sequence | videoID
stringlengths 25
"A man is attempting to climb rope stairs at an outdoors event.",
"A man is doing an exercise on a ladder on the inside of a gym.",
"As music plays, the man is trying to climb on a rope ladder.",
"A young man is trying to climb a rope ladder while music is playing in the background.",
"A man tries to climb a ladder suspended with rope but falls off of it.",
"A man rocks back and forth on a wooden rope ladder.",
"As music plays someone in a workout area struggles to climb and stay on a suspended frame.",
"a man is hanging on to a ladder rope and he falls off and tries again.",
"A man tries to climb a rope swivel ladder mounted on a wooden frame",
"a man in green stands next to a ladder and interacts with it"
] | 5Jk4L2XBXEg_000047_000057 |
"A women walk up to a horse in a pen and puts her hand on it.",
"A woman is in a fenced area with a horse.",
"A horse walks up to the gate, and a girl walks up to the horse, petting it.",
"In the corral together are a handsome white and black horse and the female rider, though the picture is not oriented correctly, needing to be rotated one turn to the right",
"A horse walks around outside at a stable on a nice day.",
"Horse in a pen walking around as a trainer pets it.",
"A young person is walking a horse around the inside of a fence at a horse corral and talking to the horse.",
"This video is showing a person walking a horse around the stable.",
"A woman leads a horse from the corner of a pen then approaches the horse",
"A women leads a horse by the reigns inside a fenced in area."
] | 5dHWI_3jL4I_000089_000099 |
"A person is explaining and showing how to use a remote control to control is computer desktop.",
"Person demonstrating the proper input commands into a game control on a carpet.",
"An instructional video with a man pointing his finger at different buttons on a game console.",
"A man in talking about a game controller in a foreign language.",
"A person is showing how to use a video game controller with a split computer screen.",
"A man is pointing out the parts of a video game controller",
"A hand is seen pushing buttons on a video game remote as a voice is talking.",
"A man is talking and touching the controller of a video game.",
"Person pressing buttons on a controller while things are input into a computer in a separate screen.",
"In a split screen between a video game remote and a computer monitor a man explains the use of the controler."
] | fRqFwXo7hks_000167_000177 |
"A group of young guys are in a club dancing with each other",
"Several men dance and sing in a crowded, dark space.",
"A bunch of young guys on a bus dancing around and having fun.",
"A group of people are dancing in the aisle of a motor bus.",
"People dance in the aisle and seats of a bus.",
"A number of guys are seen dancing at a bar in the night.",
"On a bus, a group of young men sing and dance in the aisles.",
"In a crowded room men are shown dancing around as if celebrating.",
"A look at a team of soccer players dancing while standing around inside the bus.",
"A group of people are trying to do a celebratory dance."
] | odC9aTqeB3w_000000_000010 |
"While listening to heavy rock music, a woman blows into a very long pipe.",
"A woman holding a didgeridoo plays along to music in a living room.",
"A young woman in a miniskirt has something long in her mouth.",
"A Lady was having some long rod in his hands and blow air in it.",
"a girl with dark hair and a skirt uses a long musical item",
"A girl is playing a musical instrument whilst music plays in the background.",
"A woman plays a didgeridoo while heavy metal music plays in the background.",
"A woman is playing a large blowing instrument to the beat of other music in the background.",
"A woman stands and plays a long instrument then the camera zooms in on her butt.",
"a teenage girl playing a big bamboo instrument looking like a flute, didgeridoo"
] | 7tzlzR6-tSk_000003_000013 |
"A woman is cleaning the area around a dog's eyes with a saline solution and explains it to a man watching.",
"A woman demonstrates how to remove debris from a dog's eye.",
"A woman veterinarian cleans off a dog of a particular substance.",
"A woman tells how to get stuff out of dogs eye and how to clean the eye.",
"The woman is showing how to properly clean a dog eyes with saline solution.",
"A veterinarian is discussing how a dog owner can get debris out of the dog's eye.",
"A woman veternerian is cleaning a pet's ears and tear stains with saline solution.",
"A woman in a veterinarians office is using a solution to clean around a dogs eyes.",
"A woman demonstrates how to use saline solution to clean a dogs eyes.",
"The lady is doing a demonstration on how to clean stains from the rescue pet."
] | HLYStJsXEo8_000015_000025 |
"A lady is showing her nail colors and how to reproduce the same effect.",
"The young woman has various colors of nail polish and manicure tools handy as she explains, in a foreign language, her technique for applying polish",
"A woman displays her acrylic nails that have been painted with multiple colors",
"A girl is showing how she is painting her nails with nail polish.",
"A woman has long fake nails and shows the different colors she has on each one.",
"A woman is talking, examining her different colored nails on her left hand while her gloved right hand reaches for more polish.",
"A woman showing how she makes nail art by using gloves and paint on a canvas",
"A woman has put on nail polish and is showing her nails to the camera.",
"A person wearing a glove in one hand picked a bottle of paint",
"A young girl paintining her finger nails with different colored nail polish."
] | Y3xovFa0IIA_000026_000036 |
"A young man dancing to background music while his friends watch.",
"A child is outside and dancing to some music, some kids in the background are watching",
"A young boy dances to music while other children watch.",
"A person is dancing in front of a small crowd as music skips.",
"A group of young children watch as one youngster does a few dance moves.",
"A boy dances to some Disney music although the music skips towards the end.",
"One boy is dancing while four others watch him from a distance.",
"There are several people standing along a railing while another person is dancing.",
"As four other young people watch, a young male dances a jig as the end of the 20th Century Fox theme song plays.",
"A boy is shown dancing outside while a line of other kids stand watching."
] | nATvxqgqpvo_000012_000022 |
"A person uses a spoon and takes something out of a small pan and stirs it into a larger pan with vegetables.",
"Food is scooped out of a bowl into a pan with other food and then stirred around.",
"A person adding liquified dates to chopped vegetables and mixing them in a saute pan.",
"Someone is standing in front of a stove mixing some food together",
"A person is at the stove using a plastic spoon to take food from one pan and add it to a bowl with other ingredients already in it.",
"A person is preparing a meal by adding more ingredients and stirring with a spoon.",
"Someone is using a stove to show viewers how to cook food",
"A person is grabbing some sauce from the small pan and throwing it into a large pan while grilling some vegetable",
"someone is cooking mix vegetables and added liquefied dates to it",
"In fast motion a person takes some sauce from a container and adds it to a larger container that has some chopped vegetables in it"
] | HwyGx77uGxU_000156_000166 |
"A person is wearing a wolf mask and howls while other people in the room watch.",
"A man in a costume shop wearing a wolf mask and howling.",
"A person is in a wolf head costume howling like a wolf.",
"A person dressed up a wolf howls aloud while another person talks to it.",
"A group of friends together in a room as one man wears a wolfs hat and howls as his friends watch",
"A man wears a wolf mask and howls while others watch him.",
"A scene of three boys in a costume room and one of them wore a wolf costume",
"A person has a wolf mask howling while two people move their ears and mouth with a remote control.",
"A person in a wolf costume howls in a room full of halloween decorations.",
"a boy with a wolf mask howls in front of his friends in a room."
] | Ia2gZq0FD9Q_000020_000030 |
"An umpire squats and stands upright, a person holding a baseball bat hits a baseball, a catcher stands up and squats, and a crowd of people cheer and watch.",
"A group of people at a baseball game watch as a an hits the ball with a bat",
"A young girl is swing her bat at a ball while standing at the batters box, while others look on and cheer.",
"A young man swings a bat at a baseball while people watch.",
"A boy holding a bat hits a baseball in a game on the field.",
"A baseball batter fouls off a pitch, then starts to swing at the next pitch.",
"In a softball home movie from 2011 a batter swings at the ball.",
"Player standing in the batter's box at a ballgame, swinging and missing a pitch.",
"A girl fouls off a ball at the plate in her softball game",
"A recorded video of a baseball game showing a young man at bat and a number of spectators."
] | k84mJC-QFDU_000004_000014 |
"A person runs a piece of fabric through a sewing machine and moves it to a table.",
"Woman is sewing with a sewing machine, she clips her thread and carries material to table.",
"Someone briefly operates a sewing machine on a piece of fabric before cutting the threads and placing it on a table.",
"A woman is using a sewing machine to sew a blue fabric.",
"A sewing machine being used to sew a piece of cloth that is then taken to a table top.",
"A woman uses a sewing machine to knit a piece of blue cloth.",
"A lady is using a sewing machine to put together a blue piece of cloth, she then moves that cloth to a different table.",
"a woman is sowing a blue cloth on a sewing machine and cuts the thread.",
"A woman demonstrates using a sewing machine to sew a blue piece of fabric.",
"A woman is stitching a square patch of material, cuts the thread and takes it to anohe table."
