listlengths 2
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Been with my girlfriend for a month. I asked her to come to the semi final basketball game at school (university) and she didn't even know that it was happening. She said yes and said would come after she wrote her midterm so since she heard from me first, it's wouldn't be unreasonable to assume she'd sit with me.\n\nShe finished her midterm and by the time she was done, the half time approached. No problem, her midterm comes first. However, I put my sweater on the seat beside me to save it for her, and it did make me look sort of selfish considering the gym was packed and that every seat was needed for this attendance. \n\nShe texted me and said that one of her friends was coming. Now I didn't have a problem with that because for the sake of her friend, coming out for a game and being involved is awesome. I only saved one seat though so eventually that friend would have to bug off or at least be close but she wouldn't be able to sit beside us. I understand that my girlfriend wouldn't want to leave her friend alone while she stayed with me, but my gf chose to accompany her rather than me. I was hurt to say the least because I saved that seat, invited her exclusively and now she decided she would rather be with her friend rather than me. If I had known that the friend was coming before the midterm, I would've attempted to save two. \n\nNow for the rest of the game, I have my sweater on my seat and I look like an ass for saving it for my girlfriend who wasn't going to sit there. My friend though it was a douche move. What do you Redditors think? What should I do?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Me and this girl were dating for around 3 weeks and things were going really well until I had a crazy as hell week at work that put me over the ringer. I had also just received some bad news from my doctor aswell about my health, so needless to say, my mind was in shambles. During the 4th week of our relationship, I had been texting her a bit asking her schedule and wanting to hang out really bad, to take my mind off of work. I came off a bit creepy/desperate/came on too strong, and I could kinda tell something was going wrong. Her mood towards me that week seemed to change from interested, to putting up with our conversations. Anyway, I made plans for us to go hiking by our local lake, there I had planned to sort of clear the air and explain my recent behaviour a little, but I also felt she would flake on me. The day comes and she ends up flaking. I sent her a text just to see if she still thought we were doin something because I was on my way somewhere else at the time. [She waited 5 hours to text me this text message. ](\nSo me being tired from work and shopping/trying to disregard her flake, sort of just agreed to her texts without starting any conflicts. [I say this, and i know this is soooo beta, but I was not really thinking at the time.] There were a couple more back and fourths with her saying she was sorry/etc and I told her not to be because it was only a month long. Well its been a week and a half, and I really dont want it to be completely over. We have not contacted eacother since the breakup, and I have no plans to contact her, as that would show great weakness on my part. I was figuring though, her birthday is in 2 months, and I was thinking that might be a good way to sort of \"catch up\" with her and grab a quick lunch and relaunch things. Idk what to do, im so shit at relationships.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi all,\n\nI am after some advice with regards to dating etiquette/ethics. I am currently casually dating multiple women (3), however one in particular I am developing strong feelings for. I have been with her the shortest amount of time (3 dates) and saw and had sex with another one of the girls in between our 1st and 2nd date. I knew pretty much straight away after our 2nd date that I really liked her.\n\nI have never had a girlfriend before or fully understand the process of becoming \"bf/gf\" officially. We have had (protected) sex but have not explicitly discussed exclusivity with each other yet. I am unsure how to broach the topic or whether I even need to just yet. I am ready to become exclusive with her, I'm just not sure if I am jumping the gun or if my previous behaviour is considered \"shady\". Should I tell her I was seeing other girls?\n\nMy question to r/ relationships is whether or not I need to bring up the topic of exclusivity and/or is it okay to continue dating other girls until she brings it up. How long is considered \"normal\" dating before one can be categorised being in an exclusive relationship?\n\nThanks for the help.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I dated this really beautiful girl last fall for about a month or so, things didn't really work out due to timing and she moved back home to take care of her sick mother. Recently, about two months ago, we started chatting again and it got sexual...starting sexting and exchanging photos, with making plans for her to come up and visit me and have sex (we did not have sex when dating, though we did other things of that nature, just not intercourse). \n\nWell, I saw her briefly when she was in town a week ago for work and it really hit me that she is in a very vulnerable place right now due to her mom's situation. And that maybe having sex with her wouldn't be the best idea or would be taking advantage of her. I'm worried she may have reconnected and started this sexual stuff with me because she isn't doing well at the moment and this was a way of coping. It was clear to me when we met up that she is pretty vulnerable and not just the kind of person to have sex for the fun of it. The thing is, I may be moving in a few months, so if she does come back to the city we couldn't be together in a serious way and I don't want to sleep with her when she is vulnerable like this, then not be there for her in the long-term. I'd feel like a dick because she is the sweetest girl. I just feel bad for carrying this on for two months now and don't know how to deal with the situation. Do you think it would be wrong for me to sleep with her when she is like this? If so, how can I break that to her? I just really think she may regret it in the long run though she is saying she wants it right now.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This story took place two years ago, a couple of months after the bike incident I had with another girl. This girl was just a friend. Being the immature teenage boy I was, I teased this girl. I remember meeting her and talking to her for a little while at an Interact service (A community service club in my high school). After a week or two with us going about our lives, I was walking down the hallway and she just saw me holding my bag of chips and was like \"You owe me chips,\" as a friendly gesture.\n\nAgain, me being the immature guy I was, I played along with it. Whenever I saw her in the hallway, I would be like \"You owe me chips!\" and she would say \"No, you owe me chips wtf.\" One day after school, I started doing this in front of her friends and embarrassed her. She thought I was just being funny and enjoyed it. One day, I bought myself a couple bags of chips and I tried giving one to her, but she rejected. Although I was pretty persistant about giving it to her, she still said no. Now that I think about it, even though she said no playfully, I now know that she was getting pretty damn annoyed.\n\nThe next day during lunch time, I walked by her table and threw the bag onto her lap. I kid you not, this girl got up and started booking it to me with the intention of trying to give it back to me, so I went along with it and started a chase. After maybe like 50 feet, I hear a slam on the ground. I look back and I saw that she ate shit, in front of 70+ other people. Her three-week old phone cracked, elbow scrapped, knee bleeding. Yeah, it was a pretty bad fall.\n\nI walked her to the nurse's office, embarrassed as hell and expecting her to yell the shit out of me, but she didn't, thankfully. I helped her clean up her wounds, bandaged them, and apologized. Since then, she hasn't said a word to me and just ignored me when she saw me. I had no game in high school as you can tell by my previous posts.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm a bartender at a restaurant/bar which can get pretty busy on friday night. So, we have a bouncer who cards everyone at the door. As he is the one in charge of this process, I'm assuming, probably incorrectly, that he assumes liability for anyone allowed in underage. This carding includes looking at the IDs as well as swiping. PA IDs, or so I'm told, are generally difficult to fake so if he gives them the okay, I don't usually double check. \n\nApparently, two girls came in one Friday night and the one was underage. We only discovered this because the girl's father came in and was complaining that she got served because she's only 20. Assuming he reports this, what kind of legal trouble could I be looking at?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend and I have been living with relatives for over a year. It has been a great way for me to build my savings nest, get on my feet financially and with my career, and of course to have much lower expenses. My boyfriend also recently got a new job. He seemed just as enthusiastic as I did about moving out, saving up, and getting our own place. We also seemed to share the same dislike of frivolousness.\n\nCue my red flag: yesterday he informed me that he spent over 1k on an outfit for an event that we are going to. I don't feel that he will use this outfit enough to justify the price tag. I also feel like that money would have been better spent on the apartment that we have talked so much about getting together. Now I don't think he takes finances seriously, and that he is short-sighted with his money. Am I over-reacting? This is potentially a huge deal breaker for me because I personally feel that bad financial judgement is indicative of larger issues.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "She and I have been going out for three months. She has a lot of friends, whereas I'm very introverted and a loner. From the beginning, she's always hung out with a lot of guy friends and even told me that they kept trying to have sex with her. I'm not a jealous person, so I wasn't disturbed by it. After a month of dating, she admitted that she fooled around with one of her old friends (neck kissing, fondling, first base stuff) and told me she'd never do it again. I wasn't overly upset about it because I was glad she was honest. Since then, there haven't been any other issues.\n\nThis morning, she broke up with me out of the blue. No explanation, except that she wanted to keep things *exactly* the way they were but just drop the title of a relationship. I thought things were going really well for us and I really like this girl. I kept asking her why she wanted us to break up and she wouldn't tell me. I asked if it was because she wanted to see other people but she insisted I was the only guy she liked and wanted to be intimate with. So what gives? Why break up then?\n\nIs it possible that she was cheating on me/planned to? I'm so fucking confused right now and she won't offer me any sort of explanation. I don't know what to do. I mean, if she did sleep with another dude she could just tell me like she told me last time.. I wouldn't have flipped out on her. I don't understand why she wouldn't tell me, so she probably wasn't cheating on me right? But why the mixed signals and everything? Jesus Christ.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I've been with my current girlfriend for 3 years, and I've gotten to know her really well; we lost our virginity to each other, and we ) have come to understand each other fairly well (Though I think I understand her better than she understands me). \n\nAdditionally, we know each other's family fairly intimately. She is the primary catalyst for my conversion to Christianity, which I value, and her family knows mine, but the other girl I feel more of a connection to. Unfortunately, I feel like my girlfriend is more into me than I am into her, and for a while now I've been attracted (emotionally and physically) to the other girl, with whom I am good friends. \n\nHowever, I feel like what my girlfriend and I have is pretty good, though I sometimes think what I could have with this other person might be better; but I'm hesitant to make that leap given all the investment in the current relationship. I care for both women deeply as friends... what should I do? I am commissioning in the Army soon so I will lose the opportunity to be with either of them soon unless we are married... at times I feel certain, at times lost. Help?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I am 19 currently in the USAF for a year and a half now in the water and fuels maintenance career field (which is plumbing, water/waste plant operator, and pipeline technician) I will be getting a bachelors in this field while I am in and plan to use my GI Bill with accelerated learning to earn 2 masters Degrees.\n\nMy dilemma is I have no Idea where I should go career wise. My plan is to work pipeline technician while I am going to school for 4 or so years which will give me 9+ years experience in that field (5 in the Airforce). Every job I've looked at even all the up to director and supervisor positions only require a bachelors I hope to be able to move back to the New England area (preferably NH) and make at least 120k-150k range. \n\nWhat sort of career titles should I look for? \nShould I stay where I am or would I just be over qualified?\nShould I just try and go to school for something completely different?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I recently came out at the beginning of last year and had just been playing the field until I met this new guy in January. He's a great guy- he's handsome, smart and fun and the feelings seem to be mutual since we see each other several times a week on average. \n\nOn our first date he mentioned that he had just recently gotten out of a year long relationship but he didn't say much and appeared to be over it. However, as we spent more time together he began to talk a lot more about his ex and I got the impression that he was still struggling to detach himself emotionally. \n\nIt's very awkward for me to listen to him talk about his past relationship. On the one hand, I've never had a serious relationship and can't really empathize with the healing process. But beyond that, it makes me feel like a second banana- like I'm just a guy he's spending time with to rebound and soften the blow of his breakup. I could just be acting dramatically, but it's how I feel at times.\n\nHe's still dealing with a lot of anger. The ex pissed him off somehow earlier this week and he read me an extensive collection of expletive filled, angry texts he sent to the guy. It was startling and really made me realize that this is a potential problem. Things are still good between us and I like him a lot but I'm worried. \n\nI just wanted some feedback. What is my course of action? Should I distance myself or try to work through it?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My friend and I have been friends since high school (I'm in my third year of college now). I always found his sister attractive but it didn't develop into a full blown crush until last year. She had just graduated high school, and I'm blown away. Not only is she attractive, but she's also extremely smart. So I asked my friend to help me out with her. He said he didn't care, but it seems like out of all our friends, he'd be most comfortable with me dating her. However, all he did was just tell his family and her what I say on a daily basis. Most of it is me busting his chops, like \"I'm going to be your brother-in-law\" or \"Your sister is the most beautiful person in the world\".