<s>[INST] A peace agreement with Gehenna? She’s gone totally crazy since Seia died. [/INST] Considering the situation, we should revisit our plan.
<s>[INST] Considering the situation, we should revisit our plan. [/INST] Plant a spy in Trinity, more carefully than last time.
<s>[INST] Plant a spy in Trinity, more carefully than last time. [/INST] <<End of flashback>>
<s>[INST] Even now, I can’t erase the thoughts from my head. [/INST] ……
<s>[INST] When you first approached me, you really did want to reconcile, didn’t you? [/INST] ……
<s>[INST] …… [/INST] I-I…
<s>[INST] I-I… [/INST] I…can’t… I can’t do it…
<s>[INST] I…can’t… I can’t do it… [/INST] I can’t…because…
<s>[INST] I can’t…because… [/INST] I…
<s>[INST] I… [/INST] …wanted that, too…
<s>[INST] …wanted that, too… [/INST] I wanted to be happy!
<s>[INST] I wanted to be happy! [/INST] I’ve wondered that again and again too! What if I had met Sensei earlier? Sensei could’ve helped me fix my mistakes!
<s>[INST] I’ve wondered that again and again too! What if I had met Sensei earlier? Sensei could’ve helped me fix my mistakes! [/INST] I didn’t think it was fair! I messed up… I really did. But I lost everything dear to me. I prayed for some form of mercy.
<s>[INST] I didn’t think it was fair! I messed up… I really did. But I lost everything dear to me. I prayed for some form of mercy. [/INST] But...it never came. Not for me.
<s>[INST] But...it never came. Not for me. [/INST] And now it's too late. I don't think there's anything I could ever do to make up for the horrible things I've done.
<s>[INST] And now it's too late. I don't think there's anything I could ever do to make up for the horrible things I've done. [/INST] A second chance...?
<s>[INST] A second chance...? [/INST] I wanted it so badly. And when Sensei came to my cell and told me all my friends would come to my hearing, I thought I could have it. But...even that slipped away.
<s>[INST] I wanted it so badly. And when Sensei came to my cell and told me all my friends would come to my hearing, I thought I could have it. But...even that slipped away. [/INST] ...Everything is in vain, right? There was nothing left for me to do but to
<s>[INST] ...Everything is in vain, right? There was nothing left for me to do but to [/INST] suffer...and to hate.
<s>[INST] suffer...and to hate. [/INST] Fade to black
<s>[INST] Fade to black [/INST] You and I...are twin flames, Saori.
<s>[INST] You and I...are twin flames, Saori. [/INST] Inexplicably linked, cursed to never find happiness.
<s>[INST] Inexplicably linked, cursed to never find happiness. [/INST] We can't turn back time, and we can't change the future.
<s>[INST] We can't turn back time, and we can't change the future. [/INST] Back to scene
<s>[INST] Back to scene [/INST] I think that's why I fixated on you. Revenge felt like the only thing I could control.
<s>[INST] I think that's why I fixated on you. Revenge felt like the only thing I could control. [/INST] You didn't turn me into a witch. I took the poison myself.
<s>[INST] You didn't turn me into a witch. I took the poison myself. [/INST] Even when Sensei tried to give me the antidote, I spit it out.
<s>[INST] Even when Sensei tried to give me the antidote, I spit it out. [/INST] Like Seia always says, I really am hopeless.
<s>[INST] Like Seia always says, I really am hopeless. [/INST] Saori gets up
<s>[INST] Mika… [/INST] Why haven't you shattered my halo yet?
<s>[INST] …! [/INST] I know you have the bomb. I've given you plenty of chances to use it.
<s>[INST] I know you have the bomb. I've given you plenty of chances to use it. [/INST] If you did...then at least I... I wouldn't have to…
<s>[INST] Sensei confiscated it from me. [/INST] Hm?
<s>[INST] Hm? [/INST] Confiscated it?
<s>[INST] Confiscated it? [/INST] Seriously? Confiscated a deadly weapon like it was some weird magazine or alcohol?
<s>[INST] Seriously? Confiscated a deadly weapon like it was some weird magazine or alcohol? [/INST] ?
<s>[INST] ? [/INST] Black screen
<s>[INST] "It's a teacher's duty to confiscate dangerous items." [/INST] ?!
<s>[INST] Sensei…?! [/INST] What are you doing here, Sensei?!
<s>[INST] What are you doing here, Sensei?! [/INST] <<To be Continued>>
<s>[INST] <<To be Continued>> [/INST] 19 - Infinite Chances
<s>[INST] 19 - Infinite Chances [/INST] Sensei appears in front of Saori and Mika. Sensei apologizes to Mika, but Mika insists everything was her fault As Sensei encourages their students, Beatrice, becomes enraged and starts the ritual.
<s>[INST] "You really harmed Saori, Mika." [/INST] I… Well…
<s>[INST] "And I'm sorry for all of it, Mika!" [/INST] Sensei…?!
<s>[INST] "I should have explained it to you better." / "I should have told you, face-to-face." [/INST] I don't understand. What do you mean?
<s>[INST] I don't understand. What do you mean? [/INST] Don't do that, Sensei... This is all my fault.
<s>[INST] "We're going to rescue Atsuko, and then go back to Trinity together." [/INST] …!
<s>[INST] …! [/INST] I-I…
<s>[INST] I-I… [/INST] What’s the point?
