) But when I do sync-from in CFS, I am getting tm-tc error on device as mentioned in the snapshot.
we discussed over webex and conclude it as setup issue. After deleting plans from rfs-1/rfs2 node it was sync properlyHi Sathys, If we remember, we have removed the TM-TC instance(CE-A and CE-B) to upblock the testing. this instance error got created when we import devices from CW. we need to see why we are getting sync issue once we upload the devices. Now setup is fixed from TM-TC and from TSDN(VAN), so will try installation on DTHO build: 1. Devices onboarded though rfs1/rfs2 need to sync-from from cfs to update the dispatch map data structure2. If cfs sync-from performed after provisioning services/plan in rfs node, cfs node will reportillegal reference as pre-requisite step missed.created which is having the fix related toncs-6.1.2-cisco-tm-tc-fp-cfs-ned-1.0.tar.gz ;ncs-6.1.2-cfs-cisco-tm-tc-fp-6.0.0-35.tar.gz in CFS node
Defect:CSCwb70885 : Tried to verify defect CSCwb70885 with attached configuration, Device node with single homing doesnt pushes leaf configuration. Looks like the resolution is not available in M6. Would you please help confirm.NSO: - xrd1/xrd1
Hi AjithaAs discussed over the call, Regi has sent the mail where we had the discussion regarding the etree leaf configuration.Please let us know if you see any issues here.Thanks,NikhilThanks for the Clarification. Kindly close the ticketClarified the doubt user was having.
TSDN 3.0 to 4.0 upgrade fails: Existing setup NCS with TSDN 3.0 RC upgrade to TSDN 4.0 M6 Upgrade fails. Followed the wiki, and in step 5, start of NCS 5.7.3 , NCS fails with following error message CDB: Upgrade failed: Upgrade transaction failed to validate: illegal reference /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp:flat-L2vpn{L2NM-3-srpeb-pec-internal}/flat-L2vpn-p2p/local-site/pe</ul>Setup : - cnctest/Ovatest123@
Duplicate of
System Installation: Not able to operate nso CLI in system installation root/Public1234!
Submitter confirmed resolved.
Provisioning service on XRD throws "External error in the NED implementation": Hi-Provisioning service on XRD throws below error message. we didn't see this issue on M5 ; everything works fine on xrd setup, but in M6 config is not pushing to the devices.Setup detailsCW - May 13 17:16:38 IST 2022:DEBUG: << " "error-message": "External error in the NED implementation for device xrd-6: config exclusive: config exclusiveFri May 13 11:46:30.782 UTC""admin@ncs> show devices listNAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION NED ID ADMIN STATE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------TB3-P-BOTTOMLEFT - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-P-BOTTOMRIGHT - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-P-TOPLEFT - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-P-TOPRIGHT - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-PE-A - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-PE-B - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-PE-C - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-PE-D - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedTB3-PE-E - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-1 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-2 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-3 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-4 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-5 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-6 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-7 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlockedxrd-8 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlocked
Hi-We are completely blocked from validating the ELAN/ETREE test cases on the XRD setup, I request to please look into the issue as a priority. Setup details are listed below.CW - VM- devices - xrd-1- xrd-8Hi Ragesh,XRD is not currently supported or tested device. Please check the CFP SFS to find the list of devices we support.thanks,NipaHi Ragesh,Can we setup a call to re-create this error with trace logs enabled?It would make it easier to debug and create a RT on the NED team if required.ThanksSahithiClosing the loop. Issue on the device. It is due to inconsistent config on XRD. Once the inconsistency was cleared, config push is working fine.Below is the commandRP/0/RP0/CPU0:xrd-2#config exclusivhis SDR's running configuration is inconsistent with persistent configuration.No configuration commits for this SDR will be allowed until a 'clear configuration inconsistency' command is performed.RP/0/RP0/CPU0:xrd-2(config)#exitRP/0/RP0/CPU0:xrd-2#clear configuration inconsistencot a CFP issue. Issue with the XRD device. Once the device was cleared. Service was working fine.
L2NM EVPN service stuck in provisioning state in XE setup: Provisioned an L2NM EVPN service from CAT UI and the service is stuck in provisioning state. The following error seen in NSO UI. Should we send notification to CNC so the provisioning can fail instead of stuck?Service Alarm : /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal-local-site:flat-L2vpn-internal-local-site-service{L2NM-L2VPN_NM-EVPN-VPWS-SRTE-230-internal ASR920-1-PE7}: Python cb_validate error. STATUS_CODE: TSDN-L2VPN-408REASON: Router NED not supportedCATEGORY: userSEVERITY: ERRORContext [name = Router NED not supported: cisco-ios-cli-6.74:cisco-ios-cli-6.74, message = Missing dynamic device mapping
Any updates?Had a webex meeting with the reporter.For the mentioned error seen on the NSO , dynamic-device-mappings was missing for `cisco-ios-cli-6.74. Corrected the same.Payload for the bootrap configuration for the dynamic mappings `L2VPN-multi-vendor-iosxe-cli.xml` is mentioned in the following wiki . L2VPN EVPN service type is not supported for IOSXE. Please refer to the device support matrix for more details: Regarding Failure notification not received in this failure case , reporter will file CDET .CSCvz40738 opened to track the issue.
PCC Init SRv6 Policy Creation is failing: Trying to create an SRv6 policy and its failing with below, this is directly from NSO UI as I had a similar issue on CNC UI too (CW build is 196).Method failedmessage: RPC error towards dev6R1: unknown_element: ns2:sr/ns1:traffic-engineering/ns1:policies/ns1:policy/ns1:candidate-paths/ns1:preferences/ns1:preference/ns1:path-infos/ns1:path-info/ns1:hop-type
Software version on the device is , NSO version is with M5dev6R1<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="1"> <edit-config xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <target> <candidate/> </target> <test-option>test-then-set</test-option> <error-option>rollback-on-error</error-option> <config> <sr xmlns=""> <traffic-engineering xmlns=""> <policies> <policy> <policy-name>srte_c_602_ep_2001:db8:b:0:1::6</policy-name> <srv6> <enable/> <locator> <binding-sid-type>srv6-dynamic</binding-sid-type> <locator-name>CW</locator-name> <behavior>ub6-insert-reduced</behavior> </locator> </srv6> <candidate-paths> <preferences> <preference> <path-index>100</path-index> <path-infos> <path-info> <type>dynamic</type> <hop-type>mpls</hop-type> <segment-list-name>dynamic</segment-list-name> <metric> <metric-type>igp</metric-type> </metric> <pcep/> </path-info> </path-infos> </preference> </preferences> </candidate-paths> <policy-color-endpoint> <end-point-type>end-point-type-ipv6</end-point-type> <color>602</color> <end-point-address>2001:db8:b:0:1::6</end-point-address> </policy-color-endpoint> </policy> </policies> </traffic-engineering> </sr> </config> </edit-config></rpc>admin@ncs> show configuration devices device dev6R1address;ssh { host-key ssh-dss {authgroup device;device-type { netconf { ned-id cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3; }}state { admin-state unlocked;}Version is not supported on M5.Please refer the Release Notes Doc below:As discussed , verified on works fine for hop-type mpls. Thank you, Sujay and Sahithi, Just a follow-up Q - are we only supporting theversion listed per M5 or M6? or can I upgrade to the newest version like for M6 we're saying 37I but can I go to 38I or 39I of XR? or only 37I will be supportedif any issue?To the follow up question, we only support the versions which are qualified and tested with said release.Thanks,Regi
ODN template with SRv6 enable takes only one locator name: Not sure if I have missed anything for ODN template with multiple headend over SRv6. For example, I have an ODN (color 70) with 2 headends: PE-A and PE-B. Enable srv6, the locator-name takes only one value.I created an L3VPN uses the above ODN template. There are 2 policies for color 70. The one with locator-name assigned is in Oper UP state. The other one, both admin and oper states are Down.If this is the design for SRv6 support, should we validate if "SRv6" is enabled, we should not allow multiple headends configured in ODN template?
Hi Crystal, I don't think you could use same approach (multi nodes on one SR-ODN) SRv4 ODN for SRv6 ODN since SRv6 ODN locator is different for each node. The work around is one SRv6 ODN per node.You might ask for an enhancement for this issue.Thanks,LinhHi Crystal,Please file a cdets for this issue.Thanks,LinhCSCvz96624 raised to track the issue.Hi Linh,After a webex session with Sujay and Arun, I have closed the CDETS with following comment:Got clarification from Arun. The current model is OK. If user wants to create an SRv6 ODN template with multiple headend nodes. The locator name should be configured the same on all the headend nodes. Thanks.-CrystalThere is work around for this
Error While adding service to LSA NSO : unable to create service with the error: Python cb_validate error. STATUS_CODE: TSDN-L2VPN-408REASON: Router NED not supportedCATEGORY: userSEVERITY: ERRORContext [name = Router NED not supported: cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3:cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3, message = Missing dynamic device mapping
Hi Reem,We found some more config was not listed in the Installation Wiki; therefore, missed while doing bootstrap. We loaded all xml files under/home/nso552/nso- instead of relying on the Wiki. Your system is working properly now.We will for sure scrutinize the installation wiki for M1 release.Hi Reem ,We have added the configs and re-synched with the RFSs. Your system is now working fine with L2 NM service payload that you shared. We will update the wiki by M1 release time.Please confirm if the system is working as expected and we could close this ticket.hey Nishad, yes i can add services to the setup , this issue was resolved
Y1731-Profile-: on y1731 Profile, under delay-params , we have version attribute with version 0 and version 1.In device , it configures cfm-delay-measurement for version 1 and cfm-delay-measurement-version-0 for version 0.version-0 related configuration is provided as part of backward compatibility support for the customers who migrate from 4.3.X IOS XR version to the latest version.AA ( service Health) has the minimum entry criteria of device version is IOS XR 7.X. do we have any specific requirement to give the support for version 0 for service Health?
Hi Arun,As per my discussion with AA team :No, Service Health does not have any special requirement on version 0.SH supports same device matrix as supported by CNCThanksPriyankaThanks for confirming.
NSO Restored data not reflected in CNC: Setup - - xrd1/xrd1Tested in build NSO 6.1 M8Login to CNC/NSO create a service 'abc'.Take NSO backup.Delete service 'abc'.Create service 'def'.Restore NSO backup.Backup reflected in NSO properly. i.e , 'abc' present, 'def not present.But CNC still shows old entry 'def' and doesnt show 'abc'.Looks like a defect. Kindly suggest.
Hi Ajitha,NSO backup was taken after creation of abc and before deletion of abc and creation of def as per the order mentioned.When backup is restored, NSO should have just abc since that was when the snapshot of db was taken in backup.No additional comments received from Ajitha. Closing the ticket as resolved.No additional comments received from Ajitha. Closing the ticket as resolved.
L2VPN te mapping odn route policy assignment requires vpn profiles - discrepancy from previous release: Hi team,As per attached service, device config mapping should take route policy, but NSO requires vpn-profiles mapping. Kindly suggest.
Hi Ajitha,This step is required when we move route-policy to latest RFC yang. We also noted it the wiki.Regards,LinhThanks Linh for quick response. Just for understanding, This wasnt the case in previous model isnt it?It is additional step that you need to add route-policy to vpn-profile after creating it-Linh
CFP ISSUE : TSDN-3.0.0 VERSION: The issue for TSDN package to provision SRV6 policy on IOSXR devices: CFP ISSUE : .0.0 VERSION: The issue for TSDN package to provision SRV6 policy on IOSXR devices
Responded on the original BEMS ticketThe SR status code bootstrap data was missing in the setup and hence the error. Closing the ticket.
Multiple Zombie Cleaning: Hi Team,Please help to clarify if there is any zombie clean up cmd other than re-deploying the zombie service.This is mainly required in the scenarios where there are 100's of zombie services in the NSO.Would also like to know more on the following:to enable auto cleanup run following command from NSO CLI config modecommit-queue-recovery-data auto-cleanup truecommit
Hi Dinesh ,There is no option to clean up multiple zombies at once.Regarding commit-queue-recovery-data auto-cleanup true : When a device is down and this flag is set to true, on deletion of device from the service, all data pertaining to this device will be removed automatically using no-networking.This means user has to take care of device config cleanup on the device.Thanks And Regards,Nishad Subair.Thanks for the clarification.
CW TSDN CFP Migration support for LSA-HA: Currently the above Wiki has Migration of TSDN from 4.4 to 5.0 for CW platform is only written for NON-HA LSA, but the steps in the wiki should be supported for LSA-HA scenario also. Abe Tan and Isaac Kim (Isaakim). knows the context
LSA-HA testing currently underway. Will finalize LSA-HA upgrade wiki after TSDN 5.0 and RON 2.1 M7 release.Spoke to Rao and gave update on LSA-HA 4.x to 5.0. and will circle back on this topic next time. Agreed that we will provide link to the finalized upgrade wiki once done. Received the OK to close this ticket.Adding link to the LSA-Ha upgrade procedure.
Need info on ned id to use for Circuit Style policy: I have installed image in our NSO which supports Circuit Style SR policy but it resulted in attached error while trying to provision the CS policy.Kindly help us here.CS NSO package: The ned in the running-config in nso device is as follows,device-type netconf ned-id cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3I presume it is tested in 7.8.1.My device is installed with let me know how to fix it.
Hi Naveen,Please provide the NSO setup details , so that we can check the set up.Regards,Nishad SubairHi Nishad,The NSO setup details are as follows,IP : (nso/Vtsisco@123!)Thanks,NaveenHI Naveen,Currently as per the setup , you device ned-id is cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3.admin@ncs% show devices device xrv9k-23 device-typenetconf { ned-id cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3;}For Circuit Style Policy , for Netconf , only 7.8 NED is supported . Please update to Netconf 7.8 or XR CLI 7.39.Regards,NishadHi Nishad,Can you please share the steps to update NED.Thanks,NaveenHi Naveen,I updated the NED in the set up.Please verify and update.Regards,NishadHi Nishad,It looks like it is not updated for xrv9k-25 device.Can you please update for other devices as well or kindly let me know the steps to do it.I tried below command but resulted in error,admin@ncs% request devices device xrv9k-25 migrate new-ned-id cisco-iosxr-nc-7.8 Error: 'devices device xrv9k-25 config memory_status_config' : ERROR: Threshold values are not matching condition: minor < severe < criticalAs discussed , the device ned is updated to 7.8 and test case is working fine.
Plan getting delayed in NSO after deploying Scale services: Hi,we have NSO LSA setup with below resources.CFS:24 Cores, 132 GB of RAM, and 1TB of HDRFS1:24 Cores, 132 GB of RAM, and 1TB of HDRFS2: 24 Cores, 132 GB of RAM, and 1TB of HDwe have 44 devices managed totally and, RFS1 has 23 devices and RFS2 has 21 of today, we have 18k services configured.the last batch had 1780 services configured with 5 concurrent users to 5 different devices pairs.L2vpn Evpn with SR policies confiugred using Crosswork Proxy API. It is Patch request.we see that the services are committed to devices much early, but the plan complete is getting delated to 3 to 4 hours. Becuase of this, in CW, we see the service state show "in-progress" and goes to success state only after the plan complete message.but plan complete is getting delayed by 3 to 4 hours.attached snapshots. In snapshots, the device output for the services up create time shows 3 hours ago., but plan complete is stayed grey in NSO. Thanks,Arun.M.G
Since this is scale NSO server, Setup details are not shared. Please ping me and i will provide setup details to use as Read -only purpose.showtech at nso/Cwork123!)/home/nso/logs/.7.6-Services-getting-delayed-ScaleHi , Can you please remove the unused NED packages (mostly all the Netconf NED packages) from server and try to run the test?Hi sanithi,we have followed the steps as in confluence . and customer will be having all NEDs.we are seeing slowneed in reporting the plan completed is getting delayed by hours after 35k services scale. we configured 3k services ( l2vpn evpn ) across 6 different endpoints and the provision of services completed in 4 hours. But the plan completed after 9 hours for all the 3k services from the time of provisioning completed.if needed , we can have join debugging., this seems to be an issue. Thanks,Arun.M.GHave raised CDETS CSCwd26703 to track thisCDET still in 'W' state.
Unable to delete a service from NSO UI - commit manager got stuck : Was able to delete one service (L2), the service was removed from NSO as well as CNC - the next delete of another L2 service got stuck - CNC shows 'in progress' and NSO UI got stuck.CNC: (cw-admin/Cwork123!)NSO: (nso/Vtsisco@123!)
Hi Quy, I will post some of the suggested comments we discussed on chat here again for future reference.So for your situation, you can follow this error recovery flow in our wiki : For cleanup action you will have to refer to our detailed wiki.For exampleSR-TE Policy cleanup action : L2NM cleanup action : There will be examples of how to execute in these sections.Thanks,Isaac KimThere is leftover services showing in CNC UI but NSO shows they are removed. Recommended to consult CNC UI team.Used clean up action which is specified in the wiki as mentioned by Isaac. The clean up is present in Wiki. Please refer to Wiki whenever the delete is stuck.
RSVP Tunnel Optimization metric can be configured differently under each Primary paths in NSO but in device its single entry: RSVP Tunnel Optimization metric can be configured differently under each Primary paths in NSO but in device its single entrySetup - - xrd1/xrd1
Hi Ajitha,It seems a validation to restrict one metric-type among all primary paths is expected and currently missing. Could you please confirm if that's the case/expected behavior?Thanks,LinmaoExpectation is to move Metric type outside each Primary path.right now NSO CFP pushes like below,path-option 1 dynamic <Path selection metric type/ optimization metric 2>Path-option 2 dynamic <Path selection metric type/ optimization metric 2>Instead of actual device config which is,path selection metric typepath-option 1 dynamicpath-option 2 dynamicBut as you suggested , the validation can achieve the same result too.Kindly suggest to track it with defectAs discussed,CSCwe47354 is opened and we will also have an internal ticket for this issue so closing this ticket now.
Updating L3 RP with custom template doesn't update the device configs: Hi Team,I have a L3 VPN service, with router policy attached. I am trying to update the route-policy to add custom-template as extra-policy in L3 route-policy.While doing so, only L3-route-policy but doesn't push the changes to the devices where this policy is being used.Dry-run output: l3vpn-routing-policy { policy-definitions { policy-definition L3VPN_NM-SRv6-ODN-xrv9k-PE4 { statements { statement stmnt1 { actions {+ apply-policy {+ extra-policy [ RP-FOR-COMMUNITY ];+ } } } } } } }Can someone help.Thanks,Kanchan
As discussed over the webex, attaching the required details.extra-policy on the device:route-policy l3-ep1 if destination in ( then set extcommunity color COLOR_101 endifend-policy Issues seen: 1. Delete dry-run not showing the configs that is getting pushed to the device2. Instead of appending the extra policy, old policy is being replaced with new one (screenshot attached)Hi Kanchan,As discussed , please try adding the extra policy as a separate statement for it to be appended to the existing policy.Regards,Nishad SubairHi Nishad,I updated my payload and it works when I add it as another statement.But still other issue is seen "Delete dry-run not showing the configs that is getting pushed to the device"Let me know what is expected here.Thanks,KanchanHi Kanchan,As discussed in the webex , as you are updating just the l3vpn Route Policy as a separate transaction(and the l3 service is not updated), dry-run will not show the device config changes.Please suggest if this ticket can be closed.Thanks,Nishad Subair.Thanks for the explanation Nishad. You can close the ticket.As discussed as per the details mentioned in the ticket , closing the same.
cluster with RFS down because of netconf: Created cluster setup with 1 CFS, 1 RFS. CFS is showing RFS as down in 'show cluster'. netconf log file says "netconf error from netconf agent transport closed"i can connect to RFS node ip from CFS using port 2022.setup : - CFS172.20.63.148 - RFScnctest/Ovatest123@
Hi Ramakrishnan,After adding cnctest@ncs% show cluster device-notifications | display setset cluster device-notifications enabledThe cluster is up NAME NAME STATUS LAST EVENT NOTIFICATIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------rfs-1 device-notifications up 0000-01-01T00:00:00-00:00 0REMOTE LOCAL REMOTENODE ADDRESS PORT CHANNELS USER USER STATUS TRACE---------------------------------------------------------------------------rfs-1 2022 - cnctest cnctest up disabledThanks,LinhThank you for fixing this issue. Is this command mandatory. Does this need to be added to CFS install guide ? i havent done this step earlier and brought up the cluster.Hi Ramakrishnan, Originally the error "netconf error from netconf agent transport closed" because you don't have ssh-algorithm configured in /etc/ncs/ncs.conf. Please add this ssh-algorithms to your RFS setup to resolve this error messageAbout the device notification setting question, it is optionalI will close ticket in few days if I don't receive your response.Thanks,Linh
NSO HA - with 1 Primary 1 Secondary - Bringing down Master node - Provisioning allowed only if both nodes are up: In NSO HA, Reboot Primary/Master node. Other node took the role of Primary/Master.Even then, Provisioning from CNC is possible only after the rebooted node comes back up and takes "Secondary" role. - admin/Cnc@1234 Master , Secondary -, VIP - - xrd1/xrd1
Hi Ajitha,Per NSO-HA guide , this is an expected behavior:If you still have a question regarding this issue, lets have a discussion.Left a message to Ajitha if she still needs clarification and help with this expected behavior.Spoke to Ajitha and agreed we could close the ticket.
Y1731- Delay Params has Delay-Type of "delay-variation" and "Both": NSO: TSDN 3.0.0 M6.Attached snapshot.Y1731 profile delay-params has Delay-type of "Delay", "Delay variation" and "Both"we tried configuring with Delay-variation and doesn have any difference in pushing the config for Delay, Delay-variation and Both,.tried for XR devices.can you please help to understand what it is realted to?
