Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A riverbank is made of what? A. animals B. oceans C. loam D. bones Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Plants are like all other organisms, in that they need what to survive? A. sustenance B. shoes C. games D. internet Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If a thistle is going to expand, it requires A. hay B. nutriment C. cattle D. seashells Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. To create paper you will first have to acquire a supply of A. stardust B. sand C. pens D. pulp Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A consequence of creating thousands of notebooks is A. longer days B. habitat change C. lush landscapes D. shorter days. Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which is a cause of greenhouse gases? A. elephants B. pears C. boulders D. oaks Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which of the following actions qualifies as cooking food? A. setting it in the sun B. shaking it up and down C. putting it in the freezer D. running it under water Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. cooking food requires adding what? A. frozen water B. scorching power C. coldness D. air Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Tropical storms get their fuel from the A. super market B. ocean C. gas station D. mexico Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Lions and zebras live A. in different environments B. near each other C. in different habitats D. far from Earth Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. We will eventually exhaust our supply of A. water B. coal C. air D. time Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which organism would eat fish and live in marshland? A. a tree B. a whale C. a warthog D. an alligator Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Without photosynthesis, animals that rely on plants for this would be out of luck. A. selling food B. nothing C. kissing D. sustenance Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If you wanted to see the source of sunshine you would look at A. TV B. the yellow dwarf C. volcanoes D. the moon Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which is likely to be hotter? A. steaming coffee B. the ocean C. the forest D. tepid water Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. The hotter a liquid gets, the faster A. it turns into animals B. it transform to gas C. it turns into seven D. it turns into frogs Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. What requires an electrical conductor? A. cording B. rocks C. winds D. fires Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A planet that revolves around a star is exposed to what? A. mountains B. oceans C. solar rays D. moons Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which is successful reproduction? A. A clay tablet splits into two identical halves B. A bird chirps to its mate C. A doe runs beside her fawn D. A smaller iceberg splits from a larger one Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. The only way for mammals to have a family is to A. steal children B. adopt C. lay eggs D. reproduce Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. reproduction is when an organism passes genetic information from itself to its what? A. feet B. child support C. brain D. younglings Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A company which causes long lasting products will likely? A. Sell less B. Produce more C. Produce Less D. Sell more Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. What requires soil to grow? A. lakes B. car engine C. daffodils D. cows Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. The function of your lungs be impaired on A. a small sailboat B. Saturn's rings C. a windswept beach D. a pleasant meadow Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Jackrabbits excel at staying cool because of A. their adaptations B. a courthouse C. a frozen tundra D. an ocean Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If you had a hammer, you would find ____ nails made of ____ A. wood; wood B. iron; wood C. wood; iron D. iron; iron Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Like humans, when some animals get hot, they do what in order to lower their body temperature A. spend money B. raise blood temperature C. fly away D. perspire Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. When working with chemicals in the lab, avoid getting hurt by A. trying to set fire to all of the chemicals B. mixing things together without knowing what they are C. drinking a sample of each of the chemicals D. keeping your eyes covered Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which uses a nonrenewable resource? A. wind chimes B. solar-powered car C. a B52 Bomber D. a bicycle Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Soil is an example of what type of resource for growing plants? A. Recycled Resource B. Natural Resource C. Renewable Resource D. Abundant Resource Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which is least likely to need to take in air? A. a cat B. a canary C. a bear D. a zooplankton Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If I want to avoid too much ultraviolet rays I can A. wear a bikini B. wear shorts C. wear nothing D. wear thick socks Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which would likely need a hot plate? A. physics class B. chemistry class C. english class D. math class Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A person has a cup of coffee in a ceramic cup. The coffee inside of the cup has chilled, so to increase the temperature, the person A. puts the cup into the refrigerator B. uses paper towels to wrap the cup in C. sets the cup on an electric dish D. makes the cup better by adding ice Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Paper suitable for recycling is often used to produce A. aluminum cans B. plastic bottles C. cellulose nanofibers D. glass bottles Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. In a plant such as a cactus, water is held within A. the spikes on the stem B. the lines of a stem C. the inside of the leaves D. the series of tubes in the body Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If a warmth is relocated from one thing to another, and one of the things is the producer of the heat, the source is the most likely to be A. a stone B. a vent C. the moon D. the sun Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which likely could replace the sun in our solar system? A. another star B. the moon C. Jupiter D. Venus Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Plate shifting likely directly created A. oxygen B. the Alps C. human life D. ocean spray Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. the alps were formed by rock what? A. growing B. melting C. erupting D. creasing Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. An arid sandy place has very little A. sustenance B. sand C. sun D. heat Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which likely needs the least food? A. a cat B. a snake C. a shark D. a dog Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. if a body of water loses all water then that body of water is what? A. thriving B. defunct C. flowing D. growing Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If water gets _____, it may cause a chemical reaction A. hotter B. empty C. air D. afraid Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If a thing reacts in a situation, the most likely reason for the chemical reaction is A. steam is removed gently B. upper temps are applied slowly C. deer are fed tenderly D. bees are introduced carefully Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A plane travels through what? A. gas layers B. plains C. oceans D. time Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A fixed wing aircraft can fly A. high in space B. in the troposphere C. inside an amoeba D. deep underwater Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. When the weatherman says to expect a storm, he most-likely is telling you to watch for A. downpour conditions B. nothing C. flying cats D. Water parks Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Wildfire is when what catches fire? A. timberland B. farms C. cities D. winds Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Mammals can breathe thanks to A. organisms with roots B. volcanoes C. rainbows D. oxygen tanks Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If a space that is lacking walls or a roof is