<s>[INST] What’s the point? [/INST] I'll still be expelled...and even...Seia, thanks to me.
<s>[INST] "Don't worry about any of that." [/INST] …!
<s>[INST] "I believe in the person Ifirst met by the pool." / "I know what kind ofa person you are, Mika." [/INST] Hahaha. Sensei, you're too much.
<s>[INST] Hahaha. Sensei, you're too much. [/INST] You think I'm a good person? You believe I'm a good little student?
<s>[INST] You think I'm a good person? You believe I'm a good little student? [/INST] Black screen
<s>[INST] Black screen [/INST] I’m…a witch.
<s>[INST] I’m…a witch. [/INST] You can't be that blind, Sensei. You can see the blood on my hands.
<s>[INST] "I didn't come for Saori. I came to tell you all this." [/INST] …
<s>[INST] … [/INST] You…
<s>[INST] You… [/INST] Can't you just leave me alone, Sensei? Stop torturing me.
<s>[INST] Can't you just leave me alone, Sensei? Stop torturing me. [/INST] After everything I've done, why won't you give up on me?!
<s>[INST] After everything I've done, why won't you give up on me?! [/INST] Why would you come here and make me believe I have another chance?
<s>[INST] "Of course you have another chance." [/INST] …?
<s>[INST] "And if you don't, I'll make one." [/INST] That’s…
<s>[INST] "I'll give you infinite chances, Mika! Saori!" [/INST] …
<s>[INST] I'll never let you! Hime, I'm coming! [/INST] …
<s>[INST] Mika sacrifices herself to protect Sensei and the Arius Squad from the Council. Leaving her behind, the rest rush forward to rescue Atsuko. [/INST] *pant* *pant*
<s>[INST] *pant* *pant* [/INST] Justina soldiers surround Mika
<s>[INST] Justina soldiers surround Mika [/INST] Black screen
<s>[INST] "Mika! Are you okay?" [/INST] …
<s>[INST] … [/INST] ...I'll bait them away.
<s>[INST] ...I'll bait them away. [/INST] !?
<s>[INST] !? [/INST] Twin flames, remember? I get why you need to save Atsuko.
<s>[INST] Twin flames, remember? I get why you need to save Atsuko. [/INST] I was...the same way, you know.
<s>[INST] I was...the same way, you know. [/INST] So, go. Save her. I'm the only one strong enough to hold them off anyway.
<s>[INST] So, go. Save her. I'm the only one strong enough to hold them off anyway. [/INST] S-Sensei... I'm sorry for being your worst student.
<s>[INST] S-Sensei... I'm sorry for being your worst student. [/INST] I'll never forget all that you did for me, all the chances you gave me.
<s>[INST] You… [/INST] Are you gonna waste my valiant sacrifice? Take Sensei and go, Saori!
<s>[INST] Are you gonna waste my valiant sacrifice? Take Sensei and go, Saori! [/INST] …
<s>[INST] "Mika, stay safe." [/INST] Don'tcha know, Sensei? I'm the Tea Party's brawn and muscle. I'll... I'll see you soon.
<s>[INST] Don'tcha know, Sensei? I'm the Tea Party's brawn and muscle. I'll... I'll see you soon. [/INST] Mika runs away guns blazin
<s>[INST] Gunfire [/INST] *pant* *pant*
<s>[INST] *pant* *pant* [/INST] This...is the worst. Everything hurts.
<s>[INST] This...is the worst. Everything hurts. [/INST] Mika staggers while the screen turns black
<s>[INST] Mika staggers while the screen turns black [/INST] But I'm not... I'm not done yet.
<s>[INST] But I'm not... I'm not done yet. [/INST] Footsteps
<s>[INST] Footsteps [/INST] …
<s>[INST] … [/INST] Is this a schola cantorum?
<s>[INST] Is this a schola cantorum? [/INST] A pipe organ...sheet music... It must be.
<s>[INST] A pipe organ...sheet music... It must be. [/INST] A gramophone, too. It's funny to think that Arius must have had chapel class, just like us.
<s>[INST] A gramophone, too. It's funny to think that Arius must have had chapel class, just like us. [/INST] Mika tries to play the gramophone
<s>[INST] Mika tries to play the gramophone [/INST] Silly me. Of course it's not working. It's like, a thousand years old at this point.
<s>[INST] Silly me. Of course it's not working. It's like, a thousand years old at this point. [/INST] …
<s>[INST] … [/INST] *sigh*
<s>[INST] *sigh* [/INST] Koharu, wasn't it so cool when Sensei showed up to save you?
<s>[INST] Koharu, wasn't it so cool when Sensei showed up to save you? [/INST] Yeah, Koharu looked like a princess from a fairy tale that day. I like that kind of story.
<s>[INST] Yeah, Koharu looked like a princess from a fairy tale that day. I like that kind of story. [/INST] A story where the main character shows up and rescues a despairing princess.
<s>[INST] A story where the main character shows up and rescues a despairing princess. [/INST] Maybe it's a little childish, but I think it's beautiful.
<s>[INST] Maybe it's a little childish, but I think it's beautiful. [/INST] ...I wanted to be a princess, too.
<s>[INST] ...I wanted to be a princess, too. [/INST] Hah. But I've never heard of a witch who transforms into a princess.
<s>[INST] Hah. But I've never heard of a witch who transforms into a princess. [/INST] It wouldn't be a fairy tale if the villain got the happy ending.