] | 7T5nKVJrP5U_000120_000130 |
"A man in an outside field is demonstrating the art of throwing a javelin.",
"A man standing in a field holding a javelin runs and throws the javelin far away",
"A young person standing and running to throw a javelin.",
"A teenage boy runs and throws a javelin at an outdoor track while another talks.",
"A javelin thrower takes off running and throws the javelin through the air.",
"A person is on a court outside preparing before running and tossing a javelin.",
"A person prepares and runs to throw a javelin across a field outdoors.",
"A male athlete wearing shorts and a tank top is throwing a javelin.",
"A teenage boy holding a javelin begins to run very rapidly then throw it into the air.",
"a boy is throwing a spear in an outdoor track field."
] | U2KnwEJkcXg_000037_000047 |
"A demonstration in how to make a \"layflat\" book, using cardboard and paper.",
"A bookbinding machine is shown in operation as a book's cover is applied, while music plays.",
"A video showing how a machine attaches a cover to other pages of a book perfectly.",
"A person is working with a machine to create a book.",
"A person shows how to make lay flat book strong than ever.",
"A person works with a page at a printing machine.",
"A machine is shown on how books are created that lay perfectly flat.",
"A person is using a machine to put together the pages of a book.",
"A person demonstrates how a lay flat book is created.",
"a process of making a flat notebook when open is being shown"
] | 2Sbe-4PtTy4_000047_000057 |
"A man is riding a motorcycle up the side of a hill and he is wearing a helmet.",
"A man drives around an off road trail before he looks at the camera.",
"A person rides a motorbike along a sand road following the crest of a ridge of hills and passes a motorcyclist who had fallen",
"A man rides a motorcycle down a dirt road and then reveals his face to the camera.",
"A motorcycle is being driven up a desert like mountain.",
"A motor cycle getting played on a screen and they act like they are the rider.",
"A man showing himself riding on a mountain where his bike falls off then he gets back up",
"A man drives his motorcycle down the narrow path before it cuts to his bike on the ground and him looking concerned.",
"A person is taking video of the desert plain area that he is traveling.",
"A man is riding a snowmobile on a thin patch of snow on a hill"
] | NSNrMmdb9yU_000108_000118 |
"A little boy in a long sleeve is standing up and beat boxing.",
"A little boy beat boxes while making movements and hand gestures.",
"A little boy is trying to beat box in his living room.",
"A child makes loud mouth noises while trying to look tough.",
"The young boy is animatedly performing beats using his mouth, as he rocks rhythmically side to side.",
"A young boy beat boxes for a few seconds then walks to another location in the room.",
"Young boy making beat box noises while someone video tapes.",
"A boy makes beat boxing noises with his mouth as he stands in a room being recorded.",
"A little kid is trying to beat box and is moving his arms around.",
"A boy moves his arms rythmatically and makes funny faces while looking at the camera"
] | 626py8FOERY_000002_000012 |
"A boy kicks a board and breaks it while another person applauds.",
"A little boy kicks a piece of wood that is being held by his instructor.",
"A child performs a high kick to break a wooden board.",
"A child practicing taekwondo breaks a wooden board and is applauded.",
"A young teenage boy performs a karate kick, breaking a wood board in half.",
"A young boy expert in Karate is demonstrating how to break the slab with his foot.",
"Young boy who is a red belt breaking boards with his feet.",
"A young karate practitioner kicks a wooden board in half.",
"A boy breaks a board with his foot and than hops around.",
"A young red belt karate student breaks a board with a kick"
] | DISF9ZwOzQY_000003_000013 |
"A young kid seated on the floor plays with the rollable object in hand.",
"A boy sitting on the floor spun a fidget spinner and it fell off his hand",
"A boy is spinning a three fidget spinner with his hand and on his head.",
"In a house a boy is sitting on the floor and spinning a fidget spinner.",
"A young boy spins a fidget spinner and it falls from his hand.",
"A young man with his brother as he shows off his fidget spinner then puts it on his head",
"A young boy sits on the floor and uses a fidget spinner while talking about it.",
"A kid on the floor using a fidget spinner and attempting a trick with it and failing",
"A boy spins a fidget spinner on his finger then drops it on the floor",
"A boy spins a fidget spinner on one hand and tires to toss it to the other."
] | tpKIm9BADcQ_000020_000030 |
"A group of children stand in front of a microphone stand, as music plays in the background.",
"Four children standing in front of a microphone in a music studio.",
"A group of kids are standing in front of a microphone about to sing.",
"A group of four small children making slight dance moves as lively music plays.",
"A group of young children stand together uncertainly as the camera records them",
"a group of children in a 5 frame video where they play music and dance",
"Four children stand performing in front of a microphone stand.",
"A group of four kids are standing while some music is playing.",
"Three kids are standing in the middle of a lit room, music plays in the background,",
"Four small children stand in front of a microphone tapping their feet to music."
] | 82_d4p-XSFg_000000_000010 |
"A woman is getting her legs waxed with black wax",
"A woman has hot black wax applied to her leg.",
"A lady is having a treatment applied to the back of her arm by another person.",
"A woman reads a magazine as she holds her leg up on a table as another woman applies wax to her lower leg.",
"A woman in a salon as a person rubs a dark colored material on her foot",
"A woman in a robe flicks through a magazine, a woman spreads black wax onto a bare leg.",
"A woman holds still while wax is applied to her legs and someone narrates.",
"A woman in a bathrobe reads a magazine, then dark wax is applied to her legs.",
"A woman in a robe looks at a magazine, and then someone applies wax to a woman's shin.",
"A woman is shown getting her legs waxed with a black substance."
] | 0JfCKOR98AQ_000039_000049 |
"A mechanic shows how to replace a gasket in his car engine.",
"a man explaining how to replace the gaskets on an engine",
"A person is shown putting parts of an engine together",
"A man puts a new gasket on when working with a vehicle.",
"A man puts a new gasket on a car part while above a vehicle engine.",
"A man talks and works on a car engine, placing a ring around a tube.",
"A person put a ring around a cup over car engine",
"A guy stands over a car engine and a gasket to another automotive part.",
"A man is showing how he is fixing a part in a motor."
] | HVWk9aS39UQ_000281_000291 |
"A group of people are shown stomping on grapes all together while chatting.",
"A boy in a middle of a crowd of children pushes other children.",
"A group of children are standing and stomping on the grapes happily",
"A group of children in bare feet are stomping on a bunch of grapes.",
"A group of people are gathered together talking loudly and moving their feet.",
"A group of people, including kids, are huddled together stepping on grapes.",
"A group of people all huddled together, doing what appears to be some sort of dance.",
"A group of people standing around and pushing to get more room for them self.",
"A group of children dancing at some sort of festival.",
"A group of children are huddled together, they laugh in unison during the event."
] | aj1G8E1HBYA_000028_000038 |
"A woman lies shirtless on table and a masseuse gives her a massage, music plays.",
"A man massages his prone client's back as music plays.",
"a woman is laying on the table and gets a massage from someone",
"A female is lying on her front with her eyes closed on a table while another person gives them a back and shoulder massage.",
"A masseuse is giving a young woman with no clothing on a back massage.",
"A woman, laying face down on a table, is receiving a back message.",
"A woman is laying on her stomach and getting a massage from a man.",
"A woman on a table receiving a massage from a masseuse",
"A man doing a massage to a lady who is partially covered in a white sheet from waist downwards.",
"A blonde haired woman lying face down on a massage table getting a massage."
] | L995ygKvbKw_000039_000049 |
"A young girl is having her ears pierced, her facial expressions show that it may be painful.",
"A young child is getting her ears pierced using a staple gun as they are sharply triggered.",
"The little girl is getting her ears pierced, as the woman counts and then congratulates the child.",
"a little girl makes worried faces as someone pierces her ears",
"A young girl gets her second ear pierced by a clerk in a store.",
"A young girl in a parlor where you get your ears pierced she almost screams about the pain",
"A girl winces as she gets her ears pierced with an ear-piercing gun.",
"A young girl is getting her ears pierced.",
"A girl gets both of her ears pierced at the same time by two different people.",
"A little girl is sitting and having her ears pierced and making faces."
] | GrepoZ-6l18_000000_000010 |
"A person is stirring food in a large metal bowl, adds the contents from another metal bowl into the big bowl and continues to stir the ingredients with a spoon.",
"A woman is in the kitchen explaining how to cook a meal",
"A woman in a colorful top uses a large spoon to mixed together a bowl full of various vegetables.",
"A woman stirs food into her dish in a large silver bowl.",
"Woman is throwing some fresh vegetables on top of others as she mixes them with a spoon in a large bowl",
"A female adds some green vegetables into larger bowl with other items already in it and starts to stir everything together.",
"A person is mixing different ingredients together in a silver bowl.",
"A woman mixes ingredients for a recipe and talks about it.",
"A woman in a foreign language is talking while mixing fruit and vegetables in a metal bowl.",
"A woman in a cooking show as she demonstrates how she cooks using a metal pan and stirs food"
] | IDZiPYC7szA_000092_000102 |
"Young boy doing front flips on a field of snow and then throwing a snowball.",
"A man somersaults twice, dodges some snowballs, then throws a snowball.",
"A guy with grey top and black hat is rolling in the snow and playing snowball fight",
"A man outside rolling to avoid snowballs and playing with another person.",
"A boy is rolling around in the snow, throwing and dodging snowballs.",
"This boy is doing flips in the snow and then throwing snowballs.",
"A person on the snow rolls forward three times, gets up and throws snow at someone then runs away before sliding and falling.",
"A young boy dodges snowballs while doing rolls on the ground to advance towards the snowball throwers.",
"While having snowballs thrown at him a boy does two forward rolls along the snow, releases his own snowball and then runs and slips in the snow.",
"A man ducks and rolls to avoid the snowballs being thrown at him before throwing one at his attacker."
] | 5uqZTWqqSTU_000001_000011 |
"Two girls have fun playing guitar and singing a song.",
"A group of girls are playing Rockband to a Taylor Swift song.",
"A group of women are singing a song while playing a instrument on a TV>",
"Two girls dancing to the music while another girl holds an object in hand and pretends to sing",
"People standing around playing a game of guitar hero on a video game console.",
"Two kids are playing Rockband together; One plays the guitar, while the other sings.",
"A person plays a guitar and another sings into a microphone.",
"Two black girls, one with a guitar and another with a mic are performing karaoke to some music.",
"Some people are making music together in a poorly lit video.",
"In a dark room a girl is playing a guitar and another girl is singing."
] | 47tFTCZxPNc_000018_000028 |
"An underwater view of a swimmer straightening his legs and coming up for air.",
"A slowmotion recording of a man swimming in a pool where another person watches him",
"A person is swimming underneath a pool, the video is in slow motion.",
"A man is swimming in slow motion under eater in a swimming pool.",
"A man is swimming in a lane in slow motion, seen from underwater.",
"A person is seen swimming in slow motion from an under water perspective.",
"A man underwater in an inside swimming pool is shown swimming in slow motion.",
"A man swims in a lap pool, and we can see him from underneath the water.",
"The man is swimming through the water with his arms in front of him, and then stroking back down.",
"A person wearing a small bathing suit swims through the water in slow motion."
] | CdpVL_aK2q8_000083_000093 |
"two boys jump over a small wire fence and pass a ball to each other with hockey sticks whilst dramatic music plays",
"Boys hop over a fence and show us their field hockey skills.",
"Two boys are getting ready to practice their hockey skills.",
"Two boys jumping a fence and running to play hockey.",
"Two boys hop a fence then pick up hockey sticks to play with each other.",
"Two boys in red shirts jump over a fence and begin to hit a ball with curved sticks.",
"Two boys in red and black jump over a fench to play field hockey in a tennis court.",
"Two men in red tshirts jump a fence and use paddles to hit a ball",
"Two boys jumping over a fence and begin to play field hockey.",
"A couple of people climb over a fence and start playing hockey with a ball."
] | gE-YYlqR0XI_000009_000019 |
"A dog is seen being cleaned and groomed extensively including a touch of pedicure.",
"A woman is grooming a dog then uses scissors to trim the hair around the dog's foot.",
"A lady grooms a white and black puppy by cutting his hair with scissors.",
"Someone is grooming a dog and clips the excess fur around the bottom of his paws.",
"A woman is showing how she grooms a dog that's standing on the table.",
"A black and white dog has it's feet fur trimmed at a grooming station.",
"A person is using scissors to trim a dogs feet and the dog's hair.",
"While holding a dog with one hand, a woman cuts the hair from the dogs paw.",
"A woman is grooming the front paws of a dog standing on her grooming table.",
"A person is talking as someone is trying to shave a small dog."
] | CLq03eDTX-U_000284_000294 |
"At home, several male teens play a drinking game in the garage.",
"A group of boys are holding a phone and singing a song.",
"A group of people are talking and laughing at each other while a young boy makes pounding motions with his hand.",
"A few people are in a room and a couple of men start laughing a singing.",
"A group of young people stand around yelling and singing in a party setting.",
"A group of young people are together and two guys are singing part of a song.",
"Two boys are standing in front of a group of people and pretending to be in a band.",
"Two guys playing around using their hands listening to a song.",
"A boy is singing something holding an object and another boy is also singing and dancing and there are few people standing near to them",
"Two men make exaggerated movements and began to sing a song and air drum to it."
] | 4_Xl3M0H_eg_000070_000080 |
"A person repeatedly points a remote control at a girl who expresses her disapproval.",
"A person points a remote at a person to pretend to control her.",
"While sitting in a chair, a woman talks to someone who points a remote control at her and pushes buttons.",
"A woman sitting in a chair pretends to have her voice turned on and off by a remote control.",
"A teenage girl is shown talking and someone uses a remote to silence her.",
"A woman talks to the camera person while the camera person aims a TV remote at her.",
"A person points a remote control at a woman talking in a chair.",
"A woman sits and makes short comments as a hand points a remote control at her and presses buttons",
"A woman is talking to another woman while the women continuously changes television channel",
"A person is repeatedly aiming a remote control at a woman while the pressing buttons."
] | A9Jfovrfe74_000002_000012 |
"A girl does a flip off of a mat onto grass.",
"A girl successfully performs a forward flip from a padded surface to the ground.",
"Girl attempts to do a front flip off a mat, but fails.",
"A young lady is jumping on a mat she the jumps off and does a flip.",
"A female bounces on a surface a few times and then flips off of it.",
"one girl is bouncing on an inflatable structure and then tries to do a flip",
"A young girl does a forward flip off of a large cushion and falls on her back and others are laughing at her.",
"A woman is on a cushion and tries to do a flip.",
"A little girl does a flip off a trampoline while onlookers laugh.",
"A kid is shown jumping on a bouncy platform trying to do a front flip, but failing and falling on her back on the ground."
] | N1RpyEdnH6s_000000_000010 |
"A young girl riding a unicycle in a living room.",
"A young girl riding an unicycle in a living room",
"A girl rides her unicycle in her home while talking about how she doesn't have enough space.",
"A girl mounts a unicycle indoors and rocks back and forth on it, while talking.",
"A little girl get on a unicycle, paddling it back and forth and is talking, explaining what she is doing.",
"A young girl, who is inside the room of a house, is demonstrating how to ride a unicycle.",
"A young girl in a reading room gets practices on how to balance herself on a cycle of single wheel.",
"A girl rides a unicycle back and forth inside her room.",
"A girl is riding a unicycle inside of her house.",
"A young girl gets on a unicycle and balances herself."
] | 7qTjhLfDb7c_000063_000073 |
"In an outdoor restaurant a man uses a large wok to flip over a piece of pancake",
"A man is flipping a tortilla or pancake in the air.",
"A man cooking some type of bread using a very big wok.",
"A man is holding a large skillet in his hands, flipping a pancake before returning the skillet to the fire.",
"A man is using a big pan to flip a tortilla over.",
"A man repeatedly flips tortillas in a skillet while a dog barks.",
"A man making some sort of food out of a tortilla.",
"A man shakes a large pa and then flips the food that is inside of the pan.",
"A man flips a flat piece of bread on a wide pan.",
"The cook flips the dough in the large skillet while the boy looks on and the dog loudly barks"
] | 2CzJd_Cn9HU_000002_000012 |
"A sled driven by canines goes through a snowy region.",
"a man is riding a dog sled around a hill while looking at the mountain.",
"A person is filming their ride on a dog sled on a snowy road.",
"A man is riding in a sleigh being pulled by dogs.",
"A sled is being pulled by a dog team along a trail through a forest.",
"A person rides a sled pulled by dogs down a snowy trail.",
"On a snow covered moutain, someone behind the camera films being pulled by sled.",
"A person is showing off the snowey scenery as they are pulled by sled dogs.",
"A group of sled dogs pulling a sled on snow with mountains and trees around.",
"A person on a sled is pulled by a team of sled dogs through the snow."
] | KI0vZfYcBJM_000042_000052 |
"A man rubs his hands together and makes an evil face.",
"A man is talking about taxes and a radio host is mocking him in the background.",
"Two men gleefully discuss a topic while performing on a television or radio broadcast.",
"A man is making funny voices while another is talking about children and taxes.",
"A news cast with two men talking and making strange sounds to each other.",
"Famous youtubers Stefan Molyneux and Alex Jones are ranting and raving as per usual.",
"a man is talking while another is man is talking and laughing.",
"Alex Jones makes strange sounds at a video of a man speaking",
"a guy on a radio show is talking about politician wanting to raise taxes for children's sake.",
"An Infowars segment with Alex Jones and a guest complaining about raising taxes"
] | w4zkomVJ5lo_000000_000010 |
"A woman has her upper back massaged by another woman who is speaking a foreign language.",
"A massage therapist is massaging a client while narrating.",
"A person is getting the back of thier neck massaged.",
"A woman massages the neck and upper back of another woman.",
"A woman is sitting down while another person is gently rubbing her neck and back area",
"A person is getting a back massage around the neck.",
"Someone is showing how to give a good neck rub.",
"Shoulder massages are being given by what it looks like a massage therapist.",
"A person is giving a massage and narrating as she does so.",
"A doctor massages a person's back, pointing and talking about different parts of the neck and spine."
