21 values
What is the Difference between Tylenol and Asprin?
asprin is the original and can cause stomach discomfort and some people are allergic to it. tylenol is a pain reliever that contains no asprin so there is no stomach discomfort. asprin in low doses can up your survival rate during a heart attack but other than that they are basically just pain relivers. just dont take tylenol after a night of drinking they have found some liver stuff with tylenol but it is not bad by itself.
[ "asprin is the original and can cause stomach discomfort and some people are allergic to it. tylenol is a pain reliever that contains no asprin so there is no stomach discomfort. asprin in low doses can up your survival rate during a heart attack but other than that they are basically just pain relivers. just dont take tylenol after a night of drinking they have found some liver stuff with tylenol but it is not bad by itself.", "They are also two different chemicals. Asprin is aspirin, but Tylenol is acetaminophen. they each have they're strengths and weaknesses. If you want to know more, try looking them up in" ]
why is Uranus out of place?
Uranus obeys the Titius-Bode rule, it is Neptune which doesn't.. . No hard explanation, only an analogy: in quantum mechanics, the outer orbits of electrons may approach a continuum, as they do in metal bonds. With the increasing distances in the logarithmic Titius-Bode sequence, probably the quadratic distance influence of gravity allow intermediary orbits.
[ "Uranus obeys the Titius-Bode rule, it is Neptune which doesn't.. . No hard explanation, only an analogy: in quantum mechanics, the outer orbits of electrons may approach a continuum, as they do in metal bonds. With the increasing distances in the logarithmic Titius-Bode sequence, probably the quadratic distance influence of gravity allow intermediary orbits.", "My @nus is fine, thank you very much!" ]
Science & Mathematics
how do I pay the church for performing a memorial service?
Ask the minister. It varies. Some churches do not charge if the person who died was a member.
[ "Ask the minister. It varies. Some churches do not charge if the person who died was a member.", "You need to go to the sachristy and stablish a contract." ]
Society & Culture
why salt will be spread on snowy days?
Contrary to popular belief, salt does not react with ice to make water. Instead, since salt can be soluble in water, it lowers the freezing point to about 0 degrees Farenheit. So as long as it is above 0 degrees outside, salt water won't freeze on the roads.
[ "Contrary to popular belief, salt does not react with ice to make water. Instead, since salt can be soluble in water, it lowers the freezing point to about 0 degrees Farenheit. So as long as it is above 0 degrees outside, salt water won't freeze on the roads.", "It's actually a conspiracy by the major car company's of the United States you see when they put salt down it gets on your car which speeds up the corrosive process and in a short time you will be driving around a bucket of bolts so you need a new car and the cycle continues.", "This is deffinately a chemistry question... But salt reacts with the snow/ice and causes it to melt. (wow, that's a short answer)", "because salt melts ice and snow, therefore making it easier to drive. if you're coming up to a stop sign, and there was no salt you would slide right through it and probably hit another car", "Don't abuse me if i give u a serious answer.Salt and Ice mixture in turn would make a freezing mixture whose temperature is less than that of ice.If the surrounding temperature is more than the modified temperature(which it is ,in a lot of cases),ice will feel hot and gets melt.", "The next time it starts snowing at you house take some salt and place it on your sidewalk and presto its magic no one really knows what happens i think it has something to do with anchovies" ]
Science & Mathematics
how do i delete username and password, it automatically comes while i try to open my mail account(google, yah)
Internet explorer >tools >internet options >content >auto complete:. Clear forms and passwords and then untick the options for auto-completing that you don't want.. . Btw your grammar is appallingly bad :p
[ "Internet explorer >tools >internet options >content >auto complete:. Clear forms and passwords and then untick the options for auto-completing that you don't want.. . Btw your grammar is appallingly bad :p", "milky 419 is right", "There is a setting that you can choose if the computer remembers your info or not!! (change it)", "click on the line written as. \"ask before sign in\". or. type a wrong email then urs will be remove", "You can clear all your personal information stored during you browse the net by clearing the cookies, temporary files and history from your browser. You can do this by selecting the \"Options\" from the Tools in IE. There you can find buttons to Delete Cookies, Delete Files and Clear History. Furthur, you can stop such autocomplete by unchecking the options \"usernames and passwords on forms\" in AutoComplet in Content tab." ]
Computers & Internet
i have mucus in the back of my throat how can i get rid of it?
Sounds like you've got some kind of virus ... try Echinacea ( but if you are taking any kind of prescription medication, check with your doctor first ). Another way is to call to a health food store ... nowadays, most of them have a Healthcare Professional in there who can answer your question, ask you relevant questions and determine the best course of treatment.
[ "Sounds like you've got some kind of virus ... try Echinacea ( but if you are taking any kind of prescription medication, check with your doctor first ). Another way is to call to a health food store ... nowadays, most of them have a Healthcare Professional in there who can answer your question, ask you relevant questions and determine the best course of treatment.", "Gargle with salt water.", "Snort, or spit or belch or vomit, ur choice!" ]
how to find out if someone send you money from western union?
If you are picking up a money transfer (receiving) check out source #1 below for a step-by-step.. . To check the status of a money transfer go to Source #2.
[ "try going to western union's website and looking at their help files. I hope your receiving money instead of sending money, money sent through western union is untraceable.", "If you are picking up a money transfer (receiving) check out source #1 below for a step-by-step.. . To check the status of a money transfer go to Source #2." ]
Business & Finance
How do I choose a career?
Someone gave me this great advice years ago. Whatever it is you lose time doing.. that's what you should do for a living.
[ "Someone gave me this great advice years ago. Whatever it is you lose time doing.. that's what you should do for a living.", "You may want to look into Myers-Brigg personality typing. There are books & websites that will match your type to general career fields.", "The only solution is to find a career in which you can do a lot things that you like. think about what you want to do most importantly.", "go to look at careers and what they pay then pick one.", "figure out a way to support yourself doing the thing(s) that excite you & Don't look back, EVER!", "MAke an apptitude Test" ]
Business & Finance
What is the derivative of tangent?
It is the (secant(x))^2; or you could write it as (cos(x))^(-2) or 1/(cos(x))^2.. . But basically the secant squared is the most elegant answer.
[ "It is the (secant(x))^2; or you could write it as (cos(x))^(-2) or 1/(cos(x))^2.. . But basically the secant squared is the most elegant answer.", "dtan(x)/dx = (1 +tan(x)^2)" ]
Education & Reference
I have a symbian phone and suddenly I can't play some midi files, why?
Your phone could be corrupt....restart it...take the batery out and stuff. Can you delete the Midi files and put them back on? Try that...if you need more info check out the link
[ "Your phone could be corrupt....restart it...take the batery out and stuff. Can you delete the Midi files and put them back on? Try that...if you need more info check out the link", "The above answer is good. Let's vote." ]
Consumer Electronics
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a type of anxiety disorder, is a potentially disabling illness that traps people in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors. People with OCD are plagued by recurring and distressing thoughts, fears or images (obsessions) that they cannot control. The anxiety (nervousness) produced by these thoughts leads to an urgent need to perform certain rituals or routines (compulsions). The compulsive rituals are performed in an attempt to prevent the obsessive thoughts or make them go away.
[ "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a type of anxiety disorder, is a potentially disabling illness that traps people in endless cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors. People with OCD are plagued by recurring and distressing thoughts, fears or images (obsessions) that they cannot control. The anxiety (nervousness) produced by these thoughts leads to an urgent need to perform certain rituals or routines (compulsions). The compulsive rituals are performed in an attempt to prevent the obsessive thoughts or make them go away.", "Please look at Yahoo Health for an answer to this", "Glossary:. DSM -- the book psychiatrists use which contains possible diagnoses (labels) and their descriptions, from extreme [most commonly seen] to variations, with a limit on how many general-to-specific variations it will list.. . You've got to understand that mental illness according to the diagnostical statistical manual is a misleading guide because it only includes the characteristics that \"tend\" to occur, and the label groups those characteristics together.. . So, supposing you had a psychiatrist and reported some of the symptoms under the DSM, he/she may not decide you should be diagnosed with OCD, but still think you have some thoughts that resemble compulsive thinking. . . Use of the DSM is not designed for patients, and does not contain sufficient information about how likely or common a specific diagnosis is, and does not contain information about variations on the \"textbook\" case to be useful to a patient trying to compare the symptoms listed in the DSM to their everyday life.. . Medical doctors have a basic understanding of behavioral health. If you are worried about it, or worried about a friend, you should have them see their primary care doctor, and ask for a referral to a cognitive behavioral therapist who can through \"talk therapy\" -- and sometimes medication if it is deemed necessary -- help them or you understand your thought process more clearly. The doctor will keep what you say confidential as required by law.. . The DSM will certainly guide their decision-making, and you should report every behavior that might be relevant. Pre-diagnosing means that you will tend to not fully explain, and be misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, or overdiagnosed.. . Just act like yourself, and leave the psychological knowledge up to your doctor.. . I have provided the following sources:. --Sam. P.S You may have to specifically ask for a therapist, because some doctors will send you to a \"stabilization ward\", which may or may not connect you with a therapist. . P.P.S Read before you discuss any medication options with your doctor.", "When you have an obsessive compulsive disorder you basically have a belief that is so strong that it gets in your way of you functioning correctly in real life. . . If you're also interested in researching avenues of treatment, may I suggest a good source, it contains articles on this disorder plus techniques for self treatment." ]
how 2 travel to california with my family 4 vaccation?
if u have young kids u want to take them to Knotts berry farm or disneyland. If u have older kids take them to magic mountain during the spring time. go to san diego for sea world san diego zoo and wild animal park. it is real beautiful down n san diego
[ "if u have young kids u want to take them to Knotts berry farm or disneyland. If u have older kids take them to magic mountain during the spring time. go to san diego for sea world san diego zoo and wild animal park. it is real beautiful down n san diego", "Honestly, being from California, I think kids enjoy playing on the beach more than going Disneyland, which is now so overpriced. But going to the beach anytime of year except summer can be chilly. Long Beach has an awesome aquarium. I, too, highly recommend San Diego." ]
How do you get rid of stretchmarks?
There's no way that i know of personally to get rid of stretchmarks. There are however ways to lighten them up so that they aren't as apparent. There are treatment creams for making them lighter.
[ "There's no way that i know of personally to get rid of stretchmarks. There are however ways to lighten them up so that they aren't as apparent. There are treatment creams for making them lighter.", "Coco Butter works well", "Use Alavera mixed with icyhot everyday for about 30 days" ]
what is the predicate logic?
