sequence | abstract
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"we calculate the fermion propagator in flrw spacetimes with constant deceleration .",
"also , when the fermions are coupled to a scalar field , this opens up the possibility to study the impact of the fermions on the evolution of scalar fields .",
"we then calculate the one loop effective action induced by fermions using our propagator .",
"hence ( [ epsilon ] ) is equivalent to requiring a constant deceleration parameter . the second assumption ( [ mhassumption ] ) is required to analytically derive the propagator in the massive case . in yukawa theory , the mass of the fermion is generated by a scalar field for which we can achieve @xmath11 in several cases to which we will turn shortly .",
"the one loop backreaction arises from integrating out a free , quadratic fermion field and , using dimensional regularisation , this generates a correction to the ( classical ) friedmann equations .",
"it also serves as an approximation to both inflation and the current dark energy dominated epoch when @xmath8 . note that @xmath9 coincides with the slow - roll parameter of inflation and it is straightforwardly related to the somewhat more familiar deceleration parameter @xmath10 .",
"consequently , the backreaction of these fermions on the background spacetime can thus be analysed dynamically ."
"we already discussed that flrw spacetimes can be characterised by the scale factor @xmath63 as a function of either cosmic or conformal time .",
"fermions are in general @xmath12 dimensional curved spacetimes described by the action @xcite : @xmath13 - m \\bar{\\psi}\\psi\\right\\ } , \\ ] ] where the dirac matrices @xmath14 satisfy the following anti - commutation relations : @xmath15 variation with respect to @xmath16 yields the equation of motion the fermion field @xmath17 satisfies : @xmath18 we will make use of the vierbein formalism which can be thought of as a transformation of the metric tensor to a locally flat minkowski metric : @xmath19 where @xmath20 is the minkowski metric .",
"[ fig : potential ] ] _ _ in yukawa theory the mass of the fermion appearing in equation ( [ fermionaction ] ) is time dependent and generated by a scalar field . let us thus briefly consider the complex system of a fermion whose mass is generated by a homogeneous scalar field @xmath36 , both of which are coupled to gravity .",
"by comparing equations ( [ actiontotal ] ) and ( [ fermionaction ] ) we can thus identify the mass of the fermion as : @xmath39 furthermore , the ( classical ) evolution of the homogeneous background field @xmath36 is governed by : @xmath40 where @xmath41 is the potential : @xmath42 here , @xmath43 denotes some non - minimal coupling to gravity and @xmath44 is the ricci scalar . in flrw spacetimes in @xmath45 we have @xmath46 , where the hubble parameter is given by @xmath47 .",
"let us specialise to flat flrw spacetimes in which the metric is given by @xmath25 . here , @xmath26 is the scale factor of the universe in conformal time defined by @xmath27 . in flrw spacetimes the vierbeins are a function of conformal time only : @xmath28 we thus find : @xmath29 this useful identity relates covariant derivatives to partial derivatives in the tangent space .",
"when @xmath9 is allowed to vary in time , equation ( [ phiproptoh ] ) generalises to @xmath59 , where : @xmath60 } + \\mathcal{o}\\left(\\dot{\\alpha}\\right ) \\,.\\ ] ] the leading order slow - roll approximation to this equation corresponds to : @xmath61 } \\,.\\ ] ] note the equation above depends on @xmath9 , whereas it does not depend on @xmath56 . depending on which pole prescription one uses in the spirit of the schwinger - keldysh formalism ( see e.g. @xcite )"
"this completes the calculation for the propagator of massless fermions in flrw spacetimes in @xmath12 dimensions .",
"this propagator is valid in any flrw spacetime and assumption ( [ epsilon ] ) can be relaxed . because massless fermions are conformal in any dimension , their propagator is much easier to calculate than the massless scalar propagator @xcite .",
"massless fermions in flrw spacetimes are not difficult to deal with . by making use of equation ( [ covariantderivative2 ] ) the propagator for massless ( conformal ) fermions should satisfy : @xmath77 let us recall the following identity : @xmath78 we can",
"thus immediately infer the solution of equation ( [ fermionpropmassless ] ) : @xmath79 here , @xmath80 ."
"moreover , we need to find the correct normalisation condition for @xmath176 and @xmath177 . inspired by our discussion in [ spinorial normalisation conditions ] , we impose two normalisation conditions on the spinors : a consistent canonical quantisation ( [ consistentquantisation ] ) and orthogonality between particle and anti - particle spinors ( [ orthogonality ] ) . after quite some work the , naively , 10 constraint equations in @xmath45 in ( [ consistentquantisation ] ) yield the following 3 conditions on our coefficients : [ consistentquantisation2 ] @xmath185 the orthogonality condition ( [ orthogonality ] ) yields one more condition : @xmath186 the solution is : [ consistentquantisation3 ] @xmath187 the last line relates the phases of our normalisation constants , e.g. : @xmath188 denotes the phase of @xmath183 . moreover , from ( [ consistentquantisation2 ] ) we can derive : @xmath189 ) results in a change of the right - hand side of equations ( [ consistentquantisation2a ] ) , ( [ consistentquantisation3d ] ) and ( [ consistentquantisation3e ] ) . normalising the fundamental solutions to unity as in ( [ normalisation2 ] )",
"the fermionic propagator ( [ fermionpropagator ] ) is analogous to the scalar and graviton propagator in universes with constant deceleration parameter @xmath0 derived in @xcite . unlike in the case of scalars and gravitons , where quite generically the bunch - davies vacuum is ir divergent , the fermionic propagator is ir finite due to the pauli exclusion principle which forbids an accumulation of fermions in the deep ir .",
"it is particularly simple to choose @xmath145 constant as following from equation ( [ phiproptoh ] ) and for convenience we define : @xmath146 we can proceed and decouple the two linear differential equations to find : @xmath147 the solutions are given by : @xmath148 where @xmath149 are two normalisation constants that still need to be determined and @xmath150 is the hankel function of the first kind of order : @xmath151 this implies : @xmath152 the hankel function of the second kind also solves equation ( [ diraceq4 ] ) . in the infinite asymptotic past ,",
"concluding , we find that the vacuum solutions to equation ( [ diraceq3 ] ) neglecting derivatives of @xmath9 and treating the quotient @xmath145 as time independent are given by : [ diraceq6sols ] @xmath162 as we send @xmath163 and approach de sitter space , our solution is in accordance with @xcite , as can be seen from ( [ order ] ) . in this solution we have tacitly assumed that @xmath164 such that @xmath165 , equivalent to an accelerated expansion .",
"note that the uv limits above yield the familiar uv behaviour for the left- and right - handed spinors ( e.g. : @xcite ) : [ uvlimit2 ] @xmath157 when solutions ( [ diraceq5sols ] ) are substituted in ( [ diraceq3a ] ) one finds : @xmath158 we are free to fix the remaining coefficient @xmath159 by the following condition : @xmath160 we postpone the motivation for this requirement to section [ normalisation of the mode functions ] . for the moment ,",
"some of these products involve hankel functions at the same order , but others encompass hankel functions where the order differs . since we can only easily integrate products of hankel functions of equal order we need to transform precisely the latter products by making use of identities ( [ hankelprops ] ) , e.g. : @xmath204 where @xmath205 or @xmath206 applies when @xmath144 equals 1 or 2 , respectively . clearly , the `` extracted operator '' is a function of @xmath56 .",
"once a particular representation of the gamma matrices has been found , the projection operator : @xmath112 splits the @xmath113-spinor degrees of freedom in two equal contributions of definite chirality , i.e. : a left- and right - handed @xmath114-spinor ( see e.g. @xcite ) . here : @xmath115 where @xmath116 is fixed by requiring that @xmath117 is a proper projection operator : @xmath118 this yields : @xmath119 \\,.\\ ] ] in @xmath45 , we recognise the familiar @xmath120 ."
"this is important to study the impact of fermions on the evolution of the background spacetime and of scalar fields coupled to these fermions . we renormalise using the minimal subtraction dimensional renormalisation technique .",
"as a simple application for the propagator derived in section [ the feynman propagator ] , we calculate the one loop contribution to the effective action .",
"we introduce a new scalar field @xmath284 , responsible for the dynamics of the universe . by an appropriate choice of the potential @xmath285",
"we will study its effect on the evolution of our universe and its impact on the evolution of the scalar field to which the fermions are coupled in a future publication . in this equation",
"therefore , we relied on an on - shell renormalisation technique and inserted the zeroth order ( tree level ) friedmann equations of motion into the effective action at first order in @xmath96 . finally , let us try to comfort the reader who would rather keep @xmath9 constant , but who would simultaneously like to understand how to improve on his final result for the renormalised effective action . in this case , the only appropriate counterterms to renormalise ( [ effectiveactionexpansiond4 ] ) available to us are the following : @xmath320 we can then renormalise the theory as usual would have to be considered separately , for @xmath321 in a radiation dominated universe .",
"we have been able to evaluate the logarithm at the expense of losing all mass independent contributions to the effective action . the effective action for a massless fermion is completely fixed by the trace anomaly which this field is known to exhibit ( see for example @xcite ) .",
"depending on which of the two interpretations one adheres to , one would renormalise differently . if one advocates the first point of view , all terms of e.g. an effective action merely contribute to the renormalised cosmological constant . if , however , one prefers the second interpretation , one adds ( dynamical ) curvature invariants in order to cancel these divergences in a covariant manner ."
"in this paper , we have constructed the fermionic propagator in realistic flrw spacetimes with constant deceleration parameter @xmath0 . moreover",
"we calculate the one loop effective action induced by fermions using our propagator .",
"we have derived the propagator both in the ( trivial ) massless case ( [ fermionpropmassless2 ] ) and in the massive case ( [ fermionpropagator ] ) .",
"we split the fermionic degrees of freedom into a direct product of chirality and helicity eigenspinors .",
"we normalise the spinors using a consistent canonical quantisation and we require orthogonality of particle and anti - particle spinors .",
", we assumed that @xmath145 is also constant , which can be realised in yukawa theory by means of a scalar field for which @xmath11 .",
"the one loop backreaction arises from integrating out a free , quadratic fermion field and , using dimensional regularisation , this generates a correction to the ( classical ) friedmann equations ."
"in section [ particle mode functions ] we used the following well - known identities involving hankel functions : [ hankelprops ] @xmath324 the wronskian of two hankel functions reads : @xmath325 & = & -\\frac{4 i}{\\pi z } \\label{hankelprops5}\\,.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] moreover , we made use of the following recurrence relation : @xmath326"
"we now use equation ( 6.578.10 ) from @xcite to find : @xmath332 where : @xmath333 here , @xmath334 represents the associated legendre function which we can rewrite in terms of a gauss hypergeometric function @xmath335 by means of equations ( 8.702 ) and ( 9.131.1 ) of @xcite : @xmath336 upon taking @xmath337 we find : @xmath338 \\,.\\ ] ] finally note that we can further simplify the argument of the hypergeometric function in equation ( [ i6 ] ) to : @xmath339 let us finally stress that we have introduced @xmath331 to make the integral convergent .",
"it is however of significant physical importance for it is the same @xmath340 that dictates the @xmath232 pole prescription in the propagator ( see equations ( [ fermionpropagator][fermionpropagator2 ] ) and ( [ y ] ) ) .",
"consider the following integral equation : @xmath327 here , @xmath328 is a bessel function of the first kind and @xmath208 is a macdonald function .",
"t. janssen and t. prokopec , implications of the graviton one - loop effective action on the dynamics of the universe , arxiv:0807.0447 [ gr - qc ] .",
"this should not come as a surprise : we observe the same behaviour in e.g. minkowski and de sitter spacetimes .",
"t. prokopec , a solution to the cosmological constant problem , arxiv : gr - qc/0603088 . t. prokopec , n. c. tsamis and r. p. woodard , stochastic inflationary scalar electrodynamics , annals phys .",
"f. finelli , g. marozzi , g. p. vacca and g. venturi , adiabatic regularization of the graviton stress - energy tensor in de sitter space - time , phys ."
] | we calculate the fermion propagator in flrw spacetimes with constant deceleration @xmath0 , @xmath1 for excited states . for fermions
whose mass is generated by a scalar field through a yukawa coupling @xmath2 , we assume @xmath3 .
we first solve for the mode functions by splitting the spinor into a direct product of helicity and chirality spinors .
we also allow for non - vacuum states .
we normalise the spinors using a consistent canonical quantisation and by requiring orthogonality of particle and anti - particle spinors .
we apply our propagator to calculate the one loop effective action and renormalise using dimensional regularisation .
since the hubble parameter is now treated dynamically , this paves the way to study the dynamical backreaction of fermions on the background spacetime . |
"it is the goal of this paper to show how it can be done using effective field theory techniques . in this paper , resummation and matching of event shapes",
"are studied using soft - collinear effective theory ( scet ) @xcite .",
"quantum chromodynamics is a perturbative field theory for @xmath10 , corresponding to energies above @xmath11 mev .",
"for example , in @xmath0 collisions at center - of - mass energy @xmath4 , we might look for the distribution of jets as a function of the invariant mass @xmath13 of the jet .",
"effective field theories provide a systematic approach to resummation .",
"this results in the a jet function @xmath39 ."
"in this section , we will review some basic results from qcd on thrust , and the resummed expressions presented in @xcite . to begin , consider the parton model description of @xmath0 annihilation .",
"but , to nlo for event shapes like thrust , the methods set up in @xcite are sufficient to compare to scet . in the two - jet limit , the factorized expression for the differential cross section in cttw is @xmath72_\\mathrm{cttw } = { j_{\\mathrm c } } ( q^2 , p_l^2 ) { j_{\\mathrm c } } ( q^2 , p_r^2 ) .",
"the equation is solved in an integrated form , and the resummed expression for the integrated thrust in the two jet limit is @xmath94_\\mathrm{cttw } = \\exp \\left [ - 2 { \\bar{\\alpha}}\\log^2 \\tau - 3{\\bar{\\alpha}}\\log \\tau \\right ] \\frac{e^{- 2 \\gamma_e \\eta}}{\\gamma [ 2 \\eta+1 ] } , \\label{qcdresum}\\ ] ] where @xmath95 this equation is a combination of expressions in @xcite taken with @xmath30 .",
"@xmath49 , there are two @xmath50 diagrams which contribute @xmath51 where the photon line on the bottom is the @xmath52 current coming in . the differential cross section is @xmath53_{\\mathrm{parton } } = \\delta ( { s } ) \\delta ( t ) + { \\bar{\\alpha}}\\frac{{s}^2 + { t}^2 + 2 { u}}{{s}\\,{t } } \\label{sigparton}\\ ] ] where we have defined @xmath54 and the reduced mandlestam variables are @xmath55 and @xmath56 with @xmath57 .",
"it is uniquely defined by the two conditions @xmath88^{[x , a]}_{\\star } = f ( x)$ for $ x > 0$}\\ ] ] @xmath89^{[x , a]}_{\\star } g ( x ) = \\int_0^a d x f ( x ) \\left [ g ( x ) - g ( 0 ) \\right]\\ ] ] for clarity , we have added to the notation an explicit instance of the dependent variable @xmath90 in @xmath91_{\\star}^{[x , a]}$ ] .",
"this greatly simplifies the factorization formula in the two - jet limit . the hemisphere momentum @xmath67 is defined to be the sum of the 4-momenta of all the particles in the hemisphere of the left ( right ) jet .",
"the remainder @xmath61 is finite as @xmath62 . instead of the differential thrust distribution , it is useful to work directly with the integrated quantity @xmath63 for small @xmath64 , @xmath65 here we see explicitly the large logarithms @xmath23 and @xmath66 which demand resummation ."
"we will see that there are a number of advantages of this effective field theory treatment . instead of a classical treatment , where multiple real emissions are summed at the level of the cross section",
"having reviewed the way the resummed thrust distribution is traditionally calculated , we now turn to the equivalent calculation in scet .",
", the entire resummation is done in scet through the renormalization group .",
"the idea behind scet is to separate out the quarks and gluons of qcd into soft and collinear degrees of freedom .",
", matches the cttw distribution , eq .",
"these calculations have been done in the context of @xmath28 @xcite and for deep - inelastic scattering @xcite and the jet function is known to two loops @xcite . due to factorization , the same jet function applies in these processes and in @xmath0 annihilation . to first order in @xmath12 ,",
"the differential distribution in scet , eq ."
"the divergent part is already contained in the two jet contribution , so the remainder is @xmath211 @xmath212 - 2 \\log^2 ( 1 - \\tau ) + 3 ( 1 - 2 \\tau ) \\log ( 1 - 2 \\tau ) - 4 \\mathrm{li}_2 ( \\frac{\\tau}{1 - \\tau } ) + 6\\tau + \\frac{9}{2 } \\tau^2 .\\ ] ] the final result for the matched integrated thrust distribution from @xcite is @xmath213_{\\mathrm{cttw } } = ( 1 + \\sigma_1 ) \\left\\ { \\left ( 1 + c_1 \\right ) \\exp \\left [ - 2 { \\bar{\\alpha}}\\log^2 \\tau - 3{\\bar{\\alpha}}\\log \\tau \\right ] \\frac{e^{- 2\\gamma_e \\eta}}{\\gamma [ 2\\eta+1 ] } + { \\bar{\\alpha}}{d_\\mathrm{fin}}(\\tau ) \\right\\ } , \\label{matchedqcd}\\ ] ] where @xmath214 is the nlo contribution to the total cross section and @xmath215 is chosen so that @xmath216 ( recall that @xmath217 at order @xmath12 ) . in the qcd approach the factor @xmath218",
"now , let us turn to the matching in scet . to include thrust distributions away from the endpoint , we can either attempt to add power corrections to scet , or we can match to higher order operators as described in @xcite . matching is much simpler . to perform the matching , we add new operators @xmath221 where the @xmath222 are the additional terms coming from wilson lines necessary for gauge invariance .",
"the running of @xmath35 could also be included even though it does not resum any large logs for the event shapes under consideration . with running , the matrix elements of @xmath34 and @xmath35 would appear with separate renormalization kernels , and so the final differential cross section would end up depending on the conventions chosen .",
"the total cross section in scet is given @xmath236_\\mathrm{scet } = \\sigma_0\\left[1 + { \\bar{\\alpha}}\\left ( - 1 + \\frac{\\pi^2}{3 } \\right ) + { \\bar{\\alpha}}{d_\\mathrm{fin } } ( \\frac{1}{3 } ) \\right ] = \\sigma_0\\left [ 1 + \\frac{\\alpha_s}{\\pi}\\right].\\ ] ] this is the correct total @xmath0 total cross section to first order in @xmath12 !",
"there are two elements to this : ( 1 ) matching to hard emissions to get the differential distribution correct away from the two - jet region ( i.e. away from @xmath22 ) ; and ( 2 ) including finite parts of loops to reproduce fixed order inclusive results .",
"thus , independently of the convention we have @xmath230_{\\mathrm{scet}}^{\\mu_h } = [ { \\mathrm{d}}\\sigma]_{\\mathrm{parton}},\\ ] ] where @xmath231_{\\mathrm{parton}}\\sim \\langle \\mathrm{qcd } \\rangle^2 $ ] is the tree - level parton model cross section , as shown in eq . .",
"thus , the total cross section can be understood as a combination of a process dependent ir finite hard part and universal but ir regulator dependent contributions from soft and collinear emissions ."
"due to the running of @xmath12 , the perturbative expression breaks down when the soft scale is of order @xmath31 , that is , when @xmath259 , as can be seen explicitly in . in fact , even for significantly larger values of thrust power corrections of order @xmath260 become quantitatively important , at least at lep energies .",
"for example , consider the heavy jet mass @xmath250 defined by @xmath261 in this case , the matching scales are @xmath134 , @xmath262 and @xmath263 and scet gives for @xmath264 @xmath265_\\mathrm{scet } & = & \\frac{2}{\\rho } |1 + c_h |^2 \\exp\\left [ 4 s(q , q \\rho ) + 6 a(q , q \\rho ) - 8 s(q\\sqrt{\\rho},q \\rho ) - 6 a(q \\sqrt{\\rho},q \\rho ) \\right ] \\nonumber\\\\ & & \\times \\left [ \\tilde{k } ( \\partial_{\\eta } ) \\frac{e^{- \\gamma_e \\eta}}{\\gamma [ \\eta ] } \\right ] \\left [ \\tilde{k } ( \\partial_{\\eta } ) \\frac{e^{- \\gamma_e \\eta}}{\\gamma [ \\eta + 1 ] } \\right ] + \\frac{2 \\alpha_s}{3 \\pi } d_{\\mathrm{fin } } ( \\rho ) , \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath266 this formula agrees with the jet mass distribution in @xcite to leading log and first order in @xmath12 .",
"however , besides the obvious shortcoming of not containing the full nll resummation ( it does not include effects of the two - loop cusp anomalous dimension ) , this parton - level expression does not include important non - perturbative effects .",
"it is straightforward to allow @xmath12 to run . including 1-loop running , the effect is to modify the single and double logs in the following way @xcite : @xmath251\\ ] ] @xmath252 for example",
"now , it is shown how the results can be modified with running @xmath12 . also , the scet prediction for another event shape , the jet mass @xmath250 , is given .",
"the above results were derived assuming @xmath12 to be constant in order to emphasize the resummation of sudakov logarithms in contrast to large logarithms associated with the scale @xmath31 .",
"the same function @xmath267 appears for jet mass and for thrust because to order @xmath12 in the parton model , @xmath268 ."
"a new result of this paper is the demonstration that inclusive quantities , such as the total cross section for @xmath0 can be calculated in a new way using scet . instead of taking the full differential @xmath159 + 1 body cross section and combining with the one - loop @xmath159-body cross section",
"we have investigated how to combine resummation with next - to - leading order matching of event shapes in the original approach of @xcite ( cttw ) and using scet . in the cttw formulation ,",
"real emissions from collinear splitting functions are used and various kinematical features associated with soft emission are combined to derive a differential cross section .",
", scet combines finite parts of loops of soft and jet functions with a hard matching calculation and a finite integral over hard emissions .",
"resummation is done by solving a differential equation for the jet functions in terms of the physical scales @xmath13 and @xmath269 of the event .",
"the cross section factorizes into the product of two jet functions ."
"i also benefited from the hospitality of the les houches ecole de physique and discussions with many of its participants .",
"i would like to thank t. becher and s. fleming for many useful discussions .",
"this work was supported in part by the national science foundation under grant nsf - phy-0401513 and by the johns hopkins theoretical interdisciplinary physics and astronomy ceneter . c. w. bauer , s. fleming and m. e. luke , phys .",
"* 97 * , 082001 ( 2006 ) [ arxiv : hep - ph/0605050 ] . t. becher , m. neubert and b. d. pecjak , jhep * 0701 * , 076 ( 2007 ) [ arxiv : hep - ph/0607228 ] .",
"d * 63 * , 014006 ( 2001 ) [ arxiv : hep - ph/0005275 ] . c. w. bauer , s. fleming , d. pirjol and i. w. stewart , phys .",
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"c. w. bauer and m. d. schwartz , arxiv : hep - ph/0607296 . c. w. bauer and m. d. schwartz , phys ."
] | the resummed differential thrust rate in @xmath0 annihilation is calculated using soft - collinear effective theory ( scet ) .
the resulting distribution in the two - jet region ( @xmath1 is found to agree with the corresponding expression derived by the standard approach . a matching procedure to account for finite corrections at @xmath2
is then described .
there are two important advantages of the scet approach .
first , scet manifests a dynamical seesaw scale @xmath3 in addition to the center - of - mass energy @xmath4 and the jet mass scale @xmath5 .
thus , the resummation of logs of @xmath6 can be cleanly distinguished from the resummation of logs of @xmath7 .
second , finite parts of loop amplitudes appear in specific places in the perturbative distribution : in the matching to the hard function , at the scale @xmath4 , in matching to the jet function , at the scale @xmath8 , and in matching to the soft function , at the scale @xmath9 .
this allows for a consistent merger of fixed order corrections and resummation .
in particular , the total nlo @xmath0 cross section is reproduced from these finite parts without having to perform additional infrared regulation .
* resummation and nlo matching of event shapes + with effective field theory * matthew d. schwartz + |
"we study the equilibrium properties of a mixture of condensed bosons and spin - polarized fermions , through the dimensional crossover from three to two dimensions , by following the procedure outlined by roth @xcite for the 3d mixture .",
"for the case of bf repulsive interaction , the increasing anisotropy softens the repulsion , and a quasi-3d spatially demixed mixture is mixed in quasi-2d . for the case of bf attractive interactions , the dimensional crossover acts as a feshbach resonance and induce repulsive interactions , so that a q3d mixture near collapse can be driven towards spatial demixing in q2d . in the strictly 2d regime",
"we neglect fermion - fermion interactions and we include bf @xmath0-wave interaction self - consistently in a suitably modified gp equation for the bosons .",
"the results depend on the model one assumes for the bi - dimensional scattering lengths .",
"[ results ] .",
"[ interaction ] . the density profiles obtained for a @xmath2li-@xmath1li and"
"the interaction couplings between the bosons and between bosons and fermions are denoted by @xmath22 and @xmath23 , respectively . one notable difference between the form of the energy functional given above and that in 3d , is that the bb and bf interaction strengths are in general density dependent in contrast to the situation in 3d .",
"initial attempts have concluded that no bec could occur in 2d trapped gases but recent considerations within the hartree - fock - bogoliubov approximation , @xcite the density dependent interaction strength @xcite and numerical simulations @xcite have established firmly the occurrence of bec for such systems .",
"more specifically , in 3d the interaction strengths are proportional to the scattering lengths @xmath24 and @xmath25 whereas in 2d as we shall explain below they depend on the density or equivalently the chemical potential .",
"is written as @xmath15&=\\int\\,d^2r \\left\\ { \\frac{\\hbar^2}{2m_b}|\\nabla \\psi_b|^2+v_b(r)|\\psi_b|^2 + \\frac{1}{2}g_{bb}|\\psi_b|^4\\right\\ } \\\\ & \\quad + \\int\\,d^2r \\left\\{t_f+v_f(r)|\\psi_f|^2\\right\\ } + \\int\\,d^2r\\ , g_{bf}|\\psi_b|^2|\\psi_f|^2 , \\end{split}\\ ] ] where @xmath16 is the ground - state wave function of bosons and fermions , respectively . in the above boson species are in the condensed state and fermion species",
"is assumed to be spin - polarized and its kinetic energy is written within the thomas - fermi - weizsacker approximation as @xcite @xmath17 where @xmath18 is the fermion density and the weizsacker constant is @xmath19 .",
"the euler - lagrange equations for the mixture read @xcite @xmath26 and @xmath27 in which we have introduced the chemical potentials @xmath28 for bosons and fermions .",
"@xmath12 is boson ( fermion ) mass and @xmath13 is the radial trap frequency as seen by boson or fermion species . within the mean - field approach the total energy functional at @xmath14"
"we identify different scattering regimes depending on the relation between the axial confinement length and scattering lengths and provide expressions for the interaction couplings in these regimes . in this regime , the axial oscillator length @xmath41 of the mixture",
"thus , we obtain @xmath51 as the effective interaction couplings in the quasi-3d scattering regime .",
"the interaction couplings @xmath22 and @xmath23 are determined microscopically from the effective interaction potentials ( two - body scattering amplitude , @xmath8-matrix , etc . ) in the limit of low energy and momenta . in the case of a 3d system , the scattering amplitude and @xmath22 and @xmath23 are constants determined by the @xmath0-wave scattering lengths @xmath24 and @xmath25 . in 2d",
"the scattering theory approaches give rise to a logarithmic dependence @xcite .",
"[ results ] . in the case of bf interaction strength we used the reduced mass @xmath50 and made the replacement @xmath65 ."
"we show the density distributions @xmath89 and @xmath90 of bosonic and fermionic components in the three scattering regimes : the quasi-3d , where the coupling is given by eq.([int_3d ] ) , the quasi-2d , where the coupling is given in eqs.([int_q2d - gbb ] ) and ( [ int_q2d - gbf ] ) , and the strictly 2d , where we use the coupling given in eqs.([int_2d - gbb ] ) and ( [ int_2d - gbf ] ) and where we set the bi - dimensional scattering lengths equal to @xmath91 ( eq.([2dascatt ] ) ) evaluated in the limit of vanishing @xmath92 .",
"when @xmath93 ( top panel ) the mixture has 3d character in terms of collisions even though the geometrical confinement ( @xmath94 ) renders the system 2d kinematically . the calculated chemical potentials @xmath95 and @xmath96 being less than unity also confirms that the system is geometrically 2d . in this regime the density distributions for quasi-3d and quasi-2d models look very similar .",
"@xmath41 being smaller than in the previous case , the bi - dimensional scattering lengths are smaller and both the 2d and q2d models predict a mixed phase even in the center of the trap , while the q3d curves still show phase separation . for this anisotropy parameter , the scattering events should be truly 2d and our corresponding model should yield the most accurate density profiles .",
"the q2d model approaches the 2d one , the only difference being that the first model predicts complete spatial separation between the bosonic and the fermionic components , while the second predicts a residual mixed phase at the center of the trap . for a @xmath5k-@xmath4rb mixture with @xmath110 .",
"@xmath106 , we observe that the density profiles are similar for quasi-3d and quasi-2d models and show a bump in the center of the fermionic density due to the attractions with the bosons . for @xmath108 ,",
"the fermions are pushed out of the center of the trap because of the large repulsive bf interaction ( see fig.[fig4 ] ) . by increasing further and further the anisotropy , the bf coupling is still positive but decreases and the two components are partially mixed .",
"squeezing the trap one may naively expect the gas just collapsing , but the crossover in the scattering geometry changes the nature of the instability from collapse to demixing , and a further squeezing of the trap stabilizes the mixture ."
"in summary we have studied the equilibrium properties of a boson - fermion mixture confined in a pancake - shaped trap , in the dimensional crossover from 3d to 2d .",
"the boson - boson and the boson - fermion couplings used are those derived from the two - body @xmath8-matrix evaluated ( i ) at zero energy in 3d , ( ii ) taking into account the discreteness of the spectrum in the axial direction , in the crossover , ( iii ) taking into account the many - body energy shift in the strictly 2d limit . the density profiles and the couplings have been evaluated self - consistently using suitable modified coupled gross - pitaevskii equations for the bosonic and the fermionic wave functions . for the case of a positive 3d boson - fermion scattering length ,",
"our study shows that the squeezing of the pancake - shaped trap may drive a strong - attractive unstable mixture towards a stable mixed mixture passing through a demixed phase .",
"the dimensional crossover softens the repulsion , so that the components of a demixed boson - fermion mixture in 3d can mix in the 2d limit . for the case of a negative 3d boson - fermion scattering length ,",
"the goal being to reach a regime where the modulus of the scattering lengths is comparable or greater than the mixture axial size , one may exploit feschbach resonances to increase the magnitude of the 3d scattering lengths , or one may engineer very flat traps as already done in the context of experiments with a single bec component",
"the dimensional crossover is more dramatic and plays the role of a feshbach resonance .",
"this numerical study may be reproduced in the actual experiments with bf mixtures ."
] | using mean - field theory , we study the equilibrium properties of boson - fermion mixtures confined in a harmonic pancake - shaped trap at zero temperature . when the modulus of the @xmath0-wave scattering lengths are comparable to the mixture thickness , two - dimensional scattering events introduce a logarithmic dependence on density in the coupling constants , greatly modifying the density profiles themselves .
we show that for the case of a negative boson - fermion three - dimensional @xmath0-wave scattering length , the dimensional crossover stabilizes the mixture against collapse and drives it towards spatial demixing . |
", they integrate item reviews and unlike hft they generate a ranked list of items for individual ranking . like ctrank , they focus on personalized ranking and unlike ctrank they are based on matrix factorization and using word embeddings to extract features . like bpr - mf , they rank preferred items over others and unlike bpr - mf they leverage the information from item reviews . in each of the two models , we make use of text features extracted from item reviews using word embeddings . and on top of text features we uncover the review dimensions that explain the variation in users feedback .",
"we propose two novel and simple models to incorporate item reviews into bpr - mf . like hft",
"we propose two novel models to integrate item reviews into matrix factorization based bayesian personalized ranking ( section [ paper : different ] and [ paper : shared ] ) .",
"we empirically evaluate the proposed models on multiple real - world datasets which contains over millions of feedback in total .",
"we also conduct analyses to understand the proposed models including the training efficiency and the impact of the number of latent factors .",
"the experimental results show the benefit of leveraging item reviews on personalized ranking prediction .",
"we demonstrate a simple and effective way of extracting features from item reviews by averagely composing word embeddings ( section [ paper : features ] ) ."
"the goal is to accurately rank the unobserved items which contain both truly negative items ( e.g. , the user dislikes the netflix movies or is not interesting in buying amazon products ) and missing ones ( e.g. , the user wants to see a movie or buy a product in the future when she knows it ) . instead of accurately predicting unseen ratings by learning a model from training samples @xmath19 where @xmath20 , personalized ranking optimizes for correctly ranking item pairs by learning a model from training tuples @xmath21 .",
"the meaning of item pairs of a user @xmath22 is that she prefers the former than the latter , i.e. , the model tries to reconstruct parts of a total order @xmath23 for each user @xmath8 . from the history feedback @xmath14",
"rating - based methods @xcite and ranking - based methods @xcite are mainly to learn the latent user factors @xmath12 \\in \\mathbb{r}^{f \\times m}$ ] and latent item factors @xmath13 \\in \\mathbb{r}^{f \\times n}$ ] from partially observed feedback @xmath14 .",
"another approach is to learn word embeddings and then compose them into document level as the item text features ; we adopt this way of extracting text features @xmath17 from @xmath18 ( see section [ paper : features ] ) .",
"* output : * a ranked list @xmath23 over the unobserved items @xmath29 . in problem 1 , to generate the ranked list , we have item reviews to exploit besides implicit feedback .",
"our work focuses on the item recommendation or personalized ranking task where a ranked list of items is generated for each individual user .",
"let @xmath6 denote the user - item binary implicit feedback matrix , where @xmath7 is the preference of user @xmath8 on item @xmath9 , and we mark a zero if it is unknown ."
"in this section , we propose two models as a solution to problem 1 which leverage item reviews into bayesian personalized ranking . one model treats the review factor space independent of the latent factor space ( section [ paper : different ] ) .",
"another model connects implicit feedback and item reviews through the shared item space ( section [ paper : shared ] ) . in each of the two proposed models , we make use of text features extracted from item reviews via word embeddings ( section [ paper : features ] ) . on top of text features we uncover",
"@xmath8 , if we let @xmath48 and @xmath50 be in the same space then it leads to deep interactions between text factors of user @xmath8 and the latent factor of item @xmath9 . the tbpr - shared model sharpens this idea and enables the deep interactions between text factors and latent factors as well as reduces complexity of the model : @xmath51 on the right hand , the last four terms are the same with the tbpr - diff model .",
"the same gradients for user latent factors and bias terms of both models are : @xmath62 parameter gradients of the model tbpr - diff are : @xmath63 parameter gradients of the model tbpr - shared are : @xmath64 @xmath65 * complexity of models and learning . * the complexity of model tbpr - diff is @xmath66 while the complexity of model tbpr - shared is @xmath67 .",
"the complexity of learning tbpr - diff is linear in the number of dimensions ( @xmath71 ) while the complexity of learning tbpr - shared is also linear provided that the scale of rated items of users is amortizing constant , i.e. , @xmath72 , which holds in real - world datasets because of sparsity ( see table [ table : datasets ] ) .",
"the basic matrix factorization ( basic mf ) is mainly to find the latent user - specific feature matrix @xmath30^m_1 $ ] and item - specific feature matrix @xmath31^n_1 $ ] to approximate the partially observed feedback matrix @xmath14 in the regularized least - squares ( or ridge regression ) sense by solving the following problem .",
"since the text factors of user @xmath46 and of item @xmath43 are _ independent _ of latent factors @xmath47 and @xmath48 , there is no deep interactions between the information sources of observed feedback and item reviews , and hence they can not benefit from each other . also additional parameters increase the model complexity ."
"our proposed two models are both built on the top of text features ( @xmath73_{i=1}^{n}$ ] ) and hence they are important for improving personalized ranking . in this section ,",
"recall that when generating the ranked list of items for individual user , we have item reviews to exploit besides implicit feedback . to exploit item reviews ,",
"the sgns model @xcite is an architecture for learning continuous representations of words from large corpus ; these representations , or word embeddings , can capture the syntactic and semantic relationships of words .",
"we give one simple way to extract text features from reviews of item word embedding .",
"we extract text features from them , i.e. , there is a feature vector for each item .",
"and then we directly sum up all of the embeddings in an item s reviews ( excluding stop words ) and get a composition vector as the text feature for this item : @xmath77 to get @xmath42 , we can also use complex methods ( e.g. , tensor networks to compose word embeddings or learning the doc representation directly ) ; they are left for future work .",
"we first run the google word2vec code on amazon reviews corpus ( see table [ table : datasets ] ) using the default setting ( particularly , dimensionality @xmath74 ) to learn a vector @xmath75 for each word @xmath76 ."
"revisit the table [ table : datasets ] we can see that : 1 ) almost all of the items are cold - item for datasets girls , boys , and baby ; and hence the results of cold setting are almost the same with all and the results of warm setting is not available to get a statistical reliable results ; and 2 ) for other three datasets , the percent of cold - items is also more than 86% which requires the model to address the inherent cold start nature of the recommendation problem .",
"there are three evaluation settings : the _ all items or all _ setting evaluates the models on the full test set @xmath101 ; the _ cold start or cold _ setting evaluates the models on a subset @xmath102 such that the number of training samples for each item within @xmath103 is no greater than three ( i.e. , @xmath104 or @xmath105 ) ; the _ warm _ setting evaluates the models on the difference set of all and cold .",
"we can see that : 1 ) the observed feedback is very sparse , typically less than 0.01% ; 2 ) the average feedback events for users are typical about ten , i.e. , @xmath79 holds ; 3 ) more than half of the users and of the items are cold and have feedback less than seven . note that the cold - users/-items are those that have less than seven feedback events , and the feedback density = @xmath80 .",
"these results firstly show that leveraging item reviews besides the feedback can improve the personalized ranking even in the cold start setting ; and also show that the personalization methods are distinctly better than the user - independent pop method since the cold items are not popular .",
"the hyperparameters are tuned on the validation set . referring to the default setting , for the brp - mf model , the norm - penalty @xmath93 , and learning rate @xmath94 . as with our proposed models tbpr - diff and tbpr - shared , the norm - penalty @xmath95 for latent factors and @xmath96 for text factors , and learning rate @xmath97 . for simplicity",
"on the girls and boys datasets , both of the personalized models are to perform better as the number of factors increases ; on the other datasets , the performance improves as the number of factors increases to around fifteen ; then it does nt go up and may even downgrade .",
"* impact of the number of latent factors . * the two proposed models tbpr - shared and tbpr - diff have two important hyperparameters ; one is the number of latent factors @xmath107 and one is the number of text factors @xmath108 . for simplicity , we let the two values equal ."
"we proposed two models to integrate item reviews into bayesian personalized ranking based on matrix factorization for cold start recommendation . in each of the two models , we make use of text features extracted from item reviews via word embeddings . on top of text features we uncover the review dimensions that explain the variation in users feedback .",
"empirical results on multiple real - world datasets demonstrated the improved ranking performance under the all and cold start setting .",
"training efficiency is analyzed .",
"these review factors represent a prior preference of a user and show the ` text influence of her rated items ' .",
"since we investigate the benefits of leveraging item reviews , we only compare our models with bpr - mf ( and pop ) ; and to know the effectiveness , comparing with more baselines is needed .",
"and the shared space model is slightly better than the different space one which shows the benefits of considering the interactions between latent factors and text factors .",
"the construction strategy of positive / negative samples is also worth further investigating because it deeply affects the modeling design , the learning results , and the evaluation performance ."
] | item recommendation task predicts a personalized ranking over a set of items for individual user .
one paradigm is the rating - based methods that concentrate on explicit feedbacks and hence face the difficulties in collecting them .
meanwhile , the ranking - based methods are presented with rated items and then rank the rated above the unrated .
this paradigm uses widely available implicit feedback but it usually ignores some important information : item reviews .
item reviews not only justify the preferences of users , but also help alleviate the cold - start problem that fails the collaborative filtering . in this paper , we propose two novel and simple models to integrate item reviews into matrix factorization based bayesian personalized ranking ( bpr - mf ) . in each model , we make use of text features extracted from item reviews via word embeddings . on top of text features we uncover
the review dimensions that explain the variation in users feedback and these review factors represent a prior preference of a user .
experiments on real - world data sets show the benefits of leveraging item reviews on ranking prediction .
we also conduct analyses to understand the proposed models . |
"we investigate the effect of sparse noise modeling in a standard bayesian inference tool called the _ relevance vector machine _",
"the sd - rvm algorithm is shown to be equivalent to the minimization of a non - symmetric sparsity inducing cost function . finally , the performance of sd - rvm is evaluated numerically using examples from compressed sensing , block sparse signal recovery , house price prediction and image denoising . throughout the paper ,",
"the rvm is a bayesian sparse kernel technique for applications in regression and classification @xcite .",
"we hypothesize that a sparse and dense noise model can accommodate for the statistics of a variety of noise types , without causing degradation in performance for any noise type compared to the standard case of using only a dense noise model . in this paper , we develop rvm for such a combined ( joint ) sparse and dense noise scenario .",
"we generalize the methods to signals with unknown block structure .",
"we refer to the new rvm as the rvm for combined sparse and dense noise ( sd - rvm ) . by an approximate analysis ,",
"the main technical contribution is to derive update equations that are used iteratively for estimation of parameters in the new rvm ."
"the sd - rvm is thus equivalent to minimizing a non - symmetric sparsity promoting cost function . in a similar way it can be shown that the standard rvm and rb - rvm are also equivalent to non - symmetric cost functions under appropriate approximations . a two - dimensional example using @xmath92^{\\top}$ ] is shown in fig . [ logball ] .",
"\\nonumber\\\\ & \\text{such that } \\mathbf{ax + \\tilde{e } = y } \\nonumber\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] by minimizing the objective with respect to @xmath54 and @xmath55 , the problem reduces to @xmath89_{jj } + 2d ) , \\nonumber\\\\ & \\text{such that } \\mathbf{ax + \\tilde{e } = y } \\nonumber\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where we have ignored additive constants . because of the approximations , the constants @xmath90 and @xmath91_{jj}$ ] make the cost function non - symmetric in the components of @xmath9 and @xmath84 .",
"hence the computational complexity of sd - rvm is @xmath96 a natural interest is the complexity of rb - rvm . again with the assumption of a naive implementation , each iteration of rb - rvm requires the inversion of a @xmath97 matrix to compute @xmath37 .",
"the standard rvm is therefore an iterative method for solving ( details can be found in @xcite ) @xmath80 the log - sum cost function can be used as a sparsity promoting cost function , making it plausible that the rvm promotes sparsity . for the sd - rvm ,",
"updating the precisions requires @xmath94 flops and hence the computational complexity of rb - rvm is @xmath98 in section [ cs_problem ] we provide numerical evaluations to quantify algorithm run time requirements that confirm that sd - rvm is typically faster than rb - rvm .",
"@xmath54 when @xmath62 instead of solving for @xmath54 ( which would require solving a non - linear coupled equation since @xmath63 and @xmath64 depend on @xmath54 ) we approximate the equation as @xmath65 we solve for @xmath66 rather than for @xmath54 since it in practice often results in a better convergence @xcite .",
", we show that the approximations make the sd - rvm equivalent to minimizing a non - symmetric sparsity promoting cost function . to motivate that the standard rvm is sparsity promoting"
"similarly we can partition the components of the sparse noise @xmath108 into blocks as @xmath109 = j_1 \\cup j_2 \\cup \\dots \\cup j_q , \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath110 , @xmath111 for @xmath104 and the block @xmath112 of @xmath10 is given the prior distribution @xmath113 as before , the precisions are given gamma distributions as priors , where now @xmath114 using this model , we derive the update equations of precisions as below @xmath115_{j_j } ) + 2c}{||(\\mathbf{y - a\\hat{x}})_{j_j}||_2 ^ 2 + 2d } , \\label{blockbetaupdate}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath116 denotes the @xmath117 submatrix of @xmath63 formed by elements appropriately indexed by @xmath105 . by setting @xmath118 and @xmath119 we obtain the update equations for component - wise sparse signal and noise . we see that when @xmath120 and @xmath121 $ ] , then reduces to the update equations of the standard rvm since @xmath122 the derivation of the update equations and is found in appendix [ sec : derivation_sdrvm_knownblocks ] .",
"the support set of the sparse and dense noise is overlapping , so the update equations for the precisions become @xmath152_{jj } + 2c}{\\beta_j [ \\mathbf{y - a\\hat{x } } ] _ j^2 + 2d } , \\ , \\ , j = 1,2,\\dots , m , \\\\ & \\tilde{\\beta}_{m+1}^{new } = \\frac{\\sum_{j=1}^m \\beta_j - \\frac{1}{\\tilde{\\beta}_{m+1 } } \\sum_{j=1}^m \\beta_j^2 [ \\mathbf{a}^\\top \\boldsymbol{\\sigma } \\mathbf{a}]_{jj } + 2c } { \\sum_{j=1}^m \\beta_j^2 [ \\mathbf{y - a\\hat{x } } ] _ j^2 + 2d},\\\\ & \\beta_j = ( \\tilde{\\beta}_j^{-1 } + \\beta_{m+1}^{-1})^{-1 } .",
"the component - wise sd - rvm generalizes to this scenario by requiring that the precisions are equal in each block , i.e. we choose the prior distribution for the components of block @xmath105 to be @xmath106 where @xmath107 denotes the vector consisting of the components of @xmath9 with indices in @xmath105 .",
"the update equations then reduce to the update equations for the block sparse model with known block structure . in the model where @xmath9 and @xmath10 are componentwise sparse and @xmath11 is dense , then @xmath149 , \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath150 and @xmath151 . in this scenario",
"we model the signal as @xmath125 we model the noise in a similar way with precisions @xmath55 for component @xmath72 and precisions @xmath126 for the block with support @xmath127 . to promote sparsity ,",
"\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] we will use these update equations in the simulations where the signal is component - wise sparse and the noise is a sum of ( component - wise ) sparse and dense noise .",
"in some situations the signal can have an unknown block structure , i.e. the signal is block sparse , but the dimensions and positions of the blocks are unknown ."
"in this section we evaluate the performance of the sd - rvm using several scenarios for simulated and real signals . for simulated signals , we considered the sparse and block sparse recovery problem in compressed sensing .",
"then for real signals , we considered prediction of house prices using the boston housing dataset @xcite and denoising of images contaminated by _ salt and pepper _ noise . in the simulations we used the cvx toolbox @xcite to implement jp . for outlier free measurements .",
"the experiments show that the performance of sd - rvm does not degrade in the absence of sparse noise . for each realization of the problem we measured the runtime ( cpu time ) of each algorithm .",
"for jp we assumed @xmath158 to be known and set @xmath159 as proposed in @xcite . in the simulations we varied the measurement rate @xmath160 ( ratio of the number of measurements and the signal dimension ) for measurements without outliers and with @xmath153 outliers .",
"the recovery problem in compressed sensing consists of estimating a sparse vector @xmath99 in from @xmath154 linear measurements , where @xmath155 . to evaluate the performance of the algorithms , we generated measurement matrices @xmath3 by drawing their components from a @xmath156 distribution and scaling their column vectors to unit norm .",
"we used a fraction @xmath200 of the dataset as training data and the rest as test set . by choosing the training set uniformly at random we evaluated the mean absolute error of the predicted median and mean cputime ( in seconds ) over @xmath201 realizations .",
"justice pursuit can be extended to the block sparse case in a similar way as bsbl by setting @xmath177 where the sum runs over all blocks ( non - overlapping or overlapping ) and as before we assume the noise variance to be known and set @xmath178 . for unknown block structure"
"in this paper we introduced the combined sparse and dense noise revelance vector machine ( sd - rvm ) which is robust to sparse and dense additive noise .",
"sd - rvm was shown to be equivalent to the minimization of a non - symmetric sparsity promoting cost function . through simulations ,",
"sd - rvm was shown to empirically perform better than the standard rvm and the robust rb - rvm ."
"the form of the map estimate is the same for all models considered in this paper . to update the precisions we maximize the marginal distribution @xmath218 with respect to @xmath83 and @xmath46 , where @xmath219 and @xmath220 is as in and .",
"we search to maximize with respect to the underlying variables @xmath123 and @xmath126 . using that @xmath233 , @xmath234 , when @xmath132 and zero otherwise , and we find that @xmath59 is maximized when @xmath235 by rewriting as @xmath236 solving for @xmath237 gives us the update equation . for the noise precisions , we similarly find that @xmath238 by rewriting the expression as @xmath239 we find the update equation .",
"further , using we get that @xmath224 thus , is fulfilled when @xmath225 as before , instead of solving for @xmath54 we rewrite the equation as @xmath226 solving for @xmath66 gives us the update equation . to find the update equation for @xmath55 we use that @xmath227 = ||\\mathbf{y}_{j_j}||_2 ^ 2 \\\\ & - 2\\mathbf{y}_{j_j}^\\top \\mathbf{a}_{j_j , : } \\boldsymbol{\\sigma } \\mathbf{a}^\\top \\mathbf{b } \\mathbf{y } + \\mathbf{y}^\\top \\mathbf{b}\\mathbf{a } \\boldsymbol{\\sigma }",
"the log - likelihood of the parameters is @xmath221 using we get that @xmath59 is maximized when @xmath222 where @xmath223 is the submatrix of @xmath63 consisting of the columns and rows in @xmath105 .",
"here we derive the update equations for @xmath64 , @xmath54 and @xmath55 for the sd - rvm in sections [ subsec : sd - rvm ] , [ sd - rvm_blocks ] and [ unknownblocks ] . for fixed precisions @xmath83 and @xmath46 , the maximum a posteriori ( map ) estimate of @xmath9",
"\\mathbf{a}_{j_j,:}^\\top \\mathbf{a}_{j_j , : } \\boldsymbol{\\sigma } \\mathbf{a}^\\top \\mathbf{b } \\mathbf{y } \\\\ & = ||(\\mathbf{y - a\\hat{x}})_{j_j}||_2 ^ 2 , \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath228 consists of the row vectors of @xmath73 which row number belongs to @xmath112 .",
"aysal , _ robust sampling and reconstruction methods for sparse signals in the presence of impulsive noise _ , ieee journal of selected topics in signal processing , vol.4 , no.2 , pp ."
] | using a bayesian approach , we consider the problem of recovering sparse signals under additive sparse and dense noise . typically , sparse noise models outliers , impulse bursts or data loss . to handle sparse noise
, existing methods simultaneously estimate the sparse signal of interest and the sparse noise of no interest . for estimating the sparse signal , without the need of estimating the sparse noise
, we construct a robust relevance vector machine ( rvm ) . in the rvm , sparse noise and ever present dense noise
are treated through a combined noise model .
the precision of combined noise is modeled by a diagonal matrix .
we show that the new rvm update equations correspond to a non - symmetric sparsity inducing cost function .
further , the combined modeling is found to be computationally more efficient .
we also extend the method to block - sparse signals and noise with known and unknown block structures . through simulations ,
we show the performance and computation efficiency of the new rvm in several applications : recovery of sparse and block sparse signals , housing price prediction and image denoising . |
"we show that simultaneous fits of rosat pspcb and asca gis / sis spectra , which have been used to infer the presence of cooling flows in many clusters to date , are in fact consistent with a significant contribution from compact sources and/or extended non - thermal emission . using rosat hri data , we have placed limits on the contribution of any bright point sources within the central regions of these clusters and conclude that the power - law components are most likely produced by either a collection of many low - luminosity compact sources ( with @xmath12 ergs s@xmath3 ) or by diffuse non - thermal emission or by some combination of the two .",
"a proper deduction of cluster properties should explicitly include the effects of extended non - thermal emission in the analysis . in the present work we assess the case for a power - law component to the x - ray spectra of cluster centers , in particular those with cooling flows .",
"it is well established that the diffuse x - ray emission from clusters of galaxies implies the existence of a hot ( 10@xmath1 k ) , thermally radiating intracluster medium ( icm ) . in the dense centers of many clusters",
"a growing body of evidence indicates that a substantial intergalactic population of stars , star clusters and stellar remnants is present in the cores of rich clusters , and some of these objects will be x - ray sources .",
"nevertheless , compact sources must surely contribute some fraction of the total x - ray emission from galaxy clusters .",
"an intracluster population of compact objects would have a different spectral signature than thermal emission from intracluster gas .",
"this gas is expected to cool radiatively in less than a hubble time ."
"the combination of rosat and asca data provides good sensitivity to both soft and hard x - ray emission , spanning the total energy range 0.14 - 10.0 kev , and should provide a strong test of power - law components in the x - ray spectra of clusters .",
"ten well - studied x - ray luminous galaxy clusters ( table 1 ) were chosen to span a wide range of cooling flow mass deposition rates .",
"observations by the rosat position sensitive proportional counter ( pspcb ) and high resolution imager ( hri ) and the asca gas imaging spectrometer ( gis ) and solid - state imaging spectrometer ( sis ) were obtained from the heasarc public archives and reduced using ftools v5.01 .",
"background spectra for both the sis and gis detectors were extracted from the `` blank sky '' observations made during the performance testing stage of the mission .",
"the rosat pspcb data were corrected for spatial and temporal gain fluctuations in the detector .",
"x - ray spectra , spanning the energy range 0.14 - 2.04 kev , of all ten clusters were extracted from circular regions centered on the peak of the emission with a constant extraction radius ( r ) of 3 arcminutes ."
"we therefore regard the addition of a free intrinsic absorption parameter as an important feature of our spectral analysis .",
"reduced rosat pspcb and asca gis / sis spectra were fit simultaneously using models within the software package xspec v11 ( arnaud 1996 ) .",
"in addition , we used the popular cooling flow model comprising a thermal plasma ( mekal ) and cooling flow component implemented by the mkcflow routine within xspec ( mushotzky & szymkowiak 1988 ) .",
"the comparison shows excellent agreement , with derived temperatures and mass deposition rates having the same values to within one standard deviation .",
"photoelectric absorption ( balucinska - church & mccammon 1992 ) was applied to the spectral models through two separate methods : i ) by applying only one absorption component to the entire spectral model and fixing the hi column density ( @xmath18 ) at the known galactic value ( see table 1 ) and then letting it vary to see if the fit could be improved ; ii ) by applying one absorption component to the entire spectral model ( with @xmath18 fixed at the galactic value ) and a separate redshifted variable absorption component ( @xmath19 ) to any power - law components via the zphabs model in xspec .",
"henceforth we will use tp , pl , and cf to refer , respectively , to thermal plasma ( mekal ) , power - law , and mkcflow components .",
"spectra of nearby high mass x - ray binaries and accreting massive black holes provide strong evidence for heavy intrinsic absorption , with @xmath20 @xmath21 above the galactic column ( colbert & mushotzky 1999 ; iwasawa et al . 2000 ; akylas et al . 2001 ) ."
"however , it s contribution to the flux was generally lower than that of tptp models ( mean @xmath0 10 % ) . in summary , we find that in all cases the tppl and tptppl models fit the rosat and asca spectra of the five cf clusters just as well as the standard cooling flow model ( tpcf ) or the two - temperature thermal plasma ( tptp ) .",
"we find that single - temperature tp models provide acceptable fits to the spectra of a119 , a2063 , a3266 , a3532 , and a3667 ( 1.00 @xmath24 @xmath22 @xmath24 1.17 ) with temperatures in very good agreement with previous studies ( white , jones , & forman 1997 ; markevitch et al .",
"this , then , is the main conclusion of our work : _ rosat and asca spectra can be satisfactorily modeled by attributing a significant part of the luminosity within the central regions of cf clusters to sources other than cooling gas . _",
"the pl components of these models are quite luminous ( contributing between 27 - 32 % of the total flux ) and characterized by photon indices typical of compact accreting x - ray sources and/or extended non - thermal emission .",
", we confirm earlier investigations which find that tp models provide satisfactory fits to rosat and asca spectra of the centers of non - cooling flow clusters .",
"thus , we confirm previous reports that multi - phase thermal plasmas fit the spectra of cf clusters much better than that of isothermal models . the temperatures and metallicites of the two thermal components are consistent with the results of previous studies ( white , jones , & forman 1997 , markevitch et al .",
"the addition of intrinsic absorption on the pl component , again , improves the fit and the mean contribution of the pl component is raised to @xmath43 32 % . when compared to the tppl model , the mean f - statistic value is about 5 ( @xmath43 68 % confidence ) which suggests the addition of a second tp component only improves the fit marginally . the luminosity ( 0.7 - 10.0 kev ) of the pl component ranges from @xmath44 ergs s@xmath3 with a mean value of @xmath45 ergs s@xmath3 ."
"our analysis shows that luminous ( l@xmath47 @xmath0 10@xmath48 ergs s@xmath3 ) power - law components with @xmath49 might be present in the centers of rich clusters . including intrinsic absorption dramatically improves the quality of the fit ; in these circumstances , there is an apparent dichotomy in the importance of the pl components between ncf and cf clusters .",
"the presence of emission lines from heavy ions originally led astronomers to accept thermal emission as the dominant mechanism in rich cluster icms .",
"this may be consistent with the fact that the _ cores _ of cf clusters are more often observed to be active ( i.e. radio loud ) , perhaps implying the presence of a central massive black hole(s ) and a surrounding diffuse plasma of relativistic electrons , than the cores of ncf clusters ( burns 1990 ) .",
"intergalactic globular clusters , if similar to globular clusters in the milky way , would have to be present in large numbers to collectively account for @xmath59 erg s@xmath3 attributable to the pl component in our models . assuming a typical intergalactic globular contains a binary x - ray source with @xmath60 @xmath61 ergs s@xmath3 ( hertz & wood 1985 ) and the specific frequency of globulars in the central ge galaxy is @xmath62 ( harris 1991 ) then even a very bright central galaxy with m@xmath63 = -24 would have a total x - ray luminosity of @xmath64 ergs s@xmath3 , too low by a factor of @xmath65 .",
"it is clear from a comparison with the luminosities of the observed pl component from the best fitting tppl models ( with intrinsic absorption ) , however , that the bright point sources can not be solely responsible for the power - law emission , as they contribute only @xmath43 5 % of the pl component luminosity .",
"hence , it appears that there are probably two or three sources capable of producing the luminosity of the pl components of our models : massive black holes associated ( or once associated ) with large elliptical galaxies , diffuse non - thermal emission , and agn .",
"not only is the typical pl component in the cf cluster more luminous by about a factor of 10 than that of its ncf counterpart , but it also contributes a larger fraction of the total x - ray flux within the central 3 arcminutes of its cluster ( between 27 - 32 % for cf clusters as opposed to 20 % for ncf clusters ) ."
"we have shown that rosat pspcb and asca gis2/gis3 spectra of ten x - ray luminous clusters permit a significant contribution from compact sources and/or diffuse non - thermal emission .",
"although this conclusion holds irrespective of the presence of a cooling flow , we find that power - law components are especially luminous in clusters with massive cooling flows .",
"our study indicates that inferred cooling flow mass deposition rates may be lowered substantially , thus ameliorating , or possibly resolving , the long - standing problem of the missing cool gas .",
"existing x - ray observations of large elliptical galaxies , agn , and extended non - thermal emission suggest that any of these sources could account for the observed luminosity of the power - law component . however , the absence of extremely bright point sources in the rosat hri observations rules out the possibility that the power - law emission comes from a few extremely bright compact sources .",
"the deep imaging capabilities and superior spectral resolution of chandra and xmm should be able to place much tighter constraints on the relative contributions of power - law sources and thermal bremsstrahlung to cluster x - ray emission and , perhaps , even determine the source of the power - law emission .",
"more likely is that most of the power - law emission is produced by some combination of diffuse and low - luminosity compact sources , such as massive black holes .",
"+ a1689 & 0.1832 & 1.81 & cf & 645 & 8.7 & + a2029 & 0.0773 & 3.14 & cf & 556 & 7.4 & non - thermal emission not detected@xmath73 + a2063 & 0.0353 & 2.90@xmath71 & ncf & 37 & 4.1 & subcluster merger?@xmath74 + a2142 & 0.0909 & 4.16 & cf & 350 & 11.4 & merger@xmath75 & hard x - ray emission detected@xmath76 + a2597 & 0.0852 & 2.49 & cf & 271 & 9.1 & powerful cd radio galaxy@xmath77 + a3266 & 0.0589 & 3.00@xmath71 & ncf & 0 & 6.2 & major merger@xmath78 + a3532 & 0.0554 & 5.98 & ncf & 0 & 4.7 & merger@xmath79 + a3667 & 0.0556 & 4.00@xmath71 & ncf & 0 & 7.1 & hard x - ray emission found@xmath80 + a119 & tp & - & - & 0.987 & & - & - & 1.011 + & tpcf & 0.08 @xmath34 @xmath81 & 0 @xmath34 3 & 0.994 & & 0.01 @xmath34 151 & 0.6 @xmath34 5 & 1.026 + a2029 & tptp & 1.29 @xmath34 0.15 & - & 1.592 & & 1.19 @xmath34 0.31 & - & 1.499 + & tpcf & 0.08 @xmath34 6.97 & 132 @xmath34 31 & 1.911 & & 0.03 @xmath34 4.82 & 170 @xmath34 43 & 1.772 + a2142 & tpcf & 0.08 @xmath34 7.41 & 188 @xmath34 43 & 1.190 & & 0.10 @xmath34 9.16 & 230 @xmath34 73 & 1.130 + a119 & tp & @xmath82 & & & & 467.4/446 + & tppl & @xmath83 & @xmath84 & 25 % & @xmath85 & 454.0/443 + a2063 & tp & @xmath86 & & & & 945.6/807 + & tppl & @xmath87 & @xmath88 & 8.5 % & @xmath89 & 933.3/804 + a3266 & tp & @xmath90 & & & & 1160.5/1117 + & tppl & @xmath91 & @xmath92 & 23 % & @xmath93 & 1158.0/1114 + a3532 & tp & @xmath94 & & & & 776.4/746 + & tppl & @xmath95 & @xmath96 & 87.5 % & @xmath97 & 756.0/743 + a3667 & tp & @xmath98 & & & & 809.0/791 + & tppl & @xmath99 & @xmath100 & 22 % & @xmath101 & 797.6/788 + a644 & tppl & & @xmath102 & 35 % & @xmath103 & 1855.7/1613 + & tpcf & @xmath104 & & & & 1841.2/1613 + a1689 & tppl & & @xmath105 & 9 % & @xmath106 & 1643.6/1409 + & tpcf & @xmath107 & & & & 1653.9/1409 + a2029 & tppl & & @xmath108 & 5 % & @xmath109 & 1460.3/1149 + & tpcf & @xmath110 & & & & 1462.1/1149 + a2142 & tppl & & @xmath111 & 47 % & @xmath112 & 1010.4/868 + & tpcf & @xmath113 & & & & 1013.2/868 + a2597 & tppl & & @xmath114 & 17 % & @xmath115 & 1305.1/1281 + & tpcf & @xmath116 & & & & 1302.3/1281 + a119 & @xmath117 & @xmath118 & @xmath119 + a644 & & @xmath120 & @xmath121 + a1689 & & @xmath122 & @xmath123 + a2029 & & @xmath124 & @xmath125 + a2142 & & @xmath126 & @xmath127 + a2597 & & @xmath128 & @xmath129 + a3266 & @xmath130 & @xmath131 & @xmath132 + a3667 & @xmath133 & @xmath134 & @xmath135 +"
] | we report the results of experiments aimed at reducing the major problem with cooling flow models of rich cluster x - ray sources : the fact that most of the cooled gas or its products have not been found . here
we show that much of the x - ray emission usually attributed to cooling flows can , in fact , be modeled by a power - law component which is indicative of a source(s ) other than thermal bremsstrahlung from the intracluster medium .
we find that adequate simultaneous fits to rosat pspcb and asca gis / sis spectra of the central regions of ten clusters are obtained for two - component models that includes a thermal plasma component that is attributable to hot intracluster gas and a power - law component that is likely generated by compact sources and/or extended non - thermal emission . for five of the clusters that purportedly have massive cooling flows , the best - fit models have power - law components that contribute @xmath0 30 % of the total flux ( 0.14 - 10.0 kev ) within the central 3 arcminutes . because cooling flow mass deposition rates are inferred from x - ray fluxes , our finding opens the possibility of significantly reducing cooling rates . |
"( 2014 ) presented a comprehensive comparison of two major events released from the same noaa active region ( ar 11283 ) .",
"our focus is the long - term pre - flare evolution of the photospheric magnetic field and the sunspot structure , and their correlation with the pre - eruption dynamics in the upper layers of the solar atmosphere .",
"( 2014 ) , a study focusing on the 6-hour long pre - flare sunspot activities and photospheric magnetic field evolution of the x2.1 event from ar 11283 was presented .",
"( 2014 ) proposed that the long - term pre - flare evolution of the photospheric @xmath0 can be taken as a possible precursor of an eruption .",
"it was concluded that the persistent sunspot rotation plays an important role in twisting , energizing , and destabilizing the coronal filament - flux rope system . during the period of apparent sunspot rotation , it was found that both horizontal field strength ( @xmath0 ) and the inclination angle ( @xmath1 the angle between the vector magnetic field and the local radial direction ) decline gradually .",
"photospheric and corona magnetic field evolution is essential to the energy build - up and release process of solar eruptions ."
"2012 ) on board the solar dynamic observatory ( sdo ) .",
"the aia data at passbands of 304 ( heii , t@xmath20.05 mk ) , 171 ( feix , @xmath20.6 mk ) and the 94 ( fexviii , t@xmath26.3 mk ) are examined in order to reveal the filament and coronal dynamics at different temperatures .",
"for this study , we mainly analyzed the multi - wavelength imaging data provided by the atmospheric imaging assembly ( aia ; lemen et al .",
"the hmi movie given above provides the long - term evolution of the sunspot and the magnetic field , from which we observe that the following @xmath8 spot continues to move eastward after the x2.1 flare ( peaking at 22:20 ut , september 6 ) .",
"the 304 - 171 - 94 images presented in panels ( d)-(f ) and the accompanying animation show the pre - eruption structures and dynamics of the filament and the corona .",
"2012 ) and the vector magnetic field and continuum intensity data by the helioseismic and magnetic imager ( hmi ; schou et al .",
"the magnetic field around the pil is almost parallel to the pil indicating a severely - sheared state of the magnetic field .",
", we show the goes sxr ( 1 - 8 ) light curve from 20:00 ut sept .",
"1995 ) , the x1.8 flare was accompanied by a cme travelling at a linear speed of 792 km s@xmath4 . in figure 2 , we present overall structure of this active region at several observing wavelengths ."
", we found a persistent well - correlated pre - flare long term evolution of the penumbral structure and the photospheric transverse field around the pil .",
"the observed penumbral decay and @xmath0 decline are likely caused by the ascending motion of the filament - flux rope system .",
"nevertheless , it can not be ruled out of the possibility that the pre - flare sunspot decay and the @xmath0 decline are simply the result of the overall sunspot evolution and not the direct response to the filament - corona dynamics .",
"this picture is supported by the simultaneous imaging data with the 304 for the filament and the 171 for the overlying arcades .",
"in figure 3 we present the long - term temporal evolution of 6173 intensity map ( upper panels ) and the photospheric transverse field ( @xmath0 , lower panels ) of the ar derived from the hmi data .",
"a straightforward explanation of the results shown in figures 3 and 4 is that the magnetic field lines on the photosphere becomes more vertical with time during the pre - flare phase . to find further observational support of this explanation , we examine the aia data taken in the 304 and 171 passbands . following ruan et al .",
"this indicates that the pil region is dominated by the transverse component of the photospheric field , and there is no significant flux emergence or cancellation in the period of study ."
"another interesting problem to discuss here is the possible role played by the c3 flare in triggering the following x1.8 eruption . to show this , in figure 6 we present the four aia 171 images from 20:39 ut to 22:27 ut .",
"we therefore suggest that the breakout process may be important to the trigger of the x1.8 flare and the associated cme .",
"we show the contours of the vertical magnetic field component of hmi in figure 6 ( b ) .",
"it is seen that the magnetic field polarities are in the order of positive , negative , positive , and negative for the four foots of the two sets of pre - reconnection loops , thus favoring the reconnection process described above .",
"( 21:54 ut ) a new loop connecting the southern foot of the post - flare loops and the eastern foot of the nearby loop appears .",
"it can be seen that the expansion of the coronal arcades overlying the filament ( in cyan ) drives their reconnection with longer magnetic loops rooted in a nearby pair of opposite polarities .",
"* possible configuration during the impulsive stage of the x1.8 flare is also shown in the last panel of figure 6 , for completeness , from which we see that the filament erupts with a flux rope and part of its overlying arcades . *"
"we suggest that the observed persistent pre - flare penumbral decay ( or fade ) is a result of the gradual change of the direction of the magnetic field in the penumbral region from more horizontal to more vertical , which is likely caused by the gradual rising of the filament - flux rope system in the upper solar atmosphere . the long - term pre - flare behavior of the photospheric magnetic field , sunspot , filament and the corona arcades are of vital importance to space weather studies",
"we investigate the correlation between the long - term ( @xmath210 - 20 hours ) pre - flare evolution of the sunspot penumbrae and the photospheric transverse field component around the pil , as well as their relation with filament - corona dynamics .",
"it is found that the penumbrae decayed gradually and the strength of the transverse field ( and the inclination angle of the magnetic field ) on the solar surface declined correspondingly , indicating that the pre - flare magnetic structure from the photosphere to the corona is getting more vertical with time .",
"we report the long - term pre - flare evolution of the penumbra intensity change as well as its correlation with the photospheric magnetic field evolution and relevant coronal dynamics . in deng et al .",
"( 2005 ) , the flare - induced penumbra decay was explained with the change of the inclination angle of the magnetic field in the corresponding penumbral region . according to leka & skumanich ( 1998 ) , the magnetic field inclination angle in the peripheral penumbrae , when turning from more inclined to more vertical and toward the umbra , can directly suppress the penumbral evershed flow resulting in an increase of the continuum intensity .",
"here we propose a very similar scenario to interpret the observational result , although the trend of long term change is opposite to that of the flare - induced rapid changes ."
] | in this paper , we present a study on persistent and gradual penumbral decay and correlated decline of the photospheric transverse field component during 10 - 20 hours before a major flare ( x1.8 ) eruption on 2011 september 7 .
this long - term pre - eruption behavior is corroborated with the well - imaged pre - flare filament rising , the consistent expansion of coronal arcades overlying the filament , as well as the nlfff modelling results in the literature .
we suggest that both the long - term pre - flare penumbral decay and the transverse field decline are the photospheric manifestation of the gradual rise of the coronal filament - flux rope system .
we also suggest that a c3 flare and subsequent reconnection process preceding the x1.8 flare play an important role in triggering the later major eruption . |
"based on this background , here , we study the quantum dynamics of a three - level ladder - type atomic system possessing orthogonal transition dipoles and embedded in an optical leaking resonator . the atomic sample is pumped coherently and resonantly with external electromagnetic field sources . despite of photon scattering into surrounding electromagnetic modes including the cavity one and resonant laser - atom driving , we identify regimes when the cavity mode is empty in the good - cavity limit .",
"the effect is maximal when the cavity mode frequency is in resonance with particular resonance fluorescence sidebands .",
"we demonstrate that this occurs due to destructive quantum interference effects among the involved transition pathways .",
"furthermore , most upper bare - state population inversion is achieved as well in our system although it is identified with coherent population trapping effects rather than quantum interference phenomena which lead to zero cavity mean - photon numbers .",
"the inversion can facilitate the generation of correlated or entangled photon - pairs when one photon lies in an optical range while another one is in a higher frequency domain , i.e. , euv or x ray etc ."
"hence , it is possible to deduce the cavity field s mean photon number @xmath73 by tracing over the the field s states : @xmath74 respectively , the second order photon - photon correlation function @xmath75 is given by : @xmath76 after some mathematical manipulations one finds : @xmath77 with the condition @xmath78 . using also transformation ( [ db ] ) , the population of the upper bare state is given by : @xmath79 finally , in order to solve the infinite system of eqs .",
"\\label{meq}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where , on the right - hand side of the equation , the first term represents the coherent evolution based on the system hamiltonian @xmath27 , while the other terms describe the damping phenomena , i.e. , the cavity field damping and the spontaneous emissions processes , respectively .",
"the master equation ( [ meqdb ] ) , with the hamiltonian ( [ hfinal ] ) , is solved by projecting into the system s states basis @xcite . the first projection in the atom s dressed - state basis leads to a set of five linearly coupled differential equations defined by the variables : @xmath57 , @xmath58 , @xmath59 , @xmath60 , and @xmath61 , where @xmath62 , @xmath63 , namely , @xmath64 here @xmath65 , @xmath66 and @xmath67 .",
"we perform a unitary transformation : @xmath41 where @xmath42 to arrive at the following transformed hamiltonian : @xmath43 analyzing the hamiltonian one can conclude that the atom s resonance fluorescence spectra on each transition is formed of sidebands centered at @xmath44 and @xmath45 as well as a central peak around @xmath46 .",
", we shall consider such a situation when @xmath48 , i.e. @xmath49 ( notice that similar results would be obtained for a cavity tuned to the lowest energy sideband , i.e. , when @xmath50 ) . in this case , the dressed - state hamiltonian is @xmath51 with @xmath52 .",
"we denote via @xmath4 the transition frequency from the most excited level @xmath5 to the intermediate level @xmath6 whereas @xmath7 is the frequency of the transition from the state @xmath6 to the ground state @xmath8 ."
"we have found that the inversion is a signature of the coherent population trapping phenomenon @xcite , i.e. , the atom is trapped in the dressed - state @xmath95 .",
"a destructive quantum interference phenomenon is observed when the cavity is tuned to one of the external sidebands , i.e. , @xmath84 . respectively , the atom decouples from the cavity field in this particular case .",
"furthermore , the cavity field does not affect the bare - state population dynamics in the adopted approximations . as a concrete atomic system , for this particular configuration",
"quantum switching devises are feasible applications here , because , the mean - photon number abruptly changes from zero to a particular value which depends on the atom - cavity coupling .",
"the interference occurs because both dressed - state transitions of the atom are coupled to the cavity mode leading to indistinguishable photon emission ( see also fig .",
"the corresponding transition wavelengths are @xmath100 and @xmath101 . instead of a continuous wave laser on the high - frequency transition one may consider a long pulse laser wave .",
"[ fig3 ] shows the bare - state population of the upper state @xmath88 as well as the cavity mean - photon number when @xmath89 while @xmath90 and @xmath91 with @xmath92 ."
"summarizing , we have investigated the quantum dynamics of a three - level atom embedded in an optical cavity and resonantly interacting with external coherent electromagnetic waves .",
"we have found parameter regimes where the atom completely decouples from the interaction with the cavity field . as a consequence",
"photon vanishing is due to quantum interference effects involving two possible dressed - state atomic transitions .",
", the cavity mean photon number goes to zero .",
"upper bare - state population inversion occurs as well .",
"their indestinguishability leads to destructive quantum interference phenomena ."
"narducci , and c. h. keitel , quantum interference effects in spontaneous atomic emission : dependence of the resonance fluorescence spectrum on the phase of the driving field , phys .",
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"we appreciate the helpful discussions with professor christoph h. keitel and are grateful for the hospitality of the theory division of the max planck institute for nuclear physics from heidelberg , germany .",
"furthermore , we acknowledge the financial support by the german federal ministry of education and research , grant no . 01dk13015 , and academy of sciences of moldova ,",
"zhu , dephasing - induced control of interference nature in three - level electromagnetically induced transparency system , sci . rep . * 5 * , 16370 ( 2015 ) .",
"wille , k. schlage , t. guryeva , d. schumacher , i. uschmann , k. s. schulze , b. marx , t. kmpfer , g. g. paulus , r. rhlsberger , and j. evers , vacuum - assisted generation and control of atomic coherences at x - ray energies , phys .",
"today * 50 * , 36 ( 1997 ) ; m. fleischhauer , a. imamoglu , and j. p. marangos , electromagnetically induced transparency : optics in coherent media , rev .",
"rev . lett . * 83 * , 1307 ( 1999 ) ; o. postavaru , z. harman , and c. h. keitel , high - precision metrology of highly charged ions via relativistic resonance fluorescence , phys .",
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] | we discuss quantum interference phenomena in a system consisting from a laser driven three - level ladder - type emitter possessing orthogonal transition dipoles and embedded in a leaking optical resonator .
the cavity mean - photon number vanishes due to the destructive nature of the interference phenomena .
the effect occurs for some particular parameter regimes which were identified .
furthermore , upper bare - state population inversion occurs as well . |
"it turns out that the screw instability will occur at some place far away from the inner edge of the disk , if the bh spin and the power - law index for the variation of the magnetic field are greater than some critical values . in this paper a new scenario for extracting rotational energy of the disk matter is proposed by considering the configuration of the magnetic field restricted by the screw instability . to facilitate description ,",
"we compare these powers with the variation of the two parameters , i.e. , the bh spin and the power - law index of the magnetic field on the disk .",
"2 the restriction of the screw instability to the configuration of the magnetic field is discussed , in which the three energy mechanisms are contained . in ",
"it turns out that the dl power is generally less than the bz and mc powers , and it is comparable with the latter two when the bh spin approaches unity . in ",
"4 the radiation from a quasi - steady thin disk is discussed in detail by applying the conservation laws of mass , energy and angular momentum to the regions corresponding to the mc and dl processes . in ",
"this mechanism is referred to as the dl process , implying that energy and angular momentum are extracted magnetically from * disk * to * load*. by using another equivalent circuit we derived the expression for the dl power and torque under some assumptions on the unknown astrophysical load .",
"3 the expressions for the powers and torques of the three mechanisms are derived in the two kinds of equivalent circuits ."
"in w03b we discussed the angular boundary between the open and closed field lines on the bh horizon .",
"in w04 we argued that the state of cebzmc always accompanies the screw instability , and the minimum radial coordinate @xmath18 for the screw instability can be determined by the criterion ( [ eq1 ] ) .",
"it is shown that the boundary angle @xmath17 exists in cebzmc , if the parameters @xmath9 and @xmath13 are great enough .",
"it seems reasonable that the configuration of the magnetic field in this region might consist of the open field lines connecting the disk with the astrophysical load , and this region is referred to as the dl region corresponding to the dl process . considering the restriction of the screw instability , we modify the configuration of the magnetic field as shown in figure 1 , and the three mechanisms of extracting energy magnetically from the bh accretion disk are included : ( [ eq1 ] ) the bz process involved the open field lines connecting the bh with the astrophysical load , ( [ eq2 ] ) the mc process involved the closed field lines connecting the bh with the surrounding disk , and ( [ eq3 ] ) the dl process involved the open field lines connecting the disk with the astrophysical load ."
"we derive the expressions for the bz and mc powers and those for the bz and mc torques corresponding to the modified configuration of the magnetic field as follows , @xmath44 @xmath45 @xmath46 @xmath47 where @xmath48 , @xmath49 , @xmath50 and @xmath51 are related by @xmath52 in equations ( [ eq12])([eq15 ] ) the parameters @xmath53 and @xmath54 are respectively the ratios of the angular velocities of the open and closed field lines to the angular velocity of the horizon and read @xmath55^ { - 1}.\\ ] ] where @xmath56 is the angular velocity of the magnetic field line , @xmath57 and @xmath58 are respectively the angular velocities of the horizon and the disk and read @xmath59 usually @xmath60 is taken for the optimal bz power ( mt82 ) , while @xmath54 depends on the bh spin and the place where the field line penetrates on the disk . in equations ( [ eq12])([eq15 ] ) we use the parameter @xmath61 , and the parameters @xmath62 and @xmath63 are defined as @xmath64 where @xmath65 is the strength of the poloidal magnetic field on the horizon in units of @xmath66 .",
", we have the dl power and torque expressed by @xmath96 @xmath97 for the given values of @xmath9 and @xmath13 the strength of @xmath98 , @xmath99 and @xmath100 are compared by using equations ( [ eq12 ] ) , ( [ eq14 ] ) and ( [ eq31 ] ) as shown in figures 4 . with @xmath101 , and ( b ) versus the power - law index @xmath13 with @xmath102.,width=226 ] ( a ) with @xmath101 , and ( b ) versus the power - law index @xmath13 with @xmath102.,width=226 ] ( b ) from figure 4 we obtain the following results , ( [ eq1 ] ) for the increasing @xmath9 with the given @xmath13 , both the bz and the mc powers vary non - monotonically , attaining their maxima as the bh spin approaches unity , while the dl power increases monotonically .",
"it is tempting for us to discuss the power extracted from bh accretion disk based on the above magnetic field configuration . in w02 we derived the expressions for the bz and mc powers by using an equivalent circuit as shown in figure 2 ( henceforth circuit i ) , where segments @xmath40 and @xmath41 represent the two adjacent magnetic surfaces , and segments @xmath42 and @xmath43 represent the bh horizon and the loads ( either the astrophysical load or the disk load ) sandwiched by the two magnetic surfaces , respectively . by using circuit i",
"the load resistance @xmath71 between the two adjacent magnetic surfaces can be written as @xmath88 where equations ( [ eq23 ] ) and ( [ eq24 ] ) are used in the last step . incorporating equation ( [ eq11 ] ) with equations ( [ eq20])([eq25 ] ) , we have @xmath89 where the function @xmath90 is expressed by @xmath91 similarly , the dl power is related to the dl torque by @xmath92 and we have @xmath93 where the function @xmath94 is expressed by @xmath95 integrating equations ( [ eq26 ] ) and ( [ eq29 ] ) over the dl region",
"the minus sign in @xmath76 arises from the direction of the magnetic flux between the two adjacent magnetic surfaces , which is given by @xmath77 the concerned kerr metric coefficients are given by ( thorne , price & macdonald 1986 ) @xmath78 since the astrophysical load remains unknown , we give some simplified assumptions as follows .",
"henceforth this equivalent circuit is referred to as circuit ii , where segments @xmath67 and @xmath68 represent the two adjacent magnetic surfaces consisting of the open field lines in the dl region , and segments @xmath69 and @xmath70 represent the disk surface in the dl region and the load sandwiched by the two adjacent magnetic surfaces , respectively ."
"this result arises from the conservation laws of energy and angular momentum and the behavior of @xmath169 near the boundary at @xmath173 .",
"( [ eq1 ] ) the radiation flux @xmath169 decreases monotonously and very steeply with the increasing @xmath31 .",
"this result arises from two aspects , i.e. , both the angular velocity decreases and the area of the ring from @xmath79 to @xmath170 increases with the increasing @xmath171 . ( [ eq2 ] )",
"one of them is given by considering the balance between the pressure of the magnetic field on the horizon and the ram pressure of the innermost parts of an accretion flow ( moderski , sikora & lasota 1997 ) , i.e. , @xmath125 from equation ( [ eq42 ] ) we define @xmath126 as @xmath127 by using equations ( [ eq34 ] ) and ( [ eq35 ] ) we have the radiation fluxes , @xmath128 and @xmath129 , versus the radial parameter @xmath31 for the given values of the power - law index and the bh spin as shown in figure 5 ."
"in w03b we calculated the current density flowing from the bh magnetosphere into the mc region on the horizon in the state of cebzmc by using the circuit i. in this paper the three energy mechanisms of the magnetic extraction are described by using the circuits i and ii , based on which the current densities flowing from the bh magnetosphere into the horizon and the disk can be calculated and compared .",
"\\xi < \\xi _ s , \\end{array}\\ ] ] where @xmath204 applying the same procedure to circuit ii , we can derive the current flowing on the dl region of the disk and the current density flowing from the bh magnetosphere into the disk as follows , @xmath205 @xmath206 where @xmath207 is expressed by equation ( [ eq63 ] ) and @xmath208 is expressed by @xmath209 by using equations ( [ eq58 ] ) and ( [ eq59 ] ) we have the current densities @xmath197 and @xmath198 varying with the angle @xmath192 on the horizon for @xmath102 and the different values of @xmath13 , and those for @xmath101 and the different values of @xmath9 as shown in figures 7 and 8 , respectively . by using equations ( [ eq62 ] ) and ( [ eq65 ] )",
"we have the current densities @xmath210 and @xmath211 varying with the radial parameter @xmath31 on the disk for @xmath212 and the different values of @xmath13 , and those for @xmath101 and the different values of @xmath9 as shown in figures 9 and 10 , respectively . from figures 710 , we find that the distribution features of the above current densities depend on both the power - law index @xmath13 and the bh spin @xmath213 .",
"the continuity of the current at the boundary between the bz and mc regions of the horizon is discussed in w03b . based on the conservation of current , the current densities flowing from the bh magnetosphere into the above regions of the horizon",
"is equal to that flowing on the mc region of the horizon , i.e. , @xmath201 therefore the current density flowing from the bh magnetosphere into the disk is @xmath202 substituting equation ( [ eq60 ] ) into equation ( [ eq61 ] ) , we have the current density flowing from the magnetosphere into the mc region of the disk as follows , @xmath203,\\mbox { } 1 <",
"( b ) @xmath178 for @xmath179 for @xmath13 = 4 , 5.5 , 7 and 9 in dashed , solid , dotted and dot - dashed lines , respectively.,width=226 ] ( b ) with @xmath101 , @xmath180 , ( a ) @xmath181 , ( b ) @xmath182 for @xmath183 = 0.36 , 0.62 , 0.9 and 0.998 in dashed , dotted , solid , and dot - dashed lines , respectively.,width=226 ] ( a ) with @xmath101 , @xmath180 , ( a ) @xmath181 , ( b ) @xmath182 for @xmath183 = 0.36 , 0.62 , 0.9 and 0.998 in dashed , dotted , solid , and dot - dashed lines , respectively.,width=226 ] ( b ) with @xmath184 , @xmath180 , ( a ) @xmath185 , ( b ) @xmath186 for @xmath13 = 4 , 5.5 , 7 and 9 in dashed , solid , dotted and dot - dashed lines , respectively.,width=226 ] ( a ) with @xmath184 , @xmath180 , ( a ) @xmath185 , ( b ) @xmath186 for @xmath13 = 4 , 5.5 , 7 and 9 in dashed , solid , dotted and dot - dashed lines , respectively.,width=226 ] ( b ) with @xmath101 , @xmath187 , ( a ) @xmath185 , ( b ) @xmath188 for @xmath183 = 0.36 , 0.62 , 0.9 and 0.998 in dashed , dotted , solid and dot - dashed lines , respectively.,width=226 ] ( a ) with @xmath101 , @xmath187 , ( a ) @xmath185 , ( b ) @xmath188 for @xmath183 = 0.36 , 0.62 , 0.9 and 0.998 in dashed , dotted , solid and dot - dashed lines , respectively.,width=226 ] ( b ) where @xmath189 .",
"the currents @xmath190 and @xmath191 are respectively the poloidal currents flowing on the bz and mc regions of the horizon , which depend on the angular coordinate @xmath192 for the given values of @xmath9 and @xmath13 . inspecting equations ( [ eq56 ] ) and ( [ eq57 ] ) , we find that @xmath190 are generally not equal to @xmath191 for @xmath193 ."
"in this paper we discuss and compare the three powers of extracting energy magnetically by considering the restriction of the screw instability to the configuration of the magnetic field in bh magnetosphere .",
"it turns out that the dl power is generally less than the bz and mc powers , and it is comparable with the two powers for the bh spin @xmath216 approaching unity . by using the conservation laws of energy and angular momentum",
"we discuss the radiation flux from a quasi - steady thin disk around a kerr bh .",
"these powers are derived by using circuit i for the bz and mc processes and circuit ii for the dl process .",
"ii we discuss the distribution of the currents and the current densities on the bh horizon and on the disk for the three energy mechanisms ."
] | a toy model for magnetic extraction of energy from black hole ( bh ) accretion disk is discussed by considering the restriction of the screw instability to the magnetic field configuration .
three mechanisms of extracting energy magnetically are involved .
( [ eq1 ] ) the blandford - znajek ( bz ) process is related to the open magnetic field lines connecting the bh with the astrophysical load ; ( [ eq2 ] ) the magnetic coupling ( mc ) process is related to the closed magnetic field lines connecting the bh with its surrounding disk ; and ( [ eq3 ] ) a new scenario ( henceforth the dl process ) for extracting rotational energy from the disk is related to the open field lines connecting the disk with the astrophysical load .
the expressions for the electromagnetic powers and torques are derived by using the equivalent circuits corresponding to the above energy mechanisms .
it turns out that the dl power is comparable with the bz and mc powers as the bh spin approaches unity .
the radiation from a quasi - steady thin disk is discussed in detail by applying the conservation laws of mass , energy and angular momentum to the regions corresponding to the mc and dl processes .
in addition , the poloidal currents and the current densities in bh magnetosphere are calculated by using the equivalent circuits .
black holes , physics of black holes , infall , accretion , and accretion disks , relativity and gravitation 97.60.lf , 04.70.-s , , 95.30.sf |
"section [ sec : nondet ] and section [ sec : det ] are devoted to horava - lifshitz gravity with non - detailed and detailed balance conditions , respectively . for the different equations - of - state ( eos ) , different solutions for the resulting differential equations shall be outlined . an extensive comparison between scale factor in cosmological radiation , matter , @xmath6cdm , de sitter",
"the field equations in friedmann - lemaitre - robertson - walker ( flrw ) cosmology are elaborated in section [ sec : fe ] .",
", chaplygin gas @xcite and quantum chromodynamical ( qcd ) eos shall be introduced .",
"the horava - lifshitz gravity is introduced in section [ sec : hlg ] .",
"the present paper is organized as follows . the cosmological evolution governed by a simple version of hlg",
"the hlg approach assures causal dynamical triangulations @xcite , renormalization group approaches based on asymptotic safety @xcite and symmetries of gr ."
"recently , the general formulas for the inflationary power spectra of scalar and tensor are driven in the presence of a scalar field @xcite .",
"we conclude that in simple scenarios for scale - invariant cosmological perturbations with hlg , the inflation is not necessarily guaranteed .",
"the linear scalar perturbations equations of the flrw universe are derived for a single scalar field .",
"the hlg is a projectable approach minimizing the number of independent couplings in the potential and adopting an extra principle to contract the potential , i.e. detailed balance conditions . in constructing the theory , a new set of symmetries",
"the inflation has been studied @xcite ."
"in describing the cosmic geometry , we wanted to analyse systematically the effects of implementing various equations - of - state . * when the cosmological geometry is dominantly filled with matter ( dust approximation ) , @xmath62 , eq .",
"( [ eq : daachapa1 ] ) is reduced to @xmath94 which has a solution @xmath95 * for cosmological geometry filled with qcd matter , the eos can be deduced from the recent lattice qcd simulations @xcite , where @xmath96 ranges between @xmath97 and @xmath98 . for sake for completeness , we highlight the importance of precise estimation of eos from heavy - ion collisions @xcite . by substituting the deduced values of @xmath51 in eq .",
"it was shown @xcite that the properties of the extra scalar degrees - of - freedom are the reasons why detailed balance conditions do nt lead to gr in the infrared - limit . from perturbation study of detailed balance conditions",
"many authors wanted to improve it by adding extra term to the action of the theory that softly violates the detailed balance conditions @xcite as an attempt to assure a more realistic theory in its infrared - limit .",
"* for cosmological geometry filled with qcd matter , the eos can be deduced from the recent lattice qcd simulations @xcite . as given in fig .",
"but because of its several attractive features , we wanted it to be implemented in constructing the potential instead of effective field theory .",
"furthermore , it was argued that hlg with detailed balance conditions has to be broken in order to enable the theory to be compatible with the observations @xcite ."
"while the present article was under review , we have completely conducted and published a research paper in which the proposed solutions are confronted to recent planck and bicepii observations @xcite . with single scalar field potentials describing power - law and minimal - supersymmetrically extended inflation , we have derived possible modifications in the friedmann equations . for various eos",
", the dependences of the tensorial and spectral density fluctuations ( and their ratio ) on the inflation field are characterized .",
"the tensorial - to - spectral density fluctuations are calculated with varying spectral index .",
"we compare between hlg with non - detailed and detailed balance conditions and gr gravity for various equations - of - state .",
"even , when studying the consequences of the quantum fluctuations on our understanding of landau - raychaudhuri equations , we found that cosmic eos play an essential role @xcite .",
"based on studying a @xmath4-dependent version of the friedmann equations , it was concluded that hlg becomes an attractive gravity theory if the generalized wheeler - dewitt metric @xmath149 has an indefinite signature .",
"it was found that , they decrease when moving from hlg with non - detailed balance conditions , to friedmann gravity , to hlg without the projectibility conditions , and to hlg with detailed balance conditions ."
"we study the impacts of various equations - of - state on flrw cosmology based on horava - lifshitz gravity .",
"the present work presents a systematic analysis for the equations of state characterizing the cosmic geometry and proposes a link between the conventional gravity by gr and its horava - lifshitz counterparts .",
"we have studied the dependence of scale factor ( @xmath151 ) and cosmic time ( @xmath150 ) in the context of horava - lifshitz gravity in early universe by using different equations - of - state .",
"we have compared the results with the gr gravity .",
"the results presented in present paper are strongly depending on these parameters , for instance , the non - singular solutions can be to a large extend understood due to finite cosmological constant , @xmath30 .",
"the latter are power - counting renormalizable quantum theories which assure causal dynamical triangulations , renormalization group approaches based on asymptotic safety and symmetries of gr .",
"also , a noticeable dependence on the equations of state is observed in singular and non - singular big bang ."
"for eos @xmath48 and friedmann equations with finite cosmological constant , the continuity equation reads @xmath156 accordingly , we get following solutions @xmath157}{3\\ , \\sqrt{b}\\ , { \\cal c}_1 } , \\label{eq : egw1 } \\\\",
"\\mathrm{at}\\ ; \\omega=\\frac{1}{3},\\;\\;\\ ; t & = & \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{b } } \\ln \\left[a^2 - \\dfrac{2a}{b } \\right ] , \\label{eq : w13std } \\\\ \\mathrm{at}\\ ; \\omega=-\\frac{1}{3},\\;\\;\\ ; a(t ) & = & c_1 \\exp\\left(\\sqrt{b}\\ , t\\right ) + c_2 \\exp\\left(-\\sqrt{b}\\ , t\\right ) , \\\\ \\mathrm{at}\\ ; \\omega=-1:\\;\\;\\ ; a(t ) & = & c_3 \\exp\\left(\\sqrt{c}\\ , t\\right ) + c_4 \\exp\\left(-\\sqrt{c}\\ , t\\right ) , \\\\",
"\\mathrm{and}\\ , \\mathrm{for}\\ , \\mathrm{generalized}\\ , \\mathrm{chaplugin}\\ , \\mathrm{gas},\\ ; a(t ) & = & c_5 \\exp\\left(\\sqrt{d}\\ , t\\right ) + c_6 \\exp\\left(-\\sqrt{d}\\ , t\\right ) , \\ ] ] where @xmath158 , @xmath159 , @xmath160 , and @xmath161 , @xmath162 .",
"@xmath163 are integration _ arbitrary _ constants ."
"which are well - known tools to describe nature , degrees of freedom , decomposition , size and even the overall dynamics controlling evolution of the medium from which they are originating , is therefore very essential . for the thermodynamical pressure , an approximate attempt utilizing the higher - order moments of the particle multiplicity seems to be promising @xcite . on the other hand , determining the thermodynamical energy density and even relating the bjorken energy density to the lattice energy density depends on lattice qcd at finite baryon chemical potential and first - principle estimation of the formation time of the quark - gluon plasma ( qgp ) .",
"`` emergence of cosmic space and minimal length in quantum gravity : a large class of spacetimes , equations of state , and minimal length approaches '' _ , _ indian j. phys . _ , * 90 * , 1095 ( 2016 ) . y .- w .",
"@xcite , the ultimate goal of the high - energy experiments is first - principle determination of the underlying dynamics in the strongly interacting matter . determining the thermodynamical quantities ,",
"the energy density can be deduced from the derivative of the free energy with respect to inverse temperature .",
"this would explain the need to implement another variable different than the one responsible for the derivatives of the high - order moments .",
"from the recent lattice qcd simulations @xcite , we illustrate in fig . [",
"e. thomas and a. r. zhitnitsky , _ topological susceptibility and contact term in qcd . a toy model _ , phys ."
] | inspired by lifshitz theory for quantum critical phenomena in condensed matter , horava proposed a theory for quantum gravity with an anisotropic scaling in ultraviolet . in horava - lifshitz gravity ( hlg )
, we have studied the impacts of six types of equations of state on the evolution of various cosmological parameters such as hubble parameters and scale factor . from the comparison of the general relativity gravity with the hlg with detailed and without with non - detailed balance conditions ,
remarkable differences are found . also , a noticeable dependence of singular and non - singular big bang on the equations of state is observed .
we conclude that hlg explains various epochs in the early universe and might be able to reproduce the entire cosmic history with and without singular big bang .
* keywords : * quantum gravity , modified theory of gravity , early universe + + * pacs nos : * 04.60.-m , 04.50.kd , 98.80.cq |
"we will employ _ air shower universality _ in order to determine the number of muons in air showers detected with auger , using several independent methods .",
"this allows for a direct test of the predictions of hadronic interaction models .",
". the muon density at ground which we infer using the surface detector and , independently , using hybrid events , does not rely on assumptions on the primary cosmic ray composition .",
", one has to rely on an energy scale of the surface detector . using the universality of the electromagnetic contribution to the signal measured by the auger surface detectors , @xmath1 , we are able to determine an energy scale independent of the fluorescence energy measurement",
"cosmic ray interactions at ultra - high energies offer unique insights into particle collisions at center - of - mass energies exceeding 100 tev . due to their very small flux at these energies , cosmic rays"
"we exploit shower universality features to predict the surface detector signal expected for auger cherenkov tanks from the electromagnetic and muonic shower components at 1000 m from the shower core . in the following ,",
"universality features of the longitudinal profile of showers have been studied by several authors . here",
"see @xcite . a library of proton and iron showers covering the energy range from @xmath2 to @xmath3ev and",
"we give a brief outline of the parameterization . for a detailed description ,",
"seasonal models of the malarge molecular atmosphere were used @xcite ."
"[ sec : univ ] ) ; the uncertainty on @xmath26 at this energy ; and the uncertainty on the bias of @xmath12 determined from the monte carlo simulations . in order to quantify the first two systematics , we measure @xmath12 using an electromagnetic signal rescaled by @xmath276% , bracketing the observed universality violation , and measuring @xmath12 with varying @xmath26 , adopting the systematic and statistical uncertainty reported by auger @xcite . for the uncertainty on the bias ,",
"once @xmath12 at 10 eev is measured , and using the measured mean depth of shower maximum , the signal size at @xmath29 can be calculated : @xmath30 within the uncertainties , this value of @xmath31 is consistent with the energy scale from fluorescence detector measurements , whose systematic uncertainty ( 22% @xcite ) is dominated by the uncertainty on the fluorescence yield .",
"in order to estimate this bias , we have simulated a large number of monte carlo realizations of sd data sets of the same size as the auger data set , distributed according to the observed cosmic ray spectrum and assuming different primary compositions ( pure proton , iron , or mixed composition ) , and different `` true '' @xmath12 .",
"[ fig : bias ] ) from the measured @xmath19 , obtaining a corrected @xmath12 of : @xmath25 three main sources of systematics enter in the determination of @xmath12 using the constant intensity method : the uncertainty on the electromagnetic signal due to universality violation ( sec .",
"we have found that the bias in @xmath12 is independent of the `` true '' value of @xmath12 adopted , and primarily depends on the size of reconstruction uncertainties on @xmath1 and the primary composition .",
"[ fig : bias ] shows the relative bias on @xmath12 as a function of primary energy , for different assumed compositions and increased / decreased detector resolution . clearly , the bias is quite robust to rather extreme changes in those assumptions .",
"within the current statistics , the arrival directions of high - energy cosmic rays around 10 eev are found to be isotropic , allowing us to apply the _ constant intensity _"
"the pierre auger observatory has the unique capability of measuring hybrid events which have been simultaneously detected by the surface detector array and fluorescence telescopes . for each of these events , a calorimetric measurement of the energy @xmath8 and depth of shower maximum",
"[ fig : comparison ] we compare the results of the different methods applied for inferring the muon density at 1000 m from the shower core .",
"@xmath23 are available , in addition to the signal @xmath1 from the surface array .",
"good agreement between the presented methods is found , when compared at @xmath41 .",
"furthermore , the cherenkov light fraction is limited to less than 50% , and we apply all cuts used in the measurement of the elongation rate @xcite which have been carefully chosen in order to ensure an unbiased @xmath23 distribution of the air showers . the surface detector event has to satisfy the t5 selection cuts which are also applied in @xcite . the average muon normalization in hybrid events at 10eev is found to be @xmath38 in excellent agreement with the constant intensity method results , when compared at the same energy scale . a similar study has been performed for inclined hybrid events ( @xmath39 ) . while the statistics are limited , no subtraction of @xmath40 is necessary for these events , as the electromagnetic part has been attenuated in the large depth of atmosphere traversed .",
"only the constant intensity method yields an independent measurement of the energy scale ."
"assuming air shower universality , which was tested with simulations of various primaries and hadronic interaction models , we have determined the muon density at 10 eev and the energy scale with which the data of the pierre auger observatory can be described self - consistently .",
"the number of muons measured in data is about 1.5 ( 1.7 ) times larger than that predicted by qgsjet ii ( sibyll ) for proton showers , with statistical and systematic errors of the order of 0.1 .",
"consistent results were obtained with several analysis methods on independent data sets : the constant intensity method ( sec .",
"a similar excess has been found at energies from 3 eev to 50 eev .",
"[ sec : cic ] ) uses only the surface detector data and is independent of the fluorescence energy scale . vertical hybrid events ( sec . [ sec : hybrid ] ) allow for a direct and unbiased measurement of @xmath12 for each event , albeit depending on the flourescence energy .",
"this points towards a deficiency of hadronic models in predicting the number of muons produced in air showers at large distances from the shower core . however , it is important to note that the method presented here relies on a correct description of the electromagnetic shower component in the simulations ."