Hi Arun,for future releases we have planned to remove these configs. We do mention that this only applies for XE in description/tail-info -> "Delay type. Only applicable for Cisco XE devices."So, it will be removed from global Y-1731-ProfileHope this clears your query.ThanksPriyanka As discussed offline, it is understood that this is for XE devices.but, will be removed for future releases for XR and there is plan to to address it seperately for XE devices.ThanksFor future it will be addressed separately for XE .ThanksPriyanka
Error while provisioning services - NSO - M7 - Python cb_validate error. 'Container' object has no attribute 'interfaces' STATUS_CODE: TSDN-L2VPN-409 REASON: Dynamic class method for device not found CATEGORY:: Hi,NSO: (nso/Public1234!) version: M7. This server was working fine with real devices previously.Deleted all old devices and loaded a new topology in CNC. Got Devices added to NSO alsoall went fine. but while trying to configure , facing error as attached.attached error message.attached payloads.
Hi,NSO: (nso/Public1234!)version: M7.This server was working fine with real devices previously.Deleted all old devices and loaded a new topology in CNC. Got Devices added to NSO alsoall went fine. but while trying to configure a service ( l2vpn p2p ) , facing error as attached.attached error message.attached payloads.Please provide all the information mentioned (device type/version , logs ) in the release notes: when testing is that when an interface in no shut and there is no description. Then show run will not show and NSO wouldn't have this interface in NSO.the interfaces which was listing and in shutdown also having the same issue. It throws error while provisioning services for that interface. when the interface is configured with no-shut with some description ., after sync-from, payload is working to provision the services.Had debug with Linh and found the below things which was added in previous comment.As confirmed with the reporter , issue is fixed after updating the interface and doing the sync-from .
NSO CFP Upgrade(M5 to M6) is failing on Scale Setup: NSO version: build version: M5Device type and version used for testing: XR and sheerAdd clear steps to reproduce an issue:Upgrading CFP from M5 to M6remove old status codesstop ncsrm old packages(M5) from /var/opt/ncs/packagescopy new packages(M6) to /var/opt/ncs/packageschange the ncs.conf for M6start ncs</ul>All relevant payloads.: NAPlan status where relevant.NSO logs: Error Screen is attached. Generating Logs on NSO is not creating the file.
NSO Setup details: (cnctest/Ovatest123@)Note: There are existing services on this NSO, if I revert it back to M5, NSO comes up took serveral hours but ncs service came up even it showed timeout error earlier. Is there a timeout constraint for scale. Before starting NSO after the upgrade, have you added --ignore-initial-validation to the start scriptStart NSO with package reload + force flag + --ignore-initial-validation Please check the below steps1. sudo /etc/init.d/ncs stop2. Add --ignore-initial-validation flag as shown below in start() functionsudo vi /etc/init.d/ncs=========================......start() { echo -n $"Starting $prog: " . $ncsdir/ncsrc NCS_CONFIG_DIR=${confdir} NCS_RUN_DIR=${rundir} NCS_LOG_DIR=${logdir} export NCS_CONFIG_DIR NCS_RUN_DIR NCS_LOG_DIR $ncs --cd ${rundir} ${heart} ${conf} RETVAL=$? echo<ol>[ $RETVAL = 0 ] ;; touch /var/lock/subsys/ncs return $RETVAL}......==========================Change it to==========================......start() { echo -n $"Starting $prog: " . $ncsdir/ncsrc NCS_CONFIG_DIR=${confdir} NCS_RUN_DIR=${rundir} NCS_LOG_DIR=${logdir} export NCS_CONFIG_DIR NCS_RUN_DIR NCS_LOG_DIR $ncs --cd ${rundir} ${heart} ${conf} --ignore-initial-validation RETVAL=$? echo[ $RETVAL = 0 ] ;; touch /var/lock/subsys/ncs return $RETVAL}......==========================</ol>3. Reload systemdsudo systemctl daemon-reload4. Request package reloadsudo NCS_RELOAD_PACKAGES=force /etc/init.d/ncs start5. Change the script back to original6. Reload systemdsudo systemctl daemon-reloadYes I added the flag. 1) stopped old NSO2) copied new ncs.conf and new packages3) added the flag3) restarted NSOfrom my config:start() { echo -n $"Starting $prog: " . $ncsdir/ncsrc NCS_CONFIG_DIR=${confdir} NCS_RUN_DIR=${rundir} NCS_LOG_DIR=${logdir} export NCS_CONFIG_DIR NCS_RUN_DIR NCS_LOG_DIR $ncs --cd ${rundir} ${heart} ${conf} --ignore-initial-validation RETVAL=$? echo<ol>[ $RETVAL = 0 ] ;; touch /var/lock/subsys/ncs return $RETVAL}</ol>Time taken to upgrade is dependent on the size of the CDB.20GB -> 11 hours to upgrade.Current CDB size 14 GB. Estimating approximately 8-9 hours for the upgrade.
Migrate to Netconf NED - Sync-from/COnnect throws error "Device ASR9006-SDN-85 does not have a Network Element Driver registered": Hi,I had my devices added with CLI NED cisco-iosxr-cli-7.33 .I wanted to migrate my devices having and 7.4.1 to respective NEDs. --> cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3 7.4.1 --> cisco-iosxr-nc-7.4 tried below command and Migrated,request devices device ASR9006-SDN-85 migrate new-ned-id cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3 no-networking But after migration, i am facing error "Device ASR9006-SDN-85 does not have a Network Element Driver registered" for ync-from/COnnect / check-sync.Attached snapshot.
can we get update on this ?You are getting this error because the migration is done to different device-type.Migration of NED only changes ned-id and will migrate data. Does not effect the device-type.Your current device would have device-type cli with a netconf NED which is not registered under CLI.This would result in "Device ... does not have a Network Element Driver registered".The use case tried is not supported on the platform.
NSO upgrade from M9 to latest possible ? : I have one of the NSO with 200K VPN services (L2 ; L3VPN) which we used it for testing previous COE2.0 release. It is on M9 (; cnctest/Ovatest123@) version. Is it possible to upgrade it to latest current version without disturbing the existing VPN services ? OR due to changes in current code, this is not possible ? Could you please suggest a better and recommended option here.
Upgrade from CNC 2.0 M9 release to CNC 3.0 M5 release is not supported as there are backwards incompatible model changes from M9 to M13. There is an additional NBC change for L2NM from CNC 2.0 to 3.0 captured here (point 11): We recommend installation of M5 release to create services for 3.0 scale testing.Thanks for info !! So the real time customers on CNC 2.0 cannot migrate/upgrade to current latest release ? Even they need to go for fresh install ? What is the recommended plan for them ? Upgrade is supported for TSDN Core Function Pack. Please refer to our wiki for upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0.There was no requirement to support upgrade for sample function packs as they are customizable by CX and/or customers.
Upgrade from 3.0 RC to 4.0.0 M6 support: Hi Team,I have an NSO with 300K VPN services and it's having 3.0 FCS version. i.e TSDN 3.0.0 RC and NSO version - Query is :- can this be upgraded to 4.0.0 M6 by following the steps at "<del><ins>M6</ins>+</del>+CFP+Upgrade+from+3.0+to+4.0" ? And we should have all the 300K VPN services intact with no issue i.e Should be able to use them even after upgrade. NSO - (cnctest/Ovatest123@)Could you please check and confirm on this upgrade support.Thanks,Sreedhar.
This is of high priority and am awaiting for your inputs. Could you please help prioritize this.Waiting for the inputs, Could you give high priority to this please.Hello, we have completed updating the wiki and run a test through. The tests were successful, please proceed.Please confirm if this ticket may be closed.Upgrade failed with this error message in ncs.log<CRIT> 19-May-2022::05:38:00.363 cnc-scale-nso2 ncs: - CDB: Upgrade failed: Upgrade transaction failed to validate: illegal reference /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp:flat-L2vpn{L2NM-3-srpeb-pec-internal}/flat-L2vpn-p2p/local-site/pesetup : - cnctest/Ovatest123@Hello Ramakrishna, We are solving your queries with upgrade on ticketPlease post your comments and queries on the ticket raised by you above.Closing this ticket since the query about wiki being accurate on this ticket has been completed. Thank you.Made updates to wiki regarding Migration steps.Closing this ticket since the query about wiki being accurate on this ticket has been completed. Thank you.
NSO upgrade fails: Existing setup NCS with TSDN 3.0 RC upgrade to TSDN 4.0 M6 Upgrade fails. Followed the wiki, and in step 5, start of NCS 5.7.3 , NCS fails with following error message.Raised ticket , but marked as Duplicate. this setup now has python3, python pointing to python3.8. Still this CRIT message is seen after NSO restart.Setup : - cnctest/Ovatest123@ This is a different setup than .ncs.log:<CRIT> 23-May-2022::02:11:26.505 cnc-scale-nso2 ncs: - CDB: Upgrade failed: Upgrade transaction failed to validate: illegal reference /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp:flat-L2vpn{L2NM-3-srpeb-pec-internal}/flat-L2vpn-p2p/local-site/pe
Hi Ramakrishnan,From the error, it seems that device that used l2vpn service are not there. I searched for 'request device lsa dispatch-map sync' in audit.log after you brought in lsa package. I did not see you apply that.To me, you should do the upgrade from fresh again since the data is corrupted now. You did used a wrong python version originally.Also I saw this setup have swap size is too small compare to the memory $ free -h total used free shared buff/cache availableMem: 129G 3.1G 96G 128M 29G 125GSwap: 6.0G 0B 6.0GThe swap size should be the same size of RAM memoryPlease fix this issue before you run upgrade again.Note: NSO upgrade should be in maintenance mode ( no northbount calls and logs should not in trace mode). Otherwise it could effect the performanceThanks,LinhI tried deleting the devices only through ncs_cli. "no device Node_*" , and "commit"Hello Rama, because there is no crash log from NSO upon crash, we suspect that the process was immediately killed for some reason. Maybe due to resource overload or some other system related cause. To verify NSO's capability in this scenario,our QA team has cloned your CDB and executed a bulk device delete (all devices) and NSO did not crash despite taking 1 hour 15 minutes for the delete to complete. For consistency, they have run through this scenario two times and encountered no crash.QA has recommended to try to switch to different vm and esxi. At this point we believe NSO crash is related to system, not NSO itself.Please let me know if this recommendation works. If not, we can discuss further!Thanks,Isaac KimWhen i delete device (bulk) as such, NSO return the prompt after 1 hour, plus few minutes. Only when commit is issued, i see the crash. Did they try with commit as well?Hi Rama, I apologize for the late update.I have been able to reproduce your crash upon commit. We have tried to look for the source of crash, but there is no evidence in any system logs or NSO crash dump logs.In this case, I will be creating a platform ticket so that the platform team can take a look. Once the ticket is raised, I will update this comment section.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Rama, I have filed the ticket with platform team with reproduction setup. I will update you if we hear back from them.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Rama, apologies for the late reply.The NSO platform team have found two relevant issues in regards to the bulk delete NSO crash issue. Both have been fixed starting NSO 5.5.3 and NSO 5.7.4.Because this issue stems from resource overload (combination of host system and NSO causing crash), the workaround for TSDN 3.0 is to delete devices in batches (commit each batch).Thanks,Isaac Kim
How to find the location of system install: According to documentation it is possible to override the location of system install (to something different from default /opt/opt/ncs).Question is - how can we know what is the location of the installation in that case?
hey!Except what Idan ask ,i have also question on this the screen shot from the documentation that Idan attached here, it's possible to override the location of run-dir can i know what is the location of the run-dir?Thanks!Hi Idanyou can find the location in your installed NCS executable script as below.```ncsdir=/opt/ncs/currentconfdir=/etc/ncsrundir=/var/opt/ncslogdir=/var/log/ncs```The above variables change if there is custom installation
NSO upgrade from 6.1 to 6.1.2: As part of SH 5.0 to 6.0 upgrade testing, I tried to upgrade NSO from 6.1 to 6.1.2 on one of our dev setups and ran into some issues.Dev setup details : NSO on that setup : admin/Cwork123!Version before upgrade : ncs-6.1_230221.150848350.3bab70b88811I have powered off CW VMS as part of the process. I followed the steps mentioned in guide() for NSO upgrade and ran into below errorsroot@nso-cluster2:/opt/ncs/downloads# /etc/init.d/ncs stopStopping : connection refused (stop).root@nso-cluster2:/opt/ncs/downloads# /etc/init.d/ncs start-with-package-reloadStarting : NCS package upgrade failed with reason 'User java class "com.tailf.pkg.upgrade.UpgradeService" exited with status 1'Daemon died status=13I tried to start nso without package-reloadroot@nso-cluster2:/home/admin# /etc/init.d/ncs startStarting : CDB: Upgrade failed: Upgrade transaction failed to validate: application communication failureHint: Try using staged start using ConfD start-phases or the --ignore-initial-validation optionDaemon died status=13 Can someone please help me debug the issue and proceed further
Hi, I can see you are missing the "--ignore-initial-validation" flag in your init.d ncs.In the upgrade wiki, this step is called "5. Perform NSO startup with package reload force with "--ignore-initial-validation" flag".Please try this step and let us know if that works.Thanks,Isaac Kim
NSO upgrade fails: Existing setup NCS with TSDN 3.0 RC upgrade to TSDN 4.0 M6 Upgrade fails. Followed the wiki, and in step 5, start of NCS 5.7.3 , NCS fails with following error message.Raised ticket , but marked as Duplicate. this setup now has python3, python pointing to python3.8. Still this CRIT message is seen after NSO restart.Setup : - cnctest/Ovatest123@ This is a different setup than .ncs.log:<CRIT> 23-May-2022::02:11:26.505 cnc-scale-nso2 ncs: - CDB: Upgrade failed: Upgrade transaction failed to validate: illegal reference /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp:flat-L2vpn{L2NM-3-srpeb-pec-internal}/flat-L2vpn-p2p/local-site/pe
I tried deleting the devices only through ncs_cli. "no device Node_*" , and "commit"Hello Rama, because there is no crash log from NSO upon crash, we suspect that the process was immediately killed for some reason. Maybe due to resource overload or some other system related cause. To verify NSO's capability in this scenario,our QA team has cloned your CDB and executed a bulk device delete (all devices) and NSO did not crash despite taking 1 hour 15 minutes for the delete to complete. For consistency, they have run through this scenario two times and encountered no crash.QA has recommended to try to switch to different vm and esxi. At this point we believe NSO crash is related to system, not NSO itself.Please let me know if this recommendation works. If not, we can discuss further!Thanks,Isaac KimWhen i delete device (bulk) as such, NSO return the prompt after 1 hour, plus few minutes. Only when commit is issued, i see the crash. Did they try with commit as well?Hi Rama, I apologize for the late update.I have been able to reproduce your crash upon commit. We have tried to look for the source of crash, but there is no evidence in any system logs or NSO crash dump logs.In this case, I will be creating a platform ticket so that the platform team can take a look. Once the ticket is raised, I will update this comment section.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Rama, I have filed the ticket with platform team with reproduction setup. I will update you if we hear back from them.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Rama, apologies for the late reply.The NSO platform team have found two relevant issues in regards to the bulk delete NSO crash issue. Both have been fixed starting NSO 5.5.3 and NSO 5.7.4.Because this issue stems from resource overload (combination of host system and NSO causing crash), the workaround for TSDN 3.0 is to delete devices in batches (commit each batch).Thanks,Isaac Kim
XTC is not synced with the NSO & seeing the below error message.: Hi-XTC is not synced with the NSO ; seeing the below error message on the LSA setup.admin@ncs(config-device-TB2-P-TOPRIGHT)# sync-fromresult falseinfo RPC error towards TB2-P-TOPRIGHT: operation_failed: for ns1:nacm: 'YANG framework' detected the 'fatal' condition 'Operation failed'admin@ncs(config-device-TB2-P-TOPRIGHT)#Credentials :admin/Vtsisco@123!CFS -
Hi Ragesh,We checked the setup and found that the deviceTB2-P-TOPRIGHT version is7.7.1.15I whereas the 7.7 netconf supports the cisco-iosxr-nc- version.Please use the version device to have it working properly with NSO 7.7 NC.For now, we have updated the device_type forTB2-P-TOPRIGHT ascli{ned-id cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39} to unblock the issue.Thanks,NikhilClosing the ticket as invalid since the user onboarded the wrong device version for 7.7 netconf. Suggested the user to onboard the correct device version or use it as a cli.
Possible bug in T-SDN FP 5.0 code: Ive found this problem in the RON Brussels lab ( its a Cisco lab).KeyError: '{pe1_Vodafone} not in /ncs:devices/device'Heres my report::: CNC packages in the Lab ::ncs-6.1-cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal-5.0.0.tar.gzncs-6.1-cisco-tsdn-core-fp-common-5.0.0.tar.gzncs-6.1-custom-template-utils-2.0.13.tar.gzncs-6.1-ietf-l3vpn-nm-5.0.0.tar.gz:: NSO Version ::6.1:: Problem ::Error when updating a l3vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service:<ERROR> 26-May-2023::10:47:30.877 ietf-l3vpn-nm ncs-dp-51986-ietf-l3vpn-nm:main:10-7-th-774054: - '{pe1_Vodafone} not in /ncs:devices/device'Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ncs/ncs-6.1/src/ncs/pyapi/ncs/", line 875, in wrapper pl = fn(self, tctx, op, kp, root, proplist) File "/var/opt/ncs/state/packages-in-use/1/core-fp-common/python/core_fp_common/", line 151, in wrapper_instrument_service result = func(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/opt/ncs/state/packages-in-use/1/ietf-l3vpn-nm/python/ietf_l3vpn_nm/", line 327, in cb_post_modification device_cq_details = is_cq_enabled(self, root, File "/var/opt/ncs/state/packages-in-use/1/cisco-tsdn-core-fp-common/python/cisco_tsdn_core_fp_common/", line 229, in is_cq_enabled get_device_cq_details(root, device_cq_details, devices) File "/var/opt/ncs/state/packages-in-use/1/cisco-tsdn-core-fp-common/python/cisco_tsdn_core_fp_common/", line 241, in get_device_cq_details per_device_cq = root.ncs__devices.device.commit_queue.enabled_by_default File "/opt/ncs/ncs-6.1/src/ncs/pyapi/ncs/", line 1177, in _<em>getitem</em>_ raise KeyError('%s not in %s' % (keystr, self._path))KeyError: '{pe1_Vodafone} not in /ncs:devices/device':: Investigation ::The device name is pe1 but the code is using the component naming <DEVICE>_<VPN_NETWORK_ACCESS_ID>, pe1_Vodafone in the xpath expression.This happens when doing a CQ flag check in the post modification callback.Image:: Steps to reproduce the problem ::1) Connect to RON Brussels lab ( Its a Cisco lab)ssh ncsadmin@!1232) Create a new l3vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-serviceService Payloadl3vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service Vodafonevpn-instance-profiles vpn-instance-profile 1 rd 0:10:1 address-family ipv4 vpn-targets vpn-target 1 route-targets 0:100:100 ! route-target-type both ! !!vpn-nodes vpn-node pe1 active-vpn-instance-profiles vpn-instance-profile 1 ! vpn-network-accesses vpn-network-access Vodafone_100 interface-id FourHundredGigE0/0/0/1 connection encapsulation type dot1q connection encapsulation dot1q cvlan-id 100 ip-connection ipv4 local-address ip-connection ipv4 prefix-length 24 !!!3) Try to update the service:l3vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service Vodafone vpn-instance-profiles vpn-instance-profile 1 rd 0:10:2
Hi Paulo,This issue is because of the "_" present in the vpn_network_access id. The component in this case becomes "pe1_Vodafone_100". The code is not properly handling the underscore when getting the device name from this component.We already identified the issue internally and have made changes to the code to handle such situations.The updated code would be released as part of .0 release.Thanks,NikhilThe updated code would be released as part of .0 release.