PREDICATE LOGIC,庐 INC., is an employee owned high technology computer software engineering services company. Founded in 1992 by Jim Lawler, Predicate Logic is dedicated to improving our customers? software and systems engineering performance in major programs through systematic process improvement and project control. Predicate Logic specializes in the delivery of software systems engineering, software process improvements and predictable project control services for military and commercial programs.
[ "In mathematical logic the predicate calculus, predicate logic or calculus of propositional functions is a formal system used to describe mathematical theories.. . The predicate calculus is an extension of propositional calculus, which is inadequate for describing more complex mathematical structures. Grammatically speaking the predicate calculus adds a predicate-subject structure and quantifiers on top of the existing propositional calculus. A subject is a name for a member of a given group of individuals (a set) and a predicate is a relation on this group.", "PREDICATE LOGIC,庐 INC., is an employee owned high technology computer software engineering services company. Founded in 1992 by Jim Lawler, Predicate Logic is dedicated to improving our customers? software and systems engineering performance in major programs through systematic process improvement and project control. Predicate Logic specializes in the delivery of software systems engineering, software process improvements and predictable project control services for military and commercial programs.", "The propositional logic is not powerful enough to represent all types of assertions that are used in computer science and mathematics, or to express certain types of relationship between propositions such as equivalence. . . Thus we need more powerful logic to deal with these and other problems. The predicate logic is one of such logic and it addresses these issues among others" ]
Science & Mathematics
How do i send a message to a 360 user from my 360 page?
If they are shown on your 360 Home page, you'll see a 'Send Message' link next to their Profile picture.. . If not, your Friends list will show an envelope icon that you can use to send directly.. . Or, open their page and click the 'Send Message' link.
[ "If they are shown on your 360 Home page, you'll see a 'Send Message' link next to their Profile picture.. . If not, your Friends list will show an envelope icon that you can use to send directly.. . Or, open their page and click the 'Send Message' link.", "Everyone on your list autmatically recieves messages from you in 360 BLOG !!" ]
Yahoo! Products
what is sound card in computers?
Also called a "sound board" or "audio adapter," it is a plug-in card that records and plays back sound. Supporting both digital audio and MIDI, sound cards provide an input port for a microphone or other sound source and output ports to speakers and amplifiers. Sound circuits are typically built into the chipset on the motherboard, but can be disabled if a separate sound card is installed.
[ "Also called a \"sound board\" or \"audio adapter,\" it is a plug-in card that records and plays back sound. Supporting both digital audio and MIDI, sound cards provide an input port for a microphone or other sound source and output ports to speakers and amplifiers. Sound circuits are typically built into the chipset on the motherboard, but can be disabled if a separate sound card is installed.", "The simplest description is that it converts the digital sources of sound and music of files and programs on your computer into analog signals that can be played on speakers or headphones.", "An article \" How Sound Cards Work\" at can answer your question. It tells you what is sound card and also how it works and much more information. Please go through the link.. . . >>> Naveen Kumar" ]
Computers & Internet
How do you define a Christian Fanatic?
Easy: someone who love's Jesus more than you. :O)
[ "Easy: someone who love's Jesus more than you. :O)", "someone who believes in the christian doctrine no matter what logic or common sense says.", "A christian fanatic? Hmmm...someone who beheads a person with non- christian veiws...", "A fanatic is a person filled with excessive, uncritical zeal.. . Is it wrong for people to shout and paint up for their football team? THOSE are fanatics. No, it is not wrong, however, those who are Christian and excited for what they believe must temper their enthusiasm with love and self-control.. . Of course, there are levels of fanatic behavior, so I say the above with a few caveats." ]
Society & Culture
when selling on e-bay how do i make sure my item stays in the front pages so i'll sell?
It is only possible if you pay alot of money to ebay. I'm talking about hundreds of $. It will sell anyway if you properly list it.
[ "It is only possible if you pay alot of money to ebay. I'm talking about hundreds of $. It will sell anyway if you properly list it.", "It costs way too much and isn't worth it." ]
Business & Finance
how do i make friends?
Turn off the computer. Go outside. Interact with human beings.
[ "Turn off the computer. Go outside. Interact with human beings.", "If you want to make friends you need to be a friend. In other words, you need to show kindness to others, love. These are qualities of true friendship. A good way to start a friendship is to say hi to someone else. Another person who doesn't seem to have that many friends is a great place to start. Then you need to think up some kind of conversation like maybe you can ask them how they are and what kinds of things they like. Asking them what they like is a great way to find someone who can be a great friend of yours. Especially if you can relate because you like a lot of the same things.", "always be out going don't be shy to speak up.. and be care what u say to people some people get butt hurt eazy.. be nice and kind.. if u make a promice then keep it.. put ur friends first than ur boyfriends.", "What i did was go up to another person that looked lonely in my grade and ask her/him if she wanted to be friends. Voila!", "be nice to people and they'll be nice to you (and become your friends)", "Yes. I can be your friend. Do u chat in yahoo messenger. We can chat there. and u can email me. Are u 12?" ]
Business & Finance
How does my business get set up to accept health insurance?
You have to be a licensed medical practice and contract with the different health care providers.. . If you are referring to offering health insurance as a benefit, you can get insurance through most health websites or a broker if you are really small.
[ "You have to be a licensed medical practice and contract with the different health care providers.. . If you are referring to offering health insurance as a benefit, you can get insurance through most health websites or a broker if you are really small.", "Are you a liscensed medical provider?" ]
Business & Finance
Why is there not a list of users with the most points for Yahoo Answers?
Because the program is still in beta. To suggest such a feature, click the 'Feedback' link in the top right corner--they may add such a list, but the problem is that it might, also, encourage people to just start forcing their ratings (and their friends) higher, to get onto the list. It might be more trouble than it's worth.
[ "Because the program is still in beta. To suggest such a feature, click the 'Feedback' link in the top right corner--they may add such a list, but the problem is that it might, also, encourage people to just start forcing their ratings (and their friends) higher, to get onto the list. It might be more trouble than it's worth.", "because Yahoo has control issues..." ]
Yahoo! Products
What is Mouloukheih?
Mouloukhieh, is a redolent stew of chicken breast. simmering in a spiced broth of cilantro, garlic and mallow leaves.
[ "Mouloukhieh, is a redolent stew of chicken breast. simmering in a spiced broth of cilantro, garlic and mallow leaves.", "Since it cannot be found under that spelling anywhere, I assume you made a mistake and it does not exist." ]
Food & Drink
What does germination mean?
When a seed starts to grow.. 'Germinate' comes from 'germ cell' or the cell from where the whole organism grows. So whenever the germ cell is activated and starts growing into the new organism, it is germination. It usually refers to when the baby root and stem start to push out from the seed capsule.
[ "When a seed starts to grow.. 'Germinate' comes from 'germ cell' or the cell from where the whole organism grows. So whenever the germ cell is activated and starts growing into the new organism, it is germination. It usually refers to when the baby root and stem start to push out from the seed capsule.", "The purpose of laboratory testing of seed germination is to assess seed quality or viability and to predict performance of the seed and seedling in the field. Seed processed for sale must be tested by a qualified laboratory under the Association of Official Seed Analysts Rules for testing seeds. Several different kinds of testing are available depending on the type of seed to be tested, the conditions of the test, and the potential uses of the seed. The most common tests are the warm germination test, cold germination test, accelerated aging test, and the tetrazolium test. Each test is designed to evaluate various qualities of the seed. Factors that can affect the performance of seed in germination tests include; diseased seed, old seed, mechanically damaged seed, seed stored under high moisture, and excessive heating of seed during storage or drying. In most cases a seed treatment will improve germination of seed only if the poor quality is due to seed-borne disease. . . The most common test is a warm germination test because it is required by seed laws to appear on the label. The percentage of germinating seed in a warm germination test must be printed on the label of the seed if it is to be sold as seed. Germination is defined as: \"the emergence and development from the seed embryo of those essential structures which are indicative of the ability to produce a normal plant under favorable conditions.\" The warm germination test reflects the stand producing potential of a seed lot under ideal planting conditions. Usually 400 seed from each seed lot are placed under moist conditions on blotters, rolled towels, or sand and maintained at 77 degrees F for about seven days. At the end of this period the seedlings are categorized as normal, abnormal, or diseased, and dead or hard seeds. The percentage germination is calculated from the number of normal seedlings from the total number of seeds evaluated. . . The cold germination test is designed to measure the ability of seeds to germinate under high soil-moisture content and low soil temperature. This vigor test simulates early season adverse field conditions and usually represents the lowest germination that would be expected from a seed lot planted under such conditions. Actual field germination would normally fall between the cold test result and that of the warm germination test. Seeds are planted in a sand-soil mix at high moisture content and maintained at 50 degrees F for seven days. The test is then placed at 77 degrees F for four days. The percentage of healthy seedlings that emerge at least one inch above the soil is reported. . . The accelerated aging test estimates the carryover potential of a seed lot in warehouse storage. The seeds are exposed to high temperatures and high relative humidity for short periods of time that cause seed deterioration. Seed are suspended over water in a chamber for 72 hours (wheat and soybeans) or 96 hours (corn) then tested in a standard warm germination test. This test only would be used on seed whose longevity was in question. . . The tetrazolium test is a \"quick test\" for seed lot viability. It is useful when an approximate germination percentage is needed immediately. Seeds are soaked overnight in water then treated with tetrazolium to give an indication of viable, abnormal, and dead seeds in the seed lot. This test will not detect seed-borne disease, thus is limited in its ability to estimate seed quality. This test is highly reliable for determining viable seed of corn, wheat, oats, barley, and other grasses. . . If growers wish to use bin-run seed and has not had a germination test conducted by a competent laboratory, they can get an approximate germination test using the following procedure in their own home. . . Place two paper towels in the bottom of a dish or tray, one on top of the other; wet the towels thoroughly and tilt the tray up on one end so that excess water runs off the tray. Select a random sample o", "the growth of an embryo or spore when a seed or spore sprouts", "means seed start to mulyiply" ]
Science & Mathematics
How does the Iraq war compare to the Vietnam war?
You just can't compare the Iraq war to the Vietnam war, those that say they are similar are ignorant. We went to Vietnam for little reason and in the Iraq war we had our reasons to attack. There were far more people killed in Vietnam then there have been in the Iraq war now and there will ever be. People want to be free in Iraq and that was not true in Vietnam.