] | the pierre auger observatory , recently completed , has been operational since 2004 . as a hybrid experiment
, it allows for a wide range of measurements of uhecr - induced extensive air showers ( eas ) , including measurements of the eas particle content on ground which is sensitive to high - energy hadronic interactions .
we present the results of several independent measurements of the eas muon content on ground in auger data at a primary energy of 10 eev .
we discuss implications on high - energy hadronic interaction models and cosmic ray composition . |
", we present the results of recent observations of the perseus cluster performed with the major atmospheric gamma imaging cherenkov ( magic ) telescopes and the detection of ic 310 ( atel # 2510 ) .",
"other observed characteristics of ic 310 ( e.g. no strong emission lines , spectral indexes in radio and x - ray ) suggest that it may also be a dim ( weakly beamed ) blazar @xcite . the lat instrument on board the _ fermi _ satellite @xcite has recently detected ic 310 @xcite with 5 ( 3 ) photons above @xmath14 gev ( above @xmath15 gev ) . at lower energy ( i.e. from @xmath15 mev to @xmath10 gev ) , only the cluster s central galaxy , ngc 1275 , is visible @xcite . in this letter",
"most of the presently known extragalactic very high energy ( vhe , above @xmath3 gev ) @xmath0-ray emitters ( @xmath840 ) are blazars .",
"interestingly , @xcite also showed that the x - ray emission may originate from the central agn of the bl lac - type object .",
"so far only two radio galaxies , m 87 @xcite and cen a @xcite , and two starburst galaxies , ngc 253 @xcite and m82 @xcite , have been clearly identified in this energy range ."
"magic consists of two 17 m imaging atmospheric cherenkov telescopes ( iact ) located at the roque de los muchachos , canary island of la palma ( @xmath16n , @xmath17w ) , at the height of 2200 m a.s.l .",
"the magic i telescope was used to observe the perseus cluster for a total of 94 hr between november 2008 and february 2010 .",
"we separately analyzed the magic i single telescope ( hereafter mono ) and stereo data .",
"the stereo observations provide an excellent sensitivity of @xmath18% of the crab flux ( c.u . ) in the medium energy range in 50 hr of observations @xcite .",
"the analysis of 33.4 hr of data taken in 2008 was presented in @xcite ; it focused on the physics of the perseus cluster and ngc 1275 .",
"the commissioning of the second magic telescope was finished in 2009 , and since the end of 2009 both telescopes work together in stereo mode @xcite ."
"after the data quality check , we obtained a sample for the period from october 2009 to february 2010 , of 20.6 hr of magic stereo data .",
"we found an excess of 106 events , corresponding to a @xmath31 @xmath32 significance ( calculated according to the prescription by @xcite , eq.17 ) . the source was also detected in the 27.5 hr of mono data ( september 2009 february 2010 ) with a significance of @xmath33 @xmath32 .",
"the differential flux in units of @xmath42 is well described ( @xmath43 ) by a pure power law : @xmath44 the mean @xmath0-ray flux above @xmath3 gev obtained from the stereo observations between october 2009 and february 2010 is @xmath4 , corresponding to @xmath45 c.u . comparing this with the upper limit from the 2008 data suggests variability of ic 310 on a one - year time scale .",
"thus for a high signal / background ratio ( as in the case of excellent gamma / hadron separation obtained in stereo observations ) , the background is overestimated and this lowers the significance . on the other hand",
"the theta@xmath30 ( squared distance between true and reconstructed source position ; see e.g. @xcite ) distribution of the signal coming from ic 310 and the background estimation are shown in fig .",
"the corresponding alpha ( the angle between the main axis of the @xmath0-ray induced shower image and direction to the true source position ; see e.g. @xcite ) distribution is also shown fig . [ theta2plot ] ( middle panel ) .",
"it is interesting to note that the 11.2 hr of good quality , mono data taken at the end of 2008 do not show any significant excess at the position of ic 310 ( see fig ."
"the magic telescopes have detected vhe @xmath0-ray emission with high statistical significance from the direction of ic 310 with a mean @xmath0-ray flux above @xmath3 gev , between october 2009 and february 2010 , of @xmath45 c.u .",
"this detection is important also for the vhe study of the perseus cluster of galaxies .",
"the detection of such a relatively narrow feature in the spectrum of a radio galaxy may be a clue regarding the particle acceleration mechanism at the base of agn jets ( e.g. direct gamma - ray emission during acceleration of particles , * ? ? ?",
"this is similar to the flat vhe spectra of m 87 , another radio galaxy detected at tev energies @xcite .",
"ic 310 and ngc 1265 were the first two head - tail galaxy discovered by astronomers @xcite .",
"additionally , one can estimate the mass of the central black hole , @xmath63 , of an active galaxy using the correlation between black hole mass and the central velocity dispersion of the host galaxy @xcite . the measured velocity dispersion in ic 310 ( @xmath64 km / s , @xcite ) yields @xmath65 , corresponding to a schwarzschild radius of @xmath66 cm .",
"those particles might have important consequences on the possible cluster @xmath0-ray emission due to cosmic - ray acceleration @xcite ."
"this work was also supported by the marie curie program , by the cpan csd2007 - 00042 and multidark csd2009 - 00064 projects of the spanish consolider - ingenio 2010 programme , by grant do02 - 353 of the bulgarian nsf , by grant 127740 of the academy of finland , by the yip of the helmholtz gemeinschaft , by the dfg cluster of excellence `` origin and structure of the universe '' , and by the polish mniszw grant n n203 390834 .",
"we would like to thank the instituto de astrofsica de canarias for the excellent working conditions at the observatorio del roque de los muchachos in la palma . the support of the german bmbf and mpg , the italian infn , the swiss national fund snf , and the spanish micinn is gratefully acknowledged .",
"this research has made use of the nasa / ipac extragalactic database ( ned ) which is operated by the jet propulsion laboratory , california institute of technology , under contract with the national aeronautics and space administration .",
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] | we report on the detection with the magic telescopes of very high energy @xmath0-rays from ic 310 , a head - tail radio galaxy in the perseus galaxy cluster , observed during the interval november 2008 to february 2010 .
the _ fermi _ satellite has also detected this galaxy .
the source is detected by magic at a high statistical significance of @xmath1 in 20.6 hr of stereo data .
the observed spectral energy distribution is flat with a differential spectral index of @xmath2 .
the mean flux above @xmath3 gev , between october 2009 and february 2010 , @xmath4 , corresponds to @xmath5% of crab nebula units . only an upper limit , of @xmath6% of crab nebula units above @xmath3 gev , was obtained with the 2008 data .
this , together with strong hints ( @xmath7 ) of flares in the middle of october and november 2009 , implies that the emission is variable .
the magic results favour a scenario with the very high energy emission originating from the inner jet close to the central engine .
more complicated models than a simple one - zone ssc scenario , e.g. multi - zone ssc , external compton or hadronic , may be required to explain the very flat spectrum and its extension over more than three orders of magnitude in energy . |
"these models are of background relevance to the research into cv quantum information and are referenced here for contextual purposes . in this paper , we establish a sound theoretical framework for studying quantum algorithms and apply this framework to study the cv analogue of the early dv quantum algorithm , known as the deutsch - jozsa ( dj ) algorithm @xcite . the problem solved by dj algorithm is the following .",
"we introduce a particular model for the computation of the dj problem in a cv setting . within the constraints of this model",
", our analysis shows that the cv dj algorithm is necessarily probabilistic and its performance must therefore be compared to the classical case where bounded error is tolerated and not to the classical deterministic case .",
"we show that this probabilistic nature of the algorithm is the result of an uncertainty relation between the continuous representation and its fourier - transform dual representation . in sec .",
"[ sec : bounding ] , we determine an upper bound on the query complexity of the cv dj algorithm .",
"we conclude that the formalism presented herein is applicable to a wide range of oracle identification problems in a cv setting .",
"our focus here is on the cv analogue of the dj algorithm , and we are inspired by the braunstein and pati formulation @xcite of the cv dj algorithm ; however , our work differs from theirs in that ours relies only on logical states that are elements in the hilbert space and thus provides a strict cv version of the dj problem ."
"[ subsec : quantumdj ] , we analyze an alternative representation of the quantum dj algorithm that uses @xmath7 qubits instead of the traditional @xmath8 qubits . in subsec .",
"we cast the dj problem into the class of ` oracle identification problems ' in subsec .",
"[ subsec : quantumdj ] , we study the quantum dj algorithm next where we show that the problem can be solved with a single query independent of @xmath6 .",
"[ subsec : deterministic ] and probabilistic algorithms in subsec .",
"[ subsec : oracle ] .",
"we then review deterministic algorithms in subsec .",
"we have completed the study of the quantum dj algorithm in a form that allows us to adapt readily to the cv setting .",
"[ subsec : randomized ] . in subsec ."
"we now give a conceptual overview of our model for cv quantum computation of the dj problem , which we follow later with a rigourous treatment . in our model of cv quantum computation , we will use the continuous position and momentum variables of a particle . for @xmath108",
"furthermore we employ a fourier transform to operate as a cv version of the dv hadamard transform ( extending the hadamard transformation to the cv case is not unique @xcite ) . for @xmath72 the canonical position and @xmath147 the canonical momentum , the fourier transform maps a function @xmath109 to its dual @xmath110 according to @xcite @xmath153 such that @xmath154 and @xmath155 note that we make use of the momentum variable @xmath147 as the fourier dual of the position variable @xmath72 .",
"we express the state after encoding as @xmath188 where we observe the `` modulating '' effect of the encoded string @xmath189 on the momentum `` substrate '' @xmath110 . in the context of the digital - to - analogue strategy , the constant functions are analogous to direct current ( dc ) signals and the balanced functions to alternating current ( ac ) signals .",
"( d ) the inverse fourier transform of the encoded square wave \" produces a generalized \" sinc function whose infinite position extent necessitates an optimal measurement window \" parameterized by @xmath122.,width=8 ] the picture that thus emerges is that each of the @xmath26 possible strings may be represented by a uniquely shaped square wave \" having extent @xmath123 comprising @xmath6 pulses each of width @xmath124 and having magnitude @xmath125 . with the encoding concept clear",
"second in order to fix one of the degrees of freedom of the problem , we want each of the bits comprising the string @xmath28 to be unambiguously represented in the momentum space . by unambiguous we mean that each of the bits are represented by equal - sized , non - overlapping , contiguous regions in the momentum space .",
"for example if the momentum / position pair are described by gaussian / gaussian functions , as would be the case for the physically meaningful states of quantum optics , imperfect encoding of the @xmath6-bit string in the momentum domain will result in increased position error .",
"( [ eq : cvdjstate3pdfabal ] ) dominates all other balanced probability distributions in the region @xmath222 $ ] . after using this assumption to determine a value for the optimal delta , we will state and prove a theorem justifying our assumption . as an illustration that our assumption is true for the @xmath113 case , we plot the four distinct cases in fig . [ fig : cvdjoptimalmeasurelimits ] ."
"we have made no attempt to obtain a tighter bound preferring to show only that the success probability of the cv dj algorithm is of the same order of that of the classical probabilistic approach to solving the dj problem .",
"we can readily calculate the probability of detecting if the function is constant @xmath287 where the sine integral is given by @xmath288 note this probability depends only on the product @xmath289 . if the function is the lowest - order antisymmetric balanced ( asb ) @xmath290[eq : cvdjmeasureabalprb]for @xmath291 , the numerical values of these two probabilities are @xmath292 and @xmath293 given this probabilistic nature of the cv dj algorithm , we need to develop a strategy to bound the error probability",
"the two events we are trying to uncover are the constant cases where , for ease of calculation we set the probability of detecting something is @xmath296 , and the balanced cases where the probability detecting something is @xmath297 . note that we have set the probabilities to these rational numbers for illustrative purposes and to simplify the calculation .",
"here we set @xmath307 , which expresses the probability for the value being greater than half way between the two means as @xmath308<\\text{e}^{-\\frac{m}{16}}$ ] . clearly the success is worse for the lower tail allowing us to bound the success probability of the cv dj algorithm after @xmath5 queries as @xmath309\\geq1-\\text{e}^{-\\frac{m}{24}}.\\label{eq : cvdjsuccessprob}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] this gives an error probability that is @xmath310 as required .",
"we can make this arbitrary setting , and we will get the same result as long as the probabilities are bound from @xmath298 by a constant . if each measurement is based on an independent preparation of the state @xmath163 , then each of the queries are independent . after a series of @xmath5 queries",
"the simplest ( but somewhat weak ) chernoff bound on the lower tail is given by @xcite as @xmath299<\\text{e}^{-\\frac{\\mu \\epsilon^2}{2}},\\label{eq : cvdjchernoffweakl}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] and on the upper tail as @xmath300<\\text{e}^{-\\frac{\\mu \\epsilon^2}{4}},\\label{eq : cvdjchernoffweaku}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath301 is the expected mean of the resulting binomial distributions after @xmath5 queries , and @xmath302 is the relative distance from the respective means ."
"in this paper we have presented a rigorous framework for the analysis of the dj oracle identification problem in a cv setting . the rigged hilbert space ( rhs )",
"we have used this framework , and the selection of the sinc / pulse fourier transform pair , to prove that a cv implementation of the dj algorithm can not provide the exponential speed - up of its discrete quantum counterpart .",
"additionally , we have presented a bounded - error , upper bound on the query complexity of the dj problem within the constraints of our model .",
"affords a consistent transition from the traditional discrete hilbert space to the cv setting .",
"our framework allows us to define a consistent way of encoding @xmath6-bit strings into functions over the real numbers ."
"m. adcock `` the classical and quantum complexity of the goldreich - levin problem with applications to bit commitment '' , _ master of science thesis , department of computer science , university of calgary ( 2004)_. r. cleve , w. van dam , m. nielsen , and a. tapp , `` quantum entanglement and the communication complexity of the inner product function '' , lecture notes in computer science * 1509 * ( springer - verlag ) , pp . 61 - 74 ( 1999 )",
"d. akamatsu , y. yokoi , m. arikawa , s. nagatsuka , t. tanimura , a. furusawa , and m. kozuma , `` ultraslow propagation of squeezed vacuum pulses with electromagnetically induced transparency '' , * 99 * , 153602 ( 2007 ) . c. m. caves , `` physical resources , entanglement , and the power of quantum computation '' , lecture given in squint summer retreat university of southern california , 2005 july 7 .",
"we appreciate financial support from the alberta ingenuity fund ( aif ) , alberta s informatics circle of research excellence ( _ _ i__core ) , canada s natural sciences and engineering research council ( nserc ) , the canadian network centres of excellence for mathematics of information technology and complex systems ( mitacs ) , and general dynamics canada .",
"ph is a scholar and bcs is an associate of the canadian institute for advanced research ( cifar ) .",
". m. adcock and r. cleve , `` a quantum goldreich - levin theorem with cryptographic applications '' _ proc .",
", h. alt and a. ferreira , eds . , lecture notes in computer science * 2285 * ( springer - verlag ) , pp . 323 - 334 ( 2002 ) ."
] | we establish a framework for oracle identification problems in the continuous variable setting , where the stated problem necessarily is the same as in the discrete variable case , and continuous variables are manifested through a continuous representation in an infinite - dimensional hilbert space .
we apply this formalism to the deutsch - jozsa problem and show that , due to an uncertainty relation between the continuous representation and its fourier - transform dual representation , the corresponding deutsch - jozsa algorithm is probabilistic hence forbids an exponential speed - up , contrary to a previous claim in the literature .
december 18 , 2008 |
"this result is relevant to the chemical evolution of elliptical galaxies , since they are the major contributors to the enrichment of the icm , as we will see in the next sections .",
"the properties of elliptical galaxies are not easy to study since we can measure only their integrated properties which contain information on several stellar populations of stars with different ages and metallicity .",
"another result from asca , influencing the evolution of ellipticals , concerns the abundances derived for the icm in galaxy clusters .",
"elliptical galaxies are also known to have large halos of gas emitting in the x - ray band .",
"these galaxies have only sne of type ia which are believed to originate from old stars , namely white dwarfs in binary systems . metallicity indeces of fe and mg seem to indicate an overabundance of @xmath1-elements relative to iron in the nuclei of elliptical galaxies and that this overabundance increases with galactic luminosity .",
"finally , another constraint to models of chemical evolution of ellipticals , arguing for them to be old systems , is the measured sn rate .",
"the abundances measured by asca in the x - ray emmitting gas indicate a very low iron abundance in disagreement with the results from stellar populations . however , the derivation of abundances from the x - ray spectra is still affected by many uncertainties , as recently discussed by arimoto et al .",
"1995 ) thus indicating that they have undergone a fast and intense star formation history perhaps interrupted by the occurrence of galactic winds .",
"what we currently know about the properties of elliptical galaxies can be summarized as follows : most of them seem to be among the oldest objects in the universe containing old red stars , although some recent studies ( faber et al . 1995 ) seem to indicate that ellipticals are not all coeval ."
"we will only remind here that it belongs to the category of the supernovae ( sne)-driven galactic wind models . in this model",
"clearly the presence and distribution of dark matter plays a very important role in determining the onset and the entity of galactic winds .",
"according to these authors and matteucci ( 1992 ) we can write the binding energy of the gas as the sum of two terms , one being the binding energy of gas due to the luminous matter and the other the binding energy of the gas due to the interaction between dark and luminous matter : @xmath5 @xmath6 @xmath7 @xmath8\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath9 , @xmath10 and @xmath11 are the mass of gas , the mass of luminous matter and the mass of the dark matter , respectively . the quantities @xmath12 and @xmath13 are the half - light radius and the the radius of the dark matter core , respectively . in the bertin et al .",
"this means heavy but diffuse halos of dark matter .",
"we follow the evolution of the abundances of 13 chemical elements as described in matteucci and gibson ( 1995 ) .",
"the so - called @xmath1-elements ( o , mg , ne , si , etc .. ) are thought to be preferentially formed in type ii sne .",
"according to these different assumptions on the star formation efficiency we can predict very different behaviours of the abundances and abundance ratios as functions of galactic mass , as we will see in the following ."
"finally , a very important feature of figure 1 is that , independently of the assumed imf and time for the occurrence of a galactic wind , a high [ o / fe ] ratio in the dominant stellar population is achieved only if the period of major star formation has been short , namely no longer than @xmath29 years .",
"this is a very strong conclusion since it implies a very fast process for the formation of big ellipticals , at variance with the hierarchical clustering scenario for galaxy formation .",
"the epoch for the onset of the galactic winds is shown in column 2 , the duration of the wind phases varies from several @xmath41 years to several @xmath42 years . after the wind",
"this `` downward '' trend results from the increased contribution of fe - donating type ia sne in the more massive galaxies .",
"1996 ) and in dwarf spheroidal galaxies ( kormendy , 1990 ) . from this discussion",
"it becomes evident how abundance ratios in stellar populations and gas in ellipticals can be used to constrain the amount and concentration of dark matter in these objects .",
"the interesting fact is that in all the models they found only early galactic winds and this was mainly due to the presence of dark matter ."
"this assumption is generally supported by the observational evidence that there is a clear correlation between the total visual luminosity of the ellipticals in clusters and the total masses of iron and gas measured in the x - ray band ( arnaud 1994 ) . however , as we will see in the next section , there could be the possibility that dwarf galaxies , previously underestimated in clusters , contribute non - negligibly to the total gas mass in clusters .",
"the derived integrated masses together with the predicted [ o / fe ] , [ si / fe ] and iron mass - to - light ratio for the clusters ( imlr ) are shown in table 2 .",
"another important result is the predicted [ o / fe ] ratio in the icm .",
"matteucci and gibson ( 1995 ) derived power relationships between the ejected masses @xmath46 of gas / chemical species and the final galactic mass from the results shown in table 1 .",
"abundance ratios in the icm are therefore an extremely useful and tight constraint to understand the evolution of ellipticals .",
"this conclusion had already been reached by matteucci and vettolani ( 1988 ) but in this case the discrepancy with the observed total gas masses is even stronger since , due to the presence of dark matter halos , the galaxies do not eject all of their available gas as it was the case in the matteucci and vettolani ( 1988 ) models . therefore , the presence of dark matter in galaxies has important consequences also for the interpretation of the origin of the icm as we will see even better in the next section .",
"recent asca data suggest that [ o / fe ] is high and positive ( @xmath55 , mushotzky 1994 ) . from table 2"
"we show the predicted total masses of iron and gas as functions of the total visual luminosity of the cluster galaxies compared with the data from arnaud ( 1994 ) . from these figures",
"recently , gibson and matteucci ( 1997 ) extended the model for elliptical galaxies described before to dwarf spheroidal galaxies , included updated physical inputs and calculated the total contribution to the gas and metal of the icm from dwarf and giant elliptical galaxies .",
"kormendy ( 1990 ) , in fact , suggests that the exponent of this law for dwarf galaxies is @xmath63 .",
", one has to assume that each galaxy , irrespective of its mass , looses a fraction of its total mass ( luminous+dark ) of the order of @xmath59 . the range of galactic masses contributing to the gas being @xmath60 and the slope of the faint- end of the luminosity function being in the range @xmath61 . under these prescriptions he was able to account for all the gas in clusters as due to galaxies , but he predicted for dwarf galaxies @xmath62 not in very good agreement with the observational estimate .",
"it is clear that the contribution of dwarfs to the gas in not negligible whereas their contribution to metals is negligible .",
", they found @xmath68 .",
"this exponent @xmath64 measures how rapidly dwarf galaxies become dark matter dominated as their luminosity decreases . later ,"
] | in this paper we discuss the chemical evolution of elliptical galaxies and its consequences on the evolution of the intracluster medium ( icm ) .
we use chemical evolution models taking into account dark matter halos and compare the results with previous models where dark matter was not considered . in particular , we examine the evolution of the abundances of some relevant heavy elements such as oxygen , magnesium and iron and conclude that models including dark matter halos and an initial mass function ( imf ) containing more massive stars than the salpeter ( 1955 ) imf , better reproduce the observed abundances of mg and fe both in the stellar populations and in the icm ( asca results ) .
we also discuss the origin of gas in galaxy clusters and conclude that most of it should have a primordial origin . |
"in this paper we explore an analogy of quantum information processing , based on classical ( optical ) waves @xcite .",
"[ sec : teleportation ] the teleportation of a cebit is discussed . in sec .",
"[ sec : ghz ] three - cebit entanglement , or so - called greenberger - horne - zeilinger states , is discussed . in sec .",
"[ sec : scaling ] we discuss how the resources required by the analogy scale with the number of cebits .",
", we aim to obtain information about the subtle but profound differences between the quantum system and the classical wave system . in addition",
"[ sec : errorcorrection ] a simple error correction network is described , which can correct either bit flips or phase errors . finally , in sec ."
"a universal su(2 ) operator can be realized by a mach - zehnder interferometer , consisting of two 50/50 beam splitters and three adjustable phase delays : in one of the inputs , in one of the interferometer arms , and in one of the outputs @xcite .",
", one could in principle also measure the amplitude and phase of the classical wave . depending on the frequency , the complex amplitudes could be measured either directly , or by mixing them with a strong local oscillator in a homo- or heterodyne measurement . here",
"we can generalize this procedure and construct the hilbert space of multiple cebits , which should be spanned by the tensor products of basis states of the hilbert spaces of the individual cebits .",
"the reason is that one can first produce two identical copies of a classical light beam using a beam splitter , and perform measurements on the copies in different bases of measurement . with qubits",
"we use parentheses for the cebits , instead of brackets , so that it is always evident whether we are dealing with cebits or qubits . similar to the bra and ket pair , we use a _ parent _ @xmath4 and _ thesis _",
"the two amplitudes now being associated with position rather than polarization , we will call this pair a _ position cebit_. measurements on a cebit can be performed using photodetectors . for the measurement of a polarization cebit",
"[ fig : threecebits ] the bit values for the msc are indicated by line style ( solid vs. dashed ) , for the middle cebit by arrow head style ( single vs. double ) and for the least significant cebit by polarization direction ( arrow vs. dot . )"
"as a first example of three - bit states we construct the optical analog of the three - particle entangled state introduced by greenberger , horne , and zeilinger ( ghz ) @xcite , @xmath25 let us first briefly recall the remarkable properties of this quantum state .",
"nevertheless it is remarkable that the classical analogy reproduces exactly the quantum correlations , since in the quantum case the nonlocal correlations are commonly associated with the collapse of the wavefunction due to a measurement . in the classical case , the correlations are due to classical wave interference .",
"the quantum prediction has recently been confirmed experimentally , providing a dramatic demonstration of quantum nonlocality @xcite . the optical version , @xmath42 ,",
"the cebit analogy is described by the same mathematics and may thus be used to elucidate the mathematical structure of the problem .",
"we now pose the obvious question of what will be the outcome of the equivalent cebit measurements for this `` classical ghz state '' ?",
"the measurements on different degrees of freedom ( cebits ) of a single particle are correlated , but the correlations will never be of a nonlocal nature .",
"the cebit version of the ghz experiment thus shows that in general it is impossible to assign definite values to different degrees of freedom of a single particle .",
"apparently the measurement result is now @xmath38 , in complete correspondence with the quantum result for the real ghz experiment ."
"quantum teleportation allows the transmission of the quantum state of a qubit between a sender and a receiver , usually called alice and bob .",
"the four beams have well defined phase relationships , which do not depend on @xmath66 . therefore the four beams can be combined into a single beam using beam splitters . in the end , what we have accomplished is to combine the amplitudes of two different beams into the polarization components of a single beam .",
"the rome experiment @xcite may in fact be considered as a hybrid version , using in addition to the entanglement between two separate photons , also the different degrees of freedom of one photon . for a detailed comparison between the different teleportation schemes ,",
"this means she performs a measurement on the two - qubit state in the basis of the four bell states : @xmath49 alice then informs bob which of the four bell states she found , by sending him two bits of classical information .",
"again , like in the ghz example , the inseparability of the cebits in space poses a limitation . rather than teleporting a qubit state over some distance in space , the state of one cebit",
"this is done using a mach - zehnder interferometer consisting of two 50/50 beam splitters and two adjustable phase delays , @xmath52 in one of the arms and @xmath53 in one of the output ports .",
"furthermore the polarization is given by the jones vector @xmath66 , as determined by the phase delays . by transforming to the bell basis and post - processing the polarization ,"
"as a third application of the optical analogy of qubits , we consider a simple error correction network @xcite , correcting either for bit flip errors or phase errors . in principle , a network that corrects both bit flips and phase flips may also be constructed optically .",
"[ fig : errcorr](a ) , the first two c - not gates serve to store a single qubit into a three - cebit entangled state : @xmath70 . in the optical cebit version this can be accomplished using a single polarizing beam splitter ( pbs ) , acting on the incident polarization cebit @xmath71 .",
"the c - not gate for cebits takes several shapes , depending on which cebit is the control bit and which the target . for simplicity , we describe here the c - not gates for the situation of two cebits , one position and one polarization cebit .",
"both have the polarization as the control cebit and a position cebit as the target . finally , the toffoli gate is formed by placing a half - wave plate in the fourth beam , just as in fig .",
"we also see how the network corrects the error , by tracing the optical path through the sequence of polarizing beam splitters . eventually , the two components are recombined so that the original input polarization @xmath71 is restored .",
"if the roles of target and control bits in the c - not gate are reversed , polarization becoming the control and position the target bit , the c - not gate becomes somewhat more complicated .",
"the correction network for phase errors is obtained by applying a hadamard gate to each qubit , both before and after the bit flip region ."
"the optical analogy discussed in this paper is based on replacing @xmath76 two - state particles by a single particle ( photon ) with @xmath76 two - state degrees of freedom . since in both cases we deal with a @xmath77-dimensional hilbert space",
"however , as a result of the exponential scaling behavior the possibility to eavesdrop on the classical system is lost .",
"this possibility should in principle exist in a classical system .",
"we can attempt to stack light beams as densely as possible .",
"however the difference is profound .",
"the cross section of a single beam is limited by optical diffraction to the order of the square of the wavelength , or @xmath78"
"in summary , the optical analogy of quantum information , as introduced in ref . @xcite has been applied to three examples involving three qubits / cebits .",
"the predicted results are formally identical to the quantum predictions for the qubit version of the experiment .",
"thus the optical analogy is a useful tool to visualize and elucidate the mathematical structure of the problem .",
"the classical simulations as discussed here strongly suggest that , _",
"the three - cebit `` ghz '' entangled state shows that it is impossible to assign values @xmath84 to the @xmath61 and @xmath62 component of all three cebits , in such a way that all joint measurements are correctly predicted ."
"this research has been made possible by a fellowship of the royal netherlands academy of arts and sciences . c. h. bennett and g. brassard , in _ proc .",
"conference on computers , systems and signal processing , bangalore , india _ ( ieee , new york , 1984 ) , p. 175 ; c. h. bennett , g. brassard , and a. ekert , sci ."
] | an analogous model system for quantum information processing is discussed , based on classical wave optics .
the model system is applied to three examples that involve three qubits : ( _ i _ ) three - particle greenberger - horne - zeilinger entanglement , ( _ ii _ ) quantum teleportation , and ( _ iii _ ) a simple quantum error correction network .
it is found that the model system can successfully simulate most features of entanglement , but fails to simulate quantum nonlocality .
investigations of how far the classical simulation can be pushed show that _ quantum nonlocality _ is the essential ingredient of a quantum computer , even more so than entanglement .
the well known problem of exponential resources required for a classical simulation of a quantum computer , is also linked to the nonlocal nature of entanglement , rather than to the nonfactorizability of the state vector . |
"since the cenns process is flavor blind , the dm detectors can measure the total sn neutrino light curve , and thus will be complementary to the light curves of oscillated @xmath4 , @xmath5 flavors detected by other detectors through cc interactions . in order to derive realistic estimates of the expected number of sn @xmath6 events in a typical dm detector , it is important to use a reliable sn model that incorporates as much realistic physics of sn explosion and associated neutrino emission as possible . in this paper , we use the results from the basel / darmstadt simulations @xcite to study the detectability of sn neutrinos in dm detectors employing various different detector materials , and also study the possibility of demarcating the different phases of the neutrino emission from the sn using these detectors .",
"we further discuss the possibility of extracting the temperature of the non electron neutrinos in the sn neutrino flux .",
"there , for the purpose of illustration , we also calculate the expected event rates in dm detectors with different target materials , for the case of a guaranteed source of astrophysical neutrinos , namely , the @xmath7 solar neutrinos .",
"section [ sec : snevents ] contains the main new results of this paper , where we estimate the expected number of events from a future galactic sn in dm detectors with different target materials and discuss the possibility of detecting the different phases of the neutrino emission .",
", it is important to study the process of coherent elastic scattering of @xmath0 mev energy neutrinos on various different target nuclei . for supernova neutrino detection",
"the sn neutrino light curve will allow one to probe the standard sn model , which predicts three main phases of neutrino emission , namely , the neutronization burst phase , the accretion phase and the cooling phase ."
"the cenns process has not yet been observed . to illustrate the kind of event rates one may expect in typical dm detectors , with astrophysical sources of neutrinos , we display in figure [ fig : solar_nu ] the expected event rates as a function of the recoil energy ( i.e. , the recoil energy spectrum ) for the case of a guaranteed source of astrophysical neutrinos , namely , the solar @xmath29 neutrinos , and for three different target nuclei constituting the detector material , namely , @xmath30 , @xmath31 and @xmath32 .",
"the differential cross section for the process of coherent elastic neutrino - nucleus scattering is given by @xcite @xmath8 where @xmath9 is the neutrino energy , @xmath10 is the recoil nucleus kinetic energy , @xmath11 is the weak nuclear charge for a nucleus with @xmath12 neutrons and @xmath13 protons , @xmath14 is the mass of the nucleus with mass number @xmath15 and @xmath16 is the average nucleon mass .",
"it is clear that future ton - scale dm detectors have good prospects for detecting a neutrino source such as the @xmath33b solar neutrinos through neutrino - nucleus elastic scattering in a few years of running .",
"the cross section ( [ eq : coherent_xsec ] ) varies approximately as the square of the number of neutrons in the nucleus . in the following analysis , for @xmath17 we use the helm form factor with the parametrization given in @xcite .",
"the differential nuclear recoil event rate is given by @xmath26 where @xmath27 is the differential neutrino flux incident on the detector and @xmath28 is the minimum neutrino energy required to give a recoil kinetic energy of @xmath10 to the nucleus .",
"the form factor , @xmath17 ( with normalization @xmath18 , @xmath19 being the 4-momentum transfer to the nucleus ) , represents the loss of coherence at high recoil energies when @xmath20 , @xmath21 being the magnitude of the 3-momentum transfer , and @xmath22 the radius of the nucleus .",
"the event rates shown in figure [ fig : solar_nu ] do not take into account the energy resolution of the detector . to illustrate the dependence on the threshold recoil energy of the detector ,"
"[ fig : sn - xe - nux ] we plot the flavor composition of the expected recoil energy spectra for the accretion phase neutrinos of a basel / darmstadt sn at 10 kpc from earth in a 10 ton xe detector .",
"hence only detectors with relatively low recoil energy threshold @xmath57 will have a reasonable chance of detecting the sn neutrinos . on the optimistic side , however , since the event rates scale as the inverse square of the distance to the sn , some of the potential sn candidates , such as betelgeuse , mira ceti and antares , which are relatively close by stars ( at @xmath58 kpc ) , offer interesting possibilities for the next generation dm detectors . [ [ extracting - the - nu_x - properties ] ] extracting the @xmath45 properties : finally , we mention an important by - product of measuring the sn neutrino recoil energy spectrum . for the four non - electron flavor",
"there are three important stages of neutrino emission in sn : the neutronization burst phase , the accretion phase and the cooling phase . in figure",
"detection of neutrinos from sn 1987a @xcite established beyond doubt that some supernova explosions are associated with emission of large number of neutrinos . according to the present understanding of core collapse supernovae , as the core of a large star starts to collapse after the nuclear fuel gets exhausted , the density in the inner core region at some point goes beyond the nuclear matter density . in the earlier stages of the collapse",
"therefore , measuring the temporal structure of the detected events will be crucial for extracting the energy spectra of the emitted neutrinos .",
"having specified the energy and time dependence of the emitted neutrino spectra , we now study the possibility of detecting the neutrinos from the early emission phases in a typical dm detector . for our calculations below",
"in fact , the neutronization burst phase is considered as the standard neutrino candle \" for the core - collapse supernovae scenario , and thus serves as one of the most sensitive probes of the physics of neutrino oscillation @xcite and nonstandard physics @xcite ."
"in this paper we have studied the possibility of observing supernova neutrinos through the process of coherent elastic neutrino - nucleus scattering in next generation detectors for direct detection of dark matter . in doing this",
"we have also studied the possibility of distinguishing the various phases of neutrino emission from the supernova through measurement of the temporal profile of the detected events .",
"we have used the predicted neutrino flux from the recent basel / darmstadt simulations , which incorporate more realistic supernova physics than those used in earlier simulation models .",
"we find that our estimated total event rates are typically a factor of 2 lower than those estimated in earlier studies using older simulation models .",
"there we find that , with optimistic assumptions on the detector s time resolution ( @xmath0 10 ms ) and energy threshold ( @xmath0 0.1 kev ) , the neutrinos associated with the accretion phase of the sn at 10 kpc from earth can in principle be demarcated out with , for example , a 10-ton xe detector , although distinguishing the neutrinos associated with the neutronization burst phase of the explosion would typically require several tens of ton detectors .",
"finally , we have explored the possibility of measuring the temperature of the non - electron flavor neutrinos which are inaccessible through other charge current based detectors .",
"we also noted that the dm detectors being flavor blind are sensitive to all the neutrino flavors including the non - electron flavor neutrinos , and thus have the potential to constrain possible non - standard physics of neutrino flavor oscillation ."
"we thank rupak mahapatra for discussions on the time resolution of the direct dark matter experiments .",
"sc also thank the cosmology and astroparticle division of saha institute of nuclear physics for kind hospitality and support during the initial phase of the project .",
"one of us ( pb ) wishes to thank ramanath cowsik for hospitality and support under the clark way harrison visiting professorship program at the mcdonnell center for the space sciences at washington university in st .",
"we are grateful to tobias fisher and collaborators for providing the supernova data .",
"sc acknowledges support by a marie - curie - fellowship of the european community .",
"kk thanks abhijit chakrabarti for help ."
] | the possibility of observing supernova ( sn ) neutrinos through the process of coherent elastic neutrino - nucleus scattering ( cenns ) in future ton scale detectors designed primarily for direct detection of dark matter is investigated .
in particular , we focus on the possibility of distinguishing the various phases of the sn neutrino emission . the neutrino emission rates from the recent long term basel / darmstadt simulations are used to calculate the expected event rates .
the recent state - of - the - art sn simulations predict closer fluxes among different neutrino flavors and lower average energies compared to the earlier simulation models .
we find that our estimated total event rates are typically a factor of two lower than those predicted using older simulation models .
we further find that , with optimistic assumptions on the detector s time resolution ( @xmath0 10 ms ) and energy threshold ( @xmath0 0.1 kev ) , the neutrinos associated with the accretion phase of the sn can in principle be demarcated out with , for example , a 10-ton xe detector , although distinguishing the neutrinos associated with the neutronization burst phase of the explosion would typically require several tens of ton detectors .
we also comment on the possibility of studying the properties of non - electron flavor neutrinos from the cenns of sn neutrinos . |
"it is shown that the polarization of massless neutrinos is a consequence of gauge invariance .",
"[ o3e2 ] , it is shown that the e(2)-like little group for massless particles can be obtained as the infinite - momentum limit of the o(3)-like little group . in sec .",
"[ spinhalf ] , the same logic is developed for spin - half particles .",
"[ little ] , we introduce wigner s little groups for massive and massless particles . in sec ."
"@xmath9 = i\\epsilon_{ijk } j_{k } , \\qquad \\left[j_{i } , k_{j}\\right ] = i\\epsilon_{ijk } k_{k } , \\qquad \\left[k_{i } , k_{j}\\right ] = -i\\epsilon_{ijk } j_{k}.\\ ] ] this closed set of commutation relations is called the lie algebra of the lorentz group .",
"thus , the rotation group is a subgroup of the lorentz group .",
"the three @xmath10 operators constitute a closed subset of this lie algebra .",
"kim and wigner considered the surface of a circular cylinder as shown in fig .",
"they share the same lie algebra , but only the cylindrical group leads to a geometrical interpretation of the gauge transformation . ] as wigner observed in 1939 @xcite , this set of commutation relations is just like that for the generators of the two - dimensional euclidean group with one rotation and two translation generators , as illustrated in fig .",
"[ cylin ] . however , the question is what aspect of the massless particle can be explained in terms of this two - dimensional geometry .",
"thus the @xmath32 matrix performs a gauge transformation when applied to the electromagnetic wave propagating along the @xmath1 direction @xcite ."
"from the generators of the lorentz group , it is possible to construct the four - by - four matrices for rotations around the @xmath6 axis and lorentz boosts along the @xmath1 axis as @xcite @xmath35 respectively .",
"the lorentz - boosted rotation matrix is @xmath36 which can be written as @xmath37 while @xmath38 , this boosted rotation matrix becomes a transformation matrix for a massless particle when @xmath39 becomes infinite . on the other hand ,",
"let us set @xmath41 then this four - by - four matrix becomes @xmath42 this is the lorentz - boosted rotation matrix around the @xmath6 axis .",
"it the matrix is to be finite in this limit , the angle @xmath40 has to become small .",
"then the matrix becomes @xmath44 this matrix becomes @xmath26 of eq.([eq101 ] ) , if we let @xmath45",
"however , we can rotate this @xmath6 axis around the @xmath1 axis by @xmath43 ."
"we have studied how the massive neutrino with its o(3)-like symmetry to become the massless neutrino in the massless limit .",
"the boost parameter @xmath39 can be derived from the mass and momentum of the massive neutrino from @xmath76 where @xmath77 and @xmath78 are the mass and the momentum of the neutrino respectively . for small values of @xmath79 ,",
"thus , we can conclude that the polarization of massless neutrinos is a consequence of gauge invariance .",
"start from the massless neutrino with its gauge degree of freedom ."
] | wigner s little groups are subgroups of the lorentz group dictating the internal space - time symmetries of massive and massless particles .
these little groups are like o(3 ) and e(2 ) for massive and massless particles respectively .
while the geometry of the o(3 ) symmetry is familiar to us , the geometry of the flat plane can not explain the e(2)-like symmetry for massless particles .
however , the geometry of a circular cylinder can explain the symmetry with the helicity and gauge degrees of freedom .
it is shown further that the symmetry of the massless particle can be obtained as a zero - mass limit of o(3)-like symmetry for massive particles .
it is shown further that the polarization of massless neutrinos is a consequence of gauge invariance , while the symmetry of massive neutrinos is still like o(3 ) .
* symmetries of massive and massless neutrinos * y. s. kim + center for fundamental physics , university of maryland , + college park , maryland 20742 , u.s.a . + e - mail : + presented at the international conference on hadron structure and qcd : from low to high energies ( gatchina , russia , 2016 ) |
"the dynamics depends only on the _ masses ratio _ between particles and _ softness ratio _ of the interaction .",
"a general scaled hamiltonian is derived which nicely describes this transition and also shows that the dynamics occurs inside a soft triangle billiard .",
"the purpose of the present work is to generalize these results to the case of three soft interacting particles on a ring , and analyze the correct transition to point - like collisions .",
"we apply the soft hamiltonian to the toda model with unequal masses .",
"a first contribution @xcite in this direction analyzed the dynamics of two interacting particles inside a 1d billiard with soft walls , where the soft walls were modelled by the error function , which describes continuously and correctly the mentioned transition ."
"it is also worth to mention it is possible @xcite to relate the linear instability inside the triangular billiard with the lyapunov exponents from quadratic irrational numbers , which are related to the angles of the triangle , and thus to the masses ratio .",
"it is well know @xcite that the motion of three particles on a frictionless ring with point - like interactions is equivalent to one particle moving freely inside the triangular billiard with angles @xmath1 and colliding elastically with the sides of the triangle . here",
"the point - like collision between particles @xmath10 and @xmath11 defines one side of the triangle at @xmath12 , and the collision of these particles with particle @xmath13 defines the other two sides of the same triangle . for @xmath14 ( @xmath15 ) we get the right triangular billiard which corresponds to the motion of two particles @xmath16 and @xmath17 moving inside the 1d box with hard walls . in this case",
"the interaction between particles @xmath10 and @xmath11 is the point - like collision and the fixed particle @xmath13 plays the role of a 1d hard - wall . in such systems",
"the lyapunov exponent is zero @xcite and the whole dynamics can be monitored by changing the angles of the triangle billiard @xcite .",
"it was shown @xcite that the yukawa interaction between particles @xmath10 and @xmath11 is enough to generate positive lyapunov exponents .",
"the collisions occur at @xmath7 and @xmath8 where @xmath9 is the circumference of the ring ."
"therefore , to describe analytically the transition to hard walls , we include soft interactions between particles which , in a given limit , are expected to describe the collisions with the hard - walls .",
"as observed in hamiltonian ( [ hdelta ] ) , the collisions with the fixed hard - wall can be represented by @xmath0-potentials .",
"just to exemplify this we discuss next the well known toda potential @xcite .",
"any interaction potential @xmath61 between particles can be used : coulomb , yukawa , wood - saxon , exponential etc .",
"however , the corresponding equations of motion are not well defined .",
"+ the hamiltonian ( [ hbs ] ) is quite general ."
"a change in the dynamics is observed and the chaotic motion becomes stronger . ) for @xmath93 and ( a ) integrable toda case @xmath94 , @xmath95 , ( b ) small softness asymmetry @xmath94 , @xmath92 and the masses symmetric cases ( @xmath95 ) ( c ) @xmath96 and ( d ) @xmath97.,title=\"fig:\",width=151 ] ) for @xmath93 and ( a ) integrable toda case @xmath94 , @xmath95 , ( b ) small softness asymmetry @xmath94 , @xmath92 and the masses symmetric cases ( @xmath95 ) ( c ) @xmath96 and ( d ) @xmath97.,title=\"fig:\",width=151 ] ) for @xmath93 and ( a ) integrable toda case @xmath94 , @xmath95 , ( b ) small softness asymmetry @xmath94 , @xmath92 and the masses symmetric cases ( @xmath95 ) ( c ) @xmath96 and ( d ) @xmath97.,title=\"fig:\",width=151 ] ) for @xmath93 and ( a ) integrable toda case @xmath94 , @xmath95 , ( b ) small softness asymmetry @xmath94 , @xmath92 and the masses symmetric cases ( @xmath95 ) ( c ) @xmath96 and ( d ) @xmath97.,title=\"fig:\",width=151 ] it is also possible to change the masses ratio keeping the softness ratios equal one , as can be see in fig .",
"in addition to the total energy and the linear momentum , this problem is know to have a third non - trivial integral of motion ( for more details see @xcite ) . using the transformation ( [ trans ] ) for the particular case of equal masses ,",
"although it is not the purpose of the present work to study the toda potential , it can be written in the form @xmath82 where @xmath83 which now includes the the softness parameters @xmath84 between each pair ( @xmath85 ) interaction .",
"( [ trans ] ) in the potential ( [ todasoft ] ) we obtain the two dimensional version @xmath86}+ e^{\\left[-\\frac{\\sigma_{12}}{\\sigma_{13}}(c y+b x)\\right]}. \\label{todasoft2d } \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] the whole mass dependence is now inside the parameters from the potential @xmath87 .",
"we consider the three - particle toda lattice @xcite whose potential is obtained by using @xmath62 with @xmath63 so that @xmath64 and corresponds to three equal masses particles moving on a ring .",
"the important point to mention here is that the integrability of the system ( [ todasoft2d ] ) depends only on the _ masses ratios _ @xmath90 and the _ softness ratios _ @xmath91 .",
"[ pss1 - 3 ] where the poincar surface of section ( pss ) is shown for small variations of the softness ratios . figure [ pss1 - 3](a ) is the integrable case @xmath90 and @xmath91 , while fig ."
"consider , for example , the following three potentials and the corresponding forces : @xmath99 in the hard wall limit @xmath100 the forces @xmath101 and @xmath102 approach the well defined @xmath0-function . for example , fig . [ pot - force ] shows the ( a ) potential @xmath103 and ( b ) force @xmath104 for distinct softness values . and ( b ) force @xmath104 for softness values @xmath105 ( continuous line ) @xmath106 ( dashed ) and @xmath107 ( points).,title=\"fig:\",width=158 ] and ( b ) force @xmath104 for softness values @xmath105 ( continuous line ) @xmath106 ( dashed ) and @xmath107 ( points).,title=\"fig:\",width=158 ] they show how the transition from soft to hard walls potentials and forces are well behaved .",
"as this ratio increases to @xmath118 the walls start to look more similar to hard - walls . for the purpose of clarity , in the left plots we used the modulus in the argument of the exponential potentials",
"in addition , even though we are using appropriate potentials , when @xmath122 numerical difficults may appear because the potentials becomes too steep . to analyze the dynamics related to the hamiltonians from ( [ three ] ) we look at the pps for the total energy @xmath123 , which is the higher energy possible before the particle becomes unbounded .",
"results for @xmath109 are approximately similar ( not shown here ) to @xmath103 . applying the potentials @xmath108 and @xmath103 in the hamiltonian ( [ hbs ] ) we obtain respectively the following systems @xmath110 , \\cr & & \\cr h_b^{erf}&= & k + erf(- y)+ erf\\left[\\frac{\\sigma_{12}}{\\sigma_{23 } } ( a y - b x)\\right ] \\cr & & \\cr & + & erf\\left[\\frac{\\sigma_{12}}{\\sigma_{31 } } ( c y+b x ) -\\frac{l}{\\sigma_{31}}\\right ] + v_0 , \\label{three}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] for @xmath111 we added a constant potential @xmath112 so that both systems have the same total bounded energy @xmath113 .",
"there are obviously other functions which in the limit @xmath100 behave like @xmath0-functions , but they are not appropriate for the purpose of the present work which considers billiard walls . to avoid a too long paper , we just discuss the potentials @xmath108 and @xmath103 .",
"still we observe that @xmath118 nicely approaches the hard - wall limit . to make a distinction between the hard - wall case from the billiard system ( [ hdelta ] ) , here we say that when @xmath58 increases , the quasi - hard wall limit is reached .",
"the dynamics is regular , independent of softness parameter @xmath58 . in this quasi - hard integrable limit trajectories travel along one invariant irrational torus ( straight horizontal line ) with @xmath130 ( @xmath131 ) , but when they reach the boundary with a very small softness , they invert the momentum and return along another invariant torus ."
"the transition from soft to hard interaction between three particles on a frictionless ring is discussed .",
"we consider the dynamics of two suitable potentials , the exponential interaction with an additional softness parameter , a toda like potential , and the error function .",
"it is a generalization of the two soft interacting particles discussed in @xcite .",
"a scaled hamiltonian is obtained which nicely shows this transition and gives general clues about the relevant properties of interacting particles : the dynamics depends only on the _ masses ratio _ between particles and _ softness ratio _ of the interaction , independent of the kind of interaction . beside that any interaction potential with a parameter controlling the hard interacting limit",
"results show that such potentials are appropriate and they do not present numerically divergencies when approaching the hard interaction limit .",
"since usually hard interactions are modelled by @xmath0-potentials , for which the equations of motion are not well defined , we propose suitable potentials to study the soft to hard interaction transition , where the forces , not the potentials , become @xmath0-functions in the limit of hard interactions .",
"the case of equal masses ratios is found to be integrable when a soft exponential interaction is assumed , like a toda potential with a softness parameter ."
] | the dynamics of three soft interacting particles on a ring is shown to correspond to the motion of one particle inside a soft triangular billiard .
the dynamics inside the soft billiard depends only on the _ masses ratio _ between particles and _ softness ratio _ of the particles interaction .
the transition from soft to hard interaction can be appropriately explored using potentials for which the corresponding equations of motion are well defined in the hard wall limit .
numerical examples are shown for the soft toda - like interaction and the error function .
* hard walls in billiard systems were extensively modelled by @xmath0-potentials since they allow for simple analytical relations of velocities and angles before and after the collisions with the walls .
however , equations of motion are not well defined at the collision point . to analyze the transition to soft walls , which are more realistic , it is essential to have well defined equations of motion since in general no simple analytical solutions are obtained .
the present work suggests that appropriated soft walls are those for which the forces , not the potentials , become @xmath0-functions in the limit of hard walls .
this allows for better numerical investigation of the soft - hard transition .
a general scaled hamiltonian is derived for three unequal masses interacting particles on a frictionless ring , which nicely describes this transition and shows that the dynamics occurs inside a soft triangle billiard . * |
"in addition to an accurate determination of the eclipse ephemeris in [ sec : ephemeris ] , this work presents new high - quality photometric and spectroscopic observations ( [ sec : photometry ] and [ sec : spectroscopy ] ) that yield masses and radii on a par with the best determinations for eclipsing binaries to date ( [ sec : dimensions ] ) . in [ sec : evolution ] we compare these determinations with models of stellar structure and stellar evolution . the high eccentricity and long period of lv her",
", no determination of the absolute dimensions of the system has been made until now .",
"the prior erroneous period values resulted from the very long orbital period , the similar eclipse depths ( 0.68 mag and 0.66 mag in @xmath0 ; see below ) , the extremely high eccentricity of the orbit ( 0.613 ) , and the resultant shift of secondary eclipse to a phase of 0.86 .",
"make it an interesting case for comparison with tidal theory , which we present in ",
"the photometric variability of the eclipsing binary star lv her ( tyc 2076 - 1042 - 1 ; @xmath9 , @xmath10 , j2000.0 ; spt f9 , @xmath11 ) was announced by @xcite . its period was estimated by @xcite as 2.634 days , by @xcite as 5.2674 days , by @xcite as 9.218 days , by @xcite as 18.1312 days , and by @xcite as 18.4359350 days .",
"all photometric and spectroscopic work performed since this last study has confirmed that it is basically correct .",
"this sort of erroneous period estimation is not unusual in this kind of situation @xcite . largely because of this uncertainty"
"our photometric work on lv her began in 2001 and is based on observations obtained with two robotic instruments : the ursa telescope at kimpel observatory @xcite on the campus of the university of arkansas , and a robotic telescope at the nf observatory ( nfo ; * ? ? ? * ) near silver city , nm .",
"the projected rotational velocities we obtained are @xmath46 kms@xmath41 for both stars , and the best - fit temperatures were near solar , with a difference of only 2030 k between the primary and secondary . for the radial velocity measurements we adopted @xmath47 k. in [ sec : dimensions ] we describe experiments in which we extended the grids of correlations to other compositions in order to fine - tune the temperatures and attempt to constrain the metallicity .",
"we collected 42 spectra with a photon - counting intensified reticon detector @xcite in a single order 45 wide centered near 5187 .",
"two additional observations , for a total of 44 , were obtained with a nearly identical system on the 1.5 m wyeth reflector at the oak ridge observatory ( harvard , massachusetts ) .",
"the phase of secondary eclipse is @xmath37 .",
"the signal - to - noise ratios of these spectra range from 13 to 28 per resolution element of 8.5 kms@xmath41 .",
"radial velocities for the two components were derived using todcor , a two - dimensional cross - correlation technique @xcite ."
"the eccentricity and @xmath56 from the light curves are in excellent agreement with the spectroscopic values in table [ tab : specorbit ] , and the photometric light ratio @xmath87 is consistent with the estimate of @xmath88 from the cfa spectra .",
"we note that the linear limb - darkening coefficient we determined , @xmath89 , is consistent with theoretical value of 0.568 for the visual band according to @xcite , but is significantly smaller than the value 0.658 from the tables by @xcite , for a star of this temperature and surface gravity .",
"the adjustable parameters are the central surface brightness @xmath69 of the secondary relative to the primary , the inclination angle @xmath74 , the sum of the relative radii @xmath70 , the ratio of the radii @xmath82 , the eccentricity factors @xmath75 and @xmath83 , a phase shift , and the magnitude at quadrature .",
"the well - detached stars are essentially spherical , and both eclipses are partial , with 88.4% of the primary light blocked at the primary minimum , and 95.6% of the secondary light covered at the secondary minimum .",
"a linear limb - darkening law was adopted , consistent with our experience that with the amount and precision of our data , nonlinear laws do not improve the accuracy of the fits significantly ( e.g. , * ? ? ?",
"the gravity brightening exponent was set to 0.35 for both stars , based on the calculations by @xcite and the mean temperature and surface gravity of the components .",
"0.0040 + @xmath79 & 0.938 @xmath23 0.024 & 0.908 @xmath23 0.014 & 0.916 @xmath23 0.015 + @xmath80 & 0.53 @xmath23 0.04 & 0.55 @xmath23 0.04 & 0.54 @xmath23 0.03 + @xmath66 & 6690 & 2946 & + time span ( days ) & 2970.9 & 1514.9 & + @xmath81 ( mmag ) & 12.49 & 6.42 & + in order to remove the small nightly offsets in the differential photometry , we performed preliminary fits of the ursa and nfo light curves by using the nelson - davis - etzel model @xcite as implemented in the ebop code ."
"the photometric orbit and the spectroscopic orbit may be combined to yield the absolute masses and radii of the binary stars components .",
"the agreement between the different indices and different calibrations is excellent , generally within 100 k. the metallicity dependence of the photometric temperatures is small , but was nevertheless accounted for by iterations with the spectroscopic results . we obtained a mean system temperature of @xmath93 k and [ m / h ] @xmath94 , where the errors are dominated by the uncertain reddening .",
"the _ absolute _ temperatures of the stars may in principle be estimated also from the spectroscopy , though in practice this is difficult with the material at hand because of the correlation with metallicity mentioned earlier .",
"we determined the primary and secondary temperatures interpolated to the surface gravities indicated in table [ tab : dimensions ] , as well as the luminosity - weighted mean temperature for the system ( where the weights depend only on the radius ratio and temperature ratio that come from the light curve fits ) .",
"the photometry listed in table [ tab : photometry ] we formed 7 different color indices , we de - reddened them as indicated in [ sec : photometry ] , and we made use of three different calibrations by @xcite , @xcite , and @xcite . while the 7 indices are not independent , they are useful in providing an idea of the internal consistency of the results .",
"an additional constraint on the mean system temperature is available from the absolute photometry of lv her presented earlier , through color indices and color - temperature calibrations ( including metallicity terms ) . equating the two mean temperatures then allows to solve for the metallicity . with",
"the distance to the system is estimated here as @xmath96 pc , based on the bolometric luminosities , the apparent system magnitude of @xmath97 ( table [ tab : photometry ] ) , the adopted extinction of @xmath98 , and bolometric corrections from @xcite .",
"the ratio of the effective temperatures is very well constrained from the light curves through the central surface brightness parameter @xmath69 , according to which the stars differ by only about 30 k ( * ? ?"
"furthermore , the relation between @xmath144 and the orbital and rotational inclinations @xmath145 and @xmath146 , both measured relative to the plane of the sky , is given by @xmath147 which involves an unknown angle @xmath148 between the sky - projected angular momentum vectors of the orbit and the stellar spin . the spectroscopically measured projected rotational velocities of the stars , which we refer to more properly now as @xmath149 , do provide some indirect constraint on a combination of the theoretically predictable quantities , but this still involves the unknown angle @xmath148 . because @xmath150 is very nearly 90 for lv her ( see table [ tab : dimensions ] ) , we may make the approximation @xmath151 .",
"we have directly integrated the more general differential equations ( valid also for high eccentricities ) that describe the evolution of the semimajor axis ( @xmath126 ) , eccentricity ( @xmath127 ) , angular rotational rates ( @xmath128 , @xmath129 ) , and inclination of the spin axes relative to the orbital axis ( @xmath130 in our nomenclature ) as given by @xcite , using a fourth - order runge - kutta method . because they are coupled , these equations must be integrated simultaneously , and as before the stellar properties have been interpolated from the evolutionary tracks at each time step .",
"the high orbital eccentricity and our accurate measurement of the projected rotational velocities of both components constitute useful probes of tidal forces in the system and allow for an interesting comparison with the predictions from theory . for our initial comparisons",
"we have used the radiative damping formalism of @xcite and @xcite , often invoked for this type of analysis , to calculate the critical times for lv her corresponding to synchronization of the axial rotations , alignment of the rotational and orbital axes , and circularization of the orbit .",
"an even more general treatment of the dynamical problem of tidal friction in binary systems with deformable components has been developed by @xcite , but the application is considerably more complex and is beyond the scope of the present work .",
"we then have @xmath152 in this equation all quantities on the right - hand side are either known from stellar evolution calculations ( @xmath109 ) , or can be computed from the solution of the differential equations , except for @xmath153 , which depends on the observer s viewpoint . for the sake of illustration , we ignore this term in the following ( or consider @xmath148 to be small ) , so that @xmath154 . in figure [ fig : tidal2]f we show the evolution of @xmath144 for four different initial values ( 20 , 40 , 60 , 80 ) .",
"the ratio between the pseudo - synchronous velocity and the mean orbital motion is shown in figure [ fig : tidal2]e , and this curve is repeated in figure [ fig : tidal2]c , d ( dot - dashed line ) . as seen from the convergence of the dot - dashed and solid curves , the stars are predicted to reach pseudo - synchronization roughly at @xmath142 ( @xmath143 gyr ) , which is much younger than the evolutionary age ."
"as a result of our intensive spectroscopic and photometric monitoring , the absolute masses and radii of lv her are now determined to 0.9% or better , and are among the best available for any eclipsing binary .",
"in addition we have established the effective temperatures , as well as the overall metallicity .",
"nevertheless , the combination of @xmath108 , @xmath109 , @xmath42 , and [ m / h ] provides unusually strong contraints on stellar evolution theory .",
"tidal theory is consistent with the observations in predicting that the orbit should not yet have been circularized by tidal forces .",
"the spins of both stars are also expected to be pseudo - synchronized with the orbital motion , although this is not quite in agreement with the measured rotations , and may indicate either large errors of measurement ( which we believe are unlikely ) or shortcomings in theory , or some combination of both .",
"unfortunately the precision of [ m / h ] ( and @xmath42 to some extent ) is limited in this case by poor knowledge of interstellar extinction in the direction of the star .",
"although apsidal motion is expected , the apsidal period is predicted to be very long ( @xmath158 yr ) on account of the wide separation between the stars ; it may take decades for the effect to be detected and measured accurately ."
] | we report extensive spectroscopic and differential @xmath0-band photometric observations of the 18.4-day detached double - lined eclipsing binary lv her ( ) , which has the highest eccentricity ( @xmath1 ) among the systems with well - measured properties .
we determine the absolute masses and radii of the components to be @xmath2 , @xmath3 , @xmath4 , and @xmath5 , with fractional errors of 0.9% or better . the effective temperatures are @xmath6 k and @xmath7 k , respectively , and the overall metallicity is estimated to be [ m / h ] @xmath8 .
a comparison with current stellar evolution models for this composition indicates an excellent fit for an age between 3.8 and 4.2 gyr , with both stars being near the middle of their main - sequence lifetimes .
full integration of the equations for tidal evolution is consistent with the high eccentricity , and suggests the stars spin axes are aligned with the orbital axis , and that their rotations should be pseudo - synchronized .
the latter prediction is not quite in agreement with the measured projected rotational velocities . |
"while the energy splitting can be increased by lowering the barrier height , it then becomes comparable with that of higher - lying states , and the accuracy of a two - mode approximation to describe the system @xcite becomes questionable . in this paper , we investigate the josephson dynamics of a dilute bose - einstein condensate in a double - well potential , by considering transitions between energy eigenstates .",
"we show that in the vicinity of a level crossing the non - linearity leads to triangular structures in the eigenenergy curves .",
"we show that in the regime of most interest for experiments where the energy splittings are large , the influence of higher - lying states can not be ignored .",
"first , we calculate the eigenenergies of the double - well potential as a function of the barrier position ."
"the energy splittings are a significant fraction of the harmonic oscillator energy level spacing and the critical displacement coincides with the position of the crossings between states @xmath27 and @xmath28 . in this regime , the influence of state @xmath28 can not be neglected , and a two - state approximation can not be used to describe the system .",
"the eigenenergies of the double - well potential , @xmath0 , are found by numerical solution of the one - dimensional ( 1d ) gross - pitaevskii ( gp ) equation @xmath1 here @xmath2 is the self interaction parameter , @xmath3 is the @xmath4-wave scattering length , and @xmath5 is the number of atoms per unit area in the @xmath6 plane .",
"a triangular structure appears in the upper level at each level crossing . for states @xmath12 and @xmath27 this structure is essentially the same as that discussed by wu and niu in the context of a non - linear two - state model @xcite .",
"the three states in the triangular region correspond to an anti - symmetric state with the population balanced between the two wells , and two higher energy states with most of the population in either the lower or the upper well .",
"an additional equation is provided by fixing the normalisation of the wave function , @xmath20 a solution is found iteratively by linearising equations ( [ eq : dgp ] ) and ( [ eq : norm ] ) ( with @xmath21 ) @xmath22^{(p ) } \\approx 0~ , \\label{eq : lin}\\ ] ] where @xmath23 is determined from the approximation @xmath24 by solving ( [ eq : lin ] ) using the bi - conjugate gradient method @xcite .",
"time - independent states of the form , @xmath13 , where @xmath14 is the chemical potential , are found by numerical solution of the discretized system of equations , @xmath15 where @xmath16 is a real function , and @xmath17 is the grid spacing ."
"in this section we review the two - state model @xcite , and apply it to the specific case of a bose - einstein condensate in an asymmetric double - well .",
"finally , the coupling energy of the two - modes is @xmath68 where use has been made of the fact that @xmath69 the hamiltonian , equation ( [ eqn : nlham ] ) , is similar to that considered by wu and niu in their study of non - linear landau - zener tunnelling @xcite . in the next section we discuss the eigenstates of @xmath70 in relation to the numerical solutions discussed in section [ sec : newton ] .",
"the self - interaction energy of each mode is @xmath62 and we define the shift in energy of the mode states due to the displacement of the potential barrier to be @xmath63 if states @xmath64 and @xmath65 correspond to the population on the left and right of the barrier , respectively , then linearising yields @xmath66 where @xmath67 is the rate of change of the energy with displacement .",
"recalling that the two mode functions satisfy @xmath54 and redefining the zero of energy , we obtain the following non - linear equations of motion for @xmath55 : @xmath56 the non - linear hamiltonian matrix , @xmath57 , is given by @xmath58 \\label{eqn : nlham}\\ ] ] where @xmath59 is the population difference between the left and right sides of the well , and @xmath60 and @xmath61 are the coupling or josephson energy and the self - interaction energy , respectively .",
"the wave function , @xmath38 , is written as @xmath39 where the zeroth - order ( real ) mode functions @xmath40 , @xmath41 , are eigenfunctions of the time - independent gp equations @xmath42 the mode potentials @xmath43 and @xmath44 are single - well potentials displaced to the left and the right of @xmath45 , respectively , and satisfy @xmath46 so that @xmath47 .",
"the time - dependent coefficients @xmath48 can , in turn , be expressed as @xmath49 where @xmath50 and @xmath51 are the population and phase of state @xmath52 , with @xmath53 ."
"the eigenenergies are given by the roots of the quartic equation @xcite @xmath72 the population difference between the left and right wells is obtained from the eigenenergies via @xmath73 an important feature of equation ( [ eqn : roots ] ) is that there are four real roots when the coefficient of the quadratic term @xmath74 is positive and only two when it is negative . for a symmetric double - well ( @xmath75 ) , the additional roots appear at the critical point where the self - interaction energy satisfies @xmath76 . for @xmath77 ,",
"the critical point , @xmath76 , appears as either a critical non - linearity or a critical height depending on which parameter is varied . note that for large non - linearity , the existence of the second excited state , @xmath28 , effectively puts an upper limit on the value of @xmath61 . in fig .",
"the energy curves are parametrised by three numbers : the splitting between the two lower levels , which is equal to @xmath60 ; the energy of the self - trapping states , @xmath79 ; and an energy gradient , @xmath81 . in a two - state model ,",
"@xmath81 is both the energy gradient of the self - trapping state , and that of the ground state for @xmath82 . for small @xmath12 and high barriers , such that @xmath83 , @xmath84 .",
"as a function of the non - linearity , the self - trapping population first increases , then saturates , and finally decreases at large @xmath12 due to the influence of @xmath28 .",
"the additional roots disappear if the displacement of the barrier is such that @xmath80 . to test the applicability of the two - state model ,",
"[ fig : eh4c5 ] . to apply the two - state model one needs to known the value of @xmath60 , @xmath61 and @xmath81 for any particular barrier height or non - linearity . in fig ."
"the evolution is adiabatic , and the time - dependent solution follows the ground state population difference curve resulting in a dc tunnelling current . above a critical velocity , there is a transition to a superposition of ground and excited states such that the population difference remains constant , apart from a decaying oscillatory component ( see inset ) .",
"the numerical results indicate that the critical velocity for this case is similar to that for the symmetric initial state . however , it is not straightforward to predict the critical velocity for the asymmetric initial condition because the relative importance of the coefficients in equation ( [ eq : thetaddot ] ) depends on the instantaneous value of @xmath113 . for @xmath31 , @xmath30 ,",
"[ fig : nh12 ] , the speed is just below the critical velocity for the transition from @xmath28 to @xmath89 leading to a large tunnelling current as the object moves past @xmath90 . by defining @xmath91 , and rearranging equations ( [ eqn : coeff][eqn : nlham ] ) , one obtains the coupled equations @xmath92 @xmath93 differentiating again and substituting for @xmath94 and @xmath95 gives @xmath96 if @xmath97 is roughly constant , this equation may be re - written as @xmath98 , where @xmath99 describes a ` tilted - washboard ' potential .",
"the critical velocity is a factor of three smaller than for the symmetric initial state . finally , we consider the interesting case where the influence of higher - lying states severely limits the applicability of the two - state model . in fig .",
"subsequently , the excited state component encounters a level crossing with higher - lying states which leads to further ` steps ' in the population difference or resonances in the tunnelling current . for the example of @xmath88 shown in fig .",
"the critical velocity is determined by setting the minimum gradient of @xmath99 equal to zero . for @xmath100 at @xmath101 and using @xmath102 , one finds @xmath103 for @xmath83 , one can use the linear approximation , @xmath104 , where @xmath32 is the critical displacement , which yields @xmath105 . taking the values from fig .",
"consequently by varying only two parameters , the barrier height and the interaction strength , for example using a feshbach resonance @xcite , one can explore the complete parameter space between josephson tunnelling and soliton formation ."
"in summary , we have studied the eigenstates of a dilute bose - einstein condensates in an asymmetric double - well potential .",
"we have shown that in the regime of interest for experiments , i.e. , with a large non - linearity and a low barrier , a two - state description is insufficient to describe the tunnelling dynamics . by determining the influence of higher - lying states we have demonstrated that large population differences can be observed if the barrier motion is halted before the upper tunnelling resonance is reached ."
] | the dynamics of a bose - einstein condensate in a double - well potential are analysed in terms of transitions between energy eigenstates . by solving the time - dependent and time - independent gross - pitaevskii equation in one dimension
, we identify tunnelling resonances associated with level crossings , and determine the critical velocity that characterises the resonance .
we test the validity of a non - linear two - state model , and show that for the experimentally interesting case , where the critical velocity is large , the influence of higher - lying states is important . |
"we calculate the cost of hedging strategy with the other asset with price process partially dependent on the underlying . in numerical calculation",
"the section [ sec : mathematical_model ] introduces a model of financial market and the optimality problem .",
"we provide the aplication of our result to hedging a european put option on nontradable asset .",
"the knowledge about the insurance event is not revealed before the maturity . in this paper we state a general problem of optimizing probability of non - insolvency @xmath5 $ ] in a incomplete market , as in klusik & palmowski @xcite , but we allow very general flow of information outside the market and very general space of possible non - market events . as it was said at the beginning the solution of this problem",
"we also state and give a price of hedging and construct hedging strategy . in section [ sec : example ]",
"we assume that both price processes are driven by correlated geometric brownian motion .",
"gives a solution to solvency ii problem ."
"we give a numerical procedure to find @xmath38 by monte carlo estimation . from now on",
"consider a discounted price process @xmath6}$ ] which is a semimartingale on a probability space @xmath7 with filtration @xmath8}$ ] , @xmath9 .",
"this is the case for a complete market extended with contingent claims dependent on some randomness from outside the market ( also in a situation when the information outside the market in revealed continously till the moment of maturity ) . in the next section",
"the following functions can serve as examples of success factor : @xmath31 and @xmath32 . for a contingent claim @xmath3 being a @xmath33-measurable nonnegative random variable we formulate the following problem : [ p1 ] find @xmath34 maximizing _ expected success factor",
"the augmentation of filtration here could be interpreted as the information signal about non - market variables important to the value of contract .",
"the interpretation is following : the knowledge modelled by @xmath10 could be augmented by information outside the market ."
"for @xmath72 we have @xmath73= \\frac{d{\\mathbb{p}}}{d{\\mathbb{q}}}{\\mathbb{e}}^{{\\mathbb{q}}}\\left[1_{\\{(k - y_t)^+\\leq x\\}}\\big{|}{\\mathbb{x}}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\ & = & \\frac{d{\\mathbb{p}}}{d{\\mathbb{q}}}{\\mathbb{q}}\\left[k - x\\leq y_0 \\exp{\\left\\ { \\mu_yt+\\sigma_y(\\rho w_t^x+\\sqrt{1-\\rho^2}w_t)-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma_y^2t\\right\\}}\\big{|}{\\mathbb{x}}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\ & = & \\frac{d{\\mathbb{p}}}{d{\\mathbb{q}}}{\\mathbb{q}}\\left[\\ln\\left(\\frac{k - x}{y_o}\\right)\\leq \\mu_y t+\\sigma_y(\\rho w_t^x+\\sqrt{1-\\rho^2}w_t)-\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma_y^2t\\big{|}{\\mathbb{x}}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\ & = & \\frac{d{\\mathbb{p}}}{d{\\mathbb{q}}}{\\mathbb{q}}\\left[\\frac{\\ln\\left(\\frac{k - x}{y_o}\\right)- \\mu_y t-\\sigma_y\\rho w_t^x+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma_y^2t}{\\sigma_y\\sqrt{1-\\rho^2}}\\geq w_t\\big{|}{\\mathbb{x}}\\right]\\nonumber\\\\ & = & \\exp{\\left\\{\\frac{\\mu_x}{\\sigma_x}w_t^x+\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\mu^2_x}{\\sigma^2_x}t\\right\\}}\\left(1-\\phi \\left(\\frac{\\ln\\left(\\frac{k - x}{y_o}\\right)- \\mu_y t-\\sigma_y\\rho w_t^x+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma_y^2t}{\\sigma_y\\sqrt{t(1-\\rho^2)}}\\right)\\right)\\nonumber,\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath74 denotes the cdf of standard normal distribution .",
"the cost of the last is equal @xmath90 as the result of standard black - scholes formula . usually during capital modelling insurance companies ignore the basic difference between market risks and insurance ( and other nonmarket risks ) : the fact that market risks can be hedged away using underlying asset in our framework . in our seeting",
"assume that the dynamics of two price processes is given with following equations @xmath66 where we assume a correlation @xmath67 between two brownian motions @xmath68 and @xmath69 , i.e. @xmath70 where @xmath71 is some brownian motion independent on @xmath69 .",
"one could verify that as expected if @xmath64 almost mimicks @xmath62 ( i.e. @xmath67 is almost 1 ) , the hedging strategy with @xmath64 should be very close to the hedging strategy with @xmath62 if @xmath62 was tradable .",
"the solution is following : for an initial capital equal to @xmath83 maximal expected success factor is equal @xmath84 different @xmath38 would give a different initial capital and expected success factor .",
"this solution does nt assume static or almost static posioni , what is usually done in practic , but point out the best strategy(possibly dynamic ) .",
"the figure shows the results of simulations for put option maturing at time @xmath85 with the strike @xmath86 ."
"this author s research was supported by the ministry of science and higher education grant ncn 2011/01/b / hs4/00982 ."
] | in the paper we develop mathematical tools of quantile hedging in incomplete market .
those could be used for two significant applications : 1 . calculating the * optimal capital requirement imposed by solvency ii * ( directive 2009/138/ec of the european parliament and of the council ) when the market and non - market risk is present in insurance company .
+ we show hot to find the minimal capital @xmath0 to provide with the one - year hedging strategy for insurance company satisfying @xmath1=0.995 $ ] , where @xmath2 denotes the value of insurance company in one year time and @xmath3 is the payoff of the contract .
2 . finding a hedging strategy for derivative not using underlying but an asset with dynamics correlated or in some other way dependent ( no deterministically ) on underlying .
+ the work is a genaralisation of the work of klusik and palmowski @xcite . _
keywords : _ quantile hedging , solvency ii , capital modelling , hedging options on nontradable asset .
_ jel subject classification : _ primary g10 ; secondary g12 |
"here we investigate the intrinsic reproducability of burst normalisation measurements using a uniform , homogeneous sample of bursts , from the low - mass x - ray binaries gs 1826@xmath024 and ks 1731@xmath026 .",
"we use _ rossi x - ray timing explorer _ ( _ rxte _ ) proportional counter array ( pca ) data to test for intrinsic systematic effects which might influence burst normalisation measurements beyond any additional effects which might arise from variations in the ignition conditions and fuel composition . in a related paper , @xcite ( submitted to apj ; hereafter z11 ) used the same data to infer the mass and radius of gs 1826@xmath024 .",
"* ) . from combining measurements of the blackbody normalisation ( from time - resolved x - ray spectral fits to the burst spectra ) ,",
"eddington luminosity , and the distance , confidence limits on the mass and radius of several neutron stars in low - mass x - ray binaries ( lmxbs ) has been estimated ( @xcite ; see also @xcite ) ."
"we used observations of gs 1826@xmath024 taken with the proportional counter array ( pca ; * ? ? ?",
"we performed a search of the g08 sample for additional examples of regular , consistent bursts .",
"* ) onboard the _ rossi x - ray timing explorer _ ( _ rxte _ ) , from the catalogue of bursts detected over the mission lifetime ( @xcite ; hereafter g08 ) .",
"few bursting sources exhibit trains of bursts with consistent lightcurves or recurrence times .",
"comparison of the burst behaviour and lightcurves suggest that the system accretes mixed helium and hydrogen at roughly solar mass fraction @xcite .",
"4u 0836@xmath0429 exhibited long ( @xmath11 s ) bursts at roughly similar fluences , distributed approximately as a gaussian with @xmath12 . despite good coverage of the outburst , the bursts were apparently not strictly periodic in nature , and there may also be contributions to the source flux from a nearby hmxb pulsar which is within the pca field of view . thus , we also exclude this source from our study . where not explicitly stated , the data analysis procedures are as in g08 .",
"optical photometry of the mass donor suggests an orbital period of 2.25 hr @xcite"
"* ) . based on the assumed distances for the two sources ( 6 kpc for gs 1826@xmath024 and 7.2 kpc for ks 1731@xmath026 ; see g08 ) , the bursts from ks 1731@xmath026 reached significantly higher luminosities of ( 1.8@xmath55 , and the burst durations were also significantly shorter ( @xmath56 s compared with @xmath57 s for gs 1826@xmath024 ) . a shorter burst duration for ks 1731@xmath026 suggests a smaller fraction of hydrogen in the burst fuel , although the shorter recurrence time also allows less hydrogen to be consumed by steady burning prior to the burst . as with gs 1826@xmath024 , we measured the best - fit normalisation @xmath17 from the time - resolved blackbody spectral fits over the longest possible time interval without exceeding the @xmath16 confidence limit .",
"in contrast with the example burst discussed in the previous section , and other bursts observed in 20007 , the constant fit interval for the bursts observed in 19978 began later than in the 20007 bursts ; typically 10 s after the burst start for the 19978 bursts , compared to 3 s after the burst start for the other bursts .",
"although in the simulations this feature must arise due to some variation in the rate of increase of thermonuclear energy production ( as the 1-d models can not account for lateral propagation ) , the coincidence of the observed change in slope with the normalisation achieving its mean value suggests that this point marks where the effects of spreading cease .",
"this variation was also noted by @xcite , who reported instead a correlation between the persistent flux and the blackbody normalisation for a subset of the bursts analysed here . the observed variation is unlikely to arise from any instrumental effect , as the pca is precisely calibrated to maintain stable flux measurements for calibration sources over the entire mission lifetime . as we discuss below",
"the typical span of the constant fit was from @xmath39 s after the burst start ( 52% of the bursts ) to approximately 60 s. for one burst the normalisation was found to be constant from 277 s after the start of the burst ; the median duration was 48 s. over the interval during which the blackbody normalisation was constant , the blackbody temperature typically decreased from 2.3 to 1.6 kev , while the flux decreased from @xmath40 to @xmath41 .",
"since the bursts reach approximately the same peak flux , the deadtime correction is also approximately the same , and can be neglected for comparison purposes ( we similarly neglect any issues related to the absolute pca calibration ) . however , since the deadtime correction varies with time , it might also be expected to result in a slightly different evolution of the normalisation throughout the burst . to test this possibility",
"the bin sizes for the g08 data were 0.25-s from the start of the burst through to 14.5 s after the start , 0.5 s to 24.5 s , 1 s to 43.25 s , and 2 s through to 65.25 s. we found that the @xmath17 value obtained with uniform 0.25-s bins was identical to that with bins of variable size , although the extent of the constant fit was slightly less ( extending to 50.75 s instead of 65.25 s ; table [ approaches ] ) ."
"we found significant variations in the blackbody normalisation @xmath17 averaged over tens of seconds of the burst tail in a homogeneous sample of regular , consistent bursts from gs 1826@xmath024 and ks 1731@xmath026 , both within and between observation epochs .",
"we found that the variation within epochs was 45% ( 2.6% ) for gs 1826@xmath024 ( ks 1731@xmath026 ) , while the variation between epochs can be as large as 17% ( for gs 1826@xmath024 ) . in terms of inferred radius",
"recall the orbital period in both sources is unknown , but for gs 1826@xmath024 is thought to be around 2 hr ; based on the typical orbital periods for other burst sources , we searched a frequency range of 0.524 hr . for gs 1826@xmath024 , we divided the measurements from the two epochs through by the appropriate mean , and found a peak lomb power of 10.48 ; for ks 1731@xmath026 , we found a peak lomb power of 5.29 .",
", this corresponds to variations of 22.5% ( 1.3% ) and 8% .",
"neither of these detections is significant . for ks 1731@xmath026",
"we consider three possible mechanisms to give rise to the variation .",
"* ) , perhaps triggered by the burst ."
] | the radius of neutron stars can in principle be measured via the normalisation of a blackbody fitted to the x - ray spectrum during thermonuclear ( type - i ) x - ray bursts , although few previous studies have addressed the reliability of such measurements . here
we examine the apparent radius in a homogeneous sample of long , mixed h / he bursts from the low - mass x - ray binaries gs 1826@xmath024 and ks 1731@xmath026 .
the measured blackbody normalisation ( proportional to the emitting area ) in these bursts is constant over a period of up to 60 s in the burst tail , even though the flux ( blackbody temperature ) decreased by a factor of 6075% ( 3040% ) .
the typical rms variation in the mean normalisation from burst to burst was 35% , although a variation of 17% was found between bursts observed from gs 1826@xmath024 in two epochs .
a comparison of the time - resolved spectroscopic measurements during bursts from the two epochs shows that the normalisation evolves consistently through the burst rise and peak , but subsequently increases further in the earlier epoch bursts .
the elevated normalisation values may arise from a change in the anisotropy of the burst emission , or alternatively variations in the spectral correction factor , @xmath1 , of order 10% .
since burst samples observed from systems other than gs 1826@xmath024 are more heterogeneous , we expect that systematic uncertainties of at least 10% are likely to apply generally to measurements of neutron - star radii , unless the effects described here can be corrected for . |
"the paranal observatory will have the same interferometric imaging capabilities of the plateau de bure observatory at it s dawn .",
"vitruv being a spectro - imager has three modes with spectral resolutions of 100 , 1000 and 10000 .",
"the conclusion to draw from the pdbi experience is that interferometric imaging of compact sources with a quality similar to the pdbi with amber and the ats is possible but it will be expensive in terms of telescope time and an operational burden .",
"the science cases presented here are essentially centered on routine interferometric imaging as this is the novel vlti capability made possible by vitruv . with the full operation of the amber instrument and 3 movable ats",
"vitruv is a general purpose spectro - imager for the prima enabled vlti .",
"the l band extension allow polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( pahs ) and nanodiamonds science .",
"these modes are essentially dictated by the science cases : low resolution for continuum imaging , intermediate resolution for line emission imaging and high resolution for stellar surface imaging and line emission kinematics ."
"the morphology of the dusty close environment of pre - main - sequence stars will be studied by vitruv , particularly the following interconnected aspects : + * a ) * what are the effects of the central radiation field in the environment structure exact shape of the sublimation surface / rim and inner cavity ? + *",
"accretion and outflow are the distinctive simultaneous signatures of star formation .",
"* f ) * what is the distribution and morphology of pahs and nanodiamonds in the inner regions of disks ? * time dependent morphology * at taurus the earth orbit is located at 7 mas . for the first time a systematic study of the orbital evolution of the dusty environment will be feasible and compared to hydrocode simulations . * evolutionary aspects * by comparing objects at different evolutionary stages the timescales for the morphological evolution and dissipation can be addressed . with amber a considerable advance in pms stellar evolution models",
"what are consequences on companion formation and migration scenarios ?",
"2005 ) , opening the exciting possibility of studying the close environment of these objects with nir - interferometry .",
"* f ) * what are the chemical , ionization , thermal , kinematic and morphological properties ( collimation , wiggling ) of jets at their launching region ? +",
"+ * c ) * are there orbiting companions opening cavities in the central disk region ?"
"interferometric polarization measurements of late - type giant stars with vitruv will provide new insights into their atmospheric structure and the geometry of their circumstellar material , and the chemical and physical properties of the dust in the photosphere and the winds , constraining theories of mass - loss from red giant stars and hydrodynamical models of planetary nebulae formation .",
"vitruv simultaneously mapping of abundance distributions and magnetic fields will tackle the fundamental question of the origin of the magnetic field in cp stars ( moss , 2001 ) .",
"these key observations will address stellar activity processes , mass - loss events , magneto - hydrodynamic mechanisms , and stellar evolution .",
"consequently , the diversity of results from currently existing models critically requires observational guidance on , for example , how the field - emergence patterns change over periods of years to decades . repeated imaging of stellar chromospheric emission patterns over multiple years with vitruv will provide the essential observational knowledge on which of these patterns actually occur on other stars , and how they depend on fundamental stellar parameters as well as rotation rate . * spots on magnetically active stars * energy of late type stars",
"vitruv , as an imaging device , open the possibility to study various surface properties as vertical and horizontal temperature profiles , abundance inhomogeneities and detect their variability .",
"these same maps will allow to better understand the key role of magnetism in a ) atmosphere structuration ; b ) ion migration across the stellar surface and ; c ) chemical stratification .",
"cp stars represent a major class of the known magnetic stars in the solar neighborhood and constitute ideal targets for studying how magnetic fields affect other physical processes occurring in stellar atmospheres ."
"k band images of microquasars at mas resolution will allow to : a ) study the jet morphology ; b ) constrain the different parameter distributions ( particle distribution , density , magnetic field ) all along the jet ; c ) constrain accretion - ejection models ; d ) characterize dust in the inner region of these objects .",
"finally , physical conditions in the circumstellar gas will be derived from the emission line spectrum .",
"open questions are : a ) what is the dust and jet contribution to the infrared emission of the innermost regions of microquasars ?",
"the same scientific objectives described above also apply to related objects , like the outflows from symbiotic novae , classical novae , as well as to nebulae around more massive stars , like lbvs . * expansion parallaxes * the ability of resolving the apparent expansion of the nebulae",
"however , none of them could be fully tested , as in most cases even hst can not resolve the spatial scale at which collimation occurs . the most popular models to explain the onset of asymmetry in the outflows involve : a ) strong interactions between ( anisotropic ) agb and post - agb winds producing wind - heated and wind - blown expanding bubbles ( balick & frank 2002 ) ; b ) collimation by several processes ( like accretion disk winds interacting with the stellar winds ) in close and wide interacting binaries ; c ) magneto - hydrodynamical ( mhd ) shaping this latter scenario is also possibly related to enhanced rotation and magnetic fields due to binary interactions . * resolving the collimation region * in many of these objects , vitruv will allow us to see directly the collimation region and follow in real - time its dynamical evolution , revealing which one(s ) of the models above is correct .",
"b ) how does it connect with the radio jet emission ?"
", we will show the possibilities of the combined use of vitruv and prima in addressing several open issues on agns and supermassive black holes .",
"[ fig : torus ] we present k - band model images of the torus of ngc 1068 illustrating how vitruv k band imaging of the nuclear region of an agn will allow to : + * a ) * confirm / negate the existence of tori ; + * b ) * disentangle synchrotron from hot dust emission , i.e. discriminate between torus and jet emission ; + * c ) * study the torus morphology and determine its geometrical parameters like the inclination w.r.t .",
"active galactic nuclei ( hereafter agn ) are galactic nuclei powered by non - stellar energy production .",
"this will allow to constrain the morphology and kinematics of the blr it will be possible to : + * a ) * estimate the size of the blr and establish a secure size - luminosity relation for the blr which is fundamental for virial mass estimates of bh masses ( the only way to measure bh masses at high redshift ) . +",
"[ fig : jet ] a k - band model images of the jet of 3c 273 .",
"we present in fig .",
"we will then have access for the first time to the jet inner regions ."
"to detect a bh one must resolve the radius of its sphere of influence which , projected on the plane of the sky , is @xmath14 it is clear that in order to probe the bh sphere of influence high spatial resolution is mandatory . until now , except for the milky way and ngc 4258 , the best spatial resolution achievable is given by hst , i.e. @xmath15 .",
"[ fig : cena ] clearly show how it is possible to distinguish between the cases of a supermassive bh or of an extended massive dark cluster .",
"from these studies it will be possible to : + * a ) * constrain the size of the massive dark objects in nearby galactic nuclei to exclude plausible alternatives to bhs ; + * b ) * directly measure the bh mass up to a distance which is a factor @xmath20 larger than possible nowadays .",
"+ * a ) * it will be possible to further constrain the spatial extent of the dark mass concentration ( the supposed bh ) to exclude even the last possible alternative , the boson star . +",
"thus it will be possible to obtain accurate light curves and determine the periodicity of the emission which might lead to a measurement of the bh spin .",
"* extragalactic bhs * combining the imaging and the spectroscopic capabilities at medium resolution ( @xmath12 ) it will be possible to obtain data cubes of emission lines around the central bhs .",
", title=\"fig:\",scaledwidth=90.0% ] * galactic center * vitruv will allow to measure proper motions of stars near the galactic center bh with an accuracy better than 1 mas ."
"in these paper we presented a series of science cases for the vitruv second generation vlti instrument concept .",
"the following areas were addressed : + * a ) * the close environment of young stars ; + * b ) * activity in the surfaces of stars ; + * c ) * the origins of planetary nebulae geometries ; + * d ) * accretion - ejection structures in micro - quasar ; + * e ) * the components ( torus , jets , blrs ) of agns ; + * f ) * the environment of nearby supermassive black - holes ; + * g ) * relativistic effects in the galactic center black - hole .",
"the focus was on imaging as this is the novel routine capability enabled by this instrument .",
", 1994 , evidence for the early onset of aspherical structure in the planetary nebula formation process : spectropolarimetry of post - agb stars , aj , 108 , 984",
"vitruv is a general purpose instrument ."
] | vitruv is a second generation spectro - imager for the prima enabled very large telescope interferometer . by combining simultaneously up to 8 telescopes vitruv
makes the vlti up to 6 times more efficient .
this operational gain allows two novel scientific methodologies : 1 ) massive surveys of sizes ; 2 ) routine interferometric imaging .
the science cases presented concentrate on the qualitatively new routine interferometric imaging methodology .
the science cases are not exhaustive but complementary to the prima reference mission .
the focus is on : a ) the close environment of young stars probing for the initial conditions of planet formation and disk evolution ; b ) the surfaces of stars tackling dynamos , activity , pulsation , mass - loss and evolution ; c ) revealing the origin of the extraordinary morphologies of planetary nebulae and related stars ; d ) studying the accretion - ejection structures of stellar black - holes ( microquasars ) in our galaxy ; e ) unveiling the different interacting components ( torus , jets , blrs ) of active galactic nuclei ; and f ) probing the environment of nearby supermassive black - holes and relativistic effects in the galactic center black - hole . |
"in the present paper , we investigate the nature of the screening in semiconductor nanocrystals by performing a detailed microscopic analysis . in the first part of the paper ,",
"we propose a generalization to semiconductor nanocrystals of the thomas - fermi model as originally proposed in ref . for bulk semiconductors .",
"is proposed .",
"our results fit well the screening diagonal contribution @xcite for bulk silicon , and excellent agreement with a recent first - principles calculation of the screening function @xcite is obtained .",
"a first - principles study of shallow impurity screening in nanocrystals is described . the charge density induced by donors and acceptors in si and ge nanocrystals",
"in order to better appreciate the merits and the shortcomings of the thomas - fermi theory , an alternative derivation of the model from the hohenberg and kohn theorem @xcite is described . in the present model , both the correct limit in the neighborhood of the impurity and"
"we have performed _ ab initio _ calculations using different kinds of impurities in si and ge nanocrystals .",
"the study has been based on a plane - wave density - functional theory ( dft ) framework .",
"ge . from the results illustrated so far , we can reasonably conclude that ( i ) the isocoric doping is well approximated by a point - charge screening , ( ii ) the screening is in the range of the linear response regime , ( iii ) the induced density rapidly converges to the bulk in the region of space close to the impurity .",
"( stars , red ) .",
"based on fig .",
"we have focused our study on the spherical average of @xmath6 , and on its integrated density defined as @xmath7 where @xmath8 .",
"[ fig : fig1](a ) ] and the integrated densities @xmath10 [ fig ."
"as we have seen in the previous section , the density induced by a point - charge impurity in semiconductor nanocrystals consists of several contributions . the first contribution is due to the reciprocal - space diagonal part of the dielectric matrix , the second contribution comes from the si - si bond polarization , and the third is from the nanocrystal surface polarization . in this section ,",
"the thomas - fermi theory gives results in fair agreement with the linear - response results , when the off - diagonal elements of the dielectric matrix are neglected . in order to give a first indication on the validity of the thomas - fermi approximation in nanostructures , we compare the chemical potential @xmath54 calculated from dft with the thomas - fermi prediction . within dft ,",
"n \\right ] + e_{\\mathrm{xc } } \\left [ n \\right ] + v \\left [ n \\right],\\ ] ] where @xmath62 is the noninteracting kinetic energy , @xmath63 is the total one - particle potential energy @xmath64 = \\int d\\mathbf{r}\\ , n(\\mathbf{r})v(\\mathbf{r}),\\ ] ] @xmath65 is the classical coulomb energy @xmath66 = \\frac{1}{2}\\int d\\mathbf{r}\\,d\\mathbf{r'}\\frac{n(\\mathbf{r } ) n(\\mathbf{r'})}{\\left|\\mathbf{r - r'}\\right|},\\ ] ] and @xmath67 is the exchange - correlation energy density functional.@xcite from the variational principle , with the constraint that the integrated density gives the total number of electrons @xmath68 , we have the stationary condition for the ground - state density @xmath69 , @xmath70 the variable @xmath71 has been shown to be the system chemical potential.@xcite in order to study the screening , we write down the hohenberg and kohn equations , for both the unperturbed ( labeled with 0 ) and the perturbed ( labeled with 1 ) systems @xmath72}{\\delta n ( \\mathbf{r } ) } \\right| _ { n_0}+ v_0 ( \\mathbf{r } ) + v_h [ n_0 ( \\mathbf{r } ) ] + v_{\\mathrm{xc } } [ n_0(\\mathbf{r})]&= & \\mu_0,\\\\ \\label{eq : hkpert } \\left . \\frac{\\delta t _ s [ n]}{\\delta",
"@xcite the thomas - fermi theory establishes the linear relation between the induced electron density @xmath6 and the screened potential @xmath52 inside the screening sphere , @xmath53,\\ ] ] where @xmath54 ( the chemical potential ) is a constant to be determined with the boundary conditions and @xmath55 is a multiplicative constant related to the nanocrystal average valence electron density.@xcite outside the screening sphere , the induced charge is zero and the screened potential matches the classical expression @xmath56 given in eq .",
"this argument is about the kinetic functional , and does not regard the surface polarization effects , which are taken into account in the model through the use of suitable boundary conditions for the poisson equation . we know that local field effects enter the theory through the kinetic functional derivative , as well as through the boundary conditions of the poisson equation .",
"as we shall see below , the @xmath48 dependence on the nanocrystal size is very weak , and , _ a posteriori _ , we can say that the use of a constant value for the screening radius does not significantly change the results . for determining @xmath43 in the bulk ,"
"screening in covalent semiconductor nanocrystals has been studied using both advanced _ ab initio _ methods and a thomas - fermi model .",
"the important point is that now we have an analytical expression for the effective screening function whose validity for both the nanoscale and bulk has been proved . a final note should be devoted to a possible generalization of the model to the case of off - center impurities .",
"the progressive reduction of the screening action is due to the surface polarization . in this paper",
"although the induced electron density contains some oscillations , we have shown that it is possible to define a screening radius that is practically independent of the nanocrystal dimension .",
"this suppression does not come out when local fields are neglected . from a classical point of view , these local fields are again dominated by surface polarization , as originally recognized in interpreting the polarization anisotropy of porous silicon.@xcite although the present model can not be generalized to the case of the response to an external field , it is of interest to note that in both cases , that is , point - charge screening and external field , surface polarization plays a fundamental role at the nanoscale .",
"our dft calculations have shown that isocoric donor dopants essentially behave as a point - charge giving an induced charge that agrees well with the linear - response approximation . comparing the induced integrated densities with those obtained in ref . , we have been able to conceptually isolate the features directly related to local field effects .",
"the first - principles calculations presented in this work have shown that the concept of bulklike response to an external perturbation introduced in ref . is valid also in a screening problem ."
"we are grateful to professor serdar t for a critical reading of the manuscript . financial support by cofin - prin 2005 is acknowledged .",
"calculations have been performed at cineca-``progetti supercalcolo 2006 '' and `` campus computational grid''-universit di napoli `` federico ii '' advanced computing facilities ."
] | a first - principles calculation of the impurity screening in si and ge nanocrystals is presented .
we show that isocoric screening gives results in agreement with both the linear response and the point - charge approximations .
based on the present _ ab initio _ results , and by comparison with previous calculations , we propose a physical real - space interpretation of the several contributions to the screening . combining the thomas - fermi theory and simple electrostatics , we show that it is possible to construct a model screening function that has the merit of being of simple physical interpretation .
the main point upon which the model is based is that , up to distances of the order of a bond length from the perturbation , the charge response does not depend on the nanocrystal size .
we show in a very clear way that the link between the screening at the nanoscale and in the bulk is given by the surface polarization . a detailed discussion is devoted to the importance of local field effects in the screening .
our first - principles calculations and the thomas - fermi theory clearly show that in si and ge nanocrystals , local field effects are dominated by surface polarization , which causes a reduction of the screening in going from the bulk down to the nanoscale .
finally , the model screening function is compared with recent state - of - the - art _ ab initio _ calculations and tested with impurity activation energies . |
"[ sec : regions - of - stability ] we apply these conditions to explore the region in parameter space of the type - ii seesaw where the potential is stable up to some given scale . finally , we present some conclusions in section [ sec : final - remarks ] .",
"the structure of this paper is the following : after a brief review of the basic properties of the model ( section [ sec:2 ] ) we derive the necessary and sufficient conditions for the potential to be bounded from below in section [ sec:3 ] , discussing the difference with the conditions in use in the literature both from a theoretical point - of - view as well as a numerical one . in section",
"neutrino masses can be introduced in the standard model ( sm ) through the lepton number violating coupling of a scalar triplet @xmath0 ( hypercharge @xmath1 ) with the left - handed leptons , @xmath2 and generate a neutrino mass matrix @xmath3 after electroweak symmetry breaking .",
"here @xmath4 is the weak isospin conjugation matrix ."
"here we consider the simplest neutrino mass generation scheme based on an effective seesaw mechanism with explicit described by the complex triplet , given as @xmath11 the most general potential involving @xmath0 and the standard model higgs doublet @xmath12 has a total of eight parameters which we can take to be real : @xmath13+\\frac{1}{2}\\lambda_{h}\\left(h^{\\dagger}h\\right)^{2}\\nonumber \\\\ & + \\lambda_{h\\delta}\\textrm{tr}\\left(\\delta^{\\dagger}\\delta\\right)\\left(h^{\\dagger}h\\right)+\\lambda'_{h\\delta}h^{\\dagger}\\delta\\delta^{\\dagger}h+\\frac{\\lambda_{\\delta}}{2}\\left[\\textrm{tr}\\left(\\delta^{\\dagger}\\delta\\right)\\right]^{2}+\\frac{\\lambda'_{\\delta}}{2}\\textrm{tr}\\left(\\delta^{\\dagger}\\delta\\delta^{\\dagger}\\delta\\right)\\,.\\label{eq : potential}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] the vacuum expectation value of the neutral component of the triplet , @xmath14 , must be significantly smaller than the one of the standard higgs , @xmath15 , otherwise the @xmath16 parameter will deviate too much from 1 .",
"furthermore , since neutrino masses are proportional to @xmath19 , this vev should indeed be very small . under the approximation that @xmath20 , the minimization solution of the potential requires that @xmath21 where @xmath22 using these relations one can write the scalar boson mass eigenstates as shown in table [ tab : mass - eigenstates ] .",
"indeed , @xmath17 with @xmath18 so this ratio of vevs can be at most of the percent order given the experimental constraints on @xmath16 @xcite .",
".[tab : mass - eigenstates]scalar mass eigenstates in the type - ii seesaw model .",
"we have defined the dimensionless parameters @xmath18 and @xmath23 . [",
"cols=\"^,^,^\",options=\"header \" , ]"
"in order to grasp in a visual manner the scalar spectrum of the model ( see table [ tab : mass - eigenstates ] ) as well as the effect on the degeneracy of the three new scalars of having @xmath24 constrained to be roughly between -0.85 and 0.85 , we present here figure [ fig : artist ] . schematic view of the scalar boson mass spectrum in the triplet seesaw model .",
"the ordering of the heavy scalar masses depends on the sign of @xmath24 as shown in table [ tab : mass - eigenstates ] .",
"s. alekhin , a. djouadi and s. moch , _ the top quark and higgs boson masses and the stability of the electroweak vacuum _ ,[] [ ] , [ ] .",
"s. kanemura , m. kikuchi , h. yokoya and k. yagyu , _ lhc run - i constraint on the mass of doubly charged higgs bosons in the same - sign diboson decay scenario _ ,[] [ ] , [ ] .",
"m. a. diaz , m. a. garcia - jareno , d. a. restrepo and j. w. f. valle , _ seesaw majoron model of neutrino mass and novel signals in higgs boson production at lep _ ,[] [ ] , [ ] .",
"a. g. akeroyd , m. aoki and h. sugiyama , _ probing majorana phases and neutrino mass spectrum in the higgs triplet model at the lhc _ ,[] [ ] , [ ] .",
"i. gogoladze , n. okada and q. shafi , _ higgs boson mass bounds in a type ii seesaw model with triplet scalars _ ,[] [ ] , [ ] ."
] | adding a scalar triplet to the standard model is one of the simplest ways of giving mass to neutrinos , providing at the same time a mechanism to stabilize the theory s vacuum . in this paper , we revisit these aspects of the type - ii seesaw model pointing out that the bounded - from - below conditions for the scalar potential in use in the literature are not correct .
we discuss some scenarios where the correction can be significant and sketch the typical scalar boson profile expected by consistency .
ahep group , instituto de fsica corpuscular , c.s.i.c./universitat de valncia + edificio institutos de investigacin , apartado 22085 , e46071 valencia , spain |
"we present a general formulism to calculate and analyze the reduced density matrix of the auxiliary qubit , and establish a connection of the reduced density matrix to the critical points . as an example",
", we calculate the geometric phase induced in the auxiliary qubit taking the xy spin chain as the many - body system in sec.iii . and",
"two kinds of coupling between the auxiliary qubit and the many - body system are considered .",
", we shall try to answer this question by examining the geometric phase induced in a qubit by the many - body system ."
