1 value
If a substitute enters the field while the ball is in play without the referee.s permission, the referee must stop play (not immediately if there is no interference with play or an official or if an advantage develops), caution the substitute and restart the game with a direct free kick from the position of the interference if the substitute interfered with play, or with an indirect free kick from the position of the ball when play was stopped if there was no interference.
The referee shall be notified when a goalkeeping change is made, either by another player on the field changing places with the goalkeeper or by substitution from the team bench. In the latter case, the referee beckoning on the new goalkeeper is considered notification that a goalkeeping change has been made.
Provided it occurs during stoppage of play, the referee is notified and all other rules pertaining to uniform dress (see Rule 4.1) are satisfied, a teammate on the field of play may change positions with the goalkeeper.
Provided the referee is notified in advance, a teammate on the field may change places with the goalkeeper for the taking of a penalty kick; however, a goalkeeper substitution from the bench is not permitted.
A field player.s uniform shall consist of a jersey or shirt, shorts, stockings (including traditional socks or leg sleeves with the feet removed), shinguards and shoes. (See Rule 4.3.1.) All field players of a team shall wear matching uniforms.
Goalkeepers shall wear jerseys that distinguish them from all field players on both teams and stockings that distinguish them from their opponent.s field players.
Shorts may differ in color from that of the stockings and jerseys but shall be matching in color and uniform in style with teammates. Both teams may wear shorts of a similar color.
It is required that any visible garment worn under the jersey or shorts be a solid color. The same color must be worn by all team members wearing undergarments. It is recommended the undergarment match the dominant color of the respective garment.
It is the prerogative of the home team to select uniform colors. However, in the event of a conflict, it is the responsibility of the home team to wear jerseys and stockings in clear contrast to those worn by the visiting team.
Substitutes standing within the team area or warming up outside the coaching and team areas shall wear colored jerseys/vests that distinguish them from all other field players.
Numerals are required on the front and back of the jersey, and no two teammates may wear the same number. For the purposes of this rule, 0 and 00 are considered different numbers, but 01 and 1 are not. Note: Numbers on shorts are optional.
Numerals at least 8 inches in height that are easily distinguishable from the predominant background color(s) and pattern shall be worn on the back of each player.s (including goalkeeper.s) jersey.
Numerals at least 4 inches in height that are easily distinguishable from the predominant background color(s) and pattern shall be worn on the front of each player.s (including goalkeeper.s) jersey.
In accordance with NCAA bylaws, an institution.s uniform and/or any item of apparel worn by student-athletes during the conduct of the institution.s competition (including warmups before the player enters the game, and apparel worn during postgame celebrations and pre- or postgame press conferences) may contain only a single manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or trademark on the outside of the apparel (regardless of the visibility of the logo or trademark). The logo or trademark must be contained within a four-sided geometrical figure (i.e., rectangle, square, parallelogram) that does not exceed 2¼-square inches. Such an item of apparel may contain more than one manufacturer’s or distributor’s logo or trademark on the inside of the apparel provided the logo or trademark is not visible.
If an institution.s uniform or any item of apparel worn by a student-athlete in competition contains washing instructions on the outside of the apparel or on a patch that also includes the manufacturer.s or distributor.s logo or trademark, the entire patch must meet the size restrictions in Rule 4.1.10.
PENALTY—(4.1.1 to 4.1.11)—Any player not conforming shall not be permitted to play until they are compliant with the rule. If the infraction is recognized when the ball is in play, the player(s) shall be instructed to leave the field when the ball is next out of play, at which time the referee shall stop the clock. Provided they have not been substituted for, any player who had been instructed to leave the field may reenter the game no sooner than the next stoppage play, and then only if the referee confirms that the player's uniform is compliant.
It is permissible to have the institution.s name, nickname or mascot on the front and/or back of the uniform, and the player.s name on the back of the jersey. As authorized by the institution or conference, it is permissible to have other names/words intended to celebrate or memorialize persons, events or other causes on the back of the jersey/uniform where the player.s name is traditionally located. The names/words may vary by team member.
It is permissible to have the national or state flag of the institution on the front or sleeve of the jersey or shirt. The flag may not exceed 2. square inches.
It is permissible to have an institutional and conference logo/patch on the front or sleeve of the jersey or shirt. The logo/patch may not exceed 4 square inches.
As authorized by the institution or conference, it is permissible to have a commemorative/memorial patch (e.g., names, mascots, nicknames, logos and marks intended to celebrate or memorialize persons, events or other causes) on a jersey or shirt as long as the patch does not interfere with any required markings. The patch may not exceed 4 square inches. While not all team members are required to wear a commemorative/memorial patch, the patch must be identical for those who choose to wear the patch.
It is recommended that a special armband (which shall be displayed on the upper arm) be worn that distinguishes the team captain(s) from other players on their team.