[ "You just can't compare the Iraq war to the Vietnam war, those that say they are similar are ignorant. We went to Vietnam for little reason and in the Iraq war we had our reasons to attack. There were far more people killed in Vietnam then there have been in the Iraq war now and there will ever be. People want to be free in Iraq and that was not true in Vietnam.", "We should be there. If we weren't the terrorists would be here!", "comparing the Vietnam war and the war in Iraq is both ignorant and irresponsible. If all else we have accomplished something in Iraq. Not just meaningless killing of Americans. I believe that we should support the war in Iraq even if we don't believe in the cause. We aren't there fighting for some other country against communism. We are there trying to end world wide terrorism.", "It doesn't except for maybe the fact that the U.S. has never lost a battle or other major combat operation in either country." ]
Politics & Government
How do fire act in 'zero gravity'?
If you start a fire in zero gravity then (as long as it is not against the wall of the space craft) it will burn as a sphere. The fire needs oxygen so will expand, however, as it expands more heat is lost, and the fire may go out.. . So it would be a hot, glowing sphere that expands and then goes out.. . Of course if it is contact with the wall or something then the nature of the fire depend on the fuels available, etc.
[ "Very interesting question! It behaves differently and can produce different effects. Check this article:", "If you start a fire in zero gravity then (as long as it is not against the wall of the space craft) it will burn as a sphere. The fire needs oxygen so will expand, however, as it expands more heat is lost, and the fire may go out.. . So it would be a hot, glowing sphere that expands and then goes out.. . Of course if it is contact with the wall or something then the nature of the fire depend on the fuels available, etc." ]
Science & Mathematics
How to become a rich?
- You can invent a new operating system, and know someone that knows how to make it the world's standard.. - You can stole a bank.. - You can marry a rich person.. - You can consider that, at the end, now you are already a rich person. This is the simplest way: stupid but effective phrases as "life is the best treasure", etc..
[ "- You can invent a new operating system, and know someone that knows how to make it the world's standard.. - You can stole a bank.. - You can marry a rich person.. - You can consider that, at the end, now you are already a rich person. This is the simplest way: stupid but effective phrases as \"life is the best treasure\", etc..", "Well, you could win the lottery." ]
Business & Finance
Why cant I play games?
Maybe your hardware (esp. graphics card) doesn't support the game you are trying to play. What are you trying to do?
[ "Maybe your hardware (esp. graphics card) doesn't support the game you are trying to play. What are you trying to do?", "you need to down load java, go here.." ]
Games & Recreation
how I can add_bot to my counter strike 1.5 series ( computer game )?
You need POD-Bot, then hit the '=' key and choose 2. for adding a bot. You cannot do it with a standard installation.
[ "You need POD-Bot, then hit the '=' key and choose 2. for adding a bot. You cannot do it with a standard installation.", "Lets get this voted on and closed." ]
Computers & Internet
What is genital herpes?
The Herpes simplex virus manifest itself in two common diseases (one of them genital herpes =.) marked by watery blisters in the skin or mucous membranes (such as the mouth or lips) or blisters on the genitals. The disease is contagious particularly during an outbreak and at this time incurable.
[ "The Herpes simplex virus manifest itself in two common diseases (one of them genital herpes =.) marked by watery blisters in the skin or mucous membranes (such as the mouth or lips) or blisters on the genitals. The disease is contagious particularly during an outbreak and at this time incurable.", "Oral herpes, an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, is estimated to be present in 50 to 80 percent of the American adult population. 20 percent, over 50 million people, are infected with genital herpes, also caused by the herpes simplex virus, and the majority of these cases may be unaware they even have it. Studies show that more than 500,000 Americans are diagnosed with genital herpes each year, and the largest increase is occurring in young teens. . . Just a note. Herpes can be treated, NOT CURED, by medication. Also, L-Lysine is an amino acid very simalar to arginine, the protien Herpes needs to reproduce. The virus mistakes L-Lysine for arginine, latches onto it, but can't reproduce, thereby slowing the outbreak. I've heard people swear by it, whether for treating genital, oral(fever blisters) or any other herpes. When you start to feel an outbreak coming on, up the dosage of L-Lysine & stay away from nuts (a rich source of arginine). . It can lessen the length & severity of an outbreak, BUT ITS NOT A CURE!" ]
Education & Reference
Where does the expression 'dead as a doornail' come from, and what does it actually mean?
In Olde England many a manor had a massive wooden door. Visitors would arouse those inside by hammering on a nail embedded in the door, to wit a "door nail." Over the years the nail would take such a beating that "What could be deader than a doornail?"
[ "In Olde England many a manor had a massive wooden door. Visitors would arouse those inside by hammering on a nail embedded in the door, to wit a \"door nail.\" Over the years the nail would take such a beating that \"What could be deader than a doornail?\"", "\"For but ich haue bote of mi bale I am ded as dorenail\" (c.1350).. . Also...check out this site:" ]
Business & Finance
how can i find BISTO POWDER in Ohio.. to buy?
I think it'll be quite difficult to find a nearby British food shop in Ohio. If you're willing to travel a bit for it, you might want to try the Strip District in Pittsburgh, PA (ethnic foods are always plentiful there). If that's not feasible, there are numerous websites that sell exclusively british foods for a relatively decent price (comparison shop).
[ "I think it'll be quite difficult to find a nearby British food shop in Ohio. If you're willing to travel a bit for it, you might want to try the Strip District in Pittsburgh, PA (ethnic foods are always plentiful there). If that's not feasible, there are numerous websites that sell exclusively british foods for a relatively decent price (comparison shop).", "West Point Market, 1711 West Market St, Akron, OH 44313. . (330) 864-2151. . They have beef, turkey and chicken Bisto. . Call ahead, sometimes they're out of it.. . Ahhhhhhhh, Bisto! :-))" ]
Food & Drink
Why are man hole covers round ?
The first few questions were right ..BUT the origonal real reason is Back during WW2 the Union Tank Car Co. of Indiana Stopped making rail tank cars and started making turrets for tanks. All of the reject metal which was the holes cut out for the top of the tanks were saved because ou the cost of metal;. Now being the government CHEEP they saved the round cuts of metal. Some smart engineer seeing the giant mountian of metal discs said ahh Man hole covers
[ "The first few questions were right ..BUT the origonal real reason is Back during WW2 the Union Tank Car Co. of Indiana Stopped making rail tank cars and started making turrets for tanks. All of the reject metal which was the holes cut out for the top of the tanks were saved because ou the cost of metal;. Now being the government CHEEP they saved the round cuts of metal. Some smart engineer seeing the giant mountian of metal discs said ahh Man hole covers", "Maybe so thy would be easier to move around. (you can roll them) Also if they were rectangular they could fall into the hole if they were not held level.", "So they won't fall off! Round manholes are preferred due to its geometric shape that compared to square or triangle, it won't go through on a hole with its same geometric size in any angle or direction you place it.", "cause if it was square you could put it through the hole at a certain angle but with a circle no matter which way you turn it, it won't go through the hole." ]
Business & Finance
what is orthognal?
orthogonal. At right angles. The term is used to describe electronic signals that appear at 90 degree angles to each other. It is also widely used to describe conditions that are contradictory, or opposite, rather than in parallel or in sync with each other.
[ "orthogonal. At right angles. The term is used to describe electronic signals that appear at 90 degree angles to each other. It is also widely used to describe conditions that are contradictory, or opposite, rather than in parallel or in sync with each other.", "In math and engineering, it refers to something that is at 90 degrees relative to something else. So the X-axis is orthogonal to the Y-axis in a Catesian grid. In colloquial language, it refers to something that is completely unrelated to something else --. . e.g. \"pets are orthogonal to the our discussion about the spacetime continuum\"" ]
Computers & Internet
Why do people put plasticforks in someones yard?
It is a stupid old prank like toilette papering a house and soaping up the windows. Very 7th grade.
[ "It is a stupid old prank like toilette papering a house and soaping up the windows. Very 7th grade.", "BECAUSE ITS FUN!! really i dont know.. just guessing" ]
Business & Finance
what is the meaning of romance?
Since you posted this in the "Languages" section I assume you are asking why some languages are called "Romance languages." The Romance language are the ones which are descended from Latin, or the language of ancient Rome. The most important modern Romance languages are French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
[ "Since you posted this in the \"Languages\" section I assume you are asking why some languages are called \"Romance languages.\" The Romance language are the ones which are descended from Latin, or the language of ancient Rome. The most important modern Romance languages are French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.", "Complicated. Something people have different views about. I think its something you feel when you are totally comfortable with someone. You're not afraid to be yourself. I don't think its the mushy stuff movies make it. Running my bath water and giving me roses only makes me think something is wrong. Listening to what I have to say and respecting me, is my idea of romance.", "It's not as simple as Webster says, yet it's showing love in a special way.", "romance is a verb which indicates all of the steps a man needs to take with a woman to get laid.", "On the small scale it means \"hearts & flowers\" and all that.. . Linguistically, its the Euro-Med languages.. . I think what you're fishing for is \"language of love\". This is the language spoken from the intuitive rather than the analytical mind. Sometimes in tones unheard, like the french \"c茅sure\"." ]
Society & Culture
How can I get the monster out from under my bed?
Set a trap. Leave a trail of Monster Munch from your bed to the trap.
[ "Set a trap. Leave a trail of Monster Munch from your bed to the trap.", "u believe in monsters? maybe have ur parents put a piece of raw meat it the hall and see if it goes after bait.", "its in your head. i think you should spend more time contmeplateing life's mysteries rather than fooling around", "there r know monster i promise." ]
Business & Finance
How do I get a $250,000 job by working 9 to 5, five days a week?
you could wait until 2050? inflation by then will probably make 250K not v. much. :)
[ "you could wait until 2050? inflation by then will probably make 250K not v. much. :)", "any of these programs can earn you tons of cash.give them a try they are free to start and have low upgrade fees.. . (sell directly from your estore or on ebay,great products). . ." ]
Business & Finance
Why does my voltage in my Truck go low and barely start after driving for a while?
The alternator problem that people have mentioned is a possibility. I also had a similar problem once when the cables hooking the battery to the alternator were corroded and didn't always make a good connection. So I'd suggest that you check the cables first.
[ "The alternator problem that people have mentioned is a possibility. I also had a similar problem once when the cables hooking the battery to the alternator were corroded and didn't always make a good connection. So I'd suggest that you check the cables first.", "Most likely the alternator is going bad and not properly able to charge more voltage than is needed to operate the vehicle. If you take it to an automotive shop, they can hook a voltmeter up to the battery while it is running and tell you if the alternator is bad or not.", "Sounds like you have a bad alternator. Most parts stores will test yout battery and charging system for free. When you buy electrical parts such as starters or alternators do not use cheap stores.Car Quest is good." ]
Cars & Transportation
What are the differences between Christianity and Catholicism?
There is no such thing as "Christianity" that Catholics do not belong to. Christianity is a pretty big umbrella which covers Roman Catholic Church as well as Protestant faiths. Christianity is simply faith in Christ, and is a cornerstone of the Catholic Church, just as it is most every denomination.. . This is like asking the difference between Americans and Ohioans.
[ "There is no such thing as \"Christianity\" that Catholics do not belong to. Christianity is a pretty big umbrella which covers Roman Catholic Church as well as Protestant faiths. Christianity is simply faith in Christ, and is a cornerstone of the Catholic Church, just as it is most every denomination.. . This is like asking the difference between Americans and Ohioans.", "They both have the same basic belief system and worship the same thing.. The Catholics have much more dogmatic law. And they also have the pope. Catholicism states that the pope is a direct conduit to God and whatever he says in infallible. The rest of Christianity thinks that's kind of ridiculous." ]
Society & Culture
Why does milk spoil easily?
Opening milk and exposing it to warm air activates bacteria, causing the milk to spoil more quickly, even if it is refrigerated.. . Milk can also spoil if it hasn't been kept under constant refrigeration. To be sure that the milk you buy is perfectly fresh, sniff the top of the container for any sign of sourness; even cultured products like buttermilk should smell fresh, not bitter or sharp.
[ "Opening milk and exposing it to warm air activates bacteria, causing the milk to spoil more quickly, even if it is refrigerated.. . Milk can also spoil if it hasn't been kept under constant refrigeration. To be sure that the milk you buy is perfectly fresh, sniff the top of the container for any sign of sourness; even cultured products like buttermilk should smell fresh, not bitter or sharp.", "Light makes it spoil faster I am told.", "it contains sugars, and it already has bacteria in it. keeping it cold prevents the bacteria from growing, that's all.", "Milk has a shelf life of up to 16 days. after that germs grow and multiply very rapidly and spoil the milk! Milk that is ultrapasterized will last alot longer." ]
Food & Drink
How high can a gas filled balloon travel upward?
It would definitely depend on the gas used. Some gases are heavier than air and would fall istead of rise. Consider also the pressure inside the ballon. It may rupture with the decrease in atmospheric pressure.. Too many variables to give you a proper answer.
[ "depends on the type of gas. Hydrogen will rise until compressed to around 500 psi and then it will turn to liquid. so it just depends", "It would definitely depend on the gas used. Some gases are heavier than air and would fall istead of rise. Consider also the pressure inside the ballon. It may rupture with the decrease in atmospheric pressure.. Too many variables to give you a proper answer." ]
Business & Finance
How to store a meat grinder?
Your meat grinder is probably coated with tin. Spraying with Pam will not really help keep rust off, in fact it could trap moisture on the metal, and you already know the other bad side effects.. . The best thing to do is rinse in hot water and dry thoroughly before storing it in a dry place. Also, don't use any scratchies or cleansers on tin, it is sensitive to rough abrasives and chemicals.
[ "Your meat grinder is probably coated with tin. Spraying with Pam will not really help keep rust off, in fact it could trap moisture on the metal, and you already know the other bad side effects.. . The best thing to do is rinse in hot water and dry thoroughly before storing it in a dry place. Also, don't use any scratchies or cleansers on tin, it is sensitive to rough abrasives and chemicals.", "i'm not very sure but from what i have learnt in my science lessons, i would suggest that maybe u don't spray those products on it, coz i think tt's the reason why it turned waxy. everytime u finish using the grinder, keep it clean and most importantly dry. then preferbly seal it in a huge air-tight bag(thought of this myself) and store it in a cool dry place. without moisture and air, there's no way rust can form." ]
Food & Drink
what is the meaning of life besides 42?
For different people, life is worth different things...for some, it means having a successful marriage, or having a healthy and happy family, or having successful children, or having a huge house with an expensive car or being on everyone's A-list or having a high-powered job...the list goes on and on. Each individual has to figure out what his/her purpose in life is and try to fulfill it.
[ "For different people, life is worth different things...for some, it means having a successful marriage, or having a healthy and happy family, or having successful children, or having a huge house with an expensive car or being on everyone's A-list or having a high-powered job...the list goes on and on. Each individual has to figure out what his/her purpose in life is and try to fulfill it.", "Wikipedia has a great article about this. The scientific answer is \"reproduction\", and more thoughtful answers range from \"making the world better\" to \"achieving happiness for yourself\"." ]
Business & Finance
Whats the difference between Rat and mouse?
Rat - rodents differing from the related mice by considerably larger size and by structural details (as of the teeth). . Mouse - smaller and cuter
[ "Rat - rodents differing from the related mice by considerably larger size and by structural details (as of the teeth). . Mouse - smaller and cuter", "Rats and mice are two different kinds of animals. However, they are both rodents. Rats are usually bigger than mice.", "A mouse is a small version of a rat.", "A rat is a bigger much older mouse.", "Rats are cute, smart, and larger than mice. Mice are not very intelligent, but still sweet, small creatures that resemble rats." ]
How do I put the fun back in my life?
Be spontaneous, give in to doing whatever takes your fancy (from time to time), spend more time with friends.... . As for me, I make it a point to do one thing every day that I've never done.
[ "well, get off the internet, silly!. . Or if you are going to be on the internet, do it in a fun way! There are a lot of dating sites on the internet, and there's something for everyone. Look around! Try (or if you are into something more um, adventurous?). . Or try yahoo dating or, or any number of ways to meet new people!", "Be spontaneous, give in to doing whatever takes your fancy (from time to time), spend more time with friends.... . As for me, I make it a point to do one thing every day that I've never done.", "started making friends again and go out and discover what really life means. maybe it is blessing in disguise for you and i know that one of these days, you would find what you are looking for." ]
Business & Finance
I am doing a study for bible study and I want to know how do Leviathan and King Triton connected?
Actually Triton was a "lesser" greek God.. . He is a sea God and I'm sure that is the connection in Disney's movie (which was actually an adaptation of a Hans Christian Anderson story. Hans is the one who first used Triton.)
[ "Actually Triton was a \"lesser\" greek God.. . He is a sea God and I'm sure that is the connection in Disney's movie (which was actually an adaptation of a Hans Christian Anderson story. Hans is the one who first used Triton.)", "jhgd" ]
Education & Reference
How important is a removable battery in an MP3 player?
I don't think it is terribly important at all. Reviewers always make a big deal out of this, but replacement batteries are available online, and it is a small matter to open up your device and install the new one. It will void your warrantee, though. Usually the original battery outlasts the warrantee, so it is no big deal anyway.
[ "I don't think it is terribly important at all. Reviewers always make a big deal out of this, but replacement batteries are available online, and it is a small matter to open up your device and install the new one. It will void your warrantee, though. Usually the original battery outlasts the warrantee, so it is no big deal anyway.", "To replace it unless their is a shortage or death in it and unless you can't recharge it or lose the charger. Always a good idea" ]
Consumer Electronics
how do i get some info for insrevice for nurse aide?
If you are currently working as a nurse aide then your facility should have info on inservices. If you are looking to become a nurses aide you should check out a community college or even with a hospital.
[ "If you are currently working as a nurse aide then your facility should have info on inservices. If you are looking to become a nurses aide you should check out a community college or even with a hospital.", "Honey I can't understand what your asking about because. there is no such word as \"insrevice\". You may mean insurance or service. Look in the dictionary for. what those 2 words mean and ask again. Or have someone . write it down. ok good luck..we'll find the answer then." ]
Education & Reference
Why is the Monday after New Years a holiday?
Because new years day falls on a Sunday when most people do not work anyway e.g Banks post etc . they make the next day a Bank Holiday instead so Enjoy
[ "Because new years day falls on a Sunday when most people do not work anyway e.g Banks post etc . they make the next day a Bank Holiday instead so Enjoy", "Who cares you get the day off!!!", "i agree with moey" ]
Society & Culture
How to find my IP Address?
Type ipconfig.... . If you're behind a router then that's not your connection ip. . Please see answer above :)
[ "Type ipconfig.... . If you're behind a router then that's not your connection ip. . Please see answer above :)", "go to command windows prompt. type 'ipconfig'", "easy way is to go to", "You can see your ip addres here:." ]
Computers & Internet
Is the remote control central locking safe and secure?How do they work?
On older remote lock systems that use the same codes each time, it's definitely possible to use a device to record the RF code for your car's unlock signal. Garage doors have the same problem.. . My opinion is that it's still safe because it's incredibly unlikely that you would be targeted by a thief with one of the code grabbers.. unless, of course, you own something that's likely to be stolen by high-tech thieves.. . To prevent this, high-end cars (Land Rover for instance) use a random rolling code change each time the lock is activated.
[ "On older remote lock systems that use the same codes each time, it's definitely possible to use a device to record the RF code for your car's unlock signal. Garage doors have the same problem.. . My opinion is that it's still safe because it's incredibly unlikely that you would be targeted by a thief with one of the code grabbers.. unless, of course, you own something that's likely to be stolen by high-tech thieves.. . To prevent this, high-end cars (Land Rover for instance) use a random rolling code change each time the lock is activated.", "All new cars since about 1995 use rolling codes that cannot be duplicated for reuse." ]
Cars & Transportation
what is graphical method?
I assume you are talking about vector analysis. The graphical method would be drawing the vectors head to tail and to scale. and then drawing in the resultant and using your ruler and protractor to measure the displacement and angle.
[ "just what are you trying to ask?", "I assume you are talking about vector analysis. The graphical method would be drawing the vectors head to tail and to scale. and then drawing in the resultant and using your ruler and protractor to measure the displacement and angle." ]
Science & Mathematics
what is existential reality?
If a tree falls in the woods, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a noise?. . It doesn't matter.. . THAT is existential reality.
[ "If a tree falls in the woods, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a noise?. . It doesn't matter.. . THAT is existential reality.", "If you're referring to the philosophy of Existentialism, there are various Analytical schools that describe what \"reality\" is.. . In essence, however, Existentialism rejects the idea that rational conciousness is the most certain and primary reality. According to Wikipedia, \"Existentialism decisively rejects this argument, asserting instead that as conscious beings we always find ourselves already in a world, a prior context and history that is given to consciousness and in which it is situated, and that we cannot think away that world. It is inherent and indubitably linked to consciousness.\". . Therefore, Existential reality is \"being in the world.\". . See \"The Existential Primer\" at and \"Existentialism\" (Wikipedia) at" ]
Society & Culture
Why is the inside of a potato chip bag always foil?