"in this section , we will give a general formalism to analyze the reduced density matrix of a qubit coupled to a quantum many - body system , and establish a connection between the reduced density matrix of the qubit and the criticality in the quantum system .",
"we now show that the off - diagonal elements of the reduced density matrix of the qubit change drastically in the vicinity of critical points . to this end , we assume that the qubit and the quantum many - body system are initially independent , such that we take the following product state as the initial state of the whole system @xmath15 where @xmath16 represent the ground state of @xmath17 and @xmath18 . by a standard calculation ,",
"having established this linkage , we claim that the final state of the qubit @xmath44 and the geometric phase acquired by this state can signal quantum critical points in the many - body system , provided the initial state of the many - body system is a superposition of @xmath45 , i.e. , @xmath46 ( @xmath47 ) , and at least two @xmath48 including @xmath49 are not zero .",
"if the couplings between the qubit and the many - body system commute with the free hamiltonian of the many - body system , the many - body system would remain in its initial state if the initial state is one of the eigenvalues of the free hamiltonian @xmath17 .",
"it is easy to show that @xmath39 \\ } .\\label{ha3}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] here , @xmath40 and @xmath41 quantum phase transition theory tells us that the ground state energy @xmath42 behaves drastically in the vicinity of the critical point @xmath26 , this would reflect in @xmath43 that is a function of @xmath42 .",
"the hamiltonian that governs the evolution of the whole system may have the form @xmath0 where @xmath1 describes the free hamiltonian of the qubit , @xmath2 stands for the free hamiltonian of the quantum many - body system , and @xmath3 represents the coupling between them .",
"one obtains the reduced density matrix of the qubit @xmath19 here , @xmath20 is defined by @xmath21 this is the survival probability of the ground state of the quantum system under the action of the hamiltonian @xmath22 ."
"the ground state of the xy model is really complicated with many different regime of behavior@xcite , these are reflected in sharp changes in the geometric phase across the line @xmath114 regardless of @xmath112 ( as shown in figure 1-(a),(b ) and ( c ) ) , indicating the change in the ground state of the spin - chain from paramagnetic phase to the others . instead of discussing the scaling behavior of the induced geometric phase , we consider the scaling property of @xmath126 given in eq.([stateab ] ) in the vicinity of the critical points . noticing that @xmath126 is a function of @xmath127 @xmath128 , the scaling behavior of @xmath126 may be characterized by @xmath129 , and @xmath130@xcite .",
"the eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix are readily calculated @xmath99 in order to calculate the geometric phase , we only need the eigenvalue @xmath100 and its corresponding eigenvector @xmath101 since @xmath102 here @xmath103 and @xmath104 i.e. , the ratio of the imaginary part to the real part of @xmath105 having these results , we obtain the geometric phase , @xmath106 we would like to notice that the geometric phase vanishes with @xmath107 because @xmath108 at this point .",
"the geometric phase factor defined by eq.([gp5 ] ) may be understood as a weighted sum over the phase factors pertaining to the eigenstates of the reduced density matrix , thus the detail of analytical expression for the geometric phase would depend on the digitalization of the reduced density matrix eq.([stateab ] ) .",
"@xmath84 @xmath85 we can obtain the reduced density matrix for the auxiliary qubits as @xmath86 @xmath87,$ ] it may be formally written in the form @xmath88 a straightforward but somewhat tedious calculation shows that @xmath89 with @xmath90\\ } , \\label{stateab}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath91 to derive this result , the spin chain was assumed to be initially in the ground state of @xmath17 . with these expressions",
"the ground state of the spin - chain approaches a product of spins pointing the positive / negative @xmath116 direction in the @xmath113 limit , whereas the ground state in the limit @xmath115 is doubly degenerate under the global spin flip by @xmath117 . at @xmath114 ,",
"first , solve the eigenvalue problem for the reduced density matrix @xmath92 and obtain its eigenvalues @xmath93 as well as the corresponding eigenvectors @xmath94 secondly , substitute @xmath93 and @xmath95 into @xmath96 here , @xmath97 is the geometric phase for the system undergoing non - unitary evolution @xcite , @xmath98 is the total evolution time . the geometric phase eq .",
"the hamiltonian @xmath64 can be diagonalized by a standard procedure@xcite to be @xmath66 where @xmath67 are the annihilation ( creation ) operators of the fermionic modes with frequency @xmath68 @xmath69 @xmath70 the fermionic operator @xmath71 was defined by the bogoliubov transformation as , @xmath72 where @xmath73 and the mixing angle @xmath74 was defined by @xmath75 fermionic operators @xmath76 were connected with the spin operators by the jordan - wigner transformation via @xmath77 ."
"in conclusion , by discussing the geometric phase in the auxiliary qubit coupled to the many - body systems , the relation between the geometric phase induced in the qubit and the critical points of the many - body system was established .",
"the limitation of this discussion is that the coupling between the qubit and the quantum system is assumed weak , and as we have shown , the geometric phase could not reflect the critical points of the quantum system that is initially in its ground state with qubit - system coupling satisfying @xmath133=0 $ ] . the experiment to observe the prediction in this paper",
"the induced geometric phase in the qubit change drastically at the critical points , this is due to the sensitivity of the many - body systum to parameter changes near its critical points .",
"the relation not only provides an efficient theoretical tool to study quantum phase transitions , but also proposes a method to measure the critical points in experiments@xcite .",
"first let the qubit ( a two - level system ) transmit through a 50/50 beam splitter , the qubit is split and follows two different paths then . on one of the paths ,",
"an interference patten can be observed when the two paths meet , this is similar to the mach - zehnder interferometer .",
"the many - body system is placed and interact with the qubit ."
] | the geometric phase induced in an auxiliary qubit by a many - body system is calculated and discussed .
two kinds of coupling between the auxiliary qubit and the many - body system are considered , which lead to dephasing and dissipation in the qubit , respectively . as an example , we consider the xy spin - chain dephasingly couple to a qubit , the geometric phase induced in the qubit is presented and discussed .
the results show that the geometric phase might be used to signal the critical points of the many - body system , and it tends to zero with the parameters of the many - body system going away from the critical points . |
"cognitive research deals with how people learn and solve problems @xcite . at a coarse - grained level",
"of course , an important goal of most physics courses is to help students develop expertise in problem solving and improve their reasoning skills . in order to help students",
"another important lesson from cognitive research is that students must construct their own understanding .",
", there are three components of cognitive research : how do people acquire knowledge , how do they organize and retain the knowledge in memory ( brain ) and how do they retrieve this knowledge from memory in appropriate situations including to solve problems .",
"a problem can be quantitative or conceptual in nature . using the findings of cognitive research , human memory can be broadly divided into two components : the working memory or the short term memory ( stm ) and the long term memory ( ltm ) .",
"@xcite for example , research shows that if experts in chess are shown a very good chess board that corresponds to the game of a world - class chess player , they are able to assemble the board after it is disassembled because they are able to chunk the information on the board and remember the position of one piece with respect to another . if chess novices are shown the same board , they are only able to retrieve 5 - 9 pieces after it is jumbled up because they are not able to chunk large pieces of information present on the chess board . on the other hand ,",
"such opportunities will come from ensuring that the students are actively engaged in the learning process and take advantage of their own knowledge resources and also benefit from interactions with their peers ."
"we now describe computer - based interactive problem solving tutorials that we have been developing that build on introductory physics students prior knowledge and keep them actively engaged in the learning process .",
"the tutorials combine quantitative and conceptual problem solving .",
"they focus on helping students develop a functional understanding of physics while learning useful skills @xcite .",
"the interactive tutorials we have been developing combine quantitative and conceptual problem solving and provide guidance and support for knowledge and skill acquisition .",
"the development of the computer - based tutorials to help students learn effective problem solving strategies is guided by a learning paradigm which involves three essential components : modeling , coaching , and weaning @xcite . in this approach , modeling \" means that the instructor demonstrates and exemplifies the skills that students should learn ( e.g. , how to solve physics problems systematically ) .",
"a major goal of an introductory physics course for science and engineering majors is to enable students to develop complex reasoning and problem solving skills to explain and predict diverse phenomena in everyday experience .",
"we have developed computer - based tutorials related to introductory mechanics , electricity , and magnetism ."
"we are developing computer - based interactive tutorials for introductory mechanics and electricity and magnetism that are suited for a wide variety of students .",
"the self - paced tutorials combine quantitative and conceptual problem solving .",
"they engage students actively in the learning process and provide feedback based upon their needs .",
"they focus on helping students learn problem solving and reasoning skills while helping them build a more coherent knowledge structure related to physics .",
"limited capacity of stm can make cognitive load high for beginning students . for learning to be meaningful ,",
"students should be actively engaged in the learning process .",
"moreover , it is important to consider the difficulty of a problem from students perspective and build on their prior knowledge .",
"they can be used as a self - study tool by students ."
] | one finding of cognitive research is that people do not automatically acquire usable knowledge by spending lots of time on task . because students knowledge hierarchy is more fragmented , `` knowledge chunks ''
are smaller than those of experts .
the limited capacity of short term memory makes the cognitive load high during problem solving tasks , leaving few cognitive resources available for meta - cognition .
the abstract nature of the laws of physics and the chain of reasoning required to draw meaningful inferences makes these issues critical . in order to help students
, it is crucial to consider the difficulty of a problem from the perspective of students .
we are developing and evaluating interactive problem - solving tutorials to help students in the introductory physics courses learn effective problem - solving strategies while solidifying physics concepts .
the self - paced tutorials can provide guidance and support for a variety of problem solving techniques , and opportunity for knowledge and skill acquisition .
address = department of physics and astronomy , university of pittsburgh , pittsburgh , pennsylvania , 15260 |
"pythia includes this amplitude as well as proper account of relativistic kinematics to this reason , in present note we shall simulate in framework of pythia6 the scattering of the anti - protons with the energy of @xmath5 on the proton target , taken as to be at the rest frame thus the present simulation would not include the effects connected with the real detector conditions which would be the subject of the following papers .",
") can be easily applied to a case of electron - positron pair production .",
"measurements of lepton pair production in hadron - hadron interactions is of a big interest from the point of view of study of the quark - parton structure of hadrons @xcite and @xcite .",
"the physics of hadron resonances formation and decays is strongly connected with the confinement problem , i.e. with the qcd dynamics at large distances ."
"from the view point of the background ( the main source for it are the muons from charged pions and other hadrons decays ) estimation it is usefull to have the set of plots analogouse to the previouse one , but done separatley for the signal muons having the largest energy ( `` fast '' muons ) in the muon pair produced in an event , and , correspondently , for those having the smaller energy ( `` slow '' muon ) .",
"this similarity of @xmath20 spectra of fast and slow muons results ( due to a large difference of their energy spectra , i.e. of @xmath39 compronent ) in a large difference of their polar angle @xmath24 distributions ( see bottom raw in figure 2 ) : @xmath40 spectrum is shifted to the right as comparinring to that one for @xmath41 and their mean value @xmath42 = @xmath43 is a more than two times higher than the analogouse mean value for the fast one : @xmath44 .",
"the difference between the @xmath20 spectra ( see middle raw of figure 2 ) of the fast and slow muons seams not to be so large and it results only in about 340 mev shift to the left of the peak position as well in the corresponding shift of the end point of slow muons spectrum . both of these spectra demonstrait that the most of slow as well as of fast muons have @xmath38 gev .",
"the distributions of the signal muons energy @xmath12 values as well as of the modulus of the transverse momentum @xmath13 and of the polar angle @xmath14 ( measured from the beam direction ) versus the number of generated events are shown ( from top to bottom , respectively ) in figure 1 of section 6 , which contains all the figures .",
"in contrast to this picture the spectrum of less energetic signal munons ( left raw ) has a peak at the point @xmath36=0.5 gev ( where the spectrum of fast muons only starts ) and it practicaly vanishes at the point , which corresponds to the mean value of the most energetic signal muons , i.e. to @xmath37 = 3.9 gev .",
"the spectrum of events number ( nevent ) versus the polar angle @xmath24 ( see bottom raw ) has a peak at @xmath25 and the mean value @xmath26 . from these plots we see that while the most of signal muons are scattered into the forward direction @xmath27 still there is a small number of them that fly in the backward hemisphere ( @xmath28 ) ."
"the number of entries at these plots reflects the valence quark flavour structure of the proton ( the analoguse distributions and the number of entries for the antiquarks show the absolute similarity of quark and antiquarks distributions ) .",
"we shall refer to these distributions as to the `` unbiased '' ones as the influence of different cuts onto muons energy @xmath52 as well as the angle cuts , connected with possible different geometry size of muon muon system would be studied latter .",
"we have restricted the value of the invariant mass of @xmath1 signal pair , produced in event . namely we have taken the last parameter @xmath50 to be restricted by the inequality @xmath51 gev .",
"up to now we disscussed the results obtained without any other kinematical cuts than those implemented onto internal pythia varaibles and needed to run this generator at as low as possible values of beam energy . in our generation",
"the distributions of bjorken x - variables are shown in figure 3 for up- and antiup- quarks ( top raw ) and for down- and antidown- quarks ( bottom raw ) correspondingly . in what follows",
"as it can be easialy seen from this plots the obtained distributions do not start from the point x=0 , what take place for the used parton distribution parametrizations used in pythia .",
"such a differnce at low values of x appears due to the mention above cut on the value of muon pair invariant mass ."
"thus one may see that the tails of the z - distribution may expand up to 100 meters , while those along x- and y- axis reach 40 meters distance . from this right hand plots it is clearly seen that in a case of mentioned above @xmath80 of signal events that include the decay muons ( i.e. addition to the signal muon pair , produced in annihilation subprocess ) the size of the detector ( i.e. , the `` decay volume '' ) may strongly reduce the number of charged @xmath60-mesons which potentially may produce muons in the decays because the most of parent pions would interact with the detector components . therefore one may expect that in the real experimental conditions the situation with the contribution of the additional decay muons may become much easy . the detailed geant simulation , which is in our nearest plans , should allow to get more definite predictions about the decay mesons contribution to the background .",
"all what was said above may be to a good approximation applied also to a case of electron - positron pair production in the final state .",
"from the same right hand plot we also see that about of @xmath62 of events have only one charged pion in the final state ( appearing mostly in @xmath63 resonance decays ) , and a bit less than @xmath62 of events have two charged pions .",
"that means that muon channel may be quite competitive to the @xmath2 one .",
"it demonstrates also that about of @xmath49 of events have 3 charged pions and there is only about of @xmath64 of events with 4 final state charged pions .",
"the same may be said about the pt- distribution of decay muons ."
"the energy , transverse momenta and polar angle ( with respect to the beam axis ) distributions of muons that may be produced in pairs in @xmath3 process , i.e. the distributions of signal muons , are presented for a case of the proton target rest frame .",
"it is shown that those of muons that are the most energetic in a moun pair , i.e. fast muons , predominantly fly in forward direction ( with the mean value @xmath44 ) , while those which are less energetic in a pair , i.e. slow muons , fly at larger angles ( their mean value is @xmath42 = @xmath43 ) .",
"nevertheless , the distributions of the number of generated events versus the number of charged pions in lepton pair production event has shown that , fortunatly , more than @xmath61 of signal events do not have charged pions in the final state . on a top of this",
"the analogous distributions for muons that appear from hadrons decays ( mostly from pions ) , i.e. for decay muons , have shown that decay muons may fake the signal slow muons in the same events and thus , in principle , may be considered to appear as a serious bakground .",
"it seams to be clear from the obtained distribution of the space position of fake decay muon production vertex that a large amount of these muons may be potentialy rejected with the account of the real detector decay volume .",
"these distributions were obtained by use of pythia generator which parameters were adjusted to perform effective generation of physical events in a case of @xmath81 beam energy equal to 14 gev .",
"the auhtors are very gratefull to g.d.alexeev for suggestion of this topic for study , the interest to this work and multiple stimulating discussions of the questions concerned . 50 v.a ."
"the right hand plot shows the distribution of the total number ( npi ) of charged @xmath60-mesons in the signal events.,title=\"fig:\",width=680,height=755 ] -5 mm = @xmath55 , the transverse momentum @xmath83= @xmath84 and versus the polar angle @xmath58= @xmath85 of produced pions . the right column ( from top to bottom ) shows the distributions of x- , y- and z- components of decay muon vertex position.,title=\"fig:\",width=680,height=755 ]",
"-5 mm ( top raw ) , the modulus of the transverse momentum @xmath13 ( middle raw ) and the polar angle @xmath14 ( bottom raw ) distributions . left column is for @xmath15 and right one for @xmath16.,title=\"fig:\",width=680,height=755 ] -5 mm ( left column ) and the smaller energy ( `` slow '' muons ) @xmath36 ( right column ) .",
"top raw includes their energies , in middle raw are pt and in bottom raw are @xmath82.,title=\"fig:\",width=680,height=755 ] -5 mm = @xmath55 , the transverse momentum @xmath83= @xmath84 and versus the polar angle @xmath58= @xmath85 of produced pions ."
] | we use pythia event generator to simulate the process of muon pair production in antiproton scattering upon the proton target at the energy of the antiproton equal to @xmath0 , which may be one of the energies for the future panda ( gsi , darmstadt ) experiment operation . |
"the spectropolarimetric works over the bright bump cepheid @xmath34 aql ( @xmath35 , @xmath36 d ) reported controversial results . while @xcite and @xcite measured periodic variations of the longitudinal magnetic field with an amplitude of tens of gauss , @xcite found a non - significant detection of the longitudinal magnetic field at a level of @xmath3 g. + in order to establish whether or not the effects previously described are influential on the ll , we make a study using statistical techniques .",
"by studying variable stars in the small magellanic cloud ( smc ) , henrietta leavitt discovered a linear relation between the pulsation period and magnitudes of @xmath2 cepheids , in the sense of that the brightest cepheids have longer periods @xcite .",
"a study of @xmath26 lmc cepheids found period changes in @xmath27 of the fundamental mode , and in @xmath28 of the first overtone ( @xcite , table 3 ) . a visual inspection of the light curves of these ogle cepheids shows , for the most of them , a strong scatter of the points as a consequence of the shift phase .",
"this linear statistical correlation is a cornerstone in the measurement of the extragalactic distances using stellar standard candles .",
"the fourth section presents the results of applying statistical models in order to obtain optical ll of the lmc and smc .",
"+ the first detection of magnetic fields in variable stars was made on rr lyr @xcite .",
"a brief literature review of these issues is presented below .",
"we start - off , in the second section , with a brief description of the lmc ll and the ogle - ii and ogle - iv cepheid data .",
"measurements of magnetic fields for cepheid stars began later on .",
"* i ) the non - linearity effect : * the first works in this direction began twenty five years after the discovery by henrietta leavitt . in a study of the shape of the pl relation of nearby galaxies"
"ogle - ii and ogle - iv observations of cepheid variables of the lmc and smc galaxies were collected with the @xmath37-m warsaw telescope , at las campanas observatory , chile ( @xcite , @xcite , @xcite ) .",
"+ with the aim to establish a possible statistical cause of the non - linearity of the ll , we use the dereddened sample of ogle - ii",
"while ogle - ii fundamental mode cepheid catalogs contain 771 and 1319 stars for the lmc and smc , respectively , ogle - iv has a nearly complete collection ( 2429 and 2739 for the lmc and smc , respectively ) , covering practically the whole magellanic system area with the time baseline , a little more than five years .",
"these facts , and the manner in which the ll of the lmc is much better populated for periods longer than @xmath40 d , suggested udalski to adopt as the universal slope value the one obtained for the lmc , notwithstanding that the number of cepheids in the smc was around twice that of lmc . for ogle - iv lmc cepheids the slope and zero point of the ll were determined in analogous approach , but the smc slope was obtained independently , using only cepheids of this galaxy @xcite .",
". fundamental mode cepheids belonging to the lmc and smc galaxies reported by @xcite and @xcite , as well as the nearly complete collection of ogle - iv magellanic clouds cepheids reported by @xcite .",
"the slope and zero point of the lmc ll in optical _ vi_-bands were computed by @xcite using ordinary least - squares ( ols ) regression , on ogle - ii fundamental - mode cepheids .",
"udalski realized that standard deviation of residuals of the lmc data was almost two times smaller than that of the smc ."
"next , we describe the statistics tools to identify influential points . then , we present the specification test , which verifies if all variables involved in a statistical problem are adequately included and represented by a proposed model . following , we present the structural break test , which looks for unstable parameters . finally , we present the robust @xmath0-regression that allows to do a linear regression of data with no - gaussian error distribution . the @xmath1-regression is applied in order to get a high breakdown point and fit the models in presence of influential points that are outliers at the same time .",
"an alternative to fit a linear model in these kinds of scenarios is a robust regression , in which the residuals can be defined as follows : @xmath118 it is convenient to scale the residuals by using median absolute deviation : @xmath119 therefore the scaled residuals @xmath120 can be expressed as follows : @xmath121 if scaled residuals are not dependent between them , and all of them have the same distribution @xmath122 , the maximum likelihood @xmath44 estimators are those that maximize the likelihood function : @xmath123 in @xcite is shown that this condition is equivalent to minimize the equation ( [ eq22 ] ) .",
"however , two questions arise that require detailed answers : why is it important to identify these influential points and give them an statistical treatment ? why is it necessary to apply robust techniques to make a linear regression instead of applying a well - known algorithm as sigma - clipping ? in the next paragraphs , we answer these questions , illustrating the associated statistical problem .",
"these auxiliary models and their respectively hypotheses used in this work are the following : @xmath101 the null and alternative hypothesis are @xmath102 and @xmath103 @xmath104 the null and alternative hypothesis are @xmath105 and @xmath106 @xmath107 the null and alternative hypothesis are @xmath108 and @xmath109 : at least one @xmath110 ; @xmath111 . + if any of these tests are significant because there is evidence to reject the null hypothesis @xmath112 , then there is enough evidence of misspecification .",
"+ the variance - covariance matrix of parameters estimators with all observations is : @xmath97 the generalized variance is the determinant of the equation ( [ eq11 ] ) : @xmath98 given this , _ covratio _ is defined as follows : @xmath99 the @xmath71 observation is considered influential if its _ covratio _ lies out of the following interval @xmath100 , where @xmath72 is the number of parameters in the equation ( [ eq3 ] ) and @xmath63 is the total number of observations .",
"@xmath0 comes from maximum - likelihood since function @xmath124 is related to equation ( [ eq21 ] ) for a proper choice of the error distribution . besides , @xmath124 weights the scaled residuals @xmath62 in the sum : @xmath125 there are more than one suggestion for @xmath124 in the literature , the function used in this work is the tukey s bi - square , with parameter equal to @xmath126 @xcite . for further information about this function and other choices",
"therefore , if @xmath117value is greater than the significance level , there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis . on the contrary , if the @xmath117value is less than or equal to the significance level there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative one , which means the test is significant ."
"taking this fact into account , and in order to avoid violations of ols assumptions , we propose the following hypothesis : if cepheids with light curves of moderate and large dispersion , exhibiting characteristics suggesting blending , bumps , eclipses and period changes , are excluded from the ols linear regression , and the remaining data do not present violations of ols assumptions , it is possible to affirm that a cause of non - linearities of the ll is due to the inclusion of a fraction of these stars , that despite to be cepheids are influential points . + for testing this hypothesis , we fit the models given by equations ( [ eq28 ] ) to ( [ eq30 ] ) by ols using only cepheids with small dispersion .",
"as we mentioned before , models ( [ eq28 ] ) to ( [ eq30 ] ) have violations to the ols assumptions : for cepheids belonging to the lmc galaxy , white s test ( explained in 3.1 ) finds enough evidence of heteroskedasticity with @xmath117values of @xmath149 and @xmath156 for models ( [ eq28 ] ) and ( [ eq29 ] ) at @xmath157 of significance . on the contrary , for model ( [ eq30 ] ) , white s test does not find enough evidence to reject its null hypothesis because of its @xmath117value of @xmath158 , that is greater than the same fixed level of significance . for cepheids belonging to the smc galaxy",
"the universality hypothesis of the ll implies that the slope of the linear regression observed in the same filter in different galaxies has the same value , and shows a negligible dependence with the metallicity ( @xcite , and references therein . ) in order to test the universality of the ll , a linear model to fit simultaneously the data from the lmc and smc is proposed .",
"a number of @xmath151 influential points are detected using some of the cook s distance , _ dffits , dfbetas , _ and _ covratio_. on the other hand , by applying the criteria of the sigma - clipping algorithm , @xmath152 points are rejected in the first iteration , not all of them identified as influential points . during second iteration , the white s test finds again enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity with a _",
"for this reason , we consider appropriate to summarize here the communalities of these influential cepheids : \\i ) the scatter exhibited by light curves of some cepheids classified as a2 or a3 can be associated with phase shifts , suggesting changes in the pulsational period . this effect produces a dispersion of the mean magnitudes , which moves the locus cepheid in the pl relation .",
"however , for the @xmath11 index , it has been shown that there are not a universal ll : the lmc and smc have two completely different regression lines , as it is shown by equation ( [ eq78a ] ) . _ based on the experience obtained by fitting the models ( [ eq28 ] ) and ( [ eq29 ] ) , they are fitted for all @xmath278 mean magnitudes of fundamental mode cepheids observed by the ogle - ii project .",
"enough evidence of structural breaks is found : @xmath117values are less than @xmath176 in both bands ( ogle - ii ) , for testing @xmath298 vs the hypothesis that at least one of them is not @xmath113 in equation ( [ eq34 ] ) . besides , when individual significance tests are performed for @xmath219 and @xmath220 , @xmath117values obtained are less than @xmath176 for @xmath219 in both bands ; @xmath312 and @xmath313 for @xmath220 in @xmath224band and @xmath226band respectively . as a result , in both bands there are two regression lines at @xmath150 of significance ( ogle - ii )"
"+ finally , based on the results of this work , we suggest to use the ll relations given by equations ( [ eq76 ] ) and ( [ eq77a ] ) as a universal law for the smc and lmc galaxies .",
"our main conclusions can be summarized as follows : by applying the traditional ols and robust statistical linear regression models to optical ogle - ii and ogle - iv data , it is possible to affirm that the problems of break and non - linearity of the ll disappear for the lmc when @xmath0- or @xmath1-regressions are used . in that case , the ll is obtained without slope breaks , as it is shown in equations ( [ eq76 ] ) and ( [ eq77a ] ) , and it is not needed to exclude or reject points from the data sample .",
"we also suggest to use the slope and zero point for @xmath177-band , obtained for lmc using ogle - iv data , shown in table [ tab6 ] .",
"for the smc using ogle - ii without the influential cepheids , we suggest to use the equations ( [ eq54a ] ) and ( [ eq55a ] ) .",
"the effect of these cepheids in the measurement of distances to these galaxies , will be studied in a forthcoming paper .",
"this implies that the ogle - ii leavitt law is universal in the range of metallicities of the magellanic clouds . on the contrary , the combined model for @xmath11 shows"
] | the investigation of the non - linearity of the leavitt law is a topic that began more than seven decades ago , when some of the studies in this field found that the leavitt law has a break at about ten days .
+ the goal of this work is to investigate a possible statistical cause of this non - linearity . by applying linear regressions to ogle - ii and ogle - iv data , we find that , in order to obtain the leavitt law by using linear regression , robust techniques to deal with influential points and/or outliers are needed instead of the ordinary least - squares regression traditionally used . in particular , by using @xmath0- and @xmath1-regressions we establish firmly and without doubts the linearity of the leavitt law in the large magellanic cloud , without rejecting or excluding cepheid data from the analysis .
this implies that light curves of cepheids suggesting blending , bumps , eclipses or period changes , do not affect the leavitt law for this galaxy . for the smc , including this kind of cepheids , it is not possible to find an adequate model , probably due to the geometry of the galaxy . in that case , a possible influence of these stars could exist . |
"the results enhance the dataset on the radial velocities of the companion galaxies of m31 by fifty per cent and are used to provide the most reliable estimate of the mass of the extended halo of m31 to date .",
", we exploit recent stellar velocity measurements with the spectrographs on the _ keck telescopes_. the new observations are reported in detail by guhathakurta et al .",
"this raises the possibility that the milky way galaxy may be the largest member of the local group . here",
"dynamical studies of the two largest members of the local group the milky way and the andromeda ( m31 ) galaxies are of particular interest . the mass of m31 is well constrained on the scales of a few tens of kiloparsecs from the optical and hi rotation curves ( braun 1991 ) and from the kinematics of the planetary nebulae and globular cluster populations ( e.g. , evans & wilkinson 2000 ) . to probe much larger radii and"
"the radial velocities of eight of the companions to m31 have been known for some time based on one or more of the following techniques : hi 21 cm measurements , optical absorption line spectra of the integrated light of galaxy cores / nuclei , bulges , or globular clusters , or optical emission line spectra of hii regions .",
"1995 ) on the _ keck ii telescope _",
"1994 ) on the 10-meter _ keck i telescope _ to measure the radial velocities of a few red giants in each dwarf galaxy .",
"( 1999 ) have recently provided the first kinematic study of andii .",
"distances based on the trgb method are available for the rest of the m31 dsph satellites .",
"the distance estimates for these galaxies are the most accurate of all the m31 dsphs ."
"these include ( i ) the omission of pegasus and ic 1613 , which may not be bound to m31 ( courteau & van den bergh 1999 ) , ( ii ) the alteration of the satellite distances to those compiled by mateo ( 1998 ) , ( iii ) the increase of the error bars on the distances to @xmath64 , ( iv ) the alteration of the scalelength of the satellite galaxy number density distribution and ( v ) the change of the velocity normalisation of the halo @xmath13 .",
"bayes theorem states that the probability of any set of model parameters given the data @xmath28 is @xmath29 here , @xmath30 describes our prior beliefs as to the likelihood of the model parameters , while @xmath31 is the probability of the data given the model .",
"let us assume that the halo of m31 is spherically symmetric with the potential @xmath8 and density @xmath9 given by @xmath10 the satellite galaxies are assumed to follow the same density law @xmath11 but with the scalelength @xmath12 ( cf . , evans & wilkinson 2000 ) .",
"for the 15 satellite galaxies , the data consist of three - dimensional positions @xmath32 with respect to the center of andromeda , together with their heliocentric line of sight velocities @xmath33 .",
"this typically leads to an underestimate of the order of a factor of two for a dataset of ten to twenty objects , and is combined with a spread that is of the order of fifty per cent .",
"the most likely mass is @xmath62 and the most likely value of @xmath23 is @xmath63 , suggesting the velocity distribution is roughly isotropic . table [ tab : othercases ] shows the effects of varying some of our modelling assumptions on the results for the mass .",
"along any line of sight , let ( @xmath41 ) be polar coordinates in the plane of the sky . then the required probability is given by @xmath42 the prior probabilities contain the _ a priori _ information about the model parameters ."
"we have presented the first detailed study of the mass of the halo of the andromeda galaxy that uses the radial velocity and distance measurements for all six dsph satellites ( andi , andii , andiii , andv , andvi and casdsph ) .",
"this takes to fifteen the number of tracers at large radii and provides a reasonable sample with which to estimate the total mass .",
"we reckon that the mass of the andromeda halo is @xmath65 .",
"the most recent estimate of the mass of the milky way is @xmath67 ( wilkinson & evans 1999 ) .",
"this comes from analysing all the companion galaxies with a family of velocity distributions of constant orbital anisotropy ."
] | the last few months have seen the measurements of the radial velocities of all of the dwarf spheroidal companions to the andromeda galaxy ( m31 ) using the spectrographs ( hires and lris ) on the _ keck telescope_. this paper summarises the data on the radial velocities and distances for all the companion galaxies and presents new dynamical modelling to estimate the mass of extended halo of m31 .
the best fit values for the total mass of m31 are @xmath0 , depending on the details of the modelling .
the mass estimate is accompanied by considerable uncertainty caused by the smallness of the dataset ; for example , the upper bound on the total mass is @xmath1 , while the lower bound is @xmath2 .
these values are less than the most recent estimates of the most likely mass of the milky way halo .
bearing in mind all the uncertainties , a fair conclusion is that the m31 halo is roughly as massive as that of the milky way halo .
there is no dynamical evidence for the widely held belief that m31 is more massive
it may even be less massive .
= cmcsc10 # 1#2 # 1to 0pt#1 |
"in this article we revisit the notion of _ state _ : when it is preceded by the adjective _ pure _ it is commonly understood within _",
"quantum _ formalism as a unit ray in an hilbert space .",
"[ entanglement ] , we address the question of entanglement of two systems with states in the euclidean plane",
"the purpose of section [ magnint ] is to give a physical exemple of the quantum hamiltonian appearing in euclidean plane quantum dynamics .",
"we proceed with the integral quantization of the circle , after a rapid survey of the method .",
"we revisit the way a state is transformed through the action of an operator named _ quantum observable _ , and the way it evolves with the introduction in the formalism of an evolution parameter , i.e. a _"
"in fact , this function is the basic boltzmann - gibbs or shannon entropy in the case of two possibilities with probabilities @xmath80 and @xmath103 . as a function of parameter @xmath104$].,width=288 ] according to the canons of quantum formalism , a quantum observable is a self - adjoint operator in the hilbert space of quantum states , because self - adjointness is essential in the copenhagen - dirac - von neumann interpretation of quantum physics @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite .",
"they are the identity matrix and the two real pauli matrices , @xmath114 any element @xmath6 of the algebra decomposes as : @xmath115 the product in this algebra is defined by @xmath116 which entails on the level of components @xmath117 , the relations : @xmath118 in this context , a pure state @xmath77 in the plane can be viewed as the eigenstate of a system , e.g. a spin @xmath119 , for the eigenvalue @xmath120 of the following operator @xmath121 whereas it is eigenstate of @xmath122 for the eigenvalue @xmath123 .",
"a self - adjoint operator @xmath6 is represented by a @xmath30 real symmetric matrix and its spectral decomposition reads in terms of the two orthogonal projectors corresponding to its real eigenvalues : @xmath105 an immediate example is provided by the spin representation , which is also understood through the superposition of the two basic projectors @xmath106 in terms of quantum measurement , this decomposition means that the observable `` orientation '' assumes two values only : @xmath107 , associated to the projector on the horizontal or spin up state @xmath108 and the other one , @xmath109 , associated to the projector on the vertical or spin down @xmath110 .",
"given the orthonormal basis of @xmath5 defined by the two familiar unit vectors @xmath39 and @xmath40 , as is shown in figure [ r2fig ] , any vector @xmath41 in the plane decomposes as @xmath42 we also use in the sequel the column vector notation to designate @xmath41 with implicit mention of orthonormal basis , @xmath43 in such a way that the dirac _ ket _ and _ bra _ notations become transparent , @xmath44 hence , elementary matrix calculus allows to formulate scalar product and ( orthogonal ) projector in _ bra ket _",
"a similar situation is encountered here with the fuzzy localisation exemplified by the probability distribution families on the unit circle derived from , @xmath65 to the pure state @xmath66 corresponds the orthogonal projector @xmath67 given by : @xmath68 where @xmath69 is the matrix of rotation in the plane by the angle @xmath27 , @xmath70 in quantum formalism , the projector @xmath71 is also called pure state .",
"it is the `` unit circle '' representation given by the trigonometric function @xmath61 however , we should be aware that in our model there is no quantum observable underlying localisation on the whole unit circle , at the difference of ordinary quantum mechanics for which there exists a position operator , @xmath62 , underlying configuration representation , or a momentum operator , @xmath63 , underlying momentum representation .",
"we first recall that a finite - dimensional hilbert space is a finite - dimensional real or complex vector space @xmath32 equipped with a scalar ( or dot or inner ) product @xmath33 or @xmath23 , between any pair of vectors @xmath34 , @xmath35 , with the following properties @xmath36 where @xmath37 , @xmath38 , in are arbitrary complex or real numbers , and encodes the _ semi - definiteness _ of the scalar product . in the case of real vector space ,"
"let us make explicit the berezin - lieb inequalities in the present context .",
"actually it is the direct consequence of a famous result in group representation theory , named schur s lemma @xcite .",
"any quantization map should be complemented by a ",
"is to use resources offered by some adapted integral calculus .",
"any quantization of functions defined on a set @xmath126 ( e.g. a phase space or something else ) should reasonably meet four basic requirements @xcite : it is a linear map @xmath127 : @xmath128 where * @xmath129 is a vector space of complex or real - valued functions @xmath130 on a set @xmath126 , i.e. a `` classical '' mathematical model , * @xmath131 is a vector space of linear operators in some real or complex hilbert space @xmath132 , i.e , a `` quantum '' mathematical model ."
"we now deal with the question of the existence of a quantum dynamics compatible with the simplicity of our model .",
"a first problem concerns the construction of @xmath274 without the existence of a classical phase space as a guidance .",
"then the self - adjointness of @xmath274 is preserved , and quantum evolution restores the full real lie algebra of su@xmath4 generated by the @xmath296 s , @xmath297 . actually , we will use in section [ magnint ] the equation for presenting a physical example of .",
"@xmath285 i.e. the appearance of the @xmath30 proper rotation matrix in the plane as the solely possible continuous unitary operator in the plane is unescapable . in the case of the time evolution of a pure state @xmath286 , this solution corresponds to a uniform rotation , with frequency @xmath287 , of the unit vector @xmath288 . on the algebraic side",
"indeed , if we rely on the copenhagen - dirac - von neumann canons @xcite , the evolution of a time - dependent quantum observable or state is ruled by the equation @xmath275 + \\ii \\hbar\\frac{\\partial a}{\\partial t}\\ , .\\ ] ] the presence of the imaginary unit @xmath276 in is unavoidable since the latter has to be a relation between symmetric operators acting in complex hilbert spaces . on the other hand",
", we note that our real quantum dynamics involves the antisymmetric matrix @xmath289 . together with @xmath290 and @xmath291 these 3 matrices generate the lie algebra @xmath292 of the group sl@xmath293 @xmath294= 2\\sigma_3\\ , , \\quad [ \\tau_2,\\sigma_3]= 2\\sigma_1\\ , , \\quad [ \\sigma_3,\\sigma_1]= -2\\tau_2= 2\\tau_2\\,.\\ ] ] if we had sticked to the complex formalism imposed by , we would have to introduce the third pauli matrix @xmath295 , which was missing in .",
"thus , this number @xmath276 should be canceled because of its appearance somewhere on the right - hand side of . the only place where it can stand lies in the expression of @xmath274 as a @xmath18 complex symmetric matrix , and we easily check that the most general allowed matrix form of @xmath274 is @xmath277 actually the diagonal hamiltonian parameter @xmath278 does not play any role"
"we now introduce the celebrated bell pure states @xcite in @xmath300 as special linear superpositions of the above basis elements @xmath304 or in matrix form , @xmath305 they form an orthonormal basis of @xmath300 .",
"there is quantum correlation .",
"the possible entanglement property of quantum states appears with the construction of tensor products @xcite of hilbert spaces for describing quantum states of composite systems . in the present case , we are in presence of a remarkable sequence of vector space isomorphisms due to the fact that @xmath298 : @xmath299 where @xmath3 is the field of quaternions ( see appendix [ allsu2 ] for definition and properties of these objects ) .",
"they are four specific _ maximally entangled _ quantum states of two qubits .",
"they exhibit perfect correlation ."
"let us turn our attention to the quantum model of a magnetic moment interacting with a constant magnetic field .",
"the ( potential ) energy of a magnetic moment @xmath348 ( whatever the origin of the latter ) submitted to a magnetic field @xmath349 is given by @xmath350 in the case of a moving charge , the magnetic moment is proportional to the angular momentum of the latter .",
", the energy of a magnetic moment submitted to a constant magnetic field alone is conserved .",
"how can we integrate this physics in our toy model ?"
"we have shown that entanglement , a central notion of modern developments in quantum physics , allows to follow an interesting path from the euclidean plane to the quantum one - half spin formalism and to the quaternionic language as well .",
"basic aspects of quantum formalism have been presented in this paper , taking the euclidean plane as the simplest mathematical model to be considered in a pedagogical approach .",
"the corresponding quantum dynamics has been given a physical flavour at the price of increasing the dimension from 2 to three in order to implement what we call integral quantization , and a simple illustration is presented in terms of magnetic moment .",
"now , this path can be extended in order to include entanglement of two @xmath119 spins and to give an interesting description of the latter in an octonionic language .",
"indeed , like @xmath28 ( as vector spaces ) , we can continue with @xmath29 ( as vector spaces ) , the cartesian product of two quaternion field being given an octonionic structure _ la _ cayley dickson .",
"this is the content of a work in progress ."
"also note the alternative expression issued from : @xmath395 where @xmath396 is the rotation matrix in the plane @xmath397 and @xmath291 is the diagonal pauli matrix @xmath398 in order to get the second equality in we used the important property @xmath399 therefore the expression of a matrix density to which we refer mostly often through the paper reads @xmath400 from and we derive the interesting multiplication formula @xmath401 and the resulting ( non - closed ! ) `` algebra '' of real density matrices , @xmath402= -irr'\\sin(\\phi -\\phi^{\\prime } ) \\sigma_2\\ , , \\quad \\{\\rho,\\rho'\\ } = \\rho + \\rho ' + ( \\cos(\\phi - \\phi^{\\prime})- 1/2)i\\ , .\\ ] ] the expression is convenient to examine the way a density matrix transforms under a rotation @xmath403 in the plane .",
"let us make explicit the decomposition , @xmath388 we derive from this expression the polar parametrization of the @xmath389 parameters of @xmath75 : @xmath390 in return , we have the angle @xmath391 $ ] in function of @xmath377 and @xmath378 @xmath392 in this way , each @xmath75 is univocally ( but not biunivocally ) determined by a point in the unit disk , with polar coordinates @xmath393 , @xmath91 , @xmath394 .",
"the most immediate one is the following with parameters @xmath377 and @xmath378 : @xmath379 the above inequalities imply the following ones @xmath380 let @xmath381 be the highest eigenvalue of @xmath75 ( the lowest one is @xmath382 ) .",
"our choice corresponds to the most immediate one in terms of orthonormal basis of the plane issued from the canonical one @xmath387 through the rotation by @xmath27 .",
"there are various expressions for a density matrix acting on the euclidean plane , i.e. a @xmath18 real positive matrix with trace equal to @xmath59 .",
"we have , @xmath404 the computation of the three following integrals is straightforward : @xmath405 @xmath406 @xmath407 @xmath408 where @xmath89 is the unit disk and @xmath409 .",
"the spectral decomposition of @xmath75 reads as @xmath383 where @xmath384 is the corresponding unit eigenvector , chosen as pointing toward the right half - plane ."
"( 40,40 ) ( 20,10)(2,1)30 ( 18,6)@xmath55 ( 35,12)@xmath426 ( 20,10)(-4,1)30 ( 16,20)@xmath427 ( 18,18)@xmath428 ( 17,26)@xmath339 ( 20,10)(-1,4)5 ( 0,10)@xmath429 the action of such a rotation , @xmath430 , on a vector @xmath429 is given by : @xmath431 the latter is expressed in scalar - vector quaternionic form as @xmath432 where @xmath433 or , in matrix form resulting from the identification , @xmath434 in which case quaternionic conjugation corresponds to the transposed conjugate of the corresponding matrix , @xmath435 in particular , for a given unit vector @xmath436 one considers the specific rotation @xmath437 that maps the unit vector pointing to the north pole , @xmath338 , to @xmath339 , as is shown in figure [ rotkton ] , @xmath438 with , in quaternionic matrix notations , @xmath439 @xmath440 ( 50,30 ) ( 20,10)(4,3)20 ( 20,10)(4,1)15 ( 18,6)@xmath55 ( 40,21)@xmath339 ( 33,9)@xmath441 ( 20,12.5)@xmath442 ( 27,11.5)@xmath442 ( 22,16)@xmath357 ( 17,28)@xmath354 ( 20,10)(0,4)23 the unitary irreducible representations @xmath443 of su@xmath4 are labelled by half - integers @xmath444 . for a given @xmath444 , the corresponding complex hilbert space is finite - dimensional , with dimension @xmath445 .",
"unit quaternions , i.e. , quaternions with norm @xmath59 , which form the multiplicative subgroup isomorphic to su@xmath4 , constitute the three - sphere @xmath424 . on the other hand , any proper rotation in space is determined by a unit vector @xmath339 defining the rotation axis and a rotation angle @xmath425 about the axis , as illustrated in figure [ rotation ] .",
"consequently , besides the `` canonical '' one , we use preferably ( and safely ! ) the notation @xmath451 for the @xmath30 matrix given by in the `` up '' and `` down '' spin basis , @xmath452 precisely , we have @xmath453 and for the particular case @xmath454 , essential in the construction of spin @xmath119 coherent states , @xmath455",
"in the lowest non trivial dimensional case we are concerned with in this paper , @xmath449 , these matrix elements are given by @xmath450 hence , we have to be careful when we work with matrix representations of quaternions , due to the choice of basis .",
"the ( quaternionic ) conjugate of @xmath420 is @xmath421 , the squared norm is @xmath422 , and the inverse of a nonzero quaternion is @xmath423 .",
"the matrix elements of the linear operator @xmath446 in the basis @xmath447 are given by @xmath448 in agreement with talman @xcite .",
"a convenient representation of rotations in space is possible thanks to quaternion calculus ."
"the @xmath24-labelled family of probability distributions on @xmath481 @xmath482 at @xmath175 we get the uniform probability on the sphere whereas at @xmath93 we get the probability distribution corresponding to the spin 1/2 cs , @xmath483 the quantization of a function ( or distribution ) @xmath484 on the sphere based on leads to the 2@xmath1842 matrix operator @xmath485 where @xmath486 is the average of @xmath135 on the unit sphere and @xmath487 and @xmath488 are fourier coefficients of @xmath135 on the sphere defined as @xmath489 since the sphere is a phase space with canonical coordinates @xmath490 , @xmath491 , and @xmath492 , the latter may be thought as the simplest functions to be quantized .",
"one defines the family of density matrices labelled by @xmath470 : @xmath471 in order to get a one - to - one correspondence with the points of the 2-sphere , we restrict the elements of su@xmath4 to those corresponding to the rotation @xmath472 bringing the unit vector @xmath354 pointing to the north pole to the vector @xmath473 with spherical coordinates @xmath474 , as described in and but with an opposed sign for @xmath27 in order to get for @xmath93 .",
"then , it is clear that @xmath478 it is with this strong restriction and the simplified notation @xmath479 that we go forward to the next calculations with the resolution of the unity @xmath480 note that the resolution of the identity with the su@xmath4 transport of a generic density operator is possible only if we integrate on the whole group , as it was done in @xcite .",
"its lower symbol is given by the smooth function @xmath496 the quantization of @xmath248 yields the diagonal matrix @xmath497 with immediate eigenvalues @xmath498 and lower symbol @xmath499 we note the commutation rule @xmath500 now , applying the quantization formula of the three components of the generic unit vector provides , as expected , the three pauli matrices , up to a common factor in agreement with general results given in @xcite , @xmath501 j.p .",
". a borel set is any set in a topological space that can be formed from open sets ( or , equivalently , from closed sets ) through the operations of countable union , countable intersection , and relative complement . a very pedagogical explanation of the semi - circle law is given in the junior research seminar on probability , y. sinai , s. miller , l. silberman , @xmath505-functions , random matrix theory and ramanujan graphs , online at ( 2003 ) .",
"we have used the representation @xmath465 defined by in order to avoid any ambiguity about the basis in which is expressed the density matrix @xmath75 . if @xmath93 , with spherical coordinates @xmath466 , then @xmath75 is the pure state @xmath467 where the column vector @xmath468 is the spin @xmath449 coherent state introduced in ."
] | the euclidean plane is certainly the simplest example of real hilbert space .
viewed as a space of quantum states , it can be used as a nice introductive example in teaching quantum formalism .
the pure states form the unit circle ( actually one half of it ) , the mixed states form the unit disk ( actually one half of it ) , and rotations in the plane rule time evolution through a majorana - like equation involving only real quantities .
the set of pure states or the set of mixed states at fixed `` temperature '' solve the identity and they are used for the integral quantization of functions on the unit circle and to give a semi - classical portrait of quantum observables .
interesting probabilistic aspects are developed . since the tensor product of two planes , their direct sum , their cartesian product , are isomorphic ( @xmath0 is the unique solution to @xmath1 ) , and they are also isomorphic to @xmath2 , and to the quaternion field @xmath3 ( as a vector space )
, we describe an interesting relation between entanglement of real states , one - half spin cat states , and unit - norm quaternions which form the group su@xmath4 .
finally , we explain the most general form of the hamiltonian in the real plane by considering the integral quantization of a magnetic - like interaction potential viewed as a classical observable on the unit 2-sphere . |
"it is the purpose of the present work to solve this puzzle and to identify the bands observed in the arpes experiment .",
"i will focus on the presentation of the results regarding structural model and electronic properties of the system .",
"@xcite is a good candidate for the atomic reconstruction of si(335)-au surface . in the following ,",
"while the surfaces like si(553)-au or si(557)-au were extensively studied theoretically @xcite , there are no first principles investigations of the si(335)-au surface .",
"however , the model of this surface , based on an analogy with si(557)-au surface , has been proposed in ref .",
"the most spectacular examples include a breakdown of the fermi liquid theory @xcite and peierls metal - insulator transition @xcite ."
"i have used here the generalized gradient approximation ( gga ) to dft @xcite , troullier - martins norm - conserving pseudopotentials @xcite , and a double-@xmath4 polarized ( dzp ) basis set for all the atomic species @xcite . a brillouin zone sampling of 24 inequivalent @xmath5 points , and a real - space grid equivalent to a plane - wave cutoff of 225 ry ( up to 82 @xmath5 points and 300 ry in the convergence tests ) have been employed .",
"the calculations have been performed using the siesta code @xcite-@xcite , which performs standard pseudopotential density functional calculations using a linear combination of numerical atomic orbitals as a basis set .",
"the lattice constant of si was fixed at the calculated bulk value , 5.42 , which is very close to the experimental value of 5.43 .",
"the si atoms in the bottom layer were saturated with hydrogen and remained at the bulk ideal positions during the relaxation process . to avoid artificial stresses ,",
"this guarantees the convergence of the total energy within @xmath6 mev per atom in the supercell .",
"the si(335)-au system has been modeled by slabs containing up to four silicon double layers plus reconstructed surface layer .",
"all the atomic positions were relaxed except the bottom layer ."
"similar conclusions have been obtained for the case of si(557)-au surface , where the au atoms prefer to substitute in the topmost si layer , too @xcite . therefore , in the following , i will focus on the structural models featuring the si top layer atoms substituted by the gold . the most stable model is shown in fig .",
"the total energy calculations show that it is energetically very favorable for the au atoms to substitute into the top si layer .",
"a sort of honeycomb building block is created at the step edge , originally proposed for the alkali - induced @xmath13 reconstruction of si(111 ) surface @xcite .",
"the total energies of the above models with respect to the most stable model are summarized in table [ tab1 ] .",
"the present model is simply the model proposed by crain _",
"it turns out that this sub - structure is a common feature of other au - decorated si vicinal surfaces @xcite .",
"another important feature is a strong rebonding of the si atoms near the step edge ."
"as one can see , the present dft calculations agree very well with the experimental data . in particular , there are two bands crossing the fermi energy , one associated with the step edge si atoms , and the other one coming mainly from the si atoms neighboring to the au chain . moreover , the shape of those bands and the values of @xmath15 , for which the bands cross the fermi level , remain in good agreement with experiment .",
"the calculated band structure for this structural model , along the high symmetry line of two - dimensional brillouin zone ( fig . [ fig2 ] ) , is shown in fig .",
"@xcite ) and the band structure calculated for the next best structural model , in which the au atoms occupy the si@xmath11 positions ( see fig . [ fig1 ] ) .",
"the mulliken population analysis @xcite has been performed in order to identify the main character of the bands .",
"the other models studied here also give wrong values of @xmath15 at which the electronic bands cross the fermi energy .",
"since the energy differences between all these models are rather small , it is natural to compare the band structure with the arpes data",
". this would be the convincing criterion that the structural model is the correct one or at least is very close to the true si(335)-au surface reconstruction ."
"in conclusion , the structural and electronic properties of si(335)-au surface have been discussed within the density functional theory .",
"the dft calculations revealed that the most stable structural model contains one au atom per unit cell , which substitutes the si atom in the middle of terrace in the surface layer .",
"the calculated electronic structure agrees well with photoemission experimental data , showing two metallic bands .",
"the less dispersive band comes from the si atoms at the step edge , while the other one originates from hybridization between the au and the neighboring si atoms in the middle of the terrace in the surface layer ."
"double-@xmath4 basis has two radial functions for the @xmath17 and @xmath18 orbitals of si , @xmath2 and @xmath19 of au , and @xmath20 of h. additionally , it has @xmath21 shell for si , and @xmath3 shells for au and h. s.c .",
"peierls , _ quantum theory of solids _ , clarendon press , oxford , 1955 .",
"199 t. giamarchi , _ quantum physics in one dimension _ , oxford university press , new york , 2004 .",
"this work has been supported by the polish ministry of education and science under grant no .",
"m. jaochowski for valuable discussions and critical reading of the manuscript .",
"i would like to thank prof ."
".[tab1 ] total energies of the structures of the si(335)-au surface for various positions of the au atoms , as labeled in fig .",
"are relative to the most stable model , shown in fig .",
"[ fig1 ] . the energies ( in ev per unit cell )",
"[ fig1 ] . [ cols=\"^,^,^,^,^,^ \" , ]"
] | the structural and electronic properties of gold decorated si(335 ) surface are studied by means of density - functional calculations .
the resulting structural model indicates that the au atoms substitute some of the si atoms in the middle of the terrace in the surface layer .
calculated electronic band structure near the fermi energy features two metallic bands , one coming from the step edge si atoms and the other one having its origin in hybridization between the au and neighboring si atoms in the middle of the terrace .
the obtained electronic bands remain in good agreement with photoemission data .
_ keywords : _ density functional calculations ; silicon ; high index surfaces ; surface structure ; photoelectron spectroscopy |
"it has become possible to address one of the long - standing problems of quantum gravity to count the number of states of certain black holes in a controlled way , giving for the first time a statistical mechanical interpretation to the bekenstein - hawking entropy . beyond these specific results ,",
"string duality is a recently discovered symmetry of string theory .",
"i would like to try to explain these developments and to put them in the context of the search for the unified theory of particle physics and gravity .",
"string duality has greatly changed the way string theorists think about the fundamental principles of the theory ."
"let us recall the four - fermi theory of the weak interaction .",
"i can summarize what has been learned from string duality .",
"the key question is , how do we go from explaining broad patterns to making precise predictions ? to understand the situation , it is useful to look again to history , to the state of quantum field theory in the early 60 s . at that time",
"general relativity is a nonrenormalizable field theory , meaning that its quantum mechanical perturbation theory has uncontrollable divergences . to see the significance of this ,",
"some of the simplest string theories , the calabi - yau models , closely resemble unified versions of the supersymmetric standard model . as a particle physicist i usually emphasize these particle physics motivations for string theory , but",
"string theory contains quantum field theory as its low energy limit , so all of the familiar dynamics of the latter is still present , but because string theory has many more degrees of freedom it is likely to have interesting new dynamics of its own . beyond this , the central defining principle of string theory is not known .",
"thus , to construct a unified theory one must rely heavily on theoretical reasoning such as the internal consistency of the theory , and any experimental tests will be indirect . fortunately , consistency is a very restrictive guide ."
"string duality involves an interplay of many different ideas from quantum field theory and string theory . in this part",
"the extension to string theory will be discussed in section 3.5 . to test the duality conjectures",
"i would like to explain some of the central principles . here",
"these systematic conjectures made possible many new tests , and evidence for weak / strong duality in string theory accumulated rapidly .",
"are two ways to think about the meaning of the coupling constant @xmath13 of a quantum field theory .",
"in fact , they can be thought of as quantum field theories on ordinary spacetime but with fields that have both fermionic and bosonic components , with a symmetry relating the masses and charges of the particles with different statistics . to see why supersymmetry is valuable in studying strong coupling we need the algebra of the quantum mechanical generators of the symmetry . for an ordinary internal symmetry , such as baryon number , the generator @xmath49 commutes with the hamiltonian @xmath50 , @xmath51 = 0.\\ ] ]",
"duality in supersymmetric gauge theory is now well - established ."
"i have described the principal methods and general results of string duality . in this final part",
"weakly coupled string theory requires specifically ten dimensions .",
"the experimental signature was discussed in section 3.4 , a tower of new states above the energy @xmath73 .",
"one of the striking consequences of string duality is the existence of an eleventh dimension , not visible in weakly coupled string theory .",
"how does one discover a new dimension ?",
"the recent progress in string duality suggests that black holes do obey the ordinary rules of quantum mechanics ."
"an important problem remains in our understanding of the vacuum , when we try to calculate the vacuum energy density , the cosmological constant .",
", the cosmological constant and black hole information problems both seem to require subtle nonlocalities in spacetime . for the information problem we have discussed this ; for the cosmological constant ,",
"quantum mechanics , gravity , gauge symmetry , chirality , grand unification , supersymmetry , and kaluza - klein theory .",
"we need some new phase of supersymmetric theories , in which the boson / fermion degeneracy is removed while the vacuum energy remains zero .",
", string theory is smarter than we are ."
"u. amaldi , w. de boer , and h. furstenau , 1991 , `` comparison of grand unified theories with electroweak and strong coupling constants measured at lep , '' phys . lett .",
"+ b. carter , 1979 , `` the general theory of the mechanical , electromagnetic , and thermodynamic properties of black holes , '' in _ general relativity .",
"+ s. coleman , 1988 , `` why there is nothing rather than something : a theory of the cosmological constant , '' nucl . phys .",
"+ d. amati , m. ciafaloni , and g. veneziano , 1989 , `` can spacetime be probed below the string scale ? ''",
"+ s. weinberg , 1980 , `` conceptual foundations of the unified theory of weak and electromagnetic interactions , '' rev .",
"+ l. susskind , 1993 , `` string theory and the principles of black hole complementarity , '' phys .",
"+ h. osborn , 1979 , `` topological charges for @xmath44 supersymmetric gauge theories and monopoles of spin 1 , '' phys .",
"+ a. sen , 1995a , `` string string duality conjecture in six - dimensions and charged solitonic strings , '' nucl .",
"+ p. s. aspinwall , b. r. greene , and d. r. morrison , 1993 , `` multiple mirror manifolds and topology change in string theory , '' phys . lett ."
] | the strong coupling limit of a quantum system is in general quite complicated , but in some cases a great simplification occurs : the strongly coupled limit is equivalent to the weakly coupled limit of some other system . in string theory conjectures of this type
go back several years , but only in the past year and a half has it been understood to be a general principle applying to all string theories .
this has improved our understanding of string dynamics , including quantum gravity , in many new and sometimes surprising ways .
i describe these developments and put them in the context of the search for the unified theory of particle physics and gravity .
epsf.tex 3.7 in * string duality * * a colloquium * * joseph polchinski * institute for theoretical physics university of california santa barbara , ca 93106 - 4030 e - mail : |
"these works are significant in the sense that the back reactions on the observable quantities were discussed , but they did not consider the cases where we try to determine the cosmological parameters by observing an inhomogeneous universe . in this paper , we investigate the relation between distance and redshift in an inhomogeneous universe . as an inhomogeneous model , we take a spherically symmetric dust shell model , in which light rays travel from each dust shell toward an observer at the center .",
"we investigate the behavior of the averaged density around the observer at the center when we gradually extend the averaged region to the outer shells , and discuss the relation among the behavior of the averaged density , the energy density of the fl model , and the observed distance redshift relation .",
"we calculate angular diameter distance redshift ( @xmath0@xmath1 ) relation and compare it with that of a fl model .",
"redshift relation of a dust ",
"shell universe behaves like that of a fl model .",
"we note two interesting points of a dust shell model ."
", we shall introduce the following quantities : @xmath59 from equations ( [ eq : gmass - def ] ) and ( [ eq : dmass - def ] ) , the following relations hold @xmath60 then the equation for the circumferential radius , @xmath61 , of the @xmath9-th shell is written in the form @xmath62 where we have assumed that each shell initially expands . from equations ( [ eq : ex - time ] ) and ( [ eq : in - time ] ) , the equations for the schwarzschild time coordinates , @xmath63 , are obtained as @xmath64 thus , from equations ( [ eq : initial ] ) and ( [ eq : time - eq ] ) , the equations for the relations between @xmath63 and @xmath61 are given by @xmath65 the above equations can be integrated easily to give the solution for @xmath66 in the form @xmath67 where @xmath68 and @xmath69 s are integration constants .",
"we denote the initial circumferential radius of the @xmath9-th shell by @xmath48 , i.e. , @xmath49 we define @xmath50 by @xmath51 and @xmath52 by @xmath53 then the expansion law of the dust shell is written as @xmath54 we see that the first term behaves like a non - relativistic matter term in the hubble equation of fl models , the second and the third like a curvature and a radiation source term . from this point of view , @xmath50 and @xmath55 play roles of the `` energy density '' and the `` curvature '' , respectively .",
"the definition of @xmath0 is @xmath122 where @xmath123 is the physical length of the source perpendicular to the line of sight , and @xmath124 is the observed angular size . since the space we are considering is spherically symmetric , the diameter distance from the observer at the center to the @xmath9-th shell agrees with the circumferential radius @xmath125 when the null geodesic intersects it ; @xmath126 we calculate @xmath0@xmath1 relation in the dust shell universe using the relations ( [ recurrent ] ) , ( [ redshift ] ) and ( [ diameter ] ) .",
"we obtain the circumferential radii of all the shells at the intersection with the null geodesic by the same procedure , i.e. , by solving the following recurrent relation : @xmath108 we can determine @xmath101 from the given @xmath109 through this equation . in order to derive the expression of redshift , we first write down the components of the null geodesic tangent in the @xmath9-th region , @xmath110 , which is given in the kruscal null coordinate as @xmath111 and the other components vanish , where @xmath112 is an integration constant associated with the geodesic equation .",
"the tangent vector of the spacelike geodesic is written as @xmath83 and the other components vanish , where @xmath84 is an integration constant associated with the geodesic equation and will be determined by the condition which we will see in the next section . from equation ( [ eq : sg - comp ] ) , the equation for the trajectory of the spacelike geodesic in the @xmath85 plane is given by @xmath86 integrating the above equation , we obtain @xmath87 where @xmath88 and @xmath89 is an integration constant .",
"then , from the normalization condition for the 4-velocity of a shell , we obtain @xmath47^{1\\over2 } , \\label{eq : ex - time}\\\\ { dt_{(-)i}\\over d\\tau } & = & \\left({r_{i}\\over r_{i}-2gm_{i}}\\right ) \\left[1-{2gm_{i}\\over r_{i } } + \\left({dr_{i}\\over d\\tau}\\right)^{2}\\right]^{1\\over2}.\\label{eq : in - time}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] the procedure to determine the initial points of each time coordinate is described later . in order to specify a dust "
"thus , we try choosing @xmath151 so that the vector @xmath81 is orthogonal to the trajectory of each shell ( we will refer to this choice as `` model a '' ) . from the condition @xmath152 at @xmath153 , we obtain @xmath154 in figure 2 we plot the angular diameter distance as a function of redshift of each shell for various @xmath135 with a common @xmath129 in the case of model a. the total number of shells @xmath155 is taken to be @xmath156 .",
"it seems natural to take this sum of masses in averaging , since the motion of the @xmath9-th shell is approximately determined by sum of the gravitational mass inside the shell ( which agrees with the sum of baryonic masses up to @xmath8-th shell ) and half of its baryonic mass ; the numerator in the above definition is the same with @xmath187 which appears in the first term in the expansion law ( [ motion ] ) .",
"we also note that in spatially flat cases the gravitational mass and the baryonic mass coincide ; whether we use the baryonic mass or gravitational mass in defining the averaged density , the result is the same . in cases where those masses are different , we have to be careful in determining the averaged density when we try to construct a fl model which fits a dust shell universe . in order to clarify",
"before we proceed , we estimate the magnitude of the radiation - like term in equation ( [ expa ] ) . from equations ( [ eq : g - mass ] ) and ( [ eq : gmass - def ] ) with @xmath141 , we find @xmath142 where @xmath143 is a positive integer . from equations ( [ eq : curvature ] ) ( [ eq : defk ] ) and ( [ eq : dmass - def ] ) , we find @xmath144 and obtain @xmath145 thus , when we consider a large @xmath57 limit with fixing @xmath146 , the baryonic mass @xmath147 is regarded as a small quantity , compared with @xmath148 and @xmath149 .",
", the intrinsic metric of the initial hypersurface is given by @xmath179 using the above line element , we obtain the spatial volume , @xmath180 , of the @xmath9-th region ( @xmath181 ) on the initial slice in the form @xmath182^{r_i}_{r_{i-1}}\\\\ & + & { 5\\pi { \\mu_i}^3 \\over 2(1+e_i^2)^{7/2 } } \\ln \\left ( { \\sqrt{(1+e_i^2)r_i-{\\mu_i } } + \\sqrt{(1+e_i^2)r_i } \\over \\sqrt{(1+e_i^2)r_{i-1}-{\\mu_i } } + \\sqrt{(1+e_i^2)r_{i-1 } } } \\right ) \\quad .\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] for @xmath99 , @xmath183 is equal to @xmath184 . using this volume , we define the averaged density @xmath185 as follows .",
"shell universe looks like a flat fl universe , when the expansion law resembles the flat fl model , and the behavior of averaged density field is scale - independent when we increase the scale of averaging , and the averaged density agrees with @xmath128 .",
"thus we can write the present hubble parameter @xmath164 in terms of the initial hubble parameter @xmath165 and redshift @xmath166 as @xmath167 the @xmath0@xmath1 relation in the flat fl model is calculated once we fix @xmath168 and @xmath166 , since the relation is determined solely by @xmath169 ."
"we have studied the behavior of @xmath0@xmath1 relation in a spherically symmetric dust ",
"we have compared the relation of dust ",
"shell universe where the mass distribution is discrete .",
"we have seen that the @xmath0@xmath1 relation observed at the center agrees well with that of a flat fl model if the following conditions are satisfied : ( i ) the expansion law of the circumferential radius of the shells resembles the hubble equation of a spatially flat fl model , ( ii ) the behavior of averaged density around the observer at the center is scale - independent as we increase the scale on which we take the average , and ( iii ) the averaged density agrees with the energy density of the fl model .",
"shell universe with that of fl models , and discussed the relation with the behavior of averaged density .",
"we have also seen that the choice of initial hypersurface relates the expansion law to the averaged density ."
"ns and th are supported by research fellowships of the japan society for the promotion of science for young scientists , no.3167 and no.9204 .",
"ellis , _ in proceedings of 10th international conference on general relativity and gravitation _ , edited by b. bertotti et al , ( reidel dordrech , 1984 ) .",
"( university of chicago press , chicago , 1984 ) .",
"m. kasai , private communication at _ tomita _ conference in japan ( 1997 ) .",
"we would like to thank h. sato for encouragement .",
"99 s. weinberg , _ gravitation and cosmology _ , ( wiley and sons : new york , 1973 ) .",
"c.w.misner , k.s.thorne , and j.a.wheeler , _ gravitation _"
] | the relation between angular diameter distance and redshift ( @xmath0@xmath1 relation ) in a spherically symmetric dust shell universe is studied .
this model has large inhomogeneities of matter distribution on small scales .
we have discovered that the relation agrees with that of an appropriate friedmann
lematre(fl ) model if we set a `` homogeneous '' expansion law and a `` homogeneous '' averaged density field .
this will support the averaging hypothesis that a universe looks like a fl model in spite of small - scale fluctuations of density field , if its averaged density field is homogeneous on large scales .
@ @.2326ex # 1^to-1.4@-@@ + spherically symmetric dust
shell universe + norimasa sugiura , ken - ichi nakao and tomohiro harada + _ department of physics , kyoto university , sakyo - ku , kyoto 606 - 8502 , japan _ |
"the radio emission of core - dominated , radio - loud active galactic nuclei ( agn ) is synchrotron radiation generated in the relativistic jets that emerge from the nucleus of the galaxy , presumably along the rotational axis of a central supermassive black hole .",
"the compact radio emission of such agn can be probed with high resolution using very long baseline interferometry ( vlbi ) .",
"synchrotron radiation can be highly linearly polarised , to @xmath4 in the case of a uniform magnetic field ( pacholczyk 1970 ) , and linear polarisation observations can yield unique information about the orientation and degree of order of the magnetic field in the synchrotron source , as well as the distribution of thermal electrons and the magnetic - field geometry in the immediate vicinity of the agn ( e.g. , via faraday rotation of the plane of polarisation ) .",
"the radio telescopes in the interferometric array can be separated by hundreds or thousands of kilometres , making it infeasible to physically link ( synchronise ) them electronically , and high - accuracy timing signals must be recorded together with the data , so that the signals obtained at different antennas can be accurately synchronised during correlation . in practice , the amplitudes and , especially , phases of the measured complex visibility data unavoidably contain unknown errors , which can conveniently be expressed via antenna - based complex gain factors : @xmath5 where @xmath6 and @xmath7 are the observed and true visibility functions on the baseline between antennas @xmath8 and @xmath9 , and @xmath10 , @xmath11 are the complex gain factors for antennas @xmath8 and @xmath9 .",
"the complex gains @xmath12 must be determined and removed from the data in order to achieve the highest - quality images possible for the radio - telescope array used .",
"one important source of information about the physical conditions in the radio - emitting regions is the distribution of the spectral index @xmath0 over the source ( @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is the source flux at frequency @xmath3 ) .",
"the spectrum may also flatten in regions of the jet in which there is re - acceleration of electrons or low - frequency absorption ( e.g. gabuzda , pushkarev & garnich 2000 ; gabuzda , gmez & agudo 2001 ) ."
"iterative imaging via self - calibration and a deconvolution algorithm such as clean is generally quite effective , but the absolute information about the coordinates of the source on the sky is lost during phase self - calibration , which essentially places the centre of gravity of the radio brightness distribution at the phase centre , which has coordinates @xmath13 . because most radio - loud agn are highly core - dominated , directly comparing multi - frequency self - calibrated vlbi images of agn essentially amounts to aligning these images on the observed vlbi core , which usually coincides very closely with the peak of the radio brightness distribution .",
"thus the alignment of multi - frequency images on their vlbi core results in a misalignment between images of different observing frequencies .",
"lobanov ( 1998 ) explains in detail how the frequency - dependence of the shift depends on physical conditions near the central engine .",
"( 2000 ) , who used this method to determine the radio core shift in 1823 + 568 .",
"vlbi datasets at different frequencies will have different angular resolutions and sensitivities to structures on various scales due to the different baseline coverages of the observations .",
"however , the standard theory of extragalactic radio sources ( e.g. blandford & knigl 1979 ) predicts a frequency - dependent shift in the location of the vlbi core due to opacity effects in the core region .",
"this difficulty in aligning complex images without distinct optically thin components detected at all frequencies to be compared was the main motivation for us to consider alternative methods of image alignment ."
"the method we have developed to align multi - frequency images is based on the cross - correlation technique widely used in many fields , including biomedical signal processing and imaging ( panescu 1993 , frank & mcewan 1992 ) and remote sensing ( hartl 1976 ) .",
"the use of this measure in image alignment gives an objective , quantitative assessment of how well two images are aligned , and does not depend on the presence of very compact features . by applying different shifts between images and calculating the cross - correlation coefficient for each shift",
"the normalised cross - correlation coefficient we used ( see , e.g. , dunn & clark 1974 ) is defined in two - dimensions as : @xmath14 where @xmath15 is the number of pixels in each direction in the two - dimensional images to be compared , @xmath16 and @xmath17 are the intensities for the maps at frequencies @xmath18 and @xmath19 at pixel @xmath20 , and @xmath21 and @xmath22 are the mean values of these two intensities over the region analyzed . although the source emission at a given location varies with frequency , all the radiation observed at radio frequencies is believed to be synchrotron radiation from the same population of relativistic electrons . therefore the optically thin total - intensity ( @xmath23 ) structures should be well - correlated despite local changes in the spectrum of the synchrotron emission due to variations in the local magnetic field , interaction with the surrounding medium and other effects . using this ( reasonable ) assumption , it is possible to determine the shift to be applied between maps by comparing the structures of optically thin regions of the source at different frequencies . the highest correlation between dual - frequency images",
"this method has the advantage that it takes account of the optically thin emission from the _ entire _ source , not just isolated compact components .",
"cross - correlation provides a measure of how closely correlated ( i.e. how alike ) two functions are .",
"should therefore be obtained when the areas being compared correspond to the same physical region of the sky .",
", it is possible to determine which shift results in the best alignment ."
"the most widely used software for the calibration , imaging and analysis of radio interferometric data is the national radio astronomy observatory aips ( astronomical image processing system ) package .",
"we have written a c program to implement the cross - correlation technique , which is external to but compatible with the nrao aips package .",
"an area of the same shape as the restoring beam , but whose size is specified by the user , is removed from the area in map 1 surrounding the ( at least partially ) optically thick core , whose position will be frequency - dependent and which usually corresponds to the peak of the map . in comparatively unusual cases , the brightest feature may not correspond to the core ; to enable the program to produce reliable results for this situation , we have included the option of the user specifying the position of the core .",
"the results should not depend on whether the higher - frequency or lower - frequency images is used as map 1 : in either case , it is the relative shift that is being determined , and the shifts obtained with the higher - frequency map as map 1 will be the negative of those obtained with the lower - frequency map as map 1 . in practice , it may be expedient to compare results obtained blanking out core areas of several different sizes ( e.g. 2.0 times the beam area , 2.5 times the beam area etc . ) , to ensure that the optically thick core region is fully blanked , while as much of the optically thin inner jet is included in the correlation analysis as possible .",
"the other image text file displays the subarea of map 1 that was compared ; displaying this image can be useful in verifying the area to be blanked around the optically thick core . ideally this area should be large enough to cover virtually all of the core region , but not features in the inner jet ; it should cover at least one beam size , and usually more , since the shape of the beam and the very high flux emanating from the core will dominate the vlbi @xmath23 structure here .",
"this lends credence to the hypothesis that the optically thin jet structures in the maps should be well correlated when aligned properly ( if small - scale variations were important the function could show secondary peaks where individual features align well rather than falling off uniformly , but we have never found this to be the case ) .",
"the second map ( map 2 ) is shifted so that different regions overlay this area each time . since the area of map 1 is not changed , the normalised cross - correlation coefficients can be compared directly to determine which part of map 2 is best correlated with the selected region .",
"obviously , the accuracy of the estimated shift between a pair of images will depend to some extent on the pixel size in the images being compared . in practice , it may be expedient , within reason , to use images with slightly smaller pixel sizes in order to derive more refined shift estimates ."
"the `` slanting '' boundary between the regions of optically thick and thin emission near the core seems suspicious , but in fact , the 4.8-ghz vsop space - vlbi image for this epoch shows that the vlbi jet initially emerges to the northwest ( gabuzda 1999 ) , and this feature likely real ( the implied spectral - index gradient is roughly perpendicular to the direction of the small - scale jet ) .",
"we present two examples of applying the program in practice to align total - intensity images of agn obtained with the nrao very long baseline array at 7.9 ghz and 5.1 ghz : ( i ) for 2007 + 777 , which displays a fairly distinct optically thin jet feature that could be used to align the two maps in the `` traditional '' way , and ( ii ) for 2200 + 420 , which displays only fairly amorphous optically thin jet emission .",
"it is less straightforward to estimate the correctness of this shift directly from the superposed @xmath23 maps in fig . 4 , but the spectral - index map after applying this shift shows appreciably more regular behaviour , with a smooth gradient in the spectral index from north of the core region to the jet extending nearly directly to the south ;",
"6 ) does not enable an unambiguous estimate of the needed shift `` by eye , '' the correctness of the shift derived by our program is immediately obvious via a visual inspection of the spectral - index maps before and after applying this shift ( fig .",
". in both cases , we used a cell size of 0.1 mas during the initial total - intensity mapping , but used final maps made with a cell size of 0.05 mas as input to the program , to improve slightly the accuracy of the relative shifts obtained . in the case of 2007 + 777 ,",
"we also show the results of applying the cross - correlation technique to 4.8 and 1.6-ghz images of the agn 1803 + 784 ( gabuzda & chernetskii 2003 ) , as an example of the operation of the program when applied to two images at more widely separated frequencies .",
"the calculated shift of the 5.1 ghz relative to the 7.9 ghz image was 4 pixels ( 0.20 mas ) to the south and 0 pixels to the east , again in the direction of the vlbi jet , as expected ."
"we have developed a c program to determine the shift between two vlbi images based on a cross - correlation analysis of the images . in the past , it has been necessary to determine such shifts for images of agn by aligning compact optically thin jet components , which can be a somewhat subjective and not entirely unambiguous procedure . in addition , this method is difficult to apply to complex and/or extended agn jets without compact optically thin features suitable for such an analysis .",
"our tests have shown that the program produces reliable shifts for images both with and without distinct optically thin features .",
"the great advantage of our new approach is that it provides a straightforward , objective means to determine the shift between two images that makes use of all optically thin regions in the source structure , not just individual chosen features .",
"the code can be compiled using a standard c compiler , and has been designed to take input files written by the aips task imtxt , and to output files that can be read by the aips task fetch , making it straightforward for radio astronomers familiar with aips to implement the code .",
"the code can be obtained by contacting d. c. gabuzda ( ) ."
"we thank shane p. osullivan for allowing us to use unpublished images of 2007 + 777 and 2200 + 420 as examples of our alignment program , and for help in making the spectral index maps for 1803 + 784 .",
"sc thanks ger croke for helpful discussions on the cross - correlation technique .",
"we are also grateful to the referee , bob campbell , for helpful comments that led to improvement of this paper .",
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"blandford r. d. & knigl a. 1979 , apj , 232 , 34 boboltz d. a. 2006 , in _ international celestial reference system and frame ( iers technical note 34 ) _ , eds . j. souchay & m. feissel vernier , p. 41"
] | many important techniques for investigating the properties of extragalactic radio sources , such as spectral - index and rotation - measure mapping , involve the comparison of images at two or more frequencies . in the case of radio interferometric data , this can be done by comparing the clean maps obtained at the different frequencies .
however , intrinsic differences in images due to the frequency dependence of the radio emission can be distorted by additional differences that arise due to source variability ( if the data to be compared is obtained at different times ) , image misalignment , and the frequency dependence of the sensitivity to weak emission and the angular resolution provided by the observations ( the resolution of an interferometer depends on the lengths of its baselines in units of the observing wavelength ) .
these effects must be corrected for as best as possible before multi - frequency data comparison techniques can be applied .
we consider the origins for the afore - mentioned factors , outline the standard techniques used to overcome these difficulties , and describe in detail a technique developed by us , based on the cross - correlation technique widely used in other fields , to correct for misalignments between maps at different frequencies .
[ firstpage ] |
"as in cosmology , the most simple generalization of the theory ( a single additional scalar field ) is not possible because while dealing with spherically symmetric solutions , the `` no - hair '' theorem restriction must be taken into account . treating @xmath2 as a dilatonic field , the coupling function @xmath5 is fixed from the first string principles and should be written @xmath6 @xcite , which leads to : @xmath7.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] such type of actions can be considered as one of the possible middle steps between general relativity and quantum gravity . in this paper , we show that this effective string gravity model and its solutions can be applied for a description of the last stages of primordial black holes ( pbh ) evaporation @xcite and suggests possible dark matter candidates @xcite .",
"this should be understood in the general framework of gauss - bonnet black hole ( bh ) theory @xcite .",
"one of them is to study the action expansion in scalar curvature , _",
"there is the completely supersymmetrical string / m - theory ."
"starting from the action ( [ a11 ] ) , a static , spherically symmetric , asymptotically flat black hole solution is considered .",
"contribution of higher order curvature corrections was studied in @xcite to show that , in the bosonic case with heterotic string models ( the question is still open in susy ii ) , all the new topological configurations are located inside the determinant singularity and , therefore , do not produce any new _ physical _ consequences .",
"our conclusions remain valid when the next higher order curvature corrections are made of pure products of riemannian tensors .",
"@xcite are briefly repeated .",
"a bh type solution was obtained ."
"the numerical values of gauss - bonnet bh ( important for experimental search analysis ) will be presented in section d. in the wkb approximation of the hawking evaporation process , everything happens in the neighbourhood of the event horizon . as our metric functions @xmath24 and @xmath25 depend upon radial coordinate @xmath26 and black hole mass @xmath12 , i.e. @xmath27 and @xmath28 ( other variables are not important ) , we can use expansions ( [ a12 ] ) , taking into account only the first terms ( partially neglecting the dependence upon radial coordinate @xmath26 ) . using [ a12 ]",
"black holes are treated as immersed in a thermal bath and the evaporation can be described as a wkb approximation of semiclassical tunnelling in a dynamical geometry . in our investigation , we follow the techniques described in @xcite and @xcite .",
"different types of similar models for bh evaporation were studied in lovelock gravity @xcite , string inspired curvature expansions @xcite and in many other theories .",
"the shape of the bh mass loss rate law changes and becomes the one presented in fig.2 , analogously to the simplified `` toy model '' presented in @xcite .",
"some other descriptions of bh evaporation can be found in @xcite ."
"we investigate in this section the possibility to measure the previously given relic emission .",
"the number of particles emitted above @xmath116ev in a pure hawking model is of the order of @xmath117 @xcite .",
"another way to investigate differences between edgb black holes particle emission and a pure hawking spectrum is to study the mass region where @xmath115 is maximal .",
"let @xmath98 be the distance from the observer , @xmath99 the redshift corresponding to the distance @xmath98 , @xmath100 the opening angle of the detector ( chosen so that the corresponding solid angle is @xmath101 ) , @xmath102 the individual differential spectrum of a black hole relic ( bhr ) at time @xmath85 , @xmath103 the numerical bhr density taking into account the cosmic scale factor variations , @xmath104 the horizon in the considered energy range , @xmath105 the age of the universe and @xmath50 the hubble parameter .",
"this closes the question about possible direct detection of bhrs emission .",
", it could revive the interest in pbhs as candidates to solve the enigma of measured cosmic rays above the gzk cutoff ."
"our study provides new arguments favouring massive relic objects , probably one order of magnitude above planck mass and could revive the interest in such non - baryonic dark matter candidates .",
"the idea of pbh relics as a serious candidate for cold dark matter was first mentioned in @xcite .",
"it was shown that in a friedman universe without inflation , planck - mass remnants of evaporating primordial black holes could be expected to have close to the critical density .",
"an important problem is still to be addressed in standard inflationary cosmology : the rather large size of the horizon at the end of inflation .",
". the second one would be to have a large amount of big pbhs , between @xmath117 g and @xmath133 g , where experiments are completely blind : such black holes are too heavy to undergo hawking evaporation and too light to be seen by microlensing experiments ( mostly because of the finite size effect @xcite ) . the most natural way to produce spectra with such features is inflationary models with a scale , either corresponding to a change in the spectral index of the fluctuations power spectrum @xcite either corresponding to a step @xcite ."
"in this paper , the bh type solution of 4d effective string gravity action with higher order curvature corrections was applied to the description of bhrs .",
"our main conclusion is to show that contrarily to what is usually thought the evaporation does not end up by the emission of a few quanta with energy around planck values but goes asymptotically to zero with an infinite characteristic time scale .",
"a corrected version of the evaporation law near the minimal bh mass was established .",
"it was shown that the standard bekenstein - hawking evaporation forluma must be modified in the neighbourhood of the last stages .",
"the direct experimental registration of the products of evaporation of bhrs is impossible .",
"this gives an opportunity to consider these bhrs as one of the main candidates for cold dark matter in our universe ."
"a.tseytlin , `` string solutions with nonconstant scalar fields '' _ published in the proceedings of international symposium on particle theory , wendisch - rietz , germany , 7 - 11 sep 1993 ( ahrenshoop symp.1993:0001 - 13 ) , _ hep - th/9402082 b.zwiebach , phys.lett . * b156 * , 315 ( 1985 ) ; e.poisson , class.quant.grav . * 8 * , 639 ( 1991 ) ; d.witt , phys.rev .",
"the authors are grateful to a. starobinsky and m. pomazanov for the very useful discussions on the subject of this paper .",
"s.a . would like to thank the ams group in the institut des sciences nucleaires ( cnrs / ujf ) de grenoble for kind hospitality .",
"& g.b are very grateful to the sternberg astronomical institute for inviting them .",
"this work was supported in part by `` universities of russia : fundamental investigations '' via grant no .",
"j.m.blatt , v.f.weisskopf , theoretical nuclear physics ( wiley , new york , 1952 ) , p. 520 ; a.a.starobinsky , s.m.churilov , zh .",
"a.g.polnarev , m.yu.khlopov , astronomicheskii zhurnal ( astronomical journal ) * 58 * , 706 ( 1981 ) , in russian ; m.yu.khlopov , b.a.malomed , ya.b.zeldovich , mnras * 215 * , 575 ( 1985 ) ; j.h.macgibbon , nature * 329 * , 308 ( 1987 ) ; j.h.macgibbon , b.carr , ap.j . * 371 * , 447 ( 1991 ) ; v.i.manko , m.a.markov , phys.lett . * a172 * , 331 ( 1993 ) .",
"ur.02.01.026 and by russian federation state contract no .",
"* d55 * , 2110 ( 1997 ) ; s.o . alexeyev and m.v ."
] | the endpoint of black hole evaporation is a very intriguing problem of modern physics .
based on einstein - dilaton - gauss - bonnet four dimensional string gravity model we show that black holes do not disappear and should become relics at the end of the evaporation process .
the possibility of experimental detection of such remnant black holes is investigated .
if they really exist , these objects could be a considerable part of the non baryonic dark matter in our universe . |
"we present in this paper new measurements of radial velocities of galaxies in the fields of 18 apm clusters .",
"our data combined with radial velocities from the literature allow us to determine cluster velocity dispersions for 17 apm clusters ( 13 of these without previous estimates ) . in section 2 we present the galaxy data set and a statistical analysis of the new velocity dispersion estimates and those from the literature providing correlations between @xmath1 and richness",
"we have undergone an observational program to obtain radial velocities of galaxies in the field of apm clusters .",
"studies of the dynamics of clusters of galaxies play an important role in the analysis of large scale structure formation .",
"1996 ) in the eso nearby abell cluster survey ( enacs ) . in a quantitative analysis of these data"
"we aim to estimate velocity dispersions of apm clusters for a wide range of richness .",
"we provide in table 3 our new radial velocity measurements of galaxies in the fields of our selected apm clusters .",
"we list in column 1 and 2 , the cluster identifications ( apm and abell respectively ) ; columns 3 and 4 , coordinates of cluster centers ; columns 5 and 6 , mean cluster redshift and the number of objects used in these calculations from ebeling & maddox ( 1995 ) ; and columns 7 and 8 , the richness parameter from abell and apm v. as it can be seen from the table , most of the mean cluster redshifts are based on measurements of two members and it is very important to improve these cluster redshifts .",
"therefore , we have selected a sample of apm clusters ( dalton et al .",
"we have identified 52 galaxies from the las campanas redshift survey @xcite within 0.75h@xmath0 mpc in projection in the fields of the clusters apmcc 160 , apmcc 173 , apmcc 352 , apmcc 746 , apmcc 042 and apm 221539.0 - 390817 . based on the rostat",
"we consider apm richness counts as defined in apm v and we analyze a sample of 48 apm clusters with reliable velocity dispersions . in order to compare the correlations of apm and abell richness counts with velocity dispersions",
"we list cluster identification ; our new estimates of mean cluster redshift and velocity dispersions ; and the number of objects used in these measurements ."
"the new observations presented in this paper together with previous published data allows for a comparative analysis of the correlation between cluster velocity dispersion and richness defined by different selection algorithms .",
"the correlation between abell cluster richness and velocity dispersions is very poor .",
"the measurements of galaxy redshifts in the field of apm clusters contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of these systems and provide a deeper insight in the problem of cluster identification from projected data .",
"therefore , the observed spread in the richness - @xmath1 correlations raise serious concerns on the use of richness in cluster mass determinations irrespectively of cluster selection criteria and richness definition .",
"we observe a systematic trend to lower values of @xmath1 in the sample of abell clusters that did not satisfy apm cluster selection criteria .",
"however , apm richness counts do not provide a significantly better correlation with @xmath1 , suggesting the presence of an intrinsic spread related to galaxy formation or evolution in clusters .",
"the estimated velocity dispersions obtained from our analysis with typical number of galaxies @xmath17 are in good agreement with estimates derived from the literature as seen in table 5 ."
"this research has made use of the nasa / ipac extragalactic database ( ned ) which is operated by the jet propulsion laboratory , california institute of technology , under contract with the national aeronautics and space administration .",
"the authors are specially grateful to c. caretta who obtained some spectra for this project in 1996 and c. n. a. willmer for his help in reducing the data .",
"lasker , b. m. , sturch , c. r. , mclean , b. m. , russel , j. l. , jenker , h. & shara , m. 1990 , aj , 99 , 2019 loveday , j. 1996 , mnras , 278 , 1025 loveday , j. , peterson , b. a. , maddox , s. j. & efstathiou , g. 1996 , apjs , 107 , 201 lumsden , s. l. , nichol , r. c. , collins , c. a. & guzzo , l. 1992 , mnras 258 , 1 maddox , s. j. , sutherland , w. j. , efstathiou , g. & loveday , j. 1990a , mnras , 243 , 692 maddox , s. j. , efstathiou , g. & sutherland , w. j. 1990b , mnras , 246 , 433 mazure a. , katgert p. , den hartog r. , biviano a. , dubath p. , escalera e. , focardi p. , gerbal d. , giuricin g. , jones b. , le fevre o. , moles m. , perea j. , rhee g. 1996 .",
"the authors acknowledge use of the ccd and data acquisition system supported under u.s .",
"a cataloge of southern peculiar galaxies and associations . cambridge university press .",
"this research was supported by grants from conicet , conicor , agencia nacional de promocin cientfica y tecnolgica , secretara de ciencia y tcnica de la universidad nacional de crdoba and fundacin antorchas , argentina .",
"national science foundation grant ast-90 - 15827 , to r. m. rich ."
] | we present 83 new galaxy radial velocities in the field of 18 apm clusters with redshifts between 0.06 and 0.13 .
the clusters have abell identifications and the galaxies were selected within 0.75 h@xmath0mpc in projection from their centers .
we derive new cluster velocity dispersions for 13 clusters using our data and published radial velocities .
we analyze correlations between cluster velocity dispersions and cluster richness counts as defined in abell and apm catalogs .
the correlations show a statistically significant trend although with a large scatter suggesting that richness is a poor estimator of cluster mass irrespectively of cluster selection criteria and richness definition .
we find systematically lower velocity dispersions in the sample of abell clusters that do not fulfill apm cluster selection criteria suggesting artificially higher abell richness counts due to contamination by projection effects in this subsample .
galaxies : clustering galaxies : dynamics cosmology : observations cosmology : theory . |
"we seek to investigate the degree to which radiative feedback can suppress the formation of low - mass galaxies that form in dark matter halos with virial temperatures @xmath1 ( below which atomic cooling is inefficient ) .",
"we use analytic models for the expansion of galactic outflows described in @xcite ( hereafter pmg07 ) , which self - consistently include the impact of ram - pressure stripping of halos and metal enrichment .",
"we make a simple parametrisation of the degree of photoionization suppression by choosing a step - like reionization and using a suppression criterion taken from dhrw . this paper is set out as follows . in [ criterion ] we describe our criterion for photoionization suppression . in [ model ] we summarize the model of galactic outflows used .",
"feedback is an essential component of our understanding and modeling of the intergalactic medium and galaxy formation .",
"we discuss the implications of our results and conclude in [ discconc ] .",
"hence we do not consider the contribution to our outflows of minihalos and stars which form with a @xmath2 cooling mechanism .",
"@xcite find that most mechanical feedback is caused by low - mass galaxies , however , this is without the inclusion of radiative feedback . in this work"
"@xmath27 constitutes a conservative lower limit on the significance of photoionization suppression based on the end of the reionization epoch which may have been detected in quasar absorption spectra ( e.g. @xcite ) .",
"the dot - dashed line is the fit to the case where @xmath8 and the uv background evolves , given by the triangles . ] in figure [ vcirc ] we use the results from dhrw s figure 3 to derive a fit to the evolution of the critical circular velocity for a given collapse redshift , @xmath9 .",
"dhrw argue that the choice of evolving @xmath18 constitutes an upper limit on the expected @xmath3 , but it is notable that the effect on mechanical feedback of switching from equation ( [ eqv1/2 ] ) to equation ( [ eqnoevol ] ) are almost indistinguishable in the results that follow .",
"we specify this quantity of gas in two ways : 1 ) @xmath5 , where half the halo baryons or more cool , and 2 ) @xmath6 , where galaxy formation is only suppressed in halos where no gas cools . the former is an acceptable approximation for our monte carlo simulations and is used in our fiducial model .",
"this is a reasonable approximation but will underestimate the degree of suppression at high redshift since equations ( [ eqv1/2])([eqnoevol ] ) are derived from dhrw and for their @xmath22 , @xmath23 and at these redshifts @xmath24 . as result we also show the other extreme case , allowing suppression when the @xmath25 .",
"we also consider modifications to this model using @xmath14 { \\rm km\\,s^{-1 } } \\label{eqv0}\\ ] ] and for a uv background with a fixed amplitude , @xmath15{\\rm km\\,s^{-1}}. \\label{eqnoevol}\\ ] ] these dependences are used in the following work to provide a criterion for photoionization suppression .",
"our criterion for photoionization suppression can be expressed as follows : halos ionized before turnaround , with a mass below a certain threshold , fail to cool a ` sufficient ' quantity of gas in order to form a galaxy ."
"a @xmath30cdm cosmology consistent with @xcite is used and a gaussian random realization of structure is formed on a @xmath31 grid . the dark matter halos , their mass , @xmath32 , and their collapse redshifts , @xmath9 , are found .",
"the approach is a monte carlo simulation of a @xmath28 box , which constitutes a cosmological volume down to the end point of our simulations : @xmath29 .",
"the expansion of these outflows out of the gravitational potential well of the host halos is calculated using the thin shell approximation .",
"we use mappings iiiralph / map.html ] @xcite to calculate the cooling time . when cooling is complete galaxies are formed with a star formation efficiency @xmath33 .",
"type ii supernovae then inject energy into the igm , preferentially taking a path of least resistance out of large - scale structures with an opening angle , @xmath34 . in our fiducial model",
"this is an acceptable approximation since the epoch of outflow expansion is later than most ( if not all ) of reionization and so ( pre - turnaround ) halo suppression .",
"mergers are included although only in a non - dynamical manner . upon collapse the gas inside these halos virializes and begins to cool ."
"we now have the modifications required to perform our simulations of mechanical feedback with a simple description of photoionization suppression of low - mass galaxy formation .",
"we run our simulations to their end point of @xmath29 and compare the regions which have experienced galactic outflows with the underlying gas density field . as in pmg07",
". the @xmath26 case shows a significant suppression of galaxies in halos of mass @xmath49 , however , the impact of suppression on these halos is still small compared to the impact on higher mass halos and they continue to dominate the overall volume filling factor .",
"this shows that photoionization feedback has a pronounced effect at all densities and may result in a @xmath41 reduction in the volume of the universe affected by galactic outflows . even in the conservative case of @xmath27 , a @xmath42 smaller volume",
"it is striking that suppression of gas infall in the @xmath27 case makes little change to the impact of halos of mass @xmath49 in all but the strongest suppression ( shown in the second panel ) .",
"note that the sum of these histograms is not the total volume filling factor as some regions have been enriched more than once by galaxies of different mass . in all cases the dominant sources of mechanical feedback are galaxies in halos of mass @xmath45 .",
"every point in the @xmath36 grid is compared with the outflow locations to determine if it is within the volume of an outflow , the gas density of that point is also noted . in figure [ enrichstats ]",
"this also explains why the third panel of figure [ enrichstats ] shows only a small change in the @xmath27 case compared to the first panel : the significant lowest mass halos are unaffected and so the results are insensitive to the @xmath50 threshold used",
"this results from a combination of factors related to clustering but mainly : a ) a reduction in stripping since outflows take a path of least resistance away from other halos , and b ) a lower volume per outflow combined with less overlap in outflows ."
"metals have been observed in the igm at @xmath56 @xcite and our results are further indication that metal enrichment and reionization are no - longer two distinct fields but part of a growing field of _ reionization chemodynamics_. using our fiducial model , we find that photoionization suppression may result in a @xmath41 reduction of the fraction of the universe enriched at all densities in the igm .",
"we also find that the least massive halos ( @xmath49 ) are almost unaffected by late reionization and even with our best reionization redshift we find that these halos are suppressed to a relatively low degree . despite this suppression",
"we use an analytic description of galactic outflows in a monte carlo cosmological simulation ( pmg07 ) . in our fiducial model",
"furthermore , we find that even using a variety of conservative modifications to the suppression , we still find a @xmath42 reduction in the enrichment of the igm .",
"our analysis of the influence of photoionization suppression of galaxy formation is based on a simple prescription taken from the findings of dhrw .",
", low - mass galaxies continue to dominate the metal enrichment of the universe by volume .",
"we have chosen to suppress the formation of galaxies in halos which allow the infall of half their baryons or less ."
] | we show that radiative feedback due to reionization has a pronounced effect on the extent of mechanical feedback due to galactic outflows .
the photoionization of the intergalactic medium ( igm ) suppresses low - mass galaxy formation by photoheating the gas and limiting atomic line cooling .
the number of low - mass galaxies is central for the enrichment of the igm as these objects have the capacity to enrich a significant fraction ( by volume ) of the universe .
we use a modified version of our galactic outflow model , combined with a simple criterion for suppression , to investigate the potential impact upon the igm .
we find that this suppression strongly reduces the enrichment of the igm and is sensitive to the reionization history .
we also investigate the contribution of halos of different masses with varying degrees of suppression . |
"the experiment at the electron - proton collider hera at desy in hamburg , germany , is a fixed - target spectrometer with large angular acceptance .",
"current physics program aims at the measurement of the production of @xmath2 and @xmath3 bound states in different target materials .",
"has been designed to study neutral @xmath0 mesons produced in proton - nucleus interactions . s",
"[ fig : detector ] .",
"the target consists of eight wires in the halo of the hera proton beam .",
"differential pecl logic is used for all flat cable connections to improve the noise immunity ."
"the vme interface of the vb is used to control the entire rich multiplicity veto system , including the i@xmath11c bus master controller and all registers of the cplds of the vb and via the i@xmath11c bus of the cplds of the bscs and the fscs .",
"the subtotals of the four 32-bit blocks are summed by an additional adder unit , and the subtotal of the second cpld is added , before the sum is transmitted to the fsc . in order to assign the veto signal generated by the rich multiplicity veto to a given event , the bunch crossing number ( bx ) of the current event is transmitted to the fsc together with the subtotal of the bsc .",
"since the internal monitoring provides the number of vetos only for the last 256 bx , i.e. on a statistical basis , a better monitoring mechanism is needed to control the number of events rejected by the rich multiplicity veto system .",
"the bx is provided by the fcs system and transmitted to the bsc via the backplane of the fed crate . while for the internal logic of the bsc ttl is used ,",
"since the data transmission from the fsc to the vb takes place in a harsh hadronic environment , the fsc foresees data transmission via optical links in addition to conventional twisted - pair flat cables . in -",
"in addition , the bx synchronization of the fscs themselves and the number of vetos generated in the last 256 bx , both on the vb and on the eei , are monitored .",
"a modified i@xmath11c bus system is used for communication among the modules of the rich multiplicity veto system . the veto decision calculated from the sum of up to 14 fsc subtotals"
"the influence of the rich multiplicity veto on the centrality of the proton - nucleus collision in accepted events is studied using a monte carlo simulation of 50,000 events each for carbon and tungsten targets .",
"[ fig : centrality ] , the number of expected hits in the area of the rich covered by the rich multiplicity veto is shown as a function of the impact parameter of the proton - nucleus collision . only a small fraction of the events is rejected ( carbon : @xmath16% , tungsten : @xmath17% ) , and the simulation shows no significant centrality bias . ,",
"the commissioning of the rich multiplicity veto system comprises detailed tests of the hardware functionality in the laboratory and measurements of the latency of part of the system and the whole system .",
"the laboratory tests are based on a complex test setup using specialized test boards to generate the input and analyze the output of the individual boards so that the bit error level can be determined .",
"the rich multiplicity veto system has been inactive during the data - taking , and cuts on the veto threshold are applied in the offline analysis . at a `` generic '' upper threshold of 300 hits in the area covered by the rich multiplicity veto system corresponding to approximately 2,500 hits in the entire rich ",
"fitting the di - muon invariant mass spectrum for events with less than a given number of hits and for all events , the survival fraction of mesons is determined as a function of the rich veto threshold , see fig .",
"the fast veto signal is tested by programming a threshold on the fsc via the i@xmath11c bus and monitoring if the signal is generated correctly and assigned to the correct bx . for tests of the vb ,"
"within only 1.5 years , a programmable modular veto system for the rich has been designed , built and successfully commissioned .",
"the system provides a fast sum of the number of photons seen in the rich which is used to reject events with large multiplicities .",
"while the trigger and daq timing is improved using the rich multiplicity veto system , more than 97% of the events survive the veto decision , and no significant bias on the kinematics is observed .",
"the system shows very low bit error rates and an efficiency close to 100% ."
