1 value
The field of play shall be rectangular, with a length of 115-120 yards and a width of 70-75 yards. The optimum size is 120 yards by 75 yards.
Facilities used as a college soccer field before 1995 need only to be rectangular, the width of which shall not exceed the length. Resurfacing the playing field does not change this exemption.
If the field dimensions are smaller than recommended, it is the responsibility of the home team to notify the visiting team prior to the date of the game regarding the actual playing dimensions.
A team is not required to play on a field that is not in compliance with the rules. However, the teams can agree to play the game by mutual consent. It is recommended that teams agree on any changes in facility issues before confirming contests or signing game contracts. PENALTY: The game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
Indoor Facility. It is permissible to conduct collegiate soccer games in an indoor facility provided the dimensions are in compliance with Rule 1.1.
Balls striking any part of the upper edifice shall result in a dead ball. Play shall be restarted with a drop ball to the opponent of the team that last touched the ball prior to it striking the edifice from where the ball was last touched. If the ball was last touched by the attacking team inside the penalty area, play shall be restarted by dropping the ball for the goalkeeper. If the ball was last touched by the defending team inside the penalty area, play shall be restarted by dropping the ball to the attacking team outside the closest penalty area boundary line to where the ball was last touched.
The field shall be marked with distinctive lines, in accordance with the Plan of Field diagram on Page 10, the longer boundary lines being called the touchlines and the shorter the end lines. The end lines shall meet at the corners and shall extend from touchline to touchline. The goal lines shall be that part of the end line that extends completely across the area between the goal posts. The touchlines shall extend the entire length of the field. The home team is responsible for proper marking of the field. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
All lines, which are part of the areas they define, shall be the same width and measure not less than 4 inches nor more than 5 inches in width. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority
Measurements shall be taken from the outside of the line to the outside of the line with which it interfaces. However, when measuring the width of the goal and penalty areas, the measurements shall be taken from the inside of the goal post to the outside of the 6- and 18-yard lines, respectively. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
In the case of a field that is playable but on which, during the course of the game, the lines and markings have become invisible due to snow or other such conditions, the lines and markings shall be assumed to be present and decisions rendered accordingly. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
All lines shall be clearly marked but may not be of a form (for example, grooves, curbs or other items) that could prove dangerous to players. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
NCAA, team or conference logos, names or abbreviations, and non-commercial logos (e.g., players. names or numbers for senior day) are permitted on the field provided they are not in the penalty area and do not obscure any required field markings. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
Two commercial logos (one in each half of the field), not larger than 15-foot-by-15-foot square, are permitted on the field provided they are not in the penalty area and do not obscure any required field markings. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
A halfway line shall be visibly marked across the entire field of play. The center of the field shall be indicated by a suitable mark, and a circle with a 10-yard radius shall be marked around it. PENALTY: If there is no halfway line marked, and it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority. If the halfway line is not visible across the entire field, and it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
At each end of the field of play, two lines shall be drawn at right angles to the end line, 6 yards from the inside of each goal post. These shall extend into the field of play for a distance of 6 yards and shall be joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area enclosed by these lines shall be called a goal area. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
At each end of the field of play, two lines shall be drawn at right angles to the end line, 18 yards from the inside of each goal post. These lines shall extend into the field of play for a distance of 18 yards and shall be joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. Each of the spaces enclosed by these lines shall be called the penalty area. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
At each end of the field, a 2-foot line or 9-inch spot shall be placed at a point 12 yards from the midpoint of, and parallel to, the goal line. The line shall extend 1 foot on either side of the undrawn center line. The spot shall extend 4. inches on either side of the undrawn center line. The penalty kick may be taken from any position on this line or spot. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
Using the center of this penalty-kick mark, describe a 10-yard arc outside the penalty area and closing on the penalty-area line. This is the restraining line for penalty kicks. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
From each corner, a quarter circle, having a radius of 1 yard, shall be drawn inside the field of play. In addition, a hash mark 1 yard in length, situated 6 inches beyond (but not touching) the field of play and 11 yards from the touchline shall be marked perpendicular to the end line at each corner of the field. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
A flag on a post not less than 5 feet high and having a nonpointed top shall be placed at each corner; a similar flag post may be placed opposite the halfway line on each side of the field of play, at least 1 yard outside the touchline. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