Shoes shall be worn by all participants in a game. Shoes with soles containing aluminum, leather, rubber, nylon or plastic cleats, studs or bars, whether molded as part of the sole or detachable, are allowed as long as the referee does not consider them dangerous.
Players shall wear shinguards under the stockings in the manner intended, without exception. The shinguards shall be professionally manufactured, age and size appropriate, and not altered to decrease protection. The NCAA requires players to wear shinguards that meet the standards established by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE).
PENALTY—(4.3.1 and 4.3.2)—It is mandatory that player equipment complies with the foregoing standards. If the referee considers any equipment liable to cause injury to another player, the player not conforming shall not be permitted to play until they are compliant with the rule. If the infraction is recognized when the ball is in play, the player(s) shall be instructed to leave the field when the ball is next out of play, at which time the referee shall stop the clock. Provided they have not been substituted for, any player who had been instructed to leave the field may reenter the game no sooner than the next stoppage play, and then only if the referee confirms that the player's uniform is compliant.
A player shall not wear anything that is dangerous to themself or any player.
A player shall not wear jewelry of any type whatsoever. This includes earrings, chains, charms, watches, hair clips, bobby pins, tongue studs or bracelets of any type. Covering jewelry with tape is not acceptable. Exception: Medical alert bracelets or necklaces may be worn but must be taped to the body.
PENALTY—(4.4.1 and 4.4.2)—It is mandatory that player equipment complies with the foregoing standards. If the referee considers any equipment liable to cause injury to another player, the player not conforming shall not be permitted to play until they are compliant with the rule. If the infraction is recognized when the ball is in play, the player(s) shall be instructed to leave the field when the ball is next out of play, at which time the referee shall stop the clock. Provided they have not been substituted for, any player who had been instructed to leave the field may reenter the game no sooner than the next stoppage play, and then only if the referee confirms that the player's uniform is compliant.
Knee braces with any metal parts are permissible provided no metal is exposed.
Casts are permissible if they are covered and the referee does not consider them dangerous.
Headgear, headbands and hats (goalkeepers only) are permissible provided they are not considered dangerous to any player. This includes religious head coverings, soft knit caps, hair control devices that are securely fastened and soft-billed baseball style caps for goalkeepers.
Prostheses may be worn as long as the equipment is well padded to protect not only the affected player, but also their opponents. Any such device with exposed rivets, pins, sharp edges or any form of exterior fastener that would present a hazard shall be properly padded.
Players may wear a device for the purpose of monitoring and accumulating data, which can be used during the game. Devices that are visible outside the uniform are subject to referee examination.
Mouth guards that are worn entirely inside of the mouth are permissible.
Protective face guards that have no sharp edges and are worn molded to the face.
PENALTY—(4.5.1 to 4.5.9)—It is mandatory that player equipment complies with the foregoing standards. If the referee considers any equipment liable to cause injury to another player, the player not conforming shall not be permitted to play until they are compliant with the rule. If the infraction is recognized when the ball is in play, the player(s) shall be instructed to leave the field when the ball is next out of play, at which time the referee shall stop the clock. Provided they have not been substituted for, any player who had been instructed to leave the field may reenter the game no sooner than the next stoppage play, and then only if the referee confirms that the player's uniform is compliant.
The diagonal system of control with a referee and two assistant referees shall be used. A fourth official may also be assigned.
If an assigned referee fails to appear or becomes injured and a fourth official is assigned, either the senior assistant referee or the fourth official shall assume the role of referee, and the game shall proceed with a referee and two assistant referees. If an additional official acceptable to the assignor is available and both teams agree to the selection of the substitute official before the game begins or play restarts, then the substitute official shall fill the vacant position. If injured, the original referee may fill the position of fourth official if they are physically able to do so. If the assigned referee arrives after the game begins, they may fill the fourth official.s role, if it is vacant. Once the game begins, it shall continue under the control of the officials who started the game unless a change is necessitated by injury.
If an assigned referee fails to appear or becomes injured and a fourth official is not assigned, the senior assistant referee assigned to the game shall become the referee and shall try to obtain the services of a replacement assistant referee acceptable to the assignor to fill the open assistant referee position. If no replacement is found, then the two assistant referees shall operate the dual-referee system of control. If the game begins under the dual-referee system of control and the assigned referee then appears, they shall assume the role of assistant referee and the remainder of the game shall be governed by the diagonal system of control with the senior assistant referee serving as the referee.
If an assigned assistant referee fails to appear or becomes injured and a fourth official is assigned, the fourth official shall assume the vacant assistant referee position, and the game shall proceed with a referee and two assistant referees. If an additional official acceptable to the assignor is available and both teams agree to the selection of the substitute official before the game begins or play restarts, then the substitute official shall fill the vacant fourth official position. If injured, the original assistant referee may fill the position of fourth official if they are physically able to do so. If the assigned assistant referee arrives after the game begins, they may fill the fourth official.s role, if it is vacant.