] | we present the design and commissioning of a new multiplicity veto for the detector , a fixed - target spectrometer originally designed to study the physics of @xmath0 mesons in proton - nucleus interactions .
the trigger is a message - driven multi - level track trigger .
the first level trigger ( flt ) consists of custom - made electronics , and the higher trigger levels are implemented as pc farms .
the multiplicity veto has been designed to reject high - multiplicity events before they enter the trigger chain .
a veto signal is generated based on the comparison of the number of photons in part of the ring - imaging erenkov counter ( rich ) with a programmable threshold .
the rich multiplicity veto is a modular system .
first the hits in 256 detector channels are summed by base sum cards ( bsc ) , then fed sum cards ( fsc ) sum the subtotals of up to eight bscs .
finally the veto board ( vb ) takes the veto decision based on the sum of up to 14 fscs .
the rich multiplicity veto has been successfully installed and commissioned in .
the measured veto efficiency is @xmath1 , and the system is used in the routine data - taking of the experiment . * si-2003 - 1 * poster presented at the ieee nuclear science symposium 2002 , + norfolk , virginia ,
november 1214 , 2002 this work was supported by the german bundesministerium fr bildung und forschung ( bmbf ) under the contract number 5hb1pea/7 . |
"we consider a pseudo - spin 1/2 boson system subject to 3d so coupling of @xmath1 type in a harmonic trap , and aim to elucidate the role of interaction in determining the ground state density and spin texture therein . in sec .",
"iv the ground state phase diagram is determined by numerically minimizing the energy functional with respect to the variational parameters , we illustrate the density and spin texture for the two phases .",
"finally , we calculate the energy functional using the proposed variational order parameter . in sec",
"ii we introduce the energy functional for the model in rescaled units of length , energy , interaction and so coupling strength . in weak so coupling case ,",
"we first try to couple two lowest @xmath2 and @xmath3 wave states with the same total angular momentum @xmath0 into two spinor wave functions with total angular momentum magnetic quantum number @xmath4 that are time reversal state of each other ."
"we consider a pseudo - spin 1/2 boson system confined in a harmonic trap with a weak weyl type 3d spin - orbit ( so ) coupling @xmath1 .",
"if we further normalize the order parameter to unity , i.e. , @xmath28 with @xmath29 the total particle number in the condensate , the energy functional per particle is obtained as @xmath30",
"the system is described by its gross - pitaevskii ( gp ) energy functional under the mean - field approximation @xmath5 where the single particle part is@xmath6 with @xmath7 the mass of atoms and @xmath8 the trap frequency .",
"( [ hint ] ) , @xmath17 is the particle density and @xmath18 is the @xmath19 component of the spin density @xmath20 with @xmath21 the particle densities of two components , respectively .",
"we assume now @xcite the two intraspecies interaction parameters being the same @xmath14 and define the relative magnitude of the interspecies and intraspecies parameters as @xmath15 .",
"@xmath9 denotes spinor order parameters for bosons with pseudo spin states @xmath10 , @xmath11 are the pauli matrices and @xmath12 parameterizes the so coupling strength .",
"the corresponding hamiltonian is time - reversal ( tr ) symmetric with time reversal operator defined as @xmath22 and @xmath23 denotes the complex conjugate ."
"( [ somatrix ] ) , one has @xmath98 hence the single particle part of the energy functional is@xmath99 where we have used the eigen energies of the @xmath2 and @xmath3 states of the three dimensional oscillator are respectively @xmath100 and @xmath101 . for the calculation of the interaction part of energy functional , it is easy to show that the total density @xmath84 is always spherical symmetric @xmath102and the density - density interaction energy is @xmath103 on the other hand , the spin density is anisotropic , e.g. the @xmath19 component takes the form of @xmath104and the spin - spin interaction energy is integrated as @xmath105 .",
"the irreducible tensor form of momentum operator is @xcite @xmath76 where @xmath77 and @xmath78 are rank-1 irreducible tensors of the unit vector @xmath79 and the orbital angular momentum @xmath80 , and @xmath81 defines the rank-@xmath82 tensor product of rank-@xmath7 irreducible tensor @xmath83 and rank-@xmath84 irreducible tensor @xmath85 . according to @xcite , the dot product of two arbitrary vectors @xmath86 and @xmath87 is related to the tensor product through @xmath88 . in our case , the radial coordinate @xmath89 can be separated from the spin and spherical parts accordingly @xmath90 such that @xmath91 the integrals for the radial coordinates are easy to calculate,@xmath92 @xmath93 where @xmath94 and @xmath95 are used .",
". the casimir operator @xmath40 and @xmath41 for the orbital and spin angular momenta and their @xmath19-components are all conservatives in the harmonic oscillator problem . in order to take into account the spin - orbital coupling term @xmath1 , it is convenient to choose the coupled representation of angular momentum , i.e. the complete set of commutative operators @xmath42 where @xmath43 and @xmath44 denote the total angular momentum and its @xmath19-component , respectively .",
"we notice that for the kinetic and trapping potential terms the nonzero integral contribution comes from those states with the same parities , while spin orbital coupling @xmath72 term will mix states with opposite parities , i.e. @xmath73.\\label{h0matrix}%\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] here we have used @xmath74 which is on account of @xmath75 = 0 $ ] .",
"the single particle states exhibit infinite - fold degeneracy and we expect this degeneracy can be partially resolved by the interaction which would pick up the ground state from these degenerate states as in the case of rashba spin - orbital coupling considered by wang and zhai @xcite .",
"the state with @xmath56 takes the form @xmath57 where @xmath58 , @xmath59 stands for the relative weight of the @xmath2 and @xmath3 orbital modes , and @xmath60 in front of @xmath59 originates from the pure imaginary matrix element of the so coupling between the two states in eq ."
"owing to the non - abelian nature of so@xmath184 rotation , the spin texture of phase ii is different from the @xmath179 rotation around @xmath174 of phase i. the difference between these two textures lies in the fact that the spin in the torus of phase i revolves the @xmath19 axis following an elliptical ( oval ) orbits that rotate gradually like the perihelion precession in celestial mechanics , while in phase ii the orbits are closed loops .",
"they share similar density distribution and spin texture just like the case of phase i. the order parameter for @xmath167 has the form @xmath168{c}% r_{00}\\left ( r\\right ) -i\\alpha r_{01}\\left ( r\\right ) ( \\cos\\theta + \\sin\\theta e^{-i\\varphi})\\\\ r_{00}\\left ( r\\right ) -i\\alpha r_{01}\\left ( r\\right ) ( -\\cos\\theta + \\sin\\theta e^{i\\varphi } ) \\end{array } \\right),\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] and the particle densities for the two components are@xmath169 the density for each component consists of two parts , one is isotropic that is common for both components , the other is complementary to each other as shown in the second and fourth lines in eq .",
"the density distributions have the following symmetries , e.g. , the densities of two components are invariant under the combined operation of time reversal and @xmath170 rotation about @xmath171(or @xmath19 ) axis , i.e. @xmath172 , @xmath173 , while the @xmath170 rotation about @xmath174 axis itself leaves the density distributions unchanged , i.e. @xmath175 . the spin texture associated with the order parameter is expressed as @xmath176 the average spin polarization along @xmath19 axis is zero , i.e. @xmath177 . the spin texture @xmath178 is presented in fig .",
"the order parameter for the former has the form @xmath139{c}% r_{00}\\left ( r\\right ) -i\\alpha r_{01}\\left ( r\\right ) \\cos\\theta\\\\ -i\\alpha r_{01}\\left ( r\\right ) \\sin\\theta e^{i\\varphi}% \\end{array } \\right).\\ ] ] the particle densities for the spin - up and spin - down components are @xmath140 which respect the rotational symmetry about @xmath19-axis and the parity symmetry , i.e. @xmath141 and @xmath142 .",
"the spin density in this case forms a torus near the @xmath144 plane and the fountain - like streamlines of spin pass through the hole of the torus , which is more or less like a @xmath179 rotation of the torus in phase i about @xmath174 axis .",
"the term `` skyrmion - like '' means the absence of boundary condition at @xmath152 @xcite thus the winding number for the texture is not an integer . in order to get a deep understanding of the skyrmion nature of this ground state",
"similarly , this ground state can be obtained from a local spin rotation from the spinor order parameter @xmath180 that describes a system with all spins pointing to the positive @xmath171 direction , i.e. @xmath181 the spinor wavefunction @xmath182 is related to @xmath183 by a @xmath179 rotation around @xmath174 ."
"we have investigated variationally the ground state phase diagram of weakly 3d spin - orbital coupled two - component bose gases in a harmonic trap .",
"phase i is featured with the parity symmetric and rotational symmetric density distribution of both spin - up and spin - down components and skyrmion spin texture with torus in the @xmath148 plane and spin streamline passing through the central region , while phase ii is characterized with density distribution possessing discrete @xmath170 rotational symmetry about @xmath174 axis and @xmath170 rotational - time - reversal symmetry about @xmath171 and @xmath19 axis and the similar spin torus is in the @xmath144 plane , roughly a @xmath179 rotation of that in phase i about @xmath174 axis . in both phases ,",
"two phases for the ground state are identified depending on intraspecies and interspecies interaction strength and the corresponding density distribution and the spin texture are illustrated for optimized variational parameters .",
", interesting phase transition occurs between the two phases , while the topology of ground state spin textures is protected .",
"the density of two components is essentially phase separated . with increasing interaction strength"
] | we present a variational study of pseudo - spin @xmath0 bose gases in a harmonic trap with weak 3d spin - orbit coupling of @xmath1 type .
this spin - orbit coupling mixes states with different parities , which inspires us to approximate the single particle state with the eigenstates of the total angular momentum , i.e. superposition of harmonic @xmath2-wave and @xmath3-wave states .
as the time reversal symmetry is protected by two - body interaction , we set the variational order parameter as the combination of two mutually time reversal symmetric eigenstates of the total angular momentum .
the variational results essentially reproduce the 3d skyrmion - like ground state recently identified by kawakami _
et al._. we show that these skyrmion - like ground states emerging in this model are primarily caused by @xmath3 wave spatial mode involving in the variational order parameter that drives two spin components spatially separated .
we find the ground state of this system falls into two phases with different density distribution symmetries depending on the relative magnitude of intraspecies and interspecies interaction : phase i has parity symmetric and axisymmetric density distributions , while phase ii is featured with special joint symmetries of discrete rotational and time reversal symmetry . with the increasing interaction strength
the transition occurs between two phases with distinct density distributions , while the topological 3d skyrmion - like spin texture is symmetry protected . |
"we will also confirm the dominance of linearity and the appreciable presence of residual non - linear effects by verifying that the result from an initial condition with multiple @xmath21 s can be approximated as the superposition of the results from initial conditions with single wave - numbers @xmath21 s . in this paper , we report on numerical results about these dependences for the growing behavior at the late stage of the glasma evolution .",
"we will specifically investigate the dependence of the glasma instability on the following parameters : * [ i ] * _ transverse grid size @xmath13 : _ it is known that the initial energy density at @xmath11 is sensitive to the ultraviolet and infrared regulators in the transverse direction , and this sensitivity becomes milder at finite @xmath14 @xcite .",
"we will show that the instability produced by the smallest wave - number is defined to be an integer between @xmath22 and @xmath23 .",
"( @xmath25 ) is the fastest and strongest in a wide range of times .",
"the lowest non - zero wave - number is thus @xmath24 . ]",
"* [ iv ] * _ initial wave - number @xmath21 : _ the time evolution depends on the initial condition in the longitudinal direction , and in particular on the wave - number @xmath21 of the seeds .",
"* [ iii ] * _ magnitude @xmath20 of the seeds : _ in general the strength of the instability increases with the magnitude @xmath20 of the initial @xmath12-dependent perturbations ."
"the equations of motion are discretized in the same manner as @xmath47_\\tau \\\\ & \\qquad + 2{\\delta\\tau}\\frac{{\\mathrm{i}}\\tau}{2g}\\ , \\sum_{j\\neq i } \\bigl [ u_{ji}(x)+u_{-ji}(x ) - \\text{(h.c . ) } \\bigr]_\\tau \\ ; , \\end{split}\\ ] ] for the transverse components and @xmath48_\\tau \\;,\\ ] ] for the longitudinal component .",
"the random color source @xmath57 is gaussian distributed , with a two - point correlation @xmath58 higher - point correlation functions are obtained as products of two - point contractions , via wick s theorem . in the mv model , @xmath59 is the only dimensionful parameter and it is related to the saturation momentum @xmath2 .",
"the link variables transform as @xmath31 and the chromo - electric fields as @xmath32 the plaquette variable is then defined as @xmath33 \\ ; , \\label{eq : approxf}\\ ] ] where the last form is an approximation which gives rise to the field strength @xmath34 $ ] of the continuum formulation .",
"the canonical momenta in terms of link variables are expressed as @xmath39 here we note that in the above we already use variables made dimensionless by the transverse lattice spacing @xmath36 , and thus @xmath36 will never appear explicitly in our formula . because @xmath12 is a dimensionless number",
"this expression for the link variable is the most important one in order to establish the correspondence between the continuum and the lattice ( link - variable ) formulations . under a gauge transformation by @xmath30",
"our conventions are mostly consistent with those of previous works , except for the fact that the field @xmath61 is not treated as an adjoint scalar - field variable but instead we also describe it in terms of a link variable @xmath62 .",
"the chromo - magnetic field squared should be expressed in a way consistent with eq . , that is , @xmath67 these definitions are , however , not very convenient when we decompose the energy into its fourier components , as we will see later ."
"we first check the consistency with the known results in the boost - invariant case , i.e. in @xmath72 dimensions .",
"@xcite , the su(2 ) calculations capture the essential properties of the glasma instability , and we expect that the results we report here for the su(2 ) case would be qualitatively the same for su(3 ) .",
"we focus on @xmath12-independent classical solutions , with initial conditions specified in eqs . and that are themselves independent of @xmath12 . eventually , however , our goal is to superimpose @xmath12-dependent fluctuations to these boost invariant initial conditions in order to incorporate quantum effects @xcite .",
"let us first take a look at a typical fixed initial configuration , without taking the ensemble average over the color sources , in order to develop an intuitive picture for the glasma state . in the mv model , the initial color distribution in the transverse plane is akin to white noise , having no correlation between different transverse sites . ] . since the solution of the poisson equation @xmath73 involves a convolution with a massless ( i.e. long ranged ) transverse propagator",
", the transverse correlation function of color source has been already studied in ref .",
"let us now consider the time evolution of the spectral composition of the energy content .",
"this is useful also for later discussions on the spectral decomposition when we consider @xmath12-dependent fluctuations . in this section ,"
"so , we stop increasing @xmath13 and conclude that simulations at @xmath187 are reasonably close to the continuum limit . in the right panel , we see how the fields , initially localized in the modes @xmath202 ( background field itself ) and @xmath203 ( perturbation ) , populate the higher @xmath18 modes due to the non - linearities in the yang - mills equations . for a small perturbation , the amplitude in the higher modes decreases very fast ( exponentially with @xmath18 ) ,",
"for our purpose of studying the instability , we can nevertheless consider @xmath191 ( i.e. we compute the modulus first , and we perform the average over initial conditions next ) in order to confirm some known results reported previously @xcite . in later discussions , we will also decompose the energy density into @xmath18 components , which is a more well - defined quantity to see the instability . , where @xmath177 is chosen for the initial condition .",
"right : spectrum of the longitudinal `` pressure '' as a function of @xmath18 at @xmath199 , which has a uv cutoff at @xmath218 for the @xmath194 calculation.,title=\"fig:\",scaledwidth=49.0% ] in this subsection , we study the dependence on the seed magnitude @xmath20 of the longitudinal fluctuations in eq . . in fig . [",
"@xcite @xmath160 is chosen as a random variable too containing all infrared and ultraviolet modes in the spectrum . here , in order to study the instability behavior in a well - controlled situation , let us perturb the system with a single @xmath12-mode , and consider superposition of multiple modes only later .",
"in contrast , the negative term that generates the instability has a constant coefficient of order unity therefore , it dominates over the kinetic term at sufficiently large time . in other words , the kinetic term in @xmath226 only delays the start of the instability by a time proportional to @xmath18 .",
"however , at the same time , thermalization is hardly expected to occur in these circumstances , precisely because in this regime the interaction effects are small . in realistic conditions , the parameter @xmath20 that controls the fluctuations is related to the strong coupling @xmath9 , and",
"right : spectrum of the longitudinal `` pressure '' as a function of @xmath18 at @xmath199.,title=\"fig:\",scaledwidth=49.0% ] physical results must also not depend on how we discretize the longitudinal coordinate . in order to see the dependence on the longitudinal grid size , we make a plot in fig .",
"[ fig : size_l ] could be sensitive to the choice of @xmath17 because all the amplitudes in the spectrum are substantially larger and thus a change in @xmath17 leading to a change in the uv cutoff may have an influence on the spectrum .",
"@xcite for instance ) and we simplified our analysis by considering the special case of a single - mode fluctuation . as long as the non - linearity is a minor effect , we can just add up the single - mode outputs in order to get approximate results for general initial spectra .",
"[ fig : size_l ] we can not find any sizable dependence on @xmath17 , which means that our numerical calculations are safely free from lattice artifacts in the longitudinal direction . the influence of @xmath17 can be seen more clearly in the spectrum of @xmath205 shown in the right panel of fig ."
", we shall discuss the scaling property of the energy spectrum with respect to the frequency @xmath18 , and show that it possibly displays also a kolmogorov s turbulent spectrum .",
"our results imply that the framework of the glasma , in terms of classical variables together with @xmath12-dependent fluctuations , may encompass a rich physics contents including the qcd plasma instability . here , as a final remark in this section , we draw attention to related works in analogous systems . in the context of an ultra - cold gas",
"[ fig : time - scale - long ] .",
"right : longitudinal `` pressure '' with three regimes identified schematically.,scaledwidth=49.0% ] to the best of our knowledge the present work is the first to exhibit a kolmogorov spectrum from the glasma time evolution ."
"in this paper we investigated the time evolution of the classical equations of motion in the su(2 ) pure yang - mills theory , especially in the framework of the glasma or the mclerran - venugopalan model in ( 3 + 1 ) dimensions .",
"our emphasis has been put on the systematic study of the instability behavior that occurs in fluctuations with respect to the space - time rapidity @xmath12 when the initial conditions break boost invariance .",
"computing the longitudinal pressure component at non - zero wave - number @xmath18 , that is a conjugate of @xmath12 , we have numerically confirmed the glasma instability that had been found in preceding works @xcite .",
"in contrast to the boost - invariant case , a kolmogorov - type scaling behavior in the energy spectrum a function of the longitudinal wave - number @xmath18 may appear when the boost invariance is broken by the initial fluctuations . in this case , the violation of boost invariance increases with time due to instability , but the @xmath181 mode remains very large compared to the other @xmath263 modes , which enables us to regard the @xmath181 mode as the source for the energy injection .",
"the typical time scales we found for the glasma instability is of order of hundreds in terms of @xmath95 , which is arguably too slow for being useful in heavy ion collisions .",
"we carefully checked the system size dependence of the instability to conclude that the glasma instability is a robust consequence from @xmath12-dependent disturbances and is not sensitive to how the transverse and longitudinal coordinates are discretized .",
"we compared two results for the spectral distribution , one from the superposition of individual calculations with the initial condition that is given by a different wave - number @xmath21 , and the other from a single calculation with the initial condition that contains all @xmath21 s ."
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"thanks the yukawa institute for theoretical physics , where part of this work has been done , for its hospitality and support .",
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"k. dusling , f. gelis , t. lappi , and r. venugopalan , `` long range two - particle rapidity correlations in a+a collisions from high energy qcd evolution , '' , 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2009.12.044[_nucl ."
] | we extensively study the growing behavior of the energy and the pressure components depending on the space - time rapidity in the framework of the glasma , which describes the early - time dynamics in the ultra - relativistic heavy - ion collisions .
we simulate the glasma solving the classical equations of motion in the su(2 ) yang - mills theory and systematically investigate the dependence of the glasma instability on the model parameters .
we have checked that the transverse and longitudinal grid sizes in our simulation are large enough to handle cutoff effects under control . by comparing the numerical results from several initial conditions with different magnitudes of instability seed and also those with different wave - numbers for rapidity fluctuations , we clearly see that unstable modes dominantly grow up in the linear regime and we also confirm non - linear effects in the time evolution .
to extract more detailed information on the evolving glasma , we decompose the energy into the components in terms of rapidity wave - numbers .
we observe an energy flow from low wave - number modes into higher wave - number modes due to non - linearity in the equations of motion .
we find that the energy spectrum approaches an asymptotic scaling that is consistent with kolmogorov s power - law form even in the expanding system of the glasma . and color glass condensate , glasma , relativistic heavy - ion collision , instability , kolmogorov spectrum |
"we identify and characterize another overdensity of stars , called the _ hercules - aquila cloud_.",
"a substantial overdensity in the direction of virgo @xcite and a possible underdensity in the direction of ursa major @xcite have been found . here ,",
"the construction of the milky way via the hierarchical aggregation of small galaxies has left behind debris in the form of streams , satellites and substructure in the galactic halo .",
"* ) , the `` monoceros ring '' ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ) and the orphan stream ( e.g. , * ? ? ?",
"in addition to the easily recognizable streams , the depth and wide area coverage of the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) enables identification of other less well - defined features .",
"there are many examples now known of such detritus , including the the disrupting sagittarius galaxy and its stream ( e.g. , * ? ? ?"
"three structures are discernible in the panels and they are clearly separated . in the top panel , the sagittarius stream and virgo overdensity are seen to cross each other obliquely , whilst the tip of the hercules - aquila cloud is just visible ; in the middle panel , the sagittarius stream is bifurcated and cleanly differentiated from the virgo overdensity , whilst the hercules - aquila cloud is becoming more substantial ; in the lowest panel only the hercules - aquila cloud is seen , due to sdss dr5 coverage.,title=\"fig : \" ] left : hess diagrams for the on - cloud field at @xmath12 ( dotted lines ) , and the off - cloud field at @xmath13 ( solid ) .",
"three structures are discernible in the panels and they are clearly separated . in the top panel , the sagittarius stream and virgo overdensity are seen to cross each other obliquely , whilst the tip of the hercules - aquila cloud is just visible ; in the middle panel , the sagittarius stream is bifurcated and cleanly differentiated from the virgo overdensity , whilst the hercules - aquila cloud is becoming more substantial ; in the lowest panel only the hercules - aquila cloud is seen , due to sdss dr5 coverage.,title=\"fig : \" ] three density slices at @xmath6 ( top ) , @xmath7 ( middle ) and @xmath8 ( bottom ) , each of which is @xmath9 wide .",
"three structures are discernible in the panels and they are clearly separated . in the top panel , the sagittarius stream and virgo overdensity are seen to cross each other obliquely , whilst the tip of the hercules - aquila cloud is just visible ; in the middle panel , the sagittarius stream is bifurcated and cleanly differentiated from the virgo overdensity , whilst the hercules - aquila cloud is becoming more substantial ; in the lowest panel only the hercules - aquila cloud is seen , due to sdss dr5 coverage.,title=\"fig : \" ] three density slices at @xmath6 ( top ) , @xmath7 ( middle ) and @xmath8 ( bottom ) , each of which is @xmath9 wide .",
". however , a similar amount of extinction appears to have no effect on the underlying density of detected stars in the sagittarius stream and the virgo overdensity at @xmath71 , and so variable extinction is not a plausible explanation of the offset structure .",
"_ we conclude that the hercules - aquila cloud is a real , hitherto unknown , structural component of the inner halo of the galaxy .",
"there is an asymmetry in the integrated light of the bulge , famously seen by the dirbe instrument on the cobe satellite @xcite , but it is only of the order of a few degrees at most ( see e.g. , * ? ? ?"
] | we present evidence for a substantial overdensity of stars in the direction of the constellations of hercules and aquila .
the cloud is centered at a galactic longitude of @xmath0 and extends above and below the galactic plane by at least @xmath1 .
given its off - centeredness and height , it is unlikely that the hercules - aquila cloud is related to the bulge or thick disk .
more likely , this is a new structural component of the galaxy that passes through the disk .
the cloud stretches @xmath2 in longitude .
its heliocentric distance lies between 10 and 20 kpc so that the extent of the cloud in projection is @xmath3 kpc by @xmath4 kpc .
it has an absolute magnitude of @xmath5 and its stellar population appears to be comparable to , but somewhat more metal - rich than , m92 . |
"we have investigated systematically optical and magneto - optical properties of reb@xmath0 ( re = la , eu and yb ) .",
"the main purpose of our present work is to observe the effects of @xmath8 occupation of re , where n=0 , 7 , 14 , on optical and magneto - optical spectra and to compare with the experimental results.@xcite",
"the optical and magneto - optical properties of hexaborides have not yet been studied from the band structure calculation .",
"al . discussed the origin of magnetism in terms of exchange interaction between conduction electrons and local 4@xmath1 magnetic moments .",
"the failure of lda in describing electronic structure of semiconductors is well known ."
"full potential ( fp ) self - consistent spin - polarized band structure calculations have been performed on rare earth hexaborides reb@xmath0 by the linear muffin - tin orbital method ( lmto)@xcite using the fp - lmto code developed by s. y. savrasov et .",
"the main idea of the lda + @xmath6 method used in this calculation is that the lda gives a good approximation for the average coulomb energy of @xmath9 interactions e@xmath10 as a function of the total number of @xmath1 electrons .",
".[tab : table1]table contains @xmath11 , the lattice parameter , muffin - tin radius of re ion , @xmath12 , structural parameter @xmath13 , coulomb parameter @xmath6 and density of states at fermi level , @xmath14 [ cols=\"^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^ \" , ] the value of the parameter @xmath15 used in the present calculation is 9 ev for both the divalent hexaborides in order to place the occupied @xmath1 states at about 2 ev below fermi level , @xmath16 .",
"charge density , density of states and the momentum matrix elements were calculated on a grid of @xmath29 @xmath30 points in irreducible brillouin zone and the @xmath30 space integration was performed using the tetrahedron method .",
"the dft is modified in order to include the strong correlations among the @xmath1 electrons in eub@xmath0 and ybb@xmath0 . in the lda + @xmath6 method@xcite , the lda energy functional",
"structural parameters @xmath13 and lattice parameter @xmath11 are given in table i. table i also provides the parameter @xmath6 and density of states at @xmath23 .",
"the skeletal structure of these cubic hexaborides may be viewed as a cscl type lattice with re ion occupying the cs sites and cl replaced by @xmath21 octahedral cages ."
"magneto - optical@xcite response in undoped eu hexaboride has been found to be giant at high fields and low temperature .",
"the resonance at 0.3 ev is caused by the response of the itinerant charge carriers to magnetism while the kerr response at 1 ev is associated with the magneto - optical response of the 4@xmath1 - 5@xmath2 interband transitions .",
"this can be due to the large damping of the itinerant charge carriers , which is in turn is due to disorder in the cation sublattice.@xcite the intensity of the structure at 1 ev also diminishes with ca doping since the contribution of the 4@xmath1 electrons of eu decreases .",
"optical and magneto - optical spectra have been calculated using the lmto band structure and further , a lorentzian broadening of about 0.0068 ev has been used in order to obtain the best agreement with the experimental results in the divalent re hexaborides . and their corresponding experimental(ref . ) reflectivity spectra . ]",
"band structure calculation in eub@xmath0 [ ] reveal that the electronic structure is sensitive to the dimensions of the boron octahedra . choosing a larger ( @xmath35 0.206 ) value of the internal parameter @xmath13 opens up a small band gap .",
"inspite of large so interaction and a fair plasma resonance , we fail to see any kind of mo response in ybb@xmath0 shown in the left panel of figure 8 , as expected for non - magnetic materials .",
"addition of a constant potential to the hamiltonian@xcite which acts only on the 4@xmath1 states of la has been successful in reproducing the reflectivity spectrum in la monochalcogenides . a large dip in reflectivity or the plasma edge"
"self - consistent spin - polarized band structure calculations are presented for lab@xmath0 , eub@xmath0 and ybb@xmath0 .",
"the successful reproduction of the moke spectrum in eub@xmath0 implies that magnetism , spin - orbit coupling and large plasma resonance are responsible for the large magneto - optical response in this system .",
"they reveal the metallic nature of the first and the low carrier density nature of the divalent ones .",
"present calculations lead to reasonable agreement with optical conductivity , reflectivity and magneto - optical kerr spectrum .",
"the inclusion of strong on - site coulomb repulsion is absolutely essential for its reproduction .",
"most importantly , drude - like nature at low energy is a very strong evidence for the semi - metallic nature of eub@xmath0 and this is strongly supported by the present calculations .",
"small overlap at the x - point implies semimetallic nature of eub@xmath0 and ybb@xmath0 ."
] | full potential spin - polarized self - consistent electronic structure calculations have been performed on lab@xmath0 , eub@xmath0 and ybb@xmath0 using linear muffin - tin orbital method .
the electronic structure of eub@xmath0 shows a small overlap near the fermi level .
this is in disagreement with the recent arpes study .
the reflectivity spectrum shows a plasma resonance at about 0.3 ev in eub@xmath0 .
absorption starts at about 1.5 ev and it is due to 4@xmath1 to 5@xmath2 transition .
both these features are reflected in the magneto - optical kerr spectrum . at 0.3 ev
, there is a rotation of + 8@xmath3 to -10@xmath3 and at 1.5 ev , a rotation of about 0.5@xmath3 occurs .
the reasonable agreement with moke experiment implies that the inclusion of drude correction is absolutely essential for the treatment of eub@xmath0 . |
"we found that such a periodic potential also leads to weiss oscillations in graphene which are even more pronounced than in typically 2d electron gases with a parabolic electron spectrum .",
"@xcite , and it was shown that weiss oscillations in the magneto - resistance for motion perpendicular to the oscillating potential can be understood as being a semiclassical effect.@xcite the klein paradox in graphene where dirac electrons can penetrate through potential barriers with a rather high probability shows that electric control of dirac electrons can not be realized . therefore , it is interesting to investigate the sensitivity of dirac electrons on the electrical modulation of the layer . thus , we subjected the system to a periodic potential that introduces a new length scale and a new energy scale into the problem .",
"iii the obtained results for graphene layer are compared with results for the standard 2d electron system . in sec .",
"iv the asymptotic expression valid in the quasi - classical region is obtained . in sec .",
"all necessary expressions for the magneto - conductivity calculation are given , and in sec ."
"we consider the graphene layer within the single electron approximation where the low energy excitations are described by the two - dimensional ( 2d ) dirac - like hamiltonian @xcite @xmath2 here @xmath3 are the pauli matrices , and the vector potential @xmath4 describing the magnetic field @xmath5 perpendicular to the graphene layer is chosen in the landau gauge .",
"( [ cond0 ] ) and specifying the summation over quantum numbers as @xmath37 we obtain the final expression for the diffusion contribution for the dc conductivity under the consideration @xmath38 where @xmath39 and the function @xmath40 ^ 2 } \\left[l_n(u ) + l_{n-1}(u)\\right]^2\\ ] ] will be considered as a dimensionless conductivity . in order to simplify this expression we introduced the following exponential function @xmath41 where @xmath42 is the fermi energy .",
"the resistivity tensor is given in terms of the inverse conductivity tensor , namely , @xmath18 what in our case of small conductivity reduces to @xmath19 , and its @xmath20 component is actually proportional to the conductivity in the considered perpendicular direction .",
"this diagonal part is caused by the influence of the electrical modulation on the electron drift in crossed electric and magnetic fields and is in order of magnitude larger than the other diagonal component @xmath15 which appears due to scattering on imperfections .",
"due to the system homogeneity along @xmath24 axis we substitute the eigenfunction as @xmath25 and transform the zero order eigenvalue problem into the following two ordinary differential equation set for the wave function components : [ srsetmg ] @xmath26 where @xmath27 is the magnetic length .",
"for the first order correction one has to add to the energy eigenvalue the diagonal matrix element of potential ( [ potmod ] ) calculated with the above eigenfunctions : @xmath31 where @xmath32 , @xmath33 , and @xmath34 is a laguerre polynomial .",
"symbol @xmath16 denotes the quantum numbers of the electron eigenstates , and the velocities @xmath17 can be calculated as derivatives of the energy eigenvalue over the corresponding electron momenta ."
"we see that in graphene ( curve _ 1 _ ) the weiss oscillations are more pronounced as compared with the system of electrons with the standard parabolic energy spectrum ( curve _ 2 _ ) . furthermore , the weiss oscillations in graphene are much more robust with respect to temperature damping in the quasi - classical region of small magnetic fields .",
"( 4 ) ) we notice that the diffusive conductivity for the system of dirac electrons differs from the one for the standard interface case by replacement of the laguerre polynomial @xmath34 by the average of two successive polynomials @xmath43/2 $ ] . and of course , two different expressions for the landau level energies ( eq . ( [ dwf1 ] ) for dirac electrons and @xmath44 for the parabolic electron spectrum case ) has to be used .",
"the dimensionless magnetic field @xmath49 is introduced using the characteristic magnetic field @xmath50 corresponding to the magnetic length equal to the modulation period @xmath51 , which in the above case is equal to @xmath52 t .",
"the results are shown as function of the inverse magnetic field for the temperature @xmath45k , electron density @xmath46@xmath47 , and the period of electric modulation @xmath48 nm .",
"@xcite for the case of a 2d electron system localized at the interface between two semiconductors and having a parabolic energy dependence on its momentum .",
"the physical reasons for these differences lay in different fermi velocities of dirac and standard electrons . in order to confirm the above statement",
"we shall consider the asymptotic behavior of weiss oscillations in the quasi - classical region which according to refs ."
"the obtained expression for the dimensionless conductivity can be calculated using the standard integral @xmath62 and the result can be presented as @xmath63 \\\\ & + 2a\\left(\\frac{t}{t_d}\\right ) \\cos^2\\left[2\\pi\\left(\\frac{p}{b } - \\frac{1}{8}\\right)\\right]\\bigg\\ } , \\end{split}\\ ] ] where @xmath64 and the symbol @xmath65 defined as @xmath66 ( @xmath67 is the boltzman constant ) gives the temperature scale for damping of the weiss oscillations .",
"@xcite which can be presented as follows : @xmath68 \\\\ & + 2a\\left(\\frac{t}{t_p}\\right ) \\cos^2\\left[2\\pi\\left(\\frac{p}{b } - \\frac{1}{8}\\right)\\right]\\bigg\\ } , \\end{split}\\ ] ] where the critical temperature reads @xmath69 having in mind that @xmath70 where @xmath71 is the velocity of the standard electron on the fermi surface , the critical temperature can be presented as @xmath72 for parameters used in fig .",
"that approach is applicable when many landau levels are filled , and it is based on the following asymptotic expression for the laguerre polynomials : @xmath53 taking the continuum limit @xmath54 and having in mind that @xmath55 , we transform eq . ( [ dcfphi ] ) into the following integral : @xmath56 ^ 2\\sqrt{n } } \\\\ & \\times \\cos^2\\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\sqrt{\\frac{u}{n}}\\right ) \\cos^2\\left(2\\sqrt{nu } - \\frac{\\pi}{4}\\right )",
"\\end{split}\\ ] ] now assuming that the temperature is low ( @xmath57 ) and replacing @xmath58 we rewrite the above integral as @xmath59 where symbol @xmath60 stands for the dimensionless fermi momentum of the electron . note in eq .",
"we see that the coincidence of the exact result and its asymptotic expression is rather good everywhere except the region of very strong magnetic field where sdh oscillations become superimposed on top of the weiss oscillations .",
"( [ quasicl1 ] ) we replaced all energies @xmath61 by the fermi energy @xmath42 except that one which is included in the last cosine function , where the small energy correction can influence the damping of the weiss oscillations .",
"( [ crtemp ] ) and ( [ tp0 ] ) we see that @xmath76 or the ratio of critical temperatures for the standard and dirac electrons is equal to the ratio of the corresponding velocities on the fermi surface ."
"( [ broaddir ] ) we obtain the same critical temperature ratio dependence on the ratio of the fermi velocities ( [ tratio ] ) what confirms the quasi - classical nature of weiss oscillations .",
"due to the finite temperature there are electron orbits with various radia . the effective damping can be estimated as the ratio of the above broadening of the orbit to the period of the modulation : @xmath82 in the case of standard electrons ( when @xmath83 ) it reads @xmath84 in agreement with the definition of the critical temperature for standard electron ( [ tp ] ) . in the case of dirac electrons ( when @xmath85 ) the above damping parameter can be estimated as @xmath86 what coincides with the obtained earlier",
"then it follows that the radius of electron orbit in the magnetic field is @xmath80 the physical reason for the appearance of the weiss oscillations is the commensurability of the electron orbit radius with the period of the electrical modulation , consequently , the argument of the cosine function has to be proportional to @xmath81 which we can see in both expressions ( [ result ] ) and ( [ ftr ] ) . the damping factor of the oscillations can be estimated as follows .",
"the obtained results can be understood from a simple physical picture . in order to estimate the oscillation period we write down the momentum of the electrons on the fermi surface : @xmath79 which is identical in both cases .",
"result for the critical temperature up to the same constant @xmath87 . now dividing eq ."
"in conclusion , we studied the weiss oscillations in electrically modulated single layer of graphene .",
"it was shown that the static conductivity oscillations are periodic in @xmath88 with period varying with electron density as @xmath1 like in the 2d electron system with standard parabolic energy spectrum . due to the larger fermi velocity",
"the conductivity oscillations of the dirac electron system are more pronounced and less damped as compared with the 2d system of electrons with parabolic energy spectrum in case of analogous parameters .",
"the found dirac electron sensitivity to the electric perturbation does not contradicts the klein paradox , because in contrary to electron tunneling through barriers where both the electron and the hole nature of the excitation plays a role , only the electrons at the fermi energy are responsible for the conductivity and for the studied weiss oscillations .",
"thus , their behavior in the electric field is not overshadowed by the admixture of the hole states ."
] | the magneto - conductivity of a single graphene layer where the electrons are described by the dirac hamiltonian weakly modulated by a periodic potential is calculated .
it is shown that weiss oscillations periodic in the inverse magnetic field appear , that are more pronounced and less damped with the increment of temperature as compared with the same oscillations in a typical two - dimensional electron system with a standard parabolic energy spectrum . |
"we find no evidence for any dependence of the asymptotic scaling distribution on the initial walker density ( other than through nonuniversal amplitudes ) .",
"the @xmath19 model corresponds to the @xmath20 potts model , i.e. the ising model , with the walkers identified as the domain walls between up and down ising spins . in the @xmath2-state potts model",
"our main result is that the scale length controlling the distribution of interval sizes between persistent clusters is given by @xmath10 when @xmath29 , but by @xmath9 when @xmath8 .",
"we generalise , and reinterpret , this study in the context of the @xmath2-state potts model , which has @xmath2 distinct but equivalent ordered phases .",
"note that the probabilistic algorithm for implementing the potts model through the annihilation or coalescence of random walkers ( domain walls ) allows @xmath2 to be a real number , @xmath40 , while an equivalent ising spin representation ( see section iv ) of the potts persistence problem even allows @xmath41 ! by this means means we can explore a range of @xmath15 above and below 1/2 .",
"this is precisely what we find : the characteristic length scale , @xmath31 , controlling the distribution of the _ intervals _ between clusters of persistent sites , is given by @xmath32 .",
"the physical interpretation of @xmath11 could be for , for example , the coarsening spin field in the ising model after being quenched to low temperature from an initial high temperature , the sign of a diffusion field starting from a random initial configuration or the sign of the height , relative to the mean height , of a fluctuating interface . as the stochastic field evolves in time",
"the random walkers represent domain walls between potts states . at each time step , every walker hops randomly left or right .",
"( ii ) what is the nature of the spatial distribution of the persistent sites ? ( iii ) what is the average size of a persistent cluster ?"
"both of which are confirmed by our numerical studies , by exact results for @xmath61 , and by heuristic arguments to be expounded below : ( i ) the mean cluster size tends to a constant for @xmath51 , and ( ii ) the length scale @xmath62 that controls the interval size distribution is the _ larger _ of @xmath30 and @xmath28 , i.e. @xmath63 . from assumption ( i )",
"the mean cluster size is @xmath98^{-1}\\ . \\label{lav}\\ ] ] we expect , on universality grounds , that the exponents describing the decay of @xmath12 and @xmath97 should be the same ( i.e. @xmath15 ) , but the ( nonuniversal ) amplitudes will be different , i.e. @xmath99 , while @xmath100 , with @xmath101 . inserting these forms in ( [ lav ] ) gives the limiting value of the mean cluster size as @xmath102 .",
"then we still require @xmath64 , but now @xmath66 , so the result @xmath58 , derived from ( [ cl ] ) breaks down . going back to ( [ cl ] ) , we infer that this breakdown requires that the conversion of the sum to an integral be invalid the sum must have its dominant contribution from @xmath1 of order unity , rather than @xmath1 of order @xmath47 .",
"this argument also suggests that the locations of the clusters as a function of position on the lattice are described by a poisson process , i.e. the interval size distribution is an exponential , @xmath75 , with @xmath76 , for @xmath8 .",
"if the interval size is zero , the sites belong to the same _ cluster _ of persistent sites , and we henceforth consider only intervals of non - zero size . we define @xmath0 to be the number of intervals ( per site ) of size @xmath1 at time @xmath7",
"the number of non - persistent sites ( per site ) is given by @xmath48 but since the number of persistent sites ( per site ) , @xmath12 , decays to zero as @xmath6 , and @xmath49 , it follows that @xmath50 for @xmath51 . converting the sum ( [ np ] ) to an integral , with lower limit zero ( valid as @xmath52 provided the integral converges )",
"the largest length scale is set by the walker spacing , @xmath59 , and the interval size distribution will scale with this length . on smaller scales , there will be residual structure in the cluster distribution left from an earlier epoch when the number of walkers was larger .",
"in this regime , the distance between clusters is much greater that the distance between walkers , i.e. there are , on average , many ( @xmath74 ) random walkers between each consecutive pair of persistent clusters , as illustrated in figure [ fig0 ] ."
"the above calculations demonstrate that the mean cluster size approaches a constant at late times , and that the scale length for the sizes of the intervals between clusters grows as @xmath7 , and not as the naive scaling length @xmath10 associated with the underlying domain wall coarsening .",
"many of the general features of the dynamics for @xmath104 are exemplified by the @xmath105 limit , for which the walker dynamics reduces to @xmath106 , i.e. the walkers always aggregate on contact . at @xmath107",
"this exponential form is in excellent agreement with simulation data presented in section iv . since the initial clusters used in the @xmath61 simulations are quite small ( 2 or 4 ) , the continuum limit is not expected to be quantitatively correct . to conclude this section , therefore , we quote the asymptotic mean cluster size for clusters of arbitrary initial size @xmath108 .",
"the probability density @xmath109 that the cluster has survived and has size @xmath110 is therefore given , for @xmath121 , by @xmath125 the probability , @xmath126 , that the cluster survives till time @xmath7 is given by @xmath127 immediately we see that the mean interval between surviving clusters grows as @xmath7 ( @xmath128 , since @xmath129 ) , which is much larger than the mean interval between walkers , which grows as @xmath10 .",
"the mean length of surviving clusters , of given initial size @xmath108 , in the @xmath51 limit is @xmath130 if the initial clusters have a distribution of sizes , a straightforward calculation gives @xmath131 , where @xmath132 indicates an average over this distribution , while the fraction of clusters which survive is @xmath133 .",
"the key point is that , for @xmath106 dynamics , we need only consider the two walkers on either side of the initial cluster , since subsequent coalescence processes do not affect the random walk dynamics of these two walkers .",
"this should be correct in the limit @xmath111 , an assertion we can subsequently test . let the ends of the initial cluster ( and the two walkers ) be located at @xmath112 and @xmath113 ."
"all of the numerical simulations have been performed using the ising representation , with periodic initial conditions in which clusters of @xmath108 ` up spins ' are placed at uniform intervals in a ` down spin ' background , and occupy a fraction @xmath147 of the sites . for @xmath148 , the potts representation has mainly been used , but we expect all universal properties , such as exponents and scaling functions , to be the same for the two representations . this expectation is confirmed by the results for @xmath5 and the scaling function @xmath170 . in order to obtain a _ precise _ correspondence between the ising and the potts representations , however , it is necessary to run the ising simulations with random initial conditions , rather than periodic initial conditions which we have mostly employed , and to scale the axes appropriately with @xmath2 to account for the different interval sizes in the two cases .",
"then , is that the ising representation with random and periodic initial conditions should give the same _ scaling functions _ as the reaction - diffusion implementation of the potts model , but non - universal amplitudes will be different for the periodic initial conditions . in order to test the exact equivalence between random ising and potts simulations we plot , in figure [ fig12 ] , the results for the @xmath172 model using the potts ( reaction - diffusion ) method .",
"the random initial conditions for the ising simulation are generated from the potts initial state by setting all pairs in potts state ` 1 ' ( say ) to be up spins and all other pairs to be down spins . in the potts simulations we keep track of all persistent sites , while in the ising simulation we track the persistence of the spins initially ` up ' .",
"this algorithm is , however , restricted to modelling @xmath2-state potts models with @xmath40 , since @xmath144 generates negative probabilities , while the general result ( [ theta(q ) ] ) allows any real @xmath145 . in order to simulate values of @xmath2 in the interval @xmath146 we can map the potts model ( as far as persistence properties are concerned ) on to an ising representation with a fraction @xmath147 of the sites initially pointing up , and initially persistent , while the down spins are nonpersistent . studying the persistence of the minority ( majority ) spins",
"again , the data are consistent with an exponential scaling function , except at small scaling variable where there is a perceptible deviation from a straight line . in this region , however , the data also do not scale at all well either ( see inset in figure [ fig8 ] ) , which may be another manifestation of the poor separation of length scales : the scaling limit requires @xmath135 , @xmath51 with @xmath163 fixed . in particular the condition @xmath184 , which should be satisfied for good scaling ,",
"the domain walls between the up and down spins behave as random walkers , annihilating each other on contact with probability one . as far as the persistence is concerned , the dynamics of the potts and ising models are completely equivalent @xcite . for @xmath148 , results obtained from both types of simulation are entirely consistent .",
"the numerics clearly support the exact results given in section iii [ and derived in the appendix as equation([l_av ] ) ] , namely @xmath165 where @xmath108 is the initial cluster size . in order to investigate the dynamic scaling form ( [ newscaling ] ) for @xmath61 , we plot , in figure [ fig2 ] , @xmath166 against @xmath136 for @xmath167 500 , 1000 , 2000 , 4000 , 8000 , for initial cluster size 2 , where we have used @xmath168 for @xmath61 ."
"in this paper we have investigated the nature of persistent structures in the coarsening dynamics of 1d potts models .",
"a central concept has been the existence of two characteristic length scales , the mean separation , @xmath59 , of domain walls ( or ` walkers ' ) and the ` persistence length ' , @xmath60 , which measures the mean separation of persistent sites or clusters .",
"the focus of our attention has been the distribution function , @xmath0 , for the number of intervals ( between clusters of persistent sites ) of length @xmath1 .",
"we attribute these features to an imperfect separation of length scales on the time scales achieved in the simulations , and conjecture that the true scaling function is exponential for all @xmath104 .",
"the fact that the locations of the surviving clusters are statistically independent in the scaling regime leads to the result that the scaling function @xmath67 in ( [ scaling ] ) is a simple exponential .",
"both regimes , @xmath29 and @xmath8 , can be accessed by varying the number of potts states , @xmath2 . from the general result , ( [ theta(q ) ] ) , we see that @xmath5 is a monotonically increasing function with , @xmath202 marking the boundary between the two regimes .",
"this distribution has the scaling form ( [ scaling ] ) , with characteristic length scale , @xmath47 , which is the _ larger _ of @xmath30 and @xmath28 , i.e. @xmath4 . within the 1d potts model"
"see for some illustrations of the persistent structures which arise .",
"this work was supported by epsrc ( uk ) . for a recent review",
"j. krug , h. kallabis , s. n. majumdar , s. j. cornell , a. j. bray , and c. sire , phys .",
"b. derrida , a. j. bray , and c. godrche , j. phys . a * 27 * , l357 ( 1994 ) .",
"s. n. majumdar , a. j. bray , s. j. cornell , and c. sire , phys .",
"lett . * 77 * , 3704 ( 1996 ) ; k. oerding , s. j. cornell , and a. j. bray , phys .",
"s. n. majumdar , c. sire , a. j. bray , and s. j. cornell , phys .",
"s. j. cornell and a. j. bray , unpublished ."
"in this appendix we compute the probability that a cluster of initial size @xmath108 survives to time @xmath7 , and the mean size of surviving clusters , for the process @xmath106 . first note that initially there is a random walker at each end of the domain . at each time",
"\\label{recurrence}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] we are interested only in the limit @xmath51 . in this limit , we know from standard random walk theory that every @xmath225 decays like @xmath24 , with an @xmath78-dependent amplitude . to leading order in @xmath24 , therefore , the @xmath7-dependence drops out of equations ( [ recurrence ] ) , which then become equations for the amplitudes . by inspection ,",
"the probability that after @xmath7 steps the walker has jumped over exactly @xmath78 of these ( making them nonpersistent ) is @xmath228 , where the final result follows from ( [ leading ] ) , to leading order for large @xmath7 .",
"the same result holds for a walker starting immediately to the left of the cluster . the probability that @xmath110 sites remain persistent after time @xmath7 is @xmath229 times",
"the number of ways of partitioning the cluster of length @xmath108 into 3 sections , with the central section of length @xmath110 ( and zero lengths are allowed for the outer sections ) .",
"let the ` origin ' be the point @xmath224 , and let @xmath225 be the probability that the walker has not yet reached the origin at time @xmath7 .",
"so the probability of the cluster surviving and having length @xmath110 is @xmath231 a generalization of ( [ pl0 ] ) to the discrete system .",
"consider , therefore , a single walker moving at discrete time steps on a discrete 1d lattice , starting , at time @xmath107 , at position @xmath78 .",
"the solution in this regime is @xmath227 now consider a walker starting immediately to the right of a cluster of @xmath108 persistent sites .",
"step the walkers move independently left or right with probability @xmath34 , so we can treat each walker independently ."
] | the distribution , @xmath0 , of the interval sizes , @xmath1 , between clusters of persistent sites in the dynamical evolution of the one - dimensional @xmath2-state potts model is studied using a combination of numerical simulations , scaling arguments , and exact analysis .
it is shown to have the scaling form @xmath3 , with @xmath4 , where @xmath5 is the persistence exponent which describes the fraction , @xmath6 , of sites which have not changed their state up to time @xmath7 . when @xmath8 , the scaling length @xmath9 for the interval - size distribution is larger than the coarsening length scale @xmath10 that characterizes spatial correlations of the potts variables . 2 |
"if these subgraphs move further from their original positions the value of differential index increases . in this paper , we consider other approaches for the structural analysis of dynamic lumped process models for high - index dae systems .",
"in particular , we consider pryce s method and the symbolic differential elimination package rifsimp .",
"the nice feature of the work is a simple and straightforward method for analysing the structure of a differential algebraic system .",
"pryce s method is a robust and reliable method for remedying the drawback of the approach @xcite and doing so automatically .",
"propose the structural analysis of process models using their representation graphs for the determination of the most important solvability property of lumped dynamic models : the differential index .",
"section 3 gives the structural analysis of simple process models using these approaches .",
"this is a powerful way to determine the index of the system , its number of degrees of freedom , and exactly which components should be given initial values ."
"in this section , we give a brief review of pryce s method and some remarks , and present the symbolic differential elimination with maple s rifsimp package .",
"we review below the main steps of pryce s structural analysis and the corresponding algorithm following @xcite .",
"the time complexity of the assignment problem can be done at polynomial cost by using the hungarian method @xcite .",
"this problem is dual to the assignment problem .",
"the rifsimp algorithm is essentially an extension of the gaussian elimination to daes and systems of nonlinear pdes .",
"+ + + + + + + + + fast prolongation produces a simplified system to which a standard numeric solver can be efficiently applied ."
"in this section , we apply the above techniques to structure analysis of dynamic lumped process models dae systems .",
"+ + + + + + + + + based on the structure analysis of pryce s method , it is practical and efficient for dynamic lumped process models dae systems . in general",
", we give the degrees of freedom and structural index of the general dynamic lumped process models dae systems that is a function of the number of tanks @xmath51 . we propose a simple example to set the number of tanks @xmath88 case a ) to illustrate the rifsimp algorithm .",
"+ + + + + + + + + compared with the structural analysis of process models using their representation graphs method , the advantages of our algorithm are : + @xmath68 we efficiently apply the fast numerical and symbolic computations to a wide variety of physical models generated by the equation - based technique .",
"+ + + + + + + + + in this paper , we consider the modelling goal for case a ) by the rifsimp algorithm .",
"the model is taken from dynamic process simulation and multi - domain modeling and simulation of complex systems . here , the cascade of perfectly stirred tank reactors yields the basic examples of the paper , see fig.1 .",
"thus the flow rates between the tanks @xmath57 are all the same that @xmath58 , where @xmath59 is a specified function of @xmath25 . in general , there are two different specifications that can be added to these equations according to the modelling goal : + a ) in dynamic simulation studies the feed concentration @xmath52 is given by @xmath60 ; + b ) in dynamic design the product concentration @xmath61 is given by @xmath62 . when applied to process system a ) and b ) , the main steps of our approach are : step 1 ."
"an efficient practical implementation of pryce s method is in _ maple_. the following examples run in the platform of maple and inter(r ) core(tm ) i3 2.40ghz , 2.00 g ram . we give some experimental results using symbolic differential elimination and fast prolongation for structural analysis of dynamic lumped process models dae systems . in fig .",
"@xmath103 , we present the time for symbolic differential elimination by rifsimp of maple package and fast prolongation as the number of tank reactors @xmath51 increased . in fig .",
"@xmath104 , we present the memory usage for symbolic differential elimination by rifsimp of maple package and fast prolongation as the number of tank reactors @xmath51 increased .",
": + @xmath68 the time of structural analysis of dynamic lumped process models dae systems for fast prolongation is small and ultimately grows slowly in the range of degrees of freedom considered .",
"the memory usage of symbolic differential elimination grows very quickly . the above analysis and experimental results , motivates consideration of hybrid techniques involving a combination of symbolic differential elimination and fast prolongation for large dae models . however , symbolic computations have the disadvantage of intermediate expression swell . in the future",
"the main reason is that fast prolongation only needs to solve an integer linear programming problem , but the symbolic differential elimination needs a large number of eliminations and differentiates .",
"homotopy method ) and evaluate the condition number of the jacobian to carry out he validation . from figures @xmath103 and @xmath104"
"in this paper , we have investigated the high - index structural analysis problem for the class of dynamic lumped process models dae systems by pryce s method and symbolic differential elimination .",
"we also gave the degrees of freedom and structural index of the dynamic lumped process models dae systems that is a function of the number of tanks @xmath51 .",
"we designed the algorithm to automatically analysis the structural of simple process models , and showed that the rifsimp algorithm of maple package reduces the original system to standard form .",
"moreover , those approached can be generalized to a wide variety of physical models and analyzed the structural of square and non - square nonlinear dae and pdae systems .",
": emso : a new environment for modeling , simulation and optimization ."
] | this paper deals with the structural analysis problem of dynamic lumped process high - index dae models .
we consider two methods for index reduction of such models by differentiation : pryce s method and the symbolic differential elimination algorithm rifsimp .
discussion and comparison of these methods are given via a class of fundamental process simulation examples .
in particular , the efficiency of the pryce method is illustrated as a function of the number of tanks in process design .
algebraic equations , structural analysis , symbolic differential elimination , fast prolongation , linear programming problem |
"the goal of this work is to use dynamical and geometric distortions to study the large scale coherent infall and put constraints on cosmology , from a sample of @xmath16 lyman - break galaxies .",
"we determine the constraints that can be obtained from the fitting of the @xmath1-space distortions and a brief description of the method is given .",
"allow us to study the real - space clustering , as discussed in section 4 . since there is not enough information in the sky direction to use this as an amplitude input in the fitting of the @xmath1-space distortions , we compute the spherical average of the two - dimensional @xmath1-space correlation function in section 5 , where we determine the amplitude and shape of the @xmath1-space correlation function , in 1-d . in section 6",
"we then measure the two - dimensional @xmath1-space correlation function that we will use to fit the @xmath1-space distortions ( section 3 ) . integrating this along the redshift direction",
"the infall can be quantified by measuring @xmath17 , defined as @xmath18 ( @xmath19 being the linear bias parameter ) ."
"the survey presented in their work comprises 17 fields , covering an area of 0.38 deg@xmath23 , and the total number of @xmath25 lbgs spectroscopically confirmed is 940 .",
"the lbgs used in this work are included in the sample of @xcite .",
"the spectroscopic follow - up was performed at both the keck i and keck ii telescopes .",
"the details of the complete survey and the data used can be found in @xcite .",
"@xmath26_{ab}$ ] imaging was obtained at several telescopes and used to select the lbgs via the lyman break technique .",
", we decided to include in our sample only the lbgs with class 1 redshift , as defined by @xcite ."
"the @xmath1-space correlation function can be measured in these two directions , which are given by : = |s_2-s_1| [ equation : pi_def ] = ( s_2+s_1)/2 [ equation : sig_def ] where @xmath54 and @xmath55 are the distances to two different galaxies , measured in @xmath1-space , and @xmath56 the angular separation between them . as mentioned above , to estimate the correlation function , a random set of points probing the same volume as the lbgs",
"then , the correlation function @xmath3 can be computed using the estimator @xcite : @xmath57 where @xmath58 is the number of lbg - lbg pairs , @xmath59 the number of random - random pairs and @xmath60 the number of lbg - random pairs with separations along and across the line - of - sight given by @xmath61 and @xmath62 , respectively .",
"the effects of the velocity error of @xmath64 quoted by @xcite are therefore not evident in this plot , possibly due to the cancelling of `` finger - of - god '' effects and infall , but more probably due to the effects of noise .",
"the predominant effect at large scales is the coherent infall of the lbgs into the potential well of overdense regions , which causes a flattening of the @xmath63 contours along the @xmath62 direction and some elongation along @xmath61",
"the reason is because the cosmology dependence of the separations along the redshift direction is not the same as the one of the separations measured in the perpendicular direction @xcite .",
"20 of @xcite , measured from a subsample of the lbgs used here , indicating that the feature was probably due to noise , arising from the small number of lbg pairs at small separations .",
". geometric distortions also occur if the cosmology assumed to convert the observed qso redshifts into distances is not the same as the true , underlying cosmology of the universe ."
"@xcite , from a sample of 1294 lbg candidates from the canada - france deep field survey , measured @xmath77 for a fixed value of @xmath78 which is in agreement with the slope measured here .",
"the @xmath1-space correlation function consists of a `` distorted '' measurement of the clustering properties of the lbgs .",
"our goal in this _ paper _ is to use these distortions to derive constraints on @xmath65 and @xmath66 and draw conclusions on the bias and infall of the galaxies at an early stage in the history of the universe , as well as discuss the improvement that can be achieved with larger , future lbg surveys .",
", we used the poisson estimate : @xmath68 .",
"the circles are the measured values in the present survey ."
"the interpretation of this result could include the effects of @xmath1-space distortions , affecting a power - law @xmath9 , whose form is derived from the @xmath4 results , as the small - scale random motions of the qsos lead to a deficit of clustering amplitude measured at small scales . to confirm this hypothesis , we derived a @xmath8 model from the best fitting power - law @xmath9 to the @xmath4 results , by adding the distortions parameterized by @xmath101 and @xmath102 .",
"however , due to the limited size of the fields used in the survey , the behaviour of @xmath9 at scales larger than @xmath82 is unknown and , even considering that the power - law approximation is sufficiently good up to @xmath82 , deviations from a simple power - law model at large scales , where @xmath3 is fitted , would cause shifts to the best - fitting values of @xmath81 and @xmath66 .",
"otherwise , the constraints obtained for @xmath66 and @xmath81 will be such that their values are those needed to compensate the input @xmath8 , so that the _ amplitude _ of the model @xmath3 fits the _ amplitude _ of @xmath3 from the data , rather then being a good fit to the _ distortions _ in @xmath3 . in principle , one could use the best - fitting @xmath9 power - law as an input to the @xmath3 model , by decomposing it in two dimensions and adding the distortions .",
"the double power - law @xmath8 model can therefore be used as the input for the amplitude of the @xmath1-space correlation function , provided that the fit is only performed on scales where the non - linear distortions caused by the random peculiar motions have a negligible contribution . as it can be seen from the dotted black line , which represents the @xmath8 obtained from a simple power - law @xmath9 model ,",
"= 9.0 cm to avoid underestimating the errors from contamination of correlated pairs of galaxies in the same separation bin , when the number of pairs is larger than the total number of galaxies the ratio @xmath84 in the poisson error estimate is replaced by @xmath85 , @xmath86 being the total number of galaxies in the survey @xcite .",
"given the observed deviations from a simple power - law model on the @xmath8 shape ( the reduced @xmath93 of the fit is 4.07 , with 16 degrees of freedom ) , a double power - law model for @xmath8 was also fitted to the data .",
"the fact that the single power - law model for @xmath9 also represents a good fit to the data , means that we can not prefer the double power - law model solely from the results of this work ."
"constraints on the density parameter @xmath66 are obtained from including geometric distortions in the @xmath3 model and comparing these with the distortions present in @xmath3 measured from the data .",
"the first step in modeling the @xmath1-space distortions is to build a @xmath3 model given an input @xmath9 .",
"once a model describing how the amplitude of the correlation function varies with radial separation , in average , then the higher - order distortions observed on @xmath3 can be modeled .",
"the latter can be obtained from a @xmath8 form ( @xmath96 , for @xmath97 ; @xmath99 , for @xmath100 ) , if the @xmath3 fitting will be performed at scales where the main contribution for the distortions comes from the coherent infall , and hence the input @xmath9 can be obtained by : \\(r ) = [ equation : xisxir_kaiser ] the description of the @xmath1-space distortion model used here is present in section 7.3 of @xcite .",
"* take a model for the @xmath1-space correlation function , e.g. a double power - law .",
"this method is described in detail in @xcite ."
"here we have used the @xmath1-space distortions on the clustering pattern of a sample of lbgs to derive constraints on @xmath65 and @xmath66 .",
"once a suitable model for describing the amplitude of the correlation function as a function of scale is obtained ( a two power - law model was found to be a good description in the present case ) , then the @xmath1-space and geometric distortions can be modeled and constraints on @xmath65 and @xmath66 drawn .",
"the method used requires the spherical average amplitude of the correlation function to be accurately known and given as an input to the model . due to the small size of the fields used in the survey ,",
"we found that the derived constraints are very robust to @xmath51 changes in the parameters describing the double power - law @xmath8 model .",
"it is important to stress the advantage of the lbgs high spatial density for @xmath1-space distortion analyses .",
"@xcite found , for a @xmath20cdm cosmology , @xmath128 , using a sample of lbgs from the canada - france deep field survey .",
"these values are consistent with previous measurements of the bias ."
"ja acknowledges financial support from fct / portugal through project pocti / fnu/43753/2001 and from the european community s human potential program under contract hprn - ct-2002 - 00316 , sisco .",
"pjo acknowledges the support of a pparc fellowship .",
"we thank catarina lobo for useful comments ."
] | we use sample of 813 lyman - break galaxies ( lbgs ) with @xmath0 to perform a detailed analysis of the redshift - space ( @xmath1-space ) distortions in their clustering pattern and from them derive confidence levels in the @xmath2 $ ] plane .
we model the @xmath1-space distortions in the shape of the correlation function measured in orthogonal directions , @xmath3 .
this modeling requires an accurate description of the real - space correlation function to be given as an input . from the projection of @xmath3 in the angular direction , @xmath4
, we derive the best fitting amplitude and slope for the lbg real - space correlation function : @xmath5 and @xmath6 ( @xmath7 ) .
a comparison between the shape of @xmath8 and @xmath4 suggests that @xmath9 deviates from a simple power - law model , with a break at @xmath10 .
this model is consistent with the observed projected correlation function .
however , due to the limited size of the fields used , the @xmath4 results are limited to @xmath11 . assuming this double power - law model , and by analysing the shape distortions in @xmath3
, we find the following constraints : @xmath12 , @xmath13 .
combining these results with orthogonal constraints from linear evolution of density perturbations , we find that @xmath14 , @xmath15 .
[ firstpage ] surveys - galaxies , galaxies : general , large - scale structure of universe , cosmology : observations |
"experimentally it is observed that each island nucleates a companion @xmath3 defect out of the bulk , which maintains a preferred separation from the inclusion while undergoing visible radial and azimuthal orientational fluctuations with respect to the center of the inclusion . in this paper , we present a theoretical study of these circular inclusions in smectic - c films .",
"we also report briefly on preliminary experimental observations that are in qualitative agreement with our theoretical analysis .",
"our preliminary experimental observations are in qualitative agreement with these predictions . associated with each island",
"is a companion negative defect ( fig .",
"nematic emulsions are dispersions of droplets of nematic liquid crystal in an isotropic host @xcite"
"\\nonumber & & = -\\pi k \\log \\left ( \\frac{a^2}{r_d^2 } -\\frac{a^4}{r_d^4 } \\right ) + \\pi k \\log \\frac{a}{\\xi } + \\epsilon_{\\rm core}.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] we see that the preferred position for the defect is @xmath82 . expanding about this minimum with @xmath83 we find , @xmath84 \\approx { \\rm const } + 4 \\pi k \\left(\\frac{\\delta r_d}{r_d^0}\\right)^2 + \\cdots.\\ ] ] thermal fluctuations in @xmath9 then satisfy , @xmath85 in qualitative agreement with our estimate from section ( i ) . noting that this @xmath13 is the two - dimensional constant @xmath20 from section ( i ) , we recall the estimate @xmath86 where @xmath24 is the number of layers in the film ( typically 4 - 10 ) .",
"( [ freeenergy ] ) to be our free energy , where @xmath13 is the frank elastic constant and the integral is to be taken over the region that the ordered medium occupies ( external to the inclusion and internal to some boundary farther away ) , namely @xmath39 , where @xmath40 is a disc of radius @xmath41 centered about the origin , @xmath14 is the radius of the inclusion and @xmath27 is the system size .",
"taking the radius of the defect to be @xmath45 and assigning a core energy to the defect @xmath46 @xcite , we simply need to find solutions for @xmath7 that depend on the position of the defect and to extract an effective free energy , @xmath47 $ ] , as a function of the defect position @xmath48 .",
"the effective free energy of these films contains two elastic constants - one for splay distortions ( @xmath33 ) and another for bend ( @xmath34 ) : @xmath35 d^2x.\\ ] ] however , when the difference between @xmath34 and @xmath33 is small , the @xmath0 @xmath31-model provides an accurate approximation , @xmath36 d^2x \\\\ & = & \\frac{k}{2 } \\int_{\\omega } ( \\nabla \\phi)^2 d^2x , \\label{freeenergy}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where it is understood that the integral is taken over the region @xmath37 where the order parameter @xmath1 exists and is nonzero .",
"sample configurations are shown in fig ( [ vfs_no_q ] ) . if @xmath1 is parallel to the @xmath74-axis at infinity , then the induced defect lies above the disc , and hence @xmath71 points in the @xmath75 direction when @xmath76 ( tangential boundary conditions ) ; and the induced defect lies to the left of the disc , and hence @xmath71 points in the @xmath77 direction when @xmath78 ( normal boundary conditions ) . an intermediate configuration with @xmath79",
". the collection of three charges can be viewed as a topological dipole with moment @xmath71 pointing from the induced defect in the medium to the center of the disc : @xmath72 the dipole makes an angle of @xmath73 with the direction of @xmath1 in the far field .",
"next we take the boundary condition at the surface to be of the form @xmath43 , where @xmath44 is the azimuthal angle relative to the center of the disc and @xmath8 is the angle that the director @xmath1 makes with the tangent vector to the boundary ."
"we conclude that a single inclusion - defect pair can be fully described by @xmath111 $ ] , where @xmath112 is the position of the center of the inclusion ( no longer required to be at the origin ) , @xmath14 is the radius of the inclusion , @xmath8 tells us what the boundary condition is at the inclusion boundary , and @xmath113 we then found it convenient to code @xmath96 via @xmath114 .",
"the second term is the dipole - dipole energy and the third and fourth are the electrostatic energy . again we emphasize that this is only an approximate form for the energy valid when the pairs are sufficiently for apart . to see the importance of the first electrostatic term in the energy we now turn to a more specific example .",
"\\nonumber & + & \\pi k ( q_1+q_2)^2 \\log\\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right ) - 2 \\pi k q_1 q_2 \\log \\left(\\frac{r_s}{a}\\right ) , \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where again the first term is simply twice the energy from eq.([f_r ] ) for a single inclusion with @xmath132 . taking @xmath133 and @xmath134 , we can simplify now to find @xmath135 & = & 2 f_1[(a , r_d,\\frac{\\pi}{2 } - \\phi_a ) ] \\\\ \\nonumber & + & - 2 \\pi k \\frac{p^2}{r_s^2 } \\cos\\left(2 q_{+ } \\log\\left(\\frac{r}{a}\\right ) \\right ) \\\\ \\nonumber & + & 2 \\pi k q_{+}^2 \\left ( \\log \\left(\\frac{r}{a } \\right ) + \\log \\left(\\frac{r}{r_s } \\right ) \\right ) \\\\ \\nonumber & + & 2 \\pi k q_{-}^2 \\log \\left(\\frac{r_s}{a } \\right).\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] we see immediately that @xmath136 is the minimum , which corresponds to @xmath137 where the dipoles are aligned with the @xmath77-axis .",
"the energy decomposes in a natural way into three pieces : the first is the contribution each individual inclusion - defect pair makes when its electric charge @xmath118 , the second is the contribution from the dipole - dipole interaction among the topological defects , and finally , the third is the total electrostatic energy arising from the electric charges : @xmath119\\ } ) \\approx \\sum_i f_1(a_i , r_{di},\\phi_{ai } ) \\nonumber \\\\ & & + \\sum_{i < j } 2 \\pi k \\left ( \\frac{\\pv_i \\cdot \\pv_j}{r_{ij}^2 } - \\frac{2 ( \\pv_i \\cdot \\rv_{ij } ) ( \\pv_j \\cdot \\rv_{ij})}{r_{ij}^4 } \\right ) \\nonumber \\\\ & & + \\pi k \\left(\\sum_i q_i\\right ) \\left(\\sum_i",
"not surprisingly we would have found that the @xmath138 equilibrium value would no longer be zero , however the term in the energy for @xmath139 would remain the same . since the fluctuations in @xmath139 dominate the fluctuations in @xmath138 we would still expect the above observations concerning the magnitude of the fluctuations to be fairly accurate .",
"if there are two or more inclusions , the distortions they induce will give rise to effective interactions among the inclusions . if the separation between inclusions is large compared to their radii , each inclusion behaves like a dipole , and there will be a pair - wise dipole - dipole interaction between them ."
"herein we have described how director configurations can be described systematically by externally nucleated topological defects and associated image defects lying within the inclusions , provided we allow for logarithmic as well as topological defects .",
"the electric charge required is determined by the orientation of the topological dipole created by the inclusion and its companion and by the direction of the far - field director .",
"the topological dipole distributions associated with each inclusion - defect pair lead to a dipole - dipole interaction between them an to an alignment of the dipoles .",
"the value of the electric charge fluctuates producing visible fluctuations of the position of the companion defect about its host inclusion .",
"when multiple inclusions are present they interact through their topological and electric charge distributions .",
"orientational fluctuations of the dipoles are coupled via the interaction of these electric charges . by far the strongest correlations",
"however , thermal fluctuations of the dipole direction are large ( the fluctuations the companion about the host ) and carry electric charges with them ."
"the figure to the right indicates the two dimensional interpretation , consisting of the boundary of the circular inclusion , the direction of the far - field director as well as the orientation of the director at the boundary of the inclusion , the positions of the physical and virtual defects and the resulting topological dipole moment .",
"caption fig.1 + + ( a ) a schematic overhead view of a generic circular inclusion , showing the relative positions of the physical and virtual defects , as well as the relationships between the far - field director , the director at the boundary of the inclusion and the direction of the topological dipole moment .",
"the presence of only a single @xmath2 point defect in the center of the island in the photograph reminds us that the charges that the companion @xmath3 defect interacts with are image charges imposed by the boundary conditions and not real physical charges inside the island .",
"now , making the final identification , @xmath175 we can write @xmath176 which looks just like the energy density for electromagnetism . furthermore , we can define electric and magnetic charge densities @xmath177 and then complete the electromagnetic analogy by writing @xmath178 this is why we have chosen to call the logarithmic singularities `` electric charges '' and the @xmath179 singularities `` magnetic charges '' .",
"of course , in this analogy we have no reason to expect the lines of magnetic charge to be quantized , whereas in the original problem there is a clear explanation as to why the @xmath179 singularities are quantized ( the requirement that the physical field @xmath7 be single - valued ) .",
"next , noting that for any function @xmath169 we have @xmath170 we can define @xmath171 and note that @xmath172 interestingly , the vector potential for a line of magnetic charges parallel to the @xmath163axis piercing the @xmath167plane at @xmath165 is simply @xmath173 which corresponds precisely to the singularities in @xmath174 ."
] | in thin films of smectic - c liquid crystals , localized regions containing additional smectic layers form circular inclusions that carry a topological charge .
such inclusions nucleate a companion topological defect .
these inclusion - defect pairs are modeled as topological dipoles within the context of a one - coupling constant approximation to the @xmath0 frank free energy .
deviations of the dipole direction from a preferred orientation cause the dipoles to acquire a logarithmic charge .
thermal fluctuations of the dipole direction are calculated and found to be large , scaling as the logarithm of the system size .
in addition to dipole - dipole interactions arising from the topological charges , we also find that the thermal fluctuations of the dipole directions are coupled through a preference for global charge neutrality of the logarithmic charges .
psfig corresponding author : david pettey + department of physics and astronomy + university of pennsylvania + philadelphia , pa 19104 |
"we extend scaling relations near the cfip to the nonlinear regime . as simplified models of real biopolymers we use simulations on two different disordered lattice models , the diluted triangular and kagome lattices ( see fig .",
"based on these ideas , we propose a two - parameter scaling law for the differential shear modulus : @xmath33 here @xmath34 is the shear strain , and the @xmath35 subscript labels the branches of the scaling function for @xmath36 and @xmath37 , respectively .",
"we discuss the application of the scaling regimes to more realistic biopolymer networks in sec .",
"they give numerical evidence that @xmath38 for jammed packings , and demonstrated the scaling of the crossover from linear to nonlinear behavior .",
"[ fig : lattices ] ( a , b))@xcite .",
"we use these lattices to verify our scaling laws and to extract exponents .",
"these two lattices have maximum coordination @xmath20 and @xmath16 ; they represent two classes of gels with @xmath19 and @xmath21 ."
"it is clear from these curves that strain - stiffening is prominent when the network is diluted ( smaller @xmath39 ) . in order to test the scaling relation in eq . , we need to first determine the location of the cfip and the exponents @xmath26 and @xmath27 . for the triangular lattice ,",
"the cfip for the kagome lattice is at @xmath43 , and we can only observe @xmath62 . also , for this case , it is known @xcite that the transition is first order with @xmath41 ; thus we expect , and indeed find @xmath63 .",
"there is a second - order rigidity percolation transition and the critical point is slightly lower than @xmath42 due to critical fluctuations @xcite . in the kagome case rigidity percolation is a first - order transition@xcite at @xmath43 . for these lattices @xmath44 .",
"as shown in figure [ fig : linear ] ( a ) we find that @xmath61 for the triangular lattice , consistent with previous literature on the linear elasticity of this lattice @xcite .",
"@xmath57 labels the sites , @xmath58 is the displacement vector of the site , and @xmath59 is the displacement vector if the deformation would have been affine .",
"we write the elastic hamiltonian for our models as @xcite : @xmath45 the sum @xmath46 runs over all bonds and @xmath47 runs over pairs of bonds that are co - linear and share lattice site @xmath48 .",
"it is straightforward to use maxwell s rule to find that the cfip is at @xmath40 , @xmath41 , respectively , at the mean - field level . in the triangular lattice"
"the background modulus increases , so we should see a dip in @xmath81 . the common way @xcite to introduce buckling in model fiber networks is to introduce an extra node in the middle of each link which can bend with a small bending modulus . there is a pitchfork bifurcation at a threshold just as in the case of a continuous elastic beam . in our models , although we do not have such buckling at the bond level , the crosslinking points represent internal degrees of freedom of the filaments and also exhibit a buckling instability .",
", we take a given finite value of @xmath71 . in practice , this correspond to taking the value of @xmath72 which changes as @xmath39 changes so that @xmath69 is fixed in the simulation . recall that @xmath27 has already been determined from the linear regime . as a result the shear modulus data completely collapses for both lattices according to our two - parameter scaling , as shown in figure [ fig : final ] .",
"in particular , for the triangular lattice @xmath73 lies on two branches , corresponding to @xmath74 and @xmath62 . from these plots we find that @xmath75 for the triangular lattice and @xmath76 for the kagome lattice . .",
"to test the scaling law of eq . we can plot @xmath22 using scaled parameters : @xmath65 the scaling law predicts that @xmath66 collapses into a _ single surface _ as a function of @xmath67 for the correct critical exponents @xmath68 .",
"the second type of plot is to observe _ a slice _ of the scaling collapse in the three - dimensional space of @xmath70 . to do this",
"we are , in fact , never extremely close to the critical point , because sufficiently near to @xmath77 there is a non - scaling feature in the shear modulus , a dip .",
"we obtain the expected complete collapse in the nonlinear ( stretching ) regime where the curves are predicted to be independent of @xmath69 ."
"moreover , we also identify various regimes of nonlinear elasticity in a three - dimensional phase diagram of connectivity , bending stiffness , and strain .",
", we learned about two recent preprints @xcite which use a combination of experimental and simulation tools to investigate nonlinear elasticity .",
"a different mechanism of strain - stiffening has been proposed in the literature attributing strain stiffening to stretching out thermal undulations of polymers @xcite .",
"although for these gels stretching out thermal undulations contribute to the strain - stiffening , if the gel is below the cfip ( which is true for most bio - polymer gels ) , the bending modes still need to be stretched out in addition to the thermal undulations before the gel enters true stretching - dominant elasticity regime . during the preparation of our manuscript",
"with these results in hand , we can speculate about their applicability to other lattice models and to physical systems . based on our results",
"in contrast , our study obtained full collapse of shear modulus in the more general case of varying both @xmath1 and @xmath109 .",
"both of these preprints mainly focus on the nonlinear shear modulus as bending stiffness @xmath1 varies while keeping the connectivity @xmath109 fixed ."
"j - c feng is supported by the national science foundation center for theoretical biological physics ( grant phy-1427654 ) . the work of hl was supported in part by the cancer prevention and research institute of texas ( cprit ) scholar program of the state of texas at rice university .",
"we acknowledge informative discussions with f. c. mackintosh , c. p. broedersz ."
] | disordered biopolymer gels have striking mechanical properties including strong nonlinearities . in the case of athermal gels ( such as collagen - i )
the nonlinearity has long been associated with a crossover from a bending dominated to a stretching dominated regime of elasticity .
the physics of this crossover is related to the existence of a central - force isostatic point and to the fact that for most gels the bending modulus is small .
this crossover induces scaling behavior for the elastic moduli .
in particular , for linear elasticity such a scaling law has been demonstrated [ broedersz _ et al . nature physics _ , 2011 * 7 * , 983 ] . in this work
we generalize the scaling to the nonlinear regime with a two - parameter scaling law involving three critical exponents .
we test the scaling law numerically for two disordered lattice models , and find a good scaling collapse for the shear modulus in both the linear and nonlinear regimes .
we compute all the critical exponents for the two lattice models and discuss the applicability of our results to real systems . |
"i would like to study in the easiest possible way a very simple problem : the charge of a capacitor . solving the wave equation for the electric field",
"this observation casts dark clouds on the maxwellian theory . in this short note",
"my conclusion is that , despite of the extraordinary achievements of the technological world , maxwell s equations are inefficacious in most practical cases , unless they are accompanied by rough and non well justified mathematical adaptations .",
"indeed , an initially localized wave - packet , whose fields are successively modelled by maxwell s equations , is soon destroyed , diffusing all around . it is not my intention to further self - celebrate here the potentiality of my extension and the possible implications in the study of the quantum world by a classical approach . for further insight the reader",
"is referred to @xcite . criticizing maxwell s equations",
"is dangerous ."
"we shall demonstrate through a simple example that @xmath13 can instead spontaneously assume values different from zero , mining the foundations of the ampre s law in vacuum .",
"let us review what possibilities are offered regarding equation ( [ wave ] ) .",
"one can then pick up the ones that better fit the phenomenon to be studied . as in the case of the wave equation ( [ wave ] ) , there is the tendency to transform the first - order system ( [ fem1 ] ) , ( [ fbm1 ] ) into a second - order one . playing with second - order derivatives in the space variables is much easier and the _ well - posedness _ of the problem generally follows from properties of the laplace operator . in this circumstance ,",
"in addition , there are initial conditions and boundary constraints .",
"there are several ways to impose boundary conditions .",
"boundary conditions are naturally derived from a solid theory .",
"again , we deduce an uniqueness result ."
"a uniqueness theorem for the wave equation is still guaranteed ( see the end of section 2 ) . in the new setting , @xmath16 could in principle assume configurations that are more similar to those of a charged capacitor in a stationary regime , i.e. , with curved lines of force that are more pronounced at the rim of the plates . by the way , such an improvement is only illusory .",
"the problem we proposed has very smooth solutions , hence the idea that things may improve by converting it into variational form is hopeless . in truth , using a general _ test function _ in ( [ wave2 ] ) , a variational formulation is soon obtained , which can be automatically extended to functions belonging to suitable sobolev spaces . by the above procedure",
", we have : @xmath90 we just discovered that the solutions to our vector wave equation can not be divergenceless . as a consequence , independently on how we define the magnetic field , there are no chances to solve the entire set of maxwell s equations .",
"the aim is to allow the creation of a nontrivial field @xmath17 with the consequent generation of curved lines of force for the electric field . at the same time , the hope is to restore the zero divergence condition .",
"it is worthwhile to notice that , in the proof given above , the zero divergence condition has been recalled both locally ( via ( [ cv1 ] ) ) and globally ( gauss s law applied to the box @xmath106 $ ] ) . this paradox tells us that there are troubles at the constitutive level .",
"first of all , we remark that , in the framework of 3d geometries , imposing @xmath107 does not necessarily mean that @xmath16 must be vertical ( this is a consequence of the resolution of the wave equation ) .",
"every physicist would bet that there is a mistake in the reasoning . on the other hand , this is just a correct mathematical results which is a consequence of having approached the problem from a nonstandard perspective . here"
"in particular , the intensity of the field inside the capacitor assumes values that are greater than the ones attained at the boundary . by denoting with @xmath131 the area of @xmath20 , the capacitance is given by @xmath132 , while the stored energy is given by : @xmath133 where @xmath134 is the difference of potential and @xmath135 is the measure of the volume of the capacitor . in ( [ enec ] )",
"formula ( [ enec ] ) is only valid in the pure stationary case , so its application in the dynamical description of the charge transfer between two capacitors is incorrect . in practical applications , the oscillations decay in a finite time due to some internal energy dissipation .",
"this result is not as suspicious as before : if from one hand , we have the right to suppose that the dissipation due to the outer circuit is negligible , on the other hand we must handle the dissipation of the internal oscillations in some appropriate way .",
"nevertheless , such a suspicious theoretical result provides us with another indication that the ruling equation have flaws or , at least , that the definition of the energy stored by a capacitor is lacunary .",
"2 , p. 684 ) , the charge present at the plates of a capacitor of capacitance @xmath139 is redistributed by adding another capacitor in parallel of capacitance @xmath139 ( the new total capacity is then @xmath140 ) .",
"the stored energy in ( [ enec ] ) is only part of the total energy that also contains the kinetic of the fields inside the capacitors .",
"such a dynamics in inevitably produced by the redistribution of the charges . by assuming energy conservation , internal oscillations do not dump and must contribute to the total energy ."
"it is not admissible that the structure of a model changes depending on the problem to be solved .",
"the difficulty of the math reflects however the complexity of the phenomena observed in the real world , without any barrier among the different regimes . starting from a unique formulation , negligible quantities",
"the coupling of electric and magnetic fields produces electromagnetic emissions . in other words",
"the evolution equations rely on the finiteness of the speed of light , while the gauss s law ( ruling the stationary cases ) finds its roots on the `` action at the distance '' . depending on circumstances",
"the general solution can be a nightmare .",
"it depends on the assumptions on the device and the external solicitation ."
] | the charge of an ideal parallel capacitor leads to the resolution of the wave equation for the electric field with prescribed initial conditions and boundary constraints . independently of the capacitor s shape and the applied voltage ,
none of the corresponding solutions is compatible with the full set of maxwell s equations .
the paradoxical situation persists even by weakening boundary conditions , resulting in the impossibility to describe a trivial phenomenon such as the capacitor s charging process , by means of the standard maxwellian theory .
@xmath0dipartimento di fisica , informatica e matematica universit di modena e reggio emilia , via campi 213/b , 41125 modena ( italy ) keywords : maxwell equations , wave equation , capacitor , paradox .
pacs : 02.30.jr , 41.20.jb |
"we present rxte observations of bsd 24491 and ls 1698 .",
"motch et al . ( 1997 ) ( hereafter m97 ) reported the discovery of several new high mass x - ray binaries .",
"be / x - ray binaries ( bexrbs ) and supergiant systems represent the general class of high mass x - ray binaries .",
", five sources remained candidates for new accreting binary systems .",
"hereafter , we will refer to sources by the names of the optical companion .",
"in addition to the normal stellar component , a compact object is also present in the system , and accretion onto it is the principal source of x - ray emission in the system ."
"the sources were observed with the _ proportional counter array _ ( pca ) onboard the _ rossi x - ray timing explorer _ ( rxte ) in 1998 february .",
"the main objective of these observations was to search for pulsations in the x - ray flux in an attempt to confirm the accreting nature of the sources .",
"one can look for more similarities in an attempt to establish the existence of a distinct subclass of bexrbs . comparing the x - ray observational characteristics of x per and ls i + 61 235 we find that they both share the following properties : * long pulse periods , 837s for x per and 1404s for ls i + 61 235 * persistent , low luminosity ( @xmath110@xmath19 erg s@xmath7 ) x - ray emission * low cut - off energy derived from the spectral fitting , compared to the typical value of 10 - 20 kev found in transient x - ray pulsars 2.2 kev for x per ( schlegel et al .",
"it therefore seems that we now have a growing subclass of bexrbs , characterised by persistent , low - luminosity x - ray emission and slowly rotating pulsars .",
"a possible model for these systems is that of a neutron star orbiting a be star in a relatively wide orbit , accreting material from only the low density outer regions of the circumstellar envelope .",
"sporadic ejection of the disc itself , however , will result in the ejected material and the neutron star interacting , producing a flare in the x - ray lightcurve .",
"table 1 shows the journal of the x - ray observations ."
"we have discovered two new be / x - ray pulsars which appear to display x - ray characteristics in common with the proposed subclass of persistent bexrbs currently consisting of x per and ls i + 61 235 .",
"if the association of ls 1698 and bd 24491 with these other objects is correct , the sample of persistent bexrbs has doubled , and further observations of all these sources is encouraged to study the properties of this subclass . currently , only x per has been studied extensively for any duration , but the existence of similar systems provides us with probes of the behaviour of neutron stars in low density accretion regimes .",
"a possible model for these systems is that of a neutron star orbiting a be star in a relatively wide orbit , accreting material from only the low density outer regions of the circumstellar envelope .",
"small increases in x - ray luminosity ( e.g. of order 10 times the quiescent flux ) may result from mass ejection episodes where the neutron star is temporarily in a region of increased matter density .",
"van paradijs j. , 1995 , in lewin , van paradijs & van den heuvel , _ x - ray binaries _ , cambridge university press .",
"p. reig acknowledges support via the european union training and mobility of researchers network grant erbfmrx / cp98/0195 .",
"jahoda k. , swank j.h . , stark m.j . , strohmayer t. , zhang w. , morgan e.h . , 1996 _ euv , x - ray and gamma - ray instrumentation for space astronomy vii _ , o.h.w"
] | we present rxte observations of two recently identified massive x - ray binaries .
rx j0440.9
+ 4431/bsd 24491 and rx j1037.5564/ls 1698 are confirmed as accreting be / x - ray systems following the discovery of x - ray pulsations , with barycentric pulse periods of 202.5@xmath00.5 s and 860@xmath02 s respectively .
the x - ray spectral analysis shows that the energy spectra of the pulsars can be represented by a power - law , modified at low energy by an absorption component and at high energy by a cut - off .
very weak fe lines may be present .
both sources appear to display a low cut - off energy when compared to typical x - ray pulsars , low x - ray variability ( factor of @xmath110 ) , and no dependence of the x - ray spectrum with energy . given the similarity of these x - ray properties with those of the other persistent bexrb pulsars , 4u0352 + 309/x per and rx j0146.9 + 6121/ls i + 61 235 , we suggest that rx j0440.9 + 4431/bsd 24491 and rx j1037.5564/ls 1698 are also members of this subclass .
stars : emission - line , be - star : x - rays : stars - stars : pulsars |
"two of the present authors , k. s. and r. o. , proposed a many - body theory , the unitary - model - operator approach ( umoa ) that was formulated on the basis of such an effective interaction .",
"in section 4 we apply the umoa to @xmath17o by employing the nijmegen soft - core ( nsc ) @xcite , jlich model - ( j ) and model - b ( jb ) @xcite @xmath12 potentials . in section 5",
"therefore , we extended the formulation of the umoa , in the previous work @xcite , to the description of hypernuclei and made a calculation of the properties in @xmath17o with a realistic @xmath12 interaction .",
"the purposes of this work are to present a general formulation of the extended umoa and apply it to @xmath17o by employing some realistic @xmath12 interactions .",
"is given for making actual calculations ."
"we present a formulation of the umoa for applying to a calculation of the properties in @xmath11 hypernuclei , especially , closed - shell nucleus plus one @xmath11 systems .",
"a main purpose is to give a method of calculating an effective interaction between @xmath11 and @xmath19 . in the derivation of the @xmath8 effective interaction",
", we introduce a model space consisting of low - momentum @xmath8 states .",
"this determination of the correlation operator @xmath39 is one of the characteristics of the present approach . for the determination of a @xmath8 effective interaction"
"here we discuss a calculation procedure for obtaining the @xmath8 effective interaction acting in a small model space of low - lying @xmath8 states .",
", we define a large model space and calculate the @xmath8 effective interaction and single - particle potential of @xmath83 in high - lying states",
"we use the harmonic oscillator ( h.o . ) wave functions as basis states .",
", we proceed to the second - step calculation where we calculate a @xmath8 effective interaction acting in this small model space of low - lying @xmath87 states .",
"although we have not known clearly how much the effect of @xmath36 on the @xmath8 effective interaction , we here assume @xmath84 . in solving the self - consistent equation for @xmath35 with @xmath81 we should be careful in the following two respects : ( a ) in the calculation of energies of intermediate states in propagators we should use @xmath35 that is given for @xmath83 states including high - momentum states . in order to do this",
"we thus make a calculation by introducing two model spaces , namely , large and small model spaces .",
"it is desirable that the single - particle potentials of @xmath83 , @xmath33 and @xmath19 in intermediate states are taken into account in a self - consistent way ."
"the dependence of the effective interaction and single - particle energies on the value @xmath100 has been already discussed in @xmath15o @xcite and we confirmed that the dependence was quite small around @xmath243mev if perturbation corrections were included . as for the nucleon single - particle potential @xmath244 , we used the fixed data @xcite calculated using the paris potential @xcite , and we have assumed that @xmath245 .",
"from this table we see that the j and nsc potentials yield almost the same values of the first - order potential energy pe and the perturbation corrections in spite of having different partial - wave contributions as shown in table 4 .",
"channel the largest pauli - blocking effect is brought about in the result for the j potential . on the other hand , in the @xmath262-@xmath263 channel we have an extremely large pauli - blocking effect for the nsc potential .",
"this trend is very different from the situation observed in ordinary nuclei such as @xmath15o and @xmath16ca , in which the correction terms contribute to about 40@xmath268 of the calculated spin - orbit splitting of the 0@xmath266 or 0@xmath269 states @xcite .",
"the absolute values contributing to the first - order potential energy of @xmath32 in the channels with angular momenta @xmath264 are much smaller than those in the @xmath261 and @xmath262-@xmath263 channels . in table 5",
"if the result converges at a certain number @xmath251 , we may say that the method of the two - step calculation of the @xmath8 effective interaction would be trustworthy . as shown in fig . 4 ,",
"[ cols=\"^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^ \" , ] next , the partial - wave contributions to the first - order potential energy of @xmath32 in the 0@xmath1 state are given for the different treatments of the pauli - blocking effect ."
"we have presented a formulation of the umoa to apply it to a structure calculation of hypernuclei .",
"we have introduced a unitary transformation exp(@xmath270 ) , with the correlation operator @xmath270 , that describes two - body correlation of hyperon and nucleon .",
"we have calculated the single - particle energies of @xmath32 in the 0@xmath1 , 0@xmath2 and 0@xmath3 states .",
"the present results have shown that @xmath32 in the 0@xmath3 state is unbound for the j and nsc potentials and , on the other hand , bound for the jb potential .",
"the umoa has been applied to the calculation of the structure of @xmath0o .",
"an equation has been given for determining the correlation operator @xmath270 as the equation of decoupling so that the unitarily transformed interaction does not have non - zero matrix elements between the model space @xmath88 of low - lying @xmath8 states and its complement @xmath85 .",
"the @xmath8 effective interaction has been calculated by employing three @xmath12 potentials , namely , the j , jb and nsc potentials . with the @xmath8 effective interaction ,"
"t. t. s. kuo and e. osnes , in : folded - diagram theory of the effective interaction in nuclei , atoms and molecules , lecture notes in physics , vol .",
"one of the authors ( s. f. ) would like to express his thank to k. takada , m. kamimura and y. r. shimizu for their continuous encouragement and instructive discussions .",
"the authors would like to thank y. yamamoto and k. miyagawa for useful discussions and their help for using the nijmegen and jlich @xmath265 potential codes .",
"c 21 ( 1980 ) 861 . b. h. brandow , in : effective interactions and operators in nuclei , lecture notes in physics , vol . 40 , ed . b. r. barrett ( springer , berlin , 1975 ) p. 1 .",
"a. gal , advances in nuclear physics , vol . 8 , eds . m. baranger and e. vogt ( plenum , new york , 1975 ) p. 1 .",
"m. hjorth - jensen , a. polls , a. ramos and h. mther , nucl .",
"i. vidaa , a. polls , a. ramos and m. hjorth - jensen , nucl ."
] | a method is formulated for the description of lambda hypernuclei in the framework of the unitary - model - operator approach ( umoa ) .
the method is applied to @xmath0o .
a lambda - nucleon effective interaction is derived , taking the coupling of the sigma - nucleon channel into account .
the lambda single - particle energies are calculated for the 0@xmath1 , 0@xmath2 and 0@xmath3 states employing the nijmegen soft - core ( nsc ) , jlich model - ( j ) and model - b ( jb ) hyperon - nucleon potentials . unitary model operator approach ; hypernuclei ; lambda single particle energy ; effective interaction ; nijmegen potential ; jlich potential |
"we report direct computational evidence that the crystallinity and the hydrophilicity of the carbon surface are strongly coupled to dominate the kinetics of ice nucleation . by systematically varying the water - carbon interaction strength over a wide range and computing the ice nucleation rates explicitly , we observe a rich spectrum of heterogeneous ice nucleation behaviors on both crystalline and amorphous carbon surfaces . remarkably , we find that only within certain ranges of hydrophilicity does the crystallinity of the carbon surface play an active role in nucleating ice , and within these ranges , crystalline carbon surface is found to be significantly more efficient than the amorphous . in other hydrophilicity ,",
"the role of crystalline ordering becomes negligible , and no appreciable difference is observed in the directly computed ice nucleation rates between the crystalline and amorphous carbon surfaces .",
"our study demonstrates that the commonly adopted individual criterion for good in alone may not be sufficient for predicting the ice nucleation capacity of a surface , and points at ways of engineering surfaces for controlling ice formation .",
", layers of water molecules can be hydrogen - bonded to the surfaces ."
"our molecular dynamics ( md ) simulations were carried out using the monotonic - water ( mw ) model @xcite .",
"the direct calculation of ice nucleation rates was conducted by employing the forward flux sampling ( ffs ) method @xcite . in ffs ,",
"the nucleation rate @xmath0 was obtained through the product of initial flux rate @xmath1 and the growth probability @xmath2 ( namely , @xmath3 ) , both of which can be calculated directly by sampling the nucleation trajectories in the parameter space defined by the order parameter @xmath4 . the @xmath5 histogram analysis in our previous study",
"the carbon - water interaction is described based on the two - body term of the mw model . to mimic a wide range of hydrophilicity of carbon surface ,",
"@xcite has demonstrated that a good order parameter @xmath4 is the number of water molecules contained in the largest ice nucleus for both homogeneous and heterogeneous ice nucleation on graphitic surface .",
"a time step of 5 fs is used throughout the simulations . to study the role of crystallinity of the carbon surface , we amorphize the graphene surface by introducing the stone - wales ( sw ) defects through the wooten - weaire - winer ( www ) bond - switching monte carlo ( mc ) method @xcite . in this approach ,"
"we examine the structure of the critical ice nucleus forming on carbon surface . as heterogeneous ice nucleation aligns the basal plane of ice parallel to graphene",
"we first carried out study of heterogeneous ice nucleation on carbon surface with the original water - carbon interaction strength ( @xmath35 ) . figure [ 1e]a shows the computed heterogeneous ice nucleation rates on both crystalline and amorphous graphene . at both temperatures investigated ,",
"in fact the heterogeneous ice nucleation of graphene was recently attributed to the induced layering of water density perpendicular to water - carbon interface @xcite : since the oscillation of water density near the water - carbon interface matches well the density profile of ice , and the motion of water molecules in the contact layers is well restricted within the plane , the space that these water molecules can explore , hence the entropic barrier of ice nucleation , is effectively reduced .",
"the results immediately suggest the existence of a coupling resulted from the two surface characteristics that dictates ice nucleation , and that the coupling strength varies non - monotonically with the surface hydrophilicity . to understand the origin of this coupling behavior , we first examine the recently proposed layering mechanism . fig .",
"first , increasing surface hydrophilicity initially enhances the ice nucleation rates on both surfaces , which maximizes the ice nucleation efficiencies for the crystalline and amorphous at the water - carbon strength of @xmath37 and @xmath38 , respectively . a further increase of hydrophilicity , nevertheless , starts weakening the ice nucleation capacities of both surfaces , until the minimum nucleation rates are reached at @xmath39 for both surfaces . upon additional enhancement of hydrophilicity , both surfaces are found to re - gain their abilities of nucleating ice .",
"it is evident that within the low ( @xmath40 ) and mid - high ( @xmath41 ) ranges of water - carbon interaction strength , the crystalline graphene shows no appreciable difference from the amorphous in its ice nucleation ability , whereas it becomes much more efficient within other ranges . in particular , at @xmath42 the crystalline graphene yields an ice nucleation rate almost @xmath43 times higher than the amorphous , strongly suggesting that the crystallinity is a key factor for ice nucleation under such hydrophilicity .",
"remarkably , in contrast to the behaviors observed at the original water - carbon strength @xmath22 , the crystallinity of the graphene surface was found to play a significant role in facilitating ice nucleation when surface hydrophilicity is varied . as shown in figure [ rate - hydro ] , there exist ranges of hydrophilicity where the crystalline graphene yields significantly higher ice nucleation rate than the amorphous graphene .",
"when carbon binds water more strongly ( @xmath51 ) , the in - plane density distribution of water in the first layer begins affected by the underlying atomic structures . in the case of crystalline graphene , water molecules in the contact layer are found to preferentially locate themselves above the center of the carbon hexagonal ring ( see fig ."
"_ j am chem soc _ * 2014 * , _ 136 _ , 31563164 wooten , f. ; winer , k. ; weaire , d. computer generation of structural models of amorphous si and ge . _ phys rev lett _ * 1985 * , _ 54 _ , 13921395 keating , p. n. effect of invariance requirements on the elastic strain energy of crystals with application to the diamond structure .",
"rev . _ * 2012 * , _ 41 _ , 65196554 cantrell , w. ; heymsfield , a. production of ice in tropospheric clouds : a review . _ b am meteorol soc _ * 2005 * , _ 86 _ , 795807 pruppacher , h. ; klett , j. _ microphysics of clouds and precipitation _ ; kluwer academic publisher , 2007 popovitz - biro , r. ; wang , j. l. ; majewski , j. ; shavit , e. ; leiserowitz , l. ; lahav , m. induced freezing of supercooled water into ice by self - assembled crystalline monolayers of amphiphilic alcohols at the air - water interface .",
"_ journal of the american chemical society _ * 1994 * , _ 116 _ , 11791191 bryant , g. w. ; hallett , j. ; mason , b. j. the epitaxial growth of ice on single - crystalline substrates . _ j phys chem solids _ * 1960 * , _ 12 _ , 189195 popovicheva , o. ; kireeva , e. ; persiantseva , n. ; khokhlova , t. ; shonija , n. ; tishkova , v. ; demirdjian , b. effect of soot on immersion freezing of water and possible atmospheric implications .",
"_ atmospheric research _ * 2008 * , _ 90 _ , 326337 zuberi , b. ; bertram , a. k. ; koop , t. ; molina , l. t. ; molina , m. j. heterogeneous freezing of aqueous particles induced by crystallized ( nh 4 ) 2so 4 , ice , and letovicite .",
"_ j phys chem a _ * 2001 * , _ 105 _ , 64586464 atkinson , j. d. ; murray , b. j. ; woodhouse , m. t. ; whale , t. f. ; baustian , k. j. ; carslaw , k. s. ; dobbie , s. ; osullivan , d. ; malkin , t. l. the importance of feldspar for ice nucleation by mineral dust in mixed - phase clouds .",
"_ physical review _ * 1966 * , _ 145 _ , 637 kapko , v. ; drabold , d. a. ; thorpe , m. f. electronic structure of a realistic model of amorphous graphene . _ phys .",
"_ * 2006 * , _ 124 _ , 024102 116 cabriolu , r. ; li , t. ice nucleation on carbon surface supports the classical theory for heterogeneous nucleation . _",
"murray , b. j. ; osullivan , d. ; atkinson , j. d. ; webb , m. e. ice nucleation by particles immersed in supercooled cloud droplets ."