The post shall be approximately 1. inches in diameter. The corner flag shall not be removed for any purpose during the game. The flag shall be of some bright color, easily distinguishable from the surroundings, and shall be about 2 feet long by 1 foot wide and securely fastened to the post or staff. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
The flag post shall be implanted in the ground or shall rise from a pylon that measures not more than 8 inches across at its base, providing the post itself rises directly above the center of the intersection of the touchline and end line. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
It is permissible to have the institution, conference or NCAA name or logo on corner flags. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
The goals shall be anchored, secured or counterweighted. The goal posts, which shall be superimposed on end lines of the same width and depth, shall consist of two posts, equidistant from the corner flags and 8 yards apart (inside measurement), joined by a horizontal crossbar of similar material, the lower edge of which shall be 8 feet from the ground. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
The width or diameter of the goal posts and crossbar shall not be less than 4 inches nor more than 5 inches, and the same as the width of the goal line. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
The back edge of the goal post must align with the outermost edge of the end line. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
The posts and crossbar may be square, rectangular, round or elliptical in shape, and shall be painted white. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
No markings other than a single manufacturer's identification/logo of appropriate size may appear on the goal posts or the crossbar. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
On fields where a combination football/soccer goal is used, the ball is considered out of play if it touches any part of the football structure that extends above the frame of the soccer goal. On fields where there is a separate football crossbar that is even with the end line for soccer, the ball is considered out of play if it touches any part of the football crossbar. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
Nets shall be attached to the uprights and crossbars and secured behind each goal. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
The goal nets shall be properly and firmly secured and put in order before every game, and care taken that there are no holes or possible openings for the ball to escape. The nets shall be properly supported so that the top of the net will extend backward on a level with the crossbar for a distance of about 2 feet. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
Nets may be multicolored and include the institution, conference or NCAA name or logo. Additionally, a single manufacturer.s identification/logo of appropriate size may appear on the net. Further, banners shall not be hung from the goals or nets. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
DISPLACED CROSSBAR, GOAL POST If any part of the goal becomes displaced during the game, play shall be suspended, and every effort shall be made to repair or replace the goal. If, in the referee.s opinion, it cannot be repaired to its original condition within a reasonable period of time, the game shall be suspended. When the goal is repaired or replaced, the referee shall restart the game by dropping the ball where it was when play was suspended; or, if the ball was in the penalty area, it shall be dropped for the goalkeeper.
There shall be a coaching area marked parallel to the touchline and situated at least 5 feet from the touchline beginning at least 5 yards from the extension of the halfway line and extending 20 yards toward the corner flag on that end of the field. The coaching area shall have a depth of at least 5 feet. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority. In the absence of lines, cones shall be used to demarcate the boundaries of the coaching and team areas.
There shall be a team bench area marked parallel to the touchline and beginning at least 5 yards from the extension of the halfway line and extending 20 yards. The line marking the back edge of the coaching area shall be considered the front edge of the team bench area. PENALTY: If it cannot be corrected before the start of competition, the game shall begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority. In the absence of lines, cones shall be used to demarcate the boundaries of the coaching and team areas.
Coaches, players and bench personnel shall remain inside their respective coaching and team areas. Exceptions: (1) Players warming up in preparation to enter the field of play are permitted to use the area that extends beyond the respective area nearest their bench and opposite their opponent.s areas. (See Rule 4.1.6.) (2) Athletic trainers and coaches may enter the field only if instructed to do so by the referee; however, it is not permissible to provide coaching instruction to any player(s) while attending an injured player(s). (3) A member of the coaching staff who is listed on the game roster is permitted to view the game from the press box or other suitable areas. PENALTY: Caution or eject as appropriate and restart play by an indirect free kick from the location of the ball (if in play) at the time of the infraction. Exception: Nearest point outside goal area if ball was in goal area when infraction occurred.
Members of the official coaching staff who are eligible to participate are permitted to communicate with each other via electronic devices, tablets, dry erase boards or other coaching aids during the game.
Electronic devices may not be used to question decisions made by game officials.
Coaches who are ejected or serving a game suspension are not permitted to communicate with other members of the coaching staff via electronic devices or any other means of communication.
Drones may not be used at any time from the beginning of warmups through the conclusion of the game.
No person(s) other than the players legally in the game are allowed on the field of play without permission from the referee. Athletic trainers and coaches may enter the field only if instructed to do so by the referee. PENALTY: Warn, caution or eject as appropriate.