Foil is a vapor barrier - it won't let moisture in to make the chips stale. But cellophane does the same thing, and that's quite a common packaging material for chips.
[ "Foil is a vapor barrier - it won't let moisture in to make the chips stale. But cellophane does the same thing, and that's quite a common packaging material for chips.", "Its probably as its:. . > Cheap. > Oil cannot escape. > The sense of freshness. > Fun?", "Maybe it's just cheap" ]
Food & Drink
what is satayhagraha and swarja?
Satyagraha is the philosophy of nonviolent resistance most famously employed by Mohandas Gandhi in forcing an end to the British Raj and also against apartheid in South Africa.. . Satya is Sanskrit for Truth, and Agraha is used to describe an effort, endeavor. The term itself may be construed to mean any effort to discover, discern, obtain or apply Truth. The word is rooted in Sanskrit, Hindi and Gujarati.
[ "Satyagraha is the philosophy of nonviolent resistance most famously employed by Mohandas Gandhi in forcing an end to the British Raj and also against apartheid in South Africa.. . Satya is Sanskrit for Truth, and Agraha is used to describe an effort, endeavor. The term itself may be construed to mean any effort to discover, discern, obtain or apply Truth. The word is rooted in Sanskrit, Hindi and Gujarati.", "Might want to check up on your spelling ;-). . ." ]
Business & Finance
what does the name michael mean?
it means he who is like god!! also in bible he was one of the arch angels
[ "It's a biblical name. it comes from the name of the angle that appeared to Abraham.", "it means he who is like god!! also in bible he was one of the arch angels" ]
Business & Finance
Why is Portuguese from Portugal and Brazil spoken differently?
Why an Irish living in U.S.A , speaks different English than the British Irish . . We most look at the place and time ; they change every thing !. For example the Italian who lives in U.S.A , after several years in this country ; speaks strange Italian .
[ "Why an Irish living in U.S.A , speaks different English than the British Irish . . We most look at the place and time ; they change every thing !. For example the Italian who lives in U.S.A , after several years in this country ; speaks strange Italian .", "Different dialects. The language evolved in different ways over the years.", "We have people living in the U.S. their entire lives, who could go to another part of the U.S. where people have lived their whole lives, both speaking english, and have no clue what each other are saying. Even though they watch the same TV shows and spell the same. It's just the dialect. I used to live in Scotland where they were speaking english long, long before this country was and it took quite a while for me to understand them.", "as a hispanic, i have to say that spanish spoken in latin american countries and in spain is EXTREMELY different as well, though not so much as portuguese. the language evolved differently in brazil than it did in portugal, because of the various influences on both languages--i.e. the native speech, etc." ]
Society & Culture
what is the meaning of life?
the answer to life, universe, and everything is:. 42
[ "the answer to life, universe, and everything is:. 42", "Asked 170 times.", "well could be the meaning of not being death.... . is the state of self-awareness, choosing, creation.... . . the chance to subscribe yourself to inmortality, on Earth, Heaven or Hell.. :)))", "The question of the ultimate meaning of life cannot be silenced as long as men are men.. . Paul Tillich (1886 - 1965). . The human mind has to ask \"Who, what, whence, whither, why am I?\" And it is very doubtful if the human mind can answer any of these questions.. . R. D. Laing (1927 - 1989). . In seeing ourselves from outside we find it difficult to take our lives seriously. This loss of conviction, and the attempt to regain it, is the problem of the meaning of life.. . Thomas Nagel (1937 - ). The core reductive mistake is...the idea of a single fundamental explanation.. . Mary Midgley (1919 - ). . these are some quotes on the meaning of life and philosophy personaly I think the meaning of life is the quest and trying to find the meaning of life.. This is a question no one can answer for you. you must look inside yourself to find your own meaning of life.", "42", "That is a personal thing for each person to decide. Personally I think that the meaning of life is: To live every day to the fullest, making the most out of everything, helping others and being kind and considerate, doing right and having no regrets as every day may be your last.", "Why do you want to know the meaning of life? . . Often people ask this question when they really want the answer to some other question. Let's try and get those people back on track with some \"pre-meaning of life\" advice: . . . If you're questioning the meaning of life because you've been unhappy and depressed a good bit. . . On a related note, if you want to know the meaning of life because you feel useless and worthless.. . If you want to see our answer so that you can prove your intellectual prowess by poking holes in it.. . If something awful just happened to you or someone you care about and you don't understand why bad things happen to good people.. . If you would like to help the world but most of the rest of the world seems completely insane.. . If you wonder why there is so much hatred in the world.. . If you wonder why there is so much violence in our society.. . If you really don't care about the meaning of life, you're just surfing and ended up here. . If after perusing the questions and side issues above, you're still wondering what life is really all about, you may be ready for the next step in this exposition on the meaning of life. Of course, if you're like most people, you've read all of the above links and now you want to find out what bombast the authors of this site will spew next, so click on to:", "A short trip that Allah sent the human beings to earth, to prove for them if they will obey him or not, because he already knows the good from the bad people.. . Life on earth is the trip and judgement for each one of us.. . Heaven or Hell?", "It is what ever you derive from your own life.", "to realize it is not about you...", "the anser to life is to have your name live forever in a positive light by raising the next generation to elevate itself above your own level", "The interval of time between birth and death. Give your life to Jesus and it will mean a whole lot more!", "to worship,and after life in heaven (janna) to enjoy, this life is just a test,then comes the enjoyment." ]
Society & Culture
Im a bisexual,how can I change myself?
you are who you are...why would you want to change yourself? life is not about what others think of you..its what you think of yourself. if you're bi, you're bi. be true to yourself!
[ "you are who you are...why would you want to change yourself? life is not about what others think of you..its what you think of yourself. if you're bi, you're bi. be true to yourself!", "Education, is a good way to change yourself. Sometimes people like to get closer to nature to change, like camping.. . I'm not sure what this has to do with your being bisexual.", "Why change? Since you're attracted to women, date them and ignore your attraction to men. Is there something I don't understand?", "I do not believe we have any power over what we are attracted to. We only control our actions, not the impulses that form our attractions.", "TAKE THE LETTERS B-I-OUT, AND JUST BE SEXUAL. . YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR SELF , YOU DON'T NEED NO ONES OPINION.", "stay true to ur feelings and as long as u can look in the mirror and u are satisfied with the person u see in it then live ur life the way u want with men,woman it dont matter cause its ur life and u are the one who decides what to do with it", "i agree with kat", "Pray to God he can help anybody that wants to be helped. Society says it's ok to bi-sexual but think of what is really right", "don't change! don't mind all that religious crap! Think of it like this, you've got more people to choose from! Anyway, apparently (i don't know how i'm going to explain this without drawing it!) there's very very few people who are either COMPLETELY straight or COMPLETELY gay. It's supposed to be more correct to think of it like a gay scale between 1-5 with say for instance no. one being totally straight and no. 5 being totally gay. Most people that would consider themselves straight would still technically only be around 1 1/2 or 2, for example just think of all those people who flirt with everyone but still only are interested in one gender. In short, Don't beat yourself up kid!", "you're man or women? i dont know whats make you being bisex...but u have to know...u have to change it yourself...nothing can help u but yourself....dont be stupid..." ]
Society & Culture
why is yawning contagious?
No one knows for sure, but the leading answer is that its an evolved comunication tool. It is a signal to the others of Joe Cavemans group that its time to change their resting state (going to sleep or waking up). There may be benefits to have everyone in the group on the same rest cycle.
[ "No one knows for sure, but the leading answer is that its an evolved comunication tool. It is a signal to the others of Joe Cavemans group that its time to change their resting state (going to sleep or waking up). There may be benefits to have everyone in the group on the same rest cycle.", "its sycological", "Once you see someone tired, it reminds you of how tired you are and you yawn. Yawning also makes you feel refreshed and less exhausted.. . PS) Happy New Year!!!" ]
Science & Mathematics
Why is it said, that a Cat Has Nine Lives?
One theory on the origin of this expression is that in ancient times nine was a lucky number because it is the Trinity of Trinities. As cats seem able to escape injury time and time again, this lucky number seemed suited to the cat. While in most countries the cat is said to have nine lives, in Arab and Turkish proverbs poor puss has a mere seven lucky lives and in Russia, is said to-survive nine deaths.
[ "One theory on the origin of this expression is that in ancient times nine was a lucky number because it is the Trinity of Trinities. As cats seem able to escape injury time and time again, this lucky number seemed suited to the cat. While in most countries the cat is said to have nine lives, in Arab and Turkish proverbs poor puss has a mere seven lucky lives and in Russia, is said to-survive nine deaths.", "Get your answer at.", "A cat has nine lives. . Meaning: People always think that due to the speed, cleverness and flexibility of cats, they can stay alive in most difficult situations when other animals would have been killed.. . Usage: . Tybalt: What wouldst thou have with me?. Mercutio: Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives.", "I believe it's because they have a tendency to narrowly escape dangerous, even life-threatening predicaments. Besides, they are too dang cute to be killed." ]
Education & Reference
Why is the oldest child the most neglected?
As soon as the younger child is born the older one immediately starts to look old and mature. While the younger always looks young.
[ "As soon as the younger child is born the older one immediately starts to look old and mature. While the younger always looks young.", "The younger ones are jerks, who can't take care of themself." ]
Business & Finance
what's the scariest weather situation you've experienced?
Taking off in a puddle-jumper from Farmington, NM airport right when a very strong cold front hit the airport. We had to fly into the front then make a U-turn after we took off. In the air, the plane plane slid sideways for what felt like 100 ft., and the rest of the trip the plane kept dropping and rising like a roller-coaster.
[ "Taking off in a puddle-jumper from Farmington, NM airport right when a very strong cold front hit the airport. We had to fly into the front then make a U-turn after we took off. In the air, the plane plane slid sideways for what felt like 100 ft., and the rest of the trip the plane kept dropping and rising like a roller-coaster.", "I would have to say in texas, their was a tornando, and at the same time there was a hail storm and the hail ice thingy's were as big as a baseball!!!", "Walking through a park after an ice storm - freezing rain had encapsulated all the branches of all the trees. I wondered why no one was out there. It was beautiful. Then, an entire limb came crashing down in front of me and bits of ice and branches pelted my face. Ah, this is why everyone was huddled inside." ]
Science & Mathematics
What's the meaning of life?
For different people, life is worth different things...for some, it means having a successful marriage, or having a healthy and happy family, or having successful children, or having a huge house with an expensive car or being on everyone's A-list or having a high-powered job...the list goes on and on. Each individual has to figure out what his/her purpose in life is and try to fulfill it.
