Other astronomers suggested the gas cloud could be hiding a dim star, or a binary star merger product, which would hold it together against the tidal forces of Sgr A*, allowing the ensemble to pass by without any effect.
In addition to the tidal effects on the cloud itself, it was proposed in May 2013that, prior to its perinigricon, G2 might experience multiple close encounters with members of the black-hole and neutron-star populations thought to orbit near the Galactic Center, offering some insight to the region surrounding the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.
[ "black hole", "supermassive black hole" ]
[ "Milky Way", "Galactic Center" ]
The average rate of accretion onto Sgr A* is unusually small for a black hole of its massand is only detectable because it is so close to Earth.
[ "black hole" ]
It was thought that the passage of G2 in 2013 might offer astronomers the chance to learn much more about how material accretes onto supermassive black holes.
[ "black hole", "supermassive black hole" ]
Several astronomical facilities observed this closest approach, with observations confirmed with Chandra, XMM, VLA, INTEGRAL, Swift, Fermi and requested at VLT and Keck.
Simulations of the passage were made before it happened by groups at ESOand Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
[ "Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory" ]
As the cloud approached the black hole, Dr. Daryl Haggard said, "It's exciting to have something that feels more like an experiment", and hoped that the interaction would produce effects that would provide new information and insights.
[ "black hole" ]
[ "Daryl Haggard" ]
Nothing was observed during and after the closest approach of the cloud to the black hole, which was described as a lack of "fireworks" and a "flop".
[ "black hole" ]
Astronomers from the UCLA Galactic Center Group published observations obtained on March 19 and 20, 2014, concluding that G2 was still intact (in contrast to predictions for a simple gas cloud hypothesis) and that the cloud was likely to have a central star.
[ "Galactic Center" ]
An analysis published on July 21, 2014, based on observations by the ESO's Very Large Telescope in Chile, concluded alternatively that the cloud, rather than being isolated, might be a dense clump within a continuous but thinner stream of matter, and would act as a constant breeze on the disk of matter orbiting the black hole, rather than sudden gusts that would have caused high brightness as they hit, as originally expected.
[ "black hole" ]
[ "Very Large Telescope" ]
Supporting this hypothesis, G1, a cloud that passed near the black hole 13 years ago, had an orbit almost identical to G2, consistent with both clouds, and a gas tail thought to be trailing G2, all being denser clumps within a large single gas stream.
[ "black hole" ]
Professor Andrea Ghez et al.
suggested in 2014 that G2 is not a gas cloud but rather a pair of binary stars that had been orbiting the black hole in tandem and merged into an extremely large star.
[ "black hole" ]
Randal Howard Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American physician and politician serving as the junior U.S. senator from Kentucky since 2011.
[ "Kentucky" ]
He is a son of former three-time presidential candidate and 12-term U.S. representative of Texas, Ron Paul.
[ "time" ]
[ "Texas", "Ron Paul" ]
Paul is a Republican, and describes himself as a constitutional conservative and supporter of the Tea Party movement.
[ "constitutional conservative" ]
[ "Tea Party movement" ]
Paul attended Baylor University and is a graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine.
[ "Duke University", "Baylor University", "Duke University School of Medicine" ]
Paul was a practicing medical doctor (ophthalmology) in Bowling Green, Kentucky from 1993 until his election to the United States Senate in 2010.
[ "ophthalmology" ]
[ "Kentucky", "United States Senate", "Bowling Green, Kentucky" ]
He was re-elected in 2016 and announced his candidacy for a third term in January 2022.
Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
He ended his campaign in February 2016 after finishing in fifth place during the Iowa caucuses.
While he initially opposed candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries, he supported Trump following his nomination and became one of his top supporters in the U.S. Senate during and after his presidency.
[ "Donald Trump" ]
Randal Howard Paul was born on January 7, 1963, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to Carol (née Wells) and Ron Paul, who is also a politician and physician.
[ "Ron Paul", "Pittsburgh", "Pennsylvania", "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" ]
The middle child of five, his siblings are Ronald "Ronnie" Paul Jr., Lori Paul Pyeatt, Robert Paul, and Joy Paul-LeBlanc.
Paul was baptized in the Episcopal Churchand identified as a practicing Christian as a teenager.
[ "Episcopal Church" ]
Despite his father's libertarian views and strong support for individual rights,the novelist Ayn Rand was not the inspiration for his first name.
[ "Ayn Rand" ]
Growing up, he went by "Randy",but his wife shortened it to "Rand.
"The Paul family moved to Lake Jackson, Texas in 1968,where he was raisedand where his father began a medical practice and for a period of time was the only obstetrician in Brazoria County.
[ "time" ]
[ "Texas", "Lake Jackson, Texas" ]
When Rand was 13, his father Ron Paul was elected to the United States House of Representatives.
[ "Ron Paul", "United States House of Representatives" ]
That same year, Paul attended the 1976 Republican National Convention, where his father headed Ronald Reagan's Texas delegation.
