How long does it take for food to pass through the digestive system?
Digestion time varies between individuals and between men and women. After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion, absorption of water and, finally, elimination of undigested food.
When was Mork and Mindy on the air?
Mork & Mindy is an American sitcom broadcast from 1978 until 1982 on ABC. It stars Robin Williams as Mork, an extraterrestrial alien who comes to Earth from the planet Ork in a small, one-man egg-shaped spaceship. Pam Dawber co-stars as Mindy McConnell, his human friend and roommate.
Do human cells have a cell wall?
For example, human cells do not have cell walls, while many types of bacteria do. The antibiotic penicillin works by keeping a bacterium from building a cell wall. Bacteria and human cells also differ in the structure of their cell membranes and the machinery they use to build proteins or copy DNA.
When was Lord of the Rings made?
The Lord of the Rings is a film series consisting of three epic fantasy adventure films directed by Peter Jackson. They are based on the novel The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien. The films are subtitled The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002) and The Return of the King (2003).
Which Egyptian pharaoh ruled the longest?
If they indeed were taken every two years, then the pharaoh reigned for about 62 years, till around 2212 BC. Pepi II is often mentioned as the longest reigning monarch in History based on accounts from the late 2nd millennium BC Turin canon and the 3rd century BC history of Egypt by Manetho.
When were Arabic numerals invented?
They were developed in India by the Hindus around 600 A.D. Interestingly, these numbers were written "backwards", thus one hundred twenty three was written 321. Around 750 A.D. this system of decimal arithmetic was brought to Persia when several important Hindu works were translated into Arabic.
Is Greenland in Europe?
Though physiographically a part of the continent of North America, Greenland has been politically and culturally associated with Europe (specifically Norway and Denmark, the colonial powers, as well as the nearby island of Iceland) for more than a millennium.
How wide is college ruled paper?
Medium ruled (or College ruled) paper has 9/32 in (7.1 mm) spacing between horizontal lines, with a vertical margin drawn about 1-1/4 in (31.75 mm) from the left-hand edge of the page.
How many time zones are there in all?
Given a 24-hour day and 360 degrees of longitude around the Earth, it is obvious that the world's standard time zones have to be 15 degrees wide, on average. It is worth mentioning that some sources claim there are 24 standard time zones, while others say there are 25 time zones.
How long apart can twins be born?
For twins Amy and Katie were incredibly born 87 days apart. Maria went into labour four months early, giving birth to Amy – but Katie did not arrive until three months later. Their incredible births will now become a Guinness World Record for the “longest interval between the birth of twins”.
Is cocoa bean a fruit?
Cacao (or cocoa) beans are technically not legumes but rather seeds of the fruit of the Theobroma cacao tree. Each pod-shaped fruit produces approximately 35-50 seeds surrounded by a sweet pulp.
What animal is Bambi's friend Flower?
The main characters are Bambi, a white-tailed deer, his parents (the Great Prince of the forest and his unnamed mother), his friends Thumper (a pink-nosed rabbit), and Flower (a skunk), and his childhood friend and future mate, Faline.
How many Sudoku puzzles are there?
There are a total of 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 possible solutions, yet when mathematicians took away rotations, reflections, permutations and relabeling, which takes away the same puzzle in just a different form, the number of solutions was 5,472,730,538.
Where do you find Chinese gooseberries?
The prominent produce company Turners and Growers announced that it would from now on export Chinese gooseberries under the name 'kiwifruit'. Introduced to this country in 1904, kiwifruit are now cultivated worldwide, with New Zealand-grown fruit marketed as 'Zespri'.
What do you call people who live in Liverpool?
People from Liverpool do call themselves Scousers though. If, like me, you come from the blue half of town you don't refer to yourself as a Liverpudlian (which carries an entirely different connotation).,5753,-6353,00.html
How long can a penguin go without food?
Since penguins don't leave the nesting areas to feed, some species go through the entire courtship, nesting, and incubation period without food or water. For male king penguins, this period lasts for 55 days. For the male emperor penguin, the fast can last up to 120 days.
Can you eat the skin of Camembert?
Yep, you can eat the rind of any soft-ripened cheese like Brie or Camembert. But just so you know: Sometimes it won't taste so good. "Soft cheese bruises like an apple," says Maxx Sherman, director of national sales for the Marin French Cheese Company, which makes a number of soft cheeses in Petaluma, California.
Who was the voice of Mickey Mouse?
Originally, Walt Disney himself was the voice of Mickey Mouse, followed by Jim MacDonald, and later Wayne Allwine provided Mickey's distinctive voice. Mickey's new voice has not been offically announced.
When was the signing of the Warsaw Pact?
Communist Bloc Conclave: The Warsaw Pact conference, 11 May 1955, Warsaw, Poland.The Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance concluded after three days of discussions in Warsaw created a belated eastern military counterpart to the western powers' North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Why did they put lead in gasoline?
Leaded petrol contained a substance known as tetraethyl lead or TEL, a compound of lead in liquid form originally added to petrol to increase its octane rating. A side effect of adding TEL is that a layer of lead compounds forms on the valve faces of the engine, retarding wear.
Are Hockey Pucks Frozen?
All NHL and AHL pucks are frozen before the game. There are reasons for that. They glide smoother and faster when frozen, and freezing eliminates bouncing. Since pucks are made of vulcanized rubber, they tend to bounce like tennis balls when smacked with a stick.
How much money is in a game of Monopoly?
Answer: The bank has $15,140 in cash (in standard editions of Monopoly). The money comes in 20 orange $500 bills, 20 beige $100 bills, 30 green $50 bills, 50 blue $20 bills, 40 yellow $10 bills, 40 pink $5 bills, and 40 white $1 bills.
What country is next to Tibet?
In this wonderfully clear map from Michael Buckley, we see the vast, high-altitude Tibetan Plateau, and the surrounding regions: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, China and (not labeled) to the north, Xinjiang (East Turkestan).
What kind of animal is a platypus?
The platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) also known as the duck-billed platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extant species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth.
Why is the ring of fire called the ring of fire?
The area encircling the Pacific Ocean is called the "Ring of Fire," because its edges mark a circle of high volcanic and seismic activity (earthquakes). Most of the active volcanoes on Earth are located on this circumference.
How many division 1 basketball teams are there?
A map of all NCAA Division I basketball teams. In 2013–14, there are 351 schools in 32 Division I basketball conferences. The conferences for 2013–14 are: America East Conference.
What does DMC stand for on a Delorean?
DeLorean Motor Company. The original Delorean Motor Company (DMC) is an automobile manufacturer formed by automobile industry executive John DeLorean in 1975.
A rain gauge (also known as an udometer, pluviometer, or an ombrometer) is a type of instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time.
Why do countries have stan at the end?
There are seven countries in Central Asia with the suffix "-stan": Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The suffix comes from the Persian root istan, or "land"—hence the "land of the Uzbeks," "land of the Kazakhs," and so forth.
What nationality is Mark Wahlberg?
His father was of half Swedish and half Irish ancestry, and his mother is of Irish, English, and French Canadian descent. Maternally, Wahlberg is distantly related to author Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Why do you put steak on a black eye?
Raw steaks that have traditionally been put on black eyes were done so because the meat is cold, not because it has any special healing properties. Ice wrapped in a washcloth or a baggie of frozen veggies are more suitable steak substitutes.
Is blue eyes a mutation?
New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor. A team at the University of Copenhagen have tracked down a genetic mutation which took place 6-10,000 years ago and is the cause of the eye colour of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today.
Is NACL table salt?
Sodium chloride, also known as salt, common salt, table salt or halite, is an ionic compound with the formula NaCl, representing equal proportions of sodium and chlorine. Sodium chloride is the salt most responsible for the salinity of the ocean and of the extracellular fluid of many multicellular organisms.
What does it mean to eat crow?
Eating crow is an American colloquial idiom, meaning humiliation by admitting wrongness or having been proved wrong after taking a strong position. [ 2] Crow is presumably foul-tasting in the same way that being proved wrong might be emotionally hard to swallow.
How many electoral votes must a candidate win in order to win the presidency?
In order to become president, a candidate must win more than half of the votes in the Electoral College (currently that would be 270 of the 538 total electors).
How many countries does the Nile River flow through?
The Nile is an "international" river as its water resources are shared by eleven countries, namely, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo-Kinshasa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt.
Are all breeds of dogs color blind?
No, dogs are not colorblind in the sense that they see more than just black, white, and gray. However, the color range they perceive is limited compared to the spectrum we see. To put it in very basic terms, the canine color field consists mostly of yellows, blues, and violets.
Which president got stuck in a bathtub?
President William Taft once got stuck in the White House bathtub. Weighing in at over 330 pounds, Taft was by far the heaviest president in our country's history. This embarrassing story claims that six aides were needed to dislodge his massive frame from the tub.
What do you call the space between your nose and upper lip?
For humans and most primates, the philtrum survives only as a vestigial medial depression between the nose and upper lip. The human philtrum, bordered by ridges, also is known as the infranasal depression, but has no apparent function.
Why do we have water towers?
Water towers are able to supply water even during power outages, because they rely on hydrostatic pressure produced by elevation of water to push the water into domestic and industrial water distribution systems; however, they cannot supply the water for a long time without power, because a pump is typically required ...
How many miles can a car go on empty?
A gas-guzzling Ford Excursion can drive an average of 85 miles after the fuel light comes on. A hybrid Toyota Prius, however, can only squeeze an extra 55 miles out of its tank. A Honda Civic can get an extra 44 miles on empty while a Toyota Corolla gets an average of 47 miles on empty.
Which languages are based on Latin?
French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Romanian are also official languages of the European Union. Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, and Catalan are the official languages of the Latin Union; and French and Spanish are two of the six official languages of the United Nations.
What speed is the earth spinning at?
This is about 24,901 miles (40,075 kilometres) per day. To calculate speed, Mr Kadish divided that distance by 23hr, 56m, 4s to reach the figure of 1,040 mph. After that, speed due to rotation was calculated by multiplying the speed at the equator by the cosine of the latitude at the point.
What is the hormone that wakes you up?
To prepare for the stress of waking, your body releases a cocktail of stress hormones, like cortisol. Gradually, your sleep becomes lighter and lighter. And that's why you wake up before your alarm. Your body hates your alarm clock.
What does it mean all roads lead to Rome?
All roads lead to Rome definition. All paths or activities lead to the center of things. This was literally true in the days of the Roman Empire, when all the empire's roads radiated out from the capital city, Rome.
What year did the Grateful Dead start?
Grateful Dead in 1970. Left to right: Bill Kreutzmann, Ron "Pigpen" McKernan, Jerry Garcia, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart, Phil Lesh. The Grateful Dead was an American rock band formed in 1965 in Palo Alto, California.
How many symphonies did Mozart write?
For years this was categorized as a Mozart symphony, but later scholarship determined that it was actually composed by Michael Haydn (No. 25), and Mozart wrote only the slow introduction for it. The three final symphonies (Nos. 39-41) were completed in about three months in 1788.
Is White Light the absence of color?
In the visible spectrum, white reflects light and is a presence of all colors, but black absorbs light and is an absence of color. Black can be defined as the visual impression experienced when no visible light reaches the eye.
How many pounds are in a gallon of water?
A US liquid gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds or 3.78 kilograms at 62 °F (17 °C), making it about 16.6% lighter than the imperial gallon. There are four quarts in a gallon, two pints in a quart and 16 fluid ounces in a US pint, which makes a US gallon equal to 128 fl. oz.
How old was Marie Antoinette when she married?
Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1755, Archduchess Marie Antoinette was the 15th and last child of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and the powerful Habsburg Empress Maria Theresa. 2. She was only 14 years old when she married the future Louis XVI.
When did they start filming The Lord of the Rings?
Principal photography for all three films was conducted concurrently in many locations within New Zealand's conservation areas and national parks between 11 October 1999, and 22 December 2000, a period of 438 days. Pick-up shoots were conducted annually from 2001 to 2004.
What is the blue in blue cheese?
Blue Vein cheeses also called Blue cheese is a generic term used to describe cheese produced with cow's milk, sheep's milk, or goat's milk and ripened with cultures of the mold Penicillium. The final product is characterized by green, grey, blue or black veins or spots of mold throughout the body.
Which river forms part of the border between the United States and Canada?
The 45th parallel was established as the border between Lower Canada (Quebec) and New York State (including what is now Vermont). The St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes became the boundary between Upper Canada and the United States.
What color is the hottest part of the fire?
The inner core of the candle flame is light blue, with a temperature of around 1670 K (1400 °C). That is the hottest part of the flame. The color inside the flame becomes yellow, orange, and finally red.
When did Paul Revere say the redcoats are coming?
On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was sent for by Dr. Joseph Warren and instructed to ride to Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them.
How much was Manhattan island purchased for in 1626?
According to tradition, he purchased the island of Manhattan from Native Americans on May 24, 1626 for goods valued at 60 Dutch guilders, which in the 19th century was estimated to be the equivalent of US$24 (or $680 today).
How many guns are there in the world?
U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies. About 4.5 million of the 8 million new guns manufactured worldwide each year are purchased in the United States, it said.
How long does a koala bear sleep a day?
Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. Because this eucalypt diet has limited nutritional and caloric content, koalas are largely sedentary and sleep for up to 20 hours a day.
Which country owns the Galapagos Islands?
The islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 973 km (525 nmi; 605 mi) off the west coast of South America. The closest land mass is that of mainland Ecuador, the country to which they belong, 926 km/500 nmi to the east.
How much did the original nintendo cost when it first came out?
The Action Set, retailing in 1988 for US$149.99, came with the Control Deck, two game controllers, an NES Zapper, and a dual Game Pak containing both Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt.
Which countries have identical flags?
Examples include the flags of Monaco and Indonesia, which differ only slightly in proportion; the flags of the Netherlands and Luxembourg, which differ in proportion as well as in the tint of blue used; and the flags of Romania and Chad, which differ only in the tint of blue.
Which state is the Copper State?
Arizona's other nickname “Copper State” celebrates its fabulous mineral wealth. Officially known as “The Natural State”, Arkansas is known throughout the country for its natural beauty, clear lakes and streams and abundance of natural wildlife.
Who has stayed awake the longest?
Randy Gardner is the holder of the scientifically documented record for the longest period a human has intentionally gone without sleep not using stimulants of any kind. In 1964, Gardner, a 17-year-old high school student in San Diego, California, stayed awake for 264.4 hours (11 days 24 minutes).
What song has the most words in it?
Eminem has reportedly set a new Guinness World Record for having the most words in a hit song. According to Billboard, the record was clinched by "Rap God," Eminem's rapid-fire hit which is said to have a whopping 1,560 words squeezed into just over 6 minutes.
Do you grow brain cells?
The apocryphal tale that you can't grow new brain cells just isn't true. Neurons continue to grow and change beyond the first years of development and well into adulthood, according to a new study.
Are killer whales dolphins?
Orcas (formerly known as killer whales), Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758), are actually dolphins. And they are the largest of the dolphin family (Family Delphinidae ~ 32 species, including what we normally consider dolphins, pygmy killer whales, Feresa attenuata, and false killer whales, Pseudorca crassiddens).
Why is it called a chinese fire drill?
"Chinese fire drill" is a slang term for a situation that is chaotic or confusing. Origins[edit] The term goes back to the early 1900s, and is alleged to have originated when a ship run by British officers and a Chinese crew practiced a fire drill in the engine room.
What vegetable was carved before pumpkins?
But, pumpkins were not the first vegetable to be carved. Long before pumpkin carving became popular, Celtic people in Ireland were carving turnips and lighting them with embers, to ward off evil spirits. This Celtic custom is the historical root of Halloween pumpkin carving.
Who was the first woman elected to Congress?
“I may be the first woman member of Congress,” she observed upon her election in 1916. “But I won't be the last.” Jeannette Rankin, the eldest daughter of a rancher and a schoolteacher, was born near Missoula, Montana, on June 11, 1880.,-Jeannette-(R000055)/
Are there kangaroos in New Zealand?
There are no wild kangaroos, but there are wild, non-native wallabies in a few places in New Zealand, Kawau Island is the best known but they also are found in the central North Islands around Lake Tarawera and near Oamaru in the South Island.
What does ambidextrous mean?
Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both left and right appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance.
Is the moon larger than Mercury?
Jupiter's moon Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System, and Ganymede as well as Saturn's moon Titan are both larger than Mercury and Pluto. Earth's Moon, Jupiter's moons Callisto, Io, and Europa, and Neptune's moon Triton are all larger than Pluto, but smaller than Mercury.
Is a virus considered a living thing?
Viruses are not considered "alive" because they lack many of the properties that scientists associate with living organisms. Primarily, they lack the ability to reproduce without the aid of a host cell, and don't use the typical cell- division approach to replication.
How many pairs of hearts does an earthworm have?
The aortic arches function like a human heart. There are five pairs of aortic arches, which have the responsibility of pumping blood into the dorsal and ventral blood vessels. The dorsal blood vessels are responsible for carrying blood to the front of the earthworm's body.
Who were Justinian and Theodora and what did they accomplish?
Theodora (Greek: Θεοδώρα; c. 500 – 28 June 548), was empress of the Byzantine empire and the wife of Emperor Justinian I. She was one of the more influential and powerful empresses of the Byzantine empire. Some sources mention her as empress regnant with Justinian I as her co-regent.
How did the Simpsons get their start?
The family debuted as shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show on April 19, 1987. After a three-season run, the sketch was developed into a half-hour prime time show called The Simpsons, which debuted on December 17, 1989.
What was Power Rangers based on?
The series that began the franchise, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (an American adaptation of the 1992 Japanese Super Sentai Series, Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger), began broadcasting as part of the Fox Kids block of programing that aired on the Fox network. It lasted for three seasons (from 1993 to 1996).
What month do you know baby gender?
Most pregnant women find out their baby's sex (if they choose to know) during their mid-pregnancy ultrasound, usually between 16 and 20 weeks. However, the technician may not be able to tell for sure if she can't get a clear view of the baby's genitals.
Do octopus squirt ink?
Most octopuses can eject a thick, blackish ink in a large cloud to aid in escaping from predators. The main coloring agent of the ink is melanin, which is the same chemical that gives humans their hair and skin color.
What do you call a female pig?
Mature swine are called hogs and young swine are called pigs, but in common usage hogs, pigs, and swine are often used as synonyms. The female hog is called a sow; the male, a boar. The young hog after being weaned is called a shoat or shote. A virgin female is called a gilt.
How many rooms are there in the White House?
White House Trivia. There are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels in the Residence. There are also 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases, and 3 elevators.
Is a camel spider a spider?
It belongs to the class Arachnida, but while all spiders are arachnids, not all arachnids are spiders. Another common name is wind scorpion, but it's not a scorpion, either. The camel spider is of the Solifugae order, which is Latin for “those who flee from the sun.”
When do ears and nose stop growing?
Bones, stop growing after puberty and muscle and fat cells also stop dividing. But cartilage - that's the plastic-like stuff in ears and noses - cartilage continues to grow until the day you die. Not only does cartilage grow, but the earlobes elongate from gravity. And that makes ears look even larger.
Which is the only snake that builds a nest?
The female snake, about 13 feet long, builds a nest to lay its eggs. In fact, the King Cobra is the only snake in the world that builds a nest.
How many minutes do you boil an egg?