] | the microscopic mechanisms controlling heterogeneous ice nucleation are complex and remain poorly understood . although good ice nucleators are generally believed to match ice lattice and to bind water , counter examples are often identified . here
we show , by advanced molecular simulations , that the heterogeneous nucleation of ice on graphitic surface is controlled by the coupling of surface crystallinity and surface hydrophilicity .
molecular level analysis reveals that the crystalline graphitic lattice with an appropriate hydrophilicity may indeed template ice basal plane by forming a strained ice layer , thus significantly enhancing its ice nucleation efficiency .
remarkably , the templating effect is found to transit from within the first contact layer of water to the second as the hydrophilicity increases , yielding an oscillating distinction between the crystalline and amorphous graphitic surfaces in their ice nucleation efficiencies .
our study sheds new light on the long - standing question of what constitutes a good ice nucleator . |
"combined with photometry in optical broad - band @xmath4 and near - infrared @xmath5 filters from the two micron all sky survey ( 2mass ) taken from @xcite , we obtained the sed of vdb0-b195d in 22 filters , covering the wavelengh range from 3000 to 20,000 . in this paper , we describe the details of the observations and our approach to the data reduction in 2 . in 3 , we determine the age and mass of vdb0-b195d by comparing observational seds with population synthesis models .",
"to ascertain their properties , @xcite performed an imaging survey of 20 blccs in the disk of m31 using the _ hst _ s wide field and planetary camera-2 ( wfpc2 ) .",
"it was observed as part of the galaxy calibration program of the beijing - arizona - taiwan - connecticut ( batc ) multicolor sky survey ( e.g. , * ? ? ?",
"we will provide an overview of previous studies that included the cluster in 2.1 .",
"since the pioneering work of @xcite and @xcite , evolutionary population synthesis modeling has become a powerful tool to interpret integrated spectrophotometric observations of galaxies and their components , such as star clusters ( e.g. , * ? ? ?",
"young massive star clusters ( ymcs ) are among the main objects resulting from violent star - forming episodes triggered by galaxy collisions , mergers , and close encounters ( see * ? ? ?",
"other limitations inherent to ssp models arise from our poor understanding of some advanced stellar evolutionary stages , such as the supergiant and the asymptotic - giant - branch ( agb ) phases ( see * ? ? ? * and references therein ) . located at a distance of @xmath10 kpc , corresponding to a distance modulus of @xmath11 mag @xcite , m31 is the nearest and largest spiral galaxy in the local group of galaxies ."
"spectral observations of vdb0-b195d were obtained by @xcite yielding classification spectra and the object s radial velocity and @xcite , who used them for determination of its radial velocity and metallicity .",
"observations of the ymc vdb0-b195d were obtained with the batc 60/90 cm schmidt telescope located at the xinglong station of the national astronomical observatory of china ( naoc ) .",
"@xcite determined these conversions based on the broad - band @xmath0 magnitudes of 48 stars from @xcite and @xcite in the landolt sa95 field , and their photometric data in the 15 batc intermediate - band filters .",
"obtained @xmath12 photometry using observations of the 200-inch hale telescope , @xcite performed @xmath40 photometry based on photographic plates observed with the 152 cm ritchey - chrtien @xmath41/8 telescope of the university of bologna in loiano , @xcite obtained @xmath12 photometry for vdb0-b195d using observations with the university of hawaii s 2.2 m telescope on mauna kea using the @xmath41/10 secondary and coronene - coated @xmath42 gec ccd , and @xcite performed @xmath12 photometry based on photo - electric observations with the 2.6 m shain telescope of the crimean astrophysical observatory .",
"in addition , the central wavelengths and bandwidths of the batc and @xmath0 systems differ .",
"the batc survey team obtained 61 images of vdb0-b195d in 15 batc filters between january 2004 and november 2006 .",
"vdb0-b195d was first given the designation ` 0 ' ( i.e. , vdb0 ) , the brightest open cluster in m31 , in the catalog of @xcite ."
"we use a @xmath55 minimization test to determine which galev ssp models are most compatible with the observed seds , @xmath61 ^ 2}{\\sigma_{i}^{2}}},\\ ] ] where @xmath62 is the integrated magnitude in the @xmath49 filter of a theoretical ssp at age @xmath63 ( for solar metallicity ) , @xmath64 is the intrinsic , integrated magnitude , and @xmath65 is the magnitude uncertainty , defined as @xmath66 here , @xmath67 is the observational uncertainty from column ( 6 ) of table 1 and column ( 2 ) of table 3 , @xmath68 is the uncertainty associated with the model itself , @xmath69 is the uncertainty in the reddening value , and @xmath70 , where @xmath71 is taken from @xcite , @xmath60 , and @xmath72 is the uncertainty in the distance modulus , for the @xmath49 filter . @xcite",
"in addition , our best - fitting age estimate of @xmath76 myr results from using the ( redder ) @xmath77@xmath29 and @xmath78 photometry ; using only the blue part of the cluster s sed ( @xmath79@xmath80 , where any effects caused by stochasticity may be smaller ) yields an age of @xmath81 myr . the uncertainty was estimated using confidence limits . if @xmath82 , the resulting age is within the 68.3% probability range ; here , @xmath83 is the number of free parameters , i.e. , the number of observational data points minus the number of parameters used in the theoretical model .",
"this means that , in general , vdb0-b195d can host the most luminous star that would be present theoretically for the given age of the cluster . in the previous section , the lll test proves that the luminosity of vdb0 - 195d is higher than the luminosity of its brightest star expected for a given cluster age , i.e. , that using ssp models is not completely meaningless .",
"@xcite were unable to derive the cluster s reddening value because of the presence of a foreground field star , so they adopted @xmath54 mag ( external rms error ) , equivalent to the mean reddening of the young clusters in m31 . in this paper , we therefore adopt the reddening value from @xcite . in addition , cluster seds are affected by age and metallicity effects .",
"( the highest mass obtained , based on the @xmath2-band magnitude , is @xmath96 more massive than that obtained using the @xmath97 magnitude . ) in addition , the mass estimates differ systematically with filters . provided that vdb0-b195d is massive enough to be fitted by ssp models , a systematic trend of masses based on different passbands may indicate a problem with reddening value adopted for the cluster .",
"* ) implies that it is meaningless to compare a cluster with population synthesis models to obtain its age and mass if its integrated luminosity is lower than the luminosity of the most luminous star included in the model for the relevant age .",
"in other words , imf discreteness may play a role : due to a relatively longer main - sequence ( ms ) phase and shorter rg phase , a random young cluster is typically bluer than predicted by ssp models . at the same time , we find that the reddening value adopted affects the fitting result greatly ."
", we obtained the cluster s sed in the 15 batc intermediate - band filters .",
"we subsequently determined its age and mass by comparing our multicolor photometry with theoretical stellar population synthesis models .",
"our results show that vdb0-b195d is a genuine ymc in m31 .",
"our newly obtained age is older than the estimates of both @xcite and @xcite , while the mass obtained in this paper is higher than the estimate of @xcite and consistent with the determination of @xcite .",
"our multicolor photometric data consist of 15 intermediate - band filters obtained in this paper , and broad - band @xmath4 and 2mass @xmath5 from @xcite , covering a wavelength range from 3000 to 20,000 .",
"vdb0-b195d was previously shown to be a massive cluster based on _ hst_/wfpc2 observations ."
] | vdb0-b195d is a massive , blue star cluster in m31 .
it was observed as part of the beijing - arizona - taiwan - connecticut ( batc ) multicolor sky survey using 15 intermediate - band filters covering a wavelength range of 300010,000 .
based on aperture photometry , we obtain its spectral - energy distribution ( sed ) as defined by the 15 batc filters .
we apply previously established relations between the batc intermediate - band and the johnson - cousins @xmath0 broad - band systems to convert our batc photometry to the standard system .
a detailed comparison shows that our newly derived @xmath1 magnitudes are fully consistent with previous results , while our new @xmath2 magnitude agrees to within @xmath3 .
in addition , we determine the cluster s age and mass by comparing its sed ( from 3000 to 20,000 , comprising photometric data in the 15 batc intermediate bands , optical broad - band @xmath4 , and 2mass near - infrared @xmath5 data ) with theoretical stellar population synthesis models , resulting in age and mass determinations of @xmath6 myr and @xmath7 , respectively .
this age and mass confirms previous suggestions that vdb0-b195d is a young massive cluster in m31 . |
"however , if the shocked material ahead of the planet can absorb enough stellar radiation , the observer will note an early ingress of the planet in the stellar disk , but no difference will be seen at the time of egress , as the shocked material is present only ahead of the planetary motion . here , we investigate under which conditions the interaction of a planet with the stellar coronal plasma could lead to the formation of a bow shock ahead of the planetary orbital motion , and therefore , explain the early ingress observable in the near - uv .",
"we demonstrate that a bow shock can actually be formed around the planet if the relative azimuthal velocity between the planetary orbital motion and the ambient medium is taken into account .",
"wasp-12b orbits its host star ( a late - f main - sequence star , with mass @xmath7 and radius @xmath8 ) at an orbital radius of @xmath9 , with an orbital period of @xmath10 d . due to its close proximity to the star ,",
"therefore , stellar coronal material is compressed ahead of the planetary orbital motion , possibly forming a bow shock ahead of the planet .",
"if such compressed material is optically thin , the planetary transit light curve is symmetrical with respect to the ingress and the egress of the planet .",
"indeed , this is the case when the transit is observed at optical wavelengths .",
"therefore , we investigate the validity of our model with respect to different stellar coronal conditions in sections [ sec.corona ] and [ sec.wind ] ."
", we adopt the estimates of to derive the minimum density of the stellar plasma at the orbital radius of wasp-12b . from the observations presented in @xcite , estimated the column density of the absorbing gas around the planet to be @xmath24 . for that",
"a bow shock around a planet is formed when the relative motion between the planet and the stellar corona / wind is supersonic .",
"for an adiabatic shock , the temperature immediately behind the shock depends on the squared mach number of the flow impacting on the planet . to determine the temperature and ionization structures of the atmosphere of the planet , and",
", @xmath15 is the velocity of the impacting material . the first shock limit , a `` dayside - shock '' , occurs when the dominant flux of particles impacting on the planet arises from the ( radial ) wind of its host star . for instance , the impact of the supersonic solar wind forms a bow shock at the dayside of earth s magnetosphere ( i.e. , at the side that faces the sun ) .",
"the shock configuration depends on the direction of the flux of particles that arrives at the planet ."
"in this section , we assume that the orbit of the planet lies within the stellar magnetosphere . in this case , the planet moves through a medium that is confined by a rigid stellar magnetic field and so rotates at the stellar rotation rate .",
"the solid lines in figure [ fig.wind-density ] show the density variation for a range of orbital radius for three different temperatures and a solar value @xmath57 d. the density was scaled to match the observationally derived value of @xmath58 ( equation ( [ eq.coronal-density ] ) ) , which is the minimum density required for the detection of the early ingress . except for the very low temperature case ( black solid line ) , a typical solar coronal base density ( i.e. , @xmath59 ; *",
"negative periods refer to cases where the planet is in a retrograde orbit.,width=317 ] for an isothermal corona , the density is @xmath55 , \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath56 is the density at the coronal base . from equation ( [ eq.dens-hyd ] ) , we note that the more slowly the star rotates , the lower is the density at any given radius . for the very slow stellar rotation rates expected for stars with detected transiting planets , @xmath36 has little influence on the density .",
"pressure balance between the coronal total pressure and the planet total pressure requires that , at @xmath61 , @xmath62 where @xmath63 , @xmath64 and @xmath65 are the local coronal mass density , thermal pressure , and magnetic field intensity , and @xmath66 and @xmath67 are the planet thermal pressure and magnetic field intensity at @xmath61 . neglecting the kinetic term and the thermal pressures g ) , the magnetic pressure is @xmath68 dyn @xmath69 .",
"k , @xmath73 dyn @xmath69 . to estimate the thermal pressure of the planet , we use values derived from @xcite for planetary density ( @xmath74 @xmath75 ) and temperature ( @xmath76 k ) , which result in @xmath77 dyn @xmath69 . because @xmath78 is much larger than the aforementioned pressures , the magnetic terms in equation ( [ eq.equilibrium ] ) will dominate .",
"] , we may therefore rewrite previous equation as @xmath79 from which we can estimate an upper limit for the planetary magnetic field intensity . for a stellar dipolar magnetic field , @xmath80 . assuming that the planetary magnetic field is also dipolar , then @xmath81 .",
"@xmath82 and @xmath1 are the magnetic field intensities at the stellar and planetary surfaces , respectively . from equation ( [ eq.equilibrium1 ] ) , we have @xmath83 where we have used the observationally derived characteristics for the wasp-12 system : @xmath84 and @xmath85 .",
"the relative azimuthal velocity between the planet and this medium is therefore @xmath34 where @xmath35 is the velocity of the medium corotating with the star , and @xmath36 is the stellar period of rotation ."
"in this section , we investigate the scenario where the stellar magnetic field is not strong enough to confine the coronal plasma , which expands in the form of stellar wind . for a hot corona ,",
", figure [ fig.wind-velocity ] shows that @xmath112 at the orbital radius of wasp-12b , implying that the shock will not form directly ahead of the planet , but at an intermediate angle @xmath13 . because @xmath13 depends on @xmath17 ( equation ( [ eq.theta ] ) ) , which depends on the temperature , the orientation of the shock is temperature - dependent .",
"figure [ fig.theta ] shows how the angle @xmath13 depends on the wind temperature for @xmath57 d. while in the hydrostatic case , we found that an ahead - shock ( @xmath113 ) is always formed , the wind case requires a very low temperature to form an ahead - shock . for higher wind temperatures ,",
"the wind radial velocity @xmath17 is derived from the integration of the differential equation @xmath88 figure [ fig.wind-velocity ] presents the wind velocity profile at different orbital radius up to a few stellar radii for three isothermal wind temperatures . in the distance range @xmath89",
"[ fig.wind-velocity ] , width=317 ] the density structure of the wind is derived from the conservation of mass , where @xmath102 is a constant of the steady - state wind .",
"the coronal base density @xmath56 required for the formation of a shock in the wind case is larger than the one required by the hydrostatic corona case .",
"this means that the critical temperature derived in the previous section ( equation ( [ eq.tcrit ] ) ) is enhanced by a temperature @xmath110 k , implying that for @xmath111 , a shock will be formed . in the wind case"
"motivated by the recent observation on the light curve asymmetry of the transit hot - jupiter wasp-12b @xcite , we proposed a model where the interaction of the stellar plasma with the planet results in the formation of a bow shock around the planet , which could explain the early transit ingress observed in the near - uv .",
", we showed that the geometry of this shock is independent of the plasma temperature .",
"the shock forms ahead of the planet in its orbital path . in the unconfined ( wind ) case , the angle between the shock normal and the direction of planetary motion depends on the ratio of the radial wind speed and the azimuthal speed of the planet relative to the stellar wind .",
"therefore , we investigated the physical conditions of the external ambient medium around the planet that could allow for the formation of such a shock .",
"for the case of wasp-12b , we derived an upper limit for the planet s magnetic field of about @xmath87 g. 22 natexlab#1#1 , p. , baglin , a. , & auvergne , m. et al ."
] | recently , @xcite observed that the uv transit of wasp-12b showed an early ingress compared to the optical transit .
we suggest that the resulting early ingress is caused by a bow shock ahead of the planetary orbital motion . in this letter
we investigate the conditions that might lead to the formation of such a bow shock .
we consider two scenarios : ( 1 ) the stellar magnetic field is strong enough to confine the hot coronal plasma out to the planetary orbit and ( 2 ) the stellar magnetic field is unable to confine the plasma , which escapes in a wind . in both cases ,
a shock capable of compressing plasma to the observed densities will form around the planet for plasma temperatures @xmath0k . in the confined case
, the shock always forms directly ahead of the planet , but in the wind case the shock orientation depends on the wind speed and hence on the plasma temperature . for higher wind temperatures , the shock forms closer to the line of centers between the planet and the star .
we conclude that shock formation leading to an observable early uv ingress is likely to be a common feature of transiting systems and may prove to be a useful tool in setting limits on planetary magnetic field strengths @xmath1 . in the case of wasp-12b , we derive an upper limit of about @xmath2 g. |
"we derive a system of differential equations governing the multiphase gas / liquid / ice system that incorporates the effects of thawing sap in the fibers , dissolving gas bubbles in the vessels , and the osmotic pressure pressure gradient between the two . numerical simulations in section",
"omalley and tyree hypotheses for pressure generation , at the core of which is the special role played by two types of non - living xylem cells called vessels and fibers . in section [ sec : model ]",
"the aim of this paper is therefore to develop a mathematical model that captures the essential processes driving sap exudation .",
"we begin in section [ sec : tree - physiology ] by providing details of tree physiology , sap flow , and the milburn ",
"[ sec : numerics ] are used to validate the model and conclusions are drawn regarding the various mechanism for sap generation in section [ sec : conclusion ] ."
"we first provide some background information on tree structure and the hydraulics of sap flow that can be found in texts such as @xcite .",
"we also describe the freeze / thaw model proposed by milburn and omalley , and indicate how other mechanisms such as gas dissolution and osmotic pressure enter the picture .",
"the mechanism proposed by milburn and omalley @xcite , and discussed in complete detail in @xcite , can be summarized as follows : * during late fall or early winter when the tree freezes , ice crystals form on the inner wall of the fibers and the growing ice layer compresses the gas trapped inside . * in early spring when temperatures rise above freezing , ice crystals in the fiber melt and the pressure of the trapped gas drives the melted sap through the fiber walls into the vessel , hence leading to the elevated pressures observed during sap exudation .",
"is provided by experiments that show maple trees exude sap only when sugar is present @xcite . with this in mind , tyree @xcite proposed a modification of the milburn ",
"therefore , the ice layer that forms on the inner surface of the fibers in fall / winter is composed of pure water , which leads to an osmotic potential difference between the fibers and the vessels . _",
"omalley mechanism in which osmotic pressures arising from differences in sucrose concentration could permit gas bubbles to remain stable . in particular , he suggested that the fiber secondary walls are selectively permeable , permitting water to pass through but not larger molecules like sucrose .",
"m0.4cm0.5 & & + ( a ) 3d view of the xylem , showing vessel elements surrounded by fibers and illustrating the difference in the cell diameters ."
"the ambient temperature @xmath46 refers to the temperature in the neighboring layer of xylem cells ; using a temperature difference of @xmath123 through the sapwood over a tap depth of 0.05 , we obtain a rough estimate of @xmath124 for the temperature difference on the cell scale . the final component of the model is a description of the process whereby elevated pressures in the gas bubble cause the gas to dissolve at the gas / water interface . because of the small bubble size , it is essential to take into account the effect of surface tension .",
"using the fact that the bubble radius and volume are connected by @xmath109 equation ( [ eq : vvg0 ] ) can then be rewritten as @xmath110 assuming that fibers are packed tightly around the vessel and that both vessel and fiber have wall thickness @xmath52 , a simple geometric argument provides an estimate for the constant @xmath111 : @xmath112 we next focus on porous transport through the fiber wall which is governed by darcy s law @xmath113 where @xmath114 is the vessel water pressure , @xmath33 is the hydraulic conductivity , @xmath52 is the wall thickness , and @xmath25 is the area of the wall that is permeable to water . in the absence of experimental measurements for hydraulic conductivity in maple , we use the value @xmath115 obtained for birch trees @xcite .",
"on the other hand , is heated from the vessel side so that the water temperature @xmath96 is not constant but instead obeys the steady - state heat equation and boundary condition [ eq : heat - tfw ] @xmath97 the speed @xmath98 of the ice / water interface is determined by the stefan condition @xmath99 where @xmath54 is the latent heat of fusion and @xmath32 is the thermal conductivity of water . in summary , ( [ eq : pfg2 ] ) , ( [ eq : sgi - siw ] ) , ( [ eq : heat - tfw - pde ] ) and ( [ eq : stefan ] ) represent a coupled system of equations for the fiber unknowns @xmath100 , @xmath74 , @xmath101 , and @xmath96 . in the next section , we will derive an equation for @xmath102 and also determine the missing boundary condition for @xmath103 as a matching condition with the vessel temperature at the fiber / vessel wall @xmath8 .",
"+ @xmath25 & area of vessel wall that is permeable & & @xmath26 & ( [ eq : wall - area ] ) + @xmath27 & sucrose concentration in vessel sap & & 58.4 & + @xmath28 & gravitational acceleration & & 9.81 & @xcite + @xmath29 & heat transfer coefficient & & 10.0 & @xcite + @xmath30 & henry s constant & & 0.0274 & @xcite + @xmath31 & thermal conductivity of air & & 0.0243 & @xcite + @xmath32 & thermal conductivity of water & & 0.580 & @xcite + @xmath33 & cell wall hydraulic conductivity & & @xmath34 & @xcite + @xmath3 & length of fiber & & @xmath35 & @xcite + @xmath4 & length of vessel element & & @xmath36 & @xcite + @xmath37 & molar mass of air & & 0.0290 & @xcite + @xmath38 & molar mass of sucrose & & 0.3423 & @xcite + @xmath0 & number of fibers per vessel & & 16 & ( [ eq : nfiber ] ) + @xmath39 & pressure scale & & @xmath40 & ( [ eq : rho - p - bar ] ) + @xmath1 & interior radius of fiber & & @xmath41 & @xcite + @xmath2 & interior radius of vessel & & @xmath42 & @xcite + @xmath43 & universal gas constant & & 8.314 & @xcite + @xmath44 & time scale & & 46.1 & ( [ eq : tbar ] ) + @xmath45 & freezing temperature of ice & & 273.15 & + @xmath46 & ambient temperature of gas & & @xmath47 & + @xmath48 & volume of fiber & & @xmath49 & ( [ eq : vbarf ] ) + @xmath50 & volume of vessel & & @xmath51 & ( [ eq : vbarv ] ) + @xmath52 & thickness of fiber + vessel wall & & @xmath53 & @xcite + @xmath54 & latent heat of fusion & & @xmath55 & @xcite + @xmath56 & ice density & & 917 & @xcite + @xmath57 & water density & & 1000 & @xcite + @xmath58 & density scale & & 1.29 & @xcite + @xmath59 & air - water surface tension & & 0.0756 & @xcite + + @xmath60 & dissolved gas concentration & + @xmath61 & mass & + @xmath62 & pressure & + @xmath63 & radius of gas bubble in vessel & + @xmath64 & fiber interface location & + @xmath65 & time & + @xmath66 & temperature & + @xmath67 & volume of melted ice & + @xmath68 & volume & + @xmath6 & spatial location & + @xmath69 & density & + + @xmath28 & + @xmath70 & + @xmath71 & + + @xmath72 & + @xmath73 & + we now develop a set of governing equations for the fiber that is restricted to the time period when ice is present , so that an ice layer separates the gas from the water adjacent to the wall .",
"( [ eq : volmelt ] ) and ( [ eq : heat - tvw1])([eq : rhovg ] ) represent a nonlinear system of differential - algebraic equations for the nine unknown functions @xmath128 , @xmath114 , @xmath135 , @xmath118 , @xmath119 , @xmath117 , @xmath130 , @xmath131 and @xmath87 . the vessel and fiber solutions are coupled via matching conditions ( [ eq : volmelt ] ) , ( [ eq : heat - tvw1-bc1 ] ) and ( [ eq : heat - tvw1-bc2 ] ) . tyree and co - workers have argued that a pressurized gas bubble in the xylem will dissolve entirely over a period of 12 hours or less , so that some other pressure - generating mechanism must operate to sustain the bubbles actually observed in xylem sap @xcite .",
"omalley model , the gas in the vessel is a novel feature introduced in our model . because water is incompressible and the xylem is a closed system when the tree is frozen , pressure can not be transferred between the fiber and vessel compartments unless gas is also present in the vessel .",
"the smaller radius gives rise to a much larger surface tension ( @xmath11 ) which though still small relative to gas and liquid pressures could still potentially initiate a break - up into smaller bubbles owing to the plateau - rayleigh instability @xcite . however , regardless of the precise configuration of the gas in the fiber , we assume that the net effect on gas pressure is equivalent to that of a single large bubble ."
"the aim of this work was to develop a detailed mathematical model that captures the physical effects heat and mass transport , gas dissolution , surface tension , osmosis and phase change that are believed to play a significant role in sap exudation in maple trees .",
"in particular , we were interested in investigating two competing hypotheses for sap exudation based on a model of milburn omalley ( without osmosis ) @xcite and another of tyree ( with osmosis ) @xcite .",
"we derived a coupled system of nonlinear , time - dependent , differential - algebraic equations , which we solved using matlab .",
"the observed increase in vessel sap pressure lies in the range of 3060 that is consistent with experimental values reported in the literature for maple sap exudation . * for a wide range of parameters , and provided the vessel gas content is low enough , the fibers are able to completely dissolve the gas bubbles within the vessel sap .",
"the model focuses on the cellular scale and the transfer of pressure between two main xylem components : fibers and vessels .",
"* taking parameter values consistent with data in the literature , our model captures positive vessel pressures provided that the gas in the fiber is sufficiently compressed during the previous year s freezing phase .",
"extensive numerical simulations were performed that uncovered the following : * it is necessary to include the effect of gas bubbles in the vessel sap in order to allow a transfer of stored pressure in the fibers to the vessel sap ."
] | we develop a mathematical model for sap exudation in a maple tree that is based on a purely physical mechanism for internal pressure generation in trees in the leafless state .
there has been a long - standing controversy in the tree physiology literature over precisely what mechanism drives sap exudation , and we aim to cast light on this issue . our model is based on the work of milburn and omalley [ _ can .
j. bot .
_ , ( 10):21012106 , 1984 ] who hypothesized that elevated sap pressures derive from compressed gas that is trapped within certain wood cells and subsequently released when frozen sap thaws in the spring .
we also incorporate the extension of tyree [ in _ tree sap _ , pp . 3745 , eds .
m. terazawa et al .
, hokkaido univ . press , 1995 ] who argued that gas bubbles are prevented from dissolving because of osmotic pressure that derives from differences in sap sugar concentrations and the selective permeability of cell walls .
we derive a system of differential - algebraic equations based on conservation principles that is used to test the validity of the milburn omalley hypothesis and also to determine the extent to which osmosis is required .
this work represents the first attempt to derive a detailed mathematical model of sap exudation at the micro - scale .
sap transport , multiphase flow , phase change , stefan problem , gas dissolution , osmosis . 35r37 , 76m12 , 76t30 , 80a22 , 92c80 . |
"[ sec : the seebeck effect in overdoped lsco ] , we study the thermoelectric effect of lsco , use the seebeck coefficient as a sign of non fermi liquid transport and examine the evidence for quantum critical behavior . the numerical method that we have developed to study the transport properties of correlated materials such as lsco is explained in detail in the appendix , app .",
"[ sec : model for the quasiparticle dispersion of lsco]-[sec : effective model for the normal state charge transport of the high - temperature superconductor lsco ] .",
"we also examine the validity of matthiessen s rule which relies on a decoupling of impurity and two - particle scattering in sec . [",
"[ fig : experimental resistivity ] ) .",
"we solve the semiclassical boltzmann equation taking the full angular and energy dependence of the distribution function into account .",
"sec : numerical results ] we show our numerical results and compare with the experimental data of refs .",
"standard fermi liquid theory predicts a metallic seebeck coefficient with a linear @xmath4-dependence ."
"[ ] where the unconventional temperature dependence of the scattering rates through the rg flow were described . at high temperature , however , the growth of the linear - temperature term when the doping is decreased toward optimal doping , is mainly due to the fermi surface geometry and the temperature dependence of the scattering volume , while the momentum anisotropy of the scattering interaction is responsible for the enhanced value of the resistivity .",
"the vertex renormalization leads to a non - trivial momentum space structure of the effective scattering vertex which can be translated to a longer ranged real space interaction compared to the local hubbard-@xmath12 . as a second effect of the frg analysis , the momentum space structure but also the absolute values of the scattering vertex become temperature dependent . in order to discriminate between these two effects we modified our calculations in a way as to include only the momentum space renormalization of the vertex , but neglect the temperature dependence",
"the distribution function changes its angular dependence strongly and the weight of the current is shifted from small angles to larger angles , while above a certain temperature the angular distribution remains invariant . these regimes can be associated with two different kinds of scattering mechanisms . while at low temperature impurity scattering dominates , for sufficiently high temperature the transport is mainly determined by particle - particle scattering . since only umklapp",
"we use a semiclassical model to describe the normal state charge transport of overdoped lsco . for the quasiparticle dispersion we used a two - dimensional tight binding model and a doping dependent hopping parameter renormalization scheme based on the values determined in ref . [ ] from the fermi surface in apres data on lsco .",
"the scattering rates that cause these short life times are strongly enhanced as the doping level decreases toward optimal doping . to examine the role of strong scattering of the anti - nodal quasiparticles for the unconventional temperature dependence of the overall resistivity",
"note that we have not considered the values for @xmath47 and @xmath48 for @xmath49 as it becomes difficult to distinguish the regimes for @xmath40 it is interesting to relate the onset of the unconventional scaling , @xmath47 , to the proximity of the fermi energy to the van hove level , @xmath50 .",
"the doping dependence of @xmath53 and @xmath47 is very similar and we conclude that proximity to a van hove singularity plays an important role in the development of non - fermi liquid behavior . to compare to the analysis in ref ."
"these different scattering mechanisms lead to different current distributions due to their difference in the scattering geometry . while impurity scattering is isotropic , the umklapp processes responsible for the momentum relaxation in the two - particle scattering channel are highly anisotropic leading to a non - trivial interplay of impurity scattering with two - particle interactions and a potential breakdown of matthiessen s rule . to examine the deviations from matthiessen s rule we compare our calculation with the sum of the individual contributions to the resistivity .",
"a deeper analysis shows that the resistivity from impurity scattering can have a weak temperature dependence due to thermal broadening of the distribution function and a possible bias toward higher or lower quasiparticle velocity . in our calculation the impurities are modeled as @xmath81-potentials . a second and more complex contribution to the electrical resistivity originates from electron - electron scattering with finite momentum transfer to the lattice , so - called umklapp scattering , where a momentum corresponding to a reciprocal lattice vector is transferred to the lattice .",
"note that the fermi surface has to be sufficiently large in order to allow for umklapp assisted scattering between different momenta on the fermi surface . for a square lattice we can distinguish between two kinds of umklapp scatterings : with momentum transfers of the type @xmath89 and @xmath90 to the lattice .",
"in the cuprates the resistivity is caused by electron - electron interactions which raises the question , how the total momentum of the entire distribution function is relaxed . in the following",
"the first kind of umklapp scattering has a large phase space for a sufficiently large fermi surface with regions where the @xmath91-component of the fermi vector satisfies the condition @xmath92 and other regions with @xmath93 .",
"the difference in the scattering geometry for impurity scattering and two - particle scattering is most pronounced in this part of the diagram . here",
"nevertheless , the violation of matthiessen s rule is an generic property for systems featuring a crossover from isotropic impurity scattering to strongly anisotropic inter - particle scattering dominated transport .",
"[ fig : angular distribution of the current ] we have seen that in the low - temperature regime the angular distribution of the current changes its form ."
"this effect as the electric response to a temperature gradient is based on thermo - diffusion of charge carriers and can be analyzed with boltzmann transport theory too .",
"the seebeck effect is a further example which allows us to test fermi liquid properties in transport ."
", we have discussed the low - temperature @xmath109 dependence of @xmath108 and the sign changes with doping or temperature .",
"we may identify the vicinity of the van hove singularity and the presence of a lifshitz transition as the origin of non - fermi liquid behavior and the signatures of quantum criticality .",
"the van hove singularity at the lifschitz transition is the origin for the critical behavior in our model and thus constrains the critical doping level to @xmath116 . in the experimental study , however , a critical doping level of @xmath117 is reported . in the last section",
"while their study aims at probing the fermi surface reconstruction scenarios in the underdoped regime of the phase diagram , they also present data up to a hole - doping level of @xmath106 .",
"this characteristic temperature @xmath119 separates the high - doping low - temperature regime coming closest to fermi liquid behavior ( @xmath120-dependence of resistivity ) from the lower - doping high - temperature regime which is characterized by the non - fermi liquid @xmath4-linear resistivity , as discussed in sec .",
"europium doping of lsco is believed to have a stronger influence on the properties of underdoped samples , but little effect is expected in the overdoped regime . for underdoped samples @xmath108 shows a sign change , starting negative at low temperature it turns positive at higher temperature . on the other hand , for overdoped samples",
"[ fig : experimental seebeck eu - lsco and numerical seebeck ] ( right panel ) and [ fig : seebeck phase diagram ] . a good overview on the behavior of the seebeck coefficient as a function of doping and temperature is obtained from fig . [ fig : seebeck phase diagram ] ( left panel ) . at the doping"
"we investigate the temperature and doping dependence of charge transport coefficients using a combination of an experimentally determined band structure and a renormalized scattering matrix calculated in a one - loop renormalization group approximation .",
"while the @xmath4-linear behavior of @xmath121 is often attributed to the existence of a quantum critical point around optimal doping [ ] , our discussion shows that this feature may also be understood as a consequence of the unusual temperature dependence of the renormalized scattering vertices and the increased scattering phase space around this doping regime , where a lifshitz transition of the band structure leads the chemical potential very close to a van hove singularity .",
"the magnitude of the calculated resistivity is substantially lower than in the experiment , consistent with the moderate to weak interaction values and one - loop rg approximation motivated by the experimental data analysis [ ] we also identified crossover regimes in @xmath122 and find rather sharp changes in the temperature dependence .",
"in particular , we can show that there is a clear correlation of the unconventional temperature scaling with the van hove singularity , quantified through the effective distance of the chemical potential from the van hove level , @xmath127 , cf .",
"while in the strongly overdoped regime , the difference in the numerical data determined from renormalized and unrenormalized scattering rates is not very pronounced , around optimal doping the phase space driven growth of a linear term is strongly enhanced due to renormalization of the quasiparticle interactions .",
"this includes the increase of the temperature dependent term in the resistivity upon decreasing the hole - concentration and the trend toward a linear temperature dependence of the resistivity @xmath121 around optimal doping .",
"we have related the critical behavior to proximity of the van hove singularity to the fermi energy which is linked to the lifschitz transition ."
"we use a band structure parametrized within a tight - binding model on a square lattice , including nearest , next - nearest , and next - to - next - nearest neighbor hopping @xmath128 the hopping parameters @xmath129 , @xmath130 , @xmath131 , and the chemical potential @xmath132 define the geometry of the fermi surface and the filling of the band . based on their arpes study , yoshida et al .",
"[ ] have fitted the low - energy quasiparticle spectrum of lsco and the fermi surface in the doping range from @xmath133 to @xmath134 using the model . fixing he magnitude of @xmath129 to @xmath135 and the ratio @xmath136 for all dopings they used @xmath132 and @xmath130 as fitting parameters .",
"the relation between @xmath132 and @xmath130 as a function of the doping is linear to a very good approximation , @xmath137 yoshida et al .",
"[ ] also confirms the presence of a lifschitz transition at a doping level of about @xmath142 .",
"changing @xmath140 to @xmath141 shifts the lifshitz transition within our model to the experimental doping level .",
"note , that a second arpes study by ino et al .",
"identified a lifshitz transition at @xmath138 ."
"hence , we restrict our study to dopings from optimal to strongly overdoped . the onsite repulsion @xmath12 for the cuprates is a large energy scale of the order of the band width as at half - filling a mott insulating phase is realized . using such large values of @xmath12 , however , leads to a divergence of the rg flow within the normal state temperature range , since the instability temperatures are overestimated .",
"while in the experiment superconductivity is suppressed by a magnetic field which is difficult to incorporate in the rg analysis , we keep thge cutoff energy scale @xmath144 finite and so suppress the leading @xmath145-wave pairing instability in the rg flow .",
"the rg equations are solved using the standard truncation of all vertices with more than four legs , so that the self energy and the four - point vertex are the only remaining quantities in the calculation . for the vertex ,",
"note , however , that due to the truncation of the rg equations the @xmath3 is largely overestimated . for a study of normal state transport , the divergence of the vertex should be avoided .",
"this urges us to start with moderate value of the onsite repulsion of @xmath153 which then is renormalized to much larger values for the low - energy quasiparticles after integrating out the high - energy states .",
"[ ] is based on the frg equation for the one - particle irreducible generating functional derived in refs . [ ] which gives hierarchically coupled flow equations for the one - particle irreducible vertices .",
"the quasiparticle scattering vertex @xmath147 is peaked for momenta @xmath148 lying close to the saddle - points @xmath149 and @xmath150 and has especially strong contributions for momentum transfer of @xmath151 , cf ."
"we evaluate the integral kernel on discrete patches of a finite mesh ( see fig.[fig : discretization ] ( a ) ) .",
"[ sec : momentum relaxation mechanism in the cuprates and matthiessens rule ] ) .",
"[ sec : strongly renormalized quasiparticle interactions ] .",
"the second contribution to the collision integral is simpler due to its single particle form , @xmath161with@xmath162 we ignore electron - phonon contributions here because , in the cuprates , the momentum relaxation of the quasiparticles is dominated by electron - electron interactions as was concluded e.g. from the temperature dependence of the hall coefficient [ ] and from the observation of a quadratic resistivity for overdoped lsco [ ] .",
"we linearize the boltzmann equation in terms of the deviation from equilibrium @xmath163 .",
"umklapp scattering has special geometrical constraints and , therefore , introduces strong anisotropy in the brillouin zone and requires a detailed analysis of the collision integral beyond a single - relaxation - time approach ."
"the experimental setup is based on the measurement of the resistivity of a three - dimensional but layered sample . for a quantitative comparison of the experimental and numerical data , a conversion of the two - dimensional resistivity to a three - dimensional resistivity",
"our model is based on a two - dimensional interacting electron gas on a lattice .",
"according to the arpes study [ ] used above to find the effective tight - binding parameters of lsco , a value of @xmath135 for the nearest neighbor hopping parameter @xmath129 fits the arpes data best .",
"if we want to study the temperature range up to room temperature of @xmath36 the corresponding energy scale is @xmath170 . in order to cover at least one order of magnitude in temperatures we choose @xmath171 and @xmath172 .",
"this is very easily achieved by multiplication of the two - dimensional resistivity with the interlayer distance .",
"this defines an energy scale which translates the energy scales of temperatures in units of @xmath129 to @xmath169 .",
"the c - axis lattice constant of lsco is given by @xmath173 [ ] and the interlayer distance by half the lattice constant , because the unit cell of the 2 - 1 - 4-compounds contains 2 layers ."
] | the in - plane resistivity of the high - temperature oxide superconductor la@xmath0sr@xmath1cuo@xmath2 [ lsco ] shows a strong growth of a contribution linear in temperature as the doping is reduced in the overdoped region toward optimal .
this linear term is a signature of non - fermi liquid behavior .
we find that the appearance of a linear term in the resistivity can arise in a semiclassical boltzmann transport theory which uses renormalized quasiparticle scattering rates derived in a functional renormalization group calculation and an empirical band structure fitted to angle - resolved photoemission spectroscopy data on lsco .
the linearized boltzmann equation is solved numerically by discretizing the brillouin zone in a way that fits best to the fermi surface geometry .
the main trends in the development of the anomalous temperature dependence are well reproduced .
there is a substantial underestimation of the magnitude of the resistivity which is expected in view of the moderate to weak values we chose for the onsite repulsion to stay within the one - loop renormalization group approximation .
the analysis was extended to the seebeck coefficient with similar agreement with the main trends in the data .
this article is accepted for publication ( jan .
2nd , 2013 ) : phys .
rev .
b * 87 * , 035129 ( 2013 ) + |
"this paper presents our analysis of four faust fields in the southern sky .",
"this used a uniform thresholding algorithm for source detection , and the identifications were obtained from correlations against catalogs ( mainly from the simbad data base ) . the faust images are being studied systematically at tel aviv in order to identify sources and perform , as much as possible , ground - based follow - up studies . in this context , we already presented results from five images at high galactic latitude sky regions visible from the northern hemisphere : the north galactic pole ( brosch 1995 ) , the virgo cluster region ( brosch 1997 ) , and in the direction of the coma cluster ( brosch 1998 ) .",
"we then describe the process of source identification based on correlations with published data , mainly from electronic data banks .",
"we first describe the faust observations and the source detection on the uv images .",
"it uses , for the first time , data from an objective - prism survey ( the hamburg - eso survey = hes , wisotzki 1996 ; reimers 1997 ) to provide additional ground - based spectroscopic information about the possible optical counterparts .",
"the uv sources in this part of the milky way ( mw ) may help the understanding of the morphology of the disk and halo of the mw .",
"the discussion concentrates on ( a ) a comparison of the fields which have he s data with those fields lacking this information , and ( b ) the general properties of the uv sources we detected , in the context of the fourth galactic quadrant in which they are located ."
"the faust images are shown in figures 1 to 4 , for the dorado , centaurus , m83 , and telescopium ( hereafter dor , cen , m83 , and tel ) regions .",
"the regions observed by faust , and in which the source identification process has been performed , are listed in table 1 .",
"table 3 summarizes this comparison of results and emphasizes the significant addition of uv sources to those in the fsc by using the present detection algorithm . on average ,",
"the lines of sight sample , therefore , the disk and halo of the mw at similar `` elevation '' angles from the galactic equator and at approximately the same aspect angles with respect to the galactic bulge . therefore , apart from the general interest in source detection and identification , the present observations allow , in principle , an inter - comparison of regions which sample approximately the same mw environments .",
"we estimate the number of fsc sources we did not detect and which originate from the m83 fixed exposure to be at most five .",
"therefore , with our detection scheme we increased by @xmath050% the number of faust uv sources in comparison with the fsc .",
"this aperture is much larger than the resolution of faust and it allows the collections of virtually all the uv photons from a source . the photometric error is composed of the aperture photometry error , that originating from the background estimation , and a systematic error in flux resulting from the laboratory calibration of faust and the intrinsic errors of the iue photometric scale ( 15.8% of the observed flux ) ."
"the remaining identifications were extracted mainly from the first edition of the us naval observatory two - colour catalog ( usno - a1.0 , hereafter usno : monet 1996 ) .",
"this catalog is based on scans of the palomar and eso / serc sky survey blue and red schmidt telescope plates .",
"we emphasize that the assignation of optical counterparts in the dor and m83 fields was done in a completely independent way from the assignments based on catalog correlations . in most cases ,",
"the he s spectra confirmed the original catalog selection of a counterpart .",
"the he s ( wisotzki 1996 ) is an objective - prism survey aimed at detecting bright qsos .",
"the absolute scale of the blue and red magnitudes is not accurate , but a `` local '' comparison of colours between a number of candidates for the same uv source is useful for identifying the bluest and brightest object , which is most likely to be the counterpart of the uv source .",
"the primary identification used on - line data bases , such as the sao catalog ( sao 1966 ) , the hipparcos input catalogue ( turon 1993 ) , the tycho catalog ( esa 1997 ) , and the ned ."
"this deficiency has been noted before ( by van dijk 1978 ) and is presumably due to line blanketing of their spectral energy distributions . note though that the study of van dijk , and others dealing with the issue of uv deficiency of a stars , concentrated mostly on ap objects rather than on am stars . in principle , this points a way to use the property of these a stars to be less uv - bright than expected from their rough optical spectral classification , to identify possible candidate am ( or ap ) stars from among those objects in our four fields for which we found spectral classifications .",
"we decided on a scaling constant from the `` per square degree '' prediction of the model and the real star counts in * both * the magnitude and colour distributions using the total number of stars detected to be brighter than or equal to m@xmath19=11 [ n(m@xmath20 ) ] and the similar number of stars , brighter than 11 mag , predicted by the model [ n(m@xmath21 ) ] . the ratio of these values was used to scale both the magnitude distribution prediction and the colour distribution prediction .",
"however , we estimate that this is a random error , which will only increase the scatter of the results but will not introduce a systematic bias , as most of the stars that have spectral types tend to be a and f , which have small b v values . the results , shown in figures 7 and 8 for the four fields , indicate that the procedure is valid and that the predicted stellar populations , as well as the general colour distributions , correspond to those actually observed .",
"the variations of the colour index within the same allocated spectral type are considerable ; among four k2 stars the spread of uv - v is more than 5.5 mag ! normally , k stars are expected to have uv - v@xmath163.2 - 7.4 , but some stars in this class are more uv - bright than this , presumably because of some form of coronal activity ( see jordan 1987 ) , or because of the presence of a hot secondary .",
"the percentage of such sources is 19% and 5% , respectively , while it is @xmath030% in the other two fields . the only difference between the first pair of fields and the second is that for dor and m83 we used the additional information from the he s survey .",
"this emphasizes the importance of additional spectral information in untangling the nature of the ( optically faint ) hot uv sources . a comparison of the detected and identified stars with the predicted number of stars , using the updated model of the uv galaxy of brosch ( 1991 ) .",
"an important statistic is the number of such sources ( sub - dwarfs and white dwarfs ) counted in each field . whereas the images without he s data have extremely few such sources ( one in cen and none in tel ) , the other two fields contain significantly more sources ( nine in dor and five in m83 ) ."
"we detected nine uv - emitting galactic nuclei , of which six were identified from the he s spectroscopic data .",
"the difference between the mean b v values of the two regions could imply an expected difference in the mean uv v values of @xmath00.15 , assuming the wavelength dependence of the extinction as in the `` typical '' galactic law ( savage & mathis 1979 ) , whereas we measure @xmath33(uv v)@xmath160.84 . this could be the case if the slope of the extinction law would be steeper in the faust - observed regions than the savage & mathis relation , and is supported also by the slope of the uv v _ vs. _ b v relation for all the a0 stars in table 4 .",
"we remarked above on the puzzling discrepancy in the source count between the m83 and the tel areas .",
"fifty - four objects in table 4 have been identified as extragalactic objects . in two instances",
"one of the more interesting such sources is the optically - violent - variable bl lac object euve j2009 - 48.8 ( source ft 34 ) .",
"note also the detection of the cd galaxy eso 444-g046 , the largest in the cluster abell 3558 , as a faust uv source .",
"the elg is apparently part of a chain of larger galaxies in the cluster , extending from north - west to south - east . lacking a redshift , the assumption that this galaxy is a member of the a3558 cluster remains to be proven ."
"we presented faust uv observations in four sky area , mostly in the fourth galactic quadrant .",
"we identified the sources with optical counterparts mainly through correlations with catalogued object , and succeeded in increasing the number and quality of identifications by including objective - prism spectra .",
"our detection algorithm identified 777 uv sources in these regions .",
"the stellar objects detected and identified in this program fit reasonably well our model of the uv galaxy .",
"we discussed the more interesting stellar and extragalactic sources , and pointed out that the tel area may contain horizontal branch stars on the outskirts of the galactic bulge ."
"this paper made use of the simbad data bank , established and maintained by the centre du donnes stellaire in strasbourg .",
"benny bilenko for updating the model of uv stellar distributions in the milky way .",
"barry lasker , one of the `` founding fathers '' of the guide star catalog and of other catalogs derived from scanning of photographic plates .",
"the paper is dedicated to the memory of dr .",
"uv research at tel aviv university is supported by grants from the ministry of science and arts through the israel space agency , from the austrian friends of tel aviv university , and from a center of excellence award from the israel science foundation .",
"nb acknowledges support from a us - israel binational award to study uv sources measured by the faust experiment .",
"constuctive remarks by an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged ."
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"13.64@xmath231.23 & 17.79 & & ft 32 & ngc 6851 a+b & sb ( rs)d+sb(s)m & 10.08@xmath230.20 & 14.81 + 16.67 & 0.84 & ft 34 & euvej2009 - 48.8 & qso & 11.56@xmath230.34 & 15.3 & * 0.6 & bl lac z=0.071 ; xray ft 108 & ngc 6920 & sa0 & 11.75@xmath230.33 & 12.35 & 1.22 & ft 131 & ngc 6845 abcd & group & 12.50@xmath230.54 & 14.28 & & interacting ft 132 & pgc 063901 & sab(rs)bc & 13.46@xmath230.73 & 14.27 & * 0.2 & ft 146 & eso 234-g004 & sb(s)dm pec & 12.77@xmath230.66 & 15.27 & & ft 161 & eso 284-ig045 & sab(rs)bc : & 13.05@xmath230.74 & 13.32 & 0.68 & ft 169a & pgc 064404 & sab(s)bc pec & 12.44@xmath230.52 & 14.31 & 0.95 & nelg ft 169b & pgc 064399 & sb(s)dm & 12.44@xmath230.52 & 14.51 & 1.17 &",
"pec & 11.73@xmath230.37 & 13.78 & 0.77 & fd 111 & pgc 015445 & e & 14.16@xmath232.76 & 15.0 & * 0.7 & fd 118 & eso 157-g044 & ib(s)m & 12.19@xmath230.60 & 14.87 & & fd 134 & he0442 - 5652 & qso z=0.34 & 12.69@xmath230.59 & 16.3 & * 0.2 & fd 142b & usno & qso z=0.29 & 11.55@xmath230.25 & 15.6 & * -0.2 & iras fsc 25 + 60 fm 28 & ngc 5291/b & s pec & 12.57@xmath230.47 & 14.0 & & int.pair fm 49 & ngc 5264 & ib(s)m & 11.14@xmath230.23 & 12.00 & 0.60 & ddo 242 fm 55 & he1337 - 2919 & qso & 12.02@xmath230.32 & 16.06 & & candidate fm 58 & ngc 5253 & i m pec & 9.89@xmath230.19 & 10.87 & 0.38 & * burst , iue fm 69 & he1334 - 2739 & qso & 12.59@xmath230.46 & 16.41 & & candidate fm 70 & ngc 5236=m83 & sab(s)c & 7.92@xmath230.17 & 7.54 & 0.66 & * burst ; xray ; iue fm 71 & ic 4293 & sa0 & 12.21@xmath230.38 & 13.50 & * 1.5 & fm 104 & gsc07265 - 02231 & . & 11.77@xmath230.29 & 12.7 & * 0.0 & abell 3558 z@xmath160.04 ? fm 112 & ic 4248 & s ? & 12.87@xmath230.50 & 13.85 & * 0.7 & fm 124 & eso 445-g076 & s & 12.83@xmath230.69 & 14.66 & * 0.6 & fm 126 & he1348 - 2751 & qso & 12.22@xmath230.43 & 16.62 & & candidate & fm 130 & he1348 - 2751 & qso & 12.45@xmath230.46 & 16.62 & & candidate & fm 132 & ic 4327 & sb(s)c ? & 13.62@xmath230.85 & 13.89 & 0.61 & fm 141 & ic 4318 & s ? & 13.50@xmath230.46 & 14.54 & & fm 142 & eso - lv4450171 & s & 14.07@xmath230.71 & 17.03 & & fm 152b & he1336 - 2624 & qso & 13.04@xmath230.60 & 16.53 & & candidate fm 163 & eso 444-g075 & i ? & 13.74@xmath230.58 & 14.27 & * 0.7 & fm 175 & eso 444-g046 &",
"cccccccccc dor & 04 15 36 & -56 04 12 & 266.0 & -43.7 & 200 - 610 & 60.5 & 142 & 58 & 12.7 cen & 12 47 24 & -40 46 12 & 302.1 & 22.1 & 300 - 1100 & 62.0 & 249 & 129 & 12.5 m83 & 13 34 48 & -28 45 00 & 314.3 & 33.2 & 250 - 850 & 60.1 & 197 & 81 & 13.0 tel & 20 11 38 & -47 06 00 & 352.5 & -32.8 & 100 - 280 & 52.6 & 189 & 105 & 12.35 fc 1 & 12 47 36 & -37 23 22 & 11.85 & 0.40 & 3466 fc 2 & 12 55 45 & -37 17 35 & 11.26 & 0.32 & 3574 fc 3 & 12 40 22 & -37 51 52 & 7.99 & 0.17 & 3350 fc 4 & 12 56 32 & -37 39 28 & 11.75 & 0.29 & 3580 fc 5 & 12 41 54 & -37 53 32 & 10.07 & 0.21 & 3378 fc 6 & 12 42 37 & -37 54 09 & 11.30 & 0.23 & 3392 fc 7 & 13 03 21 & -37 44 39 & 10.73 & 0.29 & 3654 fc 8 & 12 56 50 & -37 57 31 & 12.19 & 0.36 & 3584 fc 9 & 12 52 21 & -38 02 20 & 13.23 & 0.76 & 3538 fc 10 & 12 53 32 & -38 03 43 & 12.56 & 0.45 & 3548 fc 11 & 12 38 03 & -38 15 09 & 11.50 & 0.33 & 3304 fc 12 & 12 49 58 & -38 18 24 & 12.36 & 0.39 & 3510 fc 13 & 12 43 48 & -38 20 52 & 11.85 & 0.34 & 3410 fc 14 & 12 48 21 & -38 22 30 & 11.40 & 0.25 & 3481 fc 15 & 12 39 42 & -38 24 46 & 11.98 & 0.37 & 3333 fc 16 & 13 04 38 & -38 23 54 & 9.39 & 0.19 & 3665 fc 17 & 12 39 09 & -38 44 46 & 10.08 & 0.20 & 3317 fc 18 & 12 34 51 & -38 49 43 & 10.39 & 0.23 & 3253 fc 19 & 12 59 41 & -38 42 32 & 8.81 & 0.17 & 3614 fc 20 & 12 47 45 & -38 51 16 & 10.49 & 0.20 & 3467 fc 21 & 12 45 27 & -38 51 25 & 11.19 & 0.24 & 3434 fc 22 & 13 00 35 & -38 44 38 & 12.24 & 0.28 & 3631 fc 23 & 12 58 01 & -38 55 04 & 7.48 & 0.16 & 3599 fc 24 & 12 40 19 & -39 02 42 & 13.07 & 0.83 & 3346 fc 25 & 12 51 54 & -38 58 24 & 13.58 & 0.92 & 3526 fc 26 & 12 31 48 & -39 13 14 & 10.70 & 0.30 & 3208 fc 27 & 12 52 43 & -39 03 40 & 12.16 & 0.40 & 3542 fc 28 & 12 58 53 & -39 06 28 & 6.73 & 0.16 & 3608 fc 29 & 13 03 37 & -38 58 24 & 10.58 & 0.20 & 3657 fc 30 & 12 57 11 & -39 06 51 & 10.80 & 0.22 & 3587 fc 31 & 13 01 04 & -39 03 05 & 11.79 & 0.30 & 3633",
"fc 32 & 12 36 10 & -39 22 40 & 12.51 & 0.58 & 3276 fc 33 & 12 58 01 & -39 16 06 & 9.85 & 0.18 & 3600 fc 34 & 12 50 26 & -39 26 33 & 10.94 & 0.25 & ? fc 35 & 13 00 40 & -39 17 38 & 11.67 & 0.27 & 3629 fc 36 & 12 58 12 & -39 22 23 & 11.24 & 0.20 & 3601 fc 37 & 12 53 46 & -39 29 10 & 10.85 & 0.22 & 3553 fc 38 & 12 39 18 & -39 39 35 & 9.89 & 0.22 & 3320 fc 39 & 12 52 01 & -39 41 41 & 5.23 & 0.16 & 3529 fc 40 & 12 49 09 & -39 43 25 & 5.82 & 0.16 & 3498 fc 41 & 12 35 58 & -39 52 00 & 5.22 & 0.16 & 3271 fc 42 & 12 44 12 & -39 46 12 & 9.60 & 0.18 & 3420 fc 43 & 12 39 53 & -39 58 08 & 5.42 & 0.16 & 3338 fc 44 & 12 42 08 & -40 04 42 & 10.66 & 0.26 & 3386 fc 45 & 12 43 26 & -40 10 42 & 8.47 & 0.17 & 3407 fc 46 & 12 53 25 & -40 11 10 & 6.04 & 0.16 & 3545 fc 47 & 12 31 29 & -40 16 34 & 10.63 & 0.24 & 3198 fc 48 & 12 49 41 & -40 13 26 & 12.30 & 0.46 & 3507 fc 49 & 13 03 33 & -40 14 59 & 12.64 & 0.40 & 3655 fc 50 & 12 40 21 & -40 37 31 & 10.91 & 0.24 & 3348 fc 51 & 12 49 12 & -40 37 58 & 10.12 & 0.19 & 3501 fc 52 & 12 34 13 & -40 49 54 & 11.17 & 0.24 & 3245 fc 53 & 12 48 40 & -40 42 36 & 12.77 & 0.32 & 3486 fc 54 & 12 59 07 & -40 37 53 & 11.85 & 0.33 & 3610 fc 55 & 12 51 35 & -40 44 18 & 13.81 & 1.04 & 3524 fc 56 & 12 35 46 & -41 01 15 & 6.94 & 0.16 & 3270 fc 57 & 12 46 54 & -40 53 27 & 11.60 & 0.27 & 3458 fc 58 & 13 04 47 & -40 42 34 & 11.85 & 0.30 & 3666 fc 59 & 12 52 31 & -40 56 22 & 10.71 & 0.21 & 3539 fc 60 & 12 59 55 & -40 52 40 & 9.57 & 0.18 & 3619 fc 61 & 12 45 15 & -41 02 35 & 13.06 & 0.57 & 3431 fc 62 & 13 07 39 & -40 45 59 & 12.50 & 0.49 & 3680 fc 63 & 12 38 19 & -41 12 22 & 9.76 & 0.19 & 3308 fc 64 & 12 44 40 & -41 13 17 & 12.85 & 0.52 & 3429 fc 65 & 12 51 01 & -41 15 06 & 10.22 & 0.18 & 3519 fc 66 & 12 33 35 & -41 25 24 & 8.87 & 0.17 & 3232 fc 67 & 12 52 16 & -41 19 40 & 8.01 & 0.16 & 3536 fc 68 & 13 10 37 & -40 56 50 & 11.09 & 0.28 & 3702 fc 69 & 12 31 32 & -41 31 47 & 10.15 & 0.21 & 3199 fc 70 & 13 02 40 & -41 13 42 & 11.58 & 0.26 & 3648 fc 71 & 12 47 50 & -41 28 01 & 12.58 & 0.43 & 3470 fc 72 & 12 59 55 & -41 23 11 & 11.04 & 0.22 & 3620 fc 73 & 12 43 14 & -41 36 15 & 11.97 & 0.35 & 3403 fc 74 & 13 08 15 & -41 23 05 & 9.00 & 0.17 & 3684 fc 75 & 13 04 01 & -41 24 09 & 12.65 & 0.44 & 3662 fc 76 & 12 50 25 & -41 42 59 & 11.24 & 0.26 & 3516 fc 77 & 12 59 14 & -41 36 27 & 8.94 & 0.17 & 3611 fc 78 & 12 39 26 & -41 50 48 & 9.57 & 0.18 & 3328 fc 79 & 13 05 00 & -41 30 41 & 14.48 & 2.02 & 3667 fc 80 & 12 33 50 & -41 57 49 & 11.24 & 0.28 & 3239 fc 81 & 12 30 29 & -41 57 11 & 11.05 & 0.27 & 3185 fc 82 & 12 50 25 & -41 54 09 & 10.20 & 0.20 & 3515 fc 83 & 12 37 24 & -42 01 19 & 12.22 & 0.36 & 3292 fc 84 & 13 03 01 & -41 46 57 & 10.48 & 0.20 & 3651 fc 85 & 12 56 46 & -41 55 04 & 12.09 & 0.38 & 3582 fc 86 & 12 44 19 & -42 05 35 & 12.70 & 0.50 & 3422 fc 87 & 13 01 06 & -41 58 55 & 11.48 & 0.26 & 3634 fc 88 & 12 56 09 & -42 09 10 & 7.87 & 0.17 & 3576 fc 89 & 12 36 14 & -42 18 47 & 11.92 & 0.35 & 3275 fc 90 & 12 58 23 & -42 05 43 & 13.31 & 0.80 & 3603 fc 91 & 13 07 33 & -42 01 59 & 9.37 & 0.18 & 3678 fc 92 & 12 55 10 & -42 18 26 & 4.98 & 0.16 & 3569 fc 93 & 12 39 45 & -42 21 41 & 12.09 & 0.39 & 3335 fc 94 & 13 10 06 &",
"& 13.06@xmath230.57 & 12.72 & 1.08 & fc 71 & ngc 4683 & sb(s)0 & 12.58@xmath230.43 & 13.8 & 0.93 & fc 75 & ngc 4930 & sb(rs)bc & 12.65@xmath230.44 & 12.0 & 0.76 & fc 161 & ngc 4679 & sa(s)bc & 13.32@xmath230.45 & 11.94 & 1.38 & fc 186 & eso 323-g054 & s & 13.68@xmath230.61 & 14.86 & & fc 229 & eso 269-ig056 & sb(s)m pec & 11.92@xmath230.46 & 14.01 & & fc 235 & eso 269-ig022/3 & s0+e & 12.74@xmath230.34 & 14.75 + 16.17 & & int.pair fc 238 & pgc044774 & sab(s ) pec & 12.58@xmath230.61 & 16.0 & & fd 41 & ngc 1566 & sab(rs)bc sy1 & 9.68@xmath230.19 & 10.33 & 0.56 & xrays fd 53 & ngc 1602 & ib(s)m pec & 12.29@xmath230.48 & 12.98 & 0.35 & fd 62 & euvej0425 - 57.1 & sy1 & 12.03@xmath230.36 & 14.1 & * -0.6 & xrays fd 77 & eso 118-g034 & s0 pec & 11.64@xmath230.39 & 13.04 & 0.44 & hii gal . fd 82 & ngc 1522 & s0 pec & 12.62@xmath230.57 & 13.56 & 0.27 & fd 86 & ngc 1515 & sab(s)bc & 12.90@xmath230.67 & 11.20 & 0.85 & fd 93 & ic 2032 & iab(s)m pec & 12.89@xmath230.68 & 14.73 & * -3.6 & fd 97 & ngc 1536 & sb(s)c pec & 12.92@xmath230.58 & 12.52 & 0.63 & fd 100 & ic 2073 & sb(s)cd ?",
"fd 65 & hic21200 & 8.17 & s & f2v & 0.38 & 4 32 43.2 & -55 35 49 fd 66 & hic21460 & 8.50 & s & ap & 0.28 & 4 36 30.8 & -54 37 16 fd 67 & usno0300 - 01340927 & b13.6 & u & ? & * -0.4 & 4 26 29.3 & -59 06 10 fd 68 & tyc8512 - 2014 - 1 & 9.55 & s & f & 0.29 & 4 34 48.1 & -56 35 30 fd 69 & usno0300 - 01391935 & b14.4 & u & ? & * 0.4 & 4 35 59.8 & -56 16 50 fd 70 & hic21787 & 7.75 & s & a8iv & 0.34 & 4 40 48.9 & -56 01 52 fd 71 & sao233619 & 9.35 & s & a & 0.28 & 4 40 18.5 & -56 11 34 fd 75 & tyc8512 - 2052 - 1 & 10.17 & s & ? & 0.16 & 4 42 36.9 & -56 41 35 fd 76 & hic21645 & 7.20 & s & a4v & 0.19 & 4 38 54.1 & -58 58 50 fd 77 & eso118-g34 & 13.52 & g & s0 pec & * 0.4 & 4 40 17.4&-58 44 43 fd 78 & hic18929 & 8.39 & s & f0iii & 0.34 & 4 03 28.1 & -52 30 21 fd 127 & usno - a2 - 0300 - 01385078 & b14.7 & u & ? & * 1.3 & 4 36 17.0 & -57 53 32 fd 128 & tyc8512 - 1176 - 1 & 11.33 & s & ? & 0.84 & 4 43 34.8 & -55 49 34 fd 129 & usno - a2 - 0300 - 01371953 & b12.2 & u & ? & * 0.9 & 4 33 53.7 & -58 50 21 fd 130 & hic21874 & 8.04 & s & f5v & 0.46 & 4 42 10.5 & -56 07 08 fm 2 & hfd 121081 & 8.9 & s & b9v & 0.08&13 53 58.4 & -28 8 34 fm 3 & usno0600 - 09386883 & 14.01 & s & b ? & * -1.1&13 54 00.2 & -27 55 16 fm 4 & sao182054 & 9.34 & s & a2 & 0.28&13 53 44.8 & -27 06 02 fm 5 & hfd 120970 & 10.3 & s & a2 & 0.22&13 53 15.0 & -27 18 37 fm 6 & tyc6724 - 799 - 1 & 11.68 & s & a - f ? & 0.42&13 52 54.8 & -27 40 08 fm 7 & sao182056 & 8.1 & s & a6iv & 0.24&13 53 53.1 & -30 00 39 fm 8 & hfd 120867 & 10.2 & s & a0 & 0.09&13 52 36.0 & -27 30 00 fm 9 & sao182034 & 10.24 & s & a0 & 0.11&13 52 18.7 & -26 47 16 fm 10 & sao204927 & 7.9 & s & a3 & 0.10&13 52 17.6 & -30 47 06 fm 11 & hfd 120657 & 10.5 & s & a2 & 0.24&13 51 23.1 & -29 08 44 fm 12 & hfd 120733 & 9.69 & s & a0 & 0.10 & 13 51 48.7 & -30 48 12 fm 13 & sao181999 & 6.19 & s & a0v & -0.03&13 50 06.4 & -29 04 51 fm 14 & tyc7279 - 1224 - 1 & 12.99 & s & ? & -0.04 & 13 51 28.9 & -30 48 27 fm 15 & sao181996 & 7.70 & s & a6 & 0.45&13 49 54.2 & -28 11 11 fm 16 & usno0600 - 09347896 & 15.37 & u & ? & * -0.1&13 49 10.2 & -26 55 30 fm 17 & sao204899 & 8.6 & s & f6v & 0.41&13 50 38.2 & -30 15 41 fm 18 & sao181993 & 8.7 & s & a2 & 0.36&13 49 47.3 & -28 38 24 fm 19 & usno0600 - 09348084 & b15.2 & s & f ? & * 0.4&13 49 11.6&-27 25 30 fm 20 & sao204900 & 7.1 & s & a5 & 0.17&13 50 39.6 & -31 12 20 fm 21 & sao204892 & 7.2 & s & f0 & 0.29 & 13 50 20.9 & -31 04 03 fm 22 & tyc6728 - 518 - 1 & 11.16 & s & a ? & 0.27&13 49 10.9 & -28 34 31 fm 23 & usno0600 - 09343173 & 13.52 & s & a ? & * -0.2&13 48 35.8 & -27 56 33 fm 24 & tyc6727 - 804 - 1 & 11.41 & s & b - a ? & 0.19&13 48 05.8 & -29 20 22 fm 25 & sao181931 & 5.8 & s & a0v & 0.02&13 45 36.3 & -26 06 57 fm 26 & tyc7266 - 692 - 1 & 10.69 & s & a0 & 0.10 & 13 47 50.9 & -31 32 49 fm 27 & usno0600 - 09325326 & 11.83 & u & ? & * 0.5&13 46 27.3 & -28 02 45 fm 28 & n5291/b & 14.00 & g & s pec & ? & 13 47 24.1 & -30 24 27 fm 29 & sao181949 & 8.6 & s & f8 & 0.51&13 46 57.5 & -29 40 18 fm 30 & hfd 119753 & 8.2 & s & f3v & 0.60&13 45 35.0 & -27 51 15 fm 32 & sao204825 & 8.3 & s & g0 & 0.59&13 46 17.0 & -30 28 28 fm 33 & tyc7266 - 1276 - 1 & 11.17 & s & a - f ? & 0.13 & 13 46 07.6 & -30 12 29 fm 34 & sao181919 & 8.6 & s & a3 & 0.30 & 13 44 36.7 & -26 46 48 fm 35 & tyc7266 - 1014 - 1 & 11.47 & s & a - f ? & 0.17 & 13 46 25.2 & -31 45 48 fm 36 & sao181928 & 8.8 & s & f0 & 0.31&13 45 17.8 & -29 01 00 fm 37 & hfd 119463 & 10.5 & s & a3 & 0.24 & 13 43 52.4 & -26 47 38 fm 38 & usno0600 - 09305363 & 15.35 & s & a - f(e ) ? & * -0.2&13 44 10.0 & -28 17 21 fm 39 & sao181910 & 8.8 & s & a2 & 0.26 & 13 43 53.9 & -27 45 59 fm 41 & sao181914 & 9.3 & s & a2 & 0.07&13 44 25.4 & -30 07 50 fm 42 & sao204787 & 8.5 & s & f0 & 0.37&13 44 09.9 & -31 48 59 fm 43 & sao181891 & 7.0 & s & a2v & 0.90&13 43 00.9 & -30 10 58 fm 44 & sao204771 & 9.0 & s & f0iv & 0.38&13 43 27.1 & -31 26 39 fm 45 & sao181862 & 8.7 & s & a2v & 0.19&13 41 31.2 & -27 16 21 fm 46 & sao181876 & 8.5 & s & f0 & 0.31&13 42 15.5 & -29 46 12 fm 47 & sao181868 & 8.0 & s & f2 & 0.37&13 41 43.6 & -28 45 44 fm 48 & usno0525 - 13768846 & 12.17 & s & a ? & * -0.1&13 42 29.8 & -31 3 21 fm 49 & n5264 & 12.6 & g & ib(s)m & 0.55&13 41 31.9 & -29 55 08 fm 50 & hic66742 & 8.01 & s & f3 & 0.44 & 13 40 47.0 & -28 14 32 fm 51 & usno - a2 - 0600 - 15938674 & b13.7 & u & ? & * -2.0 & 13 40 46.1 & -28 56 54 fm 52 & sao181838 & 8.4 & s & a3 & 0.10&13 39 52.9 & -27 09 05 fm 53 & usno0525 - 13747141 & b13.8 & s & a ? & * 0.1&13 41 13.3 & -31 34 54 fm 54 & gsc06726001897 & 14.58 & s & ? & ? & 13 39 42.5 & -28 8 37 fm 56 & sao181827 & 8.1 & s & a3iv & 0.16&13 38 44.5 & -27 15 35 fm 57 & sao181823 & 8.4 & s & a1v & 0.09&13 38 31.2 & -26 54 21 fm 58 & ngc5253 & 10.87 & g&im pec & 0.38&13 39 56.8 & -31 38 11 fm 59 & sao204696 & 9.59 & s & a3 & 0.35&13 39 07.3 & -30 15 30 fm 60 & sao181825 & 5.8 & s & f3v & 0.42 & 13 38 42.1 & -29 33 39 fm 61 & sao204695 & 9.37 & s & f5 & 0.38&13 39 03.6 & -30 44 53 fm 62 & sao204711 & 9.8 & s & a0 & 0.18 & 13 39 41.8 & -32 29 21 fm 63 & sao181807 & 8.6 & s & a5 & 0.17&13 37 34.8 & -27 03 31 fm 64 & sao181821 & 7.0 & s & f2iii & 0.40&13 38 23.3 & -29 50 20 fm 69 & he1334 - 2739 & 16.41 & ag & qso cand . & & 13 37 04.7 & -27 54 20 fm 70 & n5236 & 8.2 & g & sab(s)c & 0.61&13 36 58.8 & -29 51 52 fm 71 & i4293 & 13.50 & g & sa0 & * 1.5&13 36 01.7 & -25 52 53 fm 72 & sao204668 & 9.08 & s & a3 & 0.35&13 37 33.4 & -32 08 24 fm 73 & he1333 - 2853 & 15.92 & s & sda or qso cand . & & 13 36 29.5 & -29 08 53 fm 74 & hfd 118250 & 10.7 & s & a2 & 0.25&13 36 06.8 & -28 42 20 fm 75 & usno0525 - 13671585 & b13.4 & s & a ? & * 0.5&13 36 40.5 & -30 18 36 fm 76 & hfd 118350 & 9.8 & s & a0 & 0.31 & 13 36 58.8 & -32 17 38 fm 77 & sao204651 & 7.6 & s & a9v & 0.42&13 36 46.7 & -32 24 13 fm 78 & usno0600 - 09235666 & 13.7 & us & ? & * 1.1&13 35 00.6 & -26 05 32 fm 79 & sao181775 & 8.4 & s & a0 & 0.01&13 35 30.8 & -29 09 18 fm 80 & sao181779 & 8.1 & s & f2v & 0.41&13 35 41.1 & -29 22 40 fm 81 & sao181760 & 8.9 & s & m0 & 1.27&13 34 18.0 & -25 22 49 fm 82 & hfd 118147 & 10.03 & s & a3 & 0.27 & 13 35 34.3 & -31 25 26 fm 83 & hfd 118162 & 9.7 & s & a0 & 0.17 & 13 35 37.8 & -32 01 04 fm 85 & sao204623 & 6.8 & s & f0 & 0.37&13 35 12.2 & -32 12 45 fm 86 & sao204613 & 9.7 & s & f2 & 0.37&13 34 42.4 & -31 12 13 fm 87 & sao181742 & 6.9 & s & a9iv & 0.33&13 32 54.0 & -26 35 15 fm 88 & sao181749 & 8.7 & s & a2 & 0.07&13 33 09.2 & -29 17 58 fm 89 & sao181737 & 5.7 & s & a1v & 0.04&13 32 35.9 & -28 41 34 fm 90 & sao204584 & 10.2 & s & a0 & 0.01&13 33 19.7 & -31 39 13 fm 91 & sao181736 & 8.2 & s & a4v & 0.18&13 32 35.1 & -29 17 45 fm 93 & sao181735 & 6.4 & s & f5iv & 0.44&13 32 34.5&-29 33 55 fm 94 & ppm291518 & 10.49 & s & a ? & 0.20 & 13 33 06.6 & -31 47 36 fm 95 & sao181723 & 6.4 & s & a1v & 0.09&13 31 33.2 & -28 06 46 fm 96 & sao181716 & 7.5 & s & a4iv & 0.18&13 31 07.4 & -25 39 25 fm 97 & hfd 117531 & 9.70 & s & a2 & 0.27&13 31 20.8 & -27 31 46 fm 98 & tyc7269 - 1285 - 1 & 11.21 & s & ?"
] | we analyze uv observations with faust of four sky fields in the general direction of the fourth galactic quadrant , in which we detect 777 uv sources .
this is @xmath050% more than detected originally by bowyer ( 1995 ) .
we discuss the source detection process and the identification of uv sources with optical counterparts .
for the first time in this project we use ground - based objective - prism information for two of the fields , to select the best - matching optical objects with which to identify the uv sources . using this , and correlations with existing catalogs , we present reliable identifications for @xmath075% of the sources .
most of the remaining sources have assigned optical counterparts , but lacking additional information we offer only plausible identification .
we discuss the types of objects found , and compare the observed population with predictions of our uv galaxy model .
# 1#2#3#4#5#6#7 to#2 ' '' '' |
"we construct stellar mass tully - fisher and stellar mass / halo mass relation for our sample and find that there is little evolution in either from @xmath6 .",
"this paper presents the first study of the near - ir tf relation , as well as a comparison between stellar and halo masses , for 101 disk galaxies within the redshift range @xmath5 drawn mostly from the deep1 redshift survey ( vogt et al .",
"this suggests that the dark and stellar components of disk galaxies grow together during this time .",
"however , we can determine whether the disks selected from the deep1 survey in the sampled redshift range are still accreting matter and converting baryons into stellar disks at a significant rate .",
"we begin this task by investigating the evolution in the fraction of the total mass that is in a stellar form .",
"this can be accomplished with some uncertainty by contrasting the _ stellar mass _ of a galaxy with its _",
"the first step in this direction began with studies of scaling relations between the measurable properties of disk galaxies , specifically the relation between luminosity and maximum rotational velocity ( tully & fisher 1977 ) ."
"the new data we present in this paper consist of deep near - infrared observations of the deep1 extended sample .",
"briefly , galaxies were selected morphologically as elongated disks in hubble space telescope ( hst ) f814w ( i@xmath14 ) images with i@xmath15 .",
"the additional data presented in this paper , which enables stellar masses to be compared with virial masses , consists of near - infrared imaging described in @xmath132.2 .",
"precision near - infrared photometry is the critical ingredient for determining stellar masses for our sample ( brinchmann & ellis 2000 ) .",
"our sample consists of 101 galaxies , 93 of which are drawn from the deep1 survey ( see vogt et al .",
"we fit a two - component model to the surface brightness distribution , assuming a de vaucouleurs law for the bulge , and an exponential for the disk component . based on these fits , the disk scale length , r@xmath16 , and bulge - to - disk ratio ( @xmath17 )",
"the k - band @xmath29-corrections were computed from spectral energy distributions determined alongside the stellar mass fits ."
"our approach to this challenge will be to use both analytical techniques and semi - analytical simulations to investigate the relationship between the total halo mass and our dynamical and structural observables . although necessarily approximate and debatable in terms of the assumptions made , we will attempt , where possible , to investigate the uncertainties involved by contrasting the two approaches in the context of our data . for a simple virialized system , such as a circularly rotating disk , we can place constraints on the total mass within a given radius @xmath30 independent of model assumptions .",
"the models of the spectral evolution of galaxies depend both on the observed stellar libraries and underlying theory , and some fundamental uncertainties remain ( c.f .",
"the virial mass of a galaxy - that is , the combined total of the dark , stellar and gaseous components - is perhaps its most fundamental property .",
"we find that the total halo mass through eq .",
"we find that the functional form of @xmath40 does not change significantly with redshift , with typical values @xmath46 and @xmath47 .",
"1 ) , and the total mass of the halo ( m@xmath38 ) , a ratio which we call @xmath39 .",
"these models show that the relationship between the virial mass at r@xmath16 and the total halo mass changes as a function of mass in the sense that the ratio is higher for lower mass halos . physically this can be understood if high mass halos have a larger fraction of their baryonic mass in a hot gaseous phase that is not traced by the formed stellar mass ."
"in fact , the agreement between the total stellar and halo masses with the _ galform _ models is slightly better than the comparison between the stellar and virial masses with 3@xmath20r@xmath16 , which further suggests that the luminous components of disk galaxies are dominated by the stellar mass ( 4.3 ) . in summary , the fact that the ratio m@xmath56/m@xmath38 remains relatively constant in our sample with redshift , and that the stellar - mass tf relation does not evolution , are indications that disk galaxies are forming through the accretion of both dark and baryonic mass .",
", it appears that new stars form out of gas accreted from the intergalactic medium , which is coupled with dark matter at a constant ratio .",
"this baryonic to dark matter ratio is such that both m@xmath56 and m@xmath38 grow with time , creating a stellar mass to halo mass ratio that is on average relatively constant .",
"disk galaxies are undergoing star formation at @xmath3 at a rate of a few solar masses per year .",
"to investigate the implications of our results for the assembly history of stellar mass in disk galaxies since @xmath4 , we return to the behavior of the stellar fraction @xmath80 = m@xmath56(@xmath533r@xmath16)/m@xmath78(@xmath533r@xmath16 ) vs. redshift ( figure 3 ) , and the relationship between total stellar mass ( m@xmath56 ) and halo mass ( m@xmath38 ) at @xmath64 and @xmath74 ( figure 4 )",
"we find a fading of 0.04@xmath630.24 magnitudes for systems at @xmath64 compared with the @xmath60 relationship and a brightening of 0.37@xmath630.23 magnitudes for systems at @xmath65 , consistent with no evolution .",
"as galaxies in the semi - analytic models grow by accreting smaller systems , or intergalactic gas coupled with dark matter , and then converting the newly - obtained gas into stars quickly , the relationship between m@xmath56 and m@xmath38 remains constant ."
"we present the results of a dynamical and structure study of 101 disk galaxies drawn mostly from the deep1 survey with redshifts in the range @xmath820.2 - 1.2 .",
"new infrared imaging observations are presented which enable us to derive reasonably reliable stellar masses and thereby to construct the stellar mass tully - fisher relation and its redshift dependence . using various formalisms drawn from analytic and semi - analytical models , we attempt to convert our dynamical data to make the first comparisons of the relative fractions of stellar and total mass in our sample . notwithstanding the considerable uncertainties and sample incompleteness",
"our overarching conclusion from this study is that no significant evolution in the stellar mass fraction can be detected in the population of regular massive disks since @xmath821 .",
", the results are encouraging and suggest remarkably little evolution in the mix of baryons and dark matter since @xmath821 .",
"although biases and uncertain assumptions may affect detailed quantities at the @xmath92 dex level , the absence of gross trends is consistent with the conclusion that the bulk of these systems grow at @xmath3 by the accretion of dark and baryonic material .",
"the stellar fraction observed can be understood if the bulk of the baryons associated with massive disk galaxies have already formed their stars .",
"4 . although there are clearly great uncertainties in estimating total halo masses from our dynamical data , we find the distribution of the ratio of stellar and halo masses remains relatively similar from @xmath60 to @xmath12 ."
] | using a combination of keck spectroscopy and near - infrared imaging , we investigate the k - band and stellar mass tully - fisher relation for 101 disk galaxies at 0.2 @xmath01.2 , with the goal of placing the first observational constraints on the assembly history of halo and stellar mass .
our main result is a lack of evolution in either the k - band or stellar mass tully - fisher relation from @xmath1 .
furthermore , although our sample is not statistically complete , we consider it suitable for an initial investigation of how the fraction of total mass that has condensed into stars is distributed with both redshift and total halo mass .
we calculate stellar masses from optical and near - infrared photometry and total masses from maximum rotational velocities and disk scale lengths , utilizing a range of model relationships derived analytically and from simulations .
we find that the stellar / total mass distribution and stellar - mass tully - fisher relation for @xmath20.7 disks is similar to that at lower redshift , suggesting that baryonic mass is accreted by disks along with dark matter at @xmath3 , and that disk galaxy formation at @xmath3 is hierarchical in nature .
we briefly discuss the evolutionary trends expected in conventional structure formation models and the implications of extending such a study to much larger samples . |
", i will discuss the evolution of the quantum fluctuations in trapped time - dependent bose - einstein condensates .",
"it is then also possible to establish the analogy between phase fluctuations and a massless scalar field in a certain curved spacetime .",
"the bogoliubov - de gennes equation for the linear quantum fluctuations can be diagonalized by an eigenmode expansion , which will be performed in sec .",
"section [ secfieldequations ] reviews the field equations and their linearization ."
"in dimensionless units , the field operator @xmath0 of a trapped ( quasi)-@xmath1-dimensional bose - einstein condensate obeys the non - linear schrdinger field equation @xcite @xmath2 \\hat \\psi \\ , , \\label{fieldequation } \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] with @xmath1-dimensional coupling strength @xmath3 . by changing the @xmath4-wave scattering length @xmath5 through feshbach resonances @xcite or by varying the trap frequency @xmath6 ,",
"i can infer when the evolution of the order parameter @xmath25 is solely described by the scale factor @xmath8 : apart from the trivial case @xmath30 , this occurs only when the spatial derivatives can be neglected with respect to the interaction and trapping terms , @xmath31 , i.e. , in the thomas - fermi approximation .",
"density and phase of the order parameter @xmath32 then assume the form @xmath33 where the heaviside step function @xmath34 is @xmath35 for @xmath36 and @xmath37 elsewhere . in this approximation , the motion of the classical background becomes stationary and the scaled coordinates @xmath38 are co - moving with the condensate .",
"however , @xmath49 is small for @xmath50 and if @xmath51 does not change too swiftly , because an almost homogeneous phase will develop with only small deviations near the boundary of the condensate . whereas attractive @xmath52 invalidate the thomas - fermi approximation and generally @xmath53 even in the center of the trap .",
"if the scale factor @xmath8 obeys @xmath12 with @xmath13 being the initial value of the coupling strength , a scaled field equation follows @xmath14 \\hat \\psi \\ , , \\label{scaledheisenberg } \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where trapping and interaction terms have acquired the same time - dependent pre - factor @xmath15 and all other coefficients are time - independent .",
"\\label{zeta } \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] these higher orders @xmath23 must remain small in order for the mean - field expansion to be valid , i.e. , for the linearized equation to be applicable .",
"the field operator then reads @xcite @xmath9 the phase @xmath10 is chosen such as to generate an isotropic velocity field @xmath11 which ( at least partially ) describes the expansion / contraction of the condensate ."
"although @xmath68 might be employed in order to calculate the spatial correlation functions , see appendix [ secobservables ] , the use of these functions might be misleading regarding the correlations between different modes . furthermore , when probing the excitations using , e.g. , the scheme proposed in @xcite , the proper particles defined at the time of measurement will be detected and not the initial ones .",
"@xmath50 and slow variations of interaction strength @xmath81 and trap frequency @xmath6 , the order parameter phase is homogeneous except for small ripples near the boundary of the condensate such that the matrix @xmath82 is usually negligible . from the evolution equations with the initially diagonal coupling matrices ,",
"nonetheless , it is always possible to expand @xmath62 @xmath92 into bases @xmath93 , which are defined such that the coupling matrices and , cf . , become diagonal at any particular instant @xmath94 @xmath95 of course , the velocity term @xmath96 is then generally non - diagonal and the evolution equations of the different modes will not exactly decouple at this particular instant @xmath94 .",
"usually , these two bases are neither orthogonal nor normalized , , but instead can be chosen to be dual to each other @xmath69 note that this condition does not fix the norm of @xmath68 but still permits the multiplication by an arbitrary factor , @xmath70 and @xmath71 .",
"this leads to the expansions @xcite ( i will adopt the sum convention throughout this article for brevity ; any indices appearing only on one side of the equation are to be summed ) @xmath65 of @xmath62 into different eigenmode bases @xmath66 and @xmath67 , see appendix [ appeigenmodes ] for more details on how to obtain @xmath68 ."
"some of the numerical difficulties can be circumvent by adopting the thomas - fermi profile , where density and phase of the background become time - independent ( in the coordinates @xmath38 ) and thus require the calculation of the coupling matrices only once . despite some shortcomings regarding the dynamics of the order parameter , this approximation is usually applicable for repulsive interactions and in the center of the trap , but becomes inaccurate towards the surface of the condensate , where the quantum pressure @xmath100 is relevant . within the thomas - fermi approximation , the coordinate transformation @xmath101 associated with the scaling transformation",
"sonic analogs of horizons @xcite are of particular interest for the study of non - equilibrium effects , because they give a rough estimate whether and when adiabaticity will be violated and the ( quantum ) fluctuations freeze and get amplified , i.e. , ( quasi-)particle production occurs . an effective particle horizon occurs , if a phonon emitted at a time @xmath130 can only travel a finite ( co - moving ) distance , i.e. , if the integral @xmath131 converges to a finite value @xmath132 for @xmath133 .",
"] the analogy is not restricted to the evolution equations in mode expansion but applies in the low - energy limit of the field equations as well : within the thomas - fermi approximation , @xmath127 for @xmath117 and @xmath61 , and for low excitations , @xmath128 , the phase fluctuations obey a second - order field equation @xcite @xmath129 \\delta\\hat\\phi \\ , = \\ , 0 \\ , , \\label{effkfg } \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] which is similar to that of a minimally coupled scalar field in a friedman - lematre - robertson - walker spacetime .",
". reads @xmath141 \\delta\\hat\\varrho_n \\ , = \\ , 0 \\ , , \\label{effkfgdensitymodet } \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] which is the evolution equation of a damped harmonic oscillator with time - dependent coefficients @xmath142 and @xmath143 initially , when @xmath59 , the field modes perform free oscillations . upon the gradual increase of the damping term @xmath144 with respect to the oscillation frequencies @xmath145 , the non - adiabatic evolution of the quantum fluctuations slowly sets in , until they finally freeze and get amplified when both terms , @xmath142 and @xmath145 are of the same order @xcite .",
"experiments are usually performed in the laboratory and thus the variations of trap frequency @xmath138 and coupling strength @xmath139 are prescribed in laboratory time @xmath140 . since @xmath137 is a complicated function of @xmath140 , it is not quite obvious whether or not the quantum fluctuations will experience non - adiabatic evolution for a given modulation of @xmath6 or @xmath81 . in laboratory time",
"the external variation of trap frequency @xmath6 and coupling strength @xmath81 is solely encoded in the scale factor @xmath8 and the scalar function @xmath111 . note also that the coefficients and thus also the evolution equations for the fluctuations are independent of the initial coupling strength @xmath13 ."
", i will adopt in this section the thomas - fermi approximation for the order parameter but will permit arbitrary energies for the excitations .",
"the simplest application of the presented formalism consists in a quasi - one - dimensional condensate . in highly anisotropic traps , where the perpendicular trap frequency @xmath173 is much larger than the chemical potential , the motion in the perpendicular directions",
", i will consider the evolution equation of the density fluctuations @xmath197 @xmath198 \\hat x_n^+ \\ , = \\ , 0 \\ , , \\label{densitysweepeom } \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath199 .",
"calculated using 100 harmonic oscillator basis functions .",
", for very large chemical potentials , @xmath176 , the thomas - fermi approximation becomes exact .",
"in particular , eq ."
"the main objective of this article was the investigation of quantum fluctuations in time - dependent harmonically - trapped bose - einstein condensates with repulsive interactions . to this end , the linear fluctuations were expanded into their initial eigenmodes and the field equations were diagonalized . this diagonal form",
"the amplification and freezing of the fluctuations and also the coupling of different modes was illustrated in an example , where the trap frequency and interaction strength were exponentially ramped down such that the shape of the condensate remains constant .",
"the inversion of the occupation number in the next two modes could be attributed to the inter - mode coupling : although the third excitation , @xmath219 , experiences a much briefer period of non - adiabatic evolution than the second mode , @xmath220 , only the former couples to the lowest mode , @xmath216 , and gets populated from it .",
"it turned out that the sole variation of the interaction coefficient @xmath81 in a smooth monotonic way is hardly sufficient to render the evolution of the quantum fluctuations non - adiabatic , since the expansion / contraction of the background might compensate for changes of @xmath139 such that the sound velocity ( in comoving coordinates ) remains constant .",
"breathing oscillations of the background , excited , e.g. , by the sudden change of the interaction coefficient @xmath139 , might still yield a notable amount of quasi - particles . and secondly , if the excitation energy is of the same order as the chemical potential , different quasi - particle modes couple .",
"two regimes were identified : firstly , for energies much smaller than the chemical potential , the coupling of different modes is negligible and an effective space - time metric might be introduced for the phase fluctuations .",
"for the considered parameters , a quasi - particle number of 0.5 was obtained in the lowest mode , though higher occupation numbers could be achieved by faster sweep rates or starting with a higher chemical potential ."
"therefore , i will not discuss this case any further . ) with the @xmath249 forming a basis of @xmath227 , there must exist a dual basis @xmath250 in the space of linear functionals ( the dual ) on @xmath227 , which obeys @xmath251 [ roughly speaking , the elements of @xmath227 become column vectors in the basis expansion , whereas row vectors correspond to the functionals on @xmath227 , i.e. , the elements of the dual . since the eigenvectors @xmath248 form a basis , the matrix with the @xmath248 as columns must be invertible .",
"the initial evolution equations can be diagonalized by multiplication with the left eigenvectors @xmath272 which leads to the definition of the density and phase fluctuation eigenmodes @xmath224 through @xmath273 where the spatial mode functions @xmath274 follow from comparison of eqs . with and the duality of the @xmath270 and @xmath271 implies eq . for the @xmath68",
"the aim of this appendix is the derivation of the initial eigenfunctions @xmath68 of density and phase fluctuations . to this end , let me expand the field operator into any orthonormal basis @xmath226 of the underlying hilbert space @xmath227 with some operator - valued coefficients @xmath228 @xmath229 lower - case greek indices ( @xmath230 , @xmath231 , ... ) shall denote the components in this arbitrary basis , while lower - case latin indices ( @xmath232 , @xmath213 , ... ) label the initial eigenmodes .",
"( as can be easily verified , the components of the eigenvectors @xmath270 and @xmath271 must be real - valued as well . ) nonetheless , complex eigenvalues might still occur in dynamical situations , e.g. , during the signature change event proposed in @xcite or during ( quantum ) phase transitions @xcite ( see also ref .",
"if the condensate is initially at rest , the scale factor and the phase of the order parameter is homogenous @xmath233 such that @xmath61 and thus @xmath234 , cf .. the evolution equations simplify considerably and can be expanded into the basis @xmath235 .",
"with @xmath252 from the left and summation over @xmath230 follows @xmath253 which , because @xmath254 is a basis , implies that the @xmath255 are the left eigenvectors of @xmath256 with the same eigenvalues @xmath257 @xmath258 transposition yields @xmath259 i.e. , the eigenvalue equation of @xmath245 , cf . .",
"from eqs . , i obtain second - order evolution equations for phase and density fluctuations @xmath241 which can be diagonalized by a transformation to the eigenvectors . because the matrix @xmath242 is not"
"another interesting aspect regards the scaling of the correlation functions and with the interaction strength : within the thomas - fermi approximation , see sec .",
"hence , the relative density - density and phase - phase correlations in the thomas - fermi approximation are both proportional to @xmath13 for fixed @xmath179 .",
"all properties of the linear excitations are determined by the chemical potential @xmath179 and the variations @xmath320 and @xmath321 , in particular the expectation values @xmath322 .",
"[ sectf ] , the evolution equations are independent of @xmath13 .",
"for instance , the adiabatic density - density and phase - phase correlations of a particular mode read @xmath302 the dependence on the factor @xmath280 becomes important regarding the low excitations in the thomas - fermi approximation , cf ."
] | quantum fluctuations in time - dependent , harmonically - trapped bose - einstein condensates are studied within bogoliubov theory .
an eigenmode expansion of the linear field operators permits the diagonalization of the bogoliubov - de gennes equation for a stationary condensate .
when trap frequency or interaction strength are varied , the inhomogeneity of the background gives rise to off - diagonal coupling terms between different modes .
this coupling is negligible for low energies , i.e. , in the hydrodynamic regime , and an effective space - time metric can be introduced .
the influence of the inter - mode coupling will be demonstrated in an example , where i calculate the quasi - particle number for a quasi - one - dimensional bose - einstein condensate subject to an exponential sweep of interaction strength and trap frequency . |
"we consider the entire sample of known neutron stars with well - measured masses .",
"we find that the mass distribution is most compatible with the existence of two distinct populations , a higher - mass ( @xmath0@xmath4 and a lower - mass ( @xmath0@xmath5 ) population .",
"we compare and contrast the two principal channels for the production of neutron stars : e - capture supernovae and fe core - collapse supernovae . the current sample of 14 well - measured neutron stars is presented and discussed in 3 ; these all have mass uncertainties of @xmath6 . in ",
"we interpret these two populations to be the result of distinct evolutionary formation scenarios : the low - mass population originates in electron - capture sne and has received low kicks , while the high - mass population is the result of iron core collapse sne . in 2",
"4 we perform some statistical tests which provide support for the hypothesis that there are two parent populations of pre - collapse core masses . we carry out a simple population synthesis study in 5 of the expected eccentricity distributions for e - capture and fe core - collapse sne , using their different anticipated core masses and natal kick speed distributions . in 6 , we attempt to fit the observed systems with well determined neutron star masses into the two principal evolutionary scenarios : the `` standard '' channel and the double - core channel ."
"thus , the distribution of post - supernova neutron star masses directly constrains not only the equation of state , but also the properties of successful supernova explosions .",
"neutron stars are believed to form through two main evolutionary channels : iron core collapse and electron - capture supernovae .",
"lll[h ] & & + explosion energy & @xmath12ergs & @xmath13ergs + ejecta & rich in heavy elements & few heavy elements + & ( fe , si , o ) & + & & + _ neutron star properties _ & & + masses & range of masses & characteristic mass + & & @xmath14 + neutron star kick & large standard kick & low kick + & ( @xmath15kms@xmath16 ) & + & & + _ binary properties _ & & + occurrence & single or binaries & preferentially + & & in binaries + eccentricity & high & low + recycled pulsar spin & mis - aligned with orbit & aligned with orbit + & ( e.g. geodetic precession ) & + table 1 summarizes the main differences in neutron - star and supernova properties for these two channels .",
"hence , successful iron - core collapse supernovae are expected to have explosion energies close to this characteristic energy .",
"if the iron core mass is too large , the explosion mechanism fails and the core collapses to a black hole . in the presently most popular paradigm of delayed neutrino - driven explosions ( see , e.g. , * ? ? ?"
"the majority of these ( twelve ) are from double neutron star systems ; two are in binary systems with suspected white dwarf companions .",
"a histogram of the measured gravitational masses is shown in the top panel of lcccccc[hb ] [ tbl : nsmass ] the rapidly rotating pulsars have likely been spun up by the accretion of a small to modest amount of matter ( @xmath17 ) .",
"the higher of these two mass groups is suggestive of an origin in an fe core collapse sn , while the lower of the two groups likely comes from electron - capture sn events .",
"as the equation of state remains theoretically uncertain , we calculated the corrections for each of the equations of state collected in @xcite . within this collection , the correction to the mass of a 1.25 @xmath2 neutron star varied over the range @xmath19 @xmath2 .",
"one can see from figure [ fig : hist ] that there are two apparent populations of neutron star mass : one centered at @xmath0@xmath20 and @xmath0@xmath21 ( post collapse ) and @xmath0@xmath22 and @xmath0@xmath23 ( pre - collapse for the assumed `` mpa '' neutron - star equation of state ) .",
"we have verified that for a range of plausible equations of state for neutron star matter , more sophisticated treatments lead to accreted ( gravitational ) masses that differ from our simple model by less than @xmath010% ( see , e.g. , @xcite ) .",
"we correct for this effect by subtracting the mass which would be necessary to spin up the star , treating it as a classical uniform - density sphere accreting from a disk that extends down to its surface .",
"note the high degree of similarity of this histogram with that for the uncorrected masses ; the maximum mass correction for any one neutron star is @xmath00.07 @xmath2 ( for j1909 - 3744 ) ."
"lllll i & fe core collapse + fe core collapse & possible & probable & yes + & & & & + ii & e - capture + fe core collapse & most favored & inconsistent & no + & & & & + iii & fe core collapse + e - capture & possible & probable & yes + & & & & + iv & e - capture + e - capture & possible & some fine tuning & no + [ tbl : order ]",
"the first test we perform is for normality , checking whether the distribution is consistent with a single gaussian which has the mean and standard deviation of the observed populations . the cumulative distribution for the observed neutron stars is shown in figure [ fig : nsdist ] as filled circles connected by a dashed histogram .",
"while these statistical tests and fits do not , by themselves , constitute a proof of two populations , coupled with the other pieces of evidence ( i.e. , appropriate system eccentricities and theoretically expected masses for e - capture sne ) , they do lend support for the hypothesis of two populations .",
"we were not able to reject this hypothesis of a single gaussian mass distribution with a ks test , but were able to marginally reject it at the 70% confidence level with the ad test .",
"as can be seen from the cumulative distribution for the double gaussian , the fit is very good , compared to a single gaussian with the population mean and standard deviation .",
"the amplitudes of the two gaussians are , as expected , reflective of the fact that 4 of the 14 neutron stars are in the lower - mass group .",
"the cumulative distribution for the single gaussian described by a mean mass of @xmath24 and standard deviation of @xmath25 is shown as the blue curve in figure [ fig : nsdist ] ."
"in order to illustrate what the eccentricity distributions of e - capture vs. fe core collapse sne might look like , we carried out the following simple statistical study . in all cases , we assume that the _ second _ sn explosion takes place with a he or co core in a circular orbit with the first - born neutron star .",
"the orbit is assumed to have been circularized during a prior episode when the evolving core expands sufficiently to transfer at least a small amount of mass to the first - born neutron star , thereby spinning it up to millisecond rotation periods . the orbital separation at the time of the second sn explosion is taken to be uniformly distributed over the range @xmath33 times the orbital separation needed for the he or co core to fill its roche lobe ( a result expected from more detailed population synthesis calculations , e.g. , @xcite ) .",
"note that in the latter case the eccentricity distribution is rather broad ( in fact some @xmath060% of the systems become unbound ) while for the e - capture events the eccentricity distribution peaks at @xmath36 , and extends down to rather low values of @xmath37 .",
"in fact , we observe that these two distinct distributions are rather consistent , respectively , with the three cases we tentatively identify with e - capture sne and those three with higher eccentricities that we associate with fe core collapse sne .",
"the above assumptions should hold for both the standard formation channel as well as for the double - core channel . for each scenario , the initial system parameters ( i.e.",
"we take the core mass to be in the range @xmath31 for the e - capture scenario and @xmath32 for the fe core collapse scenario ( e.g. , * ? ? ?",
"finally , the natal kick distribution is taken to be a maxwellian with @xmath34 equal to either 30 km s@xmath16 or 265 km s@xmath16 , for the e - capture and fe core collapse scenarios , respectively ( e.g. , * ? ? ?"
"there are two main scenarios for the formation of double neutron star systems .",
"* fig.1 ) the various possible orderings for the different core - collapse mechanisms for the two neutron stars in the standard scenario are summarized in table [ tbl : order ] , along with some qualitative comments on the likelihood of each . in particular , in a recent detailed population synthesis study of dnss , which included both the standard and the double - core channel , @xcite predicted that category ii systems should be by far the most dominant systems . from the above discussion and the notes in table [ tbl : order ] , we would expect double neutron stars formed via the standard scenario to consist of a recycled pulsar with a mass indicative of an e - capture sn formation ( categories ii and iv ; i.e. , @xmath0 @xmath11 ) . moreover , if the orbital eccentricities are low , then both neutron stars would most likely be formed via e - capture sne ( i.e. , category iv ) .",
"one of the neutron star white dwarf systems ( j1141 - 6545 ) has a significant eccentricity of 0.17 and a lower - mass neutron star .",
"* ) . after the formation of the first neutron star",
"sn would depend on the original mass of the secondary star and the orbital period after the first neutron star has been formed .",
"this double - core scenario is consistent with the data for the six neutron star binaries .",
"three of them have higher orbital eccentricities , @xmath42 , with both neutron stars in the system having masses consistent with fe core - collapse supernovae ( category i ) ."