If an assigned assistant referee fails to appear or becomes injured and a fourth official is not assigned, the referee shall try to obtain the services of a replacement assistant referee acceptable to the assignor to fill the open assistant referee position. If no replacement is found, then the two remaining officials shall operate the dual-referee system of control. If the game begins under the dual-referee system of control and the assigned assistant referee then appears, they shall assume the role of assistant referee and the remainder of the game shall be governed by the diagonal system of control with the senior assistant referee serving as the referee.
If none of the assigned officials appear and teams can agree on the selection of replacement officials, the game shall be played. In such case, a game can be played with one, two or three officials depending on the agreement of the teams.
All officials shall dress in the NCAA-established soccer officials' uniform, black shorts and socks, and shoes that are predominantly black. The color and style of the uniform shall be alike for all officials and shall be in contrast to those worn by the field players of the competing teams. It is permissible for officials to wear a cap. More information is available on the NCAA website (ncaa.org/ playingrules and then click Soccer Rules of the Game).
Referees may use equipment that is reasonable and necessary to officiate the game, including electronic communication devices and field-marking sprays.
An official.s jurisdiction shall begin when they arrive at the site of the competition and shall end when the official leaves the site of the competition. The site of the competition is defined as the field, locker rooms, parking areas and the surroundings generally associated with athletics facilities.
The referee, whose decision is final, so far as the result of the game is concerned, shall enforce the rules and decide any disputed point.
The referee.s power of penalizing shall extend to offenses committed when play has been suspended or when the ball is out of play. The referee shall, however, refrain from penalizing in cases in which they are satisfied that by doing so an advantage would be given to the offending team. When the referee observes a foul that is not to be penalized, the referee shall call out the words .play on. and signal accordingly to indicate that the foul has been acknowledged. However, if the advantage does not materialize, the referee shall then blow the whistle and award a free kick. The referee may caution or eject after allowing advantage, subject to the limitations of Rule 12. In such cases, the caution or ejection shall be administered when play is stopped.
When signaling, the referee shall use the .Official Referee.s Signals.. (See Appendix A.)
It is recommended that all officials remain on the field of play after the completion of the game until postgame duties have been completed.
The rules of conduct, including game times, substitutions and overtime procedures, shall not be altered by the referee or by mutual consent of the institutions.
Arriving at the game site a minimum of 30 minutes before kickoff
Surveying field conditions for safety purposes
Inspecting the field markings
Inspecting the goals and nets
Inspecting the team benches and timekeeper.s table (if located between team benches)
Inspecting corner flags
Inspecting game balls
Inspecting players. uniforms and equipment
Obtaining both team rosters
Confirming if video review equipment is available. If available, video review will be used per Rule 5.7
PENALTY—( to—Violations involving field conditions, uniforms, equipment or other items shall be reported immediately to the appropriate governing sports authority and, if possible, necessary changes or repairs shall be made before the contest.
Reviewing and visually/verbally verifying the official NCAA paper or electronic box score to ensure the score, cards and disciplinary actions are accurately recorded
For all ejections, electronically completing and filing the NCAA Red Card Form located on the NCAA website (ncaa.org/playingrules and then clicking Soccer Rules of the Game) within 24 hours of completion of the game. For the completion and filing of the NCAA Red Card Form, the referee may request a printed or electronic copy of the box score
The referee has discretionary power to:
Suspend the game whenever, by reason of the elements, interference by spectators or other cause, such action is deemed necessary. A suspended game may be resumed should conditions allow. If the suspended game is not resumed the same day, the referee shall file a report with the appropriate governing sports authority (see Page 7) for later administrative action. (See Rules 7.7 and 7.8.)
When the WetBulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is equal to or greater than 86 degrees Fahrenheit, hydration breaks of not less than two minutes around the 25-30-minute marks during the first half, and 70-75-minute marks during the second half are required. The WBGT measurements should be taken by appropriate host personnel before the game and again throughout the game. Appropriate host personnel will instruct the officials if the threshold for mandatory hydration breaks is met. The referee is responsible for informing the head coaches and implementing the hydration breaks. Additional hydration breaks are permissible at the discretion of the referee.
If a game is suspended by the referee because of the elements, interference by spectators, grave disorders, the lack of an available coach or institutional representative following the ejection of a coach or other causes, the referee has no authority to decide that either team is disqualified. The status of the game shall be determined by the appropriate governing sports authority (see Page 7).
Reverse a decision or rescind a card as a result of crew consultation, their own judgment, or the use of video review as long as play has not restarted following the original decision.
