Had it going around Indiana a few years ago. FUCK THIS VIRUS IN THE FACE. My boyfriend was feeling sick and I was like, "That sucks" since I'm the one who usually has a shit immune system and gets sick. I honestly felt fine one minute, started to feel a bit bad then out of nowhere it started. I thought maybe I was being a hypochondriac because he said he was sick but then in a matter of minutes it felt like my organs were trying to all expel from my body at once. I laid on the bathroom floor crying for an ambulance (yes, dramatic). The assholes at the ER were thinking we were there for the flu. Got checked in and when my then 2 year old threw up all over the floor I think they realized that we all were really beyond flu sick. Got to the hospital, had an IV put in and had to hang there for a while. The only part that sucked was when I started to finally feel a bit better I was beyond dehydrated and thirsty and they wouldn't let me have anything to drink. Felt completely better a few days later but the antibiotics at the hospital did the trick which made me feel a hundred times better during my time in the ER. TL;DR: If you suspect you have norovirus and can afford to go to the hospital do it. Don't suffer through it. You will seriously want to wish death upon yourself, no joke.
Had it going around Indiana a few years ago. FUCK THIS VIRUS IN THE FACE. My boyfriend was feeling sick and I was like, "That sucks" since I'm the one who usually has a shit immune system and gets sick. I honestly felt fine one minute, started to feel a bit bad then out of nowhere it started. I thought maybe I was being a hypochondriac because he said he was sick but then in a matter of minutes it felt like my organs were trying to all expel from my body at once. I laid on the bathroom floor crying for an ambulance (yes, dramatic). The assholes at the ER were thinking we were there for the flu. Got checked in and when my then 2 year old threw up all over the floor I think they realized that we all were really beyond flu sick. Got to the hospital, had an IV put in and had to hang there for a while. The only part that sucked was when I started to finally feel a bit better I was beyond dehydrated and thirsty and they wouldn't let me have anything to drink. Felt completely better a few days later but the antibiotics at the hospital did the trick which made me feel a hundred times better during my time in the ER. TL;DR: If you suspect you have norovirus and can afford to go to the hospital do it. Don't suffer through it. You will seriously want to wish death upon yourself, no joke.
Had it going around Indiana a few years ago. FUCK THIS VIRUS IN THE FACE. My boyfriend was feeling sick and I was like, "That sucks" since I'm the one who usually has a shit immune system and gets sick. I honestly felt fine one minute, started to feel a bit bad then out of nowhere it started. I thought maybe I was being a hypochondriac because he said he was sick but then in a matter of minutes it felt like my organs were trying to all expel from my body at once. I laid on the bathroom floor crying for an ambulance (yes, dramatic). The assholes at the ER were thinking we were there for the flu. Got checked in and when my then 2 year old threw up all over the floor I think they realized that we all were really beyond flu sick. Got to the hospital, had an IV put in and had to hang there for a while. The only part that sucked was when I started to finally feel a bit better I was beyond dehydrated and thirsty and they wouldn't let me have anything to drink. Felt completely better a few days later but the antibiotics at the hospital did the trick which made me feel a hundred times better during my time in the ER.
If you suspect you have norovirus and can afford to go to the hospital do it. Don't suffer through it. You will seriously want to wish death upon yourself, no joke.
A word here and there when I feel strongly about something or have stepped on a Lego is one thing. Curse words help relay a person's frustration in a unique way because of the 'taboo' around them. They're just more special that way. But cussing all of the time? I'd rather say "freaking" than "fucking." First, "fucking" implies the action with something that I'm trying to show I dislike. Plus, cussing really isn't polite, and it shows disrespect to those around the cusser. ... I'm stupid. Here I am, discussing politeness on the Internet. Tl;dr- Curses are best for stepped-on Legos, overuse of them feels disrespectful to me.
A word here and there when I feel strongly about something or have stepped on a Lego is one thing. Curse words help relay a person's frustration in a unique way because of the 'taboo' around them. They're just more special that way. But cussing all of the time? I'd rather say "freaking" than "fucking." First, "fucking" implies the action with something that I'm trying to show I dislike. Plus, cussing really isn't polite, and it shows disrespect to those around the cusser. ... I'm stupid. Here I am, discussing politeness on the Internet. Tl;dr- Curses are best for stepped-on Legos, overuse of them feels disrespectful to me.
A word here and there when I feel strongly about something or have stepped on a Lego is one thing. Curse words help relay a person's frustration in a unique way because of the 'taboo' around them. They're just more special that way. But cussing all of the time? I'd rather say "freaking" than "fucking." First, "fucking" implies the action with something that I'm trying to show I dislike. Plus, cussing really isn't polite, and it shows disrespect to those around the cusser. ... I'm stupid. Here I am, discussing politeness on the Internet.
Curses are best for stepped-on Legos, overuse of them feels disrespectful to me.
Well, the criteria are: * Long-standing and strong identification with another gender * Long-standing disquiet about the sex assigned or a sense of incongruity in the gender-assigned role of that sex * The diagnosis is not made if the individual also has physical intersex characteristics. and * Significant clinical discomfort or impairment at work, social situations, or other important life areas. When I was a kid, I didn't know I was female. I thought I was the same as my younger brother. That matches the first requirement. When I started showing signs of puberty, I attempted to stop my breasts from growing by putting Nair on my nipples. That would count under the second requirement. [It didn't work, by the way.] I have no intersex characteristics so that's the third one done. And for the fourth, I started refusing to go to middle school once puberty started. I felt awful being made to dress like a girl. Girls, trying to be helpful, kept trying to get me to wear make up and things. I ended up being homeschooled for middle school, but it set my education back quite a few years. More recently, I had a lot of trouble making new friends because I didn't want to have to explain my gender and past. Most of my friendships have been online, until recently. So it's affected my life in a lot of ways. TL;DR Yes, I meet the criteria. I just don't have crippling dysphoria anymore.
Well, the criteria are: Long-standing and strong identification with another gender Long-standing disquiet about the sex assigned or a sense of incongruity in the gender-assigned role of that sex The diagnosis is not made if the individual also has physical intersex characteristics. and Significant clinical discomfort or impairment at work, social situations, or other important life areas. When I was a kid, I didn't know I was female. I thought I was the same as my younger brother. That matches the first requirement. When I started showing signs of puberty, I attempted to stop my breasts from growing by putting Nair on my nipples. That would count under the second requirement. [It didn't work, by the way.] I have no intersex characteristics so that's the third one done. And for the fourth, I started refusing to go to middle school once puberty started. I felt awful being made to dress like a girl. Girls, trying to be helpful, kept trying to get me to wear make up and things. I ended up being homeschooled for middle school, but it set my education back quite a few years. More recently, I had a lot of trouble making new friends because I didn't want to have to explain my gender and past. Most of my friendships have been online, until recently. So it's affected my life in a lot of ways. TL;DR Yes, I meet the criteria. I just don't have crippling dysphoria anymore.
Well, the criteria are: Long-standing and strong identification with another gender Long-standing disquiet about the sex assigned or a sense of incongruity in the gender-assigned role of that sex The diagnosis is not made if the individual also has physical intersex characteristics. and Significant clinical discomfort or impairment at work, social situations, or other important life areas. When I was a kid, I didn't know I was female. I thought I was the same as my younger brother. That matches the first requirement. When I started showing signs of puberty, I attempted to stop my breasts from growing by putting Nair on my nipples. That would count under the second requirement. [It didn't work, by the way.] I have no intersex characteristics so that's the third one done. And for the fourth, I started refusing to go to middle school once puberty started. I felt awful being made to dress like a girl. Girls, trying to be helpful, kept trying to get me to wear make up and things. I ended up being homeschooled for middle school, but it set my education back quite a few years. More recently, I had a lot of trouble making new friends because I didn't want to have to explain my gender and past. Most of my friendships have been online, until recently. So it's affected my life in a lot of ways.
Yes, I meet the criteria. I just don't have crippling dysphoria anymore.
I never said I was representative of the entire trans community. In fact, quite a few times, I said that other trans people do feel different than I do, just so people wouldn't assume that my views are the same as everyone else's. And I'm sorry if I offended you by not following the transition steps to the letter. I'll be sure to amend my behavior in the future and not do what makes me happy. I wasn't aware that there was only one way to be a man, and only one way to transition. TIL. I guess all the nearly 4,000 men at /r/crossdressing are doing manhood wrong and should just go transition, or otherwise, hide away and be ashamed. I'm allowed to crossdress just as much as any other man. Also, I do meet the criteria. See [here]( for more information. TL;DR This person thinks that there is only one definition of a man and is no better than people who think that transmen should just be lesbians.
I never said I was representative of the entire trans community. In fact, quite a few times, I said that other trans people do feel different than I do, just so people wouldn't assume that my views are the same as everyone else's. And I'm sorry if I offended you by not following the transition steps to the letter. I'll be sure to amend my behavior in the future and not do what makes me happy. I wasn't aware that there was only one way to be a man, and only one way to transition. TIL. I guess all the nearly 4,000 men at /r/crossdressing are doing manhood wrong and should just go transition, or otherwise, hide away and be ashamed. I'm allowed to crossdress just as much as any other man. Also, I do meet the criteria. See [here]( for more information. TL;DR This person thinks that there is only one definition of a man and is no better than people who think that transmen should just be lesbians.
I never said I was representative of the entire trans community. In fact, quite a few times, I said that other trans people do feel different than I do, just so people wouldn't assume that my views are the same as everyone else's. And I'm sorry if I offended you by not following the transition steps to the letter. I'll be sure to amend my behavior in the future and not do what makes me happy. I wasn't aware that there was only one way to be a man, and only one way to transition. TIL. I guess all the nearly 4,000 men at /r/crossdressing are doing manhood wrong and should just go transition, or otherwise, hide away and be ashamed. I'm allowed to crossdress just as much as any other man. Also, I do meet the criteria. See [here]( for more information.
This person thinks that there is only one definition of a man and is no better than people who think that transmen should just be lesbians.
Well, I was born in the north, so I had endless social/cultural confusion while I lived there. The first thing you learn is how seriously people take religion there, people ask about your religion/church going habits as a part of regular conversation. Sort of along the lines of 'what do you do for a living' sort of question. But anyway, one day my family and I come home to find some serious damage done to some of our property. Hole in our canoe, playground ripped apart, yada yada. We knew who it was, we sort of had this ongoing feud with some preteen wanna be gang-banger, and our neighbor watched them come and go from the yard. Things like this actually happened with unfortunate regularity, our area had started to experience urban sprawl from Atlanta (which we were close to) and we were disliked for being a white, atheist, northern family. So we initially talk to his mom, bring photos of the damage, mention our eyewitness, and basically state our case. We told them that if he comes over and cleans up the mess he made, we won't bring the police in on the matter. The mother refused to deal with us, (this wasn't the first time we had to talk to her about her ghetto-spawn) and was generally a bitch. Witnessing a lost cause, we leave. My family has a few sayings regarding situations like these. The first is that no matter what you do, you cannot take back the fact that you have been victimized. The second is, you never bring the police to your house. No good can come of it. So, we decide it isn't worth bringing the fuzz into. Fast forward a few days, and this little shit is outside in our cul-de-sac with his friends, lingering outside our lawn. He and his friends are younger than I, but older than my brothers. Having been threatened by kids like these a lot, my brothers don't even want to go outside in their own lawn. I snap at this point. All the anger I've felt about what this kid has done, the intimidation my family has felt, the racism (strange hearing from a white guy, but its true) was let lose on this kid. To be honest, I can't even remember what I said, I was raging. At some point I called him a "God damn cock-sucking piece of shit" (Wow, right?) and one of our neighbors called the police. I never went to hit him or anything, but I could be heard screaming from inside others houses. When they showed up, the kid played up his fear, which he had been previously trying to hide. Cop took his story, and was going to arrest me for intimidation and blasphemy. (or something like that, this happened years ago) I couldn't believe it when he said blasphemy. I told him I couldn't wait to hear what the news would have to say about that, which didn't please him much. Thankfully my parents came out at this point and did a much better job of talking the cop down, even mentioning the back story of what had happened. Cop let me go, put a little fear in the kid, and left. We moved about a year later. Sorry about the novel, but some back story was necessary to put my shit-fit into perspective. **TL;DR:** Kid vandalized our house, gets away with it. I flip out on him, nearly get arrested for intimidation and blasphemy. Edit:Formatting.
Well, I was born in the north, so I had endless social/cultural confusion while I lived there. The first thing you learn is how seriously people take religion there, people ask about your religion/church going habits as a part of regular conversation. Sort of along the lines of 'what do you do for a living' sort of question. But anyway, one day my family and I come home to find some serious damage done to some of our property. Hole in our canoe, playground ripped apart, yada yada. We knew who it was, we sort of had this ongoing feud with some preteen wanna be gang-banger, and our neighbor watched them come and go from the yard. Things like this actually happened with unfortunate regularity, our area had started to experience urban sprawl from Atlanta (which we were close to) and we were disliked for being a white, atheist, northern family. So we initially talk to his mom, bring photos of the damage, mention our eyewitness, and basically state our case. We told them that if he comes over and cleans up the mess he made, we won't bring the police in on the matter. The mother refused to deal with us, (this wasn't the first time we had to talk to her about her ghetto-spawn) and was generally a bitch. Witnessing a lost cause, we leave. My family has a few sayings regarding situations like these. The first is that no matter what you do, you cannot take back the fact that you have been victimized. The second is, you never bring the police to your house. No good can come of it. So, we decide it isn't worth bringing the fuzz into. Fast forward a few days, and this little shit is outside in our cul-de-sac with his friends, lingering outside our lawn. He and his friends are younger than I, but older than my brothers. Having been threatened by kids like these a lot, my brothers don't even want to go outside in their own lawn. I snap at this point. All the anger I've felt about what this kid has done, the intimidation my family has felt, the racism (strange hearing from a white guy, but its true) was let lose on this kid. To be honest, I can't even remember what I said, I was raging. At some point I called him a "God damn cock-sucking piece of shit" (Wow, right?) and one of our neighbors called the police. I never went to hit him or anything, but I could be heard screaming from inside others houses. When they showed up, the kid played up his fear, which he had been previously trying to hide. Cop took his story, and was going to arrest me for intimidation and blasphemy. (or something like that, this happened years ago) I couldn't believe it when he said blasphemy. I told him I couldn't wait to hear what the news would have to say about that, which didn't please him much. Thankfully my parents came out at this point and did a much better job of talking the cop down, even mentioning the back story of what had happened. Cop let me go, put a little fear in the kid, and left. We moved about a year later. Sorry about the novel, but some back story was necessary to put my shit-fit into perspective. TL;DR: Kid vandalized our house, gets away with it. I flip out on him, nearly get arrested for intimidation and blasphemy. Edit:Formatting.
Well, I was born in the north, so I had endless social/cultural confusion while I lived there. The first thing you learn is how seriously people take religion there, people ask about your religion/church going habits as a part of regular conversation. Sort of along the lines of 'what do you do for a living' sort of question. But anyway, one day my family and I come home to find some serious damage done to some of our property. Hole in our canoe, playground ripped apart, yada yada. We knew who it was, we sort of had this ongoing feud with some preteen wanna be gang-banger, and our neighbor watched them come and go from the yard. Things like this actually happened with unfortunate regularity, our area had started to experience urban sprawl from Atlanta (which we were close to) and we were disliked for being a white, atheist, northern family. So we initially talk to his mom, bring photos of the damage, mention our eyewitness, and basically state our case. We told them that if he comes over and cleans up the mess he made, we won't bring the police in on the matter. The mother refused to deal with us, (this wasn't the first time we had to talk to her about her ghetto-spawn) and was generally a bitch. Witnessing a lost cause, we leave. My family has a few sayings regarding situations like these. The first is that no matter what you do, you cannot take back the fact that you have been victimized. The second is, you never bring the police to your house. No good can come of it. So, we decide it isn't worth bringing the fuzz into. Fast forward a few days, and this little shit is outside in our cul-de-sac with his friends, lingering outside our lawn. He and his friends are younger than I, but older than my brothers. Having been threatened by kids like these a lot, my brothers don't even want to go outside in their own lawn. I snap at this point. All the anger I've felt about what this kid has done, the intimidation my family has felt, the racism (strange hearing from a white guy, but its true) was let lose on this kid. To be honest, I can't even remember what I said, I was raging. At some point I called him a "God damn cock-sucking piece of shit" (Wow, right?) and one of our neighbors called the police. I never went to hit him or anything, but I could be heard screaming from inside others houses. When they showed up, the kid played up his fear, which he had been previously trying to hide. Cop took his story, and was going to arrest me for intimidation and blasphemy. (or something like that, this happened years ago) I couldn't believe it when he said blasphemy. I told him I couldn't wait to hear what the news would have to say about that, which didn't please him much. Thankfully my parents came out at this point and did a much better job of talking the cop down, even mentioning the back story of what had happened. Cop let me go, put a little fear in the kid, and left. We moved about a year later. Sorry about the novel, but some back story was necessary to put my shit-fit into perspective.
Kid vandalized our house, gets away with it. I flip out on him, nearly get arrested for intimidation and blasphemy. Edit:Formatting.
My pattern is I get some loss one week, the next I am back up, about half as much, the following week some loss again. It's two steps forward, one step back, and it's hard to keep psyched, but I've recognize that the loss isn't a straight line, and that I am losing. The holidays led to my gaining a little more than on my usual "one step back" but I am not too off, and the holidays are over for a while. TL/DR: Everyone's path is different, but probably a straightforward loss with no setbacks is unusual. You're doing fine.
My pattern is I get some loss one week, the next I am back up, about half as much, the following week some loss again. It's two steps forward, one step back, and it's hard to keep psyched, but I've recognize that the loss isn't a straight line, and that I am losing. The holidays led to my gaining a little more than on my usual "one step back" but I am not too off, and the holidays are over for a while. TL/DR: Everyone's path is different, but probably a straightforward loss with no setbacks is unusual. You're doing fine.
My pattern is I get some loss one week, the next I am back up, about half as much, the following week some loss again. It's two steps forward, one step back, and it's hard to keep psyched, but I've recognize that the loss isn't a straight line, and that I am losing. The holidays led to my gaining a little more than on my usual "one step back" but I am not too off, and the holidays are over for a while.
Everyone's path is different, but probably a straightforward loss with no setbacks is unusual. You're doing fine.
As someone in teacher's college, I may be somewhat biased, but I think this is terrible. Bill 115 was never about a wage freeze on teachers. Teachers proposed to freeze their wages on their own before bill 115 ever existed. the main issue with this bill is the removal of the bargaining rights, and the restrictions on sick days. I don't know about anyone else, but I would rather a teacher just take the day off if they're not feeling well instead of coming in sick, doing a half-assed job and possibly getting the students sick as well. Also, the article mentions hos Ontario reached an agreement with the Catholic teachers, and therefore the Public teachers are just being unreasonable. Ontario reached an agreement with the Catholic unions, but the Catholic teachers are pissed about this "agreement" and last I heard were taking action against their union for accepting the deal. TL;DR: Everyone (including the government probably) would have been perfectly happy if the government didn't shove their nose into this.
As someone in teacher's college, I may be somewhat biased, but I think this is terrible. Bill 115 was never about a wage freeze on teachers. Teachers proposed to freeze their wages on their own before bill 115 ever existed. the main issue with this bill is the removal of the bargaining rights, and the restrictions on sick days. I don't know about anyone else, but I would rather a teacher just take the day off if they're not feeling well instead of coming in sick, doing a half-assed job and possibly getting the students sick as well. Also, the article mentions hos Ontario reached an agreement with the Catholic teachers, and therefore the Public teachers are just being unreasonable. Ontario reached an agreement with the Catholic unions, but the Catholic teachers are pissed about this "agreement" and last I heard were taking action against their union for accepting the deal. TL;DR: Everyone (including the government probably) would have been perfectly happy if the government didn't shove their nose into this.
As someone in teacher's college, I may be somewhat biased, but I think this is terrible. Bill 115 was never about a wage freeze on teachers. Teachers proposed to freeze their wages on their own before bill 115 ever existed. the main issue with this bill is the removal of the bargaining rights, and the restrictions on sick days. I don't know about anyone else, but I would rather a teacher just take the day off if they're not feeling well instead of coming in sick, doing a half-assed job and possibly getting the students sick as well. Also, the article mentions hos Ontario reached an agreement with the Catholic teachers, and therefore the Public teachers are just being unreasonable. Ontario reached an agreement with the Catholic unions, but the Catholic teachers are pissed about this "agreement" and last I heard were taking action against their union for accepting the deal.
Everyone (including the government probably) would have been perfectly happy if the government didn't shove their nose into this.
I second his second of his second of the motion. TL;DR seconding should not be sequential.
I second his second of his second of the motion. TL;DR seconding should not be sequential.
I second his second of his second of the motion.
seconding should not be sequential.
Paper-mache takes a long time to dry depending on how many coats it has. It can take up to a day or so. The joke depends on how long it took Duncan to come up with their assignment. This implies that it took Duncan a long time to come up with a crappy paper-mache diagram although it's a rather easy asinine assignment that would often be viewed as unnecessary busy work. Remembering when I was in class no one wanted to do paper-mache simply because how tedious the process was. Tl;DR - Paper-mache takes a long time to dry and Duncan is not a great professor.
Paper-mache takes a long time to dry depending on how many coats it has. It can take up to a day or so. The joke depends on how long it took Duncan to come up with their assignment. This implies that it took Duncan a long time to come up with a crappy paper-mache diagram although it's a rather easy asinine assignment that would often be viewed as unnecessary busy work. Remembering when I was in class no one wanted to do paper-mache simply because how tedious the process was. Tl;DR - Paper-mache takes a long time to dry and Duncan is not a great professor.
Paper-mache takes a long time to dry depending on how many coats it has. It can take up to a day or so. The joke depends on how long it took Duncan to come up with their assignment. This implies that it took Duncan a long time to come up with a crappy paper-mache diagram although it's a rather easy asinine assignment that would often be viewed as unnecessary busy work. Remembering when I was in class no one wanted to do paper-mache simply because how tedious the process was.
Paper-mache takes a long time to dry and Duncan is not a great professor.
Dammit! I hoped that you were going to make your TL;DR longer than the original content.
Dammit! I hoped that you were going to make your TL;DR longer than the original content.
Dammit! I hoped that you were going to make your
longer than the original content.
See Im not so sure about this. From the "Shut up" interview moment to last night I don't know which one is the real Chip Kelly. TL;DR - "Who is the real Chip Kelly?"
See Im not so sure about this. From the "Shut up" interview moment to last night I don't know which one is the real Chip Kelly. TL;DR - "Who is the real Chip Kelly?"
See Im not so sure about this. From the "Shut up" interview moment to last night I don't know which one is the real Chip Kelly.
Who is the real Chip Kelly?"
I've had this when I've gone to "download" a game when I've already copied it into my steamapps directory (from/to my laptop or something), and it's just checking/verifying the data for what it has left to download. **TL:DR** Steam quirk when files already exist
I've had this when I've gone to "download" a game when I've already copied it into my steamapps directory (from/to my laptop or something), and it's just checking/verifying the data for what it has left to download. TL:DR Steam quirk when files already exist
I've had this when I've gone to "download" a game when I've already copied it into my steamapps directory (from/to my laptop or something), and it's just checking/verifying the data for what it has left to download.
Steam quirk when files already exist
I dont thoroughly enjoy the idea of having armed police on campus but I understand the response. I lean more libertarian (so theres that), I also am not excited about the prospect of hiring some 100,000+ more federal employees and paying for their pensions. My ideal solution would be as follows: A full time school employee may concealed carry on campus, however, the gun can only be carried onto or off of campus 30 minutes before classes start and after the last class ends. During school hours the gun must be in a safe that requires keypad entry (or bio-metric entry, the teacher can choose), in a key locked cabinet in that teachers desk. The locked desk or safe is not to be unlocked during regular school hours. If the safe is unlocked during school hours it auto calls 911 and the school goes into immediate lock down. The program would be completely voluntary to the school (community) and its employees. Edit: the teacher must previous obtain a CCW, own their own gun, and pay for the safe themselves unless the local community wishes to. There will be no public record of which teachers have a gun on campus to prevent students from stealing said gun or targeting that teacher in an attack, police and the principal are to be the only ones allowed to officially know. **TLDR: police aren't necessarily bad, I would just rather have rules set up so citizens can protect themselves, if they so choose**
I dont thoroughly enjoy the idea of having armed police on campus but I understand the response. I lean more libertarian (so theres that), I also am not excited about the prospect of hiring some 100,000+ more federal employees and paying for their pensions. My ideal solution would be as follows: A full time school employee may concealed carry on campus, however, the gun can only be carried onto or off of campus 30 minutes before classes start and after the last class ends. During school hours the gun must be in a safe that requires keypad entry (or bio-metric entry, the teacher can choose), in a key locked cabinet in that teachers desk. The locked desk or safe is not to be unlocked during regular school hours. If the safe is unlocked during school hours it auto calls 911 and the school goes into immediate lock down. The program would be completely voluntary to the school (community) and its employees. Edit: the teacher must previous obtain a CCW, own their own gun, and pay for the safe themselves unless the local community wishes to. There will be no public record of which teachers have a gun on campus to prevent students from stealing said gun or targeting that teacher in an attack, police and the principal are to be the only ones allowed to officially know. TLDR: police aren't necessarily bad, I would just rather have rules set up so citizens can protect themselves, if they so choose
I dont thoroughly enjoy the idea of having armed police on campus but I understand the response. I lean more libertarian (so theres that), I also am not excited about the prospect of hiring some 100,000+ more federal employees and paying for their pensions. My ideal solution would be as follows: A full time school employee may concealed carry on campus, however, the gun can only be carried onto or off of campus 30 minutes before classes start and after the last class ends. During school hours the gun must be in a safe that requires keypad entry (or bio-metric entry, the teacher can choose), in a key locked cabinet in that teachers desk. The locked desk or safe is not to be unlocked during regular school hours. If the safe is unlocked during school hours it auto calls 911 and the school goes into immediate lock down. The program would be completely voluntary to the school (community) and its employees. Edit: the teacher must previous obtain a CCW, own their own gun, and pay for the safe themselves unless the local community wishes to. There will be no public record of which teachers have a gun on campus to prevent students from stealing said gun or targeting that teacher in an attack, police and the principal are to be the only ones allowed to officially know.
police aren't necessarily bad, I would just rather have rules set up so citizens can protect themselves, if they so choose
I guess you could say this is keeping trees on trees Tl;Dr: that cat:)
I guess you could say this is keeping trees on trees Tl;Dr: that cat:)
I guess you could say this is keeping trees on trees
that cat:)
I was about to say "You're doing it wrong" and then I read your entire description... apparently my brain does an automatic tl;dr on long titles. That stuff looks awesome! I'm with camillabok on this one though, why not start today?
I was about to say "You're doing it wrong" and then I read your entire description... apparently my brain does an automatic tl;dr on long titles. That stuff looks awesome! I'm with camillabok on this one though, why not start today?
I was about to say "You're doing it wrong" and then I read your entire description... apparently my brain does an automatic
on long titles. That stuff looks awesome! I'm with camillabok on this one though, why not start today?
I don't think it's because of of grey storytelling verses black and white. It's mostly because of at the time that the anime internet community blew up, people had just finishing watching Dragonball Z, and stuff like Cowboy Bebop, and wanted more battle series that were dark and violent. One Piece seemed anything but that. It's artwork (probably the biggest factor tbh as stupid as it sounds) was anything but serious or dark. It was super goofy, and not all that "good." Comics like Naruto and Bleach though? Way different they had artwork more in line with stuff like Dragonball Z and Cowboy Bebop, and although they had their humor, they started with a more serious tone. One Piece characters were a lot more ridiculous and silly looking as well for instance. Luffy himself, Zoro using three swords, Coby, Helmeppo, Buggy's whole crew, Usopp, Kuro's crew, etc. One Piece also didn't really grip me until the Arlong arc where we got good crew character development, and the first villain that involved more than just terrorizing the island of the week. One Piece also didn't kill anyone outside of a few characters in flashbacks, where as Naruto and bleach had characters dying. TLDR: It wasn't edgy enough at the time. This isn't the case anymore however, and the biggest thing keeping people from watching One Piece now it seems is the length.
I don't think it's because of of grey storytelling verses black and white. It's mostly because of at the time that the anime internet community blew up, people had just finishing watching Dragonball Z, and stuff like Cowboy Bebop, and wanted more battle series that were dark and violent. One Piece seemed anything but that. It's artwork (probably the biggest factor tbh as stupid as it sounds) was anything but serious or dark. It was super goofy, and not all that "good." Comics like Naruto and Bleach though? Way different they had artwork more in line with stuff like Dragonball Z and Cowboy Bebop, and although they had their humor, they started with a more serious tone. One Piece characters were a lot more ridiculous and silly looking as well for instance. Luffy himself, Zoro using three swords, Coby, Helmeppo, Buggy's whole crew, Usopp, Kuro's crew, etc. One Piece also didn't really grip me until the Arlong arc where we got good crew character development, and the first villain that involved more than just terrorizing the island of the week. One Piece also didn't kill anyone outside of a few characters in flashbacks, where as Naruto and bleach had characters dying. TLDR: It wasn't edgy enough at the time. This isn't the case anymore however, and the biggest thing keeping people from watching One Piece now it seems is the length.
I don't think it's because of of grey storytelling verses black and white. It's mostly because of at the time that the anime internet community blew up, people had just finishing watching Dragonball Z, and stuff like Cowboy Bebop, and wanted more battle series that were dark and violent. One Piece seemed anything but that. It's artwork (probably the biggest factor tbh as stupid as it sounds) was anything but serious or dark. It was super goofy, and not all that "good." Comics like Naruto and Bleach though? Way different they had artwork more in line with stuff like Dragonball Z and Cowboy Bebop, and although they had their humor, they started with a more serious tone. One Piece characters were a lot more ridiculous and silly looking as well for instance. Luffy himself, Zoro using three swords, Coby, Helmeppo, Buggy's whole crew, Usopp, Kuro's crew, etc. One Piece also didn't really grip me until the Arlong arc where we got good crew character development, and the first villain that involved more than just terrorizing the island of the week. One Piece also didn't kill anyone outside of a few characters in flashbacks, where as Naruto and bleach had characters dying.
It wasn't edgy enough at the time. This isn't the case anymore however, and the biggest thing keeping people from watching One Piece now it seems is the length.
from what i've seen on the cop shows, the ANPR flags vehicles that are not listed on their database that they're insured, then they call up the insurance company to check that they do not have valid insurance. This guy had physical proof that he had insurance, so imo the cop was being a dick From wiki: >The insurance certificate or cover note issued by the insurance company constitutes legal evidence that the vehicle specified on the document is insured. The law says that an authorised person, such as the police, may require a driver to produce an insurance certificate for inspection. If the driver cannot show the document immediately on request, and proof of insurance cannot be found by other means such as the Police National Computer, drivers are no longer issued a HORT/1. This was an order with seven days, as of midnight of the date of issue, to take a valid insurance certificate (and usually other driving documents as well) to a police station of the driver's choice. Failure to produce an insurance certificate is an offence. The HORT/1 was commonly known – even by the issuing authorities when dealing with the public – as a "Producer". TLDR: cop was a dick
from what i've seen on the cop shows, the ANPR flags vehicles that are not listed on their database that they're insured, then they call up the insurance company to check that they do not have valid insurance. This guy had physical proof that he had insurance, so imo the cop was being a dick From wiki: >The insurance certificate or cover note issued by the insurance company constitutes legal evidence that the vehicle specified on the document is insured. The law says that an authorised person, such as the police, may require a driver to produce an insurance certificate for inspection. If the driver cannot show the document immediately on request, and proof of insurance cannot be found by other means such as the Police National Computer, drivers are no longer issued a HORT/1. This was an order with seven days, as of midnight of the date of issue, to take a valid insurance certificate (and usually other driving documents as well) to a police station of the driver's choice. Failure to produce an insurance certificate is an offence. The HORT/1 was commonly known – even by the issuing authorities when dealing with the public – as a "Producer". TLDR: cop was a dick
from what i've seen on the cop shows, the ANPR flags vehicles that are not listed on their database that they're insured, then they call up the insurance company to check that they do not have valid insurance. This guy had physical proof that he had insurance, so imo the cop was being a dick From wiki: >The insurance certificate or cover note issued by the insurance company constitutes legal evidence that the vehicle specified on the document is insured. The law says that an authorised person, such as the police, may require a driver to produce an insurance certificate for inspection. If the driver cannot show the document immediately on request, and proof of insurance cannot be found by other means such as the Police National Computer, drivers are no longer issued a HORT/1. This was an order with seven days, as of midnight of the date of issue, to take a valid insurance certificate (and usually other driving documents as well) to a police station of the driver's choice. Failure to produce an insurance certificate is an offence. The HORT/1 was commonly known – even by the issuing authorities when dealing with the public – as a "Producer".
cop was a dick
We had been together for about 2 years, and our wedding was 3 months away. I had run out of my birth control (nuva ring) and honestly was uninterested in going back to planned parenthood and facing the issue with insurance I had. I also didn't like the part of the city I had to drive to in order to get there, so it was a combination of laziness and being uncomfortable with the situation. We knew we wanted kids. So we just kind of splashed around in the shallow end for a while. Had unprotected sex, but would pull out. Then one day I straight out said that I didn't want to go back on birth control and my fiance at the time was totally fine with that. So we decided to continue our sex life, without precaution and see what happened. We weren't going to specifically try, weren't looking at ovulation, nothing like that... until one night after some passionate love making, my fiance looked at me and said, "Hey, do me a favor... get pregnant." So I got an ovulation app on my phone, found my fertile window was just days away. We ended up getting pregnant right away. My period was a few days late and I had no signs of it approaching like I usually did, so we bought a test. I waited till morning, but of course it was on my mind so I woke up around 5am and took the test. Within two seconds I could see the faint line and I knew. I went back to sleep with the test on my night stand and waited for my fiance to wake up. A few hours later we both stirred awake in bed and he looked at me and said "So?" and I got to say "I'm pregnant." We just held each other there for awhile. I will never forget that morning and I know just how lucky we are to have succeeded in conception so quickly and easily. TL;DR :: decided to stop using birth control, but we weren't going to "try" until he said "do me a favor, get pregnant"... so I did :) right away
We had been together for about 2 years, and our wedding was 3 months away. I had run out of my birth control (nuva ring) and honestly was uninterested in going back to planned parenthood and facing the issue with insurance I had. I also didn't like the part of the city I had to drive to in order to get there, so it was a combination of laziness and being uncomfortable with the situation. We knew we wanted kids. So we just kind of splashed around in the shallow end for a while. Had unprotected sex, but would pull out. Then one day I straight out said that I didn't want to go back on birth control and my fiance at the time was totally fine with that. So we decided to continue our sex life, without precaution and see what happened. We weren't going to specifically try, weren't looking at ovulation, nothing like that... until one night after some passionate love making, my fiance looked at me and said, "Hey, do me a favor... get pregnant." So I got an ovulation app on my phone, found my fertile window was just days away. We ended up getting pregnant right away. My period was a few days late and I had no signs of it approaching like I usually did, so we bought a test. I waited till morning, but of course it was on my mind so I woke up around 5am and took the test. Within two seconds I could see the faint line and I knew. I went back to sleep with the test on my night stand and waited for my fiance to wake up. A few hours later we both stirred awake in bed and he looked at me and said "So?" and I got to say "I'm pregnant." We just held each other there for awhile. I will never forget that morning and I know just how lucky we are to have succeeded in conception so quickly and easily. TL;DR :: decided to stop using birth control, but we weren't going to "try" until he said "do me a favor, get pregnant"... so I did :) right away
We had been together for about 2 years, and our wedding was 3 months away. I had run out of my birth control (nuva ring) and honestly was uninterested in going back to planned parenthood and facing the issue with insurance I had. I also didn't like the part of the city I had to drive to in order to get there, so it was a combination of laziness and being uncomfortable with the situation. We knew we wanted kids. So we just kind of splashed around in the shallow end for a while. Had unprotected sex, but would pull out. Then one day I straight out said that I didn't want to go back on birth control and my fiance at the time was totally fine with that. So we decided to continue our sex life, without precaution and see what happened. We weren't going to specifically try, weren't looking at ovulation, nothing like that... until one night after some passionate love making, my fiance looked at me and said, "Hey, do me a favor... get pregnant." So I got an ovulation app on my phone, found my fertile window was just days away. We ended up getting pregnant right away. My period was a few days late and I had no signs of it approaching like I usually did, so we bought a test. I waited till morning, but of course it was on my mind so I woke up around 5am and took the test. Within two seconds I could see the faint line and I knew. I went back to sleep with the test on my night stand and waited for my fiance to wake up. A few hours later we both stirred awake in bed and he looked at me and said "So?" and I got to say "I'm pregnant." We just held each other there for awhile. I will never forget that morning and I know just how lucky we are to have succeeded in conception so quickly and easily.
decided to stop using birth control, but we weren't going to "try" until he said "do me a favor, get pregnant"... so I did :) right away
Let's see... we got married in Feb 2010 and my birth control ran out around March/ April and we started 'trying.' After a few months we started trying 'more'- I peed on sticks for a month to track my ovulation, I tracked how my body felt during each month and I made conscious efforts to say 'hey- i'm ovulating, sex tonight!'- not the most romantic but trying to accomplish a goal darn it lol. A year or so goes by and nothing. I talk to my doctor about how I have painful ovulation, he doesn't offer much and I should have switched doctors but I was afraid of IVF and such. So we started looking into adoption and foster care. I went to a meeting on foster care that scared the general crap out of me and didn't know what to do. All the while still having unprotected sex and hoping for the best. March rolled around and we had a business trip together to Vegas. In between working we partied like crazy people. The week was a serious blur, but towards the end I remember saying to my husband that I can't stress about pregnancy anymore. It's always in the back of my mind and its killing me, I need a break. No more worrying about it for a while. I know a million people told me not to stress before but that is easier said than done, I had to hit my breaking point. So we came home and April was another blur. Talk about partying- beerfests, hockey playoffs, tailgating, and then at the end of April I had an old friend in town for fleet week and I 'ended' the month with like 5 tequila shots, 5 beers, 2 cigars, and puking my brains out. 2 days later I realized my period should be there or almost there and I had no usual spotting and didn't really remember having painful ovulation or over sensitive boobs. I was like, could we be pregnant? We had a test in the cabinet that had been there like a year and my husband said take it in the morning. 6am I jump out of bed to pee on a stick like there was a fire under my ass. A second moderate line, not bright but there. OMG. I looked at my husband in bed and my stomach turned and I said 'Holy shit I think we might be pregnant'. He said Ok and rolled back over while I was practically shaking. He is much calmer than me- he's like well there is nothing you can do at this hour. Damn him and his good points. He said wait 3 days and take a digital to be more sure. So we did. Friday morning woke up again like a loon and in under a minute we had a very clear 'Pregnant'. I called the doctors office as soon as they opened and was there for a blood test in under an hour. Waiting for Monday's confirmation was an eternity. Side story- that Saturday was cinco de mayo and my husband was like if you aren't drinking everyone will know we are pregnant. So we got creative and I drank water out of a beer can all night (the bartender kept filling the bottle for me bc she thought this was awesome). Monday the doctors office confirmed it and now my due date is tomorrow. I love our little story. TL;DR: Vegas & hockey playoffs
Let's see... we got married in Feb 2010 and my birth control ran out around March/ April and we started 'trying.' After a few months we started trying 'more'- I peed on sticks for a month to track my ovulation, I tracked how my body felt during each month and I made conscious efforts to say 'hey- i'm ovulating, sex tonight!'- not the most romantic but trying to accomplish a goal darn it lol. A year or so goes by and nothing. I talk to my doctor about how I have painful ovulation, he doesn't offer much and I should have switched doctors but I was afraid of IVF and such. So we started looking into adoption and foster care. I went to a meeting on foster care that scared the general crap out of me and didn't know what to do. All the while still having unprotected sex and hoping for the best. March rolled around and we had a business trip together to Vegas. In between working we partied like crazy people. The week was a serious blur, but towards the end I remember saying to my husband that I can't stress about pregnancy anymore. It's always in the back of my mind and its killing me, I need a break. No more worrying about it for a while. I know a million people told me not to stress before but that is easier said than done, I had to hit my breaking point. So we came home and April was another blur. Talk about partying- beerfests, hockey playoffs, tailgating, and then at the end of April I had an old friend in town for fleet week and I 'ended' the month with like 5 tequila shots, 5 beers, 2 cigars, and puking my brains out. 2 days later I realized my period should be there or almost there and I had no usual spotting and didn't really remember having painful ovulation or over sensitive boobs. I was like, could we be pregnant? We had a test in the cabinet that had been there like a year and my husband said take it in the morning. 6am I jump out of bed to pee on a stick like there was a fire under my ass. A second moderate line, not bright but there. OMG. I looked at my husband in bed and my stomach turned and I said 'Holy shit I think we might be pregnant'. He said Ok and rolled back over while I was practically shaking. He is much calmer than me- he's like well there is nothing you can do at this hour. Damn him and his good points. He said wait 3 days and take a digital to be more sure. So we did. Friday morning woke up again like a loon and in under a minute we had a very clear 'Pregnant'. I called the doctors office as soon as they opened and was there for a blood test in under an hour. Waiting for Monday's confirmation was an eternity. Side story- that Saturday was cinco de mayo and my husband was like if you aren't drinking everyone will know we are pregnant. So we got creative and I drank water out of a beer can all night (the bartender kept filling the bottle for me bc she thought this was awesome). Monday the doctors office confirmed it and now my due date is tomorrow. I love our little story. TL;DR: Vegas & hockey playoffs
Let's see... we got married in Feb 2010 and my birth control ran out around March/ April and we started 'trying.' After a few months we started trying 'more'- I peed on sticks for a month to track my ovulation, I tracked how my body felt during each month and I made conscious efforts to say 'hey- i'm ovulating, sex tonight!'- not the most romantic but trying to accomplish a goal darn it lol. A year or so goes by and nothing. I talk to my doctor about how I have painful ovulation, he doesn't offer much and I should have switched doctors but I was afraid of IVF and such. So we started looking into adoption and foster care. I went to a meeting on foster care that scared the general crap out of me and didn't know what to do. All the while still having unprotected sex and hoping for the best. March rolled around and we had a business trip together to Vegas. In between working we partied like crazy people. The week was a serious blur, but towards the end I remember saying to my husband that I can't stress about pregnancy anymore. It's always in the back of my mind and its killing me, I need a break. No more worrying about it for a while. I know a million people told me not to stress before but that is easier said than done, I had to hit my breaking point. So we came home and April was another blur. Talk about partying- beerfests, hockey playoffs, tailgating, and then at the end of April I had an old friend in town for fleet week and I 'ended' the month with like 5 tequila shots, 5 beers, 2 cigars, and puking my brains out. 2 days later I realized my period should be there or almost there and I had no usual spotting and didn't really remember having painful ovulation or over sensitive boobs. I was like, could we be pregnant? We had a test in the cabinet that had been there like a year and my husband said take it in the morning. 6am I jump out of bed to pee on a stick like there was a fire under my ass. A second moderate line, not bright but there. OMG. I looked at my husband in bed and my stomach turned and I said 'Holy shit I think we might be pregnant'. He said Ok and rolled back over while I was practically shaking. He is much calmer than me- he's like well there is nothing you can do at this hour. Damn him and his good points. He said wait 3 days and take a digital to be more sure. So we did. Friday morning woke up again like a loon and in under a minute we had a very clear 'Pregnant'. I called the doctors office as soon as they opened and was there for a blood test in under an hour. Waiting for Monday's confirmation was an eternity. Side story- that Saturday was cinco de mayo and my husband was like if you aren't drinking everyone will know we are pregnant. So we got creative and I drank water out of a beer can all night (the bartender kept filling the bottle for me bc she thought this was awesome). Monday the doctors office confirmed it and now my due date is tomorrow. I love our little story.
Vegas & hockey playoffs
You see darius heading your way like a bull and is followed (!) by his teammates. He is getting to you on flash + grab range - I flash You see singed running towards you on his ult - I flash before I get flinged You see jax setting up his stun and going into range for his jump (or flash jump) - I flash etc. All these above when you are out of postion and bruiser is followed by teammates. If he isnt followed just crush him, because HE is the one out of position and your teammates are closer. Also dont take this like its the only truth - thats my style, mostly because I main no escape adc like ashe or kog TL;DR: - bruiser heading(!) on face with my teammates closer = dont flash - bruiser heading(!) on face with his teammates closer = flash
You see darius heading your way like a bull and is followed (!) by his teammates. He is getting to you on flash + grab range - I flash You see singed running towards you on his ult - I flash before I get flinged You see jax setting up his stun and going into range for his jump (or flash jump) - I flash etc. All these above when you are out of postion and bruiser is followed by teammates. If he isnt followed just crush him, because HE is the one out of position and your teammates are closer. Also dont take this like its the only truth - thats my style, mostly because I main no escape adc like ashe or kog TL;DR: bruiser heading(!) on face with my teammates closer = dont flash bruiser heading(!) on face with his teammates closer = flash
You see darius heading your way like a bull and is followed (!) by his teammates. He is getting to you on flash + grab range - I flash You see singed running towards you on his ult - I flash before I get flinged You see jax setting up his stun and going into range for his jump (or flash jump) - I flash etc. All these above when you are out of postion and bruiser is followed by teammates. If he isnt followed just crush him, because HE is the one out of position and your teammates are closer. Also dont take this like its the only truth - thats my style, mostly because I main no escape adc like ashe or kog
bruiser heading(!) on face with my teammates closer = dont flash bruiser heading(!) on face with his teammates closer = flash
First of all you should have ran cleanse because they were running some strong cc. You cannot afford to get initiated on by shens taunt and be debuffed by the damage reduction or get stunned by sona or feared by nocturne. Your net , your trap and your range should be enough to keep the divers at bay. In these cases placing a trap infront of you and microing around it makes it even harder for champions like those to go on you because they will get snared ( even if noct ults he gets snared ). Choose your targets wisely at first taking precautions about what cooldowns the enemy team has on their skillset. You knew Nocturne had randuins so you should not even try to get close to him or focusing him because it would lead you to get AS debuffed. Shen on the other hand can be "ignored" after he taunts. You can probably take a couple of hits from him and still be at like 55-65% at the end of a small skirmish. The main problem would be when both of them initiate on you. They become sort of an unkillable duo flying through the air which could take you down with ease. The only way to avoid getting focused is to not grow aggro or have an escape plan. You need to stay far when the teamfights initiate so that you become less prioritized over your teammates. This makes them focus them and not you and gives you free shots at them or maybe the other carries. If they do initiate on you anyways you need to have an escape plan up your sleeve. Net over a wall or flash, go into a bush to loose sight , place some traps etc... Edit: TL;DR ) Run cleanse if comp has good CC , use your skills to maximum utility ( especially traps ) , Look out for key cooldowns that lock you up and take advantage, know the enemies damage, be careful with the aggro your positioning brings, have an escape plan.
First of all you should have ran cleanse because they were running some strong cc. You cannot afford to get initiated on by shens taunt and be debuffed by the damage reduction or get stunned by sona or feared by nocturne. Your net , your trap and your range should be enough to keep the divers at bay. In these cases placing a trap infront of you and microing around it makes it even harder for champions like those to go on you because they will get snared ( even if noct ults he gets snared ). Choose your targets wisely at first taking precautions about what cooldowns the enemy team has on their skillset. You knew Nocturne had randuins so you should not even try to get close to him or focusing him because it would lead you to get AS debuffed. Shen on the other hand can be "ignored" after he taunts. You can probably take a couple of hits from him and still be at like 55-65% at the end of a small skirmish. The main problem would be when both of them initiate on you. They become sort of an unkillable duo flying through the air which could take you down with ease. The only way to avoid getting focused is to not grow aggro or have an escape plan. You need to stay far when the teamfights initiate so that you become less prioritized over your teammates. This makes them focus them and not you and gives you free shots at them or maybe the other carries. If they do initiate on you anyways you need to have an escape plan up your sleeve. Net over a wall or flash, go into a bush to loose sight , place some traps etc... Edit: TL;DR ) Run cleanse if comp has good CC , use your skills to maximum utility ( especially traps ) , Look out for key cooldowns that lock you up and take advantage, know the enemies damage, be careful with the aggro your positioning brings, have an escape plan.
First of all you should have ran cleanse because they were running some strong cc. You cannot afford to get initiated on by shens taunt and be debuffed by the damage reduction or get stunned by sona or feared by nocturne. Your net , your trap and your range should be enough to keep the divers at bay. In these cases placing a trap infront of you and microing around it makes it even harder for champions like those to go on you because they will get snared ( even if noct ults he gets snared ). Choose your targets wisely at first taking precautions about what cooldowns the enemy team has on their skillset. You knew Nocturne had randuins so you should not even try to get close to him or focusing him because it would lead you to get AS debuffed. Shen on the other hand can be "ignored" after he taunts. You can probably take a couple of hits from him and still be at like 55-65% at the end of a small skirmish. The main problem would be when both of them initiate on you. They become sort of an unkillable duo flying through the air which could take you down with ease. The only way to avoid getting focused is to not grow aggro or have an escape plan. You need to stay far when the teamfights initiate so that you become less prioritized over your teammates. This makes them focus them and not you and gives you free shots at them or maybe the other carries. If they do initiate on you anyways you need to have an escape plan up your sleeve. Net over a wall or flash, go into a bush to loose sight , place some traps etc... Edit:
Run cleanse if comp has good CC , use your skills to maximum utility ( especially traps ) , Look out for key cooldowns that lock you up and take advantage, know the enemies damage, be careful with the aggro your positioning brings, have an escape plan.
Hey, let me start out by saying that your progress is AMAZING and you are such an inspiration! Go girl! That white bra, however, judging by the photo, doesn't look like it fits very well at all. :( As a fellow busty gal, I am a little bra obsessed and on a bit of a mission to help other girls out. You can take what I say, you can ignore it, whatever floats your boat. Not trying to offend, just trying to help if I can! Firstly, the back band looks to be way too big. It's riding up to your shoulder blades, when its supposed to sit parallel to the ground underneath your bust. Secondly, the cups look way too small, as you have some bulging and overflow in the front. (Dreaded quad-boob.) Most women are wearing a band that's too big, and a cup that's way too small, so you aren't alone. I was in a 38D before measuring myself and getting fitted into a 34E (uk sizes). The second bra looks like it fits better, yay, but I always try to convince women to double check their fit. US bra companies are notorious for fitting us wrong. TL; DR: you look smokin' hot, total inspiration! my friend's blog has some awesome bra fit tips, if you care to humor a random girl on the Internet!
Hey, let me start out by saying that your progress is AMAZING and you are such an inspiration! Go girl! That white bra, however, judging by the photo, doesn't look like it fits very well at all. :( As a fellow busty gal, I am a little bra obsessed and on a bit of a mission to help other girls out. You can take what I say, you can ignore it, whatever floats your boat. Not trying to offend, just trying to help if I can! Firstly, the back band looks to be way too big. It's riding up to your shoulder blades, when its supposed to sit parallel to the ground underneath your bust. Secondly, the cups look way too small, as you have some bulging and overflow in the front. (Dreaded quad-boob.) Most women are wearing a band that's too big, and a cup that's way too small, so you aren't alone. I was in a 38D before measuring myself and getting fitted into a 34E (uk sizes). The second bra looks like it fits better, yay, but I always try to convince women to double check their fit. US bra companies are notorious for fitting us wrong. TL; DR: you look smokin' hot, total inspiration! my friend's blog has some awesome bra fit tips, if you care to humor a random girl on the Internet!
Hey, let me start out by saying that your progress is AMAZING and you are such an inspiration! Go girl! That white bra, however, judging by the photo, doesn't look like it fits very well at all. :( As a fellow busty gal, I am a little bra obsessed and on a bit of a mission to help other girls out. You can take what I say, you can ignore it, whatever floats your boat. Not trying to offend, just trying to help if I can! Firstly, the back band looks to be way too big. It's riding up to your shoulder blades, when its supposed to sit parallel to the ground underneath your bust. Secondly, the cups look way too small, as you have some bulging and overflow in the front. (Dreaded quad-boob.) Most women are wearing a band that's too big, and a cup that's way too small, so you aren't alone. I was in a 38D before measuring myself and getting fitted into a 34E (uk sizes). The second bra looks like it fits better, yay, but I always try to convince women to double check their fit. US bra companies are notorious for fitting us wrong.
you look smokin' hot, total inspiration! my friend's blog has some awesome bra fit tips, if you care to humor a random girl on the Internet!
Yes. The Bolshevik uprising did lead to a civil war (see below for a link). It's not as clear cut as CheeseGetsMeHard says. It's really about who writes the history books. I would say a Civil War is a protracted conflict (i.e. a real war) waged between combattants from the same ethnic/geographic/political area. Think American, Spanish civil wars. But arguably the Spanish Civil War was a revolution against Franco as well. It just led to a Civil War. So I guess another answer is that a civil war is a war, and a revolution is either fought (and won) against an oppressor, or over (and won) fairly quickly. If you're fighting others of your culture/ethnicity/country and it's protracted, it's probably civil war. TL;DR It depends on the history and the historian
Yes. The Bolshevik uprising did lead to a civil war (see below for a link). It's not as clear cut as CheeseGetsMeHard says. It's really about who writes the history books. I would say a Civil War is a protracted conflict (i.e. a real war) waged between combattants from the same ethnic/geographic/political area. Think American, Spanish civil wars. But arguably the Spanish Civil War was a revolution against Franco as well. It just led to a Civil War. So I guess another answer is that a civil war is a war, and a revolution is either fought (and won) against an oppressor, or over (and won) fairly quickly. If you're fighting others of your culture/ethnicity/country and it's protracted, it's probably civil war. TL;DR It depends on the history and the historian
Yes. The Bolshevik uprising did lead to a civil war (see below for a link). It's not as clear cut as CheeseGetsMeHard says. It's really about who writes the history books. I would say a Civil War is a protracted conflict (i.e. a real war) waged between combattants from the same ethnic/geographic/political area. Think American, Spanish civil wars. But arguably the Spanish Civil War was a revolution against Franco as well. It just led to a Civil War. So I guess another answer is that a civil war is a war, and a revolution is either fought (and won) against an oppressor, or over (and won) fairly quickly. If you're fighting others of your culture/ethnicity/country and it's protracted, it's probably civil war.
It depends on the history and the historian
Stupid article on several levels, but just want to express something - the scale of energy in electrical devices is on a totally separate level than the mechanical energies humans are used to in day to day life. There is about 720 Joules per gram in a lithium ion battery. 720 Joules in gravitational potential energy is how much it takes to lift 74 kg (full grown man) by one meter. How much fucking tapping from your finger do you think it'll take to produce 720 Joules? Do you think you could tap enough in your phone's battery life (about 48 hours) to make that much energy? I had a friend doing a project at MIT, who was trying to harvest kinetic energy from a rainfall using piezoelectrics. I did a back of the envelope calculation - the amount of energy you could get from a block sized rooftop during a heavy thunderstorm could only probably charge 5 or 6 laptop batteries. TL;DR The scale of electric energy is just too much greater than the scale of kinetic energy. You simply can't harvest grid-level waste energy from human kinetic energy.
Stupid article on several levels, but just want to express something - the scale of energy in electrical devices is on a totally separate level than the mechanical energies humans are used to in day to day life. There is about 720 Joules per gram in a lithium ion battery. 720 Joules in gravitational potential energy is how much it takes to lift 74 kg (full grown man) by one meter. How much fucking tapping from your finger do you think it'll take to produce 720 Joules? Do you think you could tap enough in your phone's battery life (about 48 hours) to make that much energy? I had a friend doing a project at MIT, who was trying to harvest kinetic energy from a rainfall using piezoelectrics. I did a back of the envelope calculation - the amount of energy you could get from a block sized rooftop during a heavy thunderstorm could only probably charge 5 or 6 laptop batteries. TL;DR The scale of electric energy is just too much greater than the scale of kinetic energy. You simply can't harvest grid-level waste energy from human kinetic energy.
Stupid article on several levels, but just want to express something - the scale of energy in electrical devices is on a totally separate level than the mechanical energies humans are used to in day to day life. There is about 720 Joules per gram in a lithium ion battery. 720 Joules in gravitational potential energy is how much it takes to lift 74 kg (full grown man) by one meter. How much fucking tapping from your finger do you think it'll take to produce 720 Joules? Do you think you could tap enough in your phone's battery life (about 48 hours) to make that much energy? I had a friend doing a project at MIT, who was trying to harvest kinetic energy from a rainfall using piezoelectrics. I did a back of the envelope calculation - the amount of energy you could get from a block sized rooftop during a heavy thunderstorm could only probably charge 5 or 6 laptop batteries.
The scale of electric energy is just too much greater than the scale of kinetic energy. You simply can't harvest grid-level waste energy from human kinetic energy.
Paper (papyrus in the ancient world) can't survive in the long term except in special circumstances. It can be burned as you mentioned, but it's also vulnerable to water and humidity. If a piece of papyrus wasn't stuck in a cave in the Judean desert, buried under the sand in Egypt, or preserved by the eruption of Vesuvius, it hasn't survived. Parchment, made from animal skin, was used in the Middle Ages and is stronger than papyrus. We still have parchment manuscripts from late antiquity that have survived intact, and more may yet turn up. That said, the Romans did leave behind quite a bit of documentary evidence. Many papyri from Roman Egypt have been found, as have countless stone inscriptions from all over the empire. tl;dr: there is no Roman paper archive because the Romans wrote on perishable materials.
Paper (papyrus in the ancient world) can't survive in the long term except in special circumstances. It can be burned as you mentioned, but it's also vulnerable to water and humidity. If a piece of papyrus wasn't stuck in a cave in the Judean desert, buried under the sand in Egypt, or preserved by the eruption of Vesuvius, it hasn't survived. Parchment, made from animal skin, was used in the Middle Ages and is stronger than papyrus. We still have parchment manuscripts from late antiquity that have survived intact, and more may yet turn up. That said, the Romans did leave behind quite a bit of documentary evidence. Many papyri from Roman Egypt have been found, as have countless stone inscriptions from all over the empire. tl;dr: there is no Roman paper archive because the Romans wrote on perishable materials.
Paper (papyrus in the ancient world) can't survive in the long term except in special circumstances. It can be burned as you mentioned, but it's also vulnerable to water and humidity. If a piece of papyrus wasn't stuck in a cave in the Judean desert, buried under the sand in Egypt, or preserved by the eruption of Vesuvius, it hasn't survived. Parchment, made from animal skin, was used in the Middle Ages and is stronger than papyrus. We still have parchment manuscripts from late antiquity that have survived intact, and more may yet turn up. That said, the Romans did leave behind quite a bit of documentary evidence. Many papyri from Roman Egypt have been found, as have countless stone inscriptions from all over the empire.
there is no Roman paper archive because the Romans wrote on perishable materials.
'This circle represents "People who are breaking my heart," And this circle represents "People who are shaking my confidence daily." And where they overlap, Cecilia.' TL;DR That Bitch, Cecilia!
'This circle represents "People who are breaking my heart," And this circle represents "People who are shaking my confidence daily." And where they overlap, Cecilia.' TL;DR That Bitch, Cecilia!
This circle represents "People who are breaking my heart," And this circle represents "People who are shaking my confidence daily." And where they overlap, Cecilia.'
That Bitch, Cecilia!
You can stay for the whole game, and the food pretty good (I actually think that the food is more than "pretty good", but none of my friends, or myself are blown away by it). They have chefs at some stations making fresh food and preparing it for you. The food is not AMAZING, but once again, pretty good. $55 does seem a bit steep, but if you love good food and mediocre basketball (I'm not hating, I'm a Magic fan myself just being honest), it is worth making a reservation, and the seats where you can watch the game from are awesome. TL;DR Probably and yes.
You can stay for the whole game, and the food pretty good (I actually think that the food is more than "pretty good", but none of my friends, or myself are blown away by it). They have chefs at some stations making fresh food and preparing it for you. The food is not AMAZING, but once again, pretty good. $55 does seem a bit steep, but if you love good food and mediocre basketball (I'm not hating, I'm a Magic fan myself just being honest), it is worth making a reservation, and the seats where you can watch the game from are awesome. TL;DR Probably and yes.
You can stay for the whole game, and the food pretty good (I actually think that the food is more than "pretty good", but none of my friends, or myself are blown away by it). They have chefs at some stations making fresh food and preparing it for you. The food is not AMAZING, but once again, pretty good. $55 does seem a bit steep, but if you love good food and mediocre basketball (I'm not hating, I'm a Magic fan myself just being honest), it is worth making a reservation, and the seats where you can watch the game from are awesome.
Probably and yes.
Last year purple pass was a nightmare. one night we were waiting for a shuttle for HOURS before one got there. ONE. took another hour and a half for us to get on another shuttle. Oh and after the event we were waiting in the parking lot until about 10:30 in the morning. Added bonus Duded running it were assholes. TL;DR: FUCK PURPLE PASS
Last year purple pass was a nightmare. one night we were waiting for a shuttle for HOURS before one got there. ONE. took another hour and a half for us to get on another shuttle. Oh and after the event we were waiting in the parking lot until about 10:30 in the morning. Added bonus Duded running it were assholes. TL;DR: FUCK PURPLE PASS
Last year purple pass was a nightmare. one night we were waiting for a shuttle for HOURS before one got there. ONE. took another hour and a half for us to get on another shuttle. Oh and after the event we were waiting in the parking lot until about 10:30 in the morning. Added bonus Duded running it were assholes.
No. Way. This exists. TL;DR: I LOVE EVERYONE
No. Way. This exists. TL;DR: I LOVE EVERYONE
No. Way. This exists.
It was one word shorter so it still works. tl;dr: It was one word shorter, it still works.
It was one word shorter so it still works. tl;dr: It was one word shorter, it still works.
It was one word shorter so it still works.
It was one word shorter, it still works.
No one cares. Dude is lucky enough to be related to a Hollywood bigwig. He can't act and never has been able to act. His face shows one of two looks consistently for EVERY emotion. I put him on par with Steven Seagal for acting ability and his best movie was the one that was never done. Nicholas Cage deserves no happiness for the filth that he's put on the big screen. The only movies that ever were successful were successful in SPITE of him, not because of him. TL:DR - Ugh.
No one cares. Dude is lucky enough to be related to a Hollywood bigwig. He can't act and never has been able to act. His face shows one of two looks consistently for EVERY emotion. I put him on par with Steven Seagal for acting ability and his best movie was the one that was never done. Nicholas Cage deserves no happiness for the filth that he's put on the big screen. The only movies that ever were successful were successful in SPITE of him, not because of him. TL:DR - Ugh.
No one cares. Dude is lucky enough to be related to a Hollywood bigwig. He can't act and never has been able to act. His face shows one of two looks consistently for EVERY emotion. I put him on par with Steven Seagal for acting ability and his best movie was the one that was never done. Nicholas Cage deserves no happiness for the filth that he's put on the big screen. The only movies that ever were successful were successful in SPITE of him, not because of him.
I main mid but since I am at school, i'll respond to your questions in this thread and I can't go on my client. (IGN: Pho Oh Three) My s2 Elo Range(2.2k-2.8k) played with all kinds of high elo top tier people. My S3 Elo(2k+) Generally in lower tier Elo range, Eve can stomp really well because in lower tier, lanes do not use pink wards to stop Eve ganks and would not have the game knowledge as much as higher elo tier players. In Higher elo, teams will use pink wards to counter your early ganks and post level 6 ganks. And also in higher elo, most banned heroes atm are: Eve, Nunu, LeeSin, Katarina, Twisted Fate, Khaizx, Amumu, Pantheon, Shaco. So as you get higher, you will get less chances to play Eve so start to learn more OP heroes. There are alot of OP heroes and you can't ban them all. tl;dr: The higher that you get, people know how to counter Eve well. Eve is mostly banned so start to learn other OP heroes.
I main mid but since I am at school, i'll respond to your questions in this thread and I can't go on my client. (IGN: Pho Oh Three) My s2 Elo Range(2.2k-2.8k) played with all kinds of high elo top tier people. My S3 Elo(2k+) Generally in lower tier Elo range, Eve can stomp really well because in lower tier, lanes do not use pink wards to stop Eve ganks and would not have the game knowledge as much as higher elo tier players. In Higher elo, teams will use pink wards to counter your early ganks and post level 6 ganks. And also in higher elo, most banned heroes atm are: Eve, Nunu, LeeSin, Katarina, Twisted Fate, Khaizx, Amumu, Pantheon, Shaco. So as you get higher, you will get less chances to play Eve so start to learn more OP heroes. There are alot of OP heroes and you can't ban them all. tl;dr: The higher that you get, people know how to counter Eve well. Eve is mostly banned so start to learn other OP heroes.
I main mid but since I am at school, i'll respond to your questions in this thread and I can't go on my client. (IGN: Pho Oh Three) My s2 Elo Range(2.2k-2.8k) played with all kinds of high elo top tier people. My S3 Elo(2k+) Generally in lower tier Elo range, Eve can stomp really well because in lower tier, lanes do not use pink wards to stop Eve ganks and would not have the game knowledge as much as higher elo tier players. In Higher elo, teams will use pink wards to counter your early ganks and post level 6 ganks. And also in higher elo, most banned heroes atm are: Eve, Nunu, LeeSin, Katarina, Twisted Fate, Khaizx, Amumu, Pantheon, Shaco. So as you get higher, you will get less chances to play Eve so start to learn more OP heroes. There are alot of OP heroes and you can't ban them all.
The higher that you get, people know how to counter Eve well. Eve is mostly banned so start to learn other OP heroes.
I would say the two movies have a different focus – I would say, roughly: FoK -> health benefits of veganism; Vegucated -> everyday vegan life style. I'd say that FoK is a way better *documentary* because it tells a story in a way that you want to follow even if you're not really interested in the beginning. The style is rather boring, classic interview-centered doc. But FoK basically makes a strong case. I didn't get that feeling from Vegucated. The running time in Veg. is spent less on arguing convincingly for veganism but rather on tips for the everyday aspect. This will be interesting mainly for people who are already convinced. Also, to my taste, the movie wasn't very coherent in style and had a bit of exerted humor at points (e.g. the scene with the supposedly funny "show" about what's not vegan). As much as I would subscribe to the message of either film, I'm afraid neither seems likely to convince many meat eaters to think again. If I was to show someone a movie that gets them to think about their dietary choices, I would rather show them [Our Daily Bread]( **TL;DR:** FoK, but both could be better.
I would say the two movies have a different focus – I would say, roughly: FoK -> health benefits of veganism; Vegucated -> everyday vegan life style. I'd say that FoK is a way better documentary because it tells a story in a way that you want to follow even if you're not really interested in the beginning. The style is rather boring, classic interview-centered doc. But FoK basically makes a strong case. I didn't get that feeling from Vegucated. The running time in Veg. is spent less on arguing convincingly for veganism but rather on tips for the everyday aspect. This will be interesting mainly for people who are already convinced. Also, to my taste, the movie wasn't very coherent in style and had a bit of exerted humor at points (e.g. the scene with the supposedly funny "show" about what's not vegan). As much as I would subscribe to the message of either film, I'm afraid neither seems likely to convince many meat eaters to think again. If I was to show someone a movie that gets them to think about their dietary choices, I would rather show them [Our Daily Bread]( TL;DR: FoK, but both could be better.
I would say the two movies have a different focus – I would say, roughly: FoK -> health benefits of veganism; Vegucated -> everyday vegan life style. I'd say that FoK is a way better documentary because it tells a story in a way that you want to follow even if you're not really interested in the beginning. The style is rather boring, classic interview-centered doc. But FoK basically makes a strong case. I didn't get that feeling from Vegucated. The running time in Veg. is spent less on arguing convincingly for veganism but rather on tips for the everyday aspect. This will be interesting mainly for people who are already convinced. Also, to my taste, the movie wasn't very coherent in style and had a bit of exerted humor at points (e.g. the scene with the supposedly funny "show" about what's not vegan). As much as I would subscribe to the message of either film, I'm afraid neither seems likely to convince many meat eaters to think again. If I was to show someone a movie that gets them to think about their dietary choices, I would rather show them [Our Daily Bread](
FoK, but both could be better.
Sorry I think I forgot to add a sentence in there. We did get mortared and rocketed, but no dudes charging the gates or anything. And the mortars and rockets were VERY ineffectively shot. They were basically just hopeful shots. TL;DR- Shit was real, but it wasn't as real as you had it.
Sorry I think I forgot to add a sentence in there. We did get mortared and rocketed, but no dudes charging the gates or anything. And the mortars and rockets were VERY ineffectively shot. They were basically just hopeful shots. TL;DR- Shit was real, but it wasn't as real as you had it.
Sorry I think I forgot to add a sentence in there. We did get mortared and rocketed, but no dudes charging the gates or anything. And the mortars and rockets were VERY ineffectively shot. They were basically just hopeful shots.
Shit was real, but it wasn't as real as you had it.
Most people confuse love with devotion. People often think that they are in love because they feel like they can't live without someone. Love is when you would go without, so that the other person can benefit. I know that’s not a definition, but I don't think it can really be defined. Its like "seeing" air. You can't see it, you just see the results of it when you blow up a balloon. I think a good litmus test between love and devotion is, if the person would really be better off without you, and you encourage them to go. Devotion would do anything and everything to keep that person in their life. Love would support them and encourage them to go. For example, if a boy falls in love with a girl but the girl is in love with someone who is on long-term military assignment far away. When her love comes back home, a boy who really loves her will step out of the picture so she can be happy, while a devoted boy would try to convince her that the other guy left her and doesn’t deserve her. The argument is invalid either way, since she will obviously do what she is going to do regardless of what the boy says. Its just an example. TL:DR; love is self-sacrifice. .
Most people confuse love with devotion. People often think that they are in love because they feel like they can't live without someone. Love is when you would go without, so that the other person can benefit. I know that’s not a definition, but I don't think it can really be defined. Its like "seeing" air. You can't see it, you just see the results of it when you blow up a balloon. I think a good litmus test between love and devotion is, if the person would really be better off without you, and you encourage them to go. Devotion would do anything and everything to keep that person in their life. Love would support them and encourage them to go. For example, if a boy falls in love with a girl but the girl is in love with someone who is on long-term military assignment far away. When her love comes back home, a boy who really loves her will step out of the picture so she can be happy, while a devoted boy would try to convince her that the other guy left her and doesn’t deserve her. The argument is invalid either way, since she will obviously do what she is going to do regardless of what the boy says. Its just an example. TL:DR; love is self-sacrifice. .
Most people confuse love with devotion. People often think that they are in love because they feel like they can't live without someone. Love is when you would go without, so that the other person can benefit. I know that’s not a definition, but I don't think it can really be defined. Its like "seeing" air. You can't see it, you just see the results of it when you blow up a balloon. I think a good litmus test between love and devotion is, if the person would really be better off without you, and you encourage them to go. Devotion would do anything and everything to keep that person in their life. Love would support them and encourage them to go. For example, if a boy falls in love with a girl but the girl is in love with someone who is on long-term military assignment far away. When her love comes back home, a boy who really loves her will step out of the picture so she can be happy, while a devoted boy would try to convince her that the other guy left her and doesn’t deserve her. The argument is invalid either way, since she will obviously do what she is going to do regardless of what the boy says. Its just an example.
love is self-sacrifice. .
I don't think this is a very good suggestion. Not to sound like I'm one of those "exclusive" assholes per se, but I paid real money for skins that I like and want to show off. -If Lee Sin is free, I want to play him. In champ select everyone and their mother is thinking "*oh god its free week lee prepare to kick away from team*". Then loading screen pops up with the Dragon Fist splash art. While it might not mean I'm a pro at the champion I'm playing, for some one to own an expensive champion AND a skin means they are at least a bit seasoned with that champ. -This **doesn't always hold true**, but skins=skill to **SOME EXTENT**. I have invested 1820 RP into Brolaf, but only after playing him for an *extremely* long time. If someone has a skin, then *logically* they plan on playing that champion for a long time/have already played them. -I know we all know that person who buys a champion and skin with them straight away, or the people who are new to a champ and have a skin that was on sale, but the general majority of people who own skins have an idea of what they're doing with that champion. Making skins free for freeweek champs would cause unnecessary confusion while also decreasing sales. Why should I have to convince a random person that I own Lee Sin and X of his skins just because Lee is free? What if I suck at Galio but I am using Gatekeeper and I miss an ult "GG this freeweek skin but 0 skill" or "this noob says he have galio legen. skin look he missed fkin ult". -One of the reasons I personally believe riot doesn't implement a direct skin viewer tool is because the image the skin splash has as opposed to the in-game model. I would have never bought Muay Thai Lee while knowing what the animations were, but the skin came out, I happen to be a Lee main, and I wanted to own all his skins (plus the splash looks really good). tl;dr no pls.
I don't think this is a very good suggestion. Not to sound like I'm one of those "exclusive" assholes per se, but I paid real money for skins that I like and want to show off. -If Lee Sin is free, I want to play him. In champ select everyone and their mother is thinking " oh god its free week lee prepare to kick away from team ". Then loading screen pops up with the Dragon Fist splash art. While it might not mean I'm a pro at the champion I'm playing, for some one to own an expensive champion AND a skin means they are at least a bit seasoned with that champ. -This doesn't always hold true , but skins=skill to SOME EXTENT . I have invested 1820 RP into Brolaf, but only after playing him for an extremely long time. If someone has a skin, then logically they plan on playing that champion for a long time/have already played them. -I know we all know that person who buys a champion and skin with them straight away, or the people who are new to a champ and have a skin that was on sale, but the general majority of people who own skins have an idea of what they're doing with that champion. Making skins free for freeweek champs would cause unnecessary confusion while also decreasing sales. Why should I have to convince a random person that I own Lee Sin and X of his skins just because Lee is free? What if I suck at Galio but I am using Gatekeeper and I miss an ult "GG this freeweek skin but 0 skill" or "this noob says he have galio legen. skin look he missed fkin ult". -One of the reasons I personally believe riot doesn't implement a direct skin viewer tool is because the image the skin splash has as opposed to the in-game model. I would have never bought Muay Thai Lee while knowing what the animations were, but the skin came out, I happen to be a Lee main, and I wanted to own all his skins (plus the splash looks really good). tl;dr no pls.
I don't think this is a very good suggestion. Not to sound like I'm one of those "exclusive" assholes per se, but I paid real money for skins that I like and want to show off. -If Lee Sin is free, I want to play him. In champ select everyone and their mother is thinking " oh god its free week lee prepare to kick away from team ". Then loading screen pops up with the Dragon Fist splash art. While it might not mean I'm a pro at the champion I'm playing, for some one to own an expensive champion AND a skin means they are at least a bit seasoned with that champ. -This doesn't always hold true , but skins=skill to SOME EXTENT . I have invested 1820 RP into Brolaf, but only after playing him for an extremely long time. If someone has a skin, then logically they plan on playing that champion for a long time/have already played them. -I know we all know that person who buys a champion and skin with them straight away, or the people who are new to a champ and have a skin that was on sale, but the general majority of people who own skins have an idea of what they're doing with that champion. Making skins free for freeweek champs would cause unnecessary confusion while also decreasing sales. Why should I have to convince a random person that I own Lee Sin and X of his skins just because Lee is free? What if I suck at Galio but I am using Gatekeeper and I miss an ult "GG this freeweek skin but 0 skill" or "this noob says he have galio legen. skin look he missed fkin ult". -One of the reasons I personally believe riot doesn't implement a direct skin viewer tool is because the image the skin splash has as opposed to the in-game model. I would have never bought Muay Thai Lee while knowing what the animations were, but the skin came out, I happen to be a Lee main, and I wanted to own all his skins (plus the splash looks really good).
no pls.
As /u/PolgaTheGrate indicates, there's some ability to determine with relative certainty from background knowledge, some educated guesses (colors that would have been likely to be paired with a known color), and some pure guesswork (anything that looks okay colorized that way). Some of these old pictures and movies have period hand colored versions out there, my great grandparents have a photo that was hand colored by the photographer and likely represented truth fairly accurately as the photographer would have taken notes for coloration. At the same time there are almost certainly times when attempting to reproduce the original color would not actually work well. Again, as Polga mentioned, sometimes colors were chosen not because they look good in color, but because they produce a specific effect in black & white. It's a common misconception that B&W responds to luminosity the same way our eyes do. Particularly older film responds most strongly to blue and very poorly to red. So if someone wore a brilliant red dress, it probably would look very dark in the final result. You could not easily recolor this to produce that red, it would come across as burgundy. So if you wanted to reproduce the scene as-shot (given you know all the original colors), chances are it's far more work than it's worth. **TLDR**: It's actually very likely that there are many colors that are wrong, both because there's a lot of guessing, and also because colors farther away from blue in the rainbow turned far too dark to reproduce well. More ~~reading~~ viewing: Siskel and Ebert on colorization (4 parts): * * * *
As /u/PolgaTheGrate indicates, there's some ability to determine with relative certainty from background knowledge, some educated guesses (colors that would have been likely to be paired with a known color), and some pure guesswork (anything that looks okay colorized that way). Some of these old pictures and movies have period hand colored versions out there, my great grandparents have a photo that was hand colored by the photographer and likely represented truth fairly accurately as the photographer would have taken notes for coloration. At the same time there are almost certainly times when attempting to reproduce the original color would not actually work well. Again, as Polga mentioned, sometimes colors were chosen not because they look good in color, but because they produce a specific effect in black & white. It's a common misconception that B&W responds to luminosity the same way our eyes do. Particularly older film responds most strongly to blue and very poorly to red. So if someone wore a brilliant red dress, it probably would look very dark in the final result. You could not easily recolor this to produce that red, it would come across as burgundy. So if you wanted to reproduce the scene as-shot (given you know all the original colors), chances are it's far more work than it's worth. TLDR : It's actually very likely that there are many colors that are wrong, both because there's a lot of guessing, and also because colors farther away from blue in the rainbow turned far too dark to reproduce well. More reading viewing: Siskel and Ebert on colorization (4 parts):
As /u/PolgaTheGrate indicates, there's some ability to determine with relative certainty from background knowledge, some educated guesses (colors that would have been likely to be paired with a known color), and some pure guesswork (anything that looks okay colorized that way). Some of these old pictures and movies have period hand colored versions out there, my great grandparents have a photo that was hand colored by the photographer and likely represented truth fairly accurately as the photographer would have taken notes for coloration. At the same time there are almost certainly times when attempting to reproduce the original color would not actually work well. Again, as Polga mentioned, sometimes colors were chosen not because they look good in color, but because they produce a specific effect in black & white. It's a common misconception that B&W responds to luminosity the same way our eyes do. Particularly older film responds most strongly to blue and very poorly to red. So if someone wore a brilliant red dress, it probably would look very dark in the final result. You could not easily recolor this to produce that red, it would come across as burgundy. So if you wanted to reproduce the scene as-shot (given you know all the original colors), chances are it's far more work than it's worth.
It's actually very likely that there are many colors that are wrong, both because there's a lot of guessing, and also because colors farther away from blue in the rainbow turned far too dark to reproduce well. More reading viewing: Siskel and Ebert on colorization (4 parts):
Going to 4chan for something other than /b/ is like reading Playboy for the articles. Sure, there's some good stuff in those other boards, but anyone that has an intelligent, thoughtful conversation anywhere there could likely be better served on another site. There's a reason /b/'s so popular -- without it, 4chan is just a generic anonymous message board on a variety of topics better discussed elsewhere. My response is, obviously, not in direct relation to your rambling, incoherent post (which does little to help your thesis that this group into which you personally designate yourself is full of people who can carry on conversations and are not in fact, a bunch of 16-year-old, angst-ridden, people-just-don't-get-how-unique-and-important-i-am mentality). You close your post by saying that Reddit's "stict collective thinking does not translate with ours." The fact that you claim to be a part of something so unique it has its own collective consciousness is interesting, because the last time I checked, the site was still anonymous. How can you have a collective anything when there's no continuity or community. TL;DR - We're talking internet message boards here. Let's tone down the histrionics about 20-ish% or so.
Going to 4chan for something other than /b/ is like reading Playboy for the articles. Sure, there's some good stuff in those other boards, but anyone that has an intelligent, thoughtful conversation anywhere there could likely be better served on another site. There's a reason /b/'s so popular -- without it, 4chan is just a generic anonymous message board on a variety of topics better discussed elsewhere. My response is, obviously, not in direct relation to your rambling, incoherent post (which does little to help your thesis that this group into which you personally designate yourself is full of people who can carry on conversations and are not in fact, a bunch of 16-year-old, angst-ridden, people-just-don't-get-how-unique-and-important-i-am mentality). You close your post by saying that Reddit's "stict collective thinking does not translate with ours." The fact that you claim to be a part of something so unique it has its own collective consciousness is interesting, because the last time I checked, the site was still anonymous. How can you have a collective anything when there's no continuity or community. TL;DR - We're talking internet message boards here. Let's tone down the histrionics about 20-ish% or so.
Going to 4chan for something other than /b/ is like reading Playboy for the articles. Sure, there's some good stuff in those other boards, but anyone that has an intelligent, thoughtful conversation anywhere there could likely be better served on another site. There's a reason /b/'s so popular -- without it, 4chan is just a generic anonymous message board on a variety of topics better discussed elsewhere. My response is, obviously, not in direct relation to your rambling, incoherent post (which does little to help your thesis that this group into which you personally designate yourself is full of people who can carry on conversations and are not in fact, a bunch of 16-year-old, angst-ridden, people-just-don't-get-how-unique-and-important-i-am mentality). You close your post by saying that Reddit's "stict collective thinking does not translate with ours." The fact that you claim to be a part of something so unique it has its own collective consciousness is interesting, because the last time I checked, the site was still anonymous. How can you have a collective anything when there's no continuity or community.
We're talking internet message boards here. Let's tone down the histrionics about 20-ish% or so.
One thing I was hoping to see in their article but did not in my brief scan of it: If you mix and match shooting brass vs. steel, you will probably see extraction problems. I have seen this first hand myself. My theory is this: When a cartridge is fired, the case is "fire formed" to the chamber - it expands to fill it. Brass, being softer and more malleable, tends to expand and stay, whereas the steel tends to expand and contract a bit more. If you shoot steel-cased ammunition, you may end up with a dirtier chamber than when shooting brass, due to the steel case contracting after the initial explosion. This allows some venting back past the cartridge and puts residue in the chamber. If you then subsequently shoot *brass* cartridges, they fire-form to the now residue-lined chamber walls, *and will frequently stick there* due to the residue left from the previous steel cases. **TL;DR** Shooting brass cases after steel may result in stuck cases.
One thing I was hoping to see in their article but did not in my brief scan of it: If you mix and match shooting brass vs. steel, you will probably see extraction problems. I have seen this first hand myself. My theory is this: When a cartridge is fired, the case is "fire formed" to the chamber - it expands to fill it. Brass, being softer and more malleable, tends to expand and stay, whereas the steel tends to expand and contract a bit more. If you shoot steel-cased ammunition, you may end up with a dirtier chamber than when shooting brass, due to the steel case contracting after the initial explosion. This allows some venting back past the cartridge and puts residue in the chamber. If you then subsequently shoot brass cartridges, they fire-form to the now residue-lined chamber walls, and will frequently stick there due to the residue left from the previous steel cases. TL;DR Shooting brass cases after steel may result in stuck cases.
One thing I was hoping to see in their article but did not in my brief scan of it: If you mix and match shooting brass vs. steel, you will probably see extraction problems. I have seen this first hand myself. My theory is this: When a cartridge is fired, the case is "fire formed" to the chamber - it expands to fill it. Brass, being softer and more malleable, tends to expand and stay, whereas the steel tends to expand and contract a bit more. If you shoot steel-cased ammunition, you may end up with a dirtier chamber than when shooting brass, due to the steel case contracting after the initial explosion. This allows some venting back past the cartridge and puts residue in the chamber. If you then subsequently shoot brass cartridges, they fire-form to the now residue-lined chamber walls, and will frequently stick there due to the residue left from the previous steel cases.
Shooting brass cases after steel may result in stuck cases.
I haven't played this game yet, but after reading some comments from players who finished the singleplayer and how they praise the story and gameplay aspects, I bought it on Amazon now, instead of Steam since the price is the same with %75 discount. Buying this game from Amazon can return to you as a benefit like a $5 coupon when the Summer Sale hits. TL; DR: Amazing story and awesome game, buy it from Amazon and activate it on Steam to create a chance for a holiday coupon.
I haven't played this game yet, but after reading some comments from players who finished the singleplayer and how they praise the story and gameplay aspects, I bought it on Amazon now, instead of Steam since the price is the same with %75 discount. Buying this game from Amazon can return to you as a benefit like a $5 coupon when the Summer Sale hits. TL; DR: Amazing story and awesome game, buy it from Amazon and activate it on Steam to create a chance for a holiday coupon.
I haven't played this game yet, but after reading some comments from players who finished the singleplayer and how they praise the story and gameplay aspects, I bought it on Amazon now, instead of Steam since the price is the same with %75 discount. Buying this game from Amazon can return to you as a benefit like a $5 coupon when the Summer Sale hits.
Amazing story and awesome game, buy it from Amazon and activate it on Steam to create a chance for a holiday coupon.
I had to loop up the meaning of iatrogenic infection. Informative, but I'll probably have forgotten it within a week.. D: In any case, I'm all for informing the sector. Even for strongly urging everyone to take flu shots. But I doubt making the shots mandatory would have the desired effect. (Same goes for firing nurses.) First reason is the general dislike people have of authority telling the people what to do. Making anything mandatory will cause friction. In this case that would probably mean more time for anti-vaccers in the spotlight. On top of that, since nurses are a representation of the population (of which still a significant portion doesn't like taking flu shots), forcing shots on the sector might lower the influx of new nurses. And I think there's already a shortage of nurses right now (at least, that's what the media here in the Netherlands tells us). I know you didn't mention mandatory flu shots, so I hope you don't take all this as a straw man argument. Just me trying to clarify my point of view. TLDR: Unintended consequences of regulation makes me wary of forcing the issue.
I had to loop up the meaning of iatrogenic infection. Informative, but I'll probably have forgotten it within a week.. D: In any case, I'm all for informing the sector. Even for strongly urging everyone to take flu shots. But I doubt making the shots mandatory would have the desired effect. (Same goes for firing nurses.) First reason is the general dislike people have of authority telling the people what to do. Making anything mandatory will cause friction. In this case that would probably mean more time for anti-vaccers in the spotlight. On top of that, since nurses are a representation of the population (of which still a significant portion doesn't like taking flu shots), forcing shots on the sector might lower the influx of new nurses. And I think there's already a shortage of nurses right now (at least, that's what the media here in the Netherlands tells us). I know you didn't mention mandatory flu shots, so I hope you don't take all this as a straw man argument. Just me trying to clarify my point of view. TLDR: Unintended consequences of regulation makes me wary of forcing the issue.
I had to loop up the meaning of iatrogenic infection. Informative, but I'll probably have forgotten it within a week.. D: In any case, I'm all for informing the sector. Even for strongly urging everyone to take flu shots. But I doubt making the shots mandatory would have the desired effect. (Same goes for firing nurses.) First reason is the general dislike people have of authority telling the people what to do. Making anything mandatory will cause friction. In this case that would probably mean more time for anti-vaccers in the spotlight. On top of that, since nurses are a representation of the population (of which still a significant portion doesn't like taking flu shots), forcing shots on the sector might lower the influx of new nurses. And I think there's already a shortage of nurses right now (at least, that's what the media here in the Netherlands tells us). I know you didn't mention mandatory flu shots, so I hope you don't take all this as a straw man argument. Just me trying to clarify my point of view.
Unintended consequences of regulation makes me wary of forcing the issue.
Not sure if this will be seen but working for a large vendor has taught me a lot. One I'm not sure how folks claim this is BAD customer support. Bad customer support would be totally leaving you out to dry. Bad customer support would be having no fix at all. Bad customer support would be calling you a liar and telling you they didn't do that. There are two things to remember here. The first being that a company gets scammed all the time. Anyone who has worked in any type of retail situation whether online or off knows this. So you create a few hoops for scam artists to jump through. Most scam artists or people just looking for freebies will go the most simple basic route possible. By having them do something this makes it less desirable to lie and try to cheat the system you help curb this. Two, it is really expensive to have a system like Amazon or Zappos. Those companies make hundreds of millions of dollars. So they can afford to securely keep credit card information on file and afford to have a deal worked out with FedEx/UPS to get a break on the cost for shipping an empty box and getting a return tag. Long story short if you're an online company for the most part your only option is to have the customer mail the item back. Think about what happens when you don't return the original item to Amazon. You get charged for it. So in order to again stop scams some fail safe needs to be there. In Amazon's case it's keeping credit card information on hand, so that is how they avoid number 1. Small companies do not have this option. This also helps with diagnosing future problems. Of course in this case it was simply an error of putting the wrong item in a bag, but still the policy does help with that. Now should they cut you break? I guess that's up to them...however they are simply doing what they have to do to survive. I have a hard time believing they wouldn't comp you store credit for the cost of shipping. Just MHO. TL;DR...Companies are forced to take this policy due to $$$ going out the door.
Not sure if this will be seen but working for a large vendor has taught me a lot. One I'm not sure how folks claim this is BAD customer support. Bad customer support would be totally leaving you out to dry. Bad customer support would be having no fix at all. Bad customer support would be calling you a liar and telling you they didn't do that. There are two things to remember here. The first being that a company gets scammed all the time. Anyone who has worked in any type of retail situation whether online or off knows this. So you create a few hoops for scam artists to jump through. Most scam artists or people just looking for freebies will go the most simple basic route possible. By having them do something this makes it less desirable to lie and try to cheat the system you help curb this. Two, it is really expensive to have a system like Amazon or Zappos. Those companies make hundreds of millions of dollars. So they can afford to securely keep credit card information on file and afford to have a deal worked out with FedEx/UPS to get a break on the cost for shipping an empty box and getting a return tag. Long story short if you're an online company for the most part your only option is to have the customer mail the item back. Think about what happens when you don't return the original item to Amazon. You get charged for it. So in order to again stop scams some fail safe needs to be there. In Amazon's case it's keeping credit card information on hand, so that is how they avoid number 1. Small companies do not have this option. This also helps with diagnosing future problems. Of course in this case it was simply an error of putting the wrong item in a bag, but still the policy does help with that. Now should they cut you break? I guess that's up to them...however they are simply doing what they have to do to survive. I have a hard time believing they wouldn't comp you store credit for the cost of shipping. Just MHO. TL;DR...Companies are forced to take this policy due to $$$ going out the door.
Not sure if this will be seen but working for a large vendor has taught me a lot. One I'm not sure how folks claim this is BAD customer support. Bad customer support would be totally leaving you out to dry. Bad customer support would be having no fix at all. Bad customer support would be calling you a liar and telling you they didn't do that. There are two things to remember here. The first being that a company gets scammed all the time. Anyone who has worked in any type of retail situation whether online or off knows this. So you create a few hoops for scam artists to jump through. Most scam artists or people just looking for freebies will go the most simple basic route possible. By having them do something this makes it less desirable to lie and try to cheat the system you help curb this. Two, it is really expensive to have a system like Amazon or Zappos. Those companies make hundreds of millions of dollars. So they can afford to securely keep credit card information on file and afford to have a deal worked out with FedEx/UPS to get a break on the cost for shipping an empty box and getting a return tag. Long story short if you're an online company for the most part your only option is to have the customer mail the item back. Think about what happens when you don't return the original item to Amazon. You get charged for it. So in order to again stop scams some fail safe needs to be there. In Amazon's case it's keeping credit card information on hand, so that is how they avoid number 1. Small companies do not have this option. This also helps with diagnosing future problems. Of course in this case it was simply an error of putting the wrong item in a bag, but still the policy does help with that. Now should they cut you break? I guess that's up to them...however they are simply doing what they have to do to survive. I have a hard time believing they wouldn't comp you store credit for the cost of shipping. Just MHO.
Companies are forced to take this policy due to $$$ going out the door.
I think the thing you're missing in your analysis here is that there are plenty of vendors in this industry who are willing to take the risks, and clearly it's working for them. These are one-or-two person outfits, too, it's not like they're the Amazon of vaping. Yeah, they might lose money on the gamble sometimes. But there are going to be plenty of times when they step up, do something awesome for someone who really needs it, and they're going to reap the rewards. The perfect example has to be the recent post where a redditor had his order stolen in the lobby of his building after delivery, and IVape replaced the whole $150 order for free. At the time I'm typing this, it's the #2 thread on the front page of the sub. I know I specifically placed an order with IVape in direct response to the last thread on the subject, when they said they would replace it, because I felt like it was important to do more than say "That's cool of them." And by the same token, I don't foresee ordering from this vendor after reading this thread, because if they screw up I don't want the hassle that OP is dealing with here. I'd rather give my money to the vendors who are willing to go above and beyond. TL;DR: It's not just about the money they lose, it's about what they gain from over-the-top excellent customer service. (edited for typing and wording derps)
I think the thing you're missing in your analysis here is that there are plenty of vendors in this industry who are willing to take the risks, and clearly it's working for them. These are one-or-two person outfits, too, it's not like they're the Amazon of vaping. Yeah, they might lose money on the gamble sometimes. But there are going to be plenty of times when they step up, do something awesome for someone who really needs it, and they're going to reap the rewards. The perfect example has to be the recent post where a redditor had his order stolen in the lobby of his building after delivery, and IVape replaced the whole $150 order for free. At the time I'm typing this, it's the #2 thread on the front page of the sub. I know I specifically placed an order with IVape in direct response to the last thread on the subject, when they said they would replace it, because I felt like it was important to do more than say "That's cool of them." And by the same token, I don't foresee ordering from this vendor after reading this thread, because if they screw up I don't want the hassle that OP is dealing with here. I'd rather give my money to the vendors who are willing to go above and beyond. TL;DR: It's not just about the money they lose, it's about what they gain from over-the-top excellent customer service. (edited for typing and wording derps)
I think the thing you're missing in your analysis here is that there are plenty of vendors in this industry who are willing to take the risks, and clearly it's working for them. These are one-or-two person outfits, too, it's not like they're the Amazon of vaping. Yeah, they might lose money on the gamble sometimes. But there are going to be plenty of times when they step up, do something awesome for someone who really needs it, and they're going to reap the rewards. The perfect example has to be the recent post where a redditor had his order stolen in the lobby of his building after delivery, and IVape replaced the whole $150 order for free. At the time I'm typing this, it's the #2 thread on the front page of the sub. I know I specifically placed an order with IVape in direct response to the last thread on the subject, when they said they would replace it, because I felt like it was important to do more than say "That's cool of them." And by the same token, I don't foresee ordering from this vendor after reading this thread, because if they screw up I don't want the hassle that OP is dealing with here. I'd rather give my money to the vendors who are willing to go above and beyond.
It's not just about the money they lose, it's about what they gain from over-the-top excellent customer service. (edited for typing and wording derps)
Hi Leo! My name is also Leo and I'm also from Brazil :O I played a few months from 1-30 and silver in ranked on the NA server and transferred to BR during the second wave of free transfers. Personally, I know the NA server has a lot of trolls and flamers I just feel the BR ones are more passionate. They use VERY colorful language and would actually be pretty witty if they weren't so angry all the time. BRs tend to lose their cool faster and it is really annoying to deal with, but don't think other servers don't have people like this too. Best way to deal with it is play with friends (add Barten01 if you ever wanna play on the BR server) and mute anyone who tries to ruin your game. I am speaking from experience on the NA and BR servers but I'm 100% this applies to EU, Asia, and any other servers out there. TL;DR: Happens to everyone. Flamers, ragers and trolls come in every shape and size. Play with friends
Hi Leo! My name is also Leo and I'm also from Brazil :O I played a few months from 1-30 and silver in ranked on the NA server and transferred to BR during the second wave of free transfers. Personally, I know the NA server has a lot of trolls and flamers I just feel the BR ones are more passionate. They use VERY colorful language and would actually be pretty witty if they weren't so angry all the time. BRs tend to lose their cool faster and it is really annoying to deal with, but don't think other servers don't have people like this too. Best way to deal with it is play with friends (add Barten01 if you ever wanna play on the BR server) and mute anyone who tries to ruin your game. I am speaking from experience on the NA and BR servers but I'm 100% this applies to EU, Asia, and any other servers out there. TL;DR: Happens to everyone. Flamers, ragers and trolls come in every shape and size. Play with friends
Hi Leo! My name is also Leo and I'm also from Brazil :O I played a few months from 1-30 and silver in ranked on the NA server and transferred to BR during the second wave of free transfers. Personally, I know the NA server has a lot of trolls and flamers I just feel the BR ones are more passionate. They use VERY colorful language and would actually be pretty witty if they weren't so angry all the time. BRs tend to lose their cool faster and it is really annoying to deal with, but don't think other servers don't have people like this too. Best way to deal with it is play with friends (add Barten01 if you ever wanna play on the BR server) and mute anyone who tries to ruin your game. I am speaking from experience on the NA and BR servers but I'm 100% this applies to EU, Asia, and any other servers out there.
Happens to everyone. Flamers, ragers and trolls come in every shape and size. Play with friends
You guys do realize that giving people food doesn't magically cure poverty, right? I'm not saying bibles do, but it's not the answer. I live in Haiti, and it's actually pretty bad to just bring food, because the people here become dependent on people bringing them food and don't do anything for themselves. It's a real problem. tl;dr bringing Bibles and food doesn't help like you think it does
You guys do realize that giving people food doesn't magically cure poverty, right? I'm not saying bibles do, but it's not the answer. I live in Haiti, and it's actually pretty bad to just bring food, because the people here become dependent on people bringing them food and don't do anything for themselves. It's a real problem. tl;dr bringing Bibles and food doesn't help like you think it does
You guys do realize that giving people food doesn't magically cure poverty, right? I'm not saying bibles do, but it's not the answer. I live in Haiti, and it's actually pretty bad to just bring food, because the people here become dependent on people bringing them food and don't do anything for themselves. It's a real problem.
bringing Bibles and food doesn't help like you think it does
Story time: In '07 I was chosen to be a part of a 7-person group to visit some missionaries we supported in South Africa. I was sixteen, brainwashed, and on fire for this trip. Total cost PER PERSON to go? $2,300. As a team, we held fundraisers, we spoke each and every Sunday and Wednesday at church to encourage people to give money toward this great cause and the great work that we were going to do. We basically told people that they were wrong and selfish if they didn't support the missions program. So we get about a week out and everyone's got their money and we're getting ready to go. We get the final itinerary for our ten-day trip and while looking it over I started to notice something seemed a bit off, although I couldn't put my finger on it. We are meeting every day at this point to rehearse the skits and things we'll be doing while we're over there. We get to SA and are picked up at the airport by the missionary, her "assistant" or "head pastor" in a big conversion van. We get to her place and let me tell you: it is nice. Not nice as in she's living like a queen or even maybe how we would think of really *nice* in America, but compared to these other people, her place is a palace. She's got running water, she's got tons of food, she's got extra space and tv and everything. Not too bad, I thought, this will be nice. Throughout our ten days, we didn't *do* anything. We didn't bring food. We didn't build anything. We didn't provide medical care. We didn't hardly break a sweat. We ate like kings. We were always full. We drove thirty miles one day to go to the MALL. To SHOP. For OURSELVES. We ate burgers and fries and coleslaw from an overpriced restaurant with the extra **spending money** that we had brought from extra donations. Let me tell you something about Tzaneen, South Africa, folks. There are poor people there. There are no poor people in America. Yeah, we have homeless, "hungry", etc. But there's always a place for shelter and resources for help. In many of the villages, there is one water well. That one water well gets water let to it from the city two times a week for two hours at a time. The entire village must share and collect as much water as they possibly can during this time for all of their drinking, bathing, etc. There is no readily available food. Many steal just to provide anything for their families. When the girls are old enough (young teens) they start to prostitute themselves to put food on the table. The living conditions are terrible. Imagine a cubicle at a bank. Double that, throw in some dirt floors, shoddy, weathered wooden walls, thatched roof with holes all over the place, and throw in a family of five: eldest brother (19) who works all week in the city and is never at home. Next four range in age from 5-17. Both daughters prostitute themselves. There is no bed. There is no regular source of food. Both parents have died from AIDS. All of the children have AIDS from their mother. Now imagine driving by in a van as big as their home, drinking water from a fucking bottle, complaining that it's too hot because the A/C is broken and you just happen to way 350 pounds (hellooooo, Pastor)! The motherfucking nerve. This is when I really started to notice things were off. Did we stop? Fuck, no. We saw one of the kids at service that night in their village, though. Of course we told them that God was great and provided for all of His children. Fuck that. Another day we were door-to-door witnessing. My team of four took a small village at the top of a "mountain" (read, big hill). It was about a half an hour walk up to the top. I met a lady in her mid-forties, in a tattered green shirt, long skirt cached with dirt, and a leapord-print headdress. She was dirty, smelly, and looked a type of sad that I could never begin to understand. It was my turn to witness. "Do you know about Jesus, miss? Do you know what a great and wonderful, kind and loving God I have come to tell you about?"... and it hit me like a hulk-fist to the stomach: What God is going to help this woman? What God is going to bring back the son that she hadn't seen or heard from in two weeks, who had been involved in the local gang activity? What God was going to provide her her next drink of water? No God was going to do these things for her.... I finished praying with her, because I didn't know what else to do. She accepted Christ, Hallelujah! Glory to His name! I felt... numb. We had been here for six days at this point and hadn't done a single real thing for anybody. "Alright, cn2092, we're headed back down. We should get moving before it gets too hot!" I couldn't move. Here I was, holding two bottles of water for the *terribly difficult* journey I had embarked upon. I was wearing my favorite hat to shield my face because, God forbid I get sunburn! As the others were walking away, I turned around and found that lady. I told her in my English, without the translator, to take these bottles and this hat, and to take care and that I would keep her in my prayers. To my shame, this is the only thing I **did** the entire ten days I was in Africa. It was the only thing *any* of us **did**. We spent all that money, all that time, all that energy, to go on a fucking church tour and tell some of the poorest, most downtrodden people on Earth what a great God we served. How He was the ultimate provider, healer, and comforter. Before we left, I gave all of the clothes I had taken over except for what I was wearing home. I left the rest of my snacks and I bought as much water as I could with what spending money I had left. A big part of me died over there. My faith did, for sure. My faith in people, my faith in the church, my faith in Christians, and my faith in God. Not sure why I typed all this out. I know nobody will read it; way too long. But I guess I needed to get it out - at least some of it, anyway. So much more I could rant on about. My heart still breaks to think of all that money wasted. $16,000. We could have built dozens of homes, schools, etc. We could have built wells. We could have provided so many meals for so many people. We did fucking nothing. **tl;dr: Sorry for all the text. Just ranting about a personal experience with missions. Spent ten days in Africa, did nothing, lost faith.**
Story time: In '07 I was chosen to be a part of a 7-person group to visit some missionaries we supported in South Africa. I was sixteen, brainwashed, and on fire for this trip. Total cost PER PERSON to go? $2,300. As a team, we held fundraisers, we spoke each and every Sunday and Wednesday at church to encourage people to give money toward this great cause and the great work that we were going to do. We basically told people that they were wrong and selfish if they didn't support the missions program. So we get about a week out and everyone's got their money and we're getting ready to go. We get the final itinerary for our ten-day trip and while looking it over I started to notice something seemed a bit off, although I couldn't put my finger on it. We are meeting every day at this point to rehearse the skits and things we'll be doing while we're over there. We get to SA and are picked up at the airport by the missionary, her "assistant" or "head pastor" in a big conversion van. We get to her place and let me tell you: it is nice. Not nice as in she's living like a queen or even maybe how we would think of really nice in America, but compared to these other people, her place is a palace. She's got running water, she's got tons of food, she's got extra space and tv and everything. Not too bad, I thought, this will be nice. Throughout our ten days, we didn't do anything. We didn't bring food. We didn't build anything. We didn't provide medical care. We didn't hardly break a sweat. We ate like kings. We were always full. We drove thirty miles one day to go to the MALL. To SHOP. For OURSELVES. We ate burgers and fries and coleslaw from an overpriced restaurant with the extra spending money that we had brought from extra donations. Let me tell you something about Tzaneen, South Africa, folks. There are poor people there. There are no poor people in America. Yeah, we have homeless, "hungry", etc. But there's always a place for shelter and resources for help. In many of the villages, there is one water well. That one water well gets water let to it from the city two times a week for two hours at a time. The entire village must share and collect as much water as they possibly can during this time for all of their drinking, bathing, etc. There is no readily available food. Many steal just to provide anything for their families. When the girls are old enough (young teens) they start to prostitute themselves to put food on the table. The living conditions are terrible. Imagine a cubicle at a bank. Double that, throw in some dirt floors, shoddy, weathered wooden walls, thatched roof with holes all over the place, and throw in a family of five: eldest brother (19) who works all week in the city and is never at home. Next four range in age from 5-17. Both daughters prostitute themselves. There is no bed. There is no regular source of food. Both parents have died from AIDS. All of the children have AIDS from their mother. Now imagine driving by in a van as big as their home, drinking water from a fucking bottle, complaining that it's too hot because the A/C is broken and you just happen to way 350 pounds (hellooooo, Pastor)! The motherfucking nerve. This is when I really started to notice things were off. Did we stop? Fuck, no. We saw one of the kids at service that night in their village, though. Of course we told them that God was great and provided for all of His children. Fuck that. Another day we were door-to-door witnessing. My team of four took a small village at the top of a "mountain" (read, big hill). It was about a half an hour walk up to the top. I met a lady in her mid-forties, in a tattered green shirt, long skirt cached with dirt, and a leapord-print headdress. She was dirty, smelly, and looked a type of sad that I could never begin to understand. It was my turn to witness. "Do you know about Jesus, miss? Do you know what a great and wonderful, kind and loving God I have come to tell you about?"... and it hit me like a hulk-fist to the stomach: What God is going to help this woman? What God is going to bring back the son that she hadn't seen or heard from in two weeks, who had been involved in the local gang activity? What God was going to provide her her next drink of water? No God was going to do these things for her.... I finished praying with her, because I didn't know what else to do. She accepted Christ, Hallelujah! Glory to His name! I felt... numb. We had been here for six days at this point and hadn't done a single real thing for anybody. "Alright, cn2092, we're headed back down. We should get moving before it gets too hot!" I couldn't move. Here I was, holding two bottles of water for the terribly difficult journey I had embarked upon. I was wearing my favorite hat to shield my face because, God forbid I get sunburn! As the others were walking away, I turned around and found that lady. I told her in my English, without the translator, to take these bottles and this hat, and to take care and that I would keep her in my prayers. To my shame, this is the only thing I did the entire ten days I was in Africa. It was the only thing any of us did . We spent all that money, all that time, all that energy, to go on a fucking church tour and tell some of the poorest, most downtrodden people on Earth what a great God we served. How He was the ultimate provider, healer, and comforter. Before we left, I gave all of the clothes I had taken over except for what I was wearing home. I left the rest of my snacks and I bought as much water as I could with what spending money I had left. A big part of me died over there. My faith did, for sure. My faith in people, my faith in the church, my faith in Christians, and my faith in God. Not sure why I typed all this out. I know nobody will read it; way too long. But I guess I needed to get it out - at least some of it, anyway. So much more I could rant on about. My heart still breaks to think of all that money wasted. $16,000. We could have built dozens of homes, schools, etc. We could have built wells. We could have provided so many meals for so many people. We did fucking nothing. tl;dr: Sorry for all the text. Just ranting about a personal experience with missions. Spent ten days in Africa, did nothing, lost faith.
Story time: In '07 I was chosen to be a part of a 7-person group to visit some missionaries we supported in South Africa. I was sixteen, brainwashed, and on fire for this trip. Total cost PER PERSON to go? $2,300. As a team, we held fundraisers, we spoke each and every Sunday and Wednesday at church to encourage people to give money toward this great cause and the great work that we were going to do. We basically told people that they were wrong and selfish if they didn't support the missions program. So we get about a week out and everyone's got their money and we're getting ready to go. We get the final itinerary for our ten-day trip and while looking it over I started to notice something seemed a bit off, although I couldn't put my finger on it. We are meeting every day at this point to rehearse the skits and things we'll be doing while we're over there. We get to SA and are picked up at the airport by the missionary, her "assistant" or "head pastor" in a big conversion van. We get to her place and let me tell you: it is nice. Not nice as in she's living like a queen or even maybe how we would think of really nice in America, but compared to these other people, her place is a palace. She's got running water, she's got tons of food, she's got extra space and tv and everything. Not too bad, I thought, this will be nice. Throughout our ten days, we didn't do anything. We didn't bring food. We didn't build anything. We didn't provide medical care. We didn't hardly break a sweat. We ate like kings. We were always full. We drove thirty miles one day to go to the MALL. To SHOP. For OURSELVES. We ate burgers and fries and coleslaw from an overpriced restaurant with the extra spending money that we had brought from extra donations. Let me tell you something about Tzaneen, South Africa, folks. There are poor people there. There are no poor people in America. Yeah, we have homeless, "hungry", etc. But there's always a place for shelter and resources for help. In many of the villages, there is one water well. That one water well gets water let to it from the city two times a week for two hours at a time. The entire village must share and collect as much water as they possibly can during this time for all of their drinking, bathing, etc. There is no readily available food. Many steal just to provide anything for their families. When the girls are old enough (young teens) they start to prostitute themselves to put food on the table. The living conditions are terrible. Imagine a cubicle at a bank. Double that, throw in some dirt floors, shoddy, weathered wooden walls, thatched roof with holes all over the place, and throw in a family of five: eldest brother (19) who works all week in the city and is never at home. Next four range in age from 5-17. Both daughters prostitute themselves. There is no bed. There is no regular source of food. Both parents have died from AIDS. All of the children have AIDS from their mother. Now imagine driving by in a van as big as their home, drinking water from a fucking bottle, complaining that it's too hot because the A/C is broken and you just happen to way 350 pounds (hellooooo, Pastor)! The motherfucking nerve. This is when I really started to notice things were off. Did we stop? Fuck, no. We saw one of the kids at service that night in their village, though. Of course we told them that God was great and provided for all of His children. Fuck that. Another day we were door-to-door witnessing. My team of four took a small village at the top of a "mountain" (read, big hill). It was about a half an hour walk up to the top. I met a lady in her mid-forties, in a tattered green shirt, long skirt cached with dirt, and a leapord-print headdress. She was dirty, smelly, and looked a type of sad that I could never begin to understand. It was my turn to witness. "Do you know about Jesus, miss? Do you know what a great and wonderful, kind and loving God I have come to tell you about?"... and it hit me like a hulk-fist to the stomach: What God is going to help this woman? What God is going to bring back the son that she hadn't seen or heard from in two weeks, who had been involved in the local gang activity? What God was going to provide her her next drink of water? No God was going to do these things for her.... I finished praying with her, because I didn't know what else to do. She accepted Christ, Hallelujah! Glory to His name! I felt... numb. We had been here for six days at this point and hadn't done a single real thing for anybody. "Alright, cn2092, we're headed back down. We should get moving before it gets too hot!" I couldn't move. Here I was, holding two bottles of water for the terribly difficult journey I had embarked upon. I was wearing my favorite hat to shield my face because, God forbid I get sunburn! As the others were walking away, I turned around and found that lady. I told her in my English, without the translator, to take these bottles and this hat, and to take care and that I would keep her in my prayers. To my shame, this is the only thing I did the entire ten days I was in Africa. It was the only thing any of us did . We spent all that money, all that time, all that energy, to go on a fucking church tour and tell some of the poorest, most downtrodden people on Earth what a great God we served. How He was the ultimate provider, healer, and comforter. Before we left, I gave all of the clothes I had taken over except for what I was wearing home. I left the rest of my snacks and I bought as much water as I could with what spending money I had left. A big part of me died over there. My faith did, for sure. My faith in people, my faith in the church, my faith in Christians, and my faith in God. Not sure why I typed all this out. I know nobody will read it; way too long. But I guess I needed to get it out - at least some of it, anyway. So much more I could rant on about. My heart still breaks to think of all that money wasted. $16,000. We could have built dozens of homes, schools, etc. We could have built wells. We could have provided so many meals for so many people. We did fucking nothing.
Sorry for all the text. Just ranting about a personal experience with missions. Spent ten days in Africa, did nothing, lost faith.
If you take anything away from high school, let it be that you should just do what makes you happy. It may seem strange to others, but who gives a fuck what they think? tl;dr: In the immortal words of /b/: "Do it, faggot."
If you take anything away from high school, let it be that you should just do what makes you happy. It may seem strange to others, but who gives a fuck what they think? tl;dr: In the immortal words of /b/: "Do it, faggot."
If you take anything away from high school, let it be that you should just do what makes you happy. It may seem strange to others, but who gives a fuck what they think?
In the immortal words of /b/: "Do it, faggot."
For me, I got my two second shooting gigs through a Facebook group of photogs. Someone posts when they need one and where the wedding is and you leave your info and they contact whomever they like from that list. It's not ideal as of course a ton of people want to shoot all the time, but it works occasionally. I love second shooting even when I have my own weddings too. It's nice not to have all that pressure and just concentrate more on making good photos. I also learn a lot each time. Hoping to do a few more this year interspersed with my own weddings. tl;dr: look for a facebook group of photogs in your area.
For me, I got my two second shooting gigs through a Facebook group of photogs. Someone posts when they need one and where the wedding is and you leave your info and they contact whomever they like from that list. It's not ideal as of course a ton of people want to shoot all the time, but it works occasionally. I love second shooting even when I have my own weddings too. It's nice not to have all that pressure and just concentrate more on making good photos. I also learn a lot each time. Hoping to do a few more this year interspersed with my own weddings. tl;dr: look for a facebook group of photogs in your area.
For me, I got my two second shooting gigs through a Facebook group of photogs. Someone posts when they need one and where the wedding is and you leave your info and they contact whomever they like from that list. It's not ideal as of course a ton of people want to shoot all the time, but it works occasionally. I love second shooting even when I have my own weddings too. It's nice not to have all that pressure and just concentrate more on making good photos. I also learn a lot each time. Hoping to do a few more this year interspersed with my own weddings.
look for a facebook group of photogs in your area.
>what does it look like? Feel like? Sound like? Not a clue.I don't think it's something that we can really grasp. The following is talking about the nature of God, but I think the same idea can be applied to the afterlife: >Let us suppose a mystical limpet, a sage among limpets, who (rapt in vision) catches a glimpse of what Man is like. In reporting it to his disciples, who have some vision themselves (though less than he) he will have to use many negatives. He will have to tell them that Man has no shell, is not attached to a rock, is not surrounded by water. And his disciples, having a little vision of their own to help them, do get some idea of Man. But then there comes erudite limpets, limpets who write histories of philosophy and give lectures on comparative religion, and who have never had any vision of their own. What they get out of the prophetic limpet's words is simply and solely the negatives. From these, uncorrected by any positive insight, they build up a picture of Man as a sort of amorphous jelly (he has no shell) existing nowhere in particular (he is not attached to a rock) and never taking nourishment (there is no water to drift it towards him). And having a traditional reverence for Man they conclude that to be a famished jelly in a dimensionless void is the supreme mode of existence, and reject as crude, materialistic superstition any doctrine which would attribute to Man a definite shape, a structure, and organs. TL;DR, Plato's cave. All I know is that it's supposed to be good, and that I'll be with God. Beyond that....*shrug*
>what does it look like? Feel like? Sound like? Not a clue.I don't think it's something that we can really grasp. The following is talking about the nature of God, but I think the same idea can be applied to the afterlife: >Let us suppose a mystical limpet, a sage among limpets, who (rapt in vision) catches a glimpse of what Man is like. In reporting it to his disciples, who have some vision themselves (though less than he) he will have to use many negatives. He will have to tell them that Man has no shell, is not attached to a rock, is not surrounded by water. And his disciples, having a little vision of their own to help them, do get some idea of Man. But then there comes erudite limpets, limpets who write histories of philosophy and give lectures on comparative religion, and who have never had any vision of their own. What they get out of the prophetic limpet's words is simply and solely the negatives. From these, uncorrected by any positive insight, they build up a picture of Man as a sort of amorphous jelly (he has no shell) existing nowhere in particular (he is not attached to a rock) and never taking nourishment (there is no water to drift it towards him). And having a traditional reverence for Man they conclude that to be a famished jelly in a dimensionless void is the supreme mode of existence, and reject as crude, materialistic superstition any doctrine which would attribute to Man a definite shape, a structure, and organs. TL;DR, Plato's cave. All I know is that it's supposed to be good, and that I'll be with God. Beyond that.... shrug
what does it look like? Feel like? Sound like? Not a clue.I don't think it's something that we can really grasp. The following is talking about the nature of God, but I think the same idea can be applied to the afterlife: >Let us suppose a mystical limpet, a sage among limpets, who (rapt in vision) catches a glimpse of what Man is like. In reporting it to his disciples, who have some vision themselves (though less than he) he will have to use many negatives. He will have to tell them that Man has no shell, is not attached to a rock, is not surrounded by water. And his disciples, having a little vision of their own to help them, do get some idea of Man. But then there comes erudite limpets, limpets who write histories of philosophy and give lectures on comparative religion, and who have never had any vision of their own. What they get out of the prophetic limpet's words is simply and solely the negatives. From these, uncorrected by any positive insight, they build up a picture of Man as a sort of amorphous jelly (he has no shell) existing nowhere in particular (he is not attached to a rock) and never taking nourishment (there is no water to drift it towards him). And having a traditional reverence for Man they conclude that to be a famished jelly in a dimensionless void is the supreme mode of existence, and reject as crude, materialistic superstition any doctrine which would attribute to Man a definite shape, a structure, and organs.
Plato's cave. All I know is that it's supposed to be good, and that I'll be with God. Beyond that.... shrug
I'm big into primary research so I checked out the charity with the help of [this overview page]( The charity actually seems to be extremely transparent and garners high ratings. From there I dug deeper into the original financial documents when I discovered you can access their [_audited_ financials for 2011]( (with 2012 to come as soon as they're finished). In that document you can find that >Robin Hood’s Board of Directors, through their personal contributions, fund the unsponsored costs of events, all staff salaries and benefits, and all other non-personnel operating expenses. > Because Robin Hood’s Board of Directors pays all overhead costs, 100% of all unrestricted donations from the public go directly to organizations helping New Yorkers in need. So while there are a number of big, big CEO guys and their likes on the board of directors, this seems far from a financial play. I imagine the most uncouth thing they do is use it for charity tax write-offs. With that in mind, I started digging through their investments in other funds (page 13). Their largest investment ($7 million) is in the Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Fund Ltd which is a massive hedge fund of over $2.3 billion (and part of the $27 billion Master Fund) but does not seem to have any direct connections to any board members. Elliott International Ltd is another hedge fund that I could not connect. The investment in the The Children’s Investment Fund lost money (which is appropriate). King Street Capital Ltd. is another giant hedge. My vetting became much less rigorous after this as it's a lot of information to dig through. The one interesting investment was Viking Global Equities III Ltd. (held by Morgan Stanley Fund Services) which turned $674K into $4.2 million (provided I'm reading this right) though that seems to just be a $674K increase in the amount of funds they have previously invested. Apologies to those more financially savvy than myself who see errors in my interpretation. Ultimately, the amount of money they are investing in these multi-billion dollar hedge funds (no more than $10 million into any of them) is nothing more than a drop in the financial budget and far less than the grants and direct donations the organization gives. TL;DR Looked into the Robin Hood Foundation and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. EDIT: fixed typos
I'm big into primary research so I checked out the charity with the help of [this overview page]( The charity actually seems to be extremely transparent and garners high ratings. From there I dug deeper into the original financial documents when I discovered you can access their audited financials for 2011 . In that document you can find that >Robin Hood’s Board of Directors, through their personal contributions, fund the unsponsored costs of events, all staff salaries and benefits, and all other non-personnel operating expenses. > Because Robin Hood’s Board of Directors pays all overhead costs, 100% of all unrestricted donations from the public go directly to organizations helping New Yorkers in need. So while there are a number of big, big CEO guys and their likes on the board of directors, this seems far from a financial play. I imagine the most uncouth thing they do is use it for charity tax write-offs. With that in mind, I started digging through their investments in other funds (page 13). Their largest investment ($7 million) is in the Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Fund Ltd which is a massive hedge fund of over $2.3 billion (and part of the $27 billion Master Fund) but does not seem to have any direct connections to any board members. Elliott International Ltd is another hedge fund that I could not connect. The investment in the The Children’s Investment Fund lost money (which is appropriate). King Street Capital Ltd. is another giant hedge. My vetting became much less rigorous after this as it's a lot of information to dig through. The one interesting investment was Viking Global Equities III Ltd. (held by Morgan Stanley Fund Services) which turned $674K into $4.2 million (provided I'm reading this right) though that seems to just be a $674K increase in the amount of funds they have previously invested. Apologies to those more financially savvy than myself who see errors in my interpretation. Ultimately, the amount of money they are investing in these multi-billion dollar hedge funds (no more than $10 million into any of them) is nothing more than a drop in the financial budget and far less than the grants and direct donations the organization gives. TL;DR Looked into the Robin Hood Foundation and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. EDIT: fixed typos
I'm big into primary research so I checked out the charity with the help of [this overview page]( The charity actually seems to be extremely transparent and garners high ratings. From there I dug deeper into the original financial documents when I discovered you can access their audited financials for 2011 . In that document you can find that >Robin Hood’s Board of Directors, through their personal contributions, fund the unsponsored costs of events, all staff salaries and benefits, and all other non-personnel operating expenses. > Because Robin Hood’s Board of Directors pays all overhead costs, 100% of all unrestricted donations from the public go directly to organizations helping New Yorkers in need. So while there are a number of big, big CEO guys and their likes on the board of directors, this seems far from a financial play. I imagine the most uncouth thing they do is use it for charity tax write-offs. With that in mind, I started digging through their investments in other funds (page 13). Their largest investment ($7 million) is in the Brevan Howard Multi-Strategy Fund Ltd which is a massive hedge fund of over $2.3 billion (and part of the $27 billion Master Fund) but does not seem to have any direct connections to any board members. Elliott International Ltd is another hedge fund that I could not connect. The investment in the The Children’s Investment Fund lost money (which is appropriate). King Street Capital Ltd. is another giant hedge. My vetting became much less rigorous after this as it's a lot of information to dig through. The one interesting investment was Viking Global Equities III Ltd. (held by Morgan Stanley Fund Services) which turned $674K into $4.2 million (provided I'm reading this right) though that seems to just be a $674K increase in the amount of funds they have previously invested. Apologies to those more financially savvy than myself who see errors in my interpretation. Ultimately, the amount of money they are investing in these multi-billion dollar hedge funds (no more than $10 million into any of them) is nothing more than a drop in the financial budget and far less than the grants and direct donations the organization gives.
Looked into the Robin Hood Foundation and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. EDIT: fixed typos
Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I've been seeing a lot of Sandy Hook conspiracy posts, and what I've gathered is there's a lot of information supporting the theory that this wasn't just a freak accident. I've seen "actors" who are supposed to be the parents of the deceased, relief pages posted early, etc. etc. What am I supposed to make of it? I'm reading the information but it's getting jumbled in my head. What does it mean? Were all of those children ACTUALLY murdered? If so, where were the real parents and where did the kids come from? Was it all staged? Where does the use of actors come into play and why? WHY? Why would this be a conspiracy?, is my question. Don't take this as me trying to question that it IS one, I've seen plenty of info that says the shooting (and the Colorado one as well) were "inside jobs" I guess it would be called, can anyone explain WHY that would be? I know they're trying to instill fear, but for what purpose? I've seen stuff about FEMA camps, etc. The only thing I'VE gathered would be that these shootings were placed to alter the public mindset surrounding gun safety, but the public is SCREAMING "BAN AUTOMATIC WEAPONS". I feel like that would be the opposite of what they want from us. Is it to put armed officers around the country? Is it just to scare us? TL;DR IF this is a conspiracy and it was some sort of inside job, WHY?
Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I've been seeing a lot of Sandy Hook conspiracy posts, and what I've gathered is there's a lot of information supporting the theory that this wasn't just a freak accident. I've seen "actors" who are supposed to be the parents of the deceased, relief pages posted early, etc. etc. What am I supposed to make of it? I'm reading the information but it's getting jumbled in my head. What does it mean? Were all of those children ACTUALLY murdered? If so, where were the real parents and where did the kids come from? Was it all staged? Where does the use of actors come into play and why? WHY? Why would this be a conspiracy?, is my question. Don't take this as me trying to question that it IS one, I've seen plenty of info that says the shooting (and the Colorado one as well) were "inside jobs" I guess it would be called, can anyone explain WHY that would be? I know they're trying to instill fear, but for what purpose? I've seen stuff about FEMA camps, etc. The only thing I'VE gathered would be that these shootings were placed to alter the public mindset surrounding gun safety, but the public is SCREAMING "BAN AUTOMATIC WEAPONS". I feel like that would be the opposite of what they want from us. Is it to put armed officers around the country? Is it just to scare us? TL;DR IF this is a conspiracy and it was some sort of inside job, WHY?
Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I've been seeing a lot of Sandy Hook conspiracy posts, and what I've gathered is there's a lot of information supporting the theory that this wasn't just a freak accident. I've seen "actors" who are supposed to be the parents of the deceased, relief pages posted early, etc. etc. What am I supposed to make of it? I'm reading the information but it's getting jumbled in my head. What does it mean? Were all of those children ACTUALLY murdered? If so, where were the real parents and where did the kids come from? Was it all staged? Where does the use of actors come into play and why? WHY? Why would this be a conspiracy?, is my question. Don't take this as me trying to question that it IS one, I've seen plenty of info that says the shooting (and the Colorado one as well) were "inside jobs" I guess it would be called, can anyone explain WHY that would be? I know they're trying to instill fear, but for what purpose? I've seen stuff about FEMA camps, etc. The only thing I'VE gathered would be that these shootings were placed to alter the public mindset surrounding gun safety, but the public is SCREAMING "BAN AUTOMATIC WEAPONS". I feel like that would be the opposite of what they want from us. Is it to put armed officers around the country? Is it just to scare us?
IF this is a conspiracy and it was some sort of inside job, WHY?
you're very close with your final question - the answer lies in how we got from hardware instructions to software instructions. They started by telling the hardware what to do - set this valve to on, make this valve turn on/switch off when this one does, etc. Then they started building meaning into these hardware on/offs - so that off, on, off (010) represents the number 2; on, off, off (100) represents the number 4, etc. Then they began to express some of these chunks of hardware logic as numerical and logic operations - adding numbers, finding the result of one number OR another, and now flipping a bunch of switches to represent a number could be thought of as "storing a number"... Eventually, over time, more and more complicated numerical operations (which were really switch-flipping operations in hardware) got to be grouped together and represented by assembly language commands. And then modern programming languages were developed, which allowed us to write something much closer to English that could be converted to assembly language (and ultimately to hardware instructions). To use an analogy, think about a modern car. You don't have to crank a handle to start it or manage the choke, or pump the brakes repeatedly to stop suddenly, because those things are now done automatically. At the start, the human had to understand the machine, and know about the engine, and tell the engine exactly what to do. Over time, these instructions could be automated and simplified so that the human can deal with the car in his terms - pressing "start" or turning the ignition without having to worry about starter motors or chokes for example. **tl;dr** What starts as literal instructions of what to do with the machine, gain a shorthand langauge for controlling the machine more easily, and that shorthand language can be used to build even shorter, simpler control language.
you're very close with your final question - the answer lies in how we got from hardware instructions to software instructions. They started by telling the hardware what to do - set this valve to on, make this valve turn on/switch off when this one does, etc. Then they started building meaning into these hardware on/offs - so that off, on, off (010) represents the number 2; on, off, off (100) represents the number 4, etc. Then they began to express some of these chunks of hardware logic as numerical and logic operations - adding numbers, finding the result of one number OR another, and now flipping a bunch of switches to represent a number could be thought of as "storing a number"... Eventually, over time, more and more complicated numerical operations (which were really switch-flipping operations in hardware) got to be grouped together and represented by assembly language commands. And then modern programming languages were developed, which allowed us to write something much closer to English that could be converted to assembly language (and ultimately to hardware instructions). To use an analogy, think about a modern car. You don't have to crank a handle to start it or manage the choke, or pump the brakes repeatedly to stop suddenly, because those things are now done automatically. At the start, the human had to understand the machine, and know about the engine, and tell the engine exactly what to do. Over time, these instructions could be automated and simplified so that the human can deal with the car in his terms - pressing "start" or turning the ignition without having to worry about starter motors or chokes for example. tl;dr What starts as literal instructions of what to do with the machine, gain a shorthand langauge for controlling the machine more easily, and that shorthand language can be used to build even shorter, simpler control language.
you're very close with your final question - the answer lies in how we got from hardware instructions to software instructions. They started by telling the hardware what to do - set this valve to on, make this valve turn on/switch off when this one does, etc. Then they started building meaning into these hardware on/offs - so that off, on, off (010) represents the number 2; on, off, off (100) represents the number 4, etc. Then they began to express some of these chunks of hardware logic as numerical and logic operations - adding numbers, finding the result of one number OR another, and now flipping a bunch of switches to represent a number could be thought of as "storing a number"... Eventually, over time, more and more complicated numerical operations (which were really switch-flipping operations in hardware) got to be grouped together and represented by assembly language commands. And then modern programming languages were developed, which allowed us to write something much closer to English that could be converted to assembly language (and ultimately to hardware instructions). To use an analogy, think about a modern car. You don't have to crank a handle to start it or manage the choke, or pump the brakes repeatedly to stop suddenly, because those things are now done automatically. At the start, the human had to understand the machine, and know about the engine, and tell the engine exactly what to do. Over time, these instructions could be automated and simplified so that the human can deal with the car in his terms - pressing "start" or turning the ignition without having to worry about starter motors or chokes for example.
What starts as literal instructions of what to do with the machine, gain a shorthand langauge for controlling the machine more easily, and that shorthand language can be used to build even shorter, simpler control language.
This is open for discussion, a 'dotatie' is taxmoney which is used for the normal functions of a member of the royal family. Imo this excludes helping nephews and nieces. But the real worrying thing is there's absolutely no control on how they spend their money. Also it's a known fact that starting an enterprise for this purpose is only a privilege for smart or wealthy people. Normal working middle class, who wan't to give something to their children are most likely not doing this because it also costs some money to do this. EDIT: I take everything back what i said ... TL/DR: the entire royal family shouldn't receive taxmoney they are rich enough.
This is open for discussion, a 'dotatie' is taxmoney which is used for the normal functions of a member of the royal family. Imo this excludes helping nephews and nieces. But the real worrying thing is there's absolutely no control on how they spend their money. Also it's a known fact that starting an enterprise for this purpose is only a privilege for smart or wealthy people. Normal working middle class, who wan't to give something to their children are most likely not doing this because it also costs some money to do this. EDIT: I take everything back what i said ... TL/DR: the entire royal family shouldn't receive taxmoney they are rich enough.
This is open for discussion, a 'dotatie' is taxmoney which is used for the normal functions of a member of the royal family. Imo this excludes helping nephews and nieces. But the real worrying thing is there's absolutely no control on how they spend their money. Also it's a known fact that starting an enterprise for this purpose is only a privilege for smart or wealthy people. Normal working middle class, who wan't to give something to their children are most likely not doing this because it also costs some money to do this. EDIT: I take everything back what i said ...
the entire royal family shouldn't receive taxmoney they are rich enough.
I'm a WVU fan so my opinion is somewhat biased. I believe he was highly rated out of HS, his father is DC at Alabama where his brother is a Safety, so he definitely got the short end of that straw. He'd be the perfect member to any NFL team, as long as that team doesn't ever want to be good. He improved his SR year but he's been downright god awful for much of his career. Now he's been at a severe disadvantage with like 15 coaches the last three years and playing at that shitstain of a school, but I'd venture to say there's not a single Pitt fan sorry to see him go. Most are elated that they finally got rid of that turnover machine. I on the other hand am horribly saddened, I'd love to see him become lifelong QB at Pitt and spin them into a spiral of mediocrity for decades to come. TL;DR Fuck pitt.
I'm a WVU fan so my opinion is somewhat biased. I believe he was highly rated out of HS, his father is DC at Alabama where his brother is a Safety, so he definitely got the short end of that straw. He'd be the perfect member to any NFL team, as long as that team doesn't ever want to be good. He improved his SR year but he's been downright god awful for much of his career. Now he's been at a severe disadvantage with like 15 coaches the last three years and playing at that shitstain of a school, but I'd venture to say there's not a single Pitt fan sorry to see him go. Most are elated that they finally got rid of that turnover machine. I on the other hand am horribly saddened, I'd love to see him become lifelong QB at Pitt and spin them into a spiral of mediocrity for decades to come. TL;DR Fuck pitt.
I'm a WVU fan so my opinion is somewhat biased. I believe he was highly rated out of HS, his father is DC at Alabama where his brother is a Safety, so he definitely got the short end of that straw. He'd be the perfect member to any NFL team, as long as that team doesn't ever want to be good. He improved his SR year but he's been downright god awful for much of his career. Now he's been at a severe disadvantage with like 15 coaches the last three years and playing at that shitstain of a school, but I'd venture to say there's not a single Pitt fan sorry to see him go. Most are elated that they finally got rid of that turnover machine. I on the other hand am horribly saddened, I'd love to see him become lifelong QB at Pitt and spin them into a spiral of mediocrity for decades to come.
Fuck pitt.
I hit every league on my way from Bronze to Diamond and the promotions were relatively easy, mostly because I focused on macro mechanics and as those improved I overran supply-blocked scrubs. But having way more stuff than your opponent doesn't guarantee victory in Diamond league. My APM and mouse accuracy haven't improved at NEARLY the rate my macro did. As a result I'll be a base up and have 1/4th the unspent resources of an opponent and still get crushed. **tl;dr- getting out of diamond has, so far, been impossible.**
I hit every league on my way from Bronze to Diamond and the promotions were relatively easy, mostly because I focused on macro mechanics and as those improved I overran supply-blocked scrubs. But having way more stuff than your opponent doesn't guarantee victory in Diamond league. My APM and mouse accuracy haven't improved at NEARLY the rate my macro did. As a result I'll be a base up and have 1/4th the unspent resources of an opponent and still get crushed. tl;dr- getting out of diamond has, so far, been impossible.
I hit every league on my way from Bronze to Diamond and the promotions were relatively easy, mostly because I focused on macro mechanics and as those improved I overran supply-blocked scrubs. But having way more stuff than your opponent doesn't guarantee victory in Diamond league. My APM and mouse accuracy haven't improved at NEARLY the rate my macro did. As a result I'll be a base up and have 1/4th the unspent resources of an opponent and still get crushed.
getting out of diamond has, so far, been impossible.
Just looking at it right off the bat (didn't read through it but skimmed through) some format-like changes would make the guide much more appealing and easier to read. In some parts it seems that you've forgotten how to separate long posts into paragraphs. In the areas where it looks like you have paragraphs there is no space between and just makes the guide harder to read. Quite frankly I kinda say "no thanks, not reading that" because it looks like a massive wall of text. TL;DR - Paragraphs with a space separating them.
Just looking at it right off the bat (didn't read through it but skimmed through) some format-like changes would make the guide much more appealing and easier to read. In some parts it seems that you've forgotten how to separate long posts into paragraphs. In the areas where it looks like you have paragraphs there is no space between and just makes the guide harder to read. Quite frankly I kinda say "no thanks, not reading that" because it looks like a massive wall of text. TL;DR - Paragraphs with a space separating them.
Just looking at it right off the bat (didn't read through it but skimmed through) some format-like changes would make the guide much more appealing and easier to read. In some parts it seems that you've forgotten how to separate long posts into paragraphs. In the areas where it looks like you have paragraphs there is no space between and just makes the guide harder to read. Quite frankly I kinda say "no thanks, not reading that" because it looks like a massive wall of text.
Paragraphs with a space separating them.
I was in a relationship while I was still in love with my ex. The ex in question and I met in kindergarten, and I knew right off the bat, even as a five year old, that I felt something different for her. We grew up close because it was a small school, my older brother was best friends with her older brother, etc. She was my first crush, my first love. I was a nervous, shy kid and then teenager, so I never did work out the courage to tell her how I felt. After high school, she moved across the country for college, we found each other on MySpace, and I said something about how "I had a huge crush on you in elementary school!" - she said she felt the same way about me then, and, after testing the waters, we figured out we both still felt that way about each other. I was elated. She came home for spring break, we spent every hour of it together. I kissed her for the first time and had never been happier. We worked through a long distance relationship for about a year and a half, then it got to be too much, and she broke up with me for some douchebag pothead she met down there. I struggled through the next 6 months or so, a new girl started at work, started flirting with me, I ended up going out with her for 5 months or so, and thought about the other one every minute of every day. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't make myself forget her, or feel the same about the new girl. Luckily, she realized that [she had made a huge mistake]( and we ended up getting back together. Now we're engaged. edit: Shit, sorry for the novel. **TLDR**: Yes I have.
I was in a relationship while I was still in love with my ex. The ex in question and I met in kindergarten, and I knew right off the bat, even as a five year old, that I felt something different for her. We grew up close because it was a small school, my older brother was best friends with her older brother, etc. She was my first crush, my first love. I was a nervous, shy kid and then teenager, so I never did work out the courage to tell her how I felt. After high school, she moved across the country for college, we found each other on MySpace, and I said something about how "I had a huge crush on you in elementary school!" - she said she felt the same way about me then, and, after testing the waters, we figured out we both still felt that way about each other. I was elated. She came home for spring break, we spent every hour of it together. I kissed her for the first time and had never been happier. We worked through a long distance relationship for about a year and a half, then it got to be too much, and she broke up with me for some douchebag pothead she met down there. I struggled through the next 6 months or so, a new girl started at work, started flirting with me, I ended up going out with her for 5 months or so, and thought about the other one every minute of every day. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't make myself forget her, or feel the same about the new girl. Luckily, she realized that [she had made a huge mistake]( and we ended up getting back together. Now we're engaged. edit: Shit, sorry for the novel. TLDR : Yes I have.
I was in a relationship while I was still in love with my ex. The ex in question and I met in kindergarten, and I knew right off the bat, even as a five year old, that I felt something different for her. We grew up close because it was a small school, my older brother was best friends with her older brother, etc. She was my first crush, my first love. I was a nervous, shy kid and then teenager, so I never did work out the courage to tell her how I felt. After high school, she moved across the country for college, we found each other on MySpace, and I said something about how "I had a huge crush on you in elementary school!" - she said she felt the same way about me then, and, after testing the waters, we figured out we both still felt that way about each other. I was elated. She came home for spring break, we spent every hour of it together. I kissed her for the first time and had never been happier. We worked through a long distance relationship for about a year and a half, then it got to be too much, and she broke up with me for some douchebag pothead she met down there. I struggled through the next 6 months or so, a new girl started at work, started flirting with me, I ended up going out with her for 5 months or so, and thought about the other one every minute of every day. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't make myself forget her, or feel the same about the new girl. Luckily, she realized that [she had made a huge mistake]( and we ended up getting back together. Now we're engaged. edit: Shit, sorry for the novel.
Yes I have.
In addition, when you throw needles away into the trash bin in California, AB 939 (I think that's the code) sends some of the trash to a recycling sorting facility in order to reclaim some of the materials. In those sorting facilities, there are belts that move the trash past a line of workers that hand sort as much recycling from trash as possible. Though they wear gloves, when needles are mixed in with the trash they can come flying out of the device that dispenses them quickly, impaling the workers hands. Beyond causing obvious pain, this can spread blood borne pathogens the inflicted. TL;DR: Throw a needle in the trash - it might end up in a waste facility employee's hand.
In addition, when you throw needles away into the trash bin in California, AB 939 (I think that's the code) sends some of the trash to a recycling sorting facility in order to reclaim some of the materials. In those sorting facilities, there are belts that move the trash past a line of workers that hand sort as much recycling from trash as possible. Though they wear gloves, when needles are mixed in with the trash they can come flying out of the device that dispenses them quickly, impaling the workers hands. Beyond causing obvious pain, this can spread blood borne pathogens the inflicted. TL;DR: Throw a needle in the trash - it might end up in a waste facility employee's hand.
In addition, when you throw needles away into the trash bin in California, AB 939 (I think that's the code) sends some of the trash to a recycling sorting facility in order to reclaim some of the materials. In those sorting facilities, there are belts that move the trash past a line of workers that hand sort as much recycling from trash as possible. Though they wear gloves, when needles are mixed in with the trash they can come flying out of the device that dispenses them quickly, impaling the workers hands. Beyond causing obvious pain, this can spread blood borne pathogens the inflicted.
Throw a needle in the trash - it might end up in a waste facility employee's hand.
I see [what you mean]( but I also think the ship may have sailed to hold on to the formal meaning of deconstruction - the new, less specific, meaning has reached saturation in the lexicon. In literary work, yes, you should strive to correct your colleagues. But people are going to continue to use it to refer to the idea of breaking something down into its smaller ideas and inspecting each of them, because it is a far more intuitive use of the word. The original meaning is too mired in another "stuffy" (read: professional) term, structuralism, for that meaning to make sense to anyone without a formal background in literary analysis. Source: I use this word all the time because I've never done literary analysis where specific terms for analytical methods were employed. Definitions help streamline things, and it beats the hell out of the acronym bloat you get in so many other specialties, but I language complicates itself by appropriating words sometimes and I think this is one of those times. TL;DR: the word is already out there in the ether, and even specialists appear to recognize that both meanings are valid. I'd let this one slide. Minor edits for comma overuse formatting and punctuation.
I see [what you mean]( but I also think the ship may have sailed to hold on to the formal meaning of deconstruction - the new, less specific, meaning has reached saturation in the lexicon. In literary work, yes, you should strive to correct your colleagues. But people are going to continue to use it to refer to the idea of breaking something down into its smaller ideas and inspecting each of them, because it is a far more intuitive use of the word. The original meaning is too mired in another "stuffy" (read: professional) term, structuralism, for that meaning to make sense to anyone without a formal background in literary analysis. Source: I use this word all the time because I've never done literary analysis where specific terms for analytical methods were employed. Definitions help streamline things, and it beats the hell out of the acronym bloat you get in so many other specialties, but I language complicates itself by appropriating words sometimes and I think this is one of those times. TL;DR: the word is already out there in the ether, and even specialists appear to recognize that both meanings are valid. I'd let this one slide. Minor edits for comma overuse formatting and punctuation.
I see [what you mean]( but I also think the ship may have sailed to hold on to the formal meaning of deconstruction - the new, less specific, meaning has reached saturation in the lexicon. In literary work, yes, you should strive to correct your colleagues. But people are going to continue to use it to refer to the idea of breaking something down into its smaller ideas and inspecting each of them, because it is a far more intuitive use of the word. The original meaning is too mired in another "stuffy" (read: professional) term, structuralism, for that meaning to make sense to anyone without a formal background in literary analysis. Source: I use this word all the time because I've never done literary analysis where specific terms for analytical methods were employed. Definitions help streamline things, and it beats the hell out of the acronym bloat you get in so many other specialties, but I language complicates itself by appropriating words sometimes and I think this is one of those times.
the word is already out there in the ether, and even specialists appear to recognize that both meanings are valid. I'd let this one slide. Minor edits for comma overuse formatting and punctuation.
Never delete a photo before you take it! Explained: if you do, you will end up having less photos to work with and this reducing your chances of good photos. More importantly, I'm constantly surprised by when I think something is uninteresting, then I take a pic of it and see it on screen and then suddenly see something interesting in it. Or, you shoot it anyway which them gives way to an idea for how to shoot it creatively. TL;DR taking more pics increases your odds for a good photo
Never delete a photo before you take it! Explained: if you do, you will end up having less photos to work with and this reducing your chances of good photos. More importantly, I'm constantly surprised by when I think something is uninteresting, then I take a pic of it and see it on screen and then suddenly see something interesting in it. Or, you shoot it anyway which them gives way to an idea for how to shoot it creatively. TL;DR taking more pics increases your odds for a good photo
Never delete a photo before you take it! Explained: if you do, you will end up having less photos to work with and this reducing your chances of good photos. More importantly, I'm constantly surprised by when I think something is uninteresting, then I take a pic of it and see it on screen and then suddenly see something interesting in it. Or, you shoot it anyway which them gives way to an idea for how to shoot it creatively.
taking more pics increases your odds for a good photo
It probably was, given it's on the Democrat's stated positions list, but for him it was probably just in the bit of the list headed: "Nice to haves". Now there's more political will to carry it and it's another front which he can fight the Republicans on so he has leverage for all of the other things he wants (Debt ceiling, etc). tl;dr: gun control is now a big pawn in a shitty chess game.
It probably was, given it's on the Democrat's stated positions list, but for him it was probably just in the bit of the list headed: "Nice to haves". Now there's more political will to carry it and it's another front which he can fight the Republicans on so he has leverage for all of the other things he wants (Debt ceiling, etc). tl;dr: gun control is now a big pawn in a shitty chess game.
It probably was, given it's on the Democrat's stated positions list, but for him it was probably just in the bit of the list headed: "Nice to haves". Now there's more political will to carry it and it's another front which he can fight the Republicans on so he has leverage for all of the other things he wants (Debt ceiling, etc).
gun control is now a big pawn in a shitty chess game.
I did a write up on my favorite beer places here in Vegas. It's on my work computer though (I know, tough job). I'll post it tomorrow if I can find it. Is there a time limit you're here for? A quick stalk of your username makes me think you are in Connecticut. I want to give you beer places but if you can't wait till tomorrow for the full write-up: **Big Dog's Draft House** **Ellis Island Casino and Brewery** (cheap beer, but GOOD cheap beer) **The Public House** (In the Venetian. Don't get me started on the one in the Luxor.) **Aces and Ales** **Todd English's P.U.B.** in Crystals Mall at the City Center (it touches the Aria)<---Note: Can you chug a beer in under 7 seconds? They'll let you have 1 pint free if you can. As I understand it, that applies to any beer you want, so have at it. Pro Tip: The beer can't leave the counter until the timer starts, but that doesn't mean your lips can't be hovering a millimeter over that sucker right before they let you start. **Freakin' Frog**. I saw someone say service sucked/overpriced/Yard House has "more" beers. For me: Service has always been above excellent, especially on slower nights in the middle of the week when you can talk beer with the bartenders/no more overpriced then anywhere else on or near the strip/Yard House has more DRAFT beers. Freakin' Frog is home to 1,000 beers and has a literal Beer Bible (binder) for you to choose from. Ask them to let you check out their fridge, it's beautiful. If you like Whiskey at all, it is also home to the largest selection of Whiskey in North America upstairs and the owner (a professor at UNLV) gives a class on a tasting technique that is amazing. I'm not kidding. I don't like whiskey and this guy's technique made me like it. His class is like $70, but is great for groups and you get at least 7 shots (more if you ask nicely) of high quality whiskey so it kind of evens out. Go to the class sober, leave drunk. I didn't mean to promote Freakin' Frog over any other place, I just thought it was weird people were so down on it. The *only* bad thing I can say about it is that it's a little divey. That's it. If you can handle divey go check it out. My personal favorite is the Public House in the Venetian. Call ahead and ask if Russell is around. He's the only certified Beer [Cicerone]( in Nevada and he is a great human being who truly loves beer. He's working on his Master Cicerone now and might already have it since the last time I talked to him was a couple of months ago. The food at The Public House is great too, but like the rest of The Strip it definitely gets pricey. Some of those places are pricey, some not, but you said you wanted a good selection and I think these places are a little more unique then The Yard House. Yard House is great (I don't argue with anywhere that has 150 beers on tap), but you can find it in places other then Vegas. By the way, this wasn't my write up, but I love beer and got a little carried away. I'll send you the rest if I can find it. **EDIT: TL;DR** The Public House (Venetian). Pricey but worth it.
I did a write up on my favorite beer places here in Vegas. It's on my work computer though (I know, tough job). I'll post it tomorrow if I can find it. Is there a time limit you're here for? A quick stalk of your username makes me think you are in Connecticut. I want to give you beer places but if you can't wait till tomorrow for the full write-up: Big Dog's Draft House Ellis Island Casino and Brewery (cheap beer, but GOOD cheap beer) The Public House (In the Venetian. Don't get me started on the one in the Luxor.) Aces and Ales Todd English's P.U.B. in Crystals Mall at the City Center (it touches the Aria)<---Note: Can you chug a beer in under 7 seconds? They'll let you have 1 pint free if you can. As I understand it, that applies to any beer you want, so have at it. Pro Tip: The beer can't leave the counter until the timer starts, but that doesn't mean your lips can't be hovering a millimeter over that sucker right before they let you start. Freakin' Frog . I saw someone say service sucked/overpriced/Yard House has "more" beers. For me: Service has always been above excellent, especially on slower nights in the middle of the week when you can talk beer with the bartenders/no more overpriced then anywhere else on or near the strip/Yard House has more DRAFT beers. Freakin' Frog is home to 1,000 beers and has a literal Beer Bible (binder) for you to choose from. Ask them to let you check out their fridge, it's beautiful. If you like Whiskey at all, it is also home to the largest selection of Whiskey in North America upstairs and the owner (a professor at UNLV) gives a class on a tasting technique that is amazing. I'm not kidding. I don't like whiskey and this guy's technique made me like it. His class is like $70, but is great for groups and you get at least 7 shots (more if you ask nicely) of high quality whiskey so it kind of evens out. Go to the class sober, leave drunk. I didn't mean to promote Freakin' Frog over any other place, I just thought it was weird people were so down on it. The only bad thing I can say about it is that it's a little divey. That's it. If you can handle divey go check it out. My personal favorite is the Public House in the Venetian. Call ahead and ask if Russell is around. He's the only certified Beer [Cicerone]( in Nevada and he is a great human being who truly loves beer. He's working on his Master Cicerone now and might already have it since the last time I talked to him was a couple of months ago. The food at The Public House is great too, but like the rest of The Strip it definitely gets pricey. Some of those places are pricey, some not, but you said you wanted a good selection and I think these places are a little more unique then The Yard House. Yard House is great (I don't argue with anywhere that has 150 beers on tap), but you can find it in places other then Vegas. By the way, this wasn't my write up, but I love beer and got a little carried away. I'll send you the rest if I can find it. EDIT: TL;DR The Public House (Venetian). Pricey but worth it.
I did a write up on my favorite beer places here in Vegas. It's on my work computer though (I know, tough job). I'll post it tomorrow if I can find it. Is there a time limit you're here for? A quick stalk of your username makes me think you are in Connecticut. I want to give you beer places but if you can't wait till tomorrow for the full write-up: Big Dog's Draft House Ellis Island Casino and Brewery (cheap beer, but GOOD cheap beer) The Public House (In the Venetian. Don't get me started on the one in the Luxor.) Aces and Ales Todd English's P.U.B. in Crystals Mall at the City Center (it touches the Aria)<---Note: Can you chug a beer in under 7 seconds? They'll let you have 1 pint free if you can. As I understand it, that applies to any beer you want, so have at it. Pro Tip: The beer can't leave the counter until the timer starts, but that doesn't mean your lips can't be hovering a millimeter over that sucker right before they let you start. Freakin' Frog . I saw someone say service sucked/overpriced/Yard House has "more" beers. For me: Service has always been above excellent, especially on slower nights in the middle of the week when you can talk beer with the bartenders/no more overpriced then anywhere else on or near the strip/Yard House has more DRAFT beers. Freakin' Frog is home to 1,000 beers and has a literal Beer Bible (binder) for you to choose from. Ask them to let you check out their fridge, it's beautiful. If you like Whiskey at all, it is also home to the largest selection of Whiskey in North America upstairs and the owner (a professor at UNLV) gives a class on a tasting technique that is amazing. I'm not kidding. I don't like whiskey and this guy's technique made me like it. His class is like $70, but is great for groups and you get at least 7 shots (more if you ask nicely) of high quality whiskey so it kind of evens out. Go to the class sober, leave drunk. I didn't mean to promote Freakin' Frog over any other place, I just thought it was weird people were so down on it. The only bad thing I can say about it is that it's a little divey. That's it. If you can handle divey go check it out. My personal favorite is the Public House in the Venetian. Call ahead and ask if Russell is around. He's the only certified Beer [Cicerone]( in Nevada and he is a great human being who truly loves beer. He's working on his Master Cicerone now and might already have it since the last time I talked to him was a couple of months ago. The food at The Public House is great too, but like the rest of The Strip it definitely gets pricey. Some of those places are pricey, some not, but you said you wanted a good selection and I think these places are a little more unique then The Yard House. Yard House is great (I don't argue with anywhere that has 150 beers on tap), but you can find it in places other then Vegas. By the way, this wasn't my write up, but I love beer and got a little carried away. I'll send you the rest if I can find it. EDIT:
The Public House (Venetian). Pricey but worth it.
It means "if you aren't in love with me as much as I am then you are my enemy and I can abuse you all I like," also known as splitting (with a side of extreme psychological projection). tl;dr she's a cunt
It means "if you aren't in love with me as much as I am then you are my enemy and I can abuse you all I like," also known as splitting (with a side of extreme psychological projection). tl;dr she's a cunt
It means "if you aren't in love with me as much as I am then you are my enemy and I can abuse you all I like," also known as splitting (with a side of extreme psychological projection).
she's a cunt
No. Just... no. Intermittent fasting may cause decreased overall blood sugar levels due to increased insulin sensitivity. However, there is no evidence that this will result in "brain degeneration," and in fact, a great deal of evidence that IF, caloric restriction, and ketosis all confer neuroprotective benefits. The mechanisms for these neuroprotective effects are unclear, but based on current science, appear to be mediated through similar means, as IF, restriction, and ketosis all result in huge increases in insulin sensitivity. Neuroprotection has been demonstrated not only in correlational studies, but also experimental studies, which is certainly worth giving some added weight. The studies which have shown correlations between breakfast-taking and glucose levels are massively confounded by conventional wisdom. That is, "healthy" people - those who eat right and exercise in general - might know that breakfast is good for you (because they have been told that all their lives), while unhealthy people might skip breakfast out of convenience. In any case, it's only correlation. TL;DR: There is no meaningful evidence that an early breakfast is good for you. There is strong evidence that IF is good for your body and brain.
No. Just... no. Intermittent fasting may cause decreased overall blood sugar levels due to increased insulin sensitivity. However, there is no evidence that this will result in "brain degeneration," and in fact, a great deal of evidence that IF, caloric restriction, and ketosis all confer neuroprotective benefits. The mechanisms for these neuroprotective effects are unclear, but based on current science, appear to be mediated through similar means, as IF, restriction, and ketosis all result in huge increases in insulin sensitivity. Neuroprotection has been demonstrated not only in correlational studies, but also experimental studies, which is certainly worth giving some added weight. The studies which have shown correlations between breakfast-taking and glucose levels are massively confounded by conventional wisdom. That is, "healthy" people - those who eat right and exercise in general - might know that breakfast is good for you (because they have been told that all their lives), while unhealthy people might skip breakfast out of convenience. In any case, it's only correlation. TL;DR: There is no meaningful evidence that an early breakfast is good for you. There is strong evidence that IF is good for your body and brain.
No. Just... no. Intermittent fasting may cause decreased overall blood sugar levels due to increased insulin sensitivity. However, there is no evidence that this will result in "brain degeneration," and in fact, a great deal of evidence that IF, caloric restriction, and ketosis all confer neuroprotective benefits. The mechanisms for these neuroprotective effects are unclear, but based on current science, appear to be mediated through similar means, as IF, restriction, and ketosis all result in huge increases in insulin sensitivity. Neuroprotection has been demonstrated not only in correlational studies, but also experimental studies, which is certainly worth giving some added weight. The studies which have shown correlations between breakfast-taking and glucose levels are massively confounded by conventional wisdom. That is, "healthy" people - those who eat right and exercise in general - might know that breakfast is good for you (because they have been told that all their lives), while unhealthy people might skip breakfast out of convenience. In any case, it's only correlation.
There is no meaningful evidence that an early breakfast is good for you. There is strong evidence that IF is good for your body and brain.
I am a pluralist and consider many religions or philosophies or world views to be potential paths to salvation. However, I consider the essential teachings of the Bible, the TL:DR version, to be "love God, love your neighbor." Everything else discusses or shows how hard it can be to follow those two simple rules.
I am a pluralist and consider many religions or philosophies or world views to be potential paths to salvation. However, I consider the essential teachings of the Bible, the TL:DR version, to be "love God, love your neighbor." Everything else discusses or shows how hard it can be to follow those two simple rules.
I am a pluralist and consider many religions or philosophies or world views to be potential paths to salvation. However, I consider the essential teachings of the Bible, the
version, to be "love God, love your neighbor." Everything else discusses or shows how hard it can be to follow those two simple rules.
I only listed real life ones as kind of a stepping stone (it also didn't register in my head that he said DM). In a fantasy setting, you'd have more even more possibilities, but the idea of a Circus gets trickery to. The idea of entertaining a crowd with amazing displays of ability becomes less amazing if such things have the potential to be common place. Example: in real life, a lion tamer is amazing, because of the aspect of danger. If its a fantasy setting (DnD as prime example) and its a druid with a lion animal companion, the threat of danger diminishes and the act goes from fantastic to mundane. If a magician made an acrobats net invisible to give the illusion of danger, and the crowd found out, they might feel cheated. Even with no net, the acrobats illusion of danger is diminished thanks to the existence of healing spells or even a costly resurrection, should they fall. To set audience at ease, I'd actually have center ring be an anti-magic field, to start. TL;DR A fantasy world circus needs to be cranked to 15, because even 11 isn't that noteworthy.
I only listed real life ones as kind of a stepping stone (it also didn't register in my head that he said DM). In a fantasy setting, you'd have more even more possibilities, but the idea of a Circus gets trickery to. The idea of entertaining a crowd with amazing displays of ability becomes less amazing if such things have the potential to be common place. Example: in real life, a lion tamer is amazing, because of the aspect of danger. If its a fantasy setting (DnD as prime example) and its a druid with a lion animal companion, the threat of danger diminishes and the act goes from fantastic to mundane. If a magician made an acrobats net invisible to give the illusion of danger, and the crowd found out, they might feel cheated. Even with no net, the acrobats illusion of danger is diminished thanks to the existence of healing spells or even a costly resurrection, should they fall. To set audience at ease, I'd actually have center ring be an anti-magic field, to start. TL;DR A fantasy world circus needs to be cranked to 15, because even 11 isn't that noteworthy.
I only listed real life ones as kind of a stepping stone (it also didn't register in my head that he said DM). In a fantasy setting, you'd have more even more possibilities, but the idea of a Circus gets trickery to. The idea of entertaining a crowd with amazing displays of ability becomes less amazing if such things have the potential to be common place. Example: in real life, a lion tamer is amazing, because of the aspect of danger. If its a fantasy setting (DnD as prime example) and its a druid with a lion animal companion, the threat of danger diminishes and the act goes from fantastic to mundane. If a magician made an acrobats net invisible to give the illusion of danger, and the crowd found out, they might feel cheated. Even with no net, the acrobats illusion of danger is diminished thanks to the existence of healing spells or even a costly resurrection, should they fall. To set audience at ease, I'd actually have center ring be an anti-magic field, to start.
A fantasy world circus needs to be cranked to 15, because even 11 isn't that noteworthy.
I'm thinking "MyFirstApp." ...suggestions for names would be greatly appreciated, I'll admit. You can find the deets in my post history, but the tl;dr is: MyFirstApp turns your android into a motion-based HID. :E
I'm thinking "MyFirstApp." ...suggestions for names would be greatly appreciated, I'll admit. You can find the deets in my post history, but the tl;dr is: MyFirstApp turns your android into a motion-based HID. :E
I'm thinking "MyFirstApp." ...suggestions for names would be greatly appreciated, I'll admit. You can find the deets in my post history, but the
is: MyFirstApp turns your android into a motion-based HID. :E
Sorry, totally missed your actual question. I have a pattern I made for generic bodies, and adapted it for Boba. The details were all done freehand, and involved so much trial and error, and I can't remember exactly what I did in the end. After doing these. my fabulous Sister bought me the best crochet book in the world - Creey Cute Crochet, by Christen Haden, and I became distracted by making Zombies instead. Her patterns are infinitely better than mine. tl/dr: I've just discussed crochet at length on a Star Wars forum. My husband is facepalming as we speak.
Sorry, totally missed your actual question. I have a pattern I made for generic bodies, and adapted it for Boba. The details were all done freehand, and involved so much trial and error, and I can't remember exactly what I did in the end. After doing these. my fabulous Sister bought me the best crochet book in the world - Creey Cute Crochet, by Christen Haden, and I became distracted by making Zombies instead. Her patterns are infinitely better than mine. tl/dr: I've just discussed crochet at length on a Star Wars forum. My husband is facepalming as we speak.
Sorry, totally missed your actual question. I have a pattern I made for generic bodies, and adapted it for Boba. The details were all done freehand, and involved so much trial and error, and I can't remember exactly what I did in the end. After doing these. my fabulous Sister bought me the best crochet book in the world - Creey Cute Crochet, by Christen Haden, and I became distracted by making Zombies instead. Her patterns are infinitely better than mine.
I've just discussed crochet at length on a Star Wars forum. My husband is facepalming as we speak.
* Muggle history isn't wrong, it just doesn't include Wizarding history, and changes a few things (like witches escaping execution). * Science doesn't cease to exist. Magic is a nice substitute, of course, but just because you can boil water with your wand that doesn't render a teapot useless. If anything, magic speeds up science and creates shortcuts. Potions is like Chemistry on steroids, there's many new reactions to learn! * Math still matters when dealing with finances, measurements, etc. Math isn't that useful when you're an adult in the Muggle world either, depending on your occupation. * The professors correcting your essays would still take off points for bad grammar, even if Hogwarts doesn't have a class on writing. * You can still be a fireman. No one will stop you if you'd rather take on a Muggle occupation–hell, magic would probably make you a better fireman, because you could use the Aguamenti spell where the hose won't reach. Here's a very, very long, completely made-up example of how a Muggle-born can have the best of both worlds. &gt;Let's take Dean Thomas. While not *technically* Muggle-born (his birth father was secretly a wizard who left his wife and son for their safety during the first war), he might as well be. His mother, stepfather, and half-siblings are all Muggles. He grew up in the Muggle world, and had Muggle friends growing up. &gt;At age 11, Dean finds out he's a wizard and starts attending Hogwarts. It takes some adjustment to learn to use a quill and relate to people like Ron who've never heard of football, but he's not the only person who grew up around Muggles. He uses a pen for his homework until he gets the hang of using a quill. As far as I know, there's no rule against it. Quills are just encouraged because they're the standard for wizards. Sure, it's a bit annoying being without modern conveniences like a telephone and electricity due to the magical interference at Hogwarts, but being able to use magic is a nice trade. &gt;Every summer, Dean returns home. He plays video games and football with his Muggle friends, makes a baking soda volcano with his siblings, and he draws. He writes letters to his best friend Seamus with a pen on lined paper, and sends it via Muggle mail. Seamus writes back via owl, and Dean sends another letter home with the Finnegans' owl. He isn't allowed to use magic outside of school yet, but he still has fun. Then he goes back to school, and the cycle continues until he graduates. &gt;Dean considers becoming an Auror, but ultimately decides that his passion lies in art. He becomes a painter, with Muggle *and* Wizarding clients. The only difference is magical portraits get the special enchantment to make them come alive, and Muggle portraits are motionless. &gt;He marries Luna (BECAUSE I WANTED HIM TO, DAMMIT. I DON'T CARE IF IT ISN'T CANON) and they get a little house in Ottery St. Catchpole to be near Luna's father. It's an average Muggle house with electricity and a telephone line, because Dean needs to be able to contact his Muggle clients, and he has his Muggle friends over for tea every Sunday. He and Luna keep their "magic" things upstairs, away from their guests, but when they're alone they use magic to make household chores easier. They have the best of both worlds. &gt;When they have children, they send them to the local Muggle primary school with a warning not to talk about magic with the other children. If necessary, Dean can cast a tongue-tying spell on his kids making it impossible for them to talk about magic around Muggles. &gt;Dean writes letters to Seamus on lined paper, and Luna writes to Ginny on parchment. **tl;dr You don't need to give up Muggle things if you're a Wizard.**
Muggle history isn't wrong, it just doesn't include Wizarding history, and changes a few things (like witches escaping execution). Science doesn't cease to exist. Magic is a nice substitute, of course, but just because you can boil water with your wand that doesn't render a teapot useless. If anything, magic speeds up science and creates shortcuts. Potions is like Chemistry on steroids, there's many new reactions to learn! Math still matters when dealing with finances, measurements, etc. Math isn't that useful when you're an adult in the Muggle world either, depending on your occupation. The professors correcting your essays would still take off points for bad grammar, even if Hogwarts doesn't have a class on writing. You can still be a fireman. No one will stop you if you'd rather take on a Muggle occupation–hell, magic would probably make you a better fireman, because you could use the Aguamenti spell where the hose won't reach. Here's a very, very long, completely made-up example of how a Muggle-born can have the best of both worlds. >Let's take Dean Thomas. While not technically Muggle-born (his birth father was secretly a wizard who left his wife and son for their safety during the first war), he might as well be. His mother, stepfather, and half-siblings are all Muggles. He grew up in the Muggle world, and had Muggle friends growing up. >At age 11, Dean finds out he's a wizard and starts attending Hogwarts. It takes some adjustment to learn to use a quill and relate to people like Ron who've never heard of football, but he's not the only person who grew up around Muggles. He uses a pen for his homework until he gets the hang of using a quill. As far as I know, there's no rule against it. Quills are just encouraged because they're the standard for wizards. Sure, it's a bit annoying being without modern conveniences like a telephone and electricity due to the magical interference at Hogwarts, but being able to use magic is a nice trade. >Every summer, Dean returns home. He plays video games and football with his Muggle friends, makes a baking soda volcano with his siblings, and he draws. He writes letters to his best friend Seamus with a pen on lined paper, and sends it via Muggle mail. Seamus writes back via owl, and Dean sends another letter home with the Finnegans' owl. He isn't allowed to use magic outside of school yet, but he still has fun. Then he goes back to school, and the cycle continues until he graduates. >Dean considers becoming an Auror, but ultimately decides that his passion lies in art. He becomes a painter, with Muggle and Wizarding clients. The only difference is magical portraits get the special enchantment to make them come alive, and Muggle portraits are motionless. >He marries Luna (BECAUSE I WANTED HIM TO, DAMMIT. I DON'T CARE IF IT ISN'T CANON) and they get a little house in Ottery St. Catchpole to be near Luna's father. It's an average Muggle house with electricity and a telephone line, because Dean needs to be able to contact his Muggle clients, and he has his Muggle friends over for tea every Sunday. He and Luna keep their "magic" things upstairs, away from their guests, but when they're alone they use magic to make household chores easier. They have the best of both worlds. >When they have children, they send them to the local Muggle primary school with a warning not to talk about magic with the other children. If necessary, Dean can cast a tongue-tying spell on his kids making it impossible for them to talk about magic around Muggles. >Dean writes letters to Seamus on lined paper, and Luna writes to Ginny on parchment. tl;dr You don't need to give up Muggle things if you're a Wizard.
Muggle history isn't wrong, it just doesn't include Wizarding history, and changes a few things (like witches escaping execution). Science doesn't cease to exist. Magic is a nice substitute, of course, but just because you can boil water with your wand that doesn't render a teapot useless. If anything, magic speeds up science and creates shortcuts. Potions is like Chemistry on steroids, there's many new reactions to learn! Math still matters when dealing with finances, measurements, etc. Math isn't that useful when you're an adult in the Muggle world either, depending on your occupation. The professors correcting your essays would still take off points for bad grammar, even if Hogwarts doesn't have a class on writing. You can still be a fireman. No one will stop you if you'd rather take on a Muggle occupation–hell, magic would probably make you a better fireman, because you could use the Aguamenti spell where the hose won't reach. Here's a very, very long, completely made-up example of how a Muggle-born can have the best of both worlds. >Let's take Dean Thomas. While not technically Muggle-born (his birth father was secretly a wizard who left his wife and son for their safety during the first war), he might as well be. His mother, stepfather, and half-siblings are all Muggles. He grew up in the Muggle world, and had Muggle friends growing up. >At age 11, Dean finds out he's a wizard and starts attending Hogwarts. It takes some adjustment to learn to use a quill and relate to people like Ron who've never heard of football, but he's not the only person who grew up around Muggles. He uses a pen for his homework until he gets the hang of using a quill. As far as I know, there's no rule against it. Quills are just encouraged because they're the standard for wizards. Sure, it's a bit annoying being without modern conveniences like a telephone and electricity due to the magical interference at Hogwarts, but being able to use magic is a nice trade. >Every summer, Dean returns home. He plays video games and football with his Muggle friends, makes a baking soda volcano with his siblings, and he draws. He writes letters to his best friend Seamus with a pen on lined paper, and sends it via Muggle mail. Seamus writes back via owl, and Dean sends another letter home with the Finnegans' owl. He isn't allowed to use magic outside of school yet, but he still has fun. Then he goes back to school, and the cycle continues until he graduates. >Dean considers becoming an Auror, but ultimately decides that his passion lies in art. He becomes a painter, with Muggle and Wizarding clients. The only difference is magical portraits get the special enchantment to make them come alive, and Muggle portraits are motionless. >He marries Luna (BECAUSE I WANTED HIM TO, DAMMIT. I DON'T CARE IF IT ISN'T CANON) and they get a little house in Ottery St. Catchpole to be near Luna's father. It's an average Muggle house with electricity and a telephone line, because Dean needs to be able to contact his Muggle clients, and he has his Muggle friends over for tea every Sunday. He and Luna keep their "magic" things upstairs, away from their guests, but when they're alone they use magic to make household chores easier. They have the best of both worlds. >When they have children, they send them to the local Muggle primary school with a warning not to talk about magic with the other children. If necessary, Dean can cast a tongue-tying spell on his kids making it impossible for them to talk about magic around Muggles. >Dean writes letters to Seamus on lined paper, and Luna writes to Ginny on parchment.
You don't need to give up Muggle things if you're a Wizard.
I do hate to be a naysayer here, but seeing as what you're looking to use it for it's going to be quite difficult to find someone completely willing to do that for free. It's custom artwork. Used for a tattoo. Doesn't matter if it's just a few lines in a general box shape or not. Tattoos are personal. Tattoo art is very customized to you, and odds are it's going to require revision to make it exactly what you want. And then it's going to go to the tattoo artist who is going to say the same thing and revise a little more so it works on your skin. I would advise talking to a tattoo artist. They may not be Whovian, but if you show them a picture of the TARDIS and a general idea, they can probably get you what you want. They're artists after all, it's in the name. It's what they do. And as you know, tattoos (good ones) aren't cheap. They're well worth it in quality, despite me having none, you can tell when something's been done meticulously. A tattoo artist uses skin and ink as their mediums of choice, whereas most artists you will find on reddit will be exclusively sticking with paper or a computer screen-an entirely different beast. Had you left out the tattoo bit, I'm sure you would have had some more people pouncing on it to draw it. I certainly would have. But any time I've drawn flash art, it's not cheap for me (I'm not a digital artist), and even then it's probably got to be retooled by the tattoo artist because of sizing issues with what part of your body you want it on, and your own skin and what they feel will look best as it ages and heals. Especially with you wanting something minimalistic, not that line art tattoos aren't popular by any means, but nuances that happen with hand drawn, or even digital art, aren't going to be entirely possible with a tattoo and you'll still need to talk with them anyway to get it just right for you. I didn't mean to turn this into a long post-just kind of happened. I'm sorry! **TL;DR**: Talk with your tattoo artist you're going to. It's what they do.
I do hate to be a naysayer here, but seeing as what you're looking to use it for it's going to be quite difficult to find someone completely willing to do that for free. It's custom artwork. Used for a tattoo. Doesn't matter if it's just a few lines in a general box shape or not. Tattoos are personal. Tattoo art is very customized to you, and odds are it's going to require revision to make it exactly what you want. And then it's going to go to the tattoo artist who is going to say the same thing and revise a little more so it works on your skin. I would advise talking to a tattoo artist. They may not be Whovian, but if you show them a picture of the TARDIS and a general idea, they can probably get you what you want. They're artists after all, it's in the name. It's what they do. And as you know, tattoos (good ones) aren't cheap. They're well worth it in quality, despite me having none, you can tell when something's been done meticulously. A tattoo artist uses skin and ink as their mediums of choice, whereas most artists you will find on reddit will be exclusively sticking with paper or a computer screen-an entirely different beast. Had you left out the tattoo bit, I'm sure you would have had some more people pouncing on it to draw it. I certainly would have. But any time I've drawn flash art, it's not cheap for me (I'm not a digital artist), and even then it's probably got to be retooled by the tattoo artist because of sizing issues with what part of your body you want it on, and your own skin and what they feel will look best as it ages and heals. Especially with you wanting something minimalistic, not that line art tattoos aren't popular by any means, but nuances that happen with hand drawn, or even digital art, aren't going to be entirely possible with a tattoo and you'll still need to talk with them anyway to get it just right for you. I didn't mean to turn this into a long post-just kind of happened. I'm sorry! TL;DR : Talk with your tattoo artist you're going to. It's what they do.
I do hate to be a naysayer here, but seeing as what you're looking to use it for it's going to be quite difficult to find someone completely willing to do that for free. It's custom artwork. Used for a tattoo. Doesn't matter if it's just a few lines in a general box shape or not. Tattoos are personal. Tattoo art is very customized to you, and odds are it's going to require revision to make it exactly what you want. And then it's going to go to the tattoo artist who is going to say the same thing and revise a little more so it works on your skin. I would advise talking to a tattoo artist. They may not be Whovian, but if you show them a picture of the TARDIS and a general idea, they can probably get you what you want. They're artists after all, it's in the name. It's what they do. And as you know, tattoos (good ones) aren't cheap. They're well worth it in quality, despite me having none, you can tell when something's been done meticulously. A tattoo artist uses skin and ink as their mediums of choice, whereas most artists you will find on reddit will be exclusively sticking with paper or a computer screen-an entirely different beast. Had you left out the tattoo bit, I'm sure you would have had some more people pouncing on it to draw it. I certainly would have. But any time I've drawn flash art, it's not cheap for me (I'm not a digital artist), and even then it's probably got to be retooled by the tattoo artist because of sizing issues with what part of your body you want it on, and your own skin and what they feel will look best as it ages and heals. Especially with you wanting something minimalistic, not that line art tattoos aren't popular by any means, but nuances that happen with hand drawn, or even digital art, aren't going to be entirely possible with a tattoo and you'll still need to talk with them anyway to get it just right for you. I didn't mean to turn this into a long post-just kind of happened. I'm sorry!
Talk with your tattoo artist you're going to. It's what they do.
Think of it as being like 2 cars on a circular race track. The car on the inside (closest to the planet) will move faster than the one on the outside.* So, set your orbit to be about 2km less than your target and time your launch so that you are 100km or less behind. Once in circular, stable orbit, with careful use of the time speedup you will see the distance decrease. As you get close use low rocket thrust or RCS to adjust your orbit to get on an intercept path. This will mean raising your meters per second to match the object your chasing. At about 10km adjust your orbit so that you *lower* your relative (to the thing your chasing) velocity, otherwise you'll come in too hot and whoosh past. Or hit it, like I do... I strongly recommend MechJeb and it Rendezvous module for learning what all the relevant numbers mean. You can see in real time what all of your control inputs do to your attempt at docking. When you get the hang of what's happening you might find that you don't need Mechjeb as much. *Fun thing about orbital maneuvering is that to catch an orbiting object from behind you slow down (moving to a lower diameter orbit) and to let something catch up from behind you speed up (going to a higher diameter orbit). TL:DR - Orbital dynamics makes my head all noodly.
Think of it as being like 2 cars on a circular race track. The car on the inside (closest to the planet) will move faster than the one on the outside.* So, set your orbit to be about 2km less than your target and time your launch so that you are 100km or less behind. Once in circular, stable orbit, with careful use of the time speedup you will see the distance decrease. As you get close use low rocket thrust or RCS to adjust your orbit to get on an intercept path. This will mean raising your meters per second to match the object your chasing. At about 10km adjust your orbit so that you lower your relative (to the thing your chasing) velocity, otherwise you'll come in too hot and whoosh past. Or hit it, like I do... I strongly recommend MechJeb and it Rendezvous module for learning what all the relevant numbers mean. You can see in real time what all of your control inputs do to your attempt at docking. When you get the hang of what's happening you might find that you don't need Mechjeb as much. *Fun thing about orbital maneuvering is that to catch an orbiting object from behind you slow down (moving to a lower diameter orbit) and to let something catch up from behind you speed up (going to a higher diameter orbit). TL:DR - Orbital dynamics makes my head all noodly.
Think of it as being like 2 cars on a circular race track. The car on the inside (closest to the planet) will move faster than the one on the outside.* So, set your orbit to be about 2km less than your target and time your launch so that you are 100km or less behind. Once in circular, stable orbit, with careful use of the time speedup you will see the distance decrease. As you get close use low rocket thrust or RCS to adjust your orbit to get on an intercept path. This will mean raising your meters per second to match the object your chasing. At about 10km adjust your orbit so that you lower your relative (to the thing your chasing) velocity, otherwise you'll come in too hot and whoosh past. Or hit it, like I do... I strongly recommend MechJeb and it Rendezvous module for learning what all the relevant numbers mean. You can see in real time what all of your control inputs do to your attempt at docking. When you get the hang of what's happening you might find that you don't need Mechjeb as much. *Fun thing about orbital maneuvering is that to catch an orbiting object from behind you slow down (moving to a lower diameter orbit) and to let something catch up from behind you speed up (going to a higher diameter orbit).
Orbital dynamics makes my head all noodly.
They're both right. Female redditors are, on average, pretty young. They buy cheap-QUALITY clothing at stupid prices because they have significant disposable incomes and little discernment. They're more excited about the styles and corporate images being offered by these chains than they are by their quality and pricing. TL;DR That's because the people recommending sites don't have a clue. Edit: yep, I'm standing by this. I'll change my mind as soon as I see one of these threads and no one has posted &amp; upvoted Forever 21.
They're both right. Female redditors are, on average, pretty young. They buy cheap-QUALITY clothing at stupid prices because they have significant disposable incomes and little discernment. They're more excited about the styles and corporate images being offered by these chains than they are by their quality and pricing. TL;DR That's because the people recommending sites don't have a clue. Edit: yep, I'm standing by this. I'll change my mind as soon as I see one of these threads and no one has posted & upvoted Forever 21.
They're both right. Female redditors are, on average, pretty young. They buy cheap-QUALITY clothing at stupid prices because they have significant disposable incomes and little discernment. They're more excited about the styles and corporate images being offered by these chains than they are by their quality and pricing.
That's because the people recommending sites don't have a clue. Edit: yep, I'm standing by this. I'll change my mind as soon as I see one of these threads and no one has posted & upvoted Forever 21.
My boyfriend as a cache of standard responses that aren't supposed to make any contextual sense, and they're sort of an inside joke with us. Things like "No, you" or "Me too" or "Your face". It maintains the flow of conversation like "uh-huh" for normal people and neither of us pay particular attention to it most of the time. One day I commented on how the road we were walking on was really flat (compared to another segment of road), to which he replied with an automatic "No, you". The look on his face when he realized what he'd said was priceless. TL;DR: SO accidentally calls me flat, apologizes profusely.
My boyfriend as a cache of standard responses that aren't supposed to make any contextual sense, and they're sort of an inside joke with us. Things like "No, you" or "Me too" or "Your face". It maintains the flow of conversation like "uh-huh" for normal people and neither of us pay particular attention to it most of the time. One day I commented on how the road we were walking on was really flat (compared to another segment of road), to which he replied with an automatic "No, you". The look on his face when he realized what he'd said was priceless. TL;DR: SO accidentally calls me flat, apologizes profusely.
My boyfriend as a cache of standard responses that aren't supposed to make any contextual sense, and they're sort of an inside joke with us. Things like "No, you" or "Me too" or "Your face". It maintains the flow of conversation like "uh-huh" for normal people and neither of us pay particular attention to it most of the time. One day I commented on how the road we were walking on was really flat (compared to another segment of road), to which he replied with an automatic "No, you". The look on his face when he realized what he'd said was priceless.
SO accidentally calls me flat, apologizes profusely.
I don't know about that. There are tons of high functioning autistic people in my area (I live in an academic/artist/musician neighbourhood, lots of high functioning physicists, biochemists, musicians, artists, hackers, genuises around these parts, so common here that it's considered abnormal to be neurotypical). If I have children I'm definitely going to make sure they're surrounded by artists and academia, it seems to be the most openminded community setting and because being kind of weird is socially acceptable here it enables us to function effectively. I have issues with my circadian rhythm. Hormones. I'm way too sensitive. When I worked in the corporate world it was torture for me, the fluorescent lights, the smell of office chemicals, the almost robot-like (my apologies) stupidity of my coworkers, being looked down on even though I was one of the best workers in the office but I'm a bit weird. I hated it. I've lived in my current hood for almost 15 yrs now. I work for artists, film makers, in biotech, and hang out with likeminded people. They don't mind if I come in late, or stay up all night, if I say weird things, if I have opinions they don't quite understand, I don't have to wear restrictive suits or pantyhose anymore, I don't have to act or look normal, all I have to do is be myself, and be kind to people. Like.. there's a guy, brilliant mathematician, total weirdo, high functioning autistic, who walks around in the dead of winter (-20C! damn cold) in socks and sandals, big winter coat, and a beard down to his belly. He is completely accepted by everyone in the community. I think he's hilarious. Doesn't like to talk to people but is a nice guy if you actually know him. He has a cute nickname I won't post here (sorry, just in case). Anyway. If you are lucky enough to find your way in life, find a group of people who love and accept you for who you are, who enable you to live a full, happy life, who don't require you to "adapt" to a "normal" lifestyle, then you can thrive. When I was a kid no one thought I'd make it. I was discouraged from going to college or university. I was told I wasn't *capable* of living a full, happy, productive life. I was constantly held back and put down. I wasn't even allowed to go to high school until they were sure I'd "fit in" (jerks!). I was a foster child so I had to deal with all that too. I didn't listen to them. I moved out when I was 17. I got a job. I learned that as long as I was perfectly behaved at work I would be promoted and well compensated. I had temper tantrums the minute I walked in the door at home, but at work quiet as a mouse, I avoided conflict (to my own detriment). In my early 20's I decided to try college. It was boring. The material was elementary. I switched from general studies to a history major to an urban planning major to a software development major (where I'm at now, really only in SD so I can pass the prereqs to qualify for a biophysics major). I'm at one of the most respected universities in the world. I have a lot of friends. I have a great resume with great references. I'm a total weirdo but somehow it works because I'm kind. And smart. And funny. Not to sound arrogant but to show... that self-love, self-respect is very important. And that it's possible to excel, to thrive, to be accepted, if you find the right community. The only thing I needed to "adapt" about myself were the temper tantrums. That freaked people out, freaked friends and family out. It took 10 yrs to reprogram myself. Meditation is what did it for me. Breathing exercises. No medication (my body doesn't like meds). A bit of therapy that didn't help and only exacerbated the issue. It's possible. If you're med or high functioning there is a lot of hope. For low functioning autistic people it's more complicated. But there's still a lot of hope. There's always hope. TLDR: med and high functioning autistic people do best - and thrive - in artistic and academic communities.
I don't know about that. There are tons of high functioning autistic people in my area (I live in an academic/artist/musician neighbourhood, lots of high functioning physicists, biochemists, musicians, artists, hackers, genuises around these parts, so common here that it's considered abnormal to be neurotypical). If I have children I'm definitely going to make sure they're surrounded by artists and academia, it seems to be the most openminded community setting and because being kind of weird is socially acceptable here it enables us to function effectively. I have issues with my circadian rhythm. Hormones. I'm way too sensitive. When I worked in the corporate world it was torture for me, the fluorescent lights, the smell of office chemicals, the almost robot-like (my apologies) stupidity of my coworkers, being looked down on even though I was one of the best workers in the office but I'm a bit weird. I hated it. I've lived in my current hood for almost 15 yrs now. I work for artists, film makers, in biotech, and hang out with likeminded people. They don't mind if I come in late, or stay up all night, if I say weird things, if I have opinions they don't quite understand, I don't have to wear restrictive suits or pantyhose anymore, I don't have to act or look normal, all I have to do is be myself, and be kind to people. Like.. there's a guy, brilliant mathematician, total weirdo, high functioning autistic, who walks around in the dead of winter (-20C! damn cold) in socks and sandals, big winter coat, and a beard down to his belly. He is completely accepted by everyone in the community. I think he's hilarious. Doesn't like to talk to people but is a nice guy if you actually know him. He has a cute nickname I won't post here (sorry, just in case). Anyway. If you are lucky enough to find your way in life, find a group of people who love and accept you for who you are, who enable you to live a full, happy life, who don't require you to "adapt" to a "normal" lifestyle, then you can thrive. When I was a kid no one thought I'd make it. I was discouraged from going to college or university. I was told I wasn't capable of living a full, happy, productive life. I was constantly held back and put down. I wasn't even allowed to go to high school until they were sure I'd "fit in" (jerks!). I was a foster child so I had to deal with all that too. I didn't listen to them. I moved out when I was 17. I got a job. I learned that as long as I was perfectly behaved at work I would be promoted and well compensated. I had temper tantrums the minute I walked in the door at home, but at work quiet as a mouse, I avoided conflict (to my own detriment). In my early 20's I decided to try college. It was boring. The material was elementary. I switched from general studies to a history major to an urban planning major to a software development major (where I'm at now, really only in SD so I can pass the prereqs to qualify for a biophysics major). I'm at one of the most respected universities in the world. I have a lot of friends. I have a great resume with great references. I'm a total weirdo but somehow it works because I'm kind. And smart. And funny. Not to sound arrogant but to show... that self-love, self-respect is very important. And that it's possible to excel, to thrive, to be accepted, if you find the right community. The only thing I needed to "adapt" about myself were the temper tantrums. That freaked people out, freaked friends and family out. It took 10 yrs to reprogram myself. Meditation is what did it for me. Breathing exercises. No medication (my body doesn't like meds). A bit of therapy that didn't help and only exacerbated the issue. It's possible. If you're med or high functioning there is a lot of hope. For low functioning autistic people it's more complicated. But there's still a lot of hope. There's always hope. TLDR: med and high functioning autistic people do best - and thrive - in artistic and academic communities.
I don't know about that. There are tons of high functioning autistic people in my area (I live in an academic/artist/musician neighbourhood, lots of high functioning physicists, biochemists, musicians, artists, hackers, genuises around these parts, so common here that it's considered abnormal to be neurotypical). If I have children I'm definitely going to make sure they're surrounded by artists and academia, it seems to be the most openminded community setting and because being kind of weird is socially acceptable here it enables us to function effectively. I have issues with my circadian rhythm. Hormones. I'm way too sensitive. When I worked in the corporate world it was torture for me, the fluorescent lights, the smell of office chemicals, the almost robot-like (my apologies) stupidity of my coworkers, being looked down on even though I was one of the best workers in the office but I'm a bit weird. I hated it. I've lived in my current hood for almost 15 yrs now. I work for artists, film makers, in biotech, and hang out with likeminded people. They don't mind if I come in late, or stay up all night, if I say weird things, if I have opinions they don't quite understand, I don't have to wear restrictive suits or pantyhose anymore, I don't have to act or look normal, all I have to do is be myself, and be kind to people. Like.. there's a guy, brilliant mathematician, total weirdo, high functioning autistic, who walks around in the dead of winter (-20C! damn cold) in socks and sandals, big winter coat, and a beard down to his belly. He is completely accepted by everyone in the community. I think he's hilarious. Doesn't like to talk to people but is a nice guy if you actually know him. He has a cute nickname I won't post here (sorry, just in case). Anyway. If you are lucky enough to find your way in life, find a group of people who love and accept you for who you are, who enable you to live a full, happy life, who don't require you to "adapt" to a "normal" lifestyle, then you can thrive. When I was a kid no one thought I'd make it. I was discouraged from going to college or university. I was told I wasn't capable of living a full, happy, productive life. I was constantly held back and put down. I wasn't even allowed to go to high school until they were sure I'd "fit in" (jerks!). I was a foster child so I had to deal with all that too. I didn't listen to them. I moved out when I was 17. I got a job. I learned that as long as I was perfectly behaved at work I would be promoted and well compensated. I had temper tantrums the minute I walked in the door at home, but at work quiet as a mouse, I avoided conflict (to my own detriment). In my early 20's I decided to try college. It was boring. The material was elementary. I switched from general studies to a history major to an urban planning major to a software development major (where I'm at now, really only in SD so I can pass the prereqs to qualify for a biophysics major). I'm at one of the most respected universities in the world. I have a lot of friends. I have a great resume with great references. I'm a total weirdo but somehow it works because I'm kind. And smart. And funny. Not to sound arrogant but to show... that self-love, self-respect is very important. And that it's possible to excel, to thrive, to be accepted, if you find the right community. The only thing I needed to "adapt" about myself were the temper tantrums. That freaked people out, freaked friends and family out. It took 10 yrs to reprogram myself. Meditation is what did it for me. Breathing exercises. No medication (my body doesn't like meds). A bit of therapy that didn't help and only exacerbated the issue. It's possible. If you're med or high functioning there is a lot of hope. For low functioning autistic people it's more complicated. But there's still a lot of hope. There's always hope.
med and high functioning autistic people do best - and thrive - in artistic and academic communities.
I don't give a shit about the opinion of people who work at the NFL Network. I work in live sports television at one of the largest and most watched regional sports networks in the country, does that mean my opinion counts more than yours? By your logic it apparently does. Arguing other people's opinions to try and make your own doesn't mean anything to me because opinions are just that, opinions. You know what matters? Facts. So here's some facts for you. Peyton Manning has started and played 14 full seasons (not including 2011 when he was out all year) and until this past season played a guaranteed 9 games in a dome each year and another guaranteed 2 away games at warm weather stadiums for almost every year of his career. If he was better than Brady, you would expect his numbers to far and away surpass Brady's. Not the case however. Here's a side by side comparison of Manning and Brady through this current year and keep in mind that Brady has only started and played 11 full seasons (not including his rookie year or 2008 when he was injured) and all of them have been in an outdoor stadium in a cold weather climate while making away trips to Buffalo and New York as well. Ave. TDs per season: Manning - 31.14 Brady - 30.36 Ave. INTs per season: Manning - 14.92 Brady - 11.18 Ave. Yards per season: Manning - 4,249 Brady - 4,073 Completion Percentage: Manning - 65.2% Brady - 63.7% QB Rating Career: Manning - 95.7 Brady - 96.6 Playoff Record: Manning- 9-11 Brady - 17-6 Super Bowl Wins/Appearances: Manning - 1/2 Brady - 3/5 So, despite playing in a dome and warm weather for the vast majority of his games, Manning averages less than 1 more TD per season and nearly 4 more INTs per season than Brady and has a lower career QB rating. Looking at the playoffs, Brady has made it to the AFC Championship game in 7 of his 11 seasons as a starter in the NFL. He's made it to 5 Super Bowls (and possibly a 6th) in those 11 seasons. Meanwhile, Peyton Manning has been one and done in the playoffs 8 times! TLDR: So to recap, opinions don't matter, facts do. EDIT: Spelling
I don't give a shit about the opinion of people who work at the NFL Network. I work in live sports television at one of the largest and most watched regional sports networks in the country, does that mean my opinion counts more than yours? By your logic it apparently does. Arguing other people's opinions to try and make your own doesn't mean anything to me because opinions are just that, opinions. You know what matters? Facts. So here's some facts for you. Peyton Manning has started and played 14 full seasons (not including 2011 when he was out all year) and until this past season played a guaranteed 9 games in a dome each year and another guaranteed 2 away games at warm weather stadiums for almost every year of his career. If he was better than Brady, you would expect his numbers to far and away surpass Brady's. Not the case however. Here's a side by side comparison of Manning and Brady through this current year and keep in mind that Brady has only started and played 11 full seasons (not including his rookie year or 2008 when he was injured) and all of them have been in an outdoor stadium in a cold weather climate while making away trips to Buffalo and New York as well. Ave. TDs per season: Manning - 31.14 Brady - 30.36 Ave. INTs per season: Manning - 14.92 Brady - 11.18 Ave. Yards per season: Manning - 4,249 Brady - 4,073 Completion Percentage: Manning - 65.2% Brady - 63.7% QB Rating Career: Manning - 95.7 Brady - 96.6 Playoff Record: Manning- 9-11 Brady - 17-6 Super Bowl Wins/Appearances: Manning - 1/2 Brady - 3/5 So, despite playing in a dome and warm weather for the vast majority of his games, Manning averages less than 1 more TD per season and nearly 4 more INTs per season than Brady and has a lower career QB rating. Looking at the playoffs, Brady has made it to the AFC Championship game in 7 of his 11 seasons as a starter in the NFL. He's made it to 5 Super Bowls (and possibly a 6th) in those 11 seasons. Meanwhile, Peyton Manning has been one and done in the playoffs 8 times! TLDR: So to recap, opinions don't matter, facts do. EDIT: Spelling
I don't give a shit about the opinion of people who work at the NFL Network. I work in live sports television at one of the largest and most watched regional sports networks in the country, does that mean my opinion counts more than yours? By your logic it apparently does. Arguing other people's opinions to try and make your own doesn't mean anything to me because opinions are just that, opinions. You know what matters? Facts. So here's some facts for you. Peyton Manning has started and played 14 full seasons (not including 2011 when he was out all year) and until this past season played a guaranteed 9 games in a dome each year and another guaranteed 2 away games at warm weather stadiums for almost every year of his career. If he was better than Brady, you would expect his numbers to far and away surpass Brady's. Not the case however. Here's a side by side comparison of Manning and Brady through this current year and keep in mind that Brady has only started and played 11 full seasons (not including his rookie year or 2008 when he was injured) and all of them have been in an outdoor stadium in a cold weather climate while making away trips to Buffalo and New York as well. Ave. TDs per season: Manning - 31.14 Brady - 30.36 Ave. INTs per season: Manning - 14.92 Brady - 11.18 Ave. Yards per season: Manning - 4,249 Brady - 4,073 Completion Percentage: Manning - 65.2% Brady - 63.7% QB Rating Career: Manning - 95.7 Brady - 96.6 Playoff Record: Manning- 9-11 Brady - 17-6 Super Bowl Wins/Appearances: Manning - 1/2 Brady - 3/5 So, despite playing in a dome and warm weather for the vast majority of his games, Manning averages less than 1 more TD per season and nearly 4 more INTs per season than Brady and has a lower career QB rating. Looking at the playoffs, Brady has made it to the AFC Championship game in 7 of his 11 seasons as a starter in the NFL. He's made it to 5 Super Bowls (and possibly a 6th) in those 11 seasons. Meanwhile, Peyton Manning has been one and done in the playoffs 8 times!
So to recap, opinions don't matter, facts do. EDIT: Spelling
As another avid book collector, I shed a tear for you, unfortunately i do not know what causes that. I remember back in oblivion i used to manually pick up the books and try to place them on/in the shelves. hard work but the end result was always worth it. TLDR : Dont know how to help, book keeping in tamriel evolved dramatically over 200 years...
As another avid book collector, I shed a tear for you, unfortunately i do not know what causes that. I remember back in oblivion i used to manually pick up the books and try to place them on/in the shelves. hard work but the end result was always worth it. TLDR : Dont know how to help, book keeping in tamriel evolved dramatically over 200 years...
As another avid book collector, I shed a tear for you, unfortunately i do not know what causes that. I remember back in oblivion i used to manually pick up the books and try to place them on/in the shelves. hard work but the end result was always worth it.
Dont know how to help, book keeping in tamriel evolved dramatically over 200 years...
I assume the SEO aspect was never a topic with the ones who remade the website. Your boss accepted what they offered, he is the one responsible. He should have looked for a consulting agency before taking a risk of such magnitude. If the new website works properly based on the written requirements, no price discount should be asked/given. TLDR: SEO has little to do with a development process when it hasn't been specifically addressed in the requirements.
I assume the SEO aspect was never a topic with the ones who remade the website. Your boss accepted what they offered, he is the one responsible. He should have looked for a consulting agency before taking a risk of such magnitude. If the new website works properly based on the written requirements, no price discount should be asked/given. TLDR: SEO has little to do with a development process when it hasn't been specifically addressed in the requirements.
I assume the SEO aspect was never a topic with the ones who remade the website. Your boss accepted what they offered, he is the one responsible. He should have looked for a consulting agency before taking a risk of such magnitude. If the new website works properly based on the written requirements, no price discount should be asked/given.
SEO has little to do with a development process when it hasn't been specifically addressed in the requirements.
**Teaching Survive! Escape from Atlantis: 4 Players** - I get in a boat - Friend gets in the boat too - On this next turn, He moves the boat adjacent to a space with a whale - He jumps into another adjacent boat - He moves his own boat further away - He smiles and says "see ya!" - He rolls a whale, destroys my boat. When I hear people say things like "catan/carcassonne/etc. ruins friendships", all I can think of is "they haven't played Survive yet..." I got revenge by putting 3 sea monsters next to his swimmer ^_^ RELEASE ALL THE THINGS! *** **Teaching Steam: 4 Player, Base Game, Rhur** The new player won. We were able to finish a 4 player game of Steam faster than someone teaching a 5 player Small World game. I blocked what Rob wanted to do. As a result, Rob went with his backup plan, which blocked what Amanda wanted to do. That was stopped because I blocked what Harry wanted to do too, and he ended up blocking what Amanda wanted to do. tl;dr: Investors would have been annoyed at our convoluted tracks. Should I make a guide for teaching Steam? *** **Teaching Apples to Apples: 5 players** Someone else was teaching it. I smiled when I saw him explaining all the rules to the new players before even starting the game. I thought it was interesting too when I suggested he be the judge first and he didn't announce or show the red cards given, and just picked one from his hand and said it. How I always played it, is I would lay out the red cards one by one, saying them in some unique/quirky manner, and get table talk going. *** **Teaching Dixit: 5 players** One I suggested as it was 30 minutes to close, and the new people looked collegey/artsy like. Looks like they really enjoyed it. I FINALLY found a good glue for the two snails fighting in the empty arena ("so, um, got any snacks?")
Teaching Survive! Escape from Atlantis: 4 Players I get in a boat Friend gets in the boat too On this next turn, He moves the boat adjacent to a space with a whale He jumps into another adjacent boat He moves his own boat further away He smiles and says "see ya!" He rolls a whale, destroys my boat. When I hear people say things like "catan/carcassonne/etc. ruins friendships", all I can think of is "they haven't played Survive yet..." I got revenge by putting 3 sea monsters next to his swimmer ^_^ RELEASE ALL THE THINGS! Teaching Steam: 4 Player, Base Game, Rhur The new player won. We were able to finish a 4 player game of Steam faster than someone teaching a 5 player Small World game. I blocked what Rob wanted to do. As a result, Rob went with his backup plan, which blocked what Amanda wanted to do. That was stopped because I blocked what Harry wanted to do too, and he ended up blocking what Amanda wanted to do. tl;dr: Investors would have been annoyed at our convoluted tracks. Should I make a guide for teaching Steam? Teaching Apples to Apples: 5 players Someone else was teaching it. I smiled when I saw him explaining all the rules to the new players before even starting the game. I thought it was interesting too when I suggested he be the judge first and he didn't announce or show the red cards given, and just picked one from his hand and said it. How I always played it, is I would lay out the red cards one by one, saying them in some unique/quirky manner, and get table talk going. Teaching Dixit: 5 players One I suggested as it was 30 minutes to close, and the new people looked collegey/artsy like. Looks like they really enjoyed it. I FINALLY found a good glue for the two snails fighting in the empty arena ("so, um, got any snacks?")
Teaching Survive! Escape from Atlantis: 4 Players I get in a boat Friend gets in the boat too On this next turn, He moves the boat adjacent to a space with a whale He jumps into another adjacent boat He moves his own boat further away He smiles and says "see ya!" He rolls a whale, destroys my boat. When I hear people say things like "catan/carcassonne/etc. ruins friendships", all I can think of is "they haven't played Survive yet..." I got revenge by putting 3 sea monsters next to his swimmer ^_^ RELEASE ALL THE THINGS! Teaching Steam: 4 Player, Base Game, Rhur The new player won. We were able to finish a 4 player game of Steam faster than someone teaching a 5 player Small World game. I blocked what Rob wanted to do. As a result, Rob went with his backup plan, which blocked what Amanda wanted to do. That was stopped because I blocked what Harry wanted to do too, and he ended up blocking what Amanda wanted to do.
Investors would have been annoyed at our convoluted tracks. Should I make a guide for teaching Steam? Teaching Apples to Apples: 5 players Someone else was teaching it. I smiled when I saw him explaining all the rules to the new players before even starting the game. I thought it was interesting too when I suggested he be the judge first and he didn't announce or show the red cards given, and just picked one from his hand and said it. How I always played it, is I would lay out the red cards one by one, saying them in some unique/quirky manner, and get table talk going. Teaching Dixit: 5 players One I suggested as it was 30 minutes to close, and the new people looked collegey/artsy like. Looks like they really enjoyed it. I FINALLY found a good glue for the two snails fighting in the empty arena ("so, um, got any snacks?")
Had a friend and my girlfriend over and ended up playing three games: **Blood Bowl**: my girlfriend beat us with her elves, with more than 10 fans of second place. **Tsuro**: we played twice. I won the first game, and then my friend won the second. **King of Tokyo**: we ended the night with King of Tokyo, and me and my friend didn't even break double digits for victory points before my girlfriend got to 20. TL:DR, my girlfriend kicked our asses.
Had a friend and my girlfriend over and ended up playing three games: Blood Bowl : my girlfriend beat us with her elves, with more than 10 fans of second place. Tsuro : we played twice. I won the first game, and then my friend won the second. King of Tokyo : we ended the night with King of Tokyo, and me and my friend didn't even break double digits for victory points before my girlfriend got to 20. TL:DR, my girlfriend kicked our asses.
Had a friend and my girlfriend over and ended up playing three games: Blood Bowl : my girlfriend beat us with her elves, with more than 10 fans of second place. Tsuro : we played twice. I won the first game, and then my friend won the second. King of Tokyo : we ended the night with King of Tokyo, and me and my friend didn't even break double digits for victory points before my girlfriend got to 20.
my girlfriend kicked our asses.
If your work computer is on a managed network, you shouldn't install java if it's not already installed. Java has been having security issues and some admins are pulling the browser portion from their networks. tl;dr You should ask your IT guy at work if it's OK to install java on their computer.
If your work computer is on a managed network, you shouldn't install java if it's not already installed. Java has been having security issues and some admins are pulling the browser portion from their networks. tl;dr You should ask your IT guy at work if it's OK to install java on their computer.
If your work computer is on a managed network, you shouldn't install java if it's not already installed. Java has been having security issues and some admins are pulling the browser portion from their networks.
You should ask your IT guy at work if it's OK to install java on their computer.
Pfft thats nothing. Last semester I had problems sleeping so "Call Me Maybe" was my alarm clock sound to get me up in the mornining. One day I accidentally pressed "remind me" and 30 minutes later in class the song goes off. A week went by and everyone just stopped caring. tldr: you're fine.
Pfft thats nothing. Last semester I had problems sleeping so "Call Me Maybe" was my alarm clock sound to get me up in the mornining. One day I accidentally pressed "remind me" and 30 minutes later in class the song goes off. A week went by and everyone just stopped caring. tldr: you're fine.
Pfft thats nothing. Last semester I had problems sleeping so "Call Me Maybe" was my alarm clock sound to get me up in the mornining. One day I accidentally pressed "remind me" and 30 minutes later in class the song goes off. A week went by and everyone just stopped caring.
you're fine.
I picked up _Ticket to Ride_ on the iPad first, then went and bought the physical version. I have not bought _Ascention_ or _Neuroshima Hex_ and I don't intend to as, honestly, I think the iPad versions play better then the board game version. That said, I've bought all the IAP for these apps. Also I played _BattleCON_ on the iPad and that convinced me _not_ to support the kickstarter as it's just not my sort of game. TL;DR: Yes and No.
I picked up Ticket to Ride on the iPad first, then went and bought the physical version. I have not bought Ascention or Neuroshima Hex and I don't intend to as, honestly, I think the iPad versions play better then the board game version. That said, I've bought all the IAP for these apps. Also I played BattleCON on the iPad and that convinced me not to support the kickstarter as it's just not my sort of game. TL;DR: Yes and No.
I picked up Ticket to Ride on the iPad first, then went and bought the physical version. I have not bought Ascention or Neuroshima Hex and I don't intend to as, honestly, I think the iPad versions play better then the board game version. That said, I've bought all the IAP for these apps. Also I played BattleCON on the iPad and that convinced me not to support the kickstarter as it's just not my sort of game.
Yes and No.
you're a young guy my friend, keep your options open. to be honest, i feel that at this stage of your life you need different women to fulfill your certain needs. I know that i may be condoning cheating on your girlfriend but you're a young guy your hormones are through the roof and let's face it. at this age (i am 20 years old so i can relate on the hormone bit) we're practically sex addicts. who knows maybe tomorrow or the next few months you guys may not even be together (knock on wood) all i am saying is that perhaps you can share your 8" gift to other women, it's a win win situation if you ask me. but only if you would be up for it. TL;DR if your girl won't put out, then you need a next girl to "vent" to
you're a young guy my friend, keep your options open. to be honest, i feel that at this stage of your life you need different women to fulfill your certain needs. I know that i may be condoning cheating on your girlfriend but you're a young guy your hormones are through the roof and let's face it. at this age (i am 20 years old so i can relate on the hormone bit) we're practically sex addicts. who knows maybe tomorrow or the next few months you guys may not even be together (knock on wood) all i am saying is that perhaps you can share your 8" gift to other women, it's a win win situation if you ask me. but only if you would be up for it. TL;DR if your girl won't put out, then you need a next girl to "vent" to
you're a young guy my friend, keep your options open. to be honest, i feel that at this stage of your life you need different women to fulfill your certain needs. I know that i may be condoning cheating on your girlfriend but you're a young guy your hormones are through the roof and let's face it. at this age (i am 20 years old so i can relate on the hormone bit) we're practically sex addicts. who knows maybe tomorrow or the next few months you guys may not even be together (knock on wood) all i am saying is that perhaps you can share your 8" gift to other women, it's a win win situation if you ask me. but only if you would be up for it.
if your girl won't put out, then you need a next girl to "vent" to
TV doesn't know you exist, while the internet does. If you want to watch a web stream, you have to specifically request it from a server, and that server has to deliver it to you individually. With TV, you simply 'pick up' on a signal, and no-one is any the wiser. Because TV is essentially passive, it takes no more technology to broadcast to 20 or 20,000 people. With the internet, each individual viewer requires their own connection. Funnily enough, Digital TV does 'load' in a way. Whereas in the old analog system, the video signal was simply demodulated and sent to the screen, digital tv data needs to be demodulated, demultiplexed and uncompressed before you see it, introducing a more significant time delay (which is why changing channels isn't as instant as it once was). TL;DR: TV is like showering a crowd with a fire hose, while the internet is like giving everyone a water bottle.
TV doesn't know you exist, while the internet does. If you want to watch a web stream, you have to specifically request it from a server, and that server has to deliver it to you individually. With TV, you simply 'pick up' on a signal, and no-one is any the wiser. Because TV is essentially passive, it takes no more technology to broadcast to 20 or 20,000 people. With the internet, each individual viewer requires their own connection. Funnily enough, Digital TV does 'load' in a way. Whereas in the old analog system, the video signal was simply demodulated and sent to the screen, digital tv data needs to be demodulated, demultiplexed and uncompressed before you see it, introducing a more significant time delay (which is why changing channels isn't as instant as it once was). TL;DR: TV is like showering a crowd with a fire hose, while the internet is like giving everyone a water bottle.
TV doesn't know you exist, while the internet does. If you want to watch a web stream, you have to specifically request it from a server, and that server has to deliver it to you individually. With TV, you simply 'pick up' on a signal, and no-one is any the wiser. Because TV is essentially passive, it takes no more technology to broadcast to 20 or 20,000 people. With the internet, each individual viewer requires their own connection. Funnily enough, Digital TV does 'load' in a way. Whereas in the old analog system, the video signal was simply demodulated and sent to the screen, digital tv data needs to be demodulated, demultiplexed and uncompressed before you see it, introducing a more significant time delay (which is why changing channels isn't as instant as it once was).
TV is like showering a crowd with a fire hose, while the internet is like giving everyone a water bottle.
I don't know where I got the bad impression of a trappers. Some reason I have this image of some guy stumbling out of his truck beer-in-hand up to his trap. Only to find out he caught something out of season that he has to release with a broken leg. After releasing the animal he then throws his empty beer can at the animal to make it run away. He then says to himself, "Well, maybe tomorrow" before wandering back to his truck. Glad I can put that image to rest. Sad thing is I know several people who trap. I should just go check lines with them someday. TL;DR Thank You!
I don't know where I got the bad impression of a trappers. Some reason I have this image of some guy stumbling out of his truck beer-in-hand up to his trap. Only to find out he caught something out of season that he has to release with a broken leg. After releasing the animal he then throws his empty beer can at the animal to make it run away. He then says to himself, "Well, maybe tomorrow" before wandering back to his truck. Glad I can put that image to rest. Sad thing is I know several people who trap. I should just go check lines with them someday. TL;DR Thank You!
I don't know where I got the bad impression of a trappers. Some reason I have this image of some guy stumbling out of his truck beer-in-hand up to his trap. Only to find out he caught something out of season that he has to release with a broken leg. After releasing the animal he then throws his empty beer can at the animal to make it run away. He then says to himself, "Well, maybe tomorrow" before wandering back to his truck. Glad I can put that image to rest. Sad thing is I know several people who trap. I should just go check lines with them someday.
Thank You!
The main thing to know is that there are no "get thin fast" schemes that work, other than maybe a ketogenic diet. But we're ignoring that here as that won't get you in shape, just thin. Don't fret when it comes to tricks and methodologies that you hear lots about. Exercise is something that people can get quite ritualistic over. In reality, it's very simple science. It boils down to: 1. Eat less, eat healthier 2. Drink lots of water, avoid sodas and sugary drinks. Recent research even possibly suggests sugar-free sodas too. 3. Exercise REGULARLY. Regularly. You can do it intensely or exhaustively but the important part is to do it regularly. Make it a habit. Now, when it comes to what equipment to use, what programs to join up for, etc. that is all just to accomplish two goals. The first is to keep you coming back and not getting bored/lazy. Try new things, do it together with existing friends, or make new friends. The second is to give you some choice over what you want to do. Do you want to lose weight? Build muscle? Be able to jog somewhere without being winded after 10 seconds? Do research, talk to people, and try things out to figure out what may be best for you. tl;dr: At the very minimum, I can almost guarantee you will be healthier and lose fat if you 1. Eat better, eat less, drink more water and less sugary sodas. 2. Exercise regularly, even if just a 30 min bike ride 4 times a week for the whole term. Everything beyond these minimums will improve results and let you 'customize' a bit. And don't go crazy. Eating nothing will likely kill you. Exercising 5 hours a day 9 days a week will likely affect your grades and space-time itself.
The main thing to know is that there are no "get thin fast" schemes that work, other than maybe a ketogenic diet. But we're ignoring that here as that won't get you in shape, just thin. Don't fret when it comes to tricks and methodologies that you hear lots about. Exercise is something that people can get quite ritualistic over. In reality, it's very simple science. It boils down to: Eat less, eat healthier Drink lots of water, avoid sodas and sugary drinks. Recent research even possibly suggests sugar-free sodas too. Exercise REGULARLY. Regularly. You can do it intensely or exhaustively but the important part is to do it regularly. Make it a habit. Now, when it comes to what equipment to use, what programs to join up for, etc. that is all just to accomplish two goals. The first is to keep you coming back and not getting bored/lazy. Try new things, do it together with existing friends, or make new friends. The second is to give you some choice over what you want to do. Do you want to lose weight? Build muscle? Be able to jog somewhere without being winded after 10 seconds? Do research, talk to people, and try things out to figure out what may be best for you. tl;dr: At the very minimum, I can almost guarantee you will be healthier and lose fat if you 1. Eat better, eat less, drink more water and less sugary sodas. 2. Exercise regularly, even if just a 30 min bike ride 4 times a week for the whole term. Everything beyond these minimums will improve results and let you 'customize' a bit. And don't go crazy. Eating nothing will likely kill you. Exercising 5 hours a day 9 days a week will likely affect your grades and space-time itself.
The main thing to know is that there are no "get thin fast" schemes that work, other than maybe a ketogenic diet. But we're ignoring that here as that won't get you in shape, just thin. Don't fret when it comes to tricks and methodologies that you hear lots about. Exercise is something that people can get quite ritualistic over. In reality, it's very simple science. It boils down to: Eat less, eat healthier Drink lots of water, avoid sodas and sugary drinks. Recent research even possibly suggests sugar-free sodas too. Exercise REGULARLY. Regularly. You can do it intensely or exhaustively but the important part is to do it regularly. Make it a habit. Now, when it comes to what equipment to use, what programs to join up for, etc. that is all just to accomplish two goals. The first is to keep you coming back and not getting bored/lazy. Try new things, do it together with existing friends, or make new friends. The second is to give you some choice over what you want to do. Do you want to lose weight? Build muscle? Be able to jog somewhere without being winded after 10 seconds? Do research, talk to people, and try things out to figure out what may be best for you.
At the very minimum, I can almost guarantee you will be healthier and lose fat if you 1. Eat better, eat less, drink more water and less sugary sodas. 2. Exercise regularly, even if just a 30 min bike ride 4 times a week for the whole term. Everything beyond these minimums will improve results and let you 'customize' a bit. And don't go crazy. Eating nothing will likely kill you. Exercising 5 hours a day 9 days a week will likely affect your grades and space-time itself.
Don't get me wrong, since you're not the only one by a long shot, but all you did was toss out a cliche to minimize the topic under discussion. With all due respect, there is actually a huge amount of wrong with having opinions based upon faulty premises or complete ignorance. All you've got to do is visit Reddit for one day and you'll see a cajillion opinions on subjects where people haven't a clue or, worse, think they know something based upon what they'd previously heard or learned. As a matter of fact, I've about come to the conclusion that it's opinions--like yours--that have gotten us to where we are today (at least in the US of A). If you'll indulge me, I'll explain. I submit that sometime in my lifetime there arose a notion of reporting he said, she said--i.e. let the viewers decide--implicitly endorsing the notion of everyone's got a right to an opinion, but the trouble is that people have a tendency of swallowing more readily something if they think they're getting it from a fount of wisdom, such as the media--whether it be the NYT, CNN or Fake Noise--a government figure, a corporate voice (lol), or even (quelle horror) an academic study or book. I trust most will admit that one or more of the above suspects are hardly credible all the time, if ever, but there are people like you who will sop something up as if it's manna from heaven and then go around spouting off as if you're now an expert and reply to someone, that's just your opinion, especially if that opinion rubs up against something you've previously held as true. It's why we're so dumb compared to our ancestors--don't get me started and tell me we're smarter. If everything is an opinion, then there can never be synthesis, knowledge or (gasp) truth, which I'd contend is perhaps closer to the truth than you or I would be willing to admit, although it would tend to to corroborate my original point, which is that people go around spewing opinions on things they have no idea what they're talking about or utter absolute nonsense, but it's their opinion so we've got to let it pass unchecked, as you did, presuming it answers everything, when it answers nothing. I'm sure you'll disagree and tell me your opinion. tl/dr Everyone's opinion is not equal.
Don't get me wrong, since you're not the only one by a long shot, but all you did was toss out a cliche to minimize the topic under discussion. With all due respect, there is actually a huge amount of wrong with having opinions based upon faulty premises or complete ignorance. All you've got to do is visit Reddit for one day and you'll see a cajillion opinions on subjects where people haven't a clue or, worse, think they know something based upon what they'd previously heard or learned. As a matter of fact, I've about come to the conclusion that it's opinions--like yours--that have gotten us to where we are today (at least in the US of A). If you'll indulge me, I'll explain. I submit that sometime in my lifetime there arose a notion of reporting he said, she said--i.e. let the viewers decide--implicitly endorsing the notion of everyone's got a right to an opinion, but the trouble is that people have a tendency of swallowing more readily something if they think they're getting it from a fount of wisdom, such as the media--whether it be the NYT, CNN or Fake Noise--a government figure, a corporate voice (lol), or even (quelle horror) an academic study or book. I trust most will admit that one or more of the above suspects are hardly credible all the time, if ever, but there are people like you who will sop something up as if it's manna from heaven and then go around spouting off as if you're now an expert and reply to someone, that's just your opinion, especially if that opinion rubs up against something you've previously held as true. It's why we're so dumb compared to our ancestors--don't get me started and tell me we're smarter. If everything is an opinion, then there can never be synthesis, knowledge or (gasp) truth, which I'd contend is perhaps closer to the truth than you or I would be willing to admit, although it would tend to to corroborate my original point, which is that people go around spewing opinions on things they have no idea what they're talking about or utter absolute nonsense, but it's their opinion so we've got to let it pass unchecked, as you did, presuming it answers everything, when it answers nothing. I'm sure you'll disagree and tell me your opinion. tl/dr Everyone's opinion is not equal.
Don't get me wrong, since you're not the only one by a long shot, but all you did was toss out a cliche to minimize the topic under discussion. With all due respect, there is actually a huge amount of wrong with having opinions based upon faulty premises or complete ignorance. All you've got to do is visit Reddit for one day and you'll see a cajillion opinions on subjects where people haven't a clue or, worse, think they know something based upon what they'd previously heard or learned. As a matter of fact, I've about come to the conclusion that it's opinions--like yours--that have gotten us to where we are today (at least in the US of A). If you'll indulge me, I'll explain. I submit that sometime in my lifetime there arose a notion of reporting he said, she said--i.e. let the viewers decide--implicitly endorsing the notion of everyone's got a right to an opinion, but the trouble is that people have a tendency of swallowing more readily something if they think they're getting it from a fount of wisdom, such as the media--whether it be the NYT, CNN or Fake Noise--a government figure, a corporate voice (lol), or even (quelle horror) an academic study or book. I trust most will admit that one or more of the above suspects are hardly credible all the time, if ever, but there are people like you who will sop something up as if it's manna from heaven and then go around spouting off as if you're now an expert and reply to someone, that's just your opinion, especially if that opinion rubs up against something you've previously held as true. It's why we're so dumb compared to our ancestors--don't get me started and tell me we're smarter. If everything is an opinion, then there can never be synthesis, knowledge or (gasp) truth, which I'd contend is perhaps closer to the truth than you or I would be willing to admit, although it would tend to to corroborate my original point, which is that people go around spewing opinions on things they have no idea what they're talking about or utter absolute nonsense, but it's their opinion so we've got to let it pass unchecked, as you did, presuming it answers everything, when it answers nothing. I'm sure you'll disagree and tell me your opinion.
Everyone's opinion is not equal.
It looks like all he needs is a small branch office type of firewall. With that in mind and obviously budget - the best bet is a SRX. Gartner, NSS, etc are a good read. Other vendors as stated in these reports are: Check Point (Long time leader), Fortinet (child of netscreen), Dell Sonicwall (child of netscreen), Juniper SRX and Netscreen, Barracuda, Mcafee, Cisco, Palo Alto etc... Out of all of the above - the best for small business is a SRX due to cost; if money is not an issue then I would be looking into Check Point; if looking for Next-Gen features such as Application Firewall - then Mcafee, Sonicwall, and Check Point; If VPN is a requirement then Cisco ASA, Mcafee, and Check Point (Policy Based VPN is configured under 5 clicks) TLDR; When shopping for firewalls - look at the functionality, cost, and ease to configure.
It looks like all he needs is a small branch office type of firewall. With that in mind and obviously budget - the best bet is a SRX. Gartner, NSS, etc are a good read. Other vendors as stated in these reports are: Check Point (Long time leader), Fortinet (child of netscreen), Dell Sonicwall (child of netscreen), Juniper SRX and Netscreen, Barracuda, Mcafee, Cisco, Palo Alto etc... Out of all of the above - the best for small business is a SRX due to cost; if money is not an issue then I would be looking into Check Point; if looking for Next-Gen features such as Application Firewall - then Mcafee, Sonicwall, and Check Point; If VPN is a requirement then Cisco ASA, Mcafee, and Check Point (Policy Based VPN is configured under 5 clicks) TLDR; When shopping for firewalls - look at the functionality, cost, and ease to configure.
It looks like all he needs is a small branch office type of firewall. With that in mind and obviously budget - the best bet is a SRX. Gartner, NSS, etc are a good read. Other vendors as stated in these reports are: Check Point (Long time leader), Fortinet (child of netscreen), Dell Sonicwall (child of netscreen), Juniper SRX and Netscreen, Barracuda, Mcafee, Cisco, Palo Alto etc... Out of all of the above - the best for small business is a SRX due to cost; if money is not an issue then I would be looking into Check Point; if looking for Next-Gen features such as Application Firewall - then Mcafee, Sonicwall, and Check Point; If VPN is a requirement then Cisco ASA, Mcafee, and Check Point (Policy Based VPN is configured under 5 clicks)
When shopping for firewalls - look at the functionality, cost, and ease to configure.
I take my pup to day care and it has been a godsend. He goes about twice a week. They alternate between free play and crate time. When he gets home he is soo tired he naps the rest of the day. I imagine he is still tired the next day, because he is generally pretty chill, even when I have to crate him (both hubster and I work full time). He gets so excited when the dog bus comes that he starts crying and runs right onto the bus and onto his seat. My puppy is about 5 months old. Like others have said, it depends on the specific place. The person who runs this day is amazing and can perfectly replicate dog noises. On the first day,Rocko (my pup) barked a lot in the kennel. But Jill did dog noises at him (growling/scolding) and by day 2 he wasn't barking AT ALL! She sends me picture and video texts throughout the day as well. Then again, I used to take Rocko to the dog park 2-3 days a week (now down to once a week) so he had a lot of experience playing with other dogs and he went to puppy school. TL;DR: My pup is tired as hell after daycare!
I take my pup to day care and it has been a godsend. He goes about twice a week. They alternate between free play and crate time. When he gets home he is soo tired he naps the rest of the day. I imagine he is still tired the next day, because he is generally pretty chill, even when I have to crate him (both hubster and I work full time). He gets so excited when the dog bus comes that he starts crying and runs right onto the bus and onto his seat. My puppy is about 5 months old. Like others have said, it depends on the specific place. The person who runs this day is amazing and can perfectly replicate dog noises. On the first day,Rocko (my pup) barked a lot in the kennel. But Jill did dog noises at him (growling/scolding) and by day 2 he wasn't barking AT ALL! She sends me picture and video texts throughout the day as well. Then again, I used to take Rocko to the dog park 2-3 days a week (now down to once a week) so he had a lot of experience playing with other dogs and he went to puppy school. TL;DR: My pup is tired as hell after daycare!
I take my pup to day care and it has been a godsend. He goes about twice a week. They alternate between free play and crate time. When he gets home he is soo tired he naps the rest of the day. I imagine he is still tired the next day, because he is generally pretty chill, even when I have to crate him (both hubster and I work full time). He gets so excited when the dog bus comes that he starts crying and runs right onto the bus and onto his seat. My puppy is about 5 months old. Like others have said, it depends on the specific place. The person who runs this day is amazing and can perfectly replicate dog noises. On the first day,Rocko (my pup) barked a lot in the kennel. But Jill did dog noises at him (growling/scolding) and by day 2 he wasn't barking AT ALL! She sends me picture and video texts throughout the day as well. Then again, I used to take Rocko to the dog park 2-3 days a week (now down to once a week) so he had a lot of experience playing with other dogs and he went to puppy school.
My pup is tired as hell after daycare!
I doubt it. The sun is fucking huge. According to Wikipedia, the sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the solar system. There is *so much* mass that it's mere existence and proximity to itself causes thermonuclear fusion. It fuses 620,000,000 metric tons of hydrogen per second at its core. Even though earth only receives a tiny fraction of the sun's output, due to how tiny we are in comparison, and the spherical nature of the sun, we still get a ridiculous amount. The solar constant is 1361kW/m^2, apparently. Google this shit, it is seriously mind-bottling. TL;DR: No.
I doubt it. The sun is fucking huge. According to Wikipedia, the sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the solar system. There is so much mass that it's mere existence and proximity to itself causes thermonuclear fusion. It fuses 620,000,000 metric tons of hydrogen per second at its core. Even though earth only receives a tiny fraction of the sun's output, due to how tiny we are in comparison, and the spherical nature of the sun, we still get a ridiculous amount. The solar constant is 1361kW/m^2, apparently. Google this shit, it is seriously mind-bottling. TL;DR: No.
I doubt it. The sun is fucking huge. According to Wikipedia, the sun accounts for 99.86% of the mass in the solar system. There is so much mass that it's mere existence and proximity to itself causes thermonuclear fusion. It fuses 620,000,000 metric tons of hydrogen per second at its core. Even though earth only receives a tiny fraction of the sun's output, due to how tiny we are in comparison, and the spherical nature of the sun, we still get a ridiculous amount. The solar constant is 1361kW/m^2, apparently. Google this shit, it is seriously mind-bottling.
Career numbers in a still-young player are often unfair measures (with %s being the usual exception to that). Conley averaged less than 4.5 assists per game his first two seasons, when he was also averaging less than 30 min per game, and was still a teenager (he also only averaged less than 1 steal per game back then). Ignoring those first two seasons, and looking at just the past 3 years when he was receiving 32-35+ min per game and had "rounded into form", he averages more than 6 assists and more than 2.5 rebounds per game. Less than 3 assists and 1.5 rebounds per game lasting more than a week is more than a "mini-slump". My point about ADP was a response to the idea that people only play Conley because of his steals prowess - ADPs that high are for glue players, not 1-stat-specials, and especially not 1-stat-specialists who don't even guarantee you a weekly/season win (Ibaka and Rondo, both widely viewed as specialists, can almost win blocks and assists single-handedly (pre-emergence of Sanders), which Conley cannot do for steals, and provide rebounding strength (Rondo is 2nd in the league in rebounds among PGs, Ibaka is 25th overall)). If you must know, I got Conley in one of the last rounds of my draft, because of the way my league does keepers. tl;dr - Conley is not a specialist, he is a starting PG, and his slump is full-blown.
Career numbers in a still-young player are often unfair measures (with %s being the usual exception to that). Conley averaged less than 4.5 assists per game his first two seasons, when he was also averaging less than 30 min per game, and was still a teenager (he also only averaged less than 1 steal per game back then). Ignoring those first two seasons, and looking at just the past 3 years when he was receiving 32-35+ min per game and had "rounded into form", he averages more than 6 assists and more than 2.5 rebounds per game. Less than 3 assists and 1.5 rebounds per game lasting more than a week is more than a "mini-slump". My point about ADP was a response to the idea that people only play Conley because of his steals prowess - ADPs that high are for glue players, not 1-stat-specials, and especially not 1-stat-specialists who don't even guarantee you a weekly/season win (Ibaka and Rondo, both widely viewed as specialists, can almost win blocks and assists single-handedly (pre-emergence of Sanders), which Conley cannot do for steals, and provide rebounding strength (Rondo is 2nd in the league in rebounds among PGs, Ibaka is 25th overall)). If you must know, I got Conley in one of the last rounds of my draft, because of the way my league does keepers. tl;dr - Conley is not a specialist, he is a starting PG, and his slump is full-blown.
Career numbers in a still-young player are often unfair measures (with %s being the usual exception to that). Conley averaged less than 4.5 assists per game his first two seasons, when he was also averaging less than 30 min per game, and was still a teenager (he also only averaged less than 1 steal per game back then). Ignoring those first two seasons, and looking at just the past 3 years when he was receiving 32-35+ min per game and had "rounded into form", he averages more than 6 assists and more than 2.5 rebounds per game. Less than 3 assists and 1.5 rebounds per game lasting more than a week is more than a "mini-slump". My point about ADP was a response to the idea that people only play Conley because of his steals prowess - ADPs that high are for glue players, not 1-stat-specials, and especially not 1-stat-specialists who don't even guarantee you a weekly/season win (Ibaka and Rondo, both widely viewed as specialists, can almost win blocks and assists single-handedly (pre-emergence of Sanders), which Conley cannot do for steals, and provide rebounding strength (Rondo is 2nd in the league in rebounds among PGs, Ibaka is 25th overall)). If you must know, I got Conley in one of the last rounds of my draft, because of the way my league does keepers.
Conley is not a specialist, he is a starting PG, and his slump is full-blown.
You've never had a proper war. Not one where you've had to defend your country. Sure, you helped Korea and Vietnam with varying effectiveness, but those were expeditions into another people's land, and although the soldiers there faced hardship, they knew the military had their back and they had a home to go back to if they survived (and despite what you may have heard, their odds were actually quite good, in both Vietnam and WW2, about 2% of Americans who served in the war died, [source]( [source]( On the other hand, other countries, like the Netherlands *have* suffered an invasion from a serious army (not some puny Middle Eastern dictator or terrorist or whatever you guys are afraid of these days). During WWII, our army fought and it was conquered. *AN ENTIRE ARMY OF A WESTERN, DEVELOPED NATION WAS CONQUERED BY A COMPLETE ARMY OF ANOTHER WESTERN, DEVELOPED NATION!* I am writing that in caps, because I'm hoping you will read that slowly, read that again, and let it sink in. The army was conquered, the government surrendered *unconditionally*. There were plenty of Dutchmen with guns. But was a Dutchman with a gun going to beat the German army? No. Were a whole bunch of Dutch gun nuts joined together in a shooting/survival club going to beat the German army. No. If a Dutch civilian tried to hinder/kill German soldiers with his own gun, do you think he would have stood a chance? I'll remind you again: *they defeated the entire professional, armed national army*. The scenario you are describing is more accurately called "suicide by soldier". Some did this. They died. Their guns were taken. Smarter Dutch tried to survive. If you had a gun, hide it, maybe get it to the resistance, maybe join the resistance. But that was also *incredibly dangerous* to not only yourself but anyone around you. Did you know that during WWII about 3,5% of *the entire population* of the Netherlands was killed? Most of this was civilian deaths during the occupation. If the Germans were after you, you were almost certainly dead. If you fought hard against them when they came after you, you still had *no chance*. The only thing you might accomplish is pissing them off more. Which meant they would execute some family members, or maybe people from the same street as where you lived. The arrogance, *THE ARROGANCE*, that someone whose army has never been defeated, a country whose civilians have *never* had to fear any kind of invasion whatsoever, let alone *experience* the fear and humiliation of a foreign army deciding who lives and dies, your life depending on the recalcitrancy of your neighbours and family members. That someone like you would try to explain to a European: *but what if your civilians had more guns?* I can't imagine family members being executed in front of me. You know how I know this? Because I'm old enough to *have talked to people who have!* People who lived in the Netherlands during WWII. Who have seen friends and countrymen executed. And I will not have you disgrace their memory with your Fox News political bullshit. I. Am. Very. Fucking. Angry. With. You. **tl;dr *if* your American army ever gets defeated on your own soil, then you're all fucked anyway, having an M16 or a shotgun will not save you, nor liberate your country, and dying quicker by being a moron doesn't make you heroic, nor helps anyone**
You've never had a proper war. Not one where you've had to defend your country. Sure, you helped Korea and Vietnam with varying effectiveness, but those were expeditions into another people's land, and although the soldiers there faced hardship, they knew the military had their back and they had a home to go back to if they survived (and despite what you may have heard, their odds were actually quite good, in both Vietnam and WW2, about 2% of Americans who served in the war died, [source]( [source]( On the other hand, other countries, like the Netherlands have suffered an invasion from a serious army (not some puny Middle Eastern dictator or terrorist or whatever you guys are afraid of these days). During WWII, our army fought and it was conquered. AN ENTIRE ARMY OF A WESTERN, DEVELOPED NATION WAS CONQUERED BY A COMPLETE ARMY OF ANOTHER WESTERN, DEVELOPED NATION! I am writing that in caps, because I'm hoping you will read that slowly, read that again, and let it sink in. The army was conquered, the government surrendered unconditionally . There were plenty of Dutchmen with guns. But was a Dutchman with a gun going to beat the German army? No. Were a whole bunch of Dutch gun nuts joined together in a shooting/survival club going to beat the German army. No. If a Dutch civilian tried to hinder/kill German soldiers with his own gun, do you think he would have stood a chance? I'll remind you again: they defeated the entire professional, armed national army . The scenario you are describing is more accurately called "suicide by soldier". Some did this. They died. Their guns were taken. Smarter Dutch tried to survive. If you had a gun, hide it, maybe get it to the resistance, maybe join the resistance. But that was also incredibly dangerous to not only yourself but anyone around you. Did you know that during WWII about 3,5% of the entire population of the Netherlands was killed? Most of this was civilian deaths during the occupation. If the Germans were after you, you were almost certainly dead. If you fought hard against them when they came after you, you still had no chance . The only thing you might accomplish is pissing them off more. Which meant they would execute some family members, or maybe people from the same street as where you lived. The arrogance, THE ARROGANCE , that someone whose army has never been defeated, a country whose civilians have never had to fear any kind of invasion whatsoever, let alone experience the fear and humiliation of a foreign army deciding who lives and dies, your life depending on the recalcitrancy of your neighbours and family members. That someone like you would try to explain to a European: but what if your civilians had more guns? I can't imagine family members being executed in front of me. You know how I know this? Because I'm old enough to have talked to people who have! People who lived in the Netherlands during WWII. Who have seen friends and countrymen executed. And I will not have you disgrace their memory with your Fox News political bullshit. I. Am. Very. Fucking. Angry. With. You. tl;dr if your American army ever gets defeated on your own soil, then you're all fucked anyway, having an M16 or a shotgun will not save you, nor liberate your country, and dying quicker by being a moron doesn't make you heroic, nor helps anyone
You've never had a proper war. Not one where you've had to defend your country. Sure, you helped Korea and Vietnam with varying effectiveness, but those were expeditions into another people's land, and although the soldiers there faced hardship, they knew the military had their back and they had a home to go back to if they survived (and despite what you may have heard, their odds were actually quite good, in both Vietnam and WW2, about 2% of Americans who served in the war died, [source]( [source]( On the other hand, other countries, like the Netherlands have suffered an invasion from a serious army (not some puny Middle Eastern dictator or terrorist or whatever you guys are afraid of these days). During WWII, our army fought and it was conquered. AN ENTIRE ARMY OF A WESTERN, DEVELOPED NATION WAS CONQUERED BY A COMPLETE ARMY OF ANOTHER WESTERN, DEVELOPED NATION! I am writing that in caps, because I'm hoping you will read that slowly, read that again, and let it sink in. The army was conquered, the government surrendered unconditionally . There were plenty of Dutchmen with guns. But was a Dutchman with a gun going to beat the German army? No. Were a whole bunch of Dutch gun nuts joined together in a shooting/survival club going to beat the German army. No. If a Dutch civilian tried to hinder/kill German soldiers with his own gun, do you think he would have stood a chance? I'll remind you again: they defeated the entire professional, armed national army . The scenario you are describing is more accurately called "suicide by soldier". Some did this. They died. Their guns were taken. Smarter Dutch tried to survive. If you had a gun, hide it, maybe get it to the resistance, maybe join the resistance. But that was also incredibly dangerous to not only yourself but anyone around you. Did you know that during WWII about 3,5% of the entire population of the Netherlands was killed? Most of this was civilian deaths during the occupation. If the Germans were after you, you were almost certainly dead. If you fought hard against them when they came after you, you still had no chance . The only thing you might accomplish is pissing them off more. Which meant they would execute some family members, or maybe people from the same street as where you lived. The arrogance, THE ARROGANCE , that someone whose army has never been defeated, a country whose civilians have never had to fear any kind of invasion whatsoever, let alone experience the fear and humiliation of a foreign army deciding who lives and dies, your life depending on the recalcitrancy of your neighbours and family members. That someone like you would try to explain to a European: but what if your civilians had more guns? I can't imagine family members being executed in front of me. You know how I know this? Because I'm old enough to have talked to people who have! People who lived in the Netherlands during WWII. Who have seen friends and countrymen executed. And I will not have you disgrace their memory with your Fox News political bullshit. I. Am. Very. Fucking. Angry. With. You.
if your American army ever gets defeated on your own soil, then you're all fucked anyway, having an M16 or a shotgun will not save you, nor liberate your country, and dying quicker by being a moron doesn't make you heroic, nor helps anyone
If someone finds it unattractive if a woman has a penis, that's, according to these folks, transphobic. If someone else finds it attractive if a woman has a penis, that's, according to these folks, *also* transphobic. I get that in their ideal world, people would judge all potential love interests based on their gender identity alone, and all heterosexual men would look at trans women the exact same way as regular women and be completely indifferent about their anatomy, neither finding trans women particularly attractive or particularly unattractive, but ***come the fuck on.*** This is reality, where pretty much everyone is going to have some kind of opinion on whether or not the person they're dating was born with the anatomy of the gender they identify with. If you're going to label every such person as being hateful, then good luck finding a partner, because your dating pool just got infinitely smaller. Just because a dude doesn't want to date a woman with a penis, it doesn't make him a transphobe. Likewise, just because a dude *especially* wants to date a woman because she has a penis, it doesn't make him a transphobe. Also, only on reddit will you ever find people getting so upset over the fact that people find them attractive. **TL;DR You don't *choose* who you're attracted to. Seriously.**
If someone finds it unattractive if a woman has a penis, that's, according to these folks, transphobic. If someone else finds it attractive if a woman has a penis, that's, according to these folks, also transphobic. I get that in their ideal world, people would judge all potential love interests based on their gender identity alone, and all heterosexual men would look at trans women the exact same way as regular women and be completely indifferent about their anatomy, neither finding trans women particularly attractive or particularly unattractive, but come the fuck on. This is reality, where pretty much everyone is going to have some kind of opinion on whether or not the person they're dating was born with the anatomy of the gender they identify with. If you're going to label every such person as being hateful, then good luck finding a partner, because your dating pool just got infinitely smaller. Just because a dude doesn't want to date a woman with a penis, it doesn't make him a transphobe. Likewise, just because a dude especially wants to date a woman because she has a penis, it doesn't make him a transphobe. Also, only on reddit will you ever find people getting so upset over the fact that people find them attractive. TL;DR You don't choose who you're attracted to. Seriously.
If someone finds it unattractive if a woman has a penis, that's, according to these folks, transphobic. If someone else finds it attractive if a woman has a penis, that's, according to these folks, also transphobic. I get that in their ideal world, people would judge all potential love interests based on their gender identity alone, and all heterosexual men would look at trans women the exact same way as regular women and be completely indifferent about their anatomy, neither finding trans women particularly attractive or particularly unattractive, but come the fuck on. This is reality, where pretty much everyone is going to have some kind of opinion on whether or not the person they're dating was born with the anatomy of the gender they identify with. If you're going to label every such person as being hateful, then good luck finding a partner, because your dating pool just got infinitely smaller. Just because a dude doesn't want to date a woman with a penis, it doesn't make him a transphobe. Likewise, just because a dude especially wants to date a woman because she has a penis, it doesn't make him a transphobe. Also, only on reddit will you ever find people getting so upset over the fact that people find them attractive.
You don't choose who you're attracted to. Seriously.
I was never scared of any insects until I was 7. On the first warm day of the year all the new queen carpenter ants would emerge from the ant hills and fly off, seeking new nest sites. There would be so many that it was like black rain. Drifts of chewed off queen ant wings would litter the ground. You couldn't even squish them decently because they were full of eggs. Masses of horrible white eggs. That I could deal with. However when I was 7 I didn't get inside fast enough and some of those little creeps got caught in my hair. And bit me. And had to be killed before they could be removed. Excuse me - I have to go throw up, shower, and curl up in fetal position now. tl;dr Insects are fine except those queen ants.
I was never scared of any insects until I was 7. On the first warm day of the year all the new queen carpenter ants would emerge from the ant hills and fly off, seeking new nest sites. There would be so many that it was like black rain. Drifts of chewed off queen ant wings would litter the ground. You couldn't even squish them decently because they were full of eggs. Masses of horrible white eggs. That I could deal with. However when I was 7 I didn't get inside fast enough and some of those little creeps got caught in my hair. And bit me. And had to be killed before they could be removed. Excuse me - I have to go throw up, shower, and curl up in fetal position now. tl;dr Insects are fine except those queen ants.
I was never scared of any insects until I was 7. On the first warm day of the year all the new queen carpenter ants would emerge from the ant hills and fly off, seeking new nest sites. There would be so many that it was like black rain. Drifts of chewed off queen ant wings would litter the ground. You couldn't even squish them decently because they were full of eggs. Masses of horrible white eggs. That I could deal with. However when I was 7 I didn't get inside fast enough and some of those little creeps got caught in my hair. And bit me. And had to be killed before they could be removed. Excuse me - I have to go throw up, shower, and curl up in fetal position now.
Insects are fine except those queen ants.
Cicada's aren't that bad. They mostly stay out of the way - the worst things ever are tent caterpillars. They form tent webs like spiders, but live in large groups like ants. LARGE GROUPS. We had one summer where I literally refused to go outside for almost a week because you couldn't take a step without crushing three or four. They also kill trees - lost most of our small fruit orchard that summer. tl;dr: [this]( but *everywhere*.
Cicada's aren't that bad. They mostly stay out of the way - the worst things ever are tent caterpillars. They form tent webs like spiders, but live in large groups like ants. LARGE GROUPS. We had one summer where I literally refused to go outside for almost a week because you couldn't take a step without crushing three or four. They also kill trees - lost most of our small fruit orchard that summer. tl;dr: [this]( but everywhere .
Cicada's aren't that bad. They mostly stay out of the way - the worst things ever are tent caterpillars. They form tent webs like spiders, but live in large groups like ants. LARGE GROUPS. We had one summer where I literally refused to go outside for almost a week because you couldn't take a step without crushing three or four. They also kill trees - lost most of our small fruit orchard that summer.
this]( but everywhere .
To be quite honest this is hard for me to answer. As a rabid fanboy of the old series certain things about DMC just plain sucked. If you want to know message me because i don't like giving spoilers. But in a nutshell the reboot is quite good. Combat system is really well done and the level design and some of the bosses are amazing. The down side is that the story is lacking, characters are pretty annoying and if you have played any of the other DMC's you can figure out the ending by the 3rd level. If you haven't played the other devil may cry's i feel as though that it is so old and so many of the things it introduced into the genre are now standard that a newcomer won't really get what made the original so amazing. TL;DR DMC is really solid but Devil May Cry 4 has a better Dante, better story and the combo system is a lot harder. level design isn't good though.
To be quite honest this is hard for me to answer. As a rabid fanboy of the old series certain things about DMC just plain sucked. If you want to know message me because i don't like giving spoilers. But in a nutshell the reboot is quite good. Combat system is really well done and the level design and some of the bosses are amazing. The down side is that the story is lacking, characters are pretty annoying and if you have played any of the other DMC's you can figure out the ending by the 3rd level. If you haven't played the other devil may cry's i feel as though that it is so old and so many of the things it introduced into the genre are now standard that a newcomer won't really get what made the original so amazing. TL;DR DMC is really solid but Devil May Cry 4 has a better Dante, better story and the combo system is a lot harder. level design isn't good though.
To be quite honest this is hard for me to answer. As a rabid fanboy of the old series certain things about DMC just plain sucked. If you want to know message me because i don't like giving spoilers. But in a nutshell the reboot is quite good. Combat system is really well done and the level design and some of the bosses are amazing. The down side is that the story is lacking, characters are pretty annoying and if you have played any of the other DMC's you can figure out the ending by the 3rd level. If you haven't played the other devil may cry's i feel as though that it is so old and so many of the things it introduced into the genre are now standard that a newcomer won't really get what made the original so amazing.
DMC is really solid but Devil May Cry 4 has a better Dante, better story and the combo system is a lot harder. level design isn't good though.
Saw the title of this post, and actually wondered if this article would make it in here or not. Love or hate Kotaku, but this author in particular has written a number of interesting articles about Japanese culture, and this one is worth a read. Although, if you want the TLDR version: Japanese don't play PC games because of handhelds, consoles and porn.
Saw the title of this post, and actually wondered if this article would make it in here or not. Love or hate Kotaku, but this author in particular has written a number of interesting articles about Japanese culture, and this one is worth a read. Although, if you want the TLDR version: Japanese don't play PC games because of handhelds, consoles and porn.
Saw the title of this post, and actually wondered if this article would make it in here or not. Love or hate Kotaku, but this author in particular has written a number of interesting articles about Japanese culture, and this one is worth a read. Although, if you want the
version: Japanese don't play PC games because of handhelds, consoles and porn.
Boxing faded in the us when most young athletes saw a better opportunity in football/basketball and college scholarships etc. The lack of serious us heavyweight means less us tv coverage too. Boxing was one of the first global sport, other sports caught up (beach volleyball for instance) Boxing may not be as important in the us as it once was. Yet the us sport market, while influential worldwide, has its unique features - baseball and football barely exist anywhere else. TL:DR Looking at the us tv one could think boxing, soccer, formula 1or handball are dead/dying.
Boxing faded in the us when most young athletes saw a better opportunity in football/basketball and college scholarships etc. The lack of serious us heavyweight means less us tv coverage too. Boxing was one of the first global sport, other sports caught up (beach volleyball for instance) Boxing may not be as important in the us as it once was. Yet the us sport market, while influential worldwide, has its unique features - baseball and football barely exist anywhere else. TL:DR Looking at the us tv one could think boxing, soccer, formula 1or handball are dead/dying.
Boxing faded in the us when most young athletes saw a better opportunity in football/basketball and college scholarships etc. The lack of serious us heavyweight means less us tv coverage too. Boxing was one of the first global sport, other sports caught up (beach volleyball for instance) Boxing may not be as important in the us as it once was. Yet the us sport market, while influential worldwide, has its unique features - baseball and football barely exist anywhere else.
Looking at the us tv one could think boxing, soccer, formula 1or handball are dead/dying.
I hate that too. NO Lesnar and JDD and Alistair Overeem would get owned by the Klitschkos. In fact, any top MMA fighter would get owned by a top boxer in the same weight class in the boxing ring because their boxing sucks. TLDR: I get you.
I hate that too. NO Lesnar and JDD and Alistair Overeem would get owned by the Klitschkos. In fact, any top MMA fighter would get owned by a top boxer in the same weight class in the boxing ring because their boxing sucks. TLDR: I get you.
I hate that too. NO Lesnar and JDD and Alistair Overeem would get owned by the Klitschkos. In fact, any top MMA fighter would get owned by a top boxer in the same weight class in the boxing ring because their boxing sucks.
I get you.
This is a well written post and I don't know your purpose so I'll try to address a few things. FIRST: the work of Suzanne Gordon and a few others. She shows how everything from cost cutting to our portrayal in the media is hurting nursing. When I'm at home I can compile a book list. 1. The image of nursing: take a look at media portrayals of nursing. Most are foils or sidekicks to more interesting and important doctor characters. Medical shows show doctors doing things that are nursing responsibility that no doctor would ever do. Even the positive portrayals reinforce the "angel of mercy" image of our job... The emotional, sensitive, caring touch that is portrayed as intuitive to caring people, not involving skill or education. Have you ever seen a nurse leader? A nurse researcher? A CRNA or NP? A nurse expertly running a code? Nope. This reinforces to the public that we are sweet and caring, not technically skilled and highly educated. 2. Nursing's place in the healthcare team: we are both not respected for our expertise and expected to be jack of all trades. We all know that in many places and environments medical education is slow to adopt a true teamwork attitude. I see no reason to harp on this. Many physicians see themselves not as a part of the team but supreme dictator. Many are not trained or encouraged to value or recognize our expertise. The good ones come to recognize this on their own. At the same time, most of us have had the experience of needing to fill multiple roles. Because when there are staffing and budget cuts, it falls to nursing. No one to clean the rooms or stretchers? No social worker to arrange transport? No tech to stock your supplies? No NA or PCT to help feed or turn or check sugars? No phlebotomy? The answer is always the nurse. More and more *our role as the last line of patient advocacy is being manipulated to unsafely increase our workload and responsibility*. Nurses are managing sicker and sicker patients and accepting more and more responsibility without necessarily giving up any to other healthcare team members. 3. The changing nature of health and illness in the county: the push to decrease he level of care with sicker and sicker patients leaves us taking care of more. The patients who would've been in the ICU for weeks are going to the floors sooner and sooner, and floors to home or nursing facilities sooner. It's a push to save money but it pushes high acuity onto people already at strained nurse to patient ratios. 4. The money push: nurses, especially good nurses, are not "money makers" for hospitals the way a good surgeon can be. They do not independently charge for services, and are viewed as a cost of running a facility. Therefore they are manipulated to "maximum efficiency" in terms of patient ratios and workload. However because the way maximum efficiency is measured is mostly by some rather arbitrary and certainly not all-encompassing metrics, administrators cannot be convinced of the value of decreasing patient ratios so RNs can give "good care". Also see above, the push is to put patients in lower acuity (read: less costly nursing care) as soon as possible without any costly adverse events. 5. Moral distress: this is a huge factor of burnout in many nurses. Most of us just really want to give good care to our patients. We could choose a more glamourous job, an easier one, a better paying one... But we really want to take care of our patients. However we are shackled and every turn. We have to fight to use our judgment and get a physician order for practically everything, even when we know better than them. We have to fight to keep even our wretched staffing ratios. We have to take over the jobs of other team members like techs and case managers when their jobs are slashed from the budget. We have to document and double document to make our employers covered from lawsuits (and ourselves) and to prove we are meeting core measures. At the end of the day we often don't feel like we had enough time to do everything we wanted to do for our patients. Add to that the stress from difficult patients and the other problems listed and you see why people burn out. You get into the job to do the right thing and give excellent care, and you can't. Not because you don't have the skills, or the drive. It's the barriers put in your way, the other responsibilities pulling you in a million different directions. And it's WRONG and you KNOW IT. It hurts you that you couldn't be in the room with your comfort care patient and family but you had to prep your other patient and take them to the cath lab and you STILL stayed an hour late to finish your paperwork. It eventually burns your emotional reserve. 6. Nursing culture/a united nurse front: our infighting and problems are no secret. "Eat your young" culture in what is still a heavily apprenticeship based profession is our own poison pill. As listed, we have enough going against us, we need to stick together if we want to survive. Additionally, as a profession we cannot even present a united front on our own education and standards. We can't agree on how to get into our field so how the heck can we present a united front to fight powerful organizations that are causing the problems I listed? A powerful, dominant physician culture? Highly profitable insurance companies? Corporation backed, money-first administration? As a profession we are challenged and what do we do? Complain about burned out old nurses, know-nothing new nurses, being forced to get a BSN, not getting with the times with an ADN. And physician dominance, insurance profits, healthcare facility corporations have been cashing in on our bitter infighting and probably watching with glee the fact that we can't get ourselves together enough to give them a fair fight. I didn't cover everything, but I feel this gives a good overview of the issues we have. Tl;dr: we got issues.
This is a well written post and I don't know your purpose so I'll try to address a few things. FIRST: the work of Suzanne Gordon and a few others. She shows how everything from cost cutting to our portrayal in the media is hurting nursing. When I'm at home I can compile a book list. The image of nursing: take a look at media portrayals of nursing. Most are foils or sidekicks to more interesting and important doctor characters. Medical shows show doctors doing things that are nursing responsibility that no doctor would ever do. Even the positive portrayals reinforce the "angel of mercy" image of our job... The emotional, sensitive, caring touch that is portrayed as intuitive to caring people, not involving skill or education. Have you ever seen a nurse leader? A nurse researcher? A CRNA or NP? A nurse expertly running a code? Nope. This reinforces to the public that we are sweet and caring, not technically skilled and highly educated. Nursing's place in the healthcare team: we are both not respected for our expertise and expected to be jack of all trades. We all know that in many places and environments medical education is slow to adopt a true teamwork attitude. I see no reason to harp on this. Many physicians see themselves not as a part of the team but supreme dictator. Many are not trained or encouraged to value or recognize our expertise. The good ones come to recognize this on their own. At the same time, most of us have had the experience of needing to fill multiple roles. Because when there are staffing and budget cuts, it falls to nursing. No one to clean the rooms or stretchers? No social worker to arrange transport? No tech to stock your supplies? No NA or PCT to help feed or turn or check sugars? No phlebotomy? The answer is always the nurse. More and more our role as the last line of patient advocacy is being manipulated to unsafely increase our workload and responsibility . Nurses are managing sicker and sicker patients and accepting more and more responsibility without necessarily giving up any to other healthcare team members. The changing nature of health and illness in the county: the push to decrease he level of care with sicker and sicker patients leaves us taking care of more. The patients who would've been in the ICU for weeks are going to the floors sooner and sooner, and floors to home or nursing facilities sooner. It's a push to save money but it pushes high acuity onto people already at strained nurse to patient ratios. The money push: nurses, especially good nurses, are not "money makers" for hospitals the way a good surgeon can be. They do not independently charge for services, and are viewed as a cost of running a facility. Therefore they are manipulated to "maximum efficiency" in terms of patient ratios and workload. However because the way maximum efficiency is measured is mostly by some rather arbitrary and certainly not all-encompassing metrics, administrators cannot be convinced of the value of decreasing patient ratios so RNs can give "good care". Also see above, the push is to put patients in lower acuity (read: less costly nursing care) as soon as possible without any costly adverse events. Moral distress: this is a huge factor of burnout in many nurses. Most of us just really want to give good care to our patients. We could choose a more glamourous job, an easier one, a better paying one... But we really want to take care of our patients. However we are shackled and every turn. We have to fight to use our judgment and get a physician order for practically everything, even when we know better than them. We have to fight to keep even our wretched staffing ratios. We have to take over the jobs of other team members like techs and case managers when their jobs are slashed from the budget. We have to document and double document to make our employers covered from lawsuits (and ourselves) and to prove we are meeting core measures. At the end of the day we often don't feel like we had enough time to do everything we wanted to do for our patients. Add to that the stress from difficult patients and the other problems listed and you see why people burn out. You get into the job to do the right thing and give excellent care, and you can't. Not because you don't have the skills, or the drive. It's the barriers put in your way, the other responsibilities pulling you in a million different directions. And it's WRONG and you KNOW IT. It hurts you that you couldn't be in the room with your comfort care patient and family but you had to prep your other patient and take them to the cath lab and you STILL stayed an hour late to finish your paperwork. It eventually burns your emotional reserve. Nursing culture/a united nurse front: our infighting and problems are no secret. "Eat your young" culture in what is still a heavily apprenticeship based profession is our own poison pill. As listed, we have enough going against us, we need to stick together if we want to survive. Additionally, as a profession we cannot even present a united front on our own education and standards. We can't agree on how to get into our field so how the heck can we present a united front to fight powerful organizations that are causing the problems I listed? A powerful, dominant physician culture? Highly profitable insurance companies? Corporation backed, money-first administration? As a profession we are challenged and what do we do? Complain about burned out old nurses, know-nothing new nurses, being forced to get a BSN, not getting with the times with an ADN. And physician dominance, insurance profits, healthcare facility corporations have been cashing in on our bitter infighting and probably watching with glee the fact that we can't get ourselves together enough to give them a fair fight. I didn't cover everything, but I feel this gives a good overview of the issues we have. Tl;dr: we got issues.
This is a well written post and I don't know your purpose so I'll try to address a few things. FIRST: the work of Suzanne Gordon and a few others. She shows how everything from cost cutting to our portrayal in the media is hurting nursing. When I'm at home I can compile a book list. The image of nursing: take a look at media portrayals of nursing. Most are foils or sidekicks to more interesting and important doctor characters. Medical shows show doctors doing things that are nursing responsibility that no doctor would ever do. Even the positive portrayals reinforce the "angel of mercy" image of our job... The emotional, sensitive, caring touch that is portrayed as intuitive to caring people, not involving skill or education. Have you ever seen a nurse leader? A nurse researcher? A CRNA or NP? A nurse expertly running a code? Nope. This reinforces to the public that we are sweet and caring, not technically skilled and highly educated. Nursing's place in the healthcare team: we are both not respected for our expertise and expected to be jack of all trades. We all know that in many places and environments medical education is slow to adopt a true teamwork attitude. I see no reason to harp on this. Many physicians see themselves not as a part of the team but supreme dictator. Many are not trained or encouraged to value or recognize our expertise. The good ones come to recognize this on their own. At the same time, most of us have had the experience of needing to fill multiple roles. Because when there are staffing and budget cuts, it falls to nursing. No one to clean the rooms or stretchers? No social worker to arrange transport? No tech to stock your supplies? No NA or PCT to help feed or turn or check sugars? No phlebotomy? The answer is always the nurse. More and more our role as the last line of patient advocacy is being manipulated to unsafely increase our workload and responsibility . Nurses are managing sicker and sicker patients and accepting more and more responsibility without necessarily giving up any to other healthcare team members. The changing nature of health and illness in the county: the push to decrease he level of care with sicker and sicker patients leaves us taking care of more. The patients who would've been in the ICU for weeks are going to the floors sooner and sooner, and floors to home or nursing facilities sooner. It's a push to save money but it pushes high acuity onto people already at strained nurse to patient ratios. The money push: nurses, especially good nurses, are not "money makers" for hospitals the way a good surgeon can be. They do not independently charge for services, and are viewed as a cost of running a facility. Therefore they are manipulated to "maximum efficiency" in terms of patient ratios and workload. However because the way maximum efficiency is measured is mostly by some rather arbitrary and certainly not all-encompassing metrics, administrators cannot be convinced of the value of decreasing patient ratios so RNs can give "good care". Also see above, the push is to put patients in lower acuity (read: less costly nursing care) as soon as possible without any costly adverse events. Moral distress: this is a huge factor of burnout in many nurses. Most of us just really want to give good care to our patients. We could choose a more glamourous job, an easier one, a better paying one... But we really want to take care of our patients. However we are shackled and every turn. We have to fight to use our judgment and get a physician order for practically everything, even when we know better than them. We have to fight to keep even our wretched staffing ratios. We have to take over the jobs of other team members like techs and case managers when their jobs are slashed from the budget. We have to document and double document to make our employers covered from lawsuits (and ourselves) and to prove we are meeting core measures. At the end of the day we often don't feel like we had enough time to do everything we wanted to do for our patients. Add to that the stress from difficult patients and the other problems listed and you see why people burn out. You get into the job to do the right thing and give excellent care, and you can't. Not because you don't have the skills, or the drive. It's the barriers put in your way, the other responsibilities pulling you in a million different directions. And it's WRONG and you KNOW IT. It hurts you that you couldn't be in the room with your comfort care patient and family but you had to prep your other patient and take them to the cath lab and you STILL stayed an hour late to finish your paperwork. It eventually burns your emotional reserve. Nursing culture/a united nurse front: our infighting and problems are no secret. "Eat your young" culture in what is still a heavily apprenticeship based profession is our own poison pill. As listed, we have enough going against us, we need to stick together if we want to survive. Additionally, as a profession we cannot even present a united front on our own education and standards. We can't agree on how to get into our field so how the heck can we present a united front to fight powerful organizations that are causing the problems I listed? A powerful, dominant physician culture? Highly profitable insurance companies? Corporation backed, money-first administration? As a profession we are challenged and what do we do? Complain about burned out old nurses, know-nothing new nurses, being forced to get a BSN, not getting with the times with an ADN. And physician dominance, insurance profits, healthcare facility corporations have been cashing in on our bitter infighting and probably watching with glee the fact that we can't get ourselves together enough to give them a fair fight. I didn't cover everything, but I feel this gives a good overview of the issues we have.
we got issues.