"we have shown that the population of 14 well - measured neutron - star masses is consistent with being comprised of a subset of four that were likely the result of electron - capture sne , while the others resulted from fe - core collapse sne .",
"the remaining 10 neutron stars have larger masses ( @xmath0@xmath46 ) more indicative of fe core - collapse sne ; in the systems where these more massive neutron stars formed second , larger orbital eccentricies are observed , consistent with a larger natal kick . we discussed four categories of formation scenarios for producing neutron stars in close binaries , especially double neutron stars .",
"the lower neutron star masses ( @xmath0@xmath11 ) of the four candidate electron - capture sne and relatively low orbital eccentricities ( @xmath45 ) of the systems that contain them are both good indicators of this type of formation mechanism .",
"the evidence that we have presented and examined seems to favor category i ( both the young and the recycled ns are higher - mass ) and category iii ( a recycled higher - mass ns and a young lower - mass ns ) , both forming via the double - core channel ( see table [ tbl : order ] ) . if our interpretation of the neutron star mass data is correct , i.e. , that the double - core channel is the preferred scenario for producing double neutron stars , this has profound implications for the fate of neutron stars within a common envelope .",
"these include the possibilities that ( i ) either the first or second neutron star was formed via an fe core collapse sn and ( ii ) that either neutron star might have been formed in an electron - capture sn .",
"none of the observed systems falls into categories ii or iv , because the recycled pulsar is never the lower - mass product of an e - capture supernovae . for producing double neutron star systems",
"any of these four possibilities could be connected with either the `` standard scenario '' , in which a common envelope phase occurs only _ after _ the first sn explosion , or with the so - called `` double - core '' scenario , wherein both comparably massed primordial stars are simultaneously stripped of their envelopes ."
] | we use a collection of 14 well - measured neutron star masses to strengthen the case that a substantial fraction of these neutron stars was formed via electron - capture supernovae ( sne ) as opposed to fe - core collapse sne .
the e - capture sne are characterized by lower resultant gravitational masses and smaller natal kicks , leading to lower orbital eccentricities when the e - capture sn has led to the formation of the second neutron star in a binary system .
based on the measured masses and eccentricities , we identify four neutron stars , which have a mean post - collapse gravitational mass of @xmath0@xmath1 @xmath2 , as the product of e - capture sne .
we associate the remaining ten neutron stars , which have a mean mass of @xmath01.35 @xmath2 , with fe - core collapse sne .
if the e - capture supernova occurs during the formation of the first neutron star , then this should substantially increase the formation probability for double neutron stars , given that more systems will remain bound with the smaller kicks .
however , this does not appear to be the case for any of the observed systems , and we discuss possible reasons for this . |
"i.e. _ lm , with an interaction quench , and calculate the loschmidt echo ; within the central spin model , where a qubit is coupled to a quantum many body system , the le measures the decoherence of the qubit @xcite . in section [ adiasudsec ] , we reproduce the limiting behaviour of the le for sudden ( @xmath1 ) and adiabatic quench ( @xmath2 ) , where we also argue that the result in the adiabatic case can also be interpreted by visualizing an adiabatic quench as a process that leads to the formation of an interacting luttinger liquid from a non interacting 1d system . in section [ quenchsec ]",
", we study the le for a finite time linear interaction quench a. ) within a perturbation scheme with quench amplitude ( or the change in the interaction strength ) as the small parameter and b. ) numerically . in section [ lelimits ]",
", we analyze the le in various limits , particularly focussing on the early time ( immediately after quench ) and asymptotic ( @xmath11 ) behaviour both for small and large @xmath0 and discuss alternate scaling arguments in a more general context .",
"[ model ] , we introduce the model hamiltonian , _",
"we focus on a paradigmatic one dimensional interacting system with a gapless phase , namely the luttinger model @xcite ( lm ) which is characterized by bosonic collective modes as elementary excitations ."
"this has been calculated for a spin - less luttinger model in ref . [ ] , and is expressed in terms of the time dependent coefficients @xmath51 $ ] as , ( t)= . [ le ] in subsequent sections , we solve eq . to obtain @xmath51 $ ] and hence the le in different situations .",
"the quench in the interaction parameter is described by incorporating an additional time dependent term in the hamiltonian [ eq . ] h=_q0[b_qb_-q+b_q^b_-q^ ] , where @xmath34 , and @xmath35 is the quench protocol satisfying @xmath36 and @xmath37 ; the cases @xmath38 and @xmath2 refer to the sudden and adiabatic quenching schemes , respectively .",
"also , the operators @xmath46 and @xmath47 , appearing on the right hand side of eq . defined , at time @xmath48 , refer to non - interacting bogoliubov bosons describing the initial hamiltonian in eq .. using eqs.- , we obtain coupled differential equations for the coefficients @xmath43 and @xmath44 , satisfying i _",
"[ eq.1 ] here , @xmath14 is the ` linearized ' excitation spectrum of the non - interacting bosons , @xmath15 is the initial interaction strength , and @xmath16 is the creation ( annihilation ) operator describing the bosonic density excitations .",
"the time dependent hamiltonian ( @xmath39 ) , can now be recast in terms of the @xmath32 bosons using the standard bogoliubov transformation ( @xmath40 ) to the form : h(t)=_i+_q0\\{(v_i -)|q| _ q^_q+ . + .+|q|[_q _ -q",
"the low energy properties of interacting 1d bosons or that of spin chains can be described in terms of bosonic sound like excitations , in the lm .",
", one can find the le or the overlap of wave functions time evolved from the initial ground state with the hamiltonian @xmath30 and the time dependent hamiltonian @xmath50 [ eq .",
"to study the dynamics of the lm , we quench the interaction strength from an initial value @xmath15 to a final value @xmath33 within a quench time @xmath0 ."
"[ ad2 ] after the quench , @xmath74 as the interaction parameter is no longer changing and there is no mixing of the @xmath75 modes [ see eq . ] , and this leads to eq .. we note in passing that the argument presented above is also consistent with the idea behind the ` formation ' of an interacting luttinger liquid state starting from an initial non - interacting state , @xmath76 , by adiabatically switching on the interactions .",
"clearly the adiabatic le simply measures the overlap of the ground state of initial and final hamiltonians implying that in the adiabatic limit the system is always in its instantaneous ground state which can be viewed as the ground state of an instantaneous lm with a time dependent effective interaction parameter k(t ) = .",
"sq(t ) .[sud1 ] we note that this is the usual gaussian decay of a le expected ( from a perturbation theory point of view ) for a sudden quench @xcite . in the large time limit ( @xmath83 ) , on the other hand , one can neglect a small oscillating term with decaying amplitude ( as @xmath84 increases ) , to obtain a simplified time independent form of the echo , _",
"we reiterate that we are varying the interaction strength from @xmath15 to @xmath33 in a finite interval of time @xmath0 ; @xmath2 ( @xmath38 ) limit correspond to the adiabatic ( sudden ) case . for convenience , let us also define the final renormalized velocity , @xmath52 , and the final dispersion relation , @xmath53 . in the adiabatic limit , after the quench ( @xmath54 , _",
"and the separation between any two wave vectors is @xmath63 , the exponent @xmath64 , appearing in the loschmidt echo , just represents the number of wave vectors appearing in the sum of eq .. the soft cutoff @xmath62 arises , naturally when any finite size physical system is mapped to the luttinger model .",
"@xmath62 is a non - universal and model - dependent short distance cutoff ( inverse of the ultraviolet cutoff ) which is used for the regularization of divergences in the luttinger model . since @xmath61 is a measure of the maximum wave vector included in the sum of eq . ,"
"the damped oscillatory nature of the le , and its saturation to an asymptotic constant value with time , are characteristics of the le that has also been observed following a linear quench across the qcp of a transverse ising chain @xcite .",
"we emphasize that the @xmath98 limit happens to be analogous to the adiabatic quench regime of @xmath2 , as only the combination of @xmath99 appears in eq .. we now find the perturbative solutions of eq . [ or equivalently eq . ] , with the boundary conditions @xmath100 = [ 1,0]$ ] , in terms of the small interaction parameter , _",
". provides the perturbative solution of @xmath44 ( which in fact yields the number of excited states with respect to the vacuum of the @xmath116 bosons generated during the quenching process ) in powers of @xmath97 , for finite @xmath0 at all times and appropriately reduces to the sudden and adiabatic quench limits .",
"the above expression provides a generic form of the le as a function of @xmath0 and @xmath84 which will be used extensively in the subsequent calculations . in the adiabatic quench case ( @xmath2 ) , only the first term in the exponential of eq",
"in this section we focus on the interaction quench in a lm from an initial value @xmath15 to a final value @xmath33 introduced over a finite interval time @xmath0 using the quenching protocol , @xmath92 we use eq . which can be decoupled in different regimes . for all quenching schemes ,",
"aq(t ) & = & , and [ lepertaq1 ] + _ sq(t ) & = & . [ lepertsq1 ] which satisfy the correspondence @xmath86 established for an arbitrary value of @xmath97 @xcite . in fig.[leplot1 ] , we plot the temporal evolution of the le for a fast quench , with @xmath122 , obtained both numerically and analytically for small @xmath97 .",
"however , we also consider the case when the change in the interaction parameter @xmath97 is small and employ a perturbative expansion in @xmath98 , to gain insight of the time - evolution of the le following a linear quench ."
"the corrections to the early time behaviour of the le due to a finite quench rate , primarily arise due to the fact that the state from which the early time behaviour is observed , _ i.e. _ @xmath136 , is neither a ground state of the initial hamiltonian , nor of the final hamiltonian . in general",
"lets assume a parameter @xmath147 of a @xmath148-dimensional hamiltonian is driven as @xmath149 within the gapless phase with quasiparticle energy dispersion as @xmath150 , where @xmath151 is the dynamical critical exponent . when the dynamics is adiabatic , the excitation to higher energy state becomes suppressed when the rate of change of @xmath147 is small compared to the internal time scale , _",
"but when lm is being quenched through a finite driving rate @xmath145 , the infinite time expressions of le , for a fast and a slow quenching scheme , is modified in a relevant way . the ground state conjecture does not hold true for a finite @xmath0 .",
"[ aqtfle ] we emphasise that , for a finite quench rate , we find that the correction to the early time behaviour of the le , after a slow quench , shows a linear exponential decay in time .",
"this actually leads to the difference in the early time behaviour both in the large @xmath0 and small @xmath0 limits , manifested in eqs . - . , in units of @xmath64 , in the early time limit as a function of @xmath0 .",
"in particular , we will be interested in the corrections to the le in the sudden and the adiabatic limits . to find the early time limit after the quench , _",
"the first term corresponds to the expected gaussian decay of the le , with a decay constant independent of @xmath0 , which is a generic feature of the le following a quench @xcite . on the other hand ,"
"in this manuscript , we have studied the dynamics of a luttinger model following an interaction quench when the quench is applied over a finite duration @xmath0 . the loschmidt echo for a finite time linear interaction quench",
"is studied in both large @xmath0 and small @xmath0 limits . in particular , we reproduce the results for the adiabatic and sudden quench limits derived earlier @xcite , and using perturbative solutions we estimate the corrections to both these limiting situations in the early time limit as well as the infinite time limit .",
"we also compare the perturbative results with the exact numerical ones , and obtain a reasonably good agreement between them .",
"let us summarize the interesting findings of our study : we find that the correction terms scales as @xmath145 in the large @xmath0 limit and as @xmath139 in the @xmath1 limit which show up both in the early time and the large time behaviour ."
] | we analyze the dynamics of a luttinger model following a quench in the electron - electron interaction strength , where the change in the interaction strength occurs over a finite time scale @xmath0 .
we study the loschmidt echo ( the overlap between the initial and final state ) as a function of time , both numerically and within a perturbation scheme , treating the change in the interaction strength as a small parameter , for all @xmath0 .
we derive the corrections appearing in , a. ) the loschmidt echo for a finite quench duration @xmath0 , b. ) the scaling of the echo following a sudden ( @xmath1 ) quench , and c. ) the scaling of the echo after an adiabatic ( @xmath2 ) quench .
we study in detail , the limiting cases of the echo in the early time and infinite time limit , and provide scaling arguments to understand these in a general context .
we also show that our perturbative results are in good agreement with the exact numerical ones . |
"reported here , atom cloud density enhancement techniques for a sample of laser - cooled @xmath0rb atoms are studied in order to increase the fluorescence and/or absorption signals obtainable with onfs . the density of atoms in a standard magneto - optical trap ( mot ) is limited to @xmath6 atoms/@xmath7 for two reasons .",
"this leads to the potential demonstration of non - linear optical effects in the atom cloud without requiring high laser powers .",
"_ @xcite . in the work",
"a review on recent advances in this field is contained in morrissey _",
"a number of proposals for trapping neutral atoms around onfs have been made @xcite and two - colour trapping of caesium has been achieved @xcite ."
"fluorescence emitted from the laser - cooled atoms couples into the guided modes of the onf and is subsequently measured at one fibre pigtail end using a single photon counting module ( spcm ) .",
"alternatively , @xmath5 can be estimated from the magnitude of observed absorption dips if free - space spectroscopy is performed .",
"the use of depump beam accelerates ground state pumping of atoms .",
"energy levels used in the dark mot for @xmath0rb . `",
"et al . _ used a technique of partially blocking the repump beam to create a low repump intensity region at the centre surrounded by a higher repump intensity , and directed a depump beam to the dark region to increase the rate of decay to the dark ground state .",
"_ @xcite demonstrated atom densities of nearly @xmath10 @xmath11 in a dark mot for caesium ."
"however , these two sets of data are not sufficient to determine the population of each ground state or the darkness of the dmot . to determine the value of @xmath5 with the spcm and onf two sets of data must be recorded and analyzed , as described in the following section . loading curves for a bmot ( red , upper ) and a dmot ( black , lower ) .",
"the value for @xmath5 is determined as @xmath10.10 in the dmot without the depumper . however , with the inclusion of the depumper the dark mot is improved and a value of @xmath23 is obtained . florescence count rate coupled into the onf for : ( a ) a dmot created with a doughnut repump beam and no depump light , ( b ) a dmot created with a doughnut repump beam and the depump beam .",
"the red ( black ) data points show the trend in loading rates for the bmot ( dmot ) while varying the cooling laser intensity per mot beam , @xmath35 . as the doughnut repump beam and the depumper do not help the loading process , the loading rates for the dmot are lower than those of the bmot .",
"the spikes in fluorescence occurring at 1 hz ( for 100 ms duration ) are due to simultaneously switching off the depumper and switching on the probe beam for detection purposes . as discussed previously , these conditions ( depumper off and probe on ) recreate the conditions for a bmot and provide a measurement of the denominator of @xmath5 .",
"there is a higher population in the @xmath4 lower hyperfine level for the dmot compared to the bmot.,width=566 ] by using beam stops to block and unblock the depump beam and/or the probe beam , different populations of atoms can be studied using an onf . to fabricate the onf , a heat - and - pull - technique",
", the dmot has been created with the doughnut repump beam only ( no depump light has been used).,width=453 ] \\(a ) shows the fluorescence count rate through the fibre for a dmot created with a doughnut repump beam ( and no depumping beam ) . the black , vertical line at @xmath17.5 s indicates the point at which the magnetic field is switched on to allow the dmot to load .",
"it is evident that the magnitude of the @xmath20 dips has doubled for the dmot compared to the bmot , while the magnitude of the @xmath21 dips has approximately halved , indicating a clear enhancement of the atom population in the @xmath4 hyperfine level for the dmot compared to the bmot .",
"the fluorescence level increases from 125 counts/2 ms ( indicated by the red line that shows the background light coupling into the fibre ) to @xmath1275 counts/2 ms due to the residual bright atoms in the dmot . in other words , the @xmath3 atoms contribute @xmath1150 counts/2 ms to the signal ."
"this work examined the implementation of a dmot in order to circumvent the density - limitations of a bmot . for `` atom - nanofibre '' experiments ,",
"this alternative technique for measurement of dmot parameters using an onf has the advantage that it can be used to probe different local regions of a dmot .",
"can be enhanced as number of atoms in the evanescent field region is increased .",
"the variation in dmot loading rate , @xmath28 , for changing @xmath5 was measured via the onf , with the lowest values of @xmath28 obtained for the darkest dmots as expected .",
"a density improvement is critical to achieve high optical densities , thereby allowing demonstrations of nonlinear effects such as electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light @xcite .",
"for example , the loss of dark state cold atoms due to collisions around the central region and near the interface between bright and dark regions of a dmot can be studied using an onf ."
"08/era / i1761 through the nanosci- e+ transnational programme , nois , and oist graduate university .",
"this work was supported by science foundation ireland under grant no .",
"lr acknowledges support from ircset through the embark initiative ."
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"exp . _ * 15 * 5431 morrissey m j , deasy k , wu y , chakrabarti s and nic chormaic s 2009 tapered optical fibers as tools for probing magneto - optical trap characteristics 053102 russell l , deasy k , daly m j , morrissey m j and nic chormaic s 2012 sub - doppler temperature measurements of laser - cooled atoms using optical nanofibres 015201 russell l , kumar r , tiwari v b and nic chormaic s 2013 measurements on release - recapture of cold @xmath0rb atoms using an optical nanofiber in a magneto - optical trap _ opt ."
] | we report here measurements on a dark magneto - optical trap ( dmot ) of @xmath0rb atoms using an optical nanofibre ( onf ) with a waist of @xmath1 1 @xmath2 m .
the dmot is created using a doughnut - shaped repump beam along with a depump beam for efficient transfer of cold atoms from the bright hyperfine ground state ( @xmath3 ) into the dark hyperfine ground state ( @xmath4 ) .
the fluorescence from the cold @xmath0rb atoms of the dmot is detected by coupling it into the fibre - guided modes of the onf .
the measured fractional population of cold atoms in the bright hyperfine ground state ( @xmath5 ) is as low as @xmath10.04 .
the dependence of loading rate of dmot on cooling laser intensity is investigated and also compared with the loading rate of a bright - mot ( bmot ) .
this work lays the foundation for the use of an onf for probing of a small number of atoms in an optically - dense cold atomic cloud .
_ keywords _ : laser - cooling , dark mot , rubidium , tapered optical fibre , optical nanofibre , atom cloud density |
"as we probe fainter dwarf galaxies , we also probe fainter surface brightnesses which introduce significant surface - brightness selection effects .",
"the classical picture of the dependence of the luminosity function ( lf ) on environment is that richer environments have steeper faint - end slopes .",
"the range of measured slopes , using @xmath1 of the schechter ( 1976 ) formalism , was considered to vary from @xmath2 in rich clusters to @xmath3 for the low - density field .",
", there have a been a number of observational constraints on determining the lf to dwarf luminosities of @xmath5 , where this steepening occurs .",
"this has often led to a trade - off in group and cluster studies between the distance of a galaxy sample ( and thus the limiting magnitude ) and angular sky coverage , as the nearer groups and clusters cover substantial and almost unwieldy fractions of the sky .",
"as the lfs are superpositions of the lfs of individual morphological types , this suggests that dwarf galaxies contribute a larger fraction by luminosity in denser environments . yet"
"with our @xmath7-band survey of the leo i group , we probe a nearby poor group to observational limits approaching those of the lg .",
"leo i is a poor group at a distance of 10 mpc and contains ngc 3379 as a member .",
"we mask our image of high - surface - brightness features , and then convolve it with a filter of the shape and size we expect for dwarf galaxies at 10 mpc . in figure 1a , we show an example of a dwarf in our sample that is not detected by our traditional method . in the central panel , we show the masked image , and in the right panel , the same image convolved with a 5@xmath14 exponential kernel .",
"finally , we have developed a detection technique that optimizes detection of very low - surface - brightness ( lsb ) dwarfs , extending our survey to both faint luminosities and faint surface brightnesses which approach the limits measured in the local group .",
"thus , we have @xmath7-band imaging of over seven square degrees in leo i with the advantage of the linear response of ccds .",
"first , our imaging survey uses the kpno 0.9m+mosaic , which has a 59@xmath12@xmath1359@xmath12 field of view with eight mosaiced ccds .",
"first we use the traditional method of standard sextractor detection to find high - surface - brightness ( hsb ) objects ."
"we estimate that with flatter data , we could extend our method one magnitude in total magnitude and two magnitudes in central surface brightness . yet , even with these limitations , we find that at the 90% completeness level we can find dwarfs similar to antlia and sculptor , and at the 50% completeness level , dwarfs similar to tucana and leo ii ( flint et al .",
"an advantage of our detection procedure is that it is completely automated ; thus , we can run extensive montecarlo simulations to tune our detection parameters , quantify our completeness , and calculate our errors in measuring photometric parameters .",
"while we do nt detect dwarfs like draco and ursa minor , we find that without our optimized method , we would only detect objects with @xmath17 and so would miss dwarfs like and ii and fainter .",
"our simulations for one field are shown in figure 2 , where the greyscale indicates recovery fractions of 90% ( darkest ) , 70% , 50% , 30% , and 10% ( lightest ) .",
"we then calculate a recovery fraction as a function of both input central surface brightness ( @xmath15 ) and input total magnitude ( @xmath16 ) .",
"we generate artificial galaxies , input them to our data images , and apply both our detection methods to recover them .",
"furthermore , these data were taken with the mosaic s engineering grade chips which are difficult to flat field ."
"ironically , however , we find the most robust membership classification so far for the lowest - surface - brightness objects , where the circled stars are examples of dwarfs we have identified as members via spectroscopic redshifts and surface - brightness fluctuations ( sbf ) .",
". an interesting feature of our sample is that we find a few galaxies which deviate from the typical @xmath21 relation followed by the lg galaxies in figure 3 .",
"we find some degree of contamination from background spirals around the freeman s law value of @xmath18 , where the open circle indicates a background spiral removed from the sample .",
"these detections have had a preliminary membership classification , using their position in this figure , profile type , and morphology . using our sample of follow - up observations",
", we find that objects falling in the upper right area of the figure typically are small , higher - redshift background objects .",
"our follow - up program is on - going and includes velocity measurements from both hi and optical spectroscopy , sbf , and colors for all candidates . in this way",
"these galaxies , if members , are large , lsb dwarfs not seen in the lg .",
"the stars are objects which would not have been detected without using the optimized method ."
"with the data in figure 3 , we can begin to construct the group lf . in figure 4 , in the shaded histogram , we show the raw galaxy counts for the 80% of the data analyzed to date .",
"the scaled lf is shown as the open histogram in figure 4 . a preliminary measurement of the faint - end slope yields @xmath22 , which is consistent with @xmath4 measured in the local group ( pritchet & van den bergh 1999 ) . .",
"we then weight these raw counts for incompleteness as quantified through the montecarlo simulations , as a function of both @xmath15 and @xmath16 .",
"open histogram : galaxy counts scaled for completeness as a function of ( @xmath23 ) using results from the simulations.,scaledwidth=80.0% ]",
"filled histogram : raw galaxy counts ."
"we present a new program for robustly detecting low - luminosity dwarfs at a distance of 10 mpc in the leo i group . using an optimized , filter - detection technique for finding low - surface - brightness dwarfs , we probe the group luminosity function to @xmath24 at the 50% completeness level .",
"we also find several large , lsb dwarfs which , if they are members , deviate from the @xmath25 relation and have no counterpart in the local group .",
"we use follow - up observations and morphological membership classification to construct a preliminary luminosity function which appears to be consistent with that of the local group ."
] | we present first results of a survey of the leo i group at 10 mpc for @xmath0 dwarf galaxies .
this is part of a larger program to measure the faint end of the galaxy luminosity function in nearby poor groups .
our method is optimized to find local - group - like dwarfs down to dwarf spheroidal surface brighnesses , but we also find very large lsb dwarfs in leo i with no local group counterpart .
a preliminary measurement of the luminosity function yields a slope consistent with that measured in the local group .
ps .
@plainmkbothoddheadoddfoot``dwarf galaxies and their environment '' ; international conference in bad honnef , germany , 23 - 27 january 2001evenheadevenfootoddfoot |
"we consider both cases of the probe particle being neutral and charged .",
"the correction terms depend on @xmath3 , @xmath4 being the charge of the black hole but interestingly for the charged probe correction terms involve @xmath5 terms as well , @xmath6 being charge of the particle , showing that the relative sign between the particle and black hole charge becomes important . for the generic metric @xmath7",
"in particular the interplay between the gravitational and coulomb forces proves to be interesting .",
"section 3 constitutes the main body of our work - motion of charged massive particle in reissner - nordstrm background .",
"the jacobi metric construction for charged massive particle and the subsequent analysis is completely new .",
"the results show a qualitative difference between the two cases since in the latter one needs to consider the additional coulomb interaction term between the source and probe particle . for neutral particle"
"reissner - nordstrm metric is a spherically symmetric solution of the coupled maxwell einstein gravity .",
"the nature of the horizon singularities are different in reissner - nordstrm and schwarzschild geometries .",
"our aim is to propose explicit solutions for the trajectories in the same manner as those derived in @xcite . to that end",
"we rewrite ( [ b11 ] ) as , @xmath58 presence of a biquadratic term of @xmath48 in @xmath59 , compared to a cubic one in schwarzschild geometry , is the qualitative change that leads to significant difference only for the orbits that cross the event horizon at @xmath23 and can skirt the singularity and come out of @xmath60 , ( as discussed earlier ) , instead of terminating at the singularity at @xmath61 as in the case of schwarzschild black hole ( see for example @xcite for details ) . for the occurrence of circular orbits the conditions are as follows , @xmath62 @xmath63 the relations change for the null geodesics which we are not considering at present ( see for example @xcite ) .",
"due to spherical symmetry , we are allowed to study the system in the equatorial plane @xmath27 without any loss of generality .",
"the present result involves a quartic term in @xmath48 . writing the quartic polynomial in terms of roots , @xmath49 the following identities"
"the next level of generalization is to consider the trajectory of a probe with charge @xmath6 in the presence of a charged black hole .",
"considering @xmath6 and @xmath124 to be small ( which is quite natural ) we find @xmath125 this shows that the effective charge of the black hole increases for positive @xmath124 that is when the probe charge @xmath6 and black hole charge @xmath4 are of same sign but it decreases when they are of opposite sign .",
"the trajectory equation for the charged probe is , @xmath94 this is the other principal result of our paper . for the occurrence of circular orbits the conditions are as follows , @xmath95 and @xmath96",
"the curves of charged probes are always below the neutral probe .",
"the jacobi metric formalism provides a quick answer ."
"we have studied the worldlines of both uncharged and charged probes in reissner nordstrom background .",
"we have derived the circular orbit condition .",
"the relative sign of the the probe and black hole ( whether both have same sign or opposite sign ) plays a significant role in determining nature of particle trajectory . in ong s work @xcite gaussian curvature of the jacobi metric played an important role in characterizing the nature of the particle worldlines in terms of open or closed orbits related to the sign of particle energy .",
"in the present work we have considered particle trajectories that are parameterized by constant energy value . this feature helps to visualize quickly the bounded and unbounded nature of particle orbits related to particle energy .",
"this characteristics is very succinctly incorporated in the jacobi extension of least action principle ."
"explicit solutions for the constants given in @xcite for schwarzschild background are , @xmath127 @xmath128 @xmath129 @xmath130.\\ ] ] exploiting these we provide below the @xmath131 corrected expressions for the neutral probe reissner - nordstrm system , @xmath132 where , @xmath133 , \\\\",
"s=\\frac{1}{4}\\left[-6a_g^2\\mp 3a_g^2 + 6mf\\pm \\frac{a_g}{m}-\\frac{1}{h^2}\\mp \\frac{1}{h^2 } \\right ] \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] or equivalently @xmath134 , \\\\ t = a_g^2(a_g^2+\\frac{1}{h^2})=\\frac{1}{36m^2}(1 - 2mb_g)^2\\left[\\frac{1}{36m^2}(1 - 2mb_g)^2+\\frac{1}{h^2}\\right ] , \\\\ k=\\mp\\frac{1}{8m^3}(1-\\frac{12m^2}{h^2})=\\mp \\frac{b_g^2}{2m}.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] similarly , the @xmath131 corrected expressions for the charged probe reissner - nordstrm system are given by , @xmath135 but the changes appeared only for the expressions of @xmath136 and @xmath89 .",
"c = c_g+q^2 \\frac{1}{36m^2}(1 - 2mb_g)^2\\left[\\frac{1}{36m^2}(1 - 2mb_g)^2+\\frac{1}{h^2}\\right]+qq\\left[\\frac{e}{3mh^2}(1 - 2mb_g)\\right ] , \\\\ k=\\mp\\frac{b_g^2}{2m}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ]",
"@xmath137+qq[\\frac{e}{h^2(-2mb_g ) } ] , \\\\ b = b_g+q^2 \\frac{1}{mb_g}\\left[-2b_g s\\pm b_g^3+\\frac{1}{3m}(1 - 2mb_g)b_g^2\\right],\\\\ \\omega^2=\\omega_g^2+\\frac{q^2}{4}\\left[(-\\frac{1}{6m^2}\\mp \\frac{1}{12m^2})(1 - 2mb_g)^2 +",
"g=\\frac{-2b_g s+4k\\omega_g^2 + 2a_gb_g^2}{mb_g}=\\frac{1}{mb_g}\\left[-2b_g s\\pm b_g^3+\\frac{1}{3m}(1 - 2mb_g)b_g^2\\right ] , \\\\",
"6mf\\pm \\frac{1}{6m^2}(1 - 2mb_g)-\\frac{1}{h^2}\\mp \\frac{1}{h^2}\\right ] , \\\\"
] | the present work discusses motion of neutral and charged particles in reissner - nordstrm spacetime .
the constant energy paths are derived in a variational principle framework using the jacobi metric which is parameterized by conserved particle energy .
of particular interest is the case of particle charge and reissner - nordstrm black hole charge being of same sign since this leads to a clash of opposing forces - gravitational ( attractive ) and coulomb ( repulsive ) .
praloy das , ripon sk and subir ghosh + + |
"while the above points are valid for any hadronic target , nuclear gpds are interesting and important in their own right : * nuclear gpds provide the information on nucleon gpds which is complimentary to that of the gpds of the free proton , * traditional nuclear effects ( nuclear binding , emc effect , nuclear shadowing ) are enhanced in nuclear gpds compared to the usual nuclear parton distributions , * nuclear gpds give an access to such novel ( or at least not well - established ) nuclear effects as the presence of non - nucleon degrees of freedom and medium modifications of the gpds of the bound nucleon .",
"the theoretical and experimental interest to generalized parton distributions ( gpds ) of hadrons is based on the facts that gpds : * provide a rigorous theoretical framework for the description of hard exclusive processes ( deeply virtual compton scattering , deep exclusive electroproduction of mesons , etc . )",
"that is based on the qcd factorization theorem , * extend the traditional one - dimensional ( longitudinal ) picture of hadrons to the full three - dimensional one , * help to understand the spin structure of hadrons in terms of underlying quarks and gluons .",
"below we review recent theoretical results on each of the three aspects of nuclear gpds that we have just emphasized ."
"therefore , measurements of deeply virtual compton scattering ( dvcs ) with nuclear targets in the coherent ( the target nucleus stays intact ) and incoherent ( the target nucleus breaks up ) regimes provide additional constraints on the nucleon gpds , which are complimentary to the information extracted from dvcs on a free proton .",
"the examples include the completed and analyzed hermes measurement of dvcs on a range of nuclear targets ( @xmath0he , @xmath1n , @xmath2ne , @xmath3kr and @xmath4xe ) @xcite and the future high - precision measurement of dvcs on @xmath0he at jefferson lab @xcite .",
"since nuclei consist of protons and neutrons , models of nuclear gpds require proton and neutron gpds as input @xcite ."
"[ fig : guzey_shadowing ] presents predictions @xcite for the nuclear dvcs beam - spin asymmetry , @xmath27 , as a function of the momentum transfer @xmath25 ( solid curve ) . for comparison , @xmath27 for the proton",
"nuclear shadowing in nuclear gpds is modelled using the gpds of the pomeron .",
"the leading twist theory of nuclear shadowing can be generalized to dvcs and to nuclear gpds @xcite . in the resulting model ,",
"it is the effect of nuclear shadowing that causes the dramatic oscillations of @xmath27 for nuclear targets .",
"rest frame , it originates from multiple simultaneous interactions of the projectile with all nucleons of the target . observing that each interaction with the target nucleons has a diffractive character and using the qcd factorization theorem coupled with the qcd analysis of the hera data on inclusive diffraction in electron - proton dis , one arrives at the so - called leading twist theory of nuclear shadowing for nuclear pdfs .",
"[ fig : guzey_shadowing ] presents an example of the resulting predictions for nuclear shadowing for nuclear gpds as the ratio @xmath20 , @xmath21 where @xmath22 is the nuclear form factor . in the absence of nuclear shadowing , @xmath23 ."
"the results of the quark meson - coupling model were used , which are consistent with the data on recoil polarization in quasi - elastic scattering on @xmath0he , see details in @xcite .",
"properties of the bound nucleons are expected to be modified by the nuclear medium .",
"the resulting gpds of the bound nucleon can be used to make predictions for various observables measured in incoherent nuclear dvcs .",
"figure [ fig : gpds_mm ] presents the ratio of the beam - spin asymmetries of the proton bound in @xmath0he to the free one in the kinematics of the future jefferson lab experiment @xcite .",
", one can propose a simple model that the bound nucleon gpds are modified in proportion to the corresponding elastic form factors @xcite . for the medium modified elastic form factors ,"
] | we review recent theoretical results on generalized parton distributions ( gpds ) of nuclei , emphasizing the following three roles of nuclear gpds : ( i ) complementarity to free proton gpds , ( ii ) the enhancement of traditional nuclear effects such as nuclear binding , emc effect , nuclear shadowing , and ( iii ) an access to novel nuclear effects such as medium modifications of bound nucleons .
address = theory center , thomas jefferson national accelerator facility , newport news , va 23606 , usa , |
"we find that the acoustic power is not only enhanced in the intergranular lanes and along the borders of the granules but also above large granules , where splitting processes are about to occur .",
"surprisingly , the excitation of waves of high wave number seem to be a diagnostic of pending granule splitting .",
"the unprecedented spatial resolution of the data makes it worthwhile to study the excitation and propagation of acoustic waves visible in the solar photosphere . as a new result",
"actually , the turbulent velocity field from the numerical simulations by @xcite were used by @xcite to determine the energy supply rate of convection into the solar oscillations . for the seismology of the sun and sunlike stars , knowledge of the stochastic properties of the source function that drives @xmath3-modes would be a valuable input . in local helioseismology , e.g. , the sensitivity functions which connect the acoustic properties of the @xmath3-modes with physical quantities in the sun depend on the source function whose properties are not known and must be estimated @xcite . in addition , the sun could serve as a paradigm for stellar seismology since the interaction of pulsations and convection and the energy gain and loss of @xmath3-modes from radiation and convection is a general problem of stellar physics @xcite . when searching for the possible locations of the wave sources on the sun , the turbulent downdrafts in the dark intergranular lanes are primary targets .",
"time series recorded with the imax instrument @xcite aboard the balloon - borne observatory sunrise @xcite provide the spatial and temporal resolution needed to measure the propagation of acoustic oscillations in the granules and the intergranular lanes .",
"solar @xmath3-modes are believed to be stochastically excited in the near surface layers of the sun by turbulent convection .",
"the process can be described as acoustic radiation by turbulent multipole sources @xcite ."
"for our study we use a time series of solar granulation with a field of view of 51@xmath4.5 by 51@xmath4.5 located close to disk center .",
"the data were obtained with the imaging magnetograph experiment imax @xcite onboard the sunrise balloon - borne solar observatory @xcite between 00:35:49 ut and 00:59:57 ut ( 1st series ) and 01:30:41 ut and 02:02:48 ut on june 9 , 2009 ( 2nd series ) . the imax instrument and the reduction process which was applied to the data is described in detail in @xcite and shall be briefly summarized in the following .",
"the corrected images of the two cameras were merged to increase the s / n ratio which is of the order of @xmath8 related to the continuum intensity ( @xmath9)in the reconstructed data . in a last step , crosstalk induced by residual motion",
"the exposure time for a picture at a single wavelength position was 6 s , while the entire line was scanned in 33 s. in the data reduction process , the dark current was removed , and a flat field procedure damped residual impurities , i.e. dust particles or scratches . in addition , the interference fringes caused by the polarizing beam splitter ",
"thus , we obtained time series with lengths of 24 and 32 minutes , resp . , and a cadence of 33 s. a spatial resolution between @xmath10 - @xmath11 was achieved by combining the on - board image stabilization system @xcite .",
"the velocity scale has been calibrated assuming a convective blue shift of 0.2 kms@xmath15 at disk center , and the absolute error in @xmath12 was estimated to be of the order of @xmath16 kms@xmath15 .",
"the quantities @xmath12 , @xmath13 , and fwhm are inferred from a gaussian fit to the four points in the line after they have been normalized using the continuum intensity at @xmath14227 m ."
"we investigate the power distribution in the diagnostic diagram , where the spectral power density is displayed as a function of wave number @xmath17 and temporal frequency @xmath18 , cf .",
"we study the excitation and propagation of solar @xmath3-modes by first filtering the data . in order to remove trends in the time",
"the two time series of the doppler velocity measured by imax reveal a `` flying shadow '' pattern with a characteristic time scale of five minutes and a characteristic spatial length scale between 5@xmath4 and 10@xmath4 .",
"[ fig : acmap ] . inspecting the complete series of doppler maps , the origin of this acoustic power enhancements on top of the granules are oscillations which are either excited in the integranular lanes propagating through the granules or waves which are excited inside splitting or exploding granules .",
"the `` flying shadows '' originate from the stochastic superposition of a multitude of solar acoustic eigenmodes of various spatial wavelength , temporal frequency , and amplitude , which cause these `` five - minute oscillations '' . for a quantitative analysis",
"figure [ fig : acmap ] displays this temporally averaged acoustic power of the oscillatory velocity field after filtering . + in this map the granular network is visible , since the intergranular lanes and the borders of the granules exhibit strong acoustic power",
"the velocity of the superposition of @xmath0-modes has an rms - amplitude of 147 m/s with a maximum velocity of 902 m/s . from the location of enhanced power in this diagram"
"we have investigated the properties of small - scale solar @xmath3-modes as recorded by the imax instrument during the flight of the balloon - borne sunrise observatory in june 2009 .",
"based on two sequences of data , we find that there is a strong relation between increased acoustic @xmath3-mode power with high wave number above granules and the onset of the splitting process that fragments granules .",
"we analyzed the doppler velocity and continuum intensity observations to study the potential of such data sets for investigations of the excitation and propagation of high - degree acoustic waves on the sun .",
"the splitting of granules triggers the excitation of waves several minutes before the actual splitting becomes visible in continuum radiation .",
"a possible explanation for the excitation of such waves could be related to the formation of new intergranular lanes and connected turbulent motions which set off acoustic waves .",
"therefore , we conclude that not only the vigorous motions in the established integranular downdrafts are sources for acoustic waves , but also the processes related to the formation of new intergranular lanes . in future studies , e.g. based on either data from a second sunrise flight or from other instruments in space or on ground"
] | solar oscillations are expected to be excited by turbulent flows in the intergranular lanes near the solar surface .
time series recorded by the imax instrument aboard the sunrise observatory reveal solar oscillations at high resolution , which allow studying the properties of oscillations with short wavelengths .
we analyze two times series with synchronous recordings of doppler velocity and continuum intensity images with durations of 32min and 23min , resp . , recorded close to the disk center of the sun to study the propagation and excitation of solar acoustic oscillations . in the doppler velocity data , both the standing acoustic waves and
the short - lived , high - degree running waves are visible .
the standing waves are visible as temporary enhancements of the amplitudes of the large - scale velocity field due to the stochastic superposition of the acoustic waves .
we focus on the high - degree small - scale waves by suitable filtering in the fourier domain . investigating the propagation and excitation of @xmath0- and @xmath1-modes with wave numbers
@xmath21/mm we find that also exploding granules contribute to the excitation of solar @xmath3-modes in addition to the contribution of intergranular lanes . |
"several scaling theories have been suggested to analyze arbitrary power - law interaction ( more short - ranged than coulombic ) @xcite.such problems may arise , e.g. , in describing interactions between vacancies and interstitials in a two- or three - dimensional crystal . in this paper , we propose a self - consistent theory based on coarse - grained hydrodynamic equations of motion for particle number density and charge density fields .",
"this theory allows us to systematically calculate the dependence of the density decay law on initial conditions and to investigate the role of lri .",
"the self - consistent approximation is described and the asymptotic solutions are obtained and analyzed . finally , in section [ sec : concl ] we analyze the resulting phase diagram and discuss it in the context of the previously obtained results for various diffusion - annihilation systems , which are selected points on our phase diagram .",
"it can be shown@xcite that the self - consistent approximation that we employ here is equivalent to a resummation of an infinite class of feynman graphs which take into account the conserved charge density fluctuations but ignore the less important nonconserved number density fluctuations ."
"in contrast , in systems far from equilibrium , such as a system of annihilating particles , it can be shown@xcite that the effective hydrodynamic equations of motion derived from the fundametal master equations contain noise terms with very nontrivial correlations , of the form which could not be easily guessed a priori .",
"lee and cardy @xcite proved that in a two - species reaction without lri , such noise leads only to the renormalization of the reaction rate @xmath6 , but not to the change of the scaling exponents , provided that space dimensionality @xmath53 .",
"it has been rigorously shown that such noise terms represent important correlations and in some cases may even become predominant in determining the asymptotic decay rate . in equations of motion describing a near - equilibrium dynamics , powerful fluctuation - dissipation theorem determines the form of noise correlations .",
"in addition , since equations ( [ eq : rhoevol ] ) - ( [ eq : fevol ] ) provide a coarse - grained description on the length scale larger than the interparticle spacing @xmath55 , the kinetic coefficients , e.g. @xmath6 , are effective coefficients that incorporate finite renormalization due to the correlations on short length scales . in order to simplify further analysis , we divide each of the equations ( [ eq : rhoevol ] ) -([eq : fevol ] ) by @xmath13 and transform everything to dimensionless variables as follows : / _ 0 , f f / _ 0 , d d ( _ 0)^2/d , + @xmath56 it is important to notice that equation ( [ eq : fevol ] ) is linear with respect to @xmath49 , while equation ( [ eq : rhoevol ] ) is quadratic with respect to @xmath49 ( this points to the system s invariance with respect to the simultaneous charge sign reversal for all particles ) . in the next section , we will describe the self - consistent approximation and its solutions .",
"the equation of motion for the densities is based on the generalized law of mass conservation , violated by the annihilation process , @xmath33 where the mass current is given by @xmath34 and @xmath35 is the electrostatic long - range potential at a point * r * at time @xmath4 due to local charge fluctuations away from neutrality ; @xmath36 is the power exponent of the long - range force , @xmath37 is particle mobility taken to be a constant , and @xmath38 is particle charge .",
"we have shown , in a similar fashion @xcite , that for systems with lri , the noise has no effect on the asymptotic dynamics for @xmath53 , if the renormalization of both @xmath6 and @xmath54 is implied .",
"we are interested in statistical averages , rather than in a dynamic solution for a given system with specific initial conditions , we will focus on the density correlation functions , with averages over random @xmath41 initial conditions ."
", we find that within the self - consistent approximation , coulombic systems @xmath122 asymptotically exhibit the @xmath113 density decay , consistent with several scaling arguments and simulations.@xcite let us now consider the general case of long - range interactions with a power - law @xmath123 that is of shorter range ( weaker ) than the coulomb interaction considered in the previous section .",
"@xcite as we describe below , the self - consistent approximation predicts the decay exponent @xmath26 consistent with this expectation and with some simulations reported in the literature.@xcite however , it can be shown@xcite that correction to this mean - field like decay law can arise from the number density fluctuations and noise for @xmath82 , both of which have been neglected in the self - consistent theory presented here .",
"the asymptotic decay law in the fd region is given by : @xmath137 in the region referred to as the ir ( intermediate region ) and which lies below fd in figure 1 ( @xmath138 ) the lri are strong and dominate the diffusion at large @xmath4 . to investigate the asymptotics of the decay in this region , we rewrite equation ( [ eq : ims1 ] ) in the following way : @xmath139}. \\label{eq : ims4}\\ ] ] using @xmath140 . by solving equation ( [ eq : ims4 ] )",
"equation for the evolution of charge density @xmath49 for the coulombic systems in the self - consistent approximation can be exactly solved to yield : @xmath83\\;. \\label{eq : coulfksoln}\\ ] ] using this solution ( [ eq : coulfksoln ] ) and the initial condition ( [ eq : f1kinit ] ) - ( [ eq : fkinit ] ) , @xmath62 can be easily shown to satisfy the following differential equation : @xmath84 in order to find the asymptotic solutions , we introduce a new variable : @xmath85 equation ( [ eq : coulrhoevol ] ) then transforms to : @xmath86 let us find the `` critical '' dimension @xmath7 , above which the mean - field behavior is manifested .",
"if diffusion is faster than the deterministic coulomb interaction - driven relaxation , i.e. , @xmath108 , then for times less than @xmath109 , the annihilation is governed by the intermediate asymptotics : @xmath110 so the particle density is described by the toussaint - wilczek solution up to the crossover time @xmath107 : @xmath111 this intermediate asymptotics , which exists only for @xmath112 , reflects early times diffusion - dominated decay , with the slower deterministic coulomb interaction driven classical @xmath113 decay appearing only at times later than @xmath107 .",
"for simplicity , we will set @xmath74 and show that our self - consistent approximation yields the well - known results.@xcite-@xcite @xmath75 for @xmath71 , the kinetic equation for @xmath49 reduces to a simple diffusion equation , with the solution @xmath76 substituting this solution ( [ eq : twfk ] ) for @xmath77 into equation ( [ eq : rhonewevol ] ) , and taking into account the initial condition ( [ eq : f1kinit ] ) - ( [ eq : fkinit ] ) , we obtain : @xmath78 an the exact solution expressible in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions is possible.@xcite it can also be easily shown that equation ( [ eq : twsoln ] ) describes the asymptotic solution of equation ( [ eq : twequation ] ) .",
"+ obviously , for the mean - field solution to be valid asymptotically , the power(lhs ) should be larger than the power(rhs ) , which happens for systems with dimensionality larger than the critical dimension , @xmath92 if @xmath93 , the asymptotic kinetics is determined by the slower process , which is the annihilation , with possibly interaction renormalized @xmath94 ( implicitely assumed here ) , and the coulomb interaction and diffusion are asymptotically irrelevant . for @xmath95 ,",
", the equation of motion can be written as : @xmath99 an exact solution of this equation is : @xmath100\\ ; , \\label{eq : theta2soln}\\ ] ] and @xmath101 it can be easily shown that for large @xmath4 , the asymptotic solution for the particle density decay ( @xmath102 ) is : @xmath103 predicting the asymptotic decay exponent @xmath26 for coulomb systems , as in the mean - field regime , although with @xmath54- rather than @xmath104-determined amplitude ."
"in the presented work we derive approximate kinetic equations for the annihilation - diffusion process with long - range forces . to analyze the asymptotic decay law for systems with @xmath53",
", we proposed a new self - consistent method of calculating the average particle density as function of time . since the total particle density is a nonconserved order parameter with positive average at all times",
", we argued that its fluctuations are less important in determining dynamics of annihilation than that of a conserved order parameter - the charge density . this approximation self - consistently decouples two kinetic equations and make it possible to find the asymptotic solutions . for coulombic systems in more than two dimensions , our model yields the mean - field exponent @xmath26 , yet the role of segregation ( i.e. , charge density fluctuations ) is important and can not be simply left out .",
"ispolatov and krapivsky @xcite proposed the `` unpenetrable domain '' scaling concept , which in coulombic case results in decay exponent @xmath150 independently of space dimensionality .",
"phase diagram of the annihilation - diffusion reaction with long - range forces ."
] | we introduce coarse - grained hydrodynamic equations of motion for diffusion - annihilation system with a power - law long - range interaction . by taking into account fluctuations of the conserved order parameter - charge density
- we derive an analytically solvable approximation for the nonconserved order parameter - total particle density .
asymptotic solutions are obtained for the case of random gaussian initial conditions and for system dimensionality @xmath0 .
large - t , intermediate - t and small - t asymptotics were calculated and compared with existing scaling theories , exact results and simulation data . |
", we propose a scheme for synthesizing topological models in cold atoms .",
"[ sec - topo ] shows the topologically nontrivial properties of our lattice potential , which demonstrates our lattice potential as a promising candidate to realize a wide variety of topological models .",
"[ sec - general - model ] , we describe the general spin - dependent lattice model , and show its realization via current experimental techniques .",
"[ sec - site ] , we study the edge states associated with the topological phase , and give an explanation to the boundary effect . in sec .",
"the measurement of the topological invariant is discussed in sec ."
"the hamiltonian that describes our lattice model can be expressed in the following form , @xmath16 ~ , \\label{eq - hamitonian_origin}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath17 are annihilation and creation operators of atoms on the @xmath18th lattice site , @xmath19 is the frequency detuning of the rf field from the bare transition frequency between the two spin states , @xmath20 is the intra - sublattice tunneling amplitude for each spin . to make our discussion more focused",
"( [ eq - trap ] ) . when @xmath12 , the two sublattices are completely out of phase ; whereas when @xmath13 , the two sublattices are identical . as we will show , this angle @xmath14 , which characterizes the spatial offset between the two sublattices , is an important control parameter , and , without loss of generality , we will restrict @xmath15 $ ] in our discussion . in such a lattice potential ,",
"one way to realize such a spin - dependent lattice potential is to employ two counter - propagating laser beams , which are linearly polarized with the two polarization vectors form an angle @xmath10 with respect to each other , to form the so - called lin @xmath11 lin configuration @xcite .",
"the inter - sublattice tunneling amplitudes along opposite directions are denoted as @xmath4 and @xmath5 , whose relative magnitude can be controlled by the offset angle @xmath14 . for @xmath12 , we have @xmath23 ; for other values of @xmath14 , they differ from each other , yielding a staggered inter - sublattice tunneling .",
"is considered to be negligible.,scaledwidth=48.0% ] we start from a degenerate fermi gas with two hyperfine states denoted as _ pseudospins _ ( @xmath6 and @xmath2 ) trapped in a one - dimensional ( 1d ) optical lattice as illustrated in fig .",
"the blue and red solid wavy lines describe the rf - induced tunneling with the amplitude @xmath4 and @xmath5 , respectively . the inter - sublattice tunneling marked by the gray dashed line",
"inter_-sublattice tunneling , which can be induced by an additional radio - frequency ( rf ) field that drives a transition between the two spin states .",
"[ fig - lattice ] . the two spin states experience different lattice potentials , which are given by @xmath7 here @xmath8 , with @xmath9 being the lattice constant for each sublattice ."
"different from it , our proposal provides an alternative simple route taking advantages of the sublattice spatial offset . to show the topologically nontrivial properties of the lattice model , we diagonalize hamiltonian ( [ eq - hamitonian_origin ] ) in the presence of nonzero @xmath3 into the form",
"under this situation , our hamiltonian describes the generalized su - schrieffer - heeger ( ssh ) model @xcite .",
"hamiltonian ( [ eq - hamitonian_origin ] ) features topologically nontrivial properties .",
"tuning @xmath14 induces a topological phase transition at @xmath12 .",
"we first consider a case that the detuning @xmath28 .",
"the intra - sublattice tunneling @xmath3 is absent @xcite ."
"we know that the topological property of the 1d lattice system can be characterized by the zak phase .",
"we want to point out that , in these previous cold - atom experiments @xcite , the ssh and the rm models were realized using spinless atoms confined in a superlattice potential . as such ,",
"it provides the possibility to study the thouless pump evolving along various trajectories of the @xmath75@xmath52@xmath76-@xmath19 plane , as we demonstrate below . ;",
"thus in the @xmath68-@xmath14 space , the berry phase for the @xmath69 band of hamiltonian ( [ eq - ssh ] ) can be given by @xcite @xmath70 where the berry curvature is expressed as @xmath71 ^ 2 } \\notag\\\\ & \\quad- ( \\phi\\leftrightarrow k_x ) \\big ] ~.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] here @xmath72 is the dispersion of the @xmath69 band .",
"if the lattice offset angle @xmath14 is treated as a synthetic dimension , the zak phase in fact describes the berry phase picked up by a particle moving in closed trajectories across the first brillouin zone @xcite . in our 1d lattice model ,",
"for the path ( i ) , @xmath81 vanishes during a pump period , indicating that such a pump will not provide any information of the topological invariant of the system . for the paths ( ii ) and ( iii ) , @xmath81 changes with @xmath14 . as the velocity of the atom current",
"the atoms are initially loaded to occupy the two branches , which can be prepared by controlling the atom number density of the system . after varying @xmath14 by @xmath73 , the system returns to the initial state so that a pump cycle is closed .",
"only the trajectory that encircles this degeneracy point , i.e. , the critical point of the topological transition , can detect a quantized number @xcite , which is the topological invariant of the ssh model ."
"in sec . [ sec - topo ] , we have shown that @xmath56 if the offset angle @xmath91 , and @xmath54 if @xmath92 , and the lattice system , described by the generalized ssh model , is topologically nontrivial in the former case , and trivial in the latter . however , we note that we take the number of sites to be equal in both sublattices in our previous discussion . here",
"therefore , the spectrum of the hamiltonian ( [ eq - hamitonian_ssh ] ) hosts @xmath93 sets of energy pairs @xmath106 , leaving a single zero - energy mode @xmath107 as the edge mode . for the original hamiltonian , which includes the @xmath98 term , the above analyses are still valid , as @xmath98 only results in an energy shift to the energy spectrum , see fig .",
"specifically , we take the number of sites for the spin - up sublattice to be @xmath93 , and that for the spin - down sublattice to be @xmath94 as shown in fig . [ fig - boundary](a ) . the energy spectrum as a function of @xmath14",
"the system , described by the hamiltonian ( [ eq - hamitonian_ssh ] ) , respects the chiral symmetry , implying that for each eigenstate @xmath101 of the hamiltonian ( [ eq - hamitonian_ssh ] ) with energy @xmath102 , we can obtain another state @xmath103 with the opposite energy @xmath104 via a unitary transformation @xmath105 @xcite .",
"[ sec - topo ] , we first make the unitary transformation with @xmath39 where @xmath97 , to eliminate the @xmath98 term in the hamiltonian ( [ eq - hamitonian_origin ] ) , as this term does not change the topological properties of the system .",
", the edge mode becomes less localized as its spatial width increases . at @xmath12 , the bulk gap closes , the edge mode dissolves into the bulk , and the system becomes topologically trivial .",
"[ fig - ssh - topo ] , here the system is topologically nontrivial at both sides of this critical point , with the corresponding edge state localized at opposite ends of the chain ."
"recent experiments have demonstrated the creation of artificial magnetic field in optical lattice systems using the technique of laser - assisted tunneling @xcite .",
"therefore , our lattice model provides an alternative route to synthesize the magnetic fields in a 1d system , and can be utilized in studying various intriguing effects @xcite .",
"we note that similar artificial magnetic field can be realized in our model by keeping the intra - sublattice tunneling conventional , but induce the inter - sublattice tunneling with a pair of raman beams instead of an rf field . in this way , @xmath4 and @xmath5 become complex .",
", we first suppress the conventional intra - sublattice tunneling by introducing a tilt along the lattice direction ( for simplicity , we assume the tilt is spin - independent , hence the two sublattices are tilted in the same way . ) .",
"@xmath102 is in units of @xmath3 and we set @xmath117.,scaledwidth=48.0% ] for this situation , if we exploit the fermion operator index mapping ( [ eq - map ] ) again , the hamiltonian is expressed as @xmath118 where we assume @xmath119 . from hamiltonian ( [ eq - hamit - flux ] ) , the lattice system indeed mimics a magnetic field with a tunable flux @xmath116 around each triangular plaquette as shown in fig .",
"subsequently , we restore the intra - sublattice tunneling by two laser beams with different wave number @xmath110 and @xmath111 along the lattice direction , and with a frequency difference @xmath112 matching the energy different between adjacent lattice sites with the same sublattice . here",
"different from the conventional magnetic field , the flux in each triangular cell induced by the synthetic magnetic field is staggered , rather than homogeneous @xcite . the corresponding energy spectrum as a function of @xmath116"
"in summary , we have proposed a protocol to realize a wide variety of topological models , based on a spin - dependent optical lattice potential . we have shown how unconventional tunneling , staggered zeeman field , and artificial staggered magnetic flux can be readily engineered with our platform . in this realization , many of the key parameters can be independently controlled , and various boundary conditions can be constructed .",
"we have focused on the single - particle physics .",
"therefore this realization allows us to explore a variety of exotic lattice models that are difficult to be realized in conventional condensed matter systems . in the present work ,",
"the interaction effects , combined with the single - particle manipulation covered here , represent a very interesting line of future research .",
"if we introduce the @xmath1-wave interaction between the two spin states , we can have effective @xmath0-wave interaction as was demonstrated in our earlier work @xcite . for nonzero offset angle , the strength of this effective interaction becomes staggered , which may give rise to unconventional phases ."
"z.z . , x.z . , and g.g .",
"z.z . thanks chunlei qu and bin wang for helpful discussions , and acknowledges support from national postdoctoral program for innovative talents of china ( grant no .",
"are supported by national natural science foundation of china ( grants no .",
"nsf and the welch foundation ( grant no .",
"acknowledges support from the u.s ."
] | topological matter is a popular topic in both condensed matter and cold atom research . in the past decades ,
a variety of models have been identified with fascinating topological features .
some , but not all , of the models can be found in materials . as a fully controllable system ,
cold atoms trapped in optical lattices provide an ideal platform to simulate and realize these topological models . here
we present a proposal for synthesizing topological models in cold atoms based on a one - dimensional ( 1d ) spin - dependent optical lattice potential . in our system , features such as staggered tunneling , staggered zeeman field , nearest - neighbor interaction , beyond - near - neighbor tunneling , etc . can be readily realized .
they underlie the emergence of various topological phases .
our proposal can be realized with current technology and hence has potential applications in quantum simulation of topological matter . |
"we discuss how a gaseous proportional counter can be built and used to acquire @xmath0- and @xmath1-ray spectra from radioactive sources . a gaseous proportional counter @xcite operates with the same principle as an ionization chamber @xcite with the additional feature of gas amplification .",
"it shows the result of a simulation of our detector using garfield@xmath7,@xcite a toolkit for simulation of gas and semi - conductor based particle detectors .",
"[ sec : spectra ] , the spectra obtained with two radioactive sources are presented .",
"finally , the operation region of the proportional counter is probed and discussed in section [ sec : hvscan ] .",
", we specifically concentrate on the detector itself .",
"close to the anode ( @xmath8 ) the townsend avalanche ignites .",
"a special gas mixture , mainly consisting of a noble gas , is used for optimal performance ."
"the motivation for a radiation detector made of an aluminium beverage can is to build a properly working device at minimal costs .",
"in addition , our design significantly improves the performance of the device .",
"our approach follows the design of moljk and drever,@xcite but uses materials that are available in today s society .",
"the quality of the cathode cable does not impact to the operation of the detector .",
"a good option for a cheap conducting cathode tube is a conventional aluminium beverage can.@xcite the wall thickness is thin enough for low energetic @xmath1- and @xmath0-rays to enter the gas volume and no additional _ entrance - window _ , as used by moljk and drever,@xcite is needed for operation .",
"similar approaches have been proposed in the past@xcite but have become partially impracticable due to the availability of suggested parts and the crude data quality these devices offer ."
"additional beverage can detectors can be connecting in series , but the flushing - time will increase with each added device . if the gas is vented into the atmosphere , the gas outlet tube should be at least a couple of centimeters long to prevent back - flow diffusion . for the measurement an analog oscilloscope ( hp cos 6100 , 100 mhz ) , a pre - amplifier ( ortec pre amp 142 ih ) , a linear spectrum amplifier ( ortec 855 dual spec amp ) , a pulse generator ( bnc pulse generator model bl-2 ) , a high voltage supply ( @xmath22 silena milano ) , and a multi - channel - analyzer ( pocket mca , amptek ) were used .",
"the ortec pre - amplifier uses capacitive decoupling to separate the signal from the hv . if the pre - amplifier does not have an integrated capacitive decoupling of hv and signal it is easy to build a separate decoupling box using the circuit shown in fig.[fig06 ] .",
"even though some electrons will reach the avalanche region close to the anode , the loss of primary electrons would result in a loss of the proportional character of the counter .",
", scaledwidth=45.0% ] , scaledwidth=35.0% ] the signal from the linear amplifier was read out in parallel by the analog oscilloscope and the multi - channel - analyzer which was interfaced with a computer .",
"the detector was flushed over - night with a p10 gas mixture ( ar 90 % / methane 10 % ) to remove oxygen , which is highly electronegative and captures some of the primary electrons from the ionization process .",
"[ fig07],scaledwidth=32.0% ] the analysis of the measured data can be done manually , with spreadsheet programs , or with scientific software such as root , a freely available object - oriented data analysis framework@xcite that was used in our case .",
"for the noise study , the hv was slowly ramped up to values well above 1 kv , while the gas flow through the detector was kept constant at @xmath24 ml / min of p10 ."
"the response of the electronics to test pulses with amplitudes in the order of 100 mv was measured and the results are shown in fig.[fig08 ] .",
"to calibrate the electronics a negative test signal from the pulse generator was sent to the pre - amplifier and the oscilloscope . the test signal was a tail pulse with a steep falling edge and a slow rise .",
"the uncertainty in the calibration constants is dominated by the uncertainty in the measurement of amplitude of the test pulse , estimated by eye to be 5 mv .",
"a linear function was used to fit the data and obtain the following relation between the charge @xmath28 and the mca channel number : , scaledwidth=45.0% ] @xmath29 where @xmath30 pc / channel and @xmath31 pc .",
"the detector was connected to the pre - amplifier and the bias voltage was set to zero . for accurate calibrations , all devices that are used for the measurements should be connected and turned on .",
"the test capacitance of 1 pf was taken into account to calculate the injected charge @xmath27 , shown by the data points in fig.[fig08 ] ( top ) ."
"the weighted centroid of the @xmath53 shells @xmath0-ray emissions suggests a peak at 21.04 kev that is compatible with our measured peak . another @xmath0-ray emission from @xmath54 at 13.94 kev with an intensity of 9.6 %",
"escape peaks are due to secondary @xmath0-ray emissions , originating from the detector gas , that escape from the detector . in the energy spectrum obtained with @xmath26am , shown in fig.[fig10 ] , the most prominent emission line is the @xmath45 kev line due to a transition in @xmath46np ( peak 8 in fig.[fig10 ] . ) the peak was fitted with a single gaussian function . am .",
"the energy resolution @xcite of the detector is not good enough to separate these emissions@xcite due to the large gas volume of the can and the in - homogeneity of the anode wire that influences the local electric field .",
"the hv and the amplifier gain were adjusted to observe the whole spectrum of @xmath26am over the full range of the mca . at a voltage of @xmath32 kv and a gain of @xmath33 ,",
"the instability of the silena milano power supply was estimated to be 1 v. the corresponding uncertainty in terms of mca channels is estimated by using the result of the operation region test ( see fig .",
"the details of the peaks used for the energy calibration as well as details of the four other `` unknown '' peaks in the @xmath26am spectrum are listed in table [ tab02 ] .",
"a weighted average of those suggests a peak centroid of 17.48 which is well below one standard deviation off our measured peak . for peak number 6 no direct candidate was found ."
"the idea was to measure the prominent characteristic peaks of the two isotopes over the full operational voltage range available.@xcite the location of the peaks observed with the mca were converted into induced charge on the anode wire , using the electronics calibration function shown in fig.[fig08 ] .",
"the parameters @xmath67 and @xmath68 depend on the properties of the gas mixture.@xcite the geiger - mller region is unfortunately not accessible due to the argon - methane gas mixture that was used . even though the data recording was stopped at 3 kv , the hv was ramped up to 4.7 kv out of curiosity .",
"are almost parallel and shifted by a factor close to 10 , which is expected as the characteristic isotope peaks are a factor of 10 apart in terms of energy . with about 26 ev needed to create an electron - ion pair in argon gas , we can estimate the gas multiplication factor knowing the energy of the incident @xmath0- or @xmath1-rays .",
"the solid line shows the theoretical prediction obtained using the diethorn formula.@xcite[fig13],scaledwidth=44.0% ] the predictions were obtained using the diethorn formula,@xcite @xmath64,\\ ] ] where @xmath65 is the bias voltage , @xmath5 and @xmath4 are the anode and cathode radii , and @xmath66 the gas pressure .",
"the gas multiplication factor @xmath60 was calculated by using the formula , @xmath61 where @xmath28 is the collected charge , @xmath62 is the energy of the incident radiation , and @xmath63 is the energy required to create an electron - ion pair .",
"we recorded data for voltage steps of 50 to 100 v until we reached the minimum gain of the amplification chain and the upper limit of the mca range .",
"the bias voltage was set to the minimum level of @xmath55 kv at which a clear signal could still be seen with the oscilloscope and recorded at the lower end of the mca scale ."
"we demonstrated that it is relatively easy and inexpensive to build a fully functioning gaseous proportional counter for measuring radioactive @xmath0- and @xmath1-ray emissions .",
"building such a device offers great educational benefits for students at all levels .",
"in addition to the experimental techniques , students may also gain knowledge in analyzing the recorded data and discussing experimental uncertainties .",
"not only do the students learn how to build an inexpensive proportional counter from scratch , they also are introduced to high voltage systems and electronic readout devices used in actual research .",
"seltzer , `` tables of x - ray mass attenuation coefficients and mass energy - absorption coefficients ( version 1.4 ) , '' ( 2014 ,",
"we thank the staff of the detector laboratory of helsinki institute of physics and university of helsinki for their valuable help and discussions , i.e. eija tuominen , jouni heino , rauno lauhakangas and raimo turpeinen .",
"we also thank ismo koponen and michael albrow for reading our manuscript ."
] | the gaseous proportional counter is a device that can be used to detect ionizing radiation
. these devices can be as simple as a cylindrical cathode and a very thin anode wire centered along its axis . by applying a high voltage , a strong electric field
is generated close to the anode wire .
ion - pairs , generated by passing ionizing radiation , create avalanches once they drift into the strong electric field region near the anode .
the electrical charges created by the avalanche generate an observable signal which is proportional to the energy loss of the incoming radiation .
we discuss the construction of such a device .
our detector was built from an ordinary aluminium beverage can and uses a common electric wire strand as the anode .
the construction of this detector offers students at universities or technically oriented high schools a detailed understanding of the design and operation of gaseous radiation detectors .
the equipment required to complete the project should be available at most institutions . |
"the authors concentrate on semiclassical approximations , and on an analogy between the jaynes - cummings model of atomic transitions in a radiation field and the rashba hamiltonian @xcite in a perpendicular magnetic field , an aspect to be briefly reviewed below . in the present paper we report on numerical evaluations of the full quantum mechanical dynamics of a free electron in a two - dimensional quantum well with spin - orbit interaction and a perpendicular magnetic field , avoiding any further approximation .",
"we provide a complementary theoretical study of cyclotron motion and magnetic focusing under the influence of spin - orbit interaction using a fully quantum mechanical approach .",
"we summarize the essential properties of the rashba model in a perpendicular magnetic field .",
"a related phenomenon is the predicted _ zitterbewegung _ of carrier wave packets in the presence of spin - orbit coupling @xcite .",
"we discuss the analogy to the jaynes cummings model of quantum optics , and we describe in detail the initial states used for the numerical simulations of time evolutions to be discussed in section [ results ] ."
"we consider an electron in an n - doped quantum well being subject to rashba spin - orbit coupling @xcite and a homogeneous perpendicular magnetic field coupling both to the orbital degrees of freedom as well as to the spin , i.e. the single - particle hamiltonian reads @xmath0 here @xmath1 the the effective band mass , @xmath2 is the two - component kinetic momentum with the canonical momentum @xmath3 and the vector potential @xmath4 generating the magnetic field @xmath5 along the growth direction of the quantum well chosen as the @xmath6-axis , @xmath7 .",
"what follows we will be interested in the quantum dynamics of an initial state @xmath50 being a direct product of an orbital and a spin state , @xmath51 where the spinor components are related to the usual polar angles @xmath52 , @xmath53 of the initial spin direction via @xmath54 , @xmath55 . as a generic initial orbital state we consider @xmath56 i.e. a normalized gaussian wave packet of spatial width @xmath57 and initial momentum @xmath58 along the @xmath45-axis , i.e. the direction of translational invariance of the hamiltonian .",
"for the practical calculations to be described below , however , we shall work in the landau gauge @xmath42 where the spinless orbital eigenstates in the absence of spin - orbit coupling have the following well - known form @xmath43 labelled by a wave number @xmath44 corresponding to translational invariance in the @xmath45-direction , or , equivalently , by a guiding center coordinate @xmath46 for the @xmath47-direction .",
"then @xmath25 is an eigenstate with energy @xmath26 , and all other eigenstates are of the form @xcite @xmath27 with energy @xmath28 and the amplitudes parametrizing the eigenstates read @xmath29 thus , the energy levels and eigenstates of the system are characterized by the interplay of three energy scales : the cyclotron energy @xmath30 , the zeeman energy @xmath31 , and the rashba energy @xmath32 . as it was recognized recently in ref .",
"moreover , in the following we will assume , without loss of generality , that the product of the electron charge @xmath11 and the magnetic field strength @xmath12 is always positive , @xmath13 , i.e. @xmath5 points along the negative @xmath6-direction . defining the usual bosonic operators @xmath14 fulfilling @xmath15=1 $ ] and @xmath16 being the magnetic length , the hamiltonian reads @xmath17 where @xmath18 is the cyclotron frequency , and we have defined @xmath19 . the operators @xmath20 and @xmath21 connect different landau levels .",
"then the time evolution of the position operators in the heisenberg picture , @xmath36 can be written as @xcite @xmath37 where the operator - valued frequencies @xmath38 are given by @xmath39 and @xmath40 , @xmath41 are the usual coordinates of the center of the classical cyclotron orbit which commute with the hamiltonian and are therefore constant in time .",
"\\label{wverg}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] a conceptually straightforward way to evaluate time - dependent expectation values is to expand the initial state in terms of the eigenstates of the above system and use the matrix elements of the desired operator in this eigenbasis ."
"clearly , the dynamics become more `` regular '' ( or less `` chaotic '' ) the larger the initial group wave number @xmath102 . in the above investigations we have concentrated on the position operator @xmath105 to describe the time evolution of the initial state chosen as a gaussian wave packet . regarding the width of this wave packet ( as opposed to its center @xmath106 ) let us consider the case of vanishing spin - orbit coupling . here the components of the position operator are straightforwardly obtained as @xmath107 and are completely analogous to the classical cyclotron motion . for an initial state gaussian wave packet given in eq .",
"the smaller the cyclotron energy compared to the total energy of the wave packet , the larger the number of landau levels to be included in the numerical simulation . as explained in the appendix , such simulations require the precise numerical evaluation of high - order hermite polynomials , a task which technically limits our approach to the regime where the cyclotron energy is comparable with the energy of the initial wave packet . in this sense ,",
"( [ initorb ] ) the time dependent width reads @xmath108 thus , differently from the dispersive dynamics of a wave packet in the absence of a magnetic field , the width does not increase to infinity but remains bounded and rather oscillates with the cyclotron frequency , similarly to the time evolution of a coherent state in a harmonic oscillator . in the presence of spin - orbit coupling",
"thus , a modulus of @xmath87 ( as present in the intitial condition at @xmath88 ) corresponds to a direct product of spin and orbital state with a reduced spin density matrix of rank @xmath89 , while a vanishing modulus @xmath90 indicates maximal entanglement between spin and orbital degrees of freedom , and the reduced spin density matrix is proportional to the unit matrix @xcite . as seen in fig .",
"[ fig8 ] shows the same type of data at a zeeman energy of @xmath123 which does not lead to any qualitative difference . in summary , the initial narrow peak of the probability density @xmath113 at small spin - orbit coupling broadens with increasing rashba energy and develops an non - trivial structure in terms of a maximum at small arguments with a broad shoulder reaching to higher values .",
", we introduce @xmath91 and @xmath92 the first quantity is the projection of the vector @xmath83 onto the direction of the momentum - dependent field evaluated in terms of @xmath93 , whereas in @xmath94 we have additional divided by @xmath84 in order to eliminate the effects of entanglement discussed above . for the adiabatic - semiclassical approximation to be valid , @xmath95 and @xmath94 should be reasonably constant in time .",
"all six graphs have the appearance of a more or less distorted spiral . the _ prima vista _ most regular motion is found in the two top panels where the initial spin direction is collinear with in initial direction of the momentum - dependent coupling to the spin described by the rashba hamiltonian"
"we have studied the ballistic motion of electrons in iii - v semiconductor quantum wells with rashba spin - orbit coupling and a perpendicular magnetic field . differently from previous investigations ,",
"our numerical approach takes into account the full quantum mechanics of the problem and is technically limited to situations where the cyclotron energy is of the same order as the energy of the initial electron wave packet . for typical experimental parameters , this restriction corresponds to magnetic fields of a few tesla .",
"what both phenomena have indeed in common is the fact that they are the result of spin - orbit coupling , and the irregular motion of electrons in a perpendicular magnetic field is the consequence of the non - equidistant spectrum of landau levels induced by spin - orbit interaction . in this study , we have concentrated on spin - orbit coupling of the rashba type ."
"for the simulations presented in this work it is sufficient to take into account the first 25 landau levels where the evaluation of hermite polynomials is numerically unproblematic .",
"this operation limits the accuracy of the present numerical approach .",
"it is noteworthy that the quantities @xmath136 , @xmath141 , @xmath142 fulfill certain sum rules which provide a convenient check on numerical evaluations .",
"given the data @xmath136 , @xmath141 , @xmath142 , the summations ( [ px ] ) , ( [ py ] ) are to be performed numerically where the sum over the landau level index @xmath23 can be truncated at a sufficiently large energy .",
"the above expressions can be obtained by using the explicit form of the hermite polynomials , @xmath126}\\left[\\frac{(-1)^{p}}{p!}\\frac{n!}{(n-2p ) ! } ( 2x)^{n-2p}\\right]\\,.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] finally , the overlap of the initial state ( [ init ] ) with the spinful eigenstates ( [ speigen ] ) is given by @xmath127 as already stated , the matrix elements of the kinetic momentum as well as the spin operators are diagonal with respect to the wave number @xmath44 ."
] | we investigate the ballistic motion of electrons in iii - v semiconductor quantum wells with rashba spin - orbit coupling in a perpendicular magnetic field . taking into account the full quantum dynamics of the problem
, we explore the modifications of classical cyclotron orbits due to spin - orbit interaction . as a result , for electron energies comparable with the cyclotron energy the dynamics are particularly rich and not adequately described by semiclassical approximations .
our study is complementary to previous semiclassical approaches concentrating on the regime of weaker fields . |
"in this paper we study fermions coupled to skyrmions on @xmath13 . the dirac equation on @xmath13",
"we find an interesting relationship between the topological charge of the skyrmion and certain singular points .",
"[ diracsolution ] , we derive the ordinary differential equation which describes the solutions with total angular momentum @xmath2 for general shape functions . in sect .",
"the spectrum for more general shape functions is also evaluated numerically and compared with results in the literature .",
"[ hedgehogskyrmion ] , we derive the eigenfunctions and the spectrum for the hedgehog configuration with the special shape function @xmath14 . in sect .",
"we also explain the skyrmion - fermion interaction . in sect .",
"[ constantskyrmion ] and [ hedgehogskyrmion ] are verified numerically ."
"the lagrangian for fermions in curved space time is given by @xmath53 with our choice of coordinates and vierbeins we obtain @xmath54 using the coordinates @xmath15 and @xmath55 for the coordinates @xmath16 . equation ( [ l2 ] ) can be transformed into ( [ l1 ] ) by using @xmath56 and the induced spinor transformation @xmath57 of the fermion field @xmath58 which we calculate in the following . the spinor transformation @xmath57 is defined as @xmath59 the transformation @xmath57 is a lifting of the local lorentz transformation @xmath60 of the vierbeins in ( [ erotation ] ) .",
"it is convenient to split the dirac spinor into two @xmath81 spin isospin matrices @xmath82 and @xmath83 such that @xmath84 in this notation the @xmath51-matrices can be written in terms of quaternionic @xmath81 matrices using @xmath85 times the spin pauli matrices @xmath86 and the two dimensional identity matrix @xmath87 as a basis for the quaternions . since any complex @xmath81 matrix can also be expressed in terms of quaternions with complex coefficients it is convenient to choose the same basis for the quaternions as before",
"as the spinor transformation @xmath57 is an element of the double cover of the rotation group , the transformation @xmath71 is also a lifting of the rotation @xmath72 . in the following we discuss fermions coupled to skyrmions .",
"we consider fermions in the background of a static skyrme configuration and neglect the backreaction . therefore , we do not discuss the skyrmion lagrangian any further , and the interested reader is referred to @xcite .",
"the shape function @xmath95 can be calculated by solving the euler - lagrange equation of the skyrme lagrangian numerically . however , instead of using a numerical solution it is more convenient in this context to approximate @xmath95 by an explicit function .",
"the full lagrangian @xmath73 of this model is the sum of the fermion lagrangian @xmath74 , the skyrmion lagrangian @xmath75 and the interaction lagrangian @xmath76 . in this paper",
"finally , we can write down the dirac equation for fermions coupled to a spherically symmetric background skyrmion . it is given by @xmath106 using the coordinates @xmath15 and @xmath107 using the coordinates @xmath16 . here",
"the connection one - form induces the spin connection so that we can finally write down the dirac equation for each chart . at the end of this section"
"@xmath128 now , the spinor transformation @xmath57 in ( [ rhospin ] ) can be evaluated explicitly : @xmath129 with this choice of @xmath51-matrices , we can derive the differential equation for the stationary solutions of the dirac equation by setting @xmath130 : @xmath131 where @xmath132 the components of the matrix in equation ( [ eq1 ] ) commute with the total angular momentum operator @xmath133 where @xmath134 is the orbital angular momentum operator , the spin operator is @xmath135 and the isospin operator is @xmath136 . in polar coordinates ,",
"acts on the @xmath51-matrices and the partial derivatives as follows : @xmath140 using the spinor transformation @xmath57 in ( [ rhospin ] ) we can show that @xmath141 therefore , the parity operator @xmath142 which is defined for the coordinates @xmath16 differs from @xmath138 by a minus sign . the @xmath143 positive parity spin isospin spinors are given by @xmath144 this gives rise to the following system of first order differential equations : @xmath145 where @xmath146 , @xmath147 and @xmath148 are functions of @xmath97 .",
"@xmath109 in @xmath19 , the polar coordinates for the @xmath0-sphere of radius @xmath110 can be written as @xmath111 the angles @xmath112 can now be expressed in terms of @xmath15 as @xmath113 in terms of the @xmath114 , the relations for @xmath115 and @xmath116 are identical to the ones above , and for the @xmath97 coordinate we obtain @xmath117 equation ( [ dirac1 ] ) gives rise to the following dirac equation in polar coordinates : @xmath118 where @xmath119 and the unit vectors @xmath120 are given by @xmath121 @xmath122 can be written as @xmath123 .",
"positive and negative parity are interchanged such that the @xmath153 is given by @xmath154 this gives rise to @xmath155 again the @xmath156 spinor @xmath157 gives rise to the same equation with @xmath151 replaced by @xmath152 .",
"in fact , due to the spinor transformation ( [ trafo ] ) @xmath166 and @xmath167 are related via @xmath168 also note that @xmath167 is given by @xmath169 and similarly @xmath170 can be written as @xmath171",
"in order to solve the dirac equation we introduce spherical polar coordinates for equation ( [ dirac1 ] ) and ( [ dirac2 ] ) . in terms of the coordinates",
"the orbital angular momentum @xmath134 is given by @xmath137 equation ( [ eq1 ] ) is also invariant under parity @xmath138 with @xmath139 it is worth discussing the parity operator @xmath138 in more detail . @xmath138"
"as the radius of the @xmath0-sphere tends to infinity the spectrum tends to the usual spectrum of the dirac equation , which is continuous for @xmath267 . also note that if we assume that @xmath158 and its first and second derivative remain finite as @xmath151 tends to infinity then the energy @xmath268 has to be of order @xmath151 in this limit , so @xmath269 is the leading order asymptotic for @xmath268",
"the initial condition is @xmath309 and the recurrence relation is given by @xmath310 since we have an initial condition we expect to be able to reduce this second order recurrence relation to a recurrence of first order . therefore , we make the ansatz @xmath311 substituting this ansatz into the recurrence relation ( [ recurrence ] ) we obtain a non - linear first order recurrence for the @xmath312 .",
"problems can occur if additional singular points coalesce with the singular points at @xmath254 because this changes the exponents .. ] in the generic case , the regular solution can be calculated by imposing that the solution can be expanded as a power series at the north and at the south pole . later , this will be the basis for our numerical algorithm .",
"setting @xmath244 , in equation ( [ od2 ] ) we can derive a similar equation for @xmath245 which has exponents @xmath246 , @xmath247 and @xmath248 . the solution of this equation can again be expressed in terms of hypergeometric functions : @xmath249 this is only non - singular at @xmath224 if we set @xmath250 . assuming that @xmath251 , @xmath170 can be calculated from equation ( [ tildef ] ) : @xmath252",
"if the difference of the exponents @xmath192 is not a positive integer or zero , then the ansatz ( [ eqansatz ] ) gives rise to two linearly independent solutions of ( [ diffeq ] ) which are uniformly convergent in some neighbourhood of @xmath190 .",
"if a fuchsian differential equation has @xmath11 finite regular singular points @xmath216 with exponents @xmath217 and a regular singular point at infinity with exponents @xmath218 then the following equation holds : @xmath219 this is a useful consistency check for the exponents ."
"kahana and ripka showed by numerical calculation that there is a zero mode for @xmath445 which corresponds to @xmath446 . in @xcite an exponential function was used to approximate the shape function : @xmath447 . in this case minimizing the energy results in @xmath448 and the zero mode occurs for @xmath449 which corresponds to @xmath450 . the fact that there is a mode which crosses zero seems to be independent of the special ansatz for the shape function . this is consistent with our results .",
"this can be compared to monopoles where we have an index theorem which connects the topology of the monopole configuration with the index of the dirac operator . in the following we compare our results with the literature .",
"the relaxation algorithm calculates an improved configuration by linearizing the equation around the solution and minimizing an error function which indicates how well the discretized equations are satisfied . the secret of a successful relaxation method is a good guess for the starting configuration .",
"kahana and ripka considered the problem of coupling a hedgehog configuration to fermions in flat space using an approximation for the skyrme configuration with a size parameter . varying this parameter they computed the spectral flow of the eigenvalues .",
"they found a @xmath439 zero mode for a special value of the `` size '' of the hedgehog . since the size is given by minimizing the energy density for the skyrmion their result corresponds to varying the coupling constant @xmath151 .",
"it appears that the winding number @xmath421 of the skyrmion forces @xmath407 modes to cross zero , one for @xmath417 and one for @xmath426 . in order to follow the spectrum for @xmath271 the shooting method has to be used . .",
"@xmath441 so that the dirac equation for the fermions is independent of @xmath151 . however , we defined the skyrmion as a given background configuration which minimizes the energy . therefore , @xmath442 where @xmath443 is the size of the skyrmion ."
"we have derived the dirac equation for fermions on the @xmath0-sphere which are chirally coupled to a skyrmion . in this paper",
"for @xmath10 we discussed the conformal ansatz ( [ conformal ] ) and calculated the spectrum .",
", we only considered spherically symmetric skyrme configurations and fermionic states with the total angular momentum @xmath451 .",
"we were particularly interested in the shape functions @xmath244 and @xmath14 and the conformal ansatz ( [ conformal ] ) .",
"we conjectured a connection between zero modes and certain singular points in the equation which in turn are connected to the winding number of the configuration .",
"we derived the spectrum @xmath452 which agrees with the spectrum calculated by sen @xcite using maurer cartan forms ."
". lett . * b155 * : 327 ( * 1985 * ) , g. ripka , _ quarks bound by chiral fields _ , oxford science publications ( * 1997 * ) . n. s. manton and p. j. ruback , _ skyrmions in flat space and curved space _ , phys . lett . * b181 * : 137 ( * 1986 * ) , n. s. manton and b. j. schroers , _ bundles over moduli spaces and the quantization of @xmath457 monopoles _ , ann",
"phys . * a429 * : 462 ( * 1984 * ) , g. ripka and s. kahana , _ the stability of a chiral soliton in the fermion one loop approximation _ , phys",
"* d61 * : 114024 ( * 2000 * ) , , s. krusch , _ homotopy of rational maps and the quantization of skyrmions _ ( * 2002 * ) , , d. finkelstein and j. rubinstein , _ connection between spin , statistics , and kinks _ , j. math . phys .",
"* d34 * : 1176 ( * 1986 * ) , s. kahana and g. ripka , _ baryon density of quarks coupled to a chiral field _ , nucl .",
"a14 * : 445 ( * 1999 * ) , , j. r. hiller and t. f. jordan , _ solutions of the dirac equation for fermions in skyrme fields _ , phys",
"the author wants to thank n s manton , h pfeiffer and y shnir for many discussions during various stages of this project .",
"nonlinearity * 13 * : 2163 ( * 2000 * ) , , m. gell - mann and m. levy , _ the axial vector current in beta decay _ , nuovo cim . * 16 * : 705 ( * 1960 * ) , n. s. manton , _ geometry of skyrmions _ ,",
"the author also would like to thank j m speight for many helpful suggestions and continuous support ."
] | this paper discusses skyrmions on the @xmath0-sphere coupled to fermions .
the resulting dirac equation commutes with a generalized angular momentum @xmath1 . for @xmath2 the dirac equation
can be solved explicitly for a constant skyrme configuration and also for a @xmath3 symmetric hedgehog configuration .
we discuss how the spectrum changes due to the presence of a non - trivial winding number , and also consider more general skyrme configurations numerically .
pages , 6 figures |
", we propose a simple and easily parallelizable monte - carlo algorithm based on the fano representation of quantum states and quantum operations .",
"we show that our algorithm provides reliable results for the case , most significant for present - day implementations of quantum information processing , of single - qubit quantum channels .",
"sec : methods ] two numerical monte - carlo strategies for computing the diamond norm .",
"[ sec:1qchannels ] for a few physically significant single - qubit quantum channels .",
"the second one is based on the fano representation of quantum states and quantum operations ."
"we consider the following problem : given two quantum channels @xmath0 and @xmath1 , and a single channel use , chosen uniformly at random from @xmath8 , we wish to maximize the probability of correctly identifying the quantum channel .",
"it seems natural to reformulate the optimization problem into the problem of finding an input state ( density matrix ) @xmath2 in the hilbert space @xmath9 such that the error probability in the discrimination of the output states @xmath10 and @xmath11 is minimal . in this case",
"kitaev provided a different equivalent characterization of the diamond norm , see , e.g. , @xcite . any superoperator ( not necessarily completely positive ) @xmath29 , with @xmath30 space of linear operators mapping @xmath9 to itself , can be expressed as @xmath31 where @xmath32 , @xmath33 and @xmath34 linear operators from @xmath9 to @xmath35 , with @xmath36 auxiliary hilbert space and @xmath37 $ ] .",
"finally , it turns out that @xcite @xmath44 where @xmath45 is the maximum output fidelity of @xmath41 and @xmath42 , defined as @xmath46 , \\label{eq : dnormkitaev}\\ ] ] where @xmath47 are density matrices in @xmath9 , and the fidelity @xmath48 is defined as @xmath49 note that @xmath41 , @xmath42 are not density matrices : the conditions @xmath50 , @xmath51 are not satisfied .",
"it is clear from definition ( [ eq : diamondnorm ] ) that @xmath24 and therefore @xmath25 , so that it can be convenient to use an ancillary system to better discriminate two quantum operations after a single channel use .",
"the point is that in general it is possible to exploit quantum entanglement to increase the distinguishability of two quantum channels . in this case ,",
"an ancillary hilbert space @xmath15 is introduced , the input state @xmath16 is a density matrix in @xmath17 , and the quantum operations are trivially extended to @xmath15 ."
"we numerically compute the distance ( induced by the diamond norm ) between two quantum channels @xmath0 and @xmath1 using two monte - carlo algorithms . the first one is based on the direct computation of @xmath52 , with the output states @xmath53 and @xmath54 in eq .",
"we point out that , while one could compute @xmath93 from the kraus representation of the superoperator @xmath94 , the advantage of the fano representation is that the matrix elements of @xmath95 are directly related to the transformation of the expectation values of the system s polarization measurements @xcite . finally , we compute the trace distance between @xmath96 and @xmath97 as @xmath98 where @xmath99 are the eigenvalues of @xmath100 .",
"it is convenient to write the coefficients @xmath73 as a column vector , @xmath75^t . \\end{array}\\ ] ] then the quantum operations @xmath76 and @xmath77 map , in the fano representation , @xmath78 into @xmath79 and @xmath80 , respectively , where @xmath81 and @xmath82 are affine transformation matrices . such matrices have a simple block structure : @xmath83 with @xmath84 and @xmath85 @xmath86 affine transformation matrices corresponding to the quantum operations @xmath87 and @xmath88 ( of course , @xmath84 is the identity matrix ) . matrices @xmath85 directly determines the transformation , induced by @xmath88 , of the single - qubit bloch - sphere coordinates @xmath89 . given the fano representation for a single qubit , @xmath90 , then @xmath91^t$ ] and @xmath92 .",
"[ subsec : kmethod ] , the same number of parameters are needed in the f - method . however , the f - method has computational advantages in that only the eigenvalues of the @xmath86 matrix @xmath130 are required , while in the k - method we need to evaluate both eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices in general of the same size ( @xmath131 ) .",
"using the singular value decomposition of @xmath107 , we can write @xmath110 where @xmath111 is the rank of @xmath107 and @xmath112 , @xmath113 are vectors in @xmath106 . the operator @xmath107 completely specifies @xmath23 and can be exploited to express @xmath23 as @xmath114 the operators @xmath115 and @xmath116 can be derived by generalizing the construction of the operator - sum representation for quantum operations ( see , for instance , sec .",
", we will refer to the two above monte - carlo algorithms as f - algorithm and k - algorithm , respectively . for the sake of simplicity we will confine ourselves to one - qubit quantum channels , even though the two algorithms can be easily formulated for two- or many - qubit channels .",
"besides computational advantages , the f - method is physically more transparent , as it is based on affine maps , whose matrix elements have physical meaning , being directly related to the transformation of the expectation values of the system s polarization measurements @xcite ."
"superoperators @xmath0 and @xmath1 map the bloch sphere into an ellipsoid with @xmath138 ( for the bit - flip channel ) and @xmath139 ( for the phase - flip channel ) as symmetry axis . if we call @xmath140 , @xmath141 , and @xmath142 , the initial bloch - sphere coordinates and the new coordinates after application of quantum operations @xmath0 and @xmath1 , respectively , we obtain @xmath143 the geometrical meaning of the trace norm for the present example is clear from fig . [",
"such channel are physically relevant in the description , for instance , of energy dissipation in open quantum systems , the simplest case being the amplitude damping channel @xcite . as a first illustrative example , we compute the distance between two channels @xmath0 and @xmath1 corresponding to displacements of the bloch sphere along the @xmath183- and @xmath184-direction @xcite . in the fano representation",
"[ fig : blochdispxz],width=302 ] it is interesting to remark that , in contrast to the pauli channels , the optimal input state is not a maximally entangled input state . in the limiting case ( i ) the channels are strictly better discriminated by means of an appropriate separable input state , i.e. , the south pole of the bloch sphere ( see the left plot of fig . [",
"hence , the maximum distance is obtained not on a single point but on a curve and the number @xmath156 of initial conditions requested to get a point within a trace distance smaller than @xmath168 from this curve is of the order of @xmath175 , thus leading to @xmath176 . in evaluating the diamond distance between channels ( [ eq : sacchi ] ) by means of the f - algorithm after @xmath156 randomly chosen initial conditions .",
"thus , there is no advantage in using an ancillary system . as a further example , we compute the distance between the depolarizing channel @xmath0 and the nonunital channel @xmath1 corresponding to the displacement along the @xmath184-axis of the bloch sphere .",
"a rough argument can be used to explain the @xmath160 dependence . assuming a smooth quadratic dependence of the distance @xmath161 on the parameters for optimization [ the angles @xmath162 in ( [ eq : thetaphi ] ) , with @xmath163 $ ] , @xmath164 for @xmath16 around the value @xmath165 optimizing @xmath166 , then @xmath167 when the distance between @xmath16 and @xmath165 is of the order of @xmath168 .",
"( [ eq : dpauli ] ) that @xmath136 for this example , the diamond norm coincides with the trace norm , @xmath137 , and therefore has a simple geometrical interpretation : for a single qubit the trace distance between two single - qubit states is equal to the euclidean distance between them on the bloch ball @xcite ."
"we have shown that the distance between two quantum channels can be conveniently computed by means of a monte - carlo algorithm based on the fano representation .",
"the effectiveness of this algorithm is illustrated in the case , most relevant for present - day implementations of quantum information processing , of single - qubit quantum channels .",
"furthermore , being based on the fano representation , is enlights the physical meaning of the involved quantum channels : the matrix elements of the affine map representing a quantum channel directly account for the evolution of the expectation values of the system s polarization measurements .",
"more generally , we believe that the fano representation provides a computationally convenient and physically trasparent representation of quantum noise .",
"a main computational advantage of this algorithms is that it is easily parallelizable ."
"this implies that , if @xmath41 , @xmath42 are expressed in terms of operators @xmath232 , @xmath233 rather than @xmath115 , @xmath116 , to evaluate @xmath234 we need to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices of size @xmath235 . in the single - qubit case , typically @xmath236 .",
"given a superoperator @xmath109 , with @xmath0 , @xmath1 quantum operations , we start from the kraus representation @xcite of @xmath0 and @xmath1 : @xmath221 and define new operators : @xmath222 where @xmath223 . note that , if @xmath224 , we set @xmath225 for @xmath226 ; vice - versa , if @xmath227 , @xmath228 for @xmath229 .",
"it is easy to see that @xmath230 in contrast to ( [ eq : aibisum ] ) , the present decomposition of @xmath231 is simpler , in that no singular value decomposition is required , but less efficient .",
"indeed , the maximum number of terms in ( [ eq : tildeab ] ) is twice that of decomposition ( [ eq : aibisum ] ) .",
"g. benenti , g. casati , and g. strini , _ principles of quantum computation and information _ , vol .",
"ii : basic tools and special topics ( world scientific , singapore , 2007 ) .",
"i : basic concepts ( world scientific , singapore , 2004 ) ; vol ."
] | the diamond norm measures the distance between two quantum channels . from an operational vewpoint , this norm measures how well we can distinguish between two channels by applying them to input states of arbitrarily large dimensions . in this paper , we show that the diamond norm can be conveniently and in a physically transparent way computed by means of a monte - carlo algorithm based on the fano representation of quantum states and quantum operations .
the effectiveness of this algorithm is illustrated for several single - qubit quantum channels . |
"for the _ trans _ isomer , on the other hand , we determine an intriguing structural and vibrational insensitivity of the photochemically active central diazo - bridge to the presence of the bulky spacer groups .",
"we find a qualitatively different adsorption geometry for the functional backbone in the case of the _ cis _ isomer .",
"comparison against our recent near edge x - ray absorption fine structure ( nexafs ) @xcite and high - resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy ( hreels ) @xcite measurements , as well as a complete analysis of new tpd data confirms the accurate structural and vibrational predictions reached by the dft - d ts scheme .",
"the again obtained significant overbinding furthermore supports the interpretation @xcite that the neglect of metallic screening is the main limitation in the application of this scheme to the adsorption of organic molecules at metal surfaces . comparing the tba data to those for pure azobenzene at au(111 )",
"is heuristically reduced to zero by multiplication with a short - range damping function . while the applicability of this approach to adsorption at metal surfaces is uncertain ( _ vide infra _ ) , our recent benchmark study for azobenzene at ag(111 ) revealed that in particular the most recent dft - d scheme due to tkatchenko and scheffler ( ts ) @xcite yields excellent structural properties , albeit at a notable overbinding @xcite . in this contribution we further explore the generality of this finding by analyzing the adsorption geometry , vibrations and energetics of tba at au(111 ) .",
"we have recently quantified this for azobenzene at the close - packed coinage metal surfaces @xcite ."
"the assumption of a simple two - body form for the dispersion potential inherently neglects the effect of electronic screening of the vdw interactions@xcite , which particularly for the here studied adsorption at metal surfaces is expected to lead to an overestimation of the binding energy @xcite . a second limitation of the semi - empirical dft - d approach might arise for adsorbate molecules which also interact covalently with the substrate .",
"the lack of vdw interactions in this semi - local functional is approximately corrected with an additional analytical , two - body inter - atomic potential . at long range , this potential equals the leading @xmath14-term of the london series , where @xmath15 is the inter - atomic distance , and @xmath16 a so - called dispersion coefficient . at short range , this long range potential is matched to the dft inter - atomic potential by a damping function @xmath17 , typically modulated by the vdw radii @xmath18 of the atom pair . in this work we use the material - specific @xmath16 and @xmath18 parameters , as well as",
"harmonic vibrational spectra of the adsorbed species in these relaxed geometries ( and in the gas - phase ) were subsequently obtained from numerical hessians calculated by finite differences and neglecting any degrees of freedom of substrate atoms . to efficiently parallelize over the 432 displacements required for each spectrum , we have interfaced with the atomistic simulation environment including the phonopy extension to it @xcite .",
"the analytical form of the dispersion correction potential brings the advantage that dispersion - corrected total energies of geometries that are fully relaxed with respect to the dispersion - corrected forces can be obtained ( employing an in - house extension to the castep code ) at essentially the same computational cost as a regular gga calculation . on the other hand",
"the dft calculations were performed using a plane - wave basis set and library ultrasoft pseudopotentials@xcite as implemented in and distributed with the castep@xcite code . the generalized gradient approximation ( gga ) to the xc - functional with the parametrization suggested by perdew , burke and ernzerhof@xcite ( pbe ) was used throughout . in the spirit of the dft - d approach ,",
"\\label{eq : delta_e}\\ ] ] here @xmath23 is the total energy of the relaxed , double - sided azobenzene - surface system , @xmath24 the total energy of the clean slab , and @xmath25 the total energy of the correspondingly relaxed gas - phase isomer ( computed within @xmath26-point sampled @xmath27 supercells ) . where applicable , ts dft - d corrections calculated in optimized four layer slab and gas - phase geometries are added to @xmath28 and @xmath25 , respectively .",
"not aiming to reproduce the hreels intensities @xcite , simple lorentzian broadening with a width of 1 mev was applied to the spectra for better visualization . for the energetic and electronic structure calculations the thus determined relaxed adsorbate geometries were inverted in the bottom layer , forming inversion - symmetric seven layer slabs with adsorbates at both sides ."
"our previous work on azobenzene at coinage metal surfaces points to an understanding of the surface chemical bond in terms of a balance of four major contributions : a covalent bond between the diazo - bridge and the metal , the vdw attraction between the metal and the phenyl - rings , the pauli repulsion between the phenyl - rings and the metal , and the energetic penalty due to the distortion of the gas - phase molecular geometry @xcite . this understanding should largely carry over to tba at au(111 ) , with the bulky tert - butyl groups particularly adding to the vdw attraction and the molecular deformation upon adsorption .",
"tert_-butyl groups for the switching properties of _ trans _ tba at au(111 ) must be more subtle than a mere geometric decoupling of the central photochemically active molecular moiety .",
". also the characterization of the surface vibrational properties supports therefore the understanding that the effect of the bulky _",
"key structural parameters to characterize the adsorption geometry for both _ trans _ and _ cis _ isomer are therefore the location and orientation of the central diazo - bridge , as well as the orientation of the planes of the two phenyl - rings with respect to the surface . as further illustrated in figs .",
"this in turn compares very well to the 8mev measured for tba in the condensed phase with ir and raman spectroscopy @xcite .",
"cis_-_trans _ stretch frequency shift compared to the gas - phase . in _",
"azobenzene , this leads to a concomitant increase of the _"
"for this we have presented a detailed characterization of the geometric , energetic and vibrational properties of the _ trans _ and _ cis _ isomers of the azobenzene derivate tba at au(111 ) .",
"a methodological motivation of this work was to further explore the capabilities of the semi - empirical dispersion correction approach to semi - local dft in describing the adsorption of complex organic molecules at metal surfaces .",
"the findings are in all respects in line with the experience from preceding studies on benzene and pure azobenzene at coinage metal surfaces @xcite : the additional account of attractive vdw interaction introduced by the pbe+ts scheme leads to a significant modification of the adsorption geometry , primarily in terms of bringing the molecule closer to the surface .",
"the energetic lowering of the c - h stretch vibrations of the _",
"motivated by the gas - phase structure , this view discusses the butyl groups as spacers that help to decouple the molecular switch from the metal substrate . for the tba _ cis _ isomer",
"this is quite different to the more symmetric adsorption mode of _ cis _ azobenzene at au(111 ) , such that here one can attest some geometric decoupling from the surface due to the butyl table legs. quite distinctly , the almost planar adsorption mode of _ trans _ tba is very much comparable to the adsorption geometry of pure azobenzene . particularly for the photochemically active diazo - bridge moiety this similarity goes even down to essentially unchanged structural and vibrational properties . in this respect ,",
"we indeed compute a skewed adsorption mode , in which one phenyl - moiety is much more tilted , up to the point of standing essentially perpendicular to the surface plane ."
"for the small , but finite angles @xmath8 determined in the calculations , we therefore use a simple arithmetic average to determine the inclination of the cnnc plane in the comparison to the nexafs data .",
"the central cnnc atoms of the azobenzene backbone are only precisely located within one plane for a dihedral angle @xmath54 .",
"ample computing time has been provided at the hlrb - ii architecture of the leibniz supercomputing centre in garching .",
"funding by the deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft through sfb 658 - elementary processes in molecular switches at surfaces - is gratefully acknowledged ."
