The precons are a very good way to get into the format and get huge value. My first EDH deck was the "Political Puppets" EDH and I will always have a soft spot for it. That being said, the precons are a bit boring (IMO) and they aren't as strong as a lot of non-precon decks (Momir-vig, Mayael, Ezuri), so there's not a lot of reason to run them once you really get into EDH. The people playing those decks probably either don't have the money right now to build the perfect 99 with the general they want or are very new to EDH as a format. Let them get acclimated to the environment. If you're losing to precon style decks a lot and that upsets you, first of all, that's shitty it's a game don't get upset. Second of all, think outside the box and build a deck that no one at your store can handle. I have Mayael explicitly because the pod I played in the most was 4 control decks including me, and it start forcing people to build other decks because I insta won with certain creatures. **TL;DR** the people who play exclusively pre con decks are probably either new to the format or short on change for now, or just don't love it as much as us. Either give them time to make new decks, or if you're upset about losing to them for some reason build a deck that's more fine tuned that a precon can be (shirei shizo's caretaker, Momir-Vig).
The precons are a very good way to get into the format and get huge value. My first EDH deck was the "Political Puppets" EDH and I will always have a soft spot for it. That being said, the precons are a bit boring (IMO) and they aren't as strong as a lot of non-precon decks (Momir-vig, Mayael, Ezuri), so there's not a lot of reason to run them once you really get into EDH. The people playing those decks probably either don't have the money right now to build the perfect 99 with the general they want or are very new to EDH as a format. Let them get acclimated to the environment. If you're losing to precon style decks a lot and that upsets you, first of all, that's shitty it's a game don't get upset. Second of all, think outside the box and build a deck that no one at your store can handle. I have Mayael explicitly because the pod I played in the most was 4 control decks including me, and it start forcing people to build other decks because I insta won with certain creatures. TL;DR the people who play exclusively pre con decks are probably either new to the format or short on change for now, or just don't love it as much as us. Either give them time to make new decks, or if you're upset about losing to them for some reason build a deck that's more fine tuned that a precon can be (shirei shizo's caretaker, Momir-Vig).
The precons are a very good way to get into the format and get huge value. My first EDH deck was the "Political Puppets" EDH and I will always have a soft spot for it. That being said, the precons are a bit boring (IMO) and they aren't as strong as a lot of non-precon decks (Momir-vig, Mayael, Ezuri), so there's not a lot of reason to run them once you really get into EDH. The people playing those decks probably either don't have the money right now to build the perfect 99 with the general they want or are very new to EDH as a format. Let them get acclimated to the environment. If you're losing to precon style decks a lot and that upsets you, first of all, that's shitty it's a game don't get upset. Second of all, think outside the box and build a deck that no one at your store can handle. I have Mayael explicitly because the pod I played in the most was 4 control decks including me, and it start forcing people to build other decks because I insta won with certain creatures.
the people who play exclusively pre con decks are probably either new to the format or short on change for now, or just don't love it as much as us. Either give them time to make new decks, or if you're upset about losing to them for some reason build a deck that's more fine tuned that a precon can be (shirei shizo's caretaker, Momir-Vig).
Sure - I guess I can only speak for my end with my calculations. This rankings list takes in consideration the dropoff by position (meaning it takes in consideration the difference in points earned from ADC1 and ADC5). My first time doing so, I found certain supports to be valued higher than other positional roles, which to me wasn't right conceptually since they do score fairly low on average than other positions. So I had to revisit my calculations and weigh the rankings based on strength of the position. Unfortunately, what happened with this was it over-valued ADCs, especially in the early round. But after thinking about it some more, I decided to keep it this way because there is a FLEX position and it does make sense to go for the most points with Flex, so it is accurate to an extent in terms of draft order priority I wanted to avoid a top-down "who will score the most points" rankings list, but rather focus on a "Okay I'm drafting #32, who should I target with my pick?" I know a lot of people try to fight the system and pick out their own sleeper targets off of a base-line ranking list, and that's okay! If you think Lemonnation deserves a top 10 pick, then go for it. But say you're pick #4 and you have picks 4 and then later pick 12. With pick 4 you grab Hai, are you going to grab Lemonnation with Pick 12 or are you drafting your Flex in Froggen with pick 12? **TL;DR** Supports are inherently weaker than the other positions in this format based on scoring system, FLEX spot devalues their priority need to be drafted early on
Sure - I guess I can only speak for my end with my calculations. This rankings list takes in consideration the dropoff by position (meaning it takes in consideration the difference in points earned from ADC1 and ADC5). My first time doing so, I found certain supports to be valued higher than other positional roles, which to me wasn't right conceptually since they do score fairly low on average than other positions. So I had to revisit my calculations and weigh the rankings based on strength of the position. Unfortunately, what happened with this was it over-valued ADCs, especially in the early round. But after thinking about it some more, I decided to keep it this way because there is a FLEX position and it does make sense to go for the most points with Flex, so it is accurate to an extent in terms of draft order priority I wanted to avoid a top-down "who will score the most points" rankings list, but rather focus on a "Okay I'm drafting #32, who should I target with my pick?" I know a lot of people try to fight the system and pick out their own sleeper targets off of a base-line ranking list, and that's okay! If you think Lemonnation deserves a top 10 pick, then go for it. But say you're pick #4 and you have picks 4 and then later pick 12. With pick 4 you grab Hai, are you going to grab Lemonnation with Pick 12 or are you drafting your Flex in Froggen with pick 12? TL;DR Supports are inherently weaker than the other positions in this format based on scoring system, FLEX spot devalues their priority need to be drafted early on
Sure - I guess I can only speak for my end with my calculations. This rankings list takes in consideration the dropoff by position (meaning it takes in consideration the difference in points earned from ADC1 and ADC5). My first time doing so, I found certain supports to be valued higher than other positional roles, which to me wasn't right conceptually since they do score fairly low on average than other positions. So I had to revisit my calculations and weigh the rankings based on strength of the position. Unfortunately, what happened with this was it over-valued ADCs, especially in the early round. But after thinking about it some more, I decided to keep it this way because there is a FLEX position and it does make sense to go for the most points with Flex, so it is accurate to an extent in terms of draft order priority I wanted to avoid a top-down "who will score the most points" rankings list, but rather focus on a "Okay I'm drafting #32, who should I target with my pick?" I know a lot of people try to fight the system and pick out their own sleeper targets off of a base-line ranking list, and that's okay! If you think Lemonnation deserves a top 10 pick, then go for it. But say you're pick #4 and you have picks 4 and then later pick 12. With pick 4 you grab Hai, are you going to grab Lemonnation with Pick 12 or are you drafting your Flex in Froggen with pick 12?
Supports are inherently weaker than the other positions in this format based on scoring system, FLEX spot devalues their priority need to be drafted early on
Wait until you're 19 and do the DAS, you'll be able to ride slightly bigger bikes at the cost of an extra test which you'll need to do at some point anyway. 125cc bikes are fine for around town but they're grim on an A-road, 70mph is optimistic, trust me. If you get a 125cc today you don't have to wait two years, just until you're 19, so it makes sense to just wait two months and go straight to a bigger bike, hard as it is to go that long without riding. That said, if you do get one your insurance is likely to be £500-£1000. It depends hugely on all sorts of factors which are rarely straightforward, but the biggest one is location. If you're in London it will cost you an arm and a leg. If you live in the middle of nowhere, less so. I think my insurance was £600 at 17 in a small town in Worcestershire and was £400 when I sold the bike three years later. My current 600cc bike is £300, go figure. Don't forget you'll have to pay tax and (if it's not new) MOT, which will cost about £20 and £50 respectively. Have an emergency fund ready for if something goes wrong with the bike. I highly recommend joining the AA or RAC too, you can probably join your parents' existing membership for cheap. You need a helmet by law, all other gear is optional. You'd be a fool to ride without it though. Jacket and gloves are critical, boots too but sturdy normal boots will do in a pinch, as motorbike stuff is expensive. You should invest in trousers as well, although personally I skip them a lot. Road rash is bad news, but it can be fixed. You can't repair a shattered ankle or a mangled hand. Buy as much gear as you can afford. Prices vary but in general I would say £100 each for the helmet and jacket, and £50 each for gloves and boots is a reasonable place to start. Trousers about £100. I ride with a helmet camera (Contour Roam, £120) and I'm glad I have it. It's not vital though and is more money, so I'd hold off on that unless funds aren't an issue. Buy waterproofs and remember that they will never truly work. *Buy a security chain*, a fucking massive one, and never leave your bike not chained to something if you're away from it for more than ten minutes. If there's no lampost to chain it to, wrap the chain round the rear wheel and swingarm. Ideally get an alarm for the bike too (or an alarmed disk lock), and if you're storing it outdoors get a cover. I recommend earplugs if you ever go over 40mph, it might not sound loud in your helmet but the dull roar of wind will fuck your ears up with enough exposure. This is a lot of stuff and might be a bit overwhelming, but that's how motorbikes are! You can do the above minus camera for probably £400, you don't have to buy everything all at once and you don't have to buy top-tier stuff from day one. Don't get a second hand helmet, but you could buy shitty used gloves now, then upgrade them when it gets colder in winter, for instance. Good luck and enjoy! It's worth it I promise you. This turned into a bit of a wall of text so **TL:DR prepare your wallet**
Wait until you're 19 and do the DAS, you'll be able to ride slightly bigger bikes at the cost of an extra test which you'll need to do at some point anyway. 125cc bikes are fine for around town but they're grim on an A-road, 70mph is optimistic, trust me. If you get a 125cc today you don't have to wait two years, just until you're 19, so it makes sense to just wait two months and go straight to a bigger bike, hard as it is to go that long without riding. That said, if you do get one your insurance is likely to be £500-£1000. It depends hugely on all sorts of factors which are rarely straightforward, but the biggest one is location. If you're in London it will cost you an arm and a leg. If you live in the middle of nowhere, less so. I think my insurance was £600 at 17 in a small town in Worcestershire and was £400 when I sold the bike three years later. My current 600cc bike is £300, go figure. Don't forget you'll have to pay tax and (if it's not new) MOT, which will cost about £20 and £50 respectively. Have an emergency fund ready for if something goes wrong with the bike. I highly recommend joining the AA or RAC too, you can probably join your parents' existing membership for cheap. You need a helmet by law, all other gear is optional. You'd be a fool to ride without it though. Jacket and gloves are critical, boots too but sturdy normal boots will do in a pinch, as motorbike stuff is expensive. You should invest in trousers as well, although personally I skip them a lot. Road rash is bad news, but it can be fixed. You can't repair a shattered ankle or a mangled hand. Buy as much gear as you can afford. Prices vary but in general I would say £100 each for the helmet and jacket, and £50 each for gloves and boots is a reasonable place to start. Trousers about £100. I ride with a helmet camera (Contour Roam, £120) and I'm glad I have it. It's not vital though and is more money, so I'd hold off on that unless funds aren't an issue. Buy waterproofs and remember that they will never truly work. Buy a security chain , a fucking massive one, and never leave your bike not chained to something if you're away from it for more than ten minutes. If there's no lampost to chain it to, wrap the chain round the rear wheel and swingarm. Ideally get an alarm for the bike too (or an alarmed disk lock), and if you're storing it outdoors get a cover. I recommend earplugs if you ever go over 40mph, it might not sound loud in your helmet but the dull roar of wind will fuck your ears up with enough exposure. This is a lot of stuff and might be a bit overwhelming, but that's how motorbikes are! You can do the above minus camera for probably £400, you don't have to buy everything all at once and you don't have to buy top-tier stuff from day one. Don't get a second hand helmet, but you could buy shitty used gloves now, then upgrade them when it gets colder in winter, for instance. Good luck and enjoy! It's worth it I promise you. This turned into a bit of a wall of text so TL:DR prepare your wallet
Wait until you're 19 and do the DAS, you'll be able to ride slightly bigger bikes at the cost of an extra test which you'll need to do at some point anyway. 125cc bikes are fine for around town but they're grim on an A-road, 70mph is optimistic, trust me. If you get a 125cc today you don't have to wait two years, just until you're 19, so it makes sense to just wait two months and go straight to a bigger bike, hard as it is to go that long without riding. That said, if you do get one your insurance is likely to be £500-£1000. It depends hugely on all sorts of factors which are rarely straightforward, but the biggest one is location. If you're in London it will cost you an arm and a leg. If you live in the middle of nowhere, less so. I think my insurance was £600 at 17 in a small town in Worcestershire and was £400 when I sold the bike three years later. My current 600cc bike is £300, go figure. Don't forget you'll have to pay tax and (if it's not new) MOT, which will cost about £20 and £50 respectively. Have an emergency fund ready for if something goes wrong with the bike. I highly recommend joining the AA or RAC too, you can probably join your parents' existing membership for cheap. You need a helmet by law, all other gear is optional. You'd be a fool to ride without it though. Jacket and gloves are critical, boots too but sturdy normal boots will do in a pinch, as motorbike stuff is expensive. You should invest in trousers as well, although personally I skip them a lot. Road rash is bad news, but it can be fixed. You can't repair a shattered ankle or a mangled hand. Buy as much gear as you can afford. Prices vary but in general I would say £100 each for the helmet and jacket, and £50 each for gloves and boots is a reasonable place to start. Trousers about £100. I ride with a helmet camera (Contour Roam, £120) and I'm glad I have it. It's not vital though and is more money, so I'd hold off on that unless funds aren't an issue. Buy waterproofs and remember that they will never truly work. Buy a security chain , a fucking massive one, and never leave your bike not chained to something if you're away from it for more than ten minutes. If there's no lampost to chain it to, wrap the chain round the rear wheel and swingarm. Ideally get an alarm for the bike too (or an alarmed disk lock), and if you're storing it outdoors get a cover. I recommend earplugs if you ever go over 40mph, it might not sound loud in your helmet but the dull roar of wind will fuck your ears up with enough exposure. This is a lot of stuff and might be a bit overwhelming, but that's how motorbikes are! You can do the above minus camera for probably £400, you don't have to buy everything all at once and you don't have to buy top-tier stuff from day one. Don't get a second hand helmet, but you could buy shitty used gloves now, then upgrade them when it gets colder in winter, for instance. Good luck and enjoy! It's worth it I promise you. This turned into a bit of a wall of text so
prepare your wallet
It's not bad if you want the Banner Saga and think of it as a Banner Saga sale. However, Humble Bundle has never, ever, been about pushing one game and some of it's DLC as the entire bundle. Hell, even worse is the fact that the game itself if the highest tier. Anything below that and you don't even get the base game. TL:DR - it was a good sale, it was also a horrible humble bundle.
It's not bad if you want the Banner Saga and think of it as a Banner Saga sale. However, Humble Bundle has never, ever, been about pushing one game and some of it's DLC as the entire bundle. Hell, even worse is the fact that the game itself if the highest tier. Anything below that and you don't even get the base game. TL:DR - it was a good sale, it was also a horrible humble bundle.
It's not bad if you want the Banner Saga and think of it as a Banner Saga sale. However, Humble Bundle has never, ever, been about pushing one game and some of it's DLC as the entire bundle. Hell, even worse is the fact that the game itself if the highest tier. Anything below that and you don't even get the base game.
it was a good sale, it was also a horrible humble bundle.
Xbone can play games at 1080p @ 60fps. (Or even 120fps). Its about the type of games being programmed. Generally Nintendo uses lower poly cartoonish charactors and textures, while xbone has to increase fidelity to stay competitive with the ps4. This means larger textures + higher Poly's. This decreases the frame rate enough that they have to bump the resolution down. If you move the same game from the xbone to try he wiiU without changing the models, it will probably have a lot of trouble. Tldr: its not the system but the games. Also note: I don't own any of the newer gen consoles. I do most of my gaming on PC. I do own a ps3,360, and Wii as well as numerous systems from the past 20 years. I'm not a fanboy of any manufacturer. I just go where the games are.
Xbone can play games at 1080p @ 60fps. (Or even 120fps). Its about the type of games being programmed. Generally Nintendo uses lower poly cartoonish charactors and textures, while xbone has to increase fidelity to stay competitive with the ps4. This means larger textures + higher Poly's. This decreases the frame rate enough that they have to bump the resolution down. If you move the same game from the xbone to try he wiiU without changing the models, it will probably have a lot of trouble. Tldr: its not the system but the games. Also note: I don't own any of the newer gen consoles. I do most of my gaming on PC. I do own a ps3,360, and Wii as well as numerous systems from the past 20 years. I'm not a fanboy of any manufacturer. I just go where the games are.
Xbone can play games at 1080p @ 60fps. (Or even 120fps). Its about the type of games being programmed. Generally Nintendo uses lower poly cartoonish charactors and textures, while xbone has to increase fidelity to stay competitive with the ps4. This means larger textures + higher Poly's. This decreases the frame rate enough that they have to bump the resolution down. If you move the same game from the xbone to try he wiiU without changing the models, it will probably have a lot of trouble.
its not the system but the games. Also note: I don't own any of the newer gen consoles. I do most of my gaming on PC. I do own a ps3,360, and Wii as well as numerous systems from the past 20 years. I'm not a fanboy of any manufacturer. I just go where the games are.
Well the network loses money. Also the new deal isn't worth double it is worth about 60% more. The stock went up over the last 6 months based on the projections of what the network would bring in (based on 1M subscribers) and the estimates that the new US TV deal would be 2-3 times the old one. Welll the Network stalled out at 667,000 or so, and the TV deal was only a 60% increase instead of the 100-200% increase WWE estimated. The stock returned to where it was last October. TL:DR- The WWE told people late last year that they estimated a big profit. Yesterday people found out that wasn't true. Stock returned to previous levels.
Well the network loses money. Also the new deal isn't worth double it is worth about 60% more. The stock went up over the last 6 months based on the projections of what the network would bring in (based on 1M subscribers) and the estimates that the new US TV deal would be 2-3 times the old one. Welll the Network stalled out at 667,000 or so, and the TV deal was only a 60% increase instead of the 100-200% increase WWE estimated. The stock returned to where it was last October. TL:DR- The WWE told people late last year that they estimated a big profit. Yesterday people found out that wasn't true. Stock returned to previous levels.
Well the network loses money. Also the new deal isn't worth double it is worth about 60% more. The stock went up over the last 6 months based on the projections of what the network would bring in (based on 1M subscribers) and the estimates that the new US TV deal would be 2-3 times the old one. Welll the Network stalled out at 667,000 or so, and the TV deal was only a 60% increase instead of the 100-200% increase WWE estimated. The stock returned to where it was last October.
The WWE told people late last year that they estimated a big profit. Yesterday people found out that wasn't true. Stock returned to previous levels.
Not this video again. It's been posted on reddit before and it's been debunked every time. The main objections this woman has to the report are based on misleading and confusing the viewer, including comparing incomparable numbers, misrepresenting the NISVS survey's definition of rape, misrepresenting the questions as vague when in fact they are highly specific, and erroneously claiming that asking women about situations they have encountered is going to give worse results then just assuming that every woman spoken to has a consistent definition of rape and sexual assault. [Here]( is /u/Sober_Off's post from the last time I saw this video: >>The truth according to the American Enterprise Institute often does. >FTFY, since people should know that the source is a conservative think-tank. It might color their take on this video. Nonetheless, on the merits of the argument, it's misleading for this video to rely on crime reports as a basis for thinking that the 1 in 5 is fundamentally flawed. Compare that with other information out there suggesting that the vast majority of sexual assaults and rapes go unreported. Finally, it would behoove everyone jumping on the "bash the statistic" bandwagon to actually look at the data themselves. >Edit: It's also worth noting a number of things: >1) The definition of rape used by the survey she's attacking (the NISVS) is as follows: >> • Rape is defined as any completed or attempted unwanted vaginal (for women), oral, or anal penetration through the use of physical force (such as being pinned or held down, or by the use of violence) or threats to physically harm and includes times when the victim was drunk, high, drugged, or passed out and unable to consent. Rape is separated into three types, completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, and completed alcohol- or drug-facilitated penetration. >[Link here]( go to page 81. >Notice how "alcohol-or-drug-facilitated" operates in their definition. It does not mean mere "inebriated sex" and she knows it. It's forcible non-consensual sex that is facilitated by alcohol or drugs. That's easy to see, and she's actively ignoring the obvious there. >2) The criminology survey (the NCVS) she references is problematic for direct comparison purposes. First, it's a crime victimization survey. There's a bit of an apples and oranges problem - their asking different questions for different purposes... For example, [here's what that survey asked]( >"41a. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) has anyone attacked or threatened you in any of these ways - ... (e) Any rape, attempted rape or other type of sexual attack -..." >"43a. Incidents involving forced or unwanted sexual acts are often difficult to talk about. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) have you been forced or coerced to engage in unwanted sexual activity by - (a) Someone you didn't know - (b) A casual acquaintance - OR (c) Someone you know well?" >Those are the only instances in which the words "sexual" or "rape" even come up. Not exactly comprehensive when compared to the survey that she's attacking. [That survey, the NISVS]( has over 30 questions (depending on follow-ups) related to sexual experiences and clearly discusses issues of consent, alcohol and drug use, and it inquires into specific instances so that the questioner (I'm assuming) can make an educated judgment call on the final question of whether or not the subject had experienced any number of situations that would qualify as a sexual assault. These questions are far from vague either... Every other hypothetical posed to the subject clearly qualifies the question with "when you didn't want it to happen" and "when you were unable to consent...." But yeah, let's just clip quotes out of context with cool animations. That makes it true, right? >3) I just want to hammer in on one point - The person in the video has a clear cultural conservative agenda. This is evidenced not only by her organizational affiliation, but more importantly by her casual dismissal of obvious facts. It took me about 40 minutes to dig up this info... it doesn't take a lot of work to get informed. >She compares the report by "professional criminologists" to a "poorly conducted telephone survey." The NCVS was a simple, bare bones questionnaire. It wasn't looking for precision on the narrow issue of sexual assaults - otherwise, the questionnaire would have had more than two questions. The NISVS however has dozens of questions. >She calls the NISVS unrepresentative in its sample, [but that sample includes over 9,000 women]( - a perfectly sufficient sample size to represent the female population. Any statistics class will teach you that. >TL;DR - She's leaving out information, important context, inappropriately comparing statistics, and using rhetoric and implication to basically lie. She's just straight up lying about the CDC's report.
Not this video again. It's been posted on reddit before and it's been debunked every time. The main objections this woman has to the report are based on misleading and confusing the viewer, including comparing incomparable numbers, misrepresenting the NISVS survey's definition of rape, misrepresenting the questions as vague when in fact they are highly specific, and erroneously claiming that asking women about situations they have encountered is going to give worse results then just assuming that every woman spoken to has a consistent definition of rape and sexual assault. [Here]( is /u/Sober_Off's post from the last time I saw this video: >>The truth according to the American Enterprise Institute often does. >FTFY, since people should know that the source is a conservative think-tank. It might color their take on this video. Nonetheless, on the merits of the argument, it's misleading for this video to rely on crime reports as a basis for thinking that the 1 in 5 is fundamentally flawed. Compare that with other information out there suggesting that the vast majority of sexual assaults and rapes go unreported. Finally, it would behoove everyone jumping on the "bash the statistic" bandwagon to actually look at the data themselves. >Edit: It's also worth noting a number of things: >1) The definition of rape used by the survey she's attacking (the NISVS) is as follows: >> • Rape is defined as any completed or attempted unwanted vaginal (for women), oral, or anal penetration through the use of physical force (such as being pinned or held down, or by the use of violence) or threats to physically harm and includes times when the victim was drunk, high, drugged, or passed out and unable to consent. Rape is separated into three types, completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, and completed alcohol- or drug-facilitated penetration. >[Link here]( go to page 81. >Notice how "alcohol-or-drug-facilitated" operates in their definition. It does not mean mere "inebriated sex" and she knows it. It's forcible non-consensual sex that is facilitated by alcohol or drugs. That's easy to see, and she's actively ignoring the obvious there. >2) The criminology survey (the NCVS) she references is problematic for direct comparison purposes. First, it's a crime victimization survey. There's a bit of an apples and oranges problem - their asking different questions for different purposes... For example, [here's what that survey asked]( >"41a. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) has anyone attacked or threatened you in any of these ways - ... (e) Any rape, attempted rape or other type of sexual attack -..." >"43a. Incidents involving forced or unwanted sexual acts are often difficult to talk about. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) have you been forced or coerced to engage in unwanted sexual activity by - (a) Someone you didn't know - (b) A casual acquaintance - OR (c) Someone you know well?" >Those are the only instances in which the words "sexual" or "rape" even come up. Not exactly comprehensive when compared to the survey that she's attacking. That survey, the NISVS related to sexual experiences and clearly discusses issues of consent, alcohol and drug use, and it inquires into specific instances so that the questioner (I'm assuming) can make an educated judgment call on the final question of whether or not the subject had experienced any number of situations that would qualify as a sexual assault. These questions are far from vague either... Every other hypothetical posed to the subject clearly qualifies the question with "when you didn't want it to happen" and "when you were unable to consent...." But yeah, let's just clip quotes out of context with cool animations. That makes it true, right? >3) I just want to hammer in on one point - The person in the video has a clear cultural conservative agenda. This is evidenced not only by her organizational affiliation, but more importantly by her casual dismissal of obvious facts. It took me about 40 minutes to dig up this info... it doesn't take a lot of work to get informed. >She compares the report by "professional criminologists" to a "poorly conducted telephone survey." The NCVS was a simple, bare bones questionnaire. It wasn't looking for precision on the narrow issue of sexual assaults - otherwise, the questionnaire would have had more than two questions. The NISVS however has dozens of questions. >She calls the NISVS unrepresentative in its sample, [but that sample includes over 9,000 women]( - a perfectly sufficient sample size to represent the female population. Any statistics class will teach you that. >TL;DR - She's leaving out information, important context, inappropriately comparing statistics, and using rhetoric and implication to basically lie. She's just straight up lying about the CDC's report.
Not this video again. It's been posted on reddit before and it's been debunked every time. The main objections this woman has to the report are based on misleading and confusing the viewer, including comparing incomparable numbers, misrepresenting the NISVS survey's definition of rape, misrepresenting the questions as vague when in fact they are highly specific, and erroneously claiming that asking women about situations they have encountered is going to give worse results then just assuming that every woman spoken to has a consistent definition of rape and sexual assault. [Here]( is /u/Sober_Off's post from the last time I saw this video: >>The truth according to the American Enterprise Institute often does. >FTFY, since people should know that the source is a conservative think-tank. It might color their take on this video. Nonetheless, on the merits of the argument, it's misleading for this video to rely on crime reports as a basis for thinking that the 1 in 5 is fundamentally flawed. Compare that with other information out there suggesting that the vast majority of sexual assaults and rapes go unreported. Finally, it would behoove everyone jumping on the "bash the statistic" bandwagon to actually look at the data themselves. >Edit: It's also worth noting a number of things: >1) The definition of rape used by the survey she's attacking (the NISVS) is as follows: >> • Rape is defined as any completed or attempted unwanted vaginal (for women), oral, or anal penetration through the use of physical force (such as being pinned or held down, or by the use of violence) or threats to physically harm and includes times when the victim was drunk, high, drugged, or passed out and unable to consent. Rape is separated into three types, completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, and completed alcohol- or drug-facilitated penetration. >[Link here]( go to page 81. >Notice how "alcohol-or-drug-facilitated" operates in their definition. It does not mean mere "inebriated sex" and she knows it. It's forcible non-consensual sex that is facilitated by alcohol or drugs. That's easy to see, and she's actively ignoring the obvious there. >2) The criminology survey (the NCVS) she references is problematic for direct comparison purposes. First, it's a crime victimization survey. There's a bit of an apples and oranges problem - their asking different questions for different purposes... For example, [here's what that survey asked]( >"41a. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) has anyone attacked or threatened you in any of these ways - ... (e) Any rape, attempted rape or other type of sexual attack -..." >"43a. Incidents involving forced or unwanted sexual acts are often difficult to talk about. (Other than any incidents already mentioned,) have you been forced or coerced to engage in unwanted sexual activity by - (a) Someone you didn't know - (b) A casual acquaintance - OR (c) Someone you know well?" >Those are the only instances in which the words "sexual" or "rape" even come up. Not exactly comprehensive when compared to the survey that she's attacking. That survey, the NISVS related to sexual experiences and clearly discusses issues of consent, alcohol and drug use, and it inquires into specific instances so that the questioner (I'm assuming) can make an educated judgment call on the final question of whether or not the subject had experienced any number of situations that would qualify as a sexual assault. These questions are far from vague either... Every other hypothetical posed to the subject clearly qualifies the question with "when you didn't want it to happen" and "when you were unable to consent...." But yeah, let's just clip quotes out of context with cool animations. That makes it true, right? >3) I just want to hammer in on one point - The person in the video has a clear cultural conservative agenda. This is evidenced not only by her organizational affiliation, but more importantly by her casual dismissal of obvious facts. It took me about 40 minutes to dig up this info... it doesn't take a lot of work to get informed. >She compares the report by "professional criminologists" to a "poorly conducted telephone survey." The NCVS was a simple, bare bones questionnaire. It wasn't looking for precision on the narrow issue of sexual assaults - otherwise, the questionnaire would have had more than two questions. The NISVS however has dozens of questions. >She calls the NISVS unrepresentative in its sample, [but that sample includes over 9,000 women]( - a perfectly sufficient sample size to represent the female population. Any statistics class will teach you that. >
She's leaving out information, important context, inappropriately comparing statistics, and using rhetoric and implication to basically lie. She's just straight up lying about the CDC's report.
"Men keep trying BECAUSE women are not strong agents." How about "our society has raised men to believe they are entitled to a woman's body if they so desire it." I understand everything you're saying, but if a women said she's not in the mood or doesn't want to go all the way a dozen times, most sensible human beings would take a hint and stop instead of waiting for the 25th time she says not right now because on the 26th attempt she'll change her tune. There are many reasons a woman might consent in this situation: she doesn't have much experience and doesn't want to disappoint someone she likes who does, the person is someone she would want to hook up with in the future but isn't ready to right now, the person is intimidating in a "cool" sort of way (someone who's successful and attractive and you'd think is otherwise out of your league, for example) etc. I don't think it necessarily qualifies as rape if she finally gives in, but it is an example of sexual manipulation. I don't know about you, but I don't want to sleep with anyone I have to badger with advances until they give in -- or rather stop saying no. And I DEFINITELY don't want to because I know they're "weak" and will eventually give in if I stay at it. TL;DR if someone doesn't want to have sex but might eventually give in if you make dozens of advances, a decent person wouldn't keep trying.
"Men keep trying BECAUSE women are not strong agents." How about "our society has raised men to believe they are entitled to a woman's body if they so desire it." I understand everything you're saying, but if a women said she's not in the mood or doesn't want to go all the way a dozen times, most sensible human beings would take a hint and stop instead of waiting for the 25th time she says not right now because on the 26th attempt she'll change her tune. There are many reasons a woman might consent in this situation: she doesn't have much experience and doesn't want to disappoint someone she likes who does, the person is someone she would want to hook up with in the future but isn't ready to right now, the person is intimidating in a "cool" sort of way (someone who's successful and attractive and you'd think is otherwise out of your league, for example) etc. I don't think it necessarily qualifies as rape if she finally gives in, but it is an example of sexual manipulation. I don't know about you, but I don't want to sleep with anyone I have to badger with advances until they give in -- or rather stop saying no. And I DEFINITELY don't want to because I know they're "weak" and will eventually give in if I stay at it. TL;DR if someone doesn't want to have sex but might eventually give in if you make dozens of advances, a decent person wouldn't keep trying.
Men keep trying BECAUSE women are not strong agents." How about "our society has raised men to believe they are entitled to a woman's body if they so desire it." I understand everything you're saying, but if a women said she's not in the mood or doesn't want to go all the way a dozen times, most sensible human beings would take a hint and stop instead of waiting for the 25th time she says not right now because on the 26th attempt she'll change her tune. There are many reasons a woman might consent in this situation: she doesn't have much experience and doesn't want to disappoint someone she likes who does, the person is someone she would want to hook up with in the future but isn't ready to right now, the person is intimidating in a "cool" sort of way (someone who's successful and attractive and you'd think is otherwise out of your league, for example) etc. I don't think it necessarily qualifies as rape if she finally gives in, but it is an example of sexual manipulation. I don't know about you, but I don't want to sleep with anyone I have to badger with advances until they give in -- or rather stop saying no. And I DEFINITELY don't want to because I know they're "weak" and will eventually give in if I stay at it.
if someone doesn't want to have sex but might eventually give in if you make dozens of advances, a decent person wouldn't keep trying.
I'm not an I.T. professional or anything, but my neighbour asked me to help him set up his facebook account. The guy is in his early 60s. Anyway, I did help him with facebook and taught him the how-to stuff and all that. Then he asks me, for some extra money if I can 'fix' some of his pictures. I say sure, why not. Then he says "They're pictures from a nudist beach. I hope you don't mind. And of course don't tell [His Wife]." I think, the dude is paying me a stupid amount of money, I can survive this. He had taken some 60 pics on a nudist beach. All old people. Some of the pictures where vertical due to how he held the camera. So he sat behind me saying "Oh that one needs to be the right way up" and so forth. TL;DR. 60 year old neighbor wants me to help him with facebook. Actually wants me to rotate some 40 pictures he had taken at a nudist beach. A lot of old dongs and tits.
I'm not an I.T. professional or anything, but my neighbour asked me to help him set up his facebook account. The guy is in his early 60s. Anyway, I did help him with facebook and taught him the how-to stuff and all that. Then he asks me, for some extra money if I can 'fix' some of his pictures. I say sure, why not. Then he says "They're pictures from a nudist beach. I hope you don't mind. And of course don't tell [His Wife]." I think, the dude is paying me a stupid amount of money, I can survive this. He had taken some 60 pics on a nudist beach. All old people. Some of the pictures where vertical due to how he held the camera. So he sat behind me saying "Oh that one needs to be the right way up" and so forth. TL;DR. 60 year old neighbor wants me to help him with facebook. Actually wants me to rotate some 40 pictures he had taken at a nudist beach. A lot of old dongs and tits.
I'm not an I.T. professional or anything, but my neighbour asked me to help him set up his facebook account. The guy is in his early 60s. Anyway, I did help him with facebook and taught him the how-to stuff and all that. Then he asks me, for some extra money if I can 'fix' some of his pictures. I say sure, why not. Then he says "They're pictures from a nudist beach. I hope you don't mind. And of course don't tell [His Wife]." I think, the dude is paying me a stupid amount of money, I can survive this. He had taken some 60 pics on a nudist beach. All old people. Some of the pictures where vertical due to how he held the camera. So he sat behind me saying "Oh that one needs to be the right way up" and so forth.
60 year old neighbor wants me to help him with facebook. Actually wants me to rotate some 40 pictures he had taken at a nudist beach. A lot of old dongs and tits.
I'm not a professional by any means, but I used to help friends and family with their PC problems from time to time. And by time to time I mean *all* the time. Anyway, this one friend was more of an aquaintance but somehow I ended up at his house with another good friend of mine (who was also pretty cluey with computer like me). Anyway, the PC owner was complaining that their family computer was really really slow and I was like huh, well let's try and speed it up. He was telling us all this stuff and I notice the hard drive is almost completely maxed out. So with his permission I start checking folders for large files and stumble across this one folder which seemed to be unusually large. I expected to find a heap of MP3s or something but nope, hundreds of images of Simpsons porn. Like, probably hundreds. So many images that the side scroller thingy was as small as it goes. Anyway, soon stopped trying to optimise his computer. Our friend appeared dumbfounded and tried to blame it on one of his 3 other brothers. Me and my other mate were laughing our asses off and joked about it for years. tl:dr; Simpsons porn.
I'm not a professional by any means, but I used to help friends and family with their PC problems from time to time. And by time to time I mean all the time. Anyway, this one friend was more of an aquaintance but somehow I ended up at his house with another good friend of mine (who was also pretty cluey with computer like me). Anyway, the PC owner was complaining that their family computer was really really slow and I was like huh, well let's try and speed it up. He was telling us all this stuff and I notice the hard drive is almost completely maxed out. So with his permission I start checking folders for large files and stumble across this one folder which seemed to be unusually large. I expected to find a heap of MP3s or something but nope, hundreds of images of Simpsons porn. Like, probably hundreds. So many images that the side scroller thingy was as small as it goes. Anyway, soon stopped trying to optimise his computer. Our friend appeared dumbfounded and tried to blame it on one of his 3 other brothers. Me and my other mate were laughing our asses off and joked about it for years. tl:dr; Simpsons porn.
I'm not a professional by any means, but I used to help friends and family with their PC problems from time to time. And by time to time I mean all the time. Anyway, this one friend was more of an aquaintance but somehow I ended up at his house with another good friend of mine (who was also pretty cluey with computer like me). Anyway, the PC owner was complaining that their family computer was really really slow and I was like huh, well let's try and speed it up. He was telling us all this stuff and I notice the hard drive is almost completely maxed out. So with his permission I start checking folders for large files and stumble across this one folder which seemed to be unusually large. I expected to find a heap of MP3s or something but nope, hundreds of images of Simpsons porn. Like, probably hundreds. So many images that the side scroller thingy was as small as it goes. Anyway, soon stopped trying to optimise his computer. Our friend appeared dumbfounded and tried to blame it on one of his 3 other brothers. Me and my other mate were laughing our asses off and joked about it for years.
Simpsons porn.
You are correct. AVG was historically one of those antiviruses that people lauded because the free version offered basically the full package whereas with other companies you only got trial versions or free versions that would let you scan but not remove any nasties that got found. So it got installed and recommended by a fuckload of people. The problem with them today (and for the past 6-7-8 or so years) is their software is bloated to shit because it tries to be a jack of all trades to compete with the other big name AV's and compared to other programs uses a huge amount of resources. Not only that, but their updating is sporadic so the amount of people who were stuck with no protection to threats that had existed for a few days before AVG got around to updating meant people who fixed computers for friends/family ended up fixing a machine that had AVG installed and running and malicious software running right along side it, AVG having never detected it in the first place. So it got a bad rep from geeks/'IT people' for being the 'go-to' antivirus that people who didn't know anything about computers would recommend to their friends because it's the only antivirus they knew the name of due to its historically fairly decent previous versions. tl;dr awful scanner, bloated and full of substandard antispyware/antirootkit scripts that barely work, slow updates, huge footprint, spyware-like difficulty to remove like norton/mcafee, only scrubs recommend and/or use it. That's just the software package, not even getting into the AWFUL toolbar that I think anti-malware packages should consider to be malware based on the way it operates and takes over the browser.
You are correct. AVG was historically one of those antiviruses that people lauded because the free version offered basically the full package whereas with other companies you only got trial versions or free versions that would let you scan but not remove any nasties that got found. So it got installed and recommended by a fuckload of people. The problem with them today (and for the past 6-7-8 or so years) is their software is bloated to shit because it tries to be a jack of all trades to compete with the other big name AV's and compared to other programs uses a huge amount of resources. Not only that, but their updating is sporadic so the amount of people who were stuck with no protection to threats that had existed for a few days before AVG got around to updating meant people who fixed computers for friends/family ended up fixing a machine that had AVG installed and running and malicious software running right along side it, AVG having never detected it in the first place. So it got a bad rep from geeks/'IT people' for being the 'go-to' antivirus that people who didn't know anything about computers would recommend to their friends because it's the only antivirus they knew the name of due to its historically fairly decent previous versions. tl;dr awful scanner, bloated and full of substandard antispyware/antirootkit scripts that barely work, slow updates, huge footprint, spyware-like difficulty to remove like norton/mcafee, only scrubs recommend and/or use it. That's just the software package, not even getting into the AWFUL toolbar that I think anti-malware packages should consider to be malware based on the way it operates and takes over the browser.
You are correct. AVG was historically one of those antiviruses that people lauded because the free version offered basically the full package whereas with other companies you only got trial versions or free versions that would let you scan but not remove any nasties that got found. So it got installed and recommended by a fuckload of people. The problem with them today (and for the past 6-7-8 or so years) is their software is bloated to shit because it tries to be a jack of all trades to compete with the other big name AV's and compared to other programs uses a huge amount of resources. Not only that, but their updating is sporadic so the amount of people who were stuck with no protection to threats that had existed for a few days before AVG got around to updating meant people who fixed computers for friends/family ended up fixing a machine that had AVG installed and running and malicious software running right along side it, AVG having never detected it in the first place. So it got a bad rep from geeks/'IT people' for being the 'go-to' antivirus that people who didn't know anything about computers would recommend to their friends because it's the only antivirus they knew the name of due to its historically fairly decent previous versions.
awful scanner, bloated and full of substandard antispyware/antirootkit scripts that barely work, slow updates, huge footprint, spyware-like difficulty to remove like norton/mcafee, only scrubs recommend and/or use it. That's just the software package, not even getting into the AWFUL toolbar that I think anti-malware packages should consider to be malware based on the way it operates and takes over the browser.
I feel like that would make her even more suspicious. Coupled with the fact that we were told not to touch their TV or laptop. We were instructed to walk the customer through some parts of the install. Of course this was a huge pain and we never did it. You wouldn't believe the amount of claims that we received from people saying we "destroyed" their property. The company usually took the stance of "the customer is always right" and paid them off. This one guy in my shop was accused of attempted rape. Even though he had proof that the lady was lying, they still gave her a year of free cable. After the year ran out she called back in saying that he was stalking her and promptly received another year of free cable. TLDR: Don't antagonize crazy people
I feel like that would make her even more suspicious. Coupled with the fact that we were told not to touch their TV or laptop. We were instructed to walk the customer through some parts of the install. Of course this was a huge pain and we never did it. You wouldn't believe the amount of claims that we received from people saying we "destroyed" their property. The company usually took the stance of "the customer is always right" and paid them off. This one guy in my shop was accused of attempted rape. Even though he had proof that the lady was lying, they still gave her a year of free cable. After the year ran out she called back in saying that he was stalking her and promptly received another year of free cable. TLDR: Don't antagonize crazy people
I feel like that would make her even more suspicious. Coupled with the fact that we were told not to touch their TV or laptop. We were instructed to walk the customer through some parts of the install. Of course this was a huge pain and we never did it. You wouldn't believe the amount of claims that we received from people saying we "destroyed" their property. The company usually took the stance of "the customer is always right" and paid them off. This one guy in my shop was accused of attempted rape. Even though he had proof that the lady was lying, they still gave her a year of free cable. After the year ran out she called back in saying that he was stalking her and promptly received another year of free cable.
Don't antagonize crazy people
Well not computers but cellphones. I work for a cellphone company and a black dude walks into the store. Saying hey man my phone is slow as hell, the videos take forever to load. So I normally start closing the apps and tabs to free the RAM. And when I start closing tabs. I see pictures of black dudes plowing fat white chicks. The guy got real nervous and said nah that ain't mine man I swear. I taught him how to use yeh incognito function on his phone. TL:dr guy had porn on his phone, I taught him how to use a private browser.
Well not computers but cellphones. I work for a cellphone company and a black dude walks into the store. Saying hey man my phone is slow as hell, the videos take forever to load. So I normally start closing the apps and tabs to free the RAM. And when I start closing tabs. I see pictures of black dudes plowing fat white chicks. The guy got real nervous and said nah that ain't mine man I swear. I taught him how to use yeh incognito function on his phone. TL:dr guy had porn on his phone, I taught him how to use a private browser.
Well not computers but cellphones. I work for a cellphone company and a black dude walks into the store. Saying hey man my phone is slow as hell, the videos take forever to load. So I normally start closing the apps and tabs to free the RAM. And when I start closing tabs. I see pictures of black dudes plowing fat white chicks. The guy got real nervous and said nah that ain't mine man I swear. I taught him how to use yeh incognito function on his phone.
guy had porn on his phone, I taught him how to use a private browser.
LoL! You said "I've done it myself plenty of times dick face." to the OP which was completely unprovoked and then linked "video proof" = not trolling (just being a childish asshole) Then you gave what you perceive to be a legit reason "I'm just annoyed by how much shit get recycled on this subreddit." for your 'trolling' (which we've established isn't trolling, just your sad way of justifying your ass-clown posts) Then you end with a defense of yourself "See yeah but that's the thing. I didn't insult you off the start" -- which is funny because you are actually **wrong** about this. After he said "I challenge you to do better" you called him a dick face. So point in case is-- you were not trolling (although you are a troll-faced-basement-dweller, fact)-- this is your pathetic attempt to justify your ass-clown posts (again) tl;dr Leave the basement and stop trying to create excuses for yourself, although I'm sure you've heard this from everyone in your life for years now. lmao
LoL! You said "I've done it myself plenty of times dick face." to the OP which was completely unprovoked and then linked "video proof" = not trolling (just being a childish asshole) Then you gave what you perceive to be a legit reason "I'm just annoyed by how much shit get recycled on this subreddit." for your 'trolling' (which we've established isn't trolling, just your sad way of justifying your ass-clown posts) Then you end with a defense of yourself "See yeah but that's the thing. I didn't insult you off the start" -- which is funny because you are actually wrong about this. After he said "I challenge you to do better" you called him a dick face. So point in case is-- you were not trolling (although you are a troll-faced-basement-dweller, fact)-- this is your pathetic attempt to justify your ass-clown posts (again) tl;dr Leave the basement and stop trying to create excuses for yourself, although I'm sure you've heard this from everyone in your life for years now. lmao
LoL! You said "I've done it myself plenty of times dick face." to the OP which was completely unprovoked and then linked "video proof" = not trolling (just being a childish asshole) Then you gave what you perceive to be a legit reason "I'm just annoyed by how much shit get recycled on this subreddit." for your 'trolling' (which we've established isn't trolling, just your sad way of justifying your ass-clown posts) Then you end with a defense of yourself "See yeah but that's the thing. I didn't insult you off the start" -- which is funny because you are actually wrong about this. After he said "I challenge you to do better" you called him a dick face. So point in case is-- you were not trolling (although you are a troll-faced-basement-dweller, fact)-- this is your pathetic attempt to justify your ass-clown posts (again)
Leave the basement and stop trying to create excuses for yourself, although I'm sure you've heard this from everyone in your life for years now. lmao
Vet inte hur gammal du är, men när jag var 16 år så gillade jag Bob Marley, marijuana, musikfestivaler osv. Jag tyckte att jag var bäst i världen och alla som inte gillade det jag gillade var "nördar/töntar, tråkiga osv." Jag hade inte varit i kontakt med särskilt många andra subkulturer utan höll mig till min egen, precis som de flesta 16-åringar gör. I Blondinbellas fall så hade hon valt att tillhöra en kultur som skar sig med den miljön hon nu befann sig i, vilket resulterade i att hon reagerade precis som en helt vanlig 16-årig, med avsky för det som hon inte känner igen. TLDR: 16-åringar är oerfarna, trångsynta och självupptagna
Vet inte hur gammal du är, men när jag var 16 år så gillade jag Bob Marley, marijuana, musikfestivaler osv. Jag tyckte att jag var bäst i världen och alla som inte gillade det jag gillade var "nördar/töntar, tråkiga osv." Jag hade inte varit i kontakt med särskilt många andra subkulturer utan höll mig till min egen, precis som de flesta 16-åringar gör. I Blondinbellas fall så hade hon valt att tillhöra en kultur som skar sig med den miljön hon nu befann sig i, vilket resulterade i att hon reagerade precis som en helt vanlig 16-årig, med avsky för det som hon inte känner igen. TLDR: 16-åringar är oerfarna, trångsynta och självupptagna
Vet inte hur gammal du är, men när jag var 16 år så gillade jag Bob Marley, marijuana, musikfestivaler osv. Jag tyckte att jag var bäst i världen och alla som inte gillade det jag gillade var "nördar/töntar, tråkiga osv." Jag hade inte varit i kontakt med särskilt många andra subkulturer utan höll mig till min egen, precis som de flesta 16-åringar gör. I Blondinbellas fall så hade hon valt att tillhöra en kultur som skar sig med den miljön hon nu befann sig i, vilket resulterade i att hon reagerade precis som en helt vanlig 16-årig, med avsky för det som hon inte känner igen.
16-åringar är oerfarna, trångsynta och självupptagna
No coincidence. **One of the authors of bettermeans answerd to this on Quora:** [BetterMeans: How does BetterMeans compare to Pivotal Tracker?]( TL;DR: They were heavily inspired by Pivotal tracker.
No coincidence. One of the authors of bettermeans answerd to this on Quora: [BetterMeans: How does BetterMeans compare to Pivotal Tracker?]( TL;DR: They were heavily inspired by Pivotal tracker.
No coincidence. One of the authors of bettermeans answerd to this on Quora: [BetterMeans: How does BetterMeans compare to Pivotal Tracker?](
They were heavily inspired by Pivotal tracker.
*sigh*. Please don't get me started on the Bitcoin Foundation. The amount of bullshit and arrogance expressed this Thursday (at the non-recorded part of Bitcoin2014) was unbelievable. You know what we did as a 'exercise' to start the day? Encircle sequential numbers on a piece of paper filled with random numbers. And yes, that's as bad and pointless it sounds. Was it used to explain proof-of-work? No. What was it for then? I STILL DON'T FUCKING KNOW. And of course (!) more pointless games including "opportunities vs threats", "write down your favourite organisation you've been part of", etc. And good gracious, the terminology used. My Bullshit Bingo card was full after one hour, I think. "Leadership", "maximizing profits", "turn-key membership platform (to streamline management??)", "disrupting market forces", "high technology penetration". What the hell, really. I did like the organisation of the public event at Friday and Saturday, although I found it really wasteful. Is it really necessary to distribute plastic bottles with maybe 50 mL of juice in them? Or to distribute bottled water, instead of encouraging reuse of a cup or glass? Or to package two types of food thus encouraging trash? (Maybe I'm just being an asshole about it.) tl;dr: lovely event, would go again. B+.
sigh . Please don't get me started on the Bitcoin Foundation. The amount of bullshit and arrogance expressed this Thursday (at the non-recorded part of Bitcoin2014) was unbelievable. You know what we did as a 'exercise' to start the day? Encircle sequential numbers on a piece of paper filled with random numbers. And yes, that's as bad and pointless it sounds. Was it used to explain proof-of-work? No. What was it for then? I STILL DON'T FUCKING KNOW. And of course (!) more pointless games including "opportunities vs threats", "write down your favourite organisation you've been part of", etc. And good gracious, the terminology used. My Bullshit Bingo card was full after one hour, I think. "Leadership", "maximizing profits", "turn-key membership platform (to streamline management??)", "disrupting market forces", "high technology penetration". What the hell, really. I did like the organisation of the public event at Friday and Saturday, although I found it really wasteful. Is it really necessary to distribute plastic bottles with maybe 50 mL of juice in them? Or to distribute bottled water, instead of encouraging reuse of a cup or glass? Or to package two types of food thus encouraging trash? (Maybe I'm just being an asshole about it.) tl;dr: lovely event, would go again. B+.
sigh . Please don't get me started on the Bitcoin Foundation. The amount of bullshit and arrogance expressed this Thursday (at the non-recorded part of Bitcoin2014) was unbelievable. You know what we did as a 'exercise' to start the day? Encircle sequential numbers on a piece of paper filled with random numbers. And yes, that's as bad and pointless it sounds. Was it used to explain proof-of-work? No. What was it for then? I STILL DON'T FUCKING KNOW. And of course (!) more pointless games including "opportunities vs threats", "write down your favourite organisation you've been part of", etc. And good gracious, the terminology used. My Bullshit Bingo card was full after one hour, I think. "Leadership", "maximizing profits", "turn-key membership platform (to streamline management??)", "disrupting market forces", "high technology penetration". What the hell, really. I did like the organisation of the public event at Friday and Saturday, although I found it really wasteful. Is it really necessary to distribute plastic bottles with maybe 50 mL of juice in them? Or to distribute bottled water, instead of encouraging reuse of a cup or glass? Or to package two types of food thus encouraging trash? (Maybe I'm just being an asshole about it.)
lovely event, would go again. B+.
Or, and this might be *crazy*, don't overexpose your photos. ND filters aren't magic, "take better pictures" circles of glass, they are used to allow your camera to take certain pictures in situations with "too much" light. eg: Long exposure or large aperture shots where the photo *would* be overexposed if not for an ND filter reducing the amount of light entering the lens. TL;DR: Like others have said already, sunglasses for your camera.
Or, and this might be crazy , don't overexpose your photos. ND filters aren't magic, "take better pictures" circles of glass, they are used to allow your camera to take certain pictures in situations with "too much" light. eg: Long exposure or large aperture shots where the photo would be overexposed if not for an ND filter reducing the amount of light entering the lens. TL;DR: Like others have said already, sunglasses for your camera.
Or, and this might be crazy , don't overexpose your photos. ND filters aren't magic, "take better pictures" circles of glass, they are used to allow your camera to take certain pictures in situations with "too much" light. eg: Long exposure or large aperture shots where the photo would be overexposed if not for an ND filter reducing the amount of light entering the lens.
Like others have said already, sunglasses for your camera.
Yes, I was skeptical at first but it gives you immense sustain and the ability to solo major objectives rather easily. AND NO, whlie you're taking phoenix then tiger then bear first, you max bear second. Moreover, an early point in turtle (while still not maxing it until third) can be gratly beneficial for you first clear as you should not back anytime prior to having 1150 gold. I know it's stupid anecdotal evidence, but after roughlyl 70 games with udyr, the first game i played with the "madstone" build I got a penta with Udyr (mid plat). TL;DR: it definitely has it's uses. If you play like trick and follow his tips, you should find a great deal of success with it.
Yes, I was skeptical at first but it gives you immense sustain and the ability to solo major objectives rather easily. AND NO, whlie you're taking phoenix then tiger then bear first, you max bear second. Moreover, an early point in turtle (while still not maxing it until third) can be gratly beneficial for you first clear as you should not back anytime prior to having 1150 gold. I know it's stupid anecdotal evidence, but after roughlyl 70 games with udyr, the first game i played with the "madstone" build I got a penta with Udyr (mid plat). TL;DR: it definitely has it's uses. If you play like trick and follow his tips, you should find a great deal of success with it.
Yes, I was skeptical at first but it gives you immense sustain and the ability to solo major objectives rather easily. AND NO, whlie you're taking phoenix then tiger then bear first, you max bear second. Moreover, an early point in turtle (while still not maxing it until third) can be gratly beneficial for you first clear as you should not back anytime prior to having 1150 gold. I know it's stupid anecdotal evidence, but after roughlyl 70 games with udyr, the first game i played with the "madstone" build I got a penta with Udyr (mid plat).
it definitely has it's uses. If you play like trick and follow his tips, you should find a great deal of success with it.
I'm not knocking the teetotaler approach as that's best for some people. But when I went through my divorce I was a freaking drunk to numb myself (felt like failure...lost a lot of money, etc). Today I am a social drinker, and on a rare occasion (think New Years or some such) get drunk without it becoming a problem or routine thing. For me it was recognizing that I can't drink to avoid life. When I was a drunk I would drink with the mindset of, "I just don't want to think about life right now...I'll deal with it tomorrow." But then the next day I would do the same thing. So by implementing that I don't drink to numb myself from unpleasantness I can drink socially or for fun without it being an issue. But one thing to remember is people drink for different reasons. **TL;DR** I don't drink to numb feelings anymore and can enjoy alcohol for the pure enjoyment of a few drinks just fine.
I'm not knocking the teetotaler approach as that's best for some people. But when I went through my divorce I was a freaking drunk to numb myself (felt like failure...lost a lot of money, etc). Today I am a social drinker, and on a rare occasion (think New Years or some such) get drunk without it becoming a problem or routine thing. For me it was recognizing that I can't drink to avoid life. When I was a drunk I would drink with the mindset of, "I just don't want to think about life right now...I'll deal with it tomorrow." But then the next day I would do the same thing. So by implementing that I don't drink to numb myself from unpleasantness I can drink socially or for fun without it being an issue. But one thing to remember is people drink for different reasons. TL;DR I don't drink to numb feelings anymore and can enjoy alcohol for the pure enjoyment of a few drinks just fine.
I'm not knocking the teetotaler approach as that's best for some people. But when I went through my divorce I was a freaking drunk to numb myself (felt like failure...lost a lot of money, etc). Today I am a social drinker, and on a rare occasion (think New Years or some such) get drunk without it becoming a problem or routine thing. For me it was recognizing that I can't drink to avoid life. When I was a drunk I would drink with the mindset of, "I just don't want to think about life right now...I'll deal with it tomorrow." But then the next day I would do the same thing. So by implementing that I don't drink to numb myself from unpleasantness I can drink socially or for fun without it being an issue. But one thing to remember is people drink for different reasons.
I don't drink to numb feelings anymore and can enjoy alcohol for the pure enjoyment of a few drinks just fine.
Well, the smells we produce are generally called body odor, and it's a big driver for the anti-persperant market. *but B.O. is not the same thing as pheromones. However, you may have met people who, up close, smell better than others, and pheromones might have something to do with it.* I remember a documentary that featured an experiment where several women wore a t-shirt to sleep for about a week. the shirts were bagged and frozen, and the participants offered DNA samples. then, one person smelled all the shirts, and rated the pleasantness or foulness of the smell of each shirt. the DNA of the shirt wearers and the sniffer were compared in terms of several marker genes. The results showed that the more the DNA matched, the body odor seemed unpleasant, and that more dissimilar the DNA, the more pleasant the smell. This is important for sexual selection of a mate that is more apt to have different genes. that is to say that one will be more attracted to the smell of someone that will give the offspring the best mix of genes, (as having genes too similar can limit the capabilities of the immune system, among other things) TL;DR Body odor has pheromones, and body odor of someone genetically dissimilar is more apt to smell pleasing. Edit: text in italics added. Pheromones /= body odor; rather, as vomeronasal said, bacteria breaking down our excretions.
Well, the smells we produce are generally called body odor, and it's a big driver for the anti-persperant market. but B.O. is not the same thing as pheromones. However, you may have met people who, up close, smell better than others, and pheromones might have something to do with it. I remember a documentary that featured an experiment where several women wore a t-shirt to sleep for about a week. the shirts were bagged and frozen, and the participants offered DNA samples. then, one person smelled all the shirts, and rated the pleasantness or foulness of the smell of each shirt. the DNA of the shirt wearers and the sniffer were compared in terms of several marker genes. The results showed that the more the DNA matched, the body odor seemed unpleasant, and that more dissimilar the DNA, the more pleasant the smell. This is important for sexual selection of a mate that is more apt to have different genes. that is to say that one will be more attracted to the smell of someone that will give the offspring the best mix of genes, (as having genes too similar can limit the capabilities of the immune system, among other things) TL;DR Body odor has pheromones, and body odor of someone genetically dissimilar is more apt to smell pleasing. Edit: text in italics added. Pheromones /= body odor; rather, as vomeronasal said, bacteria breaking down our excretions.
Well, the smells we produce are generally called body odor, and it's a big driver for the anti-persperant market. but B.O. is not the same thing as pheromones. However, you may have met people who, up close, smell better than others, and pheromones might have something to do with it. I remember a documentary that featured an experiment where several women wore a t-shirt to sleep for about a week. the shirts were bagged and frozen, and the participants offered DNA samples. then, one person smelled all the shirts, and rated the pleasantness or foulness of the smell of each shirt. the DNA of the shirt wearers and the sniffer were compared in terms of several marker genes. The results showed that the more the DNA matched, the body odor seemed unpleasant, and that more dissimilar the DNA, the more pleasant the smell. This is important for sexual selection of a mate that is more apt to have different genes. that is to say that one will be more attracted to the smell of someone that will give the offspring the best mix of genes, (as having genes too similar can limit the capabilities of the immune system, among other things)
Body odor has pheromones, and body odor of someone genetically dissimilar is more apt to smell pleasing. Edit: text in italics added. Pheromones /= body odor; rather, as vomeronasal said, bacteria breaking down our excretions.
Your link is broken because that wikipedia URL contains parentheses which are also used in formatting links for reddit. To fix this, and make reddit ignore the parentheses as a formatting issue for the comment and realize it's just a verbatim part of the URL put a backslash before the parentheses (or in general before any individual character that you want reddit to ignore as formatting and just display as it is written). So the URL should end up being written in your comment like this: So that when you click it it links like this: Even when you add in the link formatting like this: \[here]\( **TL;DR** Reddit doesn't like parentheses in a URL when trying to make a hotlink so use the "\" to fix its nonsense. PS. If you are using RES, feel free to hit "source" on my comment just to make things even more confusing.
Your link is broken because that wikipedia URL contains parentheses which are also used in formatting links for reddit. To fix this, and make reddit ignore the parentheses as a formatting issue for the comment and realize it's just a verbatim part of the URL put a backslash before the parentheses (or in general before any individual character that you want reddit to ignore as formatting and just display as it is written). So the URL should end up being written in your comment like this: So that when you click it it links like this: Even when you add in the link formatting like this: [here]( TL;DR Reddit doesn't like parentheses in a URL when trying to make a hotlink so use the "\" to fix its nonsense. PS. If you are using RES, feel free to hit "source" on my comment just to make things even more confusing.
Your link is broken because that wikipedia URL contains parentheses which are also used in formatting links for reddit. To fix this, and make reddit ignore the parentheses as a formatting issue for the comment and realize it's just a verbatim part of the URL put a backslash before the parentheses (or in general before any individual character that you want reddit to ignore as formatting and just display as it is written). So the URL should end up being written in your comment like this: So that when you click it it links like this: Even when you add in the link formatting like this: [here](
Reddit doesn't like parentheses in a URL when trying to make a hotlink so use the "\" to fix its nonsense. PS. If you are using RES, feel free to hit "source" on my comment just to make things even more confusing.
You're using vague philosophical terms, which is fine, but in a scientific discussion; what is nature? Instinct? So we should allow people who panic kill transgender people because they've never seen one and go into instinctive fight or flight go free? "Wrong" is another thing that does not exist in science. If you assign the goal of survival to reproduce as the goal of all life, then both the bear and the man disfiguring children are doing the right thing, as they are extending their chances of surviving and producing offspring. TL:DR: Both cub-killing bears and exploitative humans suck dick, but there is no REAL reason for either other than we say so.
You're using vague philosophical terms, which is fine, but in a scientific discussion; what is nature? Instinct? So we should allow people who panic kill transgender people because they've never seen one and go into instinctive fight or flight go free? "Wrong" is another thing that does not exist in science. If you assign the goal of survival to reproduce as the goal of all life, then both the bear and the man disfiguring children are doing the right thing, as they are extending their chances of surviving and producing offspring. TL:DR: Both cub-killing bears and exploitative humans suck dick, but there is no REAL reason for either other than we say so.
You're using vague philosophical terms, which is fine, but in a scientific discussion; what is nature? Instinct? So we should allow people who panic kill transgender people because they've never seen one and go into instinctive fight or flight go free? "Wrong" is another thing that does not exist in science. If you assign the goal of survival to reproduce as the goal of all life, then both the bear and the man disfiguring children are doing the right thing, as they are extending their chances of surviving and producing offspring.
Both cub-killing bears and exploitative humans suck dick, but there is no REAL reason for either other than we say so.
Bullied as a kid. Never really had more than a single friend until sixth grade. Even then, I was just kind of an outsider in groups. I suppose this persisted to where I am now. Even now, I try to input things into conversations when I have the confidence and one of three things usually happens. I sometimes get acknowledged for a whole 5 seconds and then people go back to talk with other people instead. Sometimes I get ignored completely. However, what I hate most is when I get completely shot down for what I say. It doesn't help how nobody seems to want to invite me anywhere, which sucks. As well, my parents really don't want me outside the house much for some reason. They buy into the idea that the outside world is very dangerous and I would get kidnapped or killed. TL:DR Bullies early in life, and people don't want me presently, as well as overprotective parents.
Bullied as a kid. Never really had more than a single friend until sixth grade. Even then, I was just kind of an outsider in groups. I suppose this persisted to where I am now. Even now, I try to input things into conversations when I have the confidence and one of three things usually happens. I sometimes get acknowledged for a whole 5 seconds and then people go back to talk with other people instead. Sometimes I get ignored completely. However, what I hate most is when I get completely shot down for what I say. It doesn't help how nobody seems to want to invite me anywhere, which sucks. As well, my parents really don't want me outside the house much for some reason. They buy into the idea that the outside world is very dangerous and I would get kidnapped or killed. TL:DR Bullies early in life, and people don't want me presently, as well as overprotective parents.
Bullied as a kid. Never really had more than a single friend until sixth grade. Even then, I was just kind of an outsider in groups. I suppose this persisted to where I am now. Even now, I try to input things into conversations when I have the confidence and one of three things usually happens. I sometimes get acknowledged for a whole 5 seconds and then people go back to talk with other people instead. Sometimes I get ignored completely. However, what I hate most is when I get completely shot down for what I say. It doesn't help how nobody seems to want to invite me anywhere, which sucks. As well, my parents really don't want me outside the house much for some reason. They buy into the idea that the outside world is very dangerous and I would get kidnapped or killed.
Bullies early in life, and people don't want me presently, as well as overprotective parents.
In the UK, you could pay anything over £42k earnings into a pension scheme to bring your tax charges right down, then you can start funding a stocks & shares ISA. Obviously, this depends on your earnings and expenditure. You can pay a maximum of £40k (gross) into a pension in any year, and (soon) £15k into the ISA. Withdrawals from the ISA are tax free and available at any time. The pension scheme withdrawals will be available from 55 (if the rules don't change) and from next year should be 25% tax free, the rest charged at marginal rate. I imagine from April next year, we'll see some really flexible drawdown products on the UK market. tl;dr - In the UK, make sure you have an ISA.
In the UK, you could pay anything over £42k earnings into a pension scheme to bring your tax charges right down, then you can start funding a stocks & shares ISA. Obviously, this depends on your earnings and expenditure. You can pay a maximum of £40k (gross) into a pension in any year, and (soon) £15k into the ISA. Withdrawals from the ISA are tax free and available at any time. The pension scheme withdrawals will be available from 55 (if the rules don't change) and from next year should be 25% tax free, the rest charged at marginal rate. I imagine from April next year, we'll see some really flexible drawdown products on the UK market. tl;dr - In the UK, make sure you have an ISA.
In the UK, you could pay anything over £42k earnings into a pension scheme to bring your tax charges right down, then you can start funding a stocks & shares ISA. Obviously, this depends on your earnings and expenditure. You can pay a maximum of £40k (gross) into a pension in any year, and (soon) £15k into the ISA. Withdrawals from the ISA are tax free and available at any time. The pension scheme withdrawals will be available from 55 (if the rules don't change) and from next year should be 25% tax free, the rest charged at marginal rate. I imagine from April next year, we'll see some really flexible drawdown products on the UK market.
In the UK, make sure you have an ISA.
I've played GW2 since launch. Not super active the entire time, but it is definatly a fun game. I'll make you a list of pro's and con's, still based on opinion but it might shed some light. **Pro's:** * Combat - The combat is fast paced. You need to be very reactive to the animations of for instance dungeon bosses. I personally think the combat really comes to life in pvp. * WvW - World vs. World combat. Comparable to world pvp in WoW (kinda), but with way more structure and competitiveness. Pretty much a large area with events all directed towards war with another server. And there are gathering nodes, you get xp, meaning you could potentially level there. * Horizontal progression - I don't have the time to raid twice a week in order to keep up with gear requirements. Because the progression in GW2 is horizontal I don't need to do this and will always be able to join in events with the guild and play end game content. Even if stopping for half a year, you can come back and still have endgame gear. This is also nice, cause it allows you to focus purely on getting better at the game without the distraction of constantly needing to keep up with gear. * Skill based - skill is way more important than gear. You won't beat a dungeon by becomming a higher level and getting better gear. You need to learn how bosses and enemy npc's work. There is a lot of variation in boss tactics. * Living story - Living story is the world progression in the game. It gets updated every month or so (inbetween seasons atm, so taking longer this time). To give an example of the previous season: it all started with a strange alliance turning up causing havoc around areas in tyria. Refugee camps started forming in major cities. It soon becomes clear who is in charge and a few heroes turn up to fight the evil. It all ends with a all out attack on Lion's Arch, the world's capitol. Imagine logging in and seeing a place where you're used to seeing players doing their banking business and goofing around turn into flames, with huge and powerfull enemies of all sorts reaking havoc. Players going in in waves trying to save its citizens. It all ending with a huge fight with the main leader. * Down scaling - You're character gets downscaled, level and gearwise to the area you're in. You will still be stronger, but not too OP. * Community - Just like in any online game, there are some bad eggs, but overall I think the community of GW2 is really cool, nice and helpful. * No subscription - 'nuf said **Con's:** * Horizontal progression - Also stated in Pro's. The con in this is that you will need to find another goal in the game that isn't making your character stronger. Lots of the things you need to work really hard for are purely cosmetic. I don't really mind, but some people have a hard time with this. * Bugs - This is still a pretty big problem for me. I love roaming around in WvW, but when I'm in the middle of a fight I suddenly can't swap weaponsets, or can't move anymore, causing me to loose, it sucks. * Unbalanced - The game is not balanced all around. I think particularly, stealth is really overpowered in World vs. World (especially thiefs). This doesn't really effect the overall outcome of big WvW battles, but when roaming it really sucks. Although you might win the fight, you probably won't kill a thief, cause he can usually just perma stealth and run away. Besides that, a few classes are always prefered in PvE over others (necromancers and rangers usually drawing the short straw). Ended up writing a lot more than I thought. Wildstar looks pretty cool too, but can't say anything about that. TL;DR: Buy gw2
I've played GW2 since launch. Not super active the entire time, but it is definatly a fun game. I'll make you a list of pro's and con's, still based on opinion but it might shed some light. Pro's: Combat - The combat is fast paced. You need to be very reactive to the animations of for instance dungeon bosses. I personally think the combat really comes to life in pvp. WvW - World vs. World combat. Comparable to world pvp in WoW (kinda), but with way more structure and competitiveness. Pretty much a large area with events all directed towards war with another server. And there are gathering nodes, you get xp, meaning you could potentially level there. Horizontal progression - I don't have the time to raid twice a week in order to keep up with gear requirements. Because the progression in GW2 is horizontal I don't need to do this and will always be able to join in events with the guild and play end game content. Even if stopping for half a year, you can come back and still have endgame gear. This is also nice, cause it allows you to focus purely on getting better at the game without the distraction of constantly needing to keep up with gear. Skill based - skill is way more important than gear. You won't beat a dungeon by becomming a higher level and getting better gear. You need to learn how bosses and enemy npc's work. There is a lot of variation in boss tactics. Living story - Living story is the world progression in the game. It gets updated every month or so (inbetween seasons atm, so taking longer this time). To give an example of the previous season: it all started with a strange alliance turning up causing havoc around areas in tyria. Refugee camps started forming in major cities. It soon becomes clear who is in charge and a few heroes turn up to fight the evil. It all ends with a all out attack on Lion's Arch, the world's capitol. Imagine logging in and seeing a place where you're used to seeing players doing their banking business and goofing around turn into flames, with huge and powerfull enemies of all sorts reaking havoc. Players going in in waves trying to save its citizens. It all ending with a huge fight with the main leader. Down scaling - You're character gets downscaled, level and gearwise to the area you're in. You will still be stronger, but not too OP. Community - Just like in any online game, there are some bad eggs, but overall I think the community of GW2 is really cool, nice and helpful. No subscription - 'nuf said Con's: Horizontal progression - Also stated in Pro's. The con in this is that you will need to find another goal in the game that isn't making your character stronger. Lots of the things you need to work really hard for are purely cosmetic. I don't really mind, but some people have a hard time with this. Bugs - This is still a pretty big problem for me. I love roaming around in WvW, but when I'm in the middle of a fight I suddenly can't swap weaponsets, or can't move anymore, causing me to loose, it sucks. Unbalanced - The game is not balanced all around. I think particularly, stealth is really overpowered in World vs. World (especially thiefs). This doesn't really effect the overall outcome of big WvW battles, but when roaming it really sucks. Although you might win the fight, you probably won't kill a thief, cause he can usually just perma stealth and run away. Besides that, a few classes are always prefered in PvE over others (necromancers and rangers usually drawing the short straw). Ended up writing a lot more than I thought. Wildstar looks pretty cool too, but can't say anything about that. TL;DR: Buy gw2
I've played GW2 since launch. Not super active the entire time, but it is definatly a fun game. I'll make you a list of pro's and con's, still based on opinion but it might shed some light. Pro's: Combat - The combat is fast paced. You need to be very reactive to the animations of for instance dungeon bosses. I personally think the combat really comes to life in pvp. WvW - World vs. World combat. Comparable to world pvp in WoW (kinda), but with way more structure and competitiveness. Pretty much a large area with events all directed towards war with another server. And there are gathering nodes, you get xp, meaning you could potentially level there. Horizontal progression - I don't have the time to raid twice a week in order to keep up with gear requirements. Because the progression in GW2 is horizontal I don't need to do this and will always be able to join in events with the guild and play end game content. Even if stopping for half a year, you can come back and still have endgame gear. This is also nice, cause it allows you to focus purely on getting better at the game without the distraction of constantly needing to keep up with gear. Skill based - skill is way more important than gear. You won't beat a dungeon by becomming a higher level and getting better gear. You need to learn how bosses and enemy npc's work. There is a lot of variation in boss tactics. Living story - Living story is the world progression in the game. It gets updated every month or so (inbetween seasons atm, so taking longer this time). To give an example of the previous season: it all started with a strange alliance turning up causing havoc around areas in tyria. Refugee camps started forming in major cities. It soon becomes clear who is in charge and a few heroes turn up to fight the evil. It all ends with a all out attack on Lion's Arch, the world's capitol. Imagine logging in and seeing a place where you're used to seeing players doing their banking business and goofing around turn into flames, with huge and powerfull enemies of all sorts reaking havoc. Players going in in waves trying to save its citizens. It all ending with a huge fight with the main leader. Down scaling - You're character gets downscaled, level and gearwise to the area you're in. You will still be stronger, but not too OP. Community - Just like in any online game, there are some bad eggs, but overall I think the community of GW2 is really cool, nice and helpful. No subscription - 'nuf said Con's: Horizontal progression - Also stated in Pro's. The con in this is that you will need to find another goal in the game that isn't making your character stronger. Lots of the things you need to work really hard for are purely cosmetic. I don't really mind, but some people have a hard time with this. Bugs - This is still a pretty big problem for me. I love roaming around in WvW, but when I'm in the middle of a fight I suddenly can't swap weaponsets, or can't move anymore, causing me to loose, it sucks. Unbalanced - The game is not balanced all around. I think particularly, stealth is really overpowered in World vs. World (especially thiefs). This doesn't really effect the overall outcome of big WvW battles, but when roaming it really sucks. Although you might win the fight, you probably won't kill a thief, cause he can usually just perma stealth and run away. Besides that, a few classes are always prefered in PvE over others (necromancers and rangers usually drawing the short straw). Ended up writing a lot more than I thought. Wildstar looks pretty cool too, but can't say anything about that.
Buy gw2
I've played GW2 at launch for a good while but quit because it just couldn't keep me interested. It's a good game for sure but it just fell off hard after you did everything. I'm now really **really** excited for wildstar. Basically because it's got everything you could want and it's got it in a whole bunch of different ways. The main thing about an MMORPG has got to be the combat, and i think wildstar has really got this down great. You're constantly in action, constantly moving and dodging because most skills allow you to move around (only a fraction require you to actually stand still). Dodging your opponents skills is a requirement, even regular monsters in the world can and will kill you if you don't steer clear of their attacks. The different races and classes really feel different; every class has its own strengths and don't feel like a slightly altered repeat of the last one. Every race has its own background (no racial/faction bonusses/buffs ingame btw) and everything just meshes together well. It's got great PVE: you have dungeons, adventures, raids (20 man and 40 man) which are epic. [Here's a video]( about a single bossfight in a 20man raid. it's not even an endboss, let alone a 40man raid, but already you can clearly see it has awesome mechanics that can and will kill all of the raiders if you aren't incredibly careful. PVP is the same, it's got everything. (note: i'm not a PVPer so this info might be off). Wildstar has open world PVP, faction VS faction, matched PVP (i believe 1v1, 2v2, 5v5) and most importantly warplots. warplots are basically PVP raids: 40 VS 40. The most kickass thing about warplots is that you ahve to build your own base; you build walls, buy defensive/offensive NPC guards, traps etc. You can even use bosses you've beaten in dungeons and raids to strengthen your warplot. When you've built your base you group with 39 others and match yourself against another group. Lastly: the loser loses his warplot and all the items and gold he's sunk into building it, the winners get loot and stuff based off of that warplot (not entirely sure how it works exactly). It's got lore and exploration too. There are 4 paths: Soldier, Settler, Scientist and Explorer. You pick one when you create a character and based on which you pick you get sidequests. Soldiers get combat missions: survive hordes of enemies, assasinate a target, blow shit up etc. Settlers gather resources in a zone and build buff stations that give *awesome* buffs to everyone (really, settlers are going to be popular as hell). Scientists scan everything and unlock extra lore; more stories about nexus and its inhabitants. Explorers do just that: explore. they get jumping puzzles and races and really get everywhere. It's got a great crafting system too, i'm not sure how to explain it because i haven't even figured it all out myself but let me just say its really a step up from what i've seen in GW2. Customization: there is so much of it, from characters ([these are all the same race!]( to [housing]( to mounts ([pimp]( yo [ride]( and even armor which you can paint with dyes. Maybe most important thing is that the devvies are really open, just look in the /r/wildstar sub and see for yourself how well the devvies interact with the community. Most games you get a feeling of "this is fun, but they made this to make money" while with wildstar i really get a "money is second, making a great game is priority #1" feeling from carbine. Really, what i've written here doesn't do it justice and only covers things slightly. There is so much that i think is incredibly awesome about wildstar but to write that down would take hours. TL;DR check out as much as you can about wildstar and you won't be dissapointed.
I've played GW2 at launch for a good while but quit because it just couldn't keep me interested. It's a good game for sure but it just fell off hard after you did everything. I'm now really really excited for wildstar. Basically because it's got everything you could want and it's got it in a whole bunch of different ways. The main thing about an MMORPG has got to be the combat, and i think wildstar has really got this down great. You're constantly in action, constantly moving and dodging because most skills allow you to move around (only a fraction require you to actually stand still). Dodging your opponents skills is a requirement, even regular monsters in the world can and will kill you if you don't steer clear of their attacks. The different races and classes really feel different; every class has its own strengths and don't feel like a slightly altered repeat of the last one. Every race has its own background (no racial/faction bonusses/buffs ingame btw) and everything just meshes together well. It's got great PVE: you have dungeons, adventures, raids (20 man and 40 man) which are epic. [Here's a video]( about a single bossfight in a 20man raid. it's not even an endboss, let alone a 40man raid, but already you can clearly see it has awesome mechanics that can and will kill all of the raiders if you aren't incredibly careful. PVP is the same, it's got everything. (note: i'm not a PVPer so this info might be off). Wildstar has open world PVP, faction VS faction, matched PVP (i believe 1v1, 2v2, 5v5) and most importantly warplots. warplots are basically PVP raids: 40 VS 40. The most kickass thing about warplots is that you ahve to build your own base; you build walls, buy defensive/offensive NPC guards, traps etc. You can even use bosses you've beaten in dungeons and raids to strengthen your warplot. When you've built your base you group with 39 others and match yourself against another group. Lastly: the loser loses his warplot and all the items and gold he's sunk into building it, the winners get loot and stuff based off of that warplot (not entirely sure how it works exactly). It's got lore and exploration too. There are 4 paths: Soldier, Settler, Scientist and Explorer. You pick one when you create a character and based on which you pick you get sidequests. Soldiers get combat missions: survive hordes of enemies, assasinate a target, blow shit up etc. Settlers gather resources in a zone and build buff stations that give awesome buffs to everyone (really, settlers are going to be popular as hell). Scientists scan everything and unlock extra lore; more stories about nexus and its inhabitants. Explorers do just that: explore. they get jumping puzzles and races and really get everywhere. It's got a great crafting system too, i'm not sure how to explain it because i haven't even figured it all out myself but let me just say its really a step up from what i've seen in GW2. Customization: there is so much of it, from characters ([these are all the same race!]( to [housing]( to mounts ([pimp]( yo [ride]( and even armor which you can paint with dyes. Maybe most important thing is that the devvies are really open, just look in the /r/wildstar sub and see for yourself how well the devvies interact with the community. Most games you get a feeling of "this is fun, but they made this to make money" while with wildstar i really get a "money is second, making a great game is priority #1" feeling from carbine. Really, what i've written here doesn't do it justice and only covers things slightly. There is so much that i think is incredibly awesome about wildstar but to write that down would take hours. TL;DR check out as much as you can about wildstar and you won't be dissapointed.
I've played GW2 at launch for a good while but quit because it just couldn't keep me interested. It's a good game for sure but it just fell off hard after you did everything. I'm now really really excited for wildstar. Basically because it's got everything you could want and it's got it in a whole bunch of different ways. The main thing about an MMORPG has got to be the combat, and i think wildstar has really got this down great. You're constantly in action, constantly moving and dodging because most skills allow you to move around (only a fraction require you to actually stand still). Dodging your opponents skills is a requirement, even regular monsters in the world can and will kill you if you don't steer clear of their attacks. The different races and classes really feel different; every class has its own strengths and don't feel like a slightly altered repeat of the last one. Every race has its own background (no racial/faction bonusses/buffs ingame btw) and everything just meshes together well. It's got great PVE: you have dungeons, adventures, raids (20 man and 40 man) which are epic. [Here's a video]( about a single bossfight in a 20man raid. it's not even an endboss, let alone a 40man raid, but already you can clearly see it has awesome mechanics that can and will kill all of the raiders if you aren't incredibly careful. PVP is the same, it's got everything. (note: i'm not a PVPer so this info might be off). Wildstar has open world PVP, faction VS faction, matched PVP (i believe 1v1, 2v2, 5v5) and most importantly warplots. warplots are basically PVP raids: 40 VS 40. The most kickass thing about warplots is that you ahve to build your own base; you build walls, buy defensive/offensive NPC guards, traps etc. You can even use bosses you've beaten in dungeons and raids to strengthen your warplot. When you've built your base you group with 39 others and match yourself against another group. Lastly: the loser loses his warplot and all the items and gold he's sunk into building it, the winners get loot and stuff based off of that warplot (not entirely sure how it works exactly). It's got lore and exploration too. There are 4 paths: Soldier, Settler, Scientist and Explorer. You pick one when you create a character and based on which you pick you get sidequests. Soldiers get combat missions: survive hordes of enemies, assasinate a target, blow shit up etc. Settlers gather resources in a zone and build buff stations that give awesome buffs to everyone (really, settlers are going to be popular as hell). Scientists scan everything and unlock extra lore; more stories about nexus and its inhabitants. Explorers do just that: explore. they get jumping puzzles and races and really get everywhere. It's got a great crafting system too, i'm not sure how to explain it because i haven't even figured it all out myself but let me just say its really a step up from what i've seen in GW2. Customization: there is so much of it, from characters ([these are all the same race!]( to [housing]( to mounts ([pimp]( yo [ride]( and even armor which you can paint with dyes. Maybe most important thing is that the devvies are really open, just look in the /r/wildstar sub and see for yourself how well the devvies interact with the community. Most games you get a feeling of "this is fun, but they made this to make money" while with wildstar i really get a "money is second, making a great game is priority #1" feeling from carbine. Really, what i've written here doesn't do it justice and only covers things slightly. There is so much that i think is incredibly awesome about wildstar but to write that down would take hours.
check out as much as you can about wildstar and you won't be dissapointed.
**Supply/demand**. Men have always been the hornier gender and will therefore be put in a vulnerable position. Women can sense that they have what we want, and thus they have adapted a more selective nature. Men have higher sex drives and are more easy to stimulate *visually*. Thus, just walking around in public can make you feel like a kid in a candy store, depending on your level of testosterone/libido. Personally, I have a really hard time concentrating at the gym, with all those juicy asses in yoga pants bumping around. It has been common to say things like: *"Men might have higher sex drives, but women enjoy sex just as much as men."* But I tend to disagree with this notion. If women loved sex as much as men, then they'd want to have sex even when they don't feel like it. If I'm not horny at all and my GF asks for sex, then I'll *make* myself horny, just so that I can have sex. And I'm not even doing it for *her* sake either. I'm doing it because my body tells me that it's what I want to do, while at the same time screaming for me to relax instead. Could the average woman identify with this mindset? We all know that they sometimes have sex even if they don't want to, but that almost always seems to be in order to make the man happy. There's a reason why there's so few male prositutes and strippers etc, compared to female ones. Women just aren't that into sex. At least not as much as most guys are. We live in a ridiculous politically correct world where we're not even allowed to state the obvious. I will probably be downvoted to hell for this post because I'm "generalizing"(reddit's worst nightmare!). Sure, you'll find several women with super high sex drives and low standards, but that is certainly not the norm. Come to Norway and Sweden, the most egalitarian countries in the world, and you'll still see that we're miles away from being equal in the sexual aspect. **TLDR;** Is the average woman as horny as the average man? No. Is the average woman as unselective about her sex partners as the average man? No. If done correctly, can the average woman enjoy the act of sex as much as the average man? Yes.
Supply/demand . Men have always been the hornier gender and will therefore be put in a vulnerable position. Women can sense that they have what we want, and thus they have adapted a more selective nature. Men have higher sex drives and are more easy to stimulate visually . Thus, just walking around in public can make you feel like a kid in a candy store, depending on your level of testosterone/libido. Personally, I have a really hard time concentrating at the gym, with all those juicy asses in yoga pants bumping around. It has been common to say things like: "Men might have higher sex drives, but women enjoy sex just as much as men." But I tend to disagree with this notion. If women loved sex as much as men, then they'd want to have sex even when they don't feel like it. If I'm not horny at all and my GF asks for sex, then I'll make myself horny, just so that I can have sex. And I'm not even doing it for her sake either. I'm doing it because my body tells me that it's what I want to do, while at the same time screaming for me to relax instead. Could the average woman identify with this mindset? We all know that they sometimes have sex even if they don't want to, but that almost always seems to be in order to make the man happy. There's a reason why there's so few male prositutes and strippers etc, compared to female ones. Women just aren't that into sex. At least not as much as most guys are. We live in a ridiculous politically correct world where we're not even allowed to state the obvious. I will probably be downvoted to hell for this post because I'm "generalizing"(reddit's worst nightmare!). Sure, you'll find several women with super high sex drives and low standards, but that is certainly not the norm. Come to Norway and Sweden, the most egalitarian countries in the world, and you'll still see that we're miles away from being equal in the sexual aspect. TLDR; Is the average woman as horny as the average man? No. Is the average woman as unselective about her sex partners as the average man? No. If done correctly, can the average woman enjoy the act of sex as much as the average man? Yes.
Supply/demand . Men have always been the hornier gender and will therefore be put in a vulnerable position. Women can sense that they have what we want, and thus they have adapted a more selective nature. Men have higher sex drives and are more easy to stimulate visually . Thus, just walking around in public can make you feel like a kid in a candy store, depending on your level of testosterone/libido. Personally, I have a really hard time concentrating at the gym, with all those juicy asses in yoga pants bumping around. It has been common to say things like: "Men might have higher sex drives, but women enjoy sex just as much as men." But I tend to disagree with this notion. If women loved sex as much as men, then they'd want to have sex even when they don't feel like it. If I'm not horny at all and my GF asks for sex, then I'll make myself horny, just so that I can have sex. And I'm not even doing it for her sake either. I'm doing it because my body tells me that it's what I want to do, while at the same time screaming for me to relax instead. Could the average woman identify with this mindset? We all know that they sometimes have sex even if they don't want to, but that almost always seems to be in order to make the man happy. There's a reason why there's so few male prositutes and strippers etc, compared to female ones. Women just aren't that into sex. At least not as much as most guys are. We live in a ridiculous politically correct world where we're not even allowed to state the obvious. I will probably be downvoted to hell for this post because I'm "generalizing"(reddit's worst nightmare!). Sure, you'll find several women with super high sex drives and low standards, but that is certainly not the norm. Come to Norway and Sweden, the most egalitarian countries in the world, and you'll still see that we're miles away from being equal in the sexual aspect.
Is the average woman as horny as the average man? No. Is the average woman as unselective about her sex partners as the average man? No. If done correctly, can the average woman enjoy the act of sex as much as the average man? Yes.
Thing to keep in mind: Block structure is Large Small Large "with a twist" Large Fall set: Okay so Sarkhan Vol comes home and is upset because dragons are gone. He wants dragons. We meet the locals, and see mechanics. Small winter set: Sarkhan Vol leaves that plane and visits a new one with dragons. He uses a pokéball to capture them and bring them back to the plane. (Not a pokéball obviously but some form of magic bullshittery) the "new plane" could even be old Dominaria, or maybe where Nicol Bolas is. Large Spring Set: Sarkhan brings Dragons back to the plane, they take over and eat everything. He lets them breed and feed and then takes a fleet of them (DragonForce1) and goes to fight the Eldrazi along with Gideon the Boros Legionnaire, Kiora the Crazy Kraken Lady, Sorin the Army of Tokens guy, Jace the manager of Super Weenie Hut Jr., Chandra the Cardadvantagemaster, and Ajani the "I'm three colors but not all at once" Mentor of Heroes. TL;DR: Lack of Dragons, plenty of mongols, dragons show up, the plot turns into the Avengers VS the Eldrazi EDIT: Plot Twist, Tibalt was controlling the Eldrazi the whole time. For Value. Something something something Half-Life 3 top down plane
Thing to keep in mind: Block structure is Large Small Large "with a twist" Large Fall set: Okay so Sarkhan Vol comes home and is upset because dragons are gone. He wants dragons. We meet the locals, and see mechanics. Small winter set: Sarkhan Vol leaves that plane and visits a new one with dragons. He uses a pokéball to capture them and bring them back to the plane. (Not a pokéball obviously but some form of magic bullshittery) the "new plane" could even be old Dominaria, or maybe where Nicol Bolas is. Large Spring Set: Sarkhan brings Dragons back to the plane, they take over and eat everything. He lets them breed and feed and then takes a fleet of them (DragonForce1) and goes to fight the Eldrazi along with Gideon the Boros Legionnaire, Kiora the Crazy Kraken Lady, Sorin the Army of Tokens guy, Jace the manager of Super Weenie Hut Jr., Chandra the Cardadvantagemaster, and Ajani the "I'm three colors but not all at once" Mentor of Heroes. TL;DR: Lack of Dragons, plenty of mongols, dragons show up, the plot turns into the Avengers VS the Eldrazi EDIT: Plot Twist, Tibalt was controlling the Eldrazi the whole time. For Value. Something something something Half-Life 3 top down plane
Thing to keep in mind: Block structure is Large Small Large "with a twist" Large Fall set: Okay so Sarkhan Vol comes home and is upset because dragons are gone. He wants dragons. We meet the locals, and see mechanics. Small winter set: Sarkhan Vol leaves that plane and visits a new one with dragons. He uses a pokéball to capture them and bring them back to the plane. (Not a pokéball obviously but some form of magic bullshittery) the "new plane" could even be old Dominaria, or maybe where Nicol Bolas is. Large Spring Set: Sarkhan brings Dragons back to the plane, they take over and eat everything. He lets them breed and feed and then takes a fleet of them (DragonForce1) and goes to fight the Eldrazi along with Gideon the Boros Legionnaire, Kiora the Crazy Kraken Lady, Sorin the Army of Tokens guy, Jace the manager of Super Weenie Hut Jr., Chandra the Cardadvantagemaster, and Ajani the "I'm three colors but not all at once" Mentor of Heroes.
Lack of Dragons, plenty of mongols, dragons show up, the plot turns into the Avengers VS the Eldrazi EDIT: Plot Twist, Tibalt was controlling the Eldrazi the whole time. For Value. Something something something Half-Life 3 top down plane
~~Josh~~ "José" ~~Gordon~~ Ocho ~~Cinco~~ "Ocho Ocho" TL;DR "José Ocho Ocho"
Josh "José" Gordon Ocho Cinco "Ocho Ocho" TL;DR "José Ocho Ocho"
Josh "José" Gordon Ocho Cinco "Ocho Ocho"
José Ocho Ocho"
One time in rocket football, my coach promised we would run a tackle pass for me during the season. I practiced for weeks, planning on how exactly I would approach the ref to declare myself eligible and catch a TD as a reward for my tireless work in the trenches. Saturdays came and went, days dragged on, before we finally unearthed it during a scrimmage. I looked like a young Tony Gonzalez when I snagged that ball and shrugged off the hit from a LB. I'm ready to put on a show for the last game of the season. "It's gonna be tackle pass after tackle pass," I told myself. College coaches are gonna knock down my door. But we never ran the tackle pass in a real game. I was never more than a lowly tackle, blasting open holes for the RB to get the glory. I've never gotten over my trust issues and can't maintain a healthy relationship. Thanks Coach! TL;DR Don't get your hopes up for Tackle-Eligible
One time in rocket football, my coach promised we would run a tackle pass for me during the season. I practiced for weeks, planning on how exactly I would approach the ref to declare myself eligible and catch a TD as a reward for my tireless work in the trenches. Saturdays came and went, days dragged on, before we finally unearthed it during a scrimmage. I looked like a young Tony Gonzalez when I snagged that ball and shrugged off the hit from a LB. I'm ready to put on a show for the last game of the season. "It's gonna be tackle pass after tackle pass," I told myself. College coaches are gonna knock down my door. But we never ran the tackle pass in a real game. I was never more than a lowly tackle, blasting open holes for the RB to get the glory. I've never gotten over my trust issues and can't maintain a healthy relationship. Thanks Coach! TL;DR Don't get your hopes up for Tackle-Eligible
One time in rocket football, my coach promised we would run a tackle pass for me during the season. I practiced for weeks, planning on how exactly I would approach the ref to declare myself eligible and catch a TD as a reward for my tireless work in the trenches. Saturdays came and went, days dragged on, before we finally unearthed it during a scrimmage. I looked like a young Tony Gonzalez when I snagged that ball and shrugged off the hit from a LB. I'm ready to put on a show for the last game of the season. "It's gonna be tackle pass after tackle pass," I told myself. College coaches are gonna knock down my door. But we never ran the tackle pass in a real game. I was never more than a lowly tackle, blasting open holes for the RB to get the glory. I've never gotten over my trust issues and can't maintain a healthy relationship. Thanks Coach!
Don't get your hopes up for Tackle-Eligible
You expect more from Blizzard? Wow, you really feel entitled for a free to play game. How does Blizzard safeguard from you losing synch with their servers? Seriously. TLDR: (Why am I feeding this troll?)
You expect more from Blizzard? Wow, you really feel entitled for a free to play game. How does Blizzard safeguard from you losing synch with their servers? Seriously. TLDR: (Why am I feeding this troll?)
You expect more from Blizzard? Wow, you really feel entitled for a free to play game. How does Blizzard safeguard from you losing synch with their servers? Seriously.
Why am I feeding this troll?)
Ah, that old misinformation that has gotten more than one person slapped with a lawsuit. Check out what Nintendo has to say about that [here]( TL;DR: if you didn't rip it yourself, it's illegal.
Ah, that old misinformation that has gotten more than one person slapped with a lawsuit. Check out what Nintendo has to say about that [here]( TL;DR: if you didn't rip it yourself, it's illegal.
Ah, that old misinformation that has gotten more than one person slapped with a lawsuit. Check out what Nintendo has to say about that [here](
if you didn't rip it yourself, it's illegal.
Bauer make the best skates in my opinion, and they have three different lines that all fit **completely** differently: the Nexus, the Vapor, and the Supreme lines. I went in to my local shop planning on buying the Vapors because they are the most popular, but they fit me terribly. I ended up buying the Supreme one.6 and I couldn't be happier. tl;dr Go in and try on different models because they all fit differently
Bauer make the best skates in my opinion, and they have three different lines that all fit completely differently: the Nexus, the Vapor, and the Supreme lines. I went in to my local shop planning on buying the Vapors because they are the most popular, but they fit me terribly. I ended up buying the Supreme one.6 and I couldn't be happier. tl;dr Go in and try on different models because they all fit differently
Bauer make the best skates in my opinion, and they have three different lines that all fit completely differently: the Nexus, the Vapor, and the Supreme lines. I went in to my local shop planning on buying the Vapors because they are the most popular, but they fit me terribly. I ended up buying the Supreme one.6 and I couldn't be happier.
Go in and try on different models because they all fit differently
Yup I don't have any videos of it at the moment but he really lays it on thick. It's actually developed into a really cute game: We give him a bone (doesn't even have to be a special kind of bone, he'll do it with any), he walks around whining like crazy, then he hides it. After that's done, he lays down for ten minutes, stares at us and then starts "whine gunning" (credit for that name goes to /u/crispette ). Then well go look for the bone as he follows us around as we try to "find" it (he always hides it in one of three places, and it's always a corner). When we get to the bone, we pretend to dig, and he'll paw at us while we're doing it and give us this sad look as if to say "I worked so hard to hide it." He'll then huff, take his bone and go eat it. TL;DR: my dog is weird and we totally embrace his shenanigans
Yup I don't have any videos of it at the moment but he really lays it on thick. It's actually developed into a really cute game: We give him a bone (doesn't even have to be a special kind of bone, he'll do it with any), he walks around whining like crazy, then he hides it. After that's done, he lays down for ten minutes, stares at us and then starts "whine gunning" (credit for that name goes to /u/crispette ). Then well go look for the bone as he follows us around as we try to "find" it (he always hides it in one of three places, and it's always a corner). When we get to the bone, we pretend to dig, and he'll paw at us while we're doing it and give us this sad look as if to say "I worked so hard to hide it." He'll then huff, take his bone and go eat it. TL;DR: my dog is weird and we totally embrace his shenanigans
Yup I don't have any videos of it at the moment but he really lays it on thick. It's actually developed into a really cute game: We give him a bone (doesn't even have to be a special kind of bone, he'll do it with any), he walks around whining like crazy, then he hides it. After that's done, he lays down for ten minutes, stares at us and then starts "whine gunning" (credit for that name goes to /u/crispette ). Then well go look for the bone as he follows us around as we try to "find" it (he always hides it in one of three places, and it's always a corner). When we get to the bone, we pretend to dig, and he'll paw at us while we're doing it and give us this sad look as if to say "I worked so hard to hide it." He'll then huff, take his bone and go eat it.
my dog is weird and we totally embrace his shenanigans
Someone can't genuinely like only the first pink Floyd album without being a hipster? You guys are clearly persecuting him for an opinion and taste. His opinion is that the rest sounds like radio rock to him. In truth, YOU GUYS are the ones being hipsters about this. Grow up, people like different things and you don't need to get so offended if someone genuinely doesn't like a groups work.. You seriously think that someone can't dislike the rest of pink Floyd's albums and only like the first? They have two completely different sounds. As if they were two different bands. It's almost as if he is disliking one band and liking another. If this was the Chili peppers, everyone would just let it go. My god, you people are morons. Tldr: You're all self righteous hipsters just dying to persecute people.
Someone can't genuinely like only the first pink Floyd album without being a hipster? You guys are clearly persecuting him for an opinion and taste. His opinion is that the rest sounds like radio rock to him. In truth, YOU GUYS are the ones being hipsters about this. Grow up, people like different things and you don't need to get so offended if someone genuinely doesn't like a groups work.. You seriously think that someone can't dislike the rest of pink Floyd's albums and only like the first? They have two completely different sounds. As if they were two different bands. It's almost as if he is disliking one band and liking another. If this was the Chili peppers, everyone would just let it go. My god, you people are morons. Tldr: You're all self righteous hipsters just dying to persecute people.
Someone can't genuinely like only the first pink Floyd album without being a hipster? You guys are clearly persecuting him for an opinion and taste. His opinion is that the rest sounds like radio rock to him. In truth, YOU GUYS are the ones being hipsters about this. Grow up, people like different things and you don't need to get so offended if someone genuinely doesn't like a groups work.. You seriously think that someone can't dislike the rest of pink Floyd's albums and only like the first? They have two completely different sounds. As if they were two different bands. It's almost as if he is disliking one band and liking another. If this was the Chili peppers, everyone would just let it go. My god, you people are morons.
You're all self righteous hipsters just dying to persecute people.
It's not confirmed that he was a schizophrenic, that's only spectaculations, it was also said that he might've had aspergers too. My thought is that he got confused from the use of psychedelic drugs and depressed as he kinda lost himself in confusion as the band labeled him as crazy. He even explains himself in the last song he made with Pink Floyd called "Jugband Blues" with ends with "and what exactly is a dream, and what exactly is a joke". Syd never wanted the money and fame, he was an artist with different goals than his friends in Pink Floyd. He spent the rest of his life with his family, staying away from drama and misunderstandment while the band made money from the influence of his "crazyness", and that's the sad thing to me. TL;DR Syd Barret wasn't crazy, just confused, misunderstood and depressed.
It's not confirmed that he was a schizophrenic, that's only spectaculations, it was also said that he might've had aspergers too. My thought is that he got confused from the use of psychedelic drugs and depressed as he kinda lost himself in confusion as the band labeled him as crazy. He even explains himself in the last song he made with Pink Floyd called "Jugband Blues" with ends with "and what exactly is a dream, and what exactly is a joke". Syd never wanted the money and fame, he was an artist with different goals than his friends in Pink Floyd. He spent the rest of his life with his family, staying away from drama and misunderstandment while the band made money from the influence of his "crazyness", and that's the sad thing to me. TL;DR Syd Barret wasn't crazy, just confused, misunderstood and depressed.
It's not confirmed that he was a schizophrenic, that's only spectaculations, it was also said that he might've had aspergers too. My thought is that he got confused from the use of psychedelic drugs and depressed as he kinda lost himself in confusion as the band labeled him as crazy. He even explains himself in the last song he made with Pink Floyd called "Jugband Blues" with ends with "and what exactly is a dream, and what exactly is a joke". Syd never wanted the money and fame, he was an artist with different goals than his friends in Pink Floyd. He spent the rest of his life with his family, staying away from drama and misunderstandment while the band made money from the influence of his "crazyness", and that's the sad thing to me.
Syd Barret wasn't crazy, just confused, misunderstood and depressed.
There are a lot of people here seeming to think Syd was not that great or Pink Floyd were only good after him. I'm here to call poppycock. Syd had a lot going for him as a musician and songwriter and thoroughly deserves his legendary status. Piper at the Gates was the height of groundbreaking that year, and still sounds incredibly unique, except to the numerous poorer imitations of it in the underground scenes of the late 60's. Pink Floyd were considered nothing without Syd at the time and were catapulted onto centre stage of the music scene from the London underground movement. But everything that made Syd unique started overtaking him. Drug use, schizophrenia, self absorption or any combination of these factors slowly drew him out of reality making everything hard for him and others around him. The band left him because he was warping badly and doing things so out of the ordinary musically that they prompt discussions over their worth even here and now. He left the band with Jugband Blues, a song which some people think was just 3 unfinished extras cobbled together. It wasn't. He wanted it jarring and alien, a perfect replica of his emotions at the time. Lyrically, of course, it kept that feeling. However, it is his first solo album that really gets me. Madcap Laughs has random time signatures, ungrounded lyrics and sparse sounds and failures, but it is so beautiful. On this album, I truly believe that Syd shatters perceptions of how music can work in order to be good. There is not a single melody on that album I can't remember immediately from seeing just one line. I can't do that with any one else, except maybe the Divine Comedy. Is this the result of genius or downright withdrawal and insanity? Yes. Then comes his 2nd solo album "Barrett". It's good, but poorer. On Madcap Laughs the producers tried to keep it roughly as Syd wanted it, leaving in some studio noise and false starts as their only expression of struggle. On Barrett they decided, mostly Gilmour, to refine it and make it conform a bit more. Couple this with Syds lessening interest in music make it for a mismatching album. Just the other day I decided to learn "Rats" by Syd, from his album Barrett. I had never thought about the chords before, but judging from other songs of his I play the chords could be challenging, or very basic. Turns out they are basic, so basic in fact that it is just an E chord. I was astonished. Here is a song that is so interesting and has so many different sections and sounds, but he does it all on one chord. What the balls. That takes skill, or at least inherent ability. He then withdrew from music and everything else. He would paint all the time and then whitewash over it and do another. I get the impression he would do that with music too. TL; DR: Batshit insane, but batshit talented and original above any other musician, in my books.
There are a lot of people here seeming to think Syd was not that great or Pink Floyd were only good after him. I'm here to call poppycock. Syd had a lot going for him as a musician and songwriter and thoroughly deserves his legendary status. Piper at the Gates was the height of groundbreaking that year, and still sounds incredibly unique, except to the numerous poorer imitations of it in the underground scenes of the late 60's. Pink Floyd were considered nothing without Syd at the time and were catapulted onto centre stage of the music scene from the London underground movement. But everything that made Syd unique started overtaking him. Drug use, schizophrenia, self absorption or any combination of these factors slowly drew him out of reality making everything hard for him and others around him. The band left him because he was warping badly and doing things so out of the ordinary musically that they prompt discussions over their worth even here and now. He left the band with Jugband Blues, a song which some people think was just 3 unfinished extras cobbled together. It wasn't. He wanted it jarring and alien, a perfect replica of his emotions at the time. Lyrically, of course, it kept that feeling. However, it is his first solo album that really gets me. Madcap Laughs has random time signatures, ungrounded lyrics and sparse sounds and failures, but it is so beautiful. On this album, I truly believe that Syd shatters perceptions of how music can work in order to be good. There is not a single melody on that album I can't remember immediately from seeing just one line. I can't do that with any one else, except maybe the Divine Comedy. Is this the result of genius or downright withdrawal and insanity? Yes. Then comes his 2nd solo album "Barrett". It's good, but poorer. On Madcap Laughs the producers tried to keep it roughly as Syd wanted it, leaving in some studio noise and false starts as their only expression of struggle. On Barrett they decided, mostly Gilmour, to refine it and make it conform a bit more. Couple this with Syds lessening interest in music make it for a mismatching album. Just the other day I decided to learn "Rats" by Syd, from his album Barrett. I had never thought about the chords before, but judging from other songs of his I play the chords could be challenging, or very basic. Turns out they are basic, so basic in fact that it is just an E chord. I was astonished. Here is a song that is so interesting and has so many different sections and sounds, but he does it all on one chord. What the balls. That takes skill, or at least inherent ability. He then withdrew from music and everything else. He would paint all the time and then whitewash over it and do another. I get the impression he would do that with music too. TL; DR: Batshit insane, but batshit talented and original above any other musician, in my books.
There are a lot of people here seeming to think Syd was not that great or Pink Floyd were only good after him. I'm here to call poppycock. Syd had a lot going for him as a musician and songwriter and thoroughly deserves his legendary status. Piper at the Gates was the height of groundbreaking that year, and still sounds incredibly unique, except to the numerous poorer imitations of it in the underground scenes of the late 60's. Pink Floyd were considered nothing without Syd at the time and were catapulted onto centre stage of the music scene from the London underground movement. But everything that made Syd unique started overtaking him. Drug use, schizophrenia, self absorption or any combination of these factors slowly drew him out of reality making everything hard for him and others around him. The band left him because he was warping badly and doing things so out of the ordinary musically that they prompt discussions over their worth even here and now. He left the band with Jugband Blues, a song which some people think was just 3 unfinished extras cobbled together. It wasn't. He wanted it jarring and alien, a perfect replica of his emotions at the time. Lyrically, of course, it kept that feeling. However, it is his first solo album that really gets me. Madcap Laughs has random time signatures, ungrounded lyrics and sparse sounds and failures, but it is so beautiful. On this album, I truly believe that Syd shatters perceptions of how music can work in order to be good. There is not a single melody on that album I can't remember immediately from seeing just one line. I can't do that with any one else, except maybe the Divine Comedy. Is this the result of genius or downright withdrawal and insanity? Yes. Then comes his 2nd solo album "Barrett". It's good, but poorer. On Madcap Laughs the producers tried to keep it roughly as Syd wanted it, leaving in some studio noise and false starts as their only expression of struggle. On Barrett they decided, mostly Gilmour, to refine it and make it conform a bit more. Couple this with Syds lessening interest in music make it for a mismatching album. Just the other day I decided to learn "Rats" by Syd, from his album Barrett. I had never thought about the chords before, but judging from other songs of his I play the chords could be challenging, or very basic. Turns out they are basic, so basic in fact that it is just an E chord. I was astonished. Here is a song that is so interesting and has so many different sections and sounds, but he does it all on one chord. What the balls. That takes skill, or at least inherent ability. He then withdrew from music and everything else. He would paint all the time and then whitewash over it and do another. I get the impression he would do that with music too.
Batshit insane, but batshit talented and original above any other musician, in my books.
TB, you neglected to mention the the skills can be swapped, discarded and placed with a simple drag and drop of the icons from the "storage" box onto the skills bar, this includes inserting passive abilities as well, so the clunkiness of the skills system is a non-issue, just like to point that out, seeing as it's a blemish on an otherwise near-perfect game. After completing the game the first time round, i have steam clocked in at about 7 hours, given that about an hour of that was wasted (AFK, looking for actions that trigger logan cunningham's gorgeous voice(think "kid just raged for a while"), and it was a pretty comprehensive experience for a 20 dollar game. currently have 10 hours clocked and about a third of the way through recursion(NG+), and I have to say, that it really does change the core mechanics in a way that makes it much more interesting than the first time round, plus, more fantastic voice acting. All in all, it was well worth my 30 dollars(19.99+10 for the soundtrack) and i hope to see more fantastic narrative, as well as mechanically competent games from supergiant. Their take on the age old RTS genre in particular intrigues me. TL:DR Fantastic game, about 6 hours long on first playthrough, second playthrough is worth doing, next game pls supergiant.
TB, you neglected to mention the the skills can be swapped, discarded and placed with a simple drag and drop of the icons from the "storage" box onto the skills bar, this includes inserting passive abilities as well, so the clunkiness of the skills system is a non-issue, just like to point that out, seeing as it's a blemish on an otherwise near-perfect game. After completing the game the first time round, i have steam clocked in at about 7 hours, given that about an hour of that was wasted (AFK, looking for actions that trigger logan cunningham's gorgeous voice(think "kid just raged for a while"), and it was a pretty comprehensive experience for a 20 dollar game. currently have 10 hours clocked and about a third of the way through recursion(NG+), and I have to say, that it really does change the core mechanics in a way that makes it much more interesting than the first time round, plus, more fantastic voice acting. All in all, it was well worth my 30 dollars(19.99+10 for the soundtrack) and i hope to see more fantastic narrative, as well as mechanically competent games from supergiant. Their take on the age old RTS genre in particular intrigues me. TL:DR Fantastic game, about 6 hours long on first playthrough, second playthrough is worth doing, next game pls supergiant.
TB, you neglected to mention the the skills can be swapped, discarded and placed with a simple drag and drop of the icons from the "storage" box onto the skills bar, this includes inserting passive abilities as well, so the clunkiness of the skills system is a non-issue, just like to point that out, seeing as it's a blemish on an otherwise near-perfect game. After completing the game the first time round, i have steam clocked in at about 7 hours, given that about an hour of that was wasted (AFK, looking for actions that trigger logan cunningham's gorgeous voice(think "kid just raged for a while"), and it was a pretty comprehensive experience for a 20 dollar game. currently have 10 hours clocked and about a third of the way through recursion(NG+), and I have to say, that it really does change the core mechanics in a way that makes it much more interesting than the first time round, plus, more fantastic voice acting. All in all, it was well worth my 30 dollars(19.99+10 for the soundtrack) and i hope to see more fantastic narrative, as well as mechanically competent games from supergiant. Their take on the age old RTS genre in particular intrigues me.
Fantastic game, about 6 hours long on first playthrough, second playthrough is worth doing, next game pls supergiant.
This is what i posted before and was pointed out by Ronni Daniel: Once again Pallywood in action. Fact: 2 palestinians died Not fact: This video shows them dying. How we can see its fake: 1. somehow a shitty security cam is HD and they are always near the center of the shot. 2. This happend in exactly the same spot 1 hour apart. 3 (major one). If anyone here has heard gunfire they know its fucking loud, and yet in the video there is no reaction from any of the 4 people in the back, only those close to the camera. 4. Not only do they both try to stop their fall, but you can see there is no knockback. Now the claim is they were shot by snipers, that means the bullet has a very high impact so in the very least it should be visible, and yet here nothing. Not only that but the first guy sticks his arm out before he gets "shot" to break his fall. So TL;DR Palestinians died in violent clashes attack soldiers, but as this dosent look good for winning sympathy so they recreate their death.
This is what i posted before and was pointed out by Ronni Daniel: Once again Pallywood in action. Fact: 2 palestinians died Not fact: This video shows them dying. How we can see its fake: somehow a shitty security cam is HD and they are always near the center of the shot. This happend in exactly the same spot 1 hour apart. 3 (major one). If anyone here has heard gunfire they know its fucking loud, and yet in the video there is no reaction from any of the 4 people in the back, only those close to the camera. Not only do they both try to stop their fall, but you can see there is no knockback. Now the claim is they were shot by snipers, that means the bullet has a very high impact so in the very least it should be visible, and yet here nothing. Not only that but the first guy sticks his arm out before he gets "shot" to break his fall. So TL;DR Palestinians died in violent clashes attack soldiers, but as this dosent look good for winning sympathy so they recreate their death.
This is what i posted before and was pointed out by Ronni Daniel: Once again Pallywood in action. Fact: 2 palestinians died Not fact: This video shows them dying. How we can see its fake: somehow a shitty security cam is HD and they are always near the center of the shot. This happend in exactly the same spot 1 hour apart. 3 (major one). If anyone here has heard gunfire they know its fucking loud, and yet in the video there is no reaction from any of the 4 people in the back, only those close to the camera. Not only do they both try to stop their fall, but you can see there is no knockback. Now the claim is they were shot by snipers, that means the bullet has a very high impact so in the very least it should be visible, and yet here nothing. Not only that but the first guy sticks his arm out before he gets "shot" to break his fall. So
Palestinians died in violent clashes attack soldiers, but as this dosent look good for winning sympathy so they recreate their death.
Also, just because a support is playing aggressively, doesn't mean they're wanting you to jump up and all-in with them either. As a support main, i've lost count of how many times i've done my Q+W poke combo on karma against the enemy support, and my adc starts raging " DUDE!?!? I'm TRYING TO FARM, STOP ENGAGING!!!!" and that's when i basically drop his dumb ass because he doesn't know the difference between poking and engaging. Most of the time, good supports will ping before they actually engage unless it's a split second window of oppurtunity. TL;DR Just because your support is poking or doing damage, he's not necessarily engaging, he may just be trying to zone them away from you, which is EXACTLY what he's supposed to do.
Also, just because a support is playing aggressively, doesn't mean they're wanting you to jump up and all-in with them either. As a support main, i've lost count of how many times i've done my Q+W poke combo on karma against the enemy support, and my adc starts raging " DUDE!?!? I'm TRYING TO FARM, STOP ENGAGING!!!!" and that's when i basically drop his dumb ass because he doesn't know the difference between poking and engaging. Most of the time, good supports will ping before they actually engage unless it's a split second window of oppurtunity. TL;DR Just because your support is poking or doing damage, he's not necessarily engaging, he may just be trying to zone them away from you, which is EXACTLY what he's supposed to do.
Also, just because a support is playing aggressively, doesn't mean they're wanting you to jump up and all-in with them either. As a support main, i've lost count of how many times i've done my Q+W poke combo on karma against the enemy support, and my adc starts raging " DUDE!?!? I'm TRYING TO FARM, STOP ENGAGING!!!!" and that's when i basically drop his dumb ass because he doesn't know the difference between poking and engaging. Most of the time, good supports will ping before they actually engage unless it's a split second window of oppurtunity.
Just because your support is poking or doing damage, he's not necessarily engaging, he may just be trying to zone them away from you, which is EXACTLY what he's supposed to do.
For me there is always going to be another show to watch or game to play. I have a feeling my wish to die is going to get kicked down the road until time does me in, I don't want to be alive but I less so want to miss out on the fun. Furthermore I wonder how much ennui emulates suicidal urges that are distinct from real power drill juggling death wishes. I don't want to be bored. When I cross the road I look both ways and it isn't because of GoT being unfinished. But it does kind of seem strange that the product of other people's imaginations are enough to keep a lot of people from pressing the exit button. Myself included some days. tl;dr I think boredom is lethal while being one of many reasons people will feel the desire to cease existing.
For me there is always going to be another show to watch or game to play. I have a feeling my wish to die is going to get kicked down the road until time does me in, I don't want to be alive but I less so want to miss out on the fun. Furthermore I wonder how much ennui emulates suicidal urges that are distinct from real power drill juggling death wishes. I don't want to be bored. When I cross the road I look both ways and it isn't because of GoT being unfinished. But it does kind of seem strange that the product of other people's imaginations are enough to keep a lot of people from pressing the exit button. Myself included some days. tl;dr I think boredom is lethal while being one of many reasons people will feel the desire to cease existing.
For me there is always going to be another show to watch or game to play. I have a feeling my wish to die is going to get kicked down the road until time does me in, I don't want to be alive but I less so want to miss out on the fun. Furthermore I wonder how much ennui emulates suicidal urges that are distinct from real power drill juggling death wishes. I don't want to be bored. When I cross the road I look both ways and it isn't because of GoT being unfinished. But it does kind of seem strange that the product of other people's imaginations are enough to keep a lot of people from pressing the exit button. Myself included some days.
I think boredom is lethal while being one of many reasons people will feel the desire to cease existing.
went on a campout with my boy scout troop, we got to sleep in an area that is well documented to be the place that the confederate had their medics tents set up. we all heard what we thought was thunder, very distinct booming noises, but there wasn't any rain anywhere within 25 miles of our camp. a few of the adults asked the tour guide(a park ranger) the next day if there were any reenactments going on over the weekend, because they heard crying and the "thunder". the park ranger said there are never reenactments allowed on the actual Gettysburg property, and they font allow people to reenact during the evening in the county. very creepy stuff. TL:DR went on a boy scout campout in gettysburg, heard very distinct cannon blasts in the middle of the night. no cannons went off.
went on a campout with my boy scout troop, we got to sleep in an area that is well documented to be the place that the confederate had their medics tents set up. we all heard what we thought was thunder, very distinct booming noises, but there wasn't any rain anywhere within 25 miles of our camp. a few of the adults asked the tour guide(a park ranger) the next day if there were any reenactments going on over the weekend, because they heard crying and the "thunder". the park ranger said there are never reenactments allowed on the actual Gettysburg property, and they font allow people to reenact during the evening in the county. very creepy stuff. TL:DR went on a boy scout campout in gettysburg, heard very distinct cannon blasts in the middle of the night. no cannons went off.
went on a campout with my boy scout troop, we got to sleep in an area that is well documented to be the place that the confederate had their medics tents set up. we all heard what we thought was thunder, very distinct booming noises, but there wasn't any rain anywhere within 25 miles of our camp. a few of the adults asked the tour guide(a park ranger) the next day if there were any reenactments going on over the weekend, because they heard crying and the "thunder". the park ranger said there are never reenactments allowed on the actual Gettysburg property, and they font allow people to reenact during the evening in the county. very creepy stuff.
went on a boy scout campout in gettysburg, heard very distinct cannon blasts in the middle of the night. no cannons went off.
I'd argue it makes the engineering degree requirements much less daunting. Looking at the example 4-year plans they suggest for the engineering majors, most include a number of 17-18 credit hour semesters. With AP credit you have the freedom to take lighter semester loads, or take other classes that might not have fit into your schedule if you had to take the credited courses. Most everyone I know who came in with a sizeable number of AP credits, particularly math and science, had very little issue completing their engineering degrees in 4 years or less. Most took semesters abroad or even off; those who didn't typically graduated early. TL;DR: yes AP credit is good for you
I'd argue it makes the engineering degree requirements much less daunting. Looking at the example 4-year plans they suggest for the engineering majors, most include a number of 17-18 credit hour semesters. With AP credit you have the freedom to take lighter semester loads, or take other classes that might not have fit into your schedule if you had to take the credited courses. Most everyone I know who came in with a sizeable number of AP credits, particularly math and science, had very little issue completing their engineering degrees in 4 years or less. Most took semesters abroad or even off; those who didn't typically graduated early. TL;DR: yes AP credit is good for you
I'd argue it makes the engineering degree requirements much less daunting. Looking at the example 4-year plans they suggest for the engineering majors, most include a number of 17-18 credit hour semesters. With AP credit you have the freedom to take lighter semester loads, or take other classes that might not have fit into your schedule if you had to take the credited courses. Most everyone I know who came in with a sizeable number of AP credits, particularly math and science, had very little issue completing their engineering degrees in 4 years or less. Most took semesters abroad or even off; those who didn't typically graduated early.
yes AP credit is good for you
I took both the AP English and AP Lit tests and I got out of RHET 105 and ENGL 110. You cannot earn extra credits for classes you take twice (usually). So the answer is no, you do not get extra credits for fulfilling the same requirement twice. Coming in with AP credit is EXTREMELY helpful. You already have some RHET 105, PSYC requirements, some Social Science requirements out of the way. These classes (especially RHET 105) are typically bullshit classes that you don't really need. Don't get me wrong, some of these geneds are ok if you pick the right classes, but you won't pick the right classes as a freshman (no priority registration). Basically AP just gets all of the requirements out of the way sooner so that you have more flexibility in coursework. That's pretty much it. You aren't at a disadvantage just because you skip some easy, GPA-padding classes--if you really want to pad your GPA, there are plenty of easy classes out there you can take. You are also coming in with about 1.5 semesters of credit, so you can absolutely graduate a semester early (with a fairly loaded schedule or one summer class). Or you can just take less classes over the normal 4-year period. And, if you decide to switch majors, you are already a semester ahead with all of your general engineering-degree requirements. Also, Calc II is a lot easier than everyone lets on. TL;DR: AP credit gives you more flexibility.
I took both the AP English and AP Lit tests and I got out of RHET 105 and ENGL 110. You cannot earn extra credits for classes you take twice (usually). So the answer is no, you do not get extra credits for fulfilling the same requirement twice. Coming in with AP credit is EXTREMELY helpful. You already have some RHET 105, PSYC requirements, some Social Science requirements out of the way. These classes (especially RHET 105) are typically bullshit classes that you don't really need. Don't get me wrong, some of these geneds are ok if you pick the right classes, but you won't pick the right classes as a freshman (no priority registration). Basically AP just gets all of the requirements out of the way sooner so that you have more flexibility in coursework. That's pretty much it. You aren't at a disadvantage just because you skip some easy, GPA-padding classes--if you really want to pad your GPA, there are plenty of easy classes out there you can take. You are also coming in with about 1.5 semesters of credit, so you can absolutely graduate a semester early (with a fairly loaded schedule or one summer class). Or you can just take less classes over the normal 4-year period. And, if you decide to switch majors, you are already a semester ahead with all of your general engineering-degree requirements. Also, Calc II is a lot easier than everyone lets on. TL;DR: AP credit gives you more flexibility.
I took both the AP English and AP Lit tests and I got out of RHET 105 and ENGL 110. You cannot earn extra credits for classes you take twice (usually). So the answer is no, you do not get extra credits for fulfilling the same requirement twice. Coming in with AP credit is EXTREMELY helpful. You already have some RHET 105, PSYC requirements, some Social Science requirements out of the way. These classes (especially RHET 105) are typically bullshit classes that you don't really need. Don't get me wrong, some of these geneds are ok if you pick the right classes, but you won't pick the right classes as a freshman (no priority registration). Basically AP just gets all of the requirements out of the way sooner so that you have more flexibility in coursework. That's pretty much it. You aren't at a disadvantage just because you skip some easy, GPA-padding classes--if you really want to pad your GPA, there are plenty of easy classes out there you can take. You are also coming in with about 1.5 semesters of credit, so you can absolutely graduate a semester early (with a fairly loaded schedule or one summer class). Or you can just take less classes over the normal 4-year period. And, if you decide to switch majors, you are already a semester ahead with all of your general engineering-degree requirements. Also, Calc II is a lot easier than everyone lets on.
AP credit gives you more flexibility.
Look at how they fight in a crude sense. Team Alpha Male focuses on a boxing/wrestling base. Nova União focuses on Muay Thai/defensive wrestling/BJJ. The difference means Nova União has a move varied attack and utilize range better. One of the key things I remember from the fights between the two camps are Aldo and Barao wailing on the legs of Faber and Mendes. TAM doesn't throw lots of kicks, so they aren't sparring with people that kick well, so they aren't as prepared as they could be for the kicks that are coming. If you know you're going to face the best kicker in the division, wouldn't you want to focus heavily on negating that? Aldo & Barao have excellent timing so anyone from TAM is going to eat kicks until they can adjust to them. This means that TAM goes into a fight with a hole in their gameplan that results in them eating a bunch of damage at the beginning. tl;dr: Nova União kicks and Team Alpha Male doesn't. Sucks to be Team Alpha Male.
Look at how they fight in a crude sense. Team Alpha Male focuses on a boxing/wrestling base. Nova União focuses on Muay Thai/defensive wrestling/BJJ. The difference means Nova União has a move varied attack and utilize range better. One of the key things I remember from the fights between the two camps are Aldo and Barao wailing on the legs of Faber and Mendes. TAM doesn't throw lots of kicks, so they aren't sparring with people that kick well, so they aren't as prepared as they could be for the kicks that are coming. If you know you're going to face the best kicker in the division, wouldn't you want to focus heavily on negating that? Aldo & Barao have excellent timing so anyone from TAM is going to eat kicks until they can adjust to them. This means that TAM goes into a fight with a hole in their gameplan that results in them eating a bunch of damage at the beginning. tl;dr: Nova União kicks and Team Alpha Male doesn't. Sucks to be Team Alpha Male.
Look at how they fight in a crude sense. Team Alpha Male focuses on a boxing/wrestling base. Nova União focuses on Muay Thai/defensive wrestling/BJJ. The difference means Nova União has a move varied attack and utilize range better. One of the key things I remember from the fights between the two camps are Aldo and Barao wailing on the legs of Faber and Mendes. TAM doesn't throw lots of kicks, so they aren't sparring with people that kick well, so they aren't as prepared as they could be for the kicks that are coming. If you know you're going to face the best kicker in the division, wouldn't you want to focus heavily on negating that? Aldo & Barao have excellent timing so anyone from TAM is going to eat kicks until they can adjust to them. This means that TAM goes into a fight with a hole in their gameplan that results in them eating a bunch of damage at the beginning.
Nova União kicks and Team Alpha Male doesn't. Sucks to be Team Alpha Male.
im pretty sure there's a big $ at the end of the line. I don't have the video anywhere close, but i recall GabeN saying "VALVe will never throw money at any outside organization" So basicly, they won't financially support any league or tournaments (IEM, MLG etc) On the other end, I also recall Sundance (MLG's CEO), under the spotlight for removing some games from the MLG circuit, stating that "I'm running a business, even tho im really passionate for eSports, im here to make money" he said in relation to "running sc2 events at a loss" soon after that, Infinite crisis was announced as part of the MLG circuit... the game devs/publisher showed MLG some love, and invested money to help running the event, and set a prizepool. tl:dr: businesses wont run events at a loss, sadly... but it makes sense.
im pretty sure there's a big $ at the end of the line. I don't have the video anywhere close, but i recall GabeN saying "VALVe will never throw money at any outside organization" So basicly, they won't financially support any league or tournaments (IEM, MLG etc) On the other end, I also recall Sundance (MLG's CEO), under the spotlight for removing some games from the MLG circuit, stating that "I'm running a business, even tho im really passionate for eSports, im here to make money" he said in relation to "running sc2 events at a loss" soon after that, Infinite crisis was announced as part of the MLG circuit... the game devs/publisher showed MLG some love, and invested money to help running the event, and set a prizepool. tl:dr: businesses wont run events at a loss, sadly... but it makes sense.
im pretty sure there's a big $ at the end of the line. I don't have the video anywhere close, but i recall GabeN saying "VALVe will never throw money at any outside organization" So basicly, they won't financially support any league or tournaments (IEM, MLG etc) On the other end, I also recall Sundance (MLG's CEO), under the spotlight for removing some games from the MLG circuit, stating that "I'm running a business, even tho im really passionate for eSports, im here to make money" he said in relation to "running sc2 events at a loss" soon after that, Infinite crisis was announced as part of the MLG circuit... the game devs/publisher showed MLG some love, and invested money to help running the event, and set a prizepool.
businesses wont run events at a loss, sadly... but it makes sense.
Dying may be the wrong word, but it used to be the largest eSport and now it's not. Just as CS 1.6 used to be the largest eSport and now it's not. Six months ago someone would have laughed at you if you said CS was a relevant eSport, but now CS:GO is on the up-swing and people are being proven wrong. SC2 has declined in viewer numbers significantly over the past two years, but maybe it'll get a bump with Legacy of the Void. LoL has its time in the spotlight. It ~~will probably~~ might start to fade away soon. Dota 2, CS:GO, and Hearthstone are all ramping up as bigger and bigger eSport titles. LoL is comfortably holding it's spot as number one, for now. In the end, SC2 was *never* a cultural icon the way Brood War was; arguably the biggest eSport ever if taken in the context of the time it was popular. It's hard to image how big SC:BW would be today if streaming were around, or if the game had quite as much developer sponsorship, or if there were a multi-region competitive playerbase the way there is with LoL / Dota 2. So Starcraft is "dying" because: 1) Relatively less popular than other eSports 2) Viewer numbers are down 3) It never got the popularity of other games The nice thing about SC2's scene is that it's not a fad. The community that is still part of that game is much more passionate and tied to the game than fans of other eSports who are still kind of figuring it out. tl;dr -- SC2 isn't dying but it's not nearly the top dog it once was.
Dying may be the wrong word, but it used to be the largest eSport and now it's not. Just as CS 1.6 used to be the largest eSport and now it's not. Six months ago someone would have laughed at you if you said CS was a relevant eSport, but now CS:GO is on the up-swing and people are being proven wrong. SC2 has declined in viewer numbers significantly over the past two years, but maybe it'll get a bump with Legacy of the Void. LoL has its time in the spotlight. It will probably might start to fade away soon. Dota 2, CS:GO, and Hearthstone are all ramping up as bigger and bigger eSport titles. LoL is comfortably holding it's spot as number one, for now. In the end, SC2 was never a cultural icon the way Brood War was; arguably the biggest eSport ever if taken in the context of the time it was popular. It's hard to image how big SC:BW would be today if streaming were around, or if the game had quite as much developer sponsorship, or if there were a multi-region competitive playerbase the way there is with LoL / Dota 2. So Starcraft is "dying" because: 1) Relatively less popular than other eSports 2) Viewer numbers are down 3) It never got the popularity of other games The nice thing about SC2's scene is that it's not a fad. The community that is still part of that game is much more passionate and tied to the game than fans of other eSports who are still kind of figuring it out. tl;dr -- SC2 isn't dying but it's not nearly the top dog it once was.
Dying may be the wrong word, but it used to be the largest eSport and now it's not. Just as CS 1.6 used to be the largest eSport and now it's not. Six months ago someone would have laughed at you if you said CS was a relevant eSport, but now CS:GO is on the up-swing and people are being proven wrong. SC2 has declined in viewer numbers significantly over the past two years, but maybe it'll get a bump with Legacy of the Void. LoL has its time in the spotlight. It will probably might start to fade away soon. Dota 2, CS:GO, and Hearthstone are all ramping up as bigger and bigger eSport titles. LoL is comfortably holding it's spot as number one, for now. In the end, SC2 was never a cultural icon the way Brood War was; arguably the biggest eSport ever if taken in the context of the time it was popular. It's hard to image how big SC:BW would be today if streaming were around, or if the game had quite as much developer sponsorship, or if there were a multi-region competitive playerbase the way there is with LoL / Dota 2. So Starcraft is "dying" because: 1) Relatively less popular than other eSports 2) Viewer numbers are down 3) It never got the popularity of other games The nice thing about SC2's scene is that it's not a fad. The community that is still part of that game is much more passionate and tied to the game than fans of other eSports who are still kind of figuring it out.
SC2 isn't dying but it's not nearly the top dog it once was.
Well, Some of them are just hyped up percs, like for instance a cirq is just a showerhead; Toro's [ISF]( is just its [Froth Perc]( upside down on the inside of the piece. Others, like this matrix perc or Sovereignty's [Peyote Pillar]( is just incredible perculation based on the holes in the perc. Much higher end glass (AK/Elbo/Eusheen/SakiBomb/Laceface...etc) isnt really based on perculation anymore as to more of a concentrate side for flavor. Now with the Enails/ Low temp dabbing, extreme diffusion of the water isnt desirable really, as it takes away from the flavor. TL/DR: If you wanna hit flowers, get a perc that has a lot of holes in it and minimal drag, if you want to taste concentrates, less perculation.
Well, Some of them are just hyped up percs, like for instance a cirq is just a showerhead; Toro's ISF isnt really based on perculation anymore as to more of a concentrate side for flavor. Now with the Enails/ Low temp dabbing, extreme diffusion of the water isnt desirable really, as it takes away from the flavor. TL/DR: If you wanna hit flowers, get a perc that has a lot of holes in it and minimal drag, if you want to taste concentrates, less perculation.
Well, Some of them are just hyped up percs, like for instance a cirq is just a showerhead; Toro's ISF isnt really based on perculation anymore as to more of a concentrate side for flavor. Now with the Enails/ Low temp dabbing, extreme diffusion of the water isnt desirable really, as it takes away from the flavor.
If you wanna hit flowers, get a perc that has a lot of holes in it and minimal drag, if you want to taste concentrates, less perculation.
|sure the thickness and quality is there, but glass is still glass, both can break if not handled properly There are many different types of glass in the world... saftey glass, bulletproof glass, soft glass, soda lime glass... pipes and pieces should be made from borosilicate glass (also known as pyrex, but dont confuse pyrex kitchenware with Pyrex labratory glass); this glass can withstand moderate to severe shock when annealed, which pretty much means you can kick it around or drop it without it breaking in half, and can also withstand a high thermal shock without breaking (so you can have your domeless nails over/in the joint. TL/DR All glass is not Glass. Buy quality Borosilicate Glass
|sure the thickness and quality is there, but glass is still glass, both can break if not handled properly There are many different types of glass in the world... saftey glass, bulletproof glass, soft glass, soda lime glass... pipes and pieces should be made from borosilicate glass (also known as pyrex, but dont confuse pyrex kitchenware with Pyrex labratory glass); this glass can withstand moderate to severe shock when annealed, which pretty much means you can kick it around or drop it without it breaking in half, and can also withstand a high thermal shock without breaking (so you can have your domeless nails over/in the joint. TL/DR All glass is not Glass. Buy quality Borosilicate Glass
sure the thickness and quality is there, but glass is still glass, both can break if not handled properly There are many different types of glass in the world... saftey glass, bulletproof glass, soft glass, soda lime glass... pipes and pieces should be made from borosilicate glass (also known as pyrex, but dont confuse pyrex kitchenware with Pyrex labratory glass); this glass can withstand moderate to severe shock when annealed, which pretty much means you can kick it around or drop it without it breaking in half, and can also withstand a high thermal shock without breaking (so you can have your domeless nails over/in the joint.
All glass is not Glass. Buy quality Borosilicate Glass
>It's quite unfortunate, but that's the way things are, so what can we do about it? I spent a few hours reflecting on this question, and I think I've come up with an answer. On TRP, we all might write about how this is a terrible tragedy for men in America and the court system is bias and blah blah blah. Is it all true? Well, maybe, but it's irrelevant to my point here and now. On a microsociological scale, this wave of feminism can be viewed in a positive light to benefit men. Generally speaking, the women who get pulled into these relationships are weak-minded; their egos are broken. They are looking for a strong-willed leader in their live to give them drive and motivation. A reason to do things. It has been suggested elsewhere that women embrace this poisonous brand feminism to counter that void in their life. But we can even identify women before they get to that point. If they talk about overbearing ex-boyfriends that they "stayed with for too long" and "should have left sooner" and he "controlled everything" and whatnot, we can make a few reasonable assumptions about that woman: she is easily manipulated, low self-esteem, low leadership potential, and feels powerless. Most likely, a true high value woman isn't going to place herself in the kind of situation that she "cannot" escape from. True high value women don't spend a lot of time focusing on the setbacks keeping them from being successful. High value women don't push all the blame on others. They just suck it up and succeed. Same applies to men: you see low value men hamstering along, and high value men making shit work for them. My suggestion is to use feminism / a history of abusive relationships as a great screening tool for low value women. If you were looking for non-racists, where would you look first? I'd look at the members of the KKK, because I'd know **for sure** they were NOT the ones I was looking for. If I was looking for pro-Jewish people, I'd look at neo-nazis to know who NOT to consider. You get the point. **tl;dr:** Feminism and a history of abusive men are a great self-identifier for low value women that can't accomplish great things by themselves with their own drive. edit: i never proofread
>It's quite unfortunate, but that's the way things are, so what can we do about it? I spent a few hours reflecting on this question, and I think I've come up with an answer. On TRP, we all might write about how this is a terrible tragedy for men in America and the court system is bias and blah blah blah. Is it all true? Well, maybe, but it's irrelevant to my point here and now. On a microsociological scale, this wave of feminism can be viewed in a positive light to benefit men. Generally speaking, the women who get pulled into these relationships are weak-minded; their egos are broken. They are looking for a strong-willed leader in their live to give them drive and motivation. A reason to do things. It has been suggested elsewhere that women embrace this poisonous brand feminism to counter that void in their life. But we can even identify women before they get to that point. If they talk about overbearing ex-boyfriends that they "stayed with for too long" and "should have left sooner" and he "controlled everything" and whatnot, we can make a few reasonable assumptions about that woman: she is easily manipulated, low self-esteem, low leadership potential, and feels powerless. Most likely, a true high value woman isn't going to place herself in the kind of situation that she "cannot" escape from. True high value women don't spend a lot of time focusing on the setbacks keeping them from being successful. High value women don't push all the blame on others. They just suck it up and succeed. Same applies to men: you see low value men hamstering along, and high value men making shit work for them. My suggestion is to use feminism / a history of abusive relationships as a great screening tool for low value women. If you were looking for non-racists, where would you look first? I'd look at the members of the KKK, because I'd know for sure they were NOT the ones I was looking for. If I was looking for pro-Jewish people, I'd look at neo-nazis to know who NOT to consider. You get the point. tl;dr: Feminism and a history of abusive men are a great self-identifier for low value women that can't accomplish great things by themselves with their own drive. edit: i never proofread
It's quite unfortunate, but that's the way things are, so what can we do about it? I spent a few hours reflecting on this question, and I think I've come up with an answer. On TRP, we all might write about how this is a terrible tragedy for men in America and the court system is bias and blah blah blah. Is it all true? Well, maybe, but it's irrelevant to my point here and now. On a microsociological scale, this wave of feminism can be viewed in a positive light to benefit men. Generally speaking, the women who get pulled into these relationships are weak-minded; their egos are broken. They are looking for a strong-willed leader in their live to give them drive and motivation. A reason to do things. It has been suggested elsewhere that women embrace this poisonous brand feminism to counter that void in their life. But we can even identify women before they get to that point. If they talk about overbearing ex-boyfriends that they "stayed with for too long" and "should have left sooner" and he "controlled everything" and whatnot, we can make a few reasonable assumptions about that woman: she is easily manipulated, low self-esteem, low leadership potential, and feels powerless. Most likely, a true high value woman isn't going to place herself in the kind of situation that she "cannot" escape from. True high value women don't spend a lot of time focusing on the setbacks keeping them from being successful. High value women don't push all the blame on others. They just suck it up and succeed. Same applies to men: you see low value men hamstering along, and high value men making shit work for them. My suggestion is to use feminism / a history of abusive relationships as a great screening tool for low value women. If you were looking for non-racists, where would you look first? I'd look at the members of the KKK, because I'd know for sure they were NOT the ones I was looking for. If I was looking for pro-Jewish people, I'd look at neo-nazis to know who NOT to consider. You get the point.
Feminism and a history of abusive men are a great self-identifier for low value women that can't accomplish great things by themselves with their own drive. edit: i never proofread
I don't think I got a single tidbit of useful information out of this entire post. tl;dr: don't waste your time.
I don't think I got a single tidbit of useful information out of this entire post. tl;dr: don't waste your time.
I don't think I got a single tidbit of useful information out of this entire post.
don't waste your time.
Gotcha. The sentence "It's since been fixed" in the tldr was a bit unclear.
Gotcha. The sentence "It's since been fixed" in the tldr was a bit unclear.
Gotcha. The sentence "It's since been fixed" in the
was a bit unclear.
Although he said he plans on grinding regularly, I don't think he's under the impression he's going to pay his bills playing .10/.25 PLO with a $100 roll. He already stated he's looking for another job and is just taking the month off to have some fun playing cards. This post is really just >Tl;dr: How do I BRM?
Although he said he plans on grinding regularly, I don't think he's under the impression he's going to pay his bills playing .10/.25 PLO with a $100 roll. He already stated he's looking for another job and is just taking the month off to have some fun playing cards. This post is really just >Tl;dr: How do I BRM?
Although he said he plans on grinding regularly, I don't think he's under the impression he's going to pay his bills playing .10/.25 PLO with a $100 roll. He already stated he's looking for another job and is just taking the month off to have some fun playing cards. This post is really just >
How do I BRM?
Measures of intelligence and grades don't correlate well because grades have nothing to do with typical definitions of "intelligence." Grades generally align with the ability to follow instructions in homework and memorize concepts for tests. Intelligence is usually based in one's speed in comprehending a problem and processing an answer. Most people can solve most of the problems on an IQ test, but because they are timed people often either work slower to solve a greater number of the problems or work faster and miss some of the information in the problems and score lower. A properly conducted IQ test weights the score against the speed taken to achieve it and then compares it against a previously determined bell curve centered on 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Looking at someone's grades in school, they may have taken twice as much time as the class average on a test and 4 hours longer studying the material and in the end achieve the same grade. Measures of intelligence try to eliminate the preparedness variable to solve for a comprehension variable. The reason people with very low IQs can survive relatively normally is that the preparation required through schooling directs their memorized capabilities towards the ones most necessary for the average work environment. There are many consequences of the school of thought that measures intelligence in processing speed. For one, to a degree you can train people to improve their processing speed through thinking about problems more creatively. If a person can think of different ways to solve the same problem they are more likely to quickly find one way to solve it in the future. This is why common core standards and other modern learning curriculums stress that students understand the "why" and "how" of solving a problem rather than critiquing their answers. It's easy to teach a student one correct way to solve a problem, it's much more difficult to teach them to think broadly about why the problem exists and multiple ways they can fix it. If you instead define intelligence as the ability to process required tasks correctly without regard to speed, then you may see a more accurate correlation with grades, but that is not the typical definition of intelligence. tl;dr: grades = % correct answers, intelligence = % correct answers / speed
Measures of intelligence and grades don't correlate well because grades have nothing to do with typical definitions of "intelligence." Grades generally align with the ability to follow instructions in homework and memorize concepts for tests. Intelligence is usually based in one's speed in comprehending a problem and processing an answer. Most people can solve most of the problems on an IQ test, but because they are timed people often either work slower to solve a greater number of the problems or work faster and miss some of the information in the problems and score lower. A properly conducted IQ test weights the score against the speed taken to achieve it and then compares it against a previously determined bell curve centered on 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Looking at someone's grades in school, they may have taken twice as much time as the class average on a test and 4 hours longer studying the material and in the end achieve the same grade. Measures of intelligence try to eliminate the preparedness variable to solve for a comprehension variable. The reason people with very low IQs can survive relatively normally is that the preparation required through schooling directs their memorized capabilities towards the ones most necessary for the average work environment. There are many consequences of the school of thought that measures intelligence in processing speed. For one, to a degree you can train people to improve their processing speed through thinking about problems more creatively. If a person can think of different ways to solve the same problem they are more likely to quickly find one way to solve it in the future. This is why common core standards and other modern learning curriculums stress that students understand the "why" and "how" of solving a problem rather than critiquing their answers. It's easy to teach a student one correct way to solve a problem, it's much more difficult to teach them to think broadly about why the problem exists and multiple ways they can fix it. If you instead define intelligence as the ability to process required tasks correctly without regard to speed, then you may see a more accurate correlation with grades, but that is not the typical definition of intelligence. tl;dr: grades = % correct answers, intelligence = % correct answers / speed
Measures of intelligence and grades don't correlate well because grades have nothing to do with typical definitions of "intelligence." Grades generally align with the ability to follow instructions in homework and memorize concepts for tests. Intelligence is usually based in one's speed in comprehending a problem and processing an answer. Most people can solve most of the problems on an IQ test, but because they are timed people often either work slower to solve a greater number of the problems or work faster and miss some of the information in the problems and score lower. A properly conducted IQ test weights the score against the speed taken to achieve it and then compares it against a previously determined bell curve centered on 100 with a standard deviation of 15. Looking at someone's grades in school, they may have taken twice as much time as the class average on a test and 4 hours longer studying the material and in the end achieve the same grade. Measures of intelligence try to eliminate the preparedness variable to solve for a comprehension variable. The reason people with very low IQs can survive relatively normally is that the preparation required through schooling directs their memorized capabilities towards the ones most necessary for the average work environment. There are many consequences of the school of thought that measures intelligence in processing speed. For one, to a degree you can train people to improve their processing speed through thinking about problems more creatively. If a person can think of different ways to solve the same problem they are more likely to quickly find one way to solve it in the future. This is why common core standards and other modern learning curriculums stress that students understand the "why" and "how" of solving a problem rather than critiquing their answers. It's easy to teach a student one correct way to solve a problem, it's much more difficult to teach them to think broadly about why the problem exists and multiple ways they can fix it. If you instead define intelligence as the ability to process required tasks correctly without regard to speed, then you may see a more accurate correlation with grades, but that is not the typical definition of intelligence.
grades = % correct answers, intelligence = % correct answers / speed
> How many days would be enough? The point is that it's a a) rare b) predictable event. It is sufficiently rare that gas turbine peak plants don't ROI. And of course you can store the surplus instead of exporting it. tl;dr People who say 'intermittent' to renewables throw around red herrings, have no clue or an agenda
> How many days would be enough? The point is that it's a a) rare b) predictable event. It is sufficiently rare that gas turbine peak plants don't ROI. And of course you can store the surplus instead of exporting it. tl;dr People who say 'intermittent' to renewables throw around red herrings, have no clue or an agenda
How many days would be enough? The point is that it's a a) rare b) predictable event. It is sufficiently rare that gas turbine peak plants don't ROI. And of course you can store the surplus instead of exporting it.
People who say 'intermittent' to renewables throw around red herrings, have no clue or an agenda
Not really, the concern is the public. People can understand oil spills, mine cave-ins, and well explosions - but I doubt you'll find a voter who could even tell you what unit is used to describe radiation volume. There's a lot of fear around it, and that prevents any forward progress. Because without the public's support, no representative has any incentive to push for something that's good for his constituents, let alone have the allies to get real change enacted. And actually, about ~~30%~~ 20% (fat finger edit) of America's grid is powered by 60 nuclear plants. All of them were built before 1980, none of which have hurt anyone. Ever. The same goes for quite a lot of other nations. **tl;dr** The concern about nuclear is not safety, it's image. People associate "nuclear" with either "bomb" or "chernobyl", and get extremely scared about having it replace fossil fuels.
Not really, the concern is the public. People can understand oil spills, mine cave-ins, and well explosions - but I doubt you'll find a voter who could even tell you what unit is used to describe radiation volume. There's a lot of fear around it, and that prevents any forward progress. Because without the public's support, no representative has any incentive to push for something that's good for his constituents, let alone have the allies to get real change enacted. And actually, about 30% 20% (fat finger edit) of America's grid is powered by 60 nuclear plants. All of them were built before 1980, none of which have hurt anyone. Ever. The same goes for quite a lot of other nations. tl;dr The concern about nuclear is not safety, it's image. People associate "nuclear" with either "bomb" or "chernobyl", and get extremely scared about having it replace fossil fuels.
Not really, the concern is the public. People can understand oil spills, mine cave-ins, and well explosions - but I doubt you'll find a voter who could even tell you what unit is used to describe radiation volume. There's a lot of fear around it, and that prevents any forward progress. Because without the public's support, no representative has any incentive to push for something that's good for his constituents, let alone have the allies to get real change enacted. And actually, about 30% 20% (fat finger edit) of America's grid is powered by 60 nuclear plants. All of them were built before 1980, none of which have hurt anyone. Ever. The same goes for quite a lot of other nations.
The concern about nuclear is not safety, it's image. People associate "nuclear" with either "bomb" or "chernobyl", and get extremely scared about having it replace fossil fuels.
I'm 100% all for this, as long as it doesn't include the 25cc fucking scooters that already do it, then take off at a whopping 30kph (top speed after 20 seconds) when the light turns green. I'm a former motorcyclist myself (and will be again once I can afford a decent bike) and honestly thought lane splitting was legal and did I every time, but as a car driver at the moment in Brisbane, those bloody scooters make me rage!! Edit: TL:DR: this should only be legal if you're on a machine that can actually accelerate at a respectable speed and actually get to the speed limit.
I'm 100% all for this, as long as it doesn't include the 25cc fucking scooters that already do it, then take off at a whopping 30kph (top speed after 20 seconds) when the light turns green. I'm a former motorcyclist myself (and will be again once I can afford a decent bike) and honestly thought lane splitting was legal and did I every time, but as a car driver at the moment in Brisbane, those bloody scooters make me rage!! Edit: TL:DR: this should only be legal if you're on a machine that can actually accelerate at a respectable speed and actually get to the speed limit.
I'm 100% all for this, as long as it doesn't include the 25cc fucking scooters that already do it, then take off at a whopping 30kph (top speed after 20 seconds) when the light turns green. I'm a former motorcyclist myself (and will be again once I can afford a decent bike) and honestly thought lane splitting was legal and did I every time, but as a car driver at the moment in Brisbane, those bloody scooters make me rage!! Edit:
this should only be legal if you're on a machine that can actually accelerate at a respectable speed and actually get to the speed limit.
It's similar to what WoW did. MMO companies are no longer looking to create a ton of challenging content, complex systems, and other things of that nature. It doesn't make the money. What makes money is creating easy to use/easy to pick up content that all types of peopel can do (hardcore or not) while trying to keep as many players as possible for playing as long possible. Because of this we see the following in Gw2 1. Low amount of skills/easy to use skills. Everything is AoE based so it doesn't take a long time to master aiming that. Limiting the number helps reduce the complexity of builds which means players can more easily pick it up. Passives, low skill punishment, and AoE. These three things can be used to describe a bulk of the skills and these three things really help lower the complexity of skills and make things easier to use. 2. "Zerg" Content. I'm noticing a trend in living story content these past months, Since toxic tower its mostly been open world zerg content. This is because any skill level of player can easily do it. Jump in, follow a blue dorrito around, auto attack. They will keep doing this because players hate hard content, despite what a lot may think. Juts look at the zerg content. Marionette caused huge issues. Lots of players dont do tequatl or wurm or they only stick to TTS runs. Queens Gauntlent still has a lot of players struggling and many others that gave up. The new boss blitz still giving players troubles and many of them still zerg/go for bronze. 3. Achievement based rewards. Achievement based rewards are basically anything that you can do over and over again and get rewarded. Not tackling some really hard boss or anything like that. We see that a lot. most living story content is tied to achievements to get rewards easily (I've been doing nothing but the new LS content and still have yet to get a favor of bazaar or favor of pav). Legendary items are based in collection for the most part. Many other endgame rewards are similar, collecting. THey do this because they can make the content pretty easy to do, but require you to do it a lot to get your rewards. And it has worked. Before the LS started and after people do LS, they work on legendary items. The day of "hard games" is gone. We still see some games that take a considerable amount of skill, but the number we see is decling. This isn't because the developers are idiots or out to get us. They're doing it because they're adapting to the market. What makes money, what gets people into games are games that are easy to learn, easy to pick up, easy to play, and can be played by long hours. Anet had drastically different plans during Alpha and Beta and they failed. THey didn't get the response they were looking for so they've slowly been adapting their game to what it is now and by god its working really well for them. They're still getting good gem sales, still getting game sales, have done amazing at launch and Asia launch. So don't get mad at them. I've played Gw1 since release and Gw2 since release and here is how I've changed my outlook on gw2 since release. First I was hyped up for it expecting a lot of simialr gameplay to gw1. Then I was disappointed and angry, took to the forums and such demanding change and offering critism. Then I realized the things I said above and the community that this game is targeted towards (and probably the biggest community in the gaming industry). Then I accepted it and what gw2 is. So I go into gw2 not expecting a challenge. Not expecting to be tied into it for 5 hours+. I come into it to do whatever I feel like doing in the game that I'll find fun. Not worrying abotu rewards or anything. That could be hanging out in starter zones helping players. That could be roaming random maps. That could be doing dungeons. It depends on my mood. When I realize I'm getting tired of the game I take a break for a while and go do something else. This break could be hours or days. TL;DR : ANet is just adapting to the growing community of gamers. Their appealing to the largest gaming crowd they can and we can't fault them for doing it, it is what allows companies to survive and make money.
It's similar to what WoW did. MMO companies are no longer looking to create a ton of challenging content, complex systems, and other things of that nature. It doesn't make the money. What makes money is creating easy to use/easy to pick up content that all types of peopel can do (hardcore or not) while trying to keep as many players as possible for playing as long possible. Because of this we see the following in Gw2 Low amount of skills/easy to use skills. Everything is AoE based so it doesn't take a long time to master aiming that. Limiting the number helps reduce the complexity of builds which means players can more easily pick it up. Passives, low skill punishment, and AoE. These three things can be used to describe a bulk of the skills and these three things really help lower the complexity of skills and make things easier to use. "Zerg" Content. I'm noticing a trend in living story content these past months, Since toxic tower its mostly been open world zerg content. This is because any skill level of player can easily do it. Jump in, follow a blue dorrito around, auto attack. They will keep doing this because players hate hard content, despite what a lot may think. Juts look at the zerg content. Marionette caused huge issues. Lots of players dont do tequatl or wurm or they only stick to TTS runs. Queens Gauntlent still has a lot of players struggling and many others that gave up. The new boss blitz still giving players troubles and many of them still zerg/go for bronze. Achievement based rewards. Achievement based rewards are basically anything that you can do over and over again and get rewarded. Not tackling some really hard boss or anything like that. We see that a lot. most living story content is tied to achievements to get rewards easily (I've been doing nothing but the new LS content and still have yet to get a favor of bazaar or favor of pav). Legendary items are based in collection for the most part. Many other endgame rewards are similar, collecting. THey do this because they can make the content pretty easy to do, but require you to do it a lot to get your rewards. And it has worked. Before the LS started and after people do LS, they work on legendary items. The day of "hard games" is gone. We still see some games that take a considerable amount of skill, but the number we see is decling. This isn't because the developers are idiots or out to get us. They're doing it because they're adapting to the market. What makes money, what gets people into games are games that are easy to learn, easy to pick up, easy to play, and can be played by long hours. Anet had drastically different plans during Alpha and Beta and they failed. THey didn't get the response they were looking for so they've slowly been adapting their game to what it is now and by god its working really well for them. They're still getting good gem sales, still getting game sales, have done amazing at launch and Asia launch. So don't get mad at them. I've played Gw1 since release and Gw2 since release and here is how I've changed my outlook on gw2 since release. First I was hyped up for it expecting a lot of simialr gameplay to gw1. Then I was disappointed and angry, took to the forums and such demanding change and offering critism. Then I realized the things I said above and the community that this game is targeted towards (and probably the biggest community in the gaming industry). Then I accepted it and what gw2 is. So I go into gw2 not expecting a challenge. Not expecting to be tied into it for 5 hours+. I come into it to do whatever I feel like doing in the game that I'll find fun. Not worrying abotu rewards or anything. That could be hanging out in starter zones helping players. That could be roaming random maps. That could be doing dungeons. It depends on my mood. When I realize I'm getting tired of the game I take a break for a while and go do something else. This break could be hours or days. TL;DR : ANet is just adapting to the growing community of gamers. Their appealing to the largest gaming crowd they can and we can't fault them for doing it, it is what allows companies to survive and make money.
It's similar to what WoW did. MMO companies are no longer looking to create a ton of challenging content, complex systems, and other things of that nature. It doesn't make the money. What makes money is creating easy to use/easy to pick up content that all types of peopel can do (hardcore or not) while trying to keep as many players as possible for playing as long possible. Because of this we see the following in Gw2 Low amount of skills/easy to use skills. Everything is AoE based so it doesn't take a long time to master aiming that. Limiting the number helps reduce the complexity of builds which means players can more easily pick it up. Passives, low skill punishment, and AoE. These three things can be used to describe a bulk of the skills and these three things really help lower the complexity of skills and make things easier to use. "Zerg" Content. I'm noticing a trend in living story content these past months, Since toxic tower its mostly been open world zerg content. This is because any skill level of player can easily do it. Jump in, follow a blue dorrito around, auto attack. They will keep doing this because players hate hard content, despite what a lot may think. Juts look at the zerg content. Marionette caused huge issues. Lots of players dont do tequatl or wurm or they only stick to TTS runs. Queens Gauntlent still has a lot of players struggling and many others that gave up. The new boss blitz still giving players troubles and many of them still zerg/go for bronze. Achievement based rewards. Achievement based rewards are basically anything that you can do over and over again and get rewarded. Not tackling some really hard boss or anything like that. We see that a lot. most living story content is tied to achievements to get rewards easily (I've been doing nothing but the new LS content and still have yet to get a favor of bazaar or favor of pav). Legendary items are based in collection for the most part. Many other endgame rewards are similar, collecting. THey do this because they can make the content pretty easy to do, but require you to do it a lot to get your rewards. And it has worked. Before the LS started and after people do LS, they work on legendary items. The day of "hard games" is gone. We still see some games that take a considerable amount of skill, but the number we see is decling. This isn't because the developers are idiots or out to get us. They're doing it because they're adapting to the market. What makes money, what gets people into games are games that are easy to learn, easy to pick up, easy to play, and can be played by long hours. Anet had drastically different plans during Alpha and Beta and they failed. THey didn't get the response they were looking for so they've slowly been adapting their game to what it is now and by god its working really well for them. They're still getting good gem sales, still getting game sales, have done amazing at launch and Asia launch. So don't get mad at them. I've played Gw1 since release and Gw2 since release and here is how I've changed my outlook on gw2 since release. First I was hyped up for it expecting a lot of simialr gameplay to gw1. Then I was disappointed and angry, took to the forums and such demanding change and offering critism. Then I realized the things I said above and the community that this game is targeted towards (and probably the biggest community in the gaming industry). Then I accepted it and what gw2 is. So I go into gw2 not expecting a challenge. Not expecting to be tied into it for 5 hours+. I come into it to do whatever I feel like doing in the game that I'll find fun. Not worrying abotu rewards or anything. That could be hanging out in starter zones helping players. That could be roaming random maps. That could be doing dungeons. It depends on my mood. When I realize I'm getting tired of the game I take a break for a while and go do something else. This break could be hours or days.
ANet is just adapting to the growing community of gamers. Their appealing to the largest gaming crowd they can and we can't fault them for doing it, it is what allows companies to survive and make money.
Eh maybe a little, but she's not the first woman I've heard this from. Attraction, at least initially, is always a bit shallow because you don't know the person well. What else do you have to go off of at first except more superficial things? And unfortunately a lot of our initial, snap judgments are based on what we're conditioned to associate with "attractiveness" by the media. Since the Indian accent is almost always portrayed in unflattering ways in Western media, that negative association will be more common than we'd like. It's sort of like black or very dark skin: a lot of men say they "can't help" not finding it attractive, but really it's more not giving it a chance and allowing them to appreciate beauty in that form. Personally I find many darker skinned/black women absolutely gorgeous, but admittedly I had to consciously give them a chance first because initially I "just seemed to like" white girls or lighter skinned girls. TL;DR: media programming is pretty powerful and it takes conscious effort to move beyond it.
Eh maybe a little, but she's not the first woman I've heard this from. Attraction, at least initially, is always a bit shallow because you don't know the person well. What else do you have to go off of at first except more superficial things? And unfortunately a lot of our initial, snap judgments are based on what we're conditioned to associate with "attractiveness" by the media. Since the Indian accent is almost always portrayed in unflattering ways in Western media, that negative association will be more common than we'd like. It's sort of like black or very dark skin: a lot of men say they "can't help" not finding it attractive, but really it's more not giving it a chance and allowing them to appreciate beauty in that form. Personally I find many darker skinned/black women absolutely gorgeous, but admittedly I had to consciously give them a chance first because initially I "just seemed to like" white girls or lighter skinned girls. TL;DR: media programming is pretty powerful and it takes conscious effort to move beyond it.
Eh maybe a little, but she's not the first woman I've heard this from. Attraction, at least initially, is always a bit shallow because you don't know the person well. What else do you have to go off of at first except more superficial things? And unfortunately a lot of our initial, snap judgments are based on what we're conditioned to associate with "attractiveness" by the media. Since the Indian accent is almost always portrayed in unflattering ways in Western media, that negative association will be more common than we'd like. It's sort of like black or very dark skin: a lot of men say they "can't help" not finding it attractive, but really it's more not giving it a chance and allowing them to appreciate beauty in that form. Personally I find many darker skinned/black women absolutely gorgeous, but admittedly I had to consciously give them a chance first because initially I "just seemed to like" white girls or lighter skinned girls.
media programming is pretty powerful and it takes conscious effort to move beyond it.
No, no. I think it's because the new menu is customizable. His approach eliminates the possibility of someone's coming in and saying there's no such button, because they forgot that they've removed the button before. It's a good approach. For example, somebody on this subreddit [requested help with removing the Adblock icon from the toolbar a few days ago]( Then, a developer showed up and said that it's possible to remove icons by right-clicking them. But, he apparently didn't know that some add-ons have their own right-click menu, for example coincidentally Adblock Plus. The guy who asked for the help then could have said "but it doesn't work, there's no such option". And that's what I'm talking about. TL;DR it's easier to guide people in ways which are almost guaranteed to always work. The hamburger menu isn't such way.
No, no. I think it's because the new menu is customizable. His approach eliminates the possibility of someone's coming in and saying there's no such button, because they forgot that they've removed the button before. It's a good approach. For example, somebody on this subreddit [requested help with removing the Adblock icon from the toolbar a few days ago]( Then, a developer showed up and said that it's possible to remove icons by right-clicking them. But, he apparently didn't know that some add-ons have their own right-click menu, for example coincidentally Adblock Plus. The guy who asked for the help then could have said "but it doesn't work, there's no such option". And that's what I'm talking about. TL;DR it's easier to guide people in ways which are almost guaranteed to always work. The hamburger menu isn't such way.
No, no. I think it's because the new menu is customizable. His approach eliminates the possibility of someone's coming in and saying there's no such button, because they forgot that they've removed the button before. It's a good approach. For example, somebody on this subreddit [requested help with removing the Adblock icon from the toolbar a few days ago]( Then, a developer showed up and said that it's possible to remove icons by right-clicking them. But, he apparently didn't know that some add-ons have their own right-click menu, for example coincidentally Adblock Plus. The guy who asked for the help then could have said "but it doesn't work, there's no such option". And that's what I'm talking about.
it's easier to guide people in ways which are almost guaranteed to always work. The hamburger menu isn't such way.
> Can anyone confirm? I'm sorry, perhaps I was a bit confusing. Yes, if you stream live television programmes (TV) on a device, watch TV programmes live on a television, you do need a licence. If you only watch programmes AFTER they have been broadcast on iPlayer on your computer/other device, you do not need the licence. **TL;DR: you only have to pay for real-time watching** (I'm not sure what applies to *recording* television programmes which someone else asked about)
> Can anyone confirm? I'm sorry, perhaps I was a bit confusing. Yes, if you stream live television programmes (TV) on a device, watch TV programmes live on a television, you do need a licence. If you only watch programmes AFTER they have been broadcast on iPlayer on your computer/other device, you do not need the licence. TL;DR: you only have to pay for real-time watching (I'm not sure what applies to recording television programmes which someone else asked about)
Can anyone confirm? I'm sorry, perhaps I was a bit confusing. Yes, if you stream live television programmes (TV) on a device, watch TV programmes live on a television, you do need a licence. If you only watch programmes AFTER they have been broadcast on iPlayer on your computer/other device, you do not need the licence.
you only have to pay for real-time watching (I'm not sure what applies to recording television programmes which someone else asked about)
Buddy has a hell of a story. PEDs to having a shitty season with leg pains. Finds out that leg pains are caused by a tumor in his back. Has tumor removed at end of season last year, and starts lighting it up. TLDR; bad story turns into good one.
Buddy has a hell of a story. PEDs to having a shitty season with leg pains. Finds out that leg pains are caused by a tumor in his back. Has tumor removed at end of season last year, and starts lighting it up. TLDR; bad story turns into good one.
Buddy has a hell of a story. PEDs to having a shitty season with leg pains. Finds out that leg pains are caused by a tumor in his back. Has tumor removed at end of season last year, and starts lighting it up.
bad story turns into good one.
Nah it was more luck than strategy. When that last caution came out with 51 or so to go I forgot I had 2 tires checked in anticipation for a green flag stop and when we pitted I only took 2 tires. So I went back in with 2 to green, topped off and got my other 2 tires and saved fuel under caution. So when it went back green I had a little more fuel than everyone so when everyone started pitting I was still close enough to decide to try and save gas to make it and luckily it worked out. I still had to save like crazy the last 30 laps and ran out right as I crossed the finish line. TL/DR: Being an idiot and forgetting to re-check my tires put me on the winning strategy.
Nah it was more luck than strategy. When that last caution came out with 51 or so to go I forgot I had 2 tires checked in anticipation for a green flag stop and when we pitted I only took 2 tires. So I went back in with 2 to green, topped off and got my other 2 tires and saved fuel under caution. So when it went back green I had a little more fuel than everyone so when everyone started pitting I was still close enough to decide to try and save gas to make it and luckily it worked out. I still had to save like crazy the last 30 laps and ran out right as I crossed the finish line. TL/DR: Being an idiot and forgetting to re-check my tires put me on the winning strategy.
Nah it was more luck than strategy. When that last caution came out with 51 or so to go I forgot I had 2 tires checked in anticipation for a green flag stop and when we pitted I only took 2 tires. So I went back in with 2 to green, topped off and got my other 2 tires and saved fuel under caution. So when it went back green I had a little more fuel than everyone so when everyone started pitting I was still close enough to decide to try and save gas to make it and luckily it worked out. I still had to save like crazy the last 30 laps and ran out right as I crossed the finish line.
Being an idiot and forgetting to re-check my tires put me on the winning strategy.
Yeah, my bad for using loot hoarder as an example. I know wisp is a terrible card but it can go 1 for 1 - mostly vs. other terrible cards but it at least stops Bluegill and Wolfriders, as well as Young Priestess and Leper Gnome although I the latter aren't strict 1 for 1's. tl;dr: wisp sucks.
Yeah, my bad for using loot hoarder as an example. I know wisp is a terrible card but it can go 1 for 1 - mostly vs. other terrible cards but it at least stops Bluegill and Wolfriders, as well as Young Priestess and Leper Gnome although I the latter aren't strict 1 for 1's. tl;dr: wisp sucks.
Yeah, my bad for using loot hoarder as an example. I know wisp is a terrible card but it can go 1 for 1 - mostly vs. other terrible cards but it at least stops Bluegill and Wolfriders, as well as Young Priestess and Leper Gnome although I the latter aren't strict 1 for 1's.
wisp sucks.
You don't ever shoot your own egg. Thats a waste of your own card. You sunfury it or just let it sit there like an ancient watcher. Then, they will have to think twice about using aoe spells that are in every deck, I.e flamestrike, holy nova, consecration, lightning storm, swipe(maybe), starfall, hellfire, shadow flame, explosive traps, blade flurry. tl;dr: the egg is a harvest golem watcher
You don't ever shoot your own egg. Thats a waste of your own card. You sunfury it or just let it sit there like an ancient watcher. Then, they will have to think twice about using aoe spells that are in every deck, I.e flamestrike, holy nova, consecration, lightning storm, swipe(maybe), starfall, hellfire, shadow flame, explosive traps, blade flurry. tl;dr: the egg is a harvest golem watcher
You don't ever shoot your own egg. Thats a waste of your own card. You sunfury it or just let it sit there like an ancient watcher. Then, they will have to think twice about using aoe spells that are in every deck, I.e flamestrike, holy nova, consecration, lightning storm, swipe(maybe), starfall, hellfire, shadow flame, explosive traps, blade flurry.
the egg is a harvest golem watcher
People often make mistakes interpreting dreams, as they assume they are thoughts and desires of your subconscious. All though dreams do contain some important sub-conscious thought, don't make the mistake of interpreting the dream as a whole. So many people do this, and try to find some meaning which isn't there. You have to break it up to individual parts, that's all your subconscious has done, then afterwards it's the rest of your brain which trys to turn it to a the story which makes sense to it. Why are you happy running through a field, with the forest, and the warmth? I don't know, maybe because spring is finally here? Summer is around the corner? Why was he in the dream? I don't know, maybe you had **any** thought about him over the last few days. Each component of a dream should be looked at independently of the rest. Dreams are like giving random legos to a child and asking him to put together a space ship. Each individual lego may have an intended purpose, but nothing important, and the final construct is going to look nothing like an adults idea of a space ship, it will really just be a mess. Trying to over analyze a dream would be like having NASA come get design ideas from this lego space ship. TLDR: dreams are just individual random bits of information that your brain half-assly tries to make a story out of.
People often make mistakes interpreting dreams, as they assume they are thoughts and desires of your subconscious. All though dreams do contain some important sub-conscious thought, don't make the mistake of interpreting the dream as a whole. So many people do this, and try to find some meaning which isn't there. You have to break it up to individual parts, that's all your subconscious has done, then afterwards it's the rest of your brain which trys to turn it to a the story which makes sense to it. Why are you happy running through a field, with the forest, and the warmth? I don't know, maybe because spring is finally here? Summer is around the corner? Why was he in the dream? I don't know, maybe you had any thought about him over the last few days. Each component of a dream should be looked at independently of the rest. Dreams are like giving random legos to a child and asking him to put together a space ship. Each individual lego may have an intended purpose, but nothing important, and the final construct is going to look nothing like an adults idea of a space ship, it will really just be a mess. Trying to over analyze a dream would be like having NASA come get design ideas from this lego space ship. TLDR: dreams are just individual random bits of information that your brain half-assly tries to make a story out of.
People often make mistakes interpreting dreams, as they assume they are thoughts and desires of your subconscious. All though dreams do contain some important sub-conscious thought, don't make the mistake of interpreting the dream as a whole. So many people do this, and try to find some meaning which isn't there. You have to break it up to individual parts, that's all your subconscious has done, then afterwards it's the rest of your brain which trys to turn it to a the story which makes sense to it. Why are you happy running through a field, with the forest, and the warmth? I don't know, maybe because spring is finally here? Summer is around the corner? Why was he in the dream? I don't know, maybe you had any thought about him over the last few days. Each component of a dream should be looked at independently of the rest. Dreams are like giving random legos to a child and asking him to put together a space ship. Each individual lego may have an intended purpose, but nothing important, and the final construct is going to look nothing like an adults idea of a space ship, it will really just be a mess. Trying to over analyze a dream would be like having NASA come get design ideas from this lego space ship.
dreams are just individual random bits of information that your brain half-assly tries to make a story out of.
I don't really think so. He murdered his horse because he knew nobody was going to give a shit. But I doubt he was actually going to kill Loras or Sandor in full view of 100s of witnesses and the King. Robert might not have been a great ruler, but he wasn't one to let cold-blooded murder go when it happened for no reason in front of him. The Mountain is a pretty terrifying man, but a few dozen people with spears would be able to take him down. tl;dr-I really don't think Gregor was gonna kill Sandor. He was just really pissed off and wanted to fight something.
I don't really think so. He murdered his horse because he knew nobody was going to give a shit. But I doubt he was actually going to kill Loras or Sandor in full view of 100s of witnesses and the King. Robert might not have been a great ruler, but he wasn't one to let cold-blooded murder go when it happened for no reason in front of him. The Mountain is a pretty terrifying man, but a few dozen people with spears would be able to take him down. tl;dr-I really don't think Gregor was gonna kill Sandor. He was just really pissed off and wanted to fight something.
I don't really think so. He murdered his horse because he knew nobody was going to give a shit. But I doubt he was actually going to kill Loras or Sandor in full view of 100s of witnesses and the King. Robert might not have been a great ruler, but he wasn't one to let cold-blooded murder go when it happened for no reason in front of him. The Mountain is a pretty terrifying man, but a few dozen people with spears would be able to take him down.
I really don't think Gregor was gonna kill Sandor. He was just really pissed off and wanted to fight something.
Insurance would pay me what my car is worth. Insurance would not find me another car just like mine. I have a 2010 model year Mercury Milan Premier, in black, with the VOGA appearance package, Driver's Vision package [BLIS, CTA, camera, prox sensors], navigation, and 12-speaker stereo. VOGA was only available on the 2009 and 2010 models, each of which is a different body style. It consists of custom wheels, badging, embroidered seats, and chrome grille. It is a significant enough visual change to be a deal-breaker for me. There is exactly 1 other black Milan with the VOGA package for sale on, and it does not have navigation or the driver's vision package. subnote: it's really nice being able to look up window stickers. Compare the only other VOGA Milan I can find **[here]( to the window sticker for **[my car]( Makes it much easier to compare equipment and fill in the gaps where dealers fail. **tl;dr: Insurance can not and will not replace my car. Chase will overnight a new credit card to me. Don't keep irreplaceable shit in your easily-lost purse**
Insurance would pay me what my car is worth. Insurance would not find me another car just like mine. I have a 2010 model year Mercury Milan Premier, in black, with the VOGA appearance package, Driver's Vision package [BLIS, CTA, camera, prox sensors], navigation, and 12-speaker stereo. VOGA was only available on the 2009 and 2010 models, each of which is a different body style. It consists of custom wheels, badging, embroidered seats, and chrome grille. It is a significant enough visual change to be a deal-breaker for me. There is exactly 1 other black Milan with the VOGA package for sale on, and it does not have navigation or the driver's vision package. subnote: it's really nice being able to look up window stickers. Compare the only other VOGA Milan I can find [here]( to the window sticker for [my car]( Makes it much easier to compare equipment and fill in the gaps where dealers fail. tl;dr: Insurance can not and will not replace my car. Chase will overnight a new credit card to me. Don't keep irreplaceable shit in your easily-lost purse
Insurance would pay me what my car is worth. Insurance would not find me another car just like mine. I have a 2010 model year Mercury Milan Premier, in black, with the VOGA appearance package, Driver's Vision package [BLIS, CTA, camera, prox sensors], navigation, and 12-speaker stereo. VOGA was only available on the 2009 and 2010 models, each of which is a different body style. It consists of custom wheels, badging, embroidered seats, and chrome grille. It is a significant enough visual change to be a deal-breaker for me. There is exactly 1 other black Milan with the VOGA package for sale on, and it does not have navigation or the driver's vision package. subnote: it's really nice being able to look up window stickers. Compare the only other VOGA Milan I can find [here]( to the window sticker for [my car]( Makes it much easier to compare equipment and fill in the gaps where dealers fail.
Insurance can not and will not replace my car. Chase will overnight a new credit card to me. Don't keep irreplaceable shit in your easily-lost purse
QuantumG is in agreement with Rand Simberg, aerospace engineer and author of 'Safe is not an option'. Worth a listen, but tl;dr = safety obsession is killing the space program.
QuantumG is in agreement with Rand Simberg, aerospace engineer and author of 'Safe is not an option'. Worth a listen, but tl;dr = safety obsession is killing the space program.
QuantumG is in agreement with Rand Simberg, aerospace engineer and author of 'Safe is not an option'. Worth a listen, but
safety obsession is killing the space program.
I'm sure the main focus of our "lack of faith" is the pop culture reference. A TON of pop culture references I have experienced as a child fall short with kids even just a couple years younger than me. It makes ME feel old, and I'm in my twenties. We're primarily excited because she doesn't seem like the type of kid to assume the Titanic was just a movie, much like the other children (even middle school students) do. TL;DR: WE'RE ALL OLD.
I'm sure the main focus of our "lack of faith" is the pop culture reference. A TON of pop culture references I have experienced as a child fall short with kids even just a couple years younger than me. It makes ME feel old, and I'm in my twenties. We're primarily excited because she doesn't seem like the type of kid to assume the Titanic was just a movie, much like the other children (even middle school students) do. TL;DR: WE'RE ALL OLD.
I'm sure the main focus of our "lack of faith" is the pop culture reference. A TON of pop culture references I have experienced as a child fall short with kids even just a couple years younger than me. It makes ME feel old, and I'm in my twenties. We're primarily excited because she doesn't seem like the type of kid to assume the Titanic was just a movie, much like the other children (even middle school students) do.
I finally get to talk about this somewhere where I feel like people won't look at me like I'm crazy. Seems like nobody out in the "offline" world has ever heard of sleep paralysis before. I didn't get sleep paralysis until I was 18. (I'm 26 now, so I've been dealing with it for 8 years.) The first few times that it happened to me were some of the most unnerving experiences that I've ever had. Nobody ever seems to talk about it, and I had no idea what was going on. The first time it happened, I just thought it was a frighteningly realistic dream. I could see what was in my room all around me, but I just couldn't move. I remember panicking, thinking about how no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't even move my finger. Then that thought led me straight to worrying that I wouldn't ever be able to move again. When it was over and I could finally move again, I remember just lying there with my heart feeling like it was going to bust out of my chest... After a few times of it happening to me, I thought I was finally getting used to it --- Then I had my first hallucination. Now keep in mind that all the times before this one, whenever sleep paralysis hit, I'd always have a strange foreboding sense that something was lurking just outside of my view. I could never move my eyes or my head to see it, but I always *knew* there was something there...something...evil. But this time, I saw it. It was a shadowed silhouette right square in my view. It stayed there, unmoving, for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly, it faded into nothingness, right before I could move again. After that experience, more hallucinations followed. In the years since then, I've seen more shadowy silhouettes, heard people talking when no one was around, and at one point I even heard pots and pans clanging around in the kitchen. It's all part of your mind playing tricks on you. Part of you knows this, but that part of you takes a backseat to the irrational fear that grips you every time one of these bouts of sleep paralysis hits. I still remember the most frightening one that I've ever experienced; it's something I'll probably remember to the day I die. It happened to me just last year. I'd been doing great as far as sleep paralysis goes; I hadn't been hit by it nearly as often, and I thought for a while that it might be gone completely. So I made the not-so-wise decision to try an sleep lying on my back again. I had refrained from doing so for several years because I noticed that sleeping on my back almost always caused me to have some sort of sleep paralysis. This time, I was feeling confident enough to give it a go. That would be my undoing. As soon as the paralysis set in, the most horrifying experience of my otherwise dull life took place. At the end of my bed, I saw it materialize. It seemed to "soak" through the wall at the edge of my bed; this black, shadowed form. Slowly, it came into focus; looming there, staring at me. Up to this point, all of my hallucinations had been nondescript, a shape here, a form there, but nothing detailed. This one was different. I looked in horror at the figure before me. It was tall, wearing a black cloak. It had a face, but no skin; just bone. Not a typical skeleton face, mind you, but one of...definition, of figure. A fully defined face, formed of bone. A horrifying face, one that stared at me with hatred in its eyes. Those cold, dead, unblinking eyes. In its bony hand it held a scythe. Even in my paralysis I knew it was my mind projecting my own fears into reality as this grim reaper. I knew, but it didn't matter. The fear was real, the reaper *looked* real, and he wasn't going anywhere. He just stood there, staring. As the fear got stronger and stronger, I decided that if I could just close my eyes, maybe he'd go away. It had worked in the past with other hallucinations, surely this one would be the same. I closed my eyes.... When I opened them, it was closer. In the literal blink of an eye, it had moved and was now standing *through* the center of my bed. Still with the same unnerving look; unblinking. But now it was closer. Now I got a good look. My heart was beating so fast I thought I might die. Part of me thought this time the hallucination was real and this was just me dying. Just as this thought entered my head, the monster slowly faded away. Without so much as blinking, I sat straight up in bed. It wasn't a dream; I wasn't asleep. Everything in my room was in exactly the same place as it was when the monster was there. I sat there in my bed for hours, afraid to even try to sleep after that. Even typing about these experiences causes me to have a slight panic. To think that you are not in control of your body, and that it seems to be actively fighting you is unsettling in and of itself. I still worry that one day it will happen to me and it will be permanent. Irrational, perhaps, but I still worry about it. However, as I've dealt with it for 8 years now, I have managed to find one way to help snap my body out of it. When it happens, you can't control most of the muscles in your body. I can't move my hands, my arms, my legs, and sometimes it even feels hard to breathe. What I can do, however, is tighten my stomach muscles. I don't know why, or even how I figured it out, but that's the one part of me that I can still partially control. So what I do is I actually tighten them in a way that actually causes my body to shake. It's hard to describe, but it works. I've actually caused my girlfriend to wake up because I shook the bed so hard trying to snap my body out of my paralysis. **TL;DR** Had sleep paralysis for 8 years, It's fucking terrifying. I hallucinate during the bad bouts, saw the grim reaper once, and can wake myself up by using my stomach muscles to shake my body awake. It only works sometimes.
I finally get to talk about this somewhere where I feel like people won't look at me like I'm crazy. Seems like nobody out in the "offline" world has ever heard of sleep paralysis before. I didn't get sleep paralysis until I was 18. (I'm 26 now, so I've been dealing with it for 8 years.) The first few times that it happened to me were some of the most unnerving experiences that I've ever had. Nobody ever seems to talk about it, and I had no idea what was going on. The first time it happened, I just thought it was a frighteningly realistic dream. I could see what was in my room all around me, but I just couldn't move. I remember panicking, thinking about how no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't even move my finger. Then that thought led me straight to worrying that I wouldn't ever be able to move again. When it was over and I could finally move again, I remember just lying there with my heart feeling like it was going to bust out of my chest... After a few times of it happening to me, I thought I was finally getting used to it --- Then I had my first hallucination. Now keep in mind that all the times before this one, whenever sleep paralysis hit, I'd always have a strange foreboding sense that something was lurking just outside of my view. I could never move my eyes or my head to see it, but I always knew there was something there...something...evil. But this time, I saw it. It was a shadowed silhouette right square in my view. It stayed there, unmoving, for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly, it faded into nothingness, right before I could move again. After that experience, more hallucinations followed. In the years since then, I've seen more shadowy silhouettes, heard people talking when no one was around, and at one point I even heard pots and pans clanging around in the kitchen. It's all part of your mind playing tricks on you. Part of you knows this, but that part of you takes a backseat to the irrational fear that grips you every time one of these bouts of sleep paralysis hits. I still remember the most frightening one that I've ever experienced; it's something I'll probably remember to the day I die. It happened to me just last year. I'd been doing great as far as sleep paralysis goes; I hadn't been hit by it nearly as often, and I thought for a while that it might be gone completely. So I made the not-so-wise decision to try an sleep lying on my back again. I had refrained from doing so for several years because I noticed that sleeping on my back almost always caused me to have some sort of sleep paralysis. This time, I was feeling confident enough to give it a go. That would be my undoing. As soon as the paralysis set in, the most horrifying experience of my otherwise dull life took place. At the end of my bed, I saw it materialize. It seemed to "soak" through the wall at the edge of my bed; this black, shadowed form. Slowly, it came into focus; looming there, staring at me. Up to this point, all of my hallucinations had been nondescript, a shape here, a form there, but nothing detailed. This one was different. I looked in horror at the figure before me. It was tall, wearing a black cloak. It had a face, but no skin; just bone. Not a typical skeleton face, mind you, but one of...definition, of figure. A fully defined face, formed of bone. A horrifying face, one that stared at me with hatred in its eyes. Those cold, dead, unblinking eyes. In its bony hand it held a scythe. Even in my paralysis I knew it was my mind projecting my own fears into reality as this grim reaper. I knew, but it didn't matter. The fear was real, the reaper looked real, and he wasn't going anywhere. He just stood there, staring. As the fear got stronger and stronger, I decided that if I could just close my eyes, maybe he'd go away. It had worked in the past with other hallucinations, surely this one would be the same. I closed my eyes.... When I opened them, it was closer. In the literal blink of an eye, it had moved and was now standing through the center of my bed. Still with the same unnerving look; unblinking. But now it was closer. Now I got a good look. My heart was beating so fast I thought I might die. Part of me thought this time the hallucination was real and this was just me dying. Just as this thought entered my head, the monster slowly faded away. Without so much as blinking, I sat straight up in bed. It wasn't a dream; I wasn't asleep. Everything in my room was in exactly the same place as it was when the monster was there. I sat there in my bed for hours, afraid to even try to sleep after that. Even typing about these experiences causes me to have a slight panic. To think that you are not in control of your body, and that it seems to be actively fighting you is unsettling in and of itself. I still worry that one day it will happen to me and it will be permanent. Irrational, perhaps, but I still worry about it. However, as I've dealt with it for 8 years now, I have managed to find one way to help snap my body out of it. When it happens, you can't control most of the muscles in your body. I can't move my hands, my arms, my legs, and sometimes it even feels hard to breathe. What I can do, however, is tighten my stomach muscles. I don't know why, or even how I figured it out, but that's the one part of me that I can still partially control. So what I do is I actually tighten them in a way that actually causes my body to shake. It's hard to describe, but it works. I've actually caused my girlfriend to wake up because I shook the bed so hard trying to snap my body out of my paralysis. TL;DR Had sleep paralysis for 8 years, It's fucking terrifying. I hallucinate during the bad bouts, saw the grim reaper once, and can wake myself up by using my stomach muscles to shake my body awake. It only works sometimes.
I finally get to talk about this somewhere where I feel like people won't look at me like I'm crazy. Seems like nobody out in the "offline" world has ever heard of sleep paralysis before. I didn't get sleep paralysis until I was 18. (I'm 26 now, so I've been dealing with it for 8 years.) The first few times that it happened to me were some of the most unnerving experiences that I've ever had. Nobody ever seems to talk about it, and I had no idea what was going on. The first time it happened, I just thought it was a frighteningly realistic dream. I could see what was in my room all around me, but I just couldn't move. I remember panicking, thinking about how no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't even move my finger. Then that thought led me straight to worrying that I wouldn't ever be able to move again. When it was over and I could finally move again, I remember just lying there with my heart feeling like it was going to bust out of my chest... After a few times of it happening to me, I thought I was finally getting used to it --- Then I had my first hallucination. Now keep in mind that all the times before this one, whenever sleep paralysis hit, I'd always have a strange foreboding sense that something was lurking just outside of my view. I could never move my eyes or my head to see it, but I always knew there was something there...something...evil. But this time, I saw it. It was a shadowed silhouette right square in my view. It stayed there, unmoving, for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly, it faded into nothingness, right before I could move again. After that experience, more hallucinations followed. In the years since then, I've seen more shadowy silhouettes, heard people talking when no one was around, and at one point I even heard pots and pans clanging around in the kitchen. It's all part of your mind playing tricks on you. Part of you knows this, but that part of you takes a backseat to the irrational fear that grips you every time one of these bouts of sleep paralysis hits. I still remember the most frightening one that I've ever experienced; it's something I'll probably remember to the day I die. It happened to me just last year. I'd been doing great as far as sleep paralysis goes; I hadn't been hit by it nearly as often, and I thought for a while that it might be gone completely. So I made the not-so-wise decision to try an sleep lying on my back again. I had refrained from doing so for several years because I noticed that sleeping on my back almost always caused me to have some sort of sleep paralysis. This time, I was feeling confident enough to give it a go. That would be my undoing. As soon as the paralysis set in, the most horrifying experience of my otherwise dull life took place. At the end of my bed, I saw it materialize. It seemed to "soak" through the wall at the edge of my bed; this black, shadowed form. Slowly, it came into focus; looming there, staring at me. Up to this point, all of my hallucinations had been nondescript, a shape here, a form there, but nothing detailed. This one was different. I looked in horror at the figure before me. It was tall, wearing a black cloak. It had a face, but no skin; just bone. Not a typical skeleton face, mind you, but one of...definition, of figure. A fully defined face, formed of bone. A horrifying face, one that stared at me with hatred in its eyes. Those cold, dead, unblinking eyes. In its bony hand it held a scythe. Even in my paralysis I knew it was my mind projecting my own fears into reality as this grim reaper. I knew, but it didn't matter. The fear was real, the reaper looked real, and he wasn't going anywhere. He just stood there, staring. As the fear got stronger and stronger, I decided that if I could just close my eyes, maybe he'd go away. It had worked in the past with other hallucinations, surely this one would be the same. I closed my eyes.... When I opened them, it was closer. In the literal blink of an eye, it had moved and was now standing through the center of my bed. Still with the same unnerving look; unblinking. But now it was closer. Now I got a good look. My heart was beating so fast I thought I might die. Part of me thought this time the hallucination was real and this was just me dying. Just as this thought entered my head, the monster slowly faded away. Without so much as blinking, I sat straight up in bed. It wasn't a dream; I wasn't asleep. Everything in my room was in exactly the same place as it was when the monster was there. I sat there in my bed for hours, afraid to even try to sleep after that. Even typing about these experiences causes me to have a slight panic. To think that you are not in control of your body, and that it seems to be actively fighting you is unsettling in and of itself. I still worry that one day it will happen to me and it will be permanent. Irrational, perhaps, but I still worry about it. However, as I've dealt with it for 8 years now, I have managed to find one way to help snap my body out of it. When it happens, you can't control most of the muscles in your body. I can't move my hands, my arms, my legs, and sometimes it even feels hard to breathe. What I can do, however, is tighten my stomach muscles. I don't know why, or even how I figured it out, but that's the one part of me that I can still partially control. So what I do is I actually tighten them in a way that actually causes my body to shake. It's hard to describe, but it works. I've actually caused my girlfriend to wake up because I shook the bed so hard trying to snap my body out of my paralysis.
Had sleep paralysis for 8 years, It's fucking terrifying. I hallucinate during the bad bouts, saw the grim reaper once, and can wake myself up by using my stomach muscles to shake my body awake. It only works sometimes.
It felt pretty lame when you fixed stuff at some camp, and after coming back a few minutes later its all broken again. Like, what's the point? I was kinda hoping for the "Hey, thanks to me this place looks pretty cool!" -feeling. Instead I got a hollow, lifeless experience of nothing. It buggers me that you are stuck with one path for your whole career. Why not let you experience all paths on a single character? Would it be that horrible? If you don't care about jumping around or exploring every nook and cranny, then don't! But you kinda like to do scientist stuff, build stuff and kill some stuff, so you could really experience what you like to do. Now it feels like a lot of content is taken away from you. I like to focus on one character, not many of them. That's why I think all paths should be available at the same time. I'm sorry for not writing well, but I tried to bring out my thoughts as well as I could. **TL;DR I think all paths should be available for a single character. Now it feels like content is locked away from you!**
It felt pretty lame when you fixed stuff at some camp, and after coming back a few minutes later its all broken again. Like, what's the point? I was kinda hoping for the "Hey, thanks to me this place looks pretty cool!" -feeling. Instead I got a hollow, lifeless experience of nothing. It buggers me that you are stuck with one path for your whole career. Why not let you experience all paths on a single character? Would it be that horrible? If you don't care about jumping around or exploring every nook and cranny, then don't! But you kinda like to do scientist stuff, build stuff and kill some stuff, so you could really experience what you like to do. Now it feels like a lot of content is taken away from you. I like to focus on one character, not many of them. That's why I think all paths should be available at the same time. I'm sorry for not writing well, but I tried to bring out my thoughts as well as I could. TL;DR I think all paths should be available for a single character. Now it feels like content is locked away from you!
It felt pretty lame when you fixed stuff at some camp, and after coming back a few minutes later its all broken again. Like, what's the point? I was kinda hoping for the "Hey, thanks to me this place looks pretty cool!" -feeling. Instead I got a hollow, lifeless experience of nothing. It buggers me that you are stuck with one path for your whole career. Why not let you experience all paths on a single character? Would it be that horrible? If you don't care about jumping around or exploring every nook and cranny, then don't! But you kinda like to do scientist stuff, build stuff and kill some stuff, so you could really experience what you like to do. Now it feels like a lot of content is taken away from you. I like to focus on one character, not many of them. That's why I think all paths should be available at the same time. I'm sorry for not writing well, but I tried to bring out my thoughts as well as I could.
I think all paths should be available for a single character. Now it feels like content is locked away from you!
That is so not true. I had a 2.9 GPA (and that was the highest it had ever been) before graduating and Rob had my back the whole time. He was nothing but helpful and always tried his hardest to get me into the classes I needed and give me any helpful information. He is very busy due to understaffing, so he may be a bit slow at times to get back to you but he is incredible and has never been even close to rubbing me the wrong way. TLDR: Don't talk shit about Rob, he's a great person in a horrible system.
That is so not true. I had a 2.9 GPA (and that was the highest it had ever been) before graduating and Rob had my back the whole time. He was nothing but helpful and always tried his hardest to get me into the classes I needed and give me any helpful information. He is very busy due to understaffing, so he may be a bit slow at times to get back to you but he is incredible and has never been even close to rubbing me the wrong way. TLDR: Don't talk shit about Rob, he's a great person in a horrible system.
That is so not true. I had a 2.9 GPA (and that was the highest it had ever been) before graduating and Rob had my back the whole time. He was nothing but helpful and always tried his hardest to get me into the classes I needed and give me any helpful information. He is very busy due to understaffing, so he may be a bit slow at times to get back to you but he is incredible and has never been even close to rubbing me the wrong way.
Don't talk shit about Rob, he's a great person in a horrible system.
I had the exact same thing happen with my baby ball. He was small to start with, fasted for the first two months I had him, and got as low as 96g. It was pretty terrifying. He turned down F/T and live rat pups. The thing that worked for me — feeding live food that's more, well, *lively.* At that size, baby rats pretty much just lie there and twitch. I tried a mouse hopper of similar weight, and the extra movement really woke up my BP's prey drive. He's been eating like a champ ever since. My next challenge, of course, is to switch him over to F/T before the food gets big enough to fight back. But hey, he's eating and gaining weight in the meantime. **tl;dr** Try live food. *Wiggly* live food, something that makes your BP want to murder it.
I had the exact same thing happen with my baby ball. He was small to start with, fasted for the first two months I had him, and got as low as 96g. It was pretty terrifying. He turned down F/T and live rat pups. The thing that worked for me — feeding live food that's more, well, lively. At that size, baby rats pretty much just lie there and twitch. I tried a mouse hopper of similar weight, and the extra movement really woke up my BP's prey drive. He's been eating like a champ ever since. My next challenge, of course, is to switch him over to F/T before the food gets big enough to fight back. But hey, he's eating and gaining weight in the meantime. tl;dr Try live food. Wiggly live food, something that makes your BP want to murder it.
I had the exact same thing happen with my baby ball. He was small to start with, fasted for the first two months I had him, and got as low as 96g. It was pretty terrifying. He turned down F/T and live rat pups. The thing that worked for me — feeding live food that's more, well, lively. At that size, baby rats pretty much just lie there and twitch. I tried a mouse hopper of similar weight, and the extra movement really woke up my BP's prey drive. He's been eating like a champ ever since. My next challenge, of course, is to switch him over to F/T before the food gets big enough to fight back. But hey, he's eating and gaining weight in the meantime.
Try live food. Wiggly live food, something that makes your BP want to murder it.
CPR. This is not only beneficial for the person you might save (they don't die), but it's also beneficial for you (they will owe you a favor). **TL;DR:** 50% chance of getting a blowjob if you save a person.
CPR. This is not only beneficial for the person you might save (they don't die), but it's also beneficial for you (they will owe you a favor). TL;DR: 50% chance of getting a blowjob if you save a person.
CPR. This is not only beneficial for the person you might save (they don't die), but it's also beneficial for you (they will owe you a favor).
50% chance of getting a blowjob if you save a person.
It's the parties own fucking fault!!! --- Candidate list: * #1 You have you women who talks about the openess of Europe, human right and asylum. Oh and basic income for the EU in the election spot (Not to mention studying politics, beeing in the SPD for 6 years before... so textbook career politician) Edit: Yes, she also tralks about transparency, neutrality, copyright... * #2 You have guy whose twitter profile is "social liberal Pirate against facism". (If that was really important for me The Left has been an option since forever) * #3 Open Government, married to Wikileaks spokesperson etc. * #4 Musician & Producer actually working with copyright * #5 Anti-Fascist Action supporter (women) with focus on immigration and asylum ([Pretty much one of their biggest fuck ups]( **NSFW** *titts*) The problem? First of all 2.5 of the top 5 candidates bascially have no focus at all on the founding ideas of the Pirate Party. Then the best two candidates are on postion 3&4. Position 5 is a candidate that should never have been anywhere on a list of the Pirate Party. And don't even get me started on fuckups like [this:]( (Yeah, that's the leader of the party in on of Germanys biggest talkshows on public TV) **tl;dr** If you want the support of the German Internet community don't make your party look like a *The Left 2.0*
It's the parties own fucking fault!!! Candidate list: #1 You have you women who talks about the openess of Europe, human right and asylum. Oh and basic income for the EU in the election spot (Not to mention studying politics, beeing in the SPD for 6 years before... so textbook career politician) Edit: Yes, she also tralks about transparency, neutrality, copyright... #2 You have guy whose twitter profile is "social liberal Pirate against facism". (If that was really important for me The Left has been an option since forever) #3 Open Government, married to Wikileaks spokesperson etc. #4 Musician & Producer actually working with copyright #5 Anti-Fascist Action supporter (women) with focus on immigration and asylum ( Pretty much one of their biggest fuck ups The problem? First of all 2.5 of the top 5 candidates bascially have no focus at all on the founding ideas of the Pirate Party. Then the best two candidates are on postion 3&4. Position 5 is a candidate that should never have been anywhere on a list of the Pirate Party. And don't even get me started on fuckups like this: tl;dr If you want the support of the German Internet community don't make your party look like a The Left 2.0
It's the parties own fucking fault!!! Candidate list: #1 You have you women who talks about the openess of Europe, human right and asylum. Oh and basic income for the EU in the election spot (Not to mention studying politics, beeing in the SPD for 6 years before... so textbook career politician) Edit: Yes, she also tralks about transparency, neutrality, copyright... #2 You have guy whose twitter profile is "social liberal Pirate against facism". (If that was really important for me The Left has been an option since forever) #3 Open Government, married to Wikileaks spokesperson etc. #4 Musician & Producer actually working with copyright #5 Anti-Fascist Action supporter (women) with focus on immigration and asylum ( Pretty much one of their biggest fuck ups The problem? First of all 2.5 of the top 5 candidates bascially have no focus at all on the founding ideas of the Pirate Party. Then the best two candidates are on postion 3&4. Position 5 is a candidate that should never have been anywhere on a list of the Pirate Party. And don't even get me started on fuckups like this:
If you want the support of the German Internet community don't make your party look like a The Left 2.0
650 hours. Chivalry is the game I've been waiting my entire life for- realistic(ish) hand to hand combat. Success requires a combination of reflexes (timing/aiming), strategy (moving about the battlefield in non-duel situations), understanding of the meta-game and player tendencies (claymore? watch out for overhead riposte), and teamwork. Back in the day I'd play FPS games and being good always meant mainly reflexes/muscle memory and a small bit of the other elements. I would love to see Chivalry's incredible combat system used in a solo or multiplayer RPG with a story, character building, and loot collecting. The possibilities are endless. I did my fair share of bitching and ragequitting earlier on, but **I think that ultimately what people dislike is the difficulty curve. Many younger gamers are used to winning easily. Games are very easy now compared to the 8 and 16-bit era. As a result, they feel embarrassed and angry when they lose over and over again.** Back in the nintendo age, you expected difficulty, didn't feel like an asshole when you lost, and felt amazeballs when you won. In the modern age, you feel pretty good when you win, great when you dominate, and horrible when you lose. I've put a lot of time in designing a tactically challenging system for pen-and-paper RPG battles. So I am acutely aware that many gamers have certain expectations on how often and easily they win, and how difficult it is to re-norm these expectations. **Chivalry has a very difficult time re-norming players expectations for a variety of reasons:** 1. New players are almost totally helpless. It's hard to hit anyone or parry anything at first. A lot of new players wind up becoming archers because even though being an archer isn't easy, it's familiar. Time your projectile to hit the target, try not to get caught in melee. I imagine that MANY new players quit before rank 20 or so, where you are capable of actually killing and defending to some degree. It's frustrating and I almost gave up as well. 2. There are some shortcuts to being able to post good scores in team pub matches: learn to matrix with a Vanguard, get good at being an archer, Dodge/stab as an MAA. This isn't to say that any of things don't require skill, or are dishonorable, etc. I am merely saying that many players, when they reach a certain level (perhaps around rank 25 or so), start expecting better scores and take the easiest path to attain the KDR they think they should be posting. I did this- from rank 28-37 or so I exclusively ran around lmb'ing the Billhook like a retard and had pretty good success. Of course, I would get destroyed in duels with skilled players, and people would call me a Spamguard and I'd cry myself to sleep, much like the time my mom promised I could play videogames and drink chocolate milk and instead took me to the dentist. 3. Much like in real life a less-skilled player has almost no chance against a high-skill player in a 1-on-1. BUT, in a battle, individual skill can be EASILY overcome by superior numbers, surprise, etc. As a Rank 47 I naturally hate it when I'm slicing up a low rank player and I get flinched by a random arrow and die through no fault of my own. It can be very frustrating for high skill players to not score well because they are on a lousy team, because they have a difficult objective to assault, bad luck catching a few arrows, or if lag/glitches get them killed. **High skill players expect to succeed all the time** and it can be infuriating to fail against lower-skill players due to things you can't control, especially if someone talks shit to you about it. Then the high skill players go to the forums to gripe about the mechanics that favor new players, because they want to go 55-3 when playing on pub servers. 4. For some reason, most players care very little about whether or not the team wins or loses, only their individual success. Some people can't enjoy the simple pleasure of being the guy with the Tower Shield who pushes the cart and catches the arrows. I'll get frustrated when I fight off 5 enemies for 30 seconds but wind up dying without a single kill, instead of thinking how much time I bought for my teammates. I have to remind myself that the scoreboard rarely tells the real story. TL;DR I'm sad that many hardcore gamers can't seem to enjoy Chivalry. The game is so difficult it scares off new players while random enough to frustrate veterans. Players judge themselves by their individual success instead of the team. I think the game is awesome, and **I really suggest that all players adjust their expectations of success to enjoy the game more.** Finally, I think that if Chivalry spins off into a PvE experience (multiplayer or single), it will be wildly successful because it will solve a lot of these problems.
650 hours. Chivalry is the game I've been waiting my entire life for- realistic(ish) hand to hand combat. Success requires a combination of reflexes (timing/aiming), strategy (moving about the battlefield in non-duel situations), understanding of the meta-game and player tendencies (claymore? watch out for overhead riposte), and teamwork. Back in the day I'd play FPS games and being good always meant mainly reflexes/muscle memory and a small bit of the other elements. I would love to see Chivalry's incredible combat system used in a solo or multiplayer RPG with a story, character building, and loot collecting. The possibilities are endless. I did my fair share of bitching and ragequitting earlier on, but I think that ultimately what people dislike is the difficulty curve. Many younger gamers are used to winning easily. Games are very easy now compared to the 8 and 16-bit era. As a result, they feel embarrassed and angry when they lose over and over again. Back in the nintendo age, you expected difficulty, didn't feel like an asshole when you lost, and felt amazeballs when you won. In the modern age, you feel pretty good when you win, great when you dominate, and horrible when you lose. I've put a lot of time in designing a tactically challenging system for pen-and-paper RPG battles. So I am acutely aware that many gamers have certain expectations on how often and easily they win, and how difficult it is to re-norm these expectations. Chivalry has a very difficult time re-norming players expectations for a variety of reasons: New players are almost totally helpless. It's hard to hit anyone or parry anything at first. A lot of new players wind up becoming archers because even though being an archer isn't easy, it's familiar. Time your projectile to hit the target, try not to get caught in melee. I imagine that MANY new players quit before rank 20 or so, where you are capable of actually killing and defending to some degree. It's frustrating and I almost gave up as well. There are some shortcuts to being able to post good scores in team pub matches: learn to matrix with a Vanguard, get good at being an archer, Dodge/stab as an MAA. This isn't to say that any of things don't require skill, or are dishonorable, etc. I am merely saying that many players, when they reach a certain level (perhaps around rank 25 or so), start expecting better scores and take the easiest path to attain the KDR they think they should be posting. I did this- from rank 28-37 or so I exclusively ran around lmb'ing the Billhook like a retard and had pretty good success. Of course, I would get destroyed in duels with skilled players, and people would call me a Spamguard and I'd cry myself to sleep, much like the time my mom promised I could play videogames and drink chocolate milk and instead took me to the dentist. Much like in real life a less-skilled player has almost no chance against a high-skill player in a 1-on-1. BUT, in a battle, individual skill can be EASILY overcome by superior numbers, surprise, etc. As a Rank 47 I naturally hate it when I'm slicing up a low rank player and I get flinched by a random arrow and die through no fault of my own. It can be very frustrating for high skill players to not score well because they are on a lousy team, because they have a difficult objective to assault, bad luck catching a few arrows, or if lag/glitches get them killed. High skill players expect to succeed all the time and it can be infuriating to fail against lower-skill players due to things you can't control, especially if someone talks shit to you about it. Then the high skill players go to the forums to gripe about the mechanics that favor new players, because they want to go 55-3 when playing on pub servers. For some reason, most players care very little about whether or not the team wins or loses, only their individual success. Some people can't enjoy the simple pleasure of being the guy with the Tower Shield who pushes the cart and catches the arrows. I'll get frustrated when I fight off 5 enemies for 30 seconds but wind up dying without a single kill, instead of thinking how much time I bought for my teammates. I have to remind myself that the scoreboard rarely tells the real story. TL;DR I'm sad that many hardcore gamers can't seem to enjoy Chivalry. The game is so difficult it scares off new players while random enough to frustrate veterans. Players judge themselves by their individual success instead of the team. I think the game is awesome, and I really suggest that all players adjust their expectations of success to enjoy the game more. Finally, I think that if Chivalry spins off into a PvE experience (multiplayer or single), it will be wildly successful because it will solve a lot of these problems.
650 hours. Chivalry is the game I've been waiting my entire life for- realistic(ish) hand to hand combat. Success requires a combination of reflexes (timing/aiming), strategy (moving about the battlefield in non-duel situations), understanding of the meta-game and player tendencies (claymore? watch out for overhead riposte), and teamwork. Back in the day I'd play FPS games and being good always meant mainly reflexes/muscle memory and a small bit of the other elements. I would love to see Chivalry's incredible combat system used in a solo or multiplayer RPG with a story, character building, and loot collecting. The possibilities are endless. I did my fair share of bitching and ragequitting earlier on, but I think that ultimately what people dislike is the difficulty curve. Many younger gamers are used to winning easily. Games are very easy now compared to the 8 and 16-bit era. As a result, they feel embarrassed and angry when they lose over and over again. Back in the nintendo age, you expected difficulty, didn't feel like an asshole when you lost, and felt amazeballs when you won. In the modern age, you feel pretty good when you win, great when you dominate, and horrible when you lose. I've put a lot of time in designing a tactically challenging system for pen-and-paper RPG battles. So I am acutely aware that many gamers have certain expectations on how often and easily they win, and how difficult it is to re-norm these expectations. Chivalry has a very difficult time re-norming players expectations for a variety of reasons: New players are almost totally helpless. It's hard to hit anyone or parry anything at first. A lot of new players wind up becoming archers because even though being an archer isn't easy, it's familiar. Time your projectile to hit the target, try not to get caught in melee. I imagine that MANY new players quit before rank 20 or so, where you are capable of actually killing and defending to some degree. It's frustrating and I almost gave up as well. There are some shortcuts to being able to post good scores in team pub matches: learn to matrix with a Vanguard, get good at being an archer, Dodge/stab as an MAA. This isn't to say that any of things don't require skill, or are dishonorable, etc. I am merely saying that many players, when they reach a certain level (perhaps around rank 25 or so), start expecting better scores and take the easiest path to attain the KDR they think they should be posting. I did this- from rank 28-37 or so I exclusively ran around lmb'ing the Billhook like a retard and had pretty good success. Of course, I would get destroyed in duels with skilled players, and people would call me a Spamguard and I'd cry myself to sleep, much like the time my mom promised I could play videogames and drink chocolate milk and instead took me to the dentist. Much like in real life a less-skilled player has almost no chance against a high-skill player in a 1-on-1. BUT, in a battle, individual skill can be EASILY overcome by superior numbers, surprise, etc. As a Rank 47 I naturally hate it when I'm slicing up a low rank player and I get flinched by a random arrow and die through no fault of my own. It can be very frustrating for high skill players to not score well because they are on a lousy team, because they have a difficult objective to assault, bad luck catching a few arrows, or if lag/glitches get them killed. High skill players expect to succeed all the time and it can be infuriating to fail against lower-skill players due to things you can't control, especially if someone talks shit to you about it. Then the high skill players go to the forums to gripe about the mechanics that favor new players, because they want to go 55-3 when playing on pub servers. For some reason, most players care very little about whether or not the team wins or loses, only their individual success. Some people can't enjoy the simple pleasure of being the guy with the Tower Shield who pushes the cart and catches the arrows. I'll get frustrated when I fight off 5 enemies for 30 seconds but wind up dying without a single kill, instead of thinking how much time I bought for my teammates. I have to remind myself that the scoreboard rarely tells the real story.
I'm sad that many hardcore gamers can't seem to enjoy Chivalry. The game is so difficult it scares off new players while random enough to frustrate veterans. Players judge themselves by their individual success instead of the team. I think the game is awesome, and I really suggest that all players adjust their expectations of success to enjoy the game more. Finally, I think that if Chivalry spins off into a PvE experience (multiplayer or single), it will be wildly successful because it will solve a lot of these problems.
No, that is just a coincidence. I'd encourage you not to over think payoffs. This is something that gets lost in a speedy video course but I cover in more depth in the textbook. Players can have whatever preferences they want to have within some reason. The key thing is to finalize whatever preferences the players have and then insert those payoffs into the matrix or tree. So if we are playing some game for money and my sole goal is to minimize your earnings, my payoffs would reflect that and nothing else. That is, I would get my highest payoff for you receiving the least money, the second highest payoff for you receiving the second least payoff, and so forth. By doing so, you can apply all of the standard equilibrium tools we have. TL;DR: Your approach is fine, but you should build those payoffs into the game matrix and then not double-count it.
No, that is just a coincidence. I'd encourage you not to over think payoffs. This is something that gets lost in a speedy video course but I cover in more depth in the textbook. Players can have whatever preferences they want to have within some reason. The key thing is to finalize whatever preferences the players have and then insert those payoffs into the matrix or tree. So if we are playing some game for money and my sole goal is to minimize your earnings, my payoffs would reflect that and nothing else. That is, I would get my highest payoff for you receiving the least money, the second highest payoff for you receiving the second least payoff, and so forth. By doing so, you can apply all of the standard equilibrium tools we have. TL;DR: Your approach is fine, but you should build those payoffs into the game matrix and then not double-count it.
No, that is just a coincidence. I'd encourage you not to over think payoffs. This is something that gets lost in a speedy video course but I cover in more depth in the textbook. Players can have whatever preferences they want to have within some reason. The key thing is to finalize whatever preferences the players have and then insert those payoffs into the matrix or tree. So if we are playing some game for money and my sole goal is to minimize your earnings, my payoffs would reflect that and nothing else. That is, I would get my highest payoff for you receiving the least money, the second highest payoff for you receiving the second least payoff, and so forth. By doing so, you can apply all of the standard equilibrium tools we have.
Your approach is fine, but you should build those payoffs into the game matrix and then not double-count it.
Hey man, I'm a smoker myself, quite heavily sometimes. I have my bouts of anxiety here and there because of cannabis, but that's only when I get so extraordinarily high that my thoughts explode exponentially. I meet a lot of people (not talking about you) who think getting to a [10] is all smoking tree is about. No, it's about getting to a nice [4]-[7] (my comfortable range) and just kicking back. That's what it's about, relaxing. When we start smoking weed to pass time or have a party or what not, that's when our thoughts really start to fractalize and explode exponentially, causing anxiety to go through the roof. Our thoughts exist as fractals in nature. During sobriety or more-less our natural state, caps are kept on these fractals so they don't multiply. When we smoke psychoactive substances such as THC, these caps tend to loosen up and allow our thoughts to grow in mass and density. Getting too high sometimes feels as if the caps are completely removed, allowing thoughts to spiral inward endlessly. If an anxious thought is one to be uncapped, then it may grow exponentially causing a panic/anxiety attack. This may be why other emotions such as happiness, sensual pleasure, sadness, and anger may sometimes grow more intense during the really *high* highs, they uncap and explode, sometimes blasting our very sense of being out the top of our head. tl;dr - don't get too high buddy, cannabis is psychoactive and uncaps our train of thought, allowing it to expand immensely. Sometimes this expansion of thought is a great thing, sometimes it can be our worst nightmare.
Hey man, I'm a smoker myself, quite heavily sometimes. I have my bouts of anxiety here and there because of cannabis, but that's only when I get so extraordinarily high that my thoughts explode exponentially. I meet a lot of people (not talking about you) who think getting to a [10] is all smoking tree is about. No, it's about getting to a nice [4]-[7] (my comfortable range) and just kicking back. That's what it's about, relaxing. When we start smoking weed to pass time or have a party or what not, that's when our thoughts really start to fractalize and explode exponentially, causing anxiety to go through the roof. Our thoughts exist as fractals in nature. During sobriety or more-less our natural state, caps are kept on these fractals so they don't multiply. When we smoke psychoactive substances such as THC, these caps tend to loosen up and allow our thoughts to grow in mass and density. Getting too high sometimes feels as if the caps are completely removed, allowing thoughts to spiral inward endlessly. If an anxious thought is one to be uncapped, then it may grow exponentially causing a panic/anxiety attack. This may be why other emotions such as happiness, sensual pleasure, sadness, and anger may sometimes grow more intense during the really high highs, they uncap and explode, sometimes blasting our very sense of being out the top of our head. tl;dr - don't get too high buddy, cannabis is psychoactive and uncaps our train of thought, allowing it to expand immensely. Sometimes this expansion of thought is a great thing, sometimes it can be our worst nightmare.
Hey man, I'm a smoker myself, quite heavily sometimes. I have my bouts of anxiety here and there because of cannabis, but that's only when I get so extraordinarily high that my thoughts explode exponentially. I meet a lot of people (not talking about you) who think getting to a [10] is all smoking tree is about. No, it's about getting to a nice [4]-[7] (my comfortable range) and just kicking back. That's what it's about, relaxing. When we start smoking weed to pass time or have a party or what not, that's when our thoughts really start to fractalize and explode exponentially, causing anxiety to go through the roof. Our thoughts exist as fractals in nature. During sobriety or more-less our natural state, caps are kept on these fractals so they don't multiply. When we smoke psychoactive substances such as THC, these caps tend to loosen up and allow our thoughts to grow in mass and density. Getting too high sometimes feels as if the caps are completely removed, allowing thoughts to spiral inward endlessly. If an anxious thought is one to be uncapped, then it may grow exponentially causing a panic/anxiety attack. This may be why other emotions such as happiness, sensual pleasure, sadness, and anger may sometimes grow more intense during the really high highs, they uncap and explode, sometimes blasting our very sense of being out the top of our head.
don't get too high buddy, cannabis is psychoactive and uncaps our train of thought, allowing it to expand immensely. Sometimes this expansion of thought is a great thing, sometimes it can be our worst nightmare.
Thanks. The West End thing has made it into Boston's standard textbook history lessons by this point, although it isn't the first thing new people learn when they come here. The arson plague is a story that is completely under-told, but I expect that to change as people pick up on it. The only concise history I know of is in [Stephanie Schorow's Boston on Fire]( book (and if you like Boston history, you should read some of her other stuff. From my casual research and recollection of her work, there were sort of two separate waves of arson. In the 70s, it was the South End that was the real target area. The perpetrators were mostly landlords trying to cash in on insurance money. There was blatant insurance fraud, and no one really seemed to give a shit. Then there was the second wave, which was more diverse but really hit Roxbury hard. This was largely perpetrated by a group of complete nutjobs that banded together to set hundreds and hundreds of fires in the largest arson conspiracy in the nation's history. It was a group of 7 dudes, 2 of them cops and 2 of them firefighters, who were concerned that firefighters were going to be laid off after Prop 2 1/2 passed and property tax increases were capped. Their solution? [Set shitloads of fires to keep firefighters employed.]( Probably the most horrible thing about all this was the blatant racism, corruption, and ineptitude of BFD and BPD at the time. Say what you will about them now, but they are light years ahead of where they were back then. I shit you not, as a group of seven white dudes systematically burned Roxbury and JP to the ground, this is what top BFD officials had to say TO THE FREAKING BOSTON GLOBE for a [feature story]( (paywall) that ended up with at least one of them "resigning": > City Fire Marshal John White, who also is commander of the arson squad, is quoted as saying: "The people that are causing the arson problem are coming into the city looking for welfare payments. It's a migratory problem. . . . The Irish move out, blacks come in. We're probably going to have problems with Cambodians and Vietnamese later." White is also quoted as saying that minority hiring quotas contribute to arson "since people become angry about reverse discrimination and may set fires." Discussing state efforts to work with community groups to combat arson, State Fire Marshal Joseph O'Keefe is quoted as saying: "We'll do that too. I just hired a woman to deal with community groups. She's black as the ace of spades and she'll handle 'em." Anyway, tl;dr: Boston had as many as 600-800 suspicious fires a year for about a decade (a "good" year was one with only ~200). Many of those buildings were demolished. Hard to put a number on how many housing units we lost, but if I had to guess I would say 10,000 is probably a reasonable number. If you're really into it, PM me your email address and I'll share a private link with a bunch of globe stories I pasted into a google doc that will melt your head.
Thanks. The West End thing has made it into Boston's standard textbook history lessons by this point, although it isn't the first thing new people learn when they come here. The arson plague is a story that is completely under-told, but I expect that to change as people pick up on it. The only concise history I know of is in [Stephanie Schorow's Boston on Fire]( book (and if you like Boston history, you should read some of her other stuff. From my casual research and recollection of her work, there were sort of two separate waves of arson. In the 70s, it was the South End that was the real target area. The perpetrators were mostly landlords trying to cash in on insurance money. There was blatant insurance fraud, and no one really seemed to give a shit. Then there was the second wave, which was more diverse but really hit Roxbury hard. This was largely perpetrated by a group of complete nutjobs that banded together to set hundreds and hundreds of fires in the largest arson conspiracy in the nation's history. It was a group of 7 dudes, 2 of them cops and 2 of them firefighters, who were concerned that firefighters were going to be laid off after Prop 2 1/2 passed and property tax increases were capped. Their solution? [Set shitloads of fires to keep firefighters employed.]( Probably the most horrible thing about all this was the blatant racism, corruption, and ineptitude of BFD and BPD at the time. Say what you will about them now, but they are light years ahead of where they were back then. I shit you not, as a group of seven white dudes systematically burned Roxbury and JP to the ground, this is what top BFD officials had to say TO THE FREAKING BOSTON GLOBE for a feature story that ended up with at least one of them "resigning": > City Fire Marshal John White, who also is commander of the arson squad, is quoted as saying: "The people that are causing the arson problem are coming into the city looking for welfare payments. It's a migratory problem. . . . The Irish move out, blacks come in. We're probably going to have problems with Cambodians and Vietnamese later." White is also quoted as saying that minority hiring quotas contribute to arson "since people become angry about reverse discrimination and may set fires." Discussing state efforts to work with community groups to combat arson, State Fire Marshal Joseph O'Keefe is quoted as saying: "We'll do that too. I just hired a woman to deal with community groups. She's black as the ace of spades and she'll handle 'em." Anyway, tl;dr: Boston had as many as 600-800 suspicious fires a year for about a decade (a "good" year was one with only ~200). Many of those buildings were demolished. Hard to put a number on how many housing units we lost, but if I had to guess I would say 10,000 is probably a reasonable number. If you're really into it, PM me your email address and I'll share a private link with a bunch of globe stories I pasted into a google doc that will melt your head.
Thanks. The West End thing has made it into Boston's standard textbook history lessons by this point, although it isn't the first thing new people learn when they come here. The arson plague is a story that is completely under-told, but I expect that to change as people pick up on it. The only concise history I know of is in [Stephanie Schorow's Boston on Fire]( book (and if you like Boston history, you should read some of her other stuff. From my casual research and recollection of her work, there were sort of two separate waves of arson. In the 70s, it was the South End that was the real target area. The perpetrators were mostly landlords trying to cash in on insurance money. There was blatant insurance fraud, and no one really seemed to give a shit. Then there was the second wave, which was more diverse but really hit Roxbury hard. This was largely perpetrated by a group of complete nutjobs that banded together to set hundreds and hundreds of fires in the largest arson conspiracy in the nation's history. It was a group of 7 dudes, 2 of them cops and 2 of them firefighters, who were concerned that firefighters were going to be laid off after Prop 2 1/2 passed and property tax increases were capped. Their solution? [Set shitloads of fires to keep firefighters employed.]( Probably the most horrible thing about all this was the blatant racism, corruption, and ineptitude of BFD and BPD at the time. Say what you will about them now, but they are light years ahead of where they were back then. I shit you not, as a group of seven white dudes systematically burned Roxbury and JP to the ground, this is what top BFD officials had to say TO THE FREAKING BOSTON GLOBE for a feature story that ended up with at least one of them "resigning": > City Fire Marshal John White, who also is commander of the arson squad, is quoted as saying: "The people that are causing the arson problem are coming into the city looking for welfare payments. It's a migratory problem. . . . The Irish move out, blacks come in. We're probably going to have problems with Cambodians and Vietnamese later." White is also quoted as saying that minority hiring quotas contribute to arson "since people become angry about reverse discrimination and may set fires." Discussing state efforts to work with community groups to combat arson, State Fire Marshal Joseph O'Keefe is quoted as saying: "We'll do that too. I just hired a woman to deal with community groups. She's black as the ace of spades and she'll handle 'em." Anyway,
Boston had as many as 600-800 suspicious fires a year for about a decade (a "good" year was one with only ~200). Many of those buildings were demolished. Hard to put a number on how many housing units we lost, but if I had to guess I would say 10,000 is probably a reasonable number. If you're really into it, PM me your email address and I'll share a private link with a bunch of globe stories I pasted into a google doc that will melt your head.
From Wikipedia's London Underground page: > The system serves 270 stations and has 402 kilometres (250 mi) of track, 55% of which is above ground. Further more: > The incorporation of the East London Line into the Overground network has added substantial sections of line in tunnel, including the historic Thames Tunnel, the oldest tunnel under a navigable river in the world. A peculiarity is that at Whitechapel the London Overground runs below the London Underground tl;dr: Naming things is hard.
From Wikipedia's London Underground page: > The system serves 270 stations and has 402 kilometres (250 mi) of track, 55% of which is above ground. Further more: > The incorporation of the East London Line into the Overground network has added substantial sections of line in tunnel, including the historic Thames Tunnel, the oldest tunnel under a navigable river in the world. A peculiarity is that at Whitechapel the London Overground runs below the London Underground tl;dr: Naming things is hard.
From Wikipedia's London Underground page: > The system serves 270 stations and has 402 kilometres (250 mi) of track, 55% of which is above ground. Further more: > The incorporation of the East London Line into the Overground network has added substantial sections of line in tunnel, including the historic Thames Tunnel, the oldest tunnel under a navigable river in the world. A peculiarity is that at Whitechapel the London Overground runs below the London Underground
Naming things is hard.
>The workers, all the bills, the rent, the electricity all get paid before the business owner. The money left over after he pays all the expenses is rightfully theirs to keep, and either save spend, or reinvest to make more opportunities and more money. Just because someone takes a risk or does a little work does not give them a right to steal from someone. You see that money that is "rightfully theirs" to keep was produced by someone else therefore it is stolen money. It is not fair also for this person to dictate decisions in the workplace when it is the workers that make the place run and create the wealth that the owner steals from. While it is true that some of the this stolen money is used to keep the business up it is also true that some of it goes out to the owner, board of directors, CEO's who are practically dictators over the workers and simply leaching of their labor. So there is no misunderstanding I understand that the CEO and others like him do important jobs and such, what I am advocating is that 1.) they should be elected by the workers, and 2.) the owners of the company should not receive any money from the workers labor just because they own the means of production, this is equivalent to saying that plantation owners should be able to profit off slaves because they own and built the plantation! A more ideal situation is where those that labor in the business own it and democratically decide how to run it. TL;DR: I just want economic democracy instead of dictatorship based on how much capital you own, is that too much to ask for?
>The workers, all the bills, the rent, the electricity all get paid before the business owner. The money left over after he pays all the expenses is rightfully theirs to keep, and either save spend, or reinvest to make more opportunities and more money. Just because someone takes a risk or does a little work does not give them a right to steal from someone. You see that money that is "rightfully theirs" to keep was produced by someone else therefore it is stolen money. It is not fair also for this person to dictate decisions in the workplace when it is the workers that make the place run and create the wealth that the owner steals from. While it is true that some of the this stolen money is used to keep the business up it is also true that some of it goes out to the owner, board of directors, CEO's who are practically dictators over the workers and simply leaching of their labor. So there is no misunderstanding I understand that the CEO and others like him do important jobs and such, what I am advocating is that 1.) they should be elected by the workers, and 2.) the owners of the company should not receive any money from the workers labor just because they own the means of production, this is equivalent to saying that plantation owners should be able to profit off slaves because they own and built the plantation! A more ideal situation is where those that labor in the business own it and democratically decide how to run it. TL;DR: I just want economic democracy instead of dictatorship based on how much capital you own, is that too much to ask for?
The workers, all the bills, the rent, the electricity all get paid before the business owner. The money left over after he pays all the expenses is rightfully theirs to keep, and either save spend, or reinvest to make more opportunities and more money. Just because someone takes a risk or does a little work does not give them a right to steal from someone. You see that money that is "rightfully theirs" to keep was produced by someone else therefore it is stolen money. It is not fair also for this person to dictate decisions in the workplace when it is the workers that make the place run and create the wealth that the owner steals from. While it is true that some of the this stolen money is used to keep the business up it is also true that some of it goes out to the owner, board of directors, CEO's who are practically dictators over the workers and simply leaching of their labor. So there is no misunderstanding I understand that the CEO and others like him do important jobs and such, what I am advocating is that 1.) they should be elected by the workers, and 2.) the owners of the company should not receive any money from the workers labor just because they own the means of production, this is equivalent to saying that plantation owners should be able to profit off slaves because they own and built the plantation! A more ideal situation is where those that labor in the business own it and democratically decide how to run it.
I just want economic democracy instead of dictatorship based on how much capital you own, is that too much to ask for?
For the most part, she doesn't feel like my mother. When I was young child (5-10): she would stay in her bedroom all day, would never do anything at all with me and my little brother, and just complain about every single little thing that we would do wrong. Me and my brother were being kids and took the cushions off the couch to play (while she was locked in her bedroom watching lifetime), if she heard us laughing or anything she would yell at us and make us be quiet. Apparently a parent not letting their kids have 'their' food is not normal either, as I found out because of my SO's parents. My mom would have delicious fruits and veggies like plums, grapes, cucumbers, just delicious and healthy food that me and my brother weren't allowed to have. If we were hungry, we had to have sandwiches and corndogs. When I got older (young teens): I realized that I am attracted to girls, well she hated me for that. She would constantly tell me how gross it is and how I'm not normal, just generally making me feel like shit for it. I dating several girls and if she would find out she would not let me talk to them at all anymore. When she very first found out, she made me go from public school to a Christian school, where I actually ended up dating more girls at than the public school. She would never let me hang out with any friends which has helped lead to being really bad at being social. There was one girl I hung out with and as soon as she found out we were more than friends, that was over. As an older teen(17-now, 20): Even though I am with a guy now who treats me wonderfully (started dating when I was 17), she ended up hating me being with him because he supposedly 'takes advantage of me' and 'I should be with better'. So I eventually realized that she just apparently doesn't like me being with anyone. I moved in with him when I was 18(we have known each other since we were in the 6th grade and dating a few other times) because my mom was leaving my dad and she wouldn't stop begging me to move in with her, and with all of the issues that I have had with her in the past, that wasn't going to happen. The way that I found out that my mom 'didn't love him anymore' (aka was prolly fucking another guy, that she later told me about, behind my daddy's back) was by her telling me on my 18th birthday when my family and I went to the bar and she got drunk. It was my birthday and I was supposed to be the one allowed to drink but she got so drunk I had to carry her out of the bar and she was puking in the parking lot. After they actually separated and moved out, my mom was always talking horribly about my daddy, but never once, did my dad mention anything negative about her, but because of her comments, and my brothers vulnerable mind, my brother hates being around my daddy and thinks my mom is god. My 19th birthday she and my nanna took me and my SO to New Orleans for my birthday. She made the trip absolutely awful. I love art and so she promised that we would go see all of the art studios in New Orleans, but first she had to go to Bourbon Street and drink. By the time she was done with that, every art studio was closed. I got pissed off because her drinking, as always, trumped everything else. She kept insisting that the reason that I was mad was because something my SO did. She refused to believe that anything was her wrong doing. Another day in NO, we went to the zoo and aquarium. The entire time she just kept complaining and saying we need to hurry up, so we didn't even get to see 1/2 of the zoo and we had to rush through the aquarium. And that is just a few of the things there. I wish I could go back and just never have gone on that trip. She has, in the past few months, attempted to try and make it 'better', after her leaving a voicemail telling me how horrible of a person I am and how she doesn't even consider me her daughter (because I told my dad that she was cheating on him when I was 18ish). Now she is with another guy and she actually spends time with his kids and does fun things and whatnot, and I can't help but resent her for this. Luckily me and my daddy (technically stepdad but always my daddy) have a great relationship. I've told him that I am meeting my biodad (for the first time in my memory) this weekend, but I still haven't told her because I have no desire to talk to her. Sorry for the rant, but it felt great to get this out. Tl;Dr: My mom is a mega asshole and wants things to actually work out now, ha.
For the most part, she doesn't feel like my mother. When I was young child (5-10): she would stay in her bedroom all day, would never do anything at all with me and my little brother, and just complain about every single little thing that we would do wrong. Me and my brother were being kids and took the cushions off the couch to play (while she was locked in her bedroom watching lifetime), if she heard us laughing or anything she would yell at us and make us be quiet. Apparently a parent not letting their kids have 'their' food is not normal either, as I found out because of my SO's parents. My mom would have delicious fruits and veggies like plums, grapes, cucumbers, just delicious and healthy food that me and my brother weren't allowed to have. If we were hungry, we had to have sandwiches and corndogs. When I got older (young teens): I realized that I am attracted to girls, well she hated me for that. She would constantly tell me how gross it is and how I'm not normal, just generally making me feel like shit for it. I dating several girls and if she would find out she would not let me talk to them at all anymore. When she very first found out, she made me go from public school to a Christian school, where I actually ended up dating more girls at than the public school. She would never let me hang out with any friends which has helped lead to being really bad at being social. There was one girl I hung out with and as soon as she found out we were more than friends, that was over. As an older teen(17-now, 20): Even though I am with a guy now who treats me wonderfully (started dating when I was 17), she ended up hating me being with him because he supposedly 'takes advantage of me' and 'I should be with better'. So I eventually realized that she just apparently doesn't like me being with anyone. I moved in with him when I was 18(we have known each other since we were in the 6th grade and dating a few other times) because my mom was leaving my dad and she wouldn't stop begging me to move in with her, and with all of the issues that I have had with her in the past, that wasn't going to happen. The way that I found out that my mom 'didn't love him anymore' (aka was prolly fucking another guy, that she later told me about, behind my daddy's back) was by her telling me on my 18th birthday when my family and I went to the bar and she got drunk. It was my birthday and I was supposed to be the one allowed to drink but she got so drunk I had to carry her out of the bar and she was puking in the parking lot. After they actually separated and moved out, my mom was always talking horribly about my daddy, but never once, did my dad mention anything negative about her, but because of her comments, and my brothers vulnerable mind, my brother hates being around my daddy and thinks my mom is god. My 19th birthday she and my nanna took me and my SO to New Orleans for my birthday. She made the trip absolutely awful. I love art and so she promised that we would go see all of the art studios in New Orleans, but first she had to go to Bourbon Street and drink. By the time she was done with that, every art studio was closed. I got pissed off because her drinking, as always, trumped everything else. She kept insisting that the reason that I was mad was because something my SO did. She refused to believe that anything was her wrong doing. Another day in NO, we went to the zoo and aquarium. The entire time she just kept complaining and saying we need to hurry up, so we didn't even get to see 1/2 of the zoo and we had to rush through the aquarium. And that is just a few of the things there. I wish I could go back and just never have gone on that trip. She has, in the past few months, attempted to try and make it 'better', after her leaving a voicemail telling me how horrible of a person I am and how she doesn't even consider me her daughter (because I told my dad that she was cheating on him when I was 18ish). Now she is with another guy and she actually spends time with his kids and does fun things and whatnot, and I can't help but resent her for this. Luckily me and my daddy (technically stepdad but always my daddy) have a great relationship. I've told him that I am meeting my biodad (for the first time in my memory) this weekend, but I still haven't told her because I have no desire to talk to her. Sorry for the rant, but it felt great to get this out. Tl;Dr: My mom is a mega asshole and wants things to actually work out now, ha.
For the most part, she doesn't feel like my mother. When I was young child (5-10): she would stay in her bedroom all day, would never do anything at all with me and my little brother, and just complain about every single little thing that we would do wrong. Me and my brother were being kids and took the cushions off the couch to play (while she was locked in her bedroom watching lifetime), if she heard us laughing or anything she would yell at us and make us be quiet. Apparently a parent not letting their kids have 'their' food is not normal either, as I found out because of my SO's parents. My mom would have delicious fruits and veggies like plums, grapes, cucumbers, just delicious and healthy food that me and my brother weren't allowed to have. If we were hungry, we had to have sandwiches and corndogs. When I got older (young teens): I realized that I am attracted to girls, well she hated me for that. She would constantly tell me how gross it is and how I'm not normal, just generally making me feel like shit for it. I dating several girls and if she would find out she would not let me talk to them at all anymore. When she very first found out, she made me go from public school to a Christian school, where I actually ended up dating more girls at than the public school. She would never let me hang out with any friends which has helped lead to being really bad at being social. There was one girl I hung out with and as soon as she found out we were more than friends, that was over. As an older teen(17-now, 20): Even though I am with a guy now who treats me wonderfully (started dating when I was 17), she ended up hating me being with him because he supposedly 'takes advantage of me' and 'I should be with better'. So I eventually realized that she just apparently doesn't like me being with anyone. I moved in with him when I was 18(we have known each other since we were in the 6th grade and dating a few other times) because my mom was leaving my dad and she wouldn't stop begging me to move in with her, and with all of the issues that I have had with her in the past, that wasn't going to happen. The way that I found out that my mom 'didn't love him anymore' (aka was prolly fucking another guy, that she later told me about, behind my daddy's back) was by her telling me on my 18th birthday when my family and I went to the bar and she got drunk. It was my birthday and I was supposed to be the one allowed to drink but she got so drunk I had to carry her out of the bar and she was puking in the parking lot. After they actually separated and moved out, my mom was always talking horribly about my daddy, but never once, did my dad mention anything negative about her, but because of her comments, and my brothers vulnerable mind, my brother hates being around my daddy and thinks my mom is god. My 19th birthday she and my nanna took me and my SO to New Orleans for my birthday. She made the trip absolutely awful. I love art and so she promised that we would go see all of the art studios in New Orleans, but first she had to go to Bourbon Street and drink. By the time she was done with that, every art studio was closed. I got pissed off because her drinking, as always, trumped everything else. She kept insisting that the reason that I was mad was because something my SO did. She refused to believe that anything was her wrong doing. Another day in NO, we went to the zoo and aquarium. The entire time she just kept complaining and saying we need to hurry up, so we didn't even get to see 1/2 of the zoo and we had to rush through the aquarium. And that is just a few of the things there. I wish I could go back and just never have gone on that trip. She has, in the past few months, attempted to try and make it 'better', after her leaving a voicemail telling me how horrible of a person I am and how she doesn't even consider me her daughter (because I told my dad that she was cheating on him when I was 18ish). Now she is with another guy and she actually spends time with his kids and does fun things and whatnot, and I can't help but resent her for this. Luckily me and my daddy (technically stepdad but always my daddy) have a great relationship. I've told him that I am meeting my biodad (for the first time in my memory) this weekend, but I still haven't told her because I have no desire to talk to her. Sorry for the rant, but it felt great to get this out.
My mom is a mega asshole and wants things to actually work out now, ha.
Nice long post yah got thar, buddy. But the caesarean murders weren't in my line of fire, those people are just plain cuckoo. No way around it. What my point was is that these women all have one thing in common- THEY CAN'T PRODUCE A CHILD. Naturally this comes to mind as the direct cause and that taking the babies is a direct effect which means there must be some sort of mode for this cause to lead to this effect. Now most ideas about psychosis stem from view points being shaped by lifetime experiences.But hey, these women all come from very different walks of life the only thing that binds most of them is THEY CAN'T HAVE A BABY. the way you say that this illness makes women feel 'entitled to babies' is the same as saying a serial killer feels 'entitled to murder'. The chemicals all surrounding the psychological aspects of reproduction are VASTLY SIMILAR-before and after- and should be treated with as much care as say someone who is post-partum depressed or psychotic. Any woman who simply takes a baby is ill in the mind. it goes against any higher form of thinking that we consider to be sanity or CLASSIFY as sanity. the term 'entitlement' imbues that the person is perfectly sane just very spoiled in nature. TL;DR Women who do this are ill and need help. Real help for something that often times shatters most womens concept of reality. They need help not shaming and being made to felt trivialized by something as serious as wanting to be a mother. Most times it is chemical- a sort of manic depression or psychosis. not saying that it isn't possible that a sane woman could do this but its not likely or maybe 1 in 500, not enough for anyone to toss the word entitlement around.
Nice long post yah got thar, buddy. But the caesarean murders weren't in my line of fire, those people are just plain cuckoo. No way around it. What my point was is that these women all have one thing in common- THEY CAN'T PRODUCE A CHILD. Naturally this comes to mind as the direct cause and that taking the babies is a direct effect which means there must be some sort of mode for this cause to lead to this effect. Now most ideas about psychosis stem from view points being shaped by lifetime experiences.But hey, these women all come from very different walks of life the only thing that binds most of them is THEY CAN'T HAVE A BABY. the way you say that this illness makes women feel 'entitled to babies' is the same as saying a serial killer feels 'entitled to murder'. The chemicals all surrounding the psychological aspects of reproduction are VASTLY SIMILAR-before and after- and should be treated with as much care as say someone who is post-partum depressed or psychotic. Any woman who simply takes a baby is ill in the mind. it goes against any higher form of thinking that we consider to be sanity or CLASSIFY as sanity. the term 'entitlement' imbues that the person is perfectly sane just very spoiled in nature. TL;DR Women who do this are ill and need help. Real help for something that often times shatters most womens concept of reality. They need help not shaming and being made to felt trivialized by something as serious as wanting to be a mother. Most times it is chemical- a sort of manic depression or psychosis. not saying that it isn't possible that a sane woman could do this but its not likely or maybe 1 in 500, not enough for anyone to toss the word entitlement around.
Nice long post yah got thar, buddy. But the caesarean murders weren't in my line of fire, those people are just plain cuckoo. No way around it. What my point was is that these women all have one thing in common- THEY CAN'T PRODUCE A CHILD. Naturally this comes to mind as the direct cause and that taking the babies is a direct effect which means there must be some sort of mode for this cause to lead to this effect. Now most ideas about psychosis stem from view points being shaped by lifetime experiences.But hey, these women all come from very different walks of life the only thing that binds most of them is THEY CAN'T HAVE A BABY. the way you say that this illness makes women feel 'entitled to babies' is the same as saying a serial killer feels 'entitled to murder'. The chemicals all surrounding the psychological aspects of reproduction are VASTLY SIMILAR-before and after- and should be treated with as much care as say someone who is post-partum depressed or psychotic. Any woman who simply takes a baby is ill in the mind. it goes against any higher form of thinking that we consider to be sanity or CLASSIFY as sanity. the term 'entitlement' imbues that the person is perfectly sane just very spoiled in nature.
Women who do this are ill and need help. Real help for something that often times shatters most womens concept of reality. They need help not shaming and being made to felt trivialized by something as serious as wanting to be a mother. Most times it is chemical- a sort of manic depression or psychosis. not saying that it isn't possible that a sane woman could do this but its not likely or maybe 1 in 500, not enough for anyone to toss the word entitlement around.
This more or less had the potential to go horribly wrong but ended up working out alright. Years ago I was madly in love with a woman who toyed with my emotions. We had been dating but had broken up over some dumb shit. Towards winter break my sophomore year of college, she needed a ride to the airport at 5 in the morning. I told her no problem, but in my infinite wisdom, decided to lie to my parents instead of just telling them the truth. The lie I gave them was that I would be going to Boston with some friends. I don't know what made me think that this was a wise decision, but it's what I went with. That night, I stayed up and hung out with friends, then dropped my ex off at the airport. I then proceeded to sleep the rest of that day. That evening, I began trolling for fun. I called up on of my buddies and we hit up a party where things got extremely out of hand. I woke up the next morning with a great urgency to shit, but I refused to, it was only 6am. That was my first mistake, I ended up hurling all over myself. My buddy wakes up, takes one look and runs off. I thought the smell was going to make him puke. he comes back down with a black garbage back and we pull it over me then I try to take off my shirt... I ended up getting vomit all over the place. we had to cut the shirt off of me. I liked that shirt. I did the walk of shame, shirtless to his bathroom, which was through the kitchen where his mother was sitting. When I got to the bathroom, all he had was toilet paper in there, not even a hand towel. I tried to wash off the chunks the best I could, but all I ended up doing was getting toilet paper stuck in my chest hair. After stumbling back into my buddies room, he informs me that I have to leave since his mother is super pissed that his younger sister could have been exposed to such behavior... Le Sigh. I find a shirt, jump into my car and try to figure out where I can go. I cant go home, I lied to my fam about where I was. I go through my phone book trying to think of who would be awake at this time and settle on one of my friends who is with child... I try to be as vague as possible stating that I need to use her shower and that I'll explain everything in great detail once I get there. After explaining everything, she lets me use her shower. As I finish toweling off, I hear her BF's voice at the bottom of the stairs. I got so excited that I ran out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. As I got to the top of stairs, I yell his name as the towel falls off of me. Leaving me in all my glory. You could see the conflict of emotions going across his face. Amusement, rage, disbelief, shock, and hurt... I see him ball up his fists and he starts towards the stairs. I can hear his GF trying to explain that it's not what it looks like and start tugging on his arm. Guys may be able to understand this, there is a time and a place for erections and often the penis disregards such things and decides to start the party on its own... As my buddy begins lumbering up the stairs my penis begins to rise to greet him. I'm freaking out, trying to explain that it's not what it looks like, that I was just using the shower and this is a fear boner not a lets get it on boner... Eventually I managed to say the right thing and he calms down and I go to put my clothes on... Afterwards over pancakes and chess I tell him the whole story and what all happened. He tells me that he'd probably still have beaten the shit out of me if my penis was bigger than his... TL;DR; little dude is hung like tripod, me not so much.
This more or less had the potential to go horribly wrong but ended up working out alright. Years ago I was madly in love with a woman who toyed with my emotions. We had been dating but had broken up over some dumb shit. Towards winter break my sophomore year of college, she needed a ride to the airport at 5 in the morning. I told her no problem, but in my infinite wisdom, decided to lie to my parents instead of just telling them the truth. The lie I gave them was that I would be going to Boston with some friends. I don't know what made me think that this was a wise decision, but it's what I went with. That night, I stayed up and hung out with friends, then dropped my ex off at the airport. I then proceeded to sleep the rest of that day. That evening, I began trolling for fun. I called up on of my buddies and we hit up a party where things got extremely out of hand. I woke up the next morning with a great urgency to shit, but I refused to, it was only 6am. That was my first mistake, I ended up hurling all over myself. My buddy wakes up, takes one look and runs off. I thought the smell was going to make him puke. he comes back down with a black garbage back and we pull it over me then I try to take off my shirt... I ended up getting vomit all over the place. we had to cut the shirt off of me. I liked that shirt. I did the walk of shame, shirtless to his bathroom, which was through the kitchen where his mother was sitting. When I got to the bathroom, all he had was toilet paper in there, not even a hand towel. I tried to wash off the chunks the best I could, but all I ended up doing was getting toilet paper stuck in my chest hair. After stumbling back into my buddies room, he informs me that I have to leave since his mother is super pissed that his younger sister could have been exposed to such behavior... Le Sigh. I find a shirt, jump into my car and try to figure out where I can go. I cant go home, I lied to my fam about where I was. I go through my phone book trying to think of who would be awake at this time and settle on one of my friends who is with child... I try to be as vague as possible stating that I need to use her shower and that I'll explain everything in great detail once I get there. After explaining everything, she lets me use her shower. As I finish toweling off, I hear her BF's voice at the bottom of the stairs. I got so excited that I ran out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. As I got to the top of stairs, I yell his name as the towel falls off of me. Leaving me in all my glory. You could see the conflict of emotions going across his face. Amusement, rage, disbelief, shock, and hurt... I see him ball up his fists and he starts towards the stairs. I can hear his GF trying to explain that it's not what it looks like and start tugging on his arm. Guys may be able to understand this, there is a time and a place for erections and often the penis disregards such things and decides to start the party on its own... As my buddy begins lumbering up the stairs my penis begins to rise to greet him. I'm freaking out, trying to explain that it's not what it looks like, that I was just using the shower and this is a fear boner not a lets get it on boner... Eventually I managed to say the right thing and he calms down and I go to put my clothes on... Afterwards over pancakes and chess I tell him the whole story and what all happened. He tells me that he'd probably still have beaten the shit out of me if my penis was bigger than his... TL;DR; little dude is hung like tripod, me not so much.
This more or less had the potential to go horribly wrong but ended up working out alright. Years ago I was madly in love with a woman who toyed with my emotions. We had been dating but had broken up over some dumb shit. Towards winter break my sophomore year of college, she needed a ride to the airport at 5 in the morning. I told her no problem, but in my infinite wisdom, decided to lie to my parents instead of just telling them the truth. The lie I gave them was that I would be going to Boston with some friends. I don't know what made me think that this was a wise decision, but it's what I went with. That night, I stayed up and hung out with friends, then dropped my ex off at the airport. I then proceeded to sleep the rest of that day. That evening, I began trolling for fun. I called up on of my buddies and we hit up a party where things got extremely out of hand. I woke up the next morning with a great urgency to shit, but I refused to, it was only 6am. That was my first mistake, I ended up hurling all over myself. My buddy wakes up, takes one look and runs off. I thought the smell was going to make him puke. he comes back down with a black garbage back and we pull it over me then I try to take off my shirt... I ended up getting vomit all over the place. we had to cut the shirt off of me. I liked that shirt. I did the walk of shame, shirtless to his bathroom, which was through the kitchen where his mother was sitting. When I got to the bathroom, all he had was toilet paper in there, not even a hand towel. I tried to wash off the chunks the best I could, but all I ended up doing was getting toilet paper stuck in my chest hair. After stumbling back into my buddies room, he informs me that I have to leave since his mother is super pissed that his younger sister could have been exposed to such behavior... Le Sigh. I find a shirt, jump into my car and try to figure out where I can go. I cant go home, I lied to my fam about where I was. I go through my phone book trying to think of who would be awake at this time and settle on one of my friends who is with child... I try to be as vague as possible stating that I need to use her shower and that I'll explain everything in great detail once I get there. After explaining everything, she lets me use her shower. As I finish toweling off, I hear her BF's voice at the bottom of the stairs. I got so excited that I ran out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. As I got to the top of stairs, I yell his name as the towel falls off of me. Leaving me in all my glory. You could see the conflict of emotions going across his face. Amusement, rage, disbelief, shock, and hurt... I see him ball up his fists and he starts towards the stairs. I can hear his GF trying to explain that it's not what it looks like and start tugging on his arm. Guys may be able to understand this, there is a time and a place for erections and often the penis disregards such things and decides to start the party on its own... As my buddy begins lumbering up the stairs my penis begins to rise to greet him. I'm freaking out, trying to explain that it's not what it looks like, that I was just using the shower and this is a fear boner not a lets get it on boner... Eventually I managed to say the right thing and he calms down and I go to put my clothes on... Afterwards over pancakes and chess I tell him the whole story and what all happened. He tells me that he'd probably still have beaten the shit out of me if my penis was bigger than his...
little dude is hung like tripod, me not so much.
What if she kicked and her foot sunk in and worse yet, the gooch kickee's mutant power was gooch swallow? Now the gooch kicker is slowly being smothered in the gooch kickee's gooch. Now on top of that, what if once she swallows you in her gooch, she gains your memories and strength. Suddenly she's twice as strong at least and knows where your family is? Eventually she'll have gooch swallowed so many individuals and have so many conflicting memories that she'll go crazy. She'll keep gooch swallowing in a violent rage driven by the memories of all the gooch swallowees. By the time local authorities figure out what's going on, she'll be too powerful for bullets to stop. In her confusion she runs to the beach, on the boardwalk she hopes to find comfort. Almost all the memories are in agreement that the beach has brought them happiness... As she runs to the end of a pier a rogue memory deep within her subconscious surfaces... It's a one of her own memories, it's the memory of her mother drowning. As the waves of confusion roll over her, the military arrives and launches a rocket at her. The blast decimates the far end of the pier and for a brief moment, there is hope that the madness can end and the mourning for the loss of loved ones gooch swallowed can begin... Only, Gooch Kickee (GK) was simply blasted into the water where her hungry gooch takes on a shark. In what scientist can only describe as an evolutionary abomination, the gooch wins and she has now absorbed all the strengths of the shark. As the military rains bullets and rockets down on GK, she dives, swimming deeper and deeper as her newly formed gills allow her to breath under water. Above water, the military and local civilians believe GK to be dead as normalcy once again returns to the quaint little beach town, a false sense of security blankets the town. Mean while, GK has swum the entire distance of the Pacific absorbing any and all creatures along the way that can bring her strength... Unfortunately as she reaches the Japanese shore, there is a horrible Nuclear disaster in a town called Fukushima, the radiation begins to be absorbed into the vacuum of the gooch. Slowly through radiation poisoning, GK begins to morph, turning from something resembling a meta human into what the news and Japanese citizens will refer to as Godzilla... TL;DR: There are dangers to kicking the gooch.
What if she kicked and her foot sunk in and worse yet, the gooch kickee's mutant power was gooch swallow? Now the gooch kicker is slowly being smothered in the gooch kickee's gooch. Now on top of that, what if once she swallows you in her gooch, she gains your memories and strength. Suddenly she's twice as strong at least and knows where your family is? Eventually she'll have gooch swallowed so many individuals and have so many conflicting memories that she'll go crazy. She'll keep gooch swallowing in a violent rage driven by the memories of all the gooch swallowees. By the time local authorities figure out what's going on, she'll be too powerful for bullets to stop. In her confusion she runs to the beach, on the boardwalk she hopes to find comfort. Almost all the memories are in agreement that the beach has brought them happiness... As she runs to the end of a pier a rogue memory deep within her subconscious surfaces... It's a one of her own memories, it's the memory of her mother drowning. As the waves of confusion roll over her, the military arrives and launches a rocket at her. The blast decimates the far end of the pier and for a brief moment, there is hope that the madness can end and the mourning for the loss of loved ones gooch swallowed can begin... Only, Gooch Kickee (GK) was simply blasted into the water where her hungry gooch takes on a shark. In what scientist can only describe as an evolutionary abomination, the gooch wins and she has now absorbed all the strengths of the shark. As the military rains bullets and rockets down on GK, she dives, swimming deeper and deeper as her newly formed gills allow her to breath under water. Above water, the military and local civilians believe GK to be dead as normalcy once again returns to the quaint little beach town, a false sense of security blankets the town. Mean while, GK has swum the entire distance of the Pacific absorbing any and all creatures along the way that can bring her strength... Unfortunately as she reaches the Japanese shore, there is a horrible Nuclear disaster in a town called Fukushima, the radiation begins to be absorbed into the vacuum of the gooch. Slowly through radiation poisoning, GK begins to morph, turning from something resembling a meta human into what the news and Japanese citizens will refer to as Godzilla... TL;DR: There are dangers to kicking the gooch.
What if she kicked and her foot sunk in and worse yet, the gooch kickee's mutant power was gooch swallow? Now the gooch kicker is slowly being smothered in the gooch kickee's gooch. Now on top of that, what if once she swallows you in her gooch, she gains your memories and strength. Suddenly she's twice as strong at least and knows where your family is? Eventually she'll have gooch swallowed so many individuals and have so many conflicting memories that she'll go crazy. She'll keep gooch swallowing in a violent rage driven by the memories of all the gooch swallowees. By the time local authorities figure out what's going on, she'll be too powerful for bullets to stop. In her confusion she runs to the beach, on the boardwalk she hopes to find comfort. Almost all the memories are in agreement that the beach has brought them happiness... As she runs to the end of a pier a rogue memory deep within her subconscious surfaces... It's a one of her own memories, it's the memory of her mother drowning. As the waves of confusion roll over her, the military arrives and launches a rocket at her. The blast decimates the far end of the pier and for a brief moment, there is hope that the madness can end and the mourning for the loss of loved ones gooch swallowed can begin... Only, Gooch Kickee (GK) was simply blasted into the water where her hungry gooch takes on a shark. In what scientist can only describe as an evolutionary abomination, the gooch wins and she has now absorbed all the strengths of the shark. As the military rains bullets and rockets down on GK, she dives, swimming deeper and deeper as her newly formed gills allow her to breath under water. Above water, the military and local civilians believe GK to be dead as normalcy once again returns to the quaint little beach town, a false sense of security blankets the town. Mean while, GK has swum the entire distance of the Pacific absorbing any and all creatures along the way that can bring her strength... Unfortunately as she reaches the Japanese shore, there is a horrible Nuclear disaster in a town called Fukushima, the radiation begins to be absorbed into the vacuum of the gooch. Slowly through radiation poisoning, GK begins to morph, turning from something resembling a meta human into what the news and Japanese citizens will refer to as Godzilla...
There are dangers to kicking the gooch.
Well, that's a good question. I'm not sure why you got any downvotes for it. I guess, in tangible terms, it got me, someone who doesn't otherwise, to come and post. It would be pretty egotistical for me to say that that's an accomplishment, but if it got other people to come and do the same, that's a pretty big deal. Before Serious stepped in and said anything, I felt like Niko's post and all of the people who jumped on saying, effectively, "yeah, fuck those r/mwo people! they had this coming!" my opinion was completely invalidated before I even made it. If I would have said anything like, "hey Niko, this isn't cool" it would have immediately been shot to hell and I would have been lumped in with "the r/mwo trolls" for even having that opinion. Having someone respected like Serious come up and actually state that what Niko did was bad, and articulate WHY, actually lends credence to the fact that someone might legitimately disagree with Niko's position (not just disagree with it because they were pro-r/mwo). And once Serious said it, I started noticing a lot more people who were completely sane and having completely sane reasons for disliking Niko's actions, and being able to voice them, and not be completely, instantly dehumanized or invalidated for it. tl;dr - Serious paved the way for people to be able to criticize Niko's actions here and not be considered trolls for doing so.
Well, that's a good question. I'm not sure why you got any downvotes for it. I guess, in tangible terms, it got me, someone who doesn't otherwise, to come and post. It would be pretty egotistical for me to say that that's an accomplishment, but if it got other people to come and do the same, that's a pretty big deal. Before Serious stepped in and said anything, I felt like Niko's post and all of the people who jumped on saying, effectively, "yeah, fuck those r/mwo people! they had this coming!" my opinion was completely invalidated before I even made it. If I would have said anything like, "hey Niko, this isn't cool" it would have immediately been shot to hell and I would have been lumped in with "the r/mwo trolls" for even having that opinion. Having someone respected like Serious come up and actually state that what Niko did was bad, and articulate WHY, actually lends credence to the fact that someone might legitimately disagree with Niko's position (not just disagree with it because they were pro-r/mwo). And once Serious said it, I started noticing a lot more people who were completely sane and having completely sane reasons for disliking Niko's actions, and being able to voice them, and not be completely, instantly dehumanized or invalidated for it. tl;dr - Serious paved the way for people to be able to criticize Niko's actions here and not be considered trolls for doing so.
Well, that's a good question. I'm not sure why you got any downvotes for it. I guess, in tangible terms, it got me, someone who doesn't otherwise, to come and post. It would be pretty egotistical for me to say that that's an accomplishment, but if it got other people to come and do the same, that's a pretty big deal. Before Serious stepped in and said anything, I felt like Niko's post and all of the people who jumped on saying, effectively, "yeah, fuck those r/mwo people! they had this coming!" my opinion was completely invalidated before I even made it. If I would have said anything like, "hey Niko, this isn't cool" it would have immediately been shot to hell and I would have been lumped in with "the r/mwo trolls" for even having that opinion. Having someone respected like Serious come up and actually state that what Niko did was bad, and articulate WHY, actually lends credence to the fact that someone might legitimately disagree with Niko's position (not just disagree with it because they were pro-r/mwo). And once Serious said it, I started noticing a lot more people who were completely sane and having completely sane reasons for disliking Niko's actions, and being able to voice them, and not be completely, instantly dehumanized or invalidated for it.
Serious paved the way for people to be able to criticize Niko's actions here and not be considered trolls for doing so.
Ehhh, I don't know. I work for a tea company and have seen all kinds of miraculous properties ascribed to all different varieties of teas, but we stay far, far away from making any health claims because most of them aren't true. It's also not the best idea to describe all teas of the same type as if they're the same, when they can vary widely even among their own category, due to the growing environment, the type of processing, to how the consumer brews it, to so many more factors. >White tea leaves destined to be sold undergo even less processing than green tea leaves. Depends on what you mean by "processing". For example, most Japanese green tea is just picked and steamed. There are white teas that get picked, dried, hand-rolled, and so on. Who can say which is more "processed" than the other. >Leaving tea leaves so close to their natural state means that white tea contains more polyphenols than any other type of tea. It is these powerful antioxidants that are responsible for killing cancer-causing cells. No, none of that "kills cancer" stuff has been proven. This is along the same veins as "oolong makes you lose weight". Also, to get a lot of the "health benefits" of tea, you should be drinking 3+ cups daily. Hibiscus has been proven to lower blood pressure and green tea is good for you...but you have to drink 3-5 cups a day for an effect. Looking over the other health properties listed, I'm seeing more misinformation in regards to the different types of tea. TL;DR It wouldn't hurt to use white tea on your face! I just don't know if it would do anything, maybe if you brewed a concentrate and applied daily? Otherwise, drink tea because it's tasty, but don't expect a miracle :)
Ehhh, I don't know. I work for a tea company and have seen all kinds of miraculous properties ascribed to all different varieties of teas, but we stay far, far away from making any health claims because most of them aren't true. It's also not the best idea to describe all teas of the same type as if they're the same, when they can vary widely even among their own category, due to the growing environment, the type of processing, to how the consumer brews it, to so many more factors. >White tea leaves destined to be sold undergo even less processing than green tea leaves. Depends on what you mean by "processing". For example, most Japanese green tea is just picked and steamed. There are white teas that get picked, dried, hand-rolled, and so on. Who can say which is more "processed" than the other. >Leaving tea leaves so close to their natural state means that white tea contains more polyphenols than any other type of tea. It is these powerful antioxidants that are responsible for killing cancer-causing cells. No, none of that "kills cancer" stuff has been proven. This is along the same veins as "oolong makes you lose weight". Also, to get a lot of the "health benefits" of tea, you should be drinking 3+ cups daily. Hibiscus has been proven to lower blood pressure and green tea is good for you...but you have to drink 3-5 cups a day for an effect. Looking over the other health properties listed, I'm seeing more misinformation in regards to the different types of tea. TL;DR It wouldn't hurt to use white tea on your face! I just don't know if it would do anything, maybe if you brewed a concentrate and applied daily? Otherwise, drink tea because it's tasty, but don't expect a miracle :)
Ehhh, I don't know. I work for a tea company and have seen all kinds of miraculous properties ascribed to all different varieties of teas, but we stay far, far away from making any health claims because most of them aren't true. It's also not the best idea to describe all teas of the same type as if they're the same, when they can vary widely even among their own category, due to the growing environment, the type of processing, to how the consumer brews it, to so many more factors. >White tea leaves destined to be sold undergo even less processing than green tea leaves. Depends on what you mean by "processing". For example, most Japanese green tea is just picked and steamed. There are white teas that get picked, dried, hand-rolled, and so on. Who can say which is more "processed" than the other. >Leaving tea leaves so close to their natural state means that white tea contains more polyphenols than any other type of tea. It is these powerful antioxidants that are responsible for killing cancer-causing cells. No, none of that "kills cancer" stuff has been proven. This is along the same veins as "oolong makes you lose weight". Also, to get a lot of the "health benefits" of tea, you should be drinking 3+ cups daily. Hibiscus has been proven to lower blood pressure and green tea is good for you...but you have to drink 3-5 cups a day for an effect. Looking over the other health properties listed, I'm seeing more misinformation in regards to the different types of tea.
It wouldn't hurt to use white tea on your face! I just don't know if it would do anything, maybe if you brewed a concentrate and applied daily? Otherwise, drink tea because it's tasty, but don't expect a miracle :)
[its a good read!]( My favourite reasons for the fall of rome, in no particular order: Bolshevization Bastardization Culinary excess Decline of Nordic character Homosexuality (yes, its also on there!) Hypothermia Jewish influence Lack of seriousness Loss of instincts Racial degeneration Socialism Terrorism Tristesse Vain gloriousness tl;dr: When you argue about the fall of rome, you can just fill in the blank freely: "The fall of rome was caused by __________"
[its a good read!]( My favourite reasons for the fall of rome, in no particular order: Bolshevization Bastardization Culinary excess Decline of Nordic character Homosexuality (yes, its also on there!) Hypothermia Jewish influence Lack of seriousness Loss of instincts Racial degeneration Socialism Terrorism Tristesse Vain gloriousness tl;dr: When you argue about the fall of rome, you can just fill in the blank freely: "The fall of rome was caused by __ "
its a good read!]( My favourite reasons for the fall of rome, in no particular order: Bolshevization Bastardization Culinary excess Decline of Nordic character Homosexuality (yes, its also on there!) Hypothermia Jewish influence Lack of seriousness Loss of instincts Racial degeneration Socialism Terrorism Tristesse Vain gloriousness
When you argue about the fall of rome, you can just fill in the blank freely: "The fall of rome was caused by __ "
I'm surprised no one posted this yet. 7 years ago, Merlini's already juking and outplaying everyone. I also remember his Beastmaster Jungle and Tinker BoT(though this one was originally pioneered by Virot, Merlini introduced it to the competitive scene.) Tl:Dr, Merlini is as old as Fear and should also be called Old Man Doto. Edit: Before NS was the master of juking, Merlini was the grandpapa of dem trees.
I'm surprised no one posted this yet. 7 years ago, Merlini's already juking and outplaying everyone. I also remember his Beastmaster Jungle and Tinker BoT(though this one was originally pioneered by Virot, Merlini introduced it to the competitive scene.) Tl:Dr, Merlini is as old as Fear and should also be called Old Man Doto. Edit: Before NS was the master of juking, Merlini was the grandpapa of dem trees.
I'm surprised no one posted this yet. 7 years ago, Merlini's already juking and outplaying everyone. I also remember his Beastmaster Jungle and Tinker BoT(though this one was originally pioneered by Virot, Merlini introduced it to the competitive scene.)
Merlini is as old as Fear and should also be called Old Man Doto. Edit: Before NS was the master of juking, Merlini was the grandpapa of dem trees.
When i was about 9 years old i Played in a well known 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Spokane Washington known as Hoopfest. The third team we were about to face was warming up and we were watching. this other 8 or 9 year old kid was shooting threes and not missing a sing one, he then caught the ball and did a 360 jumper from the 3 point line and made it. we were amazed to say the least. we look over to the opposing bench and sitting there on the bench was none other than John Stockton. It turns out the amazing player was his son ( not so great now i hear) Now i personally have always been an MJ fan, but appreciated John so I wondered over to him behind another kid preparing to ask for an autograph. The kid infront of me says "your John Stockton" John Nods in the douchiest of ways "can i Have your autograh? the kid said with a liitle kid drawl "i charge 50 bucks for autographs kid, fuck off." "i was devastated, yet relieved i wasnt swatted like that Anyways TL DR: John Stockton Hates Children
When i was about 9 years old i Played in a well known 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Spokane Washington known as Hoopfest. The third team we were about to face was warming up and we were watching. this other 8 or 9 year old kid was shooting threes and not missing a sing one, he then caught the ball and did a 360 jumper from the 3 point line and made it. we were amazed to say the least. we look over to the opposing bench and sitting there on the bench was none other than John Stockton. It turns out the amazing player was his son ( not so great now i hear) Now i personally have always been an MJ fan, but appreciated John so I wondered over to him behind another kid preparing to ask for an autograph. The kid infront of me says "your John Stockton" John Nods in the douchiest of ways "can i Have your autograh? the kid said with a liitle kid drawl "i charge 50 bucks for autographs kid, fuck off." "i was devastated, yet relieved i wasnt swatted like that Anyways TL DR: John Stockton Hates Children
When i was about 9 years old i Played in a well known 3 on 3 basketball tournament in Spokane Washington known as Hoopfest. The third team we were about to face was warming up and we were watching. this other 8 or 9 year old kid was shooting threes and not missing a sing one, he then caught the ball and did a 360 jumper from the 3 point line and made it. we were amazed to say the least. we look over to the opposing bench and sitting there on the bench was none other than John Stockton. It turns out the amazing player was his son ( not so great now i hear) Now i personally have always been an MJ fan, but appreciated John so I wondered over to him behind another kid preparing to ask for an autograph. The kid infront of me says "your John Stockton" John Nods in the douchiest of ways "can i Have your autograh? the kid said with a liitle kid drawl "i charge 50 bucks for autographs kid, fuck off." "i was devastated, yet relieved i wasnt swatted like that Anyways
John Stockton Hates Children
OH GOD. Edit: I guess I think that she thinks I think it's about Zelda U. Which would mean it's about Hyrule Warriors. But then again, I keep up with these things. She may think that I think it's about Hyrule Warriors because that's the title getting hyped right now because most people don't obsess over things the way people on Reddit do. So if that's the case it really is Zelda U. Unless she expects that I think she thinks I think that she thinks it's about Hyrule Warriors, in which case she really meant that what she thinks I think it's about is Zelda U, therefore it's really about Hyrule Warriors. TL;DR: Majora's Mask 3D. Or is she one of the people competing in the Smash tournament as a Zelda or Shiek main?
OH GOD. Edit: I guess I think that she thinks I think it's about Zelda U. Which would mean it's about Hyrule Warriors. But then again, I keep up with these things. She may think that I think it's about Hyrule Warriors because that's the title getting hyped right now because most people don't obsess over things the way people on Reddit do. So if that's the case it really is Zelda U. Unless she expects that I think she thinks I think that she thinks it's about Hyrule Warriors, in which case she really meant that what she thinks I think it's about is Zelda U, therefore it's really about Hyrule Warriors. TL;DR: Majora's Mask 3D. Or is she one of the people competing in the Smash tournament as a Zelda or Shiek main?
OH GOD. Edit: I guess I think that she thinks I think it's about Zelda U. Which would mean it's about Hyrule Warriors. But then again, I keep up with these things. She may think that I think it's about Hyrule Warriors because that's the title getting hyped right now because most people don't obsess over things the way people on Reddit do. So if that's the case it really is Zelda U. Unless she expects that I think she thinks I think that she thinks it's about Hyrule Warriors, in which case she really meant that what she thinks I think it's about is Zelda U, therefore it's really about Hyrule Warriors.
Majora's Mask 3D. Or is she one of the people competing in the Smash tournament as a Zelda or Shiek main?
Here's the thing. I keep seeing people complain about how Garfield acts too "cocky" to be Peter Parker, yet look at who he is; he's dating (probably) the hottest girl at their high school, he's a superhero, he's a genius. Those things don't fit well with nerdy and sheltered. Before Spider-Man, Peter *was* that nerdy sheltered guy, but once he becomes Spider-Man, he's found his place in the world. He's not the nerdy kid for much longer. Above all, Garfield's Peter is *lovable*. and I think that's more important than whether he's a nerd or too cocky. TL;DR this franchise doesn't only have less cringey movies, but from a film perspective they are **far** more artistically superior.
Here's the thing. I keep seeing people complain about how Garfield acts too "cocky" to be Peter Parker, yet look at who he is; he's dating (probably) the hottest girl at their high school, he's a superhero, he's a genius. Those things don't fit well with nerdy and sheltered. Before Spider-Man, Peter was that nerdy sheltered guy, but once he becomes Spider-Man, he's found his place in the world. He's not the nerdy kid for much longer. Above all, Garfield's Peter is lovable . and I think that's more important than whether he's a nerd or too cocky. TL;DR this franchise doesn't only have less cringey movies, but from a film perspective they are far more artistically superior.
Here's the thing. I keep seeing people complain about how Garfield acts too "cocky" to be Peter Parker, yet look at who he is; he's dating (probably) the hottest girl at their high school, he's a superhero, he's a genius. Those things don't fit well with nerdy and sheltered. Before Spider-Man, Peter was that nerdy sheltered guy, but once he becomes Spider-Man, he's found his place in the world. He's not the nerdy kid for much longer. Above all, Garfield's Peter is lovable . and I think that's more important than whether he's a nerd or too cocky.
this franchise doesn't only have less cringey movies, but from a film perspective they are far more artistically superior.
Well if money is a issue than start at issue 21 since it is a new story and fresh starting point. If you want to know why GL is so popular and why so many have jumped on the bandwagon then you will have to go back to the start of Johns run in 2004 and continue on in order like everyone has been telling you. Though yo don't have to buy all those volumes because they are putting his story in a [omnibus]( tldr Read all the stuff people have told you to read if you want the best story. Read the current story if you just want to read a GL story and don't care if it isn't as good.
Well if money is a issue than start at issue 21 since it is a new story and fresh starting point. If you want to know why GL is so popular and why so many have jumped on the bandwagon then you will have to go back to the start of Johns run in 2004 and continue on in order like everyone has been telling you. Though yo don't have to buy all those volumes because they are putting his story in a [omnibus]( tldr Read all the stuff people have told you to read if you want the best story. Read the current story if you just want to read a GL story and don't care if it isn't as good.
Well if money is a issue than start at issue 21 since it is a new story and fresh starting point. If you want to know why GL is so popular and why so many have jumped on the bandwagon then you will have to go back to the start of Johns run in 2004 and continue on in order like everyone has been telling you. Though yo don't have to buy all those volumes because they are putting his story in a [omnibus](
Read all the stuff people have told you to read if you want the best story. Read the current story if you just want to read a GL story and don't care if it isn't as good.
of course you're helping! It's about being decentralized and 700 KB/s is actually pretty fast for an upload rate. I don't think Comcast/AT&T reaches that speed and we have tons of nodes running behind them so I'll say you're contributing at a lot faster than others and myself. Also because the block works like a torrent, your total speed of 700 KB/s is not the full download speed a user will be getting. He/she will be getting up to 700 KB/s from you AND from others as well bringing up the download speed. TL;DR Yes you're helping a lot and thanks for doing so!
of course you're helping! It's about being decentralized and 700 KB/s is actually pretty fast for an upload rate. I don't think Comcast/AT&T reaches that speed and we have tons of nodes running behind them so I'll say you're contributing at a lot faster than others and myself. Also because the block works like a torrent, your total speed of 700 KB/s is not the full download speed a user will be getting. He/she will be getting up to 700 KB/s from you AND from others as well bringing up the download speed. TL;DR Yes you're helping a lot and thanks for doing so!
of course you're helping! It's about being decentralized and 700 KB/s is actually pretty fast for an upload rate. I don't think Comcast/AT&T reaches that speed and we have tons of nodes running behind them so I'll say you're contributing at a lot faster than others and myself. Also because the block works like a torrent, your total speed of 700 KB/s is not the full download speed a user will be getting. He/she will be getting up to 700 KB/s from you AND from others as well bringing up the download speed.
Yes you're helping a lot and thanks for doing so!
The funniest thing is that Proudhon's argument directly follows the line of thinking first expressed by Locke in the first treatise of civil government. The only difference is that under specific conditions (including redistribution of wealth and prohibiting the enclosure of all of the commons) aiming to make private dominion and sovereignty impossible Locke agreed that people could enclose a piece of land from the commons as their property in order to develop their faculties. Now, Locke himself also thinks that that's only allowed as a precondition for personal development and not as a profiteering mechanism but there has been a lot of retconning going on with Locke's thought by people trying to conciliate it with modern liberal laisez faire attitudes and capitalist property. The same ideas are also espoused by Rousseau in the discource on inequality except that he -unlike Locke- is negative towards the idea of owning land. Proudhon is simply rediscovering and modernizing the same line of thought in regards to property. The self-ownership principle Locke espoused was not -as they seem to think- in any way a justification of private property acquisition. Property acquisition was already justified under different conditions in the first and second treatises. The mixing of labor with natural resources was not justifying acquisition in itself, it was justifying the process of acquisition. In other words Locke had already argued that people should be able to enclose a piece of land from the commons under the conditions of wealth redistribution and the proviso of not owning that much land that other citizens could no longer own the same for themselves in order to use it to develop their faculties, the mixing of labor with land was answering the question of what process justifies the acquisition of that land that could be enclosed (for example would a declaration count? Locke didn't think so). Not the question of how much land could be acquired or whether land could be acquired at all. These are modern misinterpretations that hardly make sense at all from Locke's perspective. Tl;dr: If AnCaps read philosophy, they wouldn't be AnCaps.
The funniest thing is that Proudhon's argument directly follows the line of thinking first expressed by Locke in the first treatise of civil government. The only difference is that under specific conditions (including redistribution of wealth and prohibiting the enclosure of all of the commons) aiming to make private dominion and sovereignty impossible Locke agreed that people could enclose a piece of land from the commons as their property in order to develop their faculties. Now, Locke himself also thinks that that's only allowed as a precondition for personal development and not as a profiteering mechanism but there has been a lot of retconning going on with Locke's thought by people trying to conciliate it with modern liberal laisez faire attitudes and capitalist property. The same ideas are also espoused by Rousseau in the discource on inequality except that he -unlike Locke- is negative towards the idea of owning land. Proudhon is simply rediscovering and modernizing the same line of thought in regards to property. The self-ownership principle Locke espoused was not -as they seem to think- in any way a justification of private property acquisition. Property acquisition was already justified under different conditions in the first and second treatises. The mixing of labor with natural resources was not justifying acquisition in itself, it was justifying the process of acquisition. In other words Locke had already argued that people should be able to enclose a piece of land from the commons under the conditions of wealth redistribution and the proviso of not owning that much land that other citizens could no longer own the same for themselves in order to use it to develop their faculties, the mixing of labor with land was answering the question of what process justifies the acquisition of that land that could be enclosed (for example would a declaration count? Locke didn't think so). Not the question of how much land could be acquired or whether land could be acquired at all. These are modern misinterpretations that hardly make sense at all from Locke's perspective. Tl;dr: If AnCaps read philosophy, they wouldn't be AnCaps.
The funniest thing is that Proudhon's argument directly follows the line of thinking first expressed by Locke in the first treatise of civil government. The only difference is that under specific conditions (including redistribution of wealth and prohibiting the enclosure of all of the commons) aiming to make private dominion and sovereignty impossible Locke agreed that people could enclose a piece of land from the commons as their property in order to develop their faculties. Now, Locke himself also thinks that that's only allowed as a precondition for personal development and not as a profiteering mechanism but there has been a lot of retconning going on with Locke's thought by people trying to conciliate it with modern liberal laisez faire attitudes and capitalist property. The same ideas are also espoused by Rousseau in the discource on inequality except that he -unlike Locke- is negative towards the idea of owning land. Proudhon is simply rediscovering and modernizing the same line of thought in regards to property. The self-ownership principle Locke espoused was not -as they seem to think- in any way a justification of private property acquisition. Property acquisition was already justified under different conditions in the first and second treatises. The mixing of labor with natural resources was not justifying acquisition in itself, it was justifying the process of acquisition. In other words Locke had already argued that people should be able to enclose a piece of land from the commons under the conditions of wealth redistribution and the proviso of not owning that much land that other citizens could no longer own the same for themselves in order to use it to develop their faculties, the mixing of labor with land was answering the question of what process justifies the acquisition of that land that could be enclosed (for example would a declaration count? Locke didn't think so). Not the question of how much land could be acquired or whether land could be acquired at all. These are modern misinterpretations that hardly make sense at all from Locke's perspective.
If AnCaps read philosophy, they wouldn't be AnCaps.
I hear ya man. My build started off as a STR melee guy. I never managed to hit anybody with my big heavy weapons. So I added enough pts to DEX to be able to use almost every weapon. I started experimenting and finding a lot of weapons with movesets I like. If you want to go melee, imo, invest those pts that dont go into FTH or INT and put them into VIGOR. I am at 49 Vig, and I can carry a few weapons with me. I like a big heavy weapon as my main, and on my left I have a greatshield to block whatever (physical or magic). I also have a fast sword on my left to finish people off (drakeeper sword). And my second weapon on my right is something fast, so I can chase people down w my drangleic sword and stunlock them. Or Ill carry a bow too to give myself options. tldr: as a pure melee build, I find it vital to have a variety of weapons on hand with a variety of movesets to deal with multiple options.
I hear ya man. My build started off as a STR melee guy. I never managed to hit anybody with my big heavy weapons. So I added enough pts to DEX to be able to use almost every weapon. I started experimenting and finding a lot of weapons with movesets I like. If you want to go melee, imo, invest those pts that dont go into FTH or INT and put them into VIGOR. I am at 49 Vig, and I can carry a few weapons with me. I like a big heavy weapon as my main, and on my left I have a greatshield to block whatever (physical or magic). I also have a fast sword on my left to finish people off (drakeeper sword). And my second weapon on my right is something fast, so I can chase people down w my drangleic sword and stunlock them. Or Ill carry a bow too to give myself options. tldr: as a pure melee build, I find it vital to have a variety of weapons on hand with a variety of movesets to deal with multiple options.
I hear ya man. My build started off as a STR melee guy. I never managed to hit anybody with my big heavy weapons. So I added enough pts to DEX to be able to use almost every weapon. I started experimenting and finding a lot of weapons with movesets I like. If you want to go melee, imo, invest those pts that dont go into FTH or INT and put them into VIGOR. I am at 49 Vig, and I can carry a few weapons with me. I like a big heavy weapon as my main, and on my left I have a greatshield to block whatever (physical or magic). I also have a fast sword on my left to finish people off (drakeeper sword). And my second weapon on my right is something fast, so I can chase people down w my drangleic sword and stunlock them. Or Ill carry a bow too to give myself options.
as a pure melee build, I find it vital to have a variety of weapons on hand with a variety of movesets to deal with multiple options.
Dude, obviously no-one should feel oppressed and it's great that TwoX is a safe space for people, but I related to that post and I'm still aware discrimination is a problem. I don't relate to most of the posts that make it to the TwoX front page because stories on sexual assault, creepy men or gender discrimination because I've got other stuff in my life. And it doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about it or that I think less of women who do want to talk about it, but when I want to say "yeah, I identify with this post because I don't feel like a victim" and I decide not to because the thread is full of women telling women like me to go somewhere else because life is tailored for our experience, that sucks. (I did make one comment, but still.) I completely understand where you're coming from and I respect it. I've been saying all over this thread I'm glad TwoX is a safe space to talk about this stuff. I'm different and it sometimes feels unwelcome. I'm the type of person who's more likely to think someone's being an asshole than someone who's sexually harassing me, but that's me. I'd like to see other content on the front page so I'm trying to generate it to offer other perspectives. I've gone my whole life being confident, and I have had so many women in my life (and this is going back to grade school) telling me to tone it down or I'll make other people feel bad. You read faster than other kids? You stand up to bullies instead of getting a teacher? You confront problems instead of crying about them? Other women aren't as strong as you. You're making them feel bad. You want to talk about oppression? It's other supposed feminists telling girls to not be open about their confidence lest other people feel jealous or insecure. That's bullshit. [edit] And yes, this is not the same for every woman in every country because discrimination is still a big problem everywhere. TL;DR that post meant a lot. I don't feel like a victim for being female. I resent being told to go somewhere else for it. [edit] Whoa! Thanks for the Reddit gold, stranger! To follow up, I hear what you guys are saying in the comments and I respect that. I don't agree with all of it, but I'm glad we can all talk about it.
Dude, obviously no-one should feel oppressed and it's great that TwoX is a safe space for people, but I related to that post and I'm still aware discrimination is a problem. I don't relate to most of the posts that make it to the TwoX front page because stories on sexual assault, creepy men or gender discrimination because I've got other stuff in my life. And it doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about it or that I think less of women who do want to talk about it, but when I want to say "yeah, I identify with this post because I don't feel like a victim" and I decide not to because the thread is full of women telling women like me to go somewhere else because life is tailored for our experience, that sucks. (I did make one comment, but still.) I completely understand where you're coming from and I respect it. I've been saying all over this thread I'm glad TwoX is a safe space to talk about this stuff. I'm different and it sometimes feels unwelcome. I'm the type of person who's more likely to think someone's being an asshole than someone who's sexually harassing me, but that's me. I'd like to see other content on the front page so I'm trying to generate it to offer other perspectives. I've gone my whole life being confident, and I have had so many women in my life (and this is going back to grade school) telling me to tone it down or I'll make other people feel bad. You read faster than other kids? You stand up to bullies instead of getting a teacher? You confront problems instead of crying about them? Other women aren't as strong as you. You're making them feel bad. You want to talk about oppression? It's other supposed feminists telling girls to not be open about their confidence lest other people feel jealous or insecure. That's bullshit. [edit] And yes, this is not the same for every woman in every country because discrimination is still a big problem everywhere. TL;DR that post meant a lot. I don't feel like a victim for being female. I resent being told to go somewhere else for it. [edit] Whoa! Thanks for the Reddit gold, stranger! To follow up, I hear what you guys are saying in the comments and I respect that. I don't agree with all of it, but I'm glad we can all talk about it.
Dude, obviously no-one should feel oppressed and it's great that TwoX is a safe space for people, but I related to that post and I'm still aware discrimination is a problem. I don't relate to most of the posts that make it to the TwoX front page because stories on sexual assault, creepy men or gender discrimination because I've got other stuff in my life. And it doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about it or that I think less of women who do want to talk about it, but when I want to say "yeah, I identify with this post because I don't feel like a victim" and I decide not to because the thread is full of women telling women like me to go somewhere else because life is tailored for our experience, that sucks. (I did make one comment, but still.) I completely understand where you're coming from and I respect it. I've been saying all over this thread I'm glad TwoX is a safe space to talk about this stuff. I'm different and it sometimes feels unwelcome. I'm the type of person who's more likely to think someone's being an asshole than someone who's sexually harassing me, but that's me. I'd like to see other content on the front page so I'm trying to generate it to offer other perspectives. I've gone my whole life being confident, and I have had so many women in my life (and this is going back to grade school) telling me to tone it down or I'll make other people feel bad. You read faster than other kids? You stand up to bullies instead of getting a teacher? You confront problems instead of crying about them? Other women aren't as strong as you. You're making them feel bad. You want to talk about oppression? It's other supposed feminists telling girls to not be open about their confidence lest other people feel jealous or insecure. That's bullshit. [edit] And yes, this is not the same for every woman in every country because discrimination is still a big problem everywhere.
that post meant a lot. I don't feel like a victim for being female. I resent being told to go somewhere else for it. [edit] Whoa! Thanks for the Reddit gold, stranger! To follow up, I hear what you guys are saying in the comments and I respect that. I don't agree with all of it, but I'm glad we can all talk about it.
So I'm going to turn generalizations back on the world for a moment. Statistics tell us that Redditors are predominantly men, and more specifically, prior to becoming a default, the subscriber base for 2X was majority women. Since becoming a sub we've been seeing many, MANY more "how do I unsub from this horrid place?! D:" So if one were to do as is often done in the world of generalization, most of these unsub posts are men, and they are clearly too stupid to figure out to unsub on their own (without commenting), so clearly men are dumb...*right*? TL;DR you do NOT need to comment to leave; no flouncing, just GTFO!
So I'm going to turn generalizations back on the world for a moment. Statistics tell us that Redditors are predominantly men, and more specifically, prior to becoming a default, the subscriber base for 2X was majority women. Since becoming a sub we've been seeing many, MANY more "how do I unsub from this horrid place?! D:" So if one were to do as is often done in the world of generalization, most of these unsub posts are men, and they are clearly too stupid to figure out to unsub on their own (without commenting), so clearly men are dumb... right ? TL;DR you do NOT need to comment to leave; no flouncing, just GTFO!
So I'm going to turn generalizations back on the world for a moment. Statistics tell us that Redditors are predominantly men, and more specifically, prior to becoming a default, the subscriber base for 2X was majority women. Since becoming a sub we've been seeing many, MANY more "how do I unsub from this horrid place?! D:" So if one were to do as is often done in the world of generalization, most of these unsub posts are men, and they are clearly too stupid to figure out to unsub on their own (without commenting), so clearly men are dumb... right ?
you do NOT need to comment to leave; no flouncing, just GTFO!