409 error code in L2vpn and L3vpn cnc policy creation: While creating l2vpn/l3vpn policies via API, for eg : l2vpn_untagged_rsvp_R1_R10 we are getting 409 error code.Steps followed :1. Creating rsvp tunnel2. verified TSDN CFP data3. creating l2vpn service with below payload -Create L2VPN Payload is :{"ietf-l2vpn-ntw:vpn-service": {"vpn-nodes": {"vpn-node": [{"vpn-node-id": "R1", "ne-id": "R1", "te-service-mapping": {"te-mapping": {"te-tunnel-list": {"te-tunnel-id": "77"}}}, "signaling-options": [{"type": "vpn-common:t-ldp", "t-ldp-pwe": {"ac-pw-list": [{"peer-addr": "", "vc-id": "1"}]}}], "vpn-network-accesses": {"vpn-network-access": [{"id": "3334", "Interface-mtu": "9000", "connection": {"encapsulation-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int", "untagged-interface": {"untagged": {"physical-inf": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3"}, "l2-access-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int"}}}]}}, {"vpn-node-id": "R10", "ne-id": "R10", "te-service-mapping": {"te-mapping": {"te-tunnel-list": {"te-tunnel-id": "78"}}}, "signaling-options": [{"type": "vpn-common:t-ldp", "t-ldp-pwe": {"ac-pw-list": [{"peer-addr": "", "vc-id": "10"}]}}], "vpn-network-accesses": {"vpn-network-access": [{"id": "3334", "Interface-mtu": "9000", "connection": {"encapsulation-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int", "untagged-interface": {"untagged": {"physical-inf": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3"}, "l2-access-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int"}}}]}}]}, "vpn-id": "L2vpn_tldp_R1_R10_untagged_rsvp", "vpn-svc-type": "vpn-common:t-ldp"}}338: URI: 339: Requested Post URL : ,4. verified TSDN CFP data5. while verifying L2vpnService plan data, getting this error :356: Get L2VPN Service Plan Status :L2vpn_tldp_R1_R10_untagged_rsvp357: URL: 358: 409359: Error occurred: Failed with 409 code and {"errors":{"error":[{"error-type":"application","error-tag":"data-missing","error-info":"Failed to lookup prefix ncs","error-message":"Data Not Found"}]}} data360: Exception in Getting service plan data : Failed with 409 code and {"errors":{"error":[{"error-type":"application","error-tag":"data-missing","error-info":"Failed to lookup prefix ncs","error-message":"Data Not Found"}]}} data361: ERROR occurred in Creation of L2VPN Service: Exception in Getting service plan data362: The result of section createService is => FAILEDLog for same :Can someone please check on the issue.Setup details :CW ip : (admin/Cwork123!)Thanks,Meenakshi
Hi MeenakshiPlease provide NSO setup and the service payload that has the issue. I would like to debug on NSO side.Thanks,LinhNSO LSA setup details :ssh kafka@ (jumphost)nso-rfs -> admin@ nso-cfs -> admin@ this is the service payload :336: create_l2vpn_service: Creating l2vpn service337: Create L2VPN Payload is :{"ietf-l2vpn-ntw:vpn-service": {"vpn-nodes": {"vpn-node": [{"vpn-node-id": "R1", "ne-id": "R1", "te-service-mapping": {"te-mapping": {"te-tunnel-list": {"te-tunnel-id": "77"}}}, "signaling-options": [{"type": "vpn-common:t-ldp", "t-ldp-pwe": {"ac-pw-list": [{"peer-addr": "", "vc-id": "1"}]}}], "vpn-network-accesses": {"vpn-network-access": [{"id": "3334", "Interface-mtu": "9000", "connection": {"encapsulation-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int", "untagged-interface": {"untagged": {"physical-inf": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3"}, "l2-access-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int"}}}]}}, {"vpn-node-id": "R10", "ne-id": "R10", "te-service-mapping": {"te-mapping": {"te-tunnel-list": {"te-tunnel-id": "78"}}}, "signaling-options": [{"type": "vpn-common:t-ldp", "t-ldp-pwe": {"ac-pw-list": [{"peer-addr": "", "vc-id": "10"}]}}], "vpn-network-accesses": {"vpn-network-access": [{"id": "3334", "Interface-mtu": "9000", "connection": {"encapsulation-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int", "untagged-interface": {"untagged": {"physical-inf": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3"}, "l2-access-type": "vpn-common:untagged-int"}}}]}}]}, "vpn-id": "L2vpn_tldp_R1_R10_untagged_rsvp", "vpn-svc-type": "vpn-common:t-ldp"}}Password is same for all the devices mentioned : Cwork123! I used postman to push the payloads to your CFS and it works fineadmin@ncs> show l2vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service-plan L2vpn_tldp_R1_R10_untagged_rsvp plan | tab POST BACK STATUS ACTIONTYPE NAME TRACK GOAL CODE STATE STATUS WHEN ref STATUS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------self self false - - init reached 2022-05-26T21:12:09 - - ready reached 2022-05-26T21:12:24 - -ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node R1 false - - init reached 2022-05-26T21:12:09 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2022-05-26T21:12:09 - - ready reached 2022-05-26T21:12:24 - -ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node R10 false - - init reached 2022-05-26T21:12:09 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2022-05-26T21:12:09 - - ready reached 2022-05-26T21:12:24 - -So the issue is not in CFP side. Probably you miss setting between CNC and NSO-LinhHi Linh,Ya creation is fine, after that we do these 2 steps :Get TSDN CFP data and then Get L2vpnService plan data Here, Get TSDN CFP data ( hitting this url : ) worksbut the second one for Get L2vpnService plan data ( hitting this url : ) , we are getting this error :359: Error occurred: Failed with 409 code and {"errors":{"error":[{"error-type":"application","error-tag":"data-missing","error-info":"Failed to lookup prefix ncs","error-message":"Data Not Found"}]}} data360: Exception in Getting service plan data : Failed with 409 code and {"errors":{"error":[{"error-type":"application","error-tag":"data-missing","error-info":"Failed to lookup prefix ncs","error-message":"Data Not Found"}]}} data361: ERROR occurred in Creation of L2VPN Service: Exception in Getting service plan dataI am also attaching screenshots of the packages on both CFS and RFS nodes .The IP that you used in the rest call is not NSO IP, likely it is CW CNC IP. Since I am able to push l2vpn service directly to NSO successfully, it likely has the incorrect setting in CNC UI, please contact CNC team to verify your setting.About the packages on both CFS and RFS, they are fine.Hi,I was retrying the entire setup to reconfirm on this, but this during installation itself getting this failure during load merge of bootstrap data on cfs node :admin@ncs%load merge SR-status-codes.xmlError: on line 2: unknown namespace: in status-code-cfpadmin@ncs%load merge RSVP-TE-status-codes.xmlError: on line 2: unknown namespace: in status-code-cfpadmin@ncs%load merge L3VPN-status-codes.xmlError: on line 2: unknown namespace: in status-code-cfpCould you please suggest what could be the issue here ?Like we discussed on the other thread, cfs is missing quite a number of packages. Is there any other issue? If I am not hear any from you in next few days, I am going to close this issue.ThanksLinhYou can close this case. the issue has been fixed via this bug : CSCwc01654
Not able to delete devices from RFS node after cleaning up services : I cleaned up all the services from CFS , TM-TC service from RFS and trying to delete devices from RFS and hitting the below:admin@ncs% delete devices device *admin@ncs% commitAborted: illegal reference 'core-fp-delete-shutdown-service GigabitEthernet 0/0/7 device'admin@ncs% exitThere are uncommitted changes.Discard changes and continue? yesadmin@ncs> exitcopied show tech @ /ws/shbalu-sjc/NSO<del>rw-r</del><del>r</del>- 1 shbalu eng 276M Jun 1 03:56 data_060122_035155.tgz <del>rw-r</del><del>r</del>- 1 shbalu eng 1.1G Jun 1 03:56 data_060122_035147.tgz
Hi Shanmugavel,Please share your setup info. I would check on your setup settings.Thanks,LinhHi Linh,Here is the setup info, FYI: I was doing cleanup and that is when i hit the issue while deleting devices from RFSCFS: (admin/Vtsisco@123!)RFS: (admin/Vtsisco@123!)I looked at in RFS. The service that used the interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/7 is created >> 1-Jun-2022::00:41:30.004 user: admin/132617 thandle 3437741 hostname nso-rfs1 device PREPARE 2:vrf definition L3VPN-9901-1-4-903 rd 180:180 address-family ipv4 route-target export 180:180 route-target import 180:180 exit-address-family !!ip prefix-list SET_COLORv4_RPL-903_5432 seq 5 permit GigabitEthernet0/0/7 service instance 1002 ethernet encapsulation dot1q 1002 bridge-domain 1002 exitexitinterface BDI1002 vrf forwarding L3VPN-9901-1-4-903 ip address no shutdownexitroute-map SET_COLORv4_RPL-903 permit 5 match ip address prefix-list SET_COLORv4_RPL-903_5432 set extcommunity color 5432!mpls label mode vrf L3VPN-9901-1-4-903 protocol all-afs per-vrfrouter bgp 65001 address-family ipv4 unicast vrf L3VPN-9901-1-4-903 redistribute connected neighbor remote-as 65007 neighbor activate exit-address-family ! address-family vpnv4 unicast neighbor activate neighbor route-map SET_COLORv4_RPL-903 out exit-address-family !!<< 1-Jun-2022::00:41:30.007 user: admin/132617 thandle 3437741 hostname nso-rfs1 device SET_TIMEOUT<< 1-Jun-2022::00:41:30.008 user: admin/132617 thandle 3437741 hostname nso-rfs1 device SET_TIMEOUT<< 1-Jun-2022::00:41:30.062 user: admin/132617 thandle 3437741 hostname nso-rfs1 device SET_TIMEOUTThen this service is never delete after this. Then this is expected behavior since it is still have reference to ASR-903.Correct steps is deleting the services that reference the device before deleting the deviceIt was removed from the CFS node:admin@ncs% show l3vpn-ntw No entries found.admin@ncs% admin@ncs% Since i already gave you the setup info, let me know if you still see the service on the CFS node, if the service is deleted and config was not removed from Device then this is an issue ned to be debugged.I see the device delete issue with 2 device (, ASR9901-1) which were part of the same service and able to delete one device ASR9901-4 which was also part of the same serviceadmin@ncs> show devices listNAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION NED ID ADMIN STATE - cisco-ios-cli-6.77 unlocked ASR9901-1 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlocked ASR9901-4 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlocked admin@ncs> confEntering configuration mode privateadmin@ncs% delete devices device ASR9901-4admin@ncs% commitCommit complete.admin@ncs% admin@ncs% delete devices device ASR9901-1admin@ncs% commitAborted: illegal reference 'core-fp-delete-shutdown-service ASR9901-1 TenGigE 0/0/0/10 device'admin@ncs% admin@ncs% exitThere are uncommitted changes.Discard changes and continue? yesadmin@ncs> confEntering configuration mode privateadmin@ncs% delete devices device admin@ncs% commitAborted: illegal reference 'core-fp-delete-shutdown-service GigabitEthernet 0/0/7 device'admin@ncs% exitThere are uncommitted changes.Discard changes and continue? yesadmin@ncs> show devices listNAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION NED ID ADMIN STATE - cisco-ios-cli-6.77 unlocked ASR9901-1 - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 unlocked admin@ncs> Hi Shanmugavel, just wanted to update this ticket with latest information. We have unblocked your setup and are looking into reproducing and RCA the leftover core-fp-delete-shutdown-service instance. I will mark this ticket as in-progress.Hi Shanmugavel,I have tried an exhaustive variety of scenarios to try to reproduce this issue (leftover core-fp-delete-shutdown-service), and the only scenario that I can reproduce the artifact is to do a cleanup on Flat-L3 service without first executing delete. In this case, I can see one of the core-fp-delete-shutdown-service being cleaned up, but the second is leftover from race conditions.I would like to note, cleanup without first executing delete is an unsupported flow from T-SDN CFP viewpoint, so we will not pursue this scenario further. In all other scenarios like leftover zombie re-deploy, failed plan due to unreachable + cleanup, out of sync device, error recovery, multiple service update and delete, etc, there are no leftover artifacts.At this point, as I am out of ideas and from our discussion before, we heard that you made sure to delete Flat L3 before cleanup action. There does not seem to be any other way for me to RCA this issue without a proper reproduction flow as the logs have a variety of errors, and we cannot distinguish the reason for artifact from the logs itself as there is no outstanding error message.Unless if you can give me some general steps on what you suspect could have caused this artifact, I would not be able continue with RCA.The next step would be to kindly ask team to keep an eye out for this artifact issue. If encountered again in the future, it will be very important to note the steps taken prior to the artifact being generated. This way we can try to have a reproducible flow which will help with RCA.Thanks,Isaac Kim
run show cluster "NAME field is empty" in NSO: 1) Started installing Drop4 on NSO - LSA setup2) Installed two RFS with the procedure mentioned in the below link3) While creating CFS, we see that run show cluster command :so@ncs% run show cluster LAST RECEIVED NAME NAME STATUS EVENT NOTIFICATIONS -------------------------------------------rfs-1 rfs-2 REMOTE LOCAL REMOTE NODE ADDRESS PORT CHANNELS USER USER STATUS TRACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------rfs-2 2022 - nso nso down disabled rfs-1 2022 - nso nso down disabled tried : root@sareddyd-esxi-01-vm1:~# ssh nso@ -p 2022The authenticity of host ':2022 (:2022)' can't be established.ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:ouHxfF8+vBaAqXyOnKIyOV7H8KHRCSmfyNTrhTMv0Gg.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/)? yesWarning: Permanently added ':2022' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.nso@'s password: Connection to closed.but my ncs.conf : 2022 is enabled. 4) we dont have ./ nso-<NSO-VERSION><del>ron</del><RON-RELEASE-VERSION> / script in the folder, so not able to generate the logs.CFS: above three VM's, creds: nso/Public1234!
Hi Sampath,I checked your LSA setup. The cluster is up finenso@ncs% run show cluster RECEIVEDNAME NAME STATUS LAST EVENT NOTIFICATIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------rfs-1 ncs-events up 0000-01-01T00:00:00-00:00 0rfs-2 ncs-events up 0000-01-01T00:00:00-00:00 0REMOTE LOCAL REMOTENODE ADDRESS PORT CHANNELS USER USER STATUS TRACE------------------------------------------------------------------------rfs-2 2022 - nso nso up disabledrfs-1 2022 - nso nso up disabledAbout, it is missing in the drop 4. It is fixed in the coming drop 5Thanks,LinhUpdate: Actually Van Pham did have a 1:1 with the reporter and fixed the issue. I am going to close the case.Van helped here, thanks
Unable to add bgp config in hcc: Setup - Jump host - - root/Cwork123! NSO - , - nsoaz1/Cnc@1234Trying to add NSO L3 HA - HCC BGP config - But unable to commit the config due to below error. Aborted: 'hcc bgp node primary-node node-id': Invalid node valueAttached screenshot as well.Kindly help troubleshoot
Hi Ajitha,Lets schedule a debug session this afternoon.NSO HA L3 function is built on top of L2 function and node names on both must match. Ajitha's payload has mismatched ha-node names for NSO built-in config and HCC package config which is causing her "invalid node" issue . Upon matching the node names the issue is fixedClosing the ticket and marking it as resolved.NSO HA L3 function is built on top of L2 function and node names on both must match. Ajitha's payload has mismatched ha-node names for NSO built-in config and HCC package config which is causing her "invalid node" issue . Upon matching the node names the issue is fixedClosing the ticket and marking it as resolved.Thanks Abe for fixing the issue
Would like to know more about Zombie-service pending delete state from NSO: Hi Team,Please help to clarify for the following NSO behaviour.1. When a clean up action is performed directly for a service(any service/any payload), it still removes the plan status from the device/CNC server/NSO 2. And after performing the Clean-up action for the service, the following is the observation from the NSO.admin@ncs> show zombieszombies service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn pending-deletezombies service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn pending-deleteadmin@ncs>Please confirm if the above said behaviors are expected from NSO.Thanks,Dinesh
HI Dinesh,Here is the troubleshooting guide for zombie handling.We can perform cleanup action on the deleted service to remove the leftover plan and zombies. Cleanup action before service deletion is not valid.--RaghaviWiki for zombie handling:Cleanup action before service deletion is not valid. - This is perfect.Do you have any solution steps for the below NSO state?admin@ncs> show zombieszombies service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpnpending-deletezombies service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpnpending-deleteadmin@ncs>Can you add the steps to reproduce how you landed into this issue..?Also please provide the details about ned-id's and device versions when payload is given this help to reproduce the issue.1. Create a L2NM service2. Click on Clean-up option from the (L2VPN Service) provisioing NSO tablePlease do find the payload in the enclosure.NED-ID - cisco-iosxr-cli-7.33 7.33.12NCS Version: Package - nso- Version: and 7.4.1-0 HI Dinesh, Can we have a quiickcall..? Hello Dinesh,Please attach the NSO logs and plan state and any errors in plan and any missing items from the above wiki.Also please try out the same with no-networking to true and share the results.Also when you click on cleanup action whats the response you received from NSO. is your cleanup successful..?I also tried to reproduce this on my machine its not reproducible. So please provide the details of the above requested logs. --RaghaviNSO version : build version : nso- type and version used for testing : XRV9K | XRV Versions: and 7.4.1-0STEPS TO REPRODUCE:admin@ncs% run show l3vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service-plan L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60 plan | tab POST BACK STATUS ACTIONTYPE NAME TRACK GOAL CODE STATE STATUS WHEN ref STATUS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------self self false - - init reached 2021-08-31T06:31:19 - - ietf-l3vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2021-08-31T06:31:19 - - ready reached 2021-08-31T06:31:35 - -ietf-l3vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node PE-A_1 false - - init reached 2021-08-31T06:31:19 - - ietf-l3vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2021-08-31T06:31:19 - - ready reached 2021-08-31T06:31:35 - -ietf-l3vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node PE-C_1 false - - init reached 2021-08-31T06:31:19 - - ietf-l3vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2021-08-31T06:31:19 - - ready reached 2021-08-31T06:31:35 - -admin@ncs% request l3nm-actions cleanup servicePossible completions: <string>admin@ncs% request l3nm-actions cleanup service L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60 no-networkingPossible completions: false trueadmin@ncs% request l3nm-actions cleanup service L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60 no-networking true########################<ol>Warning #########################You are about to forcefully cleanup a T-SDN service.This will affect the deploying service and leave network device(s) ; NSO out-of-sync (for no-networking=true).Are you sure you want to proceed? yessuccess truedetail Removing service /l3vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-service{L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60} Removed service /l3vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-service{L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60}Cleaning up L3vpn service: L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal Removing service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp:flat-L3vpn{L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal} Removed service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp:flat-L3vpn{L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal}Cleaning up L3VPN Internal Services: L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal Removed all internal plan components Removing zombie service: /ncs:zombies/ncs:service{"/cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn[name='L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal'][endpoint-name='PE-A_1']"} Removed zombie service Removing zombie service: /ncs:zombies/ncs:service{"/cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn[name='L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal'][endpoint-name='PE-C_1']"} Removed zombie service Removed commit-queue-recovery-data Cleanup Successful for L3VPN Internal Services</ol> Removed all plan components Removing zombie service: /ncs:zombies/ncs:service{"/cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp:flat-L3vpn[name='L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal']"} Removed zombie service Removing zombie service: /ncs:zombies/ncs:service{"/cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp:flat-L3vpn[name='L3NM-L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60-internal']"} Removed zombie service Cleanup Successful Removed all plan components Removing zombie service: /ncs:zombies/ncs:service{"/l3vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-service[vpn-id='L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60']"} Removed zombie service Removing zombie service: /ncs:zombies/ncs:service{"/l3vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-service[vpn-id='L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60']"} Removed zombie service Cleanup Successful for L3NMadmin@ncs% *** ALARM service-activation-failure: Operation failed because: Not able to retrieve diffset for zombie nano service : '/cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn'admin@ncs% run show zombieszombies service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn pending-deletezombies service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn pending-deleteadmin@ncs% exitadmin@ncs> request zombies service /cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn re-deployError: Operation failed because: Not able to retrieve diffset for zombie nano service : '/cisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal:flat-L3vpn'admin@ncs> configureEntering configuration mode privateCurrent configuration users:admin https (webui from on since 2021-08-30 23:32:47 private modeadmin https (webui from on since 2021-08-30 22:50:27 private modeadmin https (rest from on since 2021-08-26 01:16:22 private modeadmin@ncs% run show l3vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service-plan L3VPN_NM-IGP-IPV4-60 plan | tab------------------------------------------------------------^syntax error: unknown argumentadmin@ncs%System message at 2021-08-30 23:36:25...Commit performed by admin via https using rest.admin@ncs%NSO IP: admin/Ovatest123@hi Dinesh i don't see any logs attached here.Please refer the wiki--Raghavi.Hi Raghavi,Please be specific to which log you might require from the NSO and it's respective directory.Also update the Wiki link as well.Thanks,DineshHi Raghavi,FYI - ncs.log has been enclosed for now.You can access the NSO with the following details for any more logs if required. NSO IP: admin/Ovatest123@Thanks,Dinesh Hi Dinesh,Thanks you, we updated the wikiPlease tar and share the complete NSO logs, the above provided logs are not enough as this is not reproducible on our setup.--Raghavi. Dinesh,The reason we ask you to upload logs to the ticket is so all information is co-located and we can have it for reference in future if needed. Let us know if you have trouble uploading complete technical support data.Thanks,Nimisha.Nimisha,Yes, there is a trouble in uploading the tar'ed folder here as it says "Unknown server error (502)."--DineshConsidering the ticket progress gap, have filed CSCvz58592This is being handled by a CDETS now so closing this ticket
9K devices with do not get in to Sync State: Please see attached, used to work in M4
Upgraded to, issue resolvedAs mentioned by the Reporter , after upgrading to, issue resolved. Hence closing the ticket.
Service Check-Sync behavior: Steps:1. Make headend router unreachable2. Provision service with async commit queue provision in failed state as expected3. run device check-sync for headend router on nso result is error as expected4. run service check-sync the result is "in-sync true" Is this expected?In what condition will service check-sync returns "in-sync false"?admin@ncs> request devices device xrv9k-PE7 check-sync result errorinfo Failed to connect to device xrv9k-PE7: connection refused: NEDCOM CONNECT: No route to host (Host unreachable) in new stateadmin@ncs> *** ALARM connection-failure: Failed to connect to device xrv9k-PE7: connection refused: NEDCOM CONNECT: No route to host (Host unreachable) in new stateadmin@ncs> request sr-te policies policy SRv6-702-igp-relative-segments check-syncin-sync true
Hi Crystal,The difference between the two is that one is a "device check-sync" and the other is a "service check-sync". The "service check-sync" only compares to local CDB and returned true since everything was in sync. As for "device check-sync" this is mainly dependent on how the NED handles this case and for the most part it checks the remote device but in this case it failed because the remote device was not reachable.Thanks Reginald. For "service check-sync", what is local CDB compare with? For "service check-sync", the comparison is done between the service output and underlying service/devices on NSO.Had webex and explained the difference between service and device check-sync to the submitter
Behavior change on the service edit: Recording link:Password: yFpC4BuiI see a behavior change on the service edit.I have created a ODN policy successfully.Then I moved the device to out of sync with NSOAfter that I edited the service and both NSO UI and CAT are showing that the service is in successful state.NSO cli shows that the service is in failed state. See the below output.Now when the user re-deploy the service then NSO and CNC UI get updated that the services are in failed state.The expectation is when I edited the service at the first place the failure from NSO should have propagated to CAT.The service shows a failure only when the user re-deploy it.See the attached plan failed.
Hi Joby,Thank you very much for raising JSD ticket .With no-CQ service update commit failure, there is nothing on NSO or device that has changed so plan state doesnt change.As we have seen with CQ we have not seen this issue .There is one platform ticket already raised for similar issue.For Non CQ what you currently see is by design .Thanks,Priyanka
CNC 4.0 - support NSO LSA: Hi,One of the CNC 4.0 features is to support NSO LSA. For that, NSO is expected to continue supporting same functionality as previous non-LSA NSO.This is for confirming that it is be supported transparently.F107608 CNC-114: Must support NSO LSA for large scale deployments:"CNC needs to be deployable in a single NSO server configuration, where the CFS and RFS functionalities co-reside on a single server."Not in scope:...Multiple top-level NSO serversSome of the main dependencies of CNC on NSO, is for the Upper NSO(CFS node) to response on all services/resources, for listing, fetching payloads and notifications.Notice CNC depends on NSO services, as well as resources such as sid-list.Restconf APIs/data for fetching service payloads and more.limit and offset parameters.content parameter.Restconf service-state-changes stream with replay-support for plan notification changes.JSON-RPC APIsloginChanges notifications via start_subscription, subscribe_changesquery - some paths and /ncs:packages/packageget_system_setting methodOther dependencies are listed as described below:NSO adoption for CNC - CNC NSO requirements and dependencies:Thanks
LSA Architecture intends for the large scale. So CFS and RFS should be deployed in seperate nodes. The ask for installing both on the same node defeat the original purpose. Is there any use-case that you ask for this support?Hi Linh,Thanks for the reply.What you wrote is not our request.For CNC 4.0, request is for NSO is expected to continue supporting same functionality as previous non-LSA NSO. This is for confirming that it is be supported transparently.CNC 4.0 services are ietf-l2vpn-ntw etc', as well as resources such as sid-list, and possible customer custom FPs.Some of the main use cases:Expecting the Upper NSO(CFS node) to response on all CNC 4.0 services/resources, for listing, fetching payloads and notifications.Some CNC used services/resources paths:ietf-l2vpn-ntw:l2vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-serviceoietf-l2vpn-ntw:l2vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-service-planietf-l3vpn-ntw:l3vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-servicecisco-flat-L2vpn-fp:l2vpn-route-policycisco-flat-L3vpn-fp:l3vpn-route-policycisco-sr-te-cfp:sr-te/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-policies:policies/policycisco-sr-te-cfp:sr-te/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-odn:odn/odn-templateresource-allocator:resource-pools/id-allocator:id-poolcisco-sr-te-cfp:sr-te/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-policies:policies/sid-listietf-l2vpn-ntw:l2vpn-ntw/id-poolsietf-l3vpn-ntw:l3vpn-ntw/vpn-profiles/valid-provider-identifiers/routing-profile-identifierietf-te:te/tunnels/tunnelcisco-flat-L2vpn-fp:flat-L2vpncisco-flat-L3vpn-fp:flat-L3vpnocisco-flat-L3vpn-fp:flat-L3vpn-planAnother aspect:since CNC CAT communicates only with CFS node in the NSO LSA cluster, what is the expectation in case of failure of the CFS node ? For such cases when NSO LSA CFS/UI node is temporary down etc'. In this case, only retry mechanism ? or other NSO node/instance takes its place ?Hi Liran,I deploy all tsdn services through cfs node, then tested all requested service/resource path through cfs. They all worked as expected. The services are still there in Van's CFS. If you are interested in seeing them, please contact Van for the server info.About CFS failure question, in the real production scenarios, it is recommend to set HA for CFS, if the primary CFS is down, the secondary CFS would take it over.Thanks,-LinhWe reviewed it in Van's setup, looking good, thank you.We do have some follow-up questions for understanding, will add it on works as expected
Information needed on NSO LSA: Hi Team,I am looking for information on test cases that are covered for NSO LSA. Can someone help with this information. Also I have few scenario based questions on LSA, few of them are listed below:What happens if user tries to add same device to different RFS?Migration support between standalone NSO and NSO LSA?Error captured related to CFS and RFS nodes.Upgrade scenario.Kindly help me out with the above questions.Thanks,Kanchan
Hello Kanchan,Q : What happens if user tries to add same device to different RFS?A : This is not supported. A single device can only exist on a single RFS node. Please refer to NSO documentation "nso_lsa-<NSO VERSION>.pdf" Chapter 1 page 2 figure 1 for an example of how a set of devices can be partitioned across multiple RFS nodes. Q : Migration support between standalone NSO and NSO LSA?A : This is currently not supported. Please refer to SFS for more details.Q : Error captured related to CFS and RFS nodesA : Not exactly sure what this is asking. Errors on CFS node are captured in logs in same way that standalone TSDN setup would be configured. The only difference would be that CFS logs are captured on CFS node and RFS logs captured on RFS node as configured.Q : Upgrade scenarioA : Again, not exactly sure what this is asking. In terms of TSDN major version upgrade, as TSDN 3.0, 2.0, and 1.0 did not officially support LSA, a major version upgrade to TSDN 4.0 will be standalone to standalone upgrade. As answered before, standalone to LSA upgrade is currently not supported.I hope this helps clarify some details about LSA. Let me know if you have any other questions or comments.Thanks,Isaac KimHello Isaac,Thank you so much for all the answers.I am also looking for test cases that are covered for NSO LSA. Do we have any link where I can check what scenarios are being covered.Hi Kanchan ,Here you go :ThanksPriyankaThank you Priyanka.!
service change notifications not received from NSO for services provisioned from NSO UI: service change notifications not received from NSO for services provisioned from NSO UI.Attached the showtech logs on NSO VM.
Hi Gomathi,From the backup you provided, I see a bunch of service-state-changes notifications. I've attached the output: notifs.txt, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say you're not seeing the service-state-changesThanks,RegiHi Regi,Initially I tried to upload payload on commit manager from NSO UI for "L3VPN_U_NM-SRTE-ODN-1061" service. It was provisioned successfully but didn't get notified on services list on CW - CNC UI.Attached is the file where we don't see the above service as part of the service-change notifications. I see the above service is somehow deleted on NSO. I tried creating it now and it displays on CNC UI.Hence, issue was there some time back which Van and Linh also noticed when I tried it.Thanks,Gomathi. Hi Gomathi,So, to confirm are you still seeing the issue now? If you are can you give me your sample payload and I can see if I can reproduce the issue on your setup?Thanks,RegiHello, please let us know if this issue is still valid.If no response is received, ticket will be resolved EOD Sept 8th.Thank you.Hello,This ticket can be closed as resolved. Issue seems to have fixed in next builds and QA was able to proceed further.Thanks.Customer confirmed ticket can be closed.
Zombies showed up post policy delete via UI: During regression run on build combo (CW#38, CAT#27), we encountered zombies post deletion of a policy via UI.Please find this regression log file for reference:Steps :1. TSDN policy testcases executed via CNC API ( task#4 through task #28, includes SR,RSVP,L2VPN,L3VPN,ODN)2. Execute the same TSDN policy testcases via CNC UI ( task@29 through task#53)3. Failure encountered in task #45 : steps: 3.1 Create l2vpn_untagged_srpolicy_R1_R10_dynamic_igp policy via UI : Values provided are :For SR -> ([('policy', [OrderedDict([('Name', 'srte_c_9066_ep_6.1.1.10'), ('head-end', OrderedDict()), ('tail-end', ''), ('color', '9066'), ('path', [OrderedDict()])]), OrderedDict([('Name', 'srte_c_9066_ep_6.1.1.1'), ('head-end', OrderedDict()), ('tail-end', ''), ('color', '9066'), ('path', [OrderedDict()])])])])For L2vpn -> ([('ietf-l2vpn-ntw:vpn-service', [OrderedDict([('Vpn-id', 'L2vpn_tldp_R1_R10_untagged_sr'), ('vpn-svc-type', 'vpn-common:t-ldp'), ('vpn-nodes', OrderedDict([('vpn-node', [OrderedDict([('vpn-node-id', 'R1'), ('ne-id', 'R1'), ('te-service-mapping', OrderedDict([('te-mapping', OrderedDict([('sr-policy', OrderedDict())]))])), ('signaling-options', [OrderedDict([('type', 'vpn-common:t-ldp'), ('t-ldp-pwe', OrderedDict([('ac-pw-list', [OrderedDict()])]))])]), ('vpn-network-accesses', OrderedDict([('vpn-network-access', [OrderedDict([('id', '3334'), ('Interface-mtu', '9000'), ('connection', OrderedDict([('encapsulation-type', 'vpn-common:untagged-int'), ('untagged-interface', OrderedDict([('l2-access-type', 'vpn-common:untagged-int'), ('untagged', OrderedDict())]))]))])])]))]), OrderedDict([('vpn-node-id', 'R10'), ('ne-id', 'R10'), ('te-service-mapping', OrderedDict([('te-mapping', OrderedDict([('sr-policy', OrderedDict())]))])), ('signaling-options', [OrderedDict([('type', 'vpn-common:t-ldp'), ('t-ldp-pwe', OrderedDict([('ac-pw-list', [OrderedDict()])]))])]), ('vpn-network-accesses', OrderedDict([('vpn-network-access', [OrderedDict([('id', '3334'), ('Interface-mtu', '9000'), ('connection', OrderedDict([('encapsulation-type', 'vpn-common:untagged-int'), ('untagged-interface', OrderedDict([('l2-access-type', 'vpn-common:untagged-int'), ('untagged', OrderedDict())]))]))])])]))])])]))])])])3.2 Create policy successful, verified the policy status is up via UI.3.3. Update color value in the policy.3.4 Update policy successful and verified updated data and status from UI.3.5 Delete the policies from UI ( both sr and l2vpn)3.6 Post delete, verified in UI both the SR and L2VPN services are not found.3.7 Check for zombies and zombies got found for both :show zombieszombies service /flat-L2vpn-internal-local-site-service delete-path /flat-L2vpn-internal-local-site-service pending-delete POST BACK ACTIONTYPE NAME TRACK GOAL STATE STATUS WHEN ref STATUS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------self self true - init not-reached - - - cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-local-site-nano-services:config-apply not-reached - - - ready not-reached - - -zombies service /flat-L2vpn-internal-remote-site-service delete-path /flat-L2vpn-internal-remote-site-service POST BACK ACTIONTYPE NAME TRACK GOAL STATE STATUS WHEN ref STATUS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------self self true - init reached 2022-07-26T21:03:24 - - cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-remote-site-nano-services:config-apply reached 2022-07-26T21:03:24 - - ready reached 2022-07-26T21:07:11 - -zombies service /sr-te/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-policies-internal:policies/policy delete-path /sr-te/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-policies-internal:policies/policy POST BACK ACTIONTYPE NAME TRACK GOAL STATE STATUS WHEN ref STATUS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------self self true - init reached 2022-07-26T20:59:40 - - cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-policies-nano-services:config-apply reached 2022-07-26T20:59:40 - - ready reached 2022-07-26T21:05:03 - -Please refer to atleast the log of task #45, all steps are clearly mentioned including payload and everything. Let me know if any other info is required.Please find the NSO showtech collected : /auto/ncahi/Users/mesarma/cwork_proj/nso_st_27july/data_072722_062505.tgzConcern is : Even after successful deletion of the policy via CNC UI, why should zombies even get created.And if there is this possibility to keep getting this in future as well, then please suggest some possible Actions that we can automate in the regression run itself to make sure this kind of issues do not occur.
Hi I saw this error in the Jenkins logrequest devices device R10 compare-configinfo R10: Device is locked in a commit operation by session 17368admin@ncs>503: Zombies found on devices hence aborting the script.504: Failed reason: check_zombies failedIt looks like your automation code perform an deleting action during the time that device is locked from the previous command. That is why deleting is failed. This is not NSO issue, it is an user operation issue. This issue would happen intermittently since device response time is depending on network connectivity. If the network has long delay and would not response in time as expected in automation logic then another command is kicked in when the previous command is not finish yet.Again, it is not NSO issue and you need to adjust your automation code to deal with the situation like this.Regards,LinhHi Linh,So could you please suggest any solution to handle such intermittent unpredictable issues in our regression automation ?Please note: We are already putting good amount of sleep before and after performing any operation to avoid any conflict.Thanks,MeenakshiHi Meenakshi,Few 2cent suggestions:1. From your jenkins log, I saw most of time you give 30s sleep time. This value is not sufficient for create/deleting a service. In my automation code, I gave it 40 seconds.2. It seems that you automation codes does not handle zombies (I could be wrong by looking at Jenkins log) because most of test cases are failed after zombies exist. You should clean up the zombies and bring back devices in sync. So the next test cases could go on ...Regards,Linhit seem automation code issue. The operation step in too soon while others still is in progress
Information needed for tailf-hcc package for NSO6.1: Hi Team,I am looking for tailf-hcc package for NSO6.1 for HA scenario.Can someone help with the link.Thanks,Kanchan
Hi Kanchan,There is no 6.1 official Release latest hcc package available is ThanksPriyankaHi Priyanka,Thanks for the quick response.Can I use with NSO6.1 ?Thanks,KanchanHi ,Yes ,it should work .ThanksPriyankaHi Priyanka,I tried using tailf-hcc6.0 but it is giving below error:[ "tailf_hcc: /var/opt/ncs/state/packages-in-use/1/tailf-hcc/erlang-lib/tailf_hcc/ebin/ failed to start" ]Thanks,KanchanHi Kanchan ,As per our webex discussion, we were able to bring up packages with the redeploying packages.ThanksPriyanka
Attaching node as receiver which is root in Static Tree-SID policy didn't throw any error: I have created a L3 MVPN service with static tree-sid policy. to a vpn-node which is root in the policy, I am attaching it as receiver node.From NSO it doesn't throw any error or there is no validation. Is it expected.From the screenshot:xrv9k-PE6 is root in static Tree-SID policy but I am giving role as receiver.
Can you attach the config you are sending to NSO CFP?Here xrv9k-PE6 is my root node in static Tree-SID policy: Static- and I am defining it as receiver in VPN service Hi Kanchan,As per the payload , xrv9k-PE6 is defined as a receiver.Please suggest where it is configured as a root in Static- .Regards,Nishad Subair.Yes it was created as root is Static-Hi Kanchan, Is this the policy configured on PCE and not from TSDN CFP?Hi Sahithi, I created Static-Tree-SID policy on PCE and attaching it to Static L3 MVPN Model.TSDN CFP is unaware of config on PCE. It does not and cannot validate as per the config created from other components on CNC.Ok, so for Static L3 MVPN Model, if I attach any Static Tree-SID policy(also which doesn't exists), there will be no validation from CFP.
Devices deleted on NSO UI gets deleted but displays back again in sometime: Devices deleted on NSO UI gets deleted but displays back again in sometimeNSO version 6.1 engg build#2, TSDN 5.0-M5Steps:1. Onboard few devices onto CW - DLM.2. Devices will be added to NSO UI and in-sync.3. Delete few of the devices from CW - DLM and then NSO UI. Devices will be deleted successfully.4. When we reopen NSO we can see devices list is still displayed in NSO.
Hi, would you be able to provide the exact NSO version you were using for this ticket? In CLI you can simply do<div class="code panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent"><pre class="code-java">ncs --version6.1_xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx</pre></div></div>In order to reproduce, we need the NSO build hash as shown above.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Isaac,Please find the requested information for ncs version.admin@nso-1:~$ ncs --version6.1_221212.150815390.4b4cc38b0df7Thanks,Gomathi.Hi Gomanthi,I have tested device delete on multiple devices using NSO 6.1_221212 Web GUI and waited 30 minutes and I do not see the devices coming back up on the UI. As we do not have access to CNC Setup and FPs like DLM, I cannot comment if this is a CNC issue. But on the NSO side, things seem to be working fine.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Isaac,I can provide my nso and CW VM credentials if that helps to troubleshoot the issue.Let me know and I can unicast the details.Thanks,gomathi.Hi Gomathi, there seems to be some general NSO UI issues with NSO 6.1 which may or may not be related to this ticket.I have a few questions to help with RCA.<ol>Why are we using NSO UI to delete devices when CW provides similar function?Has there been any services deployed from NSO UI?</ol>Thanks,Isaac KimHi Isaac,Please find answers inline:1. Why are we using NSO UI to delete devices when CW provides similar function?: As mentioned in step#3 in original issue description, I used CW -DLM UI to delete devices first. Expectation is that devices should get deleted on NSO side as well. But, seems like it didn't get deleted.Note: I can see the devices on ncs cli as well. So, issue is not only with NSO UI but also with ncs cli.2. Has there been any services deployed from NSO UI?: I have been uploading service payloads via NSO UI and services get provisioned after that. Didn't perform any explicit operation to deploy services from NSO UI.Hi Gomanthi, seems like NSO UI shows some unexpected behavior when services are deployed through the GUI. To confirm if this is really a core NSO platform issue, we can try to delete the devices from NSO CLI and see if it goes through. On my side, happy path device deletion seems to be working without any issue.Either I can do it if you provide your VM credentials, or you could try it out on NSO CLI using<ol>enter NSO CLIenter config modedelete devices device <DEVICE>commit</ol>Let me know which option works for you.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Isaac,Devices were successfully deleted from ncs_cli and don't see them again on UI and ncs_cli after commit from cli.NSO UI also don't show devices so far. Please find screenshots attached.In this case, the NSO UI inconsistent behavior will be fixed for device manager?Another question: I tried to onboard two new NCS devices from CW -DLM with different credential profile. Later I updated it on CW but on NSO I had to update it manually. To update ssh keys for these NCS devices I had add the devices via IP and then updated ssh fetch host keys. Adding ssh host keys via device hostname gives connection time out error.Can you confirm what is expected for the above scenario as well.Thanks,Gomathi.Devices were successfully deleted from ncs_cli and don't see them again on UI and ncs_cli after commit from cli.NSO UI also don't show deleted devices so far. Please find screenshots attached.Hi Gomathi, thats great to hear that NSO CLI device deletion went through!"In this case, the NSO UI inconsistent behavior will be fixed for device manager?"There is active investigation going on with NSO 6.1 GUI related issues. It also seems like this may impact NB interfaces like jsonrpc and RESTCONF. We are not totally sure of what the root cause is, but it does seem like deploying services through NSO GUI may be one of the causes. I will provide updates here as we gain more clarity.In the meantime, I would suggest to avoid using NSO GUI if possible. As you may probably know, the NSO 6.1 builds we are using are still engineering builds, so there may be unexpected behavior."I tried to onboard two new NCS devices from CW -DLM with different credential profile. Later I updated it on CW but on NSO I had to update it manually. To update ssh keys for these NCS devices I had add the devices via IP and then updated ssh fetch host keys. Adding ssh host keys via device hostname gives connection time out error.Can you confirm what is expected for the above scenario as well."Connection timeout could be due to a variety of issues. Most likely device is unresponsive. Im not sure what the device onboarding procedure is for CW, but to update ssh keys for all devices from NSO CLI you can do:<ol>enter NSO CLIrequest devices fetch-ssh-host-keys</ol>Thanks,Isaac KimHi Gomanthi,We just had a call today and were able to resolve all doubts. As agreed, I will close this ticket.Thanks,Isaac Kimnot an issue
nso does not pick tailf-hcc package in reload: Bringing up a NSO HA setup. NSO does not pick the package "ncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3.tar.gz" . NSO is, This HA package belongs to NSO 5.7.5. After package reload command, this package is not loaded.issue #2 . As per HA guide, following needs to be added, However nso does not come up with these commands in ncs.confencrypted-strings><DES3CBC><key1>0123456789abcdef</key1><key2>0123456789abcdef</key2><key3>0123456789abcdef</key3><initVector>0123456789abcdef</initVector></DES3CBC><AESCFB128><key>0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef</key><initVector>0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef</initVector></AESCFB128></encrypted-strings>Setup:
Hi Ramakrishnan,You used a wrong tar file ncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3.tar.gz1. You need to untar ncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3.tar.gz# tar -xvf ncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3.tar.gzncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3/project-meta-data.xmlncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3/packages/ncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-5.0.3.tar.gzncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3/init_data/2. Then copy ncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-project-5.0.3/packages/ncs-5.7.5-tailf-hcc-5.0.3.tar.gz to /var/opt/ncs/packages3. Restart ncsThe hcc package is up after that
Unable to delete routing-policy, routing RD, routing policy tag associated to deleted L2vpn service from NSO UI: Unable to delete routing-policy, routing RD, routing policy tag associated to deleted L2vpn service from NSO UISteps:1. Create L2vpn service with ETREE -SR policy.2. Enable monitoring.3. Delete the service from CNC UI. It throws validation failed error with illegal reference message as attached.4. Same delete operation when tried from NSO UI gives same error as attached in screenshot.The associated routing-policy, routing RD, routing policy tag to deleted L2vpn service are left out in NSO and CN UI due to this.
