I've been in college for 2 years now studying computer engineering. Looking back to when I started, I've noticed many changes on things that I find interesting. However, the one thing I still find dull and unnecessary is politics. Don't get me wrong, I stay informed and up to date with current events in the world, and I understand, to an extent, what is going on. But I can't see why it takes up such a big part of the world's attention. What really bothers me is the fact that it is called a science. The very definition of science is a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws, gained through observation and experimentation. I cannot see how this applies to politics at all. If you asked me to give you my own personal definition of political science, I would say it is the study of manipulating the public to conform to one's own opinion. How do you win an election? You convince people that your opinion is the right opinion, and that it is the opinion they should also have. I think humanity as a whole wastes far too much time with politics. It should play a much smaller role in the world. I think humans would progress much more rapidly if greater emphasis was placed on the sciences and the arts.
I believe political science should not be considered a science.
Enviropigs are pigs which have been genetically modified so that their manure contains 20%-60% less phosphate than manure from non genetically modified pigs. This is ethical because it reduces the risk of pig manure from pigs farmed for human consumption causing eutrophication
It is ethical to genetically modify farmed animals so that they cause less harm to the environment.
Hi, let me preface by saying that I am earnestly trying to understand the apparent contradiction. I actively try to address my prejudices. I am queer myself. But, this has always been lost on me. Am I misunderstanding something? x200B How is it not a contradiction to fight against gender stereotypes, while also permitting lines of argument that admit stereotypes as evidence? According to the educated sociologists' view, we should be tolerant of boys who like dresses and dolls. We should be tolerant of girls who like wrestling and dislike dresses. With this, I completely agree. Such preferences aren't evidence in itself that a child's sexual orientation is something other, so why is it evidence of transgenderism?
Transgender claims of 'feeling like <gender>' because you've always preferred <stereotypical gender roles/characteristics>', is contradicted with assertions that <stereotypical gender roles/characteristics> should be rejected.
Overpopulation is causing the consumption of water and natural resources at faster pace than the rate of regeneration resulting in a deterioration of living conditions.
Earth is suffering from overpopulation. Thus, humanity is not in need for more children.
Aid money is often mispent, even when handled honestly. By imposing solutions from outside, it favours big projects, 'grand gestures' and centralisation - all of which may be inappropriate, only benefit a small number of people, and suffer from intended consequences. By contrast, the profits of trade trickle down to the whole population, giving people the power to spend additional income as they choose, for example by reinvesting it in worthwhile local industries and enterprises.
Aid money is often mispent, even when handled honestly. By imposing solutions from outside, it favo...
There seems to be a strong push for universities to crack down on crime, particularly sexual assault, on campus. This has come in the form of justice department investigations, as well a pressure from student organizations and social media. While rape is a particularly horrific crime, and offenders should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, it is, in fact, a crime. There is a process that must be used to punish someone who commits a crime, which includes a court finding that the crime was in fact committed beyond a reasonable doubt. I feel that universities do not have the duty, nor the right, nor even the capability to effectively discipline a student that has not been found guilty through the standard criminal judicial process. After a rapist, or any criminal has been convicted, the school should take any steps necessary to protect the student body, but expelling a student due to alleged criminal activity which has not been proved makes for bad public policy, and is ripe for abuse.
Universities should not take disciplinary action against students for crimes that have not been proven through the judicial process.
According to the big bang theory, time itself came into existence at the big bang.
The term "prior" in relation to the big bang has no meaning.
To adduce my view, I reformat and shorten 2 sentences from English this subreddit’s working language older non fiction famous philosophy texts because they’ve withstood the test of time and anticipate the rebuttal that in fiction, longer sentences can cultivate prosody that shorter sentences can’t. I bold all my changes. I strikethrough words that I deleted. Example from Mill’s Utilitarianism Chapter 2 We may give what explanation we please of this unwillingness we may attribute it to i. pride, a name which is given indiscriminately to some of the most and to some of the least estimable feelings of which mankind are capable. ii. we may refer it to the love of liberty and personal independence, as appeal to which was with the Stoics one of the most effective means for the inculcation of it. iii. the love of power or to the love of excitement, both of which do really enter into and contribute to it . But its most appropriate appellation is a sense of dignity which iv. all human beings possess in one form or other, and in some, though by no means in exact, proportion to their higher faculties, and v. is so essential a part of the happiness of those in whom it is strong that nothing which conflicts with it could be otherwise than momentarily an object of desire to them. Example from Locke, Second Treatise of Government 1st paragraph, Chapter 1 That if even that had been determined, there remains not to one above another, the least pretence to be the eldest house, and to have the right of inheritance. Why? Because yet the knowledge of which is the eldest line of Adam’s posterity, has been being so long since utterly lost, that in the races of mankind and families of the world. All these premises having, as I think, been clearly made out, it is impossible that the rulers now on earth should make any benefit, or derive any the least shadow of authority from that, which is held to be the fountain of all power, Adam’s private dominion and paternal jurisdiction . So that he that Whoever will not give just occasion to think that i all government in the world is the product only of force and violence, and ii that men live together by no other rules but that of beasts, where the strongest carries it, and so lay a foundation for perpetual disorder and mischief, tumult, sedition and rebellion, things that the followers of that hypothesis so loudly cry out against , must of necessity find out another rise of government, another original of political power, and another way of designing and knowing the persons that have it, than what Sir Robert Filmer hath taught us.
Shorter or bulleted/point-form sentences need less effort and time, and are easier, to read than longer ones.
First off let me state that I definitely don't think that people with mental illness in general are less intelligent or creative than most ,I just think that the mental illness isn't a sign that someone is a genius or gifted in any way. I also understand why it is very important for people with mental illness to realize that they can still be productive and great at things if they try hard enough. But I think this idea that mentally ill people tend to be more creative or intellingent is nothing but a side effect of fighting stigma. Everyone wants to feel special and so when you're diagnosed as X you love to hear that X also means you are special in a good way. The idea that mentally ill people are special gives good movies and stories. Take A beautiful mind for instance. A nobel prize winning schizophrenic. Who doesn't love that story? Or fiction like House MD, the clinically depressed borderline sociopath who also happens to be Einstein level genius. Then there are the endless speculation about geniuses and talents. I think this misconception comes about because we tend to remember the eccentric geniuses more than the mundane ones. We all know that Mark Twain and Hemingway suffered depression and as a consequence we remember THEM a lot more than we do with people who wrote equally great books, but didn't have that much of a personality. Same thing with Nikola Tesla, sure no one can dispute that he was special But so were many other inventors at the time, but Tesla suffered severe OCD and borderline psychosis, which made him super eccentric and loved by everyone for being special and not the greedy capitalist type that Edison was. The list goes on and on and on, musicians like Hendrix, Cobain, Jackson and other greats who suffered different illnesses but how many other artists DONT suffer these things? Most. Painters? Well Van Gogh certainly had deep depressive issues. Edward Munch had anxiety and depression, but most painter didn't. So it just seems like we apply selective memory and think that there is a correlation.
I don't believe that people with mental disorders are more creative or intelligent than healthy minds.
My main point is that a babies cry is worse than just a loud or unpleasant noise it’s a negative stimulus not unlike physical pain that is brings about a primal reaction from humans, based on an evolutionary adaptation that basically says “my babies crying signals that it needs me and this may be a life or death scenario, and I need to react quickly. x200B It’s designed to be annoying enough to humans to cause them to drop what they’re doing and assuage the baby to get the crying to stop. It's similar to the negative stimulus of the burning pain you feel in your hand when you accidentally set it on the stove. x200B I think that in some cases, if the baby is in serious pain or peril, that takes precedent and of course should be allowed, but in general, I argue that parents should make a reasonable effort to quiet the baby, use a pacifier, or take the baby to a different area with less people.
It should not be socially acceptable for parents to allow their babies to cry in confined public spaces.
In the same way that all people should have access to a flow of resources, all should have access to a flow of information.
Making access to information subject to paying will ensure that only those with money get informed.
PC conflates intent with impact and assigns motivations to others' thought processes, thereby altering intended meaning. It also directs focus away from a message and onto the messenger by first and foremost looking for offense in anything/everything said, even if via mistakes. Consequently, the substance of a message is sacrificed for finding fault.
Political correctness masks the fact that good intentions are more important than proper words.
Fire has many different meanings in the Bible. God ordered the fire on the altar Lev 6:13 to never go out. That does not mean it was Hell.
Theparable of the sheep and goats in Matthew references an 'eternal fire'.
Many legal and practical limitations to government surveillance are based on access to information e.g. warrants, FISA courts, encryption. If these are made irrelevant, the current legal system would allow the government to be much more oppressive without breaking any laws.
Grouping Dump for Gov Abuse: There is huge potential for government abuse as it will be able to monitor every aspect of everyone's lives, allowing the regime to suppress seditious activity.