\nEventually, she found out, and it seemed like she's cool with it. She always says hi and smile whenever we see each other, but lately it's been awkward. Whenever I visit her house, her aunt (who lives there) would whistle whenever I'm around. (Not to be arrogant, but I am pretty fit... and seeing as how I live in California, I'm mostly wearing tank tops and short shorts lol) The mom and sisters would also do that \"wooing\" sound like the kids would do in elementary school. I admit it's nice to know that everyone finds me attractive and they like the idea of me dating her, but she gets embarrassed whenever I'm around and sometimes she ends up going to her room. I have no opportunity to actually talk to her. To make matters worse, she's only there on the weekends because she goes to a college that's an hour away.\nOverall, her entire family is clearly supportive. Her mother and step-father both love me. Her aunt might even have a crush on me tbh (she's in her late twenties). And most importantly, her brother is either pretending to not care, or he is ok with the idea of it. I just have no clue how to ask her out, or even sneak in a conversation with her. To make matters worse (or better?), she's never had a boyfriend. What should I do in this situation? Is this even a good situation?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "The whole starting point of everything happened when my dad walked out on my mum after cheating. It's been an extremely messy and complicated divorce that is still not settled 4 years later. My dad has depression and has some perceived victim complex when talking about the divorce to people - to some he will lie and act as if they are still together (he didn't even tell his own family, they found out by trying to contact him through us). To others he says how my mum is the one who cheated - but HE is the one who cheated. He has also been keeping secrets and lying for many years before he left. He has lied constantly throughout the court process and won't agree to settle anything because he wants to destroy my mum - even the mediator says his behaviour is absolutely fucked and can't understand why he won't just settle things. That is only some of it - but I don't speak to him at all anymore. He hasn't supported me one bit throughout this entire process or even tried to.\n\nA knock on effect is that now my mum and sibling have depression as well. All 3 of my immediate family have depression and I do not. It is very difficult to live with her sometimes and I don't know what to do.\n\nDue to all of this my mum is now trying to support me and the pets we have (sibling moved out of home)singlehandedly but money is extremely tight all of the time. Due to me being over 18, my dad is not legally required to help me at all... It creates a lot of stress and I did have a job but lost it due to no hours for me. Now I have zero income. I am trying to get through uni - 4/5 days a week 1h30mins away, and do 5:30 starts most mornings leaving me somewhat sleep deprived. Moving is out of the question due to combined home circumstances, but the fuel cost is really difficult. I have only got the work experience of the job I just lost - 3 months weekend casual worker.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I am a recurring problem-haver, it seems. My dog (whose previous issue was ankle-biting) is a 2 or 3 year old lab/basset hound cross. She was adopted from a shelter and has some separation anxiety issues (which we are dealing with), and is generally very very needy.\n\nThe trouble I am coming across in recent weeks is this: She sleeps in the bedroom, as she will NEVER be in a different room from me by choice, in her crate beside the bed. (Not closed in; that is just where she likes to sleep.) As soon as it is even sort of light outside, she begins pacing around the bed and whining incessantly.\n\nAt first I stuck with ignoring her and waiting for her to settle down and then giving her some attention (I didn't have any treats on hand, though maybe keeping some on the nightstand is not a bad plan). The trouble with that method is that she never actually settles down. She just gets increasingly louder until it reaches the point where she is flat out barking and howling.\n\nI am concerned about this because when I do finally get up (as I have no choice but to do), I am probably indicating to her that whining and barking is the way to get someone out of bed. I know it is not a case of having to go outside, as she calms down immediately when someone gets up.\n\nI am at a loss about the cause of this and how to fix it. Any insight would be much appreciated!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "THIS FUCKING SUCKS! I had no choice but to dump my now-ex hemorrhoid, Harry. One day he got so fed up with my shit that he wouldn't leave me alone. Fully thrombosed, he made every movement of mine uncomfortable. Even his little brother Henry made an appearance.\n\nDoc saw me, saw Harry, scheduled me for outpatient surgery the next day. Went through the revolving surgery door at Kaiser and Harry and Henry were history.\n\nBlah blah worst recovery ever. Terrible BMs. I notice along the road to recovery that I have some swelling. Look it up, people complaining of skin tags and such. Whatever, it'll go away.\n\nWell, it hasn't gone away. I have a brand new hemorrhoid, Harvey, and he's even angrier than Harry. So far his rage subsides after a couple of minutes, usually while I'm cleaning up. So what makes him angrier? He bleeds. Every. Time.\n\nIt's not a lot of blood, but it would be enough to lightly paint an egg at Easter time.\n\nI thought I was still recovering when this was happening 2-3 months out, but FIVE?! Coming up on 6 now. I'm just at a loss. I feel like I'm living with it until Harvey decides to thrombose and I have to have surgery again and take another month off of work.\n\nAny advice? I'm eating lots of fiber, trying to drink lots of water (I get at least 32 oz a day, shoot for 64), eating my fruits and veggies, taking vitamins, and using a Squatty Potty to simulate that real natural poop experience.\n\nI'm just at a loss. I have to wear a fucking maxi pad every day to keep the anal leakage from soiling my boxers and shorts. It's humiliating and I want it to be over.\n\nOh, and details about me:\n\n24M 5'7\" 175 White dude. Existing medical issues are currently mild gastritis and hemorrhoids. Not on medications. Trust me, you don't want to see a picture of my hemorrhoids.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I don't want to go into too much detail, but enough that you guys can make out what my dilemma is.\n\nI met her online (certain app). We live in the same city, we talked for a while, found out we have a lot in common, and she's extremely nice. We only text chat, we almost know nothing about how the other looks, and at this point we don't really care. Here are some of the problems I'm facing now: \n**1.** She's 16. I'm 20. There's an obvious age gap, and I don't know if it's completely ethical to continue trying to get with her. \n**2.** She's moving to her home country in less than a month. I only just got to know her and she's already moving away. It seems like she's completely fine with continuing to talk to me while she's there, and I don't mind that. But... \n**3.** She told me we can't meet face to face. I really want to meet her before she leaves. She said it's hard to do so here + her parents might not like that. I didn't want to insist, even though I had ideas on how to meet up in secret. I still really want to see her.\n\nSorry if there isn't enough info, I kinda rushed through this. I'm looking for advice on what to do. Is the age difference a problem? If not, what's my best course of action right now?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "30 years old. Car paid off. Student loans are paid off. $45k in retirement. Great credit. 3 years worth of emergency funding. No debt other than my house, which holds a lot of value right now in this sellers market where I live.\n\nI don't particularly like my job. I also HATE the city I live in. And I'm expecting my first kid early next year. No one in my line of work gets pregnant because it's a male dominated field. They get their wives pregnant and then continue working long hours.\n\nI'm considering quitting my job, selling the house, taking my emergency savings and moving close to my family where I could afford to pay cash for a new home similar to the one I'm in. The problem is my job title is practically non-existent back home unless I start up my own gig, which would make this future motherhood thing much easier if I could work from home.\n\nIf I do this, I need to consider that my start-up might take a year or two to take off. In which case, I'm looking for some reliable investment income that would just pay the bills and health insurance, let's say $2400 a month. I'm planning on buying a couple properties to rent out, but I want to be sure to diversify with the additional funds I have. Is it even realistic to think I can generate $1000+/ monthly from stocks/bonds/etc. if I were to invest only $50k?\n\nUp until now I've been playing around on etrade like it's vegas... investing a little here, getting back a little there. So far my 5 month return has only been $4k, but that was with only an $8k starting investment, and since I didn't know much I kind of feel I just got lucky.\n\nAny help would be gladly appreciated!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I am currently a senior in college and will be graduating in may. I have taken out 3 loans to help finance my schooling. \n\n1) $7500 Federal loan ($2500 subsidized and $5000 unsub)\n2) $7500 Federal loan ($2500 sub and $5000 unsub)\n3) $20,000 Private loan \n\nI have just come across $30,000. I have no credit and no credit cards. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I should pay off my loans to possibly start building some credit? I was thinking about paying off the private loan immediately so I don't accrue any interest. Then slowly pay off the Federal loans b/c they have a lower interest rate.\n\nI have never been in this situation before so I was hoping you guys could help me out.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Dated for 1.5 years and always loved this girl. However, she has a narcissistic mother who has emotionally abused her since birth. Because of this she has a serious anger problem. When she gets really really mad she'll say anything she can to hurt me. After ups and downs and things getting better and worse, eventually we had an incident where she physically assaulted me. I drew the line there and ended things. After a few days of no contact she called me crying and in tears, extremely apologetic and now rational (surprise surprise...). I explained I didn't hate her but that we couldn't be together. We could always be friends. Then she dropped a bomb on me.\n\nShe explained that the night prior one of my good friends, both very drunk, was at a party with her and followed her home and asked to spend the night. He ended up forcinr himself on her, but she gave in and had sex with him. She then told him to stop and forced him to go home. She apologized to me over and over again but I can't take her back. Especially after what happened that night. \n\nIt's quite obvious how much this girl loves me and how much I love her. But I can't just pretend she didn't do all those things to me. \n\nI really don't know how to handle the friend situation, I feel very betrayed.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My girlfriend and I have been together for 18 months and I love her. I have only ever had sex with my girlfriend and I would never cheat on her. Ever. \n\nOne of her friends has always disliked me, we just don't get along very well. A week ago she told my girlfriend that she saw me kissing a girl at a party before taking her to bed. Another friend of hers is backing up the claim. I wasn't even at the party that they say it happened at, I was at home studying. I don't know why they would make this up. My girlfriend believes them and I don't know what to do. I tried to talk to her friend and she just subtly smirks at me like some deranged psychopath and calls me a \"disgusting pig.\"\n\nWhen she confronted me I held her hands, looked her in the eye and told her that I didn't do it but she didn't believe me. She thinks I'm a liar. It really hurts that she believes two of her friends over me, but I do understand. I'm really not sure how I can make her believe me. I would absolutely never do this. If I can get her to believe me and trust me, I think this will just make us stronger as a couple. But as it stands right now, she is refusing to talk to me. I really don't know what to do. This is a woman that I am thinking about spending my life with. How can I get her to believe me?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This argument keeps coming up every once in a while but I finally want to kno if I'm in the wrong or not. \n\nSo my gf has a male coworker who likes her and I kno this because I've seen texts that he has sent her. The questions that I can remember r questions like \"do u work and school only?\" Do u live close by?\" Basically getting to kno u questions and I kno these r questions that guys usually use when they r into someone cuz I've done them. And I told her he liked her but she didn't believe me. Eventually I saw questions like \"when u gonna let me take u out?\", \"u should come out with the group tonite or do u need ur bf permission?\" So finally she realized that yes he likes her.\n\nNow I've told her I don't like her socializing with him cuz I kno how guys are. She counters with \"he has a gf so don't worry\" but that still doesn't set my mind at ease. I trust her completely but before he tries anything that will offend me or her I rather just nip it in the bud.\n\nThe other nite I get called from her sister saying that she hasn't come home from work yet eventually an hour passes and she shows up at home. When I question her about it she tells me that she stayed in the parking lot talking to him and someone else. Now I kno she didn't do anything but it's just the thought of her interacting with someone that likes her and doesn't acknowledge that she has a bf. \n\nAm I wrong?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Today after a conversation about religion, my SO of two years told me he sometimes worries that I think his beliefs are 'silly'. I didn't want to sound like an asshole and said that while I didn't share the same beliefs as him, that didn't mean that he's 'silly' to believe. \n\n...But honestly, as an atheist I try to put the idea that he believes in a god at the back of my mind because it's only once in a blue moon we talk about religion (he would never bring it up, he accepts completely the fact that I'm not religious) and it's something that I have a hard time accepting and it's the only aspect of our relationship that I just avoid talking about.\n\nHe then said he sometimes thinks that if I could change one thing about him, it would be his beliefs. I didn't really know what to say to this and sorta fobbed him off, not making eye-contact and said I love him the way he is (which is true).\n\n**My question is: Does it make me a bad person to admit that of COURSE I would change this about him if I could?** We were discussing the idea of what happens after death - I had said I couldn't think of anything more terrifying than continuing to exist for eternity while he said he couldn't think of anything worse than ceasing to exist - which completely baffles me and for the first time I realised that our views are polar opposites and will most likely stay that way. He believes there's something more than just chemistry that makes him 'him' and that he wouldn't want this to just end after death.\n\nI feel like a horrible person for admitting to myself that there's something about him that I'd like to change, while he's perfectly happy accepting the fact that I'll never hold any religious beliefs..",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We started our friends with benefits a few months back, after meeting and getting to know each other by playing baseball. We got together in secret, as he lives with his older sister who I work with and it would be a messy situation if she were to find out. \n\nI am heading off to university next week, and we've been talking about how we'll keep seeing each other (or not) since the drive is nearly 7 hours long. We've decided that we'll still continue the secret relationship and Skype and whatnot unless I find a new relationship at school.\n\nHe's completely open to me dropping this relationship while I'm at school and move on to \"bigger and better things,\" but says I cannot tell him because he'll feel upset. I feel like we've really grown attached to each other in the last while and really want the best for each other, but we both have a hard time letting go of it. I told him I'm happy with what we've got going on and I have no intentions to change it at the moment, and he's rather conflicted with it. He cannot have a real relationship with me due to the older sister and my age, and we're both stuck on what to do. He's even offered to come visit me every couple weeks, but I've told him that's way too much of a hassle for him and I can't let him go such a long way just to have a couple rounds in bed and drive back home. I'd love to hear any advice you guys might have. Thank you.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My wife and I are in our 4th year, Probably splitting soon. Right now \nworth over around 2 million. we have 2 houses financed, selling one already. She has trusts coming for another estimated 1 million every 5 years for anther 3 payouts. She has never been employed I have been under employed. My fathers business will be going to someone else who has worked for it. I gave it up because my wife and I didn't need money. \n\nHer grandma will probably soon leave her a bigger amount of money, and in the distant future her father as well. I Am scared because I never thought money would be an issue for me after we married. I never pursued a career Because I wanted to do charitable and volunteer stuff with my time. Now that everything is changing what can I ask for? I would never sue her or anything. We will likely mediate.\nMy question is what's fair? I feel like I'm legally entitled to like 1 million. But we've planned for a life with 10+.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi Reddit, I feel like a jerk. I'm 23 and just broke up with another girlfriend. We were going out for ~ 6 months. Basically she had 80-90% of what i look for but a big issue was that she wasn't opening up and made it hard to build a deep emotional connection with her. I had brought it up to her before, and given her time, but it just isn't something that i can do without in a relationship, so i ended it (even though i have feelings for her still) ... She said i blindsided her, and was basically devestated.\n\nThis seems to be the same story with every girl i date. I break up with them because i no longer see a future with the relationship. They're always crushed. I always feel bad for hurting their feelings, but not about ending the relationship.\n\nI've never been dumped, and am beginning to think that maybe somethings wrong with me for leaving this wake of emotional destruction with any long term relationship i have :(",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "A couple months ago, I bought a Cyborg M.M.O. 7 (computer mouse). Nothing out of the ordinary. A few weeks ago, it started double-clicking and the scroll wheel was starting to malfunction. I then sent it back to the company to have it replaced, and they agreed to do so. This week I got a package from Mad Catz, the company that owns Cyborg, and it was another M.M.O. 7! However, they've changed the model, and I really don't like it. It doesn't lay flat on the ground (it's wobbly), and the precision button on the side doesn't work without the plugin (it worked before). \n\nI'd love to know if I can do something about it, like get it replace or something.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I was just staring at this text box for the longest time. Just thinking about what I wanted to say. and in the end its not like a long drawn out story will make any difference. I just want to vent. \n\nThe title says what happened. this girl i had been associating with we were a great team, always fun, always laughs always a good time. we were close. she came onto me strong out of her relationship. but in the end decided to go back to him.\n\nperhaps not directly, but her life is such a mess and he is the only one that can give her stability because he does everything she asks him to. always awaiting a command always willing to let her if need be even cheat on him so long as it suits her needs.\n\nI didn't let that happen. and its caused such a rift between us that its now over. and here i sit. day 5 into no contact. not because i want to get her back but just because i can't deal with the pain knowing her ex is always around or some other guy is always around. the questions the insecurity the sleepless nights wondering if she's snuggling up to another man that's not me. \n\nShe contact me on the second day of no contact sending me a video of her doing cute things basically a movie version of a selfie and how she couldn't stop thinking about me. I ignored it answered the next day saying \"loved the video\" and that was it. She keeps liking my pics on instagram its like she's still with me but not. its just silence. \n\ni'm a wreak, drinking, smoking non stop. but all i can do is drown out the pain. and hope for a better tomorrow. Nobody needs to respond to this. I just wanted to vent.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I don't even know how to explain it. Gay people are cool, no problems with them, I'm glad they can all marry now. But, my girlfriend is bisexual and for months now it's just been bothering me. She has girls nights sometimes with her friends and they're all lesbian and it's scary but she promises me nothing happens. Thinking of her kissing or having sex with another girl bothers me for some reason, but, like I said, gay people are cool and I don't have any issues with them other than her. I'll answer any questions anyone has about me or my relationship. I just need help of some kind like how to deal with it",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This evening, my girlfriend and I planned to go out on the town and enjoy ourselves. We've both been working hard and needed it. We'd had the plans for about a week, but a couple of days ago, a female coworker invited her to her house for dinner. I encouraged her to go because I'd like to see her make some friends; and I stayed home because I wanted them to have their \"girls night\".\n\nAround dinnertime I texted her to have a good time, she responded with I love you, all that good stuff. Less than 2 hours later she texts me that she's so sorry, she wasn't going to drink and but now she's \"really drunk\" and will get her friend to drive her home. Did I mention that she is a hot mess when she gets drunk? Stumbling, slurring, falling down, embarrassing. And she can't control how drunk she gets.\n\nShe texts me every so often, but as our date is getting pushed farther and farther back, I start to get annoyed. She drunkenly texts me what's wrong, I say let's talk about it later, so on and so forth. Until 1:30 in the morning. I call her and she drunkenly says \"I'm gonna stay at her house and she'll take me back tomorrow I'm sorry I'm so sorry\". That's basically it.\n\nI'm so annoyed that I can't even fall asleep. We were really looking forward to this date. And I have to call her to find out what the deal is. Her cell phone died during the call so if I hadn't, I would have just gone to bed worried about her.\n\nAm I in the wrong to be upset here? How do I deal with her drinking without me in the future? Because it's always like this. It's really stressful to me.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "It's a very long story so I'm going to summarize the best I can. For as long as I could remember I have had trouble relating to people, so it has been hard to find many intimate relationships. Sometimes I think I'm too boring, or neurotic. That's besides the point.\n\nI got to know this girl in highschool, never able to date her until after highschool though. We dated for a year, even started staying together during college in our own place (too soon), it became clear she was verbally abusive and at the end physical. It hurt me so much to end like we did though, she seemed like my missing puzzle piece.\n\nSo she did some awful stuff, said some bad things about my mom (that she heard), and started dating my friend. She left him soon after we met up for lunch, and for a few months we were steady. It ended rough, not nearly as rough as the first go, and she began dating this guy at her work.\n\nThey dated awhile until he dropped her, and she rebounded on his friend for a few months (even she will say this was a questionable decision). Meanwhile I started dating someone else, moved in with them too quick and we recently separated. I pay the price of having her as a roommate now, something we both wish were a little different.\n\nWell what do you know I have lunch with this old flame again, and now we text. She said she's seeking professional help regarding what happened between us, she seems so genuine.\n\nShe makes me worry about how often I text her, I get butterflies when I know we are hanging out, I get excited. I feel so melodramatic asking myself if I will ever feel like this about someone else. When do I know to try again or keep looking for something new? I've always felt like we have had a bond. \n\nIs this just what people experience when they don't date much people? I have dated 3 people seriously. She's the only person I've thought about consistently since I was 16, she enters my mind from time to time. It just seems like we keep making the same mistakes until they bring us back to each other.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Backstory: I'm 22 (f) and a few days ago, on our third date, I finally had my first kiss/other shenanigans with someone I like very much. But I didn't feel much - in fact I was rather bored and disappointed with the apparent discrepancy in our emotional and sexual reactions to making out. A couple of days later I very grudgingly broke it off because I figured that's that - no sexual chemistry, and I didn't want to string him along. But I really want this to not be the case because I rarely (obviously being 22 and only having just had my first kiss) meet guys whom I like quite like this. Maybe it was just so new that I couldn't appreciate it and a second go-round would prove more lady-boner inducing? Maybe sexual chemistry can pop up (har har) after developing more of an emotional connection? Or maybe I'm just grasping at straws, and if it were possible to give it another shot I'd just put us both through more disappointment.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We have been together for over 2 years. We have chemistry like we've never felt for anyone before. **I really REALLY love him.** So he's just not someone I can \"throw away\".\n\nBut he never makes me feel special and it hurts. He **occasionally** tells me I'm beautiful but there is no emotion behind it. It sounds monotone and rehearsed. It sounds like he's saying it out of duty of being a good boyfriend. I'm left feeling like, \"Does my boyfriend even think I'm pretty? Does he prefer other girls to me? Is he satisfied with how I look?\" \n\nBecause of this, I get jealous over dumb stuff like him checking out other girls, or constantly liking other girls' selfies on Facebook (he does it a lot).\n\nHow do I get over this? or how do I bring it up without sounding 12?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Immediately we hit it off, we like a million and one things together, we laughed about it and have texted a *ton*. In fact, I've even been texting her more than other girls that I actually *have* taken out on real dates. So far I haven't seen this girl though, we'll call her Paige, but we get along a lot and have talked on the phone for long times. She said she is hesitant because she's been hurt before. But we get along great.\n\nHowever recently she went out on a family trip to her old state. I don't really know what the protocol is, but I've been texting her a lot less. I assume she is with family and stuff. But I notice the past few texts Thursday, one on Friday just wishing her a good vacation, and then something similar with a joke yesterday. I know she said she would be with her family for a while like a few days, but I am going to not text her anymore, obviously. I hope I didn't mess it up already? Why do you think it's taking so long? I mean I know she's with family but do you think she became uninterested or just busy?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi Reddit, this is my first post on AskReddit. Recently, my brother's girlfriend and I was listening and eventually talking about the Rihanna song featuring Chris Brown on the radio (I think it was called birthday cake). Anyways, I was still shocked about Rihanna getting back together with CB after what happened. I said that Rihanna should have never gotten back with CB after what he's done. My brother's girlfriend said otherwise and stated that \"it was love.\" I have never been in a relationship so I'm not in a favourable position to argue. So Reddit, under what circumstances (other than the circumstance of self defence) are you deemed socially just when you physically attack your significant other?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Lemme get started. I have been friends with this girl for a little over a year. This acquaintance of mine hosted a party not too long back and told me he was \"going to get her drunk and fuck her\". I just told him to stop being a creep and made sure that I was near her at all time throughout the party. \n\nFast forward a couple of weeks and this douches parents got him a Mo-ped. He's been trying to seduce her with his mo-ped ever since and he is un-aware of how much of a fool he's acting. Anyhoo, this douche also spent over £200 on her birthday present. I'm still not sure where he got the money from. She is completely oblivious to his dark side, or she's just ignoring it. Really hard to tell with women. My question is should I just go up and ask her out? Or should I be a dick and tell her about my acquaintances actions? Really confused reddit, help me out.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This is my first girlfriend and we've been together for nearly 4 years.\n\nSo basically just before we we're celebrating our 3 year anniversary, it felt like id just woken up and couldn't say that i loved her anymore. We talked it over and separated for just over a month before we decided to try again, this went okay for about another 8 months, now we're not far off being together for 4 years and ive decided its time we talk again.\nWe have spoke about fixing it, but i dont know what it is that needs fixing as i dont know why we fell out of love...\n\nWhat should i do, i feel i know what the answer is, but i dont know what i would do without her, any advice would be greatly appreciated.\nThanks",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Story time for Reddit! Give me your worst (or best) break-up stories!\n\nWorst: One girl and I had been together for a while and had a rocky relationship with ups and downs. I wanted to marry her, but she thought she might still be in love with an old flame that was leaving for the Navy in a few months for a six year leave. She had a hard time choosing, but I figured I'd make the choice easy for her. Told her \"we need to talk when you get home,\" so she decided to get totally hammered. When she got home, she was slamming doors and yelling at her roommate. When I finally said the words, she spent the next 20 minutes chewing me out in her drunken, slurred speech and slammed the door in my face.\n\nThe next day she called me saying she couldn't remember what happened the previous night, so I had to do it all over again.\n\nBest: Wasn't working out. Got break-up sex, which turned into friends with benefits. Woot",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hey guys. This happened in Illinois. I was at a party last night and got a ride home when we were pulled over. I was a passenger in the back seat, there was another passenger in the seat in front of me. The cop (who initially pulled his gun because of an airsoft gun in the car) searched the car and found some open beer bottles, and I received an 11-502B Illegal Transportation of Alcohol ticket, along with the other passenger. Curiously the driver did not receive a ticket of any kind. I did not have any knowledge of the open containers and was just trying to get a ride home, something I communicated to the officer. What are my odds trying to fight this in court? Thanks in advance.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "For example, \n1. pretending to be hurt and then pulling a knife to rob the person who comes to help. Or \n2. there's a fight or someone is in trouble and the good Samaritan goes to help the victim but is also beaten up by the perp. \n\nIt feels like society is getting more suspicious and distrustful of one another. You often hear stories of passer-bys ignoring someone clearly in trouble simply because they don't want any trouble and/or are afraid. Personally as a tiny girl, I would like to help anyone who needs it but often have to think twice, just in case. I hate having to worry and second-guess if someone really is in trouble or out to hurt me.\n\nAlso, an interesting distinction between the two examples above:\nIn case 1) Intentionally baiting a good Samaritan Vs. in case 2 where you did not intend to bait the good Samaritan. Perhaps higher penalties should only be enforced in case 1?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Happened today. Last night I couldn't sleep until about 3 AM because of various reasons like roommates and anxiety. So I put my headphones on and listen to music to help me drift off. So I already have a hard time waking up, getting up in the mornings is damn near impossible for me, I don't even hear my alarm go off. \n\nI work for my dad. We manage buildings and today he needed me to help install some lights. I woke up with like 10 missed calls so I freak out and call him back once I start running out the door. I was already an hour late. When he answers he sounds in pain and he tells me he fell of the ladder on the staircase and hit his back. I took him to the doctor and he has 2 broken ribs.\n\nI can't stop feeling like shit. It was my fault he fell because I didn't show up. He laid there for a while before he got back up himself. All while I was asleep. And this isn't the first time I have overslept so it makes it even worse.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My older brother and I are in our late twenties and are only two years apart. This afternoon we got into a physical altercation in front of family and strangers.\nWe were coming back from a family trip to Cancun and our seats were separated on our way back. I was sitting in the back and my mother, father, sis-in-law and brother were up towards the front. When the plane landed, they went directly to customs without letting me know. I got off the plane and couldn't find them. I waited around since my phone was dead, assuming they went to the bathroom. Eventually I ran to customs to find them in line. After sprinting to them I asked them why they left without letting me know. My brother got upset with this question and began calling me names in front of our mother and a line full of strangers, calling me immature, stupid and a p*ssy for thinking this way and not going straight to customs. I tried to explain to him why I brought it up, but he shoved me and continued arguing. Eventually I straightened up (I work out and box on a regular basis, while he is more of the sit at home activity/video gamer type) and told him it was not okay to do that. He proceeded to continue arguing and told me to \"f---- off\" and that he was \"done with me and never to call him again\". I was incredibly hurt by his words, but still upset that he would not respect my boundaries. I'm still up, hours later, wondering if this is a normal thing that happens or if I need to apologize. Please help and be blunt, I respect my older brother and consider him one of my best friends and have never sworn or raised my hand in anger to him. I care about him and his new family (he is recently married to a wonderful woman).",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit for this kind of post. If it's not, would someone tell me where would be appropriate?\n\nBackground Info: This catfishing relationship of mine has been going on for about 3 months now. He found me on FB and we hit it off pretty quickly. So far he's sent hundreds of dollars of flowers to my work, and we speak on the phone for hours almost every day. I've been trying to finally meet him, but something always comes up at the last minute every time.\n\nI've met this person's \"sister\" in real life a couple times, who is I've met her AND her girlfriend and of course, they both talk about him like he's a real person. All my other friends are telling me that his sister is actually him.\n\nHis FB, Twitter, and IG all check out...and I've done reverse image searches. But after watching \"Catfish\" on MTV, I guess that is to be expected. I'm just finding it hard to believe that someone would spend all this $ and effort into starting a relationship, and then just never want to meet. It's pretty obvious that I should just let this one go at this point. But there is that 1% chance that he really is who he says he is, and that his excuses for not showing up...really are valid. Also, the emotional connection I've formed with this person is hard to break. The curiosity of finding out who this person is has pretty much taken over my life...and I'm just looking for some advice on what to do at this point.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Basically, I want to do something sweet and romantic for my boyfriend. Here's the long version: \n\nAccording to the weather forecasts, it's going to be a beautiful day today. My boyfriend and I decided to go to a local park we've been meaning to visit for months - the weather just hasn't been nice enough until today. The park's right near a relatively swanky area, and since today's payday and we haven't had a \"date night\" in a while, we decided to get a pseudofancy dinner afterwards. I'm really looking forward to it. Things haven't always been easy or simple in our relationship, but I think we have a really good foundation and we're really making sure we put time in with each other to maintain it. \n\nWith that in mind, I'd really like to do something special and sweet for him. He's more of a romantic type than I am, so I think he would appreciate it. However, I'm not sure what to do - if the situation were reversed, and I was a boy wanting to surprise a girl, I'd definitely get flowers. But I don't think that'll have the same me crazy if I'm wrong :) So I was wondering if Reddit could do me a favor and weigh in on what they think the equivalent of flowers are, for a guy. Suggetions are welcome! It's not a special event like an anniversary or anything, just a night out. I'd really love to hear what you have to say on this: I want to surprise him AND get him something (do something for him) he'll really appreciate. \n\nI know some people are going to respond to this with \"sex\" or \"bj,\" but if you can help it, please refrain. He's already going to get laid tonight, and probably getting blown for foreplay. I want to do something _besides_ that. (Or on top of that, heh.) Besides, I don't think sex should be a special-occasion-I-love-you surprise. That implies some shitty things about your love life, imo. \n\nThanks for reading...please help me out!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hey all, I just recently was on the receiving end of my first breakup. After about five months I was told the reasoning was chemistry and her not being over her old boyfriend. The breakup wasn't dramatic, and she moved out shortly thereafter; however, she still keeps in contact with me via text in the mornings / nights, and I see her at least once or twice a day. She knows full well how I feel about her, and how I am still in love with her, but I can't tell if she's flipped the switch and \"friendzoned\" me that quickly or not.\n\nI'm all for giving her space to do her own thing, and figure out her own issues... however, I can't help but feel a sting whenever we part without so much as a hug. Being the schlep that I am, I would still do anything for her and keep her as company for as long as possible (unless she started to date somebody else).\n\nI guess I would just like to know if it's possible to rekindle the romance, or if she is just looking for the chase again.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My ex (21M) of eight months has been a general douche to me for the last few months. He broke a NC he initiated (for the second time) while I was visiting my male best friend's family in Texas, and essentially begged me to have a coffee with him later. We hung out a few times and I thought things were good and we were friends again, but then he flipped out again and started ignoring me. He contacted me again after hearing that I was sort-of seeing another guy, acting like we were best friends again, and then recently started ignoring me once more. \n\nHere's the deal. I still have his mattress and box spring from when we lived together, and while he was being nice to me I offered to give him a dresser I'd found and refurbished. My parents are coming this weekend to help me move out, and since he's been ignoring my texts for the past week or so, I'm kind of pissed off. He knows they are coming and we made plans to discuss how I was going to get his stuff to him about a week and a half ago, but has made no effort to contact me about them.\n\nIs it my/my parent's obligation to drop off his mattress? Also, I feel kind of stupid now for offering the dresser. Given his recent doucheliness I don't really want to give it to him. My sister is moving into a new apartment and I would rather she have it. What would be a good way to proceed?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I know there is probably alot of similar posts to this, but I'm out of options here.\n\nSo I was home for the easter holidays and went out to town with my friends. Later that night I run into my ex and 2 of her friends and I end up talking with them for a good while.\n\nI really thought I was over her, been feeling that for a while, but when I stand there I think to myself \"fuck.. I miss you!\". I was basically just standing there looking at her.\n\nWhen I woke up the next morning, I get a message from her saying \"I know you miss me. I could see it last night\". I broke down reading it.\n\nWe dated on and off for about 3 years, but it finally ended around this time last year. I moved away to college after the summer so we haven't talked or seen each other since.\n\nThis was my first relationship where I really loved someone. We didn't have the greatest relationship, she cheated on me and it was a lot back and forth, but for some fucked up reason I still miss her..\n\nI feel like its been ruining my other relationships. I haven't been able to have a proper relationship after her.\n\nAll these memories and feelings are just coming back. \n\nI thought after a year I would finally be over her. I just don't what to do, how to get over her.. \nIts been a year now and honestly its a bit exhausting.\n\nWhat do I do? How do you deal with this?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been seeing this guy for about 6-7 months now and I feel things are going well between us considering we both have busy lives. We probably see each other at least once a week because I have two jobs that require a lot of my time. \nWhen we do have time together, its usually just watch a movie / make love. \nWe are both adults in our late 20's. \nRecently I have received 2 free tickets to SeaWorld and I asked him if he would be interested in going with me and we can schedule a day off together and go for a change of pace. \nMind you I asked him in a text because its the easiest way for us to communicate. \nHis reply was \"Yeah sure possibly, but I don't know.\"\nOn that note he told me he used to work there a long time ago, which I did not know being that it was the first time for me to hear that from him. \nWhen I was claiming the free tickets online, it asked for 2 names to claim the tickets. I didn't want to leave it sitting on my phone and knew that it would probably clock it out for being idle so I went ahead and put my name and his on both tickets.\nWhen I told him I did this in a text, his reply was \"Omfg.\"\n\nShould I have not put this kind of pressure on him? I feel bad now :l",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Heya, about 2 weeks ago a good friend of mine was involved in a motorcycle accident that left him in critical condition with many broken bones and brain damage. His condition has improved enough that his family has OKed (and encouraged) other visitors. We aren't sure which part(s) of his brain have been affected (if there is any long-term damage), but here's what I do know:\n\n* He is able to breath without a ventilator, and is using a mask.\n* He is not paralyzed, but at the moment is still experiencing limited movement to his left side.\n* He is able to squeeze your hand.\n* He is able to make eye contact, although his eyes generally aren't open for more than a few hours a day.\n* He has laughed at some conversations the family has had around him, and tries to speak but is not speaking coherently... it does seem that he understands what people are saying, though.\n* He is able to sit upright.\n\nHe is moving from the ICU to the neuro department within the week, but it looks like he will be staying in the hospital for at least the next several weeks.\n\nHave any of you been in the ICU yourself, or have had a family or friend in the ICU? How did you help them pass the time, or feel cared for, or missed? I want to be careful not to bring anything he can't interact with at this time.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been dating my SO for nearly three years, the past year of which I had to move back to my home town and in with my parents. Because of this, and several other things, I became quite depressed and our relationship suffered for it, and it eventually led to us breaking up. One of the main reasons him giving is that i was too negative and he couldn't deal with my depression as well as his stress, which I can understand. \n\nAlthough i can see that the relationship wasn't right for me, I just cant get past that initial stage of heartbreak. I have just been a complete mess for the past few weeks, cant sleep, cant eat, I cant do anything. Having read all the articles about how to get over a relationship, I'm trying to follow them, but things are made difficult by the fact that a lot of my friends have moved away from my home town, there isn't much to do in the way of hobbies around here (I live in a small Welsh village), and most of the friends that I made in the past three years are mutual with my ex so it is difficult to visit and attend social events without seeing him. I just feel really lonely. I just dont know how to get out of this slump that I'm in. I know people say that you have to go through the pain, but I feel unless I do something, I will never get through it. \n\nHow have you gotten over the initial stages of heartbreak reddit? The stage where your heart actually feels like its breaking :(",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "first time using reddit guys; wish me luck. anyways, i'm terrified, and i'd like your help. my current (and first) girlfriend who is bisexual says that she'd be fine with dating guys that 20-27. She's dated this drug dealer in the past when she was younger, and it didn't go well. she says she can handle it, and sometimes she said after we break up she won't date guys that old, but for some reason i don't believe her. She's also depressed and has been clean from smoking and other drugs since we dated, but I'm pretty sure she'd go back into that if she dated guys older than her. To be honest, I'm terrified. I really just want her to be happy and safe, but I feel like she wouldn't be. She always points out 20 year old guys that are hot to me. It's kind of worrying. Is there any way I can convince her not to be with older guys who I know would treat her like shit?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Background. We dated on and off for about a year. I'd been through two serious relationships before and feel I have a pretty good grasp on what I am looking for. After about six months of being apart but still great friends, she started dating my roommate's friend. A month in to them dating, I came to realize what an idiot I had been and asked her to take me back. It didn't go well and now we aren't even friends. I know I brought this on myself but I've never met anyone like her and can't see myself finding anyone more perfect for me. So please Reddit, give a guy some hope for the future.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi, firstly, thanks for taking the time to read.\n\nI am 19 and we met at sixth form (college?). She then went to uni and I did not.. So we have a long distance relationship which she is currently back from over summer.\n\nThings were great and I visited her as much as financially possible, spent so much money, time and effort into seeing her. We argued ALOT however.\n\nAlso during this time, I began to really take care of myself and my fitness levels due to family reasons which means I work out a lot. However she has done the opposite. Put on a lot of weight during uni and doesn't seem to care, unless it's for a day and then goes back to her old ways.\n\nI have also spoke to my fears and told her I no longer find her AS attractive but it did not go well. She changed her way for about 4 days and also seemed see me as a different person during that time like I had broken her trust or something when I was also trying to help her help herself, as I know she complains about her weight. I also used to be EXTREMELY overweight so I know what it's like.\n\nI don't know if it's the weight, the distance or a mixture of everything and general life taking a toll but I now feel extremely distant from her. She recently went away to see family for 5 days and we barely spoke or texted the entire time, around 10minutes on a night time and a few texts sparingly throughout the day.\n\nDoes anyone have any advice? Does perhaps this situation seem familiar to you? Any advice will help",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Long time reddit lurker. First time posting. Throwaway account. I will try to keep this short and concise as possible.\n\nI just started first day of semester yesterday. I'm an undergrad lower senior studying Electrical Engineering. First day in lab course, TA allow us to choose partners; total of 3 per group. Now usually I always partner up with my friends (whom I know won't slack) but they already took the course. So I had to partner up with new people (which I am fine with). I found a group and was looking forward to work together. But then this girl (we happen to know each other) came in late and started sitting with... me. So like, we have 4 people in a group now. Then one of the member volunteered to leave to form another group of 3. I know from experience that she does not do work or contribute in any way form or shape. Her written and spoken English is poor.\n\nRight now I don't know what to do. I could talk to the TA but he doesn't seem to care. Every group have 3 people already. I really hate leechers/moochers. I can't wait to get out to the real world and work in teams who actually... work. Any suggestions? Just suffer it and let her ride along?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "On Thursday night my roommate (who is extremely attractive) and I were sitting on the couch drinking and watching TV - not unusual. He started to come closer towards me, which I thought nothing of, and then put his arm around me and started moving in closer. I wish I could say I was in the right mind and moved away from him, but I was drunk too and, as I said, I find him extremely attractive. In a moment of clarity (before anything could happen) I looked at him and told him this was probably a huge mistake - we still have six months on our lease - and someone may end up getting hurt if we let anything happen between us. It was hard for me, due to how much I genuinely like him as a person and how attractive I find him, but I think I made the right decision.\n\nThings have been slightly awkward since, and as much as I am trying to forget about it, I can't stop thinking about him - we are great friends and get along so brilliantly. I am about 3 months out of a long relationship and never expected something like this to happen with him. I guess my question I say something to him about what happened or should I just ignore what happened and try to forget?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "This FU actually happened today (surprise surprise). So in my class there's this one girl who I'm really good friends with (let's call her Sandra). Now Sandra is absolutely terrified of spiders. Like I mean absolutely terrified beyond belief. So smartass me thought it would be a great idea to show her a picture of my pet tarantula (he is really cute I swear). What I didn't have really in mind is how she'd react to it... She smacked the phone with all her might like some Bruce Lee style stuff as I stood there in terror watching my phone slowly float through the air and land face first on the concrete floor. My heart broke in half as I heard the glass shatter and get thrown about. RIP Oneplue one 7.6.2014-8.4.2015 you shall never be forgotten.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'll start from this morning. It was a normal day for me. I woke up at around 7:30 as I usually do so I could wake up and get to work on time. I did so, worked my 8 hours, clocked in, clocked out. My coworkers wanted to go out to get something to eat, but I wasn't feeling social today, so I passed and walked to my car.\n\nHowever, I was feeling rather hungry. I'm currently on a diet, but I've been on it for a rather long time (around 6 months) so I had forgotten what the taste of a deliciously disgusting Taco Bell taco tasted like. Once I started thinking about it, I couldn't stop so I set my course to the nearest Taco Bell about 15 minutes away.\n\nAfter driving for a bit I finally reached my destination. I pulled up to the drive-thru, placed my order for 2 tacos, a crunchwrap and a large Mountain Dew. I pulled up to the next window, paid for my order, and sat the bag of food on the passenger seat next to me. I checked my phone to see what time it was, and determined that I had enough time to eat in a parking space and be home in time for my family. \n\nLet's just say I fucking ravaged those first 2 tacos. I scarfed them down like I've never seen what a scrap of food looked like before. As I'm about to move onto my crunchwrap, I get a phonecall from my wife asking where I am.\n\n\"You're at Taco Bell?! You said you'd drive Caitlyn (our daughter) to soccer practice!\"\n\nShit. I hung up the phone and stepped on the gas with one hand on the wheel and another on my crunchwrap. I was doing 70 on the highway trying to rush back to get my daughter there on time. \n\nBut that crunchwrap was way to delicious. I was paying too much attention to the deliciousness, the amazingness, the...\n\nI felt a thud. My windshield cracked. I pulled over and stepped out of my car to what was the remains of a now dead deer and a busted windshield along with other damages to my car. Caitlyn was late to practice.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Just mutually broke up with my first and only girlfriend, and now I'm totally lost. I know next to nothing about how to flirt or participate in the dating game played at my age because the last time I actively sought companionship I was only 15.\n\nThe big hangup for me isn't just not knowing what to do or where to go, it's the fact that I'm really not a hookup kind of guy, that's not to say I'm only looking for a wife every time I meet someone new, but everything about my personality drives me towards longer term relationships with labels. I also don't drink which can make finding places to hang out with anyone on a date or just to meet people at my age kind of hard. \n\nLastly I feel like another obstacle is I've built an image with my friends and anyone I might be interested in dating in the future of myself as a very confident and happy guy, but without the support of my now-ex, I feel pretty depressed and very lonely most of the time and I just hide it when I'm with my friends.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hello hello,\n\nI'm UK based and so is the girlfriend. She sells some of her artwork online as many others do on websites such as spreadshirt or society6.\n\nThe most popular artists there have a facebook group where they discuss new websites and artwork theft.\n\nOne of her fellow artist from Germany contacted her telling her a retail clothing store (800+ locations in Germany) had an exact replica of her work on a tee-shirt (and a picture).\n\nShe usually just tries to forget about it when this happens with small companies but she feels a company this size shouldn't get away with this and she intends to contact them and possibly get in touch with lawyers there.\n\n**Are there any \"no win no fee\" lawyers in Germany? Is she wasting her time? Is there any chance they will compensate without getting sued?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So im a cashier at a grocery store, and normally while on register you dont really see too much, ill get the occasional middle aged woman that calls me cute, or a hottie will come through my line, but other than that not much. A few days ago I was working and it was probably 5 minutes before closing time. I was on register ringing up the 2nd to last customer in the store. I start with the usual auto pilot questions (\"Hi, did you find every thing okay\") and blabity blah. She had a bunch of vegan cupcakes that we make in the store and stuff so I asked her what the occasion was, she said her birthday was coming up. And then I proceeded to do the thing that you never do which is guess a womans age, luckily I guessed low. Im 18, I guessed she was 20, even though i thought she looked a bit older but i wasnt trying to get slapped. She told me she was 22. I asked if she was in grad school. She said no shes done with school for now, her major was law. \n\nas we started talking more I brought up how being 18 and not in college SUCKS for meeting girls. My last girlfriend was 22 and broke up with me because of my age. She went on to say \"age only bothers some women, I like you and your age doesnt bother me at all\"\n\"want to help me celebrate my birthday\".... \n\nBeing a cashier has made me very oblivious to women (not that i wasnt already)\n\nI said \"COOL, would you like a receipt?\"\n\nShe just kinda looked at me dissapointed and took it, and she started walking away. At this point one of my male friend co workers taps me on the shoulder and says \"dude are you stupid? go get her number, she was into you\". And then everything she said finally clicked in my head and I call her back in and give her my number on a piece of paper. She smiled and left",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Recently I have had a falling out with a girl who means alot to me and I dont know whether I want a romantic or a friendship relationship with her. She wants none of the romantic part of it though.\n\nWhen it comes to finding a suitable romantic partner, why is it that when ever I bring up the fact I have tourette, OCD, and AD(H)D to them. It immediately sends up a signal in their head at a subconscious level \"Danger, danger will robinson. Abort, abort\"?\n\nWhen I speak here, I speak for ALL Tourette, AD(H)D, and OCD sufferers with [similar situations and across all gender-boundaries[emended addition thanks to /u/glitter_cunt ]]. Not just myself.\n\nIs it really true that evolutionary traits and the ability for a woman to \"sniff\" out flawed DNA[RNA] kicks in and only looks for males that are socially normal, physiologically sound, and mentally unflawed in anyway? This seems to be a resounding pattern over my last 7 encounters with female-persons. If I am on a 0:7 failure rate. Something is wrong here at a biological/evolutionary level. And I am about to throw up the white flag and deem myself unworthy of any woman out there and live my life alone.\n\nAre there any sane and non-evolutionary-seeking female-persons out there that even realize that I and many other sufferers of Tourette, OCD, and AD(H)D deserve the same treatment as my non-mentally ill male counterparts? I hate living in a forced exile state in this society and world. If the evolutionarily-sound men can live happy productive lives and start families, be a father, and be a care giver. Why the hell cant I be privy to that type of embrace? Im 30 y/o and find myself getting alot of non-preferential treatment out there.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So a bit of background; I am currently away at college, and my girlfriend, \"Elise,\" back home is going to a different school. She and I have had discussions about the limitations on our sexual relationship and have agreed that we can push them, but now I'm confused.\n\nI woke up this morning to a text message telling me that a few of her close friends from her school, \"Dina\" and \"Jim,\" who are currently engaged, have invited the two of us to have four-way sex with them.\n\nNow, I've always been interested in something like this, the idea of sex with a group has always turned me on. But, I'm not okay with other men being involved with Elise--in fact, the idea kind of makes me upset. So we preliminarily agreed to make it a kind of sex at the same time and place deal, where there will be no touching between the couples, but there is watching and talking between them.\n\nNormally, I'd be very okay with this idea, but we've never done anything like this before and I don't really know Jim or Dina very well at all. I'm also scared that involving others in the bedroom is a bad idea regarding the health of my relationship with Elise, or the relationship of Jim and Dina.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I am a college junior who was pushed into going to a Liberal Arts college by my parents (I am very thankful for their help with paying for college). I am a biology major, and after every test I take I am reminded about how much I suck at this stuff! I really wanted to go to art school and pursue a career in fine arts photography (I won many national awards in High School). \n\nIf I switch schools, that will cost a lot of money (extra years on college) and finding a job with a Bachelor in Fine Arts will most likely be harder than finding a job with a Bachelors degree in Biology.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi all,\n\nJust under a year ago, I moved states, and brought my credit union account to zero with the intention of closing it. However, before I was able to follow through, Paypal used the bank account to withdraw funds from Christmas shopping. This was maddening because it was my secondary account and not my primary. Anyway, I didn't discover this for months, since my credit union allowed my account to remain overdrafted to the tune of $450, and I wasn't checking that balance anymore. So now it's listed on my credit report and I'm trying to buy a new car, so it would come in very handy if it were removed. Please help!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hey guys\n\nI'm an agnostic atheist and my girlfriend is a Protestant Christian. We've been together nearly 4 years. I am going to be attending grad school and she is in undergraduate school. We have lived together for a year and we're pretty boring people. We're both introverts and have had maybe two fights through the duration of our relationship. I'm flexible and she's flexible. There has been no cheating or jealousy feuds. Sex maybe once per 1.5 weeks on average. You can said we are 'content' or 'happy.' We're best friends.\n\nAround Christmas time last year a member of her close family died and she's really starting to develop her relationship with God. I've noticed her becoming more distant and I suspected it's because she's re-evaluating what she wants in a partner and in life. We've had a talk before about Christianity. She wants a Christian husband with Christian values (all of which are the same of mine; I was raised Catholic/Protestant). It's important for her partner to be Christian because it has something to do with purity of marriage and how that helps you build a closer relationship to God. She wants to better serve God in any way she can. I respect her views and her motives. I went to church with her last weekend.\n\nAbout two weeks ago when I was kissing her before bed she said that she doesn't want to have sex out of marriage anymore and that doing it makes her feel guilty. I'm flexible, but this one is definitely a curve-ball. We've talked about marriage and agree that we're far too young, and want to wait until we are 28-29 years old to get married. 6 Years is a long time without sex. She's okay with that wait. Sex is important to me because I believe that it creates and shows love and also it's fun. I just don't believe you have to get married to do it. \n\nIt might be easy for you to type \"just break up,\" but if you haven't built something for 4 years, it's a little more difficult to understand why this isn't easy especially because we're good friends in good standing.\n\nAnyone have any insight?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Okay I believed that I was not allergic to anything after being told by my parents and everyone in my family that I do not have allergies and had tests done.\n\nI put down a deposit for a Ragdoll Kitten, $350 for something not even born yet.\nNow I just found out I'm allergic to Cat Dander. \n\nI don't know what to do. I want to get a refund but I'm first gonna ask you guys and do research. Should I get a Ragdoll even if I am allergic? I've heard all stuff about them being great cats for people with allergies and I heard the exact opposite as well. I know Cat Dander comes from saliva. \n\nI fell in love with Ragdoll Cats so this is just difficult for me to come to terms with. \n\nI just need extra insight and advice.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My friend and I have been friends since elementary school. Without delving too far in we started hanging out less around college but still share interests. In college I lived in the dorms fine and a house with 5 guys fine as well. More recently I've graduated and moved into a 1 br apartment and furnished it completely. A few months back I had a slight concern I wouldn't be able to fund it myself and looked for a roommate, naturally I turned to my friend. Unfortunately at that time he couldn't so I lived on my own. Since then I've been able to position myself to not need his help.\n\nWell a few weeks ago I forgot that he said at this time he would be interested in moving in. As a good gesture I mentioned it to him and the idea took. Now we are sharing a room in my small apt. I don't hate him or anything but I have grown to enjoy my solitude and the fact that I could have people over if I wanted. \n\nThe first few nights were fine bc he was on the couch, but now we split a room together. We picked up forms to make it official however we haven't signed or done anything with them yet. It may be selfish of me but I have grown accustomed to living on my own and being independent. I would like to have my apt back but I feel like it would be a dick move and I don't want to ruin the friendship. Please help me reddit, you're my only hope!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "A little bit about me and my friends first. I'm 23 years old, kissless virgin. Never been in a romantic relationship. I don't have a problem with it, nor dwell or complain about how girls don't like me or whatever. I sometimes find girls pretty/smart/funny/interesting but I leave it that. I would usually comment to myself 'hey, X is interesting' but I wouldn't initiate anything. I do not have social anxiety nor I'm awkward against girls... I just don't care much.\n\nI have the same group of friends (3 guys, same age as me) since I was 12 years old. We have always been pretty close, we went though puberty together, and of course they noticed how I relate with the opposite gender. At first they kind of pushed me thinking I was just shy. Then, when we grew up a little bit (~16) they thought I was gay. Now they don't care much, every now and then they would make a joke about how 'asexual' I am, and that's it.\n\nNow, the thing I noticed is that I have always liked my friends girlfriends. Girls that I wouldn't care about much if I met in different situations I find way more interesting, smart, funny or pretty if I met them as one of my friends girlfriend. It's not a problem, since I know I won't try anything on my crushes, but I find it wierd and sparked my curiosity. Just wanted to know if anyone else go though the same.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Obvious throw away account because I post and comment allot and just need some quick advice. \n\nSo a while ago I made an OKCupid account and started talking to some people there. I met this one girl who seemed really awesome. We started meeting up and have become quite good friends. \n\nAbout a month ago I invited her over to my place to hang out, watch a movie, jam on guitar etc etc. The evening went really well and when she sent me a message not 10 mins after leaving saying that she really enjoyed herself. So, I bit the bullet and decided to tell her how I felt. All I got from her was that we have loads in common but she's happier with us as friends at the moment. I was kind of bummed because we seemed to get on so well and have something going. \n\nThinking that was it, I put it out of my mind (after much difficulty) and got on with things. We went out again just before I graduated and spent the entire day together walking in London and sitting around in parks. It was really great and it's frustrating how well we get on, knowing that she doesn't want anything more.\n\nAfter this I went travelling for a few months (post-graduation trip). Whilst I was away she got in touch asking me out again. This is where my problem is, we went out and again spent hours just sitting around chatting. I can't help but think maybe I've done something wrong, or have I just got the wrong idea? I asked her out to a gig tonight and even though she's got something else on she's cutting it short to come and hang out. I just don't know what to think. When we're together things seem amazing but when I asked her about it she wasn't so sure. \n\nI should say that she's very shy and I believe her previous relationship was quite a serious long one (5 years or so).\n\nThanks for any advice the great hive mind of Reddit can give!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have a chihuahua (pug mix) dog, (1 yr/5 months old). We usually take him for walks around the gated apartment complex, where the gardens are at, the neighbors have a basketball hoop (the ones filled with water to keep it standing). One day they left a carpet out in the sun to dry & he quite like it (he was rubbing/nudging on it & I guess when the thing shook/or when I lifted him to hop on the carpet it scared him). Ever since he hasn't been ANYWHERE near it, he doesn't want to even go outside anymore near that area (he'll just go potty & come right back inside). I have tried carrying him over there and just holding him walking towards it, but right when I put him down he runs for his life back home. Tail is in between his legs, never seen him like that before.\n\nHe has never been afraid of going over there before at all, EVER, always had to go over there to potty on his usual spots, and has never had a problem until that incident...\n\nI have never seen him afraid of anything before like this. Also, not sure if this is because recently a neighbor brought their friends dog over to play (near that area/female retriever/poodle mix but he's never seen her).\n\nI have tried to put snacks (in a trail) near there and have him slowly go out so he wouldn't be afraid, but once he eats all the snacks in the trail, he runs right back home.\n\nI have also attempted to put the snacks on the basketball hoop base & he has just eaten the food (or merely ignored it in panic/looking up all the time to see if anything is going to fall on him or something)...\n\nWhenever he leaves his safety area (home) he looks up & around but mostly up... How can I help him see that the basketball hoop is not dangerous? (ie. it's secure & won't fall over anytime soon even in gusty wind conditions)",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I suffer from depression and anxiety. I have lost my motivation and my ability to concentrate. What's frustrating me the most is that I can remember very little (practically none) of the material I've learned over the past few years (in addition to not being able to remember my life outside of school).\n\nI was struggling so much with these metal issues on top of a physical illness (which has now been resolved) that I took two \"incompletes\" last semester (meaning that the professors have allowed me to finish the course after the end date) and have delayed my return to university until next year. \n\nBasically, is there anyway to get those memories back? Every time I look at the material I just feel like a failure because I do not understand it. What good is a degree if you don't learn anything? I just don't know what to do with myself.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My husband turned down an offer and hasn't received another one in two weeks. He has applied at 100+ places and is stressed. He has begun to yell. \n\nMy husband grew up in a family where the dad yelled his wife and siblings into submission. I do not want my husband to become his dad. Within the last few weeks though he has. Today he even tried to yell me out so I'd succumb to his desires. He also has been turning things around and blaming me for everything. \n\nI want my calm loving husband back. Instead I have a man who yells. How can i solve this?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Things were great until she got her overnight job. She used to be smiling and happy all the time and now she's...not. She's stressed, doesn't get much sleep, and the only day I'm able to come up is Sunday and she sleeps most of the day. So we cuddle for awhile until she has to get ready for work again.\n\nNow, I would do absolutely anything for this woman. Even though I don't particularly like her job, I support her decision to work there and I encourage her. I let her know everyday I love her and find her beautiful and perfect in every way, yet now she says she thinks I don't care.\n\nI have no idea what to tell her, and I can't go over unil Sunday to talk about it because of both our work schedules. I can't prove I love her....but I need to. I can't lose her, and I think it's just the stress of this job that's making her like this. No idea what to do.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Duration of relationship: 1 year.\n\nI'll call him J because that's the first letter of his first name. \n\nA quick background on me, though, first: I'm anti-social as fuck. Don't have a single friend that I'm not dating. Don't even talk to anyone. I'm OK with that though. I really don't like anyone I meet.\n\nI met my drug dealer J through my old work. I smoke weed once every few weeks, and I use a vaporizer and buy 1oz+ at a time - basically, I only buy weed once in a very long while. The last time I bought was October and I've still got enough to last for another month or two. Not a week has gone by that this guy hasn't texted me asking if I wanted to buy any weed from him. I keep saying I'll just text him when I need some, and that it will be likely weeks/months away.\n\nI can't just tell him to fuck off because I do need to buy drugs from him at some point in the not-so-far future, but I really don't need them now and I wish he would leave me alone. \n\nThe other day he texted me talking about how he was trying to \"step up his game\" and trying to find out \"who was legit and who wasn't\" and talking about me basically cheating on him with another dealer (Which I'm not, and if I was it wouldn't be any of his business). \"I can get u better bud cheaper i swear to god. you can try it before you buy.\"\n\nI agreed to buy some weed from him next week just to get him to shut up. But I'm sure after that he'll keep hounding me. So what do I do?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Long story short, I have lived with my parents and little brother in a large, comfortable, rented townhouse for a little over a year.\n\nI moved in with my parents with the aim of getting my life together, and I subsequently somewhat have and I have found a great job. Meanwhile, my parents have hit a bit of a rough patch, so we've all been making ends meet together. We have always paid rent and bills here on time, and our initial one-year lease converted over to a month-to-month lease a couple of months ago.\n\nAlong comes my little shit head brother, who has never had a job, and who we're all trying to be supportive of, to ruin everything. Only a couple of days ago, we received a notice to quit in the mail that says we have to vacate the premises by the end of this month. Not long after that, we receive a follow-up letter detailing the reason: security discovered the shit head (allegedly) smoking weed in a vehicle with someone else, and management has a zero tolerance policy. There were no police involved.\n\nMy parents have attempted to discuss this with the office to no avail. Now we're kind of screwed--we've been kind of skating on the edge just to stay here, so to come up with moving expenses, find a decent new place at the worst time to search for the year (summer), and do all of that in a month looks impossible.\n\nFuck it. I should mention that I'm the only one in the condo with a job--I'm making decent money, but I have terrible credit. My dad has been collecting unemployment and going to interviews for months, and my mom has always stayed at home. Shit head is a shit head.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "A week ago, I was at a giant(think >100,000 people) festival, and I was drunk. I met a chick, who actually didn't seem very in to me, but I was kinda horny, and proceeded to make out with her - bear in mind we are both drunk at this point. \n\nAt some point we are separated, and I didn't think much about it until today, where she out of the blue messages me on facebook. I have no idea how she got my info, i gave her only my first name, but whatever - I've facebook-stalked people before, too.\n\nIn her message, she basically says that she is really embarassed that she's doing this, but i've been stuck in her head since we met, and she really wants to see me again. She is very apologetic, and her message sounds kinda insecure. \n\nThe thing is.. I don't really want a date with this girl. Two days after we kissed, I met a super awesome chick, that I could see leading somewhere. And besides that, she's not really my type. I think it is really awesome that she worked up the courage to message me, and I really want to leave her with something more than \"Sorry I don't want to see you, have a nice life\". \n\nSo Reddit - how do i decline her, without her feeling like an ass for messaging me?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "After all my applications were sent off I was stuck waiting patiently for responses, expecting the earliest in about 6 weeks time.\n\nSo you can understand my shock when I read an E-mail from one of the better schools saying that I've been accepted unconditionally a few hours ago.\n\nFirst thing I do is call my dad, sheer excitement pouring out of my voice like an orgasmic Niagara Falls.\n\n(Introducing Senor FU) Riddled with happiness I jump up for joy, pull my knees in (I swear I got some hang time) and extend them outwards.\n\nMy left foot lands on the floor, entirely on the left pinky toe. And I collapse.\n\nPain shoots up my left leg like Satan himself had just decided to test it as a new location for hell. As if he were sexually assaulting my foot with a barbed fishhook.\n\nAfter an hour of laughing at myself I decided to go to the doctor, handed in my insurance information and they took an X-ray. Doctor says I might have broken my foot due to how I can't move my little toe, but it might be a fracture or, even better, just a severe sprain.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I met this young lady (f/22) at work. She was student teaching, and I am a temp aide who worked closely with the teacher she student taught for. Right away, we got along very well. Because I was in her class just about every day, we had good conversations, usually joked back and forth, maybe borderline flirted. I was very attracted to her, but obviously had to be professional.\n\nI did some info digging (and by that I mean asked her what she did for fun) and no boyfriend was ever mentioned. I felt good about asking her out, but there was never time. Usually we were around at least one student, or another teacher, or the situation was chaotic and not convenient. Her placement ended but she came back to sub, as friendly as ever, but again there was no time to ask her.\n\nHer last day there, I thought I had a shot. I stopped by during her free period to talk. We were doing our usual small talk about job hunting, and I asked what she was doing that weekend, and she responded work (She had told me worked at Dicks Sporting Goods), and that she was closing that weekend. I was just about to pop the question to do something when she WASN'T working....and sure enough a kid walks in needing extra help!! And of course he stays there the whole period!!!!!\n\nI didn't have a chance after that. Now the school year's over, so she won't be back to sub, and I don't even know if I'll be back at the school next year. I've \"dropped by\" her store at times she would likely be working just to see was there, but she wasn't. (It's a big chain so there's multiple locations in our metro area). These places are about 15-30 minutes away and I can't keep chasing after her like that, lest I come off as desperate or a stalker, which I am not. \n\nShould I keep trying? Try something different? Give up completely? I have had **Horrible** luck with women and am getting frustrated at seeing what looks like a sure thing fade away, but I don't know if I should give up.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have kind of a unique dilemma that a service, in my opinion, a lot of people would use, would solve. I wish I could buy subscriptions to specific television channels and stream them on my smart television via an application or stream on a computer or mobile device. This is why...I live on Indiana University's property. They have the most shit standard definition cable ever and it blows. It only has very basic channels. When I asked if I was allowed a cable box, I was told that in the rules and regulations that it clearly states that anything of the sort would be considered a violation of the other tenants' rights to health and safety. Consequently I have to buy each episode of The Walking Dead on Amazon Instant when it becomes available the next day and will have to soon for Game of Thrones. Some say we should pirate them. That would work if their internet security system wasn't so thorough. It tells me when my Java is out of date...I'm pretty sure they could catch me stealing and do something irritating to us school-wise.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My Gf tells me that she knows that I'm not in love with her because I don't show it to her, and that we should break up because it's hurting her. She is right, I've barely done a thing to show her I am.\n\nNow, the thing is that I'm sure that I began the relationship loving her, I still think that she is perfect in every way, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but she says that I'm only fooling myself saying all that? we've been fighting a lot lately, she's not happy in the relationship and I think it's my fault for not paying much attention to her. \n\nWe fought tonight, now I ask myself, Do I love her? if I need to ask does that means I'm not? then what? why do I like her so much then? why do I want to spend the rest of my life with her? why is this happening, and how can I fix this? \n\nHow can I make her feel so loved that this won't ever happen again?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I'll start by saying there are two doors that you need to go through to enter my apartment building. They're both heavy and the door inside the hallway needs a key and is hard to open sometimes. Generally if I see someone coming I'll either hold that door open or if they're that awkward distance away I'll very obviously close the door gently so that the latch doesn't lock and they don't need to mess with their keys.\n\n^(Seriously I've broken 3 key chains trying to open this door with one hand because of how heavy it is.)\n\nWell anyway, I tend to go out for coffee around the same time every day, which often coincides with when this one woman is returning home. I'll open the inner door and hold it open for her and she'll just push past me without a word, often bumping into me without so much as a look back of apology. \n\nToday when I saw her crossing the street to the entrance of the building with her phone in hand and shopping bag in other, I locked eyes with her and just let the inner door slip out of my hand with a very obvious gesture. It slammed shut and I nudged it with my foot (out of her line of sight) just to make sure it locked. She gave me the most incredulous look and it was *I* who finally got to nudge her out of the way as I exited the building.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I (27/f) am going to lose him (26/m) because we can't seem to get on the same page. We've been together for a year and a half and I think deep down we both want the same thing but we keep missing each other and I can't even explain it much less understand it fully. \n\nHe wants someone he can build a life with and will be his intimate partner as well as his business partner. He wants to make future plans for the financial security of his family and he wants that all to start now. I want that too but he doesn't think I do. He is not convinced by the words that I say, but I truly mean them. \n\nHe doesn't want to live with me right now or even spend a lot of time with me because he's soooo busy with work and educating himself on future security. Among other reasons he is a man who needs quite a bit of space. I can't commit to his picture of a long term future together if I don't even see myself in it in the short term. I don't feel that there is a real commitment now, how can I skip steps and plan a long term future? And I can't seem to get him to grasp that point. \n\nTo him business and personal life are one in the same. I separate the two. I certainly cannot be his business partner if I cannot see myself as his life partner. We're currently separated because we don't see eye to eye and I am afraid of losing him. I might have already lost him. I have never felt so right, so good, and so whole about someone in my life. He is it. He is amazing. WE are amazing when it works and we have so much to give and learn from each other. There is a powerful connection there. However I feel his head is constantly in the clouds while I'm trying for the basics of the foundation. And I fear I cannot get my head in our future if he cannot get his head in our now. What do I do?!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I'm sure many of you have experienced this. That moment when you feel like someone is \"checking you out\". Now I'm no narcissist,in fact,I'm really **really** insecure and generally not confident at all. So whenever I get this feeling,I usually just brush it off,thinking: \"Who the hell do I think I am\".\n\nThing is,a few hours ago,I was on the train minding my own business when the feeling crept up. I noticed from the corner of my eye a really cute guy sitting just a few steps from me. I tried brushing the feeling off but something about his body language was just off. He was sitting not straight,but diagonally facing me. He was looking down at his hands\n and had this poker face expression. So I tried forgetting about him since I wasn't feeling my best today.\n\n However this feeling just kept coming back and I decided to glance at him again. This time,he was leaning his head on the window with the most **ADORABLE** grin *but* was looking out instead of at me. So I'm just standing there,insecure as hell,very much attracted to him but very much confused as well. \n\nSo yada yada,few stops fly by,and here's where it gets interesting. We were about to approach a station in about a minute or so,and this guy stands up and walks a few steps towards me. He holds onto a handrail,facing DIRECTLY at me while waiting for his stop. So I'm just there like *OMFGOMFGOMFG*. I was basically frozen. That one minute felt like an eternity. I wanted to smile at him but I just couldn't so I looked down at the floor. Alas,his stop comes and he alights. Of course,there's always this sense of regret every time this happens. But oh well. \n\nMy question is,has anyone here ever had this feeling and acted on it? Like when you approached him/her,were they really \"checking you out\"? Or should I just stick to my \"Who the hell do I think I am\" thinking? *sigh* Thank you in advance!",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "We had such a good relationship it was perfect. Then he went to college and obviously it was hard but I think we were doing a good job, we would fight somewhat frequently but I thought it was just a little rough patch in our relationship. The other day, he went from saying \"you're beautiful and sexy and I want you\" to \"I think about other girls.\"\nIt blew my mind. I understand he's in college and all, and that he wants is freedom, thats part of the reason I was okay with letting our relationship go, i didn't want to hold him back from being happy. But i thought he was happy with me. \n\nHe keeps saying we're just on a break, and I don't know how I feel about all of this. I want to stay with him and continue our relationship but I also don't want him to be unhappy. Obviously I'm going to want to hook up/ be with him when he gets back, but I don't want to be the girl he just hooks up with while he's home.\n\nI could try getting with other guys, but I don't feel comfortable doing that. I love him and i want him, but he thinks differently. He's made it clear that he loves me and all but if he truly did why would this be happening? I don't understand. Help?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Okay, I dated \"Jason\" for only about 7 or 8 months. We broke up because I was going through a lot mentally with myself (anxiety, recovering from an eating disorder, and depression) and I didn't feel in the right place to be in a relationship. I needed time to work on myself.\n\nJason has a lot of family issues. I won't get into that too much, but basically his dad is an asshole, his mom is extremely sick and Jason's the only one there for her. He's had to call 911 for her a few times as his dad does nothing to help, yet still is an idiot to Jason.\n\nAbout a month after we first broke up, I told him I'm still here if he needed anything. Unfortunately, when he wanted to hang out, I told him I would but i really really couldn't bring myself to be social yet/ see him. This happened a couple times, i feel REALLY stupid for it, but I honestly tried. I think as a result of this he blocked my number and we haven't talked since.\n\nI haven't had contact with Jason for a few months, but I still see him post on more personal websites (like tumblr) about how his mom is getting even more sick (may even be on life support, I can't tell completely by what he typed) he's extremely depressed and dealing with a lot of anxiety, and he said that the worst part is how he's still in love with his ex (me) and he can't get over it and move on or be attracted to anyone else because of it. I don't know if i should try to contact him and apologize and show him my sympathy for his mom and everything, or just stay out of it? I feel terrible and even worse for \"ditching\" him in the past, even though I don't want a romantic relationship.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Using a throwaway account because a couple of my classmates are redditors.\n\nWithout going into too much detail about the class, I'll just say that the program I'm in is healthcare related, and class sessions are frequent. Furthermore, the class size is very small, and many of my classmates I already know from the previous semester.\n\nI'm having an issue with a particular classmate. For the most part he [20M] and I get along just fine. However, I've come to the realization that he only calls/text when he need something. The most irritating part is all the things he needs help with are things he should be able to figure out on his own. I, and the rest of my class, are able to do it, but he can't. At one point, he even asked me to help him cheat in another class, but I told him to piss off.\n\nI'm trying to remain civil because we're going to be with each other throughout this program, but it's getting harder not to give him a piece of my mind. I'm definitely OK with helping out a friend, but I don't consider him one, and if we weren't in class together, I wouldn't talk to the guy. I made the mistake of helping him before, and now he thinks he can come to me all the time. He's also the kind of person that asks for help and then argues about your advice. How does Reddit deal with these kinds of people?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been talking with this girl for a few months, I met her at work but she no longer works there. In the beginning it went great and I thought we really hit it off and I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said she likes me but she wasn't ready for a relationship and she told me her ex was abusive. She has constantly told me how she is heartbroken and isn't ready. I want to be there for her but she keeps pushing me away and her texts get really unresponsive. I don't know what to do. She keeps saying I deserve someone better and that I want to be with someone that she can't become. But I don't like anyone else, I like her.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "*Background: we've been together for 3 1/2 years, lived together for 2. I have a promise ring and we are each other's longest, happiest relationship. On every other level, things are wonderful.*\n\nSo, basically my boyfriend got a job about a month and a half ago, and it's a pretty labor intensive job, with an early start. Our sex life has died waaay down since then and I'm having a hard time adjusting. It used to be an average of 2 or so times a week, with the odd oral session here and there. Pretty healthy for the most part. Anyways, since starting he's always quite tired. Reasonably so, I understand he has a physical job... But we're down to once a week, if I'm lucky. We've had sex/fooled around three times this month. We used to be like bunnies, but that of course slowed over time, but I was never unsatisfied. \n\nNow, the problem is, while I understand he's exhausted from working, I have a hard time not taking it personally. I feel rejected. I feel like he's not interested in sleeping with me. I know this isn't the case, but when you're turned down in a semi regular basis, it starts to get to you and eats at your confidence.\n\nI've told him how I feel and he always apologizes and reassures me that it's nothing to do with me, he's just too tired. But nothing has changed. I'm not sure what to do next. I've told him I wish he's just try once in a while, because even if he's not in the mood, he usually happily comes around once we get going (and vice versa). \n\nAnyways, if anyone has been in a similar situation, I'd love to know how you managed. Was there a compromise? And no, we won't have an open relationship. We are a monogamous couple and happily prefer it that way :)",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "its a fairly long story so i will do my best to make it to the point. My dad was dealing with this guy over seas about a tile business they were working on together. One thing led to another and the guy turned sour with him and started accusing my father of owing him all this money. I talked to my dad about it and he explained the whole thing out to me and what basically happened is the guy decided to charge him for a bunch of free samples he gave to my dad.\n\nMy dad obviously refuses to pay it and as a result the guy becomes furious and rights a blog and several reviews for his name pretty much trashing him. Now whenever my dad is looking for a job or someone to work with to get some money just for us to get by, he gets shut down. People will just google his name and believe what they see right away.\n\nNow im turning to the people of reddit. I could really use some help. I need somebody to help me get these things off google or at least make them less visible. If anyone has any advice for me please dont hesitate to share :). Also if you want his name to look up the stuff that is being said message me and i can send it to you.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I met a woman whilst on vacation in Europe, and I'm crazy about her. We met at the hostel that I was staying at. I was the one to introduce myself and we hit it off almost immediately. We went out for dinner and drinks that night and the conversation just flowed beautifully. We share so many interests and I felt an enormous amount of chemistry with her. I paid for dinner and drinks that night, for which she was very grateful. She later insisted on taking me out for dinner and drinks so that she could reciprocate.\n \nWe both went our separate ways for a while, but she returned to the hostel after about a week. She bought me dinner and drinks and we continued to go bar hopping until early in the morning. Again, the conversation just flowed and the chemistry was unreal. I had an early flight to catch, so we said goodbye in the hostel and gave each other a big hug. That was the extent of physical contact for the evening. I'd have loved to have held her hand or even kissed her, but I was having difficulty reading her and did not want to come across too aggressively. Every time we'd make eye contact during the night, she'd throw me a somewhat awkward, but very cute smile.\n \nWe've been in conversation ever since we got home. We're trying to make plans to see each other (we live a few states away from each other). There's even been talk about going to Europe together next summer.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend and I were together for two years, then both got trial jobs on opposite sides of the country. We went our separate ways for a few months now we're both home and we are back together for the long haul. \n\nWe were both single for about four months, but we did keep in touch. Now we're unsure of whether or not to start over (saying we just started dating, i.e. this is month one) or to continue from where we were before (say we've been together for over 2 years).\n\nIn the grand scheme of things it's not a big deal but we were just wondering what to do.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So this might top the list of questions I never thought I'd have to ask, haha.\n\nBackground: Derpina and I have been friends for a year or so, met at a mutual job but only worked together a few months, still see each other every other week or so, more in the last 2 weeks, becoming increasingly interested in her, and it appears to be reciprocal.\n\nLast night (Christmas), we're out drinking like elves, she tells me that she just found out her family has to put her dog down, so I decide to be quite supportive and we have a good night at the pub. She tells me she doesn't want to sleep at home with all her dog's stuff that night, so I offer her my place of course. I offer to sleep on the couch, she insists we cuddle up instead, I'm down. Knowing full well how wrong it would be to take advantage of the alcohol and grief situation, we spoon up and fall asleep. \n\nA few hours later? Warmth. WTF Is that? Reach down...oh shit, she's passed out, and pissing the bed. A lot. I get up, leave her be, change my pants, and sleep on the couch. Get up this morning and she's mortified. I tell her it's no big deal (It isn't, this is why washing machines exist, and I've done plenty of drunk embarrassing shit so I can't judge) and she doesn't say 10 words to me.\n\nSo yeah...what do?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Hi reddit,\nI did not do well in high school and I got accepted into a B tier liberal arts college. I just finished my first semester in college as a freshman and my GPA is currently 2.4. Its really bad and I know I can do better. I let procrastination take control all the time but Im doing a lot better than I did in high school. \n\nI want to transfer after my sophomore year, if I get really good GPA's from now on (3.5+), will I have a shot at transferring to a uni such as NYU, UC Davis, USC, etc...? \n\nClass I took so far, Physics (Calc based) 1, Calculus 1, Microeconomics, and Writing composition. Im about to take Physics (calc based) 2, calc 2, Macroeconomics, and Computer science next semester. Im currently not sure what I want to major in, but Im leaning towards a Major in Physics and Minor in Economics.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Perhaps not the correct sub reddit in theory but I think it's perfect. I need advice from people in relationships whether or not people would want to know if their partner tried to cheat before they got married and how you would react.\n\nCircumstances:\n\n3 of us where out drunk and my best friend and his gf started having a huge fight. Massively awkward for me. She stormed off and we were in a rough area; she is small and petite so my best mate asked to me chase after her and make sure she gets in a taxi and home safe.\n\nWe walked chatted and got a taxi and she came on to me and was very forward.\n\nShe said something a long the lines of, let's go back to yours and I can stay over.I said no that's not going to happen and I awkwardly seen her home.\n\nHe has been my best friend or 14 years and I decided that it was best to leave it because who knows if she would try and flip the situation and lie etc. They were going through a rough time and honestly though it would have a natural end in the near future.\n\nShould I tell him now 1 year on?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "A few hours ago I nocked over a can of paint while me, my brothers, my mom and my step dad were moving things around upstairs so we could paint the roof and walls. It splattered all over their racks of clothes and the floor. We filled up the bath tubs with water and put their cloths in them and put soaked towels on the floor. My mom left to get a rug doctor, some paint thinner, rubbing alcohol and mineral spirits from the store. We got the paint out of the carpet but it wouldn't come out from most the clothes. Does anyone know how I can get the paint out with something more effective than paint thinner, rubbing alcohol, or mineral spirits? Also I've been using a sponge to get it out, do you guys know of anything more effective than a sponge?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So I'm in a long distance relationship and things were going really well at the beginning. We would skype hours on end and make sure we keep in contact with each other. \n\nThis all changed when she started preparing for school a month ago. She started to say she was just too busy to talk but she would at least still respond to my texts or snapchats. We would talk on the phone every now and then but not as often.\n\nShe is now in her first week of school and she says she is really busy. She has to make all As because she is spending money she does not have to go there. She is also joining clubs and trying to become a CA (Community Assistant) and not have to pay for room and boarding. \n\nSo obviously she is really busy and I am trying to be understanding about that. But we planned a trip (first time visit) about three weeks ago to where I would finally come up and see her and meet her family. She sounded so excited when we were planning it and even started counting down the days. Now she's thinking of canceling the trip because she's not sure if she can balance school and a weekend trip.\n\nI won't get a text or anything all day. I have to initiate all of our conversations and she doesn't sound as lively as she did before this period. All the emotion has been drained out of her texts even though some posts online are filled with emotion. Her responses to me are very to the point now. She says she is stressed and I'm trying to understand. \n\nI ask several days in advance even if she'll be free on Friday (a day where she has no school) to have a catch-up phone conversation. She says she doesn't know at this point. \n\nI suffer from depression and anxiety so I'm not sure if I'm overreacting or if there are any legitimate concerns that I need to be stressing out over.\n\nAlso maybe some advice to better handle this situation?\n\nI care about her and want her to succeed. I'm worried that she is thinking she can't handle a relationship while in school.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I was wondering what the perception of Striscia la Notizia is among the Italian intelligentsia. I realize they must look down upon it, but how many channels out there are not in support of Berlusconi? It seems the liberal voices must be all but completely silenced. \n\nAlso, this is just out of curiosity :D. I am a fan of Giorgia Palmas for obvious reasons...and yet, I wonder what the media perception of her is (or at least among the intellectuals of Italy). Is she seen as a \"bimbo\" or just another attractive woman? She did win Miss Italy, so I do wonder if her image is tamer than that of the other showgirls/veline. \n\nThanks.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "So basically my two best friends are a couple. I however knew the guy a year before the girl. Eventually the girl found her way into our group of friends and became close with all of us for about a year before she started dating the guy. 2 years later they're still dating and the group fell apart for the most part except for us 3.\n\nThey really are great people and never make me feel like a third wheel (probably because I was friends with both prior to dating) and over the last 5 months we got real close I feel. They both helped with with a huge medical scare (I suffer from Crohns) with the female friend always being there to talk and even go with me to the hospital. I have also helped them both out and I know they have told me things that I doubt anyone else knows. We are all very open.\n\nThe problem is they will be moving back away for school 40 mins away. And this upsets me greatly. Since April we have all hung out probably 2-3 times a week every week and even went on vacation together with a few other friends. I feel like the shift now to seeing eachother maybe once a month is going to kill our relationship. I'm worried maybe I'll be replaced by their new roommates or something. That we will slowly drift apart.\n\nI've expressed this concern of wanting to stay in touch and how i'm worried it wont be like that. They have both said they will prove me wrong.\n\nAny ideas how I can get over this?",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "My boyfriend of 1.5 years broke up with me recently because I have mental issues and other problems, and wasn't working on them. I also need to quit my job and have major surgery, but I cannot do either of those things for another couple months and have a plan for how that will go down. He's very ill himself, and he said my constant sadness was really wearing on him.\n\nI have an appointment to get my blood drawn to see what's wrong with me physically. I am always fatigued, never get enough sleep, rarely feel good and energetic, and always have headaches. I made another appointment to go to a psychiatrist because I think my issues with depression are not just physical. They tend to get worse in the winter, and a month ago I seriously talked about killing myself, so I think that's what set all of this off. I don't think the illness *itself* bothers him, just the fact that I'm not trying to get better.\n\nI want to maintain my dignity, but I also want to let him know that I'm working on things to the best of my ability. What's the best way to let him know I'm making progress, and to see if he wants to continue things?\n\nI'm thinking of just sending him a quick summary email in about a month to see what he thinks. I texted him this weekend (not the best idea but I'm OK with it) and he said there's a 2/3 chance he would take me back and that he still loves me.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "Ok, Reddit, I really need your help clearing some things up here. \n\nI'm a 22 year old, relatively attractive female. My guy friends are always telling me that they wish they could find a girl who wants to have sex all of the time, and that any guy would be lucky to have me because I'm that kind of girl. BUT whenever I'm in a sexual relationship (be it a romantic relationship or just a friends with benefits situation) the guy NEVER wants to have sex as often as I do. I'm not sure if guys are just saying that they want sex all of the time and they just don't mean it, or they just don't want it with me all of the time.\n\nEvery guy I've had a sexual relationship has said that I'm the best they've had, and the vast majority of them have tried to get me to help their now girlfriends to become better in bed. If I had it my way I would get to have sex with the same one or two people AT LEAST 3 times a day, preferably 5, every day. And if I don't get to have sex, I would love to at least get to give them head because that can get me off too. I can easily have 6 or 7 orgasms per sex period, so it's not like I'm asking for a lot of effort from them.\n\nBasically what I'm asking is this: are men lying when they say they want sex constantly, or is there something wrong with me? I know I'm not a sex addict (although I have attended meetings) because I don't sleep around and I'm not willing to do *anything* for sex - I go on 4-6 month dry spells all of the time when I can't find someone I'm attracted to enough to sleep with.",
"role": "user"
] |
"content": "You are an AI assistant tasked with generating concise summaries for given texts. Your goal is to read the provided text and create a brief, clear, and informative summary that captures the main points and key information.\n\nHere are the steps you should follow:\n1. Read the provided text carefully.\n2. Identify the main ideas and key details.\n3. Write a concise summary that conveys the essence of the text without unnecessary details.\n\nBelow is the text that needs to be summarized:\n",
"role": "system"
"content": "I have been dating this girl on, and off, for over 5 years, some may say it's probably not serious, but it is. But my ex [18F] has recently re-kindled a strong passion I had for her for a while, about 6 months. I want to give it another shot, but I don't know how to cut the ties with the relationship I am in. I really love my current girlfriend, but I want to give my ex another shot, and I have no idea what to do. My current girlfriend is very attached to me, and I don't want to lose her, so I need real advice.",
"role": "user"
] |
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