] | we present large - scale density - functional theory ( dft ) calculations and temperature programmed desorption measurements to characterize the structural , energetic and vibrational properties of the functionalized molecular switch @xmath0-tetra-_tert_-butyl - azobenzene ( tba ) adsorbed at au(111 ) .
particular emphasis is placed on exploring the accuracy of the semi - empirical dispersion correction approach to semi - local dft ( dft - d ) in accounting for the substantial van der waals component in the surface chemical bond . in line with previous findings for benzene and pure azobenzene at coinage metal surfaces ,
dft - d significantly overbinds the molecule , but seems to yield an accurate adsorption geometry as far as can be judged from the experimental data . comparing the _ trans _ adsorption geometry of tba and azobenzene at au(111 ) reveals a remarkable insensitivity of the structural and vibrational properties of the @xmath1 moiety .
this questions the established view of the role of the bulky tert - butyl - spacer groups for the switching of tba in terms of a mere geometric decoupling of the photochemically active diazo - bridge from the gold substrate . |
"we want to introduce magnetic solutions of the einstein gravity in the presence of a nonlinear electromagnetic field and find the effects of the nonlinearity on the properties of the solutions .",
"[ long ] we present static horizonless solutions which produce longitudinal magnetic field , compare it with the solutions of the standard electromagnetic field and then investigate the properties of the solutions and the effects of nonlinearity of the electromagnetic field on the deficit angle of the spacetime",
"we give a brief review of the field equations of einstein gravity in the presence of cosmological constant and nonlinear electromagnetic field in sec .",
"@xcite . in this paper"
"we consider the @xmath0-dimensional action in which gravity is coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics field in the presence of negative cosmological constant with an action @xmath6 , \\label{ig}\\ ] ] where @xmath7 is the scalar curvature , @xmath8 is the negative cosmological constant for asymptotically ads solutions , @xmath9 is the maxwell invariant which is equal to@xmath10(where @xmath11 is the electromagnetic tensor field and @xmath12 is the vector potential ) , @xmath13 and @xmath3 is a coupling and positive arbitrary constant respectively . varying the action ( [ ig ] ) with respect to the metric tensor @xmath14 and the electromagnetic field @xmath12 , the equations of gravitational and electromagnetic fields may be obtained as @xmath15 @xmath16 in the presence of nonlinear electrodynamics field , the energy - momentum tensor of eq .",
"( [ ig])([tt ] ) , reduce to the equations of magnetic brane in einstein - standard maxwell gravity @xcite .",
"\\label{tt}\\ ] ] it is easy to show that when @xmath3 goes to @xmath18 , the eqs ."
"it is notable that for @xmath53 , all components of the electromagnetic field , @xmath55 , vanish and the solutions reduce to uncharged solutions . while for @xmath56 , there is a logarithmic function related to the charge term of the solutions obtained as followed@xmath57 here , with an appropriate combination of nonlinear electromagnetic field and @xmath2-dimensional einstein gravity , we constructed a class of four dimensional magnetic string solutions which produces a longitudinal magnetic field . in @xmath58-dimensional case",
"the scalar curvature is expressed in terms of the maxwell invariant @xmath9 and cosmological constant @xmath34 as @xmath35before studying in details the field equations , we first specify the sign of the coupling constant @xmath36 in term of the exponent @xmath3 in order to ensure a physical interpretation of our future solutions . in fact , the sign of the coupling constant @xmath36 in the action ( [ ig ] ) can be chosen such that the energy density , i.e. the @xmath37 component of the energy - momentum tensor in the orthonormal frame , is positive @xmath38as a direct consequence , one can show that the maxwell invariant @xmath39 is positive and hence , the sign of the coupling constant @xmath36 should be positive , which can be set to @xmath18 without loss of generality .",
"the motivation for this metric gauge @xmath30 and @xmath31 $ ] instead of the usual schwarzschild gauge @xmath32 and @xmath33 $ ] comes from the fact that we are looking for a horizonless magnetic solutions . taking the trace of the gravitational field equation ( [ graveq ] ) ,",
"the metric reduce to magnetic string coupled to nonlinear electromagnetic field@xmath59 the coordinate @xmath60 has the dimension of length and ranges @xmath61 and the electromagnetic field and metric function reduce to@xmath62",
"the gauge potential is given by @xmath40the nonlinear electromagnetic field equations ( [ maxeq ] ) reduce to @xmath41for @xmath42 , with the solution @xmath43where @xmath44 is an integration constant and is related to the electromagnetic charge .",
"after some manipulations , we find that for @xmath53 and @xmath54 , the gauge potential @xmath12 and the charge term in the metric function differ from previous section .",
"( [ rrcom ] ) , which also satisfies all the other components of the gravitational field equations ( graveq ) , can be written as @xmath50where mass parameter , @xmath51 is related to integration constant ."
"in this subsection , we want to investigate the effects of the nonlinearity of the magnetic field on the metric ( function ) . it is clear that the nonlinearity effects on the second term of @xmath46 , eq . ( [ f(r ) ] ) , directly .",
"it is interesting that the nonlinear maxwell field effects on all values of @xmath70 .",
"in order to investigate the effects of the nonlinearity of the magnetic field on @xmath107 , we plot the deficit angle @xmath108 versus the charge parameter @xmath44 .",
"but for _ nonlinear maxwell field coupled to einstein gravity _"
"one can use the brown - york definition of the stress - energy tensor @xcite to construct a divergence - free stress - energy tensor @xmath131 , \\label{stres}\\]]where @xmath132 is the extrinsic curvature of the boundary , @xmath133 is its trace and @xmath134 is the induced metric of the boundary . to compute the conserved charges of the spacetime , we choose a spacelike surface @xmath135 in @xmath136 with metric @xmath137 , and write the boundary metric in arnowitt - deser - misner form : @xmath138where the coordinates @xmath139 are the angular variables parameterizing the hypersurface of constant @xmath70 around the origin , and @xmath140 and @xmath141 are the lapse and shift functions respectively . when there is a killing vector field @xmath142 on the boundary , then the quasilocal conserved quantities associated with the stress tensors of eq .",
".\\]]one can see that rotation does not change the metric function @xmath87 , and therefore the metric in the transformed coordinate systemin the remaining part of this section , we compute the conserved quantities of the solutions . in general , the conserved quantities are divergent when evaluated on the solutions .",
"horizonless rotating spacetimes , the first killing vector is @xmath148 and therefore its associated conserved charge of the brane is the mass per unit volume @xmath128 calculated as @xmath149 m. \\label{mas}\\]]the second class of conserved quantities are the angular momentum per unit volume @xmath128 associated with the rotational killing vectors @xmath150 which may be calculated as @xmath151 one can find that the mass and angular momentum , eqs .",
"( [ stres ] ) can be written as @xmath143where @xmath144 is the determinant of the metric @xmath137 , and @xmath145 is the timelike unit normal vector to the boundary @xmath135**. * * in the context of counterterm method , the limit in which the boundary @xmath146 becomes infinite ( @xmath147 ) is taken , and the counterterm prescription ensures that the action and conserved charges are finite . for our case ,",
"a systematic method of dealing with this divergence for asymptotically ads solutions of einstein gravity is through the use of the counterterms method inspired by the anti - de sitter conformal field theory ( ads / cft ) correspondence @xcite .",
"can be found by calculating the flux of the electromagnetic field at infinity , yielding @xmath154note that the electric charge is proportional to the rotation parameter , and is zero for the case of static solutions .",
"next , we calculate the electric charge of the solutions . to determine the electric field we should consider the projections of the electromagnetic field tensor on special hypersurfaces.the electric charge per unit volume @xmath153"
"the idea is to take advantage of the conformal symmetry to construct the analogues of the four dimensional reissner - nordstrm solutions in higher dimensions .",
"we want to justify @xmath3 , such that the electromagnetic field equation be invariant under conformal transformation ( @xmath156 and @xmath157 ) .",
"in many papers , straightforward generalization of the maxwell field to higher dimensions one essential property of the electromagnetic field is lost , namely , conformal invariance .",
"consider the lagrangian of the form @xmath158 , where @xmath159 .",
"it is worthwhile to mention that since @xmath165 and therefore @xmath166 , one can show that the conformally invariant maxwell source solutions are asymptotically ads in arbitrary dimensions @xmath167 .",
"as one can see the clue of the conformal invariance lies in the fact that we have considered power of the maxwell invariant , @xmath155 . here",
"it is easy to show that for this form of lagrangian in @xmath0-dimensions , @xmath160 $ ] ; so @xmath161 implies @xmath162 . for our case @xmath163 , and subsequently , @xmath164 ."
"in this paper , we investigated the effects of the nonlinearity of the electromagnetic fields on the properties of the spacetime by finding a new class of magnetic solutions in einstein gravity in the presence of nonlinear electromagnetic field .",
"this class of solutions yields an @xmath0-dimensional spacetime with a longitudinal nonlinear magnetic field [ the only nonzero component of the vector potential is @xmath168 generated by a static magnetic brane . also , we compared the asymptotic behavior of metric functions for linear and nonlinear cases and showed that the nonlinear case is not asymptotic ads for special range of nonlinear parameter , ( @xmath169 ) .",
"we found that this deficit angle is different from the deficit angle of spacetimes of einstein gravity in the presence of maxwell field for large value of charge parameter .",
"we also applied the counterterm method in order to calculate the conserved quantities of the spacetime , and found that the mass and angular momentum per unit volume of the spacetime do not depend on the nonlinear parameter .",
"finally , we considered the conformally invariant maxwell source of the solutions and found that the nonlinear parameter restricted to @xmath164 , and spacetime is asymptotic ads for arbitrary dimensions @xmath167 .",
"we found that these solutions have no curvature singularity and no horizons , but have conic singularity at @xmath94 with a deficit angle @xmath170 .",
"when the rotation parameters are nonzero , the brane has a net electric charge density which is proportional to the magnitude of the rotation parameters given by @xmath171 ."
] | considering the nonlinear electromagnetic field coupled to einstein gravity in the presence of cosmological constant , we obtain a new class of @xmath0-dimensional magnetic brane solutions .
this class of solutions yields a spacetime with a longitudinal nonlinear magnetic field generated by a static source .
these solutions have no curvature singularity and no horizons but have a conic geometry with a deficit angle @xmath1 .
we investigate the effects of nonlinearity on the metric function and deficit angle and also find that for the special range of the nonlinear parameter , the solutions are not asymptotic ads .
we generalize this class of solutions to the case of spinning magnetic solutions , and find that when one or more rotation parameters are nonzero , the brane has a net electric charge which is proportional to the magnitude of the rotation parameters .
then , we use the counterterm method and compute the conserved quantities of these spacetimes .
finally , we obtain a constrain on the nonlinear parameter , such that the nonlinear electromagnetic field is conformally invariant . |
"this paper describes how these detectors are used * to monitor the phase between the collisions and the lhc clock signals that drive the atlas electronics * to monitor the structure and uniformity of the lhc beams * as input to the trigger system",
"the atlas experiment @xcite at the large hadron collider ( lhc ) @xcite must be synchronized to the collisions to ensure the quality of the event data recorded by its sub - detectors . in order to facilitate this",
", the lhc provides beam related timing signals to the experiments via optical fibers that are several kilometers long @xcite .",
"the phase of these clock signals can drift , e.g. due to temperature fluctuations , causing front - end electronics to sample at non - optimal working point . on both sides of atlas , 175 m upstream from the interaction point , beam pick - up detectors are installed along the lhc beam pipe ."
"figure [ fig : bptxstation ] shows the installed bptx station for beam 2 on the c - side of atlas . at the bottom of the photograph , the cables from the four button pick - ups are visible",
"since the signal from a passing charge distribution is linearly proportional to distance to first order , the signals from all four pick - ups are summed to cancel out potential beam position deviations .",
"they are comprised of four electrostatic button pick - up detectors , arranged symmetrically in the transverse plane around the lhc beam pipe .",
"the resulting signal is then transmitted to the underground counting room _ usa15 _ via a 220 m low - loss cable .",
"[ fig : bptxstation ] the bptx stations are beam position monitors provided by the lhc machine , but operated by experiments for timing purposes ."
"summary data from the bptx monitoring system , e.g. mean bunch intensity and phase , is published to the atlas _ _ detector control system__@xcite and ultimately saved to the conditions database .",
"the monitoring system is running independently from the atlas online data acquisition infrastructure , enabling monitoring of the lhc machine in the control room even when atlas is not taking data .",
"the bptx signals are used for two separate purposes within atlas , by the trigger system and by a monitoring system for the lhc beams and timing signals .",
"the features of the scope enables capturing a full lhc turn in one acquisition while retaining enough detail to get about 5 measurement points on the sharp falling edge of each bptx pulse ( see e.g. figure [ fig : firstbunch ] ) . since most of the high - frequency content of the bptx signals is attenuated by the long transmission line , the frequency spectrum of the signals arriving in atlas peaks around 400 mhz , making an analog bandwidth of 600 mhz sufficient for the oscilloscope used for digitization . by making fits to the identified bunch pulses and clock edges , the bptx monitoring system measures the phase between each bunch and the clock signal with high accuracy .",
"using the bptx monitoring applications , the shifter in the control room can verify that the timing signals are synchronized to the collisions , and also look for so - called _ satellite bunches _ , out - of - time bunches that would cause off - center collisions in atlas .",
"the electrical signals are then transmitted to the atlas sub - detectors via the _ central trigger processor _ ( ctp ) of the level-1 trigger system and to the bptx monitoring system .",
"in addition to monitoring this phase , the intensity and longitudinal length of the individual bunches are measured and the structure of the beams is determined ."
"on september 10 , 2008 , the first lhc proton bunch reached atlas .",
", a single bunch was circulated around the lhc for about 20 minutes after being captured by the rf system .",
"figure [ fig : firstbunch ] shows the pulse recorded by the bptx monitoring system .",
"the pulse amplitude , which is proportional to the bunch intensity , is degrading from turn to turn , which is consistent with the beam loss and debunching expected for a beam not yet captured by the lhc rf system . around 1 am on september 12 , 2008",
"the scattering of the data points suggests that the precision is around 10% .",
"the pulses are separated by 89@xmath0s , corresponding to the time it takes for an lhc bunch to circulate around the 27 km long ring .",
"the falling edge of the analog bptx signal for beam 2 ( the scope channel with bipolar pulses to the left ) is used as scope trigger and can be seen together with the discriminated bptx signal used as level-1 trigger input ( with longer nim pulse to the right ) .",
"the clock related to beam 2 ( bottom ) is stable within an rms of 40 picoseconds with respect to the beam , indicating rf capture .",
"the reference clock signal ( top ) , corresponding to the bunch frequency at a higher energy , has a different frequency .",
"the bptx monitoring system measured the intensity during this period , and the resulting plot is shown in figure [ fig : longfill ] ."
"in the first period of beam in the lhc , the bptx system was used extensively as a trigger to time in the read - out windows of the sub - detectors of the atlas experiment .",
"the bptx monitoring system was able to record the very first lhc bunch approaching atlas , and provided detailed information about the beams during these first days of data taking ."
"the atlas collaboration 2008 `` the atlas experiment at the cern large hadron collider '' ( 2008 ) s08003 .",
"we would also like to express our deepest gratitude to the lhc community , both for the support and for providing the bptx detectors . 00",
"the authors would like to thank the atlas collaboration and its level-1 central trigger group in which most of this work was carried out .",
"a. barriuso poy , h. boterenbrood , h. j. burckhart , j. cook , v. filimonov , s. franz , o. gutzwiller , b. hallgren , v. khomutnikov , s. schlenker and f. varela 2008 `` the detector control system of the atlas experiment '' .",
"s. baron 2005 `` ttc challenges and upgrade for the lhc '' pp 125 - 129 .",
"2005 `` atlas level-1 trigger timing - in strategies '' pp 274 - 278 . c. ohm 2007 .",
"`` lhc machine '' ( 2008 ) s08001 ."
] | the atlas bptx stations are comprised of electrostatic button pick - up detectors , located 175 m away along the beam pipe on both sides of atlas .
the pick - ups are installed as a part of the lhc beam instrumentation and used by atlas for timing purposes .
the usage of the bptx signals in atlas is twofold : they are used both in the trigger system and for lhc beam monitoring .
the bptx signals are discriminated with a constant - fraction discriminator to provide a level-1 trigger when a bunch passes through atlas .
furthermore , the bptx detectors are used by a stand - alone monitoring system for the lhc bunches and timing signals .
the bptx monitoring system measures the phase between collisions and clock with a precision better than 100 ps in order to guarantee a stable phase relationship for optimal signal sampling in the subdetector front - end electronics .
in addition to monitoring this phase , the properties of the individual bunches are measured and the structure of the beams is determined . on september 10 , 2008
, the first lhc beams reached the atlas experiment . during this period with beam ,
the atlas bptx system was used extensively to time in the read - out of the sub - detectors . in this paper , we present the performance of the bptx system and its measurements of the first lhc beams .
atlas , beam monitoring , level-1 trigger , bptx , lhc , lhc timing signals |
"`` a full background model ... can not be constructed , as the origin of the small - s2 background in the detector can not be reliably quantified ... '' _ the purpose of this article is to show that the thermalized , trapped electron hypothesis appears to be correct and that the background can in fact be quantified .",
"however , the hypothesis remains unconfirmed and the trapping lifetime is unknown . as a result , the dark matter search community sentiment appears to have concluded that liquid xenon will not be a competitive target for observing single or few electron signals from putative dark sector dark matter @xcite ( see in particular fig . 12 and",
"particle detection with low - background liquid / gas xenon detectors offer world - leading sensitivity to hypothetical dark matter particle scattering events @xcite . in the absence of any convincing evidence for detection",
"liquid xenon targets are able to search for lower ( @xmath5 gev ) mass wimp dark matter candidates , as well as for dark sector candidates @xcite . however , `` electron train '' backgrounds present a serious limitation to this technique . these consist of numerous single electron signals , typically of width @xmath6s , emitted over timescales @xmath7s .",
"@xcite that the origin of electron train backgrounds might lie in the thermalization and trapping of un - emitted electrons just below the liquid xenon surface , with eventual emission on significantly longer timescales .",
"the technique is sensitive to single electrons , due to the fact that ionized electrons are extracted into the gas phase and amplified via proportional scintillation . with sensitivity set by the energy threshold of a single quanta ,",
"the time profile of this background is therefore sparse and long - lived compared with typical event durations , which are @xmath8s ."
"we remind the reader that the standard search technique with this class of detector requires putative dark matter scattering events to result in both scintillation photon ( s1 ) and ionized electron ( s2 ) signals , separated by the time @xmath9 required for electrons to drift a distance @xmath10 across the liquid xenon target .",
"in contrast , electron train backgrounds are observed to continue for time periods @xmath14 . in order to calculate the lifetime of trapped electrons ,",
"it is necessary to know the barrier height imposed by the dielectric interface between the liquid and the gas phase xenon .",
"this same barrier governs the emission of electrons which have been heated by the applied electric field .",
"the maximum drift time of an electron from the cathode to the liquid surface is @xmath11 . for post - event time",
"photoionization is easily vetoed in an s2-only analysis , because @xmath11 is typically a few hundred @xmath13s and so is directly connected to the originating event .",
"the first step is therefore to study the electron emission efficiency ."
"typical ranges of the applied electric fields in the liquid are @xmath17 kv / cm . the electric field in the gas phase just above the liquid surface is approximately @xmath18 due to the relative dielectric constant of liquid xenon , @xmath19 @xcite . in this work , applied electric fields are assumed to have only a @xmath20 component .",
"such electrons are referred to as quasi - free due to being confined to the medium , and yet not localized to any particular atom . dual phase ( liquid / gas ) xenon detectors for dark matter search have a frisch grid a few mm below the liquid surface and an anode grid a few mm above it .",
"suggest the possibility that the high-@xmath0 limit of the emission efficiency might not be unity . as an electron approaches a dielectric boundary that is held at a constant potential , the force due to it s image charge results in an energy barrier .",
"[ eq : emis ] gives the probability of electron emission for a single attempt , the cumulative probability of emission after @xmath44 attempts is simply @xmath45 this model was compared with the data over the range @xmath46 and @xmath47 ev . the relevant region is shown in fig .",
"-0.5 cm [ fig : potential ] the external field @xmath0 does two things with respect to electron emission : it increases the energy of the drifting electrons , and it lowers the height of the barrier by an amount equal to @xmath24 equations [ eq : phib ] and [ eq : deltaphib ] can be readily derived from electrostatics .",
"the agreement is not particularly satisfying , a point perhaps noted in the closing statement of that work : _ `` it appears that the mechanism of electron emission from liquid noble gases is more complicated ... ' ' _ .",
"this brings us to the second problem with the simple shottky barrier model : electrons scatter significantly as they travel through matter , their trajectory a random walk with a slight bias provided by the applied electric field ."
"the results of the preceding section allow calculation of the lifetime of thermalized , trapped electrons . it is given by @xmath59 here @xmath60 is calculated from eq .",
"it must be noted that this simple model has ignored the inevitable complications that might be encountered in a real detector , such as surface roughness ( waves ) , a radial component to the electric field @xmath0 , a periodic potential due to the electrode wires or meshes , and fluid flow , evaporation and condensation . further investigation by experimental groups is essential , and would ideally compare a measured thermal emission lifetime against this model .",
"there is some uncertainty about the correct relaxation time for this calculation : trapped electrons are in a region where the @xmath20 component of the electric field reverses direction .",
"it seems possible that the relaxation time for trapped electrons could be larger by an order of magnitude or more .",
"this suggests that electron train backgrounds may be emitted many cm from the @xmath71 vertex of the originating event .",
"[ fig : etrain ] predicts a lifetime of trapped electrons in the range @xmath65 ms .",
"the prediction appears to be compatible with the original observations of xenon10 ."
"this could significantly increase the sensitivity of future searches for low mass or dark sector dark matter candidates .",
"there is significant interest in suppressing the electron train background , as it is an impediment to searches for low - mass wimp dark matter or dark sector dark matter candidates .",
"the calculated lifetime is very long and suggests that this background is inherent to the operation of liquid / gas xenon detectors .",
"the model suggests @xmath73 at a field @xmath74 kv / cm .",
"finally , a background expectation could be placed on all inter - event quiet periods in the detector , regardless of the size of the preceding event .",
"the first possibility is of course to increase the emission probability @xmath72 ."
"each excited xenon atom is understood to lead to the emission of a single scintillation photon via the process @xmath90 it must be noted that the analysis in this section relies on an extrapolation of @xmath36 , as indicated in fig .",
"the other two values are related to the xenon itself . in gas , the energy of the excited state xe@xmath84 is @xmath85 ev and the first ionization potential is 12.1 ev @xcite . in the liquid state ,",
"liquid xenon detectors deployed for particle physics experiments have a track record of operating at cathode voltages which are significantly lower than their design goal .",
"it is also worth noting that the present result suggests an onset of scintillation at a value of @xmath0 which is an order of magnitude smaller than that found in ref .",
"the energy of xe@xmath84 in the liquid state also appears to be smaller , and also to broaden somewhat , with it s lower bound at about 8.0 ev @xcite .",
"the number of excited xenon atoms that might be produced by a single electron traversing this region would be given by @xmath87 .",
"the first corresponds to the electron affinity of o@xmath82 ( @xmath83 ev ) , a common electronegative impurity in liquid xenon ."
] | electron emission from liquid into gaseous xenon is a cornerstone of dark matter search detectors such as zeplin , xenon , lux and lz .
the probability of emission is a function of the applied electric field @xmath0 , and electrons which fail to pass from the liquid into the gas have been previously hypothesized to become thermalized and trapped .
this article shows , for the first time , quantitative agreement between an electron emission model and existing data .
the model predicts that electrons in the liquid must surmount a typical potential barrier @xmath1 ev in order to escape into the gas .
this value is a factor of about @xmath2 smaller than has previously been calculated or inferred .
knowledge of @xmath3 allows calculation of the lifetime of thermalized , trapped electrons .
the value is @xmath4 ms , which appears to be compatible with xenon10 observations of electron train backgrounds .
as these backgrounds limit the sensitivity of dark sector dark matter searches , possible mitigations are discussed . |
"the second is the onset of the hopf bifurcation , leading to the existence of periodic solutions of the model .",
"the second step is to conduct a rigorous nonlinear analysis to derive the bifurcations at both the critical rayleigh numbers based on the classical hopf bifurcation theory and a newly developed dynamic bifurcation theory by two of the authors .",
"the crucial issues here include 1 ) a complete understanding of the spectrum , 2 ) identification of the critical rayleigh numbers , and most importantly 3 ) the verification of the principle of exchange of stabilities near these critical rayleigh numbers .",
"we prove that the hopf bifurcation appears at the rayleigh number @xmath1 .",
"the first is to conduct a rigorous and complete bifurcation and stability analysis near the first eigenvalue of the linearized problem .",
"@xmath0 is the first critical rayleigh number for the case where the prandtl number is greater than one , and @xmath1 is the first critical rayleigh number for the case where the prandtl number is less than one .",
"this new dynamic bifurcation theory is centered at a new notion of bifurcation , called attractor bifurcation for dynamical systems , both finite dimensional and infinite dimensional , together with new strategies for the lyapunov - schmidt reduction and the center manifold reduction procedures .",
"we derive in particular two critical rayleigh numbers @xmath0 and @xmath1 . here"
"we refer the interested readers to pedlosky @xcite , lions , temam and wang @xcite for the derivation of this model and the related parameters . in particular , the term @xmath12 represents the coriolis force , the @xmath13 term in the temperature equation is derived using the stratification , and the definition of the rayleigh number @xmath8 as follows : @xmath14 we consider the periodic boundary condition in the @xmath15 and @xmath16 directions @xmath17 for any @xmath18 . at the top and bottom boundaries , we impose the free - free boundary conditions : [ b3 ] ( t , w)=0 , = 0 , = 0 , z=0,1 .",
"the stratified rotating boussinesq equations are basic equations in the geophysical fluid dynamics , and their non - dimensional form is given by [ b1 ] \\ { & =( u - p ) + r t e - e u-(u ) u , + & = t + w-(u ) t , + & u = 0 , . for @xmath2 in the non - dimensional domain @xmath3 , where @xmath4 is the velocity fields , @xmath5 is the unit vector in the @xmath6-direction , @xmath7 is the prandtl number , @xmath8 is the thermal rayleigh number , @xmath9 is the rossby number , @xmath10 is the temperature function and @xmath11 is the pressure function .",
"[ rmb1 ] note that @xmath21 and @xmath23 are invariant under the bilinear operator @xmath33 in the sense that @xmath34 hence , @xmath21 and @xmath23 are invariant under the operator @xmath35 .",
"here @xmath31 is the leray projection to @xmath32 fields , and for a detailed account of the function spaces ; see among many others @xcite .",
"then the boussinesq equations ( [ b1])-([b4 ] ) can be written in the following operator form @xmath36",
"& g ( \\psi ) = g(\\psi , \\psi),\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] for any @xmath27 ( resp . , @xmath21 ) , where @xmath28 , -(u_1 \\cdot \\nabla)t_2),\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] for any @xmath29 , @xmath30 .",
"the initial value conditions are given by [ b5 ] ( u , t)= ( , ) t=0 ."
"to state the main theorems of this article , we proceed with the definition of attractor bifurcation , first introduced by t. ma and s. wang in @xcite .",
"furthermore , we assume that the nonlinear terms @xmath52 for some @xmath53 are a family of parameterized @xmath54 bounded operators ( @xmath55 ) continuously depending on the parameter @xmath42 , such that @xmath56 in this paper , we are interested in the sectorial operator @xmath57 such that there exist an eigenvalue sequence @xmath58 and an eigenvector sequence @xmath59 of @xmath60 : @xmath61 for some @xmath62 , such that @xmath63 is a basis of @xmath25 . also we assume that there is a constant @xmath64 such that @xmath65 under conditions ( [ c4 ] ) and ( [ c5 ] ) , the operator @xmath66 is a sectorial operator .",
"if the invariant sets @xmath78 are attractors of ( [ c1 ] ) , then the bifurcation is called attractor bifurcation . in this article , we consider two cases : @xmath83 for some @xmath84 , @xmath85 , where @xmath0 and @xmath1 are defined in ( [ e18 ] ) and ( [ e22 ] ) respectively . in the above cases , @xmath0 and @xmath1",
"where @xmath39 is the unknown function , @xmath40 is the system parameter , and @xmath41 are parameterized linear completely continuous fields depending continuously on @xmath42 , which satisfy @xmath43 it is easy to see @xcite that @xmath44 generates an analytic semi - group @xmath45 .",
"an invariant set @xmath70 of ( [ c1 ] ) is called an attractor if @xmath73 is compact , and there exists a neighborhood @xmath74 of @xmath73 such that for any @xmath75 we have @xmath76 [ dfc2 ] 1 .",
"2 . condition ( [ c7 ] ) guarantees that , for @xmath90 , there exists only one simple pair of conjugate complex eigenvalues of @xmath89 crossing the imaginary axis ; see lemma [ le6 ] .",
"we say that the solution of ( [ c1 ] ) bifurcates from @xmath77 to an invariant set @xmath78 , if there exists a sequence of invariant sets @xmath79 of ( [ c1 ] ) such that @xmath80 , @xmath81 , and @xmath82 2 ."
"in addition , @xmath44 can be decomposed into @xmath132 such that for any @xmath133 near @xmath104 , @xmath134 where all eigenvalues of @xmath135 possess negative real parts , and the eigenvalues of @xmath136 possess nonnegative real parts at @xmath108 . furthermore , with @xmath137 given by ( [ c3 ] ) , let @xmath138 by the classical center manifold theorem ( see among others @xcite ) , there exists a neighborhood of @xmath104 given by @xmath139 for some @xmath140 , a neighborhood @xmath141 of @xmath142 , and a @xmath143 center manifold function @xmath144 , called the center manifold function , depending continuously on @xmath133 . then to investigate the dynamic bifurcation of ( [ c1 ] ) it suffices to consider the finite dimensional system as follows @xmath145 hence , an approximation formula for the center manifold function @xmath146 is crucial for the bifurcation and stability study .",
"there is an open set @xmath118 with @xmath119 such that the attractor @xmath111 bifurcated from @xmath120 attracts @xmath121 in @xmath122 , where @xmath123 is the stable manifold of @xmath107 with co - dimension m. a crucial ingredient for the proof of the main theorems using the above attractor bifurcation theorem is an approximation formula for center manifold functions ; see @xcite .",
"[ thd1 ] assume that the conditions ( [ c2])-([c5 ] ) and ( [ d1])-([d2 ] ) hold true , and @xmath107 is locally asymptotically stable for ( [ c1 ] ) at @xmath108 . then the following assertions hold true . 1 . for @xmath109 , ( [ c1 ] ) bifurcates from @xmath110 to attractors @xmath111 , having the same homology as @xmath112 , with @xmath113 , which is connected if @xmath114 ; 2 . for any @xmath115 , @xmath116 can be expressed as @xmath117 3 .",
"@xmath149 is a @xmath150-multilinear operator , and @xmath151 @xcite [ thd2 ] under the conditions ( [ d3 ] ) , ( [ d4 ] ) and ( [ d6 ] ) , the center manifold function @xmath152 can be expressed as @xmath153 where @xmath135 is as in ( [ d4 ] ) , @xmath154 the canonical projection , @xmath155 , and @xmath156 the eigenvectors of @xmath136 .",
"let @xmath37 and @xmath25 be decomposed into @xmath124 for @xmath125 near @xmath126 , where @xmath127 , @xmath128 are invariant subspaces of @xmath44 , such that @xmath129 , @xmath130 , @xmath131 closure of @xmath128 in @xmath25 .",
"let the nonlinear operator @xmath33 be in the following form @xmath147 for some integer @xmath148 . here",
"let the eigenvalues ( counting the multiplicity ) of @xmath44 be given by @xmath99 , @xmath100 , @xmath101 ."
"therefore , the first critical rayleigh number of the classical bnard problem depends only on the aspect of ratio ; while the first critical rayleigh number of the rotating problem depends on the aspect of ratio , the prandtl number and the rossby number . and",
"it is clear that the first critical rayleigh number of fast rotating flows is remarkably larger than the first critical rayleigh number of the classical bnard problem .",
"@xmath0 is the first critical rayleigh number if the prandtl number is greater than one . for the case where the prandtl number is smaller than one",
"this indicates that the rotating flows are much more stable than the non - rotating flows .",
", @xmath1 is the first critical rayleigh number and , in general , there are a few critical values between @xmath1 and @xmath0 . for @xmath294 , @xmath295 ,",
"hence , condition ( [ c6 ] ) guarantees that , for @xmath87 , the first eigenvalue of @xmath88 ( resp . , @xmath89 ) is real and of multiplicity two ( resp . , one ) .",
"based on the above discussion , we know that only the eigenvalues in @xmath246 depend on the rayleigh number @xmath8 . hence , to study the principle of exchange of stabilities for problem ( [ e1 ] ) , it suffices to focus the problem on the set @xmath246 .",
"in the following discussions , we let @xmath173,\\\\ & h_{jkl}(\\beta)= \\sigma r \\alpha_{jk}^2 \\gamma_{jkl}^{-2 } ( \\beta + \\sigma \\gamma_{jkl}^2 ) , \\\\ & f_{jkl}(\\beta)=g_{jkl}(\\beta ) - h_{jkl}(\\beta ) , \\\\ \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] and @xmath174 , @xmath175 and @xmath176 be the zeros of @xmath177 with @xmath178 in the following discussions , we consider the following index sets : @xmath179 \\1 . for @xmath180 , we define @xmath181 where @xmath182 it is not hard to see that @xmath183 and @xmath184 . \\2 . for @xmath185 , we define @xmath186 where @xmath187 , @xmath188 and @xmath189 ."
", we have @xmath348 under the assumption ( [ c6 ] ) , the first critical rayleigh number is given by [ f1 ] r_c_1 = + . in this case , the multiplicity of the first eigenvalue is two and the reduced equations of ( [ b1])-([b4 ] ) are given by @xmath349 . where [ f12 ] = - ( + ) / ( ( 1+a_1 c_1 ) + 1 + a_2 c_2 ) < 0 .",
"it is clear that the first eigenvalue of @xmath375 is simple for @xmath87 . by the kransnoselski bifurcation theorem ( see among others chow and hale @xcite and nirenberg @xcite ) , when @xmath8 crosses @xmath0 , the equations bifurcate from the basic solution to a steady state solution in @xmath23 .",
"moreover , by ( [ f11])-([f12 ] ) together with theorem 5.10 in @xcite , we conclude that @xmath96 is homeomorphic to @xmath374 in @xmath25 . in this subsection , we prove that @xmath96 consists of steady state solutions .",
"a standard energy estimate on ( [ f11 ] ) together with the center manifold theory show that , for @xmath91 , @xmath92 is locally asymptotically stable for the problem ( [ b1])-([b4 ] ) .",
". hence if @xmath377 is a steady state solution , then @xmath378 are steady state solutions as well . by the periodic condition in the @xmath15-direction ,",
"secondly , it s easy to check that the equations ( [ b1])-([b4 ] ) defined in @xmath25 are translation invariant in the @xmath15-direction",
"we are now in a position to reduce equations of ( [ b1])-([b4 ] ) to the center manifold . for any @xmath347",
"height 2pt depth -1.6pt width 23pt , _ geometric theory of incompressible flows with applications to fluid dynamics _ , vol ."
] | the main objective of this article is to study the dynamics of the stratified rotating boussinesq equations , which are a basic model in geophysical fluid dynamics .
first , for the case where the prandtl number is greater than one , a complete stability and bifurcation analysis near the first critical rayleigh number is carried out .
second , for the case where the prandtl number is smaller than one , the onset of the hopf bifurcation near the first critical rayleigh number is established , leading to the existence of nontrivial periodic solutions .
the analysis is based on a newly developed bifurcation and stability theory for nonlinear dynamical systems ( both finite and infinite dimensional ) by two of the authors @xcite . |
"the goal of the present work is to : ( 1 ) create a set of benchmark cbs rpa absolute correlation energies to be used as reference for future assessments ; ( 2 ) validate some extrapolation schemes , usually applied in the context of coupled cluster theory , for the calculation of cbs rpa absolute energies , including semiempirical techniques to approach the extrapolation from relatively small basis sets ; ( 3 ) test the convergence behavior of different basis sets and the reliability of the extrapolations schemes for atomization energies , which exploit a significant error cancellation effect .",
". in this paper we aim at filling this gap and shed light on the usefulness and limits of different extrapolation schemes for rpa correlation energies . in this respect",
"we focus on light elements because they provide a simpler convergence of the correlation energy and can be more easily investigated with large basis sets .",
"the random phase approximation ( rpa ) for electron correlation was originally developed in the context of the many - body perturbation treatment of the uniform electron gas @xcite and later reformulated in the framework of density functional theory ( dft ) via the adiabatic - connection fluctuation - dissipation theorem @xcite . in the last years , rpa correlation witnessed an increasing interest in quantum chemistry @xcite , due to its ability to describe with good accuracy a rather large variety of reaction and interaction energies . in this context rpa"
"rpa calculations were performed using the eigenvalues and the orbitals from dft calculations based on the perdew - burke - ernzerhof ( pbe ) exchange - correlation functional @xcite . in all calculations dunning s correlation - consistent basis sets @xcite ( cc - pv@xmath0z , @xmath1 ) augmented with core and core - valence basis functions",
"finally , we remark the good performance of the semiempirical extrapolation method , which yields atomization energies in good agreement with the reference ones , with a mean absolute relative error of only 0.75% and very small maximum absolute deviation and standard deviation . the results of tab .",
"were considered @xcite .",
"@xcite were employed .",
"diffuse basis functions were not considered in the present work since they were shown to slow down rpa basis set convergence without bringing substantial benefits in most cases @xcite . also , no basis set superposition error correction was considered for atomization energies . for molecules experimental geometries"
"nevertheless , we showed that a careful extrapolation procedure allows to construct an accurate benchmark set with a well defined estimation of the uncertainty . in the present work we estimate our reference data to have an accuracy close to 1 mha for most of the systems .",
"* we analyzed several two - point extrapolation formulas against our benchmark set of absolute rpa correlation energies .",
"one step further and considered the problem in a more systematic way , constructing a benchmark set of reference rpa - correlation energies and studying the behavior of different extrapolation schemes in the rpa framework .",
"our work can be summarized in the following conclusions : * the extremely slow convergence of the rpa correlation energy with the basis set dimension prevents the computation of highly accurate reference energies . already at the v7zcv level in fact",
"* rpa correlation energies evaluated at the v4zcv level appear to be of too low quality to serve as a basis in an extrapolation procedure with globally optimized parameters .",
"( [ e5 ] ) , ( [ e6 ] ) , and ( [ e7 ] ) , as to effectively reproduce high - order terms in the theoretical asymptotic energy expansion ( @xmath2 ) ."
] | we construct a reference benchmark set for atomic and molecular random - phase - approximation ( rpa ) correlation energies in a density functional theory ( dft ) framework at the complete basis set limit .
this set is used to evaluate the accuracy of some popular extrapolation schemes for rpa all - electron molecular calculations .
the results indicate that for absolute energies accurate results , clearly outperforming raw data , are achievable with two - point extrapolation schemes based on quintuple- and sextuple - zeta basis sets .
moreover , we show that results in good agreement with the benchmark can also be also obtained by using a semiempirical extrapolation procedure based on quadruple- and quintuple - zeta basis sets .
finally , we analyze the performance of different extrapolation schemes for atomization energies . |
"ii @xcite the optical light curve parameters were derived for a large ( and basically complete ) sample of afterglows observed by the end of 2004 , up to the launch of the _ swift _ mission . in this paper , we extend this systematic analysis to the spectral energy distribution ( sed ) of grb afterglows in the optical / near - infrared bands in order to search for signals from extinction by dust in the grb host galaxies . in [ data ]",
"the @xmath0-@xmath1 sample is then further analyzed statistically to derive conclusions about the environment of grbs and the dust properties of high - redshift galaxies .",
"the fitting process allows us to derive the host galaxy extinction @xmath0 along the line of sight and the intrinsic , extinction - corrected spectral slope @xmath1 ( @xmath2 ) of the afterglow light in the optical / near - infrared bands .",
", we present the methods with which we analyzed the afterglow seds . among the 59 grbs studied in paper",
"we then further reduce this sample to a golden sample of 19 grb afterglows with parameters derived from specific dust model fits . in ",
"[ rad ] we present the results derived from our analysis and discuss our findings in the context of the standard fireball model .",
"ii , 30 had data quality sufficiently high to be included in a sample for an investigation of the seds ."
", we derive @xmath47 . for grb 000418 , assuming a wind ( ism ) environment with the cooling break blueward of the optical bands and the new derived light curve parameters from paper ii we fix @xmath1 via the @xmath19-@xmath1 relations and find @xmath48 ( @xmath49 ) .",
"in paper ii we presented the analysis of a complete list of optical / nir afterglow light curves for which sufficient public data was available , up to grb 041006 .",
"the steep initial decay suggests a wind environment with a cooling break blueward of the optical bands . using this case and smc dust",
"a steep @xmath11 combined with a non - linear ( curved ) @xmath12 is then indicative of extinction in the grb host galaxy . in order to derive the visual extinction @xmath0 in the grb host galaxy along the line of sight",
"one parameter derived in these light curve fits is the normalization constant @xmath3 , the magnitude of the afterglow at a certain time , being one day after the grb trigger in the case of a light curve fit with a simple power - law ( @xmath4 ) , or the jet break time , @xmath5 , in case of a fit with a smoothly broken power - law with a pre - break decay slope @xmath6 and a post - break decay slope @xmath7 @xcite .",
"the latter is slightly smaller than in @xcite ( who used an ism environment ) , while @xcite find @xmath50 for lmc dust . finally , there are indications of very high source frame extinction from the nir afterglows of grb 030528 @xcite and grb 040827 @xcite , but we were not able to perform any fits .",
"the remaining ten grbs give ambiguous results when it comes to distinguishing between the two dust models . with the exception of grb 020813 and grb 030328 , where visual inspection of the fits shows that the inclusion of smc dust reproduces the observed sed better than mw dust , no true distinction can be made at all ."
"in fact , with the exception of the early afterglows of grb 021004 and grb 030329 , we have never found clear evidence for color variations of the genuine afterglow light in our data . while it is not the goal of the present paper to find reliable explanations for the observed width of the distribution of spectral slopes @xmath1 of the afterglows in the optical / nir bands , we note that the mean of this distribution gives a value for the power - law index of the electron distribution ( @xmath66 ) of @xmath67 , assuming a wind environment and the cooling frequency blueward of the optical bands ( * ? ? ? * and references therin ) and the peak of the histogram ( figure [ betahist ] ) .",
", it is clear from this study that grb afterglows can be used as a tool in order to explore the properties of cosmic dust in the cosmologically remote universe , in star - forming regions in particular and in galaxies in general .",
"has already been found by many groups for several bursts , e.g. , grb 000301c @xcite , grb 000926 @xcite , grb 010222 @xcite , grb 020813 @xcite , grb 021004 @xcite , grb 030226 @xcite , grb 030429 @xcite , xrf 030723 @xcite , our study puts this conclusion on a statistical basis .",
"thus we deduce that the ism in these galaxies is probably metal - poor . while the preference of smc - like dust in grb environments",
"knowledge of the extinction corrected afterglow magnitudes allows us to compare the luminosities of the afterglows at a common point in the evolution of the jet , the jet break time . ignoring any fine structure in the light curves , for all bursts in our golden sample with a jet break ( paper ii ) we computed the apparent @xmath33-band afterglow magnitudes at the time of the jet break from the beuermann equation @xcite .",
"we conclude that , on average , grb afterglows that show significant extinction along the line of sight in their host are located in galaxies with a substantial star formation rate and , hence , a globally acting extinction by large amounts of dust .",
"x - ray observations or the modeling of lyman @xmath19 absorption allow the determination of the hydrogen column density @xmath76 along the line of sight to the grb in its host galaxy after correcting for the column density in our galaxy @xcite ."
"we have presented a sample of 30 grb afterglow spectral energy distributions in the optical / nir bands which have been modeled with various dust extinction curves ( milky way , large magellanic cloud and small magellanic cloud ) to derive the source frame extinction , @xmath0 , intrinsic to the host galaxies and the spectral slope , @xmath1 , of the afterglows unaffected by any dust extinction .",
"the preferred dust models we find ( [ smcchapter ] ) as well as the deduced source frame dust - to - gas ratios ( [ nh ] ) based on the inclusion of data taken from the literature , both indicate that the majority of grbs we have investigated , covering the redshift range from 0.1 to 4.5 , occur in low - metallicity environments . the @xmath0 distribution that we have derived from these data ( [ avchapter ] )",
"indeed , we find weak evidence for a correlation between the submm flux of grb host galaxies and the source frame extinction @xmath0 .",
"we find that , on average , low-@xmath60 afterglows are less luminous than high-@xmath60 afterglows .",
"knowledge of @xmath1 and @xmath0 allowed us then to correct the afterglow light curves for intrinsic extinction and to derive the true luminosity distribution of our afterglow sample at chosen times in the host galaxy frame ( [ redshifting ] ) .",
"highlights a sparsity of strongly extinguished afterglows , creating a dark burst desert , even though it is unclear if the preference of low extinctions is more than an observational and sample selection bias .",
"our finding that most afterglows suffer from only low extinction in their hosts could indicate that afterglows are usually not obscured by dust close to the burster ."
"in the following , we consider the proper afterglow , i.e. , cleaned from any underlying host component as well as corrected for galactic extinction and extinction in the host galaxy . in cases where the late - time light curve is dominated by a supernova component , the data was removed due to a lack of knowledge concerning the supernova sed .",
"the exponential function corrects for a postulated extinction in the host galaxy at redshift @xmath120 , where @xmath125 is the optical depth in the host at the observed frequency . when shifting an afterglow to a redshift @xmath119 , its apparent magnitude changes by an amount @xmath126 , with @xmath127 where @xmath128 is the wavelength - dependent filter response function for the given photometric band .",
"we start with the expression for the flux density per unit frequency , @xmath118 , of a time - dependent source that is shifted to a redshift @xmath119 , which was originally observed at a redshift @xmath120 @xcite : @xmath121 here , @xmath122 and @xmath123 are measured in the observers frame , @xmath124 is the luminosity distance .",
"( [ delta1 ] ) shifts the light curve along the magnitude axis ; the light curve shape is not affected . in our calculations we assumed a flat universe with matter density @xmath135 , cosmological constant @xmath136 , and hubble constant @xmath137 km s@xmath138 mpc@xmath138 @xcite .",
"for an unabsorbed afterglow @xmath129 we assume @xmath1 = const . since the light curve shape can be affected by a jet break and by rebrightening episodes ( which are achromatic according to our present data base ) , we do not specify @xmath130 . using eq .",
"( [ dm ] ) , we obtain @xmath134^{1-\\beta}\\ \\frac{d_l(z_0)^2}{d_l(z_1)^2}\\,\\frac{\\int_0^\\infty s(\\lambda ) \\ , \\lambda^{\\beta-2 } \\exp\\{\\tau(\\lambda/(1+z_0))\\}\\ , d\\lambda } { \\int_0^\\infty s(\\lambda ) \\ , \\lambda^{\\beta-2 }",
"\\,d\\lambda}\\right ) \\label{delta1}\\ ] ] in a logarithmic plot ( apparent magnitude vs. log time ) the first term in eq ."
"we have searched the literature for publications that also derive the source frame extinction toward the gamma - ray - bursts listed in table [ taball ] . in most cases , these results are in good agreement with our findings . _ grb 970508 _ to our knowledge , @xcite was the first who discussed the extinction in a grb host galaxy derived via a fit of the observed sed in the optical bands .",
"the derived @xmath268 and the shallow post - break light curve decay slope @xmath269 ( paper ii ) are both indicative of a hard electron spectrum with @xmath270 .",
"_ grb 020405 _ working with almost the same data set as we do , and including x - ray observations , @xcite find negligible ( though unspecified ) dust extinction in this afterglow . on the other hand , @xcite , comparing the x - ray and the optical brightness , invoke a gray extinction curve with a very high @xmath194 .",
"_ grb 010921 _ not finding a supernova bump in this nearby grb , @xcite invoke @xmath41 . while @xcite do find a weak sn bump and we derive the sed from this fit , we also find significant extinction of @xmath58 for mw dust , the preferred model , thus validating the analysis in @xcite .",
"_ grb 991216 _ after correcting for significant galactic foreground extinction , both @xcite and @xcite find a sed well approximated by a power - law , concurrent with no dust reddening , although these authors do not discuss intrinsic reddening . with a larger database and more colors , we find @xmath157 for the weakly preferred mw dust , still a low value .",
"the light curves are not sampled well enough to check if the discrepancies between the various authors are the result of chromatic changes of the sed , a bumpy structure , or a true decrease of line - of - sight extinction with time . _",
"in doing so , we now derive a moderate host extinction of @xmath188 mag ( smc dust ) . the mw dust model is not preferred , although the low redshift of the grb makes a differentiation among the three dust models hard ."
] | we present the results of a systematic analysis of gamma - ray burst afterglow spectral energy distributions ( seds ) in the optical / near - infrared bands .
our input list includes the entire world sample of afterglows observed in the pre-_swift _ era by the end of 2004 that have sufficient publicly available data .
we apply various dust extinction models to fit the observed seds ( milky way , large magellanic cloud and small magellanic cloud ) and derive the corresponding intrinsic extinction in the grb host galaxies and the intrinsic spectral slopes of the afterglows .
we then use these results to explore the parameter space of the power - law index of the electron distribution function and to derive the absolute magnitudes of the unextinguished afterglows . |
"we report here rapid optical photometry of uw crb .",
"type - i x - ray bursts are expected to be manifested in the optical via reprocessed x - ray emission .",
"however , several optical bursts were serendipitously discovered , and we discuss those here .",
"the primary goal of the program was to resolve the flickering contamination of the orbital variability , and this study will be presented separately .",
"the presence , recurrence time , and duration of bursts can discriminate between systems with different mass transfer rates ( e.g. , the degenerate and non - degenerate cases discussed by @xcite ) , and the burst properties will be sensitive to the chemical composition of the accreted material . to date , the only published x - ray burst from this source was that reported by @xcite , and this only yielded 60counts .",
"the x - ray source ms1603.6 + 2600 was discovered in the einstein extended medium sensitivity survey @xcite and associated with a faint ( @xmath0 ) optical counterpart designated uw crb @xcite .",
"_ chandra _"
"uw crb was observed over several nights from 2004 april 1626 using the argos fast ccd camera @xcite on the mcdonald observatory 2.1 m telescope .",
"a total of 25hrs of good data were obtained ; details are provided in table [ logtable ] .",
"the nights of april 18 , 20 , and 26 experienced poorer transparency and/or seeing .",
", the aperture was chosen to minimize the scatter between stars c and v of @xcite , and differential photometry of uw crb was then performed relative to star c. adopted apertures were typically 1.01.5arcsec in radius .",
"photometry was extracted using standard aperture photometry techniques . for each lightcurve",
"the data were taken as a continuous sequence of images with negligible intervening dead - time ."
"event 2 is of lower brightness than the others , but also appears resolved in time and has a normal psf . to characterize the bursts we fit a simple model consisting of an instantaneous rise and exponential decay . as the burst peak is unresolved in the data , we rebin this model to match the data in fitting .",
"durations derived from the data probably overestimate the burst duration , as the burst peak is unresolved and hence the peak flux will be underestimated . in contrast , the model assumes a sharper peak than is seen in type - i bursts , so will underestimate the duration compared to such bursts . hence the two values obtained for each burst should bracket its true duration .",
"if the bursts occur randomly ( i.e. , as poisson distributed events ) then recurrence times of between 3.8 and 11hrs have a 10% or greater chance of producing 4 events in this period ( i.e. , longer or shorter recurrence times would be excluded at 90% confidence ) . of course",
"we quote the relative fluence , expressed as individual burst fluence values divided by the mean fluence of bursts 1 , 3 , 4 , and 5 , and the burst durations @xmath6 , defined by @xcite as the burst fluence divided by the peak flux .",
"`` true '' values of the burst duration ( in the sense of @xcite ) are likely to be in the 1020s range for these bursts ( for example , events 4 and 5 which are better resolved ) . burst recurrence times",
"the burst fluence is constant to within 10% , and burst durations ( including event 2 ) are all consistent with a value of 515s if measured from the model ( probably an underestimate ) , or 1530s from the unresolved data ( an overestimate ) .",
", if the events are type - i x - ray bursts then they are not distributed as poisson events but occur quasi - regularly . in that case , the statistics could be biased by our once - per - day sampling ."
"this immediately rules out white dwarf and black hole models for the system ; the compact object is a neutron star .",
"we therefore consider this explanation of the bursts to be very unlikely , and that the type - i burst interpretation is far more plausible . now that we have seen both an x - ray burst - like event @xcite , and multiple optical events , it is hard to escape the conclusion that uw crb is an x - ray burster .",
"if we assume that the intrinsic optical burst luminosity is simply a function of the x - ray burst strength and reprocessing disk area ( and hence orbital period ) , then we might expect similar luminosity reprocessed bursts in the two systems , assuming that x - ray bursts have comparable peak luminosities , and similar disk geometries .",
"it has already been suggested by @xcite that a type - i x - ray burst was seen by _ asca_. the optical events that we see also exhibit characteristics typical of type - i bursts .",
"the burst properties and recurrence time further constrain the accretion rate .",
"the short burst recurrence time rules out a quiescent system .",
"indeed , the black hole candidate xte j1650500 has exhibited _ non - thermal _ x - ray flares otherwise very similar to type - i bursts in a low state @xcite . in the case of a062000 at least , the optical events can be relatively rapid , occurring on timescales comparable to those seen here @xcite .",
"while the observed amplitudes are much smaller , that is probably a consequence of dilution of the accretion light by the companion star , and the undiluted disk light could undergo variations of a factor of two or more . in spite of these similarities , the lightcurves shown in fig ."
"we have reported the discovery of several resolved optical bursts from uw crb . these are almost certainly reprocessed type - i x - ray bursts , clarifying several characteristics of the source .",
"i ) for type - i bursts , the compact object must be a neutron star rather than a black hole or white dwarf .",
"iii ) the optical burst flux is comparable to the similar source gs 182624 , suggesting a comparable distance ( @xmath15kpc ) .",
"ii ) the burst rate is relatively high , indicating an active rather than quiescent system , and thus a distance greater than a few kpc .",
"it is thus most likely that uw crb is an adc source ( as also argued by @xcite ) rather than a distant dipper . given its high galactic latitude and intermediate distance , however , it must still be situated in the galactic halo .",
"we are indebted to ed nather and anjum mukadam for making argos available to the mcdonald community and providing considerable assistance in its use , and also grateful to brad schaefer for discussions and constructive skepticism on the first of the bursts .",
"this work has made use of the nasa ads abstract service ."
] | we report the discovery of several optical burst - like events from the low - mass x - ray binary ms 1603.6 + 2600 ( uw crb ) .
the events last for a few tens of seconds , exhibit a very fast rise and slow decay , and involve optical brightening of a factor of 23 .
the flares appear distinct from the lower level flickering and instead strongly resemble reprocessed type - i x - ray bursts as seen in a number of other neutron star low - mass x - ray binaries . in conjunction with the previously reported candidate x - ray burst ,
these confirm that the compact object in uw crb is a neutron star .
we examine the optical burst brightness and recurrence times and discuss how the nature of the system can be constrained .
we conclude that the source is most likely an accretion disk corona source at an intermediate distance , rather than a nearby quiescent system or very distant dipper . |
"we show that the prepared raman coherence and the medium length can be used as control parameters to switch a sideband field from one type of photon statistics to another type , or from a non - squeezed state to a squeezed state and vice versa .",
"we show that , with increasing the effective medium length or the raman sideband order , the autocorrelation functions , cross - correlation functions , photon - number distributions , and squeezing factors undergo oscillations governed by the bessel functions",
"we also discuss two - photon interference in coherent raman scattering .",
"we study the mixing and modulation of photon statistical properties in the case of two - mode input .",
"we analytically and numerically calculate various quantum statistical characteristics of the sideband fields generated from a single - mode quantum input .",
", we derive a bessel - function solution for the sideband field operators ."
"the assumption of limited bandwidth requires @xmath62 , that is , @xmath63 @xcite . in what follows we use the expression ( [ 8 ] ) to calculate various quantum statistical characteristics of the sideband fields , namely , the autocorrelation functions , the two - mode cross - correlation functions , the squeezing factors , and the relation between the @xmath64 representations of the output and input states",
"we change the variables by @xmath36 $ ] . using photon operators , we can write @xmath37 . here , @xmath38 is the quantization length taken to be equal to the medium length , @xmath39 is the quantization transverse area taken to be equal to the beam area , @xmath40 is a bloch wave vector , and @xmath41 and @xmath42 are the annihilation and creation operators for photons in the spectral mode @xmath21 and the spatial mode @xmath40 . for simplicity , we restrict our discussion to the case where each sideband field contains only a single spatial mode ( with , e.g. , @xmath43 )",
"the number of generated raman sidebands is characterized by the effective interaction time @xmath55 or , equivalently , the effective medium length @xmath56 , where @xmath57 the coefficient @xmath58 characterizes the strength of the parametric coupling and is proportional to the prepared raman coherence @xmath34 , that is , to the intensities of the driving laser fields .",
"( [ 4 ] ) represents the heisenberg equation for the fields that are coupled to each other by the effective interaction hamiltonian @xmath47 the interaction between the sideband fields via the prepared raman coherence is analogous to the interaction between the transmitted and reflected fields from a conventional beam splitter @xcite .",
"we assume that the bandwidth of the generated raman spectrum is small compared to the characteristic probe frequency @xmath22 . in this case , the @xmath21-dependence of the coupling parameters @xmath50 can be neglected , that is , we have @xmath51 . with this assumption , we find the following solution to eq .",
"we send a pair of long , strong , classical laser fields , with carrier frequencies @xmath9 and @xmath10 , and a short , weak , quantum probe field @xmath11 , with one or several carrier frequencies , through the raman medium , along the @xmath12 direction ."
"this property is similar to the case of four - wave mixing but is unlike the case of degenerate parametric down - conversion , where perfect squeezing can in principle be obtained . since squeezed states are nonclassical states , the ability of the raman medium to multiplex squeezing from a probe field to its sidebands is a quantum property that can not be described by the classical statistics of the fields with positive @xmath64 functions .",
"we emphasize that the anti - correlation generation can not be explained by the classical statistics of the fields with positive @xmath64 functions although the sideband dynamics is linear with respect to the field variables . to get deeper insight into the quantum properties of the generated raman sidebands , we derive the photon - number distributions for the output fields .",
"equation ( [ 10 ] ) indicates that the generated sideband fields and the probe field have the same normalized autocorrelation functions , which are independent of the evolution time and are solely determined by the statistical properties of the input field . in other words , the normalized autocorrelation functions of the probe field do not change during the parametric beating process and are precisely replicated into the comb of generated sidebands .",
"( [ 15a ] ) and ( [ 15b ] ) yield @xmath182 here , @xmath183 is the quantum state of a single photon in the sideband @xmath21 with no photons in the other sidebands . in this case , the entanglement between two different sidebands @xmath54 and @xmath98 at the output can be measured by the bipartite concurrence @xmath184 , see @xcite .",
"in this section , we consider the case where the input probe field has a single carrier frequency @xmath22 . in other words , we assume that the sideband @xmath65 is initially prepared in a quantum state @xmath66 and the other sidebands are initially in the vacuum state .",
"in fact , the oscillations of the mean photon number @xmath84 and the autocorrelation function @xmath85 indicate that the photon - number distributions and consequently the quantum states of the sidebands evolve in a rather complicated way and are quite different from those for the input field",
"indeed , we find the relation @xmath109 as seen from the above relation , the normalized cross - correlation functions @xmath108 for all possible sideband pairs @xmath110 are equal to each other , to the normalized second - order autocorrelation function @xmath111 for each sideband @xmath21 , and to the normalized second - order autocorrelation function @xmath112 of the input field ."
", the output amplitudes @xmath297 are linearly transformed from the input amplitudes @xmath298 as given by @xmath299 consequently , the diagonal coherent - state representation @xmath300 of an arbitrary input quantum state @xmath301 determines the representation @xmath302 of the output state @xmath303 via the equation @xmath304 here , we have introduced the notation @xmath305 if the input state @xmath301 is a classical state @xcite , @xmath300 must be non - negative and less singular than a @xmath14 function , and consequently so must @xmath302 . in this case , the output state @xmath303 is also a classical state .",
"the squeezing factors of the sidebands are independent of the amplitude @xmath257 of the initial coherent state of the sideband @xmath193 . meanwhile , the mean photon number of each sideband is governed not only by the squeezing parameter @xmath258 of the initial state of the sideband @xmath78 but also by the amplitude @xmath257 of the initial state of the sideband @xmath193 . using this fact",
"\\label{16d}\\ ] ] the probability @xmath276 for having one and only one photon in the sideband @xmath21 is @xmath277 the mean photon number of the sideband @xmath21 is @xmath278 we find the relations @xmath279 , @xmath280 , and @xmath281 , which reflect the symmetry of the generated stokes and anti - stokes sidebands with respect to the two input sidebands 0 and 1 . for finding one photon in each of the sidebands @xmath78 and @xmath79 as a function of the effective medium length @xmath56 . ] when we insert @xmath60 and @xmath282 into eq .",
"( [ 12c ] ) . then , we obtain the squeezing factor @xmath221 where @xmath222 and @xmath223 are the initial squeezing factors of the sidebands @xmath78 and @xmath193 , respectively . as seen , the squeezing factor @xmath147 of the sideband @xmath21 is a superposition of the input squeezing factors @xmath222 and @xmath223 , taken with the quadrature phase shifts @xmath224 and @xmath225 , respectively , and weighted by the factors @xmath158 and @xmath226 , respectively . as a function of ( a ) the effective medium length @xmath56 and ( b ) the sideband order @xmath21 in the case of two - mode input .",
"a far - off - resonance medium with a substantial raman coherence , prepared by two strong driving fields , can efficiently mix and modulate the quantum statistical properties of the sideband fields . to understand this mechanism , we study the case where the input probe field has two carrier frequencies , @xmath22 and @xmath192 , separated by an integer multiple @xmath193 of the raman modulation frequency @xmath48 .",
"\\label{16a}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] here , the fock state @xmath272 is the state of two photons in the sideband @xmath21 with no photons in the other sidebands , and the fock state @xmath273 is the state in which there is one photon in each of the sidebands @xmath54 and @xmath98 but no photons in the other sidebands .",
"consequently , if the normalized squeezing factors @xmath232 and @xmath233 of the two input fields are different , the normalized squeezing factor @xmath234 will oscillate between the values @xmath232 and @xmath233 . in particular , if one of the two input fields , e.g. , the sideband @xmath78 , is squeezed [ @xmath235 and the other input field is not squeezed [ @xmath236 , then , each generated sideband @xmath21 will have complex squeezing properties and will oscillate between a squeezed state [ @xmath237 and a non - squeezed state [ @xmath238 , see fig .",
"we assume that the raman sidebands @xmath78 and @xmath193 are initially in independent quantum states @xmath66 and @xmath194 , respectively , while the other sidebands are initially in the vacuum state . the density matrix of the initial state of the fields is given by @xmath195 here , @xmath196 ."
"we have studied the quantum properties of multiorder sidebands generated by the beating of a quantum probe field with a prepared raman coherence in a far - off - resonance medium . under the conditions of negligible dispersion and limited bandwidth",
"we have shown that , when we change the effective medium length or the raman sideband order , the autocorrelation functions , the cross - correlation functions , the photon - number distributions , and the squeezing factors undergo oscillations governed by the bessel functions . when the sideband order is higher , the onset of the sideband generation occurs later and , therefore , so does the onset of the sideband autocorrelation functions . the mean photon number and",
"in addition , two - photon interference in coherent raman scattering may find various applications for high - precision measurements and also for quantum computation . finally , we emphasize that the coupling between the raman sidebands can be controlled by the magnitude of the prepared raman coherence , that is , by the intensities of the driving fields . in a realistic far - off - resonance raman medium , such as molecular hydrogen or deuterium vapor @xcite , solid hydrogen @xcite , and rare - earth",
"an inseparable state can be generated from a separable nonclassical state . although the dynamics of our model system is linear with respect to the field variables , the possibilities of interesting quantum phenomena such as anti - correlation generation , squeezing multiplexing , and entangled - state generation represent the quantum properties that can not be described by the classical statistics of the fields with positive @xmath64 functions .",
"the ability of the far - off - resonance raman medium to generate a broad comb of fields with similar quantum statistical properties and to switch the quantum statistical characteristics of the radiation fields from one type to another type may find useful applications for high - performance optical communication networks .",
"we have shown that the prepared raman coherence and the medium length can be used as control parameters to switch a sideband field from one type of photon statistics to another type , or from a non - squeezed state to a squeezed state and vice versa ."
] | we study the multiorder coherent raman scattering of a quantum probe field in a far - off - resonance medium with a prepared coherence . under the conditions of negligible dispersion and limited bandwidth
, we derive a bessel - function solution for the sideband field operators .
we analytically and numerically calculate various quantum statistical characteristics of the sideband fields .
we show that the multiorder coherent raman process can replicate the statistical properties of a single - mode quantum probe field into a broad comb of generated raman sidebands .
we also study the mixing and modulation of photon statistical properties in the case of two - mode input .
we show that the prepared raman coherence and the medium length can be used as control parameters to switch a sideband field from one type of photon statistics to another type , or from a non - squeezed state to a squeezed state and vice versa . |
"then , in section [ sec:3 ] , we provide the general theory for designing a coherent feedback controller achieving bae , and demonstrate an example for an opto - mechanical system . in section [ sec:4 ] , we discuss the case of direct interaction scheme , also based on the geometric control theory .",
", therefore , in this paper we set the goal to develop a general systems and control theory for engineering a sensor achieving bae , for both the coherent feedback and the direct - interaction configurations .",
"actually in this paper we first demonstrate that the general synthesis problem of a bae sensor can be formulated and solved within the framework of geometric control theory , particularly the above - mentioned disturbance decoupling problem . +",
"section [ sec:2 ] is devoted to some preliminaries including a review of the geometric control theory , the general model of linear quantum systems , and the idea of bae .",
"finally , in section [ sec:5 ] , for a realistic opto - mechanical system subjected to a thermal environment ( the perfect bae is impossible in this case ) , we provide a convenient method to find an approximated bae controller and show how much the designed controller can suppress the noise . + for a matrix @xmath0 , @xmath1 , @xmath2 , and @xmath3 represent the transpose , hermitian conjugate , and element - wise complex conjugate of @xmath4 , respectively ; i.e. , @xmath5 , @xmath6 , and @xmath7 .",
"the key tool used here is the _ geometric control theory _",
"standard quantum limit ( sql ) _"
"here we describe a general linear quantum system composed of @xmath105 bosonic subsystems .",
"we describe a specific feedback control method to achieve this goal ; note that , as shown later , the direct - interaction method for linear quantum systems can also be described within this framework .",
"now we describe the geometric control theory , for the disturbance decoupling problem @xcite .",
"@xcite : @xmath132 the opto - mechanical oscillator illustrated in fig .",
"( @xmath131 in this case ) ."
"as discussed in section [ sec:2 - 1 ] , the geometric control theory for disturbance decoupling problem is formulated for the controlled system with special structure ; in particular , the coefficient matrix of the disturbance @xmath52 is of the form @xmath169^\\top$ ] and that of the state vector in the output @xmath53 is @xmath170 $ ] .",
"hence , here we aim to develop a theory for designing a coherent feedback controller such that the whole controlled system accomplishes bae .",
"there are two schemes for controlling a quantum system via feedback .",
"[ fig_mfvscf ] ( a ) . in this scheme",
"this is one of our main results ; the linear controller achieving bae for the opto - mechanical oscillator can be fully parametrized by eq . satisfying the condition .",
"we emphasize that this full parametrization of the controller can be obtained thanks to the general problem formulation based on the geometric control theory . *"
"( a ) , the controller in this case is directly connected to the plant , not through a coherent feedback ; hence this scheme is called the _ direct interaction_. the controller is characterized by the following two hamiltonians : @xmath248 where @xmath249^{\\top}$ ] is the vector of controller variables with @xmath250 the number of modes of the controller .",
"[ fig_opticalsensor ] , let us aim to design the direct interaction controller , so that the whole system achieves bae ; that is , the problem is to determine the matrices @xmath269 so that the back - action noise @xmath270 does not appear in the measurement output @xmath271 .",
"the interaction hamiltonian is given by @xmath286 , while the system s self - hamiltonian is the same as above ; @xmath284 . that is , the controller couples to the plant through a non - degenerate optical parametric amplification process in addition to the bs interaction . to satisfy the bae condition",
"+ equations , , and provide the full parametrization of the direct interaction controller . * ( iv ) * to specify a set of parameters , as in the case of section [ sec:3 - 3 ] , let us aim to design a passive controller . from theorem 4 in appendix b , @xmath278 and",
"( ii ) * because we now focus on the same plant system as that in section [ sec:3 - 3 ] , the same conclusion is obtained ; that is , the bae problem is solvable as long as there is no constraint on the controller matrices @xmath269 .",
", @xmath255 represents the coupling between the plant and the controller . note that , for the hamiltonians @xmath251 and @xmath253 to be hermitian , the matrices must satisfy @xmath256 and @xmath257 ; these are the physical realizability conditions in the scenario of direct interaction .",
"( i ) * because of the structure of the matrices @xmath263 and @xmath264 , the system is already of the form , where the geometric control theory is directly applicable . *"
"that is , first we apply the method developed in section [ sec:3 ] or [ sec:4 ] to the idealized system and obtain the controller achieving bae ; then , in the practical setup containing some unwanted noise , we make a local modification of the controller parameters obtained in the first step , to minimize the cost @xmath295 . as a demonstration , here we consider the coherent feedback control for the opto - mechanical system studied in section [ sec:2 - 3 ] , which is now subjected to the thermal noise @xmath296 . following the above - described policy , we employ the coherent feedback controller constructed for the idealized system that ignores @xmath296 , leading to the controller given by eqs . and , illustrated in fig .",
"then , rather than pursuing an optimal quantum @xmath292 controller based on the quantum @xmath292 control theory @xcite , here we take the following geometric - control - theoretical approach to solve the problem .",
"we have demonstrated in sections [ sec:3 - 3 ] and [ sec:4 ] that the bae condition can be achieved by engineering an appropriate auxiliary system and connecting it to the plant .",
", we take the @xmath292 norm , mainly owing to the broadband noise - reduction nature of the @xmath292 controller .",
"moreover , this effect can be enhanced by injecting a @xmath158-squeezed probe field ( meaning @xmath325 and @xmath326 ) into the system ."
"the main contribution of this paper is in that it first provides the general theory for constructing a back - action evading sensor for linear quantum systems , based on the well - developed classical geometric control theory .",
"another contribution of this paper is to provide a general procedure for designing an approximate bae sensor under realistic imperfections ; that is , an optimal approximate bae system can be obtained by solving the minimization problem of the transfer function from the back - action noise to the measurement output .",
"the power of the theory has been demonstrated by showing that , for the typical opto - mechanical oscillator , a full parametrization of the auxiliary coherent - feedback and direct interaction controller achieving bae was derived , which contains the result of @xcite .",
"while in section [ sec:5 ] we have provided a simple approach based on the geometric control theory for solving this problem , the @xmath292 or @xmath293 control theory could be employed for systematic design of an approximate bae controller even for the above - mentioned complicated system ."
"the set of @xmath36-invariant subspaces has a unique maximum element contained in a given subspace @xmath330 .",
"this space , denoted by @xmath331 , can be computed by the following algorithm : @xmath332 similarly , the set of @xmath40-invariant subspaces has a unique minimum element containing a given subspace @xmath333 , and this space , denoted by @xmath334 , can be computed by the following algorithm : @xmath335"
"note that a passive system is constituted only with annihilation operator variables ; a typical optical realization of the passive system is an empty optical cavity .",
"then the goal here is to represent the conditions @xmath349 in terms of the coefficient matrices of eq . .",
"* theorem 4 : * the direct interaction controller constructed by hamiltonians is passive if and only if , in addition to the physical realizability conditions @xmath256 and @xmath257 , the following equalities hold : @xmath378 c. m. caves , k. s. thorne , r. w. p. drever , v. d. sandberg , and m. zimmermann , on the measurement of a weak classical force coupled to a quantum - mechanical oscillator",
"then , we have the following theorem , providing the passivity condition in the quadrature form : * theorem 3 : * the system is passive if and only if , in addition to the physical realizability condition , the following equalities hold : @xmath359 _ proof : _",
"note that they have to satisfy the physical realizability conditions @xmath372 and @xmath373 . now we can define the passivity property of the direct interaction controller ; that is , if the hamiltonians does not contain any quadratic term such as @xmath374 and @xmath375 , then the direct interaction controller is passive .",
"the formal definition is given as follows : * definition 6 : * the direct interaction controller constructed by hamiltonians is said to be passive if , in addition to the physical realizability conditions @xmath372 and @xmath373 , the matrices satisfy @xmath376 and @xmath377 .",
"the point is that these hamiltonians have the following equivalent representations in terms of the vector of annihilation operators @xmath367 and @xmath368 : @xmath369 \\mathscr{r}_{\\scriptscriptstyle k } \\left[\\begin{array}{c } \\hat{a}_{\\scriptscriptstyle k } \\\\ \\hat{a}_{\\scriptscriptstyle k}^{\\sharp } \\\\"
] | engineering a sensor system for detecting an extremely tiny signal such as the gravitational - wave force is a very important subject in quantum physics .
a major obstacle to this goal is that , in a simple detection setup , the measurement noise is lower bounded by the so - called standard quantum limit ( sql ) , which is originated from the intrinsic mechanical back - action noise .
hence , the sensor system has to be carefully engineered so that it evades the back - action noise and eventually beats the sql . in this paper , based on the well - developed geometric control theory for classical disturbance decoupling problem
, we provide a general method for designing an auxiliary ( coherent feedback or direct interaction ) controller for the sensor system to achieve the above - mentioned goal .
this general theory is applied to a typical opto - mechanical sensor system .
also , we demonstrate a controller design for a practical situation where several experimental imperfections are present . |
"noise , intrinsic or extrinsic , is commonly thought of as an undesirable disturbance . yet in the realm of non - linear systems , it is well known now that noise can aid the output attain regularity , or at times , reveal hidden order . here by regularity \" we imply either enhanced periodicity of the output response , or enhanced correlation of the output response to the input signal . in this paper , we study primarily periodic stochastic resonance ( psr ) and aperiodic stochastic resonance ( asr ) .",
"furthermore , we explore the effect on psr and asr due to the interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic noises .",
"a theoretical framework within which intrinsic noise in biochemical systems is studied is the chemical master equation ( cme ) approach .",
"we implement cme using the gillespie method . the phenomenon of coherence resonance ( cr ) @xcite , where there is no input sub - threshold signal , has been studied earlier using gillespie and cle method @xcite . to our knowledge ,",
"we discuss the gillespie algorithm @xcite for this system briefly . as @xmath0 and @xmath1 ,",
"[ ab ] as guidance , we proceed to check the phenomena of psr and asr .",
"chemical and biological systems quite generally are stochastic in nature ."
"furthermore , we denote the strength of the intrinsic noise by @xmath5 _ the larger the @xmath5 , the smaller the intrinsic noise_. thus in all the figures 2 - 4 , noise decreases along the increasing @xmath5 axis . to characterize the regularity in the response of the system , a measure of the correlation between output response and input signal , called the power norm @xmath44 @xcite",
"the noise makes the system occasionally excurse into lcr from fpr and one sees spikes in @xmath30 and @xmath31 as a result of that . for different noise strengths we have looked at the output response @xmath30 and @xmath31 , but in the subsequent discussion we will focus only on the variable @xmath30 for brevity . to keep the discussion simple",
"if extrinsic noise was present in the system , would the internal noise causing the phenomenon of psr , act to reinforce or subdue the former effect ? to explore this interesting question of interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic noises ,",
"we see that for an intermediate @xmath5 ( ii ) , the output spike pattern becomes more correlated with the input periodic pulse pattern , as compared to the cases i and iii this is the point of resonance . from the time series @xmath46 and @xmath56 ,",
"the sub - threshold signal amplitude value is @xmath65 percentage of the threshold value ( separation between the average set point position and bifurcation point ) . for these parameters and the input signal we run our gillespie simulation for different values of @xmath5 , @xmath0 , and @xmath1 , thereby varying the intrinsic noise strength .",
"we see that for an intermediate @xmath5 ( ii ) output spike pattern become more correlated with the input aperiodic pulse pattern as compared to i and iii this is the point of resonance . from the time series"
"in this paper , we have shown that an optimal value of the intrinsic noise present in a chemical brusselator system can induce enhanced regularity \" in response , seen in phenomena like psr and asr , just like extrinsic noise .",
"the intrinsic noise strength has been varied for given set @xmath42 , by varying system volume @xmath5 and reactants numbers , keeping the concentration of the reactants @xmath98 fixed ; the average concentrations of @xmath30 and @xmath31 spontaneously adjusted to stay constant . in section [ comment ] , we discussed that if we vary the number of the reactants keeping @xmath5 fixed , their concentrations vary , leading to drift of the average set point of the system .",
"interesting variation of temporal pattern may follow due to drift from fpr@xmath96 lcr@xmath96 fpr , but that has nothing to do with the phenomenon of cr . in section [ seccr ] a simple formula for the normalised variance @xmath77 as function of @xmath5 ( inverse strength of intrinsic noise ) was tested .",
"the approximation involves assumptions that ( i ) the expected number of occurrences of each reaction within the update time interval of the langevin equation is very large , and ( ii ) the reaction rates remain constant within these update time intervals . assumptions ( i ) and ( ii ) are hard to satisfy simultaneously when the molecular number of species are small ."
] | in a system of non - linear chemical reactions called the brusselator , we show that _ intrinsic noise _ can be regulated to drive it to exhibit resonance in the presence of a sub - threshold signal .
the phenomena of periodic stochastic resonance and aperiodic stochastic resonance , hitherto studied mostly with extrinsic noise , is demonstrated here to occur with inherent systemic noise using exact stochastic simulation algorithm due to gillespie .
the role of intrinsic noise in a couple of other phenomena is also discussed . *
studies of noise driven regularity in non - linear systems have not been done as extensively for intrinsic noise " as for extrinsic noise . here
we give direct demonstration of stochastic resonance ( both periodic and aperiodic ) in a chemical system with respect to intrinsic systemic fluctuations , using exact stochastic simulation method due to gillespie .
moreover , an interplay of the intrinsic and extrinsic noises is analyzed for these noise invoked resonances . * |
"@xcite and shock waves @xcite . in the following paper we concentrate on the case of shock waves .",
"the new solutions are quite interesting because they merge properties of shock waves ( discontinuity of the field at one end ) and compactons ( quadratic approach to a vacuum value at the other end ) . such a solution is compact in an arbitrary stage of evolution so we call it _ a shock impulse _ instead of _ a shock wave_. our paper is organized as follows . in section 2",
"i.e. _ a class of solutions with a field discontinuity that propagates with velocity @xmath0 . the violation of the scaling symmetry of the signum - gordon model has been studied for both self - similar solutions",
"the simplest v - shaped scalar field model is the signum - gordon model @xcite , @xcite .",
"we briefly recall the signum - klein - gordon model .",
". an interesting new class of scalar field models has been proposed in @xcite ."
"the lagrangian of a ( 1 + 1 ) dimensional signum - klein - gordon model reads @xmath1 where @xmath2 is a scalar field with an interaction given by the potential @xmath3 in @xcite we have proposed a mechanical system which in the limit of an infinite number of degrees of freedom is described by the lagrangian ( [ lagrangian ] ) .",
"it has been already discussed in @xcite that the velocity @xmath0 is distinguished by the model and it is the unique admissible velocity for the propagation of field discontinuities .",
"it is one of the simplest terms that can be used to violatate an exact scaling symetry .",
"the ansatz @xmath7 gives discontinuous solutions , where `` @xmath8 '' refers to solutions outside the light cone , `` @xmath9 '' refers to solutions inside the light cone and @xmath10 .",
"the quadratic interaction term has been chosen for simplicity .",
"this solution is necessary in the construction of compactons .",
"it is clear that @xmath6 is a solution of ( [ el ] ) ."
"the upper line has been obtained for @xmath66 , the middle line for @xmath68 and the bottom line corresponds to @xmath70.,scaledwidth=60.0% ] this means that the size of a compact impulse ( as a function of @xmath13 ) or the size of an initial compacton configuration ( as a function of @xmath72 ) changes linearly with a number @xmath63 .",
"the second coefficient @xmath30 can be expressed by the value of @xmath31 , which results in @xmath32 as was explained in a previous paper , depending on the values @xmath31 , the solution @xmath27 can be positive or can be matched with a negative partial solution @xmath33 .",
"we have used a special notation @xmath53 for those zeros for which the field reaches its zero value in a quadratic way , whereas all other zeros we label by @xmath54 . a general higher - rank multi - zero solution consists of partial solutions @xmath55 and @xmath56 and has a matching points @xmath57 and @xmath53 . as an example",
"the numerical results suggest , surprisingly , that , at least for not too large @xmath63 , both the sequence of @xmath65 and the sequence of zeros @xmath53 behave linearly ( arithmetic sequences ) .",
"again , for a certain value of @xmath31 a partial solution @xmath33 reaches its zero @xmath51 quadratically , therefore it could be matched with a constant zero partial solution . at the point",
"it comes from the fact that the length of the compact shock impulse @xmath47 for @xmath45 has a leading term @xmath48 . as was discussed in @xcite , for @xmath49",
"-[multi4 ] we present two examples of multi - zero solutions @xmath50 with three and four segments , respectively . for higher - range solutions , @xmath64 , instead of solutions",
"the expressions for solutions for higher @xmath63 and relations between coefficients are very complicated and one can not expect such a simple relationship .",
"the upper line has been obtained for @xmath66 , the middle line for @xmath68 and the bottom line corresponds to @xmath70.,scaledwidth=60.0% ] and their linear fits .",
"our ansatz takes the form @xmath12 in the new variable @xmath13 , related to @xmath14 by the formula @xmath15 , the equation ( [ el ] ) takes the form @xmath16 where @xmath17"
"we have presented a new class of solutions in the ( 1 + 1 ) dimensional signum - klein - gordon model which was not been considered in @xcite . the solutions which appear in models with v - shaped potentials are usually either shock or compacton type .",
"the compact shock impulses , presented above , have on one end a wave front where a scalar field is discontinuous and on the other end they approach their vacuum value quadratically .",
"our solutions merge both of these properties ."
"we would like to thank h. arodz , c. adam , j. sanchez - guillen and j. shock for discussion and valuable comments .",
"this paper is supported by mcyt ( spain ) and feder ( fpa2005 - 01963 ) , and xunta de galicia ( grant pgidit06pxib296182pr and conselleria de educacion )"
] | a new class of solutions in the signum - klein - gordon model is presented .
our solutions merge properties of shock waves and compactons that appear in scalar field models with v - shaped potentials .
pacs : 03.50.kk , 05.45.-a , 11.10.lm + |
"is generally found to be sensitive to both the director configuration and the polarization characteristics of incident light @xcite . in this study , we consider the polarization - resolved angular patterns of dhflc cells as the stokes parameter fields giving detailed information on the incidence angles dependence of the polarization state of light transmitted through the cells .",
"[ sec : optics - dhf ] we evaluate the effective dielectric tensor of dhflc cells , discuss the orientational kerr effect and show that electro - optic response of dhflc cells is enhanced near the exceptional point determined by the condition of zero - field isotropy .",
"our analysis will utilize the transfer matrix approach in combination with the results for the effective dielectric tensor of biaxial flcs evaluated using an improved technique of averaging over distorted helical structures .",
"in particular , we explore how the polarization singularities transform under the action of the electric field .",
"geometry of the polarization - resolved angular patterns emerging after dhflc cells is considered in sec .",
"we also emphasize the role of phase singularities of a different kind and discuss the electro - optic behavior of dhflcs near the exceptional point where the condition of zero - field isotropy is fulfilled ."
"in order to describe both the electro - optical properties and the polarization - resolved angular patterns of deformed helix ferroelectric liquid crystal layers with subwavelength pitch we adapt a general theoretical approach which can be regarded as a modified version of the well - known transfer matrix method @xcite and was previously applied to study the polarization - resolved conoscopic patterns of nematic liquid crystal cells @xcite . this approach has also been extended to the case of polarization gratings and used to deduce the general expression for the effective dielectric tensor of dhflc cells @xcite . in this section ,",
"the analytical results for uniformly anisotropic planar structures representing homogenized dhflc cells are given in appendix [ sec : planar ] .",
"we present the transfer matrix approach as the starting point of our theoretical considerations , with emphasis on its general structure and the symmetry relations ."
"@xcite to the case of biaxial ferroelectric liquid crystals with subwavelength pitch .",
"we now pass on to the electro - optical properties of dhflc cells and extend the results of ref .",
"we conclude this section with the remark on the electro - optic response of dhflc cells in the vicinity of the isotropization point .",
"@xcite , it will be referred to as the _ orientational kerr effect_. it should be emphasized that this effect differs from the well - known kerr effect which is a quadratic electro - optic effect related to the electrically induced birefringence in optically isotropic ( and transparent ) materials and which is mainly caused by the electric - field - induced orientation of polar molecules @xcite . by contrast , in our case , similar to polymer stabilized blue phase liquid crystals @xcite , we deal with the effective dielectric tensor of a nanostructured chiral smectic liquid crystal .",
", we apply an alternative approach that allows to go beyond the first - order approximation without recourse to explicit formulas for the azimuthal angle .",
"one of the important factors governing the electric field dependence of the transmittance is the phase retardation @xmath207 ( see eq . ) proportional the effective birefringence @xmath208 .",
"@xcite and we concentrate on the geometry of planar aligned dhflc helix shown in fig ."
"we shall use the electric field vector amplitudes of incident , reflected and transmitted waves conveniently rewritten in the circular basis @xmath210 and the incidence angles , @xmath211 and @xmath212 , related to the lateral component of the wave vector as follows @xmath213 where @xmath211 ( @xmath212 ) is the _ polar ( azimuthal ) angle of incidence_. dependence of the polarization properties of the waves transmitted through the dhflc cell on the incidence angles , @xmath211 and @xmath212 , will be of our primary concern .",
"then the vector amplitudes [ eq : tilde_e_phi ] @xmath265 where @xmath266 is the angle between the optical axis @xmath263 and the polarization plane of the linearly polarized incident wave ( see eq . ) , describing the incident and transmitted waves with polarization ellipses rotated by the angle @xmath267 are related by the transformed transmission matrix @xmath268\\,{\\mathbf{t}}_{c}(\\rho,-\\tilde{\\phi})\\ , \\exp[i\\tilde{\\phi}{\\boldsymbol{\\sigma}}_3].\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] from relation it follows that , given the angle @xmath266 , the sole effect of changing the azimuthal angle of the optical axis : @xmath269 is the rotation of the polarization ellipse field by the angle @xmath270 . in dhflc cells ,",
"as it was mentioned in the previous section , the loci of @xmath1 points on the projection plane are determined by intersections of the @xmath278 and @xmath284 nodal lines . in our case , the star - monstar pairs are produced as a result of small - scale oscillations of the nodal line around the smooth curve described by eq . .",
"the orientation of the polarization ellipse is specified by the azimuthal angle of polarization ( _ polarization azimuth _ ) @xmath226}^{\\ast } } e_{-}^{({\\mathrm{trm}})},\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath227 is the @xmath110th component of the stokes vector , and its eccentricity is described by the signed ellipticity parameter @xmath228 that will be referred to as the _",
"the transmission matrix describing conoscopic patterns on the transverse plane of projection is given by @xcite @xmath214 where @xmath215 and @xmath216 are the polar coordinates in the observation plane ( @xmath217 and @xmath218 are the cartesian coordinates ) and @xmath219 is the aperture dependent scale factor . the transmission matrix of dhflc cells , @xmath220 , can be computed from general formulas given in appendix [ sec : planar ] ( see eq . ) . for this matrix ,",
"interestingly , at @xmath274 deg , it turned out that the @xmath259 nodal lines can be evaluated using the simplified equation @xmath275 where @xmath207 is the phase retardation expressed in terms of the eigenvalues of the matrix for uniformly anisotropic planar layers ( see eqs . and ) , that thus gives a sufficiently accurate approximation for @xmath0 lines ."
"in this paper , we have performed transfer matrix analysis of polarization - resolved angular patterns emerging after electrically controlled short - pitch dhflc cells . our formulation of the transfer matrix method , which is a suitably modified version of the approach developed in refs .",
"[ sec : conoscopy ] , in order to gain further insight into the electro - optical properties of the dhflc cells , we have combined the transfer matrix approach and the results for the effective dielectric tensor to explore the polarization - resolved angular patterns which are the polarization ellipse fields representing the polarization structure of conoscopic images of dhflc cells . in the observation plane ,",
"@xcite is the expression for the effective dielectric tensor describing the electro - optical properties of uniform lying flc helical structures with subwavelengh pitch . in sec .",
"@xcite to the case of biaxial flcs and have applied an alternative technique of averaging over distorted helix to evaluate the dielectric tensor ."
"it immediately follow that the inverse of the evolution operator is given by @xmath312 and can be found by solving the initial value problem @xmath313 for non - absorbing media with symmetric dielectric tensor , the matrix @xmath34 is real - valued , @xmath314 , and meets the following symmetry identities @xcite : @xmath315 where an asterisk and the superscript @xmath91 indicate complex conjugation and matrix transposition , respectively . in this case , the evolution operator and its inverse are related as follows : @xmath316 where a dagger will denote hermitian conjugation . by using the relations , it is not difficult to verify that the operator on the right hand side of eq .",
"we begin with the relation @xmath308 known as the _ composition law_. this result derives from the fact that the operator @xmath309 is the solution of the system that satisfies the initial condition with @xmath310 replaced by @xmath311 . from the composition law",
"is the solution of the cauchy problem ."
"in this section we present the results for anisotropic planar structures characterized by the dielectric tensor of the following form : @xmath317 where the optical axes @xmath318 lie in the plane of substrates ( the @xmath160-@xmath319 plane ) .",
"and eq . with eq . to derive the expressions for the transmission and reflection matrices @xmath338 describing the case where the incident wave is impinging onto the entrance face of the layer , @xmath23 . as it can be seen from formulas , the symmetry relations are satisfied even if the dielectric constants @xmath339 , @xmath340 and @xmath173 are complex - valued .",
"gives the block matrices @xmath375 expressed as a function of the director azimuthal angle @xmath355 . the result for the transmission and reflection matrices @xmath376 where the diagonal matrices @xmath377 and @xmath378 describe the case in which the director lies in the incidence plane , immediately follows from the relations and .",
"eq . , respectively , the results are @xmath370 these relations along with formulas give the transfer matrix for biaxially anisotropic films with two in - plane optical axes . before closing this section we briefly comment on the important special case of normal incidence that occurs at @xmath371 .",
"m_y & -m_xq_o \\end{pmatrix } , \\quad { \\mathbf{h}}= \\begin{pmatrix } m_x q_e & m_y n_o^2 \\\\ m_y q_e & -m_x [ n_o^2-q_p^2 ] \\end{pmatrix } , \\\\ & \\label{eq : n_oe - pln - uni } n_{e}=\\dfrac{2q_e\\mu}{n_o^2}(n_o^2-q_p^2m_x^2 ) , \\quad n_{o}=2q_o\\mu ( n_o^2-q_p^2m_x^2).\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] equations - can now be substituted into the general expression for the transfer matrix defined by formulas - so as to obtain the transmission and reflection matrices . for the general case of biaxial anisotropy ,",
"these can be written in the following form : @xmath365 ^ 2 - 4\\det{\\tilde{{\\mathbf{m } } } } } , \\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where the matrix @xmath366 is given by [ eq : tilde - m - pln ] @xmath367 \\cdot{\\mathbf{rt}}(\\psi)= \\begin{pmatrix } \\tilde{m}_{11 } & \\tilde{m}_{12}\\\\ \\tilde{m}_{21 } & \\tilde{m}_{22 } \\end{pmatrix } , \\\\ & \\label{eq : tilde - m-11 } \\tilde{m}_{11}=n_{e}^2-(u_a+u_z[1+u_a])\\,q_p^2 m_x^2 , \\quad \\tilde{m}_{12}=(u_a+u_z[1+u_a])\\ , q_p^2 m_x m_y , \\\\ & \\label{eq : tilde - m-22 } \\tilde{m}_{22}=n_{o}^2-u_z q_p^2 m_y^2 , \\quad \\tilde{m}_{21}=u_z q_p^2 m_x m_y,\\quad u_z=(\\epsilon_{\\perp}-\\epsilon_z)/\\epsilon_z.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] it can be readily checked that the result for uniaxial anisotropy is recovered from eq . as the limiting case where the parameter of out - of - plane anisotropy @xmath368 is negligible and @xmath360 . for the eigenvector and normalization matrices , @xmath321 and @xmath369 , given in eq . and",
"it is not difficult to show that the eigenvector and eigenvalue matrices can be taken in the following form : @xmath332 in addition , the eigenvectors satisfy the orthogonality conditions ( a proof can be found , e.g. , in appendix a of ref ."
"in sec . [ subsec : diel - tensor - dhf ] , the effective dielectric tensor of a deformed helix flc cell is expressed in terms of the averages given in eqs . and .",
"in this apppendix , we describe how to perform averaging over the helix pitch without recourse to explicit formulas for the azimuthal angle @xmath8 the flc director .",
"in particular , with the help of eqs . and , it is not difficult to deduce the following expression for the free energy : @xmath391)= \\notag \\\\ u_k\\left [ 1-m^{-1}\\bigl\\ { 1 + 2 ( \\sqrt{m}-{\\ensuremath{\\langle{r^{-1}}\\rangle}}_{\\phi})/{\\ensuremath{\\langle{r}\\rangle}}_{\\phi } \\bigr\\ } \\right].\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] in the low voltage regime , the parameter @xmath392 is small and the left hand side of eq .",
"then the free energy functional per unit volume can be written as the free energy density averaged over the helix pitch @xmath380/v={\\ensuremath{\\langle{f}\\rangle}}_{x}\\equiv \\frac{1}{p}\\int_0^p f { \\mathrm{d}}x.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] the first integral of the stationary point ( euler - lagrange ) equation @xmath381 is given by @xmath382 ^ 2 + u_{e}\\cos\\phi = e.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] assuming that @xmath383 and @xmath384 is non - negative , equation can be recast into the differential form @xmath385 integrating eq . over the period",
"similarly , the averages that enter the formulas for the elements of the effective dielectric tensor can be expressed in terms of the electric field parameter @xmath175 as follows : [ eq : averages - planar ] @xmath397^{-1/2}(1 + 3 v\\gamma_v^2\\alpha_e^2 ) , \\\\ & { \\ensuremath{\\langle{v_{zz}^{-1}\\cos^2\\phi}\\rangle}}_{\\phi } \\approx \\gamma_v(1 + 3 [ 1+v]^{1/2}\\gamma_v\\alpha_e^2 ) , \\\\ & { \\ensuremath{\\langle{v_{zz}^{-1}\\cos\\phi}\\rangle}}_{\\phi } \\approx 2 \\gamma_v\\alpha_{e } , \\quad \\gamma_v= [ \\sqrt{1+v}+1]^{-1 } , \\\\ & { \\ensuremath{\\langle{v_{zz}^{-1}\\sin\\phi}\\rangle}}_{\\phi}= { \\ensuremath{\\langle{v_{zz}^{-1}\\sin\\phi\\cos\\phi}\\rangle}}_{\\phi}= 0.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] substituting the relations into eqs .",
"we can now use equation to rewrite eq . in the following form @xmath389^{-1/2}.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] an important consequence of this equation is the relation @xmath390 that allows to perform averaging over the helix pitch by computing integrals over the azimuthal angle @xmath8 .",
"we assume that the azimuthal angle is a function of @xmath160 , so that the free energy density can be written in the following form : @xmath379 where @xmath124 is the free twist wave number .",
"the expansion up to the second order terms is given by @xmath393 and can be used to average the @xmath25 component of the polarization vector @xmath394 defined in eq . .",
"& \\label{eq : epsilon_p - v } \\epsilon_p = \\epsilon_2\\sqrt{1+v } , \\quad \\gamma_v=[\\sqrt{1+v}+1]^{-1},\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] and the coupling coefficients @xmath399 , \\\\ & \\gamma_{yy } =3 \\epsilon_2 v \\gamma_v^2\\sqrt{1+v } , \\quad \\gamma_{xy } = 2 ( \\epsilon_{1}-\\epsilon_{\\perp})\\gamma_v\\cos\\theta\\sin\\theta.\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] 45ifxundefined [ 1 ] ifx#1 ifnum [ 1 ] # 1firstoftwo secondoftwo ifx [ 1 ] # 1firstoftwo secondoftwo `` `` # 1''''@noop [ 0]secondoftwosanitize@url [ 0 ] + 12$12 & 12#1212_12%12@startlink[1]@endlink[0]@bib@innerbibempty @noop _"
] | in order to explore electric - field - induced transformations of polarization singularities in the polarization - resolved angular ( conoscopic ) patterns emerging after deformed helix ferroelectric liquid crystal ( dhflc ) cells with subwavelength helix pitch , we combine the transfer matrix formalism with the results for the effective dielectric tensor of biaxial flcs evaluated using an improved technique of averaging over distorted helical structures . within the framework of the transfer matrix method
, we deduce a number of symmetry relations and show that the symmetry axis of @xmath0 lines ( curves of linear polarization ) is directed along the major in - plane optical axis which rotates under the action of the electric field .
when the angle between this axis and the polarization plane of incident linearly polarized light is above its critical value , the @xmath1 points ( points of circular polarization ) appear in the form of symmetrically arranged chains of densely packed star - monstar pairs .
we also emphasize the role of phase singularities of a different kind and discuss the enhanced electro - optic response of dhflcs near the exceptional point where the condition of zero - field isotropy is fulfilled . |
"here we also study the electron transmission in bilayer ab - ba boundary under the perpendicular electric field , and find that the band deformation induced by the electric field significantly enhances the electron transmission at a fixed carrier density .",
"we calculate the electron transmission probability through the stacking fault as a function of the fermi energy using the tight - binding model and the transfer matrix method .",
"we present the qualitative explanation of those characteristic properties of electron transmission through domain boundary by considering the local band structure inside the boundary region . for bernal stacked bilayer graphene",
"the result shows that the boundaries generally suppress the electron transmission in comparision with the perfect bernal stacked system , while the reduction becomes gradually weaker as increasing the number of layers ."
"the construction of the domain boundary in general @xmath10-layer graphene is similar to the bilayer case , where we assume only the bottom layer is expanded by @xmath15 in @xmath16-axis while other @xmath17 layers are fixed to the bernal stacking without distorion as illustrated in fig .",
"since the system is translationally symmetric along @xmath5-direction , the wavenumber @xmath40 is conserved , so that an electronic state in the left region is only connected to one in the right region on the same horizontal line . using the formulation in the appendix",
"specifically , we start with the regular ba bilayer graphene [ fig [ fig : ab_boundary ] ( a ) ] , and shift the top layer and the bottom layer of the right region by @xmath7 ( where @xmath8 nm is the graphene s lattice constant ) , respectively , with the structure in the left region fixed .",
"[ fig : traveling_wave ] ] to characterize the total transmission for given boundary structure , we calculate the landauer s conductance @xmath53 where the indexes @xmath44 and @xmath43 run over all the traveling modes , and we assumed the system is periodic in @xmath5-direction with a sufficiently long period @xmath54 .",
"the conductance @xmath55 is naturally proportional to @xmath54 , and the conductance per unit width , @xmath56 , can be used as a quantity which measures the transparency of the domain boundary for the electronic transport . and ( b ) @xmath57 ev .",
"the width of the intermediate region , @xmath9 is written in terms of an the number of unit cells @xmath10 as @xmath11 . at @xmath12 , for instance , we have @xmath13 nm , while the realistic boundary width is about @xmath14 nm @xcite . here",
"the side view shows the atomic positions on a @xmath6-plane , where filled circles and open circles indicate a and b atoms , respectively , while dots are the centers of hexagons denoted as c sites ( no atoms ) ."
"the smoothness / sharpness is characterized by the ratio of the wave length of the incident wave @xmath66 to the width of the boundary region @xmath9 . in the low fermi energy ( @xmath65ev ) , the effective wavenumber measured from @xmath63 point is about @xmath67 , and then the wavelength @xmath68 nm is actually larger than the width of boundary region at @xmath13 nm ( @xmath12 ) .",
", we still have a finite transmission probability in the region outside of the blue shading region , because there the wavelength @xmath66 is actually larger than @xmath9 as already argued , and thus the local fermi surface is not well defined . increasing @xmath9 , the transmission outside the shaded region vanishes , and at the same time the transmission probability in the shaded region rapidly rises and reaches almost 1 at @xmath70 nm .",
"when we consider a realistic experimental situation with a single gate electrode underneath the sample , we have a homogeneous carrier density over the whole system , @xcite where the left and right regions and share the same fermi energy , while the origins of band energies are relatively shifted to achieve the same charge density in the both regions .",
"the overall behavior in the trilayer boundary is pretty much similar to the bilayer case , i.e. , the transmission is suppressed near the charge neutral point and gradually rises at the high fermi energy . in adding more layer , however , we see that the reduction near @xmath83 becomes gradually weaker .",
"[ fig : energy_band_2 ] ( b ) , @xmath73 actually opens up a band gap between the touching conduction and valance band , and near the band edge , the energy dispersion exhibits a complex feature where the fermi surface split into several different parts due to the trigonal warping . @xcite in fig .",
"the incident carriers from the linear band ( green curve ) are not very well transmitted , and at the same time , the carriers from the other non - linear bands are considerably reflected only in the region of @xmath40 where a linear band state exists .",
"this suggests that the reflection matrix elements between the linear band and the other bands are particularly strong , and it significantly interferes the total transmission . the strong reflection in presence of the linear band",
"the correspondence between the transmission and the band structure is only approximate , but the agreement should become almost perfect when @xmath9 becomes much larger than the typical wavelength . to see this , we calculate the transmission probability at various widths of boundary region , @xmath9 . in fig ."
"we studied the electron transmission properties in stacking domain boundary in multilayer graphenes from bilayer to five - layer .",
"we also find an odd - even effect at high electron density , where the even - layer boundaries have better electron transmission than odd - layer boundaries . for bilayer , we also demonstrated the conductance suppression at low energies is significantly relaxed by applying a perpendicular external electric field .",
"we find the boundary significantly reduces the electron transmission at low fermi energies , while the reduction becomes gradually weaker as increasing the number of layers .",
"we found that the transmission characteristics is closely related the local electronic structure inside the boundary region .",
"the present result also suggests that a boundary between two different stacking structures may provide a mechanism to control the electron current on multilayer graphene . in particular , the fact that the system being almost insulator near bottom of conduction band and quickly becoming transparent when increasing fermi levels gives a possibility to be applied to switching devices .",
"our result indicates the electron transmission in a general graphitic system is significantly supressed in presence of domain boundaries ."