] | lhdTVB8HhEM_000111_000121 |
"A person is using some pieces of paper and throwing them towards a pole to cut the cucumber sitting on top of it",
"A man is throwing playing cards at a pickle on spike.",
"A young man throws playing cards at a cucumber mounted on a spike in a restaurant and manages to cut the tip off as five other people watch.",
"A guy with black jacket is throwing cards to cucumber to slice it while others are watching and recording",
"A man throws playing cards at a cucumber then the man cuts the cucumber in half with one of the cards.",
"Someone is firing playing cards using a flick technique at an upright cucumber before a card eventually slices it.",
"A man is holding some cards and is trying to slice a cucumber with it.",
"A group of men are standing in front of table that has a cucumber on a rod and a man is throwing playing cards at the cucumber and slices a piece off of it.",
"A man throws playing cards at a cucumber until one slices through it.",
"a man slices a standing cucumber by throwing something at it."
] | eTNavIci-sY_000000_000010 |
"A girls Volleyball team gets into position as someone prepares to serve the ball.",
"Girls on a volleyball team playing volleyball in a gym.",
"A volleyball game is in progress and the server hits the ball but it doesn't go over the net.",
"2 teams of girls playing a game of volleyball in a school gym.",
"A girl serves a ball on the gymnasium court in a volleyball game.",
"a person tries to hit a ball over the net in a volleyball game",
"Girls are at a school gym playing volleyball in teams.",
"A volleyball player bounces the ball and prepares to serve, but fails.",
"A girls volleyball game is shown as one girl serves the ball.",
"In a school gym, a girls' volleyball team prepares to spike the ball."
] | f5ahf8XwzSw_000008_000018 |
"A couple of men are in the field playing soccer",
"Two guys prepare to demonstrate a soccer play to others who are watching.",
"a man is talking about what he is going to do while another man is kicking a soccer ball.",
"Two men in yellow shirts and black shorts demonstrating soccer techniques.",
"Two men on a field are about to show some soccer moves.",
"A man is bouncing a soccer ball on his knees in front of an audience while another man talks to him.",
"Two men stand in front of a group of kids and demonstrate soccer moves.",
"Two players in yellow shirts and black shorts demonstrate soccer.",
"Two men in yellow shirt and black shorts are giving instructions for soccer to boys sitting in a field.",
"Two soccer players talk to a group of children in a field."
] | kBAI99LSGh4_000002_000012 |
"A boy is beatboxing into a microphone, then shuts off the camera.",
"A young boy is making noises with his mouth and a microphone.",
"Kid standing in a room holding a microphone to his mouth while beat boxing.",
"A young boy uses a microphone to sound out rhythmic noises with his mouth.",
"A young boy is beat boxing into a microphone making sounds then a female walks behind him and he stops.",
"A black boy is making sound effects with a microphone.",
"A young boy beatboxes into a microphone while a woman walks across the screen behind him.",
"An Indian boy takes a mic and makes puffing noises into it.",
"A little boy is beat boxing into a mic that he holds by his mouth.",
"A young boy makes funny, rap type, sounds with his voice into a microphone."
] | o0GY7LBP8Mo_000085_000095 |
"A woman successfully performs a squat clean and split jerk.",
"A woman is lifting a heavy barbell from starting to finishing position.",
"Young woman is putting a weight bar over her head with a barbel on each end.",
"A woman attempts to lift a heavey dumb bell above her head",
"A girl lifts a bar with weights to her chest and then over her head.",
"a woman at a gym showing proper form for weight lifting",
"A woman lifts a large barbell off the floor before hefting it over her head.",
"A girl in a gym lifts a barbell with weights over her head.",
"A woman in a gym lifting a barbell of weights over her head.",
"A young woman is in a gym, overhead lifting a heavy weighted barbell."
] | KgQ7p-NBkpg_000001_000011 |
"A young boy rides his bike over a ramp in a wooded area.",
"A kid is riding on his bike and jumping over a ramp.",
"a boy on a bicycle fliming his jump over a piece of wood.",
"Someone rides a bicycle downhill, takes it over a ramp, and jumps through the air.",
"A person riding a bike jumps a ramp in the woods.",
"A kid is riding a motorcycle down a hill and he jumps a ramp and yells.",
"A person is riding a bicycle over a ramp on a dirt trail.",
"Oustide a boy is riding a bicyle over a ramp in a wooded area.",
"A man rides a bike over a small jump in a wooded area",
"A person rides a bicycle over a ramp and successfully lands on a leafy surface."
] | tNIRrN6F9oY_000031_000041 |
"A toddler is helping a man to use a powered screw driver.",
"Holding a small child, a person uses a lighted power drill to secure a screw.",
"A little boy is being held up to drill a screw into a ceiling fixture.",
"A dad and young son, the dad is showing his son how to use a drill while the son holds on to the drill with his dad.",
"a young boy pushes the trigger on a hand drill as an adult holds the object being attatched",
"A man lets his kid hold the power drill while they put a screw back into a vent",
"A baby has a drill and is drilling into the ceiling.",
"A young boy help his dad use a drill to screw in a screw to a ceiling vent",
"A male is screwing something into the wall while a male baby attempts to help by listening to instructions from the male.",
"A man talks as he helps a young boy push a mechanical drill into an object."
] | G2QeOjiL-0k_000000_000010 |
"A woman is riding a mechanical bull in a bar with a crown watching.",
"A woman rides a mechanical bull inside a room with one hand up in the air.",
"A woman is riding a mechanical bull as she holds on with one hand and the other is in the air.",
"A woman is riding a mechanical bull as it spins around.",
"At a bar, a woman rides a mechanical bull in front of a crowd.",
"A woman is sitting on a bull in a rodeo and people are watching.",
"A woman rides on a mechanical bull, holding on with one arm.",
"A young woman is in a building riding fast on a mechanical bull",
"A young lady riding a mechanical bull with a crowd of people watching.",
"A woman is laughing on a horse ride in the middle of a bar."
] | lDzMjYuO4ZI_000000_000010 |
"Footage of a group of people on skis: standing still and slowly moving down a slope.",
"A group of people snowboard and ski on a ski slope.",
"Snowboarder and skiier riding down the side of a mountain covered in snow.",
"A group of people are outside having fun on a snowy slope.",
"a group of young men snowboarding down a mountain slope",
"Several different people are shown in the snow wearing ski goggles in various positions.",
"A person brushes something off camera lens and then a man is towed uphill using his ski pole, stands at top of hill, a girls sits in snow, and another girl stands on ski slope.",
"A few different people wear ski equipment in the snow.",
"Young adults ski down a mountain in the snow.",
"A person going skiing with other people with the main person records"
] | adzb1ZOcGvY_000000_000010 |
"A bartender pours a beer into a tall glass and gives it to a patron.",
"Two people are a at a bar, the bartender pours a beer for the other person.",
"As words play on screen showing steps, a bartender demonstrates pouring a beer.",
"A person pours beer from a bottle into a glass then sets the glass on a bar",
"A man standing behind a bar demonstrates the correct way to pour a beer.",
"A bar tender demonstrates how to properly pour beer so that the glass is filled correctly.",
"Instructions on how to correctly pour a glass of beer with the right ratios.",
"At a bar, a barman pours a bottled beer into a glass and it is showing how to do this correctly.",
"A bartender is putting beer in a glass and there is music in the background.",
"A demonstration along with Instructions are given for pouring a fizzy alcoholic beverage correctly into a tall glass."
] | erEYdmjlyDk_000021_000031 |
"A man plays the drums while a small child laughs and plays along.",
"A man plays on a drum set while his young toddler attempts to play along too.",
"A young boy and an adult both play the drums together inside of a room.",
"A little boy toddler helps a man play on his drum set.",
"A man is sitting at a drumset and playing the drums while a little boy, standing next to him, is also trying to play the drums.",
"A young boy and a man are playing out a beat on a drum set at the same time.",
"A child and a man play the drums and then the child stops playing the drums.",
"A man and a little boy are playing drums together.",
"a grown up man is playing the drums while a baby is next to him.",
"A man is playing a set of drums and a small child is using two sticks to pretend."
