The challenging reality for many people of having to make ends meet on benefits during the pandemic was underlined by the widespread calls ahead of the Budget for the government to retain the ‘temporary’ £20 weekly uplift to universal credit. This has now been extended for another six months and will be paid until the end of September. It has become clear that the lowest monthly standard allowance of £342.72 for single claimants under 25 provides a minimal amount to live on. A waiting period of up to five weeks before payment starts also doesn’t help. With unemployment continuing to rise and the precarious state of the economy, it is more important than ever to build your own financial safety net. You need to ensure that you can continue to pay your essential bills and maintain your living standards if you were to meet with redundancy as well as illness or accident. Save for a rainy day The Covid-19 crisis has highlighted how quickly ‘safe’ jobs can disappear with little or no warning when economic conditions change. So, if there is a chance of becoming unemployed, you’ll need an emergency ‘rainy day’ fund to help cover mortgage payments and other bills. How much you set aside will depend on your individual circumstances, but a good rule of thumb is to have enough savings to cover three months of essential bills. It may not be easy to put this aside all at once but accumulating small amounts regularly can help build a financial buffer. The best savings account for an emergency fund is one that gives you easy access. Interest rates are low at present, but it can pay to shop around between instant access and ISA accounts. Insure your life and income Savings can provide a short-term stopgap if your income disappears temporarily, but insurance provides a more effective safety net against the financial consequences of death or serious illness. Life insurance is the fundamental building block of most families’ finances. A lump sum paid on death can help to pay off a mortgage and other debts or be used to set up a fund to provide an income. Life cover is relatively cheap and, given the very minimal benefits that the state provides, protection shouldn’t be left to chance. Likewise, income protection insurance can provide valuable support if you find yourself unable to work because of ill health. With this type of insurance, the typical payout is two-thirds of your income, although there is usually a ‘deferral period’ of three or six months before benefits are paid. These payments are more generous than statutory sick pay, which is just £95.85 a week for up to 28 weeks. If you are interested in discussing the above with one of our experienced financial planners at FAS, please get in touch here. This content is for information purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice or financial advice.
Many people struggle with being confident in their sexual and gender identity. It can be hard to grapple with this because of the discrimination many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people still face today. Fortunately, there are 1 helplines in Gujarat, India that can support you if you relate to the following: It’s normal to feel confused and alone when you’re trying to figure out your gender identity and sexual orientation. If it feels like you can’t come out and you’re scared to show the world who you really are, your mental health can take a serious knock. You deserve to be LGBTQ and proud. There are dedicated LGBTQ-friendly crisis counselors in Gujarat, India who can help you with any problems you may be experiencing as an LGBTQ person. If you're still questioning your gender and sexual identity, speaking to a compassionate listener can help. If you feel like you might need support with your gender & sexual identity, try reaching out to a hotline in Gujarat, India. It's free and confidential.
Nutritionists believe that dishes such as rice, pasta, soups and stews, appear to keep you feeling fuller for longer. But the liquid must be part of the food. Drinking a glass of water while you eat will not have the same effect, said the British Nutrition Foundation. The theory is based on studies which showed that although somebody will eat different foods on different days, the weight of food consumed will hardly vary. This means that if we eat foods that are just as bulky but contain fewer calories, we should feel just as full. Water-rich foods tend to be low in calories or have a low energy density, a BNF conference heard. A spokesman said: ‘Studies have shown that people tend to consume the same weight of food each day but not necessarily the same amount of energy or calories. ‘So it is possible to trick ourselves into consuming less energy, without feeling hungrier, by eating a lower energy density diet which still makes up the same weight of foods overall throughout the day.’ To work out the energy density of a food, divide the number of calories by its weight. So a 40g bag of crisps with 200 calories has an energy density of five – putting it towards the high end of the scale. Many of these are high in water and all have an energy density of 1.5 or less, making them good to fill up on. Foods with a medium rating include strawberries and cream, lasagne, steak, pizza and chips. Chocolate-lovers, however, can take some heart. The lightness of chocolate mousse means it has a lower rating – and so is more filling – than squares of chocolate. Source:Mail Online :July 01.’09
Cultural diversity in the workplace I hadn’t fully realised the importance of diversity in an organisation, until I saw the lack of it. I was at a client workshop about 6 years ago. This workshop had 24 senior representatives who oversaw various departments of the client’s organisation. Normally in these workshops, you have people challenge each other’s opinions regularly, and these differences of opinions lead to some of the best outcomes and ideas. However, this was a very different workshop where everyone was in agreement, straight from the get-go. One person would say something, and the rest of the room would agree, there was no opposition, no creativity, no challenges towards ideas and propositions. I remember looking around the room and it slowly hit me that 23 of the 24 people were of the same gender, ethnicity and roughly the same age. Culture, age, gender, skill, ethnicity, and diversity of thought are just a few examples of diversity. Diversifying the workforce is one of the best ways to get a competitive advantage in this ever-changing market. Diversity in the workplace is important not just because it benefits the organisation in areas such as brand management, client engagement, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), but also because it attracts diverse professionals that drive innovation as “Cognitive diversity drives innovation by up to 20%”. Our cultural diversity is one of my favourite things about Finyx. We value our differences, and we seek ways to celebrate them. We have created an atmosphere where everyone has a feeling of belonging and can make a difference, and this is a key pillar of our culture. This is evident with people at all grades taking ownership of large internal initiatives such as Marketing, Recruitment, Training, Onboarding, CSR, Sustainability, Mental Health, and many others. We have a mentorship scheme where everyone at the firm is aligned to a career coach as well as a mentor who can help guide you through challenges and long-term goals. We put a lot of emphasis around progression and employee relationships, and this is emphasised by our quarterly review cycles and ongoing coaching and mentoring sessions. We don’t have the perfect model just yet but we’re making excellent progress. One of the big initiatives that we pushed in the last year is our focus on Women in tech. You might’ve seen our incredible articles over the month of March! I’m incredibly proud that we’ve hired and retained very talented women here at Finyx. 32% of our permanent staff are now female and the percentage of female staff at Finyx has almost tripled in the last year. When striving to create a safe, open, familial work environment, it’s critical to have a culture where everyone is appreciated and heard. Regularising freedom of expression and having employees practise raising issues can lead to a workplace that is more open to different points of view and feels more connected. Organisations should attempt to create a culture in which employees are not afraid to be themselves and feel at ease performing cultural customs. Managers can undertake sensitivity training to learn how to avoid bias and appreciate diverse cultures more effectively. By encouraging internal ownership across all grades our people at Finyx have come up with innovative ways where they can make a real impact at the heart of the organisation. People across all grades challenge leadership and have successfully owned and implemented great internal initiatives. Additionally, businesses could provide various mentorships. Mentorship programmes ensure that everyone has the chance to progress while also strengthening employee relationships. Creating an inclusive mentorship programme can aid in the promotion of diversity. As previously mentioned, everyone at Finyx is allocated a career coach and a mentor and these relationships help our colleagues feel more valued and ensure emphasis on career progression and development. Having different types of employees in your firm with different backgrounds and experiences leads to increased creativity and innovation. When you have a varied workforce, you’ll have a wide set of perspectives and a diverse style of thinking, which is critical for creating fresh ideas and input that will benefit the company. Diversity in the workplace encourages employees to be themselves, recognising that everyone may bring new, creative, and innovative ideas and solutions. Employees with various backgrounds and experiences can bring a range of viewpoints to bear on issues, resulting in increased productivity and better results. Diversity brings together a varied range of talents to work toward a shared objective while employing a variety of skills, increasing employee retention and productivity. “Racially diverse teams report a 35% increase in performance compared to their competitors”. Diversity in a firm helps to strengthen its brand and makes it more interesting and a more desirable employer. Interacting with a wide group of people boosts their capacity to function in an atmosphere with a variety of styles, cultures, and personalities. Diversity in the workforce can help an organisation better satisfy the demands of each market. A diverse company can recruit and retain talent, both young and seasoned experts, giving it a competitive advantage. This allows the organisation to compete on a global scale or to expand its diversified client base and market share. At Finyx we like to work smart and play hard. Our people are actively involved in events throughout the year. We enjoy social hours, as well as larger other events involving families. Check out the “Our People” page to meet some of our incredible and diverse team!
Another amazing dance show has yet again taken place bringing brand new styles of dance to the school. ‘Planet dance’ allowed us to take our audience on a trip around the world and allowed our dancers to explore different countries through dance. A brand new addition to the dance show was the Bollywood dance number! The Saturday 1 O’ Clock class worked closely with the choreographer Madhumita Jenna to create an exciting and vibrant Bollywood dance number. This was not only a great opportunity for our dancers but was amazing to watch and took our dance show to a whole new level. Another new addition to our show was the use of lightsabers from our wonderful adult tappers, this was very effective onstage and helped bring the choreography to life for our audience! A huge well done to our younger classes who performed fabulously as bugs, fish, people at the seaside and different types of weather! Thank you to all of our dancers for their brilliant performances and professional behaviour back stage, and another thank you to everyone who helped organise this fantastic show!
Grosse Pointe, a suburb that borders on the east side of Detroit. This is a public safety department so the fire response here is vastly different than the city of Detroit. Manpower is very limited initially and is supplemented by people responding from home and on duty police officer/firefighters. All the mutual aid companies also share this type of system. The fire involved a large dwelling under renovation that was fully involved and rapidly spreading to the exposures. Above the 5th alarm level the City of Detroit was requested to send two engine companies, a squad, and a buggy. When we arrived the original fire building was fully involved and starting to collapse. Exposure 4 was becoming well involved and exposure 2 was severely threatened. Allthree buildings were lost. We witnessed some spectacular fire conditions here and initial units on scene were pretty much overwhelmed from the start considering the available resources. This was a horrible event for all concerned although thankfully no lives were lost. More can be seen here. Grosse Pointe, Michigan 5-Alarm Fire, March 26, 2018. The city of Grosse Pointe, Michigan received calls of a fully-involved home on Washington Road around 10:20pm on Monday, March 26th, 2018. The city is protected by a Public Safety Department where personnel are both police officers and firefighters. The first arriving unit reported a fully-involved, 2-story colonial that was under construction with fire through the roof, and immediately called for a 3rd alarm. I am not aware of what exactly that brings, but I can tell you it does not bring what many 3rd alarms do. A minute or so later, a 4th alarm was requested. Eventually, the City of Detroit was requested as auto-aid but it was too little, too late. The fast moving inferno quickly overpowered the short-handed department. The “D” side exposure was another large, 2-story colonial and the “B” side exposure was a large tudor. Both of these structures were occupied and both would be incinerated in a manner that every homeowner should be aware of. Experienced fire suppression crews are invaluable and this was evident in the loss of the exposures during this incident. The men and women on scene did everything they could, but they just did not have the manpower to keep up. For reference, the first image was taken about 25 minutes in and is the original fire building.
May 25, 1955 – December 29, 2023 It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden but peaceful passing of Terry at the age of 68, after a very lengthy battle with diabetes and kidney disease. Terry was the beloved husband of Jill (nee Bonin) for 42 years. Loving father of Riley and very proud Papa T of Madison Hope. Predeceased by his parents Clyde and Marguerite McPhee (nee Shewfelt) and his sister Aldene Martynuck. Brother-in-law of Stan Martynuck Sr., Paula Spurway (Ron) and the late Gary Bonin. Predeceased by his in-laws Roland and June Bonin (nee Swan). Uncle Terry will be missed immensely and loved forever by nieces and nephews Stan Martynuck Jr. (Jane), Tammy Zalewski (Walter), Debbie Berto (Robert), Jennifer Grasley (Brady), Mitchell Spurway (Dana) and Greg Bonin (Danielle). He will be remembered by great nieces and nephews Ben, Allison, Matthew, Nicholas, Devann, Kristan, great great nephew James and many, many friends. Terry took part in a wide variety of activities and causes. He was involved, both on and off stage, with the Sault Opera Society, Musical Comedy Guild and Sault Theatre Workshop. He was a member of the Sault Rotary Club where he was the main host of the Easter Seals Telethon for over 20 years, resulting in him being given the Paul Harris Fellowship Award for his years of dedicated service. He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Kiwanis Club. In his earlier years he was a member of the Sault Navy League and a marching member of the Sault Twirlettes & Drum Corp. Terry’s career included working as an on air DJ for local radio stations CJIC and CKCY, local General Manager for Coca Cola, sales and Marketing Manager with the Ontario Lottery Corporation and General Manager of the OLG Sault Ste. Marie Casino. However, Terry was best known for his undeniable charm, sharp wit and his unconditional love for family and friends. We want to extend our thanks to Dr. Shafiee, Dr. Berry and the staff in the Sault Area Hospital Renal Unit. And finally, thank you to the kind, caring, hard working and compassionate staff on Cedar 2 at the F. J. Davey Home. In the words of Winnie the Pooh “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” A celebration of life will be held at a later date. In Terry’s honour, memorial donations, payable (by cheque or online) to a local charity that is meaningful to you, would be greatly appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to Arthur Funeral Home – Barton & Kiteley Chapel (492 Wellington St. E; 705-759-2522). Please visit www.arthurfuneralhome.com obituaries section to leave a message of condolence as a keepsake for the family.
The Academic Staff Union of Universities has said that 53 lecturers of the University of Ibadan and several others in state universities, including the Ebonyi State University, have not been paid salaries for more than one year. The union explained that this was the reason it would embark on another strike soon. Renewing its threat to embark on long strike over the non-implementation of the Memorandum of Action between it and the Federal Government, the Coordinator, Ibadan zone, ASUU, Prof Oyebamiji Oyegoke, called on Nigerians to intervene “at this critical moment before our members withdraw their services.” Speaking at an interaction with journalists on the sideline of celebration of the Human Rights Day on Friday after the union’s zonal meeting at the University of Ilorin, Oyegoke lamented the harrowing condition that lecturers were being subjected to. “Fifty-three lecturers of the University of Ibadan have not been paid their salaries since December 2020 till date, while lecturers in the Ebonyi State University have not been paid their salaries for months and the state government has established two more universities without paying the lecturers of the existing one,” he stated. He said the full implementation of terms of the 2020 MoA, including funding for the revitalisation of public universities; payment of earned academic allowances, withheld salaries and promotion arrears; renegotiation of the 2009 agreement; and inconsistencies in the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System and the University Transparency and Accountability Solution, was imperative. Oyegoke, who accused the Federal Government of insincerity in fulfilling its part of the agreement, condemned the piecemeal implementation of the contentious issues in the MoA. He stated, “Our base line is the full implementation of the 2020 MoA freely signed by the Federal Government and the union. This calls for a lot of concern. There’s no commitment to the agreement entered into. The government is not sensitive to the welfare of workers. That’s why we’re using these channels to sensitise the people so that they won’t see us as using strike as the only tool of fighting for our demands. “While we commend interventions of notable Nigerians in the matter, it should be stated here that it is about actions and not deliberations. These are no new demands. Some of our members have not been paid salaries since December last year and they’re still working. It shows commitment on our part. “Selective treatment of issues in dispute instead of a comprehensive approach will no longer be acceptable to our members. We shall no longer take the issue of the welfare of our members for granted. Any treatment of MoA of 2020 that precludes its full implementation and rejection of the IPPIS will be incomplete. If it has taken ASUU’s position of resuming a suspended strike action to rouse the government from its sleep of non-implementation of the MoA of 2020, one needs to ask how many of such reminders should ASUU give before its demands are met. “It is on the basis of the failure of the government to meet up with the promises made as attested to in the MoA of 2020 that the union is calling on Nigerians to intervene at this critical moment.”
States and counties across the United States are expanding legalization for cannabis businesses. At First Source Capital, we provide financing solutions for growers, dispensaries, retailers, and cannabis-related operations. We offer a wide range of financing solutions for cannabis businesses, such as: - Revolving lines of credit - Equipment financing and leasing - Financing for cannabis crop growers - Expansion financing We are expanding our offerings regularly to keep up with the demand of the cannabis industry. To get the financing you need for your business, contact First Source Capital today.
There are many things in life that always complement each other: bread and butter, red and green, printers and ink. When it comes to the online business and marketing world, however, it’s harder to find things that stick together for very long. As a result, this can be detrimental to your marketing strategy since trends and consumers are so often fickle. Thankfully, there’s one area where there’s seemingly no doubt that the two concepts merge together quite beautifully, and that’s using SEO and content as one solid, productive strategy. Read on to discover why excellent SEO and content marketing so easily go hand in hand, and how you can leverage its potential for your own small business. When you want your company to be visible to customers online, you need to make it stand out against millions of other competitors. For this reason, it’s crucial that you present a well-designed, user-friendly website for potential buyers to peruse at their leisure. However, what’s going to bring that traffic to your website in the first place? While basic advertising on social media can help steer some consumers your way, content is the real king of the sales and marketing world. After all, once the customer reaches your page, why would they stick around if there’s no informational or valuable content for them to enjoy? It also works in reverse. Before customers even reach your site, you can utilize content itself that’s been posted and shared to drive traffic to your site. With both strategies working in tandem, you can almost guarantee yourself a consistent funnel of traffic heading your way. Now, content marketing requires not only providing valuable and informational posts on a regular basis, but content that’s enhanced with SEO techniques that are positively acknowledged by large search engines. Effective SEO tactics such as writing evergreen text, incorporating long-tail keywords, adding image alt text and meta descriptions, etc. can go a long way in boosting your content’s rankings on search engine pages, which can put your business out in front of your competitors in no time. The more creative effort and strategically-placed SEO techniques you put into your content, the more likely you are to land on first page search results, which is the cream of the crop for customer interaction. Therefore, SEO and content have to work in harmony to provide you with the optimal sales funnel and lead-generating traffic you need to succeed. Once you’ve revised your content marketing strategy with advanced SEO tricks, you’re bound to see great return on your investment. Make these concepts work in your favor, and reap the rewards for years to come.
No matter what diet you follow, if you can’t stick to it… you won’t see lasting results. Let’s say you want to do something like intermittent fasting to lose fat. But on the 5th day, you feel like going through hell. You can’t resist the idea of eating, you keep thinking about food all those hours you’re fasting… and you are hungry during those fasting hours. Sadly, this is where most people think that “Intermittent fasting doesn’t work” and quit the diet. Not sure how worse is to just quit eating, but that’s not the point of this. Doing something like this was destined to fail in the first place. Simply because you didn’t pay attention to what really matters with any diet. The only way to stick to a diet (and to then keep the results) is to do something that works for you. I’ve talked about this already, but it’s worth mentioning again. I see people who go the keto route or the IF (or any diet for that matter), thinking it’s the best (or only) way to lose fat… but if they actually feel like dieting, they are already going uphill. Plus, I know this isn’t sexy or has some great mechanism behind it, yet… It’s the most important way to not only lose fat but ultimately keep it. Those who ignore this or think they will be fine are usually the ones who keep going diet after diet. And I don’t want that for anyone. The goal of dieting for fat loss should be to do something that’s sustainable and that you don’t even feel like dieting, yet you see the results (and in a predictable way). Focus on this alone and you’ll be much more likely to lose weight (mostly, fat)… and keep that weight off. Eating should be something you enjoy doing every time, not something you just see as a means to get the body you want. That’s all for now, Ivan @ Fitnessthetic — > Would you want how to make your next diet the last one you’ll need… without food restrictions, cravings, or feeling like dieting at all? My new ebook shows the scientific approach to doing it. Click here to get the ebook.
One of the most critical aspects of water purification is the softening of water. Water softeners play a vital role here. A water softener is a machine that helps to soften water by using electrolytic reactions. These reactions can help to separate negative ions in the water and replace them with positive ones. Water softeners are available in different forms. Some only use electrolytic reactions, while many others might use different techniques alongside electrolysis. However, a reverse osmosis filter is also helpful for softening and purifying water. A combination of a water softener and an RO purifier is perfect for a daily supply of freshwater. Most people in India, however, do not know much about the application of reverse osmosis filters in water softening. This is important since most people in India use RO purifiers to get drinking water. Knowing about water softeners can help people get better quality water in places where water is very salty. A person can know about this information by consulting with reliable technicians. One can get to know about these service providers from the internet. For this, a person needs to search using keywords like water purifier service near me in Ranchi. This can help people get more information about these machines. How Do Water Softeners Protect RO Filters? It is commonly known that reverse osmosis filters can purify water effectively. These membranes can remove most impurities from water, including solid and chemical impurities. However, these membranes can become susceptible to damage over a long period. This can ultimately result in a person having no choice but to replace them. However, a person can avoid such a scenario using water softeners and purifiers. This is mainly because a water softener can remove calcium and magnesium ions that make water hard. Although reverse osmosis membranes can do the same, purifiers containing these, do not have electrolytic chambers. This often leads to many hard ions remaining in the water. Because of this, the RO membrane might get damaged later. However, if one connects these to a softener, the water the cleaner receives is missing negative ions. This causes the purification process to be smoother and quicker. The pressure on the membrane is also lesser. All these allow the maintenance of the RO purifiers much easier. A person can also go on without replacing a filter for a long time. One can know more by searching on the internet using keywords like RO service in Ranchi. How Do RO Purifiers Make Softeners More Efficient? The reverse osmosis purifiers can also make working a water softener much more efficient. This is because most water softeners cannot remove deadly germs and chemicals. These can only remove complex ions and calcium and magnesium-based compounds. However, some of these compounds remain in the water even after electrolysis. This is where the reverse osmosis filters come into play. These filters use the RO membrane that removes all remaining compounds contributing to water hardness. This leads to the resulting water not having any negative ions at all. Apart from this, the reverse osmosis filters also remove most microbes that might be present in the water. These filters also remove chemicals like chlorine and others that harm human health. Due to these reasons, drinking water from a combination of both systems is the safest for consumption. One Final Note About Using Both Systems There are several benefits that a person can get by using a combination of water softeners and RO purifiers. First, the water from the reverse osmosis purifiers, in this case, is much more hygienic. The TDS level of the water is also lower. This is mainly because of the electrolytic reactions of the softener, which removes most hard impurities. The lifespan of an RO purifier also gets enhanced because of a water softener. This is because the softened water in the purifier causes less damage to the reverse osmosis membrane. The water tank and other filtration systems also experience less wear and tear because of the already softened water. Lastly, the pipelines connected to both systems also experience less damage due to the softening of water. The softened water does not cause the accumulation of compounds on the pipe’s inner surfaces. The water tanks of both machines are also maintained because of this. Thus, all these lead to a person’s maintenance expenditure getting lowered. One can also say that the relation between these systems is complementary. This is mainly because both machines try to compensate for one another’s shortcomings.
A powerful SSH-terminal VS Code is a very popular and versatile IDE, but did you know that it is also one of the best SSH-terminals available? In this quick article, I’ll show you why and how. Why VS Code is a great SSH-terminal The main advantage of using VS Code for SSH is that you have a UI for your remote filesystem, instead of only relying on your console. Furthermore, you can simply upload and download files to and from your remote machine by drag-and-drop, which saves a lot of time. And because you’re using VS Code, you have access to all your extensions, which can make handling Docker-images or certain files with syntax highlighting that much easier, to name just two examples. How to use SSH in VS Code To enable using SSH in VS Code the following steps are necessary - use a locally installed VS Code instance, the online version (available at vscode.dev) doesn’t support the feature at the time this article got published - install the “Remote - SSH”-extension, which is developed by Microsoft - login via the remote-functionality and enjoy the experience The next screenshot highlights the button to call the command for login in a remote machine, which is placed in the bottom left corner. To use it for SSH-operations, simply download the required extension. After you have logged in successfully, your past logins are available for quick access. Furthermore, the host’s IP address gets displayed in the bottom left corner, inside the button. And that’s about it! The setup is really simple, and after your first login you’ll immediately have a UI to access the host’s filesystem. For me personally, there’s no reason to use another application for SSH-connections any more, as VS Code is just top notch in this regard.
You may think that a phone case is just an accessory that protects your device, but this detail can also fully reflect your style and personality. Protection Case will provide you access to all necessary buttons, there is no need to take off the case to charge the phone and snuggly fit. The material and design of the case: - Made of high quality environmental material. - Protect from scratches and damage. - Durable wear-resistant. - High quality printing. - Cases , slim and trim, so they are ideal phone provides an awesome view. - Cutouts in the case allows access to all ports and functions of your phone. - It is possible to make a case for ordering. Thanks again for your attention to my shop. I am very grateful. I hope when you get your case, it will exceed all your expectations and you will be happy! And that will make me happy too!
Every method we use to clean works in concert to fight at keeping your carpets clean as long as possible. Our four step approach tailor made for each building is backed by a satisfaction guarantee we are confident will be the right service for your business. We also provide construction cleanup services. We use green chemicals and environmentally friendly methods providing a greener way to clean. Automate your carpet maintenance with our reliable and affordable carpet service so you can get back to focusing on your business.
Netflix's sitcoms have struggled in recent years. After Pretty Smart was cancelled by Netflix, we now can add it to the list with just one season. Pretty Smart, a Netflix Original Comedy-Sitcom Series created by Jack Dolgen & Doug Mand. Kourtney Kang, the former executive producer of How I Met Your Mother is one of six executive producers of Pretty Smart. Netflix has struggled to find success in its sitcoms over the years, and while there was potential for Pretty Smart to break Netflix’s sitcom slump, sadly it was never to be. Chelsea is a Harvard educated intellectual who lives with Claire and three of her eccentric, but loving, roommates in the West Coast. Netflix Official Renewal Status: Cancelled. (Last Updated 02/05/2022). We heard nothing about the future of Pretty Smart for Netflix for months. It was more likely that the show would be cancelled if there were no updates on renewals. Multiple news sources reported that Netflix had canceled the series after just one season. It was also able to make it onto the Netflix US Top ten List. The show’s time spent in the top ten was only three days, and its highest ranking was eighth place. It failed to stay in any region’s top 10s beyond 11 days (South Africa) suggesting that the show wasn’t a big numbers pull for Netflix off the bat. We can also look at the IMDb MovieMeter, which tracks the popularity of shows in its database. The popularity of a show can fluctuate between a slight increase in the first week and a sharp decline over the following weeks. Google Trends also suggests that the show's popularity declined rapidly after its debut on Netflix. Reviews weren’t particularly strong for the series either. It currently holds an IMDb rating of 5.9/10. Claire broke up with Dave recently and returned home to kiss Grant her ex Grant. Chelsea was previously dating Grant. Chelsea was only seconds from snatching Grant a kiss. The situation is made more awkward by the fact that Chelsea wanted to talk to Claire about Grant's budding relationship and whether Claire would be comfortable with her sister dating an ex. Season 2 will be about Chelsea and Claire's ongoing love triangle with Grant. We’d have expected the majority, if not all of the cast members of season 1 to return to reprise their roles in Pretty Smart season 2: There is no speculation about a future series after the cancellation of this series. Do you want to see Pretty Smart back on Netflix for another season? Comment below to let us know!After one season,
Lawn Care & Mulch & Topsoil We offer several types of mulch, topsoil and gravel, perfect for any home or business. Providing mowing and landscaping services for homes, rental properties and more. Complete lawn care, landscaping and maintenance service for any business. Flory Landscaping offers a top-notch mowing package for our customers. Brick Paving & Retaining Walls We offer a wide variety of patterns and paver designs to choose from. Parking Lot Maintenance We offer a schedule of sweeping and trash pick-up, painting of new lines, patching worn areas… Seeding & Sod We do anything from complete new yard installation to spot seeding or over-seeding existing yards. We offer a complete line of snow removal equipment sales, service and removal services. We offer complete headache-free maintenance of your commercial property. We offer a complete 5-step program to take care of your lawn from start to finish. We design, install and maintain landscapes for residential and commercial customers. One glance at our Outdoor Living portfolio and you will be longing for your own custom living space… What We Do Flory Landscaping is a full-service landscaping, lawn care, and snow removal company that services properties of any size, Residential or Commercial. Whether it’s designing and installing outdoor living spaces, parking lot maintenance, mowing and lawn care, or snow removal, our detailed list of services can provide you with solutions to your landscape needs. "Friendly and true to their word. Flory's Finest mulch was amazing. Really good stuff." Jaclyn K Thompson "My company hires this company to mow our grass. Unfortunately a rock hit my window and shattered it the day they mowed. It was not 100% sure that it was their fault but Kevin went out of his way and cover the damage hassle free. This is a company with good work ethics and great values. I'm happy my company hires such a honorable business. Did I mention that they also do a terrific job? this is the best company to go to if anybody needs landscaping work done. Thank you."
Simms’ Felt Headwaters® Boot is an all-day ally powered by a lightweight, durable platform that maximizes balance and control. The scratch rubber and high-denier nylon upper ensure long life. A partial neoprene lining adds appreciated cushioning and easy on/off performance. Dual-density EVA midsoles absorb shock and bolster comfort. And die-cut, full coverage retention plates enhance rigidity.
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Makes 2 servings Fody’s Tortilla Bowl Taco Salad Taco Tuesday just got a whole lot more fun with Fody’s homemade Tortilla Bowl Taco Salad. An easy meal that whips up in under 30 minutes, featuring Fody’s Medium Salsa and Taco Seasoning, this low FODMAP taco salad is sure to satisfy all your taco night cravings! Fody’s Tortilla Bowl Taco Salad Ingredients: - 2 GF burrito wraps or 4 corn tortillas* - 2 cups butter lettuce - ½ cup cherry tomatoes, sliced lengthwise - ½ lb ground beef or turkey - ¼ cup black beans - 1 tbsp Fody’s Taco Seasoning - ¼ cup Fody’s Medium Salsa - ¼ cup lactose free sour cream - ½ cup shredded cheddar cheese - ¼ cup scallions, chopped - 1 tbsp cilantro, optional Directions for Fody’s Tortilla Bowl Taco Salad Preheat oven to 375F. Gather 2 oven proof bowls or tortilla bowl molds and grease the inside with pan spray. Place a tortilla inside each bowl and gently press the tortilla down into the bowl. Place both bowls on a baking rack and bake for 15 minutes or until tortillas are golden and crispy. While your tortilla bowls bake, place a non-stick pan on the stovetop over medium heat. When the pan is hot add the ground beef and Fody’s Taco Seasoning and cook until beef is browned, about 3-5 minutes. When the tortilla bowls are finished baking, remove them from the oven safe bowls and place on a plate or inside a larger salad bowl. Fill tortillas with lettuce, tomato, black beans and ground beef then top with Fody’s Medium Salsa, sour cream, shredded cheese, scallions and cilantro. *Note: Gluten free tortillas sometimes need to be warmed in the microwave first to prevent breaking. If using corn tortillas, you will need to use two at a time in a smaller oven safe bowl or a small tortilla bowl mold in order to make a tortilla shell bowl. It won’t look as perfect as using a gluten free burrito wrap will, but it will still be utterly delicious! About the Chef Kimberly, the creator behind Pretty Delicious Life, began developing Low FODMAP friendly recipes in late 2017 after being diagnosed with SIBO/IBS. In order to work towards healing, she adopted a gluten free, low FODMAP diet and quickly realized she had a knack and passion for developing gut friendly recipes. She made it her mission to not only develop delicious meals + treats, but to create recipes that felt exciting for everyone. She believes that while healing can feel isolating, food is a vehicle to bring us together which is why all of her recipes are designed with the whole family in mind. At Pretty Delicious Life, you will find delicious, healthy, gut-friendly recipes anyone will enjoy! You can follow along with her Instagram @prettydeliciouslife or check out her website www.prettydeliciouslife.comfor more deliciousness! So, what are you waiting for? - Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. - Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Your cart - Your cart is currently empty.
Fody To-Go Container Add items to your cart to receive free shipping. You've got free shipping 👌 You're only $50.00 away from free shipping. Enjoy Fody anytime, anywhere, with any meal. Take your gut-happy sauces, condiments and dressings along and never miss out on that summer BBQ, picnic or tailgate ever again. This travel-size container is the perfect addition to your lunch bag, salad container or picnic basket. - Custom food-grade silicone squeeze bottle - Quick and easy to wash, fill and enjoy - BPA free - Product care instructions: - Hand wash only - Hand wash with warm soapy water before first use and after every use, air dry - Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks - Do not leave unrefrigerated for more than 2 hours Includes 1 container
Mount Shasta is a lot of things to a lot of people. For skiers, it's 7,000 vertical feet of perfect corn skiing on a late spring day. For Cody Towsend and Bjarne Salen, it represents the end of Year 1 of The Fifty Project. Joined by a bevy of Tahoe friends, including Scott Gaffney, Michelle Parker, Kyle O’Neal, Jeff Dostie, Brennan Lagasse, Megan Michelson and Ming Poon, the crew sets off on a perfect June morning for the lengthy climb and lengthy ski. Filled with goofing off, good friends, Hawaiian shirts and some damn fun skiing, it makes for a fitting end to a hell of a season in North America. This marks Episode 21 for The Fifty Project (and line 20 completed by Cody Townsend), which follows Townsend as he attempts to climb and ski all 50 of the lines and mountains chronicled in the book, The 50 Classic Ski Descents of North America. The series documents Townsend's journey's, travels, challenges and each line and mountain listed in the book. It's a journey through the most majestic mountains and ski lines in North America along with a unique insight into how skiers make decisions in the backcountry, how they plan, navigate and safely move through the mountains and the people that dedicate their lives to the mountains. Mount Shasta is also known as Úytaahkoo by the native Karuk people, Ako-Yet by the native Ajumawi, Bohem Puyuik by the Wintu people or also known as Waka-nunee-Tuki-wuki by the surrounding mix of native Shastan tribes. To watch all previous episodes of The Fifty Project, click here.
Astrid is enthusiastic and motivated by understanding our patients’ needs. Her priority is for us to provide all patients with the very best patient journey and the most effective treatments possible.Before establishing Forever Dental and Skin with Dr Pratt, Astrid worked as a commercial solicitor in London for over 6 years. Astrid’s experience working in an international law firm has taught her to provide excellent client service at all times. Her attention to detail, precision and enthusiasm help to ensure the smooth running of Forever Dental and Skin. ” I am dedicated to providing the very best patient care, customer service and patient journey at our practice. I believe my dedication to achieving high standards and excellent quality are some of my key strengths.”
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TAC Loss of Earning Capacity Benefits Rate If you have been injured in a transport accident, you may be entitled to receive loss of earning capacity benefits. The calculation of the rate of loss of earning capacity benefits is treated differently to loss of earnings benefits by the TAC as the TAC does not deduct tax from the payment. Typically, loss of earning capacity benefits commence 18 months after a transport accident (after the loss of earnings benefit period has expired). Persons injured in a transport accident are usually able to claim loss of earning capacity benefits for a period of 18 months following the transport accident, subject to providing certificates demonstrating that their transport accident injuries are causing incapacity for work. In some circumstances loss of earning capacity benefits are able to be paid up until the date of the normal retirement age set for the injured person’s occupation. If there is not a normal retirement age set for the injured person’s occupation, the benefit is payable until the person can apply for the aged pension. Calculation Methodology – “Earner” The TAC’s typical method of calculating an entitlement to loss of earning capacity benefits for an earner is to use the rate of pre-accident weekly earnings from the loss of earnings assessment to calculate the entitlement. Click link here for an explanation of the calculation of pre-accident weekly earnings in loss of earnings benefits determinations. This methodology may be appropriate in most situations. However, there are a number of circumstances where it may not be appropriate and the injured person could make a claim based on a higher rate. For example: - A person is working part-time at the time of the accident and would have moved to full time employment by the time of the loss of earning capacity period. - A person was not working at the time of the accident (but had worked in the 12 months prior to the accident) and would have returned to employment by the date of the loss of earning capacity period. - A person was working on a full-time basis in lower paid employment and would have transitioned into higher paid employment by the time of the loss of earning capacity period (for example, had demonstrated a pathway to higher paid employment in an alternative industry whether through the completion of studies or the achievement of practical training). - A person is not able to demonstrate their full capacity due to carer responsibilities and is limited in the number of hours or type of work that they can perform (i.e. caring for an elderly family member or child) and that the injured person would have been relieved of these responsibilities at the time of becoming eligible for loss of earning capacity benefits. - In situations where an amount cannot be determined with the usual methodology (such as where the injured person was for example, a student), then the amount can be deemed to be 100% of average Victorian weekly earnings (of which the rate of loss of earning capacity benefits will be 80%). The law surrounding loss of earning capacity benefits is restrictive in that it does not allow for an injured person to rely upon common law concepts of future capacity. For example, an intelligent high school student who had not commenced a course in IT would not be able to claim loss of earning capacity benefits based on a computer programmer’s salary. Calculation Methodology – “Non Earner” There may be situations where a person is a “non-earner” but they nonetheless have suffered a loss of earning capacity. These cases are difficult. Fortitude Legal succeeded in litigation in a case relying on this provision (see Mawson v TAC VCAT 913). This case is believed to be the only case squarely addressing this provision. There, the injured person was 18 at the time of their transport accident. The injured person was unemployed and in receipt of Centrelink benefits. The injured person had endured a very difficult and impoverished upbringing, extremely limited education and had performed brief and sporadic work in the past. She was then very seriously injured in the transport accident. Essentially, given the injured person’s difficult background, the TAC attempted to argue that the injured person was effectively a ‘write-off’ in relation to having any earning capacity at the time of the transport accident. We found this to be an unfair and incorrect characterisation, effectively meaning that where you live, and the opportunities you have had in your earlier years dictate your entitlement. The President of the Tribunal found in the injured person’s favour, noting the overly pessimistic view of the injured person the TAC attempted to portray. Cases involving young people with limited work histories and difficult backgrounds are easy to be treated as ‘too hard’ – however, proper analysis of the law and gathering the required evidence, along with an open mind, can lead to successful access to substantial entitlements here. Pre-Accident Earning Capacity – TAC Requirement to pay Loss of Earning Capacity Benefits at 80% of Pre-Accident Earning Capacity The TAC will calculate a figure that they interpret to be the average gross weekly earnings by utilizing the above methodologies. After calculating the average gross weekly earnings, the TAC is required to deduct the rate of tax payable on the gross amount (as at the time of the accident) and then apply indexation in order to calculate the pre-accident earning capacity. Typically the TAC is required to pay the injured person at 80% of their pre-accident earning capacity. However, if a person is a low income earner, there is a formula that allows an injured person to be paid up to 100% of their pre-accident earning capacity. The 80% formula sets a statutory minimum figure, which is currently set at $692 and allows an additional sum of $196 for the first dependent and an additional $67 for every additional dependent. The formula also has a statutory maximum figure of $1,300. The statutory minimum and maximum figures are indexed each financial year. Please note the following worked examples to assist in understanding the ways that the formulas are utilised: - John’s pre-accident earning capacity is $1,000 per week and he has a dependent partner and dependent child. 80% of $1,000 is $800. However, given John’s income and his dependents he would receive loss of earnings benefits in the amount of $955 (Dependent formula of $692 + $196 + $67 = $955). You will note that John is not able to receive loss of earning capacity benefits at a sum greater than his pre-accident earning capacity. - Andrew’s pre-accident earning capacity is $5,000 per week. 80% of $5,000 is $4,000. However, given that Andrew’s pre-accident earning capacity exceeds the statutory maximum his loss of earning capacity benefits are reduced to the statutory maximum of $1,300. - Angus’ pre accident earning capacity is $900 per week and he does not have any dependents. 80% of $900 is $720. The statutory minimum is $692. Given that 80% exceeds the statutory minimum, Angus will receive the higher sum of $720. - Louis’ pre accident earning capacity is $50 per week. 80% of 50 is $40. The statutory minimum figure is $692. Louis would receive loss of earning capacity benefits of 100% of pre-accident earning capacity, i.e $50 per week. Top up of Loss of Earning Capacity Benefits on Return to Work The TAC is able to pay a partial loss of earning capacity benefit to an injured person upon return to part-time work provided that they continue to provide certification that they are incapacitated for work and also that the earnings from the part-time employment do not exceed the injured person’s entitlement to loss of earning capacity benefits. Loss of Earning Capacity Benefits are a No-Fault Benefit The TAC will typically pay the benefit regardless of whether the injured person was at fault for the accident. However, there can be some circumstances where the person is not entitled to loss of earning capacity benefits. These circumstances include: - The injured person was convicted of a serious criminal offence connected with the driving of the vehicle, i.e. manslaughter, culpable driving or dangerous driving causing death; - Driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol content of 0.24% or more; - Driving a vehicle while being impaired by a drug (please note that a conviction of the specific offence under the road safety act is required); - Refusing to comply with directions in relation to drug or alcohol analysis. Impact of Loss of Earning Capacity Benefits on Common Law Damages An injured person who is entitled to claim common law damages is able to claim economic losses after a period of 18 months has elapsed from the date of the transport accident. In the event that the injured person is receiving loss of earning capacity damages, if the claim for common law damages settlement includes an amount for economic loss the entitlement to loss of earning capacity benefits will cease. When bringing a claim for common law damages, the injured person is able to claim the gap between the loss of earning capacity benefits previously paid and the injured person’s actual losses. In addition, the claim for economic loss is able to be made up until the injured person’s retirement age (i.e. not limited to the usual 18 month loss of earning capacity benefits period). Challenging TAC Decisions on Loss of Earning Capacity Benefits An injured person’s circumstances before an accident are often complex and the TAC’s processes often do not allow them to make the correct decision in relation to loss of earning capacity benefits. At Fortitude Legal, we have assisted many people to successfully challenge their rates of loss of earning capacity benefits leading to greater payments being made to our clients. We are also experienced in challenging decisions made by the TAC to terminate loss of earning capacity benefits prematurely. This situation typically occurs when the TAC determines that the injured person has a capacity for work on account of the opinion of an independent medical examiner. Our office has had great success in challenging Loss of Earning Capacity decisions through the No Fault Dispute Resolution Protocols. If you, or someone you know, requires assistance with their claim for loss of earning capacity benefits, please contact us on 1300 020 618.
Fort Munnar offers you a breathtaking panorama of gentle slopes with its sheer drops, the meandering streams and the Anayirangal lake, all speckled with lush vegetation and forest life. Plantation Walk : Wander through the tea gardens spread out in all its lush greenery. Watch the tea pluckers with their tea bags strapped on their backs, as they wind their way up and down the slopes of the plantations. Go for a plantation walk through our cardamom estate. The cardamom bushes nestled below majestic trees; the deep silence of the forest broken by the chirping of birds and squirrels and the occasional curious monkey, are sights to behold. Adventure Activities : Soft Trekking, Rock climbing, Camping and Lake Safari are some of the adventure activities for which Munnar is well known. The adventurous traveller can have a wonderful experience amidst the rugged mountains of Munnar. Tribal Village Visit : Visit the local Muduvan tribal colony. Experience the customs and traditions of these simple people. The unique way of life of a society that has existed for centuries in close harmony with the surrounding forests. Tea Factory Visit : Tea was first brought to Munnar by James Finlay & Sons who formed the Kannan Devan Hill Produce Company which has ultimately become Tata Tea Company. A visit to the tea factory gives one an insight into the fascinating process of tea making.
I need help gurus Building my first bubble app and I am trying to limit a data list. I want the user of the app to input a number that would serve as the limit of how many rows of information can be entered by another user role. For instance, the number of rooms in a location would then determine how many room renters’ information and names can be entered for that location. Thanks in advance
Hi all, i need assistance with adding/implementing Stripe’s Konbini Payments (Convenience Store payment for Japan). Does anyone know how to do this or perhaps can point me in the right direction on how to add this for my project? TIA! The Stripe documentation is very clear. You can read everything you need, from creating the checkout to fullfilling the order and testing the implementation. Yeah, read this last week and cant get my head around it. Will try again and hopefully i fully understand it this time. Thank you! Anyone willing to help me out on this one or atleast guide me? Been almost a week and still dont know where to start. =\ Sent you a message.
Hi folks, my app requires the ability to produce a wide variety of legal contracts and other complex documents. Having tried the various pdf plugins currently available I’ve determined that our use case requires a more sophisticated / comprehensive solution and Webmerge is the preferred solution. https://www.webmerge.me/ - All of the required data is (will be) captured and stored within my bubble.is database. - Data sent to Webmerge via API with appropriate paramaters that will enable the automation of MS Word and PDF documents (the set-up of the templates will be done in webmerge and is out of scope for this Freelance request). - The completed MS Word and PDF documents are to be saved in the relevant matter or user table in Bubble.is (in as near as real-time as-is possible - acknowledging the time will largely depend on the webmerge service and subscription plan we choose to take out). Please provide a quote with three separate line items for: - A price to build and testing the API connection to the point where a test document can be successfully produced and saved as outlined above - An estimate price to provide me (a strong bubble.is user but weak API /traditional development knowledge) with a coaching session in order for me to expand and maintain the solution - A price to convert the API approach into a stand-alone Plugin that we can place on the Bubble Plugin store (I may seek request for co-sponsors to cover this cost - and if not we will just proceed with points 1 & 2). Please P.M me with your brief tender response and be sure to price these items separately for my consideration. If you have any general questions, please reply here on the forum so I can answer them for the benefit of other members. I look forward to your response.
