1 value
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor class _DenseLayer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_input_features, growth_rate, bn_size, drop_rate, dilation): super(_DenseLayer, self).__init__() self.add_module('norm1', nn.BatchNorm2d(num_input_features)), self.add_module('relu1', nn.ReLU(inplace=True)), self.add_module('conv1', nn.Conv2d(num_input_features, bn_size * growth_rate, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False)), self.add_module('norm2', nn.BatchNorm2d(bn_size * growth_rate)), self.add_module('relu2', nn.ReLU(inplace=True)), self.add_module('conv2', nn.Conv2d(bn_size * growth_rate, growth_rate, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, bias=False)), self.drop_rate = float(drop_rate) def bn_function(self, inputs): # type: (list [Tensor]) -> Tensor concated_features =, 1) bottleneck_output = self.conv1(self.relu1(self.norm1(concated_features))) # noqa: T484 return bottleneck_output def forward(self, input): if isinstance(input, Tensor): prev_features = [input] else: prev_features = input bottleneck_output = self.bn_function(prev_features) new_features = self.conv2(self.relu2(self.norm2(bottleneck_output))) if self.drop_rate > 0: new_features = F.dropout(new_features, p=self.drop_rate, return new_features class _DenseBlock(nn.ModuleDict): def __init__(self, num_layers, num_input_features, bn_size, growth_rate, drop_rate): super(_DenseBlock, self).__init__() for i in range(num_layers): layer = _DenseLayer( num_input_features + i * growth_rate, growth_rate=growth_rate, bn_size=bn_size, drop_rate=drop_rate, dilation=2**i, ) self.add_module('denselayer%d' % (i + 1), layer) def forward(self, init_features): features = [init_features] for _, layer in self.items(): new_features = layer(features) features.append(new_features) return, 1) class _Transition(nn.Sequential): def __init__(self, num_input_features, num_output_features): super(_Transition, self).__init__() self.add_module('norm', nn.BatchNorm2d(num_input_features)) self.add_module('relu', nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) self.add_module('conv', nn.Conv2d(num_input_features, num_output_features, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False)) self.add_module('pool', nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)) class DenseFeature(nn.Module): def __init__(self, growth_rate=32, block_config=(4, 4, 4), num_init_features=64, bn_size=4, drop_rate=0): super(DenseFeature, self).__init__() # Denseblocks self.features = nn.Sequential() num_features = num_init_features for i, num_layers in enumerate(block_config): block = _DenseBlock( num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=num_features, bn_size=bn_size, growth_rate=growth_rate, drop_rate=drop_rate ) self.features.add_module('denseblock%d' % (i + 1), block) num_features = num_features + num_layers * growth_rate # if i != len(block_config) - 1: if i < 2: trans = _Transition(num_input_features=num_features, num_output_features=num_features // 2) self.features.add_module('transition%d' % (i + 1), trans) num_features = num_features // 2 # Final batch norm self.features.add_module('norm5', nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features)) self.features.add_module('relu5', nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) # Official init from torch repo. for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def forward(self, x): features = self.features(x) return features if __name__ == '__main__': layer = _DenseBlock(num_layers=4, num_input_features=8, bn_size=4, growth_rate=16, drop_rate=0.1) print(layer) print(layer(torch.rand(3,8,5,5)).shape)
# Implements the localization and detection metrics proposed in [1] with extensions to support multi-instance of the same class from [2]. # # [1] Joint Measurement of Localization and Detection of Sound Events # Annamaria Mesaros, Sharath Adavanne, Archontis Politis, Toni Heittola, Tuomas Virtanen # WASPAA 2019 # # [2] Overview and Evaluation of Sound Event Localization and Detection in DCASE 2019 # Politis, Archontis, Annamaria Mesaros, Sharath Adavanne, Toni Heittola, and Tuomas Virtanen. # IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (2020). # # This script has MIT license # import numpy as np eps = np.finfo(np.float).eps from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment from IPython import embed class SELDMetrics(object): def __init__(self, doa_threshold=20, nb_classes=13, average='macro'): ''' This class implements both the class-sensitive localization and location-sensitive detection metrics. Additionally, based on the user input, the corresponding averaging is performed within the segment. :param nb_classes: Number of sound classes. In the paper, nb_classes = 11 :param doa_thresh: DOA threshold for location sensitive detection. ''' self._nb_classes = nb_classes # Variables for Location-senstive detection performance self._TP = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._FP = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._FP_spatial = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._FN = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._Nref = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._spatial_T = doa_threshold self._S = 0 self._D = 0 self._I = 0 # Variables for Class-sensitive localization performance self._total_DE = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._DE_TP = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._DE_FP = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._DE_FN = np.zeros(self._nb_classes) self._average = average def early_stopping_metric(self, _er, _f, _le, _lr): """ Compute early stopping metric from sed and doa errors. :param sed_error: [error rate (0 to 1 range), f score (0 to 1 range)] :param doa_error: [doa error (in degrees), frame recall (0 to 1 range)] :return: early stopping metric result """ seld_metric = np.mean([ _er, 1 - _f, _le / 180, 1 - _lr ], 0) return seld_metric def compute_seld_scores(self): ''' Collect the final SELD scores :return: returns both location-sensitive detection scores and class-sensitive localization scores ''' ER = (self._S + self._D + self._I) / (self._Nref.sum() + eps) classwise_results = [] if self._average == 'micro': # Location-sensitive detection performance F = self._TP.sum() / (eps + self._TP.sum() + self._FP_spatial.sum() + 0.5 * (self._FP.sum() + self._FN.sum())) # Class-sensitive localization performance LE = self._total_DE.sum() / float(self._DE_TP.sum() + eps) if self._DE_TP.sum() else 180 LR = self._DE_TP.sum() / (eps + self._DE_TP.sum() + self._DE_FN.sum()) SELD_scr = self.early_stopping_metric(ER, F, LE, LR) elif self._average == 'macro': # Location-sensitive detection performance F = self._TP / (eps + self._TP + self._FP_spatial + 0.5 * (self._FP + self._FN)) # Class-sensitive localization performance LE = self._total_DE / (self._DE_TP + eps) LE[self._DE_TP==0] = 180.0 LR = self._DE_TP / (eps + self._DE_TP + self._DE_FN) SELD_scr = self.early_stopping_metric(np.repeat(ER, self._nb_classes), F, LE, LR) classwise_results = np.array([np.repeat(ER, self._nb_classes), F, LE, LR, SELD_scr]) F, LE, LR, SELD_scr = F.mean(), LE.mean(), LR.mean(), SELD_scr.mean() return ER, F, LE, LR, SELD_scr, classwise_results def update_seld_scores(self, pred, gt): ''' Implements the spatial error averaging according to equation 5 in the paper [1] (see papers in the title of the code). Adds the multitrack extensions proposed in paper [2] The input pred/gt can either both be Cartesian or Degrees :param pred: dictionary containing class-wise prediction results for each N-seconds segment block :param gt: dictionary containing class-wise groundtruth for each N-seconds segment block ''' for block_cnt in range(len(gt.keys())): loc_FN, loc_FP = 0, 0 for class_cnt in range(self._nb_classes): # Counting the number of referece tracks for each class in the segment nb_gt_doas = max([len(val) for val in gt[block_cnt][class_cnt][0][1]]) if class_cnt in gt[block_cnt] else None nb_pred_doas = max([len(val) for val in pred[block_cnt][class_cnt][0][1]]) if class_cnt in pred[block_cnt] else None if nb_gt_doas is not None: self._Nref[class_cnt] += nb_gt_doas if class_cnt in gt[block_cnt] and class_cnt in pred[block_cnt]: # True positives or False positive case # NOTE: For multiple tracks per class, associate the predicted DOAs to corresponding reference # DOA-tracks using hungarian algorithm and then compute the average spatial distance between # the associated reference-predicted tracks. # Reference and predicted track matching matched_track_dist = {} matched_track_cnt = {} gt_ind_list = gt[block_cnt][class_cnt][0][0] pred_ind_list = pred[block_cnt][class_cnt][0][0] for gt_ind, gt_val in enumerate(gt_ind_list): if gt_val in pred_ind_list: gt_arr = np.array(gt[block_cnt][class_cnt][0][1][gt_ind]) gt_ids = np.arange(len(gt_arr[:, -1])) #TODO if the reference has track IDS use here - gt_arr[:, -1] gt_doas = gt_arr[:, :] pred_ind = pred_ind_list.index(gt_val) pred_arr = np.array(pred[block_cnt][class_cnt][0][1][pred_ind]) pred_doas = pred_arr[:, :] if gt_doas.shape[-1] == 2: # convert DOAs to radians, if the input is in degrees gt_doas = gt_doas * np.pi / 180. pred_doas = pred_doas * np.pi / 180. dist_list, row_inds, col_inds = least_distance_between_gt_pred(gt_doas, pred_doas) # Collect the frame-wise distance between matched ref-pred DOA pairs for dist_cnt, dist_val in enumerate(dist_list): matched_gt_track = gt_ids[row_inds[dist_cnt]] if matched_gt_track not in matched_track_dist: matched_track_dist[matched_gt_track], matched_track_cnt[matched_gt_track] = [], [] matched_track_dist[matched_gt_track].append(dist_val) matched_track_cnt[matched_gt_track].append(pred_ind) # Update evaluation metrics based on the distance between ref-pred tracks if len(matched_track_dist) == 0: # if no tracks are found. This occurs when the predicted DOAs are not aligned frame-wise to the reference DOAs loc_FN += nb_pred_doas self._FN[class_cnt] += nb_pred_doas self._DE_FN[class_cnt] += nb_pred_doas else: # for the associated ref-pred tracks compute the metrics for track_id in matched_track_dist: total_spatial_dist = sum(matched_track_dist[track_id]) total_framewise_matching_doa = len(matched_track_cnt[track_id]) avg_spatial_dist = total_spatial_dist / total_framewise_matching_doa # Class-sensitive localization performance self._total_DE[class_cnt] += avg_spatial_dist self._DE_TP[class_cnt] += 1 # Location-sensitive detection performance if avg_spatial_dist <= self._spatial_T: self._TP[class_cnt] += 1 else: loc_FP += 1 self._FP_spatial[class_cnt] += 1 # in the multi-instance of same class scenario, if the number of predicted tracks are greater # than reference tracks count as FP, if it less than reference count as FN if nb_pred_doas > nb_gt_doas: # False positive loc_FP += (nb_pred_doas-nb_gt_doas) self._FP[class_cnt] += (nb_pred_doas-nb_gt_doas) self._DE_FP[class_cnt] += (nb_pred_doas-nb_gt_doas) elif nb_pred_doas < nb_gt_doas: # False negative loc_FN += (nb_gt_doas-nb_pred_doas) self._FN[class_cnt] += (nb_gt_doas-nb_pred_doas) self._DE_FN[class_cnt] += (nb_gt_doas-nb_pred_doas) elif class_cnt in gt[block_cnt] and class_cnt not in pred[block_cnt]: # False negative loc_FN += nb_gt_doas self._FN[class_cnt] += nb_gt_doas self._DE_FN[class_cnt] += nb_gt_doas elif class_cnt not in gt[block_cnt] and class_cnt in pred[block_cnt]: # False positive loc_FP += nb_pred_doas self._FP[class_cnt] += nb_pred_doas self._DE_FP[class_cnt] += nb_pred_doas self._S += np.minimum(loc_FP, loc_FN) self._D += np.maximum(0, loc_FN - loc_FP) self._I += np.maximum(0, loc_FP - loc_FN) return def distance_between_spherical_coordinates_rad(az1, ele1, az2, ele2): """ Angular distance between two spherical coordinates MORE: :return: angular distance in degrees """ dist = np.sin(ele1) * np.sin(ele2) + np.cos(ele1) * np.cos(ele2) * np.cos(np.abs(az1 - az2)) # Making sure the dist values are in -1 to 1 range, else np.arccos kills the job dist = np.clip(dist, -1, 1) dist = np.arccos(dist) * 180 / np.pi return dist def distance_between_cartesian_coordinates(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2): """ Angular distance between two cartesian coordinates MORE: Check 'From chord length' section :return: angular distance in degrees """ # Normalize the Cartesian vectors N1 = np.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2 + z1**2 + 1e-10) N2 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2 + z2**2 + 1e-10) x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = x1/N1, y1/N1, z1/N1, x2/N2, y2/N2, z2/N2 #Compute the distance dist = x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2 dist = np.clip(dist, -1, 1) dist = np.arccos(dist) * 180 / np.pi return dist def least_distance_between_gt_pred(gt_list, pred_list): """ Shortest distance between two sets of DOA coordinates. Given a set of groundtruth coordinates, and its respective predicted coordinates, we calculate the distance between each of the coordinate pairs resulting in a matrix of distances, where one axis represents the number of groundtruth coordinates and the other the predicted coordinates. The number of estimated peaks need not be the same as in groundtruth, thus the distance matrix is not always a square matrix. We use the hungarian algorithm to find the least cost in this distance matrix. :param gt_list_xyz: list of ground-truth Cartesian or Polar coordinates in Radians :param pred_list_xyz: list of predicted Carteisan or Polar coordinates in Radians :return: cost - distance :return: less - number of DOA's missed :return: extra - number of DOA's over-estimated """ gt_len, pred_len = gt_list.shape[0], pred_list.shape[0] ind_pairs = np.array([[x, y] for y in range(pred_len) for x in range(gt_len)]) cost_mat = np.zeros((gt_len, pred_len)) if gt_len and pred_len: if len(gt_list[0]) == 3: #Cartesian x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = gt_list[ind_pairs[:, 0], 0], gt_list[ind_pairs[:, 0], 1], gt_list[ind_pairs[:, 0], 2], pred_list[ind_pairs[:, 1], 0], pred_list[ind_pairs[:, 1], 1], pred_list[ind_pairs[:, 1], 2] cost_mat[ind_pairs[:, 0], ind_pairs[:, 1]] = distance_between_cartesian_coordinates(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) else: az1, ele1, az2, ele2 = gt_list[ind_pairs[:, 0], 0], gt_list[ind_pairs[:, 0], 1], pred_list[ind_pairs[:, 1], 0], pred_list[ind_pairs[:, 1], 1] cost_mat[ind_pairs[:, 0], ind_pairs[:, 1]] = distance_between_spherical_coordinates_rad(az1, ele1, az2, ele2) row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost_mat) cost = cost_mat[row_ind, col_ind] return cost, row_ind, col_ind
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch def _segment_index(x, chunklen, hoplen, last_frame_always_paddding=False): """Segment input x with chunklen, hoplen parameters. Return Args: x: input, time domain or feature domain (channels, time) chunklen: hoplen: last_frame_always_paddding: to decide if always padding for the last frame Return: segmented_indexes: [(begin_index, end_index), (begin_index, end_index), ...] segmented_pad_width: [(before, after), (before, after), ...] """ x_len = x.shape[1] segmented_indexes = [] segmented_pad_width = [] if x_len < chunklen: begin_index = 0 end_index = x_len pad_width_before = 0 pad_width_after = chunklen - x_len segmented_indexes.append((begin_index, end_index)) segmented_pad_width.append((pad_width_before, pad_width_after)) return segmented_indexes, segmented_pad_width n_frames = 1 + (x_len - chunklen) // hoplen for n in range(n_frames): begin_index = n * hoplen end_index = n * hoplen + chunklen segmented_indexes.append((begin_index, end_index)) pad_width_before = 0 pad_width_after = 0 segmented_pad_width.append((pad_width_before, pad_width_after)) if (n_frames - 1) * hoplen + chunklen == x_len: return segmented_indexes, segmented_pad_width # the last frame if last_frame_always_paddding: begin_index = n_frames * hoplen end_index = x_len pad_width_before = 0 pad_width_after = chunklen - (x_len - n_frames * hoplen) else: if x_len - n_frames * hoplen >= chunklen // 2: begin_index = n_frames * hoplen end_index = x_len pad_width_before = 0 pad_width_after = chunklen - (x_len - n_frames * hoplen) else: begin_index = x_len - chunklen end_index = x_len pad_width_before = 0 pad_width_after = 0 segmented_indexes.append((begin_index, end_index)) segmented_pad_width.append((pad_width_before, pad_width_after)) return segmented_indexes, segmented_pad_width def load_output_format_file(_output_format_file): """ Loads DCASE output format csv file and returns it in dictionary format :param _output_format_file: DCASE output format CSV :return: _output_dict: dictionary """ _output_dict = {} _fid = open(_output_format_file, 'r') # next(_fid) for _line in _fid: _words = _line.strip().split(',') _frame_ind = int(_words[0]) if _frame_ind not in _output_dict: _output_dict[_frame_ind] = [] if len(_words) == 5: #polar coordinates # _output_dict[_frame_ind].append([int(_words[1]), int(_words[2]), float(_words[3]), float(_words[4])]) _output_dict[_frame_ind].append([int(_words[1]), float(_words[3]), float(_words[4])]) elif len(_words) == 6: # cartesian coordinates # _output_dict[_frame_ind].append([int(_words[1]), int(_words[2]), float(_words[3]), float(_words[4]), float(_words[5])]) _output_dict[_frame_ind].append([int(_words[1]), float(_words[3]), float(_words[4]), float(_words[5])]) elif len(_words) == 4: _output_dict[_frame_ind].append([int(_words[1]), float(_words[2]), float(_words[3])]) _fid.close() return _output_dict def write_output_format_file(_output_format_file, _output_format_dict): """ Writes DCASE output format csv file, given output format dictionary :param _output_format_file: :param _output_format_dict: :return: """ _fid = open(_output_format_file, 'w') for _frame_ind in _output_format_dict.keys(): for _value in _output_format_dict[_frame_ind]: # Write Cartesian format output. Since baseline does not estimate track count we use a fixed value. _fid.write('{},{},{},{}\n'.format(int(_frame_ind), int(_value[0]), int(_value[1]), int(_value[2]))) _fid.close() def to_metrics_format(label_dict, num_frames, label_resolution=0.1): """Collect class-wise sound event location information in segments of length 1s (according to DCASE2022) from reference dataset Reference: Args: label_dict: Dictionary containing frame-wise sound event time and location information. Dcase format. num_frames: Total number of frames in the recording. label_resolution: Groundtruth label resolution. Output: output_dict: Dictionary containing class-wise sound event location information in each segment of audio dictionary_name[segment-index][class-index] = list(frame-cnt-within-segment, azimuth in degree, elevation in degree) """ num_label_frames_1s = int(1 / label_resolution) num_blocks = int(np.ceil(num_frames / float(num_label_frames_1s))) output_dict = {x: {} for x in range(num_blocks)} for n_frame in range(0, num_frames, num_label_frames_1s): # Collect class-wise information for each block # [class][frame] = <list of doa values> # Data structure supports multi-instance occurence of same class n_block = n_frame // num_label_frames_1s loc_dict = {} for audio_frame in range(n_frame, n_frame + num_label_frames_1s): if audio_frame not in label_dict: continue for value in label_dict[audio_frame]: if value[0] not in loc_dict: loc_dict[value[0]] = {} block_frame = audio_frame - n_frame if block_frame not in loc_dict[value[0]]: loc_dict[value[0]][block_frame] = [] loc_dict[value[0]][block_frame].append(value[1:]) # Update the block wise details collected above in a global structure for n_class in loc_dict: if n_class not in output_dict[n_block]: output_dict[n_block][n_class] = [] keys = [k for k in loc_dict[n_class]] values = [loc_dict[n_class][k] for k in loc_dict[n_class]] output_dict[n_block][n_class].append([keys, values]) return output_dict def track_to_dcase_format(sed_labels, doa_labels): """Convert sed and doa labels from track-wise output format to dcase output format Args: sed_labels: SED labels, (num_frames, num_tracks=3, logits_events=13 (number of classes)) doa_labels: DOA labels, (num_frames, num_tracks=3, logits_degrees=2 (azi in radiance, ele in radiance)) Output: output_dict: return a dict containing dcase output format output_dict[frame-containing-events] = [[class_index_1, azi_1 in degree, ele_1 in degree], [class_index_2, azi_2 in degree, ele_2 in degree]] """ frame_size, num_tracks, num_classes= sed_labels.shape output_dict = {} for n_idx in range(frame_size): for n_track in range(num_tracks): class_index = list(np.where(sed_labels[n_idx, n_track, :])[0]) assert len(class_index) <= 1, 'class_index should be smaller or equal to 1!!\n' if class_index: event_doa = [class_index[0], int(np.around(doa_labels[n_idx, n_track, 0] * 180 / np.pi)), \ int(np.around(doa_labels[n_idx, n_track, 1] * 180 / np.pi))] # NOTE: this is in degree if n_idx not in output_dict: output_dict[n_idx] = [] output_dict[n_idx].append(event_doa) return output_dict def convert_output_format_polar_to_cartesian(in_dict): out_dict = {} for frame_cnt in in_dict.keys(): if frame_cnt not in out_dict: out_dict[frame_cnt] = [] for tmp_val in in_dict[frame_cnt]: ele_rad = tmp_val[2]*np.pi/180. azi_rad = tmp_val[1]*np.pi/180 tmp_label = np.cos(ele_rad) x = np.cos(azi_rad) * tmp_label y = np.sin(azi_rad) * tmp_label z = np.sin(ele_rad) out_dict[frame_cnt].append([tmp_val[0], x, y, z]) return out_dict def convert_output_format_cartesian_to_polar(in_dict): out_dict = {} for frame_cnt in in_dict.keys(): if frame_cnt not in out_dict: out_dict[frame_cnt] = [] for tmp_val in in_dict[frame_cnt]: x, y, z = tmp_val[1], tmp_val[2], tmp_val[3] # in degrees azimuth = np.arctan2(y, x) * 180 / np.pi elevation = np.arctan2(z, np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) * 180 / np.pi r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) out_dict[frame_cnt].append([tmp_val[0], azimuth, elevation]) return out_dict def distance_between_cartesian_coordinates(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2): """ Angular distance between two cartesian coordinates MORE: Check 'From chord length' section :return: angular distance in degrees """ # Normalize the Cartesian vectors N1 = np.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2 + z1**2 + 1e-10) N2 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2 + z2**2 + 1e-10) x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = x1/N1, y1/N1, z1/N1, x2/N2, y2/N2, z2/N2 #Compute the distance dist = x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2 dist = np.clip(dist, -1, 1) dist = np.arccos(dist) * 180 / np.pi return dist ######################################## ########## multi-accdoa ######################################## def get_multi_accdoa_labels(accdoa_in, nb_classes=13): """ Args: accdoa_in: [batch_size, frames, num_track*num_axis*num_class=3*3*13] nb_classes: scalar Return: sed: [num_track, batch_size, frames, num_class=13] doa: [num_track, batch_size, frames, num_axis*num_class=3*13] """ x0, y0, z0 = accdoa_in[:, :, :1*nb_classes], accdoa_in[:, :, 1*nb_classes:2*nb_classes], accdoa_in[:, :, 2*nb_classes:3*nb_classes] sed0 = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2 + z0**2) > 0.5 doa0 = accdoa_in[:, :, :3*nb_classes] x1, y1, z1 = accdoa_in[:, :, 3*nb_classes:4*nb_classes], accdoa_in[:, :, 4*nb_classes:5*nb_classes], accdoa_in[:, :, 5*nb_classes:6*nb_classes] sed1 = np.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2 + z1**2) > 0.5 doa1 = accdoa_in[:, :, 3*nb_classes: 6*nb_classes] x2, y2, z2 = accdoa_in[:, :, 6*nb_classes:7*nb_classes], accdoa_in[:, :, 7*nb_classes:8*nb_classes], accdoa_in[:, :, 8*nb_classes:] sed2 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2 + z2**2) > 0.5 doa2 = accdoa_in[:, :, 6*nb_classes:] sed = np.stack((sed0, sed1, sed2), axis=0) doa = np.stack((doa0, doa1, doa2), axis=0) return sed, doa def determine_similar_location(sed_pred0, sed_pred1, doa_pred0, doa_pred1, class_cnt, thresh_unify, nb_classes): if (sed_pred0 == 1) and (sed_pred1 == 1): if distance_between_cartesian_coordinates(doa_pred0[class_cnt], doa_pred0[class_cnt+1*nb_classes], doa_pred0[class_cnt+2*nb_classes], doa_pred1[class_cnt], doa_pred1[class_cnt+1*nb_classes], doa_pred1[class_cnt+2*nb_classes]) < thresh_unify: return 1 else: return 0 else: return 0 def multi_accdoa_to_dcase_format(sed_pred, doa_pred, threshold_unify=15,nb_classes=13): sed_pred0, sed_pred1, sed_pred2 = sed_pred doa_pred0, doa_pred1, doa_pred2 = doa_pred output_dict = {} for frame_cnt in range(sed_pred0.shape[0]): for class_cnt in range(sed_pred0.shape[1]): # determine whether track0 is similar to track1 flag_0sim1 = determine_similar_location(sed_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt], sed_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred0[frame_cnt], doa_pred1[frame_cnt], class_cnt, threshold_unify, nb_classes) flag_1sim2 = determine_similar_location(sed_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt], sed_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred1[frame_cnt], doa_pred2[frame_cnt], class_cnt, threshold_unify, nb_classes) flag_2sim0 = determine_similar_location(sed_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt], sed_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred2[frame_cnt], doa_pred0[frame_cnt], class_cnt, threshold_unify, nb_classes) # unify or not unify according to flag if flag_0sim1 + flag_1sim2 + flag_2sim0 == 0: if sed_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt]>0.5: if frame_cnt not in output_dict: output_dict[frame_cnt] = [] output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) if sed_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt]>0.5: if frame_cnt not in output_dict: output_dict[frame_cnt] = [] output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) if sed_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt]>0.5: if frame_cnt not in output_dict: output_dict[frame_cnt] = [] output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) elif flag_0sim1 + flag_1sim2 + flag_2sim0 == 1: if frame_cnt not in output_dict: output_dict[frame_cnt] = [] if flag_0sim1: if sed_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt]>0.5: output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred2[frame_cnt][class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) doa_pred_fc = (doa_pred0[frame_cnt] + doa_pred1[frame_cnt]) / 2 output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred_fc[class_cnt], \ doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) elif flag_1sim2: if sed_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt]>0.5: output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred0[frame_cnt][class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) doa_pred_fc = (doa_pred1[frame_cnt] + doa_pred2[frame_cnt]) / 2 output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred_fc[class_cnt], \ doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) elif flag_2sim0: if sed_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt]>0.5: output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt], \ doa_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred1[frame_cnt][class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) doa_pred_fc = (doa_pred2[frame_cnt] + doa_pred0[frame_cnt]) / 2 output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred_fc[class_cnt], \ doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) elif flag_0sim1 + flag_1sim2 + flag_2sim0 >= 2: if frame_cnt not in output_dict: output_dict[frame_cnt] = [] doa_pred_fc = (doa_pred0[frame_cnt] + doa_pred1[frame_cnt] + doa_pred2[frame_cnt]) / 3 output_dict[frame_cnt].append([class_cnt, doa_pred_fc[class_cnt], \ doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+nb_classes], doa_pred_fc[class_cnt+2*nb_classes]]) return output_dict
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import math import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module): """ Positional Encoding proposed in "Attention Is All You Need". Since transformer contains no recurrence and no convolution, in order for the model to make use of the order of the sequence, we must add some positional information. "Attention Is All You Need" use sine and cosine functions of different frequencies: PE_(pos, 2i) = sin(pos / power(10000, 2i / d_model)) PE_(pos, 2i+1) = cos(pos / power(10000, 2i / d_model)) """ def __init__(self, d_model: int = 512, max_len: int = 10000) -> None: super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__() pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model, requires_grad=False) position = torch.arange(0, max_len, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model)) pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term) pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term) pe = pe.unsqueeze(0) self.register_buffer('pe', pe) def forward(self, length: int) -> Tensor: return[:, :length]
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor class Swish(nn.Module): """ Swish is a smooth, non-monotonic function that consistently matches or outperforms ReLU on deep networks applied to a variety of challenging domains such as Image classification and Machine translation. """ def __init__(self): super(Swish, self).__init__() def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: return inputs * inputs.sigmoid() class GLU(nn.Module): """ The gating mechanism is called Gated Linear Units (GLU), which was first introduced for natural language processing in the paper “Language Modeling with Gated Convolutional Networks” """ def __init__(self, dim: int) -> None: super(GLU, self).__init__() self.dim = dim def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: outputs, gate = inputs.chunk(2, dim=self.dim) return outputs * gate.sigmoid()
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.init as init from torch import Tensor class ResidualConnectionModule(nn.Module): """ Residual Connection Module. outputs = (module(inputs) x module_factor + inputs x input_factor) """ def __init__(self, module: nn.Module, module_factor: float = 1.0, input_factor: float = 1.0): super(ResidualConnectionModule, self).__init__() self.module = module self.module_factor = module_factor self.input_factor = input_factor def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: return (self.module(inputs) * self.module_factor) + (inputs * self.input_factor) class Linear(nn.Module): """ Wrapper class of torch.nn.Linear Weight initialize by xavier initialization and bias initialize to zeros. """ def __init__(self, in_features: int, out_features: int, bias: bool = True) -> None: super(Linear, self).__init__() self.linear = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features, bias=bias) init.xavier_uniform_(self.linear.weight) if bias: init.zeros_(self.linear.bias) def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.linear(x) class View(nn.Module): """ Wrapper class of torch.view() for Sequential module. """ def __init__(self, shape: tuple, contiguous: bool = False): super(View, self).__init__() self.shape = shape self.contiguous = contiguous def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: if self.contiguous: x = x.contiguous() return x.view(*self.shape) class Transpose(nn.Module): """ Wrapper class of torch.transpose() for Sequential module. """ def __init__(self, shape: tuple): super(Transpose, self).__init__() self.shape = shape def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: return x.transpose(*self.shape)
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from .decoder import DecoderRNNT from .encoder import ConformerEncoder from .modules import Linear class Conformer(nn.Module): """ Conformer: Convolution-augmented Transformer for Speech Recognition The paper used a one-lstm Transducer decoder, currently still only implemented the conformer encoder shown in the paper. Args: num_classes (int): Number of classification classes input_dim (int, optional): Dimension of input vector encoder_dim (int, optional): Dimension of conformer encoder decoder_dim (int, optional): Dimension of conformer decoder num_encoder_layers (int, optional): Number of conformer blocks num_decoder_layers (int, optional): Number of decoder layers decoder_rnn_type (str, optional): type of RNN cell num_attention_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads feed_forward_expansion_factor (int, optional): Expansion factor of feed forward module conv_expansion_factor (int, optional): Expansion factor of conformer convolution module feed_forward_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of feed forward module dropout attention_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of attention module dropout conv_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of conformer convolution module dropout decoder_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of conformer decoder dropout conv_kernel_size (int or tuple, optional): Size of the convolving kernel half_step_residual (bool): Flag indication whether to use half step residual or not Inputs: inputs - **inputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing input vector - **input_lengths** (batch): list of sequence input lengths Returns: outputs, output_lengths - **outputs** (batch, out_channels, time): Tensor produces by conformer. - **output_lengths** (batch): list of sequence output lengths """ def __init__( self, num_classes: int, input_dim: int = 80, encoder_dim: int = 512, decoder_dim: int = 640, num_encoder_layers: int = 17, num_decoder_layers: int = 1, num_attention_heads: int = 8, feed_forward_expansion_factor: int = 4, conv_expansion_factor: int = 2, input_dropout_p: float = 0.1, feed_forward_dropout_p: float = 0.1, attention_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_dropout_p: float = 0.1, decoder_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_kernel_size: int = 31, half_step_residual: bool = True, decoder_rnn_type: str = "lstm", ) -> None: super(Conformer, self).__init__() self.encoder = ConformerEncoder( input_dim=input_dim, encoder_dim=encoder_dim, num_layers=num_encoder_layers, num_attention_heads=num_attention_heads, feed_forward_expansion_factor=feed_forward_expansion_factor, conv_expansion_factor=conv_expansion_factor, input_dropout_p=input_dropout_p, feed_forward_dropout_p=feed_forward_dropout_p, attention_dropout_p=attention_dropout_p, conv_dropout_p=conv_dropout_p, conv_kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, half_step_residual=half_step_residual, ) self.decoder = DecoderRNNT( num_classes=num_classes, hidden_state_dim=decoder_dim, output_dim=encoder_dim, num_layers=num_decoder_layers, rnn_type=decoder_rnn_type, dropout_p=decoder_dropout_p, ) self.fc = Linear(encoder_dim << 1, num_classes, bias=False) def set_encoder(self, encoder): """ Setter for encoder """ self.encoder = encoder def set_decoder(self, decoder): """ Setter for decoder """ self.decoder = decoder def count_parameters(self) -> int: """ Count parameters of encoder """ num_encoder_parameters = self.encoder.count_parameters() num_decoder_parameters = self.decoder.count_parameters() return num_encoder_parameters + num_decoder_parameters def update_dropout(self, dropout_p) -> None: """ Update dropout probability of model """ self.encoder.update_dropout(dropout_p) self.decoder.update_dropout(dropout_p) def joint(self, encoder_outputs: Tensor, decoder_outputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Joint `encoder_outputs` and `decoder_outputs`. Args: encoder_outputs (torch.FloatTensor): A output sequence of encoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` decoder_outputs (torch.FloatTensor): A output sequence of decoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` Returns: * outputs (torch.FloatTensor): outputs of joint `encoder_outputs` and `decoder_outputs`.. """ if encoder_outputs.dim() == 3 and decoder_outputs.dim() == 3: input_length = encoder_outputs.size(1) target_length = decoder_outputs.size(1) encoder_outputs = encoder_outputs.unsqueeze(2) decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs.unsqueeze(1) encoder_outputs = encoder_outputs.repeat([1, 1, target_length, 1]) decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs.repeat([1, input_length, 1, 1]) outputs =, decoder_outputs), dim=-1) outputs = self.fc(outputs) return outputs def forward( self, inputs: Tensor, input_lengths: Tensor, targets: Tensor, target_lengths: Tensor ) -> Tensor: """ Forward propagate a `inputs` and `targets` pair for training. Args: inputs (torch.FloatTensor): A input sequence passed to encoder. Typically for inputs this will be a padded `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)``. input_lengths (torch.LongTensor): The length of input tensor. ``(batch)`` targets (torch.LongTensr): A target sequence passed to decoder. `IntTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length)`` target_lengths (torch.LongTensor): The length of target tensor. ``(batch)`` Returns: * predictions (torch.FloatTensor): Result of model predictions. """ encoder_outputs, _ = self.encoder(inputs, input_lengths) decoder_outputs, _ = self.decoder(targets, target_lengths) outputs = self.joint(encoder_outputs, decoder_outputs) return outputs @torch.no_grad() def decode(self, encoder_output: Tensor, max_length: int) -> Tensor: """ Decode `encoder_outputs`. Args: encoder_output (torch.FloatTensor): A output sequence of encoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(seq_length, dimension)`` max_length (int): max decoding time step Returns: * predicted_log_probs (torch.FloatTensor): Log probability of model predictions. """ pred_tokens, hidden_state = list(), None decoder_input = encoder_output.new_tensor([[self.decoder.sos_id]], dtype=torch.long) for t in range(max_length): decoder_output, hidden_state = self.decoder(decoder_input, hidden_states=hidden_state) step_output = self.joint(encoder_output[t].view(-1), decoder_output.view(-1)) step_output = step_output.softmax(dim=0) pred_token = step_output.argmax(dim=0) pred_token = int(pred_token.item()) pred_tokens.append(pred_token) decoder_input = step_output.new_tensor([[pred_token]], dtype=torch.long) return torch.LongTensor(pred_tokens) @torch.no_grad() def recognize(self, inputs: Tensor, input_lengths: Tensor): """ Recognize input speech. This method consists of the forward of the encoder and the decode() of the decoder. Args: inputs (torch.FloatTensor): A input sequence passed to encoder. Typically for inputs this will be a padded `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)``. input_lengths (torch.LongTensor): The length of input tensor. ``(batch)`` Returns: * predictions (torch.FloatTensor): Result of model predictions. """ outputs = list() encoder_outputs, output_lengths = self.encoder(inputs, input_lengths) max_length = encoder_outputs.size(1) for encoder_output in encoder_outputs: decoded_seq = self.decode(encoder_output, max_length) outputs.append(decoded_seq) outputs = torch.stack(outputs, dim=1).transpose(0, 1) return outputs
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from typing import Tuple from .feed_forward import FeedForwardModule from .attention import MultiHeadedSelfAttentionModule from .convolution import ( ConformerConvModule, Conv2dSubampling, ) from .modules import ( ResidualConnectionModule, Linear, ) class ConformerBlock(nn.Module): """ Conformer block contains two Feed Forward modules sandwiching the Multi-Headed Self-Attention module and the Convolution module. This sandwich structure is inspired by Macaron-Net, which proposes replacing the original feed-forward layer in the Transformer block into two half-step feed-forward layers, one before the attention layer and one after. Args: encoder_dim (int, optional): Dimension of conformer encoder num_attention_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads feed_forward_expansion_factor (int, optional): Expansion factor of feed forward module conv_expansion_factor (int, optional): Expansion factor of conformer convolution module feed_forward_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of feed forward module dropout attention_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of attention module dropout conv_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of conformer convolution module dropout conv_kernel_size (int or tuple, optional): Size of the convolving kernel half_step_residual (bool): Flag indication whether to use half step residual or not Inputs: inputs - **inputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing input vector Returns: outputs - **outputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor produces by conformer block. """ def __init__( self, encoder_dim: int = 512, num_attention_heads: int = 8, feed_forward_expansion_factor: int = 4, conv_expansion_factor: int = 2, feed_forward_dropout_p: float = 0.1, attention_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_kernel_size: int = 31, half_step_residual: bool = True, ): super(ConformerBlock, self).__init__() if half_step_residual: self.feed_forward_residual_factor = 0.5 else: self.feed_forward_residual_factor = 1 self.sequential = nn.Sequential( ResidualConnectionModule( module=FeedForwardModule( encoder_dim=encoder_dim, expansion_factor=feed_forward_expansion_factor, dropout_p=feed_forward_dropout_p, ), module_factor=self.feed_forward_residual_factor, ), ResidualConnectionModule( module=MultiHeadedSelfAttentionModule( d_model=encoder_dim, num_heads=num_attention_heads, dropout_p=attention_dropout_p, ), ), ResidualConnectionModule( module=ConformerConvModule( in_channels=encoder_dim, kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, expansion_factor=conv_expansion_factor, dropout_p=conv_dropout_p, ), ), ResidualConnectionModule( module=FeedForwardModule( encoder_dim=encoder_dim, expansion_factor=feed_forward_expansion_factor, dropout_p=feed_forward_dropout_p, ), module_factor=self.feed_forward_residual_factor, ), nn.LayerNorm(encoder_dim), ) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.sequential(inputs) class ConformerEncoder(nn.Module): """ Conformer encoder first processes the input with a convolution subsampling layer and then with a number of conformer blocks. Args: input_dim (int, optional): Dimension of input vector encoder_dim (int, optional): Dimension of conformer encoder num_layers (int, optional): Number of conformer blocks num_attention_heads (int, optional): Number of attention heads feed_forward_expansion_factor (int, optional): Expansion factor of feed forward module conv_expansion_factor (int, optional): Expansion factor of conformer convolution module feed_forward_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of feed forward module dropout attention_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of attention module dropout conv_dropout_p (float, optional): Probability of conformer convolution module dropout conv_kernel_size (int or tuple, optional): Size of the convolving kernel half_step_residual (bool): Flag indication whether to use half step residual or not Inputs: inputs, input_lengths - **inputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing input vector - **input_lengths** (batch): list of sequence input lengths Returns: outputs, output_lengths - **outputs** (batch, out_channels, time): Tensor produces by conformer encoder. - **output_lengths** (batch): list of sequence output lengths """ def __init__( self, input_dim: int = 80, encoder_dim: int = 512, num_layers: int = 17, num_attention_heads: int = 8, feed_forward_expansion_factor: int = 4, conv_expansion_factor: int = 2, input_dropout_p: float = 0.1, feed_forward_dropout_p: float = 0.1, attention_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_kernel_size: int = 31, half_step_residual: bool = True, ): super(ConformerEncoder, self).__init__() self.conv_subsample = Conv2dSubampling(in_channels=1, out_channels=encoder_dim) self.input_projection = nn.Sequential( Linear(encoder_dim * (((input_dim - 1) // 2 - 1) // 2), encoder_dim), nn.Dropout(p=input_dropout_p), ) self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ConformerBlock( encoder_dim=encoder_dim, num_attention_heads=num_attention_heads, feed_forward_expansion_factor=feed_forward_expansion_factor, conv_expansion_factor=conv_expansion_factor, feed_forward_dropout_p=feed_forward_dropout_p, attention_dropout_p=attention_dropout_p, conv_dropout_p=conv_dropout_p, conv_kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, half_step_residual=half_step_residual, ) for _ in range(num_layers)]) def count_parameters(self) -> int: """ Count parameters of encoder """ return sum([p.numel for p in self.parameters()]) def update_dropout(self, dropout_p: float) -> None: """ Update dropout probability of encoder """ for name, child in self.named_children(): if isinstance(child, nn.Dropout): child.p = dropout_p def forward(self, inputs: Tensor, input_lengths: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Forward propagate a `inputs` for encoder training. Args: inputs (torch.FloatTensor): A input sequence passed to encoder. Typically for inputs this will be a padded `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)``. input_lengths (torch.LongTensor): The length of input tensor. ``(batch)`` Returns: (Tensor, Tensor) * outputs (torch.FloatTensor): A output sequence of encoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` * output_lengths (torch.LongTensor): The length of output tensor. ``(batch)`` """ outputs, output_lengths = self.conv_subsample(inputs, input_lengths) outputs = self.input_projection(outputs) for layer in self.layers: outputs = layer(outputs) return outputs, output_lengths class ConformerBlocks(nn.Module): def __init__( self, encoder_dim: int = 512, num_attention_heads: int = 8, feed_forward_expansion_factor: int = 4, conv_expansion_factor: int = 2, feed_forward_dropout_p: float = 0.1, attention_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_dropout_p: float = 0.1, conv_kernel_size: int = 31, half_step_residual: bool = True, num_layers: int = 2 ): super(ConformerBlocks, self).__init__() self.layers = nn.ModuleList([ConformerBlock( encoder_dim=encoder_dim, num_attention_heads=num_attention_heads, feed_forward_expansion_factor=feed_forward_expansion_factor, conv_expansion_factor=conv_expansion_factor, feed_forward_dropout_p=feed_forward_dropout_p, attention_dropout_p=attention_dropout_p, conv_dropout_p=conv_dropout_p, conv_kernel_size=conv_kernel_size, half_step_residual=half_step_residual, ) for _ in range(num_layers)]) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: for layer in self.layers: inputs = layer(inputs) return inputs
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from typing import Tuple from .activation import Swish, GLU from .modules import Transpose class DepthwiseConv1d(nn.Module): """ When groups == in_channels and out_channels == K * in_channels, where K is a positive integer, this operation is termed in literature as depthwise convolution. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution kernel_size (int or tuple): Size of the convolving kernel stride (int, optional): Stride of the convolution. Default: 1 padding (int or tuple, optional): Zero-padding added to both sides of the input. Default: 0 bias (bool, optional): If True, adds a learnable bias to the output. Default: True Inputs: inputs - **inputs** (batch, in_channels, time): Tensor containing input vector Returns: outputs - **outputs** (batch, out_channels, time): Tensor produces by depthwise 1-D convolution. """ def __init__( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: int, stride: int = 1, padding: int = 0, bias: bool = False, ) -> None: super(DepthwiseConv1d, self).__init__() assert out_channels % in_channels == 0, "out_channels should be constant multiple of in_channels" self.conv = nn.Conv1d( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, groups=in_channels, stride=stride, padding=padding, bias=bias, ) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.conv(inputs) class PointwiseConv1d(nn.Module): """ When kernel size == 1 conv1d, this operation is termed in literature as pointwise convolution. This operation often used to match dimensions. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution stride (int, optional): Stride of the convolution. Default: 1 padding (int or tuple, optional): Zero-padding added to both sides of the input. Default: 0 bias (bool, optional): If True, adds a learnable bias to the output. Default: True Inputs: inputs - **inputs** (batch, in_channels, time): Tensor containing input vector Returns: outputs - **outputs** (batch, out_channels, time): Tensor produces by pointwise 1-D convolution. """ def __init__( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, stride: int = 1, padding: int = 0, bias: bool = True, ) -> None: super(PointwiseConv1d, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv1d( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, padding=padding, bias=bias, ) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.conv(inputs) class ConformerConvModule(nn.Module): """ Conformer convolution module starts with a pointwise convolution and a gated linear unit (GLU). This is followed by a single 1-D depthwise convolution layer. Batchnorm is deployed just after the convolution to aid training deep models. Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input kernel_size (int or tuple, optional): Size of the convolving kernel Default: 31 dropout_p (float, optional): probability of dropout Inputs: inputs inputs (batch, time, dim): Tensor contains input sequences Outputs: outputs outputs (batch, time, dim): Tensor produces by conformer convolution module. """ def __init__( self, in_channels: int, kernel_size: int = 31, expansion_factor: int = 2, dropout_p: float = 0.1, ) -> None: super(ConformerConvModule, self).__init__() assert (kernel_size - 1) % 2 == 0, "kernel_size should be a odd number for 'SAME' padding" assert expansion_factor == 2, "Currently, Only Supports expansion_factor 2" self.sequential = nn.Sequential( nn.LayerNorm(in_channels), Transpose(shape=(1, 2)), PointwiseConv1d(in_channels, in_channels * expansion_factor, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True), GLU(dim=1), DepthwiseConv1d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2), nn.BatchNorm1d(in_channels), Swish(), PointwiseConv1d(in_channels, in_channels, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True), nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p), ) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.sequential(inputs).transpose(1, 2) class Conv2dSubampling(nn.Module): """ Convolutional 2D subsampling (to 1/4 length) Args: in_channels (int): Number of channels in the input image out_channels (int): Number of channels produced by the convolution Inputs: inputs - **inputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing sequence of inputs Returns: outputs, output_lengths - **outputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor produced by the convolution - **output_lengths** (batch): list of sequence output lengths """ def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int) -> None: super(Conv2dSubampling, self).__init__() self.sequential = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.ReLU(), nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2), nn.ReLU(), ) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor, input_lengths: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: outputs = self.sequential(inputs.unsqueeze(1)) batch_size, channels, subsampled_lengths, sumsampled_dim = outputs.size() outputs = outputs.permute(0, 2, 1, 3) outputs = outputs.contiguous().view(batch_size, subsampled_lengths, channels * sumsampled_dim) output_lengths = input_lengths >> 2 output_lengths -= 1 return outputs, output_lengths
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from .activation import Swish from .modules import Linear class FeedForwardModule(nn.Module): """ Conformer Feed Forward Module follow pre-norm residual units and apply layer normalization within the residual unit and on the input before the first linear layer. This module also apply Swish activation and dropout, which helps regularizing the network. Args: encoder_dim (int): Dimension of conformer encoder expansion_factor (int): Expansion factor of feed forward module. dropout_p (float): Ratio of dropout Inputs: inputs - **inputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor contains input sequences Outputs: outputs - **outputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor produces by feed forward module. """ def __init__( self, encoder_dim: int = 512, expansion_factor: int = 4, dropout_p: float = 0.1, ) -> None: super(FeedForwardModule, self).__init__() self.sequential = nn.Sequential( nn.LayerNorm(encoder_dim), Linear(encoder_dim, encoder_dim * expansion_factor, bias=True), Swish(), nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p), Linear(encoder_dim * expansion_factor, encoder_dim, bias=True), nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p), ) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor) -> Tensor: return self.sequential(inputs)
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor from typing import Tuple from .modules import Linear class DecoderRNNT(nn.Module): """ Decoder of RNN-Transducer Args: num_classes (int): number of classification hidden_state_dim (int, optional): hidden state dimension of decoder (default: 512) output_dim (int, optional): output dimension of encoder and decoder (default: 512) num_layers (int, optional): number of decoder layers (default: 1) rnn_type (str, optional): type of rnn cell (default: lstm) sos_id (int, optional): start of sentence identification eos_id (int, optional): end of sentence identification dropout_p (float, optional): dropout probability of decoder Inputs: inputs, input_lengths inputs (torch.LongTensor): A target sequence passed to decoder. `IntTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length)`` input_lengths (torch.LongTensor): The length of input tensor. ``(batch)`` hidden_states (torch.FloatTensor): A previous hidden state of decoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` Returns: (Tensor, Tensor): * decoder_outputs (torch.FloatTensor): A output sequence of decoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` * hidden_states (torch.FloatTensor): A hidden state of decoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` """ supported_rnns = { 'lstm': nn.LSTM, 'gru': nn.GRU, 'rnn': nn.RNN, } def __init__( self, num_classes: int, hidden_state_dim: int, output_dim: int, num_layers: int, rnn_type: str = 'lstm', sos_id: int = 1, eos_id: int = 2, dropout_p: float = 0.2, ): super(DecoderRNNT, self).__init__() self.hidden_state_dim = hidden_state_dim self.sos_id = sos_id self.eos_id = eos_id self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_classes, hidden_state_dim) rnn_cell = self.supported_rnns[rnn_type.lower()] self.rnn = rnn_cell( input_size=hidden_state_dim, hidden_size=hidden_state_dim, num_layers=num_layers, bias=True, batch_first=True, dropout=dropout_p, bidirectional=False, ) self.out_proj = Linear(hidden_state_dim, output_dim) def count_parameters(self) -> int: """ Count parameters of encoder """ return sum([p.numel for p in self.parameters()]) def update_dropout(self, dropout_p: float) -> None: """ Update dropout probability of encoder """ for name, child in self.named_children(): if isinstance(child, nn.Dropout): child.p = dropout_p def forward( self, inputs: Tensor, input_lengths: Tensor = None, hidden_states: Tensor = None, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """ Forward propage a `inputs` (targets) for training. Args: inputs (torch.LongTensor): A target sequence passed to decoder. `IntTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length)`` input_lengths (torch.LongTensor): The length of input tensor. ``(batch)`` hidden_states (torch.FloatTensor): A previous hidden state of decoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` Returns: (Tensor, Tensor): * decoder_outputs (torch.FloatTensor): A output sequence of decoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` * hidden_states (torch.FloatTensor): A hidden state of decoder. `FloatTensor` of size ``(batch, seq_length, dimension)`` """ embedded = self.embedding(inputs) if input_lengths is not None: embedded = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(embedded.transpose(0, 1), input_lengths.cpu()) outputs, hidden_states = self.rnn(embedded, hidden_states) outputs, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(outputs) outputs = self.out_proj(outputs.transpose(0, 1)) else: outputs, hidden_states = self.rnn(embedded, hidden_states) outputs = self.out_proj(outputs) return outputs, hidden_states
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from methods.ein_seld.models.conformer.model import Conformer
# Copyright (c) 2021, Soohwan Kim. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Reference: import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import Tensor from typing import Optional from .embedding import PositionalEncoding from .modules import Linear class RelativeMultiHeadAttention(nn.Module): """ Multi-head attention with relative positional encoding. This concept was proposed in the "Transformer-XL: Attentive Language Models Beyond a Fixed-Length Context" Args: d_model (int): The dimension of model num_heads (int): The number of attention heads. dropout_p (float): probability of dropout Inputs: query, key, value, pos_embedding, mask - **query** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing query vector - **key** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing key vector - **value** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing value vector - **pos_embedding** (batch, time, dim): Positional embedding tensor - **mask** (batch, 1, time2) or (batch, time1, time2): Tensor containing indices to be masked Returns: - **outputs**: Tensor produces by relative multi head attention module. """ def __init__( self, d_model: int = 512, num_heads: int = 16, dropout_p: float = 0.1, ): super(RelativeMultiHeadAttention, self).__init__() assert d_model % num_heads == 0, "d_model % num_heads should be zero." self.d_model = d_model self.d_head = int(d_model / num_heads) self.num_heads = num_heads self.sqrt_dim = math.sqrt(d_model) self.query_proj = Linear(d_model, d_model) self.key_proj = Linear(d_model, d_model) self.value_proj = Linear(d_model, d_model) self.pos_proj = Linear(d_model, d_model, bias=False) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p) self.u_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.num_heads, self.d_head)) self.v_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.num_heads, self.d_head)) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.u_bias) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.v_bias) self.out_proj = Linear(d_model, d_model) def forward( self, query: Tensor, key: Tensor, value: Tensor, pos_embedding: Tensor, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, ) -> Tensor: batch_size = value.size(0) query = self.query_proj(query).view(batch_size, -1, self.num_heads, self.d_head) key = self.key_proj(key).view(batch_size, -1, self.num_heads, self.d_head).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) value = self.value_proj(value).view(batch_size, -1, self.num_heads, self.d_head).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) pos_embedding = self.pos_proj(pos_embedding).view(batch_size, -1, self.num_heads, self.d_head) content_score = torch.matmul((query + self.u_bias).transpose(1, 2), key.transpose(2, 3)) pos_score = torch.matmul((query + self.v_bias).transpose(1, 2), pos_embedding.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)) pos_score = self._relative_shift(pos_score) score = (content_score + pos_score) / self.sqrt_dim if mask is not None: mask = mask.unsqueeze(1) score.masked_fill_(mask, -1e9) attn = F.softmax(score, -1) attn = self.dropout(attn) context = torch.matmul(attn, value).transpose(1, 2) context = context.contiguous().view(batch_size, -1, self.d_model) return self.out_proj(context) def _relative_shift(self, pos_score: Tensor) -> Tensor: batch_size, num_heads, seq_length1, seq_length2 = pos_score.size() zeros = pos_score.new_zeros(batch_size, num_heads, seq_length1, 1) padded_pos_score =[zeros, pos_score], dim=-1) padded_pos_score = padded_pos_score.view(batch_size, num_heads, seq_length2 + 1, seq_length1) pos_score = padded_pos_score[:, :, 1:].view_as(pos_score) return pos_score class MultiHeadedSelfAttentionModule(nn.Module): """ Conformer employ multi-headed self-attention (MHSA) while integrating an important technique from Transformer-XL, the relative sinusoidal positional encoding scheme. The relative positional encoding allows the self-attention module to generalize better on different input length and the resulting encoder is more robust to the variance of the utterance length. Conformer use prenorm residual units with dropout which helps training and regularizing deeper models. Args: d_model (int): The dimension of model num_heads (int): The number of attention heads. dropout_p (float): probability of dropout Inputs: inputs, mask - **inputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor containing input vector - **mask** (batch, 1, time2) or (batch, time1, time2): Tensor containing indices to be masked Returns: - **outputs** (batch, time, dim): Tensor produces by relative multi headed self attention module. """ def __init__(self, d_model: int, num_heads: int, dropout_p: float = 0.1): super(MultiHeadedSelfAttentionModule, self).__init__() self.positional_encoding = PositionalEncoding(d_model) self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(d_model) self.attention = RelativeMultiHeadAttention(d_model, num_heads, dropout_p) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout_p) def forward(self, inputs: Tensor, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None): batch_size, seq_length, _ = inputs.size() pos_embedding = self.positional_encoding(seq_length) pos_embedding = pos_embedding.repeat(batch_size, 1, 1) inputs = self.layer_norm(inputs) outputs = self.attention(inputs, inputs, inputs, pos_embedding=pos_embedding, mask=mask) return self.dropout(outputs)
from pathlib import Path import h5py import numpy as np import torch from tqdm import tqdm from methods.inference import BaseInferer from methods.utils.data_utilities import * class Inferer(BaseInferer): def __init__(self, cfg, dataset, af_extractor, model, cuda, test_set=None): super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.af_extractor = af_extractor self.model = model self.cuda = cuda self.dataset = dataset self.paths_dict = test_set.paths_dict # Scalar cfg_data = cfg['data'] dataset_name = '_'.join(sorted(str(cfg['dataset_synth']).split(','))) scalar_h5_dir = Path(cfg['hdf5_dir']).joinpath(cfg['dataset']).joinpath('data').\ joinpath('{}fs'.format(cfg_data['sample_rate'])).joinpath('scalar') fn_scalar = '{}_nfft{}_hop{}_mel{}_{}.h5'.format(cfg['data']['audio_feature'], \ cfg_data['nfft'], cfg_data['hoplen'], cfg_data['n_mels'], dataset_name) self.scalar_path = scalar_h5_dir.joinpath(fn_scalar) if self.scalar_path.is_file(): print('scalar path is used!', self.scalar_path) with h5py.File(self.scalar_path, 'r') as hf: self.mean = hf['mean'][:] self.std = hf['std'][:] if self.cuda: self.mean = torch.tensor(self.mean, dtype=torch.float32).cuda(non_blocking=True) self.std = torch.tensor(self.std, dtype=torch.float32).cuda(non_blocking=True) self.label_resolution = dataset.label_resolution def infer(self, generator): pred_sed_list, pred_doa_list = [], [] iterator = tqdm(generator) for batch_sample in iterator: batch_x = batch_sample['data'] if self.cuda: batch_x = batch_x.cuda(non_blocking=True) with torch.no_grad(): if self.af_extractor: self.af_extractor.eval() batch_x = self.af_extractor(batch_x) self.model.eval() if self.scalar_path.is_file(): batch_x = (batch_x - self.mean) / self.std pred = self.model(batch_x) pred['sed'] = torch.sigmoid(pred['sed']) pred_sed_list.append(pred['sed'].cpu().detach().numpy()) pred_doa_list.append(pred['doa'].cpu().detach().numpy()) iterator.close() pred_sed = np.concatenate(pred_sed_list, axis=0) pred_doa = np.concatenate(pred_doa_list, axis=0) pred_sed = pred_sed.reshape((pred_sed.shape[0] * pred_sed.shape[1], 3, -1)) pred_doa = pred_doa.reshape((pred_doa.shape[0] * pred_doa.shape[1], 3, -1)) pred = { 'sed': pred_sed, 'doa': pred_doa } return pred def fusion(self, submissions_dir, predictions_dir, preds): """ Average ensamble predictions """ num_preds = len(preds) pred_sed = [] pred_doa = [] for n in range(num_preds): pred_sed.append(preds[n]['sed']) pred_doa.append(preds[n]['doa']) pred_sed = np.array(pred_sed).mean(axis=0) # Ensemble pred_doa = np.array(pred_doa).mean(axis=0) # Ensemble prediction_path = predictions_dir.joinpath('predictions.h5') with h5py.File(prediction_path, 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset(name='sed', data=pred_sed, dtype=np.float32) hf.create_dataset(name='doa', data=pred_doa, dtype=np.float32) N = pred_sed.shape[0] pred_sed_max = pred_sed.max(axis=-1) pred_sed_max_idx = pred_sed.argmax(axis=-1) pred_sed = np.zeros_like(pred_sed) for b_idx in range(N): for track_idx in range(3): pred_sed[b_idx, track_idx, pred_sed_max_idx[b_idx, track_idx]] = \ pred_sed_max[b_idx, track_idx] pred_sed = (pred_sed > self.cfg['inference']['threshold_sed']).astype(np.float32) # convert Catesian to Spherical azi = np.arctan2(pred_doa[..., 1], pred_doa[..., 0]) elev = np.arctan2(pred_doa[..., 2], np.sqrt(pred_doa[..., 0]**2 + pred_doa[..., 1]**2)) pred_doa = np.stack((azi, elev), axis=-1) # (N, tracks, (azi, elev)) frame_ind = 0 for idx, path in enumerate(self.paths_dict): loc_frames = self.paths_dict[path] fn = path.split('/')[-1].replace('h5','csv') num_frames = int(np.ceil(loc_frames / (self.cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec'] / self.label_resolution)) *\ (self.cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec'] / self.label_resolution)) pred_dcase_format = track_to_dcase_format(pred_sed[frame_ind:frame_ind+loc_frames], pred_doa[frame_ind:frame_ind+loc_frames]) csv_path = submissions_dir.joinpath(fn) write_output_format_file(csv_path, pred_dcase_format) frame_ind += num_frames print('Rsults are saved to {}\n'.format(str(submissions_dir)))
import numpy as np import torch import sys from methods.utils.loss_utilities import BCEWithLogitsLoss, MSELoss from torch import linalg as LA from itertools import permutations class Losses: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg self.beta = cfg['training']['loss_beta'] self.losses = [BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='mean'), MSELoss(reduction='mean')] self.losses_pit = [BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='PIT'), MSELoss(reduction='PIT')] self.names = ['loss_all'] + [ for loss in self.losses] def calculate(self, pred, target, epoch_it=0): if 'PIT' not in self.cfg['training']['PIT_type']: loss_sed = self.losses[0].calculate_loss(pred['sed'], target['sed']) loss_doa = self.losses[1].calculate_loss(pred['doa'], target['doa']) elif self.cfg['training']['PIT_type'] == 'tPIT': loss_sed, loss_doa = self.tPIT(pred, target) loss_all = self.beta * loss_sed + (1 - self.beta) * loss_doa losses_dict = { 'all': loss_all, 'sed': loss_sed, 'doa': loss_doa, } return losses_dict #### modify tracks def tPIT(self, pred, target): """Frame Permutation Invariant Training for 6 possible combinations Args: pred: { 'sed': [batch_size, T, num_tracks=3, num_classes], 'doa': [batch_size, T, num_tracks=3, doas=3] } target: { 'sed': [batch_size, T, num_tracks=3, num_classes], 'doa': [batch_size, T, num_tracks=3, doas=3] } Return: loss_sed: Find a possible permutation to get the lowest loss of sed. loss_doa: Find a possible permutation to get the lowest loss of doa. """ perm_list = list(permutations(range(pred['doa'].shape[2]))) loss_sed_list = [] loss_doa_list = [] loss_list = [] loss_sed = 0 loss_doa = 0 updated_target_doa = 0 updated_target_sed = 0 for idx, perm in enumerate(perm_list): loss_sed_list.append(self.losses_pit[0].calculate_loss(pred['sed'], target['sed'][:,:,list(perm),:])) loss_doa_list.append(self.losses_pit[1].calculate_loss(pred['doa'], target['doa'][:,:,list(perm),:])) loss_list.append(loss_sed_list[idx]+loss_doa_list[idx]) loss_list = torch.stack(loss_list, dim=0) loss_idx = torch.argmin(loss_list, dim=0) for idx, perm in enumerate(perm_list): loss_sed += loss_sed_list[idx] * (loss_idx == idx) loss_doa += loss_doa_list[idx] * (loss_idx == idx) updated_target_doa += target['doa'][:, :, list(perm), :] * ((loss_idx == idx)[:, :, None, None]) updated_target_sed += target['sed'][:, :, list(perm), :] * ((loss_idx == idx)[:, :, None, None]) loss_sed = loss_sed.mean() loss_doa = loss_doa.mean() updated_target = { 'doa': updated_target_doa, 'sed': updated_target_sed, } return loss_sed, loss_doa
from pathlib import Path import random import sys from timeit import default_timer as timer import h5py import numpy as np import torch from import BaseTrainer from utils.ddp_init import reduce_value, gather_value, get_rank, get_world_size from methods.utils.data_utilities import track_to_dcase_format, to_metrics_format class Trainer(BaseTrainer): def __init__(self, args, cfg, dataset, af_extractor, valid_set, model, optimizer, losses, metrics): super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.af_extractor = af_extractor self.model = model self.optimizer = optimizer self.losses = losses self.metrics = metrics self.cuda = args.cuda self.max_ov = dataset.max_ov self.rank = get_rank() self.world_size = get_world_size() self.label_resolution = dataset.label_resolution # Load ground truth for dcase metrics self.valid_paths_dict = valid_set.paths_dict self.gt_metrics_dict = valid_set.gt_metrics_dict self.points_per_predictions = valid_set.points_per_predictions # Scalar cfg_data = cfg['data'] dataset_name = '_'.join(sorted(str(cfg['dataset_synth']).split(','))) scalar_h5_dir = Path(cfg['hdf5_dir']).joinpath(cfg['dataset']).joinpath('data').\ joinpath('{}fs'.format(cfg_data['sample_rate'])).joinpath('scalar') fn_scalar = '{}_nfft{}_hop{}_mel{}_{}.h5'.format(cfg['data']['audio_feature'], \ cfg_data['nfft'], cfg_data['hoplen'], cfg_data['n_mels'], dataset_name) self.scalar_path = scalar_h5_dir.joinpath(fn_scalar) if self.scalar_path.is_file(): print('scalar path is used!', self.scalar_path) with h5py.File(self.scalar_path, 'r') as hf: self.mean = hf['mean'][:] self.std = hf['std'][:] if args.cuda: self.mean = torch.tensor(self.mean, dtype=torch.float32).to(self.rank) self.std = torch.tensor(self.std, dtype=torch.float32).to(self.rank) self.init_train_losses() def init_train_losses(self): """ Initialize train losses """ self.train_losses = { 'loss_all': 0., 'loss_sed': 0., 'loss_doa': 0., } def train_step(self, batch_sample, epoch_it): """ Perform a train step """ batch_x = batch_sample['data'] batch_target = { 'sed': batch_sample['sed_label'], 'doa': batch_sample['doa_label'], 'ov': batch_sample['ov'], } if self.cuda: batch_x =, non_blocking=True) batch_target['sed'] = batch_target['sed'].to(self.rank, non_blocking=True) batch_target['doa'] = batch_target['doa'].to(self.rank, non_blocking=True) self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.af_extractor: self.af_extractor.train() batch_x = self.af_extractor(batch_x) self.model.train() if self.scalar_path.is_file(): batch_x = (batch_x - self.mean) / self.std pred = self.model(batch_x) loss_dict = self.losses.calculate(pred, batch_target) loss_dict[self.cfg['training']['loss_type']].backward() self.optimizer.step() self.train_losses['loss_all'] += loss_dict['all'].detach() self.train_losses['loss_sed'] += loss_dict['sed'].detach() self.train_losses['loss_doa'] += loss_dict['doa'].detach() def validate_step(self, generator=None, max_batch_num=None, valid_type='train', epoch_it=0): """ Perform the validation on the train, valid set Generate a batch of segmentations each time """ if valid_type == 'train': train_losses = self.train_losses.copy() self.init_train_losses() return train_losses elif valid_type == 'valid': pred_sed_list, pred_doa_list = [], [] loss_all, loss_sed, loss_doa = 0., 0., 0. for batch_idx, batch_sample in enumerate(generator): if batch_idx == max_batch_num: break batch_x = batch_sample['data'] batch_target = { 'sed': batch_sample['sed_label'], 'doa': batch_sample['doa_label'], } if self.cuda: batch_x =, non_blocking=True) batch_target['sed'] = batch_target['sed'].to(self.rank, non_blocking=True) batch_target['doa'] = batch_target['doa'].to(self.rank, non_blocking=True) with torch.no_grad(): if self.af_extractor: self.af_extractor.eval() batch_x = self.af_extractor(batch_x) self.model.eval() if self.scalar_path.is_file(): batch_x = (batch_x - self.mean) / self.std pred = self.model(batch_x) loss_dict = self.losses.calculate(pred, batch_target, epoch_it) pred['sed'] = torch.sigmoid(pred['sed']) loss_all += loss_dict['all'].detach() loss_sed += loss_dict['sed'].detach() loss_doa += loss_dict['doa'].detach() pred_sed_list.append(pred['sed'].detach()) pred_doa_list.append(pred['doa'].detach()) pred_sed = torch.concat(pred_sed_list, axis=0) pred_doa = torch.concat(pred_doa_list, axis=0) # gather data pred_sed = gather_value(pred_sed).cpu().numpy() pred_doa = gather_value(pred_doa).cpu().numpy() pred_sed_max = pred_sed.max(axis=-1) pred_sed_max_idx = pred_sed.argmax(axis=-1) pred_sed = np.zeros_like(pred_sed) for b_idx in range(pred_sed.shape[0]): for t_idx in range(pred_sed.shape[1]): for track_idx in range(self.max_ov): pred_sed[b_idx, t_idx, track_idx, pred_sed_max_idx[b_idx, t_idx, track_idx]] = \ pred_sed_max[b_idx, t_idx, track_idx] pred_sed = (pred_sed > self.cfg['training']['threshold_sed']).astype(np.float32) pred_sed = pred_sed.reshape(pred_sed.shape[0] * pred_sed.shape[1], self.max_ov, -1) pred_doa = pred_doa.reshape(pred_doa.shape[0] * pred_doa.shape[1], self.max_ov, -1) # convert Catesian to Spherical azi = np.arctan2(pred_doa[..., 1], pred_doa[..., 0]) elev = np.arctan2(pred_doa[..., 2], np.sqrt(pred_doa[..., 0]**2 + pred_doa[..., 1]**2)) pred_doa = np.stack((azi, elev), axis=-1) # (N, tracks, (azi, elev)) frame_ind = 0 for _, path in enumerate(self.valid_paths_dict): loc_frames = self.valid_paths_dict[path] num_frames = int(np.ceil(loc_frames / (self.cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec'] / self.label_resolution)) *\ (self.cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec'] / self.label_resolution)) pred_dcase_format = track_to_dcase_format(pred_sed[frame_ind:frame_ind+loc_frames], pred_doa[frame_ind:frame_ind+loc_frames]) pred_metrics_format = to_metrics_format(pred_dcase_format, num_frames=loc_frames) frame_ind += num_frames self.metrics.update(pred_metrics_format, self.gt_metrics_dict[path]) out_losses = { 'loss_all': loss_all / (batch_idx + 1), 'loss_sed': loss_sed / (batch_idx + 1), 'loss_doa': loss_doa / (batch_idx + 1), } for k, v in out_losses.items(): out_losses[k] = reduce_value(v).cpu().numpy() metrics_scores = self.metrics.calculate() return out_losses, metrics_scores