] | gFrDoXYeg_Y_000052_000062 |
"A couple of young men are in a pool with one swimming the breast stroke while the other watches.",
"A child swims breaststroke in a swimming pool while an adult watches closely",
"A boy is practicing swimming as another boy is standing in the water with him.",
"A kid is practicing his swimming in the pool as an instructor watches.",
"A person is swimming across a pool as another person watches.",
"A boy is learning how to swim in a swimming pool with a float and goggles.",
"A person is swimming in a pool while another person watches closely.",
"two people are standing in the pool and one is swimming.",
"A boy does swims the butterfly stroke as a man watches outside the pool",
"A young child is swimming in a pool as an adult supervises."
] | 3aFO0xRgwjY_000000_000010 |
"A person places a couple of sliced potatoes inside a pot with boiling oil and other sliced potatoes and she is moving them with a spatula.",
"A person places thin slices into a pot with oil to cook stirring them with a spoon",
"A person is frying slices of potatoe that are very thin.",
"A woman demonstrates how to fry potatoes to make chips on a stove top",
"Slices of potatoes and boiled in a metal pan and stirred with a spatula.",
"Thinly cut potatoes are placed in boiling oil and cooked.",
"A person frying slices of potato in a pot, moving them around.",
"A woman pours potatoes into a pan of oil to make potato chips.",
"A woman demonstrates cooking in a language that is not English",
"A woman displays her skill of frying potato slices to make homemade chips"
] | Ik_rwv6Rpkk_000069_000079 |
"A boy jump ropes with a really small jump rope.",
"A man is skipping using a robe made of liquorice while another man stands next to him and exicitedly cheers him on.",
"A young man jumps rope with a rope made out of licorice while his friends cheer him on.",
"A teenage boy jumps rope with a rope made of licorice.",
"A boy jumps with a small rope made of licorice while a friend cheers him on.",
"A man is using a small jump rope with a candy while other people are looking on and talking.",
"A young boy begins to jump rope as another boy is heard saying it is a mini jump rope made with licorice.",
"A young man bends over and jumps rope while another boy jumps up and down pumping his arms",
"A young man crouches down and jumps rope as another person watches him.",
"a person in blue stands on a basketball court holding something"
] | gIZfTUnE1VY_000000_000010 |
"A woman opens her mouth and a parrot is on her shoulders.",
"A bird sits on a person shoulder while it mimics a person opening and closing their mouth.",
"A person is laughing at a bird that is on their shoulder.",
"A person giggles while a small bird stands on their shoulder.",
"A girl with large teeth is smiling and playing with a parrot",
"Someone is smiling whilst opening and closing their mouth, while a parrot bird mimics.",
"A bird sits on a person's shoulder and makes some motions to the person's face, while the person laughs",
"A person wearing glasses is opening their mouth and allowing a parakeet to peck at it",
"A person is sitting down with a bird on their shoulder, he is using his mouth to blow air at him.",
"A parrot is sitting on the shoulder of her owner as the owner yawns."
] | ZtL5iAyyOA0_000000_000010 |
"A boy makes clicking noises and squints at the camera.",
"A small boy sitting in a chair next to a table makes popping noises with his mouth.",
"A young boy is making noises with his mouth while sitting down.",
"A little boy is sitting at a table and talking about something to someone.",
"A young boy making clicking and clocking sounds with his mouth.",
"A young boy sits at a table making noises with his mouth.",
"A young boy is making different noises with his mouth.",
"A young boy make various clicking noises with his mouth as he sits at a dining table.",
"A young boy half closes his eyes and makes various noises with his mouth.",
"A kid at a table makes various clicking noises with his mouth."
] | ANI0sV82L1g_000013_000023 |
"a woman in apron is getting the whites out of an egg.",
"A woman wearing an apron pours an egg out into a green bowl.",
"The woman is transferring water from one container to another in her home.",
"A woman wearing an apron is pouring out the contents of a chicken egg.",
"A woman makes a tutorial on how she seperates the egg whites from yolk on a green plate",
"A person pouring an egg white into a green bowl directly from the egg.",
"A woman in a kitchen demonstrates how to separate the white from the yolk of an egg",
"A woman is seen removing the white of an egg into a bowl.",
"A woman drains an egg into a bowl through a hole in the top of the egg.",
"A woman drains the whites out of a cracked egg into a bowl."
] | _f_LhZafBEs_000041_000051 |
"A person holding a rubix cube that is lit up and trying to solve it.",
"A lighted up rubix cube is being held by a man.",
"A person is holding a glow in the dark Rubik's Cube in their hands.",
"An individual holding a puzzle cube lit by LEDs in the dark with rock music in the background.",
"The man is intensely trying to figure out the cube game he is playing.",
"a person holding up a light up rubix cube in their hands",
"A person is being filmed while playing with a digital Rubik cube.",
"Inside of a dark bar with country music playing in the background, a person playes with a digital color cub toy to win the game.",
"A person is showing off a glow in the dark rubix cube.",
"A person plays with an illuminated Rubik's cube while blues guitar plays."
] | 1A1dMsgGCZI_000062_000072 |
"A woman smokes from a pipe and blows several smoke rings.",
"In a house a girl is wearing headphones and blows smoke out of her mouth.",
"A girl wearing headphones exhales smoke and makes smoke rings.",
"A girl with headphones is hitting a vape pipe and blowing out smoke.",
"A boy wearing headphones inhales and blows clouds of smoke, then a smoke-ring.",
"A person is staring while smoking something and then blows the smoke to the front.",
"A young woman is sitting while having on headphone and is smoking",
"A woman is sitting down and smoking, She is blowing smoke and making circles out of it.",
"A girl with headphones sits in front of the camera, smokes and then blows smoke into the camera.",
"A girl takes a long drag of a hookah pipe and blows the smoke out slowly."
] | 83ifrji71ds_000065_000075 |
"a person was doing some recipe with the dough and some stir something on the pan",
"In the kitchen a woman is preparing dough on a counter.",
"A woman is making different foods including a knotted bread and homemade granola.",
"A person prepares a twisted dough for baking as a man talks about granola that Susie makes.",
"A person twists some bread dough as a man describes it and also some granola.",
"A woman braids challa bread and her handmade granola is show.",
"A person is braiding a piece of dough to get it ready for baking.",
"Woman braiding strips of dough into a loaf shape, then shows homemade granola.",
"A person is making a braided bread and granola bars.",
"Home made granola is being prepared to be baked"
] | elad6vOMAFY_000076_000086 |
"A baby shaking it's head no after somebody touches him on the face.",
"A baby is laying down and an adult is saying \"tell daddy no\", she tickles the baby's neck and the baby shakes its head \"no\".",
"A baby is laying down, someone rubs their forefinger on its cheek, it turns its head left and right.",
"A little baby with yellow top on is laying down and shaking its head to say no.",
"A hand grazes the cheek of an infant while a woman talks to it.",
"The baby is shaking it's head side to side, as a woman speaks enthusiastically to the baby.",
"A woman talks to her child as the infant wriggles around.",
"A baby smiles and shakes its head as a person speaks and touches the baby's face.",
"A baby shakes their head while lying on their back.",
"A young baby and his mom as they are talking and he nods his head"
] | CAQ1X0ObODw_000031_000041 |
"A commercial is showing how a man cleans the wooden floor.",
"A company that cleans hardwood floors are advertising their services.",
"Dust falls on to a man, then snow is shown, followed by a machine.",
"A commercial for a company that cleans and leaves hardwood floors dust free.",
"A man is using a dust machine to clean a persons wooden floor.",
"A man sands wooden floors with an industrial vacuum sander.",
"Someone is advertising a machine that sands a wood floor.",
"Commercial about restoring hardwood floors in Spanish and the company.",
"A man operates a walk behind floor sander on a hardwood floor.",
"A company advertises their hardwood floor finishing service."
] | XkM820TdELw_000009_000019 |
"A man demonstrates how to use a giant folding bike.",
"A young man demonstrates how to unfold and ride a folding bike.",
"A man is building a bicycle then gets on it and rides away.",
"A man talks about and show how to ride an adjustable bike.",
"A man talks about the benefit of a bike and then a man unfolds a bike, gets on it and rides away.",
"A man explains some things about a bicycle and then rides it outside, while another female narrator describes some more details",
"A gentlemen was talking about bicycle that is offered in bike and fitness shops.",
"A man unfolds a bike and then begins to ride it.",
"One man with sunglasses speaks to an interviewer, then another man is shown getting a bike ready to ride",
"Bikes are being showcased and spoken of on video by a man and woman."
] | 51v-7Xxpy30_000066_000076 |
"A young man, who is standing, is playing a song on an accordion.",
"A man videotapes himself playing a song on an accordion.",
"Man plays accordion, one hand presses on keyboard, the other hand presses buttons, and one arm contracts and expands the bellows.",
"A man plays an accordian by pressing curled fingers on keys while pulling and pushing the bellows.",
"A middle aged man is playing a song on a black accordion.",
"A man dressed in a blue shirt is playing a black and white keyboard instrument.",
"An older man is playing a lively tune on an accordion.",
"A man playing a nice accordion very loud and fast.",
"A man is playing an accordion, and he is pressing the buttons on one side and the piano keys on the other side.",
"A man plays a catchy song on his black accordion."