No coach, player or team representative other than the team captain shall approach or speak to the center referee during an interval between periods, unless summoned by the center referee. PENALTY: Warn, caution or eject as appropriate.
There shall be a designated photographers’ area. (See Plan of Field, Page 10.)
If the scorekeeper and timekeeper are not located in a press box, they shall be placed at a table on the same side of the field as the team benches, situated equidistant between the two team benches and at least 10 feet (whenever possible) from the touchlines.
All spectators should be behind a rope, fence or some form of demarcation that is a minimum of 20 feet (whenever possible) from the touchlines and end lines.
It is recommended that an electronically controlled clock and scoreboard, which can be seen by spectators and both benches, be provided and maintained in proper working order. (See Rule 6.3.1.)
The field should be uniformly and adequately lighted. Lighting engineers shall be placed in charge of this important factor when planning new installations. Please consult the latest version of the NCAA Broadcasting Manual at ncaa.org for specific lighting standards.
The rules of conduct in the NCAA Men.s and Women's Soccer Rules do not specify, nor do they legislate, matters pertaining to the areas surrounding the field of play, or the slope or grading of playing facilities.
The following guidelines appear to be generally accepted standards for new facilities: It is preferable that surfaced drained native soil grass fields have a slope of 1.5% from the center of the field toward the touchlines. For vertically draining sand-based grass fields and synthetic turf fields, it is preferable that they slope at less than .75% from the center of the field toward the touchlines. Architectural engineers shall be consulted with reference to the actual height references that pertain to grading percentages or broken-back construction.
The circumference of the ball shall not be more than 28 inches nor less than 27 inches.
The weight of the ball at the start of the game shall not be more than 16 ounces nor less than 14 ounces, and the weight shall not exceed 16.75 ounces even when wet and used.
The ball pressure shall conform to the manufacturer’s recommendation printed on the ball.
The ball shall be spherical, the outer casing of which shall be leather or approved synthetic, and no material shall be used in its construction that might prove dangerous to players. There are no restrictions on the color of the ball. Not fewer than five balls, furnished by the home team, shall be available for use in a game, and the balls shall be identical in size, make, grade and color. If the home team is unable to furnish balls that meet the requirements above, the referee may obtain the appropriate number of game balls from the visiting team. PENALTY: The game shall not begin and the referee shall file a report with the governing sports authority.
In the event the game ball becomes defective, the referee shall suspend play, replace the ball and restart the game by dropping the ball where it was when play was suspended; or, if the ball was inside the penalty area, it shall be dropped for the goalkeeper. Exception: If the ball becomes defective during the taking of a penalty kick, at a kickoff, corner kick, goal kick, free kick or throw-in, the restart shall be retaken. For the purposes of this rule, restarts include kickoffs, free kicks, penalty kicks, goal kicks, corner kicks and throw-ins.
The circumference of the ball shall not be more than 28 inches nor less than 27 inches.
The weight of the ball at the start of the game shall not be more than 16 ounces nor less than 14 ounces, and the weight shall not exceed 16.75 ounces even when wet and used.
The ball pressure shall conform to the manufacturer.s recommendation printed on the ball.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS The game shall be played by two teams of 11 players each, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper. A minimum of seven players are required to start and finish a game. If a player is ejected prior to the beginning of the game, the team will still play with 11 players and the ejected player(s) may be replaced on the game roster. The NCAA playing rules do not limit the number of players who may dress for or participate in a game, although such limitations may be imposed by a conference or by an NCAA Championships Committee during NCAA postseason. PENALTY: If a team plays with more than the permitted number of players, the extra player(s) shall be removed from the field and cautioned. Play shall be restarted with an indirect free kick to the non-offending team from the place the ball was when play was stopped, subject to the restrictions in Rule 13, unless the ball was out of play when the extra player(s) was discovered, in which case the original restart will apply. In cases where a goal is scored by the team with the extra player(s), the goal shall be disallowed if the offense is discovered before the subsequent kickoff is taken. If the offense is not discovered until after the kickoff is taken, the goal counts.
Not later than 15 minutes before game time, each team shall submit an official NCAA game roster to the official scorekeeper, referee and opposing coach. The roster shall include:
Designated starters;
Names and jersey numbers of all players (it is recommended that once assigned, each player retain the same number throughout the season);
The name(s) and number(s) of the suspended player(s) and date(s) of the suspension(s); and
The total number of cautions and ejections of all players, coaches and other bench personnel from the beginning of regular season. Exception: The copy given to the referee shall not include the information listed in Rule PENALTY.The game shall not begin until the appropriate information is provided.