from pathlib import Path import pandas as pd from timeit import default_timer as timer import h5py import numpy as np import torch from methods.utils.data_utilities import load_output_format_file, to_metrics_format from import Dataset, Sampler from utils.common import int16_samples_to_float32 from utils.ddp_init import get_rank, get_world_size class UserDataset(Dataset): """ User defined datset """ def __init__(self, cfg, dataset, dataset_type='train'): """ Args: cfg: configurations dataset: dataset used dataset_type: 'train' | 'dev' | 'fold4_test' | 'eval_test' . 'train' and 'dev' are only used while training. 'fold4_test' and 'eval_test' are only used while infering. """ super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.dataset_type = dataset_type self.label_resolution = dataset.label_resolution self.max_ov = dataset.max_ov self.num_classes = dataset.num_classes self.rank = get_rank() self.num_replicas = get_world_size() self.audio_feature = cfg['data']['audio_feature'] self.data_type = 'wav' if cfg['data']['audio_feature'] == 'logmelIV' else 'feature' dataset_stage = 'eval' if 'eval' in dataset_type else 'dev' # data dir hdf5_dir = Path(cfg['hdf5_dir']).joinpath(cfg['dataset']) main_data_dir = hdf5_dir.joinpath('data').joinpath('{}fs'.format(cfg['data']['sample_rate']))\ .joinpath(self.data_type) dataset_list = str(cfg['dataset_synth']).split(',') dataset_list.append('STARSS22') if self.data_type == 'feature': self.data_dir = main_data_dir.joinpath(dataset_stage).joinpath(cfg['data']['audio_feature']) self.points_per_predictions = int(dataset.label_resolution / (cfg['data']['hoplen'] / cfg['data']['sample_rate'])) else: self.data_dir = main_data_dir.joinpath(dataset_stage).joinpath(cfg['data']['type']) self.points_per_predictions = cfg['data']['sample_rate'] * dataset.label_resolution # mete dir label_dir = hdf5_dir.joinpath('label') self.frame_meta_dir = label_dir.joinpath('frame') # self.track_meta_dir = label_dir.joinpath('track_pit_ov{}of5'.format(dataset.max_ov)).joinpath(dataset_stage) self.track_meta_dir = label_dir.joinpath('track_pit_ov{}of5_discontinuous'.format(dataset.max_ov)).joinpath(dataset_stage) # segments_list: data path and n_th segment if self.dataset_type == 'train': indexes_path = main_data_dir.joinpath('{}set_{}sChunklen_{}sHoplen_train.csv'\ .format(dataset_stage, cfg['data']['train_chunklen_sec'], cfg['data']['train_hoplen_sec'])) segments_indexes = pd.read_csv(indexes_path, header=None).values train_fold = ['fold'+fold.strip() for fold in str(cfg['training']['train_fold']).split(',')] segments_indexes = [segment for segment in segments_indexes for _dataset in dataset_list if _dataset in segment[0]] self.segments_list = [clip_segment for clip_segment in segments_indexes \ for fold in train_fold if fold in clip_segment[0] ] elif self.dataset_type == 'dev': indexes_path = main_data_dir.joinpath('{}set_{}sChunklen_{}sHoplen_test.csv'\ .format(dataset_stage, cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec'], cfg['data']['test_hoplen_sec'])) segments_indexes = pd.read_csv(indexes_path, header=None).values valid_fold = ['fold'+fold.strip() for fold in str(cfg['training']['valid_fold']).split(',')] segments_indexes = [segment for segment in segments_indexes for _dataset in dataset_list if _dataset in segment[0]] self.segments_list = [clip_segment for clip_segment in segments_indexes \ for fold in valid_fold if fold in clip_segment[0] ] # load metadata self.paths_dict = {} # {path: num_frames} for segment in self.segments_list: self.paths_dict[segment[0]] = int(np.ceil(segment[2]/self.points_per_predictions)) # each gpu use different sampler (the same as DistributedSampler) num_segments_per_gpu = int(np.ceil(len(self.segments_list) / self.num_replicas)) self.segments_list = self.segments_list[self.rank * num_segments_per_gpu : (self.rank+1) * num_segments_per_gpu] self.gt_metrics_dict = {} # {path: metrics_dict} for file in self.paths_dict: path = self.frame_meta_dir.joinpath(str(file).replace('h5', 'csv')) valid_gt_dcaseformat = load_output_format_file(path) self.gt_metrics_dict[file] = to_metrics_format(label_dict=valid_gt_dcaseformat, \ num_frames=self.paths_dict[file], label_resolution=self.label_resolution) elif 'test' in self.dataset_type: indexes_path = main_data_dir.joinpath('{}set_{}sChunklen_{}sHoplen_train.csv'\ .format(dataset_stage, cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec'], cfg['data']['test_hoplen_sec'])) segments_indexes = pd.read_csv(indexes_path, header=None).values # test_fold = ['fold'+fold.strip() for fold in str(cfg['inference']['test_fold']).split(',')] test_fold = ['fold'+fold.strip() for fold in str(cfg['inference']['test_fold']).split(',')] \ if 'eval' not in dataset_type else ['mix'] self.segments_list = [clip_segment for clip_segment in segments_indexes \ for fold in test_fold if fold in clip_segment[0] ] self.paths_dict = {} # {path: num_frames} for segment in self.segments_list: self.paths_dict[segment[0]] = int(np.ceil(segment[2]/self.points_per_predictions)) def __len__(self): """Get length of the dataset """ return len(self.segments_list) def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Read features from the dataset """ clip_indexes = self.segments_list[idx] fn, segments = clip_indexes[0], clip_indexes[1:] data_path = self.data_dir.joinpath(fn) index_begin = segments[0] index_end = segments[1] pad_width_before = segments[2] pad_width_after = segments[3] if self.data_type == 'wav': with h5py.File(data_path, 'r') as hf: x = int16_samples_to_float32(hf['waveform'][:, index_begin: index_end]) pad_width = ((0, 0), (pad_width_before, pad_width_after)) else: with h5py.File(data_path, 'r') as hf: x = hf['feature'][:, index_begin: index_end] pad_width = ((0, 0), (pad_width_before, pad_width_after), (0, 0)) x = np.pad(x, pad_width, mode='constant') if 'test' not in self.dataset_type: meta_path = self.track_meta_dir.joinpath(fn) index_begin_label = int(index_begin / self.points_per_predictions) index_end_label = int(index_end / self.points_per_predictions) with h5py.File(meta_path, 'r') as hf: sed_label = hf['sed_label'][index_begin_label: index_end_label, ...] doa_label = hf['doa_label'][index_begin_label: index_end_label, ...] pad_width_after_label = int(self.cfg['data']['train_chunklen_sec'] / self.label_resolution - sed_label.shape[0]) if pad_width_after_label != 0: sed_label_new = np.zeros((pad_width_after_label, self.max_ov, self.num_classes)) sed_label = np.concatenate((sed_label, sed_label_new), axis=0) doa_label_new = np.zeros((pad_width_after_label, self.max_ov, 3)) doa_label = np.concatenate((doa_label, doa_label_new), axis=0) if 'test' not in self.dataset_type: sample = { 'filename': fn, 'data': x, 'sed_label': sed_label, 'doa_label': doa_label, 'ov': str(max(np.sum(sed_label, axis=(1,2)).max(),1)), } else: sample = { 'filename': fn, 'data': x } return sample class UserBatchSampler(Sampler): """User defined batch sampler. Only for train set. """ def __init__(self, clip_num, batch_size, seed=2022, drop_last=False): self.clip_num = clip_num self.batch_size = batch_size self.random_state = None self.indexes = np.arange(self.clip_num) self.pointer = 0 self.epoch = 0 self.drop_last = drop_last self.seed = seed self.num_replicas = get_world_size() self.rank = get_rank() self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(self.seed+self.epoch) self.random_state.shuffle(self.indexes) if not self.drop_last: if self.clip_num % (self.batch_size*self.num_replicas) != 0: padding_size = self.batch_size*self.num_replicas - self.clip_num % (self.batch_size*self.num_replicas) self.indexes = np.append(self.indexes, self.indexes[:padding_size]) self.clip_num = self.clip_num + padding_size def get_state(self): sampler_state = { 'random': self.random_state.get_state(), 'indexes': self.indexes, 'pointer': self.pointer } return sampler_state def set_state(self, sampler_state): self.random_state.set_state(sampler_state['random']) self.indexes = sampler_state['indexes'] self.pointer = sampler_state['pointer'] def __iter__(self): """ Return: batch_indexes (int): indexes of batch """ while True: if self.pointer >= self.clip_num: self.pointer = 0 self.random_state.shuffle(self.indexes) batch_indexes = self.indexes[self.pointer: self.pointer + self.batch_size * self.num_replicas] self.pointer += self.batch_size * self.num_replicas batch_indexes = batch_indexes[self.rank:self.clip_num:self.num_replicas] yield batch_indexes def __len__(self): return (self.clip_num + self.num_replicas * self.batch_size - 1) // (self.num_replicas * self.batch_size) class PinMemCustomBatch: def __init__(self, batch_dict): batch_fn = [] batch_x = [] batch_ov = [] batch_sed_label = [] batch_doa_label = [] for n in range(len(batch_dict)): batch_fn.append(batch_dict[n]['filename']) batch_x.append(batch_dict[n]['data']) batch_ov.append(batch_dict[n]['ov']) batch_sed_label.append(batch_dict[n]['sed_label']) batch_doa_label.append(batch_dict[n]['doa_label']) batch_x = np.stack(batch_x, axis=0) batch_sed_label = np.stack(batch_sed_label, axis=0) batch_doa_label = np.stack(batch_doa_label, axis=0) self.batch_out_dict = { 'filename': batch_fn, 'ov': batch_ov, 'data': torch.tensor(batch_x, dtype=torch.float32), 'sed_label': torch.tensor(batch_sed_label, dtype=torch.float32), 'doa_label': torch.tensor(batch_doa_label, dtype=torch.float32), } def pin_memory(self): self.batch_out_dict['data'] = self.batch_out_dict['data'].pin_memory() self.batch_out_dict['sed_label'] = self.batch_out_dict['sed_label'].pin_memory() self.batch_out_dict['doa_label'] = self.batch_out_dict['doa_label'].pin_memory() return self.batch_out_dict def collate_fn(batch_dict): """ Merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch Pin memory for customized dataset """ return PinMemCustomBatch(batch_dict) class PinMemCustomBatchTest: def __init__(self, batch_dict): batch_fn = [] batch_x = [] for n in range(len(batch_dict)): batch_fn.append(batch_dict[n]['filename']) batch_x.append(batch_dict[n]['data']) batch_x = np.stack(batch_x, axis=0) self.batch_out_dict = { 'filename': batch_fn, 'data': torch.tensor(batch_x, dtype=torch.float32) } def pin_memory(self): self.batch_out_dict['data'] = self.batch_out_dict['data'].pin_memory() return self.batch_out_dict def collate_fn_test(batch_dict): """ Merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch Pin memory for customized dataset """ return PinMemCustomBatchTest(batch_dict)
from .. import metrics from . import data, losses, models, training, inference
from .ConvConformer import * from .DenseConformer import * from .ConvTransformer import *
import torch import torch.nn as nn from methods.utils.model_utilities import (DoubleConv, init_layer) from methods.utils.conformer.encoder import ConformerBlocks class ConvConformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, dataset): super().__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.num_classes = dataset.num_classes if cfg['data']['audio_feature'] in ['logmelIV', 'salsa', 'salsalite']: self.sed_in_channels = 4 self.doa_in_channels = 7 elif cfg['data']['audio_feature'] in ['logmelgcc']: self.sed_in_channels = 4 self.doa_in_channels = 10 self.sed_conv_block1 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=self.sed_in_channels, out_channels=64), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.sed_conv_block2 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=64, out_channels=128), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.sed_conv_block3 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=128, out_channels=256), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.sed_conv_block4 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=256, out_channels=512), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block1 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=self.doa_in_channels, out_channels=64), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block2 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=64, out_channels=128), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block3 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=128, out_channels=256), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block4 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=256, out_channels=512), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 2)), ) self.stitch = nn.ParameterList([ nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(64, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(128, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(256, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(512, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(512, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(512, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)) ]) self.sed_conformer_track1 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=512, num_layers=2) self.sed_conformer_track2 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=512, num_layers=2) self.sed_conformer_track3 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=512, num_layers=2) self.doa_conformer_track1 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=512, num_layers=2) self.doa_conformer_track2 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=512, num_layers=2) self.doa_conformer_track3 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=512, num_layers=2) self.fc_sed_track1 = nn.Linear(512, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_sed_track2 = nn.Linear(512, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_sed_track3 = nn.Linear(512, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track1 = nn.Linear(512, 3, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track2 = nn.Linear(512, 3, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track3 = nn.Linear(512, 3, bias=True) self.final_act_sed = nn.Sequential() # nn.Sigmoid() self.final_act_doa = nn.Tanh() for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) self.init_weight() def init_weight(self): init_layer(self.fc_sed_track1) init_layer(self.fc_sed_track2) init_layer(self.fc_sed_track3) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track1) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track2) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track3) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor): """ x: spectrogram, (batch_size, num_channels, num_frames, num_freqBins) """ x_sed = x[:, :self.sed_in_channels] x_doa = x # cnn x_sed = self.sed_conv_block1(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block1(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_conv_block2(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block2(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_conv_block3(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block3(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_conv_block4(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block4(x_doa) x_sed = x_sed.mean(dim=3) # (N, C, T) x_doa = x_doa.mean(dim=3) # (N, C, T) # Conformer x_sed = x_sed.permute(0, 2, 1) # (N, T, C) x_doa = x_doa.permute(0, 2, 1) # (N, T, C) x_sed_1 = self.sed_conformer_track1(x_sed) # (N, T, C) x_doa_1 = self.doa_conformer_track1(x_doa) # (N, T, C) x_sed_1 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 0, 0], x_sed_1) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 0, 1], x_doa_1) x_doa_1 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 1, 0], x_sed_1) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 1, 1], x_doa_1) x_sed_2 = self.sed_conformer_track2(x_sed) # (N, T, C) x_doa_2 = self.doa_conformer_track2(x_doa) # (N, T, C) x_sed_2 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 0, 0], x_sed_2) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 0, 1], x_doa_2) x_doa_2 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 1, 0], x_sed_2) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 1, 1], x_doa_2) x_sed_3 = self.sed_conformer_track3(x_sed) # (N, T, C) x_doa_3 = self.doa_conformer_track3(x_doa) # (N, T, C) x_sed_3 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 0, 0], x_sed_3) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 0, 1], x_doa_3) x_doa_3 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 1, 0], x_sed_3) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 1, 1], x_doa_3) # fc x_sed_1 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track1(x_sed_1)) x_sed_2 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track2(x_sed_2)) x_sed_3 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track3(x_sed_3)) x_sed = torch.stack((x_sed_1, x_sed_2, x_sed_3), 2) x_doa_1 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track1(x_doa_1)) x_doa_2 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track2(x_doa_2)) x_doa_3 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track3(x_doa_3)) x_doa = torch.stack((x_doa_1, x_doa_2, x_doa_3), 2) output = { 'sed': x_sed, 'doa': x_doa, } return output
import torch import torch.nn as nn from methods.utils.model_utilities import (DoubleConv, PositionalEncoding, init_layer) class ConvTransformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, dataset): super().__init__() self.pe_enable = False # Ture | False self.cfg = cfg self.num_classes = dataset.num_classes if cfg['data']['audio_feature'] in ['logmelIV', 'salsa', 'salsalite']: self.sed_in_channels = 4 self.doa_in_channels = 7 elif cfg['data']['audio_feature'] in ['logmelgcc']: self.sed_in_channels = 4 self.doa_in_channels = 10 self.sed_conv_block1 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=self.sed_in_channels, out_channels=64), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.sed_conv_block2 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=64, out_channels=128), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.sed_conv_block3 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=128, out_channels=256), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.sed_conv_block4 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=256, out_channels=512), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block1 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=self.doa_in_channels, out_channels=64), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block2 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=64, out_channels=128), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block3 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=128, out_channels=256), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(2, 2)), ) self.doa_conv_block4 = nn.Sequential( DoubleConv(in_channels=256, out_channels=512), nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(1, 2)), ) self.stitch = nn.ParameterList([ nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(64, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(128, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(256, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(512, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(512, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(512, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)) ]) if self.pe_enable: = PositionalEncoding(pos_len=100, d_model=512, pe_type='t', dropout=0.0) self.sed_trans_track1 = nn.TransformerEncoder( nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8, dim_feedforward=1024, dropout=0.2), num_layers=2) self.sed_trans_track2 = nn.TransformerEncoder( nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8, dim_feedforward=1024, dropout=0.2), num_layers=2) self.sed_trans_track3 = nn.TransformerEncoder( nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8, dim_feedforward=1024, dropout=0.2), num_layers=2) self.doa_trans_track1 = nn.TransformerEncoder( nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8, dim_feedforward=1024, dropout=0.2), num_layers=2) self.doa_trans_track2 = nn.TransformerEncoder( nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8, dim_feedforward=1024, dropout=0.2), num_layers=2) self.doa_trans_track3 = nn.TransformerEncoder( nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(d_model=512, nhead=8, dim_feedforward=1024, dropout=0.2), num_layers=2) self.fc_sed_track1 = nn.Linear(512, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_sed_track2 = nn.Linear(512, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_sed_track3 = nn.Linear(512, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track1 = nn.Linear(512, 3, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track2 = nn.Linear(512, 3, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track3 = nn.Linear(512, 3, bias=True) self.final_act_sed = nn.Sequential() # nn.Sigmoid() self.final_act_doa = nn.Tanh() for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) self.init_weight() def init_weight(self): init_layer(self.fc_sed_track1) init_layer(self.fc_sed_track2) init_layer(self.fc_sed_track3) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track1) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track2) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track3) def forward(self, x): """ x: waveform, (batch_size, num_channels, data_length) """ x_sed = x[:, :self.sed_in_channels] x_doa = x # cnn x_sed = self.sed_conv_block1(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block1(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_conv_block2(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block2(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_conv_block3(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block3(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_conv_block4(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_conv_block4(x_doa) x_sed = x_sed.mean(dim=3) # (N, C, T) x_doa = x_doa.mean(dim=3) # (N, C, T) # transformer if self.pe_enable: x_sed = if self.pe_enable: x_doa = x_sed = x_sed.permute(2, 0, 1) # (T, N, C) x_doa = x_doa.permute(2, 0, 1) # (T, N, C) x_sed_1 = self.sed_trans_track1(x_sed).transpose(0, 1) # (N, T, C) x_doa_1 = self.doa_trans_track1(x_doa).transpose(0, 1) # (N, T, C) x_sed_1 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 0, 0], x_sed_1) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 0, 1], x_doa_1) x_doa_1 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 1, 0], x_sed_1) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 1, 1], x_doa_1) x_sed_2 = self.sed_trans_track2(x_sed).transpose(0, 1) # (N, T, C) x_doa_2 = self.doa_trans_track2(x_doa).transpose(0, 1) # (N, T, C) x_sed_2 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 0, 0], x_sed_2) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 0, 1], x_doa_2) x_doa_2 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 1, 0], x_sed_2) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 1, 1], x_doa_2) x_sed_3 = self.sed_trans_track3(x_sed).transpose(0, 1) # (N, T, C) x_doa_3 = self.doa_trans_track3(x_doa).transpose(0, 1) # (N, T, C) x_sed_3 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 0, 0], x_sed_3) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 0, 1], x_doa_3) x_doa_3 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 1, 0], x_sed_3) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 1, 1], x_doa_3) # fc x_sed_1 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track1(x_sed_1)) x_sed_2 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track2(x_sed_2)) x_sed_3 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track3(x_sed_3)) x_sed = torch.stack((x_sed_1, x_sed_2, x_sed_3), 2) x_doa_1 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track1(x_doa_1)) x_doa_2 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track2(x_doa_2)) x_doa_3 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track3(x_doa_3)) x_doa = torch.stack((x_doa_1, x_doa_2, x_doa_3), 2) output = { 'sed': x_sed, 'doa': x_doa, } return output
import torch import torch.nn as nn from methods.utils.model_utilities import init_layer from methods.utils.conformer.encoder import ConformerBlocks from methods.utils.dense_block import _DenseBlock, _Transition class DenseConformer(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, dataset): super().__init__() self.pe_enable = False # Ture | False self.cfg = cfg self.num_classes = dataset.num_classes if cfg['data']['audio_feature'] in ['logmelIV', 'salsa', 'salsalite']: self.sed_in_channels = 4 self.doa_in_channels = 7 elif cfg['data']['audio_feature'] in ['logmelgcc']: self.sed_in_channels = 4 self.doa_in_channels = 10 growth_rate = (16, 24, 32, 40) num_layers = 4 drop_rate = 0. self.sed_dense_block1 = nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=self.sed_in_channels, bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[0], drop_rate=drop_rate), _Transition(num_input_features=growth_rate[0]*(num_layers)+self.sed_in_channels, num_output_features=growth_rate[0]) ) self.sed_dense_block2 = nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=growth_rate[0], bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[1], drop_rate=drop_rate), _Transition(num_input_features=growth_rate[1]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[0], num_output_features=growth_rate[1]) ) self.sed_dense_block3 =nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=growth_rate[1], bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[2], drop_rate=drop_rate), _Transition(num_input_features=growth_rate[2]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[1], num_output_features=growth_rate[2]) ) self.sed_dense_block4 = nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=growth_rate[2], bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[3], drop_rate=drop_rate), nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=growth_rate[3]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[2]), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=growth_rate[3]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[2], out_channels=256, kernel_size=(3,3), stride=(1,1), padding=(1,1), bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(256), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ) self.doa_dense_block1 = nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=self.doa_in_channels, bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[0], drop_rate=drop_rate), _Transition(num_input_features=growth_rate[0]*(num_layers)+self.doa_in_channels, num_output_features=growth_rate[0]) ) self.doa_dense_block2 = nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=growth_rate[0], bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[1], drop_rate=drop_rate), _Transition(num_input_features=growth_rate[1]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[0], num_output_features=growth_rate[1]) ) self.doa_dense_block3 =nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=growth_rate[1], bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[2], drop_rate=drop_rate), _Transition(num_input_features=growth_rate[2]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[1], num_output_features=growth_rate[2]) ) self.doa_dense_block4 = nn.Sequential( _DenseBlock(num_layers=num_layers, num_input_features=growth_rate[2], bn_size=4, growth_rate=growth_rate[3], drop_rate=drop_rate), nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=growth_rate[3]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[2]), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Conv2d(in_channels=growth_rate[3]*(num_layers)+growth_rate[2], out_channels=256, kernel_size=(3,3), stride=(1,1), padding=(1,1), bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(256), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ) self.stitch = nn.ParameterList([ nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(growth_rate[0], 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(growth_rate[1], 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(growth_rate[2], 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(256, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(256, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)), nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(256, 2, 2).uniform_(0.1, 0.9)) ]) self.sed_conformer_track1 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=256, num_layers=2) self.sed_conformer_track2 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=256, num_layers=2) self.sed_conformer_track3 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=256, num_layers=2) self.doa_conformer_track1 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=256, num_layers=2) self.doa_conformer_track2 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=256, num_layers=2) self.doa_conformer_track3 = ConformerBlocks(encoder_dim=256, num_layers=2) self.fc_sed_track1 = nn.Linear(256, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_sed_track2 = nn.Linear(256, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_sed_track3 = nn.Linear(256, self.num_classes, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track1 = nn.Linear(256, 3, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track2 = nn.Linear(256, 3, bias=True) self.fc_doa_track3 = nn.Linear(256, 3, bias=True) self.final_act_sed = nn.Sequential() # nn.Sigmoid() self.final_act_doa = nn.Tanh() for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) self.init_weight() def init_weight(self): init_layer(self.fc_sed_track1) init_layer(self.fc_sed_track2) init_layer(self.fc_sed_track3) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track1) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track2) init_layer(self.fc_doa_track3) def forward(self, x): """ x: spectrogram, (batch_size, num_channels, num_frames, num_freqBins) """ x_sed = x[:, :self.sed_in_channels] x_doa = x # cnn x_sed = self.sed_dense_block1(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_dense_block1(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[0][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_dense_block2(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_dense_block2(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[1][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_dense_block3(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_dense_block3(x_doa) x_sed = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 0, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 0, 1], x_doa) x_doa = torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 1, 0], x_sed) + \ torch.einsum('c, nctf -> nctf', self.stitch[2][:, 1, 1], x_doa) x_sed = self.sed_dense_block4(x_sed) x_doa = self.doa_dense_block4(x_doa) x_sed = x_sed.mean(dim=3) # (N, C, T) x_doa = x_doa.mean(dim=3) # (N, C, T) # Conformer x_sed = x_sed.permute(0, 2, 1) # (N, T, C) x_doa = x_doa.permute(0, 2, 1) # (N, T, C) x_sed_1 = self.sed_conformer_track1(x_sed) # (N, T, C) x_doa_1 = self.doa_conformer_track1(x_doa) # (N, T, C) x_sed_1 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 0, 0], x_sed_1) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 0, 1], x_doa_1) x_doa_1 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 1, 0], x_sed_1) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[3][:, 1, 1], x_doa_1) x_sed_2 = self.sed_conformer_track2(x_sed) # (N, T, C) x_doa_2 = self.doa_conformer_track2(x_doa) # (N, T, C) x_sed_2 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 0, 0], x_sed_2) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 0, 1], x_doa_2) x_doa_2 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 1, 0], x_sed_2) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[4][:, 1, 1], x_doa_2) x_sed_3 = self.sed_conformer_track3(x_sed) # (N, T, C) x_doa_3 = self.doa_conformer_track3(x_doa) # (N, T, C) x_sed_3 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 0, 0], x_sed_3) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 0, 1], x_doa_3) x_doa_3 = torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 1, 0], x_sed_3) + \ torch.einsum('c, ntc -> ntc', self.stitch[5][:, 1, 1], x_doa_3) # fc x_sed_1 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track1(x_sed_1)) x_sed_2 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track2(x_sed_2)) x_sed_3 = self.final_act_sed(self.fc_sed_track3(x_sed_3)) x_sed = torch.stack((x_sed_1, x_sed_2, x_sed_3), 2) x_doa_1 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track1(x_doa_1)) x_doa_2 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track2(x_doa_2)) x_doa_3 = self.final_act_doa(self.fc_doa_track3(x_doa_3)) x_doa = torch.stack((x_doa_1, x_doa_2, x_doa_3), 2) output = { 'sed': x_sed, 'doa': x_doa, } return output
import logging import random import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from utils.ddp_init import get_rank, get_world_size class CheckpointIO: """CheckpointIO class. It handles saving and loading checkpoints. """ def __init__(self, checkpoints_dir, model, optimizer, batch_sampler, metrics_names, num_checkpoints=1, remark=None): """ Args: checkpoint_dir (Path obj): path where checkpoints are saved model: model optimizer: optimizer batch_sampler: batch_sampler metrics_names: metrics names to be saved in a checkpoints csv file num_checkpoints: maximum number of checkpoints to save. When it exceeds the number, the older (older, smaller or higher) checkpoints will be deleted remark (optional): to remark the name of the checkpoint """ self.checkpoints_dir = checkpoints_dir self.checkpoints_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.model = model self.optimizer = optimizer self.batch_sampler = batch_sampler self.num_checkpoints = num_checkpoints self.remark = remark self.value_list = [] self.epoch_list = [] self.checkpoints_csv_path = checkpoints_dir.joinpath('metrics_statistics.csv') # save checkpoints_csv header if get_rank() == 0: metrics_keys_list = [name for name in metrics_names] header = ['epoch'] + metrics_keys_list df_header = pd.DataFrame(columns=header) df_header.to_csv(self.checkpoints_csv_path, sep='\t', index=False, mode='a+') def save(self, epoch, it, metrics, key_rank=None, rank_order='high', max_epoch=100): """Save model. It will save a latest model, a best model of rank_order for value, and 'self.num_checkpoints' best models of rank_order for value. Args: metrics: metrics to log key_rank (str): the key of metrics to rank rank_order: 'low' | 'high' | 'latest' 'low' to keep the models of lowest values 'high' to keep the models of highest values 'latest' to keep the models of latest epochs """ ## save checkpionts_csv metrics_values_list = [value for value in metrics.values()] checkpoint_list = [[epoch] + metrics_values_list] df_checkpoint = pd.DataFrame(checkpoint_list) df_checkpoint.to_csv(self.checkpoints_csv_path, sep='\t', header=False, index=False, mode='a+') ## save checkpoints current_value = None if rank_order == 'latest' else metrics[key_rank] # latest model latest_checkpoint_path = self.checkpoints_dir.joinpath('{}_epoch_latest.pth'.format(self.remark)) self.save_file(latest_checkpoint_path, epoch, it) # save 5 latest models # if epoch >= max_epoch - 5: # checkpoint_path = self.checkpoints_dir.joinpath('{}_epoch_{}th.pth'.format(self.remark, epoch)) # self.save_file(checkpoint_path, epoch, it) if len(self.value_list) < self.num_checkpoints: self.value_list.append(current_value) self.epoch_list.append(epoch) checkpoint_path = self.checkpoints_dir.joinpath('{}_epoch_{}.pth'.format(self.remark, epoch)) self.save_file(checkpoint_path, epoch, it)'Checkpoint saved to {}'.format(checkpoint_path)) elif len(self.value_list) >= self.num_checkpoints: value_list = np.array(self.value_list) if rank_order == 'high' and current_value >= value_list.min(): worst_index = value_list.argmin() self.del_and_save(worst_index, current_value, epoch, it) elif rank_order == 'low' and current_value <= value_list.max(): worst_index = value_list.argmax() self.del_and_save(worst_index, current_value, epoch, it) elif rank_order == 'latest': worst_index = 0 self.del_and_save(worst_index, current_value, epoch, it) # best model value_list = np.array(self.value_list) best_checkpoint_path = self.checkpoints_dir.joinpath('{}_epoch_best.pth'.format(self.remark)) if rank_order == 'high' and current_value >= value_list.max(): self.save_file(best_checkpoint_path, epoch, it) elif rank_order == 'low' and current_value <= value_list.min(): self.save_file(best_checkpoint_path, epoch, it) elif rank_order == 'latest': self.save_file(best_checkpoint_path, epoch, it) def del_and_save(self, worst_index, current_value, epoch, it): """Delete and save checkpoint Args: worst_index: worst index, current_value: current value, epoch: epoch, it: it, """ worst_chpt_path = self.checkpoints_dir.joinpath('{}_epoch_{}.pth'.format(self.remark, self.epoch_list[worst_index])) if worst_chpt_path.is_file(): worst_chpt_path.unlink() self.value_list.pop(worst_index) self.epoch_list.pop(worst_index) self.value_list.append(current_value) self.epoch_list.append(epoch) checkpoint_path = self.checkpoints_dir.joinpath('{}_epoch_{}.pth'.format(self.remark, epoch)) self.save_file(checkpoint_path, epoch, it)'Checkpoint saved to {}'.format(checkpoint_path)) def save_file(self, checkpoint_path, epoch, it): """Save a module to a file Args: checkpoint_path (Path obj): checkpoint path, including .pth file name epoch: epoch, it: it """ outdict = { 'epoch': epoch, 'it': it, 'model': self.model.module.state_dict(), 'optimizer': self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'sampler': self.batch_sampler.get_state(), 'rng': torch.get_rng_state(), 'cuda_rng': torch.cuda.get_rng_state(), 'random': random.getstate(), 'np_random': np.random.get_state(), }, checkpoint_path) def load(self, checkpoint_path): """Load a module from a file """ state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) epoch = state_dict['epoch'] it = state_dict['it'] self.model.module.load_state_dict(state_dict['model']) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict['optimizer']) self.batch_sampler.set_state(state_dict['sampler']) torch.set_rng_state(state_dict['rng']) torch.cuda.set_rng_state(state_dict['cuda_rng']) random.setstate(state_dict['random']) np.random.set_state(state_dict['np_random'])'Resuming complete from {}\n'.format(checkpoint_path)) return epoch, it
import logging import random import shutil import socket from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.optim as optim from torch.backends import cudnn from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter from utils.common import create_logging from utils.config import get_generator, store_config, get_losses, get_afextractor, get_models, get_optimizer, get_metrics, get_trainer from utils.ddp_init import get_rank, get_world_size, rank_barrier from learning.checkpoint import CheckpointIO def init_train(args, cfg, dataset): """ Training initialization. Including Data generator, model, optimizer initialization. """ train_initializer = None '''Cuda''' args.cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() rank = get_rank() world_size = get_world_size() ''' Reproducible seed set''' torch.manual_seed(args.seed) if args.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) random.seed(args.seed) cudnn.deterministic = True # Using random seed to fix the algorithm cudnn.benchmark = True # Automatically find the most efficient algorithm for the current configuration. Set it False to reduce random '''Sharing directories''' out_train_dir = Path(cfg['workspace_dir']).joinpath('results').joinpath('out_train') \ .joinpath(cfg['method']).joinpath(cfg['training']['train_id']) ckpts_dir = out_train_dir.joinpath('checkpoints') if rank == 0: print('Train ID is {}\n'.format(cfg['training']['train_id'])) out_train_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) '''tensorboard and logging''' if rank == 0: current_time ='%b%d_%H-%M-%S') tb_dir = out_train_dir.joinpath('tb').joinpath(current_time + '_' + socket.gethostname()) tb_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) logs_dir = out_train_dir.joinpath('logs') create_logging(logs_dir, filemode='w') writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=str(tb_dir)) param_file = out_train_dir.joinpath('config.yaml') if param_file.is_file(): param_file.unlink() store_config(param_file, cfg) rank_barrier() '''Data generator''' train_set, train_generator, batch_sampler = get_generator(args, cfg, dataset, generator_type='train') valid_set, valid_generator, _ = get_generator(args, cfg, dataset, generator_type='valid') '''Loss''' losses = get_losses(cfg) '''Metrics''' metrics = get_metrics(cfg, dataset) '''Audio feature extractor''' af_extractor = get_afextractor(cfg, args.cuda) '''Model''' model = get_models(cfg, dataset, args.cuda) if dist.is_initialized(): torch.cuda.set_device(rank) # it's necessary, or CUDA_OUT_OF_MEMORY model = DDP(model, device_ids=[rank], output_device=rank) '''Optimizer''' optimizer = get_optimizer(cfg, af_extractor, model) lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=cfg['training']['lr_step_size'], gamma=cfg['training']['lr_gamma']) '''Trainer''' trainer = get_trainer(args=args, cfg=cfg, dataset=dataset, valid_set=valid_set, af_extractor=af_extractor, model=model, optimizer=optimizer, losses=losses, metrics=metrics) '''CheckpointIO''' if not cfg['training']['valid_fold']: metrics_names = losses.names else: metrics_names = metrics.names ckptIO = CheckpointIO( checkpoints_dir=ckpts_dir, model=model, optimizer=optimizer, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, metrics_names=metrics_names, num_checkpoints=1, remark=cfg['training']['remark'] ) if cfg['training']['resume_model']: resume_path = ckpts_dir.joinpath(cfg['training']['resume_model'])'=====>> Resume from the checkpoint: {}......\n'.format(str(resume_path))) epoch_it, it = ckptIO.load(resume_path) for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = cfg['training']['lr'] else: epoch_it, it = 0, 0 ''' logging and return ''''Train folds are: {}\n'.format(cfg['training']['train_fold']))'Valid folds are: {}\n'.format(cfg['training']['valid_fold']))'Training clip number is: {}\n'.format(len(train_set)))'Number of batches per epoch is: {}\n'.format(len(batch_sampler)))'Validation clip number is: {}\n'.format(len(valid_set) * world_size)) train_initializer = { 'writer': writer if rank == 0 else None, 'train_generator': train_generator, 'valid_generator': valid_generator, 'lr_scheduler': lr_scheduler, 'trainer': trainer, 'ckptIO': ckptIO , 'epoch_it': epoch_it, 'it': it } return train_initializer def init_infer(args, cfg, dataset): """ Inference initialization. Including Data generator, model, optimizer initialization. """ ''' Cuda ''' args.cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() ''' Directories ''' print('Inference ID is {}\n'.format(cfg['inference']['infer_id'])) out_infer_dir = Path(cfg['workspace_dir']).joinpath('results').joinpath('out_infer')\ .joinpath(cfg['method']).joinpath(cfg['inference']['infer_id']) if out_infer_dir.is_dir(): shutil.rmtree(str(out_infer_dir)) submissions_dir = out_infer_dir.joinpath('submissions') predictions_dir = out_infer_dir.joinpath('predictions') submissions_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) predictions_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) train_ids = [train_id.strip() for train_id in str(cfg['inference']['train_ids']).split(',')] models = [model.strip() for model in str(cfg['inference']['models']).split(',')] ckpts_paths_list = [] ckpts_models_list = [] for train_id, model_name in zip(train_ids, models): ckpts_dir = Path(cfg['workspace_dir']).joinpath('results').joinpath('out_train').joinpath(cfg['method'])\ .joinpath(train_id).joinpath('checkpoints') ckpt_path = [path for path in sorted(ckpts_dir.iterdir()) if cfg['inference']['model_mark'] in path.stem] print('ckpt_name: ', ckpt_path, 'model_name: ', model_name) # ckpt_path = [path for path in sorted(ckpts_dir.iterdir()) if path.stem.split('_')[-1].isnumeric()] # for path in ckpt_path: ckpts_paths_list.append(path) ckpts_models_list.append(model_name) ''' Parameters ''' param_file = out_infer_dir.joinpath('config.yaml') if param_file.is_file(): param_file.unlink() store_config(param_file, cfg) ''' Data generator ''' test_set, test_generator, _ = get_generator(args, cfg, dataset, generator_type='test') ''' logging and return ''''Test clip number is: {}\n'.format(len(test_set))) infer_initializer = { 'submissions_dir': submissions_dir, 'predictions_dir': predictions_dir, 'ckpts_paths_list': ckpts_paths_list, 'ckpts_models_list': ckpts_models_list, 'test_generator': test_generator, 'cuda': args.cuda, 'test_set': test_set } return infer_initializer
import torch from utils.config import get_afextractor, get_inferer, get_models def infer(cfg, dataset, **infer_initializer): """ Infer, only save the testset predictions """ submissions_dir = infer_initializer['submissions_dir'] predictions_dir = infer_initializer['predictions_dir'] ckpts_paths_list = infer_initializer['ckpts_paths_list'] ckpts_models_list = infer_initializer['ckpts_models_list'] test_generator = infer_initializer['test_generator'] cuda = infer_initializer['cuda'] test_set = infer_initializer['test_set'] preds = [] for ckpt_path, model_name in zip(ckpts_paths_list, ckpts_models_list): print('=====>> Resuming from the checkpoint: {}\n'.format(ckpt_path)) af_extractor = get_afextractor(cfg, cuda) model = get_models(cfg, dataset, cuda, model_name=model_name) state_dict = torch.load(ckpt_path) model.load_state_dict(state_dict['model']) print(' Resuming complete\n') inferer = get_inferer(cfg, dataset, af_extractor, model, cuda, test_set) pred = inferer.infer(test_generator) preds.append(pred) print('\n Inference finished for {}\n'.format(ckpt_path)) inferer.fusion(submissions_dir, predictions_dir, preds)
import logging from timeit import default_timer as timer from tqdm import tqdm from utils.common import print_metrics from utils.ddp_init import reduce_value, get_rank, get_world_size, rank_barrier def train(cfg, **initializer): """Train """ writer = initializer['writer'] train_generator = initializer['train_generator'] valid_generator = initializer['valid_generator'] lr_scheduler = initializer['lr_scheduler'] trainer = initializer['trainer'] ckptIO = initializer['ckptIO'] epoch_it = initializer['epoch_it'] it = initializer['it'] world_size = get_world_size() rank = get_rank() batchNum_per_epoch = len(train_generator) max_epoch = cfg['training']['max_epoch'] if rank == 0:'===> Training mode\n') iterator = tqdm(train_generator, total=max_epoch*batchNum_per_epoch-it, unit='it') train_begin_time = timer() for batch_sample in iterator: epoch_it, rem_batch = it // batchNum_per_epoch, it % batchNum_per_epoch ################ ## Validation ################ if it % int(1*batchNum_per_epoch) == 0 : valid_begin_time = timer() train_time = valid_begin_time - train_begin_time train_losses = trainer.validate_step(valid_type='train', epoch_it=epoch_it) for k, v in train_losses.items(): train_losses[k] = reduce_value(v).cpu().numpy() / batchNum_per_epoch if not cfg['training']['valid_fold'] == 'none': valid_losses, valid_metrics = trainer.validate_step( generator=valid_generator, valid_type='valid', epoch_it=epoch_it ) valid_time = timer() - valid_begin_time if rank == 0: writer.add_scalar('train/lr', lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0], it)'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' +'------------------------------------------------------')'Iter: {}, Epoch/Total Epoch: {}/{}, Batch/Total Batch: {}/{}'.format( it, epoch_it, max_epoch, rem_batch, batchNum_per_epoch)) print_metrics(logging, writer, train_losses, it, set_type='train') if not cfg['training']['valid_fold'] == 'none': print_metrics(logging, writer, valid_losses, it, set_type='valid') if not cfg['training']['valid_fold'] == 'none': #### SELD Metrics #### if cfg['method'] in ['ein_seld', 'multi_accdoa']: print_metrics(logging, writer, valid_metrics['macro'], it, set_type='valid') print_metrics(logging, writer, valid_metrics['micro'], it, set_type='valid')'Train time: {:.3f}s, Valid time: {:.3f}s, Lr: {}'.format( train_time, valid_time, lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0])) if 'PIT_type' in cfg['training']:'PIT type: {}'.format(cfg['training']['PIT_type']))'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' +'------------------------------------------------------') rank_barrier() train_begin_time = timer() ############### ## Save model ############### # if rank == 0 : # if rem_batch == 0 and it > 0: # if not cfg['training']['valid_fold'] == 'none': # if cfg['method'] in ['ein_seld', 'multi_accdoa']: #, it, metrics=valid_metrics['macro'], key_rank='seld_macro', rank_order='low', max_epoch=max_epoch) # else: #, it, metrics=valid_losses, key_rank='loss_all', rank_order='low', max_epoch=max_epoch) # else: #, it, metrics=train_losses, key_rank='loss_all', rank_order='low', max_epoch=max_epoch) # rank_barrier() ############### ## Finish training ############### if it == max_epoch * batchNum_per_epoch: iterator.close() break ############### ## Train ############### trainer.train_step(batch_sample, epoch_it) if rem_batch == 0 and it > 0: lr_scheduler.step() it += 1 iterator.close()
import shutil import sys from functools import reduce from pathlib import Path from timeit import default_timer as timer import h5py import librosa import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from sklearn import preprocessing from import DataLoader from tqdm import tqdm from import BaseDataset, collate_fn from methods.feature import Features_Extractor_MIC from methods.utils.data_utilities import ( _segment_index, convert_output_format_polar_to_cartesian, load_output_format_file) from utils.common import float_samples_to_int16, int16_samples_to_float32 from utils.config import get_afextractor class Preprocess: """Preprocess the audio data. 1. Extract wav file and store to hdf5 file 2. Extract meta file and store to hdf5 file """ def __init__(self, args, cfg, dataset): """ Args: args: parsed args cfg: configurations dataset: dataset class """ self.args = args self.cfg = cfg self.dataset = dataset self.fs = cfg['data']['sample_rate'] self.n_fft = cfg['data']['nfft'] self.n_mels = cfg['data']['n_mels'] self.hoplen = cfg['data']['hoplen'] # Path for dataset hdf5_dir = Path(cfg['hdf5_dir']).joinpath(cfg['dataset']) # Path for extraction of wav self.data_dir_list = [ dataset.dataset_dir[args.dataset_type]['foa'][args.dataset], dataset.dataset_dir[args.dataset_type]['mic'][args.dataset], ] data_h5_dir = hdf5_dir.joinpath('data').joinpath('{}fs'.format(self.fs)) wav_h5_dir = data_h5_dir.joinpath('wav') self.wav_h5_dir_list = [ wav_h5_dir.joinpath(args.dataset_type).joinpath('foa').joinpath(args.dataset), wav_h5_dir.joinpath(args.dataset_type).joinpath('mic').joinpath(args.dataset), ] self.data_statistics_path_list = [ wav_h5_dir.joinpath(args.dataset_type).joinpath('foa').joinpath(args.dataset+'statistics_foa.txt'), wav_h5_dir.joinpath(args.dataset_type).joinpath('mic').joinpath(args.dataset+'statistics_mic.txt') ] # Path for extraction of label label_dir = hdf5_dir.joinpath('label') self.meta_dir_list = dataset.dataset_dir[args.dataset_type]['meta'][args.dataset] self.meta_pit_dir = label_dir.joinpath('track_pit_ov'+str(dataset.max_ov)+'of5_discontinuous')\ .joinpath(args.dataset_type).joinpath(args.dataset) self.meta_sed_dir = label_dir.joinpath('sed').joinpath(args.dataset) self.meta_adpit_dir = label_dir.joinpath('adpit').joinpath(args.dataset_type).joinpath(args.dataset) # Path for extraction of features self.feature_h5_dir = data_h5_dir.joinpath('feature').joinpath(args.dataset_type).joinpath(cfg['data']['audio_feature']) # Path for indexes of data self.data_type = 'wav' if self.cfg['data']['audio_feature'] in ['logmelIV', 'logmel'] else 'feature' self.channels_dict = {'logmel': 4, 'logmelIV': 7} self.indexes_path_list = [ data_h5_dir.joinpath(self.data_type).joinpath('{}set_{}sChunklen_{}sHoplen_train.csv'\ .format(args.dataset_type, cfg['data']['train_chunklen_sec'], cfg['data']['train_hoplen_sec'])), data_h5_dir.joinpath(self.data_type).joinpath('{}set_{}sChunklen_{}sHoplen_test.csv'\ .format(args.dataset_type, cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec'], cfg['data']['test_hoplen_sec']))] # Path for scalar self.scalar_h5_dir = data_h5_dir.joinpath('scalar') dataset_name = '_'.join(sorted(str(cfg['dataset_synth']).split(','))) fn_scalar = '{}_nfft{}_hop{}_mel{}_{}.h5'.format(cfg['data']['audio_feature'], \ self.n_fft, self.hoplen, self.n_mels, dataset_name) self.scalar_path = self.scalar_h5_dir.joinpath(fn_scalar) def extract_data(self): """ Extract wave and store to hdf5 file """ print('Converting wav file to hdf5 file starts......\n') for h5_dir in self.wav_h5_dir_list: if h5_dir.is_dir(): flag = input("HDF5 folder {} is already existed, delete it? (y/n)".format(h5_dir)).lower() if flag == 'y': shutil.rmtree(h5_dir) elif flag == 'n': print("User select not to remove the HDF5 folder {}. The process will quit.\n".format(h5_dir)) return h5_dir.mkdir(parents=True) for statistic_path in self.data_statistics_path_list: if statistic_path.is_file(): statistic_path.unlink() for idx, data_dir in enumerate(self.data_dir_list): begin_time = timer() h5_dir = self.wav_h5_dir_list[idx] statistic_path = self.data_statistics_path_list[idx] audio_count = 0 silent_audio_count = 0 data_list = [path for data_subdir in data_dir for path in sorted(data_subdir.glob('**/*.wav')) if not'.')] iterator = tqdm(data_list, total=len(data_list), unit='it') for data_path in iterator: # read data data, _ = librosa.load(data_path, sr=self.fs, mono=False) if len(data.shape) == 1: data = data[None,:] '''data: (channels, samples)''' # silent data statistics lst = np.sum(np.abs(data), axis=1) > data.shape[1]*1e-4 if not reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, lst): with'a+') as f: print(f"Silent file in feature extractor: {}\n", file=f) silent_audio_count += 1 tqdm.write("Silent file in feature extractor: {}".format( tqdm.write("Total silent files are: {}\n".format(silent_audio_count)) # save to h5py h5_path = h5_dir.joinpath(data_path.stem + '.h5') with h5py.File(h5_path, 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset(name='waveform', data=float_samples_to_int16(data), dtype=np.int16) audio_count += 1 tqdm.write('{}, {}, {}'.format(audio_count, h5_path, data.shape)) with'a+') as f: print(f"Total number of audio clips extracted: {audio_count}", file=f) print(f"Total number of silent audio clips is: {silent_audio_count}\n", file=f) iterator.close() print("Extacting feature finished! Time spent: {:.3f} s".format(timer() - begin_time)) def extract_ADPIT_label(self): """ Reads description file and returns classification based SED labels and regression based DOA labels for multi-ACCDOA with Auxiliary Duplicating Permutation Invariant Training (ADPIT) """ def _get_adpit_labels_for_file(_desc_file): """ Reads description file and returns classification based SED labels and regression based DOA labels for multi-ACCDOA with Auxiliary Duplicating Permutation Invariant Training (ADPIT) :param _desc_file: dcase format of the meta file :return: label_mat: of dimension [nb_frames, 6, 4(=act+XYZ), max_classes] """ _nb_label_frames = list(_desc_file.keys())[-1] _nb_lasses = self.dataset.num_classes se_label = np.zeros((_nb_label_frames, 6, _nb_lasses)) # [nb_frames, 6, max_classes] x_label = np.zeros((_nb_label_frames, 6, _nb_lasses)) y_label = np.zeros((_nb_label_frames, 6, _nb_lasses)) z_label = np.zeros((_nb_label_frames, 6, _nb_lasses)) for frame_ind, active_event_list in _desc_file.items(): if frame_ind < _nb_label_frames: active_event_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # sort for ov from the same class active_event_list_per_class = [] for i, active_event in enumerate(active_event_list): active_event_list_per_class.append(active_event) if i == len(active_event_list) - 1: # if the last if len(active_event_list_per_class) == 1: # if no ov from the same class # a0---- active_event_a0 = active_event_list_per_class[0] se_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = active_event_a0[1] y_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = active_event_a0[2] z_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = active_event_a0[3] elif len(active_event_list_per_class) == 2: # if ov with 2 sources from the same class # --b0-- active_event_b0 = active_event_list_per_class[0] se_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = active_event_b0[1] y_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = active_event_b0[2] z_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = active_event_b0[3] # --b1-- active_event_b1 = active_event_list_per_class[1] se_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = active_event_b1[1] y_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = active_event_b1[2] z_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = active_event_b1[3] else: # if ov with more than 2 sources from the same class # ----c0 active_event_c0 = active_event_list_per_class[0] se_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = active_event_c0[1] y_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = active_event_c0[2] z_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = active_event_c0[3] # ----c1 active_event_c1 = active_event_list_per_class[1] se_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = active_event_c1[1] y_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = active_event_c1[2] z_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = active_event_c1[3] # ----c2 active_event_c2 = active_event_list_per_class[2] se_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = active_event_c2[1] y_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = active_event_c2[2] z_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = active_event_c2[3] elif active_event[0] != active_event_list[i + 1][0]: # if the next is not the same class if len(active_event_list_per_class) == 1: # if no ov from the same class # a0---- active_event_a0 = active_event_list_per_class[0] se_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = active_event_a0[1] y_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = active_event_a0[2] z_label[frame_ind, 0, active_event_a0[0]] = active_event_a0[3] elif len(active_event_list_per_class) == 2: # if ov with 2 sources from the same class # --b0-- active_event_b0 = active_event_list_per_class[0] se_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = active_event_b0[1] y_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = active_event_b0[2] z_label[frame_ind, 1, active_event_b0[0]] = active_event_b0[3] # --b1-- active_event_b1 = active_event_list_per_class[1] se_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = active_event_b1[1] y_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = active_event_b1[2] z_label[frame_ind, 2, active_event_b1[0]] = active_event_b1[3] else: # if ov with more than 2 sources from the same class # ----c0 active_event_c0 = active_event_list_per_class[0] se_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = active_event_c0[1] y_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = active_event_c0[2] z_label[frame_ind, 3, active_event_c0[0]] = active_event_c0[3] # ----c1 active_event_c1 = active_event_list_per_class[1] se_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = active_event_c1[1] y_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = active_event_c1[2] z_label[frame_ind, 4, active_event_c1[0]] = active_event_c1[3] # ----c2 active_event_c2 = active_event_list_per_class[2] se_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = 1 x_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = active_event_c2[1] y_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = active_event_c2[2] z_label[frame_ind, 5, active_event_c2[0]] = active_event_c2[3] active_event_list_per_class = [] label_mat = np.stack((se_label, x_label, y_label, z_label), axis=2) # [nb_frames, 6, 4(=act+XYZ), max_classes] return label_mat meta_list = [path for subdir in self.meta_dir_list for path in sorted(subdir.glob('*.csv')) if not'.')] iterator = tqdm(enumerate(meta_list), total=len(meta_list), unit='it') self.meta_adpit_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for idx, meta_file in iterator: fn = meta_file.stem meta_dcase_format = load_output_format_file(meta_file) meta_dcase_format = convert_output_format_polar_to_cartesian(meta_dcase_format) meta_adpit = _get_adpit_labels_for_file(meta_dcase_format) meta_h5_path = self.meta_adpit_dir.joinpath(fn + '.h5') with h5py.File(meta_h5_path, 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset(name='adpit', data=meta_adpit, dtype=np.float32) tqdm.write('{}, {}'.format(idx, meta_h5_path)) def extract_PIT_label(self): """ Extract track label for permutation invariant training. Store to h5 file """ num_tracks = 5 num_classes = self.dataset.num_classes meta_list = [path for subdir in self.meta_dir_list for path in sorted(subdir.glob('*.csv')) if not'.')] iterator = tqdm(enumerate(meta_list), total=len(meta_list), unit='it') self.meta_pit_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for idx, meta_file in iterator: fn = meta_file.stem df = pd.read_csv(meta_file, header=None, sep=',') df = df.values num_frames = df[-1, 0] + 1 sed_label = np.zeros((num_frames, num_tracks, num_classes)) doa_label = np.zeros((num_frames, num_tracks, 3)) event_indexes = np.array([[None] * num_tracks] * num_frames) # event indexes of all frames track_numbers = np.array([[None] * num_tracks] * num_frames) # track number of all frames for row in df: frame_idx = row[0] event_idx = row[1] track_number = row[2] azi = row[3] elev = row[4] ##### track indexing ##### # default assign current_track_idx to the first available track current_event_indexes = event_indexes[frame_idx] current_track_indexes = np.where(current_event_indexes == None)[0].tolist() # if current_track_indexes: # continue current_track_idx = current_track_indexes[0] # tracking from the last frame if the last frame is not empty # last_event_indexes = np.array([None] * num_tracks) if frame_idx == 0 else event_indexes[frame_idx-1] # last_track_indexes = np.where(last_event_indexes != None)[0].tolist() # event index of the last frame # last_events_tracks = list(zip(event_indexes[frame_idx-1], track_numbers[frame_idx-1])) # if last_track_indexes != []: # for track_idx in last_track_indexes: # if last_events_tracks[track_idx] == (event_idx, track_number): # if current_track_idx != track_idx: # swap tracks if track_idx is not consistant # sed_label[frame_idx, [current_track_idx, track_idx]] = \ # sed_label[frame_idx, [track_idx, current_track_idx]] # doa_label[frame_idx, [current_track_idx, track_idx]] = \ # doa_label[frame_idx, [track_idx, current_track_idx]] # event_indexes[frame_idx, [current_track_idx, track_idx]] = \ # event_indexes[frame_idx, [track_idx, current_track_idx]] # track_numbers[frame_idx, [current_track_idx, track_idx]] = \ # track_numbers[frame_idx, [track_idx, current_track_idx]] # current_track_idx = track_idx ######################### # label encode azi_rad, elev_rad = azi * np.pi / 180, elev * np.pi / 180 sed_label[frame_idx, current_track_idx, event_idx] = 1.0 doa_label[frame_idx, current_track_idx, :] = np.cos(elev_rad) * np.cos(azi_rad), \ np.cos(elev_rad) * np.sin(azi_rad), np.sin(elev_rad) event_indexes[frame_idx, current_track_idx] = event_idx track_numbers[frame_idx, current_track_idx] = track_number meta_h5_path = self.meta_pit_dir.joinpath(fn + '.h5') with h5py.File(meta_h5_path, 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset(name='sed_label', data=sed_label[:, :self.dataset.max_ov, :], dtype=np.float32) hf.create_dataset(name='doa_label', data=doa_label[:, :self.dataset.max_ov, :], dtype=np.float32) tqdm.write('{}, {}'.format(idx, meta_h5_path)) def extract_mic_features(self): """ Extract features from MIC format signals """ print('Extracting {} features starts......\n'.format(self.cfg['data']['audio_feature'])) if self.feature_h5_dir.is_dir(): flag = input("HDF5 folder {} is already existed, delete it? (y/n)".format(self.feature_h5_dir)).lower() if flag == 'y': shutil.rmtree(self.feature_h5_dir) elif flag == 'n': print("User select not to remove the HDF5 folder {}. The process will quit.\n".format(self.feature_h5_dir)) return self.feature_h5_dir.mkdir(parents=True) af_extractor_mic = Features_Extractor_MIC(self.cfg) mic_path_list = sorted(self.wav_h5_dir_list[1].glob('*.h5')) iterator = tqdm(enumerate(mic_path_list), total=len(mic_path_list), unit='it') for count, file in iterator: fn = file.stem feature_path =self.feature_h5_dir.joinpath(fn+'.h5') with h5py.File(file, 'r') as hf: waveform = int16_samples_to_float32(hf['waveform'][:]).T nb_feat_frams = int(len(waveform) / self.hoplen) spect = af_extractor_mic._spectrogram(waveform, nb_feat_frams) # spect: [n_frames, n_freqs, n_chs] if self.cfg['data']['audio_feature'] == 'logmelgcc': logmel_spec = af_extractor_mic._get_logmel_spectrogram(spect) # logmel_spec: [n_frames, n_mels, n_chs] gcc = af_extractor_mic._get_gcc(spect) # gcc: [n_frames, n_mels, n_chs] feature = np.concatenate((logmel_spec, gcc), axis=-1).transpose((2,0,1)) # feature: [n_chs, n_frames, n_mels] print('feature shape: ', feature.shape) elif self.cfg['data']['audio_feature'] == 'salsalite': feature = af_extractor_mic._get_salsalite(spect) with h5py.File(feature_path, 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset('feature', data=feature, dtype=np.float32) tqdm.write('{}, {}, features: {}'.format(count, fn, feature.shape)) iterator.close() print('Extracting {} features finished!'.format(self.cfg['data']['audio_feature'])) def extract_index(self): """Extract index of clips for training and testing """ chunklen_sec = [self.cfg['data']['train_chunklen_sec'], self.cfg['data']['test_chunklen_sec']] hoplen_sec = [self.cfg['data']['train_hoplen_sec'], self.cfg['data']['test_hoplen_sec']] last_frame_always_padding = [False, True] for idx, indexes_path in enumerate(self.indexes_path_list): if indexes_path.is_file(): # indexes_path.unlink() with open(indexes_path, 'r') as f: indices = if self.args.dataset in indices: sys.exit(print('indices of dataset {} have been already extracted!'.format(self.args.dataset))) audio_cnt = 0 f = open(indexes_path, 'a') if self.data_type == 'feature': frames_per_prediction = int(self.dataset.label_resolution / (self.cfg['data']['hoplen'] / self.cfg['data']['sample_rate'])) paths_list_absolute = [path for path in sorted(self.feature_h5_dir.glob('*.h5')) if not'.')] paths_list_relative = [path.relative_to(path.parent.parent) for path in paths_list_absolute] chunklen = int(chunklen_sec[idx] / self.dataset.label_resolution * frames_per_prediction) hoplen = int(hoplen_sec[idx] / self.dataset.label_resolution * frames_per_prediction) iterator = tqdm(paths_list_absolute, total=len(paths_list_absolute), unit='it') for path in iterator: fn = paths_list_relative[audio_cnt] with h5py.File(path, 'r') as hf: num_frames = hf['feature'][:].shape[1] data = np.zeros((1, num_frames)) segmented_indexes, segmented_pad_width = _segment_index(data, chunklen, hoplen, last_frame_always_paddding=last_frame_always_padding[idx]) for segmented_pairs in list(zip(segmented_indexes, segmented_pad_width)): f.write('{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(fn, segmented_pairs[0][0], segmented_pairs[0][1],\ segmented_pairs[1][0], segmented_pairs[1][1])) audio_cnt += 1 tqdm.write('{},{}'.format(audio_cnt, fn)) else: chunklen = int(chunklen_sec[idx] * self.cfg['data']['sample_rate']) hoplen = int(hoplen_sec[idx] * self.cfg['data']['sample_rate']) paths_list_absolute = [path for path in sorted(self.wav_h5_dir_list[0].glob('*.h5')) if not'.')] paths_list_relative = [path.relative_to(path.parent.parent) for path in paths_list_absolute] iterator = tqdm(paths_list_absolute, total=len(paths_list_absolute), unit='it') for path in iterator: fn = paths_list_relative[audio_cnt] with h5py.File(path, 'r') as hf: data_length = hf['waveform'][:].shape[1] data = np.zeros((1, data_length)) segmented_indexes, segmented_pad_width = _segment_index(data, chunklen, hoplen, last_frame_always_paddding=last_frame_always_padding[idx]) for segmented_pairs in list(zip(segmented_indexes, segmented_pad_width)): f.write('{},{},{},{},{}\n'.format(fn, segmented_pairs[0][0], segmented_pairs[0][1],\ segmented_pairs[1][0], segmented_pairs[1][1])) audio_cnt += 1 tqdm.write('{},{}'.format(audio_cnt, fn)) f.close() def extract_scalar(self): """Extract scalar of features for normalization """ if self.scalar_path.is_file(): sys.exit('{} exists!'.format(self.scalar_path)) if self.data_type == 'wav': self.extract_scalar_data() def extract_scalar_data(self): """ Extract scalar and store to hdf5 file """ print('Extracting scalar......\n') self.scalar_h5_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cuda_enabled = not self.args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() train_set = BaseDataset(self.args, self.cfg, self.dataset) data_generator = DataLoader( dataset=train_set, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=self.args.num_workers, collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=True ) af_extractor = get_afextractor(self.cfg, cuda_enabled).eval() iterator = tqdm(enumerate(data_generator), total=len(data_generator), unit='it') scalar_list = [preprocessing.StandardScaler() for _ in range(self.channels_dict[self.cfg['data']['audio_feature']])] begin_time = timer() for it, batch_sample in iterator: if it == len(data_generator): break batch_x = batch_sample['waveform'][:] batch_x.require_grad = False if cuda_enabled: batch_x = batch_x.cuda(non_blocking=True) batch_y = af_extractor(batch_x).transpose(0, 1) # (C,N,T,F) C, _, _, F = batch_y.shape batch_y = batch_y.reshape(C, -1, F).cpu().numpy() for i_channel in range(len(scalar_list)): scalar_list[i_channel].partial_fit(batch_y[i_channel]) iterator.close() mean = [] std = [] for i_chan in range(len(scalar_list)): mean.append(scalar_list[i_chan].mean_) std.append(np.sqrt(scalar_list[i_chan].var_)) mean = np.stack(mean)[None, :, None, :] std = np.stack(std)[None, :, None, :] # save to h5py with h5py.File(self.scalar_path, 'w') as hf: hf.create_dataset(name='mean', data=mean, dtype=np.float32) hf.create_dataset(name='std', data=std, dtype=np.float32) print('Mean shape: ', mean.shape, ' Std shape: ', std.shape) print("\nScalar saved to {}\n".format(str(self.scalar_path))) print("Extacting scalar finished! Time spent: {:.3f} s\n".format(timer() - begin_time))
import torch import torch.distributed as dist from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP import torch.multiprocessing as mp import os def get_world_size(): if dist.is_initialized(): return dist.get_world_size() else: return 1 def get_rank(): if dist.is_initialized(): return dist.get_rank() else: return 0 def spawn_nproc(demo_fn, args, cfg, dataset): mp.spawn(demo_fn, args=(args, cfg, dataset), nprocs=torch.cuda.device_count(), join=True) def cleanup(): dist.destroy_process_group() def setup(rank, world_size=torch.cuda.device_count(), args=None): os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost' os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = str(args.port) # initialize the process group dist.init_process_group("nccl", rank=rank, world_size=world_size) def reduce_value(value, average=True): world_size = get_world_size() if not type(value) == torch.Tensor: value = torch.as_tensor(value).to(get_rank()) if world_size > 1: # single GPU dist.all_reduce(value) if average: value /= world_size return value def gather_value(value): world_size = get_world_size() if not type(value) == torch.Tensor: value = torch.as_tensor(value).to(get_rank()) if world_size > 1: # more than 1 GPU value_list = [torch.zeros_like(value) for _ in range(world_size)] dist.all_gather(value_list, value) return torch.concat(value_list, dim=0) else: return value def rank_barrier(): rank = get_rank() if dist.is_initialized(): dist.barrier(device_ids=[rank])
from utils.datasets import dacase2022_dask3 from methods import ein_seld from import DataLoader import torch.distributed as dist from ruamel.yaml import YAML import logging from utils.common import convert_ordinal, count_parameters, move_model_to_gpu import methods.feature as feature import torch.optim as optim from utils.ddp_init import get_rank, get_world_size dataset_dict = { 'dcase2022task3': dacase2022_dask3 } method_dict = { 'ein_seld': ein_seld, } # Datasets def get_dataset(root_dir, cfg, args): dataset = dataset_dict[cfg['dataset']](root_dir, cfg, args) print('\nDataset {} is being developed......\n'.format(cfg['dataset'])) return dataset def store_config(output_path, config): """ Write the given config parameter values to a YAML file. Args: output_path (str): Output file path. config: Parameter values to log. """ yaml = YAML() with open(output_path, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(config, f) # Dataloaders def get_generator(args, cfg, dataset, generator_type): """ Get generator. Args: args: input args cfg: configuration dataset: dataset used generator_type: 'train' | 'valid' | 'test' 'train' for training, 'valid' for validation of valid set, 'test' for infering. Output: subset: train_set, valid_set, or test_set data_generator: 'train_generator', 'valid_generator', or 'test_generator' """ assert generator_type == 'train' or generator_type == 'valid' or generator_type == 'test', \ "Data generator type '{}' is not 'train', 'valid' or 'test'".format(generator_type) batch_sampler = None if generator_type == 'train': subset = method_dict[cfg['method']].data.UserDataset(cfg, dataset, dataset_type='train') batch_sampler = method_dict[cfg['method']].data.UserBatchSampler( clip_num=len(subset), batch_size=cfg['training']['batch_size'], seed=args.seed ) data_generator = DataLoader( dataset=subset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=method_dict[cfg['method']].data.collate_fn, pin_memory=True ) elif generator_type == 'valid': subset = method_dict[cfg['method']].data.UserDataset(cfg, dataset, dataset_type='dev') data_generator = DataLoader( dataset=subset, batch_size=cfg['training']['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=method_dict[cfg['method']].data.collate_fn, pin_memory=True ) elif generator_type == 'test': dataset_type = 'fold'+str(cfg['inference']['test_fold'])+'_test' subset = method_dict[cfg['method']].data.UserDataset(cfg, dataset, dataset_type=dataset_type) data_generator = DataLoader( dataset=subset, batch_size=cfg['inference']['batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=method_dict[cfg['method']].data.collate_fn_test, pin_memory=True ) return subset, data_generator, batch_sampler # Losses def get_losses(cfg): """ Get losses """ losses = method_dict[cfg['method']].losses.Losses(cfg) for idx, loss_name in enumerate(losses.names):'{} is used as the {} loss.'.format(loss_name, convert_ordinal(idx + 1)))'') return losses # Audio feature extractor def get_afextractor(cfg, cuda): """ Get audio feature extractor """ if cfg['data']['audio_feature'] == 'logmelIV': afextractor = feature.LogmelIntensity_Extractor(cfg) afextractor = move_model_to_gpu(afextractor, cuda) elif cfg['data']['audio_feature'] == 'logmel': afextractor = feature.Logmel_Extractor(cfg) afextractor = move_model_to_gpu(afextractor, cuda) else: afextractor = None return afextractor # Models def get_models(cfg, dataset, cuda, model_name=None): """ Get models """'=====>> Building a model\n') if not model_name: model = vars(method_dict[cfg['method']].models)[cfg['training']['model']](cfg, dataset) else: model = vars(method_dict[cfg['method']].models)[model_name](cfg, dataset) model = move_model_to_gpu(model, cuda)'Model architectures:\n{}\n'.format(model)) count_parameters(model) return model # Optimizers def get_optimizer(cfg, af_extractor, model): """ Get optimizers """ opt_method = cfg['training']['optimizer'] lr = cfg['training']['lr'] if cfg['data']['audio_feature'] == 'logmelIV': params = list(af_extractor.parameters()) + list(model.parameters()) else: params = list(model.parameters()) if opt_method == 'adam': optimizer = optim.Adam(params, lr=lr, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0, amsgrad=True) elif opt_method == 'sgd': optimizer = optim.SGD(params, lr=lr, momentum=0, weight_decay=0) elif opt_method == 'adamw': # optimizer = AdamW(params, lr=lr, betas=(0.9, 0.999), weight_decay=0, warmup=0) optimizer = optim.AdamW(params, lr=lr, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0.01, amsgrad=True)'Optimizer is: {}\n'.format(opt_method)) return optimizer # Metrics def get_metrics(cfg, dataset): """ Get metrics """ metrics = method_dict[cfg['method']].metrics.Metrics(dataset) for idx, metric_name in enumerate(metrics.names):'{} is used as the {} metric.'.format(metric_name, convert_ordinal(idx + 1)))'') return metrics # Trainer def get_trainer(args, cfg, dataset, valid_set, af_extractor, model, optimizer, losses, metrics): """ Get trainer """ trainer = method_dict[cfg['method']].training.Trainer( args=args, cfg=cfg, dataset=dataset, valid_set=valid_set, af_extractor=af_extractor, model=model, optimizer=optimizer, losses=losses, metrics=metrics ) return trainer # Inferer def get_inferer(cfg, dataset, af_extractor, model, cuda, test_set): """ Get inferer """ inferer = method_dict[cfg['method']].inference.Inferer( cfg=cfg, dataset=dataset, af_extractor=af_extractor, model=model, cuda=cuda, test_set=test_set ) return inferer
from pathlib import Path class dacase2022_dask3: ''' DCASE 2022 Task 3 dataset ''' def __init__(self, root_dir, cfg, args): self.label_dic = {'Female speech, woman speaking': 0, 'Male speech, man speaking': 1, 'Clapping': 2, 'Telephone': 3, 'Laughter': 4, 'Domestic sounds': 5, 'Walk, footsteps': 6, 'Door, open or close': 7, 'Music': 8, 'Musical instrument': 9, 'Water tap, faucet': 10, 'Bell': 11, 'Knock': 12 } self.label_resolution = 0.1 # 0.1s is the label resolution self.max_ov = 3 # max overlap self.num_classes = len(self.label_dic) self.root_dir = Path(root_dir) self.starss22_dir = self.root_dir.joinpath('STARSS22') self.synth_dir = self.root_dir.joinpath('synth_dataset') self.dataset_dir = dict() self.dataset_dir['dev'] = {'foa': dict(), 'mic': dict(), 'meta': dict()} self.dataset_dir['dev']['foa']['STARSS22'] = \ [self.starss22_dir.joinpath('foa_dev').joinpath('dev-train-sony'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('foa_dev').joinpath('dev-train-tau'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('foa_dev').joinpath('dev-test-sony'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('foa_dev').joinpath('dev-test-tau')] self.dataset_dir['dev']['mic']['STARSS22'] = \ [self.starss22_dir.joinpath('mic_dev').joinpath('dev-train-sony'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('mic_dev').joinpath('dev-train-tau'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('mic_dev').joinpath('dev-test-sony'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('mic_dev').joinpath('dev-test-tau')] self.dataset_dir['dev']['meta']['STARSS22'] = \ [self.starss22_dir.joinpath('metadata_dev').joinpath('dev-train-sony'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('metadata_dev').joinpath('dev-train-tau'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('metadata_dev').joinpath('dev-test-sony'), self.starss22_dir.joinpath('metadata_dev').joinpath('dev-test-tau')] self.dataset_dir['eval'] = { 'foa': { 'STARSS22': [self.starss22_dir.joinpath('foa_eval')] }, 'mic': { 'STARSS22': [self.starss22_dir.joinpath('mic_eval')] }, 'meta': { 'STARSS22': [] }, } if not args.dataset == 'STARSS22': synth_dataset_list = args.dataset.split(',') for _synth_dataset in synth_dataset_list: self.dataset_dir['dev']['foa'][_synth_dataset] = [self.synth_dir.joinpath(_synth_dataset).joinpath('foa')] self.dataset_dir['dev']['mic'][_synth_dataset] = [self.synth_dir.joinpath(_synth_dataset).joinpath('mic')] self.dataset_dir['dev']['meta'][_synth_dataset] = [self.synth_dir.joinpath(_synth_dataset).joinpath('metadata')]
import numpy as np import torch import logging from datetime import datetime from tqdm import tqdm import math import torch.distributed as dist import shutil from pathlib import Path from .ddp_init import get_rank, get_world_size def float_samples_to_int16(y): """Convert floating-point numpy array of audio samples to int16.""" if not issubclass(y.dtype.type, np.floating): raise ValueError('input samples not floating-point') return (y * np.iinfo(np.int16).max).astype(np.int16) def int16_samples_to_float32(y): """Convert int16 numpy array of audio samples to float32.""" if y.dtype != np.int16: raise ValueError('input samples not int16') return y.astype(np.float32) / np.iinfo(np.int16).max def prepare_train_id(args, cfg): """ Delete out train directory if it exists""" out_train_dir = Path(cfg['workspace_dir']).joinpath('results').joinpath('out_train') \ .joinpath(cfg['method']).joinpath(cfg['training']['train_id']) if out_train_dir.is_dir(): flag = input("Train ID folder {} is existed, delete it? (y/n)". \ format(str(out_train_dir))).lower() print('') if flag == 'y': shutil.rmtree(str(out_train_dir)) elif flag == 'n': print("User select not to remove the training ID folder {}.\n". \ format(str(out_train_dir))) def create_logging(logs_dir, filemode): """Create log objective. Args: logs_dir (Path obj): logs directory filenmode: open file mode """ logs_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) i1 = 0 while logs_dir.joinpath('{:04d}.log'.format(i1)).is_file(): i1 += 1 logs_path = logs_dir.joinpath('{:04d}.log'.format(i1)) logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, # format='%(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', filename=logs_path, filemode=filemode) # Print to console console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) # logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(TqdmLoggingHandler()) dt_string ='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')'') return logging class TqdmLoggingHandler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, level=logging.NOTSET): super().__init__(level) def emit(self, record): try: msg = self.format(record) tqdm.write(msg) self.flush() except: self.handleError(record) def convert_ordinal(n): """Convert a number to a ordinal number """ ordinal = lambda n: "%d%s" % (n,"tsnrhtdd"[(math.floor(n/10)%10!=1)*(n%10<4)*n%10::4]) return ordinal(n) def move_model_to_gpu(model, cuda): """Move model to GPU """ if cuda:'Utilize GPUs for computation')'Number of GPU available: {}\n'.format(torch.cuda.device_count())), non_blocking=True) else:'Utilize CPU for computation') return model def count_parameters(model): """Count model parameters """ params_num = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)'Total number of parameters: {}\n'.format(params_num)) def print_metrics(logging, writer, values_dict, it, set_type='train'): """Print losses and metrics, and write it to tensorboard Args: logging: logging writer: tensorboard writer values_dict: losses or metrics it: iter set_type: 'train' | 'valid' | 'test' """ out_str = '' if set_type == 'train': out_str += 'Train: ' elif set_type == 'valid': out_str += 'valid: ' for key, value in values_dict.items(): out_str += '{}: {:.3f}, '.format(key, value) writer.add_scalar('{}/{}'.format(set_type, key), value, it)
import argparse import sys from pathlib import Path from ruamel.yaml import YAML from termcolor import cprint def parse_cli_overides(): """Parse the command-line arguments. Parse args from CLI and override config dictionary entries This function implements the command-line interface of the program. The interface accepts general command-line arguments as well as arguments that are specific to a sub-command. The sub-commands are *preprocess*, *train*, *predict*, and *evaluate*. Specifying a sub-command is required, as it specifies the task that the program should carry out. Returns: args: The parsed arguments. """ # Parse the command-line arguments, but separate the `--config_file` # option from the other arguments. This way, options can be parsed # from the config file(s) first and then overidden by the other # command-line arguments later. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Event Independent Network for DCASE2022.', add_help=False ) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_file', default='./configs/ein_seld/seld.yaml', help='Specify config file', metavar='FILE') parser.add_argument('--dataset', default='STARSS22', type=str) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode') parser_preproc = subparsers.add_parser('preprocess') parser_train = subparsers.add_parser('train') parser_infer = subparsers.add_parser('infer') subparsers.add_parser('evaluate') # Require the user to specify a sub-command subparsers.required = True parser_preproc.add_argument('--preproc_mode', choices=['extract_data', 'extract_indexes', 'extract_pit_label', 'extract_mic_features', 'extract_scalar', 'extract_adpit_label'], required=True, help='select preprocessing mode') parser_preproc.add_argument('--dataset_type', default='dev', choices=['dev', 'eval'], help='select dataset to preprocess') parser_preproc.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=8, metavar='N') parser_preproc.add_argument('--no_cuda', action='store_true', help='Do not use cuda.') parser_train.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=2022, metavar='N') parser_train.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=8, metavar='N') parser_train.add_argument('--no_cuda', action='store_true', help='Do not use cuda.') parser_train.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=12359, metavar='N') parser_infer.add_argument('--num_workers', type=int, default=8, metavar='N') parser_infer.add_argument('--no_cuda', action='store_true', help='Do not use cuda.') args = parser.parse_args() args_dict = vars(args) cprint("Args:", "green") for key, value in args_dict.items(): print(f" {key:25s} -> {value}") yaml = YAML() yaml.indent(mapping=4, sequence=6, offset=3) yaml.default_flow_style = False with open(args.config_file, 'r') as f: cfg = yaml.load(f) cprint("Cfg:", "red") yaml.dump(cfg, sys.stdout, transform=replace_indent) return args, cfg def replace_indent(stream): stream = " " + stream return stream.replace("\n", "\n ")