] | nBcXiJ77s9A_000112_000122 |
"In a noisy desert, two guys ride a very brightly dressed camel, who is led by another guy, while Indian music blares over a loudspeaker.",
"A man is leading a camel with two men on the back of the camel.",
"Two men are riding a decorated camel that is being led by another man.",
"A man is guiding a camel carrying two men on the back.",
"A group of people are outside in a dessert, a man is riding on top of a camel.",
"two men are riding a tall camel and the owner leads the animal.",
"People in an exotic country are riding a camel as Indian music plays in the background.",
"A man was leading a camel which had two men sitting on it",
"Two people riding a very decorated camel are led by a man.",
"With music playing in the background, two men are atop a camel while the camel is led."
] | W8Bgh2Htyic_000032_000042 |
"A man is giving instructions to a youngster in a soon to find thing while warning the curious child to stay away from the vines.",
"A man and a young boy are using digital equipment to find something.",
"A young person is shown in the snowy woods while a man talks to them.",
"A man instructs a boy who is using an electronic device to find something in snow covered woods.",
"A group of children outdoors with their parents as he warns them about trees and the snow",
"a little boy standing outside in the snow touching branches",
"a man and a boy is using a gadget to find something in the snow.",
"A group of people are outside in the snow and they talk to each other.",
"A man is telling someone to be careful for vines while they are in a snowy forest.",
"A child is using a handheld GPS device in the woods to find the way while the Dad is recommending to avoid anything that looks like vines."
] | GA8gdQNe970_000000_000010 |
"A man with a torn up shirt walks thru a bunch of stuff that seems to be smoking or steaming in front of others.",
"A man is seen covered in mud as we walks in front of a large crowd outside.",
"A crowd of people are standing and walking in thinck mud.",
"Loud music plays over a crowd and a man walks across muddy ground.",
"A group of people are standing and walking in the mud.",
"A group of people sloshing around in the mud, with odd music in the background.",
"A bunch of people are standing around and a man is walking and there is music.",
"A person stumbles around in a pit of mud next to many spectators.",
"A group of people gather around for music in a muddy area.",
"A boy is walking across a muddy yard while a crowd of people stand around."
] | flRXVqRBBj4_000000_000010 |
"A man is riding on a segway across a yard.",
"A man rides a large mechanical lawn mower across some grass.",
"A man is standing on and driving motorized vehicle as he cuts the grass.",
"a man is riding a standup two wheel bicycle with a trainer in the back around his neighborhood.",
"A man is pulling a lawnmower behind a two wheeled electric vehicle while cutting a lawn.",
"A man is riding on a segway with a lawn mower attached to it.",
"A man rides a segway with a lawn mower attached across the grass.",
"A man rides a segway scooter that appears to be pulling a grass-cutting device.",
"A person is riding a device and mowing the lawn with it.",
] | Sq82j_WAYTg_000000_000010 |
"People are watching two teams of men play hockey in a venue.",
"A commentator talks while teams play hockey, there are several different hockey snippets.",
"A woman discusses a hockey game as the team begins a match and people cheer.",
"The crowd cheers as a ice hockey team plays on the ice.",
"Two teams of children play in an ice hockey game.",
"A ice hockey game going on a announcer tells what is happening",
"A group of people are playing hockey together while being viewed by an audience.",
"Hockey players are speaking to the refs, followed by a face-off in the game while a foreign announcer narrates.",
"People are playing ice hockey with a crowd looking on.",
"a hockey team in orange are playing a hockey game."
] | -TEOy1zxMtc_000141_000151 |
"A man and a small child are having fun shaking their heads back and forth.",
"A little toddler is sitting at a table with a book wiggling happy in the chair.",
"A abby was shaking his head and playing with his dad and repeat what he does",
"A baby is sitting on a highchair at a restaurant shaking his head from side to side.",
"A baby is seated at a table, shaking his head back and forth.",
"A toddler boy seated at a table shakes his head at the man next to him, then continues to sporadically shake his head.",
"Asian baby reacts to father by shaking head in a happy manner.",
"A man shakes his head at an infant, and the infant mimics him.",
"A young child in a yellow outfit happily shakes his head back and forth.",
"A toddler has a book open in front of him, but is looking at the older kids and shaking his head."
] | Aaa-ORaBqPY_000008_000018 |
"Two kids showing how to bat a baseball in a back yard.",
"Two young kids talk about baseball while demonstrating different parts of the game.",
"Two young boys are demonstrating batting techniques with the use of a bat and ball.",
"Two boys are talking and demonstrating how to hit a baseball.",
"Two boys playing games and one boy throw ball and another boy batting.",
"A couple of boys show how to play baseball the right and tell it in steps.",
"One boy has a bat and another boy throws a ball and the boy with the bat ducks.",
"Two children are making a video about baseball, one using the bat wrong.",
"two boys are playing baseball and boy swings twice and misses.",
"A boy holding a baseball bat had a ball thrown at him but he dodged it"
] | 6seWeY6-BYE_000000_000010 |
"Several children are chasing after one another having to run over small walls and maneuver around different obstacles in doing so.",
"The boys are jumping over walls as they run in a wooded place.",
"A group of boys are running, jumping, and laughing around plants.",
"A group of young kids run though a wooded area and than out around buildings yelling.",
"Young boys jump over walls and play in the garden during recess.",
"A bunch of kids run through a plaza, jumping over short walls along the way.",
"Boys are running on flower beds and the walkways outside.",
"Children run and play in a garden, leaping over low walls.",
"Kids are laughing while chasing each other through yards with trees and low concrete fences.",
"Four young boys running outside and jumping over multiple short brick walls."
] | nAgCJOqlD4Q_000029_000039 |
"A man wearing a winter coat demonstrates how to shovel snow from a residential driveway.",
"A man is explaining and demonstrating outside in the snow how not to shovel snow to prevent throwing out your back.",
"A man is shoveling snow off of the road, he is giving a tutorial on the best way to do so as well.",
"A man demonstrates the improper way to twist while shoveling snow which could lead to back injury.",
"A man is shoveling snow from a drive way while talking about technique.",
"A guy is talking while shoveling snow from a driveway.",
"A guy with black jacket, black trousers and black cap and gloves is showing how to cleaning snow without hurting back",
"A man with a shovel is shoveling snow on a driveway and demonstrating the wrong way to do it.",
"A man was shoveling the snow off the road to a side",
"A man shovels snow off of a driveway with a snow shovel."
] | p02Yk79hTVc_000031_000041 |
"A group of people are hiking down a canyon into a cave.",
"In a forest, two explorers decend down into the entrance of a cavern.",
"A group of people are hiking across rocks and through a cave.",
"A group of people wearing helmets are walking towards a cave.",
"Several people are seen wearing hard hats as they begin to enter a cave.",
"A group of people are exploring some type of cavern and wearing helmets.",
"A couple of people are hiking through a rugged trail.",
"three young adults are trekking and walking towards the cave",
"A man walks around a giant cavern before his team walks in front of him.",
"a group of young people are wearing safety helmets and exploring the cave."
] | dZyuSPDUWFs_000194_000204 |
"A girl sings to herself while looking through a cell phone.",
"A young girl talks while she is typing on her phone.",
"A girl is talking to herself while texting on a mobile phone.",
"A young girl is holding and looking at a cellphone with both of her hands.",
"A young kid is singing a song while they type a message on the phone.",
"A young girl in orange is using a phone.",
"A girl talks while holding a cell phone close to her face and typing on it.",
"A young girl sings a song while she is texting.",
"a girl in an orange jacket is texting someone on a smart phone.",
"A young girl has a phone in front of her face and is texting while speaking the text slowly out loud."
] | ZL73Rek4-ds_000838_000848 |
"Actors in a musical sing and dance on stage.",
"A group of people are performing a dance choreography onstage.",
"A group of people are dancing on a stage, a man lifts a woman and spins her over his shoulder, she lands on her feet.",
"A group of performers on stage dancing, and singing and the women has the guy pick her up and do a back flip.",
"A group of people are on stage dancing and singing.",
"A group of dancer were on stage performing and throwing each other up",
"A group of people on stage dancing and enjoying themselves.",
"On a stage a group of people perform a dance while music plays.",
"A group of people are on stage singing and dancing to music.",
"Men and women are dancing on stage before an audience of people."
] | WbZfzxttBgw_000010_000020 |
"A group of people start to spin around as a man almost falls and the woman pushes him",
"A man with his two feet on a single ski is flipping around and doing a 360 and then a woman pushes him",
"A young boy does a trick on his ski and another boy knocks him down.",
"A person does a jump with a full turn on a single ski in the snow.",
"A man is on one ski and performing some tricks while others watch.",
"A boy is playing around on one ski in the snow while others watch.",
"Three boys on skis standing outside when one does a trick and another boy pushes him down.",
"Three boys are playing in the snow with their skis on.",
"A boy on a single ski jumps and spins 360 degrees and lands but another boy skis past and knocks him over, and then repeats the spin",
"A group of boys skiing, while one twirls with his skis."