PENALTY: The game shall not begin until the above appropriate information is provided.
Anyone in the team and coaching areas must be identified on the game roster. Individuals not listed on the game roster are not eligible to participate in that game, including any overtime periods or penalty kick tiebreaker. Note: If during the game there is a question about whether a player is listed on the game roster, officials shall confer with the official scorekeeper and both coaches to make a determination. PENALTY: If it is determined that a player is not listed on the roster, the player, who may be replaced, shall be instructed to leave the game and is not eligible to further participate in that game, overtime periods or tiebreaker. The referee shall file a written report with the governing sports authority.
If a player's name appears on the roster with an incorrect number, a correction to the number, with no penalty imposed, may be made when the discrepancy is discovered. Any goals or assists recorded by the player incorrectly numbered will stand.
If a player whose name is not listed on the roster scores a goal, that player shall be removed from the game, and the goal nullified regardless of when the discrepancy is discovered, provided the discovery occurs before the end of the game. If the discovery is made during an overtime period, the goal scored during regulation will be nullified and the opposing team declared the winner. If the discovery is not made until after the conclusion of the game, the final score will remain as it was at the conclusion of the game.
Substitutes must have reported to the official scorer or nearest official and remained near the halfway line prior to the ball going out of play in order to substitute on a:
Either team may substitute up to 11 players at a time under the conditions set forth in Rule 3.4.
Substitutes must have reported to the official scorer or nearest official and remained near the halfway line prior to the ball going out of play in order to substitute on a:
Goal kick;
Team.s own throw-in (the opposing team also may substitute if their substitutes have checked in prior to the ball going out of play); or
Team.s own corner kick (the opposing team also may substitute if their substitutes have checked in prior to the ball going out of play).
Substitutes may enter the game without checking in prior to the ball going out of play:
After a goal has been scored;
Between periods;
When a player has been cautioned (In the case of a player(s) being cautioned, the coach may only substitute for the player(s) cautioned. If such a substitution is made, the opponent shall have the opportunity to make an equal number of substitutions at that time.)
When a goalkeeper has been ejected (In the case of a goalkeeper being ejected, their team shall play short, and the coach may substitute for the ejected goalkeeper only. If a substitution is made, a field player shall be removed, and the opposing team shall not substitute at that time.)
When a player has been instructed to leave the field for an equipment change (Only the player(s) with the equipment problem may be replaced. The opponent may replace an equal number of players at the same time.)
In the event of an injury (In the event of an injury, only the injured player(s) may be replaced. The opponent may replace an equal number of players at the same time.)
When a player has a permanent medical condition as per Rule 3.7.3 (When notified by the documented player, a coach or the primary athletics health care provider that the player requires a substitute for medical reasons related to the identified condition, the referee shall stop the game and permit a substitution.)
For Division I men only, each team is permitted six substitution moments during a game. A moment may be used during any stoppage of play, and up to 11 players per team may be substituted for in each moment per Rule 3.3. If a team is only substituting players under the exceptions of Rule 3.7, that shall not count as a moment. If a normal substitution is made at the same time as one under the exceptions of Rule 3.7, that shall count as a moment. For postseason overtime games, each team shall retain any unused moments from regulation play and receive one additional moment. Substitutions during intervals between periods do not count as a moment.
PENALTY—(3.4.1 to 3.4.3)—If it is discovered that a team substituted at an improper time, or did not have a moment remaining (Division I men only), the referee shall stop play, caution, send to the bench and charge with a substitution the player(s) who entered illegally. The players who were substituted for illegally shall return to the game. Play will start with an indirect free kick from the location of the ball at the time the infraction was discovered if play was stopped to deal with the illegal substitution. If the ball was in the goal area, the indirect free kick shall take place on that part of the goal area line that runs parallel to the goal line nearest to where the ball was when play was stopped.
Field Players. Field players are not permitted to reenter the game in the same period after being substituted for in the first half, the first overtime period and the second overtime period. Field players are permitted one reentry into the game after being substituted for in the second half. Each overtime period is considered a separate half, so a field player who is substituted for in the first overtime period may participate in the second overtime period. First half: no reentry. Second half: one reentry. First overtime period: no reentry. Second overtime period: no reentry. Exception: For Division I men only, a player who has been substituted for may not reenter the game in the same period unless it is for one of the exceptions listed in Rules 3.5.2 or 3.7. This includes overtime, where each 10-minute period is counted as a separate period with no reentry.