[ "Texas", "Ronald Reagan", "1976 Republican National Convention" ]
The younger Paul spent several summer vacations interning in his father's congressional office.
In his teenage years, Paul studied the Austrian economists that his father respected, as well as the writings of Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand.
[ "Ayn Rand" ]
Paul went to Brazoswood High School and was on the swimming team and played defensive back on the football team.
[ "Brazoswood High School" ]
Paul attended Baylor University from fall 1981 to summer 1984 and was enrolled in the honors program.
[ "Baylor University" ]
During the time he spent at Baylor, he completed his pre-med requirements in two and a half years,was involved in the swim team and the Young Conservatives of Texas and was a member of a tongue in-cheek secret organization, the NoZe Brotherhood, known for its irreverent humor.
[ "time" ]
[ "Texas", "Young Conservatives of Texas" ]
He regularly contributed to The Baylor Lariat student newspaper.
[ "The Baylor Lariat" ]
Paul left Baylor without completing his baccalaureate degree,when he was accepted into his father's alma mater, the Duke University School of Medicine, which, at the time, did not require an undergraduate degree for admission to its graduate school.
[ "time", "baccalaureate degree" ]
[ "Duke University", "Duke University School of Medicine" ]
He earned an M.D.
degree in 1988 and completed his residency in 1993.
[ "residency" ]
After completing his residency in ophthalmology, Paul moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky, where he has been an "active, licensed physician" since 1993.
[ "residency", "ophthalmology" ]
[ "Kentucky", "Bowling Green, Kentucky" ]
He worked for Downing McPeak Vision Centers for five years.
In 1998, he joined a private medical group practice, the Graves Gilbert Clinic, in Bowling Green, for 10 years.
In 2008, Paul formed his own private practice across the street from John Downing, his former employer at Downing McPeak.
After his election to the U.S. Senate, he merged his practice with Downing's medical practice.
Paul has faced two malpractice lawsuits between 1993 and 2010; he was cleared in one case while the other was settled for $50,000.
His medical work has been praised by Downing and he has medical privileges at two Bowling Green hospitals.
In April 2020, after recovering from COVID-19, Paul began volunteering at a hospital in Bowling Green, assisting them in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Kentucky.
[ "COVID-19", "Kentucky", "COVID-19 pandemic", "COVID-19 pandemic in Kentucky" ]
Paul specializes in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures, and corneal transplants.
As a member of the Bowling Green Noon Lions Club, Paul founded the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic in 2009 to help provide eye surgery and exams for those who cannot afford to pay.
[ "Kentucky" ]
Paul won the Melvin Jones Fellow Award for Dedicated Humanitarian Services from the Lions Club International Foundation for his work establishing the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic.
[ "Kentucky" ]
In 1995, Paul was certified to practice by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO).
[ "Ophthalmology" ]
[ "Ophthalmology", "American Board of Ophthalmology" ]
Three years earlier, the ABO had changed its certification program, which previously awarded lifetime certifications, and required ophthalmologists to recertify every 10 years, while those who had already been given lifetime certification were not required to recertify.
[ "ophthalmologist" ]
Paul felt this was unfair and campaigned to have all ophthalmologists recertify every ten years.
[ "ophthalmologist" ]
In 1999, he incorporated the National Board of Ophthalmology (NBO) to offer an alternative certification system, at a cost substantially lower than that of the ABO.
[ "Ophthalmology" ]
[ "Ophthalmology" ]
Board members were Paul, his wife, and his father-in-law.
His father-in-law, the board's secretary, stated "I never did go to any meetings ...
There was really nothing involved.
It was more just a title than anything else, for me".
By Paul's estimate, about 50 or 60 doctors were certified by the NBO.
The NBO was not accepted as an accrediting entity by organizations such as the American Board of Medical Specialties, and its certification was considered invalid by many hospitals and insurance companies.
[ "American Board of Medical Specialties" ]
Paul did not file the required paperwork with the Kentucky Secretary of State's office for the NBO's renewal to operate in 2000.
[ "Kentucky" ]
He recreated the board in 2005, but it was again dissolved in 2011.
Paul maintained his own ABO certification from 1995 to 2005.
Specialty certification does not affect physician licensure, and Paul's medical license has been valid continuously, with no board actions, since June 1993.
Paul was head of the local chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas during his time at Baylor University.
[ "time" ]
[ "Texas", "Baylor University", "Young Conservatives of Texas" ]
In 1984, Paul took a semester off to aid his father's primary challenge to Republican Senator Phil Gramm.
[ "Phil Gramm" ]
While attending Duke University School of Medicine, Paul volunteered for his father's 1988 Libertarian presidential campaign.
[ "Duke University", "Duke University School of Medicine" ]
In response to President Bush's breaking his election promise to not raise taxes, Paul founded the North Carolina Taxpayers Union in 1991.
In 1994, Paul founded the anti-tax organization Kentucky Taxpayers United (KTU), and was chair of the organization from its inception.
[ "Kentucky" ]
He has often cited his involvement with KTU as the foundation of his involvement with state politics.