] | Eh8Sp1zX6P4_000000_000010 |
"A girl sits at a table as she demonstrates how to knit.",
"A girl uses tiny knitting needles as she knits a small item.",
"The girl is demonstrating how to knit in this project that she is just starting.",
"A girl is using two toothpicks to knit a heart.",
"A girl seated at a table demonstrates how to knit using knitting needles.",
"Woman sitting at a table showing how to knit using yarn.",
"A girl is instructing on how to make something with a needle and thread.",
"A young lady is crocheting something small using toothpicks and yarn.",
"A girl knits a stitch on her knitting then stops to examine it",
"A young girl with bangs is knitting and sitting down at a table."
] | FmNGI94OgKI_000105_000115 |
"a man balancing himself on a line hung by trees",
"A man standing on a tightrope as he does tricks and tries not to fall off",
"Man bouncing and balancing on a rope in an outdoor field.",
"A man is on a tight rope and is trying to balance on it",
"A guy does jump tricks on a tightrope and then holds his balance.",
"a man in on a tight rope jumping on it and balancing on it.",
"A guy is doing different types of tricks on a rope.",
"A man is jumping on a large rubber band tied on two trees.",
"A man sits and bounces on a tightrope before bouncing into a standing position.",
"A man is balancing on a rope with his whole body and jumping on it in a park"
] | -kW-oTaMdoc_000038_000048 |
"Two little kids one wearing a helmet are playing a game of throwing rocks onto the ground",
"Two boys pick up clods of soil outside, and throw them onto a pathway",
"Two young children are on a sidewalk and are throwing rocks ahead of them.",
"Two little boys are tossing rocks down a sidewalk and one of them says that is good.",
"Two young boys are playing with rocks on a cement sidewalk",
"Two children near bikes are in a park throwing some mulch while an adult speaks to them.",
"A young boy and girl throw down rocks to play hop scotch",
"A little boy and girls throw rocks on a sidewalk at a park.",
"A little boy and a little girl play a game together.",
"On a sidewalk in a park, two young children are playing hopscotch."
] | 7r6ZYQFgvDo_000022_000032 |
"A little boy was sitting on the floor folding paper.",
"A boy sitting on the floor hold paper plane and then was folding another paper",
"A young boy gives instructions on how to make a paper airplane.",
"A person showing how to properly fold a paper airplane.",
"A boy with a blue shirt folds a piece of paper on the carpet.",
"Boy showing how to fold a piece of paper to make a paper airplane with music playing.",
"A little boy sits on a carpet and folds paper towels.",
"A young boy is sitting on the floor folding a piece of paper.",
"A boy is sitting on the floor and is showing how to fold a paper airplane.",
"A boy demonstrates in spanish how to make a paper airplane."
] | Dl7BFJLfpOM_000001_000011 |
"A baby trying to creep across a blanket but falling down.",
"a baby is crawling around on the living room floor",
"a small baby crawls over a flat surface and falls to the side",
"A young baby is crawling on the carpet heading towards a little basketball.",
"A little kids crawls along the floor as it talks and cries.",
"A baby is crawling on the floor, trying to get to a basketball.",
"A baby is crawling and trying to reach a basketball, after the baby reaches it, it is pushed by the baby and is beyond reach.",
"A baby is on the floor crawling trying to reach a basketball.",
"A baby is crawling on the ground while a TV plays something in a foreign language in the background.",
"A baby crawls on the floor and tries to reach for the basketball."
] | a1jJDWuE8qE_000010_000020 |
"A man in blue shorts is doing the moonwalk in a room.",
"A young man hidden behind a plant moonwalks across the floor.",
"A boy in a living room was taking a moon walk dance step backward",
"The boy is in a very nice room moon walking.",
"A man with a black hat dances backwards on a wood floor.",
"A young man moon walks across a living room floor and then turns and walks away.",
"A boy smoothly moonwalks across a wood floor in socks.",
"A person wearing socks practices a moonwalk on a wood floor.",
"In a large room, a man does a backslide on a wooden floor.",
"A young man is demonstrating how to do the moonwalk."
] | b87OVWCgRr8_000007_000017 |
"A woman is doing a stretch and showing the hip flexors.",
"A woman is giving instructions on how and she has her knee down to the floor while holding onto a bar.",
"A dancer explains the proper way to do stretches in a dance studio.",
"A woman does a lunge in a studio in front of a mirror while giving instructions.",
"A woman is holding onto a bar in front of a mirror, while discussing the leg stretching exercise she is doing.",
"A woman in front of a mirror is showing how to stretch her legs safely.",
"Woman leaning forward against a wall at a dance studio stretching her leg.",
"A woman is in a fitness room performing an exercise while giving instructions on how to do it.",
"A woman is showing how to properly stretch while also talking about why she is doing so.",
"A woman is in the lunge position, holding onto a bar, in front of a large mirror in a room."
] | VEBSRN1xxFs_000036_000046 |
"Cutout cookies in various shapes have been placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.",
"There are several cut out sugar cookies sitting on a table.",
"On a plate of cut-out cookies with Christmas shapes the camera lingers on a phallic cookie.",
"cookies dough made into shapes of various things are arranged on a tray ready for baking",
"there are multiple cookies in different shapes and sizes that are laid out on a tray",
"Someone is showing there Christmas unbaked cookie dough on a cookie sheet.",
"Cookie cut out shapes are shown laying on a cookie sheet.",
"Cookies cut into different shapes are shown on paper while music plays.",
"A person is filming some uniquely shaped cookie dough on a pan.",
"Several cookies are laid out on a pan in different shapes."
] | -a6hXJKS6WU_000352_000362 |
"A man is laying across a bed holding money and as the man counts it, the money is set on the bed.",
"A guy is posted on a bed counting some money.",
"A man is laying in a bed counting money while talking.",
"A man is counting money while lying on a bed.",
"A young man counts money while lying on a bed, then smiles at the laughing woman off-camera.",
"A young man laying on a bed counting cash money out loud.",
"A man lounging on a bed counts out bills from a stack of cash.",
"A man is counting money in stacks on a bed.",
"A young man rests on a bed while counting money.",
"A young man counts his money as he lays in the bed and laughs."
] | Ej7jxkHZmoQ_000024_000034 |
"In a car that is not moving, a steering wheel is turned.",
"Person driving a car through a parking lot by moving the whell backand fourth.",
"A person is driving a car by rotating the steering left to the right and vice versa",
"Man turning the steering wheel of a car rapidly while driving through a parking lot.",
"A person was steering the wheels of a car while the car was on a spot",
"a person sits inside of a car and turns the wheel while they are outdoors",
"A person driving moves the steering wheel from side to side as they are turning the vehicle.",
"A steering wheel turns left to right and then in a full circle to the left.",
"An automobile is being operated with a person turning the steering wheel.",
"A steering wheel is being turned in a close-up view."
] | IDq6KU8CLHc_000000_000010 |
"A man is explaining and demonstrating how to tie a specific knot.",
"A man is demonstrating how to properly tie the rope.",
"A person is using a piece of rope and showing how to properly tie it and make a loop",
"Someone is showing how to tie some kind of knot with their hands.",
"A man is using a rope to show how to do a three wrap with it.",
"A person layers rope and then they tie a knot with the rope.",
"A man is tying a green and white cord into a knot.",
"A man is using a rope and showing how to make three wraps.",
"A man demonstrates how to tie a special knot using a piece of rope.",
"A man is demostrating a unique procedure on wrapping ropes."
] | l9tvjA4L1eY_000041_000051 |
"A man is laying down while another person is pulling off a waxing strip off their belly",
"A man is laying on the tile floor and a person with a glove on is ripping a way strip off the man's stomach.",
"People are waxing an overweight man's hairy stomach and he is in pain.",
"A man in a black top is having his stomach waxed while several other people watch.",
"A man with a hairy belly is laying down as someone rips the hair off of him with a wax pad.",
"A man is screaming in pain while someone pulls a wax strip off his belly.",
"Man laying on his back having hair waxed off his stomach.",
"A person removes hair from a man's stomach with a wax strip.",
"A man laying down on a bed as they put wax on his stomach then rip it off as he yelps",
"An overweight man screams out in pain as a group of friends pull off a wax strip from his stomach."
