If you haven’t had your lunch yet you might wanna postpone it until you’ve watched this amazing video. The gravity-defying stunts performed by ace skier Candide Thovex are enough to make you queasy. Our favourite part is when the crazy stunt ace – who performs mid-air twirls and somersaults – actually skies INSIDE a building at the end of the footage. The 32-year-old King of the Slopes released the amazing sequence onto his YouTube channel. It was filmed at the Val Blanc resort in his native France. According to his Wikipedia page he has changed the face of skiing with his freestyle moves. Watch and enjoy. Meanwhile if you love extreme sports then head to FilmOn.com – where there is whole channel dedicated to adrenaline stunts called X-Treme, along with hundreds of other free channels. You may also like to read the following: Read more about Candide in The Independent We’re gonna need a bigger boat! See amazing video of girl who rides sharks Don’t look down! Gut-churning video shows world’s largest zip line … on a skyscraper
In a move that is aimed at providing a larger domestic market for wine producers and grape farmers, the Maharashtra cabinet on Thursday allowed walk-in stores and supermarkets of over 100 square metres in the state to sell wine stored on their shelves. The shops will need a wine sale licence and will only be able to sell to customers with a liquor permit. Until now, supermarkets with a liquor licence had been allowed to sell wine and beer in the state. However, these had to be displayed inside a separate enclosure. Several large supermarket sold wine in this manner for several years. The latest decision of the state cabinet will allow smaller shops to also sell wine without requiring a separate enclosure. “This will help smaller vineyards and brands that cannot market their product to have access to a larger market. It will boost the wine industry in the state,” said a senior government official. State skill development minister Nawab Malik said, “This will help grape farmers in the state to widen their market and get a better price for their produce. ” Although Maharashtra is the leading wine producer in the country, domestic wine sales are poor and are dominated by a few brands. The state produces roughly 1. 7 crore litres of wine per year, of which only 70 lakh is sold domestically, officials said. Wine in the state is produced through fruits, flowers, bananas and honey. The opposition has slammed the move. “We won’t allow Maharashtra to become Madya-Rashtra (a liquor state),” said leader of opposition Devendra Fadnavis. The cabinet decision specifies that the shops selling wine will have to be located at a distance from educational and religious institutions. This decision will not be implemented in districts which have a liquor ban. The shops will need to have a cupboard measuring 2.5 cubic metres, with a lock. The licence for the sale of wine in walk-in stores and supermarkets will be worth Rs 5,000. The shops will also have to have a license under the Maharashtra Shops and Establishments Act, 2017. Wine producers have welcomed the move. “This will improve wine production and sales by 20%-30%,” said Jagdish Holkar, president of the All India Wine Producers Association. He said the state has 70 wineries and around10,000 people involved in the trade. Several small stores said they were uncomfortable with the idea of selling liquor. Some said it went against the idea of what kirana stores typically sell and their owners would not permit it. Post a Comment
As the year winds down… we find ourselves heading towards cooler weather, looking forward to the holidays, and a lot of us are in the kitchen a whole lot more… If you’re like me and love to cook, you’ll enjoy stumbling upon a great recipe online… though, I have to caution you… if you ever make the mistake of searching the words, cake of light or spirit cooking you’ll get more than you asked for! A cake of light is a eucharist found within the religion of Thelema, but let me explain what a eucharist is. Within the Catholic religion, a eucharist would be defined as a ceremonial bread or wine, but when English occultist Aleister Crowely formed his own religion in the 1800s called Thelema, the cake of light ritual became his eucharist. The cake is a symbol of union between man and the divine. The cake must be created in a ritual and then consumed. Much like any other religion, there is a bible of sacred text which includes instructions to create the cake of light. That book was called the book of law. The recipe calls for honey, thick leavings of red wine, oil of Abramelin, olive oil and fresh blood. The book of law states that the best blood is from a woman’s monthly cycle, or the fresh blood of a child. Other instructions go on to guide you to burn the cake and eat it. At times, this cake is created with other bodily fluids, including sperm and menstrual blood, it’s then baked in the shape of a small wafer. The cake of light ritual is mostly isolated to the Thelema religion, but in current times, we are now seeing a similar ritual called Spirit Cooking. Spirit cooking also makes use of bodily fluids. Particularly, blood, some use pigs blood, and some use human blood. Fresh breast milk, and fresh sperm are also used. This ritual was created by Serbian artist Marina Abramovic. Marina Abramovic is a Serbian performance artist and philanthropist. She claims her rituals are not satanic, but spiritual and the goal of the ritual is to connect spirits to our material world. Marina believes when we communicate and feed the spirits, they will answer our wishes. This type of offering ties you to a spirit who will serve you in this life. It appears that Marina Abramovic is the 21st century’s Aleister Crowley. Crowley was a painter and an author and his cake of light ritual is identical to Marina’s spirit cooking. Some believe this is a satanic ritual and since Marina created it she must be a satan worshipper…she claims she is not. Though the Serbian artist does have most people wondering what her beliefs are as some of her performances contained gory or painful scenarios. Once she used a knife to stab between her fingers repeatedly. And on stage she carved a pentagram into her stomach… in another performance, she was half naked in front of an audience for 6 hours. During these six hours the audience was instructed to use one of 72 items that she left on a table, such as a knife, razor blades, feathers, flowers and even a loaded gun. The audience could select an item and do whatever they wanted to Marina, including killing her. Some Attached things to her, one man used a razor to cut her neck, and someone made her point a loaded gun to herself. Obviously, she lived through that. These are just a few examples of her performance art, there are many more that are quite odd and lean towards occultism. Later in 1996 in an Italian art gallery, causing more confusion, Marina painted instructions in pigs blood on a white wall. The instructions read : with a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand, eat the pain. Marina also published a cookbook. It’s titled a Spirit Cooking cookbook. The cookbook is a series of aphrodisiac recipes, that include recipes calling for fresh sperm and fresh breastmilk to be eaten on the night of an earthquake. Oftentimes she poses with a Baphomet looking goat’s head, this only riles up the conspiracy theorists. In June of 2015, Marina invited Tony & John Podesta to a spirit dinner. John Podesta is a political consultant in the United States and served as White House Chief of staff for President Bill Clinton. Tony Podesta is an American Lobbyist. Emails between the three regarding a spirit dinner were exchanged and later leaked. Marina’s original email to Tony reads: “Dear Tony, I am looking forward to the spirit cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina.” Tony then emailed his brother John, “Are you in NYC Thursday July 9. Marina wants you to come to dinner.” Tony Podesta attended the dinner. John did not. When these emails were leaked it set conspiracy theorists into full blown hysterics. You’re probably wondering why conspiracy theorists would be concerned about an American Lobbyist like Tony Podesta or former chief of staff John Podesta but that’s largely due to Tony’s strange home art collection. There are paintings and sculptures of naked teenagers and nearly naked children. One of the pieces is a headless body and some say it may have been inspired by a Jeffrey Dahmer victim. Other pieces appear to be full blown demons like creatures carrying children in cages on their backs. And during this period of time, we were full swing in election season, much like now. John Podesta was the chairman of Hilary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign. For conspiracy theorists it wouldn’t be too far of a stretch to link Marina Abramovic and Tony and John Podesta to some kind of satanic ritual. Marina denies that dinner being anything more than simply dinner. She’s insisted many times to the media, that it was just an actual dinner with a simple menu, with no blood or rituals, and she actually served a series of soups she had made. In fact, she states the dinner was to thank large contributors from her Kickstarter page. The invitation on Kickstarter read : A dinner night with Marina during which she will teach you and other backers at this level how to cook a series of traditional soups, which you will all enjoy together. The night will end with the making of a golden ball, a recipe given to Marina in a Tibetan Monastery. Marina will bring to this dinner a spirit cooking memento for each backer to keep. It’s difficult in a situation like this to debunk conspiracy theorists, especially when Marina Abramovic’s spirit cooking very much resembles Aleister Crowley’s cake of light ritual. Spirit cooking is associated with cannibalism, Satanism, and those that follow Marina’s spiritual cooking have been labelled as a cult. However, if you actually read a bit of her book, you find that Marina combines real ingredients with spiritual ideas. One entry in the book reads : “Take 13 leaves of uncut green cabbage with 13,000 grams of jealousy steam for a long time in a deep iron pot until all the water evaporates eat just before attack” This could be interpreted as dark poetry or you could view it as something more sinister. Is this just art or is this something much darker. For now… it’s unexplained…. 27 thoughts on “Spirit Cooking” This is crazy!!!! What a wicked story! Love this site! Will share site with my buddies. Please do! Glad you enjoy it! Hey, thanks for this story!! So want more. Love the podcast !! Way cool! I love this story plus the rest of the site is also very good. Loved this podcast episode!!! Mahala Daven Fleming Wonderful article! Keep up the great writing!! Great story! Love Love Love Ann’s voice on the podcast!!!! Hi there very nice site!! .. Excellent .. Superb .. Looking forward to reading more. Great blog post. Much thanks again. Fantastic. Hettie I am truly delighted to read this weblog posts which includes plenty of amazing stories, thanks for providing such a site. Elena Way cool! I appreciate you writing this post plus the rest of the site is also amazing. Attractive amount of content. I just stumbled upon your site and have to say that I actually enjoyed all your blog posts. Very good article. I will be looking for more like this!! This was a great story. Say, you got a nice site, Really thank you! Great site! Bravo. I look constantly for more. Dark and full of strangeness. Love it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site and podcast. Keep it up. Spirit cooking was my favorite episode. I consider this the best site I’ve ever visited. I love the podcast! Eddie sounds handsome! Muchisimas gracias, Flora. Pretty awesome stuff! This was a really wonderful article. Many thanks for being amazing! Hi there, yup this genuinely one of the best websites i’ve visited! Hi, I visit this site daily! I LOVE the site and the podcast! Man this was a crazy story! Loved the podcast episode! Thanks for finally writing about > Spirit Cooking – . < Loved it!
These are instructions for the older version of the Universalis app, which was superseded in early February 2014. The new instructions are here. If you are still using iOS 5 or earlier, you will be using the older version of the app. Note: not all these settings are visible in the Catholic Calendar application if you haven't bought any months for it or used the "Try before you buy" feature. The settings are reached by tapping the cogwheel symbol at the top of the text screen. Here is a list of the settings and what they mean. Four different psalms may be used as the Invitatory Psalm, although Psalm 94 (95) is the traditional one. Universalis lets you choose whether to rotate between the permitted options ("Different each day") or stick to Psalm 94 (95) permanently ("Same every day"). The Grail translation is the one used in most English versions of the Liturgy of the Hours worldwide. For copyright reasons we have to use a version of our own in our web pages, so we offer it here as an alternative in case you have got used to it. Jerusalem Bible with Grail psalms: this is the most usual translation in the English-speaking world, though others are permitted. New American Bible: this is the translation used in the USA. We apologize to Canada and South Africa: we are still trying to negotiate with the owners of the NRSV, which you are using at Mass. Include prayers: If you are using Universalis as a private spiritual resource, the Mass readings of the day are probably all that you want. If you are taking it to Mass with you, you may want the Entrance Antiphon and the other prayers and antiphons from the printed missals. This option lets you choose. Priest's private prayers: You can choose whether to include in the Order of Mass (and in Mass Today) the prayers that are said silently or quietly by the priest. Gospel at Mass: You can choose whether to view the original Greek text of the Gospel alongside the English. Order of Mass: You can view Latin or one of a number of other European languages in parallel with the English text of the Order of Mass. This is intended to help you follow Mass when you are abroad. The Mass Today page will also show you the parallel texts, but it will display the daily content (prayers, psalms and readings) in English only. Liturgy of the Hours: You can choose whether to view the Latin text of the Hours alongside the English. Scroll vertically: the Hour will be long and scrollable, like a Web page. Divide into pages: the Hour will be divided into pages, and you can turn from one page to the next. If you turn this option on, Universalis will create an events calendar called "Universalis Automatic" so that you can see the saint of each day as an event in the calendar on your device. For more information, see Universalis Automatic calendar. This button is at the very bottom of the screen.If you like, our web site can send you daily emails with all the Hours or just a selection of them. Press this button to set it up. |This web site © Copyright 1996-2015 Universalis Publishing Ltd (contact us)|
There are plenty of resources out there, written by investment experts and Oakville real estate agents that will help you buy a home in the big city. Unfortunately, many insiders fall into the habit of speaking in realtor lingo, which is unfamiliar to first time home buyers. If you're looking into buying a home and are confused by the terms "buyer's market" and "seller's market," we should be able to help you understand what this means, both as a concept and in terms of what it means for you, the buyer. A buyer's market simply refers to any situation in which the buyer would have an advantage over the seller when conducting a real estate deal. This usually happens when real estate prices are low and houses are less in demand. This could mean that there are more houses in the real estate listings or less, depending on how home owners react to the bad prices (i.e. whether their instincts are to sell up and move or stay put and hope they go back up) but will tend to result in more listings because homes spend longer on the market. What a buyer's market means for you is that you will, in all likelihood, be able to secure the property you want for less. When prices are low, homeowners are unable to charge as much as they would like for their properties since buyers have the choice of walking away from the deal and looking for a better one. In buyer's markets you will be able to afford a larger house than you normally would, but beware of doing so because if the prices go back up you may no longer be able to afford your property taxes. As you might expect, a "seller's market" delineates a situation in which the reverse is true. In a seller's a market, the current owner of the house has the advantage over the people who are looking to buy. This is because real estate prices are high due to housing being in high demand. Many people will be looking for homes all at once, and usually there will be more people than there are houses. In this situation you will see a lot of benefit to the service industry, who do Edmonton home evaluations, sell real estate, or do inspections. What this means for you as a buyer is that if you find a home you like, you will probably have to compete for it with other buyers. The result: a waterfront cottage for sale will cost you more, in terms of money, time, and effort. You can expect to pay more and go to greater lengths, such as making friends with the seller, to convince them to choose you. Compliments of Housemaster Albany Home Inspections
Just in case you’ve been sleeping on this release, the?adidas Tubular X Primeknit in the Scarlet Red colorway is now up for grabs. Still need some convincing, let’s take a look at the latest images. The shoe comes constructed out of a Primeknit upper done in the Scarlet colorway. The shoe’s signature feature is the X-shaped paneling that comes done in a suede material this time around. More Red is placed on the rear portion of the midsole, while the front part adds some overall contrast as it comes in a White colorway. Trefoil branding appears on the ankle paneling, while even more adidas hits can be seen on the tongue pull tab. Out not, pick up your very own pair today for $160. Tubular models don’t provide the comfort I need. The shoe looks good, I just wish it come with some added cushioning and comfort. #ChicksOnFire Collections: Mighty_Muggs Available Now on Kixify & eBay
Have you been concurrently within your lifetime that you just usually do not want the duty of any link, but genuinely want the fringe positive aspects? Have you got a gentleman close friend that you are presently contemplating starting up your comfortable exposure to? At times you may believe that a single will have a great time without paying the cost? Should you be considering a causal connection or friends with benefits there are several information you must know just before transferring. Sexual really like massage therapies failed to develop being well-known for females ahead of the 1960’s. Just before then, most women only possessed sex whenever they received hitched. The amount of that failed to have been in fact viewed as the kind of females which were simple. Now, though that phrase is applied to ladies today, the notion is very varied. Only a few ladies in today’s entire world only have a single companion their entire lifestyles. In fact, females have come into the sex world very much on the very same degrees as guys. However, could this best be utilizing a bad result on its participants? Naturally, females are definitely more emotional than men. Point about this is really linked to our sex body organs. You can see ideas of love are made by a substance through the go named oxytocin. This compound substance can also be situated in the woman sex body organs and bosoms. Because of this, visit website females actually feel this kind of connecting when they breastfeed their children. Now, inside a vintage placing, this grew to be all excellent and great. Even so, in today’s sexual nude sexual intercourse restorative massage entire world, it is really not so exceptional. To be honest, this compound chemical is generated during particular times. There are many items that can set off the discharge of oxytocin. One of these simple straightforward items is sex, nicely an orgasmic delight becoming particular. Now, it might be explained that whenever you were failing to get climaxes, you would not release the substance. However, this is simply the full point of producing love for starters. So, on this page you could be, in your causal romantic relationship discharging oxytocin. What now? Effectively, you can expect to easily, no matter how much you attempt to avoid it, create emotions of affection to your sexual partner. Now, simply because this substance is indeed more powerful in ladies than of males, it is most likely that you may be the only real person acquiring these ideas. So, this may lead to feelings of injury, emptiness, and in many cases, even severe main depressive disorders.
The Village of Wilbur Park St. Louis, MO 63123 December 18, 2013 – Monthly Minutes 1. Meeting opened at 7:00pm. St. Louis County Police Officer Ray Absolon in attendance. No Village residents in attendance. 2. November meeting minutes reviewed. Minutes stand as presented. 3. Treasurer’s Report for November 2013 presented by JC Wheeler. November 2013 Total Income $9,396.08 Total Expense $7,326.02 Net Income (Loss) $2,070.06 Balance Sheets as of November 30, 2013 presented. Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual for November 2013 . presented. Sewer Lateral Fund for November 2013 presented. 4. Road and Building Commissioners Report presented by Rich Warren. No permits issued. Two homes under inspection. No Road or Building Issues. 5. Solid Waste Hauling Report presented by Ben Gathard. No issues to report. Christmas week pickups on Tuesday and Friday will be moved to Wednesday and Saturday. 6. Village Clerk Report for November 2013 presented by Neal Vohsen. No Yard/Estate sale permits issued. No activity to report. 7. Special Projects report presented by Sue Schleicher. Updated Village Newsletter prepared to go to Publication and Mailing. 8. Chairman’s Report presented by Joe Wilhite. Total Contract Patrols 182 Total Other Patrols 8 Minutes Spent on Contract Patrols 1677 Minutes spent on Other Patrols 156 Average minutes per Contract Patrols 9.21 Average minutes per Other Patrols 19.52 Ordinance 003-013 authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Trustees to execute a three year contract with McManus Construction, Inc., for provision of snow plowing and street salting services passed unanimously. Ordinance 004-013 setting compensation for Village Trustees passed unanimously. 9. New Business. No new business or other issues presented. Meeting adjourned 7:50pm.
The Village of Wilbur Park St. Louis, MO 63123 May 21, 2013 – Monthly Minutes 1. Meeting opened at 7:00pm with a moment of silence for the Moore, Oklahoma tornado victims. All Board Members in attendance. Four Village residents in attendance. St. Louis County Police Officer Dan Schroeder in attendance. 2. April 2013 minutes reviewed. Meeting minutes stand as presented. 3. Treasurer’s Report for March 2013 presented by Treasurer JC Wheeler. April 2013 Total Income $10,542.76 Total Expense $ 7,040.21 Net Income(Loss) $ 3,502.55 Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2013 presented. Profit and Loss Statement presented. 4. Road and Building Commissioners Report presented by Rich Warren. No housing permits issued. Three homes have been cited for Ordinance violations. 1. Dana Avenue – fencing, pets. 2. Wayne Avenue – New construction without permits. 3. Rosemary Avenue – general home and lot upkeep. 5. Solid Waste Hauling Report presented by Ben Gathard. No waste hauling issues to report. 6. Police report presented by Joe Wilhite. Total Contract patrols 193 1768 minutes spent Average minutes of Contract Patrols 9.16 Total Other Patrols 15 213 minutes spent Average minutes of Other Patrols 14.19 7. Village Clerk report presented by Neal Vohsen. No Garage Sale or Yard Sale activity to report. 8. Special Projects report presented by Sue Schleicher. Home on Hershey Avenue cited for sidewalk ordinance violation has sidewalk repair under contract waiting for repair work to begin. Home on Philo Avenue will be cited for sidewalk trip hazard. 9. Chairman’s Report presented by Joe Wilhite. MSD Project Clear program described. Rosemary, Philo, and Kathleen Avenues will be dug out to replace sanitary sewer line. Project Clear will install two sewer pipes, one storm water pipe and one public sewer pipe. Discussion began regarding the impact the new pipes will have on existing sewer lateral lines. Joe agreed to assist a young resident earning a Citizenship in Community Scout Merit Badge. Assistance will provide community service hours in the Village. Projects discussed included watering trees, planting annuals, and painting pots on Virgil Avenue. Meeting adjourned 7:40pm.
By Jason Kay These days it has become common and very easy to build a professional business website on your own, even though you do not have technical Internet, HTML or any programming knowledge. Having a website for your business has become extremely necessary for marketing purposes, because customers and consumers go almost solely to the Internet for knowledge about products and services. So, whether you operate your whole business online or you are just looking for a new, effective marketing strategy, creating a website will automatically be the best option. Before you start designing a website, you will have to determine a few things about your company and what you want to portray. After you have established this, you can literally create a business website yourself. Firstly, you should research the market you want to enter and attract. Then, find keywords and phrases (to use frequently in your content) that all those people would enter into search engines when looking for a service like yours. This will help you create a website with a high rank in search engines and will deliver thousands of visitors to your site, creating site traffic. You should also consider using affiliate marketing to build a profitable web business. Your marketing will be effective if you promote your website online and in print (always include your URL or domain name in other adverts so people have a place to go for more information.) You should vigorously brainstorm a domain name so it will ultimately be completely unique and not copy another business, because this can drive traffic away from your site and create losses. Choose a term or topic directly related to your business. Ask yourself: if I were looking for this product, what would I type into Google? You can either use your business name or you can use keywords in the URL. When you start building your page, start with the home page and then the about page, because this tells your story and introduces your business to the world. You can then move on to the other pages, creating each page around a concept or key-phrase so you can have a professional, logical layout. You should then determine how you will be using the site and how you will direct money through it: will you solely be marketing your business or will you be selling products online? Selling online means you will increase sales possibilities and you will have to create links and spaces for people to leave details and purchase items. If you are done creating your different links, pages, images and possibly tutorial videos, you should consider making use of affiliate marketing. Market a related businesss product on your site while marketing your product on their site: a win-win situation. Think about using pay per click and Google ad-word functions to further direct people to your site. This will automatically bring in more revenue. Whether you operate your whole business online or you are just looking for a new, effective marketing strategy, creating a website will automatically be the best option. About the Author: Find and compare the best website builder software
As a way to say thanks to our loyal readers, We Love DC will be giving away a pair of tickets to a 9:30 Club concert to one lucky reader each week. Check back here every Wednesday morning at 9am to find out what tickets we’re giving away and leave a comment for your chance to be the lucky winner! This week we are giving away a pair of tickets to see, local boys done good, Virginia Coalition perform at the 9:30 Club on Saturday, January 15th. (Note: This is an early show with 6pm doors). When it comes to genre, VACO (as they are affectionately called) covers them all. Their hometown shows are always a riot and sometimes feature guest-spots from former members. This show is being billed as an evening of old and new favorites, so maybe an appearance by Steve Dawson or John Patrick is in the works. Only one way to find out! Win those tickets! For your chance to win these tickets simply leave a comment on this post using a valid email address between 9am and 4pm today. One entry per email address, please. If today doesn’t turn out to be your lucky day, check back here each Wednesday for a chance to win tickets to other great concerts. Tickets for this concert are available on Ticketfly. For the rules of this giveaway…
Jump to navigation Jump to search |WikiChristian is a free encyclopedia and discussion forum of Biblical Christianity. Registered users are invited to contribute articles and images about Christians and Christianity. Please follow our page creation and layout guidelines. You must have cookies enabled to log in to WikiChristian. If you are having problems logging in, please click on the "E-mail password" button below.
Cracking Adobe Photoshop is a bit more involved, but it can be done. First, you’ll need to download and install the Adobe Photoshop software on your computer. Then, you need to locate the installation.exe file and run it. Once the installation is complete, you need to locate the patch file and copy it to your computer. The patch file is usually available online, and it is used to unlock the full version of the software. Once the patch file is copied, you need to run it and then follow the instructions on the screen. Once the patching process is complete, the software is cracked and ready to use. DOWNLOAD ✸ DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD ✸ DOWNLOAD Photoshop CC 2015 works best on high-end printers, midrange printers, and higher-end scanners. Many photographers and artists I’ve spoken with say that they’d buy a 30″ or 50″ screen if they could support all the great features. But, remember, Photoshop is designed for large screens. If you’ve got a smaller monitor, maybe it’s worth exploring a higher-end printer, and comparing price. Would a 300dpi printer get you the same quality? It’s all about working with the physics of our brains – scales, expectations, and human knowledge – to solve problems and create new ideas. Game developers use this mindset all of the time when they put you in a situation where you can’t quite get the tools right, or finish the game on time, and they keep coming back as a solution. I’m applying that strategy to all of my digital design challenges. ABOVE: Creating a floral vignette in Adobe Photoshop using the Gradient tool. BELOW: A set of images created with Adobe Photoshop Memories inside the Adobe Camera Raw filter. Lastly, the app takes full advantage of the iPad Pro’s display capability. Multiple screen resolutions make it easier to view large images. The new Retina-resolution JPEG image format means that you can easily edit existing images in any resolution that doesn’t exceed the iPad Pro’s screen without a performance hit. Blur, distort, and a host of other tools have new features to help you create stunning, high-fidelity edits. Photoshop has several shooting modes — Auto, Scene Mode, Portrait, and Landscape — that align with the camera settings on your device. If you’re creating a photo that doesn’t follow your chosen mode, you can manually select a shooting mode or apply one of the filters on the Shutter Roll Screen. You get to hone your skills by practicing and learning techniques like Color, Brightness, Exposure, Area, and Sharpness. Then, you can apply those techniques to real world images. Although there are much more advanced features in the desktop version, the mobile version also gives you an immersive look at things you normally only see in the Reflection View on the desktop. Recharge your creativity by trying out the whole library of new and familiar filters in the Express Function. We’re still digging into the true power of Photoshop by applying AI and machine learning to apply each one of the 27 processing steps, resulting in magical new one-click enhancements. What It Does: Sharpening filters are a common tool in the graphic design world. The Sharpen tool, for example, attempts to recreate the look of a traditional lens to accentuate sharp features, like the teeth in a photo of a smiling face. Another great example is the Reverse setting in the Tint tool. Although this process usually requires a complicated workflow on a desktop, Photoshop Mobile provides a more convenient, faster way to do this. Viewing your image over time, you can start making adjustments to get the stunning results you’re looking for.3ce19a4633 Photoshop’s 2.0 release in 1989 was a big step forward for the market. Since then Adobe has created numerous updates and revolutionized the way people use Adobe products. And while Photoshop has its long-standing emailing and printing issues, we consider all of those to be niche/historical issues. In the three decades since it was launched, Photoshop has remained a kings of photo editing, letting photographers and graphic designers bring out the most from their images. Photoshop is the world leader in the photographic industry, even after rival products like Adobe Lightroom have signalled a shift in the market. So what are the advantages? What makes this its own software in the first place? Whether you are opening images in Adobe or editing them, you can see all tasks you perform on your screen and on the composition. All kinds of adjustments can be easily done on an image with the aid of many tools. It’s up to the user to figure out which of them are appropriate for your work. This is an advanced software that has extensions available for almost all the basic operations and some of the more complex ones. From picture to picture, the software is scalable and can be incorporated into a standalone application. Adobe Photoshop Elements has new features, which include: - The user can access their passwords and other information. - The user can look for new updates. - Adobe Photoshop Elements allows the user to look for update packs as they are released. - The user can initiate an update process. adobe photoshop latest version free download windows 10 photoshop latest version 32 bit free download adobe photoshop cs6 latest version free download for pc adobe photoshop latest version free download pc latest version of adobe photoshop free download free adobe photoshop latest version free download photoshop latest version windows 7 free download photoshop cs latest version download adobe photoshop cc latest version download photoshop latest version software free download And if checking out the online versions of your favorite Adobe apps isn’t enough, there are some creative ways to experience these powerful tools as if you were in the classroom. - Load up now on Adobe’s online classroom platform. - Do school tasks during the month of August. - Start studying with reading, notes or a textbook on the Reproducible Learning Program (RLP). The sixth development release of Photo Mechanic 5, expected to be released in early August, will include several valuable new features, including an expanded web workspace that will allow you to access all the great features of Adobe products on the web. Expect to see seamless integration of web-based utilities on the Mac Version of Photo Mechanic 6, a version of Photo Mechanic that will include full-featured touchscreen editing, plus next-generation vision tools for object and image recognition. As always, Photo Mechanic will offer robust editing and enhancement tools, featuring a powerful menu-driven interface for working with RAW on the desktop and Web. These tools will include a unique and powerful image enhancements panel, an advanced mask and selection wizard, and a set of spot removal tools. Adobe Creative Cloud features education planning tools to help you develop practical teaching strategies for continuous learning with the programs you use every day. You can use these tools to plan lessons, train students and evaluate and reward your efforts. Accessing Adobe’s classroom tools can also help you plan lessons with students, assign materials, annotate files and manage learning activities. Adobe Photoshop – Photoshop is the application that empowers user to create stunning graphics. Through Photoshop, you can edit and manipulate different types of digital media, such as photos, videos, and videos. It offers a lot of tools that helps the user to create the graphics in a simple manner. It has a set of features that was provided in the previous versions of the graphics software like AI tools, filters, keyframes, exposure tools, retouching tools, and lastly, the powerful editing tools. Adobe Photoshop has a set of features that helps to enhance the output with multiple types of edits and many other useful features. Through the Photoshop, the user can create stunning graphics and modify the images by adding advanced features. As it is a photo editing software, the user can easily edit the images in the user-friendly manner. Adobe Photoshop has a set of features that provides the user to edit the various types of the images. This critically helps to create stunning images in a simple manner. With this software, the user can take the images of any format. With the latest version, the Adobe Photoshop has an advanced set of features such as editing tools and the most effective editing features. With the help of these features, the user can create stunning output in a simple manner. Adobe Photoshop helps the users to edit the graphical media with the full potential. It has a set of features that were previously shown in the older versions. In the latest version, the user can edit the collections through this software. The advanced features are available in this software. Healthkit is a tool designed to make life a bit easier for photographers who need to adjust their shots. With this tool, you can inspect your images and use Exposure and White Balance for instantly perfecting your photos, auto-layer detect for even better adjustment and more. Layer Mixer allows you to change the brightness, color, contrast and more of an image. It works by combining the existing layers of an image and keeps the background dark. It has a basic interface and is used to make quick changes and save time. You can add a new layer, move existing layers and so on. The default settings help you edit images more effectively. Layer Styles are a tool used by many users every single day. Adobe Photoshop Layer Styles is an easy-to-use tool that will enhance your images with eye-catching effects such as text, effects and graphics. This tool saves time and effort and makes it even easier for users to edit images. You can create amazing typography, logo designs and other graphics within minutes with layers. An adjustment tool for images that frees up your time and efforts by adding curves and then blending the effect into an image. This tool is quickly changing images with just a few clicks. You can also use the Adjustment Brush tool to add effects to images. It is one of the best tools for beginners. This tool might confuse some users as it has a bewildering interface. But the best thing about this tool is that it makes it much easier for beginners to transition to the other tools. At the heart of Photoshop is the powerful, full-featured editing and painting tools. You can edit nearly any photo and video, work with layers and patterns, create and edit 3D objects and images, and much more. You can also use the advanced text, selection, and measurement tools to add text, draw guides, and accurately measure, align, and place objects on your images. There’s also a robust selection tool to help you create precise selections and edit them in any way you want. The software is designed for home and hobbyist users who want to make everyday projects and share what they create with their friends and family. Setting up preferences and storage is easy, but keep in mind that the premium features are available only to those who pay for the software. Its key features are content-aware fill, object recognition, cloning, spot healing, color simulation, HDR imaging, etc. You can use it to edit layers, clip paths, vector masks, transform, blur, defuse, and much more. Throughout the book, we’ll use real-life examples of how to apply these tools and features to enhance images and master real-world design challenges. You’ll learn how to work with the most popular image formats, such as JPEG, TIFF, PSD, and GIF. We’ll also teach you how to use the most useful and powerful features of the program, such as how to use the spot healing brush, healing brush, lasso, polygonal lasso, and more. We’ll explain how to use filters to enhance your images and how to integrate them into your workflow. You’ll learn how to work with layers to give yourself new creative abilities and how to manipulate individual layers to create amazing effects. You’ll also learn how to work with masks and how to apply and remove them to create a variety of new effects. “OS X is now the web standard for the way designers create, share and collaborate,” said Scott Belsky. “By exposing Photoshop’s premium lineup of software for browsing on OS X, we’ve made it even simpler for designers to use the tools they love, no matter where they’re currently working.” There are numerous design websites built exclusively on Mac computers, including Envato Tuts+, Fresh Tuts+, and The Technica Show. Because a quick visit to Photoshop’s browser was difficult, these businesses were forced to hire designers and web design professionals to scramble in Photoshop, frequently in the browser, to create the images on their posts and posts. Similarly, online courses, books and online training courses with web browsers limit the capabilities of the tools available in Photoshop, resulting in less than ideal implementations. By offering Photoshop on the web, for OS X and Linux systems running standard web browsers, numerous online courses can now be completed with full access to Photoshop features, including the set of tools built into Photoshop for graphics professionals. Users can also find many hundreds of experienced Photoshop users sharing and collaborating online, make real-time comments and receive separate replies to their comments directly with instant responses. “Collaborating on photos is an essential part of social life today,” said Chris Peters. “Being the first app on the Mac platform to allow collaboration without leaving Photoshop gives us unique and innovative ways to share photos.” This year Adobe has introduced the world to an entirely new way to paint in Photoshop, with a revolutionary set of features called Draw & Sketch . The Adobe Draw & Sketch features allow you to bring your 2D vision to life with stunning results. Adobe Draw & Sketch features include: For those of you who use the creative cloud you can now access GIMP from any of the Creative Cloud apps ! Adobe Creative Cloud also allows you to download and share your Creative Cloud files with others and use them without the cloud. Want to create your own GIMP workflow to give you ultimate creative freedom? Or do you want to have access to a full complement of Adobe products? With the Creative Cloud, you can achieve both by storing your files in the cloud, and accessing them everywhere, all the time. When creating images, designers are bound to use some different types of software. When it comes to designing logos, layouts, motion graphics and the like, Adobe Photoshop is the most searched tool. It is easily accessible and everyone has it under their control. Some of the top features are powerful layers, filters, and smart objects. But when it comes to a gentle introduction, or training one self, it is also a great choice. After the subscription software, Adobe’s Creative Cloud caught attention and many people use it. With the help of this software, you can get access to the latest and best version of the software for your platform. And using this software gives you an option to upload your work on Behance or other websites which is not possible by using free software. “For the first time, the Photoshop family of applications is truly making a desktop for the web,” said Photoshop Product Manager Philip De Giorgi. “With Share for Review, our users can work without leaving the product they know and love, and we’re expanding the capabilities of our desktop app to enable more powerful editing on the web.” Adobe Sensei, the natural language-driven AI engine, makes Photoshop even smarter and easier to use. In addition to existing features Sensei can detect effects, text, transitions, shapes, and much more – simply by understanding what the user is doing, and delivering immediate and relevant results. Adobe Sensei is a great example of how AI delivers a true productivity boost to productivity: it simplifies processes while making them better and faster, for free. Adobe has introduced several new image editing features that improve the Creative Cloud experience on the web. Together, these new tools, capabilities and AI improve collaboration and image editing across devices, Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. “At Adobe MAX, our commitment to fluid and smooth collaboration across our entire product ecosystem is clearer than ever,” said Manfred Knafelc, President of the Creative Cloud. “Share for Review is a big step in delivering these cloud-enabled features, while new image editing capabilities and Adobe Sensei go even further to create a seamless workflow that makes editing and sharing ideas across devices a pleasure.”
This page will serve as a mix of Frequently Asked Questions & Tips to help you as an Owner Trainer. If you are just starting out, be sure to check out my page on Service Dog Laws. It is important that you know the Federal, State, and Local laws that apply to Service Dogs. I am not a lawyer, I'm a dog trainer so information presented throughout my blog is not intended to be legal advice. If you need help with additional SD Law info, I will be happy to help you find laws on the subject you are struggling with. - SD - Service Dog A dog that is trained to do a task that mitigates a disability. - SD Team - A disabled handler (or alternate person) and a Service Dog. There are multiple possible combinations for team. - SDiT - Service Dog in Training this is a dog that is training to become a SD. They may or may not already fit the ADA definition of a SD, but are still working on basic manners or tasks. - (For better definitions of SD, ESA, or TD refer to the SD Laws link above!) - SD Prospect - This is not a legal term used in SD Laws but generally describes a puppy who's temperament and training ability has not yet matured enough to be considered as an SDiT. - PSD - Psychiatric Service Dog Some people choose to use this label if the dog's main tasks are related to psychiatric needs. This is not required for people with disabilities in this area, and many do not use this label. There are also other voluntary labels including Medical Alert SD, Mobility SD, etc. No matter what the trained tasks assist with, they all are considered SD under federal law. Service Dog Tasks Service Dog Blog Posts Crazy2Calm Canine Coach Resources Service Dog Resources from other Trainers & Handlers Post a Comment
I love butternut squash. It’s a versatile vegetable that can be roasted, toasted, puréed for soups, or mashed and used in casseroles, breads, and muffins and cakes. I love that the squash has a sweet, nutty taste. It is also a good source of Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Folate, Calcium and Magnesium, and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium and Manganese. We should eat as much as we can during fall and winter. This lentil salad is a good example to eat a bowl of healthy lunch full of protein, vitamins and minerals. Did you know that lentils have the third-highest level of protein, by weight, of any legume or nut, after soybeans and hemp? Spicy Butternut Squash Lentil Salad Ingredients (serves 2) – 1 and 1/4 cups brown lentils – 3 cups (about 430 g) peeled and cubed butternut squash – 1 avocado, peeled, deseeded and cubed – 1/2 red onion, chopped – 4 tablespoons olive oil – 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon – 1/4 teaspoon chili powder – 1/2 teaspoon salt Soak the lentils for at least 3 hours (or overnight). Drain then put into a pan with fresh water and a pinch of salt and cook for about 20-30 minutes until tender. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. In a bowl mix together cubed butternut squash with 3 tablespoons olive oil, cinnamon, salt and chili powder. Place the mixture in the baking tray and bake at 170-180C (350F) until tender (about 20 minutes). In a bowl mix together cooked lentils, baked butternut squash, chopped red onion and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season to your taste. Serve with avocado.
Scientists from the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials have an efficient tool in the battle against forgers of liquors, perfumes, and other cosmetics. They have developed a technology that may protect the consumer from non-quality imitations, thus possibly preventing their health problems. The method has already met with interest among inventors. Its commercial potential has been confirmed by the gold medal from the international exhibition of technical innovations and patents Invent Arena in Třinec, hosting 21 exhibitors from 21 countries. KeyLock is an instrument which prevents forging by means of a unique pair of compounds called Key and Lock. “The method is based on adding certain molecules into the product in very low concentrations. These molecules work like a lock that protects the product. A nanomaterial made on the basis of magnetic particles and silver with an anchored chemical key then enables you to find and select these molecules, separate them by means of a magnetic field, and extremely precisely evaluate their concentration by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The used Key and Lock are known only to the producer,“ explained RCPTM Director Radek Zbořil, one of the authors of the technology. The idea emerged from the basic research at RCPTM, when the same team published articles in the journal Analytical Chemistry published by the American Chemical Society on the use of a similar nanocomposite for detection of extremely low concentrations of diagnostically important molecules in the blood or spinal fluid. “There was only one step on to the idea that the molecules do not have to be necessarily searched for by the nano-key and measured for concentration in medicinal applications only – and that they could be added as a sort of lock to all kinds of products for the purpose of their authenticity control,” added Zbořil. The KeyLock technology was developed at Palacký University during the investigation within proof-of-concept projects that help transfer the academic science findings into practice and are supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The commercial potential of the new technology is immense. “It may be utilised in the food industry as well as in cosmetics and in the production and distribution of fuels. The chemical lock added to the product is identical with natural ingredients, is absolutely non-toxic, and not harmful to the environment. It is added in extraordinary low concentrations and cannot be detected by other methods. The costs for such a protection are minimal given the overall product’s price. Consumers and producers alike will certainly appreciate this technology,” said Václav Ranc, the co-author of the method that UP decided to have protected by a European patent. The KeyLock technology won the Best Exhibit prize at this year’s exhibition of technical innovations, patents, and inventions Invent Arena. Exhibitors from more than 20 countries came to show their innovations, inventions, patents, and new technologies. KeyLock from Olomouc competed in the category Chemistry, Agriculture, Healthcare, Biotechnology. “The gold medal for KeyLock is a clear proof of the fact that highly innovative products are created at Palacký University and that the link between academic and commercial sectors becomes increasingly stronger,” said Jiří Herinek, Director of the UP Science and Technology Park, who represented the university at this international exhibition.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 1. DEFY BAGS #ad Travel Duffel Bag | Water Repellent Gym Bags For Men & Women Black, Large Weekender Bag, DEFY The Ultimate Overnighter Duffle Bag | Ballistic Nylon Gym/Travel Bag | 36 Liter #adDEFY BAGS #ad - Military, securely. Proudly hand-crafted in the usa - the ultimate overnighter travel and gym duffle Bag is the go-to companion for weekend trips, Illinois, and beyond. All hand-crafted in Chicago, hauling gear to the gym, and ready to take on the world. Water repellent ballistic nylon duffel bags - the ultimate overnighter is the perfect fit for travel, Special Forces, designed to get you where you’re going, yet comfortable nylon duffel bag, and SWAT Teams. It boasts one large, water-repellent compartment with storage space for small and large items. Its large capacity allows for organization and spacious packing with overall dimensions of 19" long x 12" tall x 12" deep, 2. 5 lb weight, and 36 Liters capacity. Comfortable and user-friendly straps - lug this thing around in style and with maximum support. Damage resistant zippers- the use of 2 oversized ykk water-resistant AquaGuard Zippers with ParaCord Pulls make this duffel bag the perfect companion for overnight traveling and regular trips to the gym. The water-resistant armored coat is made of durable Ballistic Nylon- which is used by the U. S. The weekender utility bag - the ultimate overnighter weekender bag is handcrafted using military-grade thread and triple stitched at the joints for extra durability. Designed to withstand the elements with carefully sourced materials chosen for their premium quality and durability. This is one solid, gym or anywhere else your path takes you. |Brand||DEFY BAGS #ad| |Model||Ultimate Overnighter | Ballistic Nylon| 2. KAKA #ad KAKA Travel Backpack ,Canvas Duffel Bag for Traveling,Leather Vintage Travel Bags for Men,Carry on Weekender 15.6" Laptop backpacks Bag ,khak #adKAKA #ad - Our product provides a all in one system design that allows you to pack for traveling, business meetings, outdoor activities while conveniently accommodating you with comfort and safety for your personal items. Multipurpose daypacks :hybrid backpack/duffle bag/shoulder bag/travel Bag conversion. Travel bag design: a fusion suitcase design of the main zipper bag, a side handle, two front zipper pockets and a side mesh bag, equipped with a removable shoulder strap. Our services: if you are not satisfied within one month, you can get an unconditional refund. Canvas backpack:canvas and PU leather color collocation design, stylish and durable. Specifications:approx 12"l x 18"h x 7" w. It's about 30 L. Its main bag, the computer compartment, fit a 15. 6-inch laptop. Can be used several different ways. We will respond to your request and after-sales within 24 hours. If you have quality problems within one year, you can contact us. 3. OFFGRID #ad Large, Signal Blocking, Tablets, Anti-tracking, Anti-spying for Laptops, OffGrid by EDEC Faraday Duffel Bag, Cell Phones, PC's and other electronics #adOFFGRID #ad - Additional Shielding for other Faraday Bags. Radio frequency shielding. High quality construction and ballistic fabrics made in USA. Shield multiple Wireless Devices At The Same Time. |Manufacturer||EDEC Digital Forensics #ad| 4. Jellybro #ad Military Duffel Bag Top Load Double Strap Canvas Backpack Army Travel upgrade khaki big #adJellybro #ad - Outdoor, hiking, spring outing, Camping, Travelling, running, Automun outing, Mountaineering etc. Capacity: cell phone, A4 magazine, Ipad, wallets, etc. Attention: the upgrade backpack has added a zipper pocket on one side and the original side pocket has been enlarged. Specially designed with new closure way, simple and neat, barrel shaped, not traditional zip closure, large capacity and very durable. Size: 45/55*20/30*26/20cmh*l*w/17. 72/21. 62*7. 87/7. 87*1024/11. 79 in. 5. Baosha #ad BAOSHA Canvas Weekender Travel Duffel Backpack Hybrid Hiking Rucksack Laptop Backpack for Outdoor Sports Gym HB-26Black #adBaosha #ad - Great choice for outdoor, shopping, travel, beach, school. At least three different ways of carrying. Top-quality, dense, durable Washed Canvas. Soft straps offer comfort when carrying heavy loads, perfect bag to carrying your gym gear. 3-in-1 multi-purpose: backpack transforms, sleek and Versatile design, tote bag, the bag is convertible for use as Travel Duffel bag, Laptop Backpack depending on need and carrying preference. Size: 48cm x 28cm x 26cm // 18. 9" x 11. 0" x 102". Recommend to use as: laptop Backpack, Weekend Overnight bag, Travel Duffel Bag, Sports Bag. 6. MOSISO #ad Adjustable Thick Soft Universal Replacement Non-Slip Comfort Fit Padded with Metal Swivel Hooks for Laptop Messenger Crossbody Bag Luggage/Duffel/Camera, MOSISO 56 inch Shoulder Strap, Emerald Green #adMOSISO #ad - 1 year warranty on every shoulder strap. The length can be adjusted according to the user's needs. Adjustable replacement belt for handbags, travel bag, totes, laptop case, computer bags, outdoor sport bags, briefcases, duffel bag, laptop briefcase, carts and wheeled luggage, luggage, messenger bags and other shoulder bags. Made of soft memory foam - no need to worry about it flattening quickly because of heavy bags. Extra long to help cover your entire shoulder. Long enough for cross-body use. Easy on and off secure clips. Lightweight and durable, will less pain and fatigue on your shoulder. The easy adjustment in length allows for the perfect fit. The padded shoulder strap can be adjusted between 31. 5 inch to 56 inch 80cm to 142 cm in length, 1. 5 inch in width. Non-slip surface prevents strap from sliding off shoulder. 7. WITZMAN #ad WITZMAN Men Travel Backpack Canvas Rucksack Vintage Duffel Bag A2021 21 INCH Black #adWITZMAN #ad - 2 front zipper pockets, zipper pocket, 1 side pocket, 1 bottom compartment. Large capacity: external dimensions: h 22. 5 x l 14 x w 7 inchh 57. 1 x l 35. 5 x w 17 cm weight: 1. 62kg. Convertible backpack :come with a removable &adjustable shoulder strap, this canvas backpack can be carried as backpack, shoulder bag, tote bag. Material: this vintage backpack made of premium quality canvas with PU leather, polyester lining, Gun-coloured hardware. Can hold your 17 inch laptop, shoes, 2 sets of clothes, water bottle, umbrella. Double compartment design: main compartment and bottom compartment. Large "u" zipper opening - easy to take out and put in your items. Any problems with your bag, please contact our customer support team for quick solutions by contacting us through Amazon;. Classic style and fashion and durable. Warranty: all of our bags have 1-year warranty and the removable duffel style shoulder strap is lifetime warranty. Multiple divider pockets for storage and organization. The classified item pockets include pencil pocket, and open pocket. A main compartment with laptop pocket, mesh pocket, which can hold 12-17 inch Laptop. |Manufacturer||Altosy Co.,Ltd #ad| |Part Number||A2021 big size black| |Model||A2021 big size black| 8. MATEIN #ad Travel Laptop Backpack, Gray, 40L Water Resistant Anti-Theft Luggage Daypack Business College School Weekender Overnight Duffel Bag, MATEIN 17 Inch Flight Approved Carry on Backpack for Men & Women #adMATEIN #ad - Shoe compartment: one shoe compartment is crafted to bottom of school backpack carry on to keep the shoes seperately and everything else clean. With a hidden anti theft pocket on the back protect your valuable items from thieves. Functional & safe: usb interface with built-in cable design, great convenience for charging your electronic devices via connecting your own power bank Comfortable breathable back design gives you maximum back support; A luggage strap allows the travel backpack to securely slip over the handle of any rolling luggage for hands-free transport, easier carrying. Multi-compartment: travel backpack has a separate laptop compartment that it could hold 17 computer and protect laptop from moving; Main compartment with double zippers has enough storage room to store your school books or daily necessities for back to school or an overnight trip; Organizer compartment many pockets keep your items organized and easier to find; There are many other pockets for different purposes. Dimensions: the dimension of black backpack is 20 x 13 x 8 inch. Teens backpack is Good choice for middle school, high school, college students. And the capacity is 40l. You can carry it onto airplane. The carry on backpack ensure a secure long-lasting usage everyday or weekend, women, Serve you well as travel personal carryon bag, perfect for men, business trip, outdoor activities backpack, college high school bookbag, teen, boy, girl. This shoe storage is wide enough to hold size 10-12 for both lady shoes and man shoes which can also be used as toiletries bags and for other uses; There is two venting hole in shoe compartment, make it keep breathable. 9. WITZMAN #ad WITZMAN Travel Backpack with USB Charging Port Large Carry On Canvas Backpack Duffel Luggage Fit 17 inch Laptop for Men Women2063 Light Green #adWITZMAN #ad - The backpack straps can be hidden in the back compartment. Multi practical pocket design: 2 openings into the main compartment - top & side zipper. Multifunctional backpack: this carry on backpack come with a woven removable and adjustalbe shoulder strap. Please note that this backpack doesn't power itself, usb charging port only offers an easy access to charge. You can easily convert it into a duffel bag, crossbody bag, shoulder bag;. Any problems with your bag, please contact our customer support team for quick solutions by contacting us through Amazon;. Warranty: all of our bags have 1-year warranty and the removable shoulder strap is LIFETIME WARRANTY. Material: this luggage backpack made of high quality canvas with leather; Polyester lining; Gun color hardware. Product dimension: approx 13"L x 22"H x 6. 5" w; weight: 1. 53kg3. 37 lbs;. Offers you a more convenient way to charge your phone and listen music on the go with hands free. Product external: 1 main compartment, 2 front zip pockets, 1 top zip pocket, two pockets on one side, 1 back large zip pocket; Internal structure: 1 top zip pocket + 17 inch laptop pockek + ipad pocket, 1 large zip pocket + 2 open pockets + 1 Charging cable pocket;. |Manufacturer||ALTOSY Co.,Ltd #ad| |Part Number||2063 Light Green| |Model||WITZMAN 2063 Light Green| 10. AMYIPO #ad AMYIPO Luggage Duffel Bag Shoulder Pad 52" Universal Replacement Laptop Adjustable Shoulder Strap for Duffel Bag Strap Computer Bags Laptop Case Crossbody Bag Strap Pet Carrier Black & Strap #adAMYIPO #ad - The shoulder pad elastic stuffing and mesh bottom design for shock absorption and breathable. It is long enough to cushion a large area of the shoulder and reduce gravity, so that keep your shoulder feel comfortable. Maximum of 2. 4 "wide shoulder strap can be placed. Package included1 x shoulder Strap, 1 x Shoulder Pad, 1 x US patch. Adjustable replacement strapssuitable for those bags that are lost or damaged. Fastener & strapshigh quality fasteners 360° rotation perfect for most bags. And the straps made with durable polyester, It's more secure and stable. Shoulder pad width 7. 8 cm3. 1 inch, shoulder pad length 26. 9 cm106 inch. Such as computer bags, travel bags, duffel bags, camera bags, laptop/notebook bags, message bags and other shoulder bags. Dimension referenceadjust strap size from 28" to 52"included 2 hook, can be adjusted freely for your demand.
Indian Intelligence Infiltration in Sikh Organizations Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh The Indian government has used many tactics to undermine the Sikh Struggle for freedom. It has infiltrated organizations such as the World Sikh Organization. It even infiltrated and continues to control Babbar Khalsa, the organization that India accused of carrying out the Air India bombing. By accusing Babbar Khalsa, it is essentially taking the blame itself. The organization’s primary backer received a $2 million loan from the State Bank of India just before the Air India attack, according to Kashmeri and McAndrew. Many other Sikh organizations have been heavily infiltrated by Indian. Another Indian tactic is to set up parallel organizations. One such organization is the so-called Khalistan Affairs Center, set up by the mysterious RAW agent Amarjit Singh. Amarjit Singh, who claims to be a doctor but is neither a Ph.D. nor an MD, will not reveal where his family is from in Punjab or when he came to America. He will not let anyone know anything about his background. Nor can he say where his money comes from. Yet he is able to afford an office in the expensive National Press Building in Washington, DC, an office which is usually unoccupied, and he is able to afford expensive newspaper advertisements. Amarjit Singh was recently banned from Canada. Perhaps he would like to explain to the Sikh Nation why he was banned. When will the United States ban him and send him back to his Indian paymasters?
Pushed through developments in company duty within the Ecu Union, weâre these days experiencing a wave of latest ESG reporting frameworks and laws. Whilst those projects will spur much-needed motion round ESG and local weather problems, it may be difficult to decode what they imply for your small business. To many, this inflow of frameworks and laws has added extra complexity to the alphabet soup of acronyms that outline the ESG disclosure house. How must you are making sense of those adjustments for your small business? What do the quite a lot of frameworks and laws require, and which follow to you? For those whoâre suffering to respond to those questions, youâre no longer on my own. Obtain our ESG Reporting Frameworks & Rules white paper to be told: - An summary of as of lateâs maximum related and influential ESG reporting frameworks and laws - Who each and every framework or law applies to, ESG subjects lined, and disclosure necessities for each and every - Quite a lot of industry-specific mandates to regulate - The state of obligatory local weather disclosure around the globe
Prospect League Announces 2021 Conference, Division Alignments The summer college baseball league with a long-time presence in the area has announced its conference and divisional alignments for 2021. After shutting down last year because of COVID, the Prospect League is back with new teams and new geographic divisions. The Quincy Gems will be a part of the Great River Division of the West Conference. Along with the Gems, the Great River Division will include the Normal CornBelters and the new Clinton LumberKings and Burlington Bees. The O’Fallon Hoots, the former Hannibal franchise, will also be in the West Conference in the Prairie Land Division, with the Springfield Sliders, the Cape Catfish and the new Alton River Dragons. The East Conference consists of the Champion City Kings, Chillicothe Paints, Johnstown Mill Rats and West Virginia Miners in the Ohio River Valley Division, and the Danville Dans, Illinois Valley Pistol Shrimp, Terre Haute REX and Lafayette Aviators in the Wabash River Division.
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Film in opdracht van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam ter gelegenheid van de oplevering van het gerenoveerde Kohnstammhuis. Media for positive change. Manage Cookie Consent To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Consenting to these technologies will allow us to process data such as browsing behavior or unique IDs on this site. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes.The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes.
This story was co-published with The Washington Post. Breonna Taylor was working as an EMT in Louisville when the coronavirus pandemic hit the country, helping to save lives while trying to protect her own. On March 13, the 26-year-old aspiring nurse was killed in her apartment, shot at least eight times by Louisville police officers who officials have said were executing a drug warrant, according to a lawsuit filed by the family, accusing officers of wrongful death, excessive force and gross negligence. “Not one person has talked to me. Not one person has explained anything to me,” Tamika Palmer, Taylor’s mother, said in an interview. “I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There’s no reason Breonna should be dead at all.” According to the lawsuit, filed April 27, Louisville police executed a search warrant at Taylor’s home, looking for a man who did not live in Taylor’s apartment complex and had already been detained when officers came to Taylor’s apartment after midnight. Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, was also in the apartment and, according to the lawsuit, shot at officers when they attempted to enter without announcing themselves. The lawsuit alleges that police fired more than 20 rounds of ammunition into the apartment. Taylor’s death is the kind that could have drawn national headlines in the Black Lives Matter era, like the deaths of Sandra Bland and Atatiana Jefferson, but has gotten little attention amid news of the spread of the coronavirus. The pandemic headlines were partly to blame in drowning out news of Taylor’s death, but so, too, is gender bias, said attorney Ben Crump, who has risen to prominence in recent years as the lawyer for several high-profile cases involving Black men killed by police and neighborhood vigilantes. None of the officers involved have been charged in connection with the shooting. Walker, a licensed gun owner who was not injured in the incident, was arrested and faces charges of first-degree assault and attempted murder of a police officer. Louisville Metro Police Department spokeswoman Jessie Halladay declined to comment on the case and said in a statement, “There is an ongoing public integrity investigation into this case and therefore it would be inappropriate for us to comment at this time.” Crump, hired Monday to represent Taylor’s family, also represents the family of Ahmaud Arbery — whose killing in south Georgia while jogging was recorded by another man, video that sparked a movement among Black runners and gained public attention that resulted in the arrest of the two White men accused of shooting him nearly 80 days ago. “They’re killing our sisters just like they’re killing our brothers, but for whatever reason, we have not given our sisters the same attention that we have given to Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Stephon Clark, Terence Crutcher, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Laquan McDonald,” Crump said. “Breonna’s name should be known by everybody in America who said those other names, because she was in her own home, doing absolutely nothing wrong.” A phone call in the middle of the night was the first sign something was wrong for Palmer, Taylor’s mother, she said in an interview with the 19th. When Palmer answered, her daughter’s boyfriend was on the other end, saying someone was trying to break into the couple’s apartment. Still shaking off the fog of sleep, Palmer jumped out of the bed at Walker’s next words: “I think they shot Breonna.” Palmer got dressed and left home for what would be an hours-long ordeal. She drove to her daughter’s apartment, to the hospital and then back to the apartment as the sun rose. She said officers gave her little information and asked whether she had any enemies or whether she and her boyfriend were having problems. Finally, Palmer figured out that her daughter was dead. Palmer gets emotional when she considers that she was more concerned with her daughter’s safety as a health-care worker than she was about her being safe in her own home. “She was an essential worker. She had to go to work,” Palmer said. “She didn’t have a problem with that. … To not be able to sleep in her own bed without someone busting down her door and taking her life. … I was just like, ‘Make sure you wash your hands!’ ” The Black Lives Matter movement caught on in 2014, sparked by social media campaigns and public outrage, drawing attention to the killing of unarmed Black Americans by police officers and sometimes leading to the arrest, prosecutions and, in rare cases, convictions of the shooters. While many of the headlines and hashtags are often for men — the primary victims of such shootings — Black women are also impacted. Taylor’s sister, Ju’Niyah Palmer, has been on social media daily, posting pictures of the two of them with hashtags like #JusticeForBre, to remind people that she was a victim and not a suspect in a crime. Taylor did not have a criminal record. “I’m just getting awareness for my sister, for people to know who she is, what her name is,” said Ju’Niyah Palmer, 20, who lived with Taylor but was not at home at the time of the incident. “It is literally just as equal. There’s no difference.” Photos and videos of runners with hashtags like #RunWithMaud and #AhmaudArbery were trending in recent days, including Friday, which would have been Arbery’s 26th birthday. Crump is now calling for the same attention for Taylor. “If you ran for Ahmaud, you need to stand for Bre,” he said. From the Collection
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From BruCON 2017 These are the confirmed trainings for Brucon 2011 - 1 Registration details - 2 Location and dates - 3 Corelan Live – Win32 Exploit Development Bootcamp by Peter Van Eeckhoutte - 4 There’s An App For That (Pentesting Mobile Apps) by Joe McCray - 5 A crash course in pentesting and securing VOIP networks by Sandro Gauci and Joffrey Czarny (Sn0rkY) - 6 Dissecting Wireless Network Security by Vivek Ramachandran - 7 FAIR - Factor Analysis of Information Risk by Jack Jones - 8 Threat Modeling and Architecture review by Pravir Chandra The price for the 2 day courses is 895 Euro early bird (+ VAT) per attendee. After 15th of July this will become 995 Euro (+ VAT) per attendee. Registration for Trainings: Location and dates The courses will be given on 21 & 22 September at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Elsene The courses start at 9h00 and end at 17h00. Lunch is included in the training fee. Corelan Live – Win32 Exploit Development Bootcamp by Peter Van Eeckhoutte Based on the Corelan tutorials, this hands-on course will provide students with solid understanding of current Win32 stack based exploitation techniques : - Win32 memory management - Using debuggers and debugger plugins such as pvefindaddr - Exploiting stack buffer overflows - Bypassing memory protections (Safeseh, sehop, stack cookies, aslr, dep) - Dealing with character set conversions and transformations (Unicode, etc) - Using egghunters, omelet egg hunters - Writing and integrating modules for Metasploit - Writing shellcode more info can be found at : http://www.corelan-training.com/ There’s An App For That (Pentesting Mobile Apps) by Joe McCray This is a 2-day workshop focused on hands-on mobile application security testing. Each day this course starts you off with setting up your environment (emulator/sdk/hardware/etc), then quickly moves into using your device as an attack platform. From there the course goes into the basics of reverse engineering mobile applications, exploiting mobile applications on each respective platform, and finally on to attacking web services from each platform. Students are strongly encouraged to bring a Mac laptop running OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, and XCode 3.2.6 Running Windows or Linux is acceptable for the first day of class (Android), but for the second day of class (iDevices) it is strongly recommended that each student have Mac laptop running OS 10.6 Snow Leopard, and XCode 3.2.6 A crash course in pentesting and securing VOIP networks by Sandro Gauci and Joffrey Czarny (Sn0rkY) As VoIP networks become more and more part of the way organizations communicate, security professionals need to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge will help them make sound decisions on the security (or lack of) of their VoIP system and network. Attendees who follow the VoIP security training will gain valuable hands-on experience in testing VoIP equipment and networks. During the training they will make use of existent security tools as well as custom built tools to help them get the job done. These are some of the hands-on topics that are covered: - Scanning and fingerprinting various VoIP network protocols including SIP, SCCP (Skinny), MGCP, H.323 and IAX2 - Toll fraud or making phone calls for free (at the expense of the victim) - Attacks on PBX systems, including those specific to web applications - Wiretapping of phone calls, both on physical network and remote wiretapping - Denial of service attacks affecting both phones and PBX systems - Attacks specific to Cisco and Asterisk VoIP solutions - Common IP Phone vulnerabilities Dissecting Wireless Network Security by Vivek Ramachandran This workshop will provide a highly technical and in-depth treatment of Wi-Fi security. The emphasis will be to provide the participants with a deep understanding of the principles behind various attacks and not just a quick how- to guide on publicly available tools. We will start our journey with the very basics by dissecting WLAN packet headers with Wireshark, then graduate to the next level by cracking WEP, WPA/WPA2 and then move on to real life challenges like orchestrating Man-in-the- Middle attacks and taking on the live Wi-Fi CTF! Topics that will be addressed in the training : - Understanding WLAN protocol basics using Wireshark - Bypassing WLAN Authentication – Shared Key, MAC Filtering, Hidden SSIDs - Cracking WLAN Encryption – WEP, WPA/WPA2 Personal and Enterprise - Attacking the WLAN Infrastructure – Rogues Devices, Evil Twins, DoS Attacks, MITM attacks - Advanced Enterprise Attacks – attacking 802.1x, Radius server, Cisco LEAP, SSL MITM over Wireless, IPSec over WLAN attacks - Attacking Wireless Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems - Attacking the Wireless Client – Honeypots, Hotspot attacks, Caffe-Latte, Hirte Attack, Ad-Hoc networks and Viral SSIDs, WiFishing - Compromising the Client using Metasploit and SET post wireless network hijacking - Wireshark as a wireless forensics tool - Extending Aircrack-NG for fun and profit - Programming Wireless Sniffers and Packet Injectors using raw sockets and 3rd party libraries - Over 25 hands-on lab sessions on different attacks - 5 pure Wi-Fi CTF challenges of varying difficulty played at various stages in the training FAIR - Factor Analysis of Information Risk by Jack Jones Unfortunately Jack Jones' training has been cancelled. If you already registered for this training program please email firstname.lastname@example.org to either join another class or to request a refund. Threat Modeling and Architecture review by Pravir Chandra Unfortunately Pravir Chandra's training has been cancelled. If you already registered for this training program please email email@example.com to either join another class or to request a refund.
Well, Tony Soprano and the gang are finally back where they belong, gracing TV sets on Sunday nights. It’s great to see nothing has changed–The Sopranos is still riveting, cracking good drama with twists and turns and punches to the gut along the way. While I’m sorry that Adriana won’t be around (the glimpse of her last night reaffirmed how much her character will be missed from the mix) I am looking forward to Julianna Margulies joining the cast. Not so much Ben Kingsley–excuse me, Sir Ben Kingsley–but we’ll see. He could be a snakey good bad guy. If last night’s episode is any indication, this final season should be an exciting ride. I also enjoyed the premier of Big Love, the Mormon polygamy drama. Bill Paxton plays Bill Henrickson, a man juggling three wives, each with their own household and kids, and a stressful, successful business. The family drama with a twist is interesting enough, but things really kick up a notch at the halfway mark when Bill is called back to “the compound” to see his dying father. Juniper Creek compound is the remote Mormon community Bill and his family have left behind to live a fairly conventional life in the burbs, but family and religious ties that bind are about to make life much more complicated, interesting and dare we say, sinister for the Henrickson family. I think Big Love shows big promise. The cast is strong (Bill Paxton, Chloe Sevigny, Jeanne Tripplehorn) with great actors filling crucial secondary roles (Harry Dean Stanton, Bruce Dern, Mary Kay Place, Tina Majorino, and Grace Zabriskie). The story is unusual and interesting, and it’s well written. So far, so good.
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<![CDATA[Government has reached final agreements with the India Export-Import (EXIM) Bank for the take-off of financing arrangements to improve agricultural mechanization services in farming communities across the country, and provide water for the inhabitants of Yendi and its surrounding towns and villages. This was made known after a meeting between officials of EXIM Bank of India, led by its President, Mr. David Raaquinha, and a Ghanaian delegation led by the Vice President of the Republic, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, on the sidelines of the ongoing 14th CII-EXIM Bank Conclave on India-Africa Partnership Project in New Delhi, India. Following a visit by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to India last year, discussions were opened on the possibility of financing agreements between the Government of Ghana and EXIM Bank of India for a $150 million credit facility to finance the strengthening of Agriculture mechanization services in Ghana, and a further $30 million facility for the Yendi Water Project. Legislative approval for the two deals have since been passed by Parliament. At a closed door meeting between Vice President Bawumia and officials of India EXIM Bank on Monday 18th March, 2019, all final discussions for the take-off of the two projects were sealed with final sign off set for next month. The agriculture mechanization project is expected to provide equipment and training for the various Agriculture Mechanization Services Equipment Centers (AMSEC) across the country, while the Yendi Water Project will provide water to the over 133,000 residents of the Yendi Municipality and the surrounding towns and villages who contribute to the agriculture sector through the production of food and cash crops on a large scale. Vice President Bawumia expressed satisfaction at the commitments and assistance offered by the EXIM Bank of India and the Government of India to Ghana over the years, and pledged enhanced friendship and cooperation between the two countries. Earlier, Dr. Bawumia had an interactive meeting with leaders and captains of industries in India, where he took the opportunity, together with the key stakeholders in Ghana’s investment drive, to showcase the Ghana Project and what Government is doing to create an investor-friendly environment conducive for business to thrive. Leaders of Indian-owned companies already operating in Ghana also took the opportunity to tell the Ghana story, while providing crucial feedback on ways to make the business environment even better.
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About the Book Book: The Sinner in Mississippi Author: D.L. Lane Genre: Historical Fiction, Inspirational Romance Release Date: May 1, 2020 Not expecting me to live, the midwife cleaned me up, wrapped me in an old tea towel, and placed me in a knitting basket beside the wood-burning stove. According to Mama, the storm raged until morning, but I never made one sound. So, hours later, when they peeked in at me, they were surprised to see me sucking my thumb, staring up at them with eyes the color of bluebells. Mama told me, that’s when she cried. See, she hadn’t shed a single tear during the harsh pain of giving birth or out of fear of the horrible storm taking the house and her with it, but she sobbed when she saw me. To her, it would have been better for all of us if I’d passed on in the night, carried off on the wings of angels, never to suffer the evils of this world. And sometimes, I wondered if she hadn’t been right. Click here to get your copy! About the Author D.L. Lane is a wife, musician, a graduate of Liberty University, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. In 2010 she walked away from the day job and started a writing career using a pen name. As far as the world was concerned, she was very successful writing romances, however, success aside, she knew she wasn’t on the right path but stubbornly kept on going for nine years. Although a Christian and raised in a religious home, D.L went her own way, leaving God out of her choices until He said, “Enough.” Weary and seeking guidance, she finally listened and left the course she was on as an established novelist to take a new path—putting God first in her life where He always should have been. More from D.L. I love writing, and I love to challenge myself as an author, and so I thought, why not write a fictional historical piece. This was a test for me since there are many things to research when writing during a different era, especially when I wasn’t around at that time. But I prayed about it, grabbed my laptop, and started writing about a poor, uneducated girl who grew up in Louisiana during the Great Depression in a motherless home with a group of reprobate males. Not unlike the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis, a boy despised by his brothers who plotted against him, later rose from the depths to become one of the most powerful men in Egypt, facing the very men who had been responsible for the atrocities he’d suffered. Joseph had a choice. Let them die or help the ones who never helped him? This story weaves some of that same treachery with truth, teaching not only the heroine but the hero the ultimate meaning of love. I wanted to give readers a book demonstrating the fact God will never leave us, even if we have left him for a time. That a personal relationship with Christ is our ultimate source of strength, and with His help, we can be pulled out of the depths of great sorrow, rising to heights we never imagined possible. Texas Book-aholic, August 22 Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 23 Inklings and notions, August 24 Genesis 5020, August 24 Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 25 For the Love of Literature, August 26 Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, August 27 Maureen’s Musings, August 27 For Him and My Family, August 28 Godly Book Reviews, August 29 Locks, Hooks and Books, August 30 Labor Not in Vain, August 30 deb’s Book Review, August 31 Pause for Tales, September 1 Betti Mace, September 2 Rebecca Tews, September 2 Daysong Reflections, September 3 Connie’s History Classroom, September 4 Jeanette’s Thoughts, September 4 To celebrate her tour, D.L. is giving away the grand prize package of a $10 Amazon eGift Card and a free Audiobook of The Sinner in Mississippi!! Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. This is a really beautiful story. I don’t think I have ever read anything by D.L. Lane, but I would again. Mississippi’s story is heartbreaking, yet so full of hope. Thayer is a wonderful hero and I think a picture of how Jesus loves us (to some extend, he definitely had his flaws that were not Jesus-like). Their romance had their ups and downs and I wasn’t always sure what was going to happen, which of course kept things interesting. If you are looking for a book set in a time we don’t often read about and some raw truth and pain that I am sure you would enjoy this book. Grab your copy at your local bookstore, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your favorite retailer. A copy of this book was given to me through the Celebrate Lit Team. All opinions are my own. Sounds like a great book. Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog, and for taking the time to read and review Mississippi’s story. Blessings. D.L. Lane Another great book to discover. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
A Chinese nurse lost her temper after she and her fellow nurses were replaced by a robot at Xuzhou University Hospital in the coastal province of Jiangsu, east China, and smashed the robot, according to what was reported by “Euronews” Thursday , April 27, 2023. After throwing a huge tantrum, the female employee smashes the robot in retaliation for being fired and replaced by the robot. And the woman appears in a video scene that was circulated on social media platforms, wearing a yellow coat, holding a stick, and hitting the robot repeatedly in the hospital lobby. After she was stopped by the security personnel in the hospital, the police interrogated the woman to find out the reason for her act, but one of the employees stated that she suffers from a mental illness. Rage against the machine: Chinese woman beats hospital robot with ‘golden cudgel’ https://t.co/XMQMEnMlw9 pic.twitter.com/cBzW54mHTt— Taiwan News (@TaiwanNews886) April 24, 2023 While the video sparked wide reactions on social media, some considered that she had the right to do what she did after she was fired from her job because of a robot. Many have opposed the idea of ” invading robots “, which has become a real threat to hundreds of thousands of jobs and sectors in the world. They criticized the large presence of robots in Chinese hospitals and their scheduling appointments and organizing roles, which reduced the number of nurses. While many countries, such as Japan and Germany, are witnessing a labor shortage, allowing robots to take to the streets and workplaces to fill the void and shortage resulting from the absence of employees in many sectors.
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Fashion Designer Stefano Pilati Collaborates With Pinto To Create A Furniture Capsule Collection6 min read The as soon as resourceful director of Yves Saint Laurent has flexed his wings in home furniture design and style, possessing just co-unveiled a assortment with Fahad Hariri Once a designer, often a designer. Stefano Pilati is regarded for his trend designer feats from the early 2000s but now, he has ventured into a new design room: furniture structure. Doing work with Pinto, the French inside style and design agency, Pilati has established a single of a type parts that have authorized him to stretch as a designer- and some thing that he’s keen to do more of. “It by no means transpired to me to hook up the two industries as I was never offered with this challenge,” shares Pilati. “What I uncover exciting now is to confess that “design” in typical, throughout manner, haute-couture, hand-created, artisanal, and ultimately industrial, gets to be a make any difference of recognizing the purpose of it. The probability to study and learn a observe, at each individual degree in my encounter aids my inventive processes to be used where ever I will need to.” Pilati was born in Milan, and since the city is Italy’s centre of manner he was in awe. He expended time at infamous vogue homes from Cerruti, Armani, Prada, Zenga, and Yves Saint Laurent, as perfectly as at Vogue. At Yves Saint Laurent Pilati invested eight several years and impacted the dwelling of Mr. Saint Laurent. Upon his exit in 2004 Kering mentioned his impact. “He has been instrumental in the rebuilding and repositioning of an legendary French luxury manufacturer. Less than Stefano’s guiding eyesight and creative course, the house has grow to be a present-day reference in significant manner.” As Haute Couture Week in Paris is in whole throttle, it marks an impactful 1. It is the initial time due to the fact Covid struck that all style residences taking part are obtaining reside reveals. As the earth is moving at the rate it was right before Covid hit, it is a reminder of how makes and companies like Pinto want to prosper. “My link to style is inescapable and the link concerning trend and home furnishings is intrinsically entwined. As for dwelling in a article-covid environment, I am fearful there is no affordable response to allow me to generalize. To me, it appears to be predictable in that the “living space” will not ever end keeping its need and regard for the optimum worth, which is ease and comfort,” states Pilati. Fahad Hariri, Chairman and Co-Inventive Director of Pinto understood who Pilati was from his times at Yves Saint Laurent, when Hariri was a shopper. He was in awe of Pilati’s get the job done of adapting and interpreting codes in manner design that built on Mr. Saint Laurent’s heritage, but modernizing them as a result of new codes that nonetheless stored the brand’s spirit. So, he achieved out to Pilati by means of a mutual buddy of theirs, after looking at his experimental tactic to lush household furniture, specifically his draping and thrown-around outcome of straw and drinking water hyacinth rugs on sofas and rattan armchairs. The latter are viewed in the course of Pilati’s summer household. Speaking of their connection Pilati states, “I was related via a close friend who Fahad and I have in frequent. We jumped on a simply call and started to discuss about a prospective collaboration. We didn’t in the beginning have a distinct notion of how to create it. Even so, we shared some deeper appreciations across model, style, and design. Fahad experienced informed me about his new function at Pinto, and all grew to become far more intriguing. We then scheduled a vacation for me to satisfy with the workforce in Paris and voila!” An inescapable collaboration has blossomed among the two. “For me, operating jointly is to build a partnership and an trade. It is not just bringing Stefano’s thoughts into the Pinto universe, but fairly reworking the Pinto universe many thanks to Stefano. This collaboration felt like the prospect to mark a decisive turning stage in the Pinto editions,” responses Hariri. This collaboration in the variety of capsule assortment, marries the modern day and romantic spirit of Hariri, and Pilati’s maximalism and their “wow” effect in a person furniture piece. Pilati’s know-how expands style. His abilities in merchandising and marketing and advertising has been a substantial portion of his results in style homes, something he’s translating into couch style and design. “My encounter is shaped via functioning for major fashion houses, and it is beneficial mainly because it is something I possess and use, adapt, evolve, increase, and so forth. I have my own “methods” in creating my layout parameters which translate as a result of a language of design and style. The origin of the couch was created out of an desire in thinking of it replicable from the way I drape home furnishings in my household. Nearly anything that I can discover relatable to my primary occupation came pertinently when we edited tips in the first assembly,” claims Pilati. The outsized laissez-faire couch is a operate of artwork at 350 x 135 x 96 cm, with a beechwood construction and a solid oak base that is topped with higher resilience foam padding of various densities that are strapped on serpentine coil springs. In a light-weight golden-brown coloration, the backing is slanted on the sides and the arms have a exclusive curve, made with simplicity and French upholstery expectations. The couch mirrors Pilati’s own home furniture draping of origami-like folds that are buttoned into the couches like the couch in this selection. Materials used include things like supple velour. There are only thirty sofas in the collection. “The archive of materials that Pinto has is vast, wonderful, and inspiring. A fabric qualified simply cannot be fooled by the appear of the materials. An expert is envisioned to know the specific characteristics of the textiles and the appropriate use of them. The route of the fabric chosen was knowledgeable by the preliminary mock-up of the couch and the “gesture” of the material,” suggests Pilati of how he went about selecting textiles in the assortment. Incorporating Pilati’s use of draping, a different piece in the selection is a chair produced from a round woven h2o hyacinth rug about a rattan armchair, have been produced in a minimal version of eight. “As a play on proportions, Pilati and Hariri envisaged for this a single, an expansively sized rug to costume the armchair, ensuing in a extremely stylized silhouette. Hariri even further interpreted this stylistic expression by means of a livable piece of artwork turning the perishable fantastic “gesture” of Pilati into an everlasting bronze sculpture. For this, a crew of craftsmen were commissioned to build a dropped wax bronze casting each and every with a one of a kind waxed patina,” shares the collaboration job. Equally Pilati and Hariri savored this challenge but the time to function on long run jobs is an situation. “I’ll never prevent enjoying it. The upcoming of the collaboration is not a unilateral one particular. I am reassured that there is no lack of ideas in between us that are constantly evaluated. The timing isn’t a worry that obstructs our artistic trade proper now,” says Pilati.
The Digital Designers Making Millions From In-Game Fashion3 min read Blueberry’s organization is global, with 40 for every cent in the US and the relaxation split throughout Latin America, Europe and the Center East, in accordance to the corporation. Its person foundation is predominantly women, with an average age of 22. It estimates that females make up close to 45 per cent of the gaming local community. As players them selves, virtual vogue designers understand the desires of the gaming neighborhood, especially when it will come to women, clarifies Blueberry COO Katherine Manuel.S “Despite data on the gender split of activity gamers, activity layout has ordinarily been male dominated. Misha’s mystery sauce is that she is a feminine lead developer, building for ladies, who have been underserved for a genuinely lengthy time.” There is only a single male in Blueberry’s staff, McDuff provides with pleasure. On Roblox the bulk of designers were being creating for the key “blocky” human body form, disregarding the truth that feminine gamers were utilizing the female offer, so none of the extras suit them accurately, agrees Jordan. “It is about comprehending player specifics of what their desires are in the vogue place,” he says. Advertising and marketing in the metaverse The very best promotional instrument for virtual fashion is term of mouth, designers say. That could imply players recommending products and solutions to each and every other on TikTok, YouTube, Discord or Twitter, or people conversing by using in-video game chat. The virtual manner landscape in some strategies is extra competitive than IRL trend, Jordan states. “On a significant street, you may well have 20 stores in level of competition. In the digital space, you can have a million creators, all competing in the exact same precise spot.” Virtual designers should rely on each digital and IRL (real daily life) influencers to wear and co-sign their solutions in purchase to enhance their get to. Blueberry uses digital influencers and placements in digital manner magazines this kind of as L’Homme Journal (sold in metaverse 2nd Lifestyle). Obtaining witnessed the things on other players or on virtual influencers, folks are ready to camp up to 12 several hours outside the house the Blueberry digital store in numerous metaverses to obtain the latest fall, McDuff says. Republiqe labored with French add-ons store Monnier Frères to generate a retailer in Decentraland for Metaverse Trend Week, as well as making collaborations with makes these types of as Mentor. This helped enhance business significantly by showing luxury manufacturers the choices of the metaverse. “We’re obtaining requests each working day,” suggests Gaubert, who is in the approach of using the services of three more staff for his nine-individual group. Key takeaway: As World-wide-web3 matures and gaming surges, virtual vogue is in superior demand from customers. Youthful business owners are making substantial-growth manner manufacturers by mixing expertise in 3D manner design with a deeper know-how of gaming and Internet3 communities than common vogue and luxury makes.
Herkimer County in National Spotlight Monday and Tuesday Herkimer County is back in the national spotlight on Monday and Tuesday this week as the Home Shopping Network (HSN) points its cameras at Herkimer Diamond Mines in Middleville. Four hours of programming has been set aside from the Herkimer area resort which is famous for the Herkimer Diamond and the jewelry that's made with it. Dr. Renee Shevat will be a part of each telecast that spotlights Herkimer Diamonds jewelry which is mined from the property and sold around the world. Shevat will be live on HSN Monday afternoon from 3 until 4 pm and then again from 8 pm until 9 pm, featuring the best of Herkimer Diamonds live from their resort on Route 28. Tuesday night will feature a special telecast from the mines between 10 pm and midnight. Herkimer Diamonds are beautiful double-terminated quartz crystals found in Herkimer County, New York. Incredibly, these phenomenal gemstones are close to five hundred million years old. The crystals are magnificent works of nature, found in the rock, having a diamond-like geometrical shape. Thus, the name recognition of Herkimer Diamonds. The Home Shopping Network features several jewelry options made from Herkimer Diamonds mined from the Herkimer Diamonds resort. Herkimer Diamonds are unique to the Mohawk Valley and this region is the only place in the world where they can be found. Herkimer Diamond mines features the Herkimer Diamond mines, the Miner's Table restaurant and the KOA campground in Middleville. Mohawk Valley products are on display for sale at Herkimer's Gems Along the Mohawk on the canal across from the Herkimer Thruway exchange. The Gems facility is also the home for daily boat rides on the Erie Canal and the Waterfront Grille restaurant.
The website Thrillist.com just ranked the main 15 sandwiches at Subway from best to worst. And no, surprisingly, it wasn't a 15-way tie for "worst." The rankings aren't based on anything scientific, or even any sort of real consensus . . . they just seem to be one guy's opinion. One guy who DEFINITELY eats at Subway too much. His pick for the top sandwich is the Spicy Italian, which is pepperoni, salami, and cheese. Turkey Breast is second . . . Roast Beef is third . . . Subway Club is fourth . . . and Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki is fifth. The rest of the list is: Cold Cut Combo . . . Ham . . . Italian B.M.T. . . . Chicken and Bacon Ranch Melt . . . Oven-Roasted Chicken . . . Steak and Cheese . . . Tuna . . . Meatball . . . Veggie Delite . . . and Rotisserie-Style Chicken.
I'm the News Director at News Radio 560 KOQ. My news background includes a number of different stops in radio newsrooms across the Midwest and the Western states. I covered both the Kansas and Missouri state legislatures, being stationed in the capital cities of both states. Wenatchee School Budget Cuts Ahead Of Schedule, Jobs Cuts Coming The latest estimate presented to the school board by Interim Superintendent Bill Eagle shows the budget will be reduced by about $200,000 more than originally targeted for the next school year. Group Against Book Bans Packs Wenatchee School Board Meeting Tuesday night's Wenatchee School Board meeting was packed with residents supporting more than 20 speakers Restrictions Loosened For Sex Offender To Enter Wenatchee The Washington Appeals Court says the state has been too restrictive in denying Eric Ray Lewis travel to the area and must clarify visitation of his family. Chelan Douglas Port To Start $4.2 Million Airport Hangar Project The Chelan Douglas Regional Port Authority is moving forward to build infrastructure for a taxiway and hanger project at Pangborn Airport. Port Commissioners signed off Tuesday on a nearly $4.2 million plan to extend the airport's Taxiway B and make site improvements before hangers will be built. ... Washington Ambulance Companies Feeling Better After Medicaid Boost The increase of nearly $14 million applies specifically to non-emergency Medicaid calls, which had not had a boost in funding for 19 years. Wenatchee School Board Member leaving After 2 Years Thomas was one of three candidates endorsed by the Republican Party in 2021, even though the elections are nonpartisan. Link Transit To Name New CEO After Offer Accepted By Finalist Chelan County Commissioner Kevin Overbay confirmed Monday that an offer had been accepted by one of the finalists Chelan County Looking To Upgrade Unpaved Roads Seeing Growth There's been a massive surge in development on certain unpaved roads since the county code changed to allow building along the roads in 2009. 12-Year-Old Student Detained In Chelan County On School Threat Grant County deputies say a Wahluke School District student posted an online threat Plans Progress To Renovate Empty Wenatchee Warehouse The Chelan Douglas Port Authority owns the building at the corner of Columbia Street and Orondo Avenue and is working with an investment firm to renovate the property.
Special Drink Effects. Red Bull in Minecraft. Energy Drinks Mod 1.7.10 adds insane energy! Energy Drinks Mod 1.7.10 How to install: - Download and install Minecraft Forge. - Download the mod. - Go to %appdata%. - Go to .minecraft/mods folder. - If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one. - Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it. - Enjoy the mod. ( Rating: 0 − 0 votes) - There are no comments yet. But yours could become the first one!
Human Mob Mod 1.7.10. You can name them like you would any other mob, and that name will determine what player they look like. Human Mob Mod 1.7.10 How to install: - Download and install Minecraft Forge. - Download the mod. - Go to %appdata%. - Go to .minecraft/mods folder. - If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one. - Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it. - Enjoy the mod. ( Rating: 0 − 0 votes) - There are no comments yet. But yours could become the first one!
My Mom Style Journey As a new mom I wanted to make fashion sense in my new role. Somewhere between my baby turning 1 and 2 years old, I decided I cared about my appearance again and wanted to get out of my postpartum clothes. Before this time, I literally just couldn’t entertain the idea, even if I wanted to. With the demands of a newborn, then infant, then toddler it just didn’t let up. I wasn’t prepared for the 24 hour cycle where all of my time went to someone else and my basic needs were barely being met. In my pre-mom life, I always cared about personal style (I was a former style blogger) and could never have imagined going a year+ wearing nothing but leggings and an oversized shirt — my mom outfit uniform. I just assumed I’d just turn into a stylish mom. But there I was. First, there is just no time. I could barely shower and find time to make meals. Second, it just seemed silly to me to spend the little free time I had on something as seemingly superficial as clothes and getting ready. It just didn’t make fashion sense! But then I realized that investing in your personal style clothing goes way beyond the surface-level. I started to question, is fashion important? My short answer: yes! Defining your sense of style and learning how to dress for your new body and role makes fashion important. Here, I’ll cover why style (not fashion) runs deep, and is a way that we define ourselves, set ourselves apart, and communicate who we are. And it’s embedded in the psychology of how we operate within the world. Fashion Vs Style Most of us think of fashion and style as synonymous and use the terms interchangeably. But they actually represent different, almost opposite, concepts. Fashion is about outward trends, the mere clothes we wear. It’s about buying and consumerism and the cycle of what’s popular right now. There’s also an in-group/out-group dynamic to fashion that makes me feel a bit like high school cliques. On the other hand, style is about our inner identity, and is a creative representation of ourselves. It requires you to dig deeper, and assemble an insightful and imaginative view of how you want to present yourself. It requires creativity, insight into who you are, and a bit of effort. It gives us the ability to inject our personality, distinguish ourselves or include ourselves. To be unique or blend with the pack. It goes beyond mere clothes and is an expression of our self-knowledge and self-confidence through what we wear. Style Expression: How Others See You Personal style goes beyond a creative representation of yourself, but it communicates who you are to others before you even say a word. This is such a powerful phenomenon that your perceivers will actually form opinions about you, and change their actions with you. Whether you know it or not, you’re sending out signals through your style as non-verbal cues. Things like: - how smart you are - how powerful you are - how persuasive you are - how much you earn For example, in the office or workplace, Yoon-Hee Kwon of Northern Illinois University found that men believe if you dress professionally then people think that you’re intelligent, competent knowledgeable, honest and reliable. By wearing darker colors like black or gray, will change people’s perception of you as being more formal and professional. Additionally, excessive and extravagant accessories come off as less professional by decreasing your formality. So, some tips for professional dress for women, is to focus on more minimal jewelry designs, not overdoing the accessories, and going for clean lines in your silhouette. And what’s even more intriguing is that others not only perceive you differently based on how you’re dressed but they actually change their actions too. In a study by Yale professor, Michael Krauss, found that men who dressed in business suits were able to negotiate on average about 10% more profit than men dressed in sweatpants and flip-flops. Because these men were dressed better, they were able to convince their buyers to give them more money! What You Wear Is What You Are So, we know that clothes and our personal style shape how we outwardly communicate ourselves to others. And that effect is so powerful that it actually changes the behavior of people we interact with (to the point of them giving us more money!). But why? Because the act of dressing the part goes deeper than just communication — it starts within ourselves. Our sense of style, and the way we dress impacts how we feel about ourselves, and in turn how we think and how we act. This domino effect starts from within and carries out to how others feel, and how they act towards us. For example, in a study by Abraham Rutchick and colleagues, they found that dressing professionally in formal clothing made them feel more powerful. As a result, they started to think abstractly and of the bigger picture. More like a leader. This just shows why having fashion sense is so important! The same conclusion was found in the Krauss study: when men walked into a business meeting to negotiate and were dressed in sweatpants, they not only lost money but they felt insecure and nervous. They know this because the men in sweatpants had higher heart rate variability than those in suits — showing their higher anxiety about the situation. When you wear something you feel good in, it’s obvious through your body language. Identifying your personal style tells you what clothes and accessories are going to make you feel great to wear. This gets projected and your body language shouts confidence and competence. You start to walk differently and hold your body differently. Making Fashion Sense: Find Your Style So, what’s this all mean for a mom trying to reinvest in her personal style? It means finding your personal style clothing is important. Learning how to dress in your new role as a stylish mom impacts how you feel about yourself and how you interact with the world. It’s a key to feeling for fulfilled and confident. Also, because personal style is a conscious effort, this means you have control. You are in control of how you present yourself to the world. You are in control of how you dress to make yourself feel empowered. Whether it’s when you’re hanging out with your friends, on a date with your partner or having a dance party in your kitchen with your little bub. When we have a baby, we give up a lot of control because we have to. To take care of this new human life, we give up a lot. Sleep, personal time, hobbies, basic grooming. We’re thrown into a tailspin where nearly all of our effort is keeping this little bundle alive and thriving. Over time, we start slowly reclaiming our life back. And figuring out a new way of life that gives time to our family but also to ourselves. Defining your personal style can be a core part of that journey. Because it’s not a matter of getting back to where we were — it’s creating a new definition of who we are in this new role. And gives us a chance to hit the reset button and define who we are from the ground up. If you’re ready to start redefining your personal style as a mom, an easy way to start is with simple, unique accessories. Check out our statement jewelry, perfect for creating that one-of-a-kind look without a lot of effort. Fashion Sense Sources - Simplified Wardrobe: Does how you dress actually matter? - Science of People: Fashion Psychology: What Your Choice in Clothes Say About You - Psychology Today: The Value of Style - NPR: Power Suits: How Dressing For Success At Work Can Pay Off - Kraus, M. W., & Mendes, W. B. (2014). Sartorial symbols of social class elicit class-consistent behavioral and physiological responses: A dyadic approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(6), 2330–2340. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0000023 - The Atlantic: Wearing a Suit Makes People Think Differently
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Value creation & co-creation KEEP UP YOUR KAM CURRENCY! Sign up here to receive 6 issues per year of the AKAM Bulletin, completely FREE! The Bulletin is a unique publication containing valuable and insightful articles about KAM principles and practices, plus news of AKAM’s events and activities for people in all KAM roles - corporate, expert/academic or consulting. Signing up means you agree to receive information from AKAM about KAM education and our events and activities supporting your KAM career. Your information will not be shared with any third parties.
- Android Inc. was founded in US in October, 2003 - Google acquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005 - Open Handset Alliance (OHA) was established on 5 November 2007 Open Handset Alliance Logo - Google, Broadcom Corporation, HTC, Intel, LG, Marvell Technology Group, Motorola, NVidia, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics, Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile and Texas Instruments were founders of OHA. - OHA is a Consortium of Total 84 Companies. - Android 1.0 beta was launched on 5th November 2007 - Version 1.0 : 23 September 2008 - Latest Stable Version : 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) on 28 March 2012
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A Chicago man has been charged in connection with the stabbing death of a 32-year-old woman as she worked in a Wicker Park Walgreens Sunday, Chicago police said. Sincere Williams, 18, has been charged with one felony count of first-degree murder, police said. Police say Williams walked into the store at 1372 N. Milwaukee just after 9:30 a.m. with the intention of robbing the place, police said. Instead, investigators say the crime escalated to murder. "He approached the victim, Olga Calderon, who was just stocking shelves at Walgreens, grabbed her around the neck," Area 5 Commander Eric Winstrom said. "It appears that she tried to push away from Williams, and he began stabbing her multiple times, causing her death." WATCH: Chicago police announce charges, new details on motive behind stabbing Police said Olga Marie Calderon's co-workers found her dead in a pool of blood inside the store just before 10 a.m. "I don't really know what to think," Walgreens employee Jennifer Montanez said. "Very numb. It's hard to process, even if it's not someone that you particularly know." Police said surveillance video and a trail of blood, clothes, and weapons helped investigators track the alleged murderer from the Walgreens to his Old Town apartment. "Williams discarded a knife and clothing in a nearby yard, which detectives recovered," Winstrom said. "We were able to determine that Williams entered an apartment complex in the 1400-block of North Sedgwick in the 18th District. With the assistance of 18th District tactical personnel, we were able to arrest Sincere at his apartment without incident." Police don't believe Calderon was targeted for any reason. They said she was just a young working mother trying to make a living who never made it home her family. "Extremely tragic to have a woman go to work and not come home to her child," said Chicago Police Chief of Detectives Brendan Deenihan. Crisis responder Andrew Holmes said the woman who was killed is the mother of a 3-year-old boy and an 11-year-old girl. Her family is struggling to come to grips with the loss. "Her daughter is taking it really hard," Holmes said. "The younger baby doesn't understand yet what's actually happened, but the daughter, she knows." "It makes me really sad we are in a place in society where we are worried about going home, going to work and we don't know if we're going to come back, we don't know if we're going to upset someone. We just don't know," Montanez said. WATCH: Police describe suspect in at Wicker Park Walgreens stabbing Flowers lie outside the doors of the still-shuttered Walgreens where Calderon was working the register Sunday. Regular customer Robert Szabla said Calderon was joking around with him about 10 minutes before she was killed when he went there to make a purchase. "She said, 'Oh I hope it's not gonna be any robbery today because it's raining and they are afraid of rain,'" Szabla said. Police said this is the second time this month, this particular Walgreens has been targeted by a knife-wielding offender. Just five days ago, police said the store was subject to an armed robbery. "I myself witnessed it several times," Szabla added. "Alcohol, cosmetics. People just walk in, take things and they walk out and these employees cannot do anything." Police said Tuesday they believe Williams may have been connected to that incident and a similar incident at another nearby Walgreens. WATCH: Police investigate murder at Wicker Park Walgreens Walgreens spokesperson Phil Caruso said in a written statement: "We are grateful to Chicago police and law enforcement for their efforts and will continue to work with authorities. The safety of our customers and team members is our top priority. We are continually evaluating our security measures in all our stores. The store is expected to reopen tomorrow morning with additional security measures." Anyone with information is asked to call (312) 746-5446 or visit home.chicagopolice.org.
This morning, the kids and I headed to the pediatrician’s office for Leah’s four-month well check. Leah is perfectly healthy, and it seems at the rate she is growing she will quickly surpass her brothers. Maybe that will provide an incentive for the boys to actually eat, but let’s not hold our breath on that one. Since we were headed to the hospital, I decided what better place to continue our Random Acts of Kindness for the day? No one really wants to spend their time in a doctor’s office for any kind of appointment (No offense, Dad!), so we decided to leave a little “pick me up” in two of the elevators. I know any day that I have to haul all three kids to an appointment, a significant amount of caffeine is essential. Of course, a glass of wine at the end of the day is, too, but I thought a gift card for coffee might be easier to attach to the wall than a bottle of wine. When I presented the plan to Austin, he loved the idea of being sneaky and leaving a surprise in the elevator. Everett, on the other hand, couldn’t care less. He was preoccupied with that darn call button. “Yes, Mr. Security Guard, it’s us again. I know we talk almost every week, and I apologize for the thousandth time that I still have not managed to successfully block my two-year-old’s evasive maneuvers. And, no, this is probably not the last time we’ll be chatting. Have a great day.” Every time we leave an appointment, I feel wiped because no doubt there is always whining, crying, or just sheer ridiculousness from trying to wrangle the boys. So, after every appointment, I usually treat myself to a little caffeine. I’m hoping today someone enjoyed their own little “pick me up” on us.
Are you looking for the Top 3 Best Wine Glasses 2022 Review? In the present dispensable world, there is regularly less accentuation on the nature of the ordinary executes we use than maybe there was before. Hell, we can get six nice Best Wine Glasse for very little more than a tenner in the kitchenware shops that elegance our shopping centers. Be that as it may, the absolute best wine glasses have a legacy and plan quality that makes them worth searching out and, maybe shockingly, a high-quality wine glass will, by and large, be more pleasant to drink from than the less expensive options. They will even direct unique styles of wine to the proper taste receptors in the mouth. Where’s that old Bordeaux? Relate Post : Table Of Contents Top 3 Best Wine Glasses 2022 Review 1. Luigi Bormioli Atelier Cabernet&Merlot Best Wine Glasse This is another choice that regularly suggested in a hefty portion of the top of the line wine glasses audits that have been distributed before. The set made out of 4 glasses. On the off-chance that there is one thing that makes this item extraordinary, it is the 25-year ensure that is being offered by the producer, which can view as a piece of its sense of duty regarding quality over the long haul. This Italian-made set is additionally great as it is dishwasher-safe, which implies that negligible exertion will be required on your part to protect its best quality as the years progressed. 2. Riedel Wine Series Pinot Noir Best Wine Glasse Best Wine Glasses ReviewsAs you search for the best item that is accessible on the market, one thing that you have to consider would be the material that utilized as a part of such, which will be characteristic of the security of its utilization. In such case, the best wine glasses audits have prescribed this model since it is sans lead. All the more thus, the item made in Europe, which can be another justifiable reason on why it is the best decision in the object class. This bundle made out of two glasses, which makes it idealize on the off chance that you are living alone or on the off chance that it will give a blessing to somebody who adores wine. 3. BigMouth Inc Ultimate Best Wine Glasses On the off chance that you are as yet searching for the best wine glasses in 2022, there is presumably this is another alternative that can end up being ideal. This will be a decent blessing to somebody who has a decent comical inclination. As against the conventional wine glass, this is greater. It is composed of a glass and container in one body. The evaluated stature of the unit is 11.5 inches, and it can hold as much as 750ml of wine, or a full jug. It is said to be the wine glass that fits the need of the individuals who can’t sufficiently get one glass and who might want to have a full jug to devour. Purchase of available glasses You are probably wondering where to start when it comes to discount drinks. There are various options that you can go to, which can land on cheap glasses. First of all, it is important to note that not all cheap glasses are of poor quality. It can not be said that cheap drinks are bad and of poor quality. Sometimes it’s even hard to distinguish cheap glasses and something more special. In fact, they say that cheap stems make life easier, depending on where you serve it. What to see when buying affordable wine glasses? There are some things that you should keep in mind when going on inexpensive stem products. Do not just settle for any glass just because it is marked as cheap. First, the bowl of glass should be generous. The best dish is usually considered to be ten ounces. As a rule, larger containers are better than small ones. Secondly, the edge of the glass should be made in such a way that it is smooth. Glasses that have heavy, curtailed lips are usually a bit clunky when it comes to drinking. Finally, the shape of the bowl must be properly distributed and positioned to allow easy twisting. Some of the best bowls include the classic Bordeaux shape and the Burgundy bowl. Where to buy glasses? There are many unique places where you can find glasses for bonuses. They have an extensive choice of items. For a small amount, you can get a lot of high-quality stem products. Here’s one good thing about these glasses; If someone accidentally breaks during a party, there is no need to get injured, since this is just a small amount. In these unique places, you can find cheap glasses. They offer super aggressive prices for drinks, especially during festive seasons. They also have an online store with a large discount. These exotic places have an insane discount on these funds. They are widely known for their grape stems, winemaking and, above all, for their beautiful glasses for wine. They have some wine glasses that are very accessible. Their best lenses include a base cup and a white uniform. Spiegelau, apparently, produces some of the best kinds of Best Wine Glasse, which also include top quality drinks. Its eyeglasses line is designed specifically to counter the effects of a washing machine. Some of the features of these glasses include a classic shape with a much shorter stalk. This allows you to clean almost all dishwashers. These glasses can be purchased online at significantly reduced prices. Finally, there is a stem from Stozzle, which weighs about 22 ounces. These glasses are considered generous and dimensional. Sparkling Wine Glasses, which is an online store, is widely known for offering discounts on these glasses. You must be logged in to post a comment.
The abortion blog gods are smiling upon me! As soon as I sat down to write this post, I checked my email to review some of the topics that arose recently among The Abortioneers, when I received a strange message from a mysterious sender. I considered not opening it, since I'm on a work computer and didn't want to infect it more than I already have in the last two years. But then I was like "I wanna live like I'm dying!" and decided to take a risk. And I discovered Because Magazine, the magazine of Ipas. Read it! Lots of good material, especially the cover story about the realities of abortion and how most TV programming sucks at portraying abortion in a fair and honest light. In the same spirit as the "No Easy Decision" program that MTV launched a few months ago, the article presents the true abortion stories of three women, including those who made the decision themselves or with input from others (for better or for worse). I also love it when women come out with their stories, proclaiming proudly that they do not regret their abortions and that it was the best decision they could h ave made. Really shoves an ice pick into the anti's throat. Aside from that, there are lots of gems in here, including what men can do to support choice (a theme I'm noticing more and more these days regarding women's rights), a great summary of abortion laws in the U.S. by state, and a tidbit about which states offer pro-choice license plates (you might be surprised!). I also enjoy the name; speaks to the myriad reasons why a woman would choose abortion, or why a person might be pro-choice, but also to the fact that you don't really need a reason at all to exercise your rights, do you? So there's my plug. I think all our lovely readers should subscribe and keep on top of the latest. You can receive a cool green e-copy - yay environment! Sign up here! Regularly-scheduled abortiony material to resume next time. Until then, happy reading! Post a Comment This is not a debate forum -- there are hundreds of other sites for that. This is a safe space for abortion care providers and one that respects the full spectrum of reproductive choices; comments that are not in that spirit will either wind up in the spam filter or languish in the moderation queue.
Held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, don’t miss out on the locally-sourced products, handmade arts and crafts, and food vendors at the Church Point Artisans Market! From 9am to 3pm at Le Vieux Depot, next to Church Point Central Park. Market offerings include: - gift ideas for adults, children of all ages, and pets - home baked breads, pies, cakes, and sweets - seasonal wreaths and floral arrangements - homemade soaps, salts, and lotions - unique custom-made jewelry - personal grooming products - homemade arts and crafts - jellies, sauces, and dips - local honey and by-products - CBD products - wooden signs, toys, and yard décor - tumblers, cups, and coasters - and much more!
- IE DCUA C2 The fonds relates to the lives and careers of three men from the Kenny Family: Kevin J Kenny (1881-1954), his son Michael B Kenny (1919-1992), and Michael’s son Colum Kenny (b. 1951). The collection is arranged in three sub-fonds relating to the three men respectively. The majority of the collection relates to Kevin J Kenny and his work at Kenny’s Advertising Agency. The sub-fonds relating to Kevin includes correspondence with many of his clients, some of whom included eminent nationalists of the day, such as Patrick Pearse, Arthur Griffith, Francis Sheehy-Skeffington and James Creed Meredith. Kenny solicited advertising for the publications of many of these figures, which often proved essential in keeping the publications afloat and in circulation, as evidenced in particular by the letters from Patrick Pearse regarding advertisements for An Macaomh, the official magazine of St Enda’s. This sub-fonds also includes several sub-series relating to significant episodes in Kevin’s career and life, such as the controversy over Kenny’s Advertising Agency and a contract to run British Army recruitment advertisements during the First World War, and personal memorabilia and publications relating to significant historical events, such as the 1916 Easter Rising, the War of Independence and Civil War. This sub-fonds also includes a collection of British Army transcribed signals from the first day of the Battle of Gallipoli (25 April 1915), which give a vivid insight into the harrowing experience of some British soldiers fighting on the front line that day. These signals may have come into Kevin J Kenny’s possession from his wife Annette’s brother John Murphy, whose signature may be the ‘J Murphy’ included on some of the signals. This sub-fonds relating to Michael B Kenny consists of a few items concerning his career in advertising. These include a brief history of the Kenny’s Advertising Agency written by Michael, and two photographs: one of meeting of the Advertising/Press Club in 1956 or 1957, and the other of the Kenny’s Advertising Agency premises at Lower Baggot Street, Dublin. The final sub-fonds in the collection mainly relates to Colum Kenny’s work on three documentaries for RTÉ, and some of his personal correspondence with various figures relating to topics such as the media, law and Irish history. One of the sub-series relates to Colum’s research for a documentary about ‘The Tailor and Ansty'. The Tailor and Ansty (husband and wife Timothy [‘the Tailor’] and Anastasia ['Ansty'] Buckley) were the subjects of a book by Eric Cross about their storytelling and home in Gougane Barra, County Cork, which became a hub for notable figures of the Cork arts scene in the 1930s and 1940s. The sub-series includes letters from Eric Cross and friends of the Tailor and Ansty, including Seán Ó Faoláin and Nancy McCarthy-Allitt. Two of the other sub-series relating to Colum’s work on RTÉ current affairs television programmes are currently closed and access will be reviewed in 2025. Another series relates to connections between Colum Kenny’s house, 1 Herbert Terrace, Bray, County Wicklow, and two of its former residents: Cyril Cusack and Grace Watt (née Muggeridge). The series mainly consists of correspondence between Kenny, Cusack and Watt during the early 1990s in which they reminisce about living in the house, and discuss Cusack and Watt’s personal lives.
Mirch (“Chili Pepper”) stands out from other Bollywood fare because of its subject matter: women’s sexuality. It’s a topic that makes some people skittish, yet Mirch addresses it with a sense of humor. However, the otherwise amusing movie fails to reach its full potential. The movie is actually a series of four short stories — two set in the ancient past, two set in modern times — held together by a framing device. A rookie screenwriter, Maanav (Arunoday Singh), can’t find anyone willing to buy his original screenplay because the subject matter is deemed too dark and not “sexy” enough. So Maanav comes up with another plan: turn four stories from the ancient Panchatantra into a film. The four stories all feature sexually liberated women who use their wits to get the better of their jealous, promiscuous spouses. Maanav’s girlfriend, a movie editor named Ruchi (Shahana Goswami), convinces her producer boss Nitin (Sushant Singh) to listen to Maanav’s pitch, even though it appears Nitin has his own designs on Ruchi. The four stories unfold as Maanav’s narration gives way to cinematic depiction, starting with the two historical vignettes. First is the story of a frisky wife (Raima Sen) whose manual laborer husband becomes suspicious of her eagerness to hop in the sack with him. Second is a story of a young bride (Konkona Sen Sharma) married to an impotent old king. The bride is desperate to lose her virginity, and she chooses a young courtier (also played by Arunoday Singh, who appears in two other stories as well) to do the deed. However, the courtier will only consent if the bride agrees to do it in front of her husband. The characters in the “real life” storyline acknowledge a need for stories set in modern times, shifting the time period forward for the final two stories. Sen returns in the third story as another devoted wife whose husband (Shreyas Talpade) tests her fidelity. Sharma likewise returns for the fourth vignette, as a wife who catches her husband (Boman Irani) trying to cheat on her. All of the stories start with straightforward premises but end with a twist: either the wife turns the tables on her husband, or she was hiding a secret all along. In every case, the stories acknowledge the fact that women have their own desires apart from fulfilling their husbands needs. Sen and Sharma carry the movie, playing their characters as provocative rather than overtly sexual. While the vignettes have their charms, the framing device is uneven. The interludes between the mini-movies seem to be driving toward a love triangle finale that would force Ruchi to choose between Maanav and Nitin. A new character is introduced at the last minute, seemingly invalidating the implication that Nitin was ever interested in Ruchi. Mirch also makes the unfortunate mistake of putting a character in blackface. When the husband in the third story dons a disguise in order to seduce his wife, he covers his skin in dark makeup. It’s a crude attempt at humor that’s loaded with racist undertones. A wig and a fake mustache would have been sufficient. - Mirch Official Website - Mirch at Wikipedia - Mirch at IMDb
I suspect most parents have moments where they stop spinning in circles for a breath and wonder what the hell happened. I’ve been channeling my inner David Byrne (“My God/how did I get here?“) most of this year. While much of the country is getting back to “normal”, the weird and/or hard shit keeps happening here. Here, the land of decidedly not-normal, where we still don’t have indoor seating at restaurants, where I lost two friends in the same week–one to lung cancer and one to suicide, and where God only knows if we will ever be able to go back to work on Broadway. Friday our minivan died. Two weeks before we need three cars for three very differently scheduled students commuting to schools nowhere near each other. Because of course it did. Thanks, COVID. Also? 2020 is an asshole. If 2020 were poised on the edge of a cliff and started to lose its balance, I’d push it right over. It’s a total dick. The Zombie Van was a 2007 Honda Odyssey with 230,000 miles on it. It really didn’t owe us anything else. It had already over-delivered. CC took really good care of it, but after the door fell off we accepted it was time for palliative care. We’d make her as comfortable as possible and she’d let us know when it was her time. She died in the parking lot of the storage unit where we were hauling the last of #2’s stuff, to be taken to her when she moves into her apartment in the Midwest. The shop called with the news: “Vehicle not starting. Battery failed load test. Alternator not charging. Valve cover gasket leaking oil onto alternator. Transmission dry, fluid leaking out of transmission cooler lines and radiator. Cannot check for codes for engine or transmission due to battery being dead and won’t know if transmission is operating normally. Power steering pump is leaking as well.” So $3600 to get to the point where we could find out if it also needed a new transmission. My God I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. I guess she had one more gift left to give. The punchline (no, that wasn’t it) was that we couldn’t get #2’s bed frame out because the back door wouldn’t open. BECAUSE IT’S ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ELECTRONIC. BECAUSE THAT’S BETTER. CC and #5 went back the next day with patience and ingenuity and successfully removed it. Sadly, the 6-CD changer (remember those?) held on to Operation Mindcrime, Clockwork Angels, and Hardwired to Self-Destruct and will take them to the grave. A super bright spot is that I have an article in the September issue of Stepmom Magazine. If you’re a stepmom, this magazine is a lifesaver. There are regular contributions from therapists, stepfamily coaches, and smart, helpful stepmoms. I only got in because I told them if they didn’t take my piece, I’d send my house-bound kids their way, one at a time. My piece is about returning to a full house in quarantine when you were damn near an empty-nester. While you do have to subscribe to read it, you can subscribe a month at time and test it out. There’s even a free 30-day trial. Meanwhile. . . have any of you ever beat my mileage on a drive-it-til-it-dies car?
According to the Treasury, £31.3bn has been lent out under state-backed loan schemes to Britain’s smallest businesses. The sheer number of loans approved is at a level that we have never seen before, but banks are worried that as much as half of these loans will not be repaid. While the relative ease of accessing […] Month: June 2020 Would you like to make your eCommerce business better? If there is one business type that has had a surge in business over the last few months is eCommerce. Many traditional businesses have had to innovate to survive, perhaps by taking online orders, takeaway boxes, and home deliveries. eCommerce is no longer a luxury it’s a vital part of a successful business strategy, you […] Should we all aim for a paperless office? Less paper equals more productivity, more productivity means more profits! Why wouldn’t every business aim for this? Documents are easier to store, find, manage, and process if they are digitally stored. Therefore, staff should spend less time looking for things! Going paperless is obviously better for the environment and avoids duplication, as you could have […] Will bounce bank loans create an unmanageable mountain of debt? The bounce-back loan scheme has been popular with small businesses that perhaps have struggled to get much help from elsewhere. About £40bn has been lent to about half a million businesses through the schemes in just two months, but we have to remember this is ‘not free money’ as I have heard it described elsewhere! […] Why we must talk to our children about money? According to a Rowe Price survey only 23% of respondents said they talked about money growing up, the fact is your child will learn about money from somewhere, do you want that to be from you or some out of control celebrity on social media? It’s not rude to talk about money, the skill is […] Is it ever too early to teach children about money? Many parents have been thrown in at the deep end with the schools being closed, home-schooling has certainly been interesting in my house! As an accountant, a subject close to my heart is obviously money, and one of the best things you can do for your child’s education is to teach them about money! You […]
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Sometimes the sound of a word makes it beautiful; other times, its meaning makes it stand out. Whether you love the Spanish language for its flavours or you love it for its richness and depth, there are words that abound for all of us to savour. Like any language, Spanish has regional particularities and a different style wherever you go, whether its downtown Buenos Aires or in Granada. As one of the most spoken and understood languages on earth, you will find people all over the globe speaking Spanish and giving it their own style wherever you go. In this blog series, I want to explore some of my favourite words in Spanish, their meanings and why I love them so all of you can enjoy too. The first job of a translator is to love language – all languages – and to want to share that beauty with the rest of the world. Everything follows from this passion that I hope to embody every day of my career. Origin: Iberian Peninsula Meaning: Milk (and a million other things!) Example: Estar de mala leche. – To be in a bad mood It might not seem like you can do much with the word milk because in English, you can basically only drink it, spill it or cry over it and that’s about it. But leche can mean many different things in Spanish and it’s multiple common meanings often have little to do with its literal translated meaning. There are a great many emotions that can be described through milk in Spanish and that alone makes this one of my favourite Spanish words – especially in light of the symbolism of milk as a life giving substance. The word milk expresses so much in Spanish about that life as well! Whether you’re talking about excitement, good or bad luck, awe and inspiration or a general atmosphere, leche can help. One of my favorite fictional exchanges by Ed Wood drives home the many facets of leche in the best way! Let’s “milk” it! El jugador de fútbol corría a toda leche cuando uno de sus oponentes le dio una leche en la pierna. The soccer player was running at full speed when one of his opponents hit him on his leg. “Ay la leche”, gritó el jugador al caerse al suelo.“Damn it”, cried the player as he fell to the floor. Un espectador en el estadio comentó a su amigo, “¡Qué mala leche! Ese futbolista es la leche, y si está herido no va a poder jugar en la final, ¡Me cago en la leche!” A spectator in the stadium turned to his friend, “That was out of order! He’s the best, and if he’s injured he’s not going to be able to play in the final. Bloody hell! Su amigo le respondió, “no te pongas de mala leche, tio. No me parece tan serio. Se levantará y seguirá jugando. Lo verás.” His friend responded, “don’t get into a bad mood, man. It doesn’t look that serious. He’ll get up and continue playing. You’ll see.” “Y una leche”, dijó el espectador abatido. “No way”, said the spectator, dejected. In Latin American countries, the term leche also has other another meanings. In Mexico and Chile, “Buena leche” refers to a good person, someone you can trust. (Example: “El es buena leche”: He is a good guy, you can trust him) In Argentina, “Mala leche” refers to bad luck and “Buena leche” refers to good luck. (Example: “El tiene mala/buena leche”: He has bad/good luck.) In Panama, a sentence like “Ser mala leche” or “Actuar de mala leche” connotes that there is a person that has bad intentions or has bad conduct . (Example: Esa persona es mala leche That person has bad intentions). Lastly, in Colombia, ‘Mala Leche” refers to a bitter, disagreeable person who refuses to come to the aid of anyone else! So in the Argentinian sense, I am wishing you Buena Leche until next time!
Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques in the Cloud System: A Survey Khalid Al Makdi1,2* and Frederick T Sheldon1 1Computer Science Department, University of Idaho, Moscow, USA 2Computer Science Department, Najran University, Najran, Saudi Arabia *Corresponding Author: Khalid Al Makdi, Computer Science Department, University of Idaho, Moscow, USA. June 24, 2021; Published: July 13, 2021 The rapid growth of data and connectivity among computers has left the complex problem of information security. To protect data and the computer networks, numerous intrusion detection systems (IDS) have been developed that utilize machine learning (ML). However, many issues arise, especially since malicious attacks are constantly changing due to the huge volume of data stored in a distributed manner. This necessitates a scalable solution that incorporates effective feature extraction and a deep learning-based classification method. Due to the dynamic nature of malware and its continuously changing attack morphology, the malware signature datasets available publicly are updated systematically and benchmarked. This study presents a comprehensive review of IDS that uses deep learning and offers future research directions required to achieve a state-of-the-art IDS method: an objective with global security implications. Keywords: Data Security; Deep Learning Technique; Intrusion Detection System; Cloud Database System - Abid A and Jemili F. “Intrusion Detection based on Graph oriented Big Data Analytics”. Procedia Computer Science 176 (2020): 572-581. - Alsafi HM., et al. “IDPS: An Integrated Intrusion Handling Model for Cloud” (2012). - An X., et al. “Hypergraph clustering model-based association analysis of DDOS attacks in fog computing intrusion detection system”. 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Challenges Faced by Elderly During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Overview Sumanth S Hiremath* Department of Sociology, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka State, India *Corresponding Author: Sumanth S Hiremath, Department of Sociology, Rani Channamma University, Belagavi, Karnataka State, India. February 15, 2022; Published: March 30, 2022 While in developed nations the adult who is 65 years or above is considered to be elderly. There would be around 2 billion people belonging to the old age segment across the world by 2050. The rise in the ageing population poses a number of challenges and this pandemic has increased the number of challenges. Several studies have been done for assessing the impact of the pandemic on overall health of elderly which is much more as compared to the others. Studies from across the globe show that risk of the pandemic is much more in elderly. Elders are specifically influenced by the social vulnerability, especially during the lockdown or quarantine. They felt lonely, anxious and uncertain which give rise to insomnia and depressive disorders. Many elderly people live alone because their children maybe working in some other city or country. Keywords: COVID-19; Mental Health; Impact on Elderly; Depression - Radwan E., et al. “Challenges Facing Older Adults during the COVID-19 Outbreak”. European Journal of Environment and Public Health1 (2021): em0059. - Abel T and Mcqueen D. “The COVID-19 pandemic calls for spatial distancing and social closeness: not for social distancing!” International Journal of Public Health3 (2020): 231-231. - Storey J E. “Risk factors for elder abuse and neglect: A review of the literature”. Aggression and Violent Behavior 50 (2020): 101339. - Adalja A A., et al. “Priorities for the US health community responding to COVID-19”. Jama14 (2020): 1343. - Duan L and Zhu G. “Psychological interventions for people affected by the COVID-19 epidemic”. The Lancet Psychiatry, 7.4 (2020): 300-302. - Galea S., et al. “The mental health consequences of COVID-19 and physical distancing: The need for prevention and early intervention”. JAMA Internal Medicine6 (2020): 817-818. - Han S D and Mosqueda L. “Elder abuse in the COVID-19 era”. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society7 (2020): 1386-1387. - Ho C S., et al. “Mental health strategies to combat the psychological impact of COVID-19 beyond paranoia and panic”. Annals of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore 1 (2020): 1-3. - Käll A., et al. “Internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for loneliness: A pilot randomized controlled trial”. Behavior Therapy1 (2020): 54-68. - Kowsalya B and Sundara Raj T. “Elders’ dignity and challenges during COVID-19 pandemic”. 35.2 (2021): 314-326. - Newman M G and Zainal N H. “The value of maintaining social connections for mental health in older people”. The Lancet Public Health1 (2020): e12-e13. - Yang Y., et al. “Mental health services for older adults in China during the COVID-19 outbreak”. The Lancet Psychiatry4 (2020): e19. - Pant S and Subedi M. “Impact of COVID-19 on the elderly”. Journal of Patan Academy of Health Sciences 7 (2020): 32-38. - Kowsalya B and Sundara R. “Challenges of elderly people in the COVID-19 pandemic”. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, 3 (2020): 543- 549. - Xiao H., et al. “Social capital and sleep quality in individuals who self-isolated for 14 days during the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID19) outbreak in January 2020 in China”. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research 26 (2020): e923921-1.
Epic Games recently joined the digital distribution platform arms race with the promise to be a haven for budding video game studios and publishers. With rates favoring video game creators in comparison to its primary competitor, Steam, the Epic Games Store looks ready to take on the digital distribution giant. But what exactly can gamers expect from the “Fortnite” developer’s ambitious new direction? Is there anything worth looking forward to on the Epic Games Store library? Below are a few upcoming titles that have bet on the success of Epic Games’ new digital distribution platform. The Walking Dead Final Season There was a time when Telltale Games’ storytelling-focused experiences were the most popular games on any console, but with the studio’s closure last year, the future of its serialized games for the “The Walking Dead” franchise was in limbo. Thankfully, Telltale Games’ swan song gets to see the light of day with the help of Skybound Games and the Epic Games Store for any fan hoping to play the conclusion to the “The Walking Dead” storytelling series. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Double Damage’s original “Rebel Galaxy” was an amazing game considering that the studio initially carried its development on the back of only two people. Rebel Galaxy Outlaw” promises even more wild dogfights set in a massive western sci-fi sandbox with improved graphics and features that fans of the original game – and space dogfighting games, in general – will enjoy. Genesis Alpha One Radiation Blue, with Team 17 – the studio behind the “Worms” series – handling the publishing details, has an ambitious project with their first-person shooting, ship-building roguelike. “Genesis Alpha One” promises that gamers will save humanity from extinction through a randomly generated universe using a team that they can manage from a first-person perspective. “Genesis Alpha One” is now available for pre-purchase and will officially be released on Jan. 29. The studio behind the “Killing Floor” franchise wants to take the popular shark attack-themed genre that has been popular with mobile gamers and scale up the quality for serious hardware. Tripwire Interactive’s “Maneater” looks to be as violent and gory as the studio’s most popular franchise while moving away from their usual first-person shooter niche. “Journey” was a massive hit when it was first released on Sony’s PlayStation 3 in 2012, and subsequently on the PlayStation 4 a few years down the road. Unfortunately for a lot of gamers, the game has been exclusive to the PlayStation console during most of its lifetime. With the help of the Epic Games Store, Thatgamecompany’s masterpiece is finally getting a PC port sometime in 2019. Xbox owners still don’t get to run the game, though. While the Epic Games Store may not have a lot of titles on its library at the moment – with “Unreal Tournament” and “Fortnite” being the closest games to eSports that their platform currently caters to – the quality of their upcoming titles is definitely a good sign. Talented game developers and publishers are looking to trust Epic Games’ word that their new platform won’t be as restrictive as the competition now that digital distribution has a new player.
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A first-time father in a post-pandemic world Luca La Monica laments the lack of support for new dads. Parenting is a challenging affair, even for those with plenty of experience. However, becoming a parent for the first time in the middle of the recent pandemic served only to increase the levels of stress and worry for this novice father. Living through this difficult experience has made me realise the need for deeper reflection on the effect of the pandemic on the overall question of parenting. As a first-time father, I have had the opportunity to discover a wealth of resources and encounter incredibly well-prepared staff committed to the support of first-time mothers, but I have found it baffling how very little attention is given to the role of fathers. This is particularly worrying not only considering the role fathers should play in parenting their newly born child, but also thinking of their essential responsibility to give moral support to the mother throughout the whole pregnancy and beyond. During her pregnancy, any first-time pandemic mum was effectively forced to attend most of the antenatal appointments by herself because of Covid-19 restrictions; this reality has had a profoundly destabilising effect on some new families. On the one hand, mums-to-be have had to face the uncertainty of these appointments and all the tension that can come with them alone and this has deprived first-time mothers especially of the psychologically crucial support which the fathers of the babies could offer. On the other hand, the pandemic has also hugely affected the fathers’ experience of pregnancy and fatherhood in general, and the feeling of being effectively excluded from these appointments has been overwhelming at times. Any attentive and committed father would normally feel an unavoidable remoteness from the pre-natal care which is rightly centred on the mother and her needs. But this feeling has been amplified by the pandemic and the impossibility of attending the various appointments and scans. Another factor which has significantly altered the experience of first-time parents during the current pandemic is the disruption to antenatal classes. These courses have been often identified as key experiences for first-time parents. Firstly because antenatal classes are run by professionals who offer their expertise to inform and educate new parents about their role and the life-long commitment they are taking on. And secondly because these courses provide an opportunity to meet other parents who are embarking on a very similar journey and to create a network of relationships which offer couples the chance to talk about any doubt or anxiety linked to this life-changing event of becoming a parent for the first time. This social dimension of antenatal classes has been effectively removed by the pandemic. The courses, though welcome, have been delivered remotely and this has caused the complete loss of the interactive and social element, denying new parents the solidarity and support of their peers. As a new dad I confess I was disappointed to discover that the resources provided remotely are almost totally mother-oriented: out of nine units of learning only one is dedicated to fathers and their experience of the pregnancy. This is clearly insufficient. Sure, the role of mothers is worthy of maximum attention, but it is also true that the low level of attention dedicated to fathers only adds to the sense of exclusion which many men experience, and that simple fact is harmful to both parents. An ‘excluded father’ is a parent who will not be sufficiently involved in the pregnancy experience and this deprives the mother of vital support. When considering the postnatal phase, the fact that, in most jobs, fathers are only granted a maximum of two weeks paternity leave is also striking. It is incredibly important for new families to have the opportunity to bond together. This bonding of fathers with their baby and the first-time mother can have an incredibly beneficial impact on all three of the subjects involved in the astonishing journey into parenthood. There are clearly important reasons why things are the way they are, and processes have been dramatically changed by the pandemic. All types of institutions and governments have had to react to this emergency as best and as quickly as they can. However, this extreme situation has provided further proof not only of the challenging nature of parenting, but also of how underestimated the role of fathers is. As a new dad I feel strongly that there should be an increased focus on fathers and that a wider range of opportunities should be offered to us to effectively fulfil our vocation to fatherhood …. Covid or no Covid. Enjoy reading about parenting? Why not take a read of Marie McCoy’s reflection on the somewhat stressful birth of her daughter here, reframing the difficult experience in a positive way. Like what you’ve read? Consider supporting the work of Adamah by making a donation and help us keep exploring life’s big (and not so big) issues!
If you want a better, more interesting and more fulfilling life take on more personal projects. If you don’t, a disproportionate amount of your life will be taken up with your must-dos, and not your want-to-dos. Personal projects allow you to take on exciting new roles in miniature. Because they let you dip your toe into a new world on a small scale. (Unless you have really big toes.) Your personal projects are experiments. They let you test and learn. They let you take action and observe reactions. They enable you to adjust the variables to get new and better outcomes. No Bunsen burner required. Your personal projects are small investments you place on yourself. With a small investment of time, money or energy you can generate significant personal returns, Jedi. Matt Mullenweg says that WordPress, the platform this blog post is created and published on, was started as a project. It was simply interesting and enjoyable for him to develop. He never thought of it as a business. But that small project is now the hostess with the mostesss, as it now hosts more websites than any other platform in the world. Which allows millions of people to create their own personal projects. I love starting personal projects. Here are a few of mine: - I love to regularly print original t-shirt designs that interest me. That has evolved into a business called Adam & Sleeve, and a whole bunch of fun shirts I love to wear. - I started an illustrated cartoon series called Kirky. Because I always thought that would be fun. And it has been. Thanks to Dan Koel for teaming up with me on this. - I began writing a blog in 2015. This is my 726th post. But who’s counting? (The WordPress platform counts them automatically. Thanks, Matt Mullenweg!) - I began taking on freelance advertising projects early in my carer. That eventually lead to me starting my own Advertising and Idea Agency called The Weaponry. - A few years ago I volunteered to coach a middle school track program a couple of days a week. That evolved into becoming a high school assistant track coach at Homestead High School in Mequon, Wisconsin. Which led to me coaching a handful of other Milwaukee-area discus throwers and shot putters on the side. Which means that my side projects have spawned side projects. - During the Covid lockdown of 2020 I started a manuscript writing project. That evolved into publishing the book What Does Your Fortune Cookie Say? with Ripples Media in December of 2021. - Since the beginning of my career, I have regularly volunteered to give talks to college and high school students and professional groups. I have gotten pretty good at sharing a good and compelling story. Now businesses, schools, clubs, conferences, tradeshows and other organizations across the United States have invited me to come share what I know. (And I am always up for more.) - I volunteered to organize my high school reunion last year. A few months later I was hanging out in Hanover, New Hampshire with fellow Marauders who I hadn’t seen in decades. Thanks to Covid, we all walked away with a new appreciation for our time together, and some fun new stories to share from our shared experience. Take on more personal projects. They are highly rewarding investments of your time and energy. They are great experiments that let you test, learn and improve. They can add great joy. They can unlock new doors and offer you more control over your life and time. When you take on a personal project it has the potential to both add to your story and change the course of your life. All you have to do is get started. *If you know someone who could benefit from this message, please share it with them. +For more life lessons I have harvested, check out my new book, What Does Your Fortune Cookie Say?
James Barclay, PA-C, shares his skin care product recommendations below. The following SPF, Lotions, and topical acne meds can be found online in your local grocery store. Sunscreen with SPF 30+ Skin Care Products/Brands Available Direct Epionce is a local brand and remains a privately-held company. All products are formulated and manufactured in-house at its headquarters in Boise, Idaho. This ensures the quality and freshness of the product, which is made in small batches for maximum freshness, so use these links for FREE SHIPPING. Teresa’s picks are: Watch James share skin tips on Instagram
CookieBlock is a browser extension that allows you to automatically remove cookies that do not respect your privacy. Through the use of advanced machine-learning technology, it categorizes cookies into four distinct purposes. These are "Necessary", "Functionality", "Analytics" and "Advertising", which the user then has the power to permit or reject individually. Unlike nagging cookie banners that interrupt your browsing experience, CookieBlock only requires that you define your policy once, and guarantees that the types of cookies you reject are actually removed from your browser. Moreover, CookieBlock works on any website you visit, and does not rely on the honesty of the website host. As a result, CookieBlock perfectly complements extensions that seek to remove annoying cookie banners from your browsing experience, allowing you to preserve your privacy at the same time. This add-on has been built by members of the Information Security Group of the Computer Science Department at ETH Zürich, and was developed as part of the master thesis "Analyzing Cookies Compliance with the GDPR" . It is also featured at the 31st USENIX Security Symposium: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity22/presentation/bollinger - Homepage: https://karelkubicek.github.io/post/cookieblock - Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/tL21ruvPZq2q218P8 - This extension can store an unlimited amount of client-side data.
This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click the “New Post” button, and tell us why you’re here. Why do this? - Because it gives new readers context. What are you about? Why should they read your blog? - Because it will help you focus your own ideas about your blog and what you’d like to do with it. The post can be short or long, a personal intro to your life or a bloggy mission statement, a manifesto for the future or a simple outline of your the types of things you hope to publish. To help you get started, here are a few questions: - Why are you blogging publicly, rather than keeping a personal journal? - What topics do you think you’ll write about? - Who would you love to connect with via your blog? - If you blog successfully throughout the next year, what would you hope to have accomplished? You’re not locked into any of this; one of the wonderful things about blogs is how they constantly evolve as we learn, grow, and interact with one another — but it’s good to know where and why you started, and articulating your goals may just give you a few other post ideas. Can’t think how to get started? Just write the first thing that pops into your head. Anne Lamott, author of a book on writing we love, says that you need to give yourself permission to write a “crappy first draft”. Anne makes a great point — just start writing, and worry about editing it later. When you’re ready to publish, give your post three to five tags that describe your blog’s focus — writing, photography, fiction, parenting, food, cars, movies, sports, whatever. These tags will help others who care about your topics find you in the Reader. Make sure one of the tags is “zerotohero,” so other new bloggers can find you, too. One thought on “MAKING A BUILD UP TODAY” Try and build yourself up
After the successful opening of the cover on January 29, 2020, CHEOPS has now taken its first images of a star. Image of HD 70843, the star chosen as the first target for CHEOPS, ESA’s Characterising ExOPlanet Satellite. The star, located around 150 light years away in the constellation of Cancer, is visible at the centre of the image, surrounded by fainter stars in the background. The peculiar shape of the stars in the image is a result of the deliberate defocusing of the CHEOPS optics, which spreads the light from each star over many pixels. Admatis developed and built the FPA and FEE radiators for the satellite. Media articles are summarized under this link.
How to get into Columbia Business School MBA Program Learn about the culture of Columbia Business School’s MBA program. Understand how to demonstrate value as an international MBA applicant, and learn how to craft great CBS MBA essays to get into into M7 MBA programs. Key lessons from this interview: Background and Why MBA - [01:00] Motivations for an MBA and how Neha thought about the skills she wanted to build in the next phase of her life and career. Columbia Business School Admissions Process - [05:50] The very practical thought process Neha used for school selection. - [08:55] Advice for Indian students on how to learn more about and experience Columbia Business School during the admissions process. - [10:50] What she learnt about the Columbia MBA program and its culture by speaking with students and alumni during the MBA admissions process. - [12:45] What makes a good MBA application and what detailed advice on how to communicate fit with Columbia Business School. - [16:45] Mistakes Indian MBA applicants make when contacting alumni from business schools during the research process. Columbia MBA Experience - [17:20] Life as a Columbia MBA candidate and what to expect the first 90 days during your MBA experience - [19:27] The two important skills to learn and practice before you join the MBA program. - [20:20] How to leverage the MBA alumni network to successfully get off-campus internship or full-time roles. - [25:30] Recruitment strategies for full-time MBA roles and getting consulting and tech offers from Columbia Business School. - [29:40] The career options available to internationals from Columbia Business School Culture at Columbia Business School - [32:33] What is “CBS Matters” and how it provides a unique opportunity to learn about your Columbia MBA peers. - [34:25] Advice to all Indian candidates who want to apply to Columbia Business School One last thing before you go… If you’ve been rejected by an MBA program, we specialize in helping people reapply. The first thing we do is a DING analysis to help you figure out what you can do better next time. If that’s you, start by accessing the self-assessment here.
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Australians prefer live TV February 7, 2014 The latest Australian Multi-Screen Report, covering the third quarter of calendar 2013, shows Australians overwhelmingly prefer live to recorded television, and that they gravitate towards the largest available screen. Overall use of the in-home television set is steady year-on-year, and people’s viewing patterns are broadening with their continued uptake of new and different screen types. Other findings include: – Internet capable TVs are now in 22 per cent of homes (18 per cent in Q3 2012). – With the analogue switch-off imminent, 99 per cent of homes had converted to digital terrestrial television (DTT) by Q3 2013, and 89 per cent had converted every working TV in their homes. – An estimated 37 per cent of homes now have tablets, up from 22 per cent in Q3 2012 and 33 per cent in Q2 2013. Across the online population aged 16+, people claim to spend an average 50 minutes (0:50) per month1 using tablets to watch any online video, which can include both broadcast TV and non-broadcast content. – 67 per cent of Australians aged 16+ own a smartphone (56 per cent in Q3 2012). People spend an average 1:20 per month watching any online video on their phones. – Australians watch an average of 5:18 per month of any internet video via PCs/laptops (both television broadcast and non-broadcast content). – PVR penetration has been relatively steady in recent quarters, now in 53 per cent of Australian homes (50 per cent in Q3 2012). – 93 per cent of that television viewing is live. The other 7 per cent (7:10) is to broadcast content that people record and Playback within seven days. Recorded material viewed between eight and 28 days later however is minimal. For example, in weeks 9-12, 2013, such activity comprised only a 0.93 per cent share of all viewing, and resulted in a TARP gain of just 0.12 per cent. – Total Use of the television set is stable year-on-year and the way people use their sets is evolving with the progressive adoption of new technologies attached to the TV set (such as PVRs, games consoles and ‘over-the-top’ services) and also as Internet capable televisions become more commonplace. – The continued increase in recorded TV content people Playback within seven days, along with Other TV Screen Usage, balance the slight decline in Live Viewing.
Disney+ passes 100m subs March 10, 2021 By Nik Roseveare Disney+, Disney’s SVoD platform, has surpassed 100 million global paid subscribers since launching 16 months ago. Bob Chapek, The Walt Disney Company CEO, made the announcement during the Company’s virtual Annual Meeting of Shareholders on March 9th. “The enormous success of Disney+, which has now surpassed 100 million subscribers, has inspired us to be even more ambitious, and to significantly increase our investment in the development of high-quality content,” Chapek said. “In fact, we set a target of 100+ new titles per year, and this includes Disney Animation, Disney Live Action, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. Our direct-to-consumer business is the Company’s top priority, and our robust pipeline of content will continue to fuel its growth.” Disney+ launched in the US on November 12th 2019, and has rolled out rapidly across Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, and most recently, Singapore. It is currently present in 59 countries. The service has far exceeded the company’s initial target of 60 million to 90 million subscribers by 2024. Subscription numbers have undoubtedly been boosted by lockdown measures around the globe brought about by the pandemic, but the platform also has a strong slate of exclusive content. The next tentpole title on the schedule is its second live action Marvel series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (pictured), which debuts on March 19th.