The groupexamined Kentucky legislators' records on taxation and spending and encouraged politicians to publicly pledge to vote uniformly against tax increases.
[ "Kentucky" ]
Paul managed his father's successful 1996 congressional campaign, in which the elder Paul returned to the House after a twelve-year absence.
The elder Paul defeated incumbent Democrat-turned-Republican Greg Laughlin in the Republican primary, despite Laughlin's support from the NRCC and Republican leaders such as Newt Gingrich and George W.
[ "incumbent" ]
[ "Greg Laughlin", "Newt Gingrich" ]
The Wall Street Journal reported in 2010 that, although Paul had told a Kentucky television audience as recently as September 2009 that KTU published ratings each year on state legislators' tax positions and that "we've done that for about 15 years", the group had stopped issuing its ratings and report cards after 2002 and had been legally dissolved by the state in 2000 after failing to file registration documents.
[ "Kentucky", "The Wall Street Journal" ]
Paul spoke on his father's behalf when his father was campaigning for office,including throughout the elder Paul's run in the 2008 presidential election, during which Rand campaigned door-to-door in New Hampshireand spoke in Boston at a fundraising rally for his father on the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.
[ "New Hampshire", "Boston Tea Party" ]
In February 2014, Paul joined the Tea Party-affiliated conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks in filing a class-action lawsuit charging that the federal government's bulk collection of Americans' phone records metadata is a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S.
[ "FreedomWorks" ]
Commenting on the lawsuit at a press conference, Paul said, "I'm not against the NSA, I'm not against spying, I'm not against looking at phone records...
I just want you to go to a judge, have an individual's name and a warrant.
That's what the Fourth Amendment says.
"He also said there was no evidence the surveillance of phone metadata had stopped terrorism.
Critics, including Harvard University law professor Alan Dershowitzand Steven Aftergood, the director of the American Scientists' Project on Government Secrecy,called the lawsuit a political "stunt".
[ "Harvard University" ]
Paul's political campaign organization said that the names of members of the public who went to Paul's websites and signed on as potential class-action participants would be available in the organization's database for future campaign use.
On the announcement of the filing of the lawsuit, Mattie Fein, the spokeswoman for and former wife of attorney Bruce Fein, complained that Fein's intellectual contribution to the lawsuit had been stolen and that he had not been properly paid for his work.
[ "Bruce Fein" ]
Paul's representatives denied the charge, and Fein issued a statement saying that Mattie Fein had not been authorized to speak for him on the matter and that he had in fact been paid for his work on the lawsuit.
Paul is co-author of a book entitled The Tea Party Goes to Washington (2011)and also the author of Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harassed, Abused, and Imprisoned by the Feds (2012).
[ "Government Bullies", "The Tea Party Goes to Washington" ]
Paul was included in Time magazine's world's 100 most influential people, for 2013 and 2014.
[ "Time" ]
[ "Time" ]
He is also a contributor to Time magazine.
[ "Time" ]
[ "Time" ]
At the beginning of 2009, there was movement by political supporters of his father to draft Paul in a bid to replace beleaguered Republican Kentucky senator Jim Bunning.
[ "draft" ]
[ "Kentucky", "Jim Bunning" ]
Paul's potential candidacy was discussed in the Los Angeles Timesand locally in the Kentucky press.
[ "Time" ]
[ "Time", "Kentucky", "Los Angeles Times" ]
Paul's father said, "Should Senator Bunning decide not to run, I think Rand would make a great U.S.
"On April 15, 2009, Paul gave his first political speech as a potential candidate at a Tea Party rally held in his town of Bowling Green, Kentucky, where more than 700 people had gathered in support of the Tea Party cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:linear-gradient(transparent,transparent),url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}The Tea Party Goes to Washington.
[ "wikipedia" ]
[ "Kentucky", "Tea Party movement", "Bowling Green, Kentucky", "The Tea Party Goes to Washington" ]
Nashville: Center Street.
On May 1, 2009, Paul said that if Bunning, whose fundraising in 2009 matched his poor numbers in opinion polling for the 2010 election,declined to seek a third term, he would almost certainly run in the Republican Party primary to succeed him,and formed an exploratory committee soon after, while still promising to stay out of the race if Bunning ultimately decided to run for reelection.
[ "exploratory committee" ]
[ "Republican Party" ]
Paul made this announcement on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, though a Kentucky news site first broke the news.
[ "MSNBC", "Kentucky", "The Rachel Maddow Show" ]
On July 28, 2009, Bunning announced that he would not run for reelection in the face of insufficient fundraising.
The announcement left only Paul and Secretary of State Trey Grayson as the remaining candidates for the Republican nomination,with Paul announcing on August 5, 2009, that he would officially run for the U.S. Senate as a Republican.
[ "Trey Grayson" ]
The announcement was made through a series of national TV events, radio, and other programs, as well as newspapers in Kentucky.
[ "Kentucky" ]
On August 20, 2009, Paul's supporters planned a moneybomb to kick off his campaign.
[ "moneybomb" ]