[CHI] i be the mommy.
[CHI] kay?
[CHI] no i be the daddy you be the mom okay?
[CHI] cook mom i'm gonna need some supper.
[CHI] gonna need some supper.
[CHI] want some supper where is the table?
[CHI] where's the table mom.
[CHI] we don't need.
[CHI] hat?
[CHI] i'm full.
[CHI] it tastes good no more coffee.
[CHI] no more coffee.
[CHI] it's no.
[CHI] no more coffee.
[CHI] no no i don't want any more.
[CHI] deb.
[CHI] what?
[CHI] snake.
[CHI] there's the truck where is the snake.
[CHI] i'll open the door.
[CHI] okay.
[CHI] no i will drive it.
[CHI] um no i don't.
[CHI] don't bring that i hafta need it.
[CHI] let's play house wanna?
[CHI] wanna play house?
[CHI] no come on let's play house now first you're the mother.
[CHI] okay you should you should um bake a cake wanna?
[CHI] you should bake a cake.
[CHI] .
[CHI] kay.
[CHI] we'll uh.
[CHI] .
[CHI] oh oh oh.
[CHI] now daddy's gonna cut the um lawn daddy's going to cut the lawn pretty soon.
[CHI] look this is the car i'm going to pick out a new phone for us!
[CHI] kay.
[CHI] you you can try it for daddy this is my um this is my new play car.
[CHI] i'm just going to try it i'm just going to try it.
[CHI] .
[CHI] pink.
[CHI] okay i bet the sister my sister would like this.
[CHI] i bet!
[CHI] .
[CHI] i'm just going to drive this to my sister!
[CHI] i'm just going to drive this in my sister's room kay?
[CHI] it's my sister's birthday pretend.
[CHI] .
[CHI] i put it in these cars.
[CHI] to play with.
[CHI] i'm just going to drive this in in for my sister's birthday!
[CHI] real ladder pretend.
[CHI] uh huh um.
[CHI] i wanna well we c.
[CHI] this is her present nap she'll see this present a that i brought kay and i brought another present for her.
[CHI] and it and you know what the present is for her?
[CHI] know what the other present is for her?
[CHI] look at look at this.
[CHI] it's very tall that's for my sister too this is a present.
[CHI] yeah.
[CHI] and and this is a present for her this snake and this tractor.
[CHI] kay.
[CHI] the car for my sister?
[CHI] but it's for my sister.
[CHI] oh it's almost night time.
[CHI] oh it's very early in the morning okay?
[CHI] you better bake a cake for my sister okay?
[CHI] i brought some other presents.
[CHI] aw i picked out a nicest birthday cake.
[CHI] that we have two phones okay?
[CHI] and we can call up everybody.
[CHI] i'm going to call up a new friend this friend!
[CHI] one two three four five.
[CHI] seven.
[CHI] oh hi i'm do you have any new.
[CHI] friends operator!
[CHI] you do.
[CHI] hi!
[CHI] i got a new friend named!
[CHI] mommy mommy i got new friends called dool sol ta.
[CHI] those are funny names aren't they?
[CHI] oh i'm going to iron some um.
[CHI] pretend that i was ironing some of your clothes okay?
[CHI] and!
[CHI] are new friend coming to our our house?
[CHI] new friends?
[CHI] to our house?
[CHI] there you go.
[CHI] this play room is not filled up to the sky is it or to the ceiling right.
[CHI] ssh.
[CHI] oh.
[CHI] do you think i should get get the teddy bear.
[CHI] oh pretend this this is what i it form christmas when i was a baby kay.
[CHI] kay?
[CHI] that's not very long.
[CHI] oh oh daddy oh knock knock oh daddy came home oh daddy asked me if i he would like to go on a trip for a little while so i hafta get a suitcase let's see what the suitcase it like pretend that we were going for a trip okay.
[CHI] we're going for a trip daddy says that what what my daddy that's what daddy says.
[CHI] but daddy said that we could can go on a trip with him he said that if we liked to.
[CHI] this is daddy's suitcase and he didn't pack it up!
[CHI] i'm going to help daddy pack up cause he didn't put in.