During the last five minutes of regulation play, use discretion on whether to stop the clock when the losing team is issued a caution or ejection. The intent of this rule is to prevent incentivizing the losing team from committing misconduct in order to stop the clock. If a member of the winning team engages in time-wasting behavior to prolong the issuance of a card when the referee has chosen not to stop the clock, the referee shall then stop the clock in response to the time-wasting behavior.
Caution any player, coach or other bench personnel for misconduct or unsporting behavior (persistent infringement on any of the rules of the game) and, if the behavior persists, eject that individual from the game. When cautioning a player, coach or other bench personnel, the referee shall display a yellow card and indicate the appropriate person. Cautions and ejections may be issued between periods and after the conclusion of the game. Any ejection to a player of record will result in that team playing short.
If a player commits two infringements of a different nature at the same time, the more serious offense shall be penalized.
Multiple Cards to the Same Player. If a previously cautioned player, coach or other bench personnel commits a second cautionable offense, the referee shall display a yellow card followed immediately by a red card. When ejecting a player, coach or other bench personnel, a red card shall be displayed. See Rule 12.7.4 and PENALTY.
Terminate the game if:
In their judgment, a coach prolongs a discussion with an official or refuses to leave the field at the request to do so;
A team refuses to return to the field of play within three minutes after being ordered to do so by the referee; or
A player ejected earlier in the game reentered the game as a substitute and is later detected as an illegal substitute.
PENALTY—( to—The game is terminated and a forfeit is awarded to the opposing team. See Rule 7.6.2.
Declare a .no contest. when a team without prior notification is not on the field and prepared to play within 15 minutes after the contracted starting time, unless evidence of extenuating circumstances can be provided.
Stop the game and the clock because of injury.
Injuries to field players. If medical personnel are beckoned to attend to the player(s), the referee shall instruct the player(s) to leave or be removed from the field of play. The team may elect to substitute for the injured player(s) at this time. If the team elects not to substitute, the injured player(s) may reenter the game (after being beckoned by the referee) during the run of play or at any stoppage of play, including times for normal substitutions. If a team elects not to substitute and the player is unable to return, the substitute may enter at the next stoppage of play. If the referee signals the clock to be stopped to assess a player.s injuries and it is determined that medical personnel are not beckoned, the player(s) does not have to leave the field. Note: If the athletic trainer has been ejected and no suitable certified medical authority or replacement is available, the referee shall ensure that the athletic trainer is within a reasonable distance to be summoned in the event of an emergency.
Injuries to goalkeepers. Goalkeepers are subject to the restrictions in Rule
Bleeding, blood on uniform or signs of concussion (all players). Summon medical personnel to escort or remove the player(s) from the field of play. The player(s) may reenter the game after the injury has been properly treated, medical clearance has been given, the uniform has been evaluated by appropriate medical personnel for potential issues and changed, if necessary, and permission has been granted by the referee. (See Rule 3.6.)
Stop the game and the clock when a player has been instructed to leave the field for an equipment change or jewelry violation.
Stop the game, stop the clock and direct the game management personnel to remove whistles, air horns, electronic amplifiers and any other items that are not permitted from the spectators. areas.
It is permissible for bands to play at any time during the game.
It is permissible for musical instruments and artificial noisemakers to be used at any time during the game.
Artificially amplified or prerecorded music can only be played prior to the game, during intervals between periods, or any time the clock is stopped. If amplified or prerecorded music is played when not permitted, the referee shall direct the game management personnel to ensure compliance.
Video review will be used if the referee confirms that video review equipment is available. (See Rule During the game, video review can be initiated by the referee only.
In order to use video review, the review equipment must be available at the scorekeeper.s table or field level. There is no specific equipment required as long as it demonstrates the video in a manner that can be used by the referee. Indisputable video evidence, in the judgment of the referee, must be present for the call on the field to be overturned.
Video review is permissible in the following specific situations:
Determining whether the entire ball passed over the goal line, which includes end of period timing issues;
Identifying players for disciplinary matters;
Determining whether a fight occurred and identifying all participants;
Determining whether violent behavior I or II occurred and identifying all participants;
Correcting timing errors;
Determining if a direct free kick foul called against the defending team took place in the penalty area;
Determining if an offense punishable by a penalty kick has occurred;
Determining whether a straight red card (not a second caution) should have been issued (the referee can upgrade the call to a straight red card or downgrade it to a yellow card or a free kick);
Determining the proper punishment in cases of stopping a promising attack or denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity (the referee can examine the validity of the decision to call a foul or not and whether the play meets the criteria for denial of an obvious goal scoring opportunity or stopping a promising attack); and
Determining whether a goal should have been disallowed for an offside offense. This includes plays where the call on the field resulted in an offside call or a goal being awarded.
Video review procedures: