<s>[INST] That may be true, but I can't simply surrender. Not after coming this far. [/INST] Fade to black
<s>[INST] Fade to black [/INST] I'll stop at nothing.
<s>[INST] I'll stop at nothing. [/INST] <<Battle Sequence>>
<s>[INST] <<Battle Sequence>> [/INST] Together, the Make-Up Work Club and the Sisterhood succeed in cornering Mika, who finally surrenders. Sensei lets Mika know that they'll be there for her if she ever needs someone on her—side. Mika is delighted to hear this and says farewell.
<s>[INST] Together, the Make-Up Work Club and the Sisterhood succeed in cornering Mika, who finally surrenders. Sensei lets Mika know that they'll be there for her if she ever needs someone on her—side. Mika is delighted to hear this and says farewell. [/INST] *sigh* Is this truly Checkmate?
<s>[INST] *sigh* Is this truly Checkmate? [/INST] Why? Why like this?
<s>[INST] Why? Why like this? [/INST] The Sisterhood didn't flinch even after Seia's death, yet they decide to get involved now. What a cruel joke.
<s>[INST] The Sisterhood didn't flinch even after Seia's death, yet they decide to get involved now. What a cruel joke. [/INST] Did I miss something? Overlook an important detail?
<s>[INST] Did I miss something? Overlook an important detail? [/INST] Or was it because I underestimated you, Hanako?
<s>[INST] … [/INST] No. Urawa Hanako is exceptional, but ultimately harmless. There was no need to account for her more than I did.
<s>[INST] No. Urawa Hanako is exceptional, but ultimately harmless. There was no need to account for her more than I did. [/INST] Could it have been because of Azusa's betrayal?
<s>[INST] … [/INST] No. She was only just a puppet. Whether she stayed loyal or not wouldn't have affected the outcome.
<s>[INST] No. She was only just a puppet. Whether she stayed loyal or not wouldn't have affected the outcome. [/INST] Perhaps Hifumi? No, she's just a normal girl. And Koharu is a fool, so there was no need to account for her.
<s>[INST] Perhaps Hifumi? No, she's just a normal girl. And Koharu is a fool, so there was no need to account for her. [/INST] Then why? Why did I lose to something like the Make-Up Work Club?
<s>[INST] Then why? Why did I lose to something like the Make-Up Work Club? [/INST] Where did it all go wrong?
<s>[INST] “...” [/INST] Oh, I see. I overlooked the biggest variable of all.
<s>[INST] Oh, I see. I overlooked the biggest variable of all. [/INST] Involving Schale and Sensei was the cause of my downfall.
<s>[INST] Involving Schale and Sensei was the cause of my downfall. [/INST] It was only meant to be a precautionary measure. Nagi was making such a fuss about there being a traitor, and I thought it was a good solution... That's when my fate was sealed.
<s>[INST] It was only meant to be a precautionary measure. Nagi was making such a fuss about there being a traitor, and I thought it was a good solution... That's when my fate was sealed. [/INST] What a foolish mistake.
<s>[INST] What a foolish mistake. [/INST] I suppose this is where it ends for me.
<s>[INST] Mika, about Seia… [/INST] As I told you, the intent was never to kill Seia. I may seem like a villain, but I'm not that evil.
<s>[INST] As I told you, the intent was never to kill Seia. I may seem like a villain, but I'm not that evil. [/INST] It was an accident. Seia was weak to start off with and…
<s>[INST] Seia is alive, Mika! [/INST] …?!
<s>[INST] She was secretly taken from Trinity and put into hiding as a precaution...since we couldn't find her assailant. [/INST] Seia...isn't dead?
<s>[INST] Her wounds haven't completely healed yet and she remains unconscious...but the head of the Remedial Knights continues to look after her. [/INST] Captain Mine?
<s>[INST] Never mind. I think you should ask her yourself. [/INST] I see. So she's still alive…
<s>[INST] I see. So she's still alive… [/INST] Black screen
<s>[INST] Black screen [/INST] That's wonderful news.
<s>[INST] That's wonderful news. [/INST] Gun drops
<s>[INST] Gun drops [/INST] I surrender. You win.
<s>[INST] I surrender. You win. [/INST] Congratulations, Make-Up Work Club, Sensei... You've earned it.
<s>[INST] Congratulations, Make-Up Work Club, Sensei... You've earned it. [/INST] Now, do whatever you want with me.
<s>[INST] … [/INST] You understand what the consequences of these actions will be for you, don't you, Azusa?
<s>[INST] Of course. [/INST] I hope you don't think Trinity will protect you.
<s>[INST] I hope you don't think Trinity will protect you. [/INST] You'll be hunted down no matter where you run. Forever.
<s>[INST] You'll be hunted down no matter where you run. Forever. [/INST] There will never be another peaceful night's sleep.
<s>[INST] There will never be another peaceful night's sleep. [/INST] There's no escaping Saori. You already know it all too well as someone from Arius: et omnia vanitas…
<s>[INST] … [/INST] Very well, then.
<s>[INST] Very well, then. [/INST] Mika being walked out by JTF members
<s>[INST] “Mika…” [/INST] Stop right there, Sensei. Don't say another word.
<s>[INST] Stop right there, Sensei. Don't say another word. [/INST] As I said, getting Schale involved was my greatest mistake.
<s>[INST] As I said, getting Schale involved was my greatest mistake. [/INST] And yet…
<s>[INST] And yet… [/INST] Flashback
<s>[INST] Present [/INST] Hearing you say that made me truly happy. It really did.
<s>[INST] Hearing you say that made me truly happy. It really did. [/INST] IfI had made different choices, then maybe we…
<s>[INST] IfI had made different choices, then maybe we… [/INST] No. Never mind.
<s>[INST] No. Never mind. [/INST] Goodbye, Sensei.
<s>[INST] Goodbye, Sensei. [/INST] Mika gets escorted out
<s>[INST] Mika gets escorted out [/INST] <<To be Continued>>
<s>[INST] <<To be Continued>> [/INST] 19 - The Third Exam
<s>[INST] 19 - The Third Exam [/INST] Having overcome numerous incidents and happenings, the Make-Up Work Club heads to the test site to sit for the third and final evaluation exam.
<s>[INST] Having overcome numerous incidents and happenings, the Make-Up Work Club heads to the test site to sit for the third and final evaluation exam. [/INST] Birds chirping
<s>[INST] “Mika? It’s me.” [/INST] Oh, Sensei. Shhh.
<s>[INST] Mika shuts off the TV [/INST] Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to finish chapel. They broadcast it on TV, see?
<s>[INST] Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to finish chapel. They broadcast it on TV, see? [/INST] Don’t you think it’s so mean they still make me take classes while I’m in prison?
<s>[INST] Don’t you think it’s so mean they still make me take classes while I’m in prison? [/INST] I thought I’d at least get out of that.
<s>[INST] “It was beautiful music though.” [/INST] You really think so? I find it a bit boring. It’s just that same strange line on repeat: “have mercy on us.”
<s>[INST] You really think so? I find it a bit boring. It’s just that same strange line on repeat: “have mercy on us.” [/INST] Kyrie Eleison… Even the Greek sounds bad. Why plead to some guy up there I don’t even know exists?
<s>[INST] Kyrie Eleison… Even the Greek sounds bad. Why plead to some guy up there I don’t even know exists? [/INST] And it looks weak to ask for pity, you know.
<s>[INST] And it looks weak to ask for pity, you know. [/INST] But the melody is nice, I’ll give you that! It’s just an ideological disagreement.
<s>[INST] But the melody is nice, I’ll give you that! It’s just an ideological disagreement. [/INST] Oh, you know! You’ve never heard me sing, huh Sensei? Do you want a performance?
<s>[INST] Oh, you know! You’ve never heard me sing, huh Sensei? Do you want a performance? [/INST] I don’t normally sing for free, but I’ll make an exception just for you!
<s>[INST] I don’t normally sing for free, but I’ll make an exception just for you! [/INST] Like in the fairy tales where the trapped princess sings to her lover from a tall tower!
<s>[INST] “Except we’re in prison, not a tower.” [/INST] And I come crashing back to a harsh reality.
<s>[INST] And I come crashing back to a harsh reality. [/INST] …So what brings you to my humble abode, Sensei?
<s>[INST] “I heard about the situation, Mika.” / “Why don’t you want to attend the hearing?” [/INST] …
<s>[INST] … [/INST] How’s Nagi been? Is she holding up?
<s>[INST] How’s Nagi been? Is she holding up? [/INST] The Sisterhood and Remedial Knights leaders showed up uninvited?
<s>[INST] The Sisterhood and Remedial Knights leaders showed up uninvited? [/INST] I’m not surprised. A lack of authority is like a vacuum. As the Tea Party’s position diminishes, the lesser forces around it are sucked in.
<s>[INST] I’m not surprised. A lack of authority is like a vacuum. As the Tea Party’s position diminishes, the lesser forces around it are sucked in. [/INST] I’m sure she didn’t expect them to confront the Tea Party so directly like that.
<s>[INST] I’m sure she didn’t expect them to confront the Tea Party so directly like that. [/INST] Poor Nagi. Has her stomach been hurting? It always hurts when she’s stressed.
<s>[INST] “Your safety is her biggest concern. I saw the crowds on my way here.” [/INST] Ah… You did…
<s>[INST] Ah… You did… [/INST] Well, what’s a girl to do? I’ve never been one to care what others think of me anyway.
<s>[INST] Well, what’s a girl to do? I’ve never been one to care what others think of me anyway. [/INST] Nagi thinks she can defend me if I just attend the hearing, but we both now how naive she is.
<s>[INST] Nagi thinks she can defend me if I just attend the hearing, but we both now how naive she is. [/INST] The Eden Treaty incident did a number on the Tea Party’s authority.
<s>[INST] The Eden Treaty incident did a number on the Tea Party’s authority. [/INST] As the public opinion of it dwindles, so does its political power. Obviously, it’s my fault.
<s>[INST] As the public opinion of it dwindles, so does its political power. Obviously, it’s my fault. [/INST] And if she really insists on defending me in these conditions…
<s>[INST] And if she really insists on defending me in these conditions… [/INST] …the Tea Party, along with Nagi and Seia’s positions will be at risk.
<s>[INST] …the Tea Party, along with Nagi and Seia’s positions will be at risk. [/INST] They can’t shoulder that risk for me.
<s>[INST] They can’t shoulder that risk for me. [/INST] I’ve already cost them too much.
<s>[INST] “You’ll be expelled if you don’t attend.” / “I heard about your room, and your things.” [/INST] …
<s>[INST] “I think they’re going too far.” [/INST] Y-You think so?
<s>[INST] Y-You think so? [/INST] I did mess up more than a little bit this time. Even if I get expelled…
<s>[INST] I did mess up more than a little bit this time. Even if I get expelled… [/INST] …E-Even if they burned my precious mementos of me and Nagi’s childhood…
<s>[INST] …E-Even if they burned my precious mementos of me and Nagi’s childhood… [/INST] …None of it erases what I did. And…Seia still hates me…
<s>[INST] “No, Seia could never hate you.” / “Seia’s already forgiven you.” [/INST] No, you don’t understand. I tried to apologize a few times, but she…
<s>[INST] No, you don’t understand. I tried to apologize a few times, but she… [/INST] The last time I tried…
<s>[INST] The last time I tried… [/INST] //flashback scene//
<s>[INST] //flashback scene// [/INST] Hi Seia! Looking serious as usual! Did you stay up late again? You have to take better care of your skin. Here, you can use my lotion!
<s>[INST] … [/INST] S-Seia?
<s>[INST] S-Seia? [/INST] So, um… Actually, I was wondering…
<s>[INST] So, um… Actually, I was wondering… [/INST] Do you want to eat lunch together? I’m afraid the only thing on the menu in prison is cake rolls though.
<s>[INST] Do you want to eat lunch together? I’m afraid the only thing on the menu in prison is cake rolls though. [/INST] Nagi is seriously the meanest! Like seriously? Nothing but cake rolls?
<s>[INST] Mika… [/INST] Y-Yes?
<s>[INST] I’m sorry, but I don’t have time. [/INST] O-Oh…? Right! Sorry! You’re probably really busy!
<s>[INST] “Seia…” [/INST] …
<s>[INST] … [/INST] Seia’s completely isolated herself. She doesn’t come out, and no one goes in.
<s>[INST] Seia’s completely isolated herself. She doesn’t come out, and no one goes in. [/INST] She’s always been a bit weak, but she’s been really sick these days.
<s>[INST] She’s always been a bit weak, but she’s been really sick these days. [/INST] And I keep hearing things… Like they can hear her crying in her room…
<s>[INST] And I keep hearing things… Like they can hear her crying in her room… [/INST] I don’t always really get what Seia’s thinking or saying, but…