Spoke too soon. The parts are again missing from the folders. I uninstalled PCB123, reinstalled, and reopened board. Still mising. Anybody know a way to merge files? I have a custom & custom2 file. I would prefer to have it all one. One file was created on my work PC and the other on my home PC. I loaded them both on my laptop to try to get all parts.
I post a lot of suggestions that I think will improve the game a lot so that way I will enjoy the game more. I have a problem. I'm not sure what to do besides flagging my own post to request it to be deleted. I don't want to delete any of my post but I feel like I have to because a lot of times people strongly dislike my ideas/suggestions. Anyone got any advice of how to post really good suggestions on the forums?
- Apr 12, 2001 Apple's largest manufacturing partner Foxconn is offering "record-high" signing bonuses in an effort to recruit workers for iPhone 13 production over the next few months, according to the South China Morning Post. iPhone 13 Pro in Matte Black render via EverythingApplePro The report claims Foxconn is offering up to 8,000 yuan ($1,235) as a signing bonus to former workers willing to return to its Zhengzhou, China factory to assist with iPhone assembly during the "peak season," up from 5,500 yuan last month and 5,000 yuan in 2020. Workers will receive their bonuses after working for Foxconn's iPhone assembly division for four months and staying until the end of the peak season, the report adds. Apple manufacturers like Foxconn commonly offer signing bonuses in the months leading up to an iPhone launch, but this year's bonus range for returning workers is the highest since the Zhengzhou factory started operations in 2010, according to the South China Morning Post's review of past recruitment ads from Foxconn. Apple is increasingly expected to unveil the iPhone 13 lineup in September, marking a return to its usual launch timeframe after unveiling the iPhone 12 lineup in October 2020 due to reported COVID-19-related production delays. iPhone 13 models are rumored to feature a smaller notch at the top of the display, but otherwise they are expected to have a similar design as their iPhone 12 counterparts. Other key new features expected include a faster A15 chip, a 120Hz refresh rate on the Pro models, several camera upgrades, a new Matte Black color, and more. Article Link: Foxconn Offers 'Record-High' Bonuses to Recruit Workers for iPhone 13 Assembly
After some use of the Collection API, i have a little idea to suggest for the manipulation of the lists. I've encountered a lot of use-case where i need to get the first element (and maybe the last). For now, the solution to get the first element in a list (object which implements the interface List) is the famous get(0) .. .. .. I don't know for you but for me, with the fact that Java become more and more verbose, it gives me a lot of itches to write: myList.get(0) to get the first element. myList.get(myList.size - 1) to get the last element. Today, for a better understanding of the logic, a better readability, how about having methods like: myList.getFirst() for the first element. myList.getLast() for the last element. The advantage is not only on the meaning of the method but also to hide the unnecessary presence of the item's number (and by the way the compute of the last item's position). I want to know your point of view about this idea.
Problems registering, no confirmation email - see http://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/Forums_Registration Quote from: AdmFubar on April 29, 2023, 12:33:51 AMby each line as in start of line to a period? of just like having a margin from the left and right edges of the text frame? If the latter, select the text frame, and in the Properties window (or text properties if you are using the latest development version), select the Columns and Text Distances drop down. In that section you will find options to adjust for number of columns, gap between them and then how much space to add to the top, left, right and bottom inside of the frame.I hope this is what you are looking for.
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Search the Community Showing results for tags '6 inch action figure'. UPDATE 2: Additional out of package images have been added via ponkung. He breaks the figure down with the following articulation: - Ball Joint Head - Hinge Neck Peg - Ball Lower Neck - Ball/Disc Shoulders - Butterfly Shoulders - Double Hinge Elbows - Ball/Disc Hands - AB Crunch - Ball Waist - Ball with Swivel Thigh - Double Hinge Knees - Swivel Boots Top - Ball/Rocket Ankle -Backpack has another hole to hold sword sheath. -Sword sheath can also attach to Snake Eyes's back. -Silencer can be used with both pistol and submachine gun. UPDATE: An additional image featuring the Hasbro box the figure s UPDATE: An additional image featuring the Hasbro box the figure shipped in has been added which suggest this may be this year's SDCC exclusive. The Box is labled GIJoe Elite Convention Set. We will continue to update as more details become available. Liam gives us a heads UPDATE: Liam gives us a heads up that images giving us our first look at Hasbro's rumored 6" G.I.Joe Classified figures have hit social media. We aren't sure where the images originated from but we got them from the Full Force Podcast. The images show some type of deluxe version of Snake-Eyes. There have been rumors of some type of exclusive figure being released right out the gate for this line, likely to go up for order or pre-order this weekend. We suspect this will be that figure. The figure comes with fancy packaging and a number of accessories. My guess there will be a regular version that will not feature the outer packaging or quit as many accessories . One accessory that seems to be missing is Snake-Eyes' pet wolf named Timber. It's also worth noting that the artwork on the box is very similar to that used for the new G.I. Joe: War on Cobra App Game that was released earlier this year. Check out the images for this figure below and stay-tuned for more details as they become available. We should definitely hear more on this on Saturday during Hasbro's Toy Fair event which kicks off at 1:30PM ET. We will have full coverage of the event here on TNI. We are a week away from Toy Fair, which means we are likely a week away from Hasbro officially unveiling their rumored 6" G.I. Joe Classifed line of action figures. With that Walmart has listed two different assortments for the line on their website. Assortment 1 - SKU: 169988830 Assortment 2 - SKU SKU: 869896266 Unfortunately the website does not provide any specific details like images or which figures will be in each assortment. Assortment 1 is rumored to include Snake-Eyes, Duke, Destro, Scarlet and Roadblock. There have been a number of rumors floating around such as Build-A-Figures, Variants and store exclusives. This might be one of the most anticipated reveals for next weeks Toy Fair event, so be sure to check back On Saturday, February 22 around 2pm ET to get all the details, assuming they don't leak out sooner. The Mattel 6" Jurassic World Amber Collection figures have gone from being a Gamestop exclusive to being offered online at various etailers. You can currently pre-order the un-re;eased Velociraptor Blue and Owen Grady figures as well as the previously released Dr. Ian Malcolm and Velociraptor ones at our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com now. They also have up for pre-order a Velociraptor Charlie dinosaur which I don't remember being announced previously. At NYCC Mattel had also teased a 6" Dennis Nerdy (Wayne Knight) figure along with a Dilophosaurus, the dinosaur that killed Nerdy in the first Jurassic Park movie. These were listed as being offered online as well, though pre-orders have yet to be opened for them.
Shanika Davis doesn’t fit the mold. For starters, she earned her Bachelor of Arts and then went to community college. Apparel merchandizing wasn’t stirring her soul. She knew she was on to something when she came across a space magazine while working in a record store. I assumed I wasn’t capable of doing science and math; it was hard and I didn’t understand it easily. What I’ve learned is that it’s supposed to be hard and that I’m capable of doing hard things. Now in her 30s, Shanika, a first-generation student, has reached new heights after taking part in the Ready, Set, Transfer (RST) program at Seattle Central College. She built rockets and served as president of the space club, which led her to her next goal: transferring to earn a bachelor's degree and forging a career in aerospace engineering. More importantly, Shanika has brought her family along with her, inspiring the next generation to dream big and break the mold. Shanika credits the people at Seattle Colleges with helping her: donors who funded her two scholarships and stipend in the RST program, faculty who became friends and mentors, and fellow students who are now her extended family. I’ve created this pseudo family here. I love what I’m doing. I love applying science. I feel so enthusiastic and positive. Math is hard, but it doesn’t deter me. Note: This video was produced for and unveiled at Seattle Central's BELIEVE event in 2018.
Elon Musk’s recent tweets about secured funding to take Tesla private sent shock waves through the stock market. The fallout of those tweets includes an SEC lawsuit and two securities class action suits. Musk is most widely recognized for founding SpaceX and Tesla. His foray into entrepreneurship began in 1995 when he dropped out of Stanford to start Zip2 – a corporation that created an internet-based city guide. Unfortunately, it isn’t Musk’s entrepreneurial achievements that have been making headlines lately. Allegations of defamation, fraud and misrepresentation have surfaced. The latest unfurling is the SEC settlement which has Musk stepping down as Chairman of Tesla and paying a $20m fine. Tesla has also agreed to pay a $20m fine. But the settlement doesn’t put an end to the legal trouble. Still pending are the securities class action suits stemming from the same tweets that sparked the SEC investigation. And in a completely unrelated incident, Musk himself has been slapped with a $75,000 defamation suit from a British rescue diver. Musk and the diver exchanged some colorful tweets during Musk’s attempt to assist in the rescue of 12 boys and their soccer coach in Thailand. Opinions about Musk’s behavior aside, an overview of the recent trouble allows us an in-depth look into the importance of public company directors and officers insurance (D&O) as well as how the policy responds when trouble arises. But before we dive into the insurance discussion, let’s go over some details about Musk’s recent actions and the charges he and Tesla face. The SEC Charges Against Musk The SEC trouble for Musk began in early August when he tweeted about a deal to take Tesla private. Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 7, 2018 Later that day he tweeted, Investor support is confirmed. Only reason why this is not certain is that it’s contingent on a shareholder vote. https://t.co/bIH4Td5fED — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 7, 2018 The announcement shot Tesla stock prices up to a high of $387.46 per share, before closing at $379.57. The increase is nearly an 11 percent jump from the previous closing price. The next day, probes into the truthfulness of those tweets began, and board members released statements that they were still evaluating the possibility of a take-private deal. About seven weeks later, the SEC filed a complaint against Musk, stating, “Musk knew or was reckless in not knowing that each of these statements was false and/or misleading because he did not have an adequate basis in fact for his assertions.” SEC Charges Against Tesla The SEC charges against Tesla stem from the same tweets. The company is permitted to make announcements via Musk’s Twitter feed, but the SEC claims there are no “disclosure controls or procedures in place” to ensure those tweets are in accordance with the company’s SEC filings or that they are even accurate. SEC settlement: Both Musk and Tesla have settled the charges with the SEC. The settlement includes: - Musk’s removal as Chairman and the appointment of an independent Chairman. Musk will be ineligible to be re-elected Chairman for three years. - Tesla appoints a total of two new independent directors to its board. - Tesla establishes a committee of independent directors and creates additional controls and procedures to oversee Musk’s communications. - Musk and Tesla will each pay a $20m penalty. The repercussions of the SEC settlement may run much deeper than the details. At least one columnist points out the agreement could make it easier for shareholders to sue boards. Class Action Lawsuits As if the SEC troubles aren’t enough, two Tesla shareholders filed securities class action lawsuits against Musk and Tesla. Both suits allege that Musk engaged in misrepresentation and violated the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. One of the suits points to Musk’s longstanding Twitter war with short sellers, noting that Musk often used the social media platform to “taunt and confront skeptics of his company.” It points to a history of tweets where Musk seems to be warning short sellers of a comeuppance: - On May 4, 2018, Musk tweeted the “short burn of the century comin soon.” And later, the “sheer magnitude of the short carnage will be unreal. If you’re short, I suggest tiptoeing quietly to the exit” - On June 17 he tweeted that Tesla short-sellers had “about three weeks before their short position explodes.” Still, the heart of the class action suits is the trading activity that followed Musk’s August 7 tweet. Trades spiked to 30m shares from an average of 8m. How Does D&O Respond to Protect Musk and Tesla? D&O insurance is meant to protect a company’s directors and officers from financial damage arising from a lawsuit. The policy pays for defense, court costs and settlements. It responds in one of two ways – by either paying the defense costs and settlements for the individual (Side A) or by reimbursing the company after it indemnifies the individual (Side B). It also extends coverage to the entity itself (Side C). Here’s a breakdown of how D&O is structured: The recent trouble with Musk and Tesla is the type of scenario Side B intends to cover. Legal fees and settlements are among the types of costs for which Side B coverage indemnifies. Tesla itself has also agreed to pay $20m in damages. The entity’s settlement is the type of cost Side C covers. As far as the class action suits, sides B and C may be useful. Damages and defense costs are unknown but based on precedence, the suit is open only to investors who traded based on the tweet. Side A coverage applies only if – due to insolvency or legal restrictions – the corporation couldn’t pay the damages for Musk. As far as the defamation claim arising from Musk’s scuffle with the British rescue diver, defamation, libel and slander is typically excluded from public company D&O insurance, so there may be no coverage under D&O for the $75,000 in compensatory damages and punitive damages if they are awarded. What Will Happen Next? We can’t know for sure if Tesla has D&O insurance or what their policy limits are – limits can range from $5m to $500m – but the insurance discussion on their 2017 10K filing indicates at least a partial posture of self-insuring. The statement says: “As a general matter, we do not maintain as much insurance coverage as many other companies do, and in some cases, we do not maintain any at all…A loss that is uninsured or which exceeds policy limits may require us to pay substantial amounts, which could adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.” Also, in the parking lot for now is the outcome of the class action suits. At least some analysts are pointing to billions in damages and the likelihood that more class action suits may follow. Public Company D&O Insurance and Other Claim Scenarios Securities class action suits are on the rise, but these are not the only claims from which a public company and its officers must be protected. Here are a few scenarios in which a public company D&O policy responds: A Disclosure Claim: As a company officer, you announce expected higher earnings due to a large real estate development deal. Unfortunately, the deal fell through, and the company suffered losses. Now a class action suit has been filed by the shareholders who traded after the positive announcement. Shareholder Derivative: This is a claim brought on by a shareholder suing a director or officer of the company for some type of wrongdoing or mismanagement. Theft of Intellectual Property: A claim arising from an allegation that you are using the IP of another company to create an unfair advantage in the marketplace. This could include infringement of trade secrets, copyrights and patents. When to Consider D&O Insurance As Musk and Tesla illustrate, proper D&O insurance is a must to protect both the entity and executives from financial loss when trouble arises. The earlier you put protection in place, the better. Ideally, consideration and discussion of D&O insurance arise long before your company goes public. If your company is using crowdfunding, you must have IPO D&O in place as securities claims can arise even as the company is preparing an IPO. Want to know more? Talk to us! You can contact us at firstname.lastname@example.org or create an account here to get started on a quote. Want to read more on the subject? Check out our other blogs about D&O insurance.
Jim Gibbons, sixty 4, has been in workplace in Nevada for simply over two years; he additionally served in Congress for practically ten years. He and Dawn Gibbons have been married for 23 years and have a 21-12 months-outdated son; Governor Gibbons cited “incompatibility” when he filed for divorce on May 2. The ultimate hazard, and possibly an important of all, has to do with our buddies on the IRS. If a lender loses money by way of a Fast Sale, they’re going to wish to deduct that loss from their revenue for the yr. The IRS requires a balancing of this loss for the lender to be charged to a different individual as earnings. The lender, subsequently, will situation a 1099 to the vendor throughout the amount of the loss the lender skilled. The vendor will then be required to report that as atypical earnings on their tax return for that yr. This amount is known as debt support†by IRS, and is taken into account to be revenue to the seller of the home. So to resolve on one it’s a must to find one. Do you have to and your ex are experiencing a divorce , then take my suggestion and retailer round for the proper legal professional. The good news about attorneys is that there are various us. So long as you’ll exert a bit of effort and retailer round slightly bit, you can find the right lawyer for your case. In contacting a lawyer, you can make sure that they’ve a great deal of information and talent and should give useful divorce advice. Do not go for legal professionals who are inexperienced within the subject. Communicate in clear particulars what you need her or him to carry out for you as a solution to forestall confusion. A brand new paradigm is required for the best way in which household regulation is practiced in Michigan, and a brand new methodology often called Collaborative Divorce is foremost the way wherein. Affirm the contact knowledge from your lawyer and guarantee you’ve got all the strains to achieve the lawyers in case of developments in the case. Eighty-5 p.c of all unlawful aliens are from Mexico. Within the occasion you and your ex are experiencing a divorce , then take my advice and shop around for the best attorney. The excellent news about attorneys is that there are lots of us. As long as you will exert a bit effort and store round a little bit bit, you will see the correct legal skilled on your case. In contacting a lawyer, it is essential to make sure that they have quite a lot of data and ability and can provide helpful divorce advice. Do not go for authorized professionals who’re inexperienced in the subject. Discuss in clear particulars what you need her or him to accomplish for you to be able to cease confusion. A brand new paradigm is required for the way in which during which family law is practiced in Michigan, and a brand new approach known as Collaborative Divorce is major the best way. Affirm the contact knowledge out of your lawyer and guarantee you’ve got gotten all the traces to reach the attorneys in case of developments within the case. In conditions like this, a family lawyer is required. While legal professionals are part of your divorce group, you need to be the quarterback. It’s like while you’re renovating a home. You can hire an architect, a designer, a contractor and a painter who all have their expertise to carry. But in the end, you are the one who has to stand up in the morning and stay in the home. Your lawyer might have a lot of options for you, nevertheless you would be the ultimate choice-maker and identify the images. In case you are looking for family lawyer or family lawyer then identify to Laws Office of William Doonan at (432) 570-9949. An authorized divorce authorized professional could have expertise in handling numerous kinds of cases. Your consultant should know what to anticipate from the judges in addition to the opposite attorneys concerned within the proceedings. This will sound apparent, however if you are coping with a family authorized matter, you may want nothing less than a lawyer who is an knowledgeable in household regulation. Second Situation: To have the same religion of the kid, till the courtroom guidelines in the direction of that for best pursuits of the child below custody, on a situation that custody interval shall not exceed 5 years, whether or not the child is male or female. The authors share their ideas on dealing with your divorce in a civil, adult and accountable manner whereas sustaining the ability to interact together with your ex-spouse and preserve your composure for the sake of the kids in addition to your private sanity.
SmartLock Door Security SmartLock Door Security GlowUp Facial Steamer GlowUp Facial Steamer GlowUp Facial Steamer GlowUp Facial SteamerShop Now FitWell Fitness Ball FitWell Fitness Ball FlexCharge Charging Dock FlexCharge Charging Dock Nearly 7% of the world population is obese1 and about 66% of the adults in the United States are overweight or obese.2 Obesity is associated with a number of adverse medical conditions including increased risk of gallbladder disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease (CHD), osteoarthritis, cancer death and reduced life expectancy.3–8 Obesity is also associated with adverse social and psychological consequences, including bias, discrimination and decreased quality of life.9,10 More effective treatment strategies are urgently needed for obesity management. The total caloric intake or energy density of one’s diet appears to be associated with obesity11–14 and a diet that induces a negative energy balance continues to be an important part of obesity management. Strategies to achieve the difficult task of eating less than desired include reduction of the energy density of foods by increasing food volume by the addition of fluids,15,16 bulk17–19 or their combination;20 or by increasing satiety by various anorectic drugs or macronutrient combinations of high satiety value. Satiety is positively associated with the protein, fiber and water content of foods and negatively with fat and palatability ratings.21,22 However, within food groups, there may be as much as a twofold difference in satiety values, suggesting that certain foods promote greater satiety independent of macronutrient content or energy density. An egg is an example of such a food that has a 50% greater satiety index compared to white bread or ready-to-eat breakfast cereal.21 Compared to an isocaloric bagel breakfast of equal weight, an egg breakfast had a greater satiating effect, which translated into a lower caloric intake at lunch.23 The resulting decrease in energy consumption lasted for at least 24 h after the egg breakfast. This study was undertaken to exploit the short-term satiating benefits of an egg breakfast23 for weight loss in a longer-term trial. The objectives were to determine if the incorporation of an egg breakfast in the diet by overweight or obese subjects would (1) induce reduced energy intake and unintentional weight loss, even when not attempting weight reduction; or (2) enhance weight loss when following a reduced energy diet. We compared the effects of an egg vs isocaloric bagel breakfast of equal weight on weight loss, indices of body size and composition, dietary compliance, food cravings and health-specific quality of life.Materials and methods The study was approved by the institutional review boards at Pennington Biomedical Research Center and at Saint Louis University. Written informed consent was obtained from the participants. We certify that all applicable institutional and governmental regulations regarding the ethical use of human volunteers were followed during this research. Of the 160 participants enrolled, 8 did not complete the trial. The final study sample included 152 participants (131 women and 21 men; mean age 45.0±9.4 years; black participants 47.7% and white participants 52.3%). Demographic characteristics of the participants are provided inTable 1 Counseling psychologists serve persons of all ages and cultural backgrounds in individual, group (including couples and families), workplace, organizational, institutional, and community settings. They work with groups and communities to assist them in addressing or preventing problems, as well as to improve the personal and interpersonal functioning of individual members. Counseling psychologists also intervene in organizations, institutions, workplaces, and communities to enhance their effectiveness, climate, and the success and well-being of their members. Billy always listens to his mother. He always does what she says. If his mother says, “Brush your teeth” , Billy brushes his teeth. If his mother says, “Go to bed”, Billy goes to bed. Billy is a very good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His mother doesn’t have to ask him again. She asks him to do something one time, and she doesn’t ask again. Billy is a good boy. He does what his mother asks the first time. She doesn’t have to ask again. She tells Billy, “You are my best child.” Of course Billy is her best child. Billy is her only child. NatureEase Mosquito Repellent NatureEase Mosquito Repellent QuickSlice Mandoline Slicer QuickSlice Mandoline Slicer EcoWise Reusable Food Wrap EcoWise Reusable Food Wrap FitWell Fitness Ball FitWell Fitness BallView Product AirHaven Car Air Freshener AirHaven Car Air Freshener EcoFresh Produce Bags EcoFresh Produce Bags FlexRun Running Shoes FlexRun Running ShoesView Product GlowUp Facial Steamer GlowUp Facial Steamer SkinGlow Serum SkinGlow Serum TurboCharge Car Charger TurboCharge Car ChargerZenSleep White Noise Machine ZenSleep White Noise MachineView Product
Initialize MATLAB Runtime When you integrate compiled MATLAB® functions into a Python® application, your code must initialize MATLAB Runtime and any compiled packages in the application. To initialize MATLAB Runtime with the ability to select startup options, call the initialize_runtime()function. This loads and starts MATLAB Runtime. You can optionally call initialize_runtime(). If you call initialize_runtime()first, MATLAB Runtime is started with no startup options. initialize()function of each compiled package in the application to retrieve a handle that can be used to call the MATLAB functions within the package. Call the initialize()function only once for each compiled package. Provide MATLAB Runtime Startup Options On macOS, you must pass the MATLAB Runtime options to the mwpython command when starting -mlstartup followed by a comma-separated list of MATLAB Runtime options. MATLAB Runtime options passed to The MATLAB Runtime has two startup options that you can specify: -nojvm— disable the Java® Virtual Machine, which is enabled by default. This can help improve MATLAB Runtime's performance. -nodisplay— on Linux®, run MATLAB Runtime without display functionality. You specify these options before you initialize the compiled MATLAB functions. You do so by calling the initialize_runtime() method of a generated Python package with the MATLAB Runtime options. The list of MATLAB Runtime options is passed as a list of strings. For example, to start MATLAB Runtime for the package addmatrix with no display and no Java Virtual machine, use this code. import addmatrix addmatrix.initialize_runtime(['-nojvm', '-nodisplay']) If your application uses multiple Python packages, you call only one package. The first call sets the run-time options for MATLAB Runtime session. Any subsequent calls are ignored. Start MATLAB Runtime with Compiled MATLAB Functions To invoke a compiled MATLAB function, load it into MATLAB Runtime. Do this by calling the initialize() method of the generated Python package. The initialize() method returns an object that can be used to invoke the compiled MATLAB functions in the package. For example, to start MATLAB Runtime and load the MATLAB functions in the addmatrix package, use this import addmatrix myAdder = addmatrix.initialize() You cannot import matlab.engine after importing your component. For more information on matlab.engine, see Start and Stop MATLAB Engine for Python.
The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS ROYAL ME EKER, Commissioner BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES \ B U R E A U OF L A B O R S T A T I S T I C S / ' * EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT j WHOLE ‘ ( NUMBER L L \J SE R IE S: NO. P R O C E E D I N G S OF T HE FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF TH E A M E R IC A N A S S O C IA T IO N OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OFFICES BUFFALO, N. Y., JULY 20 AND 21, 1916 J U L Y , 1917 WASHINGTON G O VE R NM EN T P R I N T I N G OFFIC E 1917 6 A D D IT IO N A L COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED PROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS P E R COPY V CONTENTS, Page. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 5 Proceedings of the fourth annual m eeting..................................................................... 5-11 What records should be kept by public employment offices and how they should be used, by Royal Meeker............................................................................... 12-14 Business efficiency in public employment offices, by G. P. Berner...................... 15,16 Cooperation among Federal, State, and city employment bureaus, by Hilda M uhlhauser....................................................................................................................... 17-22 A national system of employment offices, by Hon. William B. Wilson................ 23-27 Is a national bureau of employment desirable, by Jacob Lightner........................28, 29 Federal-State-municipal employment service in New Jersey, by Joseph Spitz. 30-32 A Federal labor reserve board, by William M. Leiserson.. : .................................... 33-45 Vocational education and juvenile placement departments, by A lvin E. Dodd. 46-51 Vocational guidance as a public-school function, by W. W. Zurbrick.................. 52-55 Vocational guidance and the juvenile placement work of a public labor ex change, by Rachel Gallagher........................................................................................ 56-58 Cooperation between employers and the schools in vocational guidance, by George D. H alsey............................................................................................................. 59-66 N eeds of the women’s department of public employment offices, by Mrs. Samuel Sem ple.................................................................................................................................67,68 Special problems in women’s departments, b y Florence Burton........................... 69-72 Labor organizations and public employment offices: How they can be mutually helpful, by Robert G. V alentine................................................................................. 73-79 Employm ent managers’ associations, b y Meyer Bloom field.................................... 80-82 Suboffices of public employment bureaus, b y Charles J. B oyd .............................. 83-90 New York public employment bureau and its branches, b y Walter E . K ruesi.. 91,92 3 O F F IC E R S A N D E X E C U T IV E C O M M ITTEE O F T H E A M ERICA N A SSO C IA T IO N O F P U B L IC EM PLO Y M E N T O F F IC E S . 1916-17. P r e s id e n t .— Charles B. Barnes, director, State Public Employm ent Bureau of N ew York. V ice r e s i d e n t s .— H ilda M uhlhauser, Cleveland, O h io; H. J. Beckerle, M ilwau kee, W is.; J. D. Maloy, Saskatchewan, Canada; George D. H alsey, Atlanta, Ga. B e c r e ta ry -T re a su re r. — G. P. Berner, superintendent, Buffalo branch o f State employment bureau o f New York. 1915-16. P r e s id e n t .— Charles B. Barnes, director, State Public Employm ent Bureau of N ew York. V ice p r e sid e n ts. — W alter L. Sears, New York C ity; F rancis P ayette, Mon treal ; H. J. Beckerle, M ilw au k ee; H ilda M uhlhauser, Cleveland. B e c re ta ry -T r e a s u re r. —W. M. Leiserson, Toledo U niversity, Toledo, Ohio. 1914-15. P r e s id e n t. —W. F. H ennessy, comm issioner of employment, Cleveland. V ice p r e sid e n ts. — Mrs. W. L. Essrnan, M ilw aukee; J. W. Cailey, Chicago; W alter L. Sears,1 N ew York C ity; Edwin Dickie, Toronto. B e c r e ta ry -T r e a s u re r. —W. M. Leiserson. 1913-14. P r e s id e n t. — Fred. C. Croxton, Columbus, Ohio. V ice p r e s id e n t .—:Jam es V. Cunningham, Lansing, Mich. B e c re ta ry -T r e a s u re r. —W. M. Leiserson. 4 1 Died December, 1915. BULLETIN OF THE U. S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. W H O LE NO. 2 2 0 . WASHINGTON. j u l y , 1 91 7 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. INTRODUCTION. This bulletin contains the proceedings of the fourth annual meet ing of the American Association of Public Employment Offices, which was held at the Statler Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., July 20 and 21, 1916. This is the second bulletin published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is devoted to the annual meetings of the American Association of Public Employment Offices. Bulletin 192, the first of these publications, contained the principal papers read at the three annual meetings held in 1913, 1914, and 1915. This bulletin contains most of the papers and addresses given at the Buffalo meeting. R oyal Meeker, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics. SUMMARY OF THE PROCEEDINGS. The American Association of Public Employment Offices held its fourth annual meeting in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., in the auditorium of the Hotel Statler, on Thursday and Friday, July 20 and 2 1 , 1916. Delegates were in attendance from all the leading States having employment-office systems, as well as from several of the Canadian Provinces. The meeting was called to order by the president of the association, Mr. Charles B. Barnes, director of the State Public Employment Bureau of New York, who addressed the delegates as follows: Members of the association, at this, our fourth annual meeting, my principal desire is to have you realize the very im portant work with which you are connected. At the present time there are 24 States in the Union th at have public employment-office systems. I t is true th a t in some of these States there is little more than a begin ning. In about two-thirds of them the offices are very active and 5 6 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. since our last meeting in Detroit there has been considerable growth in the different States where interest has been aroused, such as Illinois, Ohio, and NewYork. As every month goes by the interest in this subject increases throughout the country. I have had a great deal of correspondence with persons in the various States touching the question of methods in* our New York offices, and I know that our experiment is being carefully watched. From all this I get the impression it is beginning to be understood that while public employment offices are not going to solve the question of unemployment, they are a vital factor in presenting data that will aid in solving this perplexing question. In fact, public employment offices are the only agency which is ready at all times to present up-to-the-minute data on this question. I t has been too frequently the custom to wait until we were in an acute state of unemployment and then appoint a committee which was expected to show a way out. More and more the recognition is coming th at it is through the public employment office th at society may hope for adequate data. Since our last meeting in Detroit the employment situation has completely changed. Now jobs are seeking workers, while at that time the workers were seeking jobs. I know that we are going to have a very interesting session. You will note that we have prepared a program covering many of the vital subjects in which our association is interested. A few months ago Mr. W illiam M. Leiserson resigned as secretarytreasurer. I appointed as secretary-treasurer pro tempore Mr. G. P. Berner, who has since been acting, and will be with us at this meeting. Since our last meeting at Detroit, the governmental association^ as well as our association, has sustained a great loss in the death of Mr, W alter Lincoln Sears. Mr. Sears was the father of the present conception of the public employment offices, and I believe all of you will agree with me th at at the time of his death he was the leading employment office official in the United States. We can not adjourn for a day in his memory, but I ask that all the members stand for a qui§t moment in recognition of the death of Mr. W alter Lincoln Sears. I declare the meeting open for regular business. The following letter from Dr. Leiserson was read at his request in lieu of a report from him as secretary. T oledo U n iv e r s it y , T o le d o , Ohio, J u ly 18, 1916. To th e m e m b e rs a n d d e le g a te s o f th e A m e ric a n A ss o c ia tio n o f P u b lic E m p lo y m e n t Offices, B u ffa lo , N . Y .: It w as w ith extrem e regret that I w as compelled to resign my position as secretary-treasurer of your association, and to leave to your president and h is SUM M ARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF FO U R TH A N N U A L M EETING. 7 assistants the work o f arranging for the present convention. The pressure o f duties of new work that I had undertaken m ade it impossible for me to attend to the work of the association. W ith equal reluctance I m ust confess th at there is no report to subm it to the convention, because little active work w as done by your secretary-treasurer during the year ju st passed. However, I w ant to take this opportunity to review briefly the work th at th e association has accomplished, and to point out the things that w ere left undone, which, it seem s to me, the association ought to emphasize during the n ext year. Since 1913, when our association w as organized, great progress has been made in the adm inistration of public employment offices. At th at first m eeting the delegates from the State of Ohio got the inspiration and the fa cts which they have so w ell applied in reorganizing and developing the employment offices of their State. Sim ilarly the system and methods in force in the S tate o f N ew York can be traced to the influence o f the Indianapolis convention o f 1914. Illinois during the la st year has reorganized its employment offices along the most approved lines, and the system and methods in force in th at State are alm ost uniform w ith those in New York and Ohio. Prior to th at tim e the late Mr. Sears had pioneered the w ay w ith a system of records in M assachusetts, which w as copied by W isconsin and other States, and on which the present record forms of New York, Illinois, Ohio, and many other S tates are based. Gradually, then, as the result of the influence o f th is association, all the leading public employment offices of the country have adopted improved system s o f records and methods of m anagem ent that are substantially uniform. Not only has there been great im provement and extension o f uniform ity o f records and methods of management, but public employment office law s recently enacted in States like New York, N ew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Cali fornia have included in them provisions which have been advocated and in dorsed by this association, namely, advisory com m ittees of employers and em-. ployees. and a measure of civil service, at least. Thus gradually are w e getting uniform law s governing employment offices as w ell as uniform methods o f management. In some cases officers of this association have assisted in draw ing up the laws, in others they gave the inform ation on which the drafting o f law s w as based. R eference to our constitution w ill show th at to secure such im provements and to secure the extension of such uniform law s and methods of management have been the prime objects of this association. Much still remains to be done, however. W hile there is substantial uniform ity, w e still have no complete system of records worked out by th is association to be recommended to all the employment offices of the country. A comm ittee w as appointed two years ago to devise such a system, but at that tim e there w as still much dissim ilarity in the methods used by the leading employment offices and it w as difficult to get them to agree on standard forms. Now that w e have sub stan tial uniform ity, I think this association can do no more im portant work than to strengthen this comm ittee and compel it to report a standard set of forms during the present year. If this committee collects the form s now used in all the employment offices of this country and Canada it w ill be surprised to see how substantially uniform they have become w ithin recent years. Sim ilarly, a comm ittee on a standard employment office law ought also to report w ithin the year. The executive comm ittee w as instructed la st year to do this, and a tentative form has been drawn up which is now in the hands of your president. This can be worked over in short order by a committee, once it gets down to it. 8 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. The third im mediate duty of the association, as it presents itse lf to me, is to work out a plan for a national organization of employment offices. Only the people who are actually in the b u s in e s s e s the members of this association are, can do this properly and efficiently. The plans advanced by reform ers are up in the air, and it is not only the privilege but the duty of th is association, if it is to carry out its objects, to give out o f the practical knowledge of its member ship the advice and the assistance necessary to fram e a workable national system of employment offices. I would suggest, therefore, th at a comm ittee be appointed to carry out this purpose, to appear before congressional comm ittees, if necessary, and to cooperate w ith Federal officials. May I call your attention also to the suggestion o f Dr. Meeker in his intro duction to our published proceedings, namely, that the U nited S tates Bureau o f Labor Statistics might publish annually a bulletin containing the proceedings of our association. It wras w ith very great difficulty th a t w e finally prepared the proceedings of the last three m eetings for the printer, because no stenographic report w as made. If it is at all possible, an arrangement ought to be made, perhaps in cooperation w ith Dr. M eeker’s bureau, to have a complete steno graphic report of all future meetings. Much of the best inform ation comes out in the inform al discussions, and unless some one makes a record most o f the benefit that might be derived from the discussions is lost. In conclusion I w ant to express my appreciation of the assistance and the inspiration which I have received from the membership during all the period of my association w ith them. In severing my connection w ith the American Association of Public Employment Offices I assure you that, although I can not be a member, I shall alw ays rem ain in close touch w ith your work. There is no more im portant work being done in this country to-day than the work o f this association, and you who are in the business need not be told that there is no more interesting, no more vital, human and helpful work than that of the public employment business. A lthough the rule in the constitution which lim its membership to those connected w ith public employment offices now bars me out, I think this is a good rule and should be kept. The tem ptation w ill be great to let in men who are interested in unemployment but not practically engaged in the work. There are plenty of “ highbrow ” and* reform associations for discussion and agitation of this subject. But this is not your work. We discussed this thoroughly at our first m eeting and decided that if there is place for a new organization it is only for one which w ill study the adm inistrative d etails of the employ m ent business, seek to improve their methods and to secure uniform ity and cooperation among the employment offices of the country. T his can be done effectively only by men actually engaged in m anaging or adm inistering employment business. Our experience thus far has proved this. Much improvement has been secured. In my opinion more direct results in dealing w ith unemployment have been secured by the efforts of this association in the 3 years of its exist ence than have been brought about by 25 years of abstract talk about labor exchanges. Keep up the good work along the lines you have started. The published proceedings show in detail w hat those lines are. Stick to these methods, and you w ill be in a fair wray to grapple w ith and control the greatest scourge of modern industrial life— unemployment. W ith heartiest w ishes for the continued success of the Am erican A ssociation o f Public Em ploym ent Offices, I am. Very sincerely, yours, [Wm . M. L eisebson . SUM M ARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF FO U R TH A N N U A L M EETING . 9 An address of welcome was given by a representative of the mayor of the city of Buffalo, after which the first speaker on the program, Hon. Roy&I Meeker, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics, delivered an address on “ W hat records should be kept by public employment offices and how used.5’ Other speakers on this subject were Charles F. Gettemy, director of the Bureau of Statistics, State of Massachusetts, and Mr* G. P. Berner, superintendent of the Buffalo branch of the New York State Bureau of Employment. The subject was then opened for general discussion. A t the afternoon session, the first subject for discussion was “ How can cooperation among Federal, State, and city employment bureaus be effected.” The opening speaker on this subject was Miss H ilda Muhlhauser, who is connected with the United States Departm ent of Labor. She was followed by Mr. Luke D. McCoy, secretary of the Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics. The next subject for discussion was a A national system of employ ment offices: How shall it be organized.” The first speaker was the Hon. William B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor, Washington, D. C. Mr. Wilson discussed the urgent need for public employment offices and showed the advantage which could be secured by a national employment bureau cooperating with State and municipal bureaus, helping to coordinate the work between the different States and cities of the country. Mr. Jacob Lightner, director of the Public Employment Bureau of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Joseph Spitz, director of the Public Employment Bureau of New Jersey, also spoke on this subjectT and Mr. William M. Leiserson submitted a paper entitled u A Federal Labor Reserve Board.” “ Juvenile placement departments: Their connection with voca tional guidance and trade schools” was the first subject discussed at the F riday morning session. Mr. Alvin E. Dodd, secretary of the National Society for Promotion of Industrial Education, New York City, was the first speaker, followed by Mr. W arren W. Zurbrick, chairman of the vocational guidance committee, Buffalo, N. Y., Miss Rachael Gallagher, director of the Girls’ and Women’s Bureau, Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. George D. Halsey, vocational counselor, Atlanta, Ga. “ Special problems in the women’s departments ” was discussed by Mrs. Samuel Semple, member of the industrial board of the De partm ent of Labor and Industries, State of Pennsylvania, and by Miss Louise C. Odencrantz, superintendent of the women’s depart ment, Brooklyn branch, New York State Bureau of Employment, Miss Florence Burton, head of the women’s department of the Min neapolis Public Employment Office, was unable to be present, but sent a very interesting paper on this subject. 10 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. A t the afternoon session, Mr. Robert G. Valentine, industrial counselor, Boston, Mass., delivered an address on “ Labor organiza tions and public employment offices: How they can be mutually helpful.” Mr. Meyer Bloomfield, director of Vocational Guidance Bureau, Boston, and Mr. A. L. Filene, member of the firm of W illiam Filene Sons’ Co., Boston, delivered addresses on the subject, “ Employment managers’ associations: Employers and public employment offices.” “ How shall suboffices of a public employment office be conducted within a c ity ” was discussed by Charles J. Boyd, general superin tendent, State Employment Bureau, Chicago, and by W alter E. Kruesi, superintendent of the Municipal Public Employment Office, New York City. Although the appointed speakers filled in most of the time allotted to each of the subjects mentioned, many delegates* expressed their views in three-minute speeches. Several questions affecting the daily work of public employment offices were also brought up and discussed, and on Saturday morning, July 22 , there was an informal meeting of the association, held in the Buffalo office of the State public employment bureau. A t a round-table discussion many other questions on the routine work were threshed out by the delegates. The regular program was followed by reports of committees, selec tion of standing committees, and election of officers. A committee on standardization was named, to consist of Hon. Royal Meeker, chairm an; Charles F. Gettemy, director, Bureau of Statistics, Massa chusetts; H. J. Beckerle, superintendent, Public Employment Office, Milwaukee, W is.; C. H. Mayhugh, superintendent, Cleveland StateCity Public Employment Office; and Luke D. McCoy, secretary, Illi nois Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is a standing committee for the purpose of drawing up a system of uniform records and formulat ing standard definitions of terms and methods of work which can be used in all the offices throughout the country, to the end that there shall be uniformity in the figures and reports from all the States. I t is the duty of this committee to select from all the systems and methods now in use the best and most efficient, and its report at the next annual meeting will be the most im portant thing on which the association will have to act. Among the im portant resolutions adopted by the meeting was one placing the association on record in favor of the establishment of a national employment bureau. Another resolution that was passed requests Hon. Royal Meeker, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics, to edit and publish the proceedings of the conven tion in the form of a bulletin of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Commissioner was further requested to publish in the M o n th ly R e v ie w of the bureau the figures of the Canadian public employ- SUM M ARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF FO U RTH A N N U A L M EETING . 11 nient offices in conjunction and comparison with those of the State, municipal, and other public bureaus of the United States, provided such publication is permissible. The officers chosen for the next year are: President, Charles B. Barnes, director, State Public Employment Bureau of New York; vice presidents, Hilda Muhlhauser, Cleveland, O hio; H. J. Beckerle, Milwaukee, W is.; J. D. Maloy, Saskatchewan, Canada; and George D. Halsey, Atlanta, G a.; secretary-treasurer, G. P. Berner, superin tendent of the Buffalo branch of the State Public Employment Bureau of New York. The place chosen for the next meeting is Milwaukee, Wis., and the time September 20 and 21, 1917. Stenographic records of the proceedings were not taken, and the discussion therefore can not be reproduced, but the addresses so far as manuscripts could be obtained are printed herewith. W H A T REC O R D S S H O U L D B E K E P T BY P U B L IC E M PLO Y M E N T O F F IC E S AND H O W T H E Y SH O U L D B E U SE D . B Y R O Y A L M E E K E R , U N I T E D ST A T ES C O M M ISS IO N E R OF LA BOR S T A T IS T IC S . Always, whenever I ask for information, either from public offi cials or private business men, I meet with the question, “ Why, what good is this information; what do you come bothering around for?” There is not much difference between public officials and private employers in meeting requests for information. Now, what is the use of any records by public employment offices? I hope we shall not have to stop to discuss that. W hat is the purpose of the par ticular reports that I am asking you to send in to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly ? W hat is the purpose of this investiga tion that I undertook at the request of this organization? W hat do we hope to accomplish ? The first purpose is to furnish information. I am perfectly well aware that the information furnished by the different public employment offices differs from State to State and even from office to office, within the same employment system. The prim ary object in collecting and publishing the facts asked for is to give to the public the best information available as to the work done by the public employment offices throughout the country and the cost of conducting these offices. I think that some statement as to the financial condition of the offices is not merely useful but necessary. I do not agree with those who hold to the opinion that statistics of finances of public employ ment offices are utterly worthless. No p r^ a te business can be carried on successfully without some attempt at itemizing expenditures. To be sure, the employment records and financial statements of the different offices are not standardized on a uniform basis, so it is wholly misleading to compare one office with another on the basis of the cost per position filled. Even if we had worked out uniform standards for keeping employment and cost records, I doubt if it is worth while to present figures showing the average cost of placing the famous u jobless man ” in the well-known “ manless job.” The character of the employment work done by offices in different localities differs so greatly that comparisons even on the closest approximation to uniform bases would be meaningless. For example, one office may handle principally unskilled, low-paid, casual, and day workers. Another may deal in greatest part with high-paid, skilled, and more permanent workers. The first office may place 10 times as many 12 W H A T RECORDS SH O ULD RE K EPT ---- ROYAL M EEKER. 13 applicants as the second per $100 expended. Is it, therefore, the more useful and economically conducted office? Not necessarily. The kind of work done by the first office admits of no such simple cost com parison with th at of the second. Both are performing needed ser vices, and it may well be, when the relative permanency and casual ness. of employment are considered along with the wages paid and character of service rendered, that the second office is doing much better, more necessary, and more economical work than the first. We must be careful not to jump to conclusions as to the usefulness or uselessness of offices on the basis of so-called cost statistics. A t the present time there is no uniformity in the practices of public employment offices. There are no generally accepted defini tions of application for workers, application for work, registration, renewal, reference to a position, or placement. Some offices record as the number of persons applied for by employers the number of persons actually sent out to employers; others record the number of persons asked for without trying to verify the genuineness of the demand. Some offices record under registrations only new registra tions; others report every one carried in their registration files who, according to their records, has not secured a position. Some offices renew all applicants every time they come into the office; others renew nobody; still others register or renew only those who are sent out to positions. Some offices report as persons placed or positions filled the number of individuals sent out to employers, unless the employer or the applicant informs the office that the position was not taken; others make a record of a person placed or a position filled only in case a positive statement to that effect is received from either the employer or the employee. These differences in practice, of course, render the records of the different employment offices incom parable. W ith full knowledge of the discrepancies and incompar abilities in the reports of the various employment offices, I have, nevertheless, been gathering these reports from the various offices, tabulating them and publishing them each month in the M onthly R eview. I f you can not compare the reports of the different offices, you can, so to speak, compare the incomparability of these reports. When I show the discrepancies and divergencies of these reports, when I have put all the cards on the table face up* I think it will not be long before you intelligent directors and superintendents of employment offices will get busy and agree upon uniform definitions, standards, and forms for records. The value of these reports of work done by the employment offices of the country published each month in the Monthly R eview is evidenced by the interest being manifested in the meaning of these reports. I t is not for me to say what records you should keep or what definitions of terms you should adopt. 14 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. These are matters that you practical.employment superintendents should agree upon. I merely take your records as you hand them over to me and print them with all their simple inconsistencies. I think the items called for in these reports are the minimum of infor mation that every employment office must show in order to know where it stands. Perhaps one item could be cut out. We call for, first, the number of applications made by employers; second, the number of workers called for; third, the number of new registra tions ; fourth, the number of renewals; fifth, the number of workers referred to positions; and, sixth, the number of positions filled. Probably the practices of each public employment office differ from all others in some respect. We must get together and agree upon definitions and practices, so th a t you w^ill all mean the same thing by registration, by renewal, by application from an employer, by references to positions, and by positions filled. The last column in the tabulation presented—number of positions filled—is the only information furnished by the employment offices th at approaches uniformity. Even here practice varies somewhat, but it is near enough to uniformity so th a t I have given instructions to have this column totaled so as to show State by State the work of our public employment offices in filling positions. The information being published is not 100 per cent accurate, but it is, I think, very useful information. Its greatest utility, perhaps, has been to arouse Mr. Gettemy to criticise these statistics and to point out their inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Along with the accounts of the activities of the offices there should be required an accurate financial accounting, so th at the cost of the offices can be known. Mr. Gettemy is much better qualified to speak on this sub ject than I. Had I not published the reports of the public employ ment offices—had I not* compared the inherently incomparable— Mr. Gettemy would not have been aroused, and we would not have the pleasure of having him with us to-day and listening to him speak. BUSINESS EFFICIENCY IN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. B Y G. P . B E R N E R , S U P E R I N T E N D E N T B U F F A L O B R A N C H OF N E W Y O R K ST A T E EM PLOYM ENT BUREAU. My experience covers but slightly more than one year, and I don’t pretend to know much about the business, but it has shown me that there is one, and I believe only one, successful way to conduct a public employment bureau, and that is to use modern, cold-blooded, efficient, business methods. U ntil such time as the director or super intendent can grasp the fact that the public employment bureau is unlike all other public institutions, most of which are regulative, educative, or corrective, his bureau can not be a success. There is only one branch of the New York State service to which our work can be compared and th at is the State fund, which also has to solicit the patronage of the people, and whose existence depends upon their good will in the business sense. So the records should be similar to those kept by a modern busi ness house, and be as simple as possible. A record should be kept of all transactions, corresponding to the bookkeeping department. Simple, complete descriptions of all applicants must be taken and properly filed, as for the inventory of a business house. Eight here let me say that this branch of our work is second only to good will in importance. We might take a very long, thorough application from each man, and then file it away, where, excepting for possible statistical purposes, it is of no practical use. Instead we must keep a perpetual inventory, demanding from appli cants that they keep us informed constantly as to their success or failure, as it may be, to secure employment. I f your system doesn’t permit that you can at least do th is : Under each occupation in your applicant file, place a white card, and as the applicants renew their applications, enter their names or number on this card, in date order, so that when an employer asks for a man or woman you don’t have to look through a lot of dead wood, but have a fresh supply of names to look up. In taking care of our customers, good will, employers, whatever you choose to call it, spells success. We may be established for the purpose of relieving unemployment, or some other purpose, and we are supposed to make placements, but that word is, to my mind, a misnomer, because we are really only filing applications. I t de pends entirely upon the employer as to who is going to secure the 91297°— Bull. 220— 17------ 2 15 16 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. job, so that in reality we make no placements, but supply the wants of employers only—and there is a difference Those of you who have singled out applicants and have tried calling up or w riting to firms asking if they can use them, know what I mean when I make that statement. The importance of keeping a perpetual inventory, or as we call it, live file applicants, is apparent to all, but if we use a parallel, it may appear in a new light. A customer goes to a shoe store and wishes to buy a pair of shoes. The salesman immediately goes to the proper shelf and may secure what the customer wants. But if he should return and say, “ I am very sorry, we haven’t your size in stock but we will enter your order and try to get it for you,” the customer will probably never again go to that place. So it is with our employers. I f they are repeatedly told that we can not supply them, merely because there is no one in the office at the time, they soon cease to call on us. On the other hand, if in most cases we can go to the file and tell the employer we have several names listed and will immediately get in touch with them, his confidence is retained. There are other comparisons which can be made, but I do not care to take up your time with them, and therefore I will simply repeat that in my judgment the records of a public employment bureau should correspond to those kept by a modern business house. The reason why there is not more success in some cities is that most people look upon the public employment bureau as a humanitarian agency to relieve unemployment, etc. But there isn’t one employer in a thousand who can see it in th at light. The employer wants service—the best men at the lowest wages, and unfortunately we must cater to him rather than to applicants, to insure our very existence. In satisfying his demands, however, thereby gaining his confidence, we accomplish our end, although the point of view may be different. COOPERATION AMONG FEDERAL, STATE, AND CITY EMPLOY MENT BUREAUS. B Y H IL D A M U H L H A U S E R , E M P L O Y M E N T B U R E A U E X P E R T . U N IT E D ST A T E S D E P A R T M E N T OF LABOR. D uring the last five years the States and cities have considered the question of the unemployed more seriously than during all the preceding years combined. A fter the, deplorable unemployment crisis of 1914, the Federal Government, also, through the Secretary of Labor, took up the problem, and as a result a question has arisen which has not yet been solved: How can the cities, States, and F ed eral Government come together and in some logical, practical, co operative way, join forces to form a great entente to build a con structive organism throughout the States which shall deal effectively w ith the unemployment problem? The Federal Government has been experim enting in order to find out how this cooperation of cities, States and Federal Government can be brought about, and the U nited States D epartm ent of Labor appointed me to assist in launching this great project. Therefore the conclusions I have reached and the suggestions I make are draw n from practical experience. Some ideas have been suggested and many theories advanced as to successful cooperation, but I frankly adm it th at almost none of the suggestions so far advanced and made known to us can be practically applied w ith any promise of success. BASIC PROBLEMS. There are certain facts in the situation which m ust be borne in mind when the question of bringing together cities, States, and F ederal Government is considered. F irst of all is the basic principle of independent control of each of the three interests contem plating cooperation. The fact is th at the law may make it possible to do a thing in one State but may prohibit such work in another State. There is no uniform ity of method for public employment offices throughout the cities and States, and the problem of doing coopera tive work with States only is very difficult. In addition to this fundam ental question of law and statute, there arises the problem as to how three distinct entities, each under sepa rate governm ent control, can cooperate w ithout having any one factor dominate. W ould the Federal Government assume the au thoritative headship and supersede the States, or would the States IT 18 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . o r cities be in control of negotiations ? So far as the U nited States D epartm ent of Labor is concerned, I m ay say em phatically th a t the intention in the m inds of those who have the interest of th is work at heart and have been giving it a great deal of thought is to b ring these three factors together on an equal basis. T he D epartm ent of Labor does not wish to set up an im perial reign over States and cities, nor is it the present purpose, as I understand it, to dictate the way for the others to follow, but rath er to blend the efforts of each of the three elements for the good of all. The th ird factor to be seriously considered is the m atter of p rin ciple in dealing w ith the unemployed and w ith the labor question in general. There are always danger places ahead, and the m ethod of elim inating the possibility of undesirable entanglem ents is perhaps the most im portant thing to consider in taking up this question of cooperation. I refer to such principles as strikes, attitude tow ard organized labor, age lim it of applicants fo r work, and inform ation relative to conditions where employers are seeking workers. These are the underlying principles which make fo r either success or failure in any public employment office, and these are the fundam ental p rin ciples which we m ust seriously consider when we discuss cooperative employment offices which are to join forces. Such questions as u n i form records and tabulated statem ents are, to my m ind, m atters of detail. The principles, which are the nucleus from which can be built a system of cooperative employment offices throughout the country th a t shall take care of the unemployment problem adequately, are of vast im portance to all concerned. POLICY CONCERNING STRIKES. Take the first principle to which I referred, namely, the question of dealing w ith those places and localities where strikes are con tem plated or declared. Can you not see how dangerously involved cities, States, and Federal Government would become unless some very definite policy were adhered to by all three governments? The various States have various policies on this one question alone. T heir general attitude regarding labor trouble has been to give all inform ation concerning labor troubles, but not to send applicants for work to the places involved, unless the applicant desires to go in spite of troubled labor conditions. I t has always been the policy of the m ajority of city and State employment offices, because they are public employment offices, to serve conscientiously and w ithout p reju dice both employer and employee. Some cities and States leave this question to the discretion of the superintendent of the office. Almost all cities and States try to avoid contributing workers to those places where labor trouble exists, but all have not been entirely scrupulous COOPERATION" AM ONG B U R E A U S---- H IL D A M U H L H A U S E R . 19 in dealing w ith this phase of employment-bureau work. Therefore it would seem to me th a t the first step tow ard consolidation of effort of cities, States, and Federal Government would be the unanim ous adoption of certain principles of governm ent which shall apply to all public employment offices. The U nited States Secretary of Labor has draw n up a memorandum on the subject of strikes which sets fo rth the policy of the D epartm ent of L abor as follow s: I t is n o t deem ed d e p a rtm e n t o f th e a n d in b y w a g e t h e ir m a n n e r s t r ik e e x is ts s e n d in g a lr e a d y it is a p r im a o f th e fro m e v id e n c e lo o k q u a lif ie d do th e w o rk 1. T h e u p o n 2. is it b e in g is o ne a S ta te s , a w h o th a t u p o n is a th e w o rk e rs as b e in g e v id e n c e d s t r ik e h a v e e x is ts h a d o f W h e n a la b o r b y w h o th e is h a v e fa c t w it h p la c e s h a d o r b e th a t th e y h a v e c o n t a in s th e re th re a te n e d in a re th a t p e rs o n s b ee n th e s e e m p lo y m e n t a s im p ly e x p e r ie n c e th e y o r w h e re w h e re th a t th e p u b lis h is a n d th re a te n e d e x p e r ie n c e to th e c o n d it io n s , to w o u ld e x is ts to w e lf a re w a n te d p o lic y s t r ik e th e w o r k in g w o rk m e n p r o f it a b le , o r t h e ir a g iv e n d e v e lo p e m p lo y m e n t, ” su c h s u r p lu s a u t h o r it y a n d im p r o v e p u rs u e is th e c o n c e r n in g la b o r . it to p r o f it a b le T o o f w it h p ro m o te , d o in g e le m e n ts : do n o t lo o k p r o f it a b le . s u f f ic ie n t o f s u p p ly in g s u p p ly m o re o f la b o r , la b o r b u t a lr e a d y o ne o f th e re . T h e s a t is f a c t o r ily p r o b le m in v o lv e d a d ju s t in g th e te rm s e m p lo y m e n t. 3. o f T h e p e rs o n s w o rk w h ic h in w h e re w o rk e rs as T h e re n o t o f to s it u a t io n fo s te r, fo r th e re s u p p ly n o t a c c o rd a n c e in f o r m a t io n w h e re s u f f ic ie n t do A U n it e d th re a te n e d . e m p lo y m e n t it. in “ to o p p o r t u n it ie s is f a c ie n o r la w p r o m u lg a t e o r p e o p le is o r g a n ic e a rn e rs a d va n c e a n y a d v is a b le , th e w o u ld th a t 4. o ne n o t b y in v ir t u e a lw a y s b e th e o f th e d is p u te th e a re tra in in g case w it h q u a lif ie d a n d to p e rfo rm e x p e r ie n c e p e rs o n s w ith o u t th e y p r e v io u s th e k in d h a v e ha d , e x p e r ie n c e e m p lo y m e n t. W e e x is ts eng a g e d r e q u ir e d ca n o r o f is th e n o t c o n ve y th re a te n e d s id e s . I f in f o r m a t io n w ith o u t w e do n o t b e in g o f e m p lo y m e n t p la c e d c o n ve y su c h in th e to b e h a d p o s it io n in f o r m a t io n o f o u r w h e re a a c t iv e ly p o s it io n s t rik e a s s is tin g is e n t ir e ly p a s s iv e . 5. T h e ra th e r In D e p a rtm e n t th a n v ie w th ro u g h a c cep t been th e s e w h ic h th e th e o n fa c ts s m p lo y m e n t m a k in g L a b o r th e w h e re t e r m in a t io n s e r v ic e s t r ik e o f a u t h o r iz e d D e p a rtm e n t o f th e y m a y th e re th e h a v e u n e m p lo y e d ; w h e re is to p ro m o te in d u s t r ia l peace d is t u r b a n c e . in f o r m a t io n e m p lo y m e n t w h e re fro m o f in d u s t r ia l t h e ir b e is d is p u te p re s e n c e L a b o r a lr e a d y w ill a c c e p te d n o r o f c o n ve ye d ca n w ill it b e a c t a e ith e r o r w ill a as ca n n o t b e w h ic h s u f f ic ie n t r e s u lt le a v e p a rty a m a y in s u p p ly t h e ir o th e r to m a d e in d u c e o f la b o r b e in g ra th e r m e d iu m w o rk e rs w o rk e rs in d u c in g d is t u r b in g th e to a n d d is m is s e d * w h o m e n th a n to a h a v e accept p eace fa c to r. A NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. The entire employment work so fa r conducted by the U nited States D epartm ent of L abor has been done through the B ureau of Im m igra tion because there was no other avenue which by law could furnish money and officials to carry on such work. One phase in the statute referring to the prom otion of the welfare of aliens and others made it possible to include all applicants for work under the head of “ others.” I t is quite evident while a beginning had to be made in 20 A M E R IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . this way, the possibility of success of Federal employment offices would be greatly im paired if the work were perm anently carried on in the Bureau of Im m igration, for the following reasons: F irst, because as soon as im m igration increases—as soon as th a t flow of newcomers, now checked by the war, again heads tow ard Am erica—all the im m igration officials now doing employment work will of necessity have to retu rn to the duties for which they were appointed, namely, those in connection w ith im m igration. Hence all the experience gained in regard to employment work, fo r which very few of these officials were qualified, will be lost to the cooperative system. The conclusion to be draw n is th a t the endeavor of the B ureau of Im m igration to do employment work should be only tem porary. I n addition to this fact, moreover, there is a question in the m inds of m any as to the advisability of grouping im m igration and employment together. The erroneous impression is produced th at only foreigners are being placed through Federal employment bureaus, and even though this is not a fact, such a misconception in the m inds of the public greatly handicaps the broadening work of U nited States employment offices. There is one rem edial measure now before Congress, providing fo r a bureau of employment in the D epartm ent of L abor which shall not be linked w ith any other bureau except the Division of In fo rm a tion. I refer to the Nolan bill, which would provide the m achinery to carry on perm anently the employment work of th e departm ent. E very one interested in employment bureaus and the distribution of labor should lend his efforts to support the Nolan bill. MEANS OF FEDERAL-STATE-CITY COOPERATION. I have placed before you the facts concerning the situation as it now presents itself to me, and having done so, I have certain sug gestions to make. These suggestions are not based on any new development in the Federal employment work, nor on the assumed passage of the Nolan bill, but on the present situation w ith all its difficulties. Is Federal-State-city cooperation in employment work possible? My answer is “ Yes.” How can it be effected? My suggestions are these: T hat the Federal employment offices be considered the clear ing houses for inform ation concerning labor conditions, opportu nities fo r employment, elim ination of duplication of w o rk ; th a t these offices, distributed throughout the country, be the center to which the States shall tu rn for any inform ation concerning employers, wages, conditions of plants, and supply of labor, etc.; th a t these Federal clearing houses receive from the States and the cities the inform ation concerning the num ber of workers who are seeking work, their abilities, experience, etc.; th at the actual placement of those seeking CO O PERATION A M ONG B U R E A U S---- H IL D A M U H L H A U S E R . 21 employment w ithin a S tate be done by the States and cities, and the inform ation concerning such placements be turned over to the Fed- ; eral clearing house; and th a t interstate work be done entirely by the Federal employment and clearing offices. i I may illustrate my point by taking New Y ork C ity and State as an example. As you doubtless know, we began an experim ent in New York by having a committee of three, representing the Federal, State, and city governments, act as an execjutive committee to carry on in a cooperative way all the employment w ork in th a t locality. The plan was to have an interchange of workers between city, State, and Federal offices in order to give all those in charge of placement work the necessary experience to carry it on efficiently. C ertain adjustm ents had to be made, which are now in effect in the U nited States D epartm ent of Labor, to enable the departm ent to delegate Federal employees to State and city offices. In the city of New York there are Federal, State, and city employ ment offices and 59 private noncommercial offices. None of these co operate, none of them interchange inform ation. I f the Federal employment office in New Y ork were made a clearing house for the State and city offices and for the 59 noncommercial offices, duplica tion of work which is now so evident would be eliminated. There would be one central place to which all could tu rn for any inform a tion concerning opportunities for work, conditions of work, and available workers. I f one office in New Y ork could not place men or women and such inform ation was turned in daily to the central clear ing house, other offices m ight have just such openings for workers and thus the inform ation would obviate the necessity of tu rn in g those applicants away. D aily reports from all offices would make it possible to do in New Y ork what has never been done efficiently by any individual group, to find out accurately just what the labor m ar ket is, w hat the demand and supply, and what the remedy. Such an office in New York would connect w ith sim ilar Federal employment clearing offices in other States, spreading a network of clearing houses th a t would interchange inform ation and eventually connect w ith the B ureau of Em ploym ent under the U nited States Secretary of Labor. This is my idea of the function of the Federal Govern m ent in employment work—to correlate and coordinate the work of the cities and States in order th a t it shall be of most value to all. PROPOSED MINNESOTA PLAN AND OTHERS. W e m ust of course go on experim enting in various localities in order to form better judgm ents of the practical application of our ideas. I n M inneapolis I suggested and drew up a plan the adoption of which is now pending, namely, to have the U nited States Secretary of Labor and the governor of Minnesota in conference select a direc- 22 A M ER IC A N A SSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F FIC E S. to r of employment for the State who shall be entirely responsible for the employment work w ithin th at S tate; to house the Federal and State offices together to do cooperative w ork; to have an advisory committee, representing capital, labor, and various community inter ests, as a consulting group to confer w ith the director; to have the director a State official responsible to the governor of the S ta te ; and to have the Federal work of this joint office th a t of the clearing house, lending in addition the franking privilege and interstate connections. This experim ent for M innesota was planned, bearing in m ind th a t there is no city office and th a t the problems of a western territo ry are not like those of the big eastern cities. The Pennsylvania plan is modeled after the M innesota plan, w ith an executive commission instead of an executive committee. Expansion of the Federal em ployment system to include a women’s and girls’ division was pro vided for when the Secretary of Labor approved the plan I drew up for this division May 1. From such experiments when pu t into effect I hope to be able to draw further conclusions concerning co operation. Experim ents on cooperation in employment work are being made by the D epartm ent of Labor in the States of New York, Missouri, New Jersey, C alifornia, and Pennsylvania, and also in the cities of P ortland, O reg.; Tacoma, W ash.; and Los Angeles, Cal. CONCLUSION. A ll public bureaus are w orking for one object, to place applicants fo r work in those positions for which they are best fitted and which offer the best opportunity for the future. I f there is to be any con certed effort throughout the country to do this entangled and con tinuous work, the effort m ust be made w ith a broad grasp and vision of the whole problem and not only one p a rt of it. W e can not as States and cities selfishly look to statistics and the honor of placing large numbers regardless of how they are placed. We can not go on seeing only the small circle close to u s ; we m ust look out and see the end to be attained, the goal to be reached by the combined efforts of all for the benefit of m ankind. L et us then take up this question of Federal-State-city cooperation unselfishly, realizing, as we must, th a t eventually the U nited States Government will spread throughout the country a system of clearing houses which shall cooperate closely w ith the States and which shall lead the way. Let us help to b ring this about, let us give to them the best th a t we have, and the best will retu rn to us and to the mass of hum anity knocking at our gates. Yes, cooperation is possible if we all want to make it possible. Combined effort shall build constructively the house of opportunity for all. A NATIONAL SYSTEM OF EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. B Y H O N . W IL L IA M B . W IL S O N , U N I T E D STA T ES SE C R ET A R Y OF LABOR. Those who have taken the pains to visualize the problem of employ ment not only realize the vast field th a t is included in it but also understand something of the lim itations w ith which it is bound. I take it th a t no one who has given any attention to the subject w hat ever will assume th at, even if you have a most perfect system of placement, you would then have solved the problem of unemploy ment. I f you have placed every m an where he can be most effective you may still have jobs th a t ought to be filled. I f you have filled every job th a t is available w ith the men best qualified to fill them, you m ay still have large numbers of workmen out of employment. W hat we are seeking to accomplish is to eliminate unemployment where there is a possibility under our commercial and industrial system of finding a place for those who would otherwise be idle. T h a t there is need for employment agencies has been apparent for a g reat m any years because num bers of men have successfully commer cialized the placement of workers. I f it were not for two very im portant facts, it is possible th a t we would never have had any public employment agencies. The first of these facts is th a t a private employment agency operated for commercial purposes m ust of necessity charge a fee, and those who are seeking employment are the p a rt of our population who can least afford to pay a fee. A nd the second of the reasons is th at private employment agencies have not always followed a legiti m ate business. Some of them have pursued" policies which exhibit the lowest possible standard of ethics, and those policies have fre quently resulted in sending one who could little afford the expense from one portion of the country to another, only to find th a t con ditions existing at the place he was to work were not as represented to him. F o r these two reasons principally m unicipal employment agencies came into existence, followed by State employment agencies. LIMITATIONS OF EXISTING AGENCIES. Now each of those employment agencies is naturally lim ited in the scope of its activities by its geographical lim itations. You may have a great demand for workers in Buffalo and a surplus of workers in Chicago and no means of acquiring the inform ation or giving it such publicity as would result in the surplus workers 23 24 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . of Chicago going to Buffalo to fill the surplus places. My attention was first attracted to the interstate features of the problem by the call th a t came to us from the great wheat belt of the M iddle W est, asking for seasonal workers to engage in the wheat harvest; and notw ithstanding the diverse argum ents, the little bits of sarcasm th a t are tro tted out here and there, I am w illing to acknowledge the parentage of the idea of utilizing the post offices of our country. W e have a few effective agencies, but in the natural order of events it will be a long time before you have generally effective agencies in the sm aller towns and villages throughout the country. Y our m unicipal agencies are built up in the dense centers of popu lation where they are m ost needed. T here you can easily build up a sufficient am ount of employment work to give you an effective organization; but when it comes to dealing w ith the little towns and the little cities—25,000 population down to 500 or less—it will be a long time before you can build up complete m unicipal organiza tions, and it will be a long tim e before your State legislatures will furnish any State body dealing w ith the problem of unemployment w ith a sufficient amount of funds to establish agencies in all the small interior towns. I t is not to be hoped th a t the Federal Con gress will at any time w ithin the life of anyone here furnish a Federal agency and sufficient amount of money to keep offices in our sm aller cities and towns. Now when it came to dealing w ith the problem of getting seasonal laborers for the M iddle W est, it must have been apparent to anyone th a t the best equipped workers for the wheat field were to be found in the sm aller towns and villages of the country. I t m ight be slow— there m ight be no means or facilities w ith which you could reach those small villages w ith telephone; but notw ithstanding the lack of phone facilities we could, in the course of a very few days, place in every post office in the U nited States a notice th at certain seasonal workers were wanted at such a place—to report to such an individ ual—th a t they would be paid certain wages—the conditions under which they would labor—and we could advertise th a t fact th rough out the entire U nited States. We did that. The result was th at we secured in a very brief period of time a sufficient num ber of workers to carry on th a t seasonal occupation, and then when we had about reached the point where a sufficient supply of labor had gone into the wheat fields, we sent out other notices to each of those post offices w arning everyone to stay away from wheat fields unless they had first corresponded w ith parties named in the notice and secured employment before leaving their present places. U nder th a t system we have no record of placements, but my conception of the situation is th a t it is very much more im portant th at we should get the place m ents than it is to get the record of the placements. N A TIO N A L SY STEM OF E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S ---- W . B. W IL S O N . 25 USE OF POST OFFICES. Now as to the things in addition to t h a t : I n my judgm ent the post offices can not be used successfully w ith a method of placards for placement work except where large num bers of workmen are to be employed at a given point, but they can be utilized for securing large numbers for a given point, and they can be utilized in m any other ways. There are workmen required in our small villages; w ork men required frequently in this, th at, or the other town where you can not afford to m aintain an agency. Now, I would not make the postm aster the official to do the placing, b u t I would use the post masters in those places as the agency which would hand out to the man who desired work a blank upon which he could w rite his applica tion, inclose those blanks in a franked envelope, and at the end of his day’s business send them to some central office in the immediate vicinity, where the demand for the labor and the demand for the workmen could both be classified and filled by experts in th a t line. Your State and your m unicipal agencies must, as I have said, be lo cated in' your large centers. Now" you have communications to make w ith the interior, w ith the different p arts of the State. Does it lessen the effectiveness of the communications you send out, does it lessen the value of the communication which you receive, th at the U nited States Government carries it in a franked envelope? I can not see th a t it does. One of the things we have hoped to accomplish has been to utilize the Federal representative, in the so-called clearing house, as the channel through which communications could be carried into the interior of the State where the clearing house is located, and outside of the State also, if necessary for the transaction of the business. PROBLEMS OE EEDERAL-STATE-MTJNICIPAL COOPERATION. I feel th a t where there is a desire to cooperate, a way will be found in which to cooperate. O ur experience already has dem onstrated to us th at we can not, as a Federal agency, go into a general conference w ith the representatives of different States and m unicipalities and in th at general conference work out the problem of cooperation. The reason why we can not do this has been th at each m unicipality and each State has developed its lines differently. The authority existing in New Y ork may be different from the authority existing in Ohio, and, of course, State officials can act only in accordance with authority granted by th eir legislatures. T hat also applies to m u nicipalities, and we have found in our experience th a t the only way we can solve the problem of cooperation is to send our representatives into each of" the States and endeavor to work out the problem in accordance w ith local problems in th a t State and w ithin the muniei- 26 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F FIC E S. palities. I believe in th at method of cooperation, and the reason I believe in it is the fact th a t I believe in a Federal system. Not a federally controlled system in its entirety, but a Federal connecting link, which will make the territo ry in which the city of New York, Boston, or Cleveland, or the State of New York, Massachusetts, or Ohio operates, the entire territo ry of the U nited States. I do not know as yet how. th a t can be fully brought about, but I know it can be. I know th a t where the spirit of cooperation exists we can find a method, not by imposing our will upon others, but by cooperating w ith others and gaining th e ^ o o d will of others. A nd if we can cooperate, then, as has been the case during the past year, if you have a shortage of labor in P hiladelphia and a surplus of labor throughout the small interior towns, you can utilize the Federal agency in getting the supply of labor necessary for P h ila delphia. I f you have a shortage of labor in Chicago and a surplus of labor w ithin small interior towns, you can utilize Federal agencies in getting th a t surplus labor to the city of Chicago. I t will be in ter changeable in the entire te rrito ry of the U nited States. The vision I have had is wide cooperation, not a Federal institution which would supersede the State and the m unicipal agencies, b u t a Federal instituiton which would supplem ent them. One of our un fortunate conditions has been the fact th a t when we undertook the work and began to look around for the authority to go on w ith it, we discovered th a t the only authority we had was in section 40 of the im m igration law, and we have been operating under th a t section. I t is no reflection on the officials of th a t bureau—who have been earnest in their work, who have been persistent in their work—it is no re flection upon the officials of th a t bureau th a t the conduct of the em ployment work in the Bureau of Im m igration has not been as effec tive as it would be were it a separate bureau. The psychology of the situation is th is: Even when the native Am erican workman realizes and learns the fact th a t this Bureau of Im m igration is his, th a t it is to look up opportunities for the native as well as fo r the alien, the native workman does not want to be associated w ith a bureau th a t is supposed to be exclusively dealing w ith aliens. Thus the psychology of the situation drives him off and we do not get the effective work th a t we ought to have. A FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. We have pending in Washington a measure which ^liss Muhlhauser has referred to, which proposes to have a separate bureau of employ ment. I f we can have that separate bureau of employment, we will then be in a better position to cooperate, not because we will have N A T IO N A L SY STEM OF E M P L O Y M E N T O F FIC E S---- W . B, W IL S O N . 27 better officials, but because we will have a bureau better fitted to per form the work for which it is created. I tru st th a t as time goes on we will be able to work out methods of cooperation between the vari ous public employment agencies throughout the country and the Federal agency, even though we may not imm ediately secure the estab lishm ent of a bureau devoted exclusively to th a t purpose. B ut I hope, in so fa r as any of you may have influence upon Congress, th at you will exercise th at influence to give us a bureau of employment. IS A NATIONAL BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT DESIRABLE? BY JA C O B L IG H T N E R , D IR ECTOR, P U B L IC EM PLOYM ENT BUREAU OF P E N N SY LV A N I A . I n accepting the invitation of the secretary to read a short paper to this convention I did so not w ith the thought th a t my ideas or plans offered the solution, but th a t they, w ith the m any others th at you will hear, m ight be used as a contribution to the w orking basis upon w^hich a solution may be arrived at. A national bureau of employment is desirable. The unemployment problem is a national as well as a State and m unicipal question, and our N ational Government should be the leader in elim inating this great and useless hum an waste. The 'energy expended in the seeking of employment by men and women who are w illing to work, but who through their lim ited opportunities are unable to learn where they m ay find employment, is a wTaste th a t our N ational Government can aid the States in elim inating and thus lift the burden from the shoulders of the one who suffers most—the jobless man. Unem ploym ent is a m atter no State can control alone, but w ith a well-organized national clearing house the problem should become fa r less serious. There should be ample facilities for gathering and classifying inform ation about labor and trade conditions, by town ships, boroughs, cities, and counties. Statistics should be compiled as to the num ber of families, the num ber of persons in families, the wage earners in families, and the unemployed employables in fam i lies, and of the trades of the unemployed, also the proportion of perm anent and seasonal occupations in the various localities. By compiling these statistics from all States in the Union, a national bureau wvill be in position to give accurate inform ation and be the focal point for all inform ation on the employment question embrac ing the whole U nited States. I t will be, also, the tra n sfe r agency for shifting labor from one State to another, and the center through which all interstate transfers should be made. In addition to this investigation work, a cooperating agreement should be made w ith the States to bring together all their observa tions and inform ation and to keep a watch on the supply of labor power available in the States. I feel th a t the N ational Government, the States, and m unicipalities would then be in a position to make a great stride tow ard the solution of this problem. 28 IS A NATIONAL BUREAU DESIRABLE?---J. LIGHT XER. 29 F irst, the N ational Government can aid the States in a cooperating agreement so draw n as to enable it to form an e n jo y m e n t system to join w ith and aid the systems of the several States and to act as a tran sfer agent between the systems of these several States. F o r the purpose of proper cooperation, no national bureau should be established in any State having a State system until such tim e as proper arrangem ents are made w ith the chief officer of the State departm ent. Second, it should be responsible for m aintaining the several States’ communities in proper cooperative condition and it should handle interstate employment. T hird, it should aid the State work by means of the franking privilege, the use of the post offices, appropriations, and employees. F ourth, it should arrange th a t the capitals of the several States of the N ation should be, for the N ation and the State, the m ain office or clearing house. F ifth , all local bureaus should handle placement and employment questions in local districts which they represent, for which they would receive State aid, and should be under the general direction of and report to the State central bureau. Sixth, the State bureau should act in a general supervisory capac ity as called for by law, also act as tran sfer agents w ithin the State. Seventh, the N ational Government should give such supervisory direction as is necessary, and receive from the State reports of such character as are needed for its purpose. E ighth, it should also assign one m an to each local agency, or at* least, to the clearing house and the m ain m unicipal office w ithin the State, for the purpose of aiding in m aking placements of an interstate character and in order th a t the franking privilege may be used according to law. N inth, there should be a uniform system of records adopted. I believe th a t if the Federal bureau would work under a cooperat ing agreement with the States, and if it would become the central or focal point of distribution for the country and regulate the interstate business through the different States’ clearing houses, such a system would no doubt prove to the people of our country, first, th a t a national bureau of employment is desirable, and second, th at it can be of great aid and assistance to the States and m unicipalities now having such bureaus, F E B E R A L -ST A T E -M L )JSIC IPA L E M PL O Y M E N T SE R V IC E IN N E W JE R SE Y . B Y J O S E P H S P IT Z , ST A T E DIRECTOR OF E M P L O Y M E N T . The Legislature of New Jersey during the session of 1915 enacted a statute providing for the creation of an employment bureau to be conducted by the State D epartm ent of Labor under the supervision of the commissioner of labor. No provision having been made by the appropriation committee for funds essential for the conduct of the bureau, field activities were necessarily held in abeyance for the 1915 fiscal year. However, the commissioner of labor, Hon. Lewis T. B ryant, assigned Mr. H a rry J. Goas to survey and investigate the employment services in various sections of the country. Mr. Goas, I understand, represented the State of New Jersey at your last annual convention. The early p a rt of th is year Mr. Thomas J . Burns, representing the F ederal D epartm ent of Labor, conferred w ith Commissioner B ryant and, as a result of several meetings, arranged for a conference of Commissioner General Cam inetti, of the Im m igration Bureau, Com•missioner B ryant, and Mr. F . C. Howe, commissioner of im m igration of the p o rt of New York. As a result of the several meetings, on Ju n e 26, 1916, mem oranda of agreement were signed by Commissioner General Cam inetti, rep resenting the U nited States Secretary of Labor, and Commissioner B ryant, representing and acting for the State of New Jersey. The Federal-S tate service wTas instituted on Ju ly 1, 1916. Briefly expressed, the agreement stipulates that the Federal Gov ernment shall designate one official to act as a director o f employ ment and that the State o f New Jersey shall designate another to act in a similar capacity. The Government has named Mr. Thomas J. Burns, and Commissioner Bryant designated the speaker to act for New Jersey. Under the agreement these two directors constitute the State executive committee. Stipulation is made for pro rata sharing o f the expense incurred in the general conduct of the Federal-State service. The Federal Government agrees to provide an office in the post-office building in Jersey City, and the State of New Jersey for its part grants the use 30 E M P L O Y M E N T SERVICE IN N E W JE R S E Y ---- J O S E P H S P IT Z . 31 of the Newark office to serve as a State clearing house for matters pertaining to the employment service. This office is subsidiary to the general office o f record at the statehouse in Trenton, but as the industrial activity of New Jersey is predominant in the northern section o f our State the Newark office is used for the convenience of laboring interests and manufacturers desiring information relative to subjects in which they are interested. I might add that the ref erees in compensation also utilize the offices o f the Federal-State employment service. The mem orandum of agreement fu rth e r sets fo rth th a t the respec tive m unicipalities, towns, townships, and boroughs of the State of New Jersey m ay enter the cooperative plan, and this plan provides for the creation of a subexecutive committee composed of the F ed eral-S tate committee acting in conjunction w ith the representative designated by the m unicipality. I t is agreed by the F ederal Government th a t all opportunities listed at the several U nited States employment services in all the zones shall be subm itted to the Newark clearing house and to the various cooperating m unicipal agencies in New Jersey. Commissioner B ryant, for the State, proposes th a t the field inspec tors covering all m anufactories, m ercantile establishments, bakesliops, etc., shall disseminate the inform ation to employers to the effect th at the Federal-S tate employment service is in operation and the inspectors when visiting the respective establishments coming under the departm ent of labor’s supervision and jurisdiction will solicit the cooperation of the employer to the end th a t the economic principle of supply and demand be applied to the distribution of labor. A fundam ental policy approved by Commisisoner B ryant so fa r as is possible is to provide distribution and to effect placements of New Jersey labor in the State of New Jersey., A fter the S tate’s resources for both opportunities and placements have been exhausted, Federal and interstate propositions will be considered. Cooperating m unicipalities will as a m atter of reasonableness enter the plan bearing th eir pro rata share of the cost of operation in th eir city. I t will be the endeavor of the executive committecr to supply opportunities and placements, giving preference to the c iti zens of the cooperating m unicipality w ithin the confines of their home town. Mr. Archibald, city clerk of Newark, in charge of a m unicipal bureau previously established, has agreed to cooperate w ith the Federal-S tate service, and Jersey City, w ith a population of approxim ately 300,000, has just entered into an agreement. Nego tiations are now pending to establish other m unicipal offices in two other cities and it is hoped w ithin a reasonable time to have the active cooperation of all the communities in the State. 91297°— Bull. 220— 17------ 3 32 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . Notices of the inauguration of the service are to be mailed to all the m anufacturers and to the secretaries of the granges throughout the State. Posters are to be distributed in the post offices, county courthouses, .city halls, and railroad stations in New Jersey and the cooperation of postm asters and city and county clerks is to be solicited. Kecords will be kept by the m unicipal offices, subject to the super vision of the Federal-State-m unicipal executive committee, and credits for opportunities and placements will be established on a basis of interstate, intrastate, and m unicipal. A FEDERAL LABOR RESERVE BOARD. B Y W IL L IA M M . L E IS E R S O N , PROFESSOR OF P O L IT IC A L A N D SO C IA L S C IE N C E , TOLEDO U N IV E R S IT Y . In dealing with unemployment the point has been reached where we must have administrative machinery to put practical remedies into effect. The theoretical analysis of the problem is complete. TJiere is nothing new to be said on causes and effects. The facts are well known, the nature of the evils to which they give rise are com prehended, the remedies for those evils have been logically deduced and their soundness has been established. There remains only the work of devising the administrative organization that will actually put those remedies into practice. As a means of accomplishing this purpose, permit me to outline the structure and organization of a national labor reserve board, and to describe the manner in which it will apply the principles which a century of investigation and analysis of the facts of unemployment has proved to be necessary and desirable. WHY A RESERVE BOARD? The first question that might well be asked is, Why should this administrative organization take the form of a Federal reserve board? Is the labor market so analogous to the money market? Can the labor supply be contracted, expanded, and shifted around in the country to meet varying needs, as money and credits can be? The answer is that the problems of the labor market are similar to the problems of the money market. Both are problems of irregular ity of employment, the one of capital, the other of labor. But it is not proposed to draw the analogy too closely. The main reason for advocating a labor reserve board is that the Federal Reserve Board already in existence is an administrative machine created for the purpose of dealing with fluctuations, with varying, irregular de mands for capital. The problem of unemployment is also a problem of fluctuations, of irregular demands. Labor may be essentially different from capital, but it is bought and sold in a market, and while a labor reserve board may have to do quite different things from those which the money reserve board does, the administrative organization for dealing with irregular and fluctuating demands in the labor market will have to be similar to the organizations that deal with fluctuations in any other market. 33 34 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F FIC E S. To appreciate the comparison it must be understood that unem ployment is not a problem of a superfluous army of workers beyond the country’s needs. Every careful student of the subject, from K arl Marx to Beveridge and the Webbs, has pointed out th a t the unemployed are a necessary labor reserve, irregularly employed and not permanently unemployed. The progress of industry, improve ments in machinery and methods, seasonal and industrial cycles make this reserve necessary. There could be no industry as we know it and no industrial progress without such a reserve, any more than there could be safety from fire if there were no firemen waiting for the call whenever it should come. And if we banished half of our wage earners to-day the other half would soon arrange itself in such a way that at any given time some would be working and othefs would be waiting, unemployed. These reserves, however, are tem porarily, not permanently, out of work. At any given time the un employed are but a sample of the reserves. The unemployed man is an industrial factor, not a parasite upon industry, as Beveridge puts it. We must get out of our minds the caricature of the unemployed th at McCutcheon gives us. He shows a long line of hungry hoboes waiting for meals and lodging, and he labels them “ Our Permanent Standing Army—the Army of the Unemployed.” Instead of that wre must substitute the picture recently published in Mr. W illits’ report on “ The Unemployed in Philadelphia.” This shows a re volving platform with workingmen jumping on and being thrown off by the motion. The legend reads: “ The Industrial Roulette Wheel, Off Again—On Again—Fired Again.” This is the accurate picture of the problem of unemployment—unsteady work, not a steady surplus of workers. “ Can you see in your mind’s eyes,” asks Mr. Paul W arburg, a member of the Federal Reserve Board, “ the curve representing the fluctuation of our past interest rates? You will find it a wild, zigzag line rapidly moving up and down between more than 100 per cent and 1 per cent. Teach the country to watch th at curve in the future, the straighter the line, the smaller its fluctuations, the greater will be the beneficent effects of our system.” W hat is it, then, that the Federal Reserve Board is doing? I t is trying to regularize the employment of capital, to remove fluctuations and to make it more steady. Look at any chart showing the curve of employment and you will find a similar zigzag line, moving up and down between more than 40 per cent unemployed and a minimum of about 3 per cent. The recurrence of busy and slack seasons in different industries and the industrial cycle of prosperity and depression which show themselves in the employment curve are paralleled in charts published by the A FED ERA L LABOR RESERVE BOARD---- W . M . L EISE R SO N . 35 Monetary Commission showing fluctuations in interest rates. And if we look to the conditions which the United States Monetary Com mission found in the money market, w^e may see th at the reasons given for the creation of a money reserve board will also hold for a labor reserve board. T H E M O NEY M A R K ET A N D T H E L A BO R M A R K ET . The Commission reported as follows: Could not this be paraphrased to read: 1. W e have no provision for the con centration of the labor reserves of the various industries, and for their mo bilization and use w herever needed. Experience has shown that the scat tered labor reserves m aintained by each employer and each industry make for duplication and unnecessarily large reserves. 2. We lack means to insure such 2. We lack means to insure such effective cooperation on the part of effective cooperation of employers and banks as is necessary to protect their employment agencies to protect the in own and the public interests in tim es terests of the unemployed as w ell as o f of stress or crisis. There is no co the public. There is no cooperation of operation of any kind among banks any kind among employers or employ outside the clearing house cities. ment agencies except where the former W hile clearing house organizations of m aintain a blacklisting bureau and the banks have been able to render valu latter get large enough fees to divide able services w ithin a lim ited sphere between several labor agents. W hile * * * iaci£ 0f means to secure State labor departments have been their cooperation or affiliation in able to render valuable services w ith broader fields makes it impossible to in a lim ited sphere where they have use these * * * to prevent panics had a central office for several public or to avert calam itous disturbances employment bureaus, the lack of means to secure their cooperation on a na affecting the country at large. tional scale and the lim ited nature of their activities make it impossible to use these to m itigate the effects of great industrial depressions. 3. We have no power to enforce the 3. We have no power to enforce the adoption of uniform standards w ith adoption of uniform standards w ith regard to capital, reserves, exam ina regard to records, methods of manage tions, and the character and publicity ment, publicity, and reports of all em of reports of all banks in different sec ploym ent agencies, public and private, tions of the country. in different sections of the country. 4. The narrow character of our mar 4. The narrow character o f our dis count market, * * * results in* k et for labor (depending on the con sending the surplus money of all sec nections which the individual worker tions, * * * to N ew York, w here can him self establish) results in send it is usually loaned out on call on ing the labor reserves of all sections to stock exchange securities, tending to N ew York, Chicago, and other very promote dangerous speculation and in- large industrial centers, where it is 1. We have no provision for the con centration of the cash reserves of the banks and for their mobilization and use wherever needed in tim es of trouble. Experience has shown that the scattered cash reserves of our banks are inadequate for purposes of assistance or defense at such times. 36 A M E R IC A N ASSO C IA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . evitably leading to injurious disturbances to reserves. 5. We have no effective agency cov ering the entire country which affords necessary facilities for making domes tic exchanges between different locali ties and sections, or which can prevent disastrous disruption o f all such ex changes in tim es of serious trouble. 6. We have no instrum entality th at can deal effectively w ith the broad questions which, from an international standpoint, affect the credit and statu s of the United States as one of the great financial powers of the world. 7. Our system lacks an agency whose influence can be made effective in securing greater uniform ity, steadi ness, and reasonableness of rates of discount in all parts of the country. usually possible to pick up an odd job when regular employment fails. This tends to promote parasitic industries based on cheap labor and inevitably leads to underemployment and exploi tation of the surplus labor reserves. 5. We have no effective agency cov ering the entire country which affords necessary fa cilities for sh iftin g labor reserves to different localities and sec tions, or which can m obilize the public work of the country to prevent dis astrous industrial crises. 6. We have no instrum entality that can deal effectively w ith the industrial cycles of prosperity and depression, international in their scope, which affect the m arkets and labor demands of the United S tates as one of the great industrial nations o f the world. 7. Our system lacks an agency whose influence can be m ade effective in securing greater uniform ity and stead iness of employment, and reasonable rates of pay ^for labor in all parts of the country. There is the parallel so far as it can be drawn. Analysis of the labor market shows th at labor reserves are made unnecessarily large and unemployment increased by each employer keeping a full reserve for himself. I f provision were made for mobilizing the reserves at central labor exchanges the same workers might be used by different employers and the total reserve could be reduced, just as the banks connected with the Federal reserve system now keep only a 15 per cent cash reserve instead of the 25 per cent required before the Reserve Board was established. Private labor agencies are uncon trolled where they operate across State lines. They scatter the labor reserves and exploit the unemployed, while the operations of public employment agencies are restricted to small areas and their influence is very limited. Industrial depressions are accentuated by govern ments cutting off funds for public work in hard times, when an effective national agency might save from prosperous times part of the public work and mobilize all of it in hard times, to be used to create demand for labor and thus offset the industrial depression. WHAT SHALL THE LABOR RESERVE BOARD DO? We need no more investigating commissions to tell us that the first step in any program of dealing with unemployment must be to organize a national system of labor exchanges. The comparison of A FE D E R A L LABOE. RESERVE BOARD*— W . M . L EIS E R S O N . S7 the labor market with the money market shows this to be the greatest need; and just as the first work of the Federal Reserve Board was to unite all the banks of the country into one system, so the first duty of the labor reserve board must be to organize all the employ ment offices of the country into one system of labor exchanges. But how to organize that national labor exchange system? W hat sort of a system shall it be, and how administered ? There has been much loose talk about the Federal Government establishing employ ment offices, like post offices, throughout the country, or making the post offices do the w o rt of employment bureaus. No Federal labor-exchange system can be successful that ignores the exist ence of the State and municipal employment offices. There are now about 100 of them in more than half the States, and some of them have reached a high degree of efficiency and influence in their communities. F or the Federal Government to attempt to duplicate their work or to compete with them would be absurd. And cooper ation or dividing the field between local employment offices conducted by the United States Government and others conducted by the States is out of the question until all State and municipal offices have been placed under the control of the Federal Government. The Federal Eeserve Board did not establish new local banks. I t welded the existing banking institutions into one national organization, while yet allowing them much freedom to develop in their own ways. I t is just that sort of a labor exchange system th at must be constructed out of the existing employment offices. The recognition of this has led many people to advocate clearing houses for employment agencies to be established by the United States Government, without giving us a definite idea of how such clearing houses would operate. There is no doubt that a labor ex change system will need district offices similar to the 12 Federal reserve banks for the banking system. B ut these can not be created, can not have any real work to do until the local offices have been put under national control and their records and business methods standardized,, their management made uniform. A t the present time they vary so in their organization and methods that neither compari son nor cooperation among them is possible. To lay the foundations, therefore, and to create the administrative machinery for a labor exchange system, the Federal labor reserve board must establish a central bureau in Washington and build up a force of employees trained in methods of managing employment offices, in devising and keeping records, in collecting and studying labor market statistics and in ability to organize employment offices* These men must devise a uniform system of records, organization, and management which they can install in the various State and local employment bureaus* To be sure, there will be opposition, but 38 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . if the men know their business the States and the cities will be glad to receive the help. As an inducement and as a step in the direction of uniting the local bureaus into the national system, the labor reserve board could give each local bureau a number as a branch o f the United States labor exchange, and offer to each bureau which affiliated as a branch and adopted the standard rules and records the franking privilege for its postage. Plans are now afoot for grants in aid o f vocational edu cation, road building, and other matters o f national concern. Some day a labor reserve board might recommend Federal aid to the States to bring their employment bureaus up to the national standard of efficiency and to induce them to deal with unemployment in con formity with the national plan. Instead of establishing clearing houses with uncertain duties, the Federal labor reserve board, if it is careful, will create district offices in different parts of the country for the purpose of licensing and regulating private labor agencies doing an interstate business. The purpose of this regulation should be to drive the dishonest agents out of business and to bring the rest under the control of the na tional labor exchange system until such time as the people decide to keep private individuals out of the employment business entirely. This is an immediate need. There must be close to 5,000 private labor agencies of various kinds in the country. We can have no organization of the labor market until the crooks are sifted out and the wTork of the rest standardized and controlled as are the public bureaus. In this work of regulation the Government officials would get the knowledge and experience necessary to conduct large-scale public labor exchanges, and when both the public and the private offices have been standardized and brought under national control, it would then be plain whether the district offices could function as clearing houses and just how they should do it. The essential duty of a system of labor exchanges is, of course, to distribute reliable information regarding labor supply and demand and to connect the two as quickly as possible. As a means of accom plishing this a “ labor-market bulletin” of some kind is necessary. But if such a bulletin contains statements of labor supply and demand and is distributed broadcast, it may become a most dangerous and harm ful device. In the first place, the genuineness of the published demand for labor must be proved. Many employers will say they have work for all who apply, but when pressed to put on more help they “ can’t use any one just now.” But even though the statements of demand are absolutely true, it is none the less dangerous to dis tribute them widely through the press or post offices. Forty thou sand men may really be needed in Kansas, but over 100,000 may re spond to the call unless the traveling in answer to the call is con- A FED ERA L LABOR RESERVE BOARD---- W . M . L EIS E R S O N . 39 trolled by local employment offices. This has actually happened, and it is for this reason that the American Association of Public Employ ment Offices has gone on record against the widespread distribution of labor-market bulletins. Instead of such a scheme of widespread distribution, the Federal labor reserve board will issue a bulletin intended prim arily for em ployment bureau officials, just as the Federal Reserve Board Bulletin is intended prim arily for bankers. From this abstracts will be made for newspapers, but never in such a way as to lead workers to travel to a distant place for work without making certain of an opening there by applying to the local branch of the labor exchange. There are other im portant administrative questions which need consideration, particularly those relating to selection of the force and attitude toward labor and capital. B ut before we pass to th at it is necessary to outline some functions of the labor reserve board other than that of creating and conducting a national system of labor exchanges. F irst among them is the policy of using public work to regularize the labor market. Here, again, the financial reserve board can offer an example to a labor reserve board. “ The aim of the Federal reserve system,” to quote Mr. W arburg again, “ must * * * be to keep this gigantic structure of loans and investments * * * both from overcontracting and, as well, from overexpanding, so that, as the natural and inevitable result, it may not be forced to contract * * *. Effectively to deal with the fluctuations of so gigantic a total is a vast undertaking. I f the task is to be accomplished successfully it can not be by operations which are continuous and of equal force at all times, but only by carrying out a very definite policy which will not only employ funds with vigor at certain times but with equal determination will refuse to employ funds at others. * * * To bring about stability of inter est rates * * * judicious withholding, and in turn judicious employment by the Federal reserve banks of their lending power * * * are necessary.” 1 By such a policy of withholding and offering, the Federal Reserve Board, with a lending power of only $600,000,000, is able to steady and stabilize the operations of banks and trust companies with loans and investments amounting to $13,000,000,000.1 How much our Governments might do to keep the labor market from overcontracting and overexpanding by withholding public work in times of active labor demand and prosecuting such work vigor ously in times of depression, we can only guess at until we have a Federal labor reserve board to devise the plan of mobilizing the work of national, State, and local governments, and of judiciously 1 Federal Reserve Bulletin, Mar., 1916, p, 103. 40 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . withholding the prosecution of such work. In England it has been estimated that if 3 or 4 per cent of the public work were saved m prosperous years^ to be used in years of depression, enough would be accumulated to make up the reduction in pay roll caused by the depression. How the Government may 46employ funds with vigor at certain times,” and “ with equal determination. * * * refuse to employ funds at others ” is a policy which can be successfully deter mined only by a permanent labor reserve board. Next to that must come the collection of information regarding the opportunities for self-emplcyment in the United States, particularly on the land. The labor reserve board must study and devise methods and machinery for helping workers to acquire land on easy payments and for securing small homesteads in suburban districts for city workers. When the factory slows down let the wage earner have a garden to work. The experience of Belgium has shown th at it can be made to supplement his income considerably, and it may be one of the most effective remedies for unemployment, as may be learned from Rowntrees’ study in Belgium. Then the board must work to prevent trades and industries from becoming overcrowded—oversupplied with laborers. The industries and localities which are growing and in need of labor will be made known and warnings issued against the trades and places which are oversupplied with labor and where unemployment is most prevalent. This service will be connected with the schools to enable them to guide jnvenile workers into promising employments; and the Immi gration Service, also, will be assisted to direct new workers into fields where their labor is needed and to prevent them from lowering standards by overcrowding other trades. Finally the duty of the labor reserve board must be to devise a method of administering unemployment insurance in this country, and to conduct such a system in connection with the public labor exchanges. U ntil this can be accomplished it will encourage and assist workers to insure themselves against unemployment, help trade-unions to establish and extend out-of-work benefits and show public authorities how unemployment insurance can be practically conducted to relieve distress among the workers and encourage policies of prevention of unemployment among employers. I t will be noted th a t aside from the system of labor exchanges the functions of the labor reserve board are stated in the most general terms. The statement is nothing but a listings of the logical remedies for unemployment which a century of discussion and investigation has developed. These remedies are well known' and there is no. need of explaining how the analysis of the facts of unemployment has established the necessity of the measures. There is great need, how ever, for showing how to create and operate the machinery to put A FED ERA L LABOR RESERVE BOARD---- W . M . L EIS E R S O N . 41 these remedies into effect. This we can not do because the study of administrative problems is a phase of the question of unemployment that has been largely neglected. One purpose in advocating a Fed eral labor reserve board, in fact, is to create a body that will be devoted to studying the means and methods of putting into practice the remedies for unemployment which we have known for many years are necessary and desirable. The board will be a permanent laboratory and the responsibile authority for studying the fluctua tions of the labor market and devising measures to stabilize them, just as the Federal Reserve Board is constantly working on new problems and new devices for meeting the irregularities of the money market. HOW THE LABOR RESERVE BOARD SHOULD BE ORGANIZED. We can hardly hope that our Government will do as it did with the money question, hire a board of five highly trained men and pay them each $ 12,000 a year to work out the problems of the labor market, at least, not till labor is much more powerful in the councils of the nation than it is at present. But this is not absolutely necessary. A good beginning can be made by making the Secretary of Labor and the Commissioner of Labor Statistics ex officio members of the Federal labor reserve board, just as the Secretary of the Treasury and the Comptroller of the Currency are members of the financial reserve board. In addition the Secretary of Commerce, as represent ing the other side of the labor bargain, should be appointed, and also the Secretary of Agriculture. To these can be added a commis sioner of employment appointed by the President. The five men will then constitute the Federal labor reserve board, of which the commissioner of employment will be chairman. The relation of the board to the Department of Labor should be the same as that of the Federal Reserve Board to the Treasury Department—independent and free to experiment and strike out along new lines, but always in close connection with the department that handles all labor problems. As a beginning toward building up the expert force a director of labor exchanges should be appointed, and later perhaps a director of public works, director of unemployment insurance, etc. When the organization is fully developed these experts might themselves be the labor reserve board, but for a beginning the other form of organization would be sufficient. The director of labor exchanges should be secretary and chief responsible officer for the board. He should also act as secretary of the advisory council, which must be an im portant p art of any labor reserve system, the organization and functions of which we must now consider. 42 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . No plan of dealing with unemployment can expect to succeed which does not recognize the conflict of interests between labor and capital. The neglect of this in the organization of our State employment bureaus has been largely responsible for their ineffectiveness. I f we do not recognize the struggle frankly and bring it out into the open under public scrutiny, it will go on in the dark, behind our backs, each side seeking to gain control of the labor reserve machinery to promote its own purposes. In addition, we have noted above, there is another interest to be considered—the authorities who conduct public employment bureaus within the States. In the organization of the financial reserve board there were also three interests to be considered. There were first the business men and then the bankers; and the authorities representing the public constituted the th ird interest. The Federal reserve act met the problem of these conflicting interests by creating an advisory coun cil composed of one member selected by the directors of each Federal reserve bank. These directors in turn were divided into three classes, one-third of them representing the banks in the reserve district, another third representing the business men, and the other third appointed by the Federal Reserve Board to represent the public. Similarly the labor reserve board must have a Federal advisory council to represent conflicting interests. The organized employers of the country should be called upon to nominate representatives, the organized workers also, and the same with the States and cities con ducting public employment bureaus. Three or five members from each of these interests appointed by the President should constitute the advisory council to meet in Washington four times & year or oftener with the labor reserve board just as the advisory council of the financial reserve system meets with their board. The council would advise and assist in all matters dealt with by the labor reserve board. Questions of policy, proposed investiga tions, and all rules and regulations for the administration of the labor reserve system would be submitted to this council. No rule or policy would be adopted until it had first been considered by the council. The board need not necessarily be bound by the action of the council, but the votes and the opinions of the interests represented would be recorded and made public, so that policies which may become politi cal questions can be kept in the open, decided by the people and Con gress, and not left to the manipulation of the one side or the other which might gain control of them. An additional, most important function of the council should be to aid in the selection of the staff that is employed by the board. A prime qualification of these officials must be im partiality in their dealings with labor and capital, or neutrality, as they call it in European countries. These officials must all be in the classified civil A FED ERA L LABOR RESERVE BOARD---- W . M . L E IS E R S O N . 43 service, but the United States Civil Service Commission can have no way o f testing neutrality except by calling in representatives of labor and capital to sit on the examining board. Only such candidates should be placed on the eligible lists as have the confidence o f the representatives of labor and capital on the advisory council. The ratings that these representatives give must be made a part o f the examination, which necessarily will consist largely of oral interviews. This form o f civil service is to be applied not only to subordinate employees, but to all officials o f the labor reserve system including the director o f labor exchanges. These officers have no political poli cies to decide and should have a secure tenure of office so that they can make a career of the service and acquire the knowledge and ex perience necessary to handle the complicated problems with which they will have to deal. In recent years the classified service has been extended to include very high-grade positions with remarkable suc cess. We have had a mistaken notion that the subordinate positions must be classified and the*ones at the top allowed to remain political. A little thought ought to convince us that the lower positions will be easily handled if we can only get rid of politics and install efficiency at the top. The sooner we extend the classified service to include commissioners, directors, heads of bureaus, and all administrative officers the nearer we shall get to solving our problems. CONCLUSION. A ll these questions o f administrative detail are important because, as we noted at the beginning, we have reached the point in dealing with unemployment where the theoretical questions have been solved and the principles of practical administration must now be studied. This most important work has been flagrantly neglected by econo mists and social workers alike. It is not so interesting as making investigations, and it is very much more difficult. But watching legislators and public officials floundering about, helplessly enacting futile employment-office laws and not knowing what to do when a fair law is passed, one feels keenly the price that is being paid for all this neglect. The remedies for unemployment are not new. Napoleon in structed his ministers to prosecute public work to keep labor em ployed at home. Horace Greeley advocated public employment bureaus, in the New York Tribune, more than 60 years ago. And labor unions have been paying out-of-work benefits for more than a quarter o f a century. These same measures, labor exchanges, public work and unemployment insurance are the remedies ad vanced by all intelligent students of the subject to-day. W hy are they not in actual effect to-day? Because we have not known how 44 A M ER IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . to make them work. We shall be years and years in getting any thing like an adequate plan of dealing with unemployment, unless we begin at once to study the detailed problems of administration and to train the men who will be able effectively to administer the remedies. Create a permanent expert force under a labor reserve board and they will soon get down to studying practical methods; otherwise you will have more temporary commissions reporting the same general remedies. In 1909 the British Royal Commission on the Poor Laws wrote: “ We have to report th at in our judgment it is now administratively possible, if it is sincerely wished to do so, to remedy most of the evils of unemployment, to the same extent, at least, as we have in the past century diminished the death rate from fever and lessened the industrial slavery of young children.” And Sidney Webb adds: “ The problem is now soluble, theoretically at once, and practically as soon as we care to solve it.” Is there any question about our caring to solve it ? And can any one doubt that the social workers who have been agitating the un employment problem have sincerely wished for a solution? Then why is it th at we have made so little headway? W hy are we af flicted with the unemployed almost every winter and overwhelmed every 10 or 15 years? We have not gone at it in the right way. We have become so enamored of a certain kind of investigation and discussion th at we are loath to give them up. Report after report comes forth, books and articles are written, speecli after speech is made, all reiterating, more or less accurately, the same conclusions and the same general recommendations. Economists continue the same analysis; com missions recommend the same remedies; social workers and reform ers* repeat the same facts, picture the same evils, and urge the same reforms. But all the while very little of a permanent, con structive, and remedial nature is accomplished. I t is all right for experts to say th at the facts and the remedies are known, some one answers, but the people don’t know all these things. They must be aroused, and we must take every oppor tunity to point out the real nature of the problem. True. A gita tion is necessary and essential. I t gets up the steam. B ut the steam must be harnessed to something. W hile we have agitated and paraded and aroused a lot of interest and sympathy, we have had nothing definite and practical to which to harness the steam. Back in 1892 and 1893 we had mass meetings of the unemployed, workshops, soup houses, committees of all kinds, and hunger parades. Interest in unemployment was aroused in every city in the country, but what was left of it when the depression passed away? How much of the result could you use in the hard times of 1913 and 1914 ? A FED ERA L LABOR RESERVE BOARD---- W . M . L EIS E R S O N . 45 Nothing permanent was created. And when the last crisis came along we had the same parades, the same committees, the workshops, and soup houses. Oh, yes! And we added the “ Hotels de Gink.” And what have we as a result of all th at agitation? Only some improved and efficient public employment bureaus in New York, Ohio, and Illinois. But the reason you have these real results is that some employment bureau officials had seen how little they knew about running such bureaus, had organized a national asso ciation, and had worked out some of the details for proper and suc cessful administration of such offices. The agitation when harnessed to their practical plans brought some real results. But what else of permanent accomplishment for the future can we point to? Most of the steam went off into the air, lost, because we had nothing definite which we could make it drive- Let us create the machinery of a Federal labor reserve system now, and when the next deluge of unemploy ment comes it may drive the machinery toward a solution of the problem. V O C A T IO N A L E D U C A T IO N A N D J U V E N IL E P L A C E M E N T D E P A R T M E N T S. B Y A L V IN E . DODD, SE C R ET A R Y N A T IO N A L SO C IE TY FOR PR O M O T IO N OF IN D U S T R IA L E D U C A T IO N . Vocational education is in the air. No phase of education has enlisted such widespread public interest as has the demand that our schools shall reorganize to provide more specific training for industrial employment. We provide excellent vocational training for those who seek to become doctors, lawyers, or engineers. We expect these people to be trained. We expect even a dog doctor to be trained for his job and the manicurist for hers. W ith rare exceptions there is little or no opportunity for specific training available to the great numbers of young men and women who, according to President Wilson’s Commission on Vocational Education, are entering our industries at the rate of more than a million a year. I t is the realization of* this situation which has caused chambers of commerce all over the country to take up the question, some times merely as a discussion of current interest, sometimes through committees appointed to confer and work with the local school board as to the best ways of beginning and developing vocational education. The largest vote ever cast on a United States chamber of commerce referendum was that recently taken on the subject of the Smith-Hughes bill providing national aid to the States for stimulating and developing vocational education. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of such grants. REORGANIZATION OF SCHOOLS. But vocational education is in the air in another sense of the word. School authorities are wrestling with the problem of reorganizing their schools to meet the needs of our industrial workers more effec tively, and to reduce the great waste and ineffectiveness of the pres ent forms of education in which there is little which wTill serve as a precedent and guide. The much-put-forth argument by school superintendents to their local boards of education that such and such a progressive city is carrying on in its schools the kind of work which should be initiated may easily lead into the trouble which came upon one city that too 46 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS— A. E. DODD. 47 eagerly copied 44a good thing.” This well-known city, which for reasons to be seen later should not be named, had a school board which prided itself on its progressiveness. Much public talk about the subject of vocational schools led to sending a committee of the board on a visit to several cities to find out what this new type of education was like. In one of the cities which the committee visited, the members were most pleasantly entertained in a trade school for girls which was giving instruction in the needle trades. A delicious luncheon was served by the pupils to the committee members. The general air of efficiency with which the girls carried themselves, the industrial hum of the electric power machines, and the impressive quality and quantity of the product turned out in the school shops sent the com mittee back to its home city full of enthusiasm for the early estab lishment of a girls’ trade school. I t would give just the education needed in their home city. The result was that a trade school for girls was established. A modern equipment was secured, capable teachers were engaged, and the parents and the school board members looked forward to the graduation of the first class of pupils from this modern school. About three months after graduation, the authorities awakened to the fact that there were not enough jobs in their city in the needle trades, for which the girls had been trained, to absorb more than a small p art of the class. The nearest city which had any needle industries—25 miles away—would have its market for workers glutted if it attempted to absorb the graduates of more than two classes. ADAPTATION TO NEEDS OF COMMUNITY. Vocational education, if it is to be effective, must be adapted in its form and content to the particular needs of the community. The demands of the industries and the opportunities for workers in them are bound to be very different in a funiture city like Grand Rapids from those in a textile city like Fall River, Mass. Vocational courses which can profitably be given in a city of one or two domi nant industries will differ from those needed in a city where the industries are widely diversified. Vocational courses in a town which is a trading center for a large farming country will differ from those to be given in a city where highly specialized manufac tured products are made. The only way, therefore, by which a community may determine what vocational education will meet its particular needs is by a care ful survey, which will show the following: To w hat exten t there is a need for vocational education. To w hat extent the public schools, private agencies, and apprenticeship sys tem s are m eeting the need. 91297°— Bull. 220—17------ 4 48 A M E R IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OS' P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . To w hat -extent the worker can “ g et on ” in h is job. To w hat extent the city ’s industries may give special training, which they do not now provide. T o w hat extent the schools can be a factor in providing this needed training. For five years or more the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education had led a campaign of propaganda to secure legislation in the different States. These campaigns were based on the urgent practical demand for a better preparation of boys and girls going into the industries. Manufacturers were loud in their complaints th at the public schools were not meeting the problems which to them were o f major importance. As the different States took legislative action, it became more and more apparent th at there was not at hand any adequate body of information to determine what kind of education was actually needed in order to prepare children to go into the industries. Here was a clear demand for action on a scientific basis. The authorities of the National Society announced th at they would hold their next annual convention in a city which would undertake a careful survey for the purposes of— Gathering the fa cts about the schools and the industries equally necessary for an intelligent vocational program. D eveloping a program for vocational education based on a knowledge of these facts and fitted to meet the special needs of the community. Obtaining the cooperation of every community agency interested in planning and carrying out a comprehensive program of vocational training. F ocusing the proceedings o f the annual convention of the N ational Society upon im m ediate and practical problems, which would be of special interest to those engaged in the movements. Pointing the w ay and showing the method of introducing vocational educa tion in cities interested in providing practical education for their people. SUBVEY OF RICHMOND, VA. Richmond, Va., had become interested and was considering the establishing of a trade school, but having observed the wasteful ex periences of some cities in dealing with the question, it took up the offer of the National Society. A survey committee was formed, which through its membership secured and coordinated the •efforts of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Bureau of Education, the Russell Sage Foundation, the local school board and chamber of commerce. In addition to a study of what the schools were and were not doing for vocational education, this committee made a careful analysis of the largest employing industries of the city. The printing, build ing, metal trades, and tobacco industries were selected. F or the purpose of analysis, each industry was divided into occupations, and each of these occupations was then analy&ed as follows: VOCATIONAL ED U CA TIO N D E PA R T M E N T S---- A. E . DODD. 49 1. W hat does the worker do in his particular job? 2 . In order to do the job, what does the worker have to know ? a. In general education. b. In related trade or technical knowledge. c. In manipulative skill. 3. Where does he get the a know how ” ? 4. How might he get it ? One hundred and eight separate and distinct occupations were studied, which together employed over 16,000 workers* The survey findings and conclusions were printed in advance and were made the chief points of discussion at the National Society convention. The final recommendations were made after bringing to focus the best knowledge and judgment of the most capable ex perts on the subject from the entire country, who were attending the convention; a service which, if it had been purchased, would have cost many thousands of dollars, But a wider and a national influence of the survey was that the facts were so marshaled that it was shown not only what ought to be done but how to do it. The survey saved the city from attem pt ing to meet a situation by costly and inappropriate methods, as, for example, the erection of a $225,000 trade school, which had been seriously contemplated. The survey cost $ 10 ,000. Richmond now has more than 50 schools and classes that are directly meeting the needs of her young people and of her industries and has a 25-year program, which it knows is right for Richmond. MINNEAPOLIS SURVEY. During the months which followed the Richmond survey, invita tions from several cities asking for a survey and convention were received by the National Society. The society did not wish, how ever, to go into the survey business, but rather to set up the idea that vocational education is a local aiid not a general issue and that any program must be based squarely on a knowledge of the facts and the ne^ds of the community. Much had been learned from the Richmond experience, however, and it was decided to undertake one more survey in a wholly differ ent type of city. The city of Minneapolis had long been interested in vocational education. William Hood Dunwoody, a wealthy flour manufacturer, had willed a trust fund of $5,000,000 for “ giving free instruction in the industrial and mechanic arts to the youth of Min nesota.” Before undertaking to put into effect the provisions of the will in any comprehensive way the trustees of the fund desired more information and advice as to the best ways by which the school could cooperate with the other educational interests and institutions of the city and State. 50 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. A special survey committee, representative of the various interests of the State, city, and country, was formed as in the Richmond survey. Among the questions that were answered regarding the industries of Minneapolis were the following: Is there a content of technical knowledge or skill in any job that can not be acquired through routine work, for which special instruction is needed? I f so, what is it ? Can it best be imparted by provisions inside the industry? Is it worth while to provide for such instruction through outside agencies ? I f this is true, should such instruction take the form of— a. All-day industrial schools? b. Part-tim e industrial classes? c. Evening classes? Are there any jobs for which it is not desirable either to direct the youths or train them at public expense? W hat number of new workers could be prepared-for any job, if it has a teachable content, without overstocking the market? W hat kind of equipment as to age and physical and mental assets should the worker have for the job? To what extent does the industry select its workers for any job, so as to secure those best adapted to it ? An im portant use of the findings of the survey has been made by printing in separate pamphlets the information gathered about each industry and occupation. These pamphlets are being used through out the schools of Minneapolis by the vocational guidance depart ment and by juvenile placement agencies, in helping children to select the occupation upon which they are to enter. RESULTS OF THE SURVEYS. An im portant result of the survey itself has in each case been the contact into which it brought the various interested parties for six months or more. I t was not an academic, but a working business proposition, and as a result of the many conferences, the business forces of the city were behind and understood the survey. The interest aroused by all persons in the surveys and in the National Society conventions show^s that it is only necessary to get hold of a practical measure of this sort to secure the backing of the country, which is getting tired of mere propaganda that gets nowhere. Problems of vocational education in the United States, which are of vital importance to the country, will, it is believed, be worked out along such instructive lines as are suggested in these surveys. U ntil we have an educational system which, in copperation with VOCATIONAL ED U CA TIO N D E P A R T M E N T S — A. E . DODD. 51 factory and employment agencies, gives fullest opportunity for each child in the schools to work toward successful qualification in some occupation of the social army, we shall not have our democratic schools or our framework for the future democratization of indus try. I t is the public schools and the private schools working in harmony together, facing the employer, facing the employment manager, facing the trade-unions, and facing the man who is not a member of the union, and saying to all alike, “ The school has its message, and no question of larger production, no question of bet ter production, no questions of selecting, inducting, training, and promoting workers, can be solved without it.” V O C A T IO N A L G U ID A N C E AS A P tJB L IC -SC H O O L F U N C T IO N . BY W. W. ZURBRICK, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BUFFALO PUBLIC SCHOOLS VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE COMMITTEE. The Public Schools Vocational Guidance Committee of Buffalo feels that vocational guidance as a public-school function is con cerned mainly w ith : Furnishing to older students and their parents definite and reliable information as to the nature of the various occupations of the com munity ; the opportunities and advantages they gffer to young people and the disadvantages and dangers to be encountered in them; the qualifications, physical, mental, moral, and educational, required for success in them. Furnishing equally exact and reliable information as to what schools and what courses in those schools best prepare for entrance into and success in a desired occupation, together with the time and cost of such preparation. Encouraging students to measure their own aptitudes and capac ities against the requirements of the various occupations and their resources against \he time and cost of preparation. Assisting pupils who need it to find employment outside school hours while preparing for a desired occupation. Assisting pupils who are prepared for an occupation to secure a fair start in it. Assisting pupils who have entered employment to select such courses in our evening and continuation schools as will be most profit able to them. Following the progress of those who enter employment— (а) To render assistance in periods of discouragement which come to all young workers; ( б ) To correct mistakes in original choice of occupation or place ' of employment; ( c) To note the effect of our school training, with a view to modi fications in courses of study or in presentation of subject matter. We realized from the beginning that there are many and important interests of the community, other than the schools themselves, deeply concerned in the adjustment of the school product to the activities of the community. 52 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BY SCHOOLS---- W . W . ZURBRICK. 53 We realized, too, that we are all apt to look upon matters from the angle of the work to which we have been trained and in which our personal interests lie. We believed that the best interests of our pupils demanded a view of the activities of life uncolored by the fortunate or unfortunate experiences of any single individual or class—a plain, frank presen tation of the facts as they exist. We felt that much of the material we needed was already available from existing agencies and that economical and efficient handling of our problem called for utilization of these resources and facilities, so far as practicable. We sought therefore the active cooperation of parents and teachers, of employers and employees of all grades and classes, both as indi viduals and as organizations, of social and social-service organiza tions and workers, of municipal, State and Federal boards, bureaus, and commissions, and of other public and semipublic agencies. We feel that the success of our work thus far is due in great meas ure to the assistance of these forces and th at its future development is largely dependent on a continuance of such relations and the es tablishment of new ones. We believe in cooperation. From our program it appears th at “ placement ” is but one of a number of functions of our committee. But it is not to be assumed that we regard it as a negligible or even minor matter. On the con trary our experience leads us to believe th at no m atter how well fitted and well trained a candidate may be for a certain work, no m atter how great his aptitude for it, his success or failure is dependent in great measure on the temperament, disposition, and attitude of his early employers and his associates in the job as well as on the general policy of the firm. Many a promising candidate has failed of suc cess, not because he was in the wrong kind of work, but because he had the wrong surroundings. Many a manager has had candidates fail in his hands, not because his methods were wrong, but because the candidates were temperamentally unsuited to the conditions ex isting in his plant. Successful placement means a most intimate knowledge of the can didate himself, as well as of his training and ability. I t means an equally intimate knowledge of the employer and of the conditions under which the work is done, as well as of the nature of the job itself. I t often happens that John Smith does not succeed in the Atlas plant and Henry Jones is a failure in the Eureka plant doing the same kind of work. Let them exchange places and each wins the commendation of his employer, feels that he is making good, and strives with all his might for greater achievement. Successful place ment calls for careful study of the candidates’ training, education, 54 AMERICAN'’ ASSOCIATION OF PU BLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. personality, ambition, and environment. I t requires equally careful study of the prospective job and the employer. Of all the agencies interested in placeifient the schools are probably best equipped for intimate knowledge of the candidate. They have known him for at least 8, often for 10 or 12 , years. They have watched him grow from infancy. They know his physical make up, his mental qualifications, his moral caliber, his ambitions, his aims, his likes and dislikes, his tendencies^ his habits, his companions, his family and its ambitions and situation, his strong points, his weak spots. Through constant dealing with him for a period of years the schools have learned to what extent and in what degree he is adapt able to new conditions and new surroundings. I f to this knowledge of the candidate equally intimate information of the job and its surroundings might be added, the problem of successful placement would be much relieved if not completely solved. B ut acquiring such knowledge is to the teacher a slow and arduous process. I t takes far more time than is available to the regular teacher or school officer. Such information is gained far more readily and more accurately by those who have worked in the occupation than by those trained only in teaching. The committee’s best results in vocational inquiries have come, thus far, from those members who have had personal experience as workers in the occupation investigated. Their knowledge of the work and intimate acquaintance with the workers have produced de tailed information not within the reach of those members lacking such advantages. The State employment bureau is especially well equipped to fu r nish information as to the “ j o b ” in general and the “ j ob” as it exists in the individual plants of the city. In its wTork for adults it has already collected a great part of the information needed for juveniles. I t has at its command the material and statistics of the various branches of the State labor department, the industrial com mission, and other State and Federal agencies. A comparatively small amount of investigation by workers fam iliar with the problems of juvenile employment should furnish as intimate knowledge of the occupations as the schools can furnish of the youthful candidates. I t is our belief th at a juvenile branch of the State employment bureau conducted in cooperation with the public schools vocational guidance bureau would strengthen greatly the work of both institu tions, provide a more efficient service than either can give alone; and eliminate duplication of work and expense. The schools with their affiliated interests can furnish to such a branch information of the most valuable kind concerning qualifications of juvenile candidates for employment. The State employment bureau with its allied insti VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BY SCHOOLS---- W . W . ZUKBRICK. 55 tutions can furnish comprehensive and intimate knowledge of the openings for juvenile workers^ with, the requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of each. Careful organization of the material already available, suitable arrangements for the collection of the additional material necessary, and wise planning for the best use of this information should result in an efficient and comprehensive handling of the juvenile employ ment problem at a cost trifling in comparison with the benefits to be derived by these young people and by the community. V O C A TIO N A L G U ID A N C E A N D T H E JU V E N IL E P L A C E M E N T W O RK O F A P U B L IC LA BO R EX C H A N G E. BY RACHEL GALLAGHER, DIRECTOR, GIRLS’ AND W OM EN’S BURSAU, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Two years ago when the city of Cleveland and State of Ohio joined forces in their employment work, the State felt that it would be possible to have the city give funds for a girls’ placement bureau, which at that time was privately financed. So they asked this p ri vate bureau to take quarters in the city hall and bide the time until the city council should provide funds for it. The persons interested asked the bureau to take the name 44Vocational Guidance.” which was done. A more unwise step could not have been taken, however, for im mediately in the minds of the councilmen and in the minds of the public generally there arose the picture of someone pretending to have the power of directing the future lives of the city’s girls say ing, with uncanny wisdom, 44You go this way, and, there lies pros perity th at way, and, there is destruction.” Not knowing the gen eral theory of vocational guidance, they would have none of it. So the bureau changed its name and became known simply, and I suspect more honestly, as the 44Girls’ Bureau,” and under this name it thrived. W hat is vocational guidance and what connection has it with the juvenile placement work of a public labor exchange? Vocational guidance is putting the information about the working opportuni ties before the individual, collecting all the information about the individual, and with th at knowledge using your judgment and the judgment of persons interested, such as parents and teachers, in helping the individual to secure an opening or decide on future training. The schools know the children and it would seem that here would be the place for vocational guidance. But how can the school know the working field, the entire field? There must be this knowledge, and I certainly can imagine no better machinery for getting it than a public employment office, where every type of em ployer and employee applies. One might think that it would be just as feasible to carry on the juvenile work entirely apart, but what does it mean? A loss of hundreds of opportunities for the young and a narrowed rather 56 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE BY LABOR EXCHANGES---- K. GALLAGHER. 57 than a broad vision of the whole field. I f we are going to reach the employer, we must not ask him to call one place for a boy of 17 years and another for a man of 22 vears. I t is cutting down our possibilities for service. So we in juvenile placement work should ask the schools to give us the knowledge about the children, and we should stand' ready withjmowledge about opportunities. T hat knowledge must be kept up to the day. The difficulty with pamphlets and publications about any one trade is simply th at they can not remain up to date and they fail to give relationships. We have pamphlets on bindery work, on power-machine sewing, on the girl in the restaurant, and they may be comprehensive, but each year a certain proportion of new workers enter each type of work—they go where they are needed. Our people must do the work there is to be done. There are certain dangers surrounding restaurant work—dangers at which I have shuddered when reading reports such as one published by the Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago—but we know, as all people dealing with large numbers know, that the demand for better conditions must come through the workers. We can tu rn one child from something undesirable,*but the law of proportion holds good, and some other child will take his place. I t is something we can get away from only by improvement of conditions—and improve ment will only come through knowledge and a demand on the part of the worker. Sometimes we feel th at it may come through the consumer, and undoubtedly the consumer is powerful. We have been trying in a way to let some of our volunteer workers become acquainted with working conditions. Some of them have been horrified by the strain of power-machine work. But do you suppose that they immediately returned to the ancient method of hand sewing? Not a bit of it. I do not doubt th at in the very next month each bought a powermachine-made waist, and so would we all. We are not going to re turn to primitive living. The very girl who makes the waist will buy it. W hat we must do is to keep our knowledge of the work ever before the powers behind education. Trade schools must not be established in too large numbers. Expensive equipment must not be secured by schools for a trade that is disappearing. In girls’ work we must help the trade schools to plan, always bear ing in mind that the girl’s wage-earning life averages only five years. We in girls’ juvenile placement work complain because girls lack am bition—they do not expect to be wage earners always. As an actual fact they are right and we are wrong in our approach. We should not tell them th a t there may be a time when a trade will not be needed. Who at 16 is not willing to take a chance? W hat we 58 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. have to show is that every minute of life is worth living, not for the future but for the present. We must shape the policy of trade schools in th a t they must feel th at we are a dependable source of information and in fact the only possible source in shaping their course. We must bring it home to the teachers that a larger and larger percentage of the population enter ing high school does not mean an opening up in any community of that proportion of the “ white collar ” jobs. I t may not mean a better wage. But it certainly ought to mean a better understanding of life and what it holds. I t ought to mean a demand for good working conditions, more leisure, and actual living. We are not going to do away with mechanical processes. They, I suppose, will increase in definitely as improvements are made, and skilled trades will probably become fewer and fewer. I t is up to us to let the schools know this and to guide them in a gourse that makes for mental development even when doing something mechanical and certainly the develop ment of a bigger and broader life outside. This, besides efficiency, is one of the reasons th at we feel in Cleveland th a t we must be indi vidualistic. The work is mechanical, the person is not, and we hope that even our little contact may keep tha£ personality above water. H unting out a club for a working girl has very definitely to do with her work life and certainly the worker doing it has not misunderstood her job. Anything th at the placement worker may do to make her life worth living is helping out in her working life. So I should say that it is the very definite function of the labor exchange to let the schools know th at people must do the work there is to do, let them know the true nature of this work, and bring it home to them that in order to have a better and fuller working life, children must be taught how to live. C O O PE R A T IO N B E T W E E N E M PLO Y ER S A ND T H E SCH O O LS IN V O C A T IO N A L G U ID A N C E . BY GEORGE D. HALSEY, VOCATIONAL COUNSELOR, VOCATIONAL BUREAU, ATLANTA, GA.1 Following Miss Gallagher’s splendid talk, I believe that just a brief description of similar work that is being undertaken in A t lanta would prove of interest. We have no publicly supported bureau in Georgia, and so far as I know, the Clearing 'House for Em ploym ent 1 is the only free bureau. I t is supported by one of the business men of the city. The Clearing House for Employment started as a “ placement ” bureau in May, 1915. Those in charge of the work soon saw that simple 64job-getting ” for individual cases would not go far toward solving our employment problems, or even relieving, permanently, the tremendous evils of unemployment. From the first, some at tempt was made to study the positions and the applicants with a view to placing each applicant where he had a chance to be successful. The work of placing the boys and girls coming from our schools has been seriously handicapped by a lack of real information about the pupil’s aptitudes. The average student about to graduate from high school or college has very little idea, either of his own qualifica tions, or of the qualifications necessary for success in the various vocations. He takes what looks to him to be the best opening he can get at the time, and if he fails here, moves on to another and another job, until he finally secures one where he can stick, whether or not this be his best work. This condition seriously lowers the community efficiency and means financial loss, both to the young man and to his employers. In view of this fact, the vocational guidance department of the Clearing House for Employment, the purpose of which is to do all it can to help place young men and young women in all walks of life in vocations where they can be successful and happy, has offered to put into operation, at no ex1 Since the Buffalo m eeting the Clearing House for Employment has changed its name to the Vocational Bureau. I t is now under the direction of an organization committee* of 10 members appointed by the president of the chamber of commerce. I t is to be the work of the committee to carry out a campaign of education, looking to the perm anent organization and m aintenance of the bureau. On th is committee are the president of the Georgia School of Technology, superintendent of schools, and some of the more representative men in tlio leading business activities of A flanta. The bureau has put into operation experimentally in the Georgia School of Technology and in two of the high schools the vocational guid ance plan outlined in the following paper. In this work the school people have cooperated m ost heartily w ith the business men. 59 60 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. pense to the school, the system of vocational guidance briefly outlined below. VOCATIONAL COUNSEL. One of the main things in all vocational guidance work with boys and girls is to get them to thinking seriously and intelligently of their own life work. An effort will be made to give the pupil a oetter and broader idea of just what each vocation really is. Young people often determine upon a certain calling as the one they will enter, when they really have a most seriously distorted idea of what the work really is. Probably one of the best ways to create an interest in the study of the different vocations and in the selection oi a life work is to* assign as subject for the regular English theme work such topics as “ My choice of my life work and why,” “ Loyalty as a factor in suc cess,” etc. A graded list of such subjects may be found in “ Voca tional and Moral Guidance,” by Davis. In addition to this, we plan occasionally to invite a man who has made a success of some one vocation to come and tell all he can about that vocation; its opportunities and drawbacks, the qualities neces sary for success, and how to get the necessary training. Several afternoons in the year can be spent with profit by the senior class in visiting some of the large banks, department stores, factories, and shops of Atlanta. Anything that broadens the students knowledge of the “ workaday world ” is of value. But while this counsel is of great value, there is need of more than just this. Each pupil will be given the opportunity to talk over his own problem privately with a counselor specially trained for such work. This individual counsel will not be based upon the opinion of any one person, no matter how well this person may have known the student, nor how skillful he may be in “ sizing up ” people. Each teacher under whom the pupil comes as he passes through school, learns many things about him that would help in the vocational choice; but about the only part of this information we get with our present system is the record of how well he does in his arithmetic, spelling, algebra, etc. While these things are valu able to the vocational counselor, much more is needed. Obviously, it would be impractical for each teacher to write out a long descrip tion of each pupil. This wrould not only take up too much of the teacher’s time, but would also clog the files with a vast bulk of ma terial which would prove of no great value, because of the difficulty in working it down to a concise form. Some way of getting this same information, however, but getting it in such form th at it can easily be reduced to workable size, is necessary. And to meet this need, we have designed a system based on the following principles: COGP£HATON IN' VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE---- G. D. H ALSEY. 61 Tliere are a very large immber of variables which go to make up the character of any one person, but the more important th at bear on the choice of a vocation may be divided into eight groups as follows: ( 1 ) Mental-scientific; or ability to analyze a problem, to grasp such subjects as advanced mathematics, chemistry, physics, etc. (2 ) M ental-literary; or ability to use good English, to write and speak in a clear, forceful manner, and to learn other languages easily. (3) M ental-calculation; or ability to multiply, divide, add, and subtract rapidly and accurately. (4) M anual; or skill with tools, ability to do things with the hands. (5) Executive and organizing; or leadership ability, the faculty of taking the lead in whatever groups associated with at work, in school, in church, or elsewhere. ( 6) Commercial; or skill at buying and selling, business and financial ability generally. (7) Social; or ability to mix well with people of all classes, to make friends quickly, etc, ( 8) Religious; or inclination toward church work and religious and philanthropic activities. While, of course, the most, if not all, of these variables must be developed to some extent for any large measure of success in any vocation, yet each vocation calls for the different groups in varying proportions. Thus, a big, husky chap who has the executive and manual vari ables well developed with others slightly deficient would probably find his best work in some such occupation as bridge-erector fore man. Similarly, a boy who was of somewhat slighter build and who had the variables developed in order of commercial, social, mental-scientific, manual wTould probably make a good salesman of some type of machinery. .Other factors th at have an important bearing on the choice of ti vocation are general/ health, physical strength, persistence, punc tuality, neatness of written wor.k, and any special talents, such as music, art, etc. The method of getting data on all these things will be to have the teachers grade all pupils who come under them on a scale of 10 , just as they do now in arithmetic, spelling, etc. The scale used will be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H opeless. Deficient. Very poor. Poor. Average. 6. 7. 8. 9. Good. Very good. Excellent. Exceptional. 62 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. Each teacher is strongly urged to follow strictly this system o f grading, because unless a standard system is used it will be impossi ble to average results. The list o f names will be prepared in the school office on special forms, so as to put as little additional work as possible on the teacher. O f course each teacher will be able to grade only on those things for which his contact with the pupil gives him sufficient data. In spite of the fact that probably no teacher can give grades on all the variables, it is believed that by getting the information from practically every teacher a sufficient number of marks will be given on each variable to warrant striking an average. These averages will be entered on the 44Final average report ” shown on another page. As a further help to the counselor, and also as an incentive to the boys and girls to study themselves, the students will be asked to fill out the 44Self analysis blank,” which is also reproduced. Before they fill out these blanks, the students will have had the method carefully explained to them, and each will have been given a copy of a booklet on 44Self analysis.” The students will also be urged to have a thorough physical exami nation o f themselves. This is very important, as the pupil’s apti tudes may point to a certain work that would be dangerous for him physically. With all this as a basis, a counselor who is thoroughly familiar with all the demands of the different vocations can give the students some very valuable advice. Care will be exercised, however, not to prescribe a vocation. The vocational counselor should be simply a counselor, and not a sentencing judge. It should not be difficult, with all this help, for the student to select the vocation for which aptitudes best fit him, but aptitude alone will not make him succeed. Too many students have the idea' that so long as they pass in every-1 thing, they are doing satisfactory work. When they start to work, they seem to be content to drift along at the halfway stage. They say they are 44no worse than the rest o f the fallows.” I believe that this attitude of being content to simply 44get by ” has been responsi ble for more failures among young men and women than any other single cause. I fear that in many of our schools we have been somewhat inclined to encourage the doing of things carelessly. In algebra, we have said that it makes little'difference whether or not the answer be numeri- i cally correct so long as the principle is right; in chemistry reports,' it has mattered little how poor the English might be, so long as no chemical principles have been ^violated; and in school-shop work?' C 00P E R A T 0N IN VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE---- G. D. H ALSEY. 63 we have frequently allowed the pupils to fritter away a large part o f their time. So when they get out into the real working world, the graduates are forced to realize, with somewhat of a shock, that they must reorganize their whole way of doing things. Many fail to learn this lesson and fall behind in the race. PLACEMENT AND FOLLOW-UP WORK. It is by no means the purpose of the Clearing House for Employ ment to do nothing more than give counsel to the pupil as to his best work; but an attempt will also be made to actually secure for the high school and college graduates, positions in the kind o f work recommended. Even though the schools may have equipped them thoroughly in every respect to take up their life work, I feel that the pupils should not be simply turned loose when given their diplomas. O f course, most principals realize this and do follow up their boys and girls as well as their other duties will permit, but there should be some pro vision made for more systematic follow-up work than this. The most significant time in a young person’s vocational career is the period o f two or three years after he leaves school and starts to work. His future success or failure must, in a large measure, de pend on just how he takes hold of things at this time. It is planned to have the same man who met with them and counseled them before graduation keep in as close personal touch as possible with all the graduates and try to inspire them with enthusiasm and ambition. I f he finds they are not fitted for the work they are doing, he will help them to get into some other work better suited to their apti tudes. He will encourage them to come to him with any difficulties they may encounter on the job. Many failures could be turned into success if only there were some one to keep in close touch in this way with the boys and girls during this very important time of their lives; some one who thoroughly understands both them and their environ ment, and who is not related to them in such a way as to blind him to their faults. 91297°—Bull. 220—17----- 5 64 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PU BLIC EM PLO YM ENT O W IC ES. F IN A L A V ER A G E R E PO R T . CGP3 | Attitude toward work. mO of written work. d .d d If 17 I I S -s Neatness | Persistence. | Punctuality. Ph | Physical strength. C/5 ,o *3) General health. Social. Executive. ! C o m m e r c ia l buying—selling. | Manual. Mental literary. Year. [ Mental calculaI tiori. Month. Class of 19............................ Aptitudes. ! M e n tal scien tific. Date. Co urse ............................................ i N a m e ............................................... [Last name first.] Remarks. A p p r oximate average............ Finals by V.C Order ofgiroups. Averaged, d ate................................... B y ......................... Special talents, etc •Special negatives, Remarks and recommendations (by school principal) School. - Vocational counselor’s recommendations (b y. [Copyright, 1916, Clearing House for Em ploym ent, Atlanta.] 65 COO PEEA TO N I N VOCATIONAL G U ID A N C E---- G. D. H A L S E Y . [F ill o u t b oth sid es o f th is b lan k .] S E L F A N A L Y S IS B L A N K . [N o te .— P le a se read th e a cco m p a n y in g b o o k let th ro u g h c a re fu lly before s ta r tin g to fill o u t th is blan k.] N a m e ,______________ Class and c o u r se ,______________ D a t e ,______________ A g e ,___________ H e ig h t,___________ W e ig h t,___________ S e x ,___________ Please grade yourself on the follow ing as explained in the b ook let: 1. Mental scientific___________________ 7. Social____________________________ 2. Mental literary________________ .___ 8. R eligious_________________________ 3. Mental calculation________________ 9. General health____________________ 4. M an u al___________________________ 10. Physical strength________________ 5. E xecutive________________ _________ 11. Outdoor or indoor_______________ 6. C om m ercial_______________________ 12. Settled or roving________________ ^ ^ 5j« *5* ❖ Special talents (such as singing, public speaking, e tc .)________________________ Taking everything into consideration w hat do you think would be the best vocation for you to follow as a life work?____________________________________ WThat are you doing or planning to do to prepare for this vocation?_________ W hat things do you think you w ill find it necessary to overcome in order to make a success in the chosen vocation?_____________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ^ -------------------------------------------------- F ather’s n a m e ,___________ ______________ A d d r e ss,__________________________ O ccu pation ,_________________________ W here b o r n ,__________________________ Give the occupation of both grandfathers__________ ___________________________ [O ver.] [F ill o u t oth er sid e first.] W hat is your religious preference?___________________________ ._______________ D escribe briefly any serious sickness or accidents you have had in past five years and tim e lost from school or work in each case. In w hat form, if any, and to w hat extent do you use tobacco?. Alcoholic beverages?______________________________________________ About how much a week do you spend for candy, soft drinks, etc?. W hat are your favorite subjects in school?. W hat are your hard subjects?. H ave you ever played on any high school or college teams ?. W hat ones?______________________________________________ W hat part have you taken in other students’ activities ?__. 66 A M E R IC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S . Give brief summary of any practical work you have done (giving liow long at each kind of w o rk )______________________________________________________ Do you remember w ell * Nam es?__________________ Faces?___ Can you save money?_________________________________________ Do you worry much?___________________________________________ About how often per w eek do you attend moving-picture shows?. A dditional rem arks____________________________________________ [C o p y rig h t, 1 916, C lea rin g H o u se fo r E m p loym en t, A tla n ta .] NEEDS OF THE WOMEN’S DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. B Y M R S. S A M U E L S E M P L E , M E M B E R IN D U S T R IA L BOARD, D E P A R T M E N T OF LABOR A N D I N D U S T R IE S OF P E N N S Y L V A N I A . W hat are the needs of the women’s department of the public em ployment offices? The first and most fundamental need is th at it should be. In spite of the fact that public employment offices have been in existence for over 30 years, the State or municipality that has a distinct women’s department is still so far in advance that its possession is a legitimate ground for boastfulness. In large sections of the labor market of to-day women constitute about one-fifth of the total applicants, yet a very decided proportion of the public em ployment officers still make no direct provision for handling women applicants, and the heads of some of them even give private instruc tions to their force to discourage women applicants as far as may be possible without overt action. Justice to women in industry to day requires that their special needs should be recognized in any sys tem of labor exchange supported by public taxation. The next need is that all women in industry should be served by such public employment offices. Ju st as such offices do sometimes, beyond dispute, discourage service to women applicants, so others that admit that women should be considered among their patrons do attempt to discourage service to women in domestic employment. Inquiries into occupations of women have revealed the fact that in certain sections, even where women are a recognized- industrial factor, the number of women in wage-earning domestic employment almost equals that of women in all other occupations combined. I t would seem, therefore, that again justice to employed women would demand that domestic service should always be recognized as an oc cupation within the scope of labor exchanges supported by public taxation. It is sometimes felt that in the women’s departments of public employment offices^ and also in private employment agencies for women, less emphasis should be laid upon the question of character than in the past, and more upon the m atter of training and efficiency in labor. The character qualification as it applies to women in in dustry is well understood to have a somewhat different meaning from that which it bears when applied to men. I t is worth while to 67 68 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. remember that in the progress of the last *20 or 30 years the char acter qualification has stiffened considerably as it applies to men in industry. I t no longer refers solely to technical skill, to honesty in handling money, or even to steadiness at work. To-day it includes the subject of the use of .intoxicants; and there is emerging in several directions a cognizance of family relationships and of tlie duties of citizenship. I f these are more and more recognized as industrial factors for men, it seems that at this time the help which the public employment office should extend to all women in industry should be so handled that character shall continue to be regarded as a woman’s most profitable asset in the industrial as in the social field. An evident need of the women’s department of the public employ ment office is special attention to handicap work. In work for the men this branch may, with some show of justice, be considered in relation to the “ down and out.” Not so with the women. The social system of to-day is faulty in th at it allows women to enter the wageearning field with less specific training than must usually be received by men; and also in th at women in wage-earning occupations must often do double duty, both as wage earners and as the pivotal home makers. Untrained women, burdened with youthful or aged depend ents, constitute no small proportion of the women in industry. To meet the needs of this handicapped class is one of the plain duties of a system intended as a public service. To sum it all up, women need the service of the public employment office; the needs of women in employment are even more specific and more complicated than those of men; the service of the public employment office to them should therefore be based upon an exact knowledge and sympathetic appreciation of those needs. While a man may secure to a certain extent the knowledge of those needs, it is doubtful if any but a woman can feel this sympathetic appreci ation. I t therefore remains to be said th at a woman director is one of the needs of the woman’s department of the public employment office. SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN WOMEN’S DEPARTMENTS. BY FLORENCE BURTON. W O M E N ’S DEPARTM ENT, M IN N E A P O L IS P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F FIC E . I have sometimes felt th a t the last word has been said on the subject of the elimination of unemployment. Almost periodically a prophet arises and rediscovers some method for its prevention. New policies are constantly being formulated, but because of certain delu sions that exist in the popular mind th at anyone here in our pros perous America who really wants work can obtain it. the waste of unemployment goes on unchecked. Six days of the week and fifty-two weeks of the year there’s a curiously heterogeneous crowd of women and girls—departmentstore girls, factory girls, telephone operators, seamstresses, char women, young and old women of all races—drifting into our office, united in nothing but constantly and often quite vainly hunting for work. This crowd includes women whose husbands are idle and who must keep the family together, girls turned away from the shop during a dull season, widows with babies to support, and young girls just entering the field of employment. All are dependent on them selves for support and for some reason are idle. THE QUESTION OF DOMESTIC SERVICE. W hat is the matter with this country of ours that thousands of skilled and unskilled workers have to find work or change work continuously? The public says, when unemployment among women becomes clearly manifest, as it frequently does in the winter months in Minnesota, that the simplest solution of idleness is in domestic service. The public employment bureau is expected to meet this condition and to create girls and women to enter this field of work. Notwithstanding that some may bravely assert that a woman’s place is in the home, it seems beyond dispute that a woman’s place is wherever she can find suitable work to support herself and those dependent upon her. That place no longer—for many millions of women—is in the home. I t may be in the office, the factory, the department store, or in some other woman’s home. One can readily understand that where there are so many industries that recruit only from women and girls, the converse is likely to be true—many are frequently unemployed—and none more frequently than those in domestic service. 69 70 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. The popular theory that housework is a solution of all unemploy ment among women is no longer a tenable one. The fact th at the ser vant class is the one class that has kept up and tripled its standard of wages proves th a t good houseworkers are in demand, but it ignores the fact that factory workers are no more qualified to do housework, as a rule, than some housekeepers who know nothing of housework would be able to direct them. D uring the summer months, when maids migrate to the farms, choose berry picking for a few months’ vacation or go to summer resorts where wages run higher, the dis heartened housekeeper who has trained girl after girl knows the bitterness of her side of the problem. Naturally they lose confidence in girls who d rift from one position to another, many obtaining from one to twenty positions in a year. “ You can’t save much,” said one girl, “ but it’s mighty gay, changing.” As a class maids have made no claims; they have not appealed to the public or to politicians; but they have none the less increased and obtained their demands. This is rather a curious commentary on organized labor. The explanation might be th at as they are the class coming most closely in contact with the ruling class, they have absorbed and used the methods of th at class. They hold them selves at a high value, assert th at value, and wherever and whenever possible take all they can get. A t any rate, so far as servants them selves are concerned, they may well laugh at the troubles of tradesunions, etc., which, with much turmoil and strikes, have not suc ceeded as well as they in bettering their condition. Experiences in our office in regard to domestic service I know are typical of a widespread condition. I f this service is the panacea that the public holds out for unemployment, why is it th at the servant problem has become almost an international one? Why are apartment hotels supplanting homes if all unemployed women may be induced to enter domestic service? And this becomes one of the most perplexing of all our problems—the task of dealing with a discouraged public—a public giving thousands to philan thropy and yet compelled to abandon homes for apartment houses because we are unable to induce sufficient women and girls to enter domestic service. SEASONAL OCCUPATIONS. I am not planning to try in this short time to solve the seasonal occupation problem so> far as it concerns women. I agree th at it will be possible to take the factory hand of the New England States and place him in the F ar West when work decreases in the mills and there is a demand for harvest hands or fru it pickers during the late summer; but this method of keeping the laborer and employ ment together when applied to women does not seem feasible. Eco nomically the laborer has every reason to be furnished reasonable SPECIAL PROBLEM S IN W O M E N S DEPARTM ENTS— F . BURTON. 71 security of employment, but as long as there are seasonal trades, just that long will we have the problem of securing,suitable tem porary work to supplement their regular occupations.. PLACING THE HANDICAPPED. One of the most discouraging of all unemployment problems is th at of placing the handicapped. Finding work for these may be merely furnishing relief instead of creating special work adapted to their needs. I t is no light task to fit these women into industry at points where their handicaps will be the least evident. And above all, em ployers must be persuaded to give them a chance to work—must be convinced that various kinds of work can be satisfactorily done by e^en these workers, with no loss to their employers. I do not mean, when I refer to the handicapped, th at mass of unemployables who may be classified as anything from beggars to mentally and physically unfit persons. F or this class I have only this to say : I f the State employment bureau attempts to take care of these, it is usurping the work of the philanthropic organization, the reformatory, or the hospital. I t is a m atter of regret th at so many unemployables fii^d their way into the women’s department of our State employment bureau. They should be receiving special assistance from the poor department of the city or care from some philanthropic group, instead of imperiling the reputation of the efficient applicants wTho seek employment through our women’s de partment. We can not afford to jeopardize the confidence of the public by combining relief and employment. The purpose of the department is usefulness, not philanthropy. THE YOUNG GIRL WAGE EARNER. We also have the problem of the young girl just entering upon independent wage earning. She has spent her childhood probably in another country, or, if in our United States, in a family whose entire income may not have exceeded $12 a week. W hat oppor tunities have such girls, however bright, daughters of unskilled and mostly casual laborers of our industrial towns, to get their feet on any industrial ladder th at will lead them to any more satisfactory condition of life than th at of their parents? Will the State permit these young lives to be wrecked because these adolescent laborers think only of immediate returns? The type of jobs into which they d rift—cashiers, bundle girls, and some kinds of factory work—all come to an abrupt end at 18 or 19 years of age, with the result that a vast majority of these young laborers are never absorbed into adult branches of these trades. They have been encouraged in casual habits that will surely militate against their future success. 72 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. They are thrown on the labor market, they d rift from one employ ment bureau to another, without the requisite skill or industrial intel ligence so necessary to obtain a permanent situation. Finally, at 25 or 30 years, they have fallen into the fatal habit of drifting from one job to another, and at 35 years they swell the ever-increasing ranks of low-skilled casual labor. I t is never extremely unlikely that these same women later descend into that direful condition of unemploy ableness. I t is extremely difficult in a State employment bureau to convince adolescent workers th at immediate wages offered will never compensate the evils of this promiscuous choice of an occupation. NECESSITY FOR WIDER STATE POWERS. There are newer and rapidly developing industries. Shall the State assist this young applicant to make a more deliberate selection ? Intelligent selection of a career, even in semiskilled trades, demands knowledge of this potential laborer and a knowledge of the possibili ties of future development in this trade. This is a knowledge that neither the girl applicant of seventeen or eighteen years nor her parent, if she has one, can possess, although any attem pt on the part of the State to really dictate an occupation would result in failure. I t is up to the State, however, to assume tactfully the responsi bility in regard to the questions of blind-alley occupations, aimless drifting into jobs, unnecessary changing of situations, if the young girl worker is to be prevented from becoming industrially de moralized. The State should direct these girls, since they are more adaptable than adults, into newer industries and, as I have already said, to some extent deflect them from packed and declining occupa tions. Do you think there would be a labor famine in dishwashers, in workers on power machines? Well hardly, for the obvious reason that there will always be a supply of untrained adult workers who missed vocational guidance in their youth. B ut it might lead to a deficiency of labor sufficient to cause employers to consider the ad visability of introducing new methods, better hours, or machinery. F or the adequate treatment of this problem of selection of work with a future in viewT, the State must organize its resources so that the period of adolescence is made one of preparation for adult life. In a word future welfare must not be short sightedly sacrificed for immediate industrial utility. The State bureau is not, in my belief, wide enough in its oppor tunities to deal with the problem of unemployment. As everyone sees it now, it should be dealt with through agencies having behind them all the resources and the authority that Federal authority only can command. Certainly, to give stability to employment, to prevent overcrowding, to guide those entering the field of industry into ad vantageous lines of work is a very im portant task and one in which a democratic government can well be concerned. LA BO R O R G A N IZ A T IO N S A ND P U B L IC EM PLO Y M E N T O F F IC E S ; H O W T H E Y CAT$ B E M U T U A L L Y H E L P F U L . BY ROBERT G. V A L E N T IN E , IN D U S T R IA L C O U N SE L O R , B O ST O N , M A SS. T h a t I was assigned this subject by the officers of your society could not but interest me greatly. I had the more reason for th a t interest when you associated my name w ith those of certain S tate and quasi public officials, because for years the m ain stim ulus to m y work has lain in the effort to invent practical ways of effecting the threefold relationship between labor, efficiency, and the State. T his is the fundam ental problem of our time. I could not but be impressed by the selection of this subject by your officers. I t is the most practical evidence of which I am aware th a t it is coming to be officially understood th a t only in this rela tionship can we find the means of creating sound citizenship. In th is connection some phrases from your president’s letter to me are very relevant. He sa y s: The American A ssociation of Public Employment Offices is about to hold its fourth annual meeting. T his association w as organized for the purpose' o f improving public employment offices throughout the United States, and to th is end the association is attem pting to secure cooperation and closer relations among all public employment offices. It is attem pting to promote uniform methods o f work and to establish an interchange' of inform ation and reports, so that there may be a better distribution of labor throughout the country. Its membership is made up of comm issioners of labor, members of industrial com m issions, State directors of public employment offices, superintendents of State and city employment offices, and others interested in the question of employ ment. T hree very successful m eetings have been held, and considerable work done in the w ay of bringing about uniform ity of records and methods. The m eeting this year is to be held im m ediately follow ing that of the Inter national A ssociation of Government Labor Officials. THE BASIS OF THE STATE. The basis of the State is the standard of living among our w ork ers. The standard of living is the criterion by which we shall even tually judge the quality of all public and private business. I am fundam entally uninterested in the statistics of increasing trade until I hear, them translated into the concrete happinesses of living men and women. T his is not socialistic doctrine; it is not syndicalism ; no capitalist need welcome or repudiate it. The standard of living in its fullest implications of national and individual well-being is 73 74 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. simply the vital dogma which, while it recognizes the legitimate meth ods underlying all three, yet results everywhere in constructive ad vance through their coordination. I t is unconnected with any reac tion which usually follows a forward movement. The difficulty with socialism, with syndicalism, with capitalism, is that as closed economic systems they are largely impermeable to those new influences which count for so much in individual and so cial development. This is the more important since it is with science that the future lies; and in none of these is there a genuinely catholic welcome for scientific processes. This virtual repudiation of the best in science is particularly characteristic of the present wasteful and factitious industrial organization. Our leaders in every branch of the national life, whether in finance, in politics, in commerce, in industry—our thinkers, our manual workers, our men of genius— all of them are, in the joint interests of themselves and of the rank and file, basically the servants of the State. We have reached a critical epoch in the history of world organiza tion. A leader who devotes himself to any task other than that of reconstruction is guilty of a social treason fundamentally greater than the treason of political life. We need to know the elemental forces which can place in the hands of the workers the means of their self-development. We must evaluate social discovery essen tially in terms of such industrial technique as is bound to secure the workers’ advance. We are learning slowly. We may now, for example, feel confi dent that the victory is to be gained by the mobilization of the work ers’ economic intelligence on the one hand, and the enlistment of the most catholic leadership in organized labor into the common service on the other. We are seeking to state the needs of labor to-day in the context we have too long neglected—the context of public well being. - CONSTRUCTIVE RELATION OF ORGANIZED LABOR TO THE STATE. The constructive relation, then, of organized labor to the State is our. main problem. How can we best discover its solution? I do not for one moment doubt that the most concretely productive rela tion of the State to labor at the present time lies in the potentialities of those public employment offices, those State and Federal commis sions of labor, of which the significance is beginning to be dimly ap parent. So far, let it be said quite frankly, labor has failed to* grasp its duty of attaining organized relation to the State. One can not blame it very greatly for th at failure. I t is historically simply un deniable that the machinery of the State in the form of the law LABOR U N IO N S AN D EM PLO Y M EN T OFFICES---- R. G. V A LENTIN E. 75 of conspiracy was so largely used to hinder the natural development of trade-unionism as to convince labor that within the State no sal vation was to be found. A case such as th at of the Danbury H at ters, which seemed to suggest that one of the basic elements of trade uni on strength came within the scope of the Sherman act, could hardly fail to tinge the whole administration of justice for labor with an ugly suspicion. There are signs that this hospitality has reached a point where some negotiations can be undertaken in a hopeful spirit. B ut everything depends on the spirit in which we face our task. Nor has the State been more creative in its attitude. Where it has not been persuaded by privileged interests to be blindly hostile it has been too frequently either stupid or indifferent. I t has played with ideas instead of penetrating beyond to the men and women. I t has striven to be coldly neutral—where neutrality meant bad housing, insufficient food, disease, and that ignorance which is the worst of sins. We can find no better word to say of the employers. I t is only w ithin the last decade th a t they have begun to see industry in term s other than those of an absolute private ownership. THE RIGHT BASIS OF RELATIONSHIP— WORK ANALYSIS. The causes of this joint failure are fairly simple. The one positive basis through which a just interpenetration of relationships can be found has not yet been more than vaguely and sporadically under stood. T hat bedrock is a complete knowledge of the industrial proc esses in their fullest social implication. I t is in the field of work analysis that this complete knowledge is to be found. I t is to be found, to give some concrete examples, in the work analysis of the gathering machine operation in a printing plant, i. e., what amounts to a complete industrial audit of a single job. Or it is to be found again in the analysis of the work of a girl on a belt-making machine in the dress and waist industry, or of a weaver at his loom in the cotton mill. The processes of their work have to be studied in their elementary nature and in their synthetic result. F or this purpose two essential approaches are obvious. T IM E ST U D Y A N D IT S E F F E C T S. I. No approach to the field of work analysis can be fundamental which is not based on time study. Let me illustrate my meaning from its application to the dress and waist industry in New York City. The 800 shops of th at industry are making thousands of styles of waists and dresses. Numerous as these styles are and much as they differ from one another in completed appearance this vast 76 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. riot of variables is nevertheless made up of a comparatively few simple operations. The analogy is the thousands of words built from the 26 letters of the alphabet. Similarly, too, the letters of the alphabet are not only combined, but combined under varying condi tions. These varying conditions in the dress and waist industry arise from three sources: ( 1 ) The nature of the product. I t may be called, shortly, product conditions. They are (a) the material on which the operation is performed, and (b) the quality of the work required. ( 2 ) The second source of varying conditions is the skill of the operators. Here all the immediate human variables arise amid the competence or incompetence of the social organization. (3) Thirdly, the conditions of manufacture. In this field lie all the variables th at come from different methods or lack of methods of planning the work and of routing it through the shop and of administering it at the work places. Here, too, impinge the com petence or incompetence of the sales and financial policies. Thus are the comparatively few elementary operations of waist and dressmaking beset on all sides by a hos't of variables. An alpha bet under such conditions would be sufficiently unfortunate. But imagine trying either to create a language without an alphabet at all or to get even some sort of control over the variables of industry without any accurate knowledge of the simple elementary operations. Yet this last is the situation in nine-tenths of all. industrial processes throughout the Nation to-day. We must no longer fail to build the alphabets of the industrial process so that we may at last create a language in which worker, manufacturer, and the State may begin to talk intelligibly to each other. The method of building this lan guage is: To determine the times required to perform these ele mentary operations under varying conditions through time study. A few simple beginnings go very far. A single sewing machine, an operator of any degree of skill, the dozen or so main materials of which waists are made and a half dozen styles, good light, good air, good seating, the material ready cut and sample waists of each style, together with a few dozen time studies made under actual conditions in a number of shops—these furnish in a few weeks, along the lines so time-studied, more basic elementary knowledge of waist making than all the manufacturers and all the workers have ever possessed. Of course the relating of this knowledge to all the variables, while the variables themselves are being reduced through the slow stand ardization of m anufacturing conditions and slow growth of indus trial education, is a long and intricate task in any precisely exact sense; but here, too, the problem is not so difficult as theoretically appears. Certain approximations here also go far. The fact to note in both cases is that scientific method, resting on bedrock, is at LABOR U N IO N S AND EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES---- R. G. VA LEN TIN E. 77 once conquering w ith elem entary facts large areas of ground hitherto contested by irresponsible and undisciplined opinion and th a t the rem aining areas are steadily and persistently reduced. The potential consequences of th is method on both the standard of living of the workers, the costs of the m anufacturers, and the prices the consumer pays, as well as on the relation to the social and political structure of the 35,000 workers and the thousand and more members of the employing group, are so great th at the fact is of the utmost consequence th at the particular work I have described is being done at the joint expense and under the joint supervision of the union and the m anufacturers5 association and under the control of a joint board 011 which are representatives of the public. Now I have said, I think, enough to make very clear th at such a tim e study and its complementary work analysis would go not merely negatively but also positively w rong as a social invention, unless it were conducted not by the m anufacturers alone, but by them in association w ith trade-unions and with the public. The reason is simple. Time study does not affect the interests of the m anufac turers alone. I t touches intim ately the lives of the workers. Its result touches the State as the silent p artner in the productive and the active purchaser in the consuming process. They must then be given the opportunity of adequate control. For consider the social implications of the method of work analysis. I t affects the organization of employment. I t studies not merely the selection and instruction of employees, n ot merely the permanence and regularity of their work, not merely the physical working condi tions of safety, of sanitation, of health under which their work is perform ed, but also th eir control, their promotion and discharge. A nd it goes farth er. I t considers the necessary influence on a business of external forces which the management can not control but to which it can make wise adjustm ent. I have in mind such things as the influence on any particular job perform ed of labor legislation,' of labor decisions by the courts, of the enforcement of th at legislation and those decisions, of group influence in the indus try , whether of employers’ associations or of labor unions. There is thus involved in this single aspect of work analysis the adjustm ent of one particular job to the complete system of economic and indus trial forces in the country. T H E P U B L IC L A BO R E X C H A N G E . II. B ut work analysis makes a second vital demand. No right approach to the solution of the problem of employment in industry is made until we establish an interrelation between the industrial structure and the public employment offices of city and State and Nation. F o r employment so radically reacts on every section of the 78 A M m iC A N ASSOCIA TIO N OF P U B L IC E M P L O Y M E N T O F FIC E S. national life that employment can be no longer left to the accidents of bargaining, be th at individual or collective in character. Indus trial life is too fully the national life to leave it in the hopeless anarchy th a t at present prevails. We are bound to seek its social context even while we safeguard its adequate independence. This second avenue of approach is basically connected with the first. We can understand neither in the full richness of its poten tialities until we read it in terms of the other’s prospects. The efficiency of industry obtains its poise from the social relation we shall create between it and the State. We shall do that in no complex fashion. We shall ask simply for the creation of the necessary con nection through the placing of preferential and union shops in full relationship with the public labor exchanges. This is not an idle vision. The whole conception of the public labor exchange would be useless unless it were steadily more and more in possession of work analysis. T hat collection, as I have already indicated, can not and ought not to be made save by the joint association of labor, the employer, and the public. The labor exchange of the future will be under the supervision of these inter ests. I t will supply labor on the basis of a scientific knowledge of demand and supply. I t will be open to no accusation of interference on the p art of the employer and hostility on the p art of the union. I t will be an instrument in the service of their joint efficiency and take therefrom its justification. NECESSITY FOR COOPERATION. The survey of our resources, which work analysis as a p art of the industrial audit for the first time makes possible, is the fundamental condition of our advance. I t is the introduction of plan and form into the business enterprise. I t presupposes labor organizations and the manufacturers paying jointly for the effective analysis of indus trial processes under the controlling supervision of public authority. I have indicated the hopes suggested by experience in the dress and waist industry, where statesmanlike minds on both sides have been doing uniquely farsighted work. I see no reason why th at attempt should not have its right to expansion. I believe it, together with the joint board of sanitary control in the same industry, to be the most concrete example of the first beginnings of thoroughly sound relation between labor, efficiency, and the State. I t is neither imposed from above nor hindered from below. I t is the result of cooperation and in the cooperative spirit it is pursued. I confess th at I find real social enrichment in the thought of this first democratic laboratory of industrial research. I t seems to me like that interlacing network of veins and arteries by which the life blood gives vigor to the nervous system. I t insures the deposit of LABOR U N IO N S AND EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES---- R. G. VA LEN TIN E. 79 thought where it is most needed. I t substitutes wholesale thinking for the anarchy of planlessness. Its sole effort is directed toward the increase of knowledge with care for each interest only in its relation to the whole. I do not offer this suggestion as a panacea for all our ills. I do not doubt that we shall often confront difficulties so grave as to cause despair. We shall find manufacturers selfish enough to misunder stand as we shall find unionists blind enough to misinterpret. But I . believe th a t the spirit of corporate effort which lies behind our en deavor is a spirit which insures success. Our need is so great as to demand the trium ph of whatever contains promise of good. I find hope in education. I believe th at with the convincing demonstration of possibilities we shall be able to overcome the obstacles th at lie in our path. We shall go forward not in haste but with a cautious soberness which realizes the magnitude of our task. To some, eager with the haste of uncreative desire, it may often seem that we are lingering in old and abandoned ways. Yet the future, immediately and practically, is on our side. 91297°— Bull. 220—17----- -6 EMPLOYMENT MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATIONS. BY M E T E R B L O O M F IE L D , D IRECTOR, V O C A T IO N A L G U ID A N C E BUREAU, B O ST O N , M A S S . I stood in the office of the commissioner of immigration at Boston one morning when a new statistical clerk handed in this memo of the m orning’s a rriv a ls : “ On the S. S . ----- were males, 150; females, 95; miscellaneous, 15.” A good p art of the employment managers’ movement, as is the movement of the public employment offices, must, for a while, necessarily be classed as miscellaneous. The drift of this morning’s discussion was most interesting. The experience of officials who manage public employment offices can not help touching social problems and movements on every side. Indeed, if they fail to touch, to come into contact in some way, with those movements, your offices will mean very little to their communi ties, or other forces may develop to supplant them. This applies not only to public employment offices but to other movements. You will see why we are now beginning to talk of employment managers’ associations, the employment executive, and why you, too, in your administration of public employment offices, should follow some such line of thinking in your relations to the employment managers asso ciation. There was a good deal said this morning of a most interesting nature on vocational guidance. Before going very far with vocation bureaus we conclude th at unless industry plays the game and the employer does his part in dealing with guidance, unemployment, misplacement, etc., a large part of the community effort is sure to be nullified. W hat is the industrial p art in vocational guidance or employment? Are we to have counsel, guidance service, industrial, or psychological tests, or whatever may become necessary at any time, and the employer hire and fire as now ? We have talked of the employer as one in touch with details. Of course he is not. In watching the progress of our children from school to work we were appalled by a situation we had not realized before. The first person that boy or girl or man or woman comes in contact with in employment is not his employer, of course. We have found in most instances some underpaid subordinate, with no power and little training, as the responsible agent for making that very vital decision. The agents, or some assistant in the office, some poor person in an abscuue corner of a big establishment, had to do E M PLO Y M EN T MANAGERS * ASSOCIATIONS---- M . BLOOMFIELD. 81 with very vital problems. W hat happened? We saw that nowhere in the establishment was anyone watching the coming and going of people. The school had done its duty in training and guiding, the employment clerk did his duty in filling the vacancy, and that was the end of it. We began to inquire into these leakages. A t that time there was a good deal said and written about seasonal industries— there, at least, was a preventable condition. The employer was busy and no other executive in the establishment had any duty with the relation, with this coming and going, and all th at occurs. We asked 50 men who had to do with hiring in 50 of the largest establishments around Boston to come together four years ago to dis cuss the whole problem of managing. These 50 men came, and for more than a year they had nothing to say. They met once a month, but there seemed no chance of'any discussion. They had no thoughts. They had not analyzed nor criticized the situation they were respon sible for. They also thought that perhaps they had secrets to hold out against one another. A fter committees were made up, they began to tell of their lack of any method in selecting employees. They showed they used only guesswork in making selection; did not follow men; made no judgment in selection. They were simply rob bing themselves of valuable education they could get, when they had the power to follow individuals. When asked in the beginning of their employment association what is costs to change employees, the guesses were from 25 cents to $200. When asked what they knew of the jobs, on what basis people were held responsible for perform ing work, again there seemed to be haziness. I am indicating just a few points in the conditions before employment managers’ associa tions sprang up, before the men who do the hiring or are responsible for those who are, came together and began to state their problems. There are six or seven associations now, a national conference, a national organization of employment managers’ associations is form ing, and, of course, these associations are bound to start all over the country. They may become a great force, or they may become an instrument of failure. The business of the employment managers’ association is to learn how best to deal with individuals who come to them, either through your agencies, schools, or any other way. Unless they do their part, the p art you play is apt to be relatively un important. I want to call your attention to the work of employ ment managers’ associations. [Mr. Bloomfield here read extracts from book.] To handle employees is the job of a responsible, well trained, intelligent person, and a well-kept office. We can’t get that type of person except as we establish standards of service, of performance, practice, etc., for such a director. In other words, one of the prac 82 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. tical results of the employment managers’ movement has been to show the need of a new profession—th a t of handling people in employment relations. Several schools have begun tentative courses in training employment executives, following the history, of course, of training schools for social workers, for lawyers, engineers, etc. Secretary Redfield spoke on the functionalized employment department. The public employment bureau will, of course, want to cooperate, and will find the most ready cooperative ground in the employment managers’ association. The director of public employment offices will have to be as keenly sensitive to the proper steering of these associ ations as have been those who started the work. I f the employment managers work p r o p e r t y , they will become a social agency for the country, dealing with such kinds of misemployment and unemploy ment as they can control, and with questions of upbuilding. They are there to do a new job in industry and commerce. They are there to socialize employment. There is a far-reaching program for public employment offices. You are not supposed to solve all problems belonging to vocation and industry. You have definite functions assigned by law and you will have a great deal to do yet before you can live up to all the laws. I t would be a pity if in the strange position you enjoy you could not have influence on employers and could not profit by what you see. Thus far only men, I am sorry to say, are to be found in the employ ment managers’ association. One reason for it is that the associations meet in clubs which are men’s clubs. We know th at some of the best employment managers in the country are women, and we expect to see more and more women in the executive positions of employment offices. SUBOFFICES OF PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. B Y C H A R L E S J . B O Y D , G E N E R A L S U P E R I N T E N D E N T , IL L IN O IS FR E E E M P L O Y M E N T O F F IC E S, CH ICA G O . I am not a public speaker, but it gives me great pleasure to be directed to address you on this topic because it is of much interest to me. I f anyone knew exactly the best way in which suboffices of an employment office should be conducted within a city, he would be aery near to the solution of the employment problem. Any opinion that is offered on the subject should be considered in relation to the results attained. I attribute the success of the Illinois free employ ment offices in Chicago largely to the manner in which they are con ducted, and I am very glad to tell you about our methods if it will be of an}^ benefit or help to anyone facing the problems that confronted me in the reorganization there. THE FUNDAMENTAL BUSINESS FACTORS. Finding employment for the unemployed is purely a business proposition, and the chief success of any business depends upon its organization. I t is a well-recognized fact that in every business undertaking there are four distinct fundamental factors to be con sidered—i. e., producing, marketing, accounting, and financing. The success of any business, whatever it may be, depends upon the success of each of these operations, and it is just so with the public employ ment offices. Unless the organization is complete and well balanced it is sure sooner or later to fall by the wayside. Production in a public employment office consists of getting orders, for help and applicants for positions. In a like manner marketing is solely the operation of fitting the applicant to the position which he is qualified to fill, and at the same time supplying the employer with the help which he requires. Accounting resolves itself into keeping the records no m atter in what form they may be. Financing may seem to you of a minor importance, since a public employment office is maintained by the public; but I expect to show you that upon this more than any other operation, if possible, depends the success of a public employment office. Consequently an organization which dis tributes wisely the work to be performed by each phase of the em ployment business is an organization which is bound to meet with success. 83 84 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. Production is a solid operation or an operation which does not divide itself. Consequently, in a public employment office, even though with suboffices in the city, this part of the work should be conducted at the central or main office, where it can be most conven iently performed and supervised. Financing in itself is a solid opera tion solidly performed, and it is easy to see th at the financing need only be conducted from the main office. Accounting also can be readily assigned to the same department as production and financing. Marketing, or the supplying of employers with help, and the fitting of applicants to the positions for which they are suited, is the only phase of the business of a public employment office th at demands a division. These divisions result in departments or suboffices. THE CHICAGO FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. When the reorganized Illinois free employment offices in Chicago first opened, in August, 1915, almost a year ago, we were swamped with applicants and with employers’ orders. The work of all de partments was so handicapped. th at it was impossible to handle it properly. In December, seeing this handicap, I made a plea to the governor, in the event of his calling a special session of the legis lature, that he embody in the purposes of that call an additional appropriation to carry on the work of the free employment offices in Chicago. The governor responded by wire, asking me to present the m atter to our local and general advisory boards for their con sideration, and they approved my recommendations in full. There was little delay in the legislature, but it was not until February of this year, when this appropriation became available, that I was enabled to establish an office force fitted for handling the various phases of the employment business. S U B D IV IS IO N OF T H E W ORK. I believe that each suboffice of a public employment office should oonfine itself to one certain class of labor. For instance, in Chicago we have what we call our unskilled labor branch office, where all male applicants for any unskilled positions are received and directed to employment. While this literally is the only suboffice we have in Chicago at present, we have so divided labor into various classi fications as to form three other departments, all skilled labor, which in reality all amount to suboffices contributing to the work of the cen tral -or main office. We are located in the heart of Chicago, in what is known as the loop district, with perfect transportation to and from all points. AM male help is handled on the main floor and all female help on the second floor, with separate entrances for each. Male ap plicants are divided into two distinct groups. The first is comprised SUBOFFICES OF EM PLO YM ENT BU R EA U S----C. J . BOYD. 85 of office, clerical, hotel and restaurant, juveniles, and miscellaneous. The second represents mechanical pursuits entirely, including all the trades. Each of these divisions is in charge of a department super intendent, and these departments are subdivided so far as our help permits, each distinct group being handled by some one thoroughly familiar with th at particular industry. H ad we more help we would continue to subdivide each department, drawing finer lines of classification. When we first opened the office we handled all farm labor at our unskilled labor branch office, but experience has taught us that this class of labor can not be handled with the speed necessary in sup plying unskilled labor, while in itself the position of a farm hand is more or less a skilled one. Consequently, we have now transferred the agricultural department to our skilled or central office and are conducting it as an adjunct thereto, with a marked increase in re sults. Our female department consists of three distinct divisions—one handling clerical and miscellaneous help; another specializing in day workers, factory hands, etc., and the third devoting its efforts entirely to the placing of domestics** hotel and restaurant help. To attend to and supervise the production, marketing, accounting, and financing of the work of the various departments we have found it essential to establish an office force or executive department. P er mit me to describe to you the way in which we handle each of the four phases in the employment business through this department. O R G A N IZ A T IO N OF T H E W O R K IN G FORCE. Prom pt telephone communication is perhaps the greatest factor in the securing of orders for help as well as applicants to fill positions, and the importance of the telephone operator can not be too greatly emphasized. We were granted sufficient funds for two telephone operators. We advertise but one telephone number with private ex changes to all departments. All incoming and outgoing calls go through a switchboard where an operator is on duty at all times between 7 a. m. and 5.30 p. m. We also asked the legislature for three business solicitors to secure orders from employers and to locate applicants for opportunities already listed with us. We consider these solicitors one of the great est factors in our business. They are assigned to selected districts and it is not infrequently th at they secure from 5 to 30 orders per day, each order calling for from 1 to 50 persons. A t our request we were allowed the services of an interpreter who finds ample opportunity to perform other duties in connection with his office. We havesassigned to him the responsibility of the pro ductive phase of our business. H e is in charge of our business solici 86 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. tors and attends to their routing, checking, and supervision ; super vises all newspaper publicity and bulletins for the departments, and devises new and novel methods of bringing the office to the attention of the public. ADVERTISING. In our request for an additional appropriation for our office we asked for an advertising fund. Everybody will agree that good ad vertising is one of the greatest keys to the success of any business, and no less so in the employment service. We did not secure this fund, however, and were left with our former resources to secure what advertising we could. We require each department or suboffice to report twice daily the list of opportunities existing there. These opportunities are com piled in the form of bulletins run off on a duplicating machine and distributed to the sources from which a maximum amount of ad vertising can be derived. By means of personal letters and visits to the Chicago newspapers, explaining the public service we render, we have succeeded in getting one morning and one evening paper to publish regularly this list of opportunities in their classified 44helpwanted ” columns without any (iharge whatsoever to this depart ment, while many other publications run them now and then. The exact amount of this advertising in dollars and cents can scarcely be. computed. I t far exceeds any sum which we might hope to receive for such purpose from the legislature, and in round figures is probably about $30,000 per year. Perhaps the most effectual method of advertising is the use of news items which are published purely as a m atter of interest to the public. We have frequently secured a great amount of space from all Chicago newspapers and many out-of-town papers by en larging upon the special points of interest in regard to certain oppor tunities. F or instance, only recently we received an order for two girls—one to be employed as a domestic and the other as a sales woman for a couple whose estate amounted to $7,000 and was increasing at the rate of $1,000 per year. The positions, while they offered only a nominal salary and a good home during the life of employers, held out a promise of a division of the estate at the death of both the employer and his wife. Letters were received from all over the United States in regard to the article which appeared in various papers. Only recently a note of congratulation was received from Cuba in reference to a newspaper article concerning the work of our offices. C O O PER A T IO N W I T H O T H E R F R E E B U R E A U S . There are a hundred or more free employment offices in Chicago, charitable, social, and philanthropic organizations vitally interested in the employment problem, and to these we mail one of our bulle SUBOFFICES OF EM PLO YM ENT BUR EAUS---- C. J . BOYD. 87 tins at the close of each day?s business, so that when their offices open the followifig morning they are acquainted with all of the opportuni ties listed with us., and if they have any applicants fitted for the positions they may then so advise us. In a like manner twice daily each department and suboffice, as well as the neighboring Federal office, which is only a few blocks away, receive by special messenger a list of all our opportunities. The success of this method of adver tising will hot be difficult to appreciate. The organizations receiving our bulletin come in more or less contact with large employers of labor in their efforts to take care of the applicants appealing to them for assistance and spread the information concerning our work. Besides this, in times of actual shortage of labor, such as we are now experiencing, they act as a source of supply. In real cooperation, I believe, lies the nearest solution to the employment problem. Where there are a hundred or more free employment offices, all seeking to take care of those out of employ ment, there can not fail to be a duplication upon duplication of labor and effort, at an almost inestimable cost to the public. Many applicants register at a half dozen or more of these places, and employers place their orders with several different agencies. Thus in times of great unemployment several applicants may be directed to a place where only one opportunity exists, at a useless waste o f time and carfare to people already impoverished by a long term of unemployment. There is likewise the duplication of labor in taking the applications, assigning the applicants, and making the records of the same applicant at each of the free offices. Another serious phase of this waste by duplication is one less often touched upon. I t is in the solicitation to the same employer over and over again in behalf of the same applicants by the several different organizations. Who can blame an employer for becoming impatient at the public for such inefficient methods ? In every large community there should be a central labor exchange, and every other factor of public employment service should be sub ordinate to the general management of th at exchange. These other interests might be assigned suboffices or departments, as I have chosen to term them, and all be conducted along the same lines that I have outlined. Of course, it will be difficult to persuade other institutions to fall in line with any project which would do away with their own life or individuality, although with the great purpose in mind of solving the unemployment problem this should not be the case. One organization in Chicago has already signified its intention of abandoning its own individuality and throwing its support with the Illinois free employment offices. As everyone will agree, before production can reach its maximum in the employment business it is necessary to have a comprehensive 88 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. and thorough survey of the sources of employment and the material with which to fill all opportunities. W ithout a vast organization meh. a survey is impossible; but while it has never been within the power of a single agency, and is not now, to make such a survey, nevertheless, by sensible division of labor among those th at exist, there is no reason why such a survey could not be made accurately and efficiently. I believe that there are ample opportunities in this great country of ours for every individual, and that it is merely a m atter of finding the right opportunity for each and every one. I believe th at every body should be made to work. A very effective method of employ ment insurance would be to have the State or the Government fu r nish opportunities for everyone. The great economical loss on the part of the unemployed to this country can hardly be estimated. Indeed, the great need of free employment offices is only too ap parent when we consider this loss in connection with opportunities which actually exist for those who are unemployed but do not know where to find the opportunity which awaits them. I t is here again that cooperation and advertising of the opportunities which do exist will be one of the greatest economical savings to the country. This point I have never seen or heard emphasized before, namely, that many employers are continually in need of help. Many opportunities exist for hours, days, and even weeks and months without the appli cant who is in search of that particular opportunity being able to locate it. I f there were only a million opportunities in a year in any large center, such as Chicago, and if those positions remained vacant for only one day each at an average remuneration of $3 per day, it would mean an economical saving of not less than $3,000,000 to th at community. Consequently, it should not be hard to realize the vast importance of prompt and efficient production by advertising in any of its various forms. C O R R ESPO N D E N C E. Correspondence is another source of production for an employment business, and of course handles largely the out-of-town business. Every salesman realizes the necessity of keeping in touch with pros pects in order to land his order, and this is just as applicable to an employment business as any other. One essential is the retention of the confidence of the employer as well as of the applicant. Com plaints must be promptly and properly adjusted. Orders must be promptly followed up to ascertain whether or not the applicants sent reported for duty, for, as you well know, no m atter how close the supervision and examination of an applicant m ight be, there are times when a “ won’t work ” is sent to an employer where a “ want work ” is still needed. Many times such an applicant never even reports for SUBOFFICES OF EM PLO YM ENT BUR EAUS---- C. J . BOYD. 89 duty, and unless his direction from the office is followed closely the employer naturally will think that his order lias received no attention. We would scarcely call again for help from a source which has proved of no value in the past. O f course, all applicants are not followed up by maiL Those in the city can generally be reached by telephone, but where the employers are out of town it is absolutely essential th at they be followed up by letter. RECOBDS. The bureau of labor statistics for the State of Illinois has f urnished us a daily report sheet classifying all tlie various kinds of help, and on the report provided for the male department there are some 300 or more classifications. On that provided for the female department there, are about 72. Each suboffice is required to report daily to the central office the number of applications and opportunities received, and the number of positions filled for each of these classifications which fall in their department. These reports are sent to the central office and turned over to the statistical or accounting clerk to be com- s bined in the reports submitted to the bureau of labor statistics. In an accurate record and complete information in regard to the work of: each department lies the success or failure of that department. A comparison from month to month of the business of each suboffice with the previous month’s business for the same period furnishes us with information necessary in locating the sources of increase or de crease in the business of the office. We are also classifying employers who have patronized this office according to the class of help which they have used from us, so that when we have an applicant for a certain kind of position we can turn immediately to such a possibility for placing him. A C C O U N TIN G A N D F IN A N C E . I t is not necessary to touch upon the ordinary routine of account ing and bookkeeping in connection with bills covering the expendi tures of a public employment office. Suffice to say care should be taken to see that the money allotted for each purpose is spent to the best possible advantage, and that no account is overdrawn needlessly. In close touch with the accounting department comes financing, which has already been referred to. When appropriation was made for the State free employment offices in Chicago the funds were sup plied for specific items, to be used only for those items and those alone. Nobody realized the volume of business such an office would perform, consequently the growth in the business far exceeded the means allowed. Realizing that the existence and growth of the Illinois free em ployment offices depended upon our receiving additional appropria- 90 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. tions, I compiled an estimate of the absolutely necessary requirements for the proper conduct of an office doing such a vast amount of busi ness, and we relied on publicity to obtain it for us. I f the public were not informed in regard to the work of the department it would be difficult indeed to secure an appropriation through the representa tives of the public to continue, let alone increase, the possibilities of the office. G R O W TH OF T H E B U S IN E S S . In conclusion it will not be amiss for me to give you some idea of the growth in the business of the Illinois free employment offices since the reorganization. I am informed th at when the old free employment offices were closed 300 positions filled per month was considered a*very good average in each of the offices. When we first opened, therefore, we considered ourselves fortunate in being able to fill 25 to 50 jobs every day, since we were virtually starting a business all over again, the old offices having been closed over a month before the new one was opened. I t may be somewhat surprising to you to learn that during the month of May we filled over 7,500 positions and that June showed an increase over that amount. W ith only 35 employees, a little more than the total number employed in the former free employment offices in Chicago, we filled over 520 positions on the last Friday in June alone. NEW YORK PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU AND ITS BRANCHES. BY W ALTER E. K R U E S I, SU P E R IN T E N D E N T M U N IC IP A L EM PLOYM ENT B U R E A U OF N E W Y O R K . The same rule that dictates the establishment in large communities of branch stores—namely, th at convenience stimulates trade—applies to discovering and satisfying the supply of and demand for labor. There should be a defined, unselfish, authoritative center for the unemployed and for employers seeking help. The possibilities of such centers can only be fully realized when they are established and maintained as governmental agencies. But in very large cities and especially those where transportation facilities are not well centered, it is unreasonable and impracticable to expect all classes of unemployed to go to one office. Branch offices thoroughly integrated with the central office should be established in each large subdivision. The subdivisions are generally geo graphical, as in New York’s several boroughs, but may also be indus trial, as for dock laborers on the docks; for commercial and office workers down town; for day and house workers, either near the retail stores or in a residence section. In New York City the municipal public employment bureau has its general office, which handles some of all classes of workers in the city’s hub. I t is within walking distance of the great commer cial buildings, the docks, and the wholesale dry goods and food dis tricts. Here one-half of its business, which amounts to about 2,500 new registrations and 2,000 placements a month, is done. The four branches are not distributed, as one might expect, in the several boroughs. The principal reason is that they were established in response to local demand in several sections which felt that they needed an employment bureau and were ready to provide space, service, and support on a demonstration basis until public budgetary provision was made. One branch represents our adoption of an already well-established private noncommercial office in Hudson Neighborhood Guild, for the special benefit of female day workers. Direct connection with the city bureaus, use of their office system, and the official dignity and authority seem to have forced its growth remarkably. I t will be developed into an all-round branch. I believe it is good policy to have just such branches of public bureaus, and that the general organization of the public employment 91 92 AM ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EM PLO YM ENT OFFICES. field can be advanced soundly and rapidly by such adoptions. I t is not wise or necessary to supplant or destroy such private noncom mercial bureaus. They can be shown that they can serve more people more effectively at less direct cost to their fostering institutions as branches of a municipal system than as independent and competing units. A prim ary condition, of course, is that they accept the city bureau’s supervision, system, and principles. There are at present several other bureaus in New York which are negotiating for affiliation with the municipal public employment bureau. I believe th at the majority of the three score noncommer cial offices in the city should and will become gradually amalgamated just as many private hospitals have found their wray into a public system. o
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) rejected and distanced itself from the force’s own an anti-terrorism handbook just a day after it was released, citing the manual’s "adversarial tone." The "United Against Terrorism" handbook released last week by the RCMP and two Canadian Muslim groups seeks to combat the rise of radicalism in local Muslim communities and serve as an antidote to the slick extremist propaganda being produced by terror groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS). However, a day after its official release, the RCMP publicly distanced itself from the handbook and said it would not distribute it to officers. While it remains unclear what exactly the RCMP objected to, questions have been raised about sections of the handbook that order the police not to use terms such as "Islamic extremism" and tell Muslim community members that they do not need to cooperate with the police. Other sections of the handbook say that terrorists are not "jihadis" and that "jihad is a noble concept." A day after the anti-terror handbook was released with much fanfare in Canada’s Muslim community, the RCMP issued a statement rejecting the publication for its "adversarial tone," a loaded comment that the police force has declined to explain. "After a final review of the handbook, the RCMP could not support the adversarial tone set by elements of the booklet and therefore directed RCMP Manitoba not to proceed with this initiative," the police force said in a statement posted on its website. The RCMP is keeping mostly silent on the matter and directing questions to the two Muslim organizations behind the handbook, the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), and the Islamic Social Services Association (ISSA). "Any questions regarding the distribution, use or intention of the booklet should be directed to the authors, the National Council of Canadian Muslims, and the Islamic Social Services Association," the RCMP said in a statement that raised more questions than answers. One potential issue is that the handbook recommends that "intelligence and law enforcement officials" should "avoid terms such as ‘Islamist terrorism’, ‘Islamicism’, and ‘Islamic extremism’ in favor of more accurate terms such as ‘al Qaeda inspired extremist,’" according to one section of the handbook, which still bears RCMP’s official logo. Law enforcement officials also should "discontinue any inappropriate information gathering techniques including (but not limited to) showing up at workplaces, intimidating newcomers, questioning individuals religiosity, and discouraging legal representation," the anti-terror handbook states. The term "jihad" also is not appropriate to use, according to the handbook, a copy of which was first published by Canada’s CBC News. "Do not refer to terrorists as ‘jihadis,’ the manual states. "This only emboldens them and gives them a legitimate status in the eyes of the vulnerable. Terrorism is not jihad. Jihad is a noble concept in Islam." The handbook also tells those in the Muslim community that they are under no obligation to speak to the police about potential extremist individuals. "Your cooperation with [Canadian Security Intelligence Agency]/RCMP is voluntary," the handbook states. "You have no obligation to talk to CSIS/RCMP, even if you are not a citizen." "Refusing to answer questions cannot be held against you, nor does it imply that you have something to hide," the handbook says. "If you choose to answer questions, it is advisable to have a lawyer present." One also does "not have to permit CSIS/RCMP representatives to enter your home or office," according to the handbook. "They must possess a search warrant in order to enter your property. If they say they have a warrant, ask to see it before allowing them to enter. Even if they have a warrant, you are under no obligation to answer questions." Muslims approached by the police or intelligence community are "not required to provide personal information about friends and family," according to the handbook. "You should feel free to tell the officer that you will not provide information about others without their consent." The RCMP, for its part, distanced itself from every section of the handbook that it did not directly contribute to. "The RCMP contributed to Section 3 of the handbook entitled ‘Understanding Radicalization and the role of RCMP in law enforcement and national security,'" the statement said. "We are not responsible for other material contained in this publication." Requests for comment made to the NCCM and ISSA were not returned. The RCMP declined further comment. Officials from both Muslim community groups behind the handbook say that it has been well received in the community, according to comments published by the Globe and Mail. "We have received enthusiastic support for this initiative from Canadians across the country and countless requests to distribute the handbook in our diverse communities," the paper quoted Ihsaan Gardee, executive director of the NCCM, and Shahina Siddiqui, president of ISSA, as saying. When approached for comment by Canada.com, the RCMP said it had not agreed to avoid terms such as "jihad." "The RCMP hasn’t issued any guidance or guidelines to other departments, nor has it agreed not to use terms such as ‘Islamist terrorism,’ ‘Islamic extremism,’ or ‘jihad,’" it said in a statement to the news site. However, it does not appear that the RCMP raised concerns about the handbook during a 14-month development and review period in which information was shared with all the handbook’s contributors, the Globe and Mail noted. Terrorism analyst and reporter Patrick Poole said that this type of confusion is commonplace when authorities in both the United States and Canada have attempted to work with Muslim community organizations. "This episode of government officials engaged in Islamic outreach only to have it blow back on them shows this is not a uniquely American phenomenon," Poole said. "Why was it that only after the publication's release and the public criticism that followed that they withdrew their support? "Even though they have retracted their endorsement for this publication, their name remains on it, and the initial media blitz tied them to it," Poole said. "This is exactly how government's legitimize, even unwittingly, extremist ideology through outreach." A similar occurrence was revealed in 2010, when an Ohio Department of Homeland Security official was grilled before Congress for issuing two pamphlets that minimized the danger of jihad and blamed hostility in the Arab world on Israel, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT). Published under: Terrorism
'SIX' OPENS TONIGHT AT CHRYSLER HALL AND RUNS FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 3! We are so happy to be a hot spot for pre-show dining! We want to make your dining experience and time at the show an amazing one. 'Six' has an 80 minute run time with no intermission. If you are dining before the show, we recommend a 1.5 to 2 hour dining period, PLUS time to get to the theater. This is our recommendation for all diners before going to any show in Norfolk. Reservations are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all pre or post-show diners.
[Vashi, 12/02/2024] Training Ship Varren – Today, we delve into the maritime world, uncovering the intriguing details of Merchant Navy salaries that have been shrouded in mystery for far too long. As the global shipping industry continues to navigate through challenges, the compensation packages for Merchant Navy professionals have become a focal point of interest. In this press release, we unveil the complexities and nuances of the Merchant Navy salary landscape, providing an in-depth exploration of this captivating career path. Exploring Entry-Level Rewards For those embarking on a career in the Merchant Navy, the journey begins with understanding the initial rewards. Entry-level positions, such as Deck Cadets and Engine Cadets, offer a promising start. The industry recognizes the importance of grooming fresh talent, reflected in competitive starting salaries. Our research indicates that these salaries not only provide financial stability but also set the stage for lucrative advancements in the long run. Navigating Mid-Career Compensation As professionals climb the ranks within the Merchant Navy, the compensation landscape undergoes significant changes. This press release sheds light on the mid-career phase, where officers and engineers find themselves in pivotal roles. Salaries, bonuses, and other perks become more substantial, aligning with the increased responsibilities and expertise demanded by the industry. Unveiling Top-Tier Earnings At the pinnacle of a Merchant Navy career are the top-tier positions, including Captains and Chief Engineers. These maritime leaders command not only vessels but also impressive compensation packages. Our comprehensive analysis reveals the intricate details of these packages, showcasing the culmination of experience, expertise, and leadership skills in the Merchant Navy. Influencing Factors on Salaries The Merchant Navy salary structure isn't arbitrary; it's shaped by various factors. This press release delves into the elements that influence salaries in the maritime industry. From vessel types and routes to experience levels and specialized skills, we explore how each aspect contributes to the overall compensation package. Understanding these factors is crucial for both aspiring seafarers and industry enthusiasts seeking to comprehend the dynamics of Merchant Navy salaries. Standing Out in a Sea of Careers In a world teeming with career options, the Merchant Navy stands out as a unique and rewarding path. Our press release emphasizes the distinctive aspects of a maritime career that contribute to its appeal. Beyond financial incentives, the industry offers a sense of adventure, global exploration, and the pride of being an integral part of international trade and commerce. SEO Optimized Content Recognizing the importance of digital visibility, this press release has been meticulously crafted with SEO optimization in mind. The strategic inclusion of the keyword "Merchant Navy Salary" ensures that this content not only informs but also ranks prominently on search engines. In the competitive landscape of online information, this press release is positioned to stand out, providing authoritative insights into Merchant Navy salaries. As we unveil the intricacies of Merchant Navy salaries, it becomes evident that this career path offers more than just monetary rewards. It presents an adventure, a unique lifestyle, and a chance to be part of a global industry that keeps the world moving. This press release serves as a beacon, guiding individuals through the waves of information, offering clarity on the often overlooked but crucial aspect of Merchant Navy salaries. Merchant Navy Salary Phone:+ 91 9709709176 Email: [email protected]
As a person who lives in today’s busy, efficiency-driven, productivity-focused society, I often feel that I have no time to breathe and relax. I find that throughout the day, I am essentially operating like a machine, driven to complete various tasks within the least possible amount of time. However, I am not a machine, and as a human being, I need time to rest and recharge my battery. One of the most important things that has helped prevent me from burning out is simply focusing on one thing at a time, rather than feeling forced to complete everything all at once. To me, personally, mindfulness can be applied to any aspect of my own life. For instance, while working on an assignment or other writing piece (such as this blog post), I can turn off my phone, move it to a different room, close my other tabs, and focus solely on my work. If I am drawing, I can likewise put my phone away, move myself to a physical location away from other distractions, and focus on the page in front of me. If I am doing the dishes, I can focus on carefully drying each individual dish, one at a time, without focusing on the large pile in the sink, or all of the other tasks I have to get done. In a sense, I put the other tasks on my “worry-about-later-shelf”, and try to think of the task at hand. Of course, sometimes it’s difficult to not think about something (for instance, try to NOT think about an elephant…). So, when I’m engaging in a task and thoughts pop into my head that are irrelevant or stressful, I try to simply accept those thoughts and move on, rather than trying to push them away forcefully. Another thing that I like to do that has helped me stay focused and relaxed is carefully describing the task/aspects of the task that I am performing and visualizing in my head in great detail. For instance, if I am doing the dishes, I might note the texture of a smooth plate, the clink of glasses and cutlery, and the feeling of the dishcloth and water on my hands. To sum up, I have found that for me, personally, daily life hassles become a lot less overwhelming when I carefully focus on one thing at a time. I hope that everyone reading this has a great day, and I wish you all a productive and relaxing beginning of June! Note: The Free Your Mind Mental Health Society is an independent youth-led organization. The contents of this blog are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. In the event of a medical emergency, please call your doctor or 911 or other local emergency numbers immediately.
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Fresh Coat Painters is the premier painting company in Vernon Hills , IL, providing professional and quality services for all your painting needs. With over 20 years of experience, we provide superior workmanship and an exceptional customer experience. We take detail-oriented approaches to every project, using only the best quality paints and materials. Our team is committed to delivering premium painting services in Vernon Hills , IL with great results. Vernon Hills, Libertyville, Mundelein, Lake Bluff, Grayslake, Lake Zurich, Long Grove, Lincolnshire and surrounding areas! Fresh Coat Painters Services Fresh Coat Painters is a full-service painting company that can help you with all of your residential or commercial painting needs. Our professional painters in Vernon Hills are dedicated to providing outstanding results for every project. We offer free estimates for painting services and provide an unbeatable customer experience. Schedule your painting project with professional painting contractors in Vernon Hills — Fresh Coat Painters. Fresh Coat Painters Residential Interior Painting Fresh Coat Painters offers house painters in Vernon Hills , IL. Our painting professionals specialize in residential painting projects including: - Interior wall painting - Cabinet painting and staining - Wood refining and staining - Popcorn ceiling removal and painting - Door painting & trim painting - Drywall repair and painting such as patching holes or imperfections - Deck staining and painting Our experienced painting experts understand the importance of providing quality painting services, so we ensure that each interior house painting job is completed with the utmost care and attention to detail. We use premium paints and primers that provide long-lasting protection and a beautiful finish. Fresh Coat Painters Residential Exterior Painting Fresh Coat Painters can take care of all your residential exterior painting needs. Our team of experienced painters has the skills and resources to tackle jobs of any size—from light touch-ups to a full home makeover. We use only high-quality paints, stains, and sealants to ensure a long-lasting finish and superior results. Our exterior residential painting services include: - Decks and patios - Garage doors Let Fresh Coat Painters help you make your Vernon Hills home look its best. With our fast, efficient painting service, you can have your house looking like new in no time. We look forward to working with you to bring out the beauty of your home’s exterior. When you contact us for painting services, we will discuss your project in detail to understand the scope of work required and provide an accurate estimate. We take the time to listen closely to your ideas and offer helpful advice on colors and painting techniques that will bring out the best in your home. See what your neighbors are saying about Vernon Hills. Painting Done RIGHT! "Fresh Coat Painters just finished the interior of our new home and it looks AMAZING!!! They did an excellent job, very professional, and courteous. Robert and Nick did our painting and they are not only rockstar painters, but were always on time, cleaned up after themselves everyday, swept my floors, and even brought in my trash can for me! Bruce and Mike answered all my questions and always got back to me right away. Would highly recommend them to everyone and would definitely call them again for future paint jobs. Thanks again guys!!" - Susan H. "This was the most professional painting company I have ever used. They sent me information ahead of time - even a picture and bio of the person coming to give me the estimate so that I'd know what he looked like! They showed up within the time they estimated and did a high-quality job on painting my bathroom cabinets, the bathroom walls, the door and window frames. They had missed a couple of spots on the walls but when we did the walk-through, they were marked with painters tape. The painting crew came back and fixed all the spots quickly and efficiently. I have already recommended them to my friends!" - Jeremy S. "Fresh coat did an AMAZING job. From our first estimate/quote and walk thru with Sarah, to our final walk thru when the job was done. They went above and beyond to provide updates and little details. The paint looks WONDERFUL and we are extremely satisfied! I would absolutely recommend them and will be using them next summer when we remodel 2 of our bathrooms. They even left us cookies as a thank you for using their business. Working with them was like working with a friend that you know you can trust. I really appreciate the professionalism and excellent customer service!" - Sarah R. "I recently purchased a home that had all the interior painted a light beige. The house really needed some color to liven it up. I contacted Fresh Coat Painters and I promptly received an estimate. The estimate was comprehensive and simple to make modifications to add or remove areas to compare costs. I had other Paint companies give me estimates and this was by far my best experience. I was able to get my home painted beautifully the following week and absolutely love the way it turned out. The Painters were punctual, friendly and talented with creating clean edges and getting a lot done in just one day. I would recommend this business to all my family and friends who need painting services." "Absolutely gorgeous paint job on our house. Would give Fresh Coat 10 stars if I could. It was a nerve racking process of who to trust to paint the house and get the results you hope for. Alan and his team did a beautiful job. The outside of the house (6 years old) looks better than it ever did new from the builder. The paint job is outstanding and the team working on the house were very professional and friendly. I had a few touch ups mentioned after the job and Becky scheduled them and the team came out quickly so I have no doubts they are a company you can rely on for future issues that may come up or painting. I would 100% use them again. I mention who I used to paint our house to friends and family when they mention needing painters. Thank you Fresh Coat of Buford!" "Fresh Coat Painters just finished painting the entire interior of my home. I am so pleased with the job they did for me. My 20 year old walls and trim look brand new! The crew (Canaris, Drew, Ado and Bastion) was friendly and professional. Each day they were on time and respectful of my property. They were all very careful and precise painters. They worked hard every day, taking few breaks. At the end of each day they cleaned up the area thoroughly. I was most impressed by how kind and helpful they were to each other. Complimenting and uplifting their work mates. Very refreshing! I will, and already have, highly recommend Fresh Coat Painters to friends and clients." Why Fresh Coat Painters of Vernon Hills? Painting Done RIGHT! is more than a tagline. At Fresh Coat Painters, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We have built a solid reputation as the best painters in Vernon Hills , and we use only the best products and techniques to ensure your home looks beautiful for years to come. Our experienced professionals take pride in their work. As a result, we strive to provide outstanding painting services that meet or exceed our customers’ expectations. We are committed to providing high-quality results that stand the test of time. That’s why we guarantee your satisfaction with every job. - Dedicated team of painters with expertise in interior and exterior painting projects. - Comprehensive services including color matching, wood staining, wall repair, and more. - Competitive prices that make it easy to afford the painting services you need. - Respect for your time, scheduling appointments and completing projects on time and within budget. Our team of experienced painters can help with just about any painting project in Vernon Hills . Contact us today for Vernon Hills painting services that you can trust. We look forward to helping you bring your vision to life. Premium Paint, Expert Painters As much fun as it is to refresh a space with a Fresh Coat of paint, it's not something you want to do every year. Our experienced painters use premium products for beautiful, long-lasting results. You're in Control Your free, firm quote can be modified to your specifications. Add or remove areas to be painted, upgrade paint products, or apply for financing with our paint now, pay later program. We Respect Your Home We arrive on time, bonded and insured with background checked professionals. We leave your home better than we found it by using drop cloths and sheeting to protect floors, furnishings, and other items. The Fresh Coat Painters Process - Fresh Coat Painters makes updating your space hassle-free - Start with a free on-site quote to get all the necessary measurements and details - We provide options for paint products, colors, and sheens tailored to meet lifestyle needs and budget - We detail every step of the process from start to finish including insurance documents - Our work is backed up by an exclusive Limited Warranty - Enjoy peace of mind knowing your space looks beautiful Enjoy your new space faster with Fresh Coat Painters Our 3-3-3 Service Pledge Paint Now, Pay Later Fresh Coat Easy Pay Paint your perfect with our special financing options. Choose the best payment plan for your budget. Applying is easy, and approvals are often received in minutes. *US customers only Recent Fresh Coat Painters of Vernon Hills projects. Wait until you see what we can do. Let's chat about your painting project. Get in touch with us at 847-281-7246 to learn more about our comprehensive painting services. We'll start by scheduling your free quote. Then we walk you through the entire process for a worry-free experience.
The Blue Flame #1 (30 Copy Cover) THE BLUE FLAME is a cosmic hero. The Blue Flame is a DIY vigilante that fights crime on the streets of Milwaukee. The Blue Flame is a blue collar HVAC repairman named SAM BRAUSAM. In the wake of a horrific tragedy, the boundaries of the Blue Flame's identity blur even further. Now, before a universal trial, the Blue Flame must prove that humanity is worth saving. But in order to do that, Sam Brausam has to save himself. Can he?
40 councils leading the way on climate - The full set of case studies can be viewed here Local authorities are crucial to the delivery of the UK’s transition to a cleaner, greener future. But progress needs to be accelerated in every local area if the UK’s climate and nature targets are to be met, Friends of the Earth and the climate charity Ashden say today as they publish new resources for councils and campaigners. The environmental organisations have drawn together a unique set of case studies which showcase the inspiring work of 40 local authorities. They demonstrate how councils have implemented successful initiatives and solutions in response to pressing local challenges, as well as the need to fulfil their own green targets and counter the climate emergency. These examples of best practice spanning areas such as nature restoration, energy efficiency and transport, highlight the many ways councils can make a substantial difference where they operate, and overcome some of the barriers that currently frustrate progress on local issues as well as the climate. Among those included as part of the huge bank of examples, are: - Warrington Borough Council, which raised funds for a renewable energy project through community municipal bonds that could be purchased for as little as £5 by residents - Blaenau Gwent Council, which set up a citizens assembly for just £50,000 to engage the local community in climate decision-making - Nottingham City Council, which raised millions for better public transport in the local area through its workplace parking levy - North East Derbyshire District Council, which upgraded hundreds of council homes to improve energy efficiency and alleviate fuel poverty simultaneously - Wirral Council, which adopted an ambitious tree strategy to plant 210,000 by 2030 and protect existing trees - Waltham Forest Council, which has almost fulfilled its target to completely divest its pension funds from fossil fuels within 5 years - Derry and Strabane District Council, which is one of the first local authorities in the UK to have created a zero-waste circular economy strategy Most councils have now declared a climate emergency, and 85% have formulated climate action plans, but the quality and scale of ambition still varies greatly between local authorities. A lack of clarity from central government about the role that councils must play in the transition to a safer planet remains a significant stumbling block for the sector, alongside a shortfall in funding, resources and powers. However, the role of councils in the coming years will be essential in meeting the UK’s decarbonisation targets. Unless progress at the local level advances swiftly, both local and national ambitions to make the country future fit will fail to be realised. That’s why Friends of the Earth and Ashden have developed these 40 case studies, so that the wealth of knowledge and learnings that already exist within the sector can be shared widely. It is hoped that all councils can learn from the range of practical insights and examples that have been collected to help them replicate best practice in their areas. The two organisations also hope to amplify the many benefits that come with action on climate. By making the switch to green, clean infrastructure, local authorities can guarantee warmer homes, better health and hundreds of thousands of long-term jobs in sustainable industries for their residents. For the full set of case studies, please visit the Take Climate Action website. Sandra Bell, campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said: “Whether it’s declaring a climate emergency or producing a plan to curb climate and nature breakdown, most local authorities have shown they want to do more to protect our planet. But in spite of this, we’re still not seeing local progress at the rate needed to halt the worst climate impacts. “For many councils, it’s a question of funding and powers, both of which are in short supply. But we have identified a huge number of ways that local authorities can accelerate climate progress where they operate. It’s vital that councils use the powers and resources they have now to drive things forward, while lobbying government for more support in the meantime. “It’s inspiring to see how councils have overcome some of their own local challenges with creative and practical climate solutions, and we hope that others will use these examples as the springboard to further their own climate ambitions.” Harriet Lamb, CEO of climate charity Ashden, says: “Behind the scenes, local authorities are often doing the climate heavy-lifting, engaging communities and seeking to cut carbon in neighbourhoods. They are trialling new initiatives from raising funds through community bonds to training people in the skills of tomorrow such as for retrofitting homes or planting parklets. These initiatives while being good for the planet also have wider benefits – such as improving health when air quality improves through fewer private cars, or warmer homes and lower fuel bills from insulating homes.” - The full set of case studies compiled by Friends of the Earth and Ashden can be viewed here. Further examples of best practice are due to be published in due course. - Friends of the Earth’s Climate Action Plan for Councils sets out 50 important actions that councils can take to address the climate and ecological emergencies while setting out a path to green and fair local economic recovery. Each of the case studies relate directly to 40 of these actions. - This set of case studies showcases specific examples of good practice relating to climate action, but this is not necessarily an endorsement of the wider work that these councils are doing. - Friends of the Earth and Ashden are part of a coalition of local government, environmental, and research organisations that has published a Blueprint for accelerating climate action and a green recovery at the local level which sets out the national leadership, policies, powers and funding needed to empower local authorities to deliver at scale, working together with communities and businesses. - There are over 300 Climate Action groups and Friends of the Earth local groups helping to provide the local solution to a global crisis. They harness community power to make our neighbourhoods greener and more climate friendly. They have convinced local decision-makers to rollout ambitious Climate Action Plans and many are now focussed on turning those plans into action. - To find out which councils have declared climate emergencies and adopted Climate Action Plans, please visit: https://data.climateemergency.uk/
We're committed to - A peaceful and sustainable world based on societies living in harmony with nature. - Each generation enjoying an environment that’s getting better; a safer climate, abundant nature, healthy air, water and food. - A growing and diverse network of people coming together to transform our environment into one which is flourishing, sustainable, and socially just. - Our staff, our wider network and the work we do must be free from discrimination and harassment. Friends of the Earth is a company and a charity Friends of the Earth Limited is a not-for-profit limited company limited by guarantee, company number 1012357. We own the Friends of the Earth trademark and grant local action groups a licence to campaign under our name. We are known as Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and have teams that work in Wales and in Northern Ireland. Our sister organisation Friends of the Earth Scotland works in Scotland. A substantial part of the funding for our charitable campaigning comes from our sister organisation Friends of the Earth Charitable Trust, which is a registered charity, No. 281681. The charity works to raise funds and provide grants to organisations whose activities further its charitable objectives. It is regulated by the Charity Commission and registered with Companies House. Our income and spending We are transparent about the income we receive, mostly through our charitable trust, and how we spend it, mostly through our limited company. Meet our team We're led by our Senior Leadership Team - Hugh Knowles and Miriam Turner, Co-Executive Directors - Justin Parfitt, Director of Finance and Operations - Eleanor Bullimore, Director of Engagement - Sotez Chowdhury, Director of Communities and Networks - Kathryn Holloway, Director of Income Generation - Clare Lyons, Director of Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns We're governed by our Board of Non-Executive Directors We're governed by a Board of Non-Executive Directors. They're responsible for the overall strategic direction and oversight of the organisation, ensuring regulatory compliance, monitoring and evaluating risks, and approval of the annual budget and audited accounts. We're proud that our Board has won Conservation and Environment Board of the Year at the Board Awards, for the biggest impact on diversity and inclusion within environmental conservation. For our Memorandum and Articles of Association, please see our filing history with Companies House. Eva Neitzert, Chair Eva is the Board's Co-Chair. She has more than ten years' experience of working at senior management and Executive-level to further social and environmental concerns, and has campaigned on environmental issues for more than twenty years. She is currently Director of Just Economics and was previously the Deputy CEO at the Fawcett Society and Programme Head for Business, Finance and Economics at the New Economics Foundation (NEF). One of her main interests is how we can achieve a 'Just Transition', ensuring that we live within environmental limits, reduce inequalities and promote social justice. Jeana Malhi, Vice Chair Jeana was our first youth Board member for Friends of the Earth, and now sits as Vice Chair and Safeguarding Lead. She is motivated by climate justice and opposing the capitalistic and colonial structures responsible for climate change. She wants a variety of different youth perspectives and intergenerational knowledge to be heard during her time on the board. Jeana currently works for Community Energy England as a graduate intern and has volunteered for Sheffield Renewables, a community energy organisation, since 2014. Jeana is also a collective member of Verse Matters, an intersectional feminist arts collective who organise and provide supportive spaces for spoken word events in Sheffield. Monye has nearly 40 years’ experience as a corporate and commercial lawyer and as a practising advocate. She has practiced in Northern Ireland since 1997 and was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2007. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, qualified as a Mediator in 2002 and is CEDR accredited. Monye is on the committee of the British and Irish Commercial Bar Association and is an active member of the Bar Council’s pro bono committee. She has extensive experience in construction, commercial, company Law and public procurement Law and also has a well-developed human rights and judicial review practice. John is Chief Financial Officer at Vivobarefoot, a certified B Corp, and previously worked as the Finance and Sourcing Director of Pukka Herbs. John is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and has spent the past 18 years working in the private sector across a number of disciplines and geographies. John holds a degree in Accounting and Finance from Dublin City University and can usually be found wandering the byways of Wiltshire with his wife and daughter and supporting Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon. Barry is a Founding Partner at Purpose Union advising clients on advocacy, partnerships and philanthropy, including the like off Jamie Oliver, Malala Fund, Unilever and WaterAid among others. Barry has worked on campaigns influencing public and policy debate in Ireland, the UK, EMEA and the Americas with experience across communications, advocacy, social marketing and stakeholder management. He has worked across a variety of complex issues including climate change and sustainability, food and nutrition, public health, and education. Prior to founding Purpose Union, Barry Johnston was Director of Advocacy at Malala Fund, closely advising Nobel Prize winner and UN Messenger of Peace Malala Yousafzai. He led the organisation’s global advocacy including overseeing all of its engagement with the UN system. Previously he spent a decade leading national coalition in the UK and Ireland on topics ranging from climate change and tax transparency to mental health and LGBT rights. Originally from Ireland, Barry studied at the National University of Ireland, the University of London and Dublin City University and has worked as a freelance food writer as well as founding the campaign group Emigrant Manifesto. Jeanette is a qualified chartered accountant (ICAS) and is currently the Finance and Sustainability Director of Abel & Cole, an organic online grocer, which is on a mission to do food right for people and planet. After qualifying from Ernst & Young in 2008, she has spent the last 15 years working in retail, ecommerce and FMCG for high growth businesses in a number of commercial and operational finance roles. Jeanette holds a degree in Classics, Latin & Greek, from UCL and is an active member of the B-Corp Community, where she is currently the co-chair of the Finance Director working group.. She is passionate about Equality & Inclusivity and in her spare time acts as a mentor for Blueprint For All (formerly the Stephen Lawrence Charity Trust.)
On 21st of September 2023, a stall of Ekal was featured at the Minervas Exhibition, an event coordinated by the Ladies Forum of the Calcutta Chamber of Commerce, held at the Hotel Hindusthan International in Kolkata. The inauguration ceremony was graced by the presence of the renowned singer Smt. Usha Uthup and esteemed fashion designer Smt. Agnimitra Paul.Mahila Samity of Kolkata Chapter proudly displayed a range of ekal products including pure organic mustard oil, honey, turmeric, and various Gau gram items. Many visitors were attracted to the Ekal Stall, and a significant number of them purchased these high-quality products. Members of the Manila Samityalso took the initiative to explore other participants’ stalls, where they successfully encouraged them to support the Seva Patra initiative. As a result, a total of 25 Seva Patra were distributed during the exhibition. Ekal Yuva, Kolkata Chapter organized a highly informative event centered around the theme “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat” on September 2, 2023. This event featured the esteemed Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court of India, Shri Ashwini Upadhyay, and took place at Kala Kunj. The event garnered enthusiastic participation from a diverse audience. Shri Ashwini Upadhyay delivered a thought-provoking address that deeply engaged the audience by exploring vital aspects of India’s legal framework and the compelling need for its revitalization. The session’s primary focus was on illuminating outdated laws, critically analyzing the existing legal system, and addressing immediate and pressing issues. Shri Ashwini Upadhyay shared his valuable insights and recommendations regarding the essential steps required to transform India into a stronger and more equitable nation, in alignment with the vision of “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat,” which represents a united and prosperous India. The event was presided over by Shri N.G Khaitan, a Senior Partner at Khaitan and Company, a distinguished legal practitioner and expert in the field. His presence added an exceptional dimension to the session, enriching the discussions and providing a valuable perspective on legal reform and its profound impact on the nation’s progress. On the 29th of August 2023, the members of the Mahila Samity, Kolkata chapter embarked on a visit to the Sonarpur anchal in West Bengal to celebrate Rakhi with the Anchal Samity and their dedicated Karyakartas. During this visit, they tied Rakhis to 30 Karyakartas and shared sweets, snacks, and thoughtful gifts. The Karyakartas, in turn, reciprocated by tying Rakhis on the wrists of Mahila Samity members, creating a deeply emotional and meaningful moment for all involved. This interaction served to strengthen the bond between the Mahila Samity members and the Karyakartas. Following this heartwarming exchange, the Mahila Samity members also extended their visit to the chapter office, where they continued the tradition of tying Rakhis with the office staff. This further solidified the connections between the Mahila Samity members and the dedicated office team.
About Albukhary International University (AIU) Albukhary International University (AIU) is a private non-profit educational institution, a fully residential campus with state-of-the-art facilities. It was founded on the twin philosophy of Faith in God and Compassion for Humankind with the aim to provide opportunities to bright students from underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds to receive tertiary education and transform them into holistic, adaptable, balanced, well-rounded, and life-ready graduates who will be agents of change in societies. The Albukhary Scholarship Programme Providing an opportunity to talented and driven students in efforts to empower them to be agents of change in irrespective communities is at the heart of Albukhary Foundation’s contribution to education. Admission and Criteria Apply online through apply.aiu.edu.my Download User Manual for clear instructions on how to complete the application form and Upload all required documents. Applicants accepted by Senate and who fulfill the Scholarship criteria will be called for face-to-face or Skype interviews. The results of the interview will be tabled to the Scholarship Committee for final decision. Candidates who accept the AIU offer will proceed to EMGS for the student pass application. Candidates with approved e-VAL will be able to come and register at AIU, subject to post-medical check-up results. - This scholarship is only offered to academically qualified candidates to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree Programme, Foundation Programme, and English language classes at Albukhary International University (AIU). It is open to Malaysian and international students. - Scholarships are offered to candidates aged 18 to 22 during the academic year of admission at AIU. - Candidates must be single at the time of application and throughout the course of study at AIU. - Scholarships are offered to candidates from low-income families; for Malaysian candidates with a total monthly income of Category 1 (Sabah & Sarawak) RM 2,400, Category 2 (Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Terengganu) RM 2,900, Category 3 (Selangor, W.P. KL, W.P. Putrajaya, - W.P. Labuan) RM 5,300 and for international candidates with a total monthly income of 300 USD and below. - The scholarship will only be offered to one (1) candidate per family. Candidates with a family member who has received a scholarship from the Albukhary Foundation will not be offered. - Candidates are not allowed to work throughout the course of study at AIU and cannot receive other scholarships/financial aid while under the sponsorship of the Albukhary Foundation. - There are two categories of scholarships offered – full scholarships and partial scholarships. Full scholarships include full tuition fees, hostel fees, and a monthly meal allowance. Partial scholarships cover one or two of the items mentioned. - Age between 18 and 22 years old. - Single marital status. - Household income below USD 300 for international applicants and MYR 2,400 (Sabah and Sarawak), MYR 5,300( W.P Kuala Lumpur, W.P Putrajaya & W.P Labuan) or MYR 2,900 (Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang). Scholarship Interview Assessment Criteria Upon fulfilling the academic and scholarship criteria, an applicant will be called for an interview session and the following aspects will be assessed thoroughly during the interview session. *Please note that AIU reserves the full right to reject or terminate any application for a scholarship that contains plagiarism or fraudulent information without prior notice to the applicant. Criteria for Assessment - Socio-economic status 40% - Communication skills 25% - Personality & attitude 20% - Defense of Personal Statement 15% - Interview face-to-face or online via Skype - Interview and house visit for candidates who stay in Malaysia The scholarship application is subject to approval by the Scholarship Committee. The decision made is final and no appeal will be entertained.
See the Cast of ‘The Karate Kid’ Then and Now Released in 1984, The Karate Kid told the story of young Daniel, a teenager who learns the Japanese art of karate from his neighbor Mr. Miyagi (the late, great Pat Morita) to help defend himself from school bullies. Now, more than 30 years later, we take a look back at the cast of this film and see what they're up to these days. Ralph Macchio, Daniel LaRusso Then: Charlie Sheen was offered the role of Daniel LaRusso before it went to Ralph Macchio. In the film, Macchio plays a teen who transfers to a new school and gets picked on by a group of boys who are training in some rather unethical martial arts. At the time of filming, Macchio was actually 22 — he went on to star in two more Karate Kid films. Now: Macchio appeared on an episode of How I Met Your Mother as himself, and had a small supporting role in Hitchcock. He stars on the new Karate Kid spinoff series, Cobra Kai Elisabeth Shue, Ali Mills Then: A little-known actress at the time, Elisabeth Shue won the part of Ali Mills, Daniel's love interest and girlfriend of that huge jerk, Johnny. Now: In the ’90s, Shue tried to ditch her teen queen image by starring in the dark drama Leaving Las Vegas, for which she earned an Academy Award nomination. After being “reintroduced” in the comedy Hamlet II, she became a series regular on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. She currently appears on the Amazon Prime series The Boys. William Zabka, Johnny Lawrence Then: William Zabka made his big-screen debut in The Karate Kid as Johnny Lawrence, the lead member of Cobra Kai. Now: Zabka is known for his villianous roles in ’80s films, and while he continues to act, he’s also writing, directing and producing. He earned an Academy Award nomination for writing and producing the film Most in 2004. Zabka appeared on How I Met Your Mother as himself, like Macchio, and had a small role in the ’80s throwback comedy Hot Tub Time Machine. He reprises his role of Johnny on Netflix’s Cobra Kai. Ron Thomas, Bobby Brown Then: Ron Thomas played Bobby Brown, a member of Cobra Kai. Thomas reprised his role in The Karate Kid Part II. Now: Thomas left acting in 1987, but he made an appearance on the web comedy show Tosh.0 as “Bobby Brown” in 2011. He has also appeared in one episode of Cobra Kai as Bobby. Chad McQueen, Dutch Then: The son of acting legend Steve McQueen, Chad McQueen played Cobra Kai member Dutch in both The Karate Kid and The Karate Kid Part II. Now: McQueen appeared in several films throughout the ’80s and ’90s, but his real passion was always race car driving. He had a solid career in racing and motocross throughout the ’00s, and now owns a custom motorcycle and race car company. Tony O'Dell, Jimmy Then: Dynasty star Tony O'Dell played preppy Jimmy in The Karate Kid before landing another uptight rich-kid role as Alan on Head of the Class. Now: O'Dell hasn't been acting much, but in recent years he’s appeared on George Lopez and Shake it Up. In recent years he has worked as an acting coach on shows like Girl Meets World. Martin Kove, John Kreese Then: Rumor has it that Chuck Norris turned down the role of evil Cobra Kai leader John Kreese because it wasn't in keeping with Norris’ positive martial arts beliefs. Norris has said he was never offered the part, but if he had been, that likely would've been the reason he turned it down. Instead, the role went to Martin Kove, star of The Last House on the Left and Death Race 2000. Now: Kove reprised his role in two more Karate Kid movies, and has appeared in films such as Black Sheep and Middle Men. After appearing in a cameo at the end of Season 1, Kove became a regular cast member on Season 2 of Cobra Kai. Randee Heller, Lucille LaRusso Then: Soap star Randee Heller played Lucille LaRusso, Daniel's doting mother. Now: Heller has had a long and successful acting career. In recent years, she's appeared on The Mentalist and Desperate Housewives, but TV fans probably know her best as Don Draper’s ill-fated secretary, Miss Blankenship, on Mad Men. She’s made several guest appearances as Lucille on Cobra Kai. Gallery — The Best Twist Endings in Movie History:
Turning an average photo shoot to an engaging video using animated GIFs: If a picture says 1,000 words, then a GIF says 2,000. Video content and GIFs get over twice as much engagement as opposed to regular pictures. If you have a product based business, pictures are imperative for promo online, especially on social media. Turn a picture into an animation by creating a looping GIF or short video. You can beef it up even more by including a text overlay of a testimony from your best customer. Contributors: Laura Cheek from Insperience It
Stevo 3.5+2.5 Seater - NZ Made - Eastwood Slate Fabric The Stevo is a modern addition any home decor, featuring square arms and foam back cushions which provide extra support. - Proudly made in New Zealand - 16L Seat Foams - Eastwood Dove Fabric Some furniture models have a selection of fabrics/colours available while some will need to be custom ordered. If you would like to make an enquiry about configurations/custom sizing/ordering, please contact us for details. 3.5 Seater: Width 255.5cm x Depth 90cm x Height 90cm 2.5 Seater: Width 182cm x Depth 90cm x Height 90cm CLICK HERE to download the full spec sheet and see all options available
The Premier League is extensively thought to be some of the aggressive and thrilling soccer leagues on the earth. With its wealthy historical past and international following, it’s no marvel that the league has witnessed some epic battles for supremacy between its prime golf equipment. These iconic rivalries have captivated followers for many years and have etched their place in soccer folklore. Some of the notable rivalries in Premier League historical past is the conflict between Manchester United and Liverpool. This rivalry transcends the boundaries of soccer, with each cities having a fierce competitors and rivalry in numerous points of life. On the pitch, they’ve gone head-to-head in numerous memorable encounters, with each groups vying for home and European success. Matches between these two giants are all the time extremely charged, with feelings working excessive on and off the sphere. One other legendary rivalry is the one between Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur, referred to as the North London derby. This fierce battle divides town of London, with households and buddies divided by their loyalties to both Arsenal or Tottenham. These high-intensity matches are characterised by fierce tackles, beautiful objectives, and dramatic comebacks. The rivalry between these two golf equipment represents the age-old rivalry between the working-class North Londoners and the extra prosperous South Londoners. The battle for supremacy between Manchester Metropolis and Manchester United is one other extremely anticipated fixture within the Premier League calendar. The rivalry between the 2 Manchester golf equipment intensified lately attributable to each groups’ resurgence and their success on home and continental phases. These matches have been stuffed with thrilling moments and iconic objectives, with the Manchester derby changing into a spectacle that followers eagerly anticipate. Chelsea and Arsenal have additionally constructed a fierce rivalry over time, referred to as the London derby. These clashes spotlight the colourful soccer expertise within the capital metropolis and the fierce competitors for supremacy between these two golf equipment. Each groups have storied histories and rivalries with different groups, however after they meet on the sphere, it’s all the time a battle that showcases the very best of London soccer. These iconic rivalries not solely produce gripping matches but additionally have far-reaching penalties within the race for the Premier League title. These video games typically act as decisive moments within the season, figuring out which crew will come out on prime. Followers fervently cheer for his or her groups, supporting them via thick and skinny, making their presence felt at stadiums throughout the nation. Moreover, these rivalries have an effect past the sphere of play. The bragging rights that include victory in these matches prolong nicely past matchday. Followers interact in banter, rivalries spill into workplaces and faculties, and loyalties are put to the take a look at. The fervour and depth related to these rivalries make the Premier League a breeding floor for unparalleled pleasure and leisure. The battles for supremacy between these historic golf equipment haven’t solely formed the course of the Premier League however have additionally created unforgettable moments etched in soccer folklore. Whether or not it is the riveting clashes between Manchester United and Liverpool, the North London derby, the Manchester derby, or the London derby, these rivalries have develop into ingrained within the material of English soccer. Groups come and go, managers change, however the rivalries endure. The gamers who put on the colours of those golf equipment are nicely conscious of the importance of every match. They perceive that they characterize greater than only a crew; they characterize the hopes and desires of hundreds of thousands of followers. As soccer continues to evolve, these iconic rivalries will proceed to be cherished by followers worldwide. They supply an unparalleled stage of pleasure, drama, and keenness that units the Premier League other than different soccer leagues. These battles for supremacy have cemented the league’s standing as the head of English soccer, and so they proceed to form its ever-evolving historical past.
ZGMF-X10A FREEDOM GUNDAM Essential Waist Bag Step into the world of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED with our exclusive ZGMF-X10A FREEDOM GUNDAM collection! Each piece, from backpacks to floor mats, has been meticulously crafted to reflect the iconic design of the Freedom Gundam. Don't just watch Gundam, live it! Grab your gear now and join the Gundam universe! - “ZGMF-X10A” printing - Logo printing of Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty - Can be hooked on Justice Gundam Backpack/Belt to easily access small personal items- Main zipper pocket x1 - Back pocket x1 Size: 7 x 10.5 x 2 cm Fast delivery waist bag is good
Spring is on its way and kids have outgrown last year’s apparel. You discover them ? do you look this to find new pants and shirts for your kids? Why not the stores at community mall? 2009 is a year of unprecedented savings at mall facilities. It is often a fact doesn’t all mall-goers intend to become to a shopping center to purchase something they want or are looking for. In some cases, window shopping is one other thing some mall-goers do in the mall. This type of shopping enables in which compare prices and advertisers. It is a good way of allowing yourself enough period for choose the best, dependent on your needs and cheaper. However the Shopping mall for clothes experience isn’t necessarily positive. We have all had for treatment of pushy sales assistants, blaring music, poorly designed stores and badly lit change rooms (the type may well make fitting swimwear earnings nightmare). There is actually simply one place to be able to if will need to and keep it where personal computer, laptop as well computer peripheral devices. This is the Lamington Road Area near Grant Correct road. This place is lined with shops for both sides in the road. Here 레플리카 acquire the latest computers that suit your budget and principles. It is often a fact that all mall-goers intend to spend time visiting to a shopping center to spend your money they want or need. In some cases, window shopping is an element that some mall-goers do in the mall. Anything else you like of shopping enables to be able to compare prices and kinds. It is a good way of allowing yourself enough time to choose the best, dependent upon your needs and financial position. VivoCity. This is the largest supermarket in Singapore. It is found Harbour Front, which is extremely near the off-shore island Sentosa which is famous for its sun-tanning and sight-seeing. In VivoCity, you will discover restaurants offer local food. Also, there are lots of boutiques offering branded goods. Those who are into fashion, this could be the right position for you. There so many shopping alternatives girls dress. They are available in every mall in America with some stores devoted entirely to clothing for girls, several catalogs are actually devoted to selling clothing for girls and merchants online that are devoted to barefoot running as basically. Shopping for clothing for girls generally are a daunting experience just at a sheer choices that are available. Most stores now accept credit cards instead of just hard earned cash. Carrying around large wads money is a terrific motivation for thugs to attack at malls. If as a shopper you have debit and credit cards, you sense using these than walking on with huge of . The shopping mall is a to have fun and shop with family and family. Reason can put together your shopping experience as well as more accomplishing.
Edward Adam works primarily with film and video, making works which explore how rituals and customs are codified and what this reveals about our contemporary relationships with our localities, histories and each other. Edward’s work has often referenced significant happenings such as birthdays, Christmas, weddings and christenings, events that we use to navigate our lives. However, this nostalgia is not pure sentimentality, rather a pause to slowly reassess. His work has a particular link to a time before the all-seeing eyes of CCTV cameras that automatically record indiscriminately. Edward has recently completed the British Art Show 6 mentoring scheme, working with Paul Rooney. He also works as Project Co-ordinator for Alias (Artist-Led Initiative Advisory Service) and for a-n’s AIR Time events as well being an advisory group member for the NAN scheme. Edward is also a co-founder of the Second Site Film Bus project, initiated as part of the mentoring scheme at g39. Edward has recently exhibited at The Shortest Day Of The Year Film Festival, Lemon Monkey, Stoke Newington in 2008.
There are wearables for running, cycling, weightlifting, tennis, swimming and all other kinds of sports. But did you know you can buy high-tech gear designed specifically for skiing and snowboarding? This includes everything from smart ski goggles to GPS enabled helmets. Beanies and boots at the ready, the skiing season is just around the corner. As you make your preparations to head off to the slopes, check out our list of the best skiing gadgets. Any one of these has the potential to improve your overall powder experience. The best skiing gadgets The Fenix 6 is a beast of a watch and features everything you would ever want for fitness training and outdoor navigation. The watch is perfect for fitness training and those into outdoor sports. It is also our pick for one of the best skiing gadgets. You can use it for cycling, open water swimming, cross country skiing, climbing, indoor run/bike/swim, hiking and much more. The Ski/Board mode puts speed, distance, vertical drop and an automatic run counter (with auto-pause for the lift line), and more at your fingertips. Outdoor navigation includes things like the 3-axis compass, altimeter and barometer and TracBack feature. There are a number of different design options to choose from including the first Fenix watch which can tap into the sun’s energy to fuel the battery. Alternatively you could always opt for the Forerunner 945, same specs but in a more budget friendly wrapper. A Kickstarter backed project, Card is a high tech device dedicated to skiing that provides audible real-time feedback through earphones and detailed analysis between runs. The extremely thin smart insert, slides into any standard ski boot. It then analyzes every move you make to bring a new perspective on your technique. In addition to tracking your runs, Carv looks at metrics related to your weight distribution, timing, the orientation and symmetry of your skis and more. This gives you access to statistics such as your maximum edge angle, enabling you to really drill into your technique. Using these metrics and your headphones, Carv then communicates in real-time useful analysis and tips to help you improve. Pick a lesson appropriate to your level of skiing and Carv will give you pointers and highlight mistakes you are making. These smart goggles feature a built-in heads up display that delivers crisp, widescreen graphics using innovative prism technology. Your perception will be of 14-inch screen at a distance of 5 feet away from you. GPS integration and other on-board sensors give you real-time access to speed, vertical drop, distance, and altitude data. After your downhill run, review your performance with stats such as max speed, total vert and max air, in detail, run by run or for the whole day. There are also some smart navigation features. You can pinpoint your location on a resort map, find the run or point-of-interest you’re looking for. Or see exactly where your friends are with the ‘buddy tracking’ function. The Low Energy Bluetooth connectivity allows the goggles to interface with your smartphone, heart rate monitor and more. This also allows you to view incoming calls and text messages and control music as you ski or board. This smart helmet is exclusively offered with Beats by Dr. Dre headphones built into the neck roll. The device is remote control compatible with most smart phones, so you can take calls, switch tunes and adjust volume right from the cord. Of course, seeing that its a helmet, it has some great safety features as well. There is an advanced ABS outer shell and a robust in-mold polycarbonate/EPS liner. The patented VDSAP system with two overlapping shells protects from sharp objects, while providing ventilation that can be closed if it gets too chilly on the slopes. This is a simple but potentially life saving device. The ICEdot Crash Sensor straps on to any standard helmet to detect life-threatening impacts and send an emergency message through your smartphone to someone who can get you medical help. An alarm will sound on the phone, giving you a chance to stop the distress signal from going out if you’re ok. If you don’t stop the app, it sends an SMS text message to your pre-specified emergency contacts with your GPS coordinates. Forcite is one of the leading companies in the development and integration of smart helmets. The Austrian outfit’s first wearable dedicated to skiing detects impacts and sends a GPS signal in case of emergency. But there are many other features as well. An integrated 1080p camera records video, while a wind-resistant microphone records sound. If it gets foggy, you can switch on the built-in OLED lights to help keep you safe and enhance video footage. The helmet will monitor your track speed, distance and altitude and will even allow you to take and receive phone calls with your phone safely tucked away. And if you get lonely on those runs, the built-in speakers can stream music directly from your mobile via Bluetooth. If your idea of fun is considered terrifying by normal folk, you might find use for this airbag. The smart vest molds to your body and protects you by stiffening when force is applied to it. The wearable uses sensors and an algorithm to detect a crash, and than inflates in 100 milliseconds to protect the neck, chest, spine, abdomen and hips. The vest differs from other body armor with its visco-elastic polymer-dough (VPD) plate that conforms to the wearer’s back. The plate uses high-density VPD down the center of the spine, as to protect the point most susceptible to injury. POC claims the bag offers up to more than four times better absorption than a standard back protector. The system is approved by the International Ski Federation (FIS) for skiing, but you are free to use it even if you are not a professional. Like this article? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and never miss out! *Disclosure: We are a review site that receives a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you. We are independently owned and all opinions expressed here are our own. See our affiliate disclosure page for more details.
PK stands for "Player Killing" and means attacking and killing a player who wasn't willing to engage in player vs player combat. In Flyff Legacy, you can attack anyone in the open world zones. To activate the PK, tap the button under your character portrait and change from Peace to Warfare, Friendly, or Revenge. If you kill too many players, your PK disposition will increase and your character will then be considered "Chaotic". If you get this status, your CP/Stats will drop temporarily until you lose the Chaotic status. You must decrease your PK disposition to get rid of the Chaotic status, which is possible via 1 of 3 ways: - Enter a Safe Zone, then your Bad Karma will decrease by 10 points per minute. - Kill a player with more than 200 Bad Karma, then your Bad Karma will decrease by 50 points (only possible once for each character). - Use a Potion of Atonement, then your Bad Karma will decrease by 200 points (limited to 10 uses per day).
GodFire Forge is a game that takes place within the setting of Norse mythology. The mighty gods of Valhalla are fighting the never ending hordes of giants on the battlefields. To their aid they have you, the player, as a smith to forge their legendary weapons. As you smith their weaponry, you will have an overview of how the battle is waging. If you are slow in your smithing, the giants will over-run the Asagods and they will loose the battle. However if you are quick, the gods will gain favor in the battle and push the giants back to victory and glory. The game is built using Unity, and the input is several big boxes were a dance-Mat is placed upon every button. A rubber mallet is served as the hammer. With the aid of your mallet, punch huge buttons to forge weapons to the Norse gods in this tug-of-war game. The screen is projected using a projector. - Lisa Wackenhuth Svanström – Producer - Evelina Foxberg – Lead Art - William Persson – Game Designer - Erik Lindgren – Lead Code - Johan Holmér – Lead Tech - Samuel Ehnberg – Lead Sound
In order to create Emil’s Tablet, you will need a Degenesis Stone. Here are the requirements you will need to meet in order to complete this quest: - Synthesize a Hammer with the “Capable Crushing” effect: You will need a Hammer with Gathering Rank 2 in order to obtain a Degenesis Stone. - Obtain an Ancient Log: Emil’s Tablet also requires an Ancient Log. - Synthesize a Neutralizer: Aside from those two ingredients, Emil’s Tablet also requires a Neutralizer of any color. Gathering the Ingredients You can find both the Degenesis Stone and the Ancient Log in the same location. Fast travel to Nemed Forest – Collapsed Wall. For the Degenesis Stone, use the Hammer with Gathering Rank 2 on any of the boulders around the area. In order to obtain an Ancient Log, use a Woodcutter’s Axe with Gathering Rank 2 on the logs lying on the ground. Synthesizing Emil’s Tablet After obtaining all ingredients, return to the Kark Isles Atelier. Select the recipe for Emil’s Tablet. Insert a Degenesis Stone in the first Quality loop. Add an Ancient Log to the second Quality loop. Insert a Magical-category ingredient in the third Quality loop. Add a Neutralizer-category ingredient to the fourth and final Quality loop. You can then synthesize the recipe to obtain Emil’s Tablet. After obtaining Emil’s Tablet, fast travel to Kark Isles – Blue Life Spring. Head over to the Gates of Honour in order to advance the main story.
Diablo 2 is performing very poorly for me. I tried every display mode (Direct3d, DirectDraw, 3dfx(with glide wrapper)), tried compatibility settings and every solution on the internet but nothing helps. It gets randomly worse in crowded areas. The interesting thing is that me and my friend are playing Median XL mod. Our computers are pretty much the same except for the GPUs. He has an Nvidia 780 and I have 2x 6970. His game performs fine. First, I thought the game has problems with multi GPU systems, so I disabled crossfire, but nothing changed. I think this is about drivers. Should I use an extremely old driver? Which one? Or should I try something else? Playing with windowed mode doesn't change anything either.
Microsoft are set to release their E3 2016 trailer later today, however, a post on Reddit claims that the video has been leaked with Reddit user Dieklobrille also claiming to have trawled through the Xbox API, which as you’d expect has provided a number of new rumours regarding what games may be talked about at E3 later this month. Here is the apparent trailer for the Xbox E3 2016 Briefing. We’re not sure whether or not it looks legit. It just….looks a bit cheap for Microsoft. The music is dreadful for a start. Anyway, time will tell whether or not it’s the real thing. According to the Xbox API, if believed, a new Battletoads game is in development. I don’t think anyone saw that coming, did they? However, there will be more information on the likes of Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 3, something zombie related, and Age of Empires, which means that after all these years, Age of Empires 4 may be real? Probably not, but we can dream right? Here’s a quick rundown of what we can expect from Microsoft this year, if these rumours are true. - Rare is working on a new Battletoads (maybe just the Rare name though like at the Killer Instinct reveal trailer, game could also be co-developed by another studio) - Sea of Thieves won’t be a straight MMO, more like The Division/Destiny, seems like MS will give this game a huge focus, cross-play, cross-buy - FH3 set in Australia - General RAAM for Killer Instinct - Something Age of Empires (still not sure what exactly, prob new game) - Halo Wars 2 Beta is a thing, no cross-play mentioned - Zombie online game by MS, prob new State of Decay, could also be Dead Rising - Anniversary update will gets its own landing page on Xbox.com with the major features listed, prob “available now” at E3 for preview. It would be great to see Age of Empires at E3 this year, a new game in the series has been long overdue in my opinion. A new online zombie game also sounds exciting, especially if it is a game coming out of Undead Labs, the guys behind State of Decay. As for the other stuff, I doubt it’s going to set E3 on fire, but who knows, it might not even be true.
The first-person shooter (FPS) game is one of the most popular games on many gaming platforms. These games offer adrenaline-pumping, fast-paced action gameplay that you cannot experience in any other game. From Call of Duty to Counter-Strike, FPS games have made their mark on the gaming industry which won’t be fading anytime soon. If you are looking for some of the best FPS games for your PC, then we have the perfect list for you. Below are the 5 best FPS games for PC that you can play right now. best FPS games on PC Among the many different genres and themes we have these days, one thing that has always remained popular is FPS games on PC. Although they’ve changed a lot over the years and are focusing more on multiplayer these days, they’re still some of the most fun games to try. With so many different titles, it’s even harder to know which one to choose or play first. To help you a little with this, we’ve put together a neat list of some of the best and most classic PC shooter games out there! Check it out below! 1. TEAM FORTRESS 2 In this extra-shooting, class-based affair, angry cartoon men grab briefcases, escort bombs, and stand on nods. Team Fortress 2 is fantastic, and it is still easily one of the best shooting games on PC. It’s evolved too, with mountains of user-generated content, maps, modes, and new Team Fortress 2 gadgets that help keep the shooter relevant. The premise is as simple as ever: You choose a character from a cast of nine and take your place on a team. Modes include Capture the Flag, King of the Hill and Payload – the latter sees a team advancing bombs on a railroad track while their opponents desperately try to hold them back. It’s a classic that has become Overwatch’s flagship mod, but it was first refined to perfection in Team Fortress 2. Merriam-Webster defines motion as “the act, process, or instance of changing location”. This sense perfectly sums up Platinum Games’ wildly creative Vanquish, a third-person shooter in which steady play means a quick death. Exquisitely designed with movement in mind, the Vanquish’s kinetic, jet-powered action adds visual flair (now remastered in 4K) and a wonderful sense of movement as you mechs, in a near-futuristic setting. Destroy vehicles, enemy soldiers and super-powered bosses. , If Battlefield and Call of Duty have turned you away from shooters, Vanquish’s take on the unique power-armor style might be the title to make you strap on your in-game gun. 3. Titanfall 2 The original Titanfall quickly became one of the best multiplayer games of its generations, and its sequels not only improve upon that original formula, but also include the best single-player shooter campaigns of all time. More than five years after its launch, Titanfall 2 is still a must-play, with its unique blend of mech combat and intense, fast-paced gunplay. The community of multiplayer modes may be closed now, but it is still playable and offers a truly unique experience that is a high watermark for mech combat games. Once again, the solo campaign is also top-notch, with a compelling story and a fresh focus on gameplay on the wild cinematics and set pieces. There’s also a four-player co-op wave mode for you to enjoy. Bulletstorm is an incredibly well made score attack shooter that’s a little different from everything else on the list. The energy strap, ability to kill enemies and fast player movement give you plenty of scope to put together cool, flashy combos and use your arsenal creatively. The sworn, intentionally immature script put together by comic book writer Rick Remender matches the over-the-top action perfectly. It is available on Steam in an enhanced full clip version, complete with the optional embarrassing Duke Nukem appendage. 5. Half-Life 2 Speaking of influential games, Valve’s Half-Life 2 came out in 2004 and revolutionized the shooter as we knew it. With a dynamic physics system that’s still over the top, a surreal setting and a suite of unforgettable characters, Half-Life 2 delivers an adventure that’s demanding to play if you don’t have the guts to understand many shooter games. Ichha Hai has been launched to acclaim over the past two decades. The game shows no signs of wear even 16 years after its release, a testament to the success of its fundamentals. Follow Freeman in one of the best FPS game missions ever created. also read : top 5 Best Pokemon Female Characters 2 Fortnite Battle Royale. 3 Apex Legends. 4 League of Legends (LOL) 5 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) 8 DOTA 2. 1 Garena Free Fire. 2 Despicable Me: Minion Rush. 3 Jetpack Joyride. 4 PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds) Mobile. 5 Fruit Ninja. 6 Clash Of Clans. 1 Scientists developed a new camera that can take a whopping 70 trillion frames per second. 2 One of the inventors calls the new process compressed ultrafast spectral photography, or CUSP. 3 The study appears in the April 29 edition of Nature Communications.
People always gripe and complain about getting older. It's true getting older can be something of an arduous task. With the proper diet/ nutrition, exercise and fervor for life, getting older doesn't have to look like it used to in the days of cigarettes and booze at every turn, even in the office place. At times libido has been known to suffer from old age or even just mature age. Again, with proper bodily care what's left to overcome is mental blockades which are generally gained over time from negative experiences. Just like a daily skin regimen involving...PRODUCTS...a sexual refinement regimen can be utilized to revamp or RESEX anyones life. The current state of our world, when is comes to sex, has become a wide open playing field. You can fuck who you want, virtually when you want, how you want....if you want?. Enter into any "sex shop" or peruse any online adult novelty store and it's all at your finger tips. Even the leading condom brand, Trojan, has joined the ranks of sex toy manufacturers abound. Right now I can look over to my nightstand and find an amazing array of pleasure products. Yes, I am a sex toy designer and yes I do "research" to find what I think the world needs to spice up their lives and regain that youthful innocence which we all long for once past the age of, now a days roughly 28. It all began with a healthy love of human connection and a wild curiosity of what our bodies are capable of when it comes to pushing the boundaries of winning pleasure. Thanks Charlie Sheen, an orgasm is a grand moment of WINNING! Returning to innocence is something to me that sounds like we would be able and allowed to explore, without judgement or shame, what ever boundaries we think we have with regard to where the human body, the human spirit and the kundalini meet. Since we love to attach products to any action or intent, as we humans do, pleasure products are here and readily available to anyone excited to reawaken that innocence. Think of them as the board games of the bedroom, the princess tiaras and boas of the seduction wonderlust, the racquets and balls of our courts ie where ever you like to "get down". Dusts, gels, lubes, finger paints, pasties, ropes, swings, spankers, powders in all flavors, temperatures, colors and beyond.....it's a wonderland of sensual fun! These are not limited to partner play alone....take your time when breaking down your barriers and returning to your innocence. Play with your products alone to get acquainted. Most insecurity occurs because of discomfort or distrust of self for one reason or another. Be caring and considerate to yourself and your partner. Laugh in the bedroom WITH each other or alone, it's the best way to break the ice. So often I've had partners that never want to separate because I am "in the moment", unafraid and candid. No matter whether there's a slip up.....no, not up the butt!....we aren't talking about that right now...or what would seem to be a mishap while exploring, it's all in fun and for the sake/ in the name of pleasure. So go ahead and HAVE FUN! Don't even hold back if you have the slightest curiosity, go with it and see where your real boundaries lie beyond the pretense. (so many puns I can barely stand it!) Think about it, when you were young and beginning to learn about everything...ANYTHING...NOTHING...it was all OK, because, "you are young". As time and all the media has shown us, no one really grows up. We are all just big ass children roaming around with lots of allowances and responsibilities getting by and making the most of the lives we're given. Use some of that money to invest in your pleasure chest, expand your repertoire while ultimately gaining more satisfaction!
Bonamici Clutch Lever Guard with Blue Anodized Tip Front are machined from T-6061 Aluminum. Handcrafted in Italy, Bonamici Clutch Lever Guards prevent your Clutch Lever from getting hit by another rider in tight traffic or during a drag race to the finish line. In addition, Lever Guards for your Clutch Lever can protect your hand in certain kinds of crashes. The Lever Guards are extremely strong, attractive, anodized for durability, and weigh only 2.78 oz. A thread locking glue or tape is recommended for proper installation. Replaceable Color Front Tips are also available in Black, Red, Blue, Gold, and Green. Fits 7/8" standard size "after-market" clip-on bars. Expansion-Bolt Mounting Hardware and Spacers Included.8mm Inlet. Recommended for the Bonamici Clutch Lever Guard (Black / Blue)
Fall fertilization of lawns prepares the ground for the next season and makes it lush. Lawns are often stressed or nutritionally depleted in hot summer that becomes visible as bald patches and less appealing sights. Applying fertilizers in the fall prepares the ground for the next season and adds value to increase the curb appeal of your lawn. So, here is everything about fall fertilization! You will also get all the necessary information that will help to nurture your lawn nicely, including fertilizer timing and quantity. So, don’t stop and keep reading! Key Learning Points When to Fertilize Lawn in Fall? Early fall is the best time to fertilize your lawn and prepare it for the harsh weather. But when fertilizing the lawn in the fall is one of the most critical factors for a healthy lawn. After summers, the grass is damaged a lot by extreme heat. This is the time when it proceeds towards regaining its strength. Adding fertilizers just as the grass has started to recover will improve the health of the grass. Adding fertilizers will give your lawn the essential nutrients it needs to grow. Adding fertilizers at the beginning of the fall when the ground temperature is not very high will prevent the grass from yellowing. What is the Best Time to Fertilize the Lawn? Apart from the season, part of the day you should fertilize your lawn is also very important. Generally, it is advised that you should fertilize your lawn only in the late afternoon and evening. During the day, the temperature of the soil is very high, and adding fertilizer can burn the grass. Also, fertilizers should be added to slightly damp soil. So, afternoon and evening is the only time when the ground is not very hot or wet. You should not fertilize the lawn when wet because it can damage the grass. Fertilizer sticks to the tips of the grass and burns it. Therefore it should be added to slightly moist soil to absorb properly. How to Fertilize Lawn in Fall – Step-by-Step Now that you know when to fertilize the lawn in the fall, it is vital to understand how to add fertilizers to your ground. Following are some essential points to keep in mind when planning to fertilize your lawn: - Read the application instructions on the fertilizer bag before feeding.Ingredients and their formulations never remain the same, and they keep changing. So even if it’s the 100th time you are using the same fertilizer for your plant, don’t forget to read the instructions. This can save your lawn from any harm. - Make sure the soil is a little moist before the feeding session. It helps the food to absorb better in the ground. Don’t water just before fertilizing; it can make the food grains stick to the tips and bur them. Also, there shouldn’t be any rainfall after the session for almost 24-48 hours. Rain washes away all the food. - Choose a spreader to apply fertilizer. It aids in evenly distributing the food in the soil. - Before adding fertilizers, ensure that your yard is clean from fallen leaves or other products. Leaves resist the even distribution of the fertilizer, so it is necessary to remove it first. - Spread the food slowly, so there is no area left unfertilized. How Frequently Should You Fertilize Lawn in Fall? Not only you should know when to fertilize the lawn in the fall, but the time interval is also essential. Fertilizing your lawn will help it to grow healthier, but over-fertilizing can negatively affect the growth of your grass. Generally, it is recommended that you should only feed your grass 2-3 times during the months of fall. Your lawn needs nutrients when it is in the growing stage. You should feed it every 6-8 weeks for better results. But you can always skip this step once the grass gets thick and green. The duration you fertilize the lawn depends on your area’s weather conditions. If the winter season lasts longer in your area, you can increase the fertilizing sessions. 5 Benefits of Fall Fertilization of Lawns Like everything else, fertilizing your lawn costs money as well as time. You may want to know whether it is worthy of your investments. It is crucial to know the results of something before investing. Here we have gathered some of the many benefits of adding fertilizers to your lawn: 1. Improves Growth A healthy and lush green lawn is beautiful. But sometimes, grass at one part is carpeted while there is less or no grass on the other part of the lawn. It feels very unpleasant to walk on uneven grass. Due to the lack of nutrients in different soil areas, there is less grass in some parts of the lawn. Adding fertilizers fulfills the soil’s nutrient needs, resulting in smoother and healthier grass all over the lawn area. 2. Reduces Pest An unhealthy lawn is a significant reason for the pest attack. They attack areas that are already weak. Fertilizers contain insecticides that prevent the pests from attacking and damaging the grass. Even if the fertilizer you use does not have insecticides, it still protects the lawn. This is because fertilizers grow thick and healthy grass, and pests can’t grow there. 3. Lowers the Chance of Diseases Grass having weak roots has a greater chance of becoming prey to diseases. Sometimes a whole patch of grass burns suddenly, or it starts yellowing. This clearly signifies that your lawn is not getting enough nutrients or a proper growth environment. Adding fertilizers can help your yard to regain its strength and improve its health. 4. Protects the Soil Soil is vital for the growth of grass. But as the grass grows, it needs more nutrients and minerals, which it takes from the soil in which it is planted. It reduces nutrients in the soil, affecting its quality. Mixing fertilizers will keep the nutrient level balance. Also, heavy rain and storms can blow away soil and essential nutrients if the grass is not thick. Providing proper fertilizers to your lawn will result in a healthy and thick layer of grass. This will protect the soil during heavy rain. 5. Consistent Flow of Nitrogen Fall fertilization is the best way of giving the grass a head start for next spring. Your lawn will have the perfect time to green up because fertilization in fall prepares grass by providing a consistent flow of nitrogen. FAQS – Fall Fertilization of Lawns What is the Best Lawn Fertilizer Ratio for Fall? Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium are the three main components of fertilizer. For the best results, use a fertilizer that has 3:1:3 ratios of these substances. This is the amount for an ideal situation. Different areas have different soil types and fertilizer needs. You can determine a proper ratio for your lawn by taking a soil test. What is the Best Fertilizer for Lawns in Fall and Why? The best fertilizer to feed your lawn should have a higher percentage of nitrogen. Nitrogen is responsible for green and healthy plants. A 20-8-8 fertilizer contains 20% nitrogen in it. In winters, however, you should use the one with a higher percentage of Potassium. It strengthens the walls of the plants by creating thick cell walls. This helps the plant to bear the harsh winter season. What is the Importance of Fall Fertilization for Trees? Like grass and other small plants, trees also need nourishment to grow faster and healthier. As trees grow in size, they absorb more nutrients from the soil, which lowers the level of nutrients in the soil. Fall is the best time to fertilize them. Trees should be fertilized at the beginning of the fall season. Leaves decompose and fulfill the supply of nutrients, but they are removed for regrowth of the fresh ones in the fall. This is when they don’t have any nutrient source and need added fertilizers. Conclusion – Fall Fertilization of Lawns Fall fertilization can prove the quickest way to boost soil nutrients that, in return, give healthy growth. All you need is to fertilize your lawn at the right time and in the right balance of nutrients. Remember, exceeding the nutritional value can also burn your grass. So, carefully follow everything discussed in the article and prepare your lawn for the next growing season.
Clinical trials are designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new drugs, preventive measures, and screening tests. These trials are conducted on human subjects in order to gather information on specific health issues. At Guardian Angel, clinical trials are meticulously planned and monitored with the goal of discovering better ways to deal with medical issues. We delve into the intricacies of science and use innovative methods and technologies to explore and validate our research findings. By participating in a clinical trial, you can play a crucial role in advancing medical knowledge and improving the lives of yourself and others. Millions of people choose to participate in these trials each year. Guardian Angel Research Center is a leading clinical research organization. Our team comprises of skilled healthcare professionals who are committed to delivering top-notch medical research services. We strive to provide our patients with the highest quality of care and expertise. Our team comprises Board-Certified Physicians, research coordinators, phlebotomists, registered nurses, medical assistants, and office managers, who work together to ensure exceptional patient care. Located just 5 miles from the Tampa International Airport, our facility is easily accessible via major roadways and public transportation, and transportation assistance is also available for your convenience. We are conveniently located in close proximity to St. Joseph Hospital and Florida Hospital Carrollwood, providing you with access to the best medical research team. The following studies are currently recruiting participants. Contact us today for detailed information. A migraine is a type of headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation, usually on one side of the head. It often comes with additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Clinical research plays a crucial role in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care by exploring new treatments, therapies, and diagnostic procedures, as well as gaining insight into the underlying mechanisms of diseases. Observational studies, in particular, are valuable in identifying potential risk factors for certain diseases, such as the connection between smoking and lung cancer. Outcomes-based research helps healthcare providers determine the most effective treatments and therapies for various medical conditions. Additionally, clinical research plays a role in the development of innovative medical technologies. Clinical research is conducted for the benefit of society, and the participation of volunteers is crucial in advancing medical knowledge. Many people choose to participate in clinical research with the goal of improving their own health and that of others. The opportunity to contribute to the advancement of medical science is a powerful motivator for many individuals. Your participation is essential to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge and help advance the cures of tomorrow. Discover our active clinical trials in the "Current Studies" section of our website and gain insight into the research that interests you. Look for clinical trials that match your specific medical conditions, age, and other eligibility criteria. Once you’ve found a study that interests you, contact us to learn more about the study and discuss your eligibility. We can answer any questions you may have. At Guardian Angel Research Center, we are dedicated to providing patients with the best medical research services possible. Our clinic is dedicated to conducting and closely monitoring Clinical Research in an effort to improve disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment methods.
If there’s one particular factor that melts a pet owner’s coronary heart, it’s seeing our furry companions gentle up with joy at the mere mention of a delicious deal with. From wagging tails to eager eyes, you will find no denying the magical electrical power of canine treats. But what can make these canine confections so irresistible? Join us as we embark on a journey to unleash the strategies powering crafting the ideal dog treats that will have your four-legged pals begging for far more. For generations, people have been delighting in the pleasure of dealing with their loyal companions. From simple bones and biscuits to gourmet delicacies in shape for royalty, the entire world of puppy treats has arrive a long way. But what makes a treat really special? Is it the ingredients, the flavor, or maybe the adore and care put into its creation? As we undertaking into the entire world of puppy treats, we will discover these inquiries and unravel the mysteries powering what entices our beloved canine and keeps their tails wagging in blissful anticipation. So grab a bone-shaped biscuit, sit again, and get completely ready to uncover the secrets of crafting irresistible canine confections. 1. Understanding the Dietary Requirements of Puppies Canine, just like human beings, have certain nutritional needs that should be satisfied to make certain their general health and properly-becoming. Supplying them with a effectively-well balanced diet program is important for their progress, strength stages, and immune system. To meet their dietary wants, it is crucial to understand the important parts of a dog’s diet regime. The main vitamins and minerals canines call for are proteins, carbohydrates, fat, natural vitamins, and minerals. Proteins assist muscle mass advancement and restore, whilst carbs provide power. Fats are a concentrated source of vitality and aid sustain a wholesome coat and pores and skin. Nutritional vitamins and minerals engage in a critical part in different bodily features, including bone overall health, immune support, and digestion. To cater to these dietary needs, canine treats need to be meticulously formulated to give a well balanced and healthful snack option. It is important to decide on treats that contain large-good quality substances and steer clear of these with extreme additives, preservatives, or fillers. Some treats are specially formulated to cater to certain requirements, such as dental health or weight administration. Understanding the dietary demands of dogs can support pet proprietors choose treats that assist their furry friends’ overall health and effectively-getting. two. Selfmade vs Retailer-Purchased: Deciding on the Right Treats When it will come to treating our furry pals, the options are unlimited. A single vital decision to make is no matter whether to opt for selfmade or shop-bought dog treats. Both have their deserves, and it in the end depends on your priorities and conditions. Selfmade dog treats offer you a far more individualized touch. By making treats at property, you have total handle more than the substances employed. This permits you to cater to any nutritional limitations or allergy symptoms your puppy might have. In addition, you can tailor the flavors to go well with their tastes, ensuring they will be really irresistible. Homemade treats can also be a value-powerful selection, specially if you already have the required elements in your pantry. On the other hand, shop-purchased canine treats give convenience and assortment. With numerous brand names and flavors available, you can very easily discover treats that match your dog’s particular requirements and tastes. These treats typically go through demanding screening to fulfill nutritional expectations, supplying peace of head that your canine is receiving a balanced diet regime. Keep-purchased treats are also fantastic for busy pet owners who might not have the time to bake their very own. In the end, the choice among do-it-yourself and keep-purchased puppy treats is dependent on what you prioritize for your furry companion. Whether you choose for the individualized contact of homemade treats or the ease of keep-acquired possibilities, your pet will definitely recognize the love and hard work you put into choosing the appropriate treats for them. three. Discovering Popular and Wholesome Puppy Handle Recipes In this area, we will delve into some common and healthy puppy treat recipes that will definitely make your furry friend’s tail wag with joy! Peanut Butter Banana Bites: Mix two scrumptious elements, peanut butter and bananas, to create a tasty deal with for your canine companion. Just mash a ripe banana and blend it with a tablespoon or two of peanut butter. Roll the mixture into tiny chunk-sized balls and place them on a baking sheet. Pop the sheet into the freezer right up until the treats are company, and voila! Your pup will have a healthful and irresistible snack. Sweet Potato Chews: If your puppy enjoys a great chew, sweet potato chews are an excellent selection. Begin by peeling and slicing sweet potatoes into thin strips. Spot the strips on a baking sheet and bake at a lower temperature, close to 250°F (120°C), for many several hours until finally they dry out and turn out to be chewy. These do-it-yourself treats are not only mouthwatering for canines but also supply advantageous vitamins and fiber. Rooster and Vegetable Medley: For a savory and healthful dog take care of, consider generating a chicken and vegetable medley. Get started by boiling boneless and skinless hen breast until finally entirely cooked. Let it great, then shred it into modest pieces. Chop some pet-helpful greens, these kinds of as carrots and green beans, into chunk-sized parts. Sauté the greens frivolously in a pan until they are tender. Ultimately, combine Natural Dog Treats shredded rooster with the veggies and divide the combination into little parts. This delightful blend of protein and veggies will certainly have your canine begging for much more. By discovering these common and healthful dog handle recipes, you can supply your furry buddy with delightful homemade goodies that are each wholesome and irresistible. Give them a try and see the tails wag with happiness!
