{ "en": "Do you think you ought to consult your brethren in Oxford?", "es": "¿Crees que deberías consultarlo con tus hermanos de Oxford?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Do you think you ought to consult your brethren in Oxford?[/INST]¿Crees que deberías consultarlo con tus hermanos de Oxford?</s>
{ "en": "Look, I understand, you said you needed some time, but...", "es": "Mira, entiendo que dijiste que necesitabas un tiempo, pero..." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Look, I understand, you said you needed some time, but...[/INST]Mira, entiendo que dijiste que necesitabas un tiempo, pero...</s>
{ "en": "Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.IV.13), chap.", "es": "Informe de la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer, Beijing, 4 a 15 de septiembre de 1995 (publicación de las Naciones Unidas, número de venta: S.96.IV.13), cap." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.IV.13), chap.[/INST]Informe de la Cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer, Beijing, 4 a 15 de septiembre de 1995 (publicación de las Naciones Unidas, número de venta: S.96.IV.13), cap.</s>
{ "en": "You'll not sell that.", "es": "No venderás eso." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You'll not sell that.[/INST]No venderás eso.</s>
{ "en": "City Bo-oy!", "es": "¡Chico-o de ciudad!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>City Bo-oy![/INST]¡Chico-o de ciudad!</s>
{ "en": "Just make him realize how incredibly dead he'd be if we were.", "es": "Solo déjeles en claro lo increíblemente muertos que estaríamos si la hubiera." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Just make him realize how incredibly dead he'd be if we were.[/INST]Solo déjeles en claro lo increíblemente muertos que estaríamos si la hubiera.</s>
{ "en": "With the support of Save the Children and Terre des Hommes Switzerland and TdH Germany, they identified their specific demands for regulating their work and putting the proposal together.", "es": "Con el apoyo de Save the Children y Tierra de Hombres Suiza y Alemania, identificaron sus demandas acerca de la regulación de su trabajo y realizaron la propuesta." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>With the support of Save the Children and Terre des Hommes Switzerland and TdH Germany, they identified their specific demands for regulating their work and putting the proposal together.[/INST]Con el apoyo de Save the Children y Tierra de Hombres Suiza y Alemania, identificaron sus demandas acerca de la regulación de su trabajo y realizaron la propuesta.</s>
{ "en": "This place was killing me and you know it.", "es": "Este lugar estaba matándome y tú lo sabes." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>This place was killing me and you know it.[/INST]Este lugar estaba matándome y tú lo sabes.</s>
{ "en": "As mentioned in the Secretary-General's reports, there are many ongoing projects and programmes aimed at protecting women and girls against gender-based violence and other kinds of risks and challenges.", "es": "Tal como se señala en los informes del Secretario General, hay muchos proyectos y programas en curso dirigidos a proteger a la mujer y a la niña de la violencia por motivos de género y de otros tipos de riesgos y desafíos." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>As mentioned in the Secretary-General's reports, there are many ongoing projects and programmes aimed at protecting women and girls against gender-based violence and other kinds of risks and challenges.[/INST]Tal como se señala en los informes del Secretario General, hay muchos proyectos y programas en curso dirigidos a proteger a la mujer y a la niña de la violencia por motivos de género y de otros tipos de riesgos y desafíos.</s>
{ "en": "Me.", "es": "Yo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Me.[/INST]Yo.</s>
{ "en": "You know, if you ever... need anything...", "es": "Ya sabes, si alguna vez... necesitas algo..." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You know, if you ever... need anything...[/INST]Ya sabes, si alguna vez... necesitas algo...</s>
{ "en": "- I liked her first.", "es": "- ¡A mí me gustó primero!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>- I liked her first.[/INST]- ¡A mí me gustó primero!</s>
{ "en": "Your new crew.", "es": "Tu nuevo equipo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Your new crew.[/INST]Tu nuevo equipo.</s>
{ "en": "15 6.5 Nature and contents of container", "es": "16 6.5 Naturaleza y contenido del envase" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>15 6.5 Nature and contents of container[/INST]16 6.5 Naturaleza y contenido del envase</s>
{ "en": "I am looking for Father Maurizio, I am late.", "es": "Busco al Padre Mauricio, llego tarde." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I am looking for Father Maurizio, I am late.[/INST]Busco al Padre Mauricio, llego tarde.</s>
{ "en": "I didn't want to offend you today.", "es": "Hoy no tenía que haberla ofendido." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I didn't want to offend you today.[/INST]Hoy no tenía que haberla ofendido.</s>
{ "en": "Harmony is a compatible replacement library, designed to make it possible to run KDE software without using Qt.", "es": "Harmony es una biblioteca de reemplazo compatible, diseñada para poder hacer funcionar el software KDE sin usar Qt." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Harmony is a compatible replacement library, designed to make it possible to run KDE software without using Qt.[/INST]Harmony es una biblioteca de reemplazo compatible, diseñada para poder hacer funcionar el software KDE sin usar Qt.</s>
{ "en": "Good.", "es": "Bien." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Good.[/INST]Bien.</s>
{ "en": "Now I know... you're not shy around women.", "es": "Ahora se que no eres tímido entre mujeres." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Now I know... you're not shy around women.[/INST]Ahora se que no eres tímido entre mujeres.</s>
{ "en": "I know you did, but it's the past, and the past can't hurt you.", "es": "Lo sé, pero eso es pasado, y el pasado no puede lastimarte." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I know you did, but it's the past, and the past can't hurt you.[/INST]Lo sé, pero eso es pasado, y el pasado no puede lastimarte.</s>
{ "en": "No one taught her.", "es": "Nadie le enseñó." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>No one taught her.[/INST]Nadie le enseñó.</s>
{ "en": "He wants to take us out to dinner.", "es": "Quiere llevarnos a cenar fuera." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>He wants to take us out to dinner.[/INST]Quiere llevarnos a cenar fuera.</s>
{ "en": "They'd have to torture me to make me say it.", "es": "Me tendrían que torturar Para hacerme decirlo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>They'd have to torture me to make me say it.[/INST]Me tendrían que torturar Para hacerme decirlo.</s>
{ "en": "Closes all.", "es": "Ciérralas todas." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Closes all.[/INST]Ciérralas todas.</s>
{ "en": "• Pair of jacks and pair of 6's.", "es": "Un par de jacks y un par de seis." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>• Pair of jacks and pair of 6's.[/INST]Un par de jacks y un par de seis.</s>
{ "en": "Procedure for amending the testing requirements for veterinary medicinal products in order to render them applicable to immunological medicinal products.", "es": "Procedimiento destinado a modificar los requisitos en materia de ensayos de medicamentos veterinarios para que puedan aplicarse también a los medicamentos inmunológicos." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Procedure for amending the testing requirements for veterinary medicinal products in order to render them applicable to immunological medicinal products.[/INST]Procedimiento destinado a modificar los requisitos en materia de ensayos de medicamentos veterinarios para que puedan aplicarse también a los medicamentos inmunológicos.</s>
{ "en": "None of that is on the agenda today.", "es": "Nada de esto está hoy en discusión." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>None of that is on the agenda today.[/INST]Nada de esto está hoy en discusión.</s>
{ "en": "You do not have to be afraid", "es": "No tienes que tener miedo" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You do not have to be afraid[/INST]No tienes que tener miedo</s>
{ "en": "Import duties [1](EUR/t)", "es": "Derecho de importación [1](EUR/t)" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Import duties [1](EUR/t)[/INST]Derecho de importación [1](EUR/t)</s>
{ "en": "Sorry, what... what did you... what did you wanna say?", "es": "Lo sentimos, lo que ... lo que hizo usted ... ¿qué quieres decir?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Sorry, what... what did you... what did you wanna say?[/INST]Lo sentimos, lo que ... lo que hizo usted ... ¿qué quieres decir?</s>
{ "en": "You know something? I haven't been very supportive of this whole thing.", "es": "Debo admitir que nunca los apoyé mucho en todo esto." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You know something? I haven't been very supportive of this whole thing.[/INST]Debo admitir que nunca los apoyé mucho en todo esto.</s>
{ "en": "You know, your dad, like, mostly, since I've known him, he seems mainly a little bit mopey to me.", "es": "Sabes, tu papá, como que casi siempre, desde que lo conozco, me parece principalmente un poco deprimido." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You know, your dad, like, mostly, since I've known him, he seems mainly a little bit mopey to me.[/INST]Sabes, tu papá, como que casi siempre, desde que lo conozco, me parece principalmente un poco deprimido.</s>
{ "en": "Anything you want to talk about there?", "es": "¿Algo de lo que quieras hablar?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Anything you want to talk about there?[/INST]¿Algo de lo que quieras hablar?</s>
{ "en": "04/28/2015", "es": "07/28/2010" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>04/28/2015[/INST]07/28/2010</s>
{ "en": "Daddy, it's too heavy when it's got the bullets in it.", "es": "Mi papito, está demasiado pesado cuando Tiene las balas en eso." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Daddy, it's too heavy when it's got the bullets in it.[/INST]Mi papito, está demasiado pesado cuando Tiene las balas en eso.</s>
{ "en": "Get out!", "es": "¡Váyanse!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Get out![/INST]¡Váyanse!</s>
{ "en": "Why do we suck?", "es": "¿Por qué apestamos?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Why do we suck?[/INST]¿Por qué apestamos?</s>
{ "en": "“(b) The provisions of this Convention that affect the rights and obligations of the debtor do not apply if, at the time of the conclusion of the original contract, the debtor is located in such a State or the law governing the receivable is the law of such a State.", "es": "b) Las disposiciones de la Convención que afecten a los derechos y obligaciones del deudor no serán aplicables si, en el momento de celebración del contrato originario, el deudor está situado en ese Estado o la ley que rige el crédito es la ley de ese Estado." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>“(b) The provisions of this Convention that affect the rights and obligations of the debtor do not apply if, at the time of the conclusion of the original contract, the debtor is located in such a State or the law governing the receivable is the law of such a State.[/INST]b) Las disposiciones de la Convención que afecten a los derechos y obligaciones del deudor no serán aplicables si, en el momento de celebración del contrato originario, el deudor está situado en ese Estado o la ley que rige el crédito es la ley de ese Estado.</s>
{ "en": "Nice to meet you.", "es": "Encantada de conocerte." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Nice to meet you.[/INST]Encantada de conocerte.</s>
{ "en": "But why did he kill Akram?", "es": "¿Pero porqué mató a Akram?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>But why did he kill Akram?[/INST]¿Pero porqué mató a Akram?</s>
{ "en": "Pontevedra (1)", "es": "Castellón-Castelló (1)" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Pontevedra (1)[/INST]Castellón-Castelló (1)</s>
{ "en": "The doctortold me that Kabir only talked about lzna during his treatment.", "es": "El doctor me dijo que durante las sesiones, Kabir sólo hablaba de Izna." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>The doctortold me that Kabir only talked about lzna during his treatment.[/INST]El doctor me dijo que durante las sesiones, Kabir sólo hablaba de Izna.</s>
{ "en": "There are representatives of the Centre in East and Southern Africa, in West and Central Africa, in North Africa/Western Asia and in Latin America and the Caribbean.", "es": "Hay representantes del Centro en África oriental y meridional, África occidental y central, África del norte/Asia occidental y América Latina y el Caribe." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>There are representatives of the Centre in East and Southern Africa, in West and Central Africa, in North Africa/Western Asia and in Latin America and the Caribbean.[/INST]Hay representantes del Centro en África oriental y meridional, África occidental y central, África del norte/Asia occidental y América Latina y el Caribe.</s>
{ "en": "How did you get the Lucian alliance to fire on each other?", "es": "¿Qué pasó? ¿Cómo conseguiste que la Alianza Lucien, se disparara entre sí?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>How did you get the Lucian alliance to fire on each other?[/INST]¿Qué pasó? ¿Cómo conseguiste que la Alianza Lucien, se disparara entre sí?</s>
{ "en": "which rules out almost every man in this province.", "es": "O sea, todos los hombres de esta provincia." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>which rules out almost every man in this province.[/INST]O sea, todos los hombres de esta provincia.</s>
{ "en": "See my skin I'm a mass of blood", "es": "Mira mi piel. Soy un desastre de sangre." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>See my skin I'm a mass of blood[/INST]Mira mi piel. Soy un desastre de sangre.</s>
{ "en": "Yes, you can. Kick, kick, kick.", "es": "Si puedes, patea." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Yes, you can. Kick, kick, kick.[/INST]Si puedes, patea.</s>
{ "en": "Come on, Martin!", "es": "Vamos, Martin." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Come on, Martin![/INST]Vamos, Martin.</s>
{ "en": "The Directive strengthens the competent authorities' supervisory powers and provides that Member States must take all steps necessary to enable those authorities to make detailed enquiries regarding an undertaking's situation, take measures with regard to the undertaking or its directors or managers and ensure that those measures are carried out, if need be by enforcement.", "es": "La directiva refuerza los poderes de control de las autoridades competentes, y dispone que los Estados adoptarán todas las disposiciones necesarias para que las autoridades se mantengan informadas al detalle sobre la situación de la empresa, tomen medidas con respecto a ella o a sus directivos y se aseguren de la aplicación de las mismas, incluso a través de medidas coercitivas si es necesario." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>The Directive strengthens the competent authorities' supervisory powers and provides that Member States must take all steps necessary to enable those authorities to make detailed enquiries regarding an undertaking's situation, take measures with regard to the undertaking or its directors or managers and ensure that those measures are carried out, if need be by enforcement.[/INST]La directiva refuerza los poderes de control de las autoridades competentes, y dispone que los Estados adoptarán todas las disposiciones necesarias para que las autoridades se mantengan informadas al detalle sobre la situación de la empresa, tomen medidas con respecto a ella o a sus directivos y se aseguren de la aplicación de las mismas, incluso a través de medidas coercitivas si es necesario.</s>
{ "en": "They wouldn't have got away.", "es": "No, señor. Ya ha salido." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>They wouldn't have got away.[/INST]No, señor. Ya ha salido.</s>
{ "en": "It was like a terrible dream my dog would have after eating the leftovers of my Brazilian dinner.", "es": "Fue como una pesadilla que tendría mi perro después de comer las sobras de mi comida brasileña." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>It was like a terrible dream my dog would have after eating the leftovers of my Brazilian dinner.[/INST]Fue como una pesadilla que tendría mi perro después de comer las sobras de mi comida brasileña.</s>
{ "en": "A total failure!", "es": "Un total fracaso." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>A total failure![/INST]Un total fracaso.</s>
{ "en": "Now what are looking below the tyre?", "es": "¿Ahora qué estás buscando debajo de la llanta?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Now what are looking below the tyre?[/INST]¿Ahora qué estás buscando debajo de la llanta?</s>
{ "en": "Lucky girl.", "es": "Una chica con suerte." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Lucky girl.[/INST]Una chica con suerte.</s>
{ "en": "A lotta heart, just no sense.", "es": "Mucha garra, pero nada de sentido." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>A lotta heart, just no sense.[/INST]Mucha garra, pero nada de sentido.</s>
{ "en": "You know you, you really shouldn't have to go out tonight if you don't have to.", "es": "No debiste salir de la casa tu sola." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You know you, you really shouldn't have to go out tonight if you don't have to.[/INST]No debiste salir de la casa tu sola.</s>
{ "en": "Stops, it's a child!", "es": "¡Para! ¡Es un niño!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Stops, it's a child![/INST]¡Para! ¡Es un niño!</s>
{ "en": "Where?", "es": "¿Dónde?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Where?[/INST]¿Dónde?</s>
{ "en": "Defense?", "es": "¿Defensa?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Defense?[/INST]¿Defensa?</s>
{ "en": "Reports: It is possible to obtain reports of uses and activity room, a safe daily movements of user accounts ... Total sales data can be broken down by shift operator.", "es": "Informes: Es posible obtener informes de utilización y actividad de la sala, caja diaria, movimientos de cuentas de usuario... Los datos de ventas totales pueden desglosarse por turnos de operador." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Reports: It is possible to obtain reports of uses and activity room, a safe daily movements of user accounts ... Total sales data can be broken down by shift operator.[/INST]Informes: Es posible obtener informes de utilización y actividad de la sala, caja diaria, movimientos de cuentas de usuario... Los datos de ventas totales pueden desglosarse por turnos de operador.</s>
{ "en": "Zea is the summit of the island, and of the Archipelago.", "es": "Zea es la cumbre de la isla, y del archipiélago." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Zea is the summit of the island, and of the Archipelago.[/INST]Zea es la cumbre de la isla, y del archipiélago.</s>
{ "en": "", "es": "" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>[/INST]</s>
{ "en": "Ready for use for one year after each charge!", "es": "¡Listas para ser usadas hasta un año después de cada carga!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Ready for use for one year after each charge![/INST]¡Listas para ser usadas hasta un año después de cada carga!</s>
{ "en": "Ha! Told ya.", "es": "Se lo dije." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Ha! Told ya.[/INST]Se lo dije.</s>
{ "en": "-Yes, you did.", "es": "- Sí, lo hizo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>-Yes, you did.[/INST]- Sí, lo hizo.</s>
{ "en": "I'm gonna be working in their Special Events Department.", "es": "Para trabajar en Eventos Especiales" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I'm gonna be working in their Special Events Department.[/INST]Para trabajar en Eventos Especiales</s>
{ "en": "Saturday. Very well.", "es": "Es sábado." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Saturday. Very well.[/INST]Es sábado.</s>
{ "en": "Number two...", "es": "Número dos..." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Number two...[/INST]Número dos...</s>
{ "en": "Do you recall allowing your baby to be taken to the nursery?", "es": "¿Recuerda haber permitido que lleven al bebé a la guardería?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Do you recall allowing your baby to be taken to the nursery?[/INST]¿Recuerda haber permitido que lleven al bebé a la guardería?</s>
{ "en": "But if I'm wrong... we'll make her comply.", "es": "Vamos a hacer su cumple." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>But if I'm wrong... we'll make her comply.[/INST]Vamos a hacer su cumple.</s>
{ "en": "Cancer marks all these stages.", "es": "Cáncer señala todas estas etapas." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Cancer marks all these stages.[/INST]Cáncer señala todas estas etapas.</s>
{ "en": "You think you're so smart.", "es": "Te crees muy inteligente." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You think you're so smart.[/INST]Te crees muy inteligente.</s>
{ "en": "I thought it was important.", "es": "Pensé que era importante." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I thought it was important.[/INST]Pensé que era importante.</s>
{ "en": "I don't know. I-I could try that out, I guess.", "es": "Podría intentarlo, supongo." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I don't know. I-I could try that out, I guess.[/INST]Podría intentarlo, supongo.</s>
{ "en": "Oh, what a big scare.", "es": "Ay, qué miedo que me da" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Oh, what a big scare.[/INST]Ay, qué miedo que me da</s>
{ "en": "Lord Kildare, I feel like walking.", "es": "Lord Kildare, quisiera caminar." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Lord Kildare, I feel like walking.[/INST]Lord Kildare, quisiera caminar.</s>
{ "en": "I'm gonna be unreachable for the weekend.", "es": "Seré inaccesible el fin de semana." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I'm gonna be unreachable for the weekend.[/INST]Seré inaccesible el fin de semana.</s>
{ "en": "It's not.", "es": "No lo es." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>It's not.[/INST]No lo es.</s>
{ "en": "Meet new people.", "es": "Conocer gente nueva." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Meet new people.[/INST]Conocer gente nueva.</s>
{ "en": "Thank you.", "es": "Gracias." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Thank you.[/INST]Gracias.</s>
{ "en": "Romantic?", "es": "¿Romántico?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Romantic?[/INST]¿Romántico?</s>
{ "en": "==Career=====Club===In October 2013, Šehić signed for Azerbaijan Premier League side Qarabağ.", "es": "== Carrera =====Club===En octubre de 2013, Šehić firmó por Liga Premier de Azerbaiyán lado Qarabağ." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>==Career=====Club===In October 2013, Šehić signed for Azerbaijan Premier League side Qarabağ.[/INST]== Carrera =====Club===En octubre de 2013, Šehić firmó por Liga Premier de Azerbaiyán lado Qarabağ.</s>
{ "en": "This is for you.", "es": "Esto es para tí." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>This is for you.[/INST]Esto es para tí.</s>
{ "en": "Going.", "es": "Voy." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Going.[/INST]Voy.</s>
{ "en": "If such assistance is to bear fruit, it must be based on local needs and on sufficiently ambitious national development strategies elaborated by the recipient countries themselves.", "es": "Si dicha asistencia ha de dar frutos, debe basarse en las necesidades locales y en estrategias nacionales de desarrollo suficientemente ambiciosas preparadas por los propios países receptores." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>If such assistance is to bear fruit, it must be based on local needs and on sufficiently ambitious national development strategies elaborated by the recipient countries themselves.[/INST]Si dicha asistencia ha de dar frutos, debe basarse en las necesidades locales y en estrategias nacionales de desarrollo suficientemente ambiciosas preparadas por los propios países receptores.</s>
{ "en": "He also needs to write a full confession.", "es": "Además, necesita escribir una confesión completa." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>He also needs to write a full confession.[/INST]Además, necesita escribir una confesión completa.</s>
{ "en": "But how will I get them out of the store?", "es": "¿Pero cómo los saco de la tienda?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>But how will I get them out of the store?[/INST]¿Pero cómo los saco de la tienda?</s>
{ "en": "Updated, December 2, 2002", "es": "Actualizado, 2 de diciembre, 2002" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Updated, December 2, 2002[/INST]Actualizado, 2 de diciembre, 2002</s>
{ "en": "I so very much love you.", "es": "Te amo tanto." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I so very much love you.[/INST]Te amo tanto.</s>
{ "en": "We're concerned with a threat to what we call our American way of life.", "es": "Nos preocupa la amenaza a la llamada nuestra forma de vivir norteamericana." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>We're concerned with a threat to what we call our American way of life.[/INST]Nos preocupa la amenaza a la llamada nuestra forma de vivir norteamericana.</s>
{ "en": "Oh, I can't believe it!", "es": "¡No puedo creerlo!" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Oh, I can't believe it![/INST]¡No puedo creerlo!</s>
{ "en": "You've done wonders, Holmes, wonders.", "es": "Ha hecho Ud. maravillas, Holmes, maravillas." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You've done wonders, Holmes, wonders.[/INST]Ha hecho Ud. maravillas, Holmes, maravillas.</s>
{ "en": "like the rates of chemical reactions, and the interplay between them naturally gives rise to pattern.", "es": "Y la interacción entre ellos da origen de forma natural al patrón." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>like the rates of chemical reactions, and the interplay between them naturally gives rise to pattern.[/INST]Y la interacción entre ellos da origen de forma natural al patrón.</s>
{ "en": "(121) The table below shows the Community industry's performances in relation to its sales to independent customers in the Community.", "es": "(121) El cuadro que figura a continuación recoge los resultados de la industria de la Comunidad por lo que respecta a las ventas a clientes independientes en la Comunidad." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>(121) The table below shows the Community industry's performances in relation to its sales to independent customers in the Community.[/INST](121) El cuadro que figura a continuación recoge los resultados de la industria de la Comunidad por lo que respecta a las ventas a clientes independientes en la Comunidad.</s>
{ "en": "The authority doesn't care about justice.", "es": "La autoridad no se preocupa por la justicia." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>The authority doesn't care about justice.[/INST]La autoridad no se preocupa por la justicia.</s>
{ "en": "I spoke to him and I can tell you that you may ask for my hand.", "es": "Hablé con él. y puedo decirte que pidas mi mano." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>I spoke to him and I can tell you that you may ask for my hand.[/INST]Hablé con él. y puedo decirte que pidas mi mano.</s>
{ "en": "What we gonna do with $1?", "es": "¿Qué vamos a hacer con un dólar?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>What we gonna do with $1?[/INST]¿Qué vamos a hacer con un dólar?</s>
{ "en": "It's so good, so good.", "es": "Qué placer. Me gusta tocarte los pechos." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>It's so good, so good.[/INST]Qué placer. Me gusta tocarte los pechos.</s>
{ "en": "You should always remain vigilante of who you give your credit card details to, both out and about in the real world, and online.", "es": "Usted debe permanecer siempre vigilante sobre a quién le da los datos de su tarjeta de crédito, ya sea por las compras en el día a día, o en línea." }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>You should always remain vigilante of who you give your credit card details to, both out and about in the real world, and online.[/INST]Usted debe permanecer siempre vigilante sobre a quién le da los datos de su tarjeta de crédito, ya sea por las compras en el día a día, o en línea.</s>
{ "en": "Smoking a cigarette?", "es": "¿Fumando un cigarrillo?" }
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>Translate the following text into Spanish.<</SYS>>Smoking a cigarette?[/INST]¿Fumando un cigarrillo?</s>