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import os import os.path as osp import platform import shutil import sys import warnings from setuptools import find_packages, setup import torch from torch.utils.cpp_extension import (BuildExtension, CppExtension, CUDAExtension) def readme(): with open('', encoding='utf-8') as f: content = return content version_file = 'openpsg/' def get_version(): with open(version_file, 'r') as f: exec(compile(, version_file, 'exec')) return locals()['__version__'] def make_cuda_ext(name, module, sources, sources_cuda=[]): define_macros = [] extra_compile_args = {'cxx': []} if torch.cuda.is_available() or os.getenv('FORCE_CUDA', '0') == '1': define_macros += [('WITH_CUDA', None)] extension = CUDAExtension extra_compile_args['nvcc'] = [ '-D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__', '-D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__', '-D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__', ] sources += sources_cuda else: print(f'Compiling {name} without CUDA') extension = CppExtension return extension( name=f'{module}.{name}', sources=[os.path.join(*module.split('.'), p) for p in sources], define_macros=define_macros, extra_compile_args=extra_compile_args) def parse_requirements(fname='requirements.txt', with_version=True): """Parse the package dependencies listed in a requirements file but strips specific versioning information. Args: fname (str): path to requirements file with_version (bool, default=False): if True include version specs Returns: List[str]: list of requirements items CommandLine: python -c "import setup; print(setup.parse_requirements())" """ import re import sys from os.path import exists require_fpath = fname def parse_line(line): """Parse information from a line in a requirements text file.""" if line.startswith('-r '): # Allow specifying requirements in other files target = line.split(' ')[1] for info in parse_require_file(target): yield info else: info = {'line': line} if line.startswith('-e '): info['package'] = line.split('#egg=')[1] elif '@git+' in line: info['package'] = line else: # Remove versioning from the package pat = '(' + '|'.join(['>=', '==', '>']) + ')' parts = re.split(pat, line, maxsplit=1) parts = [p.strip() for p in parts] info['package'] = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: op, rest = parts[1:] if ';' in rest: # Handle platform specific dependencies # version, platform_deps = map(str.strip, rest.split(';')) info['platform_deps'] = platform_deps else: version = rest # NOQA info['version'] = (op, version) yield info def parse_require_file(fpath): with open(fpath, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): for info in parse_line(line): yield info def gen_packages_items(): if exists(require_fpath): for info in parse_require_file(require_fpath): parts = [info['package']] if with_version and 'version' in info: parts.extend(info['version']) if not sys.version.startswith('3.4'): # apparently package_deps are broken in 3.4 platform_deps = info.get('platform_deps') if platform_deps is not None: parts.append(';' + platform_deps) item = ''.join(parts) yield item packages = list(gen_packages_items()) return packages def add_mim_extension(): """Add extra files that are required to support MIM into the package. These files will be added by creating a symlink to the originals if the package is installed in `editable` mode (e.g. pip install -e .), or by copying from the originals otherwise. """ # parse installment mode if 'develop' in sys.argv: # installed by `pip install -e .` if platform.system() == 'Windows': # set `copy` mode here since symlink fails on Windows. mode = 'copy' else: mode = 'symlink' elif 'sdist' in sys.argv or 'bdist_wheel' in sys.argv: # installed by `pip install .` # or create source distribution by `python sdist` mode = 'copy' else: return filenames = ['tools', 'configs', 'demo', 'model-index.yml'] repo_path = osp.dirname(__file__) mim_path = osp.join(repo_path, 'mmdet', '.mim') os.makedirs(mim_path, exist_ok=True) for filename in filenames: if osp.exists(filename): src_path = osp.join(repo_path, filename) tar_path = osp.join(mim_path, filename) if osp.isfile(tar_path) or osp.islink(tar_path): os.remove(tar_path) elif osp.isdir(tar_path): shutil.rmtree(tar_path) if mode == 'symlink': src_relpath = osp.relpath(src_path, osp.dirname(tar_path)) os.symlink(src_relpath, tar_path) elif mode == 'copy': if osp.isfile(src_path): shutil.copyfile(src_path, tar_path) elif osp.isdir(src_path): shutil.copytree(src_path, tar_path) else: warnings.warn(f'Cannot copy file {src_path}.') else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid mode {mode}') if __name__ == '__main__': add_mim_extension() setup( name='openpsg', version=get_version(), description='Benchmarking Panoptic Scene Graph Generation', long_description=readme(), long_description_content_type='text/markdown', author='OpenPSG Contributors', author_email='yangjingkang001@gmail', keywords='computer vision, detection, segmentation, scene graph', url='', packages=find_packages(exclude=('configs', 'tools', 'demo')), include_package_data=True, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9', ], license='Apache License 2.0', install_requires=parse_requirements('requirements/runtime.txt'), extras_require={ 'all': parse_requirements('requirements.txt'), 'tests': parse_requirements('requirements/tests.txt'), 'build': parse_requirements('requirements/build.txt'), 'optional': parse_requirements('requirements/optional.txt'), }, ext_modules=[], cmdclass={'build_ext': BuildExtension}, zip_safe=False)
import os import tempfile import shutil from typing import List from cog import BasePredictor, Path, Input, BaseModel from openpsg.utils.utils import show_result from mmdet.apis import init_detector, inference_detector from mmcv import Config import mmcv class ModelOutput(BaseModel): image: Path class Predictor(BasePredictor): def setup(self): model_ckt = "epoch_60.pth" cfg = Config.fromfile("configs/psgtr/") self.model = init_detector(cfg, model_ckt, device="cpu") def predict( self, image: Path = Input( description="Input image.", ), num_rel: int = Input( description="Number of Relations. Each relation will generate a scene graph", default=5, ge=1, le=20, ), ) -> List[ModelOutput]: input_image = mmcv.imread(str(image)) result = inference_detector(self.model, input_image) out_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) / "output.png" out_dir = "temp" show_result( str(image), result, is_one_stage=True, num_rel=num_rel, out_dir=out_dir, out_file=str(out_path), ) output = [] output.append(ModelOutput(image=out_path)) for i, img_path in enumerate(os.listdir(out_dir)): img = mmcv.imread(os.path.join(out_dir, img_path)) out_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) / f"output_{i}.png" mmcv.imwrite(img, str(out_path)) output.append(ModelOutput(image=out_path)) shutil.rmtree(out_dir) return output
import argparse import os import time import torch from dataset import PSGClsDataset from evaluator import Evaluator from import DataLoader from torchvision.models import resnet50 from trainer import BaseTrainer parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--model_name', type=str, default='res50') parser.add_argument('--epoch', type=int, default=36) parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.001) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=16) parser.add_argument('--momentum', type=float, default=0.9) parser.add_argument('--weight_decay', type=float, default=0.0005) args = parser.parse_args() savename = f'{args.model_name}_e{args.epoch}_lr{}_bs{args.batch_size}_m{args.momentum}_wd{args.weight_decay}' os.makedirs('./checkpoints', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('./results', exist_ok=True) # loading dataset train_dataset = PSGClsDataset(stage='train') train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=8) val_dataset = PSGClsDataset(stage='val') val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) test_dataset = PSGClsDataset(stage='test') test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=8) print('Data Loaded...', flush=True) # loading model model = resnet50(pretrained=True) model.fc = torch.nn.Linear(2048, 56) model.cuda() print('Model Loaded...', flush=True) # loading trainer trainer = BaseTrainer(model, train_dataloader,, momentum=args.momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay, epochs=args.epoch) evaluator = Evaluator(model, k=3) # train! print('Start Training...', flush=True) begin_epoch = time.time() best_val_recall = 0.0 for epoch in range(0, args.epoch): train_metrics = trainer.train_epoch() val_metrics = evaluator.eval_recall(val_dataloader) # show log print( '{} | Epoch {:3d} | Time {:5d}s | Train Loss {:.4f} | Test Loss {:.3f} | mR {:.2f}' .format(savename, (epoch + 1), int(time.time() - begin_epoch), train_metrics['train_loss'], val_metrics['test_loss'], 100.0 * val_metrics['mean_recall']), flush=True) # save model if val_metrics['mean_recall'] >= best_val_recall:, f'./checkpoints/{savename}_best.ckpt') best_val_recall = val_metrics['mean_recall'] print('Training Completed...', flush=True) # saving result! print('Loading Best Ckpt...', flush=True) checkpoint = torch.load(f'checkpoints/{savename}_best.ckpt') model.load_state_dict(checkpoint) test_evaluator = Evaluator(model, k=3) check_metrics = test_evaluator.eval_recall(val_dataloader) if best_val_recall == check_metrics['mean_recall']: print('Successfully load best checkpoint with acc {:.2f}'.format( 100 * best_val_recall), flush=True) else: print('Fail to load best checkpoint') result = test_evaluator.submit(test_dataloader) # save into the file with open(f'results/{savename}_{best_val_recall}.txt', 'w') as writer: for label_list in result: a = [str(x) for x in label_list] save_str = ' '.join(a) writer.writelines(save_str + '\n') print('Result Saved!', flush=True)
import argparse import os import numpy as np def compute_recall(gt_list, pred_list): score_list = np.zeros([56, 2], dtype=int) for gt, pred in zip(gt_list, pred_list): for gt_id in gt: # pos 0 for counting all existing relations score_list[gt_id][0] += 1 if gt_id in pred: # pos 1 for counting relations that is recalled score_list[gt_id][1] += 1 score_list = score_list[6:] # to avoid nan, but test set does not have empty predict # score_list[:,0][score_list[:,0] == 0] = 1 meanrecall = np.mean(score_list[:, 1] / score_list[:, 0]) return meanrecall def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MMDet eval a model') parser.add_argument('input_path', help='input file path') parser.add_argument('output_path', help='output file path') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = parse_args() submit_dir = os.path.join(args.input_path, 'res') groundtruth_dir = os.path.join(args.input_path, 'ref') gt_list = [] with open(os.path.join(groundtruth_dir, 'psg_cls_gt.txt'), 'r') as reader: for line in reader.readlines(): gt_list.append( [int(label) for label in line.strip('/n').split(' ')]) pred_list = [] with open(os.path.join(submit_dir, 'result.txt'), 'r') as reader: for line in reader.readlines(): pred_list.append( [int(label) for label in line.strip('/n').split(' ')]) assert np.array(pred_list).shape == ( 500, 3), 'make sure the submitted file is 500 x 3' result = compute_recall(gt_list, pred_list) output_filename = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'scores.txt') with open(output_filename, 'w') as f3: f3.write('score: {}\n'.format(result)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import io import json import logging import os import torch import torchvision.transforms as trn from PIL import Image, ImageFile from import Dataset # to fix "OSError: image file is truncated" ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True class Convert: def __init__(self, mode='RGB'): self.mode = mode def __call__(self, image): return image.convert(self.mode) def get_transforms(stage: str): mean, std = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] if stage == 'train': return trn.Compose([ Convert('RGB'), trn.Resize((1333, 800)), trn.RandomHorizontalFlip(), trn.RandomCrop((1333, 800), padding=4), trn.ToTensor(), trn.Normalize(mean, std), ]) elif stage in ['val', 'test']: return trn.Compose([ Convert('RGB'), trn.Resize((1333, 800)), trn.ToTensor(), trn.Normalize(mean, std), ]) class PSGClsDataset(Dataset): def __init__( self, stage, root='./data/coco/', num_classes=56, ): super(PSGClsDataset, self).__init__() with open('./data/psg/psg_cls_basic.json') as f: dataset = json.load(f) self.imglist = [ d for d in dataset['data'] if d['image_id'] in dataset[f'{stage}_image_ids'] ] self.root = root self.transform_image = get_transforms(stage) self.num_classes = num_classes def __len__(self): return len(self.imglist) def __getitem__(self, index): sample = self.imglist[index] path = os.path.join(self.root, sample['file_name']) try: with open(path, 'rb') as f: content = filebytes = content buff = io.BytesIO(filebytes) image ='RGB') sample['data'] = self.transform_image(image) except Exception as e: logging.error('Error, cannot read [{}]'.format(path)) raise e # Generate Soft Label soft_label = torch.Tensor(self.num_classes) soft_label.fill_(0) soft_label[sample['relations']] = 1 sample['soft_label'] = soft_label del sample['relations'] return sample
import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader class Evaluator: def __init__( self, net: nn.Module, k: int, ): = net self.k = k def eval_recall( self, data_loader: DataLoader, ): loss_avg = 0.0 pred_list, gt_list = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for batch in data_loader: data = batch['data'].cuda() logits = prob = torch.sigmoid(logits) target = batch['soft_label'].cuda() loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(prob, target, reduction='sum') loss_avg += float( # gather prediction and gt pred = torch.topk(, self.k)[1] pred = pred.cpu().detach().tolist() pred_list.extend(pred) for soft_label in batch['soft_label']: gt_label = (soft_label == 1).nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0]\ .cpu().detach().tolist() gt_list.append(gt_label) # compute mean recall score_list = np.zeros([56, 2], dtype=int) for gt, pred in zip(gt_list, pred_list): for gt_id in gt: # pos 0 for counting all existing relations score_list[gt_id][0] += 1 if gt_id in pred: # pos 1 for counting relations that is recalled score_list[gt_id][1] += 1 score_list = score_list[6:] # to avoid nan score_list[:, 0][score_list[:, 0] == 0] = 1 meanrecall = np.mean(score_list[:, 1] / score_list[:, 0]) metrics = {} metrics['test_loss'] = loss_avg / len(data_loader) metrics['mean_recall'] = meanrecall return metrics def submit( self, data_loader: DataLoader, ): pred_list = [] with torch.no_grad(): for batch in data_loader: data = batch['data'].cuda() logits = prob = torch.sigmoid(logits) pred = torch.topk(, self.k)[1] pred = pred.cpu().detach().tolist() pred_list.extend(pred) return pred_list
import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from import DataLoader from tqdm import tqdm def cosine_annealing(step, total_steps, lr_max, lr_min): return lr_min + (lr_max - lr_min) * 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(step / total_steps * np.pi)) class BaseTrainer: def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, train_loader: DataLoader, learning_rate: float = 0.1, momentum: float = 0.9, weight_decay: float = 0.0005, epochs: int = 100) -> None: = net self.train_loader = train_loader self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( net.parameters(), learning_rate, momentum=momentum, weight_decay=weight_decay, nesterov=True, ) self.scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( self.optimizer, lr_lambda=lambda step: cosine_annealing( step, epochs * len(train_loader), 1, # since lr_lambda computes multiplicative factor 1e-6 / learning_rate, ), ) def train_epoch(self): # enter train mode loss_avg = 0.0 train_dataiter = iter(self.train_loader) for train_step in tqdm(range(1, len(train_dataiter) + 1)): # for train_step in tqdm(range(1, 5)): batch = next(train_dataiter) data = batch['data'].cuda() target = batch['soft_label'].cuda() # forward logits = loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, target, reduction='sum') # backward self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.scheduler.step() # exponential moving average, show smooth values with torch.no_grad(): loss_avg = loss_avg * 0.8 + float(loss) * 0.2 metrics = {} metrics['train_loss'] = loss_avg return metrics
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse import os.path as osp import mmcv from mmcv import Config, DictAction from mmdet.datasets import build_dataset, replace_ImageToTensor from openpsg.utils.utils import show_result def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='MMDet eval image prediction result for each') parser.add_argument('config', help='test config file path') parser.add_argument('prediction_path', help='prediction path where test pkl result') parser.add_argument('show_dir', help='directory where painted images will be saved') parser.add_argument('--show', action='store_true', help='show results') parser.add_argument('--img_idx', default=[25, 73], nargs='+', type=int, help='which image to show') parser.add_argument('--wait-time', type=float, default=0, help='the interval of show (s), 0 is block') parser.add_argument('--topk', default=20, type=int, help='saved Number of the highest topk ' 'and lowest topk after index sorting') parser.add_argument('--show-score-thr', type=float, default=0, help='score threshold (default: 0.)') parser.add_argument('--one_stage', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--cfg-options', nargs='+', action=DictAction, help='override some settings in the used config, the key-value pair ' 'in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file. If the value to ' 'be overwritten is a list, it should be like key="[a,b]" or key=a,b ' 'It also allows nested list/tuple values, e.g. key="[(a,b),(c,d)]" ' 'Note that the quotation marks are necessary and that no white space ' 'is allowed.') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = parse_args() mmcv.check_file_exist(args.prediction_path) cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) if args.cfg_options is not None: cfg.merge_from_dict(args.cfg_options) # in case the test dataset is concatenated samples_per_gpu = 1 if isinstance(, dict): = True samples_per_gpu ='samples_per_gpu', 1) if samples_per_gpu > 1: # Replace 'ImageToTensor' to 'DefaultFormatBundle' = replace_ImageToTensor( elif isinstance(, list): for ds_cfg in ds_cfg.test_mode = True samples_per_gpu = max( [ds_cfg.pop('samples_per_gpu', 1) for ds_cfg in]) if samples_per_gpu > 1: for ds_cfg in ds_cfg.pipeline = replace_ImageToTensor(ds_cfg.pipeline) # build the dataloader dataset = build_dataset( outputs = mmcv.load(args.prediction_path) for idx in args.img_idx: print(idx, flush=True) img = dataset[idx]['img_metas'][0].data['filename'] result = outputs[idx] out_filepath = osp.join(args.show_dir, f'{idx}.png') show_result(img, result, is_one_stage=args.one_stage, num_rel=args.topk, out_file=out_filepath) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse import os import os.path as osp import time import warnings import mmcv import torch from grade import save_results from mmcv import Config, DictAction from mmcv.cnn import fuse_conv_bn from mmcv.parallel import MMDataParallel, MMDistributedDataParallel from mmcv.runner import (get_dist_info, init_dist, load_checkpoint, wrap_fp16_model) from mmdet.apis import multi_gpu_test, single_gpu_test from mmdet.datasets import build_dataloader, replace_ImageToTensor from mmdet.models import build_detector from openpsg.datasets import build_dataset from grade import save_results def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='MMDet test (and eval) a model') parser.add_argument('config', help='test config file path') parser.add_argument('checkpoint', help='checkpoint file') parser.add_argument( '--work-dir', help='the directory to save the file containing evaluation metrics') parser.add_argument('--out', help='output result file in pickle format') parser.add_argument( '--fuse-conv-bn', action='store_true', help='Whether to fuse conv and bn, this will slightly increase' 'the inference speed') parser.add_argument( '--format-only', action='store_true', help='Format the output results without perform evaluation. It is' 'useful when you want to format the result to a specific format and ' 'submit it to the test server') parser.add_argument( '--eval', type=str, nargs='+', help='evaluation metrics, which depends on the dataset, e.g., "bbox",' ' "segm", "proposal" for COCO, and "mAP", "recall" for PASCAL VOC') parser.add_argument('--show', action='store_true', help='show results') parser.add_argument('--show-dir', help='directory where painted images will be saved') parser.add_argument('--show-score-thr', type=float, default=0.3, help='score threshold (default: 0.3)') parser.add_argument('--gpu-collect', action='store_true', help='whether to use gpu to collect results.') parser.add_argument( '--tmpdir', help='tmp directory used for collecting results from multiple ' 'workers, available when gpu-collect is not specified') parser.add_argument( '--cfg-options', nargs='+', action=DictAction, help='override some settings in the used config, the key-value pair ' 'in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file. If the value to ' 'be overwritten is a list, it should be like key="[a,b]" or key=a,b ' 'It also allows nested list/tuple values, e.g. key="[(a,b),(c,d)]" ' 'Note that the quotation marks are necessary and that no white space ' 'is allowed.') parser.add_argument( '--options', nargs='+', action=DictAction, help='custom options for evaluation, the key-value pair in xxx=yyy ' 'format will be kwargs for dataset.evaluate() function (deprecate), ' 'change to --eval-options instead.') parser.add_argument( '--eval-options', nargs='+', action=DictAction, help='custom options for evaluation, the key-value pair in xxx=yyy ' 'format will be kwargs for dataset.evaluate() function') parser.add_argument('--launcher', choices=['none', 'pytorch', 'slurm', 'mpi'], default='none', help='job launcher') parser.add_argument( '--submit', action='store_true', help= 'save output to a json file and save the panoptic mask as a png image into a folder for grading purpose' ) parser.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, default=0) args = parser.parse_args() if 'LOCAL_RANK' not in os.environ: os.environ['LOCAL_RANK'] = str(args.local_rank) if args.options and args.eval_options: raise ValueError( '--options and --eval-options cannot be both ' 'specified, --options is deprecated in favor of --eval-options') if args.options: warnings.warn('--options is deprecated in favor of --eval-options') args.eval_options = args.options return args def main(): args = parse_args() assert args.out or args.eval or args.format_only or \ or args.show_dir or args.submit, \ ('Please specify at least one operation (save/eval/format/show the ' 'results / save the results) with the argument "--out", "--eval"' ', "--format-only", "--show" or "--show-dir"') if args.eval and args.format_only: raise ValueError('--eval and --format_only cannot be both specified') if args.out is not None and not args.out.endswith(('.pkl', '.pickle')): raise ValueError('The output file must be a pkl file.') cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) if args.cfg_options is not None: cfg.merge_from_dict(args.cfg_options) # set cudnn_benchmark if cfg.get('cudnn_benchmark', False): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True cfg.model.pretrained = None if cfg.model.get('neck'): if isinstance(cfg.model.neck, list): for neck_cfg in cfg.model.neck: if neck_cfg.get('rfp_backbone'): if neck_cfg.rfp_backbone.get('pretrained'): neck_cfg.rfp_backbone.pretrained = None elif cfg.model.neck.get('rfp_backbone'): if cfg.model.neck.rfp_backbone.get('pretrained'): cfg.model.neck.rfp_backbone.pretrained = None # in case the test dataset is concatenated samples_per_gpu = 1 if isinstance(, dict): = True samples_per_gpu ='samples_per_gpu', 1) if samples_per_gpu > 1: # Replace 'ImageToTensor' to 'DefaultFormatBundle' = replace_ImageToTensor( elif isinstance(, list): for ds_cfg in ds_cfg.test_mode = True samples_per_gpu = max( [ds_cfg.pop('samples_per_gpu', 1) for ds_cfg in]) if samples_per_gpu > 1: for ds_cfg in ds_cfg.pipeline = replace_ImageToTensor(ds_cfg.pipeline) # init distributed env first, since logger depends on the dist info. if args.launcher == 'none': distributed = False else: distributed = True init_dist(args.launcher, **cfg.dist_params) rank, _ = get_dist_info() # allows not to create if args.work_dir is not None and rank == 0: mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(osp.abspath(args.work_dir)) timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime()) json_file = osp.join(args.work_dir, f'eval_{timestamp}.json') # build the dataloader dataset = build_dataset( data_loader = build_dataloader(dataset, samples_per_gpu=samples_per_gpu,, dist=distributed, shuffle=False) # build the model and load checkpoint cfg.model.train_cfg = None model = build_detector(cfg.model, test_cfg=cfg.get('test_cfg')) fp16_cfg = cfg.get('fp16', None) if fp16_cfg is not None: wrap_fp16_model(model) checkpoint = load_checkpoint(model, args.checkpoint, map_location='cpu') if args.fuse_conv_bn: model = fuse_conv_bn(model) # old versions did not save class info in checkpoints, this walkaround is # for backward compatibility if 'CLASSES' in checkpoint.get('meta', {}): model.CLASSES = checkpoint['meta']['CLASSES'] else: model.CLASSES = dataset.CLASSES # NOTE: if hasattr(dataset, 'PREDICATES'): model.PREDICATES = dataset.PREDICATES if not distributed: model = MMDataParallel(model, device_ids=[0]) outputs = single_gpu_test(model, data_loader,, args.show_dir, args.show_score_thr) else: model = MMDistributedDataParallel( model.cuda(), device_ids=[torch.cuda.current_device()], broadcast_buffers=False) outputs = multi_gpu_test(model, data_loader, args.tmpdir, args.gpu_collect) if args.submit: save_results(outputs) rank, _ = get_dist_info() if rank == 0: if args.out: print(f'\nwriting results to {args.out}') mmcv.dump(outputs, args.out) kwargs = {} if args.eval_options is None else args.eval_options if args.format_only: dataset.format_results(outputs, **kwargs) if args.eval: eval_kwargs = cfg.get('evaluation', {}).copy() # hard-code way to remove EvalHook args for key in [ 'interval', 'tmpdir', 'start', 'gpu_collect', 'save_best', 'rule', 'dynamic_intervals' ]: eval_kwargs.pop(key, None) eval_kwargs.update(dict(metric=args.eval, **kwargs)) metric = dataset.evaluate(outputs, **eval_kwargs) print(metric) metric_dict = dict(config=args.config, metric=metric) if args.work_dir is not None and rank == 0: mmcv.dump(metric_dict, json_file) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse import json import os import random import numpy as np import PIL from mmcv import Config from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET from panopticapi.utils import rgb2id from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm from openpsg.datasets import build_dataset from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import Result def save_results(results): all_img_dicts = [] if not os.path.isdir('submission/panseg/'): os.makedirs('submission/panseg/') for idx, result in enumerate(results): if not isinstance(result, Result): continue labels = result.labels rels = result.rels masks = result.masks segments_info = [] img = np.full(masks.shape[1:3], 0) for label, mask in zip(labels, masks): r, g, b = random.choices(range(0, 255), k=3) coloring_mask = 1 * np.vstack([[mask]] * 3) for j, color in enumerate([r, g, b]): coloring_mask[j, :, :] = coloring_mask[j, :, :] * color img = img + coloring_mask segment = dict(category_id=int(label), id=rgb2id((r, g, b))) segments_info.append(segment) image_path = 'submission/panseg/%d.png' % idx # image_array = np.uint8(img).transpose((2,1,0)) image_array = np.uint8(img).transpose((1, 2, 0)) PIL.Image.fromarray(image_array).save(image_path) single_result_dict = dict( relations=rels.astype(np.int32).tolist(), segments_info=segments_info, pan_seg_file_name='%d.png' % idx, ) all_img_dicts.append(single_result_dict) if not os.path.isdir('submission'): os.mkdir('submission') with open('submission/relation.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(all_img_dicts, outfile, default=str) def load_results(loadpath): with open(os.path.join(loadpath, 'relation.json')) as infile: all_img_dicts = json.load(infile) results = [] for single_result_dict in tqdm(all_img_dicts, desc='Loading results from json...'): pan_seg_filename = single_result_dict['pan_seg_file_name'] pan_seg_filename = os.path.join(loadpath, 'panseg', pan_seg_filename) pan_seg_img = np.array( pan_seg_img = pan_seg_img.copy() # (H, W, 3) seg_map = rgb2id(pan_seg_img) segments_info = single_result_dict['segments_info'] num_obj = len(segments_info) # get separate masks labels = [] masks = [] for _, s in enumerate(segments_info): label = int(s['category_id']) labels.append(label) # TODO:1-index for gt? masks.append(seg_map == s['id']) count = dict() pan_result = seg_map.copy() for _, s in enumerate(segments_info): label = int(s['category_id']) if label not in count.keys(): count[label] = 0 pan_result[seg_map == int( s['id'] )] = label - 1 + count[label] * INSTANCE_OFFSET # change index? count[label] += 1 rel_array = np.asarray(single_result_dict['relations']) if len(rel_array) > 20: rel_array = rel_array[:20] rel_dists = np.zeros((len(rel_array), 57)) for idx_rel, rel in enumerate(rel_array): rel_dists[idx_rel, rel[2]] += 1 # TODO:1-index for gt? result = Result( rels=rel_array, rel_pair_idxes=rel_array[:, :2], masks=masks, labels=np.asarray(labels), rel_dists=rel_dists, refine_bboxes=np.ones((num_obj, 5)), pan_results=pan_result, ) results.append(result) return results def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MMDet eval a model') parser.add_argument('input_path', help='input file path') parser.add_argument('output_path', help='output file path') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): args = parse_args() cfg = Config.fromfile('configs/_base_/datasets/') dataset = build_dataset( outputs = load_results(args.input_path) metric1 = dataset.evaluate(outputs, **cfg.evaluation1) metric2 = dataset.evaluate(outputs, **cfg.evaluation2) output_filename = os.path.join(args.output_path, 'scores.txt') with open(output_filename, 'w+') as f3: f3.write('Recall R 20: {}\n'.format(metric1['sgdet_recall_R_20'])) f3.write('MeanRecall R 20: {}\n'.format( metric1['sgdet_mean_recall_mR_20'])) f3.write('PQ: {}\n'.format(metric2['PQ'])) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import argparse import copy import os import os.path as osp import time import warnings import mmcv import torch from mmcv import Config, DictAction from mmcv.runner import get_dist_info, init_dist from mmcv.utils import get_git_hash from mmdet import __version__ from mmdet.apis import init_random_seed, set_random_seed, train_detector from mmdet.models import build_detector from mmdet.utils import collect_env, get_root_logger from openpsg.datasets import build_dataset def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train a detector') parser.add_argument('config', help='train config file path') parser.add_argument('--work-dir', help='the dir to save logs and models') parser.add_argument('--resume-from', help='the checkpoint file to resume from') parser.add_argument( '--no-validate', action='store_true', help='whether not to evaluate the checkpoint during training', ) group_gpus = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_gpus.add_argument( '--gpus', type=int, help='number of gpus to use ' '(only applicable to non-distributed training)', ) group_gpus.add_argument( '--gpu-ids', type=int, nargs='+', help='ids of gpus to use ' '(only applicable to non-distributed training)', ) parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None, help='random seed') parser.add_argument( '--deterministic', action='store_true', help='whether to set deterministic options for CUDNN backend.', ) parser.add_argument( '--options', nargs='+', action=DictAction, help='override some settings in the used config, the key-value pair ' 'in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file (deprecate), ' 'change to --cfg-options instead.', ) parser.add_argument( '--cfg-options', nargs='+', action=DictAction, help='override some settings in the used config, the key-value pair ' 'in xxx=yyy format will be merged into config file. If the value to ' 'be overwritten is a list, it should be like key="[a,b]" or key=a,b ' 'It also allows nested list/tuple values, e.g. key="[(a,b),(c,d)]" ' 'Note that the quotation marks are necessary and that no white space ' 'is allowed.', ) parser.add_argument( '--launcher', choices=['none', 'pytorch', 'slurm', 'mpi'], default='none', help='job launcher', ) parser.add_argument('--local_rank', type=int, default=0) args = parser.parse_args() if 'LOCAL_RANK' not in os.environ: os.environ['LOCAL_RANK'] = str(args.local_rank) if args.options and args.cfg_options: raise ValueError( '--options and --cfg-options cannot be both ' 'specified, --options is deprecated in favor of --cfg-options') if args.options: warnings.warn('--options is deprecated in favor of --cfg-options') args.cfg_options = args.options return args def main(): args = parse_args() cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) if args.cfg_options is not None: cfg.merge_from_dict(args.cfg_options) # set cudnn_benchmark if cfg.get('cudnn_benchmark', False): torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # work_dir is determined in this priority: CLI > segment in file > filename if args.work_dir is not None: # update configs according to CLI args if args.work_dir is not None cfg.work_dir = args.work_dir elif cfg.get('work_dir', None) is None: # use config filename as default work_dir if cfg.work_dir is None cfg.work_dir = osp.join('./work_dirs', osp.splitext(osp.basename(args.config))[0]) if args.resume_from is not None: cfg.resume_from = args.resume_from if args.gpu_ids is not None: cfg.gpu_ids = args.gpu_ids else: cfg.gpu_ids = range(1) if args.gpus is None else range(args.gpus) # init distributed env first, since logger depends on the dist info. if args.launcher == 'none': distributed = False else: distributed = True init_dist(args.launcher, **cfg.dist_params) # re-set gpu_ids with distributed training mode _, world_size = get_dist_info() cfg.gpu_ids = range(world_size) # create work_dir mmcv.mkdir_or_exist(osp.abspath(cfg.work_dir)) # dump config cfg.dump(osp.join(cfg.work_dir, osp.basename(args.config))) # init the logger before other steps timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S', time.localtime()) log_file = osp.join(cfg.work_dir, f'{timestamp}.log') logger = get_root_logger(log_file=log_file, log_level=cfg.log_level) # init the meta dict to record some important information such as # environment info and seed, which will be logged meta = dict() # log env info env_info_dict = collect_env() env_info = '\n'.join([(f'{k}: {v}') for k, v in env_info_dict.items()]) dash_line = '-' * 60 + '\n''Environment info:\n' + dash_line + env_info + '\n' + dash_line) meta['env_info'] = env_info meta['config'] = cfg.pretty_text # log some basic info'Distributed training: {distributed}')'Config:\n{cfg.pretty_text}') # set random seeds seed = init_random_seed(args.seed)'Set random seed to {seed}, ' f'deterministic: {args.deterministic}') set_random_seed(seed, deterministic=args.deterministic) cfg.seed = seed meta['seed'] = seed meta['exp_name'] = osp.basename(args.config) dataset = build_dataset( if hasattr(cfg, 'dataset_config'): cache_dir = cfg.dataset_config['cache'] print('Loading Statistics...') if cache_dir is None: raise FileNotFoundError( 'The cache_dir for caching the statistics is not provided.') if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): result = dataset.get_statistics() statistics = { 'freq_matrix': result['freq_matrix'], 'pred_dist': result['pred_dist'], }, cache_dir) print('\n Statistics created!') model = build_detector(cfg.model, train_cfg=cfg.get('train_cfg'), test_cfg=cfg.get('test_cfg')) model.init_weights() # NOTE: Freeze weights here if hasattr(cfg, 'freeze_modules'): if cfg.freeze_modules is not None: for module_name in cfg.freeze_modules: for name, p in model.named_parameters(): if name.startswith(module_name): p.requires_grad = False # Unfreeze weights here if hasattr(cfg, 'required_grad_modules'): if cfg.required_grad_modules is not None: for module_name in cfg.required_grad_modules: for name, p in model.named_parameters(): if name.startswith(module_name): p.requires_grad = True datasets = [dataset] if len(cfg.workflow) == 2: val_dataset = copy.deepcopy( val_dataset.pipeline = datasets.append(build_dataset(val_dataset)) if cfg.checkpoint_config is not None: # save mmdet version, config file content and class names in # checkpoints as meta data cfg.checkpoint_config.meta = dict(mmdet_version=__version__ + get_git_hash()[:7], CLASSES=datasets[0].CLASSES) # add an attribute for visualization convenience model.CLASSES = datasets[0].CLASSES train_detector( model, datasets, cfg, distributed=distributed, validate=(not args.no_validate), timestamp=timestamp, meta=meta, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. __version__ = '0.5.0' short_version = __version__ def parse_version_info(version_str): version_info = [] for x in version_str.split('.'): if x.isdigit(): version_info.append(int(x)) elif x.find('rc') != -1: patch_version = x.split('rc') version_info.append(int(patch_version[0])) version_info.append(f'rc{patch_version[1]}') return tuple(version_info) version_info = parse_version_info(__version__)
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/18 上午9:48 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import json import os import mmcv import numpy as np import torch from mmcv.utils import print_log from .sgg_metrics import (SGAccumulateRecall, SGMeanRecall, SGNoGraphConstraintRecall, SGPairAccuracy, SGRecall, SGZeroShotRecall) def sgg_evaluation( mode, groundtruths, predictions, iou_thrs, logger, ind_to_predicates, multiple_preds=False, predicate_freq=None, nogc_thres_num=None, detection_method='bbox', ): modes = mode if isinstance(mode, list) else [mode] result_container = dict() for m in modes: msg = 'Evaluating {}...'.format(m) if logger is None: msg = '\n' + msg print_log(msg, logger=logger) single_result_dict = vg_evaluation_single( m, groundtruths, predictions, iou_thrs, logger, ind_to_predicates, multiple_preds, predicate_freq, nogc_thres_num, detection_method, ) result_container.update(single_result_dict) return result_container def vg_evaluation_single( mode, groundtruths, predictions, iou_thrs, logger, ind_to_predicates, multiple_preds=False, predicate_freq=None, nogc_thres_num=None, detection_method='bbox', ): # # get zeroshot triplet num_predicates = len(ind_to_predicates) assert isinstance(nogc_thres_num, (list, tuple, int)) or nogc_thres_num is None if nogc_thres_num is None: nogc_thres_num = [num_predicates - 1] # default: all elif isinstance(nogc_thres_num, int): nogc_thres_num = [nogc_thres_num] else: pass result_str = '\n' + '=' * 100 + '\n' result_dict = {} nogc_result_dict = {} evaluator = {} # tradictional Recall@K eval_recall = SGRecall(result_dict, nogc_result_dict, nogc_thres_num, detection_method=detection_method) eval_recall.register_container(mode) evaluator['eval_recall'] = eval_recall # used by for sgcls and predcls eval_pair_accuracy = SGPairAccuracy(result_dict, nogc_result_dict, nogc_thres_num, detection_method) eval_pair_accuracy.register_container(mode) evaluator['eval_pair_accuracy'] = eval_pair_accuracy # used for meanRecall@K eval_mean_recall = SGMeanRecall( result_dict, nogc_result_dict, nogc_thres_num, num_predicates, ind_to_predicates, detection_method=detection_method, print_detail=True, ) eval_mean_recall.register_container(mode) evaluator['eval_mean_recall'] = eval_mean_recall # prepare all inputs global_container = {} # global_container["zeroshot_triplet"] = zeroshot_triplet global_container['result_dict'] = result_dict global_container['mode'] = mode global_container['multiple_preds'] = multiple_preds global_container['num_predicates'] = num_predicates global_container['iou_thrs'] = iou_thrs # global_container['attribute_on'] = attribute_on # global_container['num_attributes'] = num_attributes pbar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(groundtruths)) for groundtruth, prediction in zip(groundtruths, predictions): # Skip empty predictions if prediction.refine_bboxes is None: continue evaluate_relation_of_one_image(groundtruth, prediction, global_container, evaluator) pbar.update() # calculate mean recall eval_mean_recall.calculate_mean_recall(mode) # print result result_str += eval_recall.generate_print_string(mode) result_str += eval_mean_recall.generate_print_string(mode, predicate_freq) if mode != 'sgdet': result_str += eval_pair_accuracy.generate_print_string(mode) result_str += '=' * 100 + '\n' if logger is None: result_str = '\n' + result_str print_log(result_str, logger=logger) return format_result_dict(result_dict, result_str, mode) def format_result_dict(result_dict, result_str, mode): """ Function: This is used for getting the results in both float data form and text form so that they can be logged into tensorboard (scalar and text). Here we only log the graph constraint results excluding phrdet. """ formatted = dict() copy_stat_str = '' # Traditional Recall for k, v in result_dict[mode + '_recall'].items(): formatted[mode + '_recall_' + 'R_%d' % k] = np.mean(v) copy_stat_str += (mode + '_recall_' + 'R_%d: ' % k + '{:0.3f}'.format(np.mean(v)) + '\n') # mean recall for k, v in result_dict[mode + '_mean_recall'].items(): formatted[mode + '_mean_recall_' + 'mR_%d' % k] = float(v) copy_stat_str += (mode + '_mean_recall_' + 'mR_%d: ' % k + '{:0.3f}'.format(float(v)) + '\n') if mode != 'sgdet': # Accuracy for k, v in result_dict[mode + '_accuracy_hit'].items(): a_hit = np.mean(v) a_count = np.mean(result_dict[mode + '_accuracy_count'][k]) formatted[mode + '_accuracy_hit_' + 'A_%d' % k] = a_hit / a_count copy_stat_str += (mode + '_accuracy_hit_' + 'A_%d: ' % k + '{:0.3f}'.format(a_hit / a_count) + '\n') formatted[mode + '_copystat'] = copy_stat_str formatted[mode + '_runtime_eval_str'] = result_str return formatted def evaluate_relation_of_one_image(groundtruth, prediction, global_container, evaluator): """ Returns: pred_to_gt: Matching from predicate to GT pred_5ples: the predicted (id0, id1, cls0, cls1, rel) pred_triplet_scores: [cls_0score, relscore, cls1_score] """ # unpack all inputs mode = global_container['mode'] local_container = {} local_container['gt_rels'] = groundtruth.rels # if there is no gt relations for current image, then skip it if len(local_container['gt_rels']) == 0: return local_container['gt_boxes'] = groundtruth.bboxes # (#gt_objs, 4) local_container['gt_classes'] = groundtruth.labels # (#gt_objs, ) # about relations local_container[ 'pred_rel_inds'] = prediction.rel_pair_idxes # (#pred_rels, 2) local_container[ 'rel_scores'] = prediction.rel_dists # (#pred_rels, num_pred_class) # about objects local_container[ 'pred_boxes'] = prediction.refine_bboxes[:, :4] # (#pred_objs, 4) local_container['pred_classes'] = prediction.labels # (#pred_objs, ) local_container[ 'obj_scores'] = prediction.refine_bboxes[:, -1] # (#pred_objs, ) # about pan_seg masks local_container['gt_masks'] = groundtruth.masks local_container['pred_masks'] = prediction.masks # to calculate accuracy, only consider those gt pairs # This metric is used by "Graphical Contrastive Losses for Scene Graph # Parsing" # for sgcls and predcls if mode != 'sgdet': evaluator['eval_pair_accuracy'].prepare_gtpair(local_container) # to calculate the prior label based on statistics # evaluator["eval_zeroshot_recall"].prepare_zeroshot( # global_container, local_container # ) if mode == 'predcls': local_container['pred_boxes'] = local_container['gt_boxes'] local_container['pred_classes'] = local_container['gt_classes'] local_container['obj_scores'] = np.ones( local_container['gt_classes'].shape[0]) elif mode == 'sgcls': if (local_container['gt_boxes'].shape[0] != local_container['pred_boxes'].shape[0]): print( 'Num of GT boxes is not matching with num of pred boxes in SGCLS' ) elif mode == 'sgdet' or mode == 'phrdet': pass else: raise ValueError('invalid mode') """ elif mode == 'preddet': # Only extract the indices that appear in GT prc = intersect_2d(pred_rel_inds, gt_rels[:, :2]) if prc.size == 0: for k in result_dict[mode + '_recall']: result_dict[mode + '_recall'][k].append(0.0) return None, None, None pred_inds_per_gt = prc.argmax(0) pred_rel_inds = pred_rel_inds[pred_inds_per_gt] rel_scores = rel_scores[pred_inds_per_gt] # Now sort the matching ones rel_scores_sorted = argsort_desc(rel_scores[:,1:]) rel_scores_sorted[:,1] += 1 rel_scores_sorted = np.column_stack( (pred_rel_inds[rel_scores_sorted[:,0]], rel_scores_sorted[:,1])) matches = intersect_2d(rel_scores_sorted, gt_rels) for k in result_dict[mode + '_recall']: rec_i = float(matches[:k].any(0).sum()) / float(gt_rels.shape[0]) result_dict[mode + '_recall'][k].append(rec_i) return None, None, None """ if local_container['pred_rel_inds'].shape[0] == 0: return # Traditional Metric with Graph Constraint # NOTE: this is the MAIN evaluation function, it must be run first # (several important variables need to be update) local_container = evaluator['eval_recall'].calculate_recall( global_container, local_container, mode) # No Graph Constraint # evaluator['eval_nog_recall'].calculate_recall(global_container, # local_container, mode) # Zero shot Recall # evaluator["eval_zeroshot_recall"].calculate_recall( # global_container, local_container, mode # ) # GT Pair Accuracy evaluator['eval_pair_accuracy'].calculate_recall(global_container, local_container, mode) # Mean Recall evaluator['eval_mean_recall'].collect_mean_recall_items( global_container, local_container, mode) return def convert_relation_matrix_to_triplets(relation): triplets = [] for i in range(len(relation)): for j in range(len(relation)): if relation[i, j] > 0: triplets.append((i, j, relation[i, j])) return torch.LongTensor(triplets) # (num_rel, 3) def generate_attributes_target(attributes, num_attributes): """from list of attribute indexes to [1,0,1,0,...,0,1] form.""" max_att = attributes.shape[1] num_obj = attributes.shape[0] with_attri_idx = (attributes.sum(-1) > 0).long() without_attri_idx = 1 - with_attri_idx num_pos = int(with_attri_idx.sum()) num_neg = int(without_attri_idx.sum()) assert num_pos + num_neg == num_obj attribute_targets = torch.zeros((num_obj, num_attributes), device=attributes.device).float() for idx in torch.nonzero(with_attri_idx).squeeze(1).tolist(): for k in range(max_att): att_id = int(attributes[idx, k]) if att_id == 0: break else: attribute_targets[idx, att_id] = 1 return attribute_targets
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/18 上午9:49 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import itertools from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from functools import reduce import numpy as np import torch from mmdet.core import bbox_overlaps from terminaltables import AsciiTable from .sgg_eval_util import argsort_desc, intersect_2d basic_dict = {20: [], 50: [], 100: []} class SceneGraphEvaluation(ABC): def __init__(self, result_dict, nogc_result_dict, nogc_thres_num, detection_method='bbox'): super().__init__() self.result_dict = result_dict self.nogc_result_dict = nogc_result_dict self.nogc_thres_num = nogc_thres_num self.detection_method = detection_method if detection_method not in ('bbox', 'pan_seg'): print('invalid detection method. using bbox instead.') self.detection_method = detection_method = 'bbox' if detection_method == 'bbox': self.generate_triplet = _triplet_bbox self.compute_pred_matches = _compute_pred_matches_bbox elif detection_method == 'pan_seg': self.generate_triplet = _triplet_panseg self.compute_pred_matches = _compute_pred_matches_panseg @abstractmethod def register_container(self, mode): print('Register Result Container') pass @abstractmethod def generate_print_string(self, mode): print('Generate Print String') pass """ Traditional Recall, implement based on: """ class SGRecall(SceneGraphEvaluation): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SGRecall, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def register_container(self, mode): self.result_dict[mode + '_recall'] = {20: [], 50: [], 100: []} self.nogc_result_dict[mode + '_recall'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } if mode == 'sgdet': self.result_dict['phrdet_recall'] = {20: [], 50: [], 100: []} self.nogc_result_dict['phrdet_recall'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } def _calculate_single(self, target_dict, prediction_to_gt, gt_rels, mode, nogc_num=None): target = target_dict[mode + '_recall'] if nogc_num is None else target_dict[ mode + '_recall'][nogc_num] for k in target: # the following code are copied from Neural-MOTIFS match = reduce(np.union1d, prediction_to_gt[:k]) rec_i = float(len(match)) / float(gt_rels.shape[0]) target[k].append(rec_i) def _print_single(self, target_dict, mode, nogc_num=None): target = target_dict[mode + '_recall'] if nogc_num is None else target_dict[ mode + '_recall'][nogc_num] result_str = 'SGG eval: ' for k, v in target.items(): result_str += ' R @ %d: %.4f; ' % (k, np.mean(v)) suffix_type = 'Recall.' if nogc_num is None else 'NoGraphConstraint @ %d Recall.' % nogc_num result_str += ' for mode=%s, type=%s' % (mode, suffix_type) result_str += '\n' return result_str def generate_print_string(self, mode): result_str = self._print_single(self.result_dict, mode) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.result_dict, 'phrdet') # nogc for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, mode, nogc_num) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, 'phrdet', nogc_num) return result_str def calculate_recall(self, global_container, local_container, mode): pred_rel_inds = local_container['pred_rel_inds'] rel_scores = local_container['rel_scores'] gt_rels = local_container['gt_rels'] gt_classes = local_container['gt_classes'] gt_boxes = local_container['gt_boxes'] pred_classes = local_container['pred_classes'] pred_boxes = local_container['pred_boxes'] obj_scores = local_container['obj_scores'] pred_masks = local_container['pred_masks'] gt_masks = local_container['gt_masks'] if mode == 'predcls': pred_masks = gt_masks iou_thrs = global_container['iou_thrs'] nogc_thres_num = self.nogc_thres_num if self.detection_method == 'bbox': gt_det_results = gt_boxes if self.detection_method == 'pan_seg': gt_det_results = gt_masks gt_triplets, gt_triplet_det_results, _ = self.generate_triplet( gt_rels, gt_classes, gt_det_results) local_container['gt_triplets'] = gt_triplets local_container['gt_triplet_det_results'] = gt_triplet_det_results # if self.detection_method == 'bbox': # local_container['gt_triplet_boxes'] = gt_triplet_det_results # if self.detection_method == 'pan_seg': # local_container['gt_triplet_masks'] = gt_triplet_det_results # compute the graph constraint setting pred_rels pred_rels = np.column_stack( (pred_rel_inds, 1 + rel_scores[:, 1:].argmax(1))) pred_scores = rel_scores[:, 1:].max(1) if self.detection_method == 'bbox': pred_det_results = pred_boxes if self.detection_method == 'pan_seg': pred_det_results = pred_masks pred_triplets, pred_triplet_det_results, _ = \ self.generate_triplet( pred_rels, pred_classes, pred_det_results, pred_scores, obj_scores) # Compute recall. It's most efficient to match once and then do recall after # if mode is sgdet, report both sgdet and phrdet pred_to_gt = self.compute_pred_matches( gt_triplets, pred_triplets, gt_triplet_det_results, pred_triplet_det_results, iou_thrs, phrdet=False, ) local_container['pred_to_gt'] = pred_to_gt self._calculate_single(self.result_dict, pred_to_gt, gt_rels, mode) if mode == 'sgdet': pred_to_gt = self.compute_pred_matches(gt_triplets, pred_triplets, gt_triplet_det_results, pred_triplet_det_results, iou_thrs, phrdet=True) local_container['phrdet_pred_to_gt'] = pred_to_gt self._calculate_single(self.result_dict, pred_to_gt, gt_rels, mode='phrdet') if self.detection_method != 'pan_seg': # compute the no graph constraint setting pred_rels obj_scores_per_rel = obj_scores[pred_rel_inds].prod(1) nogc_overall_scores = obj_scores_per_rel[:, None] * rel_scores[:, 1:] sorted_inds = np.argsort(nogc_overall_scores, axis=-1)[:, ::-1] sorted_nogc_overall_scores = np.sort(nogc_overall_scores, axis=-1)[:, ::-1] gt_pair_idx = gt_rels[:, 0] * 10000 + gt_rels[:, 1] for nogc_num in nogc_thres_num: nogc_score_inds_ = argsort_desc( sorted_nogc_overall_scores[:, :nogc_num]) nogc_pred_rels = np.column_stack( (pred_rel_inds[nogc_score_inds_[:, 0]], sorted_inds[nogc_score_inds_[:, 0], nogc_score_inds_[:, 1]] + 1)) nogc_pred_scores = rel_scores[ nogc_score_inds_[:, 0], sorted_inds[nogc_score_inds_[:, 0], nogc_score_inds_[:, 1]] + 1] pred_triplets, pred_triplet_det_results, pred_triplet_scores =\ self.generate_triplet( nogc_pred_rels, pred_classes, pred_det_results, nogc_pred_scores, obj_scores) # prepare the gt rel signal to be used in PairAccuracy: pred_pair_idx = nogc_pred_rels[:, 0] * 10000 + nogc_pred_rels[:, 1] local_container['nogc@%d_pred_pair_in_gt' % nogc_num] = \ (pred_pair_idx[:, None] == gt_pair_idx[None, :]).sum(-1) > 0 # Compute recall. It's most efficient to match once and then do recall after pred_to_gt = self.compute_pred_matches( gt_triplets, pred_triplets, gt_triplet_det_results, pred_triplet_det_results, iou_thrs, phrdet=False, ) # NOTE: For NGC recall, zs recall, mean recall, only need to crop the top 100 triplets. # While for computing the Pair Accuracy, all of the pairs are needed here. local_container['nogc@%d_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] = pred_to_gt[:100] # for zR, mR, R local_container['nogc@%d_all_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] = pred_to_gt # for Pair accuracy self._calculate_single(self.nogc_result_dict, pred_to_gt[:100], gt_rels, mode, nogc_num) if mode == 'sgdet': pred_to_gt = self.compute_pred_matches( gt_triplets, pred_triplets, gt_triplet_det_results, pred_triplet_det_results, iou_thrs, phrdet=True, ) local_container['phrdet_nogc@%d_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] = pred_to_gt[:100] local_container['phrdet_nogc@%d_all_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] = pred_to_gt # for Pair accuracy self._calculate_single(self.nogc_result_dict, pred_to_gt[:100], gt_rels, mode='phrdet', nogc_num=nogc_num) return local_container """ No Graph Constraint Recall, implement based on: """ class SGNoGraphConstraintRecall(SceneGraphEvaluation): def __init__(self, result_dict): super(SGNoGraphConstraintRecall, self).__init__(result_dict) def register_container(self, mode): self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_nogc'] = {20: [], 50: [], 100: []} def generate_print_string(self, mode): result_str = 'SGG eval: ' for k, v in self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_nogc'].items(): result_str += 'ngR @ %d: %.4f; ' % (k, np.mean(v)) result_str += ' for mode=%s, type=No Graph Constraint Recall(Main).' % mode result_str += '\n' return result_str def calculate_recall(self, global_container, local_container, mode): obj_scores = local_container['obj_scores'] pred_rel_inds = local_container['pred_rel_inds'] rel_scores = local_container['rel_scores'] pred_boxes = local_container['pred_boxes'] pred_masks = local_container['pred_masks'] if mode == 'predcls': pred_masks = local_container['gt_masks'] pred_classes = local_container['pred_classes'] gt_rels = local_container['gt_rels'] obj_scores_per_rel = obj_scores[pred_rel_inds].prod(1) nogc_overall_scores = obj_scores_per_rel[:, None] * rel_scores[:, 1:] nogc_score_inds = argsort_desc(nogc_overall_scores)[:100] nogc_pred_rels = np.column_stack( (pred_rel_inds[nogc_score_inds[:, 0]], nogc_score_inds[:, 1] + 1)) nogc_pred_scores = rel_scores[nogc_score_inds[:, 0], nogc_score_inds[:, 1] + 1] if self.detection_method == 'bbox': pred_det_results = pred_boxes if self.detection_method == 'pan_seg': pred_det_results = pred_masks nogc_pred_triplets, nogc_pred_triplet_det_results, _ = self.generate_triplet( nogc_pred_rels, pred_classes, pred_det_results, nogc_pred_scores, obj_scores) # No Graph Constraint gt_triplets = local_container['gt_triplets'] gt_triplet_det_results = local_container['gt_triplet_det_results'] iou_thrs = global_container['iou_thrs'] nogc_pred_to_gt = self.compute_pred_matches( gt_triplets, nogc_pred_triplets, gt_triplet_det_results, nogc_pred_triplet_det_results, iou_thrs, phrdet=mode == 'phrdet', ) for k in self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_nogc']: match = reduce(np.union1d, nogc_pred_to_gt[:k]) rec_i = float(len(match)) / float(gt_rels.shape[0]) self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_nogc'][k].append(rec_i) """ Zero Shot Scene Graph Only calculate the triplet that not occurred in the training set """ class SGZeroShotRecall(SceneGraphEvaluation): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SGZeroShotRecall, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def register_container(self, mode): self.result_dict[mode + '_zeroshot_recall'] = {20: [], 50: [], 100: []} self.nogc_result_dict[mode + '_zeroshot_recall'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } if mode == 'sgdet': self.result_dict['phrdet_zeroshot_recall'] = { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } self.nogc_result_dict['phrdet_zeroshot_recall'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } def _calculate_single(self, target_dict, prediction_to_gt, mode, nogc_num=None): target = target_dict[mode + '_zeroshot_recall'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_zeroshot_recall'][nogc_num] for k in target: # Zero Shot Recall match = reduce(np.union1d, prediction_to_gt[:k]) if len(self.zeroshot_idx) > 0: if not isinstance(match, (list, tuple)): match_list = match.tolist() else: match_list = match zeroshot_match = len( self.zeroshot_idx) + len(match_list) - len( set(self.zeroshot_idx + match_list)) zero_rec_i = float(zeroshot_match) / float( len(self.zeroshot_idx)) target[k].append(zero_rec_i) def _print_single(self, target_dict, mode, nogc_num=None): target = target_dict[mode + '_zeroshot_recall'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_zeroshot_recall'][nogc_num] result_str = 'SGG eval: ' for k, v in target.items(): value = -1 if len(v) == 0 else np.mean(v) result_str += ' zR @ %d: %.4f; ' % (k, value) suffix_type = 'Zero Shot Recall.' if nogc_num is None else \ 'NoGraphConstraint @ %d Zero Shot Recall.' % ( nogc_num) result_str += ' for mode=%s, type=%s' % (mode, suffix_type) result_str += '\n' return result_str def generate_print_string(self, mode): result_str = self._print_single(self.result_dict, mode) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.result_dict, 'phrdet') # nogc for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, mode, nogc_num) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, 'phrdet', nogc_num) return result_str def prepare_zeroshot(self, global_container, local_container): gt_rels = local_container['gt_rels'] gt_classes = local_container['gt_classes'] zeroshot_triplets = global_container['zeroshot_triplet'] sub_id, ob_id, pred_label = gt_rels[:, 0], gt_rels[:, 1], gt_rels[:, 2] gt_triplets = np.column_stack( (gt_classes[sub_id], gt_classes[ob_id], pred_label)) # num_rel, 3 self.zeroshot_idx = np.where( intersect_2d(gt_triplets, zeroshot_triplets).sum(-1) > 0 )[0].tolist() def calculate_recall(self, global_container, local_container, mode): pred_to_gt = local_container['pred_to_gt'] self._calculate_single(self.result_dict, pred_to_gt, mode) if mode == 'sgdet': phrdet_pred_to_gt = local_container['phrdet_pred_to_gt'] self._calculate_single(self.result_dict, phrdet_pred_to_gt, 'phrdet') # nogc for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: nogc_pred_to_gt = local_container['nogc@%d_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] self._calculate_single(self.nogc_result_dict, nogc_pred_to_gt, mode, nogc_num) if mode == 'sgdet': nogc_pred_to_gt = local_container['phrdet_nogc@%d_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] self._calculate_single(self.nogc_result_dict, nogc_pred_to_gt, 'phrdet', nogc_num) """ Give Ground Truth Object-Subject Pairs Calculate Recall for SG-Cls and Pred-Cls Only used in for sgcls and predcls """ class SGPairAccuracy(SceneGraphEvaluation): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SGPairAccuracy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def register_container(self, mode): self.result_dict[mode + '_accuracy_hit'] = {20: [], 50: [], 100: []} self.nogc_result_dict[mode + '_accuracy_hit'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } self.result_dict[mode + '_accuracy_count'] = {20: [], 50: [], 100: []} self.nogc_result_dict[mode + '_accuracy_count'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } def _calculate_single(self, target_dict, prediction_to_gt, gt_rels, mode, pred_pair_in_gt, nogc_num=None): target_hit = target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_hit'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_hit'][nogc_num] target_count = target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_count'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_count'][nogc_num] if mode != 'sgdet': gt_pair_pred_to_gt = [] for p, flag in zip(prediction_to_gt, pred_pair_in_gt): if flag: gt_pair_pred_to_gt.append(p) for k in target_hit: # to calculate accuracy, only consider those gt pairs # This metric is used by "Graphical Contrastive Losses for Scene Graph Parsing" if len(gt_pair_pred_to_gt) > 0: gt_pair_match = reduce(np.union1d, gt_pair_pred_to_gt[:k]) else: gt_pair_match = [] target_hit[k].append(float(len(gt_pair_match))) target_count[k].append(float(gt_rels.shape[0])) def _print_single(self, target_dict, mode, nogc_num=None): target_hit = target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_hit'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_hit'][nogc_num] target_count = target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_count'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_accuracy_count'][nogc_num] result_str = 'SGG eval: ' for k, v in target_hit.items(): a_hit = np.mean(v) a_count = np.mean(target_count[k]) result_str += ' A @ %d: %.4f; ' % (k, a_hit / a_count) suffix_type = 'TopK Accuracy.' if nogc_num is None else 'NoGraphConstraint @ %d TopK Accuracy.' % ( nogc_num) result_str += ' for mode=%s, type=%s' % (mode, suffix_type) result_str += '\n' return result_str def generate_print_string(self, mode): result_str = self._print_single(self.result_dict, mode) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.result_dict, 'phrdet') # nogc for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, mode, nogc_num) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, 'phrdet', nogc_num) return result_str def prepare_gtpair(self, local_container): pred_pair_idx = local_container[ 'pred_rel_inds'][:, 0] * 10000 + local_container['pred_rel_inds'][:, 1] gt_pair_idx = local_container[ 'gt_rels'][:, 0] * 10000 + local_container['gt_rels'][:, 1] self.pred_pair_in_gt = (pred_pair_idx[:, None] == gt_pair_idx[None, :]).sum(-1) > 0 def calculate_recall(self, global_container, local_container, mode): if mode != 'sgdet': pred_to_gt = local_container['pred_to_gt'] gt_rels = local_container['gt_rels'] self._calculate_single(self.result_dict, pred_to_gt, gt_rels, mode, self.pred_pair_in_gt) if self.detection_method != 'pan_seg': # nogc for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: nogc_pred_to_gt = local_container['nogc@%d_all_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] self._calculate_single( self.nogc_result_dict, nogc_pred_to_gt, gt_rels, mode, local_container['nogc@%d_pred_pair_in_gt' % nogc_num], nogc_num) """ Mean Recall: Proposed in: CVPR, 2019 """ class SGMeanRecall(SceneGraphEvaluation): def __init__(self, result_dict, nogc_result_dict, nogc_thres_num, num_rel, ind_to_predicates, detection_method='pan_seg', print_detail=False): super(SGMeanRecall, self).__init__(result_dict, nogc_result_dict, nogc_thres_num, detection_method) self.num_rel = num_rel self.print_detail = print_detail self.rel_name_list = ind_to_predicates[1:] # remove __background__ def register_container(self, mode): # self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_hit'] = {20: [0]*self.num_rel, 50: [0]*self.num_rel, 100: [0]*self.num_rel} # self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_count'] = {20: [0]*self.num_rel, 50: [0]*self.num_rel, 100: [0]*self.num_rel} self.result_dict[mode + '_mean_recall'] = {20: 0.0, 50: 0.0, 100: 0.0} self.result_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_collect'] = { 20: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 50: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 100: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)] } self.result_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_list'] = { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } self.nogc_result_dict[mode + '_mean_recall'] = { ngc: { 20: 0.0, 50: 0.0, 100: 0.0 } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } self.nogc_result_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_collect'] = { ngc: { 20: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 50: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 100: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } self.nogc_result_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_list'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } if mode == 'sgdet': self.result_dict['phrdet_mean_recall'] = { 20: 0.0, 50: 0.0, 100: 0.0 } self.result_dict['phrdet_mean_recall_collect'] = { 20: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 50: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 100: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)] } self.result_dict['phrdet_mean_recall_list'] = { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } self.nogc_result_dict['phrdet_mean_recall'] = { ngc: { 20: 0.0, 50: 0.0, 100: 0.0 } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } self.nogc_result_dict['phrdet_mean_recall_collect'] = { ngc: { 20: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 50: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)], 100: [[] for _ in range(self.num_rel)] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } self.nogc_result_dict['phrdet_mean_recall_list'] = { ngc: { 20: [], 50: [], 100: [] } for ngc in self.nogc_thres_num } def _collect_single(self, target_dict, prediction_to_gt, gt_rels, mode, nogc_num=None): target_collect = target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_collect'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_collect'][nogc_num] for k in target_collect: # the following code are copied from Neural-MOTIFS match = reduce(np.union1d, prediction_to_gt[:k]) # NOTE: by kaihua, calculate Mean Recall for each category independently # this metric is proposed by: CVPR 2019 oral paper "Learning to Compose Dynamic Tree Structures for Visual Contexts" recall_hit = [0] * self.num_rel recall_count = [0] * self.num_rel for idx in range(gt_rels.shape[0]): local_label = gt_rels[idx, 2] recall_count[int(local_label)] += 1 recall_count[0] += 1 for idx in range(len(match)): local_label = gt_rels[int(match[idx]), 2] recall_hit[int(local_label)] += 1 recall_hit[0] += 1 for n in range(self.num_rel): if recall_count[n] > 0: target_collect[k][n].append( float(recall_hit[n] / recall_count[n])) def _calculate_single(self, target_dict, mode, nogc_num=None): target_collect = target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_collect'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_collect'][nogc_num] target_recall = target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall'][nogc_num] target_recall_list = target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_list'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_list'][nogc_num] for k, v in target_recall.items(): sum_recall = 0 num_rel_no_bg = self.num_rel - 1 for idx in range(num_rel_no_bg): if len(target_collect[k][idx + 1]) == 0: tmp_recall = 0.0 else: tmp_recall = np.mean(target_collect[k][idx + 1]) target_recall_list[k].append(tmp_recall) sum_recall += tmp_recall target_recall[k] = sum_recall / float(num_rel_no_bg) def _print_single(self, target_dict, mode, nogc_num=None, predicate_freq=None): target = target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall'][nogc_num] target_recall_list = target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_list'] if nogc_num is None else \ target_dict[mode + '_mean_recall_list'][nogc_num] result_str = 'SGG eval: ' for k, v in target.items(): result_str += ' mR @ %d: %.4f; ' % (k, float(v)) suffix_type = 'Mean Recall.' if nogc_num is None else 'NoGraphConstraint @ %d Mean Recall.' % ( nogc_num) result_str += ' for mode=%s, type=%s' % (mode, suffix_type) result_str += '\n' # result_str is flattened for copying the data to the form, while the table is for vis. # Only for graph constraint, one mode for short if self.print_detail and mode != 'phrdet' and nogc_num is None: rel_name_list, res = self.rel_name_list, target_recall_list[100] if predicate_freq is not None: rel_name_list = [ self.rel_name_list[sid] for sid in predicate_freq ] res = [target_recall_list[100][sid] for sid in predicate_freq] result_per_predicate = [] for n, r in zip(rel_name_list, res): result_per_predicate.append( ('{}'.format(str(n)), '{:.4f}'.format(r))) result_str += '\t'.join(list(map(str, rel_name_list))) result_str += '\n' def map_float(num): return '{:.4f}'.format(num) result_str += '\t'.join(list(map(map_float, res))) result_str += '\n' num_columns = min(6, len(result_per_predicate) * 2) results_flatten = list(itertools.chain(*result_per_predicate)) headers = ['predicate', 'Rec100'] * (num_columns // 2) results_2d = itertools.zip_longest( *[results_flatten[i::num_columns] for i in range(num_columns)]) table_data = [headers] table_data += [result for result in results_2d] table = AsciiTable(table_data) result_str += table.table + '\n' return result_str def generate_print_string(self, mode, predicate_freq=None): result_str = self._print_single(self.result_dict, mode, predicate_freq=predicate_freq) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.result_dict, 'phrdet', predicate_freq=predicate_freq) # nogc for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, mode, nogc_num, predicate_freq=predicate_freq) if mode == 'sgdet': result_str += self._print_single(self.nogc_result_dict, 'phrdet', nogc_num, predicate_freq=predicate_freq) return result_str def collect_mean_recall_items(self, global_container, local_container, mode): pred_to_gt = local_container['pred_to_gt'] gt_rels = local_container['gt_rels'] self._collect_single(self.result_dict, pred_to_gt, gt_rels, mode) if mode == 'sgdet': phrdet_pred_to_gt = local_container['phrdet_pred_to_gt'] self._collect_single(self.result_dict, phrdet_pred_to_gt, gt_rels, 'phrdet') if self.detection_method != 'pan_seg': for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: nogc_pred_to_gt = local_container['nogc@%d_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] self._collect_single(self.nogc_result_dict, nogc_pred_to_gt, gt_rels, mode, nogc_num) if mode == 'sgdet': nogc_pred_to_gt = local_container[ 'phrdet_nogc@%d_pred_to_gt' % nogc_num] self._collect_single(self.nogc_result_dict, nogc_pred_to_gt, gt_rels, 'phrdet', nogc_num) def calculate_mean_recall(self, mode): self._calculate_single(self.result_dict, mode) if mode == 'sgdet': self._calculate_single(self.result_dict, 'phrdet') for nogc_num in self.nogc_thres_num: self._calculate_single(self.nogc_result_dict, mode, nogc_num) if mode == 'sgdet': self._calculate_single(self.nogc_result_dict, 'phrdet', nogc_num) """ Accumulate Recall: calculate recall on the whole dataset instead of each image """ class SGAccumulateRecall(SceneGraphEvaluation): def __init__(self, result_dict): super(SGAccumulateRecall, self).__init__(result_dict) def register_container(self, mode): self.result_dict[mode + '_accumulate_recall'] = { 20: 0.0, 50: 0.0, 100: 0.0 } def generate_print_string(self, mode): result_str = 'SGG eval: ' for k, v in self.result_dict[mode + '_accumulate_recall'].items(): result_str += ' aR @ %d: %.4f; ' % (k, float(v)) result_str += ' for mode=%s, type=Accumulate Recall.' % mode result_str += '\n' return result_str def calculate_accumulate(self, mode): for k, v in self.result_dict[mode + '_accumulate_recall'].items(): self.result_dict[mode + '_accumulate_recall'][k] = float( self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_hit'][k][0]) / float( self.result_dict[mode + '_recall_count'][k][0] + 1e-10) return def _triplet_bbox(relations, classes, boxes, predicate_scores=None, class_scores=None): """ format relations of (sub_id, ob_id, pred_label) into triplets of (sub_label, pred_label, ob_label) Parameters: relations (#rel, 3) : (sub_id, ob_id, pred_label) classes (#objs, ) : class labels of objects boxes (#objs, 4) predicate_scores (#rel, ) : scores for each predicate class_scores (#objs, ) : scores for each object Returns: triplets (#rel, 3) : (sub_label, pred_label, ob_label) triplets_boxes (#rel, 8) array of boxes for the parts triplets_scores (#rel, 3) : (sub_score, pred_score, ob_score) """ sub_id, ob_id, pred_label = relations[:, 0], relations[:, 1], relations[:, 2] triplets = np.column_stack((classes[sub_id], pred_label, classes[ob_id])) triplet_boxes = np.column_stack((boxes[sub_id], boxes[ob_id])) triplet_scores = None if predicate_scores is not None and class_scores is not None: triplet_scores = np.column_stack(( class_scores[sub_id], predicate_scores, class_scores[ob_id], )) return triplets, triplet_boxes, triplet_scores def _compute_pred_matches_bbox(gt_triplets, pred_triplets, gt_boxes, pred_boxes, iou_thrs, phrdet=False): """ Given a set of predicted triplets, return the list of matching GT's for each of the given predictions Return: pred_to_gt [List of List] """ # This performs a matrix multiplication-esque thing between the two arrays # Instead of summing, we want the equality, so we reduce in that way # The rows correspond to GT triplets, columns to pred triplets keeps = intersect_2d(gt_triplets, pred_triplets) gt_has_match = keeps.any(1) pred_to_gt = [[] for x in range(pred_boxes.shape[0])] for gt_ind, gt_box, keep_inds in zip( np.where(gt_has_match)[0], gt_boxes[gt_has_match], keeps[gt_has_match], ): boxes = pred_boxes[keep_inds] if phrdet: # Evaluate where the union box > 0.5 gt_box_union = gt_box.reshape((2, 4)) gt_box_union = np.concatenate( (gt_box_union.min(0)[:2], gt_box_union.max(0)[2:]), 0) box_union = boxes.reshape((-1, 2, 4)) box_union = np.concatenate( (box_union.min(1)[:, :2], box_union.max(1)[:, 2:]), 1) inds = bbox_overlaps( torch.Tensor(gt_box_union[None]), torch.Tensor(box_union)).numpy()[0] >= iou_thrs else: sub_iou = bbox_overlaps(torch.Tensor(gt_box[None, :4]), torch.Tensor(boxes[:, :4])).numpy()[0] obj_iou = bbox_overlaps(torch.Tensor(gt_box[None, 4:]), torch.Tensor(boxes[:, 4:])).numpy()[0] inds = (sub_iou >= iou_thrs) & (obj_iou >= iou_thrs) for i in np.where(keep_inds)[0][inds]: pred_to_gt[i].append(int(gt_ind)) return pred_to_gt def _triplet_panseg(relations, classes, masks, predicate_scores=None, class_scores=None): """ format relations of (sub_id, ob_id, pred_label) into triplets of (sub_label, pred_label, ob_label) Parameters: relations (#rel, 3) : (sub_id, ob_id, pred_label) classes (#objs, ) : class labels of objects masks (#objs, ) predicate_scores (#rel, ) : scores for each predicate class_scores (#objs, ) : scores for each object Returns: triplets (#rel, 3) : (sub_label, pred_label, ob_label) triplet_masks(#rel, 2, , ) triplets_scores (#rel, 3) : (sub_score, pred_score, ob_score) """ sub_id, ob_id, pred_label = relations[:, 0], relations[:, 1], relations[:, 2] triplets = np.column_stack((classes[sub_id], pred_label, classes[ob_id])) masks = np.array(masks) triplet_masks = np.stack((masks[sub_id], masks[ob_id]), axis=1) triplet_scores = None if predicate_scores is not None and class_scores is not None: triplet_scores = np.column_stack(( class_scores[sub_id], predicate_scores, class_scores[ob_id], )) return triplets, triplet_masks, triplet_scores def _compute_pred_matches_panseg(gt_triplets, pred_triplets, gt_masks, pred_masks, iou_thrs, phrdet=False): """ Given a set of predicted triplets, return the list of matching GT's for each of the given predictions Return: pred_to_gt [List of List] """ # This performs a matrix multiplication-esque thing between the two arrays # Instead of summing, we want the equality, so we reduce in that way # The rows correspond to GT triplets, columns to pred triplets keeps = intersect_2d(gt_triplets, pred_triplets) gt_has_match = keeps.any(1) pred_to_gt = [[] for x in range(pred_masks.shape[0])] for gt_ind, gt_mask, keep_inds in zip( np.where(gt_has_match)[0], gt_masks[gt_has_match], keeps[gt_has_match], ): pred_mask = pred_masks[keep_inds] sub_gt_mask = gt_mask[0] ob_gt_mask = gt_mask[1] sub_pred_mask = pred_mask[:, 0] ob_pred_mask = pred_mask[:, 1] if phrdet: # Evaluate where the union mask > 0.5 inds = [] gt_mask_union = np.logical_or(sub_gt_mask, ob_gt_mask) pred_mask_union = np.logical_or(sub_pred_mask, ob_pred_mask) for pred_mask in pred_mask_union: iou = mask_iou(gt_mask_union, pred_mask) inds.append(iou >= iou_thrs) else: sub_inds = [] for pred_mask in sub_pred_mask: sub_iou = mask_iou(sub_gt_mask, pred_mask) sub_inds.append(sub_iou >= iou_thrs) ob_inds = [] for pred_mask in ob_pred_mask: ob_iou = mask_iou(ob_gt_mask, pred_mask) ob_inds.append(ob_iou >= iou_thrs) inds = np.logical_and(sub_inds, ob_inds) for i in np.where(keep_inds)[0][inds]: pred_to_gt[i].append(int(gt_ind)) return pred_to_gt def mask_iou(mask1, mask2): assert mask1.shape == mask2.shape mask1_area = np.count_nonzero(mask1) mask2_area = np.count_nonzero(mask2) intersection = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(mask1, mask2)) iou = intersection / (mask1_area + mask2_area - intersection) return iou
from .sgg_eval import sgg_evaluation
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/18 下午9:37 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np def intersect_2d(x1, x2): """Given two arrays [m1, n], [m2,n], returns a [m1, m2] array where each entry is True if those rows match. :param x1: [m1, n] numpy array :param x2: [m2, n] numpy array :return: [m1, m2] bool array of the intersections """ if x1.shape[1] != x2.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Input arrays must have same #columns') # This performs a matrix multiplication-esque thing between the two arrays # Instead of summing, we want the equality, so we reduce in that way res = (x1[..., None] == x2.T[None, ...]).all(1) return res def argsort_desc(scores): """Returns the indices that sort scores descending in a smart way. :param scores: Numpy array of arbitrary size :return: an array of size [numel(scores), dim(scores)] where each row is the index you'd need to get the score. """ return np.column_stack( np.unravel_index(np.argsort(-scores.ravel()), scores.shape))
from mmdet.utils import Registry FRAMEWORK = Registry('framework')