Similar issue is seen on CNC UI during creation of route-policy from UI. Attached screenshot for reference.Small correction : Deletion of the service from CNC UI will be successful. Deletion of associated entities like It routing-policy, routing RD, routing policy tag throws validation failed error with illegal reference message as attached.4. Same delete operation when tried from NSO UI gives same error as attached in screenshot.Hello, can I please get the setup info that has this error.Regards,Janaki DuggiralaHi Janaki,As discussed, the issue is reproducible on CNC UI and NSO UI. Thanks,Gomathi.Customer confirmed issue is no longer reproducible. Closing ticket.Customer confirmed issue is no longer reproducible. Closing ticket.
L2VPN P2P not working with IOS XE due to MPLS label issue: With respect to NSO CFP, MPLS label is a mandatory configuration for L2VPN P2P on IOS XE device .And it pushes config below.interface pseudowire100 label 18067 18078But the label configuration is not accepted in IOS XE.Setup - - admin/Ovatest123@Kindly suggest to track it with defect
Hi Ajitha,Seems like you're trying to configure using labels outside of the range ( for details: <div class="preformatted panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="preformattedContent panelContent"><pre>device { config { mpls { label { range { min 1000; max 2000; static; static-min 16; static-max 999; } } } }}</pre></div></div>You'll need to update to "mpls label range" to use the label you're currently trying to push.Thanks,RegiAjitha confirmed that adjusting `mpls label range` fixed the issue
create cs-sr-te policy with error: Status Code, message = Missing CS SR-TE status code mapping: I used the same sample payload, CS SR-TE Service Sample Payload - Static Path + Explicit SID, both from GUI and API, got the same error msg, please see the snapshot below for DryRun.Could you please help to see if i have missed anything.CW: NSO: (nso/Vtsisco@123!).
Need to update the wiki with CS SR installation steps. Will create a ticket for this
L2VPN+SRV6 tunnel is not coming up, getting error message No remote EVI EAD: L2VPN+SRV6 tunnel is not coming up, getting error message No remote EVI EAD.Below configuration pushes as part of the L2VPN+SRV6 service. BGP, ISIS ; SRV6 locators are configured as part of the prerequisite, please let us know if any prerequisite is missing on the device to bring up the tunnel.Config pushes to the device:-evpn interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 ethernet-segment identifier type 0 running-config l2vp2vpn xconnect group L2NM-EVPN-SRV6 p2p L2NM-EVPN-SRV6 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1.500 neighbor evpn evi 1 service 1 segment-routing srv6 locator ALG0r8RP/0/RP0/CPU0:TB3-PE-D#show running-config segment-routing srvegment-routing srv6 locators locator ALG0r8 micro-segment behavior unode psp-usd prefix fccc:cc11:82::/48 ! locator ALG128r8 micro-segment behavior unode psp-usd prefix fccc:cc11:83::/48 algorithm 128 ! locator ALG129r8 micro-segment behavior unode psp-usd prefix fccc:cc11:84::/48 algorithm 129 ! locator ALG130r8 micro-segment behavior unode psp-usd prefix fccc:cc11:85::/48 algorithm 130 ! locator ALG131r8 micro-segment behavior unode psp-usd prefix fccc:cc11:86::/48 algorithm 131 ! locator ALG132r8 micro-segment behavior unode psp-usd prefix fccc:cc11:87::/48 algorithm 132 ! locator ALG134r8 micro-segment behavior unode psp-usd prefix fccc:cc11:89::/48 algorithm 134RP/0/RP0/CPU0:TB3-PE-D#show l2vpn xconnect detairoup L2NM-EVPN-SRV6, XC L2NM-EVPN-SRV6, state is down; Interworking none AC: GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1.500, state is up Type VLAN; Num Ranges: 0 Rewrite Tags: MTU 1504; XC ID 0x2; interworking none Statistics: packets: received 0, sent 0 bytes: received 0, sent 0 drops: illegal VLAN 0, illegal length 0 EVPN: neighbor None, PW ID: evi 1, ac-id 1, state is down ( provisioned ) XC ID 0xa0000003 Encapsulation SRv6 Encap type Ethernet Ignore MTU mismatch: Enabled Transmit MTU zero: Enabled Reachability: Down Down reason(s): No remote EVI EAD SRv6 is not enabled for EVPN SRv6 Local Remote ---------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------- Unknown unassigned unknown AC ID 1 1 MTU 1518 0 Locator ALG0r8 N/A Locator Resolved No N/A SRv6 Headend H.Encaps.L2.Red N/A Statistics: packets: received 0, sent 0 bytes: received 0, sent 0
Device detailsTB2-PE-D - - -admin/cisco@123Hello Ragesh,I will discuss with team and come back to you as soon.Thanks,Isaac KimHello Ragesh,We tried to verify config on device and things seem fine from what we can see so far. No changes were made on device.It seems like your l2vpn xconnect is UP on both devices now.Please let us know if you run into any other issues.Thanks,Isaac KimClosed ticket since issue seems to have resolved itself and submitter has not responded in the past week
Can't create services for "netconf ned" devices: When tying to create l2vpn evpn or l2vpn p2p services with endpoint(s) on the devices having Netconf NED the following error is shown:errors: reason: Python cb_validate error. STATUS_CODE: TSDN-L2VPN-408 REASON: Router NED not supported CATEGORY: user SEVERITY: ERROR Context [name = Router NED not supported: cisco-iosxr-nc-7.4:cisco-iosxr-nc-7.4, message = Missing dynamic device mapping state = {'Device': '', 'Service': 'L2vpn-p2p-1001', 'Device NED ID': 'cisco-iosxr-nc-7.4:cisco-iosxr-nc-7.4'}] . paths: /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal-local-site:flat-L2vpn-internal-local-site-service{L2vpn-p2p-1001}. path: /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal-local-site:flat-L2vpn-internal-local-site-service{L2vpn-p2p-1001}Can you please check the issue?NSO: + M6Devices were added via DLM-NSO sync
Hi Leonid, What is credentials to log on this NSOHi Linh, ( nso/Public1234!) Thanks,Arun.M.GHi Arun,The l2vpn payload is not there and I don't see the issue. Please share the payload.Thanks,LinhPlease find the attached payload. It has device endpoints with ( cli ned) and ( netconf ned). It throws error while trying to configure. It seems that multi-vendor files are applied in a incorrect sequence. It should be applied after kicker xml file.It deleted flat-L2vpn multi-vendor configuration and reapplied it. The L2vpn service is working fine after thatPer Arun, the issue resolved.
Failed service with OSS Device allowing service update changes on other Service node: Hi Team,Please help to check and confirm that the following behavior of the corefp is expected.Steps to reproduce:1. Create a failed L3VPN service with one of the service node as OOS with commit-async.2. Edit the service field of an another service node that is up and online3. Perform commit-changes (no commit-queues)4. User get the update successfull message from the CNC5. The update is also able to be seen in the node that is up and online.
NCS Version : Model and Version: XRV9K - 7.1.2The behavior has been found the same for both L3VPN and L2VPNHi Dinesh,I was unable to reproduce the issue directly on NSO. Can you please share the plan details on NSO itself to confirm plan is still failed? If its reached and one of the nodes is still unreachable, then can you also share the exact steps for reproduction.Thanks,RegiHi Regi,Please do find the plan status of the service - L2VPN:admin@ncs% run show l2vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service-plan L2VPN plan | tab POST BACK ACTIONTYPE NAME TRACK GOAL STATUS CODE STATE STATUS WHEN ref STATUS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------self self false - - init reached 2021-08-10T16:46:29 - - ready failed 2021-08-10T16:46:42 - -ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node PE-A false - TSDN-L2VPN-302 init reached 2021-08-10T16:46:29 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2021-08-10T16:46:29 - - ready failed 2021-08-10T16:46:35 - -ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node PE-C false - - init reached 2021-08-10T16:46:29 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2021-08-10T16:46:29 - - ready reached 2021-08-10T16:46:41 - -plan failedplan error-info message "Network Element Driver: device PE-A: out of sync" IMPACTEDTYPE NAME CODE SEVERITY RECOMMENDED ACTION DEVICE CONTEXT NAME CONTEXT MSG--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------local-site PE-A TSDN-L2VPN-302 ERROR Check sync between device and NSO, and perform recovery steps. PE-A Device out of sync Network Element Driver: device PE-A: out of syncadmin@ncs%The reproducing steps are the same as exactly mentioned as follows. Kindly have a check.Thanks,DineshHi Dinesh,The plan is failed on NSO. Are we sure the issue isn't with CNC UI itself since you meantioned "4. User get the update successfull message from the CNC"?Hi Regi,The issue is also with CNC UI since Corefp behaves in the same way as CNC just replicates how corefp behaves.User get the update successful message from both CNC and NSO.The device config also get updated with the edit changes. Hence this is a definite corefp issue.Thanks,DineshPlease confirm if you could able to reproduce the issue with the provided info.Thanks,DineshHi Dinesh,I was able to reproduce the issue and was able to confirm that this was expected behavior. If the user decides to push configuration to a failed service a service then the service will not restrict the users intent; however, the correct procedure would be that the user would fix the failed service before pushing more configs.Thanks,RegiThank you for the confirmation Regi. Assuming that this is an expected design of the COREFP.
RON-ML is not functioning after TSDN M5 Consumption: Service stuck in init state with no error message UI+SSH: nso552/Public1234!Trace enabled for python VM ; ONC device netconf-cnc-il-ucs-haim4-2.trace
Issue resolved, forgot to load RON-status-codes.xmlAs mentioned by the reporter, issue is resolved after loading RON-status-codes.xml . Hence closing the ticket.
Mixed MPLS-SR and SRv6 polices are created for ODN templates: Provision an L3VPN service with 3 SRv6 ODN templates associated. After provision, some policies are created for both v4 and v6. Attached is the email discussion, payload and NSO logs.NSO version: version: XRV9K is the output on SRPCE:PCC Name: bgp_c_91_ep_2001:192:168::6_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_91_ep_2001:192:168::6_discr_200Tunnel Name: bgp_c_92_ep_2001:192:168::7_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_92_ep_2001:192:168::7_discr_200PCC Name: bgp_c_90_ep_2001:192:168::4_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_90_ep_2001:192:168::4_discr_200Tunnel Name: bgp_c_92_ep_192.168.0.7_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_92_ep_192.168.0.7_discr_200Tunnel Name: bgp_c_92_ep_2001:192:168::7_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_92_ep_2001:192:168::7_discr_200PCC Name: bgp_c_90_ep_2001:192:168::4_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_90_ep_2001:192:168::4_discr_200Tunnel Name: bgp_c_91_ep_192.168.0.6_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_91_ep_192.168.0.6_discr_200Tunnel Name: bgp_c_91_ep_2001:192:168::6_discr_100Tunnel Name: bgp_c_91_ep_2001:192:168::6_discr_200
Email conversation regarding this issueIn summary,This is a device behavior, nothing to be done from CFP To summarize, when provision SRv6 ODN templates from CNC on a dual stack topology setup. Both MPLS-SR and SRv6 policies are created on devices. We are not sure if it is a platform issue or the device config issue.
When verify the jwt token by using the curl command results in <error-tag>access-denied</error-tag>: Follow the , some missing steps may need to be added. Used the curl -is -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /tmp/jwt.txt)" -v, results in <errors xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-restconf"> <error> <error-type>protocol</error-type> <error-tag>access-denied</error-tag> </error></errors>
Thanks Quy Lu for setting up the call. Have captured the steps .Issue: Python requests module was missing from logscat /etc/os-releaseNAME="Ubuntu"VERSION="18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"ID=ubuntuID_LIKE=debianPRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS"VERSION_ID="18.04"To install the Python `requests` module on Ubuntu, you can use the following steps. Please note that these instructions assume you have Python installed on your system.1. Update package list:Open a terminal and update the package list to ensure you are installing the latest version of the `requests` module.```bashsudo apt update```2. Install pip (if not already installed):```bashsudo apt install python3-pip```3. Install `requests` using pip:Once you have `pip` installed, you can use it to install the `requests` module.```bashpip3 install requests```The `requests` module should now be installed on your system. ```Python requests module was missing from logs2023-08-01 15:40:20.43 authenticate:261 INFO: Exception jwt-auth: No module named 'requests'2023-08-01 15:46:05.323 authenticate:261 INFO: Exception jwt-auth: No module named 'requests'I have also updated the wiki to make sure to restart ncs after making chnages to ncs.confThe issue is with environment. Closing the ticket after consent with quy.nso-10-194-63-180:/tmp# python3Python 3.8.2 (default, Oct 19 2020, 19:55:54) on linuxType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.>>> import requestsTraceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'>>>root@nso-10-194-63-180:/home/nso# python3 -m pip install requests/usr/bin/python3: No module named piproot@nso-10-194-63-180:/home/nso# python3 --versionPython 3.8.2root@nso-10-194-63-180:/home/nso# pip3 --versionTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/pip3", line 9, in <module> from pip import mainModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip'Enviroment issue
NSO authentication issue: Hi Team,This is in continuation to the old Jsd According to Sahithi, NSO exhausts all methods of authentication before throwing connection refused error. In case of service play, if we remove the default map, the authentication error is being thrown for wrong credentials. But for config plays, for eg: configuring bundle ether, NSO throws authentication error even if the default map has the correct credentials present. We wanted to understand the difference between the two and if similar functionality can be applied to the service plays as well.For bundle ether config play logs, setup details are : NSO:!Devices: xrv9k-1 : admin/cisco123xrv9k-2 : admin/cisco123Thanks,Neha
Hi Neha,1. Right now, I saw your setup is using 'cwuser' for pushing services between CNC UI and CFP, but this user is not set a proper permission in nacmcwuser@ncs% show nacm read-default permit;write-default permit;exec-default permit;groups { group ncsadmin { user-name [ private ]; } group ncsoper { user-name [ public ]; }Please correct it.2. This is the authgroups that you definedcwuser@ncs% show devices authgroups group nso105 default-map { remote-name admin; remote-password $9$jntAig740DzMVR2e0uvVhvvNCt7iifraQiFP/ZNvn7A=;}umap cwuser { callback-node /cw-creds-get; action-name get;}You could NOT use cwuser for connect to xrv9k-1 since this user is not defined on the device sideThanks,LinhYour setup is also not within the specificationroot@ubuntu:/var/opt/ncs/packages# lscpuArchitecture: x86_64CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bitByte Order: Little EndianAddress sizes: 43 bits physical, 48 bits virtualCPU(s): 4 <--- minimum is 8 CPUroot@ubuntu:/var/opt/ncs/packages# lsmemMemory block size: 128MTotal online memory: 16G <--- should be 64GBTotal offline memory: 0Broot@ubuntu:/var/opt/ncs/packages# python3 --versionPython 3.7.5rc1 <-- should be 3.8.xHi Neha,Since there is no new update on this issue, I am going to close this tick in next few days.Thanks,Linh
Need help in bringing up a NSO L3 HA setup: Hi Van,Need help in bringing up a NSO L3 HA setup.Setup:NSO - ; 190 nsoaz1/Cnc@1234NSO VIP - help troubleshoot further
hi,BGP L3 setup needed:Jumphost vm with one lab network and one private network (vswitch).two node vm with goBGP installation for NSO-HA router (csrv1000 router).We can sync-up with a short meeting if you have a chance.thanks.hi Ajitha ,bgp L3 update:jumphost: (cisco/Cisco123#)primary-node: (cisco/Cisco123#)secondary-node: (cisco/Cisco123#) both node has configured gobgp, HA , tailf-hcc with NSO 6.0.1CSR router: admin/Cwork123!lo: bgp configuredhad a demo to Ajitha Thomas Nguyen completed configuration and demo setup operation to Ajitha.Thank you so much Thomas for the setup and clear explanation. This is very helpful.Hi Thomas/team,Need a quick help please.Tried to bring up end to end NSO L3 HA and it came up as expected, except VIP did not came up in Primary NSOs Loopback IP. Would you please suggest.Jump host - root/Cwork123!NSO, VIP (Credentials - nsoaz1/Cnc@1234)Router admin/Cwork123!Steps followed:Brought up Ubuntu 22.04. Installed Java, Python, gobgp, NSO 6.1.2 and corresponding tailf-hcc package.Brought up CSR router and configured necessary bgp config (VIP is learnt as bgp route in CSR routers routing table).Followed NSO HA wiki and configured HA, HCC configs L3 configs are similar to your configuration.L3 HA came up, Secondary node IP shown in Primary. All looks good except just 1 point - VIP not assigned to Loopback IP.ThanksAjitha
Crash in NSO RFS: we had SH UNi-d scale setup with NSO LSA ( 1 CFS and 2 RFS).we were in progress of deleting L3vpn services., For a test. we have already deleted 14k l2vpn services on May 24th. and we were in progress of deleting l3vpn.Deleted 3850 services in 2 batches., (1925 and 1925)faced crash in RFS2 during the deletion of last 21 servicescollecing logs in rfs2I have restared the NCS in rfs2 and started proceeding my usecases to test. this issue is with FCS build.informed Sahithi about the issue and she is aware of the setup details. Logs collected and transferrred to another server172.29.106.130 (nso/Cwork123!)/home/nso/ncs6.1-fcs-nso-rfs2-crashFile name: data_052523_075543.tgzThanks,Arun.M.G
Unicasted the setup details to Sahithi. please use the setup for RO purpose. ThanksArun.M.GClosing this as we have CDETS filed for it.Moving to CDETS
migration of devices takes lot of time in upgrade: We are upgrading NSO (TSDN 3.0) to NSO 5.7.3 M6 (TSDN 4.0) In step 6, migration of devices to new ned-id is taking around 5 mins in the setup. This is a scale setup with 25K devices. In this speed, it will take about 86 days to migrate the setup.Is there a way to increase the speed of migrating the ned id. Is this step mandatory for the upgrade?Setup: - cnctest/Ovatest123@
Hi Ramakrishnan, When you update TSDN between release, please diligently think what could affect the performance of the upgrade. Right now I saw this setup still under stress of a lot of restconf call from other server<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.639 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14572 assigned to groups: ncsadmin,cnctest,wheel<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.639 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14572 created new session via rest from with http<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.639 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14572 RESTCONF: request with http: GET /restconf/data HTTP/1.1<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.646 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14572 terminated session (reason: normal)<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.654 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14575 assigned to groups: ncsadmin,cnctest,wheel<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.654 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14575 created new session via rest from with https<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.654 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14575 RESTCONF: request with https: GET /restconf/data HTTP/1.1<INFO> 24-May-2022::11:04:22.658 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: audit user: cnctest/14575 terminated session (reason: normal)Please disable northbound calls during migration process.This is your current log settings <developer-log> <enabled>true</enabled> <file> <name>${NCS_LOG_DIR}/devel.log</name> <enabled>true</enabled> </file> </developer-log> <developer-log-level>trace</developer-log-level>Please don't use trace level for log. It would degrade the performance for sure. Please fix the issue I mentioned above.Thanks,-LinhHi Linh,Thanks for taking a look at the setup. Since Ramakrishna has signed-off for the day - to check the current services, just added this NSO to one of CNC. Due to full-sync, we are seeing that stress now. Otherwise while upgrading trails, this stress was not there. Is it ok if I remove this line "<developer-log-level>trace</developer-log-level>" save it ? Or we do need to restart ncs to get this into effect ? Please let me know.Thanks,Sreedhar.Hi Sreedhar,You could change it back info log level an then restart ncs.Regards,LinhI followed the steps in the Upgrade wiki. These debug logs were enabled in the config file /opt/ncs/ncs-5.7.3/etc/ncs/ncs.conf. xpath trace and developer logs. Also, there were many other changes like wrong log folders in this config file. I have to fix these issues, since ncs did not start. Can you fix these issues in the specified ncs.conf file. As defined in the stiep 2 of, it is responsible of the user to migrate configuration from old ncs.conf to the new ncs.conf template at /opt/ncs/ncs-5.7.3/etc/ncs/ncs.conf. Then the new ncs.conf needs to be coped to the location /etc/ncs/. The configuration is depending on each individual setup. There is no such one ncs.conf that works for all setups.My humble request is to disable trace level log for both xpath trace and developer logs in the /opt/ncs/ncs-5.7.3/etc/ncs/ncs.conf. This will avoid trace level logs for all setups when people follow the steps. It seems your use case is different from other people where they need these configuration to be enabled. You should take a note for yourself so you should not hit to these mistake again. Again there is no one ncs.conf that fit in for all use cases. Users need diligently to modify ncs.conf to fit in their use cases.How long it does take to migrate ned-id is depending on how many entries that need to update. I saw your system has quite a number of entries to updatecnctest@ncs% request devices device Node_100_68 migrate new-ned-id cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39 no-networkingmodified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:segment-routing/traffic-eng/affinity-map/color/bit-position info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:policy-map/class/class-default/police-rate-unit/police/rate/percent info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:policy-map/class/class-ref/police-rate-unit/police/rate/percent info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:snmp-server/timeouts/duplicate info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:dhcp/ipv4/database info node type has changed from non-presence container to presence container}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:key/chain/key/key-string/type info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:ptp/clock/profile/clock-type info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:ntp/access-group/vrf info sub-tree has been deleted}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:ethernet/oam/profile/action/wiring-conflict info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:vrf/vrf-list/address-family/ipv6/flowspec/import/from/default-vrf/route-policy info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:vrf/vrf-list/address-family/ipv6/multicast/import/from/default-vrf/route-policy info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:vrf/vrf-list/address-family/ipv6/unicast/import/from/default-vrf/route-policy info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:vrf/vrf-list/address-family/ipv4/flowspec/import/from/default-vrf/route-policy info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:vrf/vrf-list/address-family/ipv4/multicast/import/from/default-vrf/route-policy info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:vrf/vrf-list/address-family/ipv4/unicast/import/from/default-vrf/route-policy info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:group/config/segment-routing/traffic-eng/affinity-map/color/bit-position info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}modified-path { path /cisco-ios-xr:admin/dsc/serial/rack info leaf/leaf-list type has changed}And devel.log shows<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:04:04.897 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli device=Node_100_68 migrating<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:04:04.899 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli device=Node_100_68 migrating device configuration<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:04:04.905 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli device=Node_100_68 migrating device configuration: ok (0.005 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:04:04.905 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli device=Node_100_68 finding affected services<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:04:04.906 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli device=Node_100_68 finding affected services: ok (0.000 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:04:04.906 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli applying transaction<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:04:04.906 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli entering validate phase<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.971 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli grabbing transaction lock<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.971 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli grabbing transaction lock: ok (0.000 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.972 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli run transforms and transaction hooks<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.977 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli run transforms and transaction hooks: ok (0.005 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.977 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli mark inactive<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.978 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli mark inactive: ok (0.000 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.978 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli pre validate<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.979 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli pre validate: ok (0.000 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.979 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli run validation over the changeset<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.985 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli run validation over the changeset: ok (0.006 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:47.985 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli run dependency-triggered validation<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.017 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli run dependency-triggered validation: ok (0.032 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.017 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli check configuration policies<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.017 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli check configuration policies: ok (0.000 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.206 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli leaving validate phase (223.300 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.207 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli entering write-start phase<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.207 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli subsystem=cdb write-start<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.207 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli subsystem=ncs-internal-service-mux write-start<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.240 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli check data kickers<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.240 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli check data kickers: ok (0.000 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.247 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli leaving write-start phase (0.040 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.247 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli entering prepare phase<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.247 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli subsystem=cdb prepare<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.247 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli subsystem=ncs-internal-device-mgr prepare<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.248 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli leaving prepare phase (0.001 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.248 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli entering commit phase<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.248 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli subsystem=cdb commit<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.250 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli subsystem=ncs-internal-device-mgr commit<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.251 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli releasing transaction lock<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.251 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli leaving commit phase (0.002 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.251 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: devel-cdb Device migration validate for mount-id: {549854595,1044521224}<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.251 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli applying transaction: ok (223.345 s)<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.251 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: devel-cdb Device migration validation succeeded<INFO> 25-May-2022::13:07:48.252 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: ncs progress usid=109 tid=98887276 datastore=running context=cli device=Node_100_68 migrating: ok (223.354 s)So it is expected. It would take under 4 minutes to migrate one device
custom-template-events and dispatch-map-update subscription fail in M8: Deploy LSA setup. On CFS node, step 8 of "RFS OnBoarding Steps". It showed the following result:admin@ncs> show devices device rfs-195 netconf-notifications subscription FAILURE NAME STATUS REASON ERROR INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rfs-cisco-custom-template-events failed subscribe Failed to create subscription: bad_element: no such stream rfs-dispatch-map-update failed subscribe Failed to create subscription: bad_element: no such stream rfs-kicker-events running - - Both step3 and step4 the commit are successful. step3: Configure Netconf notification subscriptionstep4: Configure RFS notification settingIt will be great if you can help to take a look.Here is the NSO node info.:CFS: 2001:420:10e:201d:172:23:85:194RFS-195: 2001:420:10e:201d:172:23:85:195RFS-196: 2001:420:10e:201d:172:23:85:196id/pw: admin/Vtsisco@123!
Hi CrystalI checked the setup and found that the dispatch-map-update and custom-template-events under event streaming were not configured on the RFS nodes. For configuring the streams please refer point 2 and 3 under section "Configure ncs.conf on RFS node" in the below url:I have configured the above missing streams on the RFS node 195 and thenetconf notifications subscription verification is successful now for this node.Please follow the above mentioned steps to configure the same for RFS node 196. Restart the ncs on RFS and then CFS after configuring the streams.Thanks, NikhilUser missed to configure the streams on the RFS node and hence the issue was coming. Updated the details on one RFS node and the issue no more exists.Issue is resolved with Nikhil's help.Here are the steps:1. Updated ncs.conf on rfs nodes by follow point 2 and 3 under section Configure ncs.conf in the following wiki:2. restart ncs on rfs and cfs nodes.
L2VPN Service creation failed with RPC error towards RFS-1: unknown_element: show tech copied @ /auto/ncahi/cw_pyats/users/shbalu/bkp/NSO-rwxrwxrwx 1 shbalu eng 393M Jul 5 06:57 data_070522_134540.tgz -rwxrwxrwx 1 shbalu eng 1.2G Jul 5 06:58 data_070522_134550.tgz L2VPN service creation failed , and after doing sync-to , service creation went successfuladmin@ncs> show l2vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service-plan L2VPN-ASR9901-1-4-t-ldp-Vlan3005l2vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service-plan L2VPN-ASR9901-1-4-t-ldp-Vlan3005 plan component self self state init status reached when 2022-07-05T07:30:05 state ready status failed when 2022-07-05T07:30:07 back-track false plan component ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node ASR9901-1 state init status reached when 2022-07-05T07:30:05 state ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply status reached when 2022-07-05T07:30:05 state ready status not-reached back-track false plan component ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node ASR9901-4 state init status reached when 2022-07-05T07:30:05 state ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply status reached when 2022-07-05T07:30:05 state ready status not-reached back-track false plan failed plan error-info message "RPC error towards RFS-1: unknown_element: for /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal-remote-site:flat-L2vpn-internal-remote-site-service/cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal-remote-site:flat-L2vpn-p2p: /flat-L2vpn-internal-remote-site-service/flat-L2vpn-p2p: the 'when' expression "../service-type = 'p2p'" failed"admin@ncs> admin@ncs% request devices device * sync-to devices device RFS-1 sync-to result truedevices device RFS-3 sync-to result trueadmin@ncs% exit admin@ncs> show l2vpn-ntw vpn-services vpn-service-plan L2VPN-ASR9901-1-4-t-ldp-Vlan3005 POST BACK STATUS ACTION TYPE NAME TRACK GOAL CODE STATE STATUS WHEN ref STATUS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------self self false - - init reached 2022-07-05T07:30:05 - - ready reached 2022-07-05T14:10:01 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node ASR9901-1 false - - init reached 2022-07-05T07:30:05 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2022-07-05T07:30:05 - - ready reached 2022-07-05T14:10:01 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:vpn-node ASR9901-4 false - - init reached 2022-07-05T07:30:05 - - ietf-l2vpn-ntw-nano-services:config-apply reached 2022-07-05T07:30:05 - - ready reached 2022-07-05T14:10:01 - - admin@ncs>
Hi Shanmugavel Balu,Could you please share the exact steps to reproduce ?As synch from resolved the issue so does not look like CFP issue.Looking at the description looks like your rfs-1 was out of sync, or sync was not done even once .We can do Webex if needed.Is it a consistent issue or intermittent?ThanksPriyankaHad a call with Priyanka and reproduced the issue, she is going to update after the root causeHi Balu,We are looking into it .I will soon provide update on this.Thank you for going over the issue over webex and showing steps .Regards,Priyankanot seen recently.
Ncs cli stucked while fetching ssh keys for devices: 1. ncs cli got stucked while executing fetch keys for any device. (Devices are added from DLM)2. Observing huge number of requests received from 2 CW nodes {1 worker and 1 hybrid where dlm pods are running}Attached nso_response.rtf file for more data Impact on CW :REST delete call to NSO is timing out and connect to devices is failing.
Hello, please provide us your setup information so we can troubleshoot issue.Unicasted setup details in Webex to Janaki Duggirala.Note : We are running daily regression automation suites with this setup. Current run is in progress. we can not stop any regression runs and expecting no disruption to this nso.If any config changes needs be done, pl inform us.Customer has provided setup issue. Proceeding to request meeting to troubleshoot further since Issue is not with NSO.NSO CLI is able to connect to devices successfully. Fetch host keys on all devices is successful. NSO API works correctly as well.Forwaded mail conversation from crosswork team to Janakiaddition to below scenario seeing following msg on nSO config mode randomlynso https (rest from 2001:420:10e:200e:c000::1711) on since 2023-08-22 11:45:04 terminal modenso https (rest from 2001:420:10e:200e:c000::1711) on since 2023-08-22 11:44:33 terminal modenso https (rest from 2001:420:10e:200e:c000::1711) on since 2023-08-22 11:40:04 terminal modeOpenfiles must be min 64Konly 6 CPU's &#8211; min needed is 8Needed 64 GB RAM (also recommended 128 GB)From meeting, requesting customer to update setup to above minimum system specifications.Reinstalled NSO and observing same issue1. Upgraded Java versionadmin@eagle-nso:~$ java --versionopenjdk 17.0.7 2023-04-18OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.7+7-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.10.2)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.7+7-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.10.2, mixed mode, sharing)2. Changed file descriptoradmin@eagle-nso:~$ ulimit -areal-time non-blocking time (microseconds, -R) unlimitedcore file size (blocks, -c) 0data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimitedscheduling priority (-e) 0file size (blocks, -f) unlimitedpending signals (-i) 63470max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 2046464max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimitedopen files (-n) 65535pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200real-time priority (-r) 0stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimitedmax user processes (-u) 63470virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimitedfile locks (-x) unlimitedadmin@eagle-nso:~$3. Increased CPU : System resources: 8vCPUs, 16Gb Mem, 100Gb HDDadmin@eagle-nso:~$ lscpuArchitecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Address sizes: 45 bits physical, 48 bits virtual Byte Order: Little EndianCPU(s): 8 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-7Vendor ID: GenuineIntel Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 v3 @ 2.30GHz CPU family: 6 Model: 63 Thread(s) per core: 1 Core(s) per socket: 1 Socket(s): 8 Stepping: 2 BogoMIPS: 4588.94 Flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc cpuid tsc_known_freq pni pclmulqd q ssse3 fma cx16 pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm abm cpuid_fault invpcid_single pti ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 invpcid xsave opt arat md_clear flush_l1d arch_capabilitiesVirtualization features: Hypervisor vendor: VMware Virtualization type: fullCaches (sum of all): L1d: 256 KiB (8 instances) L1i: 256 KiB (8 instances) L2: 2 MiB (8 instances) L3: 240 MiB (8 instances)NUMA: NUMA node(s): 1 NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-7Vulnerabilities: Itlb multihit: KVM: Mitigation: VMX unsupported L1tf: Mitigation; PTE Inversion Mds: Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT Host state unknown Meltdown: Mitigation; PTI Mmio stale data: Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT Host state unknown Retbleed: Mitigation; IBRS Spec store bypass: Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl Spectre v1: Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization Spectre v2: Mitigation; IBRS, IBPB conditional, STIBP disabled, RSB filling, PBRSB-eIBRS Not affected Srbds: Not affected Tsx async abort: Not affectedadmin@eagle-nso:~$ Thank you for posting the upgrade information. Please let us know the result for fetch host keys (original issue).Issue is still seen with 6.1.2CDET - CSCwh32161 for tracking this. nso/tm-tc dev team is working on this issue.Moved to platform team. RT filed
CFS node crashing continuously: I have 2 CFS (HA) node and 2 RFS (HA) node. One of the CFS node is crashing continuously. Both CFS node are with 16 vCPU and 48G of mem. I am onboarding less than 150 devices.nsoadmin@nso-cfs-ha-1:~$ ulimit -acore file size (blocks, -c) 0data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimitedscheduling priority (-e) 0file size (blocks, -f) unlimitedpending signals (-i) 192793max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 65536max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimitedopen files (-n) 65535pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200real-time priority (-r) 0stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimitedmax user processes (-u) 65535virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimitedfile locks (-x) unlimitednsoadmin@nso-cfs-ha-1:~$
Hello, please let me know the Python version in use, and the access info to the setup.the python version is 3.8. Please ping me for the setup infoHi Joby,As confirmed, HA is looking good when moved to the new compute.Confirming that this VM crash is not related TSDN CFP.Will be closing the JSD.ThanksSahithiReporter has confirmed all well with the Node.Ticket is Invalid since debugging showed that issue was because of badVM/ESXiand not a problem with NSO.
Not able to install nso-6.1_230322-tsdn-5.0.0-M8-5.0+NSS-4.tar.gz on system install : root@nso-ucs-haim2:/var/opt/ncs/packages# /etc/init.d/ncs start-with-package-reloadStarting ncs: NCS package upgrade failed with reason 'package upgrade failed - see /var/log/ncs/ncs-python-vm.log for details.'VM Details: nso610/Public1234!Sudo pwd Public1234!
Issue exist for nso-6.1_230322-tsdn-5.0.0-M8-5.0+NSS-4But does not exist for pure nso-6.1_230322-tsdn-5.0.0-M8I tried restarting but I observed all packages have been removed.Just wondering why we are using older M8 build which had been compiled with 22nd March version of 6.1 NSO with Official NSO 6.1 version.We are facing now the same problem with nso-6.1_230322-tsdn-5.0.0-M8package reload force returning the same problem Can you please look in to our server ?Packages are take from :/home/nso610/nso-6.1_230322-tsdn-5.0.0-M8/tsdn/example-packages/*/home/nso610/nso-6.1_230322-tsdn-5.0.0-M8/tsdn/core-fp-packages/*VM Details: nso610/Public1234!Sudo pwd Public1234!Hi Yevgeny,I was able to proceed with the installation but I see consistent memory errors in the system which we have observed with NCS engineering builds.Sys logs:Jun 8 19:11:26 nso-ucs-haim2 kernel: python3: segfault at 8 ip 00007f3bfb3bf255 sp 00007ffc36b6a520 error 4 in libconfd.soJun 8 19:11:26 nso-ucs-haim2 kernel: python3: segfault at 8 ip 00007faae16e3255 sp 00007ffd01494c70 error 4 in libconfd.soncs python logsRuntimeError: can't allocate must be installed for pthread_cancel to work return _posixsubprocess.fork_exec(OSError: Cannot allocate memory<INFO> 8-Jun-2023::19:26:38.734 nso-ucs-haim2 ncs: Got EXIT on Port= #Port<0.152><INFO> 8-Jun-2023::19:26:38.742 nso-ucs-haim2 ncs: Restarted PyVM: <<"cisco-aa-service-assurance">> , Port=#Port<0.256> , OSpid="5348"Can you take look at VM installation or use most recent build sent ?Sahithi Patibandla, you have to be very specific with your instructions, since we are in a very tight schedule. 1. What to install exactly2. Where to take it from Yes. I have replied with my observations. These errors are python mem errors.I do not have specific instructions here to go by except to ask again on why NSO-C team is using older M8 build which had been compiled with 22nd March version build NSO build with Official NCS 6.1 installed?ThanksSahithiInstalled official nso 6.1 from cisco software download site Installed official nso-6.1-tsdn-5.0.0-RC packages.Problem remains as is Hi Yevgeny,I restarted the NSO with package reload. I see the packages up with latest buildadmin@ncs> show packages package oper-status upNAME UP----------------------------------cisco-aa-service-assurance Xcisco-cs-sr-te-cfp Xcisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal Xcisco-flat-L3vpn-fp-internal Xcisco-ios-cli-6.86 Xcisco-iosxr-cli-7.46 Xcisco-pm-fp Xcisco-pm-fp-internal Xcisco-rsvp-te-fp Xcisco-sr-te-cfp Xcisco-sr-te-cfp-internal Xcisco-tsdn-core-fp-common Xcore-fp-common Xcore-fp-delete-tag-service Xcore-fp-plan-notif-generator Xcustom-template-utils Xflat-l2vpn-multi-vendors Xflat-l3vpn-multi-vendors Xietf-l2vpn-nm Xietf-l3vpn-nm Xietf-te-fp Xlsa-utils Xpm-multi-vendors Xresource-manager Xrsvp-te-multi-vendors Xsr-te-multi-vendors XPlease let me know if you have any issues.Closing the issue as resolution to load new packages has been established.Official 6.1 installation resolved partial error.ncs restart with package reload resolved rest of the errors.
Delete scenario with commit-queue is false: According to - CSCwb55398, when the commit queue is false, as per DE A-comment, "NSO will markt he plan failed and list the devices that have failed in the commit with the related error message"But the same is not behaviour when trying to delete the service which has one out-of-sync node. That is, when deleting the service which has out-of-sync node, shows only the desired device that is out of sync not all the devices in the commit.
Requested meeting with Submitter.Will demo to submitter that this is expected behavior of NSO.Developer Notes as below:<ins></ins> A device is shutdown or devices global-settings commit-queue ---> enabled-by-default false;<ins></ins>:CASE 1: Editing multiple devices config in the same commit (with OOS device included) will result in a plan with all failed devices showing same error message. (attached screenshot taken on latest build with Netsim)CASE 2: Deleting multiple services in the same commit (with OOS device included) will result in a plan with only OOS Device present in plan and all other devices successfully deleted (attachedscreenshot taken on latest build with Netsim) The explanation below clarifies the doubt.This ticket can be moved to close.Thanks,DineshCustomer needed clarification regarding behavior of TSDN. Clarification was provided. No bugs/issues/fixes/change in code.
No able to boot up NSO 5.5.2.: nso552@nso-ucs-haim1:~/.0.0$ ncs/home/nso552/nso- 589: exec: /home/nso552/nso- Exec format errorPlese see the attached screenshot, what am i doing wrong? It is following your installation instructions
Was using wrong installation archive, please close As mentioned by the reporter , working fine after using the correct installation archive. Hence closing the ticket.
Router NED not supported- ASR 920: Load an L2NM P2P import file from NSO UI, it failed with: TSDN-L2VPN-408 REASON: Router NED not supported CATEGORY: user SEVERITY: ERROR Context [name = Router NED not supported: cisco-ios-cli-6.74:cisco-ios-cli-6.74, message = Missing dynamic device mapping state.Attached with complete screenshot and payload.Is there anything missing in my setup?Devices:ASR920-1-PE717.5.1ASR903-1-PE917.6.1NSO: cfp: 3.0.0 M5
Hello Crystal,Here multi-vendor support is missing for this ned. If we are using any ned-id other than XR CLI (default) we need to set dynamic device mapping for the ned. Please use this wiki for steps to add multivendor support.--RaghaviThanks Raghavi for the info and support. I can proceed now.Like to include the other link you shared here since the fist link I got "page not found" error:
CNC Support and Netconf NED for CNC 3.0 Milestone M5 build: We would need to know about NED versions support for below device version in CNC 3.0 Milestone 5 ( M5).1] Can we manage the device with image?Does the TSDN 3.0.0 M5 NED work for ? or should we go for alone ?2] we would need to know the corresponding NED for the below also.7.0.2 7.1.2 7.2.1 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.4.1IOS XE : 17.5.1 Thanks,Arun.M.G
Please refer to the following page for NED versions support in CNC 3.0 Milestone 5For point 1]: we have validated with . Please refer to the following page for the Devices and Images Used for testing. For point 2: Please refer to the following page for the Device support. In the places where we have "Yes" for IOSXR CLI, the same IOSXR CLI NED (7.33.12) will work for them . Also IOSXE CLI (6.74.2) will work for, the NED ncs-5.5-cisco-iosxr-nc- can used for , 7.3.1 and 7.4.1??on installed packages, i can see as below., ncs-5.5.2-cisco-iosxr_netconf-7.4.1.tar.gz - we can use this for 7.4.1the confusion is for 7.3.1 and, cisco-iosxr-nc-7.3 7.3 - - - X - cisco-iosxr-nc-7.315 7.315 ncs-5.5.2-cisco-iosxr-7.315.tar.gz c81c8124 5.5.2 X - lets us know which one to use for 7.3.1 and,Arun.M.GPlease find the mapping below for the NED and device :ncs-5.5.2-cisco-iosxr_netconf-7.4.1.tar.gz - 7.4.1ncs-5.5-cisco-iosxr-nc- - 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 Please note that we have validated only with 34I. We have not validated with .Please refer to the following page for the Devices and Images Used for testing.
Failedprovisioning due to devices/lsa/dispatch-map/device: Running sanity on the LSA setup I see all our provisioningtests passed successfully with 1 exception: service IETF-RSVP-TE-EXPICIT-ERO-410 failed due to the following error: (taken from the plan errorinfo screen)Service Alarm : Pythoncb_post_modification error. deivce (None) not found in the devices/lsa/dispatch-map/device/te:te/te:tunnels/te:tunnel/te:log/te:log-entryIm not sure which device is missing from dispatch map. Theservice head end is device: PE-C and it seems to appear in the LSA CFSnso-ucs-haim1-vm1 ( CFSnso-ucs-haim1-vm2 ( RFS1nso-ucs-haim1-vm3 ( RFS2Credentials: nso57/ Public1234! SSH:nso57/ Public1234!
Error info can be found here: Hi Shlomi,The config used is missing the tail-end device. Please verify after updating the same.Regards , NishadAssuming adding `tail-end` resolved issue as no response from submitter for past few weeks
Issue with Provisioning RSVP-TE: Name Duplication in deployment
Please provide the details mentioned in the release note: The name shown is a combination of tunnel-name and primary-path name.Please provide more details regarding the issue .Hi, info-request has been pending for over a month.I will drop this ticket as there has been no reply. Please feel free to reopen this ticket when ready to continue.Thanks,Isaac KimNo response for few months. Will close to prevent long-term pending tickets from building up in our queue. Please feel free to reopen when ready to continue.
After service recreation (delete+create) , service provisioning takes more time - ~5 minutes or more: After service recreation (delete+create) , service provisioning takes more time - ~5 minutes or moreSetup: - admin/Admin*123 - cw-admin/Ovatest123@NSO: - nso123/nso123Service name: bundlencs540
Ajitha reached out with another service (which was deleted and then recreated) taking a long time to get provisioned. When looking into this service, on the NSO it looks like service creation is stalled as there is no lifecycle-state information :<blockquote>admin@ncs>show devices device onc-real-new live-status context connectivity-context connectivity-service 6171500c-923c-4e60-9860-f6b8b947a313 lifecycle-state% No entries found.admin@ncs> show ron uuid-lookupRON MLSERVICE UUID----------------------------------------------------9903 6171500c-923c-4e60-9860-f6b8b947a313bundlencs540 de1e357f-b208-4f08-ae5d-49bbeeddd27afreta 94baae3e-0b85-48dc-b1cd-fa1c99fc8156</blockquote>The ONC trace does not show any notifications either.Looking into the ONC, the service data shows the following:<blockquote>{ "uuid": "6171500c-923c-4e60-9860-f6b8b947a313", "name": [ <div class="error"> </div> ], "administrative-state": "UNLOCKED" },</blockquote>This is missing the following info:<blockquote>"operational-state": "ENABLED","lifecycle-state": "INSTALLED"</blockquote>Recommended Ajitha reach out to ONC team for further assistanceAs discussed with Ajitha. The issue is that there is a delay in the lifecycle-state notification from the ONC to the NSO. In the most recent case (service 9903), there was no notification (success or failure) and the service was stalled on the NSO. I suggest reaching out to ONC team for further assistanceDid some more looking into the ONC trace. Copying the relevant ONC notifications with timestamps here. There is ~10 minute delay between the PLANNED and INSTALLED notif from the ONC.<blockquote><<<<in 6-Oct-2021::18:42:42.773 user: admin/274864 thandle 254296 hostname nso123 device onc-real-new session-id=1761<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="2"> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-nmda"> <context xmlns="urn:onf:otcc:yang:tapi-common"> <connectivity-context xmlns="urn:onf:otcc:yang:tapi-connectivity"> <connectivity-service> <uuid>de1e357f-b208-4f08-ae5d-49bbeeddd27a</uuid> <lifecycle-state>PLANNED</lifecycle-state> </connectivity-service> </connectivity-context> </context> </data></rpc-reply><<<<in 6-Oct-2021::18:51:11.825 user: admin/275168 thandle 254687 hostname nso123 device onc-real-new session-id=1828<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="2"> <data xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-netconf-nmda"> <context xmlns="urn:onf:otcc:yang:tapi-common"> <connectivity-context xmlns="urn:onf:otcc:yang:tapi-connectivity"> <connectivity-service> <uuid>de1e357f-b208-4f08-ae5d-49bbeeddd27a</uuid> <lifecycle-state>INSTALLED</lifecycle-state> </connectivity-service> </connectivity-context> </context> </data></rpc-reply></blockquote>As discussed. ONC team to take this forward.
NSO allows Circuit style policy deletion if it is applied to a L2VPN service: NSO allows Circuit style policy Edit/delete, When the CS policy is applied to a L2VPN service. NSO doesn't throw any validation .Every CS policy creates 2 child SR policy (head , tail). NSO allows Edit/Delete of those SR policies. Changes done to child SR policies committed successfully without any error but the changes gets reverted back within a minute to reflect the values as in CS policies. No validation/info message before accepting/after reverting the changes.Please suggest to raise a defect to track.
Hi Ajitha,As discussed on call,Quote "NSO allows Circuit style policy Edit/delete, When the CS policy is applied to a L2VPN service. NSO doesn't throw any validation"Answer: L2VPN does not track CS Policy edit/delete operations. As such, to reflect attached CS changes on L2, you must redeploy the L2 service. This is stated in our documentation : Quote "Every CS policy creates 2 child SR policy (head , tail). NSO allows Edit/Delete of those SR policies. Changes done to child SR policies committed successfully without any error but the changes gets reverted back within a minute to reflect the values as in CS policies. No validation/info message before accepting/after reverting the changes"Answer: As it is for internally generated CFP/FP services, internal services cannot be modified by user. I have updated documentation with this information here :Documentation updated here :
Migrating the Juniper device from NSO 5.5.5 to 5.7.x: How can i migrate a juniper device from NSO 5.5.5 (NED version juniper-junos-nc-4.7 ) to NSO 5.7.5.x
Joby to try the NED from earth server to migrate and will checkin again.Hi , Were you able to migrate Juniper NED?Closing the ticket. No response from the submitter. Assumption is that it is no more an issue.
CAA 5.0 - SH Uni-d Scale setup - Delay Issues in NSO for provisioning l3vpn services: We are scaling the services for SH uni-d scale testing. We have NSO LSA setup installed NSO6.1 , TSDN 5.0.0 M5+ . we have scaled 25777 services of l2vpn and configured 1925 l3vpn services.We have two issues here. 1] As per the CDETS CSCwd26703 and NSO Platform ticket: , we see delay in plan success for L3vpn services . After discussing over Webex yesterday, I have removed Netconf Ned Packages from RFSs. And even after that we see the same issue. NO improvements. The provisioning script for l3vpn services completed by 4:31 PM. Its been more than 2.5 hours now, I still dont see a single service moved to success state. All services provisioned successfully in devices.2] Provisioning of 1925 services takes around 7:28 hours. We are configuring services with 5 concurrent users in 5 different device pairs. Initially, the service provisioning goes fast and gradually the service provisioning time is increasing after 750 services. The provisioning time gradually increases and finaly it reached maximum of 52secs to provision one service.Note: This both issue is not there for provisioning l2vpn p2p ldp or l2vpn p2p evpn services. Ping me for the setup details.Note: Since this is Scale setup, having 27k services, please use the Setup for RO purpose only.Setup: - CFS (nso/Cwork123!) - RFS1 (nso/Cwork123!) - RFS2 (nso/Cwork123!)
Hi Arun, Will be using the labs for read-only purpose.Hi, After following Rama's mail and sreedhar about the CDETS CSCwe21126 , tried configuring l3vpn service service name "TEST" without vpn-profile associated. service went to success state. but, since vpn routes doesnt exchange , it is of no use for SH, i thought of deleting it, but deleting is not happening. hence i tried to modify the service and added vpn-profile and loaded the payload from UI and committed. UI stucks here.Update after debugging: Facing the below NCS issues with CFP M5+ 6.1_221222.073840004.d77df240f707 build.Memory leak and then ncs stop or delete command hangs NCS Arun will upgrading to M6 + Patch Release and the latest NSO to continue testing.Update: Migration to M6 + Patch done. L3NM services getting re-deployed and plan is successfully reached.ThanksSahithi
Unable to use custom-template with NSO6.1: Hi Team,I am trying to add custom-template to L3VPN and getting error.Attaching the screenshot.ct-RPXR.xml<devices xmlns=""><template><name>ct-RPXR</name><ned-id><id xmlns:cisco-iosxr-cli-7.44="">cisco-iosxr-cli-7.44:cisco-iosxr-cli-7.44</id><config><route-policy xmlns=""><name>RP-FOR-COMMUNITY</name><value> if community matches-any ({$COMMUNITY_1}, {$COMMUNITY_2}) thenset extcommunity color COLOR_400endif</value></route-policy></config></ned-id></template></devices>Thanks,Kanchan
Hi Kanchan,Does this custom-templale work on previous NSO version? Or Is this the first time you try this format?i tried this route policy format on device side and it does not take itRP/0/RP0/CPU0:PE1(config)#route-policy TESTRP/0/RP0/CPU0:PE1(config-rpl)#if community matches-any ? ( Begin inline community set parameter Identifier specified in the format: '$' followed by alphanumeric characters WORD Community set nameRP/0/RP0/CPU0:PE1(config-rpl)#if community matches-any (, then ^% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.Regards,LinhHi Linh,Yes it use to work, I just updated with NED version. earlier it was 7.38Thanks,KanchanHi Linh,I figured out that for community variable has to be in format int:int. so with value 66:1,66:2 it is workingThanks,KanchanHi Kanchan,Thanks for the update. It seems device issue and new NED ONLY accept certain format. If there is no other issue, i would like to close the ticketRegards,LinhThanks Linh for the help, you can close the ticket.Regards,KanchanDifferent format is used
Services migration from 5.7.4 m7 to M8: Hi,We have Uni-d scale setup that was created with cw194/CNC202 build having NSO with 5.7.4 M7 Build.We have 10K services are getting monitored.we would like to know if there is any migration procedure or upgrade to M8 with 10k services.Thanks,Arun.M.G
Hi Arun,As per our webex discussion,please follow same steps as per last upgrade .It should work fine.ThanksPriyanka
ELAN /ETREE Provisioning issue - NSO 6.1 - TSDN 5.0.0 M6 - NSO LSA - nso-6.1_230124-tsdn-5.0.0-M6.tar.gz: ELAN /ETREE Provisioning issue - NSO 6.1 - TSDN 5.0.0 M6 - NSO LSASetup: CFS: ( nso/Public1234!)RFS1: ( nso/Public1234!)RFS2: ( nso/Public1234!)CW 280 , Cat 287 and SH 322 combo installed with latest NSO 6.1 TSDN 5.0.0 M6 .We see issue in provisioning ELAN/ETREE services with below error.errors: reason: /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal-site:flat-L2vpn-internal-site-service{L2NM-MG-EVPN-MP-ELAN-2345-internal ASR9006-SDN-128_a1}/flat-L2vpn-evpn-multipoint/site{ASR9006-SDN-128_a1}/split-horizon: the 'when' expression "../leaf" failederrors: reason: /cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-internal-site:flat-L2vpn-internal-site-service{L2NM-MG-EVPN-MP-ETREE-internal ASR9006-SDN-91_a1}/flat-L2vpn-evpn-multipoint/site{ASR9006-SDN-91_a1}/split-horizon: the 'when' expression "../leaf" failedAttached payload and snapshotsNOte: this was working fine in NSO 6.1 M5+ patch. We already had this same issue in NS 6.1 M5+ eng build 1. This got fixed in M5+ patch eng build 2. This was working fine in M5+ patch ebg build 2. CDETS: CSCwe00052 .Again we are seeing this issue in latest build Nso 6.1 M6. this is breakage again.NOte: we dont see this issue in NSO Standalone setup. Issue in NSO LSA setup.Raised CDETS : CSCwe28974
Hi Arun, I just verified this issue in the lastest build and it was fixed. It should include in the next handoff build.Thanks,LinhFixed in the handoff build Feb 8, 2023
RSVP-TE tunnel services failed with Python cb_post_modification error. deivce (None) not found in the devices/lsa/dispatch-map/device: RSVP-TE tunnel services (from PE-A to PE-B and vice versa) from LSA setup - services failed with Python cb_post_modification error. deivce (None) not found in the devices/lsa/dispatch-map/device.Thanks Sahithi for helping and requested to create the ticket - please see all of the attached snapshots for more info.Credentials:CNC: (GUI: admin/Public123!) (ssh: cw-admin/Cwork123!)CFS: (nso/Vtsisco@123!)RFS-1: (nso/Vtsisco@123!)RFS-2: (nso/Vtsisco@123!)please let me know if you need any other info.Thanks and regards,-Quy
Connected with the user and found that the rsvp-te services were missing the tail-end property and hence the issue was coming. After adding the tail-end property, the plan was marked as reached.Quick comment regarding the issue with missing the 'tail-end' - from the GUI, this field is not mandatory - is this possible to make this as mandatory attribute? Please see the attached screenshot.
Error of unsupported NED after CFP Upgraded from 3.0 to 4.0: Followed the procedure to upgrade NSO and CFP. After upgraded, tried to enable monitoring on an existing L2VPN service, got the error as below:Unknown error (66): cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp-no-shutdown-iosxr-cli.xml:6 will not apply template to device AA-NCS5501-2 with unsupported ned-id: cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39:cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39note:as part of upgrade procedure, the device AA-NCS5501-2 ned was migrated from cisco-iosxr-cli-7.33 to cisco-iosxr-cli-7.39
Attached L2VPN service payload Hi Jason, I would need access to your system to debug this further. Just a note, TSDN 4.1 supports 7.40.1 XR CLI NED, so I would suggest to use that version when upgrading.Thanks,Isaac KimHi Isaac, I've migrated the CLI NED to 7.40 on my testbed and it works fine now. We may need to update 4.1 - M9 migration wiki on Step 3Sounds good, I will update the wiki and mark this as resolved. Let us know if you find any other issues.Thanks,Isaac Kimwiki updated
TMTC script execution fails with permission errors for non-admin and with admin errors out to check NCT is installed: TMTC script execution fails with permission errors for non-admin and with admin user errors out to check NCT is installedadmin@rfc-1:~/TM-TC-5.0.0-270/LSA/RFS$ python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 38, in <module> LOG = create_log() File "", line 23, in create_log logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_NAME) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/logging/_<em>init</em>", line 1973, in basicConfig h = FileHandler(filename, mode) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/logging/_<em>init</em><em>.py", line 1143, in __init</em>_ StreamHandler._<em>init</em>_(self, self._open()) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/logging/_<em>init</em>", line 1172, in _open return open(self.baseFilename, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding)PermissionError: Permission denied: '/home/admin/TM-TC-5.0.0-270/LSA/RFS/tmtc.log'During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 40, in <module> raise Exception("Error in creating logger, please check user permission")Exception: Error in creating logger, please check user permissionadmin@rfc-1:~/TM-TC-5.0.0-270/LSA/RFS$ sudo python3 2023-02-14 12:05:37,003 - tmtc - INFO - nct command in not found on the setup. Please make sure NCT is installed
Hi Gomathi,Which NSO install mode that you installled? It seem you did not have sudo privileges for the user that you run the comand.Also please share you setup info so I could take a look.Regards,Linh Hi Linh,I used RFS NSO setup mode for installation. I tried to assign all permissions to the TMTC folder. Executed with sudo user admin as well as mentioned in below email. It does not work. Sure, let me unicast my setup details to you.Thanks,Gomathi.Have a web call with Gomathi and the user permission is misconfigured. After fixing that the install went through fine. I close the ticketRegards,Linhsome steps were missing in test wiki. After executing the tmtc script with sudo user admin added to groups and deleting old cdb from nso it works fine. Updated the test wiki with this changes as well.
L2VPN over CS pushes Preferred path SR policy name same as in NSO instead of "srte-" format: Tested in build NSO 6.1 M6Setup - - xrd1/xrd1L2VPN EVPN VPWS over CS pushes preferred path SR policy config names as (CS-CS-DYNAMIC-880-head-end-internal, CS-CS-DYNAMIC-880-tail-end-internal) instead of SR policy name format "srte_c_560_ep_100.100.100.5_discr_100".Kindly suggest to track the issue with defect.
Went over with Ajitha on call. We will convert this ticket to a CDETS. Will prioritize fix for upcoming patch release. Thanks.CDETS was created for same issue. Issue was fixed.
Add keep-alive option for Restconf stream: Requirement is coming from an issue observed at a customer POC.At CNC, one of the NSO notifications mechanism used is Restconf service-state-changes stream:/restconf/streams/service-state-changes/jsonAs the request expected to remain open for a long time, it is hard to detect connections and networking interruptions, which sometime cause the request to remain open, where the actual connection to NSO stream is not connected, and not receiving NSO notifications.The request from NSO is to add optional request parameter to Restconf stream SSE (server sent events): keep-alive, with value of interval in seconds, for example:/restconf/streams/service-state-changes/json?keep-alive=30This is expected to send comment :keepalive message to the client every 30 seconds, or by the interval parameter.This is per commonly recommended mechanism to keep the request alive:This way, the client can read the keep-alive messages, and detect whether connection is alive.Similarly it is used by PCE for SSE, which is parsed at topo-svc at Cisco COE.Request is to add this option by NSO.
Hello Liran,Will discuss with team.ThanksHello Liran,This enhancement request seems to be a NSO platform related request. As such, I will raise an NSO platform RT.Thanks,Isaac KimHello , would you be able to share which NSO version you observed this behavior on?Need NSO version to create NSO platform RTThank you. At customer POC, it was NSO 5.5.2. It is observed sometimes in several NSO versions, current NSO version is For the NSO platform RT - the request is to support it in the upcoming CNC 4.0 NSO version, currently - or the expected NSO version for CNC 4.0.Thank you for the information, will raise the request shortly. I believe we are moving to NSO 5.7 starting TSDN 4.0 M2, so I will put the requested fix build version to that.Hi Liran, I have posted the NSO RT enhancement request, and I received the following reply:Hi!Since you use 5.5.2 let me begin with pointing to this CDETS ticket - We have released the following patches for NSO containing LOG4j,,, the changes note regarding keepalive:<ul class="alternate" type="square">"In rare cases RESTCONF subscriptions, where the subscriber terminates without tearing down the connection correctly, could lead to ports and internal processes not closing/terminating as they should. The two config settings '/ncs-config/webui/transport/keepalive' and '/ncs-config/webui/transport/keepalive-timeout' have been added to handle this. Setting keepalive to true will ask the host OS to detect future lingering ports and instruct the server to periodically send comment messages (":keepalive test") over the subscription channels. The 'keepaliveTimeout' can be used to specify the frequency of the messages. Note that subscribers must be able to handled these new messages!"Available in 5.3.5, 5.4.5, 5.5.3, 5.6 and later versions./NickAs we will be moving to NSO 5.7 starting TSDN 4.0 M2, I assume jthat the fix for this keepalive will be implemented for next milestone release.For now, I will close this ticket as the solution is expected to arrive in next milestone release.If you face this issue again with next milestone release, please feel free to reopen this ticket and I will follow up on the NSO Platform RT enhancement request.Thanks,Isaac KimHi,I tested it with NSO CNC 4.0 M2, and it is working.Solution is being adopted by CNC client.Since this configuration is not listed in NSO Core Function Pack - TSDN 4.0.0 - M2 Release, , the request here is to add these configuration at the official installation instructions.Requesting to add it to installation instructions of CNC 4.0 M3 and higher, and if possible to CNC 4.0 M2 as well.Enable keepalive, and set it to 30 seconds for tcp and ssl:<webui><enabled>true</enabled><transport><tcp><enabled>true</enabled><ip></ip><port>8080</port><keepalive>true</keepalive><keepalive-timeout>30</keepalive-timeout></tcp><ssl><enabled>true</enabled><ip></ip><port>8888</port><key-file>${NCS_DIR}/var/ncs/webui/cert/host.key</key-file><cert-file>${NCS_DIR}/var/ncs/webui/cert/host.cert</cert-file><keepalive>true</keepalive><keepalive-timeout>30</keepalive-timeout></ssl></transport>And on the same subject if you can review additional additions to installation instructions:<ul class="alternate" type="square">Enable SSL:<ssl> <enabled>true</enabled>Disable xpath-trace-log (cause performance degradation in high scale):<xpath-trace-log> <enabled>false</enabled>Install DLM package. For this, as it is needed for CNC, if you found it ok, can refer to its wiki page / documentation:DLM NSO Service Pack - ThanksHello Liran,After discussing with team, it has been concluded that keepalive can help in certain edge cases, but is not a required configuration for T-SDN. keepalive can be added as optional config as stated in NSO documentation "nso_man-5.7.pdf" (page 477) to help cover such scenarios. We do not add optional ncs.conf configuration to our install guide and only include required changes to allow T-SDN functionality. But we do recognize that it can be hard to find ncs.conf parameters in NSO docs, so we will add a reference to NSO docs ncs.conf man page in the install wiki for optional configuration.This will apply to ssl ncs.conf enable flag as well. We do not enable by default, but user can define if they would like. For xpath-trace-log, this is disabled by default for system-install but enabled by default for local-install. As local-install is typically used for testing and demos, xpath-trace-log is enabled to assist with debugging. For scale we always recommend to disable xpath-trace-log. There has been request from team to not include this in our install procedure. DLM is not a dependency for T-SDN core solution. So we will not be adding it to our wikis.I hope this helps clarify the decision that the team has made. If you have any questions or comments about this decision, please feel free to reply to this thread.Thanks,Isaac Kim
Device list issue on TSDN CFP M2 release.: For device list we got recommendation to use the same path "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map/lsa-utils:device/lsa-utils:name" that works in LSA or non-LSA setup. But using this path we have issue in the JSON RPC query API to make the filter functionality work. And also the RFS nodes are returned in the device list.