] | TnqJZTacl_k_000032_000042 |
"A young man makes musical beat sounds with his hands and mouth.",
"A boy is cupping his hands around his mouth as he beat boxes making a rhythmic sound.",
"A man is beatboxing while sitting at a table in a room.",
"A young boy is shown beat boxing with his hand over his mouth.",
"A young man is making sounds by putting his mouth up to his cupped hands and blowing puffs of air through them.",
"A seated boy plays a harmonica in a dimly lit room",
"A young man makes a beat with his lips and his hands on his face.",
"a boy is beatboxing with his hands over his mouth.",
"a kid making beat box noises with his mouth and covering with his hand.",
"A boy is beat bopping into his hands in his house."
] | M7hUtbTZil0_000013_000023 |
"Three women dancing ackwardly together in a darkly lit apartment at night.",
"A group of three girls dance side to side together.",
"Several young woman are doing the same dance as music is playing.",
"Three women are dancing around a room and going left to right.",
"Three women stand next to each other and dance while moving around.",
"Three ladies are dancing inside the dark room with dim light .",
"Three women are dancing from side to side to a popular song in front of windows.",
"Three women are performing steps together and they are moving from one corner to the other",
"Three ladies, in a residence, are dancing together to music.",
"Three teen girls jump around and dance to music in a darkened room."
] | -S7s8fqYspc_000017_000027 |
"A girl throws snowballs at a boy who eventually gets up and runs away.",
"A young woman sitting in the snow throws snowballs at a young man who stands up and runs away",
"A young boy and girl outside throwing snowballs and the boy gets up and runs.",
"A woman is throwing snow at a man before he gets up and walks to the camera.",
"A boy and a girl are sitting in the snow across from each other, the girl is throwing snowballs at the boy, till the boy gets up and runs aways, as the girl continues to throw snowballs at him.",
"A young woman throws multiple snow balls at a young man, and he runs away.",
"A girl is throwing snowballs at another boy as they sit in the snow.",
"A young woman and a young man are sitting on opposite sides and the woman is throwing snowballs to the man",
"A teenage girl in a blue jacket is throwing snowballs at a teenage boy.",
"A young woman sits on the ground in the snow and hurls snowballs at a young man who gets up and runs away."
] | gZQQGSOrCOQ_000070_000080 |
"A boy with black top and black cap on is dancing with music in his living room.",
"A young man wearing a black shirt is dancing to music in a living room.",
"In a dark room a person wearing hat and, dancing with the song.",
"And man wearing a hat is standing in the living room and showing off his dance moves",
"A boy is performing a dance in a front room with a sofa behind him and in dimmed lighting.",
"A person is standing up doing a dance to some music.",
"The young boy is dancing and playing around in the living room.",
"A boy dances jerkily in the lounge then starts to walk away",
"A person listens to music and dances several different moves and than quiets.",
"A person does a dance in their living room infront of a large sectional couch."
] | MaDzsTkqRRc_000152_000162 |
"A young woman reports the news on TV about a local fire.",
"A news caster woman is sitting at her desk telling the news",
"A female newscaster stands at a laptop and a monitor and delivers news.",
"A beautiful woman stands in front of a laptop while talking about a news story.",
"Female news reporter describing a breaking news story she is reading off her computer.",
"A lady is standing in front of a desk with a laptop and giving the news.",
"A news presenter with a laptop in front of her is reading out the news to listeners.",
"Reporter with long blonde hair, narrates an event from a studio.",
"A newscaster stands in front of a computer to report on some breaking news.",
"A woman newscaster is discussing a local grass fire that someone had called in to the local tv channel to announce it and warn people living in the area."
] | OA9yiISzGkg_000002_000012 |
"A man uses a sharp to bend and crush a piece of metal into place.",
"A man is making something with two different parts and a tool.",
"A man hitting a stone with another small knife to try to carve it while breaking it",
"Someone working a piece of stone to make an arrow head.",
"A man using a tool and a piece of leather to put holes in metal.",
"A man is piercing something together in his lap with a tool.",
"A man presses a metal tool against a flat piece of rock.",
"A man is punching holes into what looks like leather.",
"A man is seated holding a small item in his left hand and uses a tool in his right hand to continue crafting it."
] | CjIZKO7szKw_000000_000010 |
"In a gymnasium two kids hold hands and then begin dancing to a country song.",
"In basketball court one man and woman are dancing together.",
"In a gym a boy and girl are dancing to country music.",
"A fat man and a woman are dancing inside a gym while music is playing.",
"A man and woman are shown dancing in a gymnasium while a woman's voice counts.",
"A guy and a girl are practicing dance moves on a gymnasium floor and twirl.",
"Two teenagers are practicing country dancing in a gymnasium",
"A woman and a man practicing dancing on a basketball court.",
"A couple practices a basic dance move in a gym together.",
"A girl and a guy are in a gym doing a dance together."
] | IbqdfAm8llI_000000_000010 |
"A young man does a back flip outside in a yard.",
"A teenage boy is standing on grass then does a back flip and starts talking to someone in the background.",
"A young man shows a leap backward, which he does with great skill.",
"A boy sets up and then does a back flip before beginning to tell how he does it.",
"A boy does a back flip outdoors and begins to explain how.",
"A young man does a back flip in a yard and then speaks.",
"A young guy is standing in a grassy field then he jumps and do a flip",
"The guy in the blue shirt does a flip and then starts to talk on how to do a flip.",
"A boy stands in a grassy area and successfully does a blackflip",
"A teenager standing on a lawn shows about to perform a back flip."
] | rkGoOORhnk8_000081_000091 |
"A man is creating a beautiful looking oil based painting.",
"A person is painting very carefully with a small tipped paintbrush.",
"A man is using a brush to do some art by painting in a careful manner.",
"A person is using a brush to blend a picture.",
"A person is working on a painting adding brown paint color to various areas.",
"A person carefully applies pain to a canvas.",
"A person uses a small brush to makes marks on a canvas.",
"A person adds details to a painting with a small brush.",
"A person is using a fine tip brush to carefully paint a picture",
"A close up of a paint brush and a person's hand painting a canvas."
] | _kQxazaUhMk_000001_000011 |
"A person sitting on the floor Indian style is wrapping a gift at hyper speed.",
"A fast speed motion of a person wrapping up a package and tapping it.",
"A person sitting on a carpet wraps a gift with paper and scissors.",
"A person gift wrapping and tagging boxes at an accelerated speed.",
"A person is wrapping various packages using brown wrapping paper and string.",
"In fast motion, a person sits on a floor and wraps some boxes with brown paper and string",
"A person is sitting on a carpeted floor wrapping boxes with brown wrapping paper and tying them with string.",
"A young person seated on the floor while wrapping gift boxes using manila papers",
"A person shows how to wrap different size packages using brown paper.",
"A person wraps a present and then wraps the present with twine."
] | 6GMwAeVcJCg_000183_000193 |
"A lady in a white skirt and green helmet tries to ride a skateboard.",
"A woman is wearing a helmet and protective gear to ride a skateboard.",
"A woman is seen attempting to move on a skateboard and then a boy takes over the board.",
"A woman in a skirt trying to skateboard and then a boy skateboarding quickly.",
"A lady in a white skirt stands on a skateboard, then gets off and a little boy skateboards down the neighborhood street.",
"A woman starts to ride a skateboard but doesn't then a kid starts riding it around the cul de sac.",
"A woman wearing a helmet is struggling to balance on the skate board while her little son is skating without a problem.",
"A lady who is in safety gear tries to skateboard for the first time.",
"A woman and a child ride skateboards in the street.",
"A lady is trying to learn how to skateboard, while a little boy gets the hang of it."
] | 9rZnxQ4A5k4_000379_000389 |
"This commercial for teeth whitening gum shows a man blinding people with his blindingly white teeth.",
"A man counts and then a man and woman flash their teeth.",
"A teeth whitening commercial advertisement featuring a man and a lady who show their teeth and scream in wide smiles.",
"A gum commercial with a man with a bright smile and an exotic woman.",
"An Indian advertisement for a tooth whitening product demonstrated by a man with a grimace on his face.",
"A man is using his bright smile as a flash to take photos because he chewed gum",
"A cameraman takes photos of a woman, using a man's brilliant smile as a flash, in a toothpaste commercial.",
"A man behind a camera counts to three with his fingers then another man smiles and his teeth flash on a woman, and this is repeated.",
"a man sitting in a dark room smiling and a woman smiling",
"A man looks at a person and smiles and the flash comes form his mouth"
] | vF-igHO_mX0_000031_000041 |
"In a room a bunch of people are singing out loud and dancing to the music together",
"A bunch of people are together in a room and dancing and jumping up and down.",
"A man yells while other people bounce and dance around the room.",
"Adults and children are dancing and screaming to very loud church choir music.",
"A group of people are dancing in a few areas of a large building.",
"People are dancing and singing in a church it is being recorded.",
"People jumping up and down and screaming at a church event.",
"People are in a room dancing to happy music and having fun.",
"In a large room people are dancing and jumping around as music is playing.",
"Adults and children at a church dancing to gospel music."
] | 27dTQ9bkJ0M_000056_000066 |