Cook for a further minute if you like your soft boiled eggs a little firmer. For a hard-boiled egg, start the egg in cold water and bring up to the boil. Once the water is gently boiling, set the timer for between 7-10 minutes depending on how well cooked you like your eggs.
What does IPA stand for?
India Pale Ale (IPA) is a hoppy beer style within the broader category of pale ale. It was first brewed in England in the 19th century. The first known use of the term "India pale ale" is an advertisement in the Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser in 1829.
How are diamonds formed?
Most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers (87 to 118 mi) in the Earth's mantle. Carbon-containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growth occurs over periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years (25% to 75% of the age of the Earth).
Is a gall bladder an organ?
The gallbladder is a small storage organ located inferior and posterior to the liver. Though small in size, the gallbladder plays an important role in our digestion of food. The gallbladder holds bile produced in the liver until it is needed for digesting fatty foods in the duodenum of the small intestine.
What causes muscle soreness following strenuous exercise?
Since the early 20th century, this specific type of muscle soreness, called “delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMS), was thought to be cause by lactic acid buildup in the muscles during strenuous workouts where your body's oxygen supply is depleted.
Who came up with the word Google?
Google came from the mathematical term googol. It's the number one followed by one hundred zeros. In its earliest version, Sergey Brin and Larry Page named their search engine "Back Rub." They changed the name to Google, which stems from the mathematical term "googol."
Why does February have 29 days?
February 29 is a date that usually occurs every four years, and is called leap day. This day is added to the calendar in leap years as a corrective measure, because the Earth does not orbit around the sun in precisely 365 days. The Gregorian calendar is a modification of the Julian calendar first used by the Romans.
Do male marsupials have a pouch?
In most marsupials, only the females have a pouch. However, males of the water opossum and the extinct tasmanian tiger (or thylacine) also have a pouch. The males of both the thylacine and water opposum used/use their pouch to keep their genitalia from getting entangled in vegetation.
Which Dr Seuss book has exactly 50 words in it?
Cerf proposed the bet and challenged that Dr. Seuss would not be able to write an entertaining children's book using only 50 different words. Dr. Seuss took the bet and won. The result was a little book called Green Eggs and Ham.
What type of creature is a worm?
Invertebrate animals commonly called "worms" include annelids (earthworms), nematodes (roundworms), platyhelminthes (flatworms), marine polychaete worms (bristle worms), marine nemertean worms ("bootlace worms"), marine Chaetognatha (arrow worms), priapulid worms, and insect larvae such as caterpillars, grubs, and ...
What does the bb in bb gun stand for?
The "BB" in bb gun does not stand for 'ball-bearing'. 'BB' began as the size of a shot (intended for use within a shotgun shell) which fell midway between 'b' and 'bbb' types. An inventor eventually began using 'bb' as a single projectile, hence the name.
How many days do you sleep in a lifetime?
If the average night's sleep is eight hours (ie one third of a day), one sleeps for one third of one's life. If you live, say, 75 years, that's 25 years asleep, or 9,125 days.,5753,-50504,00.html
What time period are we in?
In geochronology, an epoch is a subdivision of the geologic timescale that is longer than an age and shorter than a period. We are currently living in the Holocene Epoch of the Quaternary Period. Rock layers deposited during an epoch are called a series.
Where does uncle sam name come from?
The origin of the term Uncle Sam, though disputed, is usually associated with a businessman from Troy, N.Y., Samuel Wilson, known affectionately as “Uncle Sam” Wilson. The barrels of beef that he supplied the army during the War of 1812 were stamped “U.S.” to indicate government property.
Do all dogs have eyebrows?
Eyes and eyebrows: While dogs do not have actual eyebrows, they do have a distinctive ridge above their eyes, and some breeds, like the Labrador Retriever, Gordon Setter, Rottweiler, Bernese Mountain Dog, German Shepherd, and Doberman have markings there.
When was alcohol made legal again?
Alcohol consumption was never illegal under federal law. Nationwide prohibition did not begin in the United States until 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect, and was repealed in 1933, with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment.