valley leisure centre.
do you think so?
yeah why not?
have you got all your pennies saved up?
how much is it going to be?
fifty p.
how much?
fifty p.
fifty p?
pardon what was that?
there it's all over.
your hair's washed.
you can see clearly now.
are you ready?
out you come!
how do you know that's on the back?
he's got a computer.
yeah i've got hot wheels.
ach i pulled it off.
it's broken.
look what you made me done adam!
you can have the police car.
my other car's down here.
where's yours?
can i have that?
i'll give you.
hello there what are youse doing?
what are youse doing?
i've got a wee space for my motor bikes.
did you tell adam where you were last night?
that's right.
he was indeed.
he wasn't home until half past twelve.
so you're going to the party then are you?
and i'll give you two of my cars?
here's mine.
no i've got two.
what's all these cars here?
is that the dandy?
who bought you that stuart daddy?
was it at the airport?
who was at the airport?
granny black.
she's home now.
look at stuart's hair adam?
i think he's been sleeping on his hair last night has he?
do you snore?
i hear you down here.
i do.
i hear you down here.
she does not.
it's you i hear down here.
i hear you snoring.
you do.
come on and put your clothes on.
wait a minute until you get your clothes on.
a few minutes and you'll be ready.
so it's you i hear snoring then.
we don't snore.
the two of youse do.
cathy tells me she hears you snoring up at her house.
you are a joke.
isn't he a joker?
what's joker out of?
do you go to the library in school adam?
well one of the days i might be there.
my mummie's a felt tip.
where did you get that from?
because i've got felt tips.
i'll give it to you in the game.
come on stuart hand it over.
i had it first stuart.
get your shoes on.
come on hand it over to adam.
he had it first.
now play fair.
adam gives you when you want something.
i'll give you it in the game.
yes and it's today.
wait until i get my shoes on.
you better sing happy birthday to him then.
mine's in april.
what comes next birthday or halloween or christmas?
good boy.
halloween's after this day.
it's not after this day.
when is it?
the end of october.
it would be more adam.
he's my boss.
and he's my boss.