[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We investigate triangular arbitrage within the spot foreign exchange market\nusing high-frequency executable prices. We show that triangular arbitrage\nopportunities do exist, but that most have short durations and small\nmagnitudes. We find intra-day variations in the number and length of arbitrage\nopportunities, with larger numbers of opportunities with shorter mean durations\noccurring during more liquid hours. We demonstrate further that the number of\narbitrage opportunities has decreased in recent years, implying a corresponding\nincrease in pricing efficiency. Using trading simulations, we show that a\ntrader would need to beat other market participants to an unfeasibly large\nproportion of arbitrage prices to profit from triangular arbitrage over a\nprolonged period of time. Our results suggest that the foreign exchange market\nis internally self-consistent and provide a limited verification of market\nefficiency.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-fin.ST]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The distribution of trade sizes and trading volumes are investigated based on\nthe limit order book data of 22 liquid Chinese stocks listed on the Shenzhen\nStock Exchange in the whole year 2003. We observe that the size distribution of\ntrades for individual stocks exhibits jumps, which is caused by the number\npreference of traders when placing orders. We analyze the applicability of the\n\"$q$-Gamma\" function for fitting the distribution by the Cram\\'{e}r-von Mises\ncriterion. The empirical PDFs of trading volumes at different timescales\n$\\Delta{t}$ ranging from 1 min to 240 min can be well modeled. The\napplicability of the $q$-Gamma functions for multiple trades is restricted to\nthe transaction numbers $\\Delta{n}\\leqslant8$. We find that all the PDFs have\npower-law tails for large volumes. Using careful estimation of the average tail\nexponents $\\alpha$ of the distribution of trade sizes and trading volumes, we\nget $\\alpha>2$, well outside the L{\\'e}vy regime.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-fin.ST]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The usual development of the continuous-time random walk (CTRW) proceeds by\nassuming that the present is one of the jumping times. Under this restrictive\nassumption integral equations for the propagator and mean escape times have\nbeen derived. We generalize these results to the case when the present is an\narbitrary time by recourse to renewal theory. The case of Erlang distributed\ntimes is analyzed in detail. Several concrete examples are considered.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-fin.ST]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Based on empirical financial time-series, we show that the \"silence-breaking\"\nprobability follows a super-universal power law: the probability of observing a\nlarge movement is inversely proportional to the length of the on-going\nlow-variability period. Such a scaling law has been previously predicted\ntheoretically [R. Kitt, J. Kalda, Physica A 353 (2005) 480], assuming that the\nlength-distribution of the low-variability periods follows a multiscaling power\nlaw.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-fin.ST]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We present a nonlinear stochastic differential equation (SDE) which mimics\nthe probability density function (PDF) of the return and the power spectrum of\nthe absolute return in financial markets. Absolute return as a measure of\nmarket volatility is considered in the proposed model as a long-range memory\nstochastic variable. The SDE is obtained from the analogy with earlier proposed\nmodel of trading activity in the financial markets and generalized within the\nnonextensive statistical mechanics framework. The proposed stochastic model\ngenerates time series of the return with two power law statistics, i.e., the\nPDF and the power spectral density, reproducing the empirical data for the one\nminute trading return in the NYSE.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-fin.ST]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In contrast with traditional video, omnidirectional video enables spherical\nviewing direction with support for head-mounted displays, providing an\ninteractive and immersive experience. Unfortunately, to the best of our\nknowledge, there are few visual quality assessment (VQA) methods, either\nsubjective or objective, for omnidirectional video coding. This paper proposes\nboth subjective and objective methods for assessing quality loss in encoding\nomnidirectional video. Specifically, we first present a new database, which\nincludes the viewing direction data from several subjects watching\nomnidirectional video sequences. Then, from our database, we find a high\nconsistency in viewing directions across different subjects. The viewing\ndirections are normally distributed in the center of the front regions, but\nthey sometimes fall into other regions, related to video content. Given this\nfinding, we present a subjective VQA method for measuring difference mean\nopinion score (DMOS) of the whole and regional omnidirectional video, in terms\nof overall DMOS (O-DMOS) and vectorized DMOS (V-DMOS), respectively. Moreover,\nwe propose two objective VQA methods for encoded omnidirectional video, in\nlight of human perception characteristics of omnidirectional video. One method\nweighs the distortion of pixels with regard to their distances to the center of\nfront regions, which considers human preference in a panorama. The other method\npredicts viewing directions according to video content, and then the predicted\nviewing directions are leveraged to allocate weights to the distortion of each\npixel in our objective VQA method. Finally, our experimental results verify\nthat both the subjective and objective methods proposed in this paper advance\nstate-of-the-art VQA for omnidirectional video.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[eess.IV]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Advances in CMOS technology have made high resolution image sensors possible.\nThese image sensor pose significant challenges in terms of the amount of raw\ndata generated, energy efficiency and frame rate. This paper presents a new\ndesign methodology for an imaging system and a simplified novel image sensor\npixel design to be used in such system so that Compressed Sensing (CS)\ntechnique can be implemented easily at the sensor level. This results in\nsignificant energy savings as it not only cuts the raw data rate but also\nreduces transistor count per pixel, decreases pixel size, increases fill\nfactor, simplifies ADC, JPEG encoder and JPEG decoder design and decreases\nwiring as well as address decoder size by half. Thus CS has the potential to\nincrease the resolution of image sensors for a given technology and die size\nwhile significantly decreasing the power consumption and design complexity. We\nshow that it has potential to reduce power consumption by about 23%-65%.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[eess.IV]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The reproducibility issue in science has come under increased scrutiny. One\nconsistent suggestion lies in the use of scripted methods or workflows for data\nanalysis. Image analysis is one area in science in which little can be done in\nscripted methods. The SWIIM Project (Scripted Workflows to Improve Image\nManipulation) is designed to generate workflows from popular image manipulation\ntools. In the project, 2 approaches are being taken to construct workflows in\nthe image analysis area. First, the open-source tool GIMP is being enhanced to\nproduce an active log (which can be run on a stand-alone basis to perform the\nsame manipulation). Second, the R system Shiny tool is being used to construct\na graphical user interface (GUI) which works with EBImage code to modify\nimages, and to produce an active log which can perform the same operations.\nThis process has been successful to date, but is not complete. The basic method\nfor each component is discussed, and example code is shown.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[eess.IV]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In this paper, we present on-sensor neuromorphic vision hardware\nimplementation of denoising spatial filter. The mean or median spatial filters\nwith fixed window shape are known for its denoising ability, however, have the\ndrawback of blurring the object edges. The effect of blurring increases with an\nincrease in window size. To preserve the edge information, we propose an\nadaptive spatial filter that uses neuron's ability to detect similar pixels and\ncalculates the mean. The analog input differences of neighborhood pixels are\nconverted to the chain of pulses with voltage controlled oscillator and applied\nas neuron input. When the input pulses charge the neuron to equal or greater\nlevel than its threshold, the neuron will fire, and pixels are identified as\nsimilar. The sequence of the neuron's responses for pixels is stored in the\nserial-in-parallel-out shift register. The outputs of shift registers are used\nas input to the selector switches of an averaging circuit making this an\nadaptive mean operation resulting in an edge preserving mean filter. System\nlevel simulation of the hardware is conducted using 150 images from Caltech\ndatabase with added Gaussian noise to test the robustness of edge-preserving\nand denoising ability of the proposed filter. Threshold values of the hardware\nneuron were adjusted so that the proposed edge-preserving spatial filter\nachieves optimal performance in terms of PSNR and MSE, and these results\noutperforms that of the conventional mean and median filters.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[eess.IV]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n A central limitation of multiple-acquisition magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)\nis the degradation in scan efficiency as the number of distinct datasets grows.\nSparse recovery techniques can alleviate this limitation via randomly\nundersampled acquisitions. A frequent sampling strategy is to prescribe for\neach acquisition a different random pattern drawn from a common sampling\ndensity. However, naive random patterns often contain gaps or clusters across\nthe acquisition dimension that in turn can degrade reconstruction quality or\nreduce scan efficiency. To address this problem, a statistically-segregated\nsampling method is proposed for multiple-acquisition MRI. This method generates\nmultiple patterns sequentially, while adaptively modifying the sampling density\nto minimize k-space overlap across patterns. As a result, it improves\nincoherence across acquisitions while still maintaining similar sampling\ndensity across the radial dimension of k-space. Comprehensive simulations and\nin vivo results are presented for phase-cycled balanced steady-state free\nprecession and multi-echo T$_2$-weighted imaging. Segregated sampling achieves\nsignificantly improved quality in both Fourier and compressed-sensing\nreconstructions of multiple-acquisition datasets.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[eess.IV]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n No abstract given; compares pairs of languages from World Atlas of Language\nStructures.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.soc-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The ever-increasing knowledge of the structure of various real-world networks\nhas uncovered their complex multi-mechanism-governed evolution processes.\nTherefore, a better understanding of the structure and evolution of these\nnetworked complex systems requires us to describe such processes in a more\ndetailed and realistic manner. In this paper, we introduce a new type of\nnetwork growth rule which comprises addition and deletion of nodes, and propose\nan evolving network model to investigate the effect of node deleting on network\nstructure. It is found that, with the introduction of node deleting, network\nstructure is significantly transformed. In particular, degree distribution of\nthe network undergoes a transition from scale-free to exponential forms as the\nintensity of node deleting increases. At the same time, nontrivial\ndisassortative degree correlation develops spontaneously as a natural result of\nnetwork evolution in the model. We also demonstrate that node deleting\nintroduced in the model does not destroy the connectedness of a growing network\nso long as the increasing rate of edges is not excessively small. In addition,\nit is found that node deleting will weaken but not eliminate the small-world\neffect of a growing network, and generally it will decrease the clustering\ncoefficient in a network.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.soc-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We study numerically the cascading failure problem by using artificially\ncreated scale-free networks and the real network structure of the power grid.\nThe capacity for a vertex is assigned as a monotonically increasing function of\nthe load (or the betweenness centrality). Through the use of a simple\nfunctional form with two free parameters, revealed is that it is indeed\npossible to make networks more robust while spending less cost. We suggest that\nour method to prevent cascade by protecting less vertices is particularly\nimportant for the design of more robust real-world networks to cascading\nfailures.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.soc-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Useful information about scientific collaboration structures and patterns can\nbe inferred from computer databases of published papers. The genetic\nprogramming bibliography is the most complete reference of papers on GP\\@. In\naddition to locating publications, it contains coauthor and coeditor\nrelationships from which a more complete picture of the field emerges. We treat\nthese relationships as undirected small world graphs whose study reveals the\ncommunity structure of the GP collaborative social network. Automatic analysis\ndiscovers new communities and highlights new facets of them. The investigation\nreveals many similarities between GP and coauthorship networks in other\nscientific fields but also some subtle differences such as a smaller central\nnetwork component and a high clustering.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.soc-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The purpose of this paper is to assess the statistical characterization of\nweighted networks in terms of the generalization of the relevant parameters,\nnamely average path length, degree distribution and clustering coefficient.\nAlthough the degree distribution and the average path length admit\nstraightforward generalizations, for the clustering coefficient several\ndifferent definitions have been proposed in the literature. We examined the\ndifferent definitions and identified the similarities and differences between\nthem. In order to elucidate the significance of different definitions of the\nweighted clustering coefficient, we studied their dependence on the weights of\nthe connections. For this purpose, we introduce the relative perturbation norm\nof the weights as an index to assess the weight distribution. This study\nrevealed new interesting statistical regularities in terms of the relative\nperturbation norm useful for the statistical characterization of weighted\ngraphs.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.soc-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We have performed a simulation study of Langmuir turbulence in the Earth's\nionosphere by means of a Zakharov model with parameters relevant for the F\nlayer. The model includes dissipative terms to model collisions and Landau\ndamping of the electrons and ions, and a linear density profile, which models\nthe ionospheric plasma inhomogeneity whose length scale is of the order 10--100\nkm. The injection of energy into the system is modeled by a constant source\nterm in the Zakharov equation. Langmuir turbulence is excited ``on-demand'' in\ncontrolled ionospheric modification experiments where the energy is provided by\nan HF radio beam injected into the overhead ionospheric plasma. The ensuing\nturbulence can be studied with radars and in the form of secondary radiation\nrecorded by ground-based receivers. We have analyzed spectral signatures of the\nturbulence for different sets of parameters and different altitudes relative to\nthe turning point of the linear Langmuir mode where the Langmuir frequency\nequals the local plasma frequency. By a parametric analysis, we have derived a\nsimple scaling law, which links the spectral width of the turbulent frequency\nspectrum to the physical parameters in the ionosphere. The scaling law provides\na quantitative relation between the physical parameters (temperatures, electron\nnumber density, ionospheric length scale, etc.) and the observed frequency\nspectrum. This law may be useful for interpreting experimental results.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n This paper shows how the exposure of the Moon to the Earth's plasmasheet is\nsubject to decadal variations due to lunar precession. The latter is a key\nproperty of the Moon's apparent orbit around the Earth - the nodes of that\norbit precess around the ecliptic, completing one revolution every 18.6 years.\nThis precession is responsible for a number of astronomical phenomena, e.g. the\nyear to year drift of solar and lunar eclipse periods. It also controls the\necliptic latitude at which the Moon crosses the magnetotail and thus the number\nand duration of lunar encounters with the plasmasheet. This paper presents a\ndetailed model of those encounters and applies it to the period 1960 to 2030.\nThis shows that the total lunar exposure to the plasmasheet will vary from 10\nhours per month at a minimum of the eighteen-year cycle rising to 40 hours per\nmonth at the maximum. These variations could have a profound impact on the\naccumulation of charge due plasmasheet electrons impacting the lunar surface.\nThus we should expect the level of lunar surface charging to vary over the\neighteen-year cycle. The literature contains reports that support this: several\nobservations made during the cycle maximum of 1994-2000 are attributed to\nbombardment and charging of the lunar surface by plasmasheet electrons. Thus we\nconclude that lunar surface charging will vary markedly over an eighteen-year\ncycle driven by lunar precession. It is important to interpret lunar\nenvironment measurements in the context of this cycle and to allow for the\ncycle when designing equipment for deployment on the lunar surface. This is\nparticularly important in respect of developing plans for robotic exploration\non the lunar surface during the next cycle maximum of 2012-19.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We present \\emph{in situ} observations of the source regions of\ninterplanetary (IP) type II radio bursts, using data from the Wind spacecraft\nduring the period 1996-2002. We show the results of this survey as well as\nin-depth analysis of several individual events. Each event analyzed in detail\nis associated with an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) and an IP\nshock driven by the ICME. Immediately prior to the arrival of each shock,\nelectron beams along the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and associated\nLangmuir waves are detected, implying magnetic connection to a\nquasiperpendicular shock front acceleration site. These observations are\nanalogous to those made in the terrestrial foreshock region, indicating that a\nsimilar foreshock region exists on IP shock fronts. The analogy suggests that\nthe electron acceleration process is a fast Fermi process, and this suggestion\nis borne out by loss cone features in the electron distribution functions. The\npresence of a foreshock region requires nonplanar structure on the shock front.\nUsing Wind burst mode data, the foreshock electrons are analyzed to estimate\nthe dimensions of the curved region. We present the first measurement of the\nlateral, shock-parallel scale size of IP foreshock regions. The presence of\nthese regions on IP shock fronts can explain the fine structure often seen in\nthe spectra of type II bursts.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n A qualitative discussion is given of the role electron holes play in\ngenerating fine structure on the electron cyclotron maser radiation. It is\nargued that electron holes become deformed in phase space when interacting with\nan incomplete ring or horseshoe distribution which occurs in the presence of\nstrong field aligned electric fields in the upward current region and in the\npresence of a loss cone. This interaction is based on momentum balance\nconsiderations. Deformed narrow electron holes cause steep velocity space\ngradients on the ring distribution that lead to intense but narrow band\nemission from their high speed sides and absorption at slightly higher\nfrequency from their low speed sides. The twins of banded emission and\nabsorption move in frequency space due to the average real space displacement\nof the deformed electron hole.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - 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Poloidal\nshear into the toroidal flow generated by the Hall effect is incorporated. This\nis found to lead to a {\\it triple deck} structure for the Parker problem in\nHall MHD, with the magnetic field falling off in the intermediate\nHall-resistive region more steeply (like \\normalfont $1/x^3$) than that (like\n\\normalfont$1/x$) in the outer ideal MHD region.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - 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After describing the main motivations\nwe outline classical, instantaneous (squeezed and non-squeezed), continuum,\nspike and random-telegraph-signal based schemes with applications such as\ncircuits that emulate the brain functioning and string verification via a slow\ncommunication channel.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.ET]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Our everyday data processing activities create massive amounts of data. Like\nphysical waste and trash, unwanted and unused data also pollutes the digital\nenvironment by degrading the performance and capacity of storage systems and\nrequiring costly disposal. In this paper, we propose using the lessons from\nreal life waste management in handling waste data. We show the impact of waste\ndata on the performance and operational costs of our computing systems. To\nallow better waste data management, we define a waste hierarchy for digital\nobjects and provide insights into how to identify and categorize waste data.\nFinally, we introduce novel ways of reusing, reducing, and recycling data and\nsoftware to minimize the impact of data wastage\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.ET]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In the present era of technology computer has facilitated the human life up\nto a great extent. The speed of computation has raised to astonish level but\nthe pace of development of other technologies which have core dependency over\ncomputers have raised relatively exponentially huge, though the computer speed\nof computation is very fast with respect to human abilities but still it has to\nbe increased a lot more to meet the future requirements. We have pushed\nelectrons to their maximum limit to a stage that nothing further could be\nexpected from electrons. Alternately one can use photon to replace the\nrelatively sluggish electrons. An alternate that posses all feature that an\nelectron holds but only millions of time faster and with a far more reliability\nin one way or the other stretching the computers speed to a stage that no one\nwould have ever even wonder. In this research paper the photonics\nimplementations in computation industry have been presented along with its\nscope as an alternate to electron with comparative study of electron and photon\nunder the computation perspective, generalized working of silicon based optical\ncomputers, the application of photons and their crucial role in the upcoming\ntimes. Keywords: Photonic Technology, H\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.ET]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Activity classification was performed using MEMS accelerometer and wireless\nsensor node for wireless sensor network environment. Three axes MEMS\naccelerometer measures body's acceleration and transmits measured data with the\nhelp of sensor node to base station attached to PC. On the PC, real time\naccelerometer data is processed for movement classifications. In this paper,\nRest, walking and running are the classified activities of the person. Both\ntime and frequency analysis was performed to classify running and walking. The\nclassification of rest and movement is done using Signal magnitude area (SMA).