continuously dampened from above, data may be collected to inform those living there about the results. The information would be A. measuring distance B. creating rain C. measuring dampness D. enjoying nature Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. What will be more available in an area when rainfall increases? A. air B. fire C. H2O D. dirt Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which relationship is true? A. wind is renewable; metal is nonrenewable B. wind is recyclable, metal is other C. wind is happy, metal is other D. wind is nonrenewable; metal is renewable Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. it's important to recycle metals because they are A. dangerous to produce B. nonrenewable C. hard to mine D. expensive Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. reptiles lay what? A. live young B. rocks C. dirt D. oval whites Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. What type of aspect can be made from the moving winds? A. snow B. wood C. bananas D. electricity Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. All of the following but which would be considered renewable energy sources? A. Solar B. Wind C. Natural Gas D. Hydropower Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Feeling is when a living thing senses through what? A. sight B. smell C. contact D. taste Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. When a creature experiences feeling, they are likely A. making really good choices B. taking the next train C. sensing a thing's texture D. dead from complete exhaustion Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which have a positive impact on the environment? A. driving gas guzzlers B. canvas grocery sacks C. littering D. unchecked consumerism Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. something in a cold place becomes what? A. warmish B. toasty C. hot D. chilly Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A glacier is made from A. the same stuff as pencils are made from B. the same stuff as steam C. the same stuff as the gas that lights up signs D. the same stuff as the gas that fills up balloons Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If a large inanimate thing is moving across arctic seas, it is likely A. freshwater fish B. oily stones C. hardened dampness D. old sheep Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Disregarding nuclear holocausts, how many suns will be in the sunset? A. 2 B. 1 C. 20 D. 42 Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Earthquakes can shake A. fish B. flying birds C. clouds D. smoke Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. An earthquake causes the ground to do what? A. rain B. erupt C. calm D. quiver Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. What does the earth orbit that causes the seasons to change? A. venus B. pluto C. neptune D. plasma star Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Shelter is one of the basic human needs along with food, water, and A. companionship B. art C. tools D. music Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. The more matter a planet is made up, the more likely other bodies are to A. Triangle it B. kiss it C. punch it D. be dragged in Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Reflectors are used to reflect light on A. cardboard B. paint C. buses D. birds Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. The BP disaster caused what to go into what? A. fuel into Gulf B. satellites into space C. lightning into forests D. lava into park Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A thing which moves very little over quite a lot of time is a A. pack of wolves B. racing horses C. falling rocks D. giant ice brick Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Vitamin D heals what? A. vision B. human frame C. sadness D. brain damage Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. This organ will help in providing nutrients to your body A. lungs B. esophagus C. kidney D. bladder Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A creature native to a place with vines and canopies, when compared to a creature native to a space with prickly plants and hot soil, will A. spend more time wet B. live in a desert C. spend more time dry D. live in an arid climate Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Where do mushrooms thrive? A. the Amazon B. the arctic C. international space station D. the Sahara Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which is taught? A. walking upright B. red hair C. avoiding unpleasant smells D. mopping the floor Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A learned behavior is exhibited when A. squinting in bright light B. nailing up a picture frame C. blinking and gulping air D. inhaling and exhaling during sleep Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. As altitude increases, the air temperature will do what? A. rise B. go up C. nosedive D. elevate Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. You're more likely to shiver on a A. seaside coast B. high mountain peak C. ocean island D. sunny beach Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Doing this in national parks and many other wooded areas is illegal because it harms the environment A. existing B. talking C. wasting your time D. ditching your junk Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If someone has a bag of old sandwich wrappers, they way that they can do damage to the area they live in is to A. recycle them B. re-purpose them C. discard them D. reuse them Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which of these could contribute to a species' demise? A. An abundance of vegetation B. A good supply of prey C. Adequate shelter and companionship D. A long period without rainfall Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which likely would win in a race? A. a slug B. a sardine C. an Olympic swimmer D. an orca Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Breath includes which of the following? A. Energy B. Chemical C. Vapor D. Cells Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. With extended feet, this creature may grab bass from overhead. A. bees B. shark C. sparrow D. eagle Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A plum tree's purple leaves uses light energy to A. produce philosophy B. create nourishment C. distribute government propaganda D. create noxious fumes Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. What would a sedimentary rock likely hold? A. a trilobyte B. a cookie C. a wheatgrass shake D. a diner Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Some frogs may do what for their young A. use magic B. space travel C. urinate on them D. eat candle wax Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A frog would most likely eat A. a cockroach B. another frog C. a maple leaf D. a mouse Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. What would cause a flood? A. overpopulation of an area B. Mount Everest losing soil C. lake erie getting too much rain water D. a river running dry Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. When an animal gets any kind of illness, his physical health will A. inevitably be worse B. get better C. fly away D. nothing Answer: A
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Illness has a negative impact on the health of what? A. rocks B. bricks C. llamas D. plastics Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A thing that may assist a living being in prolonging life is A. making bad decisions B. quitting when tired C. calibrating to changes D. living in danger Answer: C
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. During a vigorous workout which will need to increase? A. Balance B. Pulse C. Perspiration D. Strength Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. A wire can be caused to heat up when what kind of current flows through it? A. wind B. rocky C. water D. zapping power Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. It is very difficult for carrots to grow in A. topsoil B. Kansas C. peat D. adobe Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. It is easiest for a rose to grow A. in concrete jungles B. on tilled ground C. in someone's stomach D. on a brick Answer: B
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. Which sustains life yet stopped growing? A. air B. a bush C. a rock D. a felled tree Answer: D
Given the following question, what is your answer? Please respond with A, B, C, or D. If a tree falls then it is what? A. alive B. expired C. lush D. growing Answer: B