Goalkeepers. Goalkeepers are permitted one reentry after being substituted for in each period of play, including each overtime period. Goalkeepers who move from that position to become a field player and are then substituted for are not eligible for the goalkeeper reentry. Once the original goalkeeper changes positions, the rule for the new position applies. First half: One reentry. Second half: One reentry. First overtime period: One reentry. Second overtime period: One reentry.
REENTRY CONDITIONS - TEAM PLAYS SHORT Field players who left the field as a result of equipment issues (except violations of Rule 4.1, 4.3 or 4.4) or for illness/injury that are not substituted for (team plays short) may reenter the game (after being beckoned by the referee) during the run of play or at any stoppage of play, including times for normal substitutions, provided they have received clearance from appropriate personnel. The player may reenter from the halfway line on the side of the field where they were removed.
Players whose injury was caused by an opposing player who was cautioned or ejected in conjunction with the injury may be substituted for and reenter the game in any period at any of the allowable times for normal substitutions. If the team chooses not to substitute for the injured player, the player must still leave the field and may return under the conditions in Rule 3.6. Neither the injured player nor the substitute shall be charged with a substitution.
Players with a bleeding injury, blood on the uniform or signs of a concussion (see Appendix C) must be removed and may be substituted for. If a player leaves the game for displaying concussion-like symptoms, that player must be cleared by the team physician or their designee according to the concussion management plan. Student-athletes diagnosed with a concussion shall not return to activity for the remainder of that day. (See Appendix C.) If they are substituted for, neither the injured player nor the substitute shall be charged with a substitution. The injured player may return to the game at any of the allowable times for normal substitution, provided they have received clearance from the appropriate medical personnel and this clearance has been communicated to one of the officials. However, if the injured player returns and replaces a player other than the original substitute, that player shall be charged with a substitution.
A player who has a permanent medical condition with the potential to produce serious injury or death through sustained physical exertion (e.g., sickle cell trait) may be substituted at any time when medically necessary and reenter the game without the limitations imposed by Rule 3.5, which limits reentry. This exception may not be used more than one time by an individual student-athlete in a single competition. For example, a player could be substituted in the first half under this provision and return to the game later in that half.
To be eligible for this medical reentry exception, the team physician must confirm the medical condition, its potential for producing serious injury or death, and the need for the player to be exempt from Rule 3.5. If the condition is established by a duly licensed physician other than the team physician, documentation must be provided to, and approved by, the institution.s team physician. Prior to the start of any game, the primary athletics health care provider or designee (e.g., coach) shall present documentation to the game officials and opposing coach that establishes that the player has been granted a medical exception to the reentry rule.
When notified by the documented player, a coach or the primary athletics health care provider that the player requires a substitute for medical reasons related to the identified condition, the referee shall stop the game and permit a substitution. Neither the player nor the substitute shall be charged with a substitution. However, if the documented player replaces a player other than the original substitute, that player shall be charged with a substitution. The documented player may reenter the game (after being beckoned by the referee) at any stoppage of play or at any of the allowable times for normal substitution, provided they have received clearance from the institution.s primary athletics health care provider.
When the ball is out of play, the scorekeeper or the fourth official shall indicate that a substitution is desired by using a horn or other noise-producing instrument that is distinct from the referee.s whistle.
The referee shall beckon the substitute(s) onto the field as soon as they acknowledge the signal from the timekeeper or fourth official.
Substitutes entering the game do not have to remain at the halfway line until the player they are replacing has departed.
Unless the departing player is injured and cannot leave the field unassisted, the departing player shall leave the field at the halfway line on the bench side of the field.
The substitute becomes a player of record at the moment the referee beckons them onto the field.
The player being replaced remains a player of record until they have left the field. If either the substitute or the player they are replacing is ejected during the substitution process, that team shall play short.
If the coach chooses not to have the substitute enter the field after they are beckoned by the referee, the substitute does not have to enter the game at that time, but they shall be charged with a substitution entry.
During the final 15 minutes of the second half and during all overtime periods, the timekeeper shall stop the clock as soon as the referee beckons the substitute(s) onto the field if the game is tied or if the leading team substitutes.
If the ball goes out of play prior to the clock going below 15:00 in the second half, the clock shall not stop on the substitution even if the restart of play would occur with less than 15:00 on the clock.