stringlengths 19
Orbital Inflammatory Disease.
Idiopathic orbital inflammatory syndrome (IOIS) is a diagnosis of exclusion, requiring an evaluation to rule out other causes of orbital disease. Orbital MRI is the test of choice, but serologic studies are necessary to exclude a systemic etiology. Biopsy is usually not indicated at presentation, as the risk of causing damage to vital structures within the orbit outweighs the benefits. Patients unresponsive to therapy or those with multiple recurrences should be biopsied. The first-line treatment is corticosteroids, which may be tapered over several months. Although data is limited, radiotherapy is indicated for patients who fail to respond to steroids, or who have a rapidly progressive course. For those patients who are refractory to both corticosteroids and radiotherapy, anecdotal reports have supported the use of chemotherapeutic agents such as cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and cyclosporine. |
Firewall Builder
Copyright (C) 2002-2011 NetCitadel, LLC
Author: Vadim Kurland vadim@fwbuilder.org
This program is free software which we release under the GNU General Public
License. You may redistribute and/or modify this program under the terms
of that license as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
To get a copy of the GNU General Public License, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "splitByNetworkZonesForRE.h"
#include "Helper.h"
#include "fwbuilder/Resources.h"
#include "fwbuilder/FWObjectDatabase.h"
#include "fwbuilder/RuleSet.h"
#include "fwbuilder/Interface.h"
#include "fwcompiler/Compiler.h"
using namespace libfwbuilder;
using namespace fwcompiler;
using namespace std;
* create new rule and associate it with given interface. If we
* already have a rule associated with it, then just add Address to
* the rule element of that existing rule.
void splitByNetworkZonesForRE::AddToInterface(
int interface_id, Address *addr, Rule *rule)
Rule *new_rule;
RuleElement *new_re;
new_rule = rules[interface_id];
if (new_rule==nullptr)
new_rule = Rule::cast(compiler->dbcopy->create(rule->getTypeName()));
rules[interface_id] = new_rule;
new_re = RuleElement::cast(new_rule->getFirstByType(re_type));
new_re = RuleElement::cast(new_rule->getFirstByType(re_type));
new_re->addRef( addr );
bool splitByNetworkZonesForRE::processNext()
Helper helper(compiler);
Rule *rule = prev_processor->getNextRule(); if (rule==nullptr) return false;
RuleElement *re = RuleElement::cast(rule->getFirstByType(re_type));
if (re->size()==1)
return true;
std::list<FWObject*> cl;
for (list<FWObject*>::iterator i1=re->begin(); i1!=re->end(); ++i1)
Address *a = Address::cast(FWReference::getObject(*i1));
int interface_id = helper.findInterfaceByNetzone(a);
AddToInterface(interface_id, a, rule);
} catch (string err)
// could not find interface with netzone to match address 'a'
// will assign rule to all interfaces. Act as if all interfaces
// had network zone 'any' and each matches this address.
// issue warning only if platform uses netwrk zones.
bool supports_network_zones =
compiler->fw->getStr("platform"), "network_zones");
if (supports_network_zones)
compiler->warning(rule, err);
FWObjectTypedChildIterator i =
for ( ; i!=i.end(); ++i)
Interface *ifs = Interface::cast(*i);
AddToInterface(ifs->getId(), a, rule);
for (std::map<int,Rule*>::iterator i=rules.begin();
i!=rules.end(); ++i)
return true;
Python md5 hashes of same gzipped file are inconsistent
I am trying to zip a file using the python module gzip, and then hash the gzipped filed using hashlib. I have the following code:
import hashlib
import gzip
f_name = 'read_x.fastq'
for x in range(0,3):
file = open(f_name, 'rb')
myzip = gzip.open('test.gz', 'wb', compresslevel=1)
n = 100000000
print 'zipping ' + str(x)
for chunk in iter(lambda: file.read(n), ''):
md5 = hashlib.md5()
print 'hashing ' + str(x)
with open('test.gz', 'r') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(n), ''):
print md5.hexdigest()
print '\n'
which I thought should simply zip the file, hash it and display the same output hash three times in a row. However, the output I get is:
zipping 0
hashing 0
zipping 1
hashing 1
zipping 2
hashing 2
If I leave out the gzip step, and just hash the same gzipped file three times in a row, I do indeed get the same output three times:
hashing 0
hashing 1
hashing 2
Can anyone explain what is going on here? The issue must be that the gzip process is different each time. But as far as I knew, the DEFLATE algorithm is Huffman coding followed by LZ77 (a form of run-length-encoding) or LZ77 followed by Huffman, and therefore given identical input should produce identical output.
There are several reasons why compressing the exact same content will produce different gzip outputs:
compression level. This you can control via the compress level parameter.
The name of the original file which is in the header. This you can control if you use the gzip.GzipFile api rather than the gzip.open api.
The modification time which is also in the header and can also be controlled with the gzip.GzipFile api.
So here is a piece of code that demonstrated the wrong and the right way to get reproducible output from python gzip:
import hashlib
import gzip
f_name = '/etc/passwd'
output_template = '/tmp/test{}.gz'
def digest(filename: str) -> str:
md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(output_filename, 'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''):
return md5.hexdigest()
print("The default way - non identical outputs")
for x in range(0,3):
input_handle = open(f_name, 'rb')
output_filename = output_template.format(x)
myzip = gzip.open(output_filename, 'wb')
block_size = 4096
for chunk in iter(lambda: input_handle.read(block_size), b''):
print("The right way to get identical outputs")
for x in range(3,6):
input_handle = open(f_name, 'rb')
output_filename = output_template.format(x)
myzip = gzip.GzipFile(
filename='', # do not emit filename into the output gzip file
fileobj=open(output_filename, 'wb'),
block_size = 4096
for chunk in iter(lambda: input_handle.read(block_size), b''):
MVC 404 Errors - Still New
So, I'm getting a 404 error on my current MVC project on submit. I'm new to MVC, so I'm likely doing something exceptionally stupid. Here's the relevant code...
<%@ Page Title="Pies" Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" MasterPageFile="~/site.master" %>
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<h1>Oh Boy Pies</h1>
<p>Tell us about the pies!</p>
<form action="Process" method="post">
<div class="inputdiv">
<span class="spaced">Name:</span>
<%= Html.TextBox("name") %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("name", "*") %>
And the relevant handler is...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Ajax;
namespace tabdemo.Controllers
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index ()
ViewData ["Message"] = "Demo!";
return View ();
public ActionResult Process (FormCollection form)
Response.Write (form ["name"]);
Response.End ();
return Redirect ("Index.aspx");
Also, can people explain how this would be implemented using TextBoxFor, for example? I've seen examples of it, but I don't understand it at all.
edit: Here's the masterpage
<%@ Master Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="head" runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server">
it should be return RedirectToAction("Index"). MVC does not use PAGES, instead relies on Controller to route the request.
Controllers return the View, or Redirect to another Controller, which renders the view.
And yes, the action method was incorrect(just saw)
<form action="/Home/Process" method="post">
<div class="inputdiv">
<span class="spaced">Name:</span>
<%= Html.TextBox("name") %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("name", "*") %>
Instacart (YC S12) wants to be Amazon with 1 hour delivery - apoorvamehta
I'd love to have this service at home, so I'm (selfishly) hoping Instacart
becomes hugely successful!
That said, I can't help but wonder whether the company will find a business
model with sustainable economics. A lot of really smart people have tried and
failed to accomplish this sort of thing before. For example, Amazon invested
$60 million in Kozmo.com back in the late 90's, and they couldn't make it
work. (Kozmo.com ended up raising a quarter billion dollars before shutting
The main challenge is that same-day, point-to-point delivery is very expensive
-- a complex problem. (Most delivery systems in use today rely on some kind of
hub-and-spoke design.) Perhaps the wide adoption of smart phones will make
point-to-point delivery economically viable for Instacart -- e.g., by giving
the company cost-effective access to underused delivery vehicles as needed to
satisfy the ebbs and flows of consumer demand.
I'm curious to see if and how Instacart can pull it off.
[1] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kozmo.com#History>
While I agree that a lot of smart people have tried this before (Kozmo.com,
WebVan, etc), I believe that there are significant differences in the approach
that we are taking.
Specifically, Kozmo.com was founded in an era where you could IPO without
having profits. Having that mentality from day one allowed them to make huge
concessions to users such as give them free delivery on everything, and not
have a minimum order. For example, you could pay $1.50 for a gum on Kozmo and
get it delivered to you within an hour. WebVan, on the other hand spend $1B on
building it's own warehouses and fulfillment infrastructure.
Learning from those companies, we have done a lot of things differently. For
starters, there is a minimum order of $10. There is a delivery fee of $3.99
for 3 hours and $9.99 for 1 hour. (Would you not pay $4 for someone to do all
your groceries?) And, we do not hold any inventory - all of it is sourced
directly from local retailers.
It is also important to mention that the time that we live in is very
different. People are a lot more comfortable adding their credit card
information on web/mobile. Not to mention, the access to smart phones that
people have gives customers the ability to shop from anywhere - office, couch,
next to the fridge.
We believe we are different from the companies that have tried this in the
past. And, we hope we are live in your hometown very soon.
(edits to follow)
apoorvamehta: thank you for your prompt, articulate response.
The logistical challenges look daunting to me. My recollection is that the
problem of coordinating and optimizing deliveries in such a point-to-point
system with time constraints is NP-hard (I could be wrong about this, but
that's my recollection). Then one has to deal with all sorts of real-world
problems like order-fulfillment errors and substitutions (intentional and
otherwise), constant shrinkage of merchandise, etc.
Obviously there's some price at which the service can be profitable, but I'm
not sure it's $4. (Consider that the former CTO of Kozmo, Chris Siragusa, has
been running a one-hour, point-to-point $3 delivery service for a number of
years, MaxDelivery.com, but he has kept the service restricted to a relatively
small, dense area in lower Manhattan, making the economics worthwhile.)
In any case, I sure hope you're right!
cs702, your recollection is correct. Last mile logistics is a hard problem.
Not to mention, order-fulfillment errors and substitutions do happen. However,
we believe these are solvable. It comes down to two things - one is proper
training of the drivers and using technology as much as possible to eliminate
chances of errors.
That is too high level. Let me explain more clearly for one specific case of
order substitution. Since we are focusing on a niche (groceries), our system
has already calculated the substitutes of items. We know how to substitute a
Store Brand Ketchup to Heinz IF needed.
A lot of what I know about logistics is from my time at Amazon Supply Chain,
where I dealt specifically with the challenge of fulfilling packages to the
customer from AMZN FCs (aka warehouses). And, at Instacart we believe we can
have the same efficiencies IF we model the stores in a city just like AMZN
modeled warehouses across the world.
> And, at Instacart we believe we can have the same efficiencies IF we model
> the stores in a city just like AMZN modeled warehouses across the world.
My supply chain experience comes almost entirely from third-party shipping
(somewhat) similar to this. In my opinion it's considerably harder and more
problematic than dealing with your own fulfillment centers. You give up a lot
of control.
There's a whole slew of problems: * Integration with other people's systems,
which are often horribly dysfunctional, require manual intervention (such as
re-keying), and can't give you the data you need (e.g. stock levels) * The
fact that you have to rely on staff that don't work for you, and either don't
care about you, or in some cases deliberately sabotage your orders * You're
often relying on a vendor who is also a direct-competitor in this or other
I think a good model is Seamless. They act as the middleman just as you do,
however it's the restaurant's name you see, rate, and attach reputation to.
This gives them the incentive to provide good service. If you're shielding
your vendors from the effects of providing bad service, then there's less
incentive to provide good service.
I think it's an interesting problem to solve. Though here in NYC we're spoiled
by a large range of next-day options; I personally use services such as Fresh
Direct, Amazon (Prime and "Shop 'n Save"), Soap, and USQ Wines.
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out against Amazon's push into
same-day delivery. Amazon is setting up local distribution centers of their
own. Instacart is using existing distribution centers (i.e. retail stores).
Both companies need to figure out how to best deliver items locally. This is a
big logistical challenge (but luckily it's well researched). In addition,
Amazon needs to predict demand locally and ship items to a local distribution
center. Instacart can leverage existing supply chains but has to pay a premium
for it. If Instacart is willing to operate at a loss for a while, they might
actually have an advantage over Amazon and can fully focus on getting the
local delivery part of the equation right.
Very exciting stuff and congrats on the launch!
Disclaimer: I met Apoorva a few weeks ago and have been happily using the
service since. I'm extremely impressed by how he managed to do all of this
essentially alone and can't wait to see what's next.
Edit: typos
The techcrunch article title is misleading - they don't want to be Amazon;
they're not maintaining warehouses (which may prevent them from crashing like
Webvan). They're effectively delivery people that you hire to bring you
products from local stores, which is a _very_ different market.
Regardless, there are a lot of dead companies that litter the path for a
product like this. I'd be surprised if Instacart succeeds.
This is the most useful service i discovered i recent months. period. I
seriously recommend this to anyone in SF. I dont remember the last time i went
shopping for groceries. It already saved me tons of hours and money. no-
disclaimer: my company is in the same YC batch and I know Apoorva personally
and was happy to get early access to service.
I love that the website doesn't shoehorn me into a crappy mobile version when
I load it, but what happens now is that I get a picture of an iPhone and
apparently nothing else—it's not at all intuitive for me to think to scroll
horizontally to find the content of the web page, especially with the hidden-
by-default scroll bars on the iPhone. To clarify, the horizontal scroll bar
that appeared when scrolling vertically while "looking for the rest of the
page" was hidden by a thumb for me. I only barely thought to check horizontal
scrolling before giving up on the page as somehow broken on my iPhone.
Deatil of what I see (on the left) vs what I probably should see (on the
right, after zooming manually):
fixed now. thanks for the heads up :)
If they were to do alcohol delivery this could be really big. Even if they
charge more for it (say $20) it's going to be extremely popular.
I've ordered alcohol with the app...
This gets even better and it will save tons of money when I can create a bag,
save it, then simply press one button to re-order.
Coming up in the next iteration (i.e. in a day or two) :)
It's a great idea, in theory. But who's the target market? Wealthy
professionals have a wife to bring them stuff or have personal assistants
(hard to believe in the world of dual income households, but I have friends
that do just this). Young, less wealthy professionals just go pick up the
items themselves or have friends pick them up for them. College kids aren't
going to pay for such a service, they enjoy taking a break from studying to go
pick up something. And yes, I know, I'm sure there are stay at home husbands
that do errands for their wealthy professional wives, I just don't know of
Grocery shopping for the lazy AND impatient? Yes please.
I have been using past few week while it was in Alpha and I got say, its my
favorite service for drink runs like sodas/juices/liquors. Def going to become
a regular user. Gonna be following with much interest.
Also, to add to the conversation.It all about timing, right? Now with Amazon
being as big as it is and we see companies like Rewinery, Exec, Postmates
smashing into this on-demand local delivery space. The time seems ideal for a
company like Instacart. I do miss WebVan though.
Monday I was having a conversation with a coworker about the looming major
showdown between Amazon and Walmart. My take was Walmart should offer
_exactly_ this, allowing them to leverage their massive supply chain and
warehouses in every city with more than 5000 people (aka "The Walmart").
Awesome to see a startup rising to the challenge.
Wasn't there a documentary about this somewhere back in the day that came to
define the dot-com bubble?
The documentary was talking about Kozmo.com, which had several issues in their
business model including no minimum order size or delivery fees.
I've been using instacart a lot lately and it's awesome. I really think this
is going to big.
How can they make money delivering for $9.99? I guess the item prices are
jacked up a little.
Sounds nice. I know some people have been using Exec (YC W12) to do this, but
instacart is much cheaper. The only thing that takes all the excitement for me
is that it does not have a android version OR a web one....
This looks great. Today I'm sick WFH and could really use some meds delivered.
I signed up for an invite... what is the process/wait time like? I may have to
try something else if I'll need to wait too long.
Unfortunately for you I would expect medicine to be something they won't
deliver. Alcohol, too.
I was thinking more like cough drops and advil, not prescriptions... would
those still be outside the acceptable list of things to deliver?
I ordered Advil through instacart. Really saved me.
Have you looked at the financials of this? 10$ for 1 hr delivery means that
either the carrier is paid less than that hourly(and I guess at least 20% less
than that) or he is supposed to deliver more than 1 package per hour.
Considering transportation costs and idle time, I am not sure this will work
smoothly. It will work if there is a list of carriers ready to drop what they
are doing to go buy groceries and make some money. Basically, it will work in
cities with lots and lots of students...
Doesn't Amazon plan to be Amazon with 1 hour delivery?
same day is different than 1 hour. not to mention, you cannot order
perishables from Amazon.
Only available in Seattle.
This kind of seems like a rip off of Postmates' "Get It Now", no?
Kozmo.com of the new era bubble.
This will be interesting.
Peapod but faster?
Kozmo.com, but with a saner business model.
I remember Kozmo.com! The big difference now: Smartphones
I can barely get a pizza delivered in an hour, and they've been doing that
since the 1970s (I guess, I have no idea when pizza delivery started). Do I
have to worry about Instacart maniacs driving like banshees on the road?
This feels like a specialized TaskRabbit kind of thing (like what they tried
to do with the $10 delivery for In-N-Out anywhere in SF). Could be workable if
there's enough customers.
If something is located within an hour of me I could just drive and get it, or
use a local delivery service. I use the internet to buy extra weird stuff that
I can't get locally.
Groceries+short delivery window... sounds like webvan ;-P
Love the idea.. Possibilities around POS data and Nielsen like services are
obvious extensions.. Good luck!!
Better than Peapod and Kozmo, the time for such a service is definitely now in
the mobile driven world.
Are you guys limiting the invites? I'd love to check it out but haven't
received my invite yet.
Congrats Apoorva! Glad to see us 08 Elecs trying to change the world for the
Who delivers? Is this a P2P marketplace (like Taskrabbit, etc?)?
Looking forward to giving this a try. Best of luck!
This is a brilliant idea. Hard, but worth doing.
I truly want this on my city, and I guess a lot of people are thinking the
same, so the model has a lot of potential!
Milkplease (refused by YC) is more promising and we are trying to be faster
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<h3 id="html">HTML Structure</h3>
<p>The template is based on bootstrap library, please read more about bootstrap here: <a href="http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/" target="_blank">http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/</a>
To edit the template, a very basic knowledge in dealing with bootstrap is required.
<p>The Html file can be edited in any text editor, best example is Adobe Dreamweaver.
<p>Hostio template structure is based on bootstrap layout, the page is separated in rows, every row created like the following figure:
<img src="assets/images/doc.jpg">
<p>The template is arranged in sections, each section(div) has an id, Ex: "mainNav", "top-content", "pricing", ...etc</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> for the WHMCS, the same layout can be found in "header.tpl".</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div id="top-content" class="container-fluid">
<div id="info" class="container-fluid">
<div id="features" class="container-fluid">
<div id="pricing" class="container-fluid">
<div id="apps" class="container-fluid">
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<div id="footer" class="container-fluid">
<h3 id="css">CSS</h3>
<p>There are four CSS files in the template. First is "bootstrap.min.css", used for layout — originally in bootstrap, the other files are "font-awesome.min.css", "slick.css" and "style.css" is used for style customisation, where the texts, colors, backgrounds and font styles can be changed.</p>
We arrange the styles according to the order of the tags in the html.
<pre class="prettyprint">/*------------------------------------------------------------------
[Table of contents]
1. General Styles.
2. Header Section Styles.
3. Top Content Section Styles.
4. Info Section Styles
5. Features Section Styles.
6. Pricing Section Styles.
7. Apps Section Styles.
8. Testimonials Section Styles.
9. More Features Section Styles.
10. Get Started Section Styles.
11. Footer Section Styles.
12. Inner Pages Styles.
13. Responsive Styles.
<h3 id="javascript">JavaScript</h3>
<p>This template imports six Javascript files.</p>
<li>"jquery.min.js": jQuery is a Javascript library that greatly reduces the amount of code that you must write.</li>
<li>"bootstrap.min.js": Bootstrap is the most popular Javascript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.</li>
<li>"paper-full.min.js": Is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas.</li>
<li>"slick.min.js": slick is a responsive carousel jQuery plugin that supports multiple breakpoints, CSS3 transitions, touch events/swiping & much more!</li>
<li>"metaball.js": the animation file.</li>
<li>"main.js": Our custom javascript code.</li>
<h3 id="theme">Switch the Style</h3>
<p>To switch the style to the other style, simply add this code to the head of the page after all styles links as follow:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/blue-grey.css"></pre>
<p>To be look like this:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/slick.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/blue-grey.css"></pre>
<p>For the WHMCS, add this code to the "head.tpl" file in the "includes" folder.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<link href="{$WEB_ROOT}/templates/{$template}/css/blue-grey.css" rel="stylesheet"></pre>
<p>And this should be look like the following code:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<link href="{$WEB_ROOT}/templates/{$template}/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{$WEB_ROOT}/templates/{$template}/css/styles-modified.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{$WEB_ROOT}/templates/{$template}/css/slick.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{$WEB_ROOT}/templates/{$template}/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="{$WEB_ROOT}/templates/{$template}/css/blue-grey.css" rel="stylesheet"></pre>
<h3 id="logo">Logo</h3>
<p>To change the logo, replace the img src="" with the logo url, consider that the dimentions of the logo must be width: 194 px × height: 34px.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint"><img class="logo" src="images/logo.png" alt="Hostino"></pre>
<h3 id="menu">Menu</h3>
<p>To change the menu links, simply edit this code.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li class="dropdown">
<a href="pages.html">Pages <span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="about.html">About us</a></li>
<li><a href="webhosting.html">Web hosting plans</a></li>
<li><a href="domain.html">Domain names</a></li>
<li><a href="blog.html">Blog</a></li>
<li><a href="support.html">Support portal</a></li>
<li><a href="contact.html">Contact us</a></li>
<li><a class="signin-button" href="signin.html">Sign in</a></li>
<li><a class="chat-button" href="#">Chat now</a></li>
<p>Add a link to "Chat now" button, by replacing the # in href="#" </p>
<pre class="prettyprint"><li><a class="chat-button" href="#">Chat now</a></li></pre>
<h3 id="top-content">Top Content</h3>
<p>There are three slides in the top of the home page, every slide has "title" attribute, the title value will shown as slide title, to change it simply edit the following code:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div id="main-slider">
<div class="slide domainsearch-slide" title="Welcome !">
<div class="slide info-slide1" title="Features">
<div class="slide info-slide2" title="Get started">
<p>Each slide has simple content, the first one has domain search input with some text, the text can be edited by modifying the following code:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="b-title">Find a personal or professional domain<br>
that stands out.</div></pre>
<p>And the other slides has image, text and button. You can edit it easily as follow:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="image-holder"><img src="images/main-slide-img1.png" alt="" /></div>
<div class="text-holder">Take your career to the next level<br>
Get your website today.</div>
<div class="button-holder"><a href="signup.html" class="blue-button">Sign up now</a></div></pre>
<h3 id="icons-text">Icons & text</h3>
<p>This way of the layout is repeated in many different places in the template and can be edited easily as follow:</p>
<p>You can change the icon, title and details text by editing this code for each one.</p>
<p>You can use FontAwesome icons. Assume you needed twitter icon. To do that, replace this "fa fa-star" with this "fa fa-twitter".</p>
<p>To relplace the icon with an image, replace this code <i class="fa fa-star"> with this <img src="image/image.png" width"60" height="60" /> and modify the src="" with the image url.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="mfeature-box">
<div class="mfeature-icon">
<div class="icon-bg"><img src="images/clouds-light.png" alt="" /></div>
<i class="fa fa-star"></i>
<div class="mfeature-title">Uptime 100%. Guaranteed.</div>
<div class="mfeature-details">Mauris at libero sed justo pretium maximus ac non ex. Donec sit amet ultrices dolo.</div>
<p>Make sure to repeat the same modifications in this code as well.</p>
<h3 id="pricing">Pricing tables</h3>
<p>Every Pricing table start with this code. In the code there is class "pr-color1", this class is changing the main color of the table, there are three colors to use, "pr-color1", "pr-color2", "pr-color3".</p>
<pre class="prettyprint"><div class="pricing-box pr-color1"></pre>
<p>You can add "Recommended" icon at the top of the table by adding "recommended" class next to other classes as follow.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint"><div class="pricing-box pr-color1 recommended"></pre>
<p>This code is for the pricing table in "index.html","webhosting.html" pages. The title, price and the details can be changed easily </p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="pricing-box pr-color1">
<div class="pricing-title" title="Starter">Starter</div>
<div class="pricing-box-body">
<div class="pricing-amount">
<div class="price">
<span class="currency">$</span><span class="amount">8.3</span>
<div class="duration">monthly</div>
<div class="pricing-details">
<li>Storage — 10 GB</li>
<li>Bandwidth ( Traffic ) — 15 GB</li>
<li>Domain name — Free!</li>
<li>Ram — 128 MB</li>
<li>Subdomains — 10 GB</li>
<li>Sharing data</li>
<li>Unlimited Email Account</li>
<li class="not-supported">Support 24/7</li>
<li class="not-supported">One Click Install</li>
<li class="not-supported">Private SSL & IP</li>
<li class="not-supported">Free VoIP Phone Service</li>
<div class="pricing-button"><a href="#" class="pricing-button">Buy now</a></div>
<p>In the list items, the items that labeled as not supported will have class name "not-supported".</p>
<p>In WHMCS template, you will be using this list code when you add the ordering list, to be looks like the Html template exactly.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<li>Storage — 10 GB</li>
<li>Bandwidth ( Traffic ) — 15 GB</li>
<li>Domain name — Free!</li>
<li>Ram — 128 MB</li>
<li>Subdomains — 10 GB</li>
<li>Sharing data</li>
<li>Unlimited Email Account</li>
<li class="not-supported">Support 24/7</li>
<li class="not-supported">One Click Install</li>
<li class="not-supported">Private SSL & IP</li>
<li class="not-supported">Free VoIP Phone Service</li>
<h3 id="apps">Apps Icons & text</h3>
<p>To change the image logo in the apps section, replace the src="" url of the img tag with your url.</p>
<p>Also the app title can be changed in the same code as follow:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="app-icon-holder app-icon-holder1 opened" data-id="1">
<div class="app-icon"><img src="images/wordpress.png" alt="wordpress"></div>
<div class="app-title">Wordpress</div>
<p>And for the details, you have to modify the following code:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="app-details1 show-details">
<div class="app-title">Wordpress Hosting</div>
<div class="app-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</div>
<p>Make sure to repeat the same modifications in this code as well.</p>
<h3 id="testimonials">Testimonials</h3>
<p>If you want to add a testimonial, duplicate this code and modify it with your data.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="details-holder">
<img class="photo" src="images/person1.jpg" alt="">
<h4>Chris Walker</h4>
<h5>CEO & CO-Founder @HelloBrandio</h5>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris egestas non ante non consequat. Aenean accumsan eros vel elit tristique, non sodales nunc luctus. Etiam vitae odio eget orci finibus auctor ut eget magna.</p>
<h3 id="photo-slider">Photo slider</h3>
<p>To change any photo slider in the template, look at the following code:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="photo-slider">
<div><img src="images/photo1.jpg" alt=""></div>
<div><img src="images/photo2.jpg" alt=""></div>
<div><img src="images/photo3.jpg" alt=""></div>
<p>You can add, remove or replace any photo by replacing the src="" url.</p>
<h3 id="address">Footer - address & social</h3>
<p>To edit the address in the footer, simply change the information in this code.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="address-holder">
<div class="phone"><i class="fa fa-phone"></i> 00 285 900 38502</div>
<div class="email"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i> hello@hostino.io</div>
<div class="address">
<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>
<div>Bahrain, Manama<br>
Road 398, Block 125<br>
The City Avenue<br>
Office 38, floor 3</div>
<p>To put a url to the social media icons, replace the # with your url.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint">
<div class="col-xs-2"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a></div>
<div class="col-xs-2"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a></div>
<div class="col-xs-2"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-youtube-play"></i></a></div>
<div class="col-xs-2"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-behance"></i></a></div>
<div class="col-xs-2"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-dribbble"></i></a></div>
<div class="col-xs-2"><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-pinterest-p"></i></a></div></pre>
<h3 id="whmcs">WHMCS Theme Installation</h3>
<li>Copy "hostino" folder to WHMCS templates folder.</li>
<li>Copy "hostino_cart" and "standard_cart" folders to WHMCS templates/orderforms folder.</li>
<li>On your WHMCS admin panel go to Setup > General Settings, choose the template "Hostino" and save changes.</li>
<li>Go to Setup > General Settings then Ordering Tab, choose "Hostino Cart" and save changes.</li>
<p>Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this template. We'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template. No guarantees, but We'll do our best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on ThemeForest, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.</p>
<div id="footer" class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="brandio-logo-holder">
<img src="assets/images/brandio.png" alt="Brandio">
<div class="doc-info">
<div><b>Created:</b> 12/3/2017</div>
<div><b>By:</b> Brandio</div>
<div><b>Support:</b> faisal@brandio.io</div>
<a id="back-to-top" href="#header"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
<script src="assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
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<script src="assets/js/prettify.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/main.js"></script>
require 'mxx_ru/cpp'
MxxRu::Cpp::exe_target {
required_prj "so_5/prj.rb"
target "_test.bench.so_5.parallel_parent_child"
cpp_source "main.cpp"
Margaret MacAdam, Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, gives a background to integrated care in Canada, and explains how the PRISMA integrated service delivery model has helped to improve the health, empowerment, and satisfaction of frail older people in the community.
The 2012 Care co-ordination conference shared practical lessons from the front line to help delegates understand how to better co-ordinate care services, and disseminated the lessons from our research on care co-ordination for people with complex chronic conditions. |
User account menu
Kitten Rescue Activist Hannah Shaw Has Viral Social Media Following With 'Kitten Lady'
Posted by Rebecca West on November 10, 2017
Hannah Shaw, the Kitten Lady (image via Kitten Lady FB)
Orphaned kittens have a hero in Hannah Shaw, aka the Kitten Lady. Through her tireless efforts, Shaw, "a kitten rescuer, humane educator and unwavering animal advocate who has dedicated her life to finding innovative ways to protect animals," has amassed a viral social media following that's helping to change the way the tiniest felines are treated and viewed globally.
Kitten Lady Inc.
Along with her partner Andrew Marttila, the two have created an organization known as Kitten Lady Inc, which the dynamic duo also operate. It provides rescue and adoption services to orphaned kittens in the Washington DC area.
Shaw has become so successful in her calling that she's been featured in such publications as People and Cosmo, she's been a guest expert on Animal Planet's My Cat from Hell, and this year she was awarded the Advocate of the Year award by CatCon Worldwide. She's a busy lady.
While all of her hard work has helped to make a name for her, it's her social media presence that's facilitated her rescue efforts to go viral. Her Instagram account, @kittenlady, has attracted a whopping 529k followers, and the pictures she posts make it easy to understand why. But the account's popularity isn't just about adorable images of fluffy kittens — they are undeniably cute, though.
Her social media popularity is also about the content she posts, like with her Kitten Lady Facebook page, where she has well over 200,000 followers and provides updates on global situations concerning her cause, opinion pieces that prove she's not afraid to sound off when she feels it's warranted, and information regarding feline health and adoptions.
Yup, video plays a large part in getting Shaw's message out, too. That's why she started her own YouTube channel. Viewers that tune in can find fun and instructional videos covering a myriad of topics there such as how to safely feed a newborn or care for a paralyzed kitten.
Kitten Lady Workshops
Like all this isn't enough to keep her busy full-time, the "neonatal kitten warrior" also conducts workshops, like the one that's coming up on November 19 in New York City discussing how to save the lives of kittens, which is being held at the Meow Parlour, NYC's cat cafe.
For more information about this event, or if you're interested in attending one of her other events, you can check out dates and availability at KittenLady.org/events. |
Stathmin is involved in arsenic trioxide-induced apoptosis in human cervical cancer cell lines via PI3K linked signal pathway.
Although the mechanisms of arsenic trioxide (As2O3)-induced apoptosis have been elucidated extensively in hematologic cancers, those in solid tumors have yet to be clearly defined. In the present study, we show that As2O3 triggers apoptosis through the intrinsic pathway and significantly downregulates stathmin expression. Decreased stathmin expression is necessary for the dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential (Δ ψm), the translocation of cytochrome C from the mitochondria to the cytosol, and subsequent cell death. Overexpression of wild type stathmin effectively delays As2O3-mediated mitochondrial events. Conversely, expression of a small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting stathmin enhances As2O3-triggered apoptosis in cell culture and in mouse models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that As2O3-induced stathmin downregulation is mediated through the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway, and that a PI3K inhibitor effectively attenuated stathmin downregulation and cell apoptosis upon As2O3-treatment. These data support a stathmin-dependent pathway of As2O3-mediated cell death in solid tumor cells, and indicate that stathmin is a target of the PI3K/Akt pathway in cervical cancer cells. All these results may provide a rationale for improving the efficacy of As2O3 as a therapeutic agent through combination treatment with stathmin inhibition or PI3K/Akt inhibitors. |
Urban Eola
UE take :: Independent movies have recently been much better than the major studio movies. Some people think they are always better than major productions. The arduous, corporate, and excessively expensive process that major studios have to go through before even filming a movie is not conducive to maximum artistic and creative value.
Take a tip and look up a local film festival in your area (they go on more often than you think) and attend it. You will get a much different and often times better feel than after leaving a 100 million dollar film. |
* Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Project SkyFire <http://www.projectskyfire.org/>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2019 TrinityCore <http://www.trinitycore.org/>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2019 ScriptDev2 <https://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2/>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* ScriptData
SDName: Boss_Razorgore
SD%Complete: 50
SDComment: Needs additional review. Phase 1 NYI (Grethok the Controller)
SDCategory: Blackwing Lair
EndScriptData */
#include "ScriptPCH.h"
//Razorgore Phase 2 Script
enum Say
SAY_EGGS_BROKEN1 = -1469022,
SAY_EGGS_BROKEN2 = -1469023,
SAY_EGGS_BROKEN3 = -1469024,
SAY_DEATH = -1469025
enum Spells
class boss_razorgore : public CreatureScript
boss_razorgore() : CreatureScript("boss_razorgore") { }
CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* creature) const
return new boss_razorgoreAI (creature);
struct boss_razorgoreAI : public ScriptedAI
boss_razorgoreAI(Creature* creature) : ScriptedAI(creature) {}
uint32 Cleave_Timer;
uint32 WarStomp_Timer;
uint32 FireballVolley_Timer;
uint32 Conflagration_Timer;
void Reset()
Cleave_Timer = 15000; //These times are probably wrong
WarStomp_Timer = 35000;
FireballVolley_Timer = 7000;
Conflagration_Timer = 12000;
void EnterCombat(Unit* /*who*/)
void JustDied(Unit* /*Killer*/)
DoScriptText(SAY_DEATH, me);
void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff)
if (!UpdateVictim())
if (Cleave_Timer <= diff)
DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_CLEAVE);
Cleave_Timer = urand(7000, 10000);
} else Cleave_Timer -= diff;
if (WarStomp_Timer <= diff)
DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_WARSTOMP);
WarStomp_Timer = urand(15000, 25000);
} else WarStomp_Timer -= diff;
if (FireballVolley_Timer <= diff)
DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_FIREBALLVOLLEY);
FireballVolley_Timer = urand(12000, 15000);
} else FireballVolley_Timer -= diff;
if (Conflagration_Timer <= diff)
DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_CONFLAGRATION);
//We will remove this threat reduction and add an aura check.
//if (DoGetThreat(me->getVictim()))
//DoModifyThreatPercent(me->getVictim(), -50);
Conflagration_Timer = 12000;
} else Conflagration_Timer -= diff;
// Aura Check. If the gamer is affected by confliguration we attack a random gamer.
if (me->getVictim() && me->getVictim()->HasAura(SPELL_CONFLAGRATION))
if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 1, 100, true))
void AddSC_boss_razorgore()
new boss_razorgore();
Marianne : Un nouvel attentat islamiste a frappé la France cette semaine. Vous qui avez fondé la Brigade des mères, une association qui combat l’islamisation des quartiers, comment aider les jeunes, et en particulier les musulmans qui seraient tentés de rejoindre la Syrie ?
Nadia Remadna : Se focaliser sur les musulmans, même "les bons musulmans républicains", c’est encore coller des étiquettes. Aux musulmans comme à tous les citoyens, il faut imposer le respect de la loi, c’est tout. On ne devient pas terroriste parce qu’on n’a pas d’emploi ou parce qu’on est en dépression. Avant d’être radical, l’islamisme commence par une recherche d’identité. Selon moi, on a raté une génération avec la politique de la ville, les grands frères etc. L'urgence, c'est les petits de 10 ans...
Comment les choses ont-elles évolué depuis que vous avez dénoncé, dans un livre*, la montée de l’islamisme dans votre ville, à Sevran ?
Nadia Remadna : J’ai été menacée dans la rue, harcelée sur Facebook. A mon travail c’est l’enfer. Des membres de La Brigades des mères ont quitté l’association par peur de passer pour des mauvaises musulmanes. Je suis accusée d’être un danger pour ma famille, alors que je voulais la protéger. Tout ça parce que j’ai dit qu’il fallait construire des écoles plutôt que des mosquées...
Et à Sevran ?
Une quinzaine de Sevranais sont partis faire le djihad et ne sont pas revenus, mais la seule réaction du maire a été de dénoncer les lanceurs d'alerte, qu'il accuse de salir sa ville. Puisque Stéphane Gatignon passe pour un homme courageux, ça m'étonne qu'il n'ait pas cherché à rencontrer les mamans qui lui reprochent de dérouler le tapis rouge aux salafistes. A la place, il continue à recevoir les religieux, comme si c'étaient eux qui allaient fabriquer son vivre-ensemble. (...) Ici, le religieux fait les CV, t'amène en vacances, paye ta dette de loyer avec des cotisations, à condition que tu sois de la bonne religion. C'est le contraire du vivre-ensemble. Ca alimente la victimisation et la haine.
*Comment j'ai sauvé mes enfants, Nadia Remadna avec Daniel Bernard, grand reporter à Marianne (éd. Calmann-Lévy, 2016), 254 p.
>>> Retrouvez l'intégralité de cet entretien dans le numéro de Marianne en kiosques. |
682 F.2d 204
82-2 USTC P 9471
No. 81-1853.
United States Court of Appeals,Eighth Circuit.
Submitted March 10, 1982.Decided July 14, 1982.
Claude Hanks, Leonard R. Yocum, Creve Coeur, Mo., for appellant.
Glenn L. Archer, Jr., Asst. Atty. Gen., Michael L. Paup, Daniel F. Ross, Michael J. Roach, Attys., Tax Div., Dept. of Justice, Washington, D. C., for appellee.
Before HEANEY, BRIGHT and HENLEY,* Circuit Judges.
HENLEY, Senior Circuit Judge.
Taxpayer Record Wide Distributors, Inc. appeals the decision of the tax court upholding the Commissioner's assessment of certain deficiencies for the tax years 1972, 1973 and 1974. We affirm.
Taxpayer, a Missouri corporation, is a wholesale distributor of records and tapes, and deals primarily in "cut-outs," budget merchandise that the manufacturer is unable to sell at market price. Because cut-outs have limited marketability, taxpayer's normal business practice is to send an invoice with each shipment to its customers, but to defer immediate payment in order to allow its customers to return any unsold items, generally fifty to sixty per cent, along with payment for the items sold.1
The issues in this case concern taxpayer's method of accounting during the tax years in question. Characterizing this method as a hybrid of cash and accrual methods, the tax court found that Record Wide reduced its inventory when items were shipped to its customers, but recorded sales upon actual receipt of payment.2 The Commissioner concluded that this hybrid method did not clearly reflect taxpayer's income,3 see 26 U.S.C. § 446(b), and recalculated tax liability for the years 1972, 1973 and 1974, on an accrual basis, resulting in the assessment of deficiencies in the amounts of $92,056.99, $34,444.54 and $21,232.29, respectively.4
Record Wide defends its accounting method as consistent with its unique business practices. It is established, however, that the Commissioner has broad discretion to evaluate and modify a taxpayer's accounting method in order to insure the clear reflection of income, and that the taxpayer has the heavy burden of proving that the Commissioner's determination is plainly arbitrary. Thor Power Tool Co. v. Comm'r, 439 U.S. 522, 532-33, 99 S.Ct. 773, 780-81, 58 L.Ed.2d 785 (1979); Clement v. United States, 580 F.2d 422, 430 (Ct.Cl.1978), cert. denied, 440 U.S. 907, 99 S.Ct. 1214, 59 L.Ed.2d 455 (1979). The regulations clearly mandate the use of an accrual accounting method for businesses that maintain inventories, unless the Commissioner, in his discretion, authorizes an alternate method. Treas. Reg. § 1.1446-1(c)(2). The tax court concluded, and we agree, that Record Wide failed to establish that the Commissioner abused his discretion by requiring the use of an accrual method to compute Record Wide's tax liability.
Taxpayer's next contention is that even if an accrual method is used, income should not be reported until actual payment is received because until that time the right to receive income in an amount determinable with reasonable accuracy is not established due to the unpredictable percentage of returns. We think that Record Wide has possibly confused the uncertainty of the time and amount of actual payment with the right to receive payment. The tax court found that Record Wide dealt with its customers on a "sale or return" basis, and that the right to receive payment thus arose upon delivery of the merchandise to taxpayer's customers. As indicated, taxpayer reduced its inventory when the goods were shipped, thereby increasing cost of sales; yet taxpayer failed to show that title was retained while the goods were in the possession of its customers. Moreover, as the tax court noted, even if Record Wide dealt on a consignment basis, income would be recorded upon the sale of the goods rather than upon receipt of payment.
We agree with the tax court that, on the basis of an accrual accounting method, the invoice amounts were properly included in income as accounts receivable upon delivery of the merchandise and the corresponding reduction of inventory.
The final issue is whether Record Wide is entitled to a bad debt deduction or a deduction for an addition to a bad debt reserve for 1974. See 26 U.S.C. § 166. In that year, Sound On Tape Distributors, Inc., one of taxpayer's major customers, suffered a serious financial setback and was unable to pay Record Wide the $176,574.22 remaining after all returns were credited. Because income was reported on a cash received basis, Sound On's failure to pay was not charged off by taxpayer in 1974. Taxpayer now contends that if its 1974 tax liability is recomputed on an accrual basis, it is entitled to a deduction under § 166(a)(1) or (2), or (c).5
Relying on the facts that Sound On attempted to salvage its business for several years and that taxpayer continued to deal with Sound On, albeit not on a credit basis, the tax court concluded, and we agree, that taxpayer has failed to prove that the debt was wholly worthless in 1974, as required by § 166(a) (1). See Riss v. Comm'r, 478 F.2d 1160, 1165-66 (8th Cir. 1973). With respect to § 166(a)(2), and (c), we recognize, as did the tax court, that the Commissioner is vested with broad discretion to allow a deduction for a partially worthless debt, Brimberry v. Comm'r, 588 F.2d 975, 977 (5th Cir. 1979), or for an addition to a bad debt reserve, Thor Power Tool v. Comm'r, 439 U.S. at 547-48, 99 S.Ct. at 788-89; Malone & Hyde, Inc. v. United States, 568 F.2d 474, 477 (6th Cir. 1978). Although the Commissioner might have reached a different result, we cannot say that he clearly erred in finding that Record Wide failed to show that the partial worthlessness could have been predicted in 1974 with reasonable certainty. See Sika Chemical Corp. v. Comm'r, 64 T.C. 856, 863 (1975). We conclude that the Commissioner did not abuse his discretion in disallowing a bad debt deduction or a deduction for an addition to a bad debt reserve in 1974.6
Finding no reversible error, the decision of the tax court, largely for reasons stated by that court, is affirmed.
The Honorable J. Smith Henley assumed senior status on June 1, 1982
The tax court noted that Record Wide encouraged returns and payments within 120 days of shipment, but often did not receive returns and payments within 120 days and sometimes settlement of accounts extended more than a year from date of sale
Taxpayer asserts that it used a cash accounting method, but the tax court observed that the evidence supported a finding that taxpayer actually used an accrual method since an accounts receivable ledger was maintained with a separate entry for each customer. However, for purposes of its opinion, the court assumed that taxpayer used a hybrid system
This conclusion is based, at least in part, on the fact that thirty to thirty-five per cent of returns and payments occurred in the tax year following shipment
These figures have since been reduced by certain concessions
Section 166 provides in pertinent part:
(a)(1) Wholly worthless debts.-There shall be allowed as a deduction any debt which becomes worthless within the taxable year.
(2) Partially worthless debts.-When satisfied that a debt is recoverable only in part, the Secretary may allow such debt, in an amount not in excess of the part charged off within the taxable year, as a deduction.
(c) Reserve for bad debts.-In lieu of any deduction under subsection (a), there shall be allowed (in the discretion of the Secretary) a deduction for a reasonable addition to a reserve for bad debts.
The tax court noted that taxpayer charged the debt off its books in 1978 but did not take a tax deduction. The record does not indicate whether Record Wide has attempted to adjust its tax liability to reflect deduction for this loss in any other year or the extent to which 1978 or other years might still be open for such adjustment. Nor does the record reflect that taxpayer had established and used a bad debt reserve for any of the years at issue
// Copyright 2016 Unknwon
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package ini
import (
type ErrDelimiterNotFound struct {
Line string
func IsErrDelimiterNotFound(err error) bool {
_, ok := err.(ErrDelimiterNotFound)
return ok
func (err ErrDelimiterNotFound) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("key-value delimiter not found: %s", err.Line)
Welcome to AElf's official documentation. This GitBook is where we centralize our guides, documents and api references. Wether you're a dApp developer looking to build some awesome apps on top of AElf or simply just interested in seeing what a running node looks like, this place is for you!
As of today the documentation is correct but still a work in progress so we invite you to frequently visit and discover any new content.
#### A bit more about AElf
AElf's main objective is to permit scalability and extensibility through a multi-layer branching structure formed by a main chain and multiple levels of side-chains (a tree like structure). Each side-chain will be designed for one business use case.
AElf also aims to make it as easy as possible to extend/customize the system by providing easy to use tools and frameworks in order to customize the chains and write smart contracts. AElf will support various languages that will let developers choose the one they are the most comfortable with.
AElf will improve overall blockchain performance by executing transactions in parallel and isolating smart contracts in their own side-chains in order to segregate the systems resources.
## This GitBook
This GitBook contains various different types of documentation and depending on what you will use AElf for, you should navigate to different sections. Here are a few links you can follow to get you started.
#### Guides and tutorials
- [**Getting started**](tutorials/setup/setup.md) - setting up dependencies and running a node.
- [**Smart contract development**](tutorials/developing-smart-contracts/first-contract.md) - developing smart contract for AElf.
#### AElf concepts
- [**protocol**](protocol/main.md) - some articles about blockchain related concepts and how they are used and implemented in AElf.
- [**smart contract**](contract/main.md) - a more advanced section with more in-depth explanations of AElf smart contracts.
- [**cross chain**](crosschain/main.md) - information about how AElf implements side chains.
- [**public chain ecosystem**](public-chain/main.md) - information related to AElf's public blockchain and ecosystem.
- [**architecture**](architecture/main.md) - this section is for **advanced** users, it explains the architectural concepts behind the node's design.
#### References
This section provides links to API references for the Command Line Interface, the js-sdk and the nodes RPC interface.
- [**command line**](resources/cli/introduction.md) - a reference for the available commands on AElf's CLI.
- [**web api**](web-api-reference/reference.md) - a reference for the available methods on AElf's web api.
- [**js sdk**](sdk/javascript/js-sdk.md) - a reference for the available APIs in the js SDK.
## Some resources
- [**contract APIs**](resources/smart-contract-apis/index.md) - API explanation for certain important smart contracts.
You can find the original whitepaper [here](https://aelf.io/gridcn/aelf_whitepaper_EN.pdf?v=1.6). It will give you a more thorough explanation on the concepts that drive AElf and its development.
Of course, there's the official GitHub [here](https://github.com/AElfProject/AElf) and the js-sdk repo [here](https://github.com/AElfProject/aelf-sdk.js). |
namespace App\Entity;
use App\TraitAlreadyHere;
class User
use TraitAlreadyHere;
I've been lusting after a Chicago Cutlery folding kitchen knife. Problem is, they don't make 'em anymore and they are going for $60 or better on ebay. Does anybody know of another folding kitchen knife that would be less, or have you found a good substitute? I'm most interested in something that folds because it will prevent cutting myself in the dark and needs less room for storage. I tried just using a big pocket knife, but blade length is a bit short.
Stewart, I have been using a Santoku knife for camping for several years now. Of course it doesn't fold and it is big and sharp so I built a sheath for it to protect both me and the blade. Unless you are backpacking this thing is sweet! It is sharp enough for the usual peeling and slicing duties around camp and heavy enough to be used as a light cleaver. And long enough that it can do much more than a lesser blade. In addition it is wide enough that you can scoop up stuff that you have already sliced and diced. The only thing it doesn't seem to do is slice bread but I have a nice Victornox bread knife for that.
Take a look at the Santoku and see if it would work for your camping. If not it is still a great addition to your kitchen.
I looked at Santoku knives on Amazon. The first one I saw was over $100, then I saw some $10 ones... and they had sheaths. The colored ones are weird, but it's really not that bad. Might be a good idea, and at price that won't make me feel like I'm wasting money. I just won't get as much use out of it, or appreciate it enough to want to pony up for a better one.
I'd love to eat a meal that either of you guys made in camp, but I don't think you'd feel the same way about my meals. I'm not much of a camping cooker, but a decent all-purpose cooking knife is missing from my gear. Thanks for the input
I can't imagine a genuine Santoku for $10 on Amazon. I'd be very skeptical. One thing I'd do is closely check out the many knives in thrift stores. My brother found a Henckle bread knife thrown into a box at a thrift store. He bought it for $5. It would retail for ~$130.
If a non folding knife would work the Victornox series of kitchen cutlery are an exceptionally good value and out perform knives costing many times more. Readily available and exceptionally functional.
Spend the $100 and get yourself a old Sabatier carbon steel 10" off eBay or a quality cutlery shop (good knife shops aren't found in malls, just so you know). They look ugly as hell, but they will take an edge that you can shave with.
Well, when it comes to price, you just have to look at the quality. Santoku is a style, not a brand (at least I thought so). I have a couple nicer Santoku knives that I love to death (and weren't cheap, even getting them at "cost").
I agree, thrift shops are fantastic! Especially if you get into ones in nicer neighborhoods. Know people that want to toss out a knife if it's dull. Quick hit on the stone and it's nice and sharp again. But agree, if you find one "cheap" on Amazon, chances are it's just that, CHEAP!
Picked up a "Chinese" knife in china town a few years back. Its basically a small cleaver. about 9 inches by 4 inches. Keeps a tight edge and can slice chop, hack like a cleaver and double as a spatula.
The Mrs and kids don't like it 'cause its too big, so they don't jack it up.
My "go to" knife's a small Chinese cleaver from the Wok Shop in SF. Carbon steel and sharp as a scalpel. Easy to handle, easy to maintain, great for slicing & dicing, but it won't work as a fillet knife. |
Thursday, February 16, 2012
With the natural lighting of the skylight along with the light that comes through the window in the door, and the two little night lamps on the wall, this space would make a beautiful art gallery.
The wall space is huge, and I could fill in all of that white space with original artwork and prints.
I can collect artwork from Deviant Art, Etsy, and from my own work, and I can find frames at dollar stores and thrift shops.
It would be a great conversation piece at get-togethers, and it would feel so nice, inspiring, and fresh to walk down the art covered hallway.
Hubby and I have lived in this house for 6 months, and drab blank walls are no longer acceptable.
I can't wait to get started. I'll definitely post pictures as I start to add art to the walls. Do you have a gallery in your house? I'd love to see a picture of it. Please feel free to post links to your pictures in the comments.
Monday, February 6, 2012
So delicious the inlaws said it tasted just like their recipe. I cruised the internet looking for a simple peanut butter cookie recipe that did not contain dairy, and after some tweaking I finally found one that my picky hubby will eat!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix ingredients in bowl until well blended. (Due to the nature of the ingredients it's best to refrigerate the dough until it's cool. Otherwise the dough is too sticky to roll into a ball so you can make drop cookies instead, which is what I did.) Place (and flatten) your balls or dropped dough blobs onto a baking sheet. Bake for approximately 10 minutes until golden brown.
These cookies are so moist they need a moment to cool on the sheet or they will break apart. Even after they cool they do tend to break a little, so if I find a solution I'll be sure to update this. I'm thinking more flax seed.
Some random tidbits of info:
* 1/3 cup applesauce is a great substitute for 1 egg.* consume ground flax seed otherwise you don't get the same nutrients* the cookies will taste the best if you use a very simple peanut butter. The one I used has the ingredients listed as: organic peanuts, organic palm oil, natural cane sugar, and sea salt.* use parchment paper for easy removal of baked goods and super easy clean up
Sunday, February 5, 2012
After some technical difficulties and an endless amount of mind-changing, I'm excited to say that my new website http://www.1337art.com is open for business! As I continue to add inventory to the site you will have the option to pick and choose which color and size options you want without having to wade through a lot of similar listings, as it currently is in my Etsy shop. You can also purchase an item without having to register for an account with the option of paying via PayPal or Google Checkout!
For my blog readers please use the coupon below to get Free Shipping at http://www.1337art.com this includes my International readers too.
I can't wait to get back into my studio to make many more (and new!) designs. I am currently taking custom orders in case you want to get a personalized/custom piece of jewelry for yourself or a loved one. Click here for more info.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It's not easy to find a venue to sell your handcrafted items, your craft supplies, or your vintage finds. Sometimes a major venue like Etsy.com or Artfire.com can make major changes that will effect your business negatively.
Some people feel that there are no alternatives out there for selling their items other than Etsy, Artfire, or even Ebay. But there are two sites out there that are slowly gaining momentum, and they both offer great tools to help you succeed with your business.
The first alternative is Zibbet.com. It is Australia based, however, anyone in the world can set up shop. They currently have a free basic account where you can list up to 50 items for free, and they also have a month-to-month premium account as well as a yearly premium account. Currently their monthly price is $9.95 and their yearly price is $79.00. At the time of this post they are offering a free 45 day premium trial using code 45FREE, and it expires in 3 days.
I opened my Zibbet Shop in 2009, and to date I have sold 2 items. They do not have much internal traffic, and their site can be slow. But their admin is quick to answer questions, and there are a lot of great items for sale. The listing process is easy, and you can import your Artfire and/or Etsy shop items into your Zibbet shop using their free importer.
The other alternative is Craft is Art. It's a fairly new marketplace that accepts supplies, vintage items, and handmade items. They offer you the option to accept payments via Google Checkout, Amazon Payments, Authorize.net, PayPal, and Checks/Money Orders.
They have a basic pay as you go account as well as a premium monthly or yearly account. Premium accounts can offer multiple quantities, variances (colors, sizes, etc.), and so much more. You can either pay a monthly fee of $8.99 or you can pay for a year for only $79.99. You can also import your Etsy and/or Artfire shop items into your Craft is Art shop as well as your feedback score if you choose to.
They also offer you the opportunity to have a free for life account if you refer 5 people to open a premium shop. I need only two more people to use my referral codes, and my shop there will be free!
If you plan to go premium there (either monthly or yearly) please use one of my referral codes:
To check out their full list of options and tools follow the link below:
Craft is Art is very quick to submit your products to Google, and you can set up your Google Analytics account so you can track your traffic. I've sold 3 items there to date in my shop, and I get a lot of internal traffic as well as traffic from search engines. I only have 17 items for sale there at the moment, but I have very high hopes that my business will be successful on this venue.
Etsy and Artfire succeed through their sellers, but if their sellers leave to other venues, these new venues can succeed too. It's the beginning of the year and now is a great time to think long and hard about your business, and what you believe will help you succeed.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Or she acts like she was a dog in another life. I bought her a pack of plastic coil toys, and she loves them so much that she actually fetches them and brings them back to me like a dog.
Katniss's favorite color appears to be blue, because that's the toy she plays with the most. If I pick up the blue toy I have her immediate attention, and when I throw it across the room she runs, picks it up in her mouth, and runs back over to me.
Of course I have to take it and throw it again because it's just so darn cute. Sometimes she gets smart and when she comes back over she lays on the toy so I can't get to it.
Sometimes I throw it to a tough place, and she can't reach it so she will circle the area and cry until she can find it.
I bought these toys from Vitacost. My husband didn't believe the cats would even play with them.
Friday, January 6, 2012
An amazing cake decorator. I suppose it's doable now, but I've missed so many years of practice.
One year for my mom's birthday I decided to make her a three layer cake. Unfortunately somehow it fell in on itself, and it was so odd my brother that eats everything didn't even want it.
One year for my anniversary I made my husband some cookies with monkey and dragon shaped cookie cutters. Somehow they didn't hold their shape so he had to go by my word that they were in fact the monkeys and dragons...only blobs.
Apparently baking is just not my thing, but I still enjoy the attempt. I think the closest I will get to be an amazing cake decorator is the fun of making shaped baked goods for my husband's birthday and future kids' birthdays.
I think I'll stick to the beads. :]
The picture is a dog cake from Albertson's that I bought for my mom's birthday last year. |
Matt Every
Matthew King Every (born December 4, 1983) is an American professional golfer who has won on both the PGA Tour and Nationwide Tour.
Early years
Every was born in Daytona Beach, Florida. He attended Mainland High School in Daytona Beach, where he played for the Mainland Buccaneers men's golf team. He was recognized as the Volusia County Golfer of the Year for four consecutive years, and was an all-state selection after his junior and senior seasons.
Amateur career
Every accepted an athletic scholarship to attend the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, where he played for coach Buddy Alexander's Florida Gators men's golf team in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) competition from 2003 to 2006.
During his career as a Gator golfer, he was a three-time first-team All-Southeastern Conference (SEC) selection (2004, 2005, 2006), and a four-time All-American (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). As an amateur, he played in the 2005 U.S. Open at Pinehurst in North Carolina and finished in a tie for 28th place. He was the recipient of the Ben Hogan Award, recognizing the best college golfer in the United States in 2006.
Professional career
Every turned professional after completing his NCAA eligibility in 2006. Before he found success on any major golf tour after turning professional, he competed on The Golf Channel's original series The Big Break, in Mesquite, Nevada. Every played in a select few PGA Tour and Nationwide Tour events between 2006 and 2007. Then at Q-School in December 2007, he missed a place on the PGA Tour by just two strokes, but was rewarded with a place on the Nationwide Tour in 2008. In his second start in 2008, he finished runner-up in the Mexico Open. He finished the season with four top-10 finishes and made $180,000 in earnings, just outside the top 25 in earnings.
In his 2009 sophomore year on the Nationwide Tour, Every was ranked forty-ninth on the money list going into the Nationwide Tour Championship, needing a third-place finish or better to obtain his PGA Tour card for 2010. He had made fifteen of twenty-five cuts and had three top-10 finishes entering the season's final event. He shot a second-round 63 to take the 36-hole lead, a lead he did not relinquish. He won the event by three shots over Nationwide Tour money leader Michael Sim. The win vaulted him to tenth on the money list, and qualifying him as a PGA Tour rookie for 2010.
However, in 2010 Every finished 140th and dropped back to the Nationwide Tour for 2011. He finished 2011 in 18th place and returned to the PGA Tour, where he has remained through 2015.
Every was one of three men arrested in a hotel in Bettendorf, Iowa and charged with possession of marijuana on July 6, 2010. In a statement, he denied possessing the drug but apologized for poor judgment. He was subsequently suspended for 90 days from the Tour.
Every earned his first PGA Tour win at the 2014 Arnold Palmer Invitational and would earn his first Masters invitation. He would go on to defend his title at the 2015 event.
On October 18, 2019, it was announced that Every had been suspended by the PGA Tour for three months for violating its conduct policy for drugs of abuse.
Every is a fan of the British group Oasis. He named his son after Liam Gallagher and has a tattoo on his right bicep with "Live Forever," which is the title of an Oasis song. His daughter Quinn Palmer is named after the site of his first PGA Tour win.
Professional wins (3)
PGA Tour wins (2)
Nationwide Tour wins (1)
Results in major championships
CUT = missed the half-way cut
"T" = tied for place
U.S. national team appearances
Palmer Cup: 2004, 2005 (winners)
Walker Cup: 2005 (winners)
See also
2009 Nationwide Tour graduates
2011 Nationwide Tour graduates
List of Florida Gators men's golfers on the PGA Tour
External links
Category:American male golfers
Category:Florida Gators men's golfers
Category:PGA Tour golfers
Category:Korn Ferry Tour graduates
Category:Golfers from Florida
Category:Mainland High School alumni
Category:Sportspeople from Daytona Beach, Florida
Category:People from Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Category:1983 births
Category:Living people |
Winlock Washington Land For Sale
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There are no results matching your land search location. Here are some listings nearby.
Premium Certified Organic Medicinal Herb Farm on a 54 acre estate with a luxury home. Goldenseal, Ginkgo and Ginseng. Full production facility on site with the state of the art washing & drying facility which is totally compliant with the FDA and related regulations. Approximately $800K of certified organic crop in the ground currently and the...
The Mineral Lake Timberlands are located in Lewis County, Washington, and total 1,029.59 gross acres. The property is being offered for sale individually, or both the McKenna and Mineral Lake tracts can be acquired together. The Mineral Lake tract is a contiguous 1,029 acre block of timberland located just north of the town of Mineral, Washington...
The McKenna Timberlands are located in Lewis and Pierce Counties, Washington and total 417.44 gross acres. The property is being offered for sale individually, or can be combined with the Mineral Lake offering as a single acquisition. McKenna is comprised of three separate tracts consisting of the 42.49 acre Lacamas Creek tract located in Lewis...
Rocky Prairie 40 is a beautiful, 40-acre lot outside of the quiet town of Tenino. It hosts a private and tranquil setting amongst the trees. Zoned Rrr1/5 there is potential for sub-division subject to county standards, buyer to do their own due diligence. Per owner, there is an access easement from 143rd Ave SE to the property via gravel road....
Build your dream home on this 2.17 acres with spectacular views of Mt. Saint Helens, Mt. Rainier and Lake Mayfield. Once you walk this property you won't want to leave. Water, sewer, and power are at the front of the |
Sam Houston State moved up to No. 2 in the final Sports Network NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision rankings for 2012.
The Bearkats stood No. 5 in the final regular season poll in December. Sam Houston defeated all three of the Big Sky Conference's tri-champions (Cal Poly, Montana State and Eastern Washington) to reach the NCAA Division I Championship Finals in Frisco for the second year in a row.
The No. 2 rankings both in 2011 and 2012 stand as Sam Houston State's highest final national poll standings in program history. The team's previous high was No. 3 in 2004.
National champion North Dakota State was the Sports Network's No. 1 team. The Bison, the Missouri Valley Football Conference champions, were ranked No. 1 in 11 of the 14 polls this season.
Sam Houston State (11-4) was voted second on 128 of the 142 ballots. Coach Willie Fritz's Bearkats, the Southland Conference co-champions, finished behind North Dakota State in the point total, 3,550 to 3,386.
The first teams outside the Top 25 were Eastern Illinois, the Ohio Valley Conference champion, and Indiana State, which handed North Dakota State its only loss of the season, 17-14 on Oct. 13.
The CAA finished with the most teams in the Top 25 with six, followed by the Big Sky with four and the Missouri Valley and SoCon with three each. There were two teams each from the Southland, Big South and Patriot League, and one each from the MEC, NEC and Ohio Valley Conference.
A national panel of sports information and media relations directors, broadcasters, writers and other dignitaries selected the Top 25 throughout the season. A first-place vote was worth 25 points, a second-place vote 24 points, all the way down to one point for a 25th-place vote. |
Should You Refinance Your Student Loan With a Private Lender?
The cost of higher education creeps up from year-to-year, with each graduating class owing slightly more than the class before.
This type of debt haunts graduates for decades and significantly impacts their financial choices.
An American Student Assistance survey explored the impact of student debt on everyday life.
According to the survey, about 27 percent of respondents found it difficult to buy daily necessities because of their student loans; 73 percent said they had put off saving for retirement; and 75 percent indicated that student loan debt affected their decision or ability to purchase a home.
A third of respondents in an MyBankTracker poll reported they’d be willing to give up a body part to become free of debt.
Student loan debt doesn’t just impact their daily life, but can impact graduates’ futures as well. Monica Harvin, Contributing Editor of GoodCall talks about how these loans can impact retirement:
“Graduates with high interest loans won’t only be paying more for student loans. A recent GoodCall study reveals that having just $12,000 in student loans at a high interest rate can mean more than $75,000 in lost retirement savings over time.
What’s more, graduates with higher than average student debt loads may be tempted to extend repayment terms rather than cope with student loan debt in the short run; however, extending repayment to 20 or 25 years can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost retirement savings for a graduate with $50,000 in student loans, the study finds.”
Because of the long-term implications of student loan debt, it goes without saying that many graduates look for ways to make their payments more manageable.
Getting a lower payment typically starts with a lower interest rate.
Since federal loans—which are funded by the government— all have the same rate, some graduates consider refinancing their loans with a private lender (bank, credit union, other type of lender) to take advantage of a lower interest rate.
What is student loan refinancing?
Refinancing with a private lender involves taking on a new loan with new terms, and then using these funds to pay off an existing loan. It’s important to note that refinancing is not the same as a consolidation.
Consolidation and refinancing can both simplify student loan repayment, but consolidation only works with federal student loans.
You can apply for a Direct Consolidation Loan and combine multiple federal loans into a single loan with one interest rate and payment.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t work with private loans.
If you have a combination of federal and private student loans, refinancing is the only way to merge these loans into a single loan.
Refinancing is an attractive option if you don’t want the hassle of managing multiple loans and different due dates every month. But refinancing with a private lender has its risks.
What you need to know about refinancing?
There are significant differences between a federal and a private student loan, primarily with regard to repayment options.
Refinancing federal student loans with a private lender can be a smart move for some borrowers, particularly those seeking a lower rate.
“Borrowers will lose access to income-driven repayment options like Pay As You Earn and Income-Based Repayment, as well as federal student loan deferment and forbearance. These repayment options (with the exception of being able to pause payments in some cases) simply don’t exist with virtually all private lenders.”
Borrowers should keep this in mind before refinancing with a private lender.
Federal loans come with hardship provisions not offered by most private lenders.
If you lose your job or can’t work due to an illness or injury, a federal lender will work with you and offer assistance—some private lenders aren’t as forgiving.
“Based on my experience, private lenders are much more aggressive with student loan collections and more litigious — meaning they are more likely to sue the borrowers,” says Leslie Tayne, a financial attorney, debt expert and author of Life & Debt.
The upside, however, is that refinancing with a private lender means that your student debt may be eligible for bankruptcy discharge, unlike federal student loans which are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.
It’s also important to note that while refinancing with a private lender can result in a lower interest rate and a lower payment, this is subject to credit approval.
“Before refinancing with a private lender, you should make sure you do not have any blemishes on your credit reports (i.e. missed loan payment in the past) so that you can be sure to get the best rates and terms for repayment,” says Tayne. “The new interest rate typically depends on one’s credit score, income and overall debt, among other factors.”
Should you refinance your student loans?
Just because private loans don’t offer the same level of protection as federal loans doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider this option.
It’s all a matter of what you consider more important, whether it’s a lower interest rate and payment, or income-driven repayment options.
Before you make a decision, get a quote from a private lender and compare the new loan terms with your existing loan terms to see if the savings is worth losing your federal protection.
“If borrowers feel comfortable that they will be able to make their student loan payments on time and don’t plan to use federal student loan repayment options,” says Josuweit, “refinancing can be a smart financial choice that can save thousands of dollars over the lifetime of their loans.”
Valencia Higuera is based in Virginia and she covers budgeting, credit cards, and student loan debt, with expertise in frugal living, general banking, and mortgages. She is a self-proclaimed personal finance junkie. Valencia has contributed to publications and outlets including MSN, The Huffington Post, CBS News, Investopedia, and more.
Ask a Question
Advertiser Disclosure: Many of the savings offers appearing on this site are from advertisers from which this website receives compensation for being listed here. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). These offers do not represent all deposit accounts available.
Editorial Disclosure: This content is not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of the bank advertiser, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the bank advertiser. This site may be compensated through the bank advertiser Affiliate Program.
User Generated Content Disclosure: These responses are not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. Responses have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the bank advertiser. It is not the bank advertiser's responsibility to ensure all posts and/or questions are answered.
Advertiser Disclosure:
Many of the savings offers and credit cards appearing on this site are from advertisers from which this website receives compensation for being listed here. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). These offers do not represent all deposit accounts and credit cards available. Credit score ranges are provided as guidelines only and approval is not guaranteed. |
get table size from named database
Using Postgres I know how to select the size of a database ->
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('b2049623_data'));
I know how to select the size of a table
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('image_table'));
but multiple databases in my postgres will a table named 'image_table' how do I specify that I want the tableSize of image_table from a particular datbase?
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('image_table'));
returns 1688kb but the table size is 8192 bytes and the toast table size is 1656...where is the difference coming from?
pg_table_size returns the size of the database you're currently connected to. You cannot connect to one database and query the size of a table in a different database, even if it resides on the same server.
The jasmonate pathway: the ligand, the receptor and the core signalling module.
Jasmonates regulate specific developmental processes and plant adaptation to environment by controlling responses to external biotic or abiotic stimuli. The core events of jasmonate signalling are now defined. After hormone perception by SCF(COI1), JAZ (JAsmonate ZIM domain) repressors are targeted for proteasome degradation, releasing MYC2 and de-repressing transcriptional activation. JAZs are homomeric and heteromeric proteins and have been instrumental in recent advances in the field, such as the identification of COI1 as a critical component of the jasmonate receptor and the discovery of the bioactive jasmonate in Arabidopsis, (+)-7-iso-JA-Ile. Small changes in jasmonate structure result in hormone inactivation and might be the key to switching-off signalling for specific responses to stimulus and for long-distance signalling events. |
UEFA Champions League 2006–2007
UEFA Champions League 2006–2007 is the official video game of the 2006–07 season of the UEFA Champions League. Developed by EA Canada, it is published by Electronic Arts worldwide under the EA Sports label. It was released on 20 March 2007 in North America, 22 March in Australia, and 23 March in Europe.
This was the last game by EA Sports to include the Champions League until FIFA 19 over eleven years later. Konami held the Champions League license in the interim, with the competition featuring in all its Pro Evolution Soccer games from Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 to Pro Evolution Soccer 2018.
UEFA Champions League 2006–2007 was developed with the same engine used in FIFA 07, with slight graphical and gameplay adjustments, as well as the option to play a new manager mode named The Treble. The in-game commentators are Clive Tyldesley and Andy Townsend. Ultimate Team was introduced for the first time on the Xbox 360 version.
External links
Interview with Matt Holme, UEFA Champions League 06-07 Producer
UEFA Champions League Sizzle
Category:2006–07 UEFA Champions League
Category:2007 video games
Category:EA Sports games
Category:Esports games
Category:Association football video games
Category:PlayStation 2 games
Category:PlayStation Portable games
Category:Video games developed in Canada
Category:Windows games
Category:Xbox 360 games
Category:Multiplayer and single-player video games |
Editing video is routine in TV news reporting, but former President Bill Clinton’s comment that Hillary Clinton “frequently” fainted over the years was also cut from the written record of his interview with CBS News host Charlie Rose.
Read more
First discovered by the Daily Caller, what Bill Clinton told CBS News on Monday wasn’t quite the same message many viewers watched later on Monday and Tuesday when video clips were being recycled on air.
Clinton was being asked about his wife, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and the fall she took on Sunday in New York following a September 11 remembrance event. The campaign had chalked her fainting up to “dehydration,” a claim Bill Clinton repeated to Charlie Rose.
Rose then pushed Clinton, raising the concern that there may be a deeper health issue in play than simple dehydration.
“Well if it is, it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors,” Clinton told Rose.
What Clinton said next has been partially edited out of CBS News transcripts and subsequent interview replays, according to The Hill.
“Frequently – well, not frequently – rarely ... on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing’s happened to her when she got severely dehydrated, and she’s worked like a demon, as you know, as Secretary of State, as a senator and in the year since."
Those first few words, “frequently, well, not frequently,” are the ones missing from both written transcripts and television broadcasts. While the latter could be explained as an interest in keeping good time, the three seconds it takes Clinton to speak those words should not be an issue in maintaining an accurate written record.
The whole interview is set to air Tuesday night on the CBS Evening News, but the official transcript still shows Clinton’s response omitting the “frequently” comment, to say, “Well, if it is then it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors. Rarely, on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing’s happened to her when she got severely dehydrated, and she’s worked like a demon, as you know, as secretary of State, as a senator and in the year since.”
The Hill noted that “oddly,” a more complete version of the clip aired on the CBS This Morning program, including Clinton's use of "frequently." |
What makes creme brulee set?
I've attempted to make creme brûlée several times using different recipes. The usually result is that the custard doesn't set, and gets up too runny. I've tried adjusting the ingredients, and the amount of time I let the finished product set in the fridge.
I'm wondering what is the cooking process or ingredient that determines the consistency? Time in the oven, level or water in the around the ramekins in the oven, amount of creme/milk compared to egg yoke?
I would prefer to give an answer that doesn't involve spending hundreds of dollars, but Modernist Cuisine has a great table about the consistency of custards comparing cooking temperature to egg concentration. If you can find a copy at your local library the kitchen guide has a table on page 233, otherwise check out volume 4 page 84.
Quick synopsis: What sets the creme brulee is the egg proteins coagulating. If you were to take the weight of the liquid in the brulee and add 30% of that weight as eggs and cook it to 181 degrees F you would have a creme brulee texture. Overcook to 190 F and you have flan, undercook to 176 F and you have creme anglaise. The two main factors are egg concentration and cooking temperature.
While Rudy refers to one excellent resource, it is indeed one which the authors are quite proud of ($450 on Amazon, yikes). @Yossarian provides a much better (more economical source for essentially the same information) In his first blog post: Three Books for Every Kitchen. The New Best Recipe Book, from Cooks Illustrated (Amazon, $22.97), accurately describes the coagulation process and heat concerns (with a slightly different ratio of products) it great detail beginning on page 952.
In addition to the direct question you pose, "What makes Creme Brulee set?" to help you with your 'general frustration' in making Creme Brulee I would recommend this 3 minute video from Alton Brown's "Good Eats". I believe you will find it a useful resource.
(should the link fail: search on YouTube for "Alton Brown Creme Brulee" and you should find the video easily)
# Copyright (c) 2012 John Reese
# Licensed under the MIT license
$s_plugin_SourceGitphp_ = '';
$s_plugin_SourceGitphp_gitphp = 'Gitphp';
$s_plugin_SourceGitphp_title = 'Gitphp Integration';
$s_plugin_SourceGitphp_description = 'Integration für Gitphp über die VCS Basisintegration.';
$s_plugin_SourceGitphp_gitphp_root = 'Gitphp Basis-URL';
$s_plugin_SourceGitphp_gitphp_project = 'Gitphp Projekt<br/><span class="small">(inkl. ".git")</span>';
$s_plugin_SourceGitphp_master_branch = 'Hauptzweige<br/><span class="small">(kommaseparierte Liste)</span>';
/* $Id$ */
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <pj/ip_helper.h>
#include <pj/addr_resolv.h>
#include <pj/assert.h>
#include <pj/errno.h>
#include <pj/log.h>
#include <pj/string.h>
#include <pj/compat/socket.h>
#include "os_symbian.h"
#define THIS_FILE "ip_helper_symbian.cpp"
#define TRACE_ME 0
static pj_status_t rsock_enum_interface(int af,
unsigned *p_cnt,
pj_sockaddr ifs[])
TInt rc;
RSocket rSock;
TPckgBuf<TSoInetInterfaceInfo> info;
unsigned i;
if (PjSymbianOS::Instance()->Connection()) {
rc = rSock.Open(PjSymbianOS::Instance()->SocketServ(),
af, PJ_SOCK_DGRAM, KProtocolInetUdp,
} else {
rc = rSock.Open(PjSymbianOS::Instance()->SocketServ(),
af, PJ_SOCK_DGRAM, KProtocolInetUdp);
if (rc != KErrNone)
return PJ_RETURN_OS_ERROR(rc);
rSock.SetOpt(KSoInetEnumInterfaces, KSolInetIfCtrl);
for (i=0; i<*p_cnt &&
rSock.GetOpt(KSoInetNextInterface, KSolInetIfCtrl,
info) == KErrNone; )
TInetAddr &iAddress = info().iAddress;
int namelen;
if (1) {
pj_sockaddr a;
char ipaddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+2];
namelen = sizeof(pj_sockaddr);
if (PjSymbianOS::Addr2pj(iAddress, a, &namelen,
PJ_LOG(5,(THIS_FILE, "Enum: found address %s",
pj_sockaddr_print(&a, ipaddr, sizeof(ipaddr), 2)));
namelen = sizeof(ifs[i]);
if (PjSymbianOS::Addr2pj(iAddress, ifs[i], &namelen,
if (ifs[i].addr.sa_family != af)
// Done
*p_cnt = i;
return PJ_SUCCESS;
* Enumerate the local IP interface currently active in the host.
PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_enum_ip_interface(int af,
unsigned *p_cnt,
pj_sockaddr ifs[])
unsigned start;
pj_status_t status = PJ_SUCCESS;
start = 0;
/* Get IPv6 interface first. */
if (af==PJ_AF_INET6 || af==PJ_AF_UNSPEC) {
unsigned max = *p_cnt;
status = rsock_enum_interface(PJ_AF_INET6, &max, &ifs[start]);
if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
(*p_cnt) -= max;
start += max;
/* Get IPv4 interface. */
if (af==PJ_AF_INET || af==PJ_AF_UNSPEC) {
unsigned max = *p_cnt;
status = rsock_enum_interface(PJ_AF_INET, &max, &ifs[start]);
if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
(*p_cnt) -= max;
start += max;
*p_cnt = start;
return start ? PJ_SUCCESS : PJ_ENOTFOUND;
* Enumerate the local IP interface currently active in the host.
PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_enum_ip_interface2( const pj_enum_ip_option *opt,
unsigned *count,
pj_sockaddr ifs[])
pj_enum_ip_option opt_;
if (opt && opt->omit_deprecated_ipv6)
return PJ_ENOTSUP;
if (opt)
opt_ = *opt;
return pj_enum_ip_interface(opt_.af, count, ifs);
* Enumerate the IP routing table for this host.
PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_enum_ip_route(unsigned *p_cnt,
pj_ip_route_entry routes[])
PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(p_cnt && *p_cnt > 0 && routes, PJ_EINVAL);
*p_cnt = 0;
return PJ_ENOTSUP;
Multidrug-resistance is a situation encountered in cancer patients in which the tumor becomes resistant to a variety of cytotoxic anti-cancer chemotherapeutic agents. It often involves enhanced expression of P- glycoprotein (Pgp), a plasma membrane protein. Involvement of Pgp in resistance to anti-AIDS drugs is also strongly-indicated. Pgp consists of 1280 amino acids, arranged in two repeated halves, each of which contains six predicted transmembrane helices and one ATP-binding site. It acts in an ATP-dependent manner to exclude drugs and a wide range of other hydrophobic compounds from cells, displays substantial drug- stimulated ATPase activity, and is now widely-believed to act as an ATP- driven drug-efflux pump. A catalytic cycle involving alternating catalytic sites and a mechanism for coupling of ATP-hydrolysis to drug-transport, presented by our laboratory, has become widely-adopted as a working model. We recently made a breakthrough, namely the development of a large- scale method for preparation of pure, detergent-soluble, mouse and human Pgp, using Pichia. Not only wild-type but also mutant Pgp may now be obtained in quantity, facilitating a broader range of structural, biophysical and biochemical approaches. The aim of this proposal is to characterize structure and function of Pgp. Structure will be determined by electron-microscopy and X-ray crystallography. Catalytic mechanism will be studied by specific insertion of fluorescent probes to monitor nucleotide binding parameters and occupancy of catalytic sites, and by mutagenesis of critical catalytic site residues. Coupling of ATP hydrolysis to drug transport will be investigated. The two halves of Pgp will be purified separately and reconstituted, to facilitate understanding of interactions between catalytic sites and membrane domains. Basic knowledge of this kind will be invaluable in devising ways to disable P-glycoprotein and overcome drug-resistance in patients. |
Radius of convergence, power series
So I'm stuck with the question: Find the radius of convergence for the power series:
$$f(z) = \sum^{ \infty}_{j=0} 2^{j} z^{j^2}$$
My issue is that there are two solutions depending if the $a_{n}$ is a perfect square or not, how should I approach this problem? Thanks in advance!