"the wavefunction at site @xmath152 can be written as @xmath153\\bm{c}_{0}^{+}.\\ ] ] then we have @xmath154 - 1 \\}\\bm{c}_{0}^{+}.\\ ] ] similarly , the right - going waves at site @xmath155 is writte nas @xmath156\\bm{c}_{0}^{+}.\\ ] ] to calculate the transmission and reflection probability , we first write the left and right - going waves at site 0 , n + 1 in terms of left - going waves and right - going waves @xmath157 the transmission and reflection matrices are defined by @xmath158 and @xmath159 , and they are given by @xmath160\\right ) u^+_l , \\\\ & \\bm{r } = ( u_l^-)^{-1 } \\left ( -g_1.t_l^{\\dagger } [ ( { f}^+_l)^{-1 } -({f}_l^-)^{-1 } ] - 1 \\right)u_l^+ .",
"\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] the transmission coefficient for incident wave @xmath43 with velocity @xmath161 and out - going channel @xmath44 with velocity @xmath162 is written as @xmath163 and the reflection coefficient for incoming channel @xmath43 with velocity @xmath161 , and out - going channel @xmath44 with velocity @xmath162 as @xmath164 these formula can also be used to derive the transmission probability for trilayer case .",
"we consider a situation where the incident wave comes from the left region , and transmits to the right or reflects back to the left . from ( [ bloch_theorem ] ) , we have @xmath143 note that there are only right - going waves in the right region",
", we can define the real wave number @xmath41 by @xmath103 , and it is even classified to left - going or right - going modes depending on the expectation value of the velocity along @xmath16-direction . for evanescent modes ,",
"then we consider the intermediate region and calculate the transfer matrix connecting the traveling modes in the left and right . in uniform ab - stacked bilayer graphene ,",
"@xmath121 by doing the similar process for ba bilayer graphene ( the right region ) , we are also able to get the eigenvectors and eigenvalues .",
"@xmath117 where @xmath118 then the wave amplitude at @xmath26-th site becomes @xmath119 leading to the relation @xmath120\\bm{c}^{\\pm}_j \\equiv { f}^{\\pm}\\bm{c}^{\\pm}_j , \\label{bloch_theorem}\\ ] ] which is similar to the bloch theorem ."
] | we present a theoretical study on the electron transmission through the ab - ba stacking boundary in multilayer graphenes . using the tight - binding model and the transfer matrix method
, we calculate the electron transmission probability through the boundary as a function of electron fermi energy in multilayers from bilayer to five - layer .
we find that the transmission is strongly suppressed particularly near the band touching point , suggesting that the electronic conductivity in general multilayer graphenes is significantly interfered by stacking fault .
the conductivity suppression by stacking fault is the strongest in the bilayer graphene , while it is gradually relaxed as increasing the number of layers . at a large carrier density
, we observe an even - odd effect where the transmission is relatively lower in trilayer and five - layer than in bilayer and four - layer , and this is related to the existence of a monolayer - like linear band in odd layers . for bilayer graphene
, we also study the effect of the perpendicular electric field opening an energy gap , and show that the band deformation enhances the electron transmission at a fixed carrier density . |
"the fact that ams counts atoms and not decays results in great advantages compared to radiometric techniques , requiring smaller samples and shorter measuring times . in the present work we have studied using the ams technique a fossil bone found in the course of the archaeological excavation of a workshop for the processing of flintstones at malu rosu , giurgiu , near the danube river , in romania .",
"this archaeological assembly is believed to have an age of about 20,000 years , as based on an historical assessment .",
"a highly sensitive method for counting atoms , has been used for the detection of @xmath0c .",
"other specimens of fossil bones from malu rosu have earlier been analyzed by a relative chemical method .",
"the age was estimated by determining the fluorine content@xmath11 using neutron activation analysis ( naa ) ."
"_ pretreatment of the bone sample _ + the first step concerns the extraction of collagen from the bone structure .",
"+ the next step in the preparation of the bone sample is the transformation of the collagen into pure carbon in the experimental set - up , presented in detail in refs . 6 , 8 and 9 .",
"we have essentially applied the longin method@xmath12 : + a dried bone specimen of about 1 g is powdered using a hard knife .",
"collagen is the native , biochemically intact triple - helical macromolecule .",
"we will use collagen to refer to collagen that has undergone a degree of diagenesis .",
"alterations during diagenesis are considered to include humification of parts of the molecule , attachment of exogenous humic materials , and hydrolysis with loss of some amino acids ."
"the value of 3560@xmath32200 bc for the age of the bone determined by ams in the present work associates the bone with the neolithic level of the malu rosu settlement , attributed by us to the final stage of evolution of the boian culture . in the layer mentioned one finds , at a depth of between 0.80 - 1.10 m , the archaeological remains of three houses belonging to the final stage of the boian culture .",
"namely open areas , the vegetal deposit and the loessial deposit , which start at a depth of approximately one metre , are affected by rodent passages both contemporary and fossil , reaching in some cases a depth of 6 m. under these conditions some archaeological objects have been disturbed and moved from their initial position . furthermore , the neolithic , eneolithic and medieval archaeological complexes have sometimes affected the aurignacian cultural layers . the fragment of bone studied by ams in the present study originates from the superior part of an aurignacian layer i @xmath47 , surface iii/1995 , the workshop for the processing of flintstones nr . 1",
"samples of bones together with standards of pbf@xmath13 and caf@xmath13 were irradiated for a period of 4 s , for producing the isotope @xmath42f , with a half life of t@xmath43=11 s and the main @xmath44-ray of 1633.6 kev . the periods of decays and times of measurement for the sample were : t@xmath45=40 s , t@xmath46=20 s , and for the standard : t@xmath45=80 s , t@xmath46=20 s. for 8 specimens of bones from romanian regions , c1 , c2 , c4 , c5 , c6 , c8 and c9 , dated by radiocarbon at groeningen , the following correlation was established : fluorine concentration - age ( radiocarbon ) . for other bones : b1 ( cave bear ) , b2 ( cave bear ) , b3 ( cave bear ) , b4 ( mammoth ) and mr ( animal bone from malu rosu ) was evaluated the age , from the content of fluorine , determined by naa , using the calibration curve . in fig .",
"2 ) , using data from ref . 14 . from the processing of the data one obtained the age of the bone from malu rosu to be in the interval : [ [ comparison - of - the - radiocarbon - age - with - the - age - estimated - by - fluorine - content ] ] comparison of the radiocarbon age with the age estimated by fluorine content",
"+ the age of the bone from malu rosu of 5510@xmath32200 bp , determined by @xmath0c measurements using ams in the present study is in agreement with the estimated value of the age of 5000@xmath321000 years bp , determined in other fossil bones from the malu rosu , by measuring their content of fluorine , using naa .",
"the rate of accumulation of fluorine in bones depends on the environmental conditions of the burials , the temperature and the content of fluorine in underground waters . + some specimens of bones from malu rosu have been analyzed before by naa to determine their fluorine content@xmath11 .",
"thus the fossil bone analyzed in the present work , found in the palaeolithic layer of the malu rosu settlement is dated to have an age of 3560@xmath49 bc , and belongs in fact to the neolithic layer , situated above the palaeolithic one ."
] | a fossil bone from the archaeological site malu rosu giurgiu , in romania has been analyzed by accelerator mass spectrometry to estimate its age by determining its @xmath0c content .
the radiocarbon age of the bone is in agreement with the age obtained by the method for age determination , based on fluorine content .
this is the first radiocarbon dating for the final neolithic period , for this archaeological settlement in the romanian region . +
email : + national institute for physics and nuclear engineering , + po box mg-6 , 76900 magurele , bucharest , romania + tel .
40 1 780 70 40 |
"we present a preliminary test of whether self - similar scaling relations arise naturally in a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation of galaxy formation .",
"we find that on group scales , the self - similar scaling relations are not followed , and that features can arise that quantitatively mimic a pre - heating model .",
"the breaking of self - similarity from clusters to groups is due to an increased cooling efficiency in smaller systems , and does not imply additional heat or entropy input at early times ( see also bryan 2000 ) .",
"the simplest view of a cluster is as a sphere of virial - temperature gas punctuated by old galaxies , with perhaps a cooling flow onto the cd galaxy . within this model ,",
"the gas cooling time is longer than a hubble time everywhere except near the center , and thus it is predicted that clusters should follow simple self - similar \" scaling relations derived from the virial theorem combined with an assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium , namely : @xmath6 , @xmath7 , and @xmath8 , where @xmath9 is the total x - ray luminosity , @xmath10 is the gas temperature ( presumed to be the halo virial temperature ) , and @xmath11 is the velocity dispersion of cluster galaxies ( presumed to trace the system s total mass ) .",
"one model that successfully accounts for these observations postulates that the gas is ",
"pre - heated \" by some unknown physical process ( possibly supernovae or winds ) with an energy of @xmath15 kev / baryon ."
"only bremmstrahlung emission is used ; metal emission is not included in this preliminary analysis to facilitate a straightforward comparison with the self - similar model , and also because intragroup gas metallicities are uncertain . in order to avoid the well - known problem of overestimation of x - ray luminosity due to sph oversmoothing , we recalculate gas densities using only hot particles , ignoring all particles with @xmath28k .",
"this explicit decoupling of the hot and cold phases is shown to reproduce the correct x - ray luminosity in analytic cases ( croft et al .",
"we identify galaxies using skid , and halos using a spherical - overdensity criterion on friends - of - friends halos , as described in murali et al .",
"the x - ray luminosity of a group is computed from all particles with @xmath27k that are members of that group .",
"the x - ray temperature is given by the average luminosity - weighted temperature of group particles .",
"our simulation is of a @xmath16 random volume in a @xmath1cdm universe with @xmath17 , @xmath18 , and @xmath19 .",
"halos that contain three or more galaxies are identified as groups \" ; we find 128 at @xmath23 ."
"while the large cold gas + stellar fraction may appear to contradict baryon estimates in clusters , there are indications that the hot gas fraction decreases in smaller systems ( see bryan 2000 for summary ) . in any case , the trend for a rapid decline of the hot fraction in this mass regime seems to be a generic feature of cdm - based galaxy formation , arising in semi - analytic models as well ( bower , these proceedings ) .",
"we conclude that the break in @xmath9 arises from a drop in the hot fraction due to an increase in efficiency of galaxy formation in smaller systems .",
"the slope , for groups with @xmath30 kev , is steeper than predicted by the self - similar model , and steepens even more below @xmath5 kev ( the dashed line shows a continuation of the high - temperature slope ) .",
"however , the misestimation of @xmath37 from using too few galaxies results in a steeper slope ( right panel ) , bringing it more into agreement with hp ; this can be misinterpreted as excess heat injection . since there is no excess heat ,",
"interestingly , the @xmath31 relation shows no break at 200 km / s , indicating that the drop in @xmath9 is not due to an additional heat source such as shock heating on filaments .",
"the fraction of hot ( @xmath40 k ) gas for our simulated groups drops linearly from 50% at @xmath41 km / s to 20% at @xmath42 km / s . when placed on a logarithmic scale ( cf .",
"the crucial point is that a break occurs at all , when no physics has been input into the simulation that specifically picks out this temperature scale ."
"using a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation , we have shown that group x - ray scaling relations are not expected to follow simple extrapolations from clusters . for rich groups , the scaling relations for the x - ray luminosity are somewhat different than predicted by self - similarity arguments , while for poor groups the scaling relations deviate dramatically .",
"the trends of our predictions are in agreement with observations .",
"the location of the predicted break predicted is slightly different than that observed , but more careful modeling and better data may improve the agreement . we conclude that cooling is responsible for breaking self - similarity , and",
"hence it is premature to use observed poor group scaling relations as evidence for an excess injection of heat or entropy into these systems ."
] | we investigate the x - ray vs. optical scaling relations of poor groups to small clusters ( @xmath0 km / s ) identified in a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation of a @xmath1cdm universe , with cooling and star formation but no pre - heating .
we find that the scaling relations between x - ray luminosity , x - ray temperature , and velocity dispersion show significant departures from the relations predicted by simple hydrostatic equilibrium models or simulations without cooling , having steeper @xmath2 and @xmath3 slopes and a break " at @xmath4 km / s ( @xmath5 kev ) .
these departures arise because the hot ( x - ray emitting ) gas fraction varies substantially with halo mass in this regime .
our predictions roughly agree with observations .
thus radiative cooling is a critical physical process in modeling galaxy groups , and may present an alternative to _ ad hoc _ models such as pre - heating or entropy floors for explaining x - ray group scaling relations .
# 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in |
"herein we address the problem of _ internal _ fluctuations .",
"this problem , and many generalizations of it , have been solved , but to our knowledge existing analytic solutions are based on the assumption of a continuous population . we show that accounting for the discreteness and finiteness of the population profoundly modifies the known results and may reopen an array of questions for reconsideration .",
"[ sec : model ] we discuss the derivation of a stochastic langevin equation whose moments can be related to those of the fluctuating population described by the master equation . in sec . [",
"populations are composed of discrete numbers of individuals . that populations are not continuous is particularly relevant at low densities and at low total populations .",
"we discuss whether a refuge can be made sufficiently large to make extinction unlikely .",
"sec : extinction ] we present criteria for survival or extinction . in this section"
"the master equation eq . can be projected onto a problem in quantum field theory by the construction of an adequate fock space .",
", one must formulate a generalization of the fkpp model that takes the resulting fluctuations into account .",
"it is well known that the continuum ( mean field ) description of the local concentration @xmath40 is the fisher - kolmogorov - petrovsky - piscunov ( fkpp ) equation @xcite @xmath41 which has been the phenomenological starting point in a huge number of problems in physics , chemistry , and biology . in one dimension and with the refuge extending inside the interval",
"this connection is different from the one presented above involving the stochastic equation ( [ stochastic ] ) ."
"the mean field model for the refuge population predicts certain extinction if the refuge size @xmath58 and certain survival if @xmath59 . in this section",
"we show that the fluctuations destroy this certainty of survival , that is , that survival is in fact never guaranteed",
", we propose a criterion for deciding when a population is under substantial risk of extinction , and calculate the critical size @xmath95 of the refuge associated with this criterion .",
". in the biological literature one encounters the concept of a _ minimum viable population _",
"there are some variations in its definition , but one that seems to be widely accepted is that a minimum viable population is the smallest isolated population having a 99% chance of remaining extant for 1000 years despite the presence of foreseeable fluctuations . clearly one can vary the two numbers that appear in this criterion , but , in any case , it involves a _ probability of survival _ in a _ finite period of time_. we wish to make clear at the outset that our analytic theory is not yet developed to the point of being able to handle finite times , and we are therefore not able to implement a criterion of this sort .",
"indeed , we now show that the extinction probability is greater than zero for any finite length of the refuge .",
". has a maximum steady state density @xmath104 ."
"the main point of this paper has been to assess the effects of the inevitable internal fluctuations on the prediction of the risk of extinction of a population in a refuge as a function of the size of the refuge . in the usual mean field deterministic model in one dimension , the population is treated as a continuum and one obtains a critical refuge length @xmath0 such that the population becomes extinct with certainty if the length of the refuge is below this critical value , @xmath58 , whereas survival is certain if @xmath59 .",
"our approach deals with both of these features simultaneously through the interplay of discreteness and nonlinearity in a spatially distributed model .",
"we have shown that @xmath138 and , most importantly , that @xmath132 diverges when the competition rate coefficient grows beyond that of the net growth rate of the population .",
"comparing deterministic and average stochastic population densities with a given maximum @xmath121 , we have chosen to define a new critical length @xmath132 as one for which the mean of the population density and its standard deviation are equal , reasoning that this variability implies considerable susceptibility of the population to extinction .",
"we have argued that the discreteness of the population and its finite size make fluctuations unavoidable , and have shown that whereas @xmath58 still guarantees extinction , @xmath59 by no means guarantees survival . while we have not been able to find an analytic expression for the survival probability as a function of @xmath44 , we have focused on a sensible risk criterion for which we have found explicit results up to quadrature .",
"for some parameter values it is possible to protect ( albeit not with certainty ) a population from extinction by placing it in a sufficiently large refuge , one that is certainly larger than that predicted by the standard mean field model . for other parameter values",
"( in particular , when competition is too strong ) , it is not possible to evade the risk of extinction ( at least according to our criterion ) by enlarging the size of the refuge ."
"the authors gratefully acknowledge input from j. l. cardy . c. escudero is grateful to the department of chemistry and biochemistry of the university of california , san diego for its hospitality . this work has been partially supported by the engineering research program of the office of basic energy sciences at the u. s. department of energy under grant no .",
"ap2001 - 2598 and ex2001 - 02880680 , and by the ministerio de ciencia y tecnologa ( spain ) , project no .",
"de - fg03 - 86er13606 , the ministerio de educacin y cultura ( spain ) through grants no ."
] | we study a generic reaction - diffusion model for single - species population dynamics that includes reproduction , death , and competition .
the population is assumed to be confined in a refuge beyond which conditions are so harsh that they lead to certain extinction .
standard continuum mean field models in one dimension yield a critical refuge length @xmath0 such that a population in a refuge larger than this is assured survival .
herein we extend the model to take into account the discreteness and finiteness of the population , which leads us to a stochastic description .
we present a particular critical criterion for likely extinction , namely , that the standard deviation of the population be equal to the mean . according to this criterion
, we find that while survival can no longer be guaranteed for any refuge size , for sufficiently weak competition one can make the refuge large enough ( certainly larger than @xmath0 ) to cause extinction to be unlikely .
however , beyond a certain value of the competition rate parameter it is no longer possible to escape a likelihood of extinction even in an infinite refuge .
these unavoidable fluctuations therefore have a severe impact on refuge design issues . |
", we study the interplay between the random walker dynamics and graph structure , paying special attention to the sensitivity of the player rankings . in section [ sec5 ] ,",
", we provide a description of the biased random walker dynamics that we employ as a ranking methodology across eras and for single - season networks . in section [ sec4 ]",
". using data from , we characterize the more than eight million mlb plate appearances from 1954 to 2008 , considering full careers by examining head - to - head matchups over a multi - season ( career \" ) network and single - season performances by constructing networks for individual seasons .",
", we stress that the primary goal of our paper is to investigate interesting features of the baseball _ networks _ and the impact that network structure can have on rankings rather than on the rankings themselves . while it is necessary to include some example rank orderings for the purpose of such a discussion , it is important to note that the rankings we show in the present paper must be taken with several grains of salt because our efforts at simplicity , which are crucial to highlighting the interplay between network structure and player rankings , require us to ignore essential contributing factors ( some of which we will briefly discuss ) that are necessary for any serious ranking of baseball players .",
"we define and characterize the mutually - antagonstic baseball networks and study the time evolution of various graph properties . in section [ sec3 ]",
"we conclude the paper and discuss a number of potential applications of our work ."
"we consider such interactions in terms of three different bipartite representations ( with corresponding matrices ) : ( 1 ) the binary matchups @xmath2 in which the element @xmath3 equals @xmath4 if pitcher @xmath5 faced batter @xmath6 at any point and @xmath7 otherwise ; ( 2 ) the weighted matchups @xmath8 in which the element @xmath9 equals the number of times that @xmath5 faced @xmath6 ; and ( 3 ) the weighted outcomes @xmath10 in which the element @xmath11 equals a `` score '' or performance index , which in the case of picther - batter matchups is determined using what are known in baseball as sabermetric \" statistics ( see the discussion below ) @xcite , characterizing the results of all matchups between @xmath5 and @xmath6 .",
"the mean values of the geodesic path length between nodes and of the bipartite clustering coefficient are only somewhat larger than what would be generated by random assemblages ( see appendix [ app1 ] ) . however , as with mutually - beneficial interactions in ecological networks @xcite , the mutually - antagonistic baseball matchup networks exhibit non - trivial relationships between player degree and player strength @xmath17 , which represents the total number of opponents of a player ( counting multiplicity ) @xcite . as shown in fig .",
"the six - decade trend of a decreasing power - law exponent indicates how real - life events such as the increase in the number of baseball teams through league expansion ( e.g. , in the 1960s , 1977 , 1993 , and 1998 ) , reorganization ( e.g. , in 1994 , to three divisions in each league instead of two ) , interleague play ( in 1997 ) , and unbalanced schedules ( in 2001 ) have modified the organization of the networks .",
"we construct and analyze each of these representations for the single - season networks and the aggregate ( career ) network that contains all pitcher batter interactions between 1954 and 2008 . to identify the changes in the organization of baseball networks , we examine the graph properties of single - season networks",
"[ fig1 ] , bipartite networks are formed using two disjoint sets of vertices , @xmath0 ( pitchers ) and @xmath1 ( batters ) , and the requirement that every edge connect a vertex in @xmath0 to one in @xmath1 @xcite ( keeping the pitching and batting performances of pitchers as two separate nodes ) .",
"this value is slightly but consistently higher than those in randomized versions of the networks with similar distribution of interactions ( red squares ) @xcite , which we also observe to decrease slightly in time . in common with bipartite cooperative networks",
"this suggests , as we discuss below , that the network position of a player might affect his own ranking ( while , of course , network position is strongly influenced by a player s longevity and , thus , by his performance ) ."
"to compare the performance of players , we rank players by analyzing biased random walkers on the bipartite network @xmath10 encoding the outcomes of all mutually - antagonistic interactions between each player pair .",
"our method generalizes the technique we previously used for ncaa football teams @xcite , allowing us to rank players in individual seasons and in the 19542008 career network , yielding a quantitative , conceptually - clear method for ranking baseball players that takes a rather different approach from other sabermetric methods used to project player performance such as diamondmind ( which uses monte carlo simulations ) , pecota ( which uses historical players as a benchmark ) , and chone ( which uses regression models ) @xcite .",
"we compare the results of the random walker ranking to major baseball awards in table [ tables1 ] .",
"we thus proceed to study the random walker results for the full career ranking both with confidence that it correlates with methods currently used for single - season analysis and caution that the ranking details do not capture all effects according to current best practices in quantitative baseball analysis @xcite .",
"the full career ranking allows credible comparisons between players from different eras ."
"hence , we investigate this connection further via the correlation between the sensitivity of rankings to changes in outcomes in individual pitcher batter pairs , which is formulated using the moore - penrose pseudo - inverse of the graph laplacian .",
"this simple relationship belies a stunning organizational principle of this network : the global quantity of average commute time of a node is well - approximated by its strength , a simple local quantity .",
"as previously suggested , the network architecture should have important effects on the performance of players .",
"our findings on baseball - player rankings suggest the possibility of finding similar competition patterns in mutually - antagonistic interactions in ecological and social networks .",
"in fact , we found no correlation ( @xmath50 ) between a player s position i.e .",
"we also found a rougher relationship for nestedness and betweenness ( see fig ."
"drawing on ideas from network science and ecology , we have analyzed the structure and time - evolution of mutually - antagonistic interaction networks in baseball .",
"we considered a simple ranking system based on biased random walks on the graphs and used it to compare player performance in individual seasons and across entire careers .",
"we also examined how the player rankings and their sensitivities depend on node - centric network characteristics .",
"given the motivation from ecology , we are optimistic that this might lead to interesting ecological insights , compensating for the difficulty in collecting data on the regulatory dynamics of mutually - antagonistic networks in ecology such as the ones formed by parasites and free - living species @xcite or assessing the potential performance of invasive species from different environments @xcite",
"we expect that similar considerations might be useful for developing a better understanding of the interplay between structure and function in a broad class of competitive networks , such as those formed by antigen - antibody interactions , species competition for resources , and company competition for consumers .",
"we emphasize that our ranking methodology is overly simplistic , having noted several considerations that one might use to improve it ( see , e.g. , appendix b ) while maintaining a network framework that accounts for which players each player has faced .",
"pjm , sp , and tm were funded by the nsf ( dms-0645369 ) and by start - up funds to pjm provided by the institute for advanced materials , nanoscience and technology and the department of mathematics at the university of north carolina at chapel hill ."
"here , we review some important quantities for bipartite networks and discuss their values for the baseball matchup networks . a clustering coefficient for bipartite networks can be defined by @xcite @xmath57 where @xmath58 is the number of complete squares involving nodes @xmath5 , @xmath59 , and @xmath60 ; @xmath61 enforces the requirement in bipartite graphs that there are no links between nodes of the same population ; and we recall that @xmath62 is the degree of node @xmath5 . hence , the numerator in ( [ c4 ] ) gives the actual number of squares and the denominator gives the maximum possible number of possible squares .",
"for the single - sason baseball networks , we calculate the ratio @xmath63 between the mean clustering coefficient @xmath64 summed over all nodes @xmath5 and the mean clustering coefficient @xmath65 generated by a randomization of the network that preserves the original degree distribution @xcite .",
", we found that the mean path lengths of baseball networks are only slightly larger than those of random networks , finding in particular that @xmath76 @xcite .",
"we found that baseball networks have average clustering coefficients that are just above that of random networks .",
"we calculate the ratio @xmath73 between the mean path length @xmath74 summed over all nodes @xmath5 and the mean path length @xmath75 generated by a randomization of the network that preserves the degree distribution @xcite . as with clustering coefficients"
"to quantify the outcome of each plate appearance , we used the sabermetric quantity _ runs to end of inning _ ( rue ) @xcite , which assigns a value to each of the possible outcomes in a plate appearance based on the expected number of runs a team would obtain before the end of that inning following that event , independent of game context .",
", we separately accumulate the results for all pitchers and batters with fewer than some threshold number of plate appearances @xmath92 into a single `` replacement pitcher '' and `` replacement batter '' to represent these less prominent players . in the results presented in this paper",
", we used the threshold @xmath93 both for single seasons and for the collective outcome matrix . note that similar thresholds exist when determining single - season leadership in quantities such as batting average ( which requires 3.1 plate appearances per team game , yielding 502 in a 162-game season ) and earned run average ( 1 inning per team game ) .",
"we expect that the relatively high rankings of modern players versus ones who retired long ago might also result in part from the increased performance discrepancy between the top players and average players in the present era versus what used to be the case and in part from performing well against the larger number of relatively poor players occupying rosters because of expansion @xcite .",
"finally , we note that batter pitcher matchups are not fully random but contain significant correlations ( e.g. , in a given baseball game , the entire lineup of one team has plate appearances against the other team s starting pitcher ) that can be incorporated to generalize the random walker process itself @xcite . to include the outcome of players who did not have many plate appearances without skewing their rankings via small samples",
"we also considered the metric known as weighted on base average ( woba ) @xcite , and note that any metric that assigns a value to a specific plate appearance can be used in place of rue without changing the rest of our ranking algorithm .",
"one can also incorporate ideas like ballpark effects into the metric employed at this stage of the algorithm without changing any other part of the method . although it would make the methodology more complicated ( in contrast to our goals )",
"the batter events ( and their associated numerical rue values ) are generic out ( 0.240 ) , strikeout ( 0.207 ) , walk ( 0.845 ) , hit by pitch ( 0.969 ) , interference ( 1.132 ) , fielder s choice ( 0.240 ) , single ( 1.025 ) , double ( 1.311 ) , triple ( 1.616 ) , and home run ( 1.942 ) .",
"some of the active players in the data set have not yet entered a declining phase in their careers and might have higher rankings now than they will when their careers are over .",
", it is also possible to generalize the algorithm to include more subtle effects such as estimates for when player performance peaks and how it declines over a long career ."
] | we formulate the head - to - head matchups between major league baseball pitchers and batters from 1954 to 2008 as a bipartite network of mutually - antagonistic interactions .
we consider both the full network and single - season networks , which exhibit interesting structural changes over time .
we find interesting structure in the network and examine their sensitivity to baseball s rule changes .
we then study a biased random walk on the matchup networks as a simple and transparent way to compare the performance of players who competed under different conditions and to include information about which particular players a given player has faced .
we find that a player s position in the network does not correlate with his success in the random walker ranking but instead has a substantial effect on its sensitivity to changes in his own aggregate performance . |
"this may be done more cheaply by using auto- and cross - correlations of photometric and spectroscopic redshifts samples @xcite , which can also be used to estimate the redshift distribution for a galaxy sample where the calibration data is incomplete ( see also zhan & knox 2006 ) . in this paper we study the possibility of doing lensing tomography from limited color information . imaging in five or more bands",
"the errors on the power spectra and dark energy parameters are compared with the forecasts for idealized photo - z s . in section 5",
"we describe the formalism for computing lensing power spectra given the redshift distribution of a galaxy sample . in section 3",
"we discuss the prospects for tomography with color cuts from imaging in a limited number of filters which we call color tomography .",
"we consider here whether lensing tomography can be carried out from a wide - area imaging survey in just two or three filters , along with a relatively small calibration sample that provides the statistical redshift distributions in all parts of the color space .",
"thus the use of broadband multicolor photometry to estimate the distances of galaxies ( i.e.photometric redshifts ; henceforth abbreviated as photo - z s ) is critical to the use of lensing for dark energy studies .",
"each of these missions approaches the study of dark energy using multiple , complementary observational probes : gravitational weak lensing ( wl ) to study the growth of structure and geometry , baryon oscillations to measure the angular diameter distance vs. redshift relation and type ia supernovae to measure the luminosity distance vs. redshift relation . in this paper"
"we will use the shear power spectrum as the lensing statistic for dark energy constraints .",
"we work in the context of spatially flat cold dark matter models for structure formation .",
"similar results can be obtained using two - point correlations and the mass aperture statistic .",
"finally , to clarify the effect of non - linear gravitational clustering , the thin solid curve shows the prediction of @xmath77 from the linear mass power spectrum : non - linear evolution significantly enhances the amplitude for @xmath60 ( jain & seljak 1997 ) .",
"the expansion rate , the hubble parameter , is given in terms of the matter density @xmath12 ( the cold dark matter plus the baryons ) and dark energy density @xmath13 at present ( in units of the critical density @xmath14 , where @xmath15 is the hubble parameter at present ) by @xmath16\\ ] ] where we have employed the normalization @xmath17 today and @xmath18 specifies the equation of state for dark energy as @xmath19 note that @xmath20 corresponds to a cosmological constant .",
"to estimate the errors on the measured power spectra , we parameterized a lensing survey by its survey area , @xmath71 degree@xmath7 , the galaxy number density @xmath72 and the rms of intrinsic ellipticities @xmath73 .",
"the correlation coefficient between the power spectra of the redshift bins , @xmath75^{1/2}$ ] , quantifies how the power spectra are correlated ."
"a monte - carlo realization of @xmath78 galaxies was generated to approximate the redshift and colors distributions of galaxy samples obtained by the next generation of photometric surveys ( e.g. the lsst ) .",
"we use these properties to guide our algorithm for selecting regions in color space for tomography in the next section .",
"_ 2006 ) and the evolution of the distribution of spectral types of galaxies was based on the observations and models of franceschini _ et al .",
"galaxies were initially selected to match the observed number - magnitude relation for @xmath2-band selected galaxies of metcalfe _ et al . _",
"were used in this sample which were derived from the observed spectral properties of galaxies in the sdss ( including emission lines ) and supplemented with a young ( 50 myr ) star forming galaxy template drawn from the models of bruzual and charlot ( 2003 ) .",
"( 2001 ) to a depth of @xmath2=27 . for each galaxy",
"a redshift and spectral type was assigned ."
"figure [ fig : power ] shows the lensing power spectra with errors for a 2,000 square degree survey with three - band imaging , using the four redshift distributions of figure [ fig : dndz ] . next we compare the errors on the power spectra for two cases : ( a ) all galaxies within a redshift range were used to compute the power spectrum ( this represents the case of idealized photo - z s ) , and , ( b ) only galaxies selected using color cuts were used to compute the power spectrum ( with distributions shown in the left panel of figure [ fig : dndz ] ) . while the sample variance contribution is nearly the same as it depends on the amplitude of the power spectrum itself , the shot noise contribution is higher with the color cuts due to the loss in number density of galaxies . since the change in errors is undetectable on the power spectrum plot",
"we then grouped pixels into sub - samples following a set of heuristic criteria : * the mean redshift associated with each pixel in a sub - sample fell within a well - defined redshift range . * the redshift distribution of each pixel retained was sufficiently compact ( had a small variance ) . * the joint distribution of pixels included a desired fraction of the total number of galaxies ( typically more than a quarter of the total ) . * the mean redshifts of the 3 or 4 sub - samples were useful for lensing tomography , i.e. were sufficiently well spread out over the range @xmath83 .",
"we include all the key parameters that may affect lensing observables within the cdm and dark energy cosmological framework : the density parameters are @xmath97 , @xmath98 , and @xmath99 ( note that we assume a flat universe ) ; the primordial power spectrum parameters are the spectral tilt , @xmath100 , the running index , @xmath101 , and the normalization parameter of primordial curvature perturbation , @xmath102 ( the values in the parentheses denote the fiducial model ) .",
"the goal is to construct 2 - 4 sub - samples with the `` cleanest '' possible redshift distributions . to achieve this we identify the redshift distribution of each region of color space , discard the regions with poorly behaved distributions , and group the rest into a set of sub - samples that would be useful for lensing tomography , i.e.",
"these confirm the information in the tables : the degradation in the dark energy parameters is modest , and is even smaller in the best determined combination of @xmath115 and @xmath116 , which is the value of @xmath47 at the pivot redshift for lensing .",
"note that all these results depend on the lensing survey size , as the shot noise contribution affects parameter errors more for a smaller survey . and the results in table [ tab : lens+cmb ] are less impressive if the cmb priors are from wmap instead of planck ."
"we have studied the prospects for lensing tomography with a wide area imaging survey that has limited color information .",
"we generate a mock catalog of galaxies extending to high redshift with known types , redshifts and colors .",
"the questions we address in this study are whether lensing tomography is at all feasible with two or three band imaging data , and if so , what is the trade - off between filter choice and sky coverage .",
"while it is never desirable to limit color information , it may be that a full complement of filters is not available at a survey telescope , that it is un - realistic to image the full survey area in all filters , or that additional science requirements for a survey dictate an observing strategy that is not optimal for lensing tomography .",
"we use the fact that lensing tomography makes only statistical use of estimated redshifts and , given the width of the lensing kernel , the redshift bins can be quite broad ( though they must be known accurately ) . further , for planned wide - area surveys lensing measurements are not shot noise limited hence a significant fraction of galaxies can be discarded if their redshifts are ill - defined without severely degrading parameter accuracy . with these considerations in mind ,",
"our current study is based on estimates of statistical errors in the lensing power spectra in future work we will include systematic photometric uncertainties and other systematic errors that affect lensing .",
"these will include a realistic modeling of photometric errors , filter design , and will address whether the spectral templates are adequate for describing high - redshift galaxies ."
] | lensing tomography with multi - color imaging surveys can probe dark energy and the cosmological power spectrum .
however accurate photometric redshifts for tomography out to high redshift require imaging in five or more bands , which is expensive to carry out over thousands of square degrees .
since lensing makes coarse , statistical use of redshift information , we explore the prospects for tomography using limited color information from two or three band imaging . with an appropriate calibration sample
, we find that it is feasible to create up to four redshift bins using imaging data in just the @xmath0 , @xmath1 and @xmath2 bands .
we construct such redshift sub - samples from mock catalogs by clustering galaxies in color space and discarding regions with poorly - defined redshift distributions .
the loss of galaxy number density decreases the accuracy of lensing measurements , but even losing half or more of the galaxies is not a severe loss for large area surveys .
we estimate the errors on lensing power spectra and dark energy parameters with color tomography and discuss trade - offs in survey area and filter choice .
we discuss the systematic errors that may change our conclusions , especially the information needed to tackle intrinsic alignments . |
"pointwise asymptotic formulas on flat surfaces \" of a. eskin and h. masur @xcite .",
"they prove that on strata of quadratic differentials @xmath2 , parametrizing half translation surfaces , there exists almost everywhere a limit of the quadratic growth rate and it is constant ( with respect to a natural @xmath3 invariant liouville measure @xmath4 on @xmath2 see veech @xcite ) .",
"we rediscover the index of some classical congruence subgroups of @xmath1 .",
"does the quadratic growth rate associated to these constants majorize all other quadratic growth rates ? + 2 .",
"+ the paper contains results about the growth rates of cylinders of periodic trajectories or saddle connections on the two dimensional torus @xmath5 , @xmath6 with @xmath0 marked points . if the number of cylinders of periodic orbits ( po ) or saddle connections ( sc ) of length less than @xmath7 on @xmath8}$ ] is denoted by @xmath9},t)$ ] then the existence of the limits @xmath10},t)}{t^2}\\ ] ] for every constellation of marked points i.e. for all @xmath11\\in { { \\mathbb{t}}^{2n}}$ ] is proved . , because this differs from the general marking only by a translation ."
"it should be noted here , that the pure existence of the growth rate functions for any choice of marking could also be seen using the siegel veech formula together with ratners theorem for ergodic measures on homogeneous spaces ( see @xcite ) . the more elementary argumentation here and in the chapter on general markings shows , that even for complicated markings one has to count only simple lattice point distributions to obtain the quadratic growth constant .",
"thus for saddle connections we define the set of markings ` in general position ' ( shortly : ` gp ' ) in @xmath147 inductively : @xmath148\\in { \\mathbb{t}}^{4 } : \\ x_1-x_0 \\notin { \\mathbb{q}}^2 \\}\\\\ \\mbox { } \\\\ { \\mathbb{t}}^{2(n+1)}_{gp(sc)}=\\left\\ { \\begin{array}{l } [ x_0, ... ,x_n]\\in { \\mathbb{t}}^{2(n+1)}:[x_0, ... ,x_{n-1}]\\in { \\mathbb{t}}^{2n}_{gp(sc)},[x_n ] \\in { \\mathbb{t}}^2 \\ \\mbox{and } \\\\ \\forall \\ i \\in \\ { 0, ... ,n \\ } \\ x_i \\mbox { does not divide any saddle connection}\\\\ \\mbox{defined by the marking } [ x_0, ... ,x_{i-1},x_{i+1}, ... ,x_{n } ] \\mbox { rationally } \\end{array } \\right\\}. \\end{array}\\ ] ] thus the set of non extremal n",
"the set of * visible points * @xmath60 of of a discrete subset @xmath61 consists of all points @xmath62 such there is no @xmath63 and a point @xmath64 with @xmath65 . in other words : there is no other point of @xmath58 on the line between the origin and the points @xmath66 . for the correct counting of periodic orbits and saddle connections",
"assume that the growth rate in question is of bigger than linear order , then there must be an integer @xmath122 where one can find two saddle connections @xmath123 represented by the points @xmath124 and @xmath125 , @xmath126 , @xmath127 ( we assume @xmath128 ) . if that would be not the case , for each @xmath122 there could be at most one saddle connection of the form @xmath129 in @xmath130 , therefore @xmath131 contradicting our assumption .",
"this is important as we will see later , this decreases the asymptotic constant of that marking . because of this observation we also have to take care about the definition of the set of markings in @xmath147 , where we assume the growth rates to be extremal .",
"if @xmath44\\in s \\in sc_{(x , z)}$ ] , then @xmath141 contains a lattice , if and only if there is a rational number @xmath142 such that @xmath143 , moreover the number @xmath144 is unique in the sense that this equation holds for any saddle connection represented by elements of @xmath141 .",
"the lemma is viewed as the generalisation of the following observation on the torus @xmath145 ( with the origin as a marked point ) : a point @xmath146 is rational if and only if it is in the intersection of saddle connections ."
"but after increasing the radius of the ball by the length of the diagonal of the rectangles @xmath159 the estimate @xmath160 holds . and by decreasing the radius with the same amount we have : @xmath161 putting together these two estimates leds to : @xmath162 in the general case we have the estimate : @xmath163 the statement follows easily . before stating the next proposition",
"so the number of points of @xmath58 in the concentric circle @xmath83 of radius @xmath7 is determined by the number of rectangles in that circle up to a certain correction term coming from the fact that a rectangle might be only partly inside the ball .",
"define the set of lattices parametrized by @xmath188 , with @xmath189 as : @xmath190 further for @xmath150 and a divisor @xmath191 of @xmath0 define @xmath192 to be the set of numbers which are relatively prime to @xmath193 @xmath194 ( if @xmath195 we write shortly @xmath196 instead of @xmath192 ) and the point distributions @xmath197 with this conventions [ pvert ] the point distributions @xmath198 are for all @xmath150 complete with respect to @xmath165 and closed .",
"since @xmath58 is closed and every element in @xmath58 is some @xmath181-multiple of an element in @xmath60 , thus : @xmath182 the lattice @xmath172 is obviously @xmath165 complete , closed and @xmath183 , thus @xmath184 counting only a certain percentage @xmath146 of the length of each line in a point distribution @xmath58 is equivalent to counting the length of vectors in the point distribution + @xmath185 .",
"the following is well known ( see for example exercise ( 3.d ) page 166 in @xcite or serre @xcite ) [ sumform ] if @xmath35 is a complex number with real part bigger than @xmath228 then : @xmath229 the condition on the real part of @xmath35 guaranties absolute convergence of the series so that the following manipulations are justified .",
"@xmath234 the left hand side of this equation is easy to compute with the help of lemma [ gauss ] and the definition of @xmath198 @xmath235 use eulers @xmath236 function to identify @xmath237 for later use we show [ completion ] + @xmath198 containes the @xmath165 completion of the lattice @xmath238@xmath239 .",
"before we compute the relating factor of equation ( [ vf ] ) in general , an observation is helpful : let @xmath219 be the principal character modulo @xmath0 , that is @xmath220 if @xmath221 and is equal to @xmath222 if not , then obviously : @xmath223 where @xmath224 is the @xmath225 series with respect to @xmath226 evaluated at @xmath227 .",
"thus there is a relation : @xmath186 remark : as is seen above the relating factor between cylinders of geodesics and prime geodesics will be @xmath187 instead of @xmath166 because we do nt distinguish between the two directions a prime geodesic might have . our decision to do that"
"the two ways of computing the index of the veech groups of two marked tori might be used to obtain the asymptotic formula ( [ vffinal ] ) , counting the lattice points , without using the second section .",
"we now describe the affine group @xmath245 for a rational point @xmath246 .",
"in contrast to this calculation there is a second way to compute the index of the veech groups using the asymptotic formula of veech and the results from the last section .",
"nevertheless the first given way to compute the index of the veech groups seems to be a simple method to calculate for the index of the well known groups ( for example compare s.lang @xcite @xmath392 in @xmath1 .",
"the asymptotic constants depend only on the @xmath3 orbit of the given veech surface in the moduli space .",
"we prove now that all 2 marked tori are affine equivalent to one from a special family , if the marking is rational .",
"veechs asymptotic formula depends only on the conjugacy class of the veech group in @xmath3 and on the areas of the cylinders of closed geodesics ( see for example vorobetz paper @xcite ) , which are invariant under affine isomorphisms . in other words",
"this completion , by proposition [ completion ] , is the point distribution @xmath198 , thus finally : @xmath365^{-1}\\ ] ] what is left to calculate is @xmath352 : [ invariante ] @xmath366 observe that the ratio of the length of the two saddle connections connecting @xmath20 $ ] and @xmath367 $ ] and bounding the same cylinder of periodic orbits is an invariant under the operation of the veech group ."
"the continuity follows from the fact that by approximating a marking in general position all the denominators of all the length ratios are growing over all bounds . because of the simplicity of our methods we are not able to conclude anything about ( families of ) branched coverings of tori , without using the existence of the growth rate limits by the method explained in @xcite . even the sets where the growth rate is the biggest",
"it is indeed not easy to see the continuity of the growth rate function from the expression ( [ rat ] ) directly ( in fact before the author found the esimate below he does not believe in the stated formula ) . by comparing equation ( [ snrat ] ) ( the limiting constant ) to the first line of ( [ rat ] ) one has to show : @xmath419 by using the equation ( [ sumform ] ) , which states @xmath420 and the estimates @xmath421 we have : @xmath422 clearly if @xmath423 the right and left hand side of the inequalities converge to @xmath424 .",
"we have to take care of multiplicities when counting these @xmath444 thus @xmath445},t)}{t^2}&= & \\lim_{t \\rightarrow \\infty}\\frac{n_{sc}({\\mathbb{t}}^2_{[x_0, ... ,x_{n-1}]},t)}{t^2}+ n\\pi+\\frac{3}{\\pi}=\\nonumber \\\\ & = & \\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\\pi+\\frac{3n}{\\pi}. \\nonumber\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] we assume now that the marking is in general position with respect to periodic orbits . since a saddle connection starting and ending in @xmath438 bounds a cylinder of periodic trajectories , one has to add in each rational direction a new periodic family . thus the periodic orbit growth rates for markings in general position are : @xmath446},t)}{t^2}= \\lim_{t \\rightarrow \\infty}\\frac{n_{po}({\\mathbb{t}}^2_{[x_0, ... ,x_{n-1}]},t)}{t^2}+ \\frac{3}{\\pi}=\\frac{3n}{\\pi}.\\ ] ] if the marking @xmath447 is not in general position , it could be divided in classes of relatively rational points ( this is of course meaningful in any case , po s or sc s ) .",
"but because of the increasing number of artifical markings while approximating a general translation surface or equivalently the increasing degree of the covering , the estimate above is to weak to predict for example quadratic bounds of the growth rates of po s or sc s in general .",
"moreover torus coverings are equally distributed with respect to the liouville measure @xmath4 mentioned in the introduction . since periodic cylinders and saddle connections are locally stable with respect to deformations in this spaces we have some sort of control on their numbers by the corollary .",
"thus we write : @xmath401}({\\mathbb{t}}^2_x , t)+o(t^2)\\ ] ] with the help of the discussion at the end of the last paragraph one computes for a rational point @xmath402 : @xmath403 to count saddle connections is less easy , but again using the last paragraph ( and the discussion before equation ( [ kxn ] ) we can write down the associated growth rates as follows : @xmath404 here ( [ vffinal ] ) and proposition [ invariante ] is used ."
] | asymptotic quadratic growth rates of saddle connections and families of periodic cylinders on translation tori with @xmath0 marked points are studied . for any marking the existence of limits of the quadratic growth rate
is shown using elementary methods ( not ratners theorem ) .
we study the growth rate limit as function of the marking .
precise formulas for this function in the case of two marked points are given and the sets where the growth rate function is maximal and continuous are described . for rational two markings the index of the veech group in @xmath1 is calculated in two different ways . |
"in this paper we report on a rosat campaign intended to determine the x - ray fluxes throughout the outburst cycle of yz cnc ; and also to determine whether the orbital variation in the ultraviolet lines is accompanied by orbital variation in the x - ray flux . in sect . 2 we describe the observations and data analysis ,",
"3 ; comparison with earlier x - ray observations is made in sect . 4 , and the implications for the models of dwarfs",
"nova outbursts are discussed in sect .",
"x - rays of dwarf novae arise from close to the white dwarf and thus reflect the condition in the accretion disk close to the white dwarf ( see , e.g. , the review by verbunt 1996 ) . for a comparison between different models ,",
"in x - rays yz cnc has been studied with the einstein satellite ( crdova & mason 1984 , eracleous et al ."
".log of the rosat hri observations of yz cnc in april 1998 , and one pspc observation obtained on may 1 , 1994 . for each observation",
"we give the ut at start and end of the exposures and the effective exposure time ; as well as the observed countrate ( with the 1-@xmath2 error in the last two decimals ) .",
"yz cnc was detected in every pointing , the countrate was determined by applying a maximum - likelihood technique which compares the observed photon distribution with the point spread function of the hri ( cruddace et al .",
"yz cnc is much brighter than the background countrate ; the errors in the countrate are therefore dominated by poisson statistics on the detected number of source counts .",
"all 1998 observations were obtained with the rosat x - ray telescope ( trmper et al .",
"the data reduction was done with the extended scientific analysis system ( zimmermann et al .",
"the log of the observations is given in table 1 ."
"we investigate the variation of the x - ray flux of yz cnc through the outburst cycle , and also on the orbital timescale . in figure 1",
"we show the optical lightcurve of yz cnc from april 5 to 26 , 1998 , as determined by the american association of variable star observers , together with the hri countrates listed in table 1 . the optical lightcurve shows maxima of ordinary outbursts occurring on jd2450912 and jd2450921 , and a superoutburst maximum near jd2450930 . in comparing the x - ray countrates with the optical lightcurves we remark on three features of fig . 1 .",
"the significance of this softening is marginal , but it suffices to show that the decrease of the x - ray flux can not be due to the disappearance of an ultra - soft component . in accordance with these findings , we interpret the change in hri countrates during the outburst cycle as a change mainly in the amount of gas that emits @xmath4kev photons .",
"comparison of the distributions obtained for the first observations during outburst ( i.e. those of april 8 and 16 ) with those obtained during the later outburst observations ( of april 10 and 18 ) suggests that the decrease in x - rays is marginally less at the lower energies , i.e. that the spectrum becomes slightly softer as the optical outburst proceeds .",
"we have searched for short - term variability by dividing the individual observations in smaller intervals . for the outburst data we determine the average countrate during each rosat orbit ; for the higher countrate during quiescence we use bins of 256s . figure 2 show the resulting lightcurves .",
"the distribution of the photons over the energy channels of the hri is the same for the observations taking during outburst as for those taken during quiescence .",
"we have folded the variation on the orbital period of 0.086924d , and find no significant variation on the orbital period , in quiescence or in outburst ."
"any explanation of the marked change in the profiles of the ultraviolet resonance lines in yz cnc in terms of a variable absorption column between the ultraviolet continuum source and earth , must be compatible with a much less marked variation in the x - ray flux . for a cold gas with cosmic abundances , an upper limit in x - ray variability on orbital time scales of @xmath7% ( see the april 18 data in fig.2 ) corresponds to an upper limit in the column of @xmath8 .",
"to compare our observations with previous rosat pspc observations , we note that for a 2 - 3kev thermal spectrum as found for yz cnc by van teeseling & verbunt ( 1994 ) the rosat pspc ( channels 50 - 201 ) countrate is similar to the einstein ipc countrate , and about twice the rosat hri countrate . from the results listed in table 1",
"that the hard component is responsible for the observed decrease during outburst of the x - ray flux in yz cnc . as regards the quiescent interval between outbursts",
"our finding that the observed x - ray flux of yz cnc varies on short time scale unrelated to the orbital phase , is in accordance with similar findings by van der woerd ( 1987 ) in his analysis of the exosat data .",
", we therefore expect countrates in the rosat pspc ( ch.50 - 201 ) or einstein ipc of 0.22 - 0.17 cts / s in quiescence and of 0.047 - 0.025 cts / s during outburst .",
"all these countrates are significantly higher than the corresponding ones during outburst and in quiescence in april 1998 , and indicate long - term variability in both quiescent and outburst x - ray fluxes of yz cnc .",
"we suggest that the einstein observation was obtained during an outburst peaking close to 8 april 1979 , which was missed by the optical observers ."
"we will compare our results with the predictions of the two classes of models of dwarf nova outbursts , the mass transfer instability and the disk instability .",
"in sect.3.1 we concluded that the changes in x - ray flux of yz cnc that we observe through the outburst cycle are due mainly to changes in the amount of x - ray emitting gas .",
"a location of the x - ray emitting gas separate from the optically thick accretion disk could also be an ingredient in understanding how the small variation in x - rays is compatible with a large absorbing column required to explain the strong variations in the ultraviolet resonance lines .",
"( 1991 ) investigated the evolution of the ultraviolet flux of many dwarf novae in quiescence , and did not find a single case where the ultraviolet flux increases _ when measured in a single interoutburst interval_. a white dwarf that dominates the ultraviolet flux in quiescence and cools after the outburst has been suggested as explanation for the observed ultraviolet flux decrease .",
"a cooling white dwarf does nt explain our x - ray observations of yz cnc .",
"these models suggest that the inner part of the disk continues to drain in quiescence .",
"the mass transfer instability model is not sufficiently developed to predict the mass transfer as a function of time , and thus to predict the evolution of the x - ray flux , during outburst ."
] | we have observed yz cnc at two day intervals from 6 to 24 april 1998 , covering two full outburst cycles . the 0.1 - 2.4kev flux is lower during optical outburst than in quiescence , and lowest at the end of the outburst .
the decline of the x - ray flux in the quiescent interval appears to be in contrast to prediction of simple models for accretion - disk instabilities .
variability on @xmath0hour time scales is present , but appears not related to the orbital phase .
yz cnc was less luminous in x - rays during our 1998 observations than in earlier rosat observations . |
"physically it corresponds to the soft part of the factorized quark form factor , which has been studied in detail in @xcite . in the present work we propose and discuss a new approach to these issues , having in mind , as an instructive example , a very special type of wilson loops planar rectangles with light - like sides .",
"the latter are introduced to describe the intrinsic transverse momentum of partons inside the nucleon , which is needed in the study of semi - inclusive processes within the ( generalization of ) the qcd factorization formalism @xcite .",
"the cusp anomalous dimension , which is the principal ingredient of this equation , is remarkably universal : it controls , e.g. , the infrared asymptotic behavior of such important quantities as the qcd and qed sudakov form factors , the gluon regge trajectory , the integrated ( collinear ) parton distribution functions at large-@xmath13 , the anomalous dimension of the heavy quark effective theory , etc . @xcite .",
"considerable interest to cusped light - like wilson polygons has arisen thanks to the recently conjectured duality between the @xmath17gluon planar scattering amplitudes in the @xmath18 super - yang - mills theory and the vacuum average of planar wilson loops formed , correspondingly , by @xmath19 light - like segments connecting space - time points @xmath20 , so that their `` lengths '' @xmath21 are chosen equal to the external momenta of the @xmath17gluon amplitude ( see , e.g. , @xcite and references therein ) .",
"it has been demonstrated that the infrared singularities of the former corresponds to the ultraviolet singularities of the latter , and the cusp anomalous dimension is the crucial constituent of the evolution equations @xcite .",
"reformulation of qcd in terms of the elements of a generic loop space would allow one to use gauge - invariant quantities as fundamental degrees of freedom instead of the quarks and gluons from the standard qcd lagrangian @xcite ."
"@xcite it was proposed to explore the renormalization - group properties of unsubtracted tmds ( [ eq : general ] ) and to make use of their anomalous dimension as a tool to discover the minimal layout of wilson lines in the soft factor that provides a cancelation of overlapping dependent terms .",
"let us discuss the emergent singularities arising in tmds beyond tree - approximation . at one - loop level , the following three classes of divergences appear : @xmath22 standard ultraviolet poles , which are removable by a normal renormalization procedure ; @xmath23 pure rapidity divergences , which depend on an additional rapidity cutoff , but do not violate renormalizability of tmds ; they can be resummed by means of the collins - soper evolution equation ; @xmath24 very specific overlapping divergences : they contain the ultraviolet and rapidity poles simultaneously and thus break down the standard renormalizability of tmds .",
"making use of specially chosen soft factors , one can get rid of the extra divergences in the operator definition of the tmds , however paying a price in the form of significant complication of the structure of the wilson lines in the above definition . in the present work",
"it is worth noting that the normalization of the above tmd @xmath33 can be most easily obtained by making use of the canonical quantization procedure in the light - cone gauge , where longitudinal wilson lines become equal to unity and where equal - time commutation relations for creation and annihilation operators @xmath34 immediately yield the parton number interpretation @xmath35 the usage of `` tilted '' gauge links in the operator definition of tmds does not meet this requirement .",
"it has been demonstrated ( in the leading @xmath47-order ) that the extra contribution to the anomalous dimension is exactly the cusp anomalous dimension @xcite , which is a crucial element of the investigation of non - renormalizible cusped light - like wilson loops .",
"however , the structure of wilson lines is quite involved already in the tree - approximation . the most straightforward definition of `` a quark in a quark '' tmd , which meets the requirement of the parton number interpretation , reads @xmath25 with @xmath26 .",
"however , it is possible to formulate a `` secondary factorization '' method which allows one to express off - light - cone tmds ( in impact parameter space @xmath45 ) as a convolution of integrated pdfs and perturbative coefficient functions in the perturbative region ( that is , at small @xmath46 ) , see @xcite . in publications"
"we made use of the observation that in the large-@xmath38 limit , in the transverse null - plane , for the light - like planar dimensionally regularized ( not renormalized ) wilson rectangles , the area derivatives introduced in the previous sections can be reduced to the normal ones .",
"therefore , we have to find the proper operator @xmath52 , which governs the shape variations of the light - like cusped loops ( wilson planar polygons ) .",
"the obtained differential equations give us a closed set of dynamical equations for the loop functionals , and can in principle be solved in several interesting cases ."
"we established , therefore , the connection between the geometry of the loop space ( in terms of the area / shape differentials ) and the dynamical properties of the fundamental degrees of freedom the gauge- and regularization - invariant planar light - like wilson loops .",
"eq.([eq : full_der ] ) describes then the dynamics of the cusped planar light - like wilson loops @xcite .",
"the latter issue is of considerable importance to the study of the operator structure of transverse - momentum dependent parton densities , the jet and soft functions in the soft - collinear effective theory , the infrared properties of the high - energy scattering amplitudes , etc ."
"( [ eq : mod_schwinger ] ) : @xmath113 = - 2 { \\gamma_{\\rm cusp } } \\ , \\ ] ] the latter controls for the renormalization - group evolution of the integrated pdfs in the large-@xmath13 limit , as well as the anomalous dimensions of conformal operators with large lorentz spin @xcite .",
"( [ eq : log_der ] , [ eq : full_der ] ) is a direct consequence of the geometrical properties of loop space , when considering the non - renormalizable cusped light - like wilson loops . to show this explicitly , we restrict ourselves to shape variations ( [ eq : delta_area ] ) , and apply the area derivative to the planar wilson rectangle @xmath81^{1 -\\epsilon } } \\ , \\label{eq : wl_rect_area}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where the sides are parameterized as @xmath82 with the vectors @xmath83 having the dimension @xmath84 $ ] @xcite .",
"let us take into consideration the property of linearity of the ( angular - dependent ) cusp anomalous dimension in the infinitely large angle asymptotics with respect to the logarithm of the cusp angle @xmath94 @xcite : @xmath95 with the `` maximally non - abelian '' coefficients given by @xmath96 and @xmath97 are cusp - independent factors .",
"more specifically , the area variable @xmath100 enters the regularized cusp anomalous dimension in the light - like limit as @xmath101 and , after logarithmic differentiation , one obtains a perturbative expansion of the cusp anomalous dimension @xmath102 which justifies the previous result ( [ eq : mod_schwinger ] ) in the nlo by virtue that @xmath103 this implies that the result ( [ eq : mod_schwinger ] ) is , in fact , an all - order one , akin to the mm eq .",
"\\label{eq : wl_rect_area_nn}\\ ] ] moreover , light - like wilson lines with @xmath87 develop an extra singularity , which shows up in the form of a second - order pole @xmath88 , while the cusps violate conformal invariance of the wilson loop because the `` skewed '' scalar products @xmath89 replace the conformal ones @xmath90 .",
"thus , eq . ( [ eq : full_der ] ) can be used in calculation of the higher - order terms in the cusp anomalous dimension , by virtue that one has a closed recursive system of the perturbative equations .",
"( [ eq : full_der ] ) agrees with the non - abelian exponentiation theorem for the dimensionally regularized wilson loops @xmath104 \\ , \\ ] ] with the summation going over all two - particle irreducible diagrams , whose contribution is given by the so - called `` web '' functions @xmath105 @xcite ."
"we have argued , therefore , that the schwinger quantum dynamical principle can be used as an effective tool to study ( at least ) one important class of the elements of loop space the cusped planar wilson polygons on the light - cone .",
"@xmath16{wl_lc_general}\\ ] ] in the present work we showed that it is possible to design a relevant system of equations of motion valid for the cusped planar light - like wilson loops , taking into account that the latter possess a very specific singularity structure compared to their off - light - cone analogues .",
"the universal quantum dynamical principle by schwinger provides a proper approach to the description of the dynamics of the loop space . the gauge invariant wilson loops"
"we thank the participants of the jlab qcd evolution workshop , the summer meetings in ect * , trento , and the joint seminar at the university of antwerp for useful discussions .",
"we appreciate stimulating discussions and useful critical remarks by i.v .",
"stefanis , nuovo cim . * a83 * ( 1984 ) 205 ; i.i .",
"makeenko , a.a .",
"b188 * ( 1981 ) 269 ; a.a .",
"gellas , a.i ."
] | we propose and discuss a new approach to the analysis of the correlation functions which contain light - like wilson lines or loops , the latter being cusped in addition .
the objects of interest are therefore the light - like wilson null - polygons , the soft factors of the parton distribution and fragmentation functions , high - energy scattering amplitudes in the eikonal approximation , gravitational wilson lines , etc .
our method is based on a generalization of the universal quantum dynamical principle by j. schwinger and allows one to take care of extra singularities emerging due to light - like or semi - light - like cusps .
we show that such wilson loops obey a differential equation which connects the area variations and renormalization group behavior of those objects and discuss the possible relation between geometrical structure of the loop space and area evolution of the light - like cusped wilson loops . |
"in a previous paper @xcite , we presented a method for reducing a general quadratic theory of gravitation to a canonical second - order form .",
", we showed that quadratic gravitation is classically equivalent to einstein s gravity coupled to a massive real scalar field and a massive symmetric tensor field describing a spin - two field , with a specific lagrangian .",
"we found that , even for simple quadratic gravity , the reduced action gave highly non - trivial potential energy and kinetic coupling terms .",
"the quadratic action provides an example of a higher - derivative theory , where the gravitational equations of motion are higher than second order ."
", we have shown that theories which are general functions of the scalar curvature @xmath3 , can be reduced to a canonical second - order form describing einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field with a potential which may have a vacuum structure of arbitrary complexity .",
"we start by looking for constant curvature solutions of the original higher - derivative equations of motion , solving the equation , which is valid globally . having identified these points we can then , locally around each solution , make a transformation to the reduced theory , choosing , if necessary , the appropriate branch of @xmath48 . in the transformed frame , the new scalar degree of freedom",
"further , any analysis of the particle content of the theory , in this case the presence of a new scalar degree of freedom and identification of its mass , can only be made once the vacuum is identified .",
"action then becomes , @xmath37 } .\\ ] ] as promised , we find a theory of einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field with a particular potential dependent on the choice of the original function @xmath1 . as in the quadratic case",
"as in the case of quadratic gravity , the higher - derivative theory described by actions which are general functions of the curvature scalar is classically completely equivalent to the canonical second - order theory of a scalar field coupled to gravity .",
"all of the non - trivial vacuum structure arises from non - linear terms in the field equations and so is missed in a quadratic expansion of the higher - derivative theory in terms of the fluctuation of the metric around flat space .",
"it follows that the derivative terms in the equations of motion drop out and we are left with the simple condition , first derived by barrow and ottewill @xcite , @xmath97 we see that this is exactly the condition we obtained for stationary points of the potential aside from a factor of @xmath98 . in the latter case"
"thus we have shown that locally , around any vacuum of the higher - derivative theory ( that is a solution of constant curvature ) , we can expand the theory to identify a new scalar and a new spin - two degree of freedom ( provided we are not at a degenerate point ) . the spin - two field satisfies divergence and trace conditions as before but importantly ,",
"then in the above expression @xmath151 , so that , for instance , @xmath152 . looking for constant curvature solutions of the form @xmath96 , we obtain the condition @xmath153 where @xmath154 and @xmath155 , and we have used the fact that @xmath156 evaluated at the constant curvature solution must be proportional to @xmath157 . note that this condition has exactly the same form as the condition we obtained for actions which were general functions of the scalar curvature . given a particular vacuum solution satisfying the condition , we would like to investigate the excitations around the vacuum state .",
"since we are unable to separate the spin - two and scalar degrees of freedom in the auxiliary field , we can not put the theory in a canonical form and look to minimize the potential as we did for the @xmath1 theory . however , we recall that the vacuum states in question are none other than states where the auxiliary field is covariantly constant .",
"the equations of motion of the original higher derivative theory are given by @xmath149 to incorporate the presence of the metric in @xmath2 in deriving the equations of motion , we consider @xmath54 as a function of the mixed index object @xmath150 , with all contractions made between raised and lowered indices so that the metric does not enter explicitly .",
"@xmath2 we can introduce an auxiliary field and put the theory in a second - order form @xmath139 } \\notag \\\\ & = \\frac{1}{2\\kappa^2 } \\int { d^4x \\sqrt{-g } \\left [ \\pi^{\\mu\\nu } \\left(r_{\\mu\\nu } - x_{\\mu\\nu}(\\pi_{{\\rho}{\\sigma}})\\right ) + f(x_{\\mu\\nu}(\\pi_{{\\rho}{\\sigma } } ) ) \\right ] } .\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] again we introduce the auxiliary field in two steps , first writing the action in terms of the field @xmath140 which gets set to @xmath141 on solving its equation of motion .",
"the final line of is identical to the general quadratic form we discussed in our previous paper @xcite , except for the addition of a cosmological constant term and a renormalization of the gravitational coupling constant by a factor @xmath162 .",
"expanding @xmath2 and keeping terms to quadratic order in the curvature only , we have @xmath159 } \\notag \\\\ & = \\frac{\\beta}{2\\kappa^2 } \\int { d^4x \\sqrt{-g } \\left [ - \\tfrac12 r_0 + r + \\frac{1}{6{m_0}^2}r^2 - \\frac{1}{{m_2}^2}\\left(r_{\\mu\\nu}r^{\\mu\\nu } -\\tfrac13r^2\\right ) \\right ] } , \\label{expandf}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] here we have evaluated @xmath54 and its derivative at the vacuum @xmath160 and defined @xmath161 using the general symmetric decomposition of the second two expressions ."
"general actions of the form @xmath194 may have a variety of vacuum solutions , generically not apparent in a linear analysis . around any vacuum the new degrees of freedom in the theory , aside from the massless graviton , can always be separated into a scalar field and a spin - two field .",
"@xmath172 } \\notag \\\\ & = \\frac{1}{2\\kappa^2 } \\int { d^4x \\sqrt{-g } \\left [ \\rho^{{\\lambda}\\mu\\nu{\\rho } } \\left(r_{{\\lambda}\\mu\\nu{\\rho } } - x_{{\\lambda}\\mu\\nu{\\rho}}(\\rho_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta})\\right ) + f(x_{{\\lambda}\\mu\\nu{\\rho}}(\\rho_{\\alpha\\beta\\gamma\\delta } ) ) \\right ] } .\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] again we introduce the auxiliary field in two stages ; first introducing @xmath173 , which gets set equal to the riemann tensor on solving its equation of motion , and then defining @xmath174 in both cases we require the non - degeneracy condition @xmath175 in order to be able to eliminate the auxiliary field and return to the original action .",
"we then derive the equations of motion @xmath181 where @xmath182 . restricting to constant curvature solutions of the form , we get the familiar condition @xmath183 where now @xmath184 and @xmath185 , and we have used the fact that , by symmetry , @xmath186 is proportional to @xmath187 . to investigate the excitations around a given vacuum we expanding the action about the constant curvature solution .",
"\\label{riemannexpand}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] here we evaluate @xmath54 and its derivatives at the constant curvature solution , defining , for the contraction of the derivatives with a tensor @xmath189 which has the symmetries of the riemann tensor but in otherwise arbitrary , @xmath190 with @xmath191 and @xmath192 .",
"our last generalization is to consider actions which are general functions of the riemann tensor @xmath171 . as mentioned earlier , the suggestion is that such theories have an additional six degrees of freedom , which we know in the quadratic case can be decomposed into scalar and spin - two fields .",
"we also note that here too the expansion could have been made in terms of the variable @xmath173 , which could then be decomposed into its scalar and spin - two parts , the form of the decomposition depending on which vacuum is being considered . in conclusion ,",
"when using the variable @xmath176 we may be required to break the theory into branches , introducing a collection of second - order theories , each taking a different branch when inverting to find @xmath177 in terms of @xmath176 . turning to the vacuum states"
"we conclude that , for the given range of @xmath265 , @xmath162 and @xmath266 , the theory has a single stable vacuum state with negative cosmological constant . from einstein",
"in this section , we shall briefly discuss how to extend our analysis to actions with higher - order equations of motion .",
"we define @xmath225 and rescale to a metric @xmath36 , giving @xmath226 .\\end{gathered}\\ ] ] we conclude that the original case one higher - derivative gravity theory is equivalent to canonical einstein gravity coupled to @xmath205 scalar fields , @xmath227 of which , @xmath38 and @xmath216 , propagate physically and @xmath4 of which , @xmath217 , are ghost - like .",
"we have seen that an action involving any function of the curvature tensors gives at most fourth - order equations of motion . for higher - order equations we need to consider actions which include some derivatives of the curvature . here",
"the @xmath237 equation of motion now reads @xmath252 which can not be solved for @xmath237 since the action is case two . however substituting this solution into the action eliminates both @xmath237 and @xmath243 , leaving the second - order form , @xmath253 } .\\ ] ] the kinetic energy for @xmath242 is already in canonical form , but we must make a final conformal rescaling by @xmath254 to put the action in the completely canonical form @xmath255 } , \\ ] ] where we have the potential , @xmath256 again the original higher - derivative gravity is shown to be equivalent to ordinary einstein gravity though now coupled to only two scalar fields . by choosing @xmath17",
"substituting back into the action gives @xmath241 } .\\ ] ] next , to put the kinetic energy for @xmath242 and @xmath243 in canonical form , we define @xmath244 and @xmath245 , so that @xmath246 } .\\ ] ] finally we make the conformal rescaling @xmath36 with @xmath225 to put the action in canonical form @xmath247 . \\end{gathered}\\ ] ] thus we see that the original higher - derivative gravity theory is equivalent to canonical einstein gravity coupled to three scalar fields .",
"( the ostrogradski result is usual given as a hamiltonian , but this can always be rewritten as a helmhotz lagrangian , the analog of the form we shall use . ) we start by introducing a set of lagrange multipliers , so @xmath207.\\end{gathered}\\ ] ] clearly eliminating fields via the lagrange multiplier equations of motion , starting with @xmath208 and working down in @xmath4 returns one to the original action ."
"furthermore , we find that supersymmetry is generically spontaneously broken in these vacuum states .",
"we have recently shown that if we extend the methods and results of this paper to the realm of @xmath269 supergravity , then non - trivial vacua can exist with vanishing cosmological constant @xcite .",
"the most important conclusion of this paper is that higher - derivative theories of gravitation generically have multiple stable vacua .",
"it follows that higher - derivative @xmath269 supergravitation could play a pivotal role in high energy physics ."
"a. hindawi , b. a. ovrut , and d. waldram , _ soft supersymmetry breaking induced by higher - derivative supergravitation in the electroweak standard model _ ,",
"this work was supported in part by doe grant no . de - fg02 - 95er40893 and nato grand no ."
] | a discussion of an extended class of higher - derivative classical theories of gravity is presented .
a procedure is given for exhibiting the new propagating degrees of freedom , at the full non - linear level , by transforming the higher - derivative action to a canonical second - order form .
for general fourth - order theories , described by actions which are general functions of the scalar curvature , the ricci tensor and the full riemann tensor , it is shown that the higher - derivative theories may have multiple stable vacua .
the vacua are shown to be , in general , non - trivial , corresponding to desitter or anti - desitter solutions of the original theory .
it is also shown that around any vacuum the elementary excitations remain the massless graviton , a massive scalar field and a massive ghost - like spin - two field .
the analysis is extended to actions which are arbitrary functions of terms of the form @xmath0 , and it is shown that such theories also have a non - trivial vacuum structure . + |
"iii we derive , in the bcs approximation , the linear response of the triplet - correlated superfluid neutron liquid onto an effective vector field given by the sum of external and molecular fields . in sect .",
"v we analyze the poles of the longitudinal response function in order to derive the dispersion of sound - like oscillations in the condensate .",
"iv we express self - consistently the effective fields via external fields , thus obtaining the linear medium response by taking into account the fermi - liquid interactions . in sect .",
"however , when the wave - length of the perturbation is large as compared to the coherence length in the superfluid matter and the transferred energy is small in comparison with the gap amplitude , as is typical for sound - like excitations , the collective motion of the condensate can be described in terms of total variable phase which ( in the bcs approximation ) can be derived immediately from the current conservation condition .",
"residual fermi - liquid interactions can be incorporated into the theory as a set of molecular fields @xcite . in application to polarization functions ,",
"the sum of spin - orbit and tensor interactions can not be described with the aid of a sole coupling constant .",
"@xcite , allows to avoid any explicit form of the interaction in the pairing channel ."
"this allows us to disregard the spin - dependent part of fermi - liquid interactions in the vector channel we shall consider .",
"can be reduced to the form@xmath34 where the effective fields are given by the sum of external and molecular fields , @xmath35 the molecular fields depend on the charge perturbation and current density and should be calculated consistently . therefore first we shall perform the calculation of the medium response onto the effective field and next find the explicit form of the effective fields in a self - consistent way .",
"this approach can be considered as a model of the fermi - liquid interactions .",
"in other words , the fermi - liquid interactions do not interfere with the pairing phenomenon .",
"( [ ep ] ) it is clearly seen that fermi - liquid interactions can be reduced to molecular fields @xcite , defined as @xmath32 and@xmath33 then eq . ( [ ep ] )"
"the angular dependence of the order parameter is represented by the unit vector @xmath46 which defines the polar angles @xmath47 on the fermi surface . in the components , @xmath48 . making use of the adopted graphical notation for the ordinary and anomalous propagators , @xmath49{gn.eps}}$ ] , @xmath50{gn.eps}}$ ] , @xmath51{f1.eps}}$ ] , and @xmath52{f2.eps}}$ ] , it is convenient to employ the matsubara calculation technique for the system in thermal equilibrium",
"the latter can be found using the fact that the current in the system , @xmath87 is connected to the linear correction @xmath88 to the green s function of a quasiparticle in the effective external field @xmath76 and can be obtained by analytic continuation of the following matsubara sums @xmath89@xmath90 where @xmath91 is the total number density of neutrons .",
"@xcite ) @xmath53 where the scalar green s functions are of the form @xmath54 and@xmath55 in the above , @xmath56 with @xmath57 is matsubara s fermion frequency , and we assume the `` unitary gap matrix '' in the ground state , @xmath58 , thus obtaining the energy of a one - particle excitation in the form @xmath59 , where the ( temperature - dependent ) energy gap , @xmath60 , is anisotropic",
"( [ pi])([lm ] ) , ( [ q0 ] ) and ( [ qv ] ) one can obtain the complete bcs polarization tensor @xmath113 in the vector channel . due to conservation of the vector current the polarization tensor can be decomposed into the sum of longitudinal ( with respect to @xmath70 ) and transverse components , where the longitudinal and transverse polarization functions are defined as @xmath114 , @xmath115 , with @xmath116 .",
"variation of the anomalous self - energy @xmath75 in the field @xmath76 , can be described with the aid of anomalous three - point vertices @xmath77 , defined as : @xmath78 the anomalous vertices are @xmath41 matrices in spin space which , near the fermi surface , depend on the transferred energy momentum @xmath79 and the direction @xmath80 of the quasiparticle velocity .",
"then the ward identity reveals that for a uniform medium the anomalous vertices can be written in the form @xmath83 where the unknown vector function @xmath84 satisfies the condition@xmath85 for further progress , let us consider the retarded bcs polarization tensor in the vector channel @xmath86 .",
"the function @xmath84 can be found from the requirement that the polarization tensor ( [ pi ] ) must satisfy current conservation conditions , @xmath102 , and @xmath103 , which can be written as the two coupled equations@xmath104@xmath105 we made use of relation ( [ qw ] ) in the first equation . from the explicit form ( [ lmn ] ) for @xmath106"
"( [ a0mol ] ) and ( [ amol ] ) we obtain the time component of the effective field ( [ aef ] ) in the form @xmath119 using also the continuity equation , @xmath120 , we obtain the space components of the effective field : @xmath121@xmath122 insertion of the effective fields ( [ a0ef ] ) and ( [ atef ] ) into @xmath123 and @xmath124 after a little algebra results in the following : @xmath125@xmath126 in obtaining this we have used the landau formula relating the bare mass of a particle with a renormalized mass of a quasiparticle in the translation - invariant system @xmath127 . the complete polarization functions @xmath128 relate the density perturbation and the density current with the external field as @xmath129 , and @xmath130 , respectively . then from eqs .",
"( [ dr ] ) and ( [ jt ] ) we obtain the complete polarization functions:@xmath131@xmath132 in agreement with the results of gusakov @xcite . equations ( [ pl ] ) and ( [ pt ] ) completely describe the non - equilibrium behavior of superfluid fermi liquids in the vector - linear - response region for not too high @xmath69 and @xmath133 .",
"our aim is to express the effective fields ( [ aef ] ) via external fields . for this we can use the fact that the density current commutes with the bare interactions and does not need to be renormalized .",
"explicit expressions can be written using the following notation : @xmath134@xmath135@xmath136 @xmath137@xmath138 where @xmath139 , @xmath140 and we assume that the angle @xmath141 between the quasiparticle momentum @xmath71 and the momentum transfer @xmath70 is fixed by the relation@xmath142 where the unit vector @xmath143 defines the direction of the momentum transfer , and the unit vector @xmath144 defines the polar angles @xmath145 on the fermi surface .",
"the current connection with the external field @xmath117 is given by the well - known relation @xmath118 inserting this into eqs .",
"then the longitudinal polarization function ( [ pl ] ) can be written as @xmath146 where @xmath147"
"( [ plbcsl ] ) generalizes previous results of refs . @xcite and @xcite to the case of pairing caused by spin - orbit and tensor interactions . therefore before proceeding to the detailed analysis of the sound propagation in the @xmath0 neutron superfluid , we examine the obtained equations for the particular cases of the triplet - spin condensate in superfluid @xmath6",
"as regards the temperature dependence , immediately below the critical temperature @xmath2 the velocity of zero sound goes down , and the undamped wave disappears at some temperature @xmath195 when the sound velocity becomes smaller than the fermi velocity , @xmath196 ( although the mode with exponentially small damping can exist in some region below this temperature ) . thus the undamped collective excitation may or may not exist at some temperature , depending on the values of @xmath23 and @xmath24 .",
"it is conventional to represent the triplet order parameter of the system as a superposition of standard spin - angle functions @xmath167 of the total angular momentum @xmath168 with partial amplitudes @xmath169 : @xmath170 in our calculations we use vector notation which involves a set of mutually orthogonal complex vectors @xmath171 defined as @xmath172 and normalized by the condition @xmath173 .",
"the curves show the zero - sound velocity as a function of temperature parameter @xmath191 for a pure @xmath192 pairing ( solid curves ) and for the case of pairing into the mixed @xmath193 state ( dashed curves ) .",
"the plots are made for the sound propagating along the axis of the wave function of the condensate ( @xmath189 ) and in the orthogonal direction ( @xmath190 ) .",
"we will focus on the @xmath0 condensation into the state with @xmath1 which is conventionally considered as the preferable one in the bulk matter of neutron stars . in this case",
"we focus now on _ the sound propagation in the _ @xmath0 _ superfluid neutron liquid _ which is expected to exist in neutron stars at supernuclear densities"
"we have studied the linear response of a superfluid neutron liquid to an external vector field in the limit @xmath22 .",
"the calculation is made for the case of @xmath0 condensate which is expected to exist in the superdense core of neutron stars due to spin - orbit and tensor pairing interactions . by analyzing the poles of the longitudinal response we have found the low - energy spectrum of sound - like collecive excitations caused by density fluctuations in the condensate .",
"we found that the sound waves are anisotropic and a small admixture of the @xmath8 state does not modify markedly the dispersion curves obtained for the pure @xmath5-wave superfluid neutrons . at fixed temperature the velocity of the sound grows along with deviation of the wave vector from the axis of the order parameter . the sound speed is maximal for orthogonal propagation . immediately below the critical temperature",
"our dispersion equation ( [ qsh ] ) represents a generalization of the above results to the case of pairing caused by noncentral spin - orbit and tensor interactions and naturally recovers previous results obtained for the case of central forces .",
"the sound - like spectrum of a fermi liquid substantially depends on the residual particle - hole interactions which are conventionally described by a set of landau parameters .",
"previously the sound - like excitations were investigated for a triplet condensate caused by central pairing forces in @xmath6 @xcite .",
"( [ qsh ] ) for several sets of the landau parameters ."
] | the linear response of a superfluid neutron liquid onto external vector field is studied for the case of @xmath0 pairing . in particular , we analyze the case of neutron condensation into the state with @xmath1 which is conventionally considered as the preferable one in the bulk matter of neutron stars . consideration is limited to the case when the wave - length of a perturbation is large as compared to the coherence length in the superfluid matter and the transferred energy is small in comparison with the gap amplitude .
the obtained results are used to analyse collisionless sound - like excitations of the superfluid condensate .
zero sound ( if it exists ) is found to be anisotropic and undergoes strong decrement below some temperature threshold depending substantially on the intensity of fermi - liquid interactions . |
"furthermore , the use of surface acoustic waves ( saws ) as a mean to inject and drive carriers along the wires presents some advantages with respect to the free propagation along quasi-1d channels since it prevents the spreading of the electron wavefunction , it reduces undesired reflection effects , and it makes the electron more immune to the decohering effects of the phonons @xcite . in this work we propose and simulate numerically a scheme to perform quantum deterministic teleportation of electrons in a device consisting of three couples of semiconductor quantum wires .",
"the qubit - state is encoded through the localization of a single electron in one of two parallel quantum wires . in our scheme , the coulomb interaction between carriers is used first for the production of an einstein - podolsky - rosen ( epr ) pair of electrons , and then for the rotation of the bell states needed to perform a bell measurement@xcite .",
"the carriers are embedded in the minima of saws , propagating in the wires direction .",
"coherent electron transport in systems of couples of semiconductor quantum wires has been used to design qubits and to propose fundamental one- and two - qubit quantum gates @xcite .",
"in fact , the latter system has already successfully exposed the two - particle quantum interference via an electronic version of the hanbury brown twiss setup @xcite ."
"the use of saw for the injection and transport of electrons in the quantum wires @xcite allows a single carrier to be captured into a minimum of the sinusoidal piezoelectric wave propagating along the device and inhibits the natural spatial spreading of the wavepacket . in this way",
"the particle is confined in a moving quantum dot @xcite and a so - called flying qubit is realized @xcite . in order to implement the quantum operations for the teleportation scheme we employ three elements : an electronic beam splitter @xmath0 , a phase shifter @xmath1 and a coulomb coupler @xmath2 @xcite .",
"we assume that the device operates at low temperatures ( simulations are performed at zero temperature ) in order to have a negligible number of electrons in the conduction band and to minimize decoherence effects due to the interactions of electron with lattice vibrations .",
"in particular , they start with an initial state @xmath32 @xcite , corresponding to one electron entering the upper wire of bob qubit 1 and another electron entering the upper wire of alice qubit 2 . the first block of quantum gates , namely two coupling windows @xmath33 ( acting on qubits 1 and 2 , respectively ) and a coulomb coupler @xmath34 ( acting on qubits 1 and 2 , together ) produces a maximally entangled state @xmath35 .",
"in fact , the phases @xmath14 , @xmath15 and @xmath11 depend upon the physical and geometrical parameters of the system , e.g. the window length , the barrier height / length , the electron - electron coupling strength , the saw velocity . the proposed teleportation scheme ( with the exception of qubit 3 preparation )",
"specifically , the potential barrier @xmath30 ( @xmath31 ) is switched on if and only if the outcome of qubit 2(3 ) measurement is 0 ( see table [ tab1 ] ) . ] the quantum - wire network for our teleportation protocol is shown in figure [ fig1 ] . as a first step alice and bob must entangle qubits 2 and 1 .",
"the first step of the brassard approach is performed by means of the second block of quantum gates involving a coulomb coupler @xmath34 now acting on the qubits 2 and 3 and three @xmath33 gates ( see fig .",
"now alice , wants to teleport , the quantum state of electron 3 @xmath36 , obtained from @xmath23 by means of the network of one - qubit gates reported in the state preparation ( sp ) box , into electron 1 at bob side ."
"the network of gates described in sec . [ phy ] has been simulated by solving numerically the time - dependent schrdinger equation for the three electrons injected in the device .",
"a number of numerical simulations have been performed in order to obtain the optimal geometry for the coulomb coupler @xmath34 .",
"the experimental realization of the coulomb coupler @xmath34 is the most challenging part .",
"in addition , no tunnelling between the two wires must be present to let the two wavefunctions only interact through coulomb coupling . obviously , within our semi 1d - model it is not possible to simulate directly the dynamics of the wave function splitting by a coupling window leading to the one - qubit transformation @xmath33 .",
"each of the eight coupled schrdinger equations of eq ."
"in fact , the mean occupation number of acoustic phonons with momentum energy @xmath125 5 mev ( of the order of the energy difference between the ground and the first excited bound state of the electrons ) can be evaluated from bose - einstein statistics and results to be practically zero at a temperature of 100 mk .",
"to better quantify the reliability of the teleportation , we also compare the square modulus of the coefficients @xmath98 and @xmath99 of the initial state @xmath100 with the coefficients @xmath101 and @xmath102 of the final state @xmath103 obtained by bob after the teleportation ( see fig . [ fig3 ] ) .",
"the state components depend on the coefficients of the spectral decomposition of the teleported state @xmath84 in terms of the single qubit - states @xmath85 and @xmath86 . in agreement with the theoretical prediction",
"[ phy ] , numerical simulations of charge transport through quantum wires has been performed at zero temperature , that is fully coherent propagation of electrons has been assumed .",
"this proves an important point : the fidelity of the proposed teleportation scheme remains very high also for non ideal entangling gates and this can certainly be considered a plus in view of an experimental implementation .",
"this behavior , due to the confinement of the carriers in the saw minima leading to a sharp localization of the corresponding wavepackets , proves the validity of the two - particle approach adopted .",
"when the injected carriers reach the second coupling window between the wires of qubit 1 , the new rotation leads with good approximation to the three - qubit state @xmath79 , as shown in the fifth column ."
"here we have proposed a device for the deterministic teleportation of electrons injected and driven by saws in a network of coupled quantum wires .",
"it consists of a sequence of single - qubit ( beam splitter and phase shifter ) and two - qubit ( coulomb coupler ) gates which allows a high level of control over the state evolution .",
"numerical simulations show that , with a suitable design of the nanostructure , the fidelity of the teleportation can reach values close to 1 , indicating a high - realibility of the process .",
"furthermore , we also mention the possibility of using carrier transport in edge states for quantum hall effect regime , instead of saw - assisted electron transport in quantum wires ."
] | we propose and numerically simulate a semiconductor device based on coupled quantum wires , suitable for deterministic quantum teleportation of electrons trapped in the minima of surface acoustic waves .
we exploit a network of interacting semiconductor quantum wires able to provide the universal set of gates for quantum information processing , with the qubit defined by the localization of a single electron in one of two coupled channels .
the numerical approach is based on a time - dependent solution of the three - particle schrdinger equation .
first , a maximally entangled pair of electrons is obtained via coulomb interaction between carriers in different channels .
then , a complete bell - state measurement involving one electron from this pair and a third electron is performed .
finally , the teleported state is reconstructed by means of local one - qubit operations .
the large estimated fidelity explicitely suggests that an efficient teleportation process could be reached in an experimental setup . |
"the time is therefore ideal for a computational analysis of large - scale structure using new , powerful simulations , the results of which can be used to determine the properties and evolution of superclusters . in addition , these results can be compared with observations , thus providing a new test of the current cosmological model ",
"we examine the radial structure of our superclusters in [ sec : radial ] and the dimensionality of superclusters in [ sec : shapes ] .",
"we provide quantitative descriptions of the multiplicity and size distributions of the identified superclusters in [ sec : mult ] and [ sec : size ] .",
"the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss , * ? ? ?",
"results for superclusters selected from only higher - mass clusters are presented in ",
"the evolution of the above properties with redshift is presented in [ sec : evo ] .",
"we begin by describing , in 2 , the process by which clusters and in turn superclusters were identified in the simulation output ."
"to help visualize the typical geometries of superclusters identified by the fof method , we present supercluster maps of a typical region ( a cube of side length @xmath39 , concentric with the low-@xmath13 sphere ) for @xmath40 ( figs@xmath41[fig1]-[fig2 ] ) . each point is a cluster , and a given symbol represents membership in the same supercluster .",
", we show only superclusters with at least 5 member clusters . members of a supercluster that extend outside the limits of our cubical region are not shown , so some superclusters appear to have fewer members than the imposed minimum . comparing these maps to analogous figures generated with @xmath46 and @xmath30 reveals , as expected ,",
"clusters are then identified in two different , partially overlapping volumes : a `` low - redshift '' sphere of radius @xmath11 , corresponding to a maximum redshift of @xmath12 , and a `` high - redshift cone , '' which includes the low-@xmath13 sphere s positive octant ( @xmath14 ) and extends this octant out to @xmath15 , a distance of @xmath16 . using the cluster selection scheme described below ,",
"the only exception is the case of binary clusters ( superclusters with only 2 members ) selected with @xmath33 , of which we find only @xmath34% more using the simulated clusters than we do with the monte carlo sample .",
"a total of @xmath9 particles , each assigned the mass @xmath10 , is evolved in a periodic box @xmath11 on a side , and positions are saved at the appropriate times in order to construct a light cone with vertex at one corner of the box .",
"clusters are placed at randomly chosen positions within a sphere such that the total number density is the same as that for the simulated clusters , and the fof method is applied , as before , with @xmath29 and @xmath30 .",
"this center is used to compute the virial radius @xmath24 , defined as the radius enclosing the virial overdensity expected from spherical top - hat collapse ( which evolves with redshift in the @xmath0cdm cosmology ) . in this analysis"
"the _ multiplicity _ of a supercluster is the number of clusters it contains , @xmath47 . in fig@xmath41[fig3 ] we present , for various linking lengths , the integrated supercluster multiplicity function the number density ( per cubic comoving @xmath4 ) of superclusters with @xmath47 or more members , as a function of @xmath47 . also shown for comparison",
"we repeated the above analysis after selecting superclusters in redshift - space coordinates ; the resulting multiplicity functions are nearly identical to the real - space functions at low multiplicities , and are shifted to slightly higher @xmath47 ( by up to 20% ) at the highest multiplicities . the supercluster size function i.e. , the number of superclusters above a given size is presented in fig@xmath41[fig4 ] for different linking lengths .",
"to do so , we superpose the centers - of - mass ( calculated using only the mass in clusters ) of all superclusters , and scale all superclusters to the same size by dividing all cluster coordinates ( relative to the center - of - mass ) for a given supercluster by its @xmath60 .",
"the code constructs , for a given supercluster , the @xmath71 matrix of second moments of cluster positions relative to the supercluster center - of - mass , i.e. @xmath72 where @xmath73 and @xmath74 are two of the position coordinates for a given cluster , and @xmath75 is the mass of the cluster ; the sum is over all member clusters .",
"* ) , and it is also the largest distance at which hbb detect cluster alignment in the simulation . the average multiplicity of superclusters is plotted as a function of supercluster size for different linking lengths in fig@xmath41[fig5 ] . for @xmath54 or @xmath55",
"the average mass of clusters in superclusters , @xmath67 for the @xmath40 superclusters , is somewhat larger than the average mass of clusters in the total sample , @xmath68 , indicating that superclusters contain slightly more massive clusters , on average , than the mean .",
"first , only in few cases will one of the five members happen to lie very near the supercluster s center - of - mass ; thus it is only at @xmath61 that we begin to find a significant fraction of the clusters .",
" objects more aptly called binary or triple clusters than superclusters the maximum radius is set mainly by the separation(s ) of the 2 or 3 clusters ; thus the average multiplicity changes slowly over this range of separations . beyond this regime ,"
"we conclude that superclusters had highly triaxial structure at early times , and that between a cosmological look - back time of @xmath140 gyr ( corresponding to @xmath112 for the cosmology described in 2.1 ) and the present day , many collapsed along their smallest dimensions to form the more nearly pancake - like structures observed in the simulation at @xmath114 .",
"we interpret these trends as further evidence that small linking lengths ( e.g. @xmath128 ) select the densest regions of superclusters . whereas the larger linking lengths do not find many rich superclusters at high redshift because of the lack of clusters , the smaller linking lengths find the same dense supercluster cores even at much earlier times .",
"superclusters are identified by the fof method as before . however , since the cluster abundance decreases at higher redshift , and their mean separation thus increases , we compare superclusters found at different redshifts _ not _ with the same linking length @xmath18 , but instead with the same linkage parameter @xmath19 , where @xmath20 is the mean comoving intercluster separation . as discussed in 2.2",
"however , for @xmath128 the vertical distances _ decrease _ with increasing @xmath47 , to the extent that the abundance of the richest superclusters found with this linking length is in fact roughly the same at @xmath112 as it is today .",
"typical values decrease from @xmath82 at @xmath114 to @xmath137 at @xmath138 1 - 2 . in a plot similar to fig@xmath41[fig9 ] , this would correspond to a leftward shift in the distribution , i.e. a shift toward greater triaxiality at high redshift , and a shift to a 2-d geometry as the systems approach @xmath114 .",
"monte carlo simulations analogous to those described in 2.3 were also run at @xmath112 and @xmath124 , with results similar to those obtained at low @xmath13 : the multiplicity functions are physically significant for all multiplicities and linking lengths , except for binary clusters in the @xmath125 case , where only @xmath126 more binary clusters are found over the monte carlo results .",
"the total number of superclusters decreases by a factor of a few from @xmath114 to @xmath112 , and by over an order of magnitude from @xmath112 to @xmath113 . in order to construct a sufficiently large sample ,"
"the results show , as expected , a similar shape to the multiplicity function of superclusters selected using the more numerous low - mass clusters ( figs@xmath41[fig3 ] , [ fig10 ] , [ fig11 ] ) , but with a greatly reduced amplitude : the number of superclusters at a given multiplicity is lower , and ",
"the supercluster shapes are not significantly different from those selected using the lower - mass clusters , except for the stronger flattening observed in the latter at @xmath91 , where the mean triaxial shape has evolved slightly towards a flattened two - dimensional shape ( with @xmath164 and @xmath165 ) . the superclusters selected with high - mass clusters",
"the supercluster multiplicity versus size relation is similar but reduced in amplitude , as expected to the superclusters selected with the lower mass threshold ( fig@xmath41[fig5 ] ) . a nearly linear relation between multiplicity and size",
"the maximum supercluster size is somewhat larger than that of superclusters selected with low - mass clusters , since the linking length values @xmath18 are larger . for a given value of @xmath21 , no significant evolution",
"the ellipticity distribution shows that superclusters exhibit a triaxial geometry on average , but with significantly larger scatter than the more numerous superclusters selected with lower - mass clusters ( figs@xmath41[fig12]-[fig13 ] ) .",
"the number of cluster members within these large structures decreases with redshift , as seen above , due to the lowered cluster abundance at high @xmath13 .",
"is observed in the size of the largest superclusters , reflecting the existence of these extended structures at early times .",
", the high - mass superclusters are approaching a slightly more filamentary nature , with mean axis ratios of @xmath160 in both @xmath78 and @xmath80 ( cf ."
"improve our understanding of the properties ( especially shapes ) and evolution of superclusters , and can also be used as predictions for testing the cosmology with future observations . at low redshift , we predict a total number density of @xmath167 , and @xmath168 superclusters with at least five member clusters with mass @xmath17 for superclusters selected with linking length @xmath169 , and @xmath93 , respectively .",
"we have investigated the multiplicities , sizes , radial structures , and dimensionalities of superclusters from @xmath114 to @xmath113 in @xmath0cdm cosmology . the results",
"we find that superclusters are triaxial in shape , especially at early times , where the mean triaxiality of our sample is @xmath139 . over time , many collapse along a single dimension to approach two - dimensional shapes on the largest scales ( i.e. , those sampled by the fof linking length @xmath33 at @xmath114 , using low - mass clusters with @xmath17 ) ; their cores remain triaxial .",
"the maximum size of these superclusters ranges from @xmath170 for @xmath97 to @xmath171 for @xmath172 .",
"the abundance of superclusters decreases rapidly with increasing redshift .",
"the spherically averaged density profiles of superclusters are well fit by an isothermal profile , @xmath174 , over a broad range in radius .",
"these superclusters are triaxial in shape , with somewhat greater mean triaxiality at @xmath91 ( @xmath182 0.8 - 0.85 ) than superclusters with lower - mass clusters"
] | we determine the shape , multiplicity , size , and radial structure of superclusters in the @xmath0cdm concordance cosmology from z = 0 to z = 2 .
superclusters are defined as clusters of clusters in our large - scale cosmological simulation .
we find that superclusters are triaxial in shape ; many have flattened since early times to become nearly two - dimensional structures at present , with a small fraction of filamentary systems . the size and multiplicity functions
are presented at different redshifts .
supercluster sizes extend to scales of @xmath1 .
the supercluster multiplicity ( richness ) increases linearly with supercluster size .
the density profile in superclusters is approximately isothermal ( @xmath2 ) and steepens on larger scales .
these results can be used as a new test of the current cosmology when compared with upcoming observations of large - scale surveys . |
"we also compare , for different values of differential rotation , the characteristic amplitude of the signal with the rms strain noise in the initial ligo , virgo and advanced ligo gravitational - wave detectors and compute the signal - to - noise ratio .",
"[ sect - detectability ] , where we derive expressions for the maximum value of the gravitational wave amplitude and for the frequency - domain gravitational waveform .",
"we will investigate the issue of detectability of gravitational radiation emitted by newly born neutron stars as they spin down due to the _",
"@xcite , we investigate how differential rotation induced by _",
"r_-modes influences the detectability , by the laser interferometer detectors ligo and virgo , of gravitational waves emitted by a newly born , hot , rapidly - rotating neutron star . in sect .",
"[ sect - role - dif - rot ] we briefly review the evolution model of the _ r_-mode instability ."
"in a recent paper @xcite , we have investigated the role of differential rotation in the evolution of the @xmath1 _ r_-mode instability in a newly born , hot , rapidly - rotating neutron star , using a simple phenomenological model adapted from the one proposed in ref .",
"\\label{alfa(t)-s - visc}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] an analysis of the above solution makes it clear that the evolution of the _ r_-mode instability proceeds in two stages . in the first stage of the evolution ,",
"( [ visc - timescale ] ) .",
"then , in the first moments of the evolution , bulk viscosity dominates the dynamics of eqs .",
"the above solution is well approximated by @xmath53 i.e. , both the angular velocity of the star and the amplitude of the mode evolve on the gravitational - radiation timescale . in the second stage of evolution ,"
"let us now analyze the possibility of detecting the emitted gravitational waves with laser interferometer detectors ligo and virgo . because of the complexity of real neutron stars , our knowledge of the evolution of the _ r_-mode instability is insufficient to predict the gravitational waveform with such an accuracy that a matched filtering signal - processing technique would be feasible .",
"@xcite , the frequency - domain gravitational wave amplitude has a spike at high frequencies , due to the fact that during the first stage of evolution the angular velocity of the star evolves very slowly on the viscous timescale , leading to a quasi - monochromatic gravitational wave emission during the first 500 s of evolution .",
"@xcite an expression for the frequency - domain gravitational wave amplitude @xmath81 was derived based on the assumption that @xmath93 , where @xmath94 is the total angular momentum of the star , @xmath95 is the frequency of the emitted gravitational wave and @xmath96 is the moment of inertia of the unperturbed star . since within the model of ref .",
"equation ( [ htilde ] ) applies to both stages of evolution , for frequencies ranging from @xmath87 to @xmath88 , where the maximum frequency corresponds to the initial value of the angular velocity of the star , @xmath89 , and the minimum frequency corresponds to the final angular velocity of the star , @xmath90 , which lies between @xmath91 ( for @xmath41 ) and @xmath92 ( for @xmath43 ) .",
"[ fig : hcharac - hrms ] the curves corresponding to the rms strain noises in the initial ligo , virgo and advanced ligo detectors are compared with the curves corresponding to the characteristic amplitude of the gravitational wave signal for different values of @xmath14 and for a distance to the source of @xmath118 .",
"for frequencies in the interval @xmath107 , the curves for the noise power spectral densities of the initial ligo @xcite , virgo @xcite and advanced ligo @xcite detectors are well approximated by the following analytical expressions , respectively : @xmath108 , \\label{shfligo}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath109 and @xmath110 , @xmath111 , \\label{shfvirgo}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath112 and @xmath113 , and @xmath114 \\right\\ } , \\label{shfadvligo}\\end{aligned}\\ ] ] where @xmath115 , @xmath116 and @xmath117 . in fig .",
"r_-mode perturbation , due to the fact that the fluid develops a strong differential rotation . indeed , after a few hundred seconds of evolution of the _ r_-mode instability , the average differential rotation increases rapidly , saturating at high values relatively to the initial angular velocity of the star ."
"in this paper we have investigated the influence of differential rotation on the detectability of gravitational radiation emitted by a newly born , hot , rapidly - rotating neutron star , as it spins down due to the _",
"we conclude that the detectability of gravitational waves from the _ r_-mode instability of newly born neutron stars is drastically reduced as the initial value of differential rotation associated with _ r_-modes increases . for the initial ligo and virgo detectors ,",
"we have shown that the maximum value of the gravitational wave amplitude , @xmath138 , depends on the amount of differential rotation at the time the _ r_-mode instability becomes active , namely , @xmath139 .",
"r_-mode instability . a model of evolution of the _ r_-mode instability that takes into account differential",
"rotation @xcite has been used to derive the gravitational wave amplitude @xmath69 and its fourier transform @xmath81 .",
"we have also shown that the frequency - domain gravitational wave amplitude , @xmath81 , has no spike at high frequencies , as opposed to the results of ref ."
] | recently , it was shown that differential rotation is an unavoidable feature of nonlinear _ r_-modes .
we investigate the influence of this differential rotation on the detectability of gravitational waves emitted by a newly born , hot , rapidly - rotating neutron star , as it spins down due to the _ r_-mode instability .
we conclude that gravitational radiation may be detected by the advanced laser interferometer detector ligo if the amount of differential rotation at the time the _ r_-mode instability becomes active is not very high . |