from .frameworks import * # noqa: F401,F403 from .losses import * # noqa: F401,F403 from .relation_heads import * # noqa: F401,F403 from .roi_extractors import * # noqa: F401,F403 from .roi_heads import * # noqa: F401,F403
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/4/28 下午8:46 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import division import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from mmcv import ops from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule, kaiming_init, normal_init from mmcv.runner import BaseModule, force_fp32 from mmdet.models import ROI_EXTRACTORS from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import PointNetFeat from openpsg.utils.utils import enumerate_by_image @ROI_EXTRACTORS.register_module() class VisualSpatialExtractor(BaseModule): """Extract RoI features from a single level feature map. If there are multiple input feature levels, each RoI is mapped to a level according to its scale. Args: roi_layer (dict): Specify RoI layer type and arguments. out_channels (int): Output channels of RoI layers. featmap_strides (int): Strides of input feature maps. finest_scale (int): Scale threshold of mapping to level 0. """ def __init__( self, bbox_roi_layer, in_channels, featmap_strides, roi_out_channels=256, fc_out_channels=1024, finest_scale=56, mask_roi_layer=None, with_avg_pool=False, with_visual_bbox=True, with_visual_mask=False, with_visual_point=False, with_spatial=False, separate_spatial=False, gather_visual='sum', conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN', requires_grad=True), init_cfg=None, ): super(VisualSpatialExtractor, self).__init__(init_cfg) self.roi_feat_size = _pair(bbox_roi_layer.get('output_size', 7)) self.roi_feat_area = self.roi_feat_size[0] * self.roi_feat_size[1] self.in_channels = in_channels self.roi_out_channels = roi_out_channels self.fc_out_channels = fc_out_channels self.featmap_strides = featmap_strides self.finest_scale = finest_scale self.fp16_enabled = False self.with_avg_pool = with_avg_pool self.with_visual_bbox = with_visual_bbox self.with_visual_mask = with_visual_mask self.with_visual_point = with_visual_point self.with_spatial = with_spatial self.separate_spatial = separate_spatial self.gather_visual = gather_visual # NOTE: do not include the visual_point_head self.num_visual_head = int(self.with_visual_bbox) + int( self.with_visual_mask) if self.num_visual_head == 0: raise ValueError('There must be at least one visual head. ') in_channels = self.in_channels if self.with_avg_pool: self.avg_pool = nn.AvgPool2d(self.roi_feat_size) else: in_channels *= self.roi_feat_area # set some caches self._union_rois = None self._pair_rois = None # build visual head: extract visual features. if self.with_visual_bbox: assert bbox_roi_layer is not None self.bbox_roi_layers = self.build_roi_layers( bbox_roi_layer, featmap_strides) self.visual_bbox_head = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(in_channels, self.fc_out_channels), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(self.fc_out_channels, self.fc_out_channels), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) if self.with_visual_mask: assert mask_roi_layer is not None self.mask_roi_layers = self.build_roi_layers( mask_roi_layer, featmap_strides) self.visual_mask_head = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(in_channels, self.fc_out_channels), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(self.fc_out_channels, self.fc_out_channels), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) if self.with_visual_point: # TODO: build the point feats extraction head. self.pointFeatExtractor = PointNetFeat() if self.num_visual_head > 1: gather_in_channels = (self.fc_out_channels * 2 if self.gather_visual == 'cat' else self.fc_out_channels) self.gather_visual_head = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(gather_in_channels, self.fc_out_channels), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) # build spatial_head if self.with_spatial: self.spatial_size = self.roi_feat_size[0] * 4 - 1 self.spatial_conv = nn.Sequential(*[ ConvModule( 2, self.in_channels // 2, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, order=('conv', 'act', 'norm'), ), nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1), ConvModule( self.in_channels // 2, self.roi_out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, conv_cfg=conv_cfg, norm_cfg=norm_cfg, order=('conv', 'act', 'norm'), ), ]) if self.separate_spatial: self.spatial_head = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(in_channels, self.fc_out_channels), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(self.fc_out_channels, self.fc_out_channels), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) @property def num_inputs(self): """int: Input feature map levels.""" return len(self.featmap_strides) @property def union_rois(self): return self._union_rois @property def pair_rois(self): return self._pair_rois def init_weights(self): if self.with_visual_bbox: for m in self.visual_bbox_head: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): kaiming_init(m, distribution='uniform', a=1) if self.with_visual_mask: for m in self.visual_mask_head: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): kaiming_init(m, distribution='uniform', a=1) if self.with_visual_point: pass # for the pointNet head, just leave it there, do not if self.num_visual_head > 1: for m in self.gather_visual_head: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): kaiming_init(m, distribution='uniform', a=1) if self.with_spatial: for m in self.spatial_conv: if isinstance(m, ConvModule): normal_init(m.conv, std=0.01) if self.separate_spatial: for m in self.spatial_head: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): kaiming_init(m, distribution='uniform', a=1) def build_roi_layers(self, layer_cfg, featmap_strides): cfg = layer_cfg.copy() layer_type = cfg.pop('type') assert hasattr(ops, layer_type) layer_cls = getattr(ops, layer_type) roi_layers = nn.ModuleList( [layer_cls(spatial_scale=1 / s, **cfg) for s in featmap_strides]) return roi_layers def map_roi_levels(self, rois, num_levels): """Map rois to corresponding feature levels by scales. - scale < finest_scale * 2: level 0 - finest_scale * 2 <= scale < finest_scale * 4: level 1 - finest_scale * 4 <= scale < finest_scale * 8: level 2 - scale >= finest_scale * 8: level 3 Args: rois (Tensor): Input RoIs, shape (k, 5). num_levels (int): Total level number. Returns: Tensor: Level index (0-based) of each RoI, shape (k, ) """ scale = torch.sqrt( (rois[:, 3] - rois[:, 1] + 1) * (rois[:, 4] - rois[:, 2] + 1)) target_lvls = torch.floor(torch.log2(scale / self.finest_scale + 1e-6)) target_lvls = target_lvls.clamp(min=0, max=num_levels - 1).long() return target_lvls def roi_rescale(self, rois, scale_factor): cx = (rois[:, 1] + rois[:, 3]) * 0.5 cy = (rois[:, 2] + rois[:, 4]) * 0.5 w = rois[:, 3] - rois[:, 1] + 1 h = rois[:, 4] - rois[:, 2] + 1 new_w = w * scale_factor new_h = h * scale_factor x1 = cx - new_w * 0.5 + 0.5 x2 = cx + new_w * 0.5 - 0.5 y1 = cy - new_h * 0.5 + 0.5 y2 = cy + new_h * 0.5 - 0.5 new_rois = torch.stack((rois[:, 0], x1, y1, x2, y2), dim=-1) return new_rois def roi_forward(self, roi_layers, feats, rois, masks=None, roi_scale_factor=None): if len(feats) == 1: if roi_layers[0].__class__.__name__ == 'ShapeAwareRoIAlign': assert masks is not None roi_feats = roi_layers[0](feats[0], rois, masks) else: roi_feats = roi_layers[0](feats[0], rois) else: out_size = roi_layers[0].output_size num_levels = self.num_inputs target_lvls = self.map_roi_levels(rois, num_levels) roi_feats = feats[0].new_zeros(rois.size(0), self.roi_out_channels, *out_size) if roi_scale_factor is not None: assert masks is None # not applicated for shape-aware roi align rois = self.roi_rescale(rois, roi_scale_factor) for i in range(num_levels): inds = target_lvls == i if inds.any(): rois_ = rois[inds, :] if roi_layers[ i].__class__.__name__ == 'ShapeAwareRoIAlign': masks_ = [ masks[idx] for idx in torch.nonzero(inds).view(-1) ] roi_feats_t = roi_layers[i](feats[i], rois_, masks_) else: roi_feats_t = roi_layers[i](feats[i], rois_) roi_feats[inds] = roi_feats_t return roi_feats def single_roi_forward(self, feats, rois, masks=None, points=None, roi_scale_factor=None): roi_feats_bbox, roi_feats_mask, roi_feats_point = None, None, None # 1. Use the visual and spatial head to extract roi features. if self.with_visual_bbox: roi_feats_bbox = self.roi_forward(self.bbox_roi_layers, feats, rois, masks, roi_scale_factor) if self.with_visual_mask: roi_feats_mask = self.roi_forward(self.mask_roi_layers, feats, rois, masks, roi_scale_factor) if self.with_visual_point: # input: (N_entity, Ndim(2), N_point) # output: (N_entity, feat_dim(1024)) roi_feats_point, trans_matrix, _ = self.pointFeatExtractor( torch.stack(points).transpose(2, 1)) roi_feats_result = [] # gather the visual features, do not include the features from points for roi_feats, head in ( (roi_feats_bbox, getattr(self, 'visual_bbox_head', None)), (roi_feats_mask, getattr(self, 'visual_mask_head', None)), ): if head is not None: roi_feats_result.append( head(roi_feats.view(roi_feats.size(0), -1))) if self.num_visual_head > 1: if self.gather_visual == 'cat': roi_feats_result =, dim=-1) elif self.gather_visual == 'sum': roi_feats_result = torch.stack(roi_feats_result).sum(0) elif self.gather_visual == 'prod': roi_feats_result = torch.stack(roi_feats_result).prod(0) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'The gathering operation {} is not implemented yet.'. format(self.gather_visual)) roi_feats = self.gather_visual_head(roi_feats_result) else: roi_feats = roi_feats_result[0] if self.with_visual_point: return (roi_feats, roi_feats_point, trans_matrix) else: return (roi_feats, ) def union_roi_forward( self, feats, img_metas, rois, rel_pair_idx, masks=None, points=None, roi_scale_factor=None, ): assert self.with_spatial num_images = feats[0].size(0) assert num_images == len(rel_pair_idx) rel_pair_index = [] im_inds = rois[:, 0] acc_obj = 0 for i, s, e in enumerate_by_image(im_inds): num_obj_i = e - s rel_pair_idx_i = rel_pair_idx[i].clone() rel_pair_idx_i[:, 0] += acc_obj rel_pair_idx_i[:, 1] += acc_obj acc_obj += num_obj_i rel_pair_index.append(rel_pair_idx_i) rel_pair_index =, 0) # prepare the union rois head_rois = rois[rel_pair_index[:, 0], :] tail_rois = rois[rel_pair_index[:, 1], :] head_rois_int = head_rois.cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32) tail_rois_int = tail_rois.cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32) union_rois = torch.stack( [ head_rois[:, 0], torch.min(head_rois[:, 1], tail_rois[:, 1]), torch.min(head_rois[:, 2], tail_rois[:, 2]), torch.max(head_rois[:, 3], tail_rois[:, 3]), torch.max(head_rois[:, 4], tail_rois[:, 4]), ], -1, ) self._union_rois = union_rois[:, 1:] self._pair_rois =[:, 1:], tail_rois[:, 1:]), dim=-1) # OPTIONAL: prepare the union masks union_masks = None if masks is not None and self.with_visual_mask: union_rois_int = union_rois.cpu().numpy().astype(np.int32) union_heights = union_rois_int[:, 4] - union_rois_int[:, 2] + 1 union_widths = union_rois_int[:, 3] - union_rois_int[:, 1] + 1 union_masks = [] for i, pair_idx in enumerate(rel_pair_index.cpu().numpy()): head_mask, tail_mask = masks[pair_idx[0]], masks[pair_idx[1]] union_mask = torch.zeros(union_heights[i], union_widths[i]).to(head_mask) base_x, base_y = union_rois_int[i, 1], union_rois_int[i, 2] union_mask[(head_rois_int[i, 2] - base_y):(head_rois_int[i, 4] - base_y + 1), (head_rois_int[i, 1] - base_x):(head_rois_int[i, 3] - base_x + 1), ] = head_mask union_mask[(tail_rois_int[i, 2] - base_y):(tail_rois_int[i, 4] - base_y + 1), (tail_rois_int[i, 1] - base_x):(tail_rois_int[i, 3] - base_x + 1), ] = tail_mask union_masks.append(union_mask) # OPTIONAL: prepare the union points union_points = None if points is not None and self.with_visual_point: union_points = [] for i, pair_idx in enumerate(rel_pair_index.cpu().numpy()): head_points, tail_points = points[pair_idx[0]], points[ pair_idx[1]] pts =, tail_points), dim=0) union_points.append(pts) roi_feats_bbox, roi_feats_mask, roi_feats_point, rect_feats = ( None, None, None, None, ) # 1. Use the visual and spatial head to extract roi features. if self.with_visual_bbox: roi_feats_bbox = self.roi_forward(self.bbox_roi_layers, feats, union_rois, union_masks, roi_scale_factor) if self.with_visual_mask: roi_feats_mask = self.roi_forward(self.mask_roi_layers, feats, union_rois, union_masks, roi_scale_factor) if self.with_visual_point: roi_feats_point, trans_matrix, _ = self.pointFeatExtractor( torch.stack(union_points, dim=0).transpose(2, 1)) # rect_feats: use range to construct rectangle, sized (rect_size, rect_size) num_rel = len(rel_pair_index) dummy_x_range = (torch.arange(self.spatial_size).to( rel_pair_index.device).view(1, 1, -1).expand(num_rel, self.spatial_size, self.spatial_size)) dummy_y_range = (torch.arange(self.spatial_size).to( rel_pair_index.device).view(1, -1, 1).expand(num_rel, self.spatial_size, self.spatial_size)) size_list = [ np.array(img_meta['img_shape'][:2]).reshape(1, -1) for img_meta in img_metas ] img_input_sizes = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.float32) for img_id in range(len(rel_pair_idx)): num_rel = len(rel_pair_idx[img_id]) img_input_sizes = np.vstack( (img_input_sizes, np.tile(size_list[img_id], (num_rel, 1)))) img_input_sizes = torch.from_numpy(img_input_sizes).to(rois) # resize bbox to the scale rect_size head_proposals = head_rois.clone() head_proposals[:, 1::2] *= self.spatial_size / img_input_sizes[:, 1:2] head_proposals[:, 2::2] *= self.spatial_size / img_input_sizes[:, 0:1] tail_proposals = tail_rois.clone() tail_proposals[:, 1::2] *= self.spatial_size / img_input_sizes[:, 1:2] tail_proposals[:, 2::2] *= self.spatial_size / img_input_sizes[:, 0:1] head_rect = ((dummy_x_range >= head_proposals[:, 1].floor().view( -1, 1, 1).long()) & (dummy_x_range <= head_proposals[:, 3].ceil().view( -1, 1, 1).long()) & (dummy_y_range >= head_proposals[:, 2].floor().view( -1, 1, 1).long()) & (dummy_y_range <= head_proposals[:, 4].ceil().view( -1, 1, 1).long())).float() tail_rect = ((dummy_x_range >= tail_proposals[:, 1].floor().view( -1, 1, 1).long()) & (dummy_x_range <= tail_proposals[:, 2].ceil().view( -1, 1, 1).long()) & (dummy_y_range >= tail_proposals[:, 3].floor().view( -1, 1, 1).long()) & (dummy_y_range <= tail_proposals[:, 4].ceil().view( -1, 1, 1).long())).float() rect_input = torch.stack((head_rect, tail_rect), dim=1) # (num_rel, 2, rect_size, rect_size) rect_feats = self.spatial_conv(rect_input) # gather the different visual features and spatial features if self.separate_spatial: # generally, it is False roi_feats_result = [] for roi_feats, head in ( (roi_feats_bbox, getattr(self, 'visual_bbox_head', None)), (roi_feats_mask, getattr(self, 'visual_mask_head', None)), ): if head is not None: roi_feats_result.append( head(roi_feats.view(roi_feats.size(0), -1))) if self.num_visual_head > 1: if self.gather_visual == 'cat': roi_feats_result =, dim=-1) elif self.gather_visual == 'sum': roi_feats_result = torch.stack(roi_feats_result).sum(0) elif self.gather_visual == 'prod': roi_feats_result = torch.stack(roi_feats_result).prod(0) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'The gathering operation {} is not implemented yet.'. format(self.gather_visual)) roi_feats = self.gather_visual_head(roi_feats_result) else: roi_feats = roi_feats_result[0] roi_feats_spatial = self.spatial_head(rect_feats) if self.with_visual_point: return (roi_feats, roi_feats_spatial, roi_feats_point, trans_matrix) else: return (roi_feats, roi_feats_spatial) else: roi_feats_result = [] for roi_feats, head in ( (roi_feats_bbox, getattr(self, 'visual_bbox_head', None)), (roi_feats_mask, getattr(self, 'visual_mask_head', None)), ): if head is not None: roi_feats_result.append( head((roi_feats + rect_feats).view( roi_feats.size(0), -1))) if self.num_visual_head > 1: if self.gather_visual == 'cat': roi_feats_result =, dim=-1) elif self.gather_visual == 'sum': roi_feats_result = torch.stack(roi_feats_result).sum(0) elif self.gather_visual == 'prod': roi_feats_result = torch.stack(roi_feats_result).prod(0) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'The gathering operation {} is not implemented yet.'. format(self.gather_visual)) roi_feats = self.gather_visual_head(roi_feats_result) else: roi_feats = roi_feats_result[0] if self.with_visual_point: return (roi_feats, roi_feats_point, trans_matrix) else: return (roi_feats, ) @force_fp32(apply_to=('feats', ), out_fp16=True) def forward( self, feats, img_metas, rois, rel_pair_idx=None, masks=None, points=None, roi_scale_factor=None, ): if rois.shape[0] == 0: return torch.from_numpy(np.empty( (0, self.fc_out_channels))).to(feats[0]) if self.with_spatial: assert rel_pair_idx is not None return self.union_roi_forward(feats, img_metas, rois, rel_pair_idx, masks, points, roi_scale_factor) else: return self.single_roi_forward(feats, rois, masks, points, roi_scale_factor)
from .visual_spatial import VisualSpatialExtractor
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/4/27 下午8:08 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch import torch.nn as nn from mmcv.cnn import normal_init, xavier_init from mmdet.models import HEADS from .approaches import LSTMContext from .relation_head import RelationHead @HEADS.register_module() class MotifHead(RelationHead): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MotifHead, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.context_layer = LSTMContext(self.head_config, self.obj_classes, self.rel_classes) # post decoding self.use_vision = self.head_config.use_vision self.hidden_dim = self.head_config.hidden_dim self.context_pooling_dim = self.head_config.context_pooling_dim self.post_emb = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim * 2) self.post_cat = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, self.context_pooling_dim) self.rel_compress = nn.Linear(self.context_pooling_dim, self.num_predicates, bias=True) if self.context_pooling_dim != self.head_config.roi_dim: self.union_single_not_match = True self.up_dim = nn.Linear(self.head_config.roi_dim, self.context_pooling_dim) else: self.union_single_not_match = False def init_weights(self): self.bbox_roi_extractor.init_weights() self.relation_roi_extractor.init_weights() self.context_layer.init_weights() normal_init(self.post_emb, mean=0, std=10.0 * (1.0 / self.hidden_dim)**0.5) xavier_init(self.post_cat) xavier_init(self.rel_compress) if self.union_single_not_match: xavier_init(self.up_dim) def forward( self, img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result=None, is_testing=False, ignore_classes=None, ): """ Obtain the relation prediction results based on detection results. Args: img (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W) encoding input images. Typically these should be mean centered and std scaled. img_meta (list[dict]): list of image info dict where each dict has: 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', and may also contain 'filename', 'ori_shape', 'pad_shape', and 'img_norm_cfg'. For details on the values of these keys see `mmdet/datasets/pipelines/`. det_result: (Result): Result containing bbox, label, mask, point, rels, etc. According to different mode, all the contents have been set correctly. Feel free to use it. gt_result : (Result): The ground truth information. is_testing: Returns: det_result with the following newly added keys: refine_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of object rel_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of relation rel_pair_idxes (list[Tensor]): (num_rel, 2) index of subject and object relmaps (list[Tensor]): (num_obj, num_obj): target_rel_labels (list[Tensor]): the target relation label. """ roi_feats, union_feats, det_result = self.frontend_features( img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result) if roi_feats.shape[0] == 0: return det_result # (N_b, N_c + 1), (N_b), refine_obj_scores, obj_preds, edge_ctx, _ = self.context_layer( roi_feats, det_result) if is_testing and ignore_classes is not None: refine_obj_scores = self.process_ignore_objects( refine_obj_scores, ignore_classes) obj_preds = refine_obj_scores[:, 1:].max(1)[1] + 1 # post decode edge_rep = self.post_emb(edge_ctx) edge_rep = edge_rep.view(edge_rep.size(0), 2, self.hidden_dim) head_rep = edge_rep[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1, self.hidden_dim) tail_rep = edge_rep[:, 1].contiguous().view(-1, self.hidden_dim) num_rels = [r.shape[0] for r in det_result.rel_pair_idxes] num_objs = [len(b) for b in det_result.bboxes] assert len(num_rels) == len(num_objs) head_reps = head_rep.split(num_objs, dim=0) tail_reps = tail_rep.split(num_objs, dim=0) obj_preds = obj_preds.split(num_objs, dim=0) prod_reps = [] pair_preds = [] for pair_idx, head_rep, tail_rep, obj_pred in zip( det_result.rel_pair_idxes, head_reps, tail_reps, obj_preds): prod_reps.append([pair_idx[:, 0]], tail_rep[pair_idx[:, 1]]), dim=-1)) pair_preds.append( torch.stack( (obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 0]], obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 1]]), dim=1)) prod_rep =, dim=0) pair_pred =, dim=0) prod_rep = self.post_cat(prod_rep) if self.use_vision: if self.union_single_not_match: prod_rep = prod_rep * self.up_dim(union_feats) else: prod_rep = prod_rep * union_feats rel_scores = self.rel_compress(prod_rep) if self.use_bias: rel_scores = rel_scores + self.freq_bias.index_with_labels( pair_pred.long()) # make some changes: list to tensor or tensor to tuple if det_result.target_labels =, dim=-1) det_result.target_rel_labels = ( det_result.target_rel_labels, dim=-1) if det_result.target_rel_labels is not None else None) else: refine_obj_scores = refine_obj_scores.split(num_objs, dim=0) rel_scores = rel_scores.split(num_rels, dim=0) # we use obj_preds instead of pred from obj_dists # because in decoder_rnn, preds has been through a nms stage det_result.refine_scores = refine_obj_scores det_result.rel_scores = rel_scores # ranking prediction: if self.with_relation_ranker: det_result = self.relation_ranking_forward(prod_rep, det_result, gt_result, num_rels, is_testing) return det_result
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2021/3/31 17:13 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from mmdet.models import HEADS from .approaches import DirectionAwareMessagePassing from .relation_head import RelationHead @HEADS.register_module() class GPSHead(RelationHead): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GPSHead, self).__init__(**kwargs) # 1. Initialize the interaction pattern templates self.context_layer = DirectionAwareMessagePassing( self.head_config, self.obj_classes) if self.use_bias: self.wp = nn.Linear(self.head_config.roi_dim, self.num_predicates) self.w_proj1 = nn.Linear(self.head_config.roi_dim, self.head_config.roi_dim) self.w_proj2 = nn.Linear(self.head_config.roi_dim, self.head_config.roi_dim) self.w_proj3 = nn.Linear(self.head_config.roi_dim, self.head_config.roi_dim) self.out_rel = nn.Linear(self.head_config.roi_dim, self.num_predicates, bias=True) def init_weights(self): self.bbox_roi_extractor.init_weights() self.relation_roi_extractor.init_weights() def relation_infer(self, pair_reps, union_reps, proj1, proj2, proj3, out_rel, wp=None, log_freq=None): dim = pair_reps.shape[-1] t1, t2, t3 = proj1(pair_reps[:, :dim // 2]), \ proj2(pair_reps[:, dim // 2:]), proj3(union_reps) t4 = (F.relu(t1 + t2) - (t1 - t2) * (t1 - t2)) rel_scores = out_rel(F.relu(t4 + t3) - (t4 - t3) * (t4 - t3)) if wp is not None and log_freq is not None: tensor_d = F.sigmoid(wp(union_reps)) rel_scores += tensor_d * log_freq return rel_scores def forward(self, img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result=None, is_testing=False, ignore_classes=None): """Obtain the relation prediction results based on detection results. Args: img (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W) encoding input images. Typically these should be mean centered and std scaled. img_meta (list[dict]): list of image info dict where each dict has: 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', and may also contain 'filename', 'ori_shape', 'pad_shape', and 'img_norm_cfg'. For details on the values of these keys see `mmdet/datasets/pipelines/`. det_result: (Result): Result containing bbox, label, mask, point, rels, etc. According to different mode, all the contents have been set correctly. Feel free to use it. gt_result : (Result): The ground truth information. is_testing: Returns: det_result with the following newly added keys: refine_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of object rel_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of relation rel_pair_idxes (list[Tensor]): (num_rel, 2) index of subject and object relmaps (list[Tensor]): (num_obj, num_obj): target_rel_labels (list[Tensor]): the target relation label. """ roi_feats, union_feats, det_result = self.frontend_features( img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result) if roi_feats.shape[0] == 0: return det_result num_rels = [r.shape[0] for r in det_result.rel_pair_idxes] num_objs = [len(b) for b in det_result.bboxes] assert len(num_rels) == len(num_objs) # 1. Message Passing with visual texture features refine_obj_scores, obj_preds, roi_context_feats = self.context_layer( roi_feats, union_feats, det_result) obj_preds = obj_preds.split(num_objs, 0) split_roi_context_feats = roi_context_feats.split(num_objs) pair_reps = [] pair_preds = [] for pair_idx, obj_rep, obj_pred in zip(det_result.rel_pair_idxes, split_roi_context_feats, obj_preds): pair_preds.append( torch.stack( (obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 0]], obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 1]]), dim=1)) pair_reps.append([pair_idx[:, 0]], obj_rep[pair_idx[:, 1]]), dim=-1)) pair_reps =, dim=0) pair_preds =, dim=0) # 3. build different relation head log_freq = None if self.use_bias: log_freq = F.log_softmax( self.freq_bias.index_with_labels( pair_preds.long() - 1)) # USE 0-index when getting frequency vec! if log_freq.isnan().any(): # TODO:why? log_freq = None rel_scores = self.relation_infer(pair_reps, union_feats, self.w_proj1, self.w_proj2, self.w_proj3, self.out_rel, self.wp if self.use_bias else None, log_freq) # make some changes: list to tensor or tensor to tuple if not is_testing: det_result.target_labels =, dim=-1) det_result.target_rel_labels = det_result.target_rel_labels, dim=-1) if det_result.target_rel_labels is not None else None else: refine_obj_scores = refine_obj_scores.split(num_objs, dim=0) rel_scores = rel_scores.split(num_rels, dim=0) det_result.refine_scores = refine_obj_scores det_result.rel_scores = rel_scores # ranking prediction: if self.with_relation_ranker: det_result = self.relation_ranking_forward(pair_reps, det_result, gt_result, num_rels, is_testing) return det_result
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/21 下午11:22 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch from mmdet.models import HEADS from .approaches import IMPContext from .relation_head import RelationHead @HEADS.register_module() class IMPHead(RelationHead): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(IMPHead, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.context_layer = IMPContext(self.head_config, self.obj_classes, self.rel_classes) def forward(self, img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result=None, is_testing=False, ignore_classes=None): """Obtain the relation prediction results based on detection results. Args: img (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W) encoding input images. Typically these should be mean centered and std scaled. img_meta (list[dict]): list of image info dict where each dict has: 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', and may also contain 'filename', 'ori_shape', 'pad_shape', and 'img_norm_cfg'. For details on the values of these keys see `mmdet/datasets/pipelines/`. det_result: (Result): Result containing bbox, label, mask, point, rels, etc. According to different mode, all the contents have been set correctly. Feel free to use it. gt_result : (Result): The ground truth information. is_testing: Returns: det_result with the following newly added keys: refine_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of object rel_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of relation rel_pair_idxes (list[Tensor]): (num_rel, 2) index of subject and object relmaps (list[Tensor]): (num_obj, num_obj): target_rel_labels (list[Tensor]): the target relation label. """ roi_feats, union_feats, det_result = self.frontend_features( img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result) if roi_feats.shape[0] == 0: return det_result refine_obj_scores, rel_scores = self.context_layer( roi_feats, union_feats, det_result) num_rels = [r.shape[0] for r in det_result.rel_pair_idxes] num_objs = [len(b) for b in det_result.bboxes] assert len(num_rels) == len(num_objs) if self.use_bias: obj_preds = refine_obj_scores.max(-1)[1] obj_preds = obj_preds.split(num_objs, dim=0) pair_preds = [] for pair_idx, obj_pred in zip(det_result.rel_pair_idxes, obj_preds): pair_preds.append( torch.stack( (obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 0]], obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 1]]), dim=1)) pair_pred =, dim=0) rel_scores = rel_scores + self.freq_bias.index_with_labels( pair_pred.long()) # make some changes: list to tensor or tensor to tuple if det_result.target_labels =, dim=-1) det_result.target_rel_labels = det_result.target_rel_labels, dim=-1) else: refine_obj_scores = refine_obj_scores.split(num_objs, dim=0) rel_scores = rel_scores.split(num_rels, dim=0) det_result.refine_scores = refine_obj_scores det_result.rel_scores = rel_scores return det_result
from .gps_head import GPSHead from .imp_head import IMPHead from .motif_head import MotifHead from .vctree_head import VCTreeHead
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from collections import defaultdict import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision from mmcv.cnn import Conv2d, Linear, build_activation_layer from mmcv.cnn.bricks.transformer import build_positional_encoding from mmcv.runner import force_fp32 from mmdet.core import (bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy, bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh, build_assigner, build_sampler, multi_apply, reduce_mean) from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET from mmdet.models.builder import HEADS, build_loss from mmdet.models.dense_heads import AnchorFreeHead from mmdet.models.utils import build_transformer #####imports for tools from packaging import version if version.parse(torchvision.__version__) < version.parse('0.7'): from torchvision.ops import _new_empty_tensor from torchvision.ops.misc import _output_size @HEADS.register_module() class PSGFormerHead(AnchorFreeHead): _version = 2 def __init__(self, num_classes, in_channels, num_relations, object_classes, predicate_classes, num_obj_query=100, num_rel_query=100, num_reg_fcs=2, use_mask=True, temp=0.1, transformer=None, n_heads=8, sync_cls_avg_factor=False, bg_cls_weight=0.02, positional_encoding=dict(type='SinePositionalEncoding', num_feats=128, normalize=True), rel_loss_cls=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=2.0, class_weight=1.0), sub_id_loss=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=2.0, class_weight=1.0), obj_id_loss=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=2.0, class_weight=1.0), loss_cls=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, class_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=5.0), loss_iou=dict(type='GIoULoss', loss_weight=2.0), focal_loss=dict(type='BCEFocalLoss', loss_weight=1.0), dice_loss=dict(type='DiceLoss', loss_weight=1.0), train_cfg=dict(id_assigner=dict( type='IdMatcher', sub_id_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), obj_id_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), r_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.)), bbox_assigner=dict( type='HungarianAssigner', cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxL1Cost', weight=5.0), iou_cost=dict(type='IoUCost', iou_mode='giou', weight=2.0))), test_cfg=dict(max_per_img=100), init_cfg=None, **kwargs): super(AnchorFreeHead, self).__init__(init_cfg) self.sync_cls_avg_factor = sync_cls_avg_factor # NOTE following the official DETR rep0, bg_cls_weight means # relative classification weight of the no-object class. assert isinstance(bg_cls_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'bg_cls_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(bg_cls_weight)}.' self.bg_cls_weight = bg_cls_weight class_weight = loss_cls.get('class_weight', None) assert isinstance(class_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'class_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(class_weight)}.' class_weight = torch.ones(num_classes + 1) * class_weight # set background class as the last indice class_weight[num_classes] = bg_cls_weight loss_cls.update({'class_weight': class_weight}) r_class_weight = rel_loss_cls.get('class_weight', None) assert isinstance(r_class_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'class_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(r_class_weight)}.' r_class_weight = torch.ones(num_relations + 1) * r_class_weight #NOTE set background class as the first indice for relations as they are 1-based r_class_weight[0] = bg_cls_weight rel_loss_cls.update({'class_weight': r_class_weight}) if 'bg_cls_weight' in rel_loss_cls: rel_loss_cls.pop('bg_cls_weight') if train_cfg: assert 'id_assigner' in train_cfg, 'id_assigner should be provided '\ 'when train_cfg is set.' assert 'bbox_assigner' in train_cfg, 'bbox_assigner should be provided '\ 'when train_cfg is set.' id_assigner = train_cfg['id_assigner'] bbox_assigner = train_cfg['bbox_assigner'] assert loss_cls['loss_weight'] == bbox_assigner['cls_cost']['weight'], \ 'The classification weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' assert loss_bbox['loss_weight'] == bbox_assigner['reg_cost'][ 'weight'], 'The regression L1 weight for loss and matcher ' \ 'should be exactly the same.' assert loss_iou['loss_weight'] == bbox_assigner['iou_cost']['weight'], \ 'The regression iou weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' self.id_assigner = build_assigner(id_assigner) self.bbox_assigner = build_assigner(bbox_assigner) # DETR sampling=False, so use PseudoSampler sampler_cfg = dict(type='PseudoSampler') self.sampler = build_sampler(sampler_cfg, context=self) assert num_obj_query == num_rel_query self.num_obj_query = num_obj_query self.num_rel_query = num_rel_query self.use_mask = use_mask self.temp = temp self.num_classes = num_classes self.num_relations = num_relations self.object_classes = object_classes self.predicate_classes = predicate_classes self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_reg_fcs = num_reg_fcs self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.fp16_enabled = False self.loss_cls = build_loss(loss_cls) self.loss_bbox = build_loss(loss_bbox) self.loss_iou = build_loss(loss_iou) self.focal_loss = build_loss(focal_loss) self.dice_loss = build_loss(dice_loss) self.rel_loss_cls = build_loss(rel_loss_cls) ### id losses self.sub_id_loss = build_loss(sub_id_loss) self.obj_id_loss = build_loss(obj_id_loss) if self.loss_cls.use_sigmoid: self.cls_out_channels = num_classes else: self.cls_out_channels = num_classes + 1 if rel_loss_cls['use_sigmoid']: self.rel_cls_out_channels = num_relations else: self.rel_cls_out_channels = num_relations + 1 self.act_cfg = transformer.get('act_cfg', dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True)) self.activate = build_activation_layer(self.act_cfg) self.positional_encoding = build_positional_encoding( positional_encoding) self.transformer = build_transformer(transformer) self.n_heads = n_heads self.embed_dims = self.transformer.embed_dims assert 'num_feats' in positional_encoding num_feats = positional_encoding['num_feats'] assert num_feats * 2 == self.embed_dims, 'embed_dims should' \ f' be exactly 2 times of num_feats. Found {self.embed_dims}' \ f' and {num_feats}.' self._init_layers() def _init_layers(self): """Initialize layers of the transformer head.""" self.input_proj = Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.embed_dims, kernel_size=1) self.obj_query_embed = nn.Embedding(self.num_obj_query, self.embed_dims) self.rel_query_embed = nn.Embedding(self.num_rel_query, self.embed_dims) self.class_embed = Linear(self.embed_dims, self.cls_out_channels) self.box_embed = MLP(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, 4, 3) self.sub_query_update = nn.Sequential( Linear(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), Linear(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims)) self.obj_query_update = nn.Sequential( Linear(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), Linear(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims)) self.sop_query_update = nn.Sequential( Linear(2 * self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), Linear(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims)) self.rel_query_update = nn.Identity() self.rel_cls_embed = Linear(self.embed_dims, self.rel_cls_out_channels) self.bbox_attention = MHAttentionMap(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, self.n_heads, dropout=0.0) self.mask_head = MaskHeadSmallConv(self.embed_dims + self.n_heads, [1024, 512, 256], self.embed_dims) def init_weights(self): """Initialize weights of the transformer head.""" # The initialization for transformer is important self.transformer.init_weights() def _load_from_state_dict(self, state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs): """load checkpoints.""" version = local_metadata.get('version', None) if (version is None or version < 2): convert_dict = { '.self_attn.': '.attentions.0.', '.ffn.': '.ffns.0.', '.multihead_attn.': '.attentions.1.', '.decoder1.norm.': '.decoder1.post_norm.', '.decoder2.norm.': '.decoder2.post_norm.', '.query_embedding.': '.query_embed.' } state_dict_keys = list(state_dict.keys()) for k in state_dict_keys: for ori_key, convert_key in convert_dict.items(): if ori_key in k: convert_key = k.replace(ori_key, convert_key) state_dict[convert_key] = state_dict[k] del state_dict[k] super(AnchorFreeHead, self)._load_from_state_dict(state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs) def forward(self, feats, img_metas, train_mode=False): # construct binary masks which used for the transformer. # NOTE following the official DETR repo, non-zero values representing # ignored positions, while zero values means valid positions. last_features = feats[-1] batch_size = last_features.size(0) input_img_h, input_img_w = img_metas[0]['batch_input_shape'] masks = last_features.new_ones((batch_size, input_img_h, input_img_w)) for img_id in range(batch_size): img_h, img_w, _ = img_metas[img_id]['img_shape'] masks[img_id, :img_h, :img_w] = 0 last_features = self.input_proj(last_features) # interpolate masks to have the same spatial shape with feats masks = F.interpolate(masks.unsqueeze(1), size=last_features.shape[-2:]).to( torch.bool).squeeze(1) # position encoding pos_embed = self.positional_encoding(masks) # [bs, embed_dim, h, w] # outs_dec: [nb_dec, bs, num_query, embed_dim] outs_obj_dec, outs_rel_dec, memory \ = self.transformer(last_features, masks, self.obj_query_embed.weight, self.rel_query_embed.weight, pos_embed) outputs_class = self.class_embed(outs_obj_dec) outputs_coord = self.box_embed(outs_obj_dec).sigmoid() bbox_mask = self.bbox_attention(outs_obj_dec[-1], memory, mask=masks) seg_masks = self.mask_head(last_features, bbox_mask, [feats[2], feats[1], feats[0]]) seg_masks = seg_masks.view(batch_size, self.num_obj_query, seg_masks.shape[-2], seg_masks.shape[-1]) ### interaction updated_sub_embed = self.sub_query_update(outs_obj_dec) updated_obj_embed = self.obj_query_update(outs_obj_dec) sub_q_normalized = F.normalize(updated_sub_embed[-1], p=2, dim=-1, eps=1e-12) obj_q_normalized = F.normalize(updated_obj_embed[-1], p=2, dim=-1, eps=1e-12) updated_rel_embed = self.rel_query_update(outs_rel_dec) rel_q_normalized = F.normalize(updated_rel_embed[-1], p=2, dim=-1, eps=1e-12) #### relation-oriented search subject_scores = torch.matmul( rel_q_normalized, sub_q_normalized.transpose(1, 2)) / self.temp object_scores = torch.matmul( rel_q_normalized, obj_q_normalized.transpose(1, 2)) / self.temp _, subject_ids = subject_scores.max(-1) _, object_ids = object_scores.max(-1) # prediction sub_outputs_class = torch.empty_like(outputs_class) sub_outputs_coord = torch.empty_like(outputs_coord) obj_outputs_class = torch.empty_like(outputs_class) obj_outputs_coord = torch.empty_like(outputs_coord) outputs_sub_seg_masks = torch.empty_like(seg_masks) outputs_obj_seg_masks = torch.empty_like(seg_masks) triplet_sub_ids = [] triplet_obj_ids = [] for i in range(len(subject_ids)): triplet_sub_id = subject_ids[i] triplet_obj_id = object_ids[i] sub_outputs_class[:, i] = outputs_class[:, i, triplet_sub_id, :] sub_outputs_coord[:, i] = outputs_coord[:, i, triplet_sub_id, :] obj_outputs_class[:, i] = outputs_class[:, i, triplet_obj_id, :] obj_outputs_coord[:, i] = outputs_coord[:, i, triplet_obj_id, :] outputs_sub_seg_masks[i] = seg_masks[i, triplet_sub_id, :, :] outputs_obj_seg_masks[i] = seg_masks[i, triplet_obj_id, :, :] triplet_sub_ids.append(triplet_sub_id) triplet_obj_ids.append(triplet_obj_id) all_cls_scores = dict(cls=outputs_class, sub=sub_outputs_class, obj=obj_outputs_class) rel_outputs_class = self.rel_cls_embed(outs_rel_dec) all_cls_scores['rel'] = rel_outputs_class all_cls_scores['sub_ids'] = triplet_sub_ids all_cls_scores['obj_ids'] = triplet_obj_ids all_cls_scores['subject_scores'] = subject_scores all_cls_scores['object_scores'] = object_scores all_bbox_preds = dict(bbox=outputs_coord, sub=sub_outputs_coord, obj=obj_outputs_coord, mask=seg_masks, sub_seg=outputs_sub_seg_masks, obj_seg=outputs_obj_seg_masks) return all_cls_scores, all_bbox_preds @force_fp32(apply_to=('all_cls_scores_list', 'all_bbox_preds_list')) def loss(self, all_cls_scores_list, all_bbox_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): # NOTE defaultly only the outputs from the last feature scale is used. all_cls_scores = all_cls_scores_list all_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds_list assert gt_bboxes_ignore is None, \ 'Only supports for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.' ### object detection and panoptic segmentation all_od_cls_scores = all_cls_scores['cls'] all_od_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds['bbox'] all_mask_preds = all_bbox_preds['mask'] num_dec_layers = len(all_od_cls_scores) all_mask_preds = [all_mask_preds for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_s_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds['sub'] all_o_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds['obj'] all_gt_bboxes_list = [gt_bboxes_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_labels_list = [gt_labels_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_rels_list = [gt_rels_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [ gt_bboxes_ignore for _ in range(num_dec_layers) ] all_gt_masks_list = [gt_masks_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] img_metas_list = [img_metas for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_r_cls_scores = all_cls_scores['rel'] subject_scores = all_cls_scores['subject_scores'] object_scores = all_cls_scores['object_scores'] subject_scores = [subject_scores for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] object_scores = [object_scores for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] losses_cls, losses_bbox, losses_iou, dice_losses, focal_losses, \ r_losses_cls, loss_subject_match, loss_object_match= multi_apply( self.loss_single, subject_scores, object_scores, all_od_cls_scores, all_od_bbox_preds, all_mask_preds, all_r_cls_scores, all_s_bbox_preds, all_o_bbox_preds, all_gt_rels_list, all_gt_bboxes_list, all_gt_labels_list, all_gt_masks_list, img_metas_list, all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list) loss_dict = dict() ## loss of relation-oriented matching loss_dict['loss_subject_match'] = loss_subject_match[-1] loss_dict['loss_object_match'] = loss_object_match[-1] ## loss of object detection and segmentation # loss from the last decoder layer loss_dict['loss_cls'] = losses_cls[-1] loss_dict['loss_bbox'] = losses_bbox[-1] loss_dict['loss_iou'] = losses_iou[-1] loss_dict['focal_losses'] = focal_losses[-1] loss_dict['dice_losses'] = dice_losses[-1] # loss from other decoder layers num_dec_layer = 0 for loss_cls_i, loss_bbox_i, loss_iou_i in zip(losses_cls[:-1], losses_bbox[:-1], losses_iou[:-1]): loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_cls'] = loss_cls_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_bbox'] = loss_bbox_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_iou'] = loss_iou_i num_dec_layer += 1 ## loss of scene graph # loss from the last decoder layer loss_dict['r_loss_cls'] = r_losses_cls[-1] # loss from other decoder layers num_dec_layer = 0 for r_loss_cls_i in r_losses_cls[:-1]: loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.r_loss_cls'] = r_loss_cls_i num_dec_layer += 1 return loss_dict def loss_single(self, subject_scores, object_scores, od_cls_scores, od_bbox_preds, mask_preds, r_cls_scores, s_bbox_preds, o_bbox_preds, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None): ## before get targets num_imgs = r_cls_scores.size(0) # obj det&seg cls_scores_list = [od_cls_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] bbox_preds_list = [od_bbox_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] mask_preds_list = [mask_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] # scene graph r_cls_scores_list = [r_cls_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] s_bbox_preds_list = [s_bbox_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] o_bbox_preds_list = [o_bbox_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] # matche scores subject_scores_list = [subject_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] object_scores_list = [object_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] cls_reg_targets = self.get_targets( subject_scores_list, object_scores_list, cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list, mask_preds_list, r_cls_scores_list, s_bbox_preds_list, o_bbox_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list) (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, mask_targets_list, num_total_od_pos, num_total_od_neg, mask_preds_list, r_labels_list, r_label_weights_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg, filtered_subject_scores, filtered_object_scores, gt_subject_id_list, gt_object_id_list) = cls_reg_targets # obj det&seg labels =, 0) label_weights =, 0) bbox_targets =, 0) bbox_weights =, 0) mask_targets =, 0).float().flatten(1) mask_preds =, 0).flatten(1) num_od_matches = mask_preds.shape[0] # id loss filtered_subject_scores = filtered_subject_scores, 0).reshape(len(filtered_subject_scores[0]), -1) filtered_object_scores =, 0).reshape( len(filtered_object_scores[0]), -1) gt_subject_id =, 0) gt_subject_id = F.one_hot( gt_subject_id, num_classes=filtered_subject_scores.shape[-1]) gt_object_id =, 0) gt_object_id = F.one_hot(gt_object_id, num_classes=filtered_object_scores.shape[-1]) loss_subject_match = self.sub_id_loss(filtered_subject_scores, gt_subject_id) loss_object_match = self.obj_id_loss(filtered_object_scores, gt_object_id) # mask loss focal_loss = self.focal_loss(mask_preds, mask_targets, num_od_matches) dice_loss = self.dice_loss(mask_preds, mask_targets, num_od_matches) # classification loss od_cls_scores = od_cls_scores.reshape(-1, self.cls_out_channels) # construct weighted avg_factor to match with the official DETR repo cls_avg_factor = num_total_od_pos * 1.0 + \ num_total_od_neg * self.bg_cls_weight if self.sync_cls_avg_factor: cls_avg_factor = reduce_mean( od_cls_scores.new_tensor([cls_avg_factor])) cls_avg_factor = max(cls_avg_factor, 1) loss_cls = self.loss_cls(od_cls_scores, labels, label_weights, avg_factor=cls_avg_factor) # Compute the average number of gt boxes across all gpus, for # normalization purposes num_total_od_pos = loss_cls.new_tensor([num_total_od_pos]) num_total_od_pos = torch.clamp(reduce_mean(num_total_od_pos), min=1).item() # construct factors used for rescale bboxes factors = [] for img_meta, bbox_pred in zip(img_metas, od_bbox_preds): img_h, img_w, _ = img_meta['img_shape'] factor = bbox_pred.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h]).unsqueeze(0).repeat( bbox_pred.size(0), 1) factors.append(factor) factors =, 0) # DETR regress the relative position of boxes (cxcywh) in the image, # thus the learning target is normalized by the image size. So here # we need to re-scale them for calculating IoU loss od_bbox_preds = od_bbox_preds.reshape(-1, 4) bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(od_bbox_preds) * factors bboxes_gt = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox_targets) * factors # regression IoU loss, defaultly GIoU loss loss_iou = self.loss_iou(bboxes, bboxes_gt, bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_od_pos) # regression L1 loss loss_bbox = self.loss_bbox(od_bbox_preds, bbox_targets, bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_od_pos) # scene graph r_labels =, 0) r_label_weights =, 0) # classification loss r_cls_scores = r_cls_scores.reshape(-1, self.rel_cls_out_channels) # construct weighted avg_factor to match with the official DETR repo cls_avg_factor = num_total_pos * 1.0 + \ num_total_neg * self.bg_cls_weight if self.sync_cls_avg_factor: cls_avg_factor = reduce_mean( r_cls_scores.new_tensor([cls_avg_factor])) cls_avg_factor = max(cls_avg_factor, 1) r_loss_cls = self.rel_loss_cls(r_cls_scores, r_labels, r_label_weights, avg_factor=cls_avg_factor) return loss_cls, loss_bbox, loss_iou, dice_loss, focal_loss, r_loss_cls, loss_subject_match, loss_object_match def get_targets(self, subject_scores_list, object_scores_list, cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list, mask_preds_list, r_cls_scores_list, s_bbox_preds_list, o_bbox_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None): assert gt_bboxes_ignore_list is None, \ 'Only supports for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.' num_imgs = len(r_cls_scores_list) gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [ gt_bboxes_ignore_list for _ in range(num_imgs) ] (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, mask_targets_list, od_pos_inds_list, od_neg_inds_list, mask_preds_list, r_labels_list, r_label_weights_list, pos_inds_list, neg_inds_list, filtered_subject_scores, filtered_object_scores, gt_subject_id_list, gt_object_id_list) = multi_apply( self._get_target_single, subject_scores_list, object_scores_list, cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list, mask_preds_list, r_cls_scores_list, s_bbox_preds_list, o_bbox_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list) num_total_od_pos = sum((inds.numel() for inds in od_pos_inds_list)) num_total_od_neg = sum((inds.numel() for inds in od_neg_inds_list)) num_total_pos = sum((inds.numel() for inds in pos_inds_list)) num_total_neg = sum((inds.numel() for inds in neg_inds_list)) return (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, mask_targets_list, num_total_od_pos, num_total_od_neg, mask_preds_list, r_labels_list, r_label_weights_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg, filtered_subject_scores, filtered_object_scores, gt_subject_id_list, gt_object_id_list) def _get_target_single(self, subject_scores, object_scores, cls_score, bbox_pred, mask_preds, r_cls_score, s_bbox_pred, o_bbox_pred, gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): assert len(gt_masks) == len(gt_bboxes) ###### obj det&seg num_bboxes = bbox_pred.size(0) assert len(gt_masks) == len(gt_bboxes) # assigner and sampler, only return human&object assign result od_assign_result = self.bbox_assigner.assign(bbox_pred, cls_score, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore) sampling_result = self.sampler.sample(od_assign_result, bbox_pred, gt_bboxes) od_pos_inds = sampling_result.pos_inds od_neg_inds = sampling_result.neg_inds #### no-rel class indices in prediction # label targets labels = gt_bboxes.new_full((num_bboxes, ), self.num_classes, dtype=torch.long) ### 0-based labels[od_pos_inds] = gt_labels[sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] label_weights = gt_bboxes.new_ones(num_bboxes) # mask targets for subjects and objects mask_targets = gt_masks[sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds, ...] ###FIXME some transform might be needed mask_preds = mask_preds[od_pos_inds] mask_preds = interpolate(mask_preds[:, None], size=gt_masks.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False).squeeze(1) # bbox targets for subjects and objects bbox_targets = torch.zeros_like(bbox_pred) bbox_weights = torch.zeros_like(bbox_pred) bbox_weights[od_pos_inds] = 1.0 img_h, img_w, _ = img_meta['img_shape'] # DETR regress the relative position of boxes (cxcywh) in the image. # Thus the learning target should be normalized by the image size, also # the box format should be converted from defaultly x1y1x2y2 to cxcywh. factor = bbox_pred.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h]).unsqueeze(0) pos_gt_bboxes_normalized = sampling_result.pos_gt_bboxes / factor pos_gt_bboxes_targets = bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh(pos_gt_bboxes_normalized) bbox_targets[od_pos_inds] = pos_gt_bboxes_targets gt_label_assigned_query = torch.ones_like(gt_labels) gt_label_assigned_query[ sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] = od_pos_inds ###### scene graph num_rels = s_bbox_pred.size(0) # separate human boxes and object boxes from gt_bboxes and generate labels gt_sub_bboxes = [] gt_obj_bboxes = [] gt_sub_labels = [] gt_obj_labels = [] gt_rel_labels = [] gt_sub_ids = [] gt_obj_ids = [] for rel_id in range(gt_rels.size(0)): gt_sub_bboxes.append(gt_bboxes[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 0])]) gt_obj_bboxes.append(gt_bboxes[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 1])]) gt_sub_labels.append(gt_labels[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 0])]) gt_obj_labels.append(gt_labels[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 1])]) gt_rel_labels.append(gt_rels[rel_id, 2]) gt_sub_ids.append(gt_label_assigned_query[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 0])]) gt_obj_ids.append(gt_label_assigned_query[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 1])]) gt_sub_bboxes = torch.vstack(gt_sub_bboxes).type_as(gt_bboxes).reshape( -1, 4) gt_obj_bboxes = torch.vstack(gt_obj_bboxes).type_as(gt_bboxes).reshape( -1, 4) gt_sub_labels = torch.vstack(gt_sub_labels).type_as(gt_labels).reshape( -1) gt_obj_labels = torch.vstack(gt_obj_labels).type_as(gt_labels).reshape( -1) gt_rel_labels = torch.vstack(gt_rel_labels).type_as(gt_labels).reshape( -1) gt_sub_ids = torch.vstack(gt_sub_ids).type_as(gt_labels).reshape(-1) gt_obj_ids = torch.vstack(gt_obj_ids).type_as(gt_labels).reshape(-1) ######################################## #### overwrite relation labels above#### ######################################## # assigner and sampler for relation-oriented id match s_assign_result, o_assign_result = self.id_assigner.assign( subject_scores, object_scores, r_cls_score, gt_sub_ids, gt_obj_ids, gt_rel_labels, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore) s_sampling_result = self.sampler.sample(s_assign_result, s_bbox_pred, gt_sub_bboxes) o_sampling_result = self.sampler.sample(o_assign_result, o_bbox_pred, gt_obj_bboxes) pos_inds = o_sampling_result.pos_inds neg_inds = o_sampling_result.neg_inds #### no-rel class indices in prediction #match id targets gt_subject_ids = gt_sub_bboxes.new_full((num_rels, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) gt_subject_ids[pos_inds] = gt_sub_ids[ s_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] gt_object_ids = gt_obj_bboxes.new_full((num_rels, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) gt_object_ids[pos_inds] = gt_obj_ids[ o_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] # filtering unmatched subject/object id predictions gt_subject_ids = gt_subject_ids[pos_inds] gt_subject_ids_res = torch.zeros_like(gt_subject_ids) for idx, gt_subject_id in enumerate(gt_subject_ids): gt_subject_ids_res[idx] = ((od_pos_inds == gt_subject_id).nonzero( as_tuple=True)[0]) gt_subject_ids = gt_subject_ids_res gt_object_ids = gt_object_ids[pos_inds] gt_object_ids_res = torch.zeros_like(gt_object_ids) for idx, gt_object_id in enumerate(gt_object_ids): gt_object_ids_res[idx] = ((od_pos_inds == gt_object_id).nonzero( as_tuple=True)[0]) gt_object_ids = gt_object_ids_res filtered_subject_scores = subject_scores[pos_inds] filtered_subject_scores = filtered_subject_scores[:, od_pos_inds] filtered_object_scores = object_scores[pos_inds] filtered_object_scores = filtered_object_scores[:, od_pos_inds] r_labels = gt_obj_bboxes.new_full((num_rels, ), 0, dtype=torch.long) ### 1-based r_labels[pos_inds] = gt_rel_labels[ o_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] r_label_weights = gt_obj_bboxes.new_ones(num_rels) return (labels, label_weights, bbox_targets, bbox_weights, mask_targets, od_pos_inds, od_neg_inds, mask_preds, r_labels, r_label_weights, pos_inds, neg_inds, filtered_subject_scores, filtered_object_scores, gt_subject_ids, gt_object_ids ) ###return the interpolated predicted masks # over-write because img_metas are needed as inputs for bbox_head. def forward_train(self, x, img_metas, gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels=None, gt_masks=None, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, proposal_cfg=None, **kwargs): """Forward function for training mode. Args: x (list[Tensor]): Features from backbone. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes of the image, shape (num_gts, 4). gt_labels (Tensor): Ground truth labels of each box, shape (num_gts,). gt_bboxes_ignore (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes to be ignored, shape (num_ignored_gts, 4). proposal_cfg (mmcv.Config): Test / postprocessing configuration, if None, test_cfg would be used. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ assert proposal_cfg is None, '"proposal_cfg" must be None' outs = self(x, img_metas) if gt_labels is None: loss_inputs = outs + (gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_masks, img_metas) else: loss_inputs = outs + (gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, img_metas) losses = self.loss(*loss_inputs, gt_bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore) return losses @force_fp32(apply_to=('all_cls_scores_list', 'all_bbox_preds_list')) def get_bboxes(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, img_metas, rescale=False): # NOTE defaultly only using outputs from the last feature level, # and only the outputs from the last decoder layer is used. result_list = [] for img_id in range(len(img_metas)): # od_cls_score = cls_scores['cls'][-1, img_id, ...] # bbox_pred = bbox_preds['bbox'][-1, img_id, ...] # mask_pred = bbox_preds['mask'][img_id, ...] all_cls_score = cls_scores['cls'][-1, img_id, ...] all_masks = bbox_preds['mask'][img_id, ...] s_cls_score = cls_scores['sub'][-1, img_id, ...] o_cls_score = cls_scores['obj'][-1, img_id, ...] r_cls_score = cls_scores['rel'][-1, img_id, ...] s_bbox_pred = bbox_preds['sub'][-1, img_id, ...] o_bbox_pred = bbox_preds['obj'][-1, img_id, ...] img_shape = img_metas[img_id]['img_shape'] scale_factor = img_metas[img_id]['scale_factor'] s_mask_pred = bbox_preds['sub_seg'][img_id, ...] o_mask_pred = bbox_preds['obj_seg'][img_id, ...] triplet_sub_ids = cls_scores['sub_ids'][img_id] triplet_obj_ids = cls_scores['obj_ids'][img_id] triplets = self._get_bboxes_single(all_masks, all_cls_score, s_cls_score, o_cls_score, r_cls_score, s_bbox_pred, o_bbox_pred, s_mask_pred, o_mask_pred, img_shape, triplet_sub_ids, triplet_obj_ids, scale_factor, rescale) result_list.append(triplets) return result_list def _get_bboxes_single(self, all_masks, all_cls_score, s_cls_score, o_cls_score, r_cls_score, s_bbox_pred, o_bbox_pred, s_mask_pred, o_mask_pred, img_shape, triplet_sub_ids, triplet_obj_ids, scale_factor, rescale=False): assert len(s_cls_score) == len(o_cls_score) assert len(s_cls_score) == len(s_bbox_pred) assert len(s_cls_score) == len(o_bbox_pred) mask_size = (round(img_shape[0] / scale_factor[1]), round(img_shape[1] / scale_factor[0])) max_per_img = self.test_cfg.get('max_per_img', self.num_obj_query) assert self.rel_loss_cls.use_sigmoid == False assert len(s_cls_score) == len(r_cls_score) # 0-based label input for objects and self.num_classes as default background cls s_logits = F.softmax(s_cls_score, dim=-1)[..., :-1] o_logits = F.softmax(o_cls_score, dim=-1)[..., :-1] s_scores, s_labels = s_logits.max(-1) o_scores, o_labels = o_logits.max(-1) r_lgs = F.softmax(r_cls_score, dim=-1) r_logits = r_lgs[..., 1:] r_scores, r_indexes = r_logits.reshape(-1).topk(max_per_img) r_labels = r_indexes % self.num_relations + 1 triplet_index = r_indexes // self.num_relations s_scores = s_scores[triplet_index] s_labels = s_labels[triplet_index] + 1 s_bbox_pred = s_bbox_pred[triplet_index] o_scores = o_scores[triplet_index] o_labels = o_labels[triplet_index] + 1 o_bbox_pred = o_bbox_pred[triplet_index] r_dists = r_lgs.reshape( -1, self.num_relations + 1)[triplet_index] #### NOTE: to match the evaluation in vg labels =, o_labels), 0) complete_labels = labels complete_r_labels = r_labels complete_r_dists = r_dists if self.use_mask: s_mask_pred = s_mask_pred[triplet_index] o_mask_pred = o_mask_pred[triplet_index] s_mask_pred = F.interpolate(s_mask_pred.unsqueeze(1), size=mask_size).squeeze(1) s_mask_pred = torch.sigmoid(s_mask_pred) > 0.85 o_mask_pred = F.interpolate(o_mask_pred.unsqueeze(1), size=mask_size).squeeze(1) o_mask_pred = torch.sigmoid(o_mask_pred) > 0.85 output_masks =, o_mask_pred), 0) all_logits = F.softmax(all_cls_score, dim=-1)[..., :-1] all_scores, all_labels = all_logits.max(-1) all_masks = F.interpolate(all_masks.unsqueeze(1), size=mask_size).squeeze(1) #### for panoptic postprocessing #### triplet_sub_ids = triplet_sub_ids[triplet_index].view(-1,1) triplet_obj_ids = triplet_obj_ids[triplet_index].view(-1,1) pan_rel_pairs =,triplet_obj_ids), -1).to( tri_obj_unique = pan_rel_pairs.unique() keep = all_labels != (s_logits.shape[-1] - 1) tmp = torch.zeros_like(keep, dtype=torch.bool) for id in tri_obj_unique: tmp[id] = True keep = keep & tmp all_labels = all_labels[keep] all_masks = all_masks[keep] all_scores = all_scores[keep] h, w = all_masks.shape[-2:] no_obj_filter = torch.zeros(pan_rel_pairs.shape[0],dtype=torch.bool) for triplet_id in range(pan_rel_pairs.shape[0]): if keep[pan_rel_pairs[triplet_id,0]] and keep[pan_rel_pairs[triplet_id,1]]: no_obj_filter[triplet_id]=True pan_rel_pairs = pan_rel_pairs[no_obj_filter] if keep.sum() != len(keep): for new_id, past_id in enumerate(keep.nonzero().view(-1)): pan_rel_pairs.masked_fill_(pan_rel_pairs.eq(past_id), new_id) r_labels, r_dists = r_labels[no_obj_filter], r_dists[no_obj_filter] if all_labels.numel() == 0: pan_img = torch.ones(mask_size).cpu().to(torch.long) pan_masks = pan_img.unsqueeze(0).cpu().to(torch.long) pan_rel_pairs = torch.arange(len(labels),, -1).T rels = torch.tensor([0,0,0]).view(-1,3) pan_labels = torch.tensor([0]) else: all_masks = all_masks.flatten(1) stuff_equiv_classes = defaultdict(lambda: []) thing_classes = defaultdict(lambda: []) thing_dedup = defaultdict(lambda: []) for k, label in enumerate(all_labels): if label.item() >= 80: stuff_equiv_classes[label.item()].append(k) else: thing_classes[label.item()].append(k) def dedup_things(pred_ids, binary_masks): while len(pred_ids) > 1: base_mask = binary_masks[pred_ids[0]].unsqueeze(0) other_masks = binary_masks[pred_ids[1:]] # calculate ious ious =,1))/((base_mask+other_masks)>0).sum(-1) ids_left = [] thing_dedup[pred_ids[0]].append(pred_ids[0]) for iou, other_id in zip(ious[0],pred_ids[1:]): if iou>0.5: thing_dedup[pred_ids[0]].append(other_id) else: ids_left.append(other_id) pred_ids = ids_left if len(pred_ids) == 1: thing_dedup[pred_ids[0]].append(pred_ids[0]) all_binary_masks = (torch.sigmoid(all_masks) > 0.85).to(torch.float) # create dict that groups duplicate masks for thing_pred_ids in thing_classes.values(): if len(thing_pred_ids) > 1: dedup_things(thing_pred_ids, all_binary_masks) else: thing_dedup[thing_pred_ids[0]].append(thing_pred_ids[0]) def get_ids_area(all_masks, pan_rel_pairs, r_labels, r_dists, dedup=False): # This helper function creates the final panoptic segmentation image # It also returns the area of the masks that appears on the image m_id = all_masks.transpose(0, 1).softmax(-1) if m_id.shape[-1] == 0: # We didn't detect any mask :( m_id = torch.zeros((h, w), dtype=torch.long, device=m_id.device) else: m_id = m_id.argmax(-1).view(h, w) if dedup: # Merge the masks corresponding to the same stuff class for equiv in stuff_equiv_classes.values(): if len(equiv) > 1: for eq_id in equiv: m_id.masked_fill_(m_id.eq(eq_id), equiv[0]) pan_rel_pairs.masked_fill_(pan_rel_pairs.eq(eq_id), equiv[0]) # Merge the masks corresponding to the same thing instance for equiv in thing_dedup.values(): if len(equiv) > 1: for eq_id in equiv: m_id.masked_fill_(m_id.eq(eq_id), equiv[0]) pan_rel_pairs.masked_fill_(pan_rel_pairs.eq(eq_id), equiv[0]) m_ids_remain,_ = m_id.unique().sort() no_obj_filter2 = torch.zeros(pan_rel_pairs.shape[0],dtype=torch.bool) for triplet_id in range(pan_rel_pairs.shape[0]): if pan_rel_pairs[triplet_id,0] in m_ids_remain and pan_rel_pairs[triplet_id,1] in m_ids_remain: no_obj_filter2[triplet_id]=True pan_rel_pairs = pan_rel_pairs[no_obj_filter2] r_labels, r_dists = r_labels[no_obj_filter2], r_dists[no_obj_filter2] pan_labels = [] pan_masks = [] for i, m_id_remain in enumerate(m_ids_remain): pan_masks.append(m_id.eq(m_id_remain).unsqueeze(0)) pan_labels.append(all_labels[m_id_remain].unsqueeze(0)) m_id.masked_fill_(m_id.eq(m_id_remain), i) pan_rel_pairs.masked_fill_(pan_rel_pairs.eq(m_id_remain), i) pan_masks =, 0) pan_labels =, 0) seg_img = m_id * INSTANCE_OFFSET + pan_labels[m_id] seg_img = seg_img.view(h, w).cpu().to(torch.long) m_id = m_id.view(h, w).cpu() area = [] for i in range(len(all_masks)): area.append(m_id.eq(i).sum().item()) return area, seg_img, pan_rel_pairs, pan_masks, r_labels, r_dists, pan_labels area, pan_img, pan_rel_pairs, pan_masks, r_labels, r_dists, pan_labels = \ get_ids_area(all_masks, pan_rel_pairs, r_labels, r_dists, dedup=True) if r_labels.numel() == 0: rels = torch.tensor([0,0,0]).view(-1,3) else: rels =,r_labels.unsqueeze(-1)),-1) # if all_labels.numel() > 0: # # We know filter empty masks as long as we find some # while True: # filtered_small = torch.as_tensor( # [area[i] <= 4 for i, c in enumerate(all_labels)], # dtype=torch.bool, # device=keep.device) # if filtered_small.any().item(): # all_scores = all_scores[~filtered_small] # all_labels = all_labels[~filtered_small] # all_masks = all_masks[~filtered_small] # area, pan_img = get_ids_area(all_masks, all_scores) # else: # break s_det_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(s_bbox_pred) s_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] = s_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] * img_shape[1] s_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] = s_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] * img_shape[0] s_det_bboxes[:, 0::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[1]) s_det_bboxes[:, 1::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[0]) if rescale: s_det_bboxes /= s_det_bboxes.new_tensor(scale_factor) s_det_bboxes =, s_scores.unsqueeze(1)), -1) o_det_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(o_bbox_pred) o_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] = o_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] * img_shape[1] o_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] = o_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] * img_shape[0] o_det_bboxes[:, 0::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[1]) o_det_bboxes[:, 1::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[0]) if rescale: o_det_bboxes /= o_det_bboxes.new_tensor(scale_factor) o_det_bboxes =, o_scores.unsqueeze(1)), -1) det_bboxes =, o_det_bboxes), 0) rel_pairs = torch.arange(len(det_bboxes),, -1).T if self.use_mask: return det_bboxes, complete_labels, rel_pairs, output_masks, pan_rel_pairs, \ pan_img, complete_r_labels, complete_r_dists, r_labels, r_dists, pan_masks, rels, pan_labels else: return det_bboxes, labels, rel_pairs, r_scores, r_labels, r_dists def simple_test_bboxes(self, feats, img_metas, rescale=False): # forward of this head requires img_metas outs = self.forward(feats, img_metas) results_list = self.get_bboxes(*outs, img_metas, rescale=rescale) return results_list class MLP(nn.Module): """Very simple multi-layer perceptron (also called FFN) Copied from hoitr.""" def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers): super().__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers h = [hidden_dim] * (num_layers - 1) self.layers = nn.ModuleList( nn.Linear(n, k) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + h, h + [output_dim])) def forward(self, x): for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = F.relu(layer(x)) if i < self.num_layers - 1 else layer(x) return x def _expand(tensor, length: int): return tensor.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, int(length), 1, 1, 1).flatten(0, 1) class MaskHeadSmallConv(nn.Module): """Simple convolutional head, using group norm. Upsampling is done using a FPN approach """ def __init__(self, dim, fpn_dims, context_dim): super().__init__() inter_dims = [ dim, context_dim // 2, context_dim // 4, context_dim // 8, context_dim // 16, context_dim // 64 ] self.lay1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, padding=1) self.gn1 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, dim) self.lay2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(dim, inter_dims[1], 3, padding=1) self.gn2 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[1]) self.lay3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[1], inter_dims[2], 3, padding=1) self.gn3 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[2]) self.lay4 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[2], inter_dims[3], 3, padding=1) self.gn4 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[3]) self.lay5 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[3], inter_dims[4], 3, padding=1) self.gn5 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[4]) self.out_lay = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[4], 1, 3, padding=1) self.dim = dim self.adapter1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[0], inter_dims[1], 1) self.adapter2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[1], inter_dims[2], 1) self.adapter3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[2], inter_dims[3], 1) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(m.weight, a=1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def forward(self, x, bbox_mask, fpns): x = [_expand(x, bbox_mask.shape[1]), bbox_mask.flatten(0, 1)], 1) x = self.lay1(x) x = self.gn1(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.lay2(x) x = self.gn2(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter1(fpns[0]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay3(x) x = self.gn3(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter2(fpns[1]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay4(x) x = self.gn4(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter3(fpns[2]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay5(x) x = self.gn5(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.out_lay(x) return x class MHAttentionMap(nn.Module): """This is a 2D attention module, which only returns the attention softmax (no multiplication by value)""" def __init__(self, query_dim, hidden_dim, num_heads, dropout=0.0, bias=True): super().__init__() self.num_heads = num_heads self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.q_linear = nn.Linear(query_dim, hidden_dim, bias=bias) self.k_linear = nn.Linear(query_dim, hidden_dim, bias=bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.k_linear.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.q_linear.bias) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.k_linear.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.q_linear.weight) self.normalize_fact = float(hidden_dim / self.num_heads)**-0.5 def forward(self, q, k, mask=None): q = self.q_linear(q) k = F.conv2d(k, self.k_linear.weight.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1), self.k_linear.bias) qh = q.view(q.shape[0], q.shape[1], self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim // self.num_heads) kh = k.view(k.shape[0], self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim // self.num_heads, k.shape[-2], k.shape[-1]) weights = torch.einsum('bqnc,bnchw->bqnhw', qh * self.normalize_fact, kh) if mask is not None: weights.masked_fill_(mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1), float('-inf')) weights = F.softmax(weights.flatten(2), dim=-1).view(weights.size()) weights = self.dropout(weights) return weights def interpolate(input, size=None, scale_factor=None, mode='nearest', align_corners=None): """Equivalent to nn.functional.interpolate, but with support for empty batch sizes. This will eventually be supported natively by PyTorch, and this class can go away. """ if version.parse(torchvision.__version__) < version.parse('0.7'): if input.numel() > 0: return torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners) output_shape = _output_size(2, input, size, scale_factor) output_shape = list(input.shape[:-2]) + list(output_shape) return _new_empty_tensor(input, output_shape) else: return torchvision.ops.misc.interpolate(input, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners)
import copy import itertools import mmcv import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from mmcv.runner import BaseModule from mmdet.core import bbox2roi from mmdet.models import HEADS, builder from mmdet.models.losses import accuracy from .approaches import (FrequencyBias, PostProcessor, RelationSampler, get_weak_key_rel_labels) @HEADS.register_module() class RelationHead(BaseModule): """The basic class of all the relation head.""" def __init__( self, object_classes, predicate_classes, head_config, bbox_roi_extractor=None, relation_roi_extractor=None, relation_sampler=None, relation_ranker=None, dataset_config=None, use_bias=False, use_statistics=False, num_classes=151, num_predicates=51, loss_object=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0), loss_relation=None, init_cfg=None, ): """The public parameters that shared by various relation heads are initialized here.""" super(RelationHead, self).__init__(init_cfg) self.use_bias = use_bias self.num_classes = num_classes self.num_predicates = num_predicates # upgrade some submodule attribute to this head self.head_config = head_config self.use_gt_box = self.head_config.use_gt_box self.use_gt_label = self.head_config.use_gt_label self.with_visual_bbox = (bbox_roi_extractor is not None and bbox_roi_extractor.with_visual_bbox) or ( relation_roi_extractor is not None and relation_roi_extractor.with_visual_bbox) self.with_visual_mask = (bbox_roi_extractor is not None and bbox_roi_extractor.with_visual_mask) or ( relation_roi_extractor is not None and relation_roi_extractor.with_visual_mask) self.with_visual_point = (bbox_roi_extractor is not None and bbox_roi_extractor.with_visual_point) or ( relation_roi_extractor is not None and relation_roi_extractor.with_visual_point) self.dataset_config = dataset_config if self.use_gt_box: if self.use_gt_label: self.mode = 'predcls' else: self.mode = 'sgcls' else: self.mode = 'sgdet' if bbox_roi_extractor is not None: self.bbox_roi_extractor = builder.build_roi_extractor( bbox_roi_extractor) if relation_roi_extractor is not None: self.relation_roi_extractor = builder.build_roi_extractor( relation_roi_extractor) if relation_sampler is not None: relation_sampler.update(dict(use_gt_box=self.use_gt_box)) self.relation_sampler = RelationSampler(**relation_sampler) self.post_processor = PostProcessor() # relation ranker: a standard component if relation_ranker is not None: ranker = relation_ranker.pop('type') # self.supervised_form = relation_ranker.pop('supervised_form') self.comb_factor = relation_ranker.pop('comb_factor', 0.5) self.area_form = relation_ranker.pop('area_form', 'rect') loss_ranking_relation = relation_ranker.pop('loss') self.loss_ranking_relation = builder.build_loss( loss_ranking_relation) if loss_ranking_relation.type != 'CrossEntropyLoss': num_out = 1 else: num_out = 2 relation_ranker.update(dict(num_out=num_out)) self.relation_ranker = eval(ranker)(**relation_ranker) if loss_object is not None: self.loss_object = builder.build_loss(loss_object) if loss_relation is not None: self.loss_relation = builder.build_loss(loss_relation) if use_statistics: cache_dir = dataset_config['cache'] self.statistics = torch.load(cache_dir, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) print('\n Statistics loaded!') self.obj_classes, self.rel_classes = ( object_classes, predicate_classes, ) self.obj_classes.insert(0, '__background__') self.rel_classes.insert(0, '__background__') assert self.num_classes == len(self.obj_classes) assert self.num_predicates == len(self.rel_classes) if self.use_bias: assert self.with_statistics # convey statistics into FrequencyBias to avoid loading again self.freq_bias = FrequencyBias(self.head_config, self.statistics) @property def with_bbox_roi_extractor(self): return (hasattr(self, 'bbox_roi_extractor') and self.bbox_roi_extractor is not None) @property def with_relation_roi_extractor(self): return (hasattr(self, 'relation_roi_extractor') and self.relation_roi_extractor is not None) @property def with_statistics(self): return hasattr(self, 'statistics') and self.statistics is not None @property def with_bias(self): return hasattr(self, 'freq_bias') and self.freq_bias is not None @property def with_loss_object(self): return hasattr(self, 'loss_object') and self.loss_object is not None @property def with_loss_relation(self): return hasattr(self, 'loss_relation') and self.loss_relation is not None @property def with_relation_ranker(self): return hasattr(self, 'relation_ranker') and self.relation_ranker is not None def init_weights(self): if self.with_bbox_roi_extractor: self.bbox_roi_extractor.init_weights() if self.with_relation_roi_extractor: self.relation_roi_extractor.init_weights() self.context_layer.init_weights() def frontend_features(self, img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result): bboxes, masks, points = ( det_result.bboxes, det_result.masks, copy.deepcopy(det_result.points), ) # train/val or: for finetuning on the dataset without # relationship annotations if gt_result is not None and gt_result.rels is not None: if self.mode in ['predcls', 'sgcls']: sample_function = self.relation_sampler.gtbox_relsample else: sample_function = self.relation_sampler.detect_relsample sample_res = sample_function(det_result, gt_result) if len(sample_res) == 4: rel_labels, rel_pair_idxes, rel_matrix, \ key_rel_labels = sample_res else: rel_labels, rel_pair_idxes, rel_matrix = sample_res key_rel_labels = None else: rel_labels, rel_matrix, key_rel_labels = None, None, None rel_pair_idxes = self.relation_sampler.prepare_test_pairs( det_result) det_result.rel_pair_idxes = rel_pair_idxes det_result.relmaps = rel_matrix det_result.target_rel_labels = rel_labels det_result.target_key_rel_labels = key_rel_labels rois = bbox2roi(bboxes) # merge image-wise masks or points if masks is not None: masks = list(itertools.chain(*masks)) if points is not None: aug_points = [] for pts_list in points: for pts in pts_list: pts = pts.view(-1, 2) # (:, [x, y]) pts += torch.from_numpy( np.random.normal(0, 0.02, size=pts.shape)).to(pts) # pts -= torch.mean(pts, dim=0, keepdim=True) pts /= torch.max(torch.sqrt(torch.sum(pts**2, dim=1))) aug_points.append(pts) points = aug_points # extract the unary roi features and union roi features. roi_feats = self.bbox_roi_extractor(img, img_meta, rois, masks=masks, points=points) union_feats = self.relation_roi_extractor(img, img_meta, rois, rel_pair_idx=rel_pair_idxes, masks=masks, points=points) return roi_feats + union_feats + (det_result, ) # return roi_feats, union_feats, (det_result,) def forward(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def relation_ranking_forward(self, input, det_result, gt_result, num_rels, is_testing): # predict the ranking # tensor ranking_scores = self.relation_ranker( input.detach(), det_result, self.relation_roi_extractor.union_rois) # (1) weak supervision, KLDiv: if self.loss_ranking_relation.__class__.__name__ == 'KLDivLoss': if not is_testing: # include training and validation # list form det_result.target_key_rel_labels = get_weak_key_rel_labels( det_result, gt_result, self.comb_factor, self.area_form) ranking_scores = ranking_scores.view(-1) ranking_scores = ranking_scores.split(num_rels, 0) else: ranking_scores = ranking_scores.view(-1) ranking_scores = torch.sigmoid(ranking_scores).split(num_rels, dim=0) # (2) CEloss: the predicted one is the binary classification, 2 columns if self.loss_ranking_relation.__class__.__name__ == 'CrossEntropyLoss': if not is_testing: det_result.target_key_rel_labels = det_result.target_key_rel_labels, dim=-1) else: ranking_scores = (F.softmax(ranking_scores, dim=-1)[:, 1].view(-1).split( num_rels, 0)) # Margin loss, DR loss elif self.loss_ranking_relation.__class__.__name__ == 'SigmoidDRLoss': if not is_testing: ranking_scores = ranking_scores.view(-1) ranking_scores = ranking_scores.split(num_rels, 0) else: ranking_scores = ranking_scores.view(-1) ranking_scores = torch.sigmoid(ranking_scores).split(num_rels, dim=0) det_result.ranking_scores = ranking_scores return det_result def loss(self, det_result): ( obj_scores, rel_scores, target_labels, target_rel_labels, add_for_losses, head_spec_losses, ) = ( det_result.refine_scores, det_result.rel_scores, det_result.target_labels, det_result.target_rel_labels, det_result.add_losses, det_result.head_spec_losses, ) losses = dict() if self.with_loss_object and obj_scores is not None: # fix: the val process if isinstance(target_labels, (tuple, list)): target_labels =, dim=-1) if isinstance(obj_scores, (tuple, list)): obj_scores =, dim=0) losses['loss_object'] = self.loss_object(obj_scores, target_labels) losses['acc_object'] = accuracy(obj_scores, target_labels) if self.with_loss_relation and rel_scores is not None: if isinstance(target_rel_labels, (tuple, list)): target_rel_labels =, dim=-1) if isinstance(rel_scores, (tuple, list)): rel_scores =, dim=0) losses['loss_relation'] = self.loss_relation( rel_scores, target_rel_labels) losses['acc_relation'] = accuracy(rel_scores, target_rel_labels) if self.with_relation_ranker: target_key_rel_labels = det_result.target_key_rel_labels ranking_scores = det_result.ranking_scores avg_factor = (torch.nonzero( target_key_rel_labels != -1).view(-1).size(0) if isinstance( target_key_rel_labels, torch.Tensor) else None) losses['loss_ranking_relation'] = self.loss_ranking_relation( ranking_scores, target_key_rel_labels, avg_factor=avg_factor) # if self.supervised_form == 'weak': # # use the KLdiv loss: the label is the soft distribution # bs = 0 # losses['loss_ranking_relation'] = 0 # for ranking_score, target_key_rel_label in zip(ranking_scores, target_key_rel_labels): # bs += ranking_score.size(0) # losses['loss_ranking_relation'] += torch.nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='none')(F.log_softmax(ranking_score, dim=-1), # target_key_rel_label).sum(-1) # losses['loss_ranking_relation'] = losses['loss_ranking_relation'] / bs # else: # #TODO: firstly try the CE loss function, or you may try the margin loss # #TODO: Check the margin loss # #loss_func = builder.build_loss(self.loss_ranking_relation) # losses['loss_ranking_relation'] = self.loss_ranking_relation(ranking_scores, target_key_rel_labels) if add_for_losses is not None: for loss_key, loss_item in add_for_losses.items(): if isinstance(loss_item, list): # loss_vctree_binary loss_ = [ F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(l[0], l[1]) for l in loss_item ] loss_ = sum(loss_) / len(loss_) losses[loss_key] = loss_ elif isinstance(loss_item, tuple): if isinstance(loss_item[1], (list, tuple)): target =[1], -1) else: target = loss_item[1] losses[loss_key] = F.cross_entropy(loss_item[0], target) else: raise NotImplementedError if head_spec_losses is not None: # this losses have been calculated in the specific relation head losses.update(head_spec_losses) return losses def get_result(self, det_result, scale_factor, rescale, key_first=False): """for test forward. :param det_result: :return: """ result = self.post_processor(det_result, key_first=key_first) for k, v in result.__dict__.items(): if (k != 'add_losses' and k != 'head_spec_losses' and v is not None and len(v) > 0): _v = v[0] # remove the outer list if isinstance(_v, torch.Tensor): result.__setattr__(k, _v.cpu().numpy()) elif isinstance(_v, list): # for mask result.__setattr__(k, [__v.cpu().numpy() for __v in _v]) else: result.__setattr__(k, _v) # e.g., img_shape, is a tuple if rescale: if result.bboxes is not None: result.bboxes[:, :4] = result.bboxes[:, :4] / scale_factor if result.refine_bboxes is not None: result.refine_bboxes[:, : 4] = result.refine_bboxes[:, : 4] / scale_factor if result.masks is not None: resize_masks = [] for bbox, mask in zip(result.refine_bboxes, result.masks): _bbox = bbox.astype(np.int32) w = max(_bbox[2] - _bbox[0] + 1, 1) h = max(_bbox[3] - _bbox[1] + 1, 1) resize_masks.append( mmcv.imresize(mask.astype(np.uint8), (w, h))) result.masks = resize_masks if result.points is not None: resize_points = [] for points in result.points: resize_points.append(points / scale_factor) result.points = resize_points # if needed, adjust the form for object detection evaluation result.formatted_bboxes, result.formatted_masks = [], [] if result.refine_bboxes is None: result.formatted_bboxes = [ np.zeros((0, 5), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(self.num_classes - 1) ] else: result.formatted_bboxes = [ result.refine_bboxes[result.refine_labels == i + 1, :] for i in range(self.num_classes - 1) ] if result.masks is None: result.formatted_masks = [[] for i in range(self.num_classes - 1)] else: result.formatted_masks = [[] for i in range(self.num_classes - 1)] for i in range(len(result.masks)): result.formatted_masks[result.refine_labels[i] - 1].append( result.masks[i]) # to save the space, drop the saliency maps, if it exists if result.saliency_maps is not None: result.saliency_maps = None return result def process_ignore_objects(self, input, ignore_classes): """An API used in inference stage for processing the data when some object classes should be ignored.""" ignored_input = input.clone() ignored_input[:, ignore_classes] = 0.0 return ignored_input
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/6/4 上午9:35 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from mmcv.cnn import normal_init, xavier_init from mmdet.models import HEADS from .approaches import VCTreeLSTMContext from .relation_head import RelationHead @HEADS.register_module() class VCTreeHead(RelationHead): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(VCTreeHead, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.context_layer = VCTreeLSTMContext(self.head_config, self.obj_classes, self.rel_classes) # post decoding self.use_vision = self.head_config.use_vision self.hidden_dim = self.head_config.hidden_dim self.context_pooling_dim = self.head_config.context_pooling_dim self.post_emb = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim * 2) self.post_cat = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, self.context_pooling_dim) self.rel_compress = nn.Linear(self.context_pooling_dim, self.num_predicates, bias=True) if self.context_pooling_dim != self.head_config.roi_dim: self.union_single_not_match = True self.up_dim = nn.Linear(self.head_config.roi_dim, self.context_pooling_dim) else: self.union_single_not_match = False def init_weights(self): self.bbox_roi_extractor.init_weights() self.relation_roi_extractor.init_weights() self.context_layer.init_weights() normal_init(self.post_emb, mean=0, std=10.0 * (1.0 / self.hidden_dim)**0.5) xavier_init(self.post_cat) xavier_init(self.rel_compress) if self.union_single_not_match: xavier_init(self.up_dim) def forward(self, img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result=None, is_testing=False, ignore_classes=None): """ Obtain the relation prediction results based on detection results. Args: img (Tensor): of shape (N, C, H, W) encoding input images. Typically these should be mean centered and std scaled. img_meta (list[dict]): list of image info dict where each dict has: 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', and may also contain 'filename', 'ori_shape', 'pad_shape', and 'img_norm_cfg'. For details on the values of these keys see `mmdet/datasets/pipelines/`. det_result: (Result): Result containing bbox, label, mask, point, rels, etc. According to different mode, all the contents have been set correctly. Feel free to use it. gt_result : (Result): The ground truth information. is_testing: Returns: det_result with the following newly added keys: refine_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of object rel_scores (list[Tensor]): logits of relation rel_pair_idxes (list[Tensor]): (num_rel, 2) index of subject and object relmaps (list[Tensor]): (num_obj, num_obj): target_rel_labels (list[Tensor]): the target relation label. """ roi_feats, union_feats, det_result = self.frontend_features( img, img_meta, det_result, gt_result) if roi_feats.shape[0] == 0: return det_result refine_obj_scores, obj_preds, edge_ctx, binary_preds = self.context_layer( roi_feats, det_result) # post decode edge_rep = F.relu(self.post_emb(edge_ctx)) edge_rep = edge_rep.view(edge_rep.size(0), 2, self.hidden_dim) head_rep = edge_rep[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1, self.hidden_dim) tail_rep = edge_rep[:, 1].contiguous().view(-1, self.hidden_dim) num_rels = [r.shape[0] for r in det_result.rel_pair_idxes] num_objs = [len(b) for b in det_result.bboxes] assert len(num_rels) == len(num_objs) head_reps = head_rep.split(num_objs, dim=0) tail_reps = tail_rep.split(num_objs, dim=0) obj_preds = obj_preds.split(num_objs, dim=0) prod_reps = [] pair_preds = [] for pair_idx, head_rep, tail_rep, obj_pred in zip( det_result.rel_pair_idxes, head_reps, tail_reps, obj_preds): prod_reps.append([pair_idx[:, 0]], tail_rep[pair_idx[:, 1]]), dim=-1)) pair_preds.append( torch.stack( (obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 0]], obj_pred[pair_idx[:, 1]]), dim=1)) prod_rep =, dim=0) pair_pred =, dim=0) prod_rep = self.post_cat(prod_rep) if self.use_vision: if self.union_single_not_match: prod_rep = prod_rep * self.up_dim(union_feats) else: prod_rep = prod_rep * union_feats rel_scores = self.rel_compress(prod_rep) if self.use_bias: rel_scores = rel_scores + self.freq_bias.index_with_labels( pair_pred.long()) # make some changes: list to tensor or tensor to tuple if det_result.target_labels =, dim=-1) det_result.target_rel_labels = det_result.target_rel_labels, dim=-1) else: refine_obj_scores = refine_obj_scores.split(num_objs, dim=0) rel_scores = rel_scores.split(num_rels, dim=0) det_result.refine_scores = refine_obj_scores det_result.rel_scores = rel_scores # add additional auxiliary loss add_for_losses = {} if not is_testing: binary_loss_items = [] for bi_gt, bi_pred in zip(det_result.relmaps, binary_preds): bi_gt = (bi_gt > 0).float() binary_loss_items.append((bi_pred, bi_gt)) add_for_losses['loss_vctree_binary'] = binary_loss_items det_result.add_losses = add_for_losses # ranking prediction: if self.with_relation_ranker: det_result = self.relation_ranking_forward(prod_rep, det_result, gt_result, num_rels, is_testing) return det_result
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import time from collections import defaultdict from inspect import signature import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision from mmcv.cnn import Conv2d, Linear, build_activation_layer from mmcv.cnn.bricks.transformer import FFN, build_positional_encoding from mmcv.ops import batched_nms from mmcv.runner import force_fp32 from mmdet.core import (bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy, bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh, build_assigner, build_sampler, multi_apply, reduce_mean) from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET from mmdet.models.builder import HEADS, build_loss from mmdet.models.dense_heads import AnchorFreeHead from mmdet.models.utils import build_transformer #####imports for tools from packaging import version if version.parse(torchvision.__version__) < version.parse('0.7'): from torchvision.ops import _new_empty_tensor from torchvision.ops.misc import _output_size @HEADS.register_module() class PSGTrHead(AnchorFreeHead): _version = 2 def __init__( self, num_classes, in_channels, num_relations, object_classes, predicate_classes, use_mask=True, num_query=100, num_reg_fcs=2, transformer=None, n_heads=8, swin_backbone=None, sync_cls_avg_factor=False, bg_cls_weight=0.02, positional_encoding=dict(type='SinePositionalEncoding', num_feats=128, normalize=True), sub_loss_cls=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, class_weight=1.0), sub_loss_bbox=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=5.0), sub_loss_iou=dict(type='GIoULoss', loss_weight=2.0), sub_focal_loss=dict(type='BCEFocalLoss', loss_weight=1.0), sub_dice_loss=dict(type='DiceLoss', loss_weight=1.0), obj_loss_cls=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, class_weight=1.0), obj_loss_bbox=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=5.0), obj_loss_iou=dict(type='GIoULoss', loss_weight=2.0), obj_focal_loss=dict(type='BCEFocalLoss', loss_weight=1.0), obj_dice_loss=dict(type='DiceLoss', loss_weight=1.0), rel_loss_cls=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=2.0, class_weight=1.0), train_cfg=dict(assigner=dict( type='HTriMatcher', s_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), s_reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxL1Cost', weight=5.0), s_iou_cost=dict(type='IoUCost', iou_mode='giou', weight=2.0), o_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), o_reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxL1Cost', weight=5.0), o_iou_cost=dict(type='IoUCost', iou_mode='giou', weight=2.0), r_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=2.))), test_cfg=dict(max_per_img=100), init_cfg=None, **kwargs): super(AnchorFreeHead, self).__init__(init_cfg) self.sync_cls_avg_factor = sync_cls_avg_factor # NOTE following the official DETR rep0, bg_cls_weight means # relative classification weight of the no-object class. assert isinstance(bg_cls_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'bg_cls_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(bg_cls_weight)}.' self.bg_cls_weight = bg_cls_weight assert isinstance(use_mask, bool), 'Expected ' \ 'use_mask to have type bool. Found ' \ f'{type(use_mask)}.' self.use_mask = use_mask s_class_weight = sub_loss_cls.get('class_weight', None) assert isinstance(s_class_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'class_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(s_class_weight)}.' s_class_weight = torch.ones(num_classes + 1) * s_class_weight #NOTE set background class as the last indice s_class_weight[-1] = bg_cls_weight sub_loss_cls.update({'class_weight': s_class_weight}) o_class_weight = obj_loss_cls.get('class_weight', None) assert isinstance(o_class_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'class_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(o_class_weight)}.' o_class_weight = torch.ones(num_classes + 1) * o_class_weight #NOTE set background class as the last indice o_class_weight[-1] = bg_cls_weight obj_loss_cls.update({'class_weight': o_class_weight}) r_class_weight = rel_loss_cls.get('class_weight', None) assert isinstance(r_class_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'class_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(r_class_weight)}.' r_class_weight = torch.ones(num_relations + 1) * r_class_weight #NOTE set background class as the first indice for relations as they are 1-based r_class_weight[0] = bg_cls_weight rel_loss_cls.update({'class_weight': r_class_weight}) if 'bg_cls_weight' in rel_loss_cls: rel_loss_cls.pop('bg_cls_weight') if train_cfg: assert 'assigner' in train_cfg, 'assigner should be provided '\ 'when train_cfg is set.' assigner = train_cfg['assigner'] assert sub_loss_cls['loss_weight'] == assigner['s_cls_cost']['weight'], \ 'The classification weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' assert obj_loss_cls['loss_weight'] == assigner['o_cls_cost']['weight'], \ 'The classification weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' assert rel_loss_cls['loss_weight'] == assigner['r_cls_cost']['weight'], \ 'The classification weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' assert sub_loss_bbox['loss_weight'] == assigner['s_reg_cost'][ 'weight'], 'The regression L1 weight for loss and matcher ' \ 'should be exactly the same.' assert obj_loss_bbox['loss_weight'] == assigner['o_reg_cost'][ 'weight'], 'The regression L1 weight for loss and matcher ' \ 'should be exactly the same.' assert sub_loss_iou['loss_weight'] == assigner['s_iou_cost']['weight'], \ 'The regression iou weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' assert obj_loss_iou['loss_weight'] == assigner['o_iou_cost']['weight'], \ 'The regression iou weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' self.assigner = build_assigner(assigner) # following DETR sampling=False, so use PseudoSampler sampler_cfg = dict(type='PseudoSampler') self.sampler = build_sampler(sampler_cfg, context=self) self.num_query = num_query self.num_classes = num_classes self.num_relations = num_relations self.object_classes = object_classes self.predicate_classes = predicate_classes self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_reg_fcs = num_reg_fcs self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.fp16_enabled = False self.swin = swin_backbone self.obj_loss_cls = build_loss(obj_loss_cls) self.obj_loss_bbox = build_loss(obj_loss_bbox) self.obj_loss_iou = build_loss(obj_loss_iou) self.sub_loss_cls = build_loss(sub_loss_cls) self.sub_loss_bbox = build_loss(sub_loss_bbox) self.sub_loss_iou = build_loss(sub_loss_iou) if self.use_mask: # self.obj_focal_loss = build_loss(obj_focal_loss) self.obj_dice_loss = build_loss(obj_dice_loss) # self.sub_focal_loss = build_loss(sub_focal_loss) self.sub_dice_loss = build_loss(sub_dice_loss) self.rel_loss_cls = build_loss(rel_loss_cls) if self.obj_loss_cls.use_sigmoid: self.obj_cls_out_channels = num_classes else: self.obj_cls_out_channels = num_classes + 1 if self.sub_loss_cls.use_sigmoid: self.sub_cls_out_channels = num_classes else: self.sub_cls_out_channels = num_classes + 1 if rel_loss_cls['use_sigmoid']: self.rel_cls_out_channels = num_relations else: self.rel_cls_out_channels = num_relations + 1 self.act_cfg = transformer.get('act_cfg', dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True)) self.activate = build_activation_layer(self.act_cfg) self.positional_encoding = build_positional_encoding( positional_encoding) self.transformer = build_transformer(transformer) self.n_heads = n_heads self.embed_dims = self.transformer.embed_dims assert 'num_feats' in positional_encoding num_feats = positional_encoding['num_feats'] assert num_feats * 2 == self.embed_dims, 'embed_dims should' \ f' be exactly 2 times of num_feats. Found {self.embed_dims}' \ f' and {num_feats}.' self._init_layers() def _init_layers(self): """Initialize layers of the transformer head.""" self.input_proj = Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.embed_dims, kernel_size=1) self.query_embed = nn.Embedding(self.num_query, self.embed_dims) self.obj_cls_embed = Linear(self.embed_dims, self.obj_cls_out_channels) self.obj_box_embed = MLP(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, 4, 3) self.sub_cls_embed = Linear(self.embed_dims, self.sub_cls_out_channels) self.sub_box_embed = MLP(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, 4, 3) self.rel_cls_embed = Linear(self.embed_dims, self.rel_cls_out_channels) if self.use_mask: self.sub_bbox_attention = MHAttentionMap(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, self.n_heads, dropout=0.0) self.obj_bbox_attention = MHAttentionMap(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, self.n_heads, dropout=0.0) if not self.swin: self.sub_mask_head = MaskHeadSmallConv( self.embed_dims + self.n_heads, [1024, 512, 256], self.embed_dims) self.obj_mask_head = MaskHeadSmallConv( self.embed_dims + self.n_heads, [1024, 512, 256], self.embed_dims) elif self.swin: self.sub_mask_head = MaskHeadSmallConv( self.embed_dims + self.n_heads, self.swin, self.embed_dims) self.obj_mask_head = MaskHeadSmallConv( self.embed_dims + self.n_heads, self.swin, self.embed_dims) def init_weights(self): """Initialize weights of the transformer head.""" # The initialization for transformer is important self.transformer.init_weights() def _load_from_state_dict(self, state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs): """load checkpoints.""" version = local_metadata.get('version', None) if (version is None or version < 2): convert_dict = { '.self_attn.': '.attentions.0.', '.ffn.': '.ffns.0.', '.multihead_attn.': '.attentions.1.', '.decoder.norm.': '.decoder.post_norm.', '.query_embedding.': '.query_embed.' } state_dict_keys = list(state_dict.keys()) for k in state_dict_keys: for ori_key, convert_key in convert_dict.items(): if ori_key in k: convert_key = k.replace(ori_key, convert_key) state_dict[convert_key] = state_dict[k] del state_dict[k] super(AnchorFreeHead, self)._load_from_state_dict(state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs) def forward(self, feats, img_metas): # construct binary masks which used for the transformer. # NOTE following the official DETR repo, non-zero values representing # ignored positions, while zero values means valid positions. last_features = feats[ -1] ####get feature outputs of intermediate layers batch_size = last_features.size(0) input_img_h, input_img_w = img_metas[0]['batch_input_shape'] masks = last_features.new_ones((batch_size, input_img_h, input_img_w)) for img_id in range(batch_size): img_h, img_w, _ = img_metas[img_id]['img_shape'] masks[img_id, :img_h, :img_w] = 0 last_features = self.input_proj(last_features) # interpolate masks to have the same spatial shape with feats masks = F.interpolate(masks.unsqueeze(1), size=last_features.shape[-2:]).to( torch.bool).squeeze(1) # position encoding pos_embed = self.positional_encoding(masks) # [bs, embed_dim, h, w] # outs_dec: [nb_dec, bs, num_query, embed_dim] outs_dec, memory = self.transformer(last_features, masks, self.query_embed.weight, pos_embed) sub_outputs_class = self.sub_cls_embed(outs_dec) sub_outputs_coord = self.sub_box_embed(outs_dec).sigmoid() obj_outputs_class = self.obj_cls_embed(outs_dec) obj_outputs_coord = self.obj_box_embed(outs_dec).sigmoid() all_cls_scores = dict(sub=sub_outputs_class, obj=obj_outputs_class) rel_outputs_class = self.rel_cls_embed(outs_dec) all_cls_scores['rel'] = rel_outputs_class if self.use_mask: ###########for segmentation################# sub_bbox_mask = self.sub_bbox_attention(outs_dec[-1], memory, mask=masks) obj_bbox_mask = self.obj_bbox_attention(outs_dec[-1], memory, mask=masks) sub_seg_masks = self.sub_mask_head(last_features, sub_bbox_mask, [feats[2], feats[1], feats[0]]) outputs_sub_seg_masks = sub_seg_masks.view(batch_size, self.num_query, sub_seg_masks.shape[-2], sub_seg_masks.shape[-1]) obj_seg_masks = self.obj_mask_head(last_features, obj_bbox_mask, [feats[2], feats[1], feats[0]]) outputs_obj_seg_masks = obj_seg_masks.view(batch_size, self.num_query, obj_seg_masks.shape[-2], obj_seg_masks.shape[-1]) all_bbox_preds = dict(sub=sub_outputs_coord, obj=obj_outputs_coord, sub_seg=outputs_sub_seg_masks, obj_seg=outputs_obj_seg_masks) else: all_bbox_preds = dict(sub=sub_outputs_coord, obj=obj_outputs_coord) return all_cls_scores, all_bbox_preds @force_fp32(apply_to=('all_cls_scores_list', 'all_bbox_preds_list')) def loss(self, all_cls_scores_list, all_bbox_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): # NOTE defaultly only the outputs from the last feature scale is used. all_cls_scores = all_cls_scores_list all_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds_list assert gt_bboxes_ignore is None, \ 'Only supports for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.' all_s_cls_scores = all_cls_scores['sub'] all_o_cls_scores = all_cls_scores['obj'] all_s_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds['sub'] all_o_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds['obj'] num_dec_layers = len(all_s_cls_scores) if self.use_mask: all_s_mask_preds = all_bbox_preds['sub_seg'] all_o_mask_preds = all_bbox_preds['obj_seg'] all_s_mask_preds = [ all_s_mask_preds for _ in range(num_dec_layers) ] all_o_mask_preds = [ all_o_mask_preds for _ in range(num_dec_layers) ] all_gt_bboxes_list = [gt_bboxes_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_labels_list = [gt_labels_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_rels_list = [gt_rels_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [ gt_bboxes_ignore for _ in range(num_dec_layers) ] all_gt_masks_list = [gt_masks_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] img_metas_list = [img_metas for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_r_cls_scores = [None for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_r_cls_scores = all_cls_scores['rel'] if self.use_mask: # s_losses_cls, o_losses_cls, r_losses_cls, s_losses_bbox, o_losses_bbox, s_losses_iou, o_losses_iou, s_focal_losses, s_dice_losses, o_focal_losses, o_dice_losses = multi_apply( # self.loss_single, all_s_cls_scores, all_o_cls_scores, all_r_cls_scores, all_s_bbox_preds, all_o_bbox_preds, # all_s_mask_preds, all_o_mask_preds, # all_gt_rels_list,all_gt_bboxes_list, all_gt_labels_list, # all_gt_masks_list, img_metas_list, # all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list) s_losses_cls, o_losses_cls, r_losses_cls, s_losses_bbox, o_losses_bbox, s_losses_iou, o_losses_iou, s_dice_losses, o_dice_losses = multi_apply( self.loss_single, all_s_cls_scores, all_o_cls_scores, all_r_cls_scores, all_s_bbox_preds, all_o_bbox_preds, all_s_mask_preds, all_o_mask_preds, all_gt_rels_list, all_gt_bboxes_list, all_gt_labels_list, all_gt_masks_list, img_metas_list, all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list) else: all_s_mask_preds = [None for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_o_mask_preds = [None for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] s_losses_cls, o_losses_cls, r_losses_cls, s_losses_bbox, o_losses_bbox, s_losses_iou, o_losses_iou, s_dice_losses, o_dice_losses = multi_apply( self.loss_single, all_s_cls_scores, all_o_cls_scores, all_r_cls_scores, all_s_bbox_preds, all_o_bbox_preds, all_s_mask_preds, all_o_mask_preds, all_gt_rels_list, all_gt_bboxes_list, all_gt_labels_list, all_gt_masks_list, img_metas_list, all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list) loss_dict = dict() # loss from the last decoder layer loss_dict['s_loss_cls'] = s_losses_cls[-1] loss_dict['o_loss_cls'] = o_losses_cls[-1] loss_dict['r_loss_cls'] = r_losses_cls[-1] loss_dict['s_loss_bbox'] = s_losses_bbox[-1] loss_dict['o_loss_bbox'] = o_losses_bbox[-1] loss_dict['s_loss_iou'] = s_losses_iou[-1] loss_dict['o_loss_iou'] = o_losses_iou[-1] if self.use_mask: # loss_dict['s_focal_losses'] = s_focal_losses[-1] # loss_dict['o_focal_losses'] = o_focal_losses[-1] loss_dict['s_dice_losses'] = s_dice_losses[-1] loss_dict['o_dice_losses'] = o_dice_losses[-1] # loss from other decoder layers num_dec_layer = 0 for s_loss_cls_i, o_loss_cls_i, r_loss_cls_i, \ s_loss_bbox_i, o_loss_bbox_i, \ s_loss_iou_i, o_loss_iou_i in zip(s_losses_cls[:-1], o_losses_cls[:-1], r_losses_cls[:-1], s_losses_bbox[:-1], o_losses_bbox[:-1], s_losses_iou[:-1], o_losses_iou[:-1]): loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.s_loss_cls'] = s_loss_cls_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.o_loss_cls'] = o_loss_cls_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.r_loss_cls'] = r_loss_cls_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.s_loss_bbox'] = s_loss_bbox_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.o_loss_bbox'] = o_loss_bbox_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.s_loss_iou'] = s_loss_iou_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.o_loss_iou'] = o_loss_iou_i num_dec_layer += 1 return loss_dict def loss_single(self, s_cls_scores, o_cls_scores, r_cls_scores, s_bbox_preds, o_bbox_preds, s_mask_preds, o_mask_preds, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None): num_imgs = s_cls_scores.size(0) s_cls_scores_list = [s_cls_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] o_cls_scores_list = [o_cls_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] r_cls_scores_list = [r_cls_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] s_bbox_preds_list = [s_bbox_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] o_bbox_preds_list = [o_bbox_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] if self.use_mask: s_mask_preds_list = [s_mask_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] o_mask_preds_list = [o_mask_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] else: s_mask_preds_list = [None for i in range(num_imgs)] o_mask_preds_list = [None for i in range(num_imgs)] cls_reg_targets = self.get_targets( s_cls_scores_list, o_cls_scores_list, r_cls_scores_list, s_bbox_preds_list, o_bbox_preds_list, s_mask_preds_list, o_mask_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list) (s_labels_list, o_labels_list, r_labels_list, s_label_weights_list, o_label_weights_list, r_label_weights_list, s_bbox_targets_list, o_bbox_targets_list, s_bbox_weights_list, o_bbox_weights_list, s_mask_targets_list, o_mask_targets_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg, s_mask_preds_list, o_mask_preds_list) = cls_reg_targets s_labels =, 0) o_labels =, 0) r_labels =, 0) s_label_weights =, 0) o_label_weights =, 0) r_label_weights =, 0) s_bbox_targets =, 0) o_bbox_targets =, 0) s_bbox_weights =, 0) o_bbox_weights =, 0) if self.use_mask: s_mask_targets =, 0).float().flatten(1) o_mask_targets =, 0).float().flatten(1) s_mask_preds =, 0).flatten(1) o_mask_preds =, 0).flatten(1) num_matches = o_mask_preds.shape[0] # mask loss # s_focal_loss = self.sub_focal_loss(s_mask_preds,s_mask_targets,num_matches) s_dice_loss = self.sub_dice_loss( s_mask_preds, s_mask_targets, num_matches) # o_focal_loss = self.obj_focal_loss(o_mask_preds,o_mask_targets,num_matches) o_dice_loss = self.obj_dice_loss( o_mask_preds, o_mask_targets, num_matches) else: s_dice_loss = None o_dice_loss = None # classification loss s_cls_scores = s_cls_scores.reshape(-1, self.sub_cls_out_channels) o_cls_scores = o_cls_scores.reshape(-1, self.obj_cls_out_channels) r_cls_scores = r_cls_scores.reshape(-1, self.rel_cls_out_channels) # construct weighted avg_factor to match with the official DETR repo cls_avg_factor = num_total_pos * 1.0 + \ num_total_neg * self.bg_cls_weight if self.sync_cls_avg_factor: cls_avg_factor = reduce_mean( s_cls_scores.new_tensor([cls_avg_factor])) cls_avg_factor = max(cls_avg_factor, 1) ###NOTE change cls_avg_factor for objects as we do not calculate object classification loss for unmatched ones s_loss_cls = self.sub_loss_cls(s_cls_scores, s_labels, s_label_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos * 1.0) o_loss_cls = self.obj_loss_cls(o_cls_scores, o_labels, o_label_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos * 1.0) r_loss_cls = self.rel_loss_cls(r_cls_scores, r_labels, r_label_weights, avg_factor=cls_avg_factor) # Compute the average number of gt boxes across all gpus, for # normalization purposes num_total_pos = o_loss_cls.new_tensor([num_total_pos]) num_total_pos = torch.clamp(reduce_mean(num_total_pos), min=1).item() # construct factors used for rescale bboxes factors = [] for img_meta, bbox_pred in zip(img_metas, s_bbox_preds): img_h, img_w, _ = img_meta['img_shape'] factor = bbox_pred.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h]).unsqueeze(0).repeat( bbox_pred.size(0), 1) factors.append(factor) factors =, 0) # DETR regress the relative position of boxes (cxcywh) in the image, # thus the learning target is normalized by the image size. So here # we need to re-scale them for calculating IoU loss s_bbox_preds = s_bbox_preds.reshape(-1, 4) s_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(s_bbox_preds) * factors s_bboxes_gt = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(s_bbox_targets) * factors o_bbox_preds = o_bbox_preds.reshape(-1, 4) o_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(o_bbox_preds) * factors o_bboxes_gt = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(o_bbox_targets) * factors # regression IoU loss, defaultly GIoU loss s_loss_iou = self.sub_loss_iou(s_bboxes, s_bboxes_gt, s_bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos) o_loss_iou = self.obj_loss_iou(o_bboxes, o_bboxes_gt, o_bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos) # regression L1 loss s_loss_bbox = self.sub_loss_bbox(s_bbox_preds, s_bbox_targets, s_bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos) o_loss_bbox = self.obj_loss_bbox(o_bbox_preds, o_bbox_targets, o_bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos) # return s_loss_cls, o_loss_cls, r_loss_cls, s_loss_bbox, o_loss_bbox, s_loss_iou, o_loss_iou, s_focal_loss, s_dice_loss, o_focal_loss, o_dice_loss return s_loss_cls, o_loss_cls, r_loss_cls, s_loss_bbox, o_loss_bbox, s_loss_iou, o_loss_iou, s_dice_loss, o_dice_loss def get_targets(self, s_cls_scores_list, o_cls_scores_list, r_cls_scores_list, s_bbox_preds_list, o_bbox_preds_list, s_mask_preds_list, o_mask_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None): assert gt_bboxes_ignore_list is None, \ 'Only supports for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.' num_imgs = len(s_cls_scores_list) gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [ gt_bboxes_ignore_list for _ in range(num_imgs) ] (s_labels_list, o_labels_list, r_labels_list, s_label_weights_list, o_label_weights_list, r_label_weights_list, s_bbox_targets_list, o_bbox_targets_list, s_bbox_weights_list, o_bbox_weights_list, s_mask_targets_list, o_mask_targets_list, pos_inds_list, neg_inds_list, s_mask_preds_list, o_mask_preds_list) = multi_apply( self._get_target_single, s_cls_scores_list, o_cls_scores_list, r_cls_scores_list, s_bbox_preds_list, o_bbox_preds_list, s_mask_preds_list, o_mask_preds_list, gt_rels_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list) num_total_pos = sum((inds.numel() for inds in pos_inds_list)) num_total_neg = sum((inds.numel() for inds in neg_inds_list)) return (s_labels_list, o_labels_list, r_labels_list, s_label_weights_list, o_label_weights_list, r_label_weights_list, s_bbox_targets_list, o_bbox_targets_list, s_bbox_weights_list, o_bbox_weights_list, s_mask_targets_list, o_mask_targets_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg, s_mask_preds_list, o_mask_preds_list) def _get_target_single(self, s_cls_score, o_cls_score, r_cls_score, s_bbox_pred, o_bbox_pred, s_mask_preds, o_mask_preds, gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): """"Compute regression and classification targets for one image. Outputs from a single decoder layer of a single feature level are used. Args: s_cls_score (Tensor): Subject box score logits from a single decoder layer for one image. Shape [num_query, cls_out_channels]. o_cls_score (Tensor): Object box score logits from a single decoder layer for one image. Shape [num_query, cls_out_channels]. r_cls_score (Tensor): Relation score logits from a single decoder layer for one image. Shape [num_query, cls_out_channels]. s_bbox_pred (Tensor): Sigmoid outputs of Subject bboxes from a single decoder layer for one image, with normalized coordinate (cx, cy, w, h) and shape [num_query, 4]. o_bbox_pred (Tensor): Sigmoid outputs of object bboxes from a single decoder layer for one image, with normalized coordinate (cx, cy, w, h) and shape [num_query, 4]. s_mask_preds (Tensor): Logits before sigmoid subject masks from a single decoder layer for one image, with shape [num_query, H, W]. o_mask_preds (Tensor): Logits before sigmoid object masks from a single decoder layer for one image, with shape [num_query, H, W]. gt_rels (Tensor): Ground truth relation triplets for one image with shape (num_gts, 3) in [gt_sub_id, gt_obj_id, gt_rel_class] format. gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes for one image with shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_labels (Tensor): Ground truth class indices for one image with shape (num_gts, ). img_meta (dict): Meta information for one image. gt_bboxes_ignore (Tensor, optional): Bounding boxes which can be ignored. Default None. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: a tuple containing the following for one image. - s/o/r_labels (Tensor): Labels of each image. - s/o/r_label_weights (Tensor]): Label weights of each image. - s/o_bbox_targets (Tensor): BBox targets of each image. - s/o_bbox_weights (Tensor): BBox weights of each image. - s/o_mask_targets (Tensor): Mask targets of each image. - pos_inds (Tensor): Sampled positive indices for each image. - neg_inds (Tensor): Sampled negative indices for each image. - s/o_mask_preds (Tensor): Matched mask preds of each image. """ num_bboxes = s_bbox_pred.size(0) gt_sub_bboxes = [] gt_obj_bboxes = [] gt_sub_labels = [] gt_obj_labels = [] gt_rel_labels = [] if self.use_mask: gt_sub_masks = [] gt_obj_masks = [] assert len(gt_masks) == len(gt_bboxes) for rel_id in range(gt_rels.size(0)): gt_sub_bboxes.append(gt_bboxes[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 0])]) gt_obj_bboxes.append(gt_bboxes[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 1])]) gt_sub_labels.append(gt_labels[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 0])]) gt_obj_labels.append(gt_labels[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 1])]) gt_rel_labels.append(gt_rels[rel_id, 2]) if self.use_mask: gt_sub_masks.append(gt_masks[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 0])].unsqueeze(0)) gt_obj_masks.append(gt_masks[int(gt_rels[rel_id, 1])].unsqueeze(0)) gt_sub_bboxes = torch.vstack(gt_sub_bboxes).type_as(gt_bboxes).reshape( -1, 4) gt_obj_bboxes = torch.vstack(gt_obj_bboxes).type_as(gt_bboxes).reshape( -1, 4) gt_sub_labels = torch.vstack(gt_sub_labels).type_as(gt_labels).reshape( -1) gt_obj_labels = torch.vstack(gt_obj_labels).type_as(gt_labels).reshape( -1) gt_rel_labels = torch.vstack(gt_rel_labels).type_as(gt_labels).reshape( -1) # assigner and sampler, only return subject&object assign result s_assign_result, o_assign_result = self.assigner.assign( s_bbox_pred, o_bbox_pred, s_cls_score, o_cls_score, r_cls_score, gt_sub_bboxes, gt_obj_bboxes, gt_sub_labels, gt_obj_labels, gt_rel_labels, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore) s_sampling_result = self.sampler.sample(s_assign_result, s_bbox_pred, gt_sub_bboxes) o_sampling_result = self.sampler.sample(o_assign_result, o_bbox_pred, gt_obj_bboxes) pos_inds = o_sampling_result.pos_inds neg_inds = o_sampling_result.neg_inds #### no-rel class indices in prediction # label targets s_labels = gt_sub_bboxes.new_full( (num_bboxes, ), self.num_classes, dtype=torch.long) ### 0-based, class [num_classes] as background s_labels[pos_inds] = gt_sub_labels[ s_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] s_label_weights = gt_sub_bboxes.new_zeros(num_bboxes) s_label_weights[pos_inds] = 1.0 o_labels = gt_obj_bboxes.new_full( (num_bboxes, ), self.num_classes, dtype=torch.long) ### 0-based, class [num_classes] as background o_labels[pos_inds] = gt_obj_labels[ o_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] o_label_weights = gt_obj_bboxes.new_zeros(num_bboxes) o_label_weights[pos_inds] = 1.0 r_labels = gt_obj_bboxes.new_full( (num_bboxes, ), 0, dtype=torch.long) ### 1-based, class 0 as background r_labels[pos_inds] = gt_rel_labels[ o_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] r_label_weights = gt_obj_bboxes.new_ones(num_bboxes) if self.use_mask: gt_sub_masks =, axis=0).type_as(gt_masks[0]) gt_obj_masks =, axis=0).type_as(gt_masks[0]) assert gt_sub_masks.size() == gt_obj_masks.size() # mask targets for subjects and objects s_mask_targets = gt_sub_masks[ s_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds, ...] s_mask_preds = s_mask_preds[pos_inds] o_mask_targets = gt_obj_masks[ o_sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds, ...] o_mask_preds = o_mask_preds[pos_inds] s_mask_preds = interpolate(s_mask_preds[:, None], size=gt_sub_masks.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False).squeeze(1) o_mask_preds = interpolate(o_mask_preds[:, None], size=gt_obj_masks.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False).squeeze(1) else: s_mask_targets = None s_mask_preds = None o_mask_targets = None o_mask_preds = None # bbox targets for subjects and objects s_bbox_targets = torch.zeros_like(s_bbox_pred) s_bbox_weights = torch.zeros_like(s_bbox_pred) s_bbox_weights[pos_inds] = 1.0 o_bbox_targets = torch.zeros_like(o_bbox_pred) o_bbox_weights = torch.zeros_like(o_bbox_pred) o_bbox_weights[pos_inds] = 1.0 img_h, img_w, _ = img_meta['img_shape'] # DETR regress the relative position of boxes (cxcywh) in the image. # Thus the learning target should be normalized by the image size, also # the box format should be converted from defaultly x1y1x2y2 to cxcywh. factor = o_bbox_pred.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h]).unsqueeze(0) pos_gt_s_bboxes_normalized = s_sampling_result.pos_gt_bboxes / factor pos_gt_s_bboxes_targets = bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh( pos_gt_s_bboxes_normalized) s_bbox_targets[pos_inds] = pos_gt_s_bboxes_targets pos_gt_o_bboxes_normalized = o_sampling_result.pos_gt_bboxes / factor pos_gt_o_bboxes_targets = bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh( pos_gt_o_bboxes_normalized) o_bbox_targets[pos_inds] = pos_gt_o_bboxes_targets return (s_labels, o_labels, r_labels, s_label_weights, o_label_weights, r_label_weights, s_bbox_targets, o_bbox_targets, s_bbox_weights, o_bbox_weights, s_mask_targets, o_mask_targets, pos_inds, neg_inds, s_mask_preds, o_mask_preds ) ###return the interpolated predicted masks # over-write because img_metas are needed as inputs for bbox_head. def forward_train(self, x, img_metas, gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels=None, gt_masks=None, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, proposal_cfg=None, **kwargs): """Forward function for training mode. Args: x (list[Tensor]): Features from backbone. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. gt_rels (Tensor): Ground truth relation triplets for one image with shape (num_gts, 3) in [gt_sub_id, gt_obj_id, gt_rel_class] format. gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes of the image, shape (num_gts, 4). gt_labels (Tensor): Ground truth labels of each box, shape (num_gts,). gt_bboxes_ignore (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes to be ignored, shape (num_ignored_gts, 4). proposal_cfg (mmcv.Config): Test / postprocessing configuration, if None, test_cfg would be used. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ assert proposal_cfg is None, '"proposal_cfg" must be None' outs = self(x, img_metas) if gt_labels is None: loss_inputs = outs + (gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_masks, img_metas) else: loss_inputs = outs + (gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, img_metas) losses = self.loss(*loss_inputs, gt_bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore) return losses @force_fp32(apply_to=('all_cls_scores_list', 'all_bbox_preds_list')) def get_bboxes(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, img_metas, rescale=False): # NOTE defaultly only using outputs from the last feature level, # and only the outputs from the last decoder layer is used. result_list = [] for img_id in range(len(img_metas)): s_cls_score = cls_scores['sub'][-1, img_id, ...] o_cls_score = cls_scores['obj'][-1, img_id, ...] r_cls_score = cls_scores['rel'][-1, img_id, ...] s_bbox_pred = bbox_preds['sub'][-1, img_id, ...] o_bbox_pred = bbox_preds['obj'][-1, img_id, ...] img_shape = img_metas[img_id]['img_shape'] scale_factor = img_metas[img_id]['scale_factor'] if self.use_mask: s_mask_pred = bbox_preds['sub_seg'][img_id, ...] o_mask_pred = bbox_preds['obj_seg'][img_id, ...] else: s_mask_pred = None o_mask_pred = None triplets = self._get_bboxes_single(s_cls_score, o_cls_score, r_cls_score, s_bbox_pred, o_bbox_pred, s_mask_pred, o_mask_pred, img_shape, scale_factor, rescale) result_list.append(triplets) return result_list def _get_bboxes_single(self, s_cls_score, o_cls_score, r_cls_score, s_bbox_pred, o_bbox_pred, s_mask_pred, o_mask_pred, img_shape, scale_factor, rescale=False): assert len(s_cls_score) == len(o_cls_score) assert len(s_cls_score) == len(s_bbox_pred) assert len(s_cls_score) == len(o_bbox_pred) mask_size = (round(img_shape[0] / scale_factor[1]), round(img_shape[1] / scale_factor[0])) max_per_img = self.test_cfg.get('max_per_img', self.num_query) assert self.sub_loss_cls.use_sigmoid == False assert self.obj_loss_cls.use_sigmoid == False assert self.rel_loss_cls.use_sigmoid == False assert len(s_cls_score) == len(r_cls_score) # 0-based label input for objects and self.num_classes as default background cls s_logits = F.softmax(s_cls_score, dim=-1)[..., :-1] o_logits = F.softmax(o_cls_score, dim=-1)[..., :-1] s_scores, s_labels = s_logits.max(-1) o_scores, o_labels = o_logits.max(-1) r_lgs = F.softmax(r_cls_score, dim=-1) r_logits = r_lgs[..., 1:] r_scores, r_indexes = r_logits.reshape(-1).topk(max_per_img) r_labels = r_indexes % self.num_relations + 1 triplet_index = r_indexes // self.num_relations s_scores = s_scores[triplet_index] s_labels = s_labels[triplet_index] + 1 s_bbox_pred = s_bbox_pred[triplet_index] o_scores = o_scores[triplet_index] o_labels = o_labels[triplet_index] + 1 o_bbox_pred = o_bbox_pred[triplet_index] r_dists = r_lgs.reshape( -1, self.num_relations + 1)[triplet_index] #### NOTE: to match the evaluation in vg if self.use_mask: s_mask_pred = s_mask_pred[triplet_index] o_mask_pred = o_mask_pred[triplet_index] s_mask_pred = F.interpolate(s_mask_pred.unsqueeze(1), size=mask_size).squeeze(1) o_mask_pred = F.interpolate(o_mask_pred.unsqueeze(1), size=mask_size).squeeze(1) s_mask_pred_logits = s_mask_pred o_mask_pred_logits = o_mask_pred s_mask_pred = torch.sigmoid(s_mask_pred) > 0.85 o_mask_pred = torch.sigmoid(o_mask_pred) > 0.85 ### triplets deduplicate#### relation_classes = defaultdict(lambda: []) for k, (s_l,o_l,r_l) in enumerate(zip(s_labels,o_labels,r_labels)): relation_classes[(s_l.item(),o_l.item(),r_l.item())].append(k) s_binary_masks = o_binary_masks = def dedup_triplets(triplets_ids, s_binary_masks, o_binary_masks, keep_tri): while len(triplets_ids) > 1: base_s_mask = s_binary_masks[triplets_ids[0]].unsqueeze(0) base_o_mask = o_binary_masks[triplets_ids[0]].unsqueeze(0) other_s_masks = s_binary_masks[triplets_ids[1:]] other_o_masks = o_binary_masks[triplets_ids[1:]] # calculate ious s_ious =,1))/((base_s_mask+other_s_masks)>0).sum(-1) o_ious =,1))/((base_o_mask+other_o_masks)>0).sum(-1) ids_left = [] for s_iou, o_iou, other_id in zip(s_ious[0],o_ious[0],triplets_ids[1:]): if (s_iou>0.5) & (o_iou>0.5): keep_tri[other_id] = False else: ids_left.append(other_id) triplets_ids = ids_left return keep_tri keep_tri = torch.ones_like(r_labels,dtype=torch.bool) for triplets_ids in relation_classes.values(): if len(triplets_ids)>1: keep_tri = dedup_triplets(triplets_ids, s_binary_masks, o_binary_masks, keep_tri) s_labels = s_labels[keep_tri] o_labels = o_labels[keep_tri] s_mask_pred = s_mask_pred[keep_tri] o_mask_pred = o_mask_pred[keep_tri] complete_labels =, o_labels), 0) output_masks =, o_mask_pred), 0) r_scores = r_scores[keep_tri] r_labels = r_labels[keep_tri] r_dists = r_dists[keep_tri] rel_pairs = torch.arange(keep_tri.sum()*2,, -1).T complete_r_labels = r_labels complete_r_dists = r_dists s_binary_masks = s_binary_masks[keep_tri] o_binary_masks = o_binary_masks[keep_tri] s_mask_pred_logits = s_mask_pred_logits[keep_tri] o_mask_pred_logits = o_mask_pred_logits[keep_tri] ###end triplets deduplicate#### #### for panoptic postprocessing #### keep = (s_labels != (s_logits.shape[-1] - 1)) & ( o_labels != (s_logits.shape[-1] - 1)) & ( s_scores[keep_tri]>0.5) & (o_scores[keep_tri] > 0.5) & (r_scores > 0.3) ## the threshold is set to 0.85 r_scores = r_scores[keep] r_labels = r_labels[keep] r_dists = r_dists[keep] labels =[keep], o_labels[keep]), 0) - 1 masks =[keep], o_mask_pred[keep]), 0) binary_masks = s_mask_pred_logits = s_mask_pred_logits[keep] o_mask_pred_logits = o_mask_pred_logits[keep] mask_logits =, o_mask_pred_logits), 0) h, w = masks.shape[-2:] if labels.numel() == 0: pan_img = torch.ones(mask_size).cpu().to(torch.long) pan_masks = pan_img.unsqueeze(0).cpu().to(torch.long) pan_rel_pairs = torch.arange(len(labels),, -1).T rels = torch.tensor([0,0,0]).view(-1,3) pan_labels = torch.tensor([0]) else: stuff_equiv_classes = defaultdict(lambda: []) thing_classes = defaultdict(lambda: []) thing_dedup = defaultdict(lambda: []) for k, label in enumerate(labels): if label.item() >= 80: stuff_equiv_classes[label.item()].append(k) else: thing_classes[label.item()].append(k) pan_rel_pairs = torch.arange(len(labels), def dedup_things(pred_ids, binary_masks): while len(pred_ids) > 1: base_mask = binary_masks[pred_ids[0]].unsqueeze(0) other_masks = binary_masks[pred_ids[1:]] # calculate ious ious =,1))/((base_mask+other_masks)>0).sum(-1) ids_left = [] thing_dedup[pred_ids[0]].append(pred_ids[0]) for iou, other_id in zip(ious[0],pred_ids[1:]): if iou>0.5: thing_dedup[pred_ids[0]].append(other_id) else: ids_left.append(other_id) pred_ids = ids_left if len(pred_ids) == 1: thing_dedup[pred_ids[0]].append(pred_ids[0]) # create dict that groups duplicate masks for thing_pred_ids in thing_classes.values(): if len(thing_pred_ids) > 1: dedup_things(thing_pred_ids, binary_masks) else: thing_dedup[thing_pred_ids[0]].append(thing_pred_ids[0]) def get_ids_area(masks, pan_rel_pairs, r_labels, r_dists, dedup=False): # This helper function creates the final panoptic segmentation image # It also returns the area of the masks that appears on the image masks = masks.flatten(1) m_id = masks.transpose(0, 1).softmax(-1) if m_id.shape[-1] == 0: # We didn't detect any mask :( m_id = torch.zeros((h, w), dtype=torch.long, device=m_id.device) else: m_id = m_id.argmax(-1).view(h, w) if dedup: # Merge the masks corresponding to the same stuff class for equiv in stuff_equiv_classes.values(): if len(equiv) > 1: for eq_id in equiv: m_id.masked_fill_(m_id.eq(eq_id), equiv[0]) pan_rel_pairs[eq_id] = equiv[0] # Merge the masks corresponding to the same thing instance for equiv in thing_dedup.values(): if len(equiv) > 1: for eq_id in equiv: m_id.masked_fill_(m_id.eq(eq_id), equiv[0]) pan_rel_pairs[eq_id] = equiv[0] m_ids_remain,_ = m_id.unique().sort() pan_rel_pairs = pan_rel_pairs.reshape(2, -1).T no_obj_filter = torch.zeros(pan_rel_pairs.shape[0],dtype=torch.bool) for triplet_id in range(pan_rel_pairs.shape[0]): if pan_rel_pairs[triplet_id,0] in m_ids_remain and pan_rel_pairs[triplet_id,1] in m_ids_remain: no_obj_filter[triplet_id]=True pan_rel_pairs = pan_rel_pairs[no_obj_filter] r_labels, r_dists = r_labels[no_obj_filter], r_dists[no_obj_filter] pan_labels = [] pan_masks = [] for i, m_id_remain in enumerate(m_ids_remain): pan_masks.append(m_id.eq(m_id_remain).unsqueeze(0)) pan_labels.append(labels[m_id_remain].unsqueeze(0)) m_id.masked_fill_(m_id.eq(m_id_remain), i) pan_rel_pairs.masked_fill_(pan_rel_pairs.eq(m_id_remain), i) pan_masks =, 0) pan_labels =, 0) seg_img = m_id * INSTANCE_OFFSET + pan_labels[m_id] seg_img = seg_img.view(h, w).cpu().to(torch.long) m_id = m_id.view(h, w).cpu() area = [] for i in range(len(masks)): area.append(m_id.eq(i).sum().item()) return area, seg_img, pan_rel_pairs, pan_masks, r_labels, r_dists, pan_labels area, pan_img, pan_rel_pairs, pan_masks, r_labels, r_dists, pan_labels = get_ids_area(mask_logits, pan_rel_pairs, r_labels, r_dists, dedup=True) if r_labels.numel() == 0: rels = torch.tensor([0,0,0]).view(-1,3) else: rels =,r_labels.unsqueeze(-1)),-1) # if labels.numel() > 0: # # We know filter empty masks as long as we find some # while True: # filtered_small = torch.as_tensor( # [area[i] <= 4 for i, c in enumerate(labels)], # dtype=torch.bool, # device=keep.device) # if filtered_small.any().item(): # scores = scores[~filtered_small] # labels = labels[~filtered_small] # masks = masks[~filtered_small] # area, pan_img = get_ids_area(masks, scores) # else: # break s_det_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(s_bbox_pred) s_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] = s_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] * img_shape[1] s_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] = s_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] * img_shape[0] s_det_bboxes[:, 0::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[1]) s_det_bboxes[:, 1::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[0]) if rescale: s_det_bboxes /= s_det_bboxes.new_tensor(scale_factor) s_det_bboxes =, s_scores.unsqueeze(1)), -1) o_det_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(o_bbox_pred) o_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] = o_det_bboxes[:, 0::2] * img_shape[1] o_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] = o_det_bboxes[:, 1::2] * img_shape[0] o_det_bboxes[:, 0::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[1]) o_det_bboxes[:, 1::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[0]) if rescale: o_det_bboxes /= o_det_bboxes.new_tensor(scale_factor) o_det_bboxes =, o_scores.unsqueeze(1)), -1) det_bboxes =[keep_tri], o_det_bboxes[keep_tri]), 0) if self.use_mask: return det_bboxes, complete_labels, rel_pairs, output_masks, pan_rel_pairs, \ pan_img, complete_r_labels, complete_r_dists, r_labels, r_dists, pan_masks, rels, pan_labels else: return det_bboxes, labels, rel_pairs, r_labels, r_dists def simple_test_bboxes(self, feats, img_metas, rescale=False): # forward of this head requires img_metas # start = time.time() outs = self.forward(feats, img_metas) # forward_time =time.time() # print('------forward-----') # print(forward_time - start) results_list = self.get_bboxes(*outs, img_metas, rescale=rescale) # print('-----get_bboxes-----') # print(time.time() - forward_time) return results_list class MLP(nn.Module): """Very simple multi-layer perceptron (also called FFN) Copied from hoitr.""" def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers): super().__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers h = [hidden_dim] * (num_layers - 1) self.layers = nn.ModuleList( nn.Linear(n, k) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + h, h + [output_dim])) def forward(self, x): for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = F.relu(layer(x)) if i < self.num_layers - 1 else layer(x) return x def _expand(tensor, length: int): return tensor.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, int(length), 1, 1, 1).flatten(0, 1) class MaskHeadSmallConv(nn.Module): """Simple convolutional head, using group norm. Upsampling is done using a FPN approach """ def __init__(self, dim, fpn_dims, context_dim): super().__init__() inter_dims = [ dim, context_dim // 2, context_dim // 4, context_dim // 8, context_dim // 16, context_dim // 64 ] self.lay1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, padding=1) self.gn1 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, dim) self.lay2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(dim, inter_dims[1], 3, padding=1) self.gn2 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[1]) self.lay3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[1], inter_dims[2], 3, padding=1) self.gn3 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[2]) self.lay4 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[2], inter_dims[3], 3, padding=1) self.gn4 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[3]) self.lay5 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[3], inter_dims[4], 3, padding=1) self.gn5 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[4]) self.out_lay = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[4], 1, 3, padding=1) self.dim = dim self.adapter1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[0], inter_dims[1], 1) self.adapter2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[1], inter_dims[2], 1) self.adapter3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[2], inter_dims[3], 1) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(m.weight, a=1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def forward(self, x, bbox_mask, fpns): x = [_expand(x, bbox_mask.shape[1]), bbox_mask.flatten(0, 1)], 1) x = self.lay1(x) x = self.gn1(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.lay2(x) x = self.gn2(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter1(fpns[0]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay3(x) x = self.gn3(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter2(fpns[1]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay4(x) x = self.gn4(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter3(fpns[2]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay5(x) x = self.gn5(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.out_lay(x) return x class MHAttentionMap(nn.Module): """This is a 2D attention module, which only returns the attention softmax (no multiplication by value)""" def __init__(self, query_dim, hidden_dim, num_heads, dropout=0.0, bias=True): super().__init__() self.num_heads = num_heads self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.q_linear = nn.Linear(query_dim, hidden_dim, bias=bias) self.k_linear = nn.Linear(query_dim, hidden_dim, bias=bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.k_linear.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.q_linear.bias) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.k_linear.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.q_linear.weight) self.normalize_fact = float(hidden_dim / self.num_heads)**-0.5 def forward(self, q, k, mask=None): q = self.q_linear(q) k = F.conv2d(k, self.k_linear.weight.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1), self.k_linear.bias) qh = q.view(q.shape[0], q.shape[1], self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim // self.num_heads) kh = k.view(k.shape[0], self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim // self.num_heads, k.shape[-2], k.shape[-1]) weights = torch.einsum('bqnc,bnchw->bqnhw', qh * self.normalize_fact, kh) if mask is not None: weights.masked_fill_(mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1), float('-inf')) weights = F.softmax(weights.flatten(2), dim=-1).view(weights.size()) weights = self.dropout(weights) return weights def interpolate(input, size=None, scale_factor=None, mode='nearest', align_corners=None): """Equivalent to nn.functional.interpolate, but with support for empty batch sizes. This will eventually be supported natively by PyTorch, and this class can go away. """ if version.parse(torchvision.__version__) < version.parse('0.7'): if input.numel() > 0: return torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners) output_shape = _output_size(2, input, size, scale_factor) output_shape = list(input.shape[:-2]) + list(output_shape) return _new_empty_tensor(input, output_shape) else: return torchvision.ops.misc.interpolate(input, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners)
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import time from collections import defaultdict from inspect import signature import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision from mmcv.cnn import Conv2d, Linear, build_activation_layer from mmcv.cnn.bricks.transformer import FFN, build_positional_encoding from mmcv.ops import batched_nms from mmcv.runner import force_fp32 from mmdet.core import (bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy, bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh, build_assigner, build_sampler, multi_apply, reduce_mean) from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET from mmdet.models.builder import HEADS, build_loss from mmdet.models.dense_heads import AnchorFreeHead from mmdet.models.utils import build_transformer #####imports for tools from packaging import version if version.parse(torchvision.__version__) < version.parse('0.7'): from torchvision.ops import _new_empty_tensor from torchvision.ops.misc import _output_size coco_id = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 100, 107, 109, 112, 118, 119, 122, 125, 128, 130, 133, 138, 141, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 156, 159, 161, 166, 168, 171, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200) ####default: 0-index with last index as the background class @HEADS.register_module() class detr4segHead(AnchorFreeHead): _version = 2 def __init__( self, num_classes, in_channels, object_classes, num_query=100, num_reg_fcs=2, transformer=None, n_heads=8, swin_backbone=None, sync_cls_avg_factor=False, bg_cls_weight=0.1, positional_encoding=dict(type='SinePositionalEncoding', num_feats=128, normalize=True), loss_cls=dict(type='CrossEntropyLoss', use_sigmoid=False, loss_weight=1.0, class_weight=1.0), loss_bbox=dict(type='L1Loss', loss_weight=5.0), loss_iou=dict(type='GIoULoss', loss_weight=2.0), focal_loss=dict(type='BCEFocalLoss', loss_weight=1.0), dice_loss=dict(type='DiceLoss', loss_weight=1.0), train_cfg=dict(assigner=dict( type='HungarianAssigner', cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxL1Cost', weight=5.0), iou_cost=dict(type='IoUCost', iou_mode='giou', weight=2.0))), test_cfg=dict(max_per_img=100), init_cfg=None, **kwargs): super(AnchorFreeHead, self).__init__(init_cfg) self.sync_cls_avg_factor = sync_cls_avg_factor # NOTE following the official DETR rep0, bg_cls_weight means # relative classification weight of the no-object class. assert isinstance(bg_cls_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'bg_cls_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(bg_cls_weight)}.' self.bg_cls_weight = bg_cls_weight class_weight = loss_cls.get('class_weight', None) assert isinstance(class_weight, float), 'Expected ' \ 'class_weight to have type float. Found ' \ f'{type(class_weight)}.' class_weight = torch.ones(num_classes + 1) * class_weight # set background class as the last indice class_weight[num_classes] = bg_cls_weight loss_cls.update({'class_weight': class_weight}) if train_cfg: assert 'assigner' in train_cfg, 'assigner should be provided '\ 'when train_cfg is set.' assigner = train_cfg['assigner'] assert loss_cls['loss_weight'] == assigner['cls_cost']['weight'], \ 'The classification weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' assert loss_bbox['loss_weight'] == assigner['reg_cost'][ 'weight'], 'The regression L1 weight for loss and matcher ' \ 'should be exactly the same.' assert loss_iou['loss_weight'] == assigner['iou_cost']['weight'], \ 'The regression iou weight for loss and matcher should be' \ 'exactly the same.' self.assigner = build_assigner(assigner) # DETR sampling=False, so use PseudoSampler sampler_cfg = dict(type='PseudoSampler') self.sampler = build_sampler(sampler_cfg, context=self) self.num_query = num_query self.num_classes = num_classes self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_reg_fcs = num_reg_fcs self.train_cfg = train_cfg self.test_cfg = test_cfg self.fp16_enabled = False self.swin = swin_backbone self.CLASSES = object_classes self.loss_cls = build_loss(loss_cls) self.loss_bbox = build_loss(loss_bbox) self.loss_iou = build_loss(loss_iou) self.focal_loss = build_loss(focal_loss) self.dice_loss = build_loss(dice_loss) if self.loss_cls.use_sigmoid: self.cls_out_channels = num_classes else: self.cls_out_channels = num_classes + 1 self.act_cfg = transformer.get('act_cfg', dict(type='ReLU', inplace=True)) self.activate = build_activation_layer(self.act_cfg) self.positional_encoding = build_positional_encoding( positional_encoding) self.transformer = build_transformer(transformer) self.n_heads = n_heads self.embed_dims = self.transformer.embed_dims assert 'num_feats' in positional_encoding num_feats = positional_encoding['num_feats'] assert num_feats * 2 == self.embed_dims, 'embed_dims should' \ f' be exactly 2 times of num_feats. Found {self.embed_dims}' \ f' and {num_feats}.' self._init_layers() def _init_layers(self): """Initialize layers of the transformer head.""" self.input_proj = Conv2d(self.in_channels, self.embed_dims, kernel_size=1) self.query_embed = nn.Embedding(self.num_query, self.embed_dims) self.class_embed = Linear(self.embed_dims, self.cls_out_channels) self.bbox_embed = MLP(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, 4, 3) self.bbox_attention = MHAttentionMap(self.embed_dims, self.embed_dims, self.n_heads, dropout=0.0) if not self.swin: self.mask_head = MaskHeadSmallConv(self.embed_dims + self.n_heads, [1024, 512, 256], self.embed_dims) elif self.swin: self.mask_head = MaskHeadSmallConv(self.embed_dims + self.n_heads, self.swin, self.embed_dims) def init_weights(self): """Initialize weights of the transformer head.""" # The initialization for transformer is important self.transformer.init_weights() def _load_from_state_dict(self, state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs): """load checkpoints.""" version = local_metadata.get('version', None) if (version is None or version < 2): convert_dict = { '.self_attn.': '.attentions.0.', '.ffn.': '.ffns.0.', '.multihead_attn.': '.attentions.1.', '.decoder.norm.': '.decoder.post_norm.', '.query_embedding.': '.query_embed.' } state_dict_keys = list(state_dict.keys()) for k in state_dict_keys: for ori_key, convert_key in convert_dict.items(): if ori_key in k: convert_key = k.replace(ori_key, convert_key) state_dict[convert_key] = state_dict[k] del state_dict[k] super(AnchorFreeHead, self)._load_from_state_dict(state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs) def forward(self, feats, img_metas): """Forward function. Args: feats (tuple[Tensor]): Features from the upstream network, each is a 4D-tensor. img_metas (list[dict]): List of image information. Returns: all_cls_scores [dict[Tensor]]: Outputs from the classification heads(human,object,action), shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, cls_out_channels]. Note cls_out_channels should includes background. all_bbox_preds [dict[Tensor]]: Sigmoid outputs from the regression heads(human,object) with normalized coordinate format (cx, cy, w, h). Shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, 4]. """ # construct binary masks which used for the transformer. # NOTE following the official DETR repo, non-zero values representing # ignored positions, while zero values means valid positions. last_features = feats[ -1] ####get feature outputs of intermediate layers batch_size = last_features.size(0) input_img_h, input_img_w = img_metas[0]['batch_input_shape'] masks = last_features.new_ones((batch_size, input_img_h, input_img_w)) for img_id in range(batch_size): img_h, img_w, _ = img_metas[img_id]['img_shape'] masks[img_id, :img_h, :img_w] = 0 last_features = self.input_proj(last_features) # interpolate masks to have the same spatial shape with feats masks = F.interpolate(masks.unsqueeze(1), size=last_features.shape[-2:]).to( torch.bool).squeeze(1) # position encoding pos_embed = self.positional_encoding(masks) # [bs, embed_dim, h, w] # outs_dec: [nb_dec, bs, num_query, embed_dim] outs_dec, memory = self.transformer(last_features, masks, self.query_embed.weight, pos_embed) outputs_class = self.class_embed(outs_dec) outputs_coord = self.bbox_embed(outs_dec).sigmoid() all_cls_scores = outputs_class ###########for segmentation################# bbox_mask = self.bbox_attention(outs_dec[-1], memory, mask=masks) seg_masks = self.mask_head(last_features, bbox_mask, [feats[2], feats[1], feats[0]]) seg_masks = seg_masks.view(batch_size, self.num_query, seg_masks.shape[-2], seg_masks.shape[-1]) all_bbox_preds = dict(bbox=outputs_coord, masks=seg_masks) return all_cls_scores, all_bbox_preds @force_fp32(apply_to=('all_cls_scores_list', 'all_bbox_preds_list')) def loss(self, all_cls_scores_list, all_bbox_preds_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): """"Loss function. Only outputs from the last feature level are used for computing losses by default. Args: all_cls_scores_list (list[dict[Tensor]]): Classification outputs for each feature level. Each is a 4D-tensor with shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, cls_out_channels]. all_bbox_preds_list (list[dict[Tensor]]): Sigmoid regression outputs for each feature level. Each is a 4D-tensor with normalized coordinate format (cx, cy, w, h) and shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, 4]. gt_bboxes_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth bboxes for each image with shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_labels_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth class indices for each image with shape (num_gts, ). img_metas (list[dict]): List of image meta information. gt_bboxes_ignore (list[Tensor], optional): Bounding boxes which can be ignored for each image. Default None. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ # NOTE defaultly only the outputs from the last feature scale is used. all_cls_scores = all_cls_scores_list all_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds_list assert gt_bboxes_ignore is None, \ 'Only supports for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.' all_mask_preds = all_bbox_preds['masks'] all_bbox_preds = all_bbox_preds['bbox'] num_dec_layers = len(all_cls_scores) all_mask_preds = [all_mask_preds for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_bboxes_list = [gt_bboxes_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_labels_list = [gt_labels_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [ gt_bboxes_ignore for _ in range(num_dec_layers) ] all_gt_masks_list = [gt_masks_list for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] img_metas_list = [img_metas for _ in range(num_dec_layers)] losses_cls, losses_bbox, losses_iou, dice_losses, focal_losses = multi_apply( self.loss_single, all_cls_scores, all_bbox_preds, all_mask_preds, all_gt_bboxes_list, all_gt_labels_list, all_gt_masks_list, img_metas_list, all_gt_bboxes_ignore_list) loss_dict = dict() # loss from the last decoder layer loss_dict['loss_cls'] = losses_cls[-1] loss_dict['loss_bbox'] = losses_bbox[-1] loss_dict['loss_iou'] = losses_iou[-1] loss_dict['focal_losses'] = focal_losses[-1] loss_dict['dice_losses'] = dice_losses[-1] # loss from other decoder layers num_dec_layer = 0 for loss_cls_i, loss_bbox_i, loss_iou_i in zip(losses_cls[:-1], losses_bbox[:-1], losses_iou[:-1]): loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_cls'] = loss_cls_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_bbox'] = loss_bbox_i loss_dict[f'd{num_dec_layer}.loss_iou'] = loss_iou_i num_dec_layer += 1 return loss_dict def loss_single(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, mask_preds, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None): """"Loss function for outputs from a single decoder layer of a single feature level. Args: cls_scores dict[Tensor]: Score logits from a single decoder layer for all images. Shape [bs, num_query, cls_out_channels]. bbox_preds dict[Tensor]: Sigmoid outputs from a single decoder layer for all images, with normalized coordinate (cx, cy, w, h) and shape [bs, num_query, 4]. gt_bboxes_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth bboxes for each image with shape (num_gts, 4) in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_labels_list (list[Tensor]): Ground truth class indices for each image with shape (num_gts, ). img_metas (list[dict]): List of image meta information. gt_bboxes_ignore_list (list[Tensor], optional): Bounding boxes which can be ignored for each image. Default None. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components for outputs from a single decoder layer. """ num_imgs = cls_scores.size(0) cls_scores_list = [cls_scores[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] bbox_preds_list = [bbox_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] mask_preds_list = [mask_preds[i] for i in range(num_imgs)] cls_reg_targets = self.get_targets(cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list, mask_preds_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list) (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, mask_targets_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg, mask_preds_list) = cls_reg_targets labels =, 0) label_weights =, 0) bbox_targets =, 0) bbox_weights =, 0) mask_targets =, 0).float().flatten(1) mask_preds =, 0).flatten(1) num_matches = mask_preds.shape[0] # mask loss focal_loss = self.focal_loss(mask_preds, mask_targets, num_matches) dice_loss = self.dice_loss( mask_preds, mask_targets, num_matches) #,s_mask_weights,avg_factor=num_total_pos) # classification loss cls_scores = cls_scores.reshape(-1, self.cls_out_channels) # construct weighted avg_factor to match with the official DETR repo cls_avg_factor = num_total_pos * 1.0 + \ num_total_neg * self.bg_cls_weight if self.sync_cls_avg_factor: cls_avg_factor = reduce_mean( cls_scores.new_tensor([cls_avg_factor])) cls_avg_factor = max(cls_avg_factor, 1) loss_cls = self.loss_cls(cls_scores, labels, label_weights, avg_factor=cls_avg_factor) # Compute the average number of gt boxes across all gpus, for # normalization purposes num_total_pos = loss_cls.new_tensor([num_total_pos]) num_total_pos = torch.clamp(reduce_mean(num_total_pos), min=1).item() # construct factors used for rescale bboxes factors = [] for img_meta, bbox_pred in zip(img_metas, bbox_preds): img_h, img_w, _ = img_meta['img_shape'] factor = bbox_pred.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h]).unsqueeze(0).repeat( bbox_pred.size(0), 1) factors.append(factor) factors =, 0) # DETR regress the relative position of boxes (cxcywh) in the image, # thus the learning target is normalized by the image size. So here # we need to re-scale them for calculating IoU loss bbox_preds = bbox_preds.reshape(-1, 4) bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox_preds) * factors bboxes_gt = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox_targets) * factors # regression IoU loss, defaultly GIoU loss loss_iou = self.loss_iou(bboxes, bboxes_gt, bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos) # regression L1 loss loss_bbox = self.loss_bbox(bbox_preds, bbox_targets, bbox_weights, avg_factor=num_total_pos) return loss_cls, loss_bbox, loss_iou, dice_loss, focal_loss def get_targets(self, cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list, mask_preds_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list=None): assert gt_bboxes_ignore_list is None, \ 'Only supports for gt_bboxes_ignore setting to None.' num_imgs = len(cls_scores_list) gt_bboxes_ignore_list = [ gt_bboxes_ignore_list for _ in range(num_imgs) ] (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, mask_targets_list, pos_inds_list, neg_inds_list, mask_preds_list) = multi_apply(self._get_target_single, cls_scores_list, bbox_preds_list, mask_preds_list, gt_bboxes_list, gt_labels_list, gt_masks_list, img_metas, gt_bboxes_ignore_list) num_total_pos = sum((inds.numel() for inds in pos_inds_list)) num_total_neg = sum((inds.numel() for inds in neg_inds_list)) return (labels_list, label_weights_list, bbox_targets_list, bbox_weights_list, mask_targets_list, num_total_pos, num_total_neg, mask_preds_list) def _get_target_single(self, cls_score, bbox_pred, mask_preds, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): num_bboxes = bbox_pred.size(0) assert len(gt_masks) == len(gt_bboxes) # print('o_pred mask shape after interpolating') # print(o_mask_preds.shape) # assigner and sampler, only return human&object assign result assign_result = self.assigner.assign(bbox_pred, cls_score, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore) sampling_result = self.sampler.sample(assign_result, bbox_pred, gt_bboxes) pos_inds = sampling_result.pos_inds neg_inds = sampling_result.neg_inds #### no-rel class indices in prediction # label targets labels = gt_bboxes.new_full((num_bboxes, ), self.num_classes, dtype=torch.long) ### 0-based labels[pos_inds] = gt_labels[sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds] label_weights = gt_bboxes.new_ones(num_bboxes) # mask targets for subjects and objects mask_targets = gt_masks[sampling_result.pos_assigned_gt_inds, ...] ###FIXME some transform might be needed mask_preds = mask_preds[pos_inds] mask_preds = interpolate(mask_preds[:, None], size=gt_masks.shape[-2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False).squeeze(1) # bbox targets for subjects and objects bbox_targets = torch.zeros_like(bbox_pred) bbox_weights = torch.zeros_like(bbox_pred) bbox_weights[pos_inds] = 1.0 img_h, img_w, _ = img_meta['img_shape'] # DETR regress the relative position of boxes (cxcywh) in the image. # Thus the learning target should be normalized by the image size, also # the box format should be converted from defaultly x1y1x2y2 to cxcywh. factor = bbox_pred.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h]).unsqueeze(0) pos_gt_bboxes_normalized = sampling_result.pos_gt_bboxes / factor pos_gt_bboxes_targets = bbox_xyxy_to_cxcywh(pos_gt_bboxes_normalized) bbox_targets[pos_inds] = pos_gt_bboxes_targets # print('---single--') # print(s_mask_targets.shape) return (labels, label_weights, bbox_targets, bbox_weights, mask_targets, pos_inds, neg_inds, mask_preds ) ###return the interpolated predicted masks # over-write because img_metas are needed as inputs for bbox_head. def forward_train(self, x, img_metas, gt_bboxes, gt_labels=None, gt_masks=None, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, proposal_cfg=None, **kwargs): """Forward function for training mode. Args: x (list[Tensor]): Features from backbone. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. gt_bboxes (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes of the image, shape (num_gts, 4). gt_labels (Tensor): Ground truth labels of each box, shape (num_gts,). gt_bboxes_ignore (Tensor): Ground truth bboxes to be ignored, shape (num_ignored_gts, 4). proposal_cfg (mmcv.Config): Test / postprocessing configuration, if None, test_cfg would be used. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ assert proposal_cfg is None, '"proposal_cfg" must be None' outs = self(x, img_metas) if gt_labels is None: loss_inputs = outs + (gt_bboxes, gt_masks, img_metas) else: loss_inputs = outs + (gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, img_metas) losses = self.loss(*loss_inputs, gt_bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore) return losses @force_fp32(apply_to=('all_cls_scores_list', 'all_bbox_preds_list')) def get_bboxes(self, cls_scores, bbox_preds, img_metas, rescale=False): """NOTE:Transform network outputs for a batch into psg predictions, but still use the name of get_bboxes for now. Args: all_cls_scores_list (list[Tensor]): Classification outputs for each feature level. Each is a 4D-tensor with shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, cls_out_channels]. all_bbox_preds_list (list[Tensor]): Sigmoid regression outputs for each feature level. Each is a 4D-tensor with normalized coordinate format (cx, cy, w, h) and shape [nb_dec, bs, num_query, 4]. img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image. rescale (bool, optional): If True, return boxes in original image space. Default False. Returns: list[list[Tensor, Tensor]]: Each item in result_list is 2-tuple. \ The first item is an (n, 5) tensor, where the first 4 columns \ are bounding box positions (tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y) and the \ 5-th column is a score between 0 and 1. The second item is a \ (n,) tensor where each item is the predicted class label of \ the corresponding box. """ # NOTE defaultly only using outputs from the last feature level, # and only the outputs from the last decoder layer is used. result_list = [] for img_id in range(len(img_metas)): cls_score = cls_scores[-1, img_id, ...] bbox_pred = bbox_preds['bbox'][-1, img_id, ...] img_shape = img_metas[img_id]['img_shape'] scale_factor = img_metas[img_id]['scale_factor'] mask_pred = bbox_preds['masks'][img_id, ...] triplets = self._get_bboxes_single(cls_score, bbox_pred, mask_pred, img_shape, scale_factor, rescale) result_list.append(triplets) return result_list def _get_bboxes_single(self, cls_score, bbox_pred, mask_pred, img_shape, scale_factor, rescale=False): """Transform outputs from the last decoder layer into bbox predictions for each image. Args: h_cls_score/o_cls_score/i_cls_score (dict[Tensor]): Box score logits from the last decoder layer for each image. Each tensor shape [num_query, h/o/i_cls_out_channels]. h_bbox_pred/o_bbox_pred (dict[Tensor]): Sigmoid outputs from the last decoder layer for each image, each tensor with coordinate format (cx, cy, w, h) and shape [num_query, 4]. img_shape (tuple[int]): Shape of input image, (height, width, 3). scale_factor (ndarray, optional): Scale factor of the image arange as (w_scale, h_scale, w_scale, h_scale). rescale (bool, optional): If True, return boxes in original image space. Default False. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: Results of detected bboxes and labels. - det_bboxes: Predicted bboxes with shape [num_query, 5], \ where the first 4 columns are bounding box positions \ (tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y) and the 5-th column are scores \ between 0 and 1. - det_labels: Predicted labels of the corresponding box with \ shape [num_query]. """ mask_size = (round(img_shape[0] / scale_factor[1]), round(img_shape[1] / scale_factor[0])) max_per_img = self.test_cfg.get('max_per_img', self.num_query) # 1-based label input and 0 as default background cls logits = F.softmax(cls_score, dim=-1) scores, labels = logits.max(-1) scores, bbox_index = scores.topk(max_per_img) bbox_pred = bbox_pred[bbox_index] labels = labels[bbox_index] mask_pred = mask_pred[bbox_index] keep = (labels != logits.shape[-1] - 1) & ( scores > 0.85) ## the threshold is set to 0.85 bbox_pred = bbox_pred[keep] det_labels = labels[keep] det_masks = mask_pred[keep] scores = scores[keep] det_masks = F.interpolate(det_masks.unsqueeze(1), size=mask_size, mode='bilinear').squeeze(1) h, w = det_masks.shape[-2:] assert len(det_labels) == len(bbox_pred) det_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox_pred) det_bboxes[:, 0::2] = det_bboxes[:, 0::2] * img_shape[1] det_bboxes[:, 1::2] = det_bboxes[:, 1::2] * img_shape[0] det_bboxes[:, 0::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[1]) det_bboxes[:, 1::2].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[0]) if rescale: det_bboxes /= det_bboxes.new_tensor(scale_factor) det_bboxes =, scores.unsqueeze(1)), -1) bbox_labels = det_labels if det_labels.numel() == 0: pan_img = torch.ones(mask_size).cpu().to(torch.long) return det_bboxes, bbox_labels, pan_img # It may be that we have several predicted masks for the same stuff class. # In the following, we track the list of masks ids for each stuff class (they are merged later on) det_masks = det_masks.flatten(1) stuff_equiv_classes = defaultdict(lambda: []) for k, label in enumerate(det_labels): if label.item() >= 80: stuff_equiv_classes[label.item()].append(k) def get_ids_area(masks, scores, dedup=False): # This helper function creates the final panoptic segmentation image # It also returns the area of the masks that appears on the image m_id = masks.transpose(0, 1).softmax(-1) if m_id.shape[-1] == 0: # We didn't detect any mask :( m_id = torch.zeros((h, w), dtype=torch.long, device=m_id.device) else: m_id = m_id.argmax(-1).view(h, w) if dedup: # Merge the masks corresponding to the same stuff class for equiv in stuff_equiv_classes.values(): if len(equiv) > 1: for eq_id in equiv: m_id.masked_fill_(m_id.eq(eq_id), equiv[0]) seg_img = m_id * INSTANCE_OFFSET + det_labels[m_id] seg_img = seg_img.view(h, w).cpu().to(torch.long) m_id = m_id.view(h, w).cpu() area = [] for i in range(len(scores)): area.append(m_id.eq(i).sum().item()) return area, seg_img area, pan_img = get_ids_area(det_masks, scores, dedup=True) if det_labels.numel() > 0: # We know filter empty masks as long as we find some while True: filtered_small = torch.as_tensor( [area[i] <= 4 for i, c in enumerate(det_labels)], dtype=torch.bool, device=keep.device) if filtered_small.any().item(): scores = scores[~filtered_small] det_labels = det_labels[~filtered_small] det_masks = det_masks[~filtered_small] area, pan_img = get_ids_area(det_masks, scores) else: break return det_bboxes, bbox_labels, pan_img def simple_test_bboxes(self, feats, img_metas, rescale=False): """Test det bboxes without test-time augmentation. Args: feats (tuple[torch.Tensor]): Multi-level features from the upstream network, each is a 4D-tensor. img_metas (list[dict]): List of image information. rescale (bool, optional): Whether to rescale the results. Defaults to False. Returns: list[tuple[Tensor]]: Each item in result_list is 6-tuple: bbox, labels, bbox, labels, scores, labels The first item is ``bboxes`` with shape (n, 5), where 5 represent (tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y, score). The shape of the second tensor in the tuple is ``labels`` with shape (n,) """ # forward of this head requires img_metas outs = self.forward(feats, img_metas) results_list = self.get_bboxes(*outs, img_metas, rescale=rescale) return results_list class MLP(nn.Module): """Very simple multi-layer perceptron (also called FFN) Copied from hoitr.""" def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers): super().__init__() self.num_layers = num_layers h = [hidden_dim] * (num_layers - 1) self.layers = nn.ModuleList( nn.Linear(n, k) for n, k in zip([input_dim] + h, h + [output_dim])) def forward(self, x): for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): x = F.relu(layer(x)) if i < self.num_layers - 1 else layer(x) return x def _expand(tensor, length: int): return tensor.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, int(length), 1, 1, 1).flatten(0, 1) class MaskHeadSmallConv(nn.Module): """Simple convolutional head, using group norm. Upsampling is done using a FPN approach """ def __init__(self, dim, fpn_dims, context_dim): super().__init__() inter_dims = [ dim, context_dim // 2, context_dim // 4, context_dim // 8, context_dim // 16, context_dim // 64 ] self.lay1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(dim, dim, 3, padding=1) self.gn1 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, dim) self.lay2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(dim, inter_dims[1], 3, padding=1) self.gn2 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[1]) self.lay3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[1], inter_dims[2], 3, padding=1) self.gn3 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[2]) self.lay4 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[2], inter_dims[3], 3, padding=1) self.gn4 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[3]) self.lay5 = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[3], inter_dims[4], 3, padding=1) self.gn5 = torch.nn.GroupNorm(8, inter_dims[4]) self.out_lay = torch.nn.Conv2d(inter_dims[4], 1, 3, padding=1) self.dim = dim self.adapter1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[0], inter_dims[1], 1) self.adapter2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[1], inter_dims[2], 1) self.adapter3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(fpn_dims[2], inter_dims[3], 1) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(m.weight, a=1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) def forward(self, x, bbox_mask, fpns): x = [_expand(x, bbox_mask.shape[1]), bbox_mask.flatten(0, 1)], 1) x = self.lay1(x) x = self.gn1(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.lay2(x) x = self.gn2(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter1(fpns[0]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay3(x) x = self.gn3(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter2(fpns[1]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay4(x) x = self.gn4(x) x = F.relu(x) cur_fpn = self.adapter3(fpns[2]) if cur_fpn.size(0) != x.size(0): cur_fpn = _expand(cur_fpn, x.size(0) // cur_fpn.size(0)) x = cur_fpn + F.interpolate(x, size=cur_fpn.shape[-2:], mode='nearest') x = self.lay5(x) x = self.gn5(x) x = F.relu(x) x = self.out_lay(x) return x class MHAttentionMap(nn.Module): """This is a 2D attention module, which only returns the attention softmax (no multiplication by value)""" def __init__(self, query_dim, hidden_dim, num_heads, dropout=0.0, bias=True): super().__init__() self.num_heads = num_heads self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.q_linear = nn.Linear(query_dim, hidden_dim, bias=bias) self.k_linear = nn.Linear(query_dim, hidden_dim, bias=bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.k_linear.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.q_linear.bias) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.k_linear.weight) nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.q_linear.weight) self.normalize_fact = float(hidden_dim / self.num_heads)**-0.5 def forward(self, q, k, mask=None): q = self.q_linear(q) k = F.conv2d(k, self.k_linear.weight.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1), self.k_linear.bias) qh = q.view(q.shape[0], q.shape[1], self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim // self.num_heads) kh = k.view(k.shape[0], self.num_heads, self.hidden_dim // self.num_heads, k.shape[-2], k.shape[-1]) weights = torch.einsum('bqnc,bnchw->bqnhw', qh * self.normalize_fact, kh) if mask is not None: weights.masked_fill_(mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1), float('-inf')) weights = F.softmax(weights.flatten(2), dim=-1).view(weights.size()) weights = self.dropout(weights) return weights def interpolate(input, size=None, scale_factor=None, mode='nearest', align_corners=None): """Equivalent to nn.functional.interpolate, but with support for empty batch sizes. This will eventually be supported natively by PyTorch, and this class can go away. """ if version.parse(torchvision.__version__) < version.parse('0.7'): if input.numel() > 0: return torch.nn.functional.interpolate(input, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners) output_shape = _output_size(2, input, size, scale_factor) output_shape = list(input.shape[:-2]) + list(output_shape) return _new_empty_tensor(input, output_shape) else: return torchvision.ops.misc.interpolate(input, size, scale_factor, mode, align_corners)
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/6/4 下午3:43 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- from collections import Counter import torch def generate_forest(pair_scores, det_result): """ generate a list of trees that covers all the objects in a batch det_result: pair_scores: [obj_num, obj_num] output: list of trees, each present a chunk of overlapping objects """ output_forest = [ ] # the list of trees, each one is a chunk of overlapping objects labels = det_result.labels bboxes = det_result.bboxes for pair_score, label, bbox in zip( pair_scores, labels, bboxes, ): num_obj = pair_score.shape[0] obj_label = label assert pair_score.shape[0] == obj_label.shape[0] assert pair_score.shape[0] == pair_score.shape[1] node_scores = pair_score.mean(1).view(-1) root_idx = int(node_scores.max(-1)[1]) root = ArbitraryTree(root_idx, float(node_scores[root_idx]), int(obj_label[root_idx]), bbox[root_idx], is_root=True) node_container = [] remain_index = [] # put all nodes into node container for idx in list(range(num_obj)): if idx == root_idx: continue new_node = ArbitraryTree(idx, float(node_scores[idx]), int(obj_label[idx]), bbox[idx]) node_container.append(new_node) remain_index.append(idx) # iteratively generate tree gen_tree(node_container, pair_score, node_scores, root, remain_index) output_forest.append(root) return output_forest def gen_tree(node_container, pair_score, node_scores, root, remain_index): """Step 1: Divide all nodes into left child container and right child container Step 2: From left child container and right child container, select their respective sub roots. pair_scores: [obj_num, obj_num] node_scores: [obj_num] """ num_nodes = len(node_container) device = pair_score.device # Step 0 if num_nodes == 0: return # Step 1 select_node = [] select_index = [] select_node.append(root) select_index.append(root.index) while len(node_container) > 0: wid = len(remain_index) select_indexs = torch.tensor(select_index, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) remain_indexs = torch.tensor(remain_index, device=device, dtype=torch.int64) select_score_map = pair_score[select_indexs][:, remain_indexs].view(-1) best_id = select_score_map.max(0)[1] depend_id = int(best_id) // wid insert_id = int(best_id) % wid best_depend_node = select_node[depend_id] best_insert_node = node_container[insert_id] best_depend_node.add_child(best_insert_node) select_node.append(best_insert_node) select_index.append(best_insert_node.index) node_container.remove(best_insert_node) remain_index.remove(best_insert_node.index) def arbForest_to_biForest(forest): """ forest: a set of arbitrary Tree output: a set of corresponding binary Tree """ output = [] for i in range(len(forest)): result_tree = arTree_to_biTree(forest[i]) output.append(result_tree) return output def arTree_to_biTree(arTree): root_node = arTree.generate_bi_tree() arNode_to_biNode(arTree, root_node) return root_node def arNode_to_biNode(arNode, biNode): if arNode.get_child_num() >= 1: new_bi_node = arNode.children[0].generate_bi_tree() biNode.add_left_child(new_bi_node) arNode_to_biNode(arNode.children[0], biNode.left_child) if arNode.get_child_num() > 1: current_bi_node = biNode.left_child for i in range(arNode.get_child_num() - 1): new_bi_node = arNode.children[i + 1].generate_bi_tree() current_bi_node.add_right_child(new_bi_node) current_bi_node = current_bi_node.right_child arNode_to_biNode(arNode.children[i + 1], current_bi_node) def find_best_node(node_container): max_node_score = -1 best_node = None for i in range(len(node_container)): if node_container[i].score > max_node_score: max_node_score = node_container[i].score best_node = node_container[i] return best_node class BasicBiTree(object): def __init__(self, idx, is_root=False): self.index = int(idx) self.is_root = is_root self.left_child = None self.right_child = None self.parent = None self.num_child = 0 def add_left_child(self, child): if self.left_child is not None: print('Left child already exist') return child.parent = self self.num_child += 1 self.left_child = child def add_right_child(self, child): if self.right_child is not None: print('Right child already exist') return child.parent = self self.num_child += 1 self.right_child = child def get_total_child(self): sum = 0 sum += self.num_child if self.left_child is not None: sum += self.left_child.get_total_child() if self.right_child is not None: sum += self.right_child.get_total_child() return sum def depth(self): if hasattr(self, '_depth'): return self._depth if self.parent is None: count = 1 else: count = self.parent.depth() + 1 self._depth = count return self._depth def max_depth(self): if hasattr(self, '_max_depth'): return self._max_depth count = 0 if self.left_child is not None: left_depth = self.left_child.max_depth() if left_depth > count: count = left_depth if self.right_child is not None: right_depth = self.right_child.max_depth() if right_depth > count: count = right_depth count += 1 self._max_depth = count return self._max_depth # by index def is_descendant(self, idx): left_flag = False right_flag = False # node is left child if self.left_child is not None: if self.left_child.index is idx: return True else: left_flag = self.left_child.is_descendant(idx) # node is right child if self.right_child is not None: if self.right_child.index is idx: return True else: right_flag = self.right_child.is_descendant(idx) # node is descendant if left_flag or right_flag: return True else: return False # whether input node is under left sub tree def is_left_descendant(self, idx): if self.left_child is not None: if self.left_child.index is idx: return True else: return self.left_child.is_descendant(idx) else: return False # whether input node is under right sub tree def is_right_descendant(self, idx): if self.right_child is not None: if self.right_child.index is idx: return True else: return self.right_child.is_descendant(idx) else: return False class ArbitraryTree(object): def __init__(self, idx, score, label=-1, box=None, is_root=False): self.index = int(idx) self.is_root = is_root self.score = float(score) self.children = [] self.label = label self.embeded_label = None = box.view(-1) if box is not None else None # [x1,y1,x2,y2] self.parent = None self.node_order = -1 # the n_th node added to the tree # define state and cell_state for lstm self.chain_state_h = None self.chain_state_c = None self.chain_state_h_backward = None self.chain_state_c_backward = None self.tree_state_h = None self.tree_state_c = None self.tree_state_h_backward = None self.tree_state_c_backward = None def generate_bi_tree(self): # generate a BiTree node, parent/child relationship are not inherited return BiTree(self.index, self.score, self.label,, self.is_root) def add_child(self, child): child.parent = self self.children.append(child) def print(self): print('index: ', self.index) print('node_order: ', self.node_order) print('num of child: ', len(self.children)) for node in self.children: node.print() def find_node_by_order(self, order, result_node): if self.node_order == order: result_node = self elif len(self.children) > 0: for i in range(len(self.children)): result_node = self.children[i].find_node_by_order( order, result_node) return result_node def find_node_by_index(self, index, result_node): if self.index == index: result_node = self elif len(self.children) > 0: for i in range(len(self.children)): result_node = self.children[i].find_node_by_index( index, result_node) return result_node def search_best_insert(self, score_map, best_score, insert_node, best_depend_node, best_insert_node, ignore_root=True): if self.is_root and ignore_root: pass elif float(score_map[self.index, insert_node.index]) > float(best_score): best_score = score_map[self.index, insert_node.index] best_depend_node = self best_insert_node = insert_node # iteratively search child for i in range(self.get_child_num()): best_score, best_depend_node, best_insert_node = \ self.children[i].search_best_insert(score_map, best_score, insert_node, best_depend_node, best_insert_node) return best_score, best_depend_node, best_insert_node def get_child_num(self): return len(self.children) def get_total_child(self): sum = 0 num_current_child = self.get_child_num() sum += num_current_child for i in range(num_current_child): sum += self.children[i].get_total_child() return sum def max_depth(self): if hasattr(self, '_max_depth'): return self._max_depth count = 0 if len(self.children): for i in range(len(self.children)): depth = self.children[i].max_depth() if depth > count: count = depth count += 1 self._max_depth = count return self._max_depth def depth(self): if hasattr(self, '_depth'): return self._depth if self.parent is None: count = -1 else: count = self.parent.depth() + 1 self._depth = count return self._depth def max_width(self): if hasattr(self, '_max_width'): return self._max_width counter = Counter() counter.update([self.depth()]) for i in range(len(self.children)): counter.update([self.children[i].depth()]) self._max_width = counter.most_common(1)[0][0] return self._max_width def leafcount(self): if hasattr(self, '_leafcount'): return self._leafcount self._leafcount = 0 for i in range(len(self.children)): if self.children[i].get_child_num() == 0: self._leafcount += 1 else: self._leafcount += self.children[i].leafcount() return self._leafcount # only support binary tree class BiTree(BasicBiTree): def __init__(self, idx, node_score, label, box, is_root=False): super(BiTree, self).__init__(idx, is_root) self.state_c = None self.state_h = None self.state_c_backward = None self.state_h_backward = None # used to select node self.node_score = float(node_score) self.label = label self.embeded_label = None = box.view(-1) # [x1,y1,x2,y2] def bbox_intersection(box_a, box_b): A = box_a.size(0) B = box_b.size(0) max_xy = torch.min(box_a[:, 2:].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2), box_b[:, 2:].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2)) min_xy = torch.max(box_a[:, :2].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2), box_b[:, :2].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2)) inter = torch.clamp((max_xy - min_xy + 1.0), min=0) return inter[:, :, 0] * inter[:, :, 1] def bbox_overlap(box_a, box_b): inter = bbox_intersection(box_a, box_b) area_a = ((box_a[:, 2] - box_a[:, 0] + 1.0) * (box_a[:, 3] - box_a[:, 1] + 1.0)).unsqueeze(1).expand_as( inter) # [A,B] area_b = ((box_b[:, 2] - box_b[:, 0] + 1.0) * (box_b[:, 3] - box_b[:, 1] + 1.0)).unsqueeze(0).expand_as( inter) # [A,B] union = area_a + area_b - inter return inter / (union + 1e-9) def bbox_area(bbox): area = (bbox[:, 2] - bbox[:, 0]) * (bbox[:, 3] - bbox[:, 1]) return area.view(-1, 1) def get_overlap_info(infostruct): bboxes, img_shapes = infostruct.bboxes, infostruct.img_shape overlap_info = [] for bbox, img_shape in zip(bboxes, img_shapes): bbox = bbox[:, :4] intersection = bbox_intersection(bbox, bbox).float() # num, num overlap = bbox_overlap(bbox, bbox).float() # num, num area = bbox_area(bbox).float() # num, 1 info1 = (intersection > 0.0).float().sum(1).view(-1, 1) info2 = intersection.sum(1).view(-1, 1) / float( img_shape[0] * img_shape[1]) info3 = overlap.sum(1).view(-1, 1) info4 = info2 / (info1 + 1e-9) info5 = info3 / (info1 + 1e-9) info6 = area / float(img_shape[0] * img_shape[1]) info =[info1, info2, info3, info4, info5, info6], dim=1) overlap_info.append(info) return, dim=0)
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/21 下午11:26 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch from mmcv.cnn import kaiming_init from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from .motif_util import to_onehot class IMPContext(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, obj_classes, rel_classes): super(IMPContext, self).__init__() self.cfg = config in_channels = self.cfg.roi_dim self.num_object_classes = len(obj_classes) self.num_predicates = len(rel_classes) self.hidden_dim = self.cfg.hidden_dim self.num_iter = self.cfg.num_iter # mode if self.cfg.use_gt_box: if self.cfg.use_gt_label: self.mode = 'predcls' else: self.mode = 'sgcls' else: self.mode = 'sgdet' self.rel_fc = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.num_predicates) self.obj_fc = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.num_object_classes) self.obj_unary = nn.Linear(in_channels, self.hidden_dim) self.edge_unary = nn.Linear(in_channels, self.hidden_dim) self.edge_gru = nn.GRUCell(input_size=self.hidden_dim, hidden_size=self.hidden_dim) self.node_gru = nn.GRUCell(input_size=self.hidden_dim, hidden_size=self.hidden_dim) self.sub_vert_w_fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) self.obj_vert_w_fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) self.out_edge_w_fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) self.in_edge_w_fc = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, 1), nn.Sigmoid()) def init_weights(self): for module in [ self.sub_vert_w_fc, self.obj_vert_w_fc, self.out_edge_w_fc, self.in_edge_w_fc ]: for m in module: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): kaiming_init(m, distribution='uniform', a=1) for module in [ self.rel_fc, self.obj_fc, self.obj_unary, self.edge_unary ]: kaiming_init(module, distribution='uniform', a=1) def forward(self, x, union_features, det_result, logger=None): num_objs = [len(b) for b in det_result.bboxes] rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes obj_rep = self.obj_unary(x) rel_rep = F.relu(self.edge_unary(union_features)) obj_count = obj_rep.shape[0] rel_count = rel_rep.shape[0] # generate sub-rel-obj mapping sub2rel = torch.zeros(obj_count, rel_count).to(obj_rep) obj2rel = torch.zeros(obj_count, rel_count).to(obj_rep) obj_offset = 0 rel_offset = 0 sub_global_inds = [] obj_global_inds = [] for pair_idx, num_obj in zip(rel_pair_idxes, num_objs): num_rel = pair_idx.shape[0] sub_idx = pair_idx[:, 0].contiguous().long().view(-1) + obj_offset obj_idx = pair_idx[:, 1].contiguous().long().view(-1) + obj_offset rel_idx = torch.arange(num_rel).to( obj_rep.device).long().view(-1) + rel_offset sub_global_inds.append(sub_idx) obj_global_inds.append(obj_idx) sub2rel[sub_idx, rel_idx] = 1.0 obj2rel[obj_idx, rel_idx] = 1.0 obj_offset += num_obj rel_offset += num_rel sub_global_inds =, dim=0) obj_global_inds =, dim=0) # iterative message passing hx_obj = torch.zeros(obj_count, self.hidden_dim, requires_grad=False).to(obj_rep) hx_rel = torch.zeros(rel_count, self.hidden_dim, requires_grad=False).to(obj_rep) vert_factor = [self.node_gru(obj_rep, hx_obj)] edge_factor = [self.edge_gru(rel_rep, hx_rel)] for i in range(self.num_iter): # compute edge context sub_vert = vert_factor[i][sub_global_inds] obj_vert = vert_factor[i][obj_global_inds] weighted_sub = self.sub_vert_w_fc(, edge_factor[i]), 1)) * sub_vert weighted_obj = self.obj_vert_w_fc(, edge_factor[i]), 1)) * obj_vert edge_factor.append( self.edge_gru(weighted_sub + weighted_obj, edge_factor[i])) # Compute vertex context pre_out = self.out_edge_w_fc(, edge_factor[i]), 1)) * edge_factor[i] pre_in = self.in_edge_w_fc( (obj_vert, edge_factor[i]), 1)) * edge_factor[i] vert_ctx = sub2rel @ pre_out + obj2rel @ pre_in vert_factor.append(self.node_gru(vert_ctx, vert_factor[i])) if self.mode == 'predcls': obj_labels =, dim=0) obj_dists = to_onehot(obj_labels, self.num_object_classes) else: obj_dists = self.obj_fc(vert_factor[-1]) rel_dists = self.rel_fc(edge_factor[-1]) return obj_dists, rel_dists
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/10/6 23:24 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable class STN2d(nn.Module): def __init__(self, init_c=32): super(STN2d, self).__init__() self.init_c = init_c self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(2, init_c, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(init_c, init_c * 2, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(init_c * 2, init_c * 4, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(init_c * 4, init_c * 2) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(init_c * 2, init_c) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(init_c, 4) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c * 2) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c * 4) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c * 2) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c) def forward(self, x): batchsize = x.size()[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(batchsize, -1) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) iden = torch.eye(2).view(1, -1).repeat(batchsize, 1).to(x) x = x + iden x = x.view(-1, 2, 2) return x class STNkd(nn.Module): def __init__(self, k=64): super(STNkd, self).__init__() self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(k, 64, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(64, 128, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, 256, 1) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(256, 128) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, 64) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(64, k * k) self.relu = nn.ReLU() self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm1d(64) self.k = k def forward(self, x): batchsize = x.size()[0] x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(-1, 256) x = F.relu(self.bn4(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn5(self.fc2(x))) x = self.fc3(x) iden = torch.eye(self.k).view(1, -1).repeat(batchsize, 1).to(x) x = x + iden x = x.view(-1, self.k, self.k) return x class PointNetFeat(nn.Module): def __init__(self, init_c=32, out_c=1024, global_feat=True, feature_transform=False): super(PointNetFeat, self).__init__() self.stn = STN2d() self.init_c = init_c self.out_c = out_c self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(2, init_c, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(init_c, init_c * 2, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(init_c * 2, init_c * 4, 1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c * 2) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(init_c * 4) self.global_feat = global_feat if self.global_feat and out_c != init_c * 4: self.fc = nn.Linear(init_c * 4, out_c) self.feature_transform = feature_transform if self.feature_transform: self.fstn = STNkd(k=64) def forward(self, x): batchsize = x.size()[0] n_pts = x.size()[2] trans = self.stn(x) x = x.transpose(2, 1) x = torch.bmm(x, trans) x = x.transpose(2, 1) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) if self.feature_transform: trans_feat = self.fstn(x) x = x.transpose(2, 1) x = torch.bmm(x, trans_feat) x = x.transpose(2, 1) else: trans_feat = None pointfeat = x x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = self.bn3(self.conv3(x)) x = torch.max(x, 2, keepdim=True)[0] x = x.view(batchsize, -1) if self.global_feat: if hasattr(self, 'fc'): x = self.fc(x) return x, trans, trans_feat else: x = x.view(batchsize, -1, 1).repeat(1, 1, n_pts) return[x, pointfeat], 1), trans, trans_feat class PointNetCls(nn.Module): def __init__(self, k=2, feature_transform=False): super(PointNetCls, self).__init__() self.feature_transform = feature_transform self.feat = PointNetFeat(global_feat=True, feature_transform=feature_transform) self.fc1 = nn.Linear(1024, 512) self.fc2 = nn.Linear(512, 256) self.fc3 = nn.Linear(256, k) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.3) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, x): x, trans, trans_feat = self.feat(x) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.fc1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.dropout(self.fc2(x)))) x = self.fc3(x) return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1), trans, trans_feat class PointNetDenseCls(nn.Module): def __init__(self, k=2, feature_transform=False): super(PointNetDenseCls, self).__init__() self.k = k self.feature_transform = feature_transform self.feat = PointNetFeat(global_feat=False, feature_transform=feature_transform) self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(1088, 512, 1) self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv1d(512, 256, 1) self.conv3 = torch.nn.Conv1d(256, 128, 1) self.conv4 = torch.nn.Conv1d(128, self.k, 1) self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm1d(512) self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm1d(256) self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm1d(128) def forward(self, x): x = x - torch.mean(x, dim=-1, keepdim=True) x = x / torch.max(torch.sqrt(torch.sum(x**2, dim=1, keepdim=True)), dim=-1, keepdim=True)[0] batchsize = x.size()[0] n_pts = x.size()[2] x, trans, trans_feat = self.feat(x) x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(x))) x = F.relu(self.bn3(self.conv3(x))) x = self.conv4(x) x = x.transpose(2, 1).contiguous() x = F.log_softmax(x.view(-1, self.k), dim=-1) x = x.view(batchsize, n_pts, self.k) return x, trans, trans_feat def feature_transform_regularizer(trans): d = trans.size()[1] I = torch.eye(d)[None, :, :].to(trans) # bug: pytorch-1.4: do not support torch.norm on GPU directly diff = torch.bmm(trans, trans.transpose(2, 1)) - I loss = torch.mean(torch.norm(diff.cpu(), dim=(1, 2)).to(trans)) #loss = torch.mean(torch.norm(, dim=(1, 2))) return loss
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/10/7 22:23 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from .motif_util import encode_box_info, obj_edge_vectors, to_onehot def matmul(tensor3d, mat): out = [] for i in range(tensor3d.size(-1)): out.append([:, :, i], mat)) return, -1) class DirectionAwareMessagePassing(nn.Module): """Adapted from the [CVPR 2020] GPS-Net: Graph Property Scensing Network for Scene Graph Generation]""" def __init__(self, config, obj_classes): super(DirectionAwareMessagePassing, self).__init__() self.cfg = config self.obj_classes = obj_classes self.num_obj_classes = len(obj_classes) in_channels = self.cfg.roi_dim self.use_gt_box = self.cfg.use_gt_box self.use_gt_label = self.cfg.use_gt_label # mode if self.cfg.use_gt_box: if self.cfg.use_gt_label: self.mode = 'predcls' else: self.mode = 'sgcls' else: self.mode = 'sgdet' # word embedding self.embed_dim = self.cfg.embed_dim self.obj_embed = nn.Embedding(self.num_obj_classes, self.embed_dim) obj_embed_vecs = obj_edge_vectors(self.obj_classes, wv_dir=self.cfg.glove_dir, wv_dim=self.embed_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.obj_embed.weight.copy_(obj_embed_vecs, non_blocking=True) # position embedding self.pos_embed = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(9, 32), nn.BatchNorm1d(32, momentum=0.001), nn.Linear(32, 128), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) self.obj_dim = in_channels self.obj_input_dim = self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128 # 1024 + 200 + 128 # set the direction-aware attention mapping = nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, self.obj_dim) self.wo = nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, self.obj_dim) self.wu = nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, self.obj_dim) self.w = nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, 1) # now begin to set the DMP self.project_input = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(self.obj_input_dim, self.obj_dim), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ]) self.trans = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, self.obj_dim // 4), nn.LayerNorm(self.obj_dim // 4), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(self.obj_dim // 4, self.obj_dim) ]) self.W_t3 = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, self.obj_dim // 2), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ]) # object classifier self.out_obj = nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, self.num_obj_classes) def get_attention(self, obj_feat, union_feat, rel_pair_idx): num_obj = obj_feat.shape[0] atten_coeff = self.w([rel_pair_idx[:, 0]]) * self.wo(obj_feat[rel_pair_idx[:, 1]]) * self.wu(union_feat)) atten_tensor = torch.zeros(num_obj, num_obj, 1).to(atten_coeff) atten_tensor[rel_pair_idx[:, 0], rel_pair_idx[:, 1]] += atten_coeff atten_tensor = F.sigmoid(atten_tensor) atten_tensor = atten_tensor * ( 1 - torch.eye(num_obj).unsqueeze(-1).to(atten_tensor)) atten_tensor_sum = torch.sum(atten_tensor, dim=1, keepdim=True) # handle 1 object case, avoid divideByZero if atten_tensor.shape[0] == 1: atten_tensor_sum = torch.ones( atten_tensor_sum.size()).to(atten_tensor_sum) # handle 1 object case done return atten_tensor / atten_tensor_sum def forward(self, obj_feats, union_feats, det_result): if or self.use_gt_box: # predcls or sgcls or training, just put obj_labels here obj_labels = else: obj_labels = None if self.use_gt_label: # predcls obj_embed = self.obj_embed(obj_labels.long()) else: obj_dists =, dim=0).detach() obj_embed = obj_dists @ self.obj_embed.weight pos_embed = self.pos_embed(encode_box_info(det_result)) # N x 128 obj_rep =, obj_embed, pos_embed), -1) # N x (1024 + 200 + 128) obj_rep = self.project_input(obj_rep) # N x 1024 rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes num_rels = [r.shape[0] for r in det_result.rel_pair_idxes] num_objs = [len(b) for b in det_result.bboxes] neighbour_feats = [] split_obj_rep = obj_rep.split(num_objs) split_union_rep = union_feats.split(num_rels) for obj_feat, union_feat, rel_pair_idx in zip(split_obj_rep, split_union_rep, rel_pair_idxes): atten_tensor = self.get_attention(obj_feat, union_feat, rel_pair_idx) # N x N x 1 atten_tensor_t = torch.transpose(atten_tensor, 1, 0) atten_tensor =, atten_tensor_t), dim=-1) # N x N x 2 context_feats = matmul(atten_tensor, self.W_t3(obj_feat)) neighbour_feats.append(self.trans(context_feats)) obj_context_rep = F.relu(obj_rep +, 0), inplace=True) if self.mode != 'predcls': obj_scores = self.out_obj(obj_context_rep) obj_dists = F.softmax(obj_scores, dim=1) obj_preds = obj_dists[:, 1:].max(1)[1] + 1 else: assert obj_labels is not None obj_preds = obj_labels obj_scores = to_onehot(obj_preds, self.num_obj_classes) return obj_scores, obj_preds, obj_context_rep
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/4 下午4:36 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import array import itertools import os import sys import zipfile import numpy as np import six import torch from six.moves.urllib.request import urlretrieve from tqdm import tqdm def normalize_sigmoid_logits(orig_logits): orig_logits = torch.sigmoid(orig_logits) orig_logits = orig_logits / (orig_logits.sum(1).unsqueeze(-1) + 1e-12) return orig_logits def generate_attributes_target(attributes, device, max_num_attri, num_attri_cat): """from list of attribute indexes to [1,0,1,0,0,1] form.""" assert max_num_attri == attributes.shape[1] num_obj = attributes.shape[0] with_attri_idx = (attributes.sum(-1) > 0).long() attribute_targets = torch.zeros((num_obj, num_attri_cat), device=device).float() for idx in torch.nonzero(with_attri_idx).squeeze(1).tolist(): for k in range(max_num_attri): att_id = int(attributes[idx, k]) if att_id == 0: break else: attribute_targets[idx, att_id] = 1 return attribute_targets, with_attri_idx def transpose_packed_sequence_inds(lengths): """Get a TxB indices from sorted lengths. Fetch new_inds, split by new_lens, padding to max(new_lens), and stack. Returns: new_inds (np.array) [sum(lengths), ] new_lens (list(np.array)): number of elements of each time step, descending """ new_inds = [] new_lens = [] cum_add = np.cumsum([0] + lengths) max_len = lengths[0] length_pointer = len(lengths) - 1 for i in range(max_len): while length_pointer > 0 and lengths[length_pointer] <= i: length_pointer -= 1 new_inds.append(cum_add[:(length_pointer + 1)].copy()) cum_add[:(length_pointer + 1)] += 1 new_lens.append(length_pointer + 1) new_inds = np.concatenate(new_inds, 0) return new_inds, new_lens def sort_by_score(infostruct, scores): """We'll sort everything scorewise from Hi->low, BUT we need to keep images together and sort LSTM from l. :param im_inds: Which im we're on :param scores: Goodness ranging between [0, 1]. Higher numbers come FIRST :return: Permutation to put everything in the right order for the LSTM Inverse permutation Lengths for the TxB packed sequence. """ num_rois = [len(b) for b in infostruct.bboxes] num_im = len(num_rois) scores = scores.split(num_rois, dim=0) ordered_scores = [] for i, (score, num_roi) in enumerate(zip(scores, num_rois)): ordered_scores.append(score + 2.0 * float(num_roi * 2 * num_im - i)) ordered_scores =, dim=0) _, perm = torch.sort(ordered_scores, 0, descending=True) num_rois = sorted(num_rois, reverse=True) inds, ls_transposed = transpose_packed_sequence_inds( num_rois) # move it to TxB form inds = torch.LongTensor(inds).to(scores[0].device) ls_transposed = torch.LongTensor(ls_transposed) perm = perm[inds] # (batch_num_box, ) _, inv_perm = torch.sort(perm) return perm, inv_perm, ls_transposed def to_onehot(vec, num_classes, fill=1000): """ Creates a [size, num_classes] torch FloatTensor where one_hot[i, vec[i]] = fill :param vec: 1d torch tensor :param num_classes: int :param fill: value that we want + and - things to be. :return: """ onehot_result =, num_classes).float().fill_(-fill) arange_inds = torch.arange(0, vec.size(0), out=arange_inds) onehot_result.view(-1)[vec.long() + num_classes * arange_inds] = fill return onehot_result def get_dropout_mask(dropout_probability, tensor_shape, device): """once get, it is fixed all the time.""" binary_mask = (torch.rand(tensor_shape) > dropout_probability) # Scale mask by 1/keep_prob to preserve output statistics. dropout_mask = binary_mask.float().to(device).div(1.0 - dropout_probability) return dropout_mask def center_x(infostruct): boxes =, dim=0) c_x = 0.5 * (boxes[:, 0] + boxes[:, 2]) return c_x.view(-1) def encode_box_info(infostruct): """encode proposed box information (x1, y1, x2, y2) to (cx/wid, cy/hei, w/wid, h/hei, x1/wid, y1/hei, x2/wid, y2/hei, wh/wid*hei)""" bboxes, img_shapes = infostruct.bboxes, infostruct.img_shape boxes_info = [] for bbox, img_shape in zip(bboxes, img_shapes): wid = img_shape[1] hei = img_shape[0] wh = bbox[:, 2:4] - bbox[:, 0:2] + 1.0 xy = bbox[:, 0:2] + 0.5 * wh w, h = wh[:, 0], wh[:, 1] x, y = xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1] x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox[:, 0], bbox[:, 1], bbox[:, 2], bbox[:, 3] assert wid * hei != 0 info = torch.stack([ w / wid, h / hei, x / wid, y / hei, x1 / wid, y1 / hei, x2 / wid, y2 / hei, w * h / (wid * hei) ], dim=-1).view(-1, 9) boxes_info.append(info) return, dim=0) def obj_edge_vectors(names, wv_dir, wv_type='glove.6B', wv_dim=300): wv_dict, wv_arr, wv_size = load_word_vectors(wv_dir, wv_type, wv_dim) vectors = torch.Tensor(len(names), wv_dim) vectors.normal_(0, 1) for i, token in enumerate(names): wv_index = wv_dict.get(token, None) if wv_index is not None: vectors[i] = wv_arr[wv_index] else: # Try the longest word lw_token = sorted(token.split(' '), key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)[0] print('{} -> {} '.format(token, lw_token)) wv_index = wv_dict.get(lw_token, None) if wv_index is not None: vectors[i] = wv_arr[wv_index] else: print('fail on {}'.format(token)) return vectors def load_word_vectors(root, wv_type, dim): """Load word vectors from a path, trying .pt, .txt, and .zip extensions.""" URL = { 'glove.42B': '', 'glove.840B': '', 'glove.twitter.27B': '', 'glove.6B': '', } if isinstance(dim, int): dim = str(dim) + 'd' fname = os.path.join(root, wv_type + '.' + dim) if os.path.isfile(fname + '.pt'): fname_pt = fname + '.pt' print('loading word vectors from', fname_pt) try: return torch.load(fname_pt, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) except Exception as e: print('Error loading the model from {}{}'.format(fname_pt, str(e))) sys.exit(-1) if os.path.isfile(fname + '.txt'): fname_txt = fname + '.txt' cm = open(fname_txt, 'rb') cm = [line for line in cm] elif os.path.basename(wv_type) in URL: url = URL[wv_type] print('downloading word vectors from {}'.format(url)) filename = os.path.basename(fname) if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) with tqdm(unit='B', unit_scale=True, miniters=1, desc=filename) as t: fname, _ = urlretrieve(url, fname, reporthook=reporthook(t)) with zipfile.ZipFile(fname, 'r') as zf: print('extracting word vectors into {}'.format(root)) zf.extractall(root) if not os.path.isfile(fname + '.txt'): raise RuntimeError('no word vectors of requested dimension found') return load_word_vectors(root, wv_type, dim) else: raise RuntimeError('unable to load word vectors') wv_tokens, wv_arr, wv_size = [], array.array('d'), None if cm is not None: for line in tqdm( range(len(cm)), desc='loading word vectors from {}'.format(fname_txt)): entries = cm[line].strip().split(b' ') word, entries = entries[0], entries[1:] if wv_size is None: wv_size = len(entries) try: if isinstance(word, six.binary_type): word = word.decode('utf-8') except: print('non-UTF8 token', repr(word), 'ignored') continue wv_arr.extend(float(x) for x in entries) wv_tokens.append(word) wv_dict = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(wv_tokens)} wv_arr = torch.Tensor(wv_arr).view(-1, wv_size) ret = (wv_dict, wv_arr, wv_size), fname + '.pt') return ret def reporthook(t): """""" last_b = [0] def inner(b=1, bsize=1, tsize=None): if tsize is not None: = tsize t.update((b - last_b[0]) * bsize) last_b[0] = b return inner def block_orthogonal(tensor, split_sizes, gain=1.0): """ An initializer which allows initializing model parameters in "blocks". This is helpful in the case of recurrent models which use multiple gates applied to linear projections, which can be computed efficiently if they are concatenated together. However, they are separate parameters which should be initialized independently. Parameters ---------- tensor : ``torch.Tensor``, required. A tensor to initialize. split_sizes : List[int], required. A list of length ``tensor.ndim()`` specifying the size of the blocks along that particular dimension. E.g. ``[10, 20]`` would result in the tensor being split into chunks of size 10 along the first dimension and 20 along the second. gain : float, optional (default = 1.0) The gain (scaling) applied to the orthogonal initialization. """ sizes = list(tensor.size()) if any([a % b != 0 for a, b in zip(sizes, split_sizes)]): raise ValueError( 'tensor dimensions must be divisible by their respective ' 'split_sizes. Found size: {} and split_sizes: {}'.format( sizes, split_sizes)) indexes = [ list(range(0, max_size, split)) for max_size, split in zip(sizes, split_sizes) ] # Iterate over all possible blocks within the tensor. for block_start_indices in itertools.product(*indexes): # A list of tuples containing the index to start at for this block # and the appropriate step size (i.e split_size[i] for dimension i). index_and_step_tuples = zip(block_start_indices, split_sizes) # This is a tuple of slices corresponding to: # tensor[index: index + step_size, ...]. This is # required because we could have an arbitrary number # of dimensions. The actual slices we need are the # start_index: start_index + step for each dimension in the tensor. block_slice = tuple([ slice(start_index, start_index + step) for start_index, step in index_and_step_tuples ]) # not initialize empty things to 0s because THAT SOUNDS REALLY BAD assert len(block_slice) == 2 sizes = [x.stop - x.start for x in block_slice] tensor_copy =, max(sizes)) torch.nn.init.orthogonal(tensor_copy, gain=gain) tensor[block_slice] = tensor_copy[0:sizes[0], 0:sizes[1]]
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import torch from mmdet.core import AssignResult, BaseAssigner, bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy from mmdet.core.bbox.builder import BBOX_ASSIGNERS from mmdet.core.bbox.match_costs import build_match_cost try: from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment except ImportError: linear_sum_assignment = None @BBOX_ASSIGNERS.register_module() class HTriMatcher(BaseAssigner): def __init__(self, s_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), s_reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxL1Cost', weight=1.0), s_iou_cost=dict(type='IoUCost', iou_mode='giou', weight=1.0), o_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), o_reg_cost=dict(type='BBoxL1Cost', weight=1.0), o_iou_cost=dict(type='IoUCost', iou_mode='giou', weight=1.0), r_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.)): self.s_cls_cost = build_match_cost(s_cls_cost) self.s_reg_cost = build_match_cost(s_reg_cost) self.s_iou_cost = build_match_cost(s_iou_cost) self.o_cls_cost = build_match_cost(o_cls_cost) self.o_reg_cost = build_match_cost(o_reg_cost) self.o_iou_cost = build_match_cost(o_iou_cost) self.r_cls_cost = build_match_cost(r_cls_cost) def assign(self, sub_bbox_pred, obj_bbox_pred, sub_cls_score, obj_cls_score, rel_cls_score, gt_sub_bboxes, gt_obj_bboxes, gt_sub_labels, gt_obj_labels, gt_rel_labels, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, eps=1e-7): assert gt_bboxes_ignore is None, \ 'Only case when gt_bboxes_ignore is None is supported.' num_gts, num_bboxes = gt_sub_bboxes.size(0), sub_bbox_pred.size(0) # 1. assign -1 by default assigned_gt_inds = sub_bbox_pred.new_full((num_bboxes, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) assigned_s_labels = sub_bbox_pred.new_full((num_bboxes, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) assigned_o_labels = sub_bbox_pred.new_full((num_bboxes, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) if num_gts == 0 or num_bboxes == 0: # No ground truth or boxes, return empty assignment if num_gts == 0: # No ground truth, assign all to background assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0 return AssignResult(num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_s_labels), AssignResult( num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_o_labels) img_h, img_w, _ = img_meta['img_shape'] factor = gt_sub_bboxes.new_tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h]).unsqueeze(0) # 2. compute the weighted costs # classification and bboxcost. s_cls_cost = self.s_cls_cost(sub_cls_score, gt_sub_labels) o_cls_cost = self.o_cls_cost(obj_cls_score, gt_obj_labels) r_cls_cost = self.r_cls_cost(rel_cls_score, gt_rel_labels) # regression L1 cost normalize_gt_sub_bboxes = gt_sub_bboxes / factor normalize_gt_obj_bboxes = gt_obj_bboxes / factor s_reg_cost = self.s_reg_cost(sub_bbox_pred, normalize_gt_sub_bboxes) o_reg_cost = self.o_reg_cost(obj_bbox_pred, normalize_gt_obj_bboxes) # regression iou cost, defaultly giou is used in official DETR. sub_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(sub_bbox_pred) * factor obj_bboxes = bbox_cxcywh_to_xyxy(obj_bbox_pred) * factor s_iou_cost = self.s_iou_cost(sub_bboxes, gt_sub_bboxes) o_iou_cost = self.o_iou_cost(obj_bboxes, gt_obj_bboxes) # weighted sum of above three costs beta_1, beta_2 = 1.2, 1 alpha_s, alpha_o, alpha_r = 1, 1, 1 cls_cost = (alpha_s * s_cls_cost + alpha_o * o_cls_cost + alpha_r * r_cls_cost) / (alpha_s + alpha_o + alpha_r) bbox_cost = (s_reg_cost + o_reg_cost + s_iou_cost + o_iou_cost) / 2 cost = beta_1 * cls_cost + beta_2 * bbox_cost # 3. do Hungarian matching on CPU using linear_sum_assignment cost = cost.detach().cpu() if linear_sum_assignment is None: raise ImportError('Please run "pip install scipy" ' 'to install scipy first.') matched_row_inds, matched_col_inds = linear_sum_assignment(cost) matched_row_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_row_inds).to( sub_bbox_pred.device) matched_col_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_col_inds).to( sub_bbox_pred.device) # 4. assign backgrounds and foregrounds # assign all indices to backgrounds first assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0 # assign foregrounds based on matching results assigned_gt_inds[matched_row_inds] = matched_col_inds + 1 assigned_s_labels[matched_row_inds] = gt_sub_labels[matched_col_inds] assigned_o_labels[matched_row_inds] = gt_obj_labels[matched_col_inds] return AssignResult(num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_s_labels), AssignResult( num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_o_labels) @BBOX_ASSIGNERS.register_module() class IdMatcher(BaseAssigner): def __init__(self, sub_id_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), obj_id_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.), r_cls_cost=dict(type='ClassificationCost', weight=1.)): self.sub_id_cost = build_match_cost(sub_id_cost) self.obj_id_cost = build_match_cost(obj_id_cost) self.r_cls_cost = build_match_cost(r_cls_cost) def assign(self, sub_match_score, obj_match_score, rel_cls_score, gt_sub_ids, gt_obj_ids, gt_rel_labels, img_meta, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, eps=1e-7): """gt_ids are mapped from previous Hungarian matchinmg results. ~[0,99] """ assert gt_bboxes_ignore is None, \ 'Only case when gt_bboxes_ignore is None is supported.' num_gts, num_bboxes = gt_rel_labels.size(0), rel_cls_score.size(0) # 1. assign -1 by default assigned_gt_inds = rel_cls_score.new_full((num_bboxes, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) assigned_s_labels = rel_cls_score.new_full((num_bboxes, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) assigned_o_labels = rel_cls_score.new_full((num_bboxes, ), -1, dtype=torch.long) if num_gts == 0 or num_bboxes == 0: # No ground truth or boxes, return empty assignment if num_gts == 0: # No ground truth, assign all to background assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0 return AssignResult(num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_s_labels), AssignResult( num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_o_labels) # 2. compute the weighted costs # classification and bboxcost. sub_id_cost = self.sub_id_cost(sub_match_score, gt_sub_ids) obj_id_cost = self.obj_id_cost(obj_match_score, gt_obj_ids) r_cls_cost = self.r_cls_cost(rel_cls_score, gt_rel_labels) # weighted sum of above three costs cost = sub_id_cost + obj_id_cost + r_cls_cost # 3. do Hungarian matching on CPU using linear_sum_assignment cost = cost.detach().cpu() if linear_sum_assignment is None: raise ImportError('Please run "pip install scipy" ' 'to install scipy first.') matched_row_inds, matched_col_inds = linear_sum_assignment(cost) matched_row_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_row_inds).to( rel_cls_score.device) matched_col_inds = torch.from_numpy(matched_col_inds).to( rel_cls_score.device) # 4. assign backgrounds and foregrounds # assign all indices to backgrounds first assigned_gt_inds[:] = 0 # assign foregrounds based on matching results assigned_gt_inds[matched_row_inds] = matched_col_inds + 1 assigned_s_labels[matched_row_inds] = gt_sub_ids[matched_col_inds] assigned_o_labels[matched_row_inds] = gt_obj_ids[matched_col_inds] return AssignResult(num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_s_labels), AssignResult( num_gts, assigned_gt_inds, None, labels=assigned_o_labels)
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2021/5/11 16:21 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- # from .transformer import Encoder, EncoderLayer, MultiHeadedAttention, PositionwiseFeedForward import copy import numpy as np import torch from mmcv.cnn import xavier_init from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torch.nn.utils.rnn import PackedSequence from .motif_util import center_x, sort_by_score from .relation_util import Result # class TransformerRanker(nn.Module): # def __init__(self, num_head=8, input_dim=1024, hidden_dim=512, inner_dim=1024, dropout_rate=0.1, nl_layer=6, num_out=1): # super(TransformerRanker, self).__init__() # self.num_head = num_head # self.input_dim = input_dim # self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim # self.inner_dim = inner_dim # self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate # self.nl_layer = nl_layer # self.num_out = num_out # c = copy.deepcopy # attn = MultiHeadedAttention(self.num_head, self.hidden_dim, self.dropout_rate) # ff = PositionwiseFeedForward(self.hidden_dim, self.inner_dim, self.dropout_rate) # self.ranking_context = Encoder(EncoderLayer(self.hidden_dim, c(attn), c(ff), self.dropout_rate), self.nl_layer) # self.proj = nn.Linear(self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim) # self.rank_proj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.num_out) # def forward(self, union_feats, det_result=None, union_rois=None): # rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes # num_rels = [len(r) for r in rel_pair_idxes] # return self.rank_proj(self.ranking_context(self.proj(union_feats), num_rels)) class LSTMRanker(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dim=1024, hidden_dim=512, dropout_rate=0.2, nl_layer=1, bidirectional=True, num_out=1): super(LSTMRanker, self).__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate self.nl_layer = nl_layer self.bidirectional = bidirectional self.num_out = num_out self.ranking_ctx_rnn = torch.nn.LSTM(input_size=self.input_dim, hidden_size=self.hidden_dim, num_layers=self.nl_layer, dropout=self.dropout_rate, bidirectional=self.bidirectional) self.rank_proj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.num_out) def sort_rois(self, result): """ :param batch_idx: tensor with what index we're on :param confidence: tensor with confidences between [0,1) :param boxes: tensor with (x1, y1, x2, y2) :return: Permutation, inverse permutation, and the lengths transposed (same as _sort_by_score) """ c_x = center_x(result) scores = c_x / (c_x.max() + 1) return sort_by_score(result, scores) def forward(self, union_feats, det_result, union_rois): """Forward pass through the object and edge context. :param obj_priors: :param obj_fmaps: :param im_inds: :param obj_labels: :param boxes: :return: """ rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes num_rels = [len(r) for r in rel_pair_idxes] result = Result(bboxes=union_rois.split(num_rels, 0)) perm, inv_perm, ls_transposed = self.sort_rois(result) rel_inpunt_rep = union_feats[perm].contiguous() rel_input_packed = PackedSequence(rel_inpunt_rep, ls_transposed) rel_rank_rep = self.ranking_ctx_rnn(rel_input_packed)[0][0] if self.bidirectional: rel_rank_rep = torch.mean( torch.stack((rel_rank_rep[:, :self.hidden_dim], rel_rank_rep[:, self.hidden_dim:])), 0) rel_rank_rep = rel_rank_rep[inv_perm].contiguous() ranking_scores = self.rank_proj(rel_rank_rep) return ranking_scores class LinearRanker(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dim=1024, hidden_dim=512, nl_layer=1, num_out=1): super(LinearRanker, self).__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.nl_layer = nl_layer self.num_out = num_out ranking_net = [] for i in range(self.nl_layer): dim = self.input_dim if i == 0 else self.hidden_dim ranking_net += [ nn.Linear(dim, self.hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ] ranking_net.append(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.num_out)) self.ranking_net = nn.Sequential(*ranking_net) def forward(self, union_feats, det_result=None, union_rois=None): """Forward pass through the object and edge context. :param obj_priors: :param obj_fmaps: :param im_inds: :param obj_labels: :param boxes: :return: """ ranking_scores = self.ranking_net(union_feats) return ranking_scores def get_size_maps(size, boxes_int, form='rect'): h, w = size #boxes_int = bbox.long() boxes_w, boxes_h = boxes_int[:, 2] - boxes_int[:, 0] + 1, boxes_int[:, 3] - boxes_int[:, 1] + 1 #boxes_w, boxes_h = bbox[:, 2] - bbox[:, 0] + 1, bbox[:, 3] - boxes_int[:, 1] + 1 areas = boxes_w * boxes_h areas_ratios = areas.float() / (h * w) ##TODO: maybe there exists better area maps # sigma1 = boxes_w / 6 # sigma2 = boxes_h / 6 # mus =[:, 0] + boxes_w // 2)[:, None], (boxes_int[:, 1] + boxes_h // 2)[:, None]), dim=-1) # x = torch.arange(0, w).long().to(bbox.device) # y = torch.arange(0, h).long().to(bbox.device) # xx, yy = torch.meshgrid(x, y) # # evaluate kernels at grid points # xys =, 1), yy.view(-1, 1)), dim=-1) # for sid, (box_int, areas_ratio, mu, sig1, sig2) in enumerate(zip(boxes_int, areas_ratios, mus, sigma1, sigma2)): # xxyy = xys.clone() # xxyy -= mu # x_term = xxyy[:, 0] ** 2 / sig1 ** 2 # y_term = xxyy[:, 1] ** 2 / sig2 ** 2 # exp_value = - (x_term + y_term) / 2 # area_map = torch.exp(exp_value) # area_map = area_map.view((h, w)) # area_map = area_map / area_map.max() * areas_ratio return areas_ratios def get_weak_key_rel_labels(det_result, gt_result, comb_factor=0.5, area_form='rect'): gt_bboxes = gt_result.bboxes det_bboxes = det_result.bboxes saliency_maps = det_result.saliency_maps key_rel_labels = [] rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes for rel_pair_idx, gt_bbox, det_bbox, saliency_map in zip( rel_pair_idxes, gt_bboxes, det_bboxes, saliency_maps): assert det_bbox.shape[0] == gt_bbox.shape[0] det_bbox_int = det_bbox.clone() det_bbox_int = det_bbox_int.long() h, w = saliency_map.shape[1:] det_bbox_int[:, 0::2] = torch.clamp(det_bbox_int[:, 0::2], min=0, max=w - 1) det_bbox_int[:, 1::2] = torch.clamp(det_bbox_int[:, 1::2], min=0, max=h - 1) object_saliency =[ torch.mean(saliency_map[0, box[1]:box[3] + 1, box[0]:box[2] + 1])[None] for box in det_bbox_int ], 0).float().to(det_bbox_int.device) object_area = get_size_maps(saliency_map.shape[1:], det_bbox_int, area_form) object_importance = object_saliency * comb_factor + ( 1.0 - comb_factor) * object_area pair_importance = object_importance[ rel_pair_idx[:, 0]] + object_importance[rel_pair_idx[:, 1]] pair_importance = F.softmax(pair_importance) key_rel_labels.append(pair_importance) return key_rel_labels
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/7 下午11:13 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import copy from collections import defaultdict # import anytree import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from mmdet.core.evaluation.bbox_overlaps import bbox_overlaps from torch.nn import functional as F class Result(object): """ little container class for holding the detection result od: object detector, rm: rel model""" def __init__( self, bboxes=None, # gt bboxes / OD: det bboxes dists=None, # OD: predicted dists labels=None, # gt labels / OD: det labels masks=None, # gt masks / OD: predicted masks formatted_masks=None, # OD: Transform the masks for object detection evaluation points=None, # gt points / OD: predicted points rels=None, # gt rel triplets / OD: sampled triplets (training) with target rel labels key_rels=None, # gt key rels relmaps=None, # gt relmaps refine_bboxes=None, # RM: refined object bboxes (score is changed) formatted_bboxes=None, # OD: Transform the refine_bboxes for object detection evaluation refine_scores=None, # RM: refined object scores (before softmax) refine_dists=None, # RM: refined object dists (after softmax) refine_labels=None, # RM: refined object labels target_labels=None, # RM: assigned object labels for training the relation module. rel_scores=None, # RM: predicted relation scores (before softmax) rel_dists=None, # RM: predicted relation prob (after softmax) triplet_scores=None, # RM: predicted triplet scores (the multiplication of sub-obj-rel scores) ranking_scores=None, # RM: predicted ranking scores for rank the triplet rel_pair_idxes=None, # gt rel_pair_idxes / RM: training/testing sampled rel_pair_idxes rel_labels=None, # gt rel_labels / RM: predicted rel labels target_rel_labels=None, # RM: assigned target rel labels target_key_rel_labels=None, # RM: assigned target key rel labels saliency_maps=None, # SAL: predicted or gt saliency map attrs=None, # gt attr rel_cap_inputs=None, # gt relational caption inputs rel_cap_targets=None, # gt relational caption targets rel_ipts=None, # gt relational importance scores tgt_rel_cap_inputs=None, # RM: assigned target relational caption inputs tgt_rel_cap_targets=None, # RM: assigned target relational caption targets tgt_rel_ipts=None, # RM: assigned target relational importance scores rel_cap_scores=None, # RM: predicted relational caption scores rel_cap_seqs=None, # RM: predicted relational seqs rel_cap_sents=None, # RM: predicted relational decoded captions rel_ipt_scores=None, # RM: predicted relational caption ipt scores cap_inputs=None, cap_targets=None, cap_scores=None, cap_scores_from_triplet=None, alphas=None, rel_distribution=None, obj_distribution=None, word_obj_distribution=None, cap_seqs=None, cap_sents=None, img_shape=None, scenes=None, # gt scene labels target_scenes=None, # target_scene labels add_losses=None, # For Recording the loss except for final object loss and rel loss, e.g., # use in causal head or VCTree, for recording auxiliary loss head_spec_losses=None, # For method-specific loss pan_results=None, ): self.__dict__.update(locals()) del self.__dict__['self'] def is_none(self): return all( [v is None for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k != 'self']) # HACK: To turn this object into an iterable def __len__(self): return 1 # HACK: def __getitem__(self, i): return self # HACK: def __iter__(self): yield self class PostProcessor(nn.Module): """Obtain the final relation information for evaluation.""" def __init__(self): """ Arguments: """ super(PostProcessor, self).__init__() def forward(self, det_result, key_first=False): """ Arguments: det_result Returns: det_result: add the """ if det_result.refine_scores is None: return det_result relation_logits, finetune_obj_logits = det_result.rel_scores, det_result.refine_scores rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes ranking_scores = det_result.ranking_scores finetune_labels, finetune_dists, finetune_bboxes, \ rels, rel_dists, prop_rel_pair_idxes, prop_rel_labels, prop_rel_scores, triplet_scores = \ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] prop_ranking_scores = None if ranking_scores is None else [] for i, (rel_logit, obj_logit, rel_pair_idx, bbox) in enumerate( zip(relation_logits, finetune_obj_logits, rel_pair_idxes, det_result.bboxes)): obj_class_prob = F.softmax(obj_logit, -1) obj_class_prob[:, 0] = 0 # set background score to 0 num_obj_bbox = obj_class_prob.shape[0] obj_scores, obj_pred = obj_class_prob[:, 1:].max(dim=1) obj_pred = obj_pred + 1 assert obj_scores.shape[0] == num_obj_bbox obj_class = obj_pred finetune_labels.append(obj_class) finetune_dists.append(obj_class_prob) if bbox.shape[1] == 4: bbox =, obj_scores[:, None]), dim=-1) else: bbox[:, -1] = obj_scores finetune_bboxes.append(bbox) # sorting triples according to score production obj_scores0 = obj_scores[rel_pair_idx[:, 0]] obj_scores1 = obj_scores[rel_pair_idx[:, 1]] rel_class_prob = F.softmax(rel_logit, -1) rel_scores, rel_class = rel_class_prob[:, 1:].max(dim=1) rel_class = rel_class + 1 # TODO Kaihua: how about using weighted some here? e.g. rel*1 + obj *0.8 + obj*0.8 triple_scores = rel_scores * obj_scores0 * obj_scores1 if key_first and ranking_scores is not None: triple_scores *= ranking_scores[i] _, sorting_idx = torch.sort(triple_scores.view(-1), dim=0, descending=True) triple_scores = triple_scores.view(-1)[sorting_idx].contiguous() rel_pair_idx = rel_pair_idx[sorting_idx] rel_class_prob = rel_class_prob[sorting_idx] rel_labels = rel_class[sorting_idx] rel_logit = rel_logit[sorting_idx] if key_first and ranking_scores is not None: prop_ranking_scores.append(ranking_scores[i][sorting_idx]) prop_rel_pair_idxes.append(rel_pair_idx) prop_rel_labels.append(rel_labels) prop_rel_scores.append(rel_logit) rel =, rel_labels[:, None]), dim=-1) rels.append(rel) rel_dists.append(rel_class_prob) triplet_scores.append(triple_scores) det_result.refine_bboxes = finetune_bboxes det_result.refine_dists = finetune_dists det_result.refine_labels = finetune_labels det_result.rels = rels det_result.rel_dists = rel_dists det_result.rel_pair_idxes = prop_rel_pair_idxes det_result.triplet_scores = triplet_scores det_result.rel_labels = prop_rel_labels det_result.rel_scores = prop_rel_scores det_result.ranking_scores = prop_ranking_scores return det_result class DemoPostProcessor(object): """This API is used for obtaining the final information for demonstrating the scene graphs. It's usually invoked after the PostProcessor. Especially applying NMS to suppress the repetition. """ def __init__(self): super(DemoPostProcessor, self).__init__() def filter_AB_rels(self, det_result): new_rel_pair_idxes = [] rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes keep_rel_idxes = [] for idx, pair in enumerate(rel_pair_idxes): subj, obj = pair[0], pair[1] pair = pair.tolist() if pair in new_rel_pair_idxes or [obj, subj] in new_rel_pair_idxes: continue new_rel_pair_idxes.append(pair) keep_rel_idxes.append(idx) new_rel_pair_idxes = np.array(new_rel_pair_idxes).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_pair_idxes = new_rel_pair_idxes det_result.rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels[keep_rel_idxes] if len(keep_rel_idxes) > 0: det_result.rels = np.hstack( (det_result.rel_pair_idxes, det_result.rel_labels[:, None])) else: det_result.rels = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists[keep_rel_idxes] det_result.triplet_scores = det_result.triplet_scores[keep_rel_idxes] return det_result def filter_rels_by_duplicated_names(self, det_result): new_rel_pair_idxes = [] rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes refine_labels = det_result.refine_labels keep_rel_idxes = [] for idx, pair in enumerate(rel_pair_idxes): subj, obj = pair[0], pair[1] if refine_labels[subj] == refine_labels[obj]: continue new_rel_pair_idxes.append(pair) keep_rel_idxes.append(idx) new_rel_pair_idxes = np.array(new_rel_pair_idxes).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_pair_idxes = new_rel_pair_idxes det_result.rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels[keep_rel_idxes] if len(keep_rel_idxes) > 0: det_result.rels = np.hstack( (det_result.rel_pair_idxes, det_result.rel_labels[:, None])) else: det_result.rels = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists[keep_rel_idxes] det_result.triplet_scores = det_result.triplet_scores[keep_rel_idxes] return det_result def filter_nonoverlap_rels(self, det_result, must_overlap_predicates=None): refine_bboxes = det_result.refine_bboxes refine_labels = det_result.refine_labels ious = bbox_overlaps(refine_bboxes[:, :-1], refine_bboxes[:, :-1]) # refine_logits = det_result.refine_scores # N * (C+1) new_rel_pair_idxes = [] rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists keep_rel_idxes = [] for idx, (pair, predicate) in enumerate(zip(rel_pair_idxes, rel_labels)): subj, obj = pair[0], pair[1] iou = ious[subj, obj] if must_overlap_predicates is not None and predicate in must_overlap_predicates and iou <= 0: continue new_rel_pair_idxes.append(pair) keep_rel_idxes.append(idx) new_rel_pair_idxes = np.array(new_rel_pair_idxes).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_pair_idxes = new_rel_pair_idxes det_result.rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels[keep_rel_idxes] if len(keep_rel_idxes) > 0: det_result.rels = np.hstack( (det_result.rel_pair_idxes, det_result.rel_labels[:, None])) else: det_result.rels = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists[keep_rel_idxes] det_result.triplet_scores = det_result.triplet_scores[keep_rel_idxes] return det_result def filter_duplicate_triplets(self, det_result, vocab_objects, vocab_predicates): all_triplets = [] new_rel_pair_idxes = [] refine_labels = det_result.refine_labels rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists keep_rel_idxes = [] for idx, (pair, predicate) in enumerate(zip(rel_pair_idxes, rel_labels)): triplet = [ vocab_objects[refine_labels[pair[0]]], vocab_predicates[predicate], vocab_objects[refine_labels[pair[1]]] ] if triplet in all_triplets: continue new_rel_pair_idxes.append(pair) keep_rel_idxes.append(idx) all_triplets.append(triplet) new_rel_pair_idxes = np.array(new_rel_pair_idxes).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_pair_idxes = new_rel_pair_idxes det_result.rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels[keep_rel_idxes] if len(keep_rel_idxes) > 0: det_result.rels = np.hstack( (det_result.rel_pair_idxes, det_result.rel_labels[:, None])) else: det_result.rels = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists[keep_rel_idxes] det_result.triplet_scores = det_result.triplet_scores[keep_rel_idxes] return det_result def filter_rels_by_num(self, det_result, num): det_result.rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes[:num] det_result.rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels[:num] if len(det_result.rel_labels) > 0: det_result.rels = np.hstack( (det_result.rel_pair_idxes, det_result.rel_labels[:, None])) else: det_result.rels = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists[:num] det_result.triplet_scores = det_result.triplet_scores[:num] return det_result def filtered_rels_by_mincover(self, det_result): new_rel_pair_idxes = [] rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists keep_rel_idxes = [] covered_objects = [] for idx, (pair, predicate) in enumerate(zip(rel_pair_idxes, rel_labels)): if pair[0] in covered_objects and pair[1] in covered_objects: continue if pair[0] not in covered_objects: covered_objects.append(pair[0]) if pair[1] not in covered_objects: covered_objects.append(pair[1]) new_rel_pair_idxes.append(pair) keep_rel_idxes.append(idx) new_rel_pair_idxes = np.array(new_rel_pair_idxes).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_pair_idxes = new_rel_pair_idxes det_result.rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels[keep_rel_idxes] if len(keep_rel_idxes) > 0: det_result.rels = np.hstack( (det_result.rel_pair_idxes, det_result.rel_labels[:, None])) else: det_result.rels = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists[keep_rel_idxes] det_result.triplet_scores = det_result.triplet_scores[keep_rel_idxes] return det_result def clean_relations_via_objects(self, keep_obj_ids, det_result): det_result.refine_labels = det_result.refine_labels[keep_obj_ids] det_result.refine_bboxes = det_result.refine_bboxes[keep_obj_ids] det_result.refine_dists = det_result.refine_dists[keep_obj_ids] old_to_new = dict( zip(keep_obj_ids.tolist(), list(range(len(keep_obj_ids))))) new_rel_pair_idxes = [] rel_pair_idxes = det_result.rel_pair_idxes keep_rel_idxes = [] for idx, rel in enumerate(rel_pair_idxes): if rel[0] not in keep_obj_ids or rel[1] not in keep_obj_ids: continue new_rel_pair_idxes.append([old_to_new[rel[0]], old_to_new[rel[1]]]) keep_rel_idxes.append(idx) new_rel_pair_idxes = np.array(new_rel_pair_idxes).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_pair_idxes = new_rel_pair_idxes det_result.rel_labels = det_result.rel_labels[keep_rel_idxes] if len(keep_rel_idxes) > 0: det_result.rels = np.hstack( (det_result.rel_pair_idxes, det_result.rel_labels[:, None])) else: det_result.rels = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) det_result.rel_dists = det_result.rel_dists[keep_rel_idxes] det_result.triplet_scores = det_result.triplet_scores[keep_rel_idxes] return det_result def forward(self, det_result, vocab_objects, vocab_predicates, object_thres=0.01, nms_thres=0.1, ignore_classes=None, must_overlap_predicates=None, max_rel_num=None): # TODO: Here we only process the box. Any other things related with box, e.g., masks, points are not processed yet. # directly ignore objects: keep_obj_ids = np.where( np.isin(det_result.refine_labels, ignore_classes) == 0)[0] det_result = self.clean_relations_via_objects(keep_obj_ids, det_result) if len(keep_obj_ids) == 0: return det_result # apply NMS nms_keep_obj_ids, gathered = multiclass_nms_for_cluster( det_result.refine_bboxes[:, :-1], det_result.refine_bboxes[:, -1], det_result.refine_labels, nms_thres=nms_thres) det_result = self.clean_relations_via_objects(nms_keep_obj_ids, det_result) if len(nms_keep_obj_ids) == 0: return det_result # NOTE: This may be not necessary: Suppress the low-score objects score_keep_obj_ids = np.where( det_result.refine_bboxes[:, -1] >= object_thres)[0] det_result = self.clean_relations_via_objects(score_keep_obj_ids, det_result) if len(score_keep_obj_ids) == 0: return det_result # Filter the A-B & B-A pairs, keep the pairs with higher scores det_result = self.filter_AB_rels(det_result) # Filter the rels whose pairs must be overlapped det_result = self.filter_nonoverlap_rels(det_result, must_overlap_predicates) # Filter the duplicate triplets det_result = self.filter_duplicate_triplets(det_result, vocab_objects, vocab_predicates) # Filter the rels by min cover det_result = self.filtered_rels_by_mincover(det_result) # Filter the rel pairs with the same subj-obj names det_result = self.filter_rels_by_duplicated_names(det_result) # Control the number of the relations num_obj = det_result.refine_bboxes.shape[0] rel_num = max_rel_num if max_rel_num is not None else int( num_obj * (num_obj - 1) / 2 - num_obj) det_result = self.filter_rels_by_num(det_result, rel_num) return det_result def get_box_info(boxes, need_norm=True, size=None): """ input: [batch_size, (x1,y1,x2,y2)] size: [h, w] output: [batch_size, (x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,w,h)] """ wh = boxes[:, 2:4] - boxes[:, :2] + 1.0 center_box =[:, :2] + 0.5 * wh, wh), 1) box_info =, center_box), 1) if need_norm: box_info = box_info / float(max(max(size[0], size[1]), 100)) return box_info def get_box_pair_info(box1, box2): """ input: box1 [batch_size, (x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,w,h)] box2 [batch_size, (x1,y1,x2,y2,cx,cy,w,h)] output: 32-digits: [box1, box2, unionbox, intersectionbox] """ # union box unionbox = box1[:, :4].clone() unionbox[:, 0] = torch.min(box1[:, 0], box2[:, 0]) unionbox[:, 1] = torch.min(box1[:, 1], box2[:, 1]) unionbox[:, 2] = torch.max(box1[:, 2], box2[:, 2]) unionbox[:, 3] = torch.max(box1[:, 3], box2[:, 3]) union_info = get_box_info(unionbox, need_norm=False) # intersection box intersextion_box = box1[:, :4].clone() intersextion_box[:, 0] = torch.max(box1[:, 0], box2[:, 0]) intersextion_box[:, 1] = torch.max(box1[:, 1], box2[:, 1]) intersextion_box[:, 2] = torch.min(box1[:, 2], box2[:, 2]) intersextion_box[:, 3] = torch.min(box1[:, 3], box2[:, 3]) case1 = torch.nonzero(intersextion_box[:, 2].contiguous().view( -1) < intersextion_box[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1)).view(-1) case2 = torch.nonzero(intersextion_box[:, 3].contiguous().view( -1) < intersextion_box[:, 1].contiguous().view(-1)).view(-1) intersextion_info = get_box_info(intersextion_box, need_norm=False) if case1.numel() > 0: intersextion_info[case1, :] = 0 if case2.numel() > 0: intersextion_info[case2, :] = 0 return, box2, union_info, intersextion_info), 1) def group_regions(result, prior_pairs, thres=0.9): """ Arguments: result: (Result object) prior_pairs: (List[list]): candidate pair that may be a group obj_classes: (List): including the background Returns: dict: describing the region governing hierarchy """ # NOTE: Extract the RM refined ones. bboxes, obj_labels = result.refine_bboxes, result.refine_labels region_groups = [] for boxes, labels in zip(bboxes, obj_labels): if isinstance(boxes, torch.Tensor): boxes_np = boxes.cpu().numpy() else: boxes_np = boxes.copy() num_obj = len(boxes_np) if num_obj == 0: region_groups.append(None) continue box_areas = (boxes_np[:, 2] - boxes_np[:, 0] + 1) * (boxes_np[:, 3] - boxes_np[:, 1] + 1) intersect = bbox_overlaps(boxes, boxes, mode='iof') if isinstance(labels, torch.Tensor): labels_np = labels.cpu().numpy() else: labels_np = labels.copy() region_group = defaultdict(list) for i in range(num_obj): for j in range(i): subj_cls, obj_cls = labels_np[i], labels_np[j] subj_area, obj_area = box_areas[i], box_areas[j] if [subj_cls, obj_cls] in prior_pairs: # this pair maybe the group ones, check the position if subj_area > obj_area: if intersect[j, i] > thres: if j in region_group: region_group[i] = list( set(region_group[i] + region_group[j] + [j])) else: region_group[i].append(j) else: if intersect[i, j] > thres: if i in region_group: region_group[j] = list( set(region_group[j] + region_group[i] + [i])) region_group[j].append(i) region_groups.append(dict(region_group)) return region_groups def get_internal_labels(leaf_labels, hierarchy, vocab): leaf_labels_np = leaf_labels.cpu().numpy() internal_labels = [[] for _ in leaf_labels_np] for idx, leaf_label in enumerate(leaf_labels_np): leaf_name = vocab[leaf_label] start_node =, lambda node: == leaf_name) iter_node = start_node while iter_node.parent is not None: iter_node = iter_node.parent internal_labels[idx].append(vocab.index( internal_labels[idx] = torch.from_numpy( internal_labels[idx]).to(leaf_labels) return internal_labels def get_pattern_labels(leaf_labels, hierarchy, vocab): pattern_labels = [] for idx, leaf_label in enumerate(leaf_labels): leaf_name = vocab[leaf_label] start_node =, lambda node: == leaf_name) iter_node = start_node while != 'Root': iter_node = iter_node.parent pattern_labels.append(vocab.index( pattern_labels = np.array(pattern_labels, dtype=np.int32) return pattern_labels def _topdown_hook(root, output_vector, input_vector, vocab, reduce='avg'): if len(root.children) == 0: if == 'Root': return output_vector else: output_vector[vocab.index(] = input_vector[vocab.index(] return output_vector else: gather_values = [] for c in root.children: output_vector = _topdown_hook(c, output_vector, input_vector, vocab, reduce) gather_values.append(output_vector[vocab.index(][None]) if reduce == 'avg': op = torch.mean elif reduce == 'sum': op = torch.sum elif reduce == 'max': op = torch.max elif reduce == 'min': op = torch.min else: raise NotImplementedError if == 'Root': return output_vector else: output_vector[vocab.index(] = op( return output_vector def top_down_induce(x, hierarchy, vocab, reduce='avg', solveroot=None): """The first n elements of vector belong the the first n elements of vocab. trick: the input vector name must be "x"!!!! """ vocab_vec = torch.zeros((x.shape[0], len(vocab))).to(x) vocab_vec[:, :x.shape[1]] = x if solveroot is not None: for i in range(x.shape[1], len(vocab)): vocab_vec[:, i] = eval(solveroot[i]) else: vocab_vec = _topdown_hook(hierarchy, vocab_vec, x, vocab, reduce=reduce) vocab_vec += 1e-7 return vocab_vec def multiclass_nms_for_cluster(multi_bboxes, multi_scores, labels, nms_thres=0.5): """NMS for multi-class bboxes. Args: multi_bboxes (np.array): shape (n, #class*4) or (n, 4) multi_scores (np.array): shape (n, ), score_thr (float): bbox threshold, bboxes with scores lower than it will not be considered. nms_cfg (float): NMS IoU threshold max_num (int): if there are more than max_num bboxes after NMS, only top max_num will be kept. Returns: tuple: (bboxes, labels), tensors of shape (k, 5) and (k, 1). Labels are 0-based. """ # Modified from # /505cd6957711af790211896d32b40291bea1bc21/torchvision/ops/ # strategy: in order to perform NMS independently per class. # we add an offset to all the boxes. The offset is dependent # only on the class idx, and is large enough so that boxes # from different classes do not overlap max_coordinate = multi_bboxes.max() offsets = labels * (max_coordinate + 1) bboxes_for_nms = multi_bboxes + offsets[:, None] order = np.argsort(multi_scores)[::-1] num_box = len(multi_bboxes) suppressed = np.zeros(num_box) gathered = (np.ones(num_box) * -1).astype(np.int32) ious = bbox_overlaps(bboxes_for_nms, bboxes_for_nms) for i in range(num_box): if suppressed[order[i]]: continue for j in range(i + 1, num_box): if suppressed[order[j]]: continue iou = ious[order[i], order[j]] if iou >= nms_thres: suppressed[order[j]] = 1 gathered[order[j]] = order[i] keep = np.where(suppressed == 0)[0] return keep, gathered
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/7 下午4:31 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import numpy as np import numpy.random as npr import torch from mmdet.core import bbox_overlaps from torch.nn import functional as F # from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.box_coder import BoxCoder # from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.boxlist_ops import boxlist_iou # from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.utils import cat class RelationSampler(object): def __init__(self, type, pos_iou_thr, require_overlap, num_sample_per_gt_rel, num_rel_per_image, pos_fraction, use_gt_box, test_overlap=False, key_sample=False): self.type = type self.pos_iou_thr = pos_iou_thr self.require_overlap = require_overlap self.num_sample_per_gt_rel = num_sample_per_gt_rel self.num_rel_per_image = num_rel_per_image self.pos_fraction = pos_fraction self.use_gt_box = use_gt_box self.test_overlap = test_overlap self.key_sample = key_sample def prepare_test_pairs(self, det_result): # prepare object pairs for relation prediction rel_pair_idxes = [] device = det_result.bboxes[0].device for p in det_result.bboxes: n = len(p) cand_matrix = torch.ones( (n, n), device=device) - torch.eye(n, device=device) # mode==sgdet and require_overlap # if (not self.use_gt_box) and self.test_overlap: if self.test_overlap: cand_matrix = cand_matrix.byte() & bbox_overlaps( p[:, :4], p[:, :4]).gt(0).byte() idxs = torch.nonzero(cand_matrix).view(-1, 2) if len(idxs) > 0: rel_pair_idxes.append(idxs) else: # if there is no candidate pairs, give a placeholder of [[0, 0]] rel_pair_idxes.append( torch.zeros((1, 2), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)) return rel_pair_idxes def gtbox_relsample(self, det_result, gt_result): assert self.use_gt_box num_pos_per_img = int(self.num_rel_per_image * self.pos_fraction) rel_idx_pairs = [] rel_labels = [] rel_sym_binarys = [] key_rel_labels = [] bboxes, labels = det_result.bboxes, det_result.labels gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_relmaps, gt_rels, gt_keyrels = gt_result.bboxes, gt_result.labels, gt_result.relmaps, \ gt_result.rels, gt_result.key_rels device = bboxes[0].device if gt_keyrels is None: gt_keyrels = [None] * len(gt_bboxes) for img_id, (prp_box, prp_lab, tgt_box, tgt_lab, tgt_rel_matrix, tgt_rel, tgt_keyrel) in enumerate( zip(bboxes, labels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_relmaps, gt_rels, gt_keyrels)): num_prp = prp_box.shape[0] assert num_prp == tgt_box.shape[0] #tgt_pair_idxs = torch.nonzero(tgt_rel_matrix > 0) tgt_pair_idxs = tgt_rel.long()[:, :2] assert tgt_pair_idxs.shape[1] == 2 # generate the keyrel labels: img_keyrel_labels = None if tgt_keyrel is not None: img_keyrel_labels = torch.zeros( tgt_pair_idxs.shape[0]).long().to(tgt_pair_idxs.device) img_keyrel_labels[tgt_keyrel.long()] = 1 # sort the rel pairs to coordinate with tgt_pair_idxs #if tgt_keyrel is not None: #perm = torch.from_numpy(np.lexsort((tgt_rel.cpu().numpy()[:, 1], tgt_rel.cpu().numpy()[:, 0]))).to( # device) #assert (torch.sum(tgt_rel[perm][:, :2] - tgt_pair_idxs) == 0) #tgt_keyrel = tgt_keyrel[perm] tgt_head_idxs = tgt_pair_idxs[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1) tgt_tail_idxs = tgt_pair_idxs[:, 1].contiguous().view(-1) tgt_rel_labs = tgt_rel.long()[:, -1].contiguous().view(-1) # sym_binary_rels binary_rel = torch.zeros((num_prp, num_prp), device=device).long() binary_rel[tgt_head_idxs, tgt_tail_idxs] = 1 binary_rel[tgt_tail_idxs, tgt_head_idxs] = 1 rel_sym_binarys.append(binary_rel) rel_possibility = torch.ones( (num_prp, num_prp), device=device).long() - torch.eye( num_prp, device=device).long() rel_possibility[tgt_head_idxs, tgt_tail_idxs] = 0 rel_possibility[tgt_tail_idxs, tgt_head_idxs] = 0 tgt_bg_idxs = torch.nonzero(rel_possibility > 0) # generate fg bg rel_pairs if tgt_pair_idxs.shape[0] > num_pos_per_img: perm = torch.randperm(tgt_pair_idxs.shape[0], device=device)[:num_pos_per_img] tgt_pair_idxs = tgt_pair_idxs[perm] tgt_rel_labs = tgt_rel_labs[perm] if img_keyrel_labels is not None: img_keyrel_labels = img_keyrel_labels[perm] num_fg = min(tgt_pair_idxs.shape[0], num_pos_per_img) num_bg = self.num_rel_per_image - num_fg perm = torch.randperm(tgt_bg_idxs.shape[0], device=device)[:num_bg] tgt_bg_idxs = tgt_bg_idxs[perm] img_rel_idxs =, tgt_bg_idxs), dim=0) img_rel_labels = (tgt_rel_labs.long(), torch.zeros(tgt_bg_idxs.shape[0], device=device).long()), dim=0).contiguous().view(-1) if img_keyrel_labels is not None: img_keyrel_labels = (img_keyrel_labels.long(), torch.ones(tgt_bg_idxs.shape[0], device=device).long() * -1), dim=0).contiguous().view(-1) key_rel_labels.append(img_keyrel_labels) rel_idx_pairs.append(img_rel_idxs) rel_labels.append(img_rel_labels) if self.key_sample: return rel_labels, rel_idx_pairs, rel_sym_binarys, key_rel_labels else: return rel_labels, rel_idx_pairs, rel_sym_binarys def detect_relsample(self, det_result, gt_result): # corresponding to rel_assignments function in neural-motifs """ The input proposals are already processed by subsample function of box_head, in this function, we should only care about fg box, and sample corresponding fg/bg relations Note: this function keeps a state. Arguments: proposals (list[BoxList]) contain fields: labels, boxes(5 columns) targets (list[BoxList]) contain fields: labels """ if self.type == 'Motif': sampling_function = self.motif_rel_fg_bg_sampling else: raise NotImplementedError bboxes, labels = det_result.bboxes, det_result.labels gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_relmaps, gt_rels, gt_keyrels = gt_result.bboxes, gt_result.labels, gt_result.relmaps,\ gt_result.rels, gt_result.key_rels device = bboxes[0].device self.num_pos_per_img = int(self.num_rel_per_image * self.pos_fraction) rel_idx_pairs = [] rel_labels = [] rel_sym_binarys = [] key_rel_labels = [] if gt_keyrels is None: gt_keyrels = [None] * len(gt_bboxes) for img_id, (prp_box, prp_lab, tgt_box, tgt_lab, tgt_rel_matrix, tgt_rel, tgt_keyrel) in enumerate( zip(bboxes, labels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_relmaps, gt_rels, gt_keyrels)): # IoU matching ious = bbox_overlaps(tgt_box, prp_box[:, :4]) # [tgt, prp] is_match = (tgt_lab[:, None] == prp_lab[None]) & ( ious > self.pos_iou_thr) # [tgt, prp] # Proposal self IoU to filter non-overlap prp_self_iou = bbox_overlaps(prp_box[:, :4], prp_box[:, :4]) # [prp, prp] if self.require_overlap and (not self.use_gt_box): rel_possibility = (prp_self_iou > 0) & ( prp_self_iou < 1) # not self & intersect else: num_prp = prp_box.shape[0] rel_possibility = torch.ones( (num_prp, num_prp), device=device).long() - torch.eye( num_prp, device=device).long() # only select relations between fg proposals rel_possibility[prp_lab == 0] = 0 rel_possibility[:, prp_lab == 0] = 0 img_rel_triplets, binary_rel = sampling_function( device, tgt_rel_matrix, tgt_rel, tgt_keyrel, ious, is_match, rel_possibility) rel_idx_pairs.append( img_rel_triplets[:, :2]) # (num_rel, 2), (sub_idx, obj_idx) rel_labels.append(img_rel_triplets[:, 2]) # (num_rel, ) if tgt_keyrel is not None: key_rel_labels.append(img_rel_triplets[:, -1]) rel_sym_binarys.append(binary_rel) if self.key_sample: return rel_labels, rel_idx_pairs, rel_sym_binarys, key_rel_labels else: return rel_labels, rel_idx_pairs, rel_sym_binarys def motif_rel_fg_bg_sampling(self, device, tgt_rel_matrix, tgt_rel, tgt_keyrel, ious, is_match, rel_possibility): """ prepare to sample fg relation triplet and bg relation triplet tgt_rel_matrix: # [number_target, number_target] ious: # [number_target, num_proposal] is_match: # [number_target, num_proposal] rel_possibility:# [num_proposal, num_proposal] """ tgt_pair_idxs = tgt_rel.long()[:, :2] assert tgt_pair_idxs.shape[1] == 2 tgt_head_idxs = tgt_pair_idxs[:, 0].contiguous().view(-1) tgt_tail_idxs = tgt_pair_idxs[:, 1].contiguous().view(-1) tgt_rel_labs = tgt_rel.long()[:, -1].contiguous().view(-1) # # sort the rel pairs to coordinate with tgt_pair_idxs # if tgt_keyrel is not None: # perm = torch.from_numpy(np.lexsort((tgt_rel.cpu().numpy()[:, 1]), tgt_rel.cpu().numpy()[:, 0])).to( # device) # assert (torch.sum(tgt_rel[perm][:, :2] - tgt_pair_idxs) == 0) # tgt_keyrel = tgt_keyrel[perm] # generate the keyrel labels: img_keyrel_labels = None if tgt_keyrel is not None: img_keyrel_labels = torch.zeros(tgt_pair_idxs.shape[0]).long().to( tgt_pair_idxs.device) img_keyrel_labels[tgt_keyrel.long()] = 1 num_tgt_rels = tgt_rel_labs.shape[0] # generate binary prp mask num_prp = is_match.shape[-1] binary_prp_head = is_match[ tgt_head_idxs] # num_tgt_rel, num_prp (matched prp head) binary_prp_tail = is_match[ tgt_tail_idxs] # num_tgt_rel, num_prp (matched prp head) binary_rel = torch.zeros((num_prp, num_prp), device=device).long() fg_rel_triplets = [] for i in range(num_tgt_rels): # generate binary prp mask bi_match_head = torch.nonzero(binary_prp_head[i] > 0) bi_match_tail = torch.nonzero(binary_prp_tail[i] > 0) num_bi_head = bi_match_head.shape[0] num_bi_tail = bi_match_tail.shape[0] if num_bi_head > 0 and num_bi_tail > 0: bi_match_head = bi_match_head.view(1, num_bi_head).expand( num_bi_tail, num_bi_head).contiguous() bi_match_tail = bi_match_tail.view(num_bi_tail, 1).expand( num_bi_tail, num_bi_head).contiguous() # binary rel only consider related or not, so its symmetric binary_rel[bi_match_head.view(-1), bi_match_tail.view(-1)] = 1 binary_rel[bi_match_tail.view(-1), bi_match_head.view(-1)] = 1 tgt_head_idx = int(tgt_head_idxs[i]) tgt_tail_idx = int(tgt_tail_idxs[i]) tgt_rel_lab = int(tgt_rel_labs[i]) tgt_key_rel_lab = int(img_keyrel_labels[i] ) if img_keyrel_labels is not None else None # find matching pair in proposals (might be more than one) prp_head_idxs = torch.nonzero(is_match[tgt_head_idx]).squeeze(1) prp_tail_idxs = torch.nonzero(is_match[tgt_tail_idx]).squeeze(1) num_match_head = prp_head_idxs.shape[0] num_match_tail = prp_tail_idxs.shape[0] if num_match_head <= 0 or num_match_tail <= 0: continue # all combination pairs prp_head_idxs = prp_head_idxs.view(-1, 1).expand( num_match_head, num_match_tail).contiguous().view(-1) prp_tail_idxs = prp_tail_idxs.view(1, -1).expand( num_match_head, num_match_tail).contiguous().view(-1) valid_pair = prp_head_idxs != prp_tail_idxs if valid_pair.sum().item() <= 0: continue # remove self-pair # remove selected pair from rel_possibility prp_head_idxs = prp_head_idxs[valid_pair] prp_tail_idxs = prp_tail_idxs[valid_pair] rel_possibility[prp_head_idxs, prp_tail_idxs] = 0 # construct corresponding proposal triplets corresponding to i_th gt relation fg_labels = torch.tensor([tgt_rel_lab] * prp_tail_idxs.shape[0], dtype=torch.int64, device=device).view(-1, 1) fg_rel_i = -1, 1), prp_tail_idxs.view(-1, 1), fg_labels), dim=-1).to(torch.int64) if tgt_key_rel_lab is not None: fg_key_labels = torch.tensor([tgt_key_rel_lab] * prp_tail_idxs.shape[0], dtype=torch.int64, device=device).view(-1, 1) fg_rel_i =, fg_key_labels), dim=-1) # select if too many corresponding proposal pairs to one pair of gt relationship triplet # NOTE that in original motif, the selection is based on a ious_score score if fg_rel_i.shape[0] > self.num_sample_per_gt_rel: ious_score = (ious[tgt_head_idx, prp_head_idxs] * ious[tgt_tail_idx, prp_tail_idxs] ).view(-1).detach().cpu().numpy() ious_score = ious_score / ious_score.sum() perm = npr.choice(ious_score.shape[0], p=ious_score, size=self.num_sample_per_gt_rel, replace=False) fg_rel_i = fg_rel_i[perm] if fg_rel_i.shape[0] > 0: fg_rel_triplets.append(fg_rel_i) # select fg relations if len(fg_rel_triplets) == 0: col = 4 if self.key_sample else 3 fg_rel_triplets = torch.zeros((0, col), dtype=torch.int64, device=device) else: fg_rel_triplets =, dim=0).to(torch.int64) if fg_rel_triplets.shape[0] > self.num_pos_per_img: perm = torch.randperm(fg_rel_triplets.shape[0], device=device)[:self.num_pos_per_img] fg_rel_triplets = fg_rel_triplets[perm] # select bg relations bg_rel_inds = torch.nonzero(rel_possibility > 0).view(-1, 2) bg_rel_labs = torch.zeros(bg_rel_inds.shape[0], dtype=torch.int64, device=device) bg_rel_triplets =, bg_rel_labs.view(-1, 1)), dim=-1).to(torch.int64) if self.key_sample: bg_key_labels = torch.tensor(bg_rel_inds.shape[0], dtype=torch.int64, device=device).fill_(-1).view(-1, 1) bg_rel_triplets =, bg_key_labels), dim=-1) num_neg_per_img = min( self.num_rel_per_image - fg_rel_triplets.shape[0], bg_rel_triplets.shape[0]) if bg_rel_triplets.shape[0] > 0: perm = torch.randperm(bg_rel_triplets.shape[0], device=device)[:num_neg_per_img] bg_rel_triplets = bg_rel_triplets[perm] else: bg_rel_triplets = torch.zeros((0, 4 if self.key_sample else 3), dtype=torch.int64, device=device) # if both fg and bg is none if fg_rel_triplets.shape[0] == 0 and bg_rel_triplets.shape[0] == 0: col = 4 if self.key_sample else 3 bg_rel_triplets = torch.zeros((1, col), dtype=torch.int64, device=device) if col == 4: bg_rel_triplets[0, -1] = -1 return, bg_rel_triplets), dim=0), binary_rel
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/5/4 下午4:31 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. import torch from mmcv.cnn import kaiming_init from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torch.nn.utils.rnn import PackedSequence from .motif_util import (block_orthogonal, center_x, encode_box_info, get_dropout_mask, obj_edge_vectors, sort_by_score, to_onehot) class FrequencyBias(nn.Module): """The goal of this is to provide a simplified way of computing P(predicate. | obj1, obj2, img). """ def __init__(self, cfg, statistics, eps=1e-3): super(FrequencyBias, self).__init__() pred_dist = statistics['pred_dist'].float() assert pred_dist.size(0) == pred_dist.size(1) self.num_objs = pred_dist.size(0) self.num_rels = pred_dist.size(2) pred_dist = pred_dist.view(-1, self.num_rels) self.obj_baseline = nn.Embedding(self.num_objs * self.num_objs, self.num_rels) with torch.no_grad(): self.obj_baseline.weight.copy_(pred_dist, non_blocking=True) def index_with_labels(self, labels): """ :param labels: [batch_size, 2] :return: """ ret = self.obj_baseline(labels[:, 0] * self.num_objs + labels[:, 1]) if ret.isnan().any(): print('motif: nan') return ret def index_with_probability(self, pair_prob): """ :param labels: [batch_size, num_obj, 2] :return: """ batch_size, num_obj, _ = pair_prob.shape joint_prob = pair_prob[:, :, 0].contiguous().view( batch_size, num_obj, 1) * pair_prob[:, :, 1].contiguous().view( batch_size, 1, num_obj) return joint_prob.view(batch_size, num_obj * num_obj) @ self.obj_baseline.weight def forward(self, labels): # implement through index_with_labels return self.index_with_labels(labels) class DecoderRNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, obj_classes, embed_dim, inputs_dim, hidden_dim, rnn_drop): super(DecoderRNN, self).__init__() self.cfg = config self.obj_classes = obj_classes self.embed_dim = embed_dim obj_embed_vecs = obj_edge_vectors(['start'] + self.obj_classes, wv_dir=self.cfg.glove_dir, wv_dim=embed_dim) self.obj_embed = nn.Embedding(len(self.obj_classes) + 1, embed_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.obj_embed.weight.copy_(obj_embed_vecs, non_blocking=True) self.hidden_size = hidden_dim self.inputs_dim = inputs_dim self.input_size = self.inputs_dim + self.embed_dim self.nms_thresh = 0.5 self.rnn_drop = rnn_drop self.input_linearity = torch.nn.Linear(self.input_size, 6 * self.hidden_size, bias=True) self.state_linearity = torch.nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, 5 * self.hidden_size, bias=True) self.out_obj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, len(self.obj_classes)) def init_weights(self): # Use sensible default initializations for parameters. block_orthogonal(, [self.hidden_size, self.input_size]) block_orthogonal(, [self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size]) # Initialize forget gate biases to 1.0 as per An Empirical # Exploration of Recurrent Network Architectures, (Jozefowicz, 2015).[self.hidden_size:2 * self.hidden_size].fill_(1.0)[self.hidden_size:2 * self.hidden_size].fill_(1.0) def lstm_equations(self, timestep_input, previous_state, previous_memory, dropout_mask=None): """Does the hairy LSTM math. :param timestep_input: :param previous_state: :param previous_memory: :param dropout_mask: :return: """ # Do the projections for all the gates all at once. projected_input = self.input_linearity(timestep_input) projected_state = self.state_linearity(previous_state) # Main LSTM equations using relevant chunks of the big linear # projections of the hidden state and inputs. input_gate = torch.sigmoid( projected_input[:, 0 * self.hidden_size:1 * self.hidden_size] + projected_state[:, 0 * self.hidden_size:1 * self.hidden_size]) forget_gate = torch.sigmoid( projected_input[:, 1 * self.hidden_size:2 * self.hidden_size] + projected_state[:, 1 * self.hidden_size:2 * self.hidden_size]) memory_init = torch.tanh( projected_input[:, 2 * self.hidden_size:3 * self.hidden_size] + projected_state[:, 2 * self.hidden_size:3 * self.hidden_size]) output_gate = torch.sigmoid( projected_input[:, 3 * self.hidden_size:4 * self.hidden_size] + projected_state[:, 3 * self.hidden_size:4 * self.hidden_size]) memory = input_gate * memory_init + forget_gate * previous_memory timestep_output = output_gate * torch.tanh(memory) highway_gate = torch.sigmoid( projected_input[:, 4 * self.hidden_size:5 * self.hidden_size] + projected_state[:, 4 * self.hidden_size:5 * self.hidden_size]) highway_input_projection = projected_input[:, 5 * self.hidden_size:6 * self.hidden_size] timestep_output = highway_gate * timestep_output + ( 1 - highway_gate) * highway_input_projection # Only do dropout if the dropout prob is > 0.0 and we are in training mode. if dropout_mask is not None and timestep_output = timestep_output * dropout_mask return timestep_output, memory def forward(self, inputs, initial_state=None, labels=None, boxes_for_nms=None): if not isinstance(inputs, PackedSequence): raise ValueError('inputs must be PackedSequence but got %s' % (type(inputs))) assert isinstance(inputs, PackedSequence) sequence_tensor, batch_lengths, _, _ = inputs batch_size = batch_lengths[0] # We're just doing an LSTM decoder here so ignore states, etc if initial_state is None: previous_memory = batch_size, self.hidden_size).fill_(0) previous_state = batch_size, self.hidden_size).fill_(0) else: assert len(initial_state) == 2 previous_memory = initial_state[1].squeeze(0) previous_state = initial_state[0].squeeze(0) previous_obj_embed = self.obj_embed.weight[0, None].expand( batch_size, self.embed_dim) if self.rnn_drop > 0.0: dropout_mask = get_dropout_mask(self.rnn_drop, previous_memory.size(), previous_memory.device) else: dropout_mask = None # Only accumulating label predictions here, discarding everything else out_dists = [] out_commitments = [] end_ind = 0 for i, l_batch in enumerate(batch_lengths): start_ind = end_ind end_ind = end_ind + l_batch if previous_memory.size(0) != l_batch: previous_memory = previous_memory[:l_batch] previous_state = previous_state[:l_batch] previous_obj_embed = previous_obj_embed[:l_batch] if dropout_mask is not None: dropout_mask = dropout_mask[:l_batch] timestep_input = (sequence_tensor[start_ind:end_ind], previous_obj_embed), 1) previous_state, previous_memory = self.lstm_equations( timestep_input, previous_state, previous_memory, dropout_mask=dropout_mask) pred_dist = self.out_obj(previous_state) out_dists.append(pred_dist) if labels_to_embed = labels[start_ind:end_ind].clone() # Whenever labels are 0 set input to be our max prediction nonzero_pred = pred_dist[:, 1:].max(1)[1] + 1 is_bg = (labels_to_embed == 0).nonzero() if is_bg.dim() > 0: labels_to_embed[is_bg.squeeze(1)] = nonzero_pred[ is_bg.squeeze(1)] out_commitments.append(labels_to_embed) previous_obj_embed = self.obj_embed(labels_to_embed + 1) else: # assert l_batch == 1 out_dist_sample = F.softmax(pred_dist, dim=1) best_ind = out_dist_sample[:, 1:].max(1)[1] + 1 out_commitments.append(best_ind) previous_obj_embed = self.obj_embed(best_ind + 1) out_commitments =, 0) return, 0), out_commitments class LSTMContext(nn.Module): """Modified from neural-motifs to encode contexts for each objects.""" def __init__(self, config, obj_classes, rel_classes): super(LSTMContext, self).__init__() self.cfg = config self.obj_classes = obj_classes self.rel_classes = rel_classes self.num_obj_classes = len(obj_classes) in_channels = self.cfg.roi_dim self.use_gt_box = self.cfg.use_gt_box self.use_gt_label = self.cfg.use_gt_label # mode if self.cfg.use_gt_box: if self.cfg.use_gt_label: self.mode = 'predcls' else: self.mode = 'sgcls' else: self.mode = 'sgdet' # word embedding self.embed_dim = self.cfg.embed_dim self.obj_embed1 = nn.Embedding(self.num_obj_classes, self.embed_dim) self.obj_embed2 = nn.Embedding(self.num_obj_classes, self.embed_dim) obj_embed_vecs = obj_edge_vectors(self.obj_classes, wv_dir=self.cfg.glove_dir, wv_dim=self.embed_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.obj_embed1.weight.copy_(obj_embed_vecs, non_blocking=True) self.obj_embed2.weight.copy_(obj_embed_vecs, non_blocking=True) # position embedding self.pos_embed = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(9, 32), nn.BatchNorm1d(32, momentum=0.001), nn.Linear(32, 128), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) # object & relation context self.obj_dim = in_channels self.dropout_rate = self.cfg.dropout_rate self.hidden_dim = self.cfg.hidden_dim self.nl_obj = self.cfg.context_object_layer self.nl_edge = self.cfg.context_edge_layer assert self.nl_obj > 0 and self.nl_edge > 0 # TODO # AlternatingHighwayLSTM is invalid for pytorch 1.0 self.obj_ctx_rnn = torch.nn.LSTM( input_size=self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128, hidden_size=self.hidden_dim, num_layers=self.nl_obj, dropout=self.dropout_rate if self.nl_obj > 1 else 0, bidirectional=True) self.decoder_rnn = DecoderRNN(self.cfg, self.obj_classes, embed_dim=self.embed_dim, inputs_dim=self.hidden_dim + self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim, rnn_drop=self.dropout_rate) self.edge_ctx_rnn = torch.nn.LSTM( input_size=self.embed_dim + self.hidden_dim + self.obj_dim, hidden_size=self.hidden_dim, num_layers=self.nl_edge, dropout=self.dropout_rate if self.nl_edge > 1 else 0, bidirectional=True) # map bidirectional hidden states of dimension self.hidden_dim*2 to self.hidden_dim self.lin_obj_h = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, self.hidden_dim) self.lin_edge_h = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, self.hidden_dim) # untreated average features self.average_ratio = 0.0005 self.effect_analysis = self.cfg.causal_effect_analysis if self.effect_analysis: self.register_buffer( 'untreated_dcd_feat', torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim + self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128)) self.register_buffer( 'untreated_obj_feat', torch.zeros(self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128)) self.register_buffer('untreated_edg_feat', torch.zeros(self.embed_dim + self.obj_dim)) def init_weights(self): self.decoder_rnn.init_weights() for m in self.pos_embed: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): kaiming_init(m, distribution='uniform', a=1) kaiming_init(self.lin_obj_h, distribution='uniform', a=1) kaiming_init(self.lin_edge_h, distribution='uniform', a=1) def sort_rois(self, det_result): c_x = center_x(det_result) # leftright order scores = c_x / (c_x.max() + 1) return sort_by_score(det_result, scores) def obj_ctx(self, obj_feats, det_result, obj_labels=None, ctx_average=False): """Object context and object classification. :param obj_feats: [num_obj, img_dim + object embedding0 dim] :param obj_labels: [num_obj] the GT labels of the image :param box_priors: [num_obj, 4] boxes. We'll use this for NMS :param boxes_per_cls :return: obj_dists: [num_obj, #classes] new probability distribution. obj_preds: argmax of that distribution. obj_final_ctx: [num_obj, #feats] For later! """ # Sort by the confidence of the maximum detection. perm, inv_perm, ls_transposed = self.sort_rois(det_result) # Pass object features, sorted by score, into the encoder LSTM obj_inp_rep = obj_feats[perm].contiguous() input_packed = PackedSequence(obj_inp_rep, ls_transposed) encoder_rep = self.obj_ctx_rnn(input_packed)[0][0] encoder_rep = self.lin_obj_h(encoder_rep) # map to hidden_dim # untreated decoder input batch_size = encoder_rep.shape[0] if (not and self.effect_analysis and ctx_average: decoder_inp = self.untreated_dcd_feat.view(1, -1).expand( batch_size, -1) else: decoder_inp =, encoder_rep), 1) if and self.effect_analysis: self.untreated_dcd_feat = self.moving_average( self.untreated_dcd_feat, decoder_inp) # Decode in order if self.mode != 'predcls': decoder_inp = PackedSequence(decoder_inp, ls_transposed) obj_dists, obj_preds = self.decoder_rnn( decoder_inp, # obj_dists[perm], labels=obj_labels[perm] if obj_labels is not None else None) obj_preds = obj_preds[inv_perm] obj_dists = obj_dists[inv_perm] else: assert obj_labels is not None obj_preds = obj_labels obj_dists = to_onehot(obj_preds, self.num_obj_classes) encoder_rep = encoder_rep[inv_perm] return obj_dists, obj_preds, encoder_rep, perm, inv_perm, ls_transposed def edge_ctx(self, inp_feats, perm, inv_perm, ls_transposed): """Object context and object classification. :param obj_feats: [num_obj, img_dim + object embedding0 dim] :return: edge_ctx: [num_obj, #feats] For later! """ edge_input_packed = PackedSequence(inp_feats[perm], ls_transposed) edge_reps = self.edge_ctx_rnn(edge_input_packed)[0][0] edge_reps = self.lin_edge_h(edge_reps) # map to hidden_dim edge_ctx = edge_reps[inv_perm] return edge_ctx def moving_average(self, holder, input): assert len(input.shape) == 2 with torch.no_grad(): holder = holder * (1 - self.average_ratio ) + self.average_ratio * input.mean(0).view(-1) return holder def forward(self, x, det_result, all_average=False, ctx_average=False): # labels will be used in DecoderRNN during training (for nms) if or self.use_gt_box: # predcls or sgcls or training, just put obj_labels here obj_labels = else: obj_labels = None if self.use_gt_label: # predcls obj_embed = self.obj_embed1(obj_labels.long()) else: obj_dists =, dim=0).detach() obj_embed = obj_dists @ self.obj_embed1.weight pos_embed = self.pos_embed(encode_box_info(det_result)) # N x 128 batch_size = x.shape[0] if all_average and self.effect_analysis and ( not # TDE: only in test mode obj_pre_rep = self.untreated_obj_feat.view(1, -1).expand( batch_size, -1) else: obj_pre_rep =, obj_embed, pos_embed), -1) # N x (1024 + 200 + 128) # object level contextual feature obj_dists, obj_preds, obj_ctx, perm, inv_perm, ls_transposed = self.obj_ctx( obj_pre_rep, det_result, obj_labels, ctx_average=ctx_average) # edge level contextual feature obj_embed2 = self.obj_embed2(obj_preds.long()) if (all_average or ctx_average) and self.effect_analysis and ( not # TDE: Testing obj_rel_rep = 1, -1).expand(batch_size, -1), obj_ctx), dim=-1) else: obj_rel_rep =, x, obj_ctx), -1) edge_ctx = self.edge_ctx(obj_rel_rep, perm=perm, inv_perm=inv_perm, ls_transposed=ls_transposed) # memorize average feature if and self.effect_analysis: self.untreated_obj_feat = self.moving_average( self.untreated_obj_feat, obj_pre_rep) self.untreated_edg_feat = self.moving_average( self.untreated_edg_feat,, x), -1)) return obj_dists, obj_preds, edge_ctx, None
from .dmp import DirectionAwareMessagePassing from .imp import IMPContext from .motif import FrequencyBias, LSTMContext from .pointnet import PointNetFeat from .relation_ranker import get_weak_key_rel_labels from .relation_util import PostProcessor, Result from .sampling import RelationSampler from .vctree import VCTreeLSTMContext
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/6/4 下午4:42 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from .motif_util import block_orthogonal, get_dropout_mask class MultiLayer_BTreeLSTM(nn.Module): """Multilayer Bidirectional Tree LSTM Each layer contains one forward lstm(leaves to root) and one backward lstm(root to leaves)""" def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, num_layer, dropout=0.0): super(MultiLayer_BTreeLSTM, self).__init__() self.num_layer = num_layer layers = [] layers.append(BidirectionalTreeLSTM(in_dim, out_dim, dropout)) for i in range(num_layer - 1): layers.append(BidirectionalTreeLSTM(out_dim, out_dim, dropout)) self.multi_layer_lstm = nn.ModuleList(layers) def forward(self, tree, features, num_obj): for i in range(self.num_layer): features = self.multi_layer_lstm[i](tree, features, num_obj) return features class BidirectionalTreeLSTM(nn.Module): """Bidirectional Tree LSTM Contains one forward lstm(leaves to root) and one backward lstm(root to leaves) Dropout mask will be generated one time for all trees in the forest, to make sure the consistency.""" def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, dropout=0.0): super(BidirectionalTreeLSTM, self).__init__() self.dropout = dropout self.out_dim = out_dim self.treeLSTM_foreward = OneDirectionalTreeLSTM( in_dim, int(out_dim / 2), 'foreward', dropout) self.treeLSTM_backward = OneDirectionalTreeLSTM( in_dim, int(out_dim / 2), 'backward', dropout) def forward(self, tree, features, num_obj): foreward_output = self.treeLSTM_foreward(tree, features, num_obj) backward_output = self.treeLSTM_backward(tree, features, num_obj) final_output =, backward_output), 1) return final_output class OneDirectionalTreeLSTM(nn.Module): """ One Way Tree LSTM direction = forward | backward """ def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, direction, dropout=0.0): super(OneDirectionalTreeLSTM, self).__init__() self.dropout = dropout self.out_dim = out_dim if direction == 'foreward': self.treeLSTM = BiTreeLSTM_Foreward(in_dim, out_dim) elif direction == 'backward': self.treeLSTM = BiTreeLSTM_Backward(in_dim, out_dim) else: print('Error Tree LSTM Direction') def forward(self, tree, features, num_obj): # calc dropout mask, same for all if self.dropout > 0.0: dropout_mask = get_dropout_mask(self.dropout, (1, self.out_dim), features.device) else: dropout_mask = None # tree lstm input h_order = torch.tensor([0] * num_obj, device=features.device, dtype=torch.int64) # used to resume order lstm_io = TreeLSTM_IO(None, h_order, 0, None, None, dropout_mask) # run tree lstm forward (leaves to root) self.treeLSTM(tree, features, lstm_io) # resume order to the same as input output = lstm_io.hidden[lstm_io.order.long()] return output class BiTreeLSTM_Foreward(nn.Module): """From leaves to root.""" def __init__(self, feat_dim, h_dim, is_pass_embed=False, embed_layer=None, embed_out_layer=None): super(BiTreeLSTM_Foreward, self).__init__() self.feat_dim = feat_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.is_pass_embed = is_pass_embed self.embed_layer = embed_layer self.embed_out_layer = embed_out_layer self.px = nn.Linear(self.feat_dim, self.h_dim) self.ioffux = nn.Linear(self.feat_dim, 6 * self.h_dim) self.ioffuh_left = nn.Linear(self.h_dim, 6 * self.h_dim) self.ioffuh_right = nn.Linear(self.h_dim, 6 * self.h_dim) # initialization with torch.no_grad(): block_orthogonal(self.px.weight, [self.h_dim, self.feat_dim]) block_orthogonal(self.ioffux.weight, [self.h_dim, self.feat_dim]) block_orthogonal(self.ioffuh_left.weight, [self.h_dim, self.h_dim]) block_orthogonal(self.ioffuh_right.weight, [self.h_dim, self.h_dim]) self.px.bias.fill_(0.0) self.ioffux.bias.fill_(0.0) self.ioffuh_left.bias.fill_(0.0) self.ioffuh_right.bias.fill_(0.0) # Initialize forget gate biases to 1.0 as per An Empirical # Exploration of Recurrent Network Architectures, (Jozefowicz, 2015). self.ioffuh_left.bias[2 * self.h_dim:4 * self.h_dim].fill_(0.5) self.ioffuh_right.bias[2 * self.h_dim:4 * self.h_dim].fill_(0.5) def node_forward(self, feat_inp, left_c, right_c, left_h, right_h, dropout_mask): projected_x = self.px(feat_inp) ioffu = self.ioffux(feat_inp) + self.ioffuh_left( left_h) + self.ioffuh_right(right_h) i, o, f_l, f_r, u, r = torch.split(ioffu, ioffu.size(1) // 6, dim=1) i, o, f_l, f_r, u, r = torch.sigmoid(i), torch.sigmoid( o), torch.sigmoid(f_l), torch.sigmoid(f_r), torch.tanh( u), torch.sigmoid(r) c = torch.mul(i, u) + torch.mul(f_l, left_c) + torch.mul(f_r, right_c) h = torch.mul(o, torch.tanh(c)) h_final = torch.mul(r, h) + torch.mul((1 - r), projected_x) # Only do dropout if the dropout prob is > 0.0 and we are in training mode. if dropout_mask is not None and h_final = torch.mul(h_final, dropout_mask) return c, h_final def forward(self, tree, features, treelstm_io): """ tree: The root for a tree features: [num_obj, featuresize] treelstm_io.hidden: init as None, cat until it covers all objects as [num_obj, hidden_size] treelstm_io.order: init as 0 for all [num_obj], update for recovering original order """ # recursively search child if tree.left_child is not None: self.forward(tree.left_child, features, treelstm_io) if tree.right_child is not None: self.forward(tree.right_child, features, treelstm_io) # get c,h from left child if tree.left_child is None: left_c = torch.tensor([0.0] * self.h_dim, device=features.device).float().view(1, -1) left_h = torch.tensor([0.0] * self.h_dim, device=features.device).float().view(1, -1) # Only being used in decoder network if self.is_pass_embed: left_embed = self.embed_layer.weight[0] else: left_c = tree.left_child.state_c left_h = tree.left_child.state_h # Only being used in decoder network if self.is_pass_embed: left_embed = tree.left_child.embeded_label # get c,h from right child if tree.right_child is None: right_c = torch.tensor([0.0] * self.h_dim, device=features.device).float().view(1, -1) right_h = torch.tensor([0.0] * self.h_dim, device=features.device).float().view(1, -1) # Only being used in decoder network if self.is_pass_embed: right_embed = self.embed_layer.weight[0] else: right_c = tree.right_child.state_c right_h = tree.right_child.state_h # Only being used in decoder network if self.is_pass_embed: right_embed = tree.right_child.embeded_label # Only being used in decoder network if self.is_pass_embed: next_feature =[tree.index].view( 1, -1), left_embed.view(1, -1), right_embed.view(1, -1)), 1) else: next_feature = features[tree.index].view(1, -1) c, h = self.node_forward(next_feature, left_c, right_c, left_h, right_h, treelstm_io.dropout_mask) tree.state_c = c tree.state_h = h # record label prediction # Only being used in decoder network if self.is_pass_embed: pass_embed_postprocess(h, self.embed_out_layer, self.embed_layer, tree, treelstm_io, # record hidden state if treelstm_io.hidden is None: treelstm_io.hidden = h.view(1, -1) else: treelstm_io.hidden =, h.view(1, -1)), 0) treelstm_io.order[tree.index] = treelstm_io.order_count treelstm_io.order_count += 1 return class BiTreeLSTM_Backward(nn.Module): """from root to leaves.""" def __init__(self, feat_dim, h_dim, is_pass_embed=False, embed_layer=None, embed_out_layer=None): super(BiTreeLSTM_Backward, self).__init__() self.feat_dim = feat_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.is_pass_embed = is_pass_embed self.embed_layer = embed_layer self.embed_out_layer = embed_out_layer self.px = nn.Linear(self.feat_dim, self.h_dim) self.iofux = nn.Linear(self.feat_dim, 5 * self.h_dim) self.iofuh = nn.Linear(self.h_dim, 5 * self.h_dim) # initialization with torch.no_grad(): block_orthogonal(self.px.weight, [self.h_dim, self.feat_dim]) block_orthogonal(self.iofux.weight, [self.h_dim, self.feat_dim]) block_orthogonal(self.iofuh.weight, [self.h_dim, self.h_dim]) self.px.bias.fill_(0.0) self.iofux.bias.fill_(0.0) self.iofuh.bias.fill_(0.0) # Initialize forget gate biases to 1.0 as per An Empirical # Exploration of Recurrent Network Architectures, (Jozefowicz, 2015). self.iofuh.bias[2 * self.h_dim:3 * self.h_dim].fill_(1.0) def node_backward(self, feat_inp, root_c, root_h, dropout_mask): projected_x = self.px(feat_inp) iofu = self.iofux(feat_inp) + self.iofuh(root_h) i, o, f, u, r = torch.split(iofu, iofu.size(1) // 5, dim=1) i, o, f, u, r = torch.sigmoid(i), torch.sigmoid(o), torch.sigmoid( f), torch.tanh(u), torch.sigmoid(r) c = torch.mul(i, u) + torch.mul(f, root_c) h = torch.mul(o, torch.tanh(c)) h_final = torch.mul(r, h) + torch.mul((1 - r), projected_x) # Only do dropout if the dropout prob is > 0.0 and we are in training mode. if dropout_mask is not None and h_final = torch.mul(h_final, dropout_mask) return c, h_final def forward(self, tree, features, treelstm_io): """ tree: The root for a tree features: [num_obj, featuresize] treelstm_io.hidden: init as None, cat until it covers all objects as [num_obj, hidden_size] treelstm_io.order: init as 0 for all [num_obj], update for recovering original order """ if tree.parent is None: root_c = torch.tensor([0.0] * self.h_dim, device=features.device).float().view(1, -1) root_h = torch.tensor([0.0] * self.h_dim, device=features.device).float().view(1, -1) if self.is_pass_embed: root_embed = self.embed_layer.weight[0] else: root_c = tree.parent.state_c_backward root_h = tree.parent.state_h_backward if self.is_pass_embed: root_embed = tree.parent.embeded_label if self.is_pass_embed: next_features = (features[tree.index].view(1, -1), root_embed.view(1, -1)), 1) else: next_features = features[tree.index].view(1, -1) c, h = self.node_backward(next_features, root_c, root_h, treelstm_io.dropout_mask) tree.state_c_backward = c tree.state_h_backward = h # record label prediction # Only being used in decoder network if self.is_pass_embed: pass_embed_postprocess(h, self.embed_out_layer, self.embed_layer, tree, treelstm_io, # record hidden state if treelstm_io.hidden is None: treelstm_io.hidden = h.view(1, -1) else: treelstm_io.hidden =, h.view(1, -1)), 0) treelstm_io.order[tree.index] = treelstm_io.order_count treelstm_io.order_count += 1 # recursively update from root to leaves if tree.left_child is not None: self.forward(tree.left_child, features, treelstm_io) if tree.right_child is not None: self.forward(tree.right_child, features, treelstm_io) return def pass_embed_postprocess(h, embed_out_layer, embed_layer, tree, treelstm_io, is_training): """Calculate districution and predict/sample labels Add to lstm_IO.""" pred_dist = embed_out_layer(h) label_to_embed = F.softmax(pred_dist.view(-1), 0)[1:].max(0)[1] + 1 if is_training: sampled_label = F.softmax(pred_dist.view(-1), 0)[1:].multinomial(1).detach() + 1 tree.embeded_label = embed_layer(sampled_label + 1) else: tree.embeded_label = embed_layer(label_to_embed + 1) if treelstm_io.dists is None: treelstm_io.dists = pred_dist.view(1, -1) else: treelstm_io.dists = (treelstm_io.dists, pred_dist.view(1, -1)), 0) if treelstm_io.commitments is None: treelstm_io.commitments = label_to_embed.view(-1) else: treelstm_io.commitments = (treelstm_io.commitments, label_to_embed.view(-1)), 0) class TreeLSTM_IO(object): def __init__(self, hidden_tensor, order_tensor, order_count, dists_tensor, commitments_tensor, dropout_mask): self.hidden = hidden_tensor # Float tensor [num_obj, self.out_dim] self.order = order_tensor # Long tensor [num_obj] self.order_count = order_count # int self.dists = dists_tensor # FLoat tensor [num_obj, len(self.classes)] self.commitments = commitments_tensor self.dropout_mask = dropout_mask
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set-up time: 2020/6/4 上午10:22 # Copyright (c) 2020 ICT # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details] # Written by Kenneth-Wong (Wenbin-Wang) @ VIPL.ICT # Contact: [OR] # --------------------------------------------------------------- import torch from mmcv.cnn import xavier_init from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from .motif_util import (encode_box_info, get_dropout_mask, obj_edge_vectors, to_onehot) from .treelstm_util import (BiTreeLSTM_Backward, BiTreeLSTM_Foreward, MultiLayer_BTreeLSTM, TreeLSTM_IO) from .vctree_util import (arbForest_to_biForest, generate_forest, get_overlap_info) class DecoderTreeLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, classes, embed_dim, inputs_dim, hidden_dim, direction='backward', dropout=0.2): super(DecoderTreeLSTM, self).__init__() """ Initializes the RNN :param embed_dim: Dimension of the embeddings :param encoder_hidden_dim: Hidden dim of the encoder, for attention :param hidden_dim: Hidden dim of the decoder :param vocab_size: Number of words in the vocab :param bos_token: To use during decoding (non teacher forcing mode)) :param bos: beginning of sentence token :param unk: unknown token (not used) direction = forward | backward """ self.cfg = cfg self.classes = classes self.hidden_size = hidden_dim self.inputs_dim = inputs_dim self.nms_thresh = 0.5 self.dropout = dropout # generate embed layer embed_vecs = obj_edge_vectors(['start'] + self.classes, wv_dir=self.cfg.glove_dir, wv_dim=embed_dim) self.obj_embed = nn.Embedding(len(self.classes) + 1, embed_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.obj_embed.weight.copy_(embed_vecs, non_blocking=True) # generate out layer self.out = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, len(self.classes)) if direction == 'backward': self.input_size = inputs_dim + embed_dim self.decoderLSTM = BiTreeLSTM_Backward(self.input_size, self.hidden_size, is_pass_embed=True, embed_layer=self.obj_embed, embed_out_layer=self.out) elif direction == 'foreward': self.input_size = inputs_dim + embed_dim * 2 self.decoderLSTM = BiTreeLSTM_Foreward(self.input_size, self.hidden_size, is_pass_embed=True, embed_layer=self.obj_embed, embed_out_layer=self.out) else: print('Error Decoder LSTM Direction') def forward(self, tree, features, num_obj): # generate dropout if self.dropout > 0.0: dropout_mask = get_dropout_mask(self.dropout, (1, self.hidden_size), features.device) else: dropout_mask = None # generate tree lstm input/output class h_order = torch.tensor([0] * num_obj, device=features.device) lstm_io = TreeLSTM_IO(None, h_order, 0, None, None, dropout_mask) self.decoderLSTM(tree, features, lstm_io) out_h = lstm_io.hidden[lstm_io.order.long()] out_dists = lstm_io.dists[lstm_io.order.long()] out_commitments = lstm_io.commitments[lstm_io.order.long()] return out_dists, out_commitments class VCTreeLSTMContext(nn.Module): """Modified from neural-motifs to encode contexts for each objects.""" def __init__(self, config, obj_classes, rel_classes): super(VCTreeLSTMContext, self).__init__() self.cfg = config self.obj_classes = obj_classes self.rel_classes = rel_classes self.num_obj_classes = len(obj_classes) in_channels = self.cfg.roi_dim self.use_gt_box = self.cfg.use_gt_box self.use_gt_label = self.cfg.use_gt_label # mode if self.cfg.use_gt_box: if self.cfg.use_gt_label: self.mode = 'predcls' else: self.mode = 'sgcls' else: self.mode = 'sgdet' # word embedding self.embed_dim = self.cfg.embed_dim obj_embed_vecs = obj_edge_vectors(self.obj_classes, wv_dir=self.cfg.glove_dir, wv_dim=self.embed_dim) self.obj_embed1 = nn.Embedding(self.num_obj_classes, self.embed_dim) self.obj_embed2 = nn.Embedding(self.num_obj_classes, self.embed_dim) with torch.no_grad(): self.obj_embed1.weight.copy_(obj_embed_vecs, non_blocking=True) self.obj_embed2.weight.copy_(obj_embed_vecs, non_blocking=True) # position embedding self.pos_embed = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(9, 32), nn.BatchNorm1d(32, momentum=0.001), nn.Linear(32, 128), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) # overlap embedding self.overlap_embed = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(6, 128), nn.BatchNorm1d(128, momentum=0.001), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) # box embed self.box_embed = nn.Sequential(*[ nn.Linear(9, 128), nn.BatchNorm1d(128, momentum=0.001), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), ]) # object & relation context self.obj_dim = in_channels self.dropout_rate = self.cfg.dropout_rate self.hidden_dim = self.cfg.hidden_dim self.nl_obj = self.cfg.context_object_layer self.nl_edge = self.cfg.context_edge_layer assert self.nl_obj > 0 and self.nl_edge > 0 self.obj_reduce = nn.Linear(self.obj_dim, 128) self.emb_reduce = nn.Linear(self.embed_dim, 128) self.score_pre = nn.Linear(128 * 4, self.hidden_dim) self.score_sub = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim) self.score_obj = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim) self.vision_prior = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 3, 1) self.obj_ctx_rnn = MultiLayer_BTreeLSTM( in_dim=self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128, out_dim=self.hidden_dim, num_layer=self.nl_obj, dropout=self.dropout_rate if self.nl_obj > 1 else 0) self.decoder_rnn = DecoderTreeLSTM(self.cfg, self.obj_classes, embed_dim=self.embed_dim, inputs_dim=self.hidden_dim + self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim, dropout=self.dropout_rate) self.edge_ctx_rnn = MultiLayer_BTreeLSTM( in_dim=self.embed_dim + self.hidden_dim + self.obj_dim, out_dim=self.hidden_dim, num_layer=self.nl_edge, dropout=self.dropout_rate if self.nl_edge > 1 else 0, ) # untreated average features self.average_ratio = 0.0005 self.effect_analysis = self.cfg.causal_effect_analysis if self.effect_analysis: self.register_buffer( 'untreated_dcd_feat', torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim + self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128)) self.register_buffer( 'untreated_obj_feat', torch.zeros(self.obj_dim + self.embed_dim + 128)) self.register_buffer('untreated_edg_feat', torch.zeros(self.embed_dim + self.obj_dim)) def init_weights(self): for module in [self.pos_embed, self.overlap_embed, self.box_embed]: for m in module: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): xavier_init(m) xavier_init(self.obj_reduce) xavier_init(self.emb_reduce) xavier_init(self.score_pre) xavier_init(self.score_sub) xavier_init(self.score_obj) xavier_init(self.vision_prior) def obj_ctx(self, num_objs, obj_feats, obj_labels=None, vc_forest=None, ctx_average=False): """Object context and object classification. :param num_objs: :param obj_feats: [num_obj, img_dim + object embedding0 dim] :param det_result: :param vc_forest: :param: ctx_average: :param obj_labels: [num_obj] the GT labels of the image :return: obj_dists: [num_obj, #classes] new probability distribution. obj_preds: argmax of that distribution. obj_final_ctx: [num_obj, #feats] For later! """ obj_feats = obj_feats.split(num_objs, dim=0) obj_labels = obj_labels.split( num_objs, dim=0) if obj_labels is not None else None obj_ctxs = [] obj_preds = [] obj_dists = [] for i, (feat, tree) in enumerate(zip(obj_feats, vc_forest)): encod_rep = self.obj_ctx_rnn(tree, feat, num_objs[i]) obj_ctxs.append(encod_rep) # Decode in order if self.mode != 'predcls': if (not ) and self.effect_analysis and ctx_average: decoder_inp = self.untreated_dcd_feat.view(1, -1).expand( encod_rep.shape[0], -1) else: decoder_inp =, encod_rep), 1) if and self.effect_analysis: self.untreated_dcd_feat = self.moving_average( self.untreated_dcd_feat, decoder_inp) obj_dist, obj_pred = self.decoder_rnn(tree, decoder_inp, num_objs[i]) else: assert obj_labels is not None obj_pred = obj_labels[i] obj_dist = to_onehot(obj_pred, self.num_obj_classes) obj_preds.append(obj_pred) obj_dists.append(obj_dist) obj_ctxs =, dim=0) obj_preds =, dim=0) obj_dists =, dim=0) return obj_ctxs, obj_preds, obj_dists def edge_ctx(self, num_objs, obj_feats, forest): """Object context and object classification. :param obj_feats: [num_obj, img_dim + object embedding0 dim] :return: edge_ctx: [num_obj, #feats] For later! """ inp_feats = obj_feats.split(num_objs, dim=0) edge_ctxs = [] for feat, tree, num_obj in zip(inp_feats, forest, num_objs): edge_rep = self.edge_ctx_rnn(tree, feat, num_obj) edge_ctxs.append(edge_rep) edge_ctxs =, dim=0) return edge_ctxs def forward(self, x, det_result, all_average=False, ctx_average=False): num_objs = [len(b) for b in det_result.bboxes] # labels will be used in DecoderRNN during training (for nms) if or self.cfg.use_gt_box: obj_labels = else: obj_labels = None if self.cfg.use_gt_label: obj_embed = self.obj_embed1(obj_labels.long()) obj_dists = F.softmax(to_onehot(obj_labels, self.num_obj_classes)) else: obj_dists =, dim=0).detach() obj_embed = obj_dists @ self.obj_embed1.weight box_info = encode_box_info(det_result) pos_embed = self.pos_embed(box_info) # N x 128 batch_size = x.shape[0] if all_average and self.effect_analysis and (not obj_pre_rep = self.untreated_obj_feat.view(1, -1).expand( batch_size, -1) else: obj_pre_rep =, obj_embed, pos_embed), -1) # construct VCTree box_inp = self.box_embed(box_info) pair_inp = self.overlap_embed(get_overlap_info(det_result)) # 128 + 128 + 128 + 128 = 512 bi_inp = (self.obj_reduce(x.detach()), self.emb_reduce( obj_embed.detach()), box_inp, pair_inp), -1) bi_preds, vc_scores = self.vctree_score_net(num_objs, bi_inp, obj_dists) # list of N x N forest = generate_forest(vc_scores, det_result) vc_forest = arbForest_to_biForest(forest) # object level contextual feature obj_ctxs, obj_preds, obj_dists = self.obj_ctx(num_objs, obj_pre_rep, obj_labels, vc_forest, ctx_average=ctx_average) # edge level contextual feature obj_embed2 = self.obj_embed2(obj_preds.long()) if (all_average or ctx_average) and self.effect_analysis and (not obj_rel_rep = 1, -1).expand(batch_size, -1), obj_ctxs), dim=-1) else: obj_rel_rep =, x, obj_ctxs), -1) edge_ctx = self.edge_ctx(num_objs, obj_rel_rep, vc_forest) # memorize average feature if and self.effect_analysis: self.untreated_obj_feat = self.moving_average( self.untreated_obj_feat, obj_pre_rep) self.untreated_edg_feat = self.moving_average( self.untreated_edg_feat,, x), -1)) return obj_dists, obj_preds, edge_ctx, bi_preds def moving_average(self, holder, input): assert len(input.shape) == 2 with torch.no_grad(): holder = holder * (1 - self.average_ratio ) + self.average_ratio * input.mean(0).view(-1) return holder def vctree_score_net(self, num_objs, roi_feat, roi_dist): roi_dist = roi_dist.detach() # separate into each image roi_feat = F.relu(self.score_pre(roi_feat)) # 512 sub_feat = F.relu(self.score_sub(roi_feat)) # 512 obj_feat = F.relu(self.score_obj(roi_feat)) # 512 sub_feats = sub_feat.split(num_objs, dim=0) obj_feats = obj_feat.split(num_objs, dim=0) roi_dists = roi_dist.split(num_objs, dim=0) bi_preds = [] vc_scores = [] for sub, obj, dist in zip(sub_feats, obj_feats, roi_dists): # only used to calculate loss num_obj = sub.shape[0] num_dim = sub.shape[-1] sub = sub.view(1, num_obj, num_dim).expand(num_obj, num_obj, num_dim) # N, N, 512 obj = obj.view(num_obj, 1, num_dim).expand(num_obj, num_obj, num_dim) # N, N, 512 sub_dist = dist.view(1, num_obj, -1).expand(num_obj, num_obj, -1).unsqueeze(2) # N, N, 1, 151 obj_dist = dist.view(num_obj, 1, -1).expand(num_obj, num_obj, -1).unsqueeze(3) # N, N, 151, 1 joint_dist = (sub_dist * obj_dist).view(num_obj, num_obj, -1) # N, N, (151, 151) vis_prior = self.vision_prior( [sub * obj, sub, obj], #co_prior.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1).view(num_obj * num_obj, -1)).view(num_obj, num_obj) joint_pred = F.sigmoid(vis_prior) #* co_prior bi_preds.append(vis_prior) vc_scores.append(joint_pred) return bi_preds, vc_scores
import torch from mmcv.cnn import xavier_init from mmcv.cnn.bricks.transformer import build_transformer_layer_sequence from mmcv.runner.base_module import BaseModule from mmdet.models.utils.builder import TRANSFORMER @TRANSFORMER.register_module() class DualTransformer(BaseModule): """Modify the DETR transformer with two decoders. Args: encoder (`mmcv.ConfigDict` | Dict): Config of TransformerEncoder. Defaults to None. decoder1 ((`mmcv.ConfigDict` | Dict)): Config of TransformerDecoder. Defaults to None decoder2 ((`mmcv.ConfigDict` | Dict)): Config of TransformerDecoder. Defaults to None init_cfg (obj:`mmcv.ConfigDict`): The Config for initialization. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, encoder=None, decoder1=None, decoder2=None, init_cfg=None): super(DualTransformer, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg) self.encoder = build_transformer_layer_sequence(encoder) self.decoder1 = build_transformer_layer_sequence(decoder1) self.decoder2 = build_transformer_layer_sequence(decoder2) self.embed_dims = self.encoder.embed_dims def init_weights(self): # follow the official DETR to init parameters for m in self.modules(): if hasattr(m, 'weight') and m.weight.dim() > 1: xavier_init(m, distribution='uniform') self._is_init = True def forward(self, x, mask, query1_embed, query2_embed, pos_embed): """Forward function for `Transformer`. Args: x (Tensor): Input query with shape [bs, c, h, w] where c = embed_dims. mask (Tensor): The key_padding_mask used for encoder and decoders, with shape [bs, h, w]. query1_embed (Tensor): The first query embedding for decoder, with shape [num_query, c]. query2_embed (Tensor): The second query embedding for decoder, with shape [num_query, c]. pos_embed (Tensor): The positional encoding for encoder and decoders, with the same shape as `x`. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: results of decoder containing the following tensor. - out_dec: Output from decoder. If return_intermediate_dec \ is True output has shape [num_dec_layers, bs, num_query, embed_dims], else has shape [1, bs, \ num_query, embed_dims]. - memory: Output results from encoder, with shape \ [bs, embed_dims, h, w]. """ bs, c, h, w = x.shape # use `view` instead of `flatten` for dynamically exporting to ONNX x = x.view(bs, c, -1).permute(2, 0, 1) # [bs, c, h, w] -> [h*w, bs, c] pos_embed = pos_embed.view(bs, c, -1).permute(2, 0, 1) query1_embed = query1_embed.unsqueeze(1).repeat( 1, bs, 1) # [num_query, dim] -> [num_query, bs, dim] query2_embed = query2_embed.unsqueeze(1).repeat( 1, bs, 1) # [num_query, dim] -> [num_query, bs, dim] mask = mask.view(bs, -1) # [bs, h, w] -> [bs, h*w] memory = self.encoder(query=x, key=None, value=None, query_pos=pos_embed, query_key_padding_mask=mask) target1 = torch.zeros_like(query1_embed) target2 = torch.zeros_like(query2_embed) # out_dec: [num_layers, num_query, bs, dim] # first decoder out_dec1 = self.decoder1(query=target1, key=memory, value=memory, key_pos=pos_embed, query_pos=query1_embed, key_padding_mask=mask) out_dec1 = out_dec1.transpose(1, 2) # second decoder out_dec2 = self.decoder2(query=target2, key=memory, value=memory, key_pos=pos_embed, query_pos=query2_embed, key_padding_mask=mask) out_dec2 = out_dec2.transpose(1, 2) memory = memory.permute(1, 2, 0).reshape(bs, c, h, w) return out_dec1, out_dec2, memory
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import warnings import mmcv import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from detectron2.utils.visualizer import VisImage, Visualizer from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET from mmdet.models import DETECTORS, SingleStageDetector from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import Result from openpsg.utils.utils import adjust_text_color, draw_text, get_colormap def triplet2Result(triplets, use_mask, eval_pan_rels=True): if use_mask: bboxes, labels, rel_pairs, masks, pan_rel_pairs, pan_seg, complete_r_labels, complete_r_dists, \ r_labels, r_dists, pan_masks, rels, pan_labels \ = triplets if isinstance(bboxes, torch.Tensor): labels = labels.detach().cpu().numpy() bboxes = bboxes.detach().cpu().numpy() rel_pairs = rel_pairs.detach().cpu().numpy() complete_r_labels = complete_r_labels.detach().cpu().numpy() complete_r_dists = complete_r_dists.detach().cpu().numpy() r_labels = r_labels.detach().cpu().numpy() r_dists = r_dists.detach().cpu().numpy() if isinstance(pan_seg, torch.Tensor): pan_seg = pan_seg.detach().cpu().numpy() pan_rel_pairs = pan_rel_pairs.detach().cpu().numpy() masks = masks.detach().cpu().numpy() pan_masks = pan_masks.detach().cpu().numpy() rels = rels.detach().cpu().numpy() pan_labels = pan_labels.detach().cpu().numpy() if eval_pan_rels: return Result(refine_bboxes=bboxes, labels=pan_labels+1, formatted_masks=dict(pan_results=pan_seg), rel_pair_idxes=pan_rel_pairs,# elif not pan: rel_pairs, rel_dists=r_dists, rel_labels=r_labels, pan_results=pan_seg, masks=pan_masks, rels=rels) else: return Result(refine_bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, formatted_masks=dict(pan_results=pan_seg), rel_pair_idxes=rel_pairs, rel_dists=complete_r_dists, rel_labels=complete_r_labels, pan_results=pan_seg, masks=masks) else: bboxes, labels, rel_pairs, r_labels, r_dists = triplets labels = labels.detach().cpu().numpy() bboxes = bboxes.detach().cpu().numpy() rel_pairs = rel_pairs.detach().cpu().numpy() r_labels = r_labels.detach().cpu().numpy() r_dists = r_dists.detach().cpu().numpy() return Result( refine_bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, formatted_masks=dict(pan_results=None), rel_pair_idxes=rel_pairs, rel_dists=r_dists, rel_labels=r_labels, pan_results=None, ) @DETECTORS.register_module() class PSGTr(SingleStageDetector): def __init__(self, backbone, bbox_head, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, pretrained=None, init_cfg=None): super(PSGTr, self).__init__(backbone, None, bbox_head, train_cfg, test_cfg, pretrained, init_cfg) self.CLASSES = self.bbox_head.object_classes self.PREDICATES = self.bbox_head.predicate_classes self.num_classes = self.bbox_head.num_classes # over-write `forward_dummy` because: # the forward of bbox_head requires img_metas def forward_dummy(self, img): """Used for computing network flops. See `mmdetection/tools/analysis_tools/` """ warnings.warn('Warning! MultiheadAttention in DETR does not ' 'support flops computation! Do not use the ' 'results in your papers!') batch_size, _, height, width = img.shape dummy_img_metas = [ dict(batch_input_shape=(height, width), img_shape=(height, width, 3)) for _ in range(batch_size) ] x = self.extract_feat(img) outs = self.bbox_head(x, dummy_img_metas) return outs def forward_train(self, img, img_metas, gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): super(SingleStageDetector, self).forward_train(img, img_metas) x = self.extract_feat(img) if self.bbox_head.use_mask: BS, C, H, W = img.shape new_gt_masks = [] for each in gt_masks: mask = torch.tensor(each.to_ndarray(), device=x[0].device) _, h, w = mask.shape padding = (0, W - w, 0, H - h) mask = F.interpolate(F.pad(mask, padding).unsqueeze(1), size=(H // 2, W // 2), mode='nearest').squeeze(1) # mask = F.pad(mask, padding) new_gt_masks.append(mask) gt_masks = new_gt_masks losses = self.bbox_head.forward_train(x, img_metas, gt_rels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, gt_bboxes_ignore) return losses def simple_test(self, img, img_metas, rescale=False): feat = self.extract_feat(img) results_list = self.bbox_head.simple_test(feat, img_metas, rescale=rescale) sg_results = [ triplet2Result(triplets, self.bbox_head.use_mask) for triplets in results_list ] # print(time.time() - s) return sg_results
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import imghdr import random import time import warnings from turtle import shape import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mmcv import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from detectron2.utils.visualizer import VisImage, Visualizer from mmdet.core import bbox2result from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET from mmdet.models import DETECTORS, SingleStageDetector from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import Result from openpsg.utils.utils import adjust_text_color, draw_text, get_colormap def seg2Result(segs): bboxes, labels, pan_seg = segs if isinstance(bboxes, torch.Tensor): pan_seg = pan_seg.detach().cpu().numpy() labels = labels.detach().cpu().numpy() bboxes = bboxes.detach().cpu().numpy() # return dict(pan_results=pan_seg) return Result( refine_bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, formatted_masks=dict(pan_results=pan_seg), pan_results=pan_seg, ) @DETECTORS.register_module() class DETR4seg(SingleStageDetector): def __init__(self, backbone, bbox_head, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, pretrained=None, init_cfg=None): super(DETR4seg, self).__init__(backbone, None, bbox_head, train_cfg, test_cfg, pretrained, init_cfg) self.obc = self.bbox_head.CLASSES self.num_classes = len(self.obc) print(self.num_classes) # over-write `forward_dummy` because: # the forward of bbox_head requires img_metas def forward_dummy(self, img): """Used for computing network flops. See `mmdetection/tools/analysis_tools/` """ warnings.warn('Warning! MultiheadAttention in DETR does not ' 'support flops computation! Do not use the ' 'results in your papers!') batch_size, _, height, width = img.shape dummy_img_metas = [ dict(batch_input_shape=(height, width), img_shape=(height, width, 3)) for _ in range(batch_size) ] x = self.extract_feat(img) outs = self.bbox_head(x, dummy_img_metas) return outs def forward_train(self, img, img_metas, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, gt_bboxes_ignore=None): """ Args: img (Tensor): Input images of shape (N, C, H, W). Typically these should be mean centered and std scaled. img_metas (list[dict]): A List of image info dict where each dict has: 'img_shape', 'scale_factor', 'flip', and may also contain 'filename', 'ori_shape', 'pad_shape', and 'img_norm_cfg'. For details on the values of these keys see :class:`mmdet.datasets.pipelines.Collect`. gt_bboxes (list[Tensor]): Each item are the truth boxes for each image in [tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y] format. gt_labels (list[Tensor]): Class indices corresponding to each box gt_bboxes_ignore (None | list[Tensor]): Specify which bounding boxes can be ignored when computing the loss. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ super(SingleStageDetector, self).forward_train(img, img_metas) x = self.extract_feat(img) BS, C, H, W = img.shape new_gt_masks = [] for each in gt_masks: mask = torch.tensor(each.resize( (H // 2, W // 2), interpolation='bilinear').to_ndarray(), device=x[0].device) _, h, w = mask.shape # padding = ( # 0,W-w, # 0,H-h # ) # mask = F.pad(mask,padding) new_gt_masks.append(mask) gt_masks = new_gt_masks losses = self.bbox_head.forward_train(x, img_metas, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, gt_bboxes_ignore) return losses def simple_test(self, img, img_metas, rescale=False): """Test function without test-time augmentation. Args: img (torch.Tensor): Images with shape (N, C, H, W). img_metas (list[dict]): List of image information. rescale (bool, optional): Whether to rescale the results. Defaults to False. Returns: list[list[np.ndarray]]: BBox results of each image and classes. The outer list corresponds to each image. The inner list corresponds to each class. """ feat = self.extract_feat(img) results_list = self.bbox_head.simple_test(feat, img_metas, rescale=rescale) bbox_results = [seg2Result(segs) for segs in results_list] return bbox_results ###### TODO: nms in test def aug_test(self, imgs, img_metas, rescale=False): """Test function with test time augmentation. Args: imgs (list[Tensor]): the outer list indicates test-time augmentations and inner Tensor should have a shape NxCxHxW, which contains all images in the batch. img_metas (list[list[dict]]): the outer list indicates test-time augs (multiscale, flip, etc.) and the inner list indicates images in a batch. each dict has image information. rescale (bool, optional): Whether to rescale the results. Defaults to False. Returns: list[list[np.ndarray]]: BBox results of each image and classes. The outer list corresponds to each image. The inner list corresponds to each class. """ assert hasattr(self.bbox_head, 'aug_test'), \ f'{self.bbox_head.__class__.__name__}' \ ' does not support test-time augmentation' feats = self.extract_feats(imgs) results_list = self.bbox_head.aug_test(feats, img_metas, rescale=rescale) sg_results = [seg2Result(triplets) for triplets in results_list] return sg_results # TODO # over-write `onnx_export` because: # (1) the forward of bbox_head requires img_metas # (2) the different behavior (e.g. construction of `masks`) between # torch and ONNX model, during the forward of bbox_head def onnx_export(self, img, img_metas): """Test function for exporting to ONNX, without test time augmentation. Args: img (torch.Tensor): input images. img_metas (list[dict]): List of image information. Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: dets of shape [N, num_det, 5] and class labels of shape [N, num_det]. """ x = self.extract_feat(img) # forward of this head requires img_metas outs = self.bbox_head.forward_onnx(x, img_metas) # get shape as tensor img_shape = torch._shape_as_tensor(img)[2:] img_metas[0]['img_shape_for_onnx'] = img_shape det_bboxes, det_labels = self.bbox_head.onnx_export(*outs, img_metas) return det_bboxes, det_labels def show_result( self, img, result, score_thr=0.3, bbox_color=(72, 101, 241), text_color=(72, 101, 241), mask_color=None, thickness=2, font_size=13, win_name='', show=False, wait_time=0, out_file=None, ): """Draw `result` over `img`. Args: img (str or Tensor): The image to be displayed. result (Tensor or tuple): The results to draw over `img` bbox_result or (bbox_result, segm_result). score_thr (float, optional): Minimum score of bboxes to be shown. Default: 0.3. bbox_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' text_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of texts. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' mask_color (None or str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`): Color of masks. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: None thickness (int): Thickness of lines. Default: 2 font_size (int): Font size of texts. Default: 13 win_name (str): The window name. Default: '' wait_time (float): Value of waitKey param. Default: 0. show (bool): Whether to show the image. Default: False. out_file (str or None): The filename to write the image. Default: None. Returns: img (Tensor): Only if not `show` or `out_file` """ # Load image img = mmcv.imread(img) img = img.copy() # (H, W, 3) img_h, img_w = img.shape[:-1] if True: # Draw masks pan_results = result.pan_results ids = np.unique(pan_results)[::-1] legal_indices = ids != self.num_classes # for VOID label ids = ids[legal_indices] # # Get predicted labels # labels = np.array([id % INSTANCE_OFFSET for id in ids], dtype=np.int64) # labels = [self.obc[l] for l in labels] # (N_m, H, W) segms = pan_results[None] == ids[:, None, None] # Resize predicted masks segms = [ mmcv.image.imresize(m.astype(float), (img_w, img_h)) for m in segms ] # Choose colors for each instance in coco colormap_coco = get_colormap(len(segms)) colormap_coco = (np.array(colormap_coco) / 255).tolist() viz = Visualizer(img) viz.overlay_instances( # labels=labels, masks=segms, assigned_colors=colormap_coco, ) viz_img = viz.get_output().get_image() else: # Draw bboxes bboxes = result.refine_bboxes[:, :4] # Choose colors for each instance in coco colormap_coco = get_colormap(len(bboxes)) colormap_coco = (np.array(colormap_coco) / 255).tolist() # 1-index labels = [self.CLASSES[l - 1] for l in result.labels] viz = Visualizer(img) viz.overlay_instances( labels=labels, boxes=bboxes, assigned_colors=colormap_coco, ) viz_img = viz.get_output().get_image() viz_final = viz_img if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(viz_final, out_file) if not (show or out_file): return viz_final
import mmcv import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from detectron2.utils.visualizer import VisImage, Visualizer from mmdet.core import BitmapMasks, bbox2roi, build_assigner, multiclass_nms from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET from mmdet.models import DETECTORS, PanopticFPN from mmdet.models.builder import build_head from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import Result from openpsg.utils.utils import adjust_text_color, draw_text, get_colormap @DETECTORS.register_module() class SceneGraphPanopticFPN(PanopticFPN): def __init__( self, backbone, neck=None, rpn_head=None, roi_head=None, train_cfg=None, test_cfg=None, pretrained=None, init_cfg=None, # for panoptic segmentation semantic_head=None, panoptic_fusion_head=None, # for scene graph relation_head=None, ): super(SceneGraphPanopticFPN, self).__init__( backbone=backbone, neck=neck, rpn_head=rpn_head, roi_head=roi_head, train_cfg=train_cfg, test_cfg=test_cfg, pretrained=pretrained, init_cfg=init_cfg, semantic_head=semantic_head, panoptic_fusion_head=panoptic_fusion_head, ) # Init relation head if relation_head is not None: self.relation_head = build_head(relation_head) # Cache the detection results to speed up the sgdet training. self.rpn_results = dict() self.det_results = dict() @property def with_relation(self): return hasattr(self, 'relation_head') and self.relation_head is not None def simple_test_sg_bboxes(self, x, img_metas, proposals=None, rescale=False): """Test without Augmentation; convert panoptic segments to bounding boxes.""" if proposals is None: proposal_list = self.rpn_head.simple_test_rpn(x, img_metas) else: proposal_list = proposals bboxes, scores = self.roi_head.simple_test_bboxes(x, img_metas, proposal_list, None, rescale=rescale) pan_cfg = self.test_cfg.panoptic # class-wise predictions det_bboxes = [] det_labels = [] for bbox, score in zip(bboxes, scores): det_bbox, det_label = multiclass_nms(bbox, score, pan_cfg.score_thr, pan_cfg.nms, pan_cfg.max_per_img) det_bboxes.append(det_bbox) det_labels.append(det_label) mask_results = self.simple_test_mask(x, img_metas, det_bboxes, det_labels, rescale=rescale) masks = mask_results['masks'] # List[(1, H, W)] # (B, N_stuff_classes, H, W) # Resizes all to same size; uses img_metas[0] only # seg_preds_alt = self.semantic_head.simple_test(x, img_metas, rescale) # seg_preds = self.semantic_head.forward(x)['seg_preds'] seg_preds = [ self.semantic_head.simple_test( [f[i][None, ...] for f in x], [img_metas[i]], rescale, )[0] for i in range(len(img_metas)) ] results = [] for i in range(len(det_bboxes)): # Shape mismatch # i: 1 # img: [16, 3, 800, 1216] # masks[i]: [1, 800, 1120] # seg_preds[i]: [54, 800, 1216], problem here?? pan_results = self.panoptic_fusion_head.simple_test( det_bboxes[i], det_labels[i], masks[i], seg_preds[i]) pan_results = # (H, W) # Convert panoptic segments to bboxes ids = np.unique(pan_results)[::-1] legal_indices = ids != self.num_classes # for VOID label ids = ids[legal_indices] # exclude VOID label # Extract class labels, (N), 1-index? labels = np.array([id % INSTANCE_OFFSET for id in ids], dtype=np.int64) + 1 # labels = np.array([id % INSTANCE_OFFSET for id in ids], # dtype=np.int64) # Binary masks for each object, (N, H, W) segms = pan_results[None] == ids[:, None, None] # Convert to bboxes height, width = segms.shape[1:] masks_to_bboxes = BitmapMasks(segms, height, width).get_bboxes() # Convert to torch tensor # (N_b, 4) masks_to_bboxes = torch.tensor(masks_to_bboxes).to(det_bboxes[0]) labels = torch.tensor(labels).to(det_labels[0]) result = dict(pan_results=pan_results, masks=segms, bboxes=masks_to_bboxes, labels=labels) results.append(result) return results def forward_train( self, img, img_metas, # all_gt_bboxes, # all_gt_labels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, gt_masks=None, proposals=None, gt_rels=None, gt_keyrels=None, gt_relmaps=None, gt_scenes=None, rescale=False, **kwargs, ): # img: (B, C, H, W) x = self.extract_feat(img) ################################################################ # Specifically for Relation Prediction / SGG. # # The detector part must perform as if at test mode. # ################################################################ if self.with_relation: # # assert gt_rels is not None and gt_relmaps is not None # if self.relation_head.with_visual_mask and (not self.with_mask): # raise ValueError("The basic detector did not provide masks.") # NOTE: Change gt to 1-index here: gt_labels = [label + 1 for label in gt_labels] """ NOTE: (for VG) When the gt masks is None, but the head needs mask, we use the gt_box and gt_label (if needed) to generate the fake mask. """ ( bboxes, labels, target_labels, dists, # Can this be `None`? pan_masks, pan_results, points, ) = self.detector_simple_test( x, img_metas, # all_gt_bboxes, # all_gt_labels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, proposals, use_gt_box=self.relation_head.use_gt_box, use_gt_label=self.relation_head.use_gt_label, rescale=rescale, ) # Filter out empty predictions idxes_to_filter = [i for i, b in enumerate(bboxes) if len(b) == 0] param_need_filter = [ bboxes, labels, dists, target_labels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_rels, img_metas, gt_scenes, gt_keyrels, points, pan_results, gt_masks, gt_relmaps, pan_masks ] for idx, param in enumerate(param_need_filter): if param_need_filter[idx]: param_need_filter[idx] = [ x for i, x in enumerate(param) if i not in idxes_to_filter ] (bboxes, labels, dists, target_labels, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_rels, img_metas, gt_scenes, gt_keyrels, points, pan_results, gt_masks, gt_relmaps, pan_masks) = param_need_filter # Filter done if idxes_to_filter and len(gt_bboxes) == 16: print('sg_panoptic_fpn: not filtered!') filtered_x = [] for idx in range(len(x)): filtered_x.append( torch.stack([ e for i, e in enumerate(x[idx]) if i not in idxes_to_filter ])) x = filtered_x gt_result = Result( # bboxes=all_gt_bboxes, # labels=all_gt_labels, bboxes=gt_bboxes, labels=gt_labels, rels=gt_rels, relmaps=gt_relmaps, masks=gt_masks, rel_pair_idxes=[rel[:, :2].clone() for rel in gt_rels] if gt_rels is not None else None, rel_labels=[rel[:, -1].clone() for rel in gt_rels] if gt_rels is not None else None, key_rels=gt_keyrels if gt_keyrels is not None else None, img_shape=[meta['img_shape'] for meta in img_metas], scenes=gt_scenes, ) det_result = Result( bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, dists=dists, masks=pan_masks, pan_results=pan_results, points=points, target_labels=target_labels, target_scenes=gt_scenes, img_shape=[meta['img_shape'] for meta in img_metas], ) det_result = self.relation_head(x, img_metas, det_result, gt_result) # Loss performed here return self.relation_head.loss(det_result) def forward_test(self, imgs, img_metas, **kwargs): """ Args: imgs (List[Tensor]): the outer list indicates test-time augmentations and inner Tensor should have a shape NxCxHxW, which contains all images in the batch. img_metas (List[List[dict]]): the outer list indicates test-time augs (multiscale, flip, etc.) and the inner list indicates images in a batch. """ for var, name in [(imgs, 'imgs'), (img_metas, 'img_metas')]: if not isinstance(var, list): raise TypeError(f'{name} must be a list, but got {type(var)}') num_augs = len(imgs) if num_augs != len(img_metas): raise ValueError(f'num of augmentations ({len(imgs)}) ' f'!= num of image meta ({len(img_metas)})') # NOTE the batched image size information may be useful, e.g. # in DETR, this is needed for the construction of masks, which is # then used for the transformer_head. for img, img_meta in zip(imgs, img_metas): batch_size = len(img_meta) for img_id in range(batch_size): img_meta[img_id]['batch_input_shape'] = tuple(img.size()[-2:]) key_first = kwargs.pop('key_first', False) # if relation_mode: assert num_augs == 1 return self.relation_simple_test(imgs[0], img_metas[0], key_first=key_first, **kwargs) # if num_augs == 1: # # proposals (List[List[Tensor]]): the outer list indicates # # test-time augs (multiscale, flip, etc.) and the inner list # # indicates images in a batch. # # The Tensor should have a shape Px4, where P is the number of # # proposals. # if "proposals" in kwargs: # kwargs["proposals"] = kwargs["proposals"][0] # return self.simple_test(imgs[0], img_metas[0], **kwargs) # else: # assert imgs[0].size(0) == 1, ( # "aug test does not support " # "inference with batch size " # f"{imgs[0].size(0)}" # ) # # TODO: support test augmentation for predefined proposals # assert "proposals" not in kwargs # return self.aug_test(imgs, img_metas, **kwargs) def detector_simple_test( self, x, img_meta, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, proposals=None, use_gt_box=False, use_gt_label=False, rescale=False, is_testing=False, ): """Test without augmentation. Used in SGG. Return: det_bboxes: (list[Tensor]): The boxes may have 5 columns (sgdet) or 4 columns (predcls/sgcls). det_labels: (list[Tensor]): 1D tensor, det_labels (sgdet) or gt_labels (predcls/sgcls). det_dists: (list[Tensor]): 2D tensor, N x Nc, the bg column is 0. detected dists (sgdet/sgcls), or None (predcls). masks: (list[list[Tensor]]): Mask is associated with box. Thus, in predcls/sgcls mode, it will firstly return the gt_masks. But some datasets do not contain gt_masks. We try to use the gt box to obtain the masks. """ assert self.with_bbox, 'Bbox head must be implemented.' pan_seg_masks = None if use_gt_box and use_gt_label: # predcls # if is_testing: # det_results = self.simple_test_sg_bboxes(x, img_meta, # rescale=True) # pan_results = [r['pan_results'] for r in det_results] target_labels = gt_labels pan_seg_masks = gt_masks return gt_bboxes, gt_labels, target_labels, None, gt_masks, None, None # NOTE: Sgcls should not be performed elif use_gt_box and not use_gt_label: # sgcls """The self implementation return 1-based det_labels.""" target_labels = gt_labels _, det_labels, det_dists = self.detector_simple_test_det_bbox( x, img_meta, proposals=gt_bboxes, rescale=rescale) return gt_bboxes, det_labels, target_labels, det_dists, gt_masks, None, None elif not use_gt_box and not use_gt_label: # sgdet """It returns 1-based det_labels.""" # get target labels for the det bboxes: make use of the # bbox head assigner if not is_testing: # excluding the testing phase det_results = self.simple_test_sg_bboxes(x, img_meta, rescale=rescale) det_bboxes = [r['bboxes'] for r in det_results] det_labels = [r['labels'] for r in det_results] # 1-index pan_results = None target_labels = [] # MaxIOUAssigner bbox_assigner = build_assigner(self.train_cfg.rcnn.assigner) for i in range(len(img_meta)): assign_result = bbox_assigner.assign( # gt_labels: 1-index det_bboxes[i], gt_bboxes[i], gt_labels=gt_labels[i] - 1, ) target_labels.append(assign_result.labels + 1) # assign_result.labels[assign_result.labels == -1] = 0 # target_labels.append(assign_result.labels) else: det_results = self.simple_test_sg_bboxes(x, img_meta, rescale=rescale) det_bboxes = [r['bboxes'] for r in det_results] det_labels = [r['labels'] for r in det_results] # 1-index pan_seg_masks = [r['masks'] for r in det_results] # to reshape pan_seg_masks mask_size = (img_meta[0]['ori_shape'][0], img_meta[0]['ori_shape'][1]) pan_seg_masks = F.interpolate( torch.Tensor(pan_seg_masks[0]).unsqueeze(1), size=mask_size).squeeze(1).bool() pan_seg_masks = [pan_seg_masks.numpy()] # TODO: why number of bboxes/masks will differ between 2 tests? det_results_for_pan = self.simple_test_sg_bboxes(x, img_meta, rescale=True) pan_results = [r['pan_results'] for r in det_results_for_pan] # pan_seg_masks = [r['masks'] for r in det_results_for_pan] target_labels = None # det_dists: Tuple[(N_b, N_c + 1)] # Temp set as one-hot labels det_dists = [ F.one_hot(det_label, num_classes=self.num_classes + 1).to(det_bboxes[0]) for det_label in det_labels ] # det_dists = [ # F.one_hot(det_label - 1, num_classes=self.num_classes) # .to(det_bboxes[0]) # for det_label in det_labels # ] det_bboxes = [[b, b.new_ones(len(b), 1)], dim=-1) for b in det_bboxes ] # det_bboxes: List[B x (N_b, 5)] # det_labels: List[B x (N_b)] # target_labels: List[B x (N_b)] # det_dists: List[B x (N_b, N_c + 1)] return det_bboxes, det_labels, target_labels, \ det_dists, pan_seg_masks, pan_results, None def detector_simple_test_det_bbox(self, x, img_meta, proposals=None, rescale=False): """Run the detector in test mode, given gt_bboxes, return the labels, dists Return: det_labels: 1 based. """ num_levels = len(x) if proposals is None: proposal_list = self.rpn_head.simple_test_rpn(x, img_meta) else: proposal_list = proposals """Support multi-image per batch""" det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists = [], [], [] for img_id in range(len(img_meta)): x_i = tuple([x[i][img_id][None] for i in range(num_levels)]) # img_meta_i = [img_meta[img_id]] proposal_list_i = [proposal_list[img_id]] det_labels_i, score_dists_i = self.simple_test_given_bboxes( x_i, proposal_list_i) det_bboxes.append(proposal_list[img_id]) det_labels.append(det_labels_i) score_dists.append(score_dists_i) return det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists def detector_simple_test_det_bbox_mask(self, x, img_meta, rescale=False): """Run the detector in test mode, return the detected boxes, labels, dists, and masks.""" """RPN phase""" # num_levels = len(x) # proposal_list = # self.rpn_head.simple_test_rpn(x, img_meta, self.test_cfg.rpn) proposal_list = self.rpn_head.simple_test_rpn(x, img_meta) # List[Tensor(1000, 5)] """Support multi-image per batch""" # det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists = [], [], [] # # img_meta: List[metadata] # for img_id in range(len(img_meta)): # x_i = tuple([x[i][img_id][None] for i in range(num_levels)]) # img_meta_i = [img_meta[img_id]] # proposal_list_i = [proposal_list[img_id]] # ( # det_bboxes_i, # det_labels_i, # score_dists_i, # ) = self.roi_head.simple_test_bboxes( # x_i, # img_meta_i, # proposal_list_i, # self.test_cfg.rcnn, # rescale=rescale, # # return_dist=True, # ) # det_bboxes.append(det_bboxes_i) # det_labels.append(det_labels_i + 1) # score_dists.append(score_dists_i) det_bboxes, det_labels = self.roi_head.simple_test_bboxes( x, img_meta, proposal_list, self.test_cfg.rcnn, rescale=rescale, # return_dist=True, ) det_labels, score_dists = zip(*det_labels) # det_bboxes: (N_b, 5) # det_labels: (N_b) # score_dists: (N_b, N_c + 1) return det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists, None, None def simple_test_given_bboxes(self, x, proposals): """For SGG~SGCLS mode: Given gt boxes, extract its predicted scores and score dists. Without any post-process. """ rois = bbox2roi(proposals) roi_feats = self.roi_head.bbox_roi_extractor( x[:len(self.roi_head.bbox_roi_extractor.featmap_strides)], rois) if self.with_shared_head: roi_feats = self.roi_head.shared_head(roi_feats) cls_score, _ = self.roi_head.bbox_head(roi_feats) cls_score[:, 1:] = F.softmax(cls_score[:, 1:], dim=1) _, labels = torch.max(cls_score[:, 1:], dim=1) labels += 1 cls_score[:, 0] = 0 return labels, cls_score def relation_simple_test( self, img, img_meta, # all_gt_bboxes=None, # all_gt_labels=None, gt_bboxes=None, gt_labels=None, gt_rels=None, gt_masks=None, gt_scenes=None, rescale=False, ignore_classes=None, key_first=False, ): """ :param img: :param img_meta: :param gt_bboxes: Usually, under the forward (train/val/test), it should not be None. But when for demo (inference), it should be None. The same for gt_labels. :param gt_labels: :param gt_rels: You should make sure that the gt_rels should not be passed into the forward process in any mode. It is only used to visualize the results. :param gt_masks: :param rescale: :param ignore_classes: For practice, you may want to ignore some object classes :return: """ # Extract the outer list: Since the aug test is # temporarily not supported. # if all_gt_bboxes is not None: # all_gt_bboxes = all_gt_bboxes[0] # if all_gt_labels is not None: # all_gt_labels = all_gt_labels[0] if gt_bboxes is not None: gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes[0] if gt_labels is not None: gt_labels = gt_labels[0] if gt_masks is not None: gt_masks = gt_masks[0] x = self.extract_feat(img) """ NOTE: (for VG) When the gt masks is None, but the head needs mask, we use the gt_box and gt_label (if needed) to generate the fake mask. """ # NOTE: Change to 1-index here: gt_labels = [label + 1 for label in gt_labels] # Rescale should be forbidden here since the bboxes and masks will # be used in relation module. bboxes, labels, target_labels, dists, pan_masks, pan_results, points \ = self.detector_simple_test( x, img_meta, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, use_gt_box=self.relation_head.use_gt_box, use_gt_label=self.relation_head.use_gt_label, rescale=False, is_testing=True, ) # saliency_maps = ( # self.saliency_detector_test(img, img_meta) if \ # self.with_saliency else None # ) det_result = Result( bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, dists=dists, masks=pan_masks, pan_results=pan_results, points=points, target_labels=target_labels, # saliency_maps=saliency_maps, img_shape=[meta['img_shape'] for meta in img_meta], ) # If empty prediction if len(bboxes[0]) == 0: return det_result det_result = self.relation_head(x, img_meta, det_result, is_testing=True, ignore_classes=ignore_classes) """ Transform the data type, and rescale the bboxes and masks if needed (for visual, do not rescale, for evaluation, rescale). """ scale_factor = img_meta[0]['scale_factor'] det_result = self.relation_head.get_result(det_result, scale_factor, rescale=rescale, key_first=key_first) if pan_masks is not None: det_result.masks = np.array(pan_masks[0]) return det_result def show_result( self, img, result, score_thr=0.3, bbox_color=(72, 101, 241), text_color=(72, 101, 241), mask_color=None, thickness=2, font_size=13, win_name='', show=False, wait_time=0, out_file=None, ): """Draw `result` over `img`. Args: img (str or Tensor): The image to be displayed. result (Tensor or tuple): The results to draw over `img` bbox_result or (bbox_result, segm_result). score_thr (float, optional): Minimum score of bboxes to be shown. Default: 0.3. bbox_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' text_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of texts. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' mask_color (None or str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`): Color of masks. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: None thickness (int): Thickness of lines. Default: 2 font_size (int): Font size of texts. Default: 13 win_name (str): The window name. Default: '' wait_time (float): Value of waitKey param. Default: 0. show (bool): Whether to show the image. Default: False. out_file (str or None): The filename to write the image. Default: None. Returns: img (Tensor): Only if not `show` or `out_file` """ self.CLASSES = [ 'airplane', 'apple', 'backpack', 'banana', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'bear', 'bed', 'bench', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'book', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'broccoli', 'bus', 'cake', 'car', 'carrot', 'cat', 'cell phone', 'chair', 'clock', 'couch', 'cow', 'cup', 'dining table', 'dog', 'donut', 'elephant', 'fire hydrant', 'fork', 'frisbee', 'giraffe', 'hair drier', 'handbag', 'horse', 'hot dog', 'keyboard', 'kite', 'knife', 'laptop', 'microwave', 'motorcycle', 'mouse', 'orange', 'oven', 'parking meter', 'person', 'pizza', 'potted plant', 'refrigerator', 'remote', 'sandwich', 'scissors', 'sheep', 'sink', 'skateboard', 'skis', 'snowboard', 'spoon', 'sports ball', 'stop sign', 'suitcase', 'surfboard', 'teddy bear', 'tennis racket', 'tie', 'toaster', 'toilet', 'toothbrush', 'traffic light', 'train', 'truck', 'tv', 'umbrella', 'vase', 'wine glass', 'zebra', 'banner', 'blanket', 'bridge', 'building', 'cabinet', 'cardboard', 'ceiling', 'counter', 'curtain', 'dirt', 'door', 'fence', 'floor', 'floor-wood', 'flower', 'food', 'fruit', 'grass', 'gravel', 'house', 'light', 'mirror', 'mountain', 'net', 'paper', 'pavement', 'pillow', 'platform', 'playingfield', 'railroad', 'river', 'road', 'rock', 'roof', 'rug', 'sand', 'sea', 'shelf', 'sky', 'snow', 'stairs', 'table', 'tent', 'towel', 'tree', 'wall-brick', 'wall', 'wall-stone', 'wall-tile', 'wall-wood', 'water', 'window-blind', 'window', ] # Load image img = mmcv.imread(img) img = img.copy() # (H, W, 3) img_h, img_w = img.shape[:-1] if True: # Draw masks pan_results = result.pan_results ids = np.unique(pan_results)[::-1] legal_indices = ids != self.num_classes # for VOID label ids = ids[legal_indices] # Get predicted labels labels = np.array([id % INSTANCE_OFFSET for id in ids], dtype=np.int64) labels = [self.CLASSES[label] for label in labels] # (N_m, H, W) segms = pan_results[None] == ids[:, None, None] # Resize predicted masks segms = [ mmcv.image.imresize(m.astype(float), (img_w, img_h)) for m in segms ] # Choose colors for each instance in coco colormap_coco = get_colormap(len(segms)) colormap_coco = (np.array(colormap_coco) / 255).tolist() viz = Visualizer(img) viz.overlay_instances( labels=labels, masks=segms, assigned_colors=colormap_coco, ) viz_img = viz.get_output().get_image() else: # Draw bboxes bboxes = result.refine_bboxes[:, :4] # Choose colors for each instance in coco colormap_coco = get_colormap(len(bboxes)) colormap_coco = (np.array(colormap_coco) / 255).tolist() # 1-index labels = [self.CLASSES[label - 1] for label in result.labels] viz = Visualizer(img) viz.overlay_instances( labels=labels, boxes=bboxes, assigned_colors=colormap_coco, ) viz_img = viz.get_output().get_image() # Draw relations # Filter out relations n_rel_topk = 20 # Exclude background class rel_dists = result.rel_dists[:, 1:] # rel_dists = result.rel_dists rel_scores = rel_dists.max(1) # rel_scores = result.triplet_scores # Extract relations with top scores rel_topk_idx = np.argpartition(rel_scores, -n_rel_topk)[-n_rel_topk:] rel_labels_topk = rel_dists[rel_topk_idx].argmax(1) rel_pair_idxes_topk = result.rel_pair_idxes[rel_topk_idx] relations = np.concatenate( [rel_pair_idxes_topk, rel_labels_topk[..., None]], axis=1) n_rels = len(relations) top_padding = 20 bottom_padding = 20 left_padding = 20 text_size = 10 text_padding = 5 text_height = text_size + 2 * text_padding row_padding = 10 height = (top_padding + bottom_padding + n_rels * (text_height + row_padding) - row_padding) width = viz_img.shape[1] curr_x = left_padding curr_y = top_padding # Adjust colormaps colormap_coco = [adjust_text_color(c, viz) for c in colormap_coco] viz_graph = VisImage(np.full((height, width, 3), 255)) for i, r in enumerate(relations): s_idx, o_idx, rel_id = r s_label = labels[s_idx] o_label = labels[o_idx] # Becomes 0-index rel_label = self.PREDICATES[rel_id] # Draw subject text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=s_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, color=colormap_coco[s_idx], size=text_size, padding=text_padding, # font=font, ) curr_x += text_width # Draw relation text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=rel_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, size=text_size, padding=text_padding, box_color='gainsboro', # font=font, ) curr_x += text_width # Draw object text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=o_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, color=colormap_coco[o_idx], size=text_size, padding=text_padding, # font=font, ) curr_x += text_width curr_x = left_padding curr_y += text_height + row_padding viz_graph = viz_graph.get_image() viz_final = np.vstack([viz_img, viz_graph]) if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(viz_final, out_file) if not (show or out_file): return viz_final
import mmcv import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from detectron2.utils.visualizer import VisImage, Visualizer from mmdet.core import bbox2roi, build_assigner from mmdet.models import DETECTORS, TwoStageDetector from mmdet.models.builder import build_head from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import Result from openpsg.utils.utils import adjust_text_color, draw_text, get_colormap @DETECTORS.register_module() class SceneGraphRCNN(TwoStageDetector): def __init__( self, backbone, rpn_head, roi_head, train_cfg, test_cfg, neck=None, pretrained=None, init_cfg=None, relation_head=None, ): super(SceneGraphRCNN, self).__init__( backbone=backbone, neck=neck, rpn_head=rpn_head, roi_head=roi_head, train_cfg=train_cfg, test_cfg=test_cfg, pretrained=pretrained, init_cfg=init_cfg, ) # Init relation head if relation_head is not None: self.relation_head = build_head(relation_head) # Cache the detection results to speed up the sgdet training. self.rpn_results = dict() self.det_results = dict() @property def with_relation(self): return hasattr(self, 'relation_head') and self.relation_head is not None def forward_train( self, img, img_metas, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, gt_masks=None, proposals=None, gt_rels=None, gt_keyrels=None, gt_relmaps=None, gt_scenes=None, rescale=False, **kwargs, ): x = self.extract_feat(img) ################################################################ # Specifically for Relation Prediction / SGG. # # The detector part must perform as if at test mode. # ################################################################ if self.with_relation: # # assert gt_rels is not None and gt_relmaps is not None # if self.relation_head.with_visual_mask and (not self.with_mask): # raise ValueError("The basic detector did not provide masks.") # Change to 1-index here: gt_labels = [l + 1 for l in gt_labels] """ NOTE: (for VG) When the gt masks is None, but the head needs mask, we use the gt_box and gt_label (if needed) to generate the fake mask. """ ( bboxes, labels, target_labels, dists, masks, points, ) = self.detector_simple_test( x, img_metas, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, proposals, use_gt_box=self.relation_head.use_gt_box, use_gt_label=self.relation_head.use_gt_label, rescale=rescale, ) # saliency_maps = ( # self.saliency_detector_test(img, img_meta) # if self.with_saliency # else None # ) gt_result = Result( bboxes=gt_bboxes, labels=gt_labels, rels=gt_rels, relmaps=gt_relmaps, masks=gt_masks, rel_pair_idxes=[rel[:, :2].clone() for rel in gt_rels] if gt_rels is not None else None, rel_labels=[rel[:, -1].clone() for rel in gt_rels] if gt_rels is not None else None, key_rels=gt_keyrels if gt_keyrels is not None else None, img_shape=[meta['img_shape'] for meta in img_metas], scenes=gt_scenes, ) det_result = Result( bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, dists=dists, masks=masks, points=points, target_labels=target_labels, target_scenes=gt_scenes, img_shape=[meta['img_shape'] for meta in img_metas], ) det_result = self.relation_head(x, img_metas, det_result, gt_result) return self.relation_head.loss(det_result) def forward_test(self, imgs, img_metas, **kwargs): """ Args: imgs (List[Tensor]): the outer list indicates test-time augmentations and inner Tensor should have a shape NxCxHxW, which contains all images in the batch. img_metas (List[List[dict]]): the outer list indicates test-time augs (multiscale, flip, etc.) and the inner list indicates images in a batch. """ for var, name in [(imgs, 'imgs'), (img_metas, 'img_metas')]: if not isinstance(var, list): raise TypeError(f'{name} must be a list, but got {type(var)}') num_augs = len(imgs) if num_augs != len(img_metas): raise ValueError(f'num of augmentations ({len(imgs)}) ' f'!= num of image meta ({len(img_metas)})') # NOTE the batched image size information may be useful, e.g. # in DETR, this is needed for the construction of masks, which is # then used for the transformer_head. for img, img_meta in zip(imgs, img_metas): batch_size = len(img_meta) for img_id in range(batch_size): img_meta[img_id]['batch_input_shape'] = tuple(img.size()[-2:]) key_first = kwargs.pop('key_first', False) # if relation_mode: assert num_augs == 1 return self.relation_simple_test(imgs[0], img_metas[0], key_first=key_first, **kwargs) # if num_augs == 1: # # proposals (List[List[Tensor]]): the outer list indicates # # test-time augs (multiscale, flip, etc.) and the inner list # # indicates images in a batch. # # The Tensor should have a shape Px4, where P is the number of # # proposals. # if "proposals" in kwargs: # kwargs["proposals"] = kwargs["proposals"][0] # return self.simple_test(imgs[0], img_metas[0], **kwargs) # else: # assert imgs[0].size(0) == 1, ( # "aug test does not support " # "inference with batch size " # f"{imgs[0].size(0)}" # ) # # TODO: support test augmentation for predefined proposals # assert "proposals" not in kwargs # return self.aug_test(imgs, img_metas, **kwargs) def detector_simple_test( self, x, img_meta, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, proposals=None, use_gt_box=False, use_gt_label=False, rescale=False, is_testing=False, ): """Test without augmentation. Used in SGG. Return: det_bboxes: (list[Tensor]): The boxes may have 5 columns (sgdet) or 4 columns (predcls/sgcls). det_labels: (list[Tensor]): 1D tensor, det_labels (sgdet) or gt_labels (predcls/sgcls). det_dists: (list[Tensor]): 2D tensor, N x Nc, the bg column is 0. detected dists (sgdet/sgcls), or None (predcls). masks: (list[list[Tensor]]): Mask is associated with box. Thus, in predcls/sgcls mode, it will firstly return the gt_masks. But some datasets do not contain gt_masks. We try to use the gt box to obtain the masks. """ assert self.with_bbox, 'Bbox head must be implemented.' if use_gt_box and use_gt_label: # predcls target_labels = gt_labels return gt_bboxes, gt_labels, target_labels, None, None, None elif use_gt_box and not use_gt_label: # sgcls """The self implementation return 1-based det_labels.""" target_labels = gt_labels _, det_labels, det_dists = self.detector_simple_test_det_bbox( x, img_meta, proposals=gt_bboxes, rescale=rescale) return gt_bboxes, det_labels, target_labels, det_dists, None, None elif not use_gt_box and not use_gt_label: """It returns 1-based det_labels.""" ( det_bboxes, det_labels, det_dists, _, _, ) = self.detector_simple_test_det_bbox_mask(x, img_meta, rescale=rescale) # get target labels for the det bboxes: make use of the bbox head assigner if not is_testing: # excluding the testing phase target_labels = [] bbox_assigner = build_assigner(self.train_cfg.rcnn.assigner) for i in range(len(img_meta)): assign_result = bbox_assigner.assign( det_bboxes[i], gt_bboxes[i], gt_labels=gt_labels[i] - 1) target_labels.append(assign_result.labels + 1) else: target_labels = None # det_bboxes: List[B x (N_b, 5)], last dim is probability # det_labels: List[B x (N_b)] # target_labels: List[B x (N_b)] # det_dists: List[B x (N_b, N_c + 1)], doesn't sum to 1 return det_bboxes, det_labels, target_labels, det_dists, None, None def detector_simple_test_det_bbox(self, x, img_meta, proposals=None, rescale=False): """Run the detector in test mode, given gt_bboxes, return the labels, dists Return: det_labels: 1 based. """ num_levels = len(x) if proposals is None: proposal_list = self.rpn_head.simple_test_rpn(x, img_meta) else: proposal_list = proposals """Support multi-image per batch""" det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists = [], [], [] for img_id in range(len(img_meta)): x_i = tuple([x[i][img_id][None] for i in range(num_levels)]) img_meta_i = [img_meta[img_id]] proposal_list_i = [proposal_list[img_id]] det_labels_i, score_dists_i = self.simple_test_given_bboxes( x_i, proposal_list_i) det_bboxes.append(proposal_list[img_id]) det_labels.append(det_labels_i) score_dists.append(score_dists_i) return det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists def detector_simple_test_det_bbox_mask(self, x, img_meta, rescale=False): """Run the detector in test mode, return the detected boxes, labels, dists, and masks.""" """RPN phase""" num_levels = len(x) # proposal_list = self.rpn_head.simple_test_rpn(x, img_meta, self.test_cfg.rpn) proposal_list = self.rpn_head.simple_test_rpn(x, img_meta) # List[Tensor(1000, 5)] """Support multi-image per batch""" # det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists = [], [], [] # # img_meta: List[metadata] # for img_id in range(len(img_meta)): # x_i = tuple([x[i][img_id][None] for i in range(num_levels)]) # img_meta_i = [img_meta[img_id]] # proposal_list_i = [proposal_list[img_id]] # ( # det_bboxes_i, # det_labels_i, # score_dists_i, # ) = self.roi_head.simple_test_bboxes( # x_i, # img_meta_i, # proposal_list_i, # self.test_cfg.rcnn, # rescale=rescale, # # return_dist=True, # ) # det_bboxes.append(det_bboxes_i) # det_labels.append(det_labels_i + 1) # score_dists.append(score_dists_i) det_bboxes, det_labels = self.roi_head.simple_test_bboxes( x, img_meta, proposal_list, self.test_cfg.rcnn, rescale=rescale, # return_dist=True, ) det_labels, score_dists = zip(*det_labels) # det_labels = [l + 1 for l in det_labels] # det_bboxes: (N_b, 5) # det_labels: (N_b) # score_dists: (N_b, N_c + 1) return det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists, None, None # if not self.with_mask: # return det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists, None, None # else: # if self.bbox_head.__class__.__name__ == "ExtrDetWeightSharedFCBBoxHead": # det_weight = self.bbox_head.det_weight_hook() # else: # det_weight = None # segm_masks = [] # points = [] # for img_id in range(len(img_meta)): # x_i = tuple([x[i][img_id][None] for i in range(num_levels)]) # img_meta_i = [img_meta[img_id]] # test_result = self.simple_test_mask( # x_i, # img_meta_i, # det_bboxes[img_id], # det_labels[img_id] - 1, # rescale=rescale, # det_weight=det_weight, # with_point=self.with_point, # ) # if isinstance(test_result, tuple): # segm_masks_i, points_i = test_result # points.append(points_i) # else: # segm_masks_i = test_result # segm_masks.append(segm_masks_i) # return det_bboxes, det_labels, score_dists, segm_masks, points def simple_test_given_bboxes(self, x, proposals): """For SGG~SGCLS mode: Given gt boxes, extract its predicted scores and score dists. Without any post-process. """ rois = bbox2roi(proposals) roi_feats = self.roi_head.bbox_roi_extractor( x[:len(self.roi_head.bbox_roi_extractor.featmap_strides)], rois) if self.with_shared_head: roi_feats = self.roi_head.shared_head(roi_feats) cls_score, _ = self.roi_head.bbox_head(roi_feats) cls_score[:, 1:] = F.softmax(cls_score[:, 1:], dim=1) _, labels = torch.max(cls_score[:, 1:], dim=1) labels += 1 cls_score[:, 0] = 0 return labels, cls_score def relation_simple_test( self, img, img_meta, gt_bboxes=None, gt_labels=None, gt_rels=None, gt_masks=None, gt_scenes=None, rescale=False, ignore_classes=None, key_first=False, ): """ :param img: :param img_meta: :param gt_bboxes: Usually, under the forward (train/val/test), it should not be None. But when for demo (inference), it should be None. The same for gt_labels. :param gt_labels: :param gt_rels: You should make sure that the gt_rels should not be passed into the forward process in any mode. It is only used to visualize the results. :param gt_masks: :param rescale: :param ignore_classes: For practice, you may want to ignore some object classes :return: """ # Extract the outer list: Since the aug test is temporarily not supported. if gt_bboxes is not None: gt_bboxes = gt_bboxes[0] if gt_labels is not None: gt_labels = gt_labels[0] if gt_masks is not None: gt_masks = gt_masks[0] x = self.extract_feat(img) # if self.relation_head.with_visual_mask and (not self.with_mask): # raise ValueError("The basic detector did not provide masks.") """ NOTE: (for VG) When the gt masks is None, but the head needs mask, we use the gt_box and gt_label (if needed) to generate the fake mask. """ # Change to 1-index here: gt_labels = [l + 1 for l in gt_labels] # Rescale should be forbidden here since the bboxes and masks will be used in relation module. bboxes, labels, target_labels, dists, masks, points = self.detector_simple_test( x, img_meta, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_masks, use_gt_box=self.relation_head.use_gt_box, use_gt_label=self.relation_head.use_gt_label, rescale=False, is_testing=True, ) # saliency_maps = ( # self.saliency_detector_test(img, img_meta) if self.with_saliency else None # ) det_result = Result( bboxes=bboxes, labels=labels, dists=dists, masks=masks, points=points, target_labels=target_labels, # saliency_maps=saliency_maps, img_shape=[meta['img_shape'] for meta in img_meta], ) det_result = self.relation_head(x, img_meta, det_result, is_testing=True, ignore_classes=ignore_classes) """ Transform the data type, and rescale the bboxes and masks if needed (for visual, do not rescale, for evaluation, rescale). """ scale_factor = img_meta[0]['scale_factor'] return self.relation_head.get_result(det_result, scale_factor, rescale=rescale, key_first=key_first) def show_result( self, img, result, score_thr=0.3, bbox_color=(72, 101, 241), text_color=(72, 101, 241), mask_color=None, thickness=2, font_size=13, win_name='', show=False, wait_time=0, out_file=None, ): """Draw `result` over `img`. Args: img (str or Tensor): The image to be displayed. result (Tensor or tuple): The results to draw over `img` bbox_result or (bbox_result, segm_result). score_thr (float, optional): Minimum score of bboxes to be shown. Default: 0.3. bbox_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of bbox lines. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' text_color (str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`):Color of texts. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: 'green' mask_color (None or str or tuple(int) or :obj:`Color`): Color of masks. The tuple of color should be in BGR order. Default: None thickness (int): Thickness of lines. Default: 2 font_size (int): Font size of texts. Default: 13 win_name (str): The window name. Default: '' wait_time (float): Value of waitKey param. Default: 0. show (bool): Whether to show the image. Default: False. out_file (str or None): The filename to write the image. Default: None. Returns: img (Tensor): Only if not `show` or `out_file` """ img = mmcv.imread(img) img = img.copy() # (H, W, 3) # TODO: Use threshold to filter out # Draw bboxes bboxes = result.refine_bboxes[:, :4] # Choose colors for each instance in coco colormap_coco = get_colormap(len(bboxes)) colormap_coco = (np.array(colormap_coco) / 255).tolist() # 1-index labels = [self.CLASSES[l - 1] for l in result.labels] viz = Visualizer(img) viz.overlay_instances( labels=labels, boxes=bboxes, assigned_colors=colormap_coco, ) viz_img = viz.get_output().get_image() # Draw relations # Filter out relations n_rel_topk = 20 # To exclude background class? rel_dists = result.rel_dists[:, 1:] # rel_dists = result.rel_dists rel_scores = rel_dists.max(1) # rel_scores = result.triplet_scores # Extract relations with top scores rel_topk_idx = np.argpartition(rel_scores, -n_rel_topk)[-n_rel_topk:] rel_labels_topk = rel_dists[rel_topk_idx].argmax(1) rel_pair_idxes_topk = result.rel_pair_idxes[rel_topk_idx] relations = np.concatenate( [rel_pair_idxes_topk, rel_labels_topk[..., None]], axis=1) n_rels = len(relations) top_padding = 20 bottom_padding = 20 left_padding = 20 text_size = 10 text_padding = 5 text_height = text_size + 2 * text_padding row_padding = 10 height = (top_padding + bottom_padding + n_rels * (text_height + row_padding) - row_padding) width = viz_img.shape[1] curr_x = left_padding curr_y = top_padding # Adjust colormaps colormap_coco = [adjust_text_color(c, viz) for c in colormap_coco] viz_graph = VisImage(np.full((height, width, 3), 255)) for i, r in enumerate(relations): s_idx, o_idx, rel_id = r # # Filter for specific relations # if rel_ids_to_keep: # if rel_id not in rel_ids_to_keep: # continue # elif rel_ids_to_filter: # if rel_id in rel_ids_to_filter: # continue s_label = labels[s_idx] o_label = labels[o_idx] # Becomes 0-index rel_label = self.PREDICATES[rel_id] # Draw subject text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=s_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, color=colormap_coco[s_idx], size=text_size, padding=text_padding, # font=font, ) curr_x += text_width # Draw relation text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=rel_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, size=text_size, padding=text_padding, box_color='gainsboro', # font=font, ) curr_x += text_width # Draw object text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=o_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, color=colormap_coco[o_idx], size=text_size, padding=text_padding, # font=font, ) curr_x += text_width curr_x = left_padding curr_y += text_height + row_padding viz_graph = viz_graph.get_image() viz_final = np.vstack([viz_img, viz_graph]) if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(viz_final, out_file) if not (show or out_file): return viz_final
from .sg_panoptic_fpn import SceneGraphPanopticFPN from .sg_rcnn import SceneGraphRCNN
""" See: """ from mmdet.models import HEADS, StandardRoIHead @HEADS.register_module() class SceneGraphRoIHead(StandardRoIHead): def __init__(self, param, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.param = self.param
from .bbox_heads import SceneGraphBBoxHead
from .sg_bbox_head import SceneGraphBBoxHead
import torch.nn.functional as F from mmcv.runner import force_fp32 from mmdet.models import Shared2FCBBoxHead from mmdet.models.builder import HEADS from openpsg.utils.utils import multiclass_nms_alt @HEADS.register_module() class SceneGraphBBoxHead(Shared2FCBBoxHead): @force_fp32(apply_to=('cls_score', 'bbox_pred')) def get_bboxes( self, rois, cls_score, bbox_pred, img_shape, scale_factor, rescale=False, cfg=None, ): """Transform network output for a batch into bbox predictions. Args: rois (Tensor): Boxes to be transformed. Has shape (num_boxes, 5). last dimension 5 arrange as (batch_index, x1, y1, x2, y2). cls_score (Tensor): Box scores, has shape (num_boxes, num_classes + 1). bbox_pred (Tensor, optional): Box energies / deltas. has shape (num_boxes, num_classes * 4). img_shape (Sequence[int], optional): Maximum bounds for boxes, specifies (H, W, C) or (H, W). scale_factor (ndarray): Scale factor of the image arrange as (w_scale, h_scale, w_scale, h_scale). rescale (bool): If True, return boxes in original image space. Default: False. cfg (obj:`ConfigDict`): `test_cfg` of Bbox Head. Default: None Returns: tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: First tensor is `det_bboxes`, has the shape (num_boxes, 5) and last dimension 5 represent (tl_x, tl_y, br_x, br_y, score). Second tensor is the labels with shape (num_boxes, ). """ # some loss (Seesaw loss..) may have custom activation if self.custom_cls_channels: scores = self.loss_cls.get_activation(cls_score) else: scores = F.softmax(cls_score, dim=-1) if cls_score is not None else None # bbox_pred would be None in some detector when with_reg is False, # e.g. Grid R-CNN. if bbox_pred is not None: bboxes = self.bbox_coder.decode(rois[..., 1:], bbox_pred, max_shape=img_shape) else: bboxes = rois[:, 1:].clone() if img_shape is not None: bboxes[:, [0, 2]].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[1]) bboxes[:, [1, 3]].clamp_(min=0, max=img_shape[0]) if rescale and bboxes.size(0) > 0: scale_factor = bboxes.new_tensor(scale_factor) bboxes = (bboxes.view(bboxes.size(0), -1, 4) / scale_factor).view( bboxes.size()[0], -1) if cfg is None: return bboxes, scores else: det_bboxes, det_labels = multiclass_nms_alt( bboxes, scores, cfg.score_thr, cfg.nms, cfg.max_per_img, return_dist=True, ) return det_bboxes, det_labels
import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from mmdet.models.builder import LOSSES from mmdet.models.losses.utils import weighted_loss #@mmcv.jit(derivate=True, coderize=True) @weighted_loss def dice_loss(input, target, mask=None, eps=0.001): N, H, W = input.shape input = input.contiguous().view(N, H * W) target = target.contiguous().view(N, H * W).float() if mask is not None: mask = mask.contiguous().view(N, H * W).float() input = input * mask target = target * mask a = torch.sum(input * target, 1) b = torch.sum(input * input, 1) + eps c = torch.sum(target * target, 1) + eps d = (2 * a) / (b + c) #print('1-d max',(1-d).max()) return 1 - d @LOSSES.register_module() class psgtrDiceLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, eps=1e-6, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0): super(psgtrDiceLoss, self).__init__() self.eps = eps self.reduction = reduction self.loss_weight = loss_weight self.count = 0 def forward(self, inputs, targets, num_matches): inputs = inputs.sigmoid() inputs = inputs.flatten(1) targets = targets.flatten(1) numerator = 2 * (inputs * targets).sum(1) denominator = inputs.sum(-1) + targets.sum(-1) loss = 1 - (numerator + 1) / (denominator + 1) return self.loss_weight * loss.sum() / num_matches @LOSSES.register_module() class MultilabelCrossEntropy(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0): super().__init__() self.reduction = reduction self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, inputs, targets): assert (targets.sum(1) != 0).all() loss = -(F.log_softmax(inputs, dim=1) * targets).sum(1) / targets.sum(1) loss = loss.mean() return self.loss_weight * loss @LOSSES.register_module() class MultilabelLogRegression(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0): super().__init__() self.reduction = reduction self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, inputs, targets): assert (targets.sum(1) != 0).all() loss_1 = -(torch.log((inputs + 1) / 2 + 1e-14) * targets).sum() loss_0 = -(torch.log(1 - (inputs + 1) / 2 + 1e-14) * (1 - targets)).sum() # loss = loss.mean() return self.loss_weight * (loss_1 + loss_0) / (targets.sum() + (1 - targets).sum()) @LOSSES.register_module() class LogRegression(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, reduction='mean', loss_weight=1.0): super().__init__() self.reduction = reduction self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, inputs, targets): positive_rate = 50 loss_1 = -(torch.log( (inputs + 1) / 2 + 1e-14) * targets).sum() * positive_rate loss_0 = -(torch.log(1 - (inputs + 1) / 2 + 1e-14) * (1 - targets)).sum() return self.loss_weight * (loss_1 + loss_0) / (targets.sum() + (1 - targets).sum()) # def forward(self, inputs, targets): # loss_1 = -(torch.log((inputs + 1) / 2 + 1e-14) * targets).sum() # return self.loss_weight * loss_1 # def forward(self, inputs, targets): # inputs = (inputs + 1) / 2 + 1e-14 # loss = F.mse_loss(inputs, targets.float(), reduction='mean') # return self.loss_weight * loss @LOSSES.register_module() class BCEFocalLoss(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, gamma=2, alpha=0.25, reduction='sum', loss_weight=1.0): super().__init__() self.gamma = gamma self.alpha = alpha self.reduction = reduction self.loss_weight = loss_weight def forward(self, inputs, targets, num_matches): prob = inputs.sigmoid() ce_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(inputs, targets, reduction='none') p_t = prob * targets + (1 - prob) * (1 - targets) loss = ce_loss * ((1 - p_t)**self.gamma) if self.alpha >= 0: alpha_t = self.alpha * targets + (1 - self.alpha) * (1 - targets) loss = alpha_t * loss return self.loss_weight * loss.mean(1).sum() / num_matches # pt = torch.sigmoid(_input) # bs = len(pt) # target = target.type(torch.long) # # print(pt.shape, target.shape) # alpha = self.alpha # loss = - alpha * (1 - pt) ** self.gamma * target * torch.log(pt) - \ # (1 - alpha) * pt ** self.gamma * (1 - target) * torch.log(1 - pt) # # print('loss_shape',loss.shape) # if self.reduction == 'elementwise_mean': # loss = torch.mean(loss) # elif self.reduction == 'sum': # loss = torch.sum(loss) # return loss*self.loss_weight/bs
from .seg_losses import BCEFocalLoss, dice_loss, psgtrDiceLoss __all__ = ['BCEFocalLoss', 'dice_loss', 'psgtrDiceLoss']
import os.path as osp import random from collections import defaultdict import mmcv import numpy as np import torch from import read_image from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS, CocoPanopticDataset from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import COCOPanoptic from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import Compose from panopticapi.utils import rgb2id from openpsg.evaluation import sgg_evaluation from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import Result @DATASETS.register_module() class PanopticSceneGraphDataset(CocoPanopticDataset): def __init__( self, ann_file, pipeline, classes=None, data_root=None, img_prefix='', seg_prefix=None, proposal_file=None, test_mode=False, filter_empty_gt=True, file_client_args=dict(backend='disk'), # New args split: str = 'train', # {"train", "test"} all_bboxes: bool = False, # load all bboxes (thing, stuff) for SG ): self.ann_file = ann_file self.data_root = data_root self.img_prefix = img_prefix self.seg_prefix = seg_prefix self.proposal_file = proposal_file self.test_mode = test_mode self.filter_empty_gt = filter_empty_gt self.file_client = mmcv.FileClient(**file_client_args) # join paths if data_root is specified if self.data_root is not None: if not osp.isabs(self.ann_file): self.ann_file = osp.join(self.data_root, self.ann_file) if not (self.img_prefix is None or osp.isabs(self.img_prefix)): self.img_prefix = osp.join(self.data_root, self.img_prefix) if not (self.seg_prefix is None or osp.isabs(self.seg_prefix)): self.seg_prefix = osp.join(self.data_root, self.seg_prefix) if not (self.proposal_file is None or osp.isabs(self.proposal_file)): self.proposal_file = osp.join(self.data_root, self.proposal_file) self.proposal_file = None self.proposals = None self.all_bboxes = all_bboxes self.split = split # Load dataset dataset = mmcv.load(ann_file) for d in dataset['data']: # NOTE: 0-index for object class labels # for s in d['segments_info']: # s['category_id'] += 1 # for a in d['annotations']: # a['category_id'] += 1 # NOTE: 1-index for predicate class labels for r in d['relations']: r[2] += 1 # NOTE: Filter out images with zero relations. # Comment out this part for competition files dataset['data'] = [ d for d in dataset['data'] if len(d['relations']) != 0 ] # Get split assert split in {'train', 'test'} if split == 'train': = [ d for d in dataset['data'] if d['image_id'] not in dataset['test_image_ids'] ] # =[:1000] # for quick debug elif split == 'test': = [ d for d in dataset['data'] if d['image_id'] in dataset['test_image_ids'] ] # =[:1000] # for quick debug # Init image infos self.data_infos = [] for d in self.data_infos.append({ 'filename': d['file_name'], 'height': d['height'], 'width': d['width'], 'id': d['image_id'], }) self.img_ids = [d['id'] for d in self.data_infos] # Define classes, 0-index # NOTE: Class ids should range from 0 to (num_classes - 1) self.THING_CLASSES = dataset['thing_classes'] self.STUFF_CLASSES = dataset['stuff_classes'] self.CLASSES = self.THING_CLASSES + self.STUFF_CLASSES self.PREDICATES = dataset['predicate_classes'] # NOTE: For evaluation self.coco = self._init_cocoapi() self.cat_ids = self.coco.get_cat_ids() self.cat2label = {cat_id: i for i, cat_id in enumerate(self.cat_ids)} self.categories = self.coco.cats # processing pipeline self.pipeline = Compose(pipeline) if not self.test_mode: self._set_group_flag() def _init_cocoapi(self): auxcoco = COCOPanoptic() annotations = [] # Create mmdet coco panoptic data format for d in annotation = { 'file_name': d['pan_seg_file_name'], 'image_id': d['image_id'], } segments_info = [] for a, s in zip(d['annotations'], d['segments_info']): segments_info.append({ 'id': s['id'], 'category_id': s['category_id'], 'iscrowd': s['iscrowd'], 'area': int(s['area']), # Convert from xyxy to xywh 'bbox': [ a['bbox'][0], a['bbox'][1], a['bbox'][2] - a['bbox'][0], a['bbox'][3] - a['bbox'][1], ], }) annotation['segments_info'] = segments_info annotations.append(annotation) thing_categories = [{ 'id': i, 'name': name, 'isthing': 1 } for i, name in enumerate(self.THING_CLASSES)] stuff_categories = [{ 'id': i + len(self.THING_CLASSES), 'name': name, 'isthing': 0 } for i, name in enumerate(self.STUFF_CLASSES)] # Create `dataset` attr for for `createIndex` method auxcoco.dataset = { 'images': self.data_infos, 'annotations': annotations, 'categories': thing_categories + stuff_categories, } auxcoco.createIndex() auxcoco.img_ann_map = auxcoco.imgToAnns auxcoco.cat_img_map = auxcoco.catToImgs return auxcoco def get_ann_info(self, idx): d =[idx] # Process bbox annotations gt_bboxes_ignore = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) if self.all_bboxes: # NOTE: Get all the bbox annotations (thing + stuff) gt_bboxes = np.array([a['bbox'] for a in d['annotations']], dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array([a['category_id'] for a in d['annotations']], dtype=np.int64) else: gt_bboxes = [] gt_labels = [] # FIXME: Do we have to filter out `is_crowd`? # Do not train on `is_crowd`, # i.e just follow the mmdet dataset classes # Or treat them as stuff classes? # Can try and train on datasets with iscrowd # and without and see the difference for a, s in zip(d['annotations'], d['segments_info']): # NOTE: Only thing bboxes are loaded if s['isthing']: gt_bboxes.append(a['bbox']) gt_labels.append(a['category_id']) if gt_bboxes: gt_bboxes = np.array(gt_bboxes, dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array(gt_labels, dtype=np.int64) else: gt_bboxes = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) # Process segment annotations gt_mask_infos = [] for s in d['segments_info']: gt_mask_infos.append({ 'id': s['id'], 'category': s['category_id'], 'is_thing': s['isthing'] }) # Process relationship annotations gt_rels = d['relations'].copy() # Filter out dupes! if self.split == 'train': all_rel_sets = defaultdict(list) for (o0, o1, r) in gt_rels: all_rel_sets[(o0, o1)].append(r) gt_rels = [(k[0], k[1], np.random.choice(v)) for k, v in all_rel_sets.items()] gt_rels = np.array(gt_rels, dtype=np.int32) else: # for test or val set, filter the duplicate triplets, # but allow multiple labels for each pair all_rel_sets = [] for (o0, o1, r) in gt_rels: if (o0, o1, r) not in all_rel_sets: all_rel_sets.append((o0, o1, r)) gt_rels = np.array(all_rel_sets, dtype=np.int32) # add relation to target num_box = len(gt_mask_infos) relation_map = np.zeros((num_box, num_box), dtype=np.int64) for i in range(gt_rels.shape[0]): # If already exists a relation? if relation_map[int(gt_rels[i, 0]), int(gt_rels[i, 1])] > 0: if random.random() > 0.5: relation_map[int(gt_rels[i, 0]), int(gt_rels[i, 1])] = int(gt_rels[i, 2]) else: relation_map[int(gt_rels[i, 0]), int(gt_rels[i, 1])] = int(gt_rels[i, 2]) ann = dict( bboxes=gt_bboxes, labels=gt_labels, rels=gt_rels, rel_maps=relation_map, bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore, masks=gt_mask_infos, seg_map=d['pan_seg_file_name'], ) return ann def pre_pipeline(self, results): """Prepare results dict for pipeline.""" super().pre_pipeline(results) results['rel_fields'] = [] def prepare_test_img(self, idx): # For SGG, since the forward process may need gt_bboxes/gt_labels, # we should also load annotation as if in the training mode. return self.prepare_train_img(idx) def evaluate( self, results, metric='predcls', logger=None, jsonfile_prefix=None, classwise=True, multiple_preds=False, iou_thrs=0.5, nogc_thres_num=None, detection_method='bbox', **kwargs, ): """Overwritten evaluate API: For each metric in metrics, it checks whether to invoke ps or sg evaluation. if the metric is not 'sg', the evaluate method of super class is invoked to perform Panoptic Segmentation evaluation. else, perform scene graph evaluation. """ metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] # Available metrics allowed_sg_metrics = ['predcls', 'sgcls', 'sgdet'] allowed_od_metrics = ['PQ'] sg_metrics, od_metrics = [], [] for m in metrics: if m in allowed_od_metrics: od_metrics.append(m) elif m in allowed_sg_metrics: sg_metrics.append(m) else: raise ValueError('Unknown metric {}.'.format(m)) if len(od_metrics) > 0: # invoke object detection evaluation. # Temporarily for bbox if not isinstance(results[0], Result): # it may be the results from the son classes od_results = results else: od_results = [{'pan_results': r.pan_results} for r in results] return super().evaluate( od_results, metric, logger, jsonfile_prefix, classwise=classwise, **kwargs, ) if len(sg_metrics) > 0: """Invoke scene graph evaluation. prepare the groundtruth and predictions. Transform the predictions of key-wise to image-wise. Both the value in gt_results and det_results are numpy array. """ if not hasattr(self, 'test_gt_results'): print('\nLoading testing groundtruth...\n') prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(self)) gt_results = [] for i in range(len(self)): ann = self.get_ann_info(i) # NOTE: Change to object class labels 1-index here ann['labels'] += 1 # load gt pan_seg masks segment_info = ann['masks'] gt_img = read_image(self.img_prefix + '/' + ann['seg_map'], format='RGB') gt_img = gt_img.copy() # (H, W, 3) seg_map = rgb2id(gt_img) # get separate masks gt_masks = [] labels_coco = [] for _, s in enumerate(segment_info): label = self.CLASSES[s['category']] labels_coco.append(label) gt_masks.append(seg_map == s['id']) # load gt pan seg masks done gt_results.append( Result( bboxes=ann['bboxes'], labels=ann['labels'], rels=ann['rels'], relmaps=ann['rel_maps'], rel_pair_idxes=ann['rels'][:, :2], rel_labels=ann['rels'][:, -1], masks=gt_masks, )) prog_bar.update() print('\n') self.test_gt_results = gt_results return sgg_evaluation( sg_metrics, groundtruths=self.test_gt_results, predictions=results, iou_thrs=iou_thrs, logger=logger, ind_to_predicates=['__background__'] + self.PREDICATES, multiple_preds=multiple_preds, # predicate_freq=self.predicate_freq, nogc_thres_num=nogc_thres_num, detection_method=detection_method, ) def get_statistics(self): freq_matrix = self.get_freq_matrix() eps = 1e-3 freq_matrix += eps pred_dist = np.log(freq_matrix / freq_matrix.sum(2)[:, :, None] + eps) result = { 'freq_matrix': torch.from_numpy(freq_matrix), 'pred_dist': torch.from_numpy(pred_dist).float(), } if result['pred_dist'].isnan().any(): print('check pred_dist: nan') return result def get_freq_matrix(self): num_obj_classes = len(self.CLASSES) num_rel_classes = len(self.PREDICATES) freq_matrix = np.zeros( (num_obj_classes, num_obj_classes, num_rel_classes + 1), dtype=np.float) progbar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len( for d in segments = d['segments_info'] relations = d['relations'] for rel in relations: object_index = segments[rel[0]]['category_id'] subject_index = segments[rel[1]]['category_id'] relation_index = rel[2] freq_matrix[object_index, subject_index, relation_index] += 1 progbar.update() return freq_matrix
import os.path as osp import random from collections import defaultdict import mmcv import numpy as np from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS, CocoDataset from mmdet.datasets.api_wrappers import COCO from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import Compose from openpsg.evaluation import sgg_evaluation from openpsg.models.relation_heads.approaches import Result @DATASETS.register_module() class SceneGraphDataset(CocoDataset): def __init__( self, ann_file, pipeline, classes=None, data_root=None, img_prefix='', seg_prefix=None, proposal_file=None, test_mode=False, filter_empty_gt=True, file_client_args=dict(backend='disk'), # New args split: str = 'train', # {"train", "test"} ): self.ann_file = ann_file self.data_root = data_root self.img_prefix = img_prefix self.seg_prefix = seg_prefix self.proposal_file = proposal_file self.test_mode = test_mode self.filter_empty_gt = filter_empty_gt self.file_client = mmcv.FileClient(**file_client_args) # join paths if data_root is specified if self.data_root is not None: if not osp.isabs(self.ann_file): self.ann_file = osp.join(self.data_root, self.ann_file) if not (self.img_prefix is None or osp.isabs(self.img_prefix)): self.img_prefix = osp.join(self.data_root, self.img_prefix) if not (self.seg_prefix is None or osp.isabs(self.seg_prefix)): self.seg_prefix = osp.join(self.data_root, self.seg_prefix) if not (self.proposal_file is None or osp.isabs(self.proposal_file)): self.proposal_file = osp.join(self.data_root, self.proposal_file) self.proposal_file = None self.proposals = None self.split = split # Load dataset dataset = mmcv.load(ann_file) for d in dataset['data']: # NOTE: 0-index for object class labels # for s in d['segments_info']: # s['category_id'] += 1 # for a in d['annotations']: # a['category_id'] += 1 # NOTE: 1-index for predicate class labels for r in d['relations']: r[2] += 1 # NOTE: Filter out images with zero relations dataset['data'] = [ d for d in dataset['data'] if len(d['relations']) != 0 ] # Get split assert split in {'train', 'test'} if split == 'train': = [ d for d in dataset['data'] if d['image_id'] not in dataset['test_image_ids'] ] elif split == 'test': = [ d for d in dataset['data'] if d['image_id'] in dataset['test_image_ids'] ] # Init image infos self.data_infos = [] for d in self.data_infos.append({ 'filename': d['file_name'], 'height': d['height'], 'width': d['width'], 'id': d['image_id'], }) self.img_ids = [d['id'] for d in self.data_infos] # Define classes, 0-index # NOTE: Class ids should range from 0 to (num_classes - 1) self.CLASSES = dataset['thing_classes'] + dataset['stuff_classes'] self.PREDICATES = dataset['predicate_classes'] # NOTE: For od evaluation self.cat_ids = list(range(0, len(self.CLASSES))) self.coco = self._init_cocoapi() # processing pipeline self.pipeline = Compose(pipeline) if not self.test_mode: self._set_group_flag() def _init_cocoapi(self): auxcoco = COCO() anns = [] # Create COCO data format for d in for a in d['annotations']: anns.append({ 'area': float((a['bbox'][2] - a['bbox'][0] + 1) * (a['bbox'][3] - a['bbox'][1] + 1)), # Convert from xyxy to xywh 'bbox': [ a['bbox'][0], a['bbox'][1], a['bbox'][2] - a['bbox'][0], a['bbox'][3] - a['bbox'][1], ], 'category_id': a['category_id'], 'id': len(anns), 'image_id': d['image_id'], 'iscrowd': 0, }) auxcoco.dataset = { 'images': self.data_infos, 'categories': [{ 'id': i, 'name': name } for i, name in enumerate(self.CLASSES)], 'annotations': anns, } auxcoco.createIndex() return auxcoco def get_ann_info(self, idx): d =[idx] gt_bboxes_ignore = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32) # Process bbox annotations gt_bboxes = np.array([a['bbox'] for a in d['annotations']], dtype=np.float32) gt_labels = np.array([a['category_id'] for a in d['annotations']], dtype=np.int64) # Process relationship annotations gt_rels = d['relations'].copy() # Filter out dupes! if self.split == 'train': all_rel_sets = defaultdict(list) for (o0, o1, r) in gt_rels: all_rel_sets[(o0, o1)].append(r) gt_rels = [(k[0], k[1], np.random.choice(v)) for k, v in all_rel_sets.items()] gt_rels = np.array(gt_rels, dtype=np.int32) else: # for test or val set, filter the duplicate triplets, but allow multiple labels for each pair all_rel_sets = [] for (o0, o1, r) in gt_rels: if (o0, o1, r) not in all_rel_sets: all_rel_sets.append((o0, o1, r)) gt_rels = np.array(all_rel_sets, dtype=np.int32) # add relation to target num_box = len(gt_bboxes) relation_map = np.zeros((num_box, num_box), dtype=np.int64) for i in range(gt_rels.shape[0]): # If already exists a relation? if relation_map[int(gt_rels[i, 0]), int(gt_rels[i, 1])] > 0: if random.random() > 0.5: relation_map[int(gt_rels[i, 0]), int(gt_rels[i, 1])] = int(gt_rels[i, 2]) else: relation_map[int(gt_rels[i, 0]), int(gt_rels[i, 1])] = int(gt_rels[i, 2]) ann = dict( bboxes=gt_bboxes, labels=gt_labels, rels=gt_rels, rel_maps=relation_map, bboxes_ignore=gt_bboxes_ignore, masks=None, seg_map=None, ) return ann def pre_pipeline(self, results): """Prepare results dict for pipeline.""" super().pre_pipeline(results) results['rel_fields'] = [] def prepare_test_img(self, idx): # For SGG, since the forward process may need gt_bboxes/gt_labels, # we should also load annotation as if in the training mode. return self.prepare_train_img(idx) def evaluate( self, results, metric='predcls', logger=None, jsonfile_prefix=None, classwise=False, multiple_preds=False, iou_thrs=0.5, nogc_thres_num=None, **kwargs, ): """ **kwargs: contain the paramteters specifically for OD, e.g., proposal_nums. Overwritten evaluate API: For each metric in metrics, it checks whether to invoke od or sg evaluation. if the metric is not 'sg', the evaluate method of super class is invoked to perform Object Detection evaluation. else, perform scene graph evaluation. """ metrics = metric if isinstance(metric, list) else [metric] # Available metrics allowed_sg_metrics = ['predcls', 'sgcls', 'sgdet'] allowed_od_metrics = ['bbox', 'segm', 'proposal', 'proposal_fast'] sg_metrics, od_metrics = [], [] for m in metrics: if m in allowed_od_metrics: od_metrics.append(m) elif m in allowed_sg_metrics: sg_metrics.append(m) else: raise ValueError('Unknown metric {}.'.format(m)) if len(od_metrics) > 0: # invoke object detection evaluation. # Temporarily for bbox if not isinstance(results[0], Result): # it may be the reuslts from the son classes od_results = results else: od_results = [(r.formatted_bboxes, r.formatted_masks) for r in results] return super().evaluate( od_results, metric, logger, jsonfile_prefix, classwise=classwise, iou_thrs=None, **kwargs, ) if len(sg_metrics) > 0: """Invoke scenen graph evaluation. prepare the groundtruth and predictions. Transform the predictions of key-wise to image-wise. Both the value in gt_results and det_results are numpy array. """ if not hasattr(self, 'test_gt_results'): print('\nLooading testing groundtruth...\n') prog_bar = mmcv.ProgressBar(len(self)) gt_results = [] for i in range(len(self)): ann = self.get_ann_info(i) # NOTE: Change to object class labels 1-index here ann['labels'] += 1 gt_results.append( Result( bboxes=ann['bboxes'], labels=ann['labels'], rels=ann['rels'], relmaps=ann['rel_maps'], rel_pair_idxes=ann['rels'][:, :2], rel_labels=ann['rels'][:, -1], )) prog_bar.update() print('\n') self.test_gt_results = gt_results return sgg_evaluation( sg_metrics, groundtruths=self.test_gt_results, predictions=results, iou_thrs=iou_thrs, logger=logger, ind_to_predicates=['__background__'] + self.PREDICATES, multiple_preds=multiple_preds, # predicate_freq=self.predicate_freq, nogc_thres_num=nogc_thres_num, )
from .builder import DATASETS, PIPELINES, build_dataset from .pipelines import (LoadPanopticSceneGraphAnnotations, LoadSceneGraphAnnotations, PanopticSceneGraphFormatBundle, SceneGraphFormatBundle) from .psg import PanopticSceneGraphDataset from .sg import SceneGraphDataset __all__ = [ 'PanopticSceneGraphFormatBundle', 'SceneGraphFormatBundle', 'build_dataset', 'LoadPanopticSceneGraphAnnotations', 'LoadSceneGraphAnnotations', 'PanopticSceneGraphDataset', 'SceneGraphDataset', 'DATASETS', 'PIPELINES' ]
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. import platform from mmcv.utils import Registry, build_from_cfg from mmdet.datasets import DATASETS as MMDET_DATASETS from mmdet.datasets.builder import _concat_dataset if platform.system() != 'Windows': # import resource rlimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) base_soft_limit = rlimit[0] hard_limit = rlimit[1] soft_limit = min(max(4096, base_soft_limit), hard_limit) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (soft_limit, hard_limit)) OBJECTSAMPLERS = Registry('Object sampler') DATASETS = Registry('dataset') PIPELINES = Registry('pipeline') def build_dataset(cfg, default_args=None): from mmdet.datasets.dataset_wrappers import (ClassBalancedDataset, ConcatDataset, RepeatDataset) if isinstance(cfg, (list, tuple)): dataset = ConcatDataset([build_dataset(c, default_args) for c in cfg]) elif cfg['type'] == 'ConcatDataset': dataset = ConcatDataset( [build_dataset(c, default_args) for c in cfg['datasets']], cfg.get('separate_eval', True)) elif cfg['type'] == 'RepeatDataset': dataset = RepeatDataset(build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args), cfg['times']) elif cfg['type'] == 'ClassBalancedDataset': dataset = ClassBalancedDataset( build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args), cfg['oversample_thr']) elif isinstance(cfg.get('ann_file'), (list, tuple)): dataset = _concat_dataset(cfg, default_args) elif cfg['type'] in DATASETS._module_dict.keys(): dataset = build_from_cfg(cfg, DATASETS, default_args) else: dataset = build_from_cfg(cfg, MMDET_DATASETS, default_args) return dataset
from mmcv.parallel import DataContainer as DC from mmdet.datasets import PIPELINES from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import DefaultFormatBundle, to_tensor @PIPELINES.register_module() class SceneGraphFormatBundle(DefaultFormatBundle): def __call__(self, results): results = super().__call__(results) if 'rel_fields' in results and len(results['rel_fields']) > 0: for key in results['rel_fields']: results[key] = DC(to_tensor(results[key])) if 'gt_scenes' in results: results['gt_scenes'] = DC(to_tensor(results['gt_scenes'])) return results @PIPELINES.register_module() class PanopticSceneGraphFormatBundle(SceneGraphFormatBundle): def __call__(self, results): results = super().__call__(results) for key in ['all_gt_bboxes', 'all_gt_labels']: if key not in results: continue results[key] = DC(to_tensor(results[key])) return results
import os.path as osp import mmcv import numpy as np from mmcv.parallel import DataContainer as DC from mmdet.core import BitmapMasks from mmdet.datasets import PIPELINES from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import (DefaultFormatBundle, LoadAnnotations, to_tensor) from mmdet.datasets.pipelines.loading import LoadPanopticAnnotations try: from panopticapi.utils import rgb2id except ImportError: rgb2id = None @PIPELINES.register_module() class RelsFormatBundle(DefaultFormatBundle): """Transfer gt_rels to tensor too.""" def __call__(self, results): results = super().__call__(results) if 'gt_rels' in results: results['gt_rels'] = DC(to_tensor(results['gt_rels'])) return results @PIPELINES.register_module() class LoadSceneGraphAnnotations(LoadAnnotations): def __init__( self, with_bbox=True, with_label=True, with_mask=False, with_seg=False, poly2mask=True, file_client_args=dict(backend='disk'), # New args with_rel=False, ): super().__init__( with_bbox=with_bbox, with_label=with_label, with_mask=with_mask, with_seg=with_seg, poly2mask=poly2mask, file_client_args=dict(backend='disk'), ) self.with_rel = with_rel def _load_rels(self, results): ann_info = results['ann_info'] results['gt_rels'] = ann_info['rels'] results['gt_relmaps'] = ann_info['rel_maps'] assert 'rel_fields' in results results['rel_fields'] += ['gt_rels', 'gt_relmaps'] return results def __call__(self, results): results = super().__call__(results) if self.with_rel: results = self._load_rels(results) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = super().__repr__() repr_str += f', with_rel={self.with_rel})' return repr_str @PIPELINES.register_module() class LoadPanopticSceneGraphAnnotations(LoadPanopticAnnotations): def __init__( self, with_bbox=True, with_label=True, with_mask=True, with_seg=True, file_client_args=dict(backend='disk'), # New args with_rel=False, ): super().__init__( with_bbox=with_bbox, with_label=with_label, with_mask=with_mask, with_seg=with_seg, file_client_args=dict(backend='disk'), ) self.with_rel = with_rel def _load_rels(self, results): ann_info = results['ann_info'] results['gt_rels'] = ann_info['rels'] results['gt_relmaps'] = ann_info['rel_maps'] assert 'rel_fields' in results results['rel_fields'] += ['gt_rels', 'gt_relmaps'] return results def _load_masks_and_semantic_segs(self, results): """Private function to load mask and semantic segmentation annotations. In gt_semantic_seg, the foreground label is from `0` to `num_things - 1`, the background label is from `num_things` to `num_things + num_stuff - 1`, 255 means the ignored label (`VOID`). Args: results (dict): Result dict from :obj:`mmdet.CustomDataset`. Returns: dict: The dict contains loaded mask and semantic segmentation annotations. `BitmapMasks` is used for mask annotations. """ if self.file_client is None: self.file_client = mmcv.FileClient(**self.file_client_args) filename = osp.join(results['seg_prefix'], results['ann_info']['seg_map']) img_bytes = self.file_client.get(filename) pan_png = mmcv.imfrombytes(img_bytes, flag='color', channel_order='rgb').squeeze() pan_png = rgb2id(pan_png) gt_masks = [] gt_seg = np.zeros_like(pan_png) + 255 # 255 as ignore for mask_info in results['ann_info']['masks']: mask = (pan_png == mask_info['id']) gt_seg = np.where(mask, mask_info['category'], gt_seg) # # The legal thing masks # if mask_info.get('is_thing'): # gt_masks.append(mask.astype(np.uint8)) gt_masks.append(mask.astype(np.uint8)) # get all masks if self.with_mask: h, w = results['img_info']['height'], results['img_info']['width'] gt_masks = BitmapMasks(gt_masks, h, w) # print('origin_size') # print(gt_masks) results['gt_masks'] = gt_masks results['mask_fields'].append('gt_masks') if self.with_seg: results['gt_semantic_seg'] = gt_seg results['seg_fields'].append('gt_semantic_seg') return results def __call__(self, results): results = super().__call__(results) if self.with_rel: results = self._load_rels(results) return results def __repr__(self): repr_str = super().__repr__() repr_str += f', with_rel={self.with_rel})' return repr_str
import random import numpy as np from mmdet.datasets import PIPELINES from mmdet.datasets.pipelines import RandomCrop @PIPELINES.register_module() class RelRandomCrop(RandomCrop): """Random crop the image & bboxes & masks & scene relations.""" def _crop_data(self, results, crop_size, allow_negative_crop): """Function to randomly crop images, bounding boxes, masks, semantic segmentation maps, relations. Filter those incomplete relations and adjust annotations of the remaining relations. Args: results (dict): Result dict from loading pipeline. crop_size (tuple): Expected absolute size after cropping, (h, w). allow_negative_crop (bool): Whether to allow a crop that does not contain any bbox area. Default to False. Returns: dict: Randomly cropped results, 'img_shape' key in result dict is updated according to crop size. """ assert crop_size[0] > 0 and crop_size[1] > 0 for key in results.get('img_fields', ['img']): img = results[key] margin_h = max(img.shape[0] - crop_size[0], 0) margin_w = max(img.shape[1] - crop_size[1], 0) offset_h = np.random.randint(0, margin_h + 1) offset_w = np.random.randint(0, margin_w + 1) crop_y1, crop_y2 = offset_h, offset_h + crop_size[0] crop_x1, crop_x2 = offset_w, offset_w + crop_size[1] # crop the image img = img[crop_y1:crop_y2, crop_x1:crop_x2, ...] img_shape = img.shape results[key] = img results['img_shape'] = img_shape # crop bboxes accordingly and clip to the image boundary for key in results.get('bbox_fields', []): # e.g. gt_bboxes and gt_bboxes_ignore bbox_offset = np.array([offset_w, offset_h, offset_w, offset_h], dtype=np.float32) bboxes = results[key] - bbox_offset if self.bbox_clip_border: bboxes[:, 0::2] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 0::2], 0, img_shape[1]) bboxes[:, 1::2] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 1::2], 0, img_shape[0]) valid_inds = (bboxes[:, 2] > bboxes[:, 0]) & (bboxes[:, 3] > bboxes[:, 1]) if key == 'gt_bboxes': rels_left = [] for rel in results.get('gt_rels', []): if valid_inds[rel[0]] and valid_inds[rel[1]]: rels_left.append([ sum(valid_inds[:rel[0]]), sum(valid_inds[:rel[1]]), rel[2] ]) rels_left = np.array(rels_left) # If the crop does not contain any triplets and # allow_negative_crop is False, skip this image. if len(rels_left) == 0 and not allow_negative_crop: return None results['gt_rels'] = rels_left results[key] = bboxes[valid_inds, :] # label fields. e.g. gt_labels and gt_labels_ignore label_key = self.bbox2label.get(key) if label_key in results: results[label_key] = results[label_key][valid_inds] # mask fields, e.g. gt_masks and gt_masks_ignore mask_key = self.bbox2mask.get(key) if mask_key in results: results[mask_key] = results[mask_key][ valid_inds.nonzero()[0]].crop( np.asarray([crop_x1, crop_y1, crop_x2, crop_y2])) if self.recompute_bbox: results[key] = results[mask_key].get_bboxes() # crop semantic seg for key in results.get('seg_fields', []): results[key] = results[key][crop_y1:crop_y2, crop_x1:crop_x2] return results
from .formatting import PanopticSceneGraphFormatBundle, SceneGraphFormatBundle from .loading import (LoadPanopticSceneGraphAnnotations, LoadSceneGraphAnnotations) __all__ = [ 'PanopticSceneGraphFormatBundle', 'SceneGraphFormatBundle', 'LoadPanopticSceneGraphAnnotations', 'LoadSceneGraphAnnotations' ]
from typing import Tuple import os.path as osp import PIL import mmcv import mmcv.ops as ops import numpy as np import torch from detectron2.utils.colormap import colormap from detectron2.utils.visualizer import VisImage, Visualizer from mmdet.datasets.coco_panoptic import INSTANCE_OFFSET import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from mmcv.ops.nms import batched_nms def enumerate_by_image(im_inds): im_inds_np = im_inds.cpu().numpy() initial_ind = int(im_inds_np[0]) s = 0 for i, val in enumerate(im_inds_np): if val != initial_ind: yield initial_ind, s, i initial_ind = int(val) s = i yield initial_ind, s, len(im_inds_np) def get_colormap(num_colors: int): return (np.resize(colormap(), (num_colors, 3))).tolist() def adjust_text_color(color: Tuple[float, float, float], viz: Visualizer) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: color = viz._change_color_brightness(color, brightness_factor=0.7) color = np.maximum(color, 0.2) color[np.argmax(color)] = max(0.8, np.max(color)) return color def draw_text( viz_img: VisImage = None, text: str = None, x: float = None, y: float = None, color: Tuple[float, float, float] = [0, 0, 0], size: float = 10, padding: float = 5, box_color: str = 'black', font: str = None, ) -> float: text_obj = x, y, text, size=size, # family="sans-serif", bbox={ 'facecolor': box_color, 'alpha': 0.8, 'pad': padding, 'edgecolor': 'none', }, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left', color=color, zorder=10, rotation=0, ) viz_img.get_image() text_dims = text_obj.get_bbox_patch().get_extents() return text_dims.width def multiclass_nms_alt( multi_bboxes, multi_scores, score_thr, nms_cfg, max_num=-1, score_factors=None, return_dist=False, ): """NMS for multi-class bboxes. Args: multi_bboxes (Tensor): shape (n, #class*4) or (n, 4) multi_scores (Tensor): shape (n, #class), where the last column contains scores of the background class, but this will be ignored. score_thr (float): bbox threshold, bboxes with scores lower than it will not be considered. nms_cfg (float): NMS IoU threshold max_num (int): if there are more than max_num bboxes after NMS, only top max_num will be kept. score_factors (Tensor): The factors multiplied to scores before applying NMS return_dist (bool): whether to return score dist. Returns: tuple: (bboxes, labels), tensors of shape (k, 5) and (k). Labels are 0-based. """ num_classes = multi_scores.size(1) - 1 # exclude background category if multi_bboxes.shape[1] > 4: # (N_b, N_c, 4) bboxes = multi_bboxes.view(multi_scores.size(0), -1, 4) else: bboxes = multi_bboxes[:, None].expand(-1, num_classes, 4) scores = multi_scores[:, :-1] # filter out boxes with low scores valid_mask = scores > score_thr # (N_b, N_c) valid_box_idxes = torch.nonzero(valid_mask)[:, 0].view(-1) bboxes = bboxes[valid_mask] if score_factors is not None: scores = scores * score_factors[:, None] score_dists = scores[valid_box_idxes, :] # add bg column for later use. score_dists = (torch.zeros(score_dists.size(0), 1).to(score_dists), score_dists), dim=-1) scores = scores[valid_mask] labels = valid_mask.nonzero()[:, 1] if bboxes.numel() == 0: bboxes = multi_bboxes.new_zeros((0, 5)) labels = multi_bboxes.new_zeros((0, ), dtype=torch.long) if return_dist: return bboxes, (labels, multi_bboxes.new_zeros( (0, num_classes + 1))) else: return bboxes, labels # Modified from # /505cd6957711af790211896d32b40291bea1bc21/torchvision/ops/ # strategy: in order to perform NMS independently per class. # we add an offset to all the boxes. The offset is dependent # only on the class idx, and is large enough so that boxes # from different classes do not overlap max_coordinate = bboxes.max() offsets = * (max_coordinate + 1) bboxes_for_nms = bboxes + offsets[:, None] nms_cfg_ = nms_cfg.copy() nms_type = nms_cfg_.pop('type', 'nms') nms_op = getattr(ops, nms_type) dets, keep = nms_op(bboxes_for_nms, scores, **nms_cfg_) bboxes = bboxes[keep] scores = dets[:, -1] # soft_nms will modify scores labels = labels[keep] score_dists = score_dists[keep] if keep.size(0) > max_num: _, inds = scores.sort(descending=True) inds = inds[:max_num] bboxes = bboxes[inds] scores = scores[inds] labels = labels[inds] score_dists = score_dists[inds] if return_dist: # score_dists has bg_column return[bboxes, scores[:, None]], 1), (labels.view(-1), score_dists) else: return[bboxes, scores[:, None]], 1), labels.view(-1) CLASSES = [ 'person', 'bicycle', 'car', 'motorcycle', 'airplane', 'bus', 'train', 'truck', 'boat', 'traffic light', 'fire hydrant', 'stop sign', 'parking meter', 'bench', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', 'horse', 'sheep', 'cow', 'elephant', 'bear', 'zebra', 'giraffe', 'backpack', 'umbrella', 'handbag', 'tie', 'suitcase', 'frisbee', 'skis', 'snowboard', 'sports ball', 'kite', 'baseball bat', 'baseball glove', 'skateboard', 'surfboard', 'tennis racket', 'bottle', 'wine glass', 'cup', 'fork', 'knife', 'spoon', 'bowl', 'banana', 'apple', 'sandwich', 'orange', 'broccoli', 'carrot', 'hot dog', 'pizza', 'donut', 'cake', 'chair', 'couch', 'potted plant', 'bed', 'dining table', 'toilet', 'tv', 'laptop', 'mouse', 'remote', 'keyboard', 'cell phone', 'microwave', 'oven', 'toaster', 'sink', 'refrigerator', 'book', 'clock', 'vase', 'scissors', 'teddy bear', 'hair drier', 'toothbrush', 'banner', 'blanket', 'bridge', 'cardboard', 'counter', 'curtain', 'door-stuff', 'floor-wood', 'flower', 'fruit', 'gravel', 'house', 'light', 'mirror-stuff', 'net', 'pillow', 'platform', 'playingfield', 'railroad', 'river', 'road', 'roof', 'sand', 'sea', 'shelf', 'snow', 'stairs', 'tent', 'towel', 'wall-brick', 'wall-stone', 'wall-tile', 'wall-wood', 'water-other', 'window-blind', 'window-other', 'tree-merged', 'fence-merged', 'ceiling-merged', 'sky-other-merged', 'cabinet-merged', 'table-merged', 'floor-other-merged', 'pavement-merged', 'mountain-merged', 'grass-merged', 'dirt-merged', 'paper-merged', 'food-other-merged', 'building-other-merged', 'rock-merged', 'wall-other-merged', 'rug-merged', 'background' ] PREDICATES = [ 'over', 'in front of', 'beside', 'on', 'in', 'attached to', 'hanging from', 'on back of', 'falling off', 'going down', 'painted on', 'walking on', 'running on', 'crossing', 'standing on', 'lying on', 'sitting on', 'flying over', 'jumping over', 'jumping from', 'wearing', 'holding', 'carrying', 'looking at', 'guiding', 'kissing', 'eating', 'drinking', 'feeding', 'biting', 'catching', 'picking', 'playing with', 'chasing', 'climbing', 'cleaning', 'playing', 'touching', 'pushing', 'pulling', 'opening', 'cooking', 'talking to', 'throwing', 'slicing', 'driving', 'riding', 'parked on', 'driving on', 'about to hit', 'kicking', 'swinging', 'entering', 'exiting', 'enclosing', 'leaning on', ] def show_result(img, result, is_one_stage, num_rel=20, show=False, out_dir=None, out_file=None): # Load image img = mmcv.imread(img) img = img.copy() # (H, W, 3) img_h, img_w = img.shape[:-1] # Decrease contrast img = PIL.Image.fromarray(img) converter = PIL.ImageEnhance.Color(img) img = converter.enhance(0.01) if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(np.asarray(img), 'bw'+out_file) # Draw masks pan_results = result.pan_results ids = np.unique(pan_results)[::-1] num_classes = 133 legal_indices = (ids != num_classes) # for VOID label ids = ids[legal_indices] # Get predicted labels labels = np.array([id % INSTANCE_OFFSET for id in ids], dtype=np.int64) labels = [CLASSES[l] for l in labels] #For psgtr rel_obj_labels = result.labels rel_obj_labels = [CLASSES[l - 1] for l in rel_obj_labels] # (N_m, H, W) segms = pan_results[None] == ids[:, None, None] # Resize predicted masks segms = [ mmcv.image.imresize(m.astype(float), (img_w, img_h)) for m in segms ] # One stage segmentation masks = result.masks # Choose colors for each instance in coco colormap_coco = get_colormap(len(masks)) if is_one_stage else get_colormap(len(segms)) colormap_coco = (np.array(colormap_coco) / 255).tolist() # Viualize masks viz = Visualizer(img) viz.overlay_instances( labels=rel_obj_labels if is_one_stage else labels, masks=masks if is_one_stage else segms, assigned_colors=colormap_coco, ) viz_img = viz.get_output().get_image() if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(viz_img, out_file) # Draw relations # Filter out relations n_rel_topk = num_rel # Exclude background class rel_dists = result.rel_dists[:, 1:] # rel_dists = result.rel_dists rel_scores = rel_dists.max(1) # rel_scores = result.triplet_scores # Extract relations with top scores rel_topk_idx = np.argpartition(rel_scores, -n_rel_topk)[-n_rel_topk:] rel_labels_topk = rel_dists[rel_topk_idx].argmax(1) rel_pair_idxes_topk = result.rel_pair_idxes[rel_topk_idx] relations = np.concatenate( [rel_pair_idxes_topk, rel_labels_topk[..., None]], axis=1) n_rels = len(relations) top_padding = 20 bottom_padding = 20 left_padding = 20 text_size = 10 text_padding = 5 text_height = text_size + 2 * text_padding row_padding = 10 height = (top_padding + bottom_padding + n_rels * (text_height + row_padding) - row_padding) width = img_w curr_x = left_padding curr_y = top_padding # # Adjust colormaps # colormap_coco = [adjust_text_color(c, viz) for c in colormap_coco] viz_graph = VisImage(np.full((height, width, 3), 255)) for i, r in enumerate(relations): s_idx, o_idx, rel_id = r s_label = rel_obj_labels[s_idx] o_label = rel_obj_labels[o_idx] rel_label = PREDICATES[rel_id] viz = Visualizer(img) viz.overlay_instances( labels=[s_label, o_label], masks=[masks[s_idx], masks[o_idx]], assigned_colors=[colormap_coco[s_idx], colormap_coco[o_idx]], ) viz_masked_img = viz.get_output().get_image() viz_graph = VisImage(np.full((40, width, 3), 255)) curr_x = 2 curr_y = 2 text_size = 25 text_padding = 20 font = 36 text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=s_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, color=colormap_coco[s_idx], size=text_size, padding=text_padding, font=font, ) curr_x += text_width # Draw relation text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=rel_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, size=text_size, padding=text_padding, box_color='gainsboro', font=font, ) curr_x += text_width # Draw object text text_width = draw_text( viz_img=viz_graph, text=o_label, x=curr_x, y=curr_y, color=colormap_coco[o_idx], size=text_size, padding=text_padding, font=font, ) output_viz_graph = np.vstack([viz_masked_img, viz_graph.get_image()]) if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(output_viz_graph, osp.join(out_dir, '{}.jpg'.format(i))) # if out_file is not None: # mmcv.imwrite(output_viz_graph, out_file) if not (show or out_file): return viz_final # def multiclass_nms_alt( # multi_bboxes, # multi_scores, # score_thr, # nms_cfg, # max_num=-1, # score_factors=None, # return_inds=False, # return_dist=False, # ): # """NMS for multi-class bboxes. # Args: # multi_bboxes (Tensor): shape (n, #class*4) or (n, 4) # multi_scores (Tensor): shape (n, #class), where the last column # contains scores of the background class, but this will be ignored. # score_thr (float): bbox threshold, bboxes with scores lower than it # will not be considered. # nms_thr (float): NMS IoU threshold # max_num (int, optional): if there are more than max_num bboxes after # NMS, only top max_num will be kept. Default to -1. # score_factors (Tensor, optional): The factors multiplied to scores # before applying NMS. Default to None. # return_inds (bool, optional): Whether return the indices of kept # bboxes. Default to False. # Returns: # tuple: (dets, labels, indices (optional)), tensors of shape (k, 5), # (k), and (k). Dets are boxes with scores. Labels are 0-based. # """ # num_classes = multi_scores.size(1) - 1 # # exclude background category # if multi_bboxes.shape[1] > 4: # bboxes = multi_bboxes.view(multi_scores.size(0), -1, 4) # else: # bboxes = multi_bboxes[:, None].expand(multi_scores.size(0), num_classes, 4) # scores = multi_scores[:, :-1] # valid_box_idxes = torch.nonzero(scores > score_thr)[:, 0].view(-1) # labels = torch.arange(num_classes, dtype=torch.long, device=scores.device) # labels = labels.view(1, -1).expand_as(scores) # bboxes = bboxes.reshape(-1, 4) # scores = scores.reshape(-1) # flattened # labels = labels.reshape(-1) # if not torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export(): # # NonZero not supported in TensorRT # # remove low scoring boxes # valid_mask = scores > score_thr # # multiply score_factor after threshold to preserve more bboxes, improve # # mAP by 1% for YOLOv3 # if score_factors is not None: # # expand the shape to match original shape of score # score_factors = score_factors.view(-1, 1).expand( # multi_scores.size(0), num_classes # ) # score_factors = score_factors.reshape(-1) # scores = scores * score_factors # score_dists = scores.reshape(-1, num_classes) # scores = score_dists[valid_box_idxes, :] # # add bg column for later use. # score_dists = # (torch.zeros(score_dists.size(0), 1).to(score_dists), score_dists), dim=-1 # ) # if not torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export(): # # NonZero not supported in TensorRT # inds = valid_mask.nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(1) # bboxes, scores, labels = bboxes[inds], scores[inds], labels[inds] # else: # # TensorRT NMS plugin has invalid output filled with -1 # # add dummy data to make detection output correct. # bboxes =[bboxes, bboxes.new_zeros(1, 4)], dim=0) # scores =[scores, scores.new_zeros(1)], dim=0) # labels =[labels, labels.new_zeros(1)], dim=0) # if bboxes.numel() == 0: # if torch.onnx.is_in_onnx_export(): # raise RuntimeError( # "[ONNX Error] Can not record NMS " # "as it has not been executed this time" # ) # dets =[bboxes, scores[:, None]], -1) # if return_inds: # return dets, labels, inds # elif return_dist: # return dets, (labels, multi_bboxes.new_zeros((0, num_classes + 1))) # else: # return dets, labels # dets, keep = batched_nms(bboxes, scores, labels, nms_cfg) # # NOTE: `keep` is for each class independently right? # if max_num > 0: # dets = dets[:max_num] # keep = keep[:max_num] # if return_inds: # return dets, labels[keep], inds[keep] # else: # return dets, labels[keep]
from .utils import * # noqa: F401,F403 from .vis_tools import * # noqa: F401,F403