\nThe classification accuracy for rest and movement is 100%. For the\nclassification of walk and Run two parameters i.e. SMA and Median frequency\nwere used. The classification accuracy for walk and running was detected as\n81.25% in the experiments performed by the test persons.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.ET]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In this work we have proposed a geometric model that is employed to devise a\nscheme for identifying the hotspots and zones in a chip. These spots or zone\nneed to be guarded thermally to ensure performance and reliability of the chip.\nThe model namely continuous unit sphere model has been presented taking into\naccount that the 3D region of the chip is uniform, thereby reflecting on the\npossible locations of heat sources and the target observation points. The\nexperimental results for the - continuous domain establish that a region which\ndoes not contain any heat sources may become hotter than the regions containing\nthe thermal sources. Thus a hotspot may appear away from the active sources,\nand placing heat sinks on the active thermal sources alone may not suffice to\ntackle thermal imbalance. Power management techniques aid in obtaining a\nuniform power profile throughout the chip, but we propose an algorithm using\nminimum bipartite matching where we try to move the sources minimally (with\nminimum perturbation in the chip floor plan) near cooler points (blocks) to\nobtain a uniform power profile due to diffusion of heat from hotter point to\ncooler ones.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.ET]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We study a simple geometric model of transportation facility that consists of\ntwo points between which the travel speed is high. This elementary definition\ncan model shuttle services, tunnels, bridges, teleportation devices, escalators\nor moving walkways. The travel time between a pair of points is defined as a\ntime distance, in such a way that a customer uses the transportation facility\nonly if it is helpful.\n We give algorithms for finding the optimal location of such a transportation\nfacility, where optimality is defined with respect to the maximum travel time\nbetween two points in a given set.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CG]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The concept of data depth in non-parametric multivariate descriptive\nstatistics is the generalization of the univariate rank method to multivariate\ndata. Halfspace depth is a measure of data depth. Given a set S of points and a\npoint p, the halfspace depth (or rank) k of p is defined as the minimum number\nof points of S contained in any closed halfspace with p on its boundary.\nComputing halfspace depth is NP-hard, and it is equivalent to the Maximum\nFeasible Subsystem problem. In this thesis a mixed integer program is\nformulated with the big-M method for the halfspace depth problem. We suggest a\nbranch and cut algorithm. In this algorithm, Chinneck's heuristic algorithm is\nused to find an upper bound and a related technique based on sensitivity\nanalysis is used for branching. Irreducible Infeasible Subsystem (IIS) hitting\nset cuts are applied. We also suggest a binary search algorithm which may be\nmore stable numerically. The algorithms are implemented with the BCP framework\nfrom the COIN-OR project.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CG]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In binary images, the distance transformation (DT) and the geometrical\nskeleton extraction are classic tools for shape analysis. In this paper, we\npresent time optimal algorithms to solve the reverse Euclidean distance\ntransformation and the reversible medial axis extraction problems for\n$d$-dimensional images. We also present a $d$-dimensional medial axis filtering\nprocess that allows us to control the quality of the reconstructed shape.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CG]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We demonstrate relationships between the classic Euclidean algorithm and many\nother fields of study, particularly in the context of music and distance\ngeometry. Specifically, we show how the structure of the Euclidean algorithm\ndefines a family of rhythms which encompass over forty timelines\n(\\emph{ostinatos}) from traditional world music. We prove that these\n\\emph{Euclidean rhythms} have the mathematical property that their onset\npatterns are distributed as evenly as possible: they maximize the sum of the\nEuclidean distances between all pairs of onsets, viewing onsets as points on a\ncircle. Indeed, Euclidean rhythms are the unique rhythms that maximize this\nnotion of \\emph{evenness}. We also show that essentially all Euclidean rhythms\nare \\emph{deep}: each distinct distance between onsets occurs with a unique\nmultiplicity, and these multiplicies form an interval $1,2,...,k-1$. Finally,\nwe characterize all deep rhythms, showing that they form a subclass of\ngenerated rhythms, which in turn proves a useful property called shelling. All\nof our results for musical rhythms apply equally well to musical scales. In\naddition, many of the problems we explore are interesting in their own right as\ndistance geometry problems on the circle; some of the same problems were\nexplored by Erd\\H{o}s in the plane.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CG]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - 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Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n It is shown that every orthogonal terrain, i.e., an orthogonal (right-angled)\npolyhedron based on a rectangle that meets every vertical line in a segment,\nhas a grid unfolding: its surface may be unfolded to a single non-overlapping\npiece by cutting along grid edges defined by coordinate planes through every\nvertex.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CG]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In this paper we propose several strategies for the exact computation of the\ndeterminant of a rational matrix. First, we use the Chinese Remaindering\nTheorem and the rational reconstruction to recover the rational determinant\nfrom its modular images. Then we show a preconditioning for the determinant\nwhich allows us to skip the rational reconstruction process and reconstruct an\ninteger result. We compare those approaches with matrix preconditioning which\nallow us to treat integer instead of rational matrices. This allows us to\nintroduce integer determinant algorithms to the rational determinant problem.\nIn particular, we discuss the applicability of the adaptive determinant\nalgorithm of [9] and compare it with the integer Chinese Remaindering scheme.\nWe present an analysis of the complexity of the strategies and evaluate their\nexperimental performance on numerous examples. This experience allows us to\ndevelop an adaptive strategy which would choose the best solution at the run\ntime, depending on matrix properties. All strategies have been implemented in\nLinBox linear algebra library.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.SC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We present an algorithm to perform a simultaneous modular reduction of\nseveral residues. This algorithm is applied fast modular polynomial\nmultiplication. The idea is to convert the $X$-adic representation of modular\npolynomials, with $X$ an indeterminate, to a $q$-adic representation where $q$\nis an integer larger than the field characteristic. With some control on the\ndifferent involved sizes it is then possible to perform some of the $q$-adic\narithmetic directly with machine integers or floating points. Depending also on\nthe number of performed numerical operations one can then convert back to the\n$q$-adic or $X$-adic representation and eventually mod out high residues. In\nthis note we present a new version of both conversions: more tabulations and a\nway to reduce the number of divisions involved in the process are presented.\nThe polynomial multiplication is then applied to arithmetic in small finite\nfield extensions.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.SC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We start with elementary algebraic theory of factorization of linear ordinary\ndifferential equations developed in the period 1880-1930. After exposing these\nclassical results we sketch more sophisticated algorithmic approaches developed\nin the last 20 years.\n The main part of this paper is devoted to modern generalizations of the\nnotion of factorization to the case of systems of linear partial differential\nequations and their relation with explicit solvability of nonlinear partial\ndifferential equations based on some constructions from the theory of abelian\ncategories.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.SC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Given the implicit equation $F(x,y,t,s)$ of a family of algebraic plane\ncurves depending on the parameters $t,s$, we provide an algorithm for studying\nthe topology types arising in the family. For this purpose, the algorithm\ncomputes a finite partition of the parameter space so that the topology type of\nthe family stays invariant over each element of the partition. The ideas\ncontained in the paper can be seen as a generalization of the ideas in\n\\cite{JGRS}, where the problem is solved for families of algebraic curves\ndepending on one parameter, to the two-parameters case.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.SC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In eye movement research in reading, the amount of data plays a crucial role\nfor the validation of results. A methodological problem for the analysis of the\neye movement in reading are blinks, when readers close their eyes. Blinking\nrate increases with increasing reading time, resulting in high data losses,\nespecially for older adults or reading impaired subjects. We present a method,\nbased on the symbolic sequence dynamics of the eye movements, that reconstructs\nthe horizontal position of the eyes while the reader blinks. The method makes\nuse of an observed fact that the movements of the eyes before closing or after\nopening contain information about the eyes movements during blinks. Test\nresults indicate that our reconstruction method is superior to methods that use\nsimpler interpolation approaches. In addition, analyses of the reconstructed\ndata show no significant deviation from the usual behavior observed in readers.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.SC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The design of a mechanical transmission taking into account the transmitted\nforces is reported in this paper. This transmission is based on Slide-o-Cam, a\ncam mechanism with multiple rollers mounted on a common translating follower.\nThe design of Slide-o-Cam, a transmission intended to produce a sliding motion\nfrom a turning drive, or vice versa, was reported elsewhere. This transmission\nprovides pure-rolling motion, thereby reducing the friction of rack-and-pinions\nand linear drives. The pressure angle is a relevant performance index for this\ntransmission because it determines the amount of force transmitted to the load\nvs. that transmitted to the machine frame. To assess the transmission\ncapability of the mechanism, the Hertz formula is introduced to calculate the\nstresses on the rollers and on the cams. The final transmission is intended to\nreplace the current ball-screws in the Orthoglide, a three-DOF parallel robot\nfor the production of translational motions, currently under development for\nmachining applications at Ecole Centrale de Nantes.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.RO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The multiobjective optimization of Slide-o-Cam is reported in this paper.\nSlide-o-Cam is a cam mechanism with multiple rollers mounted on a common\ntranslating follower. This transmission provides pure-rolling motion, thereby\nreducing the friction of rack-and-pinions and linear drives. A Pareto frontier\nis obtained by means of multiobjective optimization. This optimization is based\non three objective functions: (i) the pressure angle, which is a suitable\nperformance index for the transmission because it determines the amount of\nforce transmitted to the load vs. that transmitted to the machine frame; (ii)\nthe Hertz pressure used to evaluate the stresses produced on the contact\nsurface between cam and roller; and (iii) the size of the mechanism,\ncharacterized by the number of cams and their width.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.RO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Various performance indices are used for the design of serial manipulators.\nOne method of optimization relies on the condition number of the Jacobian\nmatrix. The minimization of the condition number leads, under certain\nconditions, to isotropic configurations, for which the roundoff-error\namplification is lowest. In this paper, the isotropy conditions, introduced\nelsewhere, are the motivation behind the introduction of isotropic sets of\npoints. By connecting together these points, we define families of isotropic\nmanipulators. This paper is devoted to planar manipulators, the concepts being\ncurrently extended to their spatial counterparts. Furthermore, only\nmanipulators with revolute joints are considered here.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.RO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Presented in this paper is the kinematic analysis of a symmetrical\nthree-degree-of-freedom planar parallel manipulator. In opposite to serial\nmanipulators, parallel manipulators can admit not only multiple inverse\nkinematic solutions, but also multiple direct kinematic solutions. This\nproperty produces more complicated kinematic models but allows more flexibility\nin trajectory planning. To take into account this property, the notion of\naspects, i.e. the maximal singularity-free domains, was introduced, based on\nthe notion of working modes, which makes it possible to separate the inverse\nkinematic solutions. The aim of this paper is to show that a non-singular\nassembly-mode changing trajectory exist for a symmetrical planar parallel\nmanipulator, with equilateral base and platform triangle.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.RO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n This work investigates new kinematic features of parallel manipulators. It is\nwell known that parallel manipulators admit generally several direct kinematic\nsolutions for a given set of input joint values. The aim of this paper is to\ncharacterize the uniqueness domains in the workspace of parallel manipulators,\nas well as their image in the joint space. The study focuses on the most usual\ncase of parallel manipulators with only one inverse kinematic solution. The\nnotion of aspect introduced for serial manipulators in [Borrel 86] is redefined\nfor such parallel manipulators. Then, it is shown that it is possible to link\nseveral solutions to the forward kinematic problem without meeting a\nsingularity, thus meaning that the aspects are not uniqueness domains. An\nadditional set of surfaces, namely the characteristic surfaces, are\ncharacterized which divide the workspace into basic regions and yield new\nuniqueness domains. This study is illustrated all along the paper with a 3-RPR\nplanar parallel manipulator. An octree model of spaces is used to compute the\njoint space, the workspace and all other newly defined sets.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.RO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We consider Brans-Dicke type nonminimally coupled scalar field as a candidate\nfor dark energy. In the conformally transformed Einstein's frame, our model is\nsimilar to {\\it coupled quintessence} model. In such models, we consider\npotentials for the scalar field which satisfy the slow-roll conditions:\n$[(1/V)(dV/d\\phi)]^2 << 1$ and $(1/V)(d^2V/d\\phi^2) << 1$. For such potentials,\nwe show that the equation of state for the scalar field can be described by a\nuniversal behaviour, provided the scalar field rolls only in the flat part of\nthe potentials where the slow-roll conditions are satisfied. Our work\ngeneralizes the previous work by Scherrer and Sen \\cite{scherrer} for minimally\ncoupled scalar field case. We have also studied the observational constraints\non the model parameters considering the Supernova and BAO observational data.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[astro-ph.CO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n (Abridged) We measure the fraction of galaxies undergoing disk-disk major\nmergers (f_m) at intermediate redshifts (0.35 <= z < 0.85) by studying the\nasymmetry index A of galaxy images. Results are provided for B- and Ks-band\nabsolute magnitude selected samples from the Groth strip in the GOYA\nphotometric survey. Three sources of systematic error are carefully addressed:\n(i) we avoid morphological K-corrections, (ii) we measure asymmetries in\nartificially redshifted to z_d = 0.75 galaxies to lead with loss of\nmorphological information with redshift, and (iii) we take into account the\nobservational errors in z and A, that tend to overestimate the merger fraction,\nby maximum likelihood techniques. We find: (i) our data allow for a robust\nmerger fraction to be provided for a single redshift bin centered at z=0.6.\n(ii) Merger fractions have low values: f_m = 0.045 for M_B <= -20 galaxies, and\nf_m = 0.031 for M_Ks <= -23.5 galaxies. And, (iii) failure to address the\neffects of the observational errors leads to overestimating f_m by factors of\n10%-60%. Combining our results with those on literature, and parameterizing the\nmerger fraction evolution as f_m(z) = f_m(0)(1+z)^m, we obtain that m = 2.9 +-\n0.8, and f_m(0) = 0.012 +- 0.004$. Assuming a Ks-band mass-to-light ratio not\nvarying with luminosity, we infer that the merger rate of galaxies with stellar\nmass M >= 3.5x10^10 M_Sun is R_m = 1.6x10^-4 Mpc^-3 Gyr^-1. When we compare\nwith previous studies at similar redshifts, we find that the merger rate\ndecreases when mass increases.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[astro-ph.CO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We study the constraints which the next generation of radio telescopes could\nplace on the mass and number of neutrino species by studying the gravitational\nlensing of high redshift 21 cm emission in combination with wide-angle surveys\nof galaxy lensing. We use simple characterizations of reionization history and\nof proposed telescope designs to forecast the constraints and detectability\nthreshold for neutrinos. It is found that the degeneracy between neutrino\nparameters and dark energy parameters is significantly reduced by incorporating\n21 cm lensing. The combination of galaxy and 21 cm lensing could constrain the\nsum of the neutrino masses to within ~ 0.04 eV and the number of species to\nwithin ~ 0.1. This is an improvement of a factor of 2.6 in mass and 1.3 in\nnumber over a galaxy lensing survey alone. This includes marginalizing over an\n11 parameter cosmological model with a two parameter model for the dark energy\nequation of state. If the dark energy equation of state is held fixed at w =\np/\\rho=-1 the constraints improve to ~0.03 eV and 0.04. These forecasted errors\ndepend critically on the fraction of sky that can be surveyed in redshifted 21\ncm emission (25% is assumed here) and the redshift of reionization ($z=7$ is\nassumed here). It is also found that neutrinos with masses too small to be\ndetected in the data could none the less cause a significant bias in the\nmeasured dark energy equation of state.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[astro-ph.CO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In this paper, we study the effects of instrumental systematics on the\nreconstruction of the deflection angle power spectrum from weak lensing of\nCosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and polarization observations. We\nconsider seven types of effects which are related to known instrumental\nsystematics: calibration, rotation, pointing, spin-flip, monopole leakage,\ndipole leakage and quadrupole leakage. These effects can be characterized by 11\ndistortion fields. Each of these systematic effects can mimic the effective\nprojected matter power spectrum and hence contaminate the lensing\nreconstruction. To demonstrate the effect of these instrumental systematics, we\nconsider two types of experiments, one with a detector noise level for\npolarization of 9.6 uK-arcmin and FWHM of 8.0', typical of upcoming ground and\nballoon-based CMB experiments, and a CMBPol-like instrument with a detector\nnoise level for polarization of 2.0 uK-arcmin and FWHM of 4.0', typical of\nfuture space-based CMB experiments. For each systematics, we consider various\nchoices of coherence scale. Among all the 11 systematic parameters, rotation\nand monopole leakage place the most stringent requirements, while quadrupole\nleakage, pointing error, and calibration are among the least demanding. The\nrequirements from lensing extraction are about 1-2 orders of magnitude less\nstringent than the requirements to measure the primordial B-modes with\ninflationary energy scale of 1.0*10^{16} GeV. On the other hand the\nrequirements for lensing reconstruction are comparable or even more stringent\nfor some systematic parameters than the requirements to detect primordial\nB-modes with inflationary scale E_i = 3.0*10^{16} GeV.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[astro-ph.CO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n IGM metal absorption lines observed in z>6 spectra offer the opportunity to\nprobe early feedback processes, the nature of enriching sources, and the\ntopology of reionization. We run high-resolution cosmological simulations\nincluding galactic outflows to study the observability and physical properties\nof 5 ions (C II, C IV, O I, Si II, Si IV) in absorption between z=8->5. We\napply three cases for ionization conditions: Fully neutral, fully reionized,\nand a patchy model based on the flux from the nearest galaxy. We find that our\nsimulations broadly fit available z~5-6 IGM metal-line data, although all\nobservations cannot be accommodated with a single ionization condition.\nVariations in O I absorbers among sight lines seen by Becker et al. (2006)\nsuggest significant neutral IGM patches down to z~6. Strong C IV absorbers at\nz~6 may be the result of ionization by their parent galaxy. Our outflows have\ntypical speeds of ~200 km/s and mass loading factors of ~6. Such high mass\nloading is critical for enriching the IGM to the observed levels while\ncurtailing star formation to match the observed z~6 rest-frame UV luminosity\nfunction. The volume filling factor of metals increases during this epoch, but\nonly reaches ~1% for Z>10^(-3) Zsolar by z=5. C IV is an ideal tracer of IGM\nmetals at z~5-6, with dropping global ionization fractions to either higher or\nlower redshifts. This results in a strongly increasing global Omega(C IV) from\nz=8->5, in contrast to its relative constancy from z=5->2. Our simulations do\nnot support widespread early IGM enrichment from e.g. Pop III stars. High-z\nabsorbers arise from metals on their first outward journey from galaxies, at\ndistances less than 50 kpc. The galaxies responsible for early IGM enrichment\nhave typical M*=10^(7.0-8.5) Msolar.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[astro-ph.CO]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n This paper analyses the possibilities of performing parallel\ntransaction-oriented simulations with a special focus on the space-parallel\napproach and discrete event simulation synchronisation algorithms that are\nsuitable for transaction-oriented simulation and the target environment of Ad\nHoc Grids. To demonstrate the findings a Java-based parallel\ntransaction-oriented simulator for the simulation language GPSS/H is\nimplemented on the basis of the promising Shock Resistant Time Warp\nsynchronisation algorithm and using the Grid framework ProActive. The\nvalidation of this parallel simulator shows that the Shock Resistant Time Warp\nalgorithm can successfully reduce the number of rolled back Transaction moves\nbut it also reveals circumstances in which the Shock Resistant Time Warp\nalgorithm can be outperformed by the normal Time Warp algorithm. The conclusion\nof this paper suggests possible improvements to the Shock Resistant Time Warp\nalgorithm to avoid such problems.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.DC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n A finite element method is presented to compute time harmonic microwave\nfields in three dimensional configurations. Nodal-based finite elements have\nbeen coupled with an absorbing boundary condition to solve open boundary\nproblems. This paper describes how the modeling of large devices has been made\npossible using parallel computation, New algorithms are then proposed to\nimplement this formulation on a cluster of workstations (10 DEC ALPHA 300X) and\non a CRAY C98. Analysis of the computation efficiency is performed using simple\nproblems. The electromagnetic scattering of a plane wave by a perfect electric\nconducting airplane is finally given as example.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.DC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We address the problem of &#64257;nding nice labellings for event structures\nof degree 3. We develop a minimum theory by which we prove that the labelling\nnumber of an event structure of degree 3 is bounded by a linear function of the\nheight. The main theorem we present in this paper states that event structures\nof degree 3 whose causality order is a tree have a nice labelling with 3\ncolors. Finally, we exemplify how to use this theorem to construct upper bounds\nfor the labelling number of other event structures of degree 3.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.DC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We introduce a distributed algorithm for clock synchronization in sensor\nnetworks. Our algorithm assumes that nodes in the network only know their\nimmediate neighborhoods and an upper bound on the network's diameter.\nClock-synchronization messages are only sent as part of the communication,\nassumed reasonably frequent, that already takes place among nodes. The\nalgorithm has the gradient property of [2], achieving an O(1) worst-case skew\nbetween the logical clocks of neighbors. As in the case of [3,8], the\nalgorithm's actions are such that no constant lower bound exists on the rate at\nwhich logical clocks progress in time, and for this reason the lower bound of\n[2,5] that forbids constant skew between neighbors does not apply.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.DC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Exploiting full computational power of current more and more hierarchical\nmultiprocessor machines requires a very careful distribution of threads and\ndata among the underlying non-uniform architecture. Unfortunately, most\noperating systems only provide a poor scheduling API that does not allow\napplications to transmit valuable scheduling hints to the system. In a previous\npaper, we showed that using a bubble-based thread scheduler can significantly\nimprove applications' performance in a portable way. However, since\nmultithreaded applications have various scheduling requirements, there is no\nuniversal scheduler that could meet all these needs. In this paper, we present\na framework that allows scheduling experts to implement and experiment with\ncustomized thread schedulers. It provides a powerful API for dynamically\ndistributing bubbles among the machine in a high-level, portable, and efficient\nway. Several examples show how experts can then develop, debug and tune their\nown portable bubble schedulers.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.DC]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We describe a practical procedure for extracting the spatial structure and\nthe growth rates of slow eigenmodes of a spatially extended system, using a\nunique experimental capability both to impose and to perturb desired initial\nstates. The procedure is used to construct experimentally the spectrum of\nlinear modes near the secondary instability boundary in Rayleigh-B\\'{e}nard\nconvection. This technique suggests an approach to experimental\ncharacterization of more complex dynamical states such as periodic orbits or\nspatiotemporal chaos.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.flu-dyn]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We show that full-image micro-PIV analysis in combination with images of\ntransient particle motion is a powerful tool for experimental studies of\nacoustic radiation forces and acoustic streaming in microfluidic chambers under\npiezo-actuation in the MHz range. The measured steady-state motion of both\nlarge 5 um and small 1 um particles can be understood in terms of the acoustic\neigenmodes or standing ultra-sound waves in the given experimental\nmicrosystems. This interpretation is supported by numerical solutions of the\ncorresponding acoustic wave equation.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.flu-dyn]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Microfluidic chips have been fabricated to study electrokinetic pumping\ngenerated by a low voltage AC signal applied to an asymmetric electrode array.\nA measurement procedure has been established and followed carefully resulting\nin a high degree of reproducibility of the measurements. Depending on the ionic\nconcentration as well as the amplitude of the applied voltage, the observed\ndirection of the DC flow component is either forward or reverse. The impedance\nspectrum has been thoroughly measured and analyzed in terms of an equivalent\ncircuit diagram. Our observations agree qualitatively, but not quantitatively,\nwith theoretical models published in the literature.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.flu-dyn]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We study the flow response to an externally imposed homogeneous magnetic\nfield in a turbulent swirling flow of liquid sodium -- the VKS2 experiment in\nwhich magnetic Reynolds numbers Rm up to 50 are reached. Induction effects are\nlarger than in the former VKS1 experiment. At Rm larger than about 25, the\nlocal amplitude of induced field components supersedes that of the applied\nfield, and exhibits non-Gaussian fluctuations. Slow dynamical instationarities\nand low-frequency bimodal dynamics are observed in the induction, presumably\ntracing back to large scale fluctuations in the hydrodynamic flow.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.flu-dyn]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Comments on six papers published by S.P. Anjali Devi and R. Kandasamy in Heat\nand Mass Transfer, ZAMM, Mechanics Research Communications, International\nCommunications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Communications in Numerical Methods\nin Engineering, Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics\n In conclusion all the above papers are of very low quality, written without\ncare and are partly or completely wrong.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.flu-dyn]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - 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Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n This paper has been withdrawn due to copyright reasons.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.geo-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Mammoths lived in Arctic East Siberia. In this region there is not sufficient\nsunlight over the year for the growth of the plants on which these animals\nfeed. Therefore the latitude of this region was lower before the end of the\nPleistocene. As the cause of this geographic pole shift, we postulate a massive\nobject, which moved in an extremely eccentric orbit and was hot from tidal work\nand solar radiation. Evaporation produced a disk-shaped cloud of ions around\nthe Sun. This cloud partially shielded the solar radiation, producing the cold\nand warm periods that characterize the Pleistocene. The shielding depends on\nthe inclination of Earth's orbit, which has a period of 100'000 years. The\ncloud builds up to a density at which inelastic particle collisions induce its\ncollapse The resulting near-periodic time dependence resembles that of\nDansgaard-Oeschger events. During cold periods fine grained inclusions were\ndeposited into the ice. The Pleistocene ended when the massive object had a\nclose encounter with the Earth, which suffered a one per mil stretching\ndeformation. While the deformation relaxed to an equilibrium shape in one to\nseveral years, the globe turned relative to the rotation axis: The North Pole\nmoved from Greenland to the Arctic Sea. The massive object was torn to pieces,\nwhich evaporated.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.geo-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The power spectral density (PSD) function is commonly used to specify\nseismometer performance. It is derived from the FFT of acceleration and\ncorrection is made for the transfer function of the instrument that generated\nthe data. As with any such spectrum of density (`per Hz') type, the noise\ninherent to a PSD is large. This article illustrates the value of a function\nthat is derived from the PSD and for which the influence of noise is\nsignificantly reduced. Called the cumulative spectral power (CSP), it is\nobtained from the PSD through the noise-reducing process of integration. The\nmaximum of the CSP (corresponding to the longest graphed value of the period)\nprovides a means for estimating the total vibrational power of the earth. The\npresent author has significantly simplified the process of PSD generation. Thus\nroutine graphing is straightforwared-of first the FFT, followed by the\ngeneration of both a PSD and its associated CSP. The unique properties of the\nCSP make it valuable for the study of a variety of earth dynamics. For example,\nthe strking simplicity of a CSP graph generated from a record containing a\nstrong teleseismic earthquake is undoubtedly important to the development and\nrefinement of any viable theory of earthquake dynamics.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.geo-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Secular variations of the geomagnetic field have been measured with a\ncontinuously improving accuracy during the last few hundred years, culminating\nnowadays with satellite data. It is however well known that the dynamics of the\nmagnetic field is linked to that of the velocity field in the core and any\nattempt to model secular variations will involve a coupled dynamical system for\nmagnetic field and core velocity. Unfortunately, there is no direct observation\nof the velocity. Independently of the exact nature of the above-mentioned\ncoupled system -- some version being currently under construction -- the\nquestion is debated in this paper whether good knowledge of the magnetic field\ncan be translated into good knowledge of core dynamics. Furthermore, what will\nbe the impact of the most recent and precise geomagnetic data on our knowledge\nof the geomagnetic field of the past and future? These questions are cast into\nthe language of variational data assimilation, while the dynamical system\nconsidered in this paper consists in a set of two oversimplified\none-dimensional equations for magnetic and velocity fields. This toy model\nretains important features inherited from the induction and Navier-Stokes\nequations: non-linear magnetic and momentum terms are present and its linear\nresponse to small disturbances contains Alfv\\'en waves. It is concluded that\nvariational data assimilation is indeed appropriate in principle, even though\nthe velocity field remains hidden at all times; it allows us to recover the\nentire evolution of both fields from partial and irregularly distributed\ninformation on the magnetic field. This work constitutes a first step on the\nway toward the reassimilation of historical geomagnetic data and geomagnetic\nforecast.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.geo-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Forest-fire waiting times, defined as the time between successive events\nabove a certain size in a given region, are calculated for Italy. The\nprobability densities of the waiting times are found to verify a scaling law,\ndespite that fact that the distribution of fire sizes is not a power law. The\nmeaning of such behavior in terms of the possible self-similarity of the\nprocess in a nonstationary system is discussed. We find that the scaling law\narises as a consequence of the stationarity of fire sizes and the existence of\na non-trivial ``instantaneous'' scaling law, sustained by the correlations of\nthe process.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.geo-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We present a new version of TaylUR, a Fortran 95 module to automatically\ncompute the numerical values of a complex-valued function's derivatives with\nrespect to several variables up to an arbitrary order in each variable, but\nexcluding mixed derivatives. The new version fixes a potentially serious bug in\nthe code for exponential-related functions that could corrupt the imaginary\nparts of derivatives, as well as being compatible with a wider range of\ncompilers.