[ "The meaning of life is to have fun, love people, be loved, and being trusted. You should cherish ur life cuz u never know when it's just going fade away.", "live.. contribute.. love.. be thankful.. . living is not for one's self, but for others.", "For different people, life is worth different things...for some, it means having a successful marriage, or having a healthy and happy family, or having successful children, or having a huge house with an expensive car or being on everyone's A-list or having a high-powered job...the list goes on and on. Each individual has to figure out what his/her purpose in life is and try to fulfill it." ]
Business & Finance
What are some rules for secret santa?
There is almost always a spending limit. It is also frowned upon to tell the person who their "secret" santa is until the day you open the gifts.
[ "There is almost always a spending limit. It is also frowned upon to tell the person who their \"secret\" santa is until the day you open the gifts.", "Um, generally a cash you can spend only twenty bucks." ]
Business & Finance
What is a Cayman and what does it look like?
It's actually spelled "caiman" and it's closest relative in the animal world is the alligator. Caiman vary in size and color depending on their location in the world. In general a caiman looks like a miniature alligator.
[ "It's actually spelled \"caiman\" and it's closest relative in the animal world is the alligator. Caiman vary in size and color depending on their location in the world. In general a caiman looks like a miniature alligator.", "my roomate had one its a small alligator that smells like sh**, they thrash around when you least expect it scaring the crap out of you, and the eat a bunch of golfish a day, untill you can't afford to feed it, then you take it to the pet store for \"adoption\" personaly i think it end's up on the happy china buffett. oh yeah thier ugly too.", "It's a lizard that is pretty small.", "\"Small\" is a relative term here. Caimans are among the smaller species of crocs at 6 to 8' long, but that is still a big animal- bigger than all but a couple species of lizard. . . They are percieved as being 'minature' mostly because we are so used to seeing the babies (which are a LOT cuter than many crocs!) and because we compare them to our alligators, which are a really big species of croc." ]
Why does Paul Wall have a blangin grill?
Because he's the People's Champ! and a Chick Magnet too.
[ "Because he's the People's Champ! and a Chick Magnet too.", "Gotta whear braces somtime", "because hes back wit the camp." ]
why and how do fireworks emit different colors and have different forms?
The different colors come from different metals that are finely ground up so they ignite easily. The different shapes are the result of the packing forms used. Fireworks are no more than gun powder, metal dust, paper and often plastic.
[ "The different colors come from different metals that are finely ground up so they ignite easily. The different shapes are the result of the packing forms used. Fireworks are no more than gun powder, metal dust, paper and often plastic.", "This is not an answer, just a reference.. Award points to one who thinks it out and posts in own words.. This says it all; our local fireworks manufacturer and showmen.." ]
Business & Finance
What's the weather like in Cancun in February?
I just got back from Cancun January 6, 2006. The waether was sunny and about 85 every day. It getrs dark at about 6:00.
[ "cold, windy, and rainy", "I just got back from Cancun January 6, 2006. The waether was sunny and about 85 every day. It getrs dark at about 6:00." ]
What is the proper way to break-in a motorcycle?
refer to your owners manual. it will tell you to stay under a specific rpm for a few tankfulls or mileage. I ride my brand new bike easily for the first 15 minutes or so and then let the motor cool down for about 20-30 minutes.. then repeat the process but getting the revs up a bit higher..up to 3/4 throttle.. cool down again. Run a tankful or fuel through the bike avoiding heat producing hill climbs or slow trail riding..or prolonged idling.after that let er rip so the rings will break in prducing a good seal.
[ "I'm assuming this question is specific to the engine.. . This sort of depends on the bike...2 strokes are a little different than 4 strokes and I will address those separately.. . The key to break in on new motors is heat cycles. New motors are not built with crappy tolerancing like older motors so your main concern is seating the rings properly. This is done by putting the motor through a few heat cycles. In race applications and when facilities are available, you would run the engine up to operating temperature and go full throttle through all gears then let it cool down completely. This process would be done a few times. The point is to put complete load on the engine when at proper operating temperature. Remember, this is typical only for 'race' applications.. . For most normal users, you just ride it below the suggested rpm limit for a certain amount of mileage. The theory is that this works similarly to the above. You don't overstress the motor and you put an appropriate load on it. It is good to vary the rpm during break-in.. . For two-strokes, you need to run a much more oil-rich mixture for proper lubrication. After the suggested mileage, you can then switch the mixture to the normal ratio.. . Definitely, the owners manual will give you the 'recommended' method. There is a lot of available data on why you break in motors in certain ways and why you don't. The biggest concern is usually seating the rings so you don't get blow by.", "It depends on many things. First where you are riding the bike? On the street, mountain, all this things really matter. But you have to feel how the engine is working with you, In a normal way I麓ll use rear brake and clutch. But sometimes you need rear and front break. A few of them the front break and also a few times the clutch break. Just feel how the engine is working with you, smooth, and that麓s all you need to know.", "refer to your owners manual. it will tell you to stay under a specific rpm for a few tankfulls or mileage. I ride my brand new bike easily for the first 15 minutes or so and then let the motor cool down for about 20-30 minutes.. then repeat the process but getting the revs up a bit higher..up to 3/4 throttle.. cool down again. Run a tankful or fuel through the bike avoiding heat producing hill climbs or slow trail riding..or prolonged idling.after that let er rip so the rings will break in prducing a good seal.", "send it to me and i will happily break it in for you lol", "ride it like you're going to ride it normally...breakin is really only to seat the rings, and this is done within the first 20miles...enjoy your new bike" ]
Cars & Transportation
why do my front brakes make a grinding noise when I brake?
If you just changed them it's because they're crystalized -that's normal on new brake pads. If you haven't changed them, you need to change them, they're worn out.
[ "If you just changed them it's because they're crystalized -that's normal on new brake pads. If you haven't changed them, you need to change them, they're worn out.", "the pads are worn. new ones are about 30-50 bucks. you can change them yourself. i've done it 3 times on my jeep, 180k miles.", "They are worn out, most likely. You should get them check, they probably need to be changed.", "You probably need new brake shoes on the front if thats where the noise is coming from, take your car to a garage that you trust, there are alot of crooked mechanics." ]
Cars & Transportation
how do I know if my chanel handbag is authentic?
That sounds like a bag from a couple of years ago, they may not have any information online for that bag becasue it's out of season... But one thing that I know is if you were to take it to a channel store, you can check it out and see if there are simularities between the two, or ask the lady/guy at the counter to help you... If all else fails, If on the inside of the purse there is a tag that actualy has the CC logo on it, (COCO CHANNEL)with the stamp on it, then i think that youre all set... If you bought it yourself, if you paid anything less than $200.00 for it, then it;s probably a knock off.. soory, hope this helps!
[ "if it looks authentic, why would you care?. . In any case:. If bought it real cheap, it probably is a fake.. You might look at quality of stiching, smell the leather. Also visit Chanel's website and see if they make this model.", "That sounds like a bag from a couple of years ago, they may not have any information online for that bag becasue it's out of season... But one thing that I know is if you were to take it to a channel store, you can check it out and see if there are simularities between the two, or ask the lady/guy at the counter to help you... If all else fails, If on the inside of the purse there is a tag that actualy has the CC logo on it, (COCO CHANNEL)with the stamp on it, then i think that youre all set... If you bought it yourself, if you paid anything less than $200.00 for it, then it;s probably a knock off.. soory, hope this helps!", "I think that the price you paid and where you bought it. If it was a gift and looks doesnt matter!" ]
Business & Finance
why is my labium majora swollen?
if there was no history of trauma, and your asking why the labia majora is large - it is due to fat deposition in that area. thinking is that is serves as a cushion so that as the male thrusts, its not bone on bone bumping.
[ "if there was no history of trauma, and your asking why the labia majora is large - it is due to fat deposition in that area. thinking is that is serves as a cushion so that as the male thrusts, its not bone on bone bumping.", "Cause your probally like a piace of hot asphalt being jackhammered into unconsiness. how's the roast beef?... rare" ]
Can someone explain how to properly use "farther" and "further" in a sentence?
"Farther serves best as a distance word, further as a time or quantity word. You chase a ball farther than the other fellow; you pursue a subject further."
[ "\"Farther serves best as a distance word, further as a time or quantity word. You chase a ball farther than the other fellow; you pursue a subject further.\"", "Furthermore, I'd like to talk about getting farther down the road.", "\"Farther\" is used in case of distance.. . e.g. Farther right you will find a red temple.. . \"Further\" means added to/continuance. . e.g. If I write any further, then the charm of this expalnation will quell.", "farther=distance. ex: Go back a little farther.. further=continued. ex: Further more, she didn't deserve it anyway.. ok does that even make sense to me?? lol oh well, least i tried :) im sure some resourceful person is gonna get it correct anyway hehe", "\"Farther\" and \"further\" are two words with different meanings, \"farther\" is the husband of one's mother (if not divorced), e.g. My father isn't here.. While \"further\" is to go or to take something to another stage, e.g. Let's go further into the woods." ]
Society & Culture
What is a theopneust?
The路op路neus路ty. n.. Divine inspiration; the supernatural influence of the Divine Spirit in qualifying men to receive and communicate revealed truth.
[ "A \"theopneust\" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is \"theopneusty\".", "The路op路neus路ty. n.. Divine inspiration; the supernatural influence of the Divine Spirit in qualifying men to receive and communicate revealed truth." ]
Business & Finance
Responsibility is the process of doing what is right in tearms of doing what you should do. or if you dont like that it is a obligation to some one or somthing to do, say or act on what you sied you would be or impiled. . EX if you baby sit it is your reponsibility to watch that kid becouse you seid and implyed and act that you would.
[ "Responsibility is the process of doing what is right in tearms of doing what you should do. or if you dont like that it is a obligation to some one or somthing to do, say or act on what you sied you would be or impiled. . EX if you baby sit it is your reponsibility to watch that kid becouse you seid and implyed and act that you would.", "Risponsebility in turms of manegemint means you're promize to do teh work, and do it or get panishid if u donut. . . Deligation means you give responsibility for some of your task to peons that work for you (but you still get rewarded if they do the work right)", "Dude, go get a life and u will know what it is.", "Responsibility is being responsible for thing taking care of things and being in charge of something." ]
Education & Reference
How cold does it it get in the artic cirlce?
dont try swimming there. average temperature for the warmest month (July) is below 10掳C / 50掳F.
[ "dont try swimming there. average temperature for the warmest month (July) is below 10掳C / 50掳F.", "ice cold" ]
Science & Mathematics
What is the real purpose/benefit of the US to issue green cards for thousands foreigners annually?
Another aspect is the intellectual capital that we get to import when we make immigration a simpler process for certain immigrants. In other words, the U.S. gets smarter when we bring in smart people from other economies.
[ "Another aspect is the intellectual capital that we get to import when we make immigration a simpler process for certain immigrants. In other words, the U.S. gets smarter when we bring in smart people from other economies.", "These green cards are issued to people who either need asylum from persecution in their own country or can fill a position that would otherwise go unfilled. Nursing jobs = over 700,000 and there are more being posted daily. Can you imagine if there were no seasonal workers for produce? Would you pay 7 dollars for a head of lettuce?" ]
Politics & Government
What is the difference between Scheme and LISP?
Scheme is not a subset of Common Lisp; it is a separate dialect of Lisp that was designed to be much smaller and somewhat more elegant. It is intended primarily for teaching and research although it has many other uses as well. Scheme is a small language, hence easy to implement, so there are many implementations around.
[ "Scheme is not a subset of Common Lisp; it is a separate dialect of Lisp that was designed to be much smaller and somewhat more elegant. It is intended primarily for teaching and research although it has many other uses as well. Scheme is a small language, hence easy to implement, so there are many implementations around.", "Scheme is MIT's variant on Lisp. It is a subset, or simpler version, of Common Lisp and was designed to help teach computer science to MIT undergrads." ]
Computers & Internet
what do mormons believe in?
Check out the websites below. If you want to talk to a Mormon, you can request for representatives of the church to meet with you.
[ "Check out the websites below. If you want to talk to a Mormon, you can request for representatives of the church to meet with you.", "The best way to answer that would be to talk to a mormon. Since I'm not, though, I can get you pointed in the right direction. That should give you a place to start from.", "latter day saints. . They believe that God spoke directly to their founder.", "I used to be a Missionary for the Church. There's a lot to it, but the best I can do in a short synopsis: After Having been lost for centuries, the same church that Jesus Christ himself established on the earth has been restored to the earth with a living prophet and twelve apostles." ]
Social Science
What is the difference between a frequency and a channel when using a police scanner?
Your scanner has several channels you may program frequencys into but not vice-versa. If you need more detailed info eMail me or IM me on yahoo.
[ "Your scanner has several channels you may program frequencys into but not vice-versa. If you need more detailed info eMail me or IM me on yahoo.", "each channel has a different frequency." ]
Consumer Electronics
what is blood in my stool an indication of?
Could be ulcerative colitis. You probably need to get a colonoscopy unfortunately.
[ "Could be ulcerative colitis. You probably need to get a colonoscopy unfortunately.", "It can be an indication of many things. You need to go to your doctor and have a complete physical done so that the proper tests can be ordered and completed. ANY OTHER ANSWERS GIVEN ON HERE ARE JUST SPECULATION.", "As said above, the differential includes many things such as hemorrhoids, diverticular disease and carcinoma. Definately visit your physician soon." ]
how do you use myspace at school if its blocked?
Or better still - quit trying!. Surely there are better things to do with your time !?
[ "Or better still - quit trying!. Surely there are better things to do with your time !?", "Try to use Proxy :)" ]
Computers & Internet
How can I break my habit of sneaking chocolates and sweets?
When I learned I was diabetic, I first tried to not eat any chocolate. Then I discovered that just a small amount (half a dozen mini chocolate chips) would satisfy my craving without blowing my diet. Something along this line might work for you, too.
[ "Try \"buying\" chocolates for a change. The more money you send on them you will probably lose the habit.", "Start out slow! Every day or week (if you are really addicted) bring down your chocolate intake. Exapmle: on 12/31/05 you eat 1500 calories of sweets. on the seventh of Jan. bring it down to 1250. Next week down to 1000. Then 750. Then 500. Then 250. Then only an ocasional sweet. Good for you to attempt to break such a bad habit. It's a good new years resolution. You did the right thing, the first step has already been done, relize that you have a problem. Good for you!", "I'm trying to avoid sneaking a few candies too (Welcome to my world!) and I found that doing something you don't like when you sneak a sweet helps. Or, do a few push-ups every time you do it. Or, have somebody - or something, maybe one of those new trip lasers, like that thing that beeps when you cross the laser - guard the sweets. Or, just don't have any sweet-tooth foods in the house at all!", "theres such a thing of a diet that wont deprive u of sweets. If your willing to spend 90 dollars a week try Jenny craig their desserts are really good.", "When I learned I was diabetic, I first tried to not eat any chocolate. Then I discovered that just a small amount (half a dozen mini chocolate chips) would satisfy my craving without blowing my diet. Something along this line might work for you, too." ]
Why does it seem like the court system is set up to protect criminals?
As pathetic as you think this country is, be grateful that if your girlfriend falsely accuses you of, say, domestice violence (and it happens a LOT), that the burden of proof is upon the government, not upon you to prove innocence. Read your philosophers like Thomas Jefferson; "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.". Everyone is innnocent until they are proven guilty. THEN they are a criminal.
[ "As pathetic as you think this country is, be grateful that if your girlfriend falsely accuses you of, say, domestice violence (and it happens a LOT), that the burden of proof is upon the government, not upon you to prove innocence. Read your philosophers like Thomas Jefferson; \"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniencies attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.\". Everyone is innnocent until they are proven guilty. THEN they are a criminal.", "It doesn't. But sometimes it seems like it, because the public judges a suspect before a trial. This is because there has been so many mistakes with innocents who has been judged guilty. Including the scandals about death penalties, where people has been executed and later proven innocent.", "Because the state is tired of being sued for incriminating innocent people and calling them guilty w/o proof!", "I don't know really,I think it comes from that saying\"innocent until proven guilty\".", "The court system is set up to protect the innocent. It isn't perfect as no human made systems are ever perfect. Justice demands both that those who violate laws be punished and that those who are law abiding and innocent of crimes remain free. This requires a huge resource to ensure that the innocent are rightly protected while the guilty is rightly punished. Law enforcement, lawyers, judges, juries, laws written by the legislature, past court cases, etc. . . The goal is to protect the innocent and punish the guilty, how would you do this?", "Ask this question of yourself: Is it worse to imprison an innocent man or let a guilty man free?", "even when 100 criminals dont get their deserved punishment, not even an inncocent should be punished. This is the basic concept behind all laws. Thus obviously there will be loopholes.", "we still have the innocent until proof of guilt beyond a resonable doubt view.Therefore everyone innocent or not has to be treated equal and \"fairly\".", "Liberals in control!", "Because the lawmakers are more concerned with making a profit than giving recompense to the victims of crimes.. They take a criminals loot and divide it between the experts,whilst victims get nothing,then let the criminals out to steal some more.. Court revenue equates with receiving stolen goods.That is obviously dishonest." ]
Society & Culture
Know an easy way to remember when to use affect and effect?
Generally speaking, affect is a verb and effect is a noun. When you affect something, you produce an effect on it. Even in the passive voice, something would be affected, not effected.
[ "Generally speaking, affect is a verb and effect is a noun. When you affect something, you produce an effect on it. Even in the passive voice, something would be affected, not effected.", "effect is something, a noun...affect is action...Affect=Action verb...get it? A! That helped me way back when!" ]
Education & Reference
What are the significant differences between olive, vegetable, and peanut oil?
What they are made out of...olive oil, olives, vegetable oil, vegetables & peanut oil, peanuts. They all act slightly differently on foods, olive oil being the "cleanest". Peanut oil is light but also dense in nature, adding a strong taste while vegetable oil can tend to make foods slightly greasy.
[ "What they are made out of...olive oil, olives, vegetable oil, vegetables & peanut oil, peanuts. They all act slightly differently on foods, olive oil being the \"cleanest\". Peanut oil is light but also dense in nature, adding a strong taste while vegetable oil can tend to make foods slightly greasy.", "I agree with YouKnowIt and would only add two points:. . - It depends on what you are making. I love the flavor of a good-quality extra virgin olive oil, and it's my choice for salads and when sauteeing, but I would never use it in making a cake or other dessert - the flavor is all wrong. Peanut oil is great for frying (having a higher flash point than some other oils) but as already mentioned has a pretty strong flavor that you might not want in some contexts. Vegetable oil is nearly always soybean oil and has the mildest flavor. . . - Peanuts and, to a lesser extent, soybeans are common allergens. So, if you or those you are cooking for have allergies, or if you are cooking for a large group or for a pot luck, you might want to avoid peanut and soybean oils. Olive or corn oil might be more appropriate." ]
Food & Drink
How come San Diegans are so dull witted and rude?
I used to live there and I'm not dull witted and rude. According to my wife I'm just an a-hole, but not dumbwitted or rude. I might have been dull witted and rude when I lived there though, I don't remember.
[ "I used to live there and I'm not dull witted and rude. According to my wife I'm just an a-hole, but not dumbwitted or rude. I might have been dull witted and rude when I lived there though, I don't remember.", "You are going to find dull witted and rude folks everywhere you go. I don't know if San Diego corners the market on those kinds of people, but maybe they do. Best thing to do, ignore them. They'll always be around and will always continue to suck.", "I gotta say it's just the California syndrome. I used to live in Orange county till i was 24. I go back to visit my family who lives in o.c. and san diego and i really just see sooo much vanity all over. Noone respects anyone..not even themselves! They just live to get money and spend it. It's really very sad. I didn't like san diego mainly because of the uncleanliness. I think It has a lot to do with it being so close to T.J.", "They aren't as dull witted and rude as most people in Anaheim." ]
Society & Culture
What percentage of Mac users know how to write programs in AppleScript?
far Far FAR less than the percentage of Mac users that USE Applescript, often without even knowing it. Apple has done a great job of getting a large base of quality software by putting out quality development tools for free.
[ "far Far FAR less than the percentage of Mac users that USE Applescript, often without even knowing it. Apple has done a great job of getting a large base of quality software by putting out quality development tools for free.", "42%", "I've been a mac user for over 10 years. No clue how to write programs in AppleScript." ]
Computers & Internet
how do you make email go faster?
Pet it a lot. Give it a name and encourage it.
[ "You don't. . Most the variables for e-mail tranmittion are on the server side, something the end-user has no control over. Though, if you're sending gigabyte sized e-mails then you might try slimming down the messages and not attaching big files. Big file attachements always slow things down. That's why Yahoo's e-mail and most others have a size limit.. . Just for reference these variables range from:. 1. speed of servers. 2. speed of connectivity between the server.. 3. traffic currently hitting either or both servers.. 4. size of messages.. 5. Uncountable errors that can and do occur during the process. Most recoverable, with time.... . YMMV, Have Fun!", "Get a faster internet connection so that your end is good to go and that should help a bit.", "What do you mean by this? If you mean send depends on what your using...Sorry but im a bit confused", "Pet it a lot. Give it a name and encourage it." ]
Computers & Internet
what are the differences between a humidifier and a vaporizer?
a humidifier adds moisture to the air to improve the humidity in your home or apartment, but the purpose of a vaporizer is to add medications to the air around a sick person. The most common of these is to add Vicks to improve a person's breathing, but your pharmacist can point out to you many other benefits of using a vaporizer.
[ "a humidifier adds moisture to the air to improve the humidity in your home or apartment, but the purpose of a vaporizer is to add medications to the air around a sick person. The most common of these is to add Vicks to improve a person's breathing, but your pharmacist can point out to you many other benefits of using a vaporizer.", "Humidifiers and vaporizers add moisture to the air, making it less drying to your mouth, throat, and nose. A humidifier produces a cool mist, and a vaporizer puts out hot steam.", "They use vaporizers on Star Trek.....Captain Kirk's favorite weapon!!!" ]
How do I stop/block a email from being received by my address book from getting through?
once u received an unwanted e-mail. just check it. and click on spam button. u will not receive it anymore
[ "I'm using yahoo mail so i can tell you how to block a email in yahoo. If you have a yahoo mail account. Login in your mail account and click the [option] link. There will be an another option [block addresses]. Click and write the email id which you don't want to receive mail.", "once u received an unwanted e-mail. just check it. and click on spam button. u will not receive it anymore" ]
Computers & Internet
I have 2 xboxs and i was wondering how do i system link them for playing multiplayer on Mech Assault 2 Lone wo
To save yourself some time and frustration. You cannot direct link the Xboxes. Get either a router or HUB and connect both Xboxes to it, now you'll be able to play multiplayer with different Xboxes.
[ "To system link them you need the Xbox system link cable. it looks just link an internet cable that you connect two xboxs together, after they are connected make sure that both Xboxs have the exact game you want to play. basically two copies of one game. one for each console. you can get the cable at ebay. or also in stores everywhere.", "To save yourself some time and frustration. You cannot direct link the Xboxes. Get either a router or HUB and connect both Xboxes to it, now you'll be able to play multiplayer with different Xboxes." ]
Games & Recreation
why should we not keep the confederate flag?
Yeah and we could also fly the Nazi flag too!!! . . US Americans love to have things around that stand for hatred, oppression and evil!
[ "Yeah and we could also fly the Nazi flag too!!! . . US Americans love to have things around that stand for hatred, oppression and evil!", "A very touchy subject, let me first say that I say this not to offend.. . First, what is seen as the \"confederate flag\" is in fact NOT the confederate flag. It is the Confederate naval flag.. . Now, most who feel that the confederate flag should not be shown is they claim it represents slavery.. . First, allow me to make clear WHY the civil war came about.. . It was over representation.. . At the time, there was a disagreement on how people should be represented. One side wanted 2 representatives per state. The other wanted it based on population. . . The north had a heavy industrial center, the south agricultural. the decisions of a president can affect, for good or for ill, either side. The states with heavy industry were more numerous, while agricultural had a large population.. . Here you can see why the issue on representation came into effect. It would determine if the US would be an agricultural, or a industrial nation.. . As an interesting note, Southern lawmakers wanted the slave population counted for representation and have voting rights, in an effort to secure their domination over the government. The Northern didnt want that, for same reason. This is where the idea that every 3 slaves counted as 2 people for the purpose of representation. Eventually this wasnt enough, and civil war was fought.. . Why was the emancipation proclomation made? To be able to free the slave population to fight for northern interests.. . . So what then, did we get out of the civil war?. . 1. The beginnings of true freedom for all races. 2. a house of representatives, and the senate. 3. a nation that is a mix of agricultural and industrial.. . Instead of concentrating on the issue of slavery, which existed before the war, we should concentrate on what the civil war taught us, and the good that came from it.. . it comes down to this... If the civil war never happened, and the south never seceeded due to differences in how representation should be done, would slavery ever ended?", "The confederate flag is all about context. Many Southerners would consider the flag a symbol of pride in the Southern way of life. Few outside the South recognize this, since many outside the South believe the Southern way of life involves inbreeding and missing teeth, which it does not. It usually involves Southern hospitality, REALLY good cooking (not necessarily healthy cooking), and in many cases a deep devotion to religious beliefs.. . If used in a hateful context, such as to celebrate slavery, the flag may be considered offensive, but it's display, to my knowledge, would still be protected under the First Amendment in this context.. . If used in a violence-promoting context, like encouraging revolt against the government or promoting violence against minorities, First Amendment protections may not apply. Consult your local constitutional expert.", "Your buckeye is showing, Golfer. People have made the confederate flag stand for hatred. It's a flag from the history of the USA (unlike the nazi flag). I don't live in the South, but some of my relatives and friends do. Their showing of the confederate flag is an \"in-your-face\" to all the politically correct,hyper sensitive liberals. Not a demonstration of hatred or bigotry.. . I feel it's also a demonstration of someones cultural upbringing. In the south it's more laid back and slower paced life. Where people are able to spend time doing things they want to do and spend time together with family and friends. Unlike people from other parts of the country that run around like rats on crack trying to get to blockbuster before the last copy of Closer or Crash is picked up or running through red lights so their 12 year old son can get the last xbox 360 from bestbuys.", "Simple it is the flag of the ememies of the union, those who would have divided this country up into little third world countries that are a pain in the ass today like Iraq, Iran and Syria. Flying that flag is the same a pissing on old glory." ]
Politics & Government
How do I know if it is necessary to get my electronic product to be FCC certified?
There are a few FCC approved testing labs that will test out your product to see if it meets the FCC standards. They will submit a report to the FCC and get it approved, they will also obtain a FCC logo and a certification number. This process usually costs around USD3k-5k depending on how many times the tests need to be repeated. You can look for a suitable testing agency near your area by contacting the FCC folks.
[ "email them and ask :)", "There are a few FCC approved testing labs that will test out your product to see if it meets the FCC standards. They will submit a report to the FCC and get it approved, they will also obtain a FCC logo and a certification number. This process usually costs around USD3k-5k depending on how many times the tests need to be repeated. You can look for a suitable testing agency near your area by contacting the FCC folks." ]
Consumer Electronics
why are nurses mostly fat?
I wouldn't agree at all. Most nurses are aware of their bodies and try to stay healthy! If they are overweight it's for the same reason anyone else is.
[ "I wouldn't agree at all. Most nurses are aware of their bodies and try to stay healthy! If they are overweight it's for the same reason anyone else is.", "While I don't agree with that generalization, as I know and have seen many who are not, I would say that part of it could be from work related stress which in turn causes some to eat. Another aspect to consider would be the fact that many nurses work quite hard and don't necessarily have time to take to eat as well as they should. Just some thoughts.", "Because people in this country are fatter then any other country on the planet and we are really starting to notice. Nurses seem to be fat, because they work alot and when you work alot you tend not to have a personal life. When you dont have a personal life women tend to eat alot.. And when they eat alot they tend to get FAT!", "I think that it is like most any other job... once you have done it so long, you lose sight of the important issues and the reasons that you chose that field (in this case, health). I am in the medical field and weigh 105 lbs. Obviously I am not fat, and there are many others who that statement wouldn't apply to. I think it mostly applies to the ones who are burnt out with their jobs and whether consciously or subconsciously are dealing with some type of depression. Dealing with grumpy sick people all day along with ill doctors could make anyone depressed!! LOL", "Because when patients die, they eat them.", "Because Americans as a whole are becoming more obese. Obesity in the nursing profession's most common age and gender (middle-aged, female) is increasing; therefore, it's natural for you to generalize as you did.", "thats not fair to all nurses that not all mostly fat there are alot who rnt................u just havent seen them behind the fat ones." ]
Society & Culture
Why most of indian muslims are using term Khan at the end of their names?
Khan (sometimes spelled as xan, han, Polish chan) is a title meaning ruler in Mongolian and Turkish. The other equivalent is Khatun.. Because is the designation of a ruler or men of rank in Central Asia; Mongol or Turkish ruler in medieval times.
[ "Khan (sometimes spelled as xan, han, Polish chan) is a title meaning ruler in Mongolian and Turkish. The other equivalent is Khatun.. Because is the designation of a ruler or men of rank in Central Asia; Mongol or Turkish ruler in medieval times.", "Because is the designation of a ruler or men of rank in Central Asia; Mongol or Turkish ruler in medieval times." ]
Society & Culture
Why does asparagus make your pee smell funny?
And the funny thing about this is that some people say that asparagus doesn't make their pee smell. It turns out that some people just genetically lack the ability to *smell* the smell that their pee gives off after they eat asparagus.. . That's one of the weirdest bits of trivia I know. And now you know it too.
[ "And the funny thing about this is that some people say that asparagus doesn't make their pee smell. It turns out that some people just genetically lack the ability to *smell* the smell that their pee gives off after they eat asparagus.. . That's one of the weirdest bits of trivia I know. And now you know it too.", "HAHA being a chem eng...someone asked me this a long time ago...check out the following link. More than you ever wanted to know.. ." ]
Science & Mathematics
Why there are no french cars in the USA?
They simply did not sell well. . . Would you drive a Le Car?
[ "They simply did not sell well. . . Would you drive a Le Car?", "The Americans want big cars - the French simply don't have these (they have the Renault Clio for Pete's sake)", "Because the Americans value their own cars more than European. Also, French cars are very small & have engines 1.6-2.5 mostly." ]
Business & Finance
How do I stop my websites hit counter from counting my visits?
Yes you can, there is usually an option that looks like "Exclude hits from xxx" where you fill in the xxx with your own IP address.. Without giving us the exact hit counter you are using, it is pretty much imopssible to explain exactly how to do it though.
[ "Yes you can, there is usually an option that looks like \"Exclude hits from xxx\" where you fill in the xxx with your own IP address.. Without giving us the exact hit counter you are using, it is pretty much imopssible to explain exactly how to do it though.", "If you have the ability to edit the script you can have it not record the hit if it sees your IP address, providing you have a static address. Or you could set a cookie and go by that. Without specifics on what kind of counter it is, giving a better answer is difficult.. . Update: To reset this counter, just right click on the hit counter, click on front page components, then set the counter and the number of digits. You can change the style of the counter from there also.. . See if that area allows you to set what you need. Also check to see if it uploaded some file you can manually edit that goes with this counter." ]
Computers & Internet