Precisely for cases like this one is that Cauchy-Hadamard is used. Observe the coefficients sequence is
$$a_n=\begin{cases}2^n,&n\;\text{ is a perfect square}\\{}\\0,&\text{otherwise}\end{cases}$$
and then
$$\lim\sup_{n\to\infty}\sqrt[n]{a_n}=2\implies R=\frac12\;\text{is the convergence radius, by Cauchy Hadamard Formula}$$
Cycling Photos
9 November 2012
Cycling Slideshow
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Series Leader Samuel Gaze of New Zealand during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: (L to R) 4th Place Mathieu van der Poel of the Netherlands, 2nd Place Nino Schurter of Switzerland, 1st Place Samuel Gaze of New Zealand, 3rd Place Maxime Marotte of France and 5th Place Titouan Carod of France during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: 2nd Place Nino Schurter of Switzerland, 1st Place Samuel Gaze of New Zealand and 3rd Place Maxime Marotte of France celebrate during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: (L to R) 4th Place Mathieu van der Poel of the Netherlands, 2nd Place Nino Schurter of Switzerland, 1st Place Samuel Gaze of New Zealand, 3rd Place Maxime Marotte of France and 5th Place Titouan Carod of France during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Samuel Gaze of New Zealand celebrates winning the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Nino Schurter of Switzerland reats after his foot unclipped as Samuel Gaze of New Zealand races for the line during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Nino Schurter of Switzerland leads Samuel Gaze of New Zealand during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Nino Schurter of Switzerland during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Nino Schurter of Switzerland during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Samuel Gaze of New Zealand during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Nino Schurter of Switzerland leads Samuel Gaze of New Zealand during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: The start of the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: A bottle neck at the first corner during the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: The start of the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: The start of the Elite Mens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Series leader Annika Langvad of Denmark during the Elite Womens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Series leader Annika Langvad of Denmark during the Elite Womens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Annika Langvad of Denmark during the Elite Womens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Annika Langvad of Denmark during the Elite Womens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Annika Langvad of Denmark during the Elite Womens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
UCI Mountain Bike World Cup
STELLENBOSCH, SOUTH AFRICA - MARCH 10: Annika Langvad of Denmark during the Elite Womens race of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup on March 10, 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Photo by Shaun Roy/Gallo Images/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
MADRID, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Alberto Contador of Spain and team Trek Segafredo celebrates with the crowd after finishing 5th overall in the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 in Cibeles square on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. This was Alberto Contador's last race after recently announcing his retirement. (Photo by Gonzalo Arroyo/Getty Images for CA Technologies)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
MADRID, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Alberto Contador of Spain and team Trek Segafredo celebrates with the crowd after finishing 5th overall in the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 in Cibeles square on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. This was Alberto Contador's last race after recently announcing his retirement. (Photo by Gonzalo Arroyo/Getty Images for CA Technologies)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates with his trophy towards the crowd of spectators on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome (centre) of Team Sky celebrates on the podium with second placed Italy's Vincenzo Nibali (L) of the Bahrain-Merida's team and third placed Russian cyclist Ilnur Zakarin of Team Katusha Alpecin after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates with his trophy on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates with his trophy for winning the Tour de France and Vuelta a Espana in the same year on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome (centre) of Team Sky celebrates on the podium with second placed Italy's Vincenzo Nibali (L) of the Bahrain-Merida's team and third placed Russian cyclist Ilnur Zakarin of Team Katusha Alpecin after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome (centre) of Team Sky celebrates on the podium with second placed Italy's Vincenzo Nibali (L) of the Bahrain-Merida's team and third placed Russian cyclist Ilnur Zakarin of Team Katusha Alpecin after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome of Team Sky celebrates on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
MADRID, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome (C) of Team Sky celebrates with teammates on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Alberto Contador waves with members of his Trek team after Stage 21 of the Vuelta a Espana race on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
Madrid, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Team manager Alexander Vinokourov (L) and the Astana team celebrate as 'Best Team of the Vuelta' after Stage 21 of the Vuelta a Espana race on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
MADRID, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome (C) of Team Sky celebrates on the podium with second placed Italy's Vincenzo Nibali (L) of the Bahrain-Merida's team and third placed Russian cyclist Ilnur Zakarin of Team Katusha Alpecin after winning the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
MADRID, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Britain's Chris Froome (4L) of Team Sky celebrates with teammates on the podium after winning the Vuelta a Espaa cycling race after the Stage 21 on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. (Photo by Denis Doyle/Getty Images)
Vuelta a Espana - Stage 21
MADRID, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 10: Alberto Contador of Spain and team Trek Segafredo celebrates with the crowd after finishing 5th overall in the Vuelta a Espana cycling race after the Stage 21 in Cibeles square on September 10, 2017 in Madrid, Spain. This was Alberto Contador's last race after recently announcing his retirement. (Photo by Gonzalo Arroyo/Getty Images for CA Technologies) |
package zmaster587.advancedRocketry.client.render;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.*;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.Render;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRendererDispatcher;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.client.registry.IRenderFactory;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import zmaster587.advancedRocketry.api.IInfrastructure;
import zmaster587.advancedRocketry.entity.EntityRocket;
import zmaster587.advancedRocketry.util.StorageChunk;
public class RendererRocket extends Render implements IRenderFactory<EntityRocket> {
private static BlockRendererDispatcher renderBlocks = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher();
public RendererRocket(RenderManager manager) {
//TODO: possibly optimize with GL lists
public void doRender(Entity entity, double x,
double y, double z, float f1,
float f2) {
StorageChunk storage = ((EntityRocket)entity).storage;
BufferBuilder buffer = Tessellator.getInstance().getBuffer();
if(storage == null || !storage.finalized)
if(entity.getPassengers().contains(Minecraft.getMinecraft().player)) {
y = +0.5 -((EntityRocket)entity).stats.getSeatY();
//Find the halfway point along the XZ plane
float halfx = storage.getSizeX()/2f;
float halfz = storage.getSizeZ()/2f;
GL11.glTranslatef((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);
GlStateManager.blendFunc(GL11.GL_ONE, GL11.GL_ONE);
GlStateManager.color(0.5f, 1f, .5f, .2f);
GL11.glLineStipple(5, (short)0x2222);
if(!((EntityRocket)entity).isInFlight()) {
for(IInfrastructure inf : ((EntityRocket)entity).getConnectedInfrastructure()) {
if(inf.canRenderConnection()) {
TileEntity tile = (TileEntity)inf;
buffer.begin(GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION);
buffer.pos(0, storage.getSizeY()/2f, 0).endVertex();
buffer.pos((tile.getPos().getX() - entity.posX + 0.5f)/2f, storage.getSizeY()/2f, (tile.getPos().getZ() - entity.posZ + 0.5f)/2f).endVertex();
buffer.pos(tile.getPos().getX() - entity.posX + 0.5f, tile.getPos().getY() - entity.posY + 0.5f, tile.getPos().getZ() - entity.posZ + 0.5f).endVertex();
buffer.pos((tile.getPos().getX() - entity.posX + 0.5f)/2f, storage.getSizeY()/2f, (tile.getPos().getZ() - entity.posZ + 0.5f)/2f).endVertex();
//RenderHelper.renderCrossXZ(Tessellator.instance, .2f, 0, storage.getSizeY()/2f, 0, tile.xCoord - entity.posX + 0.5f, tile.yCoord - entity.posY + 0.5f, tile.zCoord - entity.posZ + 0.5f);
//RenderHelper.renderBlockWithEndPointers(Tessellator.instance, .2f, 0, storage.getSizeY()/2f, 0, tile.xCoord - entity.posX, tile.yCoord - entity.posY, tile.zCoord - entity.posZ);
//RenderHelper.renderCubeWithUV(tess, 0, 0, 0, 2, 55, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1);
GlStateManager.color(1f, 1f, 1f);
//Initial setup
if(storage.world.displayListIndex == -1) {
storage.world.displayListIndex = GLAllocation.generateDisplayLists(1);
GL11.glNewList(storage.world.displayListIndex, GL11.GL_COMPILE);
//Render Each block
for(int xx = 0; xx < storage.getSizeX(); xx++) {
for(int zz = 0; zz < storage.getSizeZ(); zz++) {
for(int yy = 0; yy < storage.getSizeY(); yy++) {
IBlockState block = storage.getBlockState(new BlockPos(xx, yy, zz));
buffer.begin(GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK);
try {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher().renderBlock(block, new BlockPos(xx, yy, zz), storage.world, buffer);
catch (NullPointerException e) {
System.out.println(block.getBlock().getUnlocalizedName() + " cannot be rendered on rocket at " + entity.getPosition());
GL11.glTranslatef((float)x - halfx, (float)y, (float)z - halfz);
//Render tile entities if applicable
for(TileEntity tile : storage.getTileEntityList()) {
TileEntitySpecialRenderer renderer = (TileEntitySpecialRenderer)TileEntityRendererDispatcher.instance.renderers.get(tile.getClass());
if(renderer != null ) {
TileEntityRendererDispatcher.instance.render(tile, tile.getPos().getX(), tile.getPos().getY(), tile.getPos().getZ(), f1);
//renderer.renderTileEntity(tile, tile.getPos().getX(), tile.getPos().getY(), tile.getPos().getZ(), f1, 0);
GlStateManager.color(1, 1, 1);
//Clean up and make player not transparent
OpenGlHelper.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, 0, 0);
protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(Entity p_110775_1_) {
return null;
public Render<? super EntityRocket> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) {
return new RendererRocket(manager);
REFILE-UBS to lead European cross-border business from Switzerland
3 分钟阅读
(Refiles April 19 story to clarify description of northern European markets with looser cross-border regulations)
By Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi and Angelika Gruber
ZURICH, April 19 (Reuters) - UBS will centralise its European cross-border wealth management business and run it out of Switzerland from June, the latest step within a series of reshuffles since merging its flagship business under one global unit this year.
The world’s largest wealth manager will handle cross-border business for western Europe out of two regional units to help adapt the offshore business to differing regulations, according to an internal memo seen by Reuters.
“The separation between Europe International North and South allows us to take strategic decisions based on market access regulations, which are tighter in southern Europe than in the north,” the bank’s new head of wealth management for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Christine Novakovic, said in the memo sent on Thursday.
Many wealthy European clients seek to book money not only in their home country but also through additional accounts booked in Switzerland, the world’s largest centre for offshore wealth.
In some countries, foreign bankers may travel to court new clients or make visits to existing customers on their home turf.
But countries such as Italy, Spain and France impose tighter restrictions than several important northern European markets against cross-border visits and marketing, meaning banks focus more on attracting offshore clients from these countries who already have a Swiss bank account.
Novakovic will directly oversee the southern unit —including Italy, Iberia, France and the Benelux — on an interim basis, while Sonia Goessi will lead the northern unit, consisting of cross-border business from Germany, Austria, Britain, the Nordics and Netherlands.
The bank will reintegrate its business for so-called affluent clients — private banking customers with under 2 million Swiss francs ($2.1 million) managed by the bank — into the same organisational structure as its high net worth clients, in order to help boost business as their assets grow. |
Journey Costume DLC floating over to LittleBigPlanet 2
Everybody wants a piece of the warmly received Journey – even Sackboy. Media Molecule has developed an adorable Journey costume for their hit game LittleBigPlanet 2. Sackboy has never looked quite so…mysterious. Additionally, there will also be a Journey sticker pack available. Both of these items will go on sale sometime next month. The costume is expected to be priced at the standard $2. Furthermore, the image above is a wallpaper to whet your appetite. It can be downloaded in a variety of sizes for the PSP, PS3 and PC from here.
If you don’t know what all the Journey fuss is about, shame on you. Now that you’ve been shamed, click here. |
The High Court has granted a father the right to see his daughter eight times a year, after a court order forbidding him from applying for more contact expired.
Re G concerned the parents of a 13 year-old girl who had split acrimoniously before she was born. For the first six years of her life her parents returned regularly to court to argue over contact and the proceedings eventually became intractable. At that point a Cafcass officer was appointed as the girl’s legal guardian.
The father saw his daughter regularly but the frequency of the visits gradually declined. A psychiatrist decided that the father had developed a near obsession with his daughter and also said he experienced mood swings and could be aggressive at times. A legal order was granted giving him the right to see the girl three times a year but he was also not allowed to contact his daughter’s school or her GP, or to go within four miles of the mother’s home.
Then a ‘section 91 (14)’ order was issued against him. Issued under the Children Act 1989, these prohibit legal applications regarding the affected children, for example for more contact, without the prior approval of the court.
The section 91 (14) order ran for a period of six years. The day after it expired, the father wrote to the girl’s mother to discuss the arrangements in place for contact, but she accused him of harassing and manipulating their daughter. The mother had not told the girl about the legal quarrels between her parents and she did not know why she only saw her father occasionally.
The father went to court to argue that contact arrangements should be reviewed now that the section 91 (14) order had expired.
At the High Court, a case worker from the National Youth Advocacy Service said the father “lacked insight” into why contact had been restricted to three times a year and said there was still a possibility that the father might try to manipulate his now teenage daughter. On the other hand, the girl was interested in seeing her father more frequently.
Judge Bellamy considered the practicality of an order for more contact. He concluded that the child’s clearly expressed wishes should be taken into consideration, given her age and understanding of the situation. He increased contact to eight times per year, but also put in place a new section 91 (14) order, which would stay in place until the girl turned 16.
I bet 90% of the problems here derived from the courts own failures in not acting decisively from the off to protect a child’s paternal relationship and give the father a decent chance. The predictable garbage about “lack of insight” trotted out by Cafcass and the psychiatrist could as equally be applied to themselves. Name me someone who does not get occasional mood swings or who does not get aggressive at times. What are fathers meant to be, perfect?
It appears the psychiatrist has described a perfectly normal human being, perhaps he or she was expecting a Truman Burbank character!
I’ve never trusted psychiatrists/psychologists ever since watching a program about badly behaved children. A woman psychiatrists/psychologist on the program thought a Welsh father was confusing his child by saying “let’s do this is it?”. According to the very well spoken English woman psychiatrist the father’s use of “is it” when suggesting some sort of activity to the child was a cause for concern, and could be adversely affecting the child and contributing towards the child’s bad behaviour. What the poor woman didn’t realise is that at least half the Welsh population use the term “is it”, it’s a bloody Welshism!!!
It does seem extraordinary that a psychiatrist came to this extremely punitive decision when clearly there is no threat to the child (or we would know about it) and the child is confused because she doesn’t where her father has gone and wants him back.
The psychiatrist says the father has “developed a near obsession” with seeing his daughter – this is absurd – parents need to be virtually obsessed with their children or nobody would put up with the cost and aggravation of raising them !
In years to come when this seemingly idiotic psychiatrist has moved on and forgotten about this girl the father will still be “nearly obsessed” with his daughter – I hope.
I have to ask the same question again – can anybody see a likelihood of the mother being treated like this ???
Many Psychiatrist from what i have seen and read should have assessments themselves. there have been many published reports of how they behave for example the one last year who has been reported to the GMC for diagnosing a girl with Bipolar Disorder when she hadn’t in order to get her newborn adopted to satisfy the L Authority.
How do these experts live with their conscience? Material wealth must out-way morality. I conclude we have many
immoral people working in positions of trust therefore we all
need to be vigilant and expose them.
Could i point out the obvious – how much money did the legal aid or private lawyers, barristers, psychiatrists, social services, cafcass, the courts and judges and his psychotic ex wife make from this man and his quest to see his daughter? At the expense of the irreversible psychological and emotional damage they have all collectively inflicted on an innocent child? Could someone put a figure on it? I bet its obscene! Everything about this picture is wrong. Shame on them.
Only psychiatrist I ever knew was a sexual deviant and pervert and into some well dodgy practices in that department and had to pay sometimes as which ever partner he was with usually wouldn’t do it. They also have their bad points.
The wording is interesting here. This man was found to be dangerous (like so many others) because he was ‘obsessive’ with his daughter. What else are you with your children when someone is trying to take them away from you? Are you calm and uninterested?
The person who chose the word ‘obsessive’ here seems to be trying to imply something a lot more sinister, and no doubt the average reader would fall for this cool twist in language. It is such manipulation of the language that allows family law in Britain to go unchecked, and to continue to kill relationships.
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Stowe Family Law LLP is registered with Companies House, ref. OC331570, and registered for VAT, number 918 5722 04.
Calls may be recorded for quality and training purposes. |
China slams 'irresponsible' Trump accusations over North Korea
US President Donald Trump (L, pictured November 2018) said he did not expect to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping before March 1, leading to a slump in world stock markets
China on Saturday called Donald Trump "irresponsible" after the US President cancelled his top diplomat's latest trip to North Korea and suggested Beijing was stalling efforts to disarm Pyongyang.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was due to return to North Korea next week for what he described as the next stage in ensuring the "final, fully verified denuclearization of North Korea".
But Trump -- facing a slew of domestic problems and independent reports that North Korea has done little or nothing to roll back its nuclear program -- vetoed the plan on Friday.
"Because of our much tougher trading stance with China, I do not believe they are helping with the process of denuclearization as they once were," despite UN sanctions against the nuclear-armed regime, Trump said.
Beijing hit back at Trump's "capricious" accusations in a statement posted on the foreign ministry website.
"The US statement is contrary to basic facts and is irresponsible. We are seriously concerned about this," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said in the statement.
"All parties concerned should... show more sincerity and flexibility, instead of being capricious and put the blame on others," he said.
The trip would have been Pompeo's fourth to North Korea, and the second since a historic summit on June 12 between Trump and Kim in Singapore.
Trump said on Friday that Pompeo would still head to North Korea "in the near future," saying this would likely occur when the US-China trading relationship is "resolved."
The world's two largest economies are engaged in an escalating trade war, exchanging tit-for-tat tariffs on $100 billion in goods, with the most recent levies imposed by both sides on Thursday. |
Vaadin - drag & drop with control key
Is it possible to find out if some key is pressed during dragging in vaadin? I would like if user could copy item by dragging with pressed Ctrl.
In drop method just use this:
TreeTargetDetails treeTargetDetails =
((TreeTargetDetails) event.getTargetDetails());
MouseEventDetails mouseEventDetails =
MouseEventDetails.deSerialize((String) treeTargetDetails.getData("mouseEvent"));
if (mouseEventDetails.isCtrlKey())
Auto.arima with xreg in R, restriction on forecast periods
I am using the forecast package and implement auto.arima with xreg. Here I want to forecast only for 1 year ahead but I am unable to use h parameter in the forecast function. Below is the reason for that:
Definition is given in manual(F1 check):
h = "Number of period of forecast but if xreg is used 'h' is ignored and the forecast period will be number of rows"
Please suggest me an alternate way to use h for the specific period forecast.
Using xreg suggests that you have external (exogenous) variables. In this, a regression model is fitted to the external variables with ARIMA errors.
When forecasting you need to provide future values of these external variables. In practice, these are often forecasts or could be known. For example, if you're trying to predict Sales and you use Advertising spend as an external variable, you may know the advertising spend for the upcoming year.
auto.arima then produces forecasts for the length of xreg, therefore disregarding h.
Based on your comments below, I've provided an example script demonstrating this based on the Sales example above.
# Generate sample data
sales <- sample(100:170, 4*10, replace = TRUE)
advertising <- sample(50:70, 4*10, replace = TRUE)
# Create time series objects.
sales_ts <- ts(sales, frequency = 4, end = c(2017, 4))
fit <- auto.arima(sales_ts, xreg = advertising)
# If we pass external_regressor into the forecast, h will be disregarded and we will
# get a forecast for length(external_regressor)
wrong_forecast = forecast(fit, h = 4, xreg = advertising)
length(wrong_forecast) # Will be 40
# To forecast four quarters in advance, we must provide forecasted external regressor data
# for the upcoming four quarters, so that length(new_regressor) == 4.
# In reality, this data is either forecasted from another forecast, or is known. We'll randomly generate it.
upcoming_advertising <- sample(50:70, 4, replace = TRUE)
correct_forecast <- forecast(fit, xreg = upcoming_advertising)
length(correct_forecast$mean) # Will be 4
The key things to note are:
If we forecast with the same regressors as we did when generating the forecast, h will be disregarded and a forecast will be generated for the length of xreg in your case, 10 years.
As such, we must provide new data for xreg for the length of time we wish to forecast - in your case, 4 quarters.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), "determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination". The vote took place approximately one year after UNGA 3237 granted the PLO "observer status", following PLO president Yasser Arafat's "olive branch" speech to the General Assembly in November 1974. The resolution was passed with the support of the Soviet bloc, in addition to the Arab- and Muslim-majority countries, many African countries, and a few others.
The determination that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination", contained in the resolution, was revoked in 1991 with UN General Assembly Resolution 46/86.
In July 1920, at the San Remo conference, a Class "A" League of Nations mandates over Palestine was allocated to the British. The preamble of the mandate document declared:
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution recommending "to the United Kingdom, as the mandatory Power for Palestine, and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation, with regard to the future government of Palestine, of the Plan of Partition with Economic Union" as Resolution 181 (II). The plan contained a proposal to terminate the British Mandate for Palestine and partition Palestine into "independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem." On 14 May 1948, the day on which the British Mandate over Palestine expired, the Jewish People's Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, and approved a proclamation which declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel.
On 11 May 1949, Israel was admitted to membership in the United Nations.
The resolution of 1975
The full text of Resolution 3379:
In his address to the United Nations General Assembly the same day, 10 November 1975, Israeli Ambassador Chaim Herzog stated:
Herzog ended his statement, while holding a copy of the resolution, with these words: As he concluded his speech, Herzog tore the resolution in half.
The name of "The UN avenue" in Haifa, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv was switched to "The Zionism avenue" as a response to the UN's decision.
United States
Before the vote, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, warned that, "The United Nations is about to make anti-Semitism international law." He delivered a speech against the resolution, including the famous line, "[The United States] does not acknowledge, it will not abide by, it will never acquiesce in this infamous act ... A great evil has been loosed upon the world."
In Campbell, California, in the United States, a group of high school students attempted to solicit signatures on the premises of a local shopping center for a petition against Resolution 3379. The result was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in Pruneyard Shopping Center v. Robins (1980) that supported states' rights to expand the exercise of free speech, which California held was legal in what were considered public areas of a shopping mall.
Mexico's vote in favor of the resolution led some United States Jews to organize a tourism boycott of Mexico. This ended after Mexican foreign minister Emilio Óscar Rabasa made a trip to Israel (Rabasa shortly afterward was forced to resign).
Voting record for Resolution 3379
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 46/86, adopted on 16 December 1991, revoked the determination in Resolution 3379, which had called Zionism a form of racism. Israel had made revocation of Resolution 3379 a condition of its participation in the Madrid Peace Conference, in progress in the last quarter of 1991.
The resolution was raised under pressure from the administration of US President George H.W. Bush. The text of the revocation was simply:
"The General Assembly Decides to revoke the determination contained in its resolution 3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975."
The motion was supported by 111 (including the 90 nations who sponsored the resolution), opposed by 25 nations and abstained by 13 nations.
Voting record for Resolution 46/86
Statement of revocation
George H. W. Bush personally introduced the motion to revoke 3379 with these words:
See also
World Conference against Racism
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
External links
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (10 November 1975) (Official UN site)
Report of the Plenary Meeting A/PV.2400 (Official UN site)
Israeli Ambassador Herzog's response to Zionism is racism resolution (10 November 1975)
Ambassador Moynihan's response to Zionism is racism resolution
Video footage of Ambassador Herzog concluding his remarks and tearing the resolution in half (10 November 1975)
American Jewish Committees' extensive archive of materials on the Zionism is Racism controversy
Category:1975 in law
Category:United Nations General Assembly resolutions concerning Israel
Category:1975 in the United Nations
Category:Politics and race
Category:Criticism of the United Nations
Category:November 1975 events
Category:Israel, Palestine, and the United Nations |
However, Indiana's NewsCenter wanted to know what are local farmers doing to keep their eggs safe?
Executives at Creighton Brothers in Warsaw, Indiana said constant monitoring and testing is key in prevent a salmonella outbreak in Northeast Indiana.
Farmers at Creighton Brothers check back chicks, their feed supply and the environment inside and outside their plant for traces of salmonella.
It is a process that they voluntarily implemented in the 1990's.
"We wouldn't be around long if we didn't take that very seriously and so that's why we go to such steps... voluntary testing and everything as well as any kind of government oversight, mandated testing. We take it all very seriously," said Creighton Brothers Vice President Mindy Truex.
Creighton Brothers is a family-owned company that has been in business since 1925.
Meanwhile, if any shelled eggs were found to contain salmonella, they would not be shipped out.
The eggs would be sent to Creighton's "breaking plant".
At that plant, the eggs would be cracked open and pasteurized at a high temperature, which would effectively kill any lingering bacteria.
Across the nation, 1,300 cases of salmonella poisoning have been linked to the recall.
Meanwhile, experts believe that number will continue to go up.
According to the Journal Gazette, the Apple Glen and Southtown Crossing Walmart stores had three recalled brands on their shelves up until Friday, August 20.
Sunny Farms, Sunny Meadow and Hillandale Farms all have specific batches that have been recalled.
Locally, Meijer, Kroger and Scott's were not affected.
If you purchased any of the recalled brands, check your egg carton for plant number P-1860 with Julian dates between 99 to 230 or plant number P-1663 with Julian dates ranging from 137 to 230.
Any cartoon matching those specific numbers was recalled.
Do not eat any recalled eggs.
You can return them to the store for a refund.
Meanwhile, for egg safety tips, click the link in the related content section on this article.
What are your thoughts CLICK HERE to leave us a "QUESTION OF THE DAY” comment.
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Interindividual variation in pubertal growth patterns of ventilatory function, standing height, and weight.
We studied interindividual variation in pubertal growth patterns from peak growth velocities (PGV) and peak growth ages (PGA) of ventilatory function, standing height, and weight in a selection of 144 boys from a longitudinal survey of 404 pupils in a Dutch secondary school. Measurements were made at intervals of approximately 0.5 yr between 1978 and 1985. Between 9 and 14 measurements were available for each selected individual. Average age on enrollment was 12.7 years. Ventilatory function was characterized by FVC, FEV1, peak expiratory flow (PEF), and maximal expiratory flow at 50% of the FVC (MEF50), derived from maximum expiratory flow volume (MEFV) curves. PGVs and PGAs were derived from monotonically increased regression splines, fitted to the data of each individual and each variable separately. The 90% percentile ranges of PGA were approximately 4.5 yr in all variables. In almost all boys, the PGA of height occurred earlier than that of ventilatory function, but the magnitude of the time lag varied considerably. Median PGAs agreed well with peak growth ages derived from average growth velocity curves fitted on exactly the same data. However, median PGVs were 1.25 to 1.40 times higher than the corresponding estimates from the average curves. The latter finding implies that in almost all cases, individual development deviates considerably from development suggested by average growth profiles. No differences in PGA and PGV were found between subjects with a prepubertal history of respiratory symptoms and those without. The large interindividual variations in PGA and PGV, and in the time lag between growth of height and of ventilatory function, are not accounted for in cross-sectional reference equations. These equations are therefore not suitable to predict individual development during adolescence. |
Imperial, Missouri
Imperial is a census-designated place (CDP) in Jefferson County, Missouri, United States. The population was 4,709 at the 2010 census, up from 4,373 in 2000. It was originally known as West Kimmswick, and is located south of downtown St. Louis. St. John's Church is a historic parish church located within Imperial.
Imperial is located in northeastern Jefferson County at . According to the United States Census Bureau, the CDP has a total area of , of which are land and , or 13.01%, are water.
Imperial is bordered to the north by Arnold, to the south by Barnhart, and to the east by the Mississippi River, which forms the Illinois state line. The CDP surrounds the city of Kimmswick. Interstate 55 runs through Imperial, with access from Exits 185 (Secondary Route M) and 186 (Main Street). Mastodon State Historic Site is located in Imperial.
2010 census
As of the census of 2010, there were 4,709 people, 1,769 households, and 1,297 families living in the CDP. The population density was . There were 1,871 housing units at an average density of . The racial makeup of the CDP was 97.5% White, 0.3% African American, 0.3% Native American, 1.1% Asian, 0.1% from other races, and 0.8% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.2% of the population.
There were 1,769 households of which 36.2% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 58.0% were married couples living together, 9.6% had a female householder with no husband present, 5.7% had a male householder with no wife present, and 26.7% were non-families. 21.3% of all households were made up of individuals and 6.9% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.66 and the average family size was 3.08.
The median age in the CDP was 38 years. 24.8% of residents were under the age of 18; 8.1% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 27.2% were from 25 to 44; 29.3% were from 45 to 64; and 10.6% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the CDP was 50.9% male and 49.1% female.
2000 census
As of the census of 2000, there were 4,373 people, 1,634 households, and 1,228 families living in the CDP. The population density was 812.4 people per square mile (313.8/km²). There were 1,720 housing units at an average density of 319.5 per square mile (123.4/km²). The racial makeup of the CDP was 97.92% White, 0.14% African American, 0.14% Native American, 0.34% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.11% from other races, and 1.33% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.17% of the population.
There were 1,634 households out of which 38.7% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 59.7% were married couples living together, 10.3% had a female householder with no husband present, and 24.8% were non-families. 20.3% of all households were made up of individuals and 6.7% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.67 and the average family size was 3.06.
In the CDP, the population was spread out with 27.6% under the age of 18, 8.3% from 18 to 24, 34.1% from 25 to 44, 21.5% from 45 to 64, and 8.5% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 34 years. For every 100 females, there were 100.6 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 93.4 males.
The median income for a household in the CDP was $49,565, and the median income for a family was $58,955. Males had a median income of $39,292 versus $30,191 for females. The per capita income for the CDP was $20,431. About 4.9% of families and 9.8% of the population were below the poverty line, including 13.7% of those under age 18 and 8.9% of those age 65 or over.
Almost all of the Imperial CDP is in the Windsor C-1 School District. A small portion of the CDP and several surrounding areas with Imperial addresses are zoned to the Fox C-6 School District. The Windsor district operates Windsor High School in the CDP. Fox C-6 operates Seckman High School outside of the CDP.
The Windsor district previously ended at the eighth grade. High school students would attend Crystal City High School or Herculaneum High School. The Fox district was originally a K-8 school district, with high school students also having a choice of Crystal City High and Herculaneum High. The Fox district became K-12 when Fox High School was established in 1955.
Category:Census-designated places in Jefferson County, Missouri
Category:Census-designated places in Missouri
Category:Missouri populated places on the Mississippi River |
The violence of (in)action: communities, climate and business-as-usual
Climate change is creating challenges and opportunities for community development. The challenges arise from declining biophysical conditions and the socio-political and economic barriers that delay, delegitimize or co-opt genuine community responses. Opportunities are arising from global climate change activism networks that provide new resources and discourses for activists and community organizers. These challenges and opportunities are unevenly shaped by the possibility for genuine democratic contestation in different contexts. In this article we draw on recent climate justice mobilizations in Aotearoa New Zealand. These mobilizations called for divestment from fossil fuel activities by blocking access to major banks around the country that directly support the industry. While most actions in the campaign were peaceful and effective in closing down business-as-usual for the day at specific bank branches, one in particular provoked police and implicit state-sanctioned violence against the activists, pitting bank customers against climate activists. We use this case study to illustrate the complexity of contemporary climate activism and tactics within communities, and draw on the work of Judith Butler to show how violence and stigma are used to discipline certain bodies who contest more dominant development trajectories and investment. |
How Three Agencies Weathered the 2013 Shutdown
In the same week that Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., vowed to avoid future government shutdowns, the Governmental Accountability Office weighed in on Friday with new documentation on the disruption visited upon three agencies during the October 2013 16-day closure.
Cessation of patient registration for clinical trials, delays in graduation of Merchant Marine Academy students, postponed public transit grants, and shuttered environmental management offices were some of the effects of the expired appropriations at the National Institutes of Health and the Transportation and Energy departments, GAO found.
Carried out at the request of Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., who chairs the Senate Budget Committee’s Government Performance Task Force, GAO focused on units in three departments GAO selected “based on the value of grants and contracts, the percentage of employees expected to be furloughed, and the potential for longer-term effects,” the report said.
Auditors reviewed department contingency plans and economic forecasters’ analyses, while interviewing officials from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Office of Management and Budget, the Office of Personnel Management and associations. Auditors also cross-checked the data used in OMB ‘s year-old publication “Costs of the October 2013 Federal Government Shutdown,” finding them reliable.
Within the Health and Human Services Department, “grants management activities at NIH effectively ceased with employee furloughs, although most current grant recipients were able to draw down funds,” GAO noted. “NIH had to reschedule the review process for over 13,700 grant applications because of the shutdown. After the shutdown, NIH completed the process to meet the next milestone in January 2014.”
At Transportation, the Federal Transit Administration “effectively ceased with grants management officials furloughed and no payments made on existing grants,” GAO said. FTA officials said that no new grant awards were processed because of the shutdown, “but the effect was minimal because the grant processing system is typically unavailable in early October for fiscal year closeout activities.”
At Energy’s Office of Environmental Management, “contract activities generally continued because of the availability of multi-year funding, but more than 1,700 contractor employees who operate and maintain EM facilities were laid off or required to use leave because EM issued stop-work orders. EM officials reported some programs required four months to return to pre-shutdown levels of contract activity,” the report said.
Some of the potential disruption—economic estimates of which GAO also examined—was mitigated by the selected department’s “experience with preparing for prior potential shutdowns, funding flexibilities (such as multi-year funding), and ongoing communications internally” with OMB and OPM, the auditors found.
“OMB staff addressed questions from agencies on how to communicate about the shutdown with their employees, but did not direct agencies to document lessons learned from how they planned, managed, and implemented the shutdown for future reference,” the report said.
GAO’s recommendation for the future is that agencies dealing with a shutdown better document the impact. OMB declined to take a position on the recommendation. |
Onward and Upward! How to live an uncommon life.
Patience and Life: Practical Matters
My wife gave me a fascinating book called “Leonardo’s Notebooks” by H. Anna Suh. The book is a rich collection of artwork and writings, arranged in three sections: Beauty, Reason and Art; Observation and Order; and Practical Matters. I’m delighted to borrow from the third section this morning, Practical Matters.
Da Vinci possessed one of the greatest minds the world has ever known, yet his ability to point to simple truths made his brilliance tangible and personal. One of his statements stood out above the many others I’ve read this morning, both for its profundity and for its simplicity:
“Patience serves us against insults precisely as clothes do against the cold. For if you multiply your garment as the cold increases, that cold cannot hurt you; in the same way increase your patience under great offences, and they cannot hurt your feelings.”
Why is it that patience tends to “wear thin?” Why do we tend to lose patience at precisely the wrong time, only to regret it later, seeing the folly of our rashness in retrospect?
True patience is not a passive state. In fact, patience is a dynamic state that requires preparedness, vigilance and a keen sense of timing. Preparedness, because he who is patient is always ready to do the right thing. Vigilance, because all things work out in season. And a keen sense of timing, because the right thing to do can only be done during a specific window of opportunity.
Patience encompasses both rest and action. Trying to push when the timing is not right is a sign of impatience. Conversely, resting when action is called for is false patience. He who is patient is not controlled by the circumstances in which he finds himself, in fact, patience is never reactive, it is wholly proactive.
Patience provides the state of of mind and heart that allows for sensitivity to the subtle elements of timing that most miss in their hasty and frenzied approach to life. So many of life’s miseries are the result of a misfire, like a poorly timed piston engine, and the natural power and wonder that would move through life naturally and harmoniously is released in awkward fits and starts, typically to the chagrin of all involved. Perhaps the experience of such a mis-timed effort was what caused someone long ago to shrug his or her shoulders and mutter, “That’s life.”
Is that really life or is it the way we’ve tended to experience life? Perhaps it is more correct to say “That’s my experience of life.” Life really doesn’t deserve the bad reputation we have given it over the years. I am convinced that the argument that “life sucks” made by so many people in so many ways is specious.
I once heard life described as “the hyphen between matter and spirit.” Life really is what you make of it. You cannot sit idly and expect the cosmos to deliver you a wonderful and fulfilling life, neatly packaged and just as you ordered it. You must oscillate between work and rest, compression and expansion according to the impulse of life in you.
If you don’t feel sensitive to the timing, have patience. It will come. Look to release areas of tension, for in patience there is no tension. Perhaps the greatest reason why people tend to be impatient is that they are afraid of being hurt, terrified of some potential loss if they don’t take matters into their own hands according to their own timing. Fear not, for in true patience there is an inner strength that comes wearing the clothes of inner calm.
Patience is not gritting your teeth, grinning and bearing it or holding back. It is poise and readiness, acting only when the timing is most propitious for a positive outcome. Patience is a practical matter. Thank you, Signore DaVinci!
6 Responses
I think patience is more than just a virtue that a few really “together” type people have. It seems to me like a muscle that we all have but few understand how to develop it.
Your post gives some good food for thought as to how it can be developed. Sensitivity sounds like a practical way to begin.
I am just starting a new hobby this summer and it occurs to me that elements of myself can be developed in much the same way. Exploring, taking initial steps to experience, enjoying the process, delighting in my new found ability and staying with it as I become more adept.
Thanks for such a clear information on this subject. It is one of the things most people lament not having.
Wow, this article, especially the quote by Davinci, really came at a great time for me. I had never thought of patience in this way before. It’s something that can be applied to my life every single second of every day, and I look forward to seeing the outcomes that happen when I really apply this dynamic patience. Thanks Gregg, and Leonardo!
If more tooke responsibility by saying “This is my experience of life” instead of “That’s life!” then we could stop giving life such a bad rap. Life is rarely any of the things people say it is when they use such expression.
Amazing thoughts on patience! What a wonderful book for your wife to give you. My husband is no longer living but we had many wonderful years together sharing such musings. I ordered a copy of Suh’s book – it sounds like just the kind of thing that would have stimulated a lot of creative conversation between us. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! |
Simson is considered one of the few people in the NSW seat with the profile to challenge former Nationals leader
This article is more than 1 year old
This article is more than 1 year old
National Farmers Federation president Fiona Simson has been urged to run as an independent against Barnaby Joyce, most recently during a rural womens event in Canberra earlier this month.
Simson, a farmer who lives in the seat of New England, is one of the few people in the northern New South Wales seat with the profile to seriously challenge the former National party leader.
She attended the Rural Women’s Award on 15 October, where a number of people urged her to run against Joyce.
'Anyone but Nats': Rural figures come out against Barnaby Joyce and Nationals Read more
The dinner was attended by influential rural women and past award winners, including Catherine Marriott, who made sexual harassment allegations against Joyce, which he has denied.
The rural womens’ network has rallied around Marriott and a number of women have pushed back against the idea of Joyce returning to the leadership of the National party.
Simson has also spoken out in support of Marriott since she made the allegations.
The NFF asked Marriott to host its annual congress on the theme of “diversify” in the same week as the rural womens awards. The decision made it difficult for Joyce to attend either event and effectively cut him off from a key rural constituency.
It is understood Simson is considering her options as her three year term as NFF president expires in November next year. The federal election is expected in May.
Simson has already spoken about the numerous approaches from political parties over a career in politics but those conversations have also involved running as an independent.
pip courtney (@pipcourtney) and the big question on the lips of many in Canberra this week was "will Fiona Simson run against Barnaby Joyce in the seat of New England?" https://t.co/wQC04rXrSm
If she stands, Simson would be yet another high profile woman independent running against the Coalition in a safe seat; following in the tradition of Cathy McGowan in Indi, Kerryn Phelps in Wentworth and Rebekha Sharkie in Mayo.
The Victorian elections are also marked by independent women candidates challenging Coalition MPs in rural seats.
The New England area has a history of support for independent candidates both at a federal and state level, including Tony Windsor and Richard Torbay.
Eight months after he stepped down following his relationship with a former staffer, the breakdown of his marriage and the harassment allegations, Joyce has become increasingly vocal. Last week said he would take the leadership if it was offered to him, while denying he was actively campaigning against McCormack.
Asked if he would “carry any baggage” with women in rural constituencies should he return to the leadership, Joyce said last week that “I would certainly say I would have to do a lot of work.
Barnaby Joyce: 'I would take Nationals leadership if it was offered' Read more
“And I do that all the time. There is no one in [Parliament] that is purer than the driven snow and that includes me and I acknowledge I would have to do work and I would be working very hard and be working as respectfully as I could,” Joyce told the Conversation.
“But I would also plead with people, don’t assume that an inference is the truth or a rumour is the truth. A rumour is a rumour and an inference is an inference and when people have investigated something and can’t find something, then respect that decision.”
Joyce denied that he chose to avoid the womens’ awards though he said “I acknowledge it would have been absolute burley for media and I just want that circus to stop.”
While the NSW National party investigated Marriott’s allegations, the party was unable to make a determination due to insufficient evidence. |
Pretreatment of colon carcinoma cells with Tomudex enhances 5-fluorouracil cytotoxicity.
The cytotoxic effect of sequence and dose of Tomudex (TX) and 5-fluorouracil (FUra) on an HCT-8 colon carcinoma cell line using a clonogenic assay was evaluated. Synergistic cell kill was obtained with 24 h of exposure to TX followed by 4 h of exposure to FUra. Marginal synergy was obtained with the same sequence but with a 5-day exposure to FUra. The reverse sequence, FUra (either 4 h or 5 days), followed by TX (24 h), resulted in less-than-additive cell kill. The synergistic effect was not due to augmented inhibition of thymidylate synthase, as determined by the measurement of thymidylate synthase activity by tritium release from [5-3H]2'-deoxyuridine. Surprisingly, an increase in intracellular levels of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate was observed after 24 h of exposure to TX, suggesting the possibility of an indirect effect of TX and/or its polyglutamates on purine biosynthesis. Moreover, we observed an increased formation of FUra nucleotides in the cells preexposed to TX, likely due to the increased intracellular levels of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate, that as a consequence led to an enhanced incorporation of FUra into RNA and increased cell killing. |
The extracellular matrix is an integrated unit: ultrastructural localization of collagen types I, III, IV, V, VI, fibronectin, and laminin in human term placenta.
The human term placenta is used extensively as a source of extracellular matrix components. To elucidate the tissue distribution and interrelationships of seven of these components, monospecific antibodies directed against collagen types I, III, IV, V, VI, fibronectin, and laminin were reacted with human term placenta and studied by light and electron immunohistochemistry. Type I collagen was the basic structural unit of human term placenta, present as 30-35 nm, cross-banded fibers, often in the form of large fiber bundles. Type III collagen was present as thin 10-15 nm, beaded fibers often forming a meshwork which encased type I collagen fibers. Types V and VI collagen were present as 6-10 nm filaments, often closely associated with types I and III collagen. Type VI collagen also coated collagen fibers of all diameters, enhancing their periodicity, providing a staining pattern often similar to that observed with anti-fibronectin antibodies. Fibronectin was present in both maternal and fetal plasma and throughout the stroma of the chorionic villus, as both free filaments and coating collagen fibers. Basement membranes contained laminin and type IV collagen, but no fibronectin. In summary, the non-basement membrane proteins studied often codistributed with type I collagen, between and apparently attached to fibers, suggesting that they may act as binding proteins, linking type I fibers and bundles, to themselves and to other structures. |
The Physician Weldon
Immortality can be had, but for a cost. Some are willing to pay this price, some are willing to make others pay the price. So long as there is gold in my hand I care not.
In my youth, I was a bold and arrogant young man. I was the sort of young man that the world takes great delight in ruining. I was too bold, I did not show the proper obedience to the church, to the King, to the grand council of magi. I stood tall and proud, my mind was keen and my hand was steady. I was among the best, the brightest of the Alchemists. I knew that a rational mind would triumph over their arcane puffery, their aristocratic pomp. I was wrong. The magi took great sport in humiliating the Guild of Alchemists, we were nothing more than purveyors of cheap potions. We were the stock boys for the Guild of Adventurers-Upon-Return. And then they proved that it was true, we were nothing more than potion makers for reckless warriors. Our great and wise skill was a tool of convenience for cheap heroes.
But I was not yet defeated. I thought to take up the path of those same heroes, use my own potions to fuel my rise to greatness. I would stand in the luminary company of Redgar and Mialee. Again I was wrong. I was denied entrance to the highy and mighty Guild of Adventurers-Upon-Return. A war was on, and I was drafted into the King's Army. Had I retained my position in the Alchemists Guild I would have avoided this fate. I saw warfare, I fought on the line with the levies. But I spent most of my work making potions of healing, and working as a physicians assistant. That was grim and bloody work, removing arrows, and amputating infected limbs. I saw the flower of youth bleed away, felt the intangible essence of life slip between my fingers. A seed was planted then and there that would take years to sprout.
Weldon Haylom
In his youth Weldom was a brash and brilliant alchemist. He was known for his rakish behavior, interest in haute coture, and for his long beautiful hair. But this was tempered by the fact that Weldon was a man of thought and not a man of action. His superiors categorized him as possessing great skill and ability, inflated by a double dose of ambition, but lacking a true motivation beyond his own self importance. Rank within the Alchemist Guild is not determined by sheer skill or ability, but by enlightenment. While brilliant, Weldom never accepted that one of the core precepts of alchemy was refining the base into the pure, and the ongoing project was the purification of the alchemist himself.
None of the guild masters were surprised when Weldon left the Guild. Some hoped that he would discover things about himself by traveling and adventuring as he planned to do. Others thought he was on a path to darkness and ruin, and that he should be discouraged from following the path he had chosen. A few whispers, and the Adventurer's Guild shunned him.
Baron Valkan showed me a great deal of kindness, more than had been shown to me in years. He recognized my talent, my greatness and he became my patron for many years. In that laboratory I concocted potions and tonics for the Baron and his lovely Baroness. I was given a free hand to explore what arts I would explore, and that a share of the fame would go to my patron, in exchange for my board and stocking my laboratory. This was fine, and it was that the Baroness, with her pale skin and lovely dark hair entered into my inner chambers. We became lovers, and soon she was heavy with my child, which was a great and terrible guilt to her as her husband was unable to perform his husbandly duties and there was no way to hide that the child was not his. So we conspired and poisoned him in his sleep.