Diarrhea is a common digestive issue that can strike at any time. Loose, watery stools, abdominal cramps, and dehydration characterize it. While many over-the-counter medications are available to treat Diarrhea, some people prefer to use natural home remedies instead. Home remedies for Diarrhea include dietary changes, herbal remedies, probiotics, and hydration. For instance, fiber-rich foods can help regulate bowel movements and reduce diarrhea symptoms. Herbal remedies like ginger and peppermint tea can help soothe the digestive system and alleviate discomfort. Probiotics are another popular home remedy for Diarrhea. These beneficial bacteria can help restore balance to the gut microbiome, which certain medications or infections can disrupt. Drinking plenty of fluids is also essential to prevent dehydration, which can be a severe complication of Diarrhea. It’s important to note that while home remedies can be effective for mild cases of Diarrhea, a healthcare professional should evaluate severe or persistent symptoms. In some instances, Diarrhea may be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires medical attention. home remedies for Diarrhea can be a safe and effective way to alleviate symptoms and promote digestive health. By making simple dietary changes and incorporating natural remedies into your routine, you can help prevent and manage this common digestive issue. Natural Home Remedies for Diarrhea Dealing with Diarrhea can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. While over-the-counter medications can help alleviate symptoms, natural home remedies for Diarrhea can be a gentler and more holistic approach to managing this common digestive issue. Here are some natural remedies that can help: Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids is crucial to prevent dehydration, which can worsen Diarrhea. Water, clear broths, coconut water, herbal teas, and electrolyte drinks like Gatorade or Pedialyte are good options. Try the BRAT diet: Bland foods like bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, boiled potatoes, plain crackers, or boiled carrots are easy to digest and help firm loose stools. Take herbal remedies: Ginger tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea, or turmeric have anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that can soothe the digestive system and reduce diarrhea symptoms. Use essential oils: Peppermint oil, lemon oil, or lavender oil can be diluted in carrier oils like coconut oil or olive oil and applied topically to help ease diarrhea symptoms. By incorporating these natural remedies into your routine, you may find relief from diarrhea symptoms without relying on harsh medications. As always, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider if your symptoms persist or worsen. Foods to Eat and Avoid When You Have Diarrhea Are you bloated, nauseous, and running to the bathroom every few minutes? If you’re experiencing Diarrhea, you’re not alone. Various factors, including food poisoning, stress, or a viral infection, can cause this uncomfortable condition. But don’t worry – plenty of natural remedies can help alleviate your symptoms and get you back on track. One of the most important things to remember when dealing with Diarrhea is to stay hydrated. Your body is losing fluids rapidly, so replenishing them is crucial. Drinking water is always a good idea, but you can also try sipping coconut water, sports drinks, or clear broths. These beverages contain electrolytes that can help replace lost minerals and prevent dehydration. Another way to soothe your digestive system is by consuming probiotics. These beneficial bacteria can help restore the balance of your gut microbiome and alleviate diarrhea symptoms. You can find probiotics in fermented foods such as yogurt or kefir. Why not whip up a delicious smoothie bowl with fresh fruit and yogurt? Regarding your diet, it’s essential to avoid certain foods that can worsen your symptoms. Spicy and greasy foods, high-fiber foods, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners should be avoided when you have Diarrhea. Instead, choose bland and easy-to-digest foods such as bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, boiled potatoes, and chicken broth. It’s important to remember that it’s time to seek medical attention if your symptoms persist for more than a few days or are accompanied by severe symptoms such as fever or bloody stools. try these natural remedies and give your body the TLC it needs to recover. Diarrhea can be an unpleasant experience, but plenty of home remedies can help alleviate your symptoms. Staying hydrated, consuming probiotics, and eating bland and easy-to-digest foods are great ways to soothe your digestive system. So next time you feel under the weather, try these natural remedies and feel better soon! Over-the-Counter Medications for Diarrhea Relief Are you feeling the discomfort of Diarrhea? It can be a real pain in the gut! But don’t worry, plenty of natural remedies can help alleviate your symptoms. However, sometimes, these home remedies may not be enough to provide relief. That’s when over-the-counter (OTC) medications come into play. OTC medications for diarrhea relief can be purchased without a prescription from a healthcare provider. They are available in various forms, such as tablets, capsules, liquids, and powders. The most common OTC medications for diarrhea relief are loperamide, bismuth subsalicylate, and attapulgite. Loperamide is an anti-diarrheal medication that works by slowing down the movement of the intestines. It is effective in treating acute Diarrhea but should only be used for up to two days without consulting a healthcare provider. On the other hand, bismuth subsalicylate is an antacid and anti-inflammatory medication that can also help reduce Diarrhea. It works by coating the lining of the stomach and intestines to protect them from irritation. You might know it by its brand name Pepto-Bismol. Lastly, attapulgite is a clay-like substance that absorbs water and toxins in the intestines, which helps to reduce Diarrhea. It is commonly found in products such as Kaopectate. However, it is essential to note that OTC medications for diarrhea relief should not be used if the person has a high fever, blood in their stool, or recently traveled to a high-risk area for infectious Diarrhea. In these cases, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. When using OTC medications for diarrhea relief, reading the labels and following the instructions is essential. Overusing or misusing these medications can lead to adverse effects such as constipation or dehydration. while there are plenty of natural remedies for diarrhea relief, OTC medications can also provide quick relief. However, using them with caution and only when necessary is essential. Always read the labels and seek medical attention if you experience severe symptoms. Stay healthy, everyone! The Benefits of Taking Probiotics for Diarrhea Diarrhea can be a real pain in the gut, but did you know that probiotics can help alleviate symptoms and promote gut health? Probiotics are live microorganisms that can provide various health benefits when consumed sufficiently. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of probiotics for Diarrhea and how they can help restore balance to your gut microbiome. One of the primary benefits of probiotics is their ability to prevent and treat Diarrhea. Diarrhea is a common digestive problem various factors, including infections, antibiotics, and food intolerances, can cause. Probiotics can help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and modulate the immune system. This can help reduce the severity and duration of diarrhea symptoms. For example, studies have found that probiotics can be particularly effective in reducing acute infectious Diarrhea in children. In one study, children who were given a specific strain of probiotics had significantly shorter duration and less severe symptoms than those who received a placebo. Probiotics may also effectively prevent antibiotic-associated Diarrhea, which can occur when antibiotics disrupt the natural gut flora. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of probiotics for Diarrhea may depend on the specific strains and doses used, as well as individual factors such as age, health status, and diet. Choosing high-quality probiotic supplements or fermented foods that contain live cultures and are free from contaminants or additives is also crucial. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting a probiotic regimen, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or take medications. Sarah, a 35-year-old woman, recently went on a trip to Mexico and came down with a case of traveler’s Diarrhea. She experienced frequent loose stools and abdominal cramps, making it difficult to enjoy her vacation. When she returned home, she consulted with her healthcare provider, who recommended taking a probiotic supplement to help restore balance to her gut microbiome. After a few days of taking the probiotic, Sarah noticed a significant improvement in her symptoms and could return to her routine. probiotics can naturally and effectively alleviate diarrhea symptoms and promote gut health. By restoring balance to the gut microbiome, probiotics can help reduce the severity and duration of Diarrhea, prevent antibiotic-associated Diarrhea, and improve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. However, choosing high-quality probiotic supplements or fermented foods is essential, and consult with a healthcare provider before starting a probiotic regimen. Identifying Foods That Can Worsen Diarrhea Symptoms Ah, Diarrhea. It’s nobody’s favorite topic of conversation, but it’s a common digestive issue that many of us have experienced at some point in our lives. Whether it’s caused by a bacterial infection, a food intolerance, or something else entirely, one thing is for sure: it’s no fun. But fear not, my friends! Plenty of home remedies for Diarrhea can help alleviate symptoms and get you back to feeling like your usual self in no time. One of the most effective remedies for Diarrhea is probiotics. These live microorganisms can provide a range of health benefits when consumed in sufficient amounts, including the prevention and treatment of Diarrhea. So if you’re experiencing Diarrhea, consider adding probiotic-rich foods to your diet, like yogurt or kefir. But what about foods that can worsen diarrhea symptoms? Several foods can exacerbate Diarrhea and make it worse. Here are a few to avoid: High-fat or greasy foods can be challenging to digest and worsen Diarrhea. So skip the fast food and opt for something lighter instead. – Spicy foods: If you’re experiencing Diarrhea, it’s best to avoid spicy foods that can irritate the digestive tract and worsen symptoms. – Dairy products: People with lactose intolerance may experience Diarrhea after consuming dairy products, so it’s best to avoid them if you think you might be lactose intolerant. – Caffeine and alcohol: These substances can stimulate the digestive tract and cause Diarrhea, so steer clear if you’re experiencing symptoms. – Fiber-rich foods: While fiber is essential for digestive health, consuming too much fiber during a bout of Diarrhea can worsen symptoms. Stick to bland, easy-to-digest foods until your symptoms improve. So what should you eat when you’re experiencing Diarrhea? The BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) is an excellent place to start. These foods are easy to digest and can help alleviate symptoms. And remember to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration! Diarrhea is no fun, but plenty of home remedies can help alleviate symptoms and get you back to feeling like your usual self. Remember to avoid trigger foods like high-fat or greasy foods, spicy foods, dairy products, caffeine and alcohol, and fiber-rich foods. Stick to the BRAT diet and drink plenty of fluids, you’ll feel better in no time. Exploring Different Medicines for Treating Diarrhea Diarrhea can be a real pain in the gut, but luckily, plenty of remedies help alleviate symptoms. While home remedies like the BRAT diet and probiotics are effective ways to treat Diarrhea, sometimes over-the-counter or prescription medications may be necessary. Let’s explore some different medicines that can be used to treat Diarrhea. Over-the-counter medications like loperamide (Imodium) and bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) are commonly used to treat acute Diarrhea. These medications work by slowing down the movement of the intestines and reducing inflammation in the gut. However, it’s important to note that these medications should not be used for prolonged periods or if there is blood in the stool or a high fever. Probiotics have also been shown to reduce the duration and severity of Diarrhea effectively. These supplements contain beneficial bacteria that help restore the natural balance of gut flora. Probiotics can be found in foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut or as a supplement. Prescription medications such as antibiotics may be necessary if a bacterial infection causes Diarrhea. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics, as they can have side effects and contribute to antibiotic resistance. In some cases, alternative therapies such as herbal remedies and acupuncture have been used to treat Diarrhea. However, consulting with a healthcare professional before trying alternative treatments is essential. while home remedies like the BRAT diet and probiotics are effective ways to treat Diarrhea, sometimes over-the-counter or prescription medications may be necessary. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medications or trying alternative therapies. With the proper treatment, Diarrhea can be alleviated, and your gut can get back to feeling its best. Diarrhea is a common digestive issue that can be managed with simple home remedies. Dietary changes like the BRAT diet, staying hydrated, consuming probiotics, and avoiding trigger foods can help alleviate symptoms. However, using natural remedies with caution and seeking medical attention if symptoms are severe is essential. Probiotics are a powerful remedy for Diarrhea that can provide a range of health benefits when consumed in sufficient amounts. Along with the BRAT diet and herbal teas, probiotics can help alleviate diarrhea symptoms. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medications or trying alternative therapies to ensure proper treatment. Natural remedies can effectively prevent and treat Diarrhea with reasonable care and management.
The Book of Revelation, the Sixty-sixth book of the Bible, is said to have been written by John of Patmos, also known as John the Evangelist. It reveals the number of the Beast to be 666. The first verse of Revelation to mention to mention the word Beast is Revelation 4:7, which has Reduction gematria of 471. Revelation is made up of 404 verses In that Last book of the Bible, John of Patmos wrote about the Second coming of God’s son. The 331st Prime number is 2221 The final verse of Revelation is 22:21 The Return of the King The third and final book of the Lord of the Rings series is called The Return of the King. It was written by J.R.R. Tolkien, whose real name is John, reminding us of John the Revelator. Revelation is the 66th and final book of the Bible. The King is another name for Jesus. Tolkien’s full name connects to both Second coming of Christ and 666. J.R.R. Tolkien turned 1010 lunar phases old one day before he died. An important number to this riddle is 293. It has matching gematria with 666, and shows up in several relevant phrases. The Return of the King was printed on the 293rd day of the year, a date with Primary numerology of 104: This means all of Tolkien’s works in the series had been made available by the beginning of 1956. The Return of the King has capital letter gematria of 445, syncing up with the Hebrew value for Total Lunar Eclipse. This is expanded on below. The number 445 has Jewish gematria of 2033. 233 is the 13th Fibonacci number Tolkien was born on 1/03 He died on a date with Primary numerology of 103: Anything with 103 gematria in Ordinal has Sumerian gematria of 618. Tolkien died during the time of Virgo, which is ruled by the planet Mercury, the god of communication. 2003 Film / 2021 Lunar Eclipse The cover art for The Lord of the Rings series shows us the Ring and the Eye of Sauron: This is Eclipse symbolism. The “ring” represents the Sun’s appearance during an eclipse, with the black interior representing a blackened sun. The red could even be symbolic of a Blood Moon, or a lunar eclipse. The Lord of the Rings has matching 203 gematria with the Reverse value of Second coming, which is also the capital-letter value of Jesus Christ. Intriguingly, J.R.R. Tolkien would have been 111 years old for this release, a number connected to 666 as anything with 111 gematria sums to 666 in Sumerian. Revelation 6:12 mentions both a solar and lunar eclipse. As you may have picked up on my now, this verse sums to 526 and 2210, like how there is a total lunar eclipse on 5/26 in 2021. That important lunar eclipse belongs to Saros series 121. The last eclipse of that Saros series was in 2003, the same year Return of the Ring was released. Revelation is an Apocalyptic tale about the Second coming of Jesus Christ. The film was directed by Peter Jackson, who has Primary birth numerology of 121: This eclipse occurs during Lunation # 1217: The Return of the King was released on December 17th, written 12/17, the first day of Saturnalia. This lunation ends with an important solar eclipse as well – June 10th is the first of two Arch eclipses, which the St. Louis Arch was built for. That will begin Lunation # 1218. A lot of people believe Jesus’ real birthday is September 11th, or 11/9, which is the 254th day of the year: The terror attacks of 9/11 happened virtually exactly on the 74th parallel at the World Trade Center. Jesus Christ is crucified at the beginning of the New Testament, which begins with the 42 generations to Jesus. In the Book of Revelation, the Beast rules for 42 months. The Book of Revelation mentions the number 144 on four different occasions. 1361 is the 218th Prime number You also have to appreciate how Jackson was born on the date leaving 61 days in the year’61: The 61st Prime number is 283 J.R.R. Tolkien was appointed CBE on 28/3 in the year ‘72. Return of the King was published on the date leaving 72 days in the year: This is the Primary numerology of the Revelation Lunar eclipse: May 26th is the 146th day of the year, leaving 219 on the calendar:
This policy protects the insured’s motor vehicle against financial loss that may result from theft of the vehicle or its accessories, Fire, road accidents, and other natural perils e.g floods. The insured can choose the level of coverage ranging from, Third party & Third-party fire and theft and Comprehensive. Motor Commercial Insurance What is Motor Commerical Insurance? - Motor commercial own goods – Cover taken for commercial vehicles that are being used solely by the business and not for hire or reward - Motor commercial general cartage- Cover taken for commercial vehicles that are being used for hire or reward1.e Transporters - Motor commercial School/institution Bus – Cover is taken for busses used to ferry staff or students. A passenger Legal Liability(PLL) extension has to be taken up to cover the passengers E.g A bus that has a capacity of 54 will have a PLL extension of 54 people with each being charged at Kes 500 - Protection, recovery & removal after the accident (towing charges) - Liability to Third Parties – Death or Bodily Injury: - Liability to Third Parties – Property Damage - Medical Expenses - Political violence and terrorism (optional benefit)
Gorgeous jewellery pieces are made with the diverse varieties of gold, being the classical yellow the most common. However, rose, and white gold jewellery are very valuable for many consumers and for this reason we want to explain to you the relevant characteristics of each one, giving an overview and helping you make the best choice in your jewellery piece. 18k gold is well known as a measure of high quality for this precious metal, but the reason for that is less famous. Basically, it is related to a simple formula. Pure gold has 24k, that means 24 parts of the metal and 100% purity. So, you would be wondering, why is better 18k over 24k? The answer is pure gold is the most malleable of the metals, and due to this practically impossible to use in jewellery. To deal with this, Jewellelers make alloys with other metals that gives strength, durability and a variety of color and shinning to rings, necklace, earrings, and other beautiful jewellery pieces. Everything depends on what is wanted. The more gold you have, the best purity you will get. However, a big part of other metals will give more strength. Here there are the most common alloy measurements for our precious metal, the ones used in jewellery and a focus in 18k gold with the resulting colors:
Miniature Palau Flag Proudly made in America. Silk-like flags measure 4" x 6" and are securely attached to 10" black staffs topped with gilt spears. All four sides are sewn. Bright colors. They are perfect for everything from long term desk display to parade and celebration giveaways. Palau has flown its flag since gaining independence in 1981. The light blue color signifies this sovereignty and freedom. The golden full moon symbolizes peace. The people of Palau also consider the full moon to be sacred and ideal for planting and harvesting. Base is not included, but is for sale on our website.
8 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Flutter for 2020 Learn to build cross-platform applications for iOS, Android, and the web with #Flutter for 2020 With the recent release of Flutter 1.12 and the amount of support from the community, Flutter could be the top choice for 2020. Here are 8 YouTube channels that provide great learning experiences and tutorials to get you going in 2020. Flutter — This is the official Flutter channel and includes Widget of the Week and That Boring Flutter Development Show. The Net Ninja — The Net Ninja covers everything from Flutter to PHP to React in playlist format. Udemy — Maximilian Schwarzmüller from Academind teaches a Udemy course on Flutter. Academind — Maximilian Schwarzmüller teaches Flutter on his own channel. FreeCodeCamp — FreeCodeCamp is a free web development educational site that provides lessons on HTML, React, APIs and more. The YouTube channel has hours of ad free videos covering just about anything software related. Fireship — This channel from fireship.io is educational and entertaining as the tutorials are covered quickly usually in 15 minutes with the viewer in mind. This channel covers more than Flutter with tutorials on Angular and information about different technologies like the recent one on cloud computing. London App Brewery — This channel has some tutorials and is the channel for the team that Google used to produce the Complete Flutter App Development Bootcamp with Dart as posted in this blog post. Traversy Media — This channel is one of my favorites as it has everything a web developer could want. The crash course is a basic intro to Flutter but the rest of the channel provides so much information on everything. Thanks for reading and if you know of other channels and want to share them, please do so in the comments.
11 Nov La Palma eruption update 11th November 2021: More than 1000 hectares now affected by lava flows La Palma eruption – 11th November 2021 The area of hectares affected by the lava flows has exceeded 1000 hectares for the first time, currently reaching 1006 hectares, although the progress of the lava onto new ground is very incremental at the moment, with the vast majority of lava feeding flows 1 and 2 which are feeding the growing lava delta. The latest figures show that 290 hectares of crops including 164 hectares of bananas have been destroyed, along with 65 km of roads and 1,179 residential homes according to the local land registry. The number of earthquakes decreased after a couple of days of increase to 41, being at both intermediate (10-15 km) depths and increasingly at deeper (35-40 km) depths too, with the day’s largest earthquake being a mbLg 5.0 event at 36 km depth. SO2 emissions continue to show a marked decrease relative to the 9th, at 7,000-21,000 tons per day, whilst the ash and gas plume reached 2500 m. However, satellite measurements imply current SO2 emissions show a downward trend since the start of the eruption. Currently, tremor remains stable at low levels as in the last days, and variable deformation continues to be seen at the LP03 GPS station in Jedey closest to the eruption, with a trend towards regional deflation at the other stations. Air quality improved again with respect to SO2. SO2 levels were good-reasonably good in all stations, and the hourly threshold (500 μg/m3) was only exceeded once, at 1pm local time in El Paso. Regarding PM10 levels, the daily threshold (50 μg/m3) was once again exceeded in Los Llanos with average values being classed as unfavourable, whereas all other stations remained at good or reasonably good levels. Sources: Government of the Canary Islands, PEVOLCA, Involcan, IGN, DSN, Cabildo La Palma, 112 Canarias, Tolouse VAAC, Copernicus EMS Exclusion zone map Exclusion zones shown here have been approximated from press releases from the Cabildo de La Palma and will not be exact, nor claim to be official maps of the exclusion zones. For official information, please contact the Cabildo de La Palma. Official social media To see our full social media archive, visit our open data section or click here. Found a broken web link? We have archived all of our news articles on the WayBack Machine. You can view the pages by 1. pasting the broken link into WayBack Machine and clicking ‘Browse History’ 2. clicking on the latest capture date and then 3. clicking ‘view capture’. Please let us know of any broken web links by contacting us at email@example.com. News and Interviews Interactive Lava Flow Map Notes: Use the button in the top right to open the map into full screen mode. Use the legend icon in the top left to see the legend and further information about the map. Click on individual days to see an outline of the lava flows on that day. Interactive Earthquake Map click here to enlarge Notes: The size of the points represents the size of the earthquake, and the colour represents the depth. The map will also only show a certain number of points at once. For ease of use, we recommend you uncheck all dates and the satellite basemap from the legend in the top right, and inspect the earthquakes one day at a time.
John Del Rosario, PhD, was recently honored by the Society of General Physiologists with the prestigious Excelsior Award, recognizing his exceptional contributions to the fields of physiology and biophysics. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have received a five-year, $11.7 million grant to study human genes and nerve cells to better understand how cells transmit pain and to identify new ways to treat it. Robert Gereau, Ph.D., of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and John Rogers, Ph.D., of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, are developing a miniaturized overdose-detection device. Implanted under the skin, the device would detect an overdose, automatically administer naloxone, and alert emergency responders and other members of the individual’s support system. Bobbie Brown selected as 2021 HHMI Gilliam Fellow. Robert W. Gereau IV, PhD, the Dr. Seymour and Rose T. Brown Professor and vice chair for research in the Department of Anesthesiology, has received the Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Researchers have developed an implant that could revolutionize opioid overdose treatment. The implant, placed under the skin, automatically releases naloxone—a drug that counters opioid overdoses—when low oxygen levels are detected in the blood, a common overdose sign. This innovation offers a potential solution to the opioid crisis by providing swift naloxone delivery without immediate human intervention. Scientist working to identify, reverse causes of chronic pain. Device that works in rats has potential to replace electronic stimulators, drugs for pain, incontinenc. Gereau Elected Fellow of the AAAS for his contributions to research on determining the cellular and molecular changes that underlie the development of chronic pain conditions. Robert W. Gereau receives the Frederick W. L. Kerr award from the American Pain Society. Nature news article interviews with Dr. Gereau describing future clinical trials using optogenetics for pain relief. Scientific American interviews Gereau on the future implementation of optogenetics in clinical trials for pain relief. In the wake of failed clinical trials based on animal models, the pain field is facing what seems to be an inescapable conclusion: the success of new pain drugs in the clinic will likely require studies of human cells and tissues. Pain Research Forum story on O’Brien et al study on the role of ERK2 in pain and nociceptor development. New research at Washington University in St. Louis shows that it’s possible to activate opioid receptors with light instead of pain-killing drugs. The discovery eventually may lead to new ways to relieve severe pain without the addictive properties and side effects posed by opiate drugs, such as morphine, OxyContin and Vicodin.
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Suffering a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence can be a physically, emotionally, and financially distressing experience. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, seeking compensation for your damages is a logical step to take. While you might be concerned about the costs associated with hiring an attorney, the truth is that having a skilled legal professional by your side can significantly increase your chances of obtaining a higher settlement. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why hiring an attorney for your personal injury claim is a wise choice, even considering the fact that they take a percentage of the settlement. Navigating the intricacies of personal injury law requires in-depth knowledge and expertise. Attorneys specializing in personal injury claims possess a deep understanding of the legal processes, statutes of limitations, and how to build a strong case. According to a study published by the American Bar Association, claimants who sought legal representation were more likely to receive favorable outcomes and higher compensation compared to those who pursued claims without legal assistance. Determining the value of your personal injury claim is a complex task that goes beyond calculating medical bills and lost wages. An experienced attorney takes into account both the tangible and intangible aspects of your damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and potential future medical expenses. This comprehensive approach to valuation can ensure that you receive a settlement that truly reflects the extent of your losses. Insurance companies are skilled at minimizing their payouts. They often try to settle claims quickly and for as little as possible, hoping that claimants will accept inadequate offers due to their financial strain. However, having a reputable attorney by your side changes the game. Lawyers are skilled negotiators who understand the tactics used by insurance adjusters. They can counter lowball offers and present a compelling case that emphasizes the severity of your injuries and the liable party’s responsibility. One of the most compelling reasons to hire an attorney is the potential threat of trial. Insurance companies know that if a claim goes to court, they could end up paying significantly more than they would in an out-of-court settlement. A study conducted by the Insurance Research Council found that claimants who hired attorneys received settlements that were, on average, three and a half times larger than those without representation. Insurance companies are more likely to offer a fair settlement when faced with the possibility of a trial where they may have to pay even more. Dealing with a personal injury claim can be time-consuming and emotionally draining. Juggling legal matters, paperwork, and negotiations while trying to recover from your injuries can be overwhelming. Hiring an attorney allows you to focus on your physical and emotional well-being, knowing that a legal professional is handling the complexities of your case. One of the primary concerns people have about hiring an attorney is the cost. However, most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don’t pay any upfront fees. Instead, your attorney only gets paid if they win your case. Their fee is typically a percentage of the settlement amount. This arrangement ensures that you can access quality legal representation without adding financial stress to an already challenging situation. While it’s true that attorneys take a percentage of the settlement, the increase in compensation they can secure often outweighs their fees. Let’s consider an example: if you were to settle for $50,000 without an attorney, you might receive the full amount but miss out on crucial negotiations that could have led to a $100,000 settlement with legal representation, even after the attorney’s 33% fee. In this scenario, you would still end up with $67,000 – $17,000 more than you would have received without an attorney. Hiring an attorney for your personal injury claim is a strategic move that can lead to a higher settlement, even after factoring in their fees. With their legal expertise, negotiation skills, and ability to leverage the threat of trial, attorneys can secure compensation that accurately reflects the extent of your damages. The contingency fee arrangement also ensures that pursuing your rightful compensation is risk-free and won’t add financial burden to your recovery. When it comes to personal injury claims, it’s not just about winning – it’s about winning big. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, contacting Shapiro | Delgado | Hofmann’s experienced personal injury lawyers in Sarasota and Bradenton can make a significant difference in your journey to obtain the compensation you deserve.
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The Properties panel is where individual settings are found for various features within the program. The Properties panel adjusts to show the settings of the currently selected feature. For example, a hotspot selected in the Viewer will have its parameters in the Properties panel. Use the text editor to write in plain text, rich text, and Markdown. Commonmark is the flavor of markdown that is supported in the editor. The Text/Markdown tab is for writing plain text or Markdown. If using Markdown, select Markdown. Use the Visual tab to write rich text. Here, you can choose the text style from the menu. The default is Standard. Next to the list is the option to change the text to bold, italic, and to a web link.
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Following a meteorically successful inaugural year, Sick New World is set to return to the Las Vegas Festival Grounds April 27, 2024 with an enormous collection of the world’s biggest hard rock, alternative, and up and coming artists. With a closing performance from returning headliner System Of A Down, this colossal lineup features over 65 artists across five stages, including Slipknot, Bring Me The Horizon, A Perfect Circle, Alice In Chains, Danny Elfman, Bad Omens, Sleep Token, Knocked Loose, and many more. Evergreen (Hopeless Records) is a very ambitious album and frankly by far the most thematically well-rounded and best effort from Pvris yet. Lyndsey Gerd Gunnulfsen has seamlessly planted a flag on the moon here, showing it was her that made this project special all along. Not only a queer champion, Gunnulfsen is a top-notch creator and performer who can back it up with grade-A material with startling philosophical depth amidst the beats and hooks. While sugary-sweet pop vocals coupled with head-crushing heavy metal doesn’t seem like a recipe for success, Poppy has been changing the game. We were there when she took the stage at Brooklyn Steel last month and saw firsthand what everyone has been buzzing about.Continue reading → The Cult has announced a new spate of tour dates in support of their brand new re-issues of their classic SonicTemple album via Beggars Banquet Records this year. Led by Ian Astbury and guitarist Billy Duffy, the British rock legends will embark on select dates in North America and the UK starting May 2 in Houston, TX (itinerary below). The setlist will, of course, raw from the Sonic Temple album and their other hits. Prayers, Zola Jesus and Vowws will provide direct support for these shows. Tickets are on sale now for the “A Sonic Temple” tour and available at the link below. The band expects to book another block of dates very soon for 2019/2020, with details to follow. Read this awesome Q and A discussing the tour below from Ian and Billy! Continue reading → Deftones headlined their very own festival for the first time with last weekend’s Dia De Los Deftones. The fest featured Deftones, plus Future, Mike Shinoda, Rocket From The Crypt, Doja Cat, Vowws and Vein. The band shared a recap video on Instagram you can watch now. Continue reading →
When I import my image into ArcGIS Desktop I get a black border around the region that didn't exist before in Google Earth Engine (GEE). How can I prevent GEE from doing this when I export an image? I'm not sure why GEE adds a black border to exported images, I think it's something to do with the re-orienting the image to the new projection system and cannot be changed. This isn't an issue if you're exporting a satellite image raster, as it sets the border pixel values to class 0 and this doesn't interfere with the pixels in the rest of the image. It's a bit of a pain when exporting a classified image that contains useful pixels that are classified as zero as this messes with the analysis. Anyway, I managed to figure it out with a simple .remap code. I just reassigned the values from class 0 onwards to the integer above, thus leaving class 0 free for noData pixels. Here is the code: // Classified image with 5 classes (from cluster analysis) var classified_image = cluster.cluster(clusterer); // remap values in class to integer above so class 0 becomes free for noData pixels var remap = ee.Image(classified_image)
Skip to content The Tor Project Update ubuntu version from projects/mmdebstrap-image/config to 22.04.1 !579 (comment 2854338) mentioned that there is a new Ubuntu minor version we can use. To upload designs, you'll need to enable LFS and have an admin enable hashed storage.
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are continually on the lookout for innovative strategies to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a prominent presence in their respective markets. One crucial aspect of modern business success lies within leveraging the power of digital marketing, particularly in the B2B sphere. As we navigate through the complexities of the ever-evolving online ecosystem, it’s essential for companies to remain up-to-date with the latest B2B digital marketing trends that are driving growth, boosting brand visibility and fostering impactful connections with clients. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the most recent and influential B2B digital marketing trends that are shaping the world of business, and provide valuable insights to help companies adapt, evolve and excel in the competitive digital market. Top B2B Digital Marketing Trends 1. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Account-based marketing involves targeting high-value accounts and delivering a personalized marketing approach to each of them, as opposed to more generic mass marketing methods. 2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation AI-powered tools and automation software are being increasingly integrated into B2B digital marketing, enabling improved data analysis, content creation, and predictive analytics. 3. Chatbots and Conversational Marketing Chatbots and AI-driven conversational marketing help facilitate real-time, personalized client communication, fostering trust, and generating new leads. 4. Video Marketing Video content, including webinars, live streaming, and recorded video content, will continue to dominate B2B digital marketing for better showcasing products, services, and thought-leadership. 5. Data-Driven Marketing and Personalization Leveraging data and analytics to gain deeper customer insights and inform more targeted campaigns will be key in B2B digital marketing. 6. Influencer Marketing Partnering with industry influencers for content creation and distribution will become more popular as a way to expand reach and gain credibility. 7. Content Marketing The emphasis will remain on creating high-quality, relevant content that offers value to target audiences to generate leads and build relationships. 8. Mobile-First Marketing With the continued growth of mobile usage, B2B digital marketing strategies will need to focus on optimizing for mobile, including website design, ads, and content marketing. 9. Social Media Platforms LinkedIn and other social platforms will continue to be essential in B2B digital marketing for content distribution and engagement with clients and prospects. 10. Virtual and Augmented Reality B2B marketers will increasingly leverage VR and AR technologies for virtual product demos, immersive content experiences, and training seminars. 11. Integration of Sales and Marketing Companies will continue to integrate their sales and marketing efforts to ensure a cohesive customer experience and seamless lead generation, nurturing, and conversion process. 12. Voice Search Optimization B2B digital marketers will need to adapt their SEO strategies for voice search to stay ahead of the trend. 13. GDPR and Data Privacy Compliance with data protection regulations, like GDPR, will continue to be a priority for B2B digital marketing, ensuring the ethical use and storage of customer data. 14. Programmatic Advertising Programmatic advertising allows for more precise, data-driven ad targeting, which will become increasingly popular in B2B digital marketing campaigns. 15. User Experience (UX) As B2B buyers expect seamless, personalized digital experiences, B2B marketers will focus on improving website navigation, design, and overall brand experience. The future of B2B digital marketing will be driven by advanced technologies and evolving customer expectations, leading to a more personalized and targeted approach. Account-based marketing (ABM) will enable businesses to focus on key clients and create tailored messaging, while artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will empower data-driven decision making and efficient content creation. The growing use of chatbots and conversational marketing will enable real-time communication for enhanced customer trust, and video marketing will be critical in showcasing products and thought-leadership. Data will inform hyper-personalized campaigns, as influencer marketing gains traction to expand reach and credibility. High-quality content marketing will remain a priority, and mobile-optimized experiences will be vital for reaching clients on-the-go. Social media platforms, like LinkedIn, will continue to play a major role in B2B marketing, and virtual and augmented reality technologies will facilitate immersive product demos and training. Integration of sales and marketing will ensure a cohesive journey for customers, while voice search optimization and programmatic advertising will be adopted for more effective SEO and targeting strategies. Compliance with data privacy, such as GDPR, will remain essential, and an emphasis on user experience (UX) will help create seamless, engaging digital experiences for B2B clients. With these trends shaping the future of B2B digital marketing, businesses must adapt and innovate to stay competitive and effectively connect with their target audiences. In conclusion, B2B digital marketing trends are continuously evolving, with businesses adapting and innovating to stay ahead in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape. The future of B2B digital marketing lies in the effective integration of data-driven approaches, customer-centric strategies, the adoption of advanced technology, and creative content. By closely monitoring and implementing these trends, businesses across industries can achieve sustainable growth, foster strong client relationships, and maintain a competitive edge in the market. To thrive in the B2B digital marketing arena, it is crucial to invest in a forward-thinking strategy, stay informed on the latest trends, and consistently refine your approach to keep pace with the ever-changing digital ecosystem.
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Sparkling Wine from Australia 6th September 2016 Australia is a vast country and has several different climates. The seasons of Australia are the opposite of ours and the very diverse landscape has many attributes to be proud of. There are very busy cities and beautiful beaches, too. There are many grape varieties that grow very well indeed in Australia and wonderful wines, of all types, are produced by numerous wineries. A great number of the wineries in Australia have generations of family interests, and so the knowledge and expertise are second to none, in the productions of some of the very finest wines of the world. Australia exports wines globally and their productions are enjoyed by millions, including consumers in the UK. For this quest, I wanted to identify an Australian wine brand, which is becoming a worldwide favourite. Multi award-winning, Yellow Tail is growing fast and their original mission – to produce wines of great quality, with excellent value for money – is true to this day. A sparkling success are the Yellow Tail bubbly wines. Having soft, clean aromas and flavours, these productions are very popular too, being chosen by many and are perfect for everyday celebrations. Both the Bubbles NV and the Pink Bubbles NV are light, fresh and crisp, with numerous occasions, coming to mind, where these splendid wines can be enjoyed. These are just some of the wines from the range Written by Trevor Langley Glass of Bubbly Executive editor of news content for the website Please enjoy the articles that we share - We hope you find our love for Champagne & Sparkling Wines both interesting and educational.
It’s a well known fact that kitchens during busy seasons or rush hours are always busy and it can be easy to neglect safe practices in favor of saving time. Safety should always be a food service establishment’s top priority in order to keep a sanitary kitchen and prevent injuries during food prep. Proper Cutting Techniques Step one when dealing with knives and other sharp kitchen equipment is preventing cuts or injuries. The key is learning proper cutting or slicing techniques to ensure that knives are being handled properly and are kept in working order. When slicing or cutting food products, always ensure the food is placed on a flat surface to prevent food items and knives from moving. Cutting boards are an ideal option as they provide a stable and reliable surface for easy use. The most important tip when dealing with knives is to always cut away from yourself while cutting, never towards, and keep knives sharp. Dull knives take longer to cut or slice and stand at a higher risk of causing injury. Cutting towards yourself also poses a larger risk should your hand slip or food items move unexpectedly. To help keep hands safe while using knives and other sharp objects in the kitchen, look no further than our Nitrile Rhino Gloves. They offer a seam at the wrist to ensure they don’t fall off while sharp knives or tools are in use. Gloves for Food Prep Prepping salads or sandwiches for service? Check out our Food Service gloves: poly, latex, and nitrile gloves will get the job done. Foodguard, Polycast, and Revolution poly gloves are perfect for use in restaurants or delis, and are latex and powder-free. Tuff Skin and Apollo latex gloves can also be used during food prep and are ideal for use in food production areas. With so many styles available it can be tough to find the right glove for your needs. While Nitrile Rhino Gloves have the durability needed for use with sharp tools in the kitchen, they can also be used for food prep in restaurants or grocery stores. Make Cleaning a Breeze Vinyl Verge, Odyssey, Anchor, Paradigm, and Sentinel gloves are all ideal for cleaning off tabletops or other general cleaning tasks, and come in latex-free and lightly powdered or powder-free styles. Looking for latex cleaning glove options? Latex Verge gloves are the perfect choice. Lightly powdered and powder-free options are available. Nitrile Atlantic, Verge, and Pacific can stand up to general cleaning tasks and come in latex-free and lightly powdered or powder-free styles. Wash dishes, scrub sinks, or clean tabletops with Neptune Flock Lined latex gloves. They have a beaded cuff and flocked lined design and are powder-free. Don’t settle for less than stellar gloves, keep kitchens safe with GloveNation.
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Wondering how to find sponsorships for a hackathon? Hackathon has advanced to online formats, after the Covid-19 pandemic. Hackathons are live events that involve programmers and participants competing to solve challenges. Hackathon addresses real-life business issues and social problems. Such events run for one day or maybe two to three days- it all depends on crowdsourcing solutions and innovation. Well, it is not easy to run such a big and live event, hence we need support from the team and others. Hackathons create an environment where people’s ideas come to play. Such innovations can benefit society in multiple ways. During such events, sponsorships are a complement to innovations and help to make your event successful. Sponsorship for a hackathon is not just beneficial to event organizers but also to sponsors for hackathons in many ways. Sponsors can take firms to next level by giving sponsorship for a hackathon. Here are some tricks that every hackathon organizer should keep in mind when finding sponsors for a hackathon. Essential Hackathon Sponsorship Tips for Organizers Sponsorship for a hackathon requires different amounts of funding. Here are the questions to ask yourself on how to get sponsors for a hackathon: - How many participants and audience you are expecting? - How much you are giving to each hacker? - Are you providing any travel reimbursement? - How much prize money you are giving away if monetary prize? These are the basic points you need to discuss with your team and make a realistic budget to seek sponsorships for a hackathon. Along with such questions make a list of things you need and want. Here are some hackathons sponsorships tips you definitely pay attention to: - Internet connection and electronics Other things that need to be taken care of are customized goodies. Every hackathon has its swag-backs and customized t-shirts. This has become a trend and you cannot ignore it. There are many such event engagement ideas to provide your attendees and sponsors with something to look forward to. Tip: Your pitch and presentations matter. So, make attractive and effective presentations with relevant presentation templates. Sponsors for Hackathon- Internal Leads Each hackathon coordinator generally battles to track down new leads for sponsorships for a hackathon. Let me tell you this, the best way to find sponsors for the hackathon is within your team. Discuss with your hackathon team members, who they know can sponsor the hackathon, and make a spreadsheet with all the details of potential sponsors for a hackathon. Draft an email invite, let them know who you reached them through your mutual connection. Surprisingly, many sponsorships for a hackathon come from internal sources. Try your luck with your team members, you will strongly get something out of it. Build Long-Lasting Relationship You need to think about long-term relationship building with your sponsors. Your hunt for sponsors is not limited to one event only. In the future, you will be organizing more hackathons. Find event sponsors– work on maintaining and building long trustable relationships with all the sponsors you have met. Build relationships with past sponsors as well as existing ones. Include the sponsors who did not contribute to the particular event. Keep the record of all the potential sponsors for your future events. So, post-event engagement is extremely important for sponsorships. New Sponsorships for Hackathon- From Team People grow and get promoted in their respective organizations. People also leave and someone else fills their position. There should continuously be a few groups that are completely onboarded the prior year, who know how to run sponsorship and what organizations know what, to change to the upcoming years. This will help you maintain a long-term relationship with the company. If you maintain a good relationship with the individual person as well, they might help you get sponsorship from the firm they moved to. Creative Hackathon Sponsorship Ideas Sometimes companies don’t want to give money for sponsorships. Ask them to sponsor a particular session or part of your hackathon. For example, ask them to provide hackathon merchandise, dinner, or internet connectivity. Ask for anything that can cut short your budget a little and get their name in the event. Get Your University Onboard With You If you haven’t considered your university departments, it’s time to get them on your side. Connect with your science and technology schools/departments to vouch for you. When you have support from your school, it makes a job a little easier. Also, it builds relationships of trust with other schools so that your future events get maximum participants. Set an event tech trend and make your hackathons go popular. Manali is a writer, editor, and content marketer by profession who specializes in event management and planning. She is working with AllEvents to help them create engaging content that drives the event organizers forward.
Famous manager candidate to control Chelsea. The UFABET, a well-known British media reported that former Barcelona and Spain coach Luis Enrique Dropped out of the candidates to take over Chelsea. Enrique flew to London two weeks ago and impressed the Chelsea board. But recently, it has been revealed. That he has fallen off the list of candidates to the Blues’ manager. As well as Sporting Lisbon boss Ruben Amorim Looks like Julian Nagelsmann Will become a favorite. With the 35-year-old coach giving his first interview to Chelsea last week. And went well More discussions will be made soon. Chelsea are also considering a move for Mauricio Pochettino. The former Tottenham Hotspur boss has been out of work since June 2022 and was previously unemployed. Contacte from the club after Thomas Tuchel was also sacked in September. A new round of talks are expected with Pochettino, with Chelsea’s declining interest in Enrique potentially paving the way for Spurs to sign the former Spain boss. Antonio Conte is permanent. Chelsea are still considering a new manager. Because Graham Potter, the current coach, has not been able to lead the team to perform as well as desired. The goal is for Luis Enrique, the Spanish coach who recently resigned as head coach of the Spanish national team. and still unemployed Enrique last took charge of a club in 2017 with Barcelona. and led the team to many successes Especially winning the treble in 2015 before taking over the Spanish national team in 2018. Besides that, a few days ago Someone also saw Hansi Flick, the head coach of the German national team. Appeared at Stamford Bridge Stadium. Which is expected to discussion with the Chelsea board. to serve as the new team manager
Keto diet is likely to increase memory functionality, reduce the mortality rate. This was declared by two independent studies that suggest that the keto diet could bring about multiple health benefits. Two new studies, both which were conducted on mice, complement each other’s findings, that the ketogenic, or “keto,” diet may improve the functionality of old age memory and as well as prolong lifespan. The ketogenic diet commonly known as the keto diet aims to reduce the intake of carbohydrate in favor of consuming more fat and sufficient protein. Recently, this diet type has started to attract more attention as studies have on numerous occasions linked it with weight loss benefits, adjuvant cancer therapy, and some epilepsy treatments. Two new independently conducted types of research now suggest that the keto diet might indeed help to improve memory and reduce mortality. One study is led by Drs. Eric Verdin and John Newman, both from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato, CA which looked at the effect of the keto diet on aging mice. The second study led by Dr. Jon Ramsey, from the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine – looked at adult mice and had similar results as regards the effect of the keto diet, with the inclusion that it may also enhance strength and coordination. Both findings were published later in the journal Cell Metabolism. Cyclical keto diet has health benefits as both studies tested the effects of four diet types – ketogenic, low carbohydrate, high fat, or control, all in mice. The scientists used challenges such as mazes, balance beams, and running wheels to test the development of the mice’s cognitive skills and physical strength as they age. The researchers also monitored the mice for alterations in heart function and any changes in the regulation of gene expression. What the researchers at the Buck Institute – in partnership with teams from other institutions – discovered, was that the effects of the ketogenic diet on the body were very comparable to those of fasting and other types dietary restrictions. For instance, it impacted insulin signaling and gene expression in much the same way that fasting would. The Buck Institute team discovered that a keto diet fed to mice on a cyclical basis – that is, regulated with the control diet – prevented obesity, reduced mid-life mortality, and prevented memory loss. Dr. Verdin had this to say about the discovery “The older mice on the ketogenic diet had a better memory than the younger mice. That’s remarkable”. The keto diet can increase the concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate acid (BHB) in the body, which, the researchers realized, improves memory function. According to Dr. Verdin, this is the first time that a study has detailed out the benefits of BHB on memory and lifespan as regards aging mammals. He further said; “This opens up a new field in aging research. We think the health benefits of BHB may go beyond memory and could affect tissues and organ systems,” However, when the mice were examined for the effect of the keto diet on memory, they were off the diet, and BHB levels had reverted to normal. This, the researchers explain, was to test whether or not the impact of a keto diet was either long or short termed. Dr. Newman who was amongst the researchers had this to say “We were careful to have all of the mice eating a normal diet during the actual memory testing which suggests the effects of the ketogenic diet were lasting. Something changed in the brains of these mice to make them more resilient to the effects of aging. Determining what this is, is the next step in the work,”. He – Dr. Newman in his explanation quips thoughtfully that perhaps one of the reasons for the durability of the effect on memory may be a change in gene expression. From the gene expression, it was noted that the keto diet suppressed the longevity-related Target of Rapamycin (TOR) pathway and insulin signaling and upregulated the fasting related transcription factor PPAR-alpha, a master regulator that assists the body more efficiently in metabolizing fat. Likewise, the lead researcher for the second study team, reported similar findings as regards the impact of the keto diet on memory and mortality. In his – Dr. Jon Ramsey (lead researcher for the second study team) words, “It was expected that there would be some differences [in mice fed the keto diet], but I was much more impressed by the magnitude we observed – a 13 percent increase in median lifespan for the mice on a high fat versus high carbohydrate diet. In humans, that would be an estimate of 7 to 10 years. But on equal par of importance, those mice retained the quality of health in later life.” The authors of this study also note that a keto diet allowed the mice to preserve their motor function and muscle mass. The researchers involved in both types of research were excited at the prospect that their findings were mutually confirmed to a large extent. Similarly, regarding clinical implications, Dr. Verdin and his colleagues hope that further research on a keto diet may unlock the door to better treatments for age-related cognitive disorders. His laboratory at the Buck Institute is currently neck deep in further study on how keto diets might impact Alzheimer’s disease. Source: Read Full Article
Philosophy of Positivism Becoming a popular school of thought in the early 19th century, positivism rose with the acceptance and implementation of the scientific method as a means by which to gain knowledge. As the scientific community, who valued empirical evidence to support claims, grew, so did the idea that knowledge gained from the world was the most sure kind of knowledge. Claiming to be new and detached from previous schools of thought that valued empiricism over cognition, the positivist theories were unique in understanding that natural laws could be relative and therefore affect the empirical evidence that is observed. With the writings of Auguste Comte, positivism became an influential philosophy that rejected abstractions, cognitive analysis, and hypothetical speculation and instead advocated that the problems of philosophy be solved by conducting experiments and observations using concrete, replicable methods. Comte is sometimes called the first modern “philosopher of science.” In addition to Comte, J.S. Mill, Herbert Spencer, and Ernst Mach are among the names of famous 19th century positivist theorists. Because of the measurable data collected by observing the world, positivism became foundational for the emerging field of sociology. Positivists believed that society operated by natural laws, much like the laws of physics, and that those could be measured, described, and compared. Throughout the 20th century, the study of natural scientific laws has overlapped from the traditional fields of astronomy, biology, and metaphysics discussed by Comte into the socially progressive fields of psychology, politics, and social sciences. Other theories have absorbed some elements of positivism, and the term continues to expand and be debated over. Expand your knowledge universe in just 5 minutes a day via bite-sized email courses. Share with friends:
As I wrote last week, the month of April is the 30 Days of Indie Art Project with BootsnAll. So starting today, for the whole month, I will be (attempting) to write a post a day (sometimes 2 on Book Review and Featured Friday Photo days). So the first prompt in this #Indie30 challenge is : How has your view of the world changed because of travel? “We are all the same”. That is how my view has changed. When I started traveling, I wanted to learn and show everyone’s differences. I wanted to show all the differences between cultures. I wanted to learn how people dress, eat, what they dream, what they want. But really quickly, I learned that this is all bullsh*t. There are, of course, some cultural differences (what we consider ‘meat vs pet’ for example), and there are individual differences (see photo above: I prefer travel and warm beaches, my sister prefers homesteading and things that she can hang mittens to dry on), but once I started traveling and getting to know people, I realized that we really are all the same. We all want good food, someone (family or friends) to share happiness with, and especially, to be happy. What might make each of us happy varies, same as what we consider good food, what we look for in friends, but that’s really what everyone wants. And my original view of “Show the differences” keeps you from making real connections. It puts other’s at a distance from you, and invites ethnocentric viewing. Once you get to know individuals as humans, rather than ‘strange objects of interest’ , you realize that humans in general are truly “all the same”. This is how travel has changed my view of the world. I no longer look for the big cultural or group differences. I look to make human connections with people, and learn what foods, they, as an individual, like, who their friends are, what music they listen to…aka: WHAT MAKES THEM HAPPY. When you realize how similar everyone is, no matter where they come from, the world becomes a much smaller and much less scary place. Because when you get down to it, we really are all the same. About Dani Blanchette I am a freelance travel and music photographer and creator of GoingNomadic.com. I love music, food, and exploring cities without guidebooks. I’ve flown a helicopter, hitchhiked down the east coast USA, and once snuck into the back of a zoo (in Serbia) and pet a lion. I am always up for an adventure, and sometimes I videotape them.
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