It seems like there is a rising trend of radical politicians in the United States and elsewhere who are very concerned about rising income inequality. Many people are also concerned about demographic inequality ie gender wage gap, racial wage gaps, etc . It is my view that inequality in itself is nothing to stress about, and it perplexes me as to why people are so concerned about it. It is true that in the United States, income inequality has risen marginally over the last 20 years the report below highlights this, especially on the charts on page 32 . But it is also true that, while real wages wages that factor in inflation have either remained stagnant or have risen slightly. This is true for most income cohorts. So while many Americans have maintained stagnate wages, it is not like their purchasing power has diminished either. In other words, the standard of living in the US certainly has not gone down. Some major life expenses, such as houses and post secondary education, have experienced major inflation. But important this inflation has nothing to do with income inequality. The inflation in many sectors is a product of increased demand, increased capital costs, and sometimes even government intervention resulting in regulatory capture. For demographic inequality, it seems to me like if you analyze causal relationships between income discrepancies you will see that there many variables at play. For instance, women often choose non STEM professions to enter than men. I suppose I don't understand why people are so obsessed with this concern over inequality when it doesn't really do anything it doesn't drive inflation for us, it doesn't take away opportunities from us. It just means that the income distribution has a greater range. Also, objectively, we really are living in one of the best times in human history. Global abject poverty rates are shrinking at a rapid pace, and global inequality is on the decline. I guess I just don't get what the big deal is.
Inequality is nothing to stress over and things aren't so bad.
The BBC is in an unusual position, simply because of its funding structure, to promote new or challenging works of art. The licence fee means that it is freed of many of the pressures brought to bear by either commercial or political masters. Although it has never taken that to mean it has a carte blanche, it does allow for opportunities simply not available to many broadcasters in terms showcasing new works of art and encouraging creative development. The BBC’s global audience in 2007 was 233 millioni. That audience provides some context for the 1,500 who actively protested this particular broadcast. It seems reasonable to suggest that many of those millions follow the BBC because they trust the Corporation’s approach of providing the widest possible range of output and opinion. For such an organisation to capitulate to a prudish group – who were outside BBC venues at the time so couldn’t have seen the broadcast – would be a huge betrayal of that trust. i BBC News Website. “BBC Global Audience Hits New High”. 21 May 2007.
There is a duty for a broadcaster that is not dependent on either commercial or state funding to give a platform to controversial works of art.
Areas where crop feed is grown often cannot support foods that are edible to humans, and is thus more useful for this purpose than otherwise.
Animals are fed easy to grow vegetable food whose main carbohydrate is cellulose, which we cannot digest but they can
I struggle to find a single couple that's been together long term that doesn't eventually reach the point of being able to fart in front of each other. I don't think a relationship should ever reach the point where manners are no longer required and something like farting is rude and disrespectful this of course excludes extreme circumstances such as sleeping or sickness . It's the same as not saying please or thank you or any other amount of manners expected of a person. It's an unpleasant bodily function of which we have many that our partners never see if we can help it so why should I be expected to handle my SO's gas?
I don't think bodily functions such as farting should be acceptable to do in front of your SO,
When people snitch, they are helping to keep the community safer and healthier. In the case of crime, ratting people out who have done something bad actually makes the improves the surrounding community and makes it safer. This can be seen in the case of something like drug selling without someone to sell the drugs, there will be less OD cases. With less people having access to drugs, less people will be addicted to harmful substances. People who use illicit drugs are also more likely to commit crimes including violent ones . There's also a reason that many of these drugs are illegal in the first place they are harmful to the human body and can cause physical and psychological addiction. Therefore, with a lack of people selling making drugs, there will also be a healthier community. Snitching in regards to crime is also better just to lower crime rates in general and to induce people to not break the law. Snitching Reporting in regards to video games makes a better environment for playing. A lot of people prefer playing games without really salty people that hate on everyone else and blame their teammates for everything. Games like Overwatch are attempting to do things to make playing the game more enjoyable for this very reason . Nobody enjoys playing a game when there is an extremely and consistently obnoxious person reporting people when they are going against the upheld values of the game is extremely valid. Additionally, for some games, reporting people who violate the rules such as in Town of Salem can actually benefit future players because it is less likely that someone will throw the game. In a competitive environment, snitching on someone who violates the rules actually creates a more fair playing field. An example of this can be found in schools. When someone cheats, they are giving themselves an advantage, and on curved tests, this can lower the curve for everyone else. Additionally, someone who consistently gets good grades without merit could end up getting into a better college or get a better job than someone who actually puts effort into school. Telling on people that cheat can make competitive environments a lot more fair, and not just in examples like school. Of course, all of this works only assuming that game moderators will actually check the reports, law enforcement will work properly, and that generally someone will do something. But snitches are only seen as bad because nobody wants to get in trouble for anything in reality, pretty much everyone else benefits from a snitch.
Snitches aren't "bitches"
Radical reform of the countryside that seeks to transform it into something other than an agricultural powerhouse is particularly dangerous in places where the majority of the population still lives in rural areas and relies on subsistence farms for their daily bread. Taking away this minimal sense of security by pushing people to invest in unfamiliar schemes that might or might not guarantee more profit threatens to plunge entire countries into even more conflict and instability.
Radical reform of the countryside that seeks to transform it into something other than an agricultur...
While people may join the military for various reasons wishing to help country, economic options, and so on , the primary benefits of military service is the following A sense of legitimacy for citizenship Respect from fellow Americans regarding military service Economic benefits from military service Enrollment into more elite institutions such as politics, and so on However with the average middle class and higher Asian Americans, there isn't much to be gained. Asian Americans don't get seen as legitimate citizens due to racial othering and increasing US Asia tensions with the past rise of Japan and current rise of China. The majority of Americans who actually care a lot about military service are generally not asian american friendly, and the ones who are asian american friendly generally don't care about military service. Furthermore, American respect for Asian Americans is still rather low. media presence which may be changing, but currently still at a low of Asians and Asian Americans largely portrays them as the odd or different character in contrast to the American normal. Many of these stereotypes are inherently negative, such as being miserly, unsociable, cheats, and so on. Furthermore, as we have seen from past military service Blacks and Japanese Americans , military service doesn't net you much points against a backdrop of racism conscious or unconscious . While there are many economic benefits from military service, middle class and higher Asian Americans tend to be better educated, with higher potential for higher paying jobs in sectors that don't see nearly as much stigma against Asian Americans. As such, a better opportunity exists going to college and doing something that eventually nets a high paying job that far outweighs the lost economic benefits in less time. Furthermore, while service in the military can increase likelihood for entrance into several elite institutions, this benefit is muted against a greater benefit from non Asian Americans who have similar stats, which will surely exist. As such, greater flexibility and opportunities exist for Asian Americans in more asian areas such as STEM or academics. Of course there are a variety of valid reasons to join the military such as wanting to serve your country, or it being a career you would want, etc . However, for the general middle class and higher Asian American, there is not much they would gain from choosing this path that they could not get elsewhere. x200B x200B
The average middle class and higher Asian American has little to benefit from military service
Recovery communities can encourage others to seek professional help and treatment for their disorder by speaking about how beneficial they found it to be for their own recovery.
Social media is a necessary avenue to finding peer support in recovery.
It is not uncommon to hear in sports press conferences of a player whose team is Super Bowl bound, playoff bound, or otherwise enjoying great success that they are humbled for the opportunity to play at that level. Or a winning candidate from an election to be humbled by the turnout in their favor. The problem is, when they say that, what they are really feeling is great pride and sense of accomplishment, which is decisively not humility. Humbled often goes hand in hand with Humiliated , which is the opposite of what most people who describe themselves as humbled have gone through. If someone wants to say Although I am experiencing great success, I am still humble , that is ok. However, even that can be a problem as people describing themselves as humble very often imply that that is some great characteristic about themselves, defeating the word the ironic phrase I'm probably the most humble person on Earth comes to mind . The only other context someone might describe themselves as humbled would be if they actually were properly humbled e.g. they lost their house, car, and job and had to actually humble themselves by resorting to begging or a less dignified job, thus becoming humbled . Outside of that context, I believe every usage of a person describing themselves as being humbled by some opportunity to be not only inaccurate, but polar opposite to what is meant by the word. This degrades the meaning of the word, and turns it into what is now an effectively useless proxy to say that one is proud of their accomplishments but wishes to remain coy about it.
Most people use the word "humbled" to mean the opposite of what it actually means, and should stop immediately.
As can be seen by OK Cupid's decision to suspend the account of Christopher Cantwell - a violent white supremacist who gained a degree of notoriety after the Charlottesville riots - Internet companies may censor individuals in contexts where there is no clear or apparent harm.
Since the decision which content to censor is entirely up to the Internet companies' discretion, nothing will stop them from denying services to other groups they disagree with.
One apparent contradiction in classical theism is that of a theistic God changing its mind. God, per Plato is changeless because a nothing can change God, and b God would not change, because it is already perfect. Parts of the Bible, like God repenting the creation of humanity, therefore seem to contradict theism. The problem might exist because today's Bible carries an edited version of the source documents of the Old Testament. 'Repent' might not carry the subtleties of the original text.
Possible contradictions in classical theism may appear from transcription difficulties and errors introduced over centuries of existence.
members of this society would still have to work for a living, just like they do today, and some people would earn more money than others, just like they do today. I would set the maximum salary fairly high maybe 20 million, just to choose an arbitrary number, and anything a person earns beyond that is taxed at 100 and could be used for things like infrastructure, hospitals, research etc. This way, you still have a strong motivation to work harder, better, smarter who wouldn't want to earn 20 million? , you'd have a high quality of life for everyone with all of this extra money going towards social programs , but you wouldn't have these super rich people who can use their money to control the political process, and you wouldn't have the huge gap between rich and poor that we have today.
- I believe that we should adopt a maximum wage, where nobody in society is able to make more than a certain set amount of money.
Mass murderers, no longer having the option to shoot every victim individually, would go to more instantaneous and deadly means like poison vehicle ramming bombs and arson
Banning firearms incentivizes murder by more destructive or quieter, harder to detect means.
It makes me uncomfortable that people who are intelligent are rewarded with jobs with salaries 10x or more the minimum rate doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. for doing what is arguably more pleasant and more comfortable work than an average minimum wage job. It makes me uncomfortable because no one gets to decide their intelligence they are born with it. Regardless of my discomfort, I think that since these intelligent people are a scarce resource, we must as a society encourage them to enter fields that use them to their highest potential. I define intelligence here as the ability to succeed in mentally demanding work. I believe intelligence is largely something people are born with. I believe that highly intelligent people are a scarce resource. Edit 1 I started thinking about this when I got an academic scholarship that paid for more than tuition at my engineering school. Then, last year, I got another 1000 for getting good grades this is over and above tuition, and without applying for anything. I work about as hard as anyone else in my classes. The usual response when I share these financials is an offhand 'you're smart, therefore you deserve it'. While I think it is necessary to have these sorts of rewards to encourage intelligent people to apply themselves, I was wondering if anyone could convince me otherwise. Edit 2 Perhaps the title should have read 'I believe intelligent people should be richly rewarded for using their intelligence' no, I don't believe people should be given an IQ test and then money, as I thought was clear from the explanation.
I believe intelligent people should be richly rewarded for being intelligent.
I think it's morally wrong to breed animals into existence and make them live a life in torture just so we can eat them, when we don't have to, but I don't think it's morally wrong to eat wild animals. Wild animals exist and suffer whether I kill them or not, and in many cases I think they would suffer more when they are not killed by humans. For example I think a moose would be better off getting shot as quickly and painlessly as possible, rather than being slowly eaten alive by a bear or dying from sickness. Im not sure I would apply the same logic to social animals though, because they would grieve the killed animal.
It's okay to kill wild animals
Part of Palestine, the Gaza Strip, is ruled by Hamas a group that the US recognises as a radical Islamist terrorist group. Recognising a Palestine that is partially ruled by Hamas is equivalent to legitimising a terrorist organisation.
A recognized Palestinian state encompassing both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip would likely descend into severe infighting, and would become an unstable, if not failed, state. The status quo is better than this outcome.
Multiple viewings of the movie by the same person as are multiple signings of the petition by an individual. In addition ticket prices vary from audience member to audience member and location to location. Nevertheless the statistical insignificance of the number is obvious.
In the first three weeks The Last Jedi took $450​m which if we assume $15 per seat equates to 300,000,000 people. 82,000 represents 0.0028% of the people who saw the movie. This is a statistically insignificant number.
Looking for words to use in this argument, we have not been able to find the perfect one, however I have found some words that are pretty close to the concept I want to get to: cynism, blindness, incredulity, unreliable, subjective, economical, conflict and unfairness.A combination of these words can merge what we find to describe prenuptial agreements. The fact that the prenuptial agreements exist is so laughable that the TV show "The Simpsons" couldn't have left this issue behind and created episode 213 recalling a close resemblance. During that episode, Ned and Homer go to Las Vegas and after a night of alcohol, they wake up with the surprise that they have new wives that are interested in nothing but money. This episode became an Emmy nominee and then this wives would appear in a later show Episode 276 claiming their marriage obligations. They were finally terminated off-courts in a tabern, in fact and were turned over by other tools.But this is closer to us than what we think. This satirizing TV show is the clear reflection of how prenuptial agreements work: Blindness. Either because of drugs, alcohol or mainly, love. As Sidney D. Craig Loving says, "feelings produce loving behavior" This is directly related to our motion as most of the prenuptial agreements are taken on a moment of maximum love by the couple, since they are about to marry and think they have found the love of their lives. Maybe some months later you will notice the man or woman you married was not up to your expectations and you have to divorce him but at the moment of a prenup you won't know so, because love will drive your decisions; decisions that you will regret. Prenuptial agreements are contracts that are made to never be used, since it is never the objective of couples to marry just to divorce and so, they are not totally serious and take some aspects too lightly. In any other case that one of the couple wants to marry just to create a prenup and divorce, then that is not even love and he/she just wants to take advantage from this unfair tool and abuse of the other member. We will adress this point later. When you are in love you don't have the same perception and that gives the same effect of you not being under your full faculties, which is obviously, not able to take decisions. Either because love controls the behavior or people try to gain advantage from prenuptial agreements is that this contracts are unfair and in the other way, the courts are objective and analytical, that prenuptial agreements should not be recognised in divorce courts.
Prenuptial agreements are either too lovely or not as lovely as they appear
As it stands right now, you may only choose one candidate, and a simple majority wins. This leads to only having to primary candidates running against each other. If, however, we had a different type of system, we could potentially alleviate this issue. Perhaps we could have a ranked by system so that people don't have to choose the best of two evils. Instead, they could choose their favorite and, if that individual does not receive a majority of the votes, their second choice could help decide the winner. And so on, and so on
The United States should have a different voting system for the executive branch instead of First Past the Post.
"Banning alcoholic energy drinks is loco." USF Oracle. November 8th, 2010: "Many complain that Four Loko's 23.5 ounce can is too large to contain 12 percent alcohol and that it's too dangerous to mix alcohol with ingredients like caffeine and guarana, which are the active ingredients in energy drinks. However, bottles of liquor can contain more than six times as much alcohol as Four Loko. Wine can easily contain just as much at 12 to 15 percent alcohol. Both come in much larger sizes."
A bottle of liqueur is as dangerous as Four Loco.
Universities, as institutes designed for the exchange of knowledge, have a special obligation to promote free speech.
No-platforming should be abandoned because it is an assault on free speech.
A University of Phoenix School of Business survey suggests that many Americans are defined by their careers and nearly half 47 percent of working adults in the U.S. gain equal or greater feelings of self-worth from their jobs and careers as they do from their personal lives.
Having a job reinforces people's self-worth and contributes to their social status.
James Joyner at Outside the Beltway: "Too Small a Problem to Justify Tinkering with the Constitution. It's not as if the birthright citizenship policy is the chief draw for illegal immigration in this country, or that we'd see any significant decrease in illegal border crossings if we changed the policy."5
Birthright citizenship is too small of a problem to end it
The state issues drivers licenses as a privileged. With that privilege comes responsibilities that are rightfully demanded by the state, in a quid pro quo fashion, such as the demand that the driver obtain auto insurance in order to protect other drivers on the road. Yet, there is no such contract-like quid pro quo arrangement in the case of health insurance mandates; being alive is not a privilege like driving is, and so is not something the state can bargain with in a "quid pro quo" fashion - licensing the right to live in exchange for a mandate to acquire health insurance.
Auto insurance is "quid pro quo" for license to drive.
This study reported that some homeschooled women felt held captive by their parents ideology which held them back in college. San Clemente, p. 117
Homeschooled children may experience difficulties transitioning to college because they have not previously experienced traditional education.
This is a common argument against the continued presence of coalition forces in Iraq. It is particularly relevant in regards to the anti-occupation insurgency in Iraq, which is focused, by definition, on fighting coalition forces and expelling them from Iraq. If US forces withdraw, most insurgents will stop fighting, and violence in the country will be substantially reduced as a result.
Foreign troops are doing more harm than good in Iraq
First off, I don't think the death penalty deters people from committing murder, I think it simply fulfills a need for vengeance. In any case, so long as the death penalty exists, it shouldn't be limited to the most atrocious murderers. Death penalty for stealing 100mil , 3rd strike stealing 10mil , smuggling selling enough drugs to kill by overdose a ridiculous number people, infant rape, 3rd rape, doctors who overprescribe opiates recklessly, etc. I suppose in the wake of the opioid epidemic, Bill Cosby, Bernie Madoff, and Jerry Sandusky I'm reminded of a rant by George Carlin you know, in this country, now there are alot of people who want to expand the death penalty to include drug dealers. This is really stupid. Drug dealers aren't afraid to die. They're already killing each other every day on the streets by the hundreds. Drive bys, gang shootings, they're not afraid to die. Death penalty doesn't mean anything unless you use it on people who are afraid to die. Like the bankers who launder the drug money. Forget the dealers, you want to slow down that drug traffic, you got to start executing a few of these fucking bankers. White, middle class Republican bankers. I'll guarantee you one thing. You start execut you start nailing one white banker per week to a big wooden cross, you're going to see that drug traffic begin to slow down pretty fucking quick. Pretty fucking quick you won't even be able to buy drugs in schools and prisons anymore
As long as the US has the death penalty it should be expanded to the most egregious of crimes.
View changed. Please read edit. First and foremost I want to define “felon” as someone who has actually committed a felony. I don't want this conversation to become about the failings of the justice system. For the purposes of this , I just want to be clear that we are debating whether or not people who have been removed from society for committing heinous crimes should be granted the right to vote. My argument is really quite simple. We have removed these people from society specifically because they have committed crimes that are highly destructive of society in general. I hope we can generally all agree that people who destroy lives and threaten society should not be allowed to live among those of us who obey the law and contribute positively to society. If these men and women are so dangerous that they must be kept separate from the rest of society, then how does it follow that they should still be allowed to contribute in one of the most important functions of society voting ? To keep it simple, I'm not going to cite an in depth analysis of the occurrence of mental illness in inmates. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist rates 80 85 of criminals as having Antisocial Personality Disorder. This is a diagnosis that falls just below all out psychopathy— a diagnosis that 20 of prison inmates carry. From Wikipedia “Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others.” Also from Wiki, “Psychopathy is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior. It seems outrageous to me that people who have no regard for the rights of others should be allowed direct involvement in a practice that affects laws and policy. If we can agree that laws are based on commonly accepted standards of morality and that morality is based on empathy, then people who have proven their lack of empathy through their own criminality should— almost by definition— not be given the right to vote. EDIT Thank you for the feedback. After a few comments, my view has been changed slightly. My revised position is that criminals who test positive for ASPD or psychopathy should not have the right to vote. Since my view has been changed, there is no longer a need to continue debating unless you feel inclined to challenge my revised position. I will be awarding the delta either sometime this evening or tomorrow.
Felons should not have the right to vote.
I've just watched this collegehumor video about racism. Yeah it Collegehumor but it clearly has a serious intention. It's very short but the point I'm focusing on here is at 0 16. DISCLAIMER Now I'm from Europe and where I live quite a small village we simply don't have and therefore don't know most of these issues at least not to that extend . Infact, most of us are white. Many muslims especially Turkish but they don't stand out that much either. So it this offends you be considerate and think about being in my shoes, with a different society. Browsing through reddit I noticed oftentimes that remarks that immediately sound racist to americans are perceived very neutrally here. We do have foreigners, being from Italian descent I'm a foreigner in Germany myself but I don't look that much different to Germans. Yet sometimes I get asked if I run a pizza shop just because I'm Italian and many Italians actually do have a restaurant or sell ice cream or something like that. That is not considerate to be racist or offensive here. But I'm here to hear you out, from a US perspective. END OF DISCLAIMER Anyway, I was surprised at some of the examples in the video. I know it's the point to show people that they're being racist while not even realizing it. I get it. But I have a hard time seeing whats wrong about excluding a race in your sexual preference. Now if the argument is that it's racist because I'm actually making a difference depending on the race then why is it OK to be sexist making a difference on gender ? If the argument to that is Well you didn't choose to like women men but you choose to dislike a race then wouldn't we start to ride a social justice rollercoaster that would continue on to other minorities, traits or features? Not OK to dislike dating Redheads? Not OK to dislike dating elderly people? Not OK to dislike dating handicapped people? Until we get to our final destination that sounds like you just don't wanna date her because she's ugly You're discriminating ugly people. Maybe you say it's racist because such a statement would express that I think all e.g. black people share a common trait while they don't necessarily have to meaning it's racist to pigeonhole an entire race. But then again, what's the deal with doing so? For all that matters the term asian , black , hispanic is putting people into drawers already, so that's racist already, no? Again, I hope not to offend anyone. After all I might be just somewhat ignorant because I don't live in a diverse society like the US. Maybe I'm missing what exactly is the taboo here. Maybe it's just taboo to say it but it's ok to think like that?? I don't know. But doing a little research I also found this asian girl to call herself racist because she refuses to date guys of her own race I just think that IF we call this racist and put the blame here onto people not wanting to date a certain race, then we would start blaming people to be discriminating others for every aspect, watering our preferences down until we truly like everyone equally. Note, my point isn't so much this isn't racist but more the issue that resolves out of blaming people for their sexual preference, even if it comes to someone never wanting to date a certain race. So I'm genuinely curious, this is my first post on r changemyview and I'm open for a new opinion if you could explain me Why should it be called racist to refuse to date a certain race given my arguments above If it is racist, why wouldn't we end up blaming people for refusing to date gingers elder or just ugly people? And finally Aren't we all entitled to any of our sexual preferences without needing to justify them? EDIT Sorry for my poor english, I guess pre judgement is more fitting word than prejudice. EDIT2 I should point out I'm not refusing to date any race. I'm just genuinely interested in the criticism people face for doing so.
It's not racist to say that you would never date a black / asian / white etc person because we're entitled to ANY sexual preference without prejudices.
Nietzsche argues in The Genealogy of Morality that the origin of Christian values is a rebellion of the oppressed against their oppressors by asserting power and value to their own way of life as slaves. An example that shows this is the statement "the meek shall inherit the earth". To further own this state of slavery a new master created in God, removed power from their real-life oppressors and then asserted that this new master also had power over them as well. Here is a good explanation.
The concept of God has a mundane explanation as a consequence of human desire for power. When individuals with conflicting desires form groups, the group assigns an individual with infinite power representing their shared goals in an attempt to dominate all others.
Informed consent also assumes that when making the decision, the patient is not pressured. But with cosmetic surgery, most of the time the patient is getting the procedure because they were pressured by their family, society, etc.
There are extremely coercive forces that lead people to seek cosmetic surgery.
I'm entering my last year of undergrad and I've noticed a trend among people who join Greek life. They seem to join simply because everyone else is, and not because they genuinely want to do it themselves. I get the feeling that they enter with the conception that Greek life will bring them notoriety, popularity, sex, etc. This feeling of mine is stronger for girls who rush sororities. In my opinion, they plaster themselves all over Facebook with pictures of their sorority letters and their sisters and preaching to the world how much they love each other. Interestingly enough, a lot of sorority women I have talked to seem to secretly dislike a majority of their sisters but put on a facade to only show these emotions in private. In addition, a lot of Greeks will only associate with other Greeks, which further leads me to believe that they are very hive minded and shallow. I'd really like someone to show me the other side of this coin the one that as a non Greek, I might not be able to see.
I think most people join social fraternities and sororities nowadays just to boost their egos and gain approval from others.
Japan is frequently trotted out in American and international media as an example of a failing economy. However, in spite of all this doomsaying, the quality of life of the average Japanese has seen almost no impact from the downturn and remains better than that of the large Western democracies such as the US or the UK. Japanese have longer lives than any large European country, some of the lowest rates of violent crime on earth, a highly trusting society, sky high test scores, a healthy level of inequality, and a generally content populace. Therefore, concerns about Japan's declining population and moribund economy are misplaced.
In terms of providing a decent quality of life, Japan's economy is far better than that of the US, UK, Germany, or Italy.
I think those who are heavily into drugs Most notably marijuana because I'm exposed to it are wasting their time and should clear their heads for the real world. Not to mention it's illegal. I am disgusted by people who spend tons of cash on weed but complain that they have no job or go without other necessary things. I am sick and tired about hearing how marijuana is different and harmless, and I can't stand to see people let it represent their identity. My boyfriend smokes and some of his friends repulse me because it seems they can't have fun without drugs. Dependent on it. Sometimes he even bothers me about it. Sometimes I wonder if he loves weed more than me. I should admit that I'm not against legalization and light medical smokers are fine by me.
I look down on drug culture, specifically marijuana.
In today's society, where people become triggered at the slightest suggestion of hurt feelings, the danger is that the brush of what is considered hate speech would be painted far too wide and restrict open discussion on sensitive subjects that need to be talked about.
What constitutes hate in speech is subjective and depends largely on the audience. Therefore, it is impossible to define what would be banned and what is allowed.
gt Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should. Jurassic Park gt This statement implied that scientists have a moral obligation to think about the potential endgame for each of their discoveries and as such should be wary to research or experiment in certain corridors of knowledge. My position is that scientists have no moral obligation to consider the potentially damaging effects of their gained knowledge but a scientific obligation to gain as much knowledge as they can within their lifetimes. To clarify, I am not speaking of moral obligations in regards to their methods of research and experimentation. Knowledge, in and of itself is not moral or immoral. Take the atomic bomb. While scientists who worked on the bomb may have found themselves emotionally distraught and feeling guilty due to the destruction their weapon created, the work the scientific discovery in and of itself was not immoral. The same can be said for many scientific discoveries in the working today. Artificial Intelligence, cloning, DNA mapping, biological weapons, etc all have a potential to do a lot of good or a lot of bad. My position is that the use of the technology is not necessarily the scientists' responsibility. In a way, scientists should be amoral in their search for knowledge and morality only applies in the methods of gaining said knowledge. ──────── gt This is a footnote from the moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please read through our rules. If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us. Happy ing gt
scientists should be more concerned with what they can do than what they should do.
Okay, what do you think, is the Chinese commercial racist? I'm inclined to say no explained below . Chinese one Italian one the Chinese one is based on. The second link takes you to the Italian version of the commercial, done in the opposite vein It turns a white man into a sexually desirable black man. The Chinese obviously took their idea from the Italian commercial, meaning the idea of washing a black man wasn't even their own. Since the Chinese had copied the idea from a positive used very losly take on race the black man was presented as an object of desire and the Chinese having no concept of black white racism, is it fair to say the video is racist or prejudiced ? Misguided and out of touch with modern thinking, yeah, I do think so, but to call someone racist from a culture where that concept doesn't exist seems a stretch to me. Change my view.
This Chinese ad featuring a black man being washed and coming out white is not racist.
A 2010 letter from US senators to president Obama: "our NATO allies have addressed their force protection needs in accordance with their obligations under the Convention.' The US has already gone without using these weapons for almost two decades. It is time to make a commitment never to use them again."10 The United States has not used antipersonnel mines since 1991, has had an export ban in place since 1992, and has not produced them since 1997.11
US and others have securely gone w/o mines for years
Digital books are easier to search within for specific words or numbers than physical books.
Libraries should stop having a physical presence and instead only exist digitally i.e. online.
In the WTO the European Commission represents the EU through means of coordination with member states.
In the WTO, the EU already speaks with one voice and is very influential.
By requiring retailers to sell items at least at cost level, the government is creating an artificial price floor, which will cause prices to rise and create a net loss for society. Basic economics explains that artificial price floors upset the free market, costing a net economic loss for society, which will eventually be paid by all sectors involved. The harm that prohibiting loss leaders causes to prices is well documented. According to a study by the French newspaper La Tribune, a basket of identical items costs 30% more in France than it does in Germany, partly because of the ban on loss leaders1. In fact, this is the very reason why Ireland repealed its loss leaders ban. The Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment said at the time, "The single most important reason for getting rid of the law is that it has kept prices of groceries in Ireland at an artificially high level." Indeed, a study published in the British Food Journal concluded that the Irish law had caused prices to rise, and a separate study came to the same conclusion regarding France's loss leader prohibition. More generally, a report from the American Anti-Trust Institute shows that throughout history, such price laws have typically raised prices to consumers. 1Economist. "Purchasing-power disparity: French shoppers want lower prices, but not more competition." May 15, 2008. improve this
Banning loss leaders will interfere in the market, causing a net economic loss for society.
Evil military forces are only ever stopped by good military forces, which rely on technology. WW2 could not have been won if the allies had not developed weapons out of fear for them being used in the wrong way.
Bad people will inevitably develop new technology and use it for evil. The only way to stop them is to design our own technology and use it in the right way.
Underprivileged kids should get free education food accommodation. If a family income is below certain amount, their kids should have a choice to choose free education and free food. Even if they choose to stay in a boarding school, GOVT should establish such boarding schools and take them. USA spends huge money on war and donates to countries. I think GOVT should spend money on their own citizens and improve their quality of life than wars and supporting other countries. Investing on such boarding schools is not a big deal for countries like USA. thanks to your comments everybody. You changed my view and its not feasible to establish such system. it brings different set of problems.
Underprivileged kids should get free education/food/accomodation
I'm not into this type of porn and find it disgusting, but I haven't come across many sound arguments for why it should be illegal. I'm hoping to at someone can change my view so that I can think like the great majority of people do about this issue. The behavior is already illegal The behavior in these films is by definition criminal. People who engage in rape or pedophilia or any other sexually criminal activity need to be prosecuted. I think the criminalization of video depictions of criminal sexual behavior is inconsistent with our other laws. For example, if someone were gunned down on the street, and a security camera documented the footage, having that video wouldn't be illegal. In fact, it would probably be shown on the news and posted to reddit for shock value. And argument that's frequently made is that the depiction of illegal criminal behavior makes the victim anew every time that footage is viewed. While this might be true, it doesn't usually make possession of that depiction illegal. If a gay man were attacked on the street in a hate crime and it was documented by a passerby, that passerby would be more or less free to distribute the video. Criminalization doesn't really solve any problems When someone is busted with child pornography I haven't seen anyone arrested for rape films, but the same logic would apply , we often celebrate because we have another sick person off the streets. Yet while this person often has a lot of sickening footage on their computer or in their possession, they often have never physically sexually assaulted anyone. I've never looked up how high the correlation between owning child pornography and actually being a sexual abuser is. If it's high, that invalidates this point. Since there aren't open websites for child pornography or rape porn or at least I hope there isn't , people into this kind of stuff often have to talk to the criminal abusing children or raping people to get this footage. I think that this would make it easier for that deviant to actually perform those acts with the facilitation of the film distributer. We should all see this as a bad thing. The comparison with legal porn I believe that my possession of consensual, adult pornography makes me more content with not having actual sex as often as my sex drive might want. Those of us who support the use of traditional porn usually say that the themes in porn, such as objectification of or violence towards women, don't make us more likely to commit those acts with our real life sexual partners. If there are studies that invalidate this conclusion, please alert me. If that be true, and the possession of rape films or child pornography doesn't make a person more likely to commit those acts in real life, do you still think that those depictions should be criminalized? If you do think that they should be criminalized, how do you feel about films that show simulated rape? These could be made to be impossible to tell apart from the real thing. If real rape films make someone more likely to commit the act of rape, shouldn't these simulated films be illegal too? In the same vain, do you think that hyper realistic CGI versions of child pornography should be legal? No victims were created in their production. I'm sure that almost every sane person who reads this thread will find the idea of child or rape porn to be disgusting. Is there a legitimate reason to criminalize it, or is our disgust at the acts coloring our execution of the law such as the ultra conservative position that wants to make sodomy illegal ? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this matter.
I don't think that possession of depictions of illegal sexual activity including child pornography and rape should be illegal.
Students from primary and secondary schools with poor academic performance will have a chance to attend better performing schools, giving them a better chance at succeeding in college.
The resources used to create and implement affirmative action policies would be better directed to primary and secondary schooling.
Theodore Dalrymple. "Cameras, Crooks, and Deterrence". City Journal. October 16, 2007 - "A recent study demonstrating this failure to improve the clear-up rate, however, could not also show that the cameras failed to deter crime in the first place. Common sense suggests that they should deter, but common sense might be wrong. For if the punishment of detected crime is insufficient to deter, there is no reason why the presence of cameras should deter."
Crime cameras cannot deter criminals that do not fear the law
Success in equestrian events depends mainly on the horses skill, not the riders. Any rider can issue a command for the horse to jump, but whether the horse actually can make the jump depends on the horse. I understand that there is skill in being abe to handle a horse well, but I believe that because it depends more on the horse than the rider. For example, I believe that if someone who is fairly new to horse riding is given the best horse in the world they could beat the most experienced rider if that rider is given a horse that has only began training recently.
Equestrian events in the Olympics are unfair because they depend more on the horse than the rider
Women are living longer than men. If the women is older one maximizes the years spend together.
When the male is older the woman will have to take care of him.
Jesus was able to cast spells both before and after death. He was a more powerful spellcaster after death. He was never mindless. He most likely obtained immortality by taking the cross as his phylactery.
I believe Jesus was a Lich, not a zombie.
The adoption of cars 'horseless carriages' was long-stymied by safety fears which then lead to onerous laws such as the Locomotive Act
The adoption of self-driving cars will be limited if people are afraid that their car may deliberately choose to harm them.
Alternatives are being used in place of animal testing when it is possible. Cell-based and computer studies, for instance, frequently occur before any animal testing is done, and this often proves adequate. In general, where alternatives exist and are practical, they are being used.
Alternatives are being used; animal testing is a last resort
In the UK major decisions regarding a child's life, such as choice of school, medical treatment or religion should be made jointly by the parents. If a parent disagrees with the decisions taken by the other parent, they can take that dispute to court.
Although only one parent's consent may be needed in some circumstances, in other situations the parents need to agree or reach a compromise.
A statement Orwellian in nature. Freedom as a human being means we choose what we want to eat and when we want to eat it. To suggest that all humans should be vegan is perhaps the most ludicrous thing I've read on here all day, though that's just my opinion. Sure, there are cons to eating meat but a balanced diet that we've been using for millennia is natural and it always has been.
People do not need to be vegan and people should have the right to choose.
Google is a search company the service they offer is helping people find the things they want on the internet. By upholding some silly idea of morality, Google denies that porn makes up a huge fraction of total web traffic and that by not autofilling searches related to porn, people will just give up and stop watching porn. Who asked Google to decide for me whether I'd like to see porn or not? I have SafeSearch set to off isn't that enough of an indication that I am okay with autofilled searches relating to porn? By whitewashing the autofill of searches that Google deems immoral, Google denies both the reality of the human experience and the desires of their users. Edit In regard to the business decision argument
Google should autofill searches relating to sex and pornography
Democracy must consider, and adapt to, the political implications of problems likely to arise in the future.
Should Democracies adapt to improve, not merely survive and how
The serpent is part of God. He can't get rid of it. We made the mistake of listening to him and disobeying. The higher purpose is that we have to grow up and finish the Journey of Knowledge.
The best possible world may still logically require the existence of evil and suffering.
Pregnancy is part of sexual activity. Thus, when we say a woman has the freedom to engage in sexual activities the moment she decides to, then this includes a priori an acknowledgment on the right to abortion.
If a young woman has decided to become sexually active, she should be allowed to decide whether to have an abortion and whether to choose to involve her parents in the decision about an abortion.
There have been 4 elections where the candidate who lost the popular vote won the electoral vote, as well as 1 election where the candidate lost both, but was still elected. These Presidents are, along with their Presidential rankings, 1 44, There have been 44 Presidents, one of whom served twice in different terms, thus technically making it 45 in parentheses Polling information can be found here under the APSA 2018 column John Quincy Adams 23 Lost both popular and electoral vote, picked by Congress Rutherford B. Hayes 29 Benjamin Harrison 32 George W. Bush 30 Donald Trump 44 With the exception of John Quincy Adams, who was chosen by Congress, the 4 Presidents here all firmly rank in the bottom half of all Presidents. Admittedly, it's a small sample to glean information from, and the polling done on the oldest 3 of them is from people who weren't alive during their terms, but it still seems to suggest a connection between a candidate's unpopularity during the election to during the candidate's term. gt This is a footnote from the moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please read through our rules If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us Happy ing
Losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral College has a strong connection to how unpopular the President-elect goes on to be.
As much as parents teach their kids about acceptance and tolerance, as many forms of discrimination happen in schools grounds with other kids, only schools and their professionals can actually effectively intervene.
Gender and sexuality based bullying, discrimination and other forms of gendered violence are actual problems affecting schools, therefore they should be able to implement measures to tackle them.
The Parliamentary Speaker has already refused to select an amendment which would have cut off cash to government departments in a no-deal scenario.
Members of Parliament will have limited options to introduce such legislation to block a no-deal Brexit.
Corruption is not a problem in its own right, but rather a symptom of wider problems of governance in some states. Misguided socialist principles have left many developing countries and some developed ones with complex and burdensome tangles of rules and regulations administered by huge state machines. Often there is a lack of property rights, meaning the poor are not safe in the possession of the land they farm, and cannot borrow money against it in order to invest for the future. The poor pay of public officials is also common. These problems make ordinary people highly dependent upon the actions of individual officials and give the officials every incentive to exploit their power. Crackdowns on corruption will achieve nothing until these underlying problems are addressed first.
Corruption is not a problem in its own right, but rather a symptom of wider problems of governance i...
I thought of asking this while watching a video explaining the housing collapse. I can't help but think that almost every investment career essentially boils down to buying and selling money , without actually contributing anything to society. Same with the financial institutions that do all that buying, slicing up, etc. of mortgages. And also, now that I think about it, people who flip houses for a living. Unless they actually make some serious renovations to the houses, they don't really do anything meaningful. They just make houses more expensive for people who actually want to buy them for, ya know, living in them. I get the point of investing in start up companies that show promise, to help get them up and running, etc. But at the Wall Street level, it seems like a big economic circle jerk. Maybe it's just the engineer in me Now please, EDIT Sorry it's taking so long to read everything, I've been quite busy lately. It went into it knowing I'd be awarding a delta to someone, but it's tough figuring out who had the best explanation. Also, perhaps I should've gone to ELI5. Oh well gt Hello, users of This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to read through our rules If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views If you are thinking about submitting a yourself, please have a look through our popular topics wiki first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us Happy ing
I think Wall Street investors, and to a lesser extent stock market investments, serve no purpose.
My view is a little weird but I would love to see it challenged since this is the first time I've openly talked about it anywhere. Basically I think self delusion can be used as a useful tool for keeping up one's morale and fighting off negative or unwanted moods, as well as for a number of other applications. I can understand how people who believe in God feel more comforted and acquiescent since the idea of the creator of literally everything is watching over you and protecting you and your spirit seems pretty damn nice. However, I don't believe for a second that people's phantasmagorical epiphanies while lying in bed and trying to find answers to their life problems is any significance of an omniscient creator trying to contact you through your emotions. I've kept track of over 180 moods as a hobby of mine for over 3 years, and to be frank if everyone else did what I have done, they would know these experiences they have are but a drop in the bucket of what the brain can make us feel and endure. I basically equate religious belief to that of acting, but obvious to far a greater extreme. I myself am not an actor, however by taking advantage of irrational belief, I'm able to do a number of things, such as temporarily bound any of my negative attributes with those of other people, or elevate my mood using the raw essence of belief. It sounds batsh t crazy, but from the sheer emotional experience I've had over the years, I'm pretty convinced that any religious experience a person has is just a byproduct of the ineffective use of the power of belief. Ask away with any questions, because I'd love to clarify myself.
I see religious or "divine" experience as one of the brain's most potent weapons, and that people don't know how to take advantage of it without sacrificing some sense of scientific literacy or trust.
Good faith caveat I'm not American and I've never lived in the US. I grew up in a Christian household and was a Christian as a teenager. It seems to me that identity as a Christian plays more a role in Republican politics than in Democrat politics. For example Abortion rights Gay marriage War on Christmas 'Good God fearing Americans'. I think this brand of Christian conservatism ignores what I think are the more fundamental teachings of Jesus We're all sinners and God forgives us Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. Feeding the poor Healing the sick. The story of the Good Samaritan Christian conservatism seems to be more about enforcing a moral code ie. punishing sin , than it is about Jesus' teachings of tolerance and helping the needy. Things like removing healthcare and foodstamps seem to be directly in opposition to this message. As such I would suggest that conservative Christianity is not so much based on the teachings of Jesus, as they are about enforcing a Bible based moral code. gt This is a footnote from the moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please read through our rules If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us Happy ing
True adherents of the teachings of Jesus would not vote Republican.
There are three main ways for a society to handle inequality Don't promote equality at all. This is the easiest thing, but unfortunately it has a bad habit of leading to revolutions for two reasons 1 People get jealous when there is inequality. Keeping up with the Joneses, and its converse the tall poppy syndrome, mean that societies with visible inequality tend to have envy and higher levels of social problems. The book The Spirit Level touches on this. 2 Basic self preservation. In spite of its apparent wealth, the US is still a country where if you don't work or are fired, you suddenly are at risk of premature death from starvation. If there is still a percent of the population who cannot guarantee that their basic needs are met, there is a high risk of them turning to theft or violence. Equality of opportunity is what the US has promoted within its borders. Unfortunately, short of micromanaging every element of upbringing, it is pretty bad at creating any sort of equality as can be seen from the lack of upward mobility and the close correlation of parents' incomes to their children's. Canada for instance is closer to perfect equality of opportunity than it is to the US, and the parts of the US within which there is less attempt to create equality of outcome red states have less mobility and are the sort of places that even billionaires shy away from. Equality of outcome is the third possibility. It is commonly associated with Soviet totalitarianism, but in its more modest form setting some healthy level of inequality it predominates in countries like Canada, France, and Sweden and has excellent results Sweden for instance has more billionaires per capita than the US and as good, if not better, of a quality of life for its average citizens. While pure equality of outcome only works on paper, pure equality of opportunity where there are no outer limits on inequality is pretty darn bad too.
"Equality of opportunity" is one of those concepts that sounds nice on paper but doesn't work out in real life.
I'll start off by stating what I hope is self evident. We don't live in a utopian society so saying things why can't we all get along and isn't war a bad thing doesn't exactly show any sort of realism, so please drop the platitudes. It has been scientific demonstrated and is hopefully knowable anecdotally that humans judge people, especially those who do not comply with social norms. I would argue that bullying typically targes those who are 'different' and reject social norms. Now being different is great and why can't we all be different and appreciated for who we are is a great idea too, but realistically being 'different' has the potential to severely harm your long term social standing and economic potential, unless you happen to lucky enough to be appreciated for your individuality such as a famous musician or artist. Which based on statistically analysis is very unlikely to happen. I am reminded of how parents try to teach their children that eating vegetables is good for them in the long term but children can't understand the benefits and refuse to eat them. It is only when you are older and suffering from a copper deficiency that you realise your earlier irrationality and conclude that old Dad was right about eating those greens. I believe bullying, in moderation, is a societal force that on the whole acts as a good agent trying to encourage you to follow social and cultural norms so you have a greater chance of improving your standing in the future. Again I am reminded of how the obese are a frequent target of the bully. The bully in this example can be seen as societies expression and frustration with childhood obesity, which is often a taboo to talk about. Those fortunate enough to listen to the bully and lose the weight must realise that the stick method greatly enhanced their mortality and potential future earnings. I believe that bullying is generally good for people and it is only upon reflection that you realise 1. It was obvious why you was being bullied at the time 2. The changes made through bullying are usually in your long term favour, even if stubborn irrationality says otherwise. Please change my view. UPDATED A lot of interesting discussion, I accept that factors outside of ones control that cannot be mitigated to the point of conformity need to be excluded from this argument maxim. For example, a persons skin colour. gt Hello, users of This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to read through our rules If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than just downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views If you are thinking about submitting a yourself, please have a look through our popular topics wiki first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us Happy ing
I believe moderate bullying is a good thing for the majority of people.
The negative press around Trump's presidency has contributed to Ivanka having to shut down her fashion brand. This suggests that Ivanka may have wrote the Op-Ed because her father's actions are now affecting her interests as a businesswoman.
Donald Trump's presidency has negatively impacted Ivanka's interests as a businesswoman.
So I recently turned 18 years old. I believe that I know more about the government and politics than the average American, but by no means consider myself an expert. I live in New Jersey and live in a well of community. My parents, and 90 of people I know, are republicans. I consider myself a Republican because I feel tax breaks for the rich are a good idea. I am a practicing Catholic. I do not agree with Obamacare because my family worked for their money so why should it be taken to pay for others healthcare? I have family in the Military and consider myself patriotic. I feel many liberals I know are anti US anti military I feel that all illegal immigrants should be deported and we should stop cutting them breaks. For example, drivers licenses, automatic citizenship, in state tuition for colleges etc. Also I think that border security should be ramped up. I feel democrats are not always worried about what is best for the country. I think an extremely strong national defense is crucial. I feel that education should be done in English, because all though english is not the official language if you want to succeed in the United States, you need to master english. I feel fighting terrorism is very important because if we do not fight it, there is a good chance terrorist networks will expand exponentially and there is a possibility they can acquire nuclear, biological, chemical weapons and unleash them upon us. The death penalty should be allowed for dangerous criminals who have no chance of contributing to society. I do not understand why people think someone who kills in cold blood should be allowed to live. I support armed guards on school campuses. I go to a high school where this is always one police officer on campus and I always feel safe. Global warming exists. However, it is not caused by man. Therefore we should be spending time and recourses discovering new pockets of oil and fossil fuels. I think affirmative action is a terrible policy that creates reverse racism against the majority. For example I applied to an Ivy league school and I had very good grades gpa sat etc. I was rejected which did not bother me because I knew it was a stretch to begin with. However, when I looked in my high school's College Decision group on Facebook, I saw a student that was accepted. Over the years I have been 'friends' with him. I know for a fact that he had lower SAT scores by about 200 points , did not take any honors or AP classes, while I took them exclusively and earned high marks. In addition, he did not do any community service and basically coasted through high school. I worked my fingers to the bone. He was accepted because of his Hispanic surname and I was rejected. Sorry for the tirade, but I am still bitter over that. I consider myself republican but have an open mind and would like some democrats to . Fire away.
I am an 18 year old Republican.
I believe the word evil is a lazy description of any persons actions and that the concept of evil, especially in the metaphysical sense, is completely non existent. Furthermore, I believe the use of the word evil when referring to one or one's actions is toxic to public perception of psychology and morals. The most heinous, terrible, selfish, disgusting acts that a person can commit can always in my experience be considered critically and be shown to have more practical roots than the over arching, massive title of calling them or their actions evil . If we are to have a conversation on the matter devoid of religious belief which I would strongly prefer , I see, as of now, no practical reason to see evil as a realistic, viable description of anything ever. ?
There is no such thing as "evil"
To put human beings in an environment with different gravity might cause a unique adaption to the new to this environment. Over the course of several generations, there may come a point where they will no longer be genetically compatible with the Earth-bound human race. Given that all circumstances can more or less be managed except gravity, this might be a serious argument for putting people on Venus with it's 90% earthlike gravity instead of 38% on Mars.
Venus has a gravity closer to Earth 90% as opposed to Mars 38%. This means technological or biological adaptation would be drastically less.
Since there is a difference in the age of first sex among societies it can be presumed that there are social forces that influence this decision.
There is social pressure to choose the right moment for the first time that will influence when to start sexual freedom.
I honestly believe that bicycles belong in bike lanes, trails, races, dirt tracks, or parks. I also understand that not everyone can afford a motor vehicle use mass transit or walk, rather than endangering yourself or others. And if you happen to be a bike courier hats off to you. You have way more balls than I ever will. Yet that's city life I live in a suburb of a major metropolitan area and Cyclists are not always, but mostly a pure nuisance. I have personally witnessed two fender benders that could've been much worse in the past year on major roadways, both a result of swerving to avoid killing a cyclist moving at 30mph in the right lane of a 45mph roadway. Both cyclists, after many vulgar hand signals, waved the passing cars around them. Yet the cyclists still held the center of the right lane, causing accidents when cars merged into each other. Use trails, use back roads, use residential streets Damn, stop using major roads Both collisions involved vehicles moving the same way, death could've occured if either the cyclist was struck or if the cars involved were moving head on. Idiotic, self centered, and reckless. That's my take.
Cyclists should be banned from any major roadway 45+ mph speed limit without a dedicated bicycle lane.
After purchasing items, shop tellers insist on places the notes of the change first, then resting the coins on top. This is wrong and thoroughly annoying. When coins are put on notes they slide around and risk falling onto the floor. People put notes away first as coins need your full attention to slide into your pocket purse and so should be more readily available. If you wish to use two hands it is harder since you can't carefully pick the coins off the notes but it would be easy to pick the notes out of the other hand if they were on top of the coins By ensuring people get to put away their change quickly, other shoppers will be able to make their purchase quicker. This will save time and make people less annoyed at people scrambling with their change after buying somethnig.
Coins should be placed into hands before notes.
A USE would help establish a more stable balance of geopolitical and ideological power, laying the foundation for a more multi-polar world order.
The USE will enable a more assertive foreign and defense policy for the benefit of its members.
People make silly mistakes, especially when they are young. The age from which you can join Facebook is 13 and pretty much anyone can post videos to Youtube, run a blog or post comments. It is then no surprise that people can leave unflattering information about themselves that at that moment they considered to be worth posting. However, this is just a one-sided representation of a person, because many good things cannot be well represented online, e.g. nobody posts a video of oneself working hard. Nevertheless, this one-sided representation can have very damaging consequences to a person. For instance, a well-known case is of Stacy Snyder who was refused a teaching certificate by her university because of a picture of her as a drunken pirate on, and not because she was a bad student 4. More importantly, current measures to delete information might not be enough, as digital information stays in internet archives, social media archives such as, or can just be reposted by people on other sites and their own social media pages. Given this and the fact that these are not who people truly are, it is unfair to deny them the right to erase things that damage their reputation.
It is unfair for people to suffer for silly past mistakes
Regardless of real rates of crime within different demographics, marginalized groups are consistently overrepresented in prisons. This creates and exacerbates poverty traps that prevent such groups from attaining social and economic stability.
The prison system creates a marginalized criminal class in societies.
If gender were a social construct, transgender people wouldn't feel the need to alter their physical appearance or undergo hormone therapy and/ or surgeries. A man can be feminine and a woman can be masculine, but that does not negate the fact that their gender is literally encoded within their biology.
The fact that many trans individuals wish to adapt their physical appearance to the gender they identify with, suggests the existence of a strong connection between physical/biological sex and gender identity.
Here are proposals to prevent school shootings and mass shootings. Raise age limit to 21 to purchase firearms Ban bump stocks Stricter background checks Ban assault rifles EDIT Yes, I know, there is no official definition of an assault rifle. This is one of their propositions, this leads me to conclude that they have no knowledge on guns. I am simply listing out their propositions. I in no way agree that banning ‘assault rifles’ is even plausible as there is no concrete definition of them None of these will stop 85 of school shootings. Want to know why? In school shooting cases where the source of the firearm could be determined, more than 85 of the firearms came from family and friends. None of these things can prevent a parent having their firearms out, and their kid getting to them. People fail to realize that gun control does little to nothing for most cases. A large portion of school shooters seem to be above 21, the ones that aren’t as I have previously mentioned get guns from relatives. Background checks seem like a reasonable proposition, however, criminals who were in gangs and broke up may not be able to defend themselves. Criminals need protection as well, as once they are released they obtain most of the times all their rights back. And I’m confused because isn’t this what probation is for? So what about mass shootings? Mass shooters have an average age of about 35. Raising the age to 21 does literally nothing in most cases. Many shootings occur with handguns. In fact, a near majority of them. However, I cannot ignore the fact that assault rifles depending on your definition of said ‘assault rifles’ can do much more damage to the body — resulting in more deaths than injuries. When it comes to banning ‘assault rifles’ it is shown that it does not decrease number of crimes or deaths from those crimes. I can only assume that banning assault rifles will be ineffective given prior evidence. Bump stocks are legitimately dangerous, and has no reason for existing. Especially for protection purposes — no need for a bump stock. A bump stock ban makes shootings less deadly. I will admit that some propositions make shootings less deadly, but don’t prevent them. People have to realize that most of these people get guns from friends and family, some are above 21, most are done with handguns. When all of these probabilities are stacked upon one another, you start to realize how inefficient these gun laws really are. Next — my problem with the rallies Rallies have literally chanted “Am I next?”, and children have said that they are scared to go to school. Also neveragain — really? People think that these gun laws will stop school shootings forever? Your lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is 1 in 110,000. School shootings are defined as ‘any time a gun is discharged on a school’s property. Accidentally firing a gun in the bathroom. An officer accidentally firing his gun. A kid having his gun drop out of his bag and fire. These are all school shootings. School violence is youth violence that occurs on school property, on the way to or from school or school sponsored events, or during a school sponsored event. So a fight on a football field — school violence. A person self defending themselves — school violence. The protesters make speeches on school violence and school shootings using numbers based on these definitions, which heavily skews perceptions of how much is actually going on. The main problem I have is how ineffective and inefficient the rallying going on for the past few months have been. All that has come out of the rallying is bad propositions that really don’t fix the problem, fear mongering, and children who simply don’t want to go back to school. People have even said that “46 children and teens are shot each day”, as a sort of statistical chant. Even though that number includes suicides, misfirings, and 18 and 19 year olds who are technically adults. It’s heavily disingenuous to even pretend like school is unsafe and children are at risk by simply being near a school. Anyways, while I agree that something must be done, I believe that this is the wrong way to go about it. My peers continue to be afraid of going to school and parents are more wary of suspicious looking people who are just goth kids lol . The news has people believing that school shootings are rampant, and that these propositions are the correct way to go. Am I missing something? Change my view.
Gun control rallies and gun control propositions have been mostly ineffective, fear-mongering and not productive. New propositions will be ineffective at stopping and preventing shootings.
I am a part of a secular union at my University, and recently the topics of discussion are looked at through a feminist lens. I consider myself pretty a open person, and I can sympathise with the feminist position, yet I have a hard time convincing myself that the Rape of either sexes is directly condoned or reinforced by my or western society in general as a collective whole. It seems pretty obvious to me, that those who fall out of line with the acceptable standards of behaviour are swiftly and harshly dealt with. As a political concept I have no trouble grasping Rape Culture, and I do not doubt that it exists in other places in the world. Especially in the Islamic Republic of Iran and other theocratic states. Am I horribly wrong?
I am an Australian, and I do not believe that a "Rape Culture" permeates through my society, as it does in other places of the world.
Climate change was going to happen. By the time we realized how bad it was it was already too late to stop it from happening, causing the ozone to deteriorate and the oceans to rise. Even if we somehow got everyone to stop using fossil fuels at once one day say April 1st, 2014 , the damage was already done and the planet would have still gone to shit. . gt Hello, people of the past. This is a footnote from the moderators of this 'internet forum'. I'm afraid to say that some wannabe scientist, while looking into time travel, has caused a temporal distortion field. It should dissipate in the next 24 hours. In the mean time, feel free to message us about a view you hold while you're visiting the present, and remember to have a look through our rules
I think climate change couldn't have been avoided, even if we had stopped using fossil fuels altogether in, say, 2014.
The Berlin wall was intended to keep people in, the US-Mexico wall would keep people out.
Building a wall is not comparable to berlin's wall.
For those looking to eat a healthy diet, keeping intake of eggs moderate to low will be best for most, emphasizing plant-based protein options when possible.
Diets including meat, dairy and eggs increase the risk of heart disease among other conditions.
The definition of psychopathy is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior. I claim that people who follow r TheRedPill meet the criteria for psychopathy antisocial behavior r TheRedPill openly states that its followers should not pursue friendships with women, and they also state that women make terrible friends. Source diminished empathy and remorse r TheRedPill encourages its followers to have many sexual partners, and they glorify men who are in multiple relationships concurrently. They dissuade their followers from being monogamous, despite the fact that they encourage women to sleep with as few men as possible, thus creating unequal standards for men and women. r TheRedPill uses a variety of negative terms for women, including plates and Hamsters, and they never discuss or care how women feel about these terms. Source disinhibited or bold behavior r TheRedPill encourages men circumvent women's last minute resistance when a woman displays sudden reluctance to having sex, they encourage men to seek methods for overcoming this resistance. They also encourage men to dump their girlfriends when their girlfriends decline to have sex. r TheRedPill also encourages men to display Dark Triad traits, which include narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. They believe that women are attracted to men who display these traits. Source Please support all arguments using reference posts from r TheRedPill Edit multiple deltas have been awarded. If you want to continue this discussion, please focus on other arguments besides the ones that others have used. Deltas awarded to
people who follow /r/TheRedPill are psychopaths
The Christian Bible puts emphasis on the divine importance of humans being able to make choices. The existence of choice is dependent on the ability to make a "wrong" choice, or in this context: the ability to do evil.
God allows evil to exist so that humans can have free will and develop into moral people. In order to be morally good in a meaningful way, a person must have the possibility of choosing evil.
So with the coming of the vote I am very nervous. While I don't want to jinx this up I see many parallels with the end of net neutrality. So all in all Excessive talk about contacting politicians despite everyone knowing that they're corporate puppets Making memes and posts on social media which accomplishes absolute zero Making petitions, despite that there were 80 against the repeal, you know what happens next Posting updates which just make people scared and take no action All talk and no actin which leads to circlejerking and echo chambers. Alright. First of all, the higher ups aren't stupid. They have information all about protests and riots. They know of stuff like the French revolution and the Tianmen massacre. They will instantly call your peaceful protest bluff. A peaceful protest only works if there were significant clashes before with both sides. This case which is the same with net neutrality is people do nothing for the entire period before the vote and does a pathetic protest during the vote. You don't have any traction beforehand, no physical action of any sorts. Any attention on the internet doesn't count cause actions speak louder than words. This is why the FCC appealed, because they saw that people aren't doing anything that creates a threat in anyway. So when the people protested peacefully they instantly called the bluff and sure enough after the blanat denial people just put on their best bambi face and went home. And we're talking about Fucking America, where people claim to own guns just for situations like this. Take a place like EU where gun ownership is non exsistent and establishing a physical voice is evne harder. Second of all people care too much about a good image. You know who supports the article? Medai companies, which inclue the news. You can act like the most peaceful good protesters you are an they will still paint you in a black light. Why? Cause you're against their ideoligies and people are easy to brianswash. Even groups who can cause discor from the comforts of their own home like annonymaus are all bark and no biting. This is due to the education system painting hands dirty protests in bad light, successfully brainwashing childre into thinking that peaceful protests actually work. So all in all, if you want change get your hands dirty. The parallels are too similar with unfortunate implications. There's still time, don't make the smae mistake gt This is a footnote from the moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please read through our rules If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us Happy ing
The internet's reaction to Art13 is eerily similar to the end of net neutrality. And this is horrible
In many developing countries traditional methods and superstitions are held in higher regard and are more widespread than scientific information and healthcare
Social norms can stop people from being able to avail of contraception.