Las Meninas by Diego Velazquez is a painting of the Spanish Golden Age, which means the maids of honor. It was delivered in the Museo Del Prado in the Spanish capital, Madrid. In the painting, several characters are represented during the reign of the famous King, Philip IV of Spain. Several maids of honor, a bodyguard, a chaperone, a dog and two notable dwarfs surround the young princess, Infanta Margaret. Behind them, the artist presents himself on large canvas while the reflection of the king and queen is maintained in the background. The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp is a painting by Rembrandt van Rijn, and it is housed in Mauritshuis Museum in the Netherlands. In the painting, Dr, Tulp is seen training medical professionals, who are all dressed in similar outfits and have a keen detail to the activity on display. Much has been talked about the different doctors who paid commissions for their inclusion into the painting. The Las Meninas painting by Diego Velazquez and The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt van Rijn share various similarities and differences between the visual strategies. One of the major differences in the two paintings is the development of the visual strategy of composition and inspiration. The Las Meninas painting by Diego Velazquez was influenced by the Baroque style at the time of its delivery. In the painting, one can tell the strangeness of different characters that compose the essence of its title. There is exaggerated motion when trying to comprehend the composition (Lewis and Susan 17). It also encompasses divergent character positioning throughout. On the other hand, the Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt van Rijn is simplistic in its inclusion of the medical professions undergoing the training. There is minimal need of exaggeration, as there is no use of anatomical conventions for the viewer to understand. It is direct and relevant to the title. In both paintings, the principle of organization is responsible for the viewpoint of the message being communicated. In The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt van Rijn, the shape and proportion of the characters in the painting deliver the viewer’s attention when placed in harmony and balance. Their angle of focus is on the doctor’s display of the anatomical features of the human body while he is performing a procedure. Similarly, Las Meninas painting by Diego Velazquez embodies the equivalent principle of organization. According to Lewis and Susan (19), the path of direction regarding the viewer is attributed to the main characters represented. Due to the proportion of their display, the fore, middle, and background are placed in line with their angle of focus to show the viewer the princess’ attention. In both paintings, the material uses and color depiction are of similar attributes and nature. They both use oil paintings and canvas material for the delivery of the thematic expressions in the characters’ eyes as well as positioning in the organization. In The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt van Rijn earthen colors and simplistic material use of the painting helps it generate the vintage and classical feel to it as the medical professions are in similar attire. The doctor is distinct, and material use and blending of the color with his cape and background produce the feel towards the lesson being passed. Equivalently, Diego Velazquez in Las Meninas uses earthen colors in the painting to show originality and the essence of the time it was delivered. There is a unique differentiation in both paintings on the movement created. The images presented are responsible for enabling the viewer’s eye wonder from one range to another (Lewis and Susan 24). In The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt van Rijn, the contrast is smaller as witnessed with the limited angle of elevation in each of the character’s eyes. The focus is maintained in the similar direction to the doctor while elements of contrasts are minimal. On the other hand, The Las Meninas painting by Diego Velazquez employs various divergent elements and forms of movement creation. The bisection regarding angles is kept roaming from one place to another as the princess requires attention, the king and queen as well as the artist’s location within the painting. Another striking disparity in both paintings is the overall result created with the similarities and differences of the techniques. In The Las Meninas painting by Diego Velazquez, the tendency of strangeness in different character and artist composition ensures that the painting is filled with tension and drama on an overall scale. The viewer cannot identify on the center of attention as it is revealed that the princess is the prime focus of it all, as opposed to the king and queen, or the artist himself. On the other hand, the simplistic focus and direction of the characters in The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt van Rijn ensures that the psychological effect is created in the viewer’s mind as opposed to what is shown. The lesson is transmitted to the latter understanding and creativity. Lewis, Richard, and Susan I. Lewis. The Power of Art. Boston, Mass: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print. Top-quality papers guaranteed 100% original papers We sell only unique pieces of writing completed according to your demands. We use security encryption to keep your personal data protected. We can give your money back if something goes wrong with your order. Enjoy the free features we offer to everyone Get a free title page formatted according to the specifics of your particular style. Request us to use APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, or any other style for your essay. Don’t pay extra for a list of references that perfectly fits your academic needs. 24/7 support assistance Ask us a question anytime you need to—we don’t charge extra for supporting you! Calculate how much your essay costs What we are popular for - English 101 - Business Studies
So you’re going on vacation, and aren’t sure if you should be going snorkeling, or making that extra effort to scuba dive. Snorkeling is so much easier, doesn’t require the extra training you’ll have to do (and keep doing), and costs a lot less. But everyone makes it seem like you’re missing out if you don’t scuba dive! Well, we went to the Great Barrier Reef, and went snorkeling and scuba diving for almost a week; here is our experience! Continue reading “Scuba Diving vs Snorkeling: The Great Debate”
Learn how to change your calendar to weekly view When a booking is created or requested, it will firstly appear on your ‘Bookings’ page where you can easily view or manage your bookings. The list for the current week may be extensive and contain tens of results so Peekaboox offers the option to search for a particular booking either by using the search bar in the Bookings page or by using the Calendar to access the weekly bookings. To view your weekly bookings through the Calendar, simply; - Go to the ‘Calendar’ tab of the dashboard - Select the ‘Week’ view in the upper right corner to see the weekly results. You can scroll through the list and check both previous weeks and upcoming ones as well. This will allow you to see the weekly bookings along with its details. Different colors are used for each staff member/operator for easier reservation management. Who has access to this resource
I’m excited to be joining you all for this experience in the next few days! It seems like it was ages ago when I submitted my application and COVID threw our lives into chaos but am glad that we are all now able to meet and learn from one another. There are many directions I can take this short blog post, but the reason why I applied and why I’m still going is not only the same but has been amplified during my internship year of medicine. When I first applied, I was going into my MS4 year of medical school at UNC. I had just finished a longitudinal workshop on physician leadership. While we learned about many things, one was the idea of Just Culture and how it applied to NHRMC, the satellite campus of UNC in Wilmington NC. Just Culture is important for any organization or managerial structure, but for me, all the discussions led back to patient safety. During one of our sessions, the CEO described the end goal of Just Culture to us in a simple way. He said that he was continually striving to create an environment where the lowly med student, scrub tech, or custodian would feel comfortable approaching the attending surgeon if they noticed something that interfered with the patient’s safety. While this seems like a simple concept, one does not have to look far in the media to see what kind of dominating hierarchy exists in medicine and that underlings are often afraid to do something that may put them on the wrong side of their direct report. How do we enact these changes in our own hospital systems? One way is to look at how we lead. We did an interesting activity involving….horses? (feel free to ask me more about it this week!). There are many ways to lead, from the front or back or from the middle of the pack. They each come with their own roles and responsibilities, and they may not always be the same. A great leader knows how to occupy each role, but importantly does not feel a sense of entitlement or express a sense of sorrow if the is not at “the front of the pack”. While it seems easy to just “try to recruit” those into medicine with these innate skills, these traits can take time to develop and need to be incorporated not only in undergraduate education but into CME as well. During my medical internship this year, I tried to observe and be cognizant of how I and others interacted with other house staff. For example, I noticed great examples of how leadership can be applied during dynamic team settings such as codes with multiple different players. Another scenario, although a less cortisol-filled one, that is of interest from a MedEd perspective was table rounds, where there is a strong hierarchy of medical students, intern residents, and attendings. I was very appreciative of how our attendings made the environment as punishment free as possible for the med student, and the entire team including our pharmacist, to speak up if they noticed something was wrong with their patient. This is the essence of successfully implementing Just Culture, enforcing, and cultivating awareness that there should and will be no judgment or reprimand for speaking up when you believe patient safety or enhancing care is a factor. While I’m still learning a lot about my own biases and how I can be a better leader, I’m excited to see what this week has in store and to learn from all your experiences as well!
Why Should I Believe is considering switching from GroupMe to Reddit as our primary conversation and internal debate platform. This article aims to give an overview of what kind of change this will entail. It is published publicly so others groups may benefit from this work; however, secondary readers are cautioned to carefully analyze their community’s culture and needs as each group is unique. Why Should I Believe (WSIB) has a GroupMe of about 20 people, of which maybe half regularly contribute, with the other half either lurking or just like watching an unread message counter go as high as possible. This GroupMe is known for being highly active, with conversations with hundreds of messages happening at least weekly, and a few dozen messages happening daily. Being highly educated and passionate people (i.e. nerds), these conversations are in-depth, detailed, and span a large number of topics. WSIB exists to apply reason and evidence to Christianity, so we have a lot of discussions around theological and philosophical topics, with politics entering occasionally. We also pride ourselves on our ability to share the most dank and apropos memes for the conversation. WSIB will eventually move to Reddit. Reddit scales to millions of users, while we already see problems with GroupMe at less than a dozen active users. The conversational nature of GroupMe will be largely lost with Reddit and we will need to be careful to still treat every user as an actual person and not a random internet stranger. The public nature of Reddit will mean serious implications about how we converse. Controversial topics could prove to be difficult to have a completely open discussion about. The Internet is public, searchable, and forever. Even with these differences and potential issues, I support moving to Reddit as our primary debate platform. A quick note about the methodology of this article. These are my own opinions. As a long-time member of WSIB and long-time user of both Reddit and GroupMe, I am qualified to speak authoritatively on these subjects; however, these still are merely my opinions and should be accepted only upon critical examination. Many of the differences mentioned below will amount to: Reddit and GroupMe are different in this respect. This is not intended to mean, “We should not move because of this.”, but simply explain how they different so we may make an informed decision. Why move to a new platform? We have experienced a significant amount of growth of the GroupMe in the last few months, with more active members than ever. There’s a lot of conversation happening and having to read 100+ messages that are dense, detailed, nuanced, and lengthy (approximately a typical non-fiction book paragraph) is becoming difficult to keep up with. This is a great problem to have, but it is still a problem. Most of us are students at a difficult school and we all have busy schedules, so we each must evaluate how much time we devote to reading and contributing to what often amounts to academic debate on the GroupMe. The suggestion was made to move to Reddit as a way to organize the conversations and allow everyone to contribute the topics they are most interested in. It should be noted we have previously addressed this type of scaling problem in the past. We previously only had a single GroupMe where all topics, including announcements and general business items, were discussed. This became a problem because many members would mute notifications (because of the volume of messages from the debates) and miss important messages. We solved this by introducing a second GroupMe group where only items related to the logistics and business decisions of the organization was discussed. We strongly encouraged all debates and general conversation not related to official business to be held in the primary group. This second channel has largely worked. It allows important topics to be discussed without interrupting the debates and conversations. GroupMe and Reddit solve different problems We must first and foremost recognize that GroupMe and Reddit solve different problems and are inherently different. We cannot use Reddit the same way we have used GroupMe. GroupMe is designed for small groups that need to communicate with everybody at the same time. It is, essentially, an improvement of group SMS texting. It is pretty minimalistic. Reddit is designed for communities, large and small. Most anyone can post content to the community and the community votes and comments on how awesome it is. It has a rich set of moderation tools and lots of customization options (if you are willing to put the time into customizing the look and feel of the subreddit). GroupMe: Single Threaded. Reddit: Multithreaded. Just like in software development, this isn’t a value judgment. Each has its own uses and drawbacks. The biggest for our discussion is that GroupMe basically requires everybody to read all the messages. Ask a question about a particular passage in 1 Corinthians? You may have to wade through a long-running discussion about the merits of paedobaptism over credobaptism. With Reddit, there would be at least two threads: one for the passage in 1 Corinthians and one (probably more) about the baptism thing. Topics are focused: if you don’t care whether babies get dunked (or sprinkled or whatever), you can simply ignore that thread. With the single thread, everybody is on the same page. It is like having a IRL discussion between a few friends. This can be a really good thing. Everyone is exposed to topics they may not be too interested in, but are important to discuss. Perhaps someone doesn’t have a large interest in eschatology, but they read how a particular eschatology has significant implications of some other area of theology and become interested. This likely wouldn’t happen in a multithread environment. However, some people can get overwhelmed with the number of messages, turn off notifications, and only check in periodically. With WSIB’s volume, even a break of a few days can mean a backlog of hundreds of messages. The GroupMe app was never designed with long-running conversations in mind, so reading through a such a large backlog can sometimes be difficult (e.g. easy to lose your place, multiple conversations going on). I find Reddit’s format is a bit unwieldy for long-running conversations where the participants reply to each others’ replies many times over. After about 10 replies, you get a link (“Continue this thread —->”) to more comments. But, replies can be much longer, so each reply can address more. Conversations on a particular topic can last a lot longer. With GroupMe, there is a natural half-life of a conversation. On Reddit, depending on how often new posts are made, a topic can stay near the top for quite a while. In GroupMe, you are having a conversation with a group of people. Sometimes different schedules (school, work, sleep, etc.) mean the person you would like input from is not available. However, the GroupMe messages keep coming. The conversation can easily get lost in the infinite scroll. This doesn’t happen with the multiple-threaded nature of Reddit. Multithreaded is more scalable, but more complex. GroupMe works because it is simple and has very little overhead. Reddit works because it can scale to millions of people, but it has a much higher overhead, for both the admins and the regular users. Is Reddit the eventual solution and it is only a question of when? Probably. GroupMe is an invite-only medium of communication. Other than the members of the group, GroupMe itself, and (possibly) the Internet providers, no one of the general public can see any of the posted messages. Reddit is very public. Everything is open for the public. Everything is archived. Everything is searchable by Google. This is a double-edged sword: We can be the best resource of thoughtful Christian knowledge. We can also be shown to have opinions and beliefs that are not politically correct. Pseudonyms only help so much and unless you go to extreme lengths, you should assume everything you say can be linked back to the real you. We discuss some highly controversial topics. Some of us have controversial philosophical, theological, and political opinions and beliefs. We want WSIB to eventually be the best at raising the best Christian apologists in the world. That will eventually draw criticism and certain groups may use anything we say against us. Cogently defending Jesus is controversial enough to draw fire; adding in the rest of the controversial beliefs will only add fuel to the fire. We could restrict our topics, but I believe this is impractical and counterproductive. For one, well-reasoned arguments for unpopular positions on controversial topics are rare. It would be a serious damper to not discuss, for example, same-sex marriage. So many aspects of theology touch on it; having an out-right ban on the topic would be detrimental to conversation. It is inevitable someone will post: “Is gay marriage wrong?” Even armed with our considerable capability to provide a well-reasoned answer to this question, we must understand that our answer will probably draw criticism from conservatives and progressives—mostly because we won’t agree with either side. We may see topics we once had no problem talking about in the private confines of GroupMe, we no longer are quite as open talking about. We must recognize that these sensitive topics still need discussing and possibly provide other avenues for free and open debate. While private subreddits are a thing, it is unusual for a subreddit to be private. Being private doesn’t really help us in the long run as we have previously stated we want to try to use this as a way to interact with others outside the group to encourage them to join us in our quest for truth. Reddit is more anonymous than GroupMe. This is good because newcomers may feel more comfortable asking questions if they feel like they can’t be personally identified. However, there is another aspect to anonymity: The sense of talking to another person is dulled. GroupMe’s user interface makes it very obvious we are talking to real people. There’s a picture (which we usually have as a real picture of ourselves) and our real name associated with every message. The conversational nature reinforces this as well. Reddit’s user interface is less obvious about this, even though there is a real person behind every username. I have a few friends who are interested in apologetics, but they live outside of Atlanta and would only be able to attend very special events. The GroupMe has traditionally been only for WSIB members (although we have been experimenting lately), so inviting non-members has been questionable. A subreddit would solve this. Just invite people to the sub. Culture and etiquette I’ll quickly mention that we inherit Reddit culture and etiquette. We’re free to make our own rules for the subreddit (and many subs have their own rules), so this isn’t a big issue. Some subreddits have evolved over the years from very specific communities into more general catch-all subs. Usually this is because the content is high quality. Our organization’s vision could naturally move this subreddit this way. As we grow, we may need to hold discussions on whether this is desirable or not. It is notable that there is no well-established place on the Internet for high-level apologetics discussion. Perhaps /r/WhyShouldIBelieve could become that place. Different requirements for ‘membership’ Reddit merely requires users to click Subscribe before posting, and no requirement for reading. GroupMe requires a current member invitation for reading or writing. We will get people who come in for a single question or post and never hear from them again. It’s the Internet. We won’t have much trouble at first because no one knows about the sub. However, if any of our threads gets popular or we get selected as the sub of the day or any other big publicity event happens, we will be swamped with trolls because of our religious nature. We will need to have mods monitoring and keeping the peace. Reddit has a 10,000 character limit for comments and 40,000 for the original post. Using the app, GroupMe limits every message to 450; using the SMS, it depends on your SMS app, with some limiting you to 160 characters. With such a large increase in character limits, the nature of conversation will change. Likely, our discussions we become more nuanced and posts longer simply because the limits have been lifted. We may use less of the methods from the book Tactics and more formal debate methods in posting because of the format differences. Reddit supports Markdown, which allows for simple formatting (like bold, italics, underlining, strikethrough, headers, lists, tables, and horizontal bars; see this link for a primer). For those with plenty of time on their hands, they can make their long posts really well formatted. Reddit is well supported on the web and with a plethora of apps. Images are not shown inline with the message and must be clicked to view the dank meme. Meme sharing will be different. GroupMe requires a conversation to happen for information to be shared. Reddit posts are archived and searchable (via Google). This means conversation will likely become more “crystallized”. Someone ask a question about the existence of God for the 42nd time? We’ll just link to a few good past threads and that will be it. Voting changes things. It has been demonstrated (for popular subs) that the highest voted comments are those that are early, not necessarily the best content. Do upvotes mean people agree or good content? GroupMe has likes and WSIB has been using it as “I agree with this message.” Votes are anonymous, so we can’t use it easily for “I agree”. I will reiterate that most of these points boil down to “Reddit is different”. This doesn’t mean we should not adopt Reddit, only that we need to consider how we approach it. I believe that WSIB will ultimately and eventually move to Reddit; I thought it would take another few years before we were forced by scaling issues to it, though. Reddit gives us a whole new way to reach people we could never have before. There are some exciting improvements over GroupMe that will allow us to improve our debating skills in a slightly more formal setting where our words can be seen by others outside WSIB. We will need to be careful how we approach controversial topics. However, this is true for any public forum. We have to deal with this anytime we host a public debate or field questions from the audience as presenters. Reddit makes this a much more pointed issue because the Internet is forever. We won’t initially see any of these problems, which makes it more dangerous, but allows us to figure it out as we go. Considering everything, I fully support moving to Reddit as our primary debating platform.
Your browser is not supported. For the best experience, please access this site using the latest version of the following browsers: By closing this window you acknowledge that your experience on this website may be degraded. Safe + Sound Week at Honeywell Safe + Sound Week at Honeywell The global coronavirus outbreak has created an increasing number of challenges to individuals, families, communities and companies. It’s a unique situation we find ourselves in, as most of us have never experienced a health crisis of this scale. At Honeywell Aerospace, the health and safety of our workforce has always been our top priority. Like our peers, Honeywell continues to respond quickly to the rapidly changing COVID-19 environment. We are keeping the safety of our employees as our top priority, while we maintain support for our customers who need our products now more than ever. We are committed to doing everything we can to protect the health, safety and well-being of all our employees – no matter what they do, or where they work. Honeywell Aerospace plays a critical role in infrastructure around the world, including transportation, security, and defense by providing products and services for both commercial and defense aerospace markets Our factory workers are essential to the success of our business. This means we had to implement aggressive and robust safety measures in the workplace for our essential factory workers. We continue to communicate with employees so they can understand what actions we’re taking to ensure they feel safe when they come into the workplace. These employees are making a huge difference. Aerospace has one of the industry’s broadest and most advanced portfolios – including engines, cockpits, cabin design, wireless connectivity and enterprise performance management services – that are essential to keep aircraft flying. We’re also playing a significant role in helping make air travel cleaner. When it comes to safety, complacency is our worst enemy and our employees have proactively stepped up to play a role in developing and sharing new safety and wellness best practices around the world. This week is Safe + Sound Week, a nationwide event held each August that recognizes workplace health and safety programs. More than 100 Honeywell employees have shared the creative ways they are prioritizing wellness and safety, both at work and at home, by posting their #HoneywellSafetySelfies. These photos range from creative face coverings, examples of social distancing, and ways employees are coping with COVID-19 stress. This employee driven safety campaign truly illustrates Honeywell’s commitment to developing innovative, effective and creative solutions towards health, safety and wellness. We are very proud that our products and services for both commercial and defense aerospace markets play a critical role in our world’s infrastructure, transportation, security, and defense. Most importantly, we are proud of our workforce’s unwavering dedication to safety and wellness.
This special issue aims at de-centering the notion of the “Post-Ottoman”. We intend to turn the attention toward the impact of collapsing imperial structures on the life trajectories of marginal(ized) individuals, with a particular focus on the spatial dimension and the representation of the self. We invite the contributors to reflect on marginalities from an intersectional perspective that includes notions like anomie, subalternity, exclusion, and segregation. The issue particularly welcomes studies centered on subjectivities of women, ethnic or confessional minorities, and actors targeted by social, political, and sexual discrimination. Apart from that, the special issue also addresses actors from economic classes that have, until now, received comparatively little attention in biographical research, like workers, peasants, or the urban and rural poor. We conceive of marginalization utilizing a twofold approach: marginalization during the post-Ottoman transformations as well as marginalization deriving from historiographical neglect. The goal is to enrich the empirical and conceptual research on biographies by extending it outside the domain of “great men’s” memoirs in a more inclusive conceptual framework. In their case studies, contributors should critically discuss life trajectories by focusing on the meaning, boundaries, and negotiations of marginality as central factors for practices and perceptions. In so doing, we suggest adopting an inclusive look that engages with the question of how these individual trajectories are embedded in changing collectivities and institutions ranging from kinship to informal networks, associations, and even up to state and international institutions. See CfP Post-Ottoman trajectories Continuer la lecture de Post-Ottoman trajectories. Marginalities, (Im)Mobilities, and Subjectivities after the Empire
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East African baked Doughnuts is one of the popular delicacies in Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, and Kenya’s coastal region. No party in East Africa is complete without Mandazis. The snack touts of its mouthwatering taste that melts your mouth even before you have a bite. Due to their irresistible taste, mandazi’s are a go-to snack for breakfast. A Must Read: Quick Dinner Recipes: 5 Recipes in 30 Minutes If you get a chance to take a walk on the East African streets, you can never fail to come across this snack. You will be baffled to know that there no hotel in east Africa that doesn’t have this snack on its menu. From the elderly to kids, this amazing delicacy is great for anyone regardless of their age. Today the snack is enjoyed in different African countries. And before we get down to cooking, let’s have a quick overview of where this amazing delicacy originated from. History of East Africa Baked Doughnuts (Mandazis) The East African baked Doughnuts originated from the Coastal region of Kenya and Tanzania. Slowly other east African countries adapted to the cuisine. West African countries (Nigeria and Ghana) are among African countries that enjoy this popular snack. However, the delicacy has different names. In Nigeria, they call it Puff Puff, while in Ghana, it’s known as Boftot. A Must Read: 4 Afro-Caribbean Dishes You Should Taste Before You Die In most cases, the snack is deep-fried in oil, but we have featured a baked variation in our case. Grab a seat, fold your sleeves, and stay with me till the end. Let’s get started. 4 cups all-purpose baking flour (sifted) 1 ½ cups of milk Canola oil for coating ½ tsp salt 1tsp ground cardamoms 1 tbsp instant yeast ½ cup grated Coconut flakes 2 large eggs ¼ cup of white sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 3 tbsp unsalted butter - In a large basin, sift your flour, sugar, salt, cardamoms, yeast, cinnamon, and whisk together. - Pour 100ml cooking oil and continue whisking for an even mixture. - Transfer the mixture to a mixer and add milk. If you do not have a mixer, you can use your hands. Set it aside for about 8 minutes. - Beat your eggs, grated coconut flakes, and add melted butter and mix thoroughly. - Grease a large bowl and transfer your dough. Apply another coat of oil and spread with your hands. - Cover it with a cling film or place another bowl on top and leave it for one to two hours to rise. - Roll your dough on a flat surface into 1” thick. Use a sharp knife to cut into desired sizes and shapes. Baking Your Doughnuts - Preheat your oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Spray your baking sheet with oil and place your mandazi’s with 0.5 spacing. - Bake for 12 minutes or until slightly browned. - Set aside to cool down and mizzle your icing sugar to enhance its taste. Enjoy with tea, coffee in the morning or evening. Note: Eating hot mandazis can cause your teeth to hurt. If you like the East African Doughnuts recipe, you may also like:
Saturday, October 15, 8:30 am–10:00 am Sponsored by the AFS Cultural Diversity Committee Chair: Cassie Rosita Patterson (American Folklore Society) Andrew Carter (Watch Me Grow Ohio) Join 14th Street Community Center Board President and co-founder of Watch Me Grow, Ohio, Andrew Carter, for a conversation about leading intergenerational succession with Black organizations (including financial solvency and strategic planning), developing and sustaining youth gardening programs, and facilitating complex community conversations. The 14th Street Community Center was built in the 1940s to provide recreational opportunities for children residing within the Farley Square Housing Project, the heart of the African American community in Portsmouth, Ohio. Today, the Center serves more than 1,200 individuals from diverse backgrounds and neighborhoods by offering free educational and recreational programs. Watch Me Grow, Ohio is a non-profit organization that provides free youth and community programming in sustainable agriculture, entrepreneurship and community engagement, focusing on serving historically marginalized and underserved areas throughout Southern Ohio.
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Islam wins Commercialization Achievement Award licensing agreement for the rapid and low-cost soil health test he spent over a decade developing and ... the soil test over 15 years ago with the goal of creating something that was affordable, and so ... the soil?’” Islam recalled, when asked about his inspiration for developing the test kit. Fast forward ... Natural Resources Administrator 2- 20090419 a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all.” Our agency ... directive. Final applicant accepted for position will be required to submit to urinalysis to test for illegal ... drug use prior to appointment. Applicant with positive test result will not be offered employment per ... Cynthia Canan, Ph.D. Countdown to 4-H Camp campers will challenge themselves on a new high ropes course. Local businesses, organizations, family, and ... friends came together to raise over $150,000 in funding for the new course. After the old course was ... Ohio 4-H Lays the Foundation for a Career in Research an area of research that seeks to bridge the gap between lab work and clinical work. One of the labs ... into clinics and took HIV samples to bring back for testing. Today, Nicol continues her work in HIV and ... EPN Breakfast- Monday, June 5, 2023: Honoring Ohio's Environment and Celebrating its Champions induction ceremony and welcome. Jon Gerken: Jon dedicated 42 years to the soil science and natural resources ... profession for USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Service as assistant soil survey manager and state ... soil scientist. Throughout his career, John has provided unwavering support of the School of ... Support Ohio 4-H’ers at Celebration of Youth tickets on our website for just $50! The evening’s events will begin at 5 p.m., and guests will have the ... Calendar of Events and horse carriage rides. The admission fee is $5 and a 50/50 and silent auction will take place ... Grants Coordinator 1- 20059791 between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all.” Our agency embraces the ... applicable positions, pursuant to collective bargaining agreement. Selection devices, proficiency testing ... $2M grant awards to fund two meaningful aquaculture projects national level over the past 20 years. This success can be attributed to the efforts of their aquaculture ...
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Our Monthly Newsletter Helpful tips for family caregivers Sometimes it’s the little things that turn out to be important. For instance, does your loved one seem to have problems swallowing? If so, he or she may be at risk for choking. And then there are the big things, like the emotions of cancer. This month we help you tackle those issues. We also give you tips for getting “eyes and ears on the ground” when your loved one lives far away. Help prevent choking Between 15% and 20% of seniors have trouble swallowing. Choking while eating or drinking is the fourth-leading cause of accidental death at home for people over age 65. Swallowing involves the coordination of many muscles in the mouth and throat. The action pushes chewed food down toward the stomach. At the same time, the throat needs to close off the windpipe to the lungs. People with dentures or dental problems are at risk for choking because they can’t chew their food as well. People who have had a stroke or any health problem affecting the nerves and muscles around the neck are also at higher risk. Signs of a swallowing problem include coughing after a swallow or a change in voice after a swallow. Some people with swallowing problems describe a feeling as if a pill has gotten stuck going down. If your loved one seems to have swallowing problems, ask the doctor to order an evaluation. Speech therapists commonly do these evaluations and can help with special exercises and dietary suggestions. Common causes of choking include - eating too fast; - taking big bites and not chewing food well; - walking, talking, or laughing while eating; - drinking alcohol before or during meals. If the person you care for tends to choke, changing the habits listed above can certainly reduce the risk. Other techniques that can be helpful include - sitting up straight during the meal and afterward; - avoiding thick, sticky foods, such as peanut butter or caramel; - changing medications that contribute to dry mouth; - tucking the chin when swallowing. The emotional side of cancer Cancer doesn’t equal a death sentence these days. But it is a life-changing diagnosis that brings up many emotions for both the patient and the family. At any point from diagnosis to life posttreatment, your loved one might feel - sad or hopeless about ever feeling fully whole again or that the best of life is over; - anxious or overwhelmed, wondering what is to come (pain? future recurrence?) or how to face all the decisions; - guilty about being a burden and a drain; - angry that life hasn’t been fair. To support your relative, consider these strategies: - Provide an outlet. “Mom, I can imagine you have a ton of different feelings. No matter what they are, I’m up for hearing about it. Sometimes it helps to just let your feelings out.” - Respect privacy. Not everyone likes to talk about feelings. Writing in a journal, praying, or other means of expression may be more comfortable. A simple way to stay tuned in is a “scale of 0 to 10” approach. “Seems like it’s kind of a tough day. If 10 is really bad, where would you say you are today? A 7? A 9?” - Learn what you can. Many worries can be resolved with information. Help identify the questions. Work with your relative’s care team to get the answers. - Accentuate the positive. Focus attention on what your loved one can still do. Encourage visits from friends who bring warmth and humor. When to get professional help. It is time for help if your loved one is stuck in an extreme pattern, such as endless crying or profound withdrawal from usual activities. Other signs include trouble sleeping, intense fear, or talk of suicide. Contact the doctor for guidance.Return to top Tracking needs from a distance When you live far away, it’s hard to know when your relative needs help. You need eyes and ears on the ground. Assemble your team. Exchange contact information with several of your relative’s neighbors and friends. Encourage them to call if they notice changes or have concerns. Ideally, one of them might willingly handle simple things, like changing an overhead light bulb. Find out about local services. Go to the Elder Care Locator. Or save time and energy by hiring a care manager. A care manager can alert you to problems and recommend local services. Keep in mind that help may be needed on multiple fronts. - Finances: Are bills and other mail piling up? Are there shut-off notices? Perhaps your loved one is running low on funds. If not, consider automatic payments. Or arrange for someone to come write checks once a month. - Food and meals: Has your relative lost weight unintentionally? If the doctor says there is no medical cause, and there are no dental problems, consider help with grocery shopping or home-delivered meals. - Personal hygiene: If your loved one is not dressing or grooming as well as before, consider a doctor’s evaluation. Help may be needed to address issues of forgetfulness, incontinence, or problems with bathing. - Household maintenance: It may be time for help with the big chores. If the house is uncharacteristically messy, a regular housekeeper may be in order. Also think about home safety issues, such as grab bars needed in the bathroom. - Social/emotional isolation. If you cannot call regularly, consider a telephone check-in service or arrange for a friend, neighbor, or helper to drop by often. Support continued involvement in activities outside the home. - Learn about local bus and van services for seniors. Also, volunteer programs that give rides to the doctor. Perhaps the church can coordinate rides to worship?
- Did you mean - wooster ag facilities consisted research farms Cynthia Canan, Ph.D. Cynthia Canan, Ph.D. Extension Specialist- STEM Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Room ... and connections to innovative STEM research, researchers, and events Supports research and evaluation ... Save the Date for 2023 AEDE Fall Agricultural Policy & Outlook Conference on Nov. 13 will be held on Nov. 13 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 pm.at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. ... 2023 Summer Program in Population Health will be Held on June 26-29 Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. For more information, visit u.osu.edu/cphp/summer-program. ... Save the Date in November for OSU Extension Regional Conversations 15 – Caldwell/Belle Valley; Nov. 16 – Wooster; Nov. 17 – Toledo These regional conversations offer ... South Centers welcomes Piketon vo-ag students hydroponically grown plants. Farm Manager Wayne Lewis then led a wagon tour of the South Centers research plots, ... allowing my students to tour the facility and learn about the research that they do at the facility.” Any ... a spring visit to The Ohio State University South Centers to learn more about the facility’s various ... Calendar of Events to tour the camp facilities. No registration is required. June 24, Breakfast on the Farm (Metamora) ... —9 a.m.–1 p.m. Join Fulton County Extension for a farm-to-plate dining experience at Triple H Farms ... Youth event at Leeds Farm, 8738 Marysville Road, Ostrander. This is an adult-only event (ages 21 and ... Ohio Hunger Dialogues to be Held on Sept. 8-9 issues of hunger and food insecurity in Ohio communities. On Sept. 8, the topics will focus on research ... Countdown to 4-H Camp With summer just around the corner, 4-H camps are completing facilities improvements to provide ... buoys to the waterfront. Ohio 4-H Camp Whitewood is updating their dining facilities. The original ... shooting sports facility. The building will include indoor shoots in the winter (air rifle, air pistol, and ... Ohio 4-H Lays the Foundation for a Career in Research volunteers for my club, and my dad volunteered with a different local club. Living on a dairy farm also meant ... Northern University, Nicol worked in a research lab and learned she loved lab work. “I fell in love with ... research and was interested in the possibility I could be the first person to discover something.” Her ... Extension Professionals Complete Risser Farm Financial Management Training. Agriculture's website. #LeanOnYourLandGrant Farm Management ag law Farm Finances Farm Office ... Forty-six Extension professionals participated in the “Risser Farm Financial Management ... certification to be instructors for OSU Extension Small Farm Financial Management Colleges which will help ...
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How to activate Windows Product Key in 3 Easy Ways? September 4, 2020 | FAQ Allkeyshop Today, laptops and computers come with the Windows 10 operating system installed, activated, and ready to go after a quick setup. But, there are plenty of reasons why you may need to activate Windows 10 on your device. For instance; You have finally got around building your own PC with the best processor and graphics […] 365 comments 7 2 4 12 19 10 294 17 Don’t be fooled by the 0.05 prices. They are scam. When you put one in the cart you are hit with a “processing fee” of 2-3 bucks over that price. And even if you add 10 keys, they add 10 processing fees not just 1. ABSOLUTE SCAM. Classical. So far it’s better than Windows 11 and the codes seem to work most of the times. I work a lot with computers so I’ve purchased multiple of these. Maybe 2 out of 10 times I had issues with the code already being used or being invalid, but I was always issued a replacement code within a few hours. No complaints 🙂 The bestest Windows, I love them so much, and the best site to get them, work 100% guarantee! The most awesome Windows out there, I recommend it to everyone!
The photographs above are of an unknown maker of the J-38 Morse code key. The oval base of the key has a cut-a-way frame unlike found on Lionel keys which have a solid key base. Numerous J-38 keys will be found with square corners as seen above on the black bakelite base.The J-38 key above rests on a 1/2 thick piece of aluminum which was added many years later and is not original. I call this style of J-38 key a "Two tone J-38" due to the two different colors of the hardware. I wish I knew the actual manufacture of the key as that is how I would reference it. Numerous companies produced J-38 keys and did not place any identifying marks on them. Please also visit my Lionel J-38 page located HERE. Where does the J-38 name come from? The short answer is the black base. Remove the straight key from the base and it is no longer a J-38. According toThe Vail Correspondent #10 January 1995 the proper nomenclature for the Signal Corps closed circuit key alone, without a base, is J-30 and is described as being for "general purpose application". Now for the longer answer. The U. S. Signal Corps assigned their telegraph keys with the letter "J" and then a number. This practice started during the WWI era and ended in the 1950's. According to an article by W1IMQ in the The Vail Correspondent #4 July 1993, before 1943 both the Army and Navy had separate nomenclature systems. In 1943 these separate nomenclature systems gave way to the Joint Army Navy nomenclature system(AN System) for all new equipment. Although existing items continued to be made and marked under the old system. The AN nomenclature is known today(1993) as Joint Electronics Type Designation System(JETDS). Under the JETDS nomenclature keys and other keying devices carry the unit indicator KY. Thus the Signal Corps J-45 leg key became known as the KY-116U and KY-562/U. The Vail Correspondent goes on to note that the J-number keys range from 1 to 51. Excluded in that list are the J-8, J-9, J-13, J-39, J-42, J-49, and J-50. According to the book J-Series Telegraph keys of the US Army Signal Corps by Larry Nutting he states that J-49 seems to be an AC motor driven “Automatic Keyer” used with the BC-751. And he notes that J-13 and J-39 appear in a 1946 Signal Corps listing of type-numbered items, but that further information is unavailable. Unlike the J-37 key which uses a leaf spring, the J-38 employs a coil spring to return the arm after it has been depressed. The J-38 CW key has a vast and wonderful history behind it. The J-38 key was used by all branches of the U.S. military. The J-38 key was produced by numerous manufacturers in very large numbers during the 1940's and later. Some of these manufacturers(or at least suppliers) were Bunnell, Johnson, Western Electric, Signal Electric Mfg. company, Waters-Conley, and McElroy Electronics Corporation, American Radio Hardware, Manhattan Electrical Supply Company.. Do not be surprised if you have a J-38 key in your collection without a manufacturers name on it. Many of the manufacturers did not place their name on the keys that they produced for whatever reason. Many collectors try to identify the maker of their J-38 key by the physical characteristics of the key. They use such things as the shapes and physical size of the various components along with the types of metals used on these components. But it is a difficult task. There are differences in style between the manufacturers, and slight variations within lots made by each manufacturer. Some manufacturers were based in the same city as other manufacturers so it is possible that they sold parts to each other and used the same suppliers. K6IX has come up with an interesting way to catalog these keys with no maker marks. Visit his excellent J-38 site HERE . When the J-38 was used for training, each student's key was secured to a table, and was wired into the training system with two wires. One wire was connected to the "LINE" terminals, while the cans(headphones) wire was connected to the "TEL" terminals. With the circuit closer on the key in the closed position, the student could listen to the practice code that was being sent over the line. When the student wanted to practice sending, he would simply open the keys circuit closer and tap away. More information on how this training system was configured can be found in the February 2, 1942 dated United States manual TM 11-432. Of course the J-38 was used for much more then just training, and the history of these telegraph keys and where they were used can be quite fascinating. Although their main use was for training as the J-38 was designed specifically and solely as a code practice key. The J-38 can sometimes be found in its original training configuration. But when these items were war surplus and selling for .25 cents each many folks removed the back terminals and connecting strip at the end of the key and tossed them. Some would spray paint the frame and base to put it in mufti. Afterwards they turned the key around on the black base which helped secure it so that it would not tip while in use. Today it is becoming increasingly difficult to find one complete.
The SEPS Project´s objective is to develop an expert system based on meteorological and supply and demand information for distribution network incidents and restriction forecasting. SEPS is also intended to study incidents social impact based on the affected market information. The SEPS Project is part of the Innpacto subprogram of R&D&I MICINN The resulting expert system will improve decision-making on preventive actions to minimize network power impact by restrictions and effects of bad weather conditions. Objectives and scope - Identify the main weather variables impacting on the distribution networks. - Develop reliable supply and demand forecast models. - Develop an information collection, processing and integrating system from various identified sources. - Develop incidence forecast algorithm based on historical data - Integrate different algorithms for each type of data in one single result of incident probability. - Identify incidents severity and effects on the network. - Develop a geo and visualization graphic system of incidents and risks. Benefits and achievements - Supply quality improvement - Reduction of social and media impact of network incidents and restrictions - More efficient resources management Consortium: Comprised by 7 national companies: - The leader: Unión Fenosa Distribución S.A - Technical Coordination SCIEN Analytics - Companies: Telvent, SCIEN Analytics, Aplicaciones en Informática Avanzada (Grupo AIA) - Universities: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Zaragoza (bifi), Universidad de Girona Duration: July 2012 – March 2015 Call for proposals INNPACTO 2012 of The Public-Private Cooperation National Program of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness File number: IPT-2012-0580-120000 SEPS
$4m air cargo facility built at Chennault International Airport Chennault International Airport in Louisiana, US has completed a $4m air cargo facility that was built to attract international and domestic cargo. Now available for lease, the facility on the I-10 corridor between Houston and New Orleans includes a 1,000 sq. ft. office area and an expandable 9,000 sq. ft. warehouse. The adjacent aircraft parking apron is 127,000 sq. ft., able to accommodate all sizes of cargo aircraft. The airport will work with industry partners to help certify the building, first announced in July 2021, for international cargo clearance. “We have worked tirelessly to remove entry barriers for the air cargo industry,” said Chennault executive director Kevin Melton. “We have made investments in facilities, established a rich incentive program, and we will invest in ground equipment to support the industry. We are committed to share the risk associated with new markets.” Chennault is offering a package of air cargo incentives with a potential value of $300,000-plus, including two years of free rent on the new air cargo facility with a five-year commitment. The airport said it will also waive landing fees for all commercial air cargo landings for two years. The airport has also approved the acquisition of more than $500,000 for specialized air cargo ground equipment to mitigate a capital expense that otherwise can be a barrier to start-up activity. “The airport will work closely with industry partners regarding specific equipment needs for their operation and then help secure that equipment,” said Melton. “We are leaving no stone unturned.”
KLM and the Italian airline ITA Airways have signed a new codeshare agreement. The agreement will enable passengers to book KLM tickets to ITA’s European destinations and ITA customers will be able to book tickets to KLM’s European destinations. KLM and ITA will also facilitate easy transfers for passengers at Rome Fiumicino and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The agreement will give KLM customers access to more destinations in Italy and other ITA destinations in south-east Europe. The partnership will allow KLM customers to book tickets to eight new destinations in Southern Europe. KLM passengers will be able to fly with ITA via Rome to Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Bari, Brindisi, Lamezia Terme and Trieste in Italy, to Malta, and to the Albanian city of Tirana. “It’s really good news that KLM and ITA Airways have been able to reach an agreement so quickly, enabling them to work together on European routes,” Pieter Elbers President & CEO KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. “Italy is an important market for the airline industry in Europe, both for business and leisure travellers. “Partnerships like this one are important to our ability to provide the best possible service for our customers, who travel through Schiphol from all corners of the world.”
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They may also collect other personal data from you, such as cookie identifiers or your IP address. To Opt●Out of Cookies. You have the ability to adjust your browser settings to manage how we or other websites track your browsing activity. More information can be found at StaySafeOnline.org. Additionally, you can manage the advertising presented to you while browsing any website through the Ad Choices at the bottom of each page in our Websites. Cookies are not required for many parts of our Websites, such as searching. Although most web browsers automatically accept cookies, many browsers’ settings can be set to decline cookies or alert you when a website is attempting to place a cookie on your computer. However, some of our services may not function properly if you disable cookies. Log Data: We receive information when you view content on or otherwise interact with our Websites, which we refer to as “Log Data,” even if you have not created an account. For example, when you visit our Websites, sign into your account, or interact with our email or contact forms, we may receive information about you. This Log Data includes information about your computer and internet connection, as well as details of your visit to our Websites. Specifically, this includes traffic data, logs, and other communication data and the resources that you accessed and used – some data may only be used during your active session (and then forgotten) while other data may persist such as your preferences or remembering you when you return. We may also collect IP address, browser type, operating system, the referring web page, pages visited, location (based on IP address), device information (including device and application IDs), search terms, and cookie information. We use Log Data to operate our services and ensure their secure, reliable, and robust performance. For example, we use Log Data to protect the security of accounts and to determine what content is popular on our Websites. We also use this data to improve the content we show you, including ads. We use the information you provide to us and data we receive, including Log Data and data from third parties, to make inferences like what topics you may be interested in, which helps us better design our services for you and personalize the content we show you, including ads. Other Third Parties and Affiliates: We may receive information about you from third parties who are not our advertisers or ad vendors, such as vendors and service providers who help us evaluate the safety and quality of content on our Websites or our corporate affiliates. Personalizing Across Your Devices: When you log into our Websites on a browser or via our mobile application on a device, we will associate that browser or device with your account for purposes such as authentication, security, and personalization. We may also associate the activity you did on one and share it with the other. We do this to operate and personalize our Websites and make them more relevant to you. You play a large part in what personal data we share and with whom we share it. However, in limited circumstances we may also disclose your personal data for additional purposes. We make such disclosures either (a) at your direction or with your consent, (b) subject to your right to opt-out, (c) as necessary to operate our services, or (d) as required by law. Non-Personal Information: We collect, share and/or disclose non-personal data, such as anonymized or “de-identified” information and aggregated information about our customers and Website users such as the total number of times people engaged our Websites this month, the states those visits came from, or information related to advertising clicks or other metrics. This information does not identify any individual, without exception. All such non-personally identifiable information collected by us through our Websites, and all aggregated/compilations of non-personally identifiable information that we create, are our exclusive property. We may use any such non-personally identifiable or aggregated information for any purpose, including monitoring user traffic patterns, analyzing and quantifying user preferences, improving the design and content of our Websites, and enabling us to personalize your user experience, and we may share it with customers, advertisers, service providers, and other third parties. Other Uses. We also use information collected about you, as well as non-personal data, to provide and improve our services and products, including to: Storage of Information and Data. Airport Equipment Rentals, Inc is located in the United States, and all information that we receive or collect is stored in the United States. This means your personal information may be subject to the laws of general application in the US. Security of Information and Data. We employ technological and organizational measures to ensure that your personal data is protected against unauthorized or unlawful access, use or disclosure. You control the personal data you share with us. You may use a contact form to receive additional information or be contacted by us regarding the vehicle or equipment you are looking for. Accessing or Rectifying Your Personal Data: You can request access to your personal information with us in writing by contacting us at . We will respond within 30 days. We will provide you access to your personal information unless we are prohibited to do so, for example, if providing you access violates the privacy of another person. If we cannot give you access to your personal information, we will provide justification. If you have submitted a contact or interest form, you can obtain a copy of what we received by filling out this Web Form directly. We may include, as part of your contact or interest form submission, other information that is inferred from your visit or passively obtained via third-parties about you and your activity. Opt-Out and Unsubscribe: Except as provided under “Service Providers”, "Law, Harm and Public Interest", and "Affiliates and Change of Ownership", you may opt out of our sharing of your personally identifiable information with third parties (other than third parties performing functions on our behalf) by sending us an email with "OPT OUT" in the subject line. To unsubscribe from email communications from us, please send us an email with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line. Portability: We can provide you a means to request a download of the information you have shared through our Websites for you to transfer it as you choose by following the steps here. If you live in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the data privacy officer responsible for your personal data can be contacted at: If you live outside the United States, Canada, and Mexico, please refer to the Residents of the European Union section below. Our Websites assume all users expressing interest in purchasing or renting vehicles are of majority age, can sign a contract, have a payment form issued in their name, and have a valid driver’s license. Our Websites are not directed to children, and you may not use or access our Websites if you are under the age of 18. You must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your personal data in your country or state of residence. If you are a resident of the State of California, you may have additional privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Learn more about these privacy rights by visiting our Privacy Notice for California Residents. Currently the Websites are not open for use by residents of the European Union and we block IP addresses that trace back to locations within the European Union or European Economic Area. If you are a resident of the EU and have accessed our Website from inside the United States, you may search our Websites or create an account (tied to a non-European Union identity). However, your further use of our Websites may be denied or blocked if you provide personal information that identifies you as a resident of the European Union.
AIRS came to being by enactment of Anambra State Revenue Administration Law (ASRAL) 2010 which provided that “there shall be a Service – Anambra State Internal Revenue Service (AIRS), autonomous, which shall be the operational arm of the policy making body – “The Board”. Furthermore, The Board and operational arm are to be headed by the Executive Chairman, who is appointed by the Executive Governor from the career ranks of the AIRS or an external candidate, who shall have cognate experience in financial, economic and legal matters. The details of the specific qualifications of the Executive Chairman, other Board members and composition of the Board are spelt out in the ASRAL 2010 and Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2011 (PITA). AIRS, as the Agency that generates approximately 80% of the State’s aggregate IGR, has since year 2014 moved the State’s monthly IGR from an average of N500 Million to over N1 Billion. The projected IGR for year 2018 is in excess of N30 Billion. AIRS is primarily charged with responsibilities to; Secondarily, we are saddled with the responsibility of devising new areas of revenue generation, Compliance monitoring, Enforcements in the cases of default, championing of other IGR-related initiatives as may be prescribed by the State Government. Error: Contact form not found.