Hi Demeke,Please provide the JSON RPC query you were using earlier and the current query.Regards,NishadHi Nishad, This is the current query request,{"params": {"path": "/ncs:devices/device","selection": ["name"],"result_as": "string","xpath_expr": "device[contains(name,"-5")]","context_node": "/ncs:devices","initial_offset": 1,"chunk_size": 50,"th": 6},"jsonrpc": "2.0","id": 91,"method": "query"}And currently on the above request the issue is replacing the path parameter with the recommended path '/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map/lsa-utils:device/lsa-utils:name'. Please note listing is fine the issue on filtering.Thanks,Demeke.Hi Demeke,We can use the following queries to get the remote / local nodes : To get the devices on remote node : "xpath_expr": "device[ boolean(remote-node) ]"} }', "path": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map/lsa-utils:device", "context_node": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map",To get the devices on local node : "xpath_expr": "device[ boolean(local) ]"} }', "path": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map/lsa-utils:device", "context_node": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map",Please find the attached file for examples.Regards,NishadHi Nishad,We want to filter devices by name and your suggestion below is not helping our usecase.However using the path and context node params from you request, "path": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map/lsa-utils:device","context_node": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map" is actually working for listing and filtering. The following is how we constructed the API request and please confirm the usage, {"params":{"path":"/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map/lsa-utils:device","selection":,"result_as":"string","xpath_expr":"device","context_node":"/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map","initial_offset":1,"chunk_size":50,"th":1},"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":47,"method":"query"} And also I still see the issue in the device list sending the RFS nodes in the device list.Please refer the screenshot that shows the issue in NSO UI.Thanks,Demeke.Hi Demeke,The query you mentioned doesnot filter the RFS nodes.For example , below expression needs to be changed."xpath_expr":"device" --<del>> changed in case of </del>--> "xpath_expr":"device"Thanks,NishadHi Nishad, It seems like we need to have a quick meeting to close all the gaps.I will schedule a meeting for tomorrow please feel free to forward for anyone appropriate. Thanks,Demeke.Hi,Had a webex meeting with the submitter and agreed to provide a unified query for both LSA and non-LSA case.Provided the same over email."xpath_expr": "device","path": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map/lsa-utils:device","context_node": "/ncs:devices/lsa-utils:lsa/lsa-utils:dispatch-map"Thanks,NishadHi ,Provided the query parameters over the email. Submitter confirmed that the query works fine with the provided input.Email communication attached.Regards,Nishad
CNC3.0:Incorrect Failed-Msg for update service over OOS node replace by Online node: 1. Provision a failed L2VPN service with one of the service node as OOS (with commit queue async)2. Edit the service thereby to change the OOS node to a online node. 3. Perform usual commit changes4. The service would be found "Success" in the provisioning NSO5. But any subsequent config change always lead to Plan-failure with "OOS Device Out-of-sync" Error message.6. Even after OOS node synced with NSO, the error message still seen in the plan-state.Kindly verify the enclosed plan-state of the service detailing the above steps.When delete the particular service, it leads to zombie service.The error recovery steos re-deploy does not help all the time when there is an update in the service.admin@ncs> show zombies as follows, referring the node OOS.zombies service /flat-L2vpn-internal-local-site-service delete-path /flat-L2vpn-internal-local-site-service
Please provide the payload used for the same. Also Please elaborate the point 3 regarding the changes done and the error recovery steps followed. You can find the error recovery procedures in the following page: Payload is enclosed. Please refer the plan status regarding the changes done. As already mentioned in the point 2. CDETs for this issue was filed: The CDETs is now resolved and fix will be released with TSDN 3.0 M7
NSO Services not clearing up after sync-from: I am working on CNC automation and as part of the script, creating some services/policies. The steps followed are:1.Install CW cluster2.Copy day0 config to devices which is clean (does not have any pre-existing policies/services)3.Perform NSO sync-from4.Create L2/L3 Vpn policies. 5.Perform some operations based on testcase scenarios6.NOTE: I am not deleting the services at the end of the run, as we generally want preserve the state for debugging.In successive runs , I am observing that even after steps 2 and 3, the NSO still has stale entries of services created in previous runs.As a result, creation of services are failing and blocking rest of the testcases.Expectation is that NSO should have cleaned up the entries after step 3 sync-from.When I check NSO:1.There are no zombies2.Service check-sync is red.3.However, devices showing stale service counts and check-sync is green. Not clear on this discrepancy from service check-sync.Pls let me know if I am missing some step here?NSO version: version:
Scheduled meeting with submitter for 11:30amHello all,Just finished the webex meeting with Radhika and wanted to clarify the issue that was happening here. T-SDN services do not automatically remove themselves if the device configurations are cleaned up and the user does a device sync-from. The user is expected to explicitly delete T-SDN services to clean up the setup if the intent is to remove the services.Thanks,Regi
NSO HA with Availability Zones in different subnet doesnt form HA: NSO HA with Availability Zones in different subnet doesnt form HASetup:Jump host - root/Cwork123!NSO - and - nsoaz1/Cnc@1234NSO VIP - help troubleshoot further
In-progress. Working with Ajitha and verifying initial HA settingsHi Ajitha. I just copied my VM and replace your old ones and I was able to establish a working L2 HA.As for setting HA from different subnets using L3 BGP HA, please follow the instrunctions from below:Thank you,AbeInitialized her testbed VMs and was able to establish L2 HA. For L3 BGP HA, instructed to follow this guide Thank you so much Abe for troubleshooting and fixing the setup. Just one thing, I could not see the VIP IP ( in the ens160 interface and also i could not SSH using the VIP IP as well. Would you please help check the same and to add FQDN name with DNS -
Scale - Service provisioning -- It is taking 4.5 to 5 hours to configure 1000 services ( l2vpn , L2vpn SRTE , L3vpn , L3vpn with SRTE): Hi,we have TSDN 4.0.0 M6. CW 194, COE 214 , CAT 202 , SH 250 installedNSO LSA setup: 1 CFS with 2 RFS.we have 60 devices topology.working on Uni-d Scale tetsing for SH. we are in progress of creating 12k services across 48 devices. 31 devices in RFS-1 and 29 devices in RFS-2.we create the services sequentially one by one . as per the wiki, we have configured the commit-queue disabled in RFS.we had a debug session with Priyanka shanrma and as per the suggesion we had ncs config with Rollback false.we have tried as per Priyanka's suggestion to try with enabling commit-queue in RFS. in NSO RFS, with commit-queue enabled , it is taking 2 to 3 seconds to configuring one service.. but while provisioning multiple services next by next, keeping asusual delay of 3 sec is failing to configure the Services with error that another commit in progress in, obviously we have to increase the delay to a number where it has to finish the commit in devices. So, again, it ended up into the same time now. Hence I have modified the setting back to commit-queue disabled.After reducing the delay to 3 secs delay interval between the service creation, with single user, having commit-quete disabled, it was 4.5 hours to configure 1000 services. Thanks,Arun.M.G
Missed to add few details in the description.Actually, it is taking average of 15 seconds to configure a single service. and we have a delay interval with 3 sec between the service, in one min , it is 3 to 4 services.In 60 mins, it is average of 180 to 240 services.So, to configure 1000 services, it take 4.5 to 5 hours.Hi Arun ,I talked to Solution test team and here scale results : For CNC 3.0 scale for l2nm service for single service it was 26 sec .In your lab CNC 4.0 we see close to 20 sec per service.As discussed earlier what you see is expected.If you want to reach higher numbers as suggested before, please do scale tests in batches .For example, 25 services then some wait time or plan to be up then next set of services .Thanks,Priyanka
Not able to create ODN policy on IOS XE Device though i have dynamic mapping: Not able to create ODN policy on IOS XE Device though i have dynamic mappingadmin@ncs% *** ALARM commit-through-queue-failed: Commit queue item 1652886496670 has failed: RPC error towards RFS-1: operation_failed: for /cisco-sr-te-cfp-internal:sr-te/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-odn-internal:odn/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-odn-internal:odn-template: /sr-te/cisco-sr-te-cfp-sr-odn-internal:odn/odn-template: Python cb_validate error. STATUS_CODE: TSDN-SR-408REASON: Router NED not supportedCATEGORY: userSEVERITY: ERRORContext [name = Router NED not supported: cisco-ios-cli-6.77:cisco-ios-cli-6.77, message = Missing dynamic device mappingstate = {'Device': '', 'Service': 'ODN-ASR903-Original', 'Device NED ID': 'cisco-ios-cli-6.77:cisco-ios-cli-6.77'}]admin@ncs%i have dynamic mapping already:admin@ncs% show cisco-sr-te-cfp:cfp-configurationsdynamic-device-mapping cisco-ios-cli-6.77:cisco-ios-cli-6.77 {python-impl-class-name sr_te_multi_vendors.IosXE;}device also mapped to same ned:admin@ncs% show devices device device-typecli {ned-id cisco-ios-cli-6.77;}show tech copied @ /ws/shbalu-sjc/M5cfp-cfs-rfs/RFS show tech: rfs/data_051822_161115.tgzCFS show tech: cfs/data_051822_161058.tgz
Hello, please verify your bootstrap configuration on your RFS Node. Wiki page here has troubleshooting steps:Reporter followed wiki steps above to fix mapping issue. Reporter is using automated steps to bring up LSA. The automated steps may not be following the wiki accurately. Reporter wants to --> review the automation code vs wiki steps and get back. Closing ticket after agreement with Reporter that the wiki has clear, defined steps written in the correct order which need to be followed to bring up LSA.The automated steps being used by Reporter may not be following the wiki pages accurately. Reporter wants to --> review the automation code vs wiki steps and get back.Closing ticket after agreement with Reporter that the wiki has clear, defined steps written in the correct order which need to be followed to bring up LSA.
Unable to enter into config mode in NSO CFS node : Issue Description: Followed the below link and tried installing NSO CFS node. After installtion when i tried to set the NACM rule, tried to login into ncs_cli -u admin mode and from there i am unable to get into the config more, I have only two options, exit and quit. Below NCS Cli response is for reference. nso1@nso1-virtual-machine:~$ ncs_cli -u adminUser admin last logged in 2023-06-13T06:50:23.737817+00:00, to nso1-virtual-machine, from using cli-sshadmin connected from using ssh on nso1-virtual-machineadmin@ncs> config-----------^syntax error: expecting exit - Exit the management session quit - Exit the management sessionadmin@ncs>
Just to update: Post System reboot, the issue works fine. But before reboot we had only the below changes were done. usermod -a -G ncsadmin nso1 - this we did it during Ncs package installation itself, but to confirm this second time also we performed the same operation.Apart from the above, in the sudoers file we have the entries added that was missing earlier. <ol>User privilege specificationroot ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALLadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALLnso1 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL</ol>Not sure, how this is related to the issue and it fixed. Hi Krishnaraj,The user that use to install NSO must be a member of sudo group. In your case here if you use user 'nso1' to install NSO, and this user must be add in /etc/sudoers. Then this user need to logout and login for change to take in effect.Regards,LinhHi Krishnaraj,I am going to close this ticket if you don't have any question.Thanks,Linh
Need to access RONCFPSD-507: These were decisions which we learnt it much later through .
Hello, access has been granted. Please verify.Hello, please let us know if ticket maybe resolved. If no response is received, ticket will be closed EOD 8/25/2023. Given access to customer. Resolving ticket.
Rewrite displays only after clicking on VPN Network access Edit icon: While creating L2VPN EVPN ELAN/ETREE service, After giving VPN Network access- connection - dot1q, rewrite appears only after editing the same entry.This was working on 5.7.3 - M6 (rewrite automatically appears while selecting dot1q) Observed only in 5.7.4 - M6
Hi Ajitha,It's always been the case where "rewrite" is only configurable when "c-vlan-id" is specified. Are you seeing the same issue on NSO UI?Thanks,RegiFaced the same observation in NSO as well. In 5.7.3 M6, rewrite appears as soon as dot1q is selected in drop down. But in 5.7.4 M6, rewrite appears only after providing c-vlan-id. Attached screenshot. Hmm, seems there was a change between NSO 5.7.3 -> 5.7.4, but seems like the behavior in 5.7.3 was a bug and how 5.7.4 is the expected behavior
Load merge has a specific error:: I see load merge has a specific error: admin@ncs% load merge SR-status-codes_test.xmlError: on line 2: unknown element: status-code-cfp in /cfp-common-status-codes:status-code-cfpSection : Configure Bootstrap data
This is impacting our CNC NetConf validation. Please provide correct namespace url as a work around.Hi Siva,Did you do "unhide debug" before commiting ?ThanksPriyankaHi Siva,I am closing the ticket now.As discussed over webex you are unblocked after "unhide debug" .ThanksPriyankaRequest you to check documentation carefully in future.ThanksPriyanka
Mapping the xpath from L3VPN-flat model to NM model: We need help with one of the xpath parameter: peer-vpn-addr-listRight now, we use the below xpath to get its value: ".//flat-L3vpn/endpoint[access-pe='{device}']/pe-ip-addr" (example value: or with address and mask-length) In case, if the flat model is removed, we couldnt find the concrete way to get the path for this param as there are different variations I can see as shown below:(Few examples):devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface/Loopback/ip/address/primary/address (example: <address></address>) devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface/Loopback/ip/address/primary/mask (example: <mask></mask>) devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface/ Loopback/ipv4/address/ip (example: <ip></ip>) devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface/ Loopback/ipv4/address/mask (example: <mask></mask>) 3) devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface-configurations/ interface-configuration/ipv4-network/addresses/primary/address (example: <address></address>) devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface-configurations/ interface-configuration/ipv4-network/addresses/primary/netmask (example: <netmask></netmask>) 4) devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface/ GigabitEthernet-subinterface/ GigabitEthernet/ ipv4/ address/ip (example: <ip></ip>) devices/device[key={device}]/config/interface/ GigabitEthernet-subinterface/ GigabitEthernet/ ipv4/ address/mask (example: <mask></mask>)Could you please help us in getting the concrete path?Thanks,
Hi Jason, You would be able to get the pe-ip-addr from below xpath w.r.t to L3NM model./l3vpn-ntw/vpn-services/vpn-service/vpn-nodes/vpn-node/vpn-network-accesses/vpn-network-access/ip-connection/ipv4/static-addresses/address/provider-address 24Let me know if you would want the info only from the device path?ThanksSahithi
DLM FP is not listed in the packages version: NSO details: :DLM_SERVICE_PACK=CNC_NSO_FP_VERSION=NCS_VERSION=Steps to reproduce:1.sudo user login2.wget 3.cp cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gz /opt/ncs/packages/.4.cp cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gz /var/opt/ncs/packages/.5.exit the sudo user mode.6. ncs_cli -u admin7.request packages packages package package-version
Hello, Please update the symlink for dlm under /var/opt/ncs/packages/ and reload packages (Sreenshot attached showing missing symlink)Please refer to wiki step -> Please let us know if this helps.Regards,Janaki DuggiralaActions taken in this ticket:1. Copy over package cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gz under /home/admin to /opt/ncs/packages 2. Create Softlinks using commandsudo ln -sf /opt/ncs/packages/cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gz /var/opt/ncs/packages/cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gz3. Run command for NSO restart and package reload as belowadmin@ubuntu2004:~$ sudo NCS_RELOAD_PACKAGES=force /etc/init.d/ncs restart4. DLM Package did not come up in NSO5. Untar the package cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gz6. The package dlm-svc is created under folder standalone/packages - This is incorrect. The dlm-svc must be tar balled properly.7. I have re-created the tar ball correctly and redone steps 1-3. NSO now has DLM package but it is in Error State.packages package cw-dlm-fp oper-status program-code-error oper-status error-info [ LOAD_PACKAGE ]DLM package needs fixing.DLM_SERVICE_PACK=is incomplete package, we are creating a new DLM service packSTEPS Taken<ol>Download the latest DLM_SERVICE_PACK with CNC 6.0 and NSO 6.1.2Untar the packageThe package ncs-6.1.2-dlm-svc-6.0.0-41.tar.gz is created under folder standalone/packagesCopyncs-6.1.2-dlm-svc-6.0.0-41.tar.gz to/opt/ncs/packagessudo mkdir backupssudo mv cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gz ../backups/sudo rm /var/opt/ncs/packages/cw-dlm-fp-nso-6.1.20230706.aaffaf5b.tar.gzsudo ln -sf /opt/ncs/packages/ncs-6.1.2-dlm-svc-6.0.0-41.tar.gz /var/opt/ncs/packages/ncs-6.1.2-dlm-svc-6.0.0-41.tar.gzsudo NCS_RELOAD_PACKAGES=force /etc/init.d/ncs restart 2054ncs_cli -C -u adminshow packages package oper-statuspackages package dlm-svc oper-status up</ol>dlm-svc version is showing in NSO host satya we were using below mentioned because of it is updated in Crosswork status file we used it. Thanks for information. DLM_SERVICE_PACK= We will use the package which you have mentioned and checked the nso dlm was reflected .Thanks you can close the case. one correction new service pack is
Unable to update slice template: Hi,While updating the slice template, getting below error in NSO UI.Error:[{"Context":"[name = Invalid update, message = 'slo-sle-template' cannot be updated state = {'Keypath': '/ietf-nss:network-slice-services/slo-sle-templates/slo-sle-template{Test-FwdPP-2}'}]","Category":" validation","Message":" STATUS_CODE: TSDN-IETF-NSS-418","Severity":" ERROR","StatusCode":"Python cb_pre_modification error. TSDN-IETF-NSS-418","Reason":" The update of this element is not supported"}]
Hi Magnesh,As you see from error message,the slo-sle-template is not allowed to update. It is by design.If you like to change parameters for slo-sle-template, you need to delete it and create it again.Regards,LinhHi Linh,Update on slice template was working in earlier versions. Is this a restriction introduced in this release?Regards,MageshThis is added later after 5.0 M7.-Linh
Upgrade from TSDN 3.0 to TSDN 4.0 fails: We have an NSO with TSDN 3.0 RC CFP. It is scale setup with 200K flat L2VPN, flat L3VPN. We are upgrading this to NCS 5.7.3 with M6. We followed step 2b as per the wiki. In step no 2b, i lost connectivity to NSO.Setup : - cnctest/Ovatest123@I can see following error message in devel.log<INFO> 17-May-2022::23:58:12.861 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: devel-cdb upgrade: revision: cisco-flat-L2vpn-fp@2021-09-28<INFO> 18-May-2022::00:06:17.284 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: devel-cdb position before/at failure: undefinedHelp us in upgrading the setup to CNC 4.0
Hello Ramakrishna, the Redeploy is expected to take 40-50 mins with no connectivity to NSO during that time since upgrade is taking place. Please let us if any other errors observed during the reload (step 2B). When I logged into your setup I see all the packages up and running successfully.I moved on to step 5 in the wiki - Installed 5.7.3. This is a scale setup with 200K L2VPN/L3VPN services. NCS did not start within timeout. I could not start it again, since 4569 port is already in use. How to move forward, Is the NSO starting up or not. i see following error message in ncs.log<ERR> 19-May-2022::04:29:34.423 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: - The dependency node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config/attention-led' for node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config' in module 'tailf-ncs' does not exist<ERR> 19-May-2022::04:29:34.424 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: - The dependency node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config/auto-reset-disable' for node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config' in module 'tailf-ncs' does not exist<ERR> 19-May-2022::04:29:34.464 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: - The dependency node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config/attention-led' for node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config' in module 'tailf-ncs' does not exist<ERR> 19-May-2022::04:29:34.464 cnc-scale-nso-190 ncs: - The dependency node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config/auto-reset-disable' for node '/ncs:devices/device/config/Cisco-IOS-XR-hw-module-cfg:hw-module/nodes/node/config' in module 'tailf-ncs' does not existHi Ramakrishnan, $ cat /etc/systemd/system/ncs.service.d/startup-timeout.confTimeoutStartSec=4800$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload$ sudo systemctl show ncs | grep ^Timeout. > it was 5 min .TimeoutStopUSec=5minThe ncs is up on your set up after upgrade.But packages are not coming up as you have not followed NCS installation prerequisites.I have updated python3 on your lab to make packages up, These are basic CNC prerequisites.Your lab is successfully upgraded.Please read the documentation carefully in the future for right python version.ThanksPriyankaHi Priyanka,Thanks for fixing. So currently is in proper state to use for testing ? I tried logging into its UI () but it's not accepting previous password (cnctest/Ovatest123@). For CLI login, it's working. It was same NSO which you have recommended 20 min startup time during CNC2.0 scale testing. Then during upgrade to RC 3.0 last release, we have made this to 3hr to make NCS come up. So 1hr 20 min is recommended standard setting for scale we should follow ? Now to upgrade this to M6, Ramakrishna followed the steps as mentioned in "M6 - CFP Upgrade from 3.0 to 4.0" wiki (some steps have changed in this wiki 1 or 2 days back after he attempted). During the process of upgrade, some of these settings are coming back to default. We may need to mention these notes/pre-requisites (including linking right python version) in Upgrade steps as well. I think it may be good to have links/pointers added here as well for troubleshooting common failures during upgrade as a reference.Thank You !!-Sreedhar.Hi Sreedhar,The following setting in ncs.conf will fix the UI login issue. <pam> <enabled>true</enabled> <service>system-auth</service> </pam>I have restarted ncs after above change The reason for increased time in your NSO as during CNC 2.0 time your cdb was not this huge .This time it was 23 GB as these numbers are not fixed, I increased it incrementally to make it work .for now, this is 1 hr 20 min and is working fine.Also one more thing - if it's your scale lab - I wonder why all debugging is turned on, that's also one reason it was taking too long to start. Sure, will add these points to the wiki. Also, make sure wiki is read by the team as even those pointers like pre requisites which are documented are also not been read and JSD has been opened for similar issues multiple times.Appreciate it if everyone does their part diligently.ThanksPriyankaWorking UI Screenshot Working UI screenshot added and also troubleshooting section added :Hi Priyanka,Great !! Highly Appreciate your support (Right from CNC 2.0, You have helped us change many settings on this machine as per the requirements of growing scale. Without that could not have reached this scale) and help in bringing up this NSO with large scale of 300K VPN services. Yes agreed definitely we (COE folks) are lacking in knowledge on NSO (especially upgrades) due to limited use. Sure, we will check the updated wiki's. Purposefully with our knowledge, no debugs are enabled. May be as part of troubleshooting, it may be added after case was raised. I hope these debugs are stopped now to avoid any future restart issues.Thanks Again !!-Sreedhar.One quick question. How do I disable 'Debug' messages in this setup.