His brother was a cruel and wicked man, with a ruthless eye and keen mind. He came with forces to his brother's funeral and claimed the castle. He invoked obscure noble rights to take the Baroness as his Bride clad in Black, and that he would punish Valkan's murderer. I survived his bloody witch hunt by a bracer of potions and skill I had learned fighting on the Plains of Besran. I was driven into the hinterlands, far from my comfortable bed, from my well stocked laborotory, and from the tender hot embrace of my Baroness. He had stolen from me what was mine by deed. I felt tiny, I felt harmless and vulnerable. Another seed had been planted, one that would grow faster than the first one.
Baroness Natasha Valkan
The Baroness was indeed a beautful woman, with fine legs and a lovely figure, but those who knew her from her childhood knew that Natasha was a bad apple. Her beauty ended at her skin. She married Hugo Valkan under false pretenses, knowing he was impotent. She had been first lovers with his younger brother Bertrand Valkan, and the two conspired to kill Hugo and absorb his barony into Bertrand's slightly larger but less populated tract of land. Hugo was not a fool, and had hired Weldon to work in his corner, bolstering his flagging health as well as using what he could from the irregular output from the laboratory. He placed too much trust in Weldon and did not suspect the handsome alchemist of fornicating with his viper of a wife. He was thusly surprised when he found himself choking on his own tongue, a side effect of common poisoning. Bertrand arrived, having been well informed of events, where he claimed both his brother's lands and his woman, and united the two baronies into a larger county. Weldon was suddenly a liability and efforts were made to hunt him down and scapegoat him for Hugo's demise. The newly wed Bertrand and Natasha laughed and drank wine toasting each other to their success.
Bertrand would later have Natasha waylaid by bandits where she eventually ended up in an unpleasant bath. This isn't relevant to the story of Weldon, but some might have wondered about that happy family.
I dwelt in the wilds, afraid for my life. I drew sickness and survived. I lived like a vagrant, moving from village to village. When I had the ingredients I would make and peddle potions. I cured diseases, impotences, healed injured people, and other such low alchemies. I was not pleased with the work I was doing, but I was happy in a low common sort of way. I still burned for something much greater than being the raggedy potion man. I wanted more. I eventually came upon an abandoned tower, the sort that sits at junctions of ley lines. These had once been popular, but geomancy had learned that ley lines could move and the fad of building towers fell out. It was not worth the time to build a tower that would function as a magical focus for only a few decades. I moved into the structure and set about repairing it. I rebuilt my laboratory, and as I was able to make potions of greater depth and potency I found more coin to stock my pantries and supply my endeavors.
I created a very fine potion. This potion, when imbibed, would turn the meekest man into a giant, his fists would be weapons, and his heated gaze would cause even stern men to quail before him. I took to using my own potion, becoming a mighty warrior, striding about my tower, killing those who dared to trespass. It was a great mirth to me that I found myself standing over the broken bodies of the men of the Guild of Adventurers-Upon-Return. With black humours and necrogenic tonics I raised up their bodies and made them serve me.
Those I found of the fairer sex, I raised up as well, but with greater care. I made them beautiful again, and I was free to use them as I felt. They could not feel pain nor emotion so I could be as cruel and brutal to them as I wished. But eventually that sort of sport grew dull. I wanted something more.
The Black Alchemist
Weldon's time as a wanderer was brief, and his restoration of the tower and of himself as a serious alchemist took a bit longer. By this point, the vitality of youth had been replaced by hard years of disappointment and the ravages of illness. His hair, once full and luxurious was thin and starting to gray. The handsome face had become drawn and haggard, his fair skin blemished by the scars left by the Black Pox. Once his tower was functional, he surrounded it with alchemically preserved zombies. Inside, he had a harem of lovely female assistants, and carried on regular correspondences with questionable characters such as Norbert of Zhuertage, and Cheleckzar the Necromancer. He remained a reclusive person, seldom venturing far from his tower on the edge of the swamps. It was during this time that he perfected the Potion of Giant's Blood. This concoction caused the drinker to swell to over twice their normal size, gaining incredible strength, the stamina of a horse god, and an impressive ability to resist damage. A common man could throw soldiers around like rag dolls. A competent fighter could shatter walls with his fists, or use things like jousting lances and great swords as one handed weapons. The potion is a success as the negative effects associated with it (loss of self control, amplified rage and lust emotions, and the like) are not an effect of the potion but rather a personal defect of the person drinking it. A chaste monk oblivious to the temptations of lust would remain chaste if he consumed Giant's Blood.
Princess Marijolin de'Oldson, she came to my tower in a mad drawn carriage. Her guards were blooded, her horses close to run to death. She was lovely in a way that Natasha had never been. The bandits persuing her were quickly butchered by my old tireless soldiers and I extended to her the hospitality of my home. She was graceful and intelligent, with dark eyes and a sort of dark disposition. She was fascinated by the tools of my alchemical trade. Instead of flinching back from the dessicated face of one of my dead soldiers she was drawn to look into its cavernous eye sockets and spoke to me of how it saw the world, how it functioned. She was charmed by the women of my harem, no longer used for carnal lust, but now seamstresses for my robes, servants to tend my tower.
'We grow old,' she would say, the gray in our hair, the wrinkles forming around our eyes, our mouths. She kissed me and I allowed her and her men, shaken to the bone, to leave. I prepared, I expected soldiers to come, for my tower to be ransacked and my to be put in chains. The soldiers did come, but there were only four of them, and they brought wagons of supplies to assist in my work, stacks of books copied from De'Oldsons personal library, and gold coin to purchase things hard to find. I had a new patron and she asked nothing of me.
But I knew what she wanted, the same thing I wanted. Youth. I was old now, my joints ached, and my eyes were not what they used to be. My hair had gone white, and my face was pale and unpleasant. I had expected to live a life of luxury, of soft cushions and aged wines and fine cheeses. Instead I lived in seclusion, an animal in exile and my body had paid the price. I put myself to work.
The Old Seed
Weldon worked for years, recieving regular supply from de'Oldson, and irregular visits from her. They developed a strong friendship, he traded her his thoughts and opinions, acting as one of her most trusted advisors, and she brought him the nice things he had craved in youth. The seed grow, sprouted, and soon flowered.
I had held the stuff of life in my hands once, I remembered that and sought after it. After much work I had it again. I could distill life force, vim, that primal essence from others, and I could take that into myself as a potion. I sent Marijolin an invitation. She arrived in her traveling finery, to find a banquet table set and two youths hanging from the ceiling. We ate as I told her the things I had been doing. She smiled, looking at the two teenagers hanging from the ceiling rafter. They would struggle against their bonds, against the gags in the mouths. Once we were done I invited her to inspect them, to see and touch their firm young bodies. She knew I had done it, or perhaps thought I had lost my mind, that thought had occured to me a time or two. I slit the first youth's throat and bled him out into a silver bowl. The process was simple, so simple it was maddening. I crafted the potion, bowed to de'Oldson and drank it. Old age bled away from me, my skin smoothed, my hair grew full and dark again, and my feeble heart grew stout in my chest. She was delighted and asked to gather the blood for her potion. I felt affection for her as she cut the throat of the fair headed girl and bled her out like a lamb.
The potion turned her hair into a glory of glossy raven black curls. Her chest filled out and her old face became young again, and she laughed a bright happy sound. She admired herself in the mirror. 'How long does this enchantment last,' she asked. I told her it was no sorcerers trick of the eyes, that the youth she saw and felt was her own. So long as there were bodies to steal the vim of life from, and my steady hand to make the potion, we had forever.
We made love that night.
The Raven Queen
Marijolin de'Oldson returned to her domain and quickly deposed her sister the Queen and assumed the throne. Weldon was invited to the capital, where he would reside as the Lord-Master of the Guild of Alchemists and Magicians. This upset many people, but his skill with potions and a rudimentary grasp of immaterial magic earned the fear and grudging respect of his peers. How they hated this upstart, with his smooth face, but old satirical tongue. The the Raven Queen was feared as well, for she too had command of sorcery herself. Most tales would have the two wed and rule as bitter and immortal sovereigns. Instead, the Raven Queen ruled alone, not requiring a King to steady her hand. She had the cunning and bile of an old bitter woman fueled by the bright vigour of youth. Her chief advisor, the head of all the magic users in the domain was much happier being a sycophant of the court, as well as being the cruel taskmaster and head of the magi. But there was a cost, the years stolen from youth don't last as long. The two require a regular supply of sacrificial victims to maintain their vitality. Most of these victims are taken from the prisons and gaols, but on rare occasion a particular youth draws one of their attentions. Young womenw ith striking black hair, fair skin, and ample bosoms tend to draw the Raven Queen's eye, while Weldon rarely persues anything beyond what he needs. When he does, he takes youths he considers to be pompous arrogant fools, those who personally offend him.
Forever is a long time, but I have a great deal of wine, a great deal of money, and the gratitude of the Raven Queen.
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Wow. Simply wow. An excellent character, with many details and links to other articles, yet generic enough to get included in a lot of different settings. The best of the background is the description of his descent into evil, step by step, after disappointments and setbacks. I bet that if the Raven queen proves to be a capable ruler, and if Weldon shares a little of his alchemical expertise, many of the common people might see the sacrifice of a chouple of youths, especially obnoxious ones, a reasonable deal (though hair bleaching is going to get popular). |
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Andrés Martinelli <andmarti@gmail.com *
* All rights reserved. *
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* This file is a part of SC-IM *
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* SC-IM is a spreadsheet program that is based on SC. The original authors *
* of SC are James Gosling and Mark Weiser, and mods were later added by *
* Chuck Martin. *
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* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without *
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *
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* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. *
* 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software *
* must display the following acknowledgement: *
* This product includes software developed by Andrés Martinelli *
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* 4. Neither the name of the Andrés Martinelli nor the *
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* \file interp.h
* \author Andrés Martinelli <andmarti@gmail.com>
* \date 2017-07-18
* \brief Header file for interp.c
#include <time.h>
double finfunc(int fun, double v1, double v2, double v3);
char * dostindex(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * val);
double doindex(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * val);
double dolookup(struct enode * val, int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, int offset, int vflag);
double docount(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * e);
double dosum(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * e);
double doprod(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * e);
double doavg(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * e);
double dostddev(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * e);
double domax(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * e);
double domin(int minr, int minc, int maxr, int maxc, struct enode * e);
double dodts(int e1, int e2, int e3);
double dotts(int hr, int min, int sec);
double dotime(int which, double when);
double doston(char * s);
int doslen(char * s);
double doeqs(char * s1, char * s2);
struct ent * getent(char * colstr, double rowdoub);
double donval(char * colstr, double rowdoub);
double dolmax(struct ent * e, struct enode * ep);
double dolmin(struct ent * e, struct enode * ep);
//double eval(register struct enode *e);
double eval(register struct ent * ent, register struct enode * e);
double fn1_eval(double (* fn)(), double arg);
double fn2_eval(double (* fn)(), double arg1, double arg2);
char * docat(register char * s1, register char * s2);
char * dodate(time_t tloc, char * fmtstr);
char * dofmt(char * fmtstr, double v);
char * doext(struct enode * se);
char * doext(struct enode * se);
char * dosval(char * colstr, double rowdoub);
char * dosubstr(char * s, register int v1, register int v2);
char * docase(int acase, char * s);
char * docapital(char * s);
char * seval(register struct ent * ent, register struct enode * se);
void setiterations(int i);
void EvalAll();
struct enode * new(int op, struct enode * a1, struct enode * a2);
struct enode * new_var(int op, struct ent_ptr a1);
struct enode * new_range(int op, struct range_s a1);
struct enode * new_const(int op, double a1);
struct enode * new_str(char * s);
void copy(struct ent * dv1, struct ent * dv2, struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2);
void copydbuf(int deltar, int deltac);
void eraser(struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2);
void yankr(struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2);
void mover(struct ent * d, struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2);
void g_free();
void go_last();
void go_previous();
void moveto(int row, int col, int lastrow, int lastcol, int cornerrow, int cornercol);
void num_search(double n, int firstrow, int firstcol, int lastrow, int lastcol, int errsearch, int flow);
void str_search(char * s, int firstrow, int firstcol, int lastrow, int lastcol, int num, int flow);
void fill(struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2, double start, double inc);
void lock_cells(struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2);
void unlock_cells(struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2);
void let(struct ent * v, struct enode * e);
void slet(struct ent * v, struct enode * se, int flushdir);
void format_cell(struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2, char * s);
int constant(register struct enode * e);
void efree(struct enode * e);
void label(register struct ent * v, register char * s, int flushdir);
void decodev(struct ent_ptr v);
char * coltoa(int col);
//static void decompile_list(struct enode * p);
void decompile(register struct enode * e, int priority);
void index_arg(char * s, struct enode * e);
void two_arg_index(char * s, struct enode * e);
void list_arg(char * s, struct enode * e);
void one_arg(char * s, struct enode * e);
void two_arg(char * s, struct enode * e);
void three_arg(char * s, struct enode * e);
void range_arg(char * s, struct enode * e);
void editfmt(int row, int col);
void editv(int row, int col);
void editexp(int row, int col);
void edits(int row, int col, int saveinfile);
int dateformat(struct ent * v1, struct ent * v2, char * fmt);
double rint(double d);
void EvalAllVertexs();
void EvalJustOneVertex(register struct ent * p, int i, int j, int rebuild_graph);
MapQuest Directions API counts transaction for Geocoding
I generated free key for MapQuest API (15,000 free transactions per month). I'm only going to use Directions API and nothing else. What is important that I only want to use it with specified GPS coordinates - so I don't need Geocoding feature.
When I'm sending a request to MapQuest webService /optimizedroute they charge this as 1 Directions transaction (which is OK), but they also count N Geocoding transaction (N is number of points in route request).
I'm little confused because I don't provide address string but GPS coordinates - I have no idea why they are charging transaction for Geocoding.
Here you have my example requests (they count geocoding for this 2 variants - no matter if I use string GPS coordinates or JSON LatLng objects) :
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d '{"locations": [{"latLng":{"lat": 51.129044, "lng": 17.045847}}, {"latLng":{"lat": 51.107062, "lng": 17.032286}}, {"latLng":{"lat": 51.053140, "lng": 16.974779}}, {"latLng":{"lat": 51.077520, "lng": 17.065245}}, {"latLng":{"lat": 51.141539, "lng": 17.087733}}, {"latLng":{"lat": 51.102643, "lng": 17.087389}}, {"latLng":{"lat": 51.122903, "lng": 17.030741}}, {"latLng":{"lat": 51.129044, "lng": 17.045847}}], "routeType": "shortest", "options": {"unit": "k", "narrativeType": "none", "fullShape": true}}' http://www.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/optimizedroute?key=KEY
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d '{"locations": ["51.129044,17.045847", "51.107062,17.032286", "51.053140,16.974779", "51.077520,17.065245", "51.141539,17.087733", "51.102643,17.087389", "51.122903,17.030741, "51.129044,17.045847"], "routeType": "shortest", "options": {"unit": "k", "narrativeType": "none", "fullShape": true}}' http://www.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/optimizedroute?key=KEY
Does anyone has an idea why they are charging me for Geocoding service which I'm not using ? Or maybe you know how I should use their Directions API to not charge me for Geocoding ?
By default, when you pass in a latlng to the routing API, it will attempt to reverse geocode the latlng point and return additional address data for each point in the route. You can set the doReverseGeocode to false parameter in the json options parameter to stop this from happening.
Try this:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d '{"locations": ["51.129044,17.045847", "51.107062,17.032286", "51.053140,16.974779", "51.077520,17.065245", "51.141539,17.087733", "51.102643,17.087389", "51.122903,17.030741, "51.129044,17.045847"], "routeType": "shortest", "options": {"doReverseGeocode": false, "unit": "k", "narrativeType": "none", "fullShape": true}}' http://www.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/optimizedroute?key=KEY
// Copyright 2015 The Neugram Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ngcore
import (
func (s *Session) Completer(mode, line string, pos int) (prefix string, completions []string, suffix string) {
switch mode {
case "ng":
return s.completerNg(line, pos)
case "sh":
return s.completerSh(line, pos)
panic("ngcore: unknown completer: " + mode)
func (s *Session) completerNg(line string, pos int) (prefix string, completions []string, suffix string) {
if pos != len(line) { // TODO mid-line matching
return line, nil, ""
if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
return line, nil, ""
// TODO match on word not line.
var res []string
for keyword := range token.Keywords {
if strings.HasPrefix(keyword, line) {
res = append(res, keyword)
for scope := s.Program.Cur; scope != nil; scope = scope.Parent {
if strings.HasPrefix(scope.VarName, line) {
res = append(res, scope.VarName)
res = append(res, s.Program.Types.TypesWithPrefix(line)...)
return "", res, ""
func (s *Session) completerSh(line string, pos int) (prefix string, completions []string, suffix string) {
if pos != len(line) { // TODO mid-line matching
return line, nil, ""
mustBeExec := false
i := strings.LastIndexByte(line, ' ')
i2 := strings.LastIndexByte(line, '=')
if i2 > i {
i = i2
if i == -1 {
//i = 0
mustBeExec = true
//prefix, completions = completePath(line, true)
//return prefix, completions, ""
prefix, word := line[:i+1], line[i+1:]
if word != "" && word[0] == '-' {
// TODO: word="--flag=$V" should complete var
return prefix, s.completeFlag(word, line), ""
resPrefix, completions := s.completePath(word, mustBeExec)
return prefix + resPrefix, completions, ""
func (s *Session) completeFlag(prefix, line string) (res []string) {
return res // TODO
func (s *Session) completePath(prefix string, mustBeExec bool) (resPrefix string, res []string) {
dirPath, filePath := filepath.Split(prefix)
dirPrefix := dirPath
if dirPath == "" {
dirPath = "."
} else {
var err error
dirPath, err = shell.ExpandTilde(dirPath)
if err != nil {
return prefix, []string{}
dirPath, err = shell.ExpandParams(dirPath, s.ShellState.Env)
if err != nil {
return prefix, []string{}
if len(filePath) > 0 && filePath[0] == '$' {
res = s.ShellState.Env.Keys(filePath[1:])
for i, s := range res {
res[i] = "$" + s + " "
return dirPrefix, res
dir, err := os.Open(dirPath)
if err != nil {
return prefix, []string{}
var fi []os.FileInfo
for {
potentials, err := dir.Readdir(64)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
fmt.Fprintf(s.Stderr, "ng: %v\n", err)
return prefix, []string{}
// TODO: can we use directory order to skip some calls?
for _, info := range potentials {
if filePath == "" && strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), ".") {
if !strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), filePath) {
// Follow symlink.
info, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dirPath, info.Name()))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(s.Stderr, "ng: %v\n", err)
if info.Name() == "a_file" {
fmt.Fprintf(s.Stdout, "a_file: mustBeExec=%v, mode=0x%x\n", mustBeExec, info.Mode())
if mustBeExec && !info.IsDir() && info.Mode()&0111 == 0 {
if strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), filePath) {
fi = append(fi, info)
for _, info := range fi {
if info.IsDir() {
res = append(res, info.Name()+"/")
} else {
p := info.Name()
if len(fi) == 1 {
p += " "
res = append(res, p)
return dirPrefix, res
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int R,C;
int ans,cont,prev,cur,state,S;
char M[16][17];
scanf("%d %d",&R,&C);
if(R==0) break;
ans = -1;
for(int i = 0;i<R;++i)
S = (1<<C)-1;
for(int mask = S;mask>=0;--mask){
cont = __builtin_popcount(mask);
prev = mask,state = (mask ^ (mask>>1) ^ (mask<<1)) & S;
for(int i = 0;i<C;++i) if(M[0][i]=='X') state ^= (1<<i);
for(int r = 1;r<R;++r){
cur = state;
cont += __builtin_popcount(state);
state = (state ^ (state>>1) ^ (state<<1) ^ prev) & S;
prev = cur;
for(int i = 0;i<C;++i) if(M[r][i]=='X') state ^= (1<<i);
if(state==0 && (ans==-1 || cont<ans)) ans = cont;
if(ans==-1) puts("Damaged billboard.");
else printf("You have to tap %d tiles.\n",ans);
return 0;
[Pain patterns in Italian patients with osteoarthritis: preliminary results of the MI.D.A. Study (Misurazione del Dolore nell'Artrosi)].
To evaluate the characteristics of pain in a cohort of Italian patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee. The 657 general practitioners participating in the study were asked to enroll 10 consecutive patients with OA diagnosed according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) clinical criteria. A questionnaire evaluating demographic data, clinical characteristics of OA, including the "Questionario Semantico Reumatologico" (QSR) pain questionnaire, the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and the Lequesne indices, and information on previous diagnostic and therapeutic interventions was administered. A total of 4,109 patients were enrolled. Of them, 2356 were affected by knee OA and 1817 by hip OA. There were 2863 (69.7%) women and 1246 (30.3%) men. Median age was 68.2 years (range 50-103 years). Of the 4109 enrolled subjects, 3128 (76.1%) reported one or more medical comorbidities, mostly cardiovascular (52.7%), endocrinological (14.7%), gastrointestinal (13.4%), and respiratory (11.2%) disorders. The median pain visual analogue scale (VAS) score was 58.1+/-22.6 mm, higher in women (60.2+/-22.3 mm) than in men (53.3+/-22.6mm) (p<0.00001). OA pain was also higher in patients from Southern Italy (p<0.00001). NSAIDs were administered to nearly 70% of patients, COX-2 inhibitors to 55%, disease-modifying anti OA drugs to 19% and analgesics to 28.2%. Differences in drugs utilization were associated with OA localization and patient's geographical origin. Results of the WOMAC index were similar throughout groups. Responses to the QSR pain questionnaire showed differences, which are related to OA localization and geographical origin of the patients. The MI.D.A. study can help to better understand the patterns of pain in osteoarthritis and the associated treatment. |
Question of the Day
Did illegal voters swing any congressional races?
Democracy flourished this summer in Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Not at the Republican and Democratic conventions those made-for-television infomercials and exercises in corporate sponsorship but at the Shadow Conventions held contemporaneously in these cities.With the issue of money and politics running as a general theme, the Shadow Conventions saw columnist Arianna Huffington join with Common Cause, Public Campaign, the interfaith group Call to Renewal, the National Campaign for Jobs and Income Support, United for a Fair Economy, and the Lindesmith Center, to put the spotlight on the critical issues of campaign-finance reform, the failed war on drugs and the growing gap between rich and poor.While Shadow Convention participants did not agree on all the solutions to these pressing problems, they did agree on one thing: that our broken campaign-finance system blocks thoughtful consideration of these issues. Big money so dictates what our elected officials care about that Congress and the White House are paying scant attention to the reality of poverty among plenty in this country or to the consequences of our drug policies. These issues are ignored because they aren't the concerns of the big money system.Once exercises in grassroots democracy, the party conventions now are closed to the public, with the police barring entry. The Shadow Conventions were open to all and accessible via the the Internet.The party convention halls were temples to corporations that paid handsomely to equip them, to provide gifts to delegates and to fete powerful members of Congress at lavish parties. They may well be, according to Sen. Russell Feingold, "the worst display of fund-raising and corruption in the political history of our nation." The Shadow Conventions featured box lunches and donuts and speakers whose messages weren't designed to draw the biggest TV audience or influence the polls, and who challenged citizens to listen and debate.Many members of Congress who participated Sens. Russell Feingold, John McCain and Paul Wellstone and Reps. Tom Campbell, Steve Horn, Mark Sanford, John Tierney and Marty Meehan risked censure from their own parties for taking part in an event that challenged the status quo. Still they came because, as Mr. Sanford put it, these were conventions "built around the power of ideas rather than the power of influence."At each convention, hundreds of citizens black, white, Hispanic, old, young participated in a challenging six-hour program on money and politics. And hundreds of thousands more participated by visiting the Shadow Convention web site, which has logged more than two million hits since July.Why did they come? Perhaps singer David Crosby put it best. "We feel disenfranchised … We feel that our elections are for sale, and we know that wasn't how it was designed to work."People are increasingly connecting the dots between our big money politics and its impact on their own lives.Griffin Dix's son was 15 years old when he died, the victim of a gun accident, hit by a bullet hidden in the chamber. "Who's writing our gun policy?" Mr. Dix asked. "It's the gun lobby. The gun lobby exempted this gun [that killed his son] from all consumer regulations."Lynda Uvari always believed that government would protect her from harm, until she and her family developed serious and frightening ailments after they were unknowingly exposed to methyl bromide, a powerful pesticide. That experience transformed her into an activist who finds herself struggling against a chemical industry that gives millions of dollars in political contributions.Rick Reinert was a small businessman caught in the crossfire when our government, defending the business interests of large campaign donor Carl Lindner, applied punitive tariffs to the German bath products he imported. Mr. Reinert was forced out of business, caught in this Kafkaesque fight about forcing the European Union to lift import restrictions on Mr. Lindner's Chiquita Bananas. "I'd been a veteran, taken civics in school," Mr. Reinert said, but now he is disillusioned. "Our political system lacks honor," he said."Everything and everyone you love is at stake," Granny D (Doris Haddock), reminded her audience. At age 89, Granny D walked 3,200 miles across America for campaign reform.Businesses are also enlisting in the drive for reform. Charles Kolb, president of the Committee for Economic Development, said that many business leaders believe that "money and fund-raising have become too important and demanding in our political life" and that some executives view the current campaign-finance system as a legalized shakedown. "Together we will take back our democracy," Mr. Kolb added.Like the conventions of the abolitionists struggling against slavery, or the gatherings of the suffragettes fighting for women's rights, or the meetings of the cadre of workers who formed Solidarity and helped bring down the communist empire, the Shadow Conventions were another step on the road to reform.No one can doubt the power of an issue which has linked fortune 500 executives, AIDS activists, consumer advocates, environmentalists, Latinos and African-Americans in a drive to reduce the influence of big money on our politics.The Shadow Conventions were another sign that the voices of average Americans are growing stronger and demanding more more action, more change and more responsiveness by the people who are supposed to be accountable to them. Until reform is a reality, those voices will continue to grow. And we will keep marching on. |
Immunosuppressive treatments dysregulate immunity and increase the risk of infections and associated morbidity and mortality.^[@bibr1-1203475418811335][@bibr2-1203475418811335][@bibr3-1203475418811335]-[@bibr4-1203475418811335]^ While immunization significantly mitigates these risks, vaccination rates in patients with immune-mediated diseases (IMDs) treated with immunosuppressants remain suboptimal, primarily due to the absence of physician recommendations.^[@bibr5-1203475418811335][@bibr6-1203475418811335]-[@bibr7-1203475418811335]^ The reticence of physicians to vaccinate these patients may reflect the challenges of weighing the quality of protection achieved while on immunosuppressive treatment with the perceived risks of disease aggravation and vaccine-induced adverse events (AEs). This underscores the importance of improving physician awareness and the need for comprehensive guidelines for the management of this patient population. This publication aims to critically evaluate evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccinating individuals exposed to immunosuppressive therapies and provide evidence-based clinical practice recommendations.
Current knowledge of the safety and efficacy of vaccination in this setting is mainly derived from nonrandomized trials and observational studies using postimmunization antibody titres to vaccine antigens as surrogate markers of protection. Although it may be argued that this measure imperfectly reflects the magnitude and quality of the immune response, it is the best-characterized and most routinely used correlate of protective immunity for commercially available vaccines.^[@bibr8-1203475418811335][@bibr9-1203475418811335][@bibr10-1203475418811335][@bibr11-1203475418811335][@bibr12-1203475418811335][@bibr13-1203475418811335]-[@bibr14-1203475418811335]^ As most vaccines mediate protection through humoral responses that block infection, viremia, or bacteremia,^[@bibr15-1203475418811335]^ postimmunization serological titres and functional antibody characteristics are valuable indications of vaccine efficacy.
Methods {#section6-1203475418811335}
A multidisciplinary committee comprising gastroenterologists (J.K.M., A.B., B.B., A.H.S.), dermatologists (K.A.P., M.G., R.B., V.H.), rheumatologists (B.H., J.E.P., J.W., S.J.), and infectious disease specialists with expertise in vaccinology (D.K., D.C.V.) was assembled to develop guidelines on the practical management of patients considering vaccination while on immunosuppressive therapies. Synapse Medical Communications performed literature searches in accordance to the Grading of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system across multiple databases (Embase, MEDLINE, PubMed).^[@bibr16-1203475418811335]^ Major search terms included *vaccination, rheumatoid arthritis* (RA), *inflammatory bowel disease* (IBD), *psoriatic arthritis* (PsA), *psoriasis* (PsO), *autoimmune disease*, and concepts of interest such as specific vaccines, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), glucocorticoids, and biologic agents. The literature search identified clinical trials, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, observational studies, case series, and existing guidelines published from 2009 to 2017. Reference lists were manually searched to identify relevant articles and included based on the committee's discretion. Published studies were reviewed by the committee and assessed for content and GRADE evidence levels.^[@bibr16-1203475418811335]^ The quality of evidence was rated as "high" (indicating that further research is unlikely to change the confidence in the estimate of effect), "moderate" (implying that further research is likely to have an impact on the confidence in the estimate of effect), "low" (suggesting that further research is likely to have a strong impact on the confidence in the estimate of effect), or "very low" (meaning that any estimate of effect is very uncertain).
The Steering Committee (K.A.P. \[chair\], J.K.M., D.K., B.H.) developed the initial statements, which underwent 2 rounds of revisions according to feedback received from all authors. All 14 members voted on a web-based platform to determine the level of agreement for each statement using a 5-point scale (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree). Statements achieving ⩾75% agreement were included in the guidelines. Of the 15 statements considered, 2 statements were rejected (see [Appendix 1](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/suppl/10.1177/1203475418811335), available online).
The strength of a recommendation was evaluated according to GRADE and rated as "strong" when desirable consequences clearly outweighed undesirable consequences, "conditional" when desirable consequences probably outweighed undesirable consequences, or "weak" when the balance between desirable and undesirable consequences was closely balanced or uncertain. Clinical practice recommendations are listed in [Table 1](#table1-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}.
Recommendation Statements.

**Statement 1:** In patients newly diagnosed with immune-mediated diseases, we recommend that immunization status be assessed and age- and condition-appropriate vaccines be administered prior to initiation of immunosuppressive treatment.\
*Strong recommendation; moderate-level evidence*.
**Inactivated vaccines**
**Statement 2a:** To optimize the immunogenicity of inactivated vaccines in treatment-naive patients with immune-mediated conditions, we suggest that immunization be performed at least 2 weeks prior to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy, whenever possible.\
*Conditional recommendation; moderate-level evidence*.
**Statement 2b:** Among patients with immune-mediated diseases currently receiving immunosuppression, we recommend that immunosuppressive treatment not be interrupted for administration of inactivated vaccine.\
*Strong recommendation; moderate-level evidence.*
**Statement 2c:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases treated with rituximab who require optimal vaccine immunogenicity, we recommend that immunization be deferred to ⩾5 months after the last dose and at least 4 weeks prior to the subsequent dose of rituximab.\
*Strong recommendation; low-level evidence.*
**Live attenuated vaccines: Herpes zoster**
**Statement 3a:** To optimize the immunogenicity of the live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine in treatment-naive patients with immune-mediated conditions, we suggest immunization be performed at least 2 to 4 weeks prior to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy.\
*Conditional recommendation; moderate-level evidence.*
**Statement 3b:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases on immunosuppressive agents, the live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine can be safely administered to patients at risk, but the subunit vaccine is the preferred alternative. Individual situations should be assessed for patients treated with a combination of immunosuppressive drugs, if the live vaccine is being considered.\
*Strong recommendation; moderate-level evidence.*
**Other live attenuated vaccines**
**Statement 4a:** In treatment-naive patients with immune-mediated diseases who are vaccinated with live attenuated vaccines, we recommend that the duration of viremia following immunization be considered when determining the optimal time to initiate immunosuppressive therapy.\
*Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence.*
**Statement 4b:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases who interrupt immunosuppressive treatment prior to vaccination, we recommend that the duration of viremia following immunization be considered when determining the optimal time to reinitiate immunosuppressive therapy.\
*Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence*.
**Statement 4c:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases on immunosuppressive agents, we suggest that live attenuated vaccines be administered when individual benefits outweigh the perceived risks.\
*Conditional recommendation; low-level evidence*.
**Statement 4d:** In situations where patient safety is a paramount concern and the clinical situation allows, we suggest that immunosuppressive treatment be interrupted for a duration based on drug pharmacokinetics prior to immunization with live vaccines.\
*Conditional recommendation; low-level evidence*.
**Vaccination of infants with early exposure to immunosuppressive agents**
**Statement 5a:** In infants exposed to immunosuppressive agents in utero during the third trimester, we recommend that inactivated vaccines be administered according to the local immunization schedule.\
*Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence*.
**Statement 5b:** In infants exposed to immunosuppressive agents in utero during the third trimester, we recommend that the MMR and varicella vaccines be administered according to the local immunization schedule.\
*Strong recommendation; low-level evidence*.
**Statement 5c:** In infants breastfed by mothers on immunosuppressive regimens, we recommend that inactivated and live attenuated vaccines be administered according to the local immunization schedule without delay.\
*Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence*.
Abbreviation: MMR, measles, mumps, rubella.
Good Clinical Practice Statement {#section7-1203475418811335}
**Statement 1:** In patients newly diagnosed with immune-mediated diseases, we recommend that immunization status be assessed and age- and condition-appropriate vaccines be administered prior to initiation of immunosuppressive treatment.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; moderate-level evidence*
*Vote: 64.3% strongly agree, 28.6% agree, 7.1% neutral*
Evidence Summary {#section8-1203475418811335}
Studies in patients with type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, and IBD showed that individuals with these IMDs who are not treated with immunosuppressive agents generally have comparable serologic responses to vaccination as healthy individuals.^[@bibr17-1203475418811335][@bibr18-1203475418811335][@bibr19-1203475418811335]-[@bibr20-1203475418811335]^ As several DMARDs and biologic agents interfere with the immune response to vaccines ([Figure 1](#fig1-1203475418811335){ref-type="fig"}, [Figure 2](#fig2-1203475418811335){ref-type="fig"}, [Table 2](#table2-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}, and [Table 3](#table3-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}), it is imperative to assess the patient's immunization history at diagnosis and administer age- and disease-appropriate vaccines according to local guidelines prior to treatment initiation to optimize efficacy. Concerns regarding the risk of disease exacerbation are unfounded as studies have shown that immunization did not generally cause clinically significant worsening of underlying IMDs ([Tables 2](#table2-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"} and [3](#table3-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}). Indeed, a meta-analysis evaluating the impact of influenza and pneumococcal vaccination in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) demonstrated that immunization had no significant effect on the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI) score.^[@bibr21-1203475418811335]^ While some studies reported increased joint pain following the administration of pneumococcal or influenza vaccines to patients with RA, spondyloarthritis (SpA), or PsA,^[@bibr22-1203475418811335],[@bibr23-1203475418811335]^ these symptoms were transient and self-resolving.
Safety and Efficacy of Vaccination in Patients on Biologic Agents.

Vaccine Biologic Agent Patient Population Efficacy Safety
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Inactivated and subunit vaccines
Cholera (oral) Vedolizumab Healthy individuals No significant difference in seroconversion rates but diminished the magnitude of antibody titre increase^[@bibr131-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr131-1203475418811335]^
Hepatitis A TNFi (pooled) RA Diminished humoral response compared to healthy individuals, but 86% of patients achieved seroprotection with 2 vaccine doses^[@bibr132-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr132-1203475418811335]^
IBD Diminished humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr28-1203475418811335]^ NA
Hepatitis B Infliximab IBD Reduced humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr133-1203475418811335]^ NA
TNFi (pooled) SpA Diminished humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr134-1203475418811335]^ NA
IBD Humoral response unaffected by TNFi treatment; however, patients with IBD generally had lower responses than healthy controls regardless of treatment^[@bibr135-1203475418811335]^ NA
Vedolizumab Healthy individuals No significant difference^[@bibr131-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr131-1203475418811335]^
Influenza Abatacept RA Results are variable but may reduce humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr136-1203475418811335],[@bibr137-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr136-1203475418811335],[@bibr137-1203475418811335]^
Adalimumab RA No significant effect^[@bibr138-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr138-1203475418811335]^
Belimumab SLE Lower fold-increase in titres for some influenza strains compared with controls^[@bibr139-1203475418811335]^ NA
Certolizumab pegol RA No significant effect^[@bibr45-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr45-1203475418811335]^
Infliximab RA No significant effect^[@bibr140-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not exacerbate disease activity^[@bibr140-1203475418811335]^
IBD Diminished humoral response^[@bibr141-1203475418811335],[@bibr142-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated, without incidence of serious adverse events ^[@bibr141-1203475418811335],[@bibr142-1203475418811335]^
Rituximab RA Cellular responses maintained but diminished humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr32-1203475418811335][@bibr33-1203475418811335][@bibr34-1203475418811335][@bibr35-1203475418811335]-[@bibr36-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr32-1203475418811335][@bibr33-1203475418811335]-[@bibr34-1203475418811335]^
Secukinumab Healthy individuals No significant effect among individuals who received a single secukinumab dose^[@bibr143-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr143-1203475418811335]^
Tocilizumab RA No significant effect^[@bibr43-1203475418811335],[@bibr144-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr43-1203475418811335],[@bibr144-1203475418811335]^
TNFi (pooled) RA, PsO, PsA, SpA, and other immune-mediated diseases Results are variable but may result in suppression of humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr44-1203475418811335],[@bibr46-1203475418811335],[@bibr58-1203475418811335],[@bibr145-1203475418811335][@bibr146-1203475418811335]-[@bibr147-1203475418811335]^\ Generally well tolerated^[@bibr44-1203475418811335],[@bibr58-1203475418811335]^\
TNFi monoclonal antibodies such as infliximab and adalimumab may have a greater suppressive effect than etanercept^[@bibr58-1203475418811335]^ May trigger short-lasting PsA exacerbation following vaccination^[@bibr22-1203475418811335]^\
Higher incidence of mild, systemic reactions such as fever, arthralgia, and nasal congestion in TNFi-treated patients^[@bibr58-1203475418811335]^
IBD Diminished humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr24-1203475418811335],[@bibr26-1203475418811335],[@bibr29-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr26-1203475418811335]^
*Neisseria meningitidis* Secukinumab Healthy individuals No significant effect among individuals who received a single secukinumab dose^[@bibr143-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr143-1203475418811335]^
Pneumococcal (polysaccharide or conjugate) Abatacept RA Results are variable but may reduce humoral response to the polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines^[@bibr137-1203475418811335],[@bibr148-1203475418811335],[@bibr149-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr137-1203475418811335],[@bibr148-1203475418811335],[@bibr149-1203475418811335]^
Adalimumab RA No significant effect on the immunogenicity of the polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr138-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr138-1203475418811335]^
Certolizumab pegol RA No significant effect on the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr45-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr45-1203475418811335]^
Etanercept RA May reduce humoral response to the conjugate vaccine^[@bibr150-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr150-1203475418811335]^
Infliximab RA No significant effect on immunogenicity of the polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr151-1203475418811335]^ NA
IBD Reduced humoral response to the polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr27-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr27-1203475418811335]^
Golimumab RA Reduced fold-increase in vaccine-specific IgG titres in response to the polysaccharide vaccine but maintained opsonophagocytic function^[@bibr152-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr152-1203475418811335]^
Rituximab RA Diminished humoral response to the polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines^[@bibr37-1203475418811335],[@bibr148-1203475418811335],[@bibr153-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr148-1203475418811335],[@bibr153-1203475418811335]^
Tocilizumab RA No significant effect on the immunogenicity of the polysaccharide or conjugate vaccines^[@bibr51-1203475418811335],[@bibr144-1203475418811335],[@bibr148-1203475418811335],[@bibr154-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr51-1203475418811335],[@bibr144-1203475418811335],[@bibr148-1203475418811335],[@bibr154-1203475418811335]^
TNFi (pooled) RA, SpA No significant effect on the immunogenicity of the polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines^[@bibr23-1203475418811335],[@bibr37-1203475418811335],[@bibr47-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated, but some patients treated with methotrexate or TNFi reported a transient worsening of joint pain 1 week after vaccination^[@bibr23-1203475418811335]^
IBD Diminished humoral response to the polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines^[@bibr18-1203475418811335],[@bibr25-1203475418811335],[@bibr27-1203475418811335],[@bibr30-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr25-1203475418811335],[@bibr27-1203475418811335]^
Ustekinumab PsO No significant effect on the immunogenicity of the polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr155-1203475418811335]^ Higher incidence of mild injection site reactions in ustekinumab-treated patients but otherwise well tolerated^[@bibr155-1203475418811335]^
Tetanus Abatacept Type 1 diabetes Achieved protective titres but diminished the magnitude of recall humoral response compared to controls^[@bibr156-1203475418811335]^ NA
Rituximab RA Recall response not significantly affected^[@bibr153-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr153-1203475418811335]^
Tocilizumab RA No significant effect on recall humoral response to tetanus toxoid^[@bibr154-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr154-1203475418811335]^
Ustekinumab PsO No significant difference^[@bibr155-1203475418811335]^ Higher incidence of mild injection site reactions but otherwise well tolerated^[@bibr155-1203475418811335]^
TNFi (pooled) IBD TNFi monotherapy had no significant effect on the immunogenicity of booster vaccination^[@bibr157-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated, without incidence of disease flares^[@bibr157-1203475418811335]^
Pertussis TNFi (pooled) IBD TNFi monotherapy had no significant effect on the immunogenicity of booster vaccination^[@bibr157-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated, without incidence of disease flares^[@bibr157-1203475418811335]^
Live attenuated vaccines
Herpes zoster TNFi (pooled) RA, PsA, PsO, AS, IBD Vaccination effectively protected patients from disease^[@bibr74-1203475418811335]^ Vaccination was not associated with short-term increase in herpes zoster risk^[@bibr74-1203475418811335]^
Measles, mumps, rubella Etanercept JIA No significant effect on humoral response to vaccination; insignificant trend toward lower cellular response^[@bibr80-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not cause disease exacerbation^[@bibr80-1203475418811335]^
Vedolizumab IBD Single case report of a patient achieving a positive measles antibody index following revaccination^[@bibr158-1203475418811335]^ No adverse effect observed^[@bibr158-1203475418811335]^
Yellow fever Infliximab RA Similar response rates following revaccination in infliximab-treated patients with RA and controls; trend toward lower titres in patients, but analysis limited by small study numbers^[@bibr81-1203475418811335]^ No adverse effect observed^[@bibr81-1203475418811335]^
Abbreviations: AS, ankylosing spondylitis; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; IgG, immunoglobulin G; JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis; NA, not available; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; PsO, psoriasis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SpA, spondyloarthritis; TNFi, tumour necrosis factor α inhibitor.
Safety and Efficacy of Vaccination in Patients on Nonbiologic DMARDs and Corticosteroids.

Vaccine Drug Patient Population Efficacy Safety
--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Inactivated and subunit vaccines
Hepatitis A Methotrexate RA Reduced humoral response to the vaccine among patients treated with a mean dose of 15 mg/wk^[@bibr132-1203475418811335]^ NA
Hepatitis B Corticosteroids IBD Reduced humoral response among patients who received ⩾2 vaccine doses while on corticosteroid therapy^[@bibr159-1203475418811335]^ NA
Thiopurines IBD Reduced humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr133-1203475418811335]^ NA
*Haemophilus influenzae* type b Thiopurines IBD No significant effect^[@bibr160-1203475418811335]^ Vaccination did not exacerbate disease activity^[@bibr160-1203475418811335]^
Human papillomavirus Antimalarials SLE No significant effect^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^
Calcineurin inhibitors SLE No significant effect, but study limited by small sample size^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^
Corticosteroids SLE No significant effect among patients receiving a mean prednisolone dose of 4.8 mg/d^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^
Mycophenolate SLE Mycophenolate mofetil dose inversely correlated with vaccine-specific antibody titres for some serotypes following vaccination^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^
Thiopurines SLE No significant effect^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr161-1203475418811335]^
Influenza Anti-malarials RA, SpA, SLE No significant effect^[@bibr38-1203475418811335],[@bibr46-1203475418811335],[@bibr162-1203475418811335]^\ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr46-1203475418811335],[@bibr162-1203475418811335]^
May restore influenza vaccine immunogenicity in patients with SLE receiving prednisone or other immune-suppressive therapy^[@bibr38-1203475418811335]^
Calcineurin inhibitors Solid organ transplant Variable effect on vaccine immunogenicity but may reduce humoral response^[@bibr163-1203475418811335][@bibr164-1203475418811335][@bibr165-1203475418811335][@bibr166-1203475418811335]-[@bibr167-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated without impact on allograft function^[@bibr163-1203475418811335],[@bibr166-1203475418811335],[@bibr167-1203475418811335]^
Corticosteroids RA, SpA, IBD, Sjögren syndrome No significant effect, ^[@bibr44-1203475418811335],[@bibr45-1203475418811335],[@bibr142-1203475418811335],[@bibr168-1203475418811335],[@bibr169-1203475418811335]^ particularly at mean prednisone-equivalent doses ⩽10 mg/d^[@bibr44-1203475418811335],[@bibr45-1203475418811335],[@bibr169-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr38-1203475418811335],[@bibr44-1203475418811335],[@bibr142-1203475418811335],[@bibr168-1203475418811335],[@bibr169-1203475418811335]^\
Increased incidence of disease flares and rise in autoantibody titres among patients with SLE with low response to the vaccine^[@bibr39-1203475418811335]^
SLE Reduced seroconversion rates observed,^[@bibr38-1203475418811335][@bibr39-1203475418811335]-[@bibr40-1203475418811335]^ particularly at prednisone-equivalent doses ⩾10 mg/d^[@bibr38-1203475418811335],[@bibr39-1203475418811335]^
Leflunomide RA, PsA, AS, SLE Reduced humoral response to vaccine compared to healthy controls^[@bibr46-1203475418811335],[@bibr168-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not exacerbate disease activity^[@bibr46-1203475418811335],[@bibr168-1203475418811335]^
Methotrexate RA, SpA Reduced humoral response to the vaccine (mean dose in studies: 16-20 mg/wk)^[@bibr44-1203475418811335][@bibr45-1203475418811335]-[@bibr46-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr43-1203475418811335],[@bibr44-1203475418811335],[@bibr46-1203475418811335]^
Mycophenolate Solid organ transplant Reduced humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr166-1203475418811335],[@bibr167-1203475418811335],[@bibr170-1203475418811335][@bibr171-1203475418811335][@bibr172-1203475418811335][@bibr173-1203475418811335]-[@bibr174-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated without incidence of allograft rejection^[@bibr166-1203475418811335],[@bibr167-1203475418811335],[@bibr170-1203475418811335][@bibr171-1203475418811335]-[@bibr172-1203475418811335],[@bibr174-1203475418811335]^
Sulfasalazine RA, SpA, other inflammatory diseases No significant effect^[@bibr162-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr162-1203475418811335]^
Thiopurines Sjögren syndrome No significant effect^[@bibr169-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in exacerbation of disease activity^[@bibr40-1203475418811335],[@bibr169-1203475418811335],[@bibr175-1203475418811335],[@bibr176-1203475418811335]^
SLE Reduced seroconversion and seroprotection rates^[@bibr40-1203475418811335],[@bibr175-1203475418811335]^
Wegener granulomatosis No significant effect^[@bibr176-1203475418811335]^
IBD Reduced humoral response to H1N1^[@bibr142-1203475418811335]^ NA
Tofacitinib RA Diminished humoral responses in patients treated with methotrexate + tofacitinib combination therapy but not in those treated with tofacitinib alone or methotrexate alone^[@bibr50-1203475418811335]^ NA
Pneumococcal (polysaccharide or conjugate) Calcineurin inhibitors Solid organ transplant May diminish humoral response to some pneumococcal serotypes in the polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr163-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated without incidence of allograft rejection^[@bibr163-1203475418811335]^
RA No significant effect on the immunogenicity of the polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr49-1203475418811335]^ NA
Corticosteroids RA, SpA, and various inflammatory conditions No significant effect on the immunogenicity of conjugate and polysaccharide vaccines,^[@bibr23-1203475418811335],[@bibr45-1203475418811335],[@bibr47-1203475418811335],[@bibr138-1203475418811335],[@bibr154-1203475418811335]^ particularly at mean prednisone-equivalent doses \<20 mg/d^[@bibr23-1203475418811335],[@bibr45-1203475418811335],[@bibr47-1203475418811335],[@bibr138-1203475418811335]^\ Well tolerated without incidence of disease exacerbation^[@bibr23-1203475418811335],[@bibr138-1203475418811335],[@bibr177-1203475418811335]^
Prednisone-equivalent doses ⩾20 mg/d tended to result in poor serologic response to polysaccharide vaccine^[@bibr177-1203475418811335]^
Methotrexate RA Reduced humoral response to the conjugate and polysaccharide vaccines^[@bibr23-1203475418811335],[@bibr45-1203475418811335],[@bibr47-1203475418811335][@bibr48-1203475418811335][@bibr49-1203475418811335][@bibr50-1203475418811335][@bibr51-1203475418811335]-[@bibr52-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated,^[@bibr23-1203475418811335],[@bibr49-1203475418811335],[@bibr51-1203475418811335]^ but some patients treated with methotrexate reported a transient worsening of joint pain 1 week after vaccination^[@bibr23-1203475418811335]^
Mycophenolate Solid organ transplant Reduced recall humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr178-1203475418811335]^ NA
Thiopurines IBD No significant effect^[@bibr27-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr27-1203475418811335]^
Tofacitinib RA Diminished humoral response among patients on combination therapy with tofacitinib + methotrexate^[@bibr50-1203475418811335]^ NA
Tetanus Calcineurin inhibitors Chronic uveitis No significant effect, but study limited by small sample size^[@bibr179-1203475418811335]^ NA
Mycophenolate Solid organ transplant Reduced recall humoral response to the vaccine^[@bibr178-1203475418811335]^ NA
Sulfasalazine Healthy individuals Diminished fold-increase in antibody titres following booster vaccination^[@bibr180-1203475418811335]^ NA
Live attenuated vaccines
Cholera (oral) Antimalarials Healthy individuals Coadministration of chloroquine and live cholera vaccine reduced seroconversion rates^[@bibr181-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr181-1203475418811335]^
Herpes zoster Corticosteroids RA, PsO, PsA, AS, IBD, various inflammatory conditions Immunogenic and effectively protected vaccinated patients from disease for up to 2 years^[@bibr74-1203475418811335],[@bibr182-1203475418811335]^ Vaccine was well tolerated with no incidence of vaccine-related varicella^[@bibr75-1203475418811335],[@bibr182-1203475418811335]^\
However, 1 study reported a 3-fold increased HZ risk in patients on immune-suppressive therapy^[@bibr75-1203475418811335]^
Methotrexate RA No significant effect among patients receiving 15-25 mg/wk^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^ Generally well tolerated, but 1 patient without existing immunity developed cutaneous dissemination of the vaccine strain 16 days after vaccination (2 days after initiating tofacitinib treatment)^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^
Thiopurines IBD Low-dose thiopurine treatment blunted the cellular and humoral response to vaccine^[@bibr183-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated and did not result in disease exacerbation^[@bibr183-1203475418811335]^
Tofacitinib RA No significant effect among patients on background methotrexate vaccinated 2-3 weeks prior to starting tofacitinib treatment^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^ Generally well tolerated, but 1 patient without existing immunity developed cutaneous dissemination of the vaccine strain 16 days after vaccination (2 days after initiating tofacitinib treatment)^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^
Measles, mumps, rubella Methotrexate JIA Nonsignificant trend toward reduced humoral and cellular recall responses among patients on a mean dose of ⩽12 mg/m^2^ body surface area^[@bibr80-1203475418811335]^ No disease exacerbation, need for increased treatment doses, or severe adverse events resulting from vaccination^[@bibr76-1203475418811335],[@bibr80-1203475418811335]^
Typhoid + cholera (oral) Antimalarials Healthy Individuals No significant effect^[@bibr181-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr181-1203475418811335]^
Yellow fever Calcineurin inhibitors Solid organ transplant NA Well tolerated, but study limited by small sample size^[@bibr79-1203475418811335]^
Corticosteroids RA and other inflammatory conditions No significant effect on seroprotection rates among patients receiving a median prednisone-equivalent dose of 7 mg/d^[@bibr78-1203475418811335]^ Vaccination did not result in serious adverse events; however, the frequency of moderate to severe local reactions was 8-fold higher among corticosteroid-treated patients compared with healthy adults^[@bibr78-1203475418811335]^
Methotrexate RA, PsO, scleroderma, PsA Methotrexate doses ranging from 10-30 mg/wk did not significantly affect humoral response as measured by plaque reduction neutralization test^[@bibr82-1203475418811335]^ Well tolerated^[@bibr82-1203475418811335]^
Abbreviations: AS, ankylosing spondylitis; HZ, herpes zoster; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; JIA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis; NA, not available; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; PsO, psoriasis; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SpA, spondyloarthritis.
Biologics {#section9-1203475418811335}
Biologics may impede optimal immune responses to certain vaccines ([Table 2](#table2-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}). For example, patients with IBD receiving tumour necrosis factor α inhibitors (TNFi) tended to have attenuated humoral responses to influenza, pneumococcal, and hepatitis A virus (HAV) vaccines.^[@bibr18-1203475418811335],[@bibr24-1203475418811335][@bibr25-1203475418811335][@bibr26-1203475418811335][@bibr27-1203475418811335][@bibr28-1203475418811335][@bibr29-1203475418811335]-[@bibr30-1203475418811335]^ A meta-analysis of 9 studies (n = 728) revealed that patients with IBD on TNFi monotherapy had a significantly lower probability of achieving adequate immune responses to routine vaccinations, including those against hepatitis B virus (HBV), HAV, influenza, and pneumococcus, compared with untreated patients (odds ratio \[OR\], 0.32; 95% confidence interval \[CI\], 0.21-0.49; *P* \< .001).^[@bibr31-1203475418811335]^
Rituximab (RTX)--based B-cell depletion therapy also lowered antibody titres and seroprotection rates in response to influenza vaccines compared with DMARDs and/or prednisone.^[@bibr32-1203475418811335][@bibr33-1203475418811335][@bibr34-1203475418811335]-[@bibr35-1203475418811335]^ In addition, RTX treatment was often associated with failure to attain protective antibody titres against all influenza strains contained within the vaccine.^[@bibr32-1203475418811335],[@bibr34-1203475418811335],[@bibr36-1203475418811335]^ Similarly, a meta-analysis demonstrated the negative impact of RTX on pneumococcal vaccine response rates, with RTX-treated patients with RA (n = 88) having significantly poorer responses to both the 6B (OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.11-0.58; *P* = .001) and 23F (OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.04-1.05; *P* = .06) serotypes compared with controls.^[@bibr37-1203475418811335]^
Nonbiologic Agents {#section10-1203475418811335}
Corticosteroids and many DMARDs negatively affect vaccine immunogenicity ([Table 3](#table3-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}). For example, treatment with prednisone-equivalent doses ⩾10 mg/d diminished humoral responses to influenza vaccines in patients with SLE.^[@bibr38-1203475418811335],[@bibr39-1203475418811335]^ A meta-analysis of 15 studies demonstrated that, compared with healthy individuals, corticosteroid treatment lowered the probability of seroconversion in patients with SLE, with relative risk ratios (RRs) of 0.66 (95% CI, 0.53-0.82), 0.49 (95% CI, 0.26-0.91), and 0.51 (95% CI, 0.24-1.09) for influenza H1N1, H3N2, and B, respectively.^[@bibr40-1203475418811335]^ Similarly, methotrexate (MTX) suppressed humoral responses to both influenza^[@bibr41-1203475418811335][@bibr42-1203475418811335][@bibr43-1203475418811335][@bibr44-1203475418811335][@bibr45-1203475418811335]-[@bibr46-1203475418811335]^ and pneumococcal vaccines.^[@bibr23-1203475418811335],[@bibr45-1203475418811335],[@bibr47-1203475418811335][@bibr48-1203475418811335][@bibr49-1203475418811335][@bibr50-1203475418811335][@bibr51-1203475418811335]-[@bibr52-1203475418811335]^ In 1 study, patients with RA without preexisting influenza or *Streptococcus pneumoniae* immunity receiving either placebo (n = 36) or placebo + MTX (n = 78; mean MTX dose of 17.2 mg/wk) were immunized with the influenza and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23) vaccines.^[@bibr45-1203475418811335]^ Four weeks after vaccination, the placebo group achieved an influenza vaccine response rate of 84.6% (95% CI, 70.7%-98.5%) vs 50.9% (95% CI, 37.9%-63.9%) for the placebo + MTX group. Likewise, 89.3% (95% CI, 77.8%-100.0%) of placebo-treated patients achieved ⩾2-fold antibody titre increases to ⩾3 of 6 pneumococcal antigens tested compared with only 50.0% (95% CI, 37.3%-62.7%) of MTX-treated patients. The suppressive effect of MTX was further exemplified in studies by Park et al,^[@bibr41-1203475418811335],[@bibr42-1203475418811335]^ which showed that patients with RA on MTX had a poorer vaccine response to the seasonal influenza vaccine than those in whom treatment was withheld for 2 weeks before and after vaccination and those who discontinued treatment for 2 to 4 weeks after vaccination.
Inactivated Vaccines {#section11-1203475418811335}
**Statement 2a:** To optimize the immunogenicity of inactivated vaccines in treatment-naive patients with immune-mediated conditions, we suggest that immunization be performed at least 2 weeks prior to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy, whenever possible.
*GRADE: Conditional recommendation; moderate-level evidence*
*Vote: 71.4% strongly agree, 28.6% agree*
Evidence Summary {#section12-1203475418811335}
To optimize efficacy, the length of time required to develop robust immune responses to administered vaccines should be considered ([Figures 3](#fig3-1203475418811335){ref-type="fig"} and [4](#fig4-1203475418811335){ref-type="fig"}). Booster immunizations reactivate immune memory and induce high vaccine-specific IgG titres as quickly as 7 days after vaccination.^[@bibr53-1203475418811335][@bibr54-1203475418811335]-[@bibr55-1203475418811335]^ In contrast, humoral responses to primary vaccination are characterized by the initial production of antigen-specific, low-affinity immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies after a lag phase lasting up to a week postimmunization.^[@bibr55-1203475418811335],[@bibr56-1203475418811335]^ Higher affinity and avidity immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies eventually become detectable in the blood within 10 to 14 days^[@bibr57-1203475418811335]^ and may take up to 4 to 6 weeks to achieve maximum levels.^[@bibr53-1203475418811335],[@bibr56-1203475418811335]^ It is therefore ideal to defer immunosuppressive treatment for ⩾2 weeks after vaccination to allow sufficient time to develop a robust and protective humoral response.
![Kinetics of antibody response following immunization. The kinetics of B-cell activation and antibody (immunoglobulin M \[IgM\], immunoglobulin G \[IgG\]) production during primary and secondary responses to antigen are depicted. The primary response is characterized by a short lag phase lasting approximately 1 week, followed by the production of low-affinity IgM. IgG becomes detectable within 10 to 14 days after antigen exposure. Conversely, secondary responses reactivate memory B cells, resulting in quicker responses and higher IgG titres than those observed during a primary response.](10.1177_1203475418811335-fig3){#fig3-1203475418811335}
One study demonstrated the benefit of deferring treatment following vaccination. In this study, humoral response to the seasonal influenza vaccine was compared between MTX-treated patients with RA who stayed on treatment and those who withheld treatment for 2 weeks postvaccination.^[@bibr41-1203475418811335]^ Patients who discontinued treatment for 2 weeks postvaccination had a significantly higher rate of satisfactory response to all 4 influenza antigens contained within the vaccine compared with those who stayed on MTX (46% vs 22%; *P* \< .001). Similarly, another study compared the humoral response of patients with RA who continued MTX or withheld treatment for 2 weeks before and after vaccination or 4 weeks after vaccination.^[@bibr42-1203475418811335]^ Compared to patients who remained on treatment, those who discontinued MTX for 2 weeks before and after vaccination (31.5% vs 51%; *P* = .044) or 4 weeks postvaccination (31.5% vs 46.2%; *P* = .121) tended to have greater response rates to all 3 influenza vaccine antigens.
**Statement 2b:** Among patients with immune-mediated diseases currently receiving immunosuppression, we recommend that immunosuppressive treatment not be interrupted for administration of inactivated vaccines.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; moderate-level evidence*
*Vote: 28.6% strongly agree, 64.3% agree, 7.1% neutral*
Evidence Summary {#section13-1203475418811335}
Treatment with immunosuppressive agents should not affect the decision to administer inactivated vaccines to patients with IMDs. While vaccine antigenicity may be attenuated compared with healthy individuals, humoral response is not abolished and significant increases in antigen-specific antibody titres, often reaching protective levels, are generally achieved. In a study by Adler et al,^[@bibr44-1203475418811335]^ DMARD-treated patients (n = 28) with RA, SpA, vasculitis, or connective tissue disease (CTD) achieved lower fold-increases in vaccine-specific antibody titres than healthy controls (n = 40) after receiving the influenza A/H1N1 vaccine (7.7 vs 13.3). Despite this, 79% of patients still achieved seroprotective titres ⩾1:40. While the seroprotection rate in DMARD-treated patients is reduced compared with healthy individuals (98%), the majority still benefitted from vaccination despite the negative effect of immunosuppressive treatment on vaccine immunogenicity.
Several studies established the safety and tolerability of inactivated vaccines in patients with IMDs on immunosuppressive therapies ([Tables 2](#table2-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"} and [3](#table3-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}). No serious vaccine-related AEs have been reported, although differences in the incidence of mild AEs have been observed. One such study noted higher rates of mild systemic reactions such as fever (8.3% vs 0.9%; *P* = .01), arthralgia (12.5% vs 4.3%; *P* = .03), and nasal congestion (13.3% vs 4.3%; *P* = .014) among patients treated with TNFi compared with healthy controls after receiving the A/H1N1 vaccine.^[@bibr58-1203475418811335]^
In patients receiving intermittent treatment in whom optimal vaccine immunogenicity is desired and the clinical situation allows, vaccination can be given at the nadir of immunosuppression. For immunosuppressive agents given as a bolus at intervals exceeding 4 weeks, such as infliximab (IFX) or cyclophosphamide, it is suggested that the vaccine be administered midcycle or 2 weeks prior to the next dose. Alternatively, immunosuppressive therapy may be temporarily discontinued prior to vaccination. The length of treatment discontinuation should take drug pharmacokinetics ([Tables 4](#table4-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"} and [5](#table5-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}) and dosage into consideration.
Pharmacokinetic Half-Lives of Biologic Agents.

Family Biologic Isotype Target Half-Life Status
------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
TNF inhibitors Adalimumab human IgG1 TNFα 10-20 days^[@bibr184-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Etanercept IgG1 Fc domain + TNF receptor extracellular ligand-binding domain TNFα, LTα (TNFβ) 4.2 days^[@bibr185-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Certolizumab pegol Humanized Fab′ conjugated to polyethylene glycol TNFα 14 days^[@bibr186-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Golimumab Human IgG1қ TNFα 11-12 days^[@bibr187-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Infliximab Chimeric IgG1κ TNFα 7.7-14.7 days^[@bibr188-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Interleukin inhibitors Dupilumab Human IgG4 IL-4Rα NA^[@bibr189-1203475418811335],[a](#table-fn5-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^ Approved
Mepolizumab Humanized IgG1κ IL-5 16-22 days^[@bibr190-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Tocilizumab Humanized IgG1κ IL-6R 11-13 days^[@bibr191-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Sarilumab Human IgG1 sIL-6Rα, mIL-6Rα Initial: 8-10 days\ Approved
Terminal: 2-4 days^[@bibr192-1203475418811335]^
Anakinra IL-1 receptor antagonist IL-1R1 4-6 hours^[@bibr193-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Canakinumab Human IgG1қ IL-1β 26 days^[@bibr194-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Tralokinumab Human IgG4 IL-13 17.7 days^[@bibr195-1203475418811335]^ In development
Lebrikizumab Humanized IgG4 IL-13 25 days^[@bibr196-1203475418811335]^ In development
Secukinumab Human IgG1қ IL-17A 27 days^[@bibr197-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Ixekizumab Humanized IgG4 IL-17A 13 days^[@bibr198-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Bimekizumab Humanized IgG1 IL-17A, IL-17F 17-22 days^[@bibr199-1203475418811335]^ In development
Brodalumab Human IgG2қ IL-17RA NA^[@bibr200-1203475418811335],[b](#table-fn6-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^ Approved
Ustekinumab Human IgG1 IL-12, IL-23 15-32 days^[@bibr201-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Guselkumab Human IgG1λ IL-23 15-18 days^[@bibr202-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Risankizumab Human IgG1 IL-23 20-28 days^[@bibr203-1203475418811335]^ In development
Tildrakizumab Humanized IgG1қ IL-23 24.5 days^[@bibr204-1203475418811335]^ In development
Nemolizumab Humanized IgG2 IL-31RA 12.6-16.5 days^[@bibr205-1203475418811335]^ In development
B-cell inhibitor Rituximab Chimeric IgG1κ CD20 20.8 days^[@bibr59-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Belimumab Human IgG1λ BAFF (BLyS) 12.5-19.4 days^[@bibr206-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Integrin blockers Vedolizumab Humanized IgG1 α4β7 25 days^[@bibr207-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Natalizumab Humanized IgG4қ α4 9.6-11.1 days^[@bibr208-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Costimulatory modulator Abatacept CTLA-4 extracellular domain + modified IgG1 Fc domain CD80, CD86 13.1-16.7 days^[@bibr209-1203475418811335]^ Approved
Abbreviations: BAFF, B-cell--activating factor; BLyS, B-lymphocyte stimulator; CD, cluster of differentiation; CTLA-4, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte--associated protein 4; Fab′, fragment antibody binding; Fc, fragment constant; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IL, interleukin; IL-1R1, interleukin 1 receptor 1; IL-17RA, interleukin 17 receptor A; LT, lymphotoxin; mIL-6Rα, membrane-bound IL-6 receptor α; NA, not available; sIL-6Rα, soluble IL-6 receptor α; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.
As dupilumab has a distinct target-mediated phase and the instantaneous half-life decreases over time to values close to zero, its terminal half-life cannot be calculated or used for any practical purposes.
Expected be similar to endogenous IgG.
Pharmacokinetic Half-Lives of Nonbiologic DMARDs.

Family Drug Half-Life
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JAK family kinase inhibitor Tofacitinib 3 hours^[@bibr210-1203475418811335]^
Folate antagonist Methotrexate \<30 mg/m^2^: 3-10 hours^[@bibr211-1203475418811335]^\
⩾30 mg/m^2^: 8-15 hours^[@bibr211-1203475418811335]^
Calcineurin inhibitor Tacrolimus 35 hours^[@bibr212-1203475418811335]^
Cyclosporine 18 hours^[@bibr213-1203475418811335]^
Alkylating agent Cyclophosphamide 7 hours^[@bibr214-1203475418811335]^
Antimalarials Chloroquine 40 days^[@bibr215-1203475418811335]^
Hydroxychloroquine 50 days^[@bibr216-1203475418811335]^
Purine analog 6-Mercaptopurine 1.5 hours^[@bibr217-1203475418811335],[a](#table-fn8-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Azathioprine 5 hours^[@bibr218-1203475418811335],[b](#table-fn9-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Sulfa drug Sulfasalazine 6-8 hours^[@bibr219-1203475418811335]^
Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor Mycophenolate mofetil 17.9 hours for MPA^[@bibr220-1203475418811335]^
Mycophenolate sodium 11.7 hours for MPA\
15.7 hours for MPAG metabolite^[@bibr221-1203475418811335]^
Glucocorticoid Prednisolone 2-4 hours^[@bibr222-1203475418811335]^
Phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor Apremilast 8.9-9.7 hours^[@bibr223-1203475418811335]^
Isoxazole Leflunomide 14 days^[@bibr224-1203475418811335]^
Abbreviations: JAK, Janus kinase; MPA, mycophenolic acid; MPAG, mycophenolic acid glucuronide.
Active metabolites have longer half-lives.
For azathioprine's sulfur-containing metabolites.
Studies in RA have demonstrated that discontinuing MTX treatment until 2 weeks after immunization with the seasonal influenza vaccine increases vaccine response without increasing the risk of flares compared to those who stayed on treatment.^[@bibr41-1203475418811335]^ However, flares tended to be more common among patients who received a 4-week MTX treatment break around the time of vaccination.^[@bibr42-1203475418811335]^ Therefore, while a washout period before vaccine administration may improve the patient's immune response to the vaccine, clinicians should use their judgement to evaluate the risks vs benefits of treatment disruption.
**Statement 2c:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases treated with rituximab who require optimal vaccine immunogenicity, we recommend that immunization be deferred to ⩾5 months after the last dose and at least 4 weeks prior to the subsequent dose of rituximab.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; low-level evidence*
*Vote: 14.3% strongly agree, 78.6% agree, 7.1% disagree*
Evidence Summary {#section14-1203475418811335}
RTX pharmacokinetics does not directly correlate with B-cell reconstitution following treatment. Despite having a half-life of approximately 21 days,^[@bibr59-1203475418811335]^ 1 study showed that B-cell reconstitution occurred after a mean of 8 months from the last RTX dose (n = 24; range of 5-13 months).^[@bibr60-1203475418811335]^ In line with this finding, patients immunized with the trivalent influenza vaccine \>5 months after RTX infusion (n = 13) exhibited greater fold-increases in antibody titres for influenza H1N1 (2.1 vs 1.1; *P* = .02), H3N2 (1.7 vs 1.3; *P* = .23), and B (3.6 vs 1.6; *P* = .01) than patients vaccinated ⩽5 months (n = 16) after their last RTX dose.^[@bibr34-1203475418811335]^ Similarly, another study reported that patients with RA vaccinated 6 to 10 months after their last RTX infusion (n = 12) exhibited modestly restored IgG responses and significant increases in antibody titres for the H3N2 and H1N1 vaccine strains compared with those vaccinated 4 to 8 weeks after RTX treatment (n = 11).^[@bibr33-1203475418811335],[@bibr35-1203475418811335]^
For most IMDs, RTX is typically administered at most every 6 months, unless clinical evaluation indicates a need for alternative dosing (in RA, RTX is administered every 6 to \>12 months, depending on response duration).^[@bibr61-1203475418811335]^ Therefore, to allow for a degree of B-cell reconstitution, as well as provide sufficient time to mount an adaptive immune response to the vaccine, it is recommended that inactivated vaccines be given at least 5 months following the last RTX dose and approximately 1 month prior to subsequent B-cell depleting therapy. When feasible, titres assessing seroconversion should be considered.
Live Attenuated Herpes Zoster Vaccine {#section15-1203475418811335}
The live attenuated herpes zoster (HZ) vaccine is indicated for adults ⩾50 years of age to prevent HZ and postherpetic neuralgia. It contains the Oka varicella-zoster virus strain (VZV), which is present at higher viral titres (19 400 plaque-forming units \[pfu\]/dose) than that used for the primary prevention of chickenpox (1350 pfu/dose).^[@bibr62-1203475418811335],[@bibr63-1203475418811335]^ Among those with previous exposure and immunologic memory to VZV, the vaccine mitigates disease risk by boosting the anti-VZV adaptive immune responses.
Typically, live vaccines are more immunogenic than their inactivated counterparts due to their ability to mimic natural infection and effectively activate the humoral and cellular arms of the immune system.^[@bibr53-1203475418811335]^ However, the HZ subunit vaccine (HZ/su) recently approved in Canada and the United States may actually provide a more effective alternative to the live attenuated vaccine. In 2 phase 3 clinical trials (ZOE-50, ZOE-70), the HZ/su vaccine efficacy over a mean follow-up of 3.7 years was 97.2% (95% CI, 93.7-99.0; *P* \< .001) in individuals aged ⩾50 years and was 91.3% (95% CI, 86.8-94.5; *P* \< .001) in those aged ⩾70 years.^[@bibr64-1203475418811335],[@bibr65-1203475418811335]^ These rates were greater than the 51.3% reduction in HZ incidence observed in individuals ⩾60 years immunized with the live attenuated vaccine in the Shingles Prevention Study.^[@bibr66-1203475418811335]^ Furthermore, the subunit vaccine had an efficacy of 88.8% (95% CI, 68.7-97.1; *P* \< .001) against postherpetic neuralgia in individuals ⩾70 years old. In the Shingles Prevention Study, efficacy against postherpetic neuralgia was 66.8% in the same age group vaccinated with the live attenuated vaccine.^[@bibr64-1203475418811335],[@bibr66-1203475418811335]^ To date, however, there are no studies directly comparing the 2 vaccines. There are also no published efficacy data on the use of the subunit vaccine in cohorts with IMDs.
As the adjuvant, AS01~B~, is a component of the HZ/su vaccine, there has been some anecdotal concern regarding the risk of autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). However, pooled data from the clinical trials have shown no significant differences in the incidence of IMDs up to a year postvaccination between individuals receiving HZ/su (90/14 645; 0.6%) and those receiving placebo (105/14 660; 0.7%).^[@bibr67-1203475418811335]^ In addition, a subgroup analysis of patients with a history of IMD showed comparable incidences of possible postvaccination disease exacerbation in the HZ/su (27/983; 2.8%) and placebo (27/960; 2.8%) groups, suggesting that the vaccine is likely safe in this patient population.^[@bibr67-1203475418811335]^
Due to its safety and efficacy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends the use of the HZ/su vaccine over the live attenuated version.^[@bibr68-1203475418811335]^ However, should the live vaccine be considered, the following statements aim to address concerns regarding its use in patients with IMDs on immunosuppressive therapies.
**Statement 3a:** To optimize the immunogenicity of the live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine in treatment-naive patients with immune-mediated conditions, we suggest immunization be performed at least 2 to 4 weeks prior to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy.
*GRADE: Conditional recommendation; moderate-level evidence*
*Vote: 21.4% strongly agree, 78.6% agree*
Evidence Summary {#section16-1203475418811335}
The live attenuated HZ vaccine should ideally be administered prior to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy. Some guidelines recommend HZ vaccination 3 to 4 weeks prior to starting therapy,^[@bibr69-1203475418811335],[@bibr70-1203475418811335]^ likely due to evidence demonstrating the presence of the vaccine virus strain up to 4 weeks after vaccination.^[@bibr71-1203475418811335]^ Further prospectively designed studies are needed; however, evidence from 1 study suggests that HZ vaccination is safe and effective when administered as early as 2 weeks before treatment initiation.^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^ HZ vaccine immunogenicity was assessed in patients with RA on MTX (15-25 mg/wk) who received tofacitinib (n = 55) or placebo (n = 57) 2 to 3 weeks postvaccination.^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^ Six weeks after immunization, the fold-increase in VZV-specific IgG titres (2.11 vs 1.74) and number of VZV-specific T cells (1.50 vs 1.29) were comparable between the tofacitinib and placebo groups, respectively, suggesting that tofacitinib did not interfere with humoral or cellular immune responses to the vaccine. Immunization was generally safe, with only a single case of cutaneous dissemination of the vaccine strain observed in a patient without preexisting VZV immunity.^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^
**Statement 3b:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases on immunosuppressive agents, the live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine can be safely administered to patients at risk, but the subunit vaccine is the preferred alternative. Individual situations should be assessed for patients treated with a combination of immunosuppressive drugs, if the live vaccine is being considered.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; moderate-level evidence*
*Vote: 64.3% strongly agree, 21.4% agree, 14.3% neutral*
Evidence Summary {#section17-1203475418811335}
According to the CDC, treatment with low-dose MTX (⩽0.4 mg/kg/wk), azathioprine (⩽3.0 mg/kg/d), 6-mercaptopurine (⩽1.5 mg/kg/d), short-term steroid therapy lasting \<2 weeks, or prednisone-equivalent doses \<20 mg/d is not sufficiently immunosuppressive to preclude the use of live vaccines.^[@bibr73-1203475418811335]^ Conversely, treatment discontinuation lasting 1 or 3 months before live vaccine administration is recommended for patients on high-dose systemic steroid therapy lasting \>2 weeks or immunomodulatory biologics, respectively.^[@bibr73-1203475418811335]^ Data, like those expected from the VERVE trial (NCT02538757) assessing the outcomes of HZ vaccination in TNFi users, are required to accurately assess the risks in specific patient populations. In the interim, retrospective analyses provided insights into the risks and benefits of HZ vaccination in patients with IMDs receiving immunosuppressive therapies.
A retrospective cohort study demonstrated the safety and efficacy of the HZ vaccine in patients ⩾60 years with RA, PsA, ankylosing spondylitis (AS), PsO, or IBD treated with biologics (TNFi, abatacept, or RTX), DMARDs, and/or oral glucocorticoids (n = 463 541).^[@bibr74-1203475418811335]^ During the 42-day window in which infection risk with the vaccine strain is greatest, none of the patients exposed to biologics (n = 633) developed varicella or HZ. Furthermore, vaccination lowered the HZ incidence over a 2-year median follow-up in biologic-treated, vaccinated patients (incidence ratio \[IR\], 8.5; 95% CI, 5.1-14.4) vs unvaccinated patients (IR, 16.0; 95% CI, 15.2-16.8). Among the 551 patients on TNFi, the IR of HZ in vaccinated patients was 8.5 (95% CI, 4.8-15.0) vs 15.9 (95% CI, 15.1-16.8) for those unvaccinated. Similarly, among immunized DMARD- and glucocorticoid-treated patients, the IRs were 7.0 (95% CI, 4.7-10.3) and 10.3 (95% CI, 6.7-15.8), respectively, vs 13.6 (95% CI, 13.1-14.2) and 17.2 (95% CI, 16.5-17.9) for their respective unvaccinated counterparts.^[@bibr74-1203475418811335]^
Notably, 1 study reported that patients with IMDs on immunosuppressive therapy at the time of HZ vaccination (n = 4826) were at greater risk of HZ 42 days postvaccination (OR, 2.99; 95% CI, 1.58-5.70) than those who discontinued immunosuppressive treatment \>30 days before vaccination (n = 9728).^[@bibr75-1203475418811335]^ However, it is important to note that no cases of disseminated VZV from the vaccine strain were observed, and latent zoster virus reactivation was speculated to be the probable cause.
Taken together, studies on the use of the live attenuated HZ vaccine on patients with IMDs on immunosuppressive therapies suggest that it is generally safe and well tolerated. It is important to note that most patients receiving the HZ vaccine would have had previous VZV exposure and immunity, which decreases the risk of disseminated disease from the vaccine strain even in individuals on immunosuppressive treatment. However, caution may be warranted in patients without preexisting immunity to the virus. Serologic testing for VZV prior to immunization with the live attenuated vaccine should be considered.
Other Live Vaccines {#section18-1203475418811335}
**Statement 4a:** In treatment-naive patients with immune-mediated diseases who are vaccinated with live attenuated vaccines, we recommend that the duration of viremia following immunization be considered when determining the optimal time to initiate immunosuppressive therapy.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence*
*Vote: 21.4% strongly agree, 71.4% agree, 7.1% neutral*
**Statement 4b:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases who interrupt immunosuppressive treatment prior to vaccination, we recommend that the duration of viremia following immunization be considered when determining the optimal time to reinitiate immunosuppressive therapy.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence*
*Vote: 21.4% strongly agree, 57.1% agree, 21.4% neutral*
Evidence Summary {#section19-1203475418811335}
While there is currently no evidence regarding the optimal time to initiate immunosuppressive therapies after immunization with live attenuated vaccines, it is intuitive that risks would be mitigated if treatment is initiated after vaccine-induced viremia clears, whenever the clinical situation allows. [Table 6](#table6-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"} lists data regarding the length of viremia resulting from commercially available live vaccines.
Length of Viremia Following Vaccination With Live Attenuated Vaccines.

Vaccine Length of Viremia
---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Varicella (Oka strain) The vaccine strain could not be isolated up to 14 days postvaccination in children,^[@bibr225-1203475418811335]^ but 1 study detected the vaccine strain by PCR up to 5 weeks after immunization in 5 of 166 (3%) asymptomatic children given the varicella vaccine.^[@bibr226-1203475418811335]^
Herpes zoster (Oka strain) Varicella zoster virus DNA can be detected by PCR analysis in 16% (11/67) of individuals 2 weeks postvaccination^[@bibr227-1203475418811335]^ and up to 4 weeks in 6% (2/36) of individuals \>60 years old.^[@bibr71-1203475418811335]^
Yellow fever Viremia after primary immunization wanes within 7 days postimmunization^[@bibr228-1203475418811335]^ and is generally cleared within 2 weeks of vaccination.^[@bibr229-1203475418811335]^
Measles The vaccine strain has not been isolated from human blood after immunization of healthy children,^[@bibr230-1203475418811335]^ but a study on macaques has shown the persistence of the Schwarz vaccine strain 7 to 9 days postvaccination.^[@bibr231-1203475418811335]^
Mumps There is a low risk of viremia with the mumps vaccine strains; however, the incidence of aseptic meningitis occurring 2 to 3 weeks after vaccination suggests that the potential is maintained in some vaccine strains.\
The frequency of vaccine-associated aseptic meningitis varies from approximately 1 in 1.8 million doses for the Jeryl Lynn strain to as high as 1 in 336 for the Urabe AM9 strain.^[@bibr232-1203475418811335]^
Rubella Viremia was documented 7 to 21 days postvaccination in some adults receiving the primary vaccination but not in children.^[@bibr233-1203475418811335]^
Live polio (type 2 Sabin) In adults, free virus is present in the serum between 2 and 5 days after vaccine administration, with antibody-bound virus being present up to 8 days after vaccination.^[@bibr234-1203475418811335]^\
In children aged ⩽17 months, free virus can be detected up to 8 days after vaccination.^[@bibr235-1203475418811335]^
Abbreviation: PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
**Statement 4c:** In patients with immune-mediated diseases on immunosuppressive agents, we suggest that live attenuated vaccines be administered when individual benefits outweigh the perceived risks.
*GRADE: Conditional recommendation; low-level evidence*
*Vote: 14.3% strongly agree, 64.3% agree, 14.3% neutral, 7.1% disagree*
Evidence Summary {#section20-1203475418811335}
The use of yellow fever (YF); measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); and oral typhoid vaccines in patients on immunosuppressive therapy has not been extensively examined. While further investigation is necessary, small observational studies provided insights into the safety and efficacy of live vaccines in this patient population.^[@bibr76-1203475418811335][@bibr77-1203475418811335][@bibr78-1203475418811335][@bibr79-1203475418811335][@bibr80-1203475418811335][@bibr81-1203475418811335]-[@bibr82-1203475418811335]^ Recall humoral and cellular responses to MMR in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) treated with etanercept + MTX (mean dose of 12 mg/m^2^ body surface area \[BSA\] once weekly \[QW\]) (n = 5) or low-dose MTX alone (mean dose of 9 mg/m^2^ BSA QW; n = 5) were not significantly different from healthy children (n = 22).^[@bibr80-1203475418811335]^ Moreover, the MMR vaccine was demonstrated to be safe for patients with JIA, with no reports of aggravated disease activity, increased medication use, or severe AEs following vaccination.^[@bibr76-1203475418811335],[@bibr80-1203475418811335]^
Primary or secondary YF vaccination also induced protective serologic responses in the majority of IFX-treated patients with RA (94% \[16/17\]),^[@bibr81-1203475418811335]^ and adults with chronic inflammatory conditions receiving systemic corticosteroid therapy for a median of 10 months (100% \[20/20 patients examined\]; prednisone-equivalent dose: 5-20 mg/d).^[@bibr78-1203475418811335]^ In addition, patients with IMDs on MTX (n = 11), prednisolone (n = 1), leflunomide (n = 1), or etanercept (n = 2) achieved postvaccination neutralizing antibody titres comparable to healthy controls.^[@bibr82-1203475418811335]^ In all studies, the YF vaccine was administered without adverse sequelae, although patients in 1 study experienced a higher frequency of transient local reactions (RR, 8.0; 95% CI, 1.4-45.9), including erythema, tenderness, and pain compared with healthy individuals.^[@bibr78-1203475418811335]^
A systematic review by Croce et al^[@bibr83-1203475418811335]^ noted that of the 253 YF vaccine doses administered to patients with IMDs or solid organ transplants, only 1 case of vaccine-related infection was reported. The fatal case of vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease occurred in a patient with SLE and RA treated with dexamethasone and possibly MTX.^[@bibr83-1203475418811335]^ While the patient was given a vaccine from a lot associated with \>20 times the risk of viscerotropic disease,^[@bibr83-1203475418811335]^ it is possible that the underlying autoimmunity and immunosuppressive treatment may have also contributed to the fatal outcome. Therefore, prudent assessment of the risks and benefits of vaccination in each individual patient is necessary to prevent potentially deleterious consequences. Whenever possible, physicians should assess the patient's risk of YF exposure and vaccinate accordingly prior to initiation of immunosuppressive regimens.
**Statement 4d:** In situations where patient safety is a paramount concern and the clinical situation allows, we suggest that immunosuppressive treatment be interrupted for a duration based on drug pharmacokinetics prior to immunization with live vaccines.
*GRADE: Conditional recommendation; low-level evidence*
*Vote: 28.6% strongly agree, 64.3% agree, 7.1% neutral*
Evidence Summary {#section21-1203475418811335}
There is evidence to suggest that live vaccines may be safely given to patients with IMDs treated with immunosuppressive agents. However, due to factors such as advanced age, disease severity, comorbidities, and potent immunosuppressive medications, some patients may be at greater risk of AEs or disseminated infection after receiving live attenuated vaccines. For instance, the risk of developing YF vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease increases with age, with elderly individuals having a 5000-fold increased incidence (0.05%) compared to children (0.00001%).^[@bibr84-1203475418811335]^ In situations where patient safety is of paramount concern and the decision is made to interrupt immunosuppressive therapy prior to immunization, the duration of the treatment break prior to vaccine administration should ideally take drug pharmacokinetics into consideration ([Tables 4](#table4-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"} and [5](#table5-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"}) to minimize the interference of immunosuppressive agents on vaccine response and their potential effect on risk of disseminated infection.
Vaccination of Infants With Early Exposure to Immunosuppressive Agents {#section22-1203475418811335}
**Statement 5a:** In infants exposed to immunosuppressive agents in utero during the third trimester, we recommend that inactivated vaccines be administered according to the local immunization schedule.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence*
*Vote: 57.1% strongly agree, 42.9% agree*
Evidence Summary {#section23-1203475418811335}
Biologics {#section24-1203475418811335}
Serological responses to routine childhood vaccinations in infants exposed to TNFi up to the third trimester (final dose at 17-39 weeks' gestation) were described in 3 observational studies and 1 case report.^[@bibr85-1203475418811335][@bibr86-1203475418811335][@bibr87-1203475418811335]-[@bibr88-1203475418811335]^ Adequate and protective responses to tetanus, pneumococcal, and diphtheria vaccines were generally achieved, although some variability in *Haemophilus influenzae* type b (Hib) vaccine immunogenicity was observed.^[@bibr85-1203475418811335],[@bibr88-1203475418811335]^ Furthermore, routine childhood vaccinations were well tolerated, resulting in no safety concerns or severe AEs.^[@bibr85-1203475418811335][@bibr86-1203475418811335][@bibr87-1203475418811335][@bibr88-1203475418811335][@bibr89-1203475418811335][@bibr90-1203475418811335]-[@bibr91-1203475418811335]^
More recently, data from the Pregnancy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Neonatal Outcomes (PIANO) registry comparing vaccine responses in infants born of mothers who were exposed to biologic therapies (IFX, adalimumab, vedolizumab, certolizumab pegol, golimumab, natalizumab, or ustekinumab) vs those unexposed during gestation revealed no significant differences in seroprotection rates to the Hib (21/38 \[71%\] vs 4/8 \[50%\]; *P* = .41) and tetanus toxoid vaccines (33/41 \[80%\] vs 6/8 \[75%\]; *P* = .66) between the 2 groups.^[@bibr92-1203475418811335]^
Three case reports examined the efficacy of routine childhood immunizations such as tetanus, diphtheria, and HBV among infants exposed to RTX up to the third trimester (last RTX dose at 30-34 weeks' gestation).^[@bibr93-1203475418811335][@bibr94-1203475418811335]-[@bibr95-1203475418811335]^ Despite all infants exhibiting low^[@bibr94-1203475418811335]^ or undetectable^[@bibr93-1203475418811335],[@bibr95-1203475418811335]^ B-cell counts at birth, protective antibody levels were generally achieved following vaccination without serious AEs.
DMARDs and Glucocorticoids {#section25-1203475418811335}
Two case-control studies examined HBV vaccine immunogenicity among infants born to mothers treated with dexamethasone, thiopurines, or cyclosporine for autoimmunity or CTD during pregnancy.^[@bibr96-1203475418811335],[@bibr97-1203475418811335]^ Despite exposure to immunosuppressive drugs in utero, these infants achieved protective antibody titres and exhibited comparable IgG serum levels, lymphocyte counts, and other immune parameters to unexposed infants. Importantly, vaccination with inactivated vaccines was demonstrated to be safe. In a study involving 30 infants exposed to thiopurines due to maternal IBD during gestation, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, inactivated polio, Hib, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines were safely administered without serious AEs or complications.^[@bibr98-1203475418811335]^
Exposure to higher doses of immunosuppressive agents in the solid organ transplant setting did not significantly affect the immune response to childhood vaccinations.^[@bibr99-1203475418811335]^ Of the 17 infants born to renal transplant recipient mothers treated with thiopurines, tacrolimus, prednisone, and/or cyclosporine during pregnancy, 82% exhibited B-cell numbers lower than the 10th percentile of normal Brazilian values (280/mm^3^) while 29.4% exhibited abnormalities in other lymphocyte populations at birth. Despite this, primary immunization with Hib, pneumococcal, and tetanus vaccines was safely administered and resulted in protective antibody titres that were comparable to those of infants unexposed to immunosuppressive agents in utero.
**Statement 5b:** In infants exposed to immunosuppressive agents in utero during the third trimester, we recommend that the MMR and varicella vaccines be administered according to the local immunization schedule.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; low-level evidence*
*Vote: 42.9% strongly agree, 57.1% agree*
Evidence Summary {#section26-1203475418811335}
Live attenuated MMR and varicella vaccines are indicated for children 12 to 15 months of age.^[@bibr100-1203475418811335],[@bibr101-1203475418811335]^ At this time, \<1% of the initial biologic agent levels should be present in the infant based on the known half-life of 30 to 52.5 days of maternally derived IgG antibodies.^[@bibr102-1203475418811335][@bibr103-1203475418811335]-[@bibr104-1203475418811335]^ In the case of in utero RTX exposure, continued presence of the biologic agent in the infant was shown to delay B-cell development in some cases. However, circulating CD20^+^ B-cell numbers were shown to normalize 3 to 6 months after birth, possibly suggesting integrity to adequately respond to vaccines given at later time points.^[@bibr93-1203475418811335],[@bibr94-1203475418811335],[@bibr105-1203475418811335]^ In fact, studies demonstrated that infants exposed to either TNFi or RTX in utero achieved protective antibody levels without complications upon completion of the MMR vaccine regimen.^[@bibr85-1203475418811335],[@bibr90-1203475418811335],[@bibr93-1203475418811335],[@bibr95-1203475418811335]^
Similarly, nonbiologic immunomodulatory agents with relatively long half-lives such as leflunomide (14 days) and antimalarials (40-50 days) are expected to be cleared or present in minute concentrations that are unlikely to negatively affect the immunogenicity or safety of vaccines given ⩾12 months after birth.
**Statement 5c:** In infants breastfed by mothers on immunosuppressive regimens, we recommend that inactivated and live attenuated vaccines be administered according to the local immunization schedule without delay.
*GRADE: Strong recommendation; very low-level evidence*
*Vote: 35.7% strongly agree, 57.1% agree, 7.1% neutral*
Evidence Summary {#section27-1203475418811335}
Biologic Agents {#section28-1203475418811335}
Due to the inefficient transfer of IgG antibodies across the mammary epithelium, only low levels of IgG-based biologics are typically found in breastmilk.^[@bibr87-1203475418811335],[@bibr106-1203475418811335][@bibr107-1203475418811335][@bibr108-1203475418811335][@bibr109-1203475418811335][@bibr110-1203475418811335][@bibr111-1203475418811335]-[@bibr112-1203475418811335]^ Any antibodies ingested by the infant are not taken up by the intact intestinal mucosa^[@bibr113-1203475418811335]^ and are subject to degradation by proteolytic enzymes in the stomach and intestine.^[@bibr113-1203475418811335],[@bibr114-1203475418811335]^ Consequently, breastfeeding while being treated with Ig-based biologics poses little to no risk of infant drug exposure, as evidenced by the continuous decline in serum levels of biologics acquired through gestational exposure in breastfed infants.^[@bibr87-1203475418811335],[@bibr110-1203475418811335],[@bibr115-1203475418811335]^ For this reason, infants breastfed by mothers on biologic therapy should receive routine immunizations without delay according to local immunization guidelines.
Of note, subtherapeutic IFX levels were observed in an infant exposed to the drug solely through breastfeeding.^[@bibr112-1203475418811335]^ Five days after maternal infusion with IFX, the biologic agent was detected in the infant (1700 ng/mL), despite being only partially breastfed. No AEs were observed in the child, and the level present in the infant's serum is below the therapeutic range and not expected to interfere with the safety or efficacy of childhood immunizations. However, the mechanism of infant absorption of the biologic in this case is unclear, and further investigation may be warranted.
Nonbiologic Agents {#section29-1203475418811335}
Hydrocortisones, antimalarials, azathioprine metabolites, sulfasalazine, MTX, cyclosporine, and tacrolimus have been detected in breastmilk at concentrations lower than maternal serum levels.^[@bibr116-1203475418811335][@bibr117-1203475418811335][@bibr118-1203475418811335][@bibr119-1203475418811335][@bibr120-1203475418811335][@bibr121-1203475418811335][@bibr122-1203475418811335][@bibr123-1203475418811335]-[@bibr124-1203475418811335]^ At these levels, the weight-adjusted exposure of the breastfed infant is estimated to be minimal ([Table 7](#table7-1203475418811335){ref-type="table"})^[@bibr125-1203475418811335]^ and would likely have little effect on vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy. However, live attenuated vaccines should be administered with caution to infants breastfed by mothers on cyclophosphamide as cases of neutropenia and hematopoiesis suppression were documented in infants exposed to this agent through breastmilk.^[@bibr126-1203475418811335],[@bibr127-1203475418811335]^
Exposure of Infants to Immunosuppressive Agents Through Breastmilk.

Drug Estimated Infant Exposure
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chloroquine 0.55%^[@bibr119-1203475418811335],[a](#table-fn12-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Hydroxychloroquine 2%^[@bibr118-1203475418811335],[b](#table-fn13-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Tacrolimus 0.3%^[@bibr123-1203475418811335],[b](#table-fn13-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Cyclosporine 0.2%-1.1%^[@bibr236-1203475418811335],[b](#table-fn13-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Prednisolone 0.1%^[@bibr120-1203475418811335],[a](#table-fn12-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Azathioprine 6-MP metabolite: \<0.09%^[@bibr121-1203475418811335],[b](#table-fn13-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Sulfasalazine 5.9%^[@bibr119-1203475418811335],[a](#table-fn12-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Methotrexate NA^[@bibr122-1203475418811335],[c](#table-fn14-1203475418811335){ref-type="table-fn"}^
Abbreviations: 6-MP, 6-mercaptopurine; NA, not available.
Percent of maternal dose ingested.
Infant drug exposure corrected for maternal and infant body weight (weight-adjusted dose).
Expected to result in minimal exposure of infant to methotrexate due to the low milk/plasma ratio (0.08) observed.
Discussion {#section30-1203475418811335}
Consensus Level {#section31-1203475418811335}
These guidelines present recommendations on general immunization practices for patients with IMDs treated with immunosuppressive therapies, as well as infants exposed to such agents during the third trimester of pregnancy or through breastfeeding. Consensus was reached on 13 statements, with 2 statements being rejected ([Appendix 1](http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/suppl/10.1177/1203475418811335)).
Comparison With Other Guidelines {#section32-1203475418811335}
In contrast to the recommendations in this publication, several guidelines, including those from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, American College of Gastroenterology, and European Crohn's and Colitis Organization, have suggested waiting at least 3 to 4 weeks after immunization with live vaccines prior to commencing immunosuppressive therapy.^[@bibr69-1203475418811335],[@bibr70-1203475418811335],[@bibr73-1203475418811335],[@bibr128-1203475418811335]^ In addition, the 2014 NACI guidelines recommended that the live HZ vaccine not be given to individuals receiving high-dose corticosteroids or immune-suppressing medications, unless treatment has been discontinued for a period of 3 days to up to 1 year prior to vaccination, depending on the medication.^[@bibr128-1203475418811335]^
However, in individuals with prior exposure and immunity to VZV, the live attenuated HZ vaccine acts as a booster immunization, which elicits a secondary immune response with faster kinetics than primary vaccination. Studies on tofacitinib in patients with RA demonstrated that treatment initiation within 2 weeks of vaccination did not compromise the safety or efficacy of the vaccine.^[@bibr72-1203475418811335]^ Furthermore, data from retrospective studies suggest that vaccination even while on immunomodulatory biologics (TNFi, abatacept, or RTX), DMARDs, and glucocorticoids is safe and effective,^[@bibr74-1203475418811335]^ potentially eliminating the need for long wait times between vaccination and treatment initiation. Presented with this evidence, the committee deemed the live attenuated HZ vaccine to be relatively safe for individuals with preexisting immunity to varicella, even in those on certain immunosuppressive treatments. In treatment-naive patients, deferring the initiation of immunosuppressive therapy 2 to 4 weeks postvaccination should be sufficient to mount an effective adaptive response to the vaccine.
While this manuscript was being prepared for publication, the NACI released the 2018 recommendations on the use of HZ vaccines, which state that the HZ/su vaccine, not the live attenuated vaccine, may be considered for immunocompromised adults aged ⩾50 years.^[@bibr129-1203475418811335]^ This echoes the CDC recommendation that the subunit vaccine be considered over the live attenuated vaccine for immunocompetent adults ⩾50 years of age or those anticipating immunosuppression.^[@bibr68-1203475418811335]^ Aligned with the NACI and CDC guidelines, this publication preferentially recommends considering the subunit vaccine for patients with IMDs on immunosuppressive regimens until further data are available.
With regards to vaccinating patients on RTX, the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that treatment be discontinued 6 to 12 months prior to vaccination with live or inactivated vaccines,^[@bibr130-1203475418811335]^ whereas a minimum washout period of 5 months preimmunization is recommended in this publication. While longer washout periods would be ideal and allow B-cell numbers to rebound following B-cell depletion therapy, extended treatment cessation is not always feasible if disease control is to be maintained. Thus, in patients requiring RTX infusion every 6 months, the committee determined that immunizing patients 5 months following the last RTX dose and at least 4 weeks prior to the subsequent dose would allow for a degree of B-cell reconstitution and sufficient time to mount an adaptive immune response to the vaccine.
Limitations {#section33-1203475418811335}
While these guidelines were developed according to the best evidence available to date, the body of evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccination among individuals receiving immunosuppressive therapy for IMDs remains incomplete. Large-scale clinical trials assessing the effectiveness of vaccines in this patient population have not been performed, and data regarding the safety and efficacy of immunization for patients on recently approved drugs and biologic agents are currently lacking. Furthermore, antibody thresholds may be an imperfect surrogate for vaccine-induced protection, and the lack of more accurate measures of vaccine efficacy may hinder our complete understanding of how immunosuppressive drugs and biological agents affect the immunological response to immunization.
Conclusions {#section34-1203475418811335}
The use of immunomodulatory biologics, DMARDs, and glucocorticoids may result in attenuation but not abolishment of the immune response to vaccines. The risks and benefits of immunization should be weighed to determine patient eligibility and appropriate timing of vaccine administration relative to immunosuppressive therapy.
While specialists endorse the importance of giving age- and disease-appropriate vaccines to patients with IMDs, primary care physicians (PCPs) are often tasked with carrying out immunizations in these patients. To ensure that necessary vaccines are given and patients receive consistent care across health care providers, communication between specialists and PCPs is imperative. Should the need arise, these guidelines may serve to inform not only specialists but also family physicians and other health care providers on issues regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines in patients with IMDs on immunosuppressive therapies.
Supplemental Material {#section35-1203475418811335}
###### Appendix_1\_Final -- Supplemental material for Vaccination Guidelines for Patients With Immune-Mediated Disorders on Immunosuppressive Therapies
Click here for additional data file.
Supplemental material, Appendix_1\_Final for Vaccination Guidelines for Patients With Immune-Mediated Disorders on Immunosuppressive Therapies by Kim A. Papp, Boulos Haraoui, Deepali Kumar, John K. Marshall, Robert Bissonnette, Alain Bitton, Brian Bressler, Melinda Gooderham, Vincent Ho, Shahin Jamal, Janet E. Pope, A. Hillary Steinhart, Donald C. Vinh and John Wade in Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery
We thank Synapse Medical Communications, Oakville, Ontario, which provided medical writing assistance in the form of drafting and revising as per authors' directions and in accordance with the standards set out by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Medical writing support was funded by the Dermatology Association of Ontario.
**Declaration of Conflicting Interests:** The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Kim Papp is an advisory board participant, steering committee member, investigator, speaker, and/or consultant for AbbVie, Akros, Allergan, Amgen, Anacor, Astellas, AstraZeneca, Baxalta, Baxter, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, CanFite, Celgene, Coherus, Dermira, Dow Pharma, Eli Lilly, Forward Pharma, Galderma, Genentech, GSK, Janssen, Kyowa Hakko Kirin, LEO Pharma, MedImmune, Meiji Seika Pharma, Merck (MSD), Merck Serono, Mitsubishi Pharma, Novartis, Pfizer, Regeneron, Roche, Sanofi Genzyme, Takeda, UCB, and Valeant. Boulos Haraoui is an advisory board participant, speaker, consultant, and/or investigator for Amgen, AbbVie, Janssen, Lilly, Merck, Pfizer, Novartis, and UCB. Deepali Kumar is an advisory board participant, speaker, investigator, and/or consultant for Astellas, GSK, Janssen, Oxford Immunotec, Pfizer, Qiagen, and Sanofi. John K. Marshall is an advisory board participant, speaker, and/or consultant for AbbVie, Allergan, Celgene, Celltrion, Ferring, Hoffman-La Roche, Hospira, Janssen, Lilly, Merck, Pfizer, Procter & Gamble, Shire, and Takeda. Robert Bissonnette is an advisory board participant, investigator, speaker, and/or consultant for AbbVie, Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, BMS, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Galderma, GSK Stiefel, Immune, Incyte, Janssen, Kineta, Leo Pharma, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, and Xenoport and is a shareholder of Innovaderm Research. Alain Bitton is an advisory board participant, speaker, and/or investigator for AbbVie, Janssen, Takeda, Shire, Ferring, Pfizer, Merck, and Pharmascience. Brian Bressler is an advisor and/or speaker for AbbVie, Actavis, Allergan, Amgen, Celgene, Ferring, Genentech, Janssen, Merck, Pendopharm, Pfizer, Shire, and Takeda and received research support from AbbVie, Alvine, Amgen, Atlantic Pharmaceuticals, Boehringer Ingelheim, BMS, Celgene, Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Merck, Qu Biologic, Red Hill Pharma, and Takeda. Melinda Gooderham is an advisory board participant, investigator, consultant, and/or speaker for AbbVie, Actelion Pharmaceuticals, Akros Pharma, Amgen, Arcutis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celgene, Dermira, Eli Lilly, Galderma, GSK, Janssen, LEO Pharma, MedImmune, Novartis, Pfizer, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Roche, Sanofi Genzyme, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, UCB, and Valeant Pharmaceuticals. Vincent Ho is an advisory board participant, investigator, and/or speaker for Abbvie, Lilly, Novartis, Janssen, and Sanofi. Shahin Jamal is an advisory board participant for Abbvie, Amgen, BMS, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sandoz, Sanofi Aventis, and UCB. Janet E. Pope is a consultant for Lilly, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi, Sandoz, and UCB and received research grants from Merck, Pfizer, Roche, UCB, and Seattle Genetics. A. Hillary Steinhart is an advisory board participant, speaker, investigator, and/or consultant for Abbvie, Amgen, Arena Pharmaceuticals, Celgene, Ferring, Genentech, Hoffmann-La Roche, Hospira, Janssen, Merck, Pfizer, Pharmascience, Red Hill Biopharma, and Takeda. Donald C. Vinh is an advisory board participant, speaker, consultant, and/or investigator for Cidara, CSL Behring Canada, Merck Canada, and Shire Canada. John Wade is an advisory board participant and consultant for Abbvie, Amgen, BMS, Celgene, Janssen, Lilly, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, and UCB.
**Funding:** The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Development of the vaccination guidelines was funded by the Dermatology Association of Ontario.
**ORCID iD:** Robert Bissonnette  <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5927-6587>
The impact of dementia caregiving on self-care management of caregivers and facilitators: a qualitative study.
Caregivers of patients with dementia or Alzheimer's disease (AD) face special health challenges due to the progressive nature of the disease. Self-care has crucial importance on individuals' management of life, health, and well-being. However, limited evidence is available on self-care management of dementia and AD caregivers. This study aimed to investigate the influence of caregiving on the self-care management of dementia and AD caregivers based on the caregivers' experience. In addition, the facilitators of caregivers' self-care management were assessed. A sample of 45 caregivers of patients with dementia or AD was recruited from a local community in the south-eastern USA. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. Data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by the method of cross-case thematic analysis of qualitative data. As reported by the caregivers, caregiving negatively influenced their self-care management, including physical self-care and mental and social self-care. Both internal and external facilitators were found that can assist caregivers' self-care. Caregivers differ considerably in their demographic characteristics, caregiving tasks, and self needs. Self-care management of dementia and AD caregivers can be largely affected by caregiving. Awareness, motivation, and knowledge of self-care, as well as knowledge of health-care resources, are important prerequisites for caregivers to achieve self-care management. Given the massive differences in caregiving situations, future intervention studies based on the specific needs of individual caregivers are warranted. |
Keeping your eye on the process: body image, older women, and countertransference.
Research on body image and older women has grown in the past decade. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding body image, older women, and countertransference. This article provides 7 case examples of racially and ethnically diverse women over 60, drawn from MSW student and agency staff supervision, and participant feedback from a national conference on aging workshop. Themes related to loss and grief, adult daughter and aging mother issues, incest, anger, disability, personality disorders, phobic reactions, and shame are discussed. Recommendations and implications for social work practice, education and research are provided. |
freeRTOS: Why so much memory as StackDepth (for xTaskCreate) is needed?
xTaskCreate has 3rd argument const uint16_t usStackDepth. It is the number of words to allocate for use as the task's stack.
In my case configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is 1024 words, and it is lots of memory.
Nevertheless it is minimum: it isn't enough to start a task and allocate anything inside; it looks like the main reason for using as little tasks as its possible.
Why so much memory is needed? What is it used for? Can I reduce it?
In FreeRTOS configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is the stack size used by the idle task and the recommended minimum size for any task. This recommended size is architecture dependent. In addition to the thread-context storage, which is dependent on the number of registers on the processor, potentially including FPU registers is an FPU is present.
On some architectures the interrupt context shares the stack of the interrupted thread, so necessarily every thread must allow allow for the interrupt stack requirement. If interrupts are nestable, that will be the worst-case for all ISRs, not just the single worst ISR. Architectures with a dedicated interrupt stack do not need to include ISR usage on every task.
STM32 which is an ARM Cortex-M device does have a dedicated ISR stack; in which case I would suggest that 1024 words (4kbytes) is excessively large for the minimum stack. I believe that in the standard demonstration port for STM32 it is set to 128. The FAQ suggests that the minimum user stack size should be the same as the value of configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE set in the demoonstration port for the particular target; it does not say that it should be configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE whose value may have been changed for example to accommodate user hooks to the idle task.
Reviewing the Reviews of Marvel’s Doctor Strange
Six months and change after the release of its first trailer -- and therefore about the same amount of time since co-writer C. Robert Cargill's infamous "[t]he social justice warriors were going to get mad at us for something this week" rebuttal to Asian American critics of the film's whitewashing -- the initial reviews are in for Doctor Strange, and they're not encouraging.
So no, this isn’t a review of Doctor Strange the film, but a review of the reviews of the film, using a simple standard: how accurately and humanely did each review portray Asian American dissent over the whitewashing of The Ancient One?
"Worst of all, 'Doctor Strange' more dramatically underlines Marvel's gender bias than any previous film, if only because there's a striking contrast between the trite dude superhero and the mesmerizing lady guru who passes her power onto him."
Critic David Ehrlich proves that he is capable of tackling cultural commentary -- and feels it appropriate -- but his commentary is limited to gender bias, erasing Asian Americans from the issue altogether. Imagine my surprise.
"People seek out the magic of the Mystic Arts when they’re at their lowest low, searching for physical and emotional healing after all other hope has been lost. Strange, of course, only seeks answers from the East after he has exhausted everything that Western medicine has to offer. (There are no atheists in foxholes, eh?)"
Seems like a long way to go just to dismiss Eastern culture as inferior.
"Though Wong doesn't have much to do in this film, his character is still a step up from the ethnically insulting 'tea-serving manservant' he is in the comics..."
I'm ethnically insulted that you care enough about my ethnic feelings to say this about Wong while failing to acknowledge, even once, the ethnic whitewashing of The Ancient One.
"...much has already been written about the casting of the white-skinned Swinton in a role originally conceived as an old Asian man (as if the world needs yet another Mister Miyagi/Pai Mei stereotype), when the only real disappointment there is that the practically extraterrestrial star wasn't asked to play the title role..."
Little-known fact: federal law requires that every part written for an Asian person be offensively stereotypical. Nice of critic Debruge to call out the bullet we narrowly dodged. Extra points for drawing our attention to "the only real disappointment," which we’ve been too thick to grasp.
"...Swinton adds sass, emotional depth and a little frailty to the wise-warrior archetype. Her performance will put to rest any remaining concerns about the character not being the Asian man of the comics."
I get this, having been raised with another example of a great performance atoning for racial bias: Point Break featured a Gary Busey role so good that my grandmother was finally able to forgive the United States for interning over 100,000 Japanese American citizens in camps.
Grade: 100% pure poop
The Hollywood Reporter: 'Doctor Strange': Film Review
"Looking like some kind of exquisite alien rather than a leftover Hare Krishna, [Swinton], too, has trippy phrases at her disposal..."
"Politically correct casting alarmists may stamp their feet about a white woman being cast as the supreme custodian of knowledge at a Himalayan retreat, which is, in fact, a thoroughly interracial establishment. But this is obviously nothing like Sam Jaffe playing the High Lama in 1937's Lost Horizon..."
Erasure via mislabeling, name-calling, infantilization, "you've already got enough diversity," and "it's not as bad as this other thing." Just because I'm a literal toddler with a subscription to Politically Correct Casting Alarmist Monthly doesn't mean that I deserve to be condescended to, sir.
"In practice, [Swinton] delivers a very strong performance... On the other hand, it is a little disconcerting that a movie set almost entirely in Nepal, with characters dressed in Asian-inflected costumes, features so few Asian actors."
Critic Singer nearly makes a point good enough for me to forgive this quote’s appearance in the footnotes section, rather than in the main body of the review. While the passive lack of Asian performers in the cast is certainly a problem, here Singer addresses the issue without confronting the active replacement of an Asian person with a white woman.
"...Doctor Strange, the latest comic book movie that ensures that the entitled white heroes of the Earth and beyond will keep inheriting the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"...[Doctor Strange] is yet another white male Chosen One destined to excel within an exotic culture not his own, an issue the film doesn’t bother trying to address. (It doesn't sit quite as glaringly tone deaf, at least, as Marvel's upcoming small-screen series Iron Fist whose white male protagonist inherits the MCU's only other Asian-influenced mantle.)"
"Swinton is effortlessly excellent in her role — one that was gender-flipped, in a progressive move for strong female representation in the genre, at least..."
It's almost as if allowing an Asian American, Jen Yamato, to review a film called out by Asian Americans, can result in a nuanced, complete piece that separates the art from the politics but aptly and handily addresses both.
Consider this a standing offer to buy Jen a drink; I’ll need all the alcohol I can get my hands on to make it through the next few weeks of passive-aggressive white critics telling me how to handle my Asian feelings. |
Silicone Hose With Steel Rings:Sunrise Limited also supplies silicone hoses with stainless steel rings.The hose with steel ring can resist higher burst pressure.The hose with steel ring can resist high vacuum pressure and will NOT collapse under vacuum.
Sunrise Limited is a manufacturer specializing in making and exporting silicone hose, silicone tubing, carbon fiber parts for the high performance auto industry. It is located in Xiamen,China. Other main products are vairies of silicone coolant hose,vacuum tubing, turbo hose, silicone intakes, silicone radiator hoses, silicone foam, silicone sponge, silicone seals and carbon fiber tubes. Sunrise Limited has variety of designs for your selections and can provide custom made silicone products for you.
We also can produce custom reinforced silicone coupler, hose clamps and hose kits for auto, turbo, coolant system and air intake applications. Silicone Hose Products are manufactured using only the finest raw materials and are built with our propriety, Custom Design,Special Automatic Systems.
We also make carbon fiber parts for various bicycle, bike. The bicycle part made from carbon fiber include bicycle handlebars, bicycle wheels, bicycle frame, bicycle saddle,etc.
Since its establishment,our company has a process from product design,development,and to the development of the mould,the processing of raw material,production process,quality inspection of the production process, improve the hardware facilities,stable quality,and rapid delivery.
Sunrise Limited always provides good service and quality products. Based on mutual benefits , hope to establish business with customers from all over the world. Produce the high quality silicone hose products and deliver them at the most competitive price anywhere. |
/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED. -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- vi:set ro:
Original: 32bit-fpu.xml */
#include "gdbsupport/tdesc.h"
static int
create_feature_riscv_32bit_fpu (struct target_desc *result, long regnum)
struct tdesc_feature *feature;
feature = tdesc_create_feature (result, "org.gnu.gdb.riscv.fpu");
regnum = 33;
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft0", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft1", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft2", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft3", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft4", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft5", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft6", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft7", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs0", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs1", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa0", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa1", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa2", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa3", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa4", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa5", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa6", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fa7", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs2", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs3", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs4", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs5", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs6", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs7", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs8", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs9", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs10", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fs11", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft8", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft9", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft10", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "ft11", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "ieee_single");
regnum = 66;
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fflags", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "int");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "frm", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "int");
tdesc_create_reg (feature, "fcsr", regnum++, 1, NULL, 32, "int");
return regnum;
Plaintiffs - Appellants,
Defendant - Appellee.
Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Central District of California
Dolly M. Gee, District Judge, Presiding
Submitted February 17, 2012**
Pasadena, California
Before: PREGERSON, HAWKINS, and BEA, Circuit Judges.
This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent
except as provided by 9th Cir. R. 36-3.
The panel unanimously concludes this case is suitable for decision
without oral argument. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2).
On July 1, 2010, George Huff, Lendard Morris, Lorraine Soriano, Richard
Singletary, Randall Baker, James Butts, Richard Irving, Annette Young, and Jose
de Anda, Jr. (“Appellants”) filed their Second Amended Complaint (“SAC”) in
district court alleging that the City of Los Angeles (“the City”) had violated 29
U.S.C. §§ 207(a) and 207(o) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) by failing
to compensate them for integral and indispensable activities performed before or
after regular work shifts: namely, donning and doffing their uniforms and safety
equipment at work. The City moved to dismiss Appellants’ SAC, without leave to
amend, on the ground that it failed to cure the defects of the First Amended
Complaint, and, therefore, failed to state a claim under this court’s decision in
Bamonte v. City of Mesa, 598 F.3d 1217 (9th Cir. 2010). We affirm.
The district court did not err in dismissing Appellants’ claims under Fed. R.
Civ. P. 12(b)(6). A dismissal for failure to state a claim pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6)
is reviewed de novo. “While a complaint attacked by a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to
dismiss does not need detailed factual allegations . . . a plaintiff's obligation to
provide the grounds of his entitle[ment] to relief requires more than labels and
conclusions.” Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 555 (2007) (internal
citation and quotation marks omitted).
In their SAC, Appellants did not state whether the donning and doffing of
their uniforms and safety equipment at work was required by “law, rule, their
employer, or the nature of their work.” Without such elucidation, Appellants’
claims bear a striking, if not matching, resemblance to the claims brought by the
police officers in Bamonte, where we found that, under the FLSA and the Portal-
to-Portal Act, the City of Mesa need not compensate its police officers for the
donning and doffing of their uniforms and safety gear at home.1 To survive the
City’s Motion to Dismiss, it was vital for Appellants to plead facts which
distinguish their conduct from that which was found not to be compensable in
Bamonte. For instance, Appellants did not allege in their SAC why more security
guards did not use the locker room provided by the City at the John Ferraro
Building or how their uniforms and safety gear differed in function and utility from
those found by the court in Bamonte not to be integral and indispensable. It is not
this court’s responsibility to ruminate why Appellants did not take advantage of the
As dictated by the terms of their employment, Appellants are required to
don and doff the following work uniform and safety equipment: utility belt (also
known as a Sam Browne belt), black boots, body armor, baton, baton holster,
chemical agent (pepper spray), chemical agent holder, handcuffs, two-way radio,
Nextel phone, name tag, and security badge. The Appellants in Bamonte were
required to don and doff the following: “trousers, a shirt, a nametag, a clip-on or
velcro tie, specified footwear, a badge, a duty belt, a service weapon, a holster,
handcuffs, chemical spray, a baton, and a portable radio. The wearing of body
armor [was] optional . . . .” Bamonte, 598 F.3d at 1220.
district court’s leave to amend its First Amended Complaint. Because the SAC
fails to differentiate Appellants’ claims from those in Bamonte, the district court
did not err in dismissing these claims without leave to amend.
Nor did the district court abuse its discretion in denying Appellants further
leave to amend. In its Order granting the City’s Motion to Dismiss, the district
court stated:
Given that Plaintiffs were previously granted leave to amend in light of
the Ninth Circuit’s recent Bamonte decision and have since failed to
allege facts sufficient to state a claim for relief, the court finds that
granting Plaintiffs leave to amend yet again would be futile.
The district court gave Appellants notice that it was essential to distinguish
their claims from those that were found to be unpersuasive in Bamonte. Instead of
doing so, Appellants merely amended three paragraphs that included facts that are
virtually indistinguishable from those in Bamonte. Thus, the district court did not
abuse its discretion in denying Appellants leave to amend after it dismissed their
In sum, Appellants fail to plead sufficient facts to distinguish their claims
from those which were found not to be compensable under Bamonte. The district
court properly granted the City’s Motion to Dismiss and did not abuse its
discretion in denying Appellants leave to amend their claims. The judgment of the
district court is AFFIRMED.2
On appeal, Appellants contend that this court erred in deciding Bamonte.
While Appellants may be displeased that Bamonte precludes them from advancing
their claims against the City,“[a]bsent exceptional circumstances, [the Ninth
Circuit] will not consider arguments raised for the first time on appeal.” Alohacare
v. Hawaii Dep’t Human Servs., 572 F.3d 740, 744 (9th Cir. 2009). No such
circumstances exist here. Appellants have therefore waived any challenge
regarding whether Bamonte was correctly decided. Furthermore, even if
Appellants had not waived the opportunity to raise the question whether Bamonte
was properly decided, we could not entertain such a challenge. A three-judge
panel may not overrule a prior decision of the court. Miller v. Gammie, 335 F.3d
889, 899 (9th Cir. 2003).
Saturday, May 31, 2008
TJ and I saw the most awesome movie about 6 weeks ago. It literally was the best movie I have ever seen, and I highly suggest paying the high cost of admission to go see it (or at least rent it when it's available!) As an educator (almost!) and having just finished a course on teaching science in the elementary grades, I can relate to how many of these educators feel- the curriculum is very restrictive and state and federal regulations make it difficult to present a non-biased position (they promote evolution). Anyway, here is an article I found and again, I urge EVERYONE to go see this movie, especially if you have children in public education. You need to know what they are being taught, especially if it goes against your religious beliefs like it does mine. Then, after you see the movie, demand answers from school district officials as to why only one viewpoint is presented in the curriculum (in SC curriculum standards, creation is viewed as a religious "fairytale" with no merit whatsoever). But, don't stop there. Go to the State Board of Education as they are the officials who decide what to include in the curriculum. Change starts with one person at a time- just look at Rosa Parks, Linda Brown (Brown vs. BOE of Topeka, KS- segregation in schools is illegal), MLK, and many others.
Ben Stein’s new movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed opened April 18 in theaters. It explores the widespread persecution – destruction of livelihoods, careers and reputations – of scientists who doubt Darwin’s theory of evolution and think intelligence is needed to explain life’s origin and development.
Controversy surrounds this film. Reviews tend to be extremely positive or extremely negative. Who likes it? People who think God may have had something to do with our being here and therefore find it reasonable that God may have left tangible evidence of His involvement in creation. Who hates it? A science, education and media elite who prefer that God had nothing to do with it and think that nature must do all its own creating.
Who’s right? That’s the wrong question. Anyone who has studied the history of science knows about “the pessimistic induction.” The pessimistic induction says that all scientific theories of the past have to varying degrees been wrong and required modification (some were so wrong that they had to be abandoned outright). No scientific theory is written in stone. No scientific theory should be venerated. Every scientific theory should now and again be subjected to severe scrutiny. This is healthy for science.
Expelled, by contrast, points up the unhealthy state of contemporary science regarding biological origins. Our intellectual elite have insulated Darwinian evolution from scientific scrutiny. Moreover, they have institutionalized intolerance to any criticism of it. Expelled documents this institutionalized intolerance and thereby unmasks the hypocrisy of an intellectual class that pretends to value freedom of thought and expression, but undercuts it whenever it conflicts with their deeply held secular ideals.
Spotlighting yet another sin of society is all fine and good. Happily, Expelled also suggests a way forward in the debate over biological origins. The most surprising thing viewers learn from watching the film is the flimsiness of the scientific evidence for thinking life can be explained apart from a designing intelligence – the other side’s rhetoric notwithstanding. Take Jeffrey Kluger’s review of the film for Time magazine:
“He makes all the usual mistakes nonscientists make whenever they try to take down evolution, asking, for example, how something as complex as a living cell could have possibly arisen whole from the earth’s primordial soup. The answer is it couldn’t – and it didn’t. Organic chemicals needed eons of stirring and slow cooking before they could produce compounds that could begin to lead to a living thing.”
Come again? Take some organic chemicals, slow cook them, give enough time, and out pops life? This isn’t a scientific theory. This is an article of speculative faith.
In Expelled, Stein interviews atheistic scientist after atheistic scientist, and they all admit that they haven’t a clue how life arose. There is no materialistic theory of life’s origin, and anyone who suggests otherwise is bluffing. In creating conceptual space for intelligent design, Stein, and not the dogmatic defenders of Darwin, champions true freedom of thought and expression.
Will the movie succeed in opening up discussion about evolution and intelligent design? Here we need to be realistic. As Thomas Kuhn, in his “Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” has clearly documented, those who support the status quo rarely change their views (and Darwinism is the status quo). Or, as Kuhn puts it, a new scientific paradigm (in this case intelligent design) succeeds on the graves of the old guard. Don’t expect the scientific community and intellectual elites to turn to intelligent design in response to this film. If anything, expect a backlash.
But that’s OK. The unwashed masses, in which I place myself, will love the film. Ordinary people, who often pay the Darwinists’ salaries through their tax dollars, will rightly be incensed. They’ll see that enough is enough: They will no longer be bullied by a Richard Dawkins, who tells them that if they don’t subscribe to Darwinian evolution, they’re either stupid, wicked, ignorant or insane. They will start demanding that evolution be taught honestly – warts and all. And young people will be encouraged to take up careers in science to restore its health and integrity.
Expelled’s impact will be felt immediately. But its long-term impact will be even greater. The film opens with documentary footage of the Berlin Wall going up and closes with it coming down. The day Darwinism and intelligent design can be fairly discussed without fear of reprisal represents the removal of a barrier even greater than the Berlin Wall. When future intellectual historians describe the key events that led to the fall of “Darwin’s Wall,” Ben Stein’s Expelled will top the list.
William Dembski is research professor of philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is interviewed in Expelled. For more information about the movie, visit http://www.expelledthemovie.com/. |
FBI nabs youth hockey coach who allegedly fled to Mexico after being accused of sexually assaulting children
A Fort Collins, Colo., man accused of sexually assaulting multiple children used his position as a youth hockey program volunteer to earn the trust of his victims, according to federal arrest documents.
Vanderwal was living with the boy and the boy’s father in their Fort Collins home when the series of assaults allegedly took place. When confronted by Fort Collins police, Vanderwal confessed that he sexually assaulted the boy and was arrested.
Three other families later reported similar accounts to police. FCPS has said the additional reports will likely lead to more charges for Vanderwal.
According to the FBI arrest documents, Vanderwal moved in with the family of each child after gaining their trust through his position as a volunteer for youth hockey programs.
Vanderwal volunteered with NoCo Ice Center’s U8 hockey program for children age 8 and younger, but the center cut ties with him after learning of his arrest, director of rink operations Sarah Nelson previously told the Coloradoan.
In emails to the program’s families obtained by the Coloradoan, Vanderwal identified himself as assistant coach of a U8 team and is pictured in team photos. On Wednesday, Nelson identified him as an “on-ice helper” rather than a coach.
On-ice helpers are required to pass background checks, Nelson said, but Vanderwal did not undergo a background check as part of his involvement with the team.
Asked why not, NoCo Ice Center Director of Hockey Operations Rhett Gordon said Vanderwal was only on the ice a handful of times, citing the account of the rink’s former U8 director. He described Vanderwal as “sneaking on the ice” and said Vanderwal accompanied one of his alleged victims and his father to the ice center.
Since Vanderwal’s initial arrest, the ice center has implemented a policy requiring people to sign in before entering the rink, Gordon said.
The Coloradoan is working to verify multiple reader reports that Vanderwal worked or volunteered with children at other Northern Colorado organizations.
In the weeks leading up to his missed court appearance, Vanderwal told family members the Mennonite church was “taking care of him,” according to the FBI arrest documents, which also said Vanderwal told his grandmother the Mennonite church “does not answer to the laws of man” and would be taking him to Belize.
Pastor Steve Ramer of the Fort Collins Mennonite Fellowship told the Coloradoan he doesn’t know Vanderwal and wouldn’t harbor someone suspected of harming children. But he spoke of “colony Mennonites” in Belize and other places who might have considered offering refuge to Vanderwal.
Some “colony Mennonites” speak an older form of German and eschew vehicles for horses and buggies, Ramer said. Groups not “savvy” with issues like sexual abuse might be more easily convinced that a person was being wrongfully persecuted because of Mennonites’ history of being persecuted by the government, he added.
“They have a little bit of a persecution complex,” Ramer said. “It wouldn’t be unusual for them to include somebody in their group who was being persecuted.”
FCPS requested suspension of Vanderwal’s passport the day he missed court on Jan. 19, 2017. The state department later granted that request, but it may have been too late to prevent Vanderwal from leaving the country: his bank account had been cleared out that month, according to FCPS.
The FBI did not answer Coloradoan questions about the date, location and circumstances of Vanderwal’s arrest. He is listed as an “in-transit” inmate at a jail in El Paso County in Texas, and it’s unclear when or if he will return to Larimer County.
After media coverage of Vanderwal’s 2016 arrest, three more families in Colorado and Michigan contacted Fort Collins police with allegations of sexual assault against him.
Their accounts were similar to the initial report: Vanderwal lived with each family and sexually assaulted his host family’s sons during his stay, they said. The earliest incident known to law enforcement happened while Vanderwal was living with a family from about late 2012 through spring 2014, according to the FBI document.
Three of the four boys eventually disclosed that Vanderwal had assaulted them. It is not known where each alleged assault took place. |
This beautiful piano was built by the prominent Bush & Gerts Piano Company of Chicago in 1908. Bush & Gerts built very expensive, high quality pianos from 1885 until 1942. This piano is one of the most elaborate upright piano models built by Bush & Gerts - it was considered the highest grade and would have been very expensive when new. Pianos like this would have cost the equivalent of a small house of the era! It boasts beautifully carved inset panels and elaborate moldings around the case, all made in the finest mottled burl walnut wood. The tone quality of this piano is tremendous, which isn't surprising for a Bush & Gerts instrument. An original matching stool is included. This piano can be fitted with a computerized player mechanism if desired. |
How to transpile JSX in Webpack 4
I have gone through this solution. I have tried placing the resolve object both inside rules and outside rules but I still get the same error.
I have tried also tried updating npm and reinstalling it just in case but no luck.
Directory structure:
- src/
- components/
- Card/
- card.jsx
- Sidebar.js
- Dashboard.js
- app.js
Since I am using babel-loader, I have imported my jsx files like this.
import Card from "./Card/Card";
I have tried importing using the ".jsx" as well but I still get the same error of not being resolved.
Error message after running webpack:
ERROR in ./src/components/Sidebar.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './Card/Card' in
@ ./src/components/Sidebar.js 40:0-31 190:29-33
@ ./src/components/Dashboard.js
@ ./src/app.js
@ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 ./src/app.js
webpack.config.js file:
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: './src/app.js',
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
filename: 'bundle.js'
module: {
rules: [{
loader: 'babel-loader',
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
resolve: {
extensions: [".jsx", ".js", ".json"]
}, {
test: /\.s?css$/,
use: [ 'style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader' ]
}, {
test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/i,
use: [{
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
limit: 8192
devtool: 'cheap-module-eval-source-map',
devServer: {
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, 'public')
};`enter code here`
.babelrc file
"presets": [
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"production": {
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["emotion", { "hoist": true }]
"development": {
"plugins": [
{ "sourceMap": true, "autoLabel": true }
package.json dependencies
"dependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.1.0",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.1.0",
"@babel/preset-react": "^7.0.0",
"@material-ui/core": "^3.1.1",
"@material-ui/icons": "^3.0.1",
"babel-cli": "^6.26.0",
"babel-loader": "^8.0.2",
"babel-plugin-emotion": "^9.2.10",
"babel-plugin-import-rename": "^1.0.1",
"babel-plugin-transform-class-properties": "^6.24.1",
"babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx": "^6.24.1",
"css-loader": "^1.0.0",
"emotion": "^9.2.10",
"file-loader": "^2.0.0",
"live-server": "^1.2.0",
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"validator": "^8.0.0",
"webpack": "^4.20.0",
"webpack-cli": "^3.1.0",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.9"
This solution works for me, I provide these files as a reference. Hopefully it helps.
1. the webpack.config.js file:
const path = require('path');
const CleanWebpackPlugin = require('clean-webpack-plugin');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
entry: {
main: './src/index.js'
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: '[name].js'
devServer: {
hot: true,
port: 3000
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.scss$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']
use: ['babel-loader']
plugins: [
new CleanWebpackPlugin(['dist']),
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
title: 'React App',
template: './public/index.html'
2. the .babelrc file:
"presets": ["env", "react", "stage-2"]
3. the package.json file:
"name": "demo",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --open"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-cli": "^6.26.0",
"babel-core": "^6.26.3",
"babel-loader": "^7.1.4",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",
"babel-preset-react": "^6.24.1",
"babel-preset-stage-2": "^6.24.1",
"clean-webpack-plugin": "^0.1.19",
"css-loader": "^0.28.11",
"html-webpack-plugin": "^3.2.0",
"node-sass": "^4.9.0",
"react-hot-loader": "^4.3.3",
"sass-loader": "^7.0.3",
"style-loader": "^0.21.0",
"webpack": "^4.15.0",
"webpack-cli": "^3.0.8",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.4"
"dependencies": {
"prop-types": "^15.6.2",
"react": "^16.4.1",
"react-dom": "^16.4.1",
"react-redux": "^5.0.7",
"redux": "^4.0.0",
"uuid": "^3.3.2"
Tory MP David Davies had a furious row with a radio phone-in caller over the teaching of Welsh in school.
The Monmouth MP came up against Radio 2 listener Maureen Boyardy from Treorchy, Rhondda Cynon Taf, who supports the compulsory teaching of Welsh language in schools.
As the argument became more heated, Mr Davies appeared to lose his temper and said: "Why don't you join the BNP where you belong".
The Jeremy Vine show is broadcast Monday to Friday at 12:00 BST on BBC Radio 2. Listen again via the link (UK listeners only). |
Gene cloning and biochemical characterization of a catalase from Gluconobacter oxydans.
Gluconobacter oxydans has a large number of membrane-bound dehydrogenases linked to the respiratory chain that catalyze incomplete oxidation of a wide range of organic compounds by oxidative fermentation. Because the respiratory chain is a primary site of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, the bacterium is expected to have a high capacity to detoxify nascent ROS. In the present study, a gene that encodes a catalase of G. oxydans, which might act as a potential scavenger of H(2)O(2), was cloned, and the expression product (termed rGoxCat) was characterized biochemically. rGoxCat is a heme b-containing tetrameric protein (molecular mass, 320 kDa) consisting of identical subunits. The recombinant enzyme displayed a strong catalase activity with a k(cat) of 6.28×10(4) s(-1) and a K(m) for H(2)O(2) of 61 mM; however, rGoxCat exhibited no peroxidase activity. These results, along with the phylogenetic position of the enzyme, provide conclusive evidence that rGoxCat is a monofunctional, large-subunit catalase. The enzyme was most stable in the pH range of 4-9, and greater than 60% of the original activity was retained after treatment at pH 3.0 and 40°C for 1h. Moreover, the enzyme exhibited excellent thermostability for a catalase from a mesophilic organism, retaining full activity after incubation for 30 min at 70°C. The observed catalytic properties of rGoxCat, as well as its stability in a slightly acidic environment, are consistent with its role in the elimination of nascent H(2)O(2) in a bacterium that produces a large amount of organic acid via oxidative fermentation. |
JPC: An x86 PC Hardware Emulator for a pure Java Virtual Machine
Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Ian Preston
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Details (including contact information) can be found at:
or the developer website
End of licence header
package org.jpc.emulator.execution.opcodes.rm;
import org.jpc.emulator.execution.*;
import org.jpc.emulator.execution.decoder.*;
import org.jpc.emulator.processor.*;
import org.jpc.emulator.processor.fpu64.*;
import static org.jpc.emulator.processor.Processor.*;
public class shld_Ew_Gw_Ib extends Executable
final int op1Index;
final int op2Index;
final int immb;
public shld_Ew_Gw_Ib(int blockStart, int eip, int prefices, PeekableInputStream input)
super(blockStart, eip);
int modrm = input.readU8();
op1Index = Modrm.Ew(modrm);
op2Index = Modrm.Gw(modrm);
immb = Modrm.Ib(input);
public Branch execute(Processor cpu)
Reg op1 = cpu.regs[op1Index];
Reg op2 = cpu.regs[op2Index];
if(immb != 0)
int shift = immb & 0x1f;
if (shift <= 16)
cpu.flagOp1 = op1.get16();
cpu.flagOp1 = op2.get16();
cpu.flagOp2 = shift;
long rot = ((long)(0xFFFF&op1.get16()) << (2*16)) | ((0xffffffffL & 0xFFFF&op2.get16()) << 16) | (0xFFFF&op1.get16());
cpu.flagResult = (short)((int)((rot << shift) | (rot >>> (2*16-shift))));
cpu.flagIns = UCodes.SHLD16;
cpu.flagStatus = OSZAPC;
return Branch.None;
public boolean isBranch()
return false;
public String toString()
return this.getClass().getName();
} |
Words of Wisdom: Rosh HaShana
New Year (Re) Solution. New Year’s resolutions are usually ill-conceived human plans to improve in the forthcoming year. The concept is so human and so universal that people from all walks of life use the “new year” as a means to wish for new things and resolve to act in a different way. Unfortunately, as we have all experienced and witnessed, the success rates in such new year resolutions are not high. We have a tendency to continue repeating what we have previously learned and find it hard to create new habits.
The Hebrew language provides us with insight as to why these resolutions fail and a possible solution to make them succeed. Rosh HaShana means “Beginning of the Year.” Rosh means “beginning” and Shana means “Year”. Looking deeper into the word Shana, we notice its root is comprised of Shin ש , Nun נ , and Heh ה. As with many Hebrew words, one particular root can have several meanings. The following words also share the same root as Shana: to repeat, to teach, to sharpen, tooth, second, year, and change. On the surface, there seems to be little commonality between these words and their meaning. However, when you look carefully at a common theme in these words the notion of constant repetition reverberates. The act of teaching requires the repetition of a concept over and over again. Similarly, sharpening creates a sharp edge through repeated action. A tooth is a sharpened instrument that repeatedly chews food. The “second” of something is the repetition of the first. Year is a repeated cycle of time. All of these words share the common theme of repetition. But how is the word “change” related to repetition and why does it have the same root as all the above words? A cycle is an automatic pattern that keeps repeating if change does not step in and alter its course. Actions and Time are bound to repeat unless we change them.
G-d, in His ultimate wisdom, created nature with its repeated cycle of time and behavior, but also created the power of change. In the very cycle of repetition, He granted various opportunities to set in motion a new path that is different from before. All it takes is a simple change to alter the previous cycle and move in a different direction. When better to change our paths than at the beginning of the year?” A full cycle has now been completed and bound to repeat unless a new change of motion is set into place. The Rabbis were keenly aware of this basic law of nature and understood how the beginning of the year is the most opportune time to change. That is why they instituted the ten days of Teshuva (which means Return). From the beginning of Rosh HaShana until Yom Kippur, there are ten precious days where we are instructed to change our behavior and act differently. Not just to wish for better things and not just to resolve to do things differently but to actually act differently. The Sages added additional words to our prayers to highlight the importance of this window of time. Moreover, during these precious ten days, the Sages commanded us to consciously perform good actions and Mitzvot, particularly those with which we have struggled in the previous year. By incorporating the wise teachings of the Sages and acting better during these ten days, we allow action-based behavior change to inaugurate the new year and to set into motion all of the solutions we have in mind. This behavior-based solution is significantly more powerful than hoping that lip service resolutions will somehow magically pave the way for a better year. We should learn from the wise teachings of our Sages and use our positive actions to set into motion a great year for ourselves and the world. May this year be a year of positive change towards further growth and happiness.
Kamy is currently working as a Managing Director for an international logistics company and also holds a CPA license. He is passionately involved with Jewish learning and studying the Hebrew language and its connection to all the languages of the world. He is currently working on starting a global learning platform for Biblical Learning called TorahVersity. Kamy can be reached at torahversity@gmail.com
Colors of Morocco
Morocco, a country of distinct culture and boundless color, a place where customs of East and West converge, has been a land of ageless history, architecture, and intrigue. Named Travel & Leisure’s 2015 “Travel Destination of the Year”, Morocco holds more than meets the eye as each city is personified by a distinct color and character. While Morocco in its entirety is fascinating, the story of Jewish lineage is particularly so. Having had the exceptional opportunity to travel within Morocco this past year, I delved into the three-thousand-year-old history and traditions of ancient Moroccan Jewry.
The country that holds prolific inspiration for writers, artisans, and philosophers has been called home by generations of a tight-knit Jewish community. Until the past half century, a once bustling population of more than 300,000 Jews now remains a scattered 3,000. Although small, the Jewish community continues to be strong and vibrant. Dating back roughly 2,500 years ago, the Jewish population in Morocco was the largest in the Arab world. Under the reign of King Mohammed V (1927-1961) and subsequently his son, King Hassan II (1961–1999), Jews enjoyed living freely alongside their Muslim counterparts. As King Mohammed II was once famously quoted, “I do not have Muslim citizens, nor do I have Jewish citizens. I have Moroccan citizens”. A solid sense of patriotism is held within the gates of Morocco for Jews and Muslims alike. It became evident as I inquired with locals about living under their current and past monarchs – they are confident and proud. Despite being a minute community, many Jews compare their relationships to their Muslim neighbors as “brothers” and “close friends.” They show an equal sense of pride for both their Jewish and Moroccan roots. Paradoxically, a country nestled in between the most intolerable of regions shows a strong sense of camaraderie and acceptance.
As a Sephardic Jew born and raised in Los Angeles, my childhood was constantly showered with stories of my parents’ upbringing in the Middle East. I learned of their homes near the most ornate age-old mosques and their relationships with the neighboring Muslim communities, but it was only until I entered Morocco that these stories finally came to life.
Upon arriving into Fès, the blue imperial city, the essence of the old Jewish community is near palpable as you are greeted by the grandeur of the Bab Boujloud gates, guarding what used to be the walls of the mellah, or Jewish quarter. Walking through the centuries-old mellah, which once held the largest of Jewish populations, it was as if the stories of my father’s adolescence had been painted before my eyes. The narrow cobblestoned paths were scattered with donkeys carrying freshly dyed leathers from nearby tanneries and local Moroccans sporting the traditional djellaba robe. It was evident that not only the architecture, but the day-to-day way of life remained unchanged throughout the decades. Still, the only traces of Jewish life remain within the stories of the city’s cobalt blue walls.
Ibn Danan Synagogue
The 17th century Ibn Danan Synagogue is adorned by a wealth of traditional Moroccan mosaic tile work, or zellij in Arabic. The striking patterns of the traditional Moroccan starburst motif, testir, in an array of forms makes evident how Arabesque architecture and culture have beautifully permeated the Jewish sphere. Within its rich turquoise walls, the strength the Jewish community once held was undeniable, as both Torah scrolls were seemingly untouched. As beautiful as this sight was, the real treasure lay hidden. As I followed a short dark corridor down three stone stairs, a dim light reflected a small pool of water in front of me—I soon realized it was the original mikveh of the synagogue, laying tranquil, unscathed. Still filled with water, it reminded me of what I once heard, “where there is water, there is life”, and this centuries-old mikveh had once been a witness to prayer and miracles—the beating heart of Jewish life.
Driving through the lush pastures of Meknès, the city of green, into the capital, Rahbat, we were greeted warmly by natives of the Jewish community with two kisses on the cheek and offered aromatic mint tea. Over a beautiful dinner table adorned with traditional dishes of tajine, pastilla, couscous, and an array of spicy harissa, the locals were charming and warm as they conversed in a mélange of Arabic, French, and English. They were quick to express their delight in meeting fresh, young Jewish faces—something that has become a scarcity as most families have made aliyah since the formation of Israel. Nonetheless, they expressed the love and pride they hold for their native hometown, Morocco.
As I reach the rose-colored walls of Marrakech, the city of red, I am immediately drawn in by the warm sandstone glow the city emanates. Passing through the medina into the souk, or Arab baazar, my senses are heightened by the endless sparks of color; uninterrupted arrays of turmeric yellow, jade green, paprika red, and cobalt blue. The scents of spices seem all too familiar—coriander, saffron, cumin, and turmeric. An odd sense of familiarly and sentiments of home are felt as it seemed that my heart had a yearning to connect to my deeply embedded Sephardic roots.
My exploration of the Jewish community of Morocco proved to be an experience of intrigue and connection. I felt fulfilled as I was finally able to perceive first hand, the history, the struggle, and the ultimate resilience of my Sephardic roots. It taught me lessons of diversity, acceptance, and the promise to pass onto future generations what makes us who we are and has kept us resilient amongst our adversities–our Jewish legacy.
Similar to the interwoven patterns of the zellij, Jews each with a unique story require both an individuality and interconnectedness in order to create an intricate pattern—one cannot discover where one lineage ends and the other begins.
The Contradiction of Faith
To an outsider, the lives of faithful Jews can seem to contradict many tenets of our faith. We pray that Hashem provide us with our needs, but then we are obsessed with gathering great wealth. We proclaim that He is the King of kings, but then we agonize over who will be the next President. We believe that He has full control of Nature, but then we seek shelter during natural disasters. We understand that that He is our all-powerful Guardian, and then we constantly worry about our enemies that seek to destroy us.
Are these just things we say, and not actually believe? Or are we not as devout as we should be? From a simple understanding of Judaism’s core statements of faith, one might surmise that in fact we are living contradictory lives. Maybe we should not pursue our careers, get involved with politics, or even attempt to protect our safety. After all, if Hashem really can take care of all of our needs, why should we worry about them?
A simple perusal of the earliest Jewish texts would paint a totally different picture of Man’s role in this world. One has to simply look at the stories in our Holy Torah to shatter the idea of an ideal world full of pious believers who sit passively against Man’s struggles in an effort to testify their faith in The Lord.
If, because of our faith, we should not work so hard, why was Adam commanded to work the Garden of Eden and subsequently do it by the “sweat of his brow”? If we are supposed to simply have faith and accept natural disasters because God must be “punishing us,” why did Sarah and Avraham ironically escape the ‘blessed’ land that was struck by famine? If in our service of God, we are supposed to stay away from politics, why would Joseph miraculously become arguably one of the most politically powerful men on the planet? And why would Mordechai, Esther, and so many Sages of Talmud be so intimately involved with governmental matters?
If all God wants from us is to beg of Him to help us, when stuck between Egypt’s advanced army and the Sea of Reeds, why was Moses asked to stop his passionate prayer and march forward?
Since we believe in an All-Powerful being, we will never come to fully understand why certain struggles come our way. However, from the stories above, one thing is certain; it is our duty to do our part in addressing the struggles in a practical, and most logical way possible, regardless of whether we understand the reasons behind those struggles or not.
In dealing with the above duality, I propose the believing person have two parallel thoughts when considering the relationship between Man, God and our actions. On the one hand, we must believe that Hashem has the potential to control every single thing in this world and we can potentially sit back and let Him run the show. On the other hand, we are given the opportunity to do every single thing in our power to better this world and strive to have an active role in that same show. In this light, we see that we can be an active partner with Creator of the universe to carry out his revealed mission and show exactly how much “in His Image” we truly are.With any duality, a delicate balance is required to prevent us from going down either extreme. At what point does our inaction and acceptance of perceived “will” of God become a stumbling block to our true calling? And more importantly, at what point does our concern for worldly affairs detract from our Religious duty of faith and acceptance of Hashem’s will?
Perhaps the metric to finding this equilibrium is a combination of two very sought after, but very difficult life ingredients; a healthy, unadulterated, understanding of personal potential along with the wisdom and foresight to understand what is truly “good” for this world. With these two elements in hand, one can begin an introspective dialogue with oneself to begin to address the seeming contradiction that we speak of.
Yes! I am going to recognize and use all of my God-given resources to address the struggles that come my way to bring goodness into this world and attempt to block any evil that I face. In my attempt to provide for myself, my family, and those less fortunate than me I will work as hard as I can to make a living. In my concern for worldly affairs I will lobby my congressperson, get out the vote, and do everything in my power not to empower those that want to wipe me off the map. In my effort to keep my family safe, I will take every precaution I see fit to protect them from harm.
But wait! All this comes with one caveat. I understand that when I am done doing whatever I am capable of doing, I will be neither depressed nor frightened of uncertainties that lie ahead. I also understand that when I have finished doing whatever I think needs my attention, I will be neither haughty nor gleeful for what I have accomplished. Rather, I will raise my hands towards Heaven and pray that my actions were of pure motivation, my calculations of what really is “good” were correct, and that I gave over my true potential, nothing more and nothing less.
I will close with a saying from Jewish Sage, Rabbi Tarfon, in the Ethics of Our Fathers, when speaking about Man’s relationship with the proverbial Owner of this world.
A Prayer for the Iran Nuclear Deal
The only accurate description of how I felt–as an Iranian-American Jew that escaped the repression of the Islamic Republic of Iran at a young age–when I received this summer’s news of a strikingly bad nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1, is to compare it to an anxious patient receiving a disturbing medical diagnosis by a doctor whose medical malpractice she had suspected had actually contributed to her worsening condition over the course of many, many years.
I felt defeated and hopeless, even more striking given the fact that, I, along with dozens of wonderful young leaders, had co-founded the nation’s leading Iranian-American Jewish civic action organization (30 YEARS AFTER) and knew exactly which community organizations, individuals, media outlets, and elected officials to approach in an attempt to urge Congress to vote against the deal.
After having exhausted all other options that are a normal part of my portfolio when trying to affect change as an activist, I finally remembered that if I had been that distraught patient, I would have immediately turned to another outlet of hope and action: prayer.
Now, I’ve been known to pray for anything, from marriage to children to one lousy parking space at Glatt Mart. But the Iran nuclear deal? My first inclination was to pray for a rampant epidemic of severe piles, also known as hemorrhoids, among Iran’s regime that would render them incessantly sore and irritable, and therefore unable to oversee any further nuclear progress. I had a special prayer for boils and impotence against Hamas and Hezbollah as well.
In truth, praying about this issue in a way that makes one feel both heard and comforted is harder than it seems. For possibly the first time in print, for concerned young Jews, by a concerned young Jew, I now offer something other than an impressive op-ed or superficial meme: A prayer regarding the 2015 Iran nuclear deal:
Master of the Universe (and I really do mean ‘universe,’ as this is truly a universal issue), in whose Hands lay every action of man in the universe: Thank You for the realization that the greatest ultimate power emanates from You, and not from any singular man, assembly of men, or governing body. Forgive me for the confidence and power that I have displaced from You and inadvertently placed in the hands of men, by having allowed their voices and actions to have so disturbed and unsettled me. Forgive me for not having realized that both those that have supported me, and those that have frustrated me, are enabled by You, and ultimately answer to You.
With complete gratitude for the miracles that you have performed for the Jewish people, including the tens of thousands of suffering Jews that you allowed to escape Iran, I appeal to your infinite power and mercy to spare America, Israel, the Jewish people, and innocent civilians worldwide, from further violence and death at the hands of religious fanatics that breathe violence against us.
You, who commanded us to respect and obey the laws of every land that we have settled since our Exile tragically began, please endow our leaders today with the courage to oppose popular viewpoints that may nevertheless compromise our safety; the openness to hear AND be affected by different ideas that challenge their predetermined notions; the compassion to internalize the suffering that the Iranian regime has caused millions, including the victims of Iran’s terror proxies worldwide, refugees that found shelter in America, as well as American servicemen that fought in Iraq and Afghanistan; and the wisdom to lead and act in appropriate ways that will not ease, G-d-forbid, but prevent further violence against us. And above all, endow our leaders with the imperative for responsibility for our country and our future that will ensure a truly good deal that dismantles the cruel threats against us, according to Your will.
As for those who curse us and plot evil against us, whether their leaders, soldiers, or their proxies, make nothing of their plans and schemes against us, and render all of their weapons against us–whether by hand, by mouth, by sale of arms, or by the press of a button–useless and futile. Let their plans fall flat and crumble like days-old pita bread. Do not allow them to be emboldened with either spoken global support or increased financial livelihood to further their violence against us. Change their hearts and reverse their hatred, and forgive us for how WE have strayed from You, and our highest potential. Please unite our voice and do not cause us to turn against each other in disunity and national schism, whether as Americans or as Jews.
Bless our children to inherit lives of peace and safety, rather than violence and chaos at the hands of bellicose oppressors that seek our destruction. Strengthen our hearts with complete faith in Your protection and open our souls to pursue Your will and teachings each day, in peace and compassion. Amen. |
Novel use of laparoscopic-guided TAP block in total laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Transverse abdominis plane (TAP) block is a peripheral nerve block designed to anaesthetise the nerves supplying the anterolateral abdominal wall (T6 to L1). We introduced laparoscopic TAP block at Ninewells Hospital in 2014 and present a retrospective study assessing its efficacy. To our knowledge, there is limited study done on laparoscopic-guided TAP block whilst there are abundant literatures available on ultrasound-guided TAP block. To evaluate the efficacy of laparoscopic-guided TAP block as postoperative analgesia following total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). A retrospective study was done between November 2014 to October 2016 (24 months) comparing patients who had TLH with TAP block (Group 1; n = 45) and patients who had TLH without TAP block (Group 2; n = 31) in our gynaecology unit. Patients were identified from theatre database. Data was collected from clinical portal and medical notes. The data included demographic information, BMI, METS score, intra-operative opiates use, post-operative pain scores, opiate requirements and use of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), total dose of opiates used and day of discharge. The outcomes were analysed using means, odds ratios (OR), Mann-Whitney U-test and Fisher's exact or Chi-square test with 95% confidence interval (CI). Patients in Group 1 were older (mean age of 64.4, range 38-87) when compared to Group 2 (mean age of 49.3, range 37-81). Group 1 and 2 had comparable mean BMI (30.34 vs. 30.02) and METS score (6.77 vs. 7.76). Mean post-operative pain scores were lower in Group 1 within 4 hours, in periods of 4-12 hours, 12-24 hours and 24-48 hours post-op. Smaller proportion of patients in Group 1 required opiates post-operatively in all periods as compared to Group 2. This was statistically significant in the periods of 12-24 hours post-op (OR 0.31, 95% CI 0.11-0.82; p = .01). PCA use was significantly lower in Group 1 (OR 0.02, 95% CI 0.0014-0.46; p = .01). Group 1 had lower mean total dose of opiates used (27.182 mg, range 0-102 mg) than Group 2 (59.452 mg, range 0-240 mg), which was statistically significant (p < .0001). Average post-op hospital stay was 1.3 and 1.8 days in Group 1 and 2, respectively. Laparoscopic-guided TAP block delivered as post-operative analgesia following TLH results in reduced opiate requirement at post-operative period 12-24 hours, reduced PCA use and lower total dose of opiates used. |
Conventionally, there is technology for performing lock control using a portable terminal and an authentication information recording medium capable of performing short-range communication. For example, as disclosed in Patent Literature 1, a portable terminal performs short-range communication with an authentication information recording medium possessed by a user to acquire ID information recorded by the authentication information recording medium when a call is received in a locked state in which the execution of a communication process is inhibited and the locked state is released when the ID information is valid. |
The present invention relates to pneumatic control of exit device hardware and more particularly to pneumatic control of a door latch through use of a pneumatic piston coupled to an air source through protected air lines.
Limiting uncontrolled entrance or exit from a building or other contained space is often required for safety and security. However, in an emergency situation it is necessary to have a procedure for quickly and safely exiting the building or contained space. Conventionally, such exit procedures involve use of doors having easy operating push bars or pads for panic exits.
Such doors are commonly found in buildings where security personnel are not available to control egress. To allow for centralized control of door lock operation, it is known to automatically operate the door latch from a remote location. For example, when a fire alarm is triggered by building smoke detectors, a signal can be sent to lock the latch mechanism of all fire doors, while still allowing mechanical override to allow for emergency exit of building occupants. Those individuals already within the building can escape, while entrance into fire threatened areas is limited. Alternatively, security personnel can remotely control unlocking of particular doors as necessary to allow ingress.
Such remote controlled doors are conventionally operated by electrical connections between each door and one or more control stations. In use, a control station operator flips a switch to either unlock or lock the latch bolt holding the door latch of the door in a closed position. In one class of latch devices, a solenoid assembly is used to hold the latch bolt in a retracted position. Activation of the control switch, whether automatically in response to a fire alarm or by the control station operator, breaks the electrical connection with the solenoid, and allows extension of the latch bolt. Optionally, a sensor can be placed to indicate whether the door latch is extended. This type of device has a failsafe operation, with any break in the electrical connection between the control station and the door causing deenergization of the solenoid and extension of the door latch.
However, electrical door control mechanisms may be too costly or unsafe to use in many situations. For example, currently available automatic electrical door control systems require installation of a costly separate power supply to operate electrical solenoid. In addition, safety regulations often do not permit electrical devices having a potential for sparking and electrical ignition in areas containing volatiles or other combustibles. To overcome these problems, pneumatically controlled door latch mechanisms for controlling ingress are needed.
The foregoing illustrates limitations known to exist in present devices and methods. Thus, it is apparent that it would be advantageous to provide an alternative directed to overcoming one or more of the limitations set forth above. Accordingly, a suitable alternative is provided including features more fully disclosed hereinafter. |
[Hereditary forms of ovarian cancer].
Approximately 5 to 10 % of all ovarian cancers arise in the setting of a major genetic predisposition. The two main hereditary forms of ovarian adenocarcinomas are the hereditary breast/ovarian cancers associated with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation and the Lynch syndrome associated with a MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 or PMS2 gene mutation. Their identification and the characterization of a causative germline mutation are crucial and have a major impact for affected women and their relatives in terms of medical management. The aim of this review is to indicate cancer risks associated with these two entities, to evaluate their contribution in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancers and to indicate the clinical data suggestive of these diagnoses, the validated indications for genetic analyses and the current management guidelines. We will also illustrate the diagnostic strategy by reporting a clinical observation. |
from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Int, Color
from enthought.traits.ui.api import View, Group, Item
from enthought.enable.component_editor import ComponentEditor
from enthought.chaco.api import marker_trait, Plot, ArrayPlotData
from numpy import linspace, sin
class ScatterPlotTraits(HasTraits):
plot = Instance(Plot)
color = Color("blue")
marker = marker_trait
marker_size = Int(4)
traits_view = View(
Group(Item('color', label="Color"),
Item('marker', label="Marker"),
Item('marker_size', label="Size"),
Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False),
orientation = "vertical"),
width=800, height=600, resizable=True, title="Chaco Plot")
def __init__(self):
super(ScatterPlotTraits, self).__init__()
x = linspace(-14, 14, 100)
y = sin(x) * x**3
plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x = x, y = y)
plot = Plot(plotdata)
self.renderer = plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="scatter", color="blue")[0]
self.plot = plot
def _color_changed(self):
self.renderer.color = self.color
def _marker_changed(self):
self.renderer.marker = self.marker
def _marker_size_changed(self):
self.renderer.marker_size = self.marker_size
if __name__ == "__main__":
Monday, August 24, 2015
On August 20, 2015 at approximately 10:00 p.m. the Thomaston Police responded to 105 Third Street in the City limits of Thomaston in reference to a juvenile male with a gunshot wound to the head. The juvenile was transported to Upson Regional Medical Center and later air lifted to Macon Medical Center in critical condition. On Saturday August 22, 2015 the juvenile was pronounced dead by the on staff medical doctor while in Macon GA at the Macon Medical Center with an autopsy pending with the GBI Crime Lab.
Evidence will show that Christopher Len Jones, 17 of Thomaston who lived at 105 Third Street in Thomaston was in possession of a stolen .45 cal Taurus handgun and was pointing it around the room and while pointing the gun at his brother the trigger was pulled striking the victim in the head. Statements that were given by witnesses that were inside the bedroom during this incident are consistent that the brothers were playing with each other with this weapon and that this act was not intentional.
Christopher Len Jones has been charged with Involuntary Manslaughter, Aggravated Assault, Tampering with Evidence, 2 Counts entering Auto and Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Crime
Atravius Lee Mizell, 17 of Thomaston was also charged with Two Counts of entering Auto in connection to this case as well.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Gwyn family as they mourn the loss of this young man. Certain cases in this community affect some but when a child’s life is lost at such a young age it affects us all.
Friday, August 21, 2015
One of the most important items on Tuesday night’s agenda was to set the tentative mill rate for 2015. The Board heard from Kathy Matthews, Director of Finance, who reported that the Upson County tax digest shows a decrease in property tax values for 2015, which will result in a decrease in property tax revenue to the school district. Mrs. Matthews outlined the options available to the BOE. Even with the decrease in revenue to the school district, Superintendent Dr. Maggie Shook recommended that the Board of Education maintain the current mill rate of 15.38. Dr. Shook cited the fact that more than 85% of Upson County voters had supported the recent ESPLOST. “I believe we can tighten our belts a little and absorb this decrease in tax revenue. The community has shown their support for the school system by overwhelmingly passing the ESPLOST, and this is our opportunity to show our appreciation to the voters.” The BOE accepted Dr. Shook’s recommendation and voted unanimously to set the tentative mill rate at 15.38. The final vote for the mill rate will occur on Sept. 3 at 8 a.m. in the boardroom of Central Office.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
Stomper Denzel was agitated when a driver that was driving in front of him along the Kallang–Paya Lebar Expressway (KPE) tunnel played the braking game and even showed him the middle finger.
The incident happened on Saturday (Dec 16) at around 10.40pm.
According to Denzel, he had high-beamed the other driver and indicated at him to give way.
"He was hogging the lane and going at about 75 to 80kmh," said the Stomper.
Denzel said that the driver retaliated by playing the braking game and sticking his right hand out of the driver's side window to flash a "vulgar hand sign" after Denzel horned at him for suddenly braking. |
MOSS and Reporting Services
Can I provision reporting services reports to MOSS 2007 or do I need to use Performance Point?
Would love to hear how people have done this.
SSRS can be installed in native mode or in SharePoint integrated mode. Regardless, they can live side by side. You don't need PerformancePoint to access SSRS from SharePoint, just a link on the MOSS site to the report (be it in MOSS or in native mode).
Personally, I prefer to install SSRS in native mode, since it's the most flexible. You can then serve reports in MOSS through the SSRS viewer web part.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Enter the xkcd comic number :")
var num int
fmt.Scanf("%d", &num)
url := fmt.Sprintf("https://xkcd.com/%d", num)
resp, _ := soup.Get(url)
doc := soup.HTMLParse(resp)
title := doc.Find("div", "id", "ctitle").Text()
fmt.Println("Title of the comic :", title)
comicImg := doc.Find("div", "id", "comic").Find("img")
fmt.Println("Source of the image :", comicImg.Attrs()["src"])
fmt.Println("Underlying text of the image :", comicImg.Attrs()["title"])
/* --- Console I/O ---
Enter the xkcd comic number :
Title of the comic : Python
Source of the image : //imgs.xkcd.com/comics/python.png
Underlying text of the image : I wrote 20 short programs in Python yesterday. It was wonderful. Perl, I'm leaving you.
Early serum biomarker networks in infants with distinct retinochoroidal lesion status of congenital toxoplasmosis.
The present study characterized the early changes in the serum chemokines/cytokine signatures and networks in infants with congenital-toxoplasmosis/(TOXO) as compared to non-infected-controls/(NI). TOXO were subgrouped according to the retinochoroidal lesion status as no-lesion/(NL), active-lesion/(ARL), active/cicatricial-lesion/(ACRL) and cicatricial-lesion/(CRL). The results showed that TOXO display prominent chemokine production mediated by IL-8/CXCL8, MIG/CXCL9, IP-10/CXCL10 and RANTES/CCL5. Additionally, TOXO is accompanied by mixed proinflammatory/regulatory cytokine pattern mediated by IL-6, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10. While TNF appears as a putative biomarker for NL and IFN-γ/IL-5 as immunological features for ARL, IL-10 emerges as a relevant mediator in ACRL/CRL. IL-8/CXCL8 and IP-10/CXCL10 are broad-spectrum indicators of ocular disease, whereas TNF is a NL biomarker, IFN-γ and MIG/CXCL9 point out to ARL; and IL-10 is highlighted as a genuine serum biomarker of ACRL/CRL. The network analysis demonstrated a broad chemokine/cytokine crosstalk with divergences in the molecular signatures in patients with different ocular lesions during congenital toxoplasmosis. |
Today on page 17 of the New York Times, a group of prominent liberal rabbis and other religious and cultural leaders called for a cease-fire in Gaza. They were backed by over 2,800 American citizens. Because they could not get their opinion presented in the major media they had to buy a full page ad. That's right. Rabbis, ministers, writers who want a cease-fire are not news, but have to buy an ad.
Haaretz considered it news. So far no U.S. media have considered it news. Why not? This is a great puzzle to me. I hope you will consider it news and will sign the ad here, send it around to all your firends, and get this ball rolling until it can't be ignored.
This is a story about Gaza but also about the way that liberal Jewish voices (shared by many other interfaith and secular people) are being shut out of the U.S. media. No American rabbi has a longer or more substantial track record as a liberal on Israel/Palestine than Rabbi Michael Lerner, who convened this group and raised the money from small donations for the ad (he started Tikkun magazine 23 years ago as a counter to Commentary and the Jewish right) but he could not get his views into any oped pages of major newspapers despite valiant efforts since the Gaza invasion. He did however have this in the Times of London.
The text of the ad in the NY Times can be read here. Our press release, sent widely to the U.S. media and ignored, is below.
Rabbis and other religious, cultural and community leaders, heading an interfaith list of 2800 people, call for an immediate Cease-Fire in Gaza and an international conference to provide international pressure to facilitate a lasting and just settlement for all parties, in the New York Times, Wednesday, January 14, 2009.
“We have had to buy space in the New York Times to make this call because the major national newspapers will not give room for this perspective,” says Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor of Tikkun magazine, who convened the group. He is joined by Sister Joan Chittister, and Professor Cornel West, Co-chairs with Lerner of the Network of Spiritual Progressives (NSP), and over 2,800 others, including Rabbi Brian Walt (North American Chair of Rabbis for Human Rights), Rabbi Arthur Waskow (chair of the Shalom Center), Rabbi David Shneyer (past president of the Rabbinic organization Ohalah), Rabbi Mordecai Leibling and other rabbis, writers such as Ariel Dorfman, Annie Lamott, Deepak Chopra and Fritjof Capra, movie director Jonathan Demme, Richard Falk (the UN representative on Human Rights in Palestine), Christian ministers, academics and activists.
“The essential difference between our point of view, which is widespread but underreported, and the opinions being presented in the mainstream media,” said Rabbi Lerner, “is that we believe it is unrealistic to expect violent and hardline tactics, however well justified by the other side’s violence, to build the psychological grounds for peace. Each side has to learn empathy for the wounds suffered by the other side, and has to practice generosity in promoting peace, the basic conditions for which are already known and are laid out in our statement. We are appealing to president-elect Obama to lead the international community in applying significant pressure to both sides to accept a mutually generous approach, whether each side feels that generosity yet or not. We spell out the terms of a lasting settlement in the New York Times ad. Given the political clout of the Israel Lobby in the U.S., as manifested in the one-sided coverage that has made invisible Jewish opposition in Israel and the U.S. to Israel's war in Gaza, it is unlikely that President Obama would be able to muster significant pressure on Israel to accept a settlement that would be just to the Palestinian people (and hence would last). For that reason, we are urging him to convene an International Conference in which other countries could play an important role in pushing both sides to make significant compromises for peace."
Micro Memory Manager Errors
I am trying to write simple memory manager (I should really say memory tracker) in my C program.
I am basically creating doubly linked list of allocated blocks where I put pointers on previous and next on start of each block. Malloc procedure looks like this:
typedef struct MemUnit TMemUnit;
struct tMemUnit
TMemUnit *prev;
TMemUnit *next;
TMemUnit *new = malloc(sizeof(TMemUnit) + wantedSize);
if (new == NULL)
/* ERROR */
if (memFirst == NULL) {
memFirst = new;
memLast = new;
new->prev = NULL;
new->next = NULL;
} else {
new->prev = memLast;
new->next = NULL;
memLast->next = new;
memLast = new;
return (void *)(new + sizeof(TMemUnit));
The problem is segmentation faults on places where was none before.
Valgrind also gives Invalid read/write errors.
==22872== Invalid write of size 4
==22872== at 0x400FF1: main (test-memory.c:40)
==22872== Address 0x54d51b0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
When I print addresses of allocated block (wantedSize = 20 * sizeof(int), trying to write first int) for this error they look ok:
new --> 0x54d5030
new + sizeof(TMemUnit) + wantedSize --> 0x54d5430
I can't figure out where is my mistake.
The problem may lie here:
return (void *)(new + sizeof(TMemUnit));
Your new pointer is of type TMemUnit *, so by the rules of C pointer arithmetic, you will be adding sizeof(TMemUnit) * sizeof(TMemUnit) bytes, which is too many. Instead, try:
return (void *)((char *)new + sizeof(TMemUnit));
package out;
import inout.Protocol;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import Packet.TransportPacket;
public class Mux
Sender sender ;
public Mux(DataOutputStream out)
sender = new Sender(out);
public void send(int chan,byte[] data)
//System.out.println("data " + new String(data));
TransportPacket tp;
boolean last = false;
boolean envoieTotal = false;
int pointeurData = 0;
short numSeq = 0;
int actualLenght;
while (!envoieTotal)
byte[] dataToSend;
if (last || ((Protocol.HEADER_LENGTH_DATA + data.length) < Protocol.MAX_PACKET_SIZE))
dataToSend = new byte[Protocol.HEADER_LENGTH_DATA + (data.length - pointeurData)];
last = true ;
envoieTotal = true ;
dataToSend = new byte[Protocol.MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
//System.out.println("datatosend 1 : " +dataToSend.length);
actualLenght = dataToSend.length - Protocol.HEADER_LENGTH_DATA;
byte[] fragData = new byte[dataToSend.length-Protocol.HEADER_LENGTH_DATA];
System.arraycopy(data, pointeurData, fragData, 0, fragData.length);
tp = new TransportPacket(data.length, actualLenght, chan, last, numSeq, fragData);
dataToSend = tp.build();
//System.out.println("datatosend 2 : " +dataToSend.length);
System.out.println("header " + header.length);
System.out.println("data " + dataToSend.length);
System.arraycopy(header, 0, dataToSend, 0, header.length);
System.arraycopy(data, pointeurData, dataToSend, header.length, Math.min((dataToSend.length - header.length), (data.length - pointeurData)));
* System.out.println(" actual lenght ? " + actualLenght);
* System.out.println("data ? "+ new String(data) + " LA taille : " + data.length);
* System.out.println("nouveau pointeur ? "+ pointeurData);
* System.out.println("toSend ? "+ new String(dataToSend));
* System.out.println("taille ? "+ dataToSend.length);
* System.out.println("tailleheader ? "+ header.length);
// */
//System.out.println("Paquet " + numSeq);
pointeurData = pointeurData + actualLenght;
if ((data.length - pointeurData) <= (Protocol.MAX_PACKET_SIZE - Protocol.HEADER_LENGTH_DATA))
last = true;
catch(NullPointerException e)
System.out.println("Ce channel n'est pas index�");
Why can a float be an integer without throwing an exception?
Why does this throw an exception:
float var1 = 24.0;
But this doesn't:
float var1 = 24;
I understand that, in the first case, I'd need to include the "f" at the end of the number to distinguish it from a double. But I don't understand why the compiler doesn't have a problem with skipping the "f" if there is no decimal point. I thought that maybe Java was treating it like an int even though I'd declared the variable as a float, but ((Object)var1).getClass().getName() results in 0java.lang.Float.
24.0 is a double literal, and cannot be automatically (implicitly) converted to a float. 24 is an int literal, so what you see here is a widening primitive conversion from an int to a float.
NetBeans Create Database connection refused
Thu Aug 16 15:55:47 CDT 2018 : Apache Derby Network Server - - (1629631) started and ready to accept connections on port 1888
Good! That's where I want it. I have it on port 1888 because port 1527 is already in use.
The problem is that NetBeans IDE 8.2 doesn't make obvious how to select port when creating a database.
From the Services tab, expand the Databases node then right click Java DB. Select Create Database. In the Create Java DB Database dialog, set Database Name, User Name and Password. Click OK.
An error occurred while creating the database: java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: java.net.ConnectException : Error connecting to server localhost on port 1,527 with message Connection refused: connect..
How do I tell the Create Database feature that the server expects connections on port 1888?
As a workaround, go straight to the New Connection feature. For example:
Services tab > Databases node > right click > New Connection
New Connection Wizard
Driver: Java DB (Network)
Next >
Customize Connection
Host: localhost
Port: 1888
Database: books
User Name: deitel
Password: deitel
JDBC URL: jdbc:derby://localhost:1888/books;create=true
The important thing is the create=true attribute. Without it, you'll get:
Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:derby://localhost:1888/books using org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver (The connection was refused because the database books was not found.)
There you have it. You've just created a database and a connection to it at the same time from within the NetBeans IDE. Along the way, you have the ability to select the port on which the server is already expecting a connection.
Solid example of expanding / accordion table view cell with background image needed
After reading numerous posts on SO and other sites, I still cannot seem to get a custom cell working that expands and retracts while animating the size change.
Accordion table cell - How to dynamically expand/contract uitableviewcell?
is one of the posts that has the most promise, but I suspect it only works when using labels and not necessarily a background image. Many other sites also follow this same concept.
Here's what I've done:
I've tried adding one large (expanded) image to a cell's contentView, then adjusting it's size in layoutSubviews, but the change is instant so there is no animation.
I've tried adding two images (collapsed & expanded) to the cell's contentView, then setting them to hidden and visible as appropriate when setSelected:animated: is called, but the expanded cells can be clearly seen over the other cells when animating.
I've also tried setting the contentView of the cells clipTobounds to YES, but it doesn't appear to do anything.
After spending nearly 3 days on this, I'm tempted to sublass UIScrollView and make my own table view, or maybe make 2 versions of each cell, but I'm hoping it won't have to go that far.
Can anyone post a FULL example of a UITableViewCell subclass that can expand and collapse, with a background image, that animates and doesn't overlap the other cells?
Turns out using clipToBounds was the right way after all. Instead of doing it in the init method, it needs to be set in layoutSubviews.
Then, dynamically change the cell's view's frames to match the height of the cell.
John Stockton
Perhaps some had forgotten the painful feeling associated with losing a nail-biter that was within reach during the postseason. The Rockets dramatic 104-101 loss to the Oklahoma City Thunder in Game 3 at Toyota Center was an all too familiar feeling for Houstonians. While only one NBA team finishes its season truly satisfied, the Rockets […]
[Read More]
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Not long after Kevin Garnett knocked Andre Iguodala out of the way, earning an offensive foul that pretty much ended the Celtics’ hopes on Monday, Garnett trotted out the cliché that the players should decide games. Many talking heads nodded in agreement, but they had to ignore that Andre Iguodala is also a player. His […]
Pakistani prime minister undergoes open heart surgery in London
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif underwent open heart surgery in a London hospital on Tuesday, his second cardiac procedure in five years, his daughter said.
Sharif’s surgery comes as his government prepares to present its annual budget on Friday. It also remains under pressure over allegations of corruption linked to the so-called Panama Papers.
Sharif “was in high spirits” when he went in to the operating theatre at about 8:00 a. (0700 GMT), his daughter, Maryam, said on her Twitter account. She did not say how long the surgery was expected to take.
The operation was for a “perforation of the heart”, a complication from a 2011 procedure, Maryam said in a Twitter post last week.
Sharif, 66, was prime minister for two terms in the 1990s before being overthrown in a 1999 military coup.
After years in exile, he returned to Pakistan in 2007 and led his party to a victory in a 2013 election.
Sharif has been accompanied to London by his brother, Shahbaz Sharif, who is chief minister of Punjab province, and several other family members and aides.
He has travelled to London for medical treatment several times over the past year.
On Monday, Sharif telephoned his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, thanking him for his wishes for a quick recovery, the Pakistani Foreign Office said in a statement.
Sharif made a bid to improve ties with old rival India a main policy in his 2013 election campaign, though progress has been slow.
Sharif has been overseeing state affairs in the days leading up to the surgery, and on Monday addressed an economic meeting, signing off on budget proposals that include a target of 5.7 per cent growth in the year beginning in July.
Pakistan missed its gross domestic product growth target of 5.5 per cent for the year ending in June, hitting only 4.7 percent. |
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
import scipy.io as sio
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
IMAGE_MEAN = np.array([103.939, 116.779, 123.675], dtype=np.float32)
class FluxSegmentationDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset='PascalContext', mode='train'):
self.dataset = dataset
self.mode = mode
file_dir = 'datasets/' + self.dataset + '/' + self.mode + '.txt'
self.random_flip = False
if self.dataset == 'PascalContext' and mode == 'train':
self.random_flip = True
with open(file_dir, 'r') as f:
self.image_names = f.read().splitlines()
self.dataset_length = len(self.image_names)
def __len__(self):
return self.dataset_length
def __getitem__(self, index):
random_int = np.random.randint(0,2)
image_name = self.image_names[index]
image_path = osp.join('datasets', self.dataset, 'images', image_name + '.jpg')
image = cv2.imread(image_path, 1)
if self.random_flip:
if random_int:
image = cv2.flip(image, 1)
vis_image = image.copy()
height, width = image.shape[:2]
image = image.astype(np.float32)
image -= IMAGE_MEAN
image = image.transpose(2, 0, 1)
if self.dataset == 'PascalContext':
label_path = osp.join('datasets', self.dataset, 'labels', image_name + '.mat')
label = sio.loadmat(label_path)['LabelMap']
elif self.dataset == 'BSDS500':
label_path = osp.join('datasets', self.dataset, 'labels', image_name + '.png')
label = cv2.imread(label_path, 0)
if self.random_flip:
if random_int:
label = cv2.flip(label, 1)
label += 1
gt_mask = label.astype(np.float32)
categories = np.unique(label)
if 0 in categories:
raise RuntimeError('invalid category')
label = cv2.copyMakeBorder(label, 1, 1, 1, 1, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0)
weight_matrix = np.zeros((height+2, width+2), dtype=np.float32)
direction_field = np.zeros((2, height+2, width+2), dtype=np.float32)
for category in categories:
img = (label == category).astype(np.uint8)
weight_matrix[img > 0] = 1. / np.sqrt(img.sum())
_, labels = cv2.distanceTransformWithLabels(img, cv2.DIST_L2, cv2.DIST_MASK_PRECISE, labelType=cv2.DIST_LABEL_PIXEL)
index = np.copy(labels)
index[img > 0] = 0
place = np.argwhere(index > 0)
nearCord = place[labels-1,:]
x = nearCord[:, :, 0]
y = nearCord[:, :, 1]
nearPixel = np.zeros((2, height+2, width+2))
nearPixel[0,:,:] = x
nearPixel[1,:,:] = y
grid = np.indices(img.shape)
grid = grid.astype(float)
diff = grid - nearPixel
direction_field[:, img > 0] = diff[:, img > 0]
weight_matrix = weight_matrix[1:-1, 1:-1]
direction_field = direction_field[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]
if self.dataset == 'BSDS500':
image_name = image_name.split('/')[-1]
return image, vis_image, gt_mask, direction_field, weight_matrix, self.dataset_length, image_name
This invention relates to sol-gel processes for making large sol-gel bodies. It is especially applicable to techniques for preparing optical fiber preforms prior to fiber draw.
A variety of methods have been suggested for the manufacture of high-silica content glass articles, such as the single and double dispersion processes described by D. W. Johnson, et al. in Fabrication Of Sintered High-Silica Glasses, U.S. Pat. No. 4,419,115, and the process described by D. W. Johnson, et al in Sintered High-Silica Glass And Articles Comprising Same, U.S. Pat. No. 4,605,428. Uses of high-silica content include the fabrication of glass rods for use as preforms in the manufacture of optical fibers as suggested by F. Kirkbir, et alii, U.S. Pat. No. 5,254,508 for a Sol-gel Process For Forming A Germania-doped Silica Glass Rod, and the fabrication of secondary cladding tubes for use during fabrication of an optical fiber by a solgel process. Although sol-gel processes enable fabrication of glass objects at lower cost than other processes, N. Matsuo, et alii, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,680,046 for a Method Of Preparing Preforms For Optical Fibers, among others, has noted that it is difficult to provide a glass article that is large enough to be used as a preform for optical fibers.
Considering that the functioning part of an optical fiber (the core and inner cladding carrying 99+% of the optical energy) typically consists of but 5% of the mass, a significant part of this effort has concerned structures providing for overcladding of such inner portion. State of the art manufacture often makes use of an inner portion constituting core and inner clad region as fabricated by Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition, or, alternatively, by soot deposition in Outside Vapor Deposition or Vapor Axial Deposition. This core rod may be overclad by material of less demanding properties, and, consequently, may be produced by less costly processing. Overcladding may entail direct deposition on the core rod, or may result from collapsing an encircling tube. Such xe2x80x9covercladdingxe2x80x9d tubes have been produced from soot or fused quartz. Making very large bodies of soot require extensive processing, and large bodies of fused quartz are expensive.
It has been recognized that significant economies may be realized by fabricating overcladding tubes by sol-gel techniques. This well-known procedure is described, for example, in J. Zarzycki, xe2x80x9cThe Gel-Glass Processxe2x80x9d, pp. 203-31 in Glass: Current Issues, A. F. Wright and J. Dupois, eds., Martinus Nijoff, Boston, Mass. (1985). Sol-gel techniques are regarded as potentially less costly than other known preform fabrication procedures. While sol-gel fabrication of overcladding tubes, and other optical glass components, has met with considerable success, improvements are continually sought.
A persistent problem in making very large sol-gel bodies, e.g. greater than 5 Kg, for state of the art optical fiber drawing is cracking of the gelled body. Cracking may occur during drying or handling of the gelled body prior to consolidation. See for example, T. Mori, et al, xe2x80x9cSilica Glass Tubes By New Sol-Gel Methodxe2x80x9d, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 100, pp. 523-525 (1988), who describe the cracking problem, and recommend modification of the starting mixture and of the gel forming process, both of which are involved and expensive. The cracking problem is explained in a paper by Katagiri and Maekawa, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 134, pp. 183-90, (1991) which states, xe2x80x9cOne of the most important problems in the sol-gel preparation method for monolithic gels is avoidance of crack formation which occurs during dryingxe2x80x9d. A 1992 paper published in the Journal of Material Science, vol. 27, pp. 520-526 (1992) is even more explicit: xe2x80x9cAlthough the sol-gel method is very attractive, many problems still exist, as pointed out in Zarzycki. Of these problems, the most serious one is thought to be the occurrence of cracks during drying of monolithic gelxe2x80x9d. The reference then reviews remedies, e.g. hypercritical drying procedures and use of chemical additives such as N,N dimethylformamide, collectively referred to as Drying Control Chemical Additives. Both methods are regarded as expensive and, therefore, undesirable in routine glass production. An extensive description of a suitable sol-gel process, and of additives useful for improving the strength of sol-gel bodies, is contained in U.S. Pat. No. 5,240,488, which is incorporated herein in its entirety.
The cracking problem becomes more severe as the size of preforms in commercial fiber production increases. State of the art optical fiber manufacture typically involves drawing hundreds of kilometers of fiber from a single preform. These preforms typically exceed 5 Kg in size. Although improvements in techniques for making large sol-gel bodies have been made, strength continues to be an issue and any process modification that results in improvement in the strength of intermediate products during the sol-gel process will constitute a valuable contribution to the technology.
We have developed a modified colloidal sol-gel process for making large sol-gel bodies of silica, and silica-containing, glasses. The modification takes advantage of a surprising discovery that the starting material in the sol-gel process, silica particulates, may be much larger than previously thought. We formulated sol-gel bodies using colloidal suspensions of silica particles in the size range defined by 5-25 m2 per gram. These particles are substantially larger than those typically recommended, i.e. 50 m2 per gram. Contrary to expectation, colloids formed with these large particles did not result in premature settling, as would have been expected.
Also contrary to expectation, wet sol bodies with very high solids loading, i.e. 65-78%, may be obtained using large particulate starting materials and proper processing. These large loading quantities are found to improve wet strength without impairing sol stability and rheology. Due to the large loading, shaped sol bodies in the xe2x80x9cgreenxe2x80x9d state more closely match the dimensions of the final desired form and thus allow for more complex shapes and greater dimensional control.
It was also found that particle morphology contributes significantly to the improved results. Particles with essentially spherical shapes are necessary for the results obtained. Conventional silica particle mixtures contain both spherical and non-spherical particles, the latter in quantities of 30% or more. We have achieved the improved results reported here using particle mixtures with less than 15% and preferably less than 10% non-spherical.
Sol-gel bodies formulated using these starting colloids result in strength improvements of 100%, and in some cases, 300%. The enhanced strength as well as higher loading allows faster drying of the sol, thus reducing overall processing time. The reduced surface area per gram also allows additives to be included in smaller amounts. This lowers the cost of materials and also decreases the process time required for burn-off of additives. These processing efficiencies translate into lower production cost, especially for very large bodies. |
Aftermath No. 39: Minnesota
Blue Jackets coach Todd Richards didn't need to think very long before stating that the second period and special teams were the difference in tonight's hockey game.
After an uneventful first period with both teams trying to find their legs and feel the game out, the second period saw a lot of action but it was at the wrong end of the ice for the Jackets. They were out-shot 11-4 in the middle frame and spent several shifts chasing the puck, causing a lot of work for Sergei Bobrovsky and a lot of retrieving for the defense corps.
Ryan Suter - who played a brilliant game on the blue line for Minnesota - opened the scoring with a crafty wrist shot through traffic at 3:13 of the second period, the first of two power-play markers for the Wild. The Blue Jackets had a chance to answer back, but the man advantage was not their friend tonight: Columbus went 0-for-4 on the power play and registered just three shots on goal combined.
The Wild got the game's biggest goal late in the second period from Charlie Coyle, who was camped at the back post after a Jackets turnover while shorthanded. Jason Pominville's first goal with Minnesota made it 3-0 in the final minutes of regulation.
With that being said: while it's a disappointing loss for the Blue Jackets in the grand scheme of this playoff race, there's too much time left for them to hang their heads. They have two more games at Nationwide Arena this week before embarking on a six-game road trip, and the points only get more important from here.
They'll get back to practice tomorrow, iron some things out and most importantly catch their breath; today's game was the Jackets' third in four nights against quality opponents, teams that thrive on grinding the game down.
Here's tonight's breakdown:
1) SPECIAL TEAMS: It was a perfect storm for Minnesota and quite uncharacteristic for the Blue Jackets, who went 0-fer on the power play and gave up two power play goals. They have been greedy on the kill all season and some times, your opponent has to get some credit. There's a lot of skill on the Wild power play and a handful of players who can make something out of nothing. Suter's goal is an example of that.
2) BACKSTROM THE BACKSTOP: For a guy who has made Nationwide Arena into a house of horrors in his career, Niklas Backstrom really stepped up and gave his teammates every chance to win tonight. He made the routine saves, but also a few tough saves that looked easy. His positioning was solid and his composure was evident, and it was clutch considering he was pulled from his last start.
3) GABORIK: You can tell this guy is capable of dominating a game, and he's had several instances of that throughout his career. In his three games with the Blue Jackets, it's obvious that opposing teams are keying on his line and trying to shut him down, which could in turn free things up for other lines. Despite not getting on the scoresheet tonight, Gaborik was one of the more noticeable players in the game. He led all forwards with 21:44 and had four shots, one less than Suter's game-high total of five. |
I predicted that IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) hungry companies would start shopping for IPv4 addresses and a market would be created. I was right. As part of Nortel's bankruptcy settlement, Microsoft has offered to buy Nortel 666,624 IPv4 addresses for $7.5 million (PDF Link).
Making this call didn't require me to be a Nostradamus. It's basic free-market economics. Internet IPv4 addresses are now in short supply and with no more ever coming down the pike and the demand for Internet addresses increasing it was only a matter of time and dollars. Of course, everyone should be switching over to IPv6, but given a choice between buying their way--for a while anyway--out of a problem or investing in a major network infrastructure, Microsoft, at least, is going for the buy option. It won't be the only one.
That's really rather odd since Microsoft in Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 actually does an excellent job of not just supporting IPv6, but building on top of it. For example, if you use both on your network, it's really easy to set up Web-address based network Quality of Service (QoS) management.
Be that as it may, Microsoft is paying $11.25 per IPv4 address. The deal was put together for Nortel by Addrex. This rather mysterious company is one of the first, but most certainly not the last, IPv4 address brokers.
The Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) may be getting into the act as well. In a Government Computer News interview, John Curran, president and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers, (ARIN) said, "We don't expect that to heat up for another six months or so, because we still have IPv4 address space," but come that day, ARIN will be setting up a "legitimate market" for addresses.
So what kind of market do we have now? Black? Gray? Polka dot!? Good question. Buyers, sellers and the RIRs are still working out what will be good answers.
IP addresses are virtual property, but ARIN has its own set of rules on how they can be transferred. A buyer has to show that they need the addresses and can only sell a year's supply at a time. As for the price, Curran said. "ARIN is not a party to that. That's between you and the recipient." Of course ARIN isn't the only Internet RIR and they may set other stricter or looser rules and conditions.
ARIN or no ARIN I think we're in for a brief--no more than two years-of wild and woolly IPv4 address trading. After that, we'll be well on our way to the IPv6-based Internet and we won't have to worry about running out of addresses until the Federation of Planets' interstellar Internet has been set up.
See Also:
Don’t Panic! It’s only the Internet running out of Addresses
Real Help for your Network’s IPv6 Transition
Use IPv6 in Windows 7 Today
Easy Network Quality of Service Management for Windows Users |
Radioimmunoscintigraphy in patients with ovarian cancer.
The targeting potential of three different monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) was assessed in patients with ovarian cancer. HMFG1, OC-125 and H17E2 labelled with 111In or 123I were evaluated prospectively for their ability to localize ovarian tumour. Forty two patients with ovarian cancer, aged 40-78 years (median = 58 years) were studied using OC-125 (n = 9), HMFG1 (n = 11) and H17E2 (n = 22). Imaging data were compared with the CT and the surgical findings. Presence of tumour was confirmed in 35/42 (83%) patients (8/9 OC-125, 10/11 HMFG1 and 17/22 H17E2) and correlated well with the conventional radiology diagnostic methods. One patient with a negative H17E2 scan and a large abdominal mass detected at laparotomy revealed a PLAP-negative tumour on immunohistochemistry. Scintigraphy revealed the presence of active disease, confirmed by laparotomy/laparoscopy in 6/8 patients considered to be in clinical remission. The sensitivity of the method was high enough and the diagnostic contribution of this approach should be further evaluated. |
business essay
Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship Mazzarol
This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers.
Essay title - A critical investigation into the factors which support the development of entrepreneurship in the North West region of England
1.0 Introduction
According to Mazzarol, Volery, Doss and Thein (1999) “The driving force in the modern economy for the past ten years, and the foreseeable future, is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are meeting our economic needs through the creation of thousands of new businesses each year”.
Entrepreneurs are and will be the main factor which reduces unemployment from the society and they also provide many other benefits to the economy and the society, hence entrepreneurship is a vital topic to study so we can understand what are the main factors which drive an individual to become an entrepreneur.
The aim of the module “Dissertation Proposal” is to give clear picture of the topic area chosen for the actual dissertation, and also to bring forward literature and the research process related to the chosen topic area. I have selected “Entrepreneurship” as the topic of my study due to the importance of the topic. The essence of this research is to investigate the factors (for example power, wealth, freedom etc) which support/motivate individuals to become entrepreneurs.
2.0 Aim
“A critical investigation into the factors which support the development of entrepreneurship in the North West region of England”
2.1 Objectives
To understand if power and wealth is the only motivation for entrepreneurs
To understand the potential risk/benefits involved in entrepreneurship
3.0 Rational for the Study
“Of the many people who dream of working for themselves by starting their own businesses, few realize their dreams and even fewer survive over the long-term”. (Wu, Matthews, Dagher, 2007).
Starting own business is full of risk and uncertainties, entrepreneurs must understand the potential personal and social risks involved in entrepreneurship before they make any decision of creating new venture. It is very important to understand the reasons why only few people survive over the long-term in the journey of entrepreneurship so one can minimize the risks involved. The understanding of the characteristics of an individual involved with entrepreneurship and the motives that have forced him/her to start his/her own business play a major role in the long-term success of an individual in the field of entrepreneurship.
According to Mazzarol, Volery, Doss and Thein (1999) “A great deal is known about the characteristics of entrepreneurs and the motives that have urged them to set up a business venture”, still plenty more can be done to enhance our understanding towards the factors which support development of entrepreneurship in the North West region of England to bring benefits for the individuals working in this field. The reason of selecting North West England is the fact that the entrepreneurial activities in the region are at its highest, as according to The Northwest Regional Development Agency “In the Northwest, there was a net increase in entrepreneurial activity, from 4.6% to 4.9% between 2005 and 2006” even though there was a decline in overall entrepreneurial activities in all G8 countries. (NWDA, 2007)
Hence this study is an attempt to develop the understanding towards up-coming perception of entrepreneurs in this dynamic and rapid changing business environment in North West England, and to understand if individual motives to become entrepreneur have changed with the passage of time and also to explore the risks/benefits involved with entrepreneurship in the era of globalization.
4.0 Literature Review
4.1 Entrepreneurial Overview
Economist and Psychologist view entrepreneurs in two different ways, according to Hisrich et al (2005) entrepreneurs are viewed differently by Economist and Psychologist, “To economist entrepreneurs are individuals who bring resources, labour, materials and other resources in order to combine them to increase their value and also entrepreneurs innovate and bring new ideas. To psychologist entrepreneurs are forced by the desire to achieve something or to experiment things so they can differentiate themselves from others”.
One way or the other entrepreneurs are bringing benefits to the society and should be considered as important assets of our society due to the fact that entrepreneurship is a way forward to our economic growth and stability, in recent years the impact and important of entrepreneurship in our society has increased rapidly.
From its beginning the topic of entrepreneurship has only been viewed in the light of economic theories which has its own limitations, hence there are moves towards the understanding of a broader view of the topic area (Rae, 2007, p.23). According to Hamilton, Harper (1994) “The Entrepreneur, in one form or another, has been around a long time in both economic theory and empirical studies of entry”, the study of entrepreneurship has been the interesting topic for researchers from a long time and still plenty of research is going on related to entrepreneur and entrepreneurship.
According to Murphy, Liao and Welsch, (2006) “From the fall of Rome (circa 474 CE) to the eighteenth century, there was virtually no increase in per capita wealth generation in the west, With the advent of entrepreneurship, however, per capita wealth generation and income in the West grew exponentially by 20 percent in the 1700s, 200 percent in the 1800s, and 740 percent in the 1900s”, this shows how entrepreneurship has developed over the period of time and has brought wealth for the economy and the society, hence due to the increasing competition and capitalization the risks involved in entrepreneurship have also increased with the passage of time”.
The essence of entrepreneurship has also changed dramatically from its early stages, according to Murphy, Liao and Welsch (2006) “Entrepreneurial thinking has changed rapidly throughout its history and has gone through many unpredictable turns and intense developments”, for example globalization has opened many new channels for entrepreneurship, changing the whole criteria of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship.
Commonly in every day life we regard entrepreneurs as dynamic and self-motivated individuals, who can identify, assess and seize opportunities to achieve successful outcome for their own benefits as they are self motivated individuals who only look for their own best interest. On the other hand Tropman and Morningstar (1989) argue that “Becoming an entrepreneur is not only about identifying the opportunities it is also a responsibility as many other people involved to accomplish the vision of an entrepreneur, academics also take in to account psychological perspectives to widen the material and to investigate such practice”, hence plenty of literature is available on entrepreneurs motivation/behaviour and entrepreneurship which will be helpful to conduct the research on this topic.
According to Segal, Borgia and Schoenfeld, (2005) “Motivation plays an important part in the creation of new organisations, being an entrepreneur one who is self-employed and who starts, organize, manages, and assumes responsibility for a business, offers a personal challenge that many individuals prefer over being an employee working for someone else”.
In the light of the above Sagal et al (2005) claim we can assume that personal motivation or interest in a particular sector can influence individual’s selection of career, it can also be assumed that those individuals take more risk and like to accept challenges are more likely to become entrepreneur as entrepreneurs are more risk taking and innovation friendly persons.
According to Rabey (2001) “The ingredients of motivation lie within us all. Circumstances and situations will determine the stimulus which will generate response + to drive forward, to withdraw or to wait for a further signal. Once the response is decided, the degree of general purpose enthusiasm evoked will control the momentum”.
Motivation helps to increase the desire of achieving best results; for entrepreneurs motivation play a vital role when an individual decide what he wants to do and why, if the motivation in not part of the decision of an individual the whole process can be fake and bias due to the fact that motivation bring the required amount of interest which lead to hard-work and dedication.
The study of motivation according to (Mullins, 2002) “is concerned, basically, with why people behave in a certain way. The basic underlying question is ‘why do people do what they do? Motivation enhances attraction towards a particular core of action in regard to another action”, this shows that motivation and behaviour of individuals play an important role when they choose their careers; the study of motivation and behaviour of individuals and also the motivational factors of an individual of becoming entrepreneur can help to understand the characteristics of entrepreneurs.
It is know that entrepreneurs look for opportunities in order to succeed; the main motivation for entrepreneurs is to seize good future opportunities such as power, wealth, freedom etc, though entrepreneurs must understand that all the opportunities present are not easy to grab, as many opportunities that are present in the business world are based on the customers satisfaction and due to the increased competition in the market place it is not very easy to grab each and every opportunity present, even with the presence of highest motivation in individuals to gain that particular opportunity.
According to Cooper (1981) “the usual practice among entrepreneurs to seize opportunities is by instinct and unofficially with out giving any consideration to the business environment”, hence the number of failure in the field of entrepreneurship is very high, the understanding of the literature related to the opportunity identification is essential for entrepreneurs to be successful, the opportunities for entrepreneurs are available in the social circles where they operate and seizing these opportunities depends on how these social networks are utilised by entrepreneurs and also depends on how well entrepreneurs are connected to the network.
The literature related to “Entrepreneurship” along with “Behaviour and “Motivation” theories will be very helpful to explore the topic area chosen for this research.
The research methodology of the study is explained in the next part of the report to give clear understanding on how this research will be performed.
5.0 Research Methodology and Design
In this research entrepreneurs will be looked at from a Psychologist view where “they forced by the desire to achieve something or to experiment things so they can differentiate themselves from others” (Hisrich et al) means they have some motives to become entrepreneur such as gain more power, wealth, freedom etc. For this reason, the researcher will adopt a research methodology that emphasises on feelings, behaviour and emotion i.e. qualitative approach, rather than just quantity or numbers. This research will adopt the interviewing research method in order to understand the motives of individuals in their development of entrepreneurship. Although the research will predominantly base on qualitative data however some form of quantitative data will be involved through both primary and secondary sources in order to verify the authenticity of the data collected through interview-based surveys and unstructured interviews.
“Interview-based surveys can be taken face-to-face or telephone-base with fixed set of questions with pre-specified and standardized wording, where responses to most of the questions have to be selected from a small list of alternatives” (Robson, 2002) this format of interview will be used to gather waste responses, hence the responses can be related and examined with the data gathered from unstructured interviews where the respondent have much more flexibility of response and can share his/her own feelings in response to the questions asked, as in “unstructured interviews the interviewer has a general area of interest and concern, but lets the conversation develop within this area, unstructured interviews are widely used in flexible, qualitative designs” (Robson, 2002, p. 270-271) hence in order to gather qualitative data unstructured in-depth interviews would be more appropriate.
According to Esterby-Smith et al (2002) “Philosophical matters help understanding the relationship between data and theory and this could affect the quality of the research”. Positivism approach support natural sciences and very much consider the reality, “Underlying positivism is the assumption that the researcher is independent of and neither affects nor is affected by the subject of the research” (Remenyi, Williams, Money, Swartz, 1998, p.33).
Where as interpretive approach describes that world is too complex to understand just by social laws and positivist approach ignores to understand this complexity of the world. Focuses on uncovering, “The researcher has to look beyond the details of the situation to understand the reality or perhaps a reality working behind them. The researcher constructs a meaning in terms of the situation being studied” (Remenyi, Williams, Money, Swartz, 1998, p.35)
According to Creswell (1998) “Before carrying out any research the considerations of ontological and epistemological factors have to be taken into account in order to make a decision”. This research aims to understand the factors which influence individuals to become entrepreneurs and their motivation factors hence the positivist and interpretive philosophical methods of research will be used. The positive aspect of using positivist approach is that it is reliable as compared to interpretive approach because in this approach data is gathered through primary sources and it is reliable but interpretive approach uses the secondary data which can’t be checked again to see reliability as compared to primary data but this research will use both methods due to the nature of the study.
In the light of the research philosophy, approach and method defined above, the researcher have decided to conduct primary research with the help of interview-based surveys and unstructured interviews with business students and entrepreneurs in order to facilitate the research with diverse data both in the form of quantitative and qualitative measures, also desk based research with the help of previous research done and literature available on the selected topic.
5.1 Advantages/Disadvantages of collecting data through questionnaires and interviews:
5.1.1 Questionnaires
According to Saunders et al (2007) “Questionnaires facilitates collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, the process can be well controlled and if structured carefully response is easy. As more or less same questions will be asked questionnaires provides an efficient way of collecting responses from a large sample in less time”. On the other hand questionnaires sent by mail have a low response rate and it’s a time consuming exercise therefore the researcher have decided to conduct face-to-face and telephone-base surveys using structured questionnaire.
5.1.2 Interviews
“The interview is a flexible and adaptable way of finding things out. Observing behaviour is clearly a useful enquiry technique, but asking people directly about what is going on is an obvious short cut in seeking answers to our research questions” (Robson, 2002, p.272) however it is not very easy to get the response which is totally reliable as bias in responses can not be rule out, it requires certain skills and professionalism to a conduct an interview where responses can be considered as reliable.
Interviews can also be time consuming as they require careful preparation and enough background knowledge of the topic area. According to Robson (2002) “The actual interview session itself will obviously vary in length. Anything under half an hour is unlikely to be valuable; anything going much over an hour may be making unreasonable demands on busy interviewees, and could have the effect of reducing the number of persons willing to participate, which may in turn lead to biases in the sample that you achieve”. To overcome these problems and to improve the quality and quantity of data it is important that interviewer must be well prepared in advance to avoid any delay, conflict and mismanagement of data, as often sample size is limited and the quality and quantity of the data mostly depends on the skills and professionalism of the interviewer. In order to gather qualitative data researcher will adopt the unstructured interview method of data collection.
6.0 Sample Size and Data Analysis
A sample is a group of people to whom researcher ask questions in order to reach to a decision on a particular topic or area of study, researcher assume the ‘sample’ as the representative of the whole population as they believe the population is homogeneous and can reflect view of a large number of people, hence I researcher will use a sample of business students and entrepreneurs to conduct this research.
The data gathered will be analysed with the help of different data analysis softwares especially SPSS which give graphs, tables and reports once we input the data, it will be easy for me to come up with a decision as the processed data will be much easier to interpret.
7.0 Limitations
Any sampling can have biased view due to the fact that people might not give true answers to the questions asked because it all depends on the nature of the questions, if the questions asked are more personal people might avoid giving answers to such questions.
Also being a student there is no financial support to conduct the primary research hence the quality and quantity of the research might be affected, also the study has a time constrain due to the fact that it has to finish on a particular date which is submission time of the dissertation.
8.0 Ethical Considerations
Due to the nature of the research there is no ethical consideration to look at.
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Sending messages in bulk to APNS, what happens if there is an error with some of them?
Let's say I have 3 notifications to send - a, b and c - but there is a problem with notification b. Let's assume it is an invalid token. If I do the following:
Create buffer
Add a,b and c to buffer
Send buffer to APNS server
Will message c be sent?
The Apple documentation says:
If you send a notification and APNs finds the notification malformed
or otherwise unintelligible, it returns an error-response packet prior
to disconnecting.
Does this mean that I would receive an error about b and the connection would be dropped, and therefore c would never be sent?
Message c would never be sent. If you manage to receive the error response for message b, you have to resend all the messages you sent after sending b and before receiving the response.
You can read a good article about it here : The Problem with APNS
/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
#ident "$Id$"
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, and provided that the
following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain this COPYING
GRANT (below).
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this COPYING
GRANT (below) in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
TokuDB, Tokutek Fractal Tree Indexing Library.
Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Tokutek, Inc.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research
Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under
United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents
and/or patent applications resulting from it.
This software is covered by US Patent No. 8,185,551.
This software is covered by US Patent No. 8,489,638.
"THIS IMPLEMENTATION" means the copyrightable works distributed by
Tokutek as part of the Fractal Tree project.
"PATENT CLAIMS" means the claims of patents that are owned or
licensable by Tokutek, both currently or in the future; and that in
the absence of this license would be infringed by THIS
"PATENT CHALLENGE" shall mean a challenge to the validity,
patentability, enforceability and/or non-infringement of any of the
PATENT CLAIMS or otherwise opposing any of the PATENT CLAIMS.
Tokutek hereby grants to you, for the term and geographical scope of
the PATENT CLAIMS, a non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free,
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make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, transfer, and
otherwise run, modify, and propagate the contents of THIS
IMPLEMENTATION, where such license applies only to the PATENT
CLAIMS. This grant does not include claims that would be infringed
only as a consequence of further modifications of THIS
IMPLEMENTATION. If you or your agent or licensee institute or order
or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any entity
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
THIS IMPLEMENTATION constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any rights
granted to you under this License shall terminate as of the date
such litigation is filed. If you or your agent or exclusive
licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of a PATENT
CHALLENGE, then Tokutek may terminate any rights granted to you
under this License.
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."
// verify that blocking lock waits eventually time out if the lock owner never releases the lock.
// A begin txn
// A write locks 0
// A sleeps
// B begin txn
// B tries to write lock 0, blocks
// B's write lock times out, B aborts its txn
// A wakes up and commits its txn
#include "test.h"
#include "toku_pthread.h"
struct test_seq {
int state;
toku_mutex_t lock;
toku_cond_t cv;
static void test_seq_init(struct test_seq *seq) {
seq->state = 0;
toku_mutex_init(&seq->lock, NULL);
toku_cond_init(&seq->cv, NULL);
static void test_seq_destroy(struct test_seq *seq) {
static void test_seq_sleep(struct test_seq *seq, int new_state) {
while (seq->state != new_state) {
toku_cond_wait(&seq->cv, &seq->lock);
static void test_seq_next_state(struct test_seq *seq) {
static void t_a(DB_ENV *db_env, DB *db, struct test_seq *seq) {
int r;
test_seq_sleep(seq, 0);
int k = 0;
DB_TXN *txn_a = NULL;
r = db_env->txn_begin(db_env, NULL, &txn_a, 0); assert(r == 0);
DBT key = { .data = &k, .size = sizeof k };
DBT val = { .data = &k, .size = sizeof k };
r = db->put(db, txn_a, &key, &val, 0); assert(r == 0);
r = txn_a->commit(txn_a, 0); assert(r == 0);
static void t_b(DB_ENV *db_env, DB *db, struct test_seq *seq) {
int r;
test_seq_sleep(seq, 1);
int k = 0;
DB_TXN *txn_b = NULL;
r = db_env->txn_begin(db_env, NULL, &txn_b, 0); assert(r == 0);
DBT key = { .data = &k, .size = sizeof k };
DBT val = { .data = &k, .size = sizeof k };
r = db->put(db, txn_b, &key, &val, 0);
assert(r == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK);
assert(r == DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED);
r = txn_b->abort(txn_b); assert(r == 0);
struct t_a_args {
DB_ENV *env;
DB *db;
struct test_seq *seq;
static void *t_a_thread(void *arg) {
struct t_a_args *a = (struct t_a_args *) arg;
t_a(a->env, a->db, a->seq);
return arg;
int test_main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
uint64_t cachesize = 0;
uint32_t pagesize = 0;
const char *db_env_dir = TOKU_TEST_FILENAME;
const char *db_filename = "test.db";
// parse_args(argc, argv);
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--quiet") == 0) {
if (verbose > 0)
// setup env
int r;
char rm_cmd[strlen(db_env_dir) + strlen("rm -rf ") + 1];
snprintf(rm_cmd, sizeof(rm_cmd), "rm -rf %s", db_env_dir);
r = system(rm_cmd); assert(r == 0);
r = toku_os_mkdir(db_env_dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); assert(r == 0);
DB_ENV *db_env = NULL;
r = db_env_create(&db_env, 0); assert(r == 0);
if (cachesize) {
const uint64_t gig = 1 << 30;
r = db_env->set_cachesize(db_env, cachesize / gig, cachesize % gig, 1); assert(r == 0);
r = db_env->open(db_env, db_env_dir, db_env_open_flags, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); assert(r == 0);
db_timeout_t t;
r = db_env->get_timeout(db_env, &t, DB_SET_LOCK_TIMEOUT); assert(r == 0);
if (verbose) printf("lock %d\n", t);
r = db_env->get_timeout(db_env, &t, DB_SET_TXN_TIMEOUT); assert(r == 0);
if (verbose) printf("txn %d\n", t);
r = db_env->set_timeout(db_env, 5000000, DB_SET_LOCK_TIMEOUT); assert(r == 0);
r = db_env->set_timeout(db_env, 5000000, DB_SET_TXN_TIMEOUT); assert(r == 0);
r = db_env->get_timeout(db_env, &t, DB_SET_LOCK_TIMEOUT); assert(r == 0);
if (verbose) printf("lock %d\n", t);
r = db_env->get_timeout(db_env, &t, DB_SET_TXN_TIMEOUT); assert(r == 0);
if (verbose) printf("txn %d\n", t);
r = db_env->set_lk_detect(db_env, DB_LOCK_EXPIRE); assert(r == 0);
uint64_t lock_timeout_msec;
r = db_env->get_lock_timeout(db_env, &lock_timeout_msec); assert(r == 0);
if (verbose) printf("lock timeout: %" PRIu64 "\n", lock_timeout_msec);
r = db_env->set_lock_timeout(db_env, 5000, nullptr); assert(r == 0);
r = db_env->get_lock_timeout(db_env, &lock_timeout_msec); assert(r == 0);
if (verbose) printf("lock timeout: %" PRIu64 "\n", lock_timeout_msec);
// create the db
DB *db = NULL;
r = db_create(&db, db_env, 0); assert(r == 0);
if (pagesize) {
r = db->set_pagesize(db, pagesize); assert(r == 0);
r = db->open(db, NULL, db_filename, NULL, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE|DB_AUTO_COMMIT|DB_THREAD, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); assert(r == 0);
// run test
struct test_seq seq; ZERO_STRUCT(seq); test_seq_init(&seq);
toku_pthread_t t_a_id;
struct t_a_args t_a_args = { db_env, db, &seq };
r = toku_pthread_create(&t_a_id, NULL, t_a_thread, &t_a_args); assert(r == 0);
t_b(db_env, db, &seq);
void *ret;
r = toku_pthread_join(t_a_id, &ret); assert(r == 0);
// close env
r = db->close(db, 0); assert(r == 0); db = NULL;
r = db_env->close(db_env, 0); assert(r == 0); db_env = NULL;
return 0;
Subsets and Splits