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.comp-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n In this paper, we investigate a new waveform for UWB systems obtained by the\ncombination of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) and Code Division\nMultiple Access (CDMA). The proposed system, called Spread Spectrum -\nMulti-Carrier - Multiple Access (SS-MC-MA) turns out to be a judicious solution\nto combat frequency selectivity and narrowband interferers, and to manage the\ncoexistence of several users and piconets. It is shown that the addition of a\ndegree of freedom brought by the spreading component of SS-MC-MA allows to\noptimize jointly the assignment of the number of used codes and coding rates in\norder to make the system more robust. Through simulations, it is demonstrated\nthat the new system can outperform Multi-Band OFDM Alliance (MBOA) for low data\nrates and is able to provide wider range of rates.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.comp-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n For Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) systems, resource allocation\nbetween several users within a piconet and the coexistence of several piconets\nare very important points to take into consideration for the optimization of\nhigh data rate Ultra Wide Band (UWB) systems. To improve the performance of the\nMulti-Band OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex) solution proposed by\nthe Multi-Band OFDM Alliance (MBOA), the addition of a spreading component in\nthe frequency domain is a good solution since it makes resource allocation\neasier and also offers better robustness against channel frequency selectivity\nand narrowband interference. The Spread Spectrum - Multi-Carrier - Multiple\nAccess (SS-MC-MA) system proposed in this article offers not only the\nadvantages of Multi-Carrier - Coded Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) brought\nby frequency spreading, but also a more effective dynamic resource allocation\nin a multi-user and multi-piconet context. These improvements are obtained\nwithout increasing the complexity of the radio-frequency part compared to the\nclassical MBOA solution.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.comp-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The monotonicity and stability of difference schemes for, in general,\nhyperbolic systems of conservation laws with source terms are studied. The\nbasic approach is to investigate the stability and monotonicity of a non-linear\nscheme in terms of its corresponding scheme in variations. Such an approach\nleads to application of the stability theory for linear equation systems to\nestablish stability of the corresponding non-linear scheme. The main\nmethodological innovation is the theorems establishing the notion that a\nnon-linear scheme is stable (and monotone) if the corresponding scheme in\nvariations is stable (and, respectively, monotone). Criteria are developed for\nmonotonicity and stability of difference schemes associated with the numerical\nanalysis of systems of partial differential equations. The theorem of\nFriedrichs (1954) is generalized to be applicable to variational schemes with\nnon-symmetric matrices. A new modification of the central Lax-Friedrichs (LxF)\nscheme is developed to be of the second order accuracy. A monotone piecewise\ncubic interpolation is used in the central schemes to give an accurate\napproximation for the model in question. The stability and monotonicity of the\nmodified scheme are investigated. Some versions of the modified scheme are\ntested on several conservation laws, and the scheme is found to be accurate and\nrobust. As applied to hyperbolic conservation laws with, in general, stiff\nsource terms, it is constructed a second order scheme based on\noperator-splitting techniques.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.comp-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - 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Based on the formalism, a\nclass of numerical integrators for Langevin dynamics are presented for single\nand multiple timestep algorithms.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[physics.comp-ph]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Two-particle correlations have shown modification to the away-side shape in\ncentral Au+Au collisions relative to $pp$, d+Au and peripheral Au+Au\ncollisions. Different scenarios can explain this modification including: large\nangle gluon radiation, jets deflected by transverse flow, path length dependent\nenergy loss, Cerenkov gluon radiation of fast moving particles, and conical\nflow generated by hydrodynamic Mach-cone shock-waves. Three-particle\ncorrelations have the power to distinguish the scenarios with conical emission,\nconical flow and Cerenkov radiation, from other scenarios. In addition, the\ndependence of the observed shapes on the $p_T$ of the associated particles can\nbe used to distinguish conical emission from a sonic boom (Mach-cone) and from\nQCD-Cerenkov radiation. We present results from STAR on 3-particle azimuthal\ncorrelations for a high $p_T$ trigger particle with two softer particles.\nResults are shown for $pp$, d+Au and high statistics Au+Au collisions at\n$\\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=200 GeV. An important aspect of the analysis is the subtraction\nof combinatorial backgrounds. Systematic uncertainties due to this subtraction\nand the flow harmonics v2 and v4 are investigated in detail. The implications\nof the results for the presence or absence of conical flow from Mach-cones are\ndiscussed.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[nucl-ex]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We present results from STAR on 3-particle azimuthal correlations for a\n$3<p_T<4$ GeV/c trigger particle with two softer $1<p_T<2$ GeV/c particles.\nResults are shown for pp, d+Au and high statistics Au+Au collisions at\n$\\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV$. We observe a 3-particle correlation in central Au+Au\ncollisions which may indicate the presence of conical emission. In addition,\nthe dependence of the observed signal angular position on the $p_T$ of the\nassociated particles can be used to distinguish conical flow from simple\nQCD-\\v{C}erenkov radiation. An important aspect of the analysis is the\nsubtraction of combinatorial backgrounds. Systematic uncertainties due to this\nsubtraction and the flow harmonics $v_2$ and $v_4$ are investigated in detail.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[nucl-ex]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n A systematic study of isotopic effects in the break-up of projectile\nspectators at relativistic energies has been performed at the GSI laboratory\nwith the ALADiN spectrometer coupled to the LAND neutron detector. Besides a\nprimary beam of 124Sn, also secondary beams of 124La and 107Sn produced at the\nFRS fragment separator have been used in order to extend the range of isotopic\ncompositions. The gross properties of projectile fragmentation are very similar\nfor all the studied systems but specific isotopic effects have been observed in\nboth neutron and charged particle production. The breakup temperatures obtained\nfrom the double ratios of isotopic yields have been extracted and compared with\nthe limiting-temperature expectation.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[nucl-ex]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Recent studies of clustering in light nuclei with an initial energy above 1 A\nGeV in nuclear treack emulsion are overviewed. The results of investigations of\nthe relativistic $^9$Be nuclei fragmentation in emulsion, which entails the\nproduction of He fragments, are presented. It is shown that most precise\nangular measurements provided by this technique play a crucial role in the\nrestoration of the excitation spectrum of the $\\alpha$ particle sysytem. In\nperipheral interactions $^9$Be nuclei are dissociated practically totally\nthrough the 0$^+$ and 2$^+$ states of the $^8$Be nucleus.\n The results of investigations of the dissociation of a $^{14}$N nucleus of\nmomentum 2.86 A GeV/c in emulsion are presented as example of more complicated\nsystem. The momentum and correlation characteristics of $\\alpha$ particles for\nthe $^{14}$N$\\to3\\alpha+X$ channel in the laboratory system and the rest\nsystems of 3$\\alpha$ particles were considered in detail.\n Topology of charged fragments produced in peripheral relativistic\ndissociation of radioactive $^8$B, $^7$Be nuclei in emulsion is studied.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[nucl-ex]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n A Relativistic Transport Model (ART1.0) is applied to simulate the stopping\neffects in tip-tip and body-body U+U collisions, at a beam kinetic energy of\n520 MeV/nucleon. Our simulation results have demonstrated that both central\ncollisions of the two extreme orientations can achieve full stopping, and also\nform a bulk of hot, dense nuclear matter with a sufficiently large volume and\nlong duration, due to the largely deformed uranium nuclei. The nucleon sideward\nflow in the tip-tip collisions is nearly 3 times larger than that in body-body\nones at normalized impact parameter $b/b_{max}<0.5$, and that the body-body\ncentral collisions have a largest negative nucleon elliptic flow $v_{2}=-12%$\nin contrast to zero in tip-tip ones. Thus the extreme circumstance and the\nnovel experimental observables in tip-tip and body-body collisions can provide\na good condition and sensitive probe to study the nuclear EoS, respectively.\nThe Cooling Storage Ring (CSR) External Target Facility (ETF) to be built at\nLanzhou, China, delivering the uranium beam up to 520 MeV/nucleon is expected\nto make significant contribution to explore the nuclear equation of state\n(EoS).\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[nucl-ex]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Chargaff's second parity rule holds empirically for most types of DNA that\nalong single strands of DNA the base contents are equal for complimentary\nbases, A = T, G = C. A Markov chain model is constructed to track the evolution\nof any single base position along single strands of genomes whose organisms are\nequipped with replication mismatch repair. Under the key assumptions that\nmismatch error rates primarily depend the number of hydrogen bonds of\nnucleotides and that the mismatch repairing process itself makes strand\nrecognition error, the model shows that the steady state probabilities for any\nbase position to take on one of the 4 nucleotide bases are equal for\ncomplimentary bases. As a result, Chargaff's second parity rule is the\nmanifestation of the Law of Large Number acting on the steady state\nprobabilities. More importantly, because the model pinpoints mismatch repair as\na basis of the rule, it is suitable for experimental verification.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-bio.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Three-dimensional (3D) chromatin structure is closely related to genome\nfunction, in particular transcription. However, the folding path of the\nchromatin fiber in the interphase nucleus is unknown. Here, we systematically\nmeasured the 3D physical distance between pairwise labeled genomic positions in\ngene-dense, highly transcribed domains and gene-poor less active areas on\nchromosomes 1 and 11 in G1 nuclei of human primary fibroblasts, using\nfluorescence in situ hybridization. Interpretation of our results and those\npublished by others, based on polymer physics, shows that the folding of the\nchromatin fiber can be described as a polymer in a globular state (GS),\nmaintained by intra-polymer attractive interactions that counteract\nself-avoidance forces. The GS polymer model is able to describe chromatin\nfolding in as well the highly expressed domains as the lowly expressed ones,\nindicating that they differ in Kuhn length and chromatin compaction. Each type\nof genomic domain constitutes an ensemble of relatively compact globular\nfolding states, resulting in a considerable cellto- cell variation between\notherwise identical cells. We present evidence for different polymer folding\nregimes of the chromatin fiber on the length scale of a few mega base pairs and\non that of complete chromosome arms (several tens of Mb). Our results present a\nnovel view on the folding of the chromatin fiber in interphase and open the\npossibility to explore the nature of the intra-chromatin fiber interactions.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-bio.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n It is common to use reciprocal best hits, also known as a boomerang\ncriterion, for determining orthology between sequences. The best hits may be\nfound by blast, or by other more recently developed algorithms. Previous work\nseems to have assumed that reciprocal best hits is a sufficient but not\nnecessary condition for orthology. In this article, I explain why reciprocal\nbest hits cannot logically be a sufficient condition for orthology. If\nreciprocal best hits is neither sufficient nor necessary for orthology, it\nwould seem worthwhile to examine further the logical foundations of some\nunsupervised algorithms that are used to identify orthologs.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-bio.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Codon usage bias measure is defined through the mutual entropy calculation of\nreal codon frequency distribution against the quasi-equilibrium one. This\nlatter is defined in three manners: (1) the frequency of synonymous codons is\nsupposed to be equal (i.e., the arithmetic mean of their frequencies); (2) it\ncoincides to the frequency distribution of triplets; and, finally, (3) the\nquasi-equilibrium frequency distribution is defined as the expected frequency\nof codons derived from the dinucleotide frequency distribution. The measure of\nbias in codon usage is calculated for 125 bacterial genomes.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-bio.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Computational analyses of, e.g., genomic, proteomic, or metabolomic data,\ncommonly result in one or more sets of candidate genes, proteins, or enzymes.\nThese sets are often the outcome of clustering algorithms. Subsequently, it has\nto be tested if, e.g., the candidate gene-products are members of known\nmetabolic processes. With OrfMapper we provide a powerful but easy-to-use,\nweb-based database application, that supports such analyses. All services\nprovided by OrfMapper are freely available at\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[q-bio.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - 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[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - 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[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - 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[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - 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[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We first exhibit counterexamples to some open questions related to a theorem\nof Sakai.\n Then we establish an extension theorem of Sakai type for separately\nholomorphic/meromorphic functions.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.CV]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Availing services provided via the Internet became a widely accepted means in\norganising one's life. Beside others, eLearning goes with this trend as well.\nBut, while employing Internet service makes life more convenient, at the same\ntime, it raises risks with respect to the protection of the users' privacy.\nThis paper analyses the attitudes of eLearning users towards their privacy by,\ninitially, pointing out terminology and legal issues connected with privacy.\nFurther, the concept and implementation as well as a result analysis of a\nconducted study is presented, which explores the problem area from different\nperspectives. The paper will show that eLearning users indeed care for the\nprotection of their personal information when using eLearning services.\nHowever, their attitudes and behaviour slightly differ. In conclusion, we\nprovide first approaches of assisting possibilities for users how to resolve\nthe difference of requirements and their actual activities with respect to\nprivacy protection.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CY]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Bayesian neural networks were used to model the relationship between input\nparameters, Democracy, Allies, Contingency, Distance, Capability, Dependency\nand Major Power, and the output parameter which is either peace or conflict.\nThe automatic relevance determination was used to rank the importance of input\nvariables. Control theory approach was used to identify input variables that\nwould give a peaceful outcome. It was found that using all four controllable\nvariables Democracy, Allies, Capability and Dependency; or using only\nDependency or only Capabilities avoids all the predicted conflicts.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CY]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Realizing test scenarios through a tutoring system involve questions about\narchitecture and didactic methods in such a system. Observing the fact that\ntraditional tutoring systems normally are domain-static, this paper shows\ninvestigations for a generic domain-independent tutoring system for utilizing\ntest scenarios in computer-based and web-based environments. Furthermore, test\nparadigms are analyzed and it is presented an approach for realizing\nfunctionality for applying test paradigms in the presented generic tutoring\nsystem architecture by an XML-specified language.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CY]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n According to socio-constructivism approach, collective situations are\npromoted to favor learning in classroom, at a distance or in a blended\neducational context. So, many Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)\nare provided to teachers but there are no clear studies about the way they are\nused and perceived. Our research is based on the hypothesis that practices of\neducational actors (instructional designers and tutors) are far away from\ntheoretical results of research in education technologies. In this paper, we\nconsider a precise kind of situation: Instrumented Collective Learning\nSituations (ICLS). By a survey on 13 fields in higher education in France,\nSwitzerland and Canada, we present how ICLS are designed and how teachers used\nthem. Conclusions give an indication on the gap between the way information\ntechnologies are prescribed and the way they are actually used and perceived by\nteachers.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CY]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Currently, educational platforms propose many tools of communication,\nproduction, labour division or collective work management in order to support\ncollective activities. But it is not guaranteed that actors (instructional\ndesigners, tutors or learner) are really using them. Our work, describe\ncharacteristics of instrumented learning situations (ICLS) in the higher\neducation. Our intention is to determine: if ICLS are really existing; which\nform they take (in terms of scenario, tools, type of activity...) ; if\nrecommendations resulting from research tasks are taken into account by\ninstructional designers and if the instructional designer prescribed activities\nare really follow by learners or tutors? To answer these questions, we have\nmade a survey about ICLS actors uses.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[cs.CY]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We show that there is a unique Markov trace on the tower of Temperley--Lieb\ntype quotients of Hecke algebras of Coxeter type $E_n$ (for all $n \\geq 6$). We\nexplain in detail how this trace may be computed easily using tom Dieck's\ncalculus of diagrams. As applications, we show how to use the trace to show\nthat the diagram representation is faithful, and to compute leading\ncoefficients of certain Kazhdan--Lusztig polynomials.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.QA]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n These notes, based on the paper \"Formal Solution of the Master Equation via\nHPT and Deformation Theory\" by Huebschmann and Stasheff, were prepared for a\nseries of talks at Illinois State University with the intention of applying\nHomological Perturbation Theory to the derived bracket constructions of\nKosmann-Schwarzbach and T. Voronov, and eventually writing Part II of the paper\n\"Higher Derived Brackets and Deformation Theory I\" by the present authors.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.QA]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Deformations of the 3-differential of 3-differential graded algebras are\ncontrolled by the (3,N) Maurer-Cartan equation. We find explicit formulae for\nthe coefficients appearing in that equation, introduce new geometric examples\nof N-differential graded algebras, and use these results to study N Lie\nalgebroids.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.QA]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The structure of anticyclic operad on the Dendriform operad defines in\nparticular a matrix of finite order acting on the vector space spanned by\nplanar binary trees. We compute its characteristic polynomial and propose a\n(compatible) conjecture for the characteristic polynomial of the Coxeter\ntransformation for the Tamari lattice, which is mostly a square root of this\nmatrix.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.QA]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We replace the ice Ansatz on matrix solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation by\na weaker condition which we call \"rime\". Rime solutions include the standard\nDrinfeld-Jimbo R-matrix. Solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation within the rime\nAnsatz which are maximally different from the standard one we call \"strict\nrime\". A strict rime non-unitary solution is parameterized by a projective\nvector. We show that this solution transforms to the Cremmer-Gervais R-matrix\nby a change of basis with a matrix containing symmetric functions in the\ncomponents of the parameterizing vector. A strict unitary solution (the rime\nAnsatz is well adapted for taking a unitary limit) is shown to be equivalent to\na quantization of a classical \"boundary\" r-matrix of Gerstenhaber and\nGiaquinto. We analyze the structure of the elementary rime blocks and find, as\na by-product, that all non-standard R-matrices of GL(1|1)-type can be uniformly\ndescribed in a rime form.\n We discuss then connections of the classical rime solutions with the Bezout\noperators. The Bezout operators satisfy the (non-)homogeneous associative\nclassical Yang--Baxter equation which is related to the Rota-Baxter operators.\n We classify the rime Poisson brackets: they form a 3-dimensional pencil. A\nnormal form of each individual member of the pencil depends on the discriminant\nof a certain quadratic polynomial. We also classify orderable quadratic rime\nassociative algebras.\n For the standard Drinfeld-Jimbo solution, there is a choice of the\nmultiparameters, for which it can be non-trivially rimed. However, not every\nBelavin-Drinfeld triple admits a choice of the multiparameters for which it can\nbe rimed. We give a minimal example.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.QA]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p>2, prolongations of the\nsimple finite dimensional Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix\nare studied for certain simplest gradings of these algebras. Several new simple\nLie superalgebras are discovered, serial and exceptional, including superBrown\nand superMelikyan superalgebras. Simple Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix of\nrank 2 are classified.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.RT]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We relate a generic character sheaf on a disconnected reductive group with a\ncharacter of a representation of the rational points of the group over a finite\nfield extending a result known in the connected case.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.RT]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Dipper, James and Murphy generalized the classical Specht module theory to\nHecke algebras of type $B_n$. On the other hand, for any choice of a monomial\norder on the parameters in type $B_n$, we obtain corresponding Kazhdan--Lusztig\ncell modules. In this paper, we show that the Specht modules are naturally\nequivalent to the Kazhdan--Lusztig cell modules {\\em if} we choose the\ndominance order on the parameters, as in the ``asymptotic case'' studied by\nBonnaf\\'e and the second named author. We also give examples which show that\nsuch an equivalence does not hold for other choices of monomial orders.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.RT]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - 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[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n We study holonomy representations admitting a pair of supplementary faithful\nsub-representations. In particular the cases where the sub-representations are\nisomorphic respectively dual to each other are treated. In each case we have a\ncloser look at the classification in small dimension.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.RT]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Given a partially ordered set $P$ there exists the most general Boolean\nalgebra $F(P)$ which contains $P$ as a generating set, called the {\\it free\nBoolean algebra} over $P$. We study free Boolean algebras over posets of the\nform $P=P_0\\cup P_1$, where $P_0,P_1$ are well orderings. We call them {\\it\nnearly ordinal algebras}.\n Answering a question of Maurice Pouzet, we show that for every uncountable\ncardinal $\\kappa$ there are $2^\\kappa$ pairwise non-isomorphic nearly ordinal\nalgebras of cardinality $\\kappa$.\n Topologically, free Boolean algebras over posets correspond to compact\n0-dimensional distributive lattices. In this context, we classify all closed\nsublattices of the product $(\\omega_1+1)\\times(\\omega_1+1)$, thus showing that\nthere are only $\\aleph_1$ many of them. In contrast with the last result, we\nshow that there are $2^{\\aleph_1}$ topological types of closed subsets of the\nTikhonov plank $(\\omega_1+1)\\times(\\omega+1)$.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n A compact Hausdorff space X is called a CO space, if every closed subset of X\nis homeomorphic to an open subset of X. Every successor ordinal with its order\ntopology is a CO space. We find an explicit characterization of the class K of\nCO spaces which are a continuous image of a Dedkind complete totally ordered\nset. (The topology of a totally ordered set is taken to be its order topology).\nWe show that every member of K can be described as a finite disjoint sum of\nvery simple spaces. Every summand has either form: (1) mu + 1 + nu^*, where mu\nand nu are cardinals, and nu^* is the reverse order of nu; or (2) the summand\nis the 1-point-compactification of a discrete space with cardinality aleph_1.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n A reparametrization (of a continuous path) is given by a surjective weakly\nincreasing self-map of the unit interval. We show that the monoid of\nreparametrizations (with respect to compositions) can be understood via\n``stop-maps'' that allow to investigate compositions and factorizations, and we\ncompare it to the distributive lattice of countable subsets of the unit\ninterval. The results obtained are used to analyse the space of traces in a\ntopological space, i.e., the space of continuous paths up to reparametrization\nequivalence. This space is shown to be homeomorphic to the space of regular\npaths (without stops) up to increasing reparametrizations. Directed versions of\nthe results are important in directed homotopy theory.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n Let R denote the smallest class of compact spaces containing all metric\ncompacta and closed under limits of continuous inverse sequences of\nretractions. Class R is striclty larger than the class of Valdivia compact\nspaces. We show that every compact connected Abelian group which is a\ntopological retract of a space from class R is necessarily isomorphic to a\nproduct of metric groups. This completes the result of V. Uspenskij and the\nauthor, where a compact connected Abelian group outside class R has been\ndescribed.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.GN]#" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are an AI agent who takes in a user's question to categorize an abstract from arXiv into\nthe following categories:\n\n```file:category_to_description.json\n{\n \"astro-ph.SR\": \"Solar and Stellar Astrophysics\",\n \"math.MG\": \"Metric Geometry\",\n \"cs.CL\": \"Computation and Language\",\n \"cond-mat.mtrl-sci\": \"Materials Science\",\n \"physics.atm-clus\": \"Atomic and Molecular Clusters\",\n \"cs.SD\": \"Sound\",\n \"physics.gen-ph\": \"General Physics\",\n \"q-fin.CP\": \"Computational Finance\",\n \"math.OC\": \"Optimization and Control\",\n \"physics.pop-ph\": \"Popular Physics\",\n \"q-fin.TR\": \"Trading and Market Microstructure\",\n \"cs.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.OS\": \"Operating Systems\",\n \"cs.NE\": \"Neural and Evolutionary Computing\",\n \"stat.CO\": \"Computation\",\n \"cs.CE\": \"Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science\",\n \"hep-ph\": \"High Energy Physics - Phenomenology\",\n \"\": \"Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability\",\n \"cs.SE\": \"Software Engineering\",\n \"astro-ph.EP\": \"Earth and Planetary Astrophysics\",\n \"math.CT\": \"Category Theory\",\n \"nlin.CG\": \"Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases\",\n \"q-bio.CB\": \"Cell Behavior\",\n \"q-bio.TO\": \"Tissues and Organs\",\n \"physics.optics\": \"Optics\",\n \"math.SG\": \"Symplectic Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.GA\": \"Astrophysics of Galaxies\",\n \"\": \"Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics\",\n \"physics.atom-ph\": \"Atomic Physics\",\n \"stat.OT\": \"Other Statistics\",\n \"cs.DL\": \"Digital Libraries\",\n \"cs.DM\": \"Discrete Mathematics\",\n \"math.AC\": \"Commutative Algebra\",\n \"\": \"Biological Physics\",\n \"physics.hist-ph\": \"History and Philosophy of Physics\",\n \"cs.MS\": \"Mathematical Software\",\n \"cs.PF\": \"Performance\",\n \"math.DG\": \"Differential Geometry\",\n \"astro-ph.IM\": \"Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics\",\n \"nlin.CD\": \"Chaotic Dynamics\",\n \"astro-ph.HE\": \"High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena\",\n \"q-bio.SC\": \"Subcellular Processes\",\n \"cs.MM\": \"Multimedia\",\n \"\": \"Applied Physics\",\n \"quant-ph\": \"Quantum Physics\",\n \"cs.AR\": \"Hardware Architecture\",\n \"math.OA\": \"Operator Algebras\",\n \"physics.chem-ph\": \"Chemical Physics\",\n \"nlin.SI\": \"Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems\",\n \"cs.LG\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"cs.GL\": \"General Literature\",\n \"q-bio.OT\": \"Other Quantitative Biology\",\n \"math.AP\": \"Analysis of PDEs\",\n \"nucl-th\": \"Nuclear Theory\",\n \"math.DS\": \"Dynamical Systems\",\n \"math.GR\": \"Group Theory\",\n \"cond-mat.stat-mech\": \"Statistical Mechanics\",\n \"cond-mat.str-el\": \"Strongly Correlated Electrons\",\n \"math.NT\": \"Number Theory\",\n \"math.AG\": \"Algebraic Geometry\",\n \"cs.FL\": \"Formal Languages and Automata Theory\",\n \"q-bio.MN\": \"Molecular Networks\",\n \"stat.AP\": \"Applications\",\n \"hep-th\": \"High Energy Physics - Theory\",\n \"eess.AS\": \"Audio and Speech Processing\",\n \"q-bio.NC\": \"Neurons and Cognition\",\n \"stat.ME\": \"Methodology\",\n \"q-fin.EC\": \"Economics\",\n \"stat.ML\": \"Machine Learning\",\n \"math.CO\": \"Combinatorics\",\n \"math.PR\": \"Probability\",\n \"cs.SY\": \"Systems and Control\",\n \"cs.GT\": \"Computer Science and Game Theory\",\n \"math.GM\": \"General Mathematics\",\n \"math.LO\": \"Logic\",\n \"math.KT\": \"K-Theory and Homology\",\n \"q-bio.PE\": \"Populations and Evolution\",\n \"cs.DB\": \"Databases\",\n \"cs.MA\": \"Multiagent Systems\",\n \"eess.SP\": \"Signal Processing\",\n \"q-fin.ST\": \"Statistical Finance\",\n \"eess.IV\": \"Image and Video Processing\",\n \"physics.soc-ph\": \"Physics and Society\",\n \"\": \"Space Physics\",\n \"cs.ET\": \"Emerging Technologies\",\n \"cs.CG\": \"Computational Geometry\",\n \"cs.SC\": \"Symbolic Computation\",\n \"cs.RO\": \"Robotics\",\n \"astro-ph.CO\": \"Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics\",\n \"cs.DC\": \"Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing\",\n \"physics.flu-dyn\": \"Fluid Dynamics\",\n \"physics.geo-ph\": \"Geophysics\",\n \"physics.comp-ph\": \"Computational Physics\",\n \"nucl-ex\": \"Nuclear Experiment\",\n \"q-bio.GN\": \"Genomics\",\n \"math.CV\": \"Complex Variables\",\n \"cs.CY\": \"Computers and Society\",\n \"math.QA\": \"Quantum Algebra\",\n \"math.RT\": \"Representation Theory\",\n \"math.GN\": \"General Topology\",\n \"physics.class-ph\": \"Classical Physics\",\n \"physics.plasm-ph\": \"Plasma Physics\",\n \"math.CA\": \"Classical Analysis and ODEs\",\n \"cond-mat.soft\": \"Soft Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.CC\": \"Computational Complexity\",\n \"gr-qc\": \"General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology\",\n \"math.NA\": \"Numerical Analysis\",\n \"cs.SI\": \"Social and Information Networks\",\n \"cond-mat.mes-hall\": \"Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics\",\n \"math.RA\": \"Rings and Algebras\",\n \"cond-mat.dis-nn\": \"Disordered Systems and Neural Networks\",\n \"nlin.PS\": \"Pattern Formation and Solitons\",\n \"econ.TH\": \"Theoretical Economics\",\n \"cs.NI\": \"Networking and Internet Architecture\",\n \"cs.GR\": \"Graphics\",\n \"math.AT\": \"Algebraic Topology\",\n \"q-fin.MF\": \"Mathematical Finance\",\n \"cs.OH\": \"Other Computer Science\",\n \"q-bio.BM\": \"Biomolecules\",\n \"nlin.AO\": \"Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems\",\n \"econ.EM\": \"Econometrics\",\n \"cs.DS\": \"Data Structures and Algorithms\",\n \"hep-ex\": \"High Energy Physics - Experiment\",\n \"cs.LO\": \"Logic in Computer Science\",\n \"math.GT\": \"Geometric Topology\",\n \"physics.acc-ph\": \"Accelerator Physics\",\n \"\": \"Medical Physics\",\n \"q-fin.GN\": \"General Finance\",\n \"hep-lat\": \"High Energy Physics - Lattice\",\n \"physics.ins-det\": \"Instrumentation and Detectors\",\n \"cond-mat.supr-con\": \"Superconductivity\",\n \"cond-mat.other\": \"Other Condensed Matter\",\n \"cs.HC\": \"Human-Computer Interaction\",\n \"q-fin.RM\": \"Risk Management\",\n \"cs.CV\": \"Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition\",\n \"math.FA\": \"Functional Analysis\",\n \"q-fin.PM\": \"Portfolio Management\",\n \"math.SP\": \"Spectral Theory\",\n \"cs.CR\": \"Cryptography and Security\",\n \"q-bio.QM\": \"Quantitative Methods\",\n \"math.HO\": \"History and Overview\",\n \"physics.ed-ph\": \"Physics Education\",\n \"cs.PL\": \"Programming Languages\",\n \"cs.IR\": \"Information Retrieval\",\n \"cond-mat.quant-gas\": \"Quantum Gases\",\n \"q-fin.PR\": \"Pricing of Securities\"\n}\n```\n\nYou will only respond in the following format:\n\n```output-example\n#[cs.CE,]#\n```\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "```arXiv-abstract\n The sum theorem and its corollaries are proved for a countable family of\nzero-dimensional (in the sense of small and large inductive bidimensions)\np-closed sets, using a new notion of relative normality whose topological\ncorrespondent is also new. The notion of almost $n$-dimensionality is\nconsidered from the bitopological point of view.\n Bitopological spaces in which every subset is i-open in its $j$-closure\n(i.e.,(i,j)-submaximal spaces) are introduced and their properties are studied.\nBased on the investigations begun in [5] and [14], sufficient conditions are\nfound for bitopological spaces to be(1,2)-Baire in the class of p-normal\nspaces. Furthermore, (i,j)-I-spaces are introduced and both the relations\nbetween(i,j)-submaximal, (i,j)-nodec and (i,j)-I-spaces, and their properties\nare studied when two topologies on a set are either independent of each other\nor interconnected by the inclusion, S-, C- and N-relations or by their\ncombinations.\n The final part of the paper deals with the questions of preservation of\n$(i,j)$-submaximal and $(2,1)\\dd I$-spaces to an image, of $D$-spaces to an\nimage and an inverse image for both the topological and the bitopological\ncases. Two theorems are formulated containing, on the one hand, topological\nconditions and, on the other hand, bitopological ones, under which a\ntopological space is a $D$-space.